#it's fine I'm probably being overdramatic
im2tired4usernames · 1 year
I wonder what it like actually feels like to feel like an actual family member in your family?
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ihaventsleptinweekz · 6 months
Sometimes I think I'm a normal person then the 11 pm thought kicks in and suddenly I'm insane
#Going to mildly and vaugly vent in the tags to buckle up ^_^#Will not clarify on any of this because it's more fun not to. Hope that helps#Anyway I'm kind of just. Weirded out by myself rn. Like I'm fine but I'm side-eyeing myself a little bit#And recently I've been believing thay I think really I was more immature a year ago#and while I do think back at her (year ago me) and kinda laugh at her for being overdramatic I feel kinda bad about it because yknow I was#But then I got kind of weirdly slowed down? In my being less freaked out process#Mostly because of Hellenite everyone say thank you hellenite (sarcastic love those fics so much)#But reading the fic kind of reminded me of the emotions that were going on at that time#And while I don't really miss or regret what happened too much anymore I think the general emotions of it started popping up again#Like idk how to say this but I'm over IT as a whole- but the emotions are still kinda left over?#Man really do NOT know how to put this#Cause it's kinda old news and frankly I am wildly happy with where I am right now#And I'm kind of thankful?? But also just a little :I about the whole thing. Which is making me inwardly side-eyeish#And I do think that I probably wouldn't change much if I could- and honestly I'm a little more embarrassed than anything else#Sorry for the weird long rambling tags just didn't want to call either of the like- maybe 3 friends I'd consider bringing this up with#I probably should check in with them though#Ough and I have work to do tmrw#Ew ew ew ew#Feel like this week has gone too damn fast and also not fast enough lmao#I'm also kinda nervous because I might have to take the ASL placement test soon to see if I qualify for skipping a couple ASL classes#Which would be nice cause I would LOVE to graduate quicker#And with all the AP classes I took in high-school it'd be nice to knock a bit of time off my college thing#Although admittedly I DID get that scholarship so it couldn't hurt???#It might actually give me more time to get EIPA certified and check out some internships??#Which would make getting jobs out of college WAY easier#Although maybe it'd be easier to get NIC certified if I retook a couple classes instead of trying to skip them??? God maybe I'd be behind#Ofc that wouldn't be a thing until after college#I'll probably have to save up money soon to start thinking about taking the test since it's so damn hard and so damn expensive#At least from what other interpreters have told me#Which is good!!! The it being hard thing anyways. Makes sure Deaf people get GOOD interpreters thst they deserve!!
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backslashdelta · 8 months
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eggmeralda · 1 year
happy valentine's day to swag and entre and only swag and entre
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beloved-nyx · 25 days
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ᝰ.ᐟ Why does it feel like someone’s following your every move?
જ⁀➴ CONTENT: stalking, suggestive, reader is in college, reader is insecure, nothing to bad ??, not proofread (we die like kings), soft yandere (?), nothing graphic, mentions of jealousy and clinginess
જ⁀➴ FORMAT: 1.3k words, full fic
જ⁀➴ AUTHORS NOTE: This is my third time writing yandere ahhh! Anyway, it's been so long since I wrote something!! Um enjoy <33 also damn...reader really going through it.
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“There,” You mutter under your breath. “Finished.”
You balance precariously on a wobbly stool, hands parting from a sleek, black camera. A security camera, to be precise. 
You would have never thought of putting a camera in your apartment, not because you were naively dumb, but because you had thought you lived in the safer part of the city. Friendly neighbors always alerted you when suspicious people even lingered next to your doorstep, but also because you were broke. Broke, broke, broke. 
Your rent was taking up more of your money than your groceries were. It had taken weeks of splurging on food to even be able to afford a security camera, much to your disdain. You were living on leftovers, and you were getting sick of week-old Chinese takeout. 
Stepping off the stool, you admire your handiwork, cringing at how gaudy it looked in your minimalistic (or in much harsher words, bare) apartment room. 
Your phone dings softly, and as you pick it up, you grin at the name displayed on your notifications. Caelan. 
Caelan is your crush. Your cheeks seem to grow hotter at even admitting it in your thoughts. You felt like some highschool kid, even using the word “crush.” But Caelan did that to you, you guess. Make you feel childish and absolutely hopeless, and sometimes you wish he knew that. But then again, if he did, you would probably self-destruct on the spot. You were fine with admiring Caelan from afar. 
Heard what happened U ok?
Ahh. That. 
The very reason you put that gaudy camera in your apartment in your first place. 
It had been a month ago, when you first saw the signs of someone breaking into your house. You were doing laundry, a perfectly normal thing to do on a Friday night while your friends were getting drunk and partying at a local club. Some of your underwear was missing, but you had chalked it up to your own clumsiness.
But then you saw the note, and everything changed. Written sloppily, penmanship atrocious. You had thought that the person was just bad at writing-but in hindsight, he must have used his less dominant hand to write it. Biting your cheek, you read it, and you wished you hadn’t. 
It was the most perverse, disgusting thing you had ever read. That night, you couldn’t even sleep, scared that the unknown intruder-stalker would come.
The next day, the stalker sent you pictures of you doing the most mundane things. Sleeping, eating, studying, doing laundry, and even changing.
You immediately called the police on the next day, when a bouquet of roses showed up on your doorstep. The police had said, “We’ll look into it.” 
They never did. 
It led you to ask for help from a friend, and you instantly regretted it. Because the next day, the whole campus learned of your supposed stalker. And even though their sympathetic, “You okay?” made you feel a little bit more safer, a little more secure in your tiny world, it still made you embarrassed, scared too. 
You type in a quick, I'm fine! And then wonder if you should put an emoji after that. After spending an embarrassingly long minute of deciding if you should, you just send it with no emoji. 
That’s good.  If you need anything just call me.
A few days pass by, and still no stalker appears on the camera footage. At first, you’re elated. But then another few days pass, and you feel silly. Maybe there was no stalker, maybe you were being overdramatic-but even then, those pictures? The note? You shiver. You hear a knock on the door, and turn to the noise, a small hum escaping your lips.
Must be the delivery man. You had ordered some new textbooks for college. You walk towards the door, and twist the knob. 
Caelan smiles, pale fingers holding a bouquet of roses. He wears a black turtleneck, gray pants and a black dress coat. You, on the other hand, were wearing your pajamas. 
If you could melt in a puddle, you would have. You wished you were buried in a pit. You wanted to be flung into space. Your cheeks were burning hot. You must look like a mess. Is it too late to be flung into space? 
“C-Caelan. What brings you…uh, here?” You cringe at your words. 
“For you, of course.” He laughs, taking a rose from the bouquet and putting it behind your ear. “I just wanted to check up on you. I hope I wasn’t intruding on anything, like your beauty sleep,” He muses, eyes wandering towards your pajamas. 
You never wanted to turn into a puddle so badly. 
“Hah-no, I just woke up!” You lie, ignoring the way he cocks his head to the side skeptically. Ignoring the fact that it's three p.m. 
“You should’ve called…I would’ve,” You gesture towards your clothes, “y’know, prepared.” 
“Oh shit!” His eyebrows furrow, a hand yanking at a loose black strand of hair that escaped his braid. “I’m sorry, I was just so worried–”
“No, no it’s fine!” You hate the way you sound-so, so desperate. “Um, do you want to come inside? I’ll go change and then we can talk.” 
You lead him inside, ignoring the fact of how oddly happy he is to be inside your home. 
After Caelan and you became official, he started to change. Slowly, like how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. 
He became more clingy, and at first you thought it cute. You loved the way he doted on you, liked how he curled up into you in the mornings when he stayed at your home (more often than not) and begged you to stay in bed for just a few minutes. 
But he also became more jealous. Whenever you were next to someone, he always hovered close by, a suffocating presence that almost drowned you. Always insisted on going wherever you went. 
You sit on the couch, nestled closely next to Caelan. He hums softly, hands nestled under your shirt as you watch some shitty rom-com. A masterpiece. You called it. Caelan had raised a brow at that, but didn’t say anything except for a snort. You had elbowed him in the stomach after he jokingly (?) insulted one of your favorite moments. 
“‘m gonna get some water,” he mumbles, hands retracting from your body and making you feel cold. You whine at the sudden coldness, complaining about how you might die of hypothermia if he doesn’t come back soon. He scoffs at that, planting a kiss on your temple as he walks into the kitchen. 
And leaves his phone. 
You pick it up, grinning. Your intent was clear. Take a silly photo of yourself and make it his wallpaper. A perfect, opportune moment. 
You open the camera app, successfully taking a horridly candid shot of yourself, before curiosity takes a hold of you. You open the photo app, scrolling through his photos. Most of it was just pictures of landscapes, before you stop. 
A picture of you sleeping, drool leaking from your mouth. 
You stop, before groaning. Did you really look like that when you slept? You scrolled some more, before stopping again. Blood running cold. 
Was that a picture of you changing?
You frantically scroll through more photos, and with horror realize that most resemble the photos that your stalker took. You would never forget how disgusting you felt, at how you felt like your privacy had been breached. 
You choke down a scream, eyes wide and hands shaking. 
And then you feel something-a hand, on your shoulder. Tight enough to bruise, and tight enough to secure you in place. 
“Oh.” A single word escapes Caelan’s lips, and you turn. You can see your own, frantic expression in his black eyes. Black eyes that you thought were beautiful. 
“So you saw them, hmm.” It wasn’t stated as a question. No, it was a statement. A fact, indisputable. The most horrible part was that he wasn’t even trying to deny them. 
“Well, isn’t this cute?”
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©beloved-nyx. do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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ma1dita · 2 months
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: usually you’re the one stitching Luke up but the one time he gets to do it for you, he knows you’re milking it. no trouble!verse tags, can be standalone -> she’s an ACTRESS okay? who tf wouldn’t want luke to kiss a booboo; this was a forgotten draft for my partners in crime series feel free to read
wc: 1.2k
The sun shines again on Camp Half-Blood peeking through Luke’s dark curls as he towers over you, laughing from his position above. Your knee is scraped after cushioning your fall, or perhaps your attack, after Luke thought it’d be funny to push you again as he walked past.
Well, today’s been kind of boring, so might as well make the most of it right? 
As a daughter of Dionysus, you do love to put on a good show.
There’s a glimmer of mischief in your eye as you do your best to convince him that he’s maimed you but as his eyes fall to the slightly aggravated skin, Luke sighs at the way you look like a kicked puppy, lower lip jutting out as you squint up at him.
“Stop being so overdramatic. It wasn’t that serious.”
The howl that leaves your throat catches the attention of other campers, who are familiar with your dramatics and your penchant for picking a fight with the son of Hermes. Luke sighs and runs his hands through his hair, groaning in embarrassment. 
Gods forbid he look like the bad guy.
“Seriously, trouble— you're acting like I pushed you off a cliff,” he grumbles finally crouching down to reach for your leg to check how serious it is. 
It’s not.
“You're a barbarian. Just because you think it's funny to push me around doesn't mean it actually is! Luke.... I can't walk! It feels like my bone is coming through. And I have so much work to do today, and now I'm gonna have to walk super slow…” you groan, still on the ground. Luke rolls his eyes and once he's checked the injury (the whole menacing palm-sized scrape) his expression softens the tiniest bit. He’s still kinda pissed off at you for being a drama queen though.
“Alright, it's not life-threatening so you're going to be fine. Look, I can carry you if I have to.”
Batting his hand away you roll your eyes, “Like I'd let you. You'd probably toss me into the lake again.” 
Luke smirks, “Probably, but I swear to the gods that I wouldn't do anything to maim you. Not on purpose at least.” It’s almost criminal how easy it is to get on your nerves—he thinks you’ve finally shut your trap until he watches you fake crawl away to get a reaction out of him. Quite frankly, it’s embarrassing to everyone watching so he scoops you into his arms like you weigh nothing. Luke chuckles softly, wrapping his arms tightly around your squirming frame so you won't fall as he begins walking.
“So difficult. I swear…”
“Me? Never!” you groan, flopping in his arms like a dead body. Your dead weight makes his arms strain a little but his muscles are fun to look at from any angle, so… 
You miss it when he starts speaking again, “You're too much, you know that?” A smirk grows upon your face, “And you can't get enough. The infirmary is the other way, Castellan....” Luke huffs as he turns 180 towards the infirmary, sighing softly at the way you are sprawled in his arms. But he keeps quiet because he knows how to pick and choose his battles. Something about the realization that he’d only do this for you makes him bite his lip in thought. But you think he’s trying to not laugh at you.
“What? You maim me and then you make fun of me? Haven't you done enough?” The words slip by as you peek at him through one open eye, his cheeks flushed and rosy. Hopefully, his brawn won’t expire on the short trek to the infirmary.
“You're lucky I don't drop you right now,” Luke jostles you with a lopsided grin he can’t hide anymore and it steadily gets bigger at the sound of your surprise.
“Don't you DARE, Luke Castellan!” 
Grabbing onto his mop of curls, the boy winces as his nose brushes against your wrist, and the shockwaves it sends through your system are enough to send you reeling. Maybe it’s the way you almost sway with each step he takes, smooth and steady like a sailboat even when he’s carrying you like this.
He ends up having to carry you inside the infirmary and the Apollo kids on shift stop and stare at their two best counselors in the doorway. Luke tries to ignore them, setting you down on an empty cot and getting the medical supplies he needs to treat your wound. He looks at you propped on the bed like a little princess, cross-legged and fluttering eyelashes waiting for him to clean you up. It's not serious enough for ambrosia, he thinks, so he grabs an alcohol wipe instead.
Luke looks like he's trying his hardest not to smirk as he grabs your leg and begins carefully cleaning the scrape.
“Ow! Gentle! When I patch you up after you spar I don't do it maliciously!”
“I am being gentle, stop wriggling!” Luke grits his teeth as he continues to wipe the drying blood away. He's trying to be careful, but he's clearly irritated that you're not making this easy for him.
Tossing your knee over his lap and getting closer, suddenly you go quiet at the proximity. There’s something intimate about being tended to so delicately in a room filled with people. A quiet in the chaos reserved for only the two of you.
“So what, you think I'm too good for ambrosia? Sending me off to heal like a mortal— what type of nurse are you?”
“You drunk on ambrosia for a scrape would definitely make your dad thrilled and have the both of us cleaning the stables for the rest of the week,” Luke lets out a brief snicker as he meets your gaze, rolling your eyes as you lean against the wall. His hand unconsciously rubs circles into the skin above your knee, featherlight yet firm at the same time. You try to ignore the goosebumps that rise in its wake.
Luke doesn't say anything about it while he continues to look at you. He realizes that you look quite pretty even with windswept hair and dirt on your cheek, but he can't let you see that he's noticed. Something shifts in the air of the infirmary, more overpowering than the smell of antiseptic and it bubbles in both of your chests, overflowing and seeping into the small space between you.
Not bad for a boring day, you suppose. You make him piggyback you for the rest of the day in an attempt to guilt-trip him. But the huge smile on his face has all of your campers thinking otherwise.
The next day, he sees you walking perfectly fine. In fact, with the way you’re rushing to scold a Hephaestus kid for almost setting the armory on fire, he’s not sure he’s ever seen you move that fast in your life.
Warmth settles on your cheeks as your eyes dart between the kid you’re yelling at and Luke’s narrowing eyes from afar, and you can’t quite tell if the rush of emotions is from what you’re doing versus who you’re really looking at.
Maybe the next time he pushes you around he’ll find out.
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sitzfleischh · 8 months
The first batch of episodes of ofmd S2 begin with Stede's fantasy of his and Ed's reunion, and end with Ed's fantasy of their reunion.
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They're both overdramatic, extremely silly, completely sincere, and self-aware without being ironic/cynical. It's camp!! (or more precisely, camping, because it's deliberate).
I'm working on a longer post about camp and comedy in ofmd that I will probably wait to finish until I've seen the whole season but in the meantime: About That Mermaid Scene.
The thing to remember about this scene is that it's fucking hilarious. Something being funny in ofmd doesn't mean it's insincere (often the opposite!) but we shouldn't lose ourselves in its romance and forget that ultimately it-- just like Stede's Competent Beardy Pirate Fantasy-- is also a comedic sendup of the distorted ways they are thinking about each other at this point in the series.
If you've seen the trailer you know what's coming next-- the head bonk, followed by an "awkward exes" dynamic. Of course it wouldn't be much of a show if everything was resolved between these two at the end of episode 3. But I think these two fantasies are key to understanding where we're going. Stede's fantasy is about seeing himself as a traditionally masculine and hyper-competent pirate, "saving" Ed from Izzy, and being forgiven with no hard feelings. Ed's fantasy is about being wanted, being rescued, & brought to safety, by a beautiful untouchable creature that is completely different from him.
Their respective distorted views of each other are what drove them apart at the end of the first season. Ed thinks Stede is too much of a fine thing for him to deserve. Stede thinks he's not enough of a real pirate to do anything but "ruin" Ed.
The rest of the season, then, has to be about both of them failing to achieve those fantasies. They've both hurt each other and caused a lot of harm. They're both not traditionally masculine. They're both imperfect. They're both human. They both deserve to love and be loved.
We will get to the romantic moments, like the ones in season 1, where the comedy -- even the camp comedy -- falls away. But until then I look forward to more laughing as they both figuratively bonk their heads against the reality they are refusing to see.
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yuyanwrites · 8 months
Hello, how are you?
Could I request BSD headcannons with Sigma, Poe, Dazai or Chuuya about someone proposing to the reader in front of them!
No pressure with this, if you don't want to do it!
Betrothed to another (fluff ver.)
Dazai, Chuuya, Poe, and sigma x gn!reader (separate)
A/n: I'm indecisive so I'm doing an angsty and fluff ver. ^^
Tags: Established relationship (with character), a child has an innocent crush on reader (and "proposes" to them)
He's so childish omg
Argues with the kid
Probably snatched the two-dollar ring the child gave to you
The child would be like "(Name)! Will you marry me?" while holding up a cheap silver ring.
Meanwhile Dazai let out a loud gasp while putting his hand on his forehead like a damsel in distress. "No way! (Name) is marrying me!"
Cue their arguing
Its a back and forth really and you tried to stop their fight but you ended up giving up
You didn't want to break the kid's keart but at the same time you didn't want to deal with an overdramatic dazai
Eventually, the two come to an agreement
The agreement being whoever gets you to agree to marry them first, keeps you
Its silly and you laughed a little at this but dazai is already thinking about what ring to get you in the next week
They're just a kid he told himself
They don't even know about what love actually is
They probably just copied their parents or the disney movies they watched
But then said kid waved the ring in front of your face for the millionth time, still on one knee and was doing a whole speech about how much better than him they are
He couldn't take it
Argues with the kid #2
He really tried to reason with the kids patiently
Explained the kid's crush and how that doesn't equate to marriage and how marriage is a huge commitment and responsibility and everything
However, we all know he has anger issues so after an hour he's arguing with the kid
No agreement, the kid's parents came to pick them up and asked how their last lesson went (You're their tutor) and left
Please comfort Chuuya he's all sulky and grumpy now :(
The only mature one tbh
Socially awkward
He kind of just stands there
Watching you two with a little frown
He wants to intervene and calmly explain to the child why that's not possible but he gets tongue tied
He tries to write a little scenario to explain love and everythig hfdsakhfjdiksaj hes so sweet <3
Got completely ignored
Got a little upset because of that but stays calm and collected
Instead he lets you handle it while he makes all three of you something to eat
Karl is there to comfort him dw <3
Give him lots of kisses and cuddles after, he deserves it after all he did try
Bro is basically a kid in a man's body anyways
Omg does anyone ever think of him of like a man-child ok off topic sorry
I think he'd be a mix of sulky and understanding
At first he'd be a little sad, yeah like just sad, not upset or frustrated like the first two
Just sad
But then he realises its fine because its a kid and he knows you love him <3
It was probably a random kid you babysat spotting you in public
They ran up to you in the mall with a ring in hand and proposed
The parents scolded the kid and apologised to the both of you so there wasn't much to do
Sigma is still understanding the concept of love so he's very understanding after his mini-sadness-phase
Probably smiled at the kid and walked away completely unphased after tbh
Very chill
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randoimago · 2 months
Helloooo! Could i ask for the bucci gang and a shorter teammate surprising them by carrying them? Like they get too injured to move and their s/o comes to the rescue by hoisting them over their shoulders? Itd probably look really silly esp with the taller members hehehe :3c
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventre
Character(s): Abbacchio, Bruno, Fugo, Mista, Narancia, Giorno, Trish
Note(s): Here you go!
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Abbacchio starts cussing. Not because he's angry at you (well it is a bit embarrassing), but because he's surprised you can even pick him up. He tries to get out of your grip, but ends up hurting his wound more. "You better not drop me," he'll warn you and huff as you carry him.
Bruno is also surprised by you suddenly carrying him. An embarrassed laugh leaves him. "I don't think this is necessary..." He'd say, but realize that he really doesn't have the strength to move. "Please don't strain yourself with my weight," he'd add softly as you carry him.
Fugo is not a fan of being grabbed suddenly. Having you surprise him in this way does actually upset him. "Idiot, I'm fine!" He'd exclaim and try to get out of your arms, even if it hurts. He's embarrassed and mad. Yes, he knows you're trying to help, but this pisses him off more than him being surprised by your strength.
Giorno is embarrassed but also a bit amused as you suddenly pick him up like he's weightless. "And here I wanted to carry you like a prince(ss)," he'd say before remarking about being flung over your shoulders like a potato sack.
Mista is definitely startled as you suddenly pick him up before yelling out in pain. "Don't you know you're not supposed to move an injured person?!" He'd exclaim and whine. Once he's stopped being overdramatic then he'd huff and give a bit of a smirk. "I'll remember this," he tells you and already makes plans to throw you over his shoulder later.
"Wha- Hey?!" Narancia exclaims when he's suddenly picked up before his eyes widen. "Fuck, you're strong, S/O!" He is honestly really impressed. But he's also in pain so maybe you can hurry back to base to treat his wounds.
Trish also gives an undignified shout as you suddenly pick her up. A pout crosses her lips. "At least carry me like a princess," she huffs as she lays limp over your shoulder. She'll admire your strength later, right now she's pouting.
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@abellaheart-blog @joestarfoundation
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki Animate Tokuten Drama CD: “Sleeping Together ★ With Vampire"
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No, not that kind of sleeping together.
...And yet somehow not really the other kind either because despite it's title there is LITTLE TO NO SLEEPING TOGETHER GOING ON AT ALL except at the very end TᴖT TᴖT TᴖT My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Ok ok I'm obviously being overdramatic. Misleading name aside the CD is enjoyable and cute just...not at all in the way I was expecting (that being something akin to the Sleeping Vampire Scenario from Vandead Carnival but, alas, no). But oh well, I got to hear Ruki be all deredere towards the end so it's fine I guess lol
Ideally I'd create an actual translation to go along with this (I might do so sometime in the future, unless someone more competent does it first) but for now I've put a summary of the story under the cut. I ask that you please have mercy on me though, I am not used to writing this kind of stuff and it probably shows >﹏<;
Regardless, I hope you enjoy ( ノ^ω^)ノ ⋆⁺₊☽⁺₊⋆
UPDATE: The CD now has an actual translation courtesy of my fellow Ruki stan @otomehonyaku o(^o^)o please go check it out if you haven't already!
[Disclaimer: I always allow my stuff to be used for translation purposes, as long as I am credited. BUT DO NOT REPOST THE AUDIO ON ANY WEBSITE WHATSOEVER. I bought the CD with my own money and as such this audio belongs to me.]
Summary ~*×*☆*+*~
[Please note that there may be mistakes or I might've misinterpreted parts of the CD. I apologize in advance (╥﹏╥)]
The CD starts with Ruki encountering Yui, who is carrying an unusually large package. Curious, Ruki asks her what she's doing, and learns that Kou has tasked her with delivering the package to him (Ruki). Ruki is somewhat perplexed as he doesn't recall requesting anything of the kind. Yui suggests that it might be a surprise gift, but Ruki is skeptical. He wants to ask Kou directly but is reminded that he is currently away on a location shoot. With a resigned sigh, Ruki decides that he has no choice but to open the package in Kou's absence. He asks Yui to hand the package to him, and then invites her to come along to his room to find out what's inside. She eagerly accepts, and they head off together.
In Ruki's room they take a seat (on what I assume to be the sofa) and open the package. Inside, there are various wooden pieces resembling parts of something, along with a letter from Kou. Ruki reads the letter aloud and it's revealed that the package contains a (*drumroll*)... puzzle! And not just any puzzle but a ✨️3D puzzle✨️. In the letter Kou encourages Ruki and Yui to assemble the parts together to discover what they will form. Since he's got spare time on his hands Ruki decides to have a go at it, with Yui joining in.
After a while of working on the puzzle, Ruki asks Yui how her part is coming along. She shows him, and he comments that she's doing better than he anticipated. He helps her out with some difficult pieces before instructing her to continue on her own. Yui asks Ruki if this is his first time putting together a 3D puzzle, and he replies that he's tried some before, but that this particular type is new to him. Yui is eager to learn what it is they are building, and Ruki, not wanting to dampen her anticipation, pretends he still can't quite figure out what the finished thing will be either (awww ♡). Ruki suggests that rather than moving their mouths they should focus on moving their hands as with their current pace the puzzle won't be finished. He reasons that the faster they move the sooner they'll have their curiosity satisfied. Yui agrees to work faster and Ruki promises to do the same.
They pick up the pace and eventually the puzzle is done. The assembled pieces have formed a small foreign castle, and Ruki reveals that he suspected as much from the start. He surmises that Kou must have remembered their expressed desire to visit such a castle after seeing one by chance on one of his TV shows. Ruki acknowledges Kou's attempt to make the two of them happy in his own way. He praises Yui for doing a great job despite not knowing what they were actually assembling, noting that the part she made fits perfectly into the castle.
However, there is no response from Yui, causing a puzzled (ahaha) Ruki to remark on her lack of reaction to something she had been so excited about. Turning his head to the side to look at her, Ruki discovers that she's fallen asleep with her head resting on his shoulder. He comments on the privilege of such a sleeping position but acknowledges that it's understandable she'd fall asleep since it's past their usual bedtime. She had seemed so engrossed in their work that he didn't notice her drifting off.
Ruki carries Yui to his bed and gently places her there, saying that she should have just told him that she was tired. He realizes that she likely made an effort to stay awake until the end, though she ultimately fell asleep. Deciding that it would be a good time for him to go to sleep as well, he tidies up and hides the little castle under the table, so that he'll be able to see Yui's reaction to it in the morning.
Returning to the bed, Ruki asks Yui to scoot over to make room for him, but she's sleeping too soundly to hear. He lies down next to her and (in true Mukami Ruki fashion) begins observing Yui's sleeping face. He notes how relaxed her expression is and wonders if it's because she's tired out from using her brain (lmao rude). Ruki then ponders what kind of face Yui will make when she wakes up—will she feel guilty for falling asleep before the puzzle was finished, or will she be surprised and embarrassed to find him laying next to her? Regardless of what her reaction will be, Ruki knows that it'll be enjoyable to witness. But he's certain she'll be happy once she sees the completed puzzle and admits to himself that he really wants to see that expression on her face. He's aware that it's out of character for him, and thinks that he might even have trouble falling asleep from the excitement (asdfsdjfj this is too fucking cute I can't)
Ruki decides that he should thank Kou for the useful gift by making him his favorite food for dinner tomorrow. The mention of dinner causes Yui to stir (what a relatable Queen), and Ruki teases her for being greedy. He assures the still-sleeping girl that she doesn't need to worry; he'll make her favorite dish as well as a reward for her hard work on the puzzle.
The CD ends with Ruki saying how he looks forward to seeing Yui's reaction the following day.
Fin ~*×*☽*+*~
- _(´ω`_)⌒)_
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fullsunised · 11 months
ɴᴄᴛ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ¹³ : ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ʙʏ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ's ɴᴀᴍᴇ
. ★彡 genre: fluff
. ★彡 trigger warnings: swearing like usual
. ★彡 requests open
. ★彡 a/n: bro hyuck I'm kinda disappointed, but I hope he learns. anw, it's a great day, and I have no ideas whatsoever. 😤😮‍💨. one piece is so good yall, I'm watching like a lot in one day bruh so FUCKING GOOD.
❝ 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒊 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 ❞
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╰─▸ ❝ 愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ] ࿐ྂ
"hyuck, can you hand me that water bottle?"
his eyes drift to where you were pointing at, and he does hand it to you, but with a frown on his face. you were busy making lyrics on your laptop that you, for a moment forgot who was in front of you. 
he's clear his throat multiple times resulting in you looking up and widening your eyes. a series of apologies leave you rapidly. mark just smiles shrugging it off, considering how he called you with someone else's name a lot of times, especially with haechan's.
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐔𝐍 𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐆 ] ࿐ྂ
"Jaem, pass me that salt"
he's so adorable, anyways, he's gonna take that salt into his hand and wait. you look up, eye brows furrowed confused as to why the salt was taking so much time when you realise what you did. 
he has his eyebrows raised waiting for you to correct yourself. you apologise, making sure to ask him again with his name, and that's when he forgives you. not really actually because you'd have to drown him in kisses- we love a soft renjun :(
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ] ࿐ྂ
"renjun, hand me that paper"
jeno has wide eyes, and a huge pout. he's gonna still give you what you want because how can he say no to you? he doesn't mention it, and you forget it. for the whole day, he's gonna be pouty, and clingy.
you'd ask him what's wrong at the end of the day and he finally reveals what has happened. you'd apologise but laugh at him for being so adorable. 
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ] ࿐ྂ
"mark give me that book please"
boy is overdramatic asf. like not even kidding. gonna be making them offended gasps and shit, would even go as far to throwing that paper away. would definetly have a hand on his heart, and pretend like he's dying cause in a way he is (me fr)
looking up from where you were sitting, you'd widen your eyes, while he whines constantly, resulting in you rolling your eyes and offering to do something for him as an apology.
╰─▸ ❝愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐀 ] ࿐ྂ
"jeno, would you mind giving me that brush?"
you were busy doing your hair, running late for your schedules which is why the fact you didn't know or for a moment forgot who was next to you, watching you get dressed.
jaem is pouting, but still complies because he doesn't want you to run late. if you realise your mistake it's okay, if you don't he'd probably text you a bit later which results in you coming back home and drowning him in apologies and kisses.
╰─▸ ❝ 愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐋𝐄 𝐙𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆] ࿐ྂ
"ji, what are we having for dinner?"
your eyes were on your phone scrolling through twitter catching up with your fans, and looking at what was going on in the world. without looking up, you'd ask the question. chenle is squinting his eyes at you, boy is gonna be sassy asf.
acting like you did the worst crime ever. would not even eat dinner with you, if you don't apologise asap. you'd pay as an apology, and he's gonna make sure you promise that you won't hang out as much with jisung.
╰─▸ ❝ 愛 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [ 𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ] ࿐ྂ
"le, would you mind if I eat that?"
shocked. man is gonna have them wide eyes, but he's still gonna nod letting you have the last piece of the cake you bought. he's still watching you waiting for you to say something, and when you do he's gonna pretend it's fine, but you know he's thinking about it.
will be bothered by it for the rest of the day, a bit awkward with his actions which is the reason why you notice his shift in personality. you'd probably then apologise and tell him how you'd been busy with a lot of stuff and all. he's gonna forgive you, cause you loves you so much.
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casanovawrites · 25 days
chappell roan sentence starters ft. "the rise and fall of a midwest princess"
if i didn't love you, it would be fine.
here comes the excuses that fuel the illusions.
i'd rather feel something than nothing at all.
we've done this before, and i don't need it anymore.
it's never just coffee.
my friends call me a loser 'cause i'm still hanging around.
i thought you thought of me better, someone you couldn't lose.
you said, "we're not together." so now when we kiss, i have anger issues.
we're knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out. is it casual now?
is it casual now?
i know what you tell your friends.
dumb love. i love being stupid.
dream of us in a year, maybe we'd have an apartment, and you'd show me off to your friends.
it's hard being casual.
i hate that i let this drag on for so long, now i hate myself.
call me hot, not pretty.
it's comical, bridges you burn.
if karma's real, hope it's your turn.
it's hot when you have a meltdown.
you're getting called out 'cause you're running your mouth.
people say i'm jealous, but my kink is watching you thinking i care.
people say i'm jealous, but my kink is karma.
wishing you the best in the worst way.
i'm using your distress as foreplay.
it's hot when you're going through hell.
you're hating yourself, i'm feeling myself.
you're getting pissed off, it's getting me off.
do you picture me like i picture you?
i'm too scared to say half of the things i do when i picture you.
everything is fine, i guess we could pretend.
we didn't cross a line, but ever since that day, everything has changed.
whatever you decide, i will understand, and it will all be fine. just go back to being friends.
nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone.
this is what i wanted, this is what i like.
i've been a good, good girl for a long time.
can't be a good girl even if i tried.
i kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind.
i love a little drama, let's start a bar fight.
everything good happens after midnight.
let's watch the sunrise.
should've listened to your friends.
so let's say it's working out.
um, can you play a song with a fucking beat?
i just want you to make a move.
i just wanna get to know you, guess i didn't quite think it through.
fell in love with the thought of you. now i'm choked up, face down, burnt out.
why don't you come over?
i like what you like.
i heard you like magic, i got a wand and a rabbit.
baby, let's get freaky, get kinky, let's make this bed get squeaky.
not overdramatic, i know what i want.
sometimes i scare myself, but i can't help what i can't help.
so shame on me and shame on you. i fantasize what we would do.
some good girls do bad things too.
can we drag it out and never quit?
you give me guilty pleasure.
touch me, baby, put your lips on mine.
could go to hell, but we'll probably be fine.
if it hasn't happened yet, then maybe you should go.
too hard to find reasons to stay. even true love could not persuade.
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AITA for trying to get my friend to stop hanging out with her other friend?
(tw: mentions of eating disorders)
So basically here's some context a few years back we used to have a really tight knit friend group. Alice (friend I want to stop hanging out with her other friend group) and Shera (person in said friend group who is toxic in my opinion).
They were really close friends and a few months down the line we were messing around and decided to jokingly trap her in the spanish homeroom during lunch (we did this with a few other people and now she wanted to see if she could get out in hindsight this was actually extremely irresponsible of us but we were stupid so eh).
Her hand got jammed into the door a few seconds in and once I noticed I backed out and started yelling at Shera to stop and tried pulling her back. I kept screaming that her hand was in the door and I didn't want it to break but she just went 'its fine!' and low and behold the next week she came back with a cast on her arm. I apologized A LOT feeling extremely guilty but Shera was then asking questions like 'are your parents gonna sue me?' 'my moms gonna be pissed if i get sued' 'oh god im so stressed' before even CHECKING on Alice
I calmly mentioned to her that we probably won't get sued and if we did we would deserve it and Shera was still paranoid about that. Alice then said that her mom isn't the type to sue people so she's fine and then Shera made a halfhearted apology to her before laughing it off as a joke.
A few months later and we get into another argument. Alice mentions that she's underweight and has a severe eating disorder that does effect with her life and mental health to which Shera responds with 'its better than being fat' and 'i would rather have an eating disorder than being fat'
We then try to talk her out of it and she keeps saying how Alice is just being stupidly insecure when she shouldn't be and saying how she's instead complimenting her for being skinny. I get mad at her and tell her to just leave and she does.
Next year comes around and she acts like nothing bad has happened. She rejoins the friend group but Alice left because of her. Then when asked about the situation regarding her hand she just says 'yeah that was really funny' and 'it wasnt my fault' then she'll start accusing us of being overdramatic and that it wasn't that much of a big deal (keep in mind we accidentally BROKE her arm).
Anyways soon later we kick her out and I join Alice's current friend group because my other one got wonky. Then some lunch days she disappears and we saw her hanging out with Shera again. I get kinda pissed at this because she's the reason why Alice left and our entire friend group agrees
Whenever we ask her about it she shrugs it off or gets snappy with us. I've also actively tried talking her out of it saying that 'Shera isnt a good person' but whenever I try she just snaps at me and tells me that its her choice.
I'm starting to feel like an asshole for trying to get her to stop. Our entire friend group has tried talking her out of it as they've also had past history with Shera, but it doesn't work. She gets mad at us and we've stopped with it and laid low. I know that Alice is her own person but its kinda the situation where if you know your friend is hanging out with a bad person wouldn't you try to stop them?
I just don't want her getting hurt again but I also don't want to come off as controlling over her.
Anyways AITA for not trying to get her to stop hanging out with her other friend?
What are these acronyms?
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unbearablebow · 5 months
Told you | Jonathan Breech x reader
Summary: Your best friend, Jonathan, refuses to put on the heating despite it being fucking freezing. Warnings: the fact I haven’t rewatched this movie so he's probably out of character. Joking about mental health and intentional misuse of psychopath/insane. Mentions of sex. (No use of y/n or any gendered terms) Word count 1.8k
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"I think I'm dying," I murmured, duvet covering all but my face "Genuinely, how do you live like this?"
I was maybe being slightly overdramatic but to be fair- Jonathan Breech's apartment was fucking freezing. I could actually see my breath in the air- like genuinely see it like I was outside and not in a supposedly warm apartment. I shuddered and grumbled in annoyance, pulling the duvet tighter around myself. Jonathan stared down at me, arms crossed in his large knitted sweater "It's not that bad," he argued, an annoyingly sweet smirk on his lips as he took in my cocooned figure "Look, sweetheart, I'd love to turn the heating on-really I would but I'm not exactly rolling in it right now.”
He was annoyingly relaxed about this, his usual complaints and arguments that fill up conversations seemed to have disappeared as he smirked down at me- an air of arrogance and humour at the situation, or at least in my suffering as I pulled his duvet impossibly tighter around myself and let out another overdramatic shudder.
"Cant you get your brother to help you out?" I suggested meekly.
"You have a house of your own."
"An accommodation," I corrected icily "Filled with psychopaths."
Jonathan smirked at this, pushing my legs off the sofa surprisingly gently and sitting down next to me "How'd you know I'm not the psychopath? You know I went to a mental institution right?"
I wiggled up, resting my duvet-covered shoulder against his and looking at him "That's different," I argued, watching as he stared intently back at me, that same focused blue-eyed gaze he always has, joking about something bad that happened to him as if it doesn’t hurt. I stiffened as I quickly as I add “And even if you were, you're my best mate."
"Fucking what?"
"Gooey," he repeated, chuckling as he wrapped an arm around me, grinning stupidly. "Come on, don't hog the duvet, I'll warm you up," Reluctantly I opened the duvet, letting him slide in next to me, his knitted sweater (one of many) tickled against my arm and I groaned in annoyance "What's that about?"
"You're tickling me," I whined as his surprisingly warm hands gripped around my waist and pulled me closer, tucking my head onto his shoulder "Are you like, secretly a lizard or something? how are you so warm?" I mumble into his shoulder, feeling myself warm up already.
"How are you so cold more like," He teased, absentmindedly stroking my waist under the duvet "You know we could go to the pub or something right? You don't have to stay in my apartment all day being cold."
I relaxed slightly against him, cheek brushed up against his jumper as my nose was filled with the familiar Jonathan scent I'd grown to appreciate throughout our friendship "I don't want to drink today."
"Fine, you could watch me drink," He chuckled, hand moving to my shoulder and stroking through my tee "I don't get how you can complain about being cold when you turn up here in a t-shirt."
Our closeness was starting to make my brain buzz, his firm fingers repeatedly stroking and caressing my skin in a way that was so... totally Jonathan, kind and caring and definitely intended as a platonic gesture. An almost tender break from his usual jokey, carefree nature. "It's not my fault I assumed you actually turned on the heating in this stupid flat."
"You could try not complaining and come out with me and actually do something today instead.” He pointed out, fingers still dancing along my arm under the duvet as he furrowed his brows in mock annoyance "I know a great place in town where it can be just you and me and a couple of beers-"
"I’m not doing drugs with you," I reminded him, eyes narrowing as he smirked down at me "Besides I don't want to go anywhere I just wanna stay here."
There's a distinct confusion in his eyes, a kind of blank expression of bewilderment "Why on earth do you just wanna stay in?" There he is, the guy who can't fathom why anyone would want a quiet night in when they can distract their brains for the entire night in a club or a pub- or whatever places he wanders off to in the night.
"Sorry for wanting to spend the evening chilling with my best mate?" I stared back at him, nudging him under the duvet, my chest now nestled neatly against his "Besides, you're warming me up." I add, trying to match his playful attitude.
His blank expression was replaced quickly with a smug one, tugging me closer "Oh yeah? Your own human hot water bottle, right?"
"Exactly." I grinned in agreement, letting my own arms wrap around his waist as I closed my eyes, enjoying his body heat. One hand stroked my shoulder, the other reaching out of the duvet to stroke hair out of my face.
A comfortable silence fell between the both of us as he continued to stroke my shoulder and arm, seemingly happy with his new role as a human hot water bottle. When I met Jonathan originally, the charismatic guy who kept ‘borrowing’ pens in lectures I wouldn’t have expected him to be so… gentle, sometimes. But to my surprise, this gentleness happened a lot. His more vulnerable side poking out whenever I needed it, like right now, humming as he held me.
A gentle kiss against my forehead, another soft squeeze, the thought popped into my head before I had time to think it through “Jon?”
What was I thinking? No, no absolutely not. Not happening. I quickly mumbled “Nothing, sorry.”
A laugh, a stroke, another kiss on the forehead “What is it? Cat got your tongue or something? Not more complaining, is it?”
Apparently, the cold had gotten to my head, making me equally as insane as he often claimed to be as I let my hand trail down his waist and onto his hip, letting my thumb brush under his jumper and stroke his warm skin. The gesture wasn't supposed to be necessarily sexual or anything but I could tell from the way he lifted his hips up and back down, repositioning himself closer he’s heard me loud and clear. His hand on my shoulder trails down to my own hips, squeezing.
“Is this okay?” He says softly, fingers grazing under my top, my body was warm now- the mixture of his body heat and the duvet heating me up.
“Uhm- yeah. Yeah this is okay.” I mumbled.
There was an odd silence, not uncomfortable but enough to make my heartbeat speed up as his fingers played with the skin of my stomach, a focused look in his eyes as we sat together. My brain buzzed and sped into overdrive, did I want more? Was this enough? Was it too much even? Jonathan was very open about his share of hookups. And sure… that could be nice. But at the same time, the idea of being with him in that way and then not having anything else made me feel sick, I stiffened slightly.
His touch stopped immediately as he felt me tense. “What's wrong?”
“Sorry, I don't know if I’m like… into this,” I said awkwardly, watching as he gently let go of my hips and retreated back a little from me “Sorry,” I repeated, a little disappointed in losing the warmth of his touch.
“Sorry? It's okay,” he chuckled “It's no big deal.”
But it was. It was a fucking humongous big deal and he didn't seem to get that. Smiling like he always does as if nothing matters, gently patting my arm in a now clearly platonic way. Platonic platonic platonic platonic “I just don’t like hookups.” I clarified quickly, trying to make myself feel less awkward.
Another chuckle, his lips curling into a smirk as he blew air between his lips and squeezed me jokingly “Who said we were gonna hookup? You need to learn to relax.”
“Jesus Jonathan, you were fucking caressing my stomach what else am I supposed to think?” I said, annoyance slipping through as I stared at him, hurt and confused at my own reluctance.
His hand moved again, up to cup my face as he began to slowly stroke my cheek, something he usually did after we had a disagreement. “Look at me.”
“Stop it.”
“Stop what?” He laughed.
“Being so kind and gentle and annoying.”
He grinned, stroking my cheek with his thumb again “Alright I’ll be mean then, how’s that sound?”
“Stop teasing me, ” I mumbled, trying not to react to the continuous circles he was making on my cheek despite the fact I could feel my face getting warmer. “Stop staring at me like that too, I hate how intense your eyes are.” It's true, his blue gaze somehow made this situation at least ten times worse. They had a habit of making me unable to focus.
“Do you wanna go drinking then?” He smiled softly, changing the subject with ease “You know I can't stand being cooped up in here.”
There it is, back to normal. Jonathan's usual deflection sinking in as his eyes brighten and I find myself staring at his stupid sideburns “Hey” I mumbled, gulping.
“Hey?” He repeated back to me, laughing still.
“If I hadn’t stopped you, would you?” I blurted out, he could probably feel me shake slightly against him, still so close under the duvet. To my surprise, he stopped laughing and smiled.
He stopped his comforting strokes too and looked seriously at me “Course.” His voice was soft and gentle, coming out so quietly I barely heard him.
Course? “Course?” I repeated back to him, confusion clear in my voice as my eyes scanned him, searching for meaning in his words, I mean sure I'd known he was into it- but it was his attitude that confused me, acting as if it was obvious how he felt. As if I know something I really had no clue about.
“I’m mad about you, you know that.”
My breathing stops momentarily as I let out a shaky laugh “No you’re not.” My confused gaze meets his confident one, eyebrow raised as he looks down at me “You-“
He pulled a face, lips curled up in a way I would usually describe as mocking but at this moment felt teasing “Was my constant flirting and petting you not obvious?”
“But you do that with everyone,” I argued, staring back at him in bewilderment “You don't like me.”
He gave me a look of mock outrage as he grinned at me “No I dont, and I’m pretty sure I do, actually," He said firmly, stroking my cheek again "Pretty sure I'm quite mad about you.”
“But I- wait seriously?”
He chuckled and suddenly soft lips met my own, instinctively I found myself melting at his touch, kissing him back as he smiled against my lips, hand drifting from my cheek to the back of my neck to hold my head as he kissed me. After a while, he pulled away, a stupid boyish grin on his lips,
“Told you.”
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Imagine Shanks learning you are flexible
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You and Shanks wrestling
You: * feels the tightness in your thigh as you are forced from a kneeling position to laying on the bed without shifting your leg in front of you and gets an idea* oh my god, my leg!
Shanks: *sees your foot tucked firmly against your ribs* Oh fuck, oh Fuck, I'm so sorry!! I'll go get Hongou, wait right here. *Gets up and trips over himself trying to sprint to the door*
Benn: *gets up from his seat to make sure you are comfortable while you wait for the doctor, but stops when he sees you move*
You: *gets up, grabs a blanket, and throws it over him and jumps on his back* ha Ha! You fell for it.
Benn: *still processing what he's seeing*
Shanks: what! But your leg!
You: * lifts your leg to display it* it's fine, it normally bends that way.
Benn: it's not supposed to.
You: meh
Shanks: not "meh" you're still going to see Hongou.
You: no
Benn: (y/n)
You: No, *climbs off Shanks's back and crawls back in bed*
Shanks: *gives a panicked look to Benn*
Benn: get em
Shanks: yes sir, *throws the blanket over you, scoop you up in it, throws the gathered ends over his shoulder, and carries you out like a bag of laundry*
You: I'm fine really! It's always done that!
Benn: *following Shanks, and stops Shanks from accidentally smacking up against things* As I said it's not supposed to.
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In the infirmary
Hongou: you idiots better have a good reason to wake me up from my nap
Benn: trust me we do.
Hongou: well are ya going to enlighten me or am I supposed to start guessing?
Shanks: (y/n) does this. *Bends your leg so that the top of your foot is is pressed against the side of your ribs, near your armpit*
Hongou: *screams*
Benn: Told you it wasn't supposed to do that.
You: it's not like it hurts or damages anything, you're all being overdramatic.
Hongou: it most certainly isn't supposed to do that.... how far can you go?
You: *sighs, and reluctantly gets down on the floor and shows them your weirdest trick*
Shanks: UH hu hu! Oh my gods, that's gross!
Benn: and kinda hot
Hongou: and you really have no pain?
You: ...when I'm bending no, just tightness.
Hongou: you have some sort of hypermobility, probably.
You: Okay?
Shanks: Oh, I can think of so many uses for this talent.
Benn: Which are?
Shanks: *wiggles his eyebrows*
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mc-lukanette · 7 months
Luka looked up from his spot on an instrument case to Juleka's friends heading towards the Liberty and onto the gangplank. He raised a hand to greet them, but paused mid-wave when he noticed Marinette at the back. She was lagging behind the others and nearly missed a step on her way onto the Liberty.
She looked exhausted, a yawn halfway out of her mouth before she covered it with both hands. She even looked warily around, as if to see if anyone had noticed. He didn’t pretend like he hadn't noticed, so her eyes eventually locked with his, shame flooding her face as she hurriedly said, "Um! I'm going to go get a drink of water!"
He watched her go, brows furrowed in concern, then got up to turn to her friends. They were talking to Juleka about various plans - having all given variations on a simple "okay" in response to Marinette's leaving - so Luka went for the arm of the one nearest to him.
"Is Marinette alright?" he asked.
"Huh?" Alya's face scrunched up in puzzlement. "Yeah, she's fine, just tired."
Putting a hand to her cheek, Alya snorted and put an overdramatic flair into her voice to say, "She must've just stayed up late daydreaming about Aaaadrien~"
"She didn't end up giving that gift to Adrien this week," Mylene explained, nodding in Alya's direction, "so she's probably coping."
"She means definitely," Alix cut in to correct. Smirking, she added, "That's just Marinette being Marinette. I've even got one of Rose's stuffed animals to prove it."
Juleka had been setting out a pillow for Rose to sit against, but at the mention of the relinquished plush, Rose's eyes flared up in a rare rage and she went about pounding the poor pillow in a fit of anger.
Luka wanted to comment as, regardless of his proverbial dog in this race, he felt that such information was a little too personal to share, but he refrained. He didn't know about Marinette's friendship with them and it wasn't his place to say things he wasn't certain of.
Instead, he turned his attention to where Marinette had gone, not bothering to make an excuse as he made his way across the deck to head down inside.
Luka didn't think of himself as any sort of mind reader, just observant, and he was certain that Marinette wouldn't have gone along with the girls if she were simply exhausted: she would've opted to rest. That indicated - to him, at least - that there was a different problem at hand.
His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Marinette sitting on the barstool, her upper body draped over the high top and an overly full cup of water near her hand. She wasn't asleep, but her eyelids fluttered tiredly while she laid there. Every time they would draw to a complete close, she'd tense up, eyes opening wide on alert before another bout of sleepiness hit.
Luka wondered how much of that she'd managed to hide from the girls. "Marinette?"
"M-mmm—?" She looked over, blinking slowly in response to the call. A solid few seconds passed before she jolted up, her water spilling slightly when her hand bumped it. "Luka—ah!" She tried to rescue the cup, but miscalculated and ended up sending it right off the table. "I-I'm sorry—!"
"It's fine," he interrupted, voice firmer than usual. Given that she naturally wouldn't be as receptive to tone while tired, he wanted to make sure that she understood he wasn't upset.
Marinette quieted, lips pursed like she wanted to argue, but Luka didn't wait for her to. He walked over to the kitchen area, getting an excess of paper towels to clean up the water that'd been spilled. He could faintly hear a whine but didn't acknowledge it, knowing that Marinette would only insist on helping.
Nightmares, he concluded, though not knowing about what. She's afraid of falling asleep.
When he was finished, he dropped the cup into the sink and turned back to her. On top of being sleepy, she now looked upset, and his heart ached seeing her so miserable.
"It can't be comfortable sitting there," he said, though he guessed that'd been the idea. Going around the high top, he kept his gaze on her and offered, "I'm here to talk if there's anything wrong."
Of course, it was obvious that there was something wrong, but he wanted to give her an out. They were friends, certainly - his mother would probably say something like, "You snuck into that TV studio together? Ha, sounds like you're mates for life!" - but he still had a strict policy of not pushing any boundaries without adequate reason.
Also, on the chance that this did concern Adrien, she wasn't likely to mention her problem to him. Luka himself had confessed to her not too long ago, after all.
He sat down on the couch, idly sliding a hand along the cushion and hoping to make it look as inviting as possible. His eyes never left Marinette's, just as hers didn't leave his, almost like wordless communication.
Finally, Marinette wavered, slowly pushing herself up off the barstool. She almost slipped getting down, stumbling a bit, but she managed to walk over and plop heavily next to him.
"...Luka," she began, no longer looking directly at him.
He couldn't see her face, but could hear the subtle changes to her voice: it had grown distant, like the muffled sound of an instrument making you aware that it's coming from another room.
"Have you ever done something over and over, even though you knew deep down that nothing would change?" she asked, hands clasped together on her lap and tightening. "Even though you know it's only making you more miserable?"
Again, he wondered what must've happened to her, and this time had to bite back from speaking it aloud. As for her question, while he couldn't speak to her personal experience, he'd definitely gone through it himself.
"...Once," he admitted.
Her gaze finally turned to him again, unexpectedly open. His heart ached for the second time that day, noting that the moment an opportunity struck to help someone else, she shifted focus away from her own problems.
Her whole expression said you can open up to me. It wasn't something he heard, much less sensed often. He was just that much more likely to be the listener.
After trying a few times with words that didn't come out, Luka confessed for the first time, "My dad left a long time ago, maybe before I was even born. I don't know who he was, or anything about him."
"Oh, Luka..." she whimpered sympathetically. He wasn't sure if it had anything to do with her current state, whether it was making her more bold or simply showing her support, but she rested her head on his shoulder.
He continued regardless, "I asked my mom about him all the time when I was growing up, and she never gave me an answer." He tried to smile at the memory, not wanting to drag the mood down further. "I was mad for a while, but then I realized how much she was hurting. Maybe she wanted to talk to me, but I was opening too many wounds, and all I was doing by asking was making us both sad."
"You don't want to know about your dad anymore?"
"...No," he answered after a moment, wanting to be sure of his response. Thinking back to the past, he put a hand to his heart and clutched the fabric there. "He doesn't want to know me either, or he would've shown up. I can't force a song if the lyrics aren't coming together."
She was quiet, but Luka could tell she hadn't fallen asleep. It felt strangely natural talking to her and he could only hope it was mutual.
Finally, she said, "It's almost weird hearing it put into words. I didn't have them for so long." The side of her hand brushed his thigh in a show of comfort. "I'm sorry about your dad though."
"Don't be," Luka insisted, staring down at her. "I already have people here who love and care about me. That's more than enough."
"Yeah." Her hand slid down his leg, lightly toying with the stray threads of his distressed pants, right at his knee. "...Luka?"
"Mm?" His gaze fixated on her touch, almost mesmerized by how comfortable she seemed.
"I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere," she reassured, apparently unaware of the way it made his heart skip a beat. "So... don't die, or disappear on me, okay?"
He couldn't ask anything further, not because he didn't want to, but he already felt Marinette's body going slack. He hurried to catch her as her head slipped from his shoulder, her body having finally given into sleep. He waited just to be sure she was truly out - to see if she'd jolt awake like before - then pulled her against him to keep her supported.
Don't die or disappear...? he repeated in his head. It was undoubtedly ominous, but it made him more concerned for her than fearful for himself. What have you been having nightmares about, Marinette?
Regardless, he knew she couldn't sleep against him forever. He shifted, trying to get both arms under her so he could lift her, then stood up from the couch to walk to his bedroom.
On the way, he spotted a clean blanket resting on the arm of the couch. He couldn't even remember how or when it got there, but it didn't matter. He transferred Marinette to one arm to free up a hand - hoping that he'd gotten stronger since the ice rink rather than her getting lighter - then took the blanket with him to his bedroom.
Though it was difficult with Marinette draped over him, he fumbled one-handed with the blanket to lay it out over his bed and give her something clean to sleep on. That done, he brought her down, letting her lay on the bed while he took the side of the blanket near the wall to partly cover her. It wasn't perfect, but she seemed content.
Luka considered whether or not to leave her to sleep, taking the time to at least look around for something to sit on just in case. Heading back into the lounge room, he ended up finding a short stool under a pile of clutter and started to head back with it. By then, he determined it best to stay, just in case she had another—
He was just in time to catch Marinette whining in her sleep. He picked up his pace to get beside the bed, setting the stool down and looking her over. Her legs were moving underneath the blanket in some sort of distress, her breath picking up as she started to shift about on his bed.
"Marinette," Luka called, but didn't get anything back for it. He reached out carefully, mind whirling in thought as he clutched her hand. Deciding not to wake her, he remembered what she'd told him and echoed, "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
He had wondered at that moment, when hearing her say it, if maybe it was something she'd always wanted to hear herself.
He held his breath, watching her movements while he waited for any reaction. Worst case scenario, he'd wake her up, but he really did want her to sleep if he could make that happen.
It took a few seconds, but he felt her hand squeeze his own. Her eyes remained shut, but she slowly began to relax, the sound of the blanket shifting coming to a stop.
Luka exhaled in relief, putting his foot behind him to pull the small stool closer to him. Sitting down, he kept hold of Marinette's hand and leaned against the bed for comfort's sake, not taking his eyes off of their joined hands.
Faintly, he could hear people moving about on deck and muffled talking, though nothing that would make him worry they might interrupt Marinette's sleep. He even found himself starting to zone out, eyelids feeling heavy as the background noise slowly faded away.
Soon enough, he too gave into sleep.
"...Luka...? Luka..."
He stirred, his back aching as he slowly opened his eyes. His vision adjusted to the sight in front of him: blue eyes, black hair, and a refreshed but concerned expression.
Also, a hand that he hadn't let go of even in his sleep.
"Ah—" Releasing his grip took a bit of effort after having been in that position for a while. "Sorry."
She cast a glance at her now-empty hand; was that disappointment in her eyes? "N-no, it's okay. I mean, obviously it was me who you did all this for!"
"I didn't mind." Then, realizing that wasn't the whole truth, he added, "And you let me talk too. It was only fair."
"H-huh?" Confusion took over her face. "But I didn't do anything?"
He pushed himself up, arching his back to work out any soreness, then sat next to her on the bed. "Maybe it doesn't seem that way to you. It doesn't feel like I did anything either."
"But..." She paused, realization hitting. "Oh!"
He smiled, seeing that she understood. They had the same caring nature, it seemed. "Did you have any nightmares?"
There was a flash of alarm that he'd gotten even that right, but she shook her head rather than pointing it out. "No. Er, nothing that got too bad, at least." She dropped her gaze to his hand resting on the bed. "I think... it must've been you?"
"Reminding me that I wasn't alone." With a daring look in her eyes, she picked his hand back up and squeezed. "Because I couldn't sleep well at home at all, even when I was hugging my pillow."
He nodded sadly. "I wish I could help you more."
She let out a small hum, appreciating the gesture. Then, letting go of his hand to fiddle with the blanket, she hesitantly pointed out, "Um... maybe you could? But it's silly."
He tilted his head at her, curious, silently urging her on.
"I-I mean..." She swallowed, avoiding eye contact all of a sudden. "If I sleep better with you around, then...?" She trailed off, letting his brain do the rest of the work.
The implications hit him like a guitar being smashed over his head. Actually, he could really use one, because words weren't coming out anymore.
"B-but you've already done enough!" She practically threw the blanket off of herself, ready to flee at the soonest moment. "This all happened by accident, and—"
His body moved before his mouth could. He slid off the bed first, grabbing the edge of the blanket on the side opposite to the wall and bringing it up with both hands. He could feel Marinette's puzzled eyes on him as he laid it down at the center of the bed, bunching up the excess and leaving a small divider down the middle of the bed.
That done, he slid the small stool out of the way to keep either of them from accidentally stumbling over it later, then got on the bed himself. Laying down on "his" side, he didn't even bother to get under his own blanket, already feeling excessively warm.
Marinette mirrored what he guessed was his own expression. She babbled a bit in a few attempts at speech, but eventually gave up, responding physically instead by plopping herself back down.
She didn't seem to need the blanket anymore either, and Luka could only weakly hope that she didn't roll over the divider and against him whilst asleep: she might not sleep well against a pounding heart.
She brought her hand up, staring at it in contemplation, then slowly settled it down on top of the divider. When Luka didn't immediately react, she edged it closer to him as a sort of questioning hint.
Smiling, he rested his hand on top of hers, noting the shy but pleased little wiggle of her legs that she did afterward.
He was just happy to help, and if that meant sleeping alongside her for comfort, it could only be beneficial for the both of them.
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