#meanwhile I was struggling to get dinner LOL
jellypawss · 1 year
I remember when I was only eating tomato soup every day but I’d still buy my kitties the best wet + dry food on the market. You can call me a lot of things but never a bad pet owner.
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egg-emperor · 3 months
Yass. I love the egg empire existing as a fucked up, cyberpunkish, smog-covered Citadel where everyone, aside from Eggman and his harem , lives in complete squalor 😍
The average being would prolly struggle to even find food, meanwhile Eggy gorges himself on the finest foods and booze. Every day he has a feast for himself. He'd probably cheekily giggle with delight knowing that people and animals are starving , while he gets to stuff his fat gut. Food goes to winners like him and not losers like them. Hell he'd probably broadcast himself feasting, just to kick everyone while they're down.
It sounds like an absolute paradise 😍 In Eggman's eyes and mine because I love anything that makes him happy lol- but absolutely terrible for everyone else. He gets to live his dream in a perfect world by his twisted definition as it's completely reshaped in his selfish image and he the has high power and total luxury he's always desired, and a big gay harem to serve his needs and entertain him. It couldn't get any better!
He wouldn't treat his harem the best either but to my masochistic ass that's a plus and it'd be an honor to be a part of it hehe. Everyone else would experience the absolute worst of what this new world entails though. They've lost their homes, people they love, passion and enthusiasm for living and all meaning as he's stripped it away and replaced it with his plan and rules for them and they have to follow it all or be eliminated!
Ohh yes I love that so much, I've actually shared a concept very similar... elsewhere (in one of the blogs hinted at in my blog description), for reasons. 😳 People would definitely struggle to find food to survive, Eggman would want people to starve so it will make them give in to the robotomy treatment. If the propaganda didn't get them, they'll be begging for it just so they won't need to eat, only to regret it because they also have to give up all freedom and free will!
I imagine that as emperor, he heavily indulges in all the luxuries of life to an excessive degree in total hedonism and decadance and one of those is food of course. Because all the food in the world will belong to him alone then! And he can't let it go to waste he says, so he has many huge grand feasts to himself, but it's to celebrate his brilliance most importantly hehe. He deserves good food fit for an emperor and lots of it.
He loves to kick back before his big long dinner table full of tons of wonderful foods the entire way across and dig in to it all. He's free to gorge to his heart's content and eat like the emperor he is. Plenty of booze too! He always enjoys having a very full belly, being happily drunk, and getting some love and action from his cute harem as they feed him, give him his cuddles, kisses and belly rubs and other things while he relaxes ;)
It's endless elation, pleasure, and bliss for Eggman 💜 It's what everyone's lives, freedom, and happiness were exchanged for as they suffer in the hellish world he's created. He'd enjoy broadcasting his time lounging on his throne, feasting on all the food they don't get to eat while they hunger, and being loved up by his harem while he gloats about how great and powerful he is and shows off how much better of a life he's living than them!
He'd smugly ask if they're enjoying his beautiful new world and their new lives as much as he is, knowing full well the real answer and loving it. He'd ask if they're hungry while he gorges happily on delicious mouth watering food and say "well too bad, it all belongs in here now" and slaps his fat gut proudly while they watch longingly, desperate for even a single bite. The torment gets them closer to giving into robotomy everyday.
Their biggest nightmare was his biggest dream, their suffering is his entertainment, their detriment is his benefit, their squalor means his luxury. He took away everything from everyone from the world they knew, who they were and the freedom they had, and everything they loved and owned and left them with only suffering, all for his selfish gain. He loves to remind them of that every single day with great pride!
And I'd be delighted to be at his side as part of a harem of cute boys, as we all now exist solely to serve in entertaining and pampering the handsome emperor 🥰💜💘
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
i absolutely love bad romance, it's my favorite qsmp fanfic and i mean it!!! i love reading roier's povs and i feel like there's so little of it so i really feel spoiled with this one, his madness is ON POINT!!!!!
love the way you describe and write dialogues, even if it's not their mother language i STILL CAN SEE THEM SAYING THAT. i'm brazilian and idk, reading the dialogues feels pretty natural so i think you should be proud of it!
also. i'm so normal about the fact that cell thinks he has everything under control like, he has the capacity to just leave this poor maniac man behind if he needs to. but. he really doesn't know he can't and roier is just sooooo normal about him that every little interaction messes with his head like alejaoakKLSJAKEJALEDB MAN I DON'T KNOW, I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC AND IN MY OPINION bad romance is the best fic in exploring both f!cell and c!roier
one thing that got me confused is when cell pointa at roier's shoulder and asks “it wasn't you, was it?”, when they're having dinner. indon't know if we're supposed to be confused or if i'm just dumb and i wanted to know kajeoajpsakle
ANYWAY SORRY FOR RAMBLING MAN IDK THIS IS EMBARRASSING but i get very excited about the things i really enjoy and i like your writing and works a lot so!!! thank's for the update 😳👍
So about the “It wasn’t you, was it?” it wasn’t supposed to be super clear because Roier was kinda going through sepsis atm and wasn’t able to like. Think. But it’s actually Cell thinking back to when Roier sliced his own neck open to try and get his attention in chapter two. Cell was gonna be pissed if this dude slowed their road trip down for that, but, luckily, it was just a gunshot wound. Yay?
Meanwhile with the dynamics, I kinda just looked at the twitter art that inspired me and I was like. Cute, but there’s no way it’d be that cute. Because I’ve seen three whole episodes of Fuga Impossível and I figured that Cell would 100% try and be on top of every single situation he’s put in, even this one, but, like he did with Pac and Mike, he’s severely underestimating Roier rn. Because Roier is literally so unstable that he’s completely unpredictable, and Cell is a very logical man. He can tell there’s something up with Roier, but, again, like with Pac and Mike, Cell’s ego is getting a bit ahead of him. He’s going through this huge emotional turmoil rn and Roier is completely oblivious because he’s decided they’re already engaged. He’s just waiting for the proposal. And if he doesn’t get one, then he’ll just make Cell give him one. He has nothing to lose except for Cell, and he’s never going to give him up. Ever.
…If that makes sense. Tbh this fic is a struggle to write sometimes because I haven’t really seen either Chafaland or Fuga Impossível and I don’t speak either Spanish or Portuguese, so I’m working entirely off of vibes. So I’m glad to see the dialogue is coming off okay? Lol
TLDR; there’s no shot fcell and croier would both be disgustingly horribly in love with each other at first sight, give it a couple of weeks
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 months
Answering a bunch of random OTP prompts for the Jeoffs because I can’t sleep:
What is each member’s love language?: Geoff tends to give words of affirmation and enjoys getting quality time (just being with someone is enough for him, no matter what they’re doing) while Jeff gives acts of service and loves getting physical affection (hence why Geoff is always holding his hand/hanging off his arm - though let’s be real here, they BOTH love stuff like hugs/cuddling)
What would they describe as their perfect date?: these guys like to keep it simple. A nice dinner and dancing is all they need, though they enjoy exploring new restaurants and clubs/dance halls - and every once in a while they throw in something like a pre-meal hike, a movie/show or some spicy time afterwards.
Who made the first move? While I feel like Geoff initiated their first meeting/friendship, it was definitely Jeff who made the first move (and was totally a bit nervous doing so, as I feel like while they both had a decent amount of experience w/dating while alive, they only ever felt head over heels completely In Love with each other).
Who is more sentimental? BOTH, and I will not having any arguments otherwise, lol. Jeff keeps all the homemade gifts and cards that Geoff has given him over the years for various holidays and death days while Geoff has a whole scrapbook of photos they’ve taken together and love letters that Jeff sent him before cellphones became a thing in the Ghost Realm. I also feel like Geoff keeps random little things and trinkets that remind him of Jeff.
Who falls asleep first/Who wakes up first?: Geoff for both, though he doesn’t mind staying up late. He just tends to relax a lot more easily than Jeff does. Additionally, I could see them both struggling to stay in bed once they’re wide awake as they’re both pretty active ghosts, but Jeff is more likely to sleep in (especially if he’s craving cuddle time w/ Geoff)
Who worries more? Okay, I know it’s easy to characterize Geoff as the carefree one but I feel like he lowkey has his own anxieties and quietly worries about the smaller things, like if his partner is feeling okay/happy. He just hates the idea of someone he loves hurting without him knowing about it, and is definitely the hovering type whenever Jeff or someone else he loves is sick/recovering. Jeff, meanwhile, tends to worry about the big things and the bigger threats, fully understanding that he’s just one ghost and can’t protect him and his partner from everything.
What are some non-sexual activities they do together? Dancing (duh), karaoke, board/card game nights, bowling, hiking and exploring the living realm (shoutout to @toondandy for that one, absolutely love this headcanon ^v^) and watching theatre shows/musicals.
(Regarding the last one, I imagine they occasionally run into Ghost!Abe Lincoln and his wife at the Ghost Theatre too - since (After)Life of the Party hinted at the Jeoffs being friends or at least acquaintances w/ Lincoln - and while they enjoy each other’s company, it’s always just a biiiiit awkward given how Lincoln died, and both of them lowkey worry about accidentally bringing it up and offending him, asdfghjkl)
Who is the better cook?: Jeff, though that’s not to say that Geoff is awful at it. Jeff just knows more recipes and cooking techniques while Geoff sticks to more simple (but still yummy) recipes/techniques. Geoff’s food will keep you full/satisfied, but Jeff’s food will knock your socks off if he feels like showing off (which he usually does, lol)
What are some things they don’t agree on? You mean besides Scratch? Asdfghjkl, I kid but- with how often Geoff gives others the benefit of the doubt/easily forgives them/sees the best in them and Jeff’s willingness to actually get angry/annoyed with others and hold (albeit temporary) grudges, they definitely disagree with how to handle things whenever they’re in conflict with ANYONE in their shared social circle. I also just get the vibe that they had a few disagreements on dividing up the household chores when they moved in together - no major fights, but it was an adjustment period as they tried to figure out how to split things fairly without either feeling like they were doing too much or too little. Also I just feel like they both definitely have different tastes when it comes to TV, lol
Which member is more physically affectionate/Which member is more verbally affectionate? They both do both a ton but Geoff does slightly more of the physical stuff (because he knows Jeff loves it) while Jeff does slightly more of the verbal stuff (because Geoff is always giving others words of love/encouragement and he wants to make sure that Geoff gets some too)
Which member steals/borrows the other ones clothing? In a scenario where they actually wear clothes- GEOFF. 100% Geoff. Just has a whole pile full of Jeff’s jackets, bathrobes and sweatshirts, lol. It’s like the one thing he lets himself be selfish about just cause he loves wearing things that remind him of/feel like/smell like Jeff - and while Jeff typically lets him get away with this, whenever he feels like pointing it out and teasing Geoff about it, Geoff absolutely pulls out the cheeky “I don’t know what you mean” line.
Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one: 90% of the time they love going out and can enjoy things like clubs/dance halls/parties and socializing w/ others. But every once in a while, they want it to be just the two of them at home, feeling like the only two ghosts in the world ^v^
Who is the big/little spoon?: Even if they start out w/ Geoff being the big spoon (like if they fall asleep with J’s head on G’s shoulder/chest), it almost always reverses by the end of the night, even if the two of them are fast asleep the switching happens subconsciously. Jeff is just a natural Big Spoon (not that Geoff minds)
Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason? Lol, Geoff’s the impulsive one (in both big and small ways) while Jeff only acts impulsively when he’s running on adrenaline, otherwise he tries to get Geoff to think things through with his brain as well as his heart, not JUST his heart.
Who’s more likely to laugh at their own jokes? Jeffffff. The guy brags about being a ‘classically trained’ dancer, he def gives me ‘laugh at his own jokes’ vibes:
Who takes longer showers? Geoff. He loves how the water feels and gets lost in Shower Thoughts.
Who is more likely to get jealous? Whoo boy… Jeff is sliiiightly more likely just cause he knows how easily Geoff gives away his love and worries about Geoff one day finding someone he loves more, but I feel like in certain situations - like if he suddenly worries he’s not good enough for his “awesome and amazing” partner - Geoff can also sometimes feel a bit jealous.
(I actually have this scenario in my head where, at another McGee Sart Duan Sib party, Jeff and Pete start bonding over dancing and even share a few dances/dance battles together - and while Geoff isn’t worried about anything happening between the two of them specifically, he does start to wonder if Jeff would prefer another pro dancer as a partner instead of someone like him, who likes dancing a lot but isn’t nearly as skilled at it. They work it out in the end though)
What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating? Jeff was definitely surprised the first time he saw Geoff go into Scary Mode/show how tough he can truly be. He 100% goes Shocked Pikachu the first time Geoff gets legit angry/scares someone off and realizes his beloved isn’t just a pure cinnamon roll. Geoff, meanwhile, was just so surprised (and impressed) by how secretly talented Jeff was at dancing/singing (since I feel like for as much as Jeff WANTED to be a performer when he was alive, he for whatever reason couldn’t/wasn’t allowed to, hence why he indulges in that side of him so much as a ghost)
Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target? Geofffffff. It’s not a full-on problem or anything, but I could see him needing to have a list with him to avoid impulse buys while shopping (and even then it’s not a foolproof solution)
Who fell in love first? Geoff liked Jeff as a potential friend from the start, but Jeff was the first to catch romantic feelings. Once Jeff started hinting at this, however, it didn’t take Geoff very long at all to feel the same.
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halfagone · 1 year
Here is an idea (inspired from the idea of someone else) you can do whatever you want to with: Jason for some reason decides to put a bounty (with favours and family dinners in exchange) on some rich guy and our lovely emotionally constipated rich guy, Bruce, takes the first row seat in listening the rules and pulls out a pen and paper from the ether and writes down everything and asks numerous questions. Bruce scores so many points that Jason sweats... And all he wants is a family dinner every other week. Absolutely nothing else, just come over, have dinner, chat with the sibs and Alfred (Jason is more than free to pretend that Bruce isn't there or so the older of the two says) and leave whenever. And after some mental calculations Jason knows that it will take at least 3 years to get through all of the pilled up family dinners and he has no idea what to even start thinking or feeling. Meanwhile every wonders if Bruce broke Jason with his own way of showing love and affection.
P.S. I HC that at least part of Bruce's love language is to spend time in the same space with his kids doing whatever... Even if it means doing paperwork in the middle of the room where Dick experiences an acrobat's wet dreams.
I'm not gonna lie to you, my brain literally went to 'paid mercenary' when I read 'bounty', but people put bounties on targets even without killing involved! So that's on me. lol But I definitely think that Bruce likes to spend lots of time with his children when he can, which could stem from lots of things, like how his parents died while they were on a night in the town together and even though he lost him he at least got to know how much they cared about him, and if he ever dies he wants his children to know that too, and that means showing an interest in their lives and being there. Or maybe it's because the last time he let a kid out of his sight for too long they went to a foreign country, got killed, and came back thinking they had died unloved and forgotten. 🙃
Sorry, my brain automatically translates to angst.
But seriously, Bruce wants to be there! Sometimes that means he can be overeager and always hovering over their shoulder, driving them up a wall. And sometimes that means he meddles and comes around even when they don't want them to.
Bruce spent such a long time alone in the Manor, with only Alfred to keep him company, and then went to travel and train largely alone, with only the occasional companion. And then he started his crusade expecting that to continue, only to soon gain a partner and son in Dick, and then slowly but steadily fill up the Manor with lively children.
Why would he ever want to go back to the way things used to be? And moreover, he chose to have these children in his life, why would he not want to spend time with them?
Jason would probably struggle to wrap his head around the concept the most. He went so long thinking only a certain way about Bruce, and then has to realize that he might have been wrong about Bruce from the start. He's got his own problems with parents who had loved or cared for him, but hadn't really been in the space or position to properly care about him. Look at Catherine, she loved and took care of Jason even when he wasn't her own son by blood! And yet having him in her life hadn't been enough to keep her off her drugs and addiction. That can really fuck a kid up. Bruce has plenty of other kids, lots of responsibility, and he can be a workaholic! But the fact that he wants and tries to make the time to spend time with his children, even if it just means being in the same room together so that he can hear them talk and laugh and rib each other says a lot about how important they are to him. And I'd like to think Jason would realize that too.
Bruce is, and more importantly can be, a good father! I will die on this hill, even if I have to get the dirt and make it myself.
10/10 HC, @chrysanthemum9484. It's not a fic, but my god, it's still got lots of feeling. I've got lots of Feelings. I shouldn't be allowed to write...
Side note: NF's How Could You Leave Us gives me major Jason Todd Feelings and I don't know how to cope with that.
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humanpurposes · 11 months
Love chapter 4, thank you for bringing us another chapter that tugs at my heartstrings.
I don’t know how to feel about Aemond’s relationship with Reader rn. It’s even messier, just like that she gave in so easily and let Aemond do whatever he wanted, not even once standing up for herself or getting back at him for leaving her right there that wedding night and making her hanging pathetically for his handout of attention. Am I weird for thinking Aemond somehow manipulated Reader here into a deceiving betrayal by asking her to go back to Cregan instead of having a genuine heart to heart with her to fully win her back. Ahhhhhhh😓 I hope he would have a realization of his feelings and be honest with her lol
Thank you for your ask!! I’ve literally been dying for a chance to ramble on about their relationship in this fic so lets get into it.
There’s definitely an element of codependency between her and Aemond. They knew each other before he started seeing Alys (will explain in the next chapter) but they’ve been closely involved in each other’s lives for a few years and meanwhile things with their extended families have been increasingly unstable. I’ve alluded to it but Alys isn’t exactly the most emotionally supportive person, so she and Aemond became that for each other. It’s hard to let go of someone like that, even if you can acknowledge why it’s a bad idea. The moment she realises he still wants her it’s like relapsing.
As for Aemond manipulating her… yeah, kinda. I said in a previous ask that he’s all about control and that absolutely holds true. That’s why he kissed her before she went on her first date with Cregan, that’s why he withdraws and comes back. So seeing her getting on with her life, graduating (and not needing his help like the last year), seeing another guy and bringing him to a family dinner would definitely drive him insane. I think he wants to affirm to her and himself that he still has control over. But also, until the wedding, he was relying on her for emotional and physical intimacy, so this is him reaching out for that albeit in a very dramatic way.
And as you’ve pointed out there’s a serious lack of communication going on here. Fundamentally, they are both two people in their early twenties, struggling to navigate their wants, needs and emotions, and I’m a humble writer trying to create some spicy scenarios, so yeah it’s definitely messy.
The next chapter will be from Aemond’s pov so you’ll have to wait and see what this all means to him.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Hey I loved your 2022!Oz dating headcanon, I was wondering if you could write how Oz and Reader would be like together during thanksgiving or Halloween?
A/N: Heyo! I'm so glad you loved my headcanons. And of course, that sounds like such fun! I'm sorry I went sorta crazy for Halloween a lot of ideas kept coming out and I struggled to reign them back in lol. Also, I wasn't sure if you meant headcanons or drabbles, so I just stuck with headcanons. If you want drabbles instead please don't hesitate to let me know! Thanks so much for your request! I hope you enjoy~
Farrell!Penguin x Reader on Thanksgiving/Halloween Headcanons
Oswald never really cared for holidays in the traditional sense. He only cared in terms of how his club was gonna turn out. A lot of loners flock to the Iceberg Lounge to forget their loneliness (meanwhile a lot of family men flood 44 Below to forget the pressures their family relationships bring)
But when he’s with you, he finds another reason to enjoy them. It’s a chance to spend sometime with you. 
For Thanksgiving, if you enjoy cooking, Oswald will make it a point that every Thanksgiving he will set aside the evening to eat Thanksgiving dinner with you. It’s up to you whether you let him help you or not. It took a lot just to convince him you enjoy cooking and that it’s not a chore. You want to do it to show how thankful you are to have him. 
He loves seeing you all dressed in an apron, plain white shirt and sweat pants. Singing along to some song on the radio as your busy cooking in the kitchen. It makes him feel at home, he can drop the weight he burdens on his shoulders and be with you. 
If you don’t cook, you best believe Oswald already has alternate plans. The best seats to your favorite restaurant in town and if they’re closed— well they’re no, they are not..Oz will make sure of it. 
Even though you two have dinner almost every other night together, Thanksgiving is a little different. You both get to sit and reminisce on your time together, all your trials and tribulations, the laughs and smiles, the highs and lows. They’re all worth it for these moments together. 
Halloween should be a national holiday, atleast for Gotham. Oswald expects his club, both the Iceberg Lounge and 44 Below to be crawling with freaks, crooks, colorful characters and everyone in between, moreso than usual. Plus he has to stay more vigilant if someone decides to cause too much trouble.
You’re aware of Ozzie’s need to stay at his club for the holiday, but that doesn’t mean you can’t join in on the fun in your own ways. 
If you’re not into the night life or the vibrant club scene. You’re content with staying home until Oz feels it’s safe to get away. You enjoy seeing all the children’s costumes when they come to knock on your door or as you see them walk down the sidewalks. 
Ozzie is calling you constantly to make sure you’re safe and sound. There’s more crazies out on Halloween than any other night, and he’d rather they all be at his club than anywhere near you. You constantly have to reassure him you’re okay, and that you’re waiting for him patiently.
When he does finally come home, you are quick to hug him and start helping him unwind. Halloween was always a stressful time. You’re quick to draw a bath for the two of you, alongside a bowl of candies for the two of you to share while you pamper him. If nothing else, Halloween is a big turn out for the Iceberg Lounge and a chance for you to spoil your man.   
However, if you are comfortable with the club scene, you best believe you’ll be at the Iceberg Lounge yourself with Ozzie. You have already made several appearances at the club, most likely everyone knows you. They also know your Ozzie’s and if they dare look at you the wrong way they’re dead. 
One year you went for a penguin-like costume. You wore a skintight full-body suit that had the feather patterns of an emperor penguin, even with a little tail feather on the back. The long sleeves of the suit curved at the end to look like flippers, with a tiny zipper on the edge so you could get your hands out. 
When you show up, Oz is absolutely tickled at your costume this year. He laughs full-heartedly as he pats his knee for you to sit on. He grins up at you with pride as he wraps his arm around your waist. Needless to say, he adores your costume. 
You always look gorgeous no matter what you dress up as, but the fact you dressed up as his moniker he can’t help but boast in pride and fall just that much more in love with you. You definitely make this hectic holiday easier on the old bird.
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persephoneflowerpetals · 11 months
It's kind of funny to think that after having his own children, hades is basically demeter 2.0, as they are both overprotective parents who would do anything to keep their children safe from the cruel world and bad influences.
Meanwhile, Persephone, having been a child with a helicopter mother, she gives her children a lot of freedom, which sometimes makes her have disagreements with her husband.
Lol yeah!
Though, I don’t think Hades would be much of a helicopter parent to the point where he’s almost like Demeter, but I do think he’d be overprotective of his kids. Like, he doesn’t like Melinoe being friends with mortals because mortals are not worthy of being friends with a goddess and they could possibly be a bad influence to her (plus in the series episode Tapestry of Fate it seemed that Hercules supposedly being friends with mortals and hanging out with them while being a god was a bad thing, so I wanted to add on to that sorta thing in my universe too lol). He’s also really overprotective of Macaria because she’s the baby and she’s the most like her mother, so Hades has this instinctive paternal urge to protect her from everything lol.
But yeah, he does have a tendency to overdo it sometimes when he’s toeing the line of “helicopter parent” and Persephone definitely steps in and is like “Honey, you need to calm down. They’re fine.” Lol
And yeah Persephone certainly knows how it is to be raised by a helicopter parent like Demeter, so she’s definitely more easy going and lenient towards her kids than Hades is. I think Hades knows this too because Persephone has told him so much about her childhood and knows what his mother-in-law is like, so he definitely wants to avoid being like that, but he loves his kids so much and wants what’s best for them, so he struggles lol.
I also like to think that despite Hades being overprotective, he has a hard time saying no to his kids and tends to spoil them (just like he does with his wife lmao). I actually had this dumb idea in my head about Hades being left with his kids while Persephone was away for spring that went something like this lol:
Zagreus: Dad, can we please go to Speedy Pita for dinner?!
Melinoe: Yeah! Can we, daddy?! Please?!
Hades: No, we’re eating at home tonight.
Zagreus: But they’re giving away free Spartan battle helmets with every wacky meal!
Melinoe: Yeah! All the other kids have ‘em! Can we pleeeeease go, daddy?!
Zagreus and Melinoe: PLEEEEEEASE?!
Hades: No! For the last time, we are not going to Speedy Pita for dinner!
*10 minutes later*
Hades: I can’t believe we went to Speedy Pita for dinner…ugh your mother’s gonna get me for this one.
Zagreus and Melinoe: *enjoying their Spartan helmets*
Hades: Oy, I really need to learn to put my foot down with you two.
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mountsmase · 8 months
I’m absolutely terrible at ice skating, like balancing is super challenging for me 😭 but imagine Mase taking you and he’s super determined to teach you how to do it, and he’s just holding both you’re hands and you’re slightly embarrassed lol but he keeps reassuring you. Since he’s holding on you imagine slipping and he goes down with you 💀 so you’re like ok Mase that’s enough let’s get hot chocolate and leave
stop I’m the worst at ice skating, I grew up with a friend who did figure skating and whenever I went skating with her it would be so embarrassing😭
and yes you’d go with him and he be somewhat good at it, at least being able to skate away from the wall, meanwhile you’re clutching onto it and struggling to stay balanced even with the support next to you and you’d be so embarrassed 😭 but he’d be so reassuring and would offer to help you out so you’d take his hand and try and skate further out but it doesn’t end well and you go falling to the floor straight away, taking him down with you 💀 you’d stay for a bit longer, still having the best time with him despite not being able to let go of the wall for more than a few minutes at a time and then you’d leave and get some hot chocolate followed by a nice cozy dinner at home 🥹
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Lol Bryan and Kane having enough of the family of destruction avoiding their problems and forcing them all into a group hug. There’s struggling and some cursing but luckily Kane is strong enough to hold them all in his arms. And eventually they all start crying with Bryan there for emotional support, meanwhile Charlie stares in confusion.
Cassidy would be the only one 100% down for this. She's a therapy supporter.
Shawn would put up a small fight but eventually give in after seeing cassidy with it.
Taker and Leon? Oh god.
Taker would be cursing and shoving at kane trying to get away. He would even start to threatening with spells but he would break under seeing Shawn crying. Shawn crying causes him to melt and give in.
Leon is difficult. He's too much like taker emotional wise but also too much like Shawn in defending his feelings.
This would obviously have to take place after his accident as the only upsetting or bad thing to happen to him before that was takers death but he always knew Taker wouldn't stay dead.
He wouldn't break seeing his family give in and cry.
It's kane that would cause him to break.
Kane would just pull him aside and just start talking to him calmly. Telling him things like, 'it wasn't your fault' or 'you didn't deserve this' and just telling him he makes the scar work. By this point Leon is on the edge, still stubborn af but close. The breaking point would be kane bringing himself into it. "Look at them, look at the amount of love they give us. I guess we aren't truly monsters after all right? I mean monsters don't get that sort of love"
Leon snaps. He just starts crying and stops hitting at kane to stop. This takes all the others by surprise and they join them in a group hug.
After all is said and done, Daniel and kane leave highfiving after their first whole family successful therapy hug. They've never got Leon to actually break before.
And Charlie? Well Charlie is just confused and wants dinner
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definitelynotgideon · 2 months
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This is a Genya Shinazugawa x OC (Gideon Azulyss) MLM Fic 🏳️‍🌈
AN/ I feel like I struggled this weekend to write but here's another chapter! :3
CW/ Idk lol Gideon is shirtless for most of the chapter? And if you really think about it, Genya is nude for most of the chapter. Nakedness. Gideon is a menace to society and just does what he wants. It's all pretty fluffy.
Word Count: 1,693
The Demons We Face | Chapter 6, Candy
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A half an hour passes in comfortable silence. Gideon stands up after a while and looks to Genya. “I think I'm ready to get out. You gonna stay a bit longer?” 
Genya is very content where he is, and he peeks an eye open to regard Gideon. “Yeah, gonna stay a bit.” 
“Okay,” he said, moving carefully to climb out of the hot spring. 
“Haha, oh… um. So it doesn't bother me but I think we spaced on towels.” He doesn't care a ton; he'd just put on his pants and carry his stuff until either he got back to the house or until he was more dry. “Do you want me to bring you a towel? I can get one for you.” 
Genya blinked, looking to the tree in thought. Gideon had wanted to rest… if he agreed, he'd have to come back. “... Doesn't that screw up your plan though?” 
“I wouldn't mind. I know I don't particularly love wearing wet clothes, so you must not either.” He uses his haori to pat himself dry as much as possible and slips his pants and boots back on. He gathers up the rest of his clothing, and slings his hammer over his shoulder by the strap. 
“Are you able to wait another half hour?” He asks, looking to him.
“...if you're coming back, do you want to just leave your other clothes?” Genya asks, looking to his arms. He doesn't wait for an answer, just nods to his pile. “set them with mine, I'll keep an eye on them.” 
Gideon smiles and doesn't argue. “Thanks!”
Genya is so nice. I was nervous when we first met that he'd hate me… but he's truely kind-hearted.
“I'll be back!” 
Gideon starts down the trail from the springs and makes his way back to the village area. There's a general store, and without much thought he slips into it, looking to the packaged candies. He still has money in his uniform pocket, so he can get Genya's prize now.
The teenage girl running the counter is about to tell him he can't be in the shop without a shirt, but Gideon flashes her a smile as he grabs a bag of hard candies. There were only a few flavors but the reddish pink ones seemed like a sweet, safe bet. 
“Just this today please!”
She can't tell him no, and she is so flustered as he pays for the candies that she can hardly even speak to him. 
“Thank you dear!~” he says, the final arrow in this poor girl's heart. She stammers something like a goodbye, and then hides her face trying to calm down. 
Gideon could have robbed the store and winked at her, and he would have gotten away with it. He was an unknowing menace like that. 
He ventures back to the wisteria house and asks the woman for a couple of towels. The elderly lady doesn't pay much mind to the fact that he's shirtless; she'd had a husband for several years before his passing and had seen him shirtless countless times. She also had a son. She understood men, especially working men, running around shirtless on occasion. 
She hands him the towels with a caring smile and he thanks her. “I'll be back soon! I'm not sure if Genya is coming back with me quite yet but I'm looking forward to a nap!” 
“Okay, sweet boy. I'll start preparing dinner in about an hour for you two.” 
Gideon starts his trek back towards the springs, staying pretty much on schedule from what he told Genya earlier.
Meanwhile, Genya stared up into the leaves of the trees nearby. He replayed things in his head, especially certain recent events. Gideon’s face as he told Genya about his father’s treatment of him… the way his pretty green eyes in the sunlight reminded him of a tranquil forest. His smile, his musical laugh, his dumb jokes and the way he was *definitely* flirting with Genya… 
He's attractive. Genya huffed a small sigh, his eyes a soft lavender shade as we looked into the steam rising from the spring. 
He was nervous about attachment. He'd had a very loving family (except his father who had gotten what he deserved), and they were ripped from him. His older brother was all he had left, and even that relationship had a rift in it. One that Genya felt responsible for. His naivety as a child hurt his eldest brother in a deep way and he was dying to apologize… but Sanemi wouldn't acknowledge him.
Everyone he was close to was either dead or didn't want him around… he was grasping for structure. Gyomei Himejima had been steadfast for him, helping to level him out and become his parental pillar. But Genya needed… friendship. He needed more than just one person to lean on in life. 
And Gideon had grown on him so quickly… He was fearful. Would he eventually push him away? Worse than that, would he die too? He was a demon slayer, it was highly likely that he could die on this mission. 
And if Genya even… entertained liking him, his heart would be broken again. 
But fuck this existence was lonely. He wanted to break this thought pattern, wanted to feel fulfilled and have genuine friendships, wanted to become someone Sanemi could eventually acknowledge again one day and be proud of… could he do that on his road to becoming a Hashira? Could he have close relationships … could he dare to feel? 
Gideon entered the area again, breaking Genya softly out of his thoughts. The silver haired boy gave him the same soft smile he'd been sharing with him all day prior, with the same affectionate look in his eyes that showed he genuinely cared for Genya. 
“I'll set your towel here. Also, I believe I owed you candy, since you were stronger than me. I'll leave it by your clothes.” 
Gideon crouched, setting the small tied bag of hard candies on Genya's yukata. He put the rest of his uniform on now that he was dry, and though his haori still had damp spots he didn't mind putting it back on as well. 
Gideon is about to leave when Genya speaks up. “Wait…” 
Gideon looks over to him, listening attentively. “what is it?” 
The mohawked boy averts his gaze shyly as he stands up. “C-can you wait for me? I'll walk back with you. I'm ready to get out.”
Gideon nods to him, a warm smile returning. “Of course I'll wait for you. I'll go sit near the entrance to the trail. Give you some privacy. See you in a minute.” 
He walks back down the trail, his heart racing slightly. He didn't know why, just the thought of Genya wanting to walk with him made him happy. The short time they'd spent together, Gideon was growing rather fond of him.
He held both hands over his chest as he stood, feeling his enthusiastic pulse. 
His flirting with Genya was rather playful in nature. He'd caught the vibe that Genya might be into him and leaned into it, finding the way the taller boy blushed adorable. But Gideon couldn't deny that he found Genya attractive too. And the way he was feeling after just a simple “wait for me” request was evidence enough that a crush was forming. 
Genya had dried off, eyes immediately going to the pretty little candy bag. He shouldered his towel, opening the package and trying one. His eyes widened. 
These are watermelon candies…
Watermelon anything was his favorite. It was a coincidence that Gideon picked these because the other immediate choices were honey or apple. He'd honestly just gone by color because reddish pink looked like it may taste better.
But Genya was trying to figure out how the fuck he got his favorite flavor on the first try. 
He emerged from the springs, meeting Gideon at the end of the trail and holding the bag of candy. 
“Okay. Listen, don't fuck with me, just be honest. Did you read my journal?” He said, clutching the bag. 
Gideon blinked several times and shook his head. “No! I'd… I wouldn't do that. Why?"
“How did you know what my favorite flavor of candy is?” 
“I…what?” He glanced to the bag. “...what flavor? I kinda just grabbed the one that looked good. I really like strawberry things. I figured, like, who doesn't?-”
“They're watermelon.”
“Oh! Hah~ shows what I know. I was guessing maybe they'd be strawberry. I figured it was a safe guess?” He shrugs a little, looking to the bag. 
Genya searches his face. This little dork really meant it. He literally just got lucky on guessing and he wasn't even sure about flavor. 
Gideon smiled up at him. “Good to know you like watermelon stuff though! I'll keep that in mind!”
Genya blushed, looking away for a moment. “...And you like strawberries. I'll remember that too.” 
It was Gideon's turn to blush. He whirled around to hide his stupid grin that came to his lips when Genya said that. Why was every small thing just getting him today?
“You coming back to the house with me? I'll be a bit of a boring entertainer. I'm going to nap.”
“I know. I'll… I'll nap with you.”
A chill went up Gideon's spine. 
Genya's face was super red. He saw Gideons little shudder. 
Gideon didn't even try to speak he just started speed walking awkwardly towards the house. 
“GIDEON WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN WITH YOU WITH YOU!!” Genya said, jogging after him. 
Gideon just waved his arms frantically as they walked “GENYA STAHP ITS FINE!”
They made it inside the house, removing shoes and quietly slipping into their shared quarters. Gideon shuffled quickly over to his futon and crawled in, hiding his warm face in the pillow with a small flustered little groan and Genya did the same on the opposite side of the room. 
It'd be a miracle if either of them actually got any sleep with all of the new thoughts flying around in their heads.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 4
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky gives you a promotion celebration you’ll never forget.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: FINGERING 💦, not wearing a seatbelt oopsies
A/N: The celebration is here! So obviously, this series will be non-linear with your office escapades with Bucky thrown in every once in a while 😏 Anywayyyy, I hope you guys will enjoy this part! I wanted to make it even filthier but idk, it ended up being like this lol. I don’t even know what my standard for filthy is anymore looool. Thank you as always for the amazing feedback! I appreciate you all 🥺
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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You consciously got up from your cubicle, straightening up your skirt and letting out a deep sigh as you gathered your things.
No one will know, you reminded yourself as you slung your bag onto your shoulder.
“This is so weird...” you whined to yourself when you stepped out, unable to ignore how bare you were underneath your skirt.
Bucky’s stern command rang in your ears as you slowly walked along the corridor, remembering the conversation that took place before you left his office earlier.
“I’ll meet you at the basement parking at exactly 6:15pm.” Bucky said after informing you that he wanted to “celebrate” your promotion.
The only celebration you could think of was having his cock inside your mouth, honestly. And the thought of feeling its weight against your tongue was making you wet again.
“Okay.” You responded before turning around to leave.
“And oh, I want your panties off by then. Don’t be late.”
Walking around the office without any underwear on felt like the tenth circle of hell, especially with your co-workers stopping you every once in a while for a short conversation about your promotion.
“Girl! I saw the e-mail! Congratulations!” Martha squealed when you came across her.
You forced a smile and thanked her, trying to hurry your way out of the office because having your pussy out felt horrifying. It’s not like anyone would know but goddamn Bucky and his request, this was the most uncomfortable you’ve ever been.
Martha bid goodbye thank fuck, but just as you were about to press the button of the elevator, Mark saw you and called for your attention.
“So, department head huh?” He said as he approached you.
You forced out a chuckle, “That’s me alright. Look I hav—“
“You deserved that promotion. I mean, it was surprising but well-deserved. Hey, do you want to grab a drink later tonight?” He asked with interest.
You made a face, “Oh sorry, I’m going out with...a friend...to celebrate. Maybe next time?” You said and quickly pressed on the button.
Time was ticking and you were sure that Bucky’s probably on his way down to the basement. You started tapping your foot on the ground when Mark continued to tell you about this new bar a few blocks away and how he would love to take you there sometime. All you could do was nod enthusiastically, hoping for the elevator to reach your floor.
Your phone dinged and your eyes almost popped out of their sockets when you saw that Bucky had sent you a text. And that the time was now 6:15pm. Shit.
I’m waiting.
You were just about to type a reply when three dots suddenly appeared, followed by another message.
I said don’t be late. I’m giving you another 3 minutes and if you aren’t here by then, I won’t let you cum.
Just like that, your phone slipped from your hands and fell to the ground much to your horror. Because how the fuck were you going to bend down to pick it up without exposing your pussy?!
“No worries, I got it.” Mark said about to pick up your phone when you yelled for him to stop.
Either you’ll let him pick it up and have Bucky’s message be seen or bend down and have your womanly part be seen instead. Mark looked up at you suspiciously.
“It’s okay, I got it.” You awkwardly smiled and slowly tried to bend down, struggling with your knees to make sure no one would see that you’d forgone your underwear.
Mark chuckled at your strange behavior but decided to let it go and bid goodbye, repeating that you owed him a night at the bar. You merely offered a smile before hopping into the elevator as soon as the doors slid open.
Bucky had an entire parking basement reserved for him, obviously it was one of the perks of being the CEO. You didn’t have to worry about being seen down there either so that was a relief.
As soon as you stepped out of the elevator, you immediately caught sight of Bucky right across, leaning against his black Jaguar XF. Even from afar, you could see that he was glaring at you for being late.
You squeaked to yourself and hurriedly approached him, ignoring how your bare cunt was slightly getting damp just from seeing Bucky gazing at you like that.
He watched you with a stoic expression as you jogged towards him. You swallowed hard because you couldn’t read your face but you were sure that you were in for something.
“I said don’t be late.” He gruffly said.
“Sorry, I got caught up on my way here. And it’s not that easy to walk around commando.” You snapped.
Bucky lifted his eyebrow at you, his eyes moving lower to stare at your skirt as if he was trying to see through the fabric. You squeezed your thighs together, feeling the heat rise up to your cheeks.
The way Bucky looked at you made you feel exposed and vulnerable, even with clothes on.
Bucky held out his hand, “You’re really an obedient one, aren’t you?” He asked with amusement.
You heaved out a deep breath before fishing your black underwear out from your bag, handing over at Bucky who smirked at you as he placed it inside his back pocket.
“You better be ready, ‘cause you’re in for a celebration.” He whispered.
Who would have thought that Bucky was so damn good at multitasking? He already proved it earlier when he took a phone call while he was fucking you. But now, he took the skill to a whole another level.
The man was driving along the highway while his hand was rubbing the shit out of your cunt while you were on the front seat with your legs wide open.
You could hear your mother’s voice in your ears reminding you to use a seatbelt. God forbid that Bucky crashes the car, you weren’t ready for rescuers to discover your body in such a state.
What would they even tell your mother? Ma’am, your daughter was being fingered in the car when they crashed. What a way to go, huh?
“Bucky...” you moaned, your hand coming up to claw at his forearm when he sped up with his assault on your sex.
“Fuck, look at you. So fuckin’ wet, dripping down on my seat cover, huh?” Bucky grunted as his fingers continued to rub across your pussy.
How the hell was he even driving properly?! Not once did he swerve nor missed a turn. Does this man even have a weakness?
Meanwhile, you looked wrecked and used as you squirmed in your seat with your skirt bunched up to your waist. You could hear your wetness as Bucky continued to play with your folds, opening them up until he was able to insert his middle finger into your hole.
The sound you made was borderline pornographic, and you couldn’t bring your eyes away from how Bucky’s hand stayed in between your legs. The seat cover was made out of leather and thank goodness for that because the mess you were making was just too much.
“Shit...you’re gonna make me cum.” You moaned out loud, your hips rolling on its own accord when Bucky slipped another finger in.
“Oh baby,” Bucky chuckled, “You know you can’t. You were late, remember?” He teased, stealing a quick glance at you before returning his attention back on the road.
You whimpered, “I’m sorry...please...god I’m so close.”
Bucky licked his lips and pumped his fingers into you faster. Your toes curled inside your pumps, thighs quaking and hips violently grinding against his hand; but just as when you were about to snap, Bucky withdrew his fingers and made a sharp turn on the road.
“Bucky, please!” You begged.
He tutted, “No cumming. At least, not now.” He smirked.
Your hand was about to replace Bucky’s but he quickly noticed what you were trying to do and warned you.
“Touch yourself and I’ll fuck you on the hood of my car while everyone watches.”
Hearing that from Bucky made your eyes roll. You seriously got it bad for your boss, and he only fucked you once!
Bless Tinder for helping you land one Bucky Barnes.
The car slowed down and you noticed that Bucky was parking right in front of a fancy restaurant. Was he seriously going to leave you high and dry and then take you out to dinner?
Your eyes landed on Bucky’s hand, still glistening with your wetness, as he maneuvered the wheel. He doesn’t even care about smearing your juices on his steering wheel and you found it so hot that the throbbing in your cunt was becoming unbearable.
You closed your legs and pulled down your skirt, adjusting your position on the front seat. You groaned when you felt your wetness seep into your skirt, forming wet patches all over the fabric. You blushed upon realizing that you were sitting on a puddle of your own juices.
“I’m wet, Bucky.” You told him matter-of-factly.
He turned to you, “I’d be disappointed if you weren’t.”
You deadpanned, “Not that! I mean...” you said and motioned to your skirt.
“Don’t worry, I bought you a dress.” He said and reached for a paper bag sitting on the backseat.
You made a face, “You have everything planned out, don’t you?” You asked.
Bucky’s shit-eating grin gave away the answer. He wanted you to make a mess in his car and he knew he could do that to you. What a smug bastard, but hot nonetheless.
“Go change in the backseat while I clean up your mess.” He said with a smirk.
“But I want to—“
“I’ll make you cum before dessert arrives, I promise.” Bucky cut you off with a sweet kiss on your lips, much to your surprise.
The kiss was simple, no tongue or whatsoever. It was just that, a kiss. So why were you having butterflies in your stomach?
“Now go and change, I made a reservation and we can’t miss it.”
Shit, shit, shit.
You may have realized that Bucky doesn’t seem to have a weakness (provided that he multitasked like a god), but you sure as hell discovered yours when Bucky kissed you like that.
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag @weird-mumbling @propertyofpoeandbucky @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @mostly-marvel-musings @squishybabies @megzdoodle @little-baby-vixen @annathesillyfriend @xhollycowx @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @5-seconds-of-mendes @gogolucky13 @countonthesun @iloveshawnieboi @learisa @borikenlove​ @scarlet-natasha89​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​ @jessou893​ @stealapizzamyheart​ @bagelofthelord​ @mxnt​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​ @ohladymacbeth​ @wildflowergubler​ @supraveng​ @twinerd14​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​ @charminivy​ @amelia-song-pond​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​ @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine​ @sipsteacasually​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​​ @unmagically​​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​​ @reidbuck​​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​​ @whoth3hellisbucky​​​ @bonkywobble​​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​
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workofheart · 3 years
jean kirstein relationship hcs
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sorry for the inactivity lately y’all school is whooping my ass </3 in the mean time, have some modern jean relationship hcs bc i miss him
protective boyfriend #1 ♡ ♡ ♡ will not hesitate to yell at ppl if they’re mean or rude to you, he doesn’t want anyone coming near you like that. thinks his partner deserves the absolute best and will not tolerate people disrespecting you or even thinking of disrespecting you. he will defend you til the day he dies, even if it embarrasses you
asks the waiter for a new dinner when yours is undercooked and you’re too nervous to say something. if you’re a person w social anxiety or just don’t feel like doing something, he would do things for you no problem, whether its fetching you something, paying for you, ordering for you, etc. he’s not gonna tease you or make fun of you, he’s just happy to help
he’s a sappy drunk :’) when he’s hammered, he gets all clingy and drags you onto the couch to cuddle w you/hangs off of you while you walk home and tells you all about how he feels about you and how he wants to spend his life with you and have dogs and a cute home forever. has the cutest little giggle while literally pouring out his feelings for you 
and if you bring it up in the morning, you KNOW he’s gonna get so shy and red like “oh... i said that? haha...”
his biggest dream is just domesticity with you - like i mentioned, living somewhere beautiful in a nice house with a beautiful family or just you and him :( he really cherishes you and just dreams about spending his life with you. his “happy place” is very likely just the two of you sitting in a field by a river on a sunny day, maybe with some sandwiches and sparkling water, with all the time in the world watching ducks swim by
i imagine that you were previously friends before starting to date, but he’d been seriously pining for you since the beginning, just never wanted to make you uncomfortable and was too scared to say anything. he’d go home after hanging out w you and just sigh (probably yell into his pillow in frustration too but shh) bc he just felt like if it wasn’t you, then who else?
meanwhile you’re being so obvious that you like him back but he keeps reasoning that you’re just being nice and wouldn’t actually want him like that 
was ready to settle for friendship and just lock away his feelings when you just pulled him aside and confessed directly. he was a strangely confused yet happy daze for the following weeks
is a sucker for romance movies - likes imagining him and you in those scenarios, romanticizes your own relationship shamelessly. i feel like he’d enjoy 500 days of summer and... wait for it... clueless. I KNOW. it’s his guilty pleasure. also consider: he bawled his eyes out at the end of la la land.
loves beach dates! loves the beach, loves the boardwalk, loves everything about that summer atmosphere. waits in line to get you funnel cake and then you sit and eat, people watching and making up stories for everyone that passes by and just laughing while you enjoy the fresh summer air. in the arcades, totally the type to win himself a cute plushie but when ur like “omg!! is that for me?” he goes oh yeah haha.. but don’t think he doesn’t notice when you’ve been eyeing up a specific toy at the ring toss stand. he will not hesitate to play game after game until he gets it for you. 
lover of back hugs. he is so generous, literally towers over you no matter ur height, just wraps his arms around u and holds u <3 it makes you feel so safe and loved and that’s all he wants for you 
carries you wherever possible. up the stairs, down the stairs, from the kitchen to the living room and back. he always boasts about how easy it is to pick you up bc he’s strong and it boosts his confidence lol
constantly tells you how pretty he thinks you are. jean always thinks you look beautiful so he always compliments your outfits and your hair and your makeup, leans into ur ear to whisper it to u and make u giggle even when it’s just the two of you at home
on that note: always gets caught staring at you and he blushes so easily when you call him out for it. can’t stop looking at you over the top of his newspaper when you’re having breakfast in the morning, can’t stop looking at you while you’re making dinner for him, can’t stop looking at you while you work or study
for valentines/your birthday/holidays he always makes you cute handmade cards out of colored construction paper. he finds a new design every single time and spends so long on it, and finishes by writing out how he feels on the inside. can u just imagine him sitting at his desk, tongue poking out of his mouth with a glue stick in hand as he lays down different colored paper hearts :( 
teases you nonstop. always poking fun at you, probably make jokes about how “irresistible” he is and how you can’t keep away lol, thinks you look adorable when you’re flustered
u give him haircuts when it’s getting long, he sits on a stool in ur bathroom and u just give him a trim every once in a while. trusts you not to fuck it up (not that you ever would) and it always comes out so nice and it makes his heart swell just to have you there to do such intimate, sort of domestic things for him.
pet names! i know so many people have talked about this but it’s just so true. has tried everything in the book to see what you like, watches carefully to see how you respond so he knows, occasionally calls you something silly like “pookie” just to get a reaction out of you
needs verbal communication. jean always has so much on his plate and has a lot of insecurities, so he really needs that reassurance that you need him and love him every day until he can accept it for himself
favorite position to sleep in is him on his back with your head on that area between his neck and shoulder, holds you really close during the night. loves loves loves when you nestle into him and cling to him for warmth when you’re asleep. has trouble sleeping if you aren’t there
dotes on you so much seriously he is so sweet and caring, just so whipped for you. he is literally so weak and always gives into you just bc it makes you happy. you want to drive out for mcdonald’s at two in the morning for an apple pie and a shake? he’s getting his keys rn
nsfw below the cut (18+)
i think mostly everyone is in agreement that jean is a total pleasure dom - he spends all night getting you to cum again and again, always asking if you can give him one more
as mentioned earlier, teases. avoids giving you what you want at first, makes you use your words, and when when you do get it, you’re getting it. aka, overstim galore. he’s not stopping until you’re spent
so much dirty talk, asks so many questions to get you to talk. “louder for me, princess” type of guy. wants to reduce you to babbling with how good he makes you feel - the sounds you make get him so incredibly hard
he is also vocal bc he knows you like it. groans his name into your ear just to feel you clench, then laughs.
never forgets to mark you up, leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest and thighs. loves to look at them later on when you’re changing, and especially loves your reaction to seeing them for yourself
size kink!! this man is almost 6’3 so chances are he’s gonna be bigger than you regardless. likes being close to you, likes being in positions where he can see you, probably has an arm slung around your waist or back whenever the position allows for it so he can hold you close
pins your arms down, holds your hips to the bed so you just have to sink into the mattress and take it
every time he aims to fuck your brains out and make sure the only thing you’re thinking about is him and how good he makes you feel
his fingers are fucking magical, dear lord, he gets you so worked up and knows just how to touch you to make you squirm, loves seeing you go hazy and unravel on his fingers. his fingers are so long and gentle and stretch you out so nice + he knows exactly what to do, where to touch you, when to change his motions to get you there in minutes
needs to be kissing you when he makes you cum. swallows your moans, adores how you struggle to kiss him back with the pleasure he’s giving you
mirror sex is top tier for him, probably has one of those siding door closets w mirrors next to his bed so he can make you look at yourself and watch just what he’s doing to you
eye contact, will 100% grab your jaw to make you look at him, loves seeing you stare up at him through glassy eyes
literal KING of aftercare. takes such good care of you, gets you anything and everything you need, cleans up so well, gives you the world and more
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Wow, he’s hot
“Pairing: Fem!Reader x Seo Changbin (SKZ)
Word Count: 8K
Genre: Neighbors to Lovers? Lol
Warnings: Aged up characters (Changbin is ten years older than the reader), explicit sexual content, language, drinking
Summary: You were a fresh college graduate, returning home for the summer before starting a bright, shiny new position in the city, but you certainly weren’t expecting to fall hard for your neighbor. 
A/N: I hope at least one person gets my reference/pun at the end....But seriously? Oh, what have I done...
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Your roommate was hungover again, dressed to the nines in a purple bathrobe and pink fluffy slippers as she attempted to move huge boxes of random shit between her bedroom and the foyer of your shared apartment. 
It was priceless entertainment, at least in your opinion, especially after witnessing your roommate in rare form the previous night dancing from one frat boy to the next, draining entire bottles of alcohol like she needed the liquid encouragement. 
From what you had observed, she was determined to embarrass you at all costs, and under normal circumstances, you could’ve avoided her rather inappropriate behavior in exchange for your regular hook-up, Joshua. But he decided to remain mysteriously absent for the entire evening, which meant that you had been stuck watching over your roommate, hoping that she wouldn’t get you kicked out again....
“I know what you’re thinking, Y/N,” Laura huffed, pausing next to the counter-top where you sat. “What did you expect? It was my last night of freedom before going back home.”
“Yeah,” you snorted. “It was mine too, but I wasn’t plastered face-down in the shower last night.”
“Whatever,” Laura grimaced. “Did you sign off on the lease yet?”
“I did it earlier,” you replied. 
“Our bitchy landlord’s been complaining all week,” Laura said. “I’m tired of her late-night phone calls, plus my mom’s been really annoying about the move.”
“Oh?” you questioned. “When is she coming?”
“In like an hour,” Laura huffed. “Why do you think I’m busting my ass to pack everything?”
“I don’t know,” you said. “Maybe you needed a distraction from thinking about puking in the bushes behind the frat house last night.”
“Oh, shut up about that!” Laura hissed, slapping your arm as you kept laughing. “Isn’t you brother coming tomorrow?”
“Ugh, yeah,” you groaned. “He said he has to come super early because of work, but my ass doesn’t start functioning until at least 8:00.”
“Well, at least tell Chan ‘hi’ for me,” Laura said, giggling like a love-struck teenager because she had been infatuated with your older brother for years.
“If I remember to tell him,” you grumbled, stretching out your arms and deciding that it might be useful for you to start packing as well, especially since the most you would be able to accomplish tomorrow morning at the ass crack of dawn is following Chan around the apartment in a zombie-like state as the two of you loaded your belongings into his car.
“Don’t forget that I’m coming to visit next week,” Laura said, and you perked up a little at the idea of having your friend come around, especially since the two of you had just graduated together and those long days and nights of being glued together at the hip were coming to a bittersweet end.
“Sounds good,” you agreed, checking your phone one last time to see a weird gif from Chan (as you had come to expect from him) before joining your roommate in packing up the remainder of your former college life.
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Chan had always been prompt when it came to his familial obligations, and the two of you spent two hours loading all of your stuff into his car before starting the long drive to your old childhood home. A place that you hadn’t ventured to since leaving four years ago to start undergraduate school.
“Looks the same,” you remarked, sunglasses perched low on your nose as you allowed the window to roll down to take in some fresh air.
“What did you expect?” Chan asked, humming away to whatever shitty metal song he had playing over the radio.
In a totally random and last-minute decision, you had decided that for the next three summer months while you were stuck in an in-between phase, you were returning home for a while before you were set to move into a new apartment in the city close to where you would be working full-time. It seemed logical to save money, and there was a small part of you that did miss your family and old friends. 
Of course, despite Chan’s dismissal of your earlier nonchalant comment about the unchanging surroundings of your hometown, you were startled when you realized that the old house next door, which used to be occupied by an elderly couple until they moved away during your senior year of high school, was missing it’s familiar ‘for sale’ sign in the front yard, and there was a black Mustang in the driveway.
“Home sweet home,” Chan sighed when he stopped in the carport attached to your former two-story staccato, opening the door with a grumble. 
You frowned, following him around to the back of his car. “Someone bought the house next door?” you asked, dragging your eyes away from the sleek, shiny sports car to look at your brother.
Chan grunted as he heaved your suitcase from the trunk. “Yeah, they moved in last month. I think the owner is a lawyer and he lives there with his daughter.”
“Huh,” you remarked. “That house has been vacant for years.”
Chan shrugged. “Yeah, well, the guy who lives there now is really nice. Mom and dad babysit for him a lot when he’s working.”
“Great,” I muttered. “They’ll rope me into helping.”
“S’ not so bad,” Chan said, growling in frustration when your suitcase fell over to the side with an unpleasant crash. “Can you help or what?”
You laughed at your brother’s outrage, reaching back to pull your hair into a messy bun. 
Meanwhile, you noticed the front door of your house opening from the corner of your eye, smiling when your mother shrieked and rushed down the sidewalk to meet you halfway in a long-winded embrace. “Y/N!! I’m so glad to see you.”
“You’re crushing me,” you heaved through constricted lungs, accepting your mother’s open arms even if it was a little over-eager.
“Oh! I’m sorry, dear,” she said, pulling back just enough to allow oxygen to circulate once again, but not enough to pull you away from her mushy kisses. “You look so healthy and beautiful!”
“Yeah, thanks mom,” you said, slowly beginning the untangling process of removing her arms from around you while Chan struggled in the background to carry your suitcase up the front steps. “I should help.”
“Of course!” your mom agreed, but a distant tug of curiosity had you turning back to look at the house next door once again.
“Hey? Do you know anything about the new neighbor?”
“You mean Changbin? He’s wonderful, darling. So polite, and his daughter is so funny.”
You wrinkled your nose, never having been a huge fan of kids. “Chan said you babysit for him sometimes.”
“It’s always nice to help someone out,” your mother tsked, and you could recognize her patronizing tone from anywhere. “Such a shame that he divorced his wife. Heard it was kinda nasty.”
“It’s not any of our business,” you reminded her.
“Oh, I didn’t say it was!” your mother sighed. “He doesn’t talk about it much.”
“Jeez, how much do you guys talk?”
Because from the sound of it, Changbin had to be as old as your mom to make this much of an impression. You grinned as you briefly imagined the two of them on the front porch drinking tea together and gossiping about the rest of the neighborhood.
“He’s far more friendly than Mrs. Jones was,” your mother remarked. “I think you’d like him, Y/N.”
“I don’t know about that...”
“Well, you’ll get the chance to meet him tonight,” your mother said, smile full and wide. “I’ve invited him over for dinner!”
Oh, great.
“Can’t wait,” you forced out between clenched teeth, rolling your eyes when your mom clapped her hands together before grabbing your hand to drag you inside, feeling only a distant shiver roll across your spine as you walked onto the porch as if someone was looking at you from afar....
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Your mother was hardly the type to run out of conversation, and you eventually were forced to leave her downstairs to argue with Chan over some menial thing that he forgot to do for tonight’s big dinner while you trudged upstairs to find some peace.
Unsurprisingly, your childhood bedroom remained untouched, and you circled around the perimeter, studying old pictures of yourself playing sports and hanging out with friends. Fingers dusting over your collection of old trophies and high-school yearbooks that recalled long-ago days of feeling carefree - with the future wide-open in front of you for the taking.
But you were well off in the present, allowing yourself to indulge in the nostalgia of looking through old diaries and journals before your mother’s voice called you downstairs for dinner later that evening. “Coming!” you called back, pausing next to your mirror to check your reflection.
The smell of your mother’s cooking had your stomach rumbling from the hunger of only stopping once on the way home to eat cheap fast-food with Chan, and you forced yourself to walk like a normal person even though every instinct was screaming at you to find the source of that delicious odor.
You were nearly salivating at the idea of your mother’s homemade cooking, and your hand caught the rail of the bannister to turn the final corner, but the sounds of voices from below forced you to pause at the top of the stairs, eyes growing wide as you took in the sight of the unfamiliar man standing in your foyer, talking to your mother like they had known each other for years. “Oh, Y/N,” your mother said, and you shivered when the man turned to look at you. “Come meet our neighbor, Changbin. I think you’ll really like him.”
You held back a snort at the ironic comment because it only took you a few seconds to come to the conclusion that Changbin epitomized the phrase “just my type.”
He was on the shorter side, built like he had literally spent his entire life working out, arms bulging beneath his t-shirt and chest straining the material tight to his front. So much so that you could practically see his nipples through the fabric. 
His hair was jet-black, ruffled from the wind outside, and his eyes were equally as dark, lips contorted into a self-satisfied smirk that you found exceedingly hot.
“Hi,” you mustered without much thought, nearly tripping over your own two feet on the way down the stairs.
“This is my daughter, Y/N,” your mother said, inviting you closer so that you were standing directly in front of Changbin.
“Nice to meet you,” he said in a deep voice that was slightly rough around the edges.
“Y/N just graduate from college,” your mother gushed. “We’re so excited to have her back.”
“I’m home for the summer,” you explained, shivering at the dark look in Changbin’s gaze. “I’m starting an internship in the Fall.”
“Y/N will be working in publishing,” your mother explained, jumping in while you and Changbin continued to stare each other down - something intense and provocative.
“Really?” Changbin asked, eyes making a leisurely stroll of looking you up and in down in a way that had you feeling extremely self-conscious. 
“Oh! Give me one second to check something in the kitchen,” your mother said, excusing herself with a smile before leaving the two of you alone in the foyer.
You inwardly cursed your mother for leaving you both in an awkward silence. Say something!! You screamed to yourself.
“So,” you started, clearing your throat and forcing yourself to stop swaying back and forth. “Chan told me you practice law.”
“Yeah,” Changbin agreed, and you swooned at his crooked smile. “It doesn’t sound as interesting as your work.”
“I don’t know about that,” you countered politely, but Changbin was unrelenting.
“You looked surprised to see me earlier,” he remarked.
You swallowed hard. “Oh, well when Chan mentioned a neighbor with a kid, I just wasn’t expecting someone so....”
“Yes?” Changbin prodded, encouraging you to continue.
Someone so fucking hot, you thought to yourself, someone who was literally made inside my best fantasies, but those explicit thoughts belonged exclusively inside your head. “Young,” you eventually finished, and Changbin seemed disappointed for some reason.
“I’m 32,” he said, and your eyes widened perceptibly, realizing that he was ten years older than you.
“I would’ve never guessed,” you said. “I mean, not that it’s a bad thing-”
“It’s alright,” Changbin interrupted, and you were relieved to hear him chuckle. “I know what you mean.”
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I can be a little awkward.”
“No,” he shook his head, coming to stand a little closer. “I think it’s nice.”
Oh? What was that supposed to mean?
“I used to have a boyfriend who looked a lot like you,” you went on, freezing when you comprehended what you had just blathered without thinking.
But Changbin didn’t seem bothered at all. “I bet he wasn’t as old as me.”
“He was my age,” you said. “But I kinda like older men...”
Fuck. Did those words really just come out of your mouth?!
“Y/N,” Changbin said, and you trembled at the huskiness of his tone. “You should be more careful.” He leaned in then as if trying to keep whatever he was about to say a secret for just the two of you. “I can be a very dangerous man.”
“O-oh,” you stuttered, finding yourself two seconds away from literally melting at his feet when your mother suddenly re-entered the foyer with a dusting of flour across her chin. 
“Dinner’s ready!” she announced, and you were fleeing behind her without a second thought, escaping the intoxicating hold of Changbin’s presence before you did something you might regret.
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For whatever reason, you found yourself sitting next to Changbin in the dining room for dinner that night. 
“I made chicken,” your mother said, gesturing to each dish sitting in a line down the center of the table as she explained tonight’s menu. But you were barely cognizant of what your mother was saying because the close proximity to Changbin was doing very strange things to your head.
“So, Y/N,” your father started when everyone had been served. “I hope your brother was helpful with the move.”
Chan rolled his eyes, but you grinned at your father’s words. “Yeah, I was a little out of it though because of the time.”
“Like I said,” Chan huffed. “I couldn’t get there any later.”
“Let the bickering commence,” your mother said. “Changbin, you wouldn’t believe the fights these two had when they were young.”
“I can only imagine,” Changbin said, and you were wondering how someone could be even more attractive by the sound of their voice alone.
“Do you still need us to babysit for you tomorrow night?” your mother asked. “We would be more than accommodating.”
“That would be great,” Changbin said. “I’ve got a late conference call.”
“It’s no problem,” your mother continued. “Your daughter is just the loveliest.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that,” Changbin replied.
“Y/N,” your mother said, catching you with a mouthful of chicken. “Changbin’s daughter is such a peach.”
You quickly forced down the food in your mouth when you felt Changbin’s gaze rest on you. “Oh? How hold is she, Mr. Seo?”
“She’s six,” Changbin said, and he shifted in his chair, causing your knees to brush together in a move that you knew wasn’t intentional, even if it didn’t stop your legs from wrapping together. “And you don’t have to be so formal with me, Y/N. Only my clients call me Mr. Seo.”
“O-oh,” you exhaled, reacting to the brief contact under the table, hoping that nobody else was noticing your strange behavior.
“Maybe Y/N could help watch Lucy when you’re gone,” your mother suggested, always the first to rope you into these things.
“Sure,” you agreed, even though the idea of pulling babysitting duty was less than appealing, and you could hear Chan snickering from across the table. He knew perfectly well your attitude when it came to kids. 
“I think Lucy would like that,” Changbin agreed, and you started to nod along until you felt Changbin’s hand move to your thigh.
Just that single move had your entire form frozen in place. 
While your mother continued talking about whatever subject caught her attention, you were left wondering how you should react to the very obvious posturing of Changbin’s hand moving decidedly against your bare skin.
“I’ll probably head back into town tomorrow morning,” Chan said. “I wasn’t able to get much work done.”
You knew it was a playful jab at you, but at that moment you were incapable of coherent speech.
“How is work, Channie?” your mother asked, just as ignorant as the rest of them to the situation unfolding beneath her table. “Anything interesting?”
“Not really,” Chan replied, and you nearly choked on the food you were swallowing when you felt Changbin squeezing your thigh. 
“Try to chew it first, Y/N,” your father chuckled, and you forced a smile which you hoped wasn’t as strained as it felt.
“What about you, Changbin?” your mother politely queried. “Anything interesting happening lately?”
“Maybe,” he said with a tone that was far too knowing.
“Hmmm?” your mother smiled. “You aren’t seeing anyone, are you?”
You knew the question was invasive, but Changbin handled it in stride. “I think it depends.”
“Sounds scandalous,” your mother joked, and you couldn’t have possibly been imagining it, feeling his fingers reach so high under the opening of your shorts that his fingertips touched the outline of your panties. 
You reached down to cover his hand with your own, bringing awareness to the fact that you weren’t ignoring what was happening, and he had every opportunity to pull back.
But he didn’t. In fact, Changbin’s light, playful touches only continued, and you were left reeling for what the intention could possibly mean.
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Early the next morning, you were supposed to be cleaning the pool as a favor to your mother, but how could you be blamed for sneaking peaks at your neighbor working out in his backyard? 
“Holy shit,” you cursed under your breath, failing to do a very good job of pretending to be occupied with your current task while ogling the man across the lawn who was in the middle of another round of push-ups, biceps flexing while the rest of his body practically glowed under the sun. 
You knew it wasn’t a crime to permit the occasional glance, but your hardcore staring could certainly be qualified as spying at this point (especially in the direction of a lawyer) - making it blatantly obvious that you were very appreciative of the male form at the peak of performance.
Was Changbin seriously 32? And a father?
The questions boggled your mind, and in your distracted state, you clearly forgot to keep a firm hold on the handle of the pool’s leaf skimmer, huffing in annoyance when it splashed beneath the water.
It was enough to attract Changbin’s attention, and you were sure that your face was just as red as the towel draped over the back of your mother’s patio furniture when he stood to his full height before walking in your direction.
“Were you watching me?” Changbin asked, sauntering over to you with black mesh shorts hanging tantalizingly low on his hips, shirt foregone in exchange for a delightful sheen of sweat coating the skin of his thick upper torso in dripping rivulets. 
“Uh...” you trailed off anxiously, realizing that Changbin wouldn’t be stupid enough to fall for your half-assed excuses, especially after what had happened between the two of you last night. 
“You’re not planning on lying to me, Y/N?” he asked, raising one eyebrow in question.
“N-no, Mr. Seo,” you said, shaking your head quickly, barely keeping a firm grasp of your bearings as he abruptly leaned in closer, musk hanging heavy in the air between the two of you. 
“I told you not to call me that,” he said, lips lingering far too close to your ear for a simple neighborly exchange, and you could feel the body heat emanating from him in waves, holding you completely hostage as you briefly entertained the idea of falling to your knees right then and there. 
“What should I call you?” you asked instead, fisting your shirt between your hands because you were desperate for something to ground you in that moment. 
You could practically feel his smirk, holding in a gasp when his hand settled at the low dip in your spine, fitting into the space there as he pulled you tight against his front. “You can always call me daddy instead.”
Your heart skipped several beats at the scandalous words. Either that or you had just entered cardiac arrest.
But before you could muster a response, you found yourself leaping out of Changbin’s hold when the backdoor opened, and your mother was screaming out your name while waving like a maniac. “Oh!” she said when she realized that you weren’t alone. “I didn’t mean to interrupt!”
“We were just talking,” you quickly inserted, glancing at Changbin from the corner of your eye to see him smirking. 
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For a while, the very strange flirtation between you and Changbin simmered down, and you tried your best to avoid him when you could, even if he made that very hard to do since he insisted on doing his morning workouts outside in direct line of your bedroom.
It was during the following week that you brought the divine glory of Changbin to your friend, Laura’s, attention, ushering her into your house when she parked on the side of street. “What the hell, Y/N?” she complained when you started practically dragging her up the stairs. “I’ve been driving for hours.”
“Oh, hush,” you said. “You’ll thank me later.”
“Thank you for what, exactly?” Laura questioned, but your response was to simply push her toward the window, standing side by side as you looked through the blinds.
“My new neighbor.”
“Holy fuck!” Laura gasped when she finally joined you, and you could only nod your agreement as the two of you continued to watch Changbin through two narrow breaks in your blinds, wondering how the image of your sexy neighbor simply mowing his grass could make you so wet. “That man is huge!”
“I think he does it on purpose,” you remarked, feeling your heart palpitate inside your chest when Changbin took a moment to pause his chore, reaching down to remove his shirt and tuck it into the waistband of his shorts.
Laura’s gasp was almost outlandishly laughable. “He’s ripped! Like, Sports Illustrated model worthy.”
“I would buy every last copy of that edition.”
“I’d even go a step further and tape the pictures to my wall.”
You both stopped to look at one another, nodding in your collective agreement. “Not here, though, my mom would freak.”
“Yeah, but how can your mom expect you to just ignore...that!” Laura exclaimed, gesturing wildly to Changbin. 
“She thinks he’s a fucking Saint, but I swear to god, Laura, he’s provoking me on purpose! The other night at dinner? He came over and put. his. hand. on. my. leg,” you said, emphasizing the last line with what probably looked like a comical widening of your eyes. “And he works out every morning in front of my bedroom? What the hell am I supposed to think?”
“No think,” Laura sighed dreamily. “Just enjoy the view.”
“Do you think I’m not?” you snorted. “I’m serious about him doing those things!”
“So what?” Laura grumbled. “Why are you actually worried that your fucking super model neighbor wants to make a few moves on you? I would be honored.”
“I’m not worried,” you huffed. “It just feels like he wants something from me.”
“Well, if it’s a good fuck, then send him all the signals you can, girl.”
“Really?” you muttered. “You know I suck with flirting. That’s why I only hooked up with Joshua at those stupid frat parties. He didn’t care that I was an awkward mess.”
“Well, neither will your neighbor,” Laura said. “Especially if he’s as interested as you say.”
You pursed your lips, considering her comment, but the sudden and unexpected sound of your door opening sent both you and Laura jumping nearly ten feet into the air as you hurried away from the blinds as fast as humanely possible to take up some form of normalcy.
No, mom, of course we weren’t staring at Mr. Seo.
“Girls,” your mother inquired as she walked inside, and you prayed that your mother hadn’t caught the two of you taking sly peaks at Changbin outside, but she seemed completely ignorant. “I have a question for you.”
“Hmmm?” you inquired, innocently enough, trying to act like the position that you had forced yourself into on the bed was totally not uncomfortable.
“Changbin needs someone to watch Lucy tomorrow night, but your father and I already made plans,” she said. “But I told him you would be more than happy to come over and help him out.”
You winced when Laura elbowed you in the side, giving you one of those looks that you knew quite well from countless nights of barhopping as sophomores. “Yeah, I don’t mind.”
“I’m sure you don’t,” Laura snickered, but you payed her no attention as you hurried to close the door behind your mother’s retreating form, breathing a sigh of relief to hear her walk back down the stairs.
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In all of your years of existence, never had you questioned the appropriateness of an outfit to wear to someone’s place to babysit.
“Fuck it,” you eventually decided, settling on regular, well-worn jeans and a college t-shirt.
After all, it wasn’t like Changbin was staying for very long. He claimed he had something to do at the office, and you would be all alone inside his house with only his kid for companionship.
Still, after your conversation with Laura from the previous afternoon, you couldn’t help but feel more mindful about how he might look at you, and you forced yourself to wear your most professional smile when you rang the doorbell to his house, counting slowly from one until he opened the door.
“Hi, Y/N,” Changbin said, and you tried not to blatantly check him out; although, you couldn’t help but linger on the tight fit of his shirt across his pecs.
“Hello,” you nearly whispered, cursing your hormones as you followed Changbin inside.
“I actually have something to tell you,” Changbin said, leading you into the living room so that you could sit down while entered the adjoining kitchen.
“Oh?” you queried, as politely as you could, waiting for him to return.
It didn’t take him long, and you found yourself sitting up a little straighter from where you had made yourself comfortable on the couch. “So, I actually found someone else to watch Lucy,” Changbin explained, coming around to land next to you on the couch with two glasses of wine. 
“You did?” you asked, surprised and taken-aback. 
Why were you here then?
As if he could read your thoughts, Changbin smirked. “Thirsty?”
“Sure,” you agreed, taking one of the glasses and bringing the rim up to your lips. “I’m sorry, I just thought you wanted me to watch her.”
“I did,” Changbin said, and he seemed contemplative as he sipped his own drink. “But then I kinda wanted you for something else.”
“Something else?” you repeated because your mind was spinning those simple words in a thousand different directions, and you were only able to settle on one likely outcome when Changbin’s hand dropped to your thigh, reminiscent of your first dinner together from several evenings ago. 
He suddenly moved in closer to you, allowing you to smell the subtle cologne that he was wearing. “You’ve been watching me,” he said, and you shivered, feeling both hot and cold at the same time as you looked at him.
“Don’t play coy,” Changbin continued, and you found yourself observing the way his throat bobbed as he drank. “I don’t mind the attention.”
“You don’t?” you replied, a rather useless question considering the circumstances, and Changbin took your glass and sat both alcoholic selections onto the side table.
“Why wouldn’t I like it?” he asked, tracing little nonsensical patterns on the covered part of your thigh. “You’re a very beautiful girl.”
What. The. Hell?!!
“Mr. Seo, I don’t think-”
“Y/N,” Changbin interrupted, and you were so frazzled and disjointed by the sharp grip he took on your chin, forcing eye-contact that was so intimate, you could feel yourself grow a little bit wetter. “I told you not to call me that.”
It was the only precursor you got before Changbin was delving in, gripping your chin firmly as he connected your lips in a deep, sensuous exchange that had you reeling from the sudden 180 degree turn that the night had taken. 
In one word: everything was rough. Teeth meeting teeth, and tongues rolling in a messy glide against one another. Wet and warm. Silky and smooth. It was everything you needed in a kiss to get your gears turning, feeling your pussy positively throbbing in response.
“That’s right,” Changbin eventually said when he pulled the two of you apart - very much still in control. “We shouldn’t ignore this tension between us.”
“No,” you eagerly agreed, diving in once more for another earth-shattering kiss that rocked you to your very bones, taking the initiative to crawl into his lap, grinding yourself shamelessly against the tight bulge in his jeans while your fingers dug their way into his thick, dark hair. 
“Eager,” Changbin whispered between feverish kisses, keeping your mouths locked together at all costs, even if that meant growing a little bit light-headed from losing too much oxygen.
But you couldn’t get enough of him, not after all this teasing and tension. 
You didn’t care anymore, consequences be damned, and there wasn’t a single part of you opposing his intentional touches, giving him enough space to unbutton your jeans before sliding one hand beneath the waistband of your panties. In response, you moaned into his mouth, bracing your hands against his shoulders as he found the delicate folds of your pussy.
“Do you want me to touch you here?” Changbin asked, and you were feverishly nodding, sweat forming at the top of your forehead, trying your best to hold back your loudest moans when he slid right in with little resistance, moving his fingers around the inside of your cunt, stretching and filling you in a way that you imagined was nothing compared to what the thick cock beneath you could do.
But you would take anything from him, savoring the glide of his fingers since you were practically drenching him in sticky arousal, jerking forward every so often when his thumb pressed down a little too hard against your clit.
All the while, you could feel yourself start to break apart from the heated contact between the two of you, aching and wanting for the release that the look in his eyes told you he had every intention of providing.
And you were enjoying every bit of the journey to get there, bathing in his attention, groaning when his fingers curled up just right to tease your g-spot, and grinding down against the erection confined tightly in his jeans. 
Everything was suddenly so much louder, the sounds of his palm smacking against your cunt, fingers gliding through wetness, and the joined harmony of your combined moans and grunts. 
It was a rapid uphill ascent into the clouds, and you could feel him start to move even faster, pulling against the fabric of your jeans, and there was hardly any time for your mind to truly comprehend what was happening. Lost in a sinful haze of lust and divine rapture, wanting nothing more than to just lose yourself in Changbin.
Except he wasn’t letting you simply drown in the pleasure he was giving you, tugging at your hair to bring you back to the present, to the final string keeping your orgasm just out of reach. “You don’t think I haven’t noticed,” Changbin growled into your ear, keeping one hand tight around your waist to stop your squirming as he continued plunging his thick fingers between the tight walls of your pussy. “I see you looking at me because I want you to look.”
You moaned at the explicit expression of his desires, closing your eyes and returning your head against his shoulder, hips titillating according to the way he moved his fingers inside of you. 
“Cum for me,” he said, and you were more than willing to let go of everything, including the moans you had been trying to hold back, filling the house with the loud raucous of your screams as your orgasm snapped and unleashed a molten hot thrill along your spine.
You were gasping for breath, returning from the highest peak of satisfaction, but Changbin hardly gave you anytime to recover before he was removing his hand from your jeans and forcing you into the floor.
“My turn,” he grunted, and the sound of his belt unbuckling triggered some semblance of rationale, and you were practically salivating over Changbin’s cock, eyeing the red bulbous mushroom head and wondering how deep you could take him. “Well?” Changbin prodded, grabbing the base of his thick erection to brush it across the pout of your lips. “Open wide.”
You whimpered, but obeyed, allowing your tongue to stick out just enough to taste the drop of precum leaking from the tip. It was bitter and unappealing, but since it was from Changbin, you couldn’t resist trying more of him, going further and further down until you felt him at the back of your throat.
Your jaw was already aching from the extension, and a distant thought had you thinking, damn, you were gonna be sore in the morning. But it was completely worth it to hear him moan from above you, fingers tightening in your hair as you allowed him to set the pace, rolling you up and down his cock, tongue sweeping the sides and tip and digging into the little slit where you discovered he was the most sensitive. 
At the same time, you were all but humping his leg, desperate to get off again as he used your mouth for his own personal cocksleeve, hitting the back of your throat repeatedly, sending you gagging around his impossible length.
“You take cock like you were made for it,” he remarked, eyes glossing over in a way that had you feeling rather proud of your skills. 
It only lasted for a moment, and he abruptly held himself all the way down for one, two, three seconds until you were whining for him to let you free just long enough to take in another deep breath. 
“Finish me off,” he groaned, and you were working overtime to bring him to the edge, bobbing your head up and down the full expanse of his length, all gorgeous and velvety smooth skin. And you braced your hands against his knees, an anchor to reality, when he finally released down your throat, heavy and warm, causing you to nearly choke as you struggled to swallow every last drop.
“Good girl,” he whispered, petting your head softly as you whined and continued to rub yourself against him, jumping off the brink of orgasmic bliss right after him, allowing your head to fall down between his spread legs.
It was a quiet for a while as you both fought to catch your breath, but then he was moving again, rising from his position on the couch. 
You sat back on your heels at the jostling, whimpering when he stood over you with a menacing sneer, grabbing your face between his hands, forcing your gazes to meet somewhere in the middle even though you still couldn’t completely concentrate. But you were cognizant to at least understand his next words: “Lucy won’t be here tomorrow night, either.”
“Changbin,” you gasped, understanding the implications of his request and shivering at the effect they could still have on your worn-out body. 
“I’ll leave the door unlocked,” he whispered into your ear, keeping eye-contact as he brought his fingers still coated with your arousal into his mouth, sucking while you grew faint at the sight. Then, he pulled them free and knelt down to sear your lips together so that you could taste the riveting combination of your releases on his wicked tongue. 
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You returned home that night in a daze, immediately heading for your room after assuring your mother that everything was totally fine with the babysitting, even if you probably appeared a little out of sorts. 
In the meantime, you landed on top of your bed with a sigh, opening your phone contacts to pull up Laura’s name, placing the call without any mind to the late hour.
She answered on the third ring with a curt grunt. “This better be good, Y/N.”
“Oh?” you replied with a nonchalant tone. “I thought you might be interested in hearing about my latest dick appointment.”
There was a sharp intake of breath on the other end. “You didn’t.”
“I did!”
“With your neighbor?”
You laughed at Laura’s shrill tone, rolling over onto your stomach with your feet dancing in the air behind you. “I totally sucked him off.” 
“Shit! How big is his cock?” Laura whispered over the phone as if anybody could possibly overhear your conversation. 
“Let’s just say he’s well-endowed.”
“You absolute slut!” Laura exclaimed. “Did he at least return the favor?”
“Oh, he’s a gentleman,” you explained. “He took care of me first.”
“He just fingered me,” you said, even as your mind sprinted with images and sensations; Changbin’s sultry gaze, defined muscles, and the burning desire he had planted deep in your core. 
“That’s hot though,” Laura said. “I can’t believe you actually did anything with him.”
“What? I told you he was sending me signals!”
“Yeah, but I was only halfway assuming that those signals might lead to his fingers in you!”
You couldn’t help yourself, laughing at Laura’s incredulous tone, and spending the next several minutes doing your absolute best to provide a heavily detailed play-by-play of your evening tryst with Changbin. 
“Lucky bitch,” Laura scoffed at the end of your long-winded tale. “I’d kill for someone to fuck me.”
“Well, we haven’t gotten there yet...”
“Yet? Are you planning to go back to him?”
“Obviously,” you said. “There’s unfinished business that I need to take care of.”
“You think he wants to fuck you?”
“I think he wants to do a lot to me,” you purred, smirking at the sounds of Laura’s outlandish squeals from the other end.
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Still, you didn’t think those explicit fantasies would come to fruition so soon. But the next night when you returned to Changbin’s house under the guise of babysitting his kid, there were no formalities between the two of you because you both wanted each other in a way that should be considered improper. 
Fortunately, you were tired of caring about other people’s opinions, and it only took Changbin a moment to pull you into his house before his lips were crushing against yours, holding you around the waist as he started working at your clothes.
If whiplash was a thing in moments like these, then you had it bad, trying to follow the taste of him as he backed you both into the bedroom, closing the door and enveloping you both in the gentle glow from the lamp.
“Get on the bed,” Changbin growled when he finally pulled away, reaching down for the hem of his t-shirt. You swallowed hard at the sight of his broad, toned upper form, stumbling backward along the floor, hopping on one leg to finish removing your jeans for him, leaving you completely naked as you lowered yourself onto the mattress. “Good girl,” Changbin cooed, and you shivered at the huskiness of his voice, rubbing your thighs together in anticipation as he blatantly traced the outline of his cock through his jeans.
“Changbin, please,” you panted, already so worked up from just kissing and feeling his hands all over your body that you were desperate for something more.
“What do you want, gorgeous?” he asked, walking slowly around to the front of the bed as you watched him with eager eyes.
“Want you to fuck me,” you said, heart thundering against your chest when he started working apart his belt, pulling down his jeans and boxers and allowing his thick cock to slap up against his abdomen, already so hard for you even though you had just started.
“Hands and knees,” Changbin ordered, and you were surprised by your quick compliance, supporting yourself on shaky limbs as you felt him climb on the bed behind you, tensing when the head of his cock grazed your wet opening. “Look at you,” Changbin rumbled, teasing you even more by running his fingers down your spine, allowing his other hand to reach around to grope your breast.
“Hurry,” you practically begged him, and it was like the metaphorical band had finally snapped, and you moaned when Changbin took a firm hold of your hips, manhandling you back into position. 
“Good girls say please,” he snarled, and your entire form light up at the abrupt command.
“P-please,” you stuttered, and there was an unholy line of curses that left your lips when he directed his cock inside, penetrating you so slowly that you could feel every inch of him until he was snug against your ass.
“Since you asked nicely,” Changbin chuckled, and you had never been so turned on before in your entire life, heart racing and blood pumping, bracing yourself against the mattress when he started thrusting, gentle at first, but then faster and faster as you egged him on, wanting him to go so hard that he split you in half around his cock. 
“Oh, fuck,” you gasped, struggling to maintain any sort of grip on the headboard. 
“You’ve been holding out on me,” Changbin purred into your ear, sounding perfectly put-together despite the fact that he was literally drilling his cock into you. “All those guys you’ve fucked before, I would think your pussy wouldn’t be this tight.”
“You’re just too big,” you managed, crying out when he grazed a sensitive spot. 
“Oh? Is that why this little pussy is leaking so much?” Changbin asked, and you had no response for him, clearly fucked out of all rational thought as his hips slapped against yours in a bruising meeting of skin-on-skin. 
It was undeniable: you had never felt this full before...like Changbin’s cock was somehow reaching all the way to your guts, and you reached down to place a hand over your stomach, imagining feeling the bulge of his cock against the distended skin.
“How does daddy feel?” Changbin whispered into your ear, and if it was possible for him to literally destroy you, then it would be from that heavily suggestive question.
“So good,” you sniffled, tears falling inhibited, leaving your face just as wet as the place where he was crushing himself into you, repeating the same motion of leaving just the tip before re-entering you with added urgency, cock forcing its way between the slick walls of your cunt. 
It was a beautiful melodic song after that (or, perhaps, hard metal would be a much better genre), the rhythm of his hips rolling against your own, hard and then softer, bruising and fleeting, stuffing your pussy on every upstroke, holding you in place by his pure strength. 
You could feel that strength everywhere, the force of his cock squelching between your pulsating walls, the way you moved up and down the bed by his control, and, when you reached back with one hand to feel his arm, the flex of his biceps as his arms worked to move you however he pleased.
“What will your mother say, Y/N?” Changbin asked. “When she finds out that her daughter fucked the man next door?”
Your mother would absolutely lose her shit if she found out that you were willingly spreading your legs for a divorced 32-year old man who had a daughter you were meant to be babysitting. She would be even more taken aback to discover that you loved and craved every second of Changbin’s cock tearing you to pieces, stretching you so good that you imagined that you would still be gaping in the morning, desperate to have him fill you again. 
“Her little girl screaming like a slut for me,” Changbin hissed. “Say my name, Y/N.”
“C-Changbin,” you whimpered, feeling him roll to a slower pace, merely grinding his hips in circles as if teasing you for the answer.
You flinched and nearly cried when he smacked the fleshy part of your ass, trying to look back over your shoulder to see what you had done wrong. “Try again,” he said, giving you a meaningful look that your poor, fucked-out brain still managed to decipher; although, you were burning in your own skin at the thought of saying it out loud....
“Daddy!” you moaned, and Changbin suddenly reached down to catch a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back and forcing your back into an even deeper arch. 
“That’s right,” he sneered. “And Daddy’s about to ruin this pussy, fuck it so full of my cum that you’ll still be feeling it when you go back home tonight to your parents and lie about what you’ve done.”
Your next moan was the loudest of the night, overwhelmed by the nasty things he was saying to you, feeling your orgasm gaining speed and traction the longer he kept fucking you, cock moving at a neck-break pace, and fingers wet and hurried over your clit.
The combined friction of his cock and fingers had you reeling, struggling to keep yourself up as he pummeled you into the mattress. Taking great liberties in the screams he was forcing out of you, realizing that if he angled his hips with one of your legs stretched higher around his hip, then he could somehow reach even deeper, kissing your cervix and threatening to steal the breath from your lungs. 
More and More. Faster and Faster. Until the breaking point was right under your nose...
The next thing you remember is a release that was so intense, you managed to black-out when it was all over, pussy fluttering around the distinct waves of pleasure, barely coherent as Changbin continued chasing his own release until he fulfilled his obscene promise to you. 
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Three Weeks Later
You had gotten awfully good at keeping Changbin a secret - a dirty and scandalous whisper at that. 
For a while, your mother questioned your insistence on going over to your neighbor’s house to babysit, especially considering your history of being less than willing to interact with children.
“She’s not like most kids,” you lied, waiting for your mother to relent before grabbing whatever bag you needed consisting of your overnight clothes, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible when you walked over to Changbin’s house.
Your mother watched you, at first, standing on the porch as if ensuring that you made it the dozen or so feet separating your yard from that of your neighbor’s. Eventually, she gave up on trying to catch you doing something you weren’t supposed to, but you still kept up appearances, ringing the doorbell and taking a few steps to the side to leave enough room for the screen to rotate on its hinges, offering you the irresistible view of Changbin standing there in all his glory. 
“You’re early,” he remarked; although he seemed to take great pleasure in seeing you as early as possible.
“Is that okay?” you asked with a knowing look, and Changbin chuckled while giving you his most arrogant smirk. 
In return, you smiled back at Changbin, watching him open the door just a little bit wider in invitation.
It was all you needed before surrendering yourself to whatever delicious and mind-blowing ecstasy awaited on you the other side.  
Summer of 69 indeed.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
One Day at A Time
pairing - lip gallagher x fem!reader
type - angst, fluff
note / request - “Hi, I love your Shameless imagines! And I was wondering if you could write something for Lip Gallagher x Reader having a baby and struggling with their new life ❤️” alright so i named the baby fred bc thats lip’s baby’s name already lol also you and lip live in the house that lip wanted to buy for tammy. enjoy!
summary - you and lip struggle to raise a baby and survive 
warning / includes - language, fighting, alcohol, smoking, but fluffy ending
*gif isn’t mine*
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“Lip!” You shouted. 
Your boyfriend ran into the room frantically. “What’s wrong?” 
“I need you to get me more baby wipes. Freddy took a big shit,” you instructed. 
Lip nodded, going to the table where you kept the baby wipes. He gave you the whole packet only for you to yell at him.
“Hand me them! I have to hold Freddy down so we doesn’t roll off,” you said.
“Sorry, Jesus,” Lip muttered, handing you baby wipes each time you put your hand out. 
You successfully cleaned your baby’s bottom and but on a new, fresh diaper. You picked Freddy and went downstairs with him. You set Freddy down in his high-chair, going over to the cabinet to get Freddy’s baby food. 
“Are you um, are you going into work today?” Lip asked.
“Yeah, are you?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I am,” Lip said. 
You frowned, turning around and putting a hand on your hip. “You can’t. Someone has to watch Freddy.”
“Debbie can watch Freddy,” Lip said. 
You scoffed, “She's never here. And before you say V and Kev, they’ve already helped us enough the past few months. They’re busy with their own kids.”
“Well, I need to go into work. We need the money,” Lip said. 
“Yeah, and I need to go to work or I’m gonna get fired!” You exclaimed. You began feeding Freddy, your mood lightening a little once you saw the little guy’s face. 
“What about working tomorrow? I thought that was our schedule,” Lip asked. 
“It was, but one, I’m well overdue on maternity leave and two, my boss doesn’t care about my personal life. She doesn’t care that we are struggling to raise a child,” you explained. 
Lip opened his mouth to suggest something, but nothing came out. He looked at you helplessly. 
“Here, why don’t you work for a few hours and I’ll watch Freddy in the morning, then you come back home at lunch and I’ll go and work for the afternoon,” you said. 
Lip nodded. “Yeah, that works.”
“Alright, good,” you said. You turned your attention back to the baby, feeding him the rest of his breakfast. Meanwhile, Lip went to shower and get ready to go to work. He came downstairs, coming over to bid you and Freddy goodbye. 
“I’ll see you later. I love you,” Lip said, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
Even though you were mad at him earlier, you melted into his arms immediately. You hugged him back tightly, burying your head in the crook of his neck. 
“Hm, I love you, too,” you said, breathing in his scent. 
Lip couldn’t help but smile at your actions. He pulled away after a few moments, walking over to Freddy. 
“I love you, too, buddy,” Lip cooed, kissing Freddy on the cheek, making the baby giggle. 
You smiled at the scene, enjoying seeing Lip interact with Freddy. 
“Bye,” Lip called out before leaving. 
“Bye!” You exclaimed, watching him leave. 
You let out a long sigh, leaning back against the fridge. You looked at Freddy, who was clapping his hands on his high-chair table. You laughed a little.
“You’re so silly,” you said, going over to him and picking him up. 
“Do you want to go to the store with me?” You talked to Freddy, bouncing him up and down while walking across the room. 
Freddy make a little squeak and you smiled. “Yeah, I know you want go to the store with me. I’m gonna shower and get ready, you stay in the crib, okay? I’ll be out in 10 minutes,” you said, going up to the nursery and setting Freddy down  gently. 
You went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing your teeth. You went back in your room and got dressed into a pair of mom jeans, a dark-purple, buttoned-up shirt and put a grey sweater over it, taking the collar of your shirt and folding it on the collar of your sweater. You then returned to Freddy’s room. You saw him on his back, sucking in his thumb. You smiled and picked him up, quietly going down the stairs. You set him in his high-chair again, getting your coat, purse, and your shoes. You also got Freddy’s little coat and hat to keep him warm in the cold winter of Chicago. 
You went out to your car, buckling Freddy into his carseat. You then went to the supermarket, putting Freddy in the front of the cart. You picked out fruit, vegetables, and salad mix. You got 2 gallons of milk, new coffee creamer, and cereal. You bought a few warm-up dinner packs and hamburger meat, going to the freezer isle and getting ice cream. You then went to the snack isle. 
“What should we get, Freddy?” You asked, looking at the pop tarts. 
Freddy pointed to the birthday cake-flavoured pop tarts. 
“Good choice, baby,” you smiled, grabbing the pop tarts. You then grabbed a few packs of chips and gum, going over to check out.
“Cute baby,” the girl at the register said. 
You looked up from putting the groceries on the table. You looked at her name tag and smiled. 
“Thank you, Stacy,” you said. “How old is he?” Stacy asked. 
“Almost 2 months,” you said. 
“Awe, so cute. I just found out I’m pregnant,” Stacy said. 
“Oh, really. Congrats,” you smiled. “Yeah, my boyfriend and I are happy,” Stacy smiled, putting her hand on her stomach. 
She rang your groceries up. “It’ll be $103.98.”
You nodded and took your card out and a few coupons you and Lip had collected in the past month. 
“Alright, with these coupons, your total is $80.56,” Stacey said.
“Great,” you smiled. You paid with your card, gathering the grocery bags. 
“Have a good day!” Stacy smiled. 
“Thank you, you too. Congrats again with the baby,” you gave her a kind smile. 
She thanked you as you walked out. You loaded the groceries into the car and put Freddy back in his carseat. You then drove back home, putting away the groceries while Freddy watched you in his high-chair. 
“Are you tired, baby? I’m tired,” you yawned. Freddy yawned right after you, making you chuckle. 
“Why don’t you take a nap and let Mommy clean the house, okay? It’s a fucking mess,” you muttered the curse words, looking around the house. Clothes and toys were everywhere. Plates were stacked in the sink and on the coffee table. The house needed to be vacuumed and wiped down very badly
You put Freddy down in his crib, turning on the baby monitor. You changed into a tank top and shorts and put your hair in a ponytail, going back downstairs to clean. 
You started with the dishes, washing and drying them off, putting them back in their cupboards. You then wiped down the kitchen counter, stove top, kitchen table, and coffee table. Next you decided to clean up all of the baby stuff that was on the floor. You put Freddy’s toys in the play bins you and Lip had bought and put Freddy’s clothes in the washing machine. You then vacuumed the living room carpet and swept the kitchen tiles, making yourself another cup of coffee. You were done in an hour and a half, taking a look at your work, smiling in satisfaction. Your house hadn’t been this clean since you and Lip had bought it. 
It was lunch time and you knew Lip would be coming home soon. You decided to make you and him lunch. You made chilli and salad, knowing that it would last you two for a few days. You changed back into your work uniform before grabbing yourself a bowl and sitting down, eating your lunch quickly before you had to go to work. 
15 minutes later, Lip had walked through the door. You got up to greet him. 
“Hey, babe. This smells good, what did you make?” Lip asked.  “Chilli and salad for lunch. You can have some,” you said. 
“Ah, nice,” Lip said. He gave you a kiss on the cheek, going over to the kitchen.  You frowned. He usually wasn’t this detached.
“How was work?” You asked. 
“Good,” Lip said, grabbing himself a bowl of chilli. “How was your day?”
“Good,” you said. “ I um… I cleaned the house and got groceries.”
“Oh, nice,” Lip said, sitting down. 
"Are you okay?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired,” Lip said. 
“Um, okay,” you said. “Well, Freddy is upstairs taking a nap. He’s been asleep for about two hours, so he will probably wake up soon. The baby monitor is here. When he wakes up can you give him a bath? He’s a little stinky.”
“Sure,” Lip nodded. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to figure out why he was acting so off. 
“I gotta go to work. I'll see you later, okay?” You said. 
“Okay. Have fun,” Lip said.
You slammed the front door shut and walked to your car, letting out a long sigh. You wanted to ask why Lip was acting so distant, but you knew you had to go to work. You worked as a waitress at a local diner. You had been working there for the past 3 years. You hoped to be moving jobs to what you really wanted to do, which was cosmetics, but having a baby set you back a little. You were so thankful for Freddy, though, you didn’t regret having him one bit. It just sucked a lot. But you were good at your job. you were friendly to customers and co-workers, got the most tips, and never played around. You were your boss’s best waitress, despite you always having to change your shifts. 
You worked from 1 pm to 9, going back home tired, but happy you at least got a shift in. You drove home, looking forward to seeing Lip and Freddy, but once you got in the door, your excitement immediately diminished. 
Freddy was in his play pen and the person who was watching him wasn’t Lip. It was Carl. 
“Um, hey, Carl,” you frowned, setting your coat in the closet. 
Carl turned to you, a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, Y/n. How’re you?”
“Good, thanks. Where is Lip?” You asked, putting your hands on your hips. 
“He went out,” Carl answered. 
“To where?” You asked, your temper rising. “Um…. to the Alibi,” Carl said nervously. 
Your eyes blew wide. “What?! He went to the Alibi and left you to take care of our baby? No offense, Carl.”
“None taken,” Carl shrugged. 
“I…” you started to say. You put your fingers on your temples, rubbing in circles to try and ease the headache you were beginning to have. You were able to calm down a little. 
“Thank you for taking care of Freddy,” you said to Carl. 
“No problem. I love the little guy,” Carl smiled. 
You smiled back, grabbing your purse. “Here, let me pay you for watching him.”
“I would usually say yes to money, but I’ll say no this time. I like spending time with Freddy, he's my nephew, I like watching him,” Carl shrugged.
“Are you sure?” You asked, holding a 20 dollar bill. 
“Yeah, I am,” Carl smiled kindly. 
“Alright. Thank you. I’m going to find Lip. Do you mind staying until I come back?” You asked. 
“Nope. Can I have some of the chilli?” Carl asked. 
“Yeah, of course. Do you know how to change diapers and feed Freddy?” You asked. 
“Yeah, of course. I took care of Liam and Franny for Debbie sometimes,” Carl said. 
“Right, of course,” you chuckled. “Thanks, again. I’ll see you later.”
“See you,” Carl waved. 
You didn’t bother grabbing your coat, rushing out of the house to find Lip. You drove to the Alibi, parking haphazardly. You went in, anger surging through you as you saw Lip smoking and drinking his liver and lungs out. He was talking with Kermit and Tommy. 
“Lip!” You screamed, the whole room turning going quiet. 
“Oh, hey, Y/n!” Kev smiled. 
“Hey, Kev. Can I see Lip for a second?” You asked, clenching your jaw. 
Lip looked at you, his eyes dropping. “Hey, baby.” He walked up to you, a stoned smile on his face. 
You grabbed his hand, yanking him out to the alley behind the Alibi. 
“What's up?” Lip asked.
“You! That’s what’s up!” You exclaimed. 
“What do you mean?” Lip asked. 
“You fucking left Freddy alone!” You shouted. “I left him with Carl. He’s fine,” Lip shrugged. 
“Yeah, but you didn’t call me to say you were going to leave Freddy!” 
Lip glared at you. “I don’t need to call you. He’s my son.”
“He’s my son, too! I’m his mother. I need to know who he is with! What if Carl brought over Kelly and they started having sex on the couch where Freddy could see, huh? I don’t fucking want that!” 
Lip chuckled. “They wouldn’t do that. Carl and Kelly are broken up or whatever.”
You groaned. “That’s not the point! I’m tired and super stressed out. You could have let me know!” 
“I’m tired and stressed out, too!” Lip exclaimed.
“Oh, yeah, I bet you are. Getting fucking drunk and stoned,” you laughed sourly. 
“I’m not drunk, I had 2 sips of beer, and I worked!” Lip exclaimed. 
“Yeah? Well I worked, too! I worked until 9 at night. I should be home by then! And I was the one who cleaned the house and did the dishes and got the groceries, which by the way, you are fucking welcome!” You shouted. 
“I never asked you to do that,” Lip said. 
“i know, but I did it because we needed it. All I wanted was a thank you!” “Well I was tired and hungry when I got home,” Lip shrugged. 
You glared at him, tears clouding your vision. “You’re so full of shit, Lip. So full of fucking shit!” You screamed, pushing him back. He stumbled backwards and hit the brick wall gently. 
“What the fuck, Y/n?!” Lip yelled. 
“Don’t do that! You don’t have the right to question me!” You screamed back. 
Lip opened his mouth to yell back, but Veronica and Kevin came out. 
“Hey, you two stop it!” Veronica yelled. 
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Kevin asked. 
“She is yelling at me!” Lip pointed to you. 
“Yeah, cause you’re a fucking asshole!” You screamed, your voice hoarse and tears running down your face. 
“Oh, no,” Veronica muttered. She went over to you, wrapping her arms around you gently. “Let’s go inside and get you some tea, okay?”
You started to sob, leaning in to Veronica. Lip looked at you, his heart breaking at the sight of you so upset.  
“Kev, you take Lip home and get him cleaned up, okay? Make sure Freddy is fed and changed and put to bed, too,” Veronica instructed. 
Kevin nodded, putting his arm around Lip and went to Lip’s car. Veronica walked you inside, taking you to the back of the bar. She got you a beer and a hot cup of tea, placing them in front of you. 
“T-Thanks,” you sniffled. 
“Talk to me, baby,” Veronica said, sitting down next to you. 
“Lip left Freddy home alone with Carl. I’ve been so busy and tired today. I cleaned the whole house, got the groceries. I worked for fucking 8 hours. I just wanted a little ‘thank you’ from Lip. That’s all I wanted,” you cried. “God, I’m such a fucking crybaby.”
Veronica put her hand on your arm comfortingly. “No, honey, you’re not. I understand, don’t worry, and Lip should, too. Maybe you should calm down a little and then go back home and talk to him. Really talk, no shouting and pushing.”
You took a big sip of your beer and nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good plan.”
Veronica smiled. “Do you want anything to eat?”
“No, I’m fine,” you said. 
“You sure? We have some chocolate chip cookies,” Veronica smiled. 
“Hm, okay. I'll have a few,” you smiled. 
“Great!” Veronica squealed. She went away for a few moments, coming back with a container full of cookies. 
You sat and talked with Veronica for two hours. You soon were about to pass out and decided to drive you and Veronica home since Kevin had taken their car. 
“Thanks for the fun night, V,” you smiled at Veronica as you dropped her back to her house. 
“No problem! Drive home safe! Call if you need anything,” Veronica said. 
“Will do,” you said and drove back home, which was thankfully only 5 minutes away. 
You got home, going in and seeing the living room empty. You took off your shoes, groaning in relief as your heels had been aching the whole day. You trudged up the stairs and into your bedroom. You heard the shower going but didn’t bother to go and see Lip. 
You changed out of your work clothes and into a pair of shorts and a tank top. You put your hair in a messy bun, flinging yourself on your bed. 
Lip came into the room with Freddy a few moments later. You noticed his presence.
“What?” You snapped. 
“I just… do you want Freddy and I to lay down with you?” Lip asked. 
You looked to them, seeing Freddy smiling at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure.”
You scooted over, Lip setting Freddy down next to you and climbing into bed with you. You gave Freddy a big kiss. 
“Hi, baby. I’ve missed you,” you cooed. 
Freddy chortled, clapping his hands. You giggled with the baby, ignoring Lip until he spoke. 
“So uh… how was your day?” Lip asked nervously. 
“Fine. How was yours?” You asked, not looking at him. 
“Mine was uh… good,” Lip said. 
“Good,” you said shortly. 
There was an awkward silence between you two before Lip spoke again. 
“I wanted to apologise for my actions today,” Lip started to say. 
This was the first time you felt like looking at him. You stared in his blue eyes, waiting for his apology. 
“I’m sorry about ignoring the work you did around the house and I’m sorry for not letting you know I was having Carl take care of Freddy. And I’m sorry for going to the Alibi and getting stoned. I really appreciate you cleaning the house. It really needed to be cleaned and to keep it clean, I promise to try and not leave dishes out and pick up Freddy’s toys,” Lip said. 
You smiled at his apology, scooting up on the bed so you could put your forehead on his without crushing Freddy. 
“Thank you. And the house being messy isn’t totally your fault. I need to learn to clean up after myself more, too,” you said. 
Lip chuckled, “That’s something we can both work on then.”
“Totally,” you smiled. 
“I’m also sorry for yelling at you at the Alibi. I’ve just been so stressed with work and Freddy. I’ve never had to take care of a baby that was my own before. I’ve always had help from Fiona and Ian,” Lip said. 
You put your hand on his cheek. “I know, baby. This is all new for me, too. And I’m sorry for yelling at you, too, you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s alright. I kinda did,” Lip chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile “Well anyways, we’ll get through this together, okay? I love you. So, so, so much. And I love Freddy, probably a little too much,” you joked. “Let’s just take this one day at a time okay?”
Lip nodded and pressed his lips against yours softly. You kissed him back before pulling away, making sure Freddy was okay. 
Lip smiled. “I love you, too, you know.”
You looked back up to Lip with a big smile. “Yeah, I know.”
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wheresmynaya · 3 years
Hate to Date Ch.7 | Brittana
A/N - And just like that, Lockdown 6.0 is upon us LOL. Good news, more time to write. Bad news, boredom looms. Anyway, thank you to those who have left lovely reviews and/or have gifted me with a coffee through ko-fi. I hope you all know that those emails are some of the first I read when I wake up in the morning - instant happiness! 🥰
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & under the cut!
Being ambushed by parents ends up turning into a trend for Santana when the following weekend Maribel decides to make a spontaneous trip to New York. Apparently there’s some banquet dinner Eddie is attending which Maribel’s accompanying him to.
The invite was extended to Santana as well, but those dinners are always super boring so she blew it off with an excuse about spending time with Brittany instead since their schedules have been so busy.
What she didn’t expect is for Maribel to make an unexpected pit stop at hers and Puck’s place beforehand, hoping to at least say hi to the happy couple.
Problem is – half of said couple isn’t here.
“Mami, we’re just really busy with this assignment,” Santana tries – hoping that it would be enough to deter her mom for awhile considering Brittany isn’t around. “It’s really getting down to the wire, can’t we see you tomorrow?”
“Ay Santana, I’m already on the way,” Maribel replies in a huff. “It’s only a quick visit and we’ll be on our way.”
“Can’t you just like…skip it and continue on your way?”
“I haven’t seen you since New Year’s and I came all this way to see you – “
“You’re not even here for me, you’re here for Eddie.”
Suddenly there’s a pause and Santana wonders if that little comment just got her into some hot water.
“Why don’t you want to see your mother?” Maribel asks instead. “Are you hiding something from me? You and Puck aren’t up to something again, are you? Roping in Brittany?”
Santana’s eyes go big and it feels like she’s just swallowed a handful of sand. Her heart rate’s picking up and she’s struggling to come up with an answer. She feels like she’s got a hot spotlight on her; thank God her mom can’t actually see her right now!
“We’re not,” Santana finally says. “Like I said, Brittany and I are just a little busy with this assignment…but I guess we can take a break for you.”
“That’s my girl,” Maribel praises. “We’ll be around in about twenty minutes.”
Santana gulps, “Great. See you then.”
Once she hangs up, she grabs the nearest pillow and yells into it. The muffled screams have Puck running out of his room so fast that he clips the doorframe with his shoulder. A loud thud echoes throughout Santana’s room as Puck stumbles and looks around frantically.
“What? What’s wrong?” He asks.
“We’ve got a Code Red,” Santana tells him.
His eyes drift down to her lap then back up as he starts to grimace, “Oh. Do you like…need things?”
Santana scrunches her brow but then she realizes what he’s talking about.
“No, not that Code Red,” She explains. “Mom’s on her way. I need to get Brittany over here ASAP!”
“Oh shit!” Puck curses and takes off to the living to start tidying.
The last time Maribel came around for a surprise visit, she basically tore Puck a new one. Long story short, his version of clean isn’t the same as Maribel’s and they spent an entire afternoon together going through the various cleaning products that should be used around the house and what they should be used for.
Meanwhile, Santana rushes to make the call. She just hopes that Brittany won’t give her a hard time for this, hopefully she answers the damn phone!
“Hi?” Brittany answers questioningly.
“Hey,” Santana replies.
“Did you butt dial me or something?”
“What? No.”
“You just – you never call me.”
“Yeah well…I don’t have much time to explain, but I need you to come over like right now.”
“Uhh, I’m kind of in the middle of something.“
“Brittany, please,” Santana begs. “My mom’s on her way over and she’s fully expecting you to be here too.”
“Oh! Okay, yeah. Why didn’t you lead with that?”
“Because I’m freaking out, that’s why!”
“Okay, well don’t freak out. It’ll be fine. How much time do I have?”
“Not much.”
“Great. Thanks for the warning.”
Santana rolls her eyes, “Look, it took me by surprise too.”
“Alright well, find your cool. We can’t have her suspecting anything’s up.”
Santana nods, already feeling a little calmer. “Just hurry, okay?”
“I’m on my way now. Don’t worry.”
When Maribel comes knocking on Santana’s door, the brunette loses all cool once again because Brittany’s still nowhere in sight. Santana’s looking at Puck, but he has no idea what to do either. Maybe they can stall until she gets here, but how? Maribel would totally think something’s up if they refuse to let her inside!
“Just let her in?” Puck whispers, “We can say Britt went to pick up our take-out?”
“And further confirm that I don’t fucking cook here? No way.”
“Well, what else can we do?”
“I don’t kn –“
“Santana?” Maribel calls out from the hall after another knock. “Hello?”
Puck’s eyes go wide, “She can hear us.”
“No shit, she knows I’m home.”
“Okay, okay. I’m thinking, fuck! Why am I so stressed out?”
Santana and Puck go back and forth trying to come up with some way to stall, but it’s impossible under the pressure.
“I think we have to let her in,” Santana tells Puck in a grave tone.
Puck looks at her uneasily, “I think so too.”
After checking her phone once more for an update from Brittany – there isn’t one – Santana goes to let Maribel and Eddie in. They’re both dressed to the nines, must be a fancy banquet dinner.
“Hi!” Santana greets, attempting to mask her uneasiness.
She’s quickly embraced in a motherly hug while Puck compliments his coach on his sick suit.
“How are you, mija?” Maribel asks as she cups Santana’s cheek. “You’re looking a little pale.”
“Am I?” Santana feels the nerves rattling within her. Where the hell is Brittany?!
“Yes,” Maribel looks her over. “You’re not getting sick are you?”
Santana swallows dryly, “Just tired.”
“Because exams are coming up,” Puck clarifies.
“That’s right,” Santana nods. “Lots of studying to do if I want to ace them.”
Maribel nods, seemingly pleased by Santana’s work ethic.
“Yeah, plus her and Britt have also been super busy with this assignment they’re doing together,” Puck adds. “It’s a lot.”
“Ah yes,” Maribel looks around. “Where is Brittany?”
Santana clenches her jaw and looks to Puck. There’s a guilty smile on his face as he secretly mouths out a sorry. Still though, she has to think on her feet.
“She’s in the bathroom,” Santana replies. It’s not her best work, but it was the first thing she thought of. Maybe they can work with it?
“Yeah, I think she had a bad salad for lunch,” Puck tries again.
Santana glares at him and mouths a shut up that goes unnoticed by Maribel and Eddie.
“Oh, that’s unfortunate,” Maribel frowns.
“Those salads are always a hit or miss,” Eddie confirms. “I try to stay away from them.”
“Don’t listen to Puck. It’s nothing like that,” Santana assures them. “Anyway, exam prep; super intense, long nights, tedious studying. I’m so ready for it to be over.”
Maribel looks apologetically at her, “Don’t work too hard.”
“That’s not what you taught me,” Santana quips.
“I know,” Maribel smiles. “I hope you’re at least wearing your glasses when you’re meant to. You know what all that reading can do to your eyes.”
“I am…”
“And rest, you still need it,” Maribel insists. “A tired mind won’t retain a thing.”
“That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to tell her.”
The four swivel around to find Brittany coming out of Santana’s bedroom. Her cheeks are a little pink – probably from the run over – but she’s her usual cool and collected self as she saunters over.
Santana’s never felt so relieved to see the girl! Question is though, how the hell did she pull off such an entrance?
“Brittany! Hi,” Maribel greets happily. “Are you feeling okay?”
There’s a glimpse of confusion as Brittany looks to Santana for an explanation.
“Mami, I told you she’s not sick. She was only in the bedroom to finish up a call with her mom,” Santana lies.
“Yeah. That was my bad, Mama Lopez,” Puck speaks up.
“Right,” Brittany quickly catches on. “Just my daily phone call with mom. Sorry about that, we can get carried away.”
“Oh don’t be,” Maribel smiles then glances to Santana. “Where’s my daily phone call?”
Santana fights the eye roll, “I’m clearly not as great as Brittany.”
“Now that’s a first,” Brittany smirks as she curls her arm around Santana. “I think you’re plenty great though.”
Santana finds herself blushing, “Thanks.”
There’s another pleased smile on Maribel’s face as she admires the couple. It’s a look Santana has rarely seen when it comes to her past partners and it makes her chest fill with pride. Even months later, her and Brittany still got it!
“Well, as promised this is only a quick visit,” Maribel tells them. “We really need to get going now, but while I’ve got you here: when are you coming home for a visit?”
Santana and Brittany exchange a look. They weren’t looking to make a visit for another few weeks, at least until after Spring Break. Free time is hard to come by now that they’re getting closer to the end of the semester.
“You know Abuela would like to see you both again,” Maribel adds.
Santana’s brows rise, “Would she now?”
“I think she’s warming up to things,” Maribel says vaguely but Santana gets it. “Wouldn’t hurt to come see her though. You know seeing pictures of you two together on Facebook has become a highlight for her.”
“Told you we’re cute,” Brittany jokes as she hugs Santana to her side.
“I should’ve known, she likes every single one them,” Santana quips.
“She wants to spend time with you,” Maribel explains and looks to Brittany. “She wants to spend time with the both of you.”
Santana quirks a brow at that, “Really? Has something changed?”
Maribel only shrugs. “You’ll have to ask her for yourself.”
Santana and Brittany glance at each other, both suddenly curious about Abuela’s change of heart.
“How about you come down for Spring Break?” Maribel suggests.
“Uhhh,” Santana stammers as she looks to Brittany, “We’re going to have to talk about it first. Brittany might have to – “
“Spring Break is fine with me,” Brittany shrugs.
“I thought you were planning on going home?” Santana lies – trying to get Brittany to catch on. “Spend time with your family?”
The blonde only shakes her head, “Nope. I’d rather stay here with you.”
Santana feels herself deflate; usually Spring Break is her time to finally let loose but she guesses there’s not much else she could get up to since she’s fake dating Brittany. She might as well just use the time to reinforce that she’s capable of being in a long term relationship.
By then, her and Brittany would be together for four months – that’s the longest relationship yet! Surely, that’ll have to mean something to her family.
“Well sure,” Santana sighs in defeat. “I can’t imagine spending my Spring break any other way than by returning to Lima.”
Maribel gives her a gleaming grin, “Perfect.”
Once Maribel and Eddie head off to their banquet, Santana and Brittany collapse together on the couch. Puck hands them both a beer before cracking one open for himself and taking a seat opposite them.
“Way to sell it,” Puck raises his bottle. “Great work! It was cool to see you two in action like that. I can see why everyone eats this shit up. You’re pretty believable.”
“Glad you enjoyed the show,” Santana quips.
“Looks like I came right on time too,” Brittany says.
“Yeah about that,” Santana looks to Brittany. “How the hell did you get into my room?”
“The window?” Brittany shrugs. “I’m surprised it wasn’t locked.
Santana’s eyes go wide, “You climbed through the window?”
“Well yeah, how else would I have gotten in? Through the vent?” Brittany jokes.
“Good thing we’re on the first floor,” Puck chuckles.
Brittany nods and clinks her bottle with his. Meanwhile Santana just stares at the blonde with her jaw slack. Not only did she run over here, she went through the effort of climbing through the window too!
The girl is crazy.
Santana doubts she would’ve gone to the same extent. No way she’d try getting her ass through a window, that’s just too much. But still, she supposes some thanking is in order.
“Well, I appreciate you going through all that,” Santana says bashfully. “I didn’t expect my mom to just pop up like that so…thanks for coming here so quickly.”
There’s a half-smirk on Brittany’s face and Santana anticipates her poking fun at how Santana’s actually thanking her for something, but it doesn’t come. Brittany just continues smiling as she clinks her bottle with Santana’s.
“That’s what fake girlfriends are for,” She tells her.
Over the following days, Santana and Brittany often run into each other at the library. It’s not Santana’s preferred place to study but it’s hard for her to concentrate sometimes with Puck around.
Although Santana and Brittany are in the same place, they often sit separately.
Brittany keeps to her lone table in the study area while Santana sits somewhere in the upper level because she likes the view of the exit. It’s kind of like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, that tunnel being the designated hour she makes herself study.
However, on one particular day all of the tables in the upper level are occupied. Santana finds herself scowling at the randoms before making her way down to the level beneath – where the study area is kept.
Like always, Brittany’s sitting alone near the back and Santana finds herself walking over to her without a second thought. She wasn’t planning on sharing the table with her, just maybe say hi and leave her be, but as Santana approaches the table she finds something unexpected there:
Spanish for Dummies
Intrigued, Santana’s eyes roam the table and find all sorts of similar books on the Spanish language mixed in with Brittany’s actual coursework. Then Santana takes a peek at Brittany’s laptop, trying to figure out what has her so consumed that she’s yet to notice her standing there.
There’s a little green owl going over conjugations – Spanish conjugations – and Santana watches as Brittany jots down notes as she mouths whatever words she hears through her headphones. Santana’s completely dumbfounded and pulls up a chair, the motion finally causes Brittany to jolt and turn.
Blue eyes spark with surprise before the headphones quickly come off. The girl looks like she’s just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, but Santana can’t help the fascination.
“Santana!” Brittany gasps. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
“It’s the library,” She answers simply. “I’m here to study.”
“Oh, duh. Of cour – “
“Are you teaching yourself Spanish?” Santana interrupts.
Brittany looks from her screen to the books on the table to Santana. She seems a little timid as she minimizes the program on her laptop. Santana wonders if she’s going to attempt to lie, but there’s too much evidence against her. There’s no way she could convince Santana that she’s doing otherwise.  
“Yeah,” Brittany admits with a nervous laugh. “I am.”
Santana quirks her brow, “What are you doing that for? Surely not for fun?”
Brittany shrugs, “The shows on Univision are great but I’m tired of reading subtitles.”
“Really?” Santana doesn’t seem convinced. “That’s like…a lot of work. Besides, I thought nerds like to read?”
Brittany gives her an unimpressed look, “Well…I also figured that if I knew a little Spanish then it’ll give Abuela and I something to bond over. I remember your aunts mentioning this one show she likes so I’ve kind of been binging it.”
“You’ve been binging telenovelas?” Santana asks in disbelief.
“Well yeah, the drama is addicting.”
“Oh wow,” Santana sits back. “So you’re serious about this?”
“Aren’t you?” Brittany replies.
“Yeah, but this is a new level.”
“Don’t you want to be as convincing as you can be?”
“There’s convincing and then there’s this,” Santana jokes. “Your over-achiever tendencies are showing again.”
“You jealous?” Brittany fires back. “I know how much you love it when your mom compares us.”
“I’m not jealous,” Santana turns up her nose.
Brittany smirks, “Just checking. Afterall, this whole thing was your idea.”
“Technically it was Puck’s.”
“Whatever,” Brittany says. “I’m going to do all that I can to make this work because I’m committed. You continue doing…whatever it is that you do.”
Santana tenses her jaw at the jab. It reminds her of the game they played before– the constant one-upping of each other – and she wonders if they’re still playing it.
She thinks about how she accidentally introduced herself to Brittany’s parents as her girlfriend. She remembers how Brittany now has to keep up this façade with them too thanks to the slip-up. She thinks about who this Artie guy is and why Brittany’s parents were wondering where he went.
But most importantly, she thinks about how underwhelming she is as a girlfriend.
She’s nothing like Brittany; she isn’t kind and sweet and she isn’t someone people take home to meet their parents. Santana’s the girl that helps you get over your ex, she’s the one college girls experiment with, she’s down for one night stands, down for no-strings-attached kind of hook ups – she’s not actual girlfriend material.
And oddly enough, she kind of feels bad that Brittany’s stuck with her for the time being. This fake relationship thing wasn’t meant to go beyond convincing Maribel, but that’s exactly what’s happened now thanks to her big mouth.
“You really don’t have to do this, you know,” Santana says after the guilt starts setting in.
“I want to,” Brittany tells her.
Santana sighs; yet another reason why they’re so different.
“Learning a language just to get Abuela to like you?” Santana explains. “Don’t you think that’s kind of going overboard?”
“Not really. It’s kind of fun.”
“Well yeah, I’ve always wanted to learn another language,” Brittany replies. “Why not start now? Plus I meant what I said about the subtitles thing. It would be so much easier not having to read.”
Santana chuckles as she shakes her head, “How do you find the time? I’m swamped with studying and assignments and cheer practice. Here you are learning another language for fun.”
“I kind of have a photographic memory.”
Santana rolls her eyes, “Of course you do.”
“I’m joking,” Brittany smirks. “I have a bunch of techniques that help cut down on the amount of time you’re actually studying so you don’t spend all your time doing it. I could…teach you some if you want?”
Santana lifts her chin, “I don’t need a tutor.”
“I didn’t say you did,” Brittany laughs. “Why are you always so quick to be on the defense?”
Santana crosses her arms and looks away, “I’m not.”
“Uh-huh,” Brittany grins. “I’ve got a study session with Puck on Thursday. I think it’s actually going to be at your place. We can not share study tips then if you want?”
Santana lets the offer roll around in her head but she doesn’t want to seem too eager.
“I might be around, depends if practice lets out on time.”
“Okay,” Brittany nods then looks at her laptop screen before glancing back at Santana who has yet to move. “So are you sitting with me now or…?”
“Oh!” Santana jolts to stand up. She gathers her bag from the ground and looks around for an empty table, but they’re all occupied.
“I’m not kicking you out, you know,” Brittany tells her without looking away from the screen. “You can stay if you’d like.”
Santana looks around indecisively. She’d rather study alone, but that doesn’t seem to be an option at the moment. She can’t go home either with Puck around, so she guesses staying with Brittany is the next best thing.
“Okay,” Santana replies. “I’ll stay.”
“I’ll clear some space for you,” Brittany says.
Santana moves to the opposite end of the table while Brittany gathers her things in order for Santana to have more room on the table for hers. They sit silently like that working on their respective things for awhile, getting lost in their work.
Brittany ends up leaving the table for a moment and Santana barely notices until she’s placing a coffee in front of her.
“Oh thanks,” Santana smiles at the unexpected gesture.
Brittany doesn’t say anything, just returns the smile as she sits back down.
Another moment later when Santana gets peckish, she pulls out a bag of trail mix. She barely gives it a second thought when she places it between them so that Brittany can have some too if she wants.
When Thursday comes around, Santana ends up leaving cheer practice on time for once. She’s quick to get out of there so that she can wash up and change out of her uniform before Brittany arrives, but she finds that the blonde is already there by the time she gets home.
“What up, Lopez!” Puck calls out to her as he sits with Brittany at their tiny dining table.
Brittany looks up too, her eyes moving from their work to Santana who lingers by the front door. There’s a small smile that begins to curl her lips and Santana finds herself returning it with her own little grin.
“Hi,” She greets as she kicks of her tennis shoes. It was meant for Puck but it seems that it’s directed at Brittany.
“Hey,” Brittany replies.
“How was practice?” Puck asks, just now lifting his head from the work before him.
“Got bumped up to flyer,” Santana says casually although it’s pretty exciting news. She comes around to the kitchen for a drink, “Erica apparently has brittle bones from what Coach says.”
“No way!” Puck cheers, “That’s so awesome!”
“What’s a flyer?” Brittany asks, looking between the two.
“The girls that do stunts in the air,” Santana answers.
“Oh,” Brittany’s brows rise. “That’s…isn’t that kind of dangerous?”
“You worried about me?” Santana teases as she comes around to sit on the stool next to them. She crosses her legs, her cheer skirt hugging her thighs tightly. “Didn’t you say cheer was boring?”
Puck grins as he looks to Brittany for a rebuttal, but the blonde looks stumped.
Actually, the blonde looks distracted.
When Santana realizes that she’s staring at her legs, it’s like a personal victory for her. It was only a matter of time before the skirt wins!
Puck notices the distraction too and glances between his friends, a knowing smirk starting to form.
“Anyway,” Santana says as she finishes off her glass of water.
The sound of her voice breaks Brittany from her trance, but blue eyes are dark with something Santana’s familiar with but has yet to see on her. It makes her smirk; she’s missed having that kind of power over someone. It’s the sexual magnetism, it never fails her.
“Might hit the shower now,” Santana adds before looking to Brittany. “You going to be here much longer?”
Brittany nods, “Yeah. I only got here a little before you did.”
“Okay,” Santana can’t help the flirtatious tone now that she knows she’s got Brittany wrapped around her finger. The teasing is the most fun she’s had in awhile! “Maybe you can show me some things once you’re done with him?”
Brittany gulps, “Yeah sure.”
Puck notices what Santana’s doing and interrupts, “Uh…what’s happening right now?”
“Can it, Puckerman,” Santana waves off although her smile remains devilish. “What’s the point of having a fake girlfriend if I can’t fake flirt with them too?”
Brittany’s face goes a little red as she finally snaps back to reality.
“You call that flirting?” Brittany jokes.
“Fake flirting.”
Brittany shakes her head as she smirks, “I still don’t understand how you pick up any girls.”
“Judging by the look that’s been on your face since I walked in, I think you do.”
Puck looks back and forth between the two again like he’s watching an intense tennis match.
“How about I order a pizza for later?” He suggests in attempt to break up the bickering before it escalates.
“Sounds good,” Santana says without taking her eyes off Brittany.
“Yeah,” Brittany nods. “Sounds awesome.”
“Cool,” Puck replies and looks to Santana. “Go shower now. You’re distracting everyone.”
“She’s not distracting me,” Brittany said pointedly.  
Santana quirks her brow and smirks, “Keep telling yourself that, Britt-Britt.”
She lets her hips sway in that well-practiced way as she leaves the room. She doesn’t have to look to know that Brittany’s yet to stop staring and she struggles to hold back the laughter as she gets ready for a shower.
Despite the teasing game she played earlier, Santana sits in Puck’s place at the tiny dining table across from Brittany with a scowl on her face. This studying thing? She’s had enough of it.
“This is pointless. Education is pointless. I’m gonna become a stripper instead,” Santana huffs.
“You'd probably make so much money!” Puck jokes from his place on the couch.
“Probably? Please,” Santana lifts her chin. “I'd make it rain every night!”
Puck laughs and throws his arm over the back of the couch to look at the pair.
“What do you think, Britt?” Puck presses with a smirk. “Think Santana would make it rain?”
Santana smirks too and looks to Brittany for answer.
“I think…I'm kind of hungry,” Brittany says. “How far away is the pizza?”
Santana’s smirk falls at the way Brittany deflects the question. Since Santana’s return, Brittany’s been a little quieter. Santana figured she’s just stuck in study mode and that she’d loosen up eventually, but she’s still waiting.
“I should probably head over now actually,” Puck realizes after checking his phone.
“Take me with you,” Santana jokes. “I think my brain is turning to mush.”
Brittany sighs, “Don’t be so dramatic.”
“You know that’s a struggle for me.”
“True,” Brittany jokes. “Hey, if we finish this chapter tonight I’ll let you use my pretty pens to take notes?”
"Tempting, but I don't need your pretty pens,” Santana says flatly. She rests back in her chair and stares at the ceiling. “What I need is alcohol and several orgasms. I clearly didn't think this fake dating thing through. I've never been so sexually deprived.”
Puck goes to grab his keys, “And on that note – I’ll be back in a few.”
Meanwhile, Brittany just snickers to herself but she isn’t laughing with Santana and it has the brunette frowning.
“What?” Santana questions as Puck leaves.
Brittany shakes her head, “It must be so hard for you to keep it in your pants for once.”
“You have no idea. Who knew that the last time would be the last time. I sure didn’t!”
Brittany shakes her head again and goes back to her work. It makes Santana feel a little on edge and straightens up in her chair.
“I'm obviously joking,” Santana adds and it makes Brittany look up. “What's it to you if I wasn't though?”
“What are you talking about?” Brittany asks.
“Your interest in my sex life.”
Brittany scoffs and looks back to her work, “I'd hardly call it an interest.”
Santana folds her arms across her chest, “So you're secretly some kind of prude?”
“It's not that.”
“Then what is it?”
Brittany sighs and looks up at her again, “Why are we even talking about this?”
Santana notices the change in her tone and perks up. She abandons her work all together in favor of leaning in.
“Because it's way more interesting?” Santana presses. “I know you're trying to deflect, you might as well just answer. If not, I'll assume the reason it gets your panties all in a twist is because you're secretly jealous.”
“I'm definitely not jealous.”
“So it’s the other option,” Santana says. “You’re a prude.”
“No!” Brittany huffs. She softens when she realizes she raised her voice. There’s a timidness to her when she explains, “I just, I guess I believe in developing the feelings part first before the physical happens.”
Santana softens too but for a different reason. It’s more so confusion than anything else.
"Why?” She asks.
“Because with feelings it's better,” Brittany says simply.
“Are you kidding?” Santana quips. “It’s better when it doesn’t involve feelings. I think it’s better when it doesn’t involve eye contact.”
“Wow. Seriously?” Brittany looks at her sympathetically. “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. God, who hurt you?”
Santana didn’t expect her comment to strike a nerve. The memory of short blonde hair and a cunning smile sneaks its way past Santana’s defenses as she mutters, “One guess.”
Brittany looks at her curiously before something clicks, “Oh. The girl.”
Santana doesn’t like where this is going and pushes away the overwhelming feelings that beg to bust through. She walls herself up, holds her chin high and swallows back the lump.
“Yeah well,” Santana brushes off. “I think it's pretty unrealistic to go out there thinking every potential lay has to be relationship material first. Where's the fun in that?”
Brittany continues to eye her like she’s wounded and Santana hates it.
“The fun part is getting to know someone first so when it does happen,” Brittany pauses as she bites her lip. “It's meaningful.”
Santana averts her eyes, because staring into Brittany’s makes her feel far too exposed. Instead she retreats in on herself to place she’s comfortable, she takes the attention off of her.
“Gross. Who knew you were such a hopeless romantic,” Santana jokes.
Brittany sighs through a soft smile, “Call me old fashioned I guess.”
“Super old fashioned,” Santana quips. “Like, are you telling me you've never had a steamy quickie with a random? Everybody's got one.”
Brittany looks away and as she smirks, “Of course I have. I’m not that innocent.”
Santana perks up, “Really? Miss Goodie Two Shoes getting down and dirty without before being properly courted? God, I want details…”
Brittany snickers, “Not happening.”
“What?” Santana shifts in her seat excitedly. “Come on, what's a little girl talk between friends or are you the type that doesn’t kiss and tell because lame.”
Brittany looks up at her and smirks, “You saying we're friends?”
“Will it get you talking?”
Brittany laughs, “We should get back to work now. You've derailed us for long enough.”
“Come on, Britt-Britt,” Santana coos jokingly. “We've been at it for hours. I'm burnt out, sober and in dire need of sex.”
“None of that is my problem.”
“Sure it is,” Santana jokes. “The least you can do is tell me a couple of your kinky stories to get me through the night.”
Brittany gives her a look, but Santana just bats her eyelashes. It makes Brittany laugh and she softens once again.
“Actually, I might be able to help you out.”
Santana sits straighter, “It was only a matter of time…”
Brittany rolls her eyes, “Get over yourself. Not every girl on campus wants you, including me.”
Santana laughs, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Britt-Britt.”
“Anyway,” Brittany continues, “I'm talking about a swanky party – a ball even.”
“A ball, you say?” Santana’s interest is piqued.
“You've got my attention…”
“Well, there’s going to be an open bar, free food, an excuse to dress up and let loose. That ticks off two out of three on your list.”
Santana quirks a brow, “And the catch?”
“No catch.”
“There's gotta be a catch.”
“Okay fine,” Brittany slumps. “It's the Brainiacs’ Ball.”
“The what?” Santana deadpans.
“The Brainiacs’ Ball,” Brittany clarifies. “It's open to all the academic decathlon clubs across the city, this year we’re hosting. The team with the highest winning percentage is named and also the award for Most Brilliant Brainiac is given out. It's the biggest night for the club.”
“Oh, hell no,” Santana chuckles. “There’s not enough free alcohol in the world to get me to go to that. Count me out.”
Brittany starts to frown, “What? Why?”
Santana shakes her head, “One of your matches was enough. I'm not going to a party where I have to be surrounded by all of you at once.”
“It won't be that bad,” Brittany sighs. “It's a night for celebrating. No trivia unless you count the bad puns you might hear.”
“I've seen the guys on your team,” Santana explains. “I can't be liable for the feelings I'd definitely hurt if I were to be around them. I’d be triggered by pocket protector.”
“But you'll mostly be with me,” Brittany tries.
“That doesn’t really help your case.”
Brittany gives her a look, “Well, I kind of need you to go.”
“You need me to go?”
“Well yeah, I don't want to be the only one there without a date,” Brittany reasons. “Plus wouldn't it be suspicious if you didn't go considering we're a thing?”
Santana lets out a laugh, thinking that she’s finally caught on.
“So that it explains it,” She says.
“Explains what?”
“The coffee the other day, sharing study tips, being here,” Santana goes on, “You’ve been setting yourself up to ask me to your dumb ball.”
Brittany tenses, “'First of all, it's not dumb.”
“Sorry. I should've said nerdy,” Santana clarifies.
“I wasn’t doing those things for this,” Brittany tells her. “I was… I did them to be nice. We don’t always have to be at each other. It doesn’t always have to be a competition.”
Santana shakes her head as she gets to thinking. She knows Brittany’s cunning too, she knows that she can play games so who’s to say she wasn’t playing this time?
“I'm not going,” Santana replies. “You can tell people I'm sick or something.”
Brittany lets out a bitter laugh, “Right. So this relationship thing only works when it's in your favor?”
Santana frowns at the harshness of Brittany’s tone, something that doesn’t feel right coming from the blonde.
“What are you talking about?” Santana huffs. “That’s not – “
“We always do what you want,” Brittany interrupts. “Whatever makes you look good but this one time I ask you for something and it's just a flat out no?”
Brittany’s face has gone a little red and Santana’s further surprised – she didn’t think it was this big of a deal. She doesn’t grasp why Brittany’s so worked up all of sudden. Why would she want someone there with her if they didn’t want to be there in the first place?
“Look, it's better if I don't go because if one dork in clunky black glasses wearing suspenders and a hideous bowtie crosses paths with me I won't be able to contain myself,” Santana argues. “I'll end up hurting someone's feelings and you said it yourself, it's a night for celebration.”
Brittany looks at her like she’s hit a new low. Hell, maybe she just did.
“You're unbelievable,” Brittany huffs as she stands and starts gathering her things.
“What?” Santana watches her with a sudden ache in her chest. “You’re leaving?”
“Clearly,” Brittany mutters. “I can’t be around you right now.”
“All because I don’t want to go?”
Brittany shakes her head, another bitter laugh escaping her.
“No,” She says gravely. “It’s because you’re the most selfish person I’ve ever met.”
Santana tenses at the way her words drip with disdain, but at the same time it puts her on the defense.
“Well sorry that I’m not like you,” Santana argues. “Sorry I can’t just slip into character with ease and be your perfect fake girlfriend whenever you want. Sorry I’m not on all the time like you are.”
Brittany just stares at her for a moment, studying Santana’s face before she speaks again.
“Just when I think I’ve figured you out,” Brittany continues. “Just when I think you’re actually a half-decent person and that maybe beneath this prickly exterior of yours, there’s actually something – someone – deserving of…of a friend you go and prove to me that I’m wrong.”
Santana slumps back in her chair, dejected and defeated.  
Even if Brittany didn’t physical hit her, those words sure did. She can’t even speak as she watches Brittany gather the last of her things and storm out. What’s worse is that she swears she sees blue eyes tinging red just before she turns away.
Santana slaps her hand at the table when the door slams shut behind Brittany. She instantly feels the sting of wood on her open palm.
Why? Why does she always have to screw things up like this?
Puck comes through the door just a minute later, looking confused as well.
“So I just passed Britt in the hall,” He says hesitantly.
“Yeah, she left.”
Puck slowly closes the door behind him, “Why?”
“Because,” Santana lets out a long puff of air. She feels the lump forming again in her throat, strange and unwelcome. “Because I’m an idiot.”
“Dude,” His face falls. “Please tell me you didn’t try to make a move on her. The games earlier were cute and all but – “
“No,” Santana quickly answers. “I didn’t do that.”
“Then what happened?” Puck asks. “She looked really upset.”
Santana presses her lips tightly together, she’s almost ashamed to admit the truth.
“She wanted me to go to some ball with her,” Santana says dismissively. “I told her no.”
“You told her no?” Puck quirks a brow.
“I can’t.”
“You can’t?” Puck frowns. “After all the stuff she’s done for you, you can’t?”
“Look, I can see where I fucked up okay?” Santana snaps. “I don’t need you adding to it.”
Puck shakes his head as he backs off. “You really are an idiot.”
Santana agrees but she doesn’t tell him that.
“You know it’s not a good idea,” Santana tries convincing him. “It’ll be nothing but those academic decathlon nerds and not just the ones from Brittany’s team. It’ll be like ten times that! They’ll be from all over the city and you know how I am around the general public especially when I’m provoked. I could screw up and expose us both. It’s too risky.”
Puck doesn’t say anything, just listens to her excuses.
“I can’t do it,” Santana tells him with finality. “I can’t. Brittany might be pissed at me right now, but she’ll see it’s for the best. I’d just ruin her night because I don’t know how to act anyway. She’ll come around, she has to.”
“Sure Santana,” Puck dismisses and goes to flip open the pizza box. “So…does this mean I can have her pizza too?”
Santana just shakes her head, “Shut up.”
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