#i need a boy to make out with more than i need air
joelmillerisapunk · 3 days
Tastes like strawberries
Dbf!Joel miller x f!reader
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Wordcount: 6,367 (ma bad)
Summary: after accidentally sending your dads best friend a provocative photo meant for someone else you go to "apologize" in person.
Warnings: 18+, age gap (make it your own), handcuffs, scissors, power imbalance, alcohol consumption, f&m oral receiving, joel wrecks your clothes, unprotected p in v, reader has hair and wears a dress, just two consenting adults
Notes: this wasn't meant to be so long. But here we are. Thank you for reading hope you like it <3 Thank you @syd-djarin @joelslegalwhre and @mountainsandmayhem for beta'ing sending you all smooches! and @saradika-graphics for the divider <3 <3 <3
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The soft glow of your phone screen illuminates your face in the dimly lit room. Your heart races with a mix of excitement and nerves as you craft the perfect message to the guy you've been chatting with on Tinder. His name is Joel, and he seems different from the others—charming, mature, and undeniably intriguing.
With a deep breath, you attach the sexy photo you'd taken earlier, one that you hope he'll find irresistible. You type out a flirty caption, double-check the name at the top of the chat, and hit send before you can second-guess yourself.
The next morning, you wake up to a message notification. Your heart leaps, thinking it's Tinder Joel, but as you reach for your phone, a sense of dread washes over you. The message is from your father's best friend, Joel Miller, a man you've known since childhood and who has seen you grow up. The preview of the message from last night is enough to make your blood run cold.
11:58PM: I think you might have sent this to the wrong person, sweetheart.
Panic sets in as you read the full message and your face flames with embarrassment. You type out a flurry of apologies, each one more frantic than the last. Joel's response is swift and unexpected.
8:05AM: It's all good, baby girl. You don't need those Tinder boys when I'm right here for ya.
The message is accompanied by a winking emoji, and despite your mortification, you can't help but feel a thrill at the familiarity and warmth in his words. 
Determined to apologize in person and clear the air, you find yourself outside the sleek glass building that houses Joel's wine company Vita Vino: where every sip is a celebration of life. You certainly don't feel very celebratory at this moment as the receptionist leads you up to the top floor, where Joel's office overlooks the city with floor-to-ceiling windows.
You step into the office, where you see the cityscape sprawling behind Joel. He rises from his desk, a smile playing on his lips, his presence commanding the room. "Come in, sweetheart, was hopin’ to see ya," he says and winks.
You manage to find your voice, despite the fluttering in your chest. "Mr. Miller, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I was mortified when I realized - I don't know what I was thinking, it was meant for someone—"
He cuts you off with a gentle raise of his hand to still your frantic words. "Please call me Joel, you know better than callin me that. It's okay darlin. Really. These things happen."
You look up at him, searching his face for any sign of judgement, but find only a calm, reassuring smile. "I just—I never meant for you to see that. I feel so stupid.”
Joel's smile broadens, and he takes a step closer. "You have nothing to feel stupid about. You're a beautiful, confident woman. Ain't no shame in that. Listen, what you sent—it was for my eyes only from the moment it reached my phone. I want you to know that you can trust me. I would never disrespect you by sharing that with anyone.”
His words resonate with you, and you feel the weight of your embarrassment start to lift. "I appreciate that, Joel. I really do."
He takes a step toward you, closing the distance between you two. His hand lifts, and you feel the warmth of his fingers as they gently tilt your chin up, forcing your gaze to meet his. "You've got nothing to thank me for darlin. I'm just being honest with you."
The intensity of his stare sends a jolt of electricity through you. He's close enough now that you can feel the heat radiating off his body, and the scent of his cologne fills your senses, making your head spin. But before you can respond, he releases your chin and moves to the side, gesturing toward a large, framed map of the world's wine regions that hangs on the wall. As you both turn to look at it, your bodies are almost touching, and you can feel the subtle brush of his arm against yours.
"I want to show you something," he says, pointing to a very tiny out of the way region highlighted in gold. "It's where we get the grapes for our signature blend. You know, just like those grapes, sometimes the best things in life are unexpected surprises." 
As he explains the intricacies of the wine-making process, his hand drifts to the small of your back, a possessive gesture that sends a shiver down your spine. His touch is light, but the message is clear—he's staking a claim. 
As Joel's hand lingers on the small of your back, his thumb traces small, intimate circles that make it hard to focus on his words about wine. The room seems to shrink, the city outside the windows fading into insignificance as your awareness narrows to the man beside you.
 You swallow hard, your breath hitching as Joel's thumb continues its maddeningly delightful exploration. The heat from his hand seems to seep through the fabric of your clothes, branding your skin with his touch. "Joel," you whisper, your voice barely above a murmur. His name feels foreign and familiar on your lips.
He turns to look at you. "Yes, darlin'?" he replies, his voice a low rumble that vibrates through you.
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself against the intoxicating effect he has on you. "I -I should go," you say, though the words feel hollow even as they leave your mouth. The last thing you want is to leave this room and the spell Joel has cast over you.
A slow smile spreads across his face, and he shakes his head slightly. "Do you really want to leave?" he asks, his hand pressing ever so slightly into your back, urging you closer.
The question hangs in the air between you, charged with anticipation and the promise of something deliciously forbidden. You know that saying yes will irrevocably change things between you and Joel Miller—the man who is friends with your father—but in this moment, none of that seems to matter. 
The air between you crackles with tension, the weight of your decision pressing down on you. You're acutely aware of the way your heart is pounding in your chest, the way your breath has become shallow and rapid. Joel's eyes are locked onto yours, a silent challenge that dares you to take a leap into the unknown.
"No," you admit, the word tasting like a confession. "I don't want to leave."
The smile that lights up Joel's face is predatory, triumphant. "Good girl," he murmurs, the approval in his voice sends a thrill through you. He steps back, giving you both a moment to breathe, to let the gravity of your decision settle in the space between you. "I've got something special I've been saving for an occasion like this," Joel says. He moves toward a polished wooden cabinet on the far side of the room. The cabinet is locked, but he produces a key from his pocket with a flourish that makes you smile despite the tension coiling in your belly.
Inside the cabinet is an array of exquisite bottles, each one surely holding a story as rich and complex as its contents. Joel's hand lingers over them before finally selecting one with a label that looks older than you are. "This," he says, holding it up to the light so you can see the liquid within, "is a 1947 Cheval Blanc. One of the finest vintages ever produced."
Your eyes widen at the sight of it. "Joel, I can't... that must be worth a fortune," you protest weakly, even as part of you yearns to experience such rare luxury.
He chuckles softly, shaking his head as he retrieves two crystal glasses from the cabinet. "Money isn't everything, darlin'." His gaze meets yours again, filled with an intensity that takes your breath away. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather share this with than you."
You watch in silence as he expertly uncorks the bottle and pours a small amount into each glass, the wine swirling like liquid rubies. He hands one to you and then raises his own in a toast. "To unexpected surprises," he says with a knowing smile.
The wine is velvet on your tongue, rich and complex with layers of flavor that seem to unfold endlessly as you sip it. You close your eyes for a moment, savoring the experience—and when you open them again Joel is watching you with an intensity that makes your knees weak. The atmosphere in the room has shifted, becoming charged with a desire that's as intoxicating as the wine you're sharing.
"You look so beautiful when you enjoy something.” 
As the last drops of the exquisite wine coat your throat, you lower your glass, your senses heightened by the rich flavors and the man standing before you. Joel's gaze is fixed on you, his eyes dark with desire that mirrors the pulsing need growing within you. He takes a step closer, the heat of his body enveloping you as he reaches out to brush a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
"I want to show you more than just wine," he says, his voice a low growl that sends shivers down your spine. "There's a whole world of pleasures I can introduce you to.”
“Joel, I dont know what to say.” 
“Nothin’, you dont have to say anything pretty girl.” 
As the last drops of the Cheval Blanc dance on your tongue, Joel takes a step closer, his gaze never leaving yours. He reaches out to take your glass, setting it aside on a nearby table. His fingers graze yours in the process, sending a jolt of electricity up your arm. You're acutely aware of the warmth of his body, the way his shirt stretches across his broad chest, the subtle hint of stubble along his jawline.
Joel turns back to the wine cabinet to return the precious bottle to its place of honor. As he opens the cabinet door, there's a soft clinking sound, and something metallic tumbles out from one of the shelves, landing with a thud on the plush carpet at your feet.
You both glance down simultaneously. There, gleaming under the soft glow of the office lights, is a pair of handcuffs. They're not just any handcuffs—they're high-quality, with a polished finish that suggests they've been well cared for. Your eyes widen in surprise, and you can feel a heat creeping up your cheeks as you look back at Joel.
"Well, that's not something I expected to show you today," he says with a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his neck in a rare display of awkwardness.
You stare at the handcuffs and then back at Joel, your heart pounding in your chest. "Are those...?" You trail off, unable to finish the sentence.
Joel chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he nods. "Yes, they are.”
You're not sure what to think, you can only imagine how many women he's used those on, right here in his office. The thought sends a thrill through you, a mix of jealousy and excitement at the idea of being one of those women, of sharing in this secret, kinky side of Joel that he's kept hidden from the world. "I didn't peg you for the type," you say.
Joel's eyes lock onto yours, the playful glint in them replaced by a serious intensity. "There's a lot you don't know about me, darlin'," he admits. "And there's a lot I'd like to show you, if you're willing.”
You know that picking up those handcuffs would be crossing a line, stepping into a world of pleasure and exploration that you've never experienced before. But the thought of surrendering control to Joel, of letting him guide you through uncharted territory, is exhilarating.
Slowly, you reach down and pick up the handcuffs, the cold metal warming in your grasp. You hold them out to Joel, your heart racing as you give him a silent nod of consent. A slow, approving smile spreads across his face as he takes the handcuffs from you. 
His fingers brush against your wrists, sending sparks of electricity through your veins. You hear the soft click of the handcuffs as they close around your wrists. The sensation of being bound, of being at Joel's mercy, is both thrilling and terrifying.
"There," he says, his breath hot against your ear as he steps in front of you, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Now you're mine."
The words send a jolt of desire through you, pooling low in your belly. You're aware of the way your body responds to his words, to the dominance radiating off him in waves. "What are you going to do with me?" you ask.
Joel's smile is wicked as he reaches out to trace the line of your jaw with his finger. "Whatever I want," he says, the promise in his voice making your knees weak. "But don't worry, darlin'. I'm going to make sure you enjoy every single second of it.”
He guides you toward the large, mahogany desk that dominates his office. The surface is clear, save for a sleek laptop and a few neatly stacked papers. With a gentle hand on your shoulder, he urges you to sit on the edge of the desk, the cool wood against your skin a stark contrast to the heat radiating from his touch.
Joel steps back, his gaze raking over you as he begins to undress and it's as if time slows down, allowing you to take in every inch of his mature, ruggedly handsome form. Joel's suit is tailored to perfection, emphasizing his broad shoulders and muscular arms. Each movement he makes stretches the fabric across his toned body. With practiced ease, he removes it and then unbuttons his crisp, white dress shirt. His chest is a canvas of sun-kissed skin pulled taut over defined pectoral muscles. A smattering of gray hair dusts his chest, trailing down his toned abdomen and disappearing into the waistband of his trousers. Joel's hands move to his belt, and with a flick of his wrist, he unbuckles it, the metallic clink echoing in the quiet room. He slides the leather out of the loops with a slow, deliberate motion. His trousers follow, pooling at his feet to reveal a pair of black boxer briefs that hug his powerful thighs and leave little to the imagination.
His arousal is evident, straining against the soft fabric, and you can't help but feel a thrill at the sight. As he pushes his boxer briefs down, his cock springs free, thick and heavy with desire. His cock is a thing of beauty, perfectly proportioned to his large frame, with a defined shaft and a bulbous head that glistens with a drop of arousal. It's clear that Joel is a man confident in his sexuality and the effect he has on you.
"Eyes up here, darlin'," he teases, but the heat in his gaze tells you he enjoys your appraisal. Joel's eyes twinkle with mischief as he reaches into the top drawer of his desk, the sound of metal against wood sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine. He produces a pair of scissors. The sight of them in his large, capable hands is intimidating. "These," he says, holding up the scissors for you to see, "are going to help me unwrap my present." His voice is filled with a promise that sends a thrill straight to your core.
You swallow hard, your breath hitching as he steps toward you. "Joel, wait—" you start to protest, but the words die on your lips as he places a finger gently against them.
"Shh... trust me," he murmurs, and there's something in his eyes that makes it impossible for you to do anything but nod in silent acquiescence. With a tenderness that belies his strength, Joel takes hold of one of the straps of your dress. The cold steel of the scissors brushes against your skin as he carefully slides the blades beneath the fabric. You feel a momentary resistance and then—snip—the strap gives way, falling limply to your side as Joel cuts through it with practiced ease. The front of your dress sags slightly, revealing more of your cleavage than intended. You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks as Joel's gaze darkens with desire. "You are exquisite," he says reverently, his fingers tracing the newly exposed skin along the neckline of your dress.
Before you can respond, he's moving again, this time cutting away the other strip of fabric that hold up the rest of your dress. The material falls away from your body like petals from a blooming flower, pooling at your waist and leaving you feeling deliciously exposed under his hungry gaze. 
"Joel!" you gasp, both startled and exhilarated by his boldness. "My dress—" 
He silences you with a kiss—a deep, searing kiss that leaves no room for doubt about how much he wants you right now. "Don't worry about it," he says when he finally pulls away, “I'll buy you ten more just like it.”
With your heart pounding in your chest, you watch as Joel's attention shifts to your bra. The scissors glint in the soft light of his office, and you can't help but hold your breath as he positions the blades against the delicate fabric of your bra strap.
"I've been wanting to see these since the moment ya walked in baby," he confesses, his voice a low growl that sends a shiver down your spine. With a swift, precise movement, he snips through the strap on one side, then the other. The bra loosens around you, but it's still held in place by the underwire and your modesty is preserved—for now.
Joel sets the scissors aside and hooks his fingers under the remaining fabric of your dress and bra. He tugs gently, peeling away the layers of clothing that separate you from his touch. You lift your hips to assist him, and with a final tug, he frees you from both garments. You're sitting before him now in nothing but your underwear, feeling more vulnerable and exposed than ever before.
Joel's eyes roam over every inch of exposed skin with an intensity that makes it clear just how much he appreciates what he sees laid out before him on his desk like some kind of erotic feast prepared just for him. "You are absolutely breathtaking," he murmurs appreciatively as his hands follow where his eyes have just been caressing every curve along its way. Joel's hands continue their exploration, his fingers skimming over the soft fabric of your underwear. You can feel the heat of his touch through the thin material, and you can't help but arch into his touch, seeking more.
"Eager, aren't we?" he teases, his fingers tracing the edge of your underwear before dipping beneath the fabric. His fingertips graze your sensitive flesh, and a gasp escapes your lips as pleasure courses through you. "I like that," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire.
Your body responds to his touch with an eagerness that surprises you. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down slowly, his gaze never leaving yours. "Lift up for me, darlin'," he instructs. You do as he says, lifting your hips so he can slide the underwear down your legs. Once they're off, he tosses them aside carelessly, as if they're nothing more than a bothersome impediment to what he truly wants—you. Now you're completely exposed to him, sitting on the edge of his desk with your hands cuffed and your legs spread slightly. You feel vulnerable like this, but there's also a sense of empowerment in knowing that you've driven him to such lengths of desire.
Joel steps back to appreciate the view, his eyes darkening with lust as they roam over your naked body. "You are a masterpiece," he says reverently, his gaze lingering on the apex of your thighs before traveling up to meet your eyes. "And I am going to worship every inch of you."
Before you can respond, he drops to his knees in front of you, his hands gripping your thighs as he buries his face between your legs. His tongue swipes across your sensitive flesh, and a moan escapes your lips as pleasure shoots through you.  Joel's tongue delves deeper, lapping at your folds and teasing your clit with gentle flicks. You gasp, arching into his touch as he explores you with a skill that leaves you panting for more. His hands squeeze your thighs, holding you in place as he devours you. You feel the world around you melt away as his attention focuses solely on bringing you pleasure.
As he works his magic between your legs, Joel's other hand travels up to cup one of your breasts, tweaking a nipple gently before rolling it between his fingers. The sensation sends shockwaves of desire coursing through you, heightening the pleasure he's already coaxing from below. Your hips buck against him in response to the exquisite torment and ecstasy that overwhelms you.
You can feel yourself growing wetter by the moment under his ministrations, and when Joel finally takes your clit into his mouth with a soft suckling sound that echoes in the quiet room, it's almost too much to bear. He sucks gently at first before increasing the pressure until your whole body tenses and shudders with release.  As the waves of pleasure crash over you, Joel's mouth never leaves your sensitive flesh. He laps at you with long, languid strokes, drawing out your orgasm until you're left trembling and gasping for air. Your body is still pulsing with the aftershocks when he finally pulls back, his lips glistening with your arousal.
He looks up at you, his eyes dark with lust. "You taste as sweet as I imagined," he growls, his voice rough with desire. He brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean with a groan of satisfaction. The sight of him tasting you is incredibly erotic, and you feel a fresh surge of arousal at the thought of him enjoying your pleasure so thoroughly. "Come on now, be a good girl and follow me,”  he says, rising to his feet. He reaches for the chain between the handcuffs, using it to guide you off the desk and toward the plush leather couch that sits against the far wall of his office. 
You stumble slightly, still dizzy from your orgasm, but Joel's strong arm wraps around your waist, holding you steady. He positions you on the couch, your back against the soft leather and your hands still cuffed, placing them above your head. He kneels beside you, his body looming over yours as he captures your lips in a searing kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it makes you dizzy. "Spread those pretty legs for me, darlin'," he murmurs against your lips, and you comply without hesitation, eager for whatever he has planned next. He reaches down to stroke your inner thighs. "You're so wet for me, so ready," he says, his voice filled with approval.
He positions himself between your legs, the tip of his cock nudging against your slick entrance. You look up at him, your eyes meeting his in a silent plea for more. He responds with a slow, deliberate thrust that fills you completely. The sensation of him inside you is overwhelming, and you can't help but cry out in pleasure.
"That's it, such a goodgirl, aren’tcha?" he groans, beginning to move inside you with a rhythm that quickly has you panting and writhing beneath him. "I know baby, s'big but you can take it darlin. C’mon take me inside that pretty pussy.”
His thrusts grow more urgent, more demanding, and you meet each one with a desperation that matches his own. The sound of skin on skin fills the room, punctuated by your cries of pleasure and his low, guttural moans.
Joel's hand snakes between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts. The added stimulation is almost too much to bear, and you feel another orgasm building within you, stronger and more intense than the first. "Come for me, darlin'," he commands. "Wanna feel you make a sweet mess on my cock."
His words push you over the edge, and you explode around him, your body convulsing with the force of your release. He continues to thrust through your orgasm, drawing it out until you're left limp and boneless beneath him. 
Just as the waves of your orgasm subsides, Joel slowly withdraws from you, leaving you feeling empty and exposed. He stands before you, his cock glistening with your arousal, and there's a predatory glint in his eyes that sends a thrill of anticipation through you.
"On your knees, darlin'," he commands, his voice a low growl that brooks no argument. You scramble to obey, the handcuffs clinking together as you shift your position on the couch. He steps closer, his cock at eye level, and you can't help but lick your lips in anticipation.
Joel's cock is a sight to behold—a testament to his virility and raw masculinity. It's thick and long, with a prominent vein running along the underside that pulses. The shaft is smooth and warm to the touch, the skin soft yet taut over the steel-hard erection beneath. His girth is substantial. The head of his cock is a deep shade of pink, almost purple with engorgement, and it glistens with a bead of precum that entices you like the sweet promise of a popsicle on a sweltering summer day. You can't help but lean forward, extending your tongue to taste him. The salty-sweet flavor of his essence dances on your taste buds as you lap at him, eliciting a deep groan of pleasure from Joel that vibrates through his body and into yours.
"Open wide," he instructs, his hand fisting his shaft as he guides himself toward your waiting mouth. You part your lips obediently, and he slides inside, filling your mouth with his impressive girth. He tastes musky and salty, a heady combination that makes your head spin.
"That's it, baby girl," he groans, his fingers threading through your hair as he begins to thrust gently into your mouth. "Take it nice and deep."
You relax your throat, trying to accommodate his size as he sets a steady rhythm, fucking your mouth with slow, deliberate thrusts. You can feel the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat, and you fight the urge to gag, wanting to please him, to show him that you can handle everything he gives you.
"Such a good girl," he praises, his words spurring you on. "You look so fucking beautiful with my cock in your mouth."
His praise washes over you, filling you with a sense of pride and arousal. You moan around him, the vibrations making him hiss with pleasure. His grip on your hair tightens, and he pulls you closer, pushing deeper into your throat.
"Fuck, yes," he groans, his hips jerking as he hits the perfect spot. "Just like that. Don't stop."
You can feel the tension building in his body, the way his thighs tremble slightly with each thrust. You know he's close, and the knowledge that you're the one bringing him to the edge fills you with a sense of power.
Suddenly, he pulls out, his cock leaving your mouth with a wet pop. "Not yet," he says, his voice strained. "Wanna come inside ya baby, make a mess in that tasty cunt."
He helps you to your feet and guides you back to the desk, bending you over it so that your ass is in the air and gives you a light smack to one cheek. He reaches between your legs, his fingers easily sliding into your soaked pussy. "Goddamn baby, you're still so wet," he marvels, his fingers pumping in and out of you with a rhythm that quickly has you panting for more.
Without warning, he pulls his fingers out and replaces them with his cock, slamming into you with a force that makes you cry out in surprise and pleasure. He sets a brutal pace, his hips slapping against your ass with each powerful thrust.
"You feel that, darlin'?" he growls, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "That's me claiming what's mine."
His words send a jolt of desire through you, and you push back against him, meeting each thrust with one of your own. You can feel another orgasm building, the pressure coiling low in your belly.
"Come for me one more time," he commands, his hand reaching around to strum your clit with quick, expert strokes. "Wanna feel you milk my cock."
His words push you over the edge, and you come around him, your entire core pulsing around his girth and with a final, powerful thrust, Joel buries himself deep inside you, his cock pulsing as he finds his own release. You can feel him filling you up, the warmth of his seed spreading through you as he groans out his pleasure.
Spent, he collapses on top of you, his body heavy and sated. After a moment, he pulls out and helps you to stand, his hands gentle as he uncuffs you and massages your wrists.
"You are somethin’ else that's for sure babygirl," he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
You smile up at him, "I'm glad I could make you feel good," you reply with a soft voice.
Joel chuckles and gives you a quick, playful swat on the ass. "Make me feel good? Baby girl, you blew my mind."
He reaches into a drawer and pulls out a sleek, black whip. "Next time," he says, holding it up for you to see, "we can play with this. But for now, I think we've both had enough excitement for one day."
You stand there for a moment, still reeling from the intensity of your encounter, and then you remember—your dress is in tatters on the floor. You gather the remnants of your clothing, holding them up in front of you like a shield. "What do I do about this?" you ask.
Joel looks at you with a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "What size are you, darlin'?" he asks, reaching for his phone on the desk.
You tell him your size, still feeling a bit flustered as he dials a number and speaks into the receiver. "Hey, Lexi? Yeah, I need you to pick up a dress for our guest here.” He looks at you questioningly, and you repeat your size for his benefit. "Got it. And make it something nice—surprise me.” There's a brief pause as he listens to his assistant's response before hanging up the phone with a satisfied nod. "Lexi will take care of everything," he assures you with a wink that sends butterflies fluttering in your stomach once again despite yourself.
True to his word, less than twenty minutes later, there's a knock on the office door. Lexi, Joel's assistant, enters the room with a professional smile and several shopping bags from high-end boutiques. "Here you go, Mr. Miller," she says, setting them down next to where you're standing, like this is completely normal. "I hope these will suffice."
"Thank you, Lexi," Joel responds with a nod of appreciation. "I'm sure they'll be perfect." Lexi exits the room as quickly as she came in, leaving you once again alone with Joel. He gestures toward the bags with a playful smile. "Go on, darlin'. Pick your favorite."
You rummage through the bags and find an elegant black dress that looks like it would fit you perfectly. It's sophisticated yet sexy—just like the man who bought it for you. With a shy smile, you hold it up for Joel to see.
"Perfect choice," he says approvingly. "Why don't you try it on?"
You slip into the dress, feeling its soft fabric hug your curves in all the right places. When you turn around to show Joel, his eyes light up with appreciation. "You look stunning," he murmurs sincerely while walking over towards where you were standing before wrapping an arm around your waist then pulling you closer so he could whisper into your ear "But then again I knew you would." His words send shivers down your spine causing goosebumps to form all over your skin despite how warm it was inside his office at this moment.
 As Joel takes a moment to drink in the sight of you in the new dress, you can't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. The way his eyes darken with desire, even after everything you've shared, is intoxicating. It's clear that his interest in you isn't just a fleeting attraction—it's something much deeper and more intense.
You smile at him, your heart fluttering in your chest. "Thank you, Joel," you reply softly. "For everything."
He chuckles and shakes his head slightly. "Don't thank me yet, darlin'. The day's still young. Now what do you say I get ya home safe."
With that tantalizing promise hanging in the air between you, Joel helps you into your coat—a thoughtful gesture that makes you feel cared for. He escorts you out of his office and down to the parking garage where his sleek black sports car is waiting. The ride back to your place is filled with easy conversation and shared laughter, the chemistry between you two undeniable and electric.
When he pulls up in front of your building, he turns off the engine and turns to face you. "I had a great time with you today," he says sincerely, reaching out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear. "I hope this isn't the last time I get to see that beautiful smile of yours."
You look up at him through your lashes, feeling bold despite the vulnerability coursing through you. "I don't think that will be a problem," you say with a playful smirk. 
Joel grins back at, “that's my good girl.” 
As you step out of the car, the cool  air wraps around you. You turn to say goodbye, but he's already getting out of the driver's seat, coming around to your side of the car.
"Let me walk you to your door," he says, offering his arm with a gentlemanly charm that belies the fiery passion you've shared. You accept with a nod, and together, you walk toward the entrance of your building.
The silence between you is comfortable, filled with the unspoken knowledge of what transpired between you two. As you reach your door, you turn to face him, your heart pounding in your chest. "Thank you again, Joel, for today," you say softly, "for everything."
Joel smiles at you. "The pleasure was all mine," he replies with a wink and leans in close enough that his breath ghosts over your lips when he speaks again. "But I have a feeling we're just getting started."
With those words hanging in the air between you like a promise of more incredible days to come, Joel takes a step back and heads back toward his car parked by curbside leaving only echoes behind him.
As the door to your building clicks shut behind you, you lean against it. The memory of his touch, his kiss, his words—they all send shivers of delight coursing through your veins. You can't help but smile to yourself as you replay the events of the day in your mind, each moment more thrilling than the last.
You're startled out of your reverie by the buzzing of your phone in your purse. Fishing it out, you see a notification on the screen - a new message from Joel. Your heart skips a beat as you open it, curiosity and excitement mingling within you.
1:07PM: Can't wait to unwrap that pretty little package again." 
The words alone are enough to send a jolt of desire through you, but then you notice an attachment—a picture. With trembling hands, you open it and find exactly what you were hoping for - a photo of Joel's large burly hand wrapping around his even thicker, larger cock, hard and ready for you once more. You realize he must have taken that in his car.
Your breath catches in your throat as you take in the sight of Joel's arousal, so potent and vivid on your screen. The knowledge that he's thinking about you, that he's hard and ready again so soon after your encounter, sends a thrill of power through you. You type out a quick response, your fingers flying over the keys with a boldness that matches the newfound confidence he's awakened in you.
1:10PM I hope you're not driving and texting that picture. Keep your eyes on the road, Mr. Miller.  you tease, adding a winking emoji for good measure.
His response is almost immediate, a testament to his eagerness. 
1:10PM Don't worry, darlin'. I'm parked outside your building. Couldn't resist sending you a little something to dream about tonight.
You can't help but smile at his words, your body already aching for his touch once more. But before you can respond, another message comes through with an address.
1:11PM Tomorrow, 8 PM. My place. Wear something comfortable and easy to take off.
1:12PM Yes sir.
1:13PM Oh baby you're walking Into whole new territory calling me sir. I'm going to put that pretty mouth to good use tomorrow.
Just as you're about to put your phone down a last message comes through 
1:13PM And leave the underwear at home.
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svt-incognito · 1 day
hey, may i request something? jeonghan. with. bdsm exhibitionism. LIKE. REALLY. THAT. MAN. WILL. LET. PEOPLE. SEE. HOW. GOOD. HE. IS.
🐇 .ᐟ.ᐟ the show
incognito thot : jeonghan invites his friends for your little show
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tw : exhibitionism, voyeurism, light bdsm, light bondage + discipline,, shoe riding, thigh riding, edging, use of toys, name-calling (sir, whore, slut), sharing (?), slight jihoon, jun and hao x reader, (everyone involved are completely consenting adults)
The air was cold on your skin. You were completely naked, legs crossed and cheeks red as you sat like that in front of 12 pairs of eyes of men who weren’t your boyfriend. They were your boyfriend's friends, actually, here to watch the show your boyfriend had set up for you. They were dressed up in black and white suits and formal attire, their faces covered under masquerade masks, their sparkling champagne held in fragile glasses as they murmured around about you, sitting on chairs arranged around the bed you were on. 
Your boyfriend, who positioned himself behind you, was done tying your hands behind your back, as he gently put his hands over your shoulder and gave you a light comforting squeeze as he murmured by your ear, “green for keep going, yellow for pause and red for stop. You remember the safeword, right?”
You nodded and he smiled, kissing your shoulder blade before turning to his audience. “Alright everyone, lets go over the rules a last time. No clicking of photos or videos. No one removes their masks – it ruins the aesthetics, you know. No one touches my girl, unless i say so. You can look and comment and suggest, but only i tell her what to do. No one can jerk off here, unless i allow. If she says red, everything stops and everyone gets out. If anyone dares break any rule or make my girl uncomfortable, they see themselves out. We clear?”
The crowd agrees and jeonghan smiles again. He looks at you once again, “baby, whats the colour?”
“Green, sir.” 
“Good girl,” jeonghan taps on your knees, prying your legs open, displaying your cunt to everyone. The boys comment around, looking at your core, calling it beautiful names, making you shy and horny. Jeonghan glides his hands over your thighs, making you shiver, his cold fingers brushing lightly over your sensitive inner thighs. His fingers ghosting over your pussy, hovering but not quite touching you. 
seungcheol laughed at the way your arousal drips down, “shit, you haven’t even been touched yet but you are still leaking like a faucet.”
You don’t need to look at your boyfriend’s face to know he has a proud smirk painted on his face. Your breath halters when jeonghan finally touches you, fondling around your pussy and spreading your inner labia as if to show his friends the amazing cunt he owns. He doesn’t touch your clit, not yet. He hums over your shoulder, kissing the crook of your neck, satisfied with the soft noises you make from his touch. “Such a pretty baby, obedient and ready to do anything for me, arent you? Its time to make use of your favorite toy, yeah?”
Jeonghan took out a vibrator bong from the box of toys he had prepared for the night, and turned it on on the lowest setting, pressing it directly against your cunt. You let out a whimper as jeonghan gradually increased the spead of the vibrato, holding it firmly against your clitoral hood. When you looked at your audience, you accidentally locked eyes with joshua – you could tell it was him from how recognisable his beautiful eyes were even under his mask. There was a smug smile on his face as he stared you down, sipping his champagne as jeonghan drove you to the edge. 
You were close already, the shame of being watched like this turning you on more than you thought it would. But if you knew jeonghan at all, you knew your first orgasm wasn't gonna come so easily. So as unsurprising as it was for you when he took the vibrator off your pussy as soon as he felt your thighs shake, you couldn't help the whine that left your lips.
Jeonghan's friends laughed at your neediness. Jeonghan chuckled too, “baby, aren't you making too much noise? That's what bad girls do.”
Tears straining your eyes, you looked back at your boyfriend, your lips quivering, “m’ sorry.”
“Hm, can't hear you yet,” Jeonghan mused fondling with your breasts, holding the weight of them in his palms and pinching your nipples till you yelped.
“Aah, i said I'm s-sorry, jeonghan.”
Jeonghan raised his eyebrows, “jeonghan? You're gonna call me by my name? Where's sir?”
Your eyes widen as you shake your head, “i-it just slipped my tongue, m’ sorr-”
“Tch, tch, too late now, baby. You embarrassed me in front of my friends, just after i told them how well behaved my little whore is. Bad girls get punishment now, don't they?” Jeonghan easily manhandled you to lie on his lap, face down, ass up. He caressed your ass almost tenderly as he pushed your face into the sheets. “You will count, ‘kay?”
You nod, and jeonghan immediately lands his first smack on your round left cheek. “O-one.”
Then came another. And another. Alternating between your cheeks, jeonghan kept spanking you, rubbing the site redness every now and then. 
“Her ass is so beautiful and red,” someone from the crowd commented aloud, but you couldn't recognise whose voice it was.
Jeonghan helped you sit back up right as your butt stung. “Now, lets continue.”
What followed next was jeonghan using all of his favourite toys on you, one after the other, edging you everytime you were close. From vibrators to dildos to vibrating dildos and anal beads, he used all of the toys he had saved for the night on you, leaving you a begging, crying mess, needy for a release. He loved how his friends complimented you, called out for how obedient and well-trained you were. You made him proud.
“S-sir, please,” you begged, looking at your boyfriend with teary puppy eyes.
“Hm? Please what, whore?”
“N-need to cum.”
“Already? But my dick isn’t hard enough to feed you yet. How ‘bout you go around and please the crowd, yeah?” jeonghan said with fake sympathy and took a look around the room for the man with the cleanest shoe, smirking when minghao’s polished cleaned black leather shoe caught his eyes, “baby, won’t you love fucking hao’s shoe?”
You eyes, along with several others’ from the room, widened. You had ridden jeonghan’s shoe before – the night after one of his award show performance when you couldn’t stop complimenting his attire – and you know you loved it. Which is why it surprised you how easily he would let minghao have that same pleasure. Then again, jeonghan was a man who loved showing you off, give others the taste of what they could never have.
You stood from the bed on shaky legs and walked to minghao who sat on one side, his smug smile very recognisable. He was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed and did not do anything about his position to make it easier for you, just pointed the tip of his shoe upwards as you got on your knees. You held his ankle to guide his feet to your cunt, moaning at the sensation when the cold leather touched your swollen clitoris. You held onto his knees for support and ground against his shoe. You gasped softly when minghao thrust his shoe upwards, making it grind against your entrance, the texture of his shoe feeling good against your core. Minghao smirked to himself, petting your hair as he drank his bubbly wine. You came surprisingly fast, glistening the once clean and spotless shoe with your juices. 
“You’re such a good slut, you know,” minghao remarked lovingly.
You hadn’t come down from your first high when jeonghan called out to you, “you can ride over soonyoung’s thighs next, baby.”
You dumbly mumbled a huh? before walking upto soonyoung and straddling his right thigh without so much as thinking. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck for support as you began rubbing your pussy against soonyoung’s expensive linen trousers, crying at the sensitivity. Soonyoung excitedly grabbed your hips, guiding them in circular motion, only to be scolded by jeonghan.
“Soonyoung, what did i say about touching?”
“B-but i thought– since i–”
“Nope, no buts. I’ll let you stay, but you just lost your privilege,” jeonghan said, equally smug and annoyed, “y/n, off him. Go to jihoon instead, ride his thigh like a good girl and i’ll let you cum twice before i fuck you.”
You nodded, getting off the man who whined at his loss and approached his other friend. Jihoon grinned, spreading his legs invitingly as you took a place on his thigh. If anything, jihoon knew he was smarter and more composed than soonyoung, determined to make you cum on him. You held onto jihoon’s strong shoulders, your sensitive nub gliding over his clothed thigh. His legs were as strong and muscular as they looked and felt great on your pussy.
Jihoon could see jeonghan smile in satisfaction when jihoon rocked his legs to give you additional friction.
“Jihoon, use your fingers. I want to see you make her squirt.”
“Sure,” jihoon said, wasting no time in sliding his hand between your legs and plugging your cunt with his middle and ring finger, finding it stretched enough from all the toys earlier. He curled them, watching you squirm on his lap as he searched for your sweet g-spot. He felt the spongy area, making you moan at how efficiently and quickly he did so. He rubbed over that area, thrusting his fingers in and out at a quickened pace, determined to make you leak now that he was given the task to do so. 
“Jun, you just want to grab her tits, dont you,” jeonghan said, pulling your attention to look at the boy beside you who just got caught ogling at your boobs. “Go ahead, touch them up. No mouth.”
Junhui excitedly leaned closer, taking hold of your boobs and sighing at how soft and good they felt in his palms. He flickered your nipples, making you moan whorishly, combined with jihoon’s fast fingers. Junhui stood up and stood behind you, taking both your tits in each of his hands and playing with them to his hearts content – kneading, palming, pinching your nipples, everything he’d been dreaming on since the moment he laid his eyes on them when you stepped out of your lingerie at the start of the evening. Jihoon used your distraction to suddenly attack your clitoris with his thumb, pressing and rubbing the hood in a circular motion. You cried a whimper, squeezing jihoon’s shoulders for support as you came a second time, squirting all over his clothes and making them wet. Jihoon might have ruined one of his most expensive suits but it was worth it. 
“Aw, my little slut did so well,” jeonghan cooed, beckoning you over. You walked to him and fell right into his arms, sloppily kissing him as he wiped away your tears. “Had fun yet baby? Well, its my turn to have fun now. My dick is hard and throbbing and i’m gonna fuck you really hard, yeah?”
You nodded as jeonghan instructed you to get down on all fours – of course, since doggy was his favorite positon. He whipped his dick out of his pants finally, lingering and teasing you by not entering you yet. He glided his dick between your slick cunt and stretched asshole, pretending to make a choice. He plunges into your pussy with no warning, hitting deep close to your cervix. You whined as he did it again, and again and again, ramming into your pussy without a hint of mercy.
You whimpered, your head falling down as you feel jeonghan’s dick up in your throat. But jeonghan didnt want that. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head up so it was facing your audience, “i want them to see your fucked up pretty face, doll. Want them to see how good i fuck you.” 
Your moans dont stop as jeonghan’s pace become more brutal, hitting you fast and hard on where you need it the most, fucking you like a rabbit in heat. You felt your third orgasm building and you would cum soon without even being touched. You hear Jeonghan curse under his breath and feel him come close to his own orgasm. You helped both of you by clenching around his dick with all the strenth you have left in your body. Soon enough you reach the edge, moaning as you get fucked through your high. Jeonghan came soon after, his warm semen creaming your insides. 
Jeonghan takes a look around the room, and predictably, most faces were satisfied, some jealous and one particular face fucked out – he’s sure mingyu had cummed in his pants comepletely untouched.
“Well everyone, thank you for being such a lovely audience. You can get out now though, the show is over.” jeonghan tells his friends, exiting your entrance. Nobody argues going out, rather, discussing aloud their favorite bit of the show. 
You giggle lazily as jeonghan hugs you and kisses the top of your head, feeling the tiredness wash over you. “Enjoyed, baby?”
“M-hm, t’was so good.” 
Jeonghan chuckled. “Take a nap, i’ll clean you up. Night’s pretty young, and i am sure our guests staying over for the night ould love hearing your loud moans as we course through round three and four.”
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gglitch1dd · 2 days
I love that we’re getting to know more about Koda, so I have a question. Does he ever get mad at the fact that he’s sick and can’t do everything his brothers can? Does he ever get mad at his mom? Kinda like when a little kid says I hate you after being told no, I doubt he’d mean that but most kids don’t think about it when they say it.
aww thank you anon. You are important too<3 always know that.
Honestly, Koda is my new favourite out of all the brothers, that and Hero. Cause Hero is just say to say some unhinged comment and vanishes to mind his own business. But to answer briefly, he does. And it breaks Reader's heart.
Why can't I go outside?
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You stood in the kitchen watching from inside as your husband talked with one of the Ministers outside. It was an unexpected visit that was only found out an two hours before, but it was one you quickly managed to salvage.
Your husband and you had strict rules with visitors and one of them was if your visit is unexpected, you're sitting outside (unless cold of course or weather didn't allow it). You wanted to keep your house as germ free as possible and you could only do that by managing your own family and friends that understood. With acquentenaces it was harder. But you smiled as Hero seemed to be playing ball with the Minister of Defence's son.
"Mom." You turned around to see Kane walking over to you with a serious look on his face.
You smiled as you put down your glass of juice. "What's up, sweetheart?" You asked.
"It's Koda."
You paused as a small trickle of fear and anxiety washed over your body. You stepped forward, your eyebrows furrowed. "Is he sick? Is he running a fever again?"
Kane shook his head making you drop your shoulders in relief. "No, he just won't let me give him his medication. He won't sit still for his IV. He's..." Kane hesitated. You could see the conflict in his eyes. "He's upset."
You hummed, knowing that it was one of those days. You motioned for him to follow you as you headed upstairs. Koda was a sweet boy, with a heart of gold and ever so sensitive and often than not, he understood that he got sick easily and didn't mind all the adjustments in his life.
However, he was only just turned five. So naturally, he would get fed up with the accomodations needing to be made in his life.
You walked through the door with Kane. The interim room was set up as a sort of barrier between the outside world and your son. It's where you took the necessary precations before walking in. You washed your hands thoroughly, making sure to nearly scrub them till they felt tender. You let the air around you become still and cleaned as you slipped off your shoes, putting on new ones as you walked into Koda's room, Kane following inside.
Your son sat on his little dinosaur carpet, playing with his legos, building something with a frown on his face. The cabinets on the left hand side were clearly touched and opened, showing that Kane had been there, trying to help give Koda his medication. You saw the IV next to his bed that was untouched. His room, although decorated and stuffed with toys and all the things he loved, reminded you a lot like a hospital pediatric room than it did a bedroom, with its sterilised air and constant clean smell.
You took a breath, before crouching down to your son's height, going down on your knees. "Koda, my baby, Kane told me that you aren't allowing him to help you with your medicine." He nodded his head but didnt say anything else. "Can you tell me why?"
"I don't want it."
"My sprout, you know you have to take them. It helps keep you stronger." You reminded him. "Remember, big strong dinosaurs need to take their medic-"
"But why can't I go outside now!" He raised his voice at you turning to you with frustrated tears in his eyes. You tried not to show pain on your face. "I don't like them! I have them everyday! Why can't I play outside with Hero and the other new boy outside!" He pointed out at the windowseil, where he could sit and see the bunnies outside if he wanted to.
You took his little hand. "Koda, you know that other people can sometimes make you sick, and until daddy and I know that they won't, we have to be safe for you."
"Then why can't I go to school!" He shouted at you. "Like my brothers. Like Kane and Toshi!"
You swallowed down hard. You and your husband had agreed to keep Koda out of kindergarten. It was a hard decision to make but considering the risk of possibly losing your son over one kid who might end up giving him a cold, you took the risk. You made the efforts to have him play with friends and other young children like him who also often get sick, you made sure to always spend time with him and when your friends were over, you always asked them to make sure they were as healthy as possible and not to come over if they were sick and then Koda could spend time with everyone else.
But you knew, regardless, it would be suffocating for him.
"Koda, until you're just a little bit older and stronger, then we can talk to the doctors about getting you into school, but right now, your body can't handle being sick so well."
Koda frowned, folding his arms away from you as tears weld up in his beautiful eyes. You saw the pout on his face as he started to cry in frustration. "It's not fair!"
"I know, baby." You said trying to fight back emotions that you were feeling yourself. You moved to grab a hold of him but he started to fight back.
"It's not fair! IT'S NOT FAIR!" He screamed. "I hate it! I hate it! I hate you! Why can't I be normal!!" He shouted, sobbing as you held him in your arms.
You closed your eyes, feeling tears slip down from them no matter how hard you tried. You swallowed down hard as you tried not to let out anymore. You didn't want Kane to see you like this, you didn't want Koda to see you like this. But no matter how many therapy sessions and talking to Izuku, it never got any easier.
Giving birth to a child with primary immune disorder was something that you felt as though was entirely your fault. You knew it wasn't, but it never felt true.
"I know. I know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You held him as he cried in your arms, screaming and sobbing in your chest. You held him tightly, making sure that he knew you were there. "I'm sorry."
Kane walked over to you, grabbing a fluffy blanket from Koda's bed to wrap around you. You gave him a sad smile as you held Koda. Kane was quiet on his feet, working fast as he quickly stuck the needle in the bottle, drawing out liquid and walking to the IV to push in the medication. He moved fast and quietly, reminding you of his father as he moved around shuffling in his slippers.
Koda had relaxed in your arms, tired and crying in your arms softly. Kane crouched down with the needle connected to the IV. He wiped Koda's arms with a disinfectant wipe before expertly putting in the IV in his arm. He put a dinosaur band-aid over it so it wouldn't come out.
You sat with Koda till he was fast asleep. At some point, Kane had left and grabbed dinner for you and Koda, however Koda was still very sleepy so he barely ate. His medication making him drowsy as he slept in your arms.
A hand came onto your shoulder, making you look up. Your husband looked down at you with a sad expression. It was just you and him with your little one in your arms. Izuku carefully moved down to sit down next to you. He easily moved to pick you up, despite you holding your son in your arms and he put you into his lap.
You leaned back against his chest, a tear slipping out of your eye as you stared into space.
"Kane told me what happened." He spoke softly as he rested his head on yours. He rubbed your arms as he held you in his big embrace.
"Izuku." You let out weakly as you titled your head to look up at him. "I... Have I failed him?" You asked softly as you turned to look down at Koda. "I'm his mother. I'm supposed to protect him. I was supposed to give him a healthy body. Why- why couldn't I-"
Before you could break down, your husband wrapped his arms, pulling you to face into his chest as he held you and his son in his large arms. He shushed you as your face broke into a sob. You felt a large hand move to wipe away your face.
"It is not your fault." He reminded you. "It is never your fault and it will never be your fault. It's no one's fault." You felt a kiss to your forehead. "Our son just needs a little more help and precautions than others and that's okay. He's going to be okay. He is okay." You nodded your head, wanting to believe in his words and not your own.
Your husband tilted your head up to look at him. Your eyes moved up to land on his face. Tears were in his beautiful green eyes as he looked down at you, a sad smile on his freckled face. You saw pain in his eyes as well. He leaned down and put his forehead against your own, making you close your eyes with a stuttered breath.
His eyebrows furrowed as he held you tight, a hand brushing your arm and Koda's. "We're doing this together, okay?"
You nodded your head, softly. "Okay."
"I'll take tomorrow off." You opened your eyes to look up at him, surprised. "Lets spend sometime with him together. I can pull some strings and..." Izuku hesitated, "If you agree, I can book out the aquarium tomorrow. We can take out all the boys and just focus on Koda. I think it would mean a lot to him."
"But... but what about work?" You asked him softly. "Didn't the minister ask you to-"
He shook his head. "It isn't urgent. It's just feedback on an diplomatic meeting, nothing more. Besides, nothing matters more than you and the boys." You gave him a grateful smile as that. Izuku smiled, before looking down at your youngest boy. He brushed his hand through Koda's soft green hair. "You know despite everything..." You saw him smile as he looked down at his son, a sort of pride that you always saw whenever he held his sons for the first time. "I don't regret a thing."
You paused, turning to look at Koda who slept in your arms. You smiled gently. "Yah. Not a thing."
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suskz · 20 hours
reader x hyunjin based on the last skz code where they went camping - he looked so hot working on that tent 😯💨 - , going with the boys since it was all minho idea, reader doesn't like camping but she likes him so, building tension up bc that's hot too, and maybe he could switch places with reader's bff and sneak into their's tent? 🖤
pairing: Hyunjin x Fem!Reader (you didn’t specify so I guessed it was a fem reader since I’ve only written of them for now)
t/w: friends to lovers ; Hyunjin is a flirt ; fluff ; a little suggestive.
w/c: 2.1k
a/n: it was fun to write! And yeah, Hyunjin really looked hot (I mean, he always is). The way he rolled his sleeves up omg, I couldn’t not write this. Hope you like this, anon!
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↳ Reader has with the members the same friendship they have with each other.
"I hate this." Jiwoo complains as she drops the bag she was holding to the ground.
"Come on!" You try to cheer her up, "It's nice to be out in nature sometimes!"
She shoots you a glare, "That's easy to say," she says bitterly, "You hate camping more than I— hey!" she exclaims when you nudge her arm with your elbow, silencing her.
"I love camping." You lie loudly, with the boys just a few meters away from you.
"I can't say the same." Changbin comments, slapping his arm to kill a mosquito.
And suddenly, an arm falls around your shoulders. You turn towards the person who has come up next to you and see Hyunjin, unconsciously shrinking under his close presence, "I agree with Y/nie, a bit of fresh air away from the city is nice."
A small smile forms on your lips.
"You say that because you have no intention to help with anything." Chan chimes in, opening one of the bags he carried.
"Clever of you to assume that." Hyunjin responds, smiling.
"That's why Hyunjin will help set up the tent." Minho states, biting back a smile.
"Huh? I don't know how!" Hyunjin complains, taking his arm off your shoulders and moving closer to the older guy.
You regret that the contact was so short, but you maintain your composure and watch him walk away.
"You'll learn." Minho closes the conversation in a tone that allows no reply.
“You need to pump it?” Hyunjin asks, looking for the pump to inflate the tent.
You watch him curiously, seeing him search non-stop for a while.
“Did you find it?” Minho asks him, watching in disbelief. There are only 5 bags, how can he not have found it yet?
He starts to approach him, but you are quicker.
“They have accessories here.” Hyunjin says in a pouty, hopeless voice, closing a bag. He turns to continue searching but almost falls to the ground from the jump he makes when you suddenly stand up in front of him, very, perhaps too, close.
You hand him the pump that you found in a few seconds, “You suck at finding things.”
He puts a hand on his heart, opening his mouth and sighing slowly with closed eyes, as if he has just seen a ghost, “You scared me.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatic behaviour, “Don’t thank me.” You say sarcastically.
He smiles, his front teeth slightly showing behind his slightly parted lips, “Thank you, Y/nie.” He blows you a kiss for show. You are used to this, yet you blush, while he bends down to attach the pump nozzle to the tent opening.
“Do you need help with that too?” you tease, smirking, trying to hide the visible blush coloring your cheeks from yourself, since he can't even see you.
“Huh?!” He stands up and rolls up the sleeves of the baggy t-shirt he’s wearing, showing his muscles, “I don’t need your help, these are enough for me.” He flexes his biceps.
You like them, don’t you? You think he’s cool, right? Hyunjin hopes so.
You chuckle at his words while he gets to work to really show what he’s capable of as you return to Jiwoo, who needs help with setting up your tent.
You don’t even realise you've been distracted watching him the whole time, as his muscles contract with the effort of pushing the pump handle, and soon small drops of sweat start to trickle down them.
Your eyes are fixed on the way his hands roll up the sleeves each time they unroll and on the way he lifts his head and pulls his hair back with one hand when it bothers him too much and prevents him from seeing. It almost seems like he does it on purpose so your eyes never leave him.
But someone's hand rests on your shoulder, waking you up. “He’s really handsome, isn’t he?” Minho smirks and holds back a laugh when you turn to look at him, blushing and trying to stammer out a response, but he stops you right away, “Wipe off all the drool you’ve spilled first.” He chuckles and walks away with your eyes on him, shaking his head slowly, amused.
Just then, you hear the sound of someone falling to the ground, and when you turn, you see Hyunjin sitting from exhaustion. His breathing is heavy, and pained sounds and light groans leave his lips, the heat of the sun making everything worse, while Jisung takes his place to finish inflating.
His friend hands him a black tank top to wear instead of the sweat-soaked shirt he has on, and that's what Hyunjin does.
He takes off the white t-shirt and uses it to wipe off the sweat covering his body. And once again, it seems like he does it to show off so that you watch and can’t take your burning eyes off him, off his body. But deep down, you know it’s not like that, and this thought forces you to immediately look away when his eyes meet yours, amused. It’s a quick contact, it lasts little but says a lot.
And you have to use all the self-control you have in your body not to set your eyes on that tight black fabric that perfectly hugs his body, making his muscles appear more tense and defined.
“That’s better.” he sighs with relief, soon returning to work and starting to add the stakes.
The silence is filled with the sounds of hammers, and you don't notice when he moves away from the group.
When you stand up after finishing setting up the tent, you look around, confused by his absence. “Where's Hyunjin?” you ask Jiwoo, who is taking out lights from a bag to use as decoration.
“He went for a walk over there; there's a river a bit further from here.” She points in a direction with the index finger of her free hand.
“Oh.” you nod in understanding.
Only a few seconds of silence pass before she speaks again, “Go to him, he's alone; I'll take care of decorating the tent.” It's written all over your face, what you want to do. She suppresses the urge to roll her eyes and winks at you instead.
And you don't need to be told twice.
When you arrive at the spot, you search for him with quick, darting glances. “Hyunjin?” you call out before finding him lying on a large rock with his hands on his belly and his eyes closed.
He didn't answer, so you gather that he's sleeping. You slowly approach him, trying not to make any noise, and sit down next to his sleeping body.
You look at his serene face and can almost hear his calm breath and sense the steady beats of his heart.
The place itself is very quiet. It's cozy, isolated from everyone else, and intimate.
You glance around a couple of times with furtive eyes, but you end up realising that you're alone. Then you look at him, his slightly parted inviting plump lips. You bring your face close to his almost instinctively, faces so close that you can feel his warm breath on your own lips, but then you pull away.
What are you trying to do? It's wrong and stupid. If someone saw you, it would be a mess.
And if you had done it, he would have noticed, because he's awake.
Your ears burn, your cheeks flushed with shame and guilt when his eyes open.
He doesn't say anything for a few seconds, looking at you with distant irises, wrapped in thoughts, then he sits up, raising his torso.
"I heard you calling me but I didn't feel like answering.” he tries to smile to tease you, but what comes out is more of a grimace. You pretend not to notice though, lying to him as well as to yourself.
"I knew it, that's why I've been sitting in silence." You smirk, trying to push away the shame and alleviate the strange tension that has arisen.
However, the situation changes so quickly. There is still tension between the two of you, but it is different with his hand holding your chin and his thumb slowly, intensely stroking your lower lip. Intense, too, is the look his burning eyes give to your rosy lips.
When your eyes meet, his movements stop, and it’s difficult for you to tell what he is thinking. The eyes are the reflection of the soul, he likes to say, but at the moment his do not reflect much.
And then, he pulls away from you. His gaze, his hand, a moment later are no longer on you.
He stands up, "You had something on your lips." He looks around, normal, apparently enjoying the scenery.
You touch your lips, embarrassed, "Oh."
He looks at you and chuckles softly, sitting back next to you with a now more serene air.
One of his arms rests on your shoulder in a friendly gesture, trying to get as close to you as possible.
"I like this place, it's quiet and relaxing," he says. "I want to paint it."
"Hey lovebirds!" You hear someone say from just a bit further away from you. You immediately recognize it's Jisung's voice, who has joined you. "Get a room."
Hyunjin chuckles, and you try to do the same, but your mind is clouded by the memory of his gesture.
The fact that he didn't stop you when you tried to get closer to his lips, the way he touched yours with his thumb.
These images still flash in your mind while everyone else sleeps. You touch your lips with two fingers almost unconsciously, smiling sadly.
But apparently, you're not the only one lost in thought, as the entrance to the tent is opened and the little lamp in between you and Jiwoo is turned on. The latter gets up and leaves, letting someone else in.
And how could you not recognize that head of dark hair making its way inside, closing the entrance zipper after murmuring a 'thank you' and receiving a nod in response.
"Hyunjin? What are you doing here? It's late." you ask him, but receive no answer.
You receive no answer because instead, his lips crash against yours in a needy gesture.
Your eyes widen at the sudden gesture, but you don't push him away, not even when his lips start moving on yours shortly after. Instead, you reciprocate.
It's desperate. Your movements aren't even in sync, but it's okay. It's perfect like this; you couldn't ask for anything better.
One of his hands rests above your ear, caressing it so delicately that you barely even notice, as if you’re made of porcelain.
You break the kiss with quick breaths and uncontrollable heartbeats, emotions finally laid bare.
"I've wanted to kiss you for so long." he admits in a whisper, looking into your eyes.
You find the strength to speak, albeit lightly, "Today by the river… I didn't just watch you." You admit, and you can't help the hint of embarrassment you feel in saying those words to him.
"I know, and I hoped so much that you'd do what you were about to do, but you stopped." His smile doesn't falter for a moment. "You didn't have anything on your lip; I just used it as an excuse to touch you. I actually wanted to kiss you, but when I looked into your eyes, I didn't have the courage." He confesses.
"And here you are now." You chuckle.
He huffs a chuckle, "It wouldn't have been like this if you hadn't tried to kiss me first."
“Now I wish I hadn’t stopped earlier today, by the river.” you say, lowering your eyes to his lips and then back to his, licking your own lips. “I’ve always thought you have nice lips and I’ve always wondered what it would be like to kiss you, you know?”
“Now you know,” he says happily. “Or do you need to explore a little more?”
You don’t even need to answer; he already knows the response. And once again, your lips are on each other’s, in a kiss that quickly becomes fast and hungry.
Your hands roam over each other’s bodies, fingers tangled in hair, hands gripping cheeks, hips, ending up on thighs.
Your breaths are fast, and the tent heats up. You’re so lost in each other that you don’t realise you’re not being very quiet anymore.
It’s Changbin’s voice that wakes you up and makes you pull away. “Could you guys keep it down a bit?” he shouts from a couple of tents away from yours.
“If you two don’t let me sleep or wake me up at any hour of the night, I’ll put you in the air fryer.” Minho’s voice intervenes right after, annoyed.
You and Hyunjin lock eyes and then laugh silently.
“At least we’ll be put together.”
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NSF-W??? oho boy, we are going CRAZY over this.
Anyway!!! Aftercare fluff with Genshin most brutish sweethearts (Shenhe, Rosaria, Sara and whoever else your heart desires dear friend).
(Genshin Impact) Aftercare with Shenhe, Rosaria, and Sara
All I have to say: Ow.
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(Shenhe) "...S/O, are you alright?"
Both Shenhe and S/O are covered in sweat, though they were the only one panting heavily.
Shenhe's stamina was nearing superhuman levels, so she wasn't as affected, at least not physically.
Mentally? She was still trying to come down from cloud nine. At first she was worried that she hurt S/O, before feeling them cuddle into her.
After cleaning up with a spare towel (or three), Shenhe held them close to her chest, not really caring too much that their face was getting smothered in her breasts.
Feeling their heartbeat so close to hers was all that she needed, allowing the corners of her lips to grow into a small smile.
(Shenhe) "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself...Did I do alright?"
(S/O) "Hah, I think more than alright, Shenhe."
Truthfully, Shenhe wasn't perfect in bed, but she didn't need to be.
All she needed to do was show S/O that she loved them, and that was done with flying colors.
And really brutal strength.
S/O would be ungodly sore the morning after.
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Rosaria brushes the hair out of her eyes, slowly taking in deep breaths.
She felt the bed shake from S/O relaxing into the bed, their body involuntarily shook from the pleasure and cold air in the bedroom.
Rosaria rolled over to her side, her rather large chest squishing up against S/O as she gave them a smirk.
(Rosaria) "Felt good?"
(S/O) "Where did you learn...?!"
She only chuckled in response before her finger pushed against their lips gently.
(Rosaria) "I'm not telling."
Her finger trailed down from their lips before tracing their neck down to S/O's waist, her smirk only getting bigger.
(Rosaria) "But thanks for helping me sleep, that helped a lot."
She'll worry about cleaning later, right now she was too tired to care, and S/O probably felt the same.
Rosaria will at least make sure their bed is clean, but as for the marks on S/O? That's their problem.
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Sara has trouble facing S/O's direction, but she still nuzzles her head into their neck.
Blushing even more so when their hands hug her waist, and both their bodies are once again making contact.
(S/O) "Sara, are you okay?"
(Sara) "Just fine...you?"
(S/O) "Well, other than the fact I may not be able to walk right tomorrow, I think I'm fine."
Sara clicked her tongue at their teasing, but that only made them hug her tighter.
(Sara) "...W-We should clean the bed before going to bed."
She gets up from their embrace and suddenly feels a lot more embarrassed about the lack of clothes now, instinctively moving to cover herself before feeling S/O's head rest on her shoulder.
(S/O) "Right behind you.~"
(Sara) "Change the sheets before you start at least."
Sara rolled her eyes before gently pushing them off, a crimson hue adorning her cheeks the rest of the night.
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luvlystarr · 1 day
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Prompt: Your husband, John Price, came home from work.
Content: Fluff & comfort (Check the end for a little note!)
・゜・。. .・。.・゜ The sun had already fallen below the horizon and was replaced by the moon, paired with the dark sky. There was a slight breeze in the air, it wasn’t too cold and it was just perfect.
You had just arrived home, completely brunt out from work. It was to the point you didn't even have enough energy to change clothes. Instead, you laid down on the couch, motionless.
Thankfully, it was the end of the week. The past couple days felt like absolute hell. All you did was paperwork upon paperwork and deal with your crappy co-workers. Not only that but you've been waiting days for your husband, John Price, to return back home from yet another mission. There's always something going on in the world that forces him to leave you for multiples times within the span of a few months.
After thirty minutes of staring into nothing, you decided it was time to make some dinner. As much as you didn't want to cook you knew it was the best option since you've been eating takeout for so long.
You looked around the pantry before finding a box of pasta and tomato sauce. As you began to cook your simple meal, you decided to play some music.
The loud melodies completely blocked off your awareness to your surroundings. You didn’t even hear the door open and the sound of footsteps approaching you.
While you were humming along you suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and someone's face bury itself into the crook of your neck.
Your heart leaped out of your chest as a loud shriek left your lips. You quickly whipped your head around only to realize it was just John
"John, you scared me!" You exclaimed, your heart still pounding.
"Sorry, love, I missed you," John murmured, his voice more gruff than usual.
A soft smile appeared on your lips as he nestled closer to you. He only showed his vulnerable side to you. “I thought you said you would spend the night with the boys to celebrate,” you say as you turn around to fully face him.
John sighed deeply, his arms holding onto you for dear life, almost like he was afraid you would slip away. “It's been almost three weeks, I had to see you,” he mumbled. A small laugh left your lips. You knew John definitely used 'the missus needs me' excuse again. He always used that excuse to get away from certain situations, even though he knows you're perfectly fine. He just doesn't like being away from you for so long. But how can you blame him? You also can't bear spending time away from him.
After another minute, John lifts his head up. The dim lighting was still able to illuminate the exhaustion etched on his face. “What’re you making?” He asked, looking over to see the boiling pot on the stove.
“Pasta, nothing special. Oh! We need to go grocery shopping soon, there’s barely anything in the pantry,” you reply.
It was such a simple meal but John was craving anything that wasn’t MREs. He desperately missed eating your home cooked meals.
“Give me the list, I'll take care of it tomorrow,” he says as he kisses your cheek.
You instantly shook your head in disagreement. "It's fine, I can do it! You just came back from a mission and you need to rest," you protested.
Suddenly, John kissed your lips softly. “At least let me help you with dinner tonight,” he said pulling away.
Your lips curl into a smile at the short yet sweet kiss you two shared. “Yeah, you can help out.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into another kiss.
This was the first kiss you two had in what felt like eternity. You could feel your heart fluttering at the feeling.
John’s hand left your hips and gently cupped your cheek, his thumb rubbing it slowly.
Oh, how you two missed each other’s touch.
A simple kiss from one another basically washed away all the tension and exhaustion from both of your bodies.
The two of you pull away after a moment, eyes still closed while still holding each other closely.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you during the mission.. I kept thinking how much I missed being here with you,” John whispered.
“I missed you too, hun,” you respond as your head leans into the palm of his hand.
The sound of water boiling rapidly caught your attention. You were so caught up in the moment that you completely forgot about the pasta.
“Shoot, I overcooked the pasta!” You quickly let go of John and turned the stove off. A small huff left your lips while you watched the bubbles slowly die down.
You turn back to John with an apologetic smile. “You don’t mind overcooked pasta, right?” You chuckle, earning a laugh from him.
“I’m fine with anything as long as you made them,” he replied.
He then opened one of the cabinets, pulling out a pot. “I’ll help you with the sauce, yeah?”
You nodded your head, smiling broadly. “That’d be great! Thanks, hun.”
It didn’t take long for dinner to be served. The rest of the night was filled with chatter and laughter. John was glad he spent the night with you instead.
・゜・。. .・。.・゜
Thank you so much for the support on my last post, I’m really happy that you guys enjoyed it!!
If you have a request please keep in mind that I am busy outside of tumblr so I may not respond to your requests immediately, but I will try! Also read my guidelines before making a request. 🤍
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grimm-writings · 3 days
YIPPEE YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN can i get a scenario where chilchuck slowly falls in love with a gender fluid reader? maybe he’s confused about their presentation at first, but then finds himself attracted to their masc and fem sides :0
two sides of the same coin
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…ft! chilchuck x genderfluid! reader
…tags! fluff, end of manga spoilers, implied bisexual chilchuck, the mortifying ordeal of having to explain your identity to someone not in the know
…wc! 935
…notes! this request makes me so happy, because i’m also genderfluid!!! i’ll be using primarily my own experiences with my gender here, so i hope it’s to your liking! happy pride month!!! <3 
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“So, you’re… everything.”
“Yes! I guess you can say that.  Although it’s more like it varies.”  Your hands move in the air to communicate your point.  “Sometimes I’m a girl, sometimes a boy.  But I’m also sometimes both, or sometimes neither!  Or maybe I’m partially a girl and partially neither, or I’m partially a boy and partially neither.  And then, on the rare occasion, I am everything!”
You can only watch in real time as Chilchuck slowly loses brain cells.  You’d fear that he may not be able to readily accept you, same as the rest of your party.  The reaction was positive enough (though Marcille and Senshi particularly need time to adapt properly) but there’s still lingering confusion.
Chilchuck slowly nods, though you can tell he isn’t exactly grasping it yet.  “So… What am I meant to call you?”
He’s trying to keep his language respectful.  That’s more than you can say for others you came out to.  You can tell Chilchuck is trying, even if this is unfamiliar ground for him.  He might know enough about different romantic and sexual preferences, and maybe more simple means of gender transition.  Your identity is… hard to explain to someone not in the know, though.
“Just ask,” you reply.  “I might have some indicators in clothing that could help.  Like…”  You gesture towards your current outfit.  “I’m presenting pretty masculine at the moment, yeah?”
“Yeah…” You don’t miss how Chilchuck eyes you up and down.  “So I should keep an eye out for how you dress?”
“Precisely!”  You snap your fingers into a point at Chilchuck’s face.
“Don’t do that.”
You drop your hand.  “Sorry.”
Chilchuck leans back on his seat, folding his arms over his chest.  If he was being honest, this only makes his heart confused.  He was already more used to you presenting masculine throughout your dungeon crawl.  You did express occasional disdain for your current dress, but can’t do much about it.  That in of itself made him wonder if he liked guys.  Now you’re saying you’re a girl sometimes?  Or neither?  Or everything?  He can’t even imagine you in a dress without his mind screaming at him in embarrassment.
You take in Chilchuck’s expression.  Brow furrowed, clearly trying to process your explanation.  He’s definitely accepting of it, just confused.  If there was a way you can explain it better to him…
An idea flashes through your mind with an “ah!”
Chilchuck perks up at your sudden yelp, blinking.  “Something the matter?  Wh– Hey, what are you doing?!”
You had practically scampered on all fours to where your travel bags were, digging around for something.  A few seconds pass before… “GOT ONE!”
Returning to Chilchuck’s side, you hold up one of the gold coins in… someone’s possession.  The half-foot cocks an eyebrow at it.  “What’re you getting at here?”
“This coin is still the same coin when it’s flat in my hand like this,” you begin, before flipping it over.  “Or when it lands on tails.”
Chilchuck watches as you place the coin on your thumb, and flip it up into the air only to let it land randomly, 50/50 chance each time.
“I can’t control whether it lands on heads or tails.  Sometimes it does something really peculiar and stands on its side, or it’s on a slant in some way.”
You watch as the gears turn in Chilchuck’s mind.  “So you can’t really control how your gender works, sometimes you just… feel a certain way?”
“Exactly!  My dysphoria – that’s the term for feeling uncomfortable – can fluctuate, but it’s still the same coin.  It’s still…”
“It’s still you,” Chilchuck finishes, turning his head to look up at you with understanding finally brightening in his eyes.  You can’t help but fluster a little.
It’d be a while since then until you’d make it back to the surface.  Everyone is as accommodating as ever to use the right pronouns when you tell them what for.  It soon comes naturally to just let you live as you are.  It’s welcoming and warm with everyone.
A nice spring breeze blows through your skirt as you make your way down to the entrance of the forest where the feast takes place.  You can spot your party from a mile away, your boots hitting the dirt path as you run over.
“Leave some for me!”  You exclaim in greeting, causing your friends to turn their heads.  Marcille gasps in wonder as she takes in your appearance, meanwhile Izutsumi makes a small noise in surprise.
Chilchuck is stunned into silence, and you can just tell the tips of his ears are going red before he keels over and spits out his drink onto the grass.  “W-What are you wearing?!”
“A dress, Chilchuck,” you quip back, sitting in between him and Marcille.  “Laios still being harassed by Yaad and the rest?”
“Hang on, we’re not moving on from this so fast!  Let me look at you!”  Marcille adjusts herself so she can inspect your look.  “I didn’t think you’d suit a dress so well!  Where’d you get that petticoat?”
You are about to answer when Izutsumi interrupts; “you look so… different,” she relays.
A sheepish chuckle escapes you, as you turn to Chilchuck, who has since been staring at you.  He blinks once you perceive him and glances away.  “You’re still you.  It…  You look very… you. It's nice.”
You can’t help but laugh at his flustered attitude, leaning down to kiss the top of his head as he gives out to you.
You are accepted, and you are loved.  What place could possibly be better than here?
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dark-elf-writes · 2 days
Percy: *hurt to all hell and using his sword as a cane*
Percy: *uses tattered remains of his jacket to wrap up ludo’s wound*
Percy: *takes up the worms offer of tea because just because he can survive on the water he takes out of the air doesn’t mean he wants to*
Percy: *straight up kicks the doors open for the riddle and looks for the trick step*
Percy: *bobs his head to the all the random singing and doesn’t notice when he starts talking his finger to the beat against the hilt of his sword*
Percy: *randomly announces the castle is cooler than Olympus because at least it has character instead of useless splendor. He thinks it could use a moat though*
Jareth: *deep breath* this is fine. This is so fine. I’m so normal about this.
It’s both easy and hard to pull the boy into an enchantment. Little more than coaxing a single bite of a peach to draw him into Jareth’s power but keeping him there? It is like holding the ocean in his bare hands. Wild and untamed. Sea foam and the scream of horses. A soul never meant to be possessed. A heart Jareth cannot contain forever.
(He wonders, given enough time and devotion if that heart would be given to him willingly. It terrifies him just how willing he is to try.)
Still, the strain is worth it to see the boy at his masquerade. To see him draped in fine fabrics and strings of pearls befitting his status. To see that smile of his catch the many lights bouncing of thousands of crystals and shine so brilliantly Apollo would weep.
It is more worth it to have the boy in his arms, dancing with him alone in a crowd and a sea of crystal glittering like stars.
He is awkward, unpracticed, but he takes Jareth’s direction beautifully. For now. Jareth can feel the growing strain even as the boy looks up at him with wonder and a mischief so near and dear to him it makes Jareth want to bless him, to see what tricks this boy could do if given even a fraction of his power.
Dangerous. This little thing in his arms is so dangerous for all the fine fabric and gems try to smooth his rough edges.
Jareth loves him for it all the more.
“Nice place you’ve got here,” The boy sounds genuine, still grinning up at him. “Better than the last labyrinth I was in anyway. I’ve only been almost eaten like once.”
His hands tighten, drawing the little hero closer to him. Possessive. Protective. A whole host of other alien feelings roaring through Jareth at the thought of him hurt. “An oversight. One that will be corrected.”
The music, his singing, doesn’t stop while he speaks. Percy seems delighted at that little show of magic. It makes Jareth itch to truly dazzle him, but time is short and the tide is already pulling his hero away from him. (No mortal has ever been able to overpower his magic so easily. None have been able to pull away from him when he is trying to keep them. It is as intoxicating as it is infuriating. Jareth wants more. He wants so much more.)
“Nah, I took care of it.” He had, Jareth knew. This little warrior in his arms had the power to fell nations and yet had only caused some minor chaos to allow him to escape. “I broke the cleaner though. I would say I’m sorry but I don’t think you would believe me.”
He wouldn’t. It delights him so much that Jareth laughs.
The swell of the surf grows to its peak and already the illusion is dissolving around them in a wash do salt water and laughter. But he hears the boy still, would hear him even once he was far, far from Jareth’s domain he has been captured so.
“You need a moat. Honestly what kind of castle is complete without a moat!”
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carolmunson · 3 days
'i'm still here, and i'm still high and i'll still meet you in the middle of the night, but if you lie to me, lie to me, lie to me, i'm gone.'
exboyfriend!eddie from this laundromat blurb.
Tobacco wasn't the problem, it was the smoke. The smell it left on your clothes when you left the trailer, when you got out of his van. You had to go to Wash 'N Suds so often that you got bold enough to ask Marge for a discount and she laughed in your face.
"That's what you get for seeing that boy!" she shrugged.
Seeing that boy. Smelling that smell.
Sharp in your nostrils when you make your way out toward the pool at Steve Harrington's house -- Memorial Day bash that went real late into the night. Eddie always made a killing, pockets fat with cash that he'd hide in a box under the tattered tweed couch when he got home later -- unless he ended up passing out in the pool house, which happened more often than he'd like to admit.
Most people had left for the night, the singing of the crickets filling the air of the backyard with the soft woosh of the pool water being pushed by the breeze. Robin's raspy laugh echoes from the kitchen through the cracked sliding door.
And the flick of a lighter.
You head picks up and you see him on one of the pool chairs, sneakers and socks to the side of him while he pulls a drag of his cigarette. His hair is pulled up in a half pony-tail in a loose scrunchy -- you don't know whose it is. It's yellow -- yellow isn't really his color.
"Hi," he drawls out, blowing the smoke toward the pool.
"Hi," you mumble back, slipping your own lighter from your pocket and sitting at the edge, letting the water envelope your bare legs and feet up to just under your knees. You pluck the pre-rolled joint from your ear and hold it in your fingers to light the tip before bringing it to your lips.
"I didn't bring pre-rolls tonight," he questions, you can hear him shift on the plastic seat, "Where'd you get that?"
"My house," you respond, not turning around. Not that you need to, before you know it he's next to you, dunking his feet into the water haphazardly.
"Christ, Ed," you groan when the water splashes up past your knees, "Be careful." "Whaddya mean, your house?" he asks, taking the joint from your fingers and examining it closely, "You rolled this?"
"I rolled this," you nod, taking it back from him, "And if you don't mind, I'm gonna smoke it. In peace. By myself."
"Well excuuuuse me," he mumbles, hands up in surrender. He takes another drag of his cigarette while you finally get a hit, holding the smoke. You both exhale at the same time, the clouds catching in the light of the moon. The blend and dissipate over the the gentle roll of the water.
"So is this how it's gonna be now?" he asks quietly, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees in contemplating, "Us just igorning each other all night and arguing?"
"I dunno, Ed," you shrug, "Is it?"
You both take another drag, your exhales dance again.
"I dunno," he mumbles back.
The crickets sing and a new darkness settles over the backyard when the back porch lights go out and the kitchen light is flicked off. Steve, Rob, and Nancy likely getting ready to settle in for a movie after the last party patron left.
Eddie puts the cigarette out on the cobbled pool deck by his thigh, leaving the left over tucked in his ear, covered by stray curls that made their way out of the scrunchy.
"I miss you," he whispers.
You swallow, looking down at his cut off jean shorts and his ringed hand resting on the edge of the deck. The water nearly lapping up to kiss his fingers.
Warmth fills up in your chest, sliding down to your belly, legs, and arms. You aren't sure if it's from the first hit or from the shots you took earlier. You aren't sure if it's the light of the moon and the way the crickets sing on the eve of summer. You aren't sure if it's what he says, or the smell or smoke, or the way his curls fall around his face.
But your hand settles over his, fingers tangling up with each other.
"I miss you, too."
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quibbs126 · 3 days
Heya! Can you do Dark Choco Cookie and Cotton Cookie child?
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So I originally misread Cotton as Cotton Candy (especially since not everyone includes the Cookie part of the name), and I’m not doing Dark Choco/Cotton, so Dark Choco/Cotton Candy it is
Anyways, this is Bubble Choco Cookie
So Bubble Choco here is somewhere in his teens, and he’s an avid poet. However he does not want anyone to read his poems, and will make sure you don’t touch his poetry journal. They’re mostly edgy or sad and they aren’t the best, but it’s how he expresses himself. He’ll just pull out his journal and pencil at random times and start writing
When he was younger, he used to be a lot more cheerful and bubbly, but as he entered his teen years, he started to act more rebellious and “dark”. He never quite gave up his fashion sense though, with his main changes just being that he wears some darker shades
He is also very fond of chocolate, specifically the aerated kind
Okay I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have much for him other than the poet angle. I just kind of decided to finally start drawing him
I also recognize that he has very little of Dark Choco in his character, as well as design, but that’s in part because of the way I envisioned this ship. For one thing, it’s in Ovenbreak so no Dark Cacao Kingdom here, Dark Choco probably just lives with Cotton Candy, and also, it’s a wholesome ship, their kid doesn’t need that much angst. And he’s a poet instead of a fighter, and if he doesn’t want to fight, I don’t see any reason for Dark Choco to teach him; Cotton Candy doesn’t seem to live in an area that requires much sword fighting or the like
Anyways, on to design stuff
So Bubble Choco is based on aerated chocolate, since it’s like a really light chocolate, and cotton candy is also light (I’m talking weight btw). Also, I’ve eaten this kind of chocolate before (I quite enjoy Aero bars), and I quite like it
I think another name I was considering was Air Choco, since it’s closer to the actual name of the ingredient, but Bubble Choco works better as a name
Aerated chocolate:
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So as I said earlier, I kind of made him for the sake of making him and doing more of these, so there wasn’t a super big amount of thought out into him. I do still like how he turned out though
All I really had to go on initially was the poet angle (I didn’t even reread my old notes), and I wasn’t really sure where to go with his personality until I started tweaking his expression. He was also originally going to be a girl but somewhere in development I decided “eh, why not have him be a boy?” and there you have it
I also knew I wanted him to have black poofy hair with things in it. It was originally more of a curved line in between the ends, but I changed it when I looked at Cotton Candy’s hair more. Though I kind of wish I had kept it now. There was also an old concept I mad ages ago that also had that hair, but it was longer. Don’t know why it’s this current length
After doing the hair, I wasn’t really sure what to do with the outfit, and I kind of just made something up as I went. He’s got the poofy ends of his jacket because of the whole “bubble” thing. I wanted to give him more poofy stuff
His colors are brown and light green become the Aero bars I usually see are regular chocolate (brown) and mint (light green). The pink was added to there’d be a little more color variation
As for the thing in his eye, it’s because of Cotton Candy’s heart eyes and me liking to put stuff in the eyes in place of that. Bubble Choco’s eye thing is supposed to be a sort of reference to Dark Choco with his star, though I didn’t bother to curve it out. And as I realize now, the eye I chose is also his missing eye and the star eye of the SoD. I’d like to claim that was intentional, but it wasn’t
And anyways yeah, there you have it. Bubble Choco. Don’t really have much else to say other than I hope you enjoyed him
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🌼 Steve Rogers with a little who’s a boy who doesn’t like super hero’s so he doesn’t know who Steve is and Steve just thinks thats so cute? And they hit it off at the park or something sweet like that? I really love Steve and Bug but I like Lego more than science things and super hero’s so maybe he also likes legos? If that’s okay? Thank you 🌼
Legos, Littles, and Lots of giggles.
Steve Rogers X Little!Reader (He/Him Pronouns used)
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Warnings - Talks about Steve only ever being sought out because of his name, mentions of stuck lego bricks (The worst)
Notes - I really loved writing this! I hope you like it! Thank you so much for your request!!! <3 Also this is short! I'm sorry!
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The past week had been cloudy, rain popping up from time to time, so when the sun finally came out to play Y/n made his way to the park. Sat on his big yellow blanket, legos scattered around, a half made treehouse created as the wind blew past.
Steve too had taken advantage of the sunny weather, a casual outfit and a ballcap on as he walked through the park, soaking up the warm air and bright sunshine.
"Can you help me? Please?" A soft asked from Steve's left. Turning to see who needed his help he wasn't expecting to see someone holding up two pieces of blocks stuck together, a frown on his face.
"Sure, Buddie. What do you need me to do?" He questioned, feeling uncertain about the situation, knowing that many people asked him seemingly easy questions to lower his radar just to bombard the super solider later.
"There stuck together." The boy pouted, his eyebrows pulled together, sadness dripping from his features. "I tried to undo 'em bu' I couldn't." He shrugged his shoulders, fiddling with some of the other blocks before checking back in on Steve.
"Here." Steve handed the two blocks back, this time unstuck. "What are you building?" Steve asked, crouching down to get closer to the action, blocks strewn about in loose colour groupings.
"'m making a treehouse!" The boy shouted, smiling big. "It's gonna be really tall and big!" He giggled, placing the two un-stuck blocks on different sections.
"Can I help?" Steve asked, instantly enamored with the boy who sat in front of him. Happy to be treated like some random dude off the street, needed for nothing but a block fix and small chat.
"You can't help me, I have a vision." Y/n said shyly. "But you can build your own?" He offered, hoping that the big guy with a nice smile and good block fixing hands would stick around a little longer.
"Sounds good to me." Steve laughed, laying half on the blanket and half on the grass. "Just let me know if I steal a piece you need, okay?"
"'kay." Y/n pushed a few piles of legos towards the man, letting him pick from his discard piles. "'m Y/n." He said, focused on his legos.
"I'm Steve." Steve said, focused on Y/n, legos long forgotten.
"Dat's a nice name." Y/n nodded, clicking blocks together.
"My last name is Rogers." Steve added. "Steve Rogers." He was waiting for some sort of recognition, a sharp inhale of breath, something that would show Y/n knew who he was.
"Oh!" Y/n looked to him. "Like Mr Rogers tv show? It's a good last name, he's fun." Steve had no idea who this Mr Rogers was, but he was glad to have found someone who liked his company instead of his fame.
"Sure, Buddie. Like Mr Rogers." He shook his head, trying his best to get his few blocks to resemble a treehouse as Y/n effortlessly created a masterpiece. The two of them stayed there for hours, chatting, giggling, and building a bunch of treehouses.
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say-hwaet · 3 days
High Sierra: A Red Dead Redemption Story
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Synopsis: Set in an alternate universe, the story begins in a different time. In the 21st Century, Arthur Morgan works diligently as a game warden but seems to be having trouble in his personal life. Trying to find a balance and learn how to be honest with himself, he is swept into a discovery of dark secrets when he discovers a body in the woods. Most attribute it to a hunting accident, but Arthur and his friend Charles think there is something more sinister. As he tries to find the reason behind the series of killings, will he lose sight of what's important, or will he choose the life that is best for the ones he loves?
Chapter One: Yes or No
He didn't have a lot of time, but if he was late to work, he knew not to worry about it. He was loyal to his job, as a game warden, and was respected by the higher ranks. That was something that his son was proud to boast about at school.
His son. That is what he was there for.
He finally knocked on the door.
After a few moments, the door calmly opens. A woman, with her hair hidden in a tied-up towel, stood before him in a bathrobe, her face still glistening.
"Eliza..." he blushes. Even after all these years, she makes him shy. "Is this a bad time?"
"Hi, Arthur." She steps back. "Come in."
He takes off his brown warden's hat, revealing his short, slicked-back, fawn-colored hair, and sets it on a small table as he enters. The smell of warm pancakes fills the air. Eliza closes the door behind him and heads to the kitchen. He follows.
"Isaac is just having breakfast."
She veers off into the kitchen and he heads for the dining room. Being at her place many times, he knew his way around. However, he was careful this time not to make himself too much at home, as he was on borrowed time in her good graces.
The brown-eyed, lean, eight-year-old boy, with a close-shaven head, looks up and sees his only hero.
"Daddy!" He pushes himself from the table and runs into his father's arms. Arthur, filled with a bittersweet feeling, picks him up carefully and holds him tight.
"How're you doing, kiddo?"
"Great, Daddy! I've been to school!"
"Oh, you have, have you?" After being nearly choked to death, he sets his son down on the floor. He squats down to look at him face-to-face. "And how has that been?"
"It's been good, Daddy. I am making As and Bs!"
"Well, how about that?" Arthur scratches the boy's fuzzy head. "I knew you were a smart one!"
"Yeah, Mommy has always said I got my smarts from you!"
He turns to see Eliza, who has her back turned, and she flips another pancake. "Well, maybe she was doing me a favor, but we both know you are much smarter than me."
Isaac giggles, not fully sure of what Arthur really meant.
Arthur stands up and Isaac takes hold of his hand.
"Did you just come and say hi? Can't you stay for breakfast?" Isaac pleads, his eyes like a puppy's.
"No, son. I gotta go to work soon, but I need to talk to your mama for a bit."
"Oh," Isaac lowers his head.
"Now, now, don't be like that. If it is okay with your mama, I can come by and see you after work. How is that?"
"And you can take me to see Copper?"
He shrugs his shoulders and grimaces softly, afraid to disappoint the boy. "I don't know about that."
"Let's think on that one, alright? Why don't you go on and eat your pancakes, huh?"
"Okay, Daddy." Isaac turns around and lifts himself back onto the chair. That's when Arthur catches a glimpse of the stitches on the back of the boy's head and feels an empathetic pain shoot up through him. Arthur turns around and walks to Eliza, who still hasn't turned around.
"Eliza, can we talk for a minute?"
Eliza lifts her head and turns to him. "I gotta do my hair."
"That's fine. We can still talk, right?"
She looks over to Isaac while turning off the front burner on the stove. "Baby, I am going to my room for a minute, let me know if you need me."
"Okay, Mommy."
Eliza turns to walk out of the kitchen and down the hall while Arthur tails behind her. He cannot help but watch her body move and the gracefulness of each step. He begins to feel anxious and confused. More confused than he had accepted this morning while preparing to talk to her.
Alice heads to her master bathroom and unravels the wrapped towel on her head, the wavy curls of her chestnut hair falling out. She tousles it softly, then takes some mousse and begins to apply it.
"How is the boy?" he begins.
"Fine. Stable for now. He is now off the painkillers and his stitches were taken out. The doctors say that the worst is over."
"I am glad to hear that."
"Why are you here, Arthur?"
He looks into the bathroom mirror and they lock eyes. "I felt that we couldn't just go on like this. Us not talking."
She looks down and doesn't respond.
Seeing that she isn't shutting him out, he continues. "I know how it must have looked, but I didn't do anything wrong."
She stands up, throwing her hair back. She tousles it some more, with a little more gusto than she usually does. "Then what was that, Arthur? Did she just magically end up in your arms?"
She is still angry with him.
"She came onto me. She was drunk, I guess still mourning the death of her husband, and I..." he listened to what he was saying. He wasn't making good headway at explaining the situation. She was a part of his past, and he wanted to explain that to Eliza. "I was confused and shocked, is all. I didn't expect her to kiss me out of the blue."
Eliza goes silent again. She brushes past him into the bedroom and walks by her closet. She finds something to wear and goes behind her antique dressing screen. She was always fascinated by historical things, particularly the Wild West. That was her passion and should things have been different, she might have pursued it.
"That isn't what bothers me, Arthur."
He walks closer to the screen and stops himself. He's lost that intimate privilege. "Then why did you stop answering my texts, then? Why have you refused to talk to me? Why that outburst in front of all those people?"
"It was only three people out of that entire party, first of all." She comes out from behind the screen. Arthur eyes her small figure and feminine shape. Even in a simple t-shirt and long skirt, she is a remarkably beautiful woman. "Second, I needed time to think."
"But does that mean you should keep me from news on Isaac?"
"I would have said something if it was an emergency. You knew about these recent appointments, anyways."
He opens his arms and claps his hands against his pant legs in frustration. "Can you tell me what bothers you, then?"
"What bothers me is her."
They're getting to the meat of it now. Arthur takes a step back, running a hand over his face. "She is an ex-girlfriend. I was young, she was young. Her dad hated me because I was a no-name country boy, so she ended it. If I remember correctly, you actually saw that part."
He isright. She was there, all those years ago. Her mind begins to think back on that day at the restaurant. On that day, he didn't even know that she existed, she is surprised that he even remembered her there at all.
"I know, but now, after all this time, she can just throw herself at you, and then you are 'confused.' I thought–" she pauses, carefully trying to choose her words. Eliza has always had a wall. She always had a part of her hidden safe and tucked away. She never told Arthur how she really felt about him. Ever since that first day, they met at the restaurant, she loved him. And now, when she thought things were finally happening between them, at a difficult time like this, a woman of his past had to come and threaten everything. "I know that I don't have the right to be mad at you, Arthur. We aren't married. We aren't...together. I also know that I cannot compare to her, her successful career in advertising, and her rich family–“
She holds her hand to stop him. "I could have been a history teacher, had I been able to stay in school, but I couldn't. I had a son, Arthur. We had a son. I could have made my life something different, but instead, I made something more precious than a teaching career. Isaac is a good kid, a beautiful, happy boy. Who also loves his parents."
"I know that..."
"Do you love her, Arthur?"
He looks back at her and blinks. "What?"
"Do you love Mary?"
He is silent for a moment, which is long enough to make her heart ache.
He looks away from her towards one of the walls. Anything to avoid seeing the sad look in her eyes. "I...I don't know."
"That isn't good enough. I need a yes or a no from you, Arthur."
"It ain’ that simple.”
And to him, it isn't. He had thought he had left that part of his life behind. Things were going well between him and Eliza. They were connecting, and it was even before Isaac was diagnosed with cancer and eventually had his recent surgery. They were spending time together, in fact, he was spending more time at her place than he ever did at his. And it wasn't too long ago that they shared a night together, and to Eliza, it really meant something to her. Perhaps, a sign of hope, that they could finally be a complete family.
But they went to that party, in celebration of John and his band's new contract with one of the biggest record labels in the country. His father and manager, Dutch, were thoroughly excited. Though it was a small gathering, everyone was having a good time enjoying themselves, especially Eliza, as she was finally coming out of her skin. But she was also there. And when she kissed him, so many emotions and hurt came flooding back. For both Arthur and Eliza.
Eliza rests her hands on her hips. "Then if he didn't get sick, would you still be involved as much as you are? Would you still care?"
Arthur furrows his brow and takes a step toward her. "What kind of a question is that?"
"An honest one."
"I promised you, at the very beginning, that I'd do right by you and our son. I haven't let off on that promise, have I?"
Eliza doesn't answer. She can't argue that point.
"I care about the boy. He's my son," he reiterates.
"So, it's just the boy..." her voice trails off. She is resolved. He must never have cared for her the same way. Sometimes love means letting go, and she was going to need to learn how to do that.
He shakes his head, lowering his voice to bring in sincerity. "That isn't what I mean."
She waves him off. "Yes, it is, but I won't push you about it anymore. I just need you to promise me something."
He wants to argue her belief. He does feel something for her, but he can't explain it well, he isn't even sure if he understands it. "Okay."
"I don't want Isaac to know about her. Not until you are sure that she is who you are going to spend the rest of your life with. He needs something steady and constant. He needs his father's love and support. He doesn't need to see us argue or fight. He needs me to be happy. He needs to see you happy. Whether it is with her, or with someone else." Eliza struggles with those last words, as having to say them at all makes her feel sick.
He wants to ask her if she loves him, as he feels it only right to ask her that question. She always gave off the impression that she did, but she would never say it. In fact, neither of them really did. Maybe that was the problem.
But one thing that he is certain of, is that he loves his son, and he is going to figure out what he wants.
Arthur exhales, relenting. "Okay."
There is a silence that fills between them. It was time for him to leave and get to work.
"I need to go now. Can I come by and see Isaac later?"
"Sure. We will be back home by then."
"Are you working today?"
"No. Remember, Isaac has another appointment today, so I took it off."
Arthur shakes his head softly, suddenly recalling what she had said earlier. "Right. Are you going to be okay?"
Eliza turns and begins to swipe at some wrinkles in her comforter, shielding the roll in her eyes. "I may be just a manager at Bronte's, but I can afford to not work once in a while."
"I didn't mean that. I meant if you wanted me to go with you."
She pauses. "Oh. No, it is just another post-surgery check-up to answer any questions. I will call you if there is anything."
Satisfied that there are no more wrinkles, she turns to look back at him. Those beautiful brown eyes of hers, so calming and warm. They could always ground him and bring him back from the clouds he was always drifting in. Now, they remind him of the canyon that has developed between them. "Did you want to ask them anything? I could--"
He shakes his head again, leaving the trance. "No, I don't, but when there is another appointment, can you let me know?"
"Yes, I will text it to you."
"Good. I'll say goodbye to him." He turns to walk out of her bedroom and they both find Isaac sitting on the couch watching cartoons.
"Isaac, come give your daddy a love-bye," Eliza sighs.
Isaac turns off the TV with the remote and slides off the couch. Walking slowly, as if to drag out the farewell, he finally flops into his father's chest. He has always felt safe in his daddy's strong arms. Arthur is a big man, which has made him seem more hero-like than ever.
"Goodbye, kiddo."
"Bye, Daddy," a muffled voice could be heard.
Arthur releases his son from his embrace and stands erect. Without thinking, he leans over to kiss Eliza but stops himself. She notices this, and steps back, mutually feeling the same about the encounter.
"Bye. Tell your mom and dad I said hi," she says quietly.
"Alright. Bye." Arthur picks up his hat and puts it on his head. He lets himself out.
He doesn't know it, but as he gets into his car, Eliza pulls back the curtain and watches him go.
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gatorbites-imagines · 13 hours
They need to make a second Moon Knight season. People also need to make more Moonboys x Male reader, not a lot for some reason. Here’s my pitch, Moonboys with a Summer like s/o. Like they are just like super hyper and cheerful but also really temperamental and kinda scary, lots of emotions at once type of person.
Please good Sir, I beg thee🙏🌆
Moonboys x Summerlike male reader
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It’s been a while since I watched moon knight or written about the boys, and I feel like im forgetting what their personalities are like :/
Marc Spector
I’m not sure Marc knows how to deal with you in the beginning with you having so many strong emotions wrapped inside you at the same time. Its probably a bit intimidating for him, since he himself tries to stay coolheaded and focused on the mission.
After a while, Marc would get used too it though, and would come to enjoy it since its part of who you are. He does end up floundering sometimes when your emotions get a little too bright or loud all of a sudden, and he needs to figure out what caused it.
Knows some de-escalation exercises he’s gotten form Steven that he helps you go through when you start to get a little too angry, or angry enough for it to start effecting your choices and actions. Marc wouldn’t want you to end up doing something you might come to regret later.
Steven Grant
Steven would be a little more prepared to have a partner whose emotions can be quite strong and a little all over the place. He might have to catch up sometimes, but he’s more likely to match your vibe. It might cause a bit of a loop, especially when he gets excited talking about his interests and you just egg him on.
Knows multiple types of de-escalation exercises or focusing exercises, that he needs to use himself quite regularly. This means hes great at helping talk you down or get you to focus on something else when you get a little too angry or frustrated on something.
Quite enjoys how happy you can be at times, especially on days where Steven himself is feeling stressed. Its like a breath of fresh air, or maybe a shot of espresso.
Jake Lockley
Even worse than Marc when it comes to dealing with all your strong different emotions in the beginning, he just doesn’t show it. Jake is more the type to lay low and observe, letting him feel out what’s on the agenda today before he interacts.
He doesn’t talk much, so he��s more than happy to sit back and listen to you ramble for hours if you get excited about something, or just need to angry rant about one thing or another that pissed you off today.
When you start to get too worked up, both positively or negatively, Jake will wrap an arm around your waist and pull you to his side. Or he will grab your hand and give it a squeeze. Not enough to hurt, but enough to bring you down to earth so you guys can think whatever is going on through logically.
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jokeringcutio · 18 hours
Can you make another one of the albert Shaw, but can it be a continuation from the neighbour when he meets her?
AN: Sure ♡ Enjoy :)
Drabble: Albert’s pretty neighbor - part 2
Fandom: The Black Phone (2022), Pairing: (AFAB) Reader x Albert Shaw/The Grabber Ratings: Mature Warnings: Older man x younger woman, attractive neighbor, giving you a free life hack in this, mutual attraction but neither dare act on it, crushing on a villain/the bad guy, thigh clenching, Reader likes Albert’s dog Samson.
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The sun was beating down on your exposed skin. You were pulling weeds, dirty nails clawing at the earth, when you heard a soft whimper. Glancing up, you saw Samson, Albert’s hulking cane corso, watching you with those soulful eyes from the other side of the flowerbed. He was separated only from you by your neighbor’s fence, but looked like he would have jumped upon you if it hadn’t been there.
"Hey there, big guy," you cooed, wiping sweat from your brow, the sun a relentless predator above.
"Seems like Samson has taken a liking to you," came a deep, gravelly voice. Albert stood a few feet away, his chestnut hair tousled, grey-blue eyes gleaming under the falling sunlight.
"Does he now?" You chuckled, standing and brushing off your hands on your thighs. You edged closer to the fence, fingers lingering on the wooden slats. Samson's tail wagged, a slow thump against the ground.
"He's usually wary of strangers," Albert confessed, taking a step forward. His gaze never left you. "But you're different."
"Perhaps I'm attracted to the dangerous types,” you teased. The way Albert's eyes darkened, just for a second, made your skin tingle.
Had you said something wrong? Or right? "Or perhaps he senses kinship. He wants to be a good boy, I want to be a good girl," you quickly said, feeling a flutter in your stomach. "Perhaps," he murmured, almost to himself. He cleared his throat, shaking off whatever thought had gripped him. "How’s the garden coming along?"
"Slowly but surely," you sighed, glancing back at the tangled mess of plants. "Seems like every time I make progress, these weeds pop up."
"Gardening is a battle," he said softly, a strange warmth in his voice. His hands, rough and calloused, gripped the top of the fence. "But it's worth it. Beauty for all that effort."
"Yes, exactly." You smiled, feeling a connection, something unnamed sparking between you both. His presence was magnetic, drawing you in despite the age gap, despite the unknown shadows in his eyes.
"Need any help?" he offered, tilting his head, a lock of greying hair slipping over his forehead. He looked almost boyish, and you couldn't help but imagine what his touch might feel like, strong yet tender.
"That's kind of you, Albert, but…" you began, but he cut you off with a raised hand.
"Please. It's no trouble. Neighbors should help each other out." His voice was firm, authoritative, but there was an underlying softness that made you relent.
"All right then," you agreed, heart pounding as he slipped through the gate into your yard. Samson followed, a silent shadow at his master's heel.
"Let’s start over there," Albert suggested, pointing to a particularly stubborn patch of weeds. You nodded, feeling the heat of his body as he moved past you, close enough that you could smell the faint scent of cologne mixed with sweat.
"Thanks, Albert. You're very kind,” you said, kneeling down beside him. His smile was warm, but his eyes, those piercing eyes, held secrets. You wished you knew what thoughts made them darken with desire. Was it you? Your presence?
You suppressed a slight shiver. Having him near, smelling his scent, and feeling his hot skin next to your own was enticing.
"Just being neighborly," he replied, his tone light. But you couldn't shake the feeling that beneath the surface, something darker lurked. Something dangerous.
"Well, I appreciate it," you whispered, more to yourself than to him. As you worked side by side, the distance between you seemed to shrink, the air thick with unspoken words and hidden desires.
"Anytime," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but wonder what lay behind that charming facade, what shadows hid within his heart.
But for now, you let the moment linger, enjoying the rare closeness, the fleeting connection. Even if it was built on a foundation of lies and darkness.
"Anytime," he repeated, almost like a promise. And you couldn't help but hope he'd keep it.
A sudden, sharp clatter came from within Albert's house. You both froze, your breath catching in your throat. Your eyes instantly flicked to the side. Samson was there, wagging his tale, happily circling around the two of you as you worked on the flowerbed side by side.
So it wasn’t him. But Albert lived on his own, right?
A burglar?
"Did you hear that?" you asked, instantly rising from your knees.
The sound seemed to have come from his basement. A tiny window that you hadn’t noticed before, situated behind the back, lay at the source of the sound.
"Probably just Samson knocking something over," Albert said quickly, standing up and brushing off his hands. His smile was tight, eyes flickering with an uneasy light.
“Samson’s right here,” you reasoned, trying to peer through his basement window. "It sounded like it came from downstairs." Your heart pounded harder against your ribs, curiosity mingling with unease.
"Must have been the ironing plank,” Albert pressed, blocking your way before you could peer through the bars of the tiny window located slightly above the grass line. You would need to go on your hands and knees for that, but Albert prevented you from doing that, holding out a reassuring hand to signal everything was all right.
And he must be right. If he wasn’t worried, why should you be? A burglar? Unlikely. Nothing as exciting as that had happened in Denver for ages. You were scaring yourself now for no reason.
“Did some of my ironing there earlier today,” he explained in such a calm voice that you felt the tenseness leave your muscles. You slowly started to relax, noticing the delighted spark in Albert’s eyes as he watched you visibly getting less tense.
“It probably fell over. Might not have set it against the wall properly," he insisted, his tone firmer now.
"How about coming inside for a drink? It's awfully hot out here."
You considered for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not?"
Albert led the way into his house, his demeanor shifting from tense to overly casual. You followed, eyes darting around, taking in the neatness of his home. He clearly lived here on his own. No signs of belongings of anyone else. Not that you expected it. You knew he was a bachelor in his fifties, working an ordinary job and living an ordinary life.
Plus, you had seen his home before. He often invited you over for a drink. You figured it made him feel less lonely, that it was nice for him to talk to someone. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to be near him. You took every opportunity to be by his side – to hear more about him, listen to that deep and dark voice, watch those bright blue eyes roam over your body, and fantasize that there could be more between you.
Yet… Everything is in its place, but too perfect. Too controlled.
Samson padded behind you, tail still waggling with delight. You flashed him a small smile before looking back at Albert who had come to a halt and was waiting for you to catch up.
"Make yourself comfortable," he said, gesturing to the living room. He disappeared into the kitchen, returning moments later with two cans of soda. He handed you one, fingers grazing yours for just a second longer than necessary.
"Thanks," you murmured, taking a sip. His kitchen lacked a certain variety, you mused silently.  
You watched him how his eyes darkened, unreadable, as he took a long sip.
"So? Ironing eh?" you said. “Share?”
"Not much to tell," he replied with a shrug, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of something deeper. "Did the laundry.”
“You don’t seem to wear anything that needs ironing. Not a lot anyway,” you said, feeling the heat rush through you as you realized you were looking him up and down. His pants perhaps, you thought.
“I wear shirts,” he said in his defense, to which you sputtered and stifled a laugh.
“Hang them to dry on a clothes hanger. No ironing needed, guaranteed.”
The thoughtful expression on Albert’s face made you laugh openly now.
“What? You never thought of that before?”
“Not yet, no,” he reluctantly admitted, but with that small curl of his lips that indicated he enjoyed this banter. His fingers curled tighter around the can he was holding. The fact you noticed this betrayed how you fixated on him.
“I’m just an average guy, trying to get by," he murmured, voice low and not average at all. Not with the way he made the heat rush between your legs, squeezing them together and silently wishing he hadn’t noticed. You clung a little tighter to your own soda can as well, hoping the coolness of the can would cool you down as well.
"Somehow, I don't believe that," you teased, leaning forward slightly. "Everyone has their secrets."
"Maybe," he said softly, his gaze locking onto yours. "But some things are better left buried."
"Is that what you think?" you challenged, feeling a thrill run through you.
"Absolutely," he replied, voice dropping to a whisper.
A silence fell as you tried to think of something clever to say. Your eyes rested upon him, curious, filled with want. You wanted to know more about him, wanted to know why he seemed to have this dangerous edge to him when all he had shown you to be was a nice and helpful neighbor. Attractive too.
Was it all just in your mind?
That was when you noticed Albert sat frozen. His lips parted, his fingers twitching. And only then did you realize that Albert's hand hovered above your knee, fingertips trembling. The air between you thickened, charged with unspoken desire. Your breath hitched, heart pounding like a wild drum.
You wanted him to touch you, needed it.
But just like that… he pulled back, eyes flickering with restraint. He didn’t allow you the time to interpret what it was that you had seen in his eyes, for he turned away from you, twisting his torso as he set his can aside. His gaze shifted, catching on the clock on the wall.
"Damn," he hissed, low and urgent. "I have to go."
"Work?" you asked, voice tinged with regret.
"Yes," he said, standing abruptly. The spell shattered, reality rushing back in.
You knew he had traded a shift with one of his colleagues. He had told you earlier when you were both working in your garden. So, for him to announce he had to leave shouldn’t have come as a surprise.
You followed him to the door, each step heavy with unmet longing. You watched as he picked up his vest on the way, throwing it on, grabbing a bag he must have prepared earlier with… dinner?
Then he pushed the door open, holding it for you. He turned, his usual charm slipping back into place. “Ladies first,” he gallantly said, making you smile.
You accepted the gesture and stepped outside, instantly feeling the hot summer sun beat down on you.
"Have a good day at work," you said, smiling.
"Thank you," he said, smiling softly in turn. It was as if your smile had been infectious. His eyes twinkled with something. Mirth? "Take care of yourself."
"Always," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
"And how could I forget you!” You almost exclaimed, leaning over to signal Samson to come closer. The dog padded over, tail wagging. You felt Albert’s burning gaze. Was he studying you?
“I’m gonna miss you,” you mewled. “Be a good boy, okay?” You petted his back, then rose again and nodded once more to Albert – a silent sign saying ‘thank you’.
He returned the nod. “We’ll have to do this again, sometime,” he said. And was that a rasp in his voice?
You couldn’t help but smile brightly, excited at the promise of being close to him again. “Of course,” he hadn’t even needed to suggest it. You’d take any excuse to hang out with him.
His eyes locked with yours, dark and swirling with a silent storm – all sorts of emotions you had difficulty naming.
"See you soon." Albert murmured, patting the dog's head. But his eyes were fixed on you, sending a delightful shiver down your spine.
"Yeah, see you soon," you said, stepping away from his porch. The door closed behind you, and you heard the click of the lock. With another wave, Albert made his way to his van. You watched as he drove away and finally let out a deep sigh.
Then you turned away, walking back to your own garden, the memory of his hovering hand burning in your mind.
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georgeclarkewifey · 19 hours
Inconvenience | g. clarke
Chapter 3 - Ikea Trip
Summary: four boys and noa in ikea, what could go wrong?
Word Count: 1.1k+
Warnings: swearing, George being a dick
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liked by chrismd10, arthurtv and 13,473 others
noamurphy literally got halfway to Ikea before they demanded to stop for food
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chrismd10 well we were hungry what did you expect?
⮑ noamurphy wait??? to get Ikea meatballs???
⮑ gkbarry_ noa speaking facts as usual
⮑ noamurphy love you babe x
arthurtv but we wanted hot dogs
⮑ noamurphy yeah and I wanted a successful football career but we don’t always get what we want
⮑ arthurhill just saw chris choke on his hot dog after he read this
⮑ fan new Noa lore?????
fan1 she’s so real for giving us this
⮑ fan2 mother really fed us today
⮑ noamurphy I worry for you guys sometimes
fan3 Ikea vlog 👉👈🥺 pls
⮑ noamurphy arthurtv ?
⮑ arthurtv 🫡
“Thank fuck.” Noa muttered, as the car finally pulled into the Ikea store parking lot. Somehow, their half an hour journey had doubled in length when Arthur TV declared that he was hungry and wanted to get hot dogs. “Honestly, all you guys do is think about your stomachs.”
“But I was hungry-“
“Well aware of the Television, maybe you should have had breakfast.”
“I had two Costco cookies!”
“Is that really what constitutes as a healthy breakfast these days.” Noa replied, rubbing her temples. “C’mon, let’s get this show off the road and into Swedish Heaven.”
Noa managed to herd the boys into the showroom area without much fuss, but once they were inside was where the real trouble began.
Arthur, who had decided to vlog the entire trip was running round the bedrooms with Chris, deciding to tumble out of a wardrobe every five minutes to declare that ‘they weren’t in Narnia any more’, which not only drew the attention of all the other shoppers, but some of the workers as well.
“Dixie! Please hold yourself together for five minutes, please? Just five minutes so that I can choose a bed frame and wardrobe…preferably one that you and Arthur haven’t tried to jump out of.” Noa pleaded, examining a black wooden bed.
“What colour do you want everything in? Because that will narrow the search down.” Chris said, before gazing at a set of bunk beds. “You know, if you ever wanted to have more than one person stay-“
“I’m not getting bunk beds Chris.” She sighed. “I’m not seven years old. Or making a nerf war sequel with my cousins.”
Starting to turn red, as the others snicked, Chris shook his head. “I was a kid okay? And at the time it looked good and we had fun!”
“Is anyone feeling thirsty?” Arthur TV asked, a slow grin starting to form. “I could go for a can of quick revive.”
Chris groaned in frustration, throwing his hands in the air. “Children, I’m friends with actual children.”
The four looked at each other, processing what he had just said, before dissolving into fits of giggles. Realising what they had interpreted, Chris shook his head and began to walk off. “Great, now they’re going to joke that I’m a nonce. Wonderful, just what I needed today, really, really it is.”
“Oh come on Chris, we know you don’t like kids. George, on the other hand-“
“Nope not even starting that conversation.” George grumbled, beginning to play with the drawers of one of the bed. “Why would someone want drawers on their bed?”
“If they don’t have enough room for a wardrobe I’m guessing. Not everyone has YouTuber money you see.” Noa replied, raising her eyebrows at him to reinforce her point. George just rolled at her and walked away, causing Noa to turn to the two Arthurs.
“Okay, what is his problem? Was it something I said? Or did?” She asked, moving to go inspect the next set of beds.
“Uh, we don’t actually know, we’re trying to figure it out too.”
“So he hasn’t even told you guys? Don’t you have like, guy time where you air all your grievances about stuff, and then bark like dogs at the end of it?”
Arthur (Hill) snorted. “No, you’re thinking of the Diamond Dogs, from Ted Lasso.”
“Shit yeah I am. Point still stands, he hasn’t said anything?”
“Not to us at least. And then I’d guess nothing to Chris either, because Chris then would have told us.”
Noa sighed as she ran her hand over a wooden bed frame. “Great, so one of your closest friends is pissed at me and I don’t even know why.”
“I’m sure he’ll come round, don’t even worry about it.”
“Thanks.” She muttered. “You know what, I think I’m gonna get this one. It’s cute, it’ll fit in my room, and I’m pretty sure there’s a matching desk and wardrobe.”
Grinning wickedly, Arthur (Frederick) beckoned Chris and George back over to join them. “You know, I reckon you need to test it, just to make sure that you like it.”
Noa smiled and flopped onto the bed. “Happy now?”
“Nah, I reckon you need someone to test it with you know? Just in case you ever find someone, or get lucky on a night out.” Arthur said, turning his head slowly to look at George.
“Why are you looking at me?” He asked, a small undertone of disgust in his voice, causing Noa’s eyebrows to raise gently.
“Well my shoes are muddy, so that’s a no. And Arthur and Chris are like her brothers, so I wouldn’t ask that of them.”
“But you’d ask that of me.” He grumbled quietly, moving to stand next to the bed. George sighed. “Move over then.”
Noa did so, smiling apologetically at George, before shooting a glare at the other three, who had all whipped out their phones.
George bit his lip as he laid down next to Noa, and began glaring daggers at the back of her head. He was hating every second, especially the fact that no matter where he looked, all he could see was Noa. From the top of her head all the way to where her hair fell on her back, obscuring the graphic print on the back of her hoodie. For a second, he wasn’t sure if he was in Ikea or his own personal hell, crafted for him by Arthur Hill.
“Wait, Noa you gotta make sure you’ve got enough room to roll over.” Chris added, throwing the couple an enthusiastic double thumbs up.
“I’m gonna kill you.” Noa said, only loud enough for George to hear, as she narrowed her eyes at Chris, who was too busy grinning from ear to ear, along with the two Arthurs.
George saw this and averted his gaze, doing everything he possibly could to avoid meeting Noa’s eyes as she faced him. He resisted for as long as he could, but eventually caved.
Luckily, he didn’t meet Noa’s eyes, as she had presumably fazed out, gazing at the geometric pattern on the pillow. George’s stare softened slightly has he studied her features, noticing the faint freckles that dotted over her nose, as well as the small circle of amber that added contrast to her icy blue eyes.
George wasn’t sure how he had been staring at her, but he was saved from any further embarrassment by Chris clearing his throat. “Glad that’s over.” He said, immediately sitting up and fixing his hair, leaving Noa behind.
She coughed, rubbing her face as if it would absolve her of any feelings of uneasiness and embarrassment. “Thanks for that.” She muttered to the two Arthurs. “I’m sure that really helped the situation.”
“I reckon so yeah.” Arthur Television agreed happily.
“Being sarcastic Artie, being sarcastic.” She sighed, patting his shoulder.
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liked by noamurphy, arthurhill and 386,820 others
chrismd10 can’t buy an ikea bed without testing it first
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fan1 noa??? and George???? what is going on right now???
⮑ fan2 I was there and I don’t think they’re a thing bc Arthur asked them to do it
⮑ fan1 but why would he do that if not for…?
noamurphy hate you arthurhill
⮑ arthurhill love you too
maxbalegde can’t believe my mans in bed with someone else
⮑ noamurphy not my fault I promise he’s all yours x
fan4 I know they say that there’s nothing going on but look how close they are!!!! really confused rn
⮑ arthurtv Watch my vlog and then you’ll be fine
gkbarry_ omg who’s that fittie in bed
⮑ georgeclarke yours truly
⮑ gkbarry_ ew no not you
⮑ chrismd get roasted George
⮑ georgeclarke shut up hobbit
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danieyells · 3 days
I feel like bc vagastorm is mostly male (usually it's pretty even when we see female and male NPC but vagastorm we see like 4 male designs and just 1 in hotarubi or I just remember her hahahs) and he went to juvenile, Alan is accidentally sexist in the benevolent sexism way if you know what I mean?
Like it can be as small as giving the MC the last canned coffee or his jacket when it's cold to refusing to think the MC did something bad on purpose bc he believes they have a better moral compass, to even ban them from the pit bc they "shouldn't be around so much violence" and leave that to boys to fight while you read or something.
Yeah, I agree there are probably a lot more men there, or at least not a lot of feminine people. Leo is legit probably one of the most feminine people there lol
But yeah I think Alan would definitely lean into an almost 'chivalrous' set of behavior with girls, or at least with girls from outside of Vagastrom and the MC especially. He doesn't realize he's being sexist in any way, he's just trying to be helpful and do what he's been taught is the right thing, but he'll definitely treat mc a little differently than other people.
According to Leo he walks around in winter with short sleeves so he probably doesn't usually have a coat to share if it's cold but when he does he'll absolutely drape his coat over the mc if she seems cold while they're out, maybe gently chide her for not dressing warmer. Doesn't understand why he likes the sight of her in his jacket so much. He does tell the pc not to come to the Pit in the game, though! I think, as time goes on and he starts to trust her, he'd be okay with her spending more time there, but he'd assign someone to make sure nothing happens to her with all the rowdy guys around. Or he wouldn't fight/train and just be her bodyguard if she really wants/needs to be in there.
But yeah he definitely like. Tries to open doors for her or keep her out of danger and discourage her from dirty places and gets mad when men are rude to her. Always asks if she'd prefer to hang out somewhere else instead of sitting around in the garage with him, but he's never really sure where to take her. But I also feel like he's not offended or bothered or upset if she's like 'you don't have to do that' or 'i don't really like when you do that' or what have you--maybe a little surprised and embarrassed that he was doing something wrong all this time. And she has to explain no it's not wrong just, y'know, she doesn't wanna be treated differently for being a girl. Maybe she's not very strong but she's fine with getting her hands dirty or being in dangerous places if she's got backup. Yeah those are nice gestures but. . .not if it's because she's a girl, y'know?
On the other hand the mc is the usual type where she's very much just there as a view into the story and she just rolls with what comes her way--and compared to some people on campus I think Alan's Benevolent Sexism would be a breath of fresh air lmao better than everyone else who makes her do their bidding! Especially when he starts to feel comfortable around her and instead of pushing her away while he does something he thinks she shouldn't do or wouldn't want to do is like "sit here and wait for me" and he like. Brings her something to drink or apologizes for not having something to do while she waits.
(lmao now i'm imagining the pc asking him what he's doing to a car and he's like 'stay back, you'll get dirty. I don't think you'd be interested?' and she's like 'honestly i like cars i'm really curious about all the anomalous vehicles' and he pauses then he starts explaining and showing what he's doing. And over the next few days they all notice he seems a little down and finally pc asks what's wrong, he's been acting a little upset since that day and he just
Gets embarrassed and apologizes
And admits he was thinking he might have feelings for her but when she said she was interested in cars he realized she liked girls and it got him kind of down but he'd get over it and liked having her around as a friend anyway and he didn't wanna overstep by saying something
And she is BEFUDDLED AND CONFUSED and leo from wherever he's hanging out or eavesdropping just cracks tf up
And they have to explain to him that girls having "masculine" interests does not make them lesbians oh my god alan even if she does like girls it's not necessarily exclusively
And that ends up being the very awkward story of them deciding to go out, just alan being completely blockheaded)
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