#my brithing
mydearestpen · 11 months
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Tell us about your first role
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frogs-with-tea · 4 months
I think a lot about Zoro being scared out of his mind about childbirth, and how after is all said and done he considers it one of the worst things he's experienced. Since Zoro is a character who's all about control over the body, strength, and stoicism, childbirth would be hard for him to cope with.
And I think about how he has to open himself up to the love and support around him so he can get to the other side of it
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crow-collective15 · 7 months
Dude I love being on Birth control, I just had a period and it wasn’t immobilizing painful like normal and I hardly bleed like- that was the best period of my life
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upthewitchypunx · 1 year
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I may have prematurely planted my tomatoes even though it was after our frost date. It didn't get down to freezing, but it got cold and the tomatoes looked sad, so I made them a tent for last night.
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ace-malarky · 2 days
Shapeshifter WIP shenanigans!
This is from when Syn has Commenced Their Spying Activities and are in The Other Place and is mayyyyyybe feeling a little bit overwhelmed
in which Bryn tries to sound out Val and finds that she really wants to just help them out as much as she can
Bryn hummed a soft tune as she carded through the wool, the sound a sweet counterpoint to the city life happening beyond her fence. At this time of day, it was all children and their older siblings on their way to school. A fair few of them called out to greet her, waving.
Their fathers and mothers had done much the same earlier, on their way to work.
Bryn spared them all a smile and a wave, a word for those that stayed longer at her fence, as she always had. As she always would.
When the last of the children had gone by and the street fell silent once more, Bryn kept working. Her humming grew louder, occasionally letting words slip out.
Somewhere – perhaps the house across the street and three down, they were always leaving seed out – birds were singing their own chorus.
Bryn stopped her hands and closed her eyes to listen better, marking the changes to their songs and varied calls.
She heard the footsteps coming down the street. As much as whoever they were was trying to be quiet, there must have been metal on the soles of their boots that clicked against the stone slabs.
“Ms Bryn?”
She opened her eyes to see that young dragon touched standing at her fence. “Val. How lovely to see you! Come in, come in, I’ll put the kettle on.” She stood, carefully setting the wool to the side.
Val pushed open the gate and latched it behind them, crossing the small garden in three strides.
Bryn entered her house. “Make yourself at home. There are slippers if you would like a pair.”
The younger dragon touched nodded and placed a hand against the wall to steady themself as they took their boots off.
Bryn set about picking out cups and a teapot and yesterday’s tea loaf. “I’m afraid it’s not newly baked, but it keeps well. Do you like tea loaf?”
“Yes, thank you.” Val followed her into the kitchen. “I should have brought something with me, I’m sorry.”
“The next time, dear.” Bryn smiled at them.
There was a silver chain wrapped around one of their horns that hadn’t been there before. It was a delicate thing, with twisting charms that looked like antlers bearing droplets of gems.
“I’m glad to see you’ve started to make connections,” she said, although that chain looked like far too much for a new acquaintance.
“Oh.” Val tilted their head, raising a hand to touch the hanging gems. “It’s – this is from home. From a friend. I didn’t want to risk it on the road.”
That rang true, even if it didn’t sing quite right.
“They must be an important friend.”
“Yes,” Val said softly. “She is.”
Bryn set a slice of the loaf before them. “I’m afraid I can’t quite get the same fruit down here, but I do my best.” She poured the tea.
“It looks good.” Al picked up the tray.
Bryn ushered them through into her receiving room and pointed them to the couch.
“Do you play?” Val’s gaze caught on the piano as they scanned the room.
“I teach the children, when they’re curious,” Bryn replied. “I haven’t played myself in a long time.” She sat down, pulling a coaster nearer to her end of the table and setting her cup on it. “Do you play?”
“Not really. I’ve dabbled a bit, but nothing ever really seems to stick.” Val turned their hands over.
Their hands were thickset, like the rest of them. Short and stubby, the knuckles scabbed. They didn’t look like musician’s hands, but Val handled the delicate tea cup with care.
“I wanted to thank you,” they said. “For inviting me round. You didn’t have to do that.”
“There are so few of us here.” Bryn shook her head. “I came down with my family. I can’t imagine making that trip alone.”
“It was hard,” Val admitted. “But it had to be done.” They looked up, meeting Bryn’s gaze.
There was more of a resolve to them now, she could see that.
“You look more settled now.”
“I’ve found a few places.” Val shrugged. “And I know more of what I’m doing. Everything gets easier when you have a definable purpose, right?”
“Take care that your purpose does not define your whole being,” Bryn said, 2because when it finishes, or changes, you may find yourself lost.”
Val took a drink rather than answer.
“I’m sorry, dear. I just worry.”
“You really care,” Val said. “I understand, I think.” They sighed and something about them relaxed. Suddenly they looked so much younger. So much more lost. “Would you play something for me?”
“Oh, I’m sure I’m not very good at it any more. I only play simple tunes these days.”
“I’m not – sorry. You’ve already invited me in, given me tea and tea loaf. I shouldn’t ask more.”
She’d meant this visit to be about them, to learn where they might fit in, where she’d be best to introduce them. She’d meant for it to be a pleasant morning’s talk before she made her decisions.
Bryn found herself standing, taking her cup to the piano, sitting down before it. Ignoring the sheafs of music as she stretched out her fingers. This would still help, she told herself.
Val looked like they needed help.
Bryn started to play. She started with small tunes, easy tunes, the ones that she taught to the children. Behind her she heard Val let out a breath that was almost a sigh.
“Do you have any requests?”
“Something that sounds like home.”
Bryn kept playing as she thought, adding in trills and accidentals as the tune slowly morphed into something more complicated. None of the songs she knew from home translated well to a solo piano.
That didn’t mean she hadn’t transposed them regardless, made of them the best she could to keep her home close.
She swept her left hand down the keys in a rippling scale until she was playing in the deep notes and as close to the style of double bass as she could. With her right hand, she added the melody where it swooped in and out of trill and slurs.
“It’s beautiful,” Val murmured, barely audible above the piano.
Bryn smiled. “There are whole orchestras here that could play this as it should be.”
“I’ll have to see if I can get tickets.”
“Tell me when you are free,” Bryn replied. “I will get you good seats.”
Val was quiet for long enough that Bryn worried she’d said the wrong thing.
She stopped playing and turned to see Val curled onto the couch, chin on the backrest as they watched her.
“You really don’t have to do all of this for me,” they said. “I don’t need – I don’t deserve this much from you.”
“This isn’t about what you think you deserve,” Bryn said, leaving the piano behind and stepping around the couch to sit beside Val. “It’s about what I can give.”
“Still.” Val shifted back to give her more room. “You shouldn’t…” They looked away.
“Val. Would you like to go to a concert with me? I have a standing invitation with the dragon touched orchestra.”
Val laughed. “How? Why?”
“I have helped a lot of them through the years, and they all feel some need to repay me.” Bryn smiled.
Val flicked their gaze to Bryn’s adorned horns. “I’ll… I’d like that, I think. Not sure when I’ll have time is the only thing.”
“We’ll make it work.” Bryn reached to take their hand and squeeze it.
She would introduce them. They needed more roots if they were to do more than survive.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” Bryn smiled. “Now, if you would like to stay for a touch longer, you are welcome to.”
“I shouldn’t.”
“If you want to,” Bryn repeated. She patted Val’s hand as she stood.
Val stayed on the couch.
Bryn took the teapot through to refill it, beginning to hum old songs.
When she returned, Val was asleep on the couch.
Bryn smiled and pulled a blanket over them, then left them there as she continued on with her day, humming all the while.
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nepobabyeurydice · 6 months
Chapters: 3/10 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians (TV 2023), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Annabeth Chase & Alfred Pennyworth, Annabeth Chase & Damian Wayne, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) & Tim Drake Characters: Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace (Percy Jackson), Zoë Nightshade (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Duke Thomas, Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Aubrey Chase, Tyson (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Black Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Biological Parent Bruce Wayne, Angst and Humor, Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson), Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson), Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Annabeth Chase has Abandonment Issues (Percy Jackson), Gotham City is Terrible, Batfamily is a Mess (DCU), Annabeth Chase Smokes (Percy Jackson), Slow To Update, because Author has a 'life' Series: Part 2 of among the stars that have a different birth, Part 2 of make the path crimsoncovered, purplepaved, redsaturated Summary:
5 times Annabeth returns to Wayne Manor + 5 times her friends and family do.
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new oc just dropped
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She’s a 7 year old girl and is named Florence Chastity Andrews
she likes: nature, her other siblings, her dolls, carrots, fun facts
she dislikes: the bully in her school who calls her “19 kids and counting”, wearing a bun, her ‘blessed name’ (Chasity is the blessed name), her name in general, braids
her greatest desire: to get her period so she can finally unbraid her hair (girls in Brith cannot keep their hair out of braids until they get their period)
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mulletluvr21 · 4 months
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Old digital piece I left unfinished bc the anatomy was janked :P also have no idea if nudity is ok on tumblr so we’ll find out ig blehhh
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georgia-stanway · 9 months
Gonna help my mum prepare a bara brith for her to bring into work on Saturday so maybe that'll create some good vibes for the team or something who knows
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cordialsilence · 11 months
One of the benefits of having purchased a long charger is that I don’t have to hang off my bed folded at a 90 degree angle when my phone’s battery is low but on the flip side it’s almost 3am and I lay here comfortable and unfolded with my phone on low power mode at 17% and charging I can’t help feeling like it enables my screen addiction a bit
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glynmostyn · 1 year
I managed to remember to brew tea and let my dried berry fruits soak in it all night so i can bake bara brith today
Making Welsh cakes this morning, both the traditional recipe and a savory one I found that i really enjoy
There's even some daffodils growing out in the snow I can wear
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mossflower · 1 year
oh happy brithday!!!! thats. not how u spell that. hm. ah well, happy brithday it is then
hsjfjkdkskd thank you lily!!
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nei-ning · 2 years
You. Perfect. Love Yourself.
“Selfish clown! A self-righteous narcissist! Selfish dick! Loving yourself has nothing to do with those previous namecallings. Loving yourself is prerequisite of loving others.
If you are ‘you’ with yourself and you like yourself the way you are, you also can love others as the way how they are. If you don’t love yourself, you most likely want to change them or own them. Your insecurity about yourself reflects on other relationships and easily ruins them.
Look at yourself and your life. Do you really want to be someone else? I would say very few wants. So, if you decided to be yourself, then why you wouldn’t love yourself? In the end you have to be with yourself for a very long time.
Today’s homework: Be gentle to yourself today. Don’t judge your thoughts, actions or desires. Look at yourself from the mirror and smile. See how your face brightens up when you smile. Pull your shoulders back and stand tall. Say: “This is what I am and it’s good!” Take a deep breath, laugh a little and forgive yourself everything. Let Love step in you today and always. Only that way you can extend it to others.
Cheers for lovely and beautiful!”
- Lifestyle entrepreneur, Tuomas Mikkonen
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
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Your Age on Tumblr – Help Center
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looks like alec lightwood and the winter soldier are now 18+ content if ur an apple user i guess...
also warning:
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Things Clara brings to service:
2 notebooks, multiple pens and highlighters, a New Truth journalling edition
Things Bridget brings to service:
Her phone
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totallynotanthony · 6 months
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