#niki merman au
chaewandz · 11 months
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synopsis: out for a walk along the pier, niki spots an interesting creature out on the bay
wc: 1.1k
pairing: nishimura riki x fem mermaid reader 🙈
genre: fluff, mer-meet cute <3
warnings: swearing
author’s note: truly don’t know that there is an audience for this besides myself. i apologize everyone this is entirely inspired by erik and ondina in mako mermaids lol
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with the sun shining bright making the ocean waves glisten, y/n chose to go for a quick swim along the bay. she was always careful when she swam around this area because there were almost always people either on boats or swimming about. luckily, y/n was careful to scope out the area beforehand making for a very peaceful swim.
As she swam around the coral reefs picking out different seashells to add to her collection, an unsuspecting boy happened to be taking a stroll down the pier.
nishimura riki had just finished his shift at the café nearby and so he decided to take a nice walk around and maybe dangle his legs over the cool water. just as he was making his way down to the water, y/n came up out of the water for a quick break.
as she lifted her head above water she quickly took notice of the blond boy in a café uniform sitting on the edge of the pier and looking out at the sea. she immediately sank back underneath the water, looking for a place to hide.
riki remained completely oblivious to the mermaid swimming all over the marina who was doing her very best to hide from him. she eventually opted to hide behind a boat close to the boy so that she could still keep an eye on him.
riki stayed still, occasionally swinging his feet back and forth over the water.
after a few minutes of silence had passed, y/n figured it was safe to get away because of how blissfully unaware the boy was.
diving back underneath the water, y/n quickly began to swim away, but her tail was caught by a net attached to the boat. she tried her very best to push forward and maneuver her tail out of the net but it was no use.
as y/n remained underwater trapped, riki began to notice sounds of splashing coming from a boat nearby. he glanced over to the source of the splashes but saw nothing. worried that he was losing his mind, he carefully stood up and began walking over to the boat. glancing over the water he could see something underneath and as he leaned closer he realized it was a person.
just as riki was about to call out to the mysterious swimmer, y/n’s head popped out above the water clearly panicking.
“are you alright?” riki asked the girl.
quickly turning her head to face him, panic rushed over y/n but she said nothing.
“hey swim chick, are you alright?” riki asked again.
“yes everything’s fine!!!” she quickly said, praying he couldn’t see her tail underneath the water.
“are you sure? I heard loads of splashing.”
“yes! I’m completely fine I just got tangled in some kind of net-“
“oh lemme help you then!”
“NO! I mean- no it’s alright you really don’t have to!” she said, trying to sound casual.
“really it’s no trouble. here let me grab hold of the net.” he reached out to the net attached the boat and began to pull it upwards, out of the water.
y/n’s mind was running a million miles a minute trying to come up with a way out before the boy caught a glimpse of her tail.
as riki yanked on the net, y/n yelped in pain.
“I’m so sorry! are you okay?” he asked, quickly softening his grip on the net.
“yes it’s fine I just-“
“oh holy shit.”
in that moment y/n’s heart fell. he had seen her tail. she squeezed her eyes shut, begging that this was all just a dream.
the silence between the two was extremely loud, and y/n didn’t dare to open her eyes to see his reaction.
“you’ve got a tail, swim chick.” riki suddenly said, pointing and smirking.
slowly opening her eyes to meet his, she let out a large sigh.
“yes.” she whispered. there was no way out of this. “I have a tail, land boy.”
he let out a small chuckle.
“here let me help you with that-“ he offered, reaching back out to the net.
“NO!” she yelled, making him immediately back off. “look. you need to promise me you won’t tell a single soul about this. I know you’re confused and shocked and all over the place, but I really need you to promise me you’ll keep this a secret. please.”
riki just laughed and brushed his hair back.
“land boy? hello!?! please please PLEASE don’t tell anyone!” y/n yelled, panicking.
“you’re quite paranoid you know that?”
riki wore a small smile on his face as he stared out at the girl before him. he looked back under the water and examined her tail. it was a muted pink and orange ombré, her fins flipping around as they remained trapped.
now wearing a sneaky grin, he suddenly ran towards the edge of the pier and dove in with zero hesitation.
“oh god.” y/n whispered, rolling her eyes as she desperately tugged on the net trying to free herself. as she did so, the mysterious land boy suddenly appeared underwater next to her tail, now carefully attempting to pull off the net.
her eyes glanced over at the boy as he remained focused on freeing her tail. as she stared, her eyes slowly took a glimpse at the rest of him.
instead of the café uniform he wore prior, his clothes were replaced by a green and blue scaly tail.
for the second time in the last five minutes, she felt her heart drop. her tail began frantically flipping about, she couldn’t believe her own eyes. alarmed by her movement, riki turned to look at her.
her eyes remained fixated on his tail. noticing this, he winked and shamelessly shrugged his shoulders, going back to work on the net.
“you’ve got a tail, land boy.” y/n slowly said.
“that I do.” he replied. “and now you have one too swim chick. well you always did- but I gave it back- cause it was trapped in the net- yeah.”
y/n smiled at his awkward rambling.
“thank you, land boy.”
“I feel like you can stop calling me land boy now- I mean you’ve literally seen my tail.” he laughed and spun around, showing it off.
“so you’re a merman?” she observed.
“and you’re a mermaid.” he smiled.
the two sat in comfortable silence for a moment, both equally as mesmerized by each other.
“I bet I’m faster than you.” she suddenly challenged, mimicking his spin.
“oh yeah?” he smirked.
“you’re on swim chick.”
the two then shot off as quickly as possible, both giggling as they glanced at each other speeding through the water.
and thus, their first date unknowingly began.
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mirrortouchedsea · 14 days
wip wednesday
Loosely based on @sausagepastry 's lighthouse keeper/merman au
Once the boat was beached on the rocks, Niki scrambled out and pulled it closer so that it wouldn’t get washed away. Kohaku should have been keeping an eye on him and would be down to help in a moment, but Niki was still baffled by the uh, tail, and now that he wasn’t distracted by the rocking of the boat, the fact that there were gills and fins on the merman in front of him. 
“Hey! Wake up!” He tried shouting and shaking the merman. It had grabbed onto the boat out in the water and looked like it was breathing as much as Niki could tell. How something that may or may not have both gills and air breathing lungs would be able to show he was breathing, Niki wasn’t entirely sure, nor was he sure he wanted to know that answer. 
“Niki-han, did you find anythi--oh what is…” Kohaku came to a stop next to Niki, looking at the merman. “Please tell me I’m seein’ things.” 
“I don’t think so, Kohaku-chan. He won’t wake up but I don’t want to leave him in the storm either.” Niki shook the merman’s shoulder again, gently slapping its face to no avail. He pressed a finger to its neck to search for a pulse but he didn’t even know if that would yield any results. There was a faint throbbing though, something like a heartbeat. Could they stay out of water? If only the damn thing were awake and could answer their questions. 
Another lightning strike jolted them back to reality. “Kohaku-chan, start running the bath and get the stove heated. I’ll try and get him in the house.” Kohaku nodded and ran back inside, while Niki contemplated the best way to get the merman back. There was a wheelbarrow somewhere that would probably work well enough to get him up to the door but trying to wheel it up the steps even when it was empty was a challenge. His stomach growled and Niki decided to just grab it and maybe he would just dump it through the door and he and Kohaku could carry it to the bathroom. Yeah, that would work well enough. 
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napsfor-technoblade · 4 years
New au but its literally just a monster au, very overused but I love it-
Bad's a demon with an entity attached to him
Skeppy's a cursed human fused with diamonds
Dream's a mix of two things; one's a zombie and the other is unknown
Sapnap's controls fire, no one really knows if he's a cursed human or he's a different species
George is predicted to be human, spoiler alert, he's not :) he's a glitch
Phil is, well, winged
Techno was cursed (pig ears and a pigtail) and has a shitton of stamina and strength, as does Dream
Wilbur is a ghost, though there isn't anything indicating how he died other than heavy eye bags and a runny nose
Fundy is a kitsune cause I'm basic
Eret can use mind control and his eyes glow white, no one knows what he is
Tommy, Tubbo, and Niki are humans/presumed human
Tommy, Tubbo, and Niki walk far from the village they live in, Niki only came along to watch them because they get into a lot of trouble by themselves. They find an abandoned house on a hill, and since there was no one around, that meant no authorities were around, meaning they could explore the abandoned building.
Turns out it wasn't abandoned, and it housed a bunch of monsters :)
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general-light · 4 years
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today on the second episode “general light posts messy au scribbles”... an idea i had 2 days ago!!
Basically, Niki’s an amateur sea explorer trying to steal a boat from the Manberg Empire’s fleets!!! And Wilbur is an Orca Merman who stole from the fleets one too many times and got caught :) So Niki ends up rescuing him and they go on the run from the military together and eventually become sea explorers together :)
Depicted in the art is the scene of Niki finding Wilbur in the underbelly of the ship she wanted to yoink :)
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henryisscared · 3 years
Can we have a holy Lovers au drabble? It is one of my favorite aus together with royal au and merman au! <3
Aw <3
I have a bit of a headache so this is probably going to be a disaster but ;)
The God of Beauty was really easy to like, he noted. He might not be a talker but his presence often was really calming. Wilbur also noted that he tends to snooze off in the garden while reading human books.
Gods and Goddesses didn't really need to sleep, but George just takes it as a hobby, Wilbur guesses.
It was nice, though. Since George was the God of beauty, even when he is sleeping he looked so stunning. He is breathtaking. More than once, Wilbur has been thinking about slowly waking him up with a soft song, maybe a little caress in his cheek.
But when he is close to do it, he backs off.
And he can only sigh at himself. If it was anyone else, Wilbur wouldn't have a problem to tease them, flirt with them jokingly but with George--.
It was love at first sight.
He just couldn't do it.
... Should he ask Niki and Kristin for a good advice? After all, they were the goddesses of love. Of should he ask Dream and Sapnap? With George, they were the Dream Team after all.
He sighed as he admired George sleeping figure in the grass, against the multicolored tree. Seeing him like that just fills him with inspiration to do a song about him. Of them, if there was any future.
Aah... He should probably just take his frustrations off with random humans. That would be fun, at least.
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kokoronbain · 4 years
Hmm... I realised that it's the last day of Mermay
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So here the grand finale!
Yep, I decided to draw all LM3 characters as mermaids from all persons who decided to do that challenge like me.
I would like to draw ALL characters from all AUs in one drawing but there isn't enough place so I let in each AU. I did my best for making pose and interaction for each character so my bad if I didn't make a great balance/presentation between them.
And finally due to my motivation which is fucked up, all I did was making WIPs. I dunno if I will color it one day. But at least you can see details thanks to the flash (but i am sorry if you don't see well your character 👉👈)
Also thank you for all people who mentionned me in their posts so I can see your great work! I am very touched by that! ^.^
Now time to credit everyone and showing their works by links:
Paloma (Original, Fell, Horror) belongs to me
Page (Original, Fell) belongs to @itsameaury
Nicolás (Original, Fell) & Hisoka belong to @anamakara
Fantakutsi belongs to @niky-uky
Sarah and Johnny Deepend's merman design belong to @creepychippy
Mysterious Mr. Angel belongs to @acrylic-kettle
Goldy (Original, Fell, Horror) and LilBoo belong to @danisha-tdh
And that's all!!!!
Hope you like my art and Happy Mermay everyone!!!
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Hi beautiful admins! I'm so much in love with your work, this blog is the greatest thing there to find the greatest exo fics. I admire you all so very much. I'm also pretty much smitten with Chen nowadays. So can you recommend me some good Chen fic? Like what are your fav Chen fics out there? And is there any ChenSoo fic? I haven't seen any and I'd really like to read fics of that pairing. Take your time admins. Thank you and stay healthy, be happy. Take care 😄
Chensoo Fics
As you were (PG-15)Billiards(NC-17)eternity(+Baekhyun, NC-17)Hugs for the Heart (PG)Just Say Yes (PG-15)Lend me your heart so I might hear (G)Loser(NC-17)Love is a deeper season than reason. (PG)One Hundred Days (R )one photo attached (PG-15)Romantic Stylez (PG-15)Steady Immersion (PG-15) the roommate agreementUnchained(NC-17, SEE TRIGGER WARNINGS)We'll Never Walk in Light (NC-17)
and now to the admin’s favorite Chen fics!
Broken Waves (Suho/Chen, merman!au) Exodus (Chen/Chanyeol, historical, NC-17) Leviathan (Suho/Chen, pirate!au, NC-17)Liquid Love (Chen/Chanyeol, hp!au) love is just a daydream (Suho/Chen, a/b/o, NC-17)mirror’s edge (Baekhyun/Chen, parallel uni) out of my league > killing time (can i kill it with you?) (Suho/Chen, college!au, NC-17) Out of This World (Kris/Chen, sci-fi)Plant Life (Suho/Chen, farmer!au, NC-17)Retail Therapy (Suho/Chen, NC-17) Say Something (Suho/Chen, angst, NC-17)Shot in the dark (but I’ll make it) (Suho/Chen, a/b/o, R)Songbirds (Baekhyun/Chen, friends to lovers) the means to an end (Chen/Luhan, famous!au, NC-17)Tinder Love (Baekhyun/Chen sns!au, NC-17) Toasted With a Bit of Everything (Suho/Chen, parent!au)Worth (Chen/Lay, angst, R)
Breathless (with a hint of hysteria) (Baekhyun/Chen, high school!au, R)Changing Pace (Suho/Chen, fucktoy!au, NC-17)dreams don’t happen when you’re asleep (they happen when you’re awake)  (Chen/Sehun, fantasy, PG)Enemies Beware (Chen/Chanyeol, wolf/vampire!au, NC-17)give or take a few (Suho/Chen, office!au, NC-17, age gap)Ice Cream, I Scream (Chen/Sehun, crime!au, PG-15)It's Gonna Be Forever [Or It's Gonna Go Down In Flames] (Luhan/Chen, arranged marriage!au, NC-17)Let me be your Christmas miracle (Baekhyun/Chen, holiday/office!au, R)maybe you'll let me borrow your heart (Baekhyun/Chen, swimming!au, PG-15)Shattering Light (Suho/Chen, thunderbird!au) standing upon this endless melody (please tell me I’m not alone) (Baekhyun/Chen, arranged marriage!au, NC-17)These Bright Lights [Have Always Blinded Me] (Luhan/Chen, idol/manager!au, NC-17)the song beat in your chest (Baekhyun/Chen, abo/wolf!au, NC-17)We'll Never Walk in Light (Chen/Kyungsoo, vampire!au, NC-17)You’re All Mine (Chen/Chanyeol, hybrid!au, NC-17)
-ana who seconds all of niki’s recs!
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Spring Fling 2017: Complete Gift List
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A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported the WinterIron Spring Fling this year. No matter if you created a gift, helped out as a beta or pinch hitter, shared our posts, or cheered us on, you all helped make this exchange a tremendously fun and exciting experience.
And now, without further ado, the thing you’ve all been waiting for: the complete gift list.
Of Dates and Journalistic Investigations by JustAnAvidReader for hiirokumo
Prompts: Modern AU no powers. Bucky works as a cashier at the supermarket Tony frequents. Bucky will switch with other cashiers. Tony notices bucky’s laboured breathing. “were you running?” And: 5. Superman!bucky and lois lane!tony Tony is a investigative journalist and Bucky is cashier at the supermaket Tony frequents (or is he?) The superman au you never asked for, but got anyway! WinterIron Srping Fling 2017
Dearly Beloved by EchoSiriusRumme for Niki
His first undercover mission after being benched, and it was with the man he had been trying to avoid.  Not only that, but they were supposed be newlyweds (where does SHIELD get these ideas?)  Complicated didn’t even begin to cover Bucky’s situation.
Domesticity (is not all that bad) by Briz for Zola9612      
If 16 years old him could see him now, he would be seething with anger for his life choices.
‘Til The Sea Itself Floweth In Your Veins by catZY for MegaraNoelle    
Tony is hiding out at his private beach house after dropping the bombshell that he isn’t making any more weapons. While walking along the water, the finds an unconscious and injured man with a fish tail.
Bucky is a merman who was nabbed by some crazy scientists. He has finally escaped, though unfortunately losing his arm in the process, and is so close to the sea he can taste it. But he isn’t strong enough to swim home and gets washed back onto shore, which is where Tony finds him.
Steve is Bucky’s childhood friend who has been searching frantically for him ever since he’s been snatched. Will he ever get Bucky back?
Firestarter by Amonae for Shi_Toyu      
“So it’s the fires, again? And we’re sure it’s not a rogue dragon?”
“No, we’re not sure,” Steven says, sounding exasperated. “Since no one’s seen it, well, a beast that large wouldn’t exactly go unnoticed.”
“We have any guesses?”
“The usual; a wyvern, an overzealous clutch of fire lizards—Peter has his money on fire toads.”
James wrinkles his nose. “Those don’t exist, Stevie.”
Making Friends In High Places by Sophelia for Arboreal      
Howard Stark died childless, leaving behind a multi-billion dollar company and an extremely elaborate will doling out portions of his estate to bizarre causes. Luckily for the Avengers, this included giving them a place to stay in the top of Stark Tower.
Tony, like most Stark Industries employees, did his best to ignore the superheroes living above him. That was, until he met a metal-armed super soldier who for some reason keep wandering down from the upper floors.
Put A Label On It by LeilaEracktor for ChaoticDemon      
Tony and Bucky bond over Avengers Academy
Prompts: Avengers Academy is a mobile game in the MCU.  The Avengers play it.; Soulmates
See Me Through by dreamingdarkly for tringic 
The prompt from my giftee: One of them is invisible and the other is the only one who can see them.
Bucky Barnes has spent his entire life hiding, first as a sniper and then as The Asset. Over the years, he discovers Tony; the one person he doesn’t have to hide from.
Love Goes Through A Man’s Stomach by fynndin for SailorChibi      
Bachelorette parties are basically expected to go a little above and beyond the normal. That Carol would deem it necessary to reveal her super powers to the Avengers on hers, that the stripper she hired as a cheesy joke would get into a gunfight with a HYDRA agent or that Captain America would turn up still was beyond Jennifer Walter’s imaginations for even the worst of worst case scenarios when she had agreed to be the maid of honor and organize the party. In hindsight, mixing up a good alcohol-free punch seemed like a rather manageable task.
Worlds change, but people don’t by JenJo for mitochondrials      
Chapter 1: Tony and Bucky have a date at a cafe. They are also witches.
Chapter 2: Tony & Bucky’s pining is so legendary even the Time Fog gets involved.
In Which There is Much Attempted Wooing by hiirokumo for EchoSiriusRumme      
And so our two main protags are not so secretly harbouring feelings for each other, which is obvious to everyone else but themselves. Wil they end up happily ever after? Only time will tell.
Winds and Waters by ChaoticDemon for eustassya    
“It’s alright, you know,” he says, “I’m not going to be mad.”
Seeing things (for the first time) by tringic for justanotherpipedream      
Tony learned at a young age that it was better not to be different (Unless you were better than everyone else, then it was okay), and he’d always been grateful that he’d learned that before he learned that not everyone could see the red strings.
A Lone Wolf by Niki for Amonae      
“Before was pack and Steve and family, safety and warmth and purpose. Now is loneliness and pain and hunger and cold, and soon is when he’ll reach the source of that incredible scent reminding him of home.”
The Itsy Bitsy Spider by Lunatical for Kellen 
When the light disappeared, he opened his eyes again to find the witch gone, together with her monsters… and a little girl with bright red hair standing where Natasha was just a second before, Widow’s catsuit pooled around her, barely hanging on one of her shoulders.
“Ahhh, shit,” came Clint’s voice over the comms “that looks bad.”
This time, even Steve’s “language” sounded weak.
Stealing the First Kiss by MassiveSpaceWren for JustAnAvidReader     
AvAc first kiss.
Burn and Boil (Through the Skies) by justanotherpipedream for MassiveSpaceWren   
Tony was used to running. From Alliance soldiers, raiders, you name it, Tony’s outrun them all. He’s a man on a mission, and can’t afford to fail. Not even for the devilishly handsome Bucky Barnes, smuggler, rogue and all-around space pirate.
A Firefly/Marvel story of space, explosions and falling in love.
Up Close and Impersonal by Hanh for Fluffypanda      
“This rickety cot was not made for two people, big guy. …Bucky? You there?”
The Monsters in Our Pasts by Zola9612 for Lunatical      
When Stark Tower is damaged in an attack, the team is forced to move into Tony’s childhood home. It is there that Tony’s many secrets start to unravel.
Cat Parenting (and Other Meet-Cutes) by singingwithoutwords for DreamcatchersDaughter      
Of all the ways Bucky could have finally gotten a chance to speak to his crush, why did it have to be his cat getting Tony’s cat pregnant?
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know by Shi_Toyu for InsaneJuliann    
“Friends Natasha and Steve decide to set up their friends Tony and Bucky on a date, since both have had bad luck with dating for a while. Unfortunately, these planned blind dates keep going wrong, so that one or both end up not being able to make it. Meanwhile, Tony and Bucky keep running into each other without realizing they’re the “friend” that Steve/Natasha are trying to set them up with, and grow closer, falling for each other.”
Ass Out of U and Me by DreamcatchersDaughter for Sophelia    
Bucky finds he likes being wrong a lot more than he thought he would.
Different by black_wings for catZY      
“Tony pictured his husband, and he couldn’t be more thankful for destiny. Because despite fate working in strange, mysterious and often painful ways, fate had brought him the one thing he’d always craved for: the love of his life.”
Or, Tony never became Iron Man and instead he starts helping Make-A-Wish Foundation fulfill wishes to meet heroes.
Misremembered by Arboreal for sushicorps      
When Loki smirked at Rogers in the middle of a battle and told him he would give Rogers what he wanted most in the world, the mind of his old friend back, Tony had a very bad feeling.
Just One Look At You by Stark-N-Barnes for black_wings  
Tony’s life changes on his first day at MIT when he meets Bucky Barnes. He’s never met anyone quite like him.
Running Towards Something by InsaneJuliann for LeilaEracktor    
Prompt: After months of tiptoeing around each other Tony and Bucky confess their feelings and get together. So when Tony goes missing the next day Bucky doesn’t know what to think. Has Tony been abducted or is he having second thoughts?
The one that got away (and stayed with them) by Kellen for singingwithoutwords      
When the Avengers’ space ship comes across a stopped Ten Rings frigate looking like they were having trouble, they first hesitate to do something about it. But there is someone in there, someone the Ten Rings are holding captive and the Avengers can’t let that be without doing something about it now, can they? A rescue mission it is.
The thing is… it didn’t go as predicted and when the prisoner revealed to be more dangerous than expected, they don’t know if the person they’re saving is about to kick their ass along with the Ten Rings’ or if they can expect some cooperation. Well, until Bucky meets them.
Deceptively Simple by mitochondrials for fynndin    
Bucky figured finally opening up about his kinks would have been relatively easy. He should have known nothing’s easy with Tony, except when it is.
there and back again (to find you) by SailorChibi for celtic7irish      
Hydra has a plan to go back in time and kill Steve before he becomes Captain America. Tony foils them, and in the process finds his soulmate.
Silent Confessions, Grand Gestures by MegaraNoelle for Karinna_Universe
Who knew that it would take a small Hydra faction to bring Tony and Bucky together? Now Steve is stuck babysitting his best friends, and dealing with them being in love, and not being shy about it at all.
Heart and Mind by Estelle for JenJo      
Bucky is a new student at the university, coming back to studying after the army, and still adjusting. Tony is finishing his fourth PhD there, and when they meet, let’s just say it doesn’t go over too well. It takes them a while to find out they have a lot in common.
Soft Touches by ZeeK for Hanh      
Bucky loves when Tony touches him.
Words Fail by Karinna_Universe for syriala    
This work was for the Winteriron Spring fling! Prompt: Arc reactor failing 
Wild Rose by celtic7irish for ZeeK    
Modern AU - Bucky is on a much needed road trip and his car ends up breaking down while passing through a small town. He knows a bit about engines but definitely not enough to fix whatever is wrong. The only repair shop in town turns out to belong to a secluded engineer.
ab ipso ferro by Fluffypanda for Stark-N-Barnes    
King Anthony Stark holds a ball to find a bondmate. Someone unexpected walks into his life.
Coffee Date by Potrix for Estelle
It’s just a silly crush, anyway, and Tony will get over it eventually. He’ll stop tripping over his tongue whenever Cute Delivery Guy flashes him one of his rare smiles, he’ll stop with the awful nervous jokes, he’ll stop having the urge to offer to replace the Hammer Tech prosthesis with a superior Stark Tech model, he’ll stop wondering how Cute Delivery Guy’s seemingly permanent five o’clock shadow might feel against his own cheeks, he’ll stop staring at Cute Delivery Guy’s ass when he leaves, and he’ll throw out his pathetic cup stash. Eventually.
It’s not as if Cute Delivery Guy’s two minute stops in his workshop are the highlights of Tony’s days, or anything embarrassing like that.
Mirror, Mirror by Shi_Toyu for dreamingdarkly
Tony doesn’t know how long he’s been stuck in this mirror since Obie’s betrayal, but he’s glad that the guy who found it is willing to help him get out.
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Any chance of a Best of 2017 post? There were so many great fics last year and I love compilations! :)
the admins haven’t read everything posted during 2017, so I think it is unfair to make a list about the Best of 2017 based only on what we read as individuals. There are a lot of hidden gems out there. Below I recommend some of my favorite fics posted during 2017.
(ELE)Mental (Kyungsoo/Chanyeol, PG-15, sns!au)Afloat (Kyungsoo/Baekhyun/Kris, NC-17, high school!au)all in (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, NC-17, pwp)Baekhyun really really likes kissing Kyungsoo (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, NC-17, roommates!au)beta blockers (Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, NC-17, abo)Broken Waves (Suho/Chen, PG-15, merman!au)Cashmere Craving (Baekhyun/Lay, NC-17, CEO!au, dancer!au)Exodus (Chen/Chanyeol, NC-17, fantasy)If You Go Chasing Rabbits (Kai/Sehun, NC-17, college!au)Intangible, Like Words on My Skin (multiple, PG-15, soulmate!au)Second Love (Baekhyun/Lay/Kris, NC-17)show me all of you (Baekhyun/Lay, NC-17, neighbours!au)Smells Like Teen Spirit (Kyungsoo/Kai, NC-17, high school!au) Songbirds (Baekhyun/Chen, PG-15, friends to lovers)that love that keeps me shaking (Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, NC-17, college!au)the means to an end (Luhan/Chen, NC-17, famous!au) true blue (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, NC-17, famous!au)Written in the stars: the science, the history and the magic of mating (Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, NC-17, abo)
I second all of niki’s choices and I would add these fics:
Albino Fairy (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, PG-15, fantasy)All The Things (I’ve Lost) (Baekhyun/Chen, NC-17, scifi)Been here all along (so why can’t you see?) (Baekhyun/Chen, R, friends to lovers)Feels Like Flying (Xiumin/Luhan, skating!au, NC-17)Fated Dreams (Chen/Sehun, NC-17, time travel)for as long as i live (even if it’s not that long) (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, NC-17, time travel)genie for you, boy (Baekhyun/Chen, supernatural, college!au, PG-15)I Wanna Be Yours (Could You Be Mine?) (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, friends with benefits, R)Ice Cream, I Scream (Chen/Sehun, PG-15, police!au, crime)It’s Rather Difficult, You and I (Lay/Baekhyun, NC-17, CEO!au)it don't run in our blood (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, arranged marriage!au, PG-15)Let’s Make A Night (just you, you, and I) (Suho/Baekhyun/Chen, convenience store!au)Merchant's Tail (Suho/Baekhyun, merman!au, R)side by side by side (Xiumin/Baekhyun/Chen, NC-17)Soul Ink (Baekhyun/Kyungsoo, tattoo artist, college!au, NC-17)tarantino and tortellini (Baekhyun/Chen/Kyungsoo, polyamory, NC-17)The Power of Attraction (Xiumin/Baekhyun, NC-17)Undercover: A Love Story (Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, PG-15, gangsters, police!au)We’ll Never Walk in Light (Chen/Kyungsoo, NC-17, vampire!au, werewolves)Why Is Google Telling Me I’m A Vampire? (Xiumin/Chen, G, vampires, comedy)You See The Money? (Baekhyun/Chen, PG-15, CEO!au, secretary!au)you shine like the stars (you light up my heart) (Baekhyun/Chen, space!au, R)
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
any sub jongdae? (NOT BOTTOM.) I feel like he's never portrayed as a sub as often, compared as a dom :( he's such a soft and kind man, why do people still see him as a loud 'troll'? He's just the happiest, cutest, most adorable man, who whines to get what he wants. pls give him some lov :((
a selection of fics where Jongdae shows his soft side!
A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More Touch Me (Suho/Chen, NC-17)
Broken Waves (Suho/Chen, merman!au)
Enemies Beware (Chen/Chanyeol, vampire and werewolf!au, NC-17)
Exodus (Chen/Chanyeol, historical, NC-17)
love is just a daydream (Suho/Chen, a/b/o, NC-17)
mirror’s edge (Baekhyun/Chen, parallel universe!au)
Retail Therapy (Suho/Chen, NC-17)
Say Something (Suho/Chen, NC-17)
standing upon this endless melody (please tell me I’m not alone) (Chen/Baekhyun, arranged marriage, NC-17)
the means to an end (Chen/Luhan, famous!au, NC-17)
Tinder Love (Baekhyun/Chen, NC-17)
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
[AO3] Broken Waves
Title: Broken Waves Author: celerydragon Pairing: Suho/Chen Status: Complete Length: Chaptered Rating: PG-15 (low R) Genre: merman au, romance, forbidden love, royal au, angst, romance Warnings: mentioned character death Summary: Jongdae is a young merman afflicted with wanderlust.
Niki’s thoughts: Suchen is one of my favorite ships to read. And merman!au at the same time? I was afraid it was too perfect to be true. But trust me, it did not disappoint, this is one of my favorite fics. It’s forbidden romance, it’s romantic, it’s long and... it’s perfect to read when you want to enjoy your free time relaxing.
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fuckyeahexofics · 6 years
Do you guys know of any fics that have anything to do with the ocean?
You can find our mermaid/man fics on our fantasy tag. You can also search the blog for the term mermaid/merman!
five oceans (Baekhyun/Suho, sailing!au)
Merchant’s Tail (Baekhyun/Suho, merman!au)
-niki and ali
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Spring Fling Works - Batch 1
Of Dates and Journalistic Investigations by JustAnAvidReader for hiirokumo
Prompts: Modern AU no powers. Bucky works as a cashier at the supermarket Tony frequents. Bucky will switch with other cashiers. Tony notices bucky's laboured breathing. "were you running?" And: 5. Superman!bucky and lois lane!tony Tony is a investigative journalist and Bucky is cashier at the supermaket Tony frequents (or is he?) The superman au you never asked for, but got anyway! WinterIron Srping Fling 2017 
Dearly Beloved by EchoSiriusRumme for Niki
His first undercover mission after being benched, and it was with the man he had been trying to avoid.  Not only that, but they were supposed be newlyweds (where does SHIELD get these ideas?)  Complicated didn't even begin to cover Bucky's situation.
Domesticity (is not all that bad) by Briz for Zola9612      
If 16 years old him could see him now, he would be seething with anger for his life choices.
‘Til The Sea Itself Floweth In Your Veins by catZY for MegaraNoelle    
Tony is hiding out at his private beach house after dropping the bombshell that he isn’t making any more weapons. While walking along the water, the finds an unconscious and injured man with a fish tail.
Bucky is a merman who was nabbed by some crazy scientists. He has finally escaped, though unfortunately losing his arm in the process, and is so close to the sea he can taste it. But he isn’t strong enough to swim home and gets washed back onto shore, which is where Tony finds him.
Steve is Bucky’s childhood friend who has been searching frantically for him ever since he’s been snatched. Will he ever get Bucky back?
Firestarter by Amonae for Shi_Toyu      
“So it’s the fires, again? And we’re sure it’s not a rogue dragon?”
“No, we’re not sure,” Steven says, sounding exasperated. “Since no one’s seen it, well, a beast that large wouldn’t exactly go unnoticed.”
“We have any guesses?”
“The usual; a wyvern, an overzealous clutch of fire lizards—Peter has his money on fire toads.”
James wrinkles his nose. “Those don’t exist, Stevie.”
Making Friends In High Places by Sophelia for Arboreal      
Howard Stark died childless, leaving behind a multi-billion dollar company and an extremely elaborate will doling out portions of his estate to bizarre causes. Luckily for the Avengers, this included giving them a place to stay in the top of Stark Tower.
Tony, like most Stark Industries employees, did his best to ignore the superheroes living above him. That was, until he met a metal-armed super soldier who for some reason keep wandering down from the upper floors.
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fuckyeahexofics · 7 years
hello, do you have any fics where they're centered around the beach? any pairing is okay! ❤️ thanks in advance
Broken Waves (Suho/Chen, merman!au)Indigo &  Azure &  Cerulean (Xiumin/Luhan, merman!au)Surf’s up? (Luhan/Chen, surfer!au)Of Burning Touches And Ashen Smiles (Suho/Chen, supernatural)
also see this post
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