#if you wanna write something with this script go for it and tag me!! but pls dont take it for your own projects and all that
velaraffricate · 9 months
so I've been working on my latest conlang, irkan osla (or just osla for short), for a bit now and would like to showcase its writing system in this post! osla has a syllabic alphabet, not too dissimilar to korean hangul, where letters are stacked according to certain rules to make syllable blocks.
osla's syllable structure is (C)(C)V(V)(C), here's how the stacks work for each type of syllable:
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all letters have small, wide, and tall forms depending on their position in the syllable. here are all the letters with their IPA value and romanization:
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and here's an example text! i translated parts of the minecraft end poem into osla. maybe i'll make another post just focusing on the grammar when it's more developed. the poem says in english:
What did this player dream? This player dreamed of sunlight and trees. Of fire and water. It dreamed it created. And it dreamed it destroyed. It dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. It dreamed of shelter.
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Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind? Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes.
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this post is getting long, so under the cut you'll find a "sans-serif" version as well as the poem in osla and its gloss if you're also a linguistics nerd and wanna know what's going on under the hood (the roman numerals stand for the 3 noun classes)! thanks for reading!
The way regular people would write something quickly on a piece of paper with a regular pen is an aspect of creating neographies that I feel is often overlooked, so I developed this sans-serif version that people would probably be more likely to use when writing their shopping lists or diary entries:
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And, finally, here's the poem translation:
pak oṇḍul phan wimbakis?
DET.I.SG.PROX play-AGN what dream-PST.3SG.I?
pak oṇḍul lümaṇiuṣerothi han buloni an wimbakis. kaṣkhaothi han nilothi an. wimbakis, run sëmamkis. wimbakis, run xokthakis, han bumxokthakis. zöga an wimbakis.
DET.I.SG.PROX play-AGN sunlight-II.SG.DAT and tree-II.PL.DAT of dream-PST.3SG.I. Fire-II.SG.DAT and water-II.SG.DAT of. dream-PST.3SG.I, that create-PST.3SG.I. dream-PST.3SG.I, that hunt-PST.3SG.I, and PASS-hunt-PST.3SG.I. shelter of dream-PST.3SG.I.
ṭauraka, run kaak samare? run glutsüna flia?
know-NP.3SG.I, that 3SG.I.ABS love-NP.1PL? that universe kind?
imba ethamo, khaṣiŋli an ka’am hu’aŋni pitë, glutsüna ṣaraka, ti.
some time-NOM.III.PL, noise-ACC.II.SG of 3SG.I.GEN thought-NOM.III.PL through, universe hear-NP.3SG.I, yes.
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catboybiologist · 8 months
Hi! I’m CatboyBiologist.
Formerly a femboy, now a trans woman just starting HRT, and a PhD student in molecular biology. I started using this online persona as a fun, shitposty way to explore gender a few years ago. I post selfies (generally sfw, but somewhat sexy, so minors and ppl who don’t like that have been warned), rambles about science, tutorials and advice from the stuff I’ve learned by being a femboy in the past, nature pictures, stuff about the ocean, my adorable grumpy little tortoise, and unsolicited opinions on random nerdy topics. Any pronouns are fine. I don’t plan to socially transition for a while, and still present as a man most of the time, so I’m used to whatever you wanna use for me (for now, I’ll update this if that changes). Please send me pictures of your pets or other cute animals in your life!
As a scientist, I’m also documenting my transition! This google sheet will be updated at least monthly. I also have additional metrics I’m keeping to myself, and pictures that go with this, but I’m not sharing them publicly yet. Keep in mind that this is just one person’s experience with HRT, and may not represent universal trends!
Adding a little something here, bc I think it was an interesting bit a writing: if you want to see me respond to a transphobe about what "biologically female" means, here's a thing I wrote about it. CW for transphobia and discussion, obviously.
Also, if any of my measurements look weird, its entirely possible I fucked up. Let me know if anything looks off!
Here’s some of my favorite pre-HRT pictures:
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If you want to see more of my pre-HRT selfies, browse the “femboy” tag on my blog!
And as of this writing, I’m only 2 days after the start of HRT, so here’s a picture with my tortoise that’s technically post-HRT (but with 0 time for actual changes):
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If you want to see my future post-HRT selfies, browse the “trans selfie” tag on my blog!
Also here's another really cute picture and fanart of my tortoise by @whalesharkcat:
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I have affectionately given my tortoise the title of The Grumpus.
I also wrote a couple of tutorials and general vibes about being a femboy before I started HRT:
Sometimes I make shitposts of myself, I don’t take myself too seriously:
This includes the way I came out on tumblr:
And here’s an overly serious, long ramble about trans thoughts and things that I wrote shortly afterwards:
Later addition: Someone asked how I take selfies, so I wrote a quick and dirty guide with some tips on how I do so in response to their ask:
Oh yeah and apparently I was a 196 microcelebrity? I never to thought I was popular enough for that but apparently some people do 🤷‍♀️. So uh, hi 196 tags, I'm abusing you for my pinned post LOL
As for terminology, I personally do think of myself as a “man who is becoming a woman” as opposed to having always been a woman. If that doesn’t resonate with your experience, I totally get that! But that’s why I freely call pre-HRT me a femboy, while still calling post-HRT me a trans woman. I’m also keeping the blog name as CatboyBiologist for the forseeable future, because at this point, Catboy just seems like a gender neutral term to me.
I’m also trying to put together a script for a podcast regarding how studying biology influenced my perspective on sex and gender- lmk if there’s any interest in that! It’s probably gonna be way too long and indulgent but oh well.
So uh. Yeah. I don’t end these types of things well. Byeeeeee
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oddmerit · 2 years
heres a few links from my bookmarks folder full of HTML and CSS resources that i used when first making my neocities website because i want other people to make their own sites as well because its fun :)
how to actually do html and css
web design in 4 minutes - this is the site that really made HTML and CSS click for me, following along as the author describes what’s he’s doing to the webpage and showing how it changes the presentation (you don’t need the book he shills at the end. i did without)
w3schools introduction to html - takes you through the very basics of creating a website, lesson-by-lesson. big goldmine for code to grab and scaffold off of once you have some basic skills
mozilla’s html guide - also a great beginner’s guide by the people who made mozilla, although i didnt use it as much as w3 schools
brackets.io - this is the program i use to write the files i use for my website. lets you do splitscreen to work with two files at once, gives you a breakdown of all the files in your website’s folder, and will let you autofill commonly-used tags and files in the code. supposedly has a live preview function but it doesnt work that well for me when i’m using a second monitor, which i normally do when coding. just save the file and refresh the page instead. 
(side note: i work in a software external to neocities instead of directly in the neocities editor because 1. local files update with a refresh and neocities has to update the cookies AND download all the website info again once you update, and 2. it effectively gives you a mass undo button if you fuck up because you have your files hosted in multiple places (local and online). yes its kinda annoying to have to manually upload all my files especially bc you cant upload whole folders AND you cant move their locations once uploaded but i prefer it to working directly on the site. if you have a neocities pro subscription ($5/month) you can mount your website directly on your machine as opposed to the neocities dashboard, which basically means you dont have to manually upload the code every time you change something -- it’ll update automatically)
codepen - if you prefer something browser-based to work in then try codepen, i used it a little bit at the beginning when trying to troubleshoot some code i didn’t quite understand. you need an account to actually save your work and im not sure if it actually lets you upload folders bc i never signed up lol
premade engines/sites/themes/etc etc
neothemes or eggramen or templaterr - if you wanna get a quick start on a neocities site, you CAN use a theme generator/premade theme. if you go this route i would still heavily recommend trying to learn HTML and CSS, and then go into the guts of your own website to try and pick it apart and change it to your liking
zonelets - a static blogging engine that uses HTML, CSS, and javascript. made for use on neocities but theoretically useable elsewhere. takes about 15 minutes to set up (if you use a default theme, but its pretty customizable if you know what you’re doing) and requires you to 1. write blog posts in html and 2. modify some code in a script file every time you want to upload a post, but it will automatically let you browse posts in order once you get everything uploaded
rarebit - a neocities webcomic template — havent used it yet but looks cool, and seems to operate off of the same principles as zonelets. 
glightbox - this is the lightbox javascript code i use when i want to display a lot of images on one page. i found this code via clicking “inspect element” on a neocities fanpage that the webmaster drew a lot of fanart for. you should click inspect element on neocities pages that you like so you can understand how they do what you like (you can even look at their css by clicking the style.css link you have to include at the top of your page)
plus a couple masterlists/directories:
sadgrl.online’s webmastery directory
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Hi OTNF!! Sometimes I like to read this fandom problem blog that receives submissions from people all over Tumblr, recently this was posted and I wanted to know what you thought of it: The tag types of "Tags update as story is written" or "additional tags to be added" or "Rating may change." Fuck those. I don't care if you add some extra benign tags as the story goes along, and you realise you wanna add more content that's just there, or you realise your fic maybe went a bit harder than you expected. Some stories get their own life. But at the same time, if you knew you'd want to add certain content, or that the rating was gonna go way up from what you tagged in the beginning, why did you not tag it from the start? Especially when the tagged content becomes a big part of the story, or influences the story strongly. And then you find out that the Author already had been planning adding this type of content for a long time, they just FOR SOME STUPID-ASS REASON didn't wanna add the tag until it actually happens. You're supposed to tag so the people can make an informed decision if they wanna commit to your fic, so for the love of the tagging-system, actually TAG ALL YOUR SHIT FROM THE START. Same shit for changing ratings. I hate it when someone plans from the start to make the story explicit, but doesn't change the rating until they've reached the NSFW sections. There's a reason there's a tagging system. So do you just not understand how that works? Or are you just being kind of as ass on purpose? This does not help when avoiding stories with specific content you try to exclude from your results. It's even dumber if the reason is to "avoid spoiling the fic readers", because anyone coming later to the fic is going to be "spoiled" by the tags regardless. And if you know you wanna add porn, or gore, then rate the story appropriately. Rather categorise it too high, than fuck around with people who don't wanna read explicit content. As a writer who uses the Archive, I want to put my 2 cents in. When I'm writing a fic, a long fic for example, I want to tag the stuff that actually DOES appear at that time so that I'm not clogging other tags/people don't think I'm spamming to inflate my readership (And I DEFINITELY do not want something I worked hard on to get reported for spam). I do get the frustration at reading a fic and then something changes like the rating, but as a writer, sometimes things go off script and one thing that's rated T or M might eventually become E just based off the writing juices doing it's thing(tm). To me, the "Additional tags to be added" is kind of like CNTW, it's something the reader has to make a decision if they want to risk getting invested/read that particular fic. It feels very much like a "damned if you do/damned if you don't" situation. What are some of your thoughts on something like this?
Writers are always going to vary in their favorite approach, and readers who act like there's one right answer are idiots.
For me personally, even if I'm posting as I write, I do have a solid idea of where the fic is going, and I strongly prefer—both as a reader and writer—to have all of the tags in place at the beginning.
I also don't like over-tagging for warnings and only want to see/use tags for the basic main content of the fic, which does make it easier to know ahead of time than if I tagged every tiny thing.
I think spoilers are a dumb reason not to tag things.
So I agree with the complainer's tastes...
...but at the same time, they're acting like these ought to be rules, and AO3 is designed to accommodate a lot of different people with different styles, so I think their attitude leaves something to be desired.
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june-doe-event · 1 year
Hello !! Welcome to the June Doe Ride The Cyclone event !!
This is a 30 Day Art (of any sorts !!) event that runs throughout June, however I will rb any posts with the prompts until mid July.
(Rules, Prompt List, & such are under the cut.)
1. Absolutely no NSFW of ANY kind, the rtc kids are, in fact, kids.
2. Please tag this account in any posts (on here) that you make w the prompts !! I wanna see them !! :D
3. I'll rb posts made with the prompts from after June up until July, but after that I'm done w this acc for the year shsh
(Not a rule but just something that should be known, I have quite a few tags blocked so I might not see some posts, but I will try my best to rb all of them. If I don't see your content, send it to me in an ask !!)
This event accepts any forms of art, from drawings, to writing, to gifs, to edits, etc etc !! Be creative !!
Prompt List:
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June 1st — Pride Month / Identities
Centered around any queer hcs with the choir !! Can range from coming out scenes 2 them going to pride, list is endless :)
June 2nd — Pre-Canon / Post-Canon
The choirs childhoods, right before the accident, what you think happens after the show, again, the list is endless !!
June 3rd — Favorite Platonic Relationship(s)
Maybe they're familial, or maybe they're just best friends !! Just, no romance :)
June 4th — Favorite Romantic Relationship(s)
Your favorite ship(s) !!
June 5th — Ricky's Birthday
Happy Birthday Ricky Potts !! Celebrate their birthday in whatever way you please !!
June 6th — Swapped Roles
Maybe Ocean is the most romantic girl in town, maybe Noel is the angriest girl in town !! Aka, the choir swaps titles & sorta personalities
June 7th — Legoland
The first play in the Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy !! Legoland content is ofc welcomed (& encouraged !!) for all of the prompts, but this is Legoland specific (if you don't have the script pdf & you'd like to read it, you can dm me either on this acc or on my main !!)
June 8th — Alternate Jane Doe
(Or John !!) Maybe Oceans parents never identified her, or maybe Noel was mangled beyond recognition !! Either way, someone else is left doll-like and confused.
June 9th — Someone Else Goes Back
Maybe Ocean votes Constance, or maybe the vote was unanimous like originally promised! Jane stays, someone else leaves.
June 10th — Mega Mall
The one(1) thing to do in Uranium. And Noel's personal hell.
June 11th — U-Pop
Ocean & Constance's (scripted) improv duo !! Sound off !!
June 12th — The Fair
What'd the choir get up to before the crash ? What were they doing ? What rides did they go on ? What'd they eat ?
June 13th — Uranium City
The Pride And Joy of Sweet Saskatchewan !! (<- literally a nightmare) !!
Or, something about the town itself !! It's history !!
June 14th — The Accident.
How'd they die ? What happened ? How did people react to it ? Who witnessed it ?
(If your content for this is gorey, please tag it appropriately.)
June 15th — Everybody Lives / Nobody Dies
Maybe they never rode the Cyclone in the first place, maybe they did but they survived, either way, everyone is fine !! (Or are they?)
June 16th — Religion
Ocean has three of them !! Something surrounding faith of some kind — or lack thereof !!
Alternative June 16th Prompt because I know some people may find the topic uncomfortable — Animals !!
Ricky's fourteen cats !! Penny & her love of animals !! Anything !!
June 17th — The Blackwood Cafe
The best (and probably only) cafe in Uranium !! Constance's family cafe, their pride and joy :)
June 18th — Cut Characters
Cut Character Submissions are welcome here no matter what, but this is specifically dedicated to them !! What was their reaction to the accident ? How did they die ? What was their backstory ?
June 19th — Zolar
The Fantasia Of Ricky Potts !! Anything to do with the world inside their head :)
June 20th — Songfic / Lyrics
Something surrounding a song you associate with the choir (or a certain member) !!
(Disclaimer this works for any type of art I just called it a songfic in the prompts list because it's. Easier ykyk)
June 21st — Summer
Happy Summer Solstice !! Anything 2 do with the current season :)
June 22nd — Graduation
What if they didn't die before they could graduate? How does that go?
June 23rd — Choir Event
Maybe it's last years Kiwanis, maybe it's a separate event !! Either way, they're performing again !!
June 24th — Production Specific
Instead of just general RTC, this prompt centers around a certain production !! (Be creative with it !! Use smaller ones !!)
June 25th — One Off Lines
Like how Ricky said in the 2016 previews that his mom read him the Little Prince TWENTY THREE TIMES (it was weird, he likes it), or how Ocean says that Constance 'has been a loose cannon since kindergarten' in the 2015 ver !! Anything surrounding stuff that they don't expand on.
June 26th — Jane's Dolly
How'd she find it? What if she had a different type of dolly? Just surrounding our favorite doll girl & her dolly :)
June 27th — Talia
Miss Talia Muruska Bolinska !! Is she real? How does she find out about the accident? How'd she meet Mischa? What was her life like?
June 28th — Families
The choirs' parents, them as a found family, the list goes on !! Just anything surrounding family :)
June 29th — Funerals
Because, these kids are dead, they have to have a memorial service of some sort !!
June 30th — Free Day
And, for our final day ( :( ) , we have a free day !! Do whatever you'd like !! :D
That's everything !! Feel free to send me asks with any questions you have !! :D
— Your moderator, @undescribed1mage :D
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autism-alley · 1 month
alright sorry to be a bitch about casting, but i’m gonna bc i do think it’s important to illustrating the feel of a character (if you come to me to bitch and whine about black annabeth get the fuck off my lawn). myself and others have already talked at length about the writing of the series, so if you’re looking for more weighty criticism, just scroll thru the pjo crit tag, now is my time to be a stickler for details, and this is a live action show, a visual medium, the casting is important for reasons beyond an actor’s ability to deliver lines. embodying the character purely in an actor’s personality isn’t enough—they need to physically feel like they could be this person to really sell it (there’s also something to be said abt not having to cast someone who supposedly feels like the character they’re playing just as themself—it’s called acting for a reason, but i digress).
just. take in the official viria pjo art of sally jackson.
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look at this woman. look at her!! that is MOTHER. that is the woman who worked herself to the bone to single handedly raise perseus jackson, flaws and all. that is the woman who rocked up to the battle of manhattan with a shotgun and A WILL. that is the woman poseidon himself called a queen amongst women and offered a palace to. with warm lighting only outshone by her reassuring smile and the candle of percy’s blue birthday cupcake—that’s sally jackson. the composition of it, her pose and welcoming smile, makes the viewer feel like we are percy jackson, and it’s our birthday we’re being beckoned to join in the celebration of, a special moment between mother and child.
now look at this woman.
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i feel like i’ve had this english teacher before, asking me why my autistic ass was tweaking out in the middle of her lesson on iambic peranimeter. i’m sure she’s a nice lady in real life, it’s nothing against her as a person or her skills as an actress, to me she just lacks the warmth and gentleness crucial to sally jackson’s feel as a character. that is my own subjective take. she doesn’t make my shoulders relax at the sight of her. her smile doesn’t make the tightness in my chest go away. looking at this sally jackson, i feel everything her character ISN’T meant to embody. i start feeling stressed out. like everything is somehow a lesson and she has grand expectations of my answer. and the script does NOT do her any favors with lines like “you decide how ugly this gets” at VERY MINOR “outbursts” of percy’s. paired together, the script and the casting, we get what feels more like all the chastising teachers in percy’s life rather than his loving and patient MOTHER. and i don’t wanna hear another one of y’all defend this depiction as more accurate to parents of ND children or i’m gonna lose it.
now finally, look at this woman.
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we can bash the pjo movies for all their inaccuracies and adaptation flaws, but if there’s one thing they nailed, it’s sally jackson. the kind eyes. the welcoming and reassuring gaze. a tired yet inherently trustworthy face. she’s so open. she feels so special, so giving, even if she herself has little. i can see myself laughing in her kitchen, making seven-layer dip or blue cookies. i can see her handing me an extra few jelly beans after a long shift at the candy store. i can see myself as percy jackson, able to put aside another school expulsion because that’s my mother and she’ll never let me doubt she loves me. i can see why poseidon, god of the sea, would fall in love with her in a way he hadn’t in thousands of years. i can see him offering her the world.
i don’t know if this casting impacted the official art, it did come first, maybe that’s a well-known fact and i just sound like a jackass—nor is official art is the end all be all (looking the og official pjo art dead in the eyes)—but this woman just deeply strikes me as the same sally jackson as the one in viria’s art and the pjo books. she’s sally jackson in way show sally vehemently just… is not.
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 3 months
The Reunion
Summary- You are reunited with some old friends and introduced to some new ones.
Pairings- Bucky Barnes x Reader
Raining- Mature due to some violence
Warnings- fighting, guns, explosions.
A/N- Starting off pretty tame! This is a small chapter to get everyone’s feet wet with this style of writing. It is written like a script but is pretty self explanatory. Let me know what you think and if you want to be in the tag list!
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*You just finished all your work for the day and you were closing up your classroom. All day you've had this feeling that someone was watching you and all you want to do is get home safely. As you exit the school you hear a familiar voice from behind you.*
Bucky- out of all the places I thought you'd end up, this always surprised me the least. *He smirks at you from where he leans against the wall.*
Y/N- You shouldn't be here *You call over your shoulder, continuing to walk to your car.*
Bucky- We need to talk. *He says, following behind you. You let out a sad laugh and turn to face him, stopping him in his tracks.*
Y/N- We have nothing to talk about Buck. *you turn on your heels and walk away*
Bucky- They're back! *He exclaims. You stop dead in your tracks before You turn to face Bucky. Looking at him almost daring him to say the name.*
Bucky- Hydra is back and they are looking for you. You were their most valuable asset they aren't about to just let you go. I came to warn you that if you want to stay out of this, then you need to run.
Y/N- I'm not running. I finally have a life Bucky and I’ve made a family with these people- I can't run, not anymore. *You explain. Bucky walks closer, his gaze pulling you in. His eyes are still as beautiful as ever.*
Bucky- Then get ready to fight because they're coming. *He assures you. You let out another sad laugh and let your bags drop to the ground. Exhausted that this fight will never end.*
Y/N- Why would they want me? Honestly, I don't think I know how to fight anymore. *Thats not entirely true, but if you say it enough maybe you can convince yourself.*
Bucky- They know who you are y/n-
Y/N- Was.. *You cut him off* who I was. She is no longer apart of me and I- *You look off into the woods and then back at him* I don’t want to pretend to be her anymore.
Bucky- she will always be apart of you Y/N- *He starts to explain but you cut him off again*
Y/N- Yeah just like the Winter Soldier will always be apart of you. *You stare at him, knowing that was a low blow but wanting to get your point across. He nods and looks at his feet, kicking around some gravel. He meets your gaze once more.*
Bucky- yeah and that's something I have to deal with everyday. But knowing they gave me the very abilities we need to stop them? You bet your perfect ass I'm gonna make sure He is still apart of me. *Bucky explains. You shake your head and look off again.*
Y/N- Well, I've dealt with my past, did the steps, celebrate recovery and what not, and I want nothing to do with this. I'm finally free and I am done fighting someone else's war. *You start to gather up your bags from the ground when he stops you. Taking your hands in his and begging you to listen.*
Bucky- This is your war Y/N. If you wanna run and you won't fight then get ready to say goodbye to the life you've made here because you know better than anyone what Hydra will do to get what they want. *You can feel the tears brimming in your eyes, your heart breaks as you softly reply.*
Y/N- yeah... I do. *You look at Bucky and your eyes meet. You can see he is worried but not for himself, for you. All of the troubles you were facing seemed to disappear when you looked into his eyes. Bucky seems to feel the same way, forgetting why he was here in the first place, leaning in close and whispering.*
Bucky- Do you ever regret that day? *You feel the tears start to well up.*
Y/N- Bucky.. *you put your hand on his cheek* I will regret that day till my dying breath. Bucky starts to lean in closer when the sound of gunfire breaks the silence. The next thing you know you are flying backwards through the air.
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*You get up and look around, fire and smoke surround you and the school is reduced to rubble. Your ears are ringing and you can't hear a thing over it. Slightly disoriented, You start to look around for Bucky but you can't find him through the wreckage. Your ribs hurt and you’re pretty sure you broke one or two. You can finally hear someone shouting your name.
-Y/N *You try to find where the voice is coming from when suddenly someone grabs your arm. You turn ready to punch and see it is Bucky.
Y/N- Don't scare me like that! There are people trying to kill us and you think it's a good idea to sneak up on me *you say as you are hitting his good arm*
Bucky- shhhh get down *Bucky doesn’t even respond to your swats, this reaction was old hat for him. You both crouch behind what was once your car and try to get a good look at what's going on.*
Y/N- What just happened *You whisper, still trying to figure out what just happened.*
Bucky- That big SUV came around the corner and tried to light us up. *Bucky informs you, you roll your eyes and motion around you.*
Y- Well I think they somewhat succeeded at that. *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Yeah *He looks you over* you good? *You nod and take a breath*
Y- I'll be fine but we are sitting ducks here. We need to find a way out. *You look around trying to see if you are surrounded or not. Bucky peaks over the hood and sees the Hydra symbol on the SUV that fired at you both. While he is looking 4 Hydra agents jump out of the SUV and start to make their way toward you and Bucky. Bucky crouches back down next to you and sarcastically says.*
Bucky- y/n you will never believe who it is. *You roll your eyes and smile, you really have missed his banter and the sound of his voice if you were honest. You bust out what was left of the back window of your car and grab the weapons you store there.*
Y/N- So Buck.. *You hand him his choice of gun.* We gonna do this like old times. *you say as you are getting your weapon ready. Bucky looks at you and smiles.*
Bucky- I thought you'd never ask. *You give him a playful jab in his side and he leans in and kisses your forehead, just like old times. He pulls back and nods.*
Y/N- let's go *You both tuck and roll around opposite ends of the car and Get to work.
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*You end up in Hand to Hand combat with a Hydra agent and you do what Black Widows do best. When you've taken care of the last Hydra agent you hear Bucky yell at you*
Bucky- "Don't know how to fight anymore" my ass!! *You roll your eyes and laugh. Out of nowhere a jet lands on the other side of the parking lot. You get ready for another fight when Bucky runs over* it's okay, they're with me. Once the jet lands the doors open and out steps Steve, Sam, Thor, Wanda, and Peter. Steve steps off the jet and runs over to you and Bucky.*
Steve- Hey are you both okay? *He looks you both up and down.*
Bucky- Yeah we're good. *Bucky smiles and looks at you*
Steve- We need to get out of here. I'm sure more Hydra agents are on the way. *You agree and give one last look around, the destroyed school, you wrecked car, this life you had created destroyed in minutes. Bucky calls your name and you turn to look at him, your heart flutters and you smile as you follow after him. You make you way to the jet as Steve and Bucky are walking ahead of you. Bucky offers you his hand to help you climb up and a memory that you wished you could forget flashes in your mind. Standing there still and ghost white, You realize Bucky is starting to get concerned.*
Y/N- oh sorry * you take his hand* thanks. *When the door closes you can feel the jet take off and your stomach starts doing flips. Bucky and Steve notice. Steve moves closer and whispers.*
Steve- Hey are you alright? *He eyes you again, everyone watches your interactions so you just smile.*
Y/N- Yeah, I just haven't been on a plane in awhile. Didn't have the greatest experience with the last one I was on. *Realization washes over Bucky and knows exactly what you are talking about. Then it dawns on him as to why you hesitated to get on the jet with him. Steve clears his throat and everyone else starts to look away, knowing that neither one of you will explain what happened so Bucky quickly moves on.*
Bucky- uhmm, Hey everyone this is Y/N. We umm- we used to work together. *He says and looks at you. You have to hide your smile at his adorable awkwardness.*
Peter- so she was a brainwashed assassin too? *Everyone stares at Peter and his lack of social awareness. Bucky scrunches his face and then just nods.*
Bucky- Technically, yes. *Bucky admits and then looks to you, wanting to make sure Peter’s words didn’t hurt you, they didn’t. A large man from the front of the jet starts to speak, his voice booming.*
Thor- Who cares! She seems fine now and she kicks ass. Welcome! *He offers his welcome and you smile.*
Wanda- Yeah you were amazing! *She thinks for a minute.* Actually the way you fought reminded me of-
Nat- long time no see. *Another familiar face. You breath a sigh of relief and hug Nat.*
Y/N- I've missed you Nat. *She hugs you tight. Peter looks around at everyone who seems to know what’s going on.*
Peter- You know Natasha too?!? Wait?! Are you a Black Widow?! *he says in a whisper like it was a secret. You decide to play along and lean in to whisper back.*
Y/N- Yes. *Peter leans back and looks amazed, like he was just told the biggest secret ever. He then realizes that everyone else seems to already know. He mutters to himself that he really needs to start paying attention in the mission briefs. You smile and laugh to yourself as everyone settles in for the trip back to the compound.*
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*Bucky finds a seat next to you.*
Bucky- you were thinking about the plane ride from Siberia weren't you? *You look at Bucky with tears brimming in your eyes at his words.*
Y/N- Yes.. I'm so sorry Bucky. I know that's not you anymore- your good now... like really good- and I know it was kinda my fault and I know I asked... *the end of your sentence trails off, ashamed that there seems to be one thing that your therapy hadn’t fixed yet. Bucky takes your hand.*
Bucky- I know, y/n and I understand. I wish we hadn’t been put in that position. But I think it's safe to say it all worked out, eventually. I just hope we can find a way to work past it. *He laces his fingers with your and you smile up at him before gently laying your head on his shoulder. He decides to lighten the mood.* Also if you want to get real specific and start pointing fingers 1) You started it that day and 2) you asked me to do what I did so- *You gasp and playfully punch his arm. He laughs a big, real laugh. You see Steve glance back and smile. It’s been awhile since either of you heard him laugh like that. *Bucky kisses your forehead* I really am sorry for what happened that day and for the position you were put in. *You lean up and kiss his cheek, reassuring him. Your head finds rest on his shoulder again and think to yourself It’s just like it used to be, before.
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*As you are drifting off to sleep you hear Peter talking to Thor.*
Peter- You think she'd go for me? *He asks. Wanda and Sam start to laugh under their breath. Thor looks at him and pats his shoulder.*
Thor- In your dreams, Spider Boy. *Peter looks around for anyone else who would be on his side. Nat smiles.*
Nat- She is super strong, ages really slowly, and basically can't be killed. *She starts to walk away when she turns around to clarify.* What I'm trying to say is, she'd eat you alive, kid. *Peter throws his arms in the air.*
Peter- oh come on! I could help her settle in and get comfortable with the place- *Sam interrupts him*
Sam-  She looks pretty comfortable already. *You can’t hold it in anymore and you let out a laugh. You snuggle into Bucky's arms and fall asleep to the sound of the others teasing Peter and Bucky's heartbeat. The memory from earlier plays over and over in your head. It's your real life nightmare that has returned to haunt your dreams.*
Tag list: @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cadencejames87 @jessieasher1616 @janineb86 @cjand10 @theinheriteddutchess @georgiapeach30513 @rainydayandmondays @anastasiamariebarnes
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solaariia · 12 days
going on a short break + psa about success stories
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hi everyone! i’m going to stop posting so much on this acc, but i’m not leaving ofc. 🥹
there’s two reasons, but the main one is because these next three weeks are where the last exams, last assignments, and presentations are due before finals, so i really need to focus on that. if i get tagged on something i’ll still reply, and i’m gonna turn on notifications for my mutuals so i can still check out every post!
the second reason is more tricky, and it has to do with a confession i read yesterday. in short, there was a post where a person basically said that people migrating from amino and shifttok (like me) were lying about their experiences.
i joined in 2023 and have liked every success story that i have come across since then. that argument reminds me of 2021 amino where every new person that came out with good news was instantly shunned and harrassed, and it led me to leaving the community because it was discouraging to see so many people fighting.
i’ve read many people say that this is turning into shifttok with the discourse, but discourse is bred from confession accounts, not new shifters or whatever that person said.
posts i see on my dash are just people talking about their drs and interacting with their shifting mutuals by sharing things like their scripts and stuff. and in my opinion, that’s what a community is. so yeah, maybe there’s a few people arguing about misinformation, but that happens in every learning space. best we can all do is block whatever we don’t like and move on.
but i’m going on a tangent lol. how would people know if a success story is real or not? imagine if you had an experience and someone commented on how that’s not true because the way it’s written makes it sound like a wattpad fic? or because it’s unrealistic?
yeah, there’s fake stories around (this is tumblr y’all i was here when the weed smoking girlfriends guy was a thing) but why does that matter? sure, they may be instilling false hopes. but shifting is real, even if some stories are not.
there’s hundreds of good blogs with information on here. if there is one you think is lying, then block or don’t listen to them. including myself.
it should be encouraging to see so many people succeeding, not the other way around.
regarding my own success story
before i continue, i wanna put this out there first. i am not backtracking on my own posts. but i wanna clarify something because i actually shifted this morning. (not to my dr, but i shifted). and it made me understand more about the experience i will talk about below.
a while back, i made this post about my own shifting experience. it truly did feel like a shift to me, so i made a post thinking it would be nice to share. everything i said on that post is true, but it did not occur to me that i could be spreading misinfo by writing it down before i could reflect on what happened, and for that i am sorry.
that confession i mentioned at the beginning of this post said something about people having really vivid lucid dreams and passing them on as a shift, and i think that’s what happened here. i’ve been thinking about it for a while and it’s been eating me up whenever i wonder if my post would count as a fake success or not.
anyways, the point i’m trying to make here is that i’m taking a break from this site for a short while. i noticed i’ve been over sharing(? a lot, so i wanna stop and focus on my own journey instead of over consuming information. and i don’t wanna post things that might ruin other’s journeys either. we are all master manifestors, and we don’t need outside sources to shift.
i don’t wanna leave this community. i’ve met so many good people in here, and i even found a mutual shifting to my same dr and- hello??? that’s never happened to me before! i love hearing about other people’s drs, and that’s my favorite part about the tumblr community. i think the constant interaction is something we should value.
we are all unique and that we all learn at a different pace. so let’s not overthink whether or not a success story is real, and instead put that energy into shifting. see you in two-three weeks!
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orchidyoonkook · 3 months
Do you have any tips for new writers/accounts to get popular???
I was a shit writer for a very long time cuz I never wrote. But one day I wanted to change that so at 19 I made up a story and wrote down all my plot points and then did a DEEP DIVE on Pinterest of all things collecting every bit of advice I could. I’m talking ideas, how to do this, how to not use the word said, how to start sentences. How sentences should flow and their lengths, big uncommon words. EVERYTHING.
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Anything and everything I could get my hands on. 
And on top of that I’ve been a reader for forever. I have so many books I don’t even know how many I have. And so I use that knowledge when editing. I don’t read it from a writing POV after I write it. I turn into a reader and think about how I would feel about it from a readers POV and if something doesn’t work. I fix it.
I have a small background in script writing from my college days which definitely helped a bit. But if you’ve ever studied script writing you know it doesn’t really help creative writing outside of structure.
And when I write I’m someone who writes until I think the story is done. Not the arc. Not the characters. But the overall story of what I’m trying to portray. I don’t actively think about putting the climax of the story here or some foreshadowing there. I write intuitively if that makes sense. I try to sense out what feels right. And some of that comes naturally, some of it doesn’t and I have to work on it.
Me and @violetsiren90 were actually talking roughly about this last night. Our differences in how we write and how my advice from her last fic that I edited had already helped her with her new one cuz she can now see all of the little things that I pick up on from my style of writing versus the times where she tells me why she writes in that specific way and why she will be keeping it as is. Vi if you wanna add anything in the comments I’m forgetting, by all means feel free.
Most writers will tell you to practice. To tell you to write something even if it’s just a sentence everyday. But that didn’t help me. The stuff on my blog are the very first things I’ve written for myself ever. I didn’t write in highschool or college outside of what I was forced to write and my one story that the Pinterest board was initially for.
For me it was about researching style and reading posts like these from other writers, being confident in your style and learning what rules to break and when to break them. It was about reading over your work a hundred times and to be impartial when you read so you can fix the mistakes that won’t work.
The benefit of writing is you can go over something you’ve written a hundred times until you think it’s ready. A thousand times. I can go back and rewrite that first story if I want too. Nothing can stop me.
But don’t get me wrong. I go back and read all my works on here from time to time and I still constantly find things I would change now. Word changes. Phrasing changes. Everything. But that’s just another sign of improvement. Writing is a constantly improving art form. There is no limit. Only growth.
And the last thing I do is write down everything. I have a TERRIBLE memory. So I write down every single idea. On a scrap piece of paper. In my phone. On a computer. In a notebook. Cuz you never know when you’ll use it.
My most recent story, The Devil Wears Valentino, I got the idea for that name sometime in the immediate aftermath of Valentino Yoongi. I was in the shower after watching the devil wears Prada and my mind just connected the two. And then it sat unused in my notes all until the week before Halloween 2023. I would’ve forgotten had I not written it down. But there it was right when I needed it, a gift from past me. And here we are.
As for popularity, dude I have no goddamn idea. I don’t even think I count as a popular/big blog. I utilize the HELL out of aesthetics, formatting and tags and I’m nice. That’s my spiel on that. Aesthetic. Format. Tag. Kindness. Talent, sure. I guess. But writing is one of those things, ESPECIALLY in fic, where it doesn’t have to be the best cuz folks just wanna read their comfort character or person in the same scenarios over and over again. Source: I do that. And I’ve read stories that don’t have the best writing. But the story was good, or vice versa. People are way more forgiving on here.
I didn’t come on here(tumblr) with the intention of writing let alone giving writing and popularity advice. I just wanted to read and support people and then the community I’ve built for myself has just grown and grown and I’ve been so incredibly fortunate, which is where kindness comes in.
Leave reviews and like and reblog stuff. Tell people how much you love their work. Let them know you write too. Create friendships with people who wanna support you. And people who you wanna support. Community is the base of everything.
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chaotic-nick · 2 years
TELL ME - Mikasa Ackerman x Reader
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Note: Finally had enough time and sat down to write this onsen sex piece down. Written for @kemakoshume 's Anything but Sex Collab
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wc: 2046
Tags: Nipple Play, scissoring, public sex [reader and Mikasa have sex in the the onsens] [please let me know if I missed anything] unedited, not beta-read
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Hot springs. It was known to every actor that it was the best reward for their performance. Soothing sore muscles and putting minds that memorised lines that ease.
“Thank you, everyone.” Once that was said, Kenny and Kuchel had gone to work booking an inn with hot springs for the poor actors Isayama had tortured in the four months he spent with them.
Four months of living from hotel to hotel where rooms didn’t have bathtubs to let them unwind. Four months of waking up for work and only that.
Four months of them being away from each, controlling themselves to avoid being the centre of attention in both the fans and the scripting writing department.
Slow in her steps, (Y/n) waved at the group who stood at the vending machine, ”Hey,” she greeted with a yawn. 
Sasha, Reiner and Connie whose faces were illuminated by the vending machine’s lights and their only problem was choosing what to eat. Not the pre-planned meals they were served at sets.
Joining them in staring at the inside of the machine, she folded her arms. Her eyes were still half-lidded from her nap. “Are you guys done? With the onsens I mean?” Judging by their poorly tied yukatas, and the strong smell of shampoos they were.
She was only making sure.
Connie nodded, “We’re just getting snacks for outside. Wanna join us after you go?”
Knowing that (Y/n) missed out on most days when they spent their breaks skateboarding on set, Sasha pointed to the inn’s map that was framed beside the vending machines. “We’re all skateboarding here.”
“Yeah, it’s a closed space. Paps won’t see us making fools of ourselves.”
Reiner spoke from where he knelt at the vending machine, “Right now we’re fools here. Just choose something.”
“We can ask them to bring snacks out for us right?”
“Yeah, but . . .” Connie reminded Sasha in a stern tone, “Kenny-san’s already closed this inn for us. Doesn’t mean he’ll serve us everything and shit. We can still move our limbs . . . hopefully. Man, all that flying and guns shit, fucks you up.”
“At least you weren’t shot.” Sasha being bitter over her sudden death spat. “Poor kid’s already tortured in those forums. You wanna join us, (Y/n)?”
“No one wants to play undercover incel in Reddit forums but you,” whispered Reiner to Connie, earning the two of them a nudge from Sasha.
Knowing that most of them would be in the garden to make up for the days lost to work, (Y/n)’s mind began to work its wonders. Feigning fatigue, she leaned her head to the side, ”Thanks, but I think I’ll sit in the onsen for now.”Rolled her shoulders to make her sound convincing enough. ”Stunts and stuff, you know.”
“Ahh,” Reiner agreed with a nod. “So, are you planning to find a double for the next season?” His question brought a sour expression to all their faces.
Next season and yet it hid behind the word that had so many of their fans wailing on every social media platform they could get their hands on. The ‘Final’ season of the show they started filming as eighteen-year-olds with baby faces was coming to an end. Interviews were scheduled left and right while the trailer played in the background.
Connie hit Reiner’s shoulder. “Dude, we just finished part one yesterday. What the fuck?”
“Yeah, Rei-rei.” Agreed Sasha as she pushed random buttons to hide the sound of snacks falling over one after the other. “By the way, Mikasa went in when all of us were done.”
“Ah,” (Y/n) hoped they didn’t catch the obvious change in her tone, which surprised her as well, along with the corner of her mouth being tugged in . . . excitement. “I’ll see if I’m not that tired, yeah? Then I’ll join you out there.”
“Sure, sure.”
“See you at dinner!”
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Mouth hung open and her eyes unblinking, Mikasa’s head was free from any thought. 
Tomorrow wasn’t a day of being an actress with hectic schedules calling for her to sign this or that. Or asking her manager to read an endorsement offer. She’d only be waking up in the comfort of a mini-vacation at the inn Kenny and Kuchel paid to host them and no one else. Hey, eyes glossed over the other onsen, watching its tap drip droplets of water before it spilt over the floor again.
Something as small as that in the silent atmosphere of the onsen put her in a trance that no one could break if they walked in at that very moment.
Even the slide of the door opening didn’t phase her, though her mind began counting. Everyone was done, right? No one else was about to join her in the onsens?
Ymir pulled Historia and Sasha to join her in the garden where they’d try rollerblading instead of skateboarding. Pieck reluctantly left Mikasa alone in the onsen, it was annoying to reassure her that she was comfortable with the silence they’ll leave her in. And Gabi needed to be carried by her manager to her room after falling asleep brought by the comfort of warm water.
So who was it?
Another important guest who paid enough to be beside them or a stalker finally taking a chance on her. 
”Hey, Mika,” Her soft greeting echoed along the walls followed by the stool she placed on the shower grounds. 
It was only her. 
Relaxing into the water and leaning further into the wall where her chin rested above the water, Mikasa even dared to close her eyes. Listening closely to (Y/n) humming the tune she’d heard from the post-production team as she rinsed her body.
Then careful footsteps above the wet floor— courtesy of Ymir and Sasha breaking onsen etiquette and initiating a water fight— to join her in the rotenburo. “Did you try the other tubs?”
“No,” Mikasa’s tone was raspy from being quiet since she got to the inn. “Sasha and Ymir,” she didn’t need to say anything more. Their names together in a sentence alone was enough of an explanation.
Submerging her legs and folding the towel, (Y/n)’s eyes wandered around the empty onsen. It was really only the two of them. “Do you wanna try them tomorrow together? In the morning?”
“I’d sleep here if I could.”
“Where did you put your towel?” She asked, looking for a bench.
Cracking an eye open, Mikasa teased (Y/n) with a small smile. “I was the last one to come in, didn’t need to cover up.”
“Ah-hah,” swallowing the sudden lump to keep it down, (Y/n) waded through the water to place the towel on the faux boulders surrounding the tub. She knew that the heat n her cheeks wasn’t from the water’s temperature.
It was Mikasa’s way with words. “Come.” How she said something that heavily implied something with a soft glare on her face.
“I’m sorry, what?” Made (Y/n)’s mind shrink in size and only think of one thing. Kneeling in the water, its warmth relaxed her stiff body, her skin slowly adjusting to it. “Com. . .”
“This is an onsen, you need to keep your hair up, come.” Mikasa patted the boulder beside her where (Y/n) could rest her head. “Wanna sit with me?”
“You don’t need to tell me twice, Mika.” Knowing what she wanted, (Y/n) stood up. Displaying all of her body that now glistened because of the water and began walking towards Mikasa. She knew what she wanted, and that’s exactly what she’ll get.
Making the spot across her place, (Y/n) pushed her chest out, enjoying the lustful gaze that slowly began to creep into her lover’s face. With her hand open. “Give me.”
Though instead of the expected hair tie, Mikasa sighed. No one else would come in, they were sure of it. Allowing herself to rest her face in (Y/n)’s an open hand, she gave her a look that said enough as she rose to her knees. “What took you so long?”
“Sorry,” feeling Mikasa’s wet skin against her, (Y/n)’s slit ached with need. Whispering, 
“I wanna do it here.” before closing the gap between them.
Nowhere were their lips connecting an innocent kiss. It was desperation. The longing for each other in the past months came crashing down in a heated need to get the best of each other’s taste.
“Cute,” giggled (Y/n) at the disappointment on Mikasa’s face. “C’mon, tell me. Where do we go from here?”
“I—” the thought of even saying it to the open air of the onsen brought so much embarrassment to Mikasa’s face. Her pink cheeks being cradled by (Y/n) as the girl waited for her answer made her knees weak. “Wait.”
Settling back to the place she sat in the onsens, only this time watching (Y/n)’s face as she said in a slow but sure tone, “How did you play with yourself in those months?”
Joining her in the water, (Y/n) rested her head on Mikasa’s shoulder blade. A fingertip ghosting over her nipple, “I was imagining us.” Pressing down her thumb, a gasp escaped. “We were each other’s whores, and,” snaking down, her hand stopped at her stomach to end the telling of such a dirty fantasy with a giggle, “One of us was definitely squirting.”
Mikasa’s hand that rested on the small of (Y/n)’s back crept up to stroke the inside of her thigh. “Why not both of us?” She angled her head to look at her. “Show me.”
An open-mouthed kiss stole the confidence she’d built up from (Y/n)’s words. Built-up desperation took control of both their minds and bodies, as she moved her legs open. Her arousal met with warm water that made heat spread inside her body. “Oh wow,” agreed (Y/n), selfishly rubbing her clit, amused by how much more her body demanded.
“Oh fuck, fuck—” noticing Mikasa’s waiting gaze, the two fingers pleasuring her under the water was brought to her lips, “Taste me.” Was what she demanded, prying her lips open.
Keeping her distracted with her fingers, (Y/n) put a hand on Mikasa’s knee to angle herself. 
“Mika, can I—” A piercing cry of her name when it was her who thrust her hips at (Y/n). Swollen clits kissing each other in a frenzy of touching each other. 
Her untied hair dipped in the water as Mikasa towered over her, keeping a hand on the floor as she sloppily moved her clit against her. Narrowed eyes glared down at (Y/n) who was a shell of her confident self, all teary-eyed and a yipping bitch who only knew ‘Please Mika-chan,’.
Below her, (Y/n) played with a hardened nipple as her nearing orgasm began to make itself known. “I’m close, what the fuck?!” She whined, arching her back. “Mika-chan, did you miss me that much?”
“Ye-yeah,” she was close, too. Red-faced and her voice hoarse, Mikasa’s hips stopped. “Do something for me,” she said, fingers tangling in (Y/n)’s hair. Coming close, her clit met hers again.
So did her hardened bud in (Y/n)’s waiting mouth. “That— keep doing that,” she sighed. Closing her eyes as her hips rolled against (Y/n)’s.  
Selfish licks and teeth tugging at it, (Y/n) thumb and index finger rolled the other one. Splashes of water in the onsen echoed, and Mikasa knew that they needed to be careful to walk around.
A loud pop when (Y/n) pulled away, “Ah shit, Mika!” Her squirming body stilled. Their eyes turned wide, a tear from pleasure sliding down to the side of her face. “Did you cum, too?”
If she could walk after that. A kiss to the side of her head. “I was about to.”
”Oh,” a pout formed. “You wanna do that again?”
“Don’t worry,” It was Mikasa who stood up this time, wading to where she could lay her back. Hair falling to her shoulders after removing the clamp that held it together, she sat down, feet resting on the ledge.
Fingers spread her sex wide, and a smile to invite (Y/n) closer to her. “We can do something else.”
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cottagecorezemo · 11 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @zsparz :3
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 13 (one's art, so really, 12)
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 111,676
3. What fandoms do you write for? The MCU and The Alienist, mainly, but right now I'm also doing a Pokemon AU.
4. Top five fics by kudos: Shoot Through the Blur and Under the Ashes (I'm On Fire), then Hot Under the Collar, Russian Dwarf Hamster Roulette, and finally (Been An Awful Good Boy) Santa Zemo.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do :3 I really appreciate comments and the fact that it takes time and effort to leave them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't really think I do angst??
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't really think I do happy endings?? Like, I guess I tend not to write stuff that feels like it even has a definitive ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not in this fandom.
9. Do you write smut? Yes! Love to write smut.
10. Craziest crossover: I hold that my winterbaron/Lilo & Stitch crossover is very sensical.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, although not in this fandom. I had a fic get yoinked and turned into a Tony Stark x Reader fic, and have been plagiarized numerous other times. Just not under this pen name.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, waaay back in the day, like eight pen names ago.
14. All time favorite ship? Look, I wanna be cool and say Winterbaron or Laszky, buuuut it's Wincest. There's just something really enduring and special about Wincest and it's hard to beat.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The third installment of Shoot Through the Blur is really hard and I'm in a weird place with writing right now (in that I can barely do it). But, never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths? I don't know my strengths, only my likes and dislikes about the writing process, and characterization is what brings me the most joy personally. Nailing a character's voice and mannerisms and making something unbelievable feel believable via the characterization. It's something I generally pay a lot of attention to.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. I'm not really a plot person; it's never the primary thing that grabs my attention, even as a reader/viewer. I'm very much a character person.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I like it, but I have strong opinions about it too, sweatdrop.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Power Rangers, when I was a little kid. I wrote my own episode in script format.
20. Favorite fic you've written? In the WB fandom, it must surely be Russian Dwarf Hamster Roulette. It was very much a fun write. (I generally judge a fic by the writing process rather than the end product. I kinda hate my own writing. I just love to do it.) I loved writing Zemo POV. Plus for some reason people were really nice about it!!
As usual I'm where memes go to die, and I think everyone's already been tagged for this!! I'm way behind :"]
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frodo-with-glasses · 11 months
More Reading Thoughts: The Epilogue, Version Two
Like all good writers, Tolkien couldn’t quite make up his mind how he wanted to write this part. Once again tagging @lady-merian and thanking her for her patience X-D
Jirt’s Text
“…with many pauses for thought he was writing in his slow round hand…” I chose to believe this refers not only to the printed script but to the actual hand that’s writing it X-P
*Smash Bros title screen* Primrose joins the battle!
It’s Elanor’s birthday :-D
Elanor has red-gold hair confirmed
Sam: Only you have heard the whole Book more than once. Elanor, being Very Precise: Three times.
Hello yes Elanor is adorbs and I love her
Mirkwood is called Greenwood now!
Sam, sighing: “These questions and answers aren’t fit to go in a book like that. :-(” Meanwhile, Sam, literally in a book:
“Mr. Meriadoc might help me. He’s clever at writing, and he’s making a splendid book all about plants.” Confirmed: Merry is an herb nerd and I would die for him
Sam still says Elanor is just as pretty if not prettier than her flower, and she’s still like “okay Dad” LOL
“Though it’s over, as we say, things don’t really end sharp like that.” Way to elbow the readers for criticizing your 13,594 endings, Tolkien
“I think it was very sad for him. And for you, Sam-dad. For your treasure went too.” HI HELLO YES OKAY IT IS FRODO TIME
YOUR TREASURE holy honey-nut feelios i die
“It was sad, Elanorellë. It was, but isn’t now.” (Tolkien I see you but I’m still gonna write angst and you can’t stop me ‘cause you’re dead)
Sam takes comfort in the fact that Frodo got his reward, and he himself got abundant reward as well. “I am a very rich hobbit.” And one more thing:
“Before he went Mr. Frodo said that my time maybe would come. I can wait. I think maybe we haven’t said farewell for good. But I can wait.”
WAIT. ELANOR WANTS TO GO WITH HIM. “I shall not part with you, like Arwen did with Elrond.”
Okay okay okay if you don’t have this book, you’re not gonna believe me, but I swear this is a 100% verbatim quote:
Elanor: Good night, Sam-dad. But… Sam: I don’t want good night but.
I freakin’ love Lord of the Rings 🤣
Elanor “spied” and saw Sam receive the scroll from the King! Just like the Conspirators spied on Frodo and the Ring! And Sam goes “well that’s karma if I’ve ever seen it” LOL
Okay so he went with the Fullwise name here
Elanor: When should we get ready? What will we wear? HOW MANY CURTSIES SHOULD I DO??
Sam: You wanna see elves, kid? You’re gonna see elves. Elanor: 🤩
Sam thinks the fire burns lower when Elanor leaves ;u;
This is the second time Tolkien makes fun of the hobbits praising the predictable clear weather at the end of March as “something unusual for the season”, which tells me he was very fond of that joke
Yay! He went with the singing version! X-D
And still ends with the sounds of the Sea. ✨Foreshadowing✨
Christopher’s Notes
Okay Tolkien’s “resumé” of the end of the book here gives some fascinating insights
“But Frodo cannot be healed. For the preservation of the Shire he has sacrificed himself, even in health, and has no heart to enjoy it. Sam has to choose between love of master and of wife. In the end he goes with Frodo on a last journey.”
He sacrificed himself…but has no heart to enjoy it… :-C TT~TT
“To Bilbo and Frodo the special Grace is granted to go with the elves they loved – an Arthurian ending, in which it is, of course, not made explicit whether this is an ‘allegory’ of death, or a mode of healing and restoration leading to a return.”
No wonder the ending is so haunting. Is it death? Is it healing? It’s both, and it’s neither, and it’s incredibly mythical and storybook-ish. Holy cow.
Also thought this was funny:
“Hobbit-children were delightful, but I am afraid that the only glimpses of them in this book are found at the beginning of vol. I. An epilogue giving a further glimpse (though of a rather exceptional family) has been so universally condemned that I shall not insert it. One must stop somewhere.” Tolkien really be like #I’mNotBitter lol
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stobinesque · 10 months
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @eriquin and @spicysix thank you!!
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
wigwag [Steve's Big Gay Sex Adventure]
phryctoria ch. 4 revisions [depending on the revision I'll either post lines from something else or from a revised segment]
Wayfinder [S4 Fix-it, Lucas POV]
THE (no pressure) TAGS
@devondespresso @starryeyedjanai @xenon-demon @steves-strapcollection @scarcrossdlvrs @inairbinad @hellsfireclub @delta-piscium @steddielations @thefreakandthehair @skjachukson @steventhusiast -- and anyone else who wants to participate!
from wigwag...nsft below the cut 😏
Steve lets himself be pulled into the man’s orbit without a fight. He’s moving to the music as easily as breathing, like the script for this is buried somewhere in the marrow of his bones. The man braces a hand against Steve’s hip and they rock together. Steve has to look up to meet his gaze in a way he’s never had to before, and the novelty of it makes his heart skip a beat. He’s never really stopped to think about whether or not he cared about being taller than his partners, but there’s something about feeling smaller than one that gets his heart beating a little more rapidly.
When Steve plays the night back in his head later he won’t be able to remember who leans in first, but between one beat and the next the space between them evaporates and Steve finds himself being kissed by a man for the second time in his life. It’s just as thrilling as it was the first time—if a little less awkward; a little more at ease. His lips are tingling and his head is buzzing and a sudden want rushes through him that makes him want to either devour or be devoured.
The man pulls back at the same time Steve does with a shocked gasp. “Wanna take this somewhere a little more private?”
Steve hesitates. “I would, but…I’m here with a friend.” Robin would never forgive him if he ditched her to hook up with a stranger.
The man smirks down at Steve. “I said ‘more’ private.”
Steve just stares for a moment, uncomprehending, until the man wraps his fingers around his wrist and tugs him off the dance floor. Steve follows in his wake, dumbfounded. The man leads him towards the back of the club, into a small, dark alcove tucked off to the side, next to the restrooms.
“How’s this for private?” He asks, crowding Steve up against the wall with his forearms bracketing either side of Steve’s head.
Steve swallows. “Pretty good, I’d say.”
“Good.” The man reaches down to hitch Steve’s hips up and forward, and Steve follows willingly, leaning his shoulders further against the wall and arching his back so that it forms a graceful, curving line. He peers up at the man through his lashes and lets out a small, breathy sigh.
“See something you like?”
The man drops his free hand down to slip his fingers beneath the hem of Steve’s shirt, and slides his open palm up the expanse of his chest. He pinches a nipple between two fingers and twists with a leering smile as he answers: “A pretty boy waiting to get wrecked.”
The words and the bright shock of pain send a shiver down Steve’s spine, and his hips twitch forward helplessly. The man skims the hand gripping Steve’s hip up his side, ghosting over his throat before tangling his fingers in the hair at the nape of Steve’s neck. He tugs, and it makes Steve’s lips drop open around a strangled moan. “Fuck.”
The man leans in, scant millimeters away from Steve’s face, so that his warm breath fans across Steve’s cheek. There’s a wicked glint in his eyes as he says, “Not tonight, darling.”
Before Steve can gather together a single thought for a response, the man is diving back in for a messy, open-mouthed kiss; the hand buried under Steve’s shirt snaking down to palm at the slight bulge forming at the front of his pants.
“Oh,” Steve puffs out on a small, surprised gust of air. He rocks forward into the man’s wide palm and heavy grip. Blood rushes south, and it leaves him feeling dizzy and his ears ringing even more than they were before. He pulls back from the kiss, head tilting back as he pants and tries to take in a steadying breath. “Fuck, I’m—“
“This the first time you’ve had another man’s hand on your cock, princess?” The man whispers into Steve’s ear.
Steve lets out a low, keening sound, and if his head wasn’t already pressed against the wall behind him he’d be knocking it back as the words spark through him. “It is, isn’t it?” His lips brush against the shell of Steve’s ear with each word, and Steve feels like he could crawl out of his skin. “I could tell just by looking at you, looking so pretty and green.”
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jessybarnes · 9 months
Something New
Ship - Cockles - Single!Jensen x Single!Misha
Rating - 18+ Only! Minors DNI!!
Tags - Sexuality struggles, First-time m/m sex, anal fingering, anal sex, rimming, oral (male receiving), mentions of coming out, mentions of not being accepted, anxiety, angst, fluff, smut, comfort, drinking, cursing, NSFW title banner, seriously if you're a minor go away!
Word Count - 3800 ish
Beta - Just Grammarly and Me
Fic Aesthetic - Yours truly
A/N - This is a repost from my old Tumblr account. I am in the process of transferring all of my fics over to this blog. I hope you enjoy. :)
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Misha flirted a lot. Everyone knew this and accepted it as a part of his outgoing nature. Jensen, on the other hand, still hadn't grown accustomed to the lingering touches and longing stares from his best friend. It wasn't that it made him uncomfortable, no it was very much the opposite. 
He tried to ignore the way his heart sped up every time Misha's fingers grazed his skin or the way he held him when they would hug, but it was impossible. Jensen didn't want to admit it. He was supposed to be straight, find a nice woman, and give his Mother and Father the grandkids they wanted. Instead, he was having an internal battle with his mind on whether or not his male co-star was hot. 
Jensen sighed and rubbed at his temples lightly. Currently, he was reading over the newest script for one of the upcoming episodes. People probably thought that playing Dean should have come to him naturally by now since he played him on TV for the better part of thirteen years. Sometimes it was more complicated than just 'getting into character' though. 
Certain scenes, much like the one he was reading now, involved Cas and Dean staring into each other's eyes for a longer than normal period of time. That part didn't bother him as much. It was the stage direction that was written in the script. Of course, he didn't write the script or the stage directions so he didn't really have much of a say in how their characters did things. 
Jensen stared down at the off-white paper. His eyes re-reading the same bold print that menacingly stared back up at him. 
INT. THE BUNKER, DAY There's tension between Dean and Cas from a previous argument.  They eye fuck for approx. 30-45 seconds until Sam clears his throat to get their attention.
He swallowed thickly wishing the direction would change, probably for the umpteenth time now. 
Couldn't they have picked a better way to word this?
A sudden knock at his trailer door made him jump. He tossed the script onto his coffee table before walking across the room to unlock it. The familiar silhouette of Jared should have put his mind at ease, but he knew his best friend of so many years would notice something was bothering him. Deciding there was no point in avoiding the inevitable, he flung open the door to let him in. 
"Hey, Jare"
Jared walked up the two stairs into Jensen's trailer and plopped down on his sectional. 
"You're awfully quiet today, Jay. What's going on?"
Jensen sighed, running a hand across his face. Good thing he hadn't been to hair and makeup yet. He didn't wanna piss anyone off this early in the day. Grabbing two beers, he tossed one to Jared and sat down. 
"I don't really wanna talk about it. Not like there's anything anyone can do about it anyway."
He took a long pull of his beer while Jared studied him. He watched Jensen's eyes glance at the stapled packet of papers quickly before focusing on the view from the window. 
"It's something from today's shoot isn't it, Jay?"
Jared picked up the papers and leaned back against the couch. Jensen didn't try and stop him, but he didn't elaborate either. He just sat and watched as the taller Texan read over the page he'd been mulling over a few minutes ago. 
"I don't see anything wrong wi-"
Jared stopped mid-sentence and turned to look at Jensen. He scooted slightly closer and pointed to the middle of the page. 
"It's the 'eye fucking' part isn't it?"
Jensen looked away, picking at a loose string in the hem of his jeans. The beer bottle rested loosely against his lips as he took another swig.
"Jensen, you should really tell him, you know."
It was a miracle the beer didn't come out his nose. It took him a minute to stop choking and gain his breath back. A blush crept up the side of his neck as he looked down at his lap. 
"I don't know what you're talking about, Jared."
Once again the script was tossed carelessly on the coffee table. Jared scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
"Oh c'mon, Jay! You can't possibly think I believe you. I know how you feel about Mish, and I think you do, too. It's okay to admit that you got a thing for him, and frankly, I think you should talk to him about it. I mean look at it this way, how many times have we told fans that it's okay to be yourself. Love is love, and honestly, I think Misha feels the same way."
Jensen let out a defeated sigh. He should have known better. He and Jared can read each other like a book, and sometimes that wasn't necessarily a good thing. 
"I can't tell him, Jared. I'm not supposed to feel things like this for another man. My parents didn't bring me up this way. I'm just going to grin and bear it until we get through shooting this. I'm an actor. I can just push my feelings aside until this is all over with." 
Jared set his bottle down and repositioned himself so he was facing him. Jensen looked miserable. He was clearly stressing way too much over this. He was pale and dark circles lingered under his eyes from lack of sleep.
"Jay, that's bullshit and you know it! You can't control the way you feel for someone. It doesn't matter how your parents wanted you to turn out. What does matter is who you want to be. If the real you is attracted to both men and women, then so be it. If your Mom and Dad can't accept you for who you are, then they aren't taking your best interest to heart."
Jensen rested his head in his hands and shook his head. 
"Even if they miraculously accept the fact that I have a crush on Mish, how the hell am I going to tell him? I have no idea how I'll get the words out, let alone bring it up."
Jared stood up and walked toward the liquor cabinet. He pulled a bottle of Crown Royal from the top shelf and blew the dust off. 
“Sounds like you could use some stronger liquid courage.”
Now it was Jensen’s turn to scoff. He watched as Jared grabbed two glasses from one of the cabinets and put a couple cubes of ice in them. 
“I can’t shoot these scenes drunk off my ass Jared. Bob will have my head.”
If Jared heard him, he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he focused on pouring them each a glass. Handing one to Jensen, he sat back down and sipped at it slowly. After a minute of looking between his glass and his best friend, he sighed and licked his lips. 
“Ah, what the hell, why not? Gotta get through today’s shooting somehow.”
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Forty-five minutes later everyone was on the Bunker set setting up for the next scene. The crew was getting the lighting perfected while the director, who just happened to be none other than Richard Speight Jr., conversed with Misha across the room. Jensen shifted his weight nervously and tried to look anywhere else. His eyes kept finding their way back to him though. 
Even though their characters wore layers upon layers of clothing, Jensen could still tell Misha had been working out. His thighs were well defined in the black slacks, how the tan fabric of Castiel’s trench coat hugged his biceps made his mouth water and the way his hair was tousled sent image after naughty image through his mind. 
Jensen bit his lip and looked away. There was no way he was surviving this scene. Misha had him hook, line, and sinker, and the way things were looking he was going to end up walking off the set before they had a usable take. Before he was able to dwell on it any longer, fingers snapped in his face bringing him back to reality. 
“Hellooo! Jensen? You okay man? We’re ready to start, but if you need a minute we-”
Jensen pushed past Rich and stood on his mark that was taped to the floor. 
“I’m good. Let’s get this over with.”
Misha studied him, his piercing cerulean eyes making him shiver. Jared walked around the table and sat in front of the open laptop. Things were eerily quiet between the three of them. Normally, they would be joking around until the moment action was called. 
Rich took a seat in the director's chair and looked through the camera one more time making sure the angle of the shot was right before turning his attention back to them. 
“Roll sound!”
One of the crew members came in with a slate board and held it in front of the camera. 
“Supernatural scene thirty-two, take one! Marker!”
Rich took a deep breath and crossed one leg over the other. He knew this was an intense scene so he was mentally preparing himself to do more than one take. 
Misha walked around the table holding a tattered old book. Jensen eyed him furiously as he snatched it out of his hand. 
“Dammit Cas! I know we needed this book, but I told you not to do anything stupid!”
Misha tilted his head sideways, narrowing his eyes. The hand that was holding the book now rested rigidly at his side, his fingers curled into a fist. 
“Dean, this was probably our only chance for us to get this book! I took a chance and brought it back unharmed. I did it for you! You want to save your brother don’t you?”
Jensen slammed the book on the table a little too hard causing Jared to jump. It wasn’t in the script, but no one said anything so he continued with his line. 
“You could have waited for Sammy and me! We could have gone and got it together. Cas, you could have gotten yourself killed man! When are you gonna learn that you’re our family Cas? Family sticks together. Sammy needs you ... I need you. 
Misha stepped slightly closer to Jensen and lifted those ocean eyes up to his green ones. Jensen was shaking. Whether it was with rage or nervousness he didn’t know, but he had to finish this scene. He couldn’t do this more than once. His eyes flitted down to Misha’s mouth just as his tongue came out to wet his lips, and dammit if he didn’t feel his cock twitch. He couldn’t do this. He needed to get out of there. Just as he was about to storm off to the confines of his trailer, Jared cleared his throat. 
“Guys … get this! So, the writings in this book are apparently a dead language! There’s some sort of codex that requires piecing together, but I think I can crack it if I can just get past this encrypted file.”
Rich stood up and rubbed his hands together. 
“That was great guys! Very well done with the dynamics. Oh! Nice touch with making Jared jump Jay. His face was priceless! I’m recommending that one for the gag reel.”
Jensen wasn’t listening. He was still staring at Misha, who was now taking off Cas’ tan coat. He watched as his back muscles flexed under his white button-up, and immediately felt his mouth go dry. He couldn’t stand in the same space as his co-star any longer. It was too much. Everyone watched as he took off towards his trailer. Anything was better than feeling this way in his opinion.
“Jensen? You sure you’re feeling okay? You look a little flushed. Hey! Jens- Where are you going? We gotta do another take. Jensen?!”
Once he was back behind his trailer door he immediately stripped off all his clothes and tossed them in a pile. Nothing sounded more appealing than a cold shower. He relished the feeling of the cool spray as it cascaded down his body. Jensen propped his arm against the shower wall and rested his head against it. He needed to figure out how to suppress his feelings because he didn’t think he could go through this every day. 
Ten minutes later he cut the water off and shoved the shower curtain back. Jensen shivered as water droplets clung to his skin. He wrapped one of his burgundy towels around his waist and padded back into his kitchen to grab another beer. 
“Hey Jens.”
He didn’t expect to hear another voice coming from his living room area, and he definitely didn’t expect it to be Misha’s. He nearly jumped out of his skin as he whirled around. 
“Jesus, Mish! What the hell?!”
Misha stood and walked across the room not stopping until he was mere inches from him. Jensen swallowed thickly looking down at the neck of the beer bottle to try and distract himself. 
“Why are you avoiding me, Jay? Jared says you’re not, but I can tell you are. You’ve barely said two words to me today other than when we filmed that scene. Even then, I could tell something was wrong. You rarely break character.”
Jensen shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Mish I … It’s not that simple. Y-You didn’t do anything wrong … I just … I can’t do this.”
Misha grabbed his arm before he could get away and pressed him against the wall. The way Jensen’s breath hitched didn’t go unnoticed by him, and that only confirmed his suspicions. 
“Can’t do what Jay?”
Jensen inhaled sharply, the smell of Misha’s cologne nearly making him moan.
“Wha - What are you doing?!”
Misha rested a hand on Jensen’s chest. The water droplets still lingered and he could feel the rapid beat of his heart against his palm. 
“Shh. Just relax Jay. Just let go.”
Jensen closed his eyes, shuddering under the warmth of his fingertips. 
“I - I don’t know what you’re ta-”
Before he could finish his sentence Misha’s lips were on his. For a split second, all Jensen could do was stand there. Eventually, he threw caution to the wind and began to kiss him back. His lips were pillow-soft and he tasted of spearmint. It was intoxicating, and it only made Jensen more dizzy with want. 
Misha tilted his head and licked at Jensen’s bottom lip requesting permission. He granted him access without hesitation groaning as he licked into his mouth. Misha’s knee pressed between his thigh forcing the towel around his waist to come loose. The friction against his dick along with Misha’s perfect lips kissing and licking along his pulse point became his undoing. Jensen wasted no more time contemplating whether he was making a big mistake or not. The hottest man he’d ever laid eyes on was bringing him pleasure he’d never felt before, and he intended on returning it tenfold. 
“Unngh M-Mish… fuck…”
A low growl came from Jensen’s throat as he maneuvered them toward the hallway. His towel lay forgotten on the floor, his hands finding refuge in Misha’s short dark locks. He tore at the slightly shorter man’s shirt trying desperately to remove it. Buttons littered the small space scattering in different directions when it wouldn’t come off fast enough. Misha chuckled and brought Jensen’s head down for another bruising kiss. 
“Wardrobe is gonna be pissed you know. That was one of Castiel’s only clean white shirts.”
Jensen worked at his belt and wasted no time in shoving Misha’s slacks down his legs. His mouth watered at the sight of his tented boxers, a noticeable wet spot becoming more prominent from his arousal. 
“Don’t care. Wardrobe can take it outta my pay. Need you too bad.”
Misha knew how reserved Jensen was, and the fact that he was unable to speak in full sentences and was on the verge of losing control was by far the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Slowly Misha sank to his knees and looked up at Jensen through his long lashes. He wetted his lips placing open-mouthed kisses on his thighs. Jensen whimpered shamelessly when Misha licked a long stripe up the underside of his cock. Before he could process what was happening, Misha took him deep into his mouth and didn’t stop until he hit the back of his throat. 
“F-Fuck! Christ, Misha... “ 
Misha couldn’t get enough of how Jensen tasted. It reminded him of sandalwood and old spice. He stripped off his boxers and began palming his cock, moaning at the way Jensen was coming undone by his mouth alone. 
“Fuck Jay, you taste so good. Wanna feel you cum baby. Wanna taste every last drop of that sweet nectar.”
Jensen was so close he could taste it. The heat coiled in his lower belly, and his hands instinctively came out to grasp the back of Misha’s head. His rhythmic thrusts soon became more erratic as the first waves of his orgasm washed over him. 
“Oh fuck! Mish I’m gonna… fuck I-I’m gon- ah!!!”
Jensen watched as Misha swallowed around him making sure not to miss a single drop. He stood, pressing his lean body against his, leaving a trail of kisses along his jaw. 
“Such a good boy Jay. You taste so good too.”
Jensen’s breathing was ragged as he came down from his high. His eyes were closed and his cock was still rock hard. He was a goddamn goner. Never in his life had he come that hard, not until Misha anyway. 
Mere minutes later, Jensen was sprawled out on his bed. Misha was rooting around in his drawers for something, and soon he realized what it was. His eyes went wide at the small bottle of lube and the predatory look in his co-star’s eyes. 
“Mish, I… I’ve never…”
Misha silenced him with a sweet kiss on his lips. 
“I know baby, don’t worry okay? I’m gonna make sure you’re nice and prepared for me. Gonna make you feel so good, Jay. Can’t wait to hear those pretty moans you'll make just for me.”
The sound of the bottle cap opening filled the room and soon Misha was coating his fingers with the shiny liquid. He leaned his body over Jensen’s, resting his weight on one arm. The other slid between his bow legs finding his entrance with ease. Jensen sucked in a breath as Misha pressed one digit against his opening. 
“Shh, baby you gotta relax for me. Just breathe, Jay. Let me in and I’ll show you how good it feels.”
Jensen opened his eyes and was met with Misha’s lust-blown ones. He let out a shaky breath, and let his mouth fall open as Misha eased in his finger. He eased it in and out slowly creating a steady rhythm. It wasn’t painful, but it was definitely foreign. Soon Misha slid in another finger and curled them upwards searching out his prostate. He knew he’d found it when Jensen’s back arched off the bed and the prettiest moan he’d ever heard fell from his lips. 
“Mmmm, Jay… I wanna taste you. Get on all fours baby. Gonna show you how good it feels to be worshiped.”
Jensen flipped over on his belly and gripped his pillow. Misha hooked his fingertips into the place where his thighs met his hips and pulled him so his ass was presented to him nicely. 
“So beautiful... “
Misha placed a hand on each side of his ass and spread him open. Jensen dipped his head low and groaned when he felt the wetness of Misha’s tongue against his hole lapping at him repeatedly. He could feel the familiar heat in his core and began fisting his cock furiously. 
“Oh God… Mish! Please… p-please need to feel you…”
Misha pulled away, his chin glistening with saliva. He turned Jensen over so he was laying on his back again. He pushed two fingers back inside him and began to scissor him open gently. His mouth leaving love bites along Jensen’s inner thighs. 
“Gotta get you ready for me baby. Don’t wanna hurt you any more than necessary.”
Soon Misha was three fingers deep and Jensen was wantonly meeting every thrust. He could almost cum like this. Watching his best friend coming undone by his hands alone. It was almost too much. 
“Please f-fuck me… please! Need you. Fuck Misha please!”
Misha removed his fingers and slicked his cock up with lube. He once again leaned over Jensen and captured their lips in a heated kiss. He knew this would hurt, so he did his best to distract him from the pain. Pressing firmly against his tight hole, he sheathed himself inside him. Both of them moaned obscenely at the sensation, and Misha tried not to cum at the way Jensen’s muscles squeezed him deliciously. After a few seconds, he felt the Texan’s nails scrape bluntly against his chest. 
“Fuck me Mish… Wanna feel everything you’ve got.”
Misha growled and pulled out almost completely, before slamming back into him. Jensen threw his head back and gripped the sheets, not caring that his sinful moans filled his trailer. They built up a steady pace, and both were well aware that people walking by could tell what was going on. Soon Misha’s brutal thrusts became more sporadic. His forehead rested against Jensen’s as his cock pounded him, brushing against his prostate over and over again. 
“Fuck Mish, You’re gonna make me cum again… c’mon baby, fill me up. Wanna feel you cum inside me. Fuck baby, just like that...Oh, God!”
Misha swallowed his moans with a heated kiss. Jensen could feel his second orgasm of the day approaching as Misha continued to fuck into him. He began to stroke his cock feverishly, his ass tight around Misha’s dick as the first spurts of white coated his belly. 
Misha wasn’t far behind, filling him up, as he felt Jensen’s cum coat their chests. They stayed like that, breath heavy, and beads of sweat covering their bodies. Slowly Misha pulled out and grabbed the nearest article of clothing to clean them up. 
He climbed back on the bed and laid next to Jensen nuzzling into his neck. He felt the warmth of his arms snake around his torso and held him close. 
“Fuck, that was amazing..” Jensen purred. 
Misha peppered kisses along his pulse point and raked his nails lightly down his back. 
“You did so well for your first time, Jay. I’m so proud of you. Took me so well.” Misha said tiredly.
Jensen felt his breathing even out, and soon light snores fell from his lips. It was hard to believe how fast he was falling for this man, but he couldn’t wait to see where they’d take their newfound relationship. Whatever happened, he knew he would be along for the ride
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desired-reality · 7 months
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Name: Fluxuates depending on what prounouns I'm currently using. Alexandra on more feminine days, Alexander on more masculine days, and Alex on more neutral days.
Nicknames: Anything works but I love space, nature, or special intrest themed nicknames. If your going to use gendered nicknames please ask my prounouns first.
Age: I don't fell safe saying my age on here beacuse some people are really freaky, but I will say that I am above 18.
Special Intrests: Anything to do with the positive side of LGBTQIA+, Nature, witchy things, Psychology, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, what real life monsters would look like, My Hero Academia, FNAF (Exspecily security breah), shifting.
What types of posts will I Write, reblog, or like: Most likely something to do with shifting. It could be a fanfic that gave me a idea for my script, shifting motivation, random pictures, ect.
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Gender: Genderfluid
Prounouns: Switches between She/Her, She/ They, They/Them, He/They, He/Him, She/They/ He, She/Her, It/it's, and mirror prounouns.
Sexuality: omnisexual, Panromantic, Demirose, Polyamorous
Dating Status: Current not dating anyone
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Asks: Everone is welcome to send asks as long as you don't go against my DNI or my boundaries. So feel free to send me anything ranging from a picture of your cat to a deep poem of your choice.
DM: Ummmm, this one is a bit tricky. It all really depends on the circumstances. Like your lonely and think I'd make a good freind? Absaloutly you can message me. You want to tell me something but are really scared to put it in a ask? Of course you can, as long as It doesn't go against my bounderies. But If your gonna flirt just no, absaloutly not.
Touching: Only If we are really close. I am autistic and even the though of someone I'm not close with touching me makes my entire body cringe
Flirting: Absaloutly not. I am Demi-aroace (meaning I need a strong emotional connection to be romantically or sexually attracted to anyone) so I don't feel very comfortable with flirting. Soooo yeah, Absaloutly no flirting.
DNI: Basic DNI criteria (Homophobic, Racist, cringe culture, ect). I don't have a super detailed DNI but I do block freely. Oh and any Anti-shifters that interact will be instantly blocked.
Note: If your a minor do NOT scroll through my likes, as I will have some NSFW things in there. If any of my posts have NSFW things I'll tag them #Alex's NSFW, so if your a minor or just don't wanna see it you can block those tags.
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I was wondering if you could send out a clarion call for me? I don't have a big enough audience, but I would really like to speak hope into the ears of others.
Tolkien-lovers, we've been brutalised and gaslit, but there is light and high beauty forever beyond the darkness' reach. I wanna hear *your* takes, see your art, study your meta, listen to your music; tell me about your OC's and let's write stories about them! Historical costumers and script-writers, let's connect you one with the other and support endeavours to venture into Middle Earth with appropriate respect and reverence!
The best way to push back against this darkness is with light, and we generate light by catching the fire of Tolkien's subcreation and kindling flames in the hearths of souls of others. We need a tag, a movement. Reach out to me, reach out to one another. This is an invitation, an opportunity. For Tolkien!
Hi, thanks for the ask! I agree, I want to see interpretations of Tolkien's world by people who actually care about it. Who actually know and respect the world he created. We do not need Tolkien’s stories filtered through the lens of an evil corporation in order to enjoy them. In my view, what Amazon has done to Tolkien's works is not subcreation; instead, it is like Sauron inscribing tengwar on the One Ring, taking something beautiful that someone else made and corrupting it for his own ends.
But, I do want to add, if we're going to start a movement for subcreation within Tolkien's world that is free from Amazon's influence, I think we as a fandom should make explicitly clear that it is not diversity we're opposed to—it's Amazon's disrespect for the source material and unethical treatment of workers, the environment, etc.
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