#infused water
kawaii-foodie · 1 year
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needtobeehealthy · 2 years
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morethansalad · 5 months
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Festive Infused Water (Vegan)
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chameleonglass · 4 months
Beyond the H2O: Creative Fillings for Your Bong
Discover creative bong fillings in the "Beyond the H2O" blog. From ice water to candy-infused bliss, find unique flavors and ideal glass pipes at Chameleon Glass. Share thoughts in the comments and dive into the blog for an enriching read. Visit our website now!
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tandurhreint · 2 years
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Blueberry Lemon Infused Water 😋
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froggychan · 1 year
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dateddisneydishes · 2 years
Floral Infused Water
From Flowers and Trees in An Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons
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The History
So I realize that that title may seem a little confusing.
See as we move away from shorts and into Disney feature films, we must talk about the movie that bridges that gap.
While Disney was trying to gain investors for his Snow White project, he had to convince the banks that people would sit down for over an hour to watch a cartoon.
Seems silly to us today, but back then it was unheard of. So Disney compiled all of his short films that had won an Oscar into a movie; that was then shown in select theaters.
An Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons was not only successful enough to gain funding, but it also wound up receiving a re-release a decade later with added shorts.
We will be tackling that re-release in this series next.
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The first short in the movie is Flowers and Trees.
It won the Academy Award for best animated short in 1932. Which at the time, was a brand new category for the Oscars.
The reason why it won was because it was the first short to utilize Technicolor.
Other films before it had experimented with color before, but it was a two tone process that limited what could and could not be done.
Think of the difference between Cuphead's regular mode and the harder two-strip color overlay.
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That's referencing the difference between the two processes that was being experimented on at the time.
So Flowers and Trees is a first for many reasons; hence it's importance in animation history, but what about the food?
The Food
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The only food in the short involves some flowers bathing in water. Water is hardly a recipe, buuuuutttt.... What if we infused water with flowers?
Such a thing is hardly new. People have been flavoring water with fruit, flowers, and leaves for as old as civilization itself, which is how tea was invented.
It's making a comeback as a heath fad, as of late, to get people to drink more water. Looking at these as inspiration, I've devised my own rose, mint, and berry combination.
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1/2 cup raspberries
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
2 tbsp edible dried rose petals. (be sure to get this from the grocer and not a florist as you don't want to risk consuming pesticide)
7 cups of water
Large pitcher or jar
Tear up the mint leaves
Add the mint, berries, and rose petals into a water pitcher or jar.
Add the water
Let sit in fridge for at least 30 mins for favors to mingle
Drink or freeze within 24 hours
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A trick with infused water is that you can freeze it in ice trays to store it, and then just plop a few of the icecubes into your water bottle to melt throughout the day.
Next up The Three Little Pigs and recipe from the Big Bad Wolf himself.
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Fall Apple Cinnamon Water
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shakkyra-ranae · 2 years
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🫐 + Mint Infused Water
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katanyahealthy · 1 year
10 cara membuat infused water untuk diet, yang sangat mudah dibuat dirumah
Ingin memiliki tubuh menarik? Yuk simak cara membuat infused water untuk diet yang bisa dibuat di rumah!
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Hallo pejuang diet!, sebelumnya kamu tahu tidak apa itu infused water? Jangan-jangan kamu baru tau tentang infused water? Berikut ini mimin akan memberitahukan apa itu infused water. Jadi, infused water itu  berawal dari minuman yang ada di Spanyol yaitu bernama aguas frescas, dan di Spanyol itu dalam meracik minuman infused water seringkali mencampurkan bunga, buah dan biji-bijian lalu ditambahkan dengan madu sebagai pemanisnya. Setelah itu dengan kemajuan yang sangat pesat sehingga membuat minuman infused water banyak sekali dijadikan kombinasi dengan menggunakan buah-buahan yang berbeda.Seperti potongan buah-buahan yang beragam, lalu buah-buahan tersebut dimasukkan kedalam air minum sehingga sari buah pada potongan buah-buahan tersebut akan meresap kedalam air dan menjadikan air tersebut menjadi minuman infused water.
Banyak sekali kandungan vitamin yang ada di dalam buah-buahan, sehingga tubuh sangat disarankan untuk mengkonsumsinya dan untuk dijadikan salah satu asupan vitamin anda dalam memulihkan tenaga yang sudah terkuras selama beraktivitas. Akan tetapi sebagian dari kita yang memiliki aktivitas yang padat dan jarang sekali berkesemapatan untuk mengkonsumsi buah-buahan, dikarenakan akan membutuhkan waktu yang lumayan lama dalam mengupas atau membersihkan buah-buahan tersebut untuk dikonsumsi, jadi infused water peran yang sangat penting dalam membantu anda untuk menambah asupan vitamin yang ada di dalam buah-buahan tanpa harus ribet lagi dengan proses yang dihasilkan.
Keuntungan Mengkonsumsi minuman infused water
Sebenarnya banyak sekali keuntungan dan manfaat apabila mengkonsumsi minuman infused water ini, dikarenakan minuman infused water menggunakan bahan dari buah -buahan, bunga dan biji-bijan alami yang sudah terbukti banyak manfaatnya untuk tubuh seperti mampu menurunkan berat badan yang ada di dalam tubuh, apabila dalam pembuatan infused water menggunakan buah-buahan yang sesuai untuk menurunkan berat badan seperti contoh buah apel, kiwi, jeruk, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tidak hanya mampu menurunkan berat bada saja, infused water juga mampu untuk mencegah penuaan dini, dikarenakan banyak sekali buah-buahan yang mengandung antioksidan yang dimana antioksidan mampu melawan radikal bebas yang ada di dalam tubuh, buah-buahan yang mengandung antioksidan antara lain yaitu stroberi, manga, apel dan masih banyak lagi.
Tips mengkonsumsi infused water
Tidak banyak tips yang harus dilakukan dalam mengkonsumsi infused water, cukup menggunakan buah-buahan yang berkualitas dan terbaik sudah cukup untuk bisa menjadikan minuman infused water, ditambah lagi dengan meletakan minuman infused water kedalam lemari es untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih nikmat dan yang terakhir sangat di sarankan untuk mengahibiskan minuman infused water dengan maksimal satu hari untuk menjaga kualitas yang ada di dalam minuman infused water tersebut.
Cara membuat minuman infused water di rumah
Sebenarnya sangat simple sekali dalam membuat minuman infused water menggunakan buah-buahan pilahan yang ada di dalam rumah, hanya dengan memotong buah-buahan yang diinginkan lalu di masukkan kedalam air mineral dan meletakkannya kedalam lemari es bagi yang ingin menambah kesegaran saat mengkonsumsinya. Selain pembuatannya yang sangat mudah, minuman infused water juga sangat mudah untuk dibawa kemana-mana untuk menemani aktivitas anda tanpa harus repot lagi dalam mengkonsumsi buah-buahan sebagai asupan vitamin anda.
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kawaii-foodie · 1 year
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needtobeehealthy · 2 years
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Chia Fruit Water
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Lilac Flower Water
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littlebitrecipes · 2 years
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Cucumber Mint Water
Enjoy a cool and refreshing glass of cucumber infused water to beat the heat outside. There are no added sugars or sweeteners in this cucumber water.
Recipe => https://lowcarbyum.com/cucumber-mint-infused-water/
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wayti-blog · 1 year
“Experimental physicists at the University of Toronto are closer to understanding why some icicles form with ripples up and down their outsides, while others form with smooth, slick, even surfaces.
By growing icicles from water samples with different contaminants like sodium chloride (salt), dextrose (sugar) and fluorescent dye, the researchers discovered that water impurities become entrapped within icicles as they form and subsequently create chevron patterns that contribute to a ripple effect around their circumferences.”
“The findings build on an earlier discovery by Morris and his research team that found the presence of salt in water was responsible for the irregular, rippled shapes of icicles grown in the lab. The new results show that it is not the type of impurity that leads to the ripples, but just the fact that there is something foreign in the water.
"We tested various species of impurities and the phenomena are unchanged as long as their concentrations are similar," says John Ladan, a Ph.D. student working with Morris and lead author of the study. "This is consistent with the idea that only physical, as opposed to chemical, processes are involved."
While their motivation for unlocking the secret behind the ripples is pure curiosity about natural patterns, the study of ice growth has serious applications, including ice accumulation on airplanes, ships and power lines. However, the results show that existing engineering models of ice accretion on power lines do not account for the entire problem. The researchers note that the findings do not resolve the mechanism of the ripples, but rather just add new aspects to the phenomena to be explained.
"We get a more profound appreciation for the complexity of natural ice formations," says Morris.”
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