#manifesting my dreams
sameerrashid424 · 3 days
Manifesting My Dreams: A Review of "The Real Law Of Attraction Code"
For years, I'd heard whispers about the Law of Attraction but remained skeptical. Then, I came across "The Real Law Of Attraction Code," a digital ebook promising to unlock the secrets of manifesting your desires. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try, and let me tell you, this resource has been a revelation.
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Beyond Visualization: Understanding the Underlying Principles
"The Real Law Of Attraction Code" goes beyond simply repeating affirmations and visualizing your dream life. The ebook delves into the core principles that govern the Law of Attraction, explaining the connection between your thoughts, feelings, and reality. This deeper understanding empowered me to take a more active role in shaping my reality by aligning my thoughts and emotions with my goals.
Actionable Steps for Manifestation
This ebook isn't just about theory; it's a practical guide packed with actionable steps. "The Real Law Of Attraction Code" outlines a series of exercises and practices designed to help you cultivate a positive mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, and raise your vibrational frequency. The inclusion of daily practices and goal-setting worksheets made it easy to integrate the Law of Attraction principles into my daily routine. I particularly appreciated the guidance on gratitude journaling, which helped me shift my focus towards appreciation and abundance.
The Power of Belief and Alignment
The ebook emphasizes the importance of truly believing in your desires and aligning your thoughts and actions with your goals. "The Real Law Of Attraction Code" provides techniques for overcoming negativity and self-doubt, fostering a belief system that supports your manifestations. Learning to recognize and release limiting beliefs was a powerful experience, allowing me to step into a more confident and empowered state of mind.
A Supportive Community (and Earning Potential!)
"The Real Law Of Attraction Code" offers more than just an ebook; it unlocks access to a supportive online community. The program boasts a forum where fellow practitioners can share experiences, offer encouragement, and celebrate each other's successes. This sense of community proved invaluable, allowing me to connect with like-minded individuals and stay motivated on my journey. An exciting bonus – the program highlights the opportunity to earn a 95% commission by promoting "The Real Law Of Attraction Code" itself! While my focus is currently on manifesting my own goals, the potential to share this knowledge and earn income along the way is a perk worth mentioning.
Empowering Transformation
Since using "The Real Law Of Attraction Code," I've witnessed a positive shift in my life. I've experienced a renewed sense of optimism, achieved goals I once thought were out of reach, and attracted more positive experiences into my life. The ebook has empowered me to take control of my reality and become a conscious creator of my own future.
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Manifesting My Dreams: A Review of The Real Law of Attraction Code
For years, I'd dabbled in the Law of Attraction, but never quite grasped how to harness its power in a tangible way. That's where "The Real Law of Attraction Code" by [Name of Author] (with its incredible 95% commission offer!) came in. This insightful ebook has become my go-to resource for attracting positive change into my life.
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Demystifying the Law: Understanding the Core Principles
The beauty of "The Real Law of Attraction Code" lies in its clear and concise explanation of the Law of Attraction. The author doesn't bog you down with complex jargon. Instead, they break down the core principles into easy-to-understand concepts. You'll gain a solid foundation in topics like vibration frequency, manifestation techniques, and overcoming limiting beliefs. This newfound knowledge empowered me to take a more intentional approach to attracting my desires.
Practical Techniques for Manifesting Abundance
The book goes beyond theory and dives deep into practical techniques for manifesting abundance in various aspects of life. From attracting your dream job to nurturing fulfilling relationships, the author provides a wealth of actionable strategies. I particularly found the section on creating vision boards and daily affirmations impactful. These practices have helped me cultivate a more positive mindset and focus my energy on attracting the things I truly desire.
A Roadmap to Success: Overcoming Obstacles and Limiting Beliefs
"The Real Law of Attraction Code" acknowledges that the path to manifestation isn't always smooth sailing. The book dedicates a section to identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs that can hold you back. Additionally, the author offers guidance on dealing with negative emotions and maintaining a positive vibration even in the face of challenges. This practical approach resonated with me, as it equips you with the tools to navigate the inevitable roadblocks on your manifestation journey.
The Power of Community: Building Your Support System
While the ebook itself is incredibly valuable, the real gem lies in the bonus materials offered by the author. These include access to a supportive online community where you can connect with like-minded individuals. Sharing experiences, celebrating successes, and offering encouragement to one another has been a powerful motivator. This sense of community keeps you accountable and fosters a belief in the collective power of manifestation.
An Investment in Your Dreams: Worth Every Penny
Considering the wealth of knowledge, practical techniques, and access to a supportive community, "The Real Law of Attraction Code" is far more than just an ebook. It's an investment in your dreams. At a price point with a 95% commission, it's not only a valuable resource for personal growth but also a fantastic opportunity to generate income by sharing it with others.
In Conclusion: A Powerful Tool for Manifesting Your Desires If you're looking to unlock the power of the Law of Attraction and attract positive change into your life, "The Real Law of Attraction Code" is a must-read. This insightful ebook, coupled with the supportive online community, provides the knowledge, strategies, and motivation you need to manifest your dreams. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting your journey, this resource will empower you to create the life you truly desire.
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
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lanalove2012 · 4 months
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toxxictrait · 6 months
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living-sunflowers · 1 year
Me on New Year’s Eve 2021:  “I want to buy a house next year.”
Me on New Year’s Eve 2022 about to close on a house:  “I want to get married next year.”
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sexy-celestial · 1 year
2023 is:
Regular facials, manis, pedis, massages, Brazilian waxes, lash lifts. Glowing skin. Glowy makeup. Fluffy curls. Microshaded brows. Laser hair removal. Perfect Rx Skincare. Veneers. Intoxicating perfumes. Shopping. Diamonds. Designer bags. Credit card rewards. International travel. Networking. Career certifications. Investing more. Brunch with the girls. Picnics. Farmers markets. Art galleries. Museums. Fresh flowers. Silk scarves. Big sunglasses. Beautiful lingerie. Silk robes. Receiving lots of gifts. Lots of sunlight. Hot yoga. Nature hikes. Tennis lessons. Green smoothies. Candles that smell expensive. Sleeping 8+ hours a night. Bubble baths. Studying foreign languages. Absorbing as much knowledge as I can. Book clubs. Pottery classes. Cooking with fresh herbs, vegetables, and spice. Champagne. Charcuterie & bruschetta. Gelato. Fresh bread. Ocean air. Hugging my loved ones. Pet cat. Giving lots of gifts. Journaling. Meditating. Gratitude. Volunteering. Donating to charity. Manners. Etiquette. Charisma. Therapy. Healthy boundaries. Radical personal responsibility. Positivity. Self care. Abundant love.
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st3rrycat · 2 months
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I just want to rot in my bed
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audreyassumptions · 27 days
This worked for me after a couple nights and I successfully entered the void. Here’s how I did it <3
1. Lie down in a comfortable position (it’s rlly hot where I live so I didn’t have any covers on me or anything, I was literally just lay there with nothing covering me)
2. Listen to Edward Art’s ‘I am’ meditation on YouTube :)
3. Put on brown noise (I put the meditation and the brown noise in a playlist so it would play automatically after)
4. Focus on the black behind your eyes and continue to imagine that everything surrounding you is just empty blackness
5. Repeatedly affirm for the void, don’t keep checking if you’re there, try to distract yourself
6. You’re in the void!
This worked for me after a couple tries, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t get results earlier. It’s all about mindset. Persist and I promise you’ll get there.
Love from, Audrey <3333 ;)
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xxgigglinggrenadexx · 2 months
Oh my god
i had a dream that mcr5 dropped
But every single track was just Gerard saying 'easy peasy pumpkin peasy pumpkin pie motherfucker'
What on earth does this mean
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sameerrashid424 · 4 days
Manifesting My Dreams: A Review of The Real Law of Attraction Code
For years, I dabbled in the concept of the Law of Attraction, but never quite grasped how to harness its power effectively. The Real Law of Attraction Code ebook series transformed my understanding and empowered me to consciously attract positive experiences into my life. This insightful program offers a clear, practical approach to the Law of Attraction, making it more than just wishful thinking.
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Understanding the Fundamentals: Beyond Just Wishing
The first ebook, "Demystifying the Law of Attraction," lays a solid foundation. It delves into the core principles of the Law of Attraction, differentiating it from mere wishful thinking. The book explains the role of vibrations, the power of our thoughts and beliefs, and how they influence what we manifest in life. This initial ebook clarified the misconceptions I had about the Law of Attraction and provided a foundation for applying it effectively.
Harnessing the Power of Your Thoughts: Visualization and Affirmations
The next ebook, "The Power of Thought: Techniques for Positive Manifestation," explores practical techniques to harness the power of your thoughts. It delves into the art of visualization, guiding you through the process of creating clear and vivid mental images of your desired outcomes. The book also explores the power of affirmations, providing guidance on crafting positive statements that support your goals and intentions. With the techniques outlined in this ebook, I've been able to cultivate a more positive mindset and actively work towards my goals through visualization and affirmations.
Taking Action and Aligning Your Energy:
The third ebook, "Taking Inspired Action: Aligning Your Energy with Your Goals," emphasizes the crucial role of inspired action in the manifestation process. The book acknowledges that simply thinking positively isn't enough. It explores strategies for taking aligned action towards your goals, overcoming limiting beliefs, and staying motivated on your journey. This ebook helped me understand that the Law of Attraction is a co-creative process, requiring both positive thoughts and inspired action for effective manifestation.
Gratitude and Abundance: Cultivating a Wealth Mindset
The final ebook in the series, "Gratitude and Abundance: Keys to Lasting Manifestation," explores the importance of cultivating a heart of gratitude and an abundance mindset. The book explains how focusing on what you're grateful for opens the door to receiving more good things in life. It also delves into the concept of abundance, encouraging you to believe in your worth and the possibility of achieving your dreams. By incorporating gratitude practices and fostering an abundance mindset, I've noticed a shift in my energy and a greater sense of openness to receiving positivity.
A Practical Guide to Manifesting Your Dreams
The Real Law of Attraction Code ebook series is a practical guide for anyone seeking to apply the Law of Attraction in their lives. The ebooks are well-written, easy to understand, and packed with actionable strategies and exercises. They offer a step-by-step approach that empowers you to take control of your thoughts, beliefs, and ultimately, your reality.
Investing in Your Personal Growth
While manifestation takes time and consistent effort, The Real Law of Attraction Code equips you with the knowledge and tools to embark on your journey with greater clarity and purpose. It's not a magic formula for instant gratification, but a valuable investment in your personal growth and the power to create a more positive and fulfilling life.
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lgbtiba · 8 months
(Mumbling to myself in the corner of a psych ward) they'll be cringefail wives i know it
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8This doesn't even make sense but hear me out
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webonchin · 8 months
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Morning serenity
in other words AAAAAAAAAA *rips off my hair* i'm jumping!!! them!!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ This one is special because it's based of my first fanart from one year ago(link) yay!! wich I still find hilarious
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cuubism · 9 months
The thing is.
Hob understands that Dream cannot be hurt easily. He is an ancient, powerful, nonhuman being. Hob has, in fact, heard a story from Matthew about when some foolish human wannabe-magician had attempted to stab him when Dream had gone to retrieve a spell book that had slipped from the Dreaming library. According to Matthew, the knife had simply gone through his chest like he was made of smoke and left no mark at all.
(Hob still wishes he had been there. He’d have snapped the guy’s arm. Or worse.)
Barring luck and a magical binding, like what happened with Roderick Burgess, Dream can’t be hurt by mortal means. Hob understands this. Hell, he can hardly be hurt by supernatural means either. Only a few very powerful beings would be able to manage it, or else the very laws that govern his existence, coming down upon his head.
The thing also is.
Dream bruises so easily.
Like now, when Dream is actually limping across the floor of the Inn. Long coat, which usually does not come with him to the waking world, wrapped tight around him. A dark bruise blooms along his cheekbone. Hob doesn’t understand how it’s possible. It shouldn’t be, not when Dream can take a knife to the heart like it’s a gust of wind, but the fact of the matter is that it is possible, apparently. And so Hob’s got to do something about it.
He meets Dream halfway across the room, braces him by the arms. “Jesus, Dream. Are you hurt?” Well, evidently he is. “How badly?”
“I told him he should stay home and rest,” grumbles Matthew from where he’s hopping along the floor at Dream’s side. Hob hadn’t even seen him there, he’d been so focused on Dream. The fact that Matthew’s not even riding on Dream’s shoulder is not a good sign.
“I did not want to miss our meeting,” Dream says. Which is a hell of a thing.
“Come upstairs, then,” Hob says, and doesn’t quite realize he’s grabbed Dream’s arm and is right pulling him along until he’s already done it. But Dream just follows him. Matthew follows, too, which, again, is not making Hob feel confident about Dream not being too badly injured.
“What happened?” Hob asks, as he sits Dream down on the couch, perching carefully at his side.
“A minor altercation,” says Dream.
“He was thrown into a wall,” says Matthew. “The wall cracked, by the way.”
Hob winces in sympathy. “Thrown by who? Or… what?”
Dream says, “It’s of no consequence.”
Matthew says, “I don’t know, but it had a lot of limbs.”
Hob’s kind of glad Matthew’s here as bullshit translator right now.
“How badly were you hurt?” he asks again. Not badly enough to keep him from traveling, evidently, but badly enough that he is limping. As a measly little human, Hob might find himself limping for a while just by twisting his ankle going down the stairs— but he does not like that intersection of facts when it’s someone like Dream.
“I am fine,” says Dream, and then winces as he shifts his weight on the couch.
“Bullshit,” say Hob and Matthew simultaneously, after which Matthew adds, “Uh, I mean, bullshit, your lordship.”
Dream slants a reproving glance over at him, then back to Hob. “Can I see?” Hob asks, more gently. “I’d like to help. If I can.”
Gingerly, Dream shrugs his long robe off his shoulders. Underneath, he’s wearing his usual black t-shirt, and at Hob’s urging he pulls that off over his head, too, though evidently with some pain. His chest and stomach seem uninjured, the unnaturally pale and smooth skin is still just that, unnaturally pale and smooth— so Hob tugs on his shoulder. “Can I see your back?”
Dream turns, and Hob tries not to think too hard about Dream doing his bidding like that—it’s tender and troubling and arousing all at once, and he’s definitely not going to think about that last bit—and sucks in a breath.
His back is a map of bruises, nebulae arcing over his shoulders and the nape of his neck, curling down over his spine like a coiled dragon. Dream bruises prettily, even like this, periwinkle and dusk blue, the purple of sunset clouds. Another reminder of how Night, too, lives within him.
“I told you,” Matthew says, hopping up onto the back of the couch by Hob’s shoulder.
Dream makes a grumbling sound, but doesn’t deny him this time.
Hob traces a light hand along his shoulder blade and the deep, spilled-watercolor of the bruise there. Thrown into a wall, Matthew had said. Ouch.
Dream shivers at the touch, and Hob says, tentative, “Do you usually bruise like that, love?”
He’s seen it before, though not this bad. Lines of strain on Dream’s hands. A red, banded mark on his arm on one of the few occasions he’d taken his coat off in Hob’s presence. He wants to hear it from Dream, though.
Dream says, tentative now, hunched on the couch like a wounded physical thing rather than what he is, “I… suppose.”
Sitting only in his tight jeans and boots, hair a mess, the mark on his cheek makes him look hunted. Hob touches that too, with light fingertips. Dream leans into his hand with a little sigh, and… oh. That’s something.
“Hey, he got the shit kicked out of him like a few days ago and just walked away like it was nothing,” Matthew complains, as if Dream’s I suppose answer is ridiculous. “And then obliterated the other guy, too.”
“Sorry, when was this?” Hob is still holding Dream’s cheek, but Dream doesn’t turn further to meet his eyes. “Why are you getting beaten up all the time, exactly?”
He’s not Dream’s minder. He’s not. He’s not. Hob forces himself to remember that fact.
“In my absence many have forgotten the might and sanctity of the Dreaming,” says Dream, and if Hob’s not mistaken there’s a little whining petulance in his tone which is… endearing, almost. “Other realms have become… impudent. Entitled. I am simply. Reminding them to show respect. Sometimes physical conflict is necessary.”
Hob sighs. “Well, Your Majesty, maybe it’s time to take a break from the ritual dueling, yeah?”
“…Perhaps,” Dream says, which is as much of an agreement as Hob ever gets.
He supposes he’ll take perhaps. Though the more he thinks about it, the more distressing it is to imagine Dream going around getting hurt. Even if he thinks he’s doing it for some important cause.
“Well, there’s not much I can do for these right now,” Hob says, and can’t keep the concern out of his voice. “Other than letting them heal on their own.”
“I see,” says Dream, and if Hob’s not mistaken his voice is small. And he reaches for his shirt, and—
“Hey.” Hob grabs his wrist. Dream freezes. “That doesn’t mean you have to leave?” He hates that it comes out as a question.
Dream wavers. Then he says, “Matthew.”
It’s loaded with more than just Matthew’s name. An order. Matthew squawks indignantly. “Boss! Come on. You’re really gonna send me back like that? When you’re like this?”
Dream just looks at him.
Matthew sighs, fluttering his wings. “Fine. Have your special private time, then.”
Special private time, Hob mouths to himself.
Matthew lifts his wings for takeoff. “You better not send him back with more bruises, Hobert.”
“Excuse me?”
Then he’s gone, winging out a window that Hob hadn’t realized was open. Maybe it wasn’t a moment ago. Who knows.
Dream looks after him, and sighs with real fatigue. “His insolence only grows.”
“Special private time?” Hob says, and Dream glances at him, and then away.
“He is under the impression that you are my…” he says, and trails off.
Oh. Well.
They’re not like that. But.
Dream looks despondent now, staring off into the corner of the flat, back still turned to Hob’s chest. Hob’s become certain that he wants something, he came here for something, not just to make their usual meeting time… but he still doesn’t know what.
Probably he should ask. Not that that ever works with Dream. Probably he should anyway.
Instead he presses his lips to the curve of Dream’s shoulder, where the bruise is deepest blue.
Dream shudders, and then goes slack in his grip, his shoulders caving. “Hob…”
“Is that what you wanted?” Hob says against his skin. He can’t believe he’s doing this. He can’t believe Dream is letting him. “Does it hurt very badly? Is that helping?”
“It…” Dream muses, and sighs. “Is. Helping.”
Hob takes Dream’s chin between his fingers and turns his face enough that he can kiss his cheek, over the horrible sprawled mark of the bruise. Dream’s eyes flutter shut. He braces a hand on Hob’s thigh as he twists back to lean into Hob’s touch. Hob could use his grip to turn his head further and kiss him properly, he thinks, with a trip in his chest. Dream’s lips are right there, soft and open.
Instead, he leans his head on the back of Dream’s neck. Lets his hands fall to Dream’s bare waist, lips brushing his skin as he says, “You don’t… really bruise, do you?”
Dream still has his head tipped back; Hob’s hair brushes his cheek. “It affects you to see it,” he says quietly.
“Of course it does,” Hob says, equally hushed now. “I hate seeing you hurt.”
“Even,” says Dream, almost tentative, “if I am not truly hurt?”
“You are hurt,” Hob says, and finally draws the strength to lift his head from Dream’s neck. Dream is still looking at him, over his shoulder. His eyes are very dark in the dim light, rimmed red, he looks soft and fragile as a flower petal and Hob would do anything for him. “You were thrown into a wall by ‘something with a lot of limbs’, after all.”
Dream huffs. “Matthew exaggerates.”
“It’s okay if you want it to matter,” Hob tells him. That’s what it is, isn’t it? “To… be seen.” He slides his hand over Dream’s where it still rests on his thigh, twines their fingers together. A flicker of stillness runs through Dream’s body, the way a human’s breath might catch. Hob thinks he might pull away.
Instead he yields, and Hob exhales hard, a breath that had coiled far too tight in his lungs unwinding. Dream caves into him, and Hob wraps his arms around him, pulls him close, kisses the curve of his shoulder and watches a bruise disappear in the echo of that touch.
“Just wanted a hug after a rough day, in the end?” Hob says, and Dream huffs again as if such a desire is offending even to imply. He doesn’t move away though.
“Is it that easy for you?” Dream’s face is close enough that his hair brushes Hob’s temple as he speaks.
“And what if it is?” What if Hob had wanted to hug him when he first spoke of his imprisonment, and held back, and still regrets it? And what if it’s so easy to fall into it now? To slip into a world, this world where he can pull Dream into his arms, like he’s wading into the ocean for the first time, into foreign currents powerful beyond imagining but primordially known. Resonant as a familiar dream.
In some sense it would be accurate to say that Hob has known Dream all his life—he is, after all, dreams. But Hob doesn’t think of his friend as dreams. Maybe it’s a limitation of his human mind not to see the endless scale of the picture. But when he thinks of Dream, he doesn’t think of all of life or anything like that.
Instead, he goes back to their meeting in 1689. When Dream had thought he might no longer want to live, and Hob swore he saw a tear nearly break that usually stern countenance. Hob had always been fascinated by him, but he thinks that was the first moment he really saw him, beyond the cloak of distance and fantasy Dream liked to wrap around himself.
He’d like to think that Dream saw him then, too.
That’s the Dream he thinks of. The Dream he’d like to say he knows. The person, not the incomprehensible entity that Dream sees himself as. An incomprehensible entity can take a knife through the chest and dissipate around it like smoke, but not a person.
“If it is,” says Dream, pulling back to properly look at him, “then perhaps I might… impose.”
He looks so… cautiously hopeful. How can he not know already? “You think it’s possible for you to impose?”
“Imposition is easy,” says Dream, quietly. Hob lifts a hand to cup his cheek, and at the same time, as if of the same mind, Dream leans in and fits his face to Hob’s palm, eyes falling shut again.
He looks so gaunt now, with his bruised cheek and shadowed eyes, sharp collarbones and the swooping curves of his ribs. Hob had thought it had gotten better since his imprisonment, but now he’s not so sure. Maybe it’s just that without the shielding of his shirt, and his robe, he looks smaller than Hob’s used to thinking of him, and angular and fragile. He’s still so impossibly beautiful, delicate like a tree glazed in post-storm ice.
It makes Hob feel unexpectedly bold. His heart trips over, but he leans in and kisses the corner of Dream’s mouth.
Dream makes a quiet, surprised sound. Turns his head, blind, seeking, and then their lips connect properly.
When Hob had let himself imagine the possibility of kissing Dream, he had seen a force of nature. His friend would kiss with the chill of the rain that night he’d left Hob standing behind the White Horse. With the encompassing darkness of the night sky. The full experience of him would be overpowering and that was okay, because even a taste of him had already turned the course of Hob’s life.
But this Dream caves. Tips his head back in Hob’s hand, opens his mouth under Hob’s. Stiffness bleeds from him, regality flees him, and what Hob has left in his hands is a soft, horribly bruised thing leaning in for a deeper kiss.
So he kisses Dream deeper. Swipes his tongue into Dream’s mouth. He tastes slightly metallic, like he might have bitten his tongue and bled, were he human, and he makes a soft sound as Hob breaks the kiss for an unfortunate but necessary breath.
He keeps Dream close, hand to his cheek. Dream, eyes still closed, says, “A kiss just to comfort me, Hob?”
It hurts, just a little, that he thinks so. “How about a kiss just because I wanted to kiss you? You really think I’m more selfless than I am.”
Dream chuckles. “I see.”
Finally, he opens his eyes to look at Hob again properly. He looks tentatively happy now, it’s there in the slight crease at the corners of his eyes, the little spark that’s returned to them. Hob’s heart swells to see it, to think that he could do that.
“What then,” says Dream, tongue darting out to wet his lower lip, “would you do… selfishly?”
“Same thing,” says Hob, and kisses him again. Dream hums into it this time, pleased. “And tell you to bring me with you next time you’re asserting your dominance around the galaxy or whatever.”
“There’s some guys I want to throw into walls,” Hob says.
Dream huffs, but Hob thinks he looks secretly pleased. “I am not certain ‘guys’ is an accurate description.”
“You think just because the fifteen-armed thing is a lady that I won’t—”
And Dream actually laughs, a startled choking laugh. “Your definition of chivalry is—” he gathers himself— “appalling.”
“Take it or leave it, Your Majesty,” Hob says, grinning. Nothing feels better than getting a rare laugh out of Dream.
Mirth sparkles in Dream’s eyes. “I will take it,” he says, turning his head to kiss Hob’s palm, “of course. When you offer me haven and defense both, how can I not?”
Hob presses his kissed palm back to Dream’s cheek, over the dark bruise there, watching it start to fade. “Bring me your bruises, darling,” he says, “and I’ll protect you.”
Dream leans back in, and rests his forehead against Hob’s. He doesn’t need to ask for another hug. Hob just wraps his arms around him, and lets Dream’s contented sigh be its own question, and answer, at once.
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redwinterroses · 4 months
Not enough people manifesting for Hermit HBomb. I have no supporting evidence for H joining the server but it would make me, specifically, happy. Have you considered that.
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cyber-corp · 4 months
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based on a foggy dream i had last night
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