#i need them to be genderbent PLEASE
antholojade · 3 months
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i cannot, and i mean canNOT do the math on this. but they would be the hottest lesbian couple
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writing-hurts · 1 year
Merlin season six where it’s modern day and merlin (bearded colin morgan) lives in London, and when arthur (still Bradley james) comes back to life they have to save the world and whatever BUT ALSO the knights haven’t come back to life but they’re like reincarnated into new people (varying genders/races/etc) who suddenly find themselves wrapped up in this medieval destiny
(Gwaine) just moved to London and is floating around looking for a place to crash—boom. Runs into Merlin, touch of destiny and all that, Merlin lets them stay in his spare room (they don’t have a job so they “pay rent” by not complaining when arthur and merlin do it in the next room, also by doing the dishes).
(Leon) is just trying to get through a master’s program in medieval studies and classic literature—boom. Runs into Merlin at a library, both of them looking for the same ancient document for research and they get overly invested in whatever it is Merlin and Arthur are working on because goddamn these strange men know a lot about saxon-era britain and that’s the topic of my thesis.
(Lancelot) is climbing the corporate ladder in some random business just trying to make ends meet—boom. Stops Merlin and/or Arthur from walking onto the street as a car hurtles past and there’s a sort of “aha” moment Merlin and Arthur take them out for coffee talking a bit about a problem they’re having with their mission and (Lancelot) asks a really obvious question they hadn’t considered so they adopt them.
(Elyan) is friends with (Leon)’s roommate and practically lives with them and one day when they’re there and the roommate is gone—boom. Everyone’s over so (Leon) can fetch a relevant document they’re borrowing for their research and (Elyan) answers some obscure question the others didn’t know so they get absorbed into the group.
(Percival) lives outside the city working a low level job after their rugby career was a bust and—boom. The team needs some help and (Lancelot) “knows a guy” because the two worked together on a project during their undergrad and weirdly stayed in touch ((Lancelot) helped them get their current job) so when they need some extra muscle…
So we get arthur and merlin in love having to save the world while parenting a team of half-feral 20-somethings who supposedly carry the spirits of their long-dead friends
Does this make sense? Please add on more ideas
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partycatty · 4 months
So ive been obsesed with janet cage since she appeared in the end of mk1 and now shes finally being released with peacemaker and im desperate for something ANYTHING PLEASE 🙏 😭
YOURE SO ME FR I LOVE JANET SO MUCH GENUINELY i need her so bad she's my pfp and banner on discord rn HAHA thank you for sharing your thoughts bc i was so afraid i was alone HEHE
janet cage > this one's for you, baby!
janet's got a wittle crush on the reader, and will go to stupid lengths to show herself off
notes: you're in the genderbent universe :3 but because i'm stupid, the chosen ones' names are gonna remain the same because i couldn't think of a genderswapped name for them and wasn't about to do them dirty with new names LMAO
[ masterlist ]
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it was only a couple months into training, and things were looking... decent? at least, you could consider yourself improving. sure, combat was something you trained in, but when it came to you versus whatever horrors outworld contained, you tugged at the collar of your shirt.
janet, however, seemed unfazed. actually, she seemed ecstatic! you'd seen a couple of her movies and knew she could kick ass if needed. her physique impressed you, as did her endless charm and effortless ability to piss the swordswoman off. her attitude was brushed off for your sake. you knew she had just gone through a messy divorce with her ex-wife, is in talks of selling her mega mansion, and new roles were coming up dry. you'd think she'd be bitter but it turned out to be quite the opposite. her typical swagger and flourished gestures tore you from your thoughts.
"there she is!" janet exclaims, swinging a toned arm around your shoulder and tugging you close to her side. "you miss me? i bet you did!" you recall the last time you interacted with her: lunch. twenty minutes ago. even still, her perky attitude flustered you quicker than you'd like to admit.
"suuure," you sarcastically reply, hoping to toy with her ego a bit. "as if i didn't see you at lunch."
"it's hard to not miss me when i'm not around," she sighs dramatically, as if she has the hard life. "no need to lie to me, babe. you love having me around." your insides twist at the name. as you eyes are downcast, janet's eyes light up more than usual with a slight blush to her cheeks.
"whatever you wanna believe, miss A-List," you swat her arm, and she removes it though her grin remains unfaltered. janet pauses for a moment, lifting her sunglasses from her eyes and settling them on top of her head. you're winded by her beauty. you had seen it on screen as mentioned before, but there was some alluring power of her eyes when they were only a couple feet from your face. janet could kick ass, but she was also a gorgeous actress.
"tell you what," she shoots a single finger gun at you, once again removing you from your daydreams full of her face... among other things. "you won't have to miss me tonight. raiden and i planned to spar after dinner. you'll watch me kick her ass, right?" there was a hint of pleading, almost nervousness in her gaze. as if she needed you to say yes. her brows knitted together for only a single twitch.
"don't sweat," you reassure her, taking her strong hands in yours with a soft smile. "i'll be your cheerleader." with your confirmation, you turn on your heel and head the other direction to tend to your own duties. what you don't notice, however, is janet whooping to herself as soon as your back is turned.
just as the sun hits golden hour, you and the girls are waiting by the sparring ring. raiden stands straight, hands behind her back as she waits for her opponent to arrive. and so she does. janet comes jogging into view, waving at the crowd of monks and earthrealmers. she waves and smiles, blowing kisses to an unamused audience. she acts like it's another one of her performances. liu kang rolls her eyes.
"i bet your chakram hat that janet gets her ass kicked," you mutter to kung lao, who stood beside you with a smirk. she nudges your shoulder.
"aren't you supposed to be on janet's side?" kung lao mumbles back with a knowing grin. when you return with a perplexed frown, she scoffs. "everyone and their mother could figure out you're into her."
your cheeks puff up out of frustration, ready to rip kung lao a new one for being so loud and direct, but you see a hand snap in your face. snapping your neck to the source, you meet your eyes with janet's, who was leaning down to catch your attention.
"hey hey, eyes on me, sweet thing," her voice feels like honey when it drops low, and you snap back to her attention with a dazed look in your eye. your heel drives into kung lao's foot when you hear her snicker. "atta girl, check this out." a part of you dies inside from embarrassment. damn her and her confidence.
the spar begins, and admittedly it's evenly matched. punches are matched with kicks, parries and dodges slightly rile the crowd up from how equal the combat is. while raiden is calculated, janet is quick, and it becomes apparent that janet actually has a good chance.
that is, until she successfully knocks raiden to the ground. she's doubled over in pain, trying to prop herself up enough to come back from the near-knockout. janet winds up a fist almost comically, winding it in circles with a grin. just before she lands the blow, she turns to you with a beaming, cocky grin.
"this one's for you, baby!" janet shouts out, pulling her sunglasses down with her other hand to wink. before you could even consider being flattered, raiden flips up and shifts her weight, readying a godlike kick.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
janet sits awkwardly on the cot, fidgeting with the now broken pair of sunglasses in her hands. she can't seem to bring herself to focus on you, even as you're leaning into her to wipe her wounds.
"you should have been more careful," you gently scold her, holding her face up by her chin to wipe the dried blood on her nose. "i don't need the whole show to be impressed, janet."
she smiles lazily, eyelashes fluttering as she inspects your features. "did i at least look hot getting my nose broken?"
you want to sigh and scold her further, but you decided to indulge in her entertainment and smile back, and janet visibly tenses up at your warm stare.
her lazy smile turns into a lopsided grin as she realizes you're calling her hot. not that her ego needed it really, she knew she was hot. but you saying of it all people, dear lord she was reeling. although she was an actress, a damn good one, you could see she was visibly straining herself from losing it. so, considering you had the upper hand, you hold her face by her cheeks and squish gently with a teasing smile.
"you're blushing."
janet frowns dubiously. "am not."
"i can see it. you're blushing." your eyes flicker between hers, and then to her lips briefly. she sucks them in, focusing on your own lips with dazed eyes.
perhaps janet could use another lesson, you think. so, instead of indulging in what you both want, you let go of her face and place the bloodied rag in a discard bin, wiping your hands on your thighs. janet freezes with a pleading look, knowing exactly what you're doing. you're playing a sick game of cat and mouse.
"where are...?" janet's voice trails off sheepishly, the hardest indicator that you've caught her off guard. she wants to stand up and follow you out, but the monks told her to stay, and a pounding migraine from the blow made sudden movement difficult.
"gotta fight for what you want, janet," you coo innocently, waving with your fingers before you exit the tent. "just don't get your ass kicked. maybe then i'll reward you."
you're not around long enough to see the steam spilling from her ears and her beet-red cheeks.
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fiendishfables · 3 months
So, I found a gender-bent version of Carmilla back on Pinterest and I am going absolutely berserk
The male version of Carmilla is Camillo-
I need to make fics on this guy, so I need the opinions of the people
(I’ll probably still have Carmilla as herself in the fics sometimes- those times it’s just like she has a brother, lmao)
If you have any specific requests that are not listed for the choosing below, please suggest them in the comments of this post! Whether that be to add smut, fluff, what sort of relationship him and the reader would have, etc!
I will happily look at all suggestions, as I plan to write for both Carmilla and Camillo a lot more in the near future!
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This guy honestly just LOOKS like he would be somewhere on the Asexuality Spectrum to me, so let us have this small win within the community-
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dolliehina · 2 months
Genderbent jack howl x fem twst reader please
Thank you. My angel from above.
♡ Reader is female! Men DNI!!! Pure fluff because Jack is a minor (and the goodest of boys). ♡
Quick headcanon about Fem Jack! That I had, she's definitely that one house plant masc lesbian. Just saying...
♡- Let's start off with the basics. How you pulled this beauty is an absolute mystery, it doesn't matter how attractive of a girl you are, Jack isn't the kind of girl to fall for looks nor is she the kind of girl to swoon over someone because of status.
♡- When you two started dating, she really didn't know what to do???? She has never had a girlfriend before she met you, but she does take it VERY SERIOUSLY, as wolves mate for life, and she wouldn't be dating you if she had doubts.
♡- She may need some help with planning dates. She's not exactly big on dates as Jack prefers to spend quality time together or do acts of service than to go on dates. Her idea of a date is definitely just running together in the morning or going to look at cactuses (Houseplant lesbian I REPEAT- HOUSEPLANT LESBIAN!!!) But if you prefer romantic dates or something cuter (wdym looking at plants isn't cute enough???) She'll try harder and buy you apology plants.
♡- She'll definitely let you pet or cuddle her tail, just not in public. She's a little bit of a tsundere, so she gets more flustered than you think. Having her around is like having your own fucking pillow. Sad? Tail. Rough day? Tail. You're on your period? TAIL. Did somebody make you angry? MOTHER FLUFFING TAIL!!!! But she would let you brush it and snuggle in it as long as you don't do it in public or around the other girls.
♡- Speaking of Periods, she completely understands, she has really bad cramps and it gets in the way of her athletics sometimes. So she has everything ready, chocolate, heating pad, pain killers, tissues, tampons or pads, and a lil comfort plant to make you feel better :D!! (These lesbians and their mf plants-)
♡- Despite how tomboyish Jack is, she definitely still has a feminine side, and she likes to embrace it at times. She's not the best with makeup but she's really good at nails, body care, and skincare (Mama Vil taught her well). But she loves when you ask her to go shopping, because most girls she was around definitely didn't ask her to do many girl things, Vil was the only one who even bothered when they were children, so she loves when you ask. Even if it's not for girl shopping she'll buy a few things regardless (like a small cactus!)
♡- Athletic Beastwomen Gf, she definitely picks you up. Carries her cute gf around like a lil burrito. When she works out in her room, she definitely does those cute gym things gym couples do, her tail wags the whole time it's so cute. But point it out and you will get kicked out, like- IMMEDIATELY.
♡- For my trans girlies, she doesn't care. You love her right? She loves you too. It doesn't bother her, as long as you're loyal and loving she couldn't give a damn, she doesn't judge people based of biological gender or body parts.
♡- Overall 9/10 gf, she loves you and is Overall a very chill gf, just don't do too much PDA or point out her wagging tail, and she's fine. She'll probably try to get you to be athletic like her if you're not already out of pure care for your well being, but she won't force you. But definitely one of the best gfs you could ask for. (She got a -1 point because she loves her cactus more than you, sorry, I don't make the rules, that's how them plant lesbians be.)
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
Jack's Wife (Headcanons) Yandere Jack Bright X Wife Reader  (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is where Jack Bright is yandere and he will be yandere for you as his wife. I will also have this in audio/video on YouTube! Please Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Artwork is Made By GavImp on Tumblr, all credit to her!) 
(Disclaimer 2: We do not support Admin Bright! Jack and Or his genderbent (Jackie) Bright Are more so their OWN STAND ALONE CHARACTER. Jack (Jackie) Bright is NO LONGER a self-insert of Admin Bright! We DO NOT Support Admin Bright, He is despicable! Separate the creation from the creator!) 
(Disclaimer 3: Dr. Jack Bright is NOT Yandere In canon! This is Just for Fun and Not To Be taken seriously at all! Simping For Fictional Characters is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Headcanons With Yandere Dr. Jack Bright X Wife Reader- 
.Dr. Jack Bright is a chaotic man. 
.He also is very loyal to the foundation. 
.And he is loyal to his family. 
.These are three main facts about Jack. Another one is that he is in love with his wife. He is so in love that he is obsessed. 
.You, his darling wife. The love of his life, the woman he wants to bear his children. 
.Jack Bright was lucky enough to have you as his wife, for you to put up with his chaotic nature and to stand by his side. 
.Jack Bright's soul is tied to SCP 963, an amulet that anyone who touches has the soul gone and a copy of Jack Bright's soul remains in it unless removed in the first 30 days. After those 30 days, a permanent copy of Jack Bright's soul remains. 
.You were Immune to SCP 963. Abel to touch it without having your soul erased. 
.That is how you met Jack, you had an anomaly where you were your type of immortal and able to not be affected by some SCPs 
.Jack instantly felt you were someone that he could spend his life with. 
.Not only that, but when he had met your eyes he fell head over heels in love with you. 
.You were the perfect woman to be with him. Both of you were able to spend the rest of your time together. 
.Jack had stalked you and read your file, learning everything about you. 
.He was beyond obsessed with learning everything he could about you, and then he used the information to court you. 
.He loved to make you laugh and to tease you getting you flustered. 
.Seeing you give him a reaction of a blush, smile, and or laugh made his day. 
.When you had agreed to date him he was over the moon, then in a few years dating became marriage. 
.Everything seemed perfect for him and you. 
.Though Jack is still a yandere and even the best of yanderes have their toxic traits. 
.Anyone that dared hurt you ended up on keter duty and they did not make it out alive. 
.You also did start to notice that less and less people wanted to spend time with you. 
.Leaving you more time for yourself and your husband. 
.Jack told you it is probably because you are the site Commander's wife now. 
.He never gave you any reason not to trust him. 
.Jack cut out only a few people who could be around you, and even then he did not like you alone with them. 
.You never looked at another man or woman. Though he cannot help that one day you will leave him. 
.He has been so used to those he loves and those who were his family being taken away from him or leaving him. 
.So he has a deep fear this will happen to you. 
.Which makes him a very paranoid, protective, and clingy yandere. 
.He also likes to feed you and take care of you, loving when you get sick and he got to feed you, bathe you, and just look after you. 
.For him it made him feel like you needed him and just him. 
.Made you dependent on him, where all you need is your husband. 
.He was always pouty when you got better and would start to take care of yourself once more. 
.He is a very dotting, loving, and caring husband and yandere. 
.But we have to remember Jack Bright is a bit of a mad scientist. 
.So he has moments where his sanity is very unhinged. 
.Like a new researcher starts to hit on you, he would take sick pleasure in hurting them. 
.He also will sometimes go on rants to you that people are trying to steal you away from him. 
.That he knows this in his heart and that he is JUST TRYING TO keep you safe. 
.He has deep fears of losing you and this causes his mental health to be on the edge of sanity as a yandere of being stable and snapping. 
.He deals with rivals by giving them keter duty where they die or cutting them up with a chainsaw, slowly and painfully. 
.He has isolated you, where he has a firm hold on you and you do not even know it. 
.You have already accepted his love, but if you ever decide to leave him? Well, he loves taking care of you, he can take a leg or two and make the files say you terminated. 
.He is high enough up in the foundation where the foundation would not do anything to stop him. 
.YOU Help keep Jack Bright sane, so if you bring one or two legs fewer imprisoned by Jack Bright keeps Jack Bright Sane. Then That is for the greater good. 
.He can easily put you in containment as well since you are an anomaly. 
.That way you are trapped always and of Course Jack Bright will be your caregiver and or researcher. 
.This is all if you tried to leave him. 
.If you never leave him, you have nothing to worry about. 
.You and Jack will have a family and you and him will be happy together, forever, literally FOREVER! 
.Side note since he needs a new body every 30 days you always get a new physical lover that is Jack's new body. 
.So if imprisoned by him, you will never know what face your husband will have, if he is in a male body or female body. 
.It keeps you on edge, cause if you somehow did escape, you would NEVER know if your yandere husband was right there and you do not even realize it! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my Sexy Muffins! 
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your-local-book-blog · 7 months
Right so, I’ve been watching a lot of shows and reading a lot of books that touch on dreams a person will have- and I’ve noticed a lot of things not quite right. This is coming from someone who remembers most of her dreams and often has lucid dreams; so take a seat and sit tight!
So the first thing we need to worry about when it comes to dreams is what kind of dream it is. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “there’s only one kind of dream, come on Zoya.” But I’m serious. There are lots of kinds of dreams. There’s:
First-person dreams, where you’re just yourself, but everything in the dream is completely normal to you.
Second-person dreams, where you have a body, but it’s someone else’s. (i.e. genderbent, some other character, other features, etc.)
Third-person dreams, where you have no body at all and are just watching a story unfold like a television show. Typically, your vision will even pan out from one location to another like a camera.
Lucid dreaming. This is a branch of First-person dreams where you know you’re in a dream and everything that’s going on is completely weird.
Now, onto what you feel in a dream.
Believe it or not, the “pinch yourself in a dream and you won’t feel anything” is actually true. I know.
Here’s the thing though, in dreams, you essentially have no senses whatsoever. You have no sense of touch, smell, or taste. Obviously you can see and hear, but can you, really? In dreams, your vision is often distorted or blurry, fuzzy even, and your hearing doesn’t really sound like sound, but like everyone’s talking from inside your head.
Next, the actual composition of dreams. Most people write them as flickering from one scene to the next, with characters interchanging. They also usually have the mail character- the one actually having the dream- act at least a little suspicious as to everything that’s going on. Like something isn’t quite right, and when a character changes from one to the other they freak out because that’s not normal. This isn’t right.
In truth, when you’re inside a first, second, or even third person dream, you’re going to think everything’s normal. That bear over there? Yeah, it’s been there for ages. That park outside your house you’ve never seen before? Been there since you were born.
Another thing I wanna touch on is that settings, people, and objects are things you’ve seen in your life. HOWEVER. That does not mean you remember them or recognize them at all. Your brain can’t make up something it’s never seen, but it can take something from your memory that you don’t know about and put it into your dream.
Now, onto the most important part. When dreaming, settings don’t flick around. You’re not standing in the middle of your bedroom, only to turn around and be on the edge of a cliff. And people are that way too. Sometimes they can appear out of nowhere. But they can’t just change right in front of you.
PLEASE REMEMBER THIS WHEN WRITING. DREAMS. MAKE. SENSE. Maybe not in the traditional way, but your brain will always give you a reason for everything. Which is why settings don’t flick. Dreams are consistent stories your brain plays out in your head.
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sleep-0-deprived · 12 days
Sorry I can’t remember if I’ve asked before but can you please do genderbent Yosano x male reader
Genderbent Yosano x male reader head cannons
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Mdni female aligned dni this is an 18+ blog with sfw content below
A/n I’m sorry I hope you don’t mind that I did this in head cannon forms and I didn’t add any nsfw since I didn’t know if you wanted it, my inbox is a bit out of wack it’s full but I see your request and I’m happy to finally get to it :D
Genderbent Yosano who is bold with his actions, coming into you flirting hard as soon as you two meet, gets jealous easily and often enjoys alone time or just soft moments and being able to cuddle, he’s definitely a switch between little spoon and big spoon depending on his day
Genderbent Yosano who gives scary dog vibes in public, he’s your number one defender, you do no wrong to him and he is a total sweetheart for you when the two of you are alone
Genderbent Yosano who doesn’t want you involved with the ada or any organizations out of fear of you getting hurt, getting too attached to you and being clingy at moments then becoming distant at others with him still struggling with his past but luckily your there for comfort during those times
Genderbent Yosano who secretly loves the domestic life wanting nothing more than just you and him together living somewhere peaceful not wanting you anywhere near violence in Yokohama, also in love with waking up next to each other cuddling in the early morning before he has to go to work
Genderbent Yosano who is confident and proud of his boyfriend, loving touching you at all times or just being around you and being able to flaunt you off to others since he’s thrilled and fully head over heels for you
Genderbent Yosano who is great at comforting and knows the healthy methods for coping despite he himself never using them, he can always see right away when your having a off day or in need of comfort, but on the days he knows necessary to give you some space he does, the slightest hint you need him and boom he’s there for you right away
Genderbent Yosano who doesn’t like ever using his ability on you and will down right refuse it until it’s unpreventable. He hates seeing you in any sort of pain and will go out of his way to heal you without his ability if he can just so he doesn’t have to put you through the pain of it, internally fearing you might suffer mentally like the soldiers did when he used his ability in the past, not wanting that for you.
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narutodivorcearcreal · 2 months
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My original designs for a male fight club au :) DO NOT STEAL!!!!!
honestly i had a lot of headcanons for male narrator.. tbh i think he would be mildly effete, not that different in demeanor to regular narrator.. i couldnt figure out if i wanted to keep her food thing or not but decided to scrap it since it doesn’t really apply to men as much
mary (female marlon) was probably the hardest to figure out for me. tbh i think marlon is one of those characters that doesnt work well genderbent so mary is probably a lot different to him
Tyler was the easiest to transfer: i think male tyler would be similar to regular tyler in terms of mannerisms but lean hard mens rights in terms of ideology. ugh but if hes gonna be at least a little likable theres gonna need to be more emphasis on the “capitalism is rotting us alive” part of the manifesto and less on the gender stuff
tell me you guys’ thoughts on how a male fight club au would work!! ;))) but these designs are original so please credit me if you use them!! (talking to you @/davidfincher.. didnt tag me or anything smh)
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fractiflos · 6 months
Here's some ideas for Heroes Week!
And here's the link to the idea list I did. You can also use these any future fics (or drawings).
Hikage leads his fellow vestiges (except they're alive here) on a weekend camping trip. We can only imagine the chaos
In honor of Third's name reveal he has to be the victim of some AU where the original work stars a guy named Bruce. Or put into the outfit of a guy named Bruce.
All For One gets turned into a rabbit and Yoichi finds him, thinks he's an ordinary rabbit, and takes him home to where he lives with Second. He then suffers having to watch his brother live a happy romantic life with coral head. Naturally, he tries to communicate who he really is to Yoichi, who remains oblivious. Unfortunately, Second picks it up instead. Shenanigans ensue.
The same AFO hates his brother's boyfriend(s) stuff, blah blah blah, except... AFO isn't Yoichi's brother.
It's En's birthday and nobody has any idea what to get him. They all scramble to get a good gift and learn a lot about him on the way.
AFO is the owner of Cat Yoichi. He's one of those super annoying rich cat owners who brags about their purebred cat and how he only gives him *Expensive food brand that's actually really good which makes him even more annoying* and stuff like that. Cat Yoichi is very much an indoors cat, but only because AFO wants him to be. If he had his way, he'd be outside exploring all day. Meanwhile, Second and Third are alley cats starving for food. They see Yoichi living a good life and scheme to try and get in.
Some sort of farming game AU. I say Animal Crossing, but that's only because it's the only farming game I have played. Hikage enjoys his peaceful life maintaining his vegetable garden, only for a ridiculously loud neighbor (Banjo) to choose to put his house right next to his. And for added fun, Toshinori is the mayor of One for All Isle
Nana competes in a cooking competition.
You know all those jokes about men figuring out they're going to have a kid because they start making dad jokes and stuff? Okay, now imagine that All Might starts doing that after he meets Midoriya... And AFO notices the sudden dad behavior.
AFO messes up while cutting his brother's hair and Yoichi has too try and hide it.
Genderbend! I put this on the last one, but I haven't seen a lot of genderbent 4-7 so I'm putting it here too.
According to the wiki, Banjo shaved his head. What circumstances would lead up to that?
It's almost Christmas which means it's time for the MISTLETOE TRAP TROPE!
Yoichi sees what a great match Inko would be for the Eighth and ropes everyone else into helping them get together. To make up for her being unfortunate enough to marry his brother.
Something for the Vault Breakers ship! Yoichi is losing his mind trying to get the two together, because no matter what, they seem to think any romance-like actions come from friendship. "You two SHOWER together?" "Well yeah, we're saving money." "You KISS each other?!" "Of course, we do, we're best friends."
Referring back to a certain birthday post I once made, Hikage is a librarian in a small village who fights back when an evil CEO tries to destroy the forest the village is built on.
Users 1-8 are turned into animals (you pick which) and Izuku is forced to take care of them.
There has to be a classic trope in here: Yoichi is struggling to make ends meet as he tries to achieve his dream of becoming a manga writer. There's no way he's going to his brother, but he needs money and fast. He decides to get a second job at the coffee shop next door to his apartment, and ends up serving some very interesting people. Including a mysterious (and handsome) spiky-haired man.
To refer to a meme I once made, En, Banjo, and Hikage babysit little Izuku.
Villain Second and Third.
I forgot to put this on the last one, but please tag me if you do use any of these. I want to see it!
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xxsycamore · 1 year
Hello great idea you had for our challenge if I may can I have Comte x Leonardo with the prompt Office AU ?
Thank you have a wonderful day 🙏😊
Glad that you like the idea!! 🥺 You too have a lovely day & enjoy the business daddies~
[ 🌈 part of the character x character or genderbent!character x mc requests🌈 ]
For Different Universe, Same Love content creation challenge, hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me.
𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐀𝐔┅┅┅Leonardo x Comte (slightly suggestive)
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𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞
"Tsk, Leonardo. Feet off the desk, please."
"You're not my boss."
It's practically true. After the company merged, Germain & Da Vinci's legal CEO is no other than Leonardo himself - for better or for worse. The family-owned business that Leonardo inherited came in a package deal with all its complicated management that dear Comte, the vice-president, was ready to shoulder as a part of his secret deal with Leonardo. The guy is just not fit for a boss; or so he claims.
"I suggest we leave those formalities in the office. You surely know what day today is, signore CEO?"
Leonardo has to briefly spin on his office chair to reach for the small calendar on his desk and move the date to what he assumes it might be, in order to get an idea of what's so special about today. It's a whole miracle on itself that he can find said calendar among the mess that his desk is, seeing that he'd once again dismissed the secretary before she could do her job.
"I saw Dazai by the coffee machine wearing his kimono ... Casual Friday... July 7th." The confident guess is accompanied by a snap of his fingers. "What is July 7th?"
Comte sighs, visibly disappointed by his antics and the fact that he'd forgotten. It's better to show than tell.
Like a magician performing for his one-person public, all it takes is a few ministrations of Comte's capable hands to undo and shrug off both his business suit and diligently ironed black shirt to reveal...another shirt underneath. Short-sleeved. Palm-tree printed. Hawaiian.
"Vacation. That's what it is. Our flight is in 5 hours, I believe you're clueless about this too."
It's good that office chairs are no good for attempting to balance them on two legs. Leonardo would've found himself on the floor. NOONE in team meeting would believe him about this. At least he's able to shake off the surprise pretty fast.
"Well, heh. Guess I need the holiday if my head is such a mess, huh?""
Comte's gaze softens, because, that's actually something he can't argue with. Managing the company aside, Leonardo works hard on the research front to better the formula passed down in his family business. That's always been what the genius wanted to do.
"Nice shirt, by the way. You got one my size?"
Comte's soft chuckles soundtrack his approach to the desk and die down to a small humming noise by the time he arrives at Leonardo's side. A slender finger nudging the first button of his shirt - the first buttoned one, anyway - until it slowly, annoyingly slowly comes undone.
Leonardo moves in for a kiss, but the other party withdraws all too fast.
"I might just have one your size. But I told you. Feet off the desk first."
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @thewitchofbooks @rhodoliteschaos Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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lukkevs · 6 months
Hello people!
Looking for new roleplay partners because I'm itching to start new threads. I write an average of 4-8 paragraphs per response, but my lengths often fluctuate. I can very well go super overboard and do 10+, which is more likely than you think tbh LOL
Please know I expect you to take your time if you write these kinds of lengths. it's totally okay if you take a week or longer to get back to me! Please don't pester for responses either, I have a life outside of here too lmao
Only dm if you are 18+.
DM if interested.
looking for:
- Adv-lit writers/novella, minimum 2 paragraphs per reply with exceptions for whatever reason
- People willing to make small talk outside of rp (basically friendly writers :'])
- People willing to discuss plots
- 3rd person writers
- Bonus if you love angst or darker themes but not a bother if you don't
- Those comfortable with playing background/side characters if needed (I will also be doing this if required)
Please don't feel pressured by my lengths, I don't necessarily expect you to match them, as long as I can work off of your response.
NSFW is not a necessity, but it's fine if it comes up. I don't like to rp PWP.
I am interested in het, gl, and bl ships (including genderbent variations). I'm a multishipper, so feel free to let me know your ships, and I'll tell you if I think I can work with them or not.
CCxCC is preferred but OCxCC is also fine.
fandoms I am interested in rping (in no particular order)
- Chainsaw Man
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Kamisama Kiss
- Wolf's Rain
- Project Sekai (only vivibad or wonderland groups)
- Ouran Highschool Host Club
- Beastars
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
- Omori (strictly no NSFW for canon ages)
- Tsurune
- Spy x Family
- Death Note
- Attack on Titan
- Fruit's Basket (1998 - I haven't seen the remake yet, sorry)
- Howl's Moving Castle
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notinmyvocab · 3 months
apologies for my tongue (and never yours)
was encouraged by @yourlocaldisneyvillain to explore this fic a little more, so here's a snippet of genderbent David Copperfield!
title is subject to change
Felicity Copperfield was born at midnight at her home, the Rookery.
Her mother, Clara, had spent the better part of the day writhing in pain with a panicked housekeeper running around, no more useful than a headless chicken.
“Peggotty!” Clara Copperfield cried.
“Keep breathing, ma’am!” Peggotty instructed. Water! She needed to get water! Oh where was that blasted doctor?
Just then, a face appeared in the window. Miss Betsey Trotwood pressed her nose against the glass so that it became perfectly flat and white in a moment. “Mrs. David Copperfield?” she called from beyond the glass. “Miss Trotwood, you’ve heard of her I dare say?”
“Y-yes!” Clara managed to choke out as Peggotty opened the door and allowed Miss Betsey in.
“Well, now you see her,” Miss Betsey stated proudly. “Goodness, you’re a young one, aren’t you? A mere baby yourself! May I ask: why Rookery?”
“Do you… do you mean the house? It was Mr. Copperfield’s idea,” Clara explained through clenched teeth. “Peggotty!”
“I’m here, I’m here!” Peggotty bustled into the room with warm wet rags to press against Mrs. Copperfield’s forehead.
Miss Betsey frowned. “Peggotty? Do you mean to say that any human being has gone into a Christian church, and got herself named Peggotty?”
Taking offense, Peggotty stiffened. “Sorry, and what did you say our name was?”
“Trotwood. Betsey Trotwood.”
“Of course, my apologies, I thought it was Pot-Kettle-Black.”
“Peggotty!” Clara snapped, and the housekeeper returned to dabbing away the sweat. Clara was very agitated at this point, and red in the face. Leave it to her husband’s great aunt to show up at the worst possible time!
Miss Betsey turned to her niece. “Ah yes, the child. Your baby boy! I have no doubt it will be a boy, and I intend to be his friend and godmother. And you must call him David, as his father was named.” For David had been her favorite nephew. His passing had been sudden and tragic, and while this boy would not know his father personally, Miss Betsey would see that the boy knew of his father.
Of course, the child could always be a girl, but before Clara could point that out, she let out a strangled cry, feeling as if she were being torn in half. Just then, the doctor came through the door and with Peggotty’s help, Clara Copperfield was brought upstairs. It was then Miss Betsey took cotton out of her purse and placed it in her ears to drown out the yelling.
Hours passed. The sun sank beneath the horizon. Evening turned into night. Finally, Dr. Chillip came downstairs. His shirtsleeves were splattered with blood, but he looked pleased.
Miss Betsey stood up, taking the cotton out of her ears. “And how is he, doctor?”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, he?”
“The boy, how is the baby boy?”
“It’s a girl, ma’am,” Dr. Chillip informed her. “A perfectly healthy baby girl.”
Miss Betsey’s face fell at this news. A girl. A girl who would not be named David. Well, that was that.
Miss Betsey Trotwood retrieved her purse and promptly left the Rookery, never to return.
The baby girl was christened Felicity Copperfield.
There wasn’t much Felicity could recall from when she was a baby. She did remember warm smiles. She remembered Peggotty’s fingertips feeling like pocket nutmeg graters: rough and ticklish when grazed lightly against the skin.
As she grew up, she gravitated towards books. She swallowed words whole, storing them inside of her. With paragraphs, she built fantastical palaces in her mind, envisioning scenes of princes and princesses.
Though it never felt quite right when a story ended with a princess being rescued by a prince. In her head, she would rewrite the endings where the princesses would have to save the princes and in turn became knighted. It made for a much better story.
The months turned into a decade turned into seventeen years. Letty was a young woman living with her mother, and they were happy.
Letty was happy, anyway.
Clara Copperfield desired more. She adored her daughter and she was grateful for Peggotty’s company and help. But it did make her smile when Edward Murdstone called on her for an evening stroll.
It became a habit. Every evening, he would call on her and she would join him and Letty would be left behind to watch her mother come and go with this stranger.
One evening, after her mother had disappeared down the lane with the stranger, Letty grabbed a book and spent time in the garden reading until she heard her mother return. And of course, right there with her, was the man with the eyebrows. Letty put aside her book and approached Clara.
“Did you have a pleasant walk, Mother?”
“Oh Letty darling,” Clara pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead. “Come and meet Mr. Murdstone.”
“Felicity Copperfield,” the man said with a small bow. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Charmed, I’m sure,” said Letty coldly.
She did not know Edward Murdstone, but she could see ill omens in his eyes. She bid him a pleasant evening before returning inside the house and going straight to her room.
Through her door, Letty heard Peggotty and her mother discuss the evening and then their conversation became hushed, as if they were aware that they were being listened in on. Annoyed, but resigned, Letty settled into bed for the night.
But sleep did not come. Hours passed and she fidgeted beneath her sheets. Eventually, she gave up. At this point, Peggotty had retired to bed, but Clara remained awake in the kitchen, sipping on warm milk.
Wordlessly, Letty joined her mother in the kitchen, pouring herself warm milk from the saucepan.
“How did you find Mr. Murdstone?” Clara asked.
Letty shrugged. “There wasn’t much to find.” It wasn’t the answer her mother was looking for, though. She could see that in the way the light in Clara’s eyes dimmed. “But he seems very agreeable.”
“Yes, I think so as well.”
There came a long pause, both women sipping their soothing drinks, unanswered questions hanging in the air between them.
“You like him very much, don’t you, Mother?”
Clara gave her daughter an almost sad smile. Surely she thought her pathetic for wearing her feelings so plainly. Felicity was more of a mystery. Though kind, Clara sometimes felt that she barely knew her daughter’s true nature. Felicity was like a book that required reading until the end to fully understand.
“He’s asked me to marry him,” Clara confessed. “He’s good to me, Letty. And he likes you very much; he always asks about you. And I’m so…” Clara stopped herself. How could she tell her daughter that she was lonely?
Letty placed a hand upon her mother’s forearm. “He’s a capital man, Mother. If he makes you happy, then let him make you happy.”
In truth, she did not care for her mother’s suitor. Her brief meeting of Mr. Murdstone had only irritated her. She had never known her father, but Mr. Murdstone was no replacement.
But Clara wasn’t asking to replace David Copperfield. Only to let someone take care of her for once. It did hurt Felicity that she and Peggotty were not enough. But the love of a man could not be replicated, could it? And Letty was not going to deny her mother.
So Clara Copperfield and Edward Murdstone wed.
And trouble began.
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beewithknee · 8 months
of feelings and memories
day 4 of redactober 2023 !
(genderbent) sam/darlin'
For the first time in years, Darlin’ smiled as they woke up. Burying their nose in the sheets, they smiled at the bittersweet scent of coffee and peaches. Something so uniquely her.
Their sheets smelt like Samantha. Like comfort. Like home.
They rolled over, smile immediately dropping at the cold sheets they were met with. Where was the warm body they’d gotten so used to waking up next to?
“Sam?” They called out, hoping she’d come reclaim her rightful spot. The empty silence they were greeted with sent warning bells through their whole body. Their mate always let them know when she was leaving. A text, a note, anything.
“Samantha? You home?” They called once more, feet swinging over to hit the carpeted floor with a soft thud.
They shrugged on a hoodie, trudging the long hallways of Samantha’s house.
The open back door that greeted them didn’t bode well. The sun was up. Sam was nowhere to be found. Fuck.
“Samantha?!” They yelled desperately. Hoping for any sign of life from their missing mate. “Where the fuck are you? This isn’t funny. Please.” They barely breathed the last word out, heart thundering with anxiety.
They scoured every inch of her large backyard, finding no trace of her. They shifted, senses far more enhanced in that form. The scent of peaches was faint. Present but likely hours old, back when it was still dark out.
Thank god.
In the depths of the house, they heard a door click. The front door. 
Their nails clicked loudly against the wooden floors as they scrambled through the house. Paintings shook as they bounded down the corridor.
There she stood, arms raised as she took her large sun hat off. She was wearing their flannel.
In the recesses of their mind, they registered that that was something she only did when truly upset and needing comfort.
They didn’t bother shifting back as they reached her, nose immediately pushing all over her body. Desperate to find any wounds she may have hidden away by the jeans and flannel.
“Wow dog-breath. Calm down. Hey, Darlin, what’s wrong?” She stopped, voice tired but a light smile on her lips. Her deep blue eyes shone with worry. Crouching, she cupped their face between her hands and pressed their foreheads together.
The immediate release of tension had them shifting back. She let it happen, staying at her spot by their side. “I woke up and you were gone. The back door was open. I thought-“ They shuddered at their mental patterns.
“Oh Darlin’ I’m sorry. No, it just wasn’t a good morning so I went for a drive. I was hoping I’d be back by the time you were up.” She explained gently. They rose, picking her up and trudging back into the bedroom. She laughed as they flung her down on the bed before scooting in on top of her.
“You only love me for my boobs, huh?” She teased, scratching gently at their back. “Oh duh, look at them.” They poked gently, watching as the flesh moved.
Odd but alright.
She smiled, kissing their head. “Why was your morning bad?” “Oh. It was nothing.”
“Sam, you only drive when your head won’t quit. Talk to me, c’mon.” They coaxed, squeezing her sides in a loving reminder.
“Ugh, it was just… the inversion. It’s all it ever is these days. Even after Quinn coming back, I thought they’d be more about him and everything but it’s not. It’s them. It’s Vincent. It’s his partner. It’s Shaw and Talbot. It’s everyone I didn’t save.” She sighed heavily, eyes dark. Haunted by memories she longed to forget.
“I just wish I hadn’t been turned. Maybe then I could’ve kept being a healer. I could’ve stuck it out. I could’ve been useful.” She bit her lip, turning away from her Mate’s knowing look. She didn’t wanna think about it.
“Samantha, you know what I’m gonna say. You were useful. You saved so many lives, and did everything you could. You can’t get caught in the ‘what ifs’ because it will kill you. And plus, you getting turned meant that we met. We get to have this.” Darlin’ gestured at their bodies, tangled up and peaceful.
Sam leaned forward and kissed them sweetly, lips tasting like her black coffee. “I know. And please don’t think I’m not so goddamn happy I met you. And that you love me, and that we get to be this. But, I can’t help it, I just wish I could’ve been better.” Tears lined her waterlines, dancing across her eyes. Her distorted vision let her hide from their gaze for a while.
She closed her eyes, burying her face in their hair. Her arms tightened around their back, bringing their bodies flat against one another; barely an inch of room between them.
“I’m so glad you weren’t in there. I wouldn’t have coped.” She admitted.
They smiled into her chest, “Trust me Fangs, it was good I wasn’t. I wouldn’t have let you out of my arms.” They laughed. “Plus, being a vampire allowed you to help Vincent, and save his partner. It’s not all bad, you know.” They gently reminded her.
She huffed under them, belly clenching from the movements. They found an odd comfort in the way she moved under them, so warm and alive.
It soothed a part of their hindbrain.
“That is true I suppose. God I’m-“ They tsked lightly, “No ‘sorry’s’ you know this. We’re okay. You’re alright.” They swore, tilting up and kissing her once again. She hated that they read her so well. Hated that they could predict what she was saying.
“I love you cowboy.” They breathed against her lips, heart stuttering with gratitude at her existence.
She sniffed, choking back her rising emotions, “I love you too.”
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ryuichirou · 1 year
You’re probably tired of so much KaliJami but headcanons for RSA!Kalim x NRC!Jamil?
Also, how do you feel about genderbent? Like one of them is female or both are female? I’m sorry if you answered this before.
Not at all! We’re not tired of KaliJami, we actually like them very much, so please don’t worry and keep asking if you want to. It just takes a while to get to them with all the other ships, as you must’ve noticed...
Ohh, RSA!Kalim and NRC!Jamil!.. Sounds fun, we’ve actually discussed a little bit the fact that before Kalim was transferred to NRC, he could’ve been in RSA – because where else would he be? I mean, we just don’t really know other schools, and RSA is known for its over the top goody two shoes. But before I list a couple of headcanons, I’ll answer your other question.
In general, we love genderswap, I draw genderbent characters from shows we’re into from time to time. But it doesn’t work as well for us with twst for some reason? It’s hard to explain, and we’re not opposed to it: there is some really pretty art out there with genderbent characters from twst. But I guess it’s just unlikely that we’ll draw or post anything, although you can never know for certain with us lol
We also tend to genderbend both characters because this world needs more girl+girl couples with interesting and messed up dynamics. A lot of times this is our main motivation.
 Alright, so headcanons…
Kalim misses Jamil a lot. For the first time in their lives they’re separated like this, and it affects Kalim on a much deeper level than he anticipated. He has a lot of friends in RSA, he has a bunch of servants that went to live with him since Jamil isn’t around, but it’s not the same without Jamil. Simply because of that Kalim is actually having a hard time at RSA, even though he spends his days laughing and hanging out with Che’nya, the gnomes, Neige and pretty much any other RSA guy.
Kalim messages Jamil every day, writes him letters, calls him, he is actually quite obnoxious about it. Jamil is very annoyed by it and doesn’t always reply, but if Kalim were to stop texting him for like 5 hours, Jamil would probably get concerned about his well-being and call him. The codependence is strong.
Jamil visits Kalim at RSA more often that he would like to admit; sometimes Kalim asks him to help, sometimes Jamil feels that he needs to check on Kalim because something was weird about him the last time they talked. He also sends him food regularly and even helps with his homework… he does a lot of things he does in canon, but now he also has to travel back and forth for it. Jamil really hates it, and it’s not like he absolutely has to do it, Kalim isn’t forcing him to, but he just can’t help it. When he thinks about Kalim being there alone (even with a team of servants), he starts feeling anxious and loses his sleep over this. Which kinda makes him hate Kalim even more… because Jamil really thought that he would be free from all of this for once in his life.
Jamil asked Kalim not to come to NRC several times, but Kalim is very stubborn and excited about the idea of visiting Jamil, checking out his dorm, meeting his new friends, etc. Deep inside, Kalim feels this unusual (to him) and strong jealousy and frustration, because he doesn’t get to hang out with Jamil as much as people from Scarabia do. His first instinct is to befriend them, to get to know them better, in hope that it will make him less jealous and hurt, but this probably won’t work. Although he’ll definitely become a star at NRC rather quickly, because he is loud, charismatic, sweet, and people love him. Jamil, on the other hand, feels absolutely exhausted every time Kalim visits him…
One day Kalim decided to completely ignore Jamil’s pleads not to visit him at NRC (at least because it’s dangerous for Kalim to travel alone) and arrived on his magic carpet. His excuse? “But I really wanted to see you, Jamil! And no one got hurt, so it’s good, it’s good!” I’m sure they unintentionally recreated the balcony scene from Aladdin, granted Jamil was much more tired and done than Jasmin. But they still went on a magic carpet ride, because the alternative option was to let Kalim stay in Scarabia until morning.
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Umineko AU Ramblings - Genderbent Ushiromiya Family
If You Do Not Like Genderbending, Please Look Away. I'll Try My Best To Avoid Spoilers, But Please Read At Your Own Risk.
Sometimes I think about genderbending Umineko and how fucked up the dynamics would be. For the sake of simplicity and avoiding spoilers for anything during/post Alliance, I'm just looking at the Ushiromiya Family, here.
This is just me rambling here, not a true deep analysis of the characters. There'll probably be lines of thought that go nowhere.
For reasons, Kinzo would remain the same sex. However, everyone from the main family down, wouldn’t be. (Gender, on the other hand, is potentially a different story and an AU of a genderbent AU).
Krauss, Eva, Rudolf, and Rosa would be the opposite sex they are in canon. As would George, Battler, Jessica, Maria, and Ange.
This alone would massively change the family’s dynamics. Considering Kinzo’s misogynistic outlook and the fact that Japan is a primarily patriarchal society - the upbringing of the adult generation as kids, their adolescence and young adulthood, to their marriages and the birth of the cousin’s generation is all made different.
Krauss, as a girl, wouldn’t have the same sense of superiority over the rest of Kinzo’s children as he does in canon. As eldest, sure she’d have some power - but as a girl, in Kinzo’s eyes - and depending on the circumstances, even the family elders who named Kinzo as a puppet head - what use was she as an heiress?
She’d marry out of the family - or in normal cases, should have - to supply the Ushiromiya family with further connection in the upper class’s world of riches and politics.
You know who would actually, in their youth, have the most ‘power’?
As a boy, even if Kinzo didn’t care much or pay much attention to his kids, again depending on how involved the elders were - influencing or alternatively abusing their mother with high expectations, because Kinzo had to have learned some prejudices and bias from somewhere, in turn leading to the mother’s strict expectations - Eva would have been raised as heir, not Krauss.
Whereas both Fem! Krauss and Fem! Rudolf would be expected to learn domestic skills and the basics of academics, focus on thought of child rearing and homemaking household management, becoming deft hostesses able to keep keen eyes on connections and silent lips for others but their husbands when requested -
Out of them all, it would be Eva who was expected to carry on the illustrious name of the Ushiromiya’s after Kinzo, have it soar to heights which surpassed that of its former wealth lost to the quakes. For some time, he’d be the only son in a household of three children, a single boy between two daughters.
If not by Kinzo, Eva would have been raised by his mothers - by the elders, potentially - that he was going to be the heir over his sisters, that he would continue the family name and was expected to bring them greatness through his intelligence, something that his sisters could only do in marrying well to wealthy, well-connected men.
While his sisters would be allowed to attend high school, it was Eva who would be afforded a higher education - a proper gentleman’s education. The girls wouldn’t be, had no need to be given such a thing.
Krauss, as a girl, would marry out of the family. So would Rudolf. Eva was going to be the heir, as his mother and the elders said - in this way, they would make the family - make their father - proud.
He was going to the heir.
(Which would really burn when he wasn’t, when Krauss didn’t marry out of the register, when Kinzo, for whatever damned reason, had her spouse marry into the Ushiromiya family rather than his eldest daughter out of it).
(By all means, legally he never even declared a direct heir. It’s assumed at first that it goes to Eva, and then, after Krauss’ marriage and remaining on the register, to the oldest child - strange, but not unheard of).
(I haven’t though much on it, except, perhaps, to say that Kinzo’s reason would be pure spite towards the elders - and then, simply, a lack of caring. What did it matter to him, any of it? The family, the wealth, the prestige…it was his only in name, his body forced to sow the crops the elders got to reap for their own profit).
Like their canon counterparts, though:
It’s not just Eva who is extremely prideful. Both Krauss and Rudolf are prideful, stubborn, as well.
All of the haughty superiority that Krauss throws into being the eldest, being the heir? This gets burned down into a need to prove herself as the perfect young lady, the most desirable, proper bachelorette of the upper echelons of society. The inner economy of running a household, rearing children, being a hostess - that is what she would strive for. But, similar to Eva in canon, I don't think Fem! Krauss would settle for, on several accounts, being deemed lesser than her younger brother.
She'd fight in becoming the most perfect, lovely lady - so that Kinzo and the elders could hold nothing against her, if she wished to achieve further education. What she would look into learning, I'm not sure - but it's still something to at the very least consider, whether she would strive for higher education or not.
(lowkey thinking of Eva and Krauss attending the same university or college, just to potentially get on the other's nerves and show how they are 'that much more' superior to the other).
It wouldn't give much leverage over Eva, no - why would he even deign to give the thought of a girl's know-how time out of his day? an attitude that later bites him in the ass because his only child is a girl - but leverage over Rudolf? Potentially. There, there we have things to look at.
Rudolf, as a lady, is still an incorrigible flirt. Still able to charm the pants off of literally most people - a lady by her sex, and a cougar, a carnivore, otherwise. A smoky mafia lady vibe. Flirtatious and brusque, almost. Her etiquette and the snubbing of it (examples being smoking, a bit rough and lackadaisical in regards to housekeeping and being a hostess).
Different from Krauss and Eva, Rudolf would just barely toe the line of societal propriety of an upper class lady - quite the modern woman. She'd know it all, embroidery and all that - but she'd utilize it like a spider building a web, snakes coiling around prey and paralyzing them with venom. Charming, skilled if a bit lazy at it - and deceptively clever, but deadly.
Something Krauss had reason to chide her on, at least.
A cunning flirt, to make up for Krauss' cutting etiquette and Eva's blindingly superior holier-than-thou everything. Lusting to make up for a lack of love, or affection - which, while I can't say it wasn't there, there likely wasn't much of it in the Ushiromiya Household. Just, pride and expectations and cold limitations put down as law.
That behavior they grew into is comprised of their upbringing, and attempts to - at least in part - fill voids left in them by fair lack of warmth from certain people (elders, parents, you know), and filled only with harsh and high expectations and strict limitations. Which isn't to say that at least their mother didn't care, but I still have to think on that since we get zero information of the Ushiromiya Matriarch.
Rosa would get the short end of the stick, born with a pretty decent age difference between Rudolf, who is the 'baby' of the older siblings - and all of his siblings would have their own issues by this point, learned to weaponize haughtiness and a sharp tongue and intellect and charm and lust as shields and tools.
This poor kid would be so soft, so defenseless, compared to them. Up until the circumstances involving a stuffed animal, the forest, and Maria's mom (in this case). This is me trying to avoid spoilers, because I've been there and it sucked.
I can't really say much about Rosa, here, because I just don't have a good grasp on her character. Like I said, I was spoiled for Umineko just after finishing watching Banquet - and that was some time ago, it's only recently I've begun rewatching a no-commentary playthrough (and it's primarily through the fanfiction on A03. That, more than anything else, it what inspired me to pick Umineko up again).
The siblings alone, the ways they were raised along with the expectations for them, how they coped with it - all of it is very complex in canon, and it changes with their sex, in some ways minutely and in other ways, majorly.
Then we get to look at their marriages. Which occurs after Kinzo's miraculous revival of the Ushiromiya Family's wealth - after slowly loosening and severing the puppet strings of the elders (those alive, at least?) wrapped around his limbs - and the dynamics of the family change.
Kinzo remains silent, as to the matter of naming the heir - and while Eva holds tight to the belief, and even taunts his elder sister for not yet having married...there's a sort of unstability in the air, only furthered by worsening tensions between Kinzo and his wife - and Kinzo, often, disappearing on business trips from their home.
Then comes the acquisition of Rokkenjima by Kinzo, the construction of the mansion....for reference, the Ushiromiya Mansion is built in the 1950's - '52?
The Ushiromiya family is elite, having a personal island and the head of them all is a man infamous for his sheer luck in investing and gaining great wealth in a fairly short amount of time post-war. Still, Kinzo is silent about a heir - silent about his eldest marrying outside the family....
Usually, usually, woman in japan marry outside of the family register. So first and foremost, looking at a genderbent AU, why wouldn't Krauss and Rudolf marry into the spouses' family register?
Starting with Krauss:
Canonically, Krauss marries Natsuhi because he needs a wife to have a child. Natsuhi is essentially forced into this marriage, because her family is in dire financial straits. The marriage is an arranged one, essentially meant to solve two issues. The money issue for Natsuhi's family, and the heir issue for the Ushiromiya's.
In a genderbent AU, things would work...considerably differently.
Natsuhi's family would, quite likely, be in a similar situation - but this is a demerit on their end, because it holds no benefit to Kinzo or the Ushiromiya family. By marrying Krauss off to a member of Natsu's family, a line of shinto priests (and, if I'm not wrong, once-nobles?), there's no connections in other circles of society, no wealth awaiting his daughter or a boon to the family. From a utilitarian viewpoint, it would be a worthless match...
Considering Kinzo had already thrown off the elders by now, unless he was still in the process of trying to do so, it wouldn't be even enough to spite them (unless he was going down the whole 'spite their memory' route).
So, why Krauss and Natsuhi in this au? Why would they still be Ushiromiya's? Unless, even branch family's who no longer carry the name would be there - as in Eva = heir - but I'm aiming for somewhat close to canon here, working off the assumption that Krauss + Natsuhi are still the main household - not Eva + Hideyoshi.
Then again, it could be that Kinzo compares both Natsuhi and Eva. Eva having been groomed by the elders, but Natsuhi...Natsuhi, possibly, untouched by them. Perhaps throwing a bone to an old business partner, or even just lack of really caring...that bares a lot of thinking on, trying to get more insight as to Kinzo's point of view.
That would imply a projection of disdain, of hate or anger, upon his kids though. I'm...pretty sure Kinzo just, didn't care about them much, canonically? I'm aware he was physically abusive, and the effects that had on the siblings lasted their whole lifetimes - but for Kinzo, the abuser himself? Would you remember stepping on an ant, if it was just another pest to deal with, a minor worry in a sea of major ones?
Other then stating in the episodes that they failed to live up to expectations, being vultures...not mentioning Everything Else regarding the episodes that I know the bare minimum of, so I can't give a more in-depth look into the matter.
Anyway, Krauss would be the first to marry. Krauss should have left the family register -
and it's a blow to the system, to Eva personally, when she does not. When a man comes to the mansion as his sister's husband, unable to bear the family crest, and yet it's him who will be the next family head, for all that it is Krauss who is the actual heiress.
(Really wonder what Natsuhi would find work as, though...has more common sense than Krauss though, so the disatrous application of the Ushiromiya Money by Krauss in canon wouldn't come up...)
Oh, feeling particularly evil. Eva, going to Kinzo and wondering why Kristine is still there, bring up that it was him who was the heir - and Kinzo just musing if he, himself, had ever called Eva the heir.
It was always the elders, always mother -
But never father.
Goddamn, that's crushing.
That would also possibly be a major power trip on Krauss' end, one massive 'who is superior to whom now?' type situation. And poor Natsu would get caught in the brunt of the fallout.
Two extremely prideful, extremely intelligent men. The family crest worn by one, forbidden to the other - and it was the other, and the sister, who had been chosen by the father.
...I'm picturing some pretty achillean showdowns between Natsuhi and Eva, not going to lie. Eva being angry and wondering what made Kinzo deem him worthy over his own blood son (not even factoring in his sister here), this man he didn't permit to wear the one-winged eagle. Imagine the (toxic) kabedon to be had here...
Imagine the tension, possibly causing Eva to leave the mansion - or Kinzo or his wife to arrange a marriage for him because of the growing aggression and antagonistic attitude he began to take - worse than the past. If he was fixated on being a good 'heir', why didn't he take a wife and sire a child himself, too?
Which, then leads to the consideration of Hideyoshi's character. Canonically, I believe he started making money by rolling cigars and selling them - even if his business later was a restaurant chain. This post goes into the implications that he started this around the second world war, and was an orphan or old enough to be on his own at that time. Though I think I have slightly different headcanons pertaining to age, that doesn't have much bearing on the likelihood that, canonically, he was older than Eva and decently well-off at the time of their marriage.
Eva would likely already be running his own business, in a genderbent au. I can potentially see Hideyoshi still running a business here, but...man, oh man, wouldn't a pairing like that be a smack to Eva's sensibilities and belief system. His father, pairing him up with a woman just a bit older than him - a woman who works like a businessman, too? Imagine the sheer amount of times he'd put his foot in his mouth.
Assuming, of course, Kinzo would deem a woman 'like that' who was staunchly different from how he expected women to behave, as a good match. Another possibility was that, although not officially a big part of some company or other's success, Hideyoshi was the brains behind the operation - and that's what made her a fitting wife. We don't get much of Hideyoshi's backstory, in canon. We don't get much of any spouse's backstory, really - except in specific circumstances.
...Eva and Hideyoshi, I need more time to think about.
But, in a turn of events, it's ultimately not Krauss who leaves Rokkenjima. It's Eva.
and then there's Rudolf and Rosa.
Rudolf is complicated because there are two marriages. Asumu, and Kyrie. Mentioned in the post I linked above, it's likely that they all met around college and are close in age - Kyrie knew Rudolf first, I believe. Rudolf ended up marrying Asumu though, after he unintentionally got her pregnant - though he carried on an affair with her, and likely other woman throughout it all.
In a genderbent au, Rudolf's flirtatious nature and infidelity bites back on the ass. hard. namely in the form of a pregnancy. Considering she'd be sleeping with (at least) two men, Asumu and Kyrie, either one could be the baby daddy - meaning her father would either force her to marry one of them, or Rudolf could abort the child and cover it up so no one has to know it happened at all.
Rudolf is a selfish person, who thrives off gambling to fill endless vices - namely, lust in place of love and affection, though she gets that too. A child would get in the way of that, her bed frolicking when put bluntly - not to mention Krauss and her mother scoldings and haughty attitude and Rudolf's blatant snubbery of ladylike things - no one, least of all herself, believed her fit to be a mother. abortion would come to mind, no doubt.
shit like this could get her disowned. Unlike rosa in canon, she wasn't tricked or abandoned - doesn't really have a good excuse. Rudolf literally fucked around, and found out.
In canon, this led to a blitz wedding binding him and Asumu. In a Genderbent verse, assuming an abortion couldn't be done - either because the pregnancy wasn't noticed until it was too late or for some other reason, a similar event could occur.
If Kinzo got wind of it, it would be a matter of Kyrie's family vs Asumu's - and we know more about Kyrie than Asumu's. Guess who'd possibly win out, in Kinzo's eyes? A low-middle class family, or an upperclass household with shady potential yakuza connections? I say this, because I'm pretty sure Kyrie's summary screen mentions that she and Rudolf have shady dealings or connections or something and that's how they make bank.
And she doesn't know who the baby's daddy is, had to make a choice between men she was pulling along on a string. She works with one on a regular basis, and possibly the other. Hell of a proposal, that she was pregnant.
Considering even Rudolf in canon thought that Asumu knew about the affair, there's probably always the wonder of 'is this my child?' Which is fucked up all around, because not even Rudolf would know, unless she had a little black book where she wrote down when she slept with who - but especially for Kyrie and Asumu.
If Rudolf hid it, no doubt Kinzo would suspect the truth behind the sudden wedding - if he didn't find out, during preparations or just after.
Put simply, it's a total clusterfuck of drama.
Rosa - she didn't even have the chance to get married in canon. Her boyfriend got her pregnant, and then fucking left her with debt after she took out a loan for him.
In a GB AU, this gives me several ideas. Rosa gets a girlfriend pregnant, and she leaves him with the baby. Rosa does get married, or they're forced to, but they have a divorce somewhere along the line. Darkest of all, Rosa's girlfriend/wife dies.
The lives of the Ushiromiya siblings are like a soap opera.
It's one in morning, so I'll give just a quick rundown of the cousins. Going in order of age: George, Battler, Jessica, Maria, Ange.
George is Eva's only child, and a daughter. In his younger years, what he'd deem useless as a heir - useful only in marriages. His daughter is also the most precious thing he'd ever seen or held, while also being a nail in his coffin. He might have had a child before Krauss, but it wasn't a boy - useless to Kinzo, useless to securing Eva as heir.
George is raised strictly. Very strictly, to be the perfect lady - while also educated far beyond the standards of what he'd once thought a young lady should be held to. Eva, in a genderbent world, would be a bit like Natsuhi...he'd want his daughter to be capable of standing as a powerful heiress in her own right, even if it would have been better for them both if she'd been born a boy. She'd also be held accountable for achieving impossible standards - appearances, grades... not a material want in the world, but a deep need for space to breathe.
Battler, or in this case Valor, is Rudolf and Asumu's daughter. Quite a ways down the line of succession, isn't quite raised like Eva raises George. She gets raised a bit closer to a normal child, behave in school, try to get at least a B in classes...she is cosseted by her father. Kyrie would be a little less cool to her, I think, a little warmer - namely because she could very probably be his daughter and they just didn't know - DNA testing emerged in the 80's and Valor was born in '68 or '69 I think. Heightened tensions in the Rudolf Love Triangle, though.
Would still be raised with higher expectations, though. Good etiquette, good handwriting, maybe dancing...? (these are, admittedly, more stereotypes than what I actually know of a member of the upper crust's education and extracurriculars).
I can't tell if Rudolf would be fiercely protective of Valor, a bit uncomfortable with her, or something else entirely. Fiercely protective because - possibly - Kinzo wanted her to get an abortion, uncomfortable because she had planned to get an abortion herself - and also, what Valor meant between Asumu and Kyrie and herself.
But at the same time, I feel like she'd be done to commit fraud to ruin the father of a kid who teased her daughter on the playground. Maybe because I have a broken sense of humor.
Rudolf is a selfish man, would be a selfish woman - but cares for their kids. They might not be willing to be their neck on the line for them, maybe, but also have the potential to go ballistic for them.
Jessica would be raised strictly - not as intense as 'the world will end' schooling like with George, but pretty damn close. As the next head of the family, one allowed to wear the one-winged-eagle, he has to be above and beyond reproach. Natsuhi is the strict one of his parents, more often than not dealing with the worst of Eva being Eva, but...both of them are prone to wanting to spoil him.
It took so long to conceive Jessica, for Krauss. So, so, so very long. Considering a woman's worth in the family amounted to the connections she could bring and her womb's ability to carry a child - preferably a son - it was...hard for her, especially with Eva.
Though, he did shut up for a bit after George was born.
Maria...there's a lot for Maria, and I don't actually I could analyze his upbringing and how it changes in a GB verse right now. A big aspect is Rosa's abuse and neglect, and I think a large bit of it would remain the same but....I want to read more Umineko, especially turn and banquet, to get a better grasp on it.
It's about 1:20 in the morning, and the way she's raised touches kind of close to home. Not in terms of physical abuse, or the fact that it's very very very heavily implied that Maria is neurodivergent - just some parts of it.
anyway, yeah, this is my rambling on how genderbending stuff would change a lot of things in umineko - not getting heavily into the cousin's upbringing and mental state because my laptop is about to die and I'm not well-rested enough fpr this, nor are my ideas quite as fleshed out.
Please don’t flame me if you don’t agree with this or don’t like it, but if anyone has ideas they’d like to add, I’m all ears.
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