#mg/echo show
bumblebeatrice · 3 months
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MAYA "girlfriend material" LOPEZ (1/?) — ECHO (2024 - ) — ft. proof that maya is in fact the babiest girl
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Songs that instantly make me feel emotion 1:
Metal Gear Solid is probably my all time favorite game franchise, and imo the best anti-war/anti-nuke media ever made. Despite the memes and all the whacky shit the series is known for, damn has it made me cry more than anything else.
On that note, I would like to introduce you to the song Calling To The Night from Portable Ops, probably my favorite song from the series besides Heavens Divide, which I will show at another point.
It's genuinely one of the most beautiful songs I've ever listened to, and if you don't know the MGS series well, it can catch you off guard that it has music like this.
Through the night, to the day When everything is gone Carry the soul away from the dry lands In the sun we see, fighting over lines All our dreams and wishes We send home for safekeeping Fighting for what's right
Calling to the night To dream Again in the light Waiting for a storm to rise Feel the isolation fleeting
Calling to the night To be or not to be fighting here Leaving without you Leaving my soul behind Calling to the night Colors of Kodachrome fade with time
Calling to the night For us, for every single life All the ashes of men remain As a perfect memory Calling to the night
But the heart will remain As a silhouette of time Hear the ringing echoes In the splitting horizon Calling to the night
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foolofthegeekdom · 10 months
Ummm drabble I'm crossposting from pillowfort since I never posted it here.
Lately, the Metal Gear Solid series has been on my brain. It's odd in that, while I truly love the series, I usually focus in on the more obviously bits of it. Clearly the games have a focus on the interaction of emerging technology with the human mind and body, as well as long thoughts on war, identity, and even the concept of perception. But these haven't been my focus of late; rather one character stands out in my recent thoughts: Vamp. I think what's brought me here is a very surface level interaction with Resident Evil Village, specifically Lady Dimitrescu. I don't have much to really say about any of that, since my interaction with that game doesn't go deeper than the internet meme-y Lady Step-on-the-D, but I do think it's got me considering my first realizations of the interaction of sex, identity, and horror. Granted, MGS is not a horror series, and even when flirting with the trappings of horror, it tends to stay rather shallow, but for my middle school self (and current self, honestly) a shallow dive into horror is enough, especially as I was hitting a point of really working on figuring out myself in a way that wouldn't really come to fruition until much much later in my life. 
So what do I mean? At this point, I'm clearly familiar MGS as a series and feel like I know what to expect, if maybe having had some of it go over my head in the first game. But here we are, just really having scratched the surface the second part of this game, wholly having been thrown by the twist that hit just prior (if you've played it, you know the one). In the skin of a new character, and being faced with unfamiliar surroundings we encounter a hallway that echoes a moment in Shadow Moses, the player comes across blood splatter that creates a trail to around a corner. The aftermath of violence on display creating tension and (for my less horror inclined and shielded mind) dread with each step. But just two steps into the hallway, and your control is taken away, it's a cutscene, and the player is no longer in control as the tension builds. 
The scene jumps to a room where anonymous soldiers are clearly being stalked; two are quickly dispatched from the shadows, then Vamp reveals himself. A close up on his face as he sighs deeply in anticipation and excitement, before he moves, gracefully dodging and deflecting attacks. Vamp's movements, style, every once seeming like a big cat pouncing and moving, the kind of movements so often more attributed to more femme fatale types. His weapons, knives, far more intimate and phallic than firearms used by our "good guys" in this scene. Mini-scene ends with another deep sigh as the blood of the final victim sprays over Vamp, accented with another deep sigh. 
The cutscene continues with Raiden interrupting Vamp doing as his name implies, sucking on the neck of a victim. The staging though, which is as true as in any vampire media, is truly intimate, at least for Vamp. He holds the soldier against the wall, pinned not too unlike  A point made even more clear as he turns, reaches down and draws a large blade from it sheathe hung directly over his crotch to extend between his legs. He draws the knife against his own chest, a ritualistic marking, a notch in his belt. Before pouncing Vamp's movements are deliberate, slow, and border on sultry. And as he attacks he moves with twirls, spins,  and jumps all not out of place on a dancefloor or ice rink. While problematic to wholescale equate those activities with feminine identity, it's hard to separate this from the coding that was and is often ingrained in the games. 
This first encounter really sets the tone for future encounters with Vamp as the series progresses. Always a threat displayed through an appeal to sexual lust to stoke fear, often underlined with homoerotic gestures. (Later scenes show Vamp licking his knife with a menacing glare. A movement that, given one replaced prop, wouldn't be too out of place in an early '00's teen comedy for it's suggestiveness.) This weaponized femininity, eroticism (threatening), and sexual control in a series that often struggles to have a clear idea of it's own messaging around sex, sexual identity, and kink is hard to place at times. The merits of this representation in Vamp is certainly worth discussion and is by no means flawed. 
Was Vamp an "Ah-Ha!" moment for me in regards to my own sexual identity? Not really, especially not at first play. Again, it'd be years before I really figured that out for myself. However, in hindsight, there's a discussion to be had in how Vamp uses some of the tropes of sexual horror to be effective as a monster beyond the typical Metal Gear Solid villain. Would Vamp have become the meme of the day as Lady D has, had the internet of the day been what it is now? I doubt it for one terribly obvious reason. However, he borrows from the same traditions of horror that Lady Dimitrescu and even contemporary Silent Hill monsters would. Maybe that initial titillation and fear is striking a similar chord, which is my I've been thinking about Vamp and Metal gear Solid 2 so much lately. 
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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The picture is algorithm 1. Evaluation of elevated serum alkaline phosphatase. Key: AMA: antimitochondrial antibodies; ERCP: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; MRCP: magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; ULN: upper limit of normal.
My pt's AST is 66 and ALT is 64, so AST/ALT is 1.03 I'm reading the uptodate article about workup of transaminitis to figure out what to do first. He doesn't drink. I already thought to start with the hx and physical. The pt is a body builder, super healthy, except that the pt takes testosterone, steroids, and other drugs. Testosterone increases risk of thrombosis, so he should be on ASA. I remember answering a question yesterday about that that mentioned that transgender men (i.e., born female and transition to men) have increased risk of thrombosis because of the testosterone they take. I don't remember much about anabolic steroids and how they affect pts. I want to review it.
He's a competitive body builder. Takes testosterone 750 weekly, steroid Trenbolone acetate 300 weekly, HGH 6 IU qd, insulin glargine 60 qd, aromatase inhibitor 25 mg q.o.d.
PMH: 2017 echo for murmur showed trace regurg; high-arch palate
Meds: multivit, joint supplement, psyllium, essential FA, vit K w/ D3, melatonin, ramipril 10 mg, Zoloft 50 mg, others as above.
Meds on chart: insulin, examestane, Zoloft, lisinopril
Social: No EtOH or tobacco. Went to detox for opioids in May. Eats strict diet and exercises regularly.
Liver biochemical and function tests – Blood tests commonly obtained to evaluate the health of the liver include liver enzyme levels (alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase), tests of hepatic synthetic function (albumin, prothrombin time/international normalized ratio [INR]), and the serum bilirubin level.
Initial evaluation of abnormal liver biochemical and function tests – The initial evaluation includes obtaining a history to identify potential risk factors for liver disease and performing a physical examination to look for clues to the etiology and for signs of chronic liver disease. Subsequent testing is determined based on the information gathered from the history and physical examination as well as the pattern of liver test abnormalities (table 4 and algorithm 1). (See 'Initial evaluation' above.) Table 4: Initial evaluation:
Review possible links to medications, herbal therapies, or recreational drugs. Screen for alcohol abuse (history, screening instruments, AST/ALT ratio greater than 2:1) Obtain serology for hepatitis B and C (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc, anti-HCV) Screen for hemochromatosis (Fe/TIBC greater than 45%)
[I also recall a question I answered yesterday that said hemochromatosis is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma.] Evaluate for fatty liver (AST/ALT usually less than 1, obtain RUQ ultrasonography)
Step 2: Second-line evaluation (if initial evaluation is unrevealing)
Consider autoimmune hepatitis, particularly in women and in those with a history of other autoimmune disorders (check serum protein electrophoresis; obtain ANA and ASMA [Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody] if positive) Obtain thyroid function tests (TSH if hypothyroidism is suspected; otherwise, obtain serum TSH, free T4, and T3 concentrations) Consider celiac disease (especially in patients with a history of diarrhea or unexplained iron deficiency: serum IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies)
Step 3: Evaluation for uncommon causes (if second-line evaluation is unrevealing) Consider Wilson disease, especially in those less than 40 years of age (check serum ceruloplasmin, evaluate for Kayser-Fleischer rings) Consider alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, especially in patients with a history of emphysema out of proportion to their age or smoking history (obtain alpha-1 antitrypsin level) Consider adrenal insufficiency (8 am serum cortisol and plasma ACTH, high-dose ACTH stimulation test) Exclude muscle disorders (obtain creatine kinase or aldolase)
Step 4: Obtain a liver biopsy or observe (if no source identified after steps 1 to 3)
Observe if ALT and AST are less than twofold elevated Otherwise, consider a liver biopsy
●Patterns of liver test abnormalities – Liver biochemical test abnormalities can often be grouped into one of several patterns: hepatocellular, cholestatic, or isolated hyperbilirubinemia. Patients with a hepatocellular process generally have a disproportionate elevation in the serum aminotransferases compared with the alkaline phosphatase, while those with a cholestatic process have the opposite findings. The serum bilirubin can be prominently elevated in both hepatocellular and cholestatic conditions and therefore is not necessarily helpful in differentiating between the two. Abnormal tests of synthetic function may be seen with both hepatocellular injury and cholestasis.
●Patients with elevated serum aminotransferases – In the setting of hepatocyte damage, ALT and AST are released from hepatocytes, leading to increased serum levels. The differential diagnosis for elevated serum aminotransferases is broad and includes viral hepatitis, hepatotoxicity from drugs or toxins, alcoholic liver disease, hepatic ischemia, and malignant infiltration. The evaluation should take into account the patient's risk factors for liver disease as well as findings from the physical examination that may point to a particular diagnosis. The evaluation often involves testing for viral hepatitis and autoimmune disease (table 4). Occasionally, a liver biopsy may be required.
●Patients with cholestasis – Cholestasis may develop in the setting of extrahepatic or intrahepatic biliary obstruction (table 5). In patients with cholestasis, the alkaline phosphatase is typically elevated to at least four times the upper limit of normal. Lesser degrees of elevation are nonspecific and may be seen in many other types of liver disease, such as viral hepatitis, infiltrative diseases of the liver, and congestive hepatopathy. Patients with a predominantly cholestatic pattern typically undergo right upper quadrant ultrasonography to further characterize the cholestasis as intrahepatic or extrahepatic.
The presence of biliary dilatation on ultrasonography suggests extrahepatic cholestasis which may be due to gallstones, strictures, or malignancy. The absence of biliary dilatation suggests intrahepatic cholestasis. There are numerous possible causes of intrahepatic cholestasis (table 5), including drug toxicity, primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, viral hepatitis, cholestasis of pregnancy, benign postoperative cholestasis, infiltrative diseases, and total parenteral nutrition. Subsequent testing to identify the underlying cause may include checking antimitochondrial antibodies, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, computed tomography, endoscopic ultrasonography, and/or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (algorithm 1).
●Patients with isolated hyperbilirubinemia – The evaluation of isolated hyperbilirubinemia begins with determining whether the hyperbilirubinemia is predominantly conjugated (direct hyperbilirubinemia) or unconjugated (indirect hyperbilirubinemia). An increase in unconjugated bilirubin in serum results from overproduction, impairment of uptake, or impaired conjugation of bilirubin. The evaluation of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia typically involves evaluation for hemolytic anemia as well as obtaining a history to determine if the patient has Gilbert syndrome. In a patient with a history consistent with Gilbert syndrome (eg, the development of jaundice during times of stress or fasting), normal serum aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels, and mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia (less than 4 mg/dL), additional testing is not required.
An isolated elevation in conjugated bilirubin is found in two rare inherited conditions: Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor syndrome, as well as other genetic bile transport disorders in children. Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor syndrome should be suspected in patients with mild hyperbilirubinemia (with a direct-reacting fraction of approximately 50 percent) in the absence of other abnormalities of standard liver biochemical tests. Normal levels of serum alkaline phosphatase and GGT help to distinguish these conditions from disorders associated with biliary obstruction. Differentiating between these syndromes is possible but clinically unnecessary due to their benign nature.
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branchsquare84 · 2 years
Apilimod Saves Nerve organs Muscle, Promotes Schwann Mobile or portable Myelination and also Minimizes Glial Surgical mark Creation Soon after Hemi-Contusion Spinal-cord Injuries inside These animals
Copyright laws (h) 2014 John Wiley & Daughters, Ltd.Adhesion meats have the effect of your structurel ethics of epithelial cells as well as in tumors this kind of strength is often misplaced, causing a poor organization of the cells. With the current economic study the difficulty with the obtrusive the front of intestines carcinomas was linked using mobile or portable bond necessary protein phrase and with polymorphisms inside their genetics. A complexness index had been made out of Thirty-two digestive tract carcinomas making use of computer-assisted morphometry estimating fractal sizing along with tumour mobile groups then sapling examination. Immunohistochemical soiling regarding beta-catenin, E-cadherin, occludin and also claudin Two #Link# was applied regarding review regarding protein expression. Innate verification regarding muscle through the tumor invasion top along with laser beam microdissection had been performed using SSCP and also Genetic make-up sequencing. Bond health proteins distribution has been considerably annoyed in most carcinomas. An individual mutation within the gene of beta-catenin was found nevertheless there wasn't any link in between proteins appearance along with innate polymorphism. Nor has been there any connection between your complexity in the intrusive boundary along with proteins distribution or perhaps innate changes. The outcomes show that this difficulty involving intestinal tract carcinoma breach is not determined by hereditary derangements within the genetics regarding adhesion protein or even the necessary protein syndication. Rather, aberrations from the aim of various other protein in connection with your glue meats could possibly be liable.Understanding that expression involving metabotropic glutamate A couple of (mGlu2) receptors inside the dorsal main ganglia will be controlled by simply acetylation elements, all of us looked at the consequence associated with 2 frugal along with chemically irrelevant histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, N-(2-aminophenyl)-4-[N-(pyridine-3-ylmethoxy-carbonyl)aminomethyl] benzamide (MS-275) along with suberoylanilide hydroamic chemical p (SAHA), inside a computer mouse button model of continual inflamed discomfort. Although just one subcutaneous procedure involving MS-275 (Three or more mg/kg) or even SAHA (5-50 mg/kg) has been unproductive, a 5-day treatment method together with either of the HDAC inhibitors drastically diminished the particular nociceptive response inside the next stage with the formalin examination, that echos the creation of main sensitization inside the dorsal horn from the vertebrae. Analgesia was abrogated by a one procedure in the mGlu2/3 receptor antagonist (leader Utes)-alpha-amino-alpha-[(1S,2S)-2-carboxy-cyclopropyl]-9H-xantine-9-propanoic acid solution (LY341495; A single mg/kg, we.r.), which was non-active by itself. The two MS-275 as well as SAHA up-regulated your term associated with mGlu2 receptors within the dorsal underlying ganglion (DRG) as well as spinal cord beneath problems that they induced analgesia, with no transforming your expression of mGlu1a, mGlu4, as well as mGlu5 receptors. Induction involving DRG mGlu2 receptors in response to SAHA was associated with improved acetylation associated with p65/RelA in lysine 310, an activity that raises the transcriptional action regarding p65/RelA from atomic factor-kappa B-regulated genes. Transcribing of the mGlu2 receptor gene is known as stimulated by simply p65/RelA inside DRG neurons. Many of us deduce #Link# that HDAC inhibition creates analgesia through up-regulating mGlu2 receptor appearance inside the DRG, a result in which is a result of the actual boosting involving NF-kappa B #Link# transcriptional task.
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wtframe · 3 years
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Outlander + An Echo in the Bone
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silvermoon424 · 3 years
I'm not fan of dark magical girl genre, and I didn't watch Madoka, but I can't hate something that I didn't watch nor form any opinion about it, I watched 1st ep of Magical girl site, and I wasn't able to watch after that, but I have a sort of feeling that every dark magical girl anime has it's own kind of dark stuff going on. Aside that, ngl it's not like we never saw deaths in magical girl (non dark) genre before, but I feel people forget that.
I've said this before (and other people have echoed my thoughts) but what Madoka has that other dark magical girl shows don't is love and hope, along with heart and soul.
I think this video does an excellent job of explaining what I mean:
Magical Girl Site is the most egregious example, it wallows in despair and angst and as a result you don't really care what happens to anyone (btw, I actually enjoyed MGS, but more in an ironic way lol). Whereas Madoka makes you care about the world and the characters. I think Madoka sums up the ethos of the series pretty well in one of her lines:
"There are so many awful, sad things in this world. But there are lots of things worth protecting, too."
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hibiscxs · 2 years
Legacies 4x08
Yall, I have been busy. I’m finally settling into the new job but I also got accepted into grad school even tho I had given up on it. But also bc I have already given up on it, I am currently floundering with trying to find a thesis advisor and finalizing a thesis topic in a field that I haven’t been keeping up with for a few years now.
Anyway, what I mean is I had to scrounge together the energy to watch the new ep and get my thoughts on it together.
I literally watched a grey’s anatomy episode before watching this. I’m living for Josie narrating the opening like Meredith. Plus, hooking up in a storage closet is so iconically Grey’s. I actually liked Josie’s therapy box more than Lizzie’s. But will Josie and Lizzie coming to drastically different conclusions about what to do about Hope finally get the characters to realize that the therapy box is not a good substitute for an actual therapist? Or for just talking to a friend, even? There’s a reason the box was designed for someone (aka an actual professional) to be in the box with them, retaining their real memories in case something went wrong. It’s almost hilarious that Vardemus isn’t warning them off using it in the way they did with Lizzie.
But more on Josie’s session. I’m actually really invested in this world? I really want an AU fic for this now. Just. The backstory of Klaus having a degenerative disease that he covered up so he could continue performing surgery, Alaric covering it up too, Hope doing the same a generation later. Both Alaric and Jo (or maybe Caroline is still the mother that Josie is referencing?) being surgeons and their daughters feeling the pressure to follow in their footsteps. I’m so sad that we’ll never come back to this tbh
Also, Mizziethan being an honest to god thing in the GreysAU. Please don’t let this be as close as we come to it actually happening. When Lizzie came out of that closet, I didn’t think we’d get to know who she was hooking up with. I thought it was going to be a little mystery for the episode. I “ooh”ed when MG came out, but then I full-on gasped when Ethan came out too. Since it’s Josie’s mind, what does that say about how she views the Mizziethan situation in real life?
The music was a little too on point when Josie and Therapy Box Finch had their last scene. Like, damn. tbh, I’m not clear on what sort of conclusion Josie came too. She talks about how being tied to the school will keep her from having a life of her own (didn’t we cover this in the season 2 eps that got carried over into season 3?), but she also says that she’s going to help Hope, and it does seem like she’s heartbroken bc she’s come to the conclusion that she needs to leave Finch? I guess this means she’s choosing the school/her friends over her own happiness by going out to look for and save Hope, but in doing so she needs to leave Finch behind at the school? Does Finch represent Josie having a life of her own? I guess that does make sense. I do like how Josie is once again being heartbroken (not in a ‘I like to see Josie suffer’ way. I’m not about that), but this time she’s being forced by circumstance to leave her partner, not her partners leaving her. It’s a sad little echo.
Moving past the Josie therapy box session (for now), I will have to admit that I was a bit disappointed that they really did bring back Aurora. I just never thought it was going to happen, since Legacies has been trying so hard since the beginning to not be like its predecessors. Having one of the old villains be the main villain of the season just didn’t feel like it would accomplish that for them. Also, I kind of hated Aurora in TO. And not in a “she’s such a great villain that I hate her!” way, but in a “she’s so fucking annoying please get off screen” way.
That being said, I think she killed it this episode. Yeah, Legacies has been trying to be separate from the previous shows, but it hasn’t always found success doing that. Not to say that I think Legacies becoming exactly like TVD and TO and even bringing back old villains is the only way for it to get good. In fact, I don’t even think its even the best way. There were plenty of ways for Legacies to improve while keeping the level of separation from the rest of the TVDU it has had. But, if this is the way they’re going to go, and they execute it well, I wouldn’t be mad about it. 
I do, however, think it’s ridiculous that Freya wouldn’t notice that Aurora’s body went missing. Unless Freya doesn’t live at the compound anymore? Or Aurora’s body was moved to somewhere a lot more isolated and out-of-the-way after Roman found it lying out in the open in TO S5?
The entire thing with Papa Tunde’s blade was so great. That thing always brought the angst when it came out to play. I loved it. I also totally forgot that it was destroyed, so I didn’t see the twist coming. And yes, I love the body swap. It’s going to keep things interesting. One of the things I have always loved is that Hope should be an overpowered invincible character when you look at her stats on paper. Being the Tribrid makes her immortal and strong and powerful. But man, it also means she cannot catch a fucking break. Someone’s always trying to kill her or take over her body and I love it. I also wonder if Hope’s humanity switch was tied to her body? We know that older vampires don’t have the ability to turn it off, so maybe, in Aurora’s body, Hope’s humanity is back on? I kind of hope not, because that would honestly be such a cheap way of getting her humanity back on, and it would deprive us of the epic emotional moment when someone does get to her.
That little reaction we get from Hope when Aurora mentions the Hollow. I loved it. 
Loved when Hope straight up beheaded that werewolf alpha. Aside from seriously hurting Alaric, we haven’t really seen Hope be super dangerous with her humanity off? She didn’t even kill that vampire and werewolf she fought at Triad HQ? I truly want to be scared that she would kill one of her friends. The fact that she didn’t hurt any of them in 4x07 was a serious letdown.
I hate how Legacies has handled wolves. Bc of established lore and a limited special effects budget, the wolves are always portrayed as less useful bc they’re always in human form. Sometimes they’ll break lore (which annoys me) and give the wolves more wolf abilities in their human form that I believe they had previously. And I really. Really. Really. Hate the weird royalty alpha thing. It was barely tolerable in TO. I cheered when Hope told them to stop kneeling. As she said, they’re wolves, not royalty.
Landon talking about wanting to be happy. That may have seriously been the saddest scene for me this season. Maybe the whole show. Maybe. Aria deserves everything. Landon deserves everything. Everything he said is true. He and Hope fought so hard against a destiny that said they were only meant to die and be killed. They tried so hard to be more than only those tools, but they gave in at the end to save everyone. And still, they can’t be at peace after their sacrifice. It’s such a sad story. Idc who they end up with, but these two better be the happiest people in the world in the series finale.
And Lizzie. This poor girl. I can’t help but feel frustrated with her rn. I’m just so anxious for the fallout of all this. Obviously she isn’t going to succeed in killing Hope. But I do think they’ll have a real confrontation where she does try to hurt her. I think its very apparent that the narrative isn’t trying to frame Lizzie’s conclusion about killing Hope as the right thing in any measure. Lizzie is very apparently lost in her grief. And with everybody too busy trying their own methods in fixing what is happening, there is no one around to help her through it. She’s come to a conclusion that will ultimately harm her. Even if she did succeed in killing Hope, at best she would later on realize that killing Hope solved nothing and that it wasn’t what she needed or really wanted and feel insanely regretful. At worst, she never realizes this and turns twisted with this mindset. What will probably happen is she tries to kill Hope, fails, maybe the one to turn Hope’s humanity back on, and eventually comes into feeling guilty for ever going so far against her best friend. And I am not looking forward to it (except I am)
But with regards to Lizzie and the new context of the body switch, it does make me a little nervous that we don’t ever get a real confrontation between Lizzie and the real Hope. I’m a bit afraid that Lizzie will come face-to-face with Aurora in Hope’s body and the fight will either result in Lizzie, upon coming close to actually hurting “Hope”, realizing that this isn’t what she wants, or Lizzie finding out that someone has stolen Hope’s body and realizing that she doesn’t actually hate Hope and still harbors protective feelings over her. We shall see.
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bumblebeatrice · 3 months
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ECHO — favorite dynamics: henry and maya (1/?) — 1.04 | "Taloa"
...and the aftermath...
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bts-teaspoonff · 3 years
Fangirl pt. 5
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slow Burn, Idol A/U
Pairing: BTS OT7 x backupdancer!reader
Rating: PG
Summary: Y/N, being a huge fangirl, finally got her chance to work alongside her favorite idol group as a backup dancer. She gets to know each member personally and realizes that her feelings may be more than fangirl-idol attraction.
Word Count: 6.1K
Taglist: @nochujeonjk @i-like-puppy-mg @miyochan @satotakeru14 @boba-tea1206​ @blimpintime​​ @kodzuskook​ @fangirl125reader​​
PARTS: masterlist ... | 4 | 5 | 6
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“Isn’t that a good thing?” Namjoon broke the tension in the room so sudden, making you halt your breathe. You and Jiyong quickly turned your head towards him. “Y/n has good taste in music. Besides, I have to thank her quick thinking with Jin’s soup. If it wasn’t for her, this dinner would definitely turned for the worst.” You hear a slight giggle under the deep timber of his voice.
 Everyone was quiet. Mark also realized by now after Jiyong strongly slapped his thigh that it’s not his place to say that information out loud. The two men were now aware that you’re definitely embarrassed by what they said.
 “Yeah. Namjoon’s right. It isn’t a bad thing that you support us.” Hoseok went on, quickly turning his head back and forth towards Namjoon, Mark, Jiyong and me. “Bangtan is always grateful to each and every Army, right?”
 Hoseok held out his fist to you, grinning wide. You look at him in curiosity for his gesture as you tightly grip your glass with both hands. He eyes out his hand with a smile so bright while waiting patiently for hand. You understood that he’s doing his best to comfort you and to assure you that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. He felt huge relief as your face slightly lightened while you start to lift your fist to his. He bumps his fist to you as he kept grinning widely.
 “Apologies Jin. It must have passed through my mind and didn’t double check the menu.” Jiyong brought his head down. He definitely felt sorry for not taking good care of Jin and unintentionally ruining your night. He must have been too busy to oversee details in the menu for tonight and was also too tactless with his mouth to continue rambling. His insides were in knots looking at your state. He adores you too much that he can’t see you getting humiliated at his foolishness.
 “No worries, hyung. Y/n, thank you for your thoughtful concern.” Jin turned to you, still worried with how tight you were gripping the glass and how you’re hunching down as if you want to hide beneath the table. You’re still not relaxing despite Namjoon and Hoseok attempts to comfort you. “Don’t be shy. In fact, a lot of people here in this room are now a part of BTS’ Army.” He jokingly laughed as he exchanged winks with the other producers across the table. His window wiper laugh echoed, lifting your mood entirely.
 “This hyung here has a young daughter who is an Army as well. She would always visit us during recording sessions and even music video shoots. Her support would always make our day and give us energy.” Yoongi added with his arms folded, pointing one finger at one producer across him.
 You slowly straighten your back as you felt how the tension in the room began to dissipate. It’s not like you intend to ruin the night by moping all the time and you also don’t intend to keep the fact that you’re a fan of them hidden forever. Today is just not the best time and place to reveal that and the way it was known to the boys was not the best scenario you’ve thought of.
 You’ve openly told them that you’re a fan of them whenever you would attend fanmeets and album signing event but that was because they don’t know you personally and will probably never remember you. You cringe when you remember the moment that you carelessly blurt out Jin’s allergy despite not personally knowing him. You know they’re gonna know eventually that you’re their fan especially with how Jiyong is close with them, but not this way.
 Jiyong calls out your name. You looked at him and read his face. You know he feels deeply sorry and he didn’t mean to embarrass you as he looks so sullen, eyes drooping and a frown painted on his lips. Blame it on the twin telepathy but you understood him well enough that the both of you don’t need words. Besides, it’s not like you can’t hate him for something he didn’t intend to, but you keep in your mind that you’ll get back at him for this to tease him. You don’t want to ruin this special day for Mark as well. You nod at him expecting that he will understand that you don’t mind it anymore. You both smile at each other.
 Mark mentioned something else to change the topic and tried to save the current situation. Fortunately, this got the attention of everyone else as they began talking to each other. You let your shoulders down and sighed in relief that the embarrassing circus of a situation was now done. You steal a glance at your side to see if the four boys were still looking at you. You don’t want them to feel obliged to comfort you and this was also a night that they could spend some time with their friends and be comfortable. You’re just their acquaintance and not yet a friend.
 You hoped that none of them was still giving you their attention but no, Jin is still looking at you. He was still trying to read your expression with both eyes glued to you, not sure if you’re angry or embarrassed or hating the situation entirely. None of which was correct because now, all you felt was comfort. You felt safe from the small words of comfort that the boys have said.
 Surprisingly, it was now easy for you to mingle with everyone through the night. You lost your nervousness as some of Jiyong’s friend have made an effort to get to know you better. You glad that your brother is surrounded with good people. Mark have also approached you just before the dinner ended to apologize. You wrapped your arm around Jiyong’s head and rubbed your knuckles on his head as compensation for the embarrassment they’ve caused you. Mark also jokingly offered his head for you to attack but you hesitate. You told him that he has the birthday privilege to escape your punishment but he can make it up to you someday.
 You walk back to your seat feeling very happy at how the night turned out and slightly tipsy at how you daringly drank three glass of wine. The four BTS members were not in their seats as they try to crowd among the producers who were saying their goodbyes to the birthday celebrant and thanking Jiyong for an amazing job with the surprise dinner.
 You took out your phone to check if there’s anything worth checking. You landed on Twitter and proceeded to check your feed. Not a surprise that majority of the tweets you read is about BTS. You follow a lot of fan accounts to help keep you updated about the boys. A meme popped from the bottom of your feed showing a hilarious face of the hyung line. As you clicked the photo to take a better look, you can’t help but chuckle at the thought the hyung line is here with you inside this room. Their debonaire charms tonight are totally different from their comical faces in the meme you’re currently ogling at.
 Just as Yoongi finished saying his farewell to the other people in the room, his eyes darts to you as you’re scrolling through your phone with a ridiculous grin on your face. He stops in his spot to admire you. He does feel relieved that you look a lot better now and you’re feeling relaxed. Seeing you giggle at your phone makes him smile as well.
 “I’m glad you’re now laughing.” Yoongi slowly sat down beside you. Your heart jumped at his deep calm voice, almost making you fall off your chair. You click a button on the side of your phone, turning off the screen.
 “I’m fine. Totally sorry about that fangirl debacle at the start of the dinner.”
 Yoongi shook his head. True, he was baffled at first when you shouted with him. He was suspicious at first but he quickly understood your situation. Knowing that you didn’t know everyone so well, he recognizes your discomfort from the sudden revelation by your brother. Also, a part of him swells with pride that you’re their fan. How long you’ve been their fan? How many shows have you watched to know the detail of Jin’s allergy? You must know a lot more detail about them. What’s your favorite song? Are their songs saved on your phone? Have you listened to his mixtape? What can you say about his mixtape? Do you like his mixtape?
 As these thoughts ramble through Yoongi’s mind, Hoseok takes the empty chair from your other side.
 “I thought we told you that you don’t have to be embarrassed about it.” You turn to Hoseok and saw him pulling the chair facing the other way with the back support placed in front of Hoseok, legs spread apart by the chair. “Honestly, I’m glad that you’re a fan. The best dancer from the female dance team is our fan.” He ridiculously flashed his teeth as he lean his chin on his forearm that was supported on the top of the chair’s back support.
 “Don’t overcrowd the lady.” Namjoon appears behind Hoseok, placing his one hand on Hoseok’s shoulder and the other one tucked in his pocket. “I mean it when I thanked you for stopping Jin. You’re the one closest to him and if Yoongi was a bit late... well, we know what could happen. You know him, always gorging through his food.”
 He’s right. I have watched a lot of Eat Jin episodes to say that Jin will always stuff his mouth with huge amounts of food. Sometimes, he would look like a hamster from having his mouth filled with food. Looking at him enjoying his food tonight also made you feel that the food was 100% more delicious.
 “So if you’re our biggest fan as your brother would boast, who’s your bias?” Jin daringly cut in. You cough at his sudden inquiry. Hoseok teased him for making you uncomfortable but you assure Hoseok that you’re not. Seeing you laugh at Jin’s question pleased Hoseok.
 You pause to think before you try to answer. The four of them were now nervously anticipating your reply. Jin didn’t mean to put you on the hot seat but now that he already asked you that question, he somehow felt disappointed at the thought of not hearing his name as your answer. Yoongi was also surprisingly nervous waiting for you to answer. Normally, he didn’t care about asking somebody with whom among them was your favorite but as he waits for you to reveal your answer, his heart was furiously pounding in his chest. Hoseok was beaming with pride thinking that there’s a chance that you might be his bias since you were a fellow good dancer as him.
 “Actually, don’t answer that. It’s better if you won’t tell us.” Namjoon chuckled, stopping you from your thoughts and granting glares from Hoseok and Jin. His eyes wandered off and landed on the phone that you were holding in your hands. He saw the huge crack across the black screen. This made him remember that day when he stepped on your phone while he was helping you up.
 “You’re right.” You cleared your throat. The tug inside Jin’s, Yoongi’s, and Hoseok’s chest swiftly disappeared. “Let’s just say I’m an equal big fan of everyone.” You beam a smile hoping that you didn’t let anyone disappointed from your answer.
 “Guys, I’m really sorry. I really didn’t mean anything bad when I rambled.” Jiyong, walking from behind Yoongi, looked at the boys with his head down. Most of the people in the room have already said their goodbyes and the ones left are you, your brother and the four gorgeous men crowding you.
 “Geez, hyung. I didn’t know you bully your twin sister. After all that continuous bragging at how you adore your sister whenever we would be in the booth?” Hoseok teased Jiyong.
 “You what? What have you been telling them about me?” You turned to glare at your brother. Jiyong was now disputing Hoseok’s words, flapping his hands around.
 “Believe me, I haven’t told them anything embarrassing.” You fold your arms as you huff your chest.
 “There it is! The angry look you gave just now looks exactly the same as him when he’s scolding us.” Hoseok suddenly shouted while pointing at you and your brother. You and Jiyong puzzled, exchanging looks. A loud laugh erupted from the both of you.
 Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon was surprised at how loud the two of you were laughing. Yoongi was completely loving the way you look right now, carelessly laughing. He felt happy that you finally felt a lot more comfortable at this moment.
 “See? Even your laugh is the same.” Hoseok cackled at how you siblings were now having a good time. Jin and Namjoon couldn’t help but also laugh at the silly situation.
 “Hyung, how does it sound?” Jimin called Yoongi’s attention from the other side of the recording booth as he put down the headphones. Yoongi was seated in front of the console beside Jiyong and Mark. He pressed a button to communicate with Jimin inside the booth.
 They were working on a new version of their old song to be specially performed at the online concert. Yoongi threw in some comments and Jimin was now ready to sing again. The rest of the boys were seated on the couches behind Yoongi. Jungkook was playing a game on his phone, waiting for his turn after Jimin. Taehyung was making notes on the lyric paper. Hoseok and Namjoon were busy discussing about their new track that they’re working together on. Jin was also busy scrolling through his phone. It was a very busy day for everyone.
 “How’s the surprise dinner? Was it a success?” Taehyung placed the paper down. Everyone turned to his direction, with the exception of Yoongi and Jiyong who was very busy discussing the details of the track.
 “Jiyong did a great job! We had fun and the food was great as well.” Namjoon commended. Jungkook was wriggling in his seat to tease Jin sitting beside him. Jin laughs looking at the youngest in adoration.
 “I didn’t know that this man could be a bully to his sister. He would never stop telling stories about his sister whenever he could but the both of them started embarrassing her out of nowhere.” Hoseok teased and laughed as he points out the two recording engineer while facing Jungkook and Taehyung. Jiyong was now red from embarrassment as he waft his hands towards the younger members, earning a ridiculous glare from Jungkook.
 “Why? What happened?” Taehyung asks, eyebrows raised at the sudden revelation from Hoseok. He lifts his knees and hugs it tightly as he bury himself back on the couch.
 Jin leads the conversation telling everyone, especially the maknae line who wasn’t present at the dinner, what transpired that night. Jimin, just finished recording in the booth, got out just in time to hear most of the conversation. The three younger members, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin, were surprised as well when they heard the potato soup incident then they joined the others in teasing Jiyong for embarrassing you. Jungkook actually leapt off his seat and went to slap Jiyong and Mark’s back, warranting deafening laughs from his hyungs. Jiyong then went to admit that if you can hear him right now telling your fangirl escapades, you would definitely kill him right now. Also, he proudly told them the fact that you’ve been to almost all of their concerts and fan meetings. A fact that surprised all of the Bangtan members.
 “She will definitely kill me if she knows I’m talking about her now but I’m really glad she’s a fan of you guys. She looks so happy every time she mentions the group. Seeing her smile looks so much better than witnessing her bottle up all emotions to herself.” Jiyong frowns as he remembers your former state in his mind. As much as he wants to stop rambling now, the boys in front of him owes his thanks on how they changed you, his precious sister. Gratitude was all he wanted to express to the boys for so long but he can’t since you emphasized very well not to tell anyone from the group that Jiyong has a sister who’s a big fan.
 “Your parents?” Mark asked as his hand crept up Jiyong’s shoulder. All BTS members froze at the topic. They know that the topic about Jiyong’s parents is still a sensitive one despite years have passed.
 Jiyong hasn’t discussed the whole detail but they know that you and Jiyong lost your parents when you were younger. Among the members, Jin was closest with Jiyong and might be the only one who Jiyong had mention some more details about their death. Whenever the topic would surface, Jiyong would just scrub it off and change the topic. Over the time he has worked with them, the words they have only heard from him was that you and your brother left for Seoul to stay with your aunt and that’s it. Nothing about the reason for their death. They just assumed it was something horrible because of how Jiyong would always freeze when his parents would be mentioned. They didn’t try to pry any further. If anyone did, Jin would be there to change the topic or talk to the member to stop prying further.
 “Then let’s keep making our fans happy with our work and of course, that includes your sister.” Aware at the change of mood and how Jiyong was now starting to get sullen, Yoongi places his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder to try and encourage everyone to get back to work.
 “Yeah. He’s right. We’ll take good care of her, hyung.” Jungkook flaunts a thumbs up for Jiyong as he stood up from his seat to walk towards the door of the recording booth.
 It’s supposed to be a rest day for you today. Luckily, there’s no need for you go to Big Hit since there’s no practice today and the gym is also closed for the day. You actually planned to spend the day in your pajamas and just watch your unfinished series in Netflix. However, the dance studio called to inform you to handle a dance class in the afternoon. Of course it’s a BTS dance class. They got a backup staff to handle it just in case you got a schedule but you did accept the offer which the owner of the studio was thankful for.
 Laying on your couch scanning through the selection of movies in Netflix, you wonder if it was a good choice that you agreed to the dance class this afternoon. You are dead tired, craving for your bed’s comfort. Even though your complexion’s a bit better nowadays since Jiyong relentlessly scolds you to take better care of yourself, you did want to take a day off from any work. Maybe you’re just addicted to punishing yourself to overwork but in truth, you can’t just sit around and do nothing. You’ve been too busy hustling around ever since working in Big Hit that your body finds it weird when it’s doing nothing. Not that you don’t want to but being active makes you happy as well, you guess.
 With a small body bag slumped on your shoulder, you tightly gripped the strap as you slowly enter the dance studio. The owners and other staff greets you as you open the door to the reception area. Sounds coming from the nearby two smaller studios along the hallway to the right can be heard from the reception. You waded to behind the reception desk to look at the chart for your class and you find that the attendance is full. It’s not a surprise since it is a BTS dance class, one of the best-selling classes in this studio. Also, when you’re the one leading the class, full attendance is always expected by the owner of the studio. A source of pride for you.
 You climbed up the stairs towards the second floor of the dance studio and opened the door to the biggest studio available. You dropped down your bag beside the console and sat down on the floor as you take out your phone from your pocket. There’s still half an hour before classes begin so you want to take this moment to practice for your class.
 As you warm up your body to the beats of Black Swan, you let your mind wander off. Dancing has always been a source of happiness for you. Your day instantly gets better when you let the words of any song fill you, taking control of your body. Like the song’s message, one of your biggest fear is when you’ll lose passion for the art. Performing has always been an extension of yourself and it just happened that you do perform BTS songs most of the time nowadays because their songs tend to bring out your real and hidden emotions. That’s one thing why you never stop listening to their works. It helps you to keep your emotions in check and equalizes everything within you.
 Your students started to arrive one by one as they fill the room, some actually were very eager to greet you for they have been waiting for your classes to resume again. Most of your students were high school students but there’s also a handful of men and women of varying ages. As you try to chat with some of them, you learned that a few of them were actually foreigners who were visiting Seoul for vacation. Honored, you expressed your gratitude and you returned to the front of the room, determined to make this their best class.
 It was a breeze to teach your students. Some had it easy with their experience in dancing so you try to focus on the ones that were visibly struggling with certain steps. One by one, you tried to come up to any student who would call your attention. Seeing their joy when they perform a sequence perfectly will always tug your heart.
 A man suddenly called your name as you were inspecting the class. You turn and see him staying at the last row of your students. As you slowly walk towards the man, you noticed that he was wearing a bucket hat and a mask that fully covers his face. His fashion also caught your eyes, a large bright orange sweater with adorable prints on the front paired with denim baggy pants. A comfortable and bright style you have always wanted to try but you can only think of one person who can pull it off, laughing as that person’s face suddenly popped in your mind.
 With his head down and his fringe almost covering his eyes, you couldn’t see any sliver of skin from this man’s face. Intrigued, you wanted to take a better look at his face but that wasn’t your purpose for coming his way.
 “I seem to have it bad… with this step sequence.” You heard him change the tone of his voice to a deeper one midway between his words. Still with his head down, he repeats the steps in his place as you stand beside him. The way he moves seems like he has some experience in dancing but still a bit stiff and awkward with complex moves.
 You try to stare at his hands and feet as you inspect the steps. When he stopped moving, you demonstrated the same steps slowly with better instructions to help him understand. As you were teaching him, he slowly lift his head up just enough for you to see a slight glimpse of his face. With the way he’s trying so hard to avoid showing his face, you’re now either amused that he’s so shy but eager to attend the class or worried if he’s someone suspicious. You never did hear his voice again after he talked to you. You bent slightly to get a better look at his face as he moves his hands to repeat the moves you’ve just taught him. A little bit more, you get a glimpse of his face that was not obstructed by his face.
 When you were so focused on trying to catch a glimpse of his face, he caught you staring when you met his eyes. His eyes widened and he shot up straight in his place, his head bent down and turned slightly away to avoid your gaze. You now felt bad seeing him backing away from you. That’s what you get for being so overly nosy about everything. You express your apology towards him before you return to the front of the room, stealing glances back at the man to check if he’s okay. Now seeing him standing further back and turned away from your sight, you felt crestfallen as you regain your spot upfront. You don’t even know you were so curious in the first place but something about him just seems so familiar.
 Before the class ends, there’s usually a segment where everyone performs the dance per groups of 7 shot by one of the staff to be uploaded in the studio’s Youtube channel. As they grouped themselves and stood against the walls, your eyes scanned everyone but couldn’t find the bucket hat guy. You heaved a long sigh recalling what had happened moments ago and now you can’t anymore apologize to the man. Everyone had their chance to perform Black Swan one last time and not a moment long, you’re left all alone in the room. The orchestra version of Black Swan now plays through the speaker, you let your body slowly fall to the floor. Legs and arms sprawled out like a kid as you take a moment to take a breather.
 As your breathing slowed like a lullaby’s melody, your eyelids are now also getting heavy. It was easy to just lay back and doze off on the floor but your active mind kept you up. Upon closing your eyes, you try to relax and think back on the good things that have happened to you this past month. You could only describe the feeling as flying around on a cloud, wishing that you could stay and not come down anytime soon.
 “You know you’re going to get sick if you lay there to sleep while your clothes are soaking wet from your sweat.” A bright male voice erupted from above you startling you, making your body jump. You opened your eyes and saw a dark figure hovering above your head. You shriek as you get up from the floor, seeing the bucket hat man gazing at you. He sees you quickly backing away from him and he raises his hands in front of him.
 “Bucket hat guy? Why are you still here?” You slowly back away from the man towards the mirror. He continues to raise and shakes his hand like he’s telling you there’s nothing to be worried about as he sees that you’re still backing away, guard up at his presence. He then proceeds to swiftly tear his bucket hat and mask off his face and the sight quickly giving you relief. “HOSEOK?! What are you doing here?” Your guarded state now replaced with shock.
 “Well… I came to watch your class.” Standing very timidly across you, Hoseok shyly gazes towards you. “I heard from Jiyong that you teach our choreographies and it’s all on Youtube. It’s easy to find this studio and so I booked a class.” You shoot a glare at Hoseok upon learning that your brother has once again blabbed to the boys and he just chuckles. The two of you were still strangers to each other so not knowing exactly what to do being alone in the same room as him is normal.
“Yeah but why? You don’t need to. Did he put you up to this?” Walking towards your phone on top of the speakers, you see Hoseok following beside you. He quickly reassures you that coming here was his choice which pleased you. “Wait. Oh my gosh! Are you just pretending to be a bad dancer a while ago when you asked me to teach you the steps?” You rotate your body towards him, jumping in disbelief. He nods as he shows a humble smile at the corner of his lips.
 “Hey, I really did forget that part and I wanted to interact with you. I didn’t want you to know it was me so I did my best to disguise but you kept on peeking under my hat.” He admitted quietly, chuckling in his spot as he maintains his eye contact with you.
 “Do all the members know? That I teach dance classes here?” You tuck your phone in your pocket while looking straight at Hoseok. He shakes his head. You sigh heavily before you turned to walk back to your bag near the door.
 “Only Jimin and Taehyung. They saw me play the YouTube videos on my phone.” Hoseok was still following you, maintaining a slight distance. He did clear out his schedule for today just to accommodate your class. Although he told you that Jiyong had mentioned your other job, he never mentioned about any videos on Youtube. When he saw the videos of your classes, he quickly did an inquiry for a slot in your classes. They told him that you were handling less classes from now on and there’s only one class for this month. The class was almost full and he was lucky that he got the last slot.
 “Also, I have another reason why I came here.” You were about to open the door with your heavy bag hanging off your shoulder but your hands stopped inches away from the door handle when you heard Hoseok. “I’m actually here to pick you up. I’m supposed to drop you off somewhere and it’s a surprise.” Hoseok saw how quickly you looked so confused at his words. “Did you drive here?”
 “No. Umm, I don’t own a car and I don’t know how to drive.”
 “Good. That solves my problem. I don’t want to drive back separately in two cars.” He grinned as he try to put his hat and mask back seeing as you are now opening the door to walk out of the studio. “We still have time before I need to drop you off so can we get some snacks?” As if on cue, your stomach grumbled. You felt your cheeks burn and avoided Hoseok’s gaze.
 “That would be nice. Although, I really want to know where you’re supposed to take me.” Hoseok laughs as you adorably pout to turn and walk away from him along the hallway.
 You got in the car with Hoseok and immediately, you felt awkward being alone in the car with him. He did offer you to drive him but every now and then, the thought of interacting this close to someone that you formerly could only through the screens of your phone is mind boggling. However, this makes them also more human. You start to look at them at a different light but this also makes you admire them more now that you know them behind the glitz and glamour. You both ate snacks in the car and Hoseok was comfortably chatting with you.
 Hoseok felt comfortable talking with you. He likes it that it feels easy to conjure up any topics and laugh at them with you. Although he’s supposed to drive you straight to the destination right after the class, he selfishly told himself that a few minutes added to the drive back won’t hurt. Getting you a snack was not part of the surprise plan and neither was him driving at a very slow pace to extend the time of the drive back. Although he thought at first that this was just him taking care of their number one fan but when you touched his hand during the class and when your hand grazed his in the car, he felt something different. Different but pleasant.
 “Ummm. Why are we back in Big Hit?” You gaze the huge building as Hoseok continues to drive towards the parking lot. “What is this surprise anyways? It’s not my birthday.” You continue to berate him but he keeps mum about it as he parks the car.
 “There’s nothing to worry about. Just follow me.” Hoseok opened his door and stepped out of the car. You froze but you don’t want to be rude and keep him waiting so you fished out your company ID in your bag to strap it around your neck and stepped out of the car.
 You quietly followed Hoseok as he continues to quietly parade through the floors while still keeping a healthy distance away from him to avoid gossips from anyone that might see you walking so close to him. Both of you arrived at a floor familiar to you. Jiyong has once walked you through the same hallway that has the recording studios where he works. Hoseok stopped in front of a door and turned to you as he opens the door. You stopped walking as well but slightly hesitating to go inside. Why is he guiding you to a recording studio?
 “You see, Jiyong wanted to make it up to you. The other boys and I helped pitched the idea for the surprise for our number one fan.” You narrow your eyes realizing where this is going and you hesitate more to go inside the room. Seeing as you’re hesitating, Hoseok now worries that the other boys might scold him more since he did take a lot more time than intended to get you here. He carefully took your hand to lead you into the room.
 The contact of Hoseok’s hand with yours is scorching hot. You try to deny yourself that you spent an awful amount of time stealing glances at his face as he drives you back here. He does look so handsome when he looks serious. It didn’t help that the sun shone on his face as he focuses on the road. You could almost hear yourself scream inside as you take in this wonderful moment. As you walk through the door, Hoseok’s hand slowly left yours and it felt empty. You linger at the thought but was now surprised at the sight of Jiyong sitting down in front of the console board, as if waiting for you.
 Hoseok closed the door to leave you two inside. Jiyong quickly gets up from the chair and wraps his arm around your shoulder. He took the bag off your shoulder and placed it on the sofa. He then pushes you into the booth and quickly leaves you alone. You stay quiet, not knowing what to do at the whirlwind of an event this is. It’s definitely not your birthday and whatever the issue was with your brother about the dinner nights before, this was more than what you expected. You were actually planning to tease him to get back at you for what he did and try to ask for free lunch with him every day for a week.
 “Put on the headphones.” You saw him mouth the words through the mirror. You scan around the booth and picked up the headphones hanging on the stand in front of you. “Hey, can you hear me?” You nod and lifted your hand to do an ‘okay sign’ at him.
 “What is this, Jiyong? Why am I here?” He hears you through the speakers. He looks at you, very confused at what’s happening, and laughs as he presses the button for you to hear him speaking.
 “I love teasing you but trust me when I say that I will never embarrass you to anyone. Also, I know you well that if you plan to tease me about it, you’re gonna ask for something small like food for a week or maybe drive you to work for a week.” You laugh at how he predicted your way of thinking. Driving you to work for a week sounds tempting. Better make sure to take a note of it. “So here’s my little present for you with the help of some people to make it up to you. Enjoy!” He smiles as the two of you exchanged sentiments. He doesn’t mind it when he’s cheesy with you since you’re one of his favorite person in the world.
 A few seconds of silence as you anticipate whatever is going to go through the headphones after you saw Jiyong work his way through the abundance of buttons on the console and stare through the monitor in front of him. You held the headphones with both of your hands as you wait.
 “Hello y/n, we are BTS!”
Next: pt. 6
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itcars · 3 years
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First Look: The MG Cyberster
MG has released the first official photographs of its Cyberster concept car, which will be making its debut at the Shanghai Auto Show later this month.
The Cyberster - developed by the team at the MG Advanced Design Centre in London – is a two-door, two-seater sports car recalling the brand’s tradition, drawing a number of styling cues from the classic MGB Roadster while also ushering in new high-tech features, including an interactive gaming cockpit and 5G connectivity.
The Cyberster’s intelligent all-electric architecture will enable an approximate EV range of 800km (500 miles) and deliver a 0-100km/h time (0-62mph) in under 3 seconds, while the body is designed to enhance aerodynamic performance, the classically shaped MG grille also serving as an air duct to improve airflow.
It features classic round MG headlights, coupled with a slim grille design, along with interactive ‘Magic Eye’ headlights that open when switched on.
Other striking details of the MG Cyberster are the 'laser belt' LED strip down the side of the car and the outline of the door, which follows the direction of the LED strip.
Its powerful sports car profile has a distinct two-stage shoulder line, with a flattened ‘kamm tail’ rear, accentuated by unusual ‘hacker blade’ alloy wheels. The tail lamps are of LED construction and are integrated flat into the rear of the car, projecting a digital image that echoes MG’s British heritage.
The "digital fiber" interior design theme adopts a driver-centric layout, with a separated cockpit for driver and passenger and a large-sized LED instrument cluster with a second central screen. The screen ahead of the driver presents all of the key vehicle information in a modern nut minimalist style, while the central display houses its more interactive features.
MG’s ‘Zero Gravity’ seats have floating head restraints, while the door panels and red leather handles reflect the ‘laser belt’ that runs down the car’s exterior.
More information on the Cyberster will be revealed when the model is shown at the Shanghai Motor Show (April 21-28, 2021).
75 notes · View notes
aijee · 2 years
hi aijee! read in defence of the side character a while back and wanted to ask: does wonwu like mingyu for mingyu or because he's a representation of who wonwu could have been/a reattempt at his relationship with joshua but done differently (since wonu is joshua 🤔)? i know bcs the story is meanie the obvious answer would be the former (and that's supported by how wonwu tweaked the script to fit mingyu more) but since the obvious parallels btwn shua/ww's and mg/ww's relationships were drawn...
(cont, reattempt at his r/s with shua anon here!) i bring up that question bcs it's written in the earlier chapters that ww says it's "hard to fall in love with mirrors" and jun says "you say this now, jww", comparing that w/ later, how mg is basically in ww's position...? i just wanted to know what you thought of this theory, without necessarily considering the meanie-ness of the fic. thank you!!! have a good day <3
Hello! You’ve basically hit the nail on the head, anon. (In this post, I’m referring to SVT by names as characters, not the IRL people.)
Fundamentally, one of my intentions was indeed to write Wonwoo/Joshua of the past in parallel to Mingyu/Wonwoo of the present. The parallels aren’t exact, as they shouldn’t be for creatures as complex as people, but the echoes of the past are definitely heard.
At the start of IDOTSC, present-Wonwoo was both drawn to and aggravated by Mingyu, who represented the “successful best outcome/future” dreamt by past-Wonwoo. Wonwoo back then was swept up in ambition, industry success, and young love. Present-Wonwoo became envious of Mingyu because he was everything past-Wonwoo wanted to be.
To address your very first question, over the course of the story, Wonwoo’s draw to Mingyu transitioned from envy and work obligation to truly falling for Mingyu as he is, realized flaws and all. In imagining how I personally treat looking at my reflection in a mirror, I think about the contrast of:
Admiring the best parts of myself, how good I look dolled up for the day.
Scrutinizing all my flaws, scars, dark circles, etc.
“It’s hard to fall in love with mirrors” because of facing #2. Seeing the worst parts of yourself in someone else is hard. But Mingyu helped Wonwoo do just that (and vice versa for Mingyu from Wonwoo, but this wasn’t as explored as heavily since we’re reading from Wonwoo’s POV). Jun says “You say this now” because he knows Wonwoo so well that, despite WW acting closed off, he has an open heart that needed someone like Mingyu to recognize that #1 can co-exist with #2 in a successful, worthy-of-love person.
In a way, it was also a journey of Wonwoo learning to love his past and past self. In being the “new Joshua,” so to speak, Wonwoo took on the role of loving someone who was inherently flawed, but also inherently good and passionate. Present-Wonwoo, like Joshua, eventually took on roles that weren’t the high-profile celebrity job that many dream of (Josh’s indie film career turned into being an acting coach; Wonwoo’s college aspirations for fame turned into being a variety show writer). However, in the roles they played to their younger companion, Joshua and Wonwoo became role models to look up to and admire, even to the point of attraction.
Unfortunately, Joshua had to move abroad for familial reasons. (I had this whole backstory for him being a third culture kid, having to deal with cultural conflicts, traditional Asian parents not approving of an artistic profession, etc. But I didn’t get to explore that too much either lol.) I did my best to paint Wonwoo/Joshua’s relationship as one that could have worked out, but things just got too strained eventually. In contrast, Mingyu/Wonwoo worked out much better, perhaps in part to Wonwoo’s personal growth and self-acceptance.
Hopefully that makes sense! It’s been a hot second since I’ve thought critically about IDOTSC haha thank you for bringing it to the table again.
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internetremix · 3 years
Howdy howdy campers!
It’s time for the closing ceremonies here at Camp Streamix and I am so excited to show you guys the final scores and winner… though I suppose to be honest the results aren’t that much of a surprise. ;) Check out the video to see the final scores and a hearty congrats and thank you to Scoutmaster Darby and everyone else for making this camp so great!
FANWORK CONTEST! Week 7’s cast vote  goes to Ploops for this tearjerking medley: https://youtu.be/jeiNtdj8pHk
The winner of the fanwork raffle is Mintly for this cute art of multiple campsonas! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/584411612329279498/875397985834524712/thankallofyallforanamazingCS.png And last but not least, this week’s winner of the fanmail raffle is Dinojeff! Thanks so much for your participation guys!
ON TO TR-IR-VIA! Here’s the final answers:
Which of these creatures has never been a boss in Fallen Empires? -Arm Fall Off Boy
Which of these is not a canon MG crush?
-Loki but we all know the real answer is the secret 5th answer polypan disaster represent
What was mined in the Blue John Cavern at the base of Mam Tor?
When does Strangers to The Stars take place?
-Big Shrug
Unfortunately you guys got the last Annihilation question wrong, but still overall you all kicked butt this summer!
And now, of course, what you’ve all been waiting for: The winner of THE BOMB is Doodoodoo with this rad group picture of all our stream casts and their characters! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/858353542921584670/875498518268231720/Thank_You_Internet_Remix.png
We loved each one of your submissions and it was a tough call, but what can I say, we’re all suckers for group pictures. Doodoodoo has opted to give their points to Team Annihilation, and so ends the final competition.
Thank you so much for your participation, as well as your patience waiting for the closing ceremonies. I’ll echo what was said in the video- the memories we’ve all made here at Camp are truly special and treasured. We love each and every one of you, thank you for making CS such an amazing experience for our whole community. Keep a little sunshine in your heart and have a great autumn everyone. -Counselor Crimes
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blessednereid · 3 years
Love and Monopoly
 Love and Monopoly
Milton Greasley x Reader, 
Fandom: TVDU/Legacies 
Dialogue Prompts: “Try focusing more on your life and less on mine!” and "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
Fun Take on Angsty Prompts
Warning: Cursing, Drinking, Kissing, Necking, Mentions of food, brief mentions of blood (bunny blood for vamps), Monopoly
A/N: Someone please open my messages and give me a crash course on how to write a makeout scene I can’t do it, OMFH ಥ‿ಥ
Word Count: 2760
You and Milton Greasley had been dating for 5 years. 
You met during your shared time together at Salvatore Boarding School. You were a witch who helped MG calm down whenever he went into a ripper mode. You had used spells to lower his bloodlust. You even made the bunny blood that the school had fed vampires taste as close to human blood as you could without triggering a negative response. 
 After you all graduated, The Super Squad all rented a house in Mystic Falls, and you were all roommates. The house had 5 bedrooms, one for you and MG, one for Lizzie, one for Josie, one for Hope, and one for Kaleb. However, since Josie and Hope began dating, they had moved into the tribrid's room, so now the empty space was more of a game room. There were board games and consoles in the closet, a pool table, and a regular round glass table surrounded by armchairs where you all could sit and play games. 
Tonight was your bi-weekly game night, and you all had decided to play monopoly. Though it was a unanimous decision, you knew it could take days to finish. You were all very competitive, and none of you would go down without a fight. This is why, to finish faster, you decided to have a team game of monopoly.
On the day of, everyone had started going shopping for the concessions for the event. Trays of assorted cookies, hors-doeuvres, sandwich platters, as well as multiple different fruit juices were bought and set on a foldable table in the game room. 
As you were setting and arranging everything on the table, your wonderful boyfriend came around to help you. 
"Don't worry, love, I got it," you chuckled. "I am much capable of setting a party table on my own."
"C'mon, you make me feel like I'm not good enough to do simple things, babe," he laughed with you, though his words triggered something in your brain.
"Oh yeah?" you quipped. "These are some pictures from the last time you set the table for dinner…"
In the photo, the table linen was frowned up, the forks were out of place, some placements didn't even have certain utensils. The plates were pushed to the center, chairs closer to the edge than the food was.
"Oh..." he giggled lifelessly.
"Now you see why you don't use super speed to set up something like that?"
"I mean, I don't think it's the super speed, darling. I was simply being blinded by your beauty that day."
 Your laugh thundered in the room. "Go away MG, I'm not letting you win today!"
"Aw dammit! Alright, love, I'll let you get back to your project," he stated before he walked out of the room.
"Yeah, Hope?"
The Saltzman twin had been brushing her hair in the mirror, getting ready for the game night later.
"You look gorgeous, so stop taking out every strand of your hair with this damn brush," Hope stated before yanking the brush out of the younger girls' hand. 
Josie embraced Hope in a warm hug. "Thanks, Hope."
"Alright, everyone. Welcome to 'The Super Squad Bi-Weekly Game Night.' I'm your host, Y/N L/N, and you're watching Disney Channel." All of the friends burst out laughing. "Tough crowd, I see I see. Well, let's move on with the game, shall we?"
"First up introducing, He's the founder, he's the mediator, He is… MILTON GREASLEY!!"
They all clapped and cheered for MG before you moved on.
"Next up, She's the brain, she's the brawn. She is the tribrid, and she's got it going on, Hope Mikaelson!!"
Whoops and cheers echoed throughout the room. 
You continued through all of your friends.
"The realistic, the cynic, the man with raps for days… Kaleb Hawkins!!"
"The sweet, the kind, but she can fuck up your mind, Josie Salvatore!!" 
"She's sarcastic, totally bombastic, Lizzie Saltzman everybody!!"
"And ME! Could you tell I was trying to sound like those game show hosts everybody? No? Well, I was. Anyways young ones-" You wore a giant grin to emphasize the corniness of what you were saying before continuing.
"Alright, I'm dropping the act. It's too hard, jeez!" They all laughed at your antics. "I hope you guys are laughing with me and not at me."
You explained the rules for the game of teams.
“Here’s the way it goes, each player has the same amount of money they would have in a regular game of monopoly. However, every team only has one token, teams must make agreements on all purchases, trades, and decisions. Teams must take turns rolling the dice, and one team member must always be present at the board.” 
“Sounds easy”
“Let’s play!”
You stared at them dumbfounded. “I memorized and recited all that without stumbling on my words, and all I get is ‘sounds easy’?”
MG stood to comfort you. 
“It’s alright, love,” he said, rubbing your shoulders lightly before pulling away. You scoffed.
“Alright then, let’s play. In this hat, I have slips of paper with all of your names, but first, in this bucket are sticks with numbers that will determine the order of selection. Step forward.”
They all stepped forward and grasped the popsicle sticks prior to stepping away from the bucket. 
"Who has number 1?"
"Oh, I do!" Lizzie stepped forward and drew a slip of paper from the hat.
She and Kaleb sat back down at the table. 
"Number 2?" 
Hope stepped forward. 
They also went to go sit down beside Lizzie and Kaleb.
"That leaves me and you, Jo," you stated happily. Jo and yourself had one of the best team duos. In school, you two would be partnered up for projects often. With that experience of communication, you were sure to win. 
You joined the rest of your friends at the table. Lizzie and Kaleb named their team, Team Siphon Vamp. Hope and MG had been Team 3 in 2, and you and Josie were the 'Twitches from two different misuses.' 
"Alright, before the token selection, I must announce the prize of the game.
"The winners of the game will receive a dish duty pass for the rest of the week." Cheers louder than before erupted in the room.
"Lettuce commence!" The silence in the room was lethally quiet, and you could quite literally hear crickets. "Get it? Because lettuce sounds like let us?"
"It's ok, babe, let's just play," MG said before pulling you down. You grumped before deciding with Josie on the Penguin. Hope and MG had picked the dog, and Lizzie and Kaleb had chosen the dinosaur. 
You, acting as the banker, dished out the money to all the players, and you commenced the game. 
Lizzie and Kaleb went first. Lizzie rolled the dice, rolled 7, and landed on a chance card, which told her to advance to the nearest railroad, and they bought it. Hope and MG went next.
MG rolled a 5 and landed directly on Team Siphon Vamp's freshly purchased railroad, M100 out of their pocket already.
"Ooooh… MG…. Honey, you're losing money faster than you did when that PS5 came out, babe."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, ok! I'm still gonna kick your ass!"
You were taunting him. "You sure about that, love?"
"You didn't even try to "kick my ass" last night, darling," you smirked.
Oohs erupted from your friends, and it was evident you knocked his ego down a peg.
At last, it was your team's turn. You and Josie each took one die in your hands and rolled it. You had landed a 6 and a 4, which landed you a visit to jail.
"Look who's losing now! You're literally in jail, babe," Hope teased Josie. 
"Oh, whatever. Focus more on your lives-"
"-And less on ours!" your duo quipped. 
Lizzie protested to this. "Hey hey hey!! That is my twin! Only I get to finish her sentences!"
You all laughed at this but continued your game.
Almost 15 rounds later, and everyone had a fair standing in the game. 
Team Siphon Vamp had had 2 monopolies, on the railroads and on the pink properties. 
Hope and MG had 3 already, the dark blue properties, the brown, and utilities. They also had 2 greens cards, the other being in the hands of you and Josie, as well as 1 red card that was being aimed for by you and Josie, who had the other 2 properties. 
You guys also had monopolies on the yellow and orange properties. If you got the red card of Kentucky Avenue, you would be unstoppable. 
 "Baby," you called out. 
"Yes, love?"
"I'll give you the other green for the red," you and Josie smiled.
"That's not fair babe, you'll own the corner," he protested.
"But the green is worth more. Please?" you pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.
Before he could utter another word, Josie spoke. 
"We'll give you M100, and your first landing on any one of our properties will be free of rent."
Hope spoke up. "Sounds good to me!"
"Hell no! You're gonna have to do something way better than that before you fool this genius."
You whined.
"Fine, I'll give you one of my signatures back walks," you leveraged, knowing full well he couldn't resist. "C'mon, baby, I know how much your back has been hurting."
He agreed reluctantly. "Fine, but it better be worth it!"
Team Twitches cheered. 
"Wait, what about us! We'll be demolished, you selfish weirdos." This was true. Lizzie and Kaleb were low on cash, they had rushed too fast to place houses, and now they were paying the price.
"Tough luck!" Hope and Josie chorused.
 Soon, it had been as you all thought.  Kaleb and Lizzie were in debt to Hope and MG. They had landed on Boardwalk Avenue, and it had 3 hotels on it, so they owed them M6000, M6000 they did not have.
Soon, they ended up relinquishing all their properties back to the bank for auction to pay off Hope and MG, gave them the rest of their money, and had to leave the game.
 With 2 full monopolies from Lizzie and Kaleb, along with the last green property they needed, they had successfully turned the game around. Now it was Josie and you who were losing. 
You all decided at this point to split the teams. Each team dividing both the cash and the monopolies equally, and two more pieces were added to the board, on the same spots as their former teammates, and you resumed.
Josie was soon knocked out due to MG within 5 rounds, and Hope was quick to crumble under your might, two turn-loops after that. They joined Lizzie and Kaleb at the pool table. They were now drinking beers since they no longer needed to be sober.
Soon it was just you and MG left in the game. 
MG leaned forward closer to you while you were deciding what to do with your turn.
"You know what you could do, darling?" He whispered provocatively in your ear. "Give in."
You pushed him away. You were not going to lose to MG and his self-righteous ego that night. 
"Shut up."
"Give in, baby. I know you want to."
"Shut up, Milton."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!" He yelled. "No need to get hostile!"
You decided you hadn't wanted to place any more houses, well, you couldn't at the moment. You rolled the dice but were in for a bitter-sweet realization.
You had been ready to pay an M100 luxury tax fee before you realized you landed on Boardwalk, one of the monopolies Hope had let MG keep in the split. MG had only since put 2 more hotels on it, and the price was now M10,000
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"
Soon, your friends rushed over to where you two sat and began cackling, all except Josie, who was still hoping her former teammate would avenge her.
You began selling your hotels and houses back to the bank, but it still wasn't enough. You sold your properties and gave the rest of your money to MG, but you still owed a few hundred Monopoly dollars. 
 He kissed your cheek, much to your dismay, and happily accepted his victory. 
It had been almost 2 weeks, and you were still giving MG the silent treatment. He had been gloating about his win for the entire night, and you were livid.
You knew he didn't deserve it, but you didn't think you deserved to lose either. 
You were staring at the ceiling. You had just woken up, and MG wasn't beside you. 
You had hated those moments. No matter how mad you were at MG,  you hated when you woke up, and he wasn't beside you. 
After all, you guys had been through so much, and you were always worried that he would die abruptly and leave you. Even after the threat was over, you still felt this way.
After a few minutes, MG had come into the room, Kaleb at his side. Kaleb looked bored, and his face said all you needed to know... he didn't want to be there. 
He was carrying a pot of pink hydrangeas in one hand and a pot of coffee in the other. He placed both on the nightstand beside you, disappearing for a short while, before coming back with a giant fruit bouquet in his hands. He set it on the nightstand as well before exiting the room and closing the door.
MG had carried a platter of all your favorite foods. Eggs, just the way you liked them, pancakes, hash browns, and your favorite flavor of yogurt. He had also gone ahead and made a smoothie bowl with your favorite fruits. Berries and banana chips littered the surface of it. 
He placed the platter on the portable desk you had in your room for breakfast and bed and set it down, just above your lap. He then went to the mini-fridge in your room and got all the ingredients he needed to make your coffee just the way you liked it as well as a glass to pour it in.
"I'm sorry for bragging," he apologized. "I know how much you like to win, and it was very insensitive of me." He looked like he wanted to laugh at how ridiculous the reason he was apologizing for was. You turned your eyes away from him and the delicious breakfast he made.
"But baby, I miss you."
He walked over to you. "Please talk to me!"
He started trailing kisses on your forehead, down to your neck, resisting the urge to sink his teeth inside, something you had taught him. He knew exactly how to make you forgive him, and he was using every technique he had learned over the years.
"Please?" He whined, and you could see his pouty eyes without looking. 
He sucked on your collarbone for a while and left a dark mark. Then he moved to the sensitive spot under your ear. 
You moaned slightly, but he could hear it, even without his vampire hearing. 
He pulled away, causing you to frown and whine. 
"MG…" you complained. "That's not fair."
"So you're talking to me now?"
You looked away, you had slipped up, but you told yourself that would be the last time.
You simply ignored him and started to eat your breakfast.
He walked back towards you and began nibbling on your ear.  You threw your head back in pleasure. 
"Look at me, darling." 
He reached his nimble fingers out to your face and trapped your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"I said I'm sorry, and I really, really miss my girlfriend. I made you a nice breakfast, and I've let you pick the movie every night since monopoly. What more do you want?"
You moved the tray of food to the side of you and stared at him indignantly. 
"I wanted my boyfriend to not be an egotistical asshole. I thought I was dating MG the vampire, not Jed the werewolf."
"I'm sorry... What can I do to make it up to you, love?"
"Let me out of that back walk favor?"
He scrunched up his face in horror. "That was part of our deal."
"Technically, you're not even supposed to be able to make outside game deals in monopoly, so you could let me out if you wanted to."
"Yay! Those hurt. They're so energy draining."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, you can," you smiled.
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mgsdays · 3 years
Thank u for always being so sweet and insightful with your asks!!! i love you 🥰
AnYWAYSs, I wanted to ask you a question particular to the timeline of 19days. We have about 300+ chaps of current flashbacks and present time. Do you think, little by little, we will see more present time dynamics? I know this is the SLOWEST of slow burns and I’m wondering that maybe this is how OX wanted to write; maybe they wanted to show that the past is a reflection of their current present selves? Idk im just rambling here but I think that the past connects to their future selves; it explains to us WHY ZZX and JY have that dynamic in the current time, why MGS and HT still banter, etc. i think OX shows us flashbacks from the past to let us understand how these characters really FEEL about their love interest. its a very interesting way to show character development. I think all these flashbacks are building up to something- I don’t know what but they seem really important and we still dont know HOW JY and HT left so yah thats my theory. What do you think? Another question; how do you think MGS and ZZX will realize their feelings in the future time? A lot of the OX art, as you said, shows these boys comfortably loving their partners so Im wondering as well 🤔 We even see HT and MGS with the couple rings so will we see that too?? I hope we do :(( I think it makes sense that we’ll see them as partners eventually- I mean, we have seen a lot of character development till now with only 300 chaps. Little by little, I think we’re gonna get the end product ☺️
I just hope Im alive to see it happen!
Hey love! Thank you for the message, you were so sweet 😊
I am… more pessimistic about future chapters. More than you, in either case haha
I believe we are building up to the boys leaving, but I do not believe we will see much of a future where the couples have figured things out. I’d love to be proven wrong, just to make it clear, but I don’t think so.
I love your point about the past being a reflection of their futures selves. My theory is that the past chapters serve as a way for Old Xian to give us enough info to presume what happens in the future. Kind of a ‘fill in the blanks’ kind of thing. The past chapters show us the boys’ desires and fears and they explain the motivation behind the boys’ actions. The little snippets into their lives allow us to understand a lot about the characters.
They also give Old Xian a way to write a BL without ever really going there.
Chinese censorship is strong. I don’t think we understand the extent of it from the outside. Some BL authors have been sent to jail. There’s a news story from Nov. 2020 that Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, author of the novel for The Untamed, has been sentenced to 3 years. The details of the case, if true, were not disclosed and we don’t know if they were found guilty or not. A woman who wrote a gay themed novel was sentenced to ten years, that one we know for a fact. China allegedly decided to pull The Untamed from streaming services and to halt production of shows that were being made based on BL books.
This is serious deal. Nothing even happens in those stories. The Untamed is based in a romance novel but it completely removed all explicit romance references for the show. Nothing happens it was still pulled! (after it was done! You make zero yuans by censoring a show that already exists. And yet…).
It really sounds like China is cracking down on content that goes against their morality code. Imagine you’re an artist there. Would you risk everything to make your characters date?
For Old Xian, their art is their livelihood. They make 19 days for the exposure and then use their official platforms to post ads that they draw through Mosspaca Advertising Company. If Old Xian explicitly drew the boys in relationships they’d be risking that platform and could even be putting themselves in danger. (Sometimes Old Xian draws relatively tame art and still deletes and reposts an even tamer version. Old Xian is impacted by censorship. The exposure they have doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be safe. Imagine them drawing two explicit relationships.)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Or, TL;DR: HT and JY leave before the boys have enough time to figure things out. The past gives Old Xian plenty of room to write a beautiful story without crossing censorship laws, and leave us to fill in the blanks about their future.
About how I think it happens, I answered earlier today about zhanyi. For tianshan, I think they get together without Mo ever confessing, exactly. In the future Mo has been aware of He Tian’s feeling for forever. Mo knows. I’ll die on this hill. He knows. When Mo really goes through puberty, really starts experiencing desire himself, I think all of his wants unavoidably circle back to HT. Mo would be somewhat aware of his own feelings for years. 
After HT comes back, one day Mo is just so tired of the frustration, the tension between them, He Tian’s years apart, everything, that Mo just kisses He Tian.
He Tian’s surprised for five seconds. 
Then he catches up. 
He pushes in until he has Mo pressed against a wall. Mo’s gasping, a filthy sound echoing low in the space between them, Mo’s fingers sink into He Tian’s hair for the trouble, pulling tight against He Tian’s scalp. It only spurs He Tian on, He Tian groans against Mo’s lips and presses in even harder- rest is history. Mo allows their dynamic to shift from there. 
I think the sexual part may be easier for Mo to deal with in the future than his own feelings. They stay in this kind of relationship for a long time. 
I imagine X many years into it Mo blurts out his love like it’s obvious, like they both have know about it for forever. I loved this text post. I imagine something like this, Mo says he loves He Tian while cursing He Tian out for whatever and saying a million other things. He Tian freezes in the doorway. He knew but still. Hearing it out loud makes his heart race in his chest. Mo loves him, Mo loves him, Mo loves him. He Tian would be whistling to himself the rest of the year. Mo would find it the most annoying thing ever.
(But, secretly, he’d like it. Mo would like being able to make He Tian feel this way, a warmth blossoming on Mo’s chest at the thought.)
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doctorfoxtor · 3 years
if you think you hate my long posts, I'm this 👌 close to losing my grip on reality
100 days of productivity
day 18
verapakill is this first-line tx for haemodynamically stable SVT in asthmatics
AF w/ RVR can reduce A2 loudness
the best biomarker for reinfarction within 1 week of initial infarct is CPK-MB; tropes can be used as they will rise again from their baseline, but CPK offers a much tighter timeline
LBBB → rule out coronary ischaemia w/ CT coronary angiography or stress echo or adenosine stress perfusion MRI or whatever IDK man you do you just leave me the hell out of this
Aspergillus clavatus antigen triggers malt-worker's lung, which is a form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
100% O2 @ 7-12 l/min or sumatriptan are equally effective at aborting cluster headaches
prophylaxis for cluster headaches is w/ verapamil or lithium, typically if headaches occurs daily for >3 weeks or if they significantly interfere w/ QOL
sildenafil is also a PDE-6 inhibitor at high doses (erectile dysfunction dose of 50-100 mg stat is higher than PAH dose of 5-20 mg thrice daily); PDE-6 is highly involved in the retina and inhibition leads to blue-tinting of vision
contrast this with digoxin, which engenders xanthopsia through Na-K-ATPase inhibition
spasticity due to spinal mets → if not baclofen, can use diazepam 5 mg thrice daily, especially if comorbid anxiety and insomnia
subcortical dementia: cortical internal linguistics, wordfinding and memory are preserved in early disease as opposed to in corticol disease; however, verbal output (similar to Broca aphasia), alertness and personality are diminished earlier on
bilateral idiopathic cervical plexopathy typically affects C5/C6, characterised by profound wasting of muscles
domperidone cannot cause drug-induced parkinsonism specifically because it does not cross the BBB
syrinx: LMN ssx w/ loss of pain & temp sensation ('cape-like distribution') in ULs + UMN ssx w/ loss of dorsal column sensations in LLs + Horner's syndrome
brain abscess → IV 3rd gen cephalosporin + metronidazole
carbimazole is more potent than PTU, but PTU uniquely inhibits peripheral deiodination of T4
apparently progesterone replacement in HRT increases the risk of breast cancer like wtf lmao this goes against what I've been taught in med school BUT WHATEVER I DON'T HAVE THE SPOONS TO ARGUE
OA vs RA viscosity of synovial fluid
OA synovial fluid glucose ~90-100% of serum levels
topical selenium sulphide for versicolor is mainly for children; for adults, use azole/terbinafine shampoo/solution
seropositivity to RF/anti-CCP is actually a poor prognostic factor in RA; joint erosion within 2 years of symptom onset and insidious onset are also assoc w/ poor prognosis
beta blockers can trigger or worsen plaque psoriasis; progesterone suppresses plaque psoriasis (hence the post-menstrual or post-pregnancy drop in prog can cause flare-ups)
naltrexone may trigger or worsen IBS symptoms, so prefer acamprosate for alcohol abstinence instead in this population
piecemeal necrosis is a feature of chronic active hepatitis
increased hepatic copper deposition is a complication of cholestasis
pancreatitis Glasgow scoring: PANCREAS → PaO2 <80 mmHg, Age > 55, Neutrophilia (WBC >15k), Calcium <8 mg/dl, Renal involvement (urea >100 mg/dl), Enzymes (AST >200, LDH >600 IU/l), Albumin <3 g/l, Sugar >180 mg/dl
5-ASAs have no role in small bowel Crohn's
HCC in Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis is a palliative diagnosis as the hepatic reserve is insufficient to tolerate resection, chemoembolisation or radiofrequency ablation
classical Kaposi sarcoma is seen in older, immunocompetent individiuals (with a male skew?); they are completely asymptomatic
dypnoea + ↓SpO2 despite normal PaO2 + lactic acidosis → methaemoglobinaemia
endogenous water production comes to about 350-450 ml/day (1 ml/g fat, 0.6 ml/g carb, 0.42 ml/g protein)
in nephrogenic DI combo of thiazide + low salt diet can reduce urine output by almost 50%... somehow
even more confusing, vaptans have been show to improve the action of vasopressin on the kidneys in X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (possibly by binding to cytoplasmic V2 receptors and improving their translocation to the cell membrane; relcovaptan, a V1a antagonist, has the strongest evidence base for this)
causes of agranulocytosis: valproate/carbamazepine/ethosuximide, clozapine, propylthiouracil/carbimazole, chloramphenicol/cotrimoxazole, H2-blockers, NSAIDs, allopurinol, mianserin/mirtazapine
rosuvastatin is not metabolised by cytochromes, but OATP 1B1 is responsible for hepatic uptake and inhibition can lead to toxicity
mesangial proliferation is an insensitive finding in glomerulonephritis; thickening and splitting of the basement membrane is more specific for mesangiocapillary (type 1 membranoproliferative) GNitis
HLA-DR2 appears to be protective against autoimmune diseases
in bite wounds, treat pts allergix to coamoxiclav with doxy+metronidazole (good anaerobe coverage)
Wolfram syndrome = AR inherited, symptoms of DIDMOAD (DI, type 1 DM, Optic Atrophy, high-tone sensorineural Deafness), maybe red-green colour blindness idk I don't make the rules
apples and celery are often covered in birch tree pollen, which is a common allergen; hence, apples and celery are frequent triggers of oral mucosal allergy
haemochromatosis displays pseudodominance
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