#nope never mind just tried and immediately disowned them
pearl-kite · 2 years
what kind of abominable amalgamation is this
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
EARLY TRYST // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4534 genre : fluff <333 ! crack-ish, pre-kira!light, all that  mushy mushy stuff, best friends to lovers because who doesn’t love that trope?
a/n : i’m not sure if i’ve posted this here before but i’m fairly certain that i haven’t oh godric you’ll have to forgive me if i had  --
Who wakes up 5:00 early on a Saturday morning just to bug their neighbor to have a match with them?
Technically, you did. You were bored, and the first thing that came to your mind was playing your favorite sport with one of your bestfriends, who's also your neighbor, Light. Surely he wouldn't mind, would he? But it mattered not since he also did the same to you back then, insisting you two bike together just because he wanted a companion and knew you wouldn't refuse. You were hella pissed even so, and now it's your turn to get revenge.
You brought a ladder, placing it just enough to reach the window to his bedroom on the second floor. You eventually climbed up, practically pressing your face against  the window to get a clearer sight of him sleeping peacefully on his bed, his angelic face barely visible as it was partially covered with his blanket.
'Say goodbye to your sweet dreams, lover boy.'
You thought and knocked on the window loud enough for him to hear. Your first tries were futile so you knocked a little louder and more violent. To his dismay, Light woke up with a teeny-bit of panic in his chest. Creasing his eyebrow and squinting his eyes, he looked at the window, seeing a familiar figure. You snickered as he awakened, languidly making his way to the window, an irritated look on his face when he met your eyes.
He opened the window. "[Y/N], what the hell are you doing here? What time is it?"
"About time for you to play with me."
"Huh? Play with you? You're acting strangely childish. I was still sleeping." He clicked his tongue. You chuckled and shook your head. "Aw, sleeping beauty is upset because his dream was left unfinished. Don't worry, his dashing savior is here to make him feel better."
"You mean worse."
"Bad!" You playfully punched his shoulder. "Says the one who still has sleep in his eyes."
"Of course I have. You just woke me up." He scowled, turning his back at you and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his face a little flushed.
"Heh, don't be shy!" You teased, wobbling a little in your position.
"I'm not shy! Tch, seriously though, you're in a ladder? You only made it harder for yourself when you could've just knocked on the main door. Mom and dad are already awake. They'd let you in."
"Eh? But I was shy- you know- err, how am I supposed to say 'Can I go to Light's room or something?'" You blushed a little. He hummed in response and gave an understanding look. "Come on in."
"I can't fit in here- just meet me outside. I'll wait for ya."
"You got yourself in this so don't turn back now. You can fit but in another position." Before you could reply, he suddenly grabbed your arms and indicated you to push your head inside. You did, whimpering as he pulled you in by grabbing you by the armpits, your faces almost bumping in the process. You gave a squeal as you felt your feet of the ladder, causing you to grip him tighter, almost hugging him-or maybe even inhaling him.
For a better description you basically looked like a flying fish from outside who's getting devoured by a portal.
With all his might, Light pulled you in until your whole body finally got inside. Of course, as he was secretly anticipating to, you both fell on the ground, with you on top of him, your head against his chest.
You immediately stood up and accidentally stepped on his ankle, resulting a loud whimper from him.
"That hurt, you know."
"Sorry. But-" You both heard a loud crash from outside. You were certain that the ladder you used had fallen, and it was so loud you swore some of your neighbors woke up. "...As I was saying... That was a dangerous way to get me inside. I could've fallen."
"Too bad you didn't."
"How rude!" You scoffed. You jauntily walked towards his bed, flopping down as if it's your own. It felt so soft, and it kinda smelled like him too.
You closed your eyes and spread your arms. His expression softened that he couldn't hide a smile which you thankfully didn't see. He cleared his throat and picked up a pillow, throwing it at your face.
"Hey, I'll go get some coffee. Want some?"
"I've already drank one, but sure!"
"No wonder you're already so hyper. Now get out of my bed."
"Fine." You scoffed and got up, walking behind him on the way downstairs, making yourself smaller so they wouldn't notice.
"Light! You're up early." Sachiko greeted.
"Yeah, and it's her fault." He slid right to reveal your cowering figure. You shyly greeted his mother, flushing pink. "Oh hello [Y/N]! I didn't see you come in. Were you in Light's room the whole night? You two had a sleep-over..?"
"No mom. Why would we do that? She just has her own ways of disturbing my sleep. Is dad still here?"
"He's on the living room and just about to leave. I'll make you two breakfast."
"That's not necessary. We just need some coffee, after that we'll.. What are we gonna do again?"
"Play badminton outside."
"It's still a bit dark, don't you think?"
"It's alright. The sun is about to rise. It'll rise quickly." Light replied to his mom, taking two cups and then pouring hot water on them. "Mild coffee [Y/N]?"
"Nope. Black coffee will do."
"Didn't you already-"
"It was creamy white. It was bland for my liking. I need something stronger." You cheekily replied. He sighed and started mixing your coffee and then his own. "If I recall, yesterday I saw you walking home while drinking that black iced coffee from the convenience store. Too much caffeine is unhealthy."
"Yes, Sir Light, noted." You grinned, blowing your drink before taking a sip. "Hey, not funny. I'm genuinely concerned."
"Concern appreciated."
You both entered the living room, greeting his father who eventually got up, off to work. You sat beside Light as you both watched Sachiko kiss Soichiro goodbye. You smiled and mumbled an 'aw,' nudging Light and causing him to slightly spill the coffee he was about to drink.
"What?" He looked at you then to his parents.
"Ah, I get it. You wanna do that with someone someday, don't you?"
"That's not-"
"It's okay. We all daydream like that, even me. So don't be shy."
"I'm not shy!"
"There goes my line."
"Hmp. So who's the lucky girl, or boy, you daydream about?"
"Why are you suddenly interested? Well what about you?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Unfair. You're so secretive."
"Fair enough since you're just as secretive as I am. You don't even tell me the guys you like, and I'm your bestfriend."
"Because that doesn't matter-"
"Why do you keep on stealing my lines?"
"Oi that's not the point! I mean come on, an honor student like you rarely talks about romance so when you do, of course I must know. I am your best friend after all."
Light cringed, chuckling. "There's nothing special about that."
"Pfft. Honor students like you are so busy with studying that you rarely have time for romance."
"What? No. Look at you, you're an honor student yourself."
"Yeah but I mean the pros, like you. The valedictorians, first honors."
"Just because I don't that about romance doesn't mean I don't think about it. But like you said, I rarely think about it."
"Ooh! So who is the lucky one?"
"Why do you want to know?"
You puffed your cheeks. Honestly you had no idea too. Let's just say you were... curious.
"I need to gather information. I need some information to sip. Either way I'll figure it out when I start my investigation."
"Augh- I'll disown you, Light Yagami."
He put his cup down, looking at you.
"It's not really possible to disown the person you like, you know."
The coffee that you were drinking almost came out of your nostrils.
"Don't have so much hubris on yourself. I can do a ten-paged essay about why you are so dislikeable."
"But you can do an essay about why you like me ten times longer than that."
"I am so going to hit your ugly being!"
His smile only grew wider, fascination twinkling in his eyes.
"Hit me with your sweet love, maybe I won't mind."
Not blushing wasn't really an option. He burst out of laughter as you'd been left speechless. You continuously punched his arm, but he never stopped laughing. And his laughter was indeed infectious.
As you two were having fun, you suddenly felt eyes on your back. You stopped and turned around, seeing Light's mother slyly smiling at the both of you as she slithered away towards the kitchen. You and Light avoided each other's gaze for a moment and blushed, finishing your coffees wordlessly instead.
"Well, I'll go change now. You wait here."
"Let me come with you-"
Light raised an eyebrow. "What a pervert you are, [Y/N]."
"NO! That is not what I meant!"
"Well what did you mean?"
"I mean, let me wait outside your room instead," You leaned in, whispering. "What if your mom comes here and talks to me? I mean.. I'm super shy around her."
He nodded in agreement but then he added, "There's no need to be shy around your future mother though."
'This smooth-talking bastard!' You sighed and rubbed your nape, 50% about to roll your eyes and 50% about to blush again. You knew what he meant by that. He had always been a tease to you. But you decided to play against his will.
"Wow. I didn't know that the Yagami family will adopt me someday."
"Tch, dummy."
"Did you just call me dummy?"
"What? Of course not! You really need to clean your ears. I said dumplings. Your cheeks remind me of them. And now I'm hungry."
"You are awful!" For the nth time in history, you hit his arm. "I'm really gonna disown you in one of these days. Now get your ass moving already so we can conquer the street first."
"Well you were the one constantly blabbering and delaying things here-"
"Shut up."
"Pft. Fine." He pulled you up, holding your wrist even on the way back to his bedroom.
After about five minutes of changing to a plain white t-shirt and jogging pants, matching yours by the way, you two headed out the neighborhood. You picked up the rackets and shuttlecock you had left on the ground, handing him one.
"We don't really have a net-"
"Oh come on! This is just a friendly match, so there's no need for that."
"What about the scores? We can play somehow else if you'd like."
"That's not necessary. I'm making the rules, and the only rule here is that the opponent gets the score if you fail to prevent the birdie from hitting the ground."
"That's not how you play badminton.."
"I am well aware of that. I used to be a part of the school's badminton team, hello? But I make my own rules here." You grinned slyly. He shook his head. "There's no fun in this. You just woke me up to make me do some pointless things with you."
You were actually a little offended by that. You puffed your cheeks and crossed your arms.
"Is it bad that I just wanna have some quality-time with my friend? And to get my revenge, too."
What you said made his heart leap a little, and he was having a hard time resisting the urge to smile. But in the end, he only snarled against his own will. "Let's get this done quick. I'll make sure to destroy you."
"Oh, you wish."
And the game started. The eerie silence vanished, replaced by your grunts, pants, and intense movements. The sky was eventually transitioning from a dim purple to a pale yellow one as you two played, eyes focused on nothing but the shuttle, sweat dripping down your bodies. Light was just as determined as you were to beat his ass. The scores were being mentally recorded by you two-no cheating of course. It was a pretty fair game. One moment you'd be on the lead, but he'd take it, and you'd take it back, and the cycle continued. He was the worthiest opponent for you in this, and he thought the same about you.
The deal was a maximum of 50 scores. Currently, Light was leading and almost close to winning. Certainly you didn't want to get beaten so you struck the shuttle at a perfect angle with just enough force. It flew fast; you were sure he'd miss it. But his reflex was quick, and he struck it with a force much stronger than yours-but his flawed angle sent the shuttle flying higher than he intended it to, and it unfortunately landed on one of your neighbor's roof.
That neighbor just so happened to be the one you two-no, the whole neighborhood-absolutely detested.
Light rubbed his nape and laughed nervously, seeing your grimace. "I'll give the score to you then. So, you have an extra shuttle?"
"Unfortunately that's my last one." You facepalmed. You used to have lots of shuttlecocks but you just kept on losing them since everytime you play with someone, they'd either get destroyed in the process or fly too high and land on unaccessible places, just like what happened.
He frowned. "Seriously? What about inside your house? I'm sure there are a bunch of them tangled in your mess."
"I told you that was my last one. I haven't been able to buy more of them so yeah. But thanks to this nerdy friend of mine, I'm now left with none."
You were only being sarcastic, but it sounded way too derisive for him that he felt somehow guilty.
"Now what do we do.." You pouted to yourself. He averted his gaze which then met the ladder from earlier, a brilliant idea crossing his mind. But the last thing he wanted to do was to get involved, in any way, with that awful neighbor. A grim expression crossed his face and you saw it as you walked closer to him.
"Hey, I'm not actually mad at you, dummy."
"No- I mean, that's a relief. But I think I can retrieve it with the ladder. They might notice me though."
You snorted, but at least there was still a way to save that shuttle. You then looked at the sky. The sun was now rawly smiling at you. Surely those rogues weren't awake yet.
"You know what? I'll do it myself."
"Don't. You might fall. I'll go do it. It's a gentleman's job after all." He grinned. "Do you think they're awake?"
"I don't think so. The curtains are closed anyway."
"Alright. In case I fall, you stay below."
"Okay, Princess Light. I'll catch you using these strong manly arms of mine. Muah!"
Thankfully they didn't have a second floor so the ladder's height was alright- although still short. Once Light had climbed up, you stayed below, holding the ladder just to stay sure.
"Damn. How did it get that far?" He struggled to reach it with his racket, even with his arms and body stretched already. After a few valiant attempts, he sighed and steadied himself a little. He had an idea of climbing the roof but the risk of falling down in the process was high. And he certainly didn't want to squash you either.
"Well this is hopeless."
"Don't give up now, my princess!" You continuously poked his butt with the handle of your racket, causing him to give you a death glare, wobbling a little in his position.
"Are you asking to get squashed? Stop that or I'll fall on you."
"That was just to power you up, silly! Don't you dare fall on me."
"How about falling for you?"
"Now now, don't say bad words!"
He chuckled and was about to continue his mission when suddenly, the curtains flew open, revealing a grotesque face of a woman staring at Light's crotch-because that's where the window was apparently placed.
Let's just say that you two never want to recall that twenty-minute rebuking that you swore went on even as you two had already left the neighborhood, heading elsewhere.
"That went well." Light heaved a sigh, poking your racket with his as you two walked side by side. You nodded.
"Mission failed. Geez, that woman just wouldn't stop talking and bombarding us with malarkey. I'm starting to hate her."
"To be honest who doesn't? The whole neighborhood hates her as far as I know."
"Pfft, right. So what do we do now?"
He poked your cheeks, and poked, and poked, before pinching them so hard.
"Stop your fetish for my cheeks! This is abuse!"
He laughed, a genuine kind. He didn't reply but put an arm over your shoulder. You puffed your cheeks and played along.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm a bit hungry. So let's head to the convenience store."
"Unsurprising but I didn't bring any money with me."
"Not a single cent?"
"I guess it's fine since I'll be the one treating you. You should be thankful." You only smiled.
On the way to the store you noticed a group of older and drunk men resting on the side of the street. Their eyes pierced uncomfortably through you. You lowered your head, still feeling their laviscious stares nonetheless. Light also noticed this, and so he pressed himself to you. You hadn't even passed them and when you did, the inevitable came. They cackled, whistling and calling you by names as they rapped the table for attention.
You ignored them and thankfully, they didn't bother you more. "Those bastards." You heard your companion clicking his tongue in annoyance, looking back at the drunk men. He saw where their gazes were and it strongly disgusted him. There was an unnerving silence as you two arrived at the store.
You both had hotdogs with buns and ice cream which was your specific request and which Light reluctantly complied to. The two of you were sitting side by side, looking through the glass wall and discussing mostly about school projects and then some gossips which all came from you. After running out of food to munch on, Light went back to buy a huge bag of chips you two would be sharing.
The sky was now a saturated mixture of orange and yellows. People strolling outside were quickly multiplying until eventually the sidewalk got packed. Few vehicles came passing by. The day was starting for a lot.
"Those guys often do that to you?"
Snapping back to reality, you cooed, "Pardon me?"
"The drunk men we just came across with, was it the first time they've called you out like that?"
"Nope. They're always out drinking.." You saw him creasing his brows. "I know what you're thinking. Well they can't be help so don't think too much about it."
"Can't be help or not, that's still wrong. Did you see the way they looked at your curves? Those men reek danger for a young woman like you. Who knows what their next moves are?" Clenching his fist, he growled. He was truly worried for you. He knew how the world is full of suspicious people like them, and who knows that they're capable of doing?
"Now now worry-wart, don't be so angry."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You should really start walking home with me early. Does it kill you to immediately go home after school even when you have no business there anymore?"
He got you there. "But I don't want to instantly go home."
"Keep thinking like that and you might never be able to go home again."
You pursed your lips at how scary he made that sound. "Listen, [Y/N]. In this world, there are only a few people you can actually trust. And those guys? They're not looking worthy of someone's trust, even one bit. They're also not the only possible threats to you. Anyone you don't know, or even who you're acquainted with, could be. Even if they look so charming. I'm saying this as a warning, and as your friend. The way they looked at you really triggered me. I can't let you continue your routine anymore. Sure, I know you're going to argue that there's lots of bystanders in case something happens, but that's not always the case. And we're not even sure if they'll help you or proceed to give a blind eye to it."
There came a long pause as you absorbed his words. Hearing them made you feel grateful for having a friend like him-someone who speaks up because he cares about you and your safety. You merely nodded with your mouth agape.
"..I-I'll do as you say then. Thank you Light, really. I appreciate your concern. You give the best advices.. I-you're one of the best people out there."
"Sorry to suddenly explode like that." He smiled, and your heart softened. You asked, "And so, by saying that.. You trust me?"
"Needless to ask dummy. I wouldn't have said that if I didn't."
"Thank you. You know I trust you too. You're one of the people who's worth my trust." You flushed pink as you scratched your nape. This kind of conversation will always make you shy.
"You don't have to say thank you to me for trusting you. And what you said.. You're worth trusting, too."
You didn't argue. The following minutes were silent as you two stared at the void while eating potato chips. You didn't have any new topics in mind, and he seemed to be lost in his thoughts-or his daydreams. You didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on in that complex mind of his.
You absently stood up, craving for another black coffee, but you halted and went back when you remembered you didn't have your own money.
"Oh? You want something?"
"I want coffee. Well- if you don't mind. Ehehehe."
"That I am not going to buy for you. That's going to be your third coffee and the day's only starting."
"Hmph. Forgot I have a mom for a friend. But anyway, you good? You seemed to be thinking about something rather serious earlier."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled. Although he was really deep in thought of something-but what was it?
As he'd already said, he trusted you. He had been friends with you since middle school. He developed the ability to read through your mind. With you both growing closer day by day, he had already memorized your hobbies, your predictably unpredictable schedules, your common moods, your personality, and your flaws as a human being. Heck, he could even write an entire biography book about you with all the facts 99% accurate if he wanted to.
To him, you were fascinating, despite the fact that you weren't his ‘ideal’ girl. But as they say, some ideals are bound to get broken when something unexpected and much more interesting comes along the way. Sure, you couldn't read his mind as good as he read yours. You couldn't decipher and foresee what his next moves would be very well, wasn't in the exact same level as he was, but he grew attached to you. He trusted you, which was a rare thing for him to do-and consider the fact that trust is a hard thing to earn. You were an honest person, mildly annoying at some point to him. You're one that's willing to help others too. Rarely gets the initiative, but when you do, you execute amazing plans and actions.
The world is ugly, indeed, but he considered you to be one of those who made it less that way. You were one of the beautiful people in this ugly, mundane world. And that, he admired you for.
He couldn't see you as just a friend anymore. He could basically see through you, like you were his other half-like you were meant to be. You were someone he could connect with, someone he trusts, someone he could love. The label 'bestfriends' bothered him because he felt like it didn't suit you both, because something else did.
A couple.
And going back, what he was thinking about was the act of courting you and becoming your boyfriend. But doubts flooded his mind, such as you two being too young for romance, the possibility of your parents being against it since he knew you once swore that you wouldn't get a boyfriend until the age of 25 (which was actually a half-joke), and him not knowing what to properly do afterwards. Was he ready for this? Having you as his girlfriend wouldn't really change or affect anything such as his studies. It would still be the same.. just with an upgraded relationship and label with you. Besides, he had been wanting to court you for some time already. And if he doesn't do it then he'd only grow more and more restless.
He wanted to be yours. He was sure you also reciprocated his feelings. Getting into a teenage relationship is easy and quick and maybe reckless, they say, but not for someone with a complex and rational thinking like him. There were some things to consider- but you know what Light said?
'God damn it.'
"Huh?" You weren't expecting that response at all.
"I mean I was thinking about romance."
"Ooh! Finally, you decided to add some teenage thrill in your life. So, what about romance?" You gave a sly look. "Need help? I can be cupid, except I will be hitting you with my fist."
His smile was little but genuine, looking out. "There's someone I like for some time now. I've been wanting to court her."
"Awe! My boy has finally grown! My son is finally having a love interest! Eh, but why do you look so uncertain? Is there a catch?"
"Not really." He looked at you, his cheek resting on his palm. You raised an eyebrow.
"If that's the case then go for it! Who would dare to refuse the Light Yagami anyway? If you're feeling doubtful, which is highly unlikely for you, don't be. Any girl would swoon over you, even myself." You chuckled. He gave a fake impression of still being doubtful, looking down with his hands now on his thighs. It was a rare sight to see. You placed a hand on his shoulder, tapping it. Just then, he looked at you straight in the eye.
"It's not like you to lose some confidence. Come on, don't be sad. You can do it. Go ahead and court the lucky one. Cupid approves." You gave him a thumbs up.
"..If you say so," he seized your wrist and stood up.
"Can I court you then?"
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How do you like me now
William ‘Ironhead’ Miller x reader
Another song fic. Warnings: dumb ex, shitty parents. 
So, I’ve had this one on my mind for a long while, and I may actually write more about this one, like a mini series maybe. I also just like the thought of Will having a kid and the shenanigans. 
Everything: @mikeisthricedeceased 
Triple Frontier Boys: @artsymaddie @mcrmarvelloki​ 
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Yeah, I was always the crazy one broke into the stadium
And I wrote your number on the 50-yard line
Will wouldn’t have admitted openly but when he was younger, he was a lot like Santi in that he slept around a lot. Broke many hearts when he was a teenager. To put it simply? He was an ass.
Time in the army changed that, especially when he met the men who would become his brothers. Between Pope, Catfish, and Redfly he was nowhere near the same person he was when he left high school. Benny liked to tease him a lot, whenever they came home to visit their parents.
In fact, that was what he was currently doing. He, and Benny, were driving home with Santi and Frankie in the back. His parents needed furniture moved out; they were downsizing to a smaller home.  So, the four of them were going to be their muscles for it.
Benny was exaggerating many parts of several stories, that caused Will to roll his eyes constantly before correcting him.
He pulled into the driveway of his parent’s home, quietly wondering whose car was parked in front of their house. He shrugged it off not thinking too hard on it. The four of them walked up to the door and knocked.
Their mother, Winnie Miller, opened the door with a smile, “My boys! You’re early!”
She greeted Santi and Frankie as they all came inside with hugs and cheek kisses.
“Figured we may as well get here as soon as possible to start moving stuff out,” Will explained as his mother fretted over him and Benny, stating ‘we were too skinny.’
“Well, I do have some company but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Come into the kitchen, we just made some cookies,” Winnie said as she led them forward.
Benny bounded forward excitedly rushing past their mother to the kitchen. As they caught up to him, Will noticed he had stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the person sitting at the island.
“Benny, what the hell are y-…” Will started to ask but stopped as he took her in as well.
He muttered her name as he watched her straightened up.
You were always the perfect one and a valedictorian
So under your number I wrote "Call for a good time"
“You mean She-Devil?” Benny grumbled glaring at her.
She waved awkwardly, and said, “Benny. Hey, Will.”
“What are you doing here, Venus?” Will asked her, using her old nickname from high school.
“Just uh… talking…” She answered biting her lip, looking uncomfortable at the attention she was receiving.
“Hm. Talking? Planning on running someone else over?” Benny asked mockingly.
“It was an accident,” She mumbled shaking her head.
“Is that another exaggeration?” Santi asked as he and Frankie moved to stand to the side.
“Nope. She jumped the curb and broke Will’s leg in 3 places!” Benny exclaimed, waving his arms.
Will winced slightly at that and scratched the back of his neck.
“Can you not?” Venus threw back crossing her arms.
“Benny. Chill. Just… go outside with the guys, please,” Will commanded him gently not wanting a fight to start.
Just then a small voice could be heard behind him, “Mommy?”
Venus tensed, taking a deep breath, before passing by him to walk into the living room. On the couch was a little girl, who had been taking a nap.
Will gazed at the girl noting she was about 3 years old, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Blue eyes that looked eerily similar to his own.
“Benny. Seriously, go outside. Calm down,” Will called over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving Venus and her daughter.
He heard Benny huff and storm outside.
“I’ll go… talk to him,” Came Santi’s voice as he followed Benny.
Frankie looked at the two people in the living room, and then at Will. He could very easily connect the dots that was going on within Will’s brain.
Will stepped forward and glanced between her and the child.
“Something you want to tell me?” Will questioned her softly.
She sighed, picking her daughter up, who immediately clung to her neck.
“Her name is Charlotte,” She said quietly.
“…. After my grandmother?” Will murmured lowly.
She nodded once, not making eye contact.
Will nodded, rubbing his hand over his face, exasperated.
He walked back into the kitchen, giving his mother a pointed look.
“Give her a chance to explain,” Winnie pleaded.
He sighed heavily, before turning back around. However, she wasn’t there. He could hear doors closing and the sound of an engine starting up.
“Seems you got some splainin’ to do, brother,” Frankie stated as he snagged a cookie.
Will turned to his mother, and inquired, “How long have you known?”
“A couple of months. She… she was going through some things and came home to deal with some shit with her parents. I saw her at the grocery store with Lottie and knew immediately. Course, she tried to deny it at first, but Lottie looks exactly like you. Can’t fool me,” Winnie explained as Benny and Santi came back in.
“What are we talking about?” Benny was confused as to what he just walked into.
“Nothing,” Will said shortly, turning and walking out of the house.
He knew where she was heading. Same place she always did when she was stressed.
I only wanted to get your attention
But you overlooked me somehow
It was a 15-minute drive to the nearby park, and another 10 minutes following an old hiking path that led to a beautiful pond.
That was where she was, with her… their… daughter who was happily chasing after butterflies.
“Figured you’d be here,” He announced his arrival as he stood near her.
“You always did know me best,” She replied, not looking at him.
Will sat next to her on the worn bench that had been there since they were in high school. He fondly watched their daughter as she began to make flower crowns.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He softly asked her.
“Because it was a one-night stand, after far too many shots. Figured you didn’t want to see me ever again. When I found out I was pregnant… I wanted to tell you but…” She started but her voice faltered at the end.
“But you thought I would reject you?” He supplied as he stared at her, noting her teary eyes.
She nodded in response, “Yeah. Plus, there was… a lot of drama with my parents and I didn’t want to involve you.”
“My mother mentioned that. What happened?” Will wanted answers.
“You remember how I told you about my last ex, when we… were last together?” She began, waiting for his nod. “Imagine their reaction when they found out I was pregnant.”
He rolled his eyes up to the high heavens, “Let me guess? They threw a conniption?”
“…Sorta…” She said softly. “They disowned me.”
Will raised an eyebrow at that, “They what? Seriously?’
“Yep. No inheritance for me. We don’t even really talk anymore. They keep trying to say they’ll forgive me and give it back if I marry someone that they approve. Too bad I am not 16 anymore, desperate for their attention,” She said bitterly.
He snorted at that, “So, my mom discovered your secret. What’s been happening there?”
“She keeps insisting that I come over to eat. Says I’m too skinny. I think she also just likes being a grandma,” She replied with a shake of her head. “I have my own place, I just… go over there to keep her company. Don’t… don’t exactly have any friends here. At least not anymore.”
“Mh. She says that about everyone,” Will smiled. “You still have me.”
She looked over at him surprised, but appreciative. She gently scooted closer to him, giving him a side hug. He returned it, kissing the top of her head.
“Mommy? Who this?” Came Lottie’s voice.
They parted, and looked toward her, and her handful of flowers.
“Lottie. This is Will…your daddy,” She introduced her pulling her in close.
She looked at Will with wide eyes, before making grabby hands toward him. Will chuckled as he picked her up, letting her stand on his legs.
“Hi sweetheart,” He said sweetly to her.
She smiled shyly, looking down at her feet for a moment.
“May I hug you?” Her voice softly asked.
Will nodded with a smile, holding his arms out accepting the hug that she gave him. Her grip tightened after a moment and she collapsed against him. He held her in his arms, glancing over at Venus who was watching them fondly.
Besides you had too many boyfriends to mention
And I played my guitar too loud
An hour later, he was returning home alone. Venus took Charlotte home to finish her nap; they had made plans to have dinner together tonight.
He stepped inside the house with a heavy sigh, tossing his keys onto the side table near the door. He made his way back into the kitchen, where the guys and his parents were gathered drinking lemonade and eating cookies.
He snatched a glass from the cabinet and poured out some lemonade. He took a drink from it as his parents excused themselves to the living room.
“What the hell is going on Will?” Benny asked crossing his arms.
“Better question, who was the babe that apparently ran you over?” Santi chimed in looking at the two of them.
Will walked over to the table, taking a seat, waiting for the guys to join him.
“Venus… was the head cheerleader who I dated for several months. I broke up with her…. a week after we finally slept together… Needless to say…. She didn’t take it well,” Will began to explain.
“‘Didn’t take it well.’ Sure. That’s putting it lightly,” Benny rolled his eyes.
“She really ran you over?” Santi asked incredulously.
Will nodded once, wincing at the memory.
“So, yeah. She did that. Then we never really spoke to one another…until about 4 years ago,” Will continued.
“You saw her 4 years ago? Why? What the hell prompted you to talk to the She-Devil?” Benny questioned angrily.
“Hey, enough with the ‘She devil’ stuff alright? It…. Was some time after Jessica called off our engagement. Was at a bar… so was she… we talked,” Will explained vaguely.
“You mean the two of you got shit faced and slept together?” Santi laughed.
Will shrugged somewhat, avoiding eye contact with Benny.
“She had been engaged herself… and… the guy was killed in a hit and run incident… 3 days before their wedding. Apparently, her parents didn’t approve of him because he was an artist, not something fancy like a lawyer. Her parents had no sympathy for her,” Will cleared his throat briefly. “So, yeah. We drank. We slept together….”
“…made a kid…” Frankie coughed quietly.
Benny’s face became one of pure disbelief before he stood up, shaking his head, and leaving the room.
“The little tyke we saw earlier?” Santi clarified.
Will and Frankie both nodded, with Frankie adding with a tease, “Looked just like Will too. Frown and all.”
Will rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face as he thought about how much Charlotte looked like him.
When I took off to Tennessee
I heard that you made fun of me
Approximately 2 hours later, Will had cleaned up and stood in front of Venus’ apartment. He knocked firmly and heard a small set of feet run to the door. He heard the doorknob jiggle a few times before it finally turned, and the door swung open.
He looked down, spotting his mini me, shyly looking around the door.
“Hi,” She quietly said, opening the door a little wider for him.
“Hey sweetie,” Will greeted her with a smile, stepping inside. “Where’s your mom at?”
“In here!” Came Venus’ voice from further in the apartment.
Charlotte grabbed his pants leg, tugging on it slightly. Will squatted down near her, closing and locking the door as he did.
“Mommy’s trying to impress you, but she’s not the best cook,” Charlotte whispered to him.
Will snorted softly, nodding his head, “She wasn’t a good cook when we were younger either. Let me go see if I can save dinner yeah?”
Charlotte giggled at that, and the two of them made their way toward the kitchen.
Will came up beside Venus and asked, “So, what are you making?”
“It… it was supposed to be chicken alfredo but… apparently the kitchen still hates me when I try to cook because nothing turned out right,” She answered biting her lip, looking dejected as she tried turned off the stove.
Will looked at it and noted that she had burned a great deal of it, and not much could be rescued.
“So… Pizza?” Will suggested looking back at her.
She shrugged, grabbing the takeout menus and setting them out. Will watched as she walked down the hallway, mumbling she was going to clean up a bit. Will ordered the food, and then cleaned the pans, tossing out the inedible food. When the pans were clean, he told Charlotte to go clean up as well, while he checked on Venus.
He walked toward her bedroom, noting the light coming from it. He took a step knocking lightly on the door looking around for her. She wasn’t in the bedroom, so he moved over to the ensuite bathroom.
“Venus? You okay?” He quietly asked her.
He didn’t hear a response, so he gently pushed open the door. She was standing at the sink, glaring down at it. He leaned against the counter, his hand gently resting on top of hers.
She glanced at it, her gaze slowly moving up to meet his.
“Sorry for ruining dinner. Guess I should stick to baking, never have a problem there,” She said to him with a small shrug.
“Sweetie… I knew the second we decided to have dinner, that it would probably be takeout. I don’t mind. Maybe, I need to teach you how to cook…or at least see where you keep going wrong,” Will lightly teased her.
She weakly chuckled, “I might take you up on that. Does… does that mean you may stick around?”
“Probably… We’ll talk more later,” Will promised. “Now, let’s go watch a movie while we wait for pizza.”
She nodded, and without letting go of her hand, he walked with her back to the living room. Charlotte was on the floor in front of the movie case, trying to pick out a movie.
She eventually chose Big Hero Six, the three of them settling onto the couch to watch it. Will got up about 30 mins in to grab and pay for the pizza. Once everyone had a slice, and drinks, they resumed. Charlotte fell asleep after a slice and a half, toward the end of the movie.
Will easily picked her up, following Venus to her room. He tucked her into bed, Venus placing a large polka dot elephant in with her.
When they stepped back out, Venus whispered, “That elephant is her favorite, she will not sleep through the night if it’s not with her.”
“Good to know,” Will whispered back, looking down at her fondly.
Venus could feel her face warm at the look Will was giving her, and felt her breath hitch slightly, as Will leaned down. He paused, waiting to see if she objected to him making a move. When he saw none, he continued, pressing his lips lightly to hers.
Venus froze for a moment, before responding, kissing back more firmly. Will’s hand came to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing against it softly. His other arm, wrapped around her waist, pulling her in close. Her hands clenched at the fabric of his shirt, wrinkling it.
They kissed for what felt like hours but was really only minutes. When they parted, they were breathless.
“Think we should have that talk,” Venus murmured her head resting against his chest.
She felt him nod and the two of them walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch.
For a moment it was quiet, as both of them worked up the courage to speak.
“I want the both of you in my life,” Will started eventually.
“You do?” Venus was surprised.
“Yeah… Not going to lie… seeing you 4 years ago… made me realize just how much I regretted what I did in high school…” Will admitted.
“….Why did you break up with me? Because… you said it was for a bet, but… Andrew didn’t recall such a bet when we dated,” Venus said with a raised eyebrow.
“Can’t believe you dated him. Andrew was such a dick…” Will shook his head. “I broke up with you… because… I was terrified. It was our senior year… I had no plans for college, but you did… Felt like I was going to… hold you back or disappoint you.”
Venus stare at him with wide eyes before smacking him on the arm.
When she heard the satisfying ‘ow’ in response, she spoke, “You were never a disappointment… nor did I think you would hold me back. When I heard you left for the army, I was extremely proud of you. Worried as hell, but proud.”
Never imagined I'd make it this far
Then you married into the money girl
“You were worried for me?” Will asked curiously.
“Yeah. I was. Just because we weren’t together didn’t mean I stopped caring about you. I always wanted to ask your mom about you, but I figured she hated me for the whole… broken leg thing,” she said with a wince.
He laughed at that, “No. She told me I had it coming. Was surprised you didn’t try to hit me twice.”
Venus giggled a little at that.
“Can I ask you something? Why the hell are you still here, in this town with your shit parents?” Will asked her seriously.
“Rent agreement is 6 months. I have another month to get through. Don’t know what I’ll do after that,” Venus said simply.
Will thought for a few minutes, before proposing, “There’s… there’s several houses for rent in Castle Rock… in my neighborhood. You… you and Charlotte could come live near me?”
“Think you could handle us being that close to you? You know Lottie will want to come see you a lot. She… She gets attached quickly. Please don’t break her heart,” Venus requested firmly.
“I understand. I have no plans of hurting either of you, but you and I both know you need to get out of this town. It’s not good for you nor her to be around your parents,” Will said concerned, his hand brushing against her cheek.
“I know… You’re right. I only came back because apparently my grandparents left me everything, and my parents… were not happy. Tough shit,” Venus scoffed. “They keep dragging in lawyers to try and dispute the will. It’s been such a pain in the ass.”
“What exactly is there to dispute? Didn’t your grandparents change their will when we graduated high school?” Will questioned.
She nodded, “Though… most people assumed it was them trying to spoil me. In reality, my parents didn’t approve of me going into architecture. So, they put limits on my accounts, thinking that if they made it difficult for me to pay for things that I would suddenly change my major and do something I had no interest in.”
Will rolled his eyes, thinking back to when they had dated, how her parents never approved him. He wasn’t on the football team, with straight A’s or a plan for college. He played lacrosse, made decent grades and the only thing he look forward to was riding his Harley.
“I guess… the next thing we should talk about is us,” Venus said after a moment.
“Yeah… when… when we last saw each other we were both going through some intense shit. However, I don’t regret it. Or the result of it. Maybe we could… try dating again, not... start over necessarily but…” Will said with a sigh.
“Fresh page sort of thing?” Venus supplied biting her lip for a moment.
“Yeah. That sounds good. Um. So, I going to be here for a few days helping my parent’s move…” Will began.
“Yeah. Your mother has roped me into helping pack up the glassware and such. So… we will be seeing each other a lot… How pissed is Benny?” She asked with a small wince.
“He’ll get over it. But I figured you could meet my best friends and we could go out on more relaxed dates for a time?” Will offered reaching over to take her hand in his.
She smiled and nodded enthusiastically at the suggestion.
Ain't it a cruel and funny world?
He took your dreams, and he tore them apart
The next day rolled around, and as he woke up at 5am exactly like the others, he figured he and Benny needed to talk. He motioned for Benny to step outside with him, and with a frown, he does so.
“Look… I know you don’t like her for the shit she did when we were in high school. However, we were both just as bad. I forgave her for that shit years ago and so did she. I’m going to need you to try and tolerate her. Especially when her daughter is also your niece. Please, do not start a fight,” Will begged him.
Benny stared at him for a few minutes, before finally looking away, mumbling something under his breath.
He sighed heavily, turning to look back at Will who stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Sure. I’ll…try…I make no promises,” Benny grumbled after a moment.
“I’ll take it. She should be here in a bit, to help mom pack up,” He warned Benny.
“Why does this matter so much to you? I get wanting to be civil for the kid’s sake, but you always said that you didn’t care about her after y’all broke up,” Benny was trying to understand what was going through his brother’s head.
“… I lied. I… I never her told her this but her parents made sure to let me know that I was just going to hold her back and be a disappointment to her. Well. She knows the latter half… she doesn’t know it came from her parents. I let them get into my head and I broke her heart to make it easier,” Will explained as he tucked his hands into pants pockets.
“Shit… You let those freaks into your head? Explains why you were so miserable for so long,” Benny replied, scoffing.
Will did a half shrug as they walked back inside to see Frankie serving breakfast, waffles and bacon. The four of them ate making plans on which rooms they should work on first. After creating a plan of attack, it was almost 7am and there was a quiet knock at the door.
Benny was the one who went and answered it. Will closed his eyes, tensing, expecting raised voices and fists landing.
Benny answered the door, finding Venus standing there with Charlotte in her arms. Venus straightened up as she realized who stood there.
“Morning,” Benny greeted first.
“Mornin’. Lottie. This is Benny, he’s your uncle. He’s a bit silly,” Venus introduced Charlotte to him, softly.
Charlotte looked at him, shyly waving at him.
“Hi,” She said with a small wave.
“Hey. C’mon in. Frankie made waffles if you’re hungry?” Benny offered waving them in.
“Oooh. Waffles? Waffles are your favorite, isn’t that right sweetie?” Venus cooed to her.
Lottie nodded with a small yawn.
Benny escorted them back into the kitchen where Frankie was cleaning up the mess he made after serving breakfast, and Santi & Will were sitting at the table still. Lottie upon seeing Will, wiggled down in her Venus’ arms, wanting to be set down. Venus placed her on the ground, straightening out her clothes for a moment before letting Lottie run over to Will.
When she stood near him, he immediately picked her up and placed her in his lap, and she curled up into his arms.
Frankie quietly called for Venus’ attention, asking her, “Would she like a full waffle or half?”
“Half. She never finishes a full. Thank you,” Venus said appreciating him as he took a waffle and cut it in half.
He cut a slice of bacon in half as well, before coming over to Will with the food and syrup. Venus quietly grabbed from the fridge a small container of fresh mixed fruit, grabbing a small plastic bowl to scoop some into it. She served the fruit alongside the waffles that Lottie was currently devouring.
“Slow down sweetie, the food isnt going anywhere. You are going to make yourself sick eating that fast,” Venus lightly warned her.
Charlotte slowed down after that, mumbling a quiet sorry.
She finished eating about 20 minutes later, and thanked Frankie for the food, stating, “It was really good.”
Frankie smiled brightly and told her, “You are very welcome, honey.”
By then Will’s parents had woken up and were dressed for the day. They made their own plates and were eating as Benny told them the plan.
Will noticed Venus hadn’t made herself anything and was simply leaning against one of the counters in the kitchen, waiting.
Will stood up, placing Charlotte in his seat with a quick kiss on the head.
Will stood next to her, and said lowly, “There’s plenty of food for you to eat as well.”
Venus sighed softly, “I know. Not really hungry. Never am when my parents call.”
“What did they say this time?” Will asked looking at her with slight concern.
“The usual. I’m a disappointment. We didn’t raise you to be like this. If you just did what we asked, things would be easier for the both of you. We want to know our granddaughter and you are depriving us. Blah Blah Blah,” Venus said in a monotoned voice.
“Tch. They had plenty of opportunities to get to know her. Don’t let them ruin your day, simply because they want to be manipulative and guilt trip you,” Will stated matter-of-factly.
Venus nodded, understanding him, but it was still difficult to do. She had heard the same lines long before she left high school. In fact, she started hearing them when she dated Will because he wasn’t on their approved list of suitors. Honestly, that fact alone made her like Will even more, because it meant she didn’t have to put on a façade.
They didn’t get to say much more as his parents finished up, and his mother wandered over to her to start wrapping and packing up the fragile items. It was quiet work as the guys moved out furniture onto a truck, some furniture was going to their new place in Denver, but many others were being donated to other families in town who needed them.
Charlotte helped by dispensing tape for a while before growing bored and running to go supervise the guys. Venus shook her head, chuckling.
“It seems things are going pretty well with you and Will…” Winnie’s teased her. “I notice he didn’t come home until late last night.”
Venus cleared her throat, as she felt her face warm up.  After their talk, they had spent a great deal of time… getting reacquainted with one another.
“I have no idea what you are talking about Winnie,” She replied her voice cracking halfway through.
“I haven’t seen him happy in a long time. Or that relaxed. He is usually always tense when he comes home, no matter who is with him or what is going on. I assume he knows what’s going on?” Winnie asked her as they taped up some boxes.
“Yeah. He knows. Told me that uhh… there are some houses up for rent around his neighborhood. I might… see into that,” She informed Winnie, her movements slowing down as she thought about it.
“What’s that big ol’ brain of yours thinking now? I can see you getting lost in your thoughts. Or should I say your insecurities,” Winnie was always able to see right through her.
“Just… worried he’s going to change his mind… about us… about Charlotte. I don’t want to live closer to him just to have my heart broken again,” Venus confessed quietly.
“I understand. You cannot tell him I ever told you this but… when you were teenagers your father said a lot of things to him. Made him feel like this relationship was only going to end in misery. He left because he thought it was best despite the fact that he was miserable without you,” Winnie’s voice dropped as well.
Venus stared at her surprised. Everything made so much more sense now. She never understood why the breakup and even though Will had told her last night that he felt like he would be disappointment, she still didn’t understand where that came from. Now she did. Her father planted seeds of doubt and the both of them suffered because of it.
He never comes home, and you're always alone
And your kids hear you cry down the hall
A few hours had passed, and they had moved furniture out of at least 3 rooms and moved them to their new homes. Will chuckled as he watched Charlotte, or Charlie as Benny has taken to calling her, played with Benny in the front yard.
Benny and Frankie had stripped off their over shirts, Benny in a tank and Frankie in a simple white tee. Will and Santi had taken their shirts off completely, all four of them trying to cool off as they rested.
Venus stepped outside at that point with an armful of water bottles. She passed one out to everyone, checking on Charlotte.
“Sweetie, why don’t you come sit in the shade for a bit,” She said bringing her over to the porch.
Charlotte got onto the porch swing, drinking from her small water bottle, with a sigh. Venus quietly looked her over, noting she looked like she had a bit of sunburn on her shoulders.
Venus looked over at the guys who were sprawled out all over the yard.
“Ya know… there’s this thing called air conditioning inside the house. If ya’ll want to crawl back inside. Drink your water… there’s also cold beer,” She tempted the four of them.
At the mention of cold beer, Benny and Santi popped up immediately, making their way inside. Frankie got up as well, but not as quickly. He chugged down his water, muttering a thanks to Venus as he joined the guys inside. Charlotte after a moment, followed them in as well, wanting to cool off.
Will, who was sitting on the steps, simply patted the spot next to him. Venus joined him with a smile, leaning against him lightly.
“So, your mom doesn’t want the four of you to strain yourselves. She wants you to take it easy tomorrow. I was thinking… maybe… we could go check out those rent houses if you were up for it,” Venus proposed, her chin resting against his bicep as she stared at him.
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. Charlotte can come with or she can stay here and be doted on by her grandparents,” Will said with a small chuckle.
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll want to stay here since Grandma Winnie plans to make more cookies tomorrow,” Venus said a smile on her face.
They spoke a little while longer, making plans for tomorrow, when a car pulled up to the house. A very nice and expensive car.
Venus stared at it with narrow eyes as she watched Andrew McIntosh step out.
“What are you doing here Andrew?” She asked him not bothering to stand up.
“Well. Your dear ole mother said you were refusing to answer her calls and wanted to know if you were okay. So, she asked me to come check on you,” Andrew answered looing at the house with disinterest.
“Well. I’m fine as you can see. Now leave. I don’t want to see or speak to you ever again,” Venus growled her body tensing with anger.
Will quietly placed his hand on her shoulder, before standing up.
He squared up in front of Andrew and said, “You’ve done your task, now get off my property.”
Andrew scoffed at him, “Can’t believe you. You were so desperate to get away from her. Kept claiming she was so damn clingy and needy.”
“No. That was you. I vaguely remember knocking you on your ass for it too. Seriously, get off my property before I remind you of all the times I kicked your ass when we were younger,” Will promised him.
Andrew shook his head, but even Venus could see that he was nervous, as he backed away. Andrew walked away and got back into his car, driving away.
Venus stood up as Will turned around, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.
“You really need to block your parents,” Will said after a moment.
“I know. She called once and then sent that shithead to come “check on me.” Most likely he’s going to go back to my mother and tell her I’m here and then I’ll get yet another phone call today. Such fun for me,” Venus said with a roll of her eyes.
Venus stared at him for a moment, before slowly wrapping her arms around his neck. His arms went to her waist, instinctively.
“Thank you for defending my honor. I appreciate it. I regret ever dating him,” She muttered to him.
She stood on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. He kissed her back, deepening the kiss. They kissed for a good minute before parting. The two of them smiled at each other before heading inside, holding hands.
As the guys drank and cooled off, Venus took the opportunity to bring Charlotte to the spare bedroom and apply some soothing lotion to her shoulders before putting her down for a nap. Once she was asleep, which didn’t take long, Venus stepped back out into the living room, and took a seat next to Will as they all talked.
About 30 minutes had passed when her phone began to ring. She glanced at the screen noticing the name was Horrid Woman aka her mother. Will noticed it and motioned for her to answer it. She does so, staring at him curiously. When it connected, he hit the speaker button.
“Young lady. You have so much explaining to do. Why in the world are you with that… that… hoodlum? You are going to send me to an early grave I swear. Enough is enough. It is time for you to come home and stop this nonsense. We’ve allowed you to have your rebellious phase, but it is now time for you to grow up and act like an adult. I swear I don’t know where I went wrong with you,” Her mother’s shrill voice ranted.
“‘That hoodlum?’ Seriously mom? Can you sound more like an 80s sitcom? I am not coming home. I am not going through a phase. Stop calling. Stop sending people to check on me. I don’t want anything to do with you, or dad,” Venus spoke calmly but her rage was stirring.
“Why I never… He is no good for you. All he will do is disappoint you and break your heart again. He’s done it once before,” Her mother continued.
“Yeah. about that… tell me mother… how much shit were you and dad spewing to him when we were together? Hmm? The way I see it, I was happy, and you couldn’t control me anymore. So, you two did what you do best: destroyed everything. Got me back under your thumb for a time. Sadly, for you, I am not a teenager desperate for your love and attention. I’m blocking this number, do not call me ever again,” Venus ended the call, blocking it immediately.
Venus tossed her phone onto the coffee table, standing up and walking down the hallway needing to be alone for a minute.
Benny was the first to react, “How are her parents still that much of a nightmare?”
Will shrugged, standing up as well, searching for her. He eventually found her in the laundry room, small sniffles filling the room. He gently pulled her into his arms, holding her as she cried quietly. He often found her in a similar state when they were younger, hidden away somewhere to cry in private after an argument with her parents. He knew from past experiences, to just be there for her and let her cry.
Alarm clock starts ringin' who could that be singin'
It's me baby, with your wake up call
The rest of the evening went smoother, the guys crashed in the bedroom they had been in last night. Will and Venus crashed on the couch, curled around each other. They fell asleep together, enjoying one another’s company.
Venus woke up, with her back to Will’s chest. She opened her eyes, feeling something nudging her. She looked down to see Lottie trying to join them. She checked the time, noting it was still early morning. She repositioned herself to lie on her back and pulled Lottie onto her chest, tossing the blanket over her.
“Bad dream sweetie?” Venus quietly asked her.
Charlotte nodded once, burying her face into her chest. Will, who woke up slightly, wrapped his arms around the both of them. The 3 of them fell back to sleep for a few more hours.
Winnie woke up a bit early, getting dressed, and making her way downstairs. She stopped short when she spotted the scene that was before her on the couch. She pulled out her phone to take a photo of it. Some time in the night they had shifted to where Will was on his back, Venus tucked under one arm, and Charlotte sprawled out on his chest.
Winnie made her way into the kitchen, finding the boys in the kitchen making breakfast.
“Good morning my boys. Ready to be my packing helpers today?” Winnie asked them, making herself a cup of coffee.
“Yes ma’am,” Santi answered, handing her a plate of food.
“One second, let me go and get my grandbaby. She’s an inch away from rolling off them and onto to the floor,” Winnie said setting her cup down next to the plate.
Winnie made her way over to them, gently waking Charlotte up as she picked her up off of Will’s chest. Charlotte grumbled a moment before rubbing at her eyes, slowly waking up.
“Good morning my sweet. Let’s go get dressed and have breakfast, hmm” Winnie cooed to her taking her to the spare bedroom.
Will woke up when he heard his mother, opening his eyes eventually. He looked down at Venus, gently waking her up too. Venus stretched gently, slowly sitting up. The two of them quietly got up and got ready for the day, parting briefly to go to separate rooms.
Will stepped out, watching with some surprise as Venus and Benny talked at the island, and were actually being civil with one another. Charlotte was with his mom, eating quietly, and his dad was talking to Santi and Frankie over coffee. He took in the moment, sighing softly.
How do like me now? Yeah
How do you like me now?
Eventually, later on that morning, Venus and Will were in his neighborhood meeting with the realtor that had been working with his parents. The realtor was an older woman named Susan, who gave off mom vibes.
Susan had about 4 houses for Venus to look at. The first two were no’s due to the amount of work that they needed to be done for both of them. The third one was small and not in the best location. The fourth one was alright, not too terrible and was down two streets from his.
“This one has 3 beds, 2 baths. Open floor space for the kitchen and living room. And of course, a nice backyard for any little ones,” Susan said as she showed them the house.
Then one appeared to be the winner; an hour later she had signed all of the necessary documents and was given the key to her new home. By the time everything was said and done, it was late in the afternoon. Will had a small idea, and instead of driving out of the neighborhood, drove her to his place.
He parked the car, and led her inside telling her, “Figured you and I could have dinner together. Catch up. Have… have some alone time.”
She smiled brightly at that, nodding her head.
Now that I'm on my way
Do you still think I'm crazy
They spent the evening together, enjoying one another’s presence. That night they slept together, exploring each other’s bodies. Since they were alone, they could be as loud as they wanted to. They fell asleep in each other’s arm, content.
When they woke up, Venus felt oddly on edge. It took her a few minutes to fully realize why she felt strange.
“As much as I like this… can we head back to your parent’s? I’m not used to being away from Charlotte for so long,” Venus requested once she thought about it.
Will nodded, understanding, “I get it. Let’s get dressed and we can head back to the house.”
They do just that, and when they pull up to the house, and make their way up to the door, Will threw his arm around her shoulders, kissing her cheek.
They stepped inside, and immediately were ambushed by a small child who rapidly spoke about her day.
“Honey, you gotta slow down a bit there,” Venus laughed picking her up.
“Uncle Benny let me watch movies until midnight and we ate popcorn and candy. Uncle Santi and Frankie went to bed early, but they helped me build a blanket fort in the living room,” She repeated going slightly slower.
“Oh? Uncle Benny gave you sugar after 10pm? Oh no. That means my little gremlin will appear soon, doesn’t it?” Venus said somewhat joking but also with a hint of dread.
Charlotte had a tendency to have a sugar rush and crash, but she gets extremely grumpy when she is about to crash.
“Well. You are about to experience a potential temper tantrum,” She warned Will as Lottie wanted to go back to Benny, running.
“I’m sure I can handle it, doll. Dealt with these 3 children for the past 10 years. Trust me, nothing she does will compare to them,” Will said softly.
An hour into moving more furniture out, the dreaded crash began to take hold. Charlotte was refusing to do anything that she was asked. She would either ignore the person talking to her or she would stomp away. Venus sighed heavily as she walked after her, after Venus told her to go sit somewhere safe while the guys were lifting heavy furniture.
She finds her on the staircases, arms crossed, frowning, and staring at the floor.
“Lottie. C’mon. Let’s go sit somewhere,” Venus held out her hand for her to take.
Charlotte just shakes her head, pushing her hand away.
“Charlotte,” Venus said more firmly.
“NO!” Came her voice loudly.
Will, who was helping clear out a nearby room, heard the shout. Will walked toward the sound, spotting Venus standing there with her eyes closed as she tried to calm herself down. Venus knew it was because Charlotte was tired, but her refusing to listen to her was frustrating.
“Lottie. Can you come here sweetie?” Will asked squatting down.
Charlotte slowly walked over to him, frown still in place.
“What’s the matter? Hm? Are you tired?” Will questioned, his voice soft.
Lottie, after a moment, nodded.
“Then why don’t we go take a nap hm?” Will proposed, moving to pick her up.
“But I don’t wanna nap!” She said as she squirmed in his grip.
“Then how about we just lay down for a moment?” Will countered as they stepped into her room.
He laid her down, and even joined her on the tiny bed.
“Sweetie. You can’t be yelling at your mom, okay? She was just wanting to keep you safe. We are moving a lot of really heavy stuff. If we didn’t see you or if we lost our grip on something and you were nearby, it would really hurt you, okay?” His voice stayed soft as he spoke to her.
She nodded her head, “I’m sorry daddy.”
Will still wasn’t used to hearing her call him that. Hell, he doubted he ever will. Hearing her call him ‘dad/daddy’ made his heart swell with so much emotion.
“It’s not me you need to say that to,” He tells her.
Lottie yawned loudly, her eyes drifting she shut as she mumbled an ‘okay.’
He waited a few minutes, to make sure she was asleep, before standing up. He tucked her polka dot elephant in with her, before closing the door behind as he stepped out.
He made his way back to Venus who stared at him with wide eyes.
“Magic. You are magic. I’ve… I’ve never been able to get her to go down for a nap that easily when she’s upset,” Venus stated in disbelief.
“Told you. Dealt with grumpier children. And all 3 of them are my brothers,” Will said with a shrug.
A chorus of “hey’s” came from the other room, causing them to laugh.
Standing here today?
I couldn't make you love me
That had been about 5 months ago. In that time, Venus and Charlotte had moved into the new house and Will practically lived there. They had gone on several dates, some with Charlotte and some without.  On those dates, Grandma Winnie was more than happy to spoil her “favorite grandchild.”
When Will wasn’t with them, he was still doing his lectures and meets at the VA offices. Or working with Benny during his tournaments. It felt strange to say it, but Will found himself enjoying life more. It didn’t feel like a monotonous routine; it wasn’t boring anymore.
Will was currently on his way back from a tournament that Benny came in second place. Benny was bummed out and had planned to meet up with Santiago to go drinking. Will was tired, having been up since 3 am and wanting nothing more than to just collapse into a bed. He had planned on going to his home but found himself turning onto Venus’ street.
He pulled up to the house, parking with a heavy sigh. He got out of his car, walking up to the door and knocking twice. A minute passed and the door swung opened revealing Venus who was in just a silk nightgown.
“Hey, I heard about the tournament. How’s Benny doing?” She asked as she let him inside.
“Upset but that’s nothing new. He’ll be fine by morning. Is Lottie asleep?” Will questioned noting how quiet the house was despite it being 8pm.
“Grandma Winnie decided she wanted to steal her for the night. Something about a Disney movie marathon? So… It’s just us,” She explained softly, biting her lip.
“Oh… is that so?” Will smirked as he slid his hands around her waist.
He swiftly picked her up and carried her to her room, wanting to take advantage of this time. Her giggles sounded down the hallway before turning into moans as they landed on her bed.
Despite the fact that they’ve been dating almost 5 months, they haven’t been able to do anything too salacious without something interrupting them.
Tonight, apparently would be no different. Will had just tossed off his shirt and was working her nightgown off when a phone rang. Will collapsed with a groan, Venus growling loudly in annoyance.
Venus reached over to grab her phone and answered it with a sigh, “Hello?”
“Hey honey, I am so sorry to interrupt but I wanted you to know that Charlotte is running a fever. I gave her some children’s Tylenol, but she keeps asking for you and Will. He wouldn’t happen to be there with you, would he?” Came Winnie’s worried voice.
“Shit. Yeah. He’s with me. We’ll be over in a little bit,” Venus replied sitting up with Will.
“No need. I am on my way already. She was very adamant that only your chicken noodle soup would help,” Winnie said with a weak laugh.
“Okay. We’ll be here,” Venus said as she hung up. “Lottie has a fever. Your mom is bringing her back.”
“Was she feeling bad when she left?” Will asked as he threw his shirt back on.
“She had said she felt like her nose was stuffed but I figured it was just allergies. She didn’t say anything else was wrong,” Venus answered, concern lacing her features.
“Well, we will make her some soup and go from there. C’mon,” Will nodded, kissing her cheek trying to assure her.
The two of them got up, and made their way into the kitchen, fixing themselves up as they moved. It didn’t take long for a knock to sound on the door. Will, leaving Venus to heat up soup, answered it.
“Hey ma,” He greeted before turning his attention to Lottie in her arms. “Hey lil bug. What’s wrong my sweet girl?”
He gently took her from his mother’s arms and held her close as she sniffled.
“Don’t feel good,” Charlotte whispered, her voice sounding scratchy.
“Ohno. Well. Momma’s making soup and then you are going to bed,” Will told her as he walked into the kitchen.
His mother came in and told Venus when she gave Charlotte medicine and symptoms and such. Once she was done with that, she made her way back home.
Charlotte quietly ate her soup when it was done, coughing once or twice. She finished about 20 minutes later before turning to Venus, holding her arms out to her. Venus, with a soft smile, picked her up and carried her to Lottie’s room, tucking her in softly.  
Will was waiting for Venus in her room when she stepped inside.
“You know she’s going to be in here in like 20 minutes, right?” Will joked as the both of them crawled under the covers.
“I know. Habit to just tuck her into her own bed. Plus, she might not, she was practically asleep when I laid her down,” Venus said as she laid down on her side, curling up to Will who was on his back.
Will hummed quietly in response as the two of them laid there in comfortable silence.
15 minutes later, Venus was asleep, and Will was almost there too when he felt a small tug on his side of the blanket. He looked down to see Charlotte quietly staring up at him. He leaned down slightly, picking her up and letting her crawl under the covers. She collapsed onto his chest, one arm firmly holding her polka dot elephant.
She was out in seconds, and as Will wrapped his other arm around her, he looked at the both of them. His beautiful daughter and the woman he was falling back in love with.
He never imagined this. He never thought he would have this: a family to call his own. He loved it far more than he would ever admit.
But I always dreamed about living in your radio
How do you like me now?
It has been a year since Venus re-entered his life with Charlotte. Since then, Will had moved into her house and sold his old place.
The three of them were currently getting ready to go out to dinner with the guys. It didn’t take very long for them to get dressed and on the road.
They arrived at the restaurant, joining the guys with smiles. Frankie had Isabella with him, who was giggling happily when she saw Charlotte. The two of them became fast friends and had play dates often.
Charlotte sat in Will’s lap and gently played with Isabella who was in a highchair. Venus and Will ordered their drinks before looking over the menu.
The guys chatted happily with them, ordering their meals as they talked.
Lottie gently tugged at Venus’s hand, quietly telling her she needed to go potty. Venus took Lottie to the bathroom, swiftly.
“So… when you going to propose to her?” Frankie asked casually as he took a sip of his beer.
“Soon. I got the ring earlier today,” Will said with a small smile.
“Real question is which one of us is going to be the best man?” Benny asked with a smirk.
“She’s gotta say yes, first, dumbass. Then I’ll decide which of you asses will be my best man,” Will laughed.
Charlotte popped up next to him a second later.
“Daddy. Mommy looks mad,” Charlotte tells him, looking over at her.
Will’s head whipped over to look at Venus who had been stopped by Andrew McIntosh, his hand gripping her arm tightly. Will sat Charlotte on Benny’s lap, muttering for her to stay there.
Will strolled over to them, his fists clenching.
“Andrew. Get your hands off of her,” Will commanded him, his rage brewing.
Venus held a hand up to him, gently telling him to stop.
Venus looked at Andrew and said, “Stop bothering me. Stop reporting to my mother. Leave me alone.”
Venus ripped his hand off of her arm. When Andrew tried to reach for her again, Venus threw a punch out at him, a sickening crack sounding as she broke his nose. Andrew groaned as he held his nose, blood oozing from it. Andrew glared at her, moving to go after her, but Will stepped in between them.
“You put your hands on her again and a broken nose will be the least of your concerns,” Will warned him.
Andrew huffed, walking away with a glare.
Will turned to her and checked her over really quickly.
“You okay?” He asked her, his eyes examining her arm.
“Yeah. I’m good. Been wanting to do that since we were 7,” Venus said with a laugh as they walked back over to the table.
Will shook his head, smirking.
Dinner went without any further incident and they made their way back home. Charlotte wanted to watch a movie, so Will put on Beauty and the Beast for her.
As she watched it, Will and Venus stood in the kitchen quietly talking.
“What did he say to you?” Will asked her.
“Same old bullshit. I’ve learned to not care about it anymore. I have you and Lottie. That’s all I want and need,” Venus answered with an eyeroll.
Will looked at her for a moment before reaching into his pocket, pulling out the small velvet box he had hidden in there.
He gently opened it, presenting the ring inside.
“I was planning on doing this more romantically but… I don’t want to wait any longer. I want to call the both of you mine. That is… if you’re up for that,” He began, hesitating.
Venus stared at him in surprise, not expecting this.
She gently pulled the ring out of its box, looking at it for a moment, before slipping it onto her left hand.
“Yeah. I’m up for that. Shall we go tell our daughter?” Venus asked smiling brightly.
“In a moment,” Will muttered pulling her in close, kissing her softly.
If someone had told him a few years ago that he would be proposing to the girl he was in love with from high school, he would’ve thought they were insane. However, he wouldn’t have traded this for the world. He had his daughter and the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
Tell me, baby
I will preach on
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dream smp war 2 updates
doing a second chain post! i thought it would be appropriate if i did since it seems like there’s a new era of wars coming our way. 
(this post will keep updating by reblogged additions, so feel free to save this post somewhere or follow me to check for new updates every now and then!)
and ya’know, i thought wouldn’t be able to do this, but i realize that where else am i gonna infodump but here? so yea. here i go again.
(if you wanna check the first dream smp war post-war updates, it’s here!)
without further ado, time to explain whatever the heck just happened last stream! timeline of events might be funky because a lot of things happened, but i’ll try my best to at least mention everything that went down in the streams.
wilbur, tommy, tubbo, eret, quackity, and a confused hbomb’s stream - september 22
summary: schlatt and quackity win presidency, tommy and wilbur are exiled, some friends have become traitors, some foes have become allies, and technoblade joins the game.
the first streams that came from this honestly were very calm. legit the calm before the storm. tubbo was hanging out with niki, eret, and hbomb and eret reveals to tubbo that his first pufferfish that was stolen by fundy was actually in eret’s possession all along. eret gladly returns the beloved pufferfish to tubbo, and they rename it back to it’s original name “phukkit”.
then, everyone begins going in the server as each campaign stands on the podium waiting for the event to begin. wilbur, tommy, and tubbo first stray away from the group for a bit to watch l’manberg one last time. tubbo introduces to them his secret bunker in the lake for them to seek refuge just in case pog2020 loses. inside the bunker’s chests are some freshly brewed potions for wilbur and tommy to use in the future.
tubbo then brings tommy to the benches outside tommy’s little house and they play one more music disc together. here, tubbo gifts tommy the pufferfish he just gained earlier today, and tommy promised to treasure it dearly.
now, the event begins, and wilbur begins announcing the results. luckily, everyone is here this time. in last place is coconut2020. a funny thing about this is that fundy actually committed tax fraud and got around 100,000+ votes to be counted in the google form just from coding some bot to vote for them. in third place is schlatt, in second is quackity, and pog2020 wins the number one vote.
here’s where the plot twist happens: quackity and schlatt apparently agreed to combine their votes if pog2020 doesn’t win. therefore, quackity and schlatt got 47% of the votes as pog only got 46%, making schlatt and quackity the shared president of l’manberg. tommy protests to these decisions, but wilbur accepts it with ease, and the two merely step down the podium in shame as they watch schlatt take a speech.
schlatt went on full dictator mode-- the first decree he signed as president is to revoke wilbur and tommy’s presence in l’manberg, exiling them. tommy was confused at first before wilbur demanded him to run to the bunker. schlatt immediately conducts a search party for him, electing tubbo as his right hand man to personally hunt the two down. obviously, tubbo would do it hesitantly, and he doesn’t actually get to meet the two in the bunker at all.
a lot of the nation was quite torn from the election results. quackity and george seem to be supportive of schlatt, niki, tubbo, and eret seem to despise schlatt, and fundy and jack seem to just blindly support him as well despite being l’manbergians. punz, ponk, and hbomb were there as well, but it was quite difficult to know who they were siding with since they kinda just got pushed around by everyone at the end.
using invisibility potions, wilbur and tommy escape the bunker to go somewhere in the forest to find their new home. they find a nice hill to make a small house in, and they later name this new nation “pogtopia”. they run into some conflicts though as wilbur and tommy forget to bring an enderchest with them, and they need some of the materials in them now if they want to build up a defense.
and then, in the middle of nowhere, techno tweeted:
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wilbur claims he doesn’t want to trust techno right away because he was american, but they do consider having him as an ally later on.
firstly, let’s get back to l’manberg. upon schlatt’s request, the walls of l’manberg are being torn down. i heard somewhere that this might’ve been done thanks to fundy’s suggestion, but i’m not sure. everyone complies, and wilbur and tommy visit l’manberg one last time before it gets taken apart. as they watch fundy and tubbo tear down the wall, wilbur sings the l’manbergs national anthem. (the wall also eventually gets expanded past l’manberg, but i’m not sure how far they’ve built it)
speaking of fundy, fundy’s kind of in a weird place right now. he seems to unhesitantly side with schlatt in this election, and allows his policies easily as if he didn’t care about anyone else in l’manberg. knowing this, wilbur actually disowns fundy. it wasn’t in front of him, but he does say that he is extremely hurt by him in front of techno and tommy.
before i talk about the rescue of techno, we gotta go back to quackity and schlatt for a bit. quackity actually caught tommy visiting his place to get an enderchest, but i believe he doesn’t tell schlatt about it. quackity is quite interesting because while he does believe in some of the policies schlatt believes in, he also believes that schlatt is taking this dictatorship too far. even he thought exiling tommy and wilbur was a big deal, and he aims to be the voice of reason to be able to change schlatt’s mind about his policies. moreover, he wants to discuss matters with tommy and wilbur as well to get on their side too, but wilbur doesn’t wanna talk to quackity because, fourth wall break, he believes they’re progressing far into the story too much if they do, and honestly, valid reason lmao.
do note that quackity is trying his best to tear down schlatt’s evil dictatorship. he’s secretly been advocating for niki and is helping her escape schlatt’s grasp when she needs it, and he eventually talked to schlatt near the end of the stream to be more mindful of quackity’s opinions because without him, schlatt wouldn’t have won. there’s some toxic relationship plot device being used here between schlatt and quackity, and i’m interested to see how this will all play out.
back to tommy and wilbur, they call techno and actually consider his help. tommy says he will run back to spawn and tell him when to join so that he can bring him to their secret base. eret tries to help them and supply them with goods, but tommy and wilbur refuses his help profusely. finally, when tommy reaches spawn, techno joins, and my god, all the three streams i watched just went “TECHNOBLADE????” all at once. 
on schlatt’s end, he claims that techno’s arrival was part of schlatt’s plan all this time. on the other hand, techno claims he’s only here for wilbur and tommy. i fully believe techno would be with wilbur and tommy, but of course, i can never be sure. just don’t discount the possibility of a traitor!techno happening sometime soon.
even if ponk tried to kill techno and tommy as they tried to escape, tommy was able to kill ponk before techno got hurt. they eventually arrived to pogtopia, and there, wilbur declares that he will be a different man from what they know of him pre-election. i’m thinking there’s going to be more violence surrounding the war, and also some strategic planning. they want to get tubbo as a secret agent for them to tear schlatt and quackity apart, eventually leading to the downfall of the dictatorship. niki might also be someone crucial here because she and wilbur have been exchanging messages secretly, so there’s going to be some niki action too.
then, schlatt makes another announcement. after the walls have been torn down, he declares l’manberg gets a new name-- manberg. niki protests, and wilbur and tommy and rightfully disgusted, but schlatt wasn’t going to do anything about it.
everyone in pogtopia, before they can stack up on some resources, have to go back to the dream smp because they comedically have to get a visa for one day for when ninja joins the minecraft server. they were greeted peacefully (and techno steals some potatoes!!!), and it was definitely fun to see so many people in the server all at once. evetually, schlatt does grant them the visa, and they leave. they talk to tubbo one last time, and tubbo warns them about techno being allegedly “paid” by schlatt to betray tommy and wilbur. tommy regards it for now, but after that, they leave to return to pogtopia.
in pogtopia, they begin mining for resources. in the ravine they found below their base, tommy found a strip mine that leads EXACTLY BACK to his bunker. this will be used for a secret passage for them just in case they discreetly want to return to the dream smp.
this is kinda where the main plot stuff ends for wilbur and tommy’s streams, but in eret’s stream, apparently he and bad found pogtopia. they find techno silently, gifting him with potatoes, and leaving promptly after.
on quackity’s end, he’s really trying to convince schlatt to become more open-minded about this entire presidency. there’s some real tension going on between these two, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if they break it off for quackity to join pogtopia. it really seems like they’re hinting it to become that way.
now, it seems like everything’s done, but nope. on eret’s stream, fundy single handedly burned down the l’manberg flag that niki built. FUNDY BETRAYAL AND ERET REDEMPTION ARC. niki is LIVID at fundy, but she wasn’t able to talk to him as he left the server immediately. we don’t know what fundy’s true intentions are, but it’s assumed that he’s siding with schlatt for now. eret at least tells niki they’ll try to rebuild it with concrete so it can’t be destroyed.
JUST AS ALL THIS SHIT CONCLUDES, SAPNAP JOINS. he only joins so he can catch up with everything he missed. eret and niki explain everything to him, and sapnap says he will have to talk to dream about this. he then leaves afterwards.
conclusion: BE HYPED. BE HYPED FOR PLOT. SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION TO THE ENTIRETY OF THE DREAM SMP FOR THIS AMAZING PLOT. DON’T SEND THEM HATE; MAKE CONTENT FOR IT INSTEAD. these people probably worked hard improv-ing/making plots for these, so show your love and appreciation for them!!!!!
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themurphyzone · 4 years
104 Words for 104 Days: Steamed
Based off the Steamed Hams skit from The Simpsons. 
“Hello, Major Monogram!” Carl squeaked, immediately forgetting the pep talk he’d given himself in the bathroom mirror just a few minutes earlier. It was just a friendly lunch between coworkers. What could possibly…well, he wasn’t going to finish that thought, because it would just be inviting an onslaught of misfortune. “Ready for lunch?”
“It better be worth the trip, Carl,” Monogram said as he wiped the dirt off his shoes. “I’m missing a Stumbleberry Finkbat marathon for this.”
“Don’t worry, sir! It will be!” Carl exclaimed.
Monogram glanced at a large photo of Carl’s family on the wall. “All redheads, huh? I can’t even tell where you are in this thing.”
“And all unpaid interns,” Carl nodded, tapping a red blur near the bottom. “This is me. I was the one taking the photo and the camera was on a timer. I didn’t get into position fast enough. Anyway, this is cousin Carly, second cousin Carlos, twins Karlie and Karla. And-“
“Let me guess. His name is Carl.”
“Nope, that’s Crazy Steve. He wasn’t supposed to be invited. The family disowned him after the rubber duck incident,” Carl said.
One side of Monogram’s unibrow rose. “So all of you are unpaid interns?”
“Yes, why?”
“So if none of you are paid, how did you afford a house?” Monogram asked, sounding genuinely baffled.
Carl shrugged. “I don’t know, how do Agent P’s owners afford the materials for their projects?”
Monogram took his seat at the dining table while Carl went into the kitchen, which was thankfully spared from Monogram’s scrutinizing view by a door. Carl noticed a thick gray cloud blanketing the far wall, right where his oven was. Luckily, Monogram didn’t seem to notice the plume of smoke rising from the oven. The smoke detectors still needed new batteries, and Carl groaned at his lack of foresight.
“It’s okay, Carl. Just play it cool. There’s probably something I can serve,” Carl muttered to himself. He shoved his hands into a pair of red mitts and opened the oven door. Smoke billowed into his face as he poked at the tray of blackened and burnt lamb chops, which now resembled lumps of coal instead of delicious meat.
Carl closed the oven. He cleaned his glasses with a cloth, keeping an eye on the door in case Monogram decided to check on him.
Well, the lamb was completely ruined. There went his plan to wow Monogram into adopting him with his amazingly seasoned lamb chops.
Then Carl noticed the Mr. Slushy Burger just outside the kitchen window. He stared at the Slushy the Clown statue, a Plan B forming in his mind.
“What if I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?” Carl smirked. “Not a bad plan, Carl. It’s a great use of the conveniently placed Mr. Slushy Burger location.”
He opened the window, grunting as his leg caught on the windowsill. As he tried to pull it free, there was a noise of disbelief behind him.
Carl froze as Monogram’s unibrow rose, clearly expecting an explanation for the delay.
♪♪♪ Carl Karl, with his crazy explanations,
The Major who doesn’t pay interns for these aggravations,
When he hears Carl’s latest fabrications,
There’ll be no paycheck tonight! ♪♪♪
(Though there was never one to begin with…)
Carl jumped at Monogram’s shout, pulling his leg free with a painful twinge.
“Major!” Carl exclaimed, scrambling for an explanation. “I was just…stretching my calves on the windowsill! All that sitting around at a desk isn’t good for the legs, you know! Have to get my exercise in somehow!”
Monogram’s eyes flitted to the oven, which was still emitting a thick cloud of smoke. “Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Carl?”
“Oh, that’s not smoke,” Carl said. “That’s steam from the steamed jams we’re having. Mmmm, steamed jams.”
“I didn’t know you could steam jam,” Monogram said.
“Only a very specific jam made from California grapes. It’s not advisable for strawberries or apricots.”
Monogram blinked, then turned around and muttered something about weird interns before exiting the kitchen.
Glad that Monogram had accepted his explanation for now, Carl practically threw himself out of the window in his haste to get to Mr. Slushy Burger.
“Major Monogram, I hope you’re ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!” Carl exclaimed. He’d already removed the wrapping from the burgers and hidden the evidence, serving the hamburgers on a silver tray instead.
“I thought we were having steamed jams,” Monogram said.
Carl chuckled and set the tray down. “Oh no, I said steamed lambs. That’s what I call hamburgers.”
“You call hamburgers ‘steamed lambs’,” Monogram said flatly.
“Yup, it’s a regional dialect,” Carl said, quickly reaching for a burger and taking a bite to disguise the nervous twitch of his lips.
There was a long pause as Monogram finally placed two burgers on his plate.
“Uh-huh. What region?” he asked nonchalantly.
“Really? I hid in Badgertown for a month while I was trying to escape from…the Academy.”
Monogram struck a dramatic pose, his eyes watering from a painful memory.
“Francis, get back here! Daddy? I’ve told you a million times, I’m not your father. As for your punishment, you’ll be peeling potatoes until you graduate. I love you, Daddy.”
Carl still didn’t understand where that dramatic musical score was coming from.
Monogram coughed. “Anyway, I’ve never heard anyone in Badgertown use the phrase ‘steamed lambs.’”
“Of course not. It sees more use in Weaseltown. You know, the northern suburbs. You just weren’t in the right area to hear it,” Carl said.
They ate in silence for a few minutes, and Carl relaxed from not having to come up with outlandish lies.
Monogram opened his hamburger and glanced at the patty. “You know, these hamburgers remind me of the ones at Mr. Slushy Burger. Pickles so green and meat so brown and all. We just need Slushy the Clown and it would be perfect.”
Carl nearly spat out his drink, swallowing hastily. “Oh no, those are Carlburgers! Just an old family recipe.”
Monogram’s unibrow rose again. “For steamed lambs?”
“So you call them steamed lambs even though this is obviously grilled beef?” Monogram held the patty out to Carl, who felt a bead of sweat trickle down his neck.
It was getting uncomfortably warm.
Then Carl noticed a red glow around the door. “Excuse me for one second,” he said.
Monogram nodded and continued eating.
Carl took one step into the kitchen, saw the slowly spreading flames, and schooled his face into a casual expression as he walked out. He stood in front of the door, facing Monogram to minimize his view of the kitchen.
“Well that was wonderful,” Carl yawned casually. Hopefully he seemed casual. “I had a good time. Looks like it’s time to recharge ourselves in front of a screen before the next social call!”  
Monogram checked his watch as he stood up. “Yes, it’s almost 1:30. If I hurry I can be home in time to watch Stumbleberry Finkbat and the Cursed Gold of Philosopheria. That’s one of the best ones in the franchise, though I can’t understand why they decide to change it to Cursed Gold of Sorceria for the United States release. Great action, character development, on location filming and…great googly-moogly! What’s happening in there?”
Monogram pointed to the door in shock, and belatedly Carl realized he was nowhere near large enough to block the red glow along the top crack.
“Southern Lights,” Carl quickly said.
Monogram sputtered. “Southern Lights? With this temperate climate, in the middle of the day, localized entirely in a kitchen within the Northern hemisphere?”
“Yes!” Carl exclaimed, smiling so wide that his cheeks started to cramp.
“May I see it?” Monogram asked.  
Carl led Monogram out like any good host would do, carefully concealing any smoldering embers from his view.
“Carl, you’re a weird intern with a lot of habits I’m afraid to ask about,” Monogram said as he stepped off the porch. “But I’ll admit that you steam a good lamb.”
It was the closest to a thank you that he’d ever get, and Carl couldn’t help but squeal in happiness.
Monogram turned to his car as the fire sirens increased in volume. “Oh, looks like there’s an emergency,” he commented. “Better go before they blockade the street.”
“Just the Southern Lights, Carly!” Carl called back, giving Monogram a thumbs-up so he didn’t worry. Or worse, take the praise back.
Monogram got into his car and drove away. As soon as he was out of sight, Carl rushed back into the house to help Carly move their tech away from the fire.
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completelypeccable · 4 years
Unfortunately, I thought of a real plot
Can I Have This Dance? (new title)
          There’s drama in the Batfam, with a song about dancing somehow worked into each chapter.  Something is wrong again, and the family is falling apart.  Now, they have to put the pieces back together.  But the thing about puzzles is you can only figure out the full picture by coming together.
Chp. 2    We don’t have to dance
The phone was ringing.
Tim was awake, of course. The pale yellow dawn had begun to creep into the apartment, the cozy glow illuminating last night’s exploits. Twin controllers on the floor. Styrofoam takeout boxes that should be in the trash, not on his already messy table. And, his favorite part, his brothers snuggled together on his couch.
He had been perfectly happy to take the chair.
Tim looked at the caller ID. Bruce. His fingers found the power button, sending it to voicemail.
It was the first call since he carried Damian hyperventilating out of the gala seven hours earlier.
If he cares so much about where Damian is, Tim thought bitterly, let him figure it out. Use those big boy detective skills.
Tim turned back to his laptop screen, where he had been editing his report on the recent Teen Titan mission.  The past few weeks or so had been a blur. The team foiled a plot to blow up half of São Paulo, culminating in a chase by air which Tim, as a non-super, had probably no business participating in, but inserting himself where he had no business was pretty much his mode of operation. Then, with that finished and the criminals entering international custody, Tim had been planning on a night of video games and report writing when he got the call from Dick.
Tim glanced at the couch and realized he probably would never quite get used to this sight. He spent about an hour staring between the hours of 3 and 4 alone. Curse Dick and his bleeding heart, his was getting infected, too. It was just so cute.
Jason was lying on his back, one arm behind his head, the other hooked all the way around Damian’s little body. His eyebrows were knit together, so he looked concerned and vaguely grumpy- a sleep softened version of Red Hood’s ‘don’t even try it’ look. He was protecting precious cargo.
Damian had wiggled his face into the skin of Jason’s neck and chest, his mouth just open, face completely relaxed in the deep sleep of an exhausted child. An extended panic attack will do that to you, Tim thought. Jason’s hand rested on the skin of the pushed out belly peeking out of his t-shirt. The kid always seemed to gravitate towards skin-to-skin contact, as if he was finally going through the infant stages of emotional development. Which was entirely possible, considering they were the first people he was truly safe around. The thought twisted in Tim’s gut.  Convincing Damian the league’s actions were wrong was about as difficult as convincing him they would never be like them: slow going but definitely rewarding. Tim could barely believe there was a time he would have punted the kid out an open window if given the chance. He felt a bit guilty, but he knew they had both changed since then.
Damian was completely pressed up against Jason, but his feet barely reached his mid-thigh.  Even though Jason was a big guy, the size comparison was still nothing short of completely adorable, and Dick, Duke, and the girls had been sent multiple pictures already. The baby curls of his soft, short hair poofed up like they did every morning before he tried to gel them into spikes. One hand twisted into the front of Jason’s shirt.
The weighted Robin-themed blanket had fallen off the couch in the middle of the night, and Tim slipped it back up to his brothers’ shoulders gently on his way to the kitchen.
Coffee was the order of the morning. He’d make a pot: four cups for him, one for Jason. If he had to deal with Bruce, he wanted to do it with some semblance of control.
By the time he walked back into the room, Jason was awake, staring at the ceiling as he ran his hand up-down along Damian’s spine.
“Morning,” Tim whispered, sitting next to him in the chair.
“Nerd,” Jason scoffed, smirking.
He choked and spit out his coffee. “Dude!”
“What? You sound like an old man.”
“Why did I let you stay at my place, again?”
“It’s because you love me.”
“I’d love to hit you.”
Jason was entirely too satisfied. “Can’t hit me when I’m holding a baby.”
Tim scowled into his cup. He couldn’t argue, though. Last night, they realized they didn’t have any of Damian’s clothes at the apartment, so Jason gave him an old t-shirt and Tim got him a pair of boxers with ties around the waist. The t shirt alone went to his knees.
He was tiny.
The phone started buzzing again.
“Tell me it’s not-“
“I wish I could.” He declined the call.
Jason shifted up, swearing.
“Hey! Be-“
“He’s sound asleep,” he grumbled, arranging the kid so he was leaning against his chest, blanket curled around him. “Look at this sleepy burrito boy.”
They gazed softly as Damian sucked in a shaky breath, whined, and cuddled in further, gripping Jason’s shirt tighter.
The phone buzzed.
“Mother- Does he not get that we’re ignoring him?”
Tim hit decline call. “He will eventually.”
Damian’s feet twitched, and Jason held him just a bit tighter, one hand at the base of his neck, the other smoothing a circle into his back. His lips and brows ran in parallel lines across his worried face.
“I don’t think he’s going to wake up any time soon,” Tim said, noting the brood session.
Jason grumbled.
“I’m going to text the girls, tell them to postpone their plans.”
“Let’s do the zoo trip tomorrow. It looks like Damian is wiped out.”
“Take today to deal with Bruce.”
“Give zombie boy here time to develop organized speech.”
“M- wait,” Jason broke out of his thousand yard stare. “What did you say you little crap stain?”
Tim cackled, but held the phone steady.
“Do not send that snap, Tim, I swear I’m gonna-“
“Can’t hit me when you’re holding the baby,” Tim sang, scooting backwards, already hitting the contacts for Steph and Cass.
Jason swore.
They laid around the apartment for a few more hours, Tim working on his laptop and Jason reading The Outsiders while Damian slept. Jason kept a shelf of old novels at Tim’s place; it wasn’t uncommon for one to spend the night at the other’s. They kept an eye on each other like that, knowing too much time alone tended to do more harm than good.
The silence itself wasn’t uncomfortable, but Tim could have used a distraction from his own thoughts.
This was a big deal. He and Jason were trying to downplay it, keep it together for the kid, but they knew.
They were essentially disowning their dad.
And it wasn’t like this was a sudden decision either, it had been something on the horizon for months, a serious topic of discussion among the older kids for three weeks now. These past few days may have forced their hand, but the hurt was still the same.
Bruce had never been the ideal parent. He was gruff, he usually didn’t have the words, and he literally had a t-shirt that said “Emotions are my enemy”. But he had loved them. At least, Tim hoped. He had made Bruce his life, let his business become his work, held his mission in his hands like a guiding light. He had been so lonely, left neglected in an old, empty house. Bruce got him out, introduced him to a world that never stopped expanding, and gave him access to the tools he needed to change it.
But lately, Bruce seemed… different. Tim thought when he brought him back, everything would be okay. Everything would be understandable and solid again. Tim had felt so sad and confused without his dad. His grief was overwhelming. But Bruce came back, and Tim was so glad, he was sure that would fix it.
Instead, he was even more confused. His dad was unrecognizable in and out of the cowl. Bruce yelled at him over everything, cut off communication and left. Batman… Batman hit him. Tim touched his jaw, trying to control his anxiety.
Dick had found something, videos deleted off the bat computer. He hadn’t recovered all of it, but what he found was evidence enough. Tim wasn’t the only one Batman was getting more violent with.
There were three videos. The Batman beating thugs within an inch of their life. Screaming at Robin. In one, right after throwing a man off the roof, Batman turned with his armed raised and Robin flinched so hard he fell over.
That was bad enough. But there was missing information, hours of footage gone. And that scared them even more. Tim couldn’t stop his mind from running through every single possibility. He could never shut it off.
A stomach growled, and Tim looked up to his brother trying to flip the page with his nose.
Finally, an external stimulus.
“If you’re hungry, Jason, I can get you something to eat.”
Jason scoffed, finding his nose a bit too large to be useful. “What do you have, pickles and mustard?”
“Ha, ha,” Tim closed his laptop. “You only get the mayonnaise now.”
“Good thing that wasn’t my stomach.”
Another gurgle, and Damian’s face scrunched up.
Tim paused on his way to the fridge and blinked for a minute, not sure if they should let him sleep or wake him up, but by the time he made a decision, the kid’s eyelashes fluttered apart on their own.
His green eyes crossed and uncrossed in narrow slits. When they focused, they found Jason’s chin, and he scrambled to sit up.
“Woah there, squirt,” Jason tugged him back down, going back to rubbing his back. Damian grumbled and frowned, but let his head fall back down.
“Just take a minute, remember where you are and all that fun stuff.”
Tim cleared some room to sit, moving aside paperwork on the table next to the couch.  
Damian’s face twisted for a beat before he pushed himself up again with a huff. Tim had to hand it to him for not immediately falling down.
“Alright, Todd. I remember now. Unhand me and I’ll return to Father’s soon.”
“Ha! Nope.” Jason sat up and yanked him onto his lap.
Damian scowled and threw his head back dramatically.
“Do not suffer me this injustice, Todd.”
Tim smirked. Damian was very clearly not yet awake, what with the slightly unfocused eyes and leaning into Jason’s chest. “Suffer”, he said.
“Sorry, baby bat. You’re not going back to the manor.”
That seemed to wake him up more. He jerked around to look at Jason’s nose, then his eyes.
“You’re not going back to the manor.”
“Oh,” he said, a blank look on his face. “I am staying here today?”
“Zombie boy.”
“Shut UP, Tim!”
Tim laughed. Damian still hadn’t gotten off Jason’s lap, hadn’t leaned away from the hand on his back.
“Is Father away again?” He asked instead, clearly confused. Tim would bet his last jar of peanut butter that Damian was still fuzzy on why exactly he woke up on Jason in this apartment.
“Something like that.”
“Father has left me home many times, Todd. Pennyworth is usually around, unless he is with Father.”
Jason didn’t react, but looked at Tim over the kid’s head.
“What do you mean by that?”
Damian fiddled with the blanket, pinching it up and poking it back down.
“It’s just that, he is busy. He’s home when he can be.”
Tim didn’t like the sound of that. He didn’t like the sound of his voice, the hollow loneliness. He suddenly felt pissed.
“Damian,” Tim said evenly. “When was the last time you talked to Bruce.”
“Batman and I-“
Jason tapped his nose, and he crossed his eyes to follow it. “No, Damian. Just Bruce.”
Damian looked at one brother, then the other. They could see the way he was reaching back in his still foggy memory, trying to figure out the answer they wanted to hear.
“No bullshit, kid,” Jason warned.
Damian looked to the side, schooled his face into a blank expression, and looked Tim in the eyes.
“It has been a while. Father is often… upset with Robin.”
Jason rubbed his back again.
“Alright,” Tim said. He was going to kill Bruce. “You’re staying with me this week, anyways.”
“You,” Tim shifted to poke Damian’s nose. His eyes crossed, and Jason grinned. “You are gonna stay with me.”
“For an entire week?”
“And I am not going back to Father’s?”
“I… do not have clothes.”
“I grabbed a bag when I visited yesterday.”
“You probably missed-“
“Alfred packed it.”
“Oh,” he blinked, glancing back and forth at them. “And Todd?”
“Does what he wants, thank you,” Jason tickled his side. Damian swatted at his face, falling off his lap. Tim caught him by the armpits and helped him back on the couch.
“Don’t make him hit his head.  I really don’t want to make an ER visit outside the mask.”
Jason rolled his eyes, then turned, trapping Damian with his legs.
“Get off me, you massive troll!”
“Just when I thought you loved me.”
“Careful, Jason, he’s hangry, remember?”
“I am not!” Damian’s stomach protested the statement, and he looked down betrayed.  
Laughing hard enough to rock forward, Tim hit his head on Jason’s knee.
“Now who needs an ER visit?”
“Ugh, you two are the worst.”
“We did not cause you to become an uncoordinated hyena.”
“Harsh words from a chipmunk.”
“Children, please,” Jason smiled. “We have to feed the wildlife. It pisses off the government.”
Tim stared at Jason for a good long while.
“Okay, I’m not gonna… Who wants breakfast?”
Jason made to stand up, but fell back on Damian, who yelped before being squashed.
“Todd! What are you-“
“Damian,” he whined. “I am so hurt. You called this weirdo over here Timothy last night. Timothy!”
“And you only call me Todd.”
“Get off-“
“Not until you call me Jason!” He met Tim’s incredulous look and raised his eyebrows convincingly.
“Todd, I will stab your kidneys.”
“Will you call me Jason after?”
“Not likely.”
Damian began to squirm, but Jason leaned more of his weight on him and he growled in frustration.
Tim sighed and dragged a hand down his face. “Jason, it’s too early for-“
“No,” Damian grunted. “Listen to Timothy!”
Jason leaned his face directly into his field of vision. “Bruh.”
“Big Jay?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on, Dames,” he whined. “I wanna be your favorite.”
“That’s Richard,” he smirked.
Jason grinned at Tim, who started to back away waving his hands.
“Oh, no. I don’t want any part in this, whatever this is.”
The wicked look in Jason’s eye grew worse. He flipped off the kid, just to jab his fingers into his armpit.
Damian immediately began to thrash.
“No!” He kicked the man’s stomach. “Stop!”
“Call me Jason!”
“No,” he choked, “never!”
“I can do this all day, kid!”
Damian fell off the couch, and Jason trapped him between his knees on the floor. He would have hit him again if his arms weren’t trying to protect himself from the attack.
“You have,” he gasped, “no-“ a squeal. “Mercy!”
Jason laughed then. “All you gotta do is say my name!”
“Nope,” Jason moved on to his belly.
“No!” He giggled, “Stop, I!”
Jason made a goofy face and tickled harder.
“Jason!” He gasped, belly laughing.“ Jason, I yield!”
Jason opened his legs, and he shot out, scrambling onto the arm of the couch.
Jason whooped and held up his arms in victory.
Damian glared at Tim.
“Traitor,” he grumbled.
Tim laughed and held up three spoons and a jar of peanut butter.
“If you losers are done, I have peanut butter and pretzels for breakfast.”
“It’s nearly noon.”
“And we are breaking the fast. Ergo breakfast.”
“Fine,” Damian flopped onto the cushions, hiding his smile. “I will extract my vengeance at a later time for this injustice.”
“Oh, Timmy, the chipmunk just chirped at me!”
“Aw, Jay Jay, he’s so cute!”
“I can kill you eight different ways with that spoon.”
“Do you want us to feed you? With the choo choo train?”
Jason caught the pillow before it hit his face.
“I can and will use lethal force, Todd!”
“Jason Todd.”
“Baby steps,” he chuckled.
Tim smiled as he scooped his own portion of peanut butter. The sirens in his head were easier to ignore. He watched Jason wiggle his fingers menacingly, then take a pillow to the face
He plopped the bag of pretzels on the table, inserting himself between the two. “Eat your shut up peanut butter.”
Jason stuck out his tongue, but grabbed a spoon.
“And after this, we’re cleaning my apartment.”
Jason looked horrified.
Tim felt no remorse. “If you guys are going to be staying here, we need to clean it. I’ve barely been here the last two months, and I do not trust my own cleanliness.”
Damian raised his eyebrow, “If the pizza under your bed has gained sentience again, I am not touching it.”
“Eat,” Tim glared, “your shut up pretzels, veggie boy.”
Damian stood and joined his hands together behind his back in a fair imitation of Alfred, if Alfred wore a Gotham Knight’s muumuu.
“I shall put on music, so that the arduous task of tidying this hovel is mildly less gruesome.”
“If you think,” Jason closed one eye and pointed his spoon, “that I’m gonna let you put on a classical music playlist, you are crazier than a bag full of cats.”
“A bag of cats sounds quite enjoyable, actually.”
“Metaphor, Dames.”
“I am aware.”
“And it means?”
“… I am very crazy?”
Jason held up his hand, and Damian returned the high five.
“Alright, ladies. Cleaning time.” Tim stood and took the spoons on his way to the kitchen.
Jason made a show of selecting his playlist titled ‘I Wanna Commit A Crime’ (we’re vigilantes Tim, it’s in our job description). Apparently, emo rock music was the ideal cleaning soundtrack.
Tim laughed at Damian’s concerned frown over Jason’s head banging as he washed the dishes.
He was just finishing up when Jason came in, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“If you have time to lean, you have time to clean,” he grinned.  
He turned around, planning on flicking water at him, but stopped at the serious look on Jason’s face.  
“What’s wrong?”
“Do you want a list?”
“Jason, don’t do this to me. I have anxiety.”
Jason shrugged, chewing on the inside of his lip.
“I just want to make sure you’re doing okay with all this.”
Tim really didn’t want to deal with this conversation yet.  He didn’t want to deal with any conversation.  
“I’m fine.”
Jason’s brows became a shelf again. He scuffed his foot.
“You keep doing the finger thing.”
“The finger thing.”
“You know,” Jason huffed.  “The thing you do when you twitch your fingers and start tapping out random- I don’t know how to use words, okay? English wasn’t my first language, you butt.  Just- You’re upset.”
Tim leaned against the sink.  “I mean, I think we all are.”
An ambulance passed by the window, and they watched the lights pass by several floors below.
“I’m glad you came by,” Tim finally said.  “You really helped Damian last night.”
Jason pushed off the wall and pulled him into a one armed hug.  “I came for you both, you know.”
Tim closed his eyes, leaning his head against his brother’s shoulder.  The buzz in his chest felt a little less overwhelming.
A car honked, and a thud came from the other room.  Muffled complaining followed. Jason laughed, ruffling Tim’s hair as he made his way to the door.  
No rest for the weary, Tim smiled and tied off the garbage. It was starting to really smell.
“Be right back!” He yelled as he stepped out the door, locking it behind him.
He did feel better, knowing that Jason was there. Once Dick came, they could really talk everything over, and Tim would relax then.  But he was content at the moment. He would just ignore it for now. He was content. It was fine. It was-
He sent the bag down the chute.
Actually, this whole situation was garbage.
Who did Bruce think he was? When did he ever become the type to hit his own kids? It was wrong, it was so wrong. Red Robin wanted to punch him in the face, especially when he heard him over the comms from countries away scolding Damian for things he told him to do.
And he didn’t care what was going to happen. He didn’t care if he got screamed at, or fired, or- or- he didn’t know! He didn’t care! Tim was not giving Damian back to anyone. Bruce didn’t deserve that kid. He was stubborn sometimes, and prickly, but he didn’t deserve to be treated like that.  He had been through more than any of them knew, and he needed someone that loved him unconditionally. Bruce wasn’t that. Bruce was acting like a huge jerk-
He slammed open the door to his floor to be confronted with a man’s back, hand raised to knock.
Speak of the damned devil.
“What do you want,” Tim spat.
Calm down.
He clenched his jaw, because as much as he wanted to fly off the handle, that would probably make things worse.
Bruce turned around slowly. He looked him up and down before putting his hands in his pockets. His smile was easy and so Brucie stupid.
Tim wanted to hit him back.
“You took Damian home last night.”
“I came to take him home.”
“Yeah,” Tim glared. “No.”
Bruce quirked one brow. He let the silence hang for a beat.
His thumb tapped frantically against his fist. If he doesn’t leave, I am going to do something I’m gonna regret.
“You’re angry.”
“Great job, detective.”
“That’s… fair.”
Bruce shrugged, still smug and unaffected. Tim just glared. He didn’t want to do this.
“You should go, Bruce.”
Surprise flashed briefly through his eyes before it was replaced by annoyance.
“Look, Tim, you know how Damian gets-“
“I’m just here to-”
An exhale.
“I’m just here to take him back home and talk to him.”
“Oh,” the cold in his tone hurt him as he spoke, but it was too late to stop. “Now you’re going to talk to your own kid?”
Bruce stared. Tim stepped forward, the picture of casual.
“Not last night. Not last week apparently. Maybe all month. You’ve been too busy to deal with your own kid, but you’re ready now.”
“Tim, I-“
“No, just shut up, actually. How long did it take you to realize he wasn’t even in the same building as you anymore? Did you even care?”
“Of course I-“
“Shut- Ugh! I’m not doing this for you, B. This wasn’t a babysitting job. I don’t care what you think. You’re not taking Damian back. Me and Dick and the rest of them talked it over. You don’t deserve that kid.”
The flip switched, and Bruce was angry.  His shirt pulled tight across his shoulders.
Tim widened his stance.
“And you do, of course.”
“I care about him more than you do.”
“I do care!”
“Could have fooled me!”
Bruce was tense from his shoulder to his fist.  Tim belatedly notice he had gotten in his face.
“You don’t-“
Tim threw up his hands and walked past. “Have to talk to you.”
“What? Listen-“
“I don’t have to talk to you. I’m keeping the kid, so-“
Bruce grabbed his shoulder hard, “Actually, Timothy, I have custody, so-“
Huh. Tim turned and smiled, cold and clinical. Just like Janet, they liked to say. Bruce looked unnerved for one satisfying moment and dropped his hand.
Tim stepped close, his nose inches from Bruce’s chin, devastatingly sharp.
“But you don’t, actually.”
“What the hell are you-”
“You supposedly died, remember?” Tim rolled his eyes. “Everyone thought so. Did you think we could just leave Damian in the custody of a dead man?”
“But I-“
“Came back, obviously. But we didn’t change the paperwork. Just in case.”
Bruce looked wonderfully, furiously constipated.
Tim turned his back on him and slowly pulled his keys from his pocket. “So, no, I don’t have to do this with you. You’ve changed, Bruce. And who you are now, you don’t belong raising a kid as emotionally fragile as Damian. I don’t have to pretend to be okay with it, and I don’t even have to like you. Because you have no right to be here.”
“I am his father, Tim.”
“And sometimes fathers are neglectful and abusive.”
The space behind him stayed silent.  Bruce didn’t even move. Tim flicked through the key ring.
“And as far as the state and the press is concerned, Damian is adopted. Showed up at age 10, clearly not white. You had adoption papers filed, Bruce.”
“Tim, you can’t be-“
“I am, and you should go.”
“It’s been so nice to see you Bruce. Let’s not talk again soon.”
Bruce stood a moment longer before turning sharply and storming down the hall. The doors slammed shut, but Tim stood there gripping the keys and shaking. He wanted to scream.
He breathed in deeply through his nose, feeling the cool air travel into his nostrils, down his throat, past his vocal cords, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and down to his alveoli. Left lung, right lung, into the blood stream the oxygen diffuses. He thought of Jason tickling Damian, and the kid calling him Timothy as he held him against his chest. He breathed out the waste.
He looked down at his shaking hands, where his grip on the keys drew blood, and wiped them on his pants before turning the lock and opening the door to-
“Timothy!” Damian ran forward, “Timothy you love this song!”
Tim really looked at him, the way his hair stuck up in three different places, the dust streak on his cheek. His eyes danced just like they always did when he was trying so hard to make one of them happy. His hands were out to the side, and that grin. He really was Timothy now. Huh.
He was worth it.  This kid was worth it.
Jason danced out of the bathroom just as the chorus hit, singing loudly and mildly off key.
We don’t have to talk
We don’t have to dance
Damian grabbed his arm, dragging away from Jason.
We don’t have to smile
We don’t have to make friends
Jason chased them, sing-screaming along.
It’s so nice to meet you,
Let’s never meet again!
We don’t have to talk
We don’t have to dance!
We don’t have to dance
The song was at least an understandable statement, Tim thought. It was kind of a dance, or a stand off. He knew as soon as he took Dick’s side that he was cutting the last of the ties between him and the man who adopted him.
He was fatherless again.
He watched as Jason tried to get Damian to do the Macarena, only to get a towel to the butt.
He would make it through this.
Jason chased Damian around the kitchen, insisting he try the snorkel, the shopping cart, no the sprinkler!
Tim laughed, even knowing all that he did. That his nighttime gig would definitely change, that he would have to quit his day job.
It will be okay, he thought, when Damian rolled his eyes and tisked at Jason long enough for him to be swung over his shoulders as he jumped around the kitchen.
It might be better than okay, he thought as he opened up his laptop to hit send on one more application, which he had written as Damian slept.
Jason called for help, and Tim let the tension leave his body, exhaled it out in one breath, and joined them. He grabbed Damian from Jason’s arms and was spinning him around the living room by the next chorus.
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Fighting battles ~ pt.3
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It wasn’t the same as it used to be. It felt since that day, you couldn’t help yourself from stealing glances of him. And sometimes, you caught him stealing glances of you as well. 
“Bellezza!” a familliar voice cut you off from your daydreams and you glanced up at the pereptual beam of his before back at the boy at the other table. 
But wait-
You looked back up at him. His hair was cut by the side so that his long front hair was falling everywhere. They were filled with gel and had a purple strand dyed. His eyelids were filled with dark eyeshadow and a dark underline that pointed out his fern green eyes and made them more forest green like. His clothes were different as well. He wore dark turtleneck shirt with high waisted black jeans and a shiny belt around it. His chest carried a few golden necklaces that hung from his neck and he had a leather jacket over, which looked completely brand new. 
“What the hell?” you continued to stare and forgot to blink a few times. “When did you turn punk?”
He laughed picked a toothpick to put it in his mouth. “You didn’t know me back then. You wouldn’t know how punk I can be.” he opened his eyes that showed a few golden and silver rings. “Plus.” he leaned forward, smling broadly. “I thought we should do number eight today.”
“You’re nuts.” you laughed and leaned back. 
“Come on, Pupina.” he batted his long eyelashes and showed you a pouty frown. 
How you hated whe he did that. It worked every single time and you were so done for it already. 
“James will kill me.” you bit the inner side of your cheek, keeping a sly smirk at bay. 
“You say that every time. Come on, Pupina.” he continued, placing his palms togeteher and later taking your hands and putting them on his cheek. “You can’t resist this face.” 
“Nope.” you walked away and tried to leave but he quickly grabbed you by the shoulders and stopped you. “Not fucking fine .” 
“It’s just a tiny needle.” he hugged you from behind and around the shoulder. “We’ll have a matching tattoooo.” he cooed in your ear. “A cute matching tattoo.”
But if he knew how needles provoked you. Especially since everything you’ve been through, you couldn’t trust needles. 
“Hey.” he kissed your cheek and kept rocking you left and right. As if he knew how your mind worked right now. “This is different.” he whispered in your ear. “And I’ll be here with you. Since always.” 
“I know but-”
“Don’t you trust me?” 
You turned around to look at him in the eyes and saw that they were a bit red at the sides. You put your hands on his cheeks to look at him carefully. Was he using again?
“It’s just the underline, darling. I think I’m alergic to it. Don’t worry.” he smiled and quickly wrapped his arm around you, leading you to the tattoo parlor. 
“It better be the underline, Wren.”
“It is.”
“I don’t believe you.” you turned around sharply and looked at him in the eyes. “Are you using again?” 
“I’m not. I swear I’m not!” he lifted his hands and kept staring at you with teary eyes. 
But you kept glaring at him anyway because at you were conflicted between the Wren, who used and the Wren, who would never lie to you. And  you couldn’t figure out which one you were talking to. 
“It happens every time, (y/n).” he said, cupping your cheeks and rpressing his forehead on yours. “I’m not using, I swear. If you don’t believe its the underline, I’ll stop using it but please believe me.”
And how come that as much you wanted to listen to your head, your heart decided to trust him. 
“Don’t ever hide anything from me.” you looked at him and pressed your index finger at his chest. “
“I’m not hiding.” he moved away and smiled, changing the sublject. “So are you ready?” 
“With you?” you smiled, taking his hand and walking after him. “Always.”
Every Marauder was in the common room. Not much talking to eachother, just being quiet and comfortable with each other. 
James was sitting on the armchair with his legs over the one armrest adn his back leaned against the other. He was biting in his apple, chewing loudly while reading his Quidditch magazine and getting ugly glares from Remus, who was sitting on the sofa, trying to read the Daily Prophet. 
“Can you stop chewin so loudly!” he snapped after James took another bite. 
James peeked from his magazine, smiled at him and took another bite, provoking him even more. “Whatcha gonna do, Moony?”
“Eat you.” he replied. “Just wait till the next full moon.” his expression was flat serious and watching James’ smirk disappear.
“Maybe chew as loud as he does.” Sirius laughed, spread on sofa and holding the Marauder’s map.
“I’m planning too.”
“You looking for Severus?” Peter asked Sirius as he walked by. 
“Yeah.” Sirius mumbled. 
“Then why are you looking at the Ravenclaw tower?” he blurted out normally while Remus and James shot their head towards him. 
“Yeah, Pads?” James answered, keeping his growl silent. “Why looking at the house my sister was sorted in?”
“Didn’t you hear him talking about her all supper, James?” Remus asked, quirking at James. “Oh..probably not since you chew so loud.” he mocked, snorting while getting thrown a pillow from both side (James’ and Sirius’). 
“I wasn’t talking about her all supper. I just asked where she was going with that knob head.” 
“Wren?” Peter corrected him.
“Knob head.” Sirius corrected back and rolled his eyes. “She still has my Herbology essays.”
“You wrote essays?” Remus teased and kept snorting to himself. 
“Isn’t it Wren?” Peter said confusely.
“What’s your deal with Wren?” James sat normaly, feet on the floor, and arms on the knees. “Why don’t you like the guy?”
“He’s dodgy. I don’t trust him.”
“He’s Wren. From what I heard, he’s just a Muggleborn coming from a rich family who disowned him after finding out he’s a wizard.” James kept talking, looking at Sirius. 
“Yeah but they took him back, didn’t they?” 
“Under what circumstances?” James asked him to which Sirius quickly wiped that arrogant smirk. 
“But have you seen his new leather jacket?” Remus jumped in the conversation. '' That leather costs money. It ain't cheap.''
'' I don't know! '' James snapped at them, jumping on his feet and glaring at both of them. ''He helped my sister go through a shit ton of problems. From what I know. I owe him a life for saving hers.''
'' Mate, we-''
'' No! You don't get it!!'' he exploaded. »You don't know shit about him yet here you judge him because he dresses differently and acts a bit differently or maybe, just maybe Sirius, he hangs around my sister a lot and you don't like that.«
»No.« James cut him off. »My sister won't date you. Ever. I love you like a brother but that doesn't mean you get to date my sister. No offense, Pads, but she's gone through so much…she doesn't need your extra weight.«
»Extra weight?!« Sirius stood up as well.
»Woah, woah. Mates, let's-.« Remus stood up but was cut off by Sirius.
»I'm extra weight?« Sirius stared at James.
»You know I didn't say that.« James watched him back. »I said that all four of us come with baggage and we signed up for that. But she didn't Sirius and I want to leave her out of this. Out of Remus' secrets, your family, mine and Peter's problems. She has enough of her own.«
All the other three were quiet this time. Sirius knew that at some point was right but he didn't understand what he was talking about. What kind of problems did you have and how horrid were they? Were they really as bad as James made them out to be?
»Anyways. If you already were stalking my sister at some point. Where is she?« James asked, grabbing the Map from the sofa and looking over.
»Don't know. She didn't come back-.« but before he could continue James was already sprinting down to the Ravenclaw tower.
»What has hands but can not clap?« the eagle spoke but James was now filed with anger to care.
»What has hands and can knock you off this fucking door!?« he spoke but the eagle di dot move. »I don't know! Okay!«
»What has a head and a tail, but no body?« the eagle spoke again but James knew this one. Of course he knew it. You kept asking him riddles when you came to your first year at Hogwarts.
»I know this one. Head and tail- COIN!« he shouted and the door opened. He sprinted up to the girls dormitories but ended back on the floor. Looking up he saw a slide and immediately cursed under his breath. »Fucking smartarse founders.«
»Take it off!« Wren continued to persuade and you laughed. »I wanna see it!«
»Wren, you just saw it like an hour ago.« you laughed.
»I wanna see it again!« he continued. »I wanna do it again!«
»As if! We have to at least wait a bit.«
»Can't believe you were scared-.«
Before Wren could finish his sentace, James was already on top of him, gripping his shirt and shouting. »LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU FREAK!«
»JAMES!« you shouted and tried pulled him off. »What the hell!?!
»My sister is not a slag for you to strip her off! Do you hear me!?«
»Oh my God, James! We weren't shagging!«
»He wanted you to take it off. To see it!«
»A tattoo! Merlin, James.«
James stared at you confused, glancing between you and him. He loosed his grip from Wren's shirt and stood up. »A what now?«
»A tattoo.« you took off your shirt and showed him your hip. There was a simple black and white triangle in a circle symbol with a bright purple butterfly with only one wing spread widely and the other hung and broken. »We both have it.« you looked up at him as he approached you and looking from the tattoo and to your eyes
»I'm going to kill you.«
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cannotgiveafuck · 5 years
Of Perfect Afternoons and Purposeful Encounters
(Aka, I've been in Good Omens and Constantine bliss for several weeks and this is what my brain made. I may upload it to ao3 later, but here, have a fic. I hope the read more worked, if not I'm sorry.)
They are arguing about ducks.
The spring weather is perfect. Blue sky just clear enough, the sun shining bright and warm, and fluffy clouds rolling by like a true Pareidolia effect. It is a picturesque afternoon only heard of in fairy tales and children's books, and John Constantine trusts it as much as he does the blokes he's watching.
Which is to say, not at all.
Dropped off from the Waverider, he returned to present day London not a week ago when he was accosted by his once feathery shadow. John would have paid a pack of smokes to see Manny as ruffled as he was, if it did not come with the news there that had been an Apocalypse while he was away.
"Almost an apocalypse," Manny had corrected, though he was being rather tight lipped about everything else concerning the near destruction of planet Earth.
It irritated John more than usual, partly because he lived on said planet, but mostly because he worked very hard - read: scammed, murdered, sent to Hell, tricked, etc - to keep Earth from being destroyed, let alone overtaken by a bunch of feather minded twats.
"I couldn't disobey orders, Constantine," and of course that was his excuse, all pompous righteousness and conviction. "We could not let Hell win."
But what about Earth?
John was fairly sure his bland look said as much and kept it steady as he lit his cigarette and blew smoke into the berk's face. "So, what made it almost an apocalypse instead of a real Apocalypse?"
And really, he did not think Manny could be even more ruffled, but boy, was he in for a treat.
An angel. A demon. And an Antichrist.
It sounded like a set up for some terrible joke a youth minister would tell his teenager audience as he tried to seem likeable to the younger generation.
Oddly enough, John found himself greatly amused by it. Or maybe by the fact that Manny was so unamused by it. Either way...
After a titch more prodding and being generally annoying, John was able to get enough information to find the culprits who helped avert the almost apocalypse. He thought it would be difficult, that they would have been in hiding or off world and into the stars.
But, nope. Here they are. All three of them enjoying the perfect afternoon out at St. James Park. The antichrist, literally just a child for Chri- Someone's sake, is running around playing fetch with his dog, whilst the angel and demon, looking incredibly human if not for their aura, are arguing on the proper diet of ducks.
"Because bread isn't what they eat naturally, my dear. They need the nutrients of oats and corn and the like."
"I don't think bread is naturally consumed by anyone, it's just consumed, angel. And where did you get all this from, all this duck knowledge?"
The angel - Aziraphale, Manny had called him - flusters under the scrutiny, but holds his head high when he says, without an inch of irony, "The interwebs!"
"Oh, for Some-!"
"You kept insisting I try the dreadful thing and now-!"
"And the first thing you did was look up what to feed ducks?"
John can think of several better uses of his time than listening to them bicker like an old married couple. As of right now, he is having a complicated time wrapping his head around the fact that these two are even here right now.
Not that they are an angel and demon that disobeyed orders. Not even that they did so because they vastly prefer each other's company. He can understand all that, see, ecause it happens all the time. John's even known a few of outliers much the same.
It's the fact that these two are alive and well and not utterly snuffed out.
John knows this star-crossed lovers bollocks doesn't last. That it doesn't end so much in Shakespearen tragedy as it just ends, painfully and no lesson learned besides the cold truth of Love Doesn't Win. There are no happily ever afters, no driving away into the sunset, not for Tali and Ellie, and not for these three currently on both Heaven and Hell's shitlist.
John regards them with cool distance as he places a cigarette between his lips and snaps his fingers to light it. He almost feels sorry for them, if sympathy didn't mean getting his own neck-
"Those are bad for you, you know."
"Jesus Christ!" For how much he has been watching them, John is surprised the kid snuck up on him. But then again...
"I reckon I'm the opposite of him, actually." The boy, and he does look just like that, a human child, stands next to him under the tree's shade. His small dog yaps at John as if he poses a smidgen of a threat to the Antichrist. Manny said his name is Adam.
"Yeah," John starts as he settles himself back down, taking a deep inhale and blowing it away from the boy. "Suppose you are."
"Like I said, those are bad for you. My dad tells me all the time never to pick one up, they tar your lungs and smell bad." A thoughtful expression passes through on his deceptively charming face as he finally quiets his dog. Then he continues, in that blunt, oversharing way children do. "But then he sneaks off sometimes when my Mum's parents are over. My name's Adam, by the way, Adam Young."
"I know. John Constantine, petty dabbler of magic," he says before he can stop himself from being honest. Something tells him he can trust the kid. John doesn't like that. Still, he talks, "Plenty of ways to die out in the world. I don't believe this will be what does me in."
"No, Mister Constantine, I reckon not. Still, they don't seem like they taste good." And there is a strange tilt to his head, his golden locks shifting as he stares curiously at the trailing smoke.
"I'm not letting you try it," John says. He doesn't know what he expected when engaging with the literal Antichrist, but it's become pretty clear to him that a brat is a brat, no matter their stock.
Adam pouts. "I didn't say-"
"Didn't have to."
The boy crosses his arms and glances towards the angel and demon couple, who have switched topics of conversation but are still very much bickering.
"Well, it's bad for everyone else around you," he says petulantly and the embers at the end of John's cigarette suddenly die out.
"I was enjoying that, you little-"
"And I'm supposed to be enjoying an afternoon with my Godparents. Not getting second hand smoke."
Bright blue eyes pin John in place. He feels himself stuck like stone, unable to move away from under the child's accusing stare. Immediately, his mind starts racing, trying to grab onto enough of a distraction that he can make his escape mostly unharmed.
He should've known stalking the Antichrist was a bloody stupid idea.
"Godparents?" John tries not to let on how terrifying this is. "Those two your Godparents?"
Adam blinks before glancing back at his supposed Godparents. John can breathe again. "Of course they are. I already have human parents, but never Godparents. It's like having some really wicked uncles. They bring me gifts from all over the world, and Mister Fell let's me read in his shop and Mister Crowley let's me ride front in his car, and they both help me out when things happen and I don't rightly know what to do." Adam says this seemingly all in one breath, but he isn't gasping by the end of it.
He stands there, with his perfectly curled hair and his scuffed shoes and his ripped jeans and looks as at ease as ever. The dog sits dutifully between him and John, and they paint a lovely innocent picture. Except John knows who, what, he is and the deeper meaning to his words hidden just beneath the surface. Adam is a child, yet can already dominate a conversation, persuade you to be honest, and can hold his audience's attention just as easily as he can slip away in a crowd.
John knows he is going to be a dead ringer when he's older. If he gets older.
"They stood with me that day, said they'd stay and they meant it." When John doesn't reply, Adam looks up at him and that intense awe that struck him before resurfaces again. Adam is as every bit supernaturally charged as the Antichrist has every right to be, no matter disowning his own Father, and he finally says "I won't let nobody hurt them. Not the other gangs, not their bosses, and not some nosy magician. Nobody."
John stares back at Adam and understands where they stand now. He understands why it took so long for him to get close, why Manny refused to join him, why Adam is talking to him now, why Aziraphale and Crowley get to have their happily ever after.
"Alright, alright," John says, hands up in surrender. "Message delivered loud and clear, boyo. I'm not here to cause trouble, I won't bother you lot none."
Adam stares at him some more, the creepy little bugger, before nodding his head in confirmation. Like either John is being truthful, or it doesn't matter if he isn't because Adam can make it true.
Strangely enough, or probably not, given his situation, John is telling the truth.
"That's fair. I gotta go now, they won't be distracted much longer, and Mister Fell will wants to take us to a fish place for lunch. He calls it shew-sea or something, but he swears by it and I like trying the new foods he shows me," Adam says in that casual long windedness of his. The youthful bounce in his step carries him away in seconds, but not without allowing him to wave back at John, like this was a friendly conversation, like John is some friendly neighbor. "Goodbye, Mister Constantine! Don't light your smoke again till you're outta the park, please!"
And just like that, the Antichrist - Adam - is gone, returning to his safe little world that he guards and protects.
John watches as the angel and demon break from each other to gather their ward, their Godson. He doesn't move from his spot until they've walked out of sight. And even then, he remains under the tree's cool shade from the perfect afternoon's sunlight.
Depite what he was told, or really, in spite of it, John places his cigarette back between his lips and snaps his fingers. It relights to his delight. And just in time for Manny to appear beside him.
"For Go- Someone's sake! Can you lot not sneak up on me?"
"Well?" Manny leads, having absolutely no remorse for his actions.
"Well, what?"
"What did you learn, Constantine?" Manny tries again, exasperated of the human's bullshit.
John stares at him sidelong as he takes a deep inhale. Mixed feelings turn in his stomach, feelings he doesn't want to sort through, but still bubble to the surface as he thinks of an answer. They burn bright in his mind.
He thinks about what Adam said, about Crowley and Aziraphale chattering to each other like love sick fools, about their odd little family. John thinks about almost apocalypes and how despite Manny saying he couldn't disobey, there were clearly some of his stock who did, who stood up for Earth against Heaven and Hell. John thinks about Cheryl and Gemma, about Chas and Zed, about the Legends. He remembers Tali and Ellie and their stolen child.
Finally, with an exhale of smoke to the angel's face, John says with distinct human stubbornness, "Fuck off, Manny."
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nerdierholler · 5 years
Dragon Age Questions
I was tagged by @slothssassin Thank you so much! <3
I’m not sure who’s done this already sooooo tagging @ellstersmash, @heraldofwho, @enchantment1385, and @barbex if you haven’t done this already. Also anyone who sees this and thinks it would be fun!
1. Favorite game of the series? I love them all, why do you make me pick? I’ve put the most hours into DAI though, it part because it’s so long and one run takes forever.
2. How did you discover Dragon Age? I wasn’t as into video games as I am now but I knew I liked generic hack and slash games having played things like The Witcher and Neverwinter Nights. I heard DAO was coming out and since it seemed like my kind of game, I tried it, and immediately fell head over heels for Alistair and discovered fandom.
3. How many times have you’ve played the games? Almost too many to count. Thinking back to complete or near complete runs... DAO: at least 6, DA2: also at least 6, DAI: (laughs nervously) at least 9. And none of these include all the characters I created, played for a bit then abandoned 1/3 of the way through.
4. Favorite race to play as? I guess I tend towards elves because of the lore. I actually really like dwarves as well but I have a really hard time making dwarves I’m happy with so I almost never play them. The qunari were a nice edition in DAI.
5. Favorite class? Dual wield rogue all the way. I do have a few characters of other classes but that’s my fave. I just can’t stand to no be able to open a locked chest.
6. Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time. I try to make different decisions but honestly, it ends up being variations on a theme. For big choices I’m pretty consistent.
7. Go-to adventuring group? DAO: Alistair, Sten, Zev or Morrigan DA2: Fenris, Varric, Isabela DAI, depends on Inquisitor but my faves are : Solas, Dorian, Iron Bull, and Varric
8. Which of your characters did you put the most thought into? No doubt, my Warden Inquisitor Ithen
9. Favorite romance? Again, why do you make me pick? Alistair’s romance is what put me down this path so I have to give recognition there. After that, Fenris annnd (spins wheel) Iron Bull.
10. Have you read any of the comics/books? Nope. I tried one of the books but couldn’t really get into it.
11. If you read them, which was your favorite book? -
12. Favorite DLCs? The Citadel I never really kept up with DA DLCs until DAI. Awakenings introduced some great characters but the plot hasn’t stuck with me and so much of that has kinda been retconned. I liked Trespasser because it was a great bow on the game with a lead into the next. Also fuel for my Solasmancing.
13. Things that annoy you? Locked chests, but that’s not just a DA thing. Seriously though, I hate leaving things behind which means I end up limiting my party combos (at least on first runs) because I don’t want to miss what’s in the box, or behind the wall, or whatever so I need to have one of each class with me at all times.
14. Orlais or Ferelden? Ferelden! Team wet dog smell all the way.
15. Templars or Mages? Mages.
16. If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? Hmmm, they all exists in different universes except I have a non-canon universe where Ithlen becomes Inquisitor and canon compliant universe where she is just the Warden. I think Enarin edges out Harold for the Inquisitor there.
17. What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc.) Ithlen: Threrah, Hawke: Thufir, and I didn’t name any mounts.
18. Have you installed any mods? *more nervous laughter* a few... Yeah, my games are pretty heavily modded, some are shortcuts for gameplay after it’s my millionth time through and I’m just there for plot and a lot are for CC or changing companion looks/outfits.
19. Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? Gods no. She was pretty resistant. But Marethari said the magic word to Ithen, “duty,” so she went with Duncan.
20. Hawke’s personality? Main Hawke: Very purple with a hint of blue. Secondary Hawke: Very red with a hint of purple.
21. Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition? I think I have a time or two but usually everyone is unique.
22. If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? Ithlen would do something to save Alistair. In her mind she would recruit Loghain to have another body between them and archdemon but doesn’t realize it would have meant Alistair leaving. 
Hawke, oh Hawke. She looses all of her family but I think if she had to pick one to go back and save, it would be Bethany since she’s the one Hawke had to kill and feels most responsible for.
Enarin doesn’t have many regrets and he feels they’ve all led him to where he is now, which is a pretty good place. Harold has regrets but it’s a million small things. I think there was a long time growing up where he wished he didn’t have magic so he could still be with his family but as he’s gotten older he’s accepted their rejection and practical disowning and learned to find family elsewhere.
23. Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? Oh boy, do I! The big one of course is Ithlen also being the Inquisitor. Everyone else mostly follows canon except for some details about how Harold and Dorian’s relationship develops. The in game route for that isn’t really Harold’s personality. And I also I like to imagine that Fenris goes to Skyhold with Hawke because leaving him makes NO SENSE AT ALL. Also Varric is not nearly as broken up about my secondary Hawke’s death as the game makes him because she managed to rival him in DA2 but DAI doesn’t take that into account. In general DAI didn’t handle that Hawke well because as a power hungry blood mage, everything out her mouth in DAI makes no sense. Again, DAI just didn’t take any of that into account even though it was in the tapestry.
24. Are any of your character(s) based on someone? Not really.
25. Who did you leave in the Fade? I lucked out here in a weird way so it wasn’t a hard choice. In my primary canon Alistair is dead (RIP) so choosing Hawke over Stroud wasn’t bad. In my secondary canon Alistair is alive and a warden but (despite what DAI says, see above) my Hawke is a terrible person so goodbye Hawke.
26. Favorite mount? I never used mounts much so I don’t have a fave.
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luci-is-a-devil- · 7 years
Mermaid!Joshua |||
Notes: this is the end! I’d like to thank everyone who read this series. Extra big thank you to @ask-student-kookie who drew this amazing picture!
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•after the night where you had seen Joshua, things were amazing •your publisher had said that your manuscript was finished, and it would be getting published soon! •your parents had fully disowned you, and your aunt had adopted you •school had come to an end, and you could spend your free time by the ocean all you wanted •things were great! •except they weren’t really •your nights with Joshua kept getting shorter, as had to go back to where he lived because of a new curfew •when you looked at the notebook the next day, you were saddened by what you saw •the notebook was drenched in water •making it impossible to read whatever was written or to write on the empty pages •when you asked Joshua, he got strangely quiet and changed the subject •you could understand that there’s something’s that you just don’t want to talk about, so you would go along with his topic changes •but as the days passed, you could tell something was wrong •his tail had lost its silver shimmer, his eyes had lost the shine that you had fallen in love with •he would speak quietly, and wouldn’t come close enough to kiss or hug •he wasn’t the same, and it was breaking your heart •the only way his eyes regained some sort of twinkle, was when you were giggling or laughing at a dumb joke you said •or when you’d read him some poems that you had written, ones where the both of you could be together •but that’s all they were •poems • •you felt off that day •feeling sick to your stomach, as if your mind knew something was going to happen but just didn’t know what •but you carried on your day as normal, editing stories, reading books, waiting until you could see Joshua •when the sun went down, you raced to your rock •the rock where you had placed the notebook, where your story had continued •immediately the queasy feeling came back, the voice in your mind telling you to leave •but you held your ground, thinking that this was ridiculous •Joshua came, his eyes were a darker brown than usual, almost black, but they held an emotion in them that you weren’t able to read •"josh? What happened?“ •in the time that you’ve been meeting, you knew that this wasn’t how he acted •something was wrong •very wrong •against your better judgement, you started walking towards him •until you heard a voice, the voice that had sung you to sleep when you studied at the ocean during school •no on could mimic the emotions that he held in his voice, so why wasn’t the Joshua in front of you moving his mouth? •"Y/N! Run! Go!” •walking backwards, you tried to listen to joshua, your joshua •but something snuck around your ankle, and started to yank at it •screaming out for Joshua, before the hand on your ankle managed to fully emerge you underwater •your lungs filled up with the clear liquid, flailing in the water, you tried to shake the grip off of your ankle •you could hear voices speaking above the water, but in you panic you weren’t trying to listen to them •your vision went blurry, and your body wasn’t listening to you anymore •closing your eyes, you went limp, accepting what had happened •your last conscious though being of the first time you met Joshua, his eyes sparkling in amusement as you spoke to him, his laughter that resembled music •he never did get to play the guitar for you, did he? • •the next time your eyes fluttered open, you were sure that this was the afterlife •but you were still underwater and you were laying on a table? •stranger thing have happened like the fact that you had almost been murdered •by who though? •you didn’t know of any other merfolk besides Joshua, therefore no one should harbor ill feelings •sitting up on table was incredibly difficult, and once you had gotten up you understood why •your legs were gone, the legs that you had tried to get the hand to release was gone •in their place was a pure white tail, with opaque fins at the end, looking closely at the fins they showed small specks of gold •but why did you have a tail? •why weren’t you dead? •noticing a figure on a chair facing the wall, you tried to get their attention •to no avail as your throat was hoarse, leaving you to croak out an unsure greeting •he turned around, and when he saw you sitting up he yelled for two people •"jeonghan! Seungcheol!“ •two boys swam into where you were, their names told you that these were Joshua’s friends •he had wrote about the adventures his friends dragged him on fairly often •how one day you’d be able to meet them •looks like that day was today •before they could ask how you were doing, you asked a question of your own •"where’s my Joshua?” •your question came out sounding smaller than you wanted, but you were glad that the tears that you felt in your eyes didn’t fall •could they even fall? You were underwater for goodness sake? •they looked at each other worriedly, as if they were gaging to see how much they should tell •"tell me everything. Please.“ •your voice cracked near the end of your sentence, and you tried to pull yourself together •the mermaid with full lips and a serenity tail started telling you what had happened •"Josh’s father is the king, Joshua is second in line for the crown. His older brother had done things that have made civilians wary of him, so everyone wants Joshua to be the next king. As days pass and Joshua keeps leaving to see you, his brother followed him.” •the story continued on, saying how Joshua’s brother had his friend turn himself into a replica of Joshua himself •so that you’d see him and come to greet him, and that’s when his brother would drown you •Joshua had found out about his brothers plan and rushed to come find you •but it was too late, your lungs had filled up with water already •Joshua scared his brother away and then had taken you to the only place that he knew could help you •that you had died on the table when jihoon was trying to awake you, that the only way for you to come back was to be a mermaid •so here you were, with a tail and a massive headache •"where is he then?“ •jihoon, the one who had been here the whole time looked at the long haired mermaid •"Joshua went to the palace to tell his dad about his brothers murder.” •it was blunt, leaving you to question why seungcheol and jeonghan were glaring at the blonde boy •"jihoon.“ •jeonghan seethed his name, as if he had said something wrong •and that’s when it hit you •Joshua wasn’t supposed to know you, he wasn’t supposed to be dating you •tears can’t fall underwater but you could definitely sob •you went to roll yourself into fetal position but it was odd with a tail, one you weren’t used to, one you didn’t exactly want right now •which made you sob a little harder •without even looking up, you could tell that the three mermaids were looking at you with pity •eventually your sobs trailed off, you rubbed your eyes out of habit even though there were no tears •glancing at the three males who were looking at you as if you were a different species •"can you take me to him?” •jeonghan was the only one to nod, which made seungcheol send him a look •"I’ll take you, follow me.“ •he swam out, and you begin to follow the rosed quartz colored tail •swimming without your legs was difficult, there was a warm sensation in your abs and your tail was going quickly •it was exhilarating despite the circumstances •it seemed like jeonghan and you were swimming forever, at one point you were sure you were going in circles •soon the palace came into view, and you started to swim faster •there were guards outside of the castle, that stopped you from entering •"we’re here to see the prince.” •jeonghan said it so determinedly, that you were honestly a little surprised how strongly he felt about this •the guards looked at each other and hesitantly opened the door •before they could change their mind, jeonghan grabbed you by the hand and led you inside the palace •it was obvious that he had been here before, he maneuvered through the palace gracefully •he stopped and knocked on a door, when the door was opened, he led you inside of the room ���inside of the room sat a man on a throne, a female sat next to him on his left and a teen sat next to him on his right who looked shocked at your appearance •"your highness, this is y/n.“ •you glared at the teen in the throne sitting next to his father, he had tried to murder you just so Joshua would be afraid? Lonely? Angry? •"hello y/n, I haven’t seen you before. Did you just move into our colony?” •the queen asked, smiling at you nicely, unprepared for what would follow •"no, not exactly your highness. I was murdered today actually.“ •the look that you got from all of the mermaids in the room would be hysterical •if you weren’t so close to screaming about how unfair it was, that you were a mermaid, that you didn’t get a choice, that you died so young, all because of their oldest son •and for once, you let it all out, you allowed yourself to be angry, you screamed what had happened, how you were never going to be able to see your book be published •your screaming had made guards come, thinking that you were trying to attack the royal family •but nope, you were yelling with frustrated tears in your eyes that wouldn’t fall •when your rant was over, you looked at the teen who was red and was biting his nails, he kept his eyes on the floor •the queen a frown on her face and was looking at you •the king had his eyes wide, his eyes on his oldest son •"is this true?” •the question he asked was directed at his son, and you were honestly ready to start yelling once more if he lied •"but father! She was a human!“ •that was a confession, and he realized that he did •the guards grabbed him, and waited for the kings orders •"take him to a cell, I’ll deal with you later.” •and like that, he was gone •the queen looked unsure how to help you, that you looked incredibly broken •"I’d like to see Joshua please.“ •she nodded her head and got off her throne to take you to his room herself •she thanked jeonghan for bringing you there, for keeping her son happy •and then it was just you and the queen •it was a little odd, how a day ago you hadn’t even thought about meeting Joshua’s parents, how you didn’t know his mom and dad were royalty •and now his mom was taking you to his room •she stopped at a door that was the same green as jihoon’s tail •"I knew Joshua had met a human. I’m sorry what has happened today, dear.” •you could see where Joshua got his kindness from, and the purple in his tail, as her was a maroon •there was an awkward hug but you could tell that it meant well •smiling at you after the hug was over, she swam away, leaving you to be with Joshua •a knock on the door, and then you opened it •unable to wait for him to grant permission to come in •when you saw him, you felt your heart sing •he was lying on a bed, his eyes were closed but it didn’t look like he was sleeping •"I guess if you’re sleeping I’ll leave.“ •immediately his eyes shot open and he was off the bed, his eyes were red, making you believe he’d been rubbing his eyes •wrapping his arms around you, he hugged you tightly, as if hey let go of you, you’d disappear •after your hug hadbroken, both of you laid on his bed, and you told him what had happened •he had gotten angry when you referred to yourself as a zombie mermaid •"I love you. Not because you’re royalty, but because you’re you.” •you told him as you were trying to fall asleep, finally feeling safe inside of Joshua’s arms •"I love you. Not because you were the first human I saw, but because of the way you get so happy about your stories, the way you laugh at your own jokes. I love you y/n" •and you fell asleep certain that you’d spend many more days with Joshua •after all you couldn’t go back to land • •years later, you’re still not completely used to your tail •and Joshua likes to laugh at you for it but he’s always by your side •his brother has been banished from this colony, and the king alerted all others not to let him in •you often hung out with a mermaid called jun and his best friend minghao •of course you miss your old life, the way you could write on paper, walk to the store •but with Joshua everything felt like it was finally right •he was your home •and you were his •at night you like to recite the poems you used to tell him on that big rock •the ones where you could be together, where it didn’t matter if you had legs or not •you had made it, they were no longer just poems •it was your life, together with Joshua and the baby in your tummy •but that’s a story for another day ;)
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wavemaker9 · 7 years
austin getting kyle to, maybe not believe him completely, but at least start to believe he's not crazy or lying. them talking one day after a lot of this has settled. maybe after austin had moved, kyle going through his aunt and uncle to figure out where austin is because a, that's still his family, if he was going to disown a relative every time they tried to kick his ass, he'd have stopped talking to his mother years ago. and b, he still wants some fucking closure okay, is that so much to ask. austin's back to his old self, reserved, restricted. doesn't want kyle visiting. it's clear he's numbed to the whole thing when he tries to get kyle to leave by asking if he isn't worried something bad might happen to him? but aus doesn't pass that intimidation check and kyle says he has a feeling he'd be able to kick austin's arse like usual if they fought again, just let him inside. them talking, more kyle talking with austin speaking up every so often. seems very tired, very depressed. god this would be so rough on him. but anyway, austin does talk a little bit, at one point a dismissive comment about something he knows about kyle, maybe about him still having a stuffed koala toy from his dad. and kyle immediately stopping in his tracks. first dismissive, no he doesn't, but when austin insists he knows he does, kyle arguing he never told austin about that, never would have. austin saying he saw it himself, but kyle calling bullshit on that, when? and austin thinking about it and realizing it wasn't this kyle, but s!kyle. it seems like it's another thing the two have in common, but that's where he saw it from. and the moment he realizes, his body language changes. he withdraws a bit on himself, shoulders sinking, frown deepening, and he dismisses the comment too. kyle recognizing this behavior, insisting, no, how did you find that out. austin waving it off. he read it in kyle's journal or something, it doesn't matter. kyle making a buzzer noise, nope wrong, kyle doesn't keep a journal, he has his pictures, wanna try again? you’re gonna try again. austin getting more and more frustrated, trying to get kyle to leave, but kyle absolutely not. he needs to know this because this closed off silent act is how austin acts whenever the topic of that little episode he had comes up, so kyle wants to know why these are related. starting to say austin can try to kill him again if he wants, but he's needs to know, but austin cutting in to snap that of course he doesn't want to, he's never wanted to. kyle sighing. so why did he try? please, they're family, austin can be honest with him, he’s not really mad anymore, he just wants to know the truth. austin rolling his eyes, starting to say kyle doesn't want that, he wants an easy answer that will solve all the questions everyone has, it's what everyone wants, it's what /he/ wants most of the time now. but there isn't one. austin can't give them the easy answer they want, so it's better if kyle just go. kyle quiet for a moment before shifting in his seat to look directly at austin, telling him to look back at him. and austin avoids his eyes until kyle repeats it and austin finally looks at him and there's no hate or disdain or disgust. there's regret and guilt and concern. and kyle still kind of agrees, this isn't the same austin that attacked him before. so after a moment he sighs and asks austin to explain again. he promises, he won't interrupt, he won't make jokes, he'll keep an open mind. whatever austin tells him right now, kyle will accept as what austin believes is the truth, and kyle will try to treat it as such too.
and austin considers lying again, saying it was the stress and asking kyle to leave and just retiring to his room for a nap because he is suddenly so tired. but when he opens his mouth to speak, out comes this whole story about this other world he saw, a version of their lives where they all had super powers, where austin and kyle weren't related, where the austin there /hated/ kyle more than /anything/. he talks about the things he learned about the kyle there, about the mel. he heard small pieces of info about ivan and blake and micha and a handful of others austin recognized from this world. and of himself. the version of him that was like a supervillain. and before, when he talked to that mel about dal, he spoke with such love and compassion, but now when he talks about this other version of himself, there is a disgust and guilt and confusion and austin's just not creative enough for this, he's not good enough at faking emotions. maybe it's a delusion or something, but it doesn't explain austin knowing about the stuffed toy. kyle kept that thing under close watch since he was young, usually carefully hidden, specifically because he didn't want it to be easy to find by someone. maybe austin had found it a while ago and just never mentioned it, but it'd be weird that he would keep the secret for so long and then blab it casually like this. it still. it doesn't make sense, and kyle says as much. and austin agrees, he knows, he doubts it himself most days, and if the roles were reversed, he'd react the same way kyle is, but that's what he remembers. and think about it, it would explain austin suddenly acting strikingly different, suddenly treating people he loves as if they were dirt, his statement that he hates kyle because of the scar and his waiting for long, all the weird things he said. it's-. he /knows/, and kyle doesn't have to believe him, but kyle asked for the truth and here it is, in its entirety. he can do with it what he wants. and kyle kind of processing it for a while, but finally accepting it with an 'alright.' again, it probably largely being because kyle /wants/ to believe it for the sake of his cousin, but he doesn't argue or roll his eyes or make a sarcastic comment of oohhh it making sense now. after a moment, him putting a hand on austin's shoulder, then apologizing when austin flinches at the touch, before saying that he's glad then that austin made it back with them where he belongs. and. austin smiles. for the first time in a while, austin smiles and his shoulders lift a bit and there’s a little more life in his eyes again. just like he knew before, if anyone were going to forgive him, especially if he made his case it wasn't /this/ him that had tried to kill him, it would be kyle brown.
the negative of this silver lining? as just mentioned, kyle's history with people like his mom and doug don't make him the best candidate to start pleading austin's case. legit, he'll forgive anyone, and not just austin knows that, of course he's going to eventually forgive austin. and that kyle would not being as convincing to others. 
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pcrdiitus · 7 years
1 - 10 for the oc meme
detailed oc meme
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? gabriel matthias locke -- gabriel is after a far off uncle on his father’s side. 2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? asshole? fuckboy? not much else tbh.3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?  he didn’t have a bad childhood. just one that was kind of set out for him. his parents trying to put him on a specific path and expect him to stay on it (which he didn’t). they had great holidays usually until gabe got into his teen years and began his ‘rebellious’ time. his mother and father practically disowned him when he began letting others know he wasn’t just a typical straight boy and had no plans on attending law school.4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? see above. it’s not really great at all. they eventually gave in and just handed over college money to him expecting him to go and splurge it all since he wasn’t immediately going to school (he didn’t). but other than that they don’t often speak. sometimes he shows up for holidays when he’s coerced by his sister.5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults? alex his twin brother, and erabella his little sister. he and his brother butt heads a lot. they were best friends when they were younger, but after gabe ‘came out’ and decided not to stick to what his parents wanted for him, they drifted apart. he and his sister get along well. she understands why he did what he wanted to, and doesn’t hold a grudge against him for his choices.6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate? also an asshole. of course when he was small he was a pretty good kid. good grades, minded and all that stuff. tried to do best by his parents really. when he got older, into high school, he kind of started acting out and hanging with not so great crowds. he did play football and basketball, and could have probably had a scholarship in either of them, but that wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life. he always kept good grades and everyone had the highest hopes for him. he enjoyed any of his technical classes and generally hated everything else.7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?  yeah he was a friendly kid, and made a lot of friends. but he didn’t really keep any of them. they kind of all showed their true colors eventually.8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? nope and nope. he loves dogs though.9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? yeah he’s never really had a problem with an animal disliking him.10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect? he’s not really been around too many kids honestly. kinds of tends to shy away from people who have them. he doesn’t hate them, but that’s not his cup of tea right now. he doesn’t have any children (depending on the verse), and he’s not even sure he wants them honestly. it’s a scary thought to him, being responsible for another human being and not fucking them up for good. but he would be a great father really. if it came down to it he would do his best to make sure that kid had all the love and support in the world. 
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seven--eyes · 4 years
I literally wrote this over a span of about 10 hours over 3 days with 0 plan. its just a lot of dialogue with no plan, just crackhead energy and a lot of romantic subtext. anyways enjoy
I brought back my drink to the bar after a swallow of it. I clicked my claw against it, twitching my ear at the sensation of it’s ring. Hoping somehow, somewhere, I’d know what to say. And by an act of the sea gods, wouldn’t say it in the worst possible manner.
Perhaps my prayer had come true, as Seosul started speaking first. Hopefully without noticing how nervous I suddenly felt. “Anyway, what is all this about your old days?” She asked. 
Oh fuck. Damn it you useless sea gods, why’d you make me talk about this? I grinned wide and tried to laugh off my inhibitions, immediately chiming in, “One half of the good old days includes piracy, weapon and resource smuggling, theft or vandalism of government property, some politically related homicides, and a hell of a lot of unresolved, sexual tension. The other half of it is why I’m actually so notorious.” I gestured my hand out, waiting for the joke to land. It didn’t.  Because halfway through that, the bartender jolted and froze up. They very uncomfortably starting inching away at the mention of unresolved sexual tension. Prude. Seosul had a similar expression.
Captain tilted her head. “Is… Is that a joke or is there something worse than felony charges?” 
“All good humor is rooted in the truth.” 
“How the hell did Mr. Sparrow get around to hiring you?” She whispered, shooting me a look of deep fascination.
I shrugged my shoulders. “The Admiral is a good man, practically a miracle worker.” I mindlessly bounced my knee once I started getting into the conversation. “-But to be fair, most of my enemies and legal matters are in Eden. Pretty much the only enemies I ever made here at home is the Manta, and if they try to uproot the shitty things I have done, they consequently out themselves as well. So, checkmate.” 
Anchor switched the leg she folded over the other. She swung it gently. “It’s not like kingsguard care about anything outside royal walls or not arcane,” she rolled her eyes, then brushed lose strands of hair behind her ear. 
“It’s not like the Manta is intimidated by a single skinny street rat, either.” 
“-Or abiding by the laws and characters that make them less money,” she added again, mumbling into her cup. 
“It’s a good thing you make them a lot of money.” 
...Okay fuck, now that joke definitely didn’t land. She furrowed her brow and didn’t look me in the face. I swallowed damn hard. Then the silence fell, again. Fuck. I could swear I was slowly snapping this stool leg in half with how many bounces off the heel I wore into it. 
Anchor gulped down her drink way too quickly for how expensive that shit is. She grimaced. Then set her glass down, having enough of it’s bitterness. Maybe having enough of me, already. “I remember saying that was enough work talk.” 
“O-oh. Oh, yeah no I- yeah you’re right.” 
Her expression didn’t change. Sipian that wasn’t enough. That definitely wasn’t satisfying enough of an apology. Samael, say something quick. You dumbass, fix it. Look at her you killed the fucking mood. Bring the mood back you little street rat. 
“Sorry, uhh- Sorry, I hit a nerve, didn’t I?” 
She waved her hand. She blinked a few times and propped up her chin with her knuckles as though to shake off, if not outright try to forget, my inappropriate comment. Strangely enough, she didn’t say anything. Didn’t fight back the truth of my statement in any way. Something deep in her expression said she knew she couldn’t fight it.
I could feel my face going red. A tangle of words gathering my throat and weighing down my chest like a stone. I spoke before it could keep me down, “Soooo, uhh, So hah- I- do you? D-do have a uh, a,” I awkwardly coughed in the middle, “Do you have.. Are you- Did you have a good old days?” Anchor glanced to me, as though the question pulled her back into engaging with me. “You know, b-before I uh, before I got here.” 
Thank the gods; she actually chuckled at a thought she kept to herself. “Not really. I was always a good kid. Striving to be excellent at everything I did.” 
“Oh, I believe that,” I mumbled to the side. But completely intending for her to hear. Trying to make her laugh again.
Captain moved her hand from her face. She reached for her drink, but without the intent to lose herself in it this time. “I have a lot of family in the kingsguard. Like, just about all of’em became bootlickers, or the boots to lick. But my family’s competitive and narcissistic.” 
“I see… Neither of those things in you.” 
“You either become what people want you to be, or the exact opposite of it.” 
I did the math. “So, your family hates you for becoming the other?” 
She grinned as though that was the right answer. It really shouldn’t have been; but it seems I had hit the nail on the head. “Not quite disowned or removed from the family. Just,” Seosul paused, and stuttered, trying to capture just how she felt about the so-called good old days. “...Just, um, the kind that says they’re proud of me and… Asks all the questions. Make all the double-edged comments. Invites me to all the weddings and gatherings. Because if they were to disown me or outright disrespect me, that puts them in the wrong. That makes them intolerant and unloving of me; the other. They have to always be right. They always have to have the high ground.” 
I didn’t notice at first but somewhere in there, I had stopped tapping my heel to the back of the stool. I scoffed. “Do you go? I mean who gives a fuck about the king’s dogs?” 
“I do see them only when I have to. They never see me, because I don’t invite them. But I still care about some of my little ankle-biter siblings.” 
My eyes drifted around the room. “Imagine that.” 
“Do you have siblings?” 
I gave her a look and slump of the shoulders that should have communicated everything. I tightened the grip of my drink, thinking to myself if I wanted to drown out my thoughts just at Captain wanted. But if she had restraint, so did I. “Not that I… Not that I know of.”
She leaned back and shuffled her legs. “Oh yeah, your mother, she’s in the uhh, pleasure- she was a… Yeah.” She squirmed like she had said the wrong thing. I could tell, she was the one bouncing her leg now. Her hand moved to her hair, pretending like she was fixing it’s appearance.
“A prostitute. You can say prostitute.” 
Seosul’s eyes filled with a precise dismay. I’d never seen so much emotion shift through her in a span of ten seconds. “A prostitute, yes.” 
In hindsight, I didn’t quite mean to stare at her like I did. I just locked eyes with her. Trying to figure out why the mention of my mother made her so… Uncomfortable. I doubt its because her mom was also a prostitute. Maybe it was because of me? But this is frankly the most tame conversation I’ve held with Captain in a long time. As the thoughts ran through my mind. I absentmindedly held my glass to the bartender- who was still terrified of me and my sexual tension- to refill. Seosul looked as though she deeply envied the bartender as they fled my immediate vicinity. Her posture shifted as though the fleeting hope of escape left with that busy employee. 
She chuckled once. “Did I say something in poor taste?”
“What? No, why would you think that? I just want to get fucked up.” 
Her confusion broke into surprise. “I- so you don’t- That’s just fine to talk about?” 
I made the same long uuuhhhhhh noise she did a few minutes before. This time not out of awkward conversation, though. I just don’t know how to make clever replies. “Yeah. It is.” I bared my teeth in a laugh. “I mean, you just said you could handle my history. You have been my Captain for a long ass time, hell you, Valor, and way too many privates have seen my ass, why does my mom being a prostitute make you bristle like a cat stepping in a puddle?” 
“Usually, people don’t sell their bodies when they’re well off.” 
“No, they don’t. My mom wasn’t well off.” I could tell that was not enough to add to the conversation, so I went on. “But she loved me like I was the center of the universe. Like I was gift straight from the gods themselves.” 
“It shows,” she mumbled. 
“It-a-what now?” 
“I said it shows,” she shrugged, finally engaging once more. She found a bit more power and confidence in her voice. As though what she was saying was deeply true, thus she said it without a stutter. “You have a lot of love to give. Like your mother.” 
I snorted, nearly sending a sip of liquor back out my nose or choking it down my throat. I propped my elbow onto my knee, angling my head back and to the side. Like I was presenting the line down my jugular to the collarbone, and inviting her to take a bite. My eyes sharpened and my brow eased. “I do have a lot of love to give,” I purred, putting on the deepest, stupidest smirk I’ve ever made in my life. 
Hook, line and sinker. Seosul gasped, held her breath... Then broke out into a laugh, reaching for her face to calm herself. “That’s not what I meant, come on! I meant you’re sweet!” 
I tilted my head to the other side like I was sizing her up. “I do taste very sweet,” I slyly commented again. Suggestive comments; the only thing I was good at, finally got the best laugh out of Captain tonight. 
That was enough of the sexy side eye for Captain. At least for…. Wait no. Nope, not completing that thought. I waved my hand, signaling to her I wouldn’t make another comment and she was safe now. She huffed heavily, relieved. I couldn’t help plastering a huge, proud grin across my face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I had to.” I finally caught my breath. Looked into my glass. Then downed way too much of it in one gulp again. “H-hahh, oh fuck. Thank you though. No one really says that to me.” 
I felt a twinge of pain in the last of her chuckles. A slight melancholic sigh as something so special slipped from her lips. The stone-cold professional in her wanted a break. So, her smirk shifted into a smile. She decided then that the next thing to pass her lips was a drink. 
For the next few hours of the early evening, we quickly finished off our small simple glasses of unforgettable whatever. We questioned which was the best and fanciest drink to get, after. She settled on a minty mojito, requesting a bit more white rum than she probably should have had, in hindsight. A short drink with a deep taste, when you were a sailor trying to get drunk. I settled on a big, fancy, fruity, and probably way over priced margarita. Seosul asked me ‘isn’t that a woman’s drink?’ in a joking tone when I mumbled the name the Sweet’n’Sour Fusion Margarita. I was gonna promptly tell her to fuck off, but when the glass made it’s way in front of me all colorful in deep oranges and reds, I saw Seosul wishing she could have a sip. If I’m gonna be paying money to get fucked up, I might as well get a glorified smoothie while I do it. I might as well enjoy myself. I paid the check for the both of us, because if I were a gentleman that’s the kind of thing I imagine they do. But oh god, did seeing how much that glorified smoothie cost out of my wallet punch me in throat. No pain that the drinks couldn’t fix, though! 
We hung around the Deep Serpent a while longer. The hint of alcohol and a wish to have a fun night somehow brought down the walls and introduced us to the rest of the place. I pulled some folks into a bet that whoever won a short poker game would get their next round of drinks paid for. And when happy hour was over, and dwarven folks had their deep glasses of foaming beer and cider low, it was an offer they couldn’t refuse. As expected I folded fucking immediately. Too much pressure. Too many eyes on me that were expecting me to be smart. But I wasn’t who I had my bets on. 
Seosul was as cool as a cucumber. Even as her face glowed a gentle red and the evening got darker in contrast, all she did was take off her coat and pull up a chair. She had shifted into serious-mode now, and it took more than threat of buying for drunken dwarves to waver her. 
I sat behind her the majority of the game. Eyeing her strategy, acting like I was learning something. Twirling my fruity drink around with a flick of my wrist like a middle class and middle aged divorced woman, noble mother of 3 king’s dogs. “Oh, you sly dog.” I couldn’t help but comment unprompted, thinking about literal dogs in golden armor. 
“You’re distracting me.” 
I chuckled, leaning back onto the two legs of my chair. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” 
I watched the game of cards unfold, or fold, hell I had forgotten what they were playing at some point. All I can clearly remember at how good my drink was. Somewhere between finishing the drink and licking all the salt around the rim, everyone tossed their hand of cards to the table and glanced to each other’s. I rotated my head around to read each batch. I found myself wondering whether an ace was higher than a king or not. But what I do remember is that one of the dwarves took his cards, grabbed his buddy’s glass, and shoved his cards into his half-full mug. 
“I told you this was a terrible idea!” the dwarf barked. I smirked when he flicked his furry hand free of the ale. And the cards. 
Seosul giggled all giddy and full of pep as she scooped up the pot of gold in the middle of the table. “Oohoh, yeah. Sam, can you get me one of those sweet’n’sour things?”
As she turned to me to speak, she caught me right in the worst possible position with the glass and my tongue pressed up against the broad side of it. I lapped up the salt. Acting like nothing was wrong. “Um. Sure, but I kinda spent all my- holy shit!” I nearly dropped my glass trying to catch the coins Seosul shoved towards me. I fumbled with them for a second. I counted, then recounted. She’d given me back double what I’d paid at the bar. I think I scrambled to and from the card table faster than a recoiling rubber band. 
“Thank you! And thank you, fellas.” Anchor pinched her index and thumb finger around the stem. She instinctively reached out for me after she pocketed the rest of the gold pieces. Then she stood up. “Have a great evening.”
I clutched her palm now that I had it. My heart dropped and so did my sense of balance. As she stood up towards me, I wavered backward in the other direction before I could decide against it. My claws dug into the table as I fell- digging splinters into my palm and pulling the entire thing topside. Drinks went everywhere. Even Seosul tried to catch the front of my shirt- missing! I swiped for hers and caught it by the tip of the claw. I couldn’t help trying to pull myself to my feet. The sudden yank made her lurch forward. So far forward, she bent at the hip, trying to keep her balance. I saw out of the corner of my eye that she didn’t fail to keep her drink upright, but I was peering through the strands of her hair.
I blinked. I locked my jaw, biting down so far into my own teeth, I could feel them shatter any moment. Captain had her face right up to mine. Her arctic blue hair dangling around the side of me like blinders. Those fancy, piercing sunlight eyes widened. Frozen for just a moment. As was I. She was even more enchanting up close.
“Um.” Seosul finally said, her voice clear and true, despite the angry dwarves just beyond the locks of her hair. She cleared her throat. Like she didn’t know what to say after the ‘um.’ Captain hovered her hand over my chest- and my lungs pressed in anticipation- and forced me to stand.  “My margarita,” she complained, “Sam, um, you should… Watch where you’re going.” 
My elbow felt like it was stuck into place, and needed some grease to set it free of the rust. I tried to breathe, and was a little too surprised to think about what I was saying, but what I came up with was, “I was watching where I was going, and where I was going had you on the other side.”
“Aww, ouch, Sam.” 
Fuck, Sipian you did it again, fuck dude fix it! “No- I- That’s a good thing! Hell I’d want you sweeping me off my feet instead of Gantu or big man Sparrow!” Too much fixing Sipian, too much!!
Seosul just mumbled a confused, ‘what in the great hell,’ as she stepped out of the puddles of ale and kicked her boot. The dwarves behind her, empty pockets still fresh, collectively roared more loudly than the blast of a cannon at point blank. “Hey, if you’re tryin’a harpoon the girl, just do it away from us, and make sure you’re the one on top!” One called out. “Err if you’re skinny all over, let a real man do some logging!” A second guy said. The rest of the dwarves guffawed to each other, slapping their leather armor knees or the shoulder of the lad beside them. Another pointed out how red my face had flushed out. Suddenly, they laughed harder at me than at objectifying women. So that was… a plus? I knew how to be laughed at. But Seosul...
“Excuse me?!” Captain snarled. She turned on the ball of her heel quick. I instinctively snapped to attention when I heard her tone like that, and somehow so did the dwarves. She gave them a side eye, deciding that was enough of a threat. God, I wish that were me. She batted her eyelashes a few times, cooling off. “Maybe we should go.” 
I still felt like my whole body was jammed up, my bones lodging into place and refusing to move. Even as my now drenched pants from the thigh down made my fucking shirt-stays stick to the inside of my thigh, I was rendered immobile. “Okay.” 
The woman took her coat from the chair, flicked her hair and head back, then moved to the door. When I didn’t first follow, she stopped. She came back a few steps. She hooked her arm around mine; the frozen one. Her pulling felt like a deep sting as my muscles eventually moved, but the farther along the room I got, the more decided I liked it. We stepped outside. The clamor and partying of the Deep Serpent died down when a wall stood between me and them. 
“Seosul, your-”
“What?” She snapped, a little too quick and stern. She breathed in one more time, then corrected herself. Her tone lowered. “What..?” 
“Your glass.” I raised a brow to her. Shooting a glance between her and the untouched margarita. 
“Damn. Hang on, let me go back and apologize and-” 
“No,” I protested. “Keep it. It’s your drink and a funny souvenir.” 
Seosul gave me the look. The expression she always has when I say something dumb. This time though, it softened. This time, she actually did something a goody-two-shoes Admiral of the fleet wouldn’t do. As calm took her over, her shoulders dropped and her shoulder width stance buckled into a feminine poise. Without another thought, she tasted the overpriced, fruity Sweet’N’Sour Fusion Margarita.
I grinned, facing the open night air. Welcoming it against my still burning face. “I’ll make some street reputation- no, notoriety out of you yet.” 
Her lips pulled into a smile. Rolling her eyes, as though she was signaling to me that I really wasn’t. “Is that what you were trying to do, here?” 
She caught me off guard. “What do you mean; Make you notorious? No. Not unless you want me to, that is.” 
“No, silly. I mean,” she drawled on, her tone annoyed but her sly smile the opposite.  “Were you trying to bend me over the barrel?” 
Oh, by the sea. No amount of overpriced, fruity, sweet’n’sour adult drinks could have numbed the punch in the gut that question carried. My tongue worked faster than my respect. For myself and for her. “What do you mean?! Bend yo- No! I mean, no that wasn’t why. At all.” Seosul’s eyes squinted upward, listening closely. She didn’t seem satisfied as she took another sip. So my tongue worked faster. “I never would do that, ever. That’s fucked up, and not the good kind of getting fucked up. I would never do that to you, you’re my- our Captain! Or to anybody. N-not really,” 
And then the pressure built in my chest to the point I couldn’t bite it down;
“Not unless you want me to.” 
I saw the grip on her drink squeeze. My hands flew to my mouth to cover them, and her eyes followed me. Her head tilted up. That was what surprise looked like on a person like Seosul. Her voice hushed in a way I had never heard before. “Sameal, I-…” She brought her glass back to her mouth, but hesitated and lowered it as though the mere smell of it deterred her. She repeated, “unless I want you to,” pondering quietly to herself.
“I didn’t mean that.” I blurted out and regretted it. “I mean, I do mean that. But not precisely in that way! I didn’t ask you out to get you drunk enough to have sex with me. I would never drink with somebody to hurt them.” I continued, regretting it but still going. “But it’s like, that wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen with you. W-without the liquor.”
“You were doing pretty good until that last part.”
“Come on, Captain. Look at me, I’m not exactly anyone’s first choice,” I chuckled, gesturing to myself. Hoping that might’ve been enough joke with too much truth.
“Samael.” She purred my name. Softer and more calm than everything she whispered before tonight. “You’re sweet. I’m thankful I got to know you more closely tonight. But we’re two very different people. I’m getting promoted tomorrow, and you know how fraternization, um, muddies the waters.” 
“I know that.” 
She took a few steps from the Deep Serpent door, into the night street. I followed like I had to. “Then you should already know what I think about that.” 
Something in my heart was brave enough to word what I believed. Maybe it was the liquor, maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was how her frame seemed to glow in the moonlight. Hell maybe it was the fucking shirt stays. “I… I know what you should think, but not what you actually think.” 
Her faced angled. “Two sides of the same coin.” Seosul gently nudged her half full glass into my hands. She rolled her shoulders back, pushing her hands down the sleeves. She buttoned it all the way to the top while she spoke. Even the top ones. “I care a lot about the crew. I care a lot about the branch, and about you. Which is why what I actually think doesn’t matter.” 
Every word she tacked on added more heaviness in my heart and weakness in my knees. I couldn’t help but look away from her, as much as I wanted to honestly see her. I felt her step forward, closing the gap between us. She didn’t force my attention or to move. But I could tell how close she was regardless of how deeply I focused on the pavement between my toes. I smelled the slight hint of mint on her. 
“Can I get a taste of that sweet’n’salty Sipian?” 
“I… what? Sweet’n... S-sure,” I agreed, reflexively moving my hands to give her back the margarita. Before I could get back it into her palm, she slipped her hands around my neck and below my jaw. Her thumb greatly suggested my head to raise with a small press, and when I did she leaned in to kiss me.
Captain closed her eyes, I could hardly decipher through her heavy bangs. She slid her lips across mine, teasing the smallest peck of a kiss. But when I registered the taste and aroma of her, I opened my mouth and slicked my tongue across her bottom lip, circling back into her slow smooch. Even someone as stone cold as Captain Anchor didn’t resist that. She hung around for a moment longer. Inevitably, she gasped faintly when we separated. She blinked a few times, leaning back and standing up tall. Then she tucked her hands back into her own bubble. I immediately yearned for the warmth of them.   
I didn’t ask any questions. Seosul then took her glass, without a word. Only with an exchange of glances. Like she was commenting, ‘thanks for the taste.’ As she fixed her bangs and turned to leave, I felt my muscles tightening again. Like a fight or flight response, but both of them at once, so I just froze. Haven’t a clue for how long. All I knew in that moment is that I wanted some more of that mint. And some more of Admiral. 
...I can get more mojitos. 
I strode home in my sticky, half-drenched dress pants with my sticky, half-drunk self. I stuck my hands far into the pockets. Feeling some of the leftover gold she gave me. And I took my hands back out. The walk home was painstaking, but it was less painful that desperately calling Malphas Heat at what the fuck in the morning. I wandered the explorer base and in the courtyard. Lingering for a few minutes too long, because I wanted nothing less than the morning to come. I made it to the barracks. Found the first available, sorta clean bunk. I pulled myself into it. Sleep. Close your eyes. Stop breathing so much. Okay fuck, wait, take the pants off. Take the shirt stays off. Okay. Now we’re talkin’. Sleep. 
Just sleep it off.
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carib0us · 6 years
Better Together 06: Better Together
Riko paused. She was, in fact, tempted to hang up, clear the call out of the list, and go back and deal with one crisis at a time. If, in fact, Maki could reassure Nico where Riko had failed, after seven years apart, that was fairly depressing, and didn’t bode well for their new relationship, no matter how you looked at it. But the former idol was correct: eventually, she’d reach Nico, and it wouldn’t help if Riko had lied about it.
Old Maki and Young Maki square off over Nico.
“Please tell me Nico is alive, whoever you are that is answering Nico’s phone.” The voice on the other end seemed frantic.
Rico was startled, but able to answer with her last name and the information that Nico was neither dead nor hospitalized. The conversation went downhill from there. Nishikino-san was clearly angry when Riko told her Nico couldn’t answer her phone right now. Her explanation for how she even knew Nico was also not well-received.
“… So, my song is stupid. Is that right? Then why were you playing it in Akihabara, again?”
“I don’t really know, Nishikino-san …”
“Exactly. When you play a song and you don’t know why, it’s not a stupid song. From the sound of things, you should actually understand it very well. It’s not a la-la-la Polyanna song about love, it’s saying love hurts. Love takes courage. Do you want to know the background?”
“Don’t we have more urgent things …”
“Nope. So please listen, Sakurauchi-san. I had just finished middle school, I was looking over UTX in front of the marquee, and I met what I took to be a first-year middle schooler. She looked at me for a long time, then finally got up her courage to speak to me. She started rattling off information about the new school idol group at UTX, and also babbling about how any day now she’d have an idol group just as good. Pretty soon, she asked me a very personal question, namely, did I think it was weird if a girl suddenly decided she might like girls? Not asking for herself, but just a thought that had occurred to her. Well, I admit I had just been having the same thought, my last year in middle school, and looking at her more closely, she might even be a 5th or 6th year at elementary school, so I took pity on her.  Are you with me so far, Sakurauchi-san?”
“Ye-es…” Riko said. She obviously knew who the girl was.
“There was something so fresh and alive about her enthusiasm, and it made her even cuter. Too cute. In a lot of ways, Honoka reminded me of her, later,  when she wanted to recruit me to write songs for her and her friends. I even found myself thinking, whichever girl she had a crush on, I hope she appreciates this cute, earnest little thing. That very night, at home, I sketched out Aishiteru Banzai. It felt, a bit, like I was writing about me as well as the little girl from UTX. I even was honest enough with myself to admit I wished she was a bit older and about to go to UTX with me.”
“But!” Riko couldn’t help saying.
“Please stay with me, Sakurauchi-san. Well, my parents and principal Minami convinced me to go to Otonokizaka. By that point, the song meant a lot to me, and I thought of that girl whenever I played it. I was warming up for some composing by playing it when Honoka heard it. Later on, when Nico was so jealous and trying to sabotage our group, was when I found out I had met a high school second-year! So, instead of being precocious, she was maybe a little late in life to be realizing she liked girls. She recognized me, of course, and immediately started hugging me all the time. Just based on one meeting! Where we hadn’t even done the basic courtesy of exchanging names.
You have to realize that everything had changed in my impression of her. Even if I wanted to have some sort of relationship with her beyond school, what kind it could be escaped me. Far from the enthusiastic, excited girl I had met, I saw this hikikomori and internet troll who didn’t seem to be doing anything but throwing darts at people who could do things. Even setting that aside, come what may, we’d have less than a year to associate with each other.  So, I wrote it off. I had written one song for her, and that would have to do.”
“Ah,” Riko said. Clearly, a lot of this phone call was going to be Nishikino-sempai telling her, Riko, the facts of life.
“So now, we can get to what you want to talk about - why am I calling, what are my intentions. A and B. Am I right?”
“Yes, very  much so.”
“Okay, since you didn’t immediately say Nico is in the hospital or anything, I will assume she’s physically unharmed?”
“Well, yes, but.”
“Why I called? It’s irrational, but I felt like Nico was in mortal terror. That’s, honestly, why I called immediately.”
“Ah. Really?” They were that much in tune?  After all that time? None of this was making sense. “Umm … that is amazing.”
“So, it’s true? Then, is she safe, physically, after all?”
“Well, yes, merely terrified.”
“So it’s ‘merely terrified,’ is it? I never knew Nico to get as upset as it felt in my gut she was over a spider in the kitchen. She probably has a good reason.”
“Well, yes, but.”
“Wait, are you her girlfriend? Ah .. wait a second.
… Are you the Sakurauchi Riko of Aqours, by any chance? You’d almost have to be.”
“This is Sakurauchi Riko, yes, and yes, pretty much her girlfriend ….”
“I sense a big ‘however’ there, Sakurauchi.”
“Well, it’s very new and I am just now getting over a heartbreak over the leader of Aqours. And this is Nico’s first time dating, as well as mine. I give you one guess who she’s been obsessing over.”
“Ah.” It was Maki’s turn.
“And the reason she’s terrified is that we are at a ryokan together and I am underage and she thinks the innkeeper here is going to blackmail her, and I don’t think that’s true at all.”
“All the more reason for me to talk to her, then. I can give her peace of mind on some things that have, no doubt, been distressing her. Sakurauchi — Riko — can you promise me you won’t try to go after your group leader again and leave Nico stranded?”
“I don’t think it’s likely, but at this point? I can’t promise anything, truthfully.”
“Then, as for my intentions, I can’t promise you anything, either, Riko. You might as well get Nico. Sooner or later, I’ll get through to her, and it would be better if you are honest with her the whole way through.”
Riko paused. She was, in fact, tempted to hang up, clear the call out of the list, and go back and deal with one crisis at a time. If, in fact, Maki could reassure Nico where Riko had failed, after seven years apart, that was fairly depressing, and didn’t bode well for their new relationship, no matter how you looked at it. But the former idol was correct: eventually, she’d reach Nico, and it wouldn’t help if Riko had lied about it.
“Yes,” she said, resigned.
When they got to the little dining nook where the four of them were to meet, Riko was waiting at the entrance with Nico's phone.
"Nishikino-san is on the phone. She called because she was worried about you. She sent a lot of frantic texts, too. That's why I took the call. " That was all Riko said, as she handed it to Nico.
"M-Maki-ch-chan?" Nico heard herself stuttering and couldn't bring herself to care.
"Nico-chan!" she heard. "Please tell me you're okay, baby." Since when did Maki talk like this to Nico? She seemed extremely worried.
"I have to speak privately," Nico said to the other three, apologetically. She left, not seeing Riko's crestfallen expression.
After she closed the door, she told Maki she was upset, but physically unharmed.
"The new girl - that Aqours girl - she told me most of it. Can you tell me what the note said, honey?" There it was, again.
Nico summarized it for Maki, who said "Let me think, and don't say anything for a second, okay, Nico-tan?"
After a very long pause, Maki said, "I agree with the girl. I know how much all this means to you, honestly I do. I am so, so sorry you had to go through this. Ummmm I had another reason to call. I felt like I could feel your fear, to be honest, Nico. And it made me think, what if something happened to you before I could tell you all the things I was keeping from you? Would I ever have peace of mind again?"
Nico waited, then said, "Umm what things, Maki-chan?"
"Well, first of all, you were right. All those years ago. I wanted to say yes. I wanted to be with you. All those cruel things I said - well there was truth under most of them, but it wasn't how I felt, it was how I thought I could convince you to give up on me."
Nico told Maki she had to sit down. She did so, on the floor, with her back against the wall by the doorway.
"Nico, I was fifteen. Well, barely sixteen when I actually broke your heart, but the point stands. Whenever I tried to picture our future together, now that you were back on track to do what you loved, it was one nightmare after another. We couldn't possibly go to the same school after Otonokizaka, but you weren't even necessarily going to go to school, let alone planning to, say, go to a school that suited you that would be in the same region as one I could go to and not get disowned. I always saw you trying to juggle us and that and everything and failing. And you might even blame me. And I would have to juggle everything too, and we might both fail, and might both blame each other. I thought - no, I knew - you'd hate me for how I rejected you, but that was better than us ending up hating each other."
Nico didn't know how to feel. Not at all.
"Nico honey, the girl. Is she good to you? Does she make you happy, baby?"
"She is good to me, and I think I am happier than I was, if that makes any sense."
"Yeah, it does. Too much. Ummm ... look. About us."
Nico had an immediate lump in her throat. Us?
"The reunion is in three years, but practice will probably start the fall before that, if I know Umi, Eli and Honoka as well as I think I do. And we may meet up sometimes before that. We should also keep in touch from now on. At least once a month I want some communication from you, and I'll do the same. The way we sometimes avoided each other is actually more telling than if we'd stayed close, you know."
Nico started to promise she'd do that. She didn't know or want to analyze why she felt disappointed.
"But that's dodging the subject, I know it is. You have a girlfriend now -- finally. My parents are making me go to o-miais. But everything is uncertain, isn't it? I've discussed this with the girl. If you end up breaking up with her before the reunion, and I am not engaged or something, then let's agree to meet up and try to work our relationship out. Is that okay?"
"Ye-yes." Face it, Nico couldn't say no to that.
"And at the reunion, we'll have a heart-to-heart conversation, just the two of us. Anything before that would be unfair to Sakurauchi. I'm going to be selfish, and tell you this straight out, though: it's not for sure that that group leader Chika won't come after her, after all, someday. Or that she'll stick with you if she does. Are you aware of that?"
Well, Nico was quite aware of that. It wasn't disloyal to admit that to Maki, just factual.
"Or that I won't have a change of heart and beg you to leave her for me, if I am going to continue being honest. Or that you'd refuse me if it happened in reality. So she's in much the same situation as you, I think.  We'll all be in limbo for two or three years. I think that's inescapable. But I couldn't live with myself any longer, thinking of you suffering and thinking you'd been to blame or you were crazy back then. So, I wanted to get some peace of mind, for both of us. I really did love you, Nico, and I think I always will, to a degree. But I also feel like I did so much to you that I no longer really have the right to just swoop in and claim you. I really want you to do what's best for your heart, Nico, even if it isn't with me. You don't think of yourself enough, that way, and it's going to hurt you in the long run. I want you to be happy and healthy, no matter what. Also, I have followed your career, and everything you've done, ever since you graduated. That's why you saw me twice at dramas you were starring in. Rin and Hanayo picked up on that, but they don't blab to the others. Sometimes, they bugged me about you, but I'd point out what I'd said and done, and they'd grudgingly agree I might be right not to do anything now."
So that's why Rin and Hanayo both brought up Maki all the time to Nico. It wasn't careless insensitivity, it was a hint. Oh.
"I think you're right, Maki-chan, but now I have to have another talk with Riko. I hope it doesn't spoil our week here. We both agreed to an extra week here, on them, and I want it to be nice and relaxing for both of us."
"Then tell her as much as you see fit, and in whatever way you think is best, Nico," Maki suggested. "You will always have my love with you, and I mean by that, I will always be happy knowing you're still in the world, and doing okay. All right?"
Nico started to cry, and Maki obviously heard her. "It's okay, Nico. I'm crying too. You should go talk to Rico. I won't say 'goodbye,' just 'talk to you later.'
"Talk to you later, Maki-chan."
"Talk to you later, Nico-chan."
When Nico came back, it was pretty clear they'd had the kind of conversation Riko was dreading. She had to be fair, so she imagined what she'd have said if Chika had been calling her, while Riko was having a crisis. If she'd broken up with You over Riko, and was begging her to come back. Seen through that lens, the NicoRiko relationship was all too fragile. In fact, if they hadn't been tried by fire here, she thought she'd have simply bitten the bullet and told Nico goodbye. Not without some goodbye sex, if possible, she acknowledged. She really, really liked sex with Nico. And she had no experience to tell her if it was simply that she really liked sex. But now - now they'd been through something. And they'd pulled through together, as a unit. She'd seen Nico at her most vulnerable, and it was, frankly, adorable. If this was Nico saying goodbye, she'd be rude and put up a fight.
It wasn't, but it wasn't perfect either. Well, what had been, so far? They were cobbling love together with the crumbly remains of two pure hearts, after all. The first good sign was Nico agreeing to stay the rest of the week with her. It was miraculous she had, or could make, the time. And it promised at least a week of goodbye sex, if that's where everything was heading. Riko was learning to make the most of what life gave her. It looked like Nico was, too. They had a long conversation with the innkeeping couple, and Riko sussed out that the younger woman thought "Takami Maki" was really Nico's little sister, Cocoa. So, she wasn't a complete airhead after all. And her wife clearly knew the whole story, and was eager to reassure Nico, so that was fine.
But when they got back to the room, Nico detailed her conversation with Maki. What an idiot the Nishikino girl was! Well, to be fair she'd been a bit younger than Riko was, now, almost a year. Riko didn't feel in a mood to be too fair, but she had a suspicion she might have fared as poorly in such a high-pressure situation. Still ... when Nico rather bluntly passed on Maki's observation that the three of them would be in limbo for a while because of Nico's and Riko's mixed feelings and equally mixed loyalties, that was disconcerting. She had to console herself with the fact that, for now, Nico was sticking with her. Again, she tried to be fair. She could easily see herself torn between Chika and Nico if the situation had evolved in that direction. Even if she left for Chika, she'd have regrets. Either way, she would. That was obviously Maki's point: they'd have regrets no matter what happened.
Then Nico brought her musing to a halt.
"But I am not sure why you'd put up with me, Riko-chan. I mean, you're super-beautiful, talented. You've already said you'd be content with someone like Yoshiko-chan - that she reminds you of me - and she doesn't have my baggage. So, why ..."
"That is an easy one, sempai," Riko said. She was speaking without thinking, but it was something she'd already mulled over enough, unconsciously. "For whatever reason, you and I are better together than apart. I was all unhappy, and you made me happy. And I did the same for you. We shouldn't poison that, at least for now, by worrying about the future excessively."
Nico took that in. "Then, how should we do this?" she wondered.
"Well, make love a lot. That part isn't optional, sempai. I even want you "visiting" Uranohoshi to "congratulate us" and "consult" with me. I will have my very most discreet friends arrange a place we can have sex, right at the school. I will also visit my friends and relatives in Tokyo a lot, and slip over to your apartment, late at night." Nico just stared at her.
"And music. Let's make music together. I told you, you are inspiring me. I am going to say that, plainly, to Aqours. Nothing that gives anything away. Just say that we met at Akihabara when I was composing and inspired each other, and you generously offered to advise me." She grinned.
It sounded like a great farewell to the idol world to Nico. She started to picture it. Hot little girlfriend, musical prodigy. She wouldn't have to sacrifice anything much to ease the terrible, cold loneliness she now admitted was second nature to Nico by this point. And three years wasn't just a reunion; it was probably just enough time for Chika and You to figure out if they really were lovers, or better off as friends. Reevaluating everything around then would probably have happened anyway - they were just sort of formalizing it. After all, knowing her own feelings for You, Chika had still basically confessed to Riko, and her explanation seemed a little incomplete. Nico had noticed definite harem-building tendencies in Kousaka Honoka -- more than once. Perhaps it ran with the idol leader personality, because Tsubasa definitely had it. Nico was, to be honest, much more of a solo idol, unless the group was as special as µ's had been.
Suddenly, a thought must have occurred to Riko. She excused herself, and said she had to make a quick phone call as she was walking away.
When she came back, she was smirking.
"Who were you talking to, Riko-chan?" Nico asked, puzzled.
"Maki-chan, in fact!" Riko answered, still smirking. What the hell?
"And ..." Riko continued. "She doesn't want Nico-chan doing nude scenes, ever, either. Especially with men! That's a big ewww for both of us! So Nico-chan has no choice, either way."
Riko laughed at the expression on Nico's face. As absurd as it might seem, she and her older version might end up being friends, after all of this resolved itself, either way.  Then, as she observed Nico relaxing and trustingly cuddling up to her, instinctively, and Yuriko doing the same with Riri, the latter looked back and winked at Riko. And maybe not just Maki, she thought to herself.  Against all the odds, she could repeat to herself the fantasy she'd had when she proposed this to Nico, but now with conviction.  Best trip, ever.
I hope people enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. I am glad a conclusion came to me before it meandered around too much. I like it when a story is just the right length, and this one was.
Yuriko and Lily Nishiyama were inspired quite loosely by Ichi and Yamamoto from Amano Shuninta's debut work, Yukemuri Sanctuary.
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