#im talking bruises and bloody hard
johnnysangelz · 1 month
you Guys ever think about freshly teenage sam, just turned 14. a baby, really.,, full of rage and anger towards his dad for being a shit father,,….. and being described as moody and grumpy. :((((( meanwhile hes the sweetest boy towards his Dean… all smiles n giggles, pillow fights and surprise tackling. innocently and Unknowingly making his big brother hard everytime they touch. and Dean is just oh so guilty.. :(((((( how could he feel that for his baby brother ! his baby !! hes supposed to protect him ! and.,,, no way Sam feels the same… right? But Sam is so inlove with his brother it makes him vomit
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slytherinslut0 · 7 months
jealousy. | slytherin boy headcanons
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author’s note: im completely unhinged, as always. no surprise there. love me some angry snake men🥵 please enjoy.
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-your boyfriend sees another guy flirting with you in the hall.
Draco Malfoy.
Sees you from down the hall as he’s walking with his friends.
“You know what, guys, I’ll catch up with you after.”
Would literally ditch his friends to make his way over, collecting himself as saunters up to you and mystery man.
Would instantly grab your ass, no hesitation, grip firm enough to bruise. When you gasp, caught off guard, he’d shift his arm up and around your shoulder, pulling you against him.
“What’re we talking about?” He’d sneer.
His voice would be laced with feign interest, smirking down at you with blaring eyes before shooting daggers at the boy.
He’d simply chuckle at you when you tell him nothing, just school stuff, leaning down to place a possessive kiss on your cheek as he grabbed your hand.
“Wonderful. let’s head to class, yeah?”
He’d pull you away from that dude, shooting him another look meant to kill, a silent warning not to fuck with him.
Finally gets you alone in an empty corridor or bathroom; would waste literally no time at all before pushing you against the wall and grabbing your neck/jaw.
“Who the fuck was that, hm?”, “he was practically eye-fucking you…give me five good reasons why i shouldn’t have him expelled or hexed into bloody Azkaban.”
He’d be furious, but he’d also know that you’d never choose some other guy over him, so he’d soften once he hears the innocence in your tone.
“You’re mine, princess,” he’d loosen his grip, kissing you softly. “Say it.”
Blaise Zabini.
Was listening to music while walking down the hall, instantly rips out his headphones the second he sees you laughing a little too hard with some dude he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t necessarily stop walking, but he’d definitely slow his pace, kind of just watching, not wanting to interfere but also not wanting to look creepy stalking you from a distance.
When the guy doesn’t leave, he’d tired of waiting, saying “fuck it”, before marching over naturally.
This man is so fucking cool calm and collected he’d just saunter right up and join in, making himself at home.
He’d practically take over the conversation because he’s literally just that chill in every situation, seamlessly fitting right in, so fucking charming and loved by everyone.
You’d kind of just end up staring at him, smiling in silent awe, knowing that this was his way of asserting his place, letting the guy know what the fuck was up.
After the dude leaves he’d just causally look at you, smirking that charming smirk, wetting his lips as he hooked an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, leaning down for a kiss.
“Ain’t no one getting you without getting me too, babygirl.” He’d murmur against your lips. “let that be known, right now, forever, always.”
Lorenzo Berkshire.
Would literally stop everything. The second he’d see you laughing and smiling he’d be completely unable to focus on anything else and would completely zone out of any conversations with his friends.
Would get like super anxious and flustered pretty much immediately.
Wouldn’t want to intrude so he’d just kind of hang back, wait for you against the wall and try not to stare too much.
His adorable little cheeks would flush, and he’d know he seemed utterly ridiculous so he’d try to busy himself with his shoelace or something while he waits.
You’d quickly cut off the conversation and move over to him, instantly being able to tell that he’s overthinking.
He’d smile at you, though you could still see the concern on his features.
“Who was that guy, darling?”
You’d tell him he was just a friend from class, no one special at all, pulling him in for a hug and giving him a quick smoochie on the cheek.
“Don’t worry enz, no one could ever take your place.”
He’d blush, trying to play it off. “Sorry love, I know you’re my girl.”
You’d take his hand, squeezing him hard, never wanting him to doubt that for a second. “Only yours baby, forever.”
Mattheo Riddle.
“Who the fuck-“
Would literally whip his bag at Theo, hastily shoving through the crowded hallway with blazing eyes, tunnel visioned as he tried to figure out where the fuck this dude found the audacity.
You wouldn’t even have to turn around to know he’s there, you’d be able to literally feel the anger radiating off of him.
You’d already know exactly where this was heading, but you’d also know there was no attempting to stop him because it’s pointless. Everyone in the school knows that.
Matty does what Matty wants, and right now, he wants to fuck up this guys face for even thinking about flirting with you.
You’d simply look up at him, noting his tensed jaw and his dark eyes as he glances between you and the dude, before fixing back on you, wetting his lips before he says,
“Is this fucker bothering you?”
Unable to help it, you’d smirk, shaking your head as you calmly attempted to talk him down.
“No Matty, he just asked if he could borrow my study notes-“
He’d heard more than enough.
“Study notes? Yeah, I don’t fucking think so,”
Without giving the guy a chance to react, he’d reach for his collar, shoving his back against the wall, teeth barred and face contorted in a snarl as he’d hiss:
“Bother my fucking girlfriend again and the only study notes you’ll need are the ones on how to drink out of a fucking straw, understand?”
Not interested in the response, he’d shove the guy away, eyes softening instantly as he moved back over to you, thrusting a hand through your hair as he kissed you like it’d been a hundred years, right in the middle of the hall for everyone to see.
And judging by the intensity in his grip, you’d already know, later that night, he’d be extra fucking sure to ask you who the fuck you belong to while he’s fucking you.
When he finally pulled back, he’d smirk at you. “Some bloody nerve on that guy, huh?”
You’d just shake your head and laugh, taking his hand as the two of you headed for class.
Theodore Nott.
He’d spot you from down the hall, his eyes instantly narrowing, gaze darting around as though he was missing something, as though this was some sort of sick joke.
Surely, this dude is mentally unwell, right? There’s no fucking way that he’s-
Doesn’t bother to think about it for even another fucking second, instantly shoving through the crowd to make his way over.
Proceeds to wrap his arm around your waist, other hand finding your jaw and pulling your lips to his before you could even process it.
Would proceed to full-on make out with you in front of the dude, and I mean tongue and all, his grip on your jaw so tight you’d know exactly what he was trying to do.
His hand around your waist might even slip lower, grazing over your ass, and then that’s when you’d attempt to gather yourself and push him back, completely embarrassed.
He’d just shrug, smirking down at you before he’d finally acknowledge the guys’ presence with literally nothing more than a glare meant to kill.
“Move along,” he’d say to the guy while pulling you away, grip tighter than ever. “This one’s fucking taken.”
As soon as he got you alone he’d be damn sure to remind you that you’re his, and only his, making you beg and whine his name before he fucked you like you deserved the pain.
Tom Riddle.
Lowkey kidding but not really.
No one would even dare because that man would make it clear as fucking day what would happen if they tried.
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privitivium · 4 months
......... Masochistic Delinquent Yan
i hear u loud n clear….. yan masochistic delinquent x himbo-ish reader. i enjoy this. might fuck around and make more and whatnot. delinquent bully yans have my heart fr.....
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imagine him literally just fucking with you constantly just to get a reaction to put ur hands on him,, however, you provide none. you think it's just guys being guys and messing around, bullying one another! smacking each others’ bare asses with towels in the locker room, along with a little shit-talking type deal.. casually throwing insults at him, ruffling your hair dry - facing away from you with crossed arms - dick hard as he tries to form a coherent insultㅡ
before you slap his arm a little too hard on accident, playfully hitting him after throwing out an insult about his physique.. “don't fucking touch me, man..” he'd look at you as if you were stupid, even if you were just a little bit, yeah, it still hurts,,, fuck he didnt msan literally!! don't look at him with that sad puppy dog look!!! you can touch him, he promises!!!! but alas, he has to keep up his cruel and enigmatic nature with other people around… he can't beg you on his knees that yes please hit him, please continue playfully insulting him in that dark toneㅡ
delinquent often daydreaming while staring at you. very obvious. pressing on the accidental bruises you'd leave on his arms while he jerks off,,, thinking about his hair being pulled by your strong hands, muttering insults in his ear that would make him writhe tearfully and cum spurt from his tip,,,, being in a chokehold by ur thick arms while being fucked from behind against a hallway of the campus or in the very back of a library, classroom.. in a dark corner where no one can exactly see nor make out that he's riding you while you pinch his nipples under his shirt while biting at his neck harshly - reprimanding him about being quiet and that he's a fucking pussy and not at all a badass that he thinks he is - an exhibitionist of sorts.. ultimately going through all of your physical features, trying to rile you up,,, that gets him no where. you were confident in yourself. tch… your friends maybe? you seem the chivalrous type? no, nothing.. they're all idiots who can hold their own.
then he finally makes it to your car. your prized possession, with your own money. that is your baby. he scratches it up with his loser little switchblade, something small but still noticeable to the owner rather than a mere passerby.. he was leaning against it all coolly, waiting for you while popping the blade in and out of place - that, is when you lose your mind,, realistically, it'll buff right out, but still! that's your car! literally, just what is this guy's deal???! you think it's a little too far, but you leave him bloodied and battered, heaving over him; eyes glazing over the bulge in his admittedly tight black jeans. “jeez bro, i'm so sorry,,, ur gonna be okay, alright??? im so sorry,,” you'd meekly squeak, repeating almost tearful apologies, losing urself in ur rather gentle rage. your hands roaming over his face and fingertips shakily grazing his bloodied nose,,, before telling him you'll help him out, dragging him into the passenger seat of your car;; offering him a ride home or maybe to simply fix him up.. he lets you - offering no words of disagreement nor displeasure, obviously,, i mean who else is gonna take care of his fucking boner??? you gave it to him, you have to make it go away, no?? Tis only fair..
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spideyhexx · 4 months
all of my ideas tonight include stitching up wounds after fights. so now im just thinking about taking care of billy after a fight. and you’re speaking to him in such a soft, soothing voice. and you two keep making eye contact. and after you’re done stitching up a cut on his temple he just mumbles a small “thank you, darlin’” and OHHHHHHHH…….. THE ROMANTIC TENSION IM CRUMBLING
I LOVE IT (and you, hugs) I AM ALSO gonna write this for my saccharine series CAUSE I HAVE TO
for more, saccharine
fyi, you don’t need to read the other parts of this series to enjoy this🫶
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Billy comes into the camp his gang had set up for the next few weeks, stumbling, his nose bloodied, his knuckles red, the cut on his temple making him wince.
His eyes are squinting, and he almost rubs his bloody hands into his eyes, but he stops himself. No one seems to be awake until his eyes lock with you.
Once all the men were asleep, you took the opportunity to bathe in your lonesome. It was nice and relaxing to finally scrub some of the grime from your skin and the sweat from the day. Your head felt heavy with sleep already. You were walking to your little tent when you locked eyes with Billy.
Your heart drops at the sight of him, and a burst of energy flows through you as you drop your dirty clothes and run over to him.
"Bonney, what did you do? What happened?! You're bleedin' still, what did you-"
"Sweetheart," he stops you from talking, his voice low, gravelly almost. You forgo the blush that rushes to your cheeks when he uses that name. He usually only did when he was mocking you or playing your game back at you, but now his eyes looked dazed, out of it. You nod your head a few times, almost like you can't stop it.
"Okay, okay, uh, c'mon," and you take his arm, dragging him more into the camp and sitting him down on the log near the burnt-out firewood.
He sits down with a grunt, his mouth parting to say something to you, but you're running off before he can even speak. Billy sighs at it, shaking his head, but all it does is make him wince in pain again.
You come back with some supplies, your canteen falling out of your arms to his feet, but luckily not spilling the water as you rush.
"Easy, sweetheart," he says, his voice is so soft, it's unnatural to you, but you can't even take the time to appreciate it. Billy is both annoyed and thankful you're up. Annoyed because of course it's you that is still awake. Thankful because he knows you care. And care enough.
Despite his words, it's hard for you to slow down. You clean his hands first, at least the knuckles, kneeling on the ground in front of him, your brow furrowing at the sight of them. "These are gonna bruise a lot," you mumble more to yourself than him, but he still replies.
"'M aware." You glance up at him, and Billy's eyes look blank, tired. Your own soften and as you clean the remainder of his hands, you try to be gentler, dipping your rag into the water and cleaning the blood.
He keeps still, but his fingers twitch when you get to one of his fingers. Once you finish cleaning it, on instinct, you lean down and kiss his knuckle, your lips more ghosting over his skin than a firmer kiss. Billy's breath hitches slightly, but he doesn't comment on it, almost too stunned that you actually kissed him. Kissed a part of him.
"There, those are all clean," you say, mustering up a smile as you grab a new rag and start cleaning the blood on his face. His eyes bore into you and it makes your heart stop.
"You have an eye contact problem," you murmur, your face inching closer to his, but only to clean his nose better. Only for that reason.
"Thank you, sweetheart," he says, his voice dripping in sarcasm and it quirks your lips up a little. You will yourself to look into his eyes, the same dazed look present in his.
"What happened?" You don't want to pester him about how he ended up like this, though your impulsivity tells you to. So you promise yourself that you'll only ask him this one time. Deep down, you felt as though you knew his answer would be vague, or he'd stay silent, so you prepared for it, to accept it and move on.
"Bar fight. This guy was pickin' on me. He started it," Billy replies after a moment, and he takes a deep breath. You feel his jaw clench slightly as your cleaning continues, but you still. He actually answered your question.
"Somethin' wrong?" He searches your eyes, your expressions are always pretty easy to read, but he doesn't have the full capacity to ponder right now.
"No," you tell him, taking a deep breath of your own before continuing. You're almost done, but you can't seem to take your eyes off of his. You've never had to tend to him like this before. You've thought about it, those times after hearing how he got a bloody nose or a nasty cut, but never did you think it would happen. Or that Billy would let you. Maybe he was softening up on you. Or maybe he doesn't care, he just needed help. You'll overthink it later before bed.
When you're done, you're about to stand when he grabs onto your wrist, turning his head slightly and you see the cut on his temple.
"Billy....shit," you say, moving to inspect the cut, holding his head in your hands and he feels his cheeks warm. He prays you don't notice.
You do. You rifle through your bag and sit with him, cleaning the cut the best you can before you attempt to stitch it. He winces, his hand jutting and grabbing your knee, making you both still.
"Sorry," he mumbles, retracting his hand and you shake your head.
"Squeeze it if you need to. 'M a strong girl." You get a slight, breathy chuckle out of him. It satisfies most of your nerves as his hand returns to your knee. You work again, stitching his cut and he sucks in a breath, "'s okay, you're doin' good, Billy."
His heart wants to twist and turn at the sound of your voice, so soft, so soothing. "Almost done, then you can go rest," you coo at him, his hand squeezing your knee tighter. He swallows hard, breathing through as you finish, giving him your smile.
He doesn't return it, but instead looks at you, piercing his gaze into your eyes without really meaning to. Your smile starts to drop a little at how intense his look is, your hands settling into your lap. Your mouth parts to speak, but you stop when he pats your knee.
"Thank you, darlin'," he breathes out, his gratitude different from the sarcasm he used earlier. His eyes almost looked teary in the moonlight but there was no way in hell you would mention it.
"Any time," you whisper, hesitantly putting your hand over his, patting the top of his hand. You've never felt this genuine with Billy and you longed for it to last. But you find yourself nervous, too anxious to move closer to him even though your body is aching for it. You swear that you see his eyes flit to your lips, but you determine it was your imagination. Your dreams getting in the way of reality.
Billy doesn't know how to handle himself either, but he knows that he likes his hand on your knee. That he likes your hand on his. Not that he'd say that.
When his head shifts in the slightest of movements, your senses kick back in and you take your hand away from his.
"You know, you're real dumb for gettin' in a fight while all alone? Or gettin' in a fight at all," you jab at him, resorting to your teasing to cover up the sensitivity of what occurred.
He rolls his eyes, but his stomach is fluttering from how quickly you jump to this side of yourself. "You're one to talk, sweetheart, didn't you fight that-"
"Don't turn this on me, Bonney, at least I walked away unscathed," you interrupt him and he turns more to face you.
"No, you didn't. You had that cut on your lip," he argues back, but a slight smile makes its way to his lips.
"No, I didn't." He was right, and you had forgotten in the moment that you did get hurt a little, but you didn't feel like giving in to him.
"Yes, you did, sweetheart. You were complainin' about it. For days," he counters, glancing down at his knuckles, before returning his gaze to you. To your lips. But only for a second.
The eye-roll and scoff you give him before you speak makes him smirk a little more, and he knows he won't be resting just yet.
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thegnomelord · 4 months
Hello!! I've read most of your stuff (mostly monster 141 but can you really blame me-) and I've been wondering what it would be like if reader had walked in on Gaz and Soap teasing and making a poor mess out of Sullivan like-
I need that in my life-
Wow, Sully really has ya'll in a choke hold lol.
Well, first things first you're making sure Sully actually wants it. Due to some traumas in his past, Sully has a hard time saying no to people he trusts, those in authority or just anyone dominant. He just buckles under the pressure and does what the other person wants, burying his true feelings inside and acts like nothing's wrong. So constant check in's are a must, and it took reader a long while to get Sully to a place where he would take to them.
but After you check in and make sure he's okay? Oh, you for sure join them
CW:NSFW, Dom reader gaz soap, bottom Sullivan
Sully whimpers into your neck, back pressed flush against your chest and squirming in your lap. He tries to muffle his soft sobs as the two sergeants torture him with sweet pleasure, Gaz nipping hickeys onto Sully's neck with his fingers lazily tugging and pinching his nipples, Johnny between his legs lazily tonguing at Sullivan's heavy balls, his rough hands stroking his shaft.
"Bloody hell." Gaz whispers as he watches precum leak from Sully's cock like a broken tap, his thighs bracketing your own, subtly grinding his hard cock into your hard thigh. "How can anyone be so sensitive?" He wonders.
"Aye, look at 'im." Johnny chuckles, licking a long stripe across Sully's twitching shaft, pulling back as he bucks his hips. "Ready to blow like a gasket just from this." He snickers, rolling Sullivan's heavy balls in his hands as he sucks a bruise into his pale thigh.
"Sthoooph-" Sully whines into your skin, shivering, thighs trembling in an attempt to keep them open.
"Do you want to stop?" You ask, one hand sliding down to his belly to keep him still, the other holding his chin, "Or are you just embarrassed."
Sully shivers, the sensation of Gaz's soft lips pushing away the pain of the hickeys he left making him speak. "No," Sully sucks in a sharp breath, "Just- it's embarrassing."
"What is?" Gaz asks, leisurely grinding his dick against your thigh, his hands groping the muscles on Sully's sides, nibbling on his shoulder.
"I- you, you talking about-" He throws his head back to rest it on your shoulder, bucking his hips. "-you talking about my- my penis like that!"
"Why? Ye'v got a dick like a horse." Johnny chuckles, rising to take the tip of his cock into his mouth. "It's really nice." He adds, pushing a fraction of it into his mouth, holding his hips to keep Sully from choking him when the back of his dick bumps the back of his throat.
"It's true." Gaz hums and leans up to kiss Sullivan, licking into his mouth. "Let us show you how nice it is, yeah?"
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
*gets tackled by fbi agents,a link flying out of my hand*
YES im gonna make this part 2 to the PT reader/ boxer sev story i wrote a few months ago :)
men and minors dni
it's hard for you to watch sevika in the ring.
before you were dating, you watched her fight with a calculating gaze, keeping a tally of each potential injury she suffered, trying to mentally coach her to keep off her bad ankle. you were much more analytic than anybody else in the crowd, execpt maybe silco her coach.
and now, you're even more zoned in while she fights. not only is she your patient, she's your girlfriend. and now, every hard hit she takes, every time she hits the mat, or her nose starts bleeding, you cringe, like you can feel the pain yourself.
sometimes you just want to look away, but you can't seem to tear your eyes off of her.
and as painful as it is to watch her get beaten to a bloody pulp... sometimes it's pretty fucking hot.
like when she's winning and she knows it, and she's got that cocky giggling smile on her lips as she dodges hit after hit.
like when she spits blood and saliva onto the mat, an angry, concentrated look taking over her features.
when she's sweaty and panting and wearing nothing more than her sports bra and some baggy shorts.
sometimes, you forget that you're not just there to gawk. you've gotta work too.
your favorite part of watching her fight is the end.
when the round is over, and you and silco rush to the edge of the ring, passing her towels and water and asking her questions and coaching her.
you always reach out to take her face in your hands, pulling it to and fro as you examine her for any horrible injuries or signs of a concussion, and you always have to ignore the hazy, adreniline ridden, lusty look she gives you with her chin in your hands.
and after you've completed your examination, you keep her head in your hands, your eyes scanning up and down her body, looking for new bruises or sprains or breaks.
and when you're finally satisfied, you look back up at your girl, and she grins.
"happy?" she asks. you chuckle and nod, and sevika swoops in to smash her lips to yours.
the crowd always goes wild.
sometimes, when she wins, she's too hyped up on the victory to let you check her over, jumping out of the ring and wrapping you up in her arms, smashing her lips against yours before you can even tell her to wait. she tastes like blood and sweat and she's always humming happily against your lips, and you always have to remind yourself that you're in public, that you're here to work. (and sometimes, despite all your mental reminders, you just melt into her arms, opening your mouth to let her tongue swipe against yours, tugging at her hair and melting at the lovely little moan it pulls from her.)
sevika and you have been caught fucking in various venues' locker rooms so many times that now silco has to accompany the two of you to keep you out of trouble. (this doesn't stop sevika from fucking you with her eyes and groping you any moment silco's head is turned.)
and when you get home, after sevika's shower (which usually includes you getting pushed against the cold tiles and fucked until your legs give out) and the massages and stretches you insist on giving her before she sleeps, you're always certain to talk her to sleep with comments and quips about her fight that night.
she snorts when you mess up a technical word for a certain punch, rolls her eyes when you fuss and worry about her injuries, and gives you the sweetest, shyest smile you've ever seen when you praise her for a good fight.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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serickswrites · 1 month
Im a sucker for Hero and Villain, normally i enjoy Villain whumpees but im also a sucker for Hero whumpee, so i was thinking
Villain as a passionate whumper who takes Hero as a hostage, Hero still keeps being compassionate with Villain, saying how they believe they can change, even with bruises, Hero always greets them with a smile, always tries to ask villain what has happened to them to make them so angry, and everytime Hero cares for Villain, Villain tortures them harder, they just cant take how much Hero cares for them, even with the torture, they cant handle how it makes their heart clench. Soo, villain keeps torturing hero and hero keeps caring for him, and as time passes, Villain's heart gets softer and they finally understand how much they care about villain, but when they finally realize, that's when Hero finally breaks from torture, they dont respond, they dont do anything, a shell from the person who cared about villain till the last second.
sorry if this is a weird prompt or too specific, feel free to delete, i love your works so so much!!
Hello, Anon! I'm so sorry this took so long for me to answer. But I can definitely write this for you! I hope you like it.
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, bruises, broken bones, blood, catatonia
Villain slowly walked to the dungeon in Lair. They had kept to their routine these last several weeks. Torture Hero for a couple hours in the morning, have lunch, resume torturing Hero until Hero passed out, and then go out and wreck havoc on City.
But they had grown tired of the routine. Had grown tired of beating Hero and still had Hero smile at them. Had grown tired of breaking Hero's bones and still hear Hero say that they were still a good person, and that Hero knew they could change. Had grown tired of their hands stained with Hero's blood and still Hero asked about them, their history, and well being.
Villain had grown tired of hurting Hero because Hero wouldn't break. Villain had grown tired of torturing Hero because Hero still cared for them. And perhaps, Villain had realized over their lunch, they cared about Hero.
"Look, Hero," Villain said as they opened the door to the dungeon cell they had thrown Hero in before going to lunch, "we need to talk."
Hero lay in a bloody heap in the center of the cell. They didn't move as Villain spoke. Didn't roll over and look up at Villain through their swollen black eyes. Didn't flash their sweet smile with now broken and missing teeth. Didn't do anything, but lay in the heap, their wrists still cuffed in the power suppressing cuffs Villain had slapped on them all those weeks ago.
"Hero?" Perhaps Villain had kicked Hero too hard after they had thrown Hero in there. Perhaps Hero was still unconscious. "Hero?" Villain touched Hero's shoulder delicately. They shook Hero. "Hero, wake up."
Villain shook Hero harder as Hero remained unresponsive. Villain rolled Hero onto their back. Hero blinked up at Villain. But they didn't speak. Didn't smile. Didn't do anything but stare blankly.
"Say something, Hero," Villain ordered.
But Hero didn't say anything. They continued to stare out at nothing. Villain said a silent apology as they pinched Hero's arm. Hero didn't respond. Didn't flinch away in pain. They lay there, silently, staring out at nothing.
Villain's heart dropped as they realized they had finally accomplished their goal. They had finally broken Hero beyond repair. They had finally accomplished everything they had been dreaming of for weeks. But they didn't want it. They sat down next to Hero silently and began to sob. "I'm sorry," they said through their tears. "I'm sorry I went this far. I'm so sorry, Hero. Come back. Please. I'm sorry."
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Brother Trouble❤️‍🩹
Summary: You went out looking for formula with Glenn and Maggie and came across Merle, your boyfriends lost brother and things don’t go well
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Ive been with the group since the start at the quarry, I first was drawn to Daryl but was always nervous to approach him when Merle was around but once he was gone me and Daryl grew to love each other and have been together ever since the incident at the CDC
“Let’s get Judith a toy, it’ll be good for her to play with something!” I said to Glenn as he went into the store
After we picked up what we needed we loaded it into the truck and we’re about to leave but I still had a basket in my hand
“Well hello, what are you all doing out here” I heard, turning to see Merle with a gun held up to us, making Maggie and Glenn to take out theirs and raise them
“Merle, you’re alive” Glenn stated
“Woah Woah Woah, Glenn and y/n good to see y’all, is Daryl still with ya, is he alive?” He asked as he lowered his gun
“He’s still alive”
“Can you take me to him”
“You stay here and we will tell him” Glenn said with his gun still held up
“Come on just take me to where you are”
“No like I said we will bring him here”
I could see the anger rise on Merle’s face and I knew there was trouble, it happens so fast, he pulled out a gun from his pants and shot, I ducked and when I looked up he hand his makeshift arm knife to Maggie’s throat
“Get in the car now or she dies” Merle said pushing his knife harder against Maggie
I dropped the basket and we all got in the truck and we drove off to god knows where
We were all in esperante rooms, tied to a chair but I could hear everything, I could hear Glenn get beat to a pulp and Maggie crying then it was my turn when merle came in with the governor
“Now who do we have here?” The governor asked but I didn’t say a word, I wasn’t really one to talk much, maybe that’s why Daryl liked being around me but I knew from the pasted that merle hated it
“She not talk or something?” He asked merle
“Oh she talks, she just a freak that never speaks when spoken to” Merle said as he walked behind me and held his knife to my throat like he did Maggie
“Where is my brother huh?” He asked as he lightly slide the knife across my neck enough to draw blood
I still didn’t break, the prison was our home I couldn’t sell that out
“Untie her” the governor said and Merle was quick to cut the ropes and make me stand
“Now take off your clothes” he said and I was stunned
“Oh she does speak, you will take off all your clothes or your buddies in the next rooms will be dead by night fall” he said glaring into my soul
I felt sick but I couldn’t risk the lives of my family
I took off all my clothes with shaky hands and covered myself with my hands
“Do what you have to go get her to talk, I’ll be back later and you better have an answer” he said the Merle as he left the room
I looked at merle scared for my life
He was smirking and started to cut me all over my body, leaving blood drip all over my body, the pain was unbearable and he started hitting on me like he did to Glenn, after a while of this torture I was left on the floor feeling like a shell of a person
I still didn’t rat out or home and he left, I sat in the corner naked, bloody and bruised
I heard trouble in the room over and Maggie and Glenn crying then I heard Maggie tell them about the prison
I sighed but understood how hard it was for them
“Y/n! Are you okay?” I heard Maggie yell out
“Im fine” i answered back not wanting to stress them any further
I waited in that room for a while just praying Daryl would come and rescue me and make me feel alright again and that’s when I heard guns, and fighting
The door to my room was being kicked in and that when I saw him, my savior and my love
“Daryl” I sighed feeling relieved
He ran up to me with the others at the door
He looked so mad but his eyes showed hurt, sadness and concern
He took off his flannel and wrapped it around me
“Come on peach, we’re gonna get you home” he said as he lifted me up and supported me by holding my waist and helping me walk out
We followed the others and I tried to keep up even though I felt so weak
Bullets were flying and gun shots were all I heard, axel got hit but the rest of us got out
We got to the truck and I instantly passed out on Daryl’s lap knowing I was safe now
~The next day~
I woke up in mine and Daryl’s cell and tried sitting up but groaned at the pain, I looked down and I was all patched up and dressed in Daryl comfy clothes
“Daryl?” I called out and in a second he was next to the bed
“Hey peach, how’re ya feelin?” He asked as he brushed my hair back, just the feeling of him near me makes me feel better, but I still have that ache inside
“I’m fine”
“Don’t lie to me, how I found ya that’s not fine, what happened?”
“I’m not ready yet” I said looking away feeling guilty, I know I’m evil and sick with Merle but he was the only family Daryl had left and I felt so conflicted
“I’m here when yer ready my peach, now come on let’s get some food in ya” he said picking me up and bring me out to the eating area
~Few days Later~
I got up late still trying to deal with what happened and when I walked out to help Beth with Judith I saw Merle talking with the others
I felt my heart drop and I felt sick again but this time I physically got sick just from the thought of being near him
I ran to a near by bin and threw up, I felt a hand rub my back and I knew it was Daryl
“Ya alright?” He asked
“What is he doing here Daryl?” I asked as my voice quivered
“He left that place I couldn’t leave him out there”
“Y’all seem pretty chummy brother” Merle said from across the room
“Well ya they’ve been together for a long time” Beth stated
“This is yer bitch” he asked shocked
“Watch yer mouth” Daryl groaned glaring at him
“If I knew I wouldn’t ‘ave…..” he trailed off
“What? Wouldn’t ‘ave done what?” Daryl asked standing up
“The governor he….he made me do it”
“You’re lying, he left the room you could’ve just left me” I stated
Daryl looked between me and Merle and it clicked
“YOU DID THIS TO HER?” Daryl yelled
“Dumb bitch put up a fight I had to get answers” that’s when Daryl got up close to him completely vivid
I couldn’t stand being in here anymore, I snuck out the cell block and sat out side
I tried to get the memories out of my head but it just kept playing over in my head
“You know the governor did something similar to me when we were there” I heard next to me and it was Maggie
“I don’t want to talk about it, I just want to forget, I feel so dirty”
“I think you’ll feel better when you get this off your chest and tell Daryl” she says as she gets up and leaves being replaced by Daryl himself
“I wouldn’t have brought him here if I knew, I’m sorry peach, I hate that I wasn’t there earlier to save ya”
“I feel wrong, I feel so dirty and I don’t know if I’ll ever feel better again, what they made me do, what they did to me”
“What did he do peach?”
I sighed realizing I need to tell him
“They made me take off all my clothes, they said if I didn’t they’d kill Glenn and Maggie, then….Merle tortured me, cut me up until I was just blood, beat me until he got too tired, humiliated me and all the others saw me like that when you saved me, I just don’t wanna feel like this anymore” I said crying feeling Daryl pull me close
“I’ll never let anything happen to ya again, I’m s’ sorry, I’ll get rid of him immediately”
“You can’t kick out your brother Daryl, I don’t wanna hurt you by doing that” I said
“He ain’t my brother anymore after doing that to you, to my peach, all I care about is how yer feeling and can’t have that when he’s around, plus I’ll try and kill ‘im if I have to be near him knowing he hurt ya”
“I love you so much Daryl, more than anything” I said looking up at him
“Love ya too, yer my world and nothin’ll ever hurt ya again”
Thanks for reading everyone lmk what you thought and leave suggestions for more walking dead imagines
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sudzymactavish · 3 months
Can I request?? Maybe.. what if male reader saves soap from markov yeah? And get shot in head instead of soap? What would be the taskforce's reaction yeah? Maybe male reader's death. Some angst ya.
Hope I'm not asking too much ya
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(This is an edited post)
Thanks for putting in the ask!
Your arms
TW: gore, kidnapping, cursing, guns, crying, blood, beaten charaters, brusing mention, shooting, choking, high stress situations
You sat in the briefing room, still shaken up from the last mission. 'How could they just take him like that?' As your eyes filled with tears and your hands tangled your hair up even more.
A cuppa sat in front of you with Gaz by your side, trying to comfort you with his best efforts. It didn't help. Your best friend was gone. Soap had been taken by Makarov.
[Your name]. Price cut through the sorrow filled air as he entered the room, a stack of files hitting the table softly. You looked up. We're so sorry you had to see that. But what we need to do now is figure out exactly what happened. Can you do that for us? Price spoke, sitting closer to you as Ghost and Gaz were. It was hard to talk about it. I mean, your friend was taken before your own eyes just days before. You looked to your right, where Gaz was sitting, and he offered you a comforting hand on your back. You can do it mate. Gaz spoke. You sighed, and then started to talk.
Hours passed. You saying something, price scribbling on a paper, Gaz comforting you.
Finally, it was over. You had been brought to tears again after recounting it, but you brushed it off. You were just.. hurting.
It kept you awake later in the night. The thought of his being ripped from your protection made your blood boil. You were angry. Furious. How dare Makarov take a member of the 141? How dare he make a mockery of the Task Force? The last straw was when you looked over at soap's made, tidy bed. You ripped the blanket off you.
Now, you were in full gear and ready to call a helicopter. You were gonna kill that bitch yourself, you just needed soap back. But all of a sudden, you heard a flashlight click on. You whipped around, drawing your gun.
Calm down [your name]. Just gonna get a cuppa. You put your gun down back into your holster. You hadn't noticed, but tears were staining your face for hours now. Ghost aimed the flashlight up more, to see your face. Bloody hell, you alrigh'? "I'm fine." You spat. "Where's the damn helicopter." Ghost's expression slightly changed, turning on the lights and off the flashlight. Mate, you weren' thinkin' about goin' after Soap were you? You shook your head despite it was your obvious plan. Ghost sighed, walking closer to you. [Your name], if you're goin' to save 'im, then I am too. He smiled, as you smiled back. But we'll be takin' everybody else. We aren't taking a duo mission. Someone's gonna get hurt that way. You pouted, but knew he was right. Duo missions were dangerous, but not as dangerous as a solo one.
The rest of the boys weren't happy to be going on a mission at 2 in the morning, but when they saw you, they didn't complain. They knew you needed this. You needed him back. Back on the couch watching shitty movies. Back in the mess hall. Back in the barracks. Back in your arms.
As you got onto Makarov's base, you quickly killed all of his soldiers. It was brutal. Blood stained every piece of your clothing and hair, as you killed them gruesomely.
Finally, you managed your way into Makarov's safe house. You followed the sounds of Soaps pleas.
You broke down the door to where soap was. He was badly beaten, most of his body riddled in bruises and cuts. You ran to him, falling to your knees next to him. You hugged him tightly, your warmth contrasting the harsh Russian air.
"I never thought I'd see you again." You sobbed into his neck, your grip almost choking him. That'd never happen, lad. I'd always find my way back to ye. He smiled at you, as both your eyes met. Seconds later, his lips met yours.
As you pulled away, your smile only grew wider. He was back in your arms. But not for long.
You heard footsteps coming down the hall, as you quickly broke the chains (to this day, soap has no idea how you did it). You got soap off the ground and stood him up, when Makarov entered the room.
Ah, good to see you again [your name]. Back so soon? Makarov teased. You drew your gun and fired, hitting him in the arm, chest, and neck. You smiled. "He's dead. It's over." You huffed, smiling at Johnny. You led him out of the room, when suddenly, everything went black. Now, it was soap's turn to hold you in his arms.
One last time.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Hello! Can i request a peaky blinders x terminally ill reader. Like, they don’t want to fall in love with her because it’s like falling in love with a ticking time bomb that’s gonna leave them devastated, but she’s just so lovely they can’t help them self
So cause I'm not terminally ill and therefore can't write a totally honest view of what this would be like, im going to try. Some of them might not be 100% how u asked so sorry in advance.
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🌿 He can tell you're hiding something from him and the rest of the world from the moment he meets you, he can tell its something dark and sad, but he thinks that makes you just like him and so, if anything, it only draws him in closer to you.
🌿 He thinks you're beautiful, he likes to listen to you singing while you work down the market. He can sense that whatever your secrets are, they mean he should stay away, but even before he really falls for you he can't. You just drew him in.
🌿 I think in the case of tommy it would be you trying to keep your distance from him, putting up walls and trying not to let him too close. You don't want to hurt him, and you don't want to hurt yourself by dangling a future you know you can't have in front of yourself.
🌿 But one day Tommy gets fed up with all your defenses and kind of snaps, calmly, but still, he lets his frustration get to him all "Whyre you doing this eh darlin, its like I'm trying really, really bloody hard to get to know you but theres all these doors you keep lockin right in front of me fuckin face, every time i try to talk to you, another wall going up and up and up... Whyre you doin that? Puttin up walls eh?" he'd say it all so intensely, and so calm and soft by the end of it, so that you can see the affection and need in his eyes abd it breaks your heart...
🌿 And when you tell him whats really going on you expect him to leave but he doesn't
🌿 Because this is Tommy isn't it. So narcissistically obsessed with his own doom that if he'd really thought about it for a second he could have guessed that he was going to lose him. That any chance of happiness he had with you would be the temporary, doomed kind.
🌿 He kind of embraces the pain and punishes himself with it every day, but is also determined that you don't deserve this. Maybe he thinks he deserves to lose the love of his life as penance for his sins but you do not deserve to lose your life because some ugly man from Birmingham did some terrible things. So he'd be defiant about it, he'd love you anyway despite knowing he perhaps should try not to. He'd love you like pressing on a bruise, embracing the pain he's in whilst doing everything in his power to give youba good and happy life.
🌿 He won't leave you. He'll tell you he's not going to leave you, he'll make sure you're completely certain of that. "Its important to me darlin, that you know that right, I'm not gonna leave you, I love you and I won't stop just because of some fuckin illness yeah, i won't..."
🌿 Actually he'll straight up marry you. Even if you think thats pointless because you won't be around for very long, he'll insist that it happens. He loves you, he wants to marry you whilst youve the chance.
🌿 Blames himself for the illness, even though you were ill before you met him. In his head its like this... If you were fated to be the love of his life, then that is what doomed you to a premature death, because he needs to be punished for his sins. He thinks you were sent to punish him for his sins.
🌿 He won't tell you what he's doing but he'll keep searching for ways to heal you, things that could save your life. Even if he doesn't find any, he won't give up. He'll start fuckin praying again. He'll go sit in a church and break down, beg for your life to be spared and his taken instead.
🌿 But he won't let anyone see or know his desperation. On the outside he will mostly remain stoic.
🌿 And he'll want to take care of you every step of the way, when you're in your last days he probably won't want anyone else around, just you and him, him doting on your every need, holding you when you sleep. Always scared you won't wake up. Telling you he loves you, but more importantly showing you he loves you with every little thing he does for you.
🌿 You might try to make him promise you he'll find someone else and fall in love and have a family and all that without you and he won't mean it when he promises you that he will. But he'll promise you anything, say anything to keep you calm and content in your last days.
🌿 He won't let you see him crying, he won't be "weak" in front of you. He'll be so brave and determined even though his heart is breaking because he won't want to upset you. He'd want to preserve your happiness and comfort for as long as possible.
🌿 Rather than getting teary upset i feel like he'd express his emotions through frustration and take them out on other people. He'd probably be a lot less patient with other people, snapping at them and making rash careless decisions. His brothers would have to work extra hard to keep him "sane" and make sure he doesn't do too much damage.
🐻 Is an "old man" well aware of his own mortality and of life, suffering and death. You're not the first terminally ill person he's met and he knows exactly what he's getting himself into by getting close to you
🐻 His friends warn him maybe once, maybe they ask him if he really thinks its a good idea, getting so close to someone who won't be around forever... But one look from alfie, one quick and cutting sentence is enough to warn them off ever asking again.
🐻 "Oh an i suppose you think you will be around forever do you Ollie?"
🐻 He's not naive, he knows its going to hurt but he's also not naive enough to believe then that it won't be worth it.
🐻 Because he adores you, your gentle ways, your soft beauty, your kindness, how sweet you are, all he ever wants to do when he sees you is hold your waist in his hands and draw you in close to him. Hold onto you and have you all to himself.
🐻 He loves you, to put it simply, and you, to put it even more simply, deserve love. Being ill, dying doesnt make you any less deserving of that love. And he has so much love for you.
🐻 "If I can't have you for as long as I live right darlin, gonna make sure you have me for as long as you live yeah, reckon that makes sense doesn't it, makes perfect sense to me poppet, yeah makes perfect sense to me..."
🐻 He'd be completely devoted to you. He'd spoil you rotten, he'd want to make sure you got to do everything you wanted to, see everything you wanted to whilst you were still able to. He'd piss everyone at the bakery off by taking all this time away, practically throwing his business away so that he could spend time with you.
🐻 Basically puts Tommy in this frustrating and stupid position where tommys no choice but to mind the bakery whilst Alfie is off with you
🐻 And then when you're really sick and getting weaker every day Alfie is by your bedside doing as much for you as he can. He doesnt want some nurse you dont know attending to you, he doesnt want you to feel alone... He only trusts himself to be able to take care of you and he probably does everyone else's head in telling them exactly how you like to be washed/dressed, exactly how to cook your food.
🐻 Much like Tommy he'd be desperately sad about whats happening to you, he'd feel his heart break a little more each day but he probably won't cry in front of you, he'll probably try to be brave for you.
🐻 Very short tempered with everyone else. He will cry but only when he's alone, honestly maybe in front of Tommy and only for a second before he composes himself again.
🐻 Writes a whole fucking opera about you as a coping mechanism.
🐻 Always wants to be holding you or touching you somehow, like hes scared to forget how it feels. Always holding your hand in his.
🐻 Likes reading you to sleep, putting records on for you. Writing music for you.
🍂 Is devestated, can't put his feelings into words at all, can't cope with the idea of losing you.
🍂 Everyone warns him about falling for you but their warnings come too late because he already has and he adores you. He wants to spend his whole life with you and when it becomes apparent that thats never going to happen he is distraught.
🍂 He doesn't want you to live he NEEDS you to live, he can't accept things the way they are, has to believe you can survive even though deep down he knows you can't.
🍂 He gets so angry and bitter, not with you or at you but at the world and with everything else. He's angry at the illness for taking you from him, he's angry at the world for being such a cruel and unfair place.
🍂 Tries to turn to god, tries to pray, thinks that perhaps if he repents for all the bad things hes done or, if he begs god enough, he can trade with you, he can die so that you don't have to. Because "its fucked up isnt it darlin, that someone so fucking kind and good and pure can have to deal with this, whilst the rotten likes of me just go on living an fillin the world up with bad things"
🍂 Arthur doesn't have the self control his brother has, he won't hold back in front of you even if sometimes it would be kinder for him to do so. There are probably things you don't really need to hear about how cruel the world is, how unfair everything is, but he doesn't have a filter and sometimes when his emotions get the better of him he just spills it all.
🍂 He will cry in front of you, you'll hold him whilst he sobs into your chest and breaks down. Then apologises because "you shouldn't have to be dealin with this, I should be being the fuckin strong one.."
🍂 Takes a lot of his emotions out in the ring and they probably have to try and stop him from going there because the damage he will do with all these enotions coursing through him could be deadly.
🍂 He would get more and more unstable the more ill you got, unable to cope with whats happening. But he'd so desperately want to be a good husband to you. He'd beg Polly and his sister for help, asking them for advice. Polly would probably be his rock here, giving him advice, giving him a hug when he needs one, a slap and a shake when he needs to snap out of it and be there for you.
🍂 She'd help him take care of you, teach him how to look after you, how to be gentle when he's taking care of you.
🍂 At the point that you're too weak to get out of bed he'd lie with you or sit with you whenever he could, he wont give you peace talking to you about everything thats been happening, nervous talking too because he doesnt like the silence. But you like listening to him ramble about everything.
🍂 You also like the fact that no ones worried about talking of peaky business in front of you so you get all of the gossip.
🍂 He won't be particularly articulate but he'll tell you he loves you constantly.
🍂 Brings you little gifts of food and sweet treats all the time. Makes you food his mam woulda made him when he was sick as a child.
🌼 John seems so happy go lucky, laidback, still such a child at heart and you're drawn to him because of that. Admiring him from afar, falling in love with his laughter and that cheeky grin. Torturing yourself because hes something you just cant have.
🌼 You don't want to let yourself near him because you don't want to take that carefree nature away from him or taint him with the side effects of your illness, the stress anxiety and torment which seems to taint everyone you get close to these days.
🌼 But John has been in love with you since the second he laid eyes on you and he's determined to ignore your warnings about staying away from him.
🌼 As far as he's concerned you deserve to be loved, whether or not you have the potential to break his heart or not. Technically - and this is an argument he comes up with all the time - technically, everyone has the potential to break everyones heart, he could get shot and killed tomorrow before anythings even really happened to you. He could fall in love with some other lass and she could get hit by a car or die in some sudden accident. "Just because you're really ill flower, doesn't mean I shouldn't love you. Doesn't make you not worth loving... If anything it means you should be loved twice as hard now... I've got a whole lifetimes worth of love to give you so better not to keep stalling... "
🌼 His family think hes impulsive but he marries you almost imediately. Youre the love of his life and he wants to spend as much time as he possibly can being your husband.
🌼 He would want you to have the best possible life you could, even if it was only short so he'd take you travelling to see all the places you wanted to see. He'd help you do all the things you wanted to do before you died.
🌼 He'd do his best to keep up his usual ray of sunshine persona, still being boyish and charming, always teasing you, always trying to make you smile. Out of all the peaky men John is the one who treats you least like you're terminally ill. He isn't quite so obsessed with being careful with you or treating you like you're delicate. He lets you make the "I'm going to die anyway" joke sometimes when it comes to you doing unwise things like drinking/smoking or going for a ride.
🌼 He wants to keep you laughing and smiling for as long as he possibly can
🌼 When you get more sick and you begin to grow weaker he does struggle more, he doesnt like seeing you look so unwell, so in pain. He wants to be with you all the time but he doesn't want you to see him get upset.
🌼 He goes to Ada for support and she lets him hug it out or cry to her. She'd give him the love actually advice of "cheer up, no ones gonna shag you if you cry all the time" type of joking advice which is exactly what he needs to keep his head up and stay strong for you.
🌼 He too would want to be there for you and help care for you everyday even if he doesn't really know what hes doing. If he couldn't help he'd hold your hand and reassure you.
🍀 He's heartbroken when he finds out, naturally, no one wants the person they love to suffer, however
🍀 Rather than get too caught up in how long you have left together, Bonnie feels blessed just to have you at all and he's determined to love you for as long as he can.
🍀When he tells you this, "I love you little dove, all this love aint goin anywhere just cause you are, I'll love you my whole life I know I will..." "But you shouldn't Bon its going to hurt you so much, I'm gonna cause you so much sufferin an you don't deserve that..." "You don't deserve to be alone though do ye? And I'm tough dove, I can survive," he'd make a show of flexing his biceps to prove how strong he is and try to make you laugh.
🍀 Like John he's determined to keep you happy and smiling for as long as he can. He'll make jokes, he'll tell you how beautiful you are, how loved you are. He'll keep telling you all these things even when your light does begin to fade.
🍀 He spends as much time with you as he possibly can. Being a hopeless romantic he'll definitely want to marry you.
🍀His own mother died when he was young and his father's already been through this, Aberama would be a little torn, he'd want his son to be happy and so he wouldn't want him devoting his life to a woman who's going to leave him so soon, but he'd also want his son to be happy which means letting him devote his life to you.
🍀 Bonnie would try to be brave, he would try not to cry in front of you, and though he might not shed any actual tears, you can tell when he does want to cry, when he's upset his jaw tenses and he gets this far away misty look in his eyes.
🍀He wants to give you everything in the whole wide world but he doesn't have the time, he wants to make you proud of him so he's extra determined to win all his fights and train hard... But sometimes he also just, can't see the point? What does fighting matter, what does being the champion of the world matter when the love of his life is going to have to leave him so soon.
🍀When you get restless he wraps you up warm and takes you off on horseback to the middle of nowhere where the two of you can get some peace. He helps you bathe in the creeks and rivers, lies with you wrapped in blankets under the redwood trees.
🍀When you're ill he wants to be the one to take care of you, to nurse you, to help feed and bathe you. He won't leave your side for a second and he'll really piss Tommy Shelby off by refusing fights and refusing to work. He doesnt care if his life or future is threatened. Nothings getting between him and you now.
🍀 Sings for you whenever you ask, tries to make up little stories for you. Is still determined to make you laugh/smile whenever he can, even when you're very weak.
🍀 Always bringing you flowers and pretty things he finds for you outside when you're too weak to go exploring with him.
🍀 Holds you every night when you're going to sleep, lies awake listening to you breathing determined that you'll wake up again in the morning. Kisses your hair/forehead/temple and hands all the time.
🐀He loves you before he knows youre terminally ill and you're affraid to tell him because you don't want him to leave.
🐀Everyone can see him falling for you, he's not exactly subtle about it - and that fact alone means he must be falling really hard for you. He asks after you all the time, he's always abandoning his friends when he's out if he sees you, choosing to waste his time talking to you instead.
🐀And regretfully it's Michael who ends up telling him about your condition. When he finds out he does get scared. He panics and doesn't know what to do.
🐀He doesn't want to lose you, but he doesn't want to get too close... The problem is he already has feelings for you and he can't just turn them off. In fact he knows full well that even if he'd known from the second he saw you at the Garrison he wouldn't have been able to stop himself falling in love with you because you're perfect. You're his perfect girl and he would never have been able to ignore you.
🐀So he backs away a little, he tries to fall out of love but he struggles and, just as he was expecting he fails. If anything trying to pull away from you only makes him more certain of his adoration for you. He loves you. He's so sure of that now.
🐀You aren't stupid, you notice him pulling away and trying to seperate from you and though it makes you sad you're not surprised and you can't say you dont completely understand.
🐀 So you try to tell him that, you try to speak to him gently, try to tell him exactly whats wrong with you, roughly how long you have left. And he listens and tries not to get upset and does quite a good job, then when you say "it's alright Isaiah i understand... If you dont want to stay I understand..." thats when he gets upset
🐀 He gets angry, upset with you for not valuing yourself more, for accepting that someone might not want to love you. But mostly he's angry at himself because even this little argument is wasted time he could have spent holding you, kissing you, telling you how much he adores you.
🐀"No don't you dare say that, don't you dare pretend that this is fuckin fine or that you understand, I've been so fucking selfish love, you deserve to be loved and I don't fuckin deserve you because for a second I was too busy thinkin bout me fuckin self to think about you and what you need!"
🐀And from there on out hes unshakable and so stubborn about loving you, he spends as much time with you as he possibly can. He tells you he loves you like a hundred times a day.
🐀Michael and his friends can't understand whats gotten into him, he asks him one day if he doesn't think he's "wasting" his time and Isaiah has to try not to get angry. Because thats a cruel way of putting it even if thats not how it was intended to be.
🐀"Course I'm not wasting my time, she's the only good use of my time... This is the only important thing i think I've ever done with me life, you know... Loving her like... If it were you in my position you'd understand, it'd be the same for you..." "but you coulda... You know chose not to be in your position..." "nah" says Isaiah, "i couldnt have chosen anything, s'not a choice mate, i just love her and always have..."
☘️ He definitely experiences "love at first sight" which is something he didn't really believe in before. But when he sees you he's swept away by your beauty and he knows, just knows, youre the girl hes supposed to fall in love with.
☘️ He tries to pursue you and you don't really take him very seriously because he's michael gray and hes got a reputation about him when it comes to the ladies. You think he just wants a one night stand and so you flirt back and laugh him off and tease him until he ends up confessing everything to you in a desperate attempt at getting you to take him seriously.
☘️ But then he's confessed everything to you, so now you have to tell him something too, thats you've an incurable illness. At first he doesn't understand and you have to spell it out to him. "It means I'm going to die Michael... And much sooner than you will..."
☘️ His first instinct is anger, he feels upset and betrayed that you didn't tell him straight away but this quickly subsides because he isn't really angry, hes heartbroken.
☘️ "If you were to ask my advice I'd say you should go off and find yourself a different girl," you smirk, youre only joking and actually if he were to follow that advice you'd be heartbroken, and pissed off too.
☘️ But Michael is two things : a gentleman and desperately in love with you.
☘️ So he just smirks and shakes his head, "forgive me love but i dont think you give very good advice..."
☘️ He knows how much its going to hurt but he keeps telling himself he's been through worse. He hasnt but he deludes himself with this notion so that he can stay strong for you.
☘️ He won't show you how upset he is about it unless really pushed to, perhaps nearer the end he'll break down, unable to hold it in and stay strong... But for the most part he is determined not to show weakness or to let you feel sad or despairing. He wants to reassure you all the time that everything will be alright and you don't need to be scared.
☘️Cries a lot in secret. Cries to his mother about it. Pol tries her best to support the both of you but its difficult watching her son have his heart ripped out. Difficult too watching you have yours ripped out.
☘️ Sometimes you wish you hadn't fallen in love because knowing what you're going to leave behind now makes the thought so much more painful. When you talk to Michael about it though he puts on his brave face and offers you all the reassurance in the world. Tells you you'll meet eachother again one day. Jokes he might not even be that far behind you. You hate it when he jokes like that though and he often does it just to wind you up, just to get you to play hit him and lighten your mood.
☘️ He'd organise the best private care for you, go with you to all your doctors appointments and try to keep as much of it under control as possible. He'd want you to try any cure they threw at you and there probably would be arguments about it if you didn't want to try something. In the end though he'd always put your wants above his own and listen to you.
☘️ Michaels quite a serious and sullen lad but he doesn't want you to feel serious or sullen so he often has to force himself out of his over thinking moods and into a more lighthearted one. All he wants to do is keep you smiling and hopeful.
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serxinns · 4 months
Scarlet which reader x yandere Mha Headcanons
Part 5
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Class 1b
(Im doing some cause I don't know some of the characters sorry)
•Tetsutetsu heard about you when he and Kirishima were having a conversation while working out at 1st he didn't mind it but the longer Kirishima talked about you the longer he was curious he asked if he could meet you and kiri ofc accepts cause that's his manly best friend!
•When Tetsu saw you his face was almost red as a tomato dude could barely stutter out words that kiri had to take over
• he and Kiri would fawn about you at every time they could get about how you look, how you smell, how you dress, anything they can talk about Is always about you
•Tetsu is more of a protective affectionate Yandere whenever you win at a training between him with any other classmate doesn't matter if his classmates he'll still congratulate you and if you lose he'll still compliment you on your hard work and encourage you to work hard!
•tetsu already promised he'll protect you so whenever you're hanging out with him and Kiri it's like 2 bodyguards protecting a famous person anyway look in your way wrong they'll glare HARD
•Kiri is completely ok with Tetsu having a obsession with you heck the two of them will place bets to see who you like more but without any threats or violence just "aw man!" or "eh better luck next time" yk like bros
•Tetsu is very affectionate even if you don't want it he'll still try to give you a big best hug and if you don't like it that's ok he'll give you even more bear hugs!
• Kinoko is more of a clingy delusional Yandere she such a sweetheart towards you but has a scary side when anyone messing with you
•When she 1st saw you it was love at 1st sight you greeted her with a handshake oh it means y'all were meant to be!
•Komori loves to talk about mushrooms with you whenever she sees a mushroom while the 2 of you do a little nature walk she just can't help it she grabs out her mushroom info journal and tell you what type of mushroom it is she'll even try to find you edible and safe mushroom for the 2 of you to eat
• Like Ochako, Komori loves to wrap her hands around you at every chance she can get but if you refuse and tell her to stop she'll whine and try to guilt trip you into making u stay, her grip getting tighter to where it leaves a mark and if she notices that she hurt you she'll apologize and sometimes cry
•shes obsessed with everything you do whether be little habits or a single moment that you'll never don't a lifetime she will always remember and cherish it she even has a secret sketchbook with pictures of you
•shes jealous at anyone who's near you weather be with neito or even your classmates neito she'lll tell to back off or by sneaking mushrooms in his bag
•Kendo would be the poessive, protective, and aware type
•Kendo would monitor Neito on his taunting if he slips up and says something hurtful she make sure he backhands his head so hard it leaves a mark and lecture him about not hurting your feelings
•whenever in battle if you training with someone she lectures you about being careful and making sure to not overuse your quirk if you win she'll run over to you and hug you with her big arms wrapped around you while classmates all glared at her
•as much as Kendo is seen as a nice person she still shows a dislike to your classmate how overbearing they are the way they pinch your cheeks, be so lovesick for you and you don't even notice it makes her blood boil
•like Nejiire she wanna make you think she's the only sane one so whenever you rant about how your day is she'll make you cuddle with her while patting her head agreeing with everything you said while throwing in a few insults here and there making it seem like "jokes"
•Kendo will bash anyone with a single hit if anyone tries to make perverted comments about you or nasty words at you she will beat them up unto they're all bloody and bruised after that her mood changes up when she sees you and she now back to regular lovesick kendo again!
We all know that Class 1a and Class 1b have beef when it comes to you, whenever Class 1b would always invite you to lunch some of the students would quickly come up and hands your shoulders pushing you back to their chest saying that whenever your in lunch it's like a whole ass war you tense up when you realized that both 1b students and your classmates are staring at you with warm smile and eyes full of eager all either waving, patting their hand down at a empty seat, of calling your name
•one time you sat at class 1b and not even 5 mins later it became a whole war Mina yelling at Kendo to let you go Komori is trying to sneak you away but Tsuyu stopped her it's a Whole mess the teachers had to intervene ( so they can also decide that you can have lunch in their room) you panicked and back up in a corn or watching everything unravel until someone grabbed you
"Follow me!" a familiar cheerful voice said it was neither alongside Mirio and Tamaki they quickly sneaked you off somewhere with your lunch tray to their classroom "Thank guys" Neijure chuckled rubbing your head "No problem we saw how out of control it got there and saw u panicking in the back so we just had to!" mirio said with his usual smile "I got you something.." Tamaki said while he dug into his bag he handed you your fav snack "Oh man I love these thank you how did you find out?!" "it's our little secret~" Neijuire chuckled you were about to question but dismissed because the snack was too good
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cosmal · 1 year
omg tell me what you think about hockey player!steve
omg ive done baseballplayer!steve but this is amazing shut up.
he's definitely a douche at first idc. that king!steve hockey player rep.
he's good. really good and he fucking knows it too.
he doesn't take shit from the ref. he'll yell about an unfair call or what he thinks is unfair.
he can get violent. fights about things that he usually starts. god. the bloodied noses. and when he gets pulled off some other guy, he's all smartass smiles with blood in his teeth. panting and shit ughhhhhhhh.
and then he notices you, of course, how could he not. you come to most of his games. he wants to believe you come for him.
then he finds out you're the coach's daughter.
how he's never met you before is beyond him but he really wants to. it's embarrassing really.
eventually, after a game, he runs into you leaving the coaching box.
because he's a charmer, he gets your number after a ten-minute talk he was lucky enough to get out of you.
you go on a few dates. the movies. the park. the arcade at your request. and he finds out, much to his delight or not he's not sure, that he genuinely likes you.
you're smart, way too smart for him, he thinks, funny, fucking hilarious, shy went you want to be and loud around your friends. worse than him, he thinks.
you're much more than the past girlfriends he's had.
when he finds out you've never skated before, he's amazed. being the coach's daughter.
he finds you a pair of skates straight away and takes you out on the ice.
"steve, im gonna fall on my ass."
"I won't let you. promise."
you shake like a leaf, gripping way too hard onto his hands as he guides you out onto the ice.
"alright, now stand up a bit - yeah that's it, baby. straighten your legs up."
"I can't."
"yeah, you can."
you do as he says and honestly, he's shocked you trust him this much. it hits him right in the gut.
"Im sorry, your poor hands."
"im fine, promise. had worse."
"I've seen the black eyes, steve."
he gets you so wound down, you don't even notice when he lets go of you.
he skates away from you, cheering.
"that's it! look at you go!"
"steve! what the fuck, come back!'
'you're doing so well, baby!"
eventually, you fall on your knees and feel like a complete fool.
he helps you up and he has it in him to feel a little bad.
"you okay? your knees okay?"
"just a little embarrassed."
"right. well, let's go get some food, yeah?"
eventually, you go to all his games just for him.
he blows you kisses before the game starts and comes up to the plexiglass after to fog it up and draw little hearts like a total cornball.
you've totally turned him into some lovely fool that puts king!steve to shame.
still, he gets into fights because he cant help himself.
he feels bad, really, awful, when he finds you on the sidelines looking a little upset.
he gets patched up by a medic and goes to find you straight away.
"your nose is bleeding."
"I'm okay."
you reach up and cup his face. "your lovely eyes, steve."
"I promise I'm okay."
"that's gonna bruise."
he lets you take him home and ice him up. he takes the scolding and the warnings because he deserves them.
"did you really need to hit him once he was down?"
"probably not."
"probably not. stop getting into fights, steve. you're gonna end up seriously hurt."
he promises to never get into another fight once he sees you crying.
he doesn't.
stopping the read more glitch <3
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verygirlygirl · 2 years
Vance hopper x reader fluff
Summary: Vance gets into a fight as usual and you have the pleasure of cleaning him up
"I don't need your help y/n" vance says in an annoyed grumble, "yes you do vance this is the third time this week you really need to stop getting into so many fights..I'm worried about you". Your tone is soft and gentle even as you scold him, he knows how stressful he can be how much he worries you when he gets into fights and how much his temper gets the better of him.
"Stop fucking talking to me like you're my mom I know how to fight I'll be just fine", you flinch his words hurt you but all that sadness is quickly replaced with annoyance. "Im not acting like your mom I'm being a good friend", you snap back at him quickly the word "friend" bruises his heart a little bit.
He sighs "just hurry up and clean my cuts so I can get out of here you're pissing me off" you give him a quick glare. "I'm trying as fast as I can asshole" you grab a cotton ball and a bottle of disinfectant "this is gonna sting a bit", you look up at him only to see he's looking off into space. You never got the chance to really look at him properly, has he ever been this pretty? His golden locks and his pretty blue eyes he has perfect lashes too. Your eyes start to wander down his face taking in his feature his nose and his pretty pink lips.
You catch yourself wondering what they would feel like against yours until you look back up and see him looking at you too. "Oh um sorry I got distracted.." you were so embarrassing vance looks at you for a bit "it's whatever" you continue cleaning his bloody fists, caked with blood and littered with cuts "who were you fighting vance? You have so many cuts".
Vance shrugs "just some loser that bumped into me instead of apologizing he started to get a hard mouth so I decked him". A small grumble leaves your mouth "Mmm alright", after cleaning his cuts you bandage both his knuckles "alright there all done".
You stay seated on the floor waiting for him to leave you. "Well you're welcome I guess you can leave now if you want", vance looks at you and scoots closer to to "I saw you staring at my lips" you look at him feigning innocence. "What are you talking about? I wasn't staring" he glares at you, it's harsh he knows you're lying "don't fucking lie to me dipshit" he growls out. You put your hands up as a sign that you'll come clean, "Ok ok maybe I was staring It's not a big deal anyway if it makes you uncomfortable-" your apologetic rant quickly comes to an end as vance grabs your wrists and bring you closer to him with a kiss.
It was rough and sloppy your teeth cracked together and your nose was pressed up against his. Soon he let you go panting but never breaking eye contact, you touch your lip gently and before you could ask questions he speed walked out of your room. You didn't go after him you just sat on the floor with a small smile on your face satisfied.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
so sorry for dropping this one you so suddenly and straight after the new one, it just came to me haha
also ty for doing the eddie x reader it really helped <333
a/n: ANON IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE BUT BETWEEN WORK AND SCHOOL IVE BEEN SO TIRED😭😭i hope you like this! credit to the gif owner! <3
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You're sitting in your lunch spot frozen as milk drips from the ends of your hair, the whole cafeteria is silent before erupting into laughter.
“Oops!” Carol says with venom laced in her voice. “Sorry, I'm such a klutz.”
You don’t respond to her and wipe milk away from your eyes. Your lack of response causes Tommy to slam his lunch tray on the table.
“She said sorry, aren't you going to forgive her?”
You shake your head knowing you don't have it in you to speak right now. Your heart is pounding out of your chest and you really wish some of your friends were here right now. Tommy let out an obnoxious laugh.
“Look at you! You can't even talk!” More students began to laugh while some looked at you in pity.
“Hello?? Anyone there? We're talking to you!” Carol said while poking your shoulder. Tears were streaming down your face and you were starting to feel lightheaded from the rapid breathing you were doing. Before you know it a jean jacket was thrown around you and you were dragged out of the cafeteria while students started to scream and cheer. You didn't have time to register what was going on but you get some sort of relief when you realized Robin was pulling you into the girl's restroom.
“Those fucking assholes, I swear to god I'll beat them up myself next time I see them.” She has you lean against a wall and turns to grab some napkins but you latch onto her hand. She looks at you and feels her heartbreak when she sees your eyes pleading her not to leave.
“Hey, it's okay. I'm just gonna grab you some napkins and clean you off okay? I have extra clothes in my bag for our sleepover today.”
You slowly let go of her and look down at her bag. You forgot all about the sleepover and you're scared to tell her that you no longer plan on spending the night after today’s events.
“It's okay, don't even worry about it. We can always do it another night! Go ahead and change whenever you're ready.” she says quietly while wiping dried-up milk off of your face. Once she's done with that she reaches into her bag and hands you some clothes. You nod your head slightly giving her a silent thank you before you go into the stall and change. You look down at your clothes and notice only your shirt is wet so you figured you can wrap the milk-soaked shirt in the pair of sleep shorts robin packed for you. You tried your best to take deep breaths and calm down but when you hear the door slam open your breathing picks up again. What if Carol came to tease you some more? You know Robin wouldn't let her but she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.
“Where is she?”
Relief flooded your system as you recognized Steve's voice. You poked your head out of the stall and saw his back facing you, his hair is messed up and the only thing you think of is how hard Steve works on his hair. He turns around at the sound of the stall door creaking and lets out a sigh of relief. You gasp at the sight of him.
Steve had a busted lip and a bruise starting to form around his eye, you look down at his hands and see them bloody and bruised.
“Hey, don't worry about me,” he whispered while rushing to you and wrapping you in his arms. “They aren't going to bother you anymore, okay?”
You nodded your head. He grabs the clothes that are sitting in your hand and shoves them in his bag while grabbing yours from off the floor.
“Thanks for taking her out of there Robin,” he says while gently placing your hand in his.
Robin says it's not a problem and gives you a tight hug knowing those calm you down. Steve walks out of the girl’s restroom with you glaring at Tommy on the way out. Tommy had multiple tissues held to his nose and had a dark-colored bruise resting on his cheekbone, he flipped Steve off mumbling how he misses his old friend but Steve doesn't care.
He opens the passenger door for you making sure all limbs are in before he closes the door. He slides into the diver's side and reaches in the backseat handing you a notebook and pen.
“What happened, baby?”
Your brain replays what happened minutes ago and you shake your head trying to erase the thoughts, you don't want to think about it, not right now.
Is your hand okay?
Steve reads your question out loud to himself and chuckles.
“Don't worry about me. I'll be okay.”
You didn't have to fight him. I know you guys are like best friends.
“No, you're my best friend. I can't believe I hung out with people like them.” he starts to get lost in his thoughts when he feels you tap him with the pen.
Can we go home? I want to wash the milk out of my hair.
Steve felt his heart warm. He knows you mean he can take you to his house but the fact that you consider it home brings a smile to his face. He starts up the car and looks over at you.
“Are you ready to talk yet?”
You shake your head slowly hoping he wouldn't be upset at your answer. You know it could be frustrating when you suddenly go silent, as you've been told time and time again. Steve grabs your hand and places a gentle kiss on it, ignoring the small sting from the cut on his lip.
“That's okay, take all the time you need. I'll be here when you're ready.”
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blueysobssesions · 1 year
Dangerous Woman
Leon Kennedy , Chris Redfield (Separate)
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Were their s/o getting called a Dangerous Woman... They wonder why...
- Really busy rn meaning I can't do Chris for this for a while but I'll try to make it 😭 Wish me luck for my exam 😭
Leon Kennedy
"How lucky are you dating a Dangerous Woman Kennedy?" Leon Halted when he heard that "What? Y/n? A Dangerous Woman? No way" Why would Claire describe you a Dangerous Woman? When you are a loving and caring person in his eyes. "I guess Chris didn't tell you huh?" Leon then got confused "Tell me what?" Leon was waiting for her to explain "She took down 5 zombies without any weapons, AND almost killed one of my brother's crew at training! Even the BSAA operator got scared" Claire laughed at the last part, she still remembered when Chris got impressed by you and Piers slightly flinched when you called his name. "And you think I would believe that?" He crossed his arms to his chest thinking about you being skilled as him makes him go wild...
He would imagine you two sparring, killing zombies together... He does like it if someone talks about how your cool, amazing, hot, and many more. "EARTH TO LEON!" Claire's voice snapped him back to reality "*sigh* If you don't really believe me Chris and Y/n will be on the training area" That made his eyes widen "What? You do know she can be injured!" "Relax Leon, I told Chris to go easy on her" Leon then realized something- this son of a bit- "So you were the one who suggested this!?" Before he can utter another word Claire was already on her way to the training area. 'Women'
"Just to be safe, I will go easy on you alright?" Chris told you before getting ready, but since confidence is with you right now "You don't need to Chris. I'll be fine" Chris smirked, surely its okay for Leon? "Don't" You both heard Leon's voice with a slightly harsh tone making you gulp. "Hey Leon" you wonder why you're nervous... Leon glared at you signaling saying 'Stop'. "Hey cmon Leon, why don't you let her?" "Because I don't want to" Leon immediately talked "Its my first time seeing you worried about someone" Chris chuckled "Cmon, Leon. Let her show you what's she's capable of" Chris tried to budge Leon and finally he let it "Finally!" You said happily "But if you got hurt, that's not my problem got it?" Leon glaring at you and you nodded. Leon sat down at a bench near the training area observing you carefully.
"What you just did yesterday... I didn't really expected that" Chris rubbed his left shoulder. "Almost all my men suggested you to join on the missions" You giggled "I would love to"
Chris wasn't doing really well. Leon can't believe that you made Chris in this situation, his lips slightly bloodied, his left eye has a dark purple mark on it, while you have just small bruises on your arms and face.
Chris dodged another hit from you and lunged. Chris got a good hold on you and shoved you against the closest wall which made Leon slightly stand up. He didn't like this... He didn't like how you got pinned in the wall by Chris... "Got you now" Chris growled. You were breathing hard, but goddamn it, you didn't even look like your in pain. Who the seven devils are you? Chris eyes narrowed when he suddenly felt a movement from you "What-" you threw his head back, then slammed your forehead into his nose. His cartilage cracked and blood wet Chris's lips. He backed away from you "Oh, shit- I-im so sorry Chris! I think I may have gone too far!" You apologized over and over again "It's okay Y/n. It's not like im going to die anyway" Chris tried to stop the bleeding but no avail. "I think you should...uhm...go to the clinic..." He nodded and he went to the clinic while holding his nose. You felt bad... "You should've told me you know?" You almost forgot Leon was watching you the whole time. "You impressed me, damn" that made you eyes sparkle, hearing praises from him makes you heart meltt "I was going to, but Claire has other plans" You said, you looked at Leon... His lips slightly trembling "Leon? You alright-" "Wanna go spar with me?" You jumped when he suddenly spoke but agreed to his request "Sure!" You smiled, you were excited to beat his ass >:) "But are you alright? Slamming you forehead to Chris's face can get you some headaches... Well, since Chris is a hard headed" he smirked at the last part of his sentence, he then reached your forehead slightly rubbing it with his thumb "I-it did hurt...you rubbing it makes it quite better but I don't appreciate you being mean to Chris tho" Leon laughed he loves it when your so kind <3 he kissed your forehead making you smile.
"My Dangerous Woman"
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This is my first Lsk x reader that took me 3 days to write 😅
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pespillo · 9 months
Titanlights Week Day 3: Boo-boo buddies [Emperor´s acolyte AU edition]
"Luz realizes this strange demon from the emperor´s coven is more of a child than a beast"
It happened too fast that day, one moment they are just trying to get more inside information on the Emperor´s Coven the next moment they are now basically holding hostage the Emperor´s weird "lapdog" at the owl house. He made a mess out of the living room in record time, raking claws onto the couch and growling, puffed out in anger, it let out a shrieking voice talking about how doomed they were once the Emperor knows about this, much to their surprise as the demon hadn't let out a speaking word before fully letting it sink in his predicament.
"-So you CAN talk" Eda snorted, and the demon just seemed more annoyed, now playing the silence game with his arms crossed and tail twitching behind him in irritation.
After a few hours, it seemed that he had resigned that his rescue will not be coming in tonight, and wandered silently around the house, Eda had expected him to be looking for a way to escape, but he did not seem interested in fending off alone into the night in Titan´s knows where.
"Sssshhrrrriip-" Luz´s ear perked up at a noise down the hall, blood running cold when she realized it was coming from her room at the house, quickly running in and much to her dismay seeing the demon having busted into her room and starting to rip apart at her belongings,
"HEY- !" Luz shout out but the small demon seemed to purposefully ignore her and continued in his petty wreckage, tearing into left out homework on the floor;
"Stop that, come on!" Luz decided getting physical was the only option, quickly scooping the demon up in her arms. The small beast was startled and obviously angered, pushing Luz away and clawing at her direction, Luz tried remembering her mom´s advice on animals that react aggressively, trying to find his nape, but the demon squirmed his way out and fell with a loud -THUNK!-
Luz realized the demon fell head first onto the floor, worried now that he could have cracked his skull in some way, much more mortified realizing that the golden caps that where on his horns where gone, rolling off nearby, she gasped in horror thinking -she broke his horns-
The demon´s furious glare once he touched the end of his horns wasn't helping her thinking this wasn't the case,
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh- im so sorry i didn't mean it-" she reached out at his head and he hissed and backed away, in all her panic with thoughts swirling in her head she persisted in getting close, and the demon lashed out, biting her hand hard, hard enough to actually draw blood, Luz could bit her lip and cursed under her breath in pain, not wanting to scream out and alert Eda and get this demon she just hurt badly in any trouble for her own mistake, and so the demon realizing she wasn't budging and just taking the bite, eventually softened his grip and let go, letting Luz bruised and bloodied hand shivering in place,
- "Ahh, shoot... i - let me, please wait! , ill get the aid kit!" Luz was trying her best to not let out a sob of pain as tears prickled her eyes as she held her bloody bitten hand and rummaged through things to get bandages, and hopefully glue as well, thinking that at least a temporary fix for the horns could help, meanwhile the small demon just watched intently, grabbing the golden caps left on the floor.
"Childe" she heard behind her, a soft mutter as her good hand finally fiddled around with the aid kit, trying to get a healing patch onto the wound,
"What was that?" she asked because she couldn't really understand what it meant. The demon huffed , "thats what Im called."
"Oh...Oh!" she gleamed through the throbbing hand ache,
"Im Luz! Luz No-" "I already know that." Childe cut her off and held onto the caps. Luz giggled nervously, right , Emperor´s Coven, they know very much about her, shes a criminal to them, to him.
Once her hand was bandaged up and the healing spell started working onto the pain, she finally could grab the glue and carefully scoot close to Childe.
"Sorry about your horns, i hope that this helps a little ?, i guess we are even..."She held her wounded hand up and smiled nervously
"You are resilient, i guess you proved yourself enough to me" Childe tentatively grabbed the glue, then realizing he had no idea what it was for.
"Uhm, oh do you need, help with it? for your horns?" she asked and fiddled with her thumbs and motioned horns on her head.
Childe quirked a brow and then realized, what a stupid human this one was, Belos hyped her up to be more ingenious than this,
"They are hollow. i dont need to glue them on." he said as he just put on the caps back on the cut off horns again. Luz did feel incredibly stupid.
So the bite was all for nothing? she thought and then sighed, no, no she should not have grabbed him like that, of course he was gonna retaliate. Luz glanced at the lower part of his horns, scuffed and scratched, shivering at the thought of what sort of things he had to train for. Luz sat her back on the wall, he seemed so small, helpless, not really fit for a scout at all, the more she looked at him, maybe he was a kid then, even Hunter had some sort of muscle in him from all the training, meanwhile Childe was just,rough all around the edges, his spiked gold collar was too big on him.
"Did it hurt?" she motioned horns again.
"I dont remember. Belos gifted these caps to me, if he found dents on them he would kill you." he glared at her , that explained the anger very well.
"Well, did they get any?"
"....No." she sighed in relief, as if that would make any difference really
"You punished me enough!" she almost playfully booped him on the muzzle before she stopped her finger in the way, he pushed her hand away, rather gently, and turned himself, huffing and curling on the end of her sleeping bag.
"Consider me merciful. I wont rake your face off tonight." Childe said and laid his head and closed his eyes. She did her best finger gun towards him and snorted, probably delirious from the rush of pain and adrenaline of the moments past.
"Thank you very much!" Luz said as she just laid her head against the wall and closed her eyes, too tired to even turn the lights off or get in bed.
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