Unveiling Narcissism: Understanding the Traits and Behaviors
Narcissism, with its roots in Greek mythology, was born from the tale of Narcissus—a character who fell in love with his own reflection. Today, the term has transcended folklore to become a crucial part of psychological discourse. Understanding the traits and behaviors associated with narcissism can shed light on a personality construct that often hides in plain sight.
The Enigma of Narcissism
At its core, narcissism manifests as an inflated self-image, an insatiable need for admiration, and a distinct lack of empathy. Yet, its subtlety often allows it to evade detection, camouflaging itself within charismatic exteriors or masking insecurities behind a facade of confidence.
The Telltale Traits
Narcissistic traits can vary in intensity, from mild to severe. Some common indicators include:
Exaggerated self-importance: A belief in one's superiority or uniqueness.
Constant need for admiration: Seeking validation and praise incessantly.
Lack of empathy: Difficulty understanding or relating to others' emotions.
Sense of entitlement: Expecting special treatment and feeling deserving of it.
Tendency to exploit others: Using people as a means to achieve personal goals.
The Behavioral Patterns
Narcissism isn't confined to the grandiose; it also thrives in subtle, manipulative behaviors. These patterns often emerge in personal relationships, workplaces, or social settings.
Relationship Dynamics
In relationships, a narcissist's behavior can be particularly toxic. Initially charming, they tend to exert control, manipulate emotions, and undermine the partner's self-worth. Over time, this behavior can erode the foundation of trust and mutual respect.
Work Environments
In professional settings, narcissistic traits might present as an excessive desire for power, a hunger for recognition, and an inclination to manipulate colleagues or subordinates for personal gain. This can lead to toxicity within teams and hinder productivity.
Unmasking Narcissism
Recognizing narcissistic traits isn't about labeling individuals but understanding behaviors that could potentially harm relationships, mental health, and societal harmony. By uncovering these traits, individuals can navigate these interactions more consciously.
Setting Boundaries
Understanding narcissism empowers individuals to establish clear boundaries, recognizing when behaviors become unacceptable or detrimental. Setting limits guards against emotional manipulation and maintains a sense of self-worth.
Seeking Support
For those dealing with narcissistic relationships, seeking support from trusted friends, family, or professionals is essential. Support networks provide validation and guidance in navigating the complexities of these interactions.
Conclusion: The Road to Understanding
Unveiling narcissism involves acknowledging its existence, understanding its traits and behavioral patterns, and taking proactive steps towards healthier relationships and environments. It's not about vilifying individuals but recognizing behaviors that impact personal well-being and societal harmony.
Understanding these traits and behaviors is the first step toward fostering healthier connections and protecting one's mental and emotional well-being in a world where narcissism often lurks beneath the surface.
#Narcissism, #Narcissistic traits, #Understanding narcissistic behavior, #Narcissistic personality disorder, #Narcissistic relationships, #Narcissistic manipulation, #Dealing with narcissism, #Identifying narcissistic behavior, #Coping with narcissism, #Narcissism in relationships, #Narcissistic personality traits, #Setting boundaries with narcissists, #Coping strategies for narcissism, #Narcissism and mental health, #Recognizing narcissistic traits, #Narcissism awareness, #Narcissistic behavior patterns, #Healing from narcissistic abuse, #Coping with narcissistic partners, #Impact of narcissism
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gmworking · 8 months
When I Learned THIS About Narcissists, Everything Changed! | Kristen Brown
Narcissists can stealthily creep into our lives and slowly turn up the heat until we're so confused, we're not sure what's even happening anymore. This is why when it comes to dealing with narcissists, it's vitally important to keep it very simple. When I learned this ONE thing, it completely flipped the way I dealt with narcissists from that point forward.
👉🏼 No more did I question myself 
👉🏼 No more did I allow their words and behaviors to manipulate me and 
👉🏼 No more did I parlay with them
I sincerely hope this truth lands for you with the whollop it landed for me. If you enjoyed this video, please give me a 👍 and comment below!
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kakekeeng · 7 months
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clb-yogi · 1 year
Watch "The Mask of the Narcissist: Loving an Image, Not You #narcissisticpersonality #mask #selfimage" on YouTube
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The abusive man’s high entitlement leads him to have unfair and unreasonable expectations, so that the relationship revolves around his demands. His attitude is: “You owe me.” For each ounce he gives, he wants a pound in return. He wants his partner to devote herself fully to catering to him, even if it means that her own needs—or her children’s—get neglected. You can pour all your energy into keeping your partner content, but if he has this mind-set, he’ll never be satisfied for long. And he will keep feeling that you are controlling him, because he doesn’t believe that you should set any limits on his conduct or insist that he meet his responsibilities.
Lundy Bancroft, Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
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colleensheehyorme · 4 years
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tinaah113 · 7 years
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#education #raiseawareness #recognizethesigns #dontbeapawn #psychology #recovery #covert #psychologicalabuse #twofaced #narcissisticpersonality #narcissist #emotionalabuse #walkingoneggshells #puppetnolonger #stonewall #gaslighting #victims #crazy #shadycharacters #control #reality #illusion #nightmare #Pinterest #escape #healing
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essentialsfrome · 5 years
A heartfelt story about her mental abuse she dealt with from a man she was with. Words hurt more than physical pain. How she overcame it is so wonderful. This is powerful ! Stay inspired and heal. #emotionalabuse #narcissisticabuse #narcissist #abuse #sociopath #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #narcissism #psychopath #overcome #narcissisticpersonality#toxicrelationships #healing #nocontact #love #ptsd #cptsd #narcissisticabusesurvivor #trauma #survivor #psychologicalabuse #abusiverelationship #empath #manipulation #selflove #verbalabuse #anxiety (at E.H. Hereford University Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv-Oee0h2Lf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uyftxpc7bxuh
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succorcreek · 5 years
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Blue Light Management / Dark Management for Bipolar & Cyclothymia Disorders Books and cd by Charles K Bunch, Ph.D. #bipolar #disorder #panicdisorder #sensoryprocessingdisorder #eatingdisorderawareness #mentaldisorder #personalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bipolar2 #bipolaridad #bipolardepression #bipolarawareness #bipolaridade #bipolarmemes #transtornobipolar #bipolares #bipolar1 #bipolare #bipolarbear #bipolarity #bipolargirlfriend #bipolarismo #narcissisticpersonality https://ift.tt/2p0fdYd
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Navigating the Maze: A Comprehensive Guide on Dealing with a Narcissist in Your Life
Living with or interacting with a narcissist can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. Understanding how to navigate these complex relationships is crucial for your well-being. In this guide, we will delve into effective strategies and coping mechanisms to help you deal with the narcissist in your life.
Identifying Narcissistic Traits To effectively deal with a narcissist, it's essential to first recognize the signs. Traits such as a lack of empathy, a constant need for admiration, and a sense of entitlement are common indicators. Understanding these characteristics will empower you to take control of the situation.
Setting Boundaries Establishing clear and firm boundaries is crucial when dealing with a narcissist. Clearly communicate your limits and be consistent in enforcing them. This will help protect your mental and emotional well-being.
Maintaining Emotional Distance Narcissists often feed off emotional reactions. Learning to detach emotionally can be a powerful strategy. Focus on maintaining your composure and not allowing their behavior to dictate your emotions.
Effective Communication When communicating with a narcissist, choose your words carefully and remain calm. Avoid confrontation and instead use assertive communication to express your needs and concerns.@EffectiveCommunication #DealingWithNarcissists #AssertiveCommunication
Self-Care and Support Dealing with a narcissist can take a toll on your mental health. Prioritize self-care activities and surround yourself with a support system. Seeking therapy or counseling can provide valuable insights and coping mechanisms.
Educational Resources Equip yourself with knowledge about narcissistic behavior. Books, articles, and online resources can offer valuable insights and advice on dealing with narcissists.
Dealing with a narcissist is undoubtedly challenging, but by implementing these strategies, you can regain control of your life and well-being. Remember, seeking professional help and building a strong support system are crucial steps toward healing and creating a healthier environment for yourself.
#NarcissistHelp #DealingWithNarcissists #RelationshipAdvice #EducationalResources #DealingWithNarcissists #NarcissisticAbuse #SelfCare #SupportSystem #CopingWithNarcissism
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what's the worm/god state?
My paraphrase of Neville Symington’s jelly/worm/god states f
Here are some long excerpts from “a pattern of madness” that lay out his triparte form for the narcissist, which better match TLP’s and my pitiful own views than Kohut/Freud/etc. Easy to get all his stuff on bookzz.org, I know they’re all like 200 on amazon
Pattern of Madness
The jelly
A wave comes from the leftAnd that's the way I move,My tail is a rudderBut currents are a pilotThat decide every heading.The currents are a pressureThat I'm unableto resistMy tail can only move meQuicker down their channelsI am their helpless victim.
A tone of voice; a raised eyebrow;A haughty manner or nose in the air,A suspicious look or a rude gaze,These are the currents that drive meAlong life's waterways.I'm in a shoal with others,I feel their bodies swishAnd I swirl with them all;They are the currents of my lifeWith no soul to resist.
Neville Symington
I have said that the presence of narcissism prevents the in-dividual from initiating emotional action of a positive kind(Symington, 2000, p. 52). This makes sense when we realizethat the centre of the personality is an amorphous jelly. Sometimespeople will describe it by sayingthingslike:
Pattern of Madness
"When my girlfriend became angry, with me I was a jellyinside."
Or:"Although I am speaking to you coherently, I am just a heap of
fragments inside."Or:
"I am a complete mess inside."
"My husband never generates a move; I always have to givethe lead."
Sometimesthesethingsare not spoken, but the character of a per-son's life is a message in neon lights that the inner personality isbest pictured as a messy substance. We often hear people speak interms suchasthese:
"His life is in a total mess ..."Or:
"She has had a string of different men, keeps moving jobs, is ondrugs,and her whole life is in chaos ..."
"Old Mr Johnson was completely broken up when his wifedied."
Pattern of Madness
Here the sense is that the person inside is in bits. Language fluctu-ates, then, between images of the person being in bits, in a mess, ora jelly. We shall see that both the image of a jelly and the image ofbits or scattered pieces are appropriate.
Picture the personality as a line describing the shape of asphere; then inside it imagine a gelatinous mass, with no distin-guishable forms. I think Wilfred Bion was referring to this when,quoting Milton, he referred to the "formless infinite" (Bion, 1965,p. 151), because the "substance" to which we are referring seemsformless.
Someone once described seeing herself as a body with no boneslying on a round bed. The body would be splayed out, with nostructure to hold it in place.
Research into the inner life through introspection, meditation,or psychoanalysis can give us some idea of how this gelatinousstate comes about. In such a process "forms" begin to be wrestedfrom the morass. However, thiscan only be done if the "poisonousfonns" are exhumed out of this amorphous psychic material. Letus say provisionally that this entity assumes a shape out of theformless mass, and we give it the name of "greed". Now, as soonas we have done this, we begin to notice something: that the per-son begins to initiate a t i o n in a way that she or he had not donebefore. We formulate this picture therefore: that when we havenamed this shape that emerges, we have put around it a permeablebarrier, and the rest of the personality is protected from its con-stant inundation.
When theichneumon fly comes to the chrysalis of a butterflyand injects a poisonous sting into it, the fleshy substance of thepupaturnsintoasoup-likemess.Thepresenceof thisgreedinthemorass has a similar effect: the whole substance is turned into ajelly. Greed has this contaminating influence on the whole innerpersonality. We conclude, then,that thepresence of this greed hasbeen responsible for the f a d that the inner structure of the person-ality is now (and perhaps always has been from infancy)an amor-phous morass. So, accordmg to the simile, the greed is equivalentto the activity of the ichneumon fly, with this difference: that, so tospeak, thegreeditselfalsoliqufies.
When a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, or mental health pro-fessional is treating a patient who is narcissistic, he will be able to  Pattern of Madness dentify the signs of this inner jelly. I have already given somesigns, but there are others-for instance, when a patient complainsthat he or she is being exploited by another or others and seemstobe unable to do anything to combat this. It is a sign that there is nocentre of action within the personality. Once these signs are suffi-ciently convincing, he or she can make the diagnosis that the innerparts are jelly-like. In ordinary life, when you see someone whocan never speak up for himself, it is a sign that there is a gelatinousmass within.
Pattern of Madness
A way of conceptualizingthe state of the self when subjected tothe corrosive action of the liqu@rs is simply to say that it is dead.The incorrect aspect of this is that it is capable of coming to life.The creative self is crushed under the weight of god's power. Bet-ter than dead is the image of a dry seed awaiting fertilization.
As has been referred to in Chapter 5, the jelly is always accom-panied by untreated projective action, the source of which lies in egofragments distributed through the jelly and the channel throughwhich the projective action takes place being especially the eyesand, in a subsidiary way, through gesture, gait, tone of voice, andwords used as objects.
Pattern of Madness
There is another type of narcissisticperson who is also ruled bygod, but she or he does not appear in that light. It is the personwho is shy and inhibited and shows no signs of being godlike. Inthis case, the god within has been expelled into figures outside,who reign supreme on a pedestal. The inhibited individual thendefers to god reigning onhisthrone in another.
These two different ways of dealing with god lead to verydifferent character types, viewed externally, but internally there isa central characteristic that is the same: it is that with both types itis god who rules and determines not only the behaviour of theindividual but also the theories this person espouses and his or herattitudes to religion, politics, science, or art. Those who live at closequarters with the shy and inhibited person experience him or heras just as tyrannical as the one who has placed himself in god. Ineach case, the outer clothing is very different, but the inner moti-vating principle is the same. Because the shy and inhibited typetends to run him or herself down, some analysts have named theircondition "negative narcissism" or "anti-narcissism" (Bollas, 1989,pp. 159ff),but this designation is not a good one because it impliesthat true narcissism only exists in the type of person who hasidentified with god and that the inhibited person is the opposite.This is not so, for negativity is a component of both types. The
difference, then, is between a god who reigns and has taken pos-session within and a god who reigns without, but even here, assuggested above, it is only a matter of superfiaal appearances. Theperson who "thinksthe sun shines out of his arse" is also ruled and...
Pattern of Madness
What is it that determines whether the god is expelled or iden-tified with? I think one has to posit that hatred is the motivatingprinciple behind both acts. The person who identifies with god hasdone so on the basis of what Freud called "hostile identification".Because the idenbfyhg act is driven by hatred, the whole person isruled by god. There is knowledge but, as long as the rule by god istotal, there is no awareness. In the "shy" narcissist, god is expelledand the sane self is s u b s e ~ e ntto it; in the "arrogant" narcissist,the sane self is also subservient to god, but the god reigns withinthe personality and his domain extends outside it. In the latter, thecreative self is crushed from inside; in the former, it is crushedfrom outside. Hatred is one motivating principle; the other is con-cealing god from oneself. In fad, hatred and concealing are one,because the hating act does conceal. The overall motive, then, isconcealing godhead from oneself. But why are there these twodifferent paths?-It is the fashioning of two sexes that are attractedto one another. It is that a fashioning has to occur such that youhave two differentpsychic narcissistic "sexes" that are attracted toone another. A marriage of this sort is destructive. It produces shitrather than babies. Such marriages can be either actual sexual mar-riages between man and woman---Or man and man or woman andwoman-or between a dictator andhismob. Eric.Fromm, in Fearof Freedom(1960),describesthewayHitlerheldswayoverayouth-ful group suffering from anomie.Thiswas such a marriage
Pattern of Madness
ever, it is also frequently located in any identity type-ahomosexual, a uimjnal, a husband, a wife, a father or mother--orin a group identity such as a Catholic, a Jew, an Englishman, work-ing-class, and so on. A sense of pride derives from the state ofbeing thus merged with god located in any of these identities.Analysing such a character type invariably reveals a depleted in-ner world. Being merged with god is a palliative for the innerdestitution. This merging of the narcissistic individual with thegroup is the linkbetween individual and group psychology, but itis social coherence bought at a heavy price. A society based onsuch psychological principles is an unhealthy one.
Loyalty is the individual's emotional obedience to the embod-ied god and always demands self-sacrifice. One of the greatestmoral dilemmas is thepoint at which such self-sacrifice so dam-ages the individual as to be contraindicated. The general socialwelfare is enhanced by the presence of a fulfilled personalitywithin it. The answer must lie in this: that if the sacrifice is to god,then it crushes the person; if it is a giving to a person or persons,then it is mutually enhancing.
Pattern of Madness
Reality is obliterated
The god persuades the personality to see things as they are wishedto be. The god in a woman persuaded her that her mother wascontrolling and dominating and that she herself was tolerant andliberal. The reality was that she was herself extremely controlling,and her mother was much more tolerant than she was. To besuccessfulin persuasion, the god acts in this way: it startsby expel-ling the controIlingness into the mother's action pattern. This isshorthand for a more complex process that is worth describing.The god can only expel into an equivalent action pattern. Theexpulsiontakesplace at the moment when thiswoman's motherdemonstrates controlling behaviour. The piece of reality that ispresent gives the woman conviction. Thegod obliterates the wom-an's inner reality and transfers it onto the person of the mother.Two pieces of reality are distorted: the woman's own innerrealityis "cleansed" of controllingness, and the outer reality becomes thedustbin for the inner rubbish and is distorted thereby.
Pattern of Madness
Short-term solutions are a must
The god blinds the personality to the long term. It concentrates allattention on the present, to the exclusion both of the past and thelong-term future.In a burst of sexual passion a diplomat gave u phis career and his finer sensibilities for an exotic courtesan whomhe encountered on a brief visit to Brazil. Shortly after he had re-signed from the diplomatic service, his flame left him for anotherman. A woman excited by a lecture on aromatherapy bought a bigchestofscentsandpotionsinhealthstoresandbodyshops,intend-ing t o s e t u p a n a r o m a t h e r a p y p r a c t i c e . S h e a d v e r t i s e d f o r c u s t o m
Pattern of Madness
ead books and articles on it, but within three months allherinterest in the project had faded.
If one thinksof time as a series of concentric circles going out-wards-to the north = future and to the south = past--god blotsout all circles except the small one at the centre on which thesubject is standing.,,.
Pattern of Madness
There is a powerful voice inside the mind of the person afflictedwith narcissism declaring that he or she is worthless. In extremecases the person will actually hear voices telling him that he isworthless. A man who was depressed and morose at home went toa party where he cracked jokes and was the life and soul of theparty. When he returned home, the voice said to him:
,'Yousee,youarejust aphoney.Youdidallthattocoverup....You are totally worthless. All the time at the party you wereover the top. You were laughing too loudly, and all that youdid was too exaggerated. You're nothing but a phoney."
The telltale word here is "just". It was true that this behaviour waspartly to hide depression, and the judgement that he acted in anexcited way is true, but the conclusion that he is just a phoney andtotally worthless is a cruel addendum aimed to justify his total oblit-eration. The voice's judgements denude the person of dignity.There is nothing good in the person, nothing worthy of respect.Very often, of course, the sentiments of that voice are mouthed bya family member-a parent or a spouse. But the voice is not felt toissue from another human being of equal stature but, rather, fromsomeone who is invested with godly authority. In fact, the case ofthe person hearing a disembodied voice is the exception. The com-mon rule is that the voice is embodied in a human being whobecomes transformed psychologically into god. A man complained
Pattern of Madness
bitterly that his wife was always putting him down and castigatinghim,but the analyst noticed that the wife's condemnatory voicewas also inside him. Often when he described an accomplishment,he would add, as in an aside:
"Oh, but it wasn't much good, really ..."
In fad, the inner voice was more powerful than the one of hiswife,and he stirred it up in her.
On another occasion a man said that his rheumatism was get-ting worse, and the analyst said to him:
"...becauseof the impending separation"
and the patient said he knew that he was absolutely worthless andhe thought he would kill himself.In this case the voice was nowincarnate in his psychoanalyst, and he wanted to kill himself be-cause the implication was that he was useless, that if he were ahuman being worthy of respect, he would not be affected by theimpending separation. Suicide itself is the epitome of thisprocessof disdainful obliteration.
I have referred to this"voice" that castigates the person within.It is in this voice that all the hatred of the inner intens~jersisembodied. The voice itself is so savage that the individual fre-quently vents its fury upon another person-most frequently aspouse, child, or parent. Clinicians in the school of British ObjectRelations refer to such an inner set-up as a bad inner object. How-ever, this is a lopsided description, because it is a little personalitywithin the personality, and this little personality is made up of asubject and object: a castigating subject and a despairing object. Itcannot be over-emphasized how actively powerful this little per-sonality is.' It is so fiercesome that it cannot be borne within theindividual, so it is immediately expelled into an outer person. Thehost for this is usually a family member, but it can also be a racialgroup, an institution, an organization. The savagery of the Nazisgives one some idea of the violence and viciousness of such aninner set-up.
In Chapter 9, I emphasized that the godhead is embodied inpersonality characteristics-man, woman, doctor, husband, wife,
'Jungused the term "complex".
father, mother, lawyer, Australian, and so on--but the worm isalsoembodied in others. The worm is projected into worm-likeimagos and worm-like imagos, are introjected into the worm. Sothere is an embodied wonnhood. This wonnhood is loved in oneplace but hated in another. So, for instance, a woman projected herwormhood into some poor Aboriginal children upon whom shedoted. She also projected wormhood into her husband and hated itthere with fierce contempt. However, if one looks at it more care-fully, it is not difficult to see that the Aborigmal children are hatedtoo, because when one of them grew up, flourished, and was suc-cessful she resented her. The doting love was hatred in disguise,because love fosters development and freedom, whereas hatredparalyses it. (Dotinglove or sentimental love is hatred in disguise.)Hatred of the worm is what leads to its expulsion out of the per-sonality and into someone else.
The worm is associated very closely with a glue-dependentchild.
The voice that tells me that I am worthless is in symphony witha passion to damage one's own self, and it is a passion that iseffective. This is the kernel of madness. When someone commitssuicide, it is common to hear "the expert" say:
"He was depressed."
This implies that he committed suicide because he was depressed,but the case is the opposite: he is depressed because of the suicidaltendency.Thispassion to hurt oneself is the primary desire; de-pression, psychosomatic symptoms, conduct disorder, and so onare the manifestations of this ultimate perversity. Freud started bythinking that sadism was primary and that masochism was in-verted sadism. He later changed hismind and believed that maso-chism was primary (Freud, 1924c, pp. 159-170).
Thispassion to damage one's own self is one of the most myste-rious realities in the h m condition. The quote from Chestertonat the beginning of this chapter is only correct up to the pointwhere he says that it is a mark of chivalry to hurt oneself. When hesays that it is in order to hurt the oppressor, I think he is wrong:this is a consequence of the perverse passion, not its cause. Also,when he says that this passion occurs when someone is oppressed,it suggests that this is the reason for it. Again, I thinkhe is wrong.
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Narcissists are consumed with maintaining a shallow false self to others. They're emotionally crippled souls that are addicted to attention.
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essentialsfrome · 5 years
A heartfelt story about her mental abuse she dealt with from a man she was with. Words hurt more than physical pain. How she overcame it is so wonderful. This is powerful ! Stay inspired and heal. #emotionalabuse #narcissisticabuse #narcissist #abuse #sociopath #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #narcissism #psychopath #overcome #narcissisticpersonality#toxicrelationships #healing #nocontact #love #ptsd #cptsd #narcissisticabusesurvivor #trauma #survivor #psychologicalabuse #abusiverelationship #empath #manipulation #selflove #verbalabuse #anxiety (at E.H. Hereford University Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv-N0wjBrkH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g6wjsncqfw9f
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tinaah113 · 7 years
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I've heard people say they have a right to cut close friends & family out of their lives without warning or explanation. That is incredibly cruel and selfish. They do it under the self-serving idea "if they're not contributing to my happiness, they're dead to me" "they're toxic". Believe me, anyone that selfish is the toxic one. It teaches that people are disposable and the world revolves around you If you've ever received long periods of the silent treatment from someone you were close to, know that they use it as a form of emotional punishment. That is abuse. They had no right to do that to you. Don't let them turn it around and make you out to be "crazy" or "too sensitive". #friends #thesilenttreatment #narcissists #narcissisticpersonality #psychologicalabuse #mentalabuse #control #power #cowards #bullies #peoplecommitsuicideoverthis #insensitive #cruel #selfish #selfcentered #selfserving #ego #psychopaths #sociopaths #evil #megeneration #millennialnarcissism
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