#my rights are in jeopardy if the wrong person wins.
im-a-freaking-joy · 1 month
Okay so. I'm doing some reading on the 2024 presidential candidates because this is the first year that I'm able to vote and I want to know as much as possible. So im on this website, ballotpedia, and tell me why LITERALLY ALL OF THE CANDIDATES SUPPORT ISRAEL?? literally all of them are like "well israel is all good and dandy and has the right to protect thenselves (:" and like??? HELLO?? THEYRE COMITTING GENOCIDE??! I'm so tired of this fucking country good god, we cant even get one cadidate that opposes genocide and war crimes?? What the fuck.
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pedanticat · 7 months
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Folks always compare the identity reveal of Invincible with My Adventures with Superman, yet they're not as similar as people make them out to be. The only similarity between these two is that Lois and Amber knew about Mark and Clark being a superhero with them being offended when they insulted their intelligence by playing dumb. Yet the progression and dynamic of their relationships couldn't be more different from each other.
Mark and Amber dated for about 6 months in which after a certain point, Mark super heroics made him come off an insensitive jerk to Amber since he claims that she was important to her yet was always busy or showing up late. Now we don't know when Amber figured out that Mark was Invincible, but the problem was never that he was a superhero, it was that he didn't trust her with his secret despite all his claims about caring about her. He only bothered revealing his secret after she broke up with him, which was less of a sign of trust and more so a last-ditch effort to win her back.
Compare that to the Lois and Clark relationship. While the two do quickly form a bond and are mutually attracted to each other, it feels like they had only known each other for a month or two before the big reveal. Yet even with that factor, Clark was ready to tell Lois that he was Superman before telling Jimmy, his best friend! The only reason he hesitated was because Lois hated Superman and wanted to expose his secrets.
Mark was actually smarter than Clark in the sense that he wasn't going to drop this huge secret on Amber right away. His reason for this wasn't because Amber hated Invincible, but rather the typical reason why superheroes don't just give away their identity (other's learning your secrets, putting said secret keeper in jeopardy, etc.). But what he failed to realize is that he couldn't just keep hiding his secret from Amber forever. Even Eve pointed out that if he's serious about Amber, he needed to tell her the truth.
Lois and Amber have valid reasons for being upset, though Clark and Mark also have understandable reasons for not wanting to reveal their identities. No one is 100% wrong nor are they 100% right. And while there have been relationships in which the civilian love interest discovers that their partner is a superhero with them not being upset about the secret at all, not every single person is going to react like that. It all comes down to the individual and a variety of factors.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Humans are weird: Intervention
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)    
*Door opens and human roommate enters*
Human: Hey guys, I got us some-
*Sees alien roommates sitting in a circle*
Human: What’s going on here? Did you find out what musical chairs is?
Alien Roommate 1: Take a seat buddy.
*Human sits down*
Alien Roommate 2: We just want you to know that everyone here loves you.
Human: Bit awkward since we’re just roommates, but okay.
AR1: We wanted to talk to you about your online gaming.
Human: What about it?
AR2: We think you should stop for a while; maybe find another hobby.
Human: Seriously?
Human: Why would I do that? I was on a winning streak last night.
AR1: We were both there and you were far from winning.
AR2: You were up till 3am shouting “ONE MORE GAME”.
Human: I may have had a bit of a losing streak, but it was only one night.
AR2: You’ve been doing that for the last three weeks.
Human: Really?
AR1: Really; and to be honest it is annoying as hell.
Human: Well why don’t you tell me something then and I’ll be quieter.
AR2: We tried that once and you through a can of green sludge at us.
Human: Green sludge?
AR1: I believe you called it “Gamer Fuel”.
Human: That doesn’t sound like me.
Human: I’d never waster my precious gamer fuel; it keeps me going.
AR2: With the listed chemicals in it it’ll keep you going right into the grave, but that’s beside the point.
AR1: When you start gaming you become an entirely different person.
AR2: You start babbling nonsense that our galactic translators are still unable to understand.
AR1: For instance, what the hell does “Blarg” mean?
Human: Depends on the context it is spoken in for it can be a noun, adjective, or verb depending on how it is used.
AR2: *sighs loudly*
AR2: We just need you to dial back the gaming time; it’s starting to affect our sleep cycle.
Human: I call bullshit on that; you guys sleep 18 hours a day.
AR1: And for seven of those hours we can’t sleep.
Human: Well you don’t hear me complaining about your weird habits.
AR2: We’re not here to talk about us; we’re here to talk about you.
AR1: Wait, what do you mean “Weird habits”?
Human: Seriously?
Human: I saw you eat a live goat for breakfast and listened to it scream as you snapped its neck.
AR2: The juiciest meat is in the neck meat so I don’t see a problem with that.
Human: You shed your skin everywhere and then eat it when stressed.
AR1: I heard humans also like to eat their problems away.
Human: I have yet to see a fellow human eat what was once their own foot because they gave the wrong answer to a jeopardy question.
AR2: I think we’re getting off topic here.
AR2: We need you just to ease off of the gaming for a while.
Human: And if I refuse?
AR1: We kick you out and find a human that is less vocal with their displeasure.
AR1: Probably someone who’s into plants and thinks they can talk back to you if you listen.
Human: Fine.
Human: I’ll ease off gaming late into the night.
AR2: That’s all we ask.
AR1: *Coughs*
AR1: That’s all you ask, but I would like you to stop throwing things at walls when you lose.
Human: I don’t do it that often.
AR1: I’m still fixing the hole you made from your last controller after a human child *pauses to remember correct wording* “ganked” you and told you to “git gud scrub.”
Human: *Angrily flips over chairs*
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bubbleonice · 9 months
Alexander Skarsgard and Tuva Novotny:
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Angel of prayer: he has beeb used to tackle every challenge in life alone and never asks for help. He needs to know it is okay to ask for guidance.
Say I’m sorry: he’s got quite a big ego and doesn’t like admitting he is wrong. He conjures up a long list of excuses and explanations when he behaves poorly or fearfully.
Innocence: he carries a lot of guilt, anger and blame that may shroud his loving outlook. He clowns a lot around to lessen this burden. To make his heart lighter.
Joy: but he also bring a lot of laughter because of his ways and he brings a spirit of fun to everything he does.
Love yourself/ let go of controlling issues/ express your love: He needs to learn to love himself. And allow himself to let go of control and allow situations to unfold naturally. Only through this will he be able to fully express love and make romantic gestures.
Trust: he also needs to learn to trust and let go of past experiences. Accept the situation and let things transform.
7 of wands: He seems to be defending his territory and his successes, being challenged by others who want to take your place. You worked hard to get to where you are, but some people covet what you have and are prepared to fight you for it. expect to see an increase in ‘haters’, trolls and people who disagree with you. You will need to secure your territory and fight for what you stand for. If you’re with a partner, you may find yourself in a situation where you must fight for your relationship. There may be objections from other parties; family, other suitors, friends that oppose the two of you being together. You may have to put in a lot of effort to make the partnership last, despite many external things in your environment working against the two of you. Despite all these factors, you may be filled with confidence that this is the right thing to do.
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Godess of strength: Stand up for what you believe, you will gain respect by holding your ground.
Acceptance: don’t force perceptions on others.
Evolution: you realize that obstacles are merely lessons on your path to love.
Stay optimistic about your love life: Positive thinking and faith always result in good things. Tuva needs to stay optimistic, learn to rely on life’s purposes. Trust that the universe has her back and always will protect her and her three children. And that her love life will bring romance. But first she needs to stop criticising her partner which will only lead to further unhappiness. Love and accept eachother and the relationship will magically transform.
5 of swords: Conflict, disagreements, competition, defeat, winning at all costs. The Five of Swords turns up when you have had a falling out, disagreement or conflict, and you are walking away with a sense of sadness and loss. You may be upset and resentful over the heated words you said and now wish you could take back. Even if you won the argument or came out the apparent victor, you realise that you have lost as much as (or more than) your opponent. This battle has cost you trust, respect or dignity, and isolated you. You will need to decide whether your point of view is so important to you that you’re willing to put your relationships in jeopardy, or if you can compromise and see eye-to-eye.
Conclusion: Both personalities are strong but weak at the same time. With their strong exterior, both are actually in need of reassurance and be reminded of their values. There is a lot of love and romance in their relationship, but there is also a good amount of disagreements. Arguments based on distrust and low self-esteem. Both are too hotheaded and quick to judge, but both are also easily broken down. It’s a very turbulent relationship.
I hope you enjoy this reading. And please keep in mind that this is done for entertainment purposes only. I use tarotcards and oracle cards actively in my readings, as well as my intuition. Energies come and go, what is relevant for today’s reading might change in a few weeks time. But some aspects will always remain constant and the same. Thank you.❤️
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planetpolyglot · 2 months
[008] dancing with myself
japanese uses katakana for loanwords. for historical reasons, the older the loan, the lower the possibily that it comes from english. think dutch traders, portuguese missionaries and prussian scholars. to your average japanese monolingual, this poses no issue whatsoever: they dont have to rely on the word's origin to decipher it. but to us gaijin, interpreting katakana at speed is a skill that has to be developed seperately from other reading competences, such as accumulating kanji. and then there are polyglot assholes like me: "can i have the language of origin please?"
usually medical words are german, artistic words are french, and food words are from where the cuisine originated, but sometimes there's nothing to go on. having to sound it out and cycle through all the possibilities is essentially a very agonising game of one-person-charades to me. sometimes i have several ideas of what it can be, but when i look it up it turns out to be none of them. my most recent encounter with brain-breaking gairaigo was アンケート. thankfully i figured it out when someone said 調査, but what english word that vaguely means questionnaire starts with A? nope! i was so wrong. it's supposed to be enquête. i wonder if it would have clicked right away if it was spelled オンケット instead.
and then there was that one time i went to a gelateria with an all-katakana menu. at least i knew i was looking at italian words for foods, but a lot of the flavours were similar colours, so to work out which was which without holding up the line, i had to do japanese-to-italian-to-flavour in my head at breakneck speed, which is about as close as i will ever get to ken jennings' initials-to-roman-numerals-to-numbers moment on jeopardy. thank god italian and japanese phonetics follow mostly the same rules, otherwise i would have just given up and gone to baskin robbins instead. but maybe there's no way to win, cause baskin robbins is called サーティワンアイスクリーム in japan, which is pronounced (you guessed it!) saatiwan aisukuriimu. 31 ice cream. what was wrong with バスキン ロビンス? did a board room full of pretentious snobs just assume that the average japanese person wouldnt be able to parse the name? sounds real patronizing to me. oh well, looks like i'll just be dancing with myself then, on the floors of tokyo.
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
How my OCs Fare During the Phantom Bride Crisis
Hello everyone!
The Ghost Marriage event finally dropped in EN today and while absolutely no one asked, here are some headcannons of how some of my twst babies got roped into trying to save Idia. Expect some new cards in the coming week as well! 
Note, some of these are admittedly absurd but so is Crowley trying to blackmail his student body for the umpteenth time. 
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As he is over 180cm, Maximilian is initially among the first group of boys to meet Eliza. Before seeing her, he and the Tweels discuss what would be the best way to win her heart. Maximilian decides the best way to woo the Ghost Bride is with a gift of jewelry. He offers her a necklace of his own design but it’s costume jewelry with the stones being a type of zircon of high brilliance found only in Briar Valley.
Sebek loudly points this out, much to everyone’s annoyance as Maximilian was otherwise doing well with his proposal. Maximilian argues that real diamonds would have been way too expensive and he’d never use stones from his personal collection on something like this. Even so, he’s still condemned to the slap corner but when Vil joins him, he does commend him on the high quality of the zircon because even he was fooled. 
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Farron, though a little shorter than the Ghost Bride’s requirements, nevertheless joins in on trying to woo her after Vil and Maximilian have fallen. He feels partially responsible since he and Rook had initially convinced Vil to try in the first place because they were convinced no bride, alive or dead, could resist their dorm leader’s charms (can you blame them??). Before he approaches the bride, he, Rook and Danica concoct a backup plan in case he should fail. I’ll get to that in a moment. 
He’s actually the first to change his uniform into a suit of his own design and holds special meaning for him. He’s only wore it once before, during his first “date” with Andrew, and he had planned to wear it again for his own sister’s wedding. Really, compared to many of the other NRC boys, Farron stands the best chance at winning the Eliza’s heart and as he’s rehearsing what he’s going to say to her, everyone is convinced that he will be the one to save the day. Sadly, what ends up going against him is partially his naievatee and partially something so minute, literally no one else would notice. 
Right before he goes into the cafeteria, advised by Sidonie, Farron goes into the botanical garden and picks a bouquet of roses to give to the Eliza. This seems innocent enough but at the very last minute, Sidonie realizes something extremely wrong with the roses that could potentially put Farron’s efforts in jeopardy.
At first, everything goes well for Farron. One of the ghost retainers comments on his slight shortness but he argues what he might lack in height, he makes up for in heart. Eliza seems quite taken with him at first, however, at one point, Farron’s confession begins to falter because he realizes everything he’s saying are things he wants to say to Andrew and even if it’s to help rescue a fellow student, he can’t say such things lightly. Eliza begins to get annoyed and Farron, realizing he’s losing her and starting to internally panic, gives her the roses. That’s when Sidonie shows up. 
Sidonie, Danica and Iman under the cut!
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Sidonie tries to stop Farron but it’s too late. As it happens, the roses Farron offered her are dark red, which according to flower language, means to be in mourning. Roses of a slightly brighter red are more suitable for a profession of romance. The Ghost Bride knows this and is already enraged at what the roses imply but Sidonie’s arrival has actually made things worse because her jealousy has been provoked. Was Farron’s faltering because he was speaking falsely? Is Sidonie the one who truly has his heart and the dark red roses represent him mourning giving her up to be with Eliza? Farron naturally gets slapped but Sidonie is having none of this slapping BS. 
She quickly snatches one of the roses from Farron’s bouquet and despite strict orders from Crowley never to do it, activates her UM. Unfortunately it seems her UM only works on living victims since ghosts are already essentially wandering souls. She joins Farron and the others in the slap corner but seeing Eliza get jealous convinces them that perhaps their secondary plan might work after all. 
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A few days prior, Danica had been rehearsing for a role in one of the Film Research Club’s theatrical productions, the role of a princess who dearly dies of heartbreak when it seems her princely lover might have had his head turned by another woman. One of her costumes for the play is a beautiful white dress that, with a few quick alterations by Farron, can be easily used as a wedding gown. The backup plan he, Danica and Rook came up with is to pretend that Danica is already engaged to Idia because surely, no bride would want a groom whom has already promised his heart to another. 
Danica is already pumped and ready to rescue Vil and when Farron and Sidonie don’t return, she imagines the worst and dons her white gown. Rook is beside himself with how beautiful she looks and even Epel can’t help but admit that white really suits her. When she rehearses what to say to reclaim Idia, Crowley is convinced that if Danica can’t save him, no one can and says she looks more like a princess than the Ghost Bride herself. 
Unfortunately, this comment invites the ire of another student who actually is a princess and she decides she want’s in on the rescue mission as well, weather she’s invited or not. 
When Danica goes into the cafeteria, Eliza surprisingly isn’t put off by her arrival at first. Convinced that Idia’s heart wholly belongs to her. One of the ghost retainers scolds Danica saying if she objects to Idia and Eliza’s union, then she should voice it at the actual wedding when the officiant asks if anyone objects. Danica promises to stay around for that on the condition the others are set free and for a moment, it looks like Eliza is going to humor her, until the others begin commenting on what a lovely bride Danica makes and once again, excite the Ghost Bride’s jealousy. 
Eliza reminds them that there is only one princess there and Danica is not her but Lilia retorts that Eliza’s behavior thus far has been anything but princessey. Vil adds that between the two, he would choose Danica (👀) because she has recently been studying how to be an ideal princess for her role in his play and, upon hearing that, Eliza challenges Danica to a contest to see who among them is truly the most princessey. If Danica wins, she’ll set everyone free but if Eliza wins, Danica is condemned to the slap corner. Danica REALLY doesn’t want to compete with a ghost and to add to this, she had not planned to be competing against both Eliza AND Iman. 
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When Danica mentions to everyone the plan she, Farron and Sidonie came up with, Iman is alittle annoyed that they did not ask her to make the claim on Idia since she actually is a princess. Crowley’s appraisal of Danica doesn’t help matters either. Despite Jamil’s very vocal disapproval, Iman decides she wants to join in on Danica’s plan. Her reasoning is that two brides trying to reclaim Idia will have more affect than one, this is true but she also wants to show off how much of a princess she truly is compared to Danica who is just acting like one. Vidaria wants to join as well but unfortunately, Lilia gave her strict orders not to get involved for the same reason Malleus is not getting involved. 
Somehow, Sam is able to procure for Iman a richly embroidered wedding gown from her homeland, exactly in her size. She goes to the cafeteria also claiming to already be engaged to Idia and says that of the three of them (her, Eliza and Danica) her engagement is the most valid due to her royal blood. Eliza is understandably annoyed by this and challenges Iman as well. 
The three brides compete in challenges of singing, moving, and trivia pertaining to how a princess should react in certain situations. When it seems like a three-way tie is inevitable, Eliza decides to put the final test to Idia, asking him which of the three would he prefer to marry. Idia, anxious he might actually have to marry either Iman or Danica if he chooses one of them loudly protests that he is not engaged to either of them and in Danica’s case, he doesn’t even know her nor met her before today. Eliza takes to mean that Idia is still up for grabs and condemns her unwilling rivals to the slap corner. Danica is pissed that he would be so short-sighted that he couldn’t see the bigger picture that they were trying to save him. And Iman is insulted that Idia would jilt her at all since she’s “an obvious 10 to his 3”.
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applerevenge · 1 year
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Do you think it’s genetics or lack of cleanliness generally speaking I don’t think he’s generally the cleanest person there’s a lot of compensation it’s not just under rug swept
OK and what if Anatole wanted to live a new life in America it doesn’t matter to trash like you because you are going to say I need to win at Jeopardy then why don’t you fight Ken motherfucker I hope you do David I’m on your side I’ll fucking tear his testicles out I don’t give a shit. Oh yeah, he’s gonna make fun of my draw that draw that I magically put on shortly after it’s weird boundary is right guys boundaries am I wrong local redneck, trash sucking my city am I wrong? I don’t think I am.
Said titty
Oh my God I’m just like such an experience credit or whatever that I had to put everybody down
I said an experienced critic
Nathan, nobody asked for your fucking opinion
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septembercfawkes · 3 years
Getting Passive Protagonists to Act
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Many beginning writers struggle with protagonists who are too passive. The plot seems to constantly be happening to him or her, but the protagonist doesn’t take an action to make the plot happen.
Ideally, when an event happens to a protagonist, the protagonist responds by taking an action that influences the next event, which then influences the protagonist, which then influences an event—and on and on. But that can be easier said than done. Especially if you have a protagonist who prefers to live life passively.
This could all get confusing, though, because in story structure, almost all protagonists will more or less become more proactive. But for the sake of this post, I'm talking about protagonists who are characteristically passive. A protagonist who may want to kick up his feet in a hammock with a glass of lemonade and watch the world deal with its own problems. How do we write a story about that guy?
Many people will tell you that you can't--you must change the character.
But that is not wholly true.
It's true in a good story, we need the protagonist to act--especially at key moments--but that doesn't mean he innately yearns to act.
Often the best solution in dealing with a passive character is to strengthen the stakes. Let me explain.
Anyone will Act with the Right Stakes
The stakes are potential consequences; they are what are at risk in the story. We often think of them as negative things (someone's life may be at risk), but they can also be positive things (the opportunity to be taught by a professional in your ideal vocation).
Stakes are important because if there is nothing at risk, then what happens, doesn't really matter, which means what the protagonist does, doesn't really matter, because it doesn't change any outcomes. The story only matters insomuch as we understand potential outcomes. The protagonist's choices only matter if they affect the outcomes.
For example, we only care about Frodo destroying the Ring because we know doing so could rid Middle-earth of Sauron’s evil. If we didn't know that, what happened with the Ring wouldn't really matter. And what Frodo did wouldn't carry any weight. (You can learn more about stakes in my article "How to Write Stakes in Storytelling.")
When struggling with getting a passive protagonist to act, (almost) always look at the stakes.
No Stakes
Make sure that you’ve at least laid out stakes. Sometimes writers feel like the stakes are obvious, so they don't mention them. Just as bad, if not worse, the stakes may be too vague. And definitely worse: nonexistent.
If the protagonist doesn't have anything clearly to gain or lose, why would she act? If what happened to the Ring didn't change something, why would Frodo go to Mount Doom? Why would any of us do anything if it didn't make some kind of difference?
In a case like this, clear stakes need to be on the page.
Let's look at some examples of what one might consider passive people within the context of their stories.
Shrek wants nothing more than to live alone on his swamp. If there is nothing at risk, is he really going to go on an adventure to rescue a princess? Probably not.
In The Edge of Tomorrow, I think it could be argued that the protagonist, Bill Cage (played by Tom Cruise) is somewhat passive in relation to the main conflict. The story is about him fighting in a war against aliens, but he has absolutely no desire whatsoever to enter combat--in fact, he's a coward. You think he would sign up to be the first in combat out of the goodness of his heart? No way.
In Trigun by Yasuhiro Nightow, protagonist Vash would rather spend all day, every day eating donuts, playing with kids, and helping out the person down the street. He'd rather live life under an alias than face the fact he's the only one capable of standing up to the antagonist and saving the human race.
If none of these characters ever had anything at risk, then they would have never taken the actions they needed to, to move the story forward. They would have been forever passive.
In short, they only acted once there were stakes.
Wrong Stakes
If there are stakes on the page, and the character still isn't acting, then chances are they are either the wrong stakes (things she doesn’t care about) or the stakes are too small (the potential consequences don’t pose a real threat or a meaningful gain).
If they are the wrong stakes, you need to think about what the protagonist cares about and put it in jeopardy. We all care about something--whether that’s a reputation or a pet.
For a passive person, you might need to dig deeper and brainstorm longer to figure out what it is. And if you are having trouble, keep in mind that it's also possible the passive protagonist wants something for someone else or his environment. Maybe she's satisfied drinking lemonade and getting picked on, but she's not okay with her kid getting bullied--that's not something she can let happen.
Shrek mostly cares about living alone on his swamp. If his distant neighbor is at risk of dying in loneliness, Shrek's likely not going to do much about it. The best way to get him to act, is to put his home and lifestyle at risk. He will be willing to take action to save that.
Bill is afraid of dying (it's part of what makes him a coward). If he's put in a situation where he could die, he'll be forced to act.
Vash is obsessed with saving people. Children, friends, innocents, criminals. It doesn't matter who. He doesn't want anyone to die. If no one is at risk of dying, then it's unlikely he will be drawn to fight his antagonists. Almost always he is led to act because someone's life is at risk.
Small Stakes
If the stakes are too small, you need to make them bigger by making them broader or more personal.
Even the most passive person is unlikely to feel passive with a gun pointed at them. Unless they have a death wish, in which case, you could have the gun pointing at a loved one, or you could threaten torture. Even people who have a death wish don't want to be tortured. Almost all of us will act if the stakes get big enough.
Alternatively, you can promise an opportunity that is too good to pass up. If all I want is to live out my life on a hammock by the beach sipping lemonade, then maybe the best motivation is the promise of getting that. Maybe I'd be willing to act, if it ensured that.
It's bad enough for Shrek to have a few creatures come on his swamp, but the fact that countless numbers of them will be exiled to his swamp, is even worse. This is a big enough issue to get him to act--he decides he must visit Farquaad, which moves the story to the middle.
It's bad enough to die once, but it turns out for Bill, that he has to die over and over and over again. He also has to go on the battlefield over and over and over again, too. He keeps repeating the same events. This is enough to get him to try new tactics (and really, what other choice does he have?).
It's bad enough that Vash can't save everyone. But when it turns out the antagonists plan to destroy the whole human race, well, he can't live out life in donut-filled peace, playing cops and robbers with tykes. He has to act.
Inaction Stakes
If your passive character still really does not want to act, it's worth keeping in mind that inaction is an action--it just needs significant stakes. There needs to be negative ramifications for the protagonist not acting. Ideally, eventually these negative consequences get so big or so personal, that the protagonist has to do something about it.
For example, at one point, Vash decides to live under an alias and do nothing. He decides to be inactive. Unfortunately, this results in an entire town getting wiped out by the antagonist. Doing nothing has steep consequences. He needs to at least try to do something.
This can become a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation--where "damned if you do" at least carries a small chance of success over "damned if you don't."
At one point in Edge of Tomorrow, Bill decides to do nothing. He even goes to a bar to drink in the middle of the day. Guess what? He still has to repeatedly die. Whatever he does, he ends up dying, and having to repeat that time frame. He can either be endlessly in a tortuous loop where he dies, dies, and dies, or he can keep trying to fix the situation. On the surface, it seems like he has a lot of options, since he gets to make different choices each time he repeats the day, but 99% of them lead to the same outcome. So in reality, he has very few choices. Act and maybe die. Or don't act and keep dying.
Limit Options
Related to the last one, one way to push a passive character to act, is to limit her choices and the outcomes. In fact, if we want to take this to the real world, studies show that the more options people have, the less likely they are to make a choice--or even make a good choice.
Like Bill, when there aren't really any options, the protagonist will be pretty much forced to act. Either keep reliving the same torture or try to do something about it.
Add to it some kind of countdown or convergence, so that the protagonist has a very limited window to act, and she'll have to do something.
Stakes Reveal Character
How the protagonist acts when there are things at risk, will reveal what kind of person she is.
In this sense, one might argue, that by strengthening the stakes to get her to act, you are changing her character after all.
Or perhaps, it would be more accurate to say that you are now revealing who she truly is.
Whatever the case, it can become an argument of semantics.
Similar things can happen with the term "passive."
Just understand the concepts and the tools.
The Reluctant Hero
In most, if not all cases, a characteristically passive protagonist will create a reluctant hero. Shrek doesn't want to save Fiona. Bill doesn't want to win the war. Vash doesn't want to confront the antagonist. They just want something to not happen, more than they want to do The Thing™️.
In this sense, while the passive protagonist will ultimately still be acting within the plot (which is necessary to write a good story), he or she may still yearn for passivity.
Of course, the character's arc may possibly shift that yearning by the end.
And it should go without saying, that pretty much all these same tricks will work for passive side characters, as well--when you need to get them to act. For example, in The Office, Stanley is characteristically passive. He pretty much sits in silence and does crossword puzzles. But when pushed far enough, he will back talk his boss. And when he wants something bad enough (like a free pretzel on pretzel day), he'll actually act.  
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enormous-moose · 2 years
This is my last post about this shit because the only people who are commenting on my posts are people who don't read my entire posts. I'm tired of the idiots. I've had enough death threats. I've had it with Gun Freaks who pick and choose what to read but think they comment with a good argument... you're not -.-
So I'm going to lay out some of the finer talking points in the anon hate... why? Because it's ridiculous and my husband is concerned with how much I've been laughing at these.
To start it's everyone's favorite reminder:
I do not respect the christian god in any capacity. I find the christian god is used far too often to repress and justify violence and I for one believe in gods that I can sympathize with and understand better.
I am a pagan and I do not believe in the christian god or the belief that America is one nation under this "god."
Saying the second amendment is god-given is not just wrong but expressly goes against the freedom of religion this country is founded on. Providing the argument we need to respect the "god-given" rights is a cop-out and I will not allow anyone to rittenhouse their way out of consequences.
So I reject any argument that is founded upon the belief that the second amendment cannot be changed because the christian god gives everyone the right.
Now on to what makes me laugh most:
What we need is gun control! Threatening to shoot me is enough proof that you shouldn't own a gun. Frankly, I am surprised at how many people are so quick to want to shoot someone who has a different opinion than them.
We need protection from the terrorists that are bred with hatred and a belief that guns are the solution to their problems. We need better programs for the young boys who take it upon themselves to seek their own brand of justice. The problems are in our system, nowhere else in the world does this happen this frequently.
Those who advocate for gun rights are often screaming in the same breath about their freedoms being in jeopardy, what about the freedom to be safe? What about the freedom to receive an education? What about the freedom to not live in fear? What about the fucking freedom to live!!!
Let's face it there is a problem in America, the problem is that people don't want to see what's really wrong but instead want to push their own agendas. Biden isn't a criminal. Harris isn't a criminal. PUTIN is a fucking piece of shit! Trump is a criminal. White supremacists are WRONG. Black Lives Matter! Children's lives Matter! We need Gun control!
If you have any issue with what I say block me. Be a fucking adult and choose to not read my posts. I block people all the damn time. It's so refreshing to not have to see someone screaming about teachers needing guns. It is the most liberating thing to just press that one little block and never have to see that person or their posts again! Try it with me! Go on, go up to my blog and block me. You'll feel better and everyone wins!
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seraphsurvival · 3 years
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episode 1: 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜
having completed all their challenges for week one it is time for the angels to face the music. with their votes in and team performances judged their final rankings decide who will continue on to become apart of 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇. will your favourite angel soar high or will they fall from grace ?
* note that indented + italic text like this means it is confessional footage *
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the iconic seraph intro music played as the cameras focused on the show hosts nova and yen.
“good evening everyone and welcome to...” nova began before yen joined in “seraph!” they chorused.
“this week was a tough first week for our angels.” yen began before looking over at nova who enthusiastically nodded along . “they had 2 challenges to complete: the iconic angel song and a group performance.”
“having to juggle solo performances and group work proved to be quite difficult for some of our angels. both groups had their share of mishaps...” behind nova clips of the angels in their confessionals in tears or looking stressed covered the screen further proving her statement.
“but despite all of this we saw some amazing performances.” nova grinned as she turned back to all the angels on the platform behind her.
“judges, what do you think of our angels this week? who stood out the most to you?” yen questioned turning all focus to the panel of judges.
“i thought this week was fun, we got to see a different side to the angels usual concepts,” hyuna spoke first , making sunmi and j-hope nod along with her. “i personally really enjoyed ricky’s performance, it was so fun to watch. her expressions made it that much more entertaining.”
the camera focused on ricky as she bowed at the praise. her features stretched out in a bright smile as chloe squeezed her hand beside her happy for her new best friend.
“i think mine was yuri’s performance of ‘GOTTA GO’. she surprised me in a good way. i was not expecting her to stand out the way she did but i’m glad she did. i’m proud of her.” sunmi answered.
on stage yuri visibly blushed as she repeatedly bowed. her soft ‘thank you’ making sunmi smile sweetly.
“hmmm all the angels were truly excelled this week ,” j-hope chuckled , resting his head on his hand. “none of the performances were boring. did some have room for growth in technique terms? of course, but pretty much everyone performed well.”
“yeah, yeah, yeah. who was your favourite?” hyuna jokingly pushed making everyone laugh.
“if i had to pick i think my favourite would be summer’s cover of ‘DARE’. her lines were clean and moves sharp. it was great to see her do a much darker concept. you can tell why she is where she is.”
summer nodded happily as a response to j-hope’s comments. she had always been a huge fan of BTS and it took everything within her not to fangirl hearing her idol praise her for her performance.
“what about the groups what did you think?” nova questioned once again.
the judges shared a look with each other before hyuna leaned into her mic, “honestly group one really surprised us this week. im really impressed with their performance of ‘FAKE LOVE’.” the idol leaned forward to be in her fellow judge’s line of sight. “j-hope, was it up to standard?”
“it was definitely up to standard they really destroyed the performance. i feel honoured truly.” he chuckled
the entirety of group one laughed at his comment. each of the angels thanking him in their own regard, their pride evident in their faces the entire time. in juxtaposition the camera pans to team two who’s faces look less than impressed with
“overall, i’d say everyone did great today, yes there is definitely room for improvement but and i don’t think i’d be wrong if i said all us judges are proud of every single one of the angels on a successful first week,” sunmi concluded. hyuna and j-hope hummed in agreement and nodded along to every word she said. she sent the angels a reassuring thumbs up to try soothe the obvious nerves of all the angels on stage.
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incase you missed it !
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the lights dimmed as the entire mood of the studio shifted.
“even though all our angels deserve to soar high sadly for one angel their wings will be cut.” nova spoke, her serious tone emphasizing the tension in the studio.
“before we show the results here’s a refresher on how voting works: you have been voting all week for your favourite angel and those votes contribute 50 points each. these points are added to the group points.” she looked over at yen to signal her to say her next lines.
“but today’s episode has a special twist,” yen turned to the camera with a pause. “two angels will be going home today.” behind the hosts the angels heads snapped up in panic. none of them were aware of the double elimination.
“the first will be the angel with the lowest rank from the losing team, and the other will be the angel with the lowest overall ranking, even if she’s part of the winning team she’ll leave the show today.”
the silence in the studio was deafening. none of the angels dared say a word as they waited in anticipation for the results. the angels stood in the groups as they linked hands to give each other support.
“without further ado, let’s see the results.” nova spoke directing everyone’s eyes to the screen where everyone’s rankings were plastered.
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* every member of group 1 gets 350 points for placing first and every member of group 2 gets 250 points for placing last *
BAEBI - 1450 ( @whileinvenus )
YURI - 1300 ( @cube-vivid )
SUMMER - 1150 ( @se4sonz )
MIMI - 900 ( @inter-stellar-jyp )
RICKY - 850 ( @unholiied )
HAEJU - 800 ( @hcney-moon )
CHLOE - 800 ( @chloekwon )
EDEN - 750 ( @inter-stellar-jyp )
JADE - 750 ( @nct-krown )
AME - 700 ( @triptychexe )
DAHLIA - 650 ( @d3adfl0wers )
JAY - 500 ( @dulcetgg )
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yuri brought her hands to her mouth, frozen in shock.
“i was not expecting to make it another week honestly,” she spoke in disbelief. “after being outshined by ricky all week, i thought it was over but here i am!” she giggled covering her mouth to hide the broad smile taking over her features.
baebi hugged her excitedly. her smile not only reflecting her pride in yuri’s high rank but also her own first place rank. pushing aside her dissatisfaction with their team losing she still was proud of what they’d done.
the same positivity was not felt as dahlia and jade saw the score board. as their team came last they knew someone was in jeopardy of going home but neither of them would’ve guessed it would be dahlia.
frozen in shock jade turned to dahlia who’s hand had flown up to her mouth as her eyes welled up. jade made quick movement to comfort dahlia before she fully broke down.
“don’t let them see you cry you know this says nothing about your talent or potential.” she whispered into dahlia’s ear. the older girl nodded along with jade’s words as she took deep breaths. as much as she was balanced now it still didn’t feel fair.
“dahlia doesn’t deserve this. she is one of the most talented girls here.” jade folded her arms as she turned her head to the side. “i can’t believe dahlia is gone and voice crack ricky is in the top 5. it doesn’t feel right.”
on the other team the girls huddle in an excited hug at their teams first place ranking. their teams ranking is what saved ame that week and she knew it. she had the second lowest rank of her team aside from jay who unfortunately had the least votes that week overall.
“at least some people voted for me”, she spoke to the camera as she let out a sigh. “i’ll just have to work extra hard next week,” she nodded as she encourage herself, trying her best to maintain the smile on her face no matter what.
in contrast to the rest of the girls , jay couldn’t keep her facade up. despite the positive energy around her she couldn’t stop the silent sobs that left her. she didn’t want her journey to end so abruptly, she deserved to stay longer mimi hanged her tightly as she let the taller girl cry into her shoulder. her eyes glossed over along with jays as she knew she was going to miss her, jay was one of the girls she’d grown closest to besides eden.
“i’m obviously going to miss jay,” mimi spoke softly wiping away at her tears. “she’s so talented i’m so sad to see her go. this week didn’t showcase her charms to the fullest,” she shook her head sadly as she sniffled.
the two eliminated girls took a step forward standing center stage as the judges said their last words.
“dahlia, how are you feeling?” nova asked as her teammates lovingly rubbed her back.
taking a deep breath dahlia spoke into the mic that was handed to her. “i’m obviously disappointed. our group didn’t go as planned and i just feel like i didn’t get to fully showcase what i’m capable of.” she sniffles loudly towards the end as she tried her best to hold in her tears.
“dahlia, you’re a talented girl. it's sad because it really felt as if you didn’t know why you were here, i couldn’t feel your passion and you need that to sell a performance.” sunmi spoke her eyebrows furrowed and lips downturned.
dahlia nodded, a sad tight lipped smile on her features as she handed to mic back. she was so focused on the rest of the team not messing up as well as feeling cheated out of the roll of main vocalist played against her. and it was too late to try again all she could do is find the spark that once lit a flame of passion in her and try again outside the show.
“jay,” j-hope sighed as the tall girl bowed her head unable to even look at the judges. “it’s sad seeing you go,” he admitted with a pout. “but i think it’s because you just haven’t found your sparkle yet and i think that’s something you have to do outside of ‘seraph’. but don’t give up and keep up the good work , and I’m sure you’ll be the next big thing.” all jay could do was nod, even having been handed the mic she couldn’t speak a word.
the focus shifted from the bottom 2 girls to ame who although safe still looked as distraught as the other angels.
“ame, you were so close to the bottom this week,” hyuna pointed out to which ame nodded her face sullen and disappointed. “you got lucky tonight but don’t let your guard down,” she pointed at the girl, giving her a knowing look. “something needs to change or you’ll be the next to say goodbye.” she warned. ame nodded once again taking a respectful bow.
the cameras focused back on the two hosts as the girls regrouped behind them.
the two girls descended the platform. dahlia wrapped her arm around jay as she still sobbed uncontrollably. the two made their way off stage waving to the remaining angels before exiting the studio completely and making their way to the dorms to pack up their belongings.
“it’s always sad to see and angel take off, especially so early in the show,” yen sighed sadly. nova hummed in agreement,” but sadly that’s how the show goes.”
“but let’s not focus on only the negatives but some positives. ladies and gentlemen give it up for our remaining 10 angels!” nova cheered making the studio erupt in excited claps and cheers. “congratulations girls you’ve made the top 10 out of hundreds of applicants!” the girls cheered once again as their moods lifted a significant amount compared to the somber mood earlier.
“that’s it for this episode! stay tuned to see how the angels spread their wings and soar through weekly challenges and compete to be a part of the ultimate super group !” yen ran over her signature closing line once again, sharing a sweet smile with her cohost
“thanks to everyone who participated and we’ll see you next week !” nova chimed in mirroring yen’s bright smile.
“goodbye !” they chorused as the 2 hosts waved at the camera before it zoomed out to focus on everyone in the studio.
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*results below ! *
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Kiss me
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Summary: You are the quidditch commentator who loves to tease all kind of players and James gets annoyed, not knowing how awkward you are.
Warnings: none that I could find, swearing, maybe?
Word Count: 1,769
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James walked into the pitch feeling confident. They had trained hard, the weather was as good as could be, he was there for the win. Moreover, Lily was watching. He had to be good to impress her. He shook hands with the Ravenclaw quidditch captain, nodding briefly. He mounted his broom, kicking himself off the ground. 
“I. HATE. HER.” James said angrily.
“Mannn you won the match, let’s celebrate! what’s the problem?” Sirius said slapping his back. James scoffed.
“Ha! James yet again shows off and misses the quaffle, James needs new glasses he’s missing goals even though being a foot away. James. James. James.” James said imitating your voice.
“She teased literally everyone? on both teams?” Remus said, trying to cheer him up.
“Look me in the eye and tell me she makes as much fun of everyone just as me. And my team because I am the captain. Besides the jokes are funny!” James glared at Remus making him gulp.
“Sirius, a little help here?” Remus asked, nudging him. Sirius sighed.
“Mate, if it bothers you so much just go talk to her. I mean, we already know she isn’t bad, not one of the bad slytherins at least. She always hangs out with Evans.” Sirius said.
“You know what? I’m gonna do just that.” James said leaving.
“James, hey! Nice-” Lily said but stopped.
“Later Lily!” he said rushing out of the tower opening up the map trying to find the footsteps labeled, “(Y/n Y/l/n)”
Of course. The library.  James took brisk steps  muttering and hissing. Why him? He never did anything to you. Why did you always make fun of him? He didn’t run hands through his hair THAT much! He did not know when he reached there. Looking around, he tried to find (Y/n) between the shelves. He found you, hunched over a big stack of books, studying.
“(Y/l/n)!” James called out making you look up. You looked around confused before your eyes landed on James.
“Umm… hi?” you asked, unsure why he was looking for you. James narrowed his eyes. Did you have to act so oblivious?
“Why are you out to get me every time?” James asked, cutting off all formalities.
Your eyes widened as you tried to come up with a response. Because he always seemed so carefree whenever you were with Lily? Because you thought he didn’t take offence to things? Because you thought he would get your sense of humor? All these didn’t seem to be true now, though. James cocked an eyebrow and you realised you’d been quiet for too long. You felt a shiver go through you before you thought about the right words to say.
“Umm… I didn’t mean to offend you. I thought I was having innocent fun. I won’t do it again if it bothers you.” You said at last, leaving James for the loss of words.
“You…” James cleared his throat. “So, you’re saying you didn’t mean those things.” 
You forced a smile shaking your head.
“You are actually a very good player, the swing move which you do is quite commendable.” you informed him. 
“Oh.” James breathed. He had a speech ready on how every single thing he did in the match had an intention behind it, but you were sitting there complimenting him. He suddenly felt foolish. How many times, did Remus and Sirius tell him it was just a joke? Why didn’t he listen to them?
“I’m sorry if I made you feel bad.” your voice comes breaking him off his reverie. You looked down. Why couldn’t you talk to people like a normal person? Did you have to make jokes every time you meet someone new?
“Hey! Its okay, no harm done. I confess, I may have seen too much into things” James looked at you finding you nodding along awkwardly. It then clicked suddenly. You weren’t much of an extrovert he thought you’d be. He smiled.
“So, what are you doing?” he asked, trying to avert topics.
“Transfiguration.” you said glumly. “It seems no matter what I do, I never get the spells!” You dramatically dropped your head down making James chuckle. 
“I’ll help you. I’m good at that subject.” James plopped on the chair beside you. 
“You wanna help me after all those jokes about you?” You said looking at him.
“Well, you did say I was good later.” James smirked.
The two of you stayed in the library for hours. James cleared every single one of your doubts and you found yourself lowering your guards. It was easy around him. It felt like he could make anyone open up to him.
“No that’s not… wait?!?” James snorted, red from laughter.
“Get it?” you choked words out. Your stomach was paining from how much you laughed.
When the both of you calmed down you noticed the time. The library had long since closed and the only lights on were the one above yours.
“We should be leaving.” you said getting up.
“Yeah. See you in transfiguration tomorrow?” James asked.
“Sure! You got it lover boy!” you said pointing finger guns at him. James roared out laughing, at the term you used for him. You were allowed to call him that, after all the chasing he did for Lily.
It happened so slowly that neither of you realised it. You fell in love with James. And he was completely whipped for you. Not that the two of you knew it. James found himself visiting the library so very often, even if to say hi. You met him after his quidditch practices brought him some food and drinks. James would never admit, but he loved seeing you there. Showed that you cared. You loved his goofy smile and he loved you could make him laugh for a change.
It was when one evening, you broke down completely. You had failed transfiguration yet again. You hid in a small opening you were sure no one knew about. 
Of course you were wrong. You turned to see James standing behind you.
“(Y/n) what’s wrong?” he asked, concerned. You let out a dry laugh.
“Why do I even try?” you said handing him your transfiguration paper. He studied it for a moment before settling down beside you.
“Look here.” James said pointing towards a question. You rubbed your eyes, directing your attention towards it.
“You see, the answer you wrote is factually correct, but it is definitely not framed nicely leading to the deduction of marks. And here too, you see you are right but you missed out on an important term and that was the frame of mind while performing this spell. ” 
James spent the next few minutes pointing out what you did wrong and you felt so foolish. They were all such silly mistakes.
“So you see,” James said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “You are smart, you know these things; you’ll soon pick up on the writing part too!”
You smiled. 
“You know, I always thought you were this egoistic little girl-”
“Heyyy” you said smacking his arm.
“But then I realised you were actually this cool, beautiful girl who has her shit together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like you, and in a good way.”
Your heart beat so fast and you didn’t know when you had come so close. You felt his breath over your face and he moved away abruptly. You shook yourself. What were you thinking?
“I should go.” you stood up and walked away fast. What had you done?
That night you both got very little sleep. The realisation that you in fact had started to like James hit you like a brick. He liked Lily, obviously he did. He deserved it too. He deserved someone who wasn’t socially awkward. You didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had. You would act as if nothing happened. So why the hell did it hurt so much?
James couldn’t sleep. He liked Lily. Had since forever. Then why did he want to kiss you so badly. He knew what he would do. Act as if nothing happened. He could not put the friendship in jeopardy. Then why the hell did he still keep thinking about your lips?
The two of you acted as the moment never happened. Sirius and Remus could sense something shifted. They knew James had fallen for (Y/n), but couldn’t understand why he wasn’t acting on it.
“James wanna join me for a study session at about 6?” Lily asked.
“Sorry. Not today.” James said, directing his attention towards his friends. Sirius raised his eyebrows.
“Let me guess, going with (Y/n)?” Sirius asked.
“Yes.” James looked at him as a loopy smile emerged on his face.
“Are you sure you like Lily? I mean you keep blowing her off. You sure you don’t like (Y/n)” Sirius asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
“No.” James said in a small voice.
“Fine, then spend the evening with Lily today.” Sirius said simply. James frowned.
“Fine, I will.” James huffed. He called out to the girl. “Lily, on second thoughts, I would love a study session.” James winked towards Lily making her giggle.
“Don’t be late.” she said.
James did not like this. All he could think about was how Lily was not (Y/n), how she did not get his jokes, how she did not smile the right way, how she did not tease him back.
And it struck him. He was so not in love with the girl in front of him. He stood up abruptly, muttered an apology and left to find (Y/n).
You were sitting under a tree near the lake when you heard your name. You turned to find James huffing.
“What happened? Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Lily?”
James shushed you taking in gulps of air.
“Want to hear a crazy idea?” James asked standing up straighter.
“Okay...” you said unsure.
“I love you.” James stated.
You opened and closed your mouth several times.
“What?” you asked.
James nodded.
“Yeah. I didn’t believe it either. But I do. And I really wanna kiss those lips.”
You stood silently taking it all in.
“Okay” you said at last.
“Okay, what?” he asked.
“Kiss me.”
James' hands were on you in a second as he kissed you. Hard. 
“It’s so much better in reality!” James whispered, pulling away.
“Kissing me? You dreamt of kissing me pottah?” you smirked and cocked an eyebrow.
“Just kiss me.” James said as you smiling doing exactly what you asked him too.
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A/N: This was written for the lovely anon. Here is the request. It would mean alot if you dropped by something in my inbox telling me if I did it right. Also, this is my first James fic so reblogs and feedback is very much appreciated.
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virmillion · 2 years
ranting but it's under a read more because i can already anticipate it being too long for the tags
surprise! it's identity issues again, because my personality starts and stops with what's societally wrong with me
0. main point. i think it's like. 80/20 im a he/him for he/hims, just to put it as plainly as possible. being called a girl makes me want to die, hearing my name feels Wrong unless it's my spanish prof mispronouncing it, i have a breakdown every time my shirt Demonstrates What's Under It. like. it's not a *tough* guess i don't think
0.5. off of that. we're gonna go down the list of issues actually that's what this is gonna be because i'm nothing if not linear in my non-sequential thoughts
1. my dad i feel there's a 70/30 shot he wouldn't be cool with it, mostly because we disagree on Everything. literally everything ever. that 30 saying he might be cool is in part because i'm his kid so maybe that means something, but in larger part because i haven't heard him make snide remarks about the jeopardy lady, and we take wins where we can get them. if i'm right, i lose a dad and it sucks, but it doesn't destroy me forever, because i've been emotionally preparing for it since before i knew i needed to. if i'm wrong, then it means i've wasted all this time thinking the worst of him only for that to be unfounded, AND it means he's the type of person to *make* me think i can't trust him, which feels worse than if he would just reject me outright
2. my mom there's a 50/50 shot she's cool with it. i honestly have no idea either way, i have no clue what she's like politically or socially or Anything, she's really careful about that (probably because she knows my dad and i could bicker back and forth for days about that sort of shit). i'm. truly fucking terrified of ever coming out to her because if she does accept me, cool solid my mom loves me for who i am, but again, she somehow planted the seed of doubt that maybe she wouldn't, and again, That Would Suck Major Ass. i honestly can't even consider the alternative, because i have no idea what i'd do if she *wasn't* cool with it, and i've never considered it so thoroughly as with my dad, so i'm not Already Prepared for it, yk? same thing with her being cool about the jeopardy lady, but also we have a family friend (~20f) dating a trans woman (~70f) and i've never heard a single word from her about the gay part or the trans part (just the age part, which, obviously). also she brought up watching that Gay In Indiana musical when it came to netflix, so she's at least cool with That Stuff. me being who i am and how i am, i think she's probably emotionally prepared for me to be Not Straight, but i don't know about the rest
3. my sister said she's cool with it and won't tell, and her husband has a trans younger brother, so good signs all around
4. obviously i know i need to like. do therapy about it either way, but then we run into the covid thing, where i quit therapy last year (?? or the year before i don't remember) partially because i Was Better but significantly moreso bc it was over zoom, with my dad in the house (bc he won't get a fucking JOB), which made therapy very hard when a good chunk of my issues were (and still are) about him. if i were to start again now (and we're working on it, though for unrelated reasons), i couldn't do it over the phone bc there's nowhere Totally Private here to do that, but i don't know if they offer in person. also, they have to be cool about lgbtq+ bullshit, and if they're *not,* i have to come up with an excuse to my mom for why They Won't Work Out, Time To Start Searching Again And Wait Another Two Months. i think she might be cool if i just said "they won't work out," and if pressed, "i don't feel comfortable talking about it," because she's always been chill about that sort of thing. i don't know
5. i've always had this hard deadline of I Will Not Come Out Until I Am Not Monetarily Reliant On My Parents, which. god. it SUCKS because i don't want them to feel like i'm Using them for money, that would be *awful,* but also. like. i am very much reliant on that, too, it's not an insignificant thing we'd be throwing away here if they don't accept me. and it's obviously more nuanced than "i love you" vs "i love your money," this isn't a two-sided die, but. i don't know. i need to vent, and i need to do it out loud, and i have no one with whom i can accomplish that. either way, i am less and less confident in that timeline every day. i really don't know if i can stand that much longer in the closet, honestly. not even "oh i need to be my truest self" but more like. it just *really fucking sucks* to be called shit that makes me viscerally uncomfortable, all the small stuff that adds up to So Fucking Much when i look at the road of Years And Years More Of This yet to come. i'm not optimistic enough to have started this post thinking i'd reach the end knowing for certain it'd go well if, hell, if i came out before february ended, but i really hoped writing all this might do Something, u know? guess not /shrug
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anthonycrowleymoved · 3 years
As a non-American whose only experience of jeopardy are screencaps from tumblr and three (3) SNL clips, I don't understand jeopardy at all like? How do you win? You bzz bzz a statement and give another statement and they go wweee like wtf was rhat what's going on what i don't what huh what?
okay please understand i am not making fun of you but good lord i’ve been watching jeopardy since i was about two because my grandma used to watch it religiously and she’d babysit me and my whole family it was like. a bonding time in my youth so seeing someone who thinks this is what it is is like. a bit of a trip. anyway i am going to attempt to explain something that is ingrained into my psyche since childhood for the nonamericans who Don’t Get It please stand by sorry if this is confusing
okay, based on this post i think your biggest point of confusion is actually how the question is answered. what they do is give you a statement and you have to give the answer in the form of a question, as opposed to other trivia shows where you just. answer the question. so think of it this way: if the clue they give you is something like (and i’m giving an answer i think a lot of people will be able to follow) “this pop star, who previously played hannah montana on a disney channel show, reached number one in 2013 with her hit wrecking ball.” the contestant would buzz in and answer “who is miley cyrus?” in order to answer correctly. like, you’re basically answering the question in reverse, which sounds confusing, but you get used to it.
there’s two rounds, jeopardy and double jeopardy (where the clues are worth double the points), and each round has *checks notes because somehow this still confuses me* six categories of five questions each, which can be literally anything. the questions go up in value (in the first round they’re worth $200-1000 each, going up by $200 intervals. in double jeopardy the amounts are doubled), and typically the lower value questions are easier and the high value questions are harder. if you answer it correctly the value of the question is added to your score. if you answer it incorrectly, it’s deducted. the only confusing bit here is that there’s one or two daily doubles (one in the first round, two in the second). if you answer a question correctly, you get to pick the next question that’s read, and if it’s a daily double you don’t have to compete against anyone (there’s usually three people who buzz in if they know the answer. in daily doubles it’s one person who can answer on their own, and they have a bit longer to think about the answer. also, they tend to be a bit more challenging, but that’s not always the case), and you can choose how much money you wager. if it’s a category you know nothing about you can bet nothing, if you think you’ll know the answer you can bet all of the money you’ve accumulated.
at the end of the two rounds, there’s final jeopardy, where the contestants all have to answer one question. they’re given a category and they make a wager based on how much money they’ve accumulated and if they think they know enough about the category. then the question is read and they have.....30 seconds?......to write down their answer. (also the final jeopardy music is iconic if an american asks you a question and it takes you a minute to answer and they start going da da daa da da da da daaaa it’s an inside joke with the whole country) if they get it wrong their wager is deducted from their score, if it’s right it’s added to their score. the player who at the end of all that has the highest score wins and is awarded however much money they won during the game and the opportunity to play again the next day (the other two players are given $2,000 if they came in second place or $1,000 if they came in third).
alright, that’s basically gameplay, or at least how i can explain it to the best of my ability, but i feel like also using this space to like. explain WHY it’s so universal here. so like, jeopardy is one of those shows that’s been running forever, on basic cable. i’m. not completely sure how it is in the rest of the world but we have like, pbs, which is a public nonprofit channel probably most similar to the bbc, but then we have like four or five for-profit channels that tend to be local broadcasts that you can usually pick up on antennas and may not even have to pay for, as opposed to cable packages which you can’t do that with. jeopardy airs on those local channels, so even if you didn’t have cable you probably have access to it. on top of that, it airs every weekday, usually at 7 or 7:30 (paired with wheel of fortune, which is another show that i think is more widely adapted and also i don’t want to get into here), which means it tends to be in the middle of local news and prime time shows that air nationally. so like, culturally, even if you don’t watch it regularly, it’s at sort of a weird time where everyone is usually home but not a whole lot is on, particularly on local channels, so you’ve probably at least caught the occasional episode. also, the show has been on since the 80s (and i think a bit before, but they kind of revamped it and the format hasn’t changed significantly since then, but i digress) and the host (who always struck me as a really good guy btw) just died, so it kind of feels like the end of an era. like i would use my one valid parasocial relationship card on mr trebek because he often ate dinner with the fam, and i think a lot of americans feel that way (even though the dude was actually canadian). so anyway, that’s the quick and dirty overview of jeopardy. it’s a good time
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fablesrose · 3 years
Description: Y/n, a girl who seems to have found her calling. Being a SHIELD agent is like a dream come true. With a friendship starting to form with the Avengers, she’s the Queen of the world! What could go wrong?
Pairings: Avengers x reader, Loki x reader (eventually)
Warnings: fluff, angst
OKAS Masterlist~Masterlist
A/n: Thank you all for your patience for this chapter. It has been difficult to balance school, life, and writing, but I’m so glad I knew I had something to go back to once I figured it out. Merry Christmas!!
And I knew everything was going to be okay.
Until it wasn't.
"And what the hell are you doing?"
I snapped up from the ground to see none other than Nick Fury standing above our rag-tag group lying in the grass.
I swallowed deeply suddenly aware of the bruise on my neck from where nanobots were injected into my body. Nanobots that could probably do a number of unpleasant things to me.
Nick turned to the team who was still lying on the ground, "I thought I told you to get her settled in her room and then get her ready."
"We were getting there eventually." Loki closed his eyes and stayed there with his hands beneath his head.
"I would appreciate it if you did it now so she can get it over with."
"Wait... what's going on?" I was confused since one, Nick wasn't totally fuming, and two, what were they getting me ready for?
"Some evaluations of your condition are needed."
Well if that wasn't the vaguest answer to ever be crafted from a Shield Director I don't know what is.
I stood and brushed my jumpsuit to remove the nonexistent grass sticking on it, "I guess let's get this over with." I started to walk towards the compound when another thought occurred to me, "All my stuff is gone... Isn't it." I turned back towards the group, not expecting anything but a yes.
Tony leapt to his feet before steadying himself against me, "Well, you know what saps these guys are so they just wouldn't let any of your things go in the trash."
There were some protests from those on the ground, but Tony didn't give them any mind and started to lead me back towards the compound, an arm around my shoulders. He lead me up a couple of floors to a door that looked familiar.
It looked like every other door in the compound.
"Do you remember this?"
"Oh. Well, this was the room you used to stay in when you couldn't go back to your apartment."
"Oh," I swung the door inwards to see a fully put together room, "this... This looks exactly like my apartment room." I couldn't help but smile. It felt like home.
"Yeah, Natasha was very precise." Tony stood in the doorway, not wanting to intrude, "So, there's a suit on your bed, you're gonna be doing sparring first. Get changed into that and be back to the common room and we'll head over to the training room." He checked his watch, "you probably have twenty minutes before Fury gets too impatient."
I nodded, but then a problem occurred to me, "uh, how  am I gonna get this thing off?" I picked at the sleeve of the metal suit.
"When you're ready just say you want it off and it should relax into a normal suit you can take off." With that, he shut the door behind him and left me to my privacy.
I roamed around the room for a bit, admiring the little things that I had forgotten. There were pictures and little trinkets. I only hoped I could appreciate them like I used to.
The twenty minutes passed by quickly and before I knew it I was in the sparring area in the training room facing someone I had never met.
"Easy there сахарный, I'm not going to hurt you," he said it with a smile, but it only made my frown grow.
"Trust me, that's not what I'm worried about. There's a lot more salt than sugar here."
"Remember, this is just to see your condition Y/n, no powers are allowed, we will go until there is a clear winner," Nick's voice could be heard over the intercom as he sat from the observational area with the rest of the team.
And we were told to begin.
His steps were light, and a little bit quicker than needed, or expected. They were also more sure than mine were. I studied what he was doing as fast as I could, but it wasn't enough. His foot hooked around my knee and brought me to the ground, but I rolled across the mat to his other side. I snapped up to my feet and created some distance between him and myself to buy some time.
We circled for a little bit longer, watching, waiting. He lunged first, aiming for my waist. I twisted out of the way, tripping his feet in one fluid motion making him hit the mat.
The blood was rushing in my ears and everything else fell away.
There was only a young boy in front of me with the same objective as me.
To win.
He didn't even rise all the way off of the floor before he spun to trip me up. I landed hard, making me dizzy. He pinned my arms to the mat, but before he could pin my feet I pulled them up to my chest and kicked him off of me.
He let out a grunt as he flipped over me. I wanted to detain him as he was down, make this as painless as possible, but he was out of my reach too quickly.
Then it was back to circles.
My body was trembling, from adrenaline, strain, or something else, I couldn't tell.
This was the longest match I had been in for a long time. I felt bad for him. He was fighting so hard.
I better not prolong his pain any longer.
I had him in a headlock. I'm not exactly how. His sweaty blond hair was brushing my chin as I slowly cut off his airway. His hand frantically slapped my hand, and then the mat.
"Shhhh, it's okay. It'll be over soon," I swallowed. It was better this way. It was what he wanted.
It was better for everyone this way.
Hands gripped at me and ripped the boy from my grasp. Panic tore through me. I only knew of one person who wasn't allowed to win, it didn't end well for him.
I struggled and shrieked, "No! You sick bastard! I was doing it! You told me to win, I was doing it!" I clawed at the arms surrounding me, trying to hold me still, "Don't you dare take me back there! I did what you asked!"
Someone was trying to speak to me, but I didn't want to know what they were saying.
"You hear me Hen-" I was mid-scream when my world went dark.
The Avengers sat in a room surrounded by screens of camera footage. All but one was playing different angles of the nearly deadly sparring match. The other was focused on the motionless form of Y/n on her bed.
They were silent, all too scared of what would come if they broke it. But it had to be broken.
"It seems they trained her, but I'm not sure I've ever seen training like that before." Vision was the only one brave enough to say anything, or it could be he didn't fully understand the gravity in the room.
"That's because it isn't training," that odd statement drew the attention of some of the group to none other than James Buchanan Barnes.
"That's survival." He stood from his seat and walked towards the biggest of the screens. It started from the beginning of the match and he pointed carefully at her feet, "You can tell this is training, but this isn't from Hydra. Her footwork is very similar to Clint's so it must be Shield training." He watched as she adjusted her position on the screen, "That uneasy shifting tells me that she hasn't done any formal training or technical sparring in a very long time, muscle memory is driving most of her motions, but it can only go so far."
No one disagreed with him.
The footage continued, "Right here is where I believe she forgot where she was." Bucky turned to face the group, "You're completely right Vision when you said you haven't seen any training like that before, because that isn't something you do unless you're desperate."
The Avengers could hear themselves in the footage yelling.
"He's tapping out. She's not letting go!"
"Stark! Turn her off!"
"What do you think she is? A damn toy?!"
"I said, turn her off!"
"Loki's down there, she's throwing a fit."
"You told me to win, I was doing it!"
"Hurry up Tony."
"I'm working on it!"
"Do you hear me Hen-"
The footage stopped and they were left in silence.
"That must have been what they told her when they told her to fight. They told her to win."
"Wait, are you telling me that she had to do this while with Hydra?" Bucky spun to Steve in disbelief, "What the hell did you think was going to happen, Fury? That she was just going to go 'ho ho guess we're gonna have friendly sparing match and not kill my opponent!'"
"It was necessary, unfortunately."
"You not only put in jeopardy Y/n's sanity, but also Pietro's life. You're lucky he is only needed for overnight observation, Fury. I believe this meeting is over." Wanda stood from her seat and started towards the door.
"What are we going to do about Y/n?"
"How about I 'turn her back on' and let her figure things out. Locking her in a cage isn't going to do anybody any good." Tony looked pointedly at Nick.
He sighed and nodded, "Okay, do what you have to do."
With that, everyone exited from the room.
Natasha and Loki were next to each other when Bucky approached, "Hey, you two were awfully quiet. Anything I should know about?"
"No, we just figured that if we got involved in the mess, it would become..." Natasha trailed off.
"A whole lot messier," Loki finished.
They both had grim looks on their face, a cover for the frustration and worry boiling inside them both.
"We were planning on being there when Tony wakes her up," Natasha stuffed her hands into her back pockets, looking at her feet.
Bucky nodded and started to turn away with a soft smile.
Loki grabbed his shoulder before he could get too far, "Would you like to join us? I'm sure she would be glad to meet you."
"Not as glad as me for the opportunity."
One moment I was screaming, and the next I was lying on a bed, staring at the ceiling.
"So this is what it's like to have a control button."
"Terribly inconvenient isn't it?"
I didn't even move my gaze from the ceiling, "Like you would know."
"Afraid not, girlie," an unfamiliar voice spoke.
I shifted to lean my back against the headboard, "And I'm afraid that word doesn't apply to me anymore." I looked at Loki and Natasha, "Can you believe that I'm thirty whole years old?" I sighed.
"And life is unfair in that you didn't get to see a more than a few of them."
I reached out and squoze Natasha's hand, "But what do you expect? When has life ever been fair?"
There was a moment of silence before I decided to shake off the self pity.
"Alright, enough of that," I looked at the stranger in the room, "I'm assuming you're friendly since these guys wouldn't have let you in other wise, but I don't believe that I've had the pleasure."
He stood from his seat and stepped closer, offering his hand, "Indeed we have not, though sometimes I think I do know you with how much everyone talks about you. James Buchanan Barnes, miss, but you can call me Bucky."
I took his hand with a small smile, "All good things I hope. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you after all the shit I've seen, showing up like a ghost."
He laughed, "Yeah, something like that."
"Okay, sorry to be a party pooper, but how's the kid?" I swallowed deeply, scared of what I would hear.
"He's just fine Lady Y/n. He'll be in the infirmary for observation over night, but he'll be just fine." Loki's voice was overly reassuring.
"You know, I can always tell when you feel bad for me, 'cuz you call me that," I smiled at him, though I'm sure it looked forced. "I guess that's one thing we can bond over, a warm hello from the newcomer." I shot Loki a wink, making him groan.
"You are never going to let that go are you?"
"For as long as I live Princey."
Natasha was laughing with Bucky who was a bit confused, but intrigued all the less, "I don't think I've heard this story."
"Oh you will, but maybe not right now," I sat up straight and stretched, "at this moment, I want pizza, a burger, and french fries." I looked pointedly at Loki, "I don't care about my favorite smoothie anymore, I want solid food."
Natasha pulled me from the bed, "Your wish is my command, I was craving something anyway."
So the two of us dashed down the hall, me letting Natasha lead the way to the kitchen.
Best Buds: @kitkatd7 @snarky--starky @confetti-its-an-imagine-blog @kaogasm
OKAS: @paigelin @ghost-of-the-oldwest @frostedgiant
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forevfangirlwrites · 4 years
Okay so I absolutely loved actress! Annabeth but how about a cute little sequel where Percy and Annabeth have been dating and it's the first time they're going to an awards show together and Percy sees Annabeth like really all dressed up for the first time and just fluff soft Percy who still can't believe he's dating her. Or like Percy visits her on set and is just in awe of her idk I have like a thousand different scenarios for this AU sorry love you writing though!
Part 1: Here
When Annabeth had given him a pass and told him he's free to visit anytime, he had nervously accepted it and never thought that he’d actually ever use it.
But since he’s gotten an impromptu day off, he musters up some courage and desperately tries not to look as lost as he feels as he approaches the row of buildings. But he’s a New Yorker through and through and has perfected the careless indifference that comes with occasionally getting lost on confusing NY streets.
He walks up to the gate and casually waves his pass at the guards, apparently doing such a good job at looking like he belongs that after a quick check, they let him go wordlessly. 
He breathes a sigh of relief, even though everything he’s doing is completely legal and his girlfriend is the main star of the film.
Holy shit, The Annabeth Chase is his girlfriend. You'd think after so many months he’d be used to it, but it’s a freakout he has twice a week, usually while he’s doing something especially mundane, like making coffee.
Except he’s not making coffee and this is not the time to freak out, so he quells his emotions as he slips into the background of set 8, where the highly anticipated Mark Of Athena starring Annabeth Chase is being filmed.  
Dressed in an unassuming jeans and t-shirt, he blends in with the crew in the back and follows everyone’s line of sight to the front where a hall is made up with a giant Athena statue hovering over the scene.
And right there, in the middle, is his girlfriend. Cut up, beaten in, holding a dagger and glaring furiously at someone blocked by cameras. 
He can’t even begin to care about what’s going on in the scene, doesn’t even hear the lines she’s delivering, because all he can focus on is just how stunning she looks.
Her clothes are ripped and her hair is a mess, but there’s a thunderstorm raging in her eyes, her expression set so fiercely he can see the determination and tiredness rolling off of her.
She looks like she could go on forever.
He can’t tear his eyes away and he doesn’t even realize they’ve ended the take until Annabeth relaxes, turning towards the director, eyes sweeping the room and landing on him.
“Percy?” she gasps, running up to him so easily that he has to remember that the cuts on her legs are fake.
He can tell he’s surprised her and her hand goes up to fix her hair before pausing a moment (probably remembering she shouldn’t mess with her look) and dropping to the side.
“I didn’t expect you to be here today,” she continues, looking a little nervous.
Immediately, Percy’s face falls. He knew he shouldn’t have taken her up on her offer, now she looks uncomfortable.
“I can leave,” he replies quickly, backing into the darkness a little more.
“No, no!” Annabeth reaches a hand out to stop him, her fingers wrapping around his wrist. “I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just...today is this big fight scene and I look extra…” she trails off.
“Beautiful?” he supplies.
He’s managed to surprise Annabeth Chase twice in the span of two minutes. It's a new personal record.
She laughs quietly, the traces of nervousness gone as she offers him a smile. “You’re sweet.”
He shakes his head. “No, Annabeth, I mean you…” he flounders for a moment, trying to find the words. “You look, I mean you always look stunning no matter what, but right there in that scene, you looked ethereal. Like you were meant to fight wars and win. You look...undefeatable.” 
Annabeth’s mouth actually opens at the words, and she just stands there staring at him for long enough that he’s afraid he’s done something wrong.
Her lips press against his before he can even finish the word and finally he has himself an armful of Annabeth pressed up against him, arms coming to wrap around his neck. She kisses him hard, like she really did just get back from fighting a war, like it’s been years.
(In Percy’s head, it has been.)
They pull away slowly, smiling at each other, and he wants so badly to tangle his fingers in her hair and cup her face, but the cuts remind him that he shouldn't. The last thing he wants is to be kicked off set by the makeup team.
"You're something else, Percy Jackson," she tells him, untangling herself from his embrace and taking a step back.
"I hope that's a good thing," he jokes, suddenly all too aware that there are quite a few people looking at them now.
Annabeth grabs his hand, intertwining their fingers. "The best. Now come on, you're just in time for lunch."
He drives her to his place once she's done, after spending the remaining time on set keeping out of everyone's way and talking with Jason once he finally arrives.
Annabeth claims that she loves his place, though he’s not sure why. It’s a small, slightly cramped one bedroom apartment and it’s probably the size of her whole kitchen. 
As soon as she’s through the door, she drops her bag unceremoniously on the ground and Percy stares at the name brand, thinking that it’s probably the nicest thing to have ever touched the floor.
When he looks back up, his girlfriend has stripped off her hoodie, and though he’s seen her without a shirt before, he can’t help but choke at the sight. She grabs a shirt he had discarded earlier in the morning that’s laying on the back of the couch (so what if he struggled to figure out which shirt to wear to her set) and pulls it over her head, encompassing her slightly smaller frame in the fabric.
Along with all the other things Percy will never get used to, it’s the sight of Annabeth in his clothing. He tries to remember how air works.
"Percyyy," she whines after noticing him just standing there. She waves him over to the couch where she’s plopped down and he hastens to follow suit.
She leans into his chest as he wraps an arm around her and he can feel her nose against his neck where she’s buried her head in. 
"Mmm, I could get used to this after a long day of filming," she says, against his shoulder and god so could he. 
"Me too."
They sit in silence as Percy flicks through the TV. 
"Did you mean it?" 
He stops on a rerun of Jeopardy and looks down to meet blonde waves resting on his shoulder. "Mean what?"
Annabeth lifts her head to meet his eyes. "What you said, on set."
"Of course I did."
"How are you even real," she mutters, more to herself but he hears it.
He grins, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "Like that."
She shakes her head at him, bringing their intertwined hands up to her face. Leaning her cheek against it, she sighs softly.  "You could fight a war and win it too."
Laughing, he pulls her closer. "Only if I have you by my side."
And maybe there’s a world out there where they did. Either way, all that really matters, he thinks, is that she’s here with him.
Whether it’s fighting a war or watching Jeopardy, this is how it should be. Percy and Annabeth, side by side. 
A/N: Thank you for sending in this prompt! I didn’t write the awards show because I was just taken with the whole visiting set idea but I hope you like it! It was so much fun to continue writing this AU! Thanks again! 
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oddcoupler222 · 4 years
Do you have any book recs like yours and w. epic love scenes like yours?
I appreciate anything I’ve written being called epic in any way :) 
I don’t really know if I could accurately compare any books I’ve read to my own but I do have some book recs that I adore! I’ll give you my top ten lesfics for some variety
- Behind the Green Curtain by Riley LaShea (my ultimate fave romance)
When Caton’s sleazy boss offers her a position as his wife’s personal assistant, she accepts the job with reservations, certain Jack Halston has ulterior motives. After meeting Jack’s wife Amelia, though, it’s Caton’s motivations that begin to unravel. As vicious as she is beautiful, Amelia threatens Caton’s position and her sense of decorum. As the attraction between the two women spirals into a torrid affair, Caton is drawn deeper into Jack and Amelia’s world of privilege and prestige, where everything is at stake and nothing is what it seems. 
- All That Matters by Susan X  Meagher
Life is going damned well for Blair Spencer. She's a very successful real estate agent, happily married to a man who encourages her to live the independent life she loves; and they're actively working to have a baby. The wrench in the works is that Blair favors adoption, while her husband David desperately wants to have a biological child. The fates are against them, and they finally seek the help of a group of reproductive specialists. One of the doctors, a surgeon named Kylie Mackenzie, eventually becomes a good friend to Blair. And she needs all of the friends she can get when things start to go horribly wrong at home. As her marriage teeters on the brink of collapse, she relies more and more on Kylie's friendship. Kylie's happily gay; Blair's happily straight. But the way they structure their relationship leads friends and family to privately question whether the pair is setting themselves up for heartache. They eventually come to a crossroads, which could either destroy their friendship or turn it into what each of them has been seeking. The question is whether each woman can change her view of herself and her needs. The answer is all that matters.
- Alone by EJ Noyes 
Half a million dollars will be Celeste Thorne’s reward for spending four years of her life in total isolation. No faces. No voices. No way to leave.
Since Celeste has never really worried about being alone, the generous paycheck she’ll receive for her participation in the solitary psychological experiment seems like easy money.
When she finds an injured hiker in the woods bordering her living compound, her strictly governed world is thrown into disarray. But even as she struggles with the morality of breaking the rules of the experiment, Celeste can’t deny her growing attraction to the kind and enigmatic Olivia Soldano. Still, how much can you really trust a stranger? And how much can you trust yourself when you know all the faces you’ve seen and voices you’ve heard for the past three years have only been your imagination?
But what’s real? Celeste’s reality may lie somewhere between the absolute truth and a carefully constructed deception. (the concept of this is just INcredible. and the execution as well - perfect)
- The Goodmans by Clare Ashton
The lovely doctor Abby Hart lives in her dream cottage in the quintessential English border town of Ludbury, home to the Goodmans. Maggie Goodman, all fire and passion, is like another mother to her, amiable Richard a rock and 60s-child Celia is the grandmother she never had. But Abby has a secret. Best friend Jude Goodman is the love of her life, and very, very straight. Even if Jude had ever given a woman a second glance, there’d also be the small problem of Maggie – she would definitely not approve. But secrets have a habit of sneaking out, and Abby’s not the only one with something to hide. Life is just about to get very interesting for the Goodmans. Things are not what they used to be, but could they be even better? (there are not one but TWO perfectly written romances intertwined in this *chef kiss*)
- Pretending in Paradise by M Ullrich
When travelwisdom.com assigns PR specialist Caroline Beckett and travel blogger Emma Morgan to cover a hot new couples retreat, they're forced to fake a relationship to secure a reservation. Ten days in paradise would be a dream assignment, if only they'd stop arguing long enough to enjoy it. Reputations are Caroline's business. Too bad she was forced out of her previous job when an ex smeared hers all over the office grapevine. She's never getting involved with a coworker again, especially not one as careless and unprofessional as Emma. Emma knows that life is too short to play by the rules. But when she goes too far and a defamation lawsuit puts her job in jeopardy, she has to make nice with Caroline, the image police, and deliver the best story of her career.
Only pretending to be in love sure feels a whole lot like falling in love. When their story goes public, ambition and privacy collide, and their chance at making a fake relationship real might just be collateral damage. (there’s just SOMETHING about this that is super freaking cute)
- The Brutal Truth by Lee Winter
Australian crime reporter Maddie Grey is out of her depth in New York, miserable, and secretly drawn to her powerful, twice-married, media mogul boss, Elena Bartell, who eats failing newspapers for breakfast. As work takes them to Australia, Maddie is goaded into a brief, seemingly harmless bet with her enigmatic boss—where they have to tell the complete truth to each other. It backfires catastrophically.
A lesbian romance about the lies we tell ourselves.
- The Red Files by Lee Winter (kudos to her for being the only author that makes it to this list with two separate books)
Ambitious Daily Sentinel journalist Lauren King is chafing on LA’s vapid social circuit, reporting on glamorous A-list parties while sparring with her rival—the formidable, icy Catherine Ayers. Ayers is an ex-Washington political correspondent who suffered a humiliating fall from grace, and her acerbic, vicious tongue keeps everyone at bay. Everyone, that is, except knockabout Iowa girl King, who is undaunted, unimpressed and gives as good as she gets. One night a curious story unfolds before their eyes: One business launch, 34 prostitutes and a pallet of missing pink champagne. Can the warring pair work together to unravel an incredible story? This is a lesbian fiction with more than a few mysterious twists. (as someone who is usually pretty bored by any plot other than the romance, I actually enjoyed this mystery)
- Tricky Wisdom/Tricky Chances by Camryn Eyde
(for tricky wisdom)  Darcy Wright is a closeted lesbian who has been infatuated with her best friend, Taylor, since junior high. Leaving her small northeast Minnesota town for Harvard in a quest to become a doctor, she moves in with med-student Olivia Boyd, a neurotic, anal, gigantic pain in the backside. The first year of juggling medical school is grueling, but it’s nothing compared to living with Olivia.
Coming out to her friends and family with an anti-climactic flop, Darcy uses her newly publicized sexuality to try and win Taylor’s affections through an ill-hatched scheme that crosses uncomfortable lines. The result is as unexpected to Darcy as Darcy’s affinity for medicine is to Olivia.
The first year of medical school is a nerve-wracking encounter in medicine, learning lessons the hard way, and finding what her heart desires.
Tricky Chances is the sequel to Wisdom, but it’s the only lesfic sequel that i truly felt added to the first one and was just as gripping! Plus, the first book is only 48k words so the followup is perfect to come right after
- Who’d Have Thought by G Benson
Top neurosurgeon Samantha Thomson needs to get married fast and is tightlipped as to why. And with over $200,000 on offer to tie the knot, no questions asked, cash-strapped ER nurse Hayden Pérez isn’t about to demand answers.
The deal is only for a year of marriage, but Hayden’s going into it knowing it will be a nightmare. Sam is complicated, rude, kind of cold, and someone Hayden barely tolerates at work, let alone wants to marry. The hardest part is that Hayden has to convince everyone around them that they’re madly in love and that racing down the aisle together is all they’ve ever wanted. What could possibly go wrong? (this book comes in 9th because i don’t love it QUITE as much as i do all the others, but it was the one that got me into lesfic so! it’s good stuff)
And in a guest pick from the only other voracious lesfic reader i know, @debbie-eagan - 
Beautiful Dreamer by Melissa Brayden - 
Philadelphia real estate broker Devyn Winters is at the peak of her career, closing multimillion-dollar deals and relishing it. She’s pretty much blocked out her formative years in Dreamer’s Bay, where the most exciting thing to happen was the twice a year bake sale. Unfortunately, a distress call hauls her back home and away from the life she’s constructed. Now the question is just how long until she can leave again? And when did boring Elizabeth Draper get so beautiful?
Elizabeth Draper loves people, free time, and a good cup of coffee in the warm sunlight. In the quaint town of Dreamer’s Bay, she’s the only employee of On the Spot, an odd jobs company. She remembers Devyn Winters as shallow in high school, but now everything about Devyn makes her lose focus. Though her brain knows Devyn is only home temporarily, her heart didn’t seem to get the memo (I’m personally not a huge Brayden fan but a lot of other lesfic readers are so I reached out for a second opinion on this matter)
I hope you enjoy!
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