kokeethornton · 11 months
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Gönn dir Zukunft mit Twilight Zone :)
Hier sind ganz viele, einfache Tipps: 77 Klimaschutz-Tipps - NABU Du tust das für dich, deine Familie, für mich, für uns und unsere gemeinsame Zukunft in einer Welt die dank uns dann nicht total zerrockt wird. Ich glaube, wir schaffen gemeinsam eine ganze Menge guter Dinge, die zusammen einen großen Einfluss haben können! Und nein, du musst die Klebeleute nicht toll finden.
Du tust das für dich :)
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n0va27 · 1 year
A Dreamy House/Trance Vibe I had to share on this fine sunday in December :) Enjoy! P.L.U.R. <3 
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optikes · 2 months
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Persistence of the classical ideal
1 Myron, Discobolus (Discus Thrower), Roman copy of an ancient Greek bronze from c. 450 B.C.E. http://cciv214fa2012.site.wesleyan.edu/classical-period/exhibit-2/
2 Artist unknown Discobolus motif on an Attic (Ancient Greek) red-figured ceramic cup, circa. 490 BC, is static by comparison.
watch: A succinct explanation of dynamism in sculpture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhJKDqZgNXg
3 Artist unknown, promotional poster for the Empire Games in Sydney, (1938) colour lithograph
 4 Charles Meere Atlanta’s Eclipse (1938)      
A  Joy Eadie 2012   www.shervingallery.com.au       The S.H. Ervin Gallery collection contains two major paintings by significant artist Charles Meere (1890-1961). The Trust is committed to caring for and sharing these important artworks however conservation is costly.
Many Australian art lovers are familiar with Charles Meere’s iconic Australian Beach Pattern, one of the most popular and frequently-reproduced works in the Art Gallery of New South Wales, but are less familiar with his name.
English-born painter Charles Meere came to Australia after serving in France in World War I, training at the Royal College of Art in London, and living for some years in Brittany. While running a commercial art practice in Sydney, he taught at East Sydney Technical College, exhibited with the Society of Artists, and regularly entered the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prize competitions.
He painted landscapes, still life and portraits, and a number of paintings in Art Deco style. These are his crowning achievement, notable for their complexity, their use of allusion and ambiguity, and their sheer beauty. The National Trust is fortunate in holding two of them, Atalanta’s eclipse and Triptych, however they are in a fragile state and in urgent need of restoration.
Atlanta’s Eclipse is a remarkable work. It was awarded the Sulman Prize in 1938. Art historian Edward Lucie-Smith has described it as “surely one of the most elegant and accomplished of all the high-style classical compositions produced by Deco artists...”
With its classical subject, its complex allusions in style, imagery and composition, Meere probably designed it specifically for the 1938 inaugural exhibition of the Australian Academy of Art as the ultimate academic painting, not without an element of parody, in the context of the public debate about the Academy.
It depicts the race between Atalanta and Hippomenes, recounted in the Roman poet Ovid’s Metamorphoses. A light-hearted reworking of Guido Reni’s tense, rather dark version of the myth in the Prado, Meere’s painting plays with styles and images from International Gothic, the Renaissance, and Baroque, to the glamorised figures of 20th century advertising.
The complexity, the richness of visual imagination, and the eclectic use of allusion bring to Meere’s beautifully-executed image sophistication quite different from that of the mainstream Sydney modernists of the day.
Triptych is one of several similar works painted in the late 1930s. In a continuous scene spread across three panels, the central panel is given to the Three Graces, personifications of grace, beauty, and festivity, and friends of the Muses. The left panel evokes natural beauty through the putti strewing flowers and the leaping fawns, while in the right panel the gods Hermes with his lyre and Pan with his pipes evoke the Muses.
The Graces, rather sexy and modern, yet have some gravitas; they are elegant, cool and reserved rather than erotic. Triptych presents both classical restraint and charm, giving the kind of delight associated with the Graces themselves.
It is important that these works be restored for the public as exceptional examples of 1930s figurative painting; and to affirm Meere as the creator of a body of work unique in 20th century Australian art. 
5 Douglas Annand Sydney Harbour Bridge Celebrations poster (1932)
6 Charles Meere poster for Sydney Empire Games (1938); 7 commemorative stamp issued at the time.
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politikwatch · 6 months
Wenn die Stürme immer heftiger werden, werden #Politiker wohl erst #handeln und Mutter #Natur#ernst nehmen wenn 600-800 Km/h Stürme #Betonäuser wie #Streichhölzer #wegfegen!
Die #Klimaforschung sagt es vorher und es passiert: die Aufheizung der Meere führt zu #heftigeren #Tropenstürmen. #Acapulco in Mexiko ist nun verwüstet und forderte mindestens 27 Tote.
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vegansforfuture · 1 year
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Wie die NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) kürzlich mitteilte, haben sich die Ozeane Anfang April auf ein neues Niveau erwärmt. So wurde der bisherige Rekord der Oberflächentemperatur von 21,0°C von 2016 nun um 0,1 Grad überschritten! 😰 Bericht des Guardian dazu: "Die Temperatur der Weltmeere hat seit Beginn der Satellitenaufzeichnungen ein Allzeithoch erreicht (...). Klimawissenschaftler sagten, vorläufige Daten der National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) zeigten, dass die Durchschnittstemperatur an der Meeresoberfläche seit Anfang April bei 21,1°C liegt – und damit den bisherigen Höchststand von 21°C aus dem Jahr 2016 übertroffen hat. Mehr als 90 % der zusätzlichen Wärme, die durch die Zugabe von Treibhausgasen in die Atmosphäre durch die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe und die Entwaldung entsteht, wurde vom Ozean aufgenommen. Heißere Ozeane liefern mehr Energie für Stürme, gefährden Eisschilde und treiben den globalen Meeresspiegel in die Höhe, da sich das Salzwasser bei Erwärmung ausdehnt. Hitzewellen im Meer können auch verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Meeresfauna haben und Korallenbleiche an tropischen Riffen verursachen. Experimente haben auch gezeigt , dass die Erwärmung der Ozeane das Nahrungsnetz radikal verändern könnte, indem sie das Wachstum von Algen fördert und gleichzeitig die Artenvielfalt verringert, die Menschen essen. Prof. Dietmar Dommenget, Klimawissenschaftler und Modellierer an der Monash University, sagte, das Signal der vom Menschen verursachten globalen Erwärmung sei in den Ozeanen viel klarer.„Offensichtlich befinden wir uns in einem sich schnell erwärmenden Klima und werden ständig neue Rekorde sehen. Viele unserer Prognosen sagen einen El Niño voraus. „Wenn das passiert, werden wir neue Rekorde nicht nur im Meer, sondern auch an Land sehen.“" Quellen: ➡ LINK 1 ➡ LINK 2 CHANGE IS COMING! 😊💚 
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stigmatam4rtyr · 8 months
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Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Willem van der Meer (1617, oil on canvas) | Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt
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artharakka · 7 months
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🩸 XXI Mermaid 🌊
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meerlichtz · 9 months
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Btw here’s the Good Omens S3 Bingo me and @pissmanredacted created based on popular theories as well as things we find funny. See you all in like 4 years
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hattersarts · 8 months
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tildoy my beloved
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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Charles Meere (British, 1890-1961) - Early Morn on the Tumut
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theartofloss · 1 year
I've got my own thoughts about the Burning Shores, but I don't think Aloy falling for someone is out of character, because they've been slowly building up to that moment in HFW:
This extremely awkward conversation with Avad, who is trying to court her (a reminder that people are romantically interested in her)
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Zo and Varl's relationship - I personally don't think her reaction was necessarily jealousy, just her being confronted with the possibility of falling for someone for the first time (after years of living as an outcast)
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Finding out about Elizabeth's past relationship with Tilda, and that she wasn't as untouchable as she thought her to be
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And finally, her conversation with Talanah at Barren Light about first love (or crush) - all but predicting BS
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She simply found a home with people that she loves and trusts, and now feels safe enough to open her heart for the first time.
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n0va27 · 2 years
An Incoming message from your best friend. ;P 
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semioticapocalypse · 9 days
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Sergio Larrain. Fishermen daughters. Los Horcones, Chile. 1956
Follow my new AI-related project «Collective memories»
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politikwatch · 7 months
#Plastik in #Meeren und #Flüssen ❗😡 #Lebensmittelhändler zu Plastik #alternativen #zwingen, jetzt ❗🤬
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saewokhrisz · 2 months
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"hopeful visions"
spread i did for the Focus Network zine! we are having left over sales currently so if you missed out on grabbing a copy during preorders, nows the chance to go grab a copy it really is a beautiful zine 😭🫶
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All space billionaires get a free arrow to the face
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