#kaiju sam
crunchchute · 1 month
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Kaiju Sam and Mecha Max enjoy the scenic route. Collab between me and @tomfowlery!
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nano30cm · 3 months
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ain't they cute?
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zrllosyn-art · 23 hours
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A naru sketch page. Because he is surprisingly fun to draw.
Inspired by a VERY GOOD TRANS NARU HC FROM @jelliefeesh (who also draws VERY good narus n also jus has super good art in general go check his stuff out)
The stickers are available for free download in both English and the original Japanese. If youd like.
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Loving the Kaiju AU and I have a few questions
How would yuu react to the other staffs being like a father/uncle/grandfather/brother to yuu? how would the other boys see yuu as? Will any of the staff and boys would try and communicate with yuu?
Well, for the most part, Yuu’s reactions are up to you guys since it’s meant to represent us/our charactesr as the MC just like the game. I try to keep it as open to creative freedom to inspire you guys since everyone reacts differently. >v<;
Anyway, I did discuss the Kaiju trying to communicate with Yuu in this post here, where we also learn that Grim can, in fact, understand human languages! (Yes, languages, not just English or Japanese) Despite the language barrier, Yuu will manage to learn how to replicate the sounds and frequencies they hear…including certain ones that should be impossible for normal human vocal chords. Hmmm… >.>
But! We’ll cross that bridge sooner or later. In the meantime, more “Help! I’m trapped on an island with no memories and I’ve been adopted by two Kaiju dads!!” for all of us~! >vÓ
So we know that Yuu (as would anyone in their position) was baffled and floored at the realization that Nevermore and Crewelfang adopted them, let alone the fact that the two were…gentle towards them. It was sweet…in a terrifying giant monster sort of way, and tat the moment it was their saving grace against the other creatures of the island.
And then came the rest of the “family”.
Once the rest of the staff came into the picture, Yuu and Grimfang were safely hidden behind Nevermore’s forepaws as the others investigated the duo with curious eyes. It doesn’t take long for Yuu to figure out that they’d been accepted by this group of powerful monsters that—according to MIRA—not even the researchers had been able to observe to such an extent. In a way it’s kinda nice having the extra security of their extended “family”.
Some took their new familial role as “surrogate uncle” a little too enthusiastically though. ^_^;
Crewel: *trying to groom Yuu* “How in the world did you get yourself so filthy walking outside the den? Hold still, pup!”
Yuu: *glaring at Grim, who bumped them into a muddy water puddle* [“Traitor!”]
Grim: “Hey, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to groom yourself.”
Crewel: “Don’t think you’re getting out of a grooming session. Your fur is a mess!”
Grim: “What?! No fair! I can keep myself cleaner than the human!”
Vargas: “Good morning!” *standing on top of a massive whale-like creature* “I’ve brought the nibblings breakfast, freshly hunted from the sea!”
Crewel: *long-suffering sigh* “Ashton…two things. One: get that thing out of my den before it starts to reek! And two: surely you don’t expect the pups to eat that whole thing in one sitting?”
Vargas: “They’re both skin and bones. If they’re going to survive in this pack, they need to build up their muscles!” *begins shredding the carcass into chunks with shark teeth* “Once they’ve finished this, they’ll need to eat eggs to help them grow big and strong—like me!”
Crewel: “That is far too much for either of them to eat!”
Yuu: *hiding behind Crewel’s paws* [“What is happening?!”]
Crowley: *outside* “Why is there a fish blocking the entrace?!”
Yuu: *trying to follow MIRA’s instructions to build a makeshift survival “bed” out of leaves and sticks* [“I’m pretty sure this isn’t going to be very comfortable…”]
Grim: “So why are you wasting your time?”
Yuu: [“Ugh…what I wouldn’t give for a mattress. Even a sleeping bag would be an upgrade!”] *continues trying to tie the twine…before stopping with a shudder* [“…what was that…?”]
Grim: “What was what?”
Yuu: *whirls around, gasping in horror* [“AAAAA-!!”]
Grim: *turns and sees massive spider-like chameleon emerging from the trunk of a tree* “FYGAAAAAAAA-!!!!”
Crowley: “What is going on out there?!”
Sam: *fully materializes just as Crewel and Crowley come charging out* “Hello, little imps~! So sorry for scaring you both.”
Crewel: “Sam? For Seven’s sake, we thought the pups were in danger!”
Sam: “My apologies! I brought gifts for your new litter of imps—in stock! And I guarantee there will be something they’ll want in there."
Yuu: *notices something odd about Sam and squints* [“…is…that Kaiju wearing a satchel?”] *yelps as Sam dumps the contents of the satchel onto the ground, the pile towering over them* [“Wha-?!...whoa! Whoa!! Look at all this!”]
Crowley: *tilts head in confusion as Yuu starts digging around the pile, Grim joining shortly after out of curiosity* “Well, they certainly seem interested in your selection. Now, say that they do find something. What do you want in exchange?”
Sam: “Just a simple trade this time, since most of the stock is unusable to us. A few mango seeds and a crystal from your mountain nest will suffice!”
Crowley: “Deal! Such a generous offer~!”
Yuu: *has already found a satchel and a several duffle bags, filling it with small items, towels, and blankets* [“Wow. How did he even get a full shower caddy with soap and shampoo?! Score! Now I can take a proper bath!”]
Grim: *grabs and drags out a large mattress* “The heck is this?”
Yuu: *gasp!!!* [“BED!!!!”] *dives off the pile onto the mattress before bouncing off, climbing back on and sprawling out with a grin and giggling happily* [“Oh, I’m going to sleep well tonight!”]
Crewel: “They seem quite taken with that slab in particular.”
Grim: “Huh…hey, move over, I wanna try it too!”
Yuu: [“Wha-? Hey! No! Get off! You’re gonna squish it!”]
Grim: “I’m not gonna squish it! Quit hoggin’ the good stuff!” *lightly pins Yuu down under his arm*
Yuu: *squirming to get out from under him* [“Move your big butt! Nevermore!”]
Crowley: “Play nice, you two!”
Crewel: “Don’t make me put you two on the discipline branch again!”
(In the end, the two wound up sharing the mattress with Yuu occasionally sleeping on Grim’s back or belly. When he wants to be mischievous, he’ll flip the mattress over while Yuu is on it)
Crowley: “…perhaps it was unwise for Grim and Lucius to meet…”
Lucius: “Rrreaaaarrrl!!”
Grim: “Shut up! Yer the one who stole my snack!”
Lucius: “Hissss!”
Grim: “Why you-!”
Trein: “Enough!”
Grim: “But he started it!”
Crewel: “Down boy!”
Crowley: “Are you sure you can handle them both, Mozus?”
Trein: “You forget that this is not my first time raising hatchlings or kits. They will be fine while you two patrol the island.”
Crewel: “I’ll hold you to that.”
Yuu: [“Wait, where are you guys going?”]
Crowley: “Be a good hatchling for Mozus while we’re gone. We will return at noon.”
-Several hours later-
Crowley: “We’re ba—oh.”
Trein: *the air is filled with flickering images of creatures and scenes, scales shimmering while a gentle thrum radiating from Trein’s chest as he continues telling a story to an enthralled Yuu and Grim*
Yuu: *can’t understand what Trein is saying but enchanted by the illusions as they try to piece together what the story is about*
Crewel: “Hmph…so you do still have a few tricks up your sleeve for an old dog. Well done.”
I think it’s safe to say that Yuu has had a lot of interesting encounters with their new adoptive family members. XD But how would they feel in the end after everything is said and done?
After everything that had transpired throughout the last few days, it was no surprise that Yuu was exhausted. Despite this, however, they found themselves lying wide awake. Wrapped in one of their new blankets with their back pressed to Grimfang’s side as they both shared the mattress, it was like they had their own portable radiator…that snores. And like a massive pair of organic walls that blocked the chill of the night, Nevermore and Crewelfang encircled the two with their heads resting on each other���s haunches. The den was filled with quiet breathing, the wind howling outside sounding muffled.
In the silence, Yuu’s thoughts swirled: ‘Who am I?’ This was a question that had been plaguing them since they were first grounded to the nest with nothing to do but think. They could remember things like what objects or fruit were called and how they functioned, or how to work with things like a computer. And yet the more they tried to remember their life before the beach, the harder it became to recall even the most basic information.
Name? Age? Easy. School? Nothing. Job skills? No clue. Friends? Family? Pets?
Complete blanks.
All they could recall was a vague feeling of warmth and comfort, that someone out there cared for them. Who, they couldn’t say for sure…and the thought terrified them more than they thought. Would…they ever remember what their life was like? Who they were as a person?...
Yuu blinked as a rippling wave of shimmering gold light crossed their vision—no, their mind—before a small drop of emerald joined in, followed by a feeling of warmth and worry not their own bloomed in their chest. Raising their head from the mattress, Yuu was met with Nevermore’s golden gaze as he watched them—a sight they’d grown accustomed to after the first night’s scare he’d had.
What had MIRA called that color phenomenon before? ‘Echoing resonance’? They’d thought it had been part of the dream the first night it happened, but ever since they’d been experiencing it from both Nevermore and Crewelfang. [“It is unique to Kaiju in that they may direct the frequency to a group or a singular individual. Researchers believe this to be an evolutionary trait designed to communicate between young offspring and other pack members akin to echolocation. Study has shown that humans may experience this from Kaiju test subjects, though no further information can be gleaned due to the rarity of the phenomenon,”] the computer had told them.
…pack members and offspring…
“…I don’t understand you at all,” Yuu told him, his ear twitching as he tilted his head in response. “I mean…you’re not even human, and yet you decided to ‘adopt’ me because of that stupid serum. Do you even know what I am? Or do you just not care?” That last part sounded more frustrated than they’d intended, but Nevermore’s expression seemed…softer than before now, colorful ripples of blue and violet filling their mind as a wave of calm washed over them. “…then again…I don’t know where I’d be if you hadn’t found me that day. And since I can’t even remember them…you’re the closest thing to a family I have now.”
Nevermore gently lowered his head to rest it next to the mattress, his eye watching them as a quiet sigh escaped.
Reaching out to pet his cheek, Yuu couldn’t help but chuckle when he began to “purr”, the sound more akin to a soft, whistling warble. “Thank you,” they whispered, their eyes heavy now as a sense of security filled them. “For everything…”
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tillman · 14 days
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Playing catchup in msq rn. Its going good.
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bccfggffbgv · 3 months
Wait, so Shin Godzilla is his own monster instead of being a retake of Goji?
Yes, to be more specific, he's actually a creation of Cosmic Sam to theoretically counteract against The King of The Monsters due his constantly evolving abilities being the result of him trying to find ways to adapt against Godzilla (Thanks to Cosmic Sam's own corrupted version of The Absolute Solver assisting with the evolutions/mutations).
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mjhartwork · 2 years
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Godzilla portrait
Based on Sam Green’s art
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culz-paranormal · 1 year
A brand new Culz Brackets went live as we attempt to crown the true King of the Monsters! That's right this week we pit the Godzilla origin movies against each other.
Did we get it right?
Luckily we had help from John LeMay and Max Hawthorne!
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thisisnotthenerd · 7 months
something echoes of the solstice really pulled into sharp relief is just how good of a player sam riegel is.
like. the bait and switch of veth not going but luc jumping into the portal as a bratty teenager with stolen gear. level 5 arcane trickster and level 3 wizard (unsure of subclass, likely transmutation. edit: war magic). terrifying that a teenager is on a mission with god-level characters. horrifying to think about. i hope they have a fjorester wedding oneshot like dalen's closet that luc is still grounded at.
adding chaos to the party immediately. everyone put protections on him, as much as they could. he said i'm here to bring a reminder of what the mighty nein was and is. and buttering up the party was deeply funny. especially seeing the dichotomy between caleb and fjord's responses.
sidenote: shoutout to daniel sloss for being another spurt. fully a crash dummy drunken master monk in a kilt. it must have been so cool. triggering traps so the nein didn't take damage within the archive. put the fear of death in luc.
anyway, look at how effective luc was. the invisible mage hand. experimental potion from yeza, which i suspect gave him hp and asis temporarily, but not an expanded spell list. see invisibility in the house to catch trent, when none of the rest of the party could find him, which prompted the antimagic field, beau's hits, and the transition to the second battle map. enlarge on the t-rex for kaiju battle. and the first to damage the egg with a 28 on his attack roll with the security cannon. as a level 8 among level 20s. luc got so much experience out of that battle. no more dying in the fire plane for luc, no sirree.
only 1st and 2nd level spells at base. pretty much comparable to an 8th level spellcaster sidekick or 4th level spellcaster main. big moves from a small lad.
and he's still grounded at the end of the day.
anyway this is a sam riegel/luc "nott the reckless" brenatto appreciation post. he plays a rogue-wizard very well.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
My Dad can beat up your dad
Imagine if Ellie joined the Teen Titans (Cartoon Version)
When Trigon attacks, everybody is freaking out because how are they going to stop him? Raven is a kid, there are no other magic users around, and the Justice League is off world (idk what the canon reason is)
But Ellie is strangely calm
She mentions that her dad may be able to help, or at least be able to hold him back long enough for them to get help
Robin: How is your Dad going to stop THAT!
Ellie: Well, you know how I'm half ghost?
BB: Yeah?
Ellie: Ans you know how that one time the ghost we fought called me "Princess"?
Cyborg: yeah...
Ellie: Well the thing is, they weren't lying. My dad is the King of a Dimension called the Infinite Realms, and while he is young for a King he is still powerful.
So she calls in her dad, who is sporting the classic Ghost King Redesign, and he goes to hold Trigon back as the team comes up with a plan.
I don't like the "Insanely OP Danny" stuff too much, so for this let's just say that Danny can grow in size to be comparable to Trigon, and they have a Giant Kaiju battle in the middle of Jump City. He doesn't win, but he manages to hold on long enough for Raven to finish the Job
Also i really want Danny to start doting on Ellie, like really excited that he gets to meet his daughters friends and all that. He even pulls out some embarrassing Baby Photos from that time Ellie was reverted to her actual age.
Once he hears about Raven being Trigons daughter, he adopts her on the spot.
Raven suddenly has a new Dad, Sister, Brother (reformed dan), Aunt, Grandma and Grandpa (good parents jack and maddie) and maybe a new mom (Sam? Val? 3rd person?)
Basically I just wanted a "Kaiju Danny vs Kaiju Trigon" fight
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song-of-baldy-ron · 7 months
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Live footage of me after 160+ damage in one turn Yasha, mass heal to full party health Caduceus, LUC BRENATTO AS SAM PC making the battle a 3-way Kaiju, Empire Siblings HDYWTDS on Trent Fucking Ikithon, and Fjorester proposal
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DP X DC Prompt/Idea
Long time writer for the DC fandom (mostly Batman specifically Tim Drake joins the batfam early AUs and Titans Tower AU) on Archive, Danny Fenton also known as Astroboy2025, decides three days after his ‘Accident’ to create a Jason wakes up a Halfa in his coffin fic. He only does this to help himself process his emotions after well lets be honest his death and revival. And later once the ghost attacks pick up and he picks up the mantle of a hero as a way to covertly get advice/figure out on how to fight ghosts better by transplanting all his ghosts into Gotham for Fic!Jason to fight.
Danny wasn’t expecting much to come from this, he wasn’t expecting the fic to blow up in popularity for ‘creative storylines’ and ‘unique original villains with a ghostly flare to go against the ghostly Robin now named Phantom’ it was just a vent fic with a bit of wishful thinking on his part with Ghost!Jason and Bruce's relationship being so close (He ends up writing Jason getting hugs and affirmations that Bruce still loves despite all the ghost stuff that happening now whenever his Parents go on a tirade about how all ghosts are evil and need to be ripped apart molecule by molecule)
He definitely wasn't expecting his fans to find out about the real Phantom and figure out his identity from there. (Blame Penelope Spectra she had a history unlike the others in his rogues gallery with a bloody trail across America of sharply increase Suicide rates in more isolated smaller cites/large towns that was being tracked by Redditers that had hard stopped in Amity park just a few days before he dropped the chapter of Jason facing her himself)
While the Amity Park tourism to see a IRL Hero in action, and the Anti-Ecto acts Riots, as they would later be called, made by DC fans throwing a fit about the threat to the world’s first superhero were the lesser consequence in the grand scheme of things. Finding his fan Discord was a trip and a half especially since Tucker had to hack into it into the first place because his fans we're extremely protective of his secret ID and reinforced the server a crapton to be stronger then most banks.
While Sam was insisting on this being a horrible Idea and he should try to dissuade his thousands of fans from the truth of his Identy. Danny was just chill with it after the brief panic. And the Fan Discord was super helpful for getting Advce with! while the jokes that he was Batman Adoption bait was annoying the group was amazing for ideas on how to train his powers and advice on how to better fight ghosts. the Discord even make a Power list for him so he wouldn’t forget a power because he wasn’t training it. plus the comfort they gave after Circus Gothica was A+ even with the jokes about how the Batfam curse of clown trauma, despite matching the look as a human batman isn’t real so as much as his fans joke about him being the prefect Bat bait that will not happen.
To bad after a particularly nasty ghost hate rant in front of him in ghost form while being shot at by his parents that before the server would spawn 3 chapters of Family fluff in his fic, was whatched angrily by a fan who in a fit of annoyed rage said these words. “I really wish batman WAS real, then maybe you could be safe in your home for once”
unfortunately Desiree was out and about and heard the wish granted she had no idea who Batman was so went to read the DC comics after that. Good news the DC universe is so messed up as is that Desiree decided no twisting was necessary she’d just to bring everything to life. Bad news all the supervillains now exist along side the now existing superheros and Desiree is now Kaiju sized and now way to powerful for Danny to deal with alone... 
At least the now real Batfam are taking their sudden existence well? and are willing to help Danny stop the Mad Genie dispite the risk that they would pop into nonexistence (with the entire city of Gotham and the other cities, villains, and heroes made real by Desiree’s power) if she’s stopped
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kinzuti · 1 month
Shout out to all these authors & fanfics
Murder Drones ver.
I swear I feel like fanfics are part of my daily life now. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. Hey, least I get my daily reading in I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but you’re not here to ponder read about that. You’re here to see some shout outs.
P.S I’m not very descriptive so apologies for that. I just wanted to shout out some of these fanfics and authors because I visit their fanfics about almost every single day so I just thought “oh why the hell not. I’m just going to blog about it.”
Authors & Works
Lady Daybreaker
Oh my god I love their work series Ad Astra Per Aspera it’s just so good. And I’m going to be honest, this series is the reason why I love Nori now so much now it’s not funny. The series just adds more to the story for Murder Drones and again, I love it so much that I join their server. Never interact on their though because I am a bit of a coward I guess. If you want to see more to the story I’d suggest checking their MD fanfics.
At first, I wasn’t very interested in most of their fanfics (mostly because crossover stuff) till I just told myself to give them a shot because why not. Their description for their stories were so interesting and intriguing that I just had to. And now, they’re the reason why I am interested in Monster Hunters now and I may try to get one of the games or such. So far I’ve read Beauty And The Monster, In The Ring series, Muted Manor, Little Purple Riding Hood And The Big Bad Stygian Zinogre, Sugar Spun Straight From Hell, To Guard A Goddess, Kaiju Girl Uzi, & Distorted Deals.
I do want to try to read more of their past works which I am going to try to do soon. These works were all just so good, if you’re interested in crossovers like Pokémon or Monster Hunter, or just interesting concepts outside of the Murder Drones universe. Then check their stories out!
The first work I’ve ever read from them was I believe Sure!You Can Date Our Mama! Which augh/pos it’s really good so far and I adore the lil cuties in the fanfic already. I’m more of an Nuzi fan myself but I also adore InspiredDragonWriters ver. of Sam that I ship SmokeyBats (Sam/Uzi) now. I know what it’s like to love a random character so much in the background of the show/game/etc that I start to make up what their personality and interests are. I won’t say who that random character is but I will say their not from Murder Drones ha.
I’ve also read One Night, A Promise And A Whoopsie-Daisy which there is only one chapter as of now but I love it so much that I had to mention it. I’d suggest checking these works out when you can and want too ofc.
GameCube, oh my god. What have you gotten yourself into/pos. So far the only works they’ve posted are Broken Balance and Broken Balance Specials which go together. And my god, I did expect this work to go up to 111 chapters. 111. I started reading when it was only 11 chapters in. I am predicting at this point that this work will reach up to 1M words tbh, right now it’s word count is at 724,206. Anyways that’s not the point. What I want to say about this work is that I love it. I love the story, how long it is, the concepts, just wow. I mean, this can basically be its own story at this point. Loved it so much that I joined their server. If you’re interested in a Fantasy AU of Murder Drones I’d suggest reading it.
First thing I’ve read from them is The Royals Blood which is so good I love it. It’s a vampire/royalty AU which is mmm, so good. Then To Be Heard came out which I am obsessing over because I have this knack for mute AU’s which I don’t know why but I just do. I also love the fact that Uzi and N in this work love and make music. Music is just part of my daily life I cannot go through a day without listening to a song or 10. I’ve also read “I Am Always There For You.” Which is also good. If you’re interested in these, please go check them out!
I’ve only read one work from them and I LOVE it and it’s concept. It’s so unique and sooo good. It’s called The Angel My Mother Sent Me. And I’ve been listening to the playlist they’ve made based off the story and now I have a few new favourite songs and a new playlist saved in my Spotify. Their art of the fic too is just muah so good. If you’re interested in guardian angels or just that type of concept I guarantee you will love this fic.
Now remember when I said that I- *Searches through my tabs* okay why is it not here?! GOD DAMNI- *Spends 5 minutes looking for it again and saving it to my tab group* Ahem, now, remember when I said I had a knack for mute AU’s (Muted Minor and To Be Heard) well here’s another one. Blinding Steps Of Places Long Forgotten (FireBitten) I absolutely obsessed over this fic when I first found out about it. It’s interesting title, another mute AU, and Uzi having cute fluffy bat ears. Yep, she has bat ears and I love it. Read it if you please.
There is one work of Murder Drones they made and it is called By Chance and I only started reading it like 2 weeks ago. Oh my god. I love it so much, it’s great, it’s adorable, and I just want them (N and Uzi) to be happy pls. I’m a bit mad at myself for not taking the chance sooner to read it. It’s so good, go check it out if you love Streamer AU’s.
They’ve only posted one work of Murder Drones called Bus Stop but it’s so good. It’s been so adorable so far and it’s a songfic which I believe means it’s inspired by a song. I’m going to try to listen to it eventually. Go check it out if you can.
I love this persons Ghost Drone AU please go check that AU out but they also have some other great AU’s in other fandoms which I have seen briefly. Love their art too. They also have this fic related to the Ghost Drone AU which is called Ghost Drone so if you’ve seen their artwork on their ghost AU and love it please go check out the fanfic they’ve made! If you want to ofc.
Okay so if you know and follow kklog then you may remember this post based off thecosmiccrows headcanon. And if you loved that post and loved the concept of DD’s acting like birds then you may love Courtship Rituals of a Disassembly Drone written by the author mentioned above. It’s so adorable and as soon as I saw a fic inspired by that post I had a huge rush of serotonin and immediately read the fic. Go read it if you loved the post kklog made.
That’s basically it as for now. I swear there are more fics I want to mention so I may just edit more in later. It’s like midnight for me right now when I finish this so tbh. I may just wake, realise I posted this, and ponder wether or not to delete it haha. I may not though because I don’t want all this work to go to waste plus I do want to mention these works and share them because I just absolutely love them, I know I said that multiple times but I really do.
I look back to see if they update and it makes my day just to reread them or just read the new chapters when they come out. I really do feel like fan fiction has taken over my life lol. But eh, I don’t think that’s to much of a bad thing :)
If I made some mistakes just let me know and I’ll edit it.
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aaaaahhhhh i can't wait for kaiju!NRC staff, like trein being an ex-researcher, crewel being another kaiju who just takes one look at kaiju! crowley and takes yuu, so you can have a better parent aka him, oooh vargas being a very friendly kaiju that gives you food because he thinks yuu's to small and needs to eat more while sam is just vibing
I'm so glad that you like the AU so far! :D I'll be posting a list of the characters as well as their codenames soon!
The basic idea I had is that basically everyone from NRC and RSA (whom I'm still waiting to work on once we get more details) and the newly introduced NBC (Noble Bell College from the new event in the Japanese server) are kaiju. Aka, anyone that's got magic in them? They're a kaiju now! >v<
I do like the idea of Trein being an ex-researcher, though imagining him as a giant sleepy grump of an elder kaiju who swats at noisy and rambunctious youths (or swats at Crowley when he's being too overbearing) yet being a tolerant guardian with hatchlings and teenie Yuu/MC/Reader is just as hilarious and adorable an idea to me 😂
Crewel in this AU might just be somewhat more lenient on Crowley in terms of parental guardianship, but will still be monitoring the smol adopted hooman regardless once he finds out about them! Let's just say that kaiju!Crowley experienced quite the bit of trauma in this AU sorry not sorry and Crewel was there to witness it. U.U He will step in and co-parent (or somewhat take over) when he deems necessary though!
Vargas being the one trying to help Yuu/MC/Reader grow by feeding them is spot on, while Sam somehow seems to know just what the teenie one needs and how they need it. 😌 If you think Vargas is friendly though, wait until you see Kalim! :V
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luckyfailuregirl · 2 months
Art dump but I'm into Phighting now,,,,
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Um erm the first one is Katana and Boombox and its based off of me and my friends staying up super late and playing and mishearing each other 😭😭😭 (light blue is from a friend of mine so that part isn't my art) (I WILL FINALLY TAG THEM EEK @/gl0wsticks on Twitter :3)
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Sam is my segment (genshin) oc (full name Samael)
Also there's Jammer from Kaiju Paradise cuz they're so me fr I've loved them for forever,,,
And goofy drawings of my sona and a kitty cat named peatbelly,,,,
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 42
Does anyone remember the series Kaijudo? Hear me out: DP (and potentially DC) Crossover
 The Infinite Realms are infinite after all, so what’s stopping the Phamily from ending up in the Kaiju realm? There’s even entire civilizations they’d fit so well in, and even half-breeds from those different areas that the Halfas could bond with.
 Like, we have the Darkness civilization which is pretty undead themed, the Light civilizations which is storms and technology, Nature civilization which I mean, do I even have to explain, the Water civilization which has quite a few mind-themed creatures, along with the Fire civilization, which are dragons and well, rockets and other heavy weaponry. 
 All of which would fit team Phantom and co rather well. Darkness for the Danny siblings, Light for Tucker, Nature for Sam, Fire for Valerie, Water for Jazz, etc
 Now you can imagine the chaos that would result in them learning how to summon their new monster friends, along with the fact that some creatures are known for being able to open tears to the human realm in their dimension (Rumbling Terrasaurs for example). 
 So what’s to say, stop them from opening portals to another dimension’s human world now that the veil has been weakened? 
 And it doesn’t have the Danny Phantom world either, it could even be say, a world where they could feel another being or two with similar green-death energy to the nice friends…
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