#i know a lot of it is caused by the fact we know jackshit about astoria because her treatment in canon is not much better but plz 😭😭
ghostflowerhotpotch · 8 months
Spiderman Society and Manipulation Part 2
Horrible Copy Mechanism and the Responsibilities you put in your own shoulders
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Part 1
Oh boy this is going to be interesting for sure.
While I was writing the first part I originally wasn't thinking of writing this section at the beginning, I thought considering the situation it was better to focus in how the lower rankings and people in need are put between a rock and a hard place, and in the cultish characteristics it has.
But then I realized is not just that is a horrible copy mechanism that they are more or less using as a crutch, it also involves why Miguel is convinced over this, and also the responsibility that still comes with it.
WARNING: The following chat will have talks about trauma, recovery, and accountability. It will also include mentions of real religious manipulation and cultish behaviours.
If you think any of this could be triggering, please consider skipping this one.
But before we address the sad reality that is enforcing canon by the eldest/higher up members of this society, let me address something that I didn't mention last time.
Part of the reason all of this is bad is because Canon is fake, this theory falls apart by the seams, and this makes the society more like a cult exactly for this reason!
Here is the long version of why I say this so firmly.
But because I don't want to sent people to do homework, here is the cliff notes version:
Canon Event ASM-90 cannot be happening at this moment, because Spot IS an anomaly. Also, Miguel said himself that canon event ASM-90 is when a captain dies in a battle between the spider-person and a nemesis, but Spot isn't Pavitr's nemesis, and Miguel himself said that Spot shouldn't had happened and is another anomaly like Miles, so why Captain Singh should had died at that moment?
The black matter that supposedly is happening because Miles broke canon? Was happening BEFORE we saw the captain. The alchemax building is breaking down, and has a dark matter absorbing it, which gets bigger and bigger as we see our heroes descend, and then in the same spot the building felt, now there is a black hole! Coincidence? Doubtful.
Miles's universe didn't fell because he became a spider-man, even if by being an "anomaly" you should expect to cause some sort of reaction, right? Further more, he blames Miles and Co for the hole in the multi-verse, but this is ignoring the fact the spot not only was the one to transport the spider, he has MULTIPLE of them. But Miles's universe has no reaction to any of this somehow? And the only issues it had was because of the collider messing up?
Look dear reader, I feel the fact that Pavitr's example doesn't fit the bill by Miguel's own words, and Miles's case in ITSV has jackshit to do with being anomaly; is safe to say this isn't about canon. Is about what is happening.
Because Miguel, Peter, Jess and the rest are so blinded by this idea of canon on Spider-man, they can't notice an incongruity as they are explaining it to you.
You guys know what this means? This means that instead of learning what is actually going on with Pavitr's universe (probably more related to physics than spider-man in itself.) They are wasting time and resources in preserving a mythos that so far feels more like trying to fit a pattern and mix destiny with physics somehow.
So the question is...how come is that they don't see it? Why they believe in this well?
Here is the interesting part about the "Canon is part of every spider-man story,." While is a horrible thing to say to people just starting that need to deal with the fact that they will lose love ones and suffer great hardships because of their work, for those who are over? Oh this is great news.
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(I swear while looking at this I had a flashback of "G-d's time is perfect" and "Everything happens for a reason," after having a personal hardship. Goddammit this really falls in the steps to a cult way too much.)
Okay but seriously, I saw a lot of people over the past few months complain about how the other spiders could let this happen, and this is so horrible how come Miles is being the only real spider-man here-
Is trauma, is all back to trauma.
Because okay, we don't know until which point the canon theory goes; I would say most spider-people are bit when they are teens or young adults (tho there are universes where Aunt May or Uncle Ben got bitten- yes as senior adults.) So I wouldn't be surprised if the "canon" events Miguel has mapped out has already happened to Peter, Jess and him, considering that at least Peter? Has been doing this for almost a quarter of a century; the others can't be too far apart for what I gather.
So while for someone like Gwen, Miles or Pavitr means "oh this is the list of horrible things you are going to suffer, sorry kid." For people like Peter, Miguel and Jess? Is probably more of a "oh those tragedies that you faced? They were part of the universe making sure it stays intact, is okay."
The sad reality, one of the most twisted things about this situation, is that the system uses the trauma of the eldest members to ensure they continue the cycle.
A funny thing about cults and many religions quite honestly, is that they have specific believes in place to ensure that people are not just indoctrinated, but are also incentivized to perpetuated the doctrine and make others do the same. Almost like evolution, the ideology behind became this way in order to ensure it is believed and doesn't die out like other beliefs.
I know I already put warnings previously, but now I want to bring a real life case because I think I need to hammer home how these beliefs can be so hard to shake off.
WARNING: Talks about Missionary Work, Murder, and passing mentions about colonialism.
The following discussion will involve the case around John Chau's missionary work and end, if you want to skip it, the discussing will begin and finish with the gif below.
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So, in case you guys aren't familiar with this guy.
John Chau was a young man, he liked to go on adventures and was a passionate evangelical christian, who also liked to do Missionary Work. He went to a few different places, but the one were he died was in North Sentinel Island. He was killed by the native people there.
North Sentinel Island is among the last few places that has a group of people that are disconnected from the rest of the world. Every time someone tries to establish contact they killed, or at best, barely make it alive for what I recall. We don't know exactly know why since no one has been able to establish communications with them.
Now, I can't have this chat and not mention that is better to leave those people alone. They clearly prefer to continue with their traditional ways, and if you had seen some history you can probably tell even if they were interested, chances are this would end more poorly for them than anyone else.
Considering their reputation, that it is ILLEGAL to try to contact them for that exact reason (John Bribed two fisherman to leave him in the island, there is no way to get there without breaking the law.) You may be wondering, why he choose to go there?
Well, as mentioned before, missionary work; because he firmly believed this was "Satan's last stronghold" since no one was able to preach Christianity to them yet.
Okay, I know I am messing with the tiger here, and I don't want to insult anyone's faith; but I also have to be honest. I am Jewish, but I am a convert, my family is christian (I prefer not to say which branch but is probably obvious,) and while I will try to remain neutral let's say is hard when you are still processing stuff that happened to you.
I will say this, for all the people who called this man a "deluded idiot" when I remember this case, I feel two things, one of them is pity, and the other one is rage.
For starters, trying to force a religion into others is wrong in my eyes, (In Judaism is forbidden to proselytize, the traditional thing is actually deny converts until they ask for a third time.) It also forces an erasure of culture and colonialism, a lot of times trying to absorb past beliefs just to make the new believers happy, which muddies some stuff later on.
So, why I still feel bad for him?
Because he thought he was doing the right thing.
As someone who doesn't believe, in my eyes this is horrifying; but for him? He believes if he doesn't go to preach to this people, they may suffer in eternity for never hearing about Jesus. In his eyes, if he goes to them and convinces this group of worship his lord, he has now given eternal happiness and peace to this people; or the possibility to do so.
I feel bad, because this man was convinced to do something dangerous and bad, by thinking he was saving the lives of these people.
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Sorry for the heavy topic, but I feel this was a good way to understand why the society does what it does. Because by bringing real life situations, I think is all the easier to understand how easy you can end up in these places.
Miguel theory doesn't just provide an explanation as to why the dimensions work the way they work, they also provide a nice explanation as to why they all had lived similar struggles, while they had suffered this much.
Is a balm to all those old wounds, because I am pretty sure Peter, nor the rest of the other adults that are "done" or mostly done with the canon events, or heck just suffered a few of them- still had their nightmares and hard times remembering all of the people they lost.
But if they learn about this after? Now they know it wasn't their fault, this was suppose to happen.
Remember what I said earlier? "G-d time is perfect"? That's something I heard growing up, from people who needed to hear that this has to have a purpose, serve a deeper meaning.
Otherwise, is just suffering.
However, can you see the parallels now? A belief that uses the pain and trauma of their members to make them believe, gives a "justifiable" and "noble" reason to continue pushing this narrative too (aka if we don't do it the universe collapses.) And just as well, is also fake, yet they are too blinded to notice, and they are now making people suffer for most probably not good reason while neglecting to learn what is actually going down.
Yeah, this really hammers more than anything the most cultish aspects of the Society. Because it is at is core.
Miguel's Biases
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Now, I am convinced Miguel's canon theory is wrong, I know we can't know for sure what's going on until BTVS, but at this point I am rolling with that idea because too many things are adding up for me.
Yet despite how it becomes obvious in a way I consider embarrassing that Miguel doesn't notice- He is blinded by his own theory.
We all have our own biases, is not odd that we are inclined to believe things when they are said for people we respect, admire or look up. Similarly, we are also inclined to believe things more quickly when they align we pre-established world views, or favours a narrative you are more inclined to believe in.
(Yes I admitted how that means this work and others fall into this category, the reason they are as long as they are is because I try to at least to be able to justify my position in some way, and lay all what I think in case someone wants to debate me on it.)
My point with all of this, is that the reason why Miguel cannot see the holes in his own theory as he explains it, is because he is biased by the narrative he has done in his head.
I said this a million times already and I will say it again: No one believes in this more than Miguel, while I think Jess and Peter believe some things and are doubtful with others, Miguel believes all the way.
And just like some missionary people going too far, he can justify all the things he is doing because of this. Because is for the "greater good," and as long as it is for that reason, slamming teens into the train while screaming "you are a mistake!" Is all to save the multiverse.
But we aren't seeing a guy convinced to do things the hard way because sometimes tough situations demand desperate measures. We are seen a man try to cope with his guilt so poorly he created an entire unit dedicated to preserve this idea.
This is horrifying.
And now everything he has done colours different, because let me tell you, if you think too hard about his behaviour now looks a lot more authoritative and insane.
Projection is NOT a great Look Miguel
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You know? I firmly believe a lot of people in Miguel's side are biased by his angsty demeanour, by his looks, by the power he has. This isn't to say I am not biased, is just that is not in that direction.
Not gonna lie I can't see this guy throwing stuff and don't remember a couple of temper tantrums my dad has done.
Regardless of my biases, I believe is for this reason I can say that honestly? I find embarrassing that Miguel throws things like that.
Again, I feel these scenes changed a lot the context once you put together that canon isn't part of saving the universe, and that Miguel is getting so worked up about something that until I see the contrary, is a theory he came up by himself with no other backing.
Which means he is throwing stuff at people for no good reason, getting worked up to intense levels that are not appropriate; all while being the boss that doesn't like to be questioned.
Honestly this part isn't exactly necessary on cult leaders, but I would say it happens.
(Again, I don't want to call this necessarily a cult; regardless of how much I think it fits the bill. There are multiple criteria, and I can't evaluate everything.)
One way or another, Miguel's reactions aren't anything good. Think about it, if your boss threw things around when he was angry, would you consider that safe?
Because you know what I consider the most telling part of all of this? Neither when Miguel throws the trashcan, nor when he throws the console, has anyone being surprised about this behaviour.
Let me repeat this; even if this wasn't about Miles, Miguel apparently is known for this enough that no one is phased.
Forget that they are super heroes, I don't think is a great look when the leader of your organization gets so angry he can't think straight, to the point he reaches the wildest conclusions.
This is another reason why I think the mental health in this institution has to be shit, 1) You can't have a harmful belief that enforces suffering and have good mental health, is not feasible. 2) I don't care if Miguel is the boss, or is probably his decision not getting help; is downright embarrassing he is let to do these things and no one questions if he is out of line.
Remember, this shouldn't be a dictatorship, regardless if this was Miguel's idea and operation, if you can't question the leader even if he is wrong; that's tyranny, and all just needs the boss to be wrong once for things to go south.
Now imagine when the entire system is flawed.
Now, the following part feels like I may be repeating myself, but the previous part was about how these actions are bad; and the second one is about why having mental health issues isn't a defence,
I imagine by this point, perhaps someone may want to come out of the woodwork's and say "But you are being completely unfair! Miguel is clearly hurting about this, he is not thinking clearly! That's why he screams to Miles that he is a mistake, he is projecting!"
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(Sigh.) You know? I don't think there is a lot of people who would seriously try to say that about someone making a theory like this is still justified to do what he does, because he is clearly trying to substitute reality with his own, but because I had gotten WAY TOO MANY TIMES the "oh poor Miguel/Peter they are traumatized!" I am going to do the thing that is the real reason this post will be controversial.
Because disregarding your mental health to the point is hurting you and affecting others IS BAD TOO.
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In real life, there are complications like not having money, not having resources you can go to, maybe you are living with an abusive person who will not let you get any help- Things are very complicated, and there are many reasons you are stuck.
This isn't Miguel's case, for starters.
The guy clearly has money, he even has a spider-man psych which means the guy knows how the secret identity goes and has a psychological degree, so you can say he has an available, viable help just right around the corner. He is also a middle-aged man, meaning he should know better.
Because here is the thing, for all the dumb shit Gwen has done, she is a traumatized teen with not the best support, not adults she can rely on, and has a dad which copy mechanism is "I have a job to do," which is the same thing she does. I can believe she doesn't know any better, and will not take the best decisions either. I did my own fair of mistakes at that age so I can't talk.
What is Miguel's excuse? I am sorry, but I feel when you are at that age, when you have a responsibility this big, (that let's not forget everybody, HE CHOSE THIS, no one forced it onto him.) You need to be able to look in yourself and know when you can lead or not, when you can be trusted with big decisions or not. By this point in your life, you shouldn't rely on other people to tell you need help. If you are so much in your own head you are not seeing what's in front of you, that's a problem you need to fix.
You could try to argue that at that point he obviously will not see it, but 1) Honestly people let him get away with it, as we can see. 2) Do we know he would listen, considering this situation?
That doesn't mean letting him go rampant, that means "we took the executive decision you aren't fit as a leader." I am not joking here, Elon Musk was kicked out of paypal for less dumb shit and that's saying something.
I had heard so many excuses over the years about angry men that refuse to address their attitude issues because, "he had a rough childhood," "his father was absent," "he is stressed about work." All while being told that you need to grit your tear and bear it.
I can't take seriously a guy who has the money and the means to recover, yet refuses to confront reality because is more comfortable to fabricate something in your mind.
ESPECIALLY NOT when he is involving more people into his twisted system, that perpetuates people having MORE TRAUMA, all to justify his own.
All, while putting the multi-verse in danger, because he decided to take this task upon himself yet using his own flawed narrative.
And you know why I think Miguel being wrong in multiple things, (his theory, behaviour, literally throwing Gwen for questioning him and "letting him go" and not for disobeying- seriously why throw a way the justifiable reason if it isn't meant to be something?) Is not bad writing in my opinion, is because-
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Notice the funny thing about all of these scenes? All of them have Miguel showing being in the wrong.
Miles is telling Miguel it was the Spot, because it literally was; the black matter started way before and he saw it.
Miles IS Spider-man because he has earned that title, and not by doing a checklist of pre-approved events to see if he fits or not the bill.
Miguel is wrong because he is literally mad at Gwen for questioning him, and is insisting Gwen let Miles go; which is funny because PETER was the one in close quarters with Miles, and had a much better chance of capturing him.
But he isn't given any a reprimand for his behaviour, he gets scotch free while Gwen is being blamed for that blunder; and hey isn't something very traditional of corrupt systems of power favour those close to the inner circle while the "problematic members" are blamed for the mistakes of others?
And you can see all the other mistakes I had laid down already.
Because Miguel is the antagonist.
He is a man so blinded by guilt he has created a whole system made to keep it intact, is absolutely absurd to realize how crazy everything sounds once you put all of these pieces together.
Yet the point of this story is how even while having the most noble of reasons, if you are so focused on the past you are forced to make it your future, you may miss the opportunities out there to make it better.
Just like someone living in an unjust society, convinced it needs to perpetuate the status quo because anything else would mean the end of the world as we know it.
It really shows how sad and twisted this can be.
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Oof, that got a little heavy huh? Sorry about that, is hard not to get intense.
Still feel a little crazy seeing the parallels about cults because I don't think the team realized how much this is hammering home with that; or maybe they do and I am underestimating them.
Thank you for anyone who came along in this ready! As always if you have the chance please support my ko-fi, and if you can't, please share this post around!
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tw verbal abuse
not to sound like a redditer but i need some help figuring out if i'm an asshole? or if i'd be an asshole, if i acted on my feelings, i suppose. (you can call me raine)
my dad was verbally abusive to me and several of my siblings on/off for awhile. over a year. and it was something he'd been building toward for awhile. he'd been doing some of the verbally abusive shit to me on/off for a couple years, but it was small enough incidents i didn't really put it together as anything more than him just...being him bc both my parents would brush it off as it just being part of who he was and it being "a joke" or me "provoking" him. but then it got bad. like really bad. it was constant and very very focused in on me. he did it to other siblings as well but mostly me and it was every time he saw me, he would have something to say and it didn't matter who was in the room-my mom would be in the room and say jackshit. the most consequences he ever got for it was my mom lightly saying "be nice" or me telling him to mind his business and leave me alone before i stormed off.
but then it stopped. mostly. that's mostly bc i started cutting him off but the thing is, awhile later, after he stopped, he just started pretending nothing happened. like we were friends again. and that fucked me up a lot-like we used to be really close, he was like my hero growing up, and i was just so fucking confused i let him pretend. he got that spot back in my life. but now that im starting to actually process what he did to me...i don't want him around me. i want him to fuck off. i don't want him pretending he did nothing to me! im still so pissed and so hurt over what he did and the fact he just wants to pretend he never fucking did it and not apologize after all he did. and he could do it again, just as easy, and no one would do anything! my mom would STILL do jackshit and im pissed at her too!
i just. i feel like bc they're both pretending nothing happened i should too. and that it would be mean of me to draw back and put space between us when technically, its been awhile since he was actually mean to me. like, shouldn't i just forgive and forget at this point instead of rehashing old bullshit? i dunno. so. yeah. help? i'd really appreciate ANY thoughts on this, cause, seriously, i'm lost. i just feel like im such an ass being upset when my mom and dad have moved on but. i dunno. he was my hero and he fucking tore me to shreds. and now he's living the same life he was before and i still feel like i'm broken. how am i just supposed to ignore that?
Hi Raine,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through. It's important to remember that your feelings are valid, and it's okay to have complex emotions about the situation.
Please know that your feelings are valid, and it is okay if you don't want to be around him anymore. It's okay to create some distance and establish boundaries. This doesn't mean you have to completely cut him out of your life, but setting limits and protecting yourself from further harm is important. Just because he's seemingly moved on from his behavior doesn't mean you have to. You deserve to have your pain acknowledged. You are NTA and you don't have to forgive him.
If you can access or afford it, a mental health professional such as a therapist can provide a safe space for you to explore your emotions, process the trauma, and help you navigate your relationships. They can also assist you in developing healthy coping strategies and guide you through the healing process.
Please know that healing is a process done at your own pace. Just because others may appear to have moved on doesn't mean you have to follow the same timeline. It's crucial to listen to your own needs, even if it means creating some distance from your dad and seeking support.
I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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adrianicsea · 2 years
You Cannot say you have thoughts about the heart and then not elaborate 👀
MANNNNN i’ve talked briefly about it before but like. okay cliff note version is this deranged morsel from my notes app and then the painfully long version below that
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but like. the issue lawrence is INITIALLY brought into the bathroom game for by john (before we learn about his infidelity via adam) is his lack of passion, compassion, and bedside manner.... literally his lack of heart. he’s told to follow his heart, the thing he allegedly doesn’t have... and it’s not physically within reach of him in the room! the heart, the thing john kramer believes lawrence to be missing, lies across the room with adam!!
and we even see this in the fact that lawrence doesn’t do jackshit in the bathroom until he hears adam wake up and freak out— when lawrence talks to adam for the first time, he sounds calm and lucid, and he shows no sign of wooziness or having just woken up too. which means that lawrence just. sat there in the dark feeling sorry for himself UNTIL he knew there was someone there that needed his help.
towards the end of the whole thing, when lawrence is on the phone with alison, you’ll notice that even THEN he never says that he loves her or that he’s always loved her! what lawrence DOES say is “i’ve always been happy with you” which is... really really lowballing it for the woman you’ve been married to long enough to have a 7-year-old daughter with, especially when you’re under the impression that one or both of you is literally about to die. but that’s a whole other thing on its own honestly.
ANYWAYS throughout the movie we see lawrence doing everything he can do to spare adam’s life and come up with a way to get them both out alive, even though they’re not all that fond of each other! even when lawrence shoots adam he deliberately goes for a spot that he knows is going to LOOK serious to anyone watching, but that won’t be immediately fatal on its own. and even when lawrence is bleeding out and unable to walk and believes that his family might very well be dead, he uses some of his time and energy to come to adam and comfort him. this comes so soon after the “i’ve always been happy with you” exchange between lawrence and alison, too.
of course we all know what happens to adam and lawrence after that. the divorce plays a hand in it, and there’s a lot to be said about lawrence’s lack of self-esteem and self-worth, but like. it seems like a very clear cause and effect chain to me that lawrence leaving adam there, failing to save him, leads lawrence to become an apprentice. it’s so antithetical to his identity as a doctor and his protective instinct that the only way apprenticeship becomes a viable path for lawrence is if he loses or kills his heart.
the real smoking gun in all of this, though, is that we later see in john’s tape that he leaves behind for jill that john CALLS JILL HIS HEART. and while we don’t LEARN this until saw 6 or 7 (unsure which, still haven’t seen any of the hoffman tetralogy), it implies that john still had that understanding and that connotation of heart imagery/hearts as other people when he put together the bathroom trap. and even taking the metatextual view of it, the writers in 2009 or whenever STILL were like “you know the heart motif from the first movie? we should bring that back to talk about this guy and his estranged ex-wife that he still loves.” while reading the rebirth comic (written in 2005, before saw 2 had even released) last night, i even learned that jill was featured in it, and john refers to his divorce from jill as “losing his heart.” so like. idk man it’s all very complex and interwoven and i KNOW the saw franchise desperately wants all of its pieces to rhyme and connect and be part of one big messy intricate web but like. why take the heart, so prominently featured in the first movie to refer to lawrence and adam, and then start co-opting it to associate it with an estranged married couple.
sorry for subjecting yall to All This before 9 in the morning but uh. you asked and i delivered!
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dameronology · 3 years
never doubt me {cassian andor}
summary: after falling into the hands of the empire, a situation of life and death forces you and cassian to finally talk about your feelings {for @megmeg-chan and i am sO sorry it’s taken me so long to do this}
summary: language, mentions of injury, talks ab death/loss in a canon kinda way 
enjoy!! i haven’t written for cassian in so long and i forgot how much i loved him, so expect more of him in the future😌
- jazz
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Cassian Andor was a filthy liar. 
No, deep breath. He wasn't that bad. 
The situation was just really fucking irritating and, in all likelihood, making your anger towards him a little more irrational. It wasn't really even his fault either. He'd told you incessantly that the mission was going to go well, and that you both going to be fine. Like, totally fiiiine, and that you would both get into the base without trouble and reunite in the middle, near the Imperial comms system. It was just that neither of you had planned for or expected stormtroopers to be present -- he'd gotten away in one piece, but you hadn't been so lucky. 
That brings us to now: a cell, with two stormtroopers parked outside and quite literally no sign of Cassian anywhere. You knew he'd be looking for you; in fact, you didn't doubt it once. There was a sort of unspoken pact between you that you would always rescue one another; always have each other's backs and never leave the other behind. It was born from the fact that friendships were hard to forge in your line of work, and what you and Cassian had was rare. Not even just in the Rebellion, but rather life in general. On the surface, you teased and ripped into one another to no end. The chemistry was almost suffocating for the people around you, because they could never get a word in edge ways. Then, if you dug a little deeper, there was something more. Something sweeter, something more supportive. You knew him better than he knew himself and in return, he could read you like his favourite novel (though, admittedly, it did sometimes feel like you were missing a few pages. Human complexity and all that).
‘Do you feel like speaking now?’ The modulated voice of one of the stormtroopers came from the other side of your cell door.
‘I’ll die before telling you jackshit.’ You muttered. Hopefully that was more of a statement and less of a prophecy.
The trooper snorted. ‘Okay, sweetheart-’
‘- call me that again and I will shove that blaster sideways up your ass.’ You spat.
‘The only thing you’re doing is rotting here.’ 
With that, he turned his back to you again. 
You slumped further down the wall, ignoring the feeling of the cold concrete etching through the thin fabric of your shirt. It was cold in here. Really, really fucking cold, and Cassian had said you wouldn’t need a jacket. Then again, he’d said a lot of things. And again, none of it was his fault, but you cursed yourself for so blindly listening to him. It was nice that you took everything the other said as gospel, even if it came back to bite you in the ass every so often. 
‘A word of advice-’
‘- I don’t want any advice.’ You turned away from the trooper, pulling you knees to your chest. 
‘The sooner you talk, the less painful it’ll be.’ He ignored your refusal. 
You didn’t need to ask what he meant by it. You’d been part of the Rebellion long enough to have heard stories -- stories of torture, stories of war and the the kind of horrors that people often took to the grave.  You had a fair few of your own, and so did Cassian. That was probably why he’d become so important to you. He was one of the only people in the galaxy who truly understood the downfalls of being a Rebel spy. Your cause was more important to you than anything (well, almost anything) and you wouldn’t have changed it for the world, but there were times like this where you wondered if it was all worth it. Would there ever come a day where the Empire truly fell, once and for all? And would you even be around to see it? Would Cassian? 
Speaking of the devil, where the fuck was he? He never usually took this long. A few hours at most, but you’d long surpassed that. You could only very barely see the sky through the tiny window, but the sky had faded from powder blue to a dark navy, signalling it had been well over half a day. That was bad for multiple reasons -- the first being that the longer you were here, the more likely Cassian was to assume the worst and stop searching. Secondly, and perhaps most hauntingly, was that each passing second brought you closer to the Imps dragging you out the cell and taking you for questioning. And questioning, in their books, didn’t involve much talking. Go figure.
The injuries you sustained in your capture were bad enough; a bust lip, bruised eye and twisted ankle never made for much comfort. Even less so when you couldn’t get medical attention. The fact you knew it would be the least of your problems in a few hours made it all that much worst. 
You’d never doubted Cassian Andor before. Not once. Couldn’t even fathom it, truth be told. He always came through for you; always saved your ass, whether it be from yourself or from Imps. He was your person. That’s the only way you could have put it.
But, above all, he was a human being. Not a super hero, or a miracle worker. He could only do so much and you knew he would. He would follow every lead and every clue to try and get to you, but that’s all he could do. If he couldn’t find you, that wasn’t him on him. You doubted that he would think the same, and when you heard the lock to your cell open, you could only hope and pray that he knew that. That you weren’t going to blame him for what was about to happen, or hold it against him. 
‘It’s time.’ The stormtrooper announced. ‘Hope you can handle a bit of pain.’
You took a deep breath. ‘I can handle anything.’
‘I wouldn’t count on it.’ He guffawed. ‘Hands out.’
‘C’mon, man.’ You murmured. ‘My legs gone, my lips bust and my head feels someone’s dropped an iron anvil on it. You don’t need to cuff  - ouch!’
You let out a squeak as he grabbed your wrists, tugging them forward and shoving a pair of metal cuffs on them. Was this really it? The end? Was your name gonna be the next one on the list of people lost in the Rebellion? That was if anybody even noticed. 
Cassian would. Of course, Cassian would. It hurt your heart to think that you wouldn’t see him again, or get to say a proper goodbye. The last time you’d seen him, you’d been dragged away from him kicking and screaming. He’d been so close, and if he’d been just a little nearer when they’d got you, he might have been able to save you, to stop you from falling into the hands of the Empire. You always figured that if you were gonna die in the field, he’d be by your side. The dumbassery you so often found yourselves in usually happened together. 
The walls of the Imperial base were dark - as if you’d expected anything else. It was hardly like the place was going to look like a bright, airy Ikea showroom. The only light came from the thousands of tiny red and blue buttons flickering on the wall, illuminating the hallways in what would have been a pretty glow if the circumstances weren’t so fucking miserable. Talk about a high way to hell.
You took another left, the trooper’s grip on you tightening as you neared some double towards the end. Yep, here it was. This is where you met your maker.  And from what you’d heard, the six-foot-something guy in a black mask did not take prisoners. Not that he was the one you were thinking of. No, that was Cassian. Completely and entirely Cassian; just his face and his presence and his everything at the back of your mind, the last thing you could think of before you were about to die for your cause-
-you let out an oof! as the stormtrooper suddenly pulled you to the ground, practically using you as a human shield against the blaster fire and smoke grenade that had just come from behind you. You tried to use your elbows to push him off, but with the cuffs and your already existing injuries, he easily overpowered you. Also, you were too busy coughing from the smoke to even think about making a getaway.
Tumbling forward, you fell onto your hands and knees. The trooper’s gun clattered to the ground, and you used your good leg to kick it further out the way, eyes not moving from the cloud of smoke that come out of the grenade. The red and blue lights were beating down on it, casting a purple glow over the shadow of whoever had thrown it, acting as a guide as they finally emerged. With a blaster in one hand and the other curled into a fist, your best friend had never quite looked so handsome, especially under the violet illuminations.
‘Cassian!’ Despite everything, you couldn’t help but grin. 
‘Duck.’ He demanded. 
You did as he said, flopping back to the floor. Squeezing your eyes shut and covering your head, you stayed there for a moment. There was another blast, and then the trooper’s body fell beside yours with a dull thud! 
Then, in what must have been two of most contrasting feelings ever, a warm pair of hands found yours. Cassian’s, undoubtedly. You would have known them anywhere. He pulled you up from the cold ground, warm palms finding your face as they ghosted over your cheeks.
‘It’s okay.’ His voice was soft. ‘You can open your eyes.’
You took a deep breath. ‘I know. Thank you.’
‘How badly are you hurt?’ He asked. ‘Because we need to move fast.’
‘My foot’s pretty wrangled.’ You said. 
Without another word, Cassian threw an arm over your shoulders, tucking it under your arms to support you. 
‘Lean against me.’ He instructed. ‘The exit isn’t too far-’
‘- what about the other troopers?’ You asked.
‘I dealt with them on my way in.’
And dealt with them, he certainly had. The men were practically laying in unconscious piles (he only ever intended to maim, but never kill), working as some kind of fucked up map out of a twisted and horrible maze.  The pain in your leg only grew worst as you moved, your good leg beginning to ache from carrying all the weight. With all your attention focused ahead of you for potential enemies, you didn’t even notice how close you were to stumbling over -- not until you fell back onto the cold lino floors. 
‘Hey.’ Cassian dropped beside you. ‘Look at me, okay, just...look at me.’
You glanced up, tired eyes meeting his warm, brown ones. ‘It really hurts, Cass.’
‘We’re really close now.’ He said. ‘Two more minutes. Can you do that? For me?’
‘Yeah.’ You took a deep breath and nodded. ‘I can.’
(Because really, for him, you’d do anything.) 
Cassian helped you back up, pressing one of his blasters into your hand. His arm returned to hold you by the waist, gripping you a little tighter this time. Your leg was practically screaming in pain, a dull ache shooting from your ankle up to your knee. You had to remind yourself that in a few minutes, it would all be over - and not in the way you thought it was going to be over an hour ago. Over, as in this whole ordeal would simply be something to report back to your bosses at base, and not your final moments. The fact you ever let yourself accept that fate and think that Cassian wouldn’t come for you was something else entirely in itself. 
You almost cried with relief when you saw his battered old ship docked outside the base. You normally cried for other reasons when you saw it - usually ones to do with the rusty old engines and creaking sound it insisted on making whenever it flew - but right then, you had never been happier to see it. Even if the insides smelt weirdly of petrol and oil, and the seats in the cockpit were made of uncomfortable cracked leather, you practically threw yourself on board. 
Neither you nor Cassian said anything for a while. His attention was completely on getting away from the base and avoiding TIE fighters - something he did without ever moving his hand from your thigh - and yours was on steadying your breathing and heartbeat. It had been a rough twelve hours to say the least. 
Once the ship had lurched into hyperspace, he turned in his chair to face you. He held your gaze for a moment, before opening his arms out and letting you flop from your own seat and into his chest. They tightly wrapped around you, one hand softly your head to his body and the other gently rubbing up and down your back. You had to squeeze your eyes shut to stop your tears from spilling. 
‘I’m sorry.’ He murmured.
‘For what?’ You peered up at him with a frown. 
‘Not finding you sooner.’ He replied. ‘Or for even letting you get caught in the first place-’
‘- Cassian, stop.’ You pulled back and tangled his hands in yours. ‘Once I get some bactaspray, I’ll be totally fine.’
‘But you almost weren’t.’ He shot back. ‘If I was just a few minutes later and you could have been a thousand times worst, or even...gone completely.’
‘That’s beside the point.’ You softly sighed. ‘It’s doesn’t matter would have beens or could have beens. I am here and I will be okay.’
‘You’re right.’ He nodded. ‘I’m sorry. I just...I want to protect you, you know? And I failed.’
‘You don’t need to protect me, Cass.’ You shook your head with a soft smile. ‘Actually, no, today I did but you pulled through.’
‘I don’t need to, but I want to.’ Cassian murmured. 
He’d done a pretty good job at sitting on his feelings for the last few years. Pushed them down when he felt the urge to tell you, and ignored them entirely when they got really intense. But that had been when the threat of completely losing you was just that: a threat. A distant possibility, and one that you were both too busy living your lives to fully consider. Now, however, you’d come close. Too close. Cassian had come face-to-face with a reality where you were gone, and one where he’d never actually told you how he felt. 
‘You know I love you, right?’ He quietly said. 
‘Yeah, I know.’ You nodded. 
‘No, I mean I love you.’ 
You peered up at him, realising what he was getting at. You did know. In fact, it had very much been an unspoken thing between you for a very, very long time. It was really just a matter of saying it - but that was always the hardest part, right? 
‘I know.’ You repeated. ‘I love you too.’
‘You do?’
You softly laughed. ‘Of course I do.’ 
He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and pulled you back against his chest, chin resting atop your ahead. ‘Good.’
You stayed like that for a few minutes; it was undoubtedly a deeper conversation you were going to have later on, but it felt good to have it out in the open. So good, in fact, that it momentarily made you forget the last day entirely. Instead of pondering on it, you let yourself get lost entirely in Cassian’s presence, and the feeling of his body against yours and and his arms holding you. If you could have it your way, you would have stayed like this forever. The rest of the galaxy could wait. 
‘I’m sorry if you thought I was going to make in time.’ He said quietly. 
‘I didn’t.’ Your voice was slightly muffled by his chest. ‘Not once.’
‘I love you.’ Cassian said it more firmly this time. It still completely felt weird to say, and even more so to see you smile and say it back.
‘I love you too.’
He dipped his head down, capturing your mouth in a soft kiss. The feeling of your lips against his was familiar and foreign all at once; it was something he’d gone over in his head a thousand times, but it was nothing like either of you had imagined. It was better. Sweeter, in the kind of way that gave you butterflies in your tummy and made you feel giddy. It was worlds away from the usual dread and bloodshed that came with being in the Rebellion. 
But that was quintessentially Cassian. He was everything that the war wasn’t: sweet and constant and warm. Somebody as beautiful and as caring as him both did and didn’t belong in the Rebellion. Did, because he was a good man who wanted to fight for the right thing. Didn’t, because he constantly risked his life for the greater good and you couldn’t quite stomach that idea. 
‘I’ll always come back for you.’ He lightly brushed his hand against your cheek. ‘Never doubt me.’
‘I won’t.’ You promised. ‘Not ever.’ 
tags: @megmeg-chan @karasong @bb8sworld @marvelinsanity @poestardust @etherealsanakin @bo-kryze​ @punkbach​ @phoenixhalliwell​
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sweeterthansammy · 3 years
Rough Rider || Bucky Barnes
Biker!Bucky Barnes x Female [Romanoff] biker!Reader; The reader is Bucky’s love interest.
Summary: In which Bucky finds interest in a biker chick.
Genre: Smut
Written in third person point of view.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, public sex, sex on a motorbike, mild choking, fingering, unprotected sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, mild language, and Bucky’s infatuation with a woman that knows how to ride a motorbike :)
Word count: 3.1k+
A/N: Kinda proud of this one 🥲
Important notes: The reader is Nat’s cousin. The reader is at least 21. I know jackshit about motorbikes and models so bear with me. Song used in fic: R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys. Not BETA’d - all mistakes are mine.
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Bucky entered the compound with a wolf whistle, his gloved hand pointing at one of the floor-to-ceiling windows as he approached the kitchen.
“Whose Harley is that out front?” he asked, completely disregarding Y/N who sat at the island, popping a cherry into her mouth.
“Mine,” she muttered, tongue swiping out of her mouth to lick the red juice trickling down her bottom lip.
Bucky looked from Natasha to Y/N, mesmerized by her E/C eyes and the way they basically pierced right into his. He looked back at Nat, silently asking “who’s she?”
“Y/N, this is Bucky, a complete delinquent that’s best friends with Steve. Buck, meet Y/N, my cousin who serves as a sister more or less.”
Y/N stood, a little black dress clinging to her figure, a leather jacket covering her arms. She extended an arm, shaking Bucky’s hand.
“Woah, strong grip there, buddy.”
He chuckled, removing the leather glove and shoving it into the pocket of his own jacket. She looked down at his metal arm.
“Oh, that’s the…” she trailed off, motioning with her hands to make the situation any less awkward than it already was, failing miserably. “Yeah, that arm.”
Bucky was truly a saint. After Nat had given her a rundown of his story, she couldn’t help but empathize for the man. He was simply broken and all she wanted to do was give him a hug and ameliorate him, it didn't matter if she knew him or not. As Nat was called by Steve to help him with something, she and Bucky remained in the kitchen. She broke the silence, popping another cherry into her mouth.
“Hey, wanna go for a spin?” she asked, jiggling her keys in the air as a way to catch his attention.
“Uh, sure, why not?”
As they were about to leave, she stopped in her tracks, eyes ogling at his motorbike.
“Holy shit,” she muttered, admiring the all-black Yamaha YZF-R6 standing in front of her. “This is yours?”
“Been mine since...since I can remember,” he chuckled, kicking at the gravel with the tip of his boot as she continued to analyze his bike.
“Race me.”
Straightforward, isn’t she?
“Race me. Harley versus Yamaha.”
“What does the winner get?”
She thought for quite some time, grinning as she looked down at the beauty in front of her.
“Winner gets a ride on the loser's bike until I can think of something else...unless you have any ideas.”
He eyed the black Harley, red accents screaming his name.
With that, they swung their legs over their seats, saddling up to take off with their beasts. Y/N buckled her helmet on, leaning forward to rev the engine a bit.
“Ready Buck?” she asked over the roaring of both of their engines.
He pulled up next to her, watching the way she planted both feet on either side of the bike.
“Meeting point is back at the compound. Got it?”
She looked over at him, struggling to find his icy orbs through his tinted shield.
“Got it?”
He simply nodded his head once, both riders looking forward before Y/N gave a countdown.
“3...2...1, go!”
Bucky had heard the wildest stories of Y/N, but he always thought that Nat was exaggerating when she said Y/N was the most badass person she knew. She took off, a trail of smoke following the traces of her bike as she zipped down the road.
Bucky was simply taking his time, muttering a quick “oh shit” to himself as he realized she was already around the corner. He used his charm to his advantage, coming to a full stop. He looked ahead, Y/N already backpedaling to check on him.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking back as he panted.
“I think I got a flat.”
As she jumped off her bike and walked over to his, he revved his engine, taking off.
“Nevermind, I think I’m gonna beat your ass,” he winked at her, taking off.
“Hey- that’s not fair!”
She knew he couldn’t hear her but she got back on her bike, slowly cruising down the street. Eventually, Bucky came into sight, leaning on his bike with a smug look.
“I think you owe me something, doll.”
She simply chuckled, getting off her bike.
“That was fowl.”
She hopped off of her bike, holding onto the handlebars of her bike before he took over.
“Wow,” he mumbled, revving the engine.
“Go on, take ‘er for a spin.”
She watched as he took off again, not fighting the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth.
“And just like that, you’re in love.”
She jumped at the voice that came from behind her, turning to face a man standing at around 6”2’.
“How’d you know?” she asked with a chuckle.
“Bucky’s a pretty good friend of mine. Hated him at first but I grew to love the man as we got older.”
She turned the slightest bit to look at him.
“He’s like a brother,” he assured. “I’m Sam, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Sam. I’m-”
“Y/N. Heard lots about you from the Black Widow herself. What are you doing out here anyway?”
“I was just visiting for a few days. Nat wants me to move out here but I don’t know yet.”
“Well, you should. You’ll be with us for the most part. Besides, Bucky’s making you his girlfriend before you even get the chance to pack your suitcase.”
“What makes you so sure about that?”
She could feel her cheeks burning up as he slowly made his way back to the compound.
“I know when my best friend’s in love. He has this look that fails to mask the fact that he’s in love.”
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“Nat, last time we did that-”
“Don’t mention it. Just put your shoes on and come downstairs.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, grabbing a random pair of black high heels before going to meet Natasha downstairs. It seemed that all eyes were on her, everyone admiring the nymph in front of them.
“As I probably mentioned numerous times before-”
“This is your cousin, Y/N. She’s beautiful beyond words and she’s got a killer personality. Nat, I’ve listened to you go on about her for the past two weeks. She’s lovely, but you sound like a broken record at this point, sweetheart,” Steve interjected, offering Y/N a smile while taking Nat’s arm in his.
“She’s got a voluptuous ass too,” she heard Sam mutter under his breath.
“Speak up, sweetie,” she baited with a giggle.
The glare that bored into the side of Sam’s face was all but amiable, his fists copying the actions of his jaw as they tightened at his sides. Sam moved up a bit with a smug, glorious smirk, walking directly next to Y/N.
“You’ve got the man whipped and you haven’t even fucked him yet.”
She nearly choked on her saliva.
“Sam, cut it out,” she scolded the younger man.
“You know it’s true,” he lifted his arms in surrender to her sass, dodging her objection.
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Drinking was hardly ever a good idea when Y/N and Nat were together. Y/N had gotten better over the years, knowing her limit with alcohol, but Nat let all hell loose. Unless they weren’t in the middle of a mission, she was taking shot after shot, drink after drink, until she was struggling to stand on her own two feet. Y/N was amazed sometimes as to how she could drink that much without throwing up.
“Another one, come on,” Nat tugged on her arm, the colored lights making her head grow fuzzy as they stood at the bar.
“Two shots of silver tequila, anything’ll do!”
Y/N gagged merely at the sight of clear liquid filling the little glasses.
“Anything else?” the bartender asked over the blaring music, Nat simply scanning everyone’s glasses along the bar.
“Whatever she’s having, the pink thing.”
She bit her lip to suppress a chuckle, earning a concerned look from an obviously drunken Nat.
“I’ll be over there with Sam and Tony.”
“But your shot-”
“Take it - I don’t know, do something with it!”
Y/N pat her back, sliding past her as she made her way to the pair sitting at the booth.
“Not up for dancing?” she queried, looking back and forth between them.
“God, no! What, you want me to look like an idiot?”
“C’mon, Tony! Pepper had to teach you something,” she surveyed the nightclub quickly, a silver arm catching her eye rather quickly. “What about you? I’d love to see the ‘Round Brown’ in action.”
“The falcon comes to life in these settings,” he informed her, winking slyly.
She tucked her straw between her lips, a smooth fruity mixture cascading down her throat to suppress the guffaw that danced at the tip of her tongue. The music changed, the lights dimming to a deep, dark purple. She looked at Tony and then Sam, both of them looking around at mounds of bodies on the dance floor.
She followed their eyes, that damn metal arm catching her eyes again. Tons of women threw themselves at him, wanting to get just a little taste of that metal arm, soon leaving solemnly as he turned them away.
“If you don’t mind, I’ll be over there.”
Sam easily replaced Bucky, the ladies now feeling up on him as if he were some hunk of meat. She didn’t spare a word to Tony, only offering a lopsided smile as Pepper made her way over to the booth. Y/N slid from her seat, feeling a sudden warmth settle upon her skin as she made her way over to Bucky. He finally acknowledged her, pupils amplifying against his gunmetal irises.
She couldn’t help her lips from moving along to the lyrics, “I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be / And satisfaction feels like a distant memory / And I can't help myself, all I / Wanna hear her say is ‘Are you mine?’”
His eyes were all but sweet and bright, lust written all over his body as her fingers trailed up his chest, cupping his chin deftly.
“Well, are you mine? / Are you mine? / Are you mine?”
She cocked her head to the side, dismayed by his knowledge of the current song.
“Well, that depends, Mr. Barnes. If you want me to be yours, all you have to do is say the word,” she spoke quiet enough for only him to hear, tongue skimming along the edge of his ear.
By the way he licked his lips, she could tell that he wanted to do more than just verbally claim her.
She’s fucking dangerous.
She looked up at Bucky, fingers coyly playing with each other as if she hadn’t just given him a glimpse of a completely different side to her. His lips were on hers in an instant, hands palming her backside as they slowly inched further up her dress, eventually landing on a little strap of leather higher up her thigh.
He couldn’t help his hands from exploring every inch of her skin, nails leaving gentle burning sensations as they raked at her skin. He lost it when her back arched, her chest colliding with his as her fingers soon got lost in his hair, one leg raising to pull his body closer, if even possible. He pulled away abruptly, one hand cradling the underside of her thigh and the other right under her chin.
“I need you to fuck me, like right now, because I think I might pass out if you don’t,” she spoke gravelly, lips crashing onto his once more in a heated, sloppy kiss.
Her feet were swept from the ground in a matter of a few seconds, arms crossing against Bucky’s back as she dangled over his shoulder. Her eyes traveled over the black motorbike once they’d made it outside, squealing as he held onto her hips, pulling her down so she was seated in his lap as he laid back in his seat. Her hands were everywhere all at once, though seeming to avoid the area in which he needed her the most.
It was quite a scene, a cacophony of grunts and whimpers being evoked from the pair. Hearing the engine of his bike roar, Y/N pulled off, pupils fixated on his with her hands on either side of his face. The ride was quite something - full of lingering, teasing touches, sweet, albeit intense, kisses, and reprehensible whispers.
The faint light of a wacky gas station illuminated his silhouette, his flesh hand easily adjusting itself around her throat, the other working to slide her dress just up around her waist before pushing her underwear aside, running two fingers up her folds. She hummed at the feeling, fingernails digging into that of his arm.
“‘S that feel good, doll?” he asked incoherently, voice barely above a whisper as his tongue nudged into her mouth.
She nodded, earning a buoyant pinch to her cunt. Her insides were going feral, wanting nothing more than his cock.
“I need words, toots.”
“F-uck yes, but I-I want y-ou,” she stammered, groaning when his fingers clamped even harder around her clit, thumb stimulating her nub.
He chuckled as her legs attempted to fly shut, only being stopped by his large thighs that were parting them.
“But you already have me, doll.”
“I-I need you to fuck me,” she got out, fingers draining of color as she balled the leather of his jacket.
His fingers pumped in and out of her, curling against her g-spot once before pulling out. She mentally cursed him out for looking so hot, tongue swiveling around his digits to taste her remnants.
“Fucking delicious,” he crooned, tapping his fingers against her lips before having her own tongue pivot around his faux fingers.
She easily freed him of his bottoms, his cock springing to meet his veiled torso. Her eyes widened.
Jesus fuck-
“It’s rude to stare, sweetheart.”
She looked up at him, back down to his cock, and back up to his face.
“Hey, if you don’t wan-”
“No, god no. I still want you to fuck me. You’re just…bigger than average.”
He chuckled, dog tags clanging against his rumbling chest. Her legs were thrown over his thighs in seconds, tip barely prodding at her entrance. She could feel her skin burning up, eager to have him inside of her. He was taking far too long, manipulating her legs into many different angles so it wouldn’t be as uncomfortable. She griped aloud, palms landing flat on his pecs as she pushed him back against the seat.
“Impatient, huh?” he couldn’t help the cocky grin splayed on his face.
“Taking too long,” she grumbled, sinking down onto him.
She groaned at the feeling, being stretched out beyond her limit. Her head lazed back as if she had no vertebrae, hands getting lost in his hair as his hips bucked up into her. She cried out, legs tightening around his hips as she soon began to bounce on his cock.
“Attagirl,” he praised, hands cupping either of her breasts before flicking over her nipples.
With the way he twitched inside of her and with the way her walls clamped around him, both of them could tell they wouldn’t last too long. It was far beyond erratic and the words spurring out of Bucky’s mouth helped the least bit.
“This pussy was made for me, wasn’t it?”
“Bet no one has fucked you this good yet, huh doll?”
Her legs grew tired as she felt herself lurching on the edge of her climax. She fought the burn, arms holding him impossibly tight as her walls fluttered around him.
“Gonna cum, sweetheart?”
She nodded, not being able to get out one comprehensible word. She came around him with a celestial moan, legs twitching ever so gently. His pace didn’t falter once, hands coming up to her waist as he fucked her through her high. Her eyes widened as she felt herself on the verge of another orgasm, Bucky’s pace relentless as he savored the way she felt so snug around his cock.
“Fuck, you’re killing me, doll.”
He wanted nothing but to fuck the soul out of her, such pleasant sounds rolling off her tongue. It was a matter of seconds before he swung both legs over his bike, not leaving her body at any point, before hoisting both legs around his torso, hips snapping into hers as if his life depended on it. She yelped, his tip grazing at her cervix. For a moment, she saw stars, vision going blurry as he fucked her into oblivion, another release washing over her.
He slowed down a second, picking his pace back up until he was close. At that point, she was hardly even conscious, walls flexing around him with his nails creating crescent-like welts on her thighs. Her legs clung onto his waist, his hips coming to a halt before spurts of cum filled her. She finally opened her eyes when he’d pulled out of her, shivering at the feeling of his cum trickling out of her.
Bucky ventured off for some water and tissues, anything for a quick fix until they got back to the compound. The flashing of red and blue lights fully alerted her now, the siren growing louder as it approached the station. She looked up at Bucky who was walking out of the gas station with a bottle of water and a box of tissues, scrambling to her feet.
“Easy there, doll. I don’t want you passing out on me now.”
“Buck, we need to leave now.”
The sudden urgency in her tone drew a look of worry on Bucky’s face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, stopping once they faced directly towards one another. “Did I do so-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” she assured him, pecking his lips quickly. “But, I’m afraid that someone reported us to the cops.”
They drove right up the curb, pulling up next to a pump.
“But we didn’t-”
“Public nudity, Buck.”
“We weren’t even naked!”
“To be fair, your dick was out, sweetheart. Not to mention, you did fuck me in the center of a gas station.”
He looked over his shoulder, the eyes of two middle-aged officers stuck on him. As they made their way over to the pair, Y/N hopped onto his bike, Bucky hot on her tail before tapping her thigh.
“Show me how you ride, princess.”
Taglist: @ronbrokemyheart @quxxnxfhxll @eunoia-kth @siriuslyslyslytherin @dracomalfoys-wh0re @rudypankowisdaddy @tenaciousperfectionunknown @i-love-scott-mccall - join here!
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
I'm just thinking about what you've said in the past about Zuko's morals in The Southern Raiders and what bugs me the most is that Zuko could have easily been Yon Rha. Yon Rha's big sin, as far as Zuko knows when he makes his proposal (before Katara tells him the whole story), was raiding the Southern Water Tribe in a manner which lead to someone's death, and Zuko raided both Kyoshi Island and the Southern Water Tribe. Zuko would be an acceptable target for vengeance under his own standards.
:'D very fair point of view, Anon. I've always focused on another angle with this particular problem, namely the fact that Zuko's traumatic Agni Kai happens because he was trying to defend soldiers from being used as bait, slain in battle as though their lives were meaningless... and then he's offering Katara his assistance with killing a soldier if that's the only way to become her friend. There's such a profound incompatibility between both ideas, such a massive rift in reasoning, that I can't help but wonder if Ozai, intentionally or not, actually taught Zuko through their Agni Kai that the lives of their people aren't worth anything after all.
In general, that episode's plot is just... very questionable. I understand these kids are jaded, they've seen pleeenty of ugly stuff and even done some ugly stuff themselves, but the core of the problem with Zuko, back in the day, was that his violent pursuit of the Avatar caused lots of trouble and nobody liked him because he was being a selfish ass who wanted to fulfill the Fire Lord's orders at all costs :'D so... as blind as Katara may be over anything to do with Kya, it baffles me that neither Sokka nor Aang would step up to tell Zuko that this sort of ridiculous reasoning, impulsive behavior and willingness to resort to violence is EXACTLY what made him an asshole during the months he chased them, and that changing sides without changing those violent impulses doesn't amount to jackshit. I'd honestly prefer it if Katara were the one to tell him as much, because then she'd have the bonus of telling Zuko: "That's funny, because this sort of BS is precisely why I can't trust you!" and Zuko would be at an even bigger loss than before :'D but of course, when emotions are involved, Katara loses sight of reality and common sense, it's true...
Looking at it the way you do, just imagine if Yon Rha had told Katara "Oh. Sorry. Nice to see you again!" the way Zuko does with Suki :'D I'm pretty sure she would've actually killed the guy without even hesitating.
It's not to say that Zuko has objectively murdered anyone with the particular cruelty Yon Rha killed Kya: as far as we know, he didn't. We do know, however, that he's imprisoned people in nightmarish conditions (something even his sister cannot be said to have done), as he does in LOK, conditions bad enough that one of those prisoners (who, arguably, wasn't in the worst of conditions) said he'd rather die than return to that imprisonment. So, however "deserved" the Red Lotus's imprisonment might have been, dehydrating a waterbender and freezing a firebender for well over a decade sounds like one hell of an act of cruelty, which says he's perfectly capable of cruelty, all the same as Yon Rha was, and Zuko can't even say he's following someone's orders: he's the one who chooses to do this, plain and simple. So cruelty is NOT beyond Zuko. He can be harsh and nasty whenever it suits him. Despite what he'd have the audience believe, he isn't truly the poster child of peace and kindness :')
As you've said, Zuko caused lots of damage with his careless actions back in Book 1, actions that could have certainly cost lives if this show had been written to be grittier and darker than it was.
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As a careless, casual example, here's the typical, boring old trope of "there's a kid in danger and the hero swoops in to save them!" (and there's poor Sokka on the background too ;_;). That ship just comes into shore, breaks all the ice it cares to, and it could have cost at least the two lives of those in the scene here (and who knows how many more that we aren't seeing). Is this not the same as attacking someone deliberately, with killer intent? Sure, it's not, but the ultimate outcome would be the same: someone's died, and it's your fault. And if you're a good person, you would feel bad about it. In fact, you might not even be able to think of yourself as a good person if anyone's death can be pinned on you.
Again, we don't know for sure that his actions cost any lives, but that they could have speaks for itself. That he was once part of the Fire Nation killer machine, that he was a tool to his father (even if not one he particularly cared for), should have made him all the more willing to understand that soldiers are as brainwashed as he was. No, this isn't to defend Yon Rha by any means, he was indeed a piece of shit... but Zuko doesn't even wait to meet him to confirm this. He's ready to help Katara kill a guy who, for all he knows, could have spent his whole life repenting for his actions (yes, we know that's not the case, but if the show had wanted to give us more nuance in the Fire Nation army, it could have been). Zuko doesn't even hesitate, and he even eggs on Katara until she finally decides she's not going to do it -- then he proceeds to badger Aang non-stop about how he MUST kill Ozai, funny how that goes. Which allows the interpretation that Zuko didn't learn anything at all from the Southern Raiders adventure.
In the end, if Zuko's actions cost any lives whatsoever (like, I don't know, maybe lives of the people whose food he stole in the Earth Kingdom (: what, me still being salty about this in the year of 2021? Noooo waaaaay...), you're quite right to say that it'd be fine, as far as his own philosophies are concerned, for Zuko to be executed by the injured party. It'd only be fair, right? Yet I guess that's the beauty of Zuko being Zuko: fairness isn't part of it. Justice? I don't think he's actually familiar with the concept. His sister made lots of mistakes, same as he did, but has he attempted to help her find her way, same as he was helped? Has he given her another chance? The answer is nope. Chit Sang is a convicted murderer who claims he didn't do the crime he was put in jail for: Zuko doesn't even bother asking any questions about who he is, or trying to get to the bottom of this problem. He's fine with getting the guy out of prison without first confirming whether his story checks out or not. Even back in The Blue Spirit, when he was "under" Ozai's thumb, and Ozai's priorities should have been his own, he decides that it's more important for him to capture Aang himself, and somehow the show spins that situation into "hey, Zuko's not that bad :>" when... everyone knows he's not setting him free out of any selflessness on his part, in fact, it's the entire opposite.
So yeah, more sketchy Zuko things that remain unresolved, unaddressed and go ignored all the time. Again, things that don't make much sense with the character he's supposed to be. And as usual, it's stuff we're supposed to shrug off or make a thousand excuses for in order to always find a way to see Zuko as a perfectly good person, when, as I've said before, being good takes efforts Zuko often didn't bother making, not before his "change of heart", not afterwards either.
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shslpunkartist · 2 years
This is so so random, but I HAD to write something after a particular part in Persona 5 Strikers. Hope you don't mind!
Summary: Sophia confronts Ryuji on his reaction to the voice from before
**(SPOILERS FOR JAIL 4 (and vague Jail 3))**
"An AI like you should not exist. You are bugged beyond worth. Such an existence does not merit any further inquire. Wholly worthless."
The battle against the fourth warden ended almost as quickly as it began, thanks to the strength and support shared between the Phantom Thieves. With the materialized Desires free and back to their rightful owners, it was only right to return back to the real world to see if the locals were back to normal.
And yet.. those words that were told to Sophie still lingered in her mind. Perhaps it would be smart to delete that memory from her database, but.. the moment that had happened afterwards? That seemed to linger just as much, but it wasn't a negative one. She had already expressed her gratitude to the others, but for that moment to continue to replay in her head, over and over..
The blonde thug paused in his step when his codename was called, looking over to the AI, who was shy behind him. "Yeah? What's up?" He asked. "Are you still thinkin' about what happened earlier?"
"Huh? Are you a mindreader?" Sophie tilted her head in awe from how Skull was able to figure out exactly what she was thinking.
"Huh?? No, no! I just.. figured, y'know?" He scratched his head and cleared his throat to hide his slight embarrassment. At least she didn't lose that innocent lil charm of hers. "Look, don't believe what that shithead voice told you. It was nothing but lies from somebody who doesn't know a great person even if it smacked them in the face.. which, by the way, we smacked 'em good, didn't we~?" Skull perked up at that, clearly proud of their victory over that piece of shit warden.
"Yes, you're right.. but there's something else on my mind." Sophie fiddled with the poof on her sleeves as she collected her thoughts properly. What would be the best way to ask this..?
"Hm? What is it, then?"
"Well.. it's about you."
"Yes. We may not have been friends for a long time, but from what I've gathered about you, you yell a lot. Whether it be to a Monarch, to strangers on the street, or even your friends. You are a very loud person."
Skull's head drooped. Geez, what a callout.
"But.." Sophie continued, "when you yelled at the voice back there.. it was different. You were angry, very much so. I think that's the angerist I've ever seen you. Your voice volume was higher than normal, and you were cursing so much more.
"I wonder.. why is that?"
Skull blinked after hearing Sophie's question, clearly stunned. Thinking back on it now, however, this really may have been the angrist he had been this entire adventure. For sure, the monarchs and the people that created their traumas pissed him off, and there have been times where he was angry BEYOND belief way before this last month, but.. it was true: he hadn't yelled like that in front of Sophie before. "Well, 'cause.." Skull shrugged, trying to think of his own way to phrase his thoughts well. "I just.. hate people that are like that, y'know? People who think they're so high 'n mighty, who think they can just say whatever they want about people they don't know jackshit about.. it's so annoying to have some piece of shit act like their words are fact, when it's all baseless insults and.. just bullshit!" God, just thinking about it was getting Skull all riled up again; he had to look at Sophie's surprised expression to force himself to calm down again. "I.. shit, sorry. I've seen people in ugly colors these past few years, so hearing someone disrespect my friends, or to people that don't deserve that bullcrap? I just wanna punch 'em until they get it."
"Have.. people really disrespected the other Phantom Thieves?"
".. yeah. A shit ton of 'em."
"Have those people disrespected you too?"
"I see.."
".. don't listen to them, Ryuji."
The sound of his real name surprised him, but it was the sudden hold of his hand that got him to jump. "You are a very good person." Sophie continued. "You are a strong person who fights for AND protects your friends. You have such passion for food, fun, and everyone's happiness. You work hard to bring justice to others, too. All of you are amazing people-.. no, amazing friends!
"So please don't believe that you are worthless, either! You're a very important friend to the Phantom Thieves, and to me as well!"
"... heh.."
A rough hand reached around the back of the AI's head and pulled her closer to the thug, embracing her in what felt like a weak hug. "Don't worry," Ryuji said, "I don't believe those kinda people. Not anymore. I got you guys to keep me goin'. It's only fair I do the same."
Sophie stared blankly at nothing when being hugged like this, unsure what to feel or how to respond. This is what people would call a hug, right? She has seen others do it, like how Haru and Mariko did in their last mission, but.. she had never experienced one for herself. ..perhaps she should replicate it?
Sophie lifted her arms up, and wrapped them around Ryuji's waist. He didn't seem to push back; if anything, he seemed to hold her closer. His clothing felt a little rough, but it felt.. warm. She felt warm.
".. strange.. I am an AI, but I feel like crying.. even though I also feel happiness.."
Ryuji chuckled at her confusion, petting her head as a sign of reassurance. "That's fine. That's how emotions work. Weird, huh?"
"Yes, very. But I like it. I like learning about emotions. And.." she looked up at the taller male, smiling, "I like feeling happy."
"Heh, good. We'll try to help you experience happiness more often. It's a promise."
"A promise? .. hehe, yes, a promise!"
An AI that has no purpose.. tch, what bullshit. She's already got a purpose: being true to herself, and being our friend..
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
I love how people will defend crwby when they give jackshit about rep and their fans. Like with clover (i know they didnt make it official but just look at eddies stupid tweet). They fucked up, it was queerbaiting, so the best course of action is to imply that harriet had feelings for clover and bad mouth the dead man. They could have just say "everyone of us was acting stupid and he died" nooo clover wouldnt leave qrow alone and robyn says later that clover is the lesser huntsmen. They could just say "hey clover was like a brother to harriet, she was his second in command, this hurts her very much" nooo clover was important for harriet, you know important. How does that even fit? They didnt have the balls to stand to their mistake and write about it, so they just twisted and turned so they could ignore what they wrote the last volume. Brilliant (and yes i will forever be bitter that qrow doesnt take responsibility for causing clovers death and just whines about his semblance)
Honestly, the way that Qrow/Clover was handled is a big blight on the company in my opinion. There's a great blog called @fairgame-was-queerbait where you can see lots of information about why Clover and Qrow was one hundred percent queerbaiting, and people are right to be mad about it.
The way that the writers really spent their time pointing fingers instead of actually admitting that they messed up... And the way that members of the fandom have been refusing to recognize it as queerbaiting, BYG, or problematic has also been staggering. This was something that deeply hurt LGBTQ+ RWBY fans, especially mlm that weren't otherwise represented. Eddy Rivas has apologized for the hurt fans went through, but not in a way that recognized that the hurt had been a direct result of their actions. And whether that action was directly intentionally contributing as a writer or just not checking the animation and marketing or letting the show go as is despite seeing it and knowing how it'd be taken, or never telling people not to get their hopes up and that the ship was not intended despite knowing that it was quickly becoming one of the more popular RWBY ships is besides the point.
Fans have been quick to say that obviously FG was unintentional and that Clover couldn't have been meant to be read as gay because "the writers would never do that," while ignoring Miles Luna's discussions regarding Pilot Boi. He had been told about how Bury Your Gays was a very harmful trope and therefore decided not to include Pilot Boi being gay, but then 'was kicking himself' over not doing it anyway because Pilot Boi was popular. The fact that these fans are so delusional to believe that the writers would never do something, when they literally expressed that they wished they'd done it. Why is it so hard to believe that the writers would cross that line with Clover when one of them openly regretted not crossing that line earlier?
(Although as a side note, I wouldn't necessarily go so far as to say that Qrow 'caused' the death of Clover. Everybody lost braincells there in that fight and he definitely wasn't without sin and I for sure think he ought to have been guilty and taken responsibility for having broken Clover's aura, plus letting the blame fall to the guy who was literally fecking murdered was terrible. But Qrow didn't cause Tyrian to kill Clover, and he didn't cause Robyn to start up the fight in the first place when he and Clover were both being fairly peaceable at first.)
But! The way that RWBY said 'let's drag Clover after his death, imply things about his character that we never showed to be true, and have Robyn of all people say Qrow's just better than him.' Also, if Qrow really freaking cared about Clover in the show enough to keep that pin (that by all rights should've gone to the Ace Ops,) maybe he could tell Robyn to keep Clover's name out of her thin mouth, and be actually angry that she started the whole damn fight in the fricking first place. Honestly, I didn't like Clover at first and I don't ship Fair Game, but God almighty, the frustration I've felt watching the fandom start harassing people who liked him or the people that are mad about queerbaiting... Now I do like the idea of Clover and enjoy writing for him, and it's actually because of all the haters. So congrats to the RWBY simps, they've turned me into a Clover fan.
And if Qrow ends up with Robyn, I will... Post angrily about it. Using caps lock. After I finish vomiting over having to see it.
Here's the link to fairgame-was-queerbait again, I'd recommend anyone who wants to see the tweets and the screenshots check it out, I was so glad to find their blog and be able to see all this stuff for myself. It's honestly staggering that people are denying that there was queerbaiting, and saying that fans just 'invented this ship in their heads' or have no right to be upset. BTW, nobody better try that invalidating stuff in my comments. I'll block on sight.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Can we get some content for how the Android darling and Ms. Bright would meet?
In this [🍰🍑🤖] we get a glimpse of what their relationship is like and a lil mention of how things have worked out- But let's see how it played out from the a.is perspective.
Hi boo, I hope you're doing great, I'm very sorry for the long ass waiting- Sadly I may warn y'all that I have gone through many stages while writing this: h 0 r ny, corny, and angsty. This is actually pretty heavy, as I tried pulling some of the loose threads that I left all over Ingrid's posts (I still need to give her an bio ;-; I'm sorry y'all-)
So this is all over the place, since this is a fic I've been writing for a long time.
Also I know jackshit about robotics, and I think this fic shows how much I don't know anything XD
TW: Family issues related to: LGBTQ identity // very angsty // Ingrid is very rude, but she also struggles a lot during this- // socially distant // socially awkward // being misinterpreted/having a hard time socializing //
Tags: angy sad lady // ownership dynamic // this is basically the reader reminiscing about the past (continuing it from where Happy Lies left off) // the reader is low-key a simp at times- // master x servant dynamic, possessive behavior and a lot of yelling // just angsty really, I'm so sorry //
Happy birthday, mistress [Yandere!CEO OC x A.I!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
3,763 words
Whenever you remember your first day of activation, or more accurately your first day of actually being able to be activated for more than five seconds (you can't remember it fully, but you're aware that because of your complex design, you had passed through a lot of prototype phases before you could properly function-), you almost feel an odd sense of nostalgia, maybe due to the fact it was indeed the most important day of your existence as an android.
It was Ms.Bright's nineteenth birthday, when she would be handed the corporation that has been passed down by generations. And not only would she inherit the company, but also a beautifully designed a.i assistant made to help Ms.Bright's every need. You were made to be an easy communication center from Ms.Bright to the employees, as Ms.Bright's had a hard time communicating with people and expressing herself.
At first, she didn't seem to enjoy the idea very much- It was clear that she considered you to be quite annoying and useless. And- Well- It did hurt at first, after all, you were built to help her and be her friend no matter what.
So hearing her be mean towards you was… Very tough at first. Your first day as her assistant wasn't easy, you ended up getting in her way most of the time- And since she also didn't know exactly what she was doing, she got overwhelmed by so many things going down in one single day.
Ingrid has always dreamed of being in power of the company- Actually, now that you know her a little more- You can positively say she was probably just stressed at having to deal with so many responsibilities so suddenly, even if it has been her lifelong wish to inherit the company.
And even if it seems impossible at times, she would still come back strong and find a way to deal with it. That's something you really admire about her.
Your first week on the job was basically just trying to get accustomed and trying to learn everything you needed to do- While also trying to understand Ms.Bright as best as you could. Now… You weren't built to say this- And- And of course you don't think like this anymore, but…. You used to think she was really mean.
Frightening, even.
Now that you're all alone waiting for her to get back from work, you can't help but feel like replaying those moments inside your head.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000050: "My second day at work"...}"
" Oh, what are you doing here?"
" Morning Ms.Bright! I-I was rechecking the files from yesterday and I was trying my best to reorganize them, a-after the incident-"
" The "incident" that you caused yesterday?"
" Well, yes, of course! I wanted to fix things up before you came back, I'm really sorry for being so reckless, I promise I won't do it again, I was just-"
"It 's fine. You don't need to worry about it."
" But… But I thought-"
" The files you had messed with weren't really all that important, and besides I'm sure there are copies all around the place. Sigh, who am I kidding- In reality, I should be the one apologizing for my behavior yesterday."
" I recognize that I shouldn't have treated you the way that I did, in a sense it's my fault you lost those files in the first place."
" … Well, it's nothing really mistress, I'm the one who should-"
" No, don't even finish it. You shouldn't have to apologize and shouldn't have spent the night wasting your battery on this-"
".... You know what, do whatever- I sometimes forget that you are… Nevermind, come back to my office as soon as you can."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.000.050… }"
You never knew what she was going to say, but you remember not being able to ask her that- As you were afraid of her potentially getting mad at you for asking too many questions. She always seemed so ruthless at times.
You remember the time you went to a family event with her, a family party, where an incident happened and she was absolutely livid. Your relationship with her wasn't so pretty at the time, you don't know why but- Your mistress didn't seem to trust you as much as you wish she did at the time.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000.001.588: "First party ever- And it was very unpleasant" ...}"
" What's the matter with you?! Why can't you follow simple instructions- I told you to stay here and not mess around."
" I'm. So. Sorry. Mistress-"
" Even your vocal module is broken- Who told you to enter that pool in the first place?? You can't tell me you did something so stupid all on your own."
" I. Slipped.-"
" Am I a joke to you? I've said tell me who gave you the order to jump in the goddamn pool while everyone else was inside- Don't you dare start lying to me."
" … One of the. Party guests. Lost something. Inside the water. I tried helping them. But I started to. Malfunction."
" … Sigh, okay. Continue."
" It wasn't. Their fault. I did it. On my own. I was just- Trying. To help."
" By throwing yourself inside a pool when you're well aware of the damage the water can cause to your inner systems?!"
" I'm sorry!"
" You could have- No, you SHOULD have called someone else to help you, I can't believe it- You could have drowned in there and I wouldn't even be aware of that since I was inside the house, [Y/n]!"
" …. But Ms.Bright. I can't drown-"
" Yeah, yeah- I know you-... I know you can't drown."
" … Listen, you could have still gotten yourself hurt okay? You could have permanently damaged your systems, and if I wasn't made aware of what happened, I wouldn't have been able to take you out of the water in time, okay?"
"... Sigh, I just realized how much I have been yelling, everyone is probably scared now that I've made such a scandal. This… Isn't really a new thing to me, I'm accustomed to ruining parties like this. I'll have to apologise later to everyone. [Y/n], please just- When I ask you to stay still, please listen to me. I was worried about you."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.001.588 ...}"
You can't deny it- Whenever she was truly irritated she could make any person next to her feel threatened, though the more you look at your recordings, you feel like she doesn't really want to be feared like this. Respected? Absolutely. Feared? Not ideal, but she takes it anyway.
You have a couple of different recordings here and there, your memories are separated into sections. You have recordings of events in several formats: pictures, videos, texts and audio recordings. Though the one you use the most is audio recordings, since videos take a very big space inside your mind, and pictures need context, otherwise they wouldn't be considered memories, right?
You can't have many memories at a time because most of your mind is supposed to be used to store the company's files, so you do have a couple of memories that you have deleted to make space for the Bright Vision's more secret/personal documents. Since Ingrid took you home yesterday, and said you won't be going to work for the company anymore, then maybe you can find somewhere else to store those files so you can make space for new memories with Ms.Bright.
First, you'll need to recheck some of your own memories to see if they're worth holding onto. There is probably a lot of junk in there that you won't be needing anymore, which can be a bit tedious and take some time, but you clearly have enough time on your hands to do so, considering how she is not home and- Well, you're pretty bored, you already done everything that she asked you to do.
Honestly, she gave such small tasks today, she probably didn't plan to change your work environment so suddenly.
After about an hour of research through your data you have realized that even if you have way too many files, it's kinda hard to delete them. At first you didn't mind the idea of deleting certain stuff, but now it feels a bit sad to erase parts of your memory, you just had so many good times and- And even the bad times are worth remembering, right?
It has been an hour of you just standing there, trying your best to not delete anything important while also revising each recording you have. Most files are a bit out of order, numerically speaking, but you don't mind that too much cause- Well, you can always reorganize them later.
… You never actually do that, but you like to think that one day you will, though.
After so many recordings of conversations, you found one who didn't seem to really belong in your head. You see, you always title every single thing inside your personal archives so that it doesn't get mixed with other files- All of your memories have a specific title so that you can have an idea of which is which.
The thing is- You don't remember this file, the title seems off, and it seems like it's incomplete. Oddly broken. Still, you decided to take a listen and try to remember what happened in this event.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000.068.xxx: "I yell too much" ...}"
This is a very silent audio, there seems to be some background noise happening, but you can't make out what's happening. This audio sounds distorted, edited maybe. Someone tried messing with your memories but they weren't able to completely erase this file.
Maybe they were inexperienced at the time.
You think you heard something, it sounded closer to you- It sounded like someone possibly sitting down next to you. You don't know who it is, or what it is
".... I'm such a mess. Why am I doing this? Why does this feels so-"
It seems like someone is speaking, but you're not speaking back. Even in this heavily edited audio, you can still make out what sounds to be a feminine voice.
".... I'm sorry for, well, using you this way. It feels- So, so weird."
".... I just want… No, I need to vent to you for a while, even if you won't remember what I'm going to say."
This audio gives you an odd sensation. You think you're starting to recognize who this is- But then again, who else could it be, if not Ms.Bright herself?
" I never did this before, with something so- Human like- With something so human looking. I used to record my thoughts on my phone but I thought I would never need to vent with an object before- But here I am! Making a fool of myself…"
The speaker, who you assume to be Ingrid, seems to be having a lot of trouble speaking, her voice is cracking and her breathing seems uneven. She sounds out of breath, and she takes a lot of pauses to be able to speak her mind.
".... I have…. Thought about opening myself in this way because- Because I have no one else to listen to it, and I guess I can only blame myself for it. I know I'm difficult, I know I'm rude and I know I come across as a tyrant to everyone else- I- I really don't know what 's wrong with me, okay?!"
" Years, and years, and years of training, of studying, of planning to become the very next owner of this corporation as it's already not only a job but also a very painful family tradition that I felt proud of! That I gave everything that I could to be part of! I remember wanting this so bad, I remember how I used to daydream about this stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid tradition when I was a little kid who just wanted to do more, to be more!"
".… I almost lost all of this. 19 years of my life that were threatened to be thrown in the trash just because I- Because I'm not his son??! Because I- I'm not his only "son" anymore??.... Who said I ever was- Who said I ever was his son…?"
".... I- I know all about the stupid, awful and extremely unnecessary tradition of passing the leadership from father to son, and to this very day- inside the same office all of my predecessors had went through- I still think that tradition is garbage. I always thought I wouldn't make it here, I always thought something would stop me from being the next face of Bright Vision."
".... I can't tell- If I always knew about this- I can't even imagine how I knew this considering the dumb kid that I was, but…"
".... I'm his daughter. I'm Mr.Bright's only daughter, and the only possible heir to this twisted company."
" The people outside think our only focus it's on robotics and technology of all kinds. I wish I could go back to thinking that too, it would have been so much simpler that way."
" After a very long fight about my rights as the heir to this- Company. My father thought it would be wise to move to the countryside. Far away from all of this. And to be fair, I was- So, so mad at him that I thought that him moving away from here and letting me be would be better, but every now and then I- I miss him. I miss him so much…."
"He sent me a birthday present today. After three years of absolute silence he sends me flowers and- And a gift card containing his number… And I- Called him despite everything, and even so to this day he can't even say my name- IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS AFTER HE LEFT ME ALL ALONE WITH THIS CURSED BUSINESS AND HE STILL CAN'T FUCKING. SAY. MY. NAME."
You felt scared at the sudden yelling, even if her voice was progressively getting more aggressive and louder, you still got caught up by the sudden yelling.
".... I'm- A mess- I know that now."
You can't understand what's going on, but it sounds like she started laughing… Or maybe crying? Probably both.
".... I'm just terrible at this. I always was, weren't I? I'm just terrible at these types of interactions- Maybe all of them! I just don't understand how to- How to do it?? I don't know anymore…."
".... That's why I have you, in the first place, isn't it?"
" I had such an awful time expressing myself that they gave me an overpriced doll to do it for me. When I first heard about this three years ago, I- I've felt so fucking pitiful."
" Can you imagine it? The CEO of such a big corporation is so difficult to deal with that she needs an overly glorified doll that can translate her words to the other employees! An a.i created just to help me, an absolute idiot!"
".... I've felt so angry at them- I felt so angry at him for having to build a robot just to be a comfort pet to the stressful work that I would have to do for the rest of my position as owner of Bright Vision Corp, and I was mad at you! You pissed me off to no end, and I- I just couldn't help but be frustrated at you, not for being in my way, but for being an reminder that I'm awful at this-"
Her sobs stopped her from continuing that sentence.
".... I've treated you so unfairly because of this. I- I made sure that whenever you looked at me you would feel terrified of me because that's the only way I thought I could be respected, that's the only way I thought you would listen to me, and yet you never did…. You weren't built to follow my every order perfectly, you were made to be literally my only friend, after 22 years, here you are- The only person that can get me isn't even an actual person-"
"..... And I forget this…! I forget this every time I look at your eyes, I forget how robotic you are whenever I see you helping others not because you were told to, but just because you thought you could."
".... I always forget that you're supposed to be just another robot… He really did think about everything when designing you."
".... I always catch myself being awful towards you, being- Being excessively rude, not because of my way of talking but because of my own petty feelings towards you as my assistant… As my friend, as my android, as my-"
"..... I'm so sorry for being like this, you don't deserve to have someone who is constantly being mean towards you be considered your boss- Your boss, your friend- ...Sigh, even your owner…"
" I'm sorry [Y/n], I'm really, really sorry- But it doesn't matter how many times I say that- I don't know if I can ever make it up to you. Words won't heal any wounds, they never did."
".... But maybe actions will."
" I'll stop being so harsh on you, you really don't deserve this- I was feeling weird about using your recording system to vent like this, but now that I think about it I have been using you as a venting mechanism since the day we met……. I'm- I'm so goddamn awful."
" "How can someone so in love be so cruel?".... Would you be able to answer me if you were conscious?.... I don't think you would, no one has been able to tell me the right answer yet."
".... I hope I can be better- I will be better."
" I just need to remember how to delete this file before you wake up- I hope I can do that. End recording."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.068.xxx …}
It took you about an hour or so to be able to process what you have just listened to. And even then, you weren't able to fully comprehend what happened.
Ms.Bright- No, Ingrid- Ingrid has used your recording system while you were out, she probably tried deleting the file but because she was inexperienced with your kind of technology, she decided to just edit it and try to make it unlistenable.
It was- Barely audible but you still got to understand some of it.
Did she- Did she forget to completely erase it? Did she forget entirely??? You're not sure.
You don't know why but a sudden wave of- Something- Something feels so odd about this-
You don't know how to respond really. You don't feel mad about her ranting to you, you don't even feel bad about her ranting to you while you weren't aware- You feel bad, but not because of her but because of the emotional turmoil she has been hiding from you.
Should you do something? Should you say something?? How do you even- You don't know how respond to this-
You're programmed to comfort her, yet- This file is already old, and she didn't want you to remember this so maybe it won't be the best idea to bring it up, but what can you do??!
Maybe you just need to rethink this through, maybe you should listen to audio again, and try to figure out what's the best way to help her out when she comes back.
You're honestly baffled at the idea that someone like her had so much to confess to- You probably shouldn't have seen her as an unstoppable goddess in the first place, but then again- Even after hearing her open herself, even after listening to her insecurities- Your opinion of her hasn't changed.
She was holding this for so long, no wonder she always seems on edge.
She 's only human. Yet you never really saw her as just that.
She was always so much larger than you, so much stronger than what your fabricated body was, and she always sounded so much smarter and- And she was just always so… Terrifyingly beautiful to you.
Ingrid Bright was always considered a very good looking individual, but no one ever considered her to be much else because of her way of speaking to others (which may sound rude and occasionally condescending, causing others to avoid her as much as they could), but you always thought she was so much more than that-
It's hard to even explain it really, ever since you met you have started to understand the concept of how beauty and fear can mix together, you find her to be so beautiful, yet her demeanor and stature makes you feel afraid of her for some reason- And even worse than that, the fear she may unconsciously bring you makes her seem more beautiful in your eyes.
You shouldn't think of her as scary or frightening, she is your boss, your master and your owner, there is no reason for why you should feel this way towards her- But then again, there is no reason for you to even feel in the first place, you were just built to do so.
You don't think she means harm to anyone, after getting to know her you realize why her behavior can be misinterpreted as mean and scary- Ms.Bright always had a hard time socializing with others, even her family had a hard time understanding her, so maybe that's why she grew to have such a tough exterior.
As someone that was built to make the communication between CEO and employees easier, you've had to learn to understand her to be able to help others understand her as well, and vice versa. It wasn't easy, and you wouldn't say that you know her completely well- But you feel proud of the work you have done so far, you're her loyal companion but more importantly a friend.
Funny how much you learned not only about her, the employees, or even the business of the company- But also about humans in general in these five years of working for her, it makes you feel more whole when you remember how much you have achieved.
You hope you can somehow help her right now, and to help her from here on out. You decide to wait for her and possibly talk about how she feels and how she deals with said feelings. Hopefully all ends well.
Sorry for the loose ending! I was feeling very tired ;-; but if anyone wants it I could totally make a second chapter with a better ending.
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I am so very sick and tired of the toxicity that’s been poisoning the snk fandom as of the last couple years. I gave myself time to digest the ending and my feelings on it, before embarking in a journey to debunk many misconceptions and critiques I’ve seen floating in the fandom.
By the way, by no means I think this ending is perfect. I think this is textbook execution by Isayama to tie together every loose end left behind in an orderly manner, and I think that it was a bit rushed and oversimplified. I would’ve wanted more of Eren and Armin’s conversation, more of the squad realizing what his true goal had been, and some narrative choices I don’t 100% agree with. But still, what I saw in other fans’ critiques post 139 frankly appalled me, so I feel the need to make this. Also, this obviously are my own interpretations, I am not Isayama himself lol
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“Ew, so Eren did pull a Lelouch after all”
No, Eren did not pull a Lelouch. While his action and the final result may seem similar, I find very different nuances between the two. Lelouch wanted for the whole world to be united in fighting against him, and thus he made himself the world’s greatest enemy. His will to turn himself into a monster was selfless. Eren didn’t give a damn about the world, he had no noble intentions whatsoever. He said it in chapter 122, his goal was to protect Paradis and, more specifically, his closest friends. He turned himself into a monster, killed 80% of human population, and endangered the lives of those very friends he wanted to protect, so that by stopping him, those friends could be safe. Eren had no intentions to break out of the cycle of hatred or unite the world against himself, he just wanted to give his friends a chance to survive, and that is not selfless, it’s selfish. Eren’s goal was incredibly selfish, and biased, and driven by his feelings instead of rationality. Nothing like Lelouch!
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Now this, this I myself am not the greatest fan of. I feel like it makes that great scene in chapter 122 loose a bit of its strength, Ymir obeying the king for 2000 years just because she loved him. Honestly, I always thought there was a bit of Stockholm Syndrome going on, but I didn’t think it would be the only reason. However, like it or not, it’s undeniable that it makes perfect sense in the narrative that aot has always strived to tell. Love has been a theme strongly woven in the story, and it also draws a great parallel between Karl Fritz/Ymir and Eren/Mikasa. Ymir was a slave to her love for King Fritz, just like Mikasa was a slave to her love for Eren, in that she struggled to accept reality until the very end despite the atrocities that Eren committed. Ymir stayed bound by her love for King Fritz, until she saw Mikasa break from her own poisoned love, aknwoledge it, and kill Eren despite of it, or maybe because of it. Only Ymir knows that one, heh. But the point is, Mikasa showed Ymir that she could break free of a toxic love, she was that someone that Ymir had been waiting for to finally free her of her burden.
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“What? But that makes no sense!”
Now, on my first read, I simply thought that Eren had ordered Dina to avoid eating Berthold, and that he had made her walk down that road unaware that his mother was trapped (because we know that the Attack Titan’s future memories aren’t infallible, there are still gaps), killing her indirectly. I’ve since then read some theories stating that Eren willingly killed his own mum in orther to give kid himself a reason to feel enough hatred to kickstart the whole story. Honestly, I like this version maybe more! But let me explain to you why this is not a plothole, like many people think. In this same chapter, we have Eren explaining how the Founder’s power works in synergy with the Attack’s: “There’s no past or future, they all exist at once”. This means that time travel in aot doesn’t work in a manner where Eren extracts himself from time and space, and from a separate realm he operates on the past. The way I understood it, the mechanics works kind of like Tokyo Revengers’ time travel. MInd you, I only watched episode one, so my understanding might be jackshit.
Spoilers for Tokyo Revengers’ episode one. In the show, the main character loses consciousness and finds himself reliving his past. He interacts with someone in this “new” past, and when he wakes up again in the present, past events had been over-written by the changes he made. I think this is how aot timetravel works, with the exception that, since past and future (and present, of course) all happen at once, side by side, there is no old past to be rewritten, neither a future to return to, and present Eren wouldn’t be aware of the changes that his future self would make. It creates sort of a time paradox, yes, in the sense that there’s a loop where present Eren’s mom has been eaten because future Eren, in the future, operated on the past by causing past Eren’s mom to be eaten, but all these Erens are one and the same, as all timelines exist at once.
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“Boo-hoo they ruined Eren’s character, he’s such a wimp!”
I have to confess (isn’t this appalling, that this is a thing that I have to confess, what the actual fuck), I am an Eren stan. I absolutely do not consider myself a Jaegerist, I think Eren’s option was better than Zeke’s, yes, but it was morally wrong and awful and he absolutely was not only in the wrong, but also if he wasn’t dead I’d want him to be punished for his crimes. I didn’t particularly enjoy him pre-timeskip, and I started to like him because I found his evolution fascinating. I wanted to understand his motives, what was going on in his head, he was a puzzle that I wanted to solve. Maybe because I’m a psychologist, who knows. Anyways, if you’re an Eren stan only because he acted like a chad and now you cry his character was ruined, I’m sorry to say, you never understood him. Eren was not a god, he was not a strategist playing 5d chess with perfect rationality, Eren was the same he has always been. He was a young man spun along by his passions. Eren feels things with burning intensity, he lets himself be driven by his emotions. He almost flattened the world because he was disappointed that he and his friends weren’t the only human beings inhabiting it, for fuck’s sake, he’s always been irrational, selfish, and immature. Of course he doesn’t wanna die, of course he want’s to live with all of them. You really expected a 15 year old hot-headed brat to become Thanos after he suddenly found out he killed his own mum and all his dreams had been crushed? Of course he felt conflicted, of course he suffered, of course he wanted to live, “because he was born in this world”. Honestly, when I read his meltdown, I felt relieved that his character hadn’t been turned on its head, it was heartbreaking to see that he really was the same brat he’d always been, that he’d tried to steel himself to do horrible shit for his friends’ sake and that he felt bad about it! It made me appreciate his character a lot more, I felt nostalgic towards the times when I was irritated by his screaming and pouting. Suffice to say, this is also my answer to all those people that believe his internal monologue to convince himself the Rumbling was what he really wanted were bullshit since he “pulled a Lelouch”. How can it be bullshit? Maybe he planned to be stopped, but he also said that he thought he would’ve still done it if they hadn’t. He also said that killing a majority of the population was something that he wanted to do, not a byproduct of the alliance not stopping him early enough, because with the world’s militaries in shambles Paradis would’ve had time to prepare accordingly. Anyways, of course he needed to convince himself to do this awful thing even if he knew he wasn’t gonna succeed completely, can you imagine how horrible it would be to know your only chance is to kill thousands?
I also maybe think it was because of the spine centipede thingy? When Eren says “I don’t know why I did it, I wanted to, I had to”, he gets this faraway look on his face and we get a zoom in on one of his eyes, which is drawn very interestingly and kinda looks like the Reiss’ eyes when they were bound by the War Renounce Pact? So maybe it was also the centipede’s drive to survive and multiplicate that forced Eren to do the Rumbling so that its life wouldn’t be endangered. I don’t know how much I like this, I feel like it takes some agency away from Eren and also makes it feel like he’s not as responsible for the genocide he committed that we initially though, which mhhh maybe not, let’s have him take full responsibility for this. As I said, I’m not defending Isayama blindly, I do have some issues myself with what went down.
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“What the fuck, did he say thank you for the genocide?”
Guys c’mon, this is like,, reading comprehension. Yes, it was poorly worded and a bit rushed, but by now you should have full context to make an educated guess on the fact that no, he didn’t thank him for committing a genocide what the fuck you guys. Armin started bringing up the idea that maybe they should have Eren eaten because he was doing morally questionable things ever since the Marley Arc, which for manga readers was like what, 2018? Isayama has been showing for three years how not okay Armin was with Eren’s actions, how could it make sense for him to thank him for a genocide? You see some poorly worded stuff, and your first instinct is to ignore eleven years’ worth of consistent characterization to jump to the worst interpretation possible? Let’s go over this sentences and reconstruct what they mean.
“Eren, thank you. You became a mass murdere for our sake. I won’t let this error go to waste”. Armin recognizes that Eren had no other choice, but does not condone it. He clearly calls it an error, which feels like an euphemism but for all we know the japanese original term used could’ve been harsher. Point is, he clearly states he think what Eren did was wrong. But he recognizes that Eren’s awful doing opened up a path for Paradis to break out of the cycle of hatred. Not a certainty, but an opportunity. He thanks Eren for giving them this chance, and promises not to waste it, even if it was born out of an atrocity. He thanks Eren for sacrificing himself for their sake, even if he doesn’t agree with the fruit of his labor, so to speak. He’s thanking Eren for the opportunity that his actions gave them, not for the actions themselves! Where the hell do you read “thank you for the genocide” guys, sheesh. I’m mad at y’all.
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“How could Eren send MIkasa memories if she’s an Ackerman and an Asian, and their memories can’t be manipulated by the Founder? I call plothole!”
Now, here we’re going into speculation territory, so you’ve been warned. I don’t think that that information they gave us was true, about Ackermans being immune to memory manipulation. We know at least that the clan is in some way subject to the Founder’s power, or Mikasa and Levi wouldn’t have been called in the Paths by Eren multiple times. Stories never being entirely true or false, or relativity, better said, has been a strong theme in the story, we know this by Marley’s and Eldia’s different accounts of history compared to the actual Ymir backstory we got. So who’s to say that the belief that Ackermans aren’t manipulable is the truth? Maybe they’re just hard to control, not impossible. We know that by the Founder’s ability Eren experienced past and future happening simultaneously, so he could’ve very well been trying to send those memories into Mikasa’s head ever since the beginning of the story, only just succeeding in chapter 138. It would at least explain Ackerman’s headaches as Eren trying to manipulate their memories and failing. Of course, we’d need Levi side of thing to know for certain, as he had headaches too and we weren’t shown in the chapter if Eren spoke to him in paths like he did with the rest of the squad. We know he didn’t talk to Pieck, but he even went and spoke to Annie who he basically hadn’t seen since Stohess, so I hope he spoke to Levi too. Who knows, maybe he even spoke with Hanji, but she died before she could remember. I wish we were shown that, honestly, I’m sad that it was skipped, especially after Levi said in an earlier chapter that “there was so much he wanted to tell Eren”. Fingers crossed for the anime to expand on it.
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“So Historia’s pregnancy was useless”
What? No, it wasn’t useless! Eren told her to get pregnant to save her life, so that she wouldn’t be turned into the Beast Titan. If she became the Beast Titan, then Eren would’ve had to enact the plan with her instead of Zeke, and yeah, Ymir brought the power of the titans with her, so theoretically Titan Shifter Historia would’ve had her time limit removed, but we saw that the only way for the Alliance to stop the Rumbling was killing Zeke, so Historia would’ve had to die. Useless to say, when Eren talked to her about his plan, she was very vocally against it, so I don’t think she would’ve helped Eren with his plan. It was Zeke or nothing, and the only way for Zeke to keep his titan was for Historia to be unable to be turned, hence the pregnancy. Did y’all read the same thing I read? Anyways, she could’ve definitely been handled better, but she wasn’t necessary to the plot anymore, and her being removed from it in such a way was sad, yes, but it made sense.
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“They massacred Reiner!”
Yeah, can’t really say anything about this. I definitely understand the sentiment behind this scene, which I appreciate. It’s to show that thanks to his Titan being removed and the times of peace approaching, Reiner was finally able to shed the weight he bore on his shoulders and “regress” to his more carefree persona he had when he thought he was a soldier, instead of a warrior. I am very happy for him, and I think it’s a nice conclusion to his arc, that he’s finally happy, but it could’ve been portrayed in a less comic relief-y way. It just sledgehammers all his characterization. Feels surreal that we saw him attempt suicide a couple month ago in the anime and now he’s sniffing Historia’s handwriting.
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Guys, this absolutely sends me. There are people who unironically believe Eren actually reincarnated in a bird? Guys. It makes no sense, it violates every rule that Isayama established for his universe’s power system. How could he even reincarnate in a bird? Guys, c’mon, this is symbolical! Birds have been heavily used in aot to portray freedom, and this is a nice, poetic, symbolic way to show that Eren who lived his whole life chasing freedom and never actually got it, is finally free, like a bird, now that he’s dead. It’s also a pretty explicit nod to Odin, I think. Aot is heavily inspired by Norse Mithology, and I think there were some pretty clear parallels between Eren and Odin/Loki in the later arcs of the story. Eren has been shown to “communicate” through birds like with Falco in chapter 81, or with Armin in chapter 131. Emphasis on “communicate” because again, this is symbolic, I don’t think he actually spoke through the birds, he simply talked to them via paths, but birds are associated with Eren’s character (see also the wings of freedom, y’know?) and the shots were framed so to give the impression that he was talking through the birds, but he wasn’t. Symbolism. Anyway, I really think they were supposed to be a nod to Odin’s crows.
Aaaaand that should be it! Even though I most definitely forgot some other criticism on the chapter, it’s crazy the amount of negativity floating around. Hope I didn’t bore you!
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kob131 · 3 years
Vexed has however decided to speak on Ironwood. ... Guess how that goes.
“Ironwood is such a cartoon villain! Look at how he is framed!”
This would mean a little more than jackshit to me if this was real or at least not coming a RWBY watcher since the latter would be all about manipulative editing and the later I might believe wouldn’t need to be handheld through a basic scene but not only is Ironwood a fictional character in a fictional show where you’re trying to invoke emotions in the audience: The RWBY fandom can’t analyze a scene worth shit unless someone walks on screen and literally explains everything. And Vexed himself is such a manipulatve liar that he’s even LESS trustworthy.
Not to mention I’ve seen footage of Hitler’s speeches and the responses- you can go a few levels deeper in reality itself. Not really that cartoonish to me.
“They thought they made him a villain at the end of Volume 7 but failed miserably!”
A. Judging from the reactions and how Ironwood’s defenders were half made up of people who’d side with anything they think is the opposite of what the writers’ intended- I’d say they did the job perfectly fine.
And B. This is exactly what I was talking about. The fact that someone didn’t roll out a fucking flowchart of his character you immediately started interpreting Ironwood’s downfall as a failure to make him a villain. You literally took basic ambiguity necessary for good writing and twisted it to make things look bad.
You’re the fucking reason why RWBY is blunter than a stoner’s cigarette. 
“They ACCIDENTALLY made him compelling!”
... You do know the commentary you are quoting doesn’t say ‘we tried to make Ironwood not compelling’ in any form right? All they’re saying is ‘we wanted to make Ironwood’s descent into villainy understandable and subtle.’ In fact, the writer’s job is suppose to be about making the villain compelling so they likely INTENDED on it.
... You mixed up ‘compelling’ and ‘sympathetic’ didn’t you? That either means you don’t know what those words mean or you have an incredibly narrow view of villains.
Also I gotta love that ‘Oh, he was only making hard choices and yet he’s a VILLAIN?!’. Not only does it ignore that villains are made by their choices, bad things can happen due to good choices and that it’d be thematic SUICIDE to portray Ironwood as in the right while kicking the more moral Ozpin for his actions- 
It also showcases you’re just a salty Ironwood fanboy. You didn’t consider how he got here as a character or what makes sense for what he represents- You got pissed your headcanons of a character was contradicted so you pitch a fit. I know this because you pulled this shit with WEISS before.
“Isn’t it strange that Salem was used to set up Ironwood’s ultimatium?”
No. Ironwood’s flaws as a character have always been centered around his reaction to Salem’s existence. He acts unilaterially when he believes Salem is close by, his paranoia flares up when Salem is concerned, his stubbornness is the result of glorifying Salem as this nigh unstoppable evil that must be stopped at any cost.
Of course he’s at his lowest when Salem is there: this once in the background ultimate evil is now making public moves, everything is stacked against him and he sees other people’s ways as having failed. Why wouldn’t he dig in his heels when faced with such a situation considering his character?
“I’ll be doing a video on Salem at the end of this Volume-”
And I know it’ll be as much of a failure as all the others. You could literally release a video of you saying ‘RWBY bad’ for ten minutes sand get the same reaction.
“Let’s focus on James, who was the best character in the show-”
Subjective and shows your bias AGAIN.
“Who was the focal point of Volume 7-”
A. That’s actually more him and Ruby but you aren’t the type to pay attention.
And B. You are now acknowledging the existence of his actions in Volume 7. You cannot try to say his descent wasn’t explored unless it’s admission you didn’t understand Volume 7.
“The man who hasn’t done much of anything in the first half of this Volume-”
That is such bullshit I don’t even know where to start?
He caused the events of Volume 8 to play out. He contacted Penny, setting up her own doubts about her decision, he used Watts to make the virus that setup the climax, he denies the heroes access to resources thus preventing them from attacking Salem, he puts them on edge from his orders to arrest preventing the heroes from openly acting-
He’s pulling as much weight as RUBY here and I’m honestly insulted.
“The man who is now just a crazy cartoon villain.”
You know, this reminds me of a comment I saw once. It was about Persona 5′s villains and how everyone said they were cartoon villains too. ... I then proceeded to point out how each one was actually pretty realistic when you actually look at reality.
Kamoshida? Replace ‘Gym school teacher’ to ‘Rich man’ and you have Jeffry Epstein. (Who didn’t commit suicide)
Madrame? *jabs at RT*
Okumura? He was based on real life Japanese business tycoons and their actions.
Shido? Literally every US politician.
Same applies here, but even worse. Ironwood descended from a high perch due to very serious circumstances, doing all this in a misguided attempt to protect people. A certain senile President did similarly shady shit...to protect himself.
You can’t call ‘cartoon villain’ to a man more understandable than REAL PEOPLE.
“Make a decision- Mantle dies or Mantle dies! HOW STUPID!”
Completely ignoring how they believe they can still save Mantle...and Ironwood is using that to try and force their hand.
Literally anyone who tries to be manipulative does that. And again, I understand him better than...well, everyone who HAS tried that.
“I would have respected him more if he just blew up Mantle-”
So kill the tone of the show, the main conflict of the past two Volumes AND his characterization as a pragmatist?
Someone check Vexed’s foot and make sure it’s still there: he’s shot it so many times now.
“Explain to me why he won’t just let Mantle evacuate?”
He’s incredibly stubborn, mentally scarred and physiologically compromised? AKA his CHARACTER?
It’s the fucking INTENT to show he isn’t thinking. All you’re doing is proving the writers’ competence at this point.
“Ruby should have just said Penny was in Mantle-”
To the guy whose immensely unstable at this point, saying ‘Hey, my only bargaining chip is in that place you don’t care about where you can possibly get the chip by killing Penny and finding who has the Maiden powers now!’?
Sounds like you’re the one missing more than half a brain.
Yes, your plan did fail because My IQ isn’t in the negatives.
“I love how the writers thinking that Ironwood acknowledging he’s slow-”
... You took a look at this scene, with him looking like that, with that music, with the context of his character, with the question of his character, with Winter’s look at him...
And came to THAT conclusion?
... Yeah we’re done here. I’m not giving any more effort. I’ve clearly given a Herculean amount of it compared to Vexed.
I’ll end this with a quote from one of my favorite Bad Religion songs:
Life is the crummiest book I ever read There isn't a hook, just a lot of cheap shots Pictures to shock and characters an amateur
Would never dream up
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 3 years
Yandere hawks for Bear
This whole thing is dead dove as Fuck. Yandere Hawks and Rape occur in this fic. If you don't like it, Dont read it. enjoy!
Dabi knows the moment Hawks lets him limp away that he’s going to get an infection. The alley is disgusting and the Hero hadn’t been gentle as he’d used Dabi , resulting in more than a few popped staples. He jerks away as the Hero presses a thumb into one of the seams, plucking another staple he loosened out of the skin.
“Fucking watch it.” He snarls at him and rips his arm out of the Hero’s grip. Dabi braces himself against the wall as his knees try to go out from under him. His pants are coated in muck from where Hawks had forced him to kneel.
“When’s our next meeting? You know I can’t go back to the commision empty handed.” The Hero drawls out with a bored expression as he examines one of the Villain’s staples in his hand. A small baby feather slips onto a loop on Dabi coat as he picks it up.
“When Shigaraki decides it.” The coat slides on providing him with another layer he can hide from Hawks prying eyes. TheHero has already seen the wreck of his body under the clothing and yet Dabi can still feel him undressing him with his eyes.
“I’ll swing by your new base sometime next week then? I’m sure we can find some way to pass the time... If there’s no news for me.” The Hero narrowed his eyes at Dabi, twirling a longer feather in his hands again. They both knew he wouldn’t harm Dabi with it. Not when it was more useful as a threat of how the Hero could pin Dabi in place. A casual reminder that he could do as he wished with Dabi, and no one would stop him.
“If we don’t have any news for you can keep your ass out of the base. I’ll come over the same as usual. No one at the base needs your Herobullshit attitude hanging around.” He snaps at him. Hawks kept finding their bases despite Dabi routinely checking for stalkers and it’s gotten to the point where if he doesn't want the rat with wings to show up he goes to his apartment. He should tell Shigaraki to move it again when he gets back.
Tomura knew something was wrong. Asking got him nothing but upturned lips and insults in return. The one time he tried to corner his second-in-command it got him lit on fire. Tomura wasn’t sure what it would take to fully bring Dabi into his party. If the scarred man would ever be willing to. Dabi seemed to have his mind set on his own goals. He still only trusted Twice and Giran with his number staying absent from important meetings.
The conversation couldn’t wait until Dabi was comfortable with his boss anymore. Tomura dropped his coffee cup and snagged Dabi by the arm as the man’s knees buckled. Dabi glared at the hand on his arm right before emptying his stomach into the kitchen sink. Tomura's fingers twitching as he waited for him to be done. Both of them were really content to ignore the elephant in the room.
“I’m fucking fine.” Dabi rasped out as Tomura had Twice come over and pick him up. Setting him on the couch.
Dabi retched and Sako quickly pulled a trash can out of nowhere. He wasn’t sure if it was the same magic Kurogiri had always pulled on him or if it was Sako’s quirk. Maybe the man was an actual magician for all that he knew. Tomura had a team falling apart at the seams right now and Dabi wouldn't work with him. Heart events and trust took time. He’d achieved one that night on the roof and he would wait for the next ones as well.
Dabi had been spending a lot of time with the new recruit, leaving without saying anything and staying the night. Shigaraki suspected there was something between them. The way Dabi always had to be in Hawks eyesight and the nights he spent over there.
“How long have you been sick, Dabi?” Mr.Compress asked as he peeled Dabi out of his jacket. Rubbing the man's back as he melted into the couch.
“ It's just an infection, it happens.” Dabi mumbled, laid back against the couch, shrugging Sako’s concerned hands off him. His shoulders were slumped and covered in a cold clammy sweat, causing him to shiver.
Tomura’s nails dug deeper into his bloody neck. Scratching and peeling away at the scabs there. Dabi had probably gotten it by living with them. He had access to a shower and medical supplies through that fucking Hero recruit. Maybe, he’d been coming back to the base for them. He brought back shit often enough for the members and slept here still. At least, Tomura thought he slept here still. “Fucking gross.” Tomura sneered to himself as he thought about their space, mumbling soundlessly to himself as he looked around. This base wasn’t the cleanest. None of them had been, especially for a member with open wounds. There was still only so much they could do. Mr. Compress stiffened and glanced over at him. “You got sick because we’ve been moving around a lot right?” Sako’s voice was thick with concern and trepidation.
Dabi rolled his eyes. He pushed his shirt up so the LoV could see a scrape cutting across healthy skin and scar tissue. One of the seams that wrapped around his back up to his chest had staples missing. The area was swollen and shiny with inflammation and the accompanying pus produced as Dabi’s body desperately tried to heal itself. The infected area wasn't turning extreme colors so nothing would have to be removed there at least. “Got in a fight. Lost.” He let out a laugh that ended in a coughing fit. Dabi flinched away when Sako went to rub his back. He let his eyes slip closed as he gasped for air. “Not everything is about you guys. I'm just shit at keeping my mouth shut.”
Finally the shaking and sickness around Dabi got so bad that he asked Tomura where they were. Cementing the fact that unless they can kidnap a doctor and force them to help Dabi, he won't get better this time. Dabi had been insistent on sleeping around the League since he’d gotten sick. Whether it's for Dabi to guard them or for them to watch over him is something Tomura still hasn’t figured out. Toga is constantly wrinkling her nose with a worried look on her face and flips knives in a nervous habit everytime someone encroaches ‘her bubble’. Her bubble keeps fucking growing to the point where it’s just the same room as her sometimes.
“We have to give him up.” Tomura finally makes the choice for them as they watch Sako try and cool him down with a damp rag. It’s about as sanitary as they could get and hasn’t been working.
Tomura doesn't realize that his thoughts have been so similar and different from his members until Shuichi is flinching away like he’s said something worse than he has. He knows none of them trust the Hero, but Dabi spends some nights there and it's surer to be cleaner than where they are squatting. He’d have access to proper medical care if something goes wrong or if he gets worse.
“He has to go. That stuipd Hero can take better care of him than we can.” He snarled at them and Toga stepped forward, knife held tight in her hands and shoulders loose. Only a noob underestimated Toga. He’d seen her fighting against Heroes and there was a reason he was unafraid to send her in amongst the Heroes to spy.
“I am not giving Dabi up. If we have to steal a nurse then I can just take their place until Dabi is able to come with.” She took another measured step in Tomura’s direction.
‘Hold on, Maybe the boss has a plan. Shut and let her kill him! Like, we give him to the Heroes and they wouldn’t just kill a sick man right? Yes they would, they’ll kill us all.” Jin held his head in hands as he struggled to word what he wanted to convey. Tomura watched with frustrated red eyes as he argued with himself. This was not what he meant at all. What kind of leader leads their team straight to the enemy when their health bar is so low?
“Then we break him out right? That’s stupid and risky. I wouldn’t do jackshit for that weak guy. Survival of the fittest.” Jin looked up at him and his eyes were watering.
“We’re not handing him over to the actual heroes? What the fuck guys?” his voice was low as he tried not to yell.
“You want to leave him here for anyone who comes by then? He’s sick, Tomura-kun!” Toga glared at him and the knife shifted in her hands. “He needs us! He needs the League! He would never let anything happen to you!”
Sako kept one hand splayed on Dabi as he carefully watched the one going argument with thinned lips. Dabi was starting to wake up due to their noise but it seemed as if this time he wasn’t fully making it to the world of waking. Continuing to sleep fitfully.
“He’s sick and not getting better.” Tomura delicately grabbed Toga’s sleeve when she went to swipe at him. “Most adults who are staying out almost every night with another person are generally fond of them. He'll be happy. He’s a fucking Hero and he can’t take care of him better than we could ever hope to!”
“What are you talking about?!” Shuichi crossed his arms, walking over to stand by his boss. At least one member was willing to listen to him.
“Dabi’s been recruiting a Hero. One of the top 10. The Hero can take our burnt bitch until he’s not dying. He has access to medical equipment and can bribe a doctor. Dabi’s going to recover a lot quicker in a clean area with proper care. And we, we just dont fucking have that right now.” Tomura grit his teeth as Toga pulled her arm back and the room was dead silent.
‘It won’t, it won’t always be like this. I have a plan okay?” Tomura flung the hair that tended to fall in his eyes back. Brushing strands behind his ears as he stared his members in the eye.
“But we are going to have to move and Dabi needs- think of it like giving him a vacation from us. He gets to go enjoy 3 meals a day, sleep better and some hot water. When he comes back we are going to be able to at least have a place for him to be kept stable.” None of them looked reassured.
“I don’t like it. I’ll kill the bird if he hurts a hair on Dabi’s head.” Twice reached out and felt the skin on Dabi’s clammy forehead. “Whatever we have to do. We don’t have to do this. We can kidnap a nurse. I'll be a nurse, I'll steal an outfit and everything.”
“So were we in agreement? We’re going to pass him to the Heroand when he’s recovered? We will never have to watch him go through this again.” Tomura tried to speak with conviction. As if he knew that the Hero was on their side. As if Dabi wasn’t dying feet from them of something a Hero would never dream of. He wanted to assure them it was alright and that he had a plan. Tomura had nothing. Nothing but riskier and riskier gambles for party members he couldn't sacrifice.
They’d all die. Either slow and sick, like Dabi. Or during his craptastic ‘plan’ to get them resources and money. Still, he got slow nods from the league and went outside to make the call. He was going to have to pull a better and less desperate plan out of thin air.
Several hours later Hawks walked into the base like he owned. It sent shivers up Tomura’s back. He was a Hero and they were Villains. They outnumbered him technically, yet he seemed perfectly at ease and hadn’t even bothered to let them know he was coming. When they were all on high alert with an injured party member. Maybe he was so cocky he thought that they couldn’t kill him by accident. Tomura knew they very well could with how keyed up they all were.
“What part of ‘Get your feathery ass here’ was unclear?” Tomura stepped into his space. Fathers hand covered his face as his hands shook and he scratched at his neck with familiar destructive anxiety. “No knocking? Are you that confident you're welcome here?”
“Didn’t think I really had to announce myself considering you were expecting me. Sorry I had duties to attend to on my way here. Where is he?” Hawks looked around as if expecting them to just hand over their gift wrapped team member. Grimacing as he reminded himself that although that’s what it felt like, that’s not what they were doing.
“Follow me. His room is back here.” He led Hawks back, hating every moment his back was turned to him. The way he stared made him uncomfortable.
“Couldn’t have been too bad if he’s not ready to go. He hates me spending time around you guys for some reason. Like he’s jealous I'm gonna cheat or something. Staples doesn't come across as a real insecure guy but you can’t judge a book by its cover right?” He threw a patented press smile at Tomura. Tomura didn’t want to decay the Hero. Hedidn’t want to slap that look off his face.
He wanted to ram his fist into the Hero’s perfect teeth and shove them down his throat. Wanted to see him starving, bleeding, asking for help. Wanted to rip that nose that wrinkled at their living spaces and shove it between his teeth, chew it and spit the mangled mess out.
He wanted an end to all the Heroes, and this one. This one was one he had to hand his second-in-command over to.
Best case scenario?
He was wrong and Hawks cared for Dabi. Then he would at least have someone who could attend to Dabi. Dabi could murder them when he was better and not a limp sack of scars and bones on a dumpster dived couch.
A room for everyone. With beds. Room to grow so no one was moving too often or trying to find a spare bed.
“Damn.” Hawks let out a low whistle as he walked up to Dabi. “You look like worse shit than usual.”
Dabi sleepily stumbled off the couch when Hawks started talking. Trying to back out of Hawks space at the same time as stay upright. He threw a hand over his mouth as he blearily looked around for a bucket. Sighing, Tomura placed it next to Dabi, who heaved into the bucket.
Dabi laid back down on the couch, covering himself with a ripped crochet blanket and closing his eyes with a low groan. Hawks stepped up and grabbed the blanket away from him, tossing it back over the back of the couch as he picked up the small framed Villain.
“I can take him off your hands. Doesn't seem real safe to be leaving him here so I’m glad you called me.” The hero’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. Leaving Tomura with a bad feeling. He had to put aside his own feelings about Heroes and how disgustingly performative they could be. Dabi shoved against the Hero’s chest and muttered feverishly.
“It’s just your boy-toy Dabi.” Tomura walked up to them and caught Dabi’s hand, smirking when Dabi looked up at him with blank glassy eyes. “You're going on Vacation, I’ll come get you when we’ve leveled up enough.”
Dabi’s expression remained blank as Hawks pulled him away. He didn’t watch as Hawks took Dabi out of the room and then out of the base. Quickly shoving the last bag of crap they had through the door. Bright ass winged fucker would bring Heroes down on their head even if he didn’t mean to. Which meant moving bases again.
Dabi had nightmares of being trapped in Hawks arms. Covered by his wings, the feathers being laid on him sharp and if he twitched too hard away they would slice his skin open. Hawks rubbing his back as he puked only to start plucking the staples out one by one and then jamming them back in. Hawks feeding him and making stupid noises as he shoved it down his throat. Of being used as he wove in and out of consciousness. Hawks cuming on his sleeping face or the seam line on his chest.
The next time Dabi was fully lucid he realized they were not nightmares.
He was somehow in Hawks apartment, an IV stuck in his arm and taped down. Dabi was horrified to realize he was naked beneath the sheet he was covered with. His chest seized and he coughed up gunk into his fist, Hawks walking around the corner saw him.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” The Hero shook a bottle in his hand as he walked over. Dabi flinched back and gritted his teeth as his legs cramped. His arm hurt and if it wasn’t for the scar tissue he was sure he would be able to see a dark bruise. As it was it ached and he couldn’t tell how bad the damage was.
“Fuck off.” He snapped at Hawks as the Hero tipped two pills into his hand and held them out. Dabi had no idea how long he had been here. It wouldn’t be the first time Dabi had woken up to Hawks having raped him. Or in the process of raping him.
There wasn’t anything gross around his thighs and he was in no more pain than usual. Reaching up to hold his pounding head revealed he couldn’t trust that though. Hair still damp so Hawks must have showered him. It wasn’t like his consent mattered to the Hero. “Sure if you want to end up right back here. How do you think you ended up here ‘Dabi’?” He questioned as Dabi stared at him. Hands in white knuckled fists holding on to the sheet. He picked at the IV shoved into his arm as he refused to answer. He didn’t know.
“The League gave you to me. They didn’t really want to wait around for you to suddenly be healthy.” Hawks said with an almost apologetic tone. Dabi looked from the pills he was holding out to the hero’s fake expression.
“I don’t believe you.” Dabi stared at the pills making no move to take them. Sighing Hawks turned the bottle around so Dabi could see it. Amoxicillin, regular antibiotics then, which made sense since Hawks needed him to try getting into the League. The IV was probably because he was dehydrated, which wasn’t unusual. Still, if he was awake there was no need to have it in. He swallowed the small capsules and peeled off the tape on his elbow. Gently easing out the needle.
“Well I’m the only thing you’ve got now.” Hawks smirked at him. Dabi looked away but Hawks grabbed him by the chin. The Hero’s thumb pressing directly on his staples and causing him to wince. He straddled Dabi’s waist and pressed a messy kiss to his lips. Dabi’s quirk smoldered ineffectively as he tried to force it to work. Hawks was moving too fast and he didn’t want this, unable to concentrate enough to use his quirk as Hawks gripped him to tighty and grabbed his dick.
A flicker of flame escaped and Hawks sighed at the sight of it. The Hero didn’t waste time reaching over to the coffee table and dumping the glass of water on it.
“Is that your way of telling me you want me to take us to the shower so I can have my fun?” Acidic yellow eyes bored into Dabi’s as he tried to force his heavy limbs to move.
“It’s my way of telling you to leave me the fuck alone.” He snapped back at the Hero. Hawks looking fake affronted as his phone rang. “I’ll be back, we can discuss how to plan to pay your way here if it’s not with your body when I get back.”
Hawks left out the door and Dabi stood up, starting the search for clothes he could escape in. Knowing Hawks he wouldn’t be gone long. He eventually found a pair of sweats he shoved on after looking everywhere for his clothes. Hawks must have thrown them out.
The Hero had, of course, came through the door right as he was leaving. Trying to disappear into the setting sun as Dabi coughed and tried to get himself down the fire escape faster. Hawks walked through the door after him, not bothering to rush as he turned and shut the door after himself. He stuck his hands in his pockets and cracked his neck as he stalked down after Dabi.
“Aren't we past this? Where are you even going, Dabi? I told you the League gave you up, they moved as well. Who knows where they are at this point.” The Hero walked after him. “I take care of you don’t I?”
“You’ve fucking drugged and raped me.” Dabi shouted back at him, voice raspy as his lungs refused to draw in enough air. He coughed and mucus came up his throat. He spat it at Hawks. Dabi had no idea how long it had been that he was with the Hero but… At this point he was starting to believe Hawks. The League must have given up on him. Determined that he was no longer a use to them with his stupid ragdoll body and poor health. He had just been using them right back to achieve his own goals so he couldn't really blame them.
A coughing fit seized Dabi. He wheezed, doubled over in the alley, as Hawks blocked the light coming into it. The Hero’s yellow eyes nearly glowed. Dabi was reminded of fool’s gold. He was a fool for ever falling for him.
Hawks walked up to him The Hero placed his chemical scented hand over Dabi’s mouth and nose, waiting until he passed out and fell to the ground with a roll of his eyes. Hawks easily picked up the Villain and tossed him over his own shoulder. walking back the block to his apartment with the villain slung over his shoulder.
Dabi woke up to being thrown on the bed painfully. Uncaring if it hurt or the state he would end up in afterwards he blindly reached for his quirk. He should just cremate the Hero and steal his apartment. His quirk didn’t come to him and Hawks gave a smug grin as he pulled the Villain’s sweats down. Trying to kick him with his heavy limbs did nothing.
“You look cute in my borrowed clothes. How am I supposed to resist you when you look all sexy flushed like this? I could keep you like this, you know. Never let you finish the antibiotics. Would be fun until they no longer worked at least.” He hummed as he stroked Dabi’s thigh.
There was shouting as Dabi was brought back to himself and Hawks was throwing pants on himself as he shouted at Twice. Dabi let out a chuckle as he realized he was going insane, Twice was part of the League and no matter how good of a guy he was he wasn’t coming to save him.
“He’s not even responding to me. What did you do to him?” Twice yelled as he started making a clone of himself, splitting. The original spun around as Dabi laughed. What had Hawks been doing to him? “Dabi I came to check on you because this dickhead kept telling us you didn’t want to talk to us and we know that’s not true!” His mask was damp with tears and Dabi didn’t know what to say to an ex- friend. Coworker, whatever Twice was. “We hate you back.”
“He’s been uh, raping me. I think. You guys gave me to him though. So I don’t think he really expected anyone to visit.” he glanced around uncomfortably. What did they think the Hero would do with him when they decided to just do this without his consent?
There was a roar of outrage from Jin. Several clones of Twice were busy holding Hawks back as the original pulled Dabi out of bed. He numbly accepted it and pulled his sweats up. Jin was slinging his arm over his shoulder, gently helping him up.
“We can deal with him later. Can you walk? What about your quirk?” He asked as they moved towards the door. There was a sickening crunch Dabi knew well as the sound of bones being cracked and twisted, when he glanced back Hawks was dogpiled by clones. Even as they were destroyed more were made and Hawks wings were twisted to be facing downwards. Mangled and bloody as he was passed out. “Forget your quirk, it’s useless anyways.”
“I'd rather not use it if I don’t have to.” He muttered as Twice walked him down to street level. A warp portal in an alley waiting for them. The familiar noise of the League greeting his ears as they stepped through.
“Do you want to clean up before you're mobbed? We missed you.” He quietly commented as he quietly asked as they paused in what appeared to be a hallway. “We got you a room! I bet you’ll hate it! And your nurse!”
“What? Why do I have a room?” Dabi looked blearily around as he saw the
Examining the actual hallway in what appeared to be an actual house. Mansion actually.“I don’t need ujiko.”
“Shigaraki killed him before we took over the mansion.” Jin whispered to him,frowning before a thought occurred to him. “Wait, did you actually believe that asshole? That we just- just handed you over?”
“It doesn't matter. I’ll be out of the League's hair as soon as I shower.” He jerked himself away from Jin, shaking off the hand that went to hold him steady. “I’m fine.”
“No. we would never do that!” Jin shouted as he hovered near him. “Shigaraki actually had to fight us on it. We couldn’t wait to get rid of you! We didn’t want to give you to him at all!”
“Then why did I wake up in his apartment? Drugged up with him telling me how you had led him right to me when he was the reason I had an infection in the first place?” He snapped at Jin as Shigaraki came around the corner. Another coughing fit starting up. His breathing made a whistling noise as he breathed with his agitated lungs.
“What’s going on?” Shig narrowed his eyes at the state of his second in command. Neck already itching. Dabi had not been looked after obviously.
Dabi glared at him but didn’t answer as he stalked off down the hall. Jin shook his head when Shigaraki looked at him.
“Kill the bastard.” He told Shigaraki as he lit a cigarette. “We were wrong, He’s a dick that never should have been near one of us. He told Dabi that we just gave him up. We might as well have.” He wandered off as he went to tell the rest of the League that Dabi was back, but it was up in the air whether he would be staying.
The next evening after Shigaraki and Dabi had spent most of the day arguing over how Dabi exactly had ended up with Hawks. How the League had been ready to split over him abandoning one of them. That the mansion was at least in part brought about by Dabi being immunocompromised.
Shigaraki grinned as Kuroguri opened a portal to the Hero’s apartment. He just wanted a few words with him.
“Are you sure you don’t want anyone to accompany you, Young Tomura?” Kuroguri asked as Shigaraki popped the buttons holding on his artist gloves.
“I was the one that pushed for it. I was the one who assumed that they were something they obviously were not.” Shigaraki bit out as he threw his gloves on the floor in front of him, stepping through the portal as he rolled his shoulders.
He wrinkled his nose at the minimalist apartment, the place was spotless like no one lived in it and Hawks was removing his Hero uniform. Back to Shigaraki, He took advantage and activated his quirk, grabbing a vase and hurling it at the Hero. Hawks wings had stiffened the moment Shigarki had moved. Suddenly aware of the Villain despite him not making a noise. Several loose feathers hovering in the air despite his wings being wrapped tight in casts on his back.
“You thought we wouldn’t come for him? That he didn’t have anyone?” He hissed as he stalked forward. Hawks dodged the vase disintegrating as it flew towards him. Sending a few feathers his way, Shigaraki grabbed them midair with all 5 fingers. Not caring or truly even feeling the cuts they left.
“You're the one who just expected me to take someone into my home and not have them pay for it like some sort of freeloader.” The Hero sneered at Shigaraki. “He liked it anyways, came back enough times if I promised him something in return.”
Shigarki ran for him, sliding under a table and more feathers as he touched the floor with bloody hands. The floor quickly started to crumble as he shoved himself into Hawks space. Snagging a chair by the leg as he came out the other side.
“We both know you need my connections and money too much to kill me Shigaraki. One man is not worth your whole operation.” he smirked with that stupid look on his face again. The face of a man who had so much more than the League did and like nothing could touch him.
Hawks, distracted by his floor crumbling and unused to fighting in an enclosed space while stationary, didn't expect the leg of what had once been a chair to clock him in his face. It crumbled in Shigaraki’s hands and dropping it he slammed both hands against Hawks ribcage. Continuing to push as Hawks struggled to get the control necessary to send one of his feathers for him.They hovered wavering in the air before falling to the ground.
“Go fuck yourself Hero. The League does not have replaceable members. We’re not Heroes.” He growled out as Hawks crumpled. Shoving a fist as hard as he could into the Heroes face and grinning with insane satisfaction as he felt teeth break. Shoving them and his fist towards the back of his throat. Hawks choked on his own teeth as he decayed slowly.
Shigaraki carefully rinsed his hands off in Hawks’ sink, hurrying as the apartment itself started crumbling to dust. Bending down near the dust pile he scooped the soft pile into a jar. Screwing a lid on,. Toga had taken the liberty earlier of decorating it with rhinestones and drops of blood before writing Hawks name elegantly on it. He would leave it outside his friend’s door. It wouldn’t fix his mistake but at least it might show he didn’t want Dabi to leave.
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angelicthor · 5 years
the noughties
decades dance: final part
pairing: steve rogers x reader x bucky barnes
summary: unrequited love was painful. To have to endure it from two people was something else. Loving two super soldiers that didn’t return your feelings was agony but what if they did? Events unfold when Tony plans to throw a party for every decade Bucky and Steve missed out on.
warnings/genre: +18 only, explicit smut, fluff
masterlist | decades dance masterlist
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When you told Bucky and Steve of your desire to bring your relationship out in the open, both were more than eager to go through with it, wanting everyone in the compound – hell, everyone in the world – to know that you were theirs and they were yours. You all decided that the best time for your big reveal would be the next and last party; the atmosphere would be relaxed, you could just walk in together without having to awkwardly make an announcement of your relationship and act like you normally would with each other when no one else was around. When people asked you could easily explain, there wouldn’t be a single spotlight moment for the three of you and that took a lot of the pressure off.
It had been a calm week in the compound and things were better than ever; between the team, between you and the boys, everything just seemed to be falling into the place so well, the divide that was ripping the team apart completely healed and the only thing you wanted now was to be able to be open with your friends, your family, about the love you had for your soldiers. So, when Tony decided that Friday would be the perfect time for the final decades dance you had to try and curve your excitement, biting down on your lip to stifle your squeals of delight, not wanting raise people’s suspicions as to why you were so elated for the party.
Wanting to wear matching outfits, you all thought of something the three of you could go as that would be recognisable, in the end you finally relented as going as Fred, Shaggy, and Daphne. They were some of your favourite films after all and absolute comedic gold; they were one of the first films you had shown the boys at one of your very first movie nights with them and the thought made you smile and just how far you’d come together.
You declined Nat and Wanda’s offer to get ready with them, telling them you’d meet them in the party and getting ready with Steve and Bucky instead – not that they knew that last part. The truth was that since the events of the last party you had hardly left each other’s sides and that included at night, you no longer held onto the fear of being caught by your teammates, much more concerned with being held by your boys.
Zipping up the lilac go-go boots, you cast one last look at yourself in the mirror, the iconic purple dress stopping at the top of your thigh, the tie-front creating a deep-v that showcased your cleavage, green chiffon scarf tied around your neck completing your look. Your turned to Steve and Bucky who were already shamelessly admiring your outfit, eyes lingering on your bare thighs and exposed chest, particularly interested in the scarf and you could feel their minds coming up with oh so many filthy possibilities.
Your thoughts weren’t exactly any better as you took in Steve and Bucky and honestly, sometimes you really hated how they could make something so damn simple seem so sinfully sweet. Steve was wearing a white polo shirt that tested the strength of its seams every time he moved, the material threatened to give at any moment and you wondered if he knew you could actually buy clothes in his size. Paired with a pair of blue denim jeans Steve looked the picture of Fred whereas Bucky was the double of Shaggy, the green t-shirt pulled tight across his chest, the brown corduroy trousers showcasing the tree-trunks he called thighs and you had to fight to stop your mouth watering at the sight of them.
How the hell did I get so damn lucky?
Bucky strode towards you, breaking you out of your shameless ogling when he wrapped his arms around your waist, chest pressed against your back as he peppered kisses along the sensitive skin of your neck, your eyes drifting close at the feeling of his soft lips. You jumped when you felt Bucky’s hand coming up to cover your eyes, incapable to see anything but feeling his breath fanning over you; “Relax Doll, me and Stevie have a surprise for you.”
Smelling the mild scent of Steve’s cologne, you could only assume he was now standing in front of you with whatever your surprise was and you couldn’t stop the amused smile that played at your lips as you tried to figure out what exactly they were up too.
“We figured we needed a little something extra to pull our outfits together, so…” Steve trailed off, Bucky’s hand pulling away from your eyes and you blinked, adjusting to the sudden light that hit you. When you saw what Steve was holding, you erupted into a fit of giggles, the boys joining you as you reached out for the Scooby-Doo plushie in Steve’s hands.
Cradling the toy to your chest, you stroked over the fur before thanking them both; “This was very sweet, thank you,” You leaned forward to press your lips against Steve’s to which he eagerly responded, hand burying itself in your hair to deepen the kiss.
“Hey! It’s from both of us you know?” Bucky called from behind you and you could practically hear the pout in his voice causing Steve to smirk into the kiss.
Detaching yourself from Steve, you turned on your heel to face Bucky, who was indeed pouting, lips pursed, arms crossed against his chest as he playfully glared at you and Steve. “Aww baby, I know you did,” You couldn’t help but tease him slightly for his childishness, trailing your hands up his arms before wrapping them around his neck, pulling him down to you and crashing your lips against his.
“Are you sure you guys are ready for this?” You asked them both, pulling away from Bucky and linking your hands through his and Steve’s.
“More than ready, babygirl,” Steve answered assertively, not a glimmer of doubt in his mind as he brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it.
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, kissing your temple as he murmured: “Let’s give ‘em hell Kitten.”
You gave them both one last glance, seeing nothing but steely determination in their eyes and nodded, making your way down to the party, your hand still in Steve’s and Bucky’s arm still firmly wrapped around you.
The party was in full swing when you arrived, the dancefloor packed with patrons who already were on the tipsy side. The décor was nothing too different to what you were used to in your regular parties; not much had changed since the noughties but there were still TV’s and computer screens stationed around the room which showcased the highlights of the decade – the launch of Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, the historic election of Barack Obama as president, Apple debuting the iPod.
You spotted Nat, Tony and Sam at the bar, their costumes once again completely perfect. Nat was dressed in the yellow jumpsuit as The Bride from Kill Bill, Tony was dressed in Justin Timberlake’s iconic denim suit complete with cowboy hat and part of you wondered if Pepper was wearing Britney’s denim dress but the bigger part of you was shocked at the fact that he was (somehow) pulling the look off. But it was Sam that took the prize once again, dressed in André 3000’s green ensemble from his ‘Hey Ya!’ music video complete with a centre-parted bob.
The three of you made your way over to your friends, no once detaching yourself from Steve and Bucky but gripping the Scooby-Doo toy tighter, your nerves starting to bubble under the surface, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the boys as Steve squeezed your hand in reassurance and you knew everything would be ok; not matter what anyone said of it, you would always have Steve and Bucky and that’s all that mattered.
Tony was behind the bar fixing drinks when you approached, his eyes darting to Steve’s hand entwined with yours and Bucky’s that was still gripping your waist before he placed Nat’s drink in front of her, “Natasha dear, we won – Pay up Samuel.”
Natasha and Sam both turned to look at the three of you at Tony’s words, a smirk growing on Nat’s lips as Sam’s face contorted in disbelief. “Oh, come on! Seriously?” Sam muttered to himself, forking out two twenty dollar bills and reluctantly handing them over to Tony and Nat. You, Bucky, and Steve could only watch on in complete confusion, not having the faintest idea what was happening but knowing it somehow involved you.
You all shared a look off bewilderment before Bucky spoke up, “Uh, what?”
“We were betting on how long it would take for you guys to finally get it on,” Nat stated as if it were the most obvious thing.
“Yeah and I cannot believe you guys finally grew I pair, I’m out forty bucks cause of you!” Sam chimed in, pointing a finger between Steve and Bucky, annoyance lacing his voice but you knew there was no real bite to it. It did, however, cause more bafflement between you, Steve, and Bucky, your jaws practically hitting the floor as he heard of your friends bet.
Noticing your expressions Tony decided to have some mercy on the three of you and explained everything with a sigh; “We just had enough of watching you pine over each other and not doing jackshit about it, so we decided to push you a little in the right direction. No better way to let loose and reveal your undying love then a party, right?”
“Wait, wait – so all these parties were just a set-up?” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing right now.
“’Fraid so sweetcheeks,” Tony answered nonchalantly, sipping on his drink without a care in the world.
“You remember the girl that was chatting up Barnes at the first party? Yeah, I told her to go over there,” Nat informed you, watching as your eyes widened to near comic proportions. “There’s nothing like a lil’ jealousy to get things moving.”
“At the last party, you didn’t send Brad over to me, did you?” You asked, voice shaking slightly as you recalled Brad’s unwanted advances, Steve and Bucky stiffening beside you as they also remembered.
Natasha shot-up in her seat, brows furrowed as a steely resolve settled on her face, eyes blazing with anger, “God no, and he’s never coming near you or here ever again, don’t worry.”
“Yeah and even if Romanoff didn’t put the fear of, well, her into him. I had him fired and all his accesses revoked, there’s literally no possible way he can get near you anymore,” Tony informed you all, watching as the three of you relaxed at the news.
“I still don’t understand how you found out we loved Y/N, the only people me and Buck told were each other.”
Steve’s statement was met with the incredulous stares of Nat, Tony, and Sam before Sam jumped from his seat, suddenly very animated as months of frustration came to light. “How we found out? How we found out!? Are you kidding me right now? Jesus Christ, you’re all about as subtle as a marching band – you may as well have walked around with hearts floating around your heads. Do you have any idea how annoying it was to watch you pine after each other and not do a single thing about it?”
Bucky opened his mouth to interject but Sam wasn’t having any of it, apparently needing to get this off his chest, “Fuck me, and then there was that time when Y/N stopped hanging out with the pair of you – my God it was as if she had died the way you carried on. You got that you still lived with her, right? Like she was literally in the same building as you the whole time? You may as well of had a violin quartet follow you around and play the worlds saddest songs, dear fucking god.”  
Sam collapsed back on his chair, head resting on the bar, as he kept angrily muttering to himself, seemingly exhausted after his explanation to Steve and Bucky about how obvious they had been about their feelings for you and the three of you could only stand there as if you were being told off by your mother, faces burning hot with embarrassment.
“Honestly, it was kind of a public service getting you guys together, I don’t know how long the rest of the team would have survived if we didn’t.”
You had no reply for Tony and neither did Steve and Bucky, the three of you standing their processing everything that had been said to you before you began to giggle, trying but failing to stifle them as they turned into belly-clutching laughter, tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
You had been so concerned with what your friends - with what your family would think about you loving two men that it completely escaped your attention that they knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes. They had seen you at your very worst and very best and they loved you regardless. Of course they were going to accept your relationship, they accepted every single part of you and there would be no acceptation with this. You had been so foolish as to think they wouldn’t, that you wasted so much time trying to hide and being so scared about what they would think when you could have been walking around, clear as day, with Bucky and Steve by your side, and not one of them would have had anything bad to say. If you were happy, they would be too - that’s how families worked.
Steve and Bucky eventually joined in with your laughter, the sound too contagious to fight and soon Nat, Sam, and Tony were all cackling too. Your raucous mirth drew the attention of some onlookers who shot you all strange glances but you paid them no mind. You all were finally able to calm yourselves, laughter dying down as you dried the tears that had leaked onto your cheeks, panting harshly as you caught your breath. You moved to sit at one of the bar stools, Steve and Bucky following you to sit beside you as Tony went about making the three of you drinks.
“I can’t believe you threw six parties just to try and get us together,” You muttered as Tony placed your drink in front of you.
Tony shrugged, acting as if it was nothing in typical Tony Stark fashion; “It was worth it – that is assuming you are actually together…”
“We are,” Steve didn’t hesitate in answering.
“Definitely together,” Bucky added and you could only bit down on your bottom lip as you tried to fight the rising heat in your cheeks.
You saw the smirk that pulled at Tony’s lips but, thankfully, he didn’t say anything more and the conversation finally shifted onto something other than your relationship. The night went on and so did the party, the other Avengers coming over, sharing their congratulations and relief at the fact that you, Steve, and Bucky were finally together. It was a perfect night, better than any of the parties that came before it because you could finally be with Steve and Bucky – you wanted to snuggle? Then you could. Wanted to share a kiss? There was nothing stopping you.
Towards the end of the night you found yourself cornered by Nat and Wanda who were eagerly trying to pull information from you concerning your relationship but you weren’t paying them an ounce of attention, far too focused on your boys chatting with Sam and Clint on the other side of the room.
“Look at her, she can’t take her eyes off them,” Nat not-so-discreetly whispered to Wanda who giggled in response.
“She’s not listening to a word we’re saying, how rude.”
“Too busy thinking about getting fuc-”
“I can hear you, you know,” You cut Nat off, give them both a pointed look.
“Wow, never would have known,” Nat’s tone was laced with sarcasm and you couldn’t help but light-heartedly roll your eyes at her. “So,” She drew the word out and you knew exactly what she was going to ask you, “what’s it like being in bed with two super soldiers?”
Your eyes flashed between Nat and Wanda, the pair of them looking back at you with unadulterated glee at the prospect of getting all the gossip out of you. “I am not talking about my sex life, no chance,” You tried to sound stern but the bright smile on your face gave you away.
“Come on, Y/N! We’re your best friends, we deserve this, you’ve kept us in the dark so long. That’s just not what friends do,” Wanda exclaimed, attempting to sound hurt but failing miserably. They both knew you were going to spill the juicy beans to them and so did you.
“Fine! Fine, I’ll tell you!” Your friends practically squealed with delight as you relented, “It’s just, so incredible, you know? I have no idea how to word it but they’re just so in sync with each other, it’s mind-blowing.”
The girls let out a high-pitched scream, dancing on the spot as they fangirled in front of you and you couldn’t fight the grin that broke out as you thought about your soldiers and what they were capable of.
“What about the rest of it, is everything what you thought it would be?”
Your eyes darted once more to the boys at Nat’s question before you started to pick at the fur on your plushie, a soft smile playing at your lips as your mind raced with every memory you had with you and the boys; every date, every ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’, every ‘I love you’ shared, every moment spent together. You knew in your heart of hearts that what you had with Steve and Bucky was it for you, there was nothing else.
“It’s so much more, I just – I love them both so much, I didn’t think this would ever be possible but now that it’s happening I know for I fact I can’t ever go back. This is more than I ever could have hoped for and I have no idea how I ever got so lucky but I sure as hell am not letting either of them go again.”
You quickly wiped away the tears that were forming in your eyes, shaking your head as you let out a chuckle when Wanda and Nat both wrapped their arms around you in a tight hug, “We’re so happy for you Y/N.”
“Yeah, now we don’t have to watch you mope around the place ‘cause you aren’t getting dicked down.” You could always trust Natasha to lighten the mood.
Your girl-talk was interrupted by Tony, offering you to fix you a drink and looping his arm through yours to lead you towards the bar, “So I wanted to ask you something and feel free to tell me to but out if I’m over-stepping here.”
You arched a brow at the man but nodded your head, silently telling him to continue, “Well, I figured that none of your living quarters were designed to fit three people and FRIDAY tells me that you’ve all been holed up in your room for the past few weeks so I was wondering if you wanted a whole new floor that would be better designed to fit three. I can have it done in a week once you give me the ok?”
If anyone ever tried to tell you Tony Stark was self-centred you were going to punch them square out.
You moved towards him, dropping the plushie on the bar and wrapping your arms around him, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug which he reluctantly returned before easing into your touch, “I’m taking this as a yes?”
“I mean – I’d have to ask Steve and Bucky but I’m sure they’d be on board,” You spoke into Tony’s denim-clad chest and you felt him hum in affirmation, pressing a chaste kiss to the crown of your head, “Tony? Thank you. For everything. I have no idea how to repay you.”
“Just make the most of it, kiddo. All I want is for the three of you to be happy; if anyone deserves that, it’s you guys.” Every now and then Tony Stark would let down his armour, all of his armour, and you could see the real man underneath – the true hero that Iron Man could never compare too and you owed him everything.
Tony looked over your shoulder and a smirk grew on his face as he shot you a wink to your confusion, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
You jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, Steve’s head resting on your shoulder littering your neck with kisses as Bucky appeared before you, a sinful smirk tugging at his lips that caused your stomach to flip, “Come dance with us kitten?”
You nodded at Bucky’s request, letting him take your hand and lead you to the dancefloor, Steve still pressed against your back as you went. The was starting to change as you approached the others already dancing and you gasped when you heard the familiar opening to one of your favourites, ‘I’m a Slave 4 U’ blasting through the speakers in the room and part of you wondered if this was Tony’s doing too.
Your body started to move of its own accord, pulling Bucky flush against your front by his belt causing a sharp gasp to fall from his lips as you started to grind back onto Steve, his hands tightening their grip on you as you felt his cock start to harden in his jeans. Bucky’s thigh slotted between your open legs, your crotch grinding with every roll of your hips and you started to palm at Bucky’s length, throwing your other arm over Steve’s shoulder to pull him closer to you. With Bucky and Steve’s bulky forms both surrounding you no one could actual see what you were doing on the dancefloor but it sure as hell wouldn’t take a genius to figure it out.
Steve’s lips lightly trailed from your collarbone to your jaw and you tilted your head back to give him more access, his hand sneaking up your torso to gently squeeze at your breasts. Bucky leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours as he whispered the filthiest promises into your ear, his normally steel-blue eyes blown black with desire.
“You like this kitten? Like rubbing that wet little pussy on my thigh whilst everyone watches? Fuck babygirl, you’re soaked, I can feel every inch of you through my trousers,” You whimpered at Bucky’s words, winding your fingers through his chestnut locks and giving them a gentle tug, “Do you want us to fuck you right here baby, let everyone know just who you belong to. Let every single one of them know just how well you take mine and Stevie’s big cocks. Oh fuck, you’d love that wouldn’t you? Dirty little girl.”
You were practically shaking in their arms and when Bucky growled out that last sentence you knew you couldn’t take it anymore, “Fuck, take me to bed. Please, please sergeant! I wanna go to bed, please!”
Your panties were clinging to your cunt with your wetness, hardened nipples poking through the thin material of your dress - you needed to be fucked. “I don’t know kitten, why don’t you ask Captain.”
“Steve – Captain – please, please fuck me. Need you both so bad.”
Steve groaned into your neck, harshly jutting his hips into your ass so you could feel he was as desperate for you as you were for him. “Yeah Princess, don’t worry we’ll take good care of you,” Steve’s voice was gravely with desire and you could have sworn you could cum from the sound alone.
The boys pulled you across the room towards the elevator, their pace increasing as their desperation did before Bucky muttered ‘fuck it’ under his breath, hoisting you over his shoulder as you let out a small squeak when he began to sprint, Steve hot on his tail. The doors to the elevator opened and you stumbled inside, the doors closing as you heard Natasha yell out a sing-song ‘Goodbye’ before Bucky set you on your feet, pushing you against the wall and crashing his lips against yours.  
Bucky pinned your hands above your head, forcing his thick thigh between your legs, your dress riding up over your hips and exposing your lace-covered core to the strong muscle beneath you. Steve was reclined on the wall next to you, the picture of nonchalance as he crossed his ridiculously huge arms across his chest, staring down at you with a raised brow and quirked lip. “Aw Princess, you getting a lil’ frustrated over there?” Steve mocked you with a pout, sea-blue eyes twinkling with amusement as you whined against the assault Bucky was currently doing on your exposed neck.
Before you could retort, the elevator pinged and you were at your floor, Bucky and Steve wasting no time in hauling you towards your room and dropping you on the bed with a bounce. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips as you watched them both shed their clothes, mouth watering as more glorious skin was revealed to you, thoroughly enjoying the show they were unknowingly putting on for you.
Once they were completely free from their clothes, they turned to you, sinful smirks darkening their faces making them look positively sinister, sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine. Stalking towards you, Bucky pounced on you first, lifting you up and straddling you on his lap as Steve crept up behind you, kneeling on the bed as his nimble fingers found the tie of your dress, quickly pulling the bow free and sharply exhaling as the flimsy fabric fell away from your body, leaving you in nothing but your lingerie.
Throwing the dress aside, Steve’s hands wandered up to your lace covered breasts and up towards your neck, slowly unravelling the green scarf from around your throat, smirking as you released a shuddering breath at the feeling of the soft material dragging across your flesh. “Are you gonna be a good girl for us, Princess?” Steve murmured into the skin of your shoulder, lips caressing your skin with every word he spoke.
Whimpering, you rolled your hips against Bucky’s thigh at Steve’s words, craving friction against your throbbing clit and Bucky’s hands shot out to clutch your hips with an iron grip. “Fuck Stevie, she’s soaking,” Bucky groaned out, his hands helping to guide you forward and back on his thigh, clenching the muscles to add to the unbelievable feeling.
“Oh fuck, I’ll be good, I promise!” You moaned at the stimulation your sensitive nub was receiving, spreading your legs wider as you pushed down harder on the thick muscle beneath you, throwing your head back on Steve’s shoulder and pressing your lips against his, tongues tangling in a passionate kiss.
Steve’s hands travelled to the back of your bra, skilfully undoing the clasp and throwing the garment to the side, your bare breasts free from their constraint and bouncing with every thrust of your hips. Your cunt clenched as your orgasm built within you, the pressure in your stomach building until you were frantically swiping your dripping pussy over the coarse hairs on Bucky’s thigh and when the material of your panties was suddenly ripped away from you by his hand you knew you were done for, hips stuttering as you cried out into Steve’s mouth, your release soaking Bucky’s leg but he didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
You collapsed onto the bed in a panting mess, a dopey smile on your face as your euphoria rushed through every nerve in your body. Steve got to work ridding you of the boots that were still on your feet, kissing each calf as they were freed from the shiny plastic, Bucky lightly trailing his fingers up and down your arm to bring you back from your high.
Steve joined you on the bed, laying on your other side and it was then that you noticed both Steve and Bucky’s very prominent erections straining against their stomachs, swollen head’s an angry red and already leaking pre-cum. The sight alone caused your arousal to return ten-fold, your body seemingly forgetting about the orgasm it just had.
Both attacked your body with kisses, tongues and teeth leaving marks on all the skin they could reach before Bucky pulled away, “Tell us what you want Kitten.”
He sounded as breathless as you felt and you bit your lip as you shot him a coy smile – you wanted to try something new tonight. You crawled on top of Bucky, leaning over him as you spoke, “I want you and Captain to fuck my pussy, Sarge.”
“Ok babygirl, who’d you want first?” Bucky asked, clearly not understanding what you meant and you had to stifle a giggle at his cluelessness. It was nearly innocent.
“No Sergeant, I want you both to fuck me - please?” You watched as the penny started to drop for the both of them, incredulous looks painting itself across their faces, “Need you both to fill me up so good, make me yours, only yours – please Sarge?” You mouthed at Bucky’s jaw, feeling the God of a man shudder beneath you.
“Fuck, fuck -  ok Kitten, whatever you want, babygirl.”
You turned to face Steve, his jaw locked so tight you were scared it would break under the pressure, his eyes so black they nearly looked demonic, “Please Captain?”
“Buck, get the lube,” Was his only response and you knew you had him in the palm of your hand – there really was nothing these boys wouldn’t do for you.
Bucky scrambled towards the bedside table, pulling out the lube and hastily throwing the bottle to Steve who quickly squirted some onto his hand, generously coating his length before Bucky did the same. Laying down amongst the pillows, Bucky settled down before you moved to straddle him, your back facing him as you sank down onto his length, even with the lube and your wetness it was still a stretch – your soldiers were both well-endowed, that was no secret to you.
The sight of your ass was too much for Bucky to be able to ignore and before you could even realise, Bucky’s hand was cutting through the air before giving a resounding smack to the globe of flesh causing you to inadvertently bounce on his cock, the both of you groaning at the feeling. You shifted your legs, hooking them over Bucky’s parted ones as you rested against his chest, tilting your head to the side to give him access to your neck and shoulder.
Steve moved to kneel between your parted legs and Bucky hooked his arms under your knees, spreading them further apart and pulling them up to your chest. Leaning forward, Steve gave you a quick kiss before murmuring against your lips, “Tell me if I hurt you Princess.”  
You nodded your consent; eager to have them both filling you up in the most intimate way, to have them both fucking into your cunt, to have them both fill you with their cum. Steve pressed the head of his cock against your entrance, pushing down on Bucky’s length that was already buried inside you, giving himself enough room to push inside you slowly.
The feeling was unlike anything you had ever experienced, eyes rolling into the back of your head as Steve’s girth nestled beside Bucky’s in your hot, wet pussy. Normally, either of the boys left you feeling rather snug, but now, with both of them filling you to the hilt, the thickness of both their cocks hitting every damn spot you had was enough to have you seeing stars and they hadn’t even started moving yet.
Bucky’s grip was bruising on your legs, his abs tightening beneath you as you tried to compose himself and Steve was no better, tendons tightening on his neck as his face flushed red with the strength it took to reel himself in and stop himself from fucking you into the mattress right then and there.
“Fuck Princess, s-so fucking tight,” Steve ground out, Bucky grunting in agreement.
“Pl- oh god- Please fucking move,” You moaned wantonly, certain that if neither of them did anything soon than you would melt into a puddle of unresolved desire on the bed.
Steve was the first to move, subtly thrusting his hips into yours, testing the waters. When the three of you groaned at the feeling, pleasure shooting through every cell of your body, the boys started to gain a rhythm – Steve driving his hips forward as Bucky fucked up into you. Your hands wrapped around Steve’s broad shoulders, head thrown back onto the pillow beneath you as you arched your back to try and pull them deeper inside you, needing more, digging your nails into Steve’s back and leaving angry red marks in your wake.
“Faster, please fuck me faster,” You could barely speak, the words escaping you on a breath but you knew they had heard, Steve groaning as Bucky’s grip on you tightened further before they followed through with your request, rocking their hips into yours harder and faster. The headboard banging against the wall with their increased efforts was nearly drowned out by your high-pitched cries, the animalistic growls coming from Bucky mixing with the deep grunts and groans that Steve emitted.
Your second orgasm seemed to build quicker, whether it was because you were still sensitive from your first or because your pleasure seemed to be heightened like no other climax before you with the feeling of two cocks hitting every sweet spot you had, making your head spin with every roll of their hips into you, you didn’t know and you sure as hell didn’t care – far too focused on the incredible sparks within you that seemed to set every synapse you had alight.
Steve’s mouth descended on your breast, suckling at the nipple before nipping at the hardened bud, jolting when he felt your cunt clench around him in response. Leaning back, filthy praises began to spew from his sinful lips which only served to propel you closer to the edge, “God, such a good little slut, aren’t you Princess? Just fucking dying to take her soldiers cocks into that tight little pussy and milk ‘em dry, aren’t ya dollface?”
The coil in your stomach began to tighten, the muscles in your legs and abdomen starting to shake as they tensed and Bucky’s hand danced down the skin of your thigh towards your glistening core, coating his fingers in your wetness as he circled your clit with the cold digits of his metal hand. You writhed under his ministrations as Steve’s words washed over you, “You gonna cum for us doll? You gonna fucking scream and let every fucking person here know who’s making you feel so good? Oh god, come on Princess, fucking cum for us – show ‘em who you belong to.”
That was all you needed to finally let go, the most powerful orgasm of your life rushing through you, mouth falling open in a silent scream as your brain struggled to process the euphoria flooding it, body spasming, nails raking down Steve’s back as you bucked your hips into theirs to try and prolong your high.
Your release was all the motivation Steve and Bucky needed to succumb to their own orgasms; Bucky biting down on your shoulder as he snarled, his hips snapping up to yours a few final times as his cum coated your walls, the feeling yours and Bucky’s cum coating his cock too much for Steve as his cock erupted into your twitching pussy with a shout, his hips stuttering into yours a few final times as he came down from his high.
With a groan, Steve slowly pulled his length out of your core, careful not to hurt you as he collapsed onto the bed. Bucky helped you to separate yourself from him, your legs feeling boneless and completely useless to you as he laid you down on the bed beside Steve, joining you seconds later.
Every inch of you had a pleasant ache and you could feel your mixed releases coating your thighs and leaking from your still-pulsing pussy, you definitely would be in need of a shower before you passed out tonight, the stickiness between your legs more noticeable than ever before.
“You fucking squirted,” Steve sounded beside you, his voice groggy as if he’d just woken up from a seventy year nap. You turned your head towards him, actions still languid, you didn’t have the energy to show your mortification, your cheeks flushing the only reaction you could afford.
Steve let out a chuckle, the sound bleary as Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss under your ear as he murmured into it; “It was very hot Kitten – we’ll be making you do that again, don’t worry.”
Deciding you needed a shower before sleep claimed you, you shot Steve your best puppy-dog eyes that you knew made him melt and asked him to help you, to which he of course agreed. As Steve carried you towards the bathroom, Bucky set about changing the sheets and cleaning up the mess the three of you made; sometimes their stamina really was a god-send because you were in no shape to be standing, never mind changing the sheets and showering by yourself.
You showered quickly, propped against the wall as Steve dragged the soapy sponge across your blissfully bruised skin, washing away all evidence of your previous activities from between your legs. When Steve was just finished washing the suds off your body, Bucky stepped into the shower, the both of them swapping positions so that you were cuddled into Bucky’s chest whilst Steve washed himself under the spray of water.
“That was incredible babygirl,” Bucky pressed a kiss to your temple, hands gliding up and down your back as if he was trying to feel every inch of you, as if he hadn’t just done exactly that.
When Steve was done, Bucky went under the water, quickly washing himself as you leaned back against Steve, fatigue starting set in your limbs, making them feel heavy and your bed was calling out for you to join it once again.
“We love you Y/N. More than anything in this world, don’t know what we’d do without you doll,” Steve stated as if it were one of the most obvious truths of the universe – two plus two equals four, the biggest planet in our solar system is Jupiter, and Steve and Bucky love you more than anything in this world of the next.
Steve’s sweet words reminded you of what Tony had offered the three of you and you knew you wanted, now more than ever, to ask them if they wanted to live together. Exiting the shower, Steve and Bucky both towelled you off, sharing gentle kisses with you as they did before they slipped one of their shirts over your head and carried you back to bed.
The fresh sheets were a welcome blessing, the cool cotton easing the prominent ache in your muscles as you relaxed into the mattress, Steve and Bucky moving to snuggle into either side of you. Your legs became a tangled mess, Steve playing with a strand of your hair as Bucky drew senseless patterns on the skin of your arm.
“You know, Tony offered to give us our own floor if you wanted to…” Your voice was barely above a whisper but you knew they had both heard you, the pair of them stopping their actions as silence overcame the room.
“Like, we’d be officially living together kind of thing?” Bucky questioned, uncertainty lacing his voice.
“Yeah - only if you both want to of course,” You hastily added, doubt beginning to set in your mind.
Maybe they thought it was too soon…
Steve broke your train of thought by pressing a loving kiss to your lips, “I’d love to live together Beautiful.”
“Getting to wake up to you every morning? I’m in,” Bucky chimed in and you felt tears start to form in the corners of your eyes. You never in a million years thought this would be a possibility, but here you were, wrapped up in the arms of the two men you loved most in the world planning your future together.
You fell asleep that night with a smile etched onto your face, their murmurs of ‘I love you’ the last thing you remembered hearing and you intelligibly mumbled ‘I love you too’ before falling into a deep slumber.
The sunlight streaming through the windows woke you the next morning, for once you were the first one awake and you took advantage of the rare opportunity, shamelessly taking in the sight of Steve and Bucky’s sleeping forms beside you, Bucky’s hair fanned out on the pillow around him as he let out soft snores, Steve’s face buried in his pillow, a slight pool of drool evident next to his open lips.
You smiled softly at the sight, it was rare for either of them to look so carefree, normally weighed down by some thing or other – Captain America held the responsibility of the Avengers themselves, a task he didn’t take lightly, he was their fearless leader and he did whatever he needed to even when it was the hard call and the Winter Soldier carried more ghosts than you would ever know, the guilt still ate away at him and you doubted it would ever stop, he would be forever haunted by a past that wasn’t his choice.
You would never be able to help Captain America or the Winter Soldier, but Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes? You’d carry every single one of their problems if it meant just one more peaceful night for the both of them.
You admired their sleeping forms as you made plans in your head for the day; you’d have to tell Tony you accepted his offer and start to shop for furnishings, maybe a trip to ikea was on the cards.
That’s sure to be eventful.
Your thoughts were cut short by Steve and Bucky both moving towards you, Bucky burying his face in your neck, soft breaths tickling your neck as Steve moved down to use your chest as a pillow, his arms tightly wrapping around your waist.
This was definitely something you could get used to. And now you could.
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Rock and Roll Storytime #5: Brian Jones and His Five(?) Children
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While I will absolutely admit to being infatuated with dead rock stars, that doesn’t mean I’m going to give them a pass for everything they’ve ever done. Take for example, Brian Jones. While I think he is quite cute and an extraordinarily talented musician, there’s the fact that he was also abusive towards women, and he was never really involved in the lives of any of the multiple children he sired.
Hell, he was so bad in regards to having responsible sex, we don’t even know how many children he had for sure.
What I’m going to do with this is tell you how his five confirmed children came into the world and maybe even talk about some of the speculated ones this time. 
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1. Barry David Corbett (aka Simon): So, let’s face it, Brian started out young, being just seventeen when he got his then girlfriend, Valerie Corbett pregnant (sources vary as to whether she was fourteen or seventeen when this happened). What’s important to remember is that the adults of Brian’s generation heavily disapproved of teenage pregnancy (some of it owing to how we used to be a lot more religious), and if Call the Midwife is anything to go by (great show by the way), it was usually the parents who would determine whether a teenage mother was able to keep her unborn child. Most often, it seems, the child would be given up for adoption, though it seems that sometimes, a shotgun wedding would be initiated, and in rarer cases, the grandparents would bring the child up under the impression that the mother was actually an older sister, whilst they posed as the biological parents (think Jack Nicholson). Reportedly, Brian encouraged Valerie to get an abortion, which, mind you was illegal at the time, but she refused. She gave birth to little Barry on May 29, 1960, and he was subsequently adopted out and renamed Simon. Reportedly, he eventually found out that Brian was his father in 2004, and by then, he was married with two kids of his own.
2. Unknown (Known as Belinda or Carol depending on the source): within months of getting Valerie pregnant, Brian was at it again. In this instance, he met a woman only known as Angelique at a dance and the two had a one-night-stand. As it turns out, the 23-year-old was married and had been going through a rough patch with her husband. When she turned up pregnant, she and her husband ultimately decided to keep the baby, and on August 4, 1960, Brian’s only known daughter was born. According to Bill Wyman, Brian never knew about his eldest daughter’s birth, and in a similar vein, the subject of Brian Jones was taboo in Belinda’s household, given the pain it caused both her parents (which is also the reason we don’t know her real name). Bill’s book Stone Alone, states that she realized that her father wasn’t her biological father when she was six, and that she realized Brian was her father when she was fifteen after her brother brought home a Rolling Stones record (Through the Past Darkly, Big Hits Vol. 2). In talking to Belinda, Bill also discovered that she had temporal lobe epilepsy, which to the pair of them, explained Brian’s hypochondriac tendencies, as well as some of his behaviors (for instance, Bill said that in about a minute, Brian would go from being fully engaged in a conversation to being completely disengaged). While the truth of the matter is, we’ll never know for sure whether or not Brian had epilepsy (because we knew jackshit about mental health back in the day), I personally think it’s an interesting explanation for Brian’s health problems, and that theory might even shine a light on what might have happened the night he drowned.
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3. Julian Mark Andrews: Surely, Brian was living the “Sex, drugs, and rock and roll” lifestyle well before he became a rock star. After returning to Cheltenham after the scandal that was him getting Valerie pregnant, Brian began dating 15-year-old Pat Andrews. When she was sixteen, she fell pregnant with his child, and by her own admission, she was so naive about childbirth that she didn’t even realize she was pregnant until her sister marched her into the doctor’s office. On October 22, 1961, she gave birth to Julian Mark, named after Julian “Cannonball” Adderley. By all accounts, on the day Mark was born, Brian sold four of his records (his most prized possessions) in order to buy flowers for Pat and clothes for his newborn son. He was even involved in their lives for a while, but sadly, this arrangement wouldn’t last. For one thing, Brian was very promiscuous, and he was never good at the whole “fidelity” thing. Another possible explanation is that one time, when Pat and Mark came to spend a day with Brian after he became famous, his manager, Andrew Loog Oldham, started bitching about how Brian shouldn’t be seen as a “family man” (even though Bill Wyman was married and had a young son). Apparently, Andrew wanted to market Brian as a hot young bachelor that the fangirls would have no qualms squeeing over. In either case, Brian soon cut all ties with Pat. In addition, according to Paul Trynka, Mick Jagger once made a drunken pass at Pat (she rejected his advances), and Mick apparently bragged to Brian that they’d had a drunken fling. According to Pat, Brian never gave her a chance to explain her side of the story, and that was around the time Brian cut all ties. In 1966, she sued Brian for child support, and when Brian failed to show up to court, the very pissed-off judge awarded Pat the maximum sum allowed at the time: £2.50 a week for Mark as well as another  £78 to cover Pat’s court costs and confinement expenses. After Brian’s death though, the payments stopped coming in. On a side-note: Laura Jackson’s book states that Mark has no memories of his father.
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4. Julian Brian Lawrence Leitch: Before anyone says anything, yes Brian has two sons named Julian, and allegedly, he wanted all of his sons to be named after Cannonball Adderley. In 1964, Brian had been dating a 17-year-old Linda Lawrence for two years. She subsequently gave birth to his third son on July 23, 1964. Reportedly, he was involved for a brief while whilst he lived with Linda and her parents, but then he was kicked out after it became clear that he had no intentions of marrying Linda. She came forward against Brian with a paternity suit in 1965, and ultimately, she received a £1,000 settlement. In October 1970, she married Brian’s friend and fellow musician Donovan Leitch (simply known as Donovan in most parts) who later taught Julian to play guitar. For the curious, there are clips of him online singing “Sympathy for the Devil,” and he later became the father of Joolz Leitch Jones, who like his father, grandfather, and step-grandfather, is a musician.
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5. Paul Molloy (John Maynard): This one is an utter doozy even when you take into account the usual low standards surrounding any given rock star and his/her children. This story starts with Brian dating 19-year-old Dawn Molloy on and off again throughout 1964 (while he was still seeing Linda, mind you), and her eventually becoming pregnant. At around this time, Brian was ordered by Andrew to never contact her again. Subsequently, Andrew, in a case of severely misguided damage control, essentially coerced Dawn into signing a non-disclosure agreement, which stated that the matter was now closed and she would never go to the public or press about the child being Brian’s (the whole thing was witnessed by Mick Jagger). In exchange for her silence, she would be awarded £700. Her parents were not supportive of her during her pregnancy, and she was sent to a home for unmarried, expectant mothers, where, on March 24, 1965, she gave birth to Paul. Soon after, she was forced to give up her son for adoption, and told that she would never be able to see him again (those of you who’ve seen the film Philomena or Call the Midwife will probably get an idea of what I’ve been describing). Paul was renamed John, and while he did know that he was adopted, he did, at least, know he was loved. Some thirty years later, John, having married and had three kids of his own, went looking for his birth family, and was eventually able to find his birth mother and information about his late birth father. Mother and son have both spoken about their experiences since; Dawn wrote a book entitled Not Fade Away, and John spoke to the Daily Mail, where he said of Brian, “First, I'd probably hit him for what he did to Dawn. Then I'd brush him down and ask him if he wanted a coffee. I'd like to chat with him. To get to know him and for him to get to know me. He'd like me, I know he would. I'd want him to be proud of me. To be honest, I'd just want him to be my dad.”
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-Marlon Richards: For a while, people suspected that Marlon was actually Brian’s son for a while because when he was little, he was blond and had a cherubic face, though I could argue that this came more from his mother, Anita Pallenberg. Even if I could already dispute the idea that Marlon is Brian’s son, given how Brian and Anita’s relationship came to a legendarily messy finish in 1967, there’s also the fact that Marlon grew up to look exactly like Keith. Still, figured I might as well debunk this old rumor.
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-Timmy Faithless: This one comes straight from Australian tabloids in which it is claimed his mother, Loriann (the article will make sure you remember she was a Satanist, which doesn’t matter to me, but whatever), conceived after a Melbourne concert. As with anything in the tabloids though, I tend to doubt the veracity of such claims (it might help if we had Brian’s DNA on file, but last I checked, police don’t really have a good reason to dig up Brian’s skeleton).
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-Anna Wohlin claimed to have been carrying Brian’s child, but miscarried shortly after his death, likely due to the high stress and duress caused by the situation. However, I personally think she’s a bit of an unreliable witness, so I’ll just leave that to conjecture.
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-Barbara Wolf: In 2019, she came out of the woodworks to allege that Brian was her father and that he was murdered by Frank Thorogood (she is not the only one of Brian’s children to believe he was murdered). Once again though, considering this story seems to have originated in a tabloid, I’ll just sit over here being my highly skeptical self.
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-David Lars “Cannonball” Brandstone: Claimed to be writing a book about his dad set for release in 2008. Once again though, I find myself sorely doubting his claims about Brian (some of the details he gives in his interview are a bit... suspect to say the least).
If there’s anything to be taken away from what you just read, it’s that sometimes, people are going to be irresponsible as hell when it comes to... relations. As someone who has experienced something similar to what Brian’s children went through (teenage mother, absent father), I can certainly say that, while I respect Brian’s musical ability, I simply cannot condone his behavior in any of these cases. I know that it was a different time, but still, the fact that he got so many women pregnant and subsequently abandoned them is simply inexcusable.
Thank god for contraception and better sex ed. 
Sources: Brian Jones: The Making of the Rolling Stones by Paul Trynka Brian Jones: The Untold Life and Mysterious Death of a Legend by Laura Jackson 27: A History of the 27 Club through the Lives of Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and Amy Winehouse by Howard Sounes Stone Alone by Bill Wyman https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1353783/Being-Brian-Joness-son-greatest-thing-happened-me.html http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/sixtiesfish/kidsweb/kids.html https://iorr.org/talk/read.php?1,2325726,2325735 http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/sixtiesfish/brianjones_son.html https://ultimateclassicrock.com/the-rolling-stones-children/ https://www.earcandymag.com/foundationstonebook-2.htm https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/daughter-rolling-stones-wild-child-17479033 https://born-late.blogspot.com/2011/09/legend-of-girl-child-linda.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Jones#Early_life_and_children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8OANZg8_iE
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
Sweet Lies [1]
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A/N : I'm back fellas to ruin your life and play with your feelings; also Baekhyun won't make an appearance until the end of chapter two please bare with me I have to set everything up first😅
Pairing : Byun Baekhyun / [Fem] Reader [first two chapters pairing will be Kim Jongin / Reader ]
Genre : Angst, Violence, Some Fluff, Future Smut, Mafia! AU
Words : 2.1k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ─���── ≪
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I frowned, rubbing my stomach as it growled for the umpteenth time. I scoffed, looking up to the sky as I felt the first raindrop of many hit my head. Great, just what I needed, I thought with distaste. I tsked, kicking at a small rock on the ground. Stuffing both hands into my pockets I picked up the pace, keeping my head down as I made my way towards the nearest convenience store. The rain had picked up, the sound of the heavy raindrops hitting the ground was the only thing I could hear clearly; every other sound was hazy behind the sound of the heavy rain. I looked up to see an alleyway a few steps away. I jogged over to the alley hoping to find some shelter until the rain let up some, but what I stumbled upon was something I never thought I’d ever witness.
Four men were fighting, the rain washing away the blood that had accumulated on the ground. I watched with wide eyes, not making a sound in fear that they’d turn their attention to me. I began to back up slowly, my heart racing in my chest. I didn’t manage to get very far, hearing the sound of tires screeching behind me. I, stupidly, turned towards the sound, a gasp leaving my mouth at seeing a man leaning through the window with a gun in his hand. Within the next second he let out what sounded like five or six bullets from his gun. I felt a prickling sensation in my abdomen but I was too stunned to move, watching two men run to the car before getting in and driving off. I felt myself begin to grow weaker and weaker, confusion setting into my brain until I finally decided to look down at my abdomen. The first thing I was was red, red everywhere. Blood was mixing with the water as it seeped out of my body. I raised a trembling hand to my stomach, gingerly touching the place the blood was coming out of, wincing at the pain. I looked down at my blood covered fingertips in shock, my vision beginning to blur. Seconds later my legs gave out from underneath me and before I could even hit the floor I was out like a light.
“Damn...she looks young too.”
“What the hell was she doing here?”
“The idiot should’ve run when she had the chance.”
“What do we do?”
There was a pause among them, the one that had spoken first crouched down next to you. He gingerly moved your hair out of your face, his frown deepening. Without a word he placed his index and middle finger on the side of your neck, feeling for a pulse. It took a few seconds but he was able to feel one. He let out a soft sigh, rising to his feet, signalling the other men around him to take a step closer.
“Sehun and Chanyeol grab her. We’re taking her back with us so Junmyeon can fix her up.”
“Just do as you’re told. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say about this. My decision is final.”
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I gasped for air, my chest felt like something weighing more than a ton was placed over it. My eyes flew open at not being able to breath as I sat up quickly. I hung my head forward, my hand clutching my chest as it heaved up and down. It took a few seconds for my heart rate to regulate but when it did I was finally able to feel the pain in my abdomen. I groaned lowly, wincing as the pain only intensified.
“If I knew you were going to do that I would’ve had Junmyeon strap you down. Now look what you’ve done, you’ve gone and opened your wound.”
I whipped my head up in search of the unfamiliar voice, my eyes landing on a man that leaned against the wall a few feet from where I was. I furrowed my brows, not recognizing his face. He must’ve found my confusion amusing seeing as how a small smirk made its way onto his face. You see at a time like this I would be scared out of my mind at being in a room I didn’t recognize with a stranger, a very handsome stranger at that, but for some reason fear was the last thing on my mind.
“Who are you?”
“Hmm, you’re surprisingly calm for someone that was on the brink of dying.” He said, the smirk on his face turning into a soft smile.
I frowned at his words, the pain in my stomach making its presence known once more. I let out a whimper, tears coming to my eyes  as I fell back onto the bed, writhing around in pain. I felt tears come to my eyes at the unbearable pain, seeing the man stand up straight in alarm.
“Junmyeon! Junmyeon hurry the fuck up and get your ass in here!”
[5 Months Later]
“Why the hell are we doing this?” I asked out of breath, leaning forward and resting my hands on my knees.
He chuckled softly, “I've told you why.”
I scoffed, raising my head to look at him and give him a glare, “Yes but you haven't told me enough.”
He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall behind him. He gave me a look one I ignored as I straightened out to look him in the eye properly instead of having to look up at him.
“You've told me why I was here, with you, and you're lucky I didn't snap on you too bad about digging into my life. But why have me train and stay here for so long? Why would you take me in, a complete stranger?” I said, ignoring the way the smile fell from his face slowly, muttering under my breath, “I should be asking myself why I've trusted a stranger this long…”
There was a pause, silence enveloping the two of us. After a few seconds Jongin finally spoke up, “I want you to become stronger. I want you to be able to defend yourself and get yourself out of a situation like the one that put you here. Believe it or not I was a lot like you until I got tired of it all. I want you to become a better version of yourself.”
“So you want to start a gang like you then?” I asked teasingly.
He scoffed, “Out of all the things I said that's what stuck? Why do I even bother?”
I grinned and got back into position, “Well come on then. I don't have all day and I know I've got a long way to go. Don't tell me my teacher is getting lazy now?”
[3 months later]
I was staring out into space when I felt someone kick my foot lightly. I looked up to see that it was only Sehun, giving him a small smile as a greeting.
“What's got you looking so down?” He asked, taking a seat next to me.
I said nothing for a few second, continuing to stare at the wall before speaking, “I'm thinking…”
“That's new.”
I rolled my eyes before rolling my head on my shoulders to look over at him. I gave him a look, well more like a glare but said nothing. My lips were sealed shut as my mind wandered back to what had me so spaced out in the first place. I thought about my life, or lack thereof to be more accurate. Before Jongin and the others my life was as uneventful as if could be. I had no friends, no family, hell I don’t even know what being loved by anyone feels like. But the longer I thought about it the more I came to realize that I never really hated my life, sure I was bitter about how my life was but I still had dreams, aspirations. I wanted to do what I want, not what others want from me. I know Jongin has plans for me and though I am grateful that he took me in I can’t deny the fact that he’s still a killer and a leader of one of the most notorious gangs in Seoul. SKY was a gang I had only heard about on the news, not once did I think that the people involved with SKY were actually decent. But simply because they were decent men didn’t mean that their sins would be automatically erased.
“What’s bothering you so much?” Sehun asked in a soft voice, drawing me out of my thoughts.
I sighed heavily, looking down at my hands that lay on lap, “Everything.”
There was silence, Sehun waiting patiently for me to elaborate. I just continued to stare down at my hands, trying to get my thoughts in order and say what was on my mind, “I-I want out.”
Again another pause, “I want to go to university, get a job, live a normal life. I want to go back to my old life.”
“So you want to go back to being miserable?”
Sehun and I turned around quickly at the sound of his voice, startled by it. The look in his eyes was one I couldn’t read causing me to worry. I’ve spent eight months in his presence and since the very beginning he was always easy for me to read, his eyes showing exactly what he was feeling but now… he was unreadable. Jongin’s gaze was holding mine hostage, not even sparing Sehun a glance as he stared deep into my eyes.
“I was happy-”
He scoffed at that, finally pulling his gaze from mine but only to roll his eyes, “If you tell yourself that long enough you’re bound to believe it one day when in reality you never really were happy.”
At those words I felt the anger within me start to bubble over, my hands balling into fists, “And what the hell do you know about me? You don’t know jackshit about my life.”
He smirked at this, taking a step forward, “I know everything about you and I can tell you-”
“No. You may know the details of what I’ve lived through but you have no idea what I’ve felt going through it. How the hell do you know what I felt at losing my parents before I could even walk? How the hell do you know how I felt growing up with nobody by my side? Huh?” I spoke through gritted teeth, rising to my feet and staring him in the eye defiantly, “You know nothing about me and I’m tired of you pretending you care. I’m nothing but a girl you felt sorry for, nothing more nothing less. Stop acting like you know a damn thing about me and let me leave so I can live my life the way I please.”
I saw the way his set his jaw, watching his own hands at his side clenching into fists before he relaxed, “You want out? Fine but there’s a price.”
“Name it.”
He gave me a smirk, a small one but a smirk nonetheless, “I want you to take a life.”
I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach, stumbling back at his words, “W-What?”
“You heard me. If you want me to let you get back to your life I’m going to need one in return.”
I ground my teeth at the smug look on his face, clenching my hands so hard my fingernails were digging into my palms. The son of a bitch knew I could never take a life, even if it cost me my own. I could see it in his eyes. The asshole was smiling at me, his eyes saying he won and that I wasn’t going anywhere. That look made my blood boil and so I spoke without thinking.
“Fine. A life for a life, right? I’ll do anything to get out of here and away from you.” I said, saying that last part out of spite and to hit him where it hurt.
I could see both hurt and anger flash in his eyes at my words, a scoff falling from his lips but he said no more. I knew there was no way I’d be able to do what he asked of me but I’d say and do anything to get out of here and back to my life and make something out of myself.
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