#it could just be a pinched nerve in my neck I’ve fucked up my neck so bad this last month
susiron · 2 years
#paralyzed by fear of going to the doctor while my body is like actively going to shit#I’ve been having weird nerve shit for awhile now that I’ve been neglecting to get looked at#shit that should have had me running to a doc ages ago#but I keep making up shit in my head like oh pinched nerves pinched nerves#and maybe that is what it is but why haven’t I gone to the doctor yet#I’m fucking miserable I like can’t get comfortable#my nerves are twitching and I’m scared to know why#and not doing anything about it is actively making it worse#and even before the nerve fuckery I’ve got going on rn I had other things I’ve been ignoring or putting off#I never did get that fucking MRI#how much anxiety would I have saved myself had I done that years ago#paralyzed by my own fear and making myself so much fearful for it the longer I wait#I’m just so scared at this point I’ll get that MRI and be told the worst news#been living with that dread for years and it gets worse the more I wait and push this off#and I’ve said so many times I’d finally go get it done#I even got referrals for it last year#and then I didn’t and now I’m back to being scared shitless and things are getting worse#my left arm won’t stop twitching I’ve just got skin crawling sensations like crazy#it could just be a pinched nerve in my neck I’ve fucked up my neck so bad this last month#but why am I not looking into it faster why am I like this#I’ve just reached a point of being afraid I go to the doctor and get those tests done and get told that#putting everything off has doomed myself in some way#and I’m putting it off and making it worse to avoid that and it’s a self defeating cycle#just years spent waiting for the bad news to drop and running from it#I know this isn’t sustainable and I need to do something#I’m just so fucking tired and scared just always scared scared of myself and what’s in my body making me feel like shit#and of knowing what it is#I gotta force myself to go to the doc before the end of august#this thing with my arm and the nerve twitches in. general it’s the straw breaking the camels back#and the back should’ve broken a long time ago
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wroteclassicaly · 8 months
For The Record
(Steve Harrington x Female Reader)
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Summary: You have a surprise for your best-friend Steve.
Word count: 1,647
Warnings: Language, NSFW, creampie, vaginal sex, slight choking, slight breeding kink if you squint, and fluff.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Female Reader
A/N: Just a filthy little thing that I’ve been nurturing for a few days. No point to it, just showing Stevie some love! Haven’t written anything this lengthy in a while, but I hope y’all enjoy? ;P 💕❤️🥰♥️
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Steve. Steve-fucking-Harrington. The heart of your group with a head of hair (that you’d washed, brushed, picked monster guts out of, and pulled, one too many times), a comforting smile that reminded you of Summer’s fading sunsets that give way to fall colors. All copper, rust, orange, mossy caramels swirling together, deep browns that look like cinnamon (smells like the gum he chews, or the breath spray he carries in his back pocket), sometimes even red in how his cheeks tinge on cold days, the way he makes your body warm. To his protective - fighter mode, like a crafted out of the finest marble guardian-angelic-god.
You’d worship at his temple. All day. Every single day.
His mouth has been in as many places as his hands. He knows every scar, just as much as he’s aware of spots, in which kissing you will cause goosebumps to electrify, sparking themselves known across your skin, or where his fingers will cause that high pitched whine to come from between your lips. You can’t really fathom that it’s been happening, especially for how long. There’s been no talk of labels, what anything means, it’s just been two friends crossing a line and fucking one another on it. You don’t know what you would’ve done, had it not been for Steve-the-hair-Harrington, King Steve, your extra heartbeat, your best-friend, your everything.
And that’s what led you to your current predicament, your planned leap of faith. Wrapped in a maroon colored mini gift bag, you had placed the packet. Steve arrived not long after, movies and pizza balanced in his massive hands, keys dangling from the middle finger of his left hand, a cheesy grin pressing into that beautiful mouth. “Hey, honey,” he had said. “Really missed you today, you know that?”
You’d taken in his appearance of dark Levi’s and a black belt, his signature Nike’s, and a low dipped white v-neck that he’d thrown a plain blue button over, leaving it open, his gold chain visible, nestled in that patch of chest hair. Salivating more at him than the food, it took you a second to help him inside.
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You ate in avid chatter, watched one of the lamest, but most comforting horror films Steve could find on the shelves (that no one rented but he knew you’d appreciate), whilst being tucked beneath his bicep, warmed at his side. That’s when you’d retrieved the gift off your coffee table, his palm rubbing circles across your spine, kneading tension until you returned to your position. You handed him the bag and his bushy brows had pinched together, an adorable confusion clear. “For me? What did I do?”
“Just open it, Harrington. Before my nerves make me take it back.”
He cradled the parcel protectively, a pout forming as his watch strapped wrist dips inside. “No way, no how. Nope, not now.”
“Steve…” you laughed lightly, suddenly swallowing as he pulled the packet out, trying to make sense of the name.
“Contraceptive? I don’t… Isn’t this birth control?” He shook the packet before planting it in his massive palm.
You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, choking you like a vice, preventing you from answering in a full sentence.
“So, it’s yours? Why did you wrap it up and give it to me?”
“There’s a few missing already, Steve. I just wanted to get used to them before… Before I told you.”
“Told me, what?” He still looked puzzled, seeking out where you’d opened the package and taken a few tablets.
“That I just wanna use these from now on. Nothing else. If you, if that’s okay with you...?” You had felt the sharp claws of the butterflies, threatening to demolish your remaining courage. But this was Steve, you needed to remember that.
It took him a few moments, but then his pupils expanded within the enriching mossy flecks of his irises, at a rapid pace. His tongue licked at the five o’clock shadow above his upper lip. His voice, you’ll never forget how it sounded. Honey-hot and hoarse, raspy with bitten want, raw fucking desire. You’d clenched your thighs together, tongue eager to lick him… every-fucking-where — the burn of it felt on the muscle’s tip.
“Isn’t that something you do with a boyfriend, though? Not casual sex with a good friend, one of your best-friends?”
And you nod, vision swimming with shapes. Had you messed up? Fuck it. “It is.” Is what you’d responded with, taking the packet from him and tossing it with the bag back onto the table. The movie was rolling credits in the background and you were watching Steve’s dotted jugular as he swallowed, showcasing those tendons, all the way up to that stubble bitten jawline, dotted with freckles and moles.
“And who is your boyfriend, honey?” He had to hear you say it. If it’s what he thought it was, or you’d simply break his heart and move on to this guy. Could he really believe in a good thing again?
You leapt off that faithful precipice, years and feelings following, eyes locking, gaze unrelenting. “I was hoping it would be you.”
He was obviously choked up, orbs alight with mirth and excitement, among other things. “Funny that you mention that, because I’ve been hoping for the exact same thing.”And he’d fallen into your arms, seizing you with a kiss, noses nudging, tongues eager and messy. Clothes couldn’t come off fast enough.
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The king sized condom lays unopened on your plush blush rug. Having fallen out of Steve’s wallet, that had also tumbled from his jean pocket in haste. Everything was out of control in the best possible way. You could’ve sworn you died a few minutes prior and came back as immortal — able to see through particles that floated on the air, hear cars, horns, music from houses all across town, smell the leaves that clung to the trees, damp with rain water and Autumn air. Your eyes roll back, perspiration damp behind the backs of your knees, where he’s got his current pinching grip, the fat of your thighs pressed into your tits, squishing them.
You realize in the moment, that you truly loathe condoms. Because this? Feeling that wet pre-cum smear down his shaft and around your opening as he pushed himself into you without a barrier for the first time, it was an indescribable experience. Each ridge, every vein, so hot, soft, and fucking, soaking wet. You aren’t sure where he ends and you begin. It hurts like hell, aches in the deepest parts of you, a place you know that he could easily put a child if you slipped up on your only remaining protection.
That thought makes you tighten around him, cream spilling out and further slicking back the curls gathered at his base. He drops your thighs, sweat-slick pelvis smashing into yours, stimulating your swollen clit. His chest hair scrapes against your pebbled nipples, making you arch your back and your toes curl, legs locking around his lower waist. He whines, palm coming up to grasp at your breast, calloused thumb strumming around your areola. “God, honey, your fucking nipples were made for my mouth to suck on.”
And he’s descending, his lips closing over one, tongue flicking and stimulating. You cry out, hand fisting into his honey streaked, chestnut locks. His shoulders work and bend, the dips and freckles and moles visible, glittering with the salt of sweat, his gold chain swaying out from his hairy chest and back again when he stops, nose bumping yours, hot breath on your mouth. “This pussy was made for my cock.”
And holy hell, his vocalizing focus doesn’t cease. “Who took your virginity, honey?” You both know it wasn’t him. But you are well aware what he’s getting at, and as he gives a harsh snap, those full and fat balls smacking your slick ass, you lose further coherency. “That’s right,” he’s speaking again. “They don’t matter, but I do.”
You weren’t aware that you could make the noises that you are. Only able to speak once Steve’s tugging himself and pulling out, stringing from your cunt to his shaft, a squelch echoing. You both groan, emptiness already jumpstarted. You plead for him. “Please, Stevie, need you! Put it back in —“
“Say it, say you’re just a hole for me to fill. That you’re only mine, baby.”
“I… Fuck! Stevie, all my holes are only yours, I’m only yours!”
He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, before his jaw drops open and he whimpers. His hand leaves your breast and slides across your sternum, your collarbone, and settles at your neck. You nod to encourage, and those defined digits wrap around your throat.
“Tell me you love these big hands, sweetheart. Because they’re for you. They belong to you!”
“Want them all over me, Steve. All the time. Can’t get enough of you.”
He’s holding firm to his cock, stroking and teasing. You lick your lips as you stare at it, drooling. Reaching down, you tap his wrist (his arm, all muscles and tendons, thick and available to trace with your tongue), as he presses the thick red head into your clit, smearing the combination of you two all around. You mewl in appreciation, legs stretching so far apart that your muscles protest. He’s speaking next, panting out, “Like that? Hey, look at me. He grabs your chin, thumb tugging down your bottom lip. “Like. That?”
Your lip releases with a plop.
“Yes, yes! Don’t stop, Steve, never wanna not feel you again, baby boy!”
“That’s a good girl, that’s my girl.” He circles your sore opening and slips back inside with a loud, wet ease. You bite back the burning pain, welcoming the damp tears of pleasure along your lashes.
Your manicured nails cling to his back, his chest gliding along yours, heartbeat to hammering heartbeat. It’s frantic whispers and begging cries. And when he’s close to coming, you find his cheek with one hand, holding. “For the record, you’ve never been casual to me, Steve Harrington.”
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// Eat me paragraph //
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your-highnessmarvel · 7 months
So Much Paperwork
Requested by Anonymous: can you do one with avenger!reader and bucky and they get like either captured by hydra or locked in a room and there sex pollen and they don’t want to get dirty because they’re friends but… eventually they do? ❤️❤️❤️ if you’re not comfortable with this it’s ok!
AN: i’ve never written sex pollen before so bare with me! this is a heeellll of a ride LMMMAAOOOO this is going to spruce up my Bucky masterlist LETS GO
Warnings: smut (oral f!receiving, hand job, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, praising, biting), sex pollen, dub!con action, language, mentions of HYDRA
*gif not mine
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When Cap had said it was just a Hydra base, you hadn’t expected to enter a motherlode of enemy information. Opening that vault was like finding a cave filled with gold - every inch of the vault was brimming with sensitive Hydra files, all dog-eared, marked up, or highlighted. 
Bucky insisted on going through each and everyone of them. He had you open up each file cabinet, sift through each file, pick out the most interesting of them all, and place them by the door. Thank God you could read German. 
“Look at this one,” he called from the other side of the vault, far off in the corner. 
You were examining a file on something Hydra called Experiment 4H7, Phase 4. You let the file go before even reading the subject of the experiment and made your way towards Bucky. 
He was wearing his familiar all black outfit, the metal arm a stark silver against the vault’s gold and his suit’s black. He looked over his metal shoulder as you approached. 
“I’m guessing they’re keeping more red rooms in Ukraine,” he stated, showing you the file. There were a number of pictures of young girls varying from blondes to brunets to red heads, all different heights, all different shades of skin tones. 
“Yup,” you sighed, pointing to a line in the file. “That’s a graduate class, I’m guessing, look at that.” You pointed to the German word for Graduation and felt a deep pinch in your belly. These poor women. Unaware that they would be stripped of their rights, of what made them woman. 
You swallowed. “Okay,” you said. “I think we should just leave with what’s by the door?”
You stepped back, feeling the tile beneath your booted heel give and fall an inch lower. A metallic sound, like two gears churning to work, echoed loudly in the vault, and slowly, the vault door started shutting. 
“It’s a boobytrap!” Bucky yelled, dropping the file and running to the door, his metallic hand out to stop it.
“Did I step on a mine?” you yelled back, panic gripping every nerve in your body. 
It felt like time slowed as you looked over your shoulder, soft strands of hair slicking against the sweat on your cheek. You saw Bucky arrive at the door when it had but a few inches left to go, jamming his metal fingers between the closing door and the oval frame.
Every beat of your heart burned as you watched his face flush red, veins in his neck pulsing as he struggled to keep the door just a slight inch open. 
And then, overhead, a quiet squirting sound. You felt tiny pinpricks of water touch your cheek and you looked up. 
“Bucky.” But his name was lost to the sound of him groaning, grunting, heels sliding against the cement floor, sweat forming on his upper lip - all to keep the door from closing. “Bucky!”
When he looked back at you, the vault door closed with a deafening boom. 
“Y/N, don’t breathe in!” he gasped, retrieving his fingers form the door, panting as he made his way towards you. 
“Too late,” you said, feeling the minuscule dots of water dampen the inside of your nose, your lips, your tongue. It tasted so sweet. 
“Fuck,” he murmured, bending to your rest his hand on your boot, the one still pressed on the loose tile. “Y/N, I don’t think it’s a mine.”
You shivered, something achy climbing its way up your spine, burying deep in your belly. “Why?” you asked, closing your eyes as you felt his metal fingers clamp hard over your booted ankle. 
“Because,” he answered. “This was just the trigger for the door.”
You sighed. “Of course, I’m the dumbass who triggers the trap.”
“No worries, doll,” he said with a chuckle, and that nickname, that chuckle, made something sticky and thick slide down your belly, settling comfortably between your legs. Oh no. 
“How do we get out?” you asked, finally moving away from the tile as Bucky stood. You met his eyes, towering over you, and your skin suddenly flashed so hot that you feared he could see the heat fuming off your flesh. You sighed, an excuse to get air into your lungs, to fan out the heat invading your bones. 
He frowned, bent over to get on eye level with you. “Fuck,” he spat, walking towards the door. 
“What?” you asked, suddenly feeling your throat stick, parched, thick with saliva all at once. “Bucky, what’s happening?” You’d wanted your voice to sound panicky, but somehow, it came out... breathy. Like a purr. 
Bucky bashed his metal fist into the vault door, but the thing only echoed the sound back, not even denting, not even screeching. 
“Fuck!” Bucky yelled, raking his flesh hand through his short, cropped hair. 
He looked at you over the expanse of the vault, just a few meters apart, and something inside you ached, like an intense burn that made the fabric of your suit hurt against your skin, feel like hot iron against your nipples, the soft flesh on the inside of your thigh. 
God, you needed to get out of this suit. But not here. 
“How long until Cap comes for us?” you asked, falling to your knees, heat blasting from your knees to your scalp as you found the floor. Maybe it was cold. 
Bucky didn’t answer. He watched you fall flat to the ground, press your heated, sweaty cheek to the floor, chasing any kind of relief from this mounting pain, this heat. 
He gritted his teeth and took a step back. 
“What’s happening?” you asked again, rolling onto your back. The floor was but a brief relief of the heat, of the pain burning harshly under your skin. You closed your sweaty lids, scrapped your nails against your damp hairline. When had you gotten so sweaty? 
You reached up to the zipper of your one-piece suit, ready to tug it down. 
“Y/N, don’t.” Bucky’s voice, usually comforting, friendly, guiding - now sounded like a wolfish demand, a famished lion salivating at the sight of bleeding prey. 
You breathed in harshly, suddenly, your mind shifting the narrative of who Bucky was to you in a split second. A heartbeat before, Bucky was your superior, your friend who’d been nothing but a guiding force through your life - taking you from the depths of fear and desperation to acceptance. He’d brought you to the Avengers, to Cap and Nat, to a team of people like you - misfits who fit together. 
But now. Now the Bucky you knew was shadowed by this new grumbling, groaning wolf. 
“It hurts,” you panted, eyes still closed. You reached up anyway and undid your zipper, opening your suit down to your bellybutton, like slicing open a piece of meat. 
You heard something fleshy hit the floor, and you opened your eyes, looking back. It hurt to scrape your head against the cement, but you saw Bucky on his knees there, looking at you with something dark and hungry glazing over his eyes. 
Your eyes fell back to the ceiling above you, and you opened your suit up, arching off the cement in search of air. Your skin was pebbled with sweat, scorched to the touch. 
“If you expose more skin,” Bucky panted, and you realized that he was closer, almost breathing into your ear. “I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
“What’s happening?” you asked, for the millionth time, feeling an ache start to build dangerously fast in your cunt, throbbing, burning, slicking down your thighs with every beat of your heart. Every rush of blood in your veins was pain, every throb in your hole like a searing demand, an ache insatiable. Even when you wiggled, even when you groaned, clamping your thighs together, turning to your side and trying to find friction.  
Your clit was a pained, throbbing mess. 
“Doll,” Bucky breathed, and God, that sent another wave of hurt coursing down your spine, snapping in your blood like lightning. You could feel your pussy slick even more at the utter wretchedness of his voice.  
You groaned. Shaking your head. “No,” you whined. “Not this.” You’d heard about this - this experiment on something Hydra called sex pollen. They’d first used it in their breeding program they’d started during the second world war, when they wanted more Aryan children. They’d perfected it during the Cold War, and started manufacturing it for breeding camps they’d scattered across barren wastelands to produce more Hydra pawns. And now, they were using it as chemical warfare. 
“Bucky, no,” you whined, feeling hot, steaming tears wet your cheeks. You couldn’t do this. Bucky was your friend, your boss even. He was 7 years older than you (although he was technically like, 109 years old, but still). You were a rookie and he, your training officer. Your were his student and he was your professor. This was wrong on so many levels. “How much time does this last?” you asked, shivering, feeling another nauseating wave of need pulse through you. 
“I’m... I’m not sure,” he said, struggling to say each word. Like air was unknown to his lungs. Like he was fighting every instinct in his bones. 
But just the sound of his voice was enough to make another wave of excruciating pain wash through you, making you groan and wiggle against the floor. That ache in your clit intensified, pulsed painfully.
“Make it stop,” you murmured. “It hurts... so much.”
There was a second of silence until you heard the telltale sound of fabric rustling. Just the thought of Bucky naked, even an inch of skin available to your hungry eyes, made your cunt clench on nothing and you groaned in pain again. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n,” he said. “There’s only one way to make it stop.”
You shook your head, shivering. “No.”
Your heart stuttered as another wash of hot, molten lava scorched through your veins and this time, you sobbed, teeth clenching. 
“You can die, y/n,” Bucky whimpered and this time, his voice was right there, above you, a hand skimming across your thigh. 
You made a whimpering sound at the feel of his hand, even the slightest touch like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over your head. 
You opened your eyes and through tear-stained lashed and heavy lids, you looked back, seeing Bucky hunched over you, shirtless and sweating and with nothing but pain in those dark blue eyes of his. 
He bit his lip, meeting your eyes, and he nodded slowly. 
At this point, your entire body was shivering, sweaty, heating to the point that you thought your body would shut down. 
“Let me help,” he said, wretched, rough. 
When he applied the entire weight of his hand on your hip, it was like a lightning bolt had exploded under your skin. A moan ripped from your throat, utterly wrecked and rough and gone. 
Bucky said something but it was lost to the smoke in your head. He pulled down the rest of your suit, exposing hardened nipples to the air, but it still wasn’t cold enough. You wiggled your hips as he dragged the rest of the fabric down your body, to your legs until he was chucking off your boots and leaving you in nothing but your underwear. 
“Doll,” he rasped, pressing his fingers to your ankles, gently scraping up until he was resting both hands on the inside of your soft, plush thighs. “You’re soaked.”
You groaned, panting on the floor, feeling sticky, achy, and on fire. You pressed your hips forward, searching, searching. “Bucky, please.”
“Jesus, forgive me,” he groaned, and when you opened your eyes to meet the white lights above, he pressed a kiss to your clothed clit and you moaned salaciously.
One hand instinctively gripped at the roots of his brown hair, pulling him ever closer. The other clawed at the arm that came to rest over your tummy. 
A sharp, bruising knot formed in your tummy when he used one finger to move your thong to the side and he pressed a warm, wet kiss to your bare pussy. 
“Fuck, Bucky.” It came as a breath, like this was the first fresh, real breath you’d taken in years. 
He groaned against your skin, the vibrations dribbling up your belly, up your spine. Your toes curled as he gave his first few strokes of his tongue, long and harsh, like he was at a watering hole after days of being parched. 
“You taste like heaven, kitten,” he murmured, flattening his tongue against your clit and stroking it quickly, little flicks that sent your spine arching, your eyes closing, toes curling against his back. 
He gripped your hips in both hands, digging in to his meal, each stroke of his tongue like a spark against your clit. 
Your first orgasm wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to quench the heat, to cool the fire raging in your belly. Like a monstrous black wave, the pollen kept your senses awaken. 
“Bucky, again,” you whined, closing your thighs against his head, guiding his mouth back to your hole. He kept licking, sucking against your clit. 
Your second orgasm was like a temporary wash of relief. You smiled against each wave, hips stuttering against Bucky’s mouth. 
“It won’t be enough,” he said, voice wrecked, as he kissed up your thighs, igniting another wave of harsh, hot lava to drip from your belly into your clit. You whined. “I know,” he cooed, his eyes glazed as he hovered over you. When you met his gaze, you could see that he was fighting his own seams, that he was just as fragile and wanting and needing as you were. 
You reached between your bodies, skimming your nails down his hard chest, hearing the faint groan that left his lips. You patted down his belly, down until your hand wrapped around the impossibly hard, thick bulge in his suit pants. 
He bowed forward, sighing, moaning as you felt him out. Something like confidence, dark cunning, invaded your senses like a drug. 
“I need to be inside you so bad, y/n,” he groaned, hiding his face in the crook of your shoulder. Just the weight of his body on your chest, feeling his heat, his every breath, every tremble of his fingers as he clawed at your bare hip, your plush thighs, made you tremble with need. 
Hurriedly, he pressed away from you, pushing down his pants until his drooling, hard cock sprang free. He let it flop against your belly, groaning at the feeling, and when you met his eyes, he was nothing but a feral, hungry wolf. 
He claimed your mouth in a sudden, voracious kiss, tasting yourself on his lips as he ground into you. Delving his tongue passed your teeth, nipping at your bottom lip, breathing life into you with every stroke of his tongue against yours. 
You gripped his shaft slowly, feeling the velvety skin, stroking him in slow, languid movements of your wrist. Your other hand found his hair, pushing his mouth closer to yours, kissing him with fervour and need. His own hands cupped your head, positioned you the way he wanted. 
Then his metal fingers closed over your knee, hooking your leg over his hips, and he pulled away form your mouth in a wet, sloppy pop. He breathed, calming himself, but with you clawing at his shoulders, bringing him closer, hands stroking his dick quickly, he couldn’t stop himself. Even if he wanted to. Even if, deep down, in the dark, almost forgotten corners of his mind, he knew this was wrong, wrong, wrong - he wanted to lose himself in you. Just your taste wasn’t enough. Two of your orgasms against his lips wasn’t enough. Kissing you like he’d dreamed of doing so many times in his wet dreams - all of it wasn’t enough. 
He fell to one forearm, bringing his mouth to your ear. Your hand still slicking against him. Your mouth kissing against his neck, up his jaw. Your other hand digging nails into the hard muscle of his tricep. Your hot, wet thigh pressed against his bare hip. 
“I’m going to fuck you, y/n,” he grunted against your ear. 
You nodded, pushing your hips up, towards him. He pulled away from your stroking hand and you felt his tip press at your wet entrance. He shivered when he thrust the tip in, feeling your hole give in to him. 
You gasped as he slid in slowly. Now was when you realized just how big he was. How thick and unforgiving his cock was as he stretched your walls, impaling himself into you inch by inch. 
It was a painful stretch that made your knees tremble, gripping onto his shoulders for dear fucking life. 
“So tight,” he whispered against your ear. “Were you waiting for me, doll?”
His voice was like a sin committed in church. 
You whimpered when he pushed in completely, seating himself to the root, until every inch of him was pressed up against you. 
“Did you save this pussy for me, huh, kitten?” he rasped, pulling back and thrusting in slowly. He groaned, bowing forward. “So wet, doll, I can feel you dripping all over me.”
Who knew Bucky could be this filthy with his mouth. It made your body snap like a rubberband. 
He kissed up your throat, giving you shallow, quick strokes until he could feel your gummy walls relax and when he knew you were ready, he rutted against you like a dog gone mad. 
He gripped your hip, thrusting into you until your body was numb, your walls clenching against him, a pressure building just under your bellybutton. 
“Bucky,” you whined, sobbed, as he kept hitting that spot in you that made sparks dance along your spine.
“I can feel you, doll,” he grunted, teeth biting into your shoulder. “Come on, darlin’, you’re almost there.”
Your mouth opened in a small ‘o’, spine arching off the floor, adding to the pressure against his dick as your walls clenched impossibly tight against him, fluttering, buzzing, until your orgasm exploded through your flesh like a bomb of sparks and fireworks. 
You fell back to the floor, spine loose against the cement, your orgasm spinning through your blood as he kept rutting into you, chasing his own relief. 
You weakly grabbed onto his shoulders, pressed your face against his shoulder. “Fuck me, Bucky,” you pleaded. “Fuck me like I know you’ve always wanted to.” Your voice was so small, so wrecked from him, and it drove him crazy, drilling into you without rhythm. 
“So filthy, my doll,” he cooed, groaning when he heard you moan against his flesh. 
He fell onto you so suddenly, robbing you of air as he ground against you, chasing his own high. And after a few sloppy, shallow thrusts, you felt his cum inside you, his seed filling every inch of your gummy walls until he was dripping out of you and onto the cement. 
He breathed roughly, panting, gasping against your shoulder. And suddenly, his harsh hands became gentle on your cooling skin, stroking slowly against your waist. 
Your heart slowed, numbness filling you up like a dark, tentative wave. You were finally, finally cooling down, at peace, no more pain or ache or desire making every one of your movements excruciating. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n,” Bucky panted quietly, his face still hidden in your shoulder. “I never intended us to do... this.”
You shook your head. But no words formed in your mind, no coherent thought even took place as you just lay there, enjoying his weight, his heat. 
“We can’t stay here,” he said. He was so quiet, so gentle. He helped you get dressed in your soiled, cold suit. He zipped you up, did his best to smooth down your hair, tried to get as much of his cum off the floor with his boot. No use. 
When he got up and tucked himself back in his pants, tugging them over his hips, you couldn’t help the chuckle that left your lips. 
“We’re going to be in so much trouble, Bucky,” you said, almost like if you laughed about it, it wasn’t that bad, right?
He sighed, shaking his head. “Just...” he hesitated, putting his shirt back on. “I couldn’t watch you suffer like that.”
You nodded. 
“Cap will come get us,” he continued, almost reassuringly. “We’ll get some rest... shower too, and then we’ll talk about what’s next.”
You leaned against the wall, so tired, so fucked out that nothing else seemed even remotely satisfying except your bed. 
“What’s next is a lot of fucking paperwork, Buck.”
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
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Warnings: NON-CON, public unprotected coerced sex, blackmail, threats of violence, dark unhinged Rafe, innocence kink, crying kink, choking, loss of V
I open the door to the restroom and stumble backwards as Rafe Cameron pushes his way in, locking the door behind him. I retreat until my back hits the wall of the small room and Rafe cages me in between the wall and sink. I shrink away. I don’t know him but I’ve heard things. None of them good. I know JJ and his friends hate him. So what did he want with me? And who knew someone wearing a pink polo could look so terrifying?
"Your little crush stole something from me so I'm going to steal something from him." Rafe snarls, leaning down so our noses almost touch. I can smell his minty cologne and the alcohol on his breath. I hiccup a sob and he smirks, biting his lip.
"Your little crush stole something from me so I'm going to steal something from him." Rafe snarls, leaning down so our noses almost touch. I can smell his minty cologne and the alcohol on his breath. I hiccup a sob and he smirks, biting his lip.
"You can cry all you want. I like it." To prove his point he pushes his huge erection against my stomach. JJ had never touched me like this. He was always so sweet and gentle. I gasp when Rafe yanks down the front of my dress and strapless bra, my skin burning under his intense gaze.
"These are nice. Small but nice." Rafe murmurs, cupping my left breast with his hand and rolling my hardened nipple between two fingers. My legs shake, threatening to give out. My body was on fire. I'd never felt like this before.
"Rafe, please." A single tear escapes my eyes and he smirks, leaning forward to collect the wetness with his tongue. I flinch but he only smiles at my discomfort.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." His voice is a throaty growl and I shudder in his hold.
"Please. JJ and I aren't even together." I cry but he shakes his head, pinching my nipple until I'm whimpering and throbbing.
"No but I see the way he looks at you. He might not be fucking you but he wants you." I stare up at him with wide eyes. Everything with JJ was new, harmless. He was funny and obnoxious and let me move at my own pace. We agreed not to rush things. I just thought that meant he didn't want me like that and I couldn't get past my own nerves to ask for more.
"Didn't know that, did you? That's too bad. He could've had you first if you'd been braver. He's a nice guy but I'm not." Rafe moves his hand to my throat, holding me in place as he lowers his mouth to mine. My body explodes as he kisses me hungrily, forcing his tongue in my mouth while continuing his assault on my nipple.
I’d never been kissed like this. So raw and demanding.
I feel boneless. I can't move or stop him.
And I don't think I want to.
Rafe pulls away, biting my bottom lip before releasing it as I fight to control my breathing. He stares at me and my mouth for a moment before ducking down and sucking my nipple into his mouth. I cry out loudly, clamping my own hand over my mouth as he sucks and bites, his hands keeping me pinned to the wall. My head falls back against the wall as my release hits me fast and I shudder violently, half tempted to rip out his hair as I soak my panties. He releases my nipple with a pop, looking mildly surprised as he straightens and takes in my disheveled state.
"Did you just fucking cum? From nipple play?" Rafe rasps. When I don't answer, his hand dives under my dress before I can stop him and he cups my sensitive sex. His eyes widen for a second then his expression darkens, his fingers pressing against my clit until I'm pushing at his chest for relief.
"Please, Rafe, just go." I press harder against his chest but he swats my hands away, pressing his body against mine. His lips find my neck and I collapse against him, unable to stand on my own. Chills erupt across my skin as he kisses and licks my neck, his hands tight on my waist.
"I bet this sweet little cunt is begging to get fucked right now." Rafe growls into my ear, sliding one hand up to grab my breast again. I arch into his touch, too desperate to care. His free hand slips behind me to grab my rear, squeezing it roughly before smacking it.
"I can't." I rasp, just as there's a knock on the door. I jump but Rafe ignores it, turning my mouth back to his for another soul sucking kiss.
"Fuck me or he goes to jail." Rafe breathes between kisses, pressing his erection harder into my stomach. Another knock. “Fuck. Me.”
"I have him on camera stealing a $30,000 watch. I will put him in jail until he's gray." Rafe growls, his hunger making him feral as his mouth moves down to my neck then my nipples. I push at his shoulders but only because I'm hurting too bad. My body was throbbing, desperate for more.
“I’d hate for your brother to find out about your little JJ obsession.” Rafe taunts.
"Not here." I breathe, just as he rips open his jeans and sits me out the cold counter top, tearing my white Cotten panties down to my ankles.
"I'm not waiting." His laps claim mine again just as something thick probes my entrance. I'm so wet that he starts to slide inside but he's too big. We both moan loudly as he grips my ass and brings me closer to the edge of the counter, trying to work his way inside.
“Fuck, you’re so wet and tight.” Rafe hisses.
"Rafe, it's too big." I whine, burying my face in his neck as I'm filled with a terrible burning between my legs.
"I just have to work my way in. Relax. That's just the head." He starts to move back and forth forcing pleasure to erupt all over my body and down to my toes. I plant my feet on the counter top, opening myself wider unintentionally and he takes the green light to push more inside me. I suck in a breath at the pain but his lips on my neck and shoulder send sparks throughout my body. I never knew it could feel like this.
My cries quickly turn to moans, my nails digging into his back as he keeps up his slow and steady pace.
"Come on, that's just half. You can take it. You act like you're a fucking virgin." Rafe growls into my neck before biting me hard. I squeal, yanking on his hair as he fucks me harder. Faster. I'm so full it aches deep inside me. But it feels so good.
There's a dull ache now but nothing worth stopping over.
I don't realize how loud I've grown until he chuckles, cupping the back of my neck and kissing me to silence me.
"Be quiet or we'll get caught." Rafe rasps.
"I can't." I cry, my body trembling with the rapidly approaching orgasm.
"They say my name. Say my name as you cum." Rafe yanks me closer so we're practically chest to chest as I bite back a scream, my climax hitting me so hard everything goes black for a second.
"Rafe. Oh, God, Rafe." I can't help it. I certainly don't want to give him what he wants but the words fly out on their own as wetness drips out of me. I'm thrown off the ledge again as he fists my hair, driving into me harder and grunting into my ear.
"Do it again. Cum for me again, you little slut." Rafe snarls, slamming his lips down on mine. I turn away but that doesn't stop him from turning my chin back to him.
"I'm not a slut." I whisper, overcome with humiliation.
"You are. And you’re mine now." I open my mouth to argue when his hand wraps around my throat then he’s angling his hips upwards and hitting something deep inside me that has my eyes rolling back.
“Yes. I hope you’re on something because I’m about to paint your fucking insides.” I cum violently at his filthy words, shaking uncontrollably as Rafe curses and slams inside me harder and harder until he stills, dropping his head onto my shoulder.
I fight to catch my breath and gather myself while his body pins me against the vanity mirror, his heavy breathing echoing in my ear. I see the sweat along his hairline and I turn away. He was still inside me, still thick and hard. A horrible soreness was settling in but my toes still tingled.
Rafe pulls away, his expression dazed from his orgasm while he slowly withdraws from inside me. I look down to see the blood on my inner thighs and along his dick. Our eyes locked and he smirks, licking his lips like a satisfied lion.
“So you were a virgin. I’m honored.”
I don’t even think as my palm slaps across his face. Rafe huffs a laugh, his cheek now red as he chews that bottom lip. I hate him.
“Fuck. You.” I snarl, attempting to slide off the counter on shaky legs.
“You didn’t even hesitate to finish inside me. What if I wasn’t on anything? You could’ve gotten me pregnant the first time I had sex.” I shove him in the chest and he shrugs nonchalantly. He’s so massive compared to me that he doesn’t even budge.
“I’d love to see his face if that happened.” Rafe chirps, fixing himself and appearing like he didn’t just ruin my life. I go to slap him again but he catches my wrist and snatches up my panties. He fixes me with a warning glare and stuffs them in his pocket.
“Give them to me, you psycho.”
“No. Now go out there and sit on his lap. I want my cum to leak out of you and make a mess all over him.” My cheeks heat overwhelmingly. He was so vial.
“No. You’re even now. He doesn’t owe you anything else.”
“Watch your mouth. We have a long way to go before we’re thirty grand even. Plus, your brother is a good friend of mine. I know he’d rather see you with me than Maybank.”
“I don’t care what he wants. He’s hardly my brother. We didn’t grow up together. I don’t know him.”
“True but he’s who’d I’d pay to hurt Maybank and not have it fall back on me. I’m sure I wouldn’t even have to pay him if I just told him you had the hots for the little thief.” I stay silent. He was right. Rafe hated JJ but so did my half-brother.
Rafe grips my chin, kissing me again with another sickening smirk. I try to shove him away but he only smiles.
“Don’t let anyone else touch you unless I say so.”
“You won’t get away with this.” I glare up at him, unsure where my newfound confidence was coming from. Anger didn’t even begin to cover what I was feeling.
“I have and I will. I own you now. You’ll be my eyes and ears and do whatever I want, when I want. If I want you to suck my dick at a family dinner, you will. If I tell you to distract Maybank for a bit, you will. If I tell you to lie to the cops, you’ll do that too. Because if you don’t, I’ll make sure they throw the book at him and he stays in jail right next to his daddy. Then, I’ll hire people to beat him everyday until you decide what’s more important, you or him. Do as I say and he’ll remain untouched. Mostly.”
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
glory girl
warnings: no plot smut; praise kink, dirty talking, some edging/orgasm denial, and unprotected sex. ends in fluff :)
note: this is a blurb. i should be working on other fics, but i’m a little too obsessed with tom right now, so i needed to write something hot now!! BYE
soft dom!tom
tom’s lips brush the skin of your neck, soft and gentle like you were delicate. he flicks his hips deliberately slow, so you could feel each deep thrust thoroughly. you felt the ridges of veins along his cock rubbing against your walls blissfully. it was sensual and sweet, yet so, so dirty.
your neck strains from being tense, while you bite your lip to remain quiet. you were shy, even if you and tom lived alone and you knew no one else was listening.
“don’t get shy on me now,” tom whispers in your ear with a small pant. in a plank position, his muscular arms flexed with intensity each time he moved. he brushes a strand of hair from your perspired face to see you. “wanna hear those pretty noises.”
you whimpered, legs trembling as tom rocked back and forth into your soaking cunt. gushes of your wetness leaked around his cock, making him twitch and pulse inside of you; that picture alone could get him off. with you nearly withering underneath him, you were the most precious thing tom’s ever seen. your hair was fanned beautifully across your pillow, your nipples were pointy and hard, and your face of desire spurred him on.
“so pretty, my love,” tom massages your breast with subtle pinches while you quietly yelp. you moan sweetly, his words adding even more pleasure. tom knew you loved being praised, being admired. at first, it felt embarrassing to share, but tom loved complimenting you already, so he was excited when he discovered you really liked it.
plus, tom would do anything to make his girl happy and satisfied.
“t-tom,” you pant, the words struggling to leave your scratchy throat. your hands trail up the length of his arm, squeezing his tensing bicep, until they become laced in his brown curls. his calloused fingers circle your throbbing clit, the roughness scratching each nerve explicitly. you curse to the ceiling, stomach tightening as you feel your orgasm near.
tom rams into you impossibly deeper, lifting your leg to reach a new angle. you gasp at the new feeling as your nails grip snuggly on his locks. you were so close, just a little more and you would melt into him.
“tom, can i come? please, please,” you plead with a familiar lustful haze blurring your vision. you couldn’t hear anything besides tom’s words.
“no, you’re gonna hold it. i know you can, baby,” tom encourages with a grunt, hissing as you squeeze around him dangerously snug. if you keep doing that, he would come on the spot. he’s trying to make this last, but it never gets easier with you. you were his biggest weakness, yet you gave him immense strength. “be a good girl for me.”
your loud moan echoes in the air. you clutch hard against tom’s length, trying not to come without his word. his thumb and index finger rolls over your clit teasingly while his tip hits that spot inside of you that makes you scream. you yank his hair harshly, praying he would let you come already.
“please let me come! i’ve been good,” a whine escapes your mouth while your chest heaves in exhaustion. your desperate begging and your hands laced in his hair have him struggling to hold on himself. he moans into the cradle on your collarbone, resisting every urge telling him to blast his load into you right now.
“just a little longer, sweets. you’re gonna feel real good,” his mild pacing thrusts are agonizing because you’re right there and you can’t release it. your teeth sink deeply into your bottom lip and your back arches painfully off the mattress. “i’m fucking you nice and deep, aren’t i, honey?” tom’s eyes are dark with lust and hints of honey, and his cheeks were a tad rosy from the sexual heat in the room. he rubs over your stomach, feeling your muscles contracting to hold in your orgasm.
“oh, you’re so deep. can feel you in my tummy,” your eyes screw closed as your core tenses and you clench around him harshly. your spread legs shake desperately, unable to hold it any longer. “please!”
“let go for me, darling,” tom’s husky voice alerts you, and your body tumbles into that longing release. “look at me. i want to see your pretty face while you come on my cock.”
your foggy brain isn’t working enough to hide your echoey moans and whimpers. your face pinches with a scrunched nose as you try your best to keep your eyes wide for him. your nails scratch tom’s scalp as the euphoria washes over your body like a tidal wave. your heart beats sporadically in your chest at the overwhelming pleasure. hearing and seeing you unfold, tom’s movements become sloppy and slippery as your orgasm coats his shaft.
tom stares at you in all your glory, a moment of disbelief hitting him that you’re all his.
“fuck, baby. ’m gonna come. fill you up so full, you’ll be leaking with my cum,” tom groans, dick twitching as his balls tighten before his cum is shooting out of him. his moans are gravelly compared to your angelic ones, crisping the heated air around you with its masculine tone. his ecstasy occurs in flashes and heavy breaths.
tom makes sure each drop is tucked into your warm cunt, thrusting slowly to ensure it. you smile at the feeling of his orgasm coating your walls until you're full to the brim. clenching, you try your best to keep all of it inside of you.
“good girl. such a good fucking girl,” breathlessly, tom kisses your sweaty forehead while his heart floats in his chest. you smile wearily and run your hands through his damp curls as they stick to his hairline. “always so good to me.”
“i could say the same about you,” you grin with amusement. tom chuckles before kissing you sensually, making your eyes drift closed. your hands cup his soft, chiseled cheeks as everything in the world fades away.
when his mouth deattaches, yours is left aching for more as always. the tingle of his rouge lips lingers when he rolls over to your side and tosses the comforter over you both. he faces your backside and drags you close, securing an arm around your waist.
from the liberating blissfulness and the warmth of tom’s warmth, exhaustion haunts your body and a yawn arises from your throat. his cum threatens to drip out of you, even with closed thighs.
“tired, darling?” tom asks while caressing small circles on your torso. his subtle touch was addicting and comforting like a lullaby to a baby. you hum in response, eyes fluttering closed. your breathing and heart rate soon balance, and the tension within your muscles begin to ease.
you slip away into your dreams with one of them cradling you.
“i love you,” tom whispers to the sleepy girl in his arms. he kisses your shoulder delicately, encompassing the perfection of this moment. as his own eyes start to close, his breathing steadies comfortably. he doesn’t fall asleep until his heartbeat matches yours in perfect sync.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 1 month
Simple fear
Sam/Trans!Masc Darlin
A gift for my Darling Brother @prince-damien-of-darkness
This is mostly fluff but you can never be too careful
Description: Darlin gets their T Shot for the first time in so long! But they have a problem…Maybe Sam is the solution!
Authors note: this takes place after Sam and Darlin’s first “hanky-panky” session but before they move in together 
*Ringing* “Sam Collins” “HEy Sam…” They cleared their throat attempting to swallow their nerves, but to no avail “You OK darlin?” “yeah, I’m d doing fine w why do you ask?” “the voice crack and long pause is very tellin’ darlin’. also, you calling me on a Friday evenin’ ain’t the most normal thing..so what’s up?” pinching the bridge of their nose they take a deep breath “…you know how I told you I used to take testosterone injections?” “yeah..but you couldn’t afford it anymore because you were off the packs insurance. I remember” “yeah well David helped me sort out stuff with the insurance and I can get my injections again..” “well, that’s great darlin’! But um… you don’t sound too happy about it” “Well it’s not that I’m not happy about it. It’s..embarrassing..” “Embarrassing?”
“yeahhh well, the testosterone comes in the form of a shot” “Why would a shot be embarrassing?” “…” “……Darlin I can’t help you if you don’t use your words” “..I’m terrified of needles” “Pardon me?” Sam could hear shuffling around on their end “You heard me! shots, needles, injections. I hate it. I fucking hate it” “Darlin..don’t you have?-” “Tattoos? yeah yeah, I do. BUT they were given to me by Ansel when I was unconscious in high school. Hell throughout my childhood the only way I could get any shots was to be strapped down or sedated” Unbeknownst to them just as they said that. Sam was already making up a duffel bag and getting ready to leave for their apartment
“And you called me because you want me to help you with your shot?” “…yes. AND I know it’s stupid AND I know it’s rush hour but I promise I’ll make it up” “It’s not stupid. It’s a fear and fear is human…..and believe it or not you are human in that sense” They paused for a moment and signed “damn you Samuel Collins” “damn me? for what?” “..for making me be nice to myself” “Yeah truly criminal. Hey, can you let me in?” “what do you mean let you in? I-hold on HOW ARE YOU HERE??” They swing open their front door and see Sam standing there duffel bag in one hand and, a grocery bag in the other “Sam!” they wrap their arms around Sam‘s neck and kiss his cheek. the feeling of his scruff against their lips, sending them into a smile.
“How you holding up Darlin?” “Well now that you’re here. I’m doing fine, Great even~” They pulled Sam closer till their noses touched “Hi Sammy~” “Hi Darlin” “I love you~” “I love you too..what I don’t love is you trying to distract me from helping you. come on let’s have a seat on your couch” Darlin groaned and went back inside their apartment, following closely behind. They both sit on the couch and Sam sets the grocery bag on the coffee table. Darlin looks at it in confusion before turning his attention back to Sam “You’ll get to see what’s in the bag in a minute. Right now, I need your attention on me” There’s that tone they were all too familiar with. Sam gets this way about him when he’s healing/helping his mate. A Way that makes it feel like it’s them and only them. “do you want me to hold you for a minute before we start”
They nod and straddle Sam’s lap resting their head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around them and gently glides his fingertips up and down their bicep
“So what about the shot is making my big bad wolf nervous” “That’s the thing….I don’t know” “Hmm?” “I’ve always been like this. Even when I was little my folks had to take me to a special enpowered doctor so I could be magically restrained” “Why were you restrained?” “You gonna make fun of me” “Darlin have I ever made fun of you for somethin’ like this?” “No…” “Then spill” “….I would get so nervous that it would trigger my shifting when they would give it to me….” Sam takes a minute to process before speaking again “and they restrained you?” “Yeahhh” “ignoring how ethically fucked up that is. What do you want me to do to make this experience better for you?” they nuzzled into Sam’s neck.“This is nice…I like hearing the sound of your heartbeat…is that weird?” “Darlin. if it helps you, it’s not weird…here set up for a second”
they sit upright and Sam reaches for the bag off the coffee table “I know a guy who takes a shot like this only difference is his were for migraines. Sometimes his partner would help him..” he opens up the bag and takes out a small cardboard box, a Pack of tissues, and a box of Band-Aids, as well a the paper pharmacy bag with his mates shot. setting them in the spot next to him.
“I’m gonna have you snuggle in real close. Nestle your face in my neck like you were doing…and I’m gonna give it to you ok?” “Sam I don’t want to see the needle” “You won’t. I promise” they look into Sam’s eyes. Then nod. “alright snuggle in real close get nice and comfy” They adjust themselves. Wrapping their around Sam and burying their face in his neck. giving a few quick kisses whilst getting cozy.
Once they assumed their position they let out a sigh of relief
“you doing alright darlin?” “Yeah” “I’m gonna start prepping the area now” just as Sam promised. Their vision was obscured. Only being able to tell what’s going on from the sound of packaging being gently torn open. which was just barely audible over the sound of soft humming in their ear. They felt him rub a slightly cool alcohol pad in a small circle on their thigh. They knew what was coming and started to tense up.
Sam kissed their temple and ran his hand up and down their bicep just like before.
“I got you darlin,” he says against their skin. Sam hummed a bit louder than before. their muscles relaxed again. Nearly entranced in the sound.
He tightened his arm around them “alright darlin 1…2..-*CLICK*” with only a tiny yelp from his mate. The shot was done. Sam places it in the sharps box he had next to him and quickly cleans the wound placing a Band-Aid over it.
He carefully reaches down and props up the couch footrest. Then wraps his arms around his darlin.
“you alright darlin?” he felt their lips smile against his skin and start kissing all over his neck and jaw. he laughs and pulls them closer “I’m gonna take that as a yes” “Thank you Sammy~” “What are you thanking me for? I just gave it to you. You’re the one who took it” “That does seem to be how it goes often for us, huh?-” “Alright ya menace relax” Mischievous laughter escapes them as they sit up to greet their mate face-to-face “ok. but seriously thought..Thank you for this it means a lot” “A fear, especially one as intense as yours is a really vulnerable thing. I’m honored that you trust me with it” “I wouldn’t trust anyone else” They lean back down to kiss him, his hands wrapping around their torso, pulling them closer. “mmM- I have one more request!” Sam raised an eyebrow slightly caught off guard by the sudden interruption “All right go ahead darlin…What’s your request?” “….can we cuddle some more?” Sam smiles and leans back in his chair “I was hoping you were gonna ask” A big smile spreads across their face as they lay down on their mate's chest. Sam kisses and snuggles the top of their head.
“I love you Darlin” “I love you too Sammy…so fucking much”
Moral of the story
This is probably bad
I’m sorry if it is
Also sending all the love to my fellow trans masc’s out there y’all are amazing and handsome and brilliant. I love y’all
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ashiemochi · 1 year
hey ashie (again)
cause I’ve been working a lot and am tired, could I request a sugar daddy Leon blurb (personally I haven’t read any smut for him in a min), I’d super appreciate it 💓
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wrote this on phone so excuse EVERYTHING ilyt. will fix the format when I wake up.
fucking in the pool mutual masturbation
"Rough day at work, babe?"
"Ugh, yeah. My back is killing me."
"Well, I got just the thing for it."
"What's that?"
if only you knew what he was implying. A hot bath was usually the remedy for a bad day. A hot bath with him behind you and a hand between your legs was something else.
"fuck, Leon... mmh..."
"Shh, don't tire yourself out," Leon cooed into your ear, one hand caressing your inner thigh and the other quite busy lazily stroking your bundle of nerves, "Just relax."
He was only using two fingers; his middle and his index. Your head fell back to the space between his shoulder and chest with a breathy whine, earning a chuckle from him. His chest rumbled with his warmwarm sound, making your hands grip his thighs next to you.
It had been soso long since you've had some private time with none other than your sugar lover. With him being busy with work, you rarely saw him. Your job paid well but at what cost?
So, when you received a notification from your bank account about a huge sum being transferred to you, that was when you knew Leon was back home. And before you could call him, your phone lit up with his contact.
One conversation led to another and now you're in his luxurious bathroom in the black marbled self-heating tub. The glass doors had long steamed up and your whole body was hot.
Leon let out a hummed sound, enjoying toying with your clit in steady strokes as he pressed a kiss or two on the nape of your neck. Trailing them up to your cheek, Leon sped up the pace just a little.
The sudden pleasure jolted you, pushing a moan out of you. Had you been in bed or someplace that wasn't soaked in water, you'd hear the audible noise of your wetwet cunt.
"Let me take care of you," Leon muttered with a hazy smile, "Let me make you cum again and again so you can never have to worry about going to work tomorrow. I'm here to handle the money, you just have to enjoy it, isn't that right, sexy?"
You whimpered out, chest heaving as your hips started rocking on their own, trying to have his fingers in you, "Leon-hah,"
"Yes, baby?" Leon answered, feeling your hand leave his thigh to trail to his and you guided him up to your bosom, making him feel your perky buds.
"Need you, so bad," You begged, opening up your puppy eyes to gaze pleadingly at him, "Mmh-missed you,"
Leon grinned, azures heavy with lust before he kissed you, tongue already exploring every nook and cranny in your mouth. His large hand grasped your boob, having your nipple in between his thumb and index before pinching and massaging it, your loud whines coming out muffled by the lip lock.
His hand left your clit to grab your other free hand, guiding you to your sensitive spot and he had you rub your own self. He parted from your lips for a moment, staring darkly into your eyes.
"Play with yourself just like this," Leon ordered, his hand on top of yours over your aching clit, "And I'll have you cum on my fingers, and then,"
Your jaw dropped open at the penetration of his two long middle and ring finger, slowly going deepdeep into your cunt.
Leon smirked at your reaction before whispering hoarsely, "I'll fuck this pussy with my cock till you're cumming all over me."
Suddenly, you were vaguely aware of his heavy dick pressing into your lower back.
"F-shit, Leon!" You squealed at how deep and quick he was fucking your cunt with only his two fingers.
"Don't stop touching yourself, baby," Leon warned breathlessly into your ear, "Keep rubbing your clit for me."
You had no choice but to follow his order and it ripped a loud cry out of you, desperately stroking your little pearl in small circles. His fingers went deep and deep with each thrust that you really thought even you would never be able to finger-fuck yourself like he does.
His other hand roughed up on your hardened nipple, giving the other the same treatment by squeezing your bud in the space between his index and middle finger. Your free hand reached up to his, back arching into his hand as your sounds were getting louder and louder.
"I can feel you close, baby," Leon panted, "Can't wait to be in this sweet pussy of yours, ah~" his words ended in a moan, grunting as his hips visibly started grinding against your back for some friction, "Fuck, baby, I'd cum by just hearing your moans, mmh~"
Your words and begs came out incoherent and airy, feeling the knot tightening hard. Your chest heaved as you writhed, pathetically moaning with tears stinging the corner of your squeezed-shut eyes.
Leon kissed you hard, swallowing your moans as they merged with his at the feeling of your walls clasping tight around his digits. Your hand stilled on your clit, shooting out to grab onto something but you only found the condensation on the glass door. it was cool beneath your hot touches.
"That's it," Leon encouraged against your lips, fucking you deeper as he violated that spongy spot in you and his palm rubbed hard against that sensitive spot on your clit, "Let yourself go, sexy. Cum on my fingers."
Like a huge waterfall, your orgasm hit you hard that sent you gushing. Leon tugged you close when your body convulsed, keeping up his harsh thrusts that had you squealing and gasping. your legs shook and tried to clam shut at the oversensitivity but his ankles went over yours, preventing you from even attempting it.
"Fuck, AH! Le-on! Shit, oh god!!" You yelped, unable to handle how he was prolonging your orgasm.
His teeth sunk into your neck for the umpteenth hickey and that threw you further over the edge, forcing a loudloud moan of his name to the closed walls around you. His fingers fucking finally slowed down to slip out, slowly rubbing your visibly pumping clit to ease you down.
"There, there," Leon purred into your jawline, pressing a kiss there, "I've got you."
His thumb gingerly caressed your sore nipple, feeling your pounding heart right behind your ribs. Your whole body felt fatigued but you knew the night was far from over.
"I don't... think..." You breathed heavily, lolling your head to his side to look at him through half-lidded eyes, "I have energy in me for another round,"
Leon snickered at that, bumping your nose with his as he released your clit to rub your tremor-filled thigh, "That's alright with me, baby -- I'm happy to take the lead."
You weren't just lucky to have a sugar daddy who'd be willing to rock your world and body.
but you were also lucky tomorrow was your day off.
Your giggle came out soft as you nodded, "Good, because I plan on being a pillow princess after this,"
Leon chuckled, both his hands trailing down to your waist as he pressed a deep but brief kiss on your lips.
"That's fine by me, princess."
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chara-hugs · 5 months
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a/n: Hey! This is my contribution to the Princess Philly Birthday Challenge! Happy birthday, lovey! 💛
Don’t get any ideas though, me writing isn’t going to become a regular thing because I’m preeeetty sure this is hot garbáge.
Here’s a link to the challenge prompt (which is on going, btw).
The prompt I chose was: Jodeci - Freek’n You + Syverson
Warnings for content: SMUT! MDNI 18+ I must make that abundantly clear. You are responsible for your own media consumption, and will encounter: unprotected piv, domestic fluff, auto shop owner!Sy (ig?), a pinch of existential angst, and terrible writing.
Word count: ~1.5k
It had been one of those paperwork days that Sy just fuckin’ hated. He knew they were necessary, but he didn’t like the feeling of being chained to a damn desk. He liked to be moving— go where he wanted, when he wanted, and do as he pleased. He’d spent enough of his life on somebody else’s clock. His facial hair was at the itchy stage of growth and he knew he needed to shave. If it got any longer he’d start seeing someone in the mirror he wasn’t prepared to meet with again just yet. All he could think about was getting home, calling you, and trying to unwind from the day. He sighed, easing his truck into the driveway.
Then he noticed your car.
All his heavy thoughts left him as he made the short walk up the front path, cleared the three steps up the porch, and swung open his front door. The house smelled amazing.
Coming in further, Sy found you sitting on the couch in one of his old t-shirts and a pair of ratty sweats. Your hair was out of your face, covered by the silky scarf you liked to wear when you cooked or lounged around. Your face was bare; dewy from your skin care. You turned your head, smiling at him where he stood in the doorway. You were an angel; a vision. He could swear he was half-hard at the sight.
“Hi, baby!” Your voice was so sweet sounding after a day of grumbling and metal clanging out in the garage. A breath of fresh air. “Dinner’s just about ready.”
He was listening. He promises he was listening. Sy heard everything about you stopping over on your lunch break to get the beef stew going in the crockpot. How you hoped he didn’t mind you using his key, but you wanted to make something comforting tonight because you knew how much “your man of action” hated office days. How you’d made a quick bread when you got home after work. How the stew was just thickening a bit now. He was listening, you were just distracting.
“Babe?” He watched your eyebrows furrow. “Are you feeling alright?”
Sy nodded, the corner of his mouth quirking up as he cleared the living room in four long strides. He braced one of his big paws on the back of the couch, levering himself down to kiss you soundly. Lips cloying and devouring, tongue rolling sinfully against your own. He left you dazed as he drew back.
“I’m gonna fuck you good, then we’ll have dinner. Alright?” His eyes locked on yours with such intensity, you could only nod. He made a pleased rumbling noise in his chest.
Sy grabbed you up by your hips, lifting you effortlessly into his arms, and marched off down the hall to the bedroom.
“Alotta nerve you got. Sittin’ on my couch, makin’ me dinner, lookin’ like ya do,” Sy grumbled, voice and accent thickening. If you didn’t know him better, you would think he was upset. His large hands palming the globes of your ass said differently.
“Yeah? My sweatpants doing it for you, baby?” You teased, running your nails lightly over his scalp.
He stops in the middle of the hall, his body pinning yours to the wall as he rolled his hips. You could feel the heat of his hard length as he pressed against your core.
“Sugar, everything you say, everything you do. In silk and lace, or one of my old t-shirts, you are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Sy panted against your temple, his hips rutting against yours made your head tip back.
He plotted kisses over your exposed neck, one hand winding its way over the top of your thigh and into the cradle of your hips. Slipping under your waistband, Sy cupped your mound. Dexterous fingers stroking to find your entrance, wet and desperate. He teased your clit as he sucked on your pulse point. Gratified as you arched into him, exposing more of that elegant neck.
“I dream about you. Your smile, your laugh. How you’re too fucking pretty to be real.” Sy sank two fingers into you with ease. You keened, body feeling electrified.
“Miss Kitty’s so needy for me, ain’t she, pretty girl?” He purred, fingers hooking to rub at that spongey sweet spot. “You gonna let yer man take care’a you?”
You nodded, frantic.
“Good girl.”
You were face down, ass up, creaming on his cock. You weren’t sure how half the pillows and the duvet wound up on the floor, you were more focused on clinging to the bed sheets. Sy was gifted. He stretched you and stuffed you and fucked you so deep, you could feel the head of his cock kiss your cervix as he pressed himself to the hilt.
You arched your back, pressing your face further into the mattress; desperate to muffle your incoherent babbling. He could get you to promise him anything when he fucked you like this. Working orgasm after orgasm from your body. Sy wasn’t lying when he said he was going to fuck you good.
His large, callused hands roamed over your back and sides. His fingertips sank into your hips as he ground against you, feeling your walls clench as your body tensed, then drooped to the bed below.
Sy withdrew from your weeping hole carefully, and gently rolled you over. His cock was still hard and beading precum when he settled back on his haunches. Sy splayed your legs how he wanted, and the thrill of being so boneless that your man could move you around however he pleased tickled something at the back of your brain.
He wore the softest look as he stroked the flushed, wet head of his cock through your puffy, glistening folds. Sy was transfixed with each twitch and jolt of your body at his teasing.
“You know the first thing I saw when I got home today? Hmmm?” He asked, his flared head nocking at your entrance. You shook your head. The best reply you could give was a ‘nuh-uh.’ Lost in the feeling of Sy slowly sinking back into you.
“Your car in your spot in the driveway,” his voice was a rumble in his throat. The way he tenderly plotted kisses over your face and neck a contrast to his sharp, punctuating thrusts.
“And I knew you were home.” Kiss. Thrust
“Where you’re ‘posed to be.” Kiss. Thrust.
“With me.” Kiss. Thrust.
Your legs came up to lock around Sy’s waist. Needing to cling to him as his pace picked up. Overstimulated, slightly overwhelmed, but desperate for him to cum.
“Every bad thought left my head,” he swiped a rogue tear off your cheek. Enraptured once again by the beauty of you, and the pleasure he could pull from your body. “Everything was replaced by you.” You keen, back arching as his fingers find your clit to work circuits over it again.
“All I do is think about you,” he grunted, climbing closer to the edge. “How I’d take ya on the hood of a car in the shop, or how you’d look in a weddin’ dress. How good you taste, or how sweet you smile.” His pace was bordering on brutal now, wet skin slapping in time with the bed frame’s creaking. Your limbs tightened around him, cresting one last time; blocking out light, sound, anything that wasn’t the feeling of pleasure and the hot puffs of Sy’s breath against your chest. Did you scream? You weren’t sure. You watched his brow furrow and wiped the sweat from his temples as lucidity began to bleed into your consciousness.
He came with a roar and a gush of sticky, sweet release. Hips grinding down into yours to prolong the feeling of you, stuffed full and shivering around him. He nuzzled into your neck, breathing deeply. Sy shivered at the feeling of your blunt nails tickling the skin of his back.
You basked in the afterglow for a moment. Relishing in the feeling of his heartbeat and sweaty skin against your own.
“You okay, baby?” Sy broke the silence, voice husky and soft.
“I’m perfect,” you reply, craning your neck to kiss Sy.
“Good,” he slipped from you, spent, but was quickly on his feet. He took you in for a moment. Skin dewy again (but for a different reason this time), and prickled by beard burn, pussy stretched and stuffed. “You stay right there and look pretty, I’ll bring dinner back for us.”
“We’ll get breadcrumbs in the bed, babe.” You would have cringed, if you weren’t so blissed out. Sy shrugged.
“Gotta change the sheets anyway, baby.” He threw a laughably bad wink over his shoulder to you, then left the room. You sat there and watched him disappear down the hall toward the kitchen, naked as a jay bird.
(This is insurance so the page break doesn’t eat the end.)
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thatblackravenclaw · 2 years
I need you
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Blog Details + My Library
author note: sorry! it's been about a month since i've written smut, so i'm kind of rusty.
Peter Parker x fem!reader
word count: 794
warning(s): smut, oral (fem receiving), fingering, nipple stimulation, not proofread (what's new), squirting
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All I wanted was to read. That’s it. I was okay with Peter being here, because duh he’s the love of my life, but right now he’s on my last nerve. Ever since he walked in here with those puppy dog eyes, he’s been distracting me.
He would sigh every few seconds until I let him lay between my thighs. I’ll admit that having his head on the inside of my thigh so close to where I need most makes me clench around nothing with need, but this book is so good. I just got it yesterday and I’m about halfway through.
He stills for a moment which in any case would be beyond suspicious, but I don’t waste a second harping on it. I unconsciously start to read a bit faster because as much as I’ve ignored him being a brat, I want him so bad. It doesn’t help that his fingers start caressing my thigh. Very light touches, sending shivers down my body.
“May I help you?” I ask without taking my eyes off of the book.
“I need you.” Words that go straight down to my clit. I’m so glad I decided not to wear underwear.
I open my legs a little wider for him. I let him see how I’m worked up just as much as he is. The skirt of my nightgown pushed up to my hips.
“Fine, but I’m gonna keep reading.”
I feign annoyance, but god he better touch me soon or I’m going to lose it. He kisses my thigh before focusing on the wetness that covers the inside of my folds. I keen at the feeling while trying to focus on the words, knowing I won’t last long.
Without warning, he slips his middle and ring finger inside of me. A gasp escapes my throat and I feel myself slide down a bit into the bed. I slightly lose a grip on the book, but quickly get a hold of it. His strokes aren’t fast, but they aren’t slow. They reach deep inside me, and I feel it in my stomach. My hips involuntarily meet his thrusts, but my reading doesn’t waver. The words have started to become blurry, but I can’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing how quickly I surrender at his touch.
“Fuck, baby. You’re so wet. This all for me?” and then he starts kitten licking my clit. I give up and drop the book. I’ll be upset about losing my place later. I place the hand that was holding the book, behind his head to keep him in place.
“Yes, yes! A-All for you. Please.” I whimper out while giving up control.
He starts sucking on my clit while speeding up his thrusts. I feel my eyebrows furrow in pleasure a noise escapes my throat that I could only describe between a moan and a gasp. I use my other hand to pull down the strap of my nightgown to give me easier access to my breasts. I take my nipple between my thumb and index and pinch. The sensation goes down to my clit as Pete moans, doubling my pleasure.
I hear the sound of sloshing come from his direction. I know my sheets are ruined, but I look down anyway and am met with the sight of Peter humping the bed. The fact that he gets turned on just by eating me out makes my eyes roll to the back of my head. I wish I could’ve taken a picture or something. That image is gonna get me off for weeks.
My abdomen tightens and my moans get closer together.
“Baby, I’m- fuck- I’m coming.” His fingers hit deeper inside of me, and I hear my orgasm flow out of me, no doubt all of his face. Not that he minds. Starting to believe that he lives for it.
He “cleans me up” as he likes to say which is really just more overstimulation while my legs begin closing around his head at the feeling.
“Did you finish your book?” He asks with the smuggest fucking look on his face. I roll my eyes before pulling him up so that we’re face to face.
“Did you finish?” I tease while flicking my gaze towards his gray sweatpants that have a noticeable stain on the crotch. A blush takes over his cheeks. He hides his face in my neck while placing light kisses.
“It’s okay, baby. I just would have preferred for you to cum in me instead of your pants.”
He removes his face from the crook of my neck and glares at me mischievously. He gets off of the bed and slowly takes his pants off. I’m in for a long night and I can’t wait.  
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g-kat423 · 3 months
Just chatting about my day
My day was actually pretty good other than being in a weird mood. PMS be damned. Went on 2 walks because it was sunny, but still needed a winter jacket due to the wind. We also go back into a winter storm warning in 2 days. Ugh. I just want Spring. This winter air is killing skin. The walking I’ve been doing is really the most I’ve done since surgery because I had those few weeks I had to limit weight bearing, then weight bearing as tolerated, and then I was totally cleared in January after my last appointment with my surgeon. That was the dead of winter though and I was in a deep depression, mostly sedentary and only leaving the house for appointments apart from a couple times where I saw friends. Anyway, the walking around the neighborhood is still a lot for my hip. It doesn’t feel as bad as it did pre-surgery, but I think I’m always going to be limited and it will never be the way it was since before I became symptomatic. It’s just weird because the problem with my hip was something I was born with, but it wasn’t an issue until I was 23 and then it plagued me for years until a doctor finally listened. I believe I still have nerve damage down my leg from how long the issue was left without being addressed because I still get some burning/numbness down into my foot but I don’t have that localized calf and knee pain from my sciatic nerve constantly being irritated by my fucked up hip joint literally pinching it. Now it’s mostly the issue with my cervical spine and my right shoulder that’s always subluxing. The one surgeon who would see me with my insurance though refuses to fix it because he says due to my hypermobility, my shoulder would just dislocate again and the surgery would be useless 🙃 My hip surgeon said there is a risk of my hip having issues again, but he was still willing to do the surgery and I am thankful for that because I will take feeling good for now with only a possibility of an issue in the future vs how I did feel because I probably would have killed myself if I got turned down by a 2nd surgeon with how bad my mental state was last year due to the pain. Idk at least the pain I have in my shoulder/arm/neck is more tolerable though it can still be unbearable at times. I wish my connective tissue wasn’t like this so my body would stop tearing itself apart from every day things.
Idk got sidetracked but yeah I want to try to be as active as my body will allow. I wish we were truly in a post covid world so I could work towards getting my independence back, but it’s still a threat, one way making does not work, and my first covid infection gave me lifelong health issues so I’d really rather not risk more infections if I can help it because surviving the acute infection doesn’t mean you’re safe.
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itsacrueworld · 10 months
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A note to my future self for quitting a job of 5 years of basically hell.
I am not sure how I got myself in this mess of a business. I could make a whole list of everything I been through at that job and I know I am stupid or was dumb for staying.
Tomorrow I am going in to tell my boss I am quitting and for personal reasons I really do feel it’s time and that I’ve endured a lot pain there.
I don’t plan on telling him this of course however he is much aware of a sexual harassment going on and it’s not only with me but many girls reported it to him. I do blame myself for not reporting further things …. However it’s more complicated than you think. Or maybe I fucked up I made this whole thing complicated and feel guilty yet I shouldn’t about everything.
I find him to be unprofessional and a pervert it’s that’s simple. I did allow it to continue for quite some time off and on with other coworkers witnessing this too.
This past febuary I injured my back and neck and found out I was suffering with a pinched nerve in my neck. I still continued working somehow no matter what …. I was in extreme discomfort and pain. Maybe another reason I let it go because literally I felt not in my body and very fatigue 24-7.
I know it’s no excuse and I do hold myself accountable….. but I refuse not to be accountable for everything. It’s not only because of him I want to quit but also I’ve been feeling quite drained lately and back to that story about my pinched nerve…. I feel this job caused me these health issues. I also worked when I had strep and flu last winter and it was torture literally so painful I felt like I was going to faint.
I’ve never felt so depleted. I am done. Once and for all. I do feel betrayed as well for other private reasons I shall not speak of now, but yeah these just my thoughts.
I will quit tomorrow and hold my head up high despite quitting I know I need to for my own sanity and respect. I will drive myself insane staying much longer than another two months even.
Adios. Salam. Time to cut ties. But for good this time and I’ll feel relieved afterwards because I don’t have to deal with these toxic fake people
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
hey! Can I request where the reader is a kook and rlly shy and innocent and is dating topper but one night gets super drunk at a party and goes into a room and sees jj and then they like hookup but as their hooking up topper walks in but jj doesn’t stop and the reader is a moaning mess and then cums
Mystery Blonde
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I stumble down the hallway, my hand on the wall guiding me to the spare bedroom. The room is dark and I look up to see Topper emerge from the en suite, his cap on backwards. When did he start wearing a hat?
“Y/N? You good?” He asks but his voice sounds funny. I throw my arms around his neck and press my lips to his, rubbing my body against his crotch like I’d seen other girls do to guys. I got drunk so I could get through this. So I could finally make Top happy. He hesitates in kissing me but then his arms circle my waist, bringing me in closer as the bulge in his shorts grows. His tongue tastes like liquor and weed, his hand fisting my hair as he kisses me back.
“Fuck.” He whispers against my lips as I walk him back and push him down on the bed. I strip my white sundress off and I hear him suck in a breath as I strip my panties off next. I crawl up his legs as he fights to get something out of his pocket. A condom lands on the bed and I grab it while he shoves his shorts and boxers down. Now I’m the one hesitating. His penis bobs in my face and I find the sudden urge to lick it despite how large and intimidating it looks. I swipe my tongue over the tip and he hisses so I do it again and again until I’m throbbing hard between my legs.
“Shit, Y/N, are you sure—?” Topper asks, stroking himself with his hand as I sit up and open the condom wrapper.
“Shh.” I whisper while rolling it down his length.
“Do you want me on top or—?” I push down on his chest, hovering over him as I use my free hand to line him up.
“I want to ride you.” I’m so wet that he starts to slide in, a subtle pinch causing me to wince. His hands find my hips as he guides me down while pushing up into me. I groan loudly, my head falling back at the full feeling. His thumb started to circle my little bundle of nerves and I felt myself tighten around him as I started to move.
“Oh, fuck. Are you a fucking virgin?” Why would he ask that? He knows I am. I’ve been saving myself for him. Topper let’s out a breathy moan and I smile, bracing my hands on his chest as I start to find my rhythm. He hits something deep inside me when I rolled back and forth. I was growing more and more taunt, like a rubber band about to snap. I look down seeing that his hat has fallen off and his blonde locks are more messy than usual.
“I’m close.” I pant, my nails biting into his chest and he thrusts up into me so hard I see stars. A wave hits me just as I hear Topper say my name. I look to my right to see—Topper? I can’t hold back my scream as I cum hard, Topper groaning beneath me as he rubs my clit until we’re both shaking.
I slump against his chest completely exhausted and borderline passing out when I remember seeing double. I blink as I look over again to see Topper wide eyed and slack jawed by the door. I narrow my eyes in confusion. What?
“You’re fucking dead, Maybank.” I hear Topper roar and I’m suddenly pushed over onto the mattress. I sit up, dazed and confused. The guy I thought was Topper, turns to face me and I try to clear the fog in my head. Maybank? JJ Maybank? That Pogue?
“Wait, Topper! I didn’t know! She came on to me, man!” Topper lunges for him and JJ dodges it, scurrying across the bed and from the room as Topper screams like a child.
Did I just give my virginity to JJ Maybank thinking it was Topper?
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tryskomys · 2 years
˚˙༓࿇༓˙˚˙ Abracadabra - part III ˚˙༓࿇༓˙˚˙
Eddie Munson one-shot
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Summary: Before the jarring events of March 1986 hit The Hellfire Club, a more traditional evil disturbed their nerdy peace roughly a month prior - The Prom. Maia gets an unexpected invitation and gladly accepts, but Eddie is…well, Eddie about it.
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Previous part
Notes: woo, the finale is here! this is full of much needed fluff, the angst comes naturally with pining after something you can’t have. you know how that goes. it’s, uh, let me check my calendar…8k words long…yeah, i hope you revel in it as much as i have while writing. i’m referencing my other, spicier one-shot strange brew in this, feel free to read it if you haven’t yet! enjoy and embrace the fluff, because the main psycho killer story is about to get bleak.
some tw: mentions of ED (just a small pinch, but just in case, be careful), high school, painful pining
songs: look i made a little playlist yay
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Maia stood in shock, her delicate fingers examining the unlikely elegance of the handmade wire corsage he just handed her.
She looked up at Eddie, eyes filled with nothing but pure admiration. His mind slightly relaxed, but his cheeks were still flushed and warm as he flinched at the thought of her laughing in his face. Her plush lips curled into a crooked smirk and he couldn’t help but mirror her expression, his sweet dimples decorating the softly freckled pink skin.
She let out a soft sigh, stood on her tippy toes and pressed a warm kiss on his burning cheek, the freezing tip of her nose bringing an electric relief against it.
She closed her eyes as she inhaled his airy cologne, his soft curls that eminated a fresh spearmint scent tickled her face. She suddenly felt light-headed, swaying a little bit as she pulled away and stared down at the concrete, all her senses overwhelmed and drunk on his presence.
“I…it’s…I don’t know what to say.” she mumbled, her velvety voice still laced with a smile.
“I didn’t know where to buy this,” he pointed at the wrist decorated with hydrangea and ribbons, “…so I tried to, uh, do something similar. Sorry.”
He rubbed the back of is neck, squeezing his eyes closed in embarrassement. She giggled and he felt his heart cramp in pain, but then she met his worried eyes again and hugged him so fiercly he lost balance for a second.
“It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, Munson.” she mumbled into the soft fabric of his black shirt and he exhaled sharply, wrapping his long arms around her and pressing her against him as close as he could. Her ears filled with white noise as her heart thumped against her ribcage, each beat releasing a glorious throbbing pain through her nerves.
When they separated, she didn’t dare to face him. She still squeezed the ‘corsage’ in her fingers, playing with the wire ends that were sticking out.
“Will you put it on or are you gonna keep playing with it, halfling?” he almost whispered and nudged her with his elbow. She chuckled, meekly handing it back to him.
“You gotta put it on me, that’s how it’s supposed to go, no?” she raised her eyebrows and Eddie took it from her with a shrug, his fingers quivering slightly.
“You’re asking me about that?” he gingerly molded the wire to make a rounder circle as it lost its shape a bit when Maia clutched it in her hands. He softly took her palm in his and carefully pushed it past her fingers, trying not to scratch her with the imperfect structure in the process. When it was secured on her wrist, she took a second to admire it before looking up at him with a cheeky smile.
“How do I look?” she twirled around and posed, comically biting her lip. He smiled at her antics, his lips parting with a shaky sigh.
“Fucking breathtaking.”
She let go of her lip, eyes widening, and opened her mouth to say something. No sound came out, though. The blood filling her head once again tightened around her throat and all she let out was a soft huff.
Dustin’s curly hair popped out of the window as he whistled, making both Eddie and Maia turn around, a look of annoyance flashing over their flustered features.
“Come inside so we can take the damn picture, guys! Or there will be no canapes left when we arrive.”
And with that, he dissapeared into the house again. They both snorted with laughter and Eddie shook his head, stepping towards the house.
“The little gremlin is not wrong though, I’m starving.” he chuckled and stopped when he realized Maia was not behind him. She was still hesitantly standing in her spot, looking him up and down. Then, when she finally got going, she smirked as she walked past him.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Edward.” she patted his chest and entered the house, leaving him to breathlessly chuckle before following her.
“Get it together, freak.” he mouthed to himself, trying to physically shake the blush out of his cheeks.
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
They settled in the van after hanging out with Mr. Anderson for about half an hour - he didn’t want to let them go, the boys were enchanted when they got into a conversation about medival swords with him, staring adoringly at the three speciments hung on the scrappy beige wall.
He also didn’t miss the opportunity to have a glass of delicious - and unadulterated - scotch with Eddie, something of a ritual they indulged in every time he visited since he turned 18. Apart from his uncle, Maia’s dad was the only true father figure in his life and he cherished every moment he got to spend with him.
The boys were chittering the whole ride, continuing the nerd talk on the way to the event. As Maia listened with a soft smile, she stole a glance at Eddie, who was driving slowly and calmly, uncharacteristically so. As he tried to convince to Mike that a rapier is more practical than a longsword, she got lost in the melody of his voice. Her head got clouded in a sweet haze once again and she allowed herself to be overwhelmed by his presence.
The way his eyes danced around the road, orange streetlights washing over his animated features as he spewed out unnecessary nerd knowledge. His knuckles were white around the steering wheel as his long fingers gripped it tight, trying to hold the van’s wheels as straight and stable as possible. The dark curls were bouncing on his head due to all the nodding and tilting, each move sending a new wave of spearmint to fuel Maia’s brain cloud.
The guitar pick on his neck dangled above his chest as he shifted in his seat to sit differently, clearly not a 100% comfortable in the suit.
A breath hitched in her throat when he caught her oogling at his hands.
The deep dark wells that were his eyes reflected the warm beams of the lamps outside, obsidian softly mixing with amber. They’ve always reminded her of melted dark chocolate, bitter for some, but impossibly sweet and warm for those who decide to give in to the darkness and try. They swallowed her whole, consumed every thought she might’ve had, other than him.
It took her a good 5 seconds of him smirking and holding her stare before she realized she was really looking into his eyes and not just imagining them. Then she snapped her head to the window, heat draining from her face and pooling in her abdomen instead.
He looked at her for a few more seconds before setting his delighted gaze back to the road, clearing his throat as he continued to discuss with the youngsters.
When they approached the building of Hawkins High, they could already see the colorful lights flickering in the windows of the gym and the beat of Madonna’s tune could be heard throughout the entire school grounds. Eddie shakily exhaled as he parked the van next to the other cars, cursing under his breath. They haven’t even exited the car yet and he could already feel the stares of his peers, watching a freak in a prom suit like a specimen in a zoo. He felt a small hand squeeze his shoulder.
“It’s gonna be fine, Eddie.” Maia whispered and patted his back, hiding her own fear behind a warm smile.
“Yeah, it will be great! I heard that they raised enough money from the tickets to have KFC, let’s fucking go!” Dustin exclaimed and jumped out of the car, followed by Mike, who patted Eddie’s shoulder on the way.
“Let’s just sit around and drown in punch and laugh at pretentious pricks. ‘Kay?” he ruffled Maia’s hair and sighed, making her giggle.
“That’s the spirit!”
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
When they entered, all the jaws dropped.
The gym was bathed in soft warm light, fairy lights lacing all the walls along with lavender balloons that seemed to have some kind of twinkle inside of them as well. What was the most shocking, though - a large tree in a big flower pot stood right in the centre of the hall, soft lights of various shapes and sizes hanging from it, illuminating the busy dancefloor of teens swaying in the rhythm of Like a Virgin.
There were small tables with folding chairs that were decorated with lights as well, a green ribbon tied around the back. Each of the them had a small bouquet in the prom colors and two candles on each side of the vase, lighting the desk just enough to see and still keep the cozy atmosphere.
There was also an improvised stage under the basket that was tastefully holding a huge cascading bouquet of flowers, a hyped middle-aged DJ swinging his head to the rhythm as he leaned on his mixing table and a big drape of canvas that held the words “WOODLAND FAIRYTALE”, written in a beautiful elegant font (probably by the art kids).
Dustin gasped as he spotted the buffet table that was by far the most beautiful to all four of them, considering they were starving after all the stress and preparations.
It was a long desk filled with fruit, various types of canapes, two big bowls of punch and some trays with fried chicken. Maia gulped and patted Dustin’s shoulder.
“Now you’re talking.” she whispered and squeezed Eddie’s arm, tilting her head towards the improvised counter next to the entrance. Ms. O’Donell was sitting behind the desk, her perfect perm almost dripping with hairspray, the electric blue eyeshadow that rimmed her eyes the definition of too much. Eddie let out a big exhale when the group approached the table, making the teacher raise her head and immediately widen her eyes.
“What are you bunch doing here?” she tried to stay composed, but the scenarios of satanic nerdy deliquents ruining the prom night were running through her head at rapid speed.
“We bought tickets.” Eddie muttered, the hate for the school system sparking a newfound confidence. The teacher scoffed and sticked out her palm, waiting for them to hand her the papers in question.
They all awkwardly rummaged through their pockets (and purse) and fished out the tickets, all crumpled and Eddie’s ever slightly torn from all the nervous folding and playing with it while he stood in front of his dirty mirror, contemplating his plan.
She squinted at the nest of paper that piled up on her palm, darting between it and their faces as Mike winced and gave her an apologetic smile. She scoffed once again and gave them four tiny green ribbons perforated with a pin.
“You pin this to your…clothes, so we know that you actually paid for the tickets.” she raised her eyebrow and gave them a fake smile. Maia felt rage bubble in her chest as she thought that it was some sort of brand for the suspicious students, but when a pair of cheerleaders passed by them, she noticed they had the pin as well, so she let out a soft relaxed sigh.
“Have fun.” she pushed through gritted teeth and Eddie mirrored the grimace, sarcastically bowing to her before leaving the group behind and heading straight to the food table. The three of them exchanged a nervous look and followed him.
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
They filled their paper plates with all the goodies and each of them downed a glass of punch after toasting to a great night. After gathering some energy from the delicious treats, they finally looked around to check if they spot anyone familiar, landing upon the jock table where Lucas sat and passionately discussed something with Jason. Chrissy was sitting on his knee in a gorgeous satin gown that complemented her blond curled locks.
Maia shakily sighed, her heart dropping to her stomach when she looked down at her dress, suddenly feeling underdressed and weak. Dustin interpreted her reaction differently.
“I know, it sucks. But I’m sure he’ll talk to us when he’ll notice we’re here.”
Maia didn’t know what to say so she just hummed and looked at Eddie, who was scanning the same table with an unreadable expression. Of course she was about to jump to conclusions about him having a long time crush on Chrissy. She caught him checking the basketball table at lunch from time to time.
Meanwile, Eddie felt his cheeks burn when he saw the golden pair of Hawkins High. Maybe if he was more like Jason, more…normal, not a freak. Handsome, not black eyes with a disorderly nest of tangled curls on top. Athletic, not an awkward stickman. Maybe then she would sit on his knee like that. She would rest her pretty head on his shoulder.
She would remember their intoxicating, burning kiss.
He couldn’t help but steal a quick glance at Maia, who was looking at him as well. As their eyes met, they both quickly snapped their heads in opposite directions. Mike noticed the rest of Hellfire brooding in a corner, stuffing their mouths and giggling at something.
“Hey! There they are!” he pointed at them just as they looked up, furiously waving in their direction. Jeff waved back and when he noticed Eddie, the whole table errupted in cheers, making a few of the kids at the adjoining tables looking back in confusion. Gareth waved with the chicken in his hand and Maia and the rest set off to join them, chuckling.
“No fucking way! The prodigal son returns!” Pete stood up and slapped Eddie’s back, the chicken strip he was holding leaving a few crumbs on the black suit.
Maia shook her head with a chortle and immediately dusted it off, making Eddie jolt up from the contact. She made a round around the table to hug her three friends while they were chatting amongst each other, complimenting Dustin, Maia and Mike on their looks.
“Did we miss anything important?” Dustin sat down on an empty chair and threw a canape in his mouth, humming with content. Gareth shrugged.
“Well, prom queen hasn’t been named yet, I haven’t seen Sarah since the first Madonna song hit…and the DJ is a big fan of Madonna, so…” he told everyone with unexpected nonchalance. He looked around carefully and fished out a small flask from his inner pocket, hiding it with his ill-fitting jacket as he poured a splash of the transparent liquid in the punch and put it back. He beckoned to Jeff, who snorted with laughter and he took a swig, followed by a blissed aaaaaah.
“I call this one ‘Pure Fuel’.”
A freezing cold chill ran down Maia’s spine as she snapped her head at Eddie, who met her wide eyes with a similar expression. Their smirks grew into wild smiles and they broke out in loud giggles, bracing against the table.
“Thank you, thank you…” Gareth bowed his head, thinking they enjoyed his comment enough to choke on saliva. Eddie patted his shoulder and sat down next to Dustin, chomping on some crackers he put on his plate. Maia shook her head and took a bite of a canape with some salmon spread. Does this man ever eat?
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
“And then I saw Jared stick toilet paper down his pants, I’m talking stacks of it!” Pete whispered to the group and they all gasped, Maia and Mike letting out a synced disgusted noise.
“Fucking hell, imagine being that desperate.” she choked out and took a sip of her punch, throat dry from the stale air of the gym. She could swear she registered a faint smell of pot as well. Unsurprising.
“I never took Jared for an intellectual, but I’m pretty sure anyone can tell toilet paper from a bon-“
“Children, man! Watch your mouth!” she stopped him mid-sentence, pointing at her freshmen friends. Dustin rolled his eyes and cursed with his voice muffled by the fried chicken.
“Jesus, Mai, I know what a boner is.”
“Shh!” she hissed and slapped the back of his head, making the rest of the guys giggle. Eddie was still a bit on edge, but after eating a bit, he felt comfortable warmth spreading through his body, powered by the deliciousness of both the food and Maia’s cheerful laughter.
“Speaking of toilets, I gotta go re-apply blush, so I’ll be right back.” she mumbled and got up, the boys laughing at what seemed to be a joke, but Maia truly needed a second to look in the mirror and take a step back from the immense pressure she felt the whole time Eddie was in her presence.
As she entered the bathroom, she froze on the spot for a second when she saw Chrissy standing by the furthest mirror, shaking with tears. She noticed Maia coming in, so she quickly wiped away the tears and started washing her hands nonchalantly. Maia furrowed her brows and approached one of the sinks, cautiously side-eyeing the ethereal swishing of beige satin next to her.
“Umm…you okay?” she muttered, trying to be as non-invasive as possible. Chrissy sniffled and put on a cheerful voice after clearing her throat.
“Of course, thanks for asking!”
Maia wasn’t fooled by that, but she didn’t want to dig any deeper. That was until a deep sob escaped Chrissy’s body once she turned off the tap.
“I don’t wanna be…you know…but you don’t seem okay.” she almost whispered, not wanting to scare the cheerleader away. Chrissy let out a shivering exhale and turned to face Maia, her eyes red and puffy from crying, cheeks wet with tears.
“Can I help you somehow?”
“No, I just…goddammit…” she broke down in sniffles again and Maia carefully approached her, opening her arms.
“Do you need a hug?”
Chrissy nodded and walked into Maia’s arms, her petite body shaking against Maia’s small stature.
“I couldn’t help it…I just…I was so hungry and I ate a canape and now I look like…like a balloon.” she whimpered into Maia’s curls and her eyes watered with tears at the girl’s desperation. She continued.
“And now Jason’s gonna regret that he’s here with me and it will all be for nothing…”
Maia softly shushed the blonde, pulling away to gently wipe Chrissy’s teary cheeks, the intimate gesture feeling natural at the moment. Just female solidarity.
“You look beautiful, Chrissy. You’re the most beautiful girl in the building, trust me.” she whispered as Chrissy sniffled, her big blue eyes wasting the endless supplies of tears.
“And Jason can see it too, he looks at you like you’re the only thing existing for him, really. I can see to your table from mine, I promise he has eyes for you and you only, princess.” she put a loose strand of hair behind Chrissy’s ear and the girl softly smiled, shaking less than before.
“I just…wish I hadn’t eaten it…” she mumbled and looked to the floor. Maia’s bottom lip wobbled a bit, as she realized her and Chrissy are not so different.
Both were just insecure little girls inside, begging for their personal gods to notice them, love them, worship them. She stepped away from Chrissy, eyeing her up and down.
“You know, I’ve seen you before you ate it and honestly, it gave your cheeks such a beautiful glow it must’ve had some fairy dust in it…when I leave this bathroom, I’m eating the whole tray if it turns me into Chrissy Cunningham.”
Chrissy’s beautiful giggle filled the room as she wiped her nose with the tissue Maia handed her. Her heart jumped after seeing the girl finally smile and she sighed, her lips curled in a grin. No wonder Eddie’s entranced.
“What did you eat? You look amazing tonight, Maia.”
Maia’s breath hitched in her throat a bit, she didn’t realize Chrissy knew her name. She chuckled to hide her surprise and decided not to mention food any more, so the cheerleader wouldn’t get upset again.
“I guess the fairies messed with the punch as well.” she chuckled and rubbed Chrissy’s cold arm, making the girl giggle once more.
“I wish I could pull off fishnets like you, it looks so cool!” she took Maia’s hands into hers and backed away to look at her dress properly. Maia’s cheeks filled with red as she opened and closed her mouth a few times, not sure what to say.
“I mean, I wish I could pull off satin like you, princess Chrissy!” she grinned and spun Chrissy around, girly laughter filling the room as they both twirled in sync. A firm knock on the door made them both jump and stop in one place.
“Chrissy? Babe, are you okay? You’ve been there for ages!” Jason’s muffled voice echoed behind the door as the girls exchanged smiles, Maia giving Chrissy an enccouraging nod.
“See? Go out there and show them, princess!” she whispered and nudged her a bit, to which Chrissy reacted with pulling her into a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, Maia, you’re the best. Stop by our table, okay? We’ll go dancing together!” she whispered back and exited the bathroom after giving Maia one last wave. She wanted to follow her right away but then she overheard the conversation between the pair and decided to wait until they walk away, scratching her neck with a sad chuckle.
“Sorry, honey, I just…chatted with Maia Anderson and lost track of time.”
“What? That freak? Did she hurt you? Your eyes are red babe, did she make you cry?”
“No, Jason, come back, leave her alone. Of course she didn’t, she was amazing and kind, I laughed so hard I teared up. You shouldn’t be so judgemental, you know?”
“I only judge dangerous creeps, Chris…”
Yeah, stop by their table.
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
Eddie found strange comfort in Maia’s absence, finally feeling like he’s able to breath for the first time that night. Her perfume was overwhelming, clouding his judgement and free will, as her dark lips involuntarily dragged him back to the memories of their time at the Halloween party.
More accurately of the moments that took place that night a few rooms away from the gym as she fell asleep in his arms that wrapped around her bare chest.
He could still feel the bitter aftertaste of the lie that left his mouth two years ago, claiming he didn’t remember the way her hair tickled his face, the way her warm, soft naked skin felt under his fingers. For a significant amout of time he tried to shift the blame on the fact that she said she didn’t remember anything first, but the denial turned to shame after accepting that he’d suppress the truth nonetheless.
Maia’s raised voice snapped him out of his thoughts as she tried to talk over the booming melody of You Spin Me Round, sitting back in her chair.
“Jesus Christ, it took me like five minutes to get through the dancefloor. This place fells like, like the eleventh Plague of Egypt, right next the grasshopper invasion.” she muttered, out of breath, and took a swig from Eddie’s cup. Mike and Dustin chortled with amusement, shrugging when their less…academic friends furrowed their brows in confusion.
“We thought you drowned in the toilet, halfling.” Jeff gasped, probably already fueled by Gareth’s barista creation. Maia snickered at the nickname when Eddie gave him an annoyed side-eye, not content with someone else using his strange term of endearement.
“Nah, I actually…met Chrissy Cunningham and uh, she needed…some help with her dress, so…” she shrugged and raised her eyebrows at Pete’s snorting laugh.
“I’d pay to see that.”
A muffled slap echoed around the table when Maia’s small palm made soft contact with his chubby cheeks, making Mike choke out the punch through his nose.
“Fucking hell, go wash your mouth with soap, Myers. Ew.” she grimaced and shook her head, the rest of the table chirping with stiffled giggles.
Eddie smirked and threw a cracker in his mouth, turning his head to the dancefloor. Yeah, grasshopper swarm. The DJ’s nasal voice cracked though the speakers as he took over the microphone.
“Okay, okay, kids. Now it’s time to sloooooooow it down! Gentlemen, get ready to spin the girl of your dreams through the dancefloor! I better not see any beautiful ladies sitting down.”
Maia cringed at his introduction, pinching the bridge of her nose before eyeing her company, all of them mirroring her expression.
“Oh well, I guess this is my queue to find Sarah. If she’s still around, that is.” Gareth clasped his hands and got up, saluting before he dissapeared into the crowd. Jeff and Pete unexpectedly got up too, grabbing some chicken before shifting away from the table.
“Actually, we’re leaving too. Gareth’s flask is empty and I can’t deal with this sober, so we’re going to The Hideout for some drinks. You joining?” Jeff muttered and beckoned with his chicken wing, but Eddie shook his head.
“We can’t keep the rookies here alone, you know, it’s called responsibility?” he nodded his head with a sarcastic smile and Maia joined him.
“Begone, pussies.” she waved them off and Dustin giggled, glad that the four of them are staying together just as they intended. Jeff and Pete chuckled and then hooked their arms, sighing dramatically.
“Farewell, my dear friends. Sire, lead the way.” Pete bowed to Jeff and they walked away, their arms still theatrically intertwined.
The sound of Purple Rain filled the gym and awkward couples hesitantly joined the dancefloor, positioning themselves around the tall artificial tree in the middle. Dustin discreetly nudged Mike, going over the plan they’ve decided before meeting up with Eddie. Mike nodded and his ears turned bright red as he cleared his throat.
“Hey, uhh…would you maybe…wanna dance, Mai?” he smiled nervously and flinched a bit when the senior met his eyes, but he eased when she gave him a warm crooked smile. Eddie shifted in his seat a bit, smiling with pride at the boy’s confidence, but a heavy stone took seat in his chest when he realized she’s leaving.
“Oh godness, of course, I’d love to!” she giggled and they got up. Mike offered his hand to her and she raised her eyebrows, taken aback by his gentlemanly attitude.
“Lead the way, sire.” she mocked Pete’s bad English accent from a few minutes ago and they both chuckled as Mike led her to the dancefloor. Despite being almost five years younger than her, he was still significantly taller, so when she raised her arms around his neck, she giggled at the uncomfortable stretch.
“My my, do you know boys grow until about 21, Wheeler? By the time your senior prom rolls around, girls will have to climb a ladder to dance with you.”
Mike chuckled and relaxed a bit as they swayed to the rhythm of Prince’s guitar. He quickly glanced at their table, seeing Dustin give him thumbs up.
“Yeah, it’s becoming pretty awkward.”
“No, I didn’t mean it in a bad way…girls like tall guys, you know? I’m sure Jane would agree with me.” she whispered the last part.
His cheeks turned a new shade of red when he remembered his girlfriend and how she loves to cuddle up with him when watching TV. She giggled at his flustered expression and he looked at Dustin once again, who gave him a single firm nod.
“Um…is that why you like Eddie?”
Maia felt as if a bucket of liquid concrete dropped on her head and she softly gasped, trying her best to will the boiling blood out of her face.
“Michael, I’m not sure what possesed your freshmen brains but I do not like him. And he does not like me. Just because we’re a guy and a girl-“
“- and you like the same stuff, and you flirt with each other, and-“
“We don’t flirt with each other!” Maia hissed and Mike smirked, raising his hands in defense before delicately holding her waist again.
“Okay, fine. It’s just, you’ve never…thought about it?” he silently questioned, holding her gaze so he’d notice if she got really pissed off. To his surprise, she just let out a shaky sigh and rested her forehead on his bony chest, staring into the purple fabric.
“Of course I have.”
It somehow felt more real, now that she said it out loud. Mike knew better than to start digging in it right away, so he left the sentence hanging in the air for a few seconds before she decided to talk again.
“You’re in love, right?” she peeped and looked up at the boy, who seemed to be taken aback by the question. He doesn’t say it. Not out loud. So he let out a bunch of stuttering noises before she patted his arm, reassuring him that he doesn’t need to talk.
“I know, I know you are. And you’d do anything for your girl, right?”
He simply nodded, his eyes filled with true longing as he conjured her face in his mind. Maia turned her gaze away again, stealing a peek at their table, seeing Eddie passionately throw his ringed slim hands around as he discussed something with Dustin.
“Even if it hurt you?”
He nodded again.
“So you’d stay out of her way if you knew that she didn’t feel the same way. That you could never bring her what she deserves. Wouldn’t you?”
Her voice was calm and collected, she was content enough with the truth to hold back tears, at least in front of her younger friend. Mike furrowed his brows and automatically tightened his fingers around her waist.
“But he-“
“Wouldn’t you, Mike?” she interrupted him and met his eyes. The intensity of her gaze made him look away with a big sigh.
“I would.” he simply stated and relaxed his hands again, daring to pull her a bit closer in a hug. She softly smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, I know you would. That’s how love works. You’ve been lucky to land yours on somebody who loves you back…but some of us…” she sighed and looked at the table again, seeing Eddie eye the basketball table as Dustin explained something to his ear.
“Some of us just gotta take anything that we get to have, a friendship, a kinship…or whatever it takes to be close to him…to them.” she mumbled and chuckled a bit, a sound that made Mike squeeze his eyes shut with a wince over his hurting friend.
Tense silence fell between them as Prince’s guitar solo echoed through the dimly lit gym and Mike rested his chin on top of Maia’s head, her vulnerability allowing him to be confident enough to soothe her. He didn’t want to take the conversation any further, just letting her slowly move from side to side, breath in sync with the music. After a few minutes of wordless swaying passed, a soft hum brought his attention back to her.
“But yes, it is one of the reasons I like him.” she looked up at Mike with a small grin and he chuckled, nodding.
The song ended and the DJ embarrassed himself once again with some words of encouragement to his fellow kids. Maia nudged Mike on the way back to the table, her short arm awkwardly thrown around his shoulder.
“Well Wheeler, you’re a pretty good dancer, I’ll give you that.”
Mike’s ears and cheeks filled with red once again as he scratched his neck, grinning.
“You’re not too bad yourself!”
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
When Mike and Maia left to dance, Dustin cleared his throat and watched their mismatched figures melt into the crowd, darting between the pair and Eddie.
Let’s start off slow.
“Do you want me to fetch more punch?” he turned to Eddie, who tore his gaze off the dancefloor to ruffle his smaller friend’s styled curls.
“Nah, man. I still have some left. Thanks.” he mumbled and turned back to the dancefloor, looking for something bizzare to take his attention away from the way Maia’s hips swayed to the rhythm. Dustin softly coughed once again.
“She looks real good tonight, doesn’t she?”
Eddie chewed on a canape and slowly nodded, trying to keep composure as he could sense Dustin’s thought process.
“I mean, not only tonight, she always looks good, even in the worn out denim jacket, hehe…right?”
No answer.
“The dress is…she looks like a beautiful, enchanting little moth, that’s what I think.”
Eddie slowly turned his blank face at him, raising his eyebrows to challenge Dustin to continue babbling. The boy gulped and opened his mouth to say something, then shut it, then opened it again.
“I mean, she’s…you…god, stop grilling me, Eddie.”
“You’re the one asking pointless questions about my best friend’s appearance, I haven’t said a word.”
His monotone voice sent a shiver down Dustin’s spine and he wondered if Mike has to put up with this as well right now.
He looked away from Eddie’s piercing gaze to look for the pair on the dancefloor, but he suddenly couldn’t find them in the dim light. He sighed and turned at Eddie again, who was still pinning him in place with his dark eyes.
“Ugh, you’re making this so hard, man. Why don’t you just…fucking dance with her and tell her you love her and that you wanna have sex and eight babies with her and be done with it?!” he spewed out and Eddie raised his eyebrows even higher, his doe eyes hypnotizing even his young friend.
“Did I just hear the word ‘sex’ leave your mouth, Henderson? I’m telling your mother.”
That’s all he got for an answer before Eddie looked away again, hiding his burning cheeks behind a strand of hair.
Dustin sighed and realized that was probably one of the better reactions to provoke, taking a swig of his punch to wash down the squeak in his voice. He silently contemplated his next words, but Eddie was surprisingly the first one to speak.
“The fuck is that even supposed to mean?” he snapped his head at Dustin, harshly shifting in his seat to lean forward, resting his arm on the table. Dustin winced.
Eddie slapped the back of Dustin’s head.
“No, shithead, I know what sex is. I don’t…I’m not in love, or whatever you think that is, so get that out of your thick skull, okay? Because I don’t want to be the one that has to slap it out of it.” he hissed and lightly gave him another slap.
Dustin chuckled at that before he could stop himself, fueling Eddie’s annoyance even more. There’s the expected reaction, took him long enough.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I just-“
Eddie shot him a challenging look once again, but Mike and Dustin promised each other to not back down, so there was no way he was letting this go.
“- I just, hear me out, want the best for my two good friends who are clearly not completely…honest about their feelings, okay? You’re like, basically parenting us at this point and-“
“Well, mommy and daddy don’t love each other, okay?” he hissed at the boy loud enough to make a few lonely girls turn their heads in confusion.
Dustin flinched at the venom seeping out of Eddie’s words and he furrowed his brows in confusion, intelligent enough to recognize pain from anger. Eddie waved his hand around as he continued.
“It is what it is, mommy doesn’t want daddy, she never did, never will and you’ll have to come to terms with them divorced and separated, ‘kay?” he rubbed his face roughly and threw a cracker in his mouth to take out his anger on it, chomping loudly. Dustin sighed.
“How can you be divorced if you were never married?”
“Because, Dustin, life isn’t some stupid metaphor of yours! Some people just shouldn’t be with anyone, ever. Not sure about your old man, but mine didn’t wanna be alone, so he ruined my mother’s life. He was a piece of shit, so was his father and so am I, okay? And I’m not repeating the same selfish mistake as them, especially when it comes to her.”
He nodded his head towards the dancefloor and exhaled sharply.
Then Eddie finally took his gaze off of Dustin and stared into the floor, mindlessly folding the tissue he grabbed during the argument.
Dustin shakily exhaled. This was the most animated he’d ever seen his older friend. For a second, he felt bad for opening the wound that was clearly hidden low enough to not show under any circumstances, but then he saw Maia in the distance holding onto Mike, her expression hurt and yearning.
Yeah, it struck a chord.
Dustin reached out for his arm and firmly patted his shoulder. Eddie side-eyed him and then started playing with his hair, pulling a bit stronger this time to take his mind off of the growing pain in his chest.
“Sorry, man.” he faintly mumbled, shame adding more red to his face. Dustin shook his head. He knew better than to start reassuring Eddie about how none of this is true.
“No, it’s fine. It’s okay.”
“I just…not her, ‘kay? Never her.” he turned to face Dustin fully, allowing him to gilmpse into his big sad eyes before ruffling his hair again and chuckling.
“She does look good tonight. Every night.”
Dustin’s lips curled into a sad smile as the annoying voice of the DJ cut through Prince’s fading guitar.
“Will you promise me to dance with her, then? Pretty pleaseee.” Dustin pouted and Eddie finally cracked in a wide grin, shaking his head at his friend’s adorable little face.
“I can’t dance.”
“It’s not rocket science, you just hold her waist and sway from side to side.” Dustin nudged him and winked, patting his back as Maia and Mike approached the table, giggling.
“Okay, I kinda understand the grasshoppers now, that was fucking fun.” she breathed out as she stole a cracker from Eddie’s plate with a wide smile.
They locked eyes, the hidden sadness in her eyes meeting its twin. And he, like always, couldn’t help but smile back.
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
“Okay, unpopular opinion, I actually prefer New Order over Joy Division.” Maia squeezed her eyes shut and braced for the curses to come as Blue Monday blasted through the speakers.
“No fucking way, Anderson.” Eddie shook his head and put a hand on his chest theatrically, cheeks and ears flushed from the uncomfortable heat that suffocated the gym.
“I thought you were better than that!” Mike shook his head, giggling as Dustin acted like he choked on a piece of chicken.
“I’m sorry! They just use the synths so well, it’s tasteful yet modern, poetic yet tough. Ahhhhh…” she let out a loud sigh as she moved her body to the rhythm, her laughter making Eddie’s heart skip a few beats.
“Your turn, Henderson.”
“Shit, how am I gonna top that. Uh, fine, unpopular opinion - pepperoni pizza is disgusting.”
This sparked even louder complaints and Maia gasped so hard she choked on her saliva.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I just hate it, meat doesn’t belong on a pizza. Pineapple on the other hand-“
He yelped out as Maia tried to rub the salmon spread canape on his face.
“NO NO, I’m joking, I swear I’m joking!” he squealed and the four of them errupted in laughter. Maia sucessfully forced the canapy in his mouth and he mumbled an inaudiable curse before gulping it down, choking out a giggle.
“Go, Eddie.”
“Fuck, okay, now I’m scared to say anything.” he chuckled and Maia took another canape, challenging Eddie with raised eyebrows.
“Alright, unpopular opinion, The Return of the King is the worst one of th-“
Maia widened her eyes and swiftly moved her chair closer to Eddie with a loud screech of the wood against the gym floor, taking his cheeks into her palms as she tried to push the food into his face. He grabbed her wrists, wrestling her away with maniacal cackling mixed with whimpers of ‘I’m joking’ on repeat. The younger boys shook with laughter and started chanting.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!”
Maia laughed and squealed as he harshly tugged her out of her chair and held her tightly around her waist, moving her around so she couldn’t reach behind her. He pushed her arms into her face, forcing the canapy in her mouth. She trashed her head around a bit while franatic giggling before finally giving up.
“OKAY, TIME OUT!” she yelped out and he finally let go of her, his giggles rumbling against her back. She suddenly realized she was sitting on his knee and the memory of the last time they sat like this blinked through her brain so rapidly she lost balance, her head spinning.
She turned around at him as she got up, meeting his pink cheeks and huge brown eyes as his giggles died out. She could’ve sworn she saw the very same memory flash behind his eyes.
She moved her chair back and sat down, trying to catch her breath. The boys were still recovering from the laughter and Maia threw the canape in her mouth, huffing when she looked at Eddie again.
“I was joking, of course, we all know it’s the best one.” Eddie chuckled as he took of his jacket and rolled his sleeves up, exhausted from the heat and the unexpected workout.
“I know, I just wanted you to suffer for even saying it out loud.” Maia smirked and stole a quick look at his tattoed forearms before snapping her head towards the dancefloor before he could notice.
The prom king and queen were already voted - to no one’s surprise, Chrissy and Jason. Maia gave the girl thumbs up and a big smile as she stood upon the stage, earning an air kiss from Chrissy. The DJ just announced the last slow dance of the night. The group sat through all of them, chatting and laughing through the whole night.
Head Over Heels resonated around the room as the exhausted - in some cases drunk- couples filled the dancefloor to sway through the song. Dustin threw Eddie a knowing look and tilted his head in Maia’s direction, provoking a shivering exhale as he shook his head. Dustin continued nodding and this exchange went on for a few seconds before Mike joined in with nods too, outnumbering their poor friend. He closed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, then cleared his throat.
“Is it, um…an unpopular opinion that I like Tears for Fears?” he mumbled and Maia slowly turned around at him with her mouth open, eyes squinting in amusement.
“It is if it comes from you.” she breathlessly chuckled and raised her eyebrows. The boys darted between the two of them, geniuinely curious about Eddie’s tactic.
“Well, uh, what do you think about them?” he scratched his head and Dustin let out a dissapointed sigh, his brows furrowing.
“I mean, it’s not exactly Zeppelin, but you do you, I guess.” she giggled again. He sharply exhaled and abruptly stood up.
“Fuck, do you wanna dance?”
Maia sat in her chair as if she was glued to it, staring at him with wide eyes as her cheeks flooded with a pink hue. She only snapped out of her trance when she felt Mike’s elbow nudge her back.
“I…um, yeah…sure, I do.” she meekly whispered and got up as well, taking his warm hand when he extended it to her with a soft smile. As they walked away, Dustin and Mike high-fived under the table and clinked their glasses together, downing their drinks.
When they found a rare empty spot, Eddie carefully placed his hands on Maia’s hips and the knot in her chest sent out a wild wave through her body.
“Sorry, I have no fucking idea what I’m doing.” he chuckled nervously as she put her arms around his neck and stood a bit closer.
“Neither do I, let’s just step from side to side and pretend.”
She gave him a big warm smile before looking away, comfortable silence hanging between them. His scent overwhelmed her once again when she laid her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat pulsing against her cheek. He winced a bit when she started talking, her soft words vibrating against through his ribcage.
“I’m really glad you’re here, Munson.”
“Well, I couldn’t resist the idea of free food. And O’Donell’s face when she sees us.” he chuckled and sighed when she hummed.
“And uh…the prospect of seeing you was kinda cool too, I guess.” he squeezed her waist for a second and she looked up at him, giggling.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, it’s not often you see an eldritch necromancer in a dress. Not outside your imagination, that is.” he gave her a charming smirk and she opened her mouth in theatrical shock, eyes twinkling with mischeif.
“I take that as a compliment, my dear master.”
A shiver ran down his spine.
“It was.”
Her shoulders quivered with stiffled laughter and she shook her head, reaching into his silky curls to playfully tug at them.
“You’re blushing!” he raised his eyebrows and gasped, his dimples even deeper than usual in the dim warm light.
“Of course I am, you smooth, smooth fucker.” Maia slapped his arm and looked back at their table, not able to hold his magnetizing puppy eyes any longer. Dustin and Mike were sitting at their places, beckoning to the pair with their glasses, giggling as they whispered about something.
“Well, consider me flattered. I guess my flirting skills are in top condition tonight.”
Maia’s eyebrows flew up as she snapped her head back at Eddie and she squinted at him.
“Oh wise master, I’m humbled you’ve chosen me as your target on this fine evening.” she bowed her head and he snickered, shaking his head at her sarcasm. She did mean it though, even if her real intentions were shrouded by a veil of humor.
The song was uncompromisingly nearing to an end as they fell silent once again, moving to the fading rhythm in a soft embrace. When it finally ended, Eddie released her and took her hand, kissing the back of it with a dramatic bow. She giggled and gave him a little curtsey. She sighed as they hooked arms and walked back to the table.
“We should do this more often.”
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
Eddie dropped off the boys first after they spent the whole ride gossiping about their peers and the various antics they witnessed. They were beaming with excitement, the fact that they spent their freshmen prom in such good company filled them with bliss so strong that they were sure it will power them for the rest of the month or so.
When it came to dropping off Maia, he was less keen on letting her go, though. They stood in front of her door, still talking about anything they could think of so they wouldn’t have to separate.
“And I hope I guessed the ingredients to the salmon spread right, ‘cause I just gotta try it. Prepare for a month of daily taste tests, I hope your tastebuds are ready for a salmon overload.”
“Well, I’m not complaining, that’s for sure.” he shrugged and leaned against the door as she fumbled with her keys, the air filling with awkward tension.
After a few moments she looked up at him through her lashes, a sight that dried his throat to a desert. Her cheeks were burning red, the heat whipped by the freezing February air.
“Hey, uh…you know you told me that you finally got around to learning Last In Line?”
Eddie’s beating heart jumped up to his vocal chords and immobilized them, so he just nodded.
“Well, I just got around to finally replacing the strings on my baby to new ones, so…maybe you could, you know…test them out?” she meekly let out and tapped on the door nervously, avoiding his eyes. The corners of his lips curled into a wide toothy smile and he nudged her with his elbow.
“I’d love to. I might immediately off them again though, metal shows no mercy.”
They both burst out into giggles as she tilted her head towards the door, the clinking keys blessing Eddie’s ears. The door opened with an inviting creak, another night full of sweet, sweet music and stories awaiting behind them.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫
Tag list: @kik51199 @preciousbabypeter @sebby-staan @sleepysl0th03 @frozenhuntress67
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itsgeecheebitch · 11 months
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
RATING: Explicit
TW: Extreme dubcon in the beginning
NOTE: Surprisingly the first draft didn't sound bad. Only did some minor edits and decided to post it. Hope you guys enjoy it.
A burning pinching pain fried the nerves between your legs as he penetrated you. You tried to focus on his breath warming your neck, the way the smooth skin of his biceps dented underneath your fingernails, anything to distract yourself from the pain. A whimper clogged your airways, the word ‘no’ was hot on your tongue but you held it in. 
       Your walls fluttered and flinched around his still flesh, desperately trying to push him out. Tears filled your eyes but you didn’t want to anger him. You endured enough of his wrath to last you a lifetime and he was being amicable at the moment, you didn’t want to lose the olive branch he extended to you when he held you in his arms a few moments ago.
        The pain abated some but was still there when he began to move. Slowly, in and out, but your body still protested the intrusion. Masculine moans tickled your ears. So this was how Ardyn sounded like while in the throes of ecstasy, you always imagined it, touched yourself late at night to the thought of it, but your mind couldn’t compare to the real thing. 
         Despite the fluttering warmth that filled your belly at the sound of him, you couldn’t force your body to relax enough to accept him. The pain was too great. The urge to say something, to somehow convince him to end his assault, seized your throat like the venomous jaws of a hungry beast. 
          “It hurts…” You whimpered.
           “Shhh….” He replied before kissing your forehead. Sweet kisses were delivered everywhere he could reach, your cheeks, your lips, and your eyelids. His gentleness was a confusing contrast to the possessive rage that drove him for most of the night. You didn’t know whether to trust it or not. You saw another side to Ardyn you didn’t know existed before and it desecrated every sweet memory you had of him. 
           At any moment that vexation could return, the languid sway of his hips could turn violent and unrelenting, and his kisses bruising. He spoke again, “you’re doing so well, darling. Taking me all the way to the hilt, such a good girl you are.” You couldn’t stop the way your eyes lit up at the praise.
           You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, wanting to hold on his mercy for as long as you could. He pressed a kiss against your neck and your burning walls clenched down around him in response. “How I’ve longed to feel you like this again.”
          Confusion was like a tidal wave washing away your other thoughts. You’ve never done this before with Ardyn. Was he imagining someone else? Betrayal gripped your heart and you had to fight the cry that weighed on your chest. How could he think of someone else while he was doing this to you? He subjected you to his cruelty, burned every bridge you two made over the years, only to find the pleasure of another woman between your legs. 
          Your bottom lip trembled and you were so glad he couldn’t see it with his face buried between your neck and shoulder. “Mmm…fuck.” He moaned and your body responded despite the sadness burrowing through your heart. “Do you feel it? This is the extent of my desire for you, how much I’ve missed you.” 
          If only those words were truly meant for you. maybe then you could forgive his previous transgressions. But they weren’t and that just shoved the knife even deeper inside your chest. His unhurried strokes suddenly picked up pace, and your loins responded with fire. It felt like a metal rod was bullying its way between your folds. 
         The quiet squelch of his movements suddenly transformed into a violent slap of skin against skin as he lost himself to the fantasy. Your body renewed its fight against the invasion, convulsing and pushing against his cock in an attempt to force him out. But he continued his mindless assault, shoving himself deeper inside of you despite your obvious discomfort. 
       How could you have ever fooled yourself into believing he cared about you? He obviously didn’t. For a moment you did while you found solace in his embrace. His gentle kisses meant nothing, his promise to not hurt you anymore meant nothing, you meant nothing. Tears bled from your eyes but he was blind to it, the same way he always had been this entire time. 
        “A-ardyn, too much!” You cried, even though you knew he wouldn’t care.
        “Not enough.” He rasped in a low voice, “It’ll never be enough.” Cruel fingers dug into your thighs as he drove himself between your legs. His pistoning hips assaulted every inch of your virginal flesh, bludgeoning your cervix and dousing your nerves in gasoline. 
        You held onto him tighter as though the act would abate the aching burn he subjected you to. Rising from the crook of your neck, he wrapped your legs around his narrow waist and shifted his hips. The bulbous head of his cock nudged a place deep inside of you and made you gasp. A twinge of pleasure joined the fray and he continued to target that spot. You threw your head back against your pillow. 
        Ripples of pleasure washed away the pain and it was all you could focus on. You held onto Ardyn for an entirely different reason than before. A ball of tension formed low in your belly, tightening with every snap of his hips. You readily accepted the saving grace he gave you, it was almost enough to bury the betrayal you felt, the elusive image of another woman that taunted your thoughts.
        “Ardyn…” You moaned. You could endure this. You could forgive that it wasn’t you he was thinking about  so long as he continued to make you feel this good. You really could. But as though to prove you wrong, a tear slid down your face. Your heart squeezed and nearly defiled the pleasure that surfed through your body. It should be you in his mind, not some faceless woman who more than likely didn’t care about him as much as you did. 
       He was filling you, touching you, and kissing you in ways you’ve never experienced before. This act would remain with you for the rest of your life, but it won’t be your face that he recalls when he thinks back to this moment, it would only be hers. 
        “Mmm…oh Aera.” At the sound of your name, your eyes immediately snapped back to his. “I love you.” He said. You gasped. Your body instantaneously lit up like torches in a dark cave. He said he said your name. He said he loved you. Sensations overcame the bitterness that bullied your brain. That was for you. There was never another woman on his mind, it was always you. The last of your reservations fell away as bliss consumed you completely.
       “Aera…” A distant whisper came. “Aera?” Came the same voice but it was much louder this time, “hey, are you listening?” The scene fell apart like shattered glass. Just like that you were back in the presence, back underneath the raging sun that bleached the hard desert soil in shades of orange. 
        “Where d’you go just now? I lost you there for a minute.” You turned your head to find Prompto standing beside you, his oceanic eyes searching yours.
         Embarrassment branded itself on your cheeks as you rubbed the back of your neck. “Sorry, it's the heat honestly.” You delivered sheepishly. How long were you lost in thought, lost to the memory of a dream that stalked you for the past two years?
       Prompto chuckled and you sighed in relief, thankful he didn’t take offense to your lack of attention. “Don't sweat it, maybe they have something cold to drink at the bakery over there.” He pointed towards a white building that stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the gray cement walls that made up Hammerhead’s architecture. “Wanna check it out?”
     You nodded your head and you both continued your journey through the small town. The clank of metal and the rumbling of machinery floated on the wind as the town’s people continued their work. Children dashed across the desert roads, their laughter reminding you of the capital city you and the boys recently left. 
      What should’ve been a twenty minute ride ended up being a two hour toil the moment the car broke down. Not even ten minutes out of the city gates and this journey was already showing signs of struggle. Fortunately for you and the boys the town you were on your way to, Hammerhead, was known for its car garages and mechanics. The area’s best car repairman, and former acquaintance of the king, was more than willing to help your group with your car troubles.
       With nothing else to do than to wait for the regalia to be repaired, you and the boys decided to check out the town. You and Prompto were the first to drift off, which leads you to now. The chime of bells heralded your entrance into the bakery.
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all-4-wincest · 2 years
New Diagnosis
I don’t think that I told y’all what was going on with me this past week. My legs are always numb and painful because of my Multiple Sclerosis, and I’m use to that. My legs have been giving me more trouble than they usually do for about 2 weeks anthought it was another exacerbation of the MS. But suddenly Wednesday night I couldn’t move my legs at all, which has never happened before. I was scared and sobbing, but not wanting go to the ER. But I knew that I had to. My son called 911 because I couldn’t get a sentence out because I was crying so hard. So, I went to the hospital, the same hospital where I had my neck operated on. It was the most horrible experience in an ER that I’ve ever had, but that’s a whole different post
First, they told me that I have FUCKING COVID!!! I was pissed because I hadn’t been anywhere for the last week except for the gas station. I did have to go inside because I needed cigarettes too. But I was wearing a mask, like I always do, because the medication I receive monthly for MS makes me immunocomprised. It’s considered chemotherapy but for MS not cancer.
They did a MRI of my brain and spinal cord to try to find out what was going on with my legs. After it was done a neurologist came to talk to me. He said he had good news and bad news. It wasn’t an exacerbation of the MS, which was great because I had just had one in June. However, he told me that I couldn’t move my legs because my lumbar spinal cord is COMPLETELY FUCKED UP! Obviously he didn’t say it quite like that, LOL L4-L5, right above where your butt starts, is pinching the nerves and the disc is bulging circumvential. He suggested that I need surgery as soon as I test negative for COVID. I scoffed and told him that I need to exhaust all other treatments before I even consider having surgery!! To which he said that was a reasonable thing to do, adding on that I would still end up needing surgery. I started crying all over again. When the neurologist said that he thought it would be best if I went to inpatient rehab until I could walk again. I told him no, absolutely not. I had only seen the physical and occupational therapists once and that was when I was still in the ER. I told him that I didn’t think that was a fair assessment of what I could do. So OT and PT came to see me again and I was able to walk with a walker.
I’m thankfully home now with a walker and orders for in home PT/OT. So wish me luck, prayers would be appreciated if you do that. I’m gonna try to remember to update y’all when I have something to report. Thanks for listening to my sob story.
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troglobite · 1 year
i’m not in that bad of a mood but a bunch of body/health complaints below the cut bc i wanna bitch abt em
my life is basically a series of: i need to do x to help y, but that causes z, and i need to do b to help z, but then that causes or worsens c
like i’m not unique, it’s just sort of stupid and i’m Tired. lol
it’s gotten v bad thanks to the pandemic and also this house/town i think? long story
rn i’m dealing with:
my mental health sucks, i need to get out more
well i can’t get out bc of covid so : /
then i could at least exercise more, bc exercising also will help my cholesterol which isn’t great (but is stable and not getting worse, at least)
okay great except that my MCAS means my sweat is out of fucking control so exercising is miserable
well i could just take it easy then, right?
well no bc going for a walk makes me the sweatiest person in the world
well i mean that’s just an inconvenience, right?
nope, bc i have an issue that is exacerbated by excessive sweating, so i can’t sweat too much, either.
(i also have ANOTHER issue in the same area as the previous issue that is only solved by direct contact with a heating pad, which as you might imagine, CAUSES HEAT AND SWEATING which EXACERBATES THE OTHER PROBLEM so that one in particular has been super fucking fun to navigate)
okay then i exercise inside
well there’s not really anywhere to do that, everywhere is too small, and i ALSO sweat INSIDE a lot so it doesn’t matter
okay well then--aha! i’ll just exercise in the shower! 
okay great!
it’s working!
wait why are my feet randomly seizing and in terrible pain while i’m walking arou--oh right. EDS. and exercising without shoes is. bad. 
okay well i just need to start working on my EDS and take it easy right?
okay except i can’t do the physical therapy/muldowney method bc when i started, it caused a lot of bladder and pelvic pain that got worse w stress.
and i’m trying stress management but everything is a fucking nightmare.
i had to stop PT so that i’d stop feeling like i had the world’s worst UTI whenever i got remotely irritated. 
and turns out that’s bc i have an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder
so until i figure out what that is...i can’t do anything for my EDS...or my MCAS...so i’m just stuck taking 2 zyrtec every day and topping up with benadryl hoping that i can breathe and stop getting hives
and that i can exercise and feel good and be happy, but also still manage to walk around without extreme pain
hahaha. ha. 
i hate everything. 
i’m literally covered in hives. all over my face neck ears and scalp. everywhere. they’re unstoppable. fucking. fuck.
oh wait one more
so i have steroid cream that works to get rid of my hives for the most part
but it’s like playing whack-a-mole bc more just pop up in place of the ones i got rid of 
and then what’s more
i can’t really put them on my scalp
bc my scalp sweats so much (bc lol i also have to use dandruff shampoo) so it runs the risk of hurting me
bc i had to put some on some hives that were vaguely near but not on my eyes, and bc they were hot and/or sweaty recently before i put the cream on, my skin burned for two days straight
no relief to be had
so now i have to be careful abt what i put the steroid cream on to get rid of my hives
bc there are no antihistamines that’ll get the job done
ALSO my right wrist has recently decided to be fucked up so i keep losing circulation in my hand and fingers while i sleep, which seems to be getting slightly better, but i can no longer do one of my EDS tricks bc it seems to be pinching nerves when i do it? i’ve only tested twice to see if there had been any change. 
so it’s just like
i have no idea how the fuck that happened or when or why and i can’t seem to fix it by using braces, or stretching, or ANYTHING.
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