#miami heat shirt
farlydatau · 8 months
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radiato · 4 months
Celebrate the San Francisco 49ers' Super Bowl triumph with our exclusive T-shirt! Crafted for die-hard fans, this shirt showcases the team's iconic colors and logo, commemorating their championship victory. Made from premium cotton, it guarantees comfort and durability. Wear your team pride and relive the glorious moment every time you put it on. Limited edition, so grab yours now and join the victory parade in style!
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jobforhom-blog · 9 months
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pucksandpower · 25 days
Hydrate or Diedrate
Charles Leclerc x wife!Reader
Summary: after an issue with his car leaves Charles racing without water for the entire Miami Grand Prix, he wants to hydrate with something only you can give him
Warnings: 18+ content and lactation
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The Miami sun beats down relentlessly as you make your way through the paddock after the race. Charles had an eventful day, managing to bring his Ferrari home in P3 despite having no water in his car for the entire Grand Prix.
You spot him being interviewed by the broadcast team, sweat still glistening on his face and his hair matted to his forehead. Though he seems coherent, you can tell he’s feeling the effects of the dehydration.
As soon as the interview wraps, you rush over and take his arm. “Come on, let’s get you out of this heat.”
Charles gives you a grateful smile. “I’m fine, I promise.”
You shake your head sternly. “Don’t give me that. You’re clearly dehydrated.” You glance around and wave over Charles’ best friend. “Can you take Jules for a bit?”
Joris nods and gladly takes your four-month-old son from your arms, expertly cradling the bundled infant. “Of course, go take care of him.”
You guide Charles into the air-conditioned Ferrari motorhome and down the hall to his driver’s room, closing and locking the door behind you. Charles immediately faceplants onto the couch with a groan.
“It was so hot out there. I could barely see straight those last few laps,” he mumbles into the cushion.
You settle onto the couch next to him, rubbing his back soothingly. “I know, I could see it on the screens. You did amazing to hang on for that P3.”
Charles rolls over onto his back, squinting up at you. “Do we have any water in here?”
“Of course.” You grab a bottle from the mini-fridge and hand it to him.
He wastes no time downing half of it in one long gulp. “Ahh, that’s better.” His eyes drift down to your chest, where your nursing bra peeks out from under your shirt. “Actually … I have an even more effective idea for rehydrating.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh? And what might that be?”
Charles sits up, a playful glint in his eyes as he sets the water bottle aside. He reaches for you, bunching the fabric of your shirt in his fists. “This.”
With one deft tug, he frees your breasts from the confines of your top. His tongue darts out to wet his lips as he takes in the sight.
“You know that’s not really what they’re for, right?” You tease, trying not to get too flustered.
Charles scoots closer until your bodies are flush together. His hands roam over your chest reverentially. “I think this is the perfect use for them.”
You shiver at his touch, arousal already beginning to pool in your core. “I don’t know, they’re usually just for feeding Jules ...”
“Well, think of this as multi-purpose.” Charles leans in to press kisses along the swell of your breasts.
Despite your banter, you’re already melting under his touch. “I … ah … I suppose you could use some rehydrating.”
With a low hum of approval, Charles takes one rigid peak into his mouth. He swirls his tongue around it firmly, coaxing out the first few drops of your milk.
A soft gasp escapes your lips at the wet heat of his mouth. You tangle your fingers in his sweat-damp curls to hold him close. “Charlie ...”
He only responds by increasing the suction, hungrily drawing more of your sweet essence. You bite your lip to stifle a moan as he switches to your other breast, lavishing it with the same rapt attention.
All too soon, Charles pulls back with a satisfied smack of his lips, chin and mouth glistening. “Delicious ...”
“You have no idea how hot that was,” you pant, completely transfixed by the erotic image he makes.
A cocky grin tugs at the corner of Charles’ mouth. “Oh, I think I do.” He presses his palm to the front of his race suit, making it obvious just how aroused he is. “Want to help me with this?”
“Absolutely,” you purr, pushing him back against the arm of the couch to straddle his lap.
Charles groans as you grind down against the hard bulge in his suit. “You’re a tease, you know that?”
“Takes one to know one.” You lean in to capture his lips in a heated kiss, all tongue and teeth.
One of Charles’ hands threads into your hair to angle your mouth more firmly against his. The other drifts down to grope your ass, pulling your hips flush with his.
You rock against him shamelessly, addicted to the delicious friction. He meets each grind with a roll of his own hips, quickly reducing you both to panting, needy messes.
“I want you,” Charles rasps against your lips. “Need to be inside you ...”
“Yes ...” You fumble for the zipper of his suit, desperate to free him. “God, yes, take me ...”
He surges up to kiss you again, all heat and urgency and unbridled want. You can taste the tang of your own milk on his tongue and it’s so dirty, so sinfully hot that it makes your head spin.
Finally, you manage to tug the fire-retardant fabric down far enough to free Charles’ straining erection. He hisses at the friction of your hand on his bare length.
“Hurry, mon amour,” he pleads, deft fingers already working to divest you of your underwear. “Need to be inside you ...”
No sooner is the scrap of lace pushed aside than Charles is guiding himself to your entrance. You sink down in one endless slide, stretching deliciously around his girth to take him to the hilt.
“Fuck ...” He bucks up into you with a choked groan.
You whimper at the exquisite fullness, rolling your hips to take him even deeper. Already you can feel the tight heat beginning to gather low in your belly.
Charles grips your hips hard enough to bruise, guiding your movements as you start to bounce on his length. His head falls back against the couch with a thump, mouth falling open in ecstasy.
“You feel so incredible,” he pants, meeting your thrusts with shallow rolls of his own hips. “So hot, so tight ...”
“Only for you,” you gasp out between moans, bracing your hands on his heaving chest.
He slides one calloused palm up to toy with your neglected breast, rolling the stiff peak between his fingertips. You cry out at the new stimulation, walls fluttering around him.
“Going to come just like this,” Charles grunts, increasing the pace. “Make such a mess of you.”
The thought of him painting you with his release has you clenching down hard. You ride him with wild abandon now, chase that electric high.
Charles leans up to suckle at your other breast, drinking you down greedily even as his hips snap up to meet yours. “Yes, just like that, fuck!”
With a broken shout, your orgasm slams into you like a freight train. Every muscle locked rigid, toes curled, as molten bliss washes over you in waves. Charles follows a beat later, still thrusting fitfully as he spills deep inside you with a guttural growl.
For a long moment, the only sounds in the room are your harsh pants mingling together as you float down from your highs. Charles peppers sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along your shoulder and neck, gradually gentling the movement of your joined bodies.
“Incredible,” he murmurs against your salty skin. “Absolutely incredible.”
You hum in satiated agreement, nosing at his hairline. Eventually you pull back far enough to take in his thoroughly debauched state — hair wild, cheeks flushed, lips swollen and red.
So beautifully wrecked because of you.
“Feeling rehydrated now?” You can’t resist teasing.
Charles lets out a breathless chuckle, warm palms sliding up and down your back. “More than I could have ever imagined.”
But the sound of the door opening makes you both freeze.
“Oh mon dieu!” Joris exclaims with a bark of laughter, looking thoroughly amused as he stands in the doorway cradling Jules. “I was just coming to return your son, but it looks like you two are already hard at work on the next one!”
You yelp and scramble to cover yourself as Charles groans in embarrassment, burying his rapidly reddening face against your chest.
Joris is already backing out of the room, Jules blissfully unaware as he continues chuckling to himself. “Never mind, never mind! I’ll just leave you lovebirds to it ...”
The door clicks shut and you can’t help but dissolve into nervous giggles against Charles’ shoulder. He joins in, the rumble of his laughter vibrating between your bodies.
“Well, that was mortifying,” he says once you’ve both calmed down some.
“At least Jules is too young to understand.” You press your smile to Charles’ hair. “Though Joris is never going to let us live that down.”
Charles groans again, but you can see the beginnings of a sheepish grin. “I don’t even care. That was more than worth the embarrassment.”
He tightens his embrace around you, settling in to simply enjoy the closeness for a while longer. You’re inclined to agree — a little teasing is a small price to pay for such blissful rehydration.
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f0point5 · 1 month
i NEED jealous Max. Please 🥺🥺🥺 I love jealous/possessive guys haha the feminism just leaves my body
Me too! GOD. Me, too.
It took me ages to decide how to go about this because I had soooo many ideas but I hope you like it!
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✨set during the Miami GP weekend 2022✨
Everybody wants you, but I don’t like a gold rush
Max glances down at his watch. 17 minutes. 17 minutes you’ve been standing in the gallery area of the garage, fanning yourself with a magazine - with Max’s face on the front of it, no less - in the Miami heat, talking to some freakishly tall guy in a Louis Vuitton denim jacket and aviator sunglasses. He’s so painfully American that Max wonders what you even have to talk about for…eighteen minutes.
You tighten your high ponytail while Paul Bunyon talks, his mouth wide with every word. Max studies your face for any sign that you’re bored. He’s bored of watching this, but he knows from experience that not looking isn’t a real option. You haven’t looked over at him once in those eighteen minutes, in fact you haven’t even been distracted by the mechanics moving around or the noise of drilling and clattering tools.
This guy must be really fucking interesting.
You smile at something Captain America says and Max feels his jaw clenched so hard he thinks a tooth is going to crack.
It’s like he’s thirteen again, watching you stand in the middle of the makeshift paddock at the karting track, swarmed by every one of his competitors, their parents packing up their stuff as they vie for your attention. He was the only one who stayed away, following his dad’s instructions on how to properly dismantle and store things while sneaking glimpses at the show you were running. He would win every race and still go home feeling like a loser.
It’s different now, of course. He doesn’t take your gregarious nature so personally now, and he can admit he understands what men see in you now, even if he doesn’t feel it. But he’d be lying if he said it doesn’t trigger something in him to see the way men react to you. It might irritate him less if you enjoyed it, but you’ve long since grown out of that. Now, you expect it so much that you ignore it, and Max has no choice to but to notice it, the same way you’d notice a rusty knife embedded in your side.
“You’re not listening to me, are you?” GP says, which snaps Max out of his calculations.
“I’m listening,” Max says, fiddling with the brim of his cap. “Drive fast, win race, I got it,”
GP frowns at his dismissive tone, and Max makes a point of looking at his water bottle, lest GP realise what actually had his attention. “Max, you need to focus. What are you even-“ It’s the sound of your laugh - high pitched over the deep bass of the music - that makes GP look across the garage. His features twist in disapproval as he turns back to Max. “You’ve got to be kidding me,”
Max looks down at his shoes, moving his foot as he inspects them. “What?”
Above him, GP groans. “I’m not going to say anything about the situation as a whole, because it’s waste of my time. But specifically now, she’s right there, she’s not going anywhere. Can we please just go through this once and then you can carry on staring?”
Max rolls his eyes, steeling his face as a cameraman enters the garage. He’s wearing a Red Bull shirt so Max doesn’t mind too much, but he can’t be captured looking as morose as he feels. The cameraman pans past him and onto you and the guest. Max watches you cringe as the guy throws up some hand sign to the camera, clearly at home with the media attention.
“Who even is that?” Max asks, unable to hide his rancour. He’s probably going to be forced to take a picture with Popeye later.
“I don’t know, some American football player?” GP says with a shrug, giving Max a helpless look. GP couldn’t give less of a shit about the celebrity guests touted around the gargae, and normally Max is his ally. “Are we done?”
Max nods, but not even a second later he’s looking again. It gets worse the more you talk, he can see this guy becoming more enchanted by the second. He wonders what kind of steroids they take in American sports leagues because the meathead is acting like a dog in heat. He leans towards you at an angle that is wholly unnecessary, his eyes fixated on your mouth, nodding too emphatically at everything you say.
“My God, why doesn’t he just lick her face,” Max says incredulously, more to himself than anything.
“Max,” GP sighs.
“Come on,” Max implores with a scoff, stopping himself from outright gesturing in your direction. “Look at him. That’s embarrassing,”
GP fixes Max with a deadpan expression. “Right, but you being sulky and jealous is the height of cool?”
“I’m not jealous.”
And he isn’t. Because Joe DiMaggio over there doesn’t have anything he wants. He’s not going to waste time being jealous of a guy getting half an hour with you when he has cats, and a home, and a life with you.
Finally, you look in his direction, but only because GP calls your name. “Can you come here?”
You give GP a thumbs up and excuse yourself, trotting over to Max without a second thought. Wannabe Tom Brady brazenly enjoys the view, and Max swears he hasn’t been that close to punching someone since Monza last year.
“What’s up?” You ask, slotting yourself between the two men as you lean back against the shelf.
GP hands you his phone. “Beat this Candy Crush level for me, would you? Been stuck for days,”
You look at him skeptically, but years of being filmed up close by cameras on the pit wall have given GP a hell of a poker face; he just stares back at you, and you give up with a huff.
“Men are hopeless,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
“Couldn’t agree more,” GP says, his eyes pointedly on Max, who can’t even defend himself.
Desperate to avoid GP’s scrutiny, he glances over at the gallery, only to find the Yank looking at him. Well, not him, you. He’s got that curious expression as he assesses you fiddling with GP’s phone, one that says he’s trying to understand if he has something to be worried about. He doesn’t. You’re not his to worry about.
“Here,” Max says, pulling off his cap. You barely look up at him before he puts his cap firmly on your head, holding it steady with one hand while pulling your ponytail through the hole at the back with the other.
The brim of the hat obscures half your face, and Max turns so that half your body is shielded by his, which he tells himself is in case a camera comes by.
“It’s sunny,” Max shrugs in his own defence, when he notices you looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
You adjust the cap on your head but don’t take it off. “Why don’t you just give me your letterman jacket?”
“My what?”
“Never mind,” you chuckle, shaking your head at him as you pat his chest with an indulgent smile.
He takes the opportunity at the sound of a large wheel gun to glance over at the gallery, only to meet the eyes of the guy you were talking to. Now that you’re no longer next to him, Max does sort of recognise him. He plays for some team named after an animal. Max just looks at him - he’ll do this all day if he has to - until the guy shoves his hands in his pockets and pulls out his phone, starting to tap away. Yeah, go back to Raya.
Good riddance, Max thinks to himself as he turns back to you, only to find that you already looking at him. He wonders for how long.
He can tell by your smirk that he’s been caught. If he’s honest with himself you caught him five years ago, this was just one of the few moments he let you know it. And you know it. How could you not know?
He thinks for a second that you’re going to tease him, but you don’t. You shift on your feet so that some of your weight rests against his arm, and go back to playing on GP’s phone.
“Go on, GP,” he says, fighting a smile at the large number 1 on the brim of what is now your hat.
He knows from the way GP is looking at him that he’ll get an earful about this later, but right now, he just clears his throat.
“Right, so,”
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hoesformatt · 1 month
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matt smut, when i saw this photo of matt on chris’ story I ran to write this
dom!rough!matt • poc!reader friendly
contains: pet names, no use of y/n, established relationship, missionary, choking, dacryphilia, a bit of sadism
word count: 1.6k
summary: matt, chris and you watch the miami heat vs boston celtics game since matt and chris root for their hometown team, and you also do the same for the heats. The stakes get high during the game and your mouth begins to get smart so Matt decides to put you in your place
“You got the drinks?!” I yelled while collecting the snacks off the counter, bringing them to the living room. “Getting this ready for a fucking basketball game is pathetic, drinks, chips, candies?! You don’t need all of that shit." Nick protested against us watching the games because he wanted to watch Edward Scissors-Hands for the umpteenth time.
I jumped onto the couch beside my boyfriend, wearing the green Celtics jersey “We’re gonna beat Miami bad.” He flaunted his team, grabbing the bag of chips I set on the table. Chris crept up, placing three shot glasses and a Casamigos bottle on the table.
“Finally some Caso-freak-hoes, I’m tired of the Julio” Matt scoffed, playing around, looking like he was offended because his favourite drink to sip on was Don Julio.
“With every quarter, whoever is leading the losing team has to take a shot” Chris raised his eyebrows at us, and I took the bet, so we all took a shot for pre-game.
At one point, once the game was beginning, we all sat down on the couch and watched the referee throw the jump ball, which the Heats got the power of. “See we started this off and we’re gonna finish it” He rolled his eyes snatching the bag of chips from my grip, my hand still remaining in the position it was before. Not even a few seconds later, the Celtics had the power of the ball and got a 3-pointer on their first shot.
We watched the first quarter go by quickly as the Celtics led by 9 points, and I shook my head. “We’re smoking the heats right now,” Chris nagged, pulling on my shirt and making me roll my eyes. “You gotta take you shotttt,” he said, singing.
Matt poured my glass to the rim, then passed to me, “Cel-tics, Cel-tics, Cel-tics!” They chanted as the tequila burned my throat. Chris clapped in amusement, pouring my Dr. Pepper into a red cup. Matt smirked with a winner-winner chicken dinner smile, and I stuck out my middle finger in defence, which he smacked down and raised a brow at me. “Don’t try that shit princess.” I stayed silent until the game started again.
Jayson Tatum on the Celtics started off the 2nd quarter with a 3-pointer once again, which got Matt and Chris jumping out of their seats, hollering for their team as I laid back in my seat. By the time that the 2nd quarter ended, Bos 42, Mia 27 and I was taking the piss… and this shot.
Matt once again began to put my shot in, but this time painfully slow, talking his mouth off about how the Celtics are going to shit on my team. I got ahold of my glass. “Shut up before I throw this shot in your face” I said without thinking, downing the liquor in the next few seconds. When I placed my cup down, Matt had his tongue pushing against his cheek, staring straight at me.
I completely ignored him, waiting impatiently for the ads to end and the 3rd quarter to start, I arose from my seat and walked to the kitchen to get more ice for my soda. “I’m not gonna tell you again, I hope you know that” Matt had said following me “Yeah, I know” I bitched.
“Stop being a fucking brat, it’s just a game, and we’re just having fun” I walked back to the couch after slamming the fridge door shut, sitting on Chris’ side of the couch instead since I was getting irritated by Matt.
The third time. For the third fucking time, the Celtics started off with a 3-pointer. It was like they were mocking me on the screen at this point. Once the shot sank in, Matt looked behind the couch and Chris’ head, at me, burning a hole through my head. It was 70 - 45 and at this point, I was so over it that I instead took the bottle off the table and poured myself a shot before the quarter even ended.
I was about to drink the shot when Matt stopped me “Chill out, Miami is done for so you don’t even need to be having your 4th shot of the night” I glanced at him, looking back at the shot, tempted to just take it.
“Don’t tell me what to do, I know how to handle my drinks, plus it’s just a game and we’re having fun right?” I clapped back which made Chris’ jaw drop as he began to snicker, looking at Matt with a you’re going to take that smile, unable to leave his face.
“I think she’s a bit tired now; come on, up” Matt demanded, curving around Chris to grab my wrist and pulled me out of my place on the couch. I resisted at first but then I saw the pissed expression on his face and realized what I had done. He guided me up the stairs, smacking my ass while I walked up too slowly.
I entered Matt’s room and he shut the door loudly behind him “Strip and get on your knees” I hesitantly removed my shorts, then my Miami jersey and my bra and finally my panties.
I listened to his orders and got on my knees to the cold floor and pulled his grey sweatpants and boxers down with me. "You talk too much. How about we use your mouth for something better?”
His cock slapped against my face and he glared down at easily becoming impatient with me, I spit on his tip then spread it around his shaft working with my hands at first.
He pulled my head back from refrain myself from sucking his dick. “You thought you were gonna suck my dick? Brats get their throats fucked”
The back of his head hit the end of the cold sink for support but he still held my hair in his hand and his dick in the other.
“Open your mouth for me princess” He smacked his length on my face before shoving it all on mouth choking me out, my head was in his hands filling my cheeks.
His mouth was at a ‘o’ moans escaping and his head falling backwards, I felt choked out by his girth, warm tear falling down my cheeks “You like being a brat, you can take it” He smiled at my expense, pushing my head so far back that my lips touch his balls, gagging.
My hands held the back of his thighs “Hands behind your back” He slapped my cheek lightly as I winded my hands behind my back, bobbing my head at an animalistic pace. He thrusted his dick towards my face until he pulled out jerking his cock and coming on my face.
“You’re not going to talk to me smart again huh?” I nodded taking the stickiness off my face, licking it off my fingers. “Get into the bed and spread those legs for me, princess” I obeyed his orders, taking my naked body onto the bed, the cold air hitting my nipples, making me wince.
Once Matt took off his jersey, he came up in-front of me, opening my folds and placing his middle finger on my clit, playing with it. He dipped his fingers in me, making me gasp, gaping up at Matt and his dangling silver chain.
Matt finished prepping me and aligned his length to my soaking cunt. I whined loudly as he thrusted his cock into me without remorse. “Matt please, please slow, slow” My hand landed on his chest, “Brats don’t get what they want baby,"  he moaned in my ear.
Matt raised my arms over my head, intwining my fingers with him to press into me deeper. I felt Matt’s warm breath on my neck and our warm skin meshing together. Matt’s thrusts were hard, hitting my g-spot repeatedly at an animalistic pace.
We looked down together, watching his cock disappear and reappear in me “You’re so perfect; this pussy is so perfect." He kissed, sucked, and licked my neck, making dark circles. His sultry words made me wetter, our lewd sounds of moans and whimpers mixed together. I grabbed on his neck so my eyes locked with his and he smirked, not parting with them.
My wet insides squeezed around him as he slid into me feeling his pre-cum leak inside of me. “Say my name princess.” He purposely dug so deep I didn’t even know he could reach that far.
“Matttt— Matthew!” I violently came, my legs trembling with all the pleasure taking over my body. I squeezed Matt’s cock in so hard when I came that he released inside of me. I whimpered with Matt’s and my cum coated in and over my pussy. “We’re going to go back and watch the rest of the game, you better behave.”
“Yes” Matt walked into the bathroom finding wipes to clean between my thighs and my stomach, helping me up. I waltzed downstairs with a limp “Celtics just beat Heats by 20 points” Chris announced.
Matt glanced at me with a grin on his face teasing me “I told you so”
tags: @lunariaxzz @chrissturniolosbitch @leahsbussy @luv4kozume @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @idkwhosnyla @strniohoeee @iiheartstef @nonamegirlxsturniolo @ka1nani @1800chokedathoe @fuzzycupcakebeliever @mattgirly @love4chris @mattslutt @nickgetsmewetter @luhsexcbihh @hearts4chriss @thenickgirl @jnkvivi
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dannyricsmirrorball · 8 months
fifth wheel • ln4 ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚ pairing || lando norris x reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre || social media au
ੈ✩‧₊˚ summary || y/n is always fifth wheeling george, carmen, alex, and lily.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ a/n || this is not proof read and probably isn’t perfect but i hope you guys enjoy! part 2 out now 🤍
part 2 part 3
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liked by lilymhe, landonorris, and 120,374 others
yourusername miami 🌴🌴
username1 not y/n third wheeling lily and alex again 😭
lilymhe ur so hot. i love you.
⤷ yourusername UR so hot. i love YOU.
username2 my fave third wheel is back 😮‍💨
alex_albon acting as if u weren’t complaining the whole time we were there
landnorris bringin the heat
username3 queen is back on the paddock w her bffs! but alex and lily defs didn’t get any time alone
⤷ username4 at least carmen and george did
⤷ georgerussell63 we did not 😐
username4 y/n always pulls through w the content
georgerussell63 no feature? 🤨
⤷ yourusername get more clout w lily and alex lately 🤷‍♀️
⤷ carmenmmundt oh.
⤷ yourusername oh…
⤷ alex_albon rspct the hustle 💪 georgerussell63, carmenmmundt
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liked by heidiberger_, yourusername, and 79,678 others
carmenmmundt miami and my favourite people
yourusername I LOVE U
⤷ carmenmmundt well u almost didn’t make the cut so 😒
⤷ yourusername I SAID SORRY,, u love me 🥰
username5 carmen really said no me and george were not exempt from y/n’s activities
georgerussell63 🩵
username6 y/n joining every grid couple when she can is so funny but so cute
⤷ username7 especially lily&alex and carmen&george
⤷ username8 i love that she is now best friends with her best friends’ gfs 🫶
username9 i just know alex and george try to set her up w any of their mates so they’ll finally have alone time w their gfs
liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon, landonorris
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, and 547,194 others
landonorris ball is life 🏖️
mclaren 🐐 of helmet designs.
username10 his helmet designs are always such a slay
yourusername sick lid 🙌
⤷ landonorris thanks mate 🙏
⤷ username11 i love that she’s mates w the whole grid now
georgerussell63 baller
lnfour mega 🧡👏
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liked by williamsracing, mercedesamgf1, and 482,003 others
georgerussell63 Starting the weekend right. Have a good one! ✌️
tagged alex_albon, yourusername
username11 alex 100% convinced george to keep his shirt on
mercedesamgf1 on the grind georgie 🩶
yourusername never again.
⤷ alex_albon u say that every time, no one asked u to come 🤷‍♀️
⤷ lilymhe alex.
⤷ yourusername oh.
username12 alex and his ✌️again
landonorris oh so that’s why u guys couldn’t come play padel 😐
⤷ georgerussell63 ah sorry mate 😬
⤷ yourusername u invited them to play padel?? oh.
⤷ landonorris OH MY GOD. to be fair i just assumed you’d tag along anyways 🫣
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liked by charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt, and 182,091 others
yourusername monaco i love u 🇲🇨
username13 our queen feeding us the goods
landonorris I MADE IT!
⤷ username14 idk if he’ll be this excited when y/n doesn’t leave him and his next gf alone
⤷ alex_albon 🤔
charles_leclerc awww thanks y/n/n that’s rlly sweet… but i do have a girlfriend 😧
⤷ yourusername yeah i want her. not u.
⤷ alexandrasaintmleux u can have me 🥰
⤷ charles_leclerc 😟😟
alex_albon why would u do this to me? 😐
⤷ lilymhe i think u look quite bonita babe
⤷ alex_albon yeah i’m sure u do 🙄
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liked by williamsracing, alex_albon, and 79,435 others
lilymhe golf vacay 🩷🩷
tagged alex_albon, yourusername
username15 omg y/n thirdwheeled alex and lily’s weekend retreat 😭they really can not get rid of her
yourusername mum&dad 😍😍
⤷ alex_albon stop it.
username16 is y/n any good at golfing lily?!
⤷ carlossainz55 as someone who has golfed w her. no. no she is not.
⤷ yourusername hey! i’m a grower!
username17 lily, her wag, and her wag’s best friend 👨‍👩‍👧
⤷ alex_albon y/n is not my best friend
⤷ yourusername YES I AM.
⤷ alex_albon who would u choose. me or lily?
⤷ yourusername i would sacrifice myself!
⤷ lilymhe it’s okay we all know the answer babe 😘
⤷ yourusername 😉
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liked by lnfour, riabish, and 192,760 others
landonorris golf.
username18 back in his natural habitat
mclaren ⛳️
maxfewtrell having fun?
⤷ landonorris yk it
 ⤷ maxfewtrell i’m sure you are mate 😉
username19 oh my god. that’s the same course lily, alex, and y/n had their golf vacay
⤷ username20 omgomgomg did y/n and lando third and fourth wheel lily and alex 😭😭
⤷ username21 they probably went on diff days
⤷ username20 shhhh don’t ruin the fun
yourusername golf.
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liked by francisca.cgomes, carmenmmundt, and 89,342 others
yourusername golf!
tagged lilymhe, carmenmmundt, georgerussell63, alex_albon, landonorris
landonorris idk if u can call what u were doing golf 🫣
⤷ yourusername oh!
username23 BYE lando and y/n didn’t just third wheel alex and lily but george and carmen as well 😭
⤷ username24 living for this friendship tho
⤷ username25 or maybe more 🫣🤭
⤷ username24 ugh not every girl and guy in the same vicinity are dating. they can be friends.
georgerussell63 let’s not pretend u didn’t just sit in the golf buggy and use lando’s camera
⤷ yourusername me and heat don’t go well together, you know that george!
carmenmmundt we’ll have to do it again sometime!
⤷ yourusername we do, soon!
⤷ lilymhe we do 🩷🩷
⤷ alex_albon idk why u guys are acting like she won’t be w us the entirety of next weekend and probably everyday after that
⤷ yourusername let’s be make it a girls trip 😒
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liked by masonmount, maxverstappen1, and 1,626,720 others
landonorris p2 and a 🏆 at my home race!!!!! ❤️ you guys are crazyyyyyy 💙
mclaren proud 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
maxfewtrell absolute scenes, proud brother 🧡
username26 WOOHHHHHH
teamquadrant frame it 🖼️
yourusername mega drive champ!
⤷ landonorris 🧡
⤷ username27 the heart 🫣 defs dating
⤷ username28 oh yeah 4sure
⤷ username29 awww they’re so cute 🤭
georgerussell63 😮‍💨
oscarpiastri 👏👏
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liked by heidiberger_, alex_albon, and 134,098 others
yourusername ma boys rocked it in silverstone
tagged alex_albon, georgerussell63, landonorris, lilymhe, patrickh_coach, adam_norris_pure_electric
username30 her boys 😭
username31 does anyone else find it weird that she posts and talks abt them like she’s dating them 🤔
⤷ username32 she’s been best friends w alex and george since she was 13. she’s best friends w their girlfriends as well. ur making it weird.
⤷ username33 but lando 😏
landonorris thanku mate!
⤷ yourusername no problem, just being a good friend 😄
⤷ username34 they really squashing the rumours
maxverstappen1 no congrats for the winner??
⤷ landonorris soz mate cant have her affiliating w the enemy
⤷ yourusername yeah he’s right sorry champ, was purely going for the brits this weekend 😳
username35 LANDO’S DAD???
username36 so are her and lando a thing or??
⤷ username37 nah i don’t think so
part 2
1K notes · View notes
Summary: Colt has a bit of an oral fixation...
A/N: The Fall Guy is my new favourite thing and I personally would gnaw on Colt Seavers like a chew toy.
Colt x afab reader <3
As per usual, it's NSFW 18+ @ken-dom as always my darling, I thank you for your support and inspiration and late night chats.
There will certainly be more Seavers in the very near future ;) but for now, be gentle, I'm no stunt man
Enjoy my loves <3
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There was a heavy knock on your trailer door before it clicked open and Colt ducked inside. 
His shaggy blond hair falling in his face as he smiled that smile that made you weak in the knees. 
He was covered from head to toe in dirt and dust in your favourite outfit; jeans with both knees ripped out and a dirty white t-shirt and work boots in his Miami Vice stunt team jacket. 
“Hi” you smiled, as his large arms slipped around your waist, pulling you against him. 
Your arms snaked around his neck, his skin warm and sun kissed against your forearms. 
“Hi” he whispered before claiming your lips in a heated gentle kiss. He pushed you back gently against the small counter. You moaned softly against his mouth as he sucked on your bottom lip making your stomach flutter. 
His teeth pulled gently on your lip before your tongue tangled with his, returning his kiss with just as much fervor. 
He boosted you up on the small ledge, his fingers sliding under the hem of your shirt, squeezing gently, grazing over the smooth skin of the small of your back. 
The walkie talkie at the end of the counter crackled with chatter, Dan was looking for you. 
You pushed Colt back gently, prying your lips from his, albeit reluctantly, leaning to reach the small radio. Colt paid it no mind whatsoever, opting to continue his assault. His beard scratched over your skin as his teeth nipped along the length of your neck as he mumbled protests. 
Holding his shoulder for support, you leaned further, fingers just brushing against the walkie talkie as he sucked harshly at the hollow of your collarbone. 
You gasped, squeezing his shoulder “Colt, please-” you strained to reach the radio as Dan called again, knocking it over. 
You giggled as his bangs tickled against your cheek, his hand closing around your wrist pulling you back to him. 
“Nn-no” you protested as his frame enveloped yours as he turned you to face him, still stretched over the length of the counter, his weight heavy on top of you as he cupped your cheek, his lips finding yours as you protested half heartedly. 
Your breath caught in your throat against his mouth as you felt yourself slip from the countertop; his strong arm locking around your back kept you from falling to the floor as your arms instinctively wrapped around his broad shoulders. 
You break your kiss a second time, panting heavily against his neck as you try again to protest. 
“Colt” you breathed hard as he moaned against your neck, but made no effort to lift his head; instead his perfect teeth leaving love bites down your throat, leading down toward your cleavage. 
You whined pathetically as his warm tongue licked over your skin. Your entire body going limp in his arms, fingernails scratching against the nape of his neck. He knew just how to push your buttons. 
His free hand pulling the deep v neck of your t-shirt down even further as he dragged his nose between your cleavage. 
“Oh my-” you gasped, licking your lips as he hummed with approval; the support of the counter under you was gone, his arm across your back and one unsteady foot barely touching the floor between his boots, keeping you suspended where he wanted. 
There was a loud knock on the door of the trailer, Dan's booming voice coming from the other side. 
“Colt you better not be in there!”
That stopped him in his tracks, but he only looked up at you from his place between your breasts, his blue eyes meeting yours with a mischievous glint as he stood rooted to the spot. 
You bit your lips together, fighting back a laugh as Colt winked at you but didn't move. 
You squeezed your eyes shut laughing quietly as Colt moved to start sucking on your overheated skin. 
You grit your teeth pushing him gently by the shoulder but you knew it was in vain. “Stop it” you whispered harshly. 
“He's not here Dan!” You yelled and Colt's head shot up
“Shhhh” Colt frowned up at you 
“He knows I'm in here” you whispered harshly 
Colt just rolled his eyes
“Check the coffee cart!’ you yelled, your fingers twisting in his mop of tangled hair. 
“Mhm” was Dan's unbelieving, muffled reply.
Colt only snorted into your cleavage and you pulled on the thick strands of his hair hard, making him growl low in the back of his throat. 
He stood up straight, pulling you with him before he sank to his knees in front of you, his hands pushing up the thin fabric of your shirt, he kissed a trail over your bare stomach; both your hands on either side of his head, threading through his hair. 
His nimble fingers working open the button of your jeans before he slid them down your legs along with your panties. 
You rested against the counter, your eyes fluttering closed as you felt him lean in closer to your core. 
Your heart thudded loudly in your ears as his calloused hands slid back up the length of your now bare thighs. 
He let out a soft moan as you scratched against his scalp a second time, his head dipping to lick a hot stripe between your thighs. 
You cried out, your knees instantly buckled as you threw your head back. 
Colt slid a hand under the back of your thigh, hooking your knee over his left shoulder to move himself closer. 
You balanced against the counter on one foot as he slid underneath you, his hands firmly on your hips. 
He moaned against your slick folds making you whine with need over his head; both your hands holding his head still as he fucked you with his tongue. 
Your weight rested heavily against his shoulder as you bucked your hips, grinding against him as his beard scratched the inside of your thigh, only adding to your bliss.
“Holy fuck” you swallowed hard, eliciting another moan between your thighs. 
You dropped your chin against your neck as his tongue flicked over that oversensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Colt g-god” you whimpered unashamedly as he lapped at your leaking core, desperate to push you over the edge. 
His fingers gripped your hips with a painful need, his short fingernails biting into your flesh. 
His tongue skilfully working between your folds. The entirety of your weight threatening to collapse on him knelt in front of you. 
You shuddered over him and he moaned under you, knowing you were close. 
“Colt I-” you squeezed your eyes shut, struggling to find the words. You hummed, biting down hard on your bottom lip. 
You gasped, trying again failing miserably stumbling over his name a second time “C-Colt”
He simply moaned with agreement devouring you like you were his last meal….and if Dan got ahold of him you probably would be. 
You moaned, desperate and needy over his head, fisting chunks of his thick hair. “Colt” you breathed. 
Again, he moaned against your core with agreement, not even bothering to come up for air. 
“Mhm, mhm, mhm” he attempted a nod, but your grip in his hair made it difficult. 
All at once the one knee holding you steady, buckled, Colt's grip on your hips tightening instantly to keep you stationary as you yanked hard on the hair between your fingers, thrusting your hips shamelessly, grinding against him, fucking his face, quite literally riding out your orgasm as he lapped up and sucked every last drop. 
You nearly collapsed against the counter as he eased your leg from off his shoulder and got to his feet, an impressive hard on, pressing wet against his jeans. 
Barely giving you a chance catch your breath and come down from your high he claimed your mouth in a desperate kiss; his entire face wet with your slick. 
You reached between you, ripping his jeans open and shoving your hand inside, fingers wrapping around his throbbing, leaking shaft. 
He pulled his mouth from yours, his breath hot and heavy against your neck as he growled through grit teeth, his cock twitching hard in your fingers. Precum spilling from the tip, dripping over your hand. 
His teeth sank into your neck, making you whimper and squeeze him harder. He bit so hard on the little hollow under your ear you thought for sure he would pierce skin before he sucked hard, you had no doubt, forming a dark purple bruise in his wake.  
His entire body was coated in a thin sheen of sweat. 
You pulled his cock free, stroking him gently. 
Leaning next to his ear you breathed hard after running your tongue along his jaw. 
“Mark me” you whispered, his cock twitched again and he bucked his hips with a groan. “Then fuck my mouth”
Again, his teeth sank into your neck, this time he did pierce your skin making you cry out with a moan against his shoulder. 
You sank to your knees in the small space, immediately hollowing your cheeks and taking his entire throbbing length into your mouth. 
The deep groan over your head making your core throb as his massive hands gathered your hair into a snarled ponytail, the head of his cock bumping the back of your throat as he fought to keep himself in check. 
Your hands dropped in your lap as you let him take complete control, his hips moving slowly at first as you moaned around his length. Until you looked up at him from under your lashes with a small quiet moan. 
His eyes locked on yours and all at once his hips thrust forward, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat with enough force to make you choke slightly, but he didn't stop. 
His grip on your hair tightened as he did what you'd asked, fucked your mouth. 
You let him slide over your tongue effortlessly as he breathed heavily through his nose and muttered “Fuck”
You moaned around him, which only egged him on, coating your tongue with the beginning of his release. 
His hips snapped hard and you moaned approvingly before he stumbled over his own words. “C-come I'm g-nnnuh”
Before you had a chance to acknowledge the flurry of noises over your head, Colt grunted and his thick hot release filled your mouth and just like he had, you sucked and swallowed everything he had to give. 
He braced himself on the counter as you let him slide from your mouth before wiping the back of your hand across your lips and got to your feet. 
You both put yourselves back together, and you buttoned your jeans as Colt's arms slipped back around his waist. Both of you still catching your breath. 
He kissed across your face and down your neck, his teeth marks prominent, red and angry against your tanned skin. He kissed it gently before continuing along your jaw. 
You hummed with protest as your hands slid up his back. “You're insatiable,” you giggled “Take up gum chewing or something” 
He shook his head gently, “Uh huh,” his mouth barely pulling away to speak as continued to pepper your neck and face with kisses before his lips found yours, “Kiss more first…” he muttered against your lips, kissing you gently before he pulled back as you giggled. 
“Control yourself, Seavers” 
“Never” he shook his head pushing you back against the counter to once again lose his nose in your cleavage. His mouth sucking and nipping at the mounds of your flesh.
You pushed him back gently with a laugh surveying the bright red bite marks he left behind. 
“God, can you at least hide them better?” You smirked as he leaned over you, you cupped his cheek, pulling him to you. 
“I could,” he shrugged in between kisses “But I don't want to” 
You rolled your eyes, pushing his bangs back off his forehead as he leaned over you. “I miss your long hair” you whispered as he leaned forward to kiss the tip of your nose.
“Wanna go do some donuts?” 
“You mean go make out in your truck instead of in here?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“And maybe a couple of donuts,” he shrugged. When you didn't answer right away he continued “I'll start growing my hair out” he smiled
You smiled and draped your arms around his neck as he pulled you up from the counter. “How can I say no to that?”
He shrugged nonchalantly with that goofy grin you fell in love with. 
“Let's go Stunt Man” you smiled, planting one last kiss on his swollen lips before slipping around him and out of your trailer. 
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farlydatau · 1 year
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Jimmy Butler -Jimmy Buckets Retro Vintage 90's Style Inspired Butler NBA Graphic
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blackmensuited · 1 year
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44 notes · View notes
cal-flakes · 10 months
dealer!rafe bringing barry and other important ppl in the business home, and then they all find reader in her underwear dancing around the kitchen w a joint (the music was so loud she didn’t hear them come in)
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╰┈➤ prying eyes (blurb)
warnings: drug use, mentions of a gun, swearing.
summary: y/n gets caught in an awkward situation.
“california..knows how to party!” she sang, shimmying around the kitchen island with nothing but a pair of pink panties and a white t-shirt covering her. her feet danced around next to their dog, milo, who tilted his head at her.
blowing out a cloud of smoke, she quickly tapped the ash from her joint into the ashtray, swaying her hips to the music to the 90’s beat as she did.
she chuckled at the concerned look on milo’s face before kneeling in front of him, grabbing one of his paws to mimick her dancing. “let me welcome everybody to the wild-wild west..” she rapped, giggling as the bulldogs tail wagged.
this went on for a while as she let her playlist play through, dancing and smoking around the kitchen. she was pretty high, but she gained a much higher tolerance for it having been around rafe for so long, he was a terrible influence.
y/n jumped up in excitement as miami started playing through the built in sound system, specially fitted for her and her love of music. “party in the city where the heat is on, all night on the beach till the break of dawn” she sang, waving her arms to the beat.
she didn’t even notice milo running out of the room, tail wagging furiously. sparking the freshly rolled joint, she inhaled deeply, bopping her head to the music as her hips swung.
the volume in the kitchen was so loud, she failed to hear the multiple voices nearing her.
rafe continued explaining to barry and some others what he had done with the cross, walking them through the process of melting it down. fully immersed in the conversation, his reaction to the other boys’ jaw’s dropping was slightly delayed.
“so now we’re gonna- what?” he spoke, his head turning in the same direction, he too was utterly surprised to find his girlfriend jumping around the kitchen, completely oblivious to the four boys stood in the doorway.
he quickly noticed her lack of pants as she scanned her small frame, suddenly pulling his gun from his waistband, pointing it in their direction. “close your fucking eyes and turn around!” he snapped, watching as the two unfamiliar boys cowered, yet barry chuckled, simply turning away from the kitchen.
lowering the weapon, he pulled his phone out to override the sound system, cutting the music off.
“what the- oh fuck!” she shrieked, moving behind the island, covering her lower half from any prying eyes. her cheeks flushed as rafe’s furious stare caught her eyes. “hey, you didn’t tell me! this isn’t my fault!” she pled, pointing accusingly in his direction.
“upstairs y/n. take milo too” he said, venom lingering on his tongue. nodding frantically, she began ushering milo through the house while rafe quickly diverted the trio of men in the opposite direction, ensuring they wouldn’t catch a glimpse of anything.
she scurried up the stairs, phone in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. sighing, she pushes open their shared bedroom door, launching herself onto the bed.
she chuckled as milo whined beside her, laying his heavy head on her stomach. “we’re in trouble miles..” she groaned, stroking the soft fur between his eyebrows.
790 notes · View notes
beforeimdeceased · 9 months
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what can i say? i missed academic!rival abby…
academic!rival abby has a very serious problem with her tongue, which she usually has to make up for with her muscles.
her figure towering over the crude and judgmental woman that had formerly been in front of you. suggesting that your ideas were pathetic and impractical. that no one would ever let you do anything in their offices, except for file paperwork.
abby can see you’re taken back, biting down into your tongue. stunningly holding composure. you excuse yourself to the bathroom and end up walking out into the cold night.
“you wouldn’t know smart if it smacked you in the face. your company is crumbling, i’ve seen your stocks, and let me tell you something about impractical. impractical is you thinking you’re an entrepreneur when you’re really just a disgrace and a forever COO.”
after reading the poor woman to filth, she’ll come out to find you: crouched down holding your face in your hands. “hey, what’s the matter? don’t let that idiot get you down.”
“she’s right though. i’m not cut out for this. i’m not like you. you’re gonna be a doctor someday and i’ll be stuck with my head in the clouds.”
and she’ll remain silent for a moment, crisscrossing her legs and joining you on the ground. the bottom of her pricey dress pants ending the lives of a small family of large ants.
“you are the smartest person i know. and you have the most brilliant ideas. you’re going to go farther than anyone i’ve ever met because you have the heart for it. you have the heart for anything.”
you look up at her and she smiles, running the pad of her thumb over your cheek to catch a tear. “and that heifer in there is about two more dr miami sessions away from looking like a lab experiment.”
you laugh and her heart goes warm.
the first time you and abby, who had formally been your rival, sleep together it’s passionate and heated. on a school trip to paris, funded by the lovely mr anderson himself, she ensured that you were bunked together. you’d seen a slip in your grades (from 99 to 98, god forbid) and you planned to study until your eyeballs fell out of your head.
“i don’t understand why you’re working yourself to death!” her voice will travel from the hotel room’s bathroom to its lounge area where you resided. “you’re already smart.”
“you don’t get it abby. i need to be smarter. god i’m so fucking tired.” is a frustrated sigh. she’ll mumble something along the lines of i told you so— just go to sleep and you’ll turn around to argue with her. surprised to see she’s standing over you with a serious look on her face.
“you being up is keeping me up. you need to chill the fuck out.”
“don’t tell me what i need to do anderson. you need to get out of my fucking face.”
you’re both breathing heavy and leaning in. the air around you seems to push you closer together, your lips clash. it’s as if igniting a flame, her hand on your lower back deepening the kiss. you humming because it feels so good to be in her care. she’ll pull up for air and you both look at each other like “what the fuck did we just do?”
but it wasn’t bad, something you both can agree on. all the way to the bed when she cups at your clothed cunt, making your legs shake. “this why you all tense? just haven’t been touched right?”
you nod and try to let out a breathy “yeah.” but it’s caught in another kiss as her hands pull up your shirt. her tongue toys with your right nipple while her thumb plays with your left. working at the bundle of nerves building in your stomach.
she’ll move her head back up to your neck to leave sweet wet kisses, a couple hickies in the mix. you’re so wound up you think you might fucking explode. you needed her so bad it was making you sick.
“abby please. please fuck me i need you.” you whimper into her ear. she shifts gears, nearly tossing you off the bed from how quickly she changes positions. kissing your cheek before going further down. “don’t worry, i’ll take good care of you.”
and ofcourse whatever that night was, it was big hush hush. whatever happens in paris, stays where?
539 notes · View notes
djarinvibe · 5 months
Oblivion (Javier Peña x F!Reader)
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A/N: crawling out of hibernation to post a javi p fic before disappearing again. Enjoy!
Summary: After a one night stand with Javier, you come to learn you are pregnant. Angst ensues
Words: 6k
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), public piv sex, oral (f!receiving), a lil angst, swears -- lmk if i missed anything <3
Italics = flashback // masterlist
The heat of Bogotá was starting to make you senile, even while sitting in the DEA office that’s loaded with fans to circulate the stale, hot air. The papers filled with valuable information you’ve been staring at were beginning to strain your eyes, the small lettering from the typewriter swirling across the page. 
You've been here for what felt like days, even though it's only been a handful of hours since you arrived this morning. The ashtray on your desk still emitted a thin line of smoke from the cigarette you had just snuffed out, and the coffee you brewed yourself a few hours ago had long gone cold from neglect.
Setting down the files in your grasp, your free hand rose up to your face, resting your head in your palm. Some days it felt like your job was impossible. No matter what you or your partners, Steve Murphy and Javier Peña did, Escobar always seemed to slink away just in the nick of time; even with the help of Carrillo and the search bloc.
It didn’t help that your mind was clouded by something else that happened just the night before. Something you never expected would happen since yours and Steve’s arrival to Colombia.
The two of you were both assigned to Escobar’s case and flew in together with Connie and their- now deceased- cat. However, you aren't from Miami like Steve is. You're actually from the west coast, Oregon to be exact. 
“Y’alright, Darlin’?” You heard Steve’s voice across the room, prompting you to lift your head. The blonde, lanky man stood leaning against the doorframe to your office with a steaming coffee and freshly lit cigarette in his grasp.
“Just… one of those days.” You murmured, giving the man a faux smile before sighing softly. 
“Are you going to tell Murphy?” Peña spoke after exhaling from a drag. He sat on the couch in his apartment, shirt off with his jeans still unbuttoned, staring down the bare skin of your back you had yet to clothe. 
You scoffed, shaking your head while pulling up your pants, “Absolutely not. This was a ‘one and done’ type of situation.” 
You slept with Javier on a whim; drunk, exhausted, and desperate to catch a quick release. Though after the two of you finished, it was a sobering experience to realize you had just fucked your coworker.
Since moving here and meeting him, you couldn’t deny that you’ve developed feelings over time; despite his reputation of sleeping around. Working long, late hours with him and Steve, you came to learn he isn’t as horrible as the gossips in the office seem to think he is. 
But even with that knowledge, you couldn’t let yourself get hurt. Not by him. Not when you have to face each other at work almost every day.
“It’s only noon.” Steve smirked, raising the mug in his grasp to take a sip of the coffee. 
“I had a long night.” You responded, eyes meeting your partners once again. You trusted Steve with your life. Being placed in dangerous, life threatening situations will make you feel that way about the people you experienced them with. But, you couldn't tell him that you and Javier slept together last night. 
Especially because Steve has been teasing the two of you about your evident chemistry for months now; both him and Connie whenever the four of you would get dinner or drinks. 
But you were firm on the idea that a relationship with him wasn’t going anywhere. Besides, as soon as Escobar was either jailed or dead, you'll most likely go your separate ways, returning to the home states you came from. And you couldn't let a relationship get in the way of your career.
You're still relatively young, having just turned thirty three months ago. You worked your ass off to be in the position you are now, a DEA agent, despite your field being mostly dominated by men. Misogynistic, dick-headed, men. 
And you certainly weren't going to let one of those men- Javier, to a lesser degree- get in your way. 
“I have to confess something,” You drunkenly slurred, looking at the woman seated on the couch next to you. Connie’s eyes widened as a mischievous, eager-for-gossip grin covered her face. 
The two of you had planned a girls night on one of your days off. Constantly working and being around testosterone all the time was frustrating, so any time spent with Connie was cherished. 
The two of you really became close on the flight from Miami to Colombia. Instead of flying out from Oregon, you first flew across the country and met Steve in Florida. After a few weeks preparing for your new assignment along with your new partner, you, Steve and Connie departed to Colombia.
“What?” She giggled, sipping the margarita in her grasp. 
“I slept with Peña, like two weeks ago.” You murmured, watching the woman's face twist into all sorts of emotions, mainly shocked.
“Really?” She finally found the words to speak.
“We got drunk and it just kind of happened,” You shrugged, taking a sip of your own drink. 
“Can I ask… How was it?” She giggled as she asked the question, a goofy grin crossing her face, cheeks heating up.
His rough hands grabbed at your ass as you rode him on the couch, skin slapping from how fast he was guiding you. You could feel every inch of his condom-covered cock fill you up, and only craved more as you feverishly rubbed your clit. 
Your eyes met his own amongst the pleasure, making your chest flutter from the intensity and passion. He was hungry for your body; the taste, the feel. It’s something he's been craving for months; watching you parade around in your tight skirts. Steve gave him shit about it constantly, clocking nearly immediately how much Javier took a liking to you, but he always brushed it off.
“God, cariño,” He groaned, watching your breasts bounce. You bit your lip as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, switching positions so your back was now on the couch and he was standing. 
His cock plunged back into you immediately, causing you to call out his name, nails digging into his arms which had moved down as his hands grasped your hips. 
“Javi,” It was breathy and caused him to falter at how sexy his name sounded falling from your lips. He’s heard it a million times before, but not like this, not so needy and whiny.
It caused him to pick up his pace, watching your face twist with delight as he fucked you into the couch. Many women have been in this very spot, but you outstand them by far. Your pussy fit his throbbing cock like a glove, your breasts are the perfect shape and size for his hands and lips, your mouth did wonderful things as well. The blowjob you gave him before you fucked nearly made him bust like a damn teenager. 
“Oh, you're going to make me cum,” Your voice rasped out of your throat as your nails dug into his biceps. This would be the third time he's making you finish for the night, a personal record. You haven't had amazing partners in bed in the past. 
The familiar burn began to form in your lower belly, your nerves feeling as though they were electric. The man released his hand from your hip and moved it to your core, thumb quickly rubbing your clit in fast circles. 
“Cum for me, hermosa,” He grunted, feeling your pussy clench around his cock. The sensation caused his own orgasm to begin to rush up on him, prompting him to thrust faster. 
Your orgasm washed through your body as you moaned Javier’s name loudly, head tilted back into the couch cushions from the overwhelming sensation. You could feel the man's thrusts get sloppier until he too came, cock buried deep in your pussy with a groan, little whispers of praise leaving his lips.
“It was uh-” You paused, feeling your own face gaining heat at the memory, “Good. I'll tell you that.” 
“I'm so happy that this happened.” Connie gushed, leaning forwards in excitement, “Steve and I have had a bet going on for months. He owes me five bucks.” 
You shook your head and rolled your eyes, wanting her to relish in the excitement before you dropped the bombshell of reality onto the woman. As much as Connie and Steve- apparently- wanted this to happen, it just wasn't going to. You made that clear with Javier, now you'll have to do the same with them.
“Hey,” Javier’s low voice caught your attention, causing your stomach to drop. You’ve been avoiding him to the best of your abilities since that night seven weeks ago.
Not only because you slept together, but also because, just last night, you found out you were expecting. 
The light knock on your apartment door caused you to jump off of the couch and rush over, pulling open the entryway. Connie greeted you with a pitiful, yet encouraging grin. You could see the brown paper bag in her grasp as she slipped into your home, walking past you. 
“Do you really think it’s-” She began, walking until she stood in the living room while also handing you the bag. 
“Yes.” You cut her off, opening the paper bag to reveal two pregnancy tests. You felt your stomach churn at the sight and swallowed down the bile that threatened to come up.
“What did you tell Steve?” You asked, looking back up at the blonde before treading over to the bathroom. 
“He's not even home yet. Him and Javier had to go somewhere following a tip regarding Poison.” She shrugged her shoulders, sitting down on the couch. You chewed your lip, not only anxious for the result of the pregnancy tests, but now for your boys. You should be out there with them... but you're sick at home because of one.
You nodded even though she couldn't see and quietly stepped into the bathroom. It didn't take long for you to do what the instructions asked, anxious enough for the result. 
When you flipped the two tests over, revealing little pink pluses on each, bile immediately rose to your throat, causing you to rush over to the toilet and release the contents of your belly. 
Connie was quick to knock on the door before entering, rushing over to your figure and rubbing your back for comfort. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the tests, widening when she saw the evident positive on both, before looking back down at your sad figure. 
“Oh, honey,” She whispered softly as you raised your head, tears streaming down your cheeks hotly. She grabbed some toilet paper from nearby and gently patted them away, hand cupping your cheek.
“I just… didn't expect this.” You sniffled, shaking your head “We used protection, I-” You stopped and shook your head, a fresh set of tears streaming down your cheeks. 
You haven't exactly slept without anyone since Javier. Anytime you tried picking up someone at the bar after work, they just weren't the same. You couldn't even make it past a heated make out session before feeling the need to kick them out or leave.
“What's up?” You didn't dare look at him, your stomach still twisting. You kept your gaze at the manila file in your grasp, facing shelves full of boxes containing files.
“You alright?” He questioned, stepping further into the room, eyeing down your back. You swallowed, hearing his footsteps as they got closer to your figure. 
“I’m fine, why?” You furrowed your brow, finally raising your head and looking over your shoulder at the man. He could see the emotions you were so desperately trying to hide, making his own chest ache.
The truth is, the night you fucked had also been stuck on his mind. And the obvious avoidance you've shown has been messing with his head. He understood nothing more was to come from that night in his apartment, but he didn't expect you to be so cold; even at work. 
When he walks into a room, you leave it. And if you're sitting at your desks, you always make an excuse to go work in the conference room. Not just that, but you also won't even look at him half the time, and only address Steve when the three of you are standing together. 
“No reason.” Javier shook his head, “Murphy just wanted to know if you found the file?” He quickly changed the subject. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. I just found it,” You began, finding the confidence to turn around and meet his gaze, “Was just reading through to make sure it was the right one.” You noticed how close he’d stepped into the small room; nearly trapping you against the wall of files. It made your heart race and emotions run amuck. 
This is why you had been avoiding him.
Early pregnancy symptoms have been kicking your ass. And having Javier there to rub your back when you felt cramps, or hold your hair back when you were nauseous hanging over the toilet, was something you craved.
“We should get back to Steve then.” The man commented. You nodded, eyes averting from his face to his chest. The shirt he was wearing had been unbuttoned dangerously low, making your cheeks fill with heat. You no longer had to imagine what his bare chest looked like, as you've already gotten to see it. 
“Is there something on my shirt?” Javier's voice broke you from your memory, and you felt your face gain heat rapidly. 
“No.” You quickly stuttered out, shaking your head, and pushing past him to get out of the corner he had trapped you in.
By sixteen weeks, your pants wouldn't button anymore, and your bump was getting less easy to hide. You had to switch to baggier blouses and stretch pants. Luckily, having male work partners, they haven't noticed your changing body yet.
It came as a surprise because you've since quit smoking, drinking, and caffeinated coffee. 
Connie has been keeping your secret well. You begged her not to tell Steve until you were ready, to which she agreed. She understood you needed time to figure everything out. Being a single, pregnant woman is mostly frowned upon this day in age. Not that you care about that bullshit, but you don't particularly enjoy being the center of attention. 
You also need to figure out if and when you are going to tell Javier. Deep down, you know you should. And if you end up getting sent back to the states because everyone found out, then that's fine as well.
Your plan was to stay and help as much as you could, until near the end of your pregnancy. When it reaches that time, you'll take maternity leave combined with your vacation days, and fly back home. After your baby is born… you don't really know what you're going to do.
A knock on your apartment door caught your attention, and you stood up, brows furrowing. It was late, close to midnight. You had gotten off work a short amount of hours ago, but weren't expecting any visitors. 
You reached into your purse and pulled out your gun, making sure it was loaded before slowly treading to the front door. Looking through the peephole, your stomach dropped as to who stood in the hallway. 
Unarming your pistol, you placed it back onto your purse before returning over to the door and opening it. 
“Javier?” You had seen him at work earlier, but his sudden appearance at your apartment, blocks away from his own, was a shock. 
Despite trying your best to ignore him earlier in your pregnancy, you eventually learned to push your feelings about everything to the back burner and only talk shop. No personal life was discussed, only work.
“I need to talk to you.” He spoke, brown eyes boring into your own. You felt your stomach drop, nodding as you stepped aside and allowed him in. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as soon as he walked by you, heading towards the couch. 
“What's up?” You questioned, pulling your robe tighter around your body while watching him sit. You had gotten out of the shower only twenty minutes ago, and hadn't bothered to get clothed yet, save for a bra and underwear. 
“I need to ask you about the coordinates to Escobar's current hideout.” He spoke, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his front pocket.
“Oh, um, please don't smoke in here.” You commented, swallowing heavily. The man gave you a quizzical look, tucking the cigarettes back into his pocket. 
“Are you quitting or something?” He questioned.
“Something like that.” You spoke, sitting on the opposite end of the couch, “So, what questions do you have?” 
“Carillo and the Search Bloc are going to drop into Escobar’s tomorrow morning. I'm having my informant confirm the coordinates once more, you should have yours do the same.” Javier answered, looking you down. 
Seeing you there sitting in your robe, fresh out of the shower caused his heart to pick up and cock come to attention. Your cleavage had popped out, the robe slightly splitting open at the top when you sat down. He couldn't help but notice that your breasts seemed larger. Your legs were also deliciously exposed, and looked so soft. 
The man just wanted to feel your skin; squish the meat of your thighs, kiss the gorgeous crevice where your legs meet your torso.
“I’ll get a hold of them.” You nodded towards him, “You came all this way just for that?” You then questioned.
The man muttered something about tapped phone lines- which you suspected was a lie- before asking if you had any liquor.
 With a nod, you stood up and walked over to your kitchen, pulling a bottle of whiskey out the cabinet. You then poured him a glass before carrying both the freshly poured liquor and the bottle back over to the couch, placing them down in front of his figure.
Truthfully, you miss both drinking and smoking. But the health of your baby is more important than the poison you use to ease your mind. 
Sitting back down, you watched the man take a hefty gulp before refilling his glass. You bit your lip, playing with the hem of your robe as the two of you sat there in silence. You were unsure of what to say, wanting to avoid everything besides work. 
Your inner voice was suggesting otherwise, fighting for you to tell him the news. You know it isn't fair to keep it a secret, as he at least deserves to know that he’s going to be a father- Not that he has to stay and help raise the kid.
You have fully come to terms with the fact that you're going to be a single mom, raising the baby on your own.
“Javier…” You began, playing with your fingers. The man turned his gaze, searching your face, questioning as to what you're going to say. You took his silence as your signal to continue on, “Do you remember when we slept together four months ago?” 
“How could I forget,” The man spoke, a smug expression crossing his face as he took a sip of his drink. 
You rolled your eyes at his comment before taking a deep breath, “Uh, well. I-I think the condom broke.” 
The man's cheerful expression quickly dropped into a serious one as he set the glass harshly down onto the table, standing up, “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, I'm sure.” You frowned in return, standing up as well and untying the robe to expose the small bump of your belly. You watched the man's eyes drop to your mostly naked body. He first stopped at your breasts, admiring how enticing they looked tucked in your bra, before trailing down to your stomach. He could see the shadow the bump caused, sending his heart into his throat. 
“I found out at seven weeks. My period was late.” You broke the silence, retying your robe. “I admit I didn't know how to tell you- If I was even going to in the first place. But, I'm getting to a point where I can't hide it anymore. And…” You paused, swallowing, “You deserve to know.” 
Javier only stared you down, resting his hands on his hips, “And you haven't slept with other guys?” 
“No, I haven't slept with other men.” You felt hurt by his question even though it was reasonable. The two of you don't have a claim over the other, “I-I tried after our night together and… couldn't. I know that you're the father.” You brought your hand down to your bump. Your baby was still small, only being sixteen weeks along, but you have grown to love the thing with your whole heart. 
“Look, I-I need time to think about this.” Javier muttered, shaking his head. You felt your heart begin to race at his comment, even though you'd already prepared yourself for heartbreak.
The man doesn't want to be tied down, he proved that by walking out on his wedding with Lorraine all those years ago, and the various women he circulates through in a week. You should've expected his rejection.
“I don't expect you to be a part of this.” You quickly spoke, trying to reassure him- and yourself, “I fully am ready to do it on my own. I have been since I found out. I won't tell anyone it's yours.” 
He stared at you before nodding silently. This is certainly not what he expected when he came to your apartment this evening; he had different intentions. He missed you. He missed your body and the way you taste. The hookers and informants he's been fucking the last four months have been like dirt compared to you. 
But now knowing that you were carrying his kid? It all felt so overwhelming. 
“I-It’s probably best if you go…” You spoke so quietly, wrapping your robe tighter around your body, his silence beginning to make your heart race.
“Hermosa-” Javier began, but you saw him hesitate to speak. He only nodded and turned on his heel before stepping over to the door and leaving swiftly. 
The moment Javier left your apartment, you couldn't stop the tears from spilling down your cheeks. You felt overwhelmed, sliding down the back of your front door after he had shut it, hands covering your face.
You felt guilty for kicking him out, and even regret it a little. Even though he told you he needed time, he looked so upset when you told him to leave. And what was he going to say just before exiting? Why did he stop himself?
You cried on the floor for god knows how long before making your way to your land-line, which sat on the side table next to the couch. You needed a friend- Connie- who usually made you feel better about the situation you're in.
The phone dial rang two times before someone answered. When you blubbered a somber greeting, you immediately recognized that Steve had answered when he questioned if you were alright. 
“Steve,” You bit your lip, trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, “Can I speak to Connie?” 
“She’s asleep,” His southern accent spoke loudly through your receiver, “Are you sure you're fine?” 
you sighed heavily at his question, silent tears streaming down your face as you sat on the couch. You figured now would be the time to break the news. He’s become a close friend since meeting in Miami; both him and his wife. 
“Steve, I have something to tell you.” You began with a sniffle, “I-I’m pregnant…”
Your partner was silent for several moments before he finally spoke, “Jesus. Does Connie know?”
“Yes. She helped me find out, actually.” You wiped your eyes before taking a deep breath, trying to calm down your emotions. The distraction of Steve was helping, along with lifting a heavy weight off of your shoulder. But Javier still lingered on your mind; his displeased face haunting the back of your eyes every time you blinked. 
“Why didn't you tell me earlier? Does Peña know too?” Steve then questioned, causing your heart to wrench. A new lump formed and a fresh set of tears began to fill your eyes, spilling down your cheeks.
“Javier knows,” Your voice cracked as you spoke, “He’s the father.”
“Oh,” The blonde's deep voice came across quiet through the receiver of your telephone, “I’m so sorry.”
Bullets ricocheted across the surrounding brick walls, nearly hitting you as you quickly jumped behind a barrier. You could hear your partner yelling in Spanish from the rooftops, as he had taken a separate route, while you quickly hid from the gunfire. 
Streams of silent curses left your lips, brick dust and chunks flying throughout the air from bullets. You could feel your heart beating against your chest, adrenaline pumping hotly, as you held your pistol in hand.
The gunfire finally stopped a handful of seconds later, but it was soon followed by the sound of a car peeling away down the street, causing you to peek over the wall. La Quica and Poison were gone and the street was empty due to the gunfire. 
“Shit,” You cursed just as your partner approached the brick wall you hid behind. 
“What the fuck were you doing?” Javier’s angry voice caused you to roll your eyes, reholstering your pistol before facing him.
“What?” You furrowed your brow in anger.
“You could've gotten hurt. You're not even wearin’ a fuckin’ vest.” He continued on, gesturing to the blouse donning your top. You merely stood and listened as he ranted. He never used to be this protective over you. Not even after you slept together and before you found out about your pregnancy. 
“Why the fuck did you chase them?”
“We could've had them if you hadn't taken the roof!” You yelled back, arm raising as you harshly poked him in the chest. 
Javier Immediately clenched his jaw, eyes narrowing towards your figure. You know he wanted to snap back vile words in return, but kept his composure. He couldn't bring himself to, not when you're pregnant, especially with his kid. He already made you draw the short straw, he didn’t need to cut it even smaller.
“Get your ass into the jeep.” He spoke through grit teeth, choosing to abandon the argument all together. You scoffed, kindling his temper even further. He needs a cigarette as soon as the two of you get back to the office.
“Peña told me about Poison and La Quica.” Steve’s southern drawl caused you to lift your head from staring at some paperwork.
“Did he also tell you about how he was a dumbass-”
“You need to get your head out of your ass, agent.” The blonde man spoke deadpan, cutting off whatever you were about to spew. He didn’t care, all he knew was that Javier had smoked four cigarettes in the span of an hour after you had gotten back. He finally confronted the man as to why the two of you were acting so off after your outing.
“Javier was scared. Though he may not act like it, he’s terrified of losing you- and the baby.” The man whispered the last part, knowing you haven’t told the rest of the office yet, “He admitted it to me just before I came to confront you. ”
You felt your heart clench, quickly averting your gaze from Steve, “I-I didn’t realize.”
“Peña may not have been the best choice to… procreate with. But, you’ve gotta throw him a bone.” Your partner mumbled softly, catching your attention once again.
“I’ll talk to him.” You swallowed with a nod, standing up from your desk.
“I’m sorry.” You immediately spoke once Javier had settled back at his desk. The man spent hours doing some meaningless task in the file room; most likely just to avoid you. “I haven’t been taking your feelings into account. I just… assumed you didn’t care.”
“I figured that was what you wanted.” Javier simply answered, eyes meeting your own. He leaned in his desk chair, arm draping over the backrest. 
“No-” You quickly yelped, feeling your face gather heat, “I mean…Can we talk in the conference room?” You then whispered, suddenly so aware of your coworkers and how silent the office seemed. Nobody's eyes were on you and Peña, but you could tell they had purposely stilled their movements to hear better. 
The man only gave you a simple nod, gesturing for you to lead the way. 
Once the two of you had made it to the conference room, you quickly closed the door and blinds on the window-filled wall. The sensation of Javier's eyes on your back urged you to turn around. 
“First, I want to apologize for acting like such an ass out in the field. I'm used to only having to worry about myself, and I wasn't thinking about…” You trailed off, hand hovering over your belly, “I should've been vested. And followed you onto the roof.” You added, finally making eye contact with the man. 
He sat leaning against the conference table, arms folded which caused his biceps to bulge deliciously. You know if you weren't pregnant, he'd have a lit cigarette between his lips. 
“I want to apologize too. I shouldn’t have acted out. I-” He cut himself off, standing up straight now, “I care about you, and the kid.” He gestured to your belly, glancing down. You had the bump hidden quite well under a flowy blouse, but even just knowing it was there caused his heart to pick up speed.
Unable to stop the smile from growing across your cheeks, you dropped your head shyly. He had spoken such simple words, but they meant everything to you. Never did you expect for him to say he was sorry, as well as admit emotion. It almost made you hopeful- but you quickly had to shut down that feeling, not wanting to get disappointed or hurt. You know that nothing is going to come from this. Javier is nothing more than your baby’s father. He’s probably just apologizing to keep you happy.
You then cleared your throat and met his gaze once more, having properly discouraged yourself, “So, are we good?” 
“Yes.” He murmured.
You gave him one last nod before turning on your heel, approaching the door. Standing alone with him was beginning to feel overwhelming.
“Wait,” Javier interrupted your exit, grasping your bicep and pulling you back over to him. His other hand cupped your jaw in the process, pulling your gaze up to match his as his lips met your own with fervor.
Melting into the kiss, your arms grasped onto his shirt, pulling your chests taught. His arms snaked around your waist, lifting you up from your ass and quickling placing you onto the conference table just behind your bodies. Wrapping your legs around his figure, your hands moved up to the back of his neck, tangling your fingers into his hair.
“God,” Javier groaned against your lips, hands fishing under your blouse. Your body reacted delightfully to his touch, only yearning for more. 
“Missed you,” You mumbled. Javier unhooked your bra and pulled it away from your chest, quickly cupping your breasts as soon as they hung freely. He could feel how swollen and full they’d gotten, only causing his mouth to water.
Javier then growled, fingers twisting your nipple softly, “I need to fuck you,” 
His statement caused your pussy to throb, but you quickly pushed him away, “Not in the office.”
“Why not?” He frowned, head twisting in question as he stepped backwards towards the door, locking it, “Just need to be quiet.”
 Biting your lip, your morals fought a losing battle as the man began unbuttoning his top and slowly stepping towards your seated figure. He returned to the same position he was before, securing your legs around his waist once more. He then guided your arms up, taking off your blouse, allowing your bra to fall off in the process.
You heard him softly groan at the sight of your breasts before he leaned over, lips meeting the delicate skin of your nipple, sucking and biting tenderly. Tossing your head back in pleasure, you felt as the man began to grind his hips into your own, hard cock pressing up uncomfortably against his tight jeans.
Reaching down, you rubbed him through the denim, causing him to falter in his movements, “Christ, hermosa,”
Finding the hem of your pants, the man slipped his hand in past your underwear feeling the full bush of your pussy before his fingertips met your clit. Accidentally moaning at the sensation, Javier quickly put his hand up to your mouth, covering it gently. Your arousal only caused his cock to throb harder. 
Unzipping his jeans, he freed himself and gave his dick a few pumps, grumbling lowly, “Gonna fuck you,”  
“Please,” You pleaded against his other hand, which was still covering your mouth. 
Lifting your ass up off of the table momentarily, the man slid your pants and underwear down, exposing your pussy for him to enjoy. Mouth watering at the sight, he dropped to his knees, quickly dipping his tongue deep into your core. Biting your lip to repress the sounds of pleasure you wanted to spew, your lower belly grew hot with pleasure as Javier sucked your clit harshly and slid two fingers in.
“Oh- God, Javi-” You whimpered, one of your hands lifting from the table and tangling into his hair. You could hardly see him over your pregnant belly, making the reach a little difficult. The man hummed against your pussy, pleased with how well you were responding to him. Recalling the last time you had sex, your bodies naturally seemed to understand each other perfectly; and it seems it’s happening this time as well.
With his tongue working expertly against your clit, your pussy clenched around his fingers. He could feel that you were getting close to coming, and picked up his pace in combination with sucking your little bundle of nerves more harshly. 
“Cum for me, cariño.” You heard Javier growl, just before you couldn’t take it anymore and felt your orgasm wash through your entire body.
The man wasted no time licking you clean before standing back up, quickly plunging his cock deep into heat. His hand covered your mouth once more, silencing the yelp of pleasure that was leaving your lips. Thrusting his hips, the man fucked you roughly on the conference table, causing it to shake with the movements. You could feel every inch as he did so, only adding to your pleasure.
Balancing your weight onto one hand, you moved the other down to your clit and rubbed feverishly, throwing your head back in pleasure. Clenching around the man's cock at the sensation, he groaned softly, faltering his thrusts slightly before continuing.
“Fuck you feel so fucking tight. If you weren’t already pregnant, I’d do it again.” He grumbled as one of his hands rested on your belly, helping move your body to the rhythm of his thrusts, “Your pussy feels that good.”
Your second orgasm caught you by surprise, the man's words luring you there quickly. Javier’s own orgasm followed closely behind, your cunt clenching around his cock, milking him thoroughly. His head tossed back in pleasure, continuing to thrust lazily until you both became too sensitive at the feeling.
“Fuck,” Javier cursed while tucking himself back into his jeans, still breathing heavily. His button-down remained open, deliciously showing off his gleaming, sweat covered chest. You paused at the sight, biting your lip, before slipping off the table and collecting yourself as well.
“We should get back to work,” You murmured, embarrassment slowly setting in, now realizing you just fucked Javier in a very inappropriate place. Anyone could’ve knocked on the door or windows; and what if it happened to be Steve or the Ambassador?
Instead of responding vocally, Javier only nodded, eyeing your frame up and down as he buttoned his shirt back up.
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apolloanddaphnis · 1 year
Speaking in Tongues
Part III
Disclaimer: There's smut that might make people uncomfortable. Not proofread.
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We ended up parked behind the Hollywood sign around 4 in the morning.
The heat was on in the car and the seat warmers, it was nice and toasty. Timothée's seat was reclined all the way back and I had somehow made it so I was sitting comfortably sideways in his bony yet comfy lap. My fingers were buried in his Hershey's chocolate curls, as his big ring adorn hand rested on my hip beneath the borrowed shirt that smells like him, his finger toying with the band of my thong. His face rested in my cleavage, he even undid more buttons so he could feel my bare flesh pillowing his cheek.
It felt comforting and erotic being this close to him, as his other arm was wrapped around my waist to keep me close, I realized I didn't think I had such a wonderful cuddle like this one.
He let me choose the music and I signed into my Spotify on his phone. I Go Crazy by Flesh for Lulu played beautifully through the speakers of his Tesla. As I gently massaged his scalp, I allowed my ears to be caressed by the lyrics of the song.
This city's mad in the head
And sick in the soul
All the stars flew away a long time ago
Isn't that nice
Like Miami Vice
I go crazy when I'm without you
I go crazy when I'm without you
Well your life is like an infants dream
It's like everything's on TV
You see your face in the mirror
Could it be your place in the mirror
And so we turn on the TV one more time
And we see that everything is fine
"This song is really good." He said. "The eighties seemed to have a lot of good hits, the kind that describe how you feel and you didn't notice you felt this way until the song came on." He rambled into my skin, the breath of his words tickling my flesh making my nipples hard and pebbled.
"Exactly, I don't think anytime was more expressive and emotional than the eighties, it was my favorite. I know that sounds so cliche and nostalgic, but I've always felt so out of place with this time." I explained as I rubbed that spot behind his ear that caused him to groan and me to smirk.
Postcards from Paradise from the same band played next, I sang along a little and softly. Timothée lifted his head from my cleavage smiling up at me toothy, I giggled and it was cut off when he nuzzled the corner of my lips, and kissed me there. He sat up a little more causing me to bounce a little in his lap. He squeezed my hips and sighed audibly into my throat before kissing there as well.
I giggled softly and rubbed his back, and he responded by licking my chin and kissing my mouth and oh my God. Where has this mouth been all my life? Why have I never been kissed like this? Why hasn't anyone massaged the shape of my lips, or curled them with the rolling of tongue and pulling with teeth as if trying to bring my mouth closer. It wasn't fast, it was slow, slow, sensual, and I barely felt it before he gently pried my lips open with his and he slipped that long muscle in. He licked my tongue and rubbed my lower back beneath the shirt before cupping my ass, fingers flirting with the strings of my thong.
He sucked on my tongue before stroking every cavern in my mouth with that skilled tongue of his, and took a ringed hand to gently grab my jaw gingerly. The kiss grew to be more intense and we pulled apart reluctantly because we literally couldn't even breathe anymore. His face was beautifully flushed, Rouge bloomed across cheeks and the bridge of his freckled nose. 
My tongue hung out a bit and he stared at it with a soft, little moan before kissing me again, this time a little faster with saliva pooling. I squeaked and it was muffled, before hungrily kissing him in return, I wanted to kiss him so deep I wanted to taste what he had for breakfast. 
He rolled his hips up against mine, pinning a barely covered crotch with his hard on that the sweats barely concealed. My eyes rolled back and he kissed my lips more before sweetly kissing my cheek and eyes. Then he sucked on my ear lobe like it was a gobstopper. I shivered and released a shaking moan, I was dripping wet staining his sweats as he fucked me through clothing practically. He then thrust his tongue into my ear. "Timothée!" I cried out. 
He ripped his shirt from my body with such force I heard the expensive buttons clatter to the floor.  His eyes zeroed in on my breasts and he grasped them and squeezed them. "These are so…fuck." He buried his face in them and sucked on my fawn colored nipples and sucked hard , teeth grazing as his mouth tugged on them painfully in a way that had me on the verge of an orgasm.
I watched him suck between the two with his eyes rolling back. I can't believe he was getting off from my breasts like this, he's so hot. I tugged hard on his curls and he snuck a hand below before ripping my thong off, it now laid in tatters on the floor of his car.
He laid back on his reclined seat. "Come on kitten, climb up."
I was dizzy and panting. "Huh?"
"Straddle my face."
My eyes widened. "I might crush you."
"Good, it'd be a hell of a way to go. I want those playboy, made for shorts thighs that are most likely the envy of every gymnast, to hug my head, forcing my face further into that sweet little cunt. I don't give a fuck if you're worried for some stupid reason, you haven't reason to be self conscious you're easily the most beautiful most sexually frustrating little sex kitten ever to be born. And if you don't sit on my face right now I'm going to punish you, I mean it."
I didn't see this coming, the unexpected dominant nature, the filthy praise. He was out of my wettest dreams.
I wanted to be so good for him, so I didn't waste a moment more. I hovered my dripping pussy over his awaiting mouth, and he grabbed my thighs and pushed his face up pressing his mouth to me, causing me to gasp. He then laid back down bringing my ass right to his face. 
His groan vibrated rapturously against my pussy before he sucked on my labia with greed. I gasped and grinded down and thoroughly rubbed his tongue through every fold before thrusting his tongue inside of me. My eyes rolled back and rode his face more, his nose bumped against my clit and then he sucked my bud into his mouth and I couldn't wait, and when he slapped my ass so hard causing a wave of ripples thundering across my ass, I came so hard and so much and my eyes rolled back again and I felt like a doll that's voice box has been broken and I'm sputtering things on repeat. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I cried out, tears poured down my cheek in black from my mascara. 
I slid down and pushed down his sweats into his anaconda of a cock  sprung out almost cartoonishly. I was drooling, and it hit his thigh. His cock twitched and he whined. "Fuck." He gasped.
I reached down and rubbed my release from my pussy, I dropped saliva on his tip and took my slicked hand and rubbed my juices along with my saliva rubbing his cock with the organic lubricant.  He bucked his hips almost violently. I watched in awe as I took my soaked hand and rubbed and kneaded his balls. I couldn't  see his face since my ass was in his but hips and serpentine cock was telling me everything.  I gently played with balls and stroked his cock, wet and lewd sounds echoed in the car playing along with Flesh for Fantasy.
I moved my mouth down to the puckered hole between his ass, I swirled my tongue around his rim and he made the most delicious whine of a sound. "Fuck, just like that you dirty girl" he groaned his voice going higher at the end.
I spat on his hole before sucking on it and he bucked again. "Holy fuck!" He gasped. I still was stroking his cock sloppily, as I sucked on his hole, my drool spilling before I pressed my tongue in and his cock was leaking spilling his cock. Wet, slurping noises mixed with his whining. I then moved my mouth off of his rim and took his cock in my mouth, he gripped my ass and thrust into my mouth before spreading my cheeks and I felt his spit on my hole, causing me to moan around his thickness.
He mimicked my motions from earlier, sucking on my hole and I whimpered against his shaft. Timothée didn't hold back any longer, he started fucking my mouth  and I gripped his thighs to hold on, my nails dug into his skin as he sucked on my rosebud and proceeded to tongue fuck it as he slammed his cock down my throat. Tears spilled down my face as sloppy lewd sounds muffled my cries and his eager feasting.
I felt a single ringed finger move in stretching my back door entrance and I writhed, writhing like I was possessed.  I choked on his cock and orgasmed just when he filled my mouth with his release. 
He pulled me off him as he panted lazily, he gently patted my ass. "I'm not done with you, chouchou."
I felt boneless but was being pulled about, before I knew it he had me on his reclined seat with my bruised nipples pressed against the cooling leather.  He spread my legs and slapped my ass hard, when I let out a yelp he slapped it again and harder before grabbing it roughly in such a dizzying manner. He bit my cheek hard and I let out a sob before I melted into a moan. He bit my other cheek and I gasped. I knew I was going to be black and blue later. I shivered when he rubbed my dripping pussy before forcing two fingers in deliciously. 
"F-fuck!" I stuttered.
"Jesus, wet little fuck doll. Feel that? You love this don't you? Love me destroying this perfect made to order body. You want me penetrating you in every sense of the word, no one else just me?"
I could hardly answer so weakly nodded, but he wasn't having that. He bit my ass so hard and clung to the seat lurching forward. "Answer me, chouchou, je l'exige!" 
He's bossing me around in French? Was I dreaming? Did I get drugged and induced to this alternate reality like my own Wonderland?
I love it, I love this, I wanted his name etched into every part of me.Timothée, Timothée, Timothée, Timothée. 
He didn't demand me in harsh tones or a darkening voice, every command in French or English has been in gentle chastising,  stern and soft, almost lazy sounding, with a threat beneath.
"Shit, look at that pussy glisten, you like me roughing you up? You're a doll that likes to  be played with so hard she breaks? More Bratz than Barbie?"
"Yes!" I cried out, his words pushing me toward another orgasm.
"There's her voice, thought I lost it, don't ever not speak again baby. " He pressed against me, that weapon he calls a cock sandwiched between my ass like they're a pair of buns and he has the hot dog. He kissed my neck gently, his ringlets brushed against my skin. "I always want to hear your pretty voice, it's the most gorgeous sound in the whole word."
I almost cried at his saccharine words, no one has ever spoken to me like that.
"Yes, Timothée. "
"You're so good, so sweet, now are you going to be a good little whore and let me in?" He slapped his cock against my weeping hole. "Just gonna be a whore for me? Open your pussy for me?" He bit on my neck making me whine. "Shake this fine ass for me?" He gripped my ass making it jiggle. "Be good please" He pleaded and sniffed my hair.  "Shake it for me as I impale you with my cock, I've always dreamed…"
The fact that I have starred in his fantasies, I couldn't believe I was that high on someone like Timothée Chalamet's pedestal. He pushed inside me slowly, and I felt him so deep in, tip brushing close to my cervix, I felt brain dead. Once he bottomed out he placed his hand on my abdomen where I could see his outline of his dick, holy fuck.
Remembering his pleas, I moved my ass bouncing it back on his cock provocatively.  He groaned his hands held onto me possessively, his breath panting in my ear as he pinned me down with no way of me escaping as he fucked into me. His balls slapped against my pussy lips. "Good girl, good girl. Fuck that's it, best ass in the world, best pussy, so tight!" He gasped as he pounded inside of me faster, obscene sounds of our affair overpowered the volume of our Playlist.
I whined for more. He was thrusting so fast and so hard, stretching me more than I've ever been and the delicious pain of him hitting my cervix pulling me into a state of bacchanal frenzy. I couldn't ever cum unless I felt a bite of pleasure, he knows my body so well like he owns it. He bit the back of my shoulder sinking his teeth in and I gripped his cock, choking it with my pussy.
He sobbed out into my ear, pounding faster and faster, my eyes crossed, my tongue fell out and unintelligent words spilled from my mouth as I squirted and made a mess on his cock and his expensive car. I felt him fill me and fill me, no way could anyone have this much cum? It hasn't ended, I suddenly for the first time desired cumflation, to show physical evidence of where it all went.
"I-ung-ngh!" I got out and he laughed maniacally, lost in his own state of euphoria. "Fuck that's right, take it. Sois une gentille fille pour moi, prends tout mon petit chaton crème. Laisse-moi te posséder, te posséder, et je t'adorerai, je ferai tout ce que tu voudras. S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, putain!"
He finished his last ropes, with a loud outcry. We cried together and he collapsed against me. His cock still in me was still hard even though he panted like he climbed Everest when he just climbed me. "One more time please…one more time before I take you home."
I was beyond exhausted, everywhere was sore. I would need an Epsom salt bath, 3 200mg ibuprofen, and cotton underwear. No way could I take another around. "Okay, just one more."
@sufferingstarlight @meetmyothersouls
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pucksandpower · 6 months
F1 Secret Santa 2023 Summary
Lance to Fernando: a captain hat for his new yacht and a bottle of wine
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Yuki to Lance: a beanie (or toque in Canadian)
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Zhou to Yuki: a Chinese cookbook and an apron
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Charles to Zhou: a (second) Bottass calendar that he tried to return to Charles only for Charles to give it back to him again
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Fernando to Charles: a padel racket
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Nico to Pierre: a tripod 😉
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Esteban to Nico: a 🥱 mug
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George to Esteban: a Spider-Man travel mug, carrying case, and neck pillow
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Kevin to George: a Santa Hoptimist (Danish figurine)
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Logan to Kevin: a “shhh … I’m watching racing with daddy” onesie and a book about the best road trips in the USA
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Lando to Logan: a Miami Heat mini hoop and basketball
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Pierre to Lando: the actual gift (a headcover with Lando’s face on it) didn’t arrive in time so an “OnlyPutts” golf marker as a placeholder
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Oscar to Alex: customized golf balls
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Daniel to Oscar: a koala t-shirt and Christmas candies (is it still Secret Santa if your Secret Santa is impatient and spoils that he is your Secret Santa before you can even open your gift?)
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Checo to Daniel: limited edition tequila
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Alex to Checo: a Williams teddy bear and kids clothing plus Alex Albon Athletics sneakers
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Max to Valterri: “A Simply Lovely Look at the Butt in Art” (a book of those photos of Valterri overlaid on existing pieces of art)
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Carlos to Max: a vintage arcade mini
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Valterri to Carlos: chilli pepper swim briefs and chilli hot sauce
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siribaes · 3 months
Dario Sepúlveda x blackfem!reader (OC — Nina Fuentes)
“During his quest to find Griselda, Dario reunites with an old friend in Miami—”
PARING: Friend/ “Former Client” to Lovers
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SUGGESTED TUNES💿: Mack the Knife (cover) by Tito Puente, La Plena Bomba Me Llama by Celia Cruz & Tito Puente, Yerbero Moderno by Celia Cruz, Abayarde by Tego Calderon, Una Noche Mas by Yasmin Levy
CONTENT: 18+ MDNI, SMUT, Cursing, Some racist language/ideologies (reference to La Perra Negra & the story takes place in late 1970s so you know, not the most foward-thinking of times), the main character is a sex worker, use of the Spanish language, star-crossed lovers-esque elements, references to death, drugs, trafficking, Cartel activities, or*l (fem & alluded to male receiving), f*ngering, praise k*nk, Fluff, Dario being lowkey a soft boy, *Unedited/Not Proofread
AUTHORS NOTE: uhmmm who else has seen alberto guerra in griselda??? 👀 it’s a great show highly recommend everyone go watch! alberto being shirtless is just an added bonus, so basically this is slightly AU-ish in this fic dario travels back to miami twice (i think i can’t remember lol) before “finding” griselda—full stop bc spoilers but yeah. the OC is a former sex worker, and Afro-Colombian/Latina (faceclaim is Yaya DaCosta <3), but yeah i hope y’all enjoy :) 💖
Medellín, Colombia - Spring 1976 (The Past)
The weather was in a particularly odd flux. For most of the day, heat raged on like an unrelenting wave, the weatherman reported scorching temperatures, a whopping, almost record breaking 101 degrees. Medellin quickly became a ghost-town, people sought refuge from the unbearable temperatures. The heat trickled its way into the evening, until around 9 or so, storm clouds suddenly swirled the sky, then, boom, a torrential downpour. The rain came down in violent pelts, hitting everything and anything insight. However, as quickly as the storm came, it went. The temperatures went down, the rain aided in crispness in the air. The wind swept through the streets and neighborhoods of Medellin, with coolness and airiness that was necessary, relieving.
Relief was exactly what Nina needed.
With the scorching temperatures, it brought a particular irritation with her clientele. It was like the hotter it became, the meaner they were. One of her regulars, Mr. Moneybags (an older gentleman, who happened to be very, very, generous with his wealth.), who was severely punctual and only wanted oral. He was never rude, impatient or rough with her. Until today. He was late, storming into her room, barking orders for her get on her knees, and when Nina finally did give him what he wanted, all Mr. Moneybags could ramble on about was high rough day at the office and he needed to tame "La Perra Negra". To make matters worse, when Mr. Moneybags orgasmed, he cummed on her shirt (a brand-new halter top, made of fine silk and in the prettiest shade of coral, it wasn't cheap, it cost her 78 pesos.) and in her hair (pillowy-soft coils as someone told her once). That was a complete, no, no.
Mr. Moneybags was the first of her clients to receive a verbal lashing, but he wasn't the last. As the hours rolled by, each man arriving acting more brutish and egregious than the last. Nina handed out her lashings with ease, all for her to be met with the same insult, fuck you, Perra Negra. The heat only fueled her rage, so much that the one customer, who had some semblance of decorum, went soft in her mouth. He quickly scurried out, offering a sympathetic smile, and promised that he'll come back next week, when she felt better.
So, when the storm came, Nina was more than relieved. She got some reprieve from her finnicky clients, even though her room was tucked away on the further corner of the brothel, the rain seemed to drown out the noise from the other end of the compound. She was able to soak her stresses away in her tub, light a candle or two, slip on her favorite mini-silk robe, and actually rest. The raindrops served as a lullaby from Nina as she drifted off to sleep.
Now, at 2 AM, Nina sat in a chair on her small balcony. She people-watched from her small corner, relishing in the cool breeze the generously fanned over her skin. She more than deserved this peace and stillness after the shit she had to deal with. After a while, Nina became engrossed in this older couple blocks away, were dancing in the middle of the street. She was so enraptured with the couple she didn't even hear the door creep open.
A familiar scent drifted through the air, a blend of cinnamon, tobacco, cardamom, and strangely mint. Nina couldn't help the smile the curled onto to her lips, as heavy footsteps inched closer and closer.
"You left the door open,"
Nina smirked. "What if I left it open for you,"
"Hm. That's unlike you,"
Nina turned around meeting those soft, russet-colored eyes, she cared to enjoy so much. She playfully batted her eye lashes.
"Oh, Dario, you mustn't forget, you are my favorite customer," Nina purred. She rose from her seated position, and unabashedly took in Dario's appearance.
He was meticulously dressed, he wore neatly ironed, black slacks with a coordinating black dress shirt. A few buttons were undone, revealing a sliver of warm-tawny skin, and the ink-colored edges of a tattoo. Nina wondered sometimes what the fully tattoo would look like, or better, would she ever get to see it.
From the first night they met, Nina gathered that Dario was someone who took pride in their appearance. He was never sloppy, not a flick of dirt or dust sullied his clothes or shoes. Thick, brown tresses were combed and quaffed with care, while he maintained neatly trimmed facial hair. Even the way Dario carried himself was equally irresistible, he possessed a poise and calmness that was developed, cultivated, even. He was careful with his words, never speaking out of turn or without thought. He charmed his way into people's hearts, both old and young alike.
Dario was a true debonair. It was the perfect distraction from what he truly was, a hit man. El Sicario.
"You look thirsty," Nina strutted past Dario to the small bar along the wall inside, "Would you like a drink?"
''Not tonight,"
Nina tsked, "Where's the fun in that? You can't just humor me, I've had a terrible day and--"
"Enough Nina," She paused to looked over her shoulder at him. His brows were furrowed, as looked intensely at Nina. After a beat, Nina turned a back around, pouring some tequila in a glass. She turned back around, gesturing for Dario to speak. "I'm looking for someone," Dario pulled a photo out of his front pocket.
"Aren't you always," Nina sassed. She couldn't help it, she was enjoying seeing Dario a bit peeved, it was so refreshing to see, even Dario, el sicario himself, could be annoyed.
He shows her the photo, "Vincent Fernandez, you know him?"
Nina scans the picture, taking in the face of the man.
"Yes and no," Dario's eyebrow quirks, "His real name is Vincent, but nobody calls him that. He goes by Chuy,"
"Okay...Chuy, have you seen him?"
"Yeah, a few weeks ago. He was coming out of Carmen's room...now that I think about it, she was leaving with him. She carried a suitcase too. Haven't seen her since,"
Immediately, Dario balled up the picture, flinging at the wall. He began to pace and back forth, his left handed raked through his hair, messing up that of that beautiful handiwork.
Something thrummed inside of Nina as she watched Dario slowly lose composure. Dario’s beautiful features were twisted with frustration, his jaw was clenched, and eyes were blazed. He stopped pacing and stood next to a small coffee table with vase that sat on top. With hesitation, Dario snatched the vase and launched it at the wall. Ceramic shards exploded on impact, pieces flew everywhere in the process.
"What the hell is your problem!?" Nina rushed over, she brushed past him, and picked up a broken piece of the vase, "Fuckin' pendejo, this was a gift from a friend," She was seething, gearing up to cuss him out to fullest extent but she paused. On one of the broken pieces with a red speck. Nina's eyes drifted towards the floor, seeing a trail of red spots, the spots grew larger and larger, until there was a small pool of blood underneath Dario's hand. "...You're bleeding,"
"What?" Dario one step but Nina quickly stopped him.
"Stop! Stop, it's getting all on the floor. Go to the bathroom and rinse the cut. When your done there's a first aid kit and a bottle of peroxide in cabinet, grab it, and sit on the couch," Dario just stood there a bit lost in his eyes, "Vete! Go, now!"
Dario disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Nina in the mess he created.
"This is going to sting so keep still," The two sat next to each other on the couch. In one hand, Nina gently cradled Dario's hand, his wounded palm facing up. The other hand held a cotton ball soaked in Hydrogen peroxide. She slowly inched the ball towards the cut, when it the skin, Dario instantly hissed, moving his hand slightly. Nina pressed again, trying to be a bit softer than before, but Dario jerked his hand away again. Nina swatted at his stomach. "Ay! Stop moving,"
Dario finally complied, relaxing against her touch, letting her clean the cut. A quietness fell over them as Nina worked in a comfortable rhythm of wiping and dabbing.
"I'll make sure to pay for the vase," Nina stopped, looking up at Dario. There was a sincerity in his eyes, and something else...embarrassment maybe? "The least I could do, since you put up with shit all the time..."
Nina bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling, at Dario's gesture. She said nothing in return, but instead sat the used cotton balls to the side and reached for the roll of bandages. Nina couldn't make heads or tails of how she felt about Dario right. One part of her was agitated with him with how he broke her vase and how edgy he was being towards her all of the sudden. The other part of her was attracted to Dario, something about him losing control like that revved her engine. For once he wasn't so controlled and calculated, he was human, flaws and all.
"I know I'm not supposed to ask, but, why are you looking for Chuy?" Nina asked, slowly wrapped the bandages around Dario's hand.
To Nina's surprise, he answered. "He took something that didn't belong to him,"
"...Oh. Oh," Nina nodded realizing what Dario what he meant. Chuy had to have stolen a kilo or two of coke from them. Everyone in Medellin knew stealing from the Bravo family was a guaranteed death sentence. "Shit, I should've known..."
Dario shook his head. "It's not on you. The sneaky bastard managed to fool all of us, especially me,"
Nina chuckled nervously as she tucked the last strip of the bandage underneath a bottom layer.
"All finished," She slowly let go of Dario's hand to gather and put back her supplies, "I would give it a day before checking the cut to see if its healing. Just try to keep it your hands clean the best you can,"
Dario nodded. "Thank you,"
Nina smiled gently at him. She could feel his eyes on her as she bounced around and out of the room disposing of the trash and putting her supplies back. When she came back into the room, she found Dario relaxed against the couch looking outside. She followed his gaze up to the night sky. The normal starry, ink-colored sky was now filled with stormy clouds.
"It's going to rain again," Nina murmured, she returned to her spot next to Dario.
"How'd you figure?"
Nina pointed to the sky. "The clouds. Plus, the air is getting thick...y'know humidity,"
Dario laughed, flashing those gorgeous pearly whites, making Nina's heart skip a beat. He quickly quieted as a look of curiosity filled his expression.
"Where'd you learn to do that kind of stuff...like patch people up?"
"I guess I got tired of getting rug burns and bruises on my knees from giving head so much. It's bad for business,"
"That's fucked up,"
Nina shrugged. "It's a part of the job. I have to be perfect and presentable at all times. It's what sells the fantasy. So, I had to become my own doctor, learn how to patch myself up. I also learned, that if I was on my knees for too long, all the time, I wasn't doing my job correctly.
Dario tipped his head, scratching at his goatee, "Where the guys always that rough with you?"
"Someone is mighty curious tonight," Nina teased. She twirled a coil round her pointer finger, "but, to answer your question, no. Some tried to, but I was always on guard. I had to be, I'm the only black girl here...La Perra Negra. Before my regulars, most of the guys thought because I’m black, a morenita, that's I wanted. It took some threats and me pulling out my switch blade a couple of times, but they got the picture. Sometimes I feel bad for them...they’re so caught up in fucking me as a conquest, and not for their own pleasure. Typical men,"
Dario's brow quirked. "Typical?"
"You know what I mean. Most men when they have sex are either caught up in some ego thing, or only focus on pleasuring themselves they don't bother in pleasuring their partners, especially if the partner is a woman,"
"I suppose you're right,"
"You suppose? Do you feel the opposite?”
"Not entirely. You do have a point…I guess I’m not most men. I like pleasuring my woman,” Dario rasped. His pink tongue swiped at his bottom lip before continuing, “It turns me on to see her lose..composure ‘cause I’m fuckin’ her so good. I dunno it just gets me there. I could never get hard or cum without doing so,”
From the tops of Nina's ears all the way to the bottoms of her manicured toes, she ran hot. Her mind raced with flashes of images of her and Dario in the nastiest of scenarios. If she wasn't sure about being attracted to Dario, this solidified it. Despite her growing need to literally lunge herself at him, she pulled back. She needed to make him sweat.
"I guess there's some room for exceptions," Nina hummed, she readjusted herself, re-crossing her legs, make sure to give him a quick flash of her lacy panties. She secretly thanked her Orishas, when she saw Dario's eyes wander to her thighs.
"I had customer the other day," Nina continued, "Sweet guy, couldn't fuck to save his life, so I suggested get on top. I thought riding him would be better, but it wasn't. So, in a last-ditch effort, I closed my eyes and imagined it someone else..."
"Who did you imagine?"
"...You. I imagined you underneath me, fucking me. I fantasized about those beautiful brown eyes staring up at me. How it would feel to have your hands on me...all the things those hands could do. Like would you pull my hair, or grip my hips so hard that I would have bruises? Or, would you smack my ass while you stroked, deep inside me...even better would you hold my hands behind my back, while you played with my clit? Then, like magic, I came...I don't think I've cum so hard in my life—”
He cut her off with kiss. It was gentle and sweet. As Dario moved his lips, he gingerly swept his tongue against Nina’s lips savoring her taste. He snaked his arms around Nina’s waist, drawing her closer to him. A small whimper escaped Nina as Dario’s hands roamed her body. She felt her body hum with need as he rubbed and squeezed at her flesh. A smarting slap from Dario caused Nina to mewl breaking the kiss.
“Fuck! Dario,” Nina whined. She leaned her forehead against Dario’s. She pulled back to see Dario’s face fully, her heart rattled against her chest as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Mi hermosa mariposa," Dario murmured, hands drifted up and down the sides of Nina's torso. She felt a wetness begin to pool beneath her, the more Dario caressed her.
“I want you,”
Dario smiled softly. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” Nina nodded her hands reaching for Dario’s belt buckle, but he stopped her.
“It’s not about me tonight,” he hoisted her up, wrapping her legs around him as he carried Nina to bed. Dario dropped her softly down the plush sheets. “It’s all about you,”
Nina could tell from the serious yet lustful glint in his eyes that Dario meant every word he said. She sat up on her elbows watching as Dario’s nimble fingers undid the belt of her robe. He pushed the fabric, revealing nothing but soft curves, rich brown skin and lacy fabric. With his pointer finger, Dario traced Nina's collar bone, dragging it down her navel, leaving a trail of goosebumps the further down he went. Nina's breath hitched in her throat as Dario's thumbs rubbed soft circles on the skin above the waistband of her panties.
"I like the way your eyes light up when I touch you, solecita,"
"Please, Dario. Enough games,"
Dario chuckled. He held her hips in place, sinking down to his knees.
"Patience," Dario held his gaze as he inched his head closer to Nina's clothed pussy. The two moaned in unison when Dario licked a stripe at Nina's clothed entrance. He continued on licking, probing, and mouthing her pussy. Moans fell helplessly from Nina's lips as she felt the lacy fabric rub against her clit. Dario relentlessly moved his tongue, spurring Nina on, she felt slick dripping downwards on her thighs.
"More. I need more, baby, please,"
It was like switch went off in Dario. He stopped all movement, as he just stared at Nina. Long eyelashes fluttered as he slowly blinked.
"Baby...say that again," he murmured.
"Baby," Nina cooed. She sat up, reaching for Dario, she cupped his cheek. He nuzzled her cheek, placing a kiss on her palm.
Then like a flash, Dario ripped Nina's panties a part. He skillfully gathered the torn shreds and flung them away. He dove straight for Nina's pussy. Despite his meticulous nature, when it came to pleasure Dario was sloppy. There was no spot or area left unattended. His tongue alternating between swirling and lapping Nina's clit. Dario's pace was so unrelenting, it sent Nina's body into throws of pleasure. Just when she felt the familiar coil in her belly, Dario pulled back, only to blow cooly onto her drenched pussy.
"B-baby, fuck!" Nina yelped aloud, her hands found themselves back into Dario's hair, as he returned back to her core.
He placed a wet kiss, creating a lewd smacking noise that echoed into the air. Dario dove back in, plunging his expertly skilled tongue into her entrance, fucking her. Nina felt like her entire body was on fire, completely blazed with pleasure as Dario relentlessly fucked her pussy. Her mind swirled feeling the familiar coil in her stomach become tighter and tighter.
"I-I'm gonna cum. Oooh shit," Nina panted. She pulled tighter at Dario's hair. "I'm c-cuming, fuckkkk!"
The coil snapped. Nina shakily thrusted her hips towards Dario's mouth, riding out her orgasm. Dario stayed still softly lapping up her cum, he did keep gentle hand on Nina's waist to steady her.
"Mhmmm, so good to me, baby, s'good," Nina loosen her grip on Dario's tresses, letting her arms fall back onto the bed.
Dario hummed appreciatively before pressing soft kisses on Nina's inner thighs. Her fluttered when she saw the slick sheen of her nectar glistening in Dario's mustache and goatee.
"You like when I'm good to you?" Nina could feel his grip on her thighs get tighter as he spoke. When Nina nodded instead replying, Dario slapped her thigh. "Words, Nina, I wanna hear you,"
"Good. You gonna be good for me this time?" Nina hissed when two of Dario's fingers found her clit, rubbing taut circles.
"Yessss, I'll be good for you, baby!"
He quickly switched his technique, he plunged his fingers into her wetness. Nina whined at the squelching and lewd noises that her pussy made as Dario stroked in and out of her. Dario bent down and gave Nina searing hot kiss, he wedged his tongue inside of Nina's mouth, allowing her to taste herself.
"Please don't stop,"
"I won't mi amor, I can feel you...you close?"
"So close, baby, please,"
Dario slowed his pace down, giving Nina slower strokes, but drove deeper, and deeper every time. Her walls fluttered around his fingers when they met her oh so sweet spot. Nina's orgasm came swiftly as a fast-moving freight train. Her mind went blank, as she screamed out in pleasure. Nina's legs jerked and spasmed as her nectar flowed out in endless droves. Dario slowly slipped his fingers out, kissing the side of Nina's face as she reveled in the planes of ecstasy.
The two fell back into the bed. Nina snuggled up close to Dario's side, her fingers still tingly, traced the ink of his half-covered up tattoo. She looked out to the balcony. It was raining.
"I think we knew each other in our past lives..." Dario trailed, he kept his eyes towards the ceiling as spoke.
"As what? Enemies?" Nina teased.
"No," He sighed deeply, turning to meet her eyes. His face was open, vulnerable, Nina felt her heart flutter. "We were...something to each other, I know it..."
For the second time this night a quietness fell over them. They stared wordlessly at one another, as the raindrops lightly pelted outside. Nina didn't know what to make of Dario's sudden confession, or revelation. She did know that the way he looked at her in this moment, made her feel all mushy and gooey inside. Nina leaned in capturing Dario's lips into a passionate kiss.
"You know what I know," Nina purred parting from Dario's lips. She straddled him, reaching for his belt buckle, this time Dario didn't stop her. "Reciprocity...Can I have some more, baby?"
"Yes. Mi amor, in every lifetime."
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