#idc whatever
wild-moss-art · 1 year
Insane update
So shortly after I made that post I had a therapy session in which my therapist tried pretty hard to convince me to go straight to the er. I'm typing this from a hospital bed bc the test results haven't come back but I've had such a wild experience I just want to record it or something
So I'm admitted and they stuck me for an Iv. I immediately passed the fuck out. Never had a single problem with needles, ivs, give blood, nothing. So they try my other arm and it's fine.
THEN they put me in a room and the doctor comes in. He asks what's going on and I fill him in, tell him I think I have a tumor. He basically says that's ridiculous, I'm too young for that, I probably have some chronic illness that the specialist will deal with, so he won't order a ct scan, but he agrees to schedule an ultra sound just in case and leaves.
After 30 minutes he COMES BACKIN AND SAYS "okay I thought you were much younger than you are, 27 is plenty old for a tumor, I've ordered the CT scan instead" !!!(side note-- i rarely agree to see male doctors. For this fucking reason. Didn't even look at my age in the file before assuming i was 16 or smth I guess)
Anyway i do the CT scan and come back to the waiting room. They tell me they will have results in about an hour. So I'm waiting and I notice my Iv bleeding so I go to the nurse to see if that's normal. She tries to fix it. I pass the fuck out again. At this point all the nurses in the station are scrambling to run my vitals. They put me in a room and give me an Iv for the third time(successfully)
So now I've been sitting here for 4 hours and no update on the test which they said would be done in an hour. Which is pretty worrisome.
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If she's gonna talk to his family behind my back, then I can't help but ask about it... He hasn't changed his clothes or even taken his coat off in two weeks.
The thing is- it's not just so easy for me to move on and just get over it or w/e, be happy, continue my life... This person who caused me so much hurt, pain and confusion was also a fixture in my life. I went to his appointments with him, his case managers and doctors became regular people in my life. I would stay on the phone with him for hours while he was in the hospital, and made sure he had healthy meals when he got out. We went on walks together. I scratched his head while he slept. I was there through so much, so many ups and downs, so it's not so easy for me to just not think about. I'm still rooting for him.
But then I saw a balaklava today and freaked out.
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yahoo-sodaa · 1 year
My goals as a man are:
To put myself in the best possible position.
Be the best man I can be.
Find a women who can hold it down for whatever and whenever.
And oh, leave the matrix.
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imnotrealdeadass · 4 months
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Do y'all see it, do you see the vision
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gravitycoill · 8 months
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lil comic i’ve had in my head for a bit
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favroitecrime · 2 months
world war 3 jokes on twitter meanwhile none of them live in the region and none of them understand the severity of the situation. these next few hours will really determine whether or not we head into a regional war…
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"Got you! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
ao3 commenters PSA: even on older fics with a ton of comments the authors still get the notifs for every single comment
re: the person who just left a multi paragraph comment on one of my older fics talking about how much they disliked the ending and detailing several alternate endings they came up with instead that they thought would be better, and ending the comment with "no one is going to see this but oh well" authors see your comments yes even on old fics and it really doesn't feel good to see a comment like that even years after I finished the fic
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scarydogyy · 2 months
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twinstxrs · 5 months
brennan reintroducing the bad kids with genuine titles they hold in canon like “archdevil” “captain of the owlbears” & “risen saint” but adding “holder of the tin flower” to gorgug’s intro because of how gorgug offering his tin flower to fabian, even after they fought, so effectively represents the type of person gorgug is (a kind one).
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akihatohnoofficial · 1 year
go reblog someone else's post instead. this post is closed. i saw this on my dash go check it out instead
(i turned off reblogs because this post was making my notes fucking unusable and also it was never meant to be more than a personal vent post.)
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hood-ex · 7 months
So anyway, since Bruce abandoned his family, are they gonna let Damian go live with Dick in the Tower orrr is DC going to keep being dumb and not take advantage of such a golden opportunity...
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yahoo-sodaa · 4 months
“I made the best of what I thought was impossible.”
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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Missed drawing these two too
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souporsaladnatural · 2 months
The supernatural cast is literally so funny. Like on one hand you have misha and jarpad, who are pretty much the exact opposites of their characters in every way, and then on the other you have jensen ackles, who is at all times experiencing the worst case of character bleed in the entire world. Love that for them
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transgenderboobs · 4 months
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the magnus protocol is a podcast
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