#not fine merm au
bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Some merm-Eclipse doodles from last night! (Featuring merSun and merMoon this time!) (also featuring all of the merms being very 😳💘🥺👉👈💕💕💕💕 over Reader)
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loreleilarai · 2 years
MerEclipse belongs to @bones-of-a-rabbit
Visit her and give her love because she deserves it and has a beautiful story.
I love this and all the stories you do, so I decided to make a fanart of one of my favorite Aus to show my appreciation, love and affection towards your work. Keep it up bud, you're going places.
Click on the image to see it in better quality, I don't know how to make the quality not to go down.
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I love this big boy, I took a couple of liberties with the design and did my best to respect the colors. I love the purple and that says it all.
Version without the waves under the cut to better appreciate Eclipse.
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soft-spooks · 11 months
good evening. im regressing <3
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huffle-dork · 27 days
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 6: Merms
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | Read MerMay Stories
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
The boat is crossing a stretch of open ocean. The sea floor beneath them is mostly sand with clusters of rocks and kelp. 
As the merms continue swimming, Chase dives down to grab some of the kelp, yanking it free and chewing on it. 
"Hey, can I have some?" Jack asks. Chase nods and hands it over. 
Jackie is getting better as he moves, hiccupping here and there but at least getting into a stride. He blinks down at Jack and Chase and tilts his head. "...does that taste good?" 
"It does to us," Chase says. "I don't know if it will to you, since you're human even if you're technically a merm right now. My kids say that it tastes like salad? And they're halflings which I think is similar to what you are right now. So... take what you want from that." 
"You can't eat fish, though," Jack says. 
"Right, yeah, even halflings need to have the fish cooked, they can't just eat them like we do," Chase agrees. 
"Oh really? Huh... that's interesting." Jackie says with a hum. 
"Are you all enjoying yourselves?" Schneep asks, tentacles clinging to the bottom of the boat. The bag he's wearing--human-made by the look of it--hangs upside down from his shoulder.
Alt can't help but laugh. "Are you, Schneep? cuz you look like a grumpy gills-" 
"Boooo!" Bro calls to Alt. Alt flicks him with his tail.
"Me? Oh, I am fine," Schneep says. 
Jackie swims back around to say, "That's just his face," before heading back to the front of the pack. 
"Hey!" Schneep snaps. 
Alt giggles. 
"Oh just like Alt!" Bro grins. 
"Hey! I've been getting better!" Alt snaps. 
Bro looks back to Schneep and then tries to swim upside down so he can look him in the face. "Does that make you dizzy or anything? You're also gripping on so well- but I guess that makes sense- cuz... octopus."
Schneep chuckles. "The non-octos are always so surprised." One of the tentacles peels away, showing the suckers on the other side. "It does take effort to grip, but I can hold on for a while before I need to stop." 
Jackie circles back around again. "Careful, Chase. If you swim with your dorsal upside down for too long it messes up your balance." 
"Oh? Really?" Bro rights himself and shakes a bit of vertigo off, dipping in the water before gaining his height. He laughs, "Thanks for the warning man."
Mer-Jackie looks at Schneep. "Talking about how great it is to be an octo again? How's it feel to be slow?" 
"Oh shut up." Schneep rolls his eyes. 
"Some octos can change color, y'know," Jackie says to Bro. "Like Schneep's neighbor." He looks at Schneep and grins. "Vea." 
"Yes, she can do that." Schneep's face is straight, but strangely, his tentacles shift color to a lighter blue. 
Bro looks very interested in this and then blinks at Schneep's tentacles and points. "Oh!! They kinda changed colors! woahhh" 
"Y-yes, that happens sometimes," Schneep says. 
"But it's not like what Vea can do," Jackie says, grinning. "She can camoflague into anything. Isn't that cool?" 
"V-very cool." The shade of blue is deepening now... like a blush. 
"Oh that is cool!" Bro says excitedly. He eyes the color with a slight knowing look. "That'd be such a useful skill!" 
"Like Peeta in the hunger games!" Jackieboy says, catching up to them. Bro laughs. 
Schneep blinks. "I don't know what that means. Chase? What human stuff is this 'hungry games'?" 
Chase frowns. "I don't know everything about humans. It's been years since I was one, things change so fast up there. Don't get me started on the way phones went from colorful flippy things to slabs." 
"Woahhh you were human once??" Jackie asks, looking at Chase with fascination. "Wait no okay that makes sense- cuz you said you had halflings- dude though that so crazy! It's like- real life little mermaid!" 
Bro bonks Jackie on the head, "Stop dropping pop 
culture references we gotta explain!" 
"Oh we know about The Little Mermaid," Jack says. "Stacy showed us." 
Chase gives a little laugh. "It was more like the fairy tale than the animated movie with the redhaired girl. I-I saw a cute human on the beach one day, a-and I kept coming back to see her. Until I decided I had to get to know her so I got Marvin to cast a spell on me to make me human for a year and a day. I-it was tough. Walking was hard, and I didn't know any human knowledge. But w-we got really close, and started going out, a-and um..." That blush is back. "But, uh, w-we were just seventeen so when the spell wore off she said I probably shouldn't turn human permanently until she finished school. And then stuff happened, and... now I have two kids." 
Mer-Jackie circles back again. "So romantic!" And back to the front. 
Jackie awwws, "That is the sweetest story I've ever heard!!" 
"I thought you always said nothing would beat how you met Zara-" Bro teases, bumping into him. 
"Well- getting my ass kicked isnt really romantic on my part-" Jackie snickers. "She did look like an angel that day though~!" 
"She beat you up?" Chase asks. "Oh, was it like--like a fight class?" 
"I'd like a partner who could kick my tail!" Jackie contributes. 
"Not many people can do that, though," Schneep mutters. 
"Oh!" Jack looks over at Jackie. "What about that orca? Margaret?" 
"Maggie likes girls, but she could kick my tail, so that's the idea." 
"Yeah it was a martial arts class." Jackie laughs, "First day- she and me were the only ones with fighting experience and I wanted to seem tough because well- I had recently decided I wanted to be more of a guy. That was a mistake and she humbled me realll quick. But... looking at her look at me so smug- ah... it was love right there." He sighs, looking up at the light filtering through the ocean. "So yeah- I guess you liking to be beat up by strong women is a universal thing!" 
Bro giggles. "The heart wants what the hearts wants, dude!" 
"Be more of a guy?" Jackie asked. "What do you mean? Just change to a guy." 
"I may not know as much about humans as Chase," Schneep says. "But even I know that they cannot change their gender so easily." 
Jackieboy bursts into laughter, "Oh man! If only it was that easy!" 
"I mean- technically it was for you- and Alt." Bro points out. 
"Shush- we still went through most of the things other people do! We just- skipped the surgeries." Jackieboy adds, touching the light purple scars on his chest- ones that were very similar to the ones Alt has. 
"All it takes for us is some will and a good night's sleep," Jackie says. "It just kinda... happens. We're very different." 
"No, what gave it away?" Schneep drawls. "Was it the tails or the fins?" 
"No, I get where Jackie's coming from," Chase says. "Humans think that merms are just like them, but underwater, but it's not like that at all. But you guys can probably feel the differences, right?" 
Bro chuckles at the sarcasm before looking to his other self. He swishes his tail as he thinks. "..Yeah- it's weird. You don't really think about how it would be, living underwater. But- even the way you breathe is different. The weight of the water and ebb and flow of everything around you. It's... really cool. But so so different from how things on land work." 
"Tell me about it," Chase mutters. "Balance is hard on legs." 
"It's hard even if you're used to having legs." Jackie grins. 
"Only for you, clumsy." Bro snorts, knocking into Jackie. 
The two of them start playfully bumping into each other, trying to throw the other off course. 
Meanwhile, Anti is swimming sort of near Alt, still trying to figure out if he should approach.
Alt feels a presence near him and he tilts his head, deciding to look back. He smiles slightly as he sees Anti. "Doin' alright?" He asks.
Anti blinks. He opens his mouth, closes it again. Blinks again. "You've... been... giving off... waves since you transformed," he says slowly. "Do you... know that? I-is it helping you... see?"
Alt blinks back and then looks down at his tail. He... kinda felt that. ...is that how he knew Anti was near? "...huh... I... I think I kinda noticed but... I didn't realize what that was." He tilts his head at Anti, "...see?"
Anti nods. He's sort of awkwardly playing with his hands, claws clicking together. "I can pulse electricity and... it helps me see. When I can't. M-my eyes aren't good. I'm supposed to be in dimmer light. But I can tell where things are. Is that what's happening?"
Alt looks thoughtful as he takes stock of himself. Experimentally, he tries to pulse some electricity out as well- though he's not quite sure what he's supposed to see. "Huh... like- echolocation almost. But, with electricity." He grins, fascinated. "I didn't know it could do that! I wonder if you could do that on land or- does it only work cuz we're underwater? dudeee that's so cool!"
"I-I don't know, I've never tried it on land," Anti says. "M--maybe? You need the inside parts to work." He gestures at his tail. "That's, um, all stuff to make electricity. So... if you turn human, pr-probably not." 
Alt hums in thought, "I'll have to try that some time... I can generate electricity normally. hm..."
"Oh right. I forgot." Anti smiles a little. He pauses. "It... probably doesn't really come through with your eyes open."
Alt blinks down at Anti and then laughs, "Oh yeah- I guess that makes sense. Lemme see..." Alt closes his eyes and tries again to pulse out his electricity.
Alt is momentarily blind, but then he realizes--the faint wave he's been giving off is bouncing back to him. It's like a sixth sense, like radar on a submarine, telling him the shape of the ocean floor below him, the outline of the boat above him, and the movement of the merms and fish around him. When he actively pulses out, the range increases. 
Alt is almost tempted to open his eyes, not liking the fact that he can't see when... he feels it. The wave of his senses reaching out, making sense of the darkness. 
"So... you can still see, see?" Anti says.
Alt starts to give off a bit more electricity in his excitement, laughing breathlessly. "Y-Yeah! Oh wow this is- this is so cool!"
"Y-y-yeah, it--I guess it is, I never... thought about it. It's always how it's been for me. I-I don't think you can shock like I can. Or... if you can, i-it's with your magic, not your insides. Right?"
Alt opens his eyes back up to look at Anti and smiles. "uhh no I don't think so... seems like I can do that to see but still- that's so crazy. I like it-" He grins. "I can't wait to see if I can still do that on land! ...thanks for showing me, Anti."
Anti blinks. Then he grins slowly. "Y-you're welcome. Gl-glad I could help." He clacks his claws together some more. "I... think I like... helping."
Alt's expression softens and he loops to be a bit closer to Anti. It's... weird. This Anti seems... more like him than the others he's seen recently. One that's grumpy and prickly but deep down... there's something good in there. He smiles at Anti. "...it's hard at first- but helping is kinda an awesome feeling. Especially if you have good friends who help you too."
Anti stares at Alt. "Friends..." He glances at the others. "I'm... not sure if I'm one of those. I, um... hurt them. A while ago. I was... scared. But I still did... more than I needed. But... they don't hate me. I-it's hard to understand." 
Alt's expression softens more and turns sympathetic. He looks up at Bro and Jackie and breathes, "...I know how that feels. I hurt my friends too. My brother, even. I was... angry. And confused. And I took things way too far. But... despite all that... they're still here." Alt laughs, shaking his head. "Somedays... I don't get it. Why they stick around... why they don't see me as... just a bad person. A monster. But... if somebody wants to see the good in you... I think you should let them." He looks back at Anti and smiles. "I think they can see that in you, Anti. That want to help. And that makes them friends. Cuz they're still here."
Anti listens to this intently. He lets out a breath, the gills on his neck visibly opening. "I... have a hard time understanding this," he says quietly. "I-I didn't think any of that was possible... for a long time. H-helping people, I mean. But... I like it. A-and I like that they're... willing to... help. I can... I can try. To be 'better.' I think I'm doing better. I-if they see that, I sh-shouldn't push that away." He nods. "Thank you. Not... I-I don't talk about this a lot. I don't think others understand." 
Alt smiles more and lightly bumps his tail against Anti's. "... I get it. I didn't think it'd ever be possible for me to help people but... I'm here. Trying to be a hero like Chase is. It's... insane. But deep down, anyone can change for the better- especially if they have people willing to stick around for the journey." 
Anti pauses. "Can you feel that? When you pulse. The land is sloping up. That means the coast is coming. We're getting close."
Alt pauses too and blinks trying to feel the slope. "Oh yeah- I do feel it." His eyes pulse with his magic as he starts to focus back at the task at hand.
"We're getting close," Anti announces to the others. 
"Really?" Chase says. He swims up to the surface, only his tail showing for a while, and then comes back down. "Ollie says he'll try to find somewhere on the coast to dock safely but it's pretty swampy." 
"Swampy? Sounds like we are getting close," Jackie says. 
Schneep detaches from the boat, flipping around right ways and swimming along with the others. "We are either going to find Jameson, or, perhaps, Marvin and that stranger. They may have beat him here." 
"What was his name again?" Jack asks. "Excellent, or something like that?"
The swaps laugh. "Magnificent," Alt says, grinning. He then looks at the water and squints. "...I don't know what to expect of him here... from what I knew- he hated water." 
"oh my god- could he be anymore like a cat?" Jackie groans. "Like- I get it, it's his thing but C'monnn"
"Jameson's message said he transformed into a merm," Chase recalls. "So, uh, I guess he knows the same sort of spell you guys do." 
"I wonder what he would become," Jackie muses. "You all didn't choose your merm forms, did you? Because if you did, he could become something pretty bad." 
"I can take him," Anti says. This doesn't sound like a brag, more like he's stating a fact. 
"We'll see," Schneep mutters. 
“Hmm… I wonder…” Alt muses, thinking. “He probably has more freedom… I wasn’t thinking when the spells were cast- I think it’s based off the soul. That’s usually how animal transformation works. Unless you’re mag and you deal in black magic.” 
The sea floor begins to slope upwards around them, but they stay in a slight dip of an area. Beneath them is a sandy floor with lots of green plants shooting up. The boat pulls to the side, not wanting to head down the river. 
Bro swims forward, momentarily fascinated at seeing the boat pulling off. 
Jackie looks down at the sandy floor and tilts his head. He dives down curiously. 
Is there something moving down there? Beyond just the plants and fish.
Alt blinks at this and uses his new skill as he follows after Jackie. Closing his eyes he- he senses a human like shape. “Oh! I think there’s a mer down here!” He announces.
"Huh, what?" Jackie says. The others all look down. 
"Jameson!" Chase gasps, and everyone dives down. 
Jameson jumps in surprise at the strange merms appear--but then relaxes when the others do. He swims up to meet them. The swaps see a merm styled after a stingray, with wings stretching from his arms to his torso and a narrow tail. His belly is pale yellow-white while his back is brown and speckled. He clutches a bag in his hands. 
"Are you okay?" Jack asks. 
"Do not worry, these are our friends," Schneep adds. "They are here to help." He pauses, then continues in a softer voice. "We are here to help. So... how are you?" 
Jameson tenses slightly, then rushes forward and wraps his arms around Schneep, squeezing him tightly. He looks visibly shaken.
The swaps all exchange worried glances. Alt approaches and adds in a quiet voice, “…I’m so sorry he took Marvin… but I swear- we’re gonna do whatever we can to get him back. I promise.”
Jameson looks at Alt curiously. He backs away from Schneep and starts making gestures. It’s lucky that Alt’s translation spell now works for non-spoken languages. The swaps see subtitles in their mind as Jameson speaks. Who are you? Do you know about that strange human?
Alt looks timid as he answers, “oh yeah s-sorry. I’m Alt- and this is Chase and Jackie. We’re actually from a different world- the same one that the strange human came from. And we know all about him… he’s hurt all of us before.” His eyes glow with anger, “We’ll make him pay for taking Marvin.“
Jameson blinks. World?
“It’s complicated, we can talk about it later,” Chase says. “The point is, they know this guy. He’s called Magnificent.” 
Jameson laughs—it sounds strained, and it’s not clear if that’s from the stress or if it’s just how his voice sounds. How arrogant. Well, he did seem the type to act like that. 
Bro and Jackie laugh. “Man I love how everyone points out his name is stupid and shallow. Ohh the vindication!” Jackie cackles. 
“So this guy is coming down the river soon?” Jackie asks. “And he’s bringing Marvin, who’s hypnotized?” 
“Oh they’re not even in the ocean yet? Okay good! We can get the jump on them!” Bro says cheerfully. 
“Yeah, let’s jump them!” Jackie agrees, whooping. 
Nodding, Jameson says, I brought some things that might help. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a couple things. A pair of round stones, some sharp, bone-like objects, and something pale red partially wrapped in a woven kelp blanket. 
“I know you said you were bringing the siren stone, but are you sure?” Jack asks. 
Maybe we can combat his hypnotism with it.
Alt looks down curiously at all the objects Jameson brought. He swims closer, “A siren stone? What’s that? Are these all magic?”
No, not all of these, Jameson says. He picks up one of the bone like objects. These aren’t. I brought them for the merms who don’t have natural weapons. 
Schneep makes a face. “Those are made from stingers, aren’t they?”
They don’t have venom in them after they fall off, but they’re sharp! 
“Oh, you all are going to love that,” Schneep says, glancing at the visitors. 
“Ohhh neat!” Jackieboy says, reaching to grab one. He experimentally jabs it through the water then giggles. “Like a knife!” 
“I’ll just stick with the stone.” Chase picks up the siren stone. For a moment, he touches it without the blanket acting as a barrier, and patterns of green light appear on its surface. So pretty… Then he realizes what’s happening and quickly adjusts his grip, the light fading as soon as he stops touching it. 
“The siren stone is something that merms with siren blood can use,” Jack explains. “It lets them have the hypnotic powers sirens did. Only Chase and Anti have siren ancestors, so only they can use it.” 
“N-not that I will,” Anti mutters, folding his arms. He seems a little… guilty?
Alt’s eyes widen at the explanation, glancing at the stone. He blinks at Anti then smiles softly at him, as if he understood. He nods to the others, “Mag isn’t used to others having mental magic- or using hypnosis. We should be able to catch him off guard!”
Jack grabs one of the stinger-knives as well, and hands another to Schneep with an insistent look. 
Schneep sighs, gills fluttering, and takes it. “If we are to catch them off guard, we should hide ourselves. Especially the brighter colored ones of us.” 
Bro nods, “Jackie that means you should hide- you’re like super bright.” 
Jackieboy grumbles but nods. 
“I could be a distraction,” Chase offers. “Maybe try to catch them with the stone.” 
What if his hypnotism is faster than you can speak? Jameson asks. 
“Well… that’s why you guys hide!” 
“Sounds like as good a plan as anything to me,” Jackie says.
Alt looks nervous but nods too, “an ambush… that could work. Just- tips for dealing with Mag- his magic is very powerful and is like a tidal wave… it’s very hard to resist. But like- if you try to fight it think of like random things! I do colors to help me- it makes it harder for him to latch onto something.” He looks around trying to see if there’s any hints of them coming. “…me and Anti could get closer to the mouth and warn y’all when we feel them coming.”
The other merms nod at Alt’s advice. 
“That’s a good idea,” Anti agrees. “I know where there are small alcoves in the rock. We can hide inside.” 
The brighter merms should find clusters of plants to hide inside, Jameson says. The rest of us can hide behind rocks, we’ll blend in more there. 
“Let me guess, you’re going to bury?” Jackie says. 
Jameson grins a little. It’s what I do. 
“Alright, that’s a plan, then,” Chase says. “What signal should we look for, Alt, Anti?”
Alt hums in thought, flicking his tail. 
Bro perks up, “What if we use Sam? She’s small enough that she can swim around to start alerting the others? Or-at the very least- I have very good hearing. Any knock or signal you all make I can probably hear- I can stick by other me to make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”
“Oh, uh… thank you,” Chase says. 
Jack blinks. “But I didn’t bring—” 
And then his bag starts fluttering in an unusual way. He looks down at it. “…no. No, you didn’t.” 
He opens it up and out swims Sam. 
She bumps against him. 
“Oh- I wondered where she went.” Bro laughs, messing with his hair and looking embarrassed. 
“Awww she’s so cute though!” Jackieboy says.
“Well I don’t want to put you in danger. So back in the bag you go.” Jack says to Sam.
“Besides, Sam can’t swim that fast, right?” Jackie says. 
“Here, let’s test how good your hearing is. Anti, can you go find one of those alcoves and make some sort of noise?” 
Anti nods, darting away. He’s soon out of sight. After a moment, Bro picks up a faint—very faint—clicking noise that the spell translates as “Hey! Listen!”
Bro nods and listens. He perks up and then grins, “Yes! I heard it! Ha- you sounded like Navi-“ 
“Nerd-“ Alt coughs with a laugh.
"Alright, if that's sorted, let's all get into position, then," Jackie says. 
Good luck, everyone, Jameson adds. 
And the merms scatter. Jack takes Jameson's advice and hides in a patch of kelp where his green color won't stand out as much. Jackie and Schneep crouch together behind a rock, Schneep's darker tentacles helping them hide into the shadows. Anti stays where he is. Jameson finds a patch of sand and partially buries himself under it. And Chase hovers around, unsure where exactly to go.
The swaps all nod and scatter too. Alt follows Anti into one of the alcoves, closing his eyes and settling into the dark. Jackie searches around and finds a deep enough patch in the kelp to hopefully hide most of his tail. 
Bro rounds up next to Chase and puts a hand on his shoulder, smiling confidently. “Don’t worry- we got this! He won’t expect all of you- especially with that stone thingy!”
Chase smiles back at Bro. “Thanks. I-it has come in handy. Now you should get somewhere out of sight. I don’t think the distraction will work if there’s two of us and one is a shark. No offense. You’re just more intimidating than a clownfish like me.” 
“Oh- you know what that’s fair. I’ll be close by though! Just in case.” Bro grins and then ducks down to go hide by some of the rocks. 
Some time passes. Thankfully not too much. Hidden in the small alcove, Anti sends out regular pulses… and eventually two large shapes swim into range. “I think that’s them,” he whispers to Alt.
Alt feels the pulse and studies the new shapes closer, trying to see if he recognizes the feeling. The waves coming off one of them feels almost sinister- like the water is afraid of him. That could only be one person. He opens his eyes and nods to Anti. 
“It is. Get ready-“
Anti nods back and makes that same “Hey! Listen!” clicking noise to alert the others. 
Marvin has been perfectly complacent for Magnificent ever since that brief encounter with Jameson. He hasn’t said a word until now, when he simply says, “That’s the ocean in there.” 
Magnificent can see the widening of the river as the shore on either side turns away. And he’s been able to feel it coming for a while, too, as the tight feeling of freshwater fades away when more salt enters the picture.
Magnificent giggles and stretches out his tail, enjoying the feeling of the salt water. Much better. 
"Very good~! Now- how much further to this source? Should we pick up the pace? Or can you not handle that, little fish?" He asks with a hint of sweetness, almost mimicking concern. But, his condensation is palpable in his voice. 
Alt growls quietly, bunching up and feeling electricity bright in his veins. But, he needs to wait. Bro and Jackie brace themselves too, watching the water and Chase warily.
Magnificent can faintly sense magic in the distance, but it’s hard to gauge how close it is. 
“We should pick up the pace,” Marvin says. “It’s still far.” 
“Hm, alright- try to keep up-“ He starts to order Marvin before he slows and stops in the water- who is…?
Chase takes a deep breath. He’s been thinking about what to do, and decides the best approach us to just swim up to them. Which he does. “Hey Marvin, I was just coming to see you, who’s your—whoa!” And yet he stalls for a moment, taken aback by Magnificent’s appearance. He wasn’t expecting this stranger to look like a deep dweller! He clutches the wrapped siren stone close to his chest. “Uh—h-hi?” 
Marvin blinks. “…Chase?”
Mag glares at Chase and bares his sharp teeth for a second before his expression eases into a charming and charismatic one. “Oh! Marvin, is this a friend of yours? Chase is it? Well- how fun to run into you! Marvin was just helping me find some magic nearby~” He chuckles. His eyes flash briefly with spiraling magic, trying to subtly influence Chase to back down. “Nothing to worry about.”
Chase blinks. Is he... supposed to be feeling something right now? Is Magnificent trying his magic? Well, he doesn't want to be too suspicious right away so he'll play along a bit. 
"Oh. Yeah. Of course. Well... if you want to find some magic, I have something right here." He moves the kelp blanket away from the stone, not quite touching it yet but revealing its surface.
Magnificent raises an eyebrow skeptically. A chase? Knowing magic? Hard to believe… But he can’t deny the pull of whatever magic is coming from that stone so he swims a bit closer, tilting his head at it curiously. “Oh? Is that so?”
"Yeah. Watch this." Chase presses a hand against the stone, and the green light appears, dancing across its surface. "And if you keep watching, that'll be great."
Magnificent tilts his head more, gazing at the stone. For just an instant- he seems almost captivated. But, that quickly fades as he throws his head back with laughter. The pressure around them in the water starts to increase- and magic starts to bloom behind Mag is a bright spiral pattern. He shakes his head as he chuckles sinisterly, 
"Oh Chase... You're playing a dangerous game~" He looks up at Chase fully now- the same magic spiraling his eyes as he slams his magic down on Chase's will. "I think you'll find that watching and obeying me will be much more favorable for you~"
Chase is smart enough to not look directly at the pretty lights, but he does gasp at the wave of magic. He blinks for a moment, then struggles through. Alright, time for Plan B! He dives down to the ground. "Guys! Now!" 
Immediately Jackie bursts out from his hiding place and darts for Mag. 
"What?!" Magnificent snarls, backing up and then growls for Marvin. "Marvin! Keep your friends from interfering!" He orders. 
But, then, Bro comes rushing out with the same speed and roars in anger, diving to try to stop Mag too.
Marvin's attention darts to the side and he fires off a beam of pale green light--but he's not holding a power stone so it's weak and Jackie powers right through, shoving Marvin to the side. He gasps, drifting for a bit before recovering, reaching into his bag for a stone.
Alt gasps and narrows his eyes and goes to try to help Marvin and Jackie.
Bro for a second, startles Mag who whips to look at him with surprise. "Fantastic?!" He then whips out some magic to knock him back, making Bro summersault through the water. He soon rights himself and tries to charge at Mag again. Magnificent blasts Bro in the face with his magic, sending Bro back again as he curls up and holds it- the water around his face burning. 
While Bro is distracting him, Magnificent feels something grab his tail. It's Schneep, gritting his teeth with determination. 
Mag startles at being grabbed and growls at Schneep, flicking him off and back down towards one of the rocks. 
Marvin grabs a power stone and flings out a wave of magic, strong enough that it causes a current.
Alt tries his best to fight the current and tries to grab Marvin's tail- trying to give him a small shock to hopefully wake him up.
Schneep lands on the rocky ground, silt flying into the air. Jameson rushes over to check on him but luckily he recovers quickly and gestures for Jameson to go on. Jameson nods and quickly swims over to Marvin. 
Jack hands his bag--with Sam inside--to Chase and decides to rush Magnificent with the stinger blade. While Jackie is pushed back by the magic and the current, 
Alt reaches Marvin and grabs him. He yelps at the shock but his eyes don't even flicker as he looks down and blasts Alt with magic.
The magic hits Alt and he yells out in surprise and pain and tumbles away, disoriented by the water. 
Jack manages to stick Mag in the tail and he yells in anger, blasting magic towards him.
Jameson tries to grab Marvin from behind, his eyes glowing slightly blue, but Marvin whirls around and throws him off before he can do whatever he's trying to do. 
Meanwhile, Jackie helps stop Alt from tumbling, then rushes for Marvin as well. "Snap out of it!" he shouts as he tackles him. "He's in your head, Marvin! Like a siren!" 
Alt oofs and then thanks Jackie, following after him to try to stop Marvin too. 
Jack gets thrown back by the magic, landing next to where Schneep did earlier. "We're gonna get nowhere if we're separated!" he gasps. 
Chase looks at Jack. "I-I'll see if I can help get Marvin free!" he says, swimming over. 
While Mag is distracted, Anti darts for him, grabbing him from behind.
Magnificent laughs and then seems to feel the water shift as Anti darts out and he dodges out of the way. He growls and then snaps, making another big swirl of magic appear behind him, humming with power- lighting him up from behind in an eerie light. He growls, "You simple minded little fish aren't worth the water you swim in! You all will bow to me!"
But the merms know the ways of sirens by now. All of them looking at Mag--Jack, Anti, Jameson, and Schneep--quickly look away. 
Schneep's a bit slow, as he's too busy shouting "You cannot* bow in the water, idiot!" but he remembers. 
Anti laughs. "Let me tell you something you clearly don't understand. You're fucking outnumbered!" And all at once, the four of them rush Magnificent. 
Magnificent growls at Schneep and the others, trying to back away. Jackie- still hiding, springs up and throws his stringer blade and its slices across Mag's arm- distracting him as he yells out. Bro grins and headbutts him from behind- pushing him into the frenzy of the other merms that tackle Magnificent into the sand. Magnificent screeches like an angry cat, flailing and clawing to try to get free. 
Marvin throws Jackie off--something he normally wouldn't be able to do, but Jackie just can't bring himself to use too much force against his friend. 
"Marvin! Chase shouts, grabbing the siren stone. "Look at me!" And Marvin does. "Don't listen to Magnificent! He doesn't control you!"
Alt sees the others have things with Mag handled and goes to help Chase, leaning down by Marvin. "Hey yeah- l-listen to Chase, you don't ever wanna work for that psycho- trust me! Your friends need you, Marvin."
"Fr-friends...?" Marvin repeats. "Friends..." 
"Your friends," Chase repeats. "Us!" He swims closer, pointing to the side. "Look, we need help!" 
Marvin follows Chase's pointing finger. He sees the others all tackling Magnificent to the ground. And suddenly, everything snaps back into place. 
"No!" Marvin screeches, darting on over. The power stone in his hand glows brighter and brighter, and as Marvin plunges into the pile the others back away from Magnificent to make room for him. 
The water suddenly gets very cold and there's a flash of bright light--
When the light recedes- Mag is trapped, squirming on the sandy ground, his arms frozen to his sides. He growls and snaps like an cornered predator. 
"Miserable whelp! Unhand me! I'll fry you for this!" He hisses at Marvin. 
Jackie cheers and pumps his hand into the air. "Yeahh!! Go Marvin!!" 
Bro laughs and looms over Mag- "Best watch you say, Mag- a lot of us have veryyy sharp teeth." He playfully chomps towards Mag- making the mad magician flinch ever so slightly. 
Alt sighs in relief, letting himself sag in the water.
"Fucker," Marvin snaps, trembling with rage and adrenaline. "Fucking fucker fuck--oof!" He's cut off as Jameson suddenly tackles him, knocking him to the side. "Who--Jameson? Jameson!" Marvin laughs and hugs him back, the two of them flying head over tail through the water. 
I'm sorry I couldn't help you, Jameson says. I tried but he was too strong and I was so scared I'm sorry I'm sorry-- 
"No, no, it's okay! I would've felt horrible if he hurt you! O-or if I hurt you." They land in the sand, their tails wrapped around each other. 
Chase watches the two of them and chuckles, smiling fondly. 
Anti stares at Mag. "Can I shock him? Just a little?"
Alt grins, "Go for it, make it hurt." He tells Anti. 
"Just... don't kill him?" Bro asks timidly.
"I can stun him?" Anti offers. 
"That'd be helpful probably-" Jackie giggles, "We gotta get him back onto the boat to get him back home, right?" 
"Oh fuck right... we gotta get home." Alt sighs.
Anti grins. "Got it." He swims up to Mag, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Back away," he tells the others. And once they're out of range--ZAP! Magnificent slumps unconscious. 
The swaps all watch Anti shock him with wide eyed but impressed expressions.
"I underdid it a bit to avoid killing him," Anti says. "So he might wake up quickly. Get him on land soon, then." 
"Got it." Jackie grabs Magnificent--not touching him, just holding him by the ice--and starts hauling him up to the surface.
"Man... that was satisfying to see." Jackie grins. 
Bro laughs and then swims after Jackie, "I'll go help Jackie!" 
Alt looks down and then slowly goes to swim over to Marvin and Jameson. He hesitates then settles down in the sand next to them. "Um... hey Marvin- I know we didn't really get a chance to meet... I'm Alt and uh... I just wanted to see if you were okay?"
Marvin looks at Alt, then at Jameson. Jameson nods and scoots a little bit to the side but keeps one arm around Marvin, the connected wing acting like a blanket. "Hi, Alt. I'm not hurt. If I'm okay, though... l-let's say that I-I'll have to think a lot about what happened." 
Alt looks very sympathtic and he nods. "Yeah... I get it... it's not a great feeling." 
Marvin shivers. "But not now. You, um... know that stranger, then? He was human at first." His eyes dart up and down Alt then land on his bracelet. "Are... you, too?"
Alt blinks at Marvin's questions and then nods again. "Yeah... Mag comes from where he came from. We're human but... me and him are magic. Like you and Jameson. That's why he wanted to... to use you. I'm so sorry that he did..."
Marvin nods. "It's not your fault. W-we never expected something like that. You must come from somewhere very far, I've never seen a human with magic before." 
Jameson squeezes Marvin from the side supportively. Sorry, he signs again. 
"It's really not your fault. I know how you are with nets like the one he conjured." 
Jameson nods slowly, then looks at Alt and smiles. Thank you for help saving my life friend.
Alt looks surprised and then flushes slightly but grins. "I-It's so problem really... that's... that's what I do. Me and my brother, of course. G-Gotta try to use my magic for good, right?" He glances up at the water and deflates a bit before looking back at them. "... If we didn't have to deal with him... it'd be so cool to learn about all the magic and stuff you guys have here. You seriously havent seen any human magicians? All the magic is underwater? And that- that siren stone thing?? That's... so cool-" He grins, bouncing a bit. "Plus... swimming around like a merman is... really really brilliant." He laughs, "... gonna be hard to go back to being just- human." 
Just behind him, you can see Jackie just swimming around the area, like he's trying to make the most of the time they have left.
"My teacher told me that once, humans knew how to draw magic from the water like we do," Marvin says. "But they stopped around the shipwreck era--um, a-about four hundred human years ago. Maybe they can learn how to do it again." He laughs a little. "I-I'm happy you're enjoying it. I think merms don't have nearly as much fun when we turn human. Or at least, Chase and Anti didn't." 
Alt blinks, "Woah... that's so fascinating..."
Speaking of Chase, he swims down to join the others. "Hey... i-if you guys are okay, we're all going to the surface now," he says slowly. 
Marvin nods. "We'll be right up there."
Alt looks back towards Chase and smiles, "Yeah... coming." He sighs and floats up, flicking his tail. "Welp- guess it's time." He smiles at them then whistles for Jackie. 
"Hey speedy! We gotta get going!" Alt calls. 
Jackieboy stops a little bit aways, "What??" 
Alt rolls his eyes with a small laugh and then he surges up to the surface and Jackieboy reluctantly follows.
Back on the surface, Bro and Jackie have helped Ollie haul the unconscious Magnificent back onto the boat. 
"I hope you all have magic to dry people's clothes and stuff," Ollie is saying. "This is dripping all over my deck." 
Alt laughs and grabs Bro and Jackie and glitches all of them onto the boat's deck. They all still have some of their scales and fishy aspects but they at least have their legs again. Alt mutters a quick spell word and all of them get dried off and he beams at Ollie. "There you go! No issue!"
One by one, everyone else surfaces. 
"Ahlee!" Marvin says, delighted. 
"Hey there." Ollie smiles at him. "The others said you went through some stuff. So here. I know this probably won't help much but here." He crouches down and hands something out for Marvin. A paper bowl of ice cream with a spoon. 
"Oooo." Marvin takes it. "Than' yoo than' yoo!" he says in English. 
Alt  crouches down by Mag and pokes him slightly. "... guess Mag is stuck as a fish until he wakes up." 
"Can we leave him to suffoc-" Jackie almost says excitedly before Bro bops him on the head. "No Jackie-"
"He'll probably wake up soon," Anti says. "I didn't shock him that hard." 
"You know we can breathe air, right?" Jackie says. 
Schneep nods. "There are gills, but there are also lungs, though the airways close instinctively once the gills submerge." 
"Ohhh yeah- that makes sense." Jackie says. 
"Does that mean technically fish can breathe a bit of air?" Bro asks curiously. 
"Some can! Upwards of 30 minutes!" Jackie beams. "Just gotta keep their gills wet." 
"We're not fish, though, we're merms," Jackie says. "So we can breathe air for as long as we want!... but we'll dry out eventually. Like whales." 
Poor whales, Jameson comments sadly. 
"So... you guys are really leaving now?" Jack asks. "Are you... going to come back? W-we don't have too many human friends. It's just Ollie, Stacy and Roxy, and Lise... They all end in 'ee' sounds, weird." 
Alt smiles sadly and then nods. "Yeah... we gotta go. This one is real squirmy." He lightly kicks Mag, who grumbles a bit. But, his expression does light up. "...I... I wanna come back- someday. For sure this was... really fun." 
"I wanna take Zara and the kids sometime!!" Jackie shouts, stimming. 
"You'll need to get me sooo much food and energy for that to happen," Alt responds, but he does smile. "...but that would be awesome." 
"Do you guys need me to drop you off somewhere?" Ollie asks.
Alt then blinks and looks at Ollie before shaking his head. "Nah, we should be good. All we need is-" He finds his bag and digs out the TRVLR, "-this. Though- we should all change back into our clothes and shit." He giggles.
"Well, we'd love to see you again!" Chase says. "If you ever have a hard time finding us, I'm around Maya Beach a lot. That's where I met Stacy.” 
"Oh! Was that the beach I showed up on? Sweet! That'll be easy to remember then!" Bro grins. 
"Oh, no you showed up at the lagoon where I live," Jack says. "I don't know if it has a human name. None of them have showed up there... uh... ever?" 
"That one's called Brightwave Lagoon," Chase adds. "Because the waves glow bright with all the phytoplankton. It's hard to get to but they know about it." 
"Or if you want to stop by Jameson and me, we live in Lough Baintrie," Marvin says. 
Just wait on the beach, we'd rather come up to you, Jameson adds. 
“We, um... can't exactly call you. Phones don't work underwater." Chase says.
"I have a tablet," Anti says. "I can make the screen go white if I pulse." Not sure what that has to do with this. Maybe he just wanted to mention it.
Jackie blinks at Anti, "That'sss great?" He tries to say encouragingly. 
"Don't get near my tablet!" Alt says, slipping on his hoodie and shoes again. He grabs his marker and scribbles out the runes and soon enough his fishy scales and stuff turn blue then disappear. 
Bro and Jackie follow his lead, getting back on the clothes they took off and Alt makes quick work of getting rid of their runes too. 
Pretty soon they're all back to normal. Around the time they finish, Mag suddenly gasps loudly and then coughs, flailing like the caught fish he is. 
Alt glitches down by him and grins sinisterly. "Oh look guys! We caught a catfish~!" 
Mag growls and with a snap of his magic- he's back to his normal self but he's still caught up in Marvin's magic. 
Bro makes quick work of picking him up and holding him on his shoulder as Magnificent spits profanities and threats. 
Jackie leans over the rails and grins. "We'll be back to see you all again, for sure! And next time, we can all just have some fun, alright?" 
Alt grins and nods, "Yeah, for sure." 
Bro leans over Alt and looks at the screen as he sets up the TRVLR. "...any idea what got us sent here instead of home last time, Alt?" 
Alt frowns, "No idea... I was sure I had the right address." He makes sure to mark this one down in their favorites before finding theirs again. "Maybe... Anti-Virus just- shorted it out or something. I'm sure it'll work this time."
"I do hope your device works," Schneep says. "I do not understand it, but I am sure it was just a mistake." 
"Maybe pulse it extra hard," Anti suggests. 
"But not too hard, you don't want to break it," Jackie says. 
Alt can't help but laugh at Anti's suggestion but he nods, "I'll try."
Jack laughs lightly. "Well. I hope we'll see you again, wherever you find us." 
"Um... bye, I guess," Ollie adds with a wave. "Nice to meet you." 
Alt takes a second to smile at Ollie, his expression softening. "Yeah... nice to meet you too."
"And we'll remember all those places!" Jackie says, tapping his forehead. "Got it all up here!" 
"So it'll be gone in 5 minutes!" Bro jokes. 
"Hey! You're one to talk!" Jackie pouts, hitting Bro. 
"Hey careful! Holding a very squirmy villain here!" 
"I will cut all of you to ribbons!" Magnificent spits.
Alt rolls his eyes and grabs the others, "Yeah yeah- we've heard that before." 
"We'll make sure to find you again next time too, Ollie!" Bro grins cheekily. 
Alt elbows him in the ribs. "Okay we should go! Bye you guys!" And Alt tries to add a bit more of his energy and magic into the TRVLR as he pushes the jump button.
And they fall into the darkness and greenlight once again. But, just as last jump, their fall shifts slightly. Like leaves caught in a breeze, their course is diverted for a second time. 
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
merms i need you to know. i didn't sleep last night (bad life choices), and your soulmate au would not leave my mind. spent all early morning thinking about it. about feeling left out. about loving someone with your whole heart who was bound to someone else. how even if that person was bakugo i would tell him to kick rocks because my heart would not be able to handle being number two. and the thoughts just went around in circles. thinking about how everything would be fine until something happened and he had to make a choice that reminded you of your place. and now you posted that part two and i am sitting here just DROWNING in these feelings.
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thank you.
i loved both parts very much, you have the best ideas. ♥
tippy!!! choices or no, i hope you sleep better tonight. 🥺🛌🧸💕
and yeah…. LOL. i’m the same!!! and like, i’ve been a big champion of the reality that, if you dated a Pro Hero you were always going to be 2nd, in some regards. because i think that’s true! Soulmate AU or no, these characters have proven in their own canon that there are certain things they will put above their own feelings (or be propelled to do because of them!). and it would be so much worse with a soulmate… you would literally be waiting for the other shoe to drop. oh god my anxiety is piquing just thinking about it LMAO.
idk. i was playing around with this drabble because on the whole im wary of soulmate AUs (simply bc i don’t like being told what to do LMAO)—and i thought it’d be fun to have a Reader who’s in a position where like, they have to choose themselves, you know? Choose their relationship, in a world where everyone’s just granted theirs—and choose themselves, too. idk! i want Reader to make out with Bakugou… but also, yeah! he can go kick ROCKS!! omg. i’d be so mad at him for simply existing. how dare he?? how dare he be bonded with Deku??? sometimes i feel like i am simply too possessive to love people—i want to crawl inside them!!! i want them to think of me all the time!!! to change things because of me!!!! i want to change for them!!!! and can you do all that, if your soulmate is like, actual soulmates with someone else? hmm. hmm.
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cake-wlk · 8 months
aether definitely will have trouble gaining his trust... though, there's no knowing what will happen around a large merm with trauma and trust issues
i'm sure they'll be fine... probably 🤭
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aikoiya · 2 years
Omegaverse Sexualities
I can't help but notice that in Omegaverse aus, I don't see a lot of mention of sexuality. Like, it's almost as if everyone in them is bisexual. Is that a thing or am I misinterpretting it?
Like, if it is, I can't help but think it sort of cheapens things a bit. Like, wouldn't having different sexualities added on top of the secondary sexes thing make it more interesting? For one, it'd give more importance to the primary sexes.
Like, a gynephilic Alpha males (or Amascs) would be more likely to pursue female Omegas & Betas, Ωfems & Bfems, than males. Likewise, gynephilic Ωfems would also have more interest in female Alphas & Betas, or Afems & Bfems.
Also, male Omegas, Ωmascs, have actual vaginas located at their perineum because anal birth makes exactly zero fucking sense. I don't care what anyone says, you should at least try to make this shit make anatomical sense!
Not only that, but I feel like females no matter their secondary sex should have a naturally easier time with pregnancies & giving birth than even Fuccund Omegas. Because it makes biological sense that they would, a woman's body was literally made for it & I feel like that should remain consistent. That's why we have wider hips & breasts. Otherwise, Afems wouldn't have them at all while Ωmascs would, & then what would even be the point of making the distinction in the first place?
As such Afems do go through menstruation, but not heats.
In the same vein, Afemales are less potent than males, even Ωmascs, but especially Amales.
Not to mention the fact that malscs are not truly males & the same can be said of Afems not truly being female. Rather, they are masculine hermaphrodites & feminine hermaphrodites respectively. Or merms & ferms if you want to be colloquial.
Anyway, on average, Afems & Ωmascs are more likely to develop some form of dysphoria. Scientists believe that it's due to them having a mix of varying levels of chemically apposing hormones inside them. This can be very confusing.
It's still not very common, but the fact remains that it's more frequent than with other dynamics.
Also, in Alpha/Alpha pairings, they should still be able to have children so long as one is a female. The same should be said for Omega/Omega pairings; so long as at least one is male, they can also have kids.
Or, say in a Afem/Ωmasc pairing, maybe something happened that made the Omega, unfortunately, barren but not sterile. Since his Alpha is female, she'd be able to carry their child instead & it's just fine!
Sure, it might be considered strange for the Alpha to carry even in modern times, but whatever works!
Also, in situations where an Ωmasc is mated to an Afem & the Omega is pregnant, the Alpha's body reacts to their Omega's changing hormones & begins to lactate themselves. This is because males, whether Omega or not, produce a type of milk that is much less healthy for growing pups than the kind produced by females. Plus, males naturally produce much less than females, so Afems instinctively try to supplement this. That's, after all, what breasts are actually for.
It's for this reason that androphilic Alpha/Omega pairings tend to feed their children formula, because the Omega's milk is simply not nutritional enough or plentiful enough.
Luckily, their milk isn't harmful to adults, so when an Ωmasc lactates, it is expected that his mate helps him to alleviate the pressure.
In-general, masc/masc & fem/fem pairings tend to have a much more difficult time reproducing together. More so than even Afem/Ωmasc couples, who rank second on the reproductivity scale.
B/B masc, B/B fem, B/Ω fem, A/B masc, Ω/Ω fem, & A/A masc couples are entirely uncompatible reproductively with A/Ω masc, A/Ω fem, Ω/Ω masc, & A/A fem couples being able to reproduce, but at a remarkably low rate.
In situations where a Afem carries, the Omega is often susceptible to Couvade syndrome. Far more often, in fact, than male Alphas & Betas. This is due to the Omega's body being primed specifically for carrying, so it reacts in sympathy to it's mate's hormones. The same can be said for androphilic Omega pairs. Ωmascs will even begin to produce milk themselves at the sound of their own pup regardless of whether they carried it or not. Though, again, the milk isn't as healthy or plentiful as a female's.
Finally, I'd like to submit an idea for something to the Omegaverse continuity that either courting or mated pairs do. Depending on who breeds who, the breeder will afterwards lick the opening to clean up after themselves. In courting pairs, the breeder should try to avoid touching their partner's inner thighs while doing it. This can be difficult to do. The easiest way is for the breeder to push their partner's legs up so their knees touch their chest.
Instinctually, this is considered rather romantic, especially in courting pairs as it declares a certain intent & desire to mate with their partner while still respecting their boundaries & choice as the inner thighs are very intimate & it's only socially acceptable for mates to scent that area. Anything else is considered highly inappropriate.
It is a similar romanticism to scraping one's canines over the scent gland on your courting partner's neck as it gives a similar message. It's like saying, "I want to mark you as my mate, but I respect you enough to wait until you give me permission." In many ways, scraping the neck is even more so.
Now, this isn't a reflection of my irl beliefs so much as a thought experiment into how I think a world where this sort of thing was real would work based on logic & reasoning.
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thehappiestgolucky · 3 years
What happened to mer!quirrel? :0
Hohoho was wondering when someone might’ve picked up the things with he.
Quirrel was found as an egg and raised by Monomon, until he was like early teen - before one day getting caught in a net by humans, being raised by two warlocks. The warlocks created a pendant that contains two specific spells that have been used against mers should they come across warlocks with ill intentions - a memory alteration spell and body modification spell. Basically - turning the merfolk into a human with no memory of being a merfolk - as long as the pendant stays on.
Quirrel grew up believing he was human who just couldn’t remember his childhood for the life of him. His ‘parents’ always told him to keep the pendant on for good luck with life. It’s only until he meets Tiso for the first time - the first time he’s been reintroduced to merfolk - that he starts feeling an odd familiarity with the species and questions what he is. However the memory alteration spell is pretty strong - so even talking with merfolk didn’t spark any memory to break the spell.
It wasn’t until Monomon heard from Tiso who the humans he was talking to were, hearing about Quirrel, and going to the surface to meet him in a desperate attempt to get her son back. There, Quirrel instantly knew he knew Monomon - but didn’t know why - until finally her words managed to get through the pendants magic and he remembered that this is his mum. It’s a key memory that broke the memory alteration spell - and thus - broke Quirrel free from the pendants lock.
So Quirrel finally managed to take the pendant off and find out he is, in fact, a merman - and had to take time adjusting back to his water home. The pendant was modified to have transitional magic between a human and merfolk form - because well… Quirrel couldn’t just disappear from his human life and not expect a missing persons investigation.
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forklet · 3 years
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hewwo i saw @dooblebugs ‘s mer au and i-
i just rlly rlly rlly rlly love merms. and i rlly rlly love hollow knight. so this is one of THE GREATEST THINGS THATS EVER HAPPENED TO ME THANK YOU I OWE YOU FOR MY LIFE
(about the first drawing) the au has lots of angst and while i DO LOVE IT HONESTLY TO 100 DEGREES YES. WH WHAT IF. WHAT IF THEY GREW UP TOGETHER AND EVERYTHING WAS FINE. i mean not everything was fine but like!! most things!! kinda!
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ratatticus · 3 years
☁️ 001. My name is Atticus but you can call me Atti! I am a transgender boy who is closeted for the most part — but I prefer he/him pronouns nonetheless. I am enrolled in biomedical courses, and certified nursing assistant (CNA) training and work as a cashier in my grandparent’s vegetable stand which is seasonal.
☁️ 002. Although I seem busy, I have a lot of time on my hands! I’m a frequent and enthusiastic roleplayer who makes sure to reply as quickly as possible given the time to make sure that the reply is higher quality! I’m very flexible seeing as I understand we have lives, and I don’t let careers or education dictate whether I’ll roleplay with someone. Although I love a good and fast reply, real life comes first!
☁️ 003. When it comes to lengths in replies, I love detail. I tend to write over 4K character responses per reply — but this does not mean I expect a novella reply back! I just prefer you write in paragraph forms, third person (being past, present, or mixed tense) and give me something to work with! I don’t want to know just the physical things! I want to know the character’s inter-workings, I want to know exactly what they’re feeling or thinking in that moment!
☁️ 004. I really only roleplay gay romances! Your character can be a cis male, trans male, non-binary masc presenting, etc.! I have some trans male characters as well as cis males, we don’t discriminate! If your character is male and loves dresses and makeup, that’s okay! No discrimination. Is your character female to male without top or bottom surgery? Perhaps maybe not even out yet or visibly masc presenting? That’s perfectly fine.
☁️ 005. NSFW content is plenty fine with me! Adult dialogue always adds depth and I don’t mind! Violence, angst, traumatic experiences, sexual scenes, etc. are perfectly fine as long as we discuss prior! Let’s try to communicate!
☁️ 006. I enjoy various subjects however most of which are very modern and present day, including drama, angst, and conflict. I enjoy playing characters ages mid twenties to mid-to-late thirties! You can, of course, play a younger character (no minors) as long as we agree to which their age difference makes us both comfortable! Non-binary masc presenting characters, trans males including closeted trans males, and genderfluid amab characters are very welcome!
☁️ 007. Omegaverse is a fun topic and I like when we create our own verse with headcanons and pick and choose from other headcanons to build it! I enjoy things like shifters, werewolves, witches and warlocks, and other whimsical characters! I just prefer our characters aren’t things along the lines of faes/fairies, trolls, ogres, etc.! Some elves, nymphs, and other things of course are allowed including merms, fauns, etc. **we can do modern fantasy or more medieval fantasy
☁️ 008. I love crime and drama! Subjects like mafia/gang leaders, assassins, royal drama (medieval or modern), criminals on the run, or even more casual things — CEOs and sexworkers, models and streamers, youtubers and actors, music artists. These things are so fun to me. I enjoy medieval and modern, as long as the roleplay has depth, good characters, and romance! I prefer slow burn with flirting, mind you.
☁️ 009. IMPORTANT — I am an enthusiastic and “extra” roleplayer. I use Discord as my only platform and I pre-make servers for 1x1 organization. They are detailed with places for us to store reference links and images, headcanons and imagines. It’s also important that you know I love having a “canon” roleplay — which is in all cases our first roleplay with our two characters. After that, I like to branch off with AUs, or Alternate Universes. We can have as many AUs at once as we’re comfortable, but it’s important to remember we reuse the same ocs, however the settings and their identities may be different! For example, perhaps our characters in canon are a professor and a sexworker. Yes their personalities are the same, but their occupation, species, and even in some cases gender, may differ. It’s also important you know that I do not expect you to have a wiki from amino or a google doc of your character, nor do I expect a face claim, but I do have them. I also make Spotify playlists in some cases and Pinterest boards for our characters.
How to contact me: bubs#7777 on discord! but message me here first!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Some rough doodles of Merm Eclipse and Reader having some bonding timeee 💕💕💕
Yes Eclipse is a different size every time I draw him. Sorry abt that lol sjdgdjshdhhdjsjs
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(The prompt: Eclipse thinks humans like small rocks and the like and starts collecting some to give to reader
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ohnomybreadsticks · 3 years
Follower Milestone Request Masterlist
We did it!! We got to the end of all 10 prompts! Thank you again to everyone who sent in prompts, read the fills, and left comments/kudos/likes/reblogs. And thanks to my followers for hanging out and chilling with me. I appreciate all the support 🥰🥰
Here is a list of all 10 fics I wrote for this little event in the order I published them, for ease of perusal :D Requests are now closed, as I only open them on special occasions. 
Remember also to mind the tags on each fic, I’ve only included the ratings and a lil summary here C: All of these fics are between 1K - 3K long, although most fall closer to 1K.
Hope For an Unromantic Man (DBH, Allen60, G) - Fluffy cuddles in the park - Canonverse for @blastedheadhk
Please Don’t Take My Man (Witcher, Geraskefer, E) - The bard gets pegged, Geralt gets over his jealousy - Merm AU for @kueble
A Remedy for Too Many Dreams (DBH, RK1700, T) - Connor gets to know his spooky neighbor - Human/monster AU for @ausp-ice
A Viper’s Tale (Witcher, Eskel/Lambert/Cahir/Aiden, E) - Cahir spends his first winter at Kaer Morhen - Viper!Cahir AU for Anon
Wanna Eat You Up (DBH, Allen60, E) - Sixty does a BDSM scene with a very enthusiastic Allen - Double android AU for @pinkwebby
The Infinite Problems of Wrangling Faculty Members (Witcher, Fringilla & Cahir, G) - Fringilla and Cahir have to interview a cast of wacky faculty members - Grad school AU for Anon
Deep as Wine Red Water (DBH, Hank/Kamski, T) - A chance meeting between Hank and Kamski post-revolution leads to something more - Canonverse for Anon
Along the Road to Blaviken (Witcher, gen or pre-slash Renfri + Jaskier, T) - Jaskier meets Renfri in the woods, and their Destinies are intertwined - Witcher!Jaskier AU for @greyduckgreygoose
Everything’s Gonna Be Fine (DBH, Reed1700, T) - Reed volunteers as bait for a risky mission, and his partners worry - Canonverse for Anon
Cats are Notoriously Lazy Creatures (Witcher, Eskel/Cahir/Lambert, Renfri & Aiden, T) - Aiden tries to avoid work and focus on flirting, while also not losing his best friend - Merm AU for @jaskiersvalley
Anyways, thanks again for sticking with me! I had a blast writing all of these for you :D 
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fucking-zawa-sensei · 5 years
Tsunami - erasermic
Title: Tsunami
Pairing: erasermic
Rating: Explicit
WC: 3k+
Notes: Here’s a little something to tide (wink) you all over until the next chapter of Riptide. I hope you enjoy this merm smut. Both Hizashi and Shouta are mermaids in this one. Note, Hizashi’s colorings are the same as they are in Riptide, this is sort of an AU within an AU, where they are both sirens. I didn’t go into Hizashi’s colors and appearance too much because of this. If you want to know what he looks like, check out this art @rootistabootus collabed with me on for Riptide.
This was originally written for my lovely, merm-loving friend @rootistabootus and I took my sweet fucking time finishing it.
Read it on ao3 here
The loud, exaggerated sigh coming from behind Shouta is impossible to ignore. He turns around from where he’d been fixing the netting that had come loose from where it was covering a hole in their underwater cavern. Hizashi is lying on his side across their sponge bed, tail flicking agitatedly where it hangs over the edge, head propped up on his hand. He picks at the sponge, pouting.
Shouta rolls his eyes, securing the net curtain and swimming over to his husband, sinking onto the bed beside him. He lays down facing Hizashi and moves his tail to wrap around Hizashi’s much brighter one, twining them together. Hizashi scoots closer, reaching out for Shouta, and wrapping his arms around his chest.
“So what’s the sigh about?” Shouta asks, beginning to stroke his fingers through Hizashi’s long hair, as best he can, anyway, with the webbing between his fingers. The strands float listlessly in the gentle, almost stagnant current down here, before settling again around Hizashi’s head and shoulders.
Hizashi in turn begins smoothing his hand over the thin, translucent black and white fin running down from the middle of Shouta’s back. His fingers trace over it from the tip to where it darkens at the bottom, transitioning into the solid, dark marbled pattern that made up the majority of his tail, smoothing out seamlessly at his hips. He shivers at the light touch, it tickling at first. Hizashi gives him a sheepish, apologetic smile.
“I’m bored.”
“Hmmm...is that so?” Shouta replies, twisting a strand of Hizashi’s hair around his pointer finger, the light blond a sharp contrast to the dark black of his nails and webbing. It almost highlights the smattering of black and grey scales sprinkled across the back of his hand.
Hizashi’s eyes widen and a smile quickly spreads across his face. Abruptly, he turns around, facing away from Shouta.
“Braid my hair!”
Shouta’s hand is still outstretched, Hizashi’s hair falling over his palm with the sudden shifting of position. He blinks and then shakes his head.
“Won’t that be boring for you too?”
“No,” Hizashi insists. “Please?”
Hizashi looks over his shoulder at Shouta, jutting out his bottom lip in a pout.
“Okay, fine.”
The blond smiles and turns his head around, scooting backwards a bit to get closer to Shouta. Hizashi shifts his tail to intertwine with Shouta’s again, getting comfortable as Shouta begins gathering the long, blond hair, pulling the strands over Hizashi’s scale-freckled shoulders. He sections the hair and begins what could potentially be several hours of work, as Hizashi was fond of the more complicated fishtail braid he’d painstakingly taught Shouta a few years ago. Shouta knows the other man, though, and he knows Hizashi will get tired of this before too long as well.
If the way the blond scoots toward him again, the back of his hips bumping into Shouta’s front, is any indication, Shouta probably won’t get very far into twisting the strands at all.
It only takes about twenty minutes, enough time for Shouta’s fingers to manage braiding the top half of Hizashi’s head, the rest of his hair still flowing freely in the space between them, for Hizashi to get restless. Shouta’s tail was longer and thinner than Hizashi’s, ending in a large, ribbon fin that stretched well beyond the length of Hizashi’s, but the blond’s sleeker one always seemed to have a bit more strength behind it, even with the delicate nature of his beta fin billowing out at the tip. He uses those practiced muscles to pull Shouta’s tail closer, at the same time as he shifts his body backwards, settling the swell of his backside snug against the dip in Shouta’s hips. The little wriggle he does, does not go unnoticed.
It’s anything but subtle, especially with the way Hizashi turns his head to peek over his shoulder at Shouta.
Shouta pulls his hair away from said shoulder, slipping his hand over to gently grab Hizashi’s chin and tilt his head further back, leaning in to press his lips against the blond’s. Hizashi hums happily into the kiss, twisting around without moving his mouth, slipping his tongue inside Shouta’s as he repositions himself to be facing the other man.
Shouta pulls back and Hizashi’s hands find his waist, tugging him close. Shouta drapes his arms around the blond’s scaled shoulders, licks a line over Hizashi’s jaw.
“You’re bored of the braiding now too, huh?” Shouta whispers into Hizashi’s pierced ear, giving a little nip at the lobe.  
Hizashi’s hands tighten around Shouta’s hips, pulling them against his own.
“Mmm...I think I found something else to occupy me, though.”
“You’re not good at flirting,” Shouta says, shutting Hizashi up with another kiss before grabbing a fistful of his hair and lightly pulling his head back, allowing Shouta to kiss along the bottom of his jaw again, nibble at his neck while avoiding his gills.
Hizashi’s fingers dig into his skin.
One hand moves to Shouta’s stomach, then down over the line where his scales begin, trailing his fingertips over Shouta’s tail until he finds what he’s looking for. Hizashi’s pointer finger swipes up and down along the slit in Shouta’s tail, teasing along the quickly growing opening. Shouta brings his lips to Hizashi’s shoulder, sucking on the smooth skin as Hizashi’s fingers encourage Shouta’s body’s natural reaction, edging him open, even going so far as to slip two fingers inside. He can’t help the moan that escapes as Hizashi scissors his fingers, stretching his slit. A shiver runs down his spine as he’s fully opened now, Hizashi coaxing out his cock with feather-light touches that leave him wanting so much more.
When his full length has emerged, Hizashi’s other hand finds Shouta’s hair, pulls him away from Hizashi’s shoulder to sloppily kiss him on the lips. When he pulls back, Hizashi smiles at him, says, “Shit you’re so pretty like this.” Shouta feels the other man’s thumb ghost over the head of his cock.
“I want you to fill me up tonight, Sho. Stretch me wide, make me feel it for days,” Hizashi whispers out, each word slow and deliberate, paired with a stroke of his cock.
Shouta’s dick was drastically different from Hizashi’s, a thicker girth in contrast to Hizashi’s immense length, and the same marbled pattern of his tail making his cock a much less eye-catching sight compared to Hizashi’s sunset coloring, that is, except for the glowing neon blue stripes up the sides.
That and the two tendrils twisted around it, starting at the base and leading nearly to the tip, also a vibrant blue that matched the lines down the sides of Shouta’s entire tail.
He was a big fan of Hizashi’s ability to produce nearly endless amounts of slick with the nodules that ran up and down the sides of his length, always ready to pump more of that delicious pink lubricant out. He was a little jealous of it, but Hizashi seemed to love the smaller additions to Shouta’s cock even more. He’d been rather embarrassed the first time, the two thin tentacles having a mind of their own, but Hizashi had been more than happy.
Now, the blond slips his fingers between them and Shouta’s cock, loosening them from where they are settled against it. Shouta begins breathing a little heavier, unable to stop the way his tail bucks toward Hizashi’s touch as the tendrils reach for the other man’s warmth. Hizashi offers his fingers out, twisting slowly around them as he glides his digits along the underside of Shouta’s cock. He shudders, letting out a moan as he throws his head back, his hips jumping forward.
His cock connects with Hizashi’s hips and he feels the other man’s tip emerging from his own slit, and slides one of his hands away from Hizashi’s lower back to his front. He palms at the opening, already feeling gratuitous amounts of that slippery substance dripping out. He easily slips his hand inside, helping to free Hizashi’s engorged member from where it’s tucked away. The blond moans loudly as he wraps his hand around it, giving a few good pumps that have those little bumps quivering beneath his palm, gushing out slick as his body unconsciously prepares itself to enter its mate.
That’s not what Hizashi had asked for, though.
So Shouta moves his hand down to the base, collecting slick as he goes, and dips two of his fingers into the larger opening below Hizashi’s cock, pressing into the wet, pulsing walls of his slit. He revels in the way Hizashi’s quick breaths turn to pants, as his hips spasm and buck out, begging for more. Hizashi’s own hand is trembling where it slowly strokes over Shouta’s cock, making him want to speed this up, get closer.
He slips a third finger into the slit and Hizashi’s body happily accommodates him. He feels a drip against the back of his hand and his gaze shifts from Hizashi’s blissed out, flushed face, down to where his husband’s cock has pumped out another round of the slippery substance to ease the way. Shouta chuckles and moves closer, his cock rubbing up against the bottom of Hizashi’s opening. The brighter mermaid gasps and jerks his hips forward.
“C-come on, Sho,” he pants out. “There’s no reason to tease.”
“Hmmm? You said you were bored...thought you wanted to kill some time...go slow…” Shouta whispers in his ear, letting his own speech trail out at a painstaking pace, as he curls his fingers inside Hizashi.
Hizashi gasps and tightens his grip on Shouta’s cock, causing him to break off into a moan as the tendrils along his length glow a little brighter, gripping around Hizashi’s hand.
“F-fine, you win,” Shouta pants out, kissing at Hizashi’s jaw, and then shifting to his lips, where they share a hasty, sloppy kiss, before Shouta pulls back.
He slides his fingers along the edge of Hizashi’s slit, licking his lips as his husband tilts his head back, before removing them altogether. Hizashi tries to bite back a whine, but Shouta can still hear his little whimper. He moves forward, coaxing Hizashi’s hand away from his cock to direct it toward the other man’s opening.
He barely has to line up, the tip only just rubbing up against Hizashi before the two thinner tendrils reach out for the other man. They slide along the edge, bringing shuddering breath after shuddering breath from the blond. Shouta isn’t interested in patience, anymore, though, and the way Hizashi’s fingernails are digging into his shoulder say the siren feels the same.
Shouta presses his cock to the soft, slicked opening and begins inching inside. Hizashi’s walls spread for him, welcoming him, opening up easily and deepening to make room for Shouta’s large girth. He moans as Hizashi pulses around him, moving his hips eagerly forward, driving Shouta further inside.
“H-hizashi,” Shouta gasps out, presses his thumbs into where flesh meets beautiful, glittering scale on his husband’s body. Shouta chuckles breathlessly, letting his head fall forward to rest against Hizashi’s shoulder as the blond grinds into him. Hizashi’s hands roam up and down his back, a single finger trailing along the side of the long fin that runs along his spine.
“Savor it a bit, eh?” Shouta warns, shifting his head up to bite at Hizashi’s shoulder. This earns him a surprised jump from the other man that jostles both of them, causing Shouta to press in deeper as an echo of moans fills their hideaway.
“I-I am,” Hizashi chokes out as he begins grinding his hips into Shouta, causing his cock to rub against Shouta’s lower stomach.
Their breathing picks up simultaneously, and as Shouta wraps an arm around Hizashi’s waist, the two smaller tentacles still rubbing along the edge of Hizashi’s slit, shift position. One wraps around the other man’s dick, constricting and loosening in time with Shouta’s rapid pulse, bringing a delicious moan from Hizashi’s lips. The other one slides inside Hizashi, exploring his depths, stroking and probing against his sensitive walls as Shouta begins rocking into him.
He drops his head down onto Hizashi’s shoulder, kissing his throat between his own gasps as he thrusts into his husband. He feels more and more slippery fluid ease the way between them as Hizashi’s cock rubs up against his belly, releasing surge after surge of his slick. It almost makes Shouta want to pull out, slide down the siren’s gorgeous, flushed body and take his dripping dick into his mouth, knowing just how sweet Hizashi tasted against his lips.
Hizashi groans loudly, almost startling Shouta, making his hips stutter, as the blond’s grip tightens on his shoulders.
“M-more, please,” he begs, and Shouta smirks into the other man’s skin, kissing softly against his collarbone.
The slim tentacle pumping Hizashi’s cock releases its grip, but not before sliding up along the sides where the lubricant-producing nodules reside, gathering up plenty of the substance. Then, taking one pass along the edge of Hizashi’s opening, it slides in with the rest of Shouta’s cock, adding to his already impressive girth. Hizashi whines, bucking his hips, and Shouta knows what he wants.
Hizashi had a remarkable ability to stretch, rarely needing any kind of prep at all, and likewise, rarely ever feeling as full as he wanted to be.
That is, unless Shouta let loose, let the tight heat inside his abdomen flow into the two tentacles, inflating them, letting them grow to their full size, ballooning inside Hizashi, as he does now. Hizashi cries out, screaming, “yes” as he grinds into the new, heavy weight buried within him. Shouta releases a shaky breath before picking up the pace, knowing he won’t last much longer now.
Hizashi’s fingers dig into his shoulder blades, his chest heaving against Shouta’s. Their bodies slide together seamlessly, Hizashi’s cock trapped between them, as Shouta rams into his slit. The other man’s body jostles with each thrust inside, moan after moan tumbling forth from between his lips. Shouta leans back just to see the way his husband’s eyebrows pull together, his eyes squeezed shut, his mouth hanging open. He looks beautiful, undeniably so, every hour of every day, but this is something else entirely.
Without inhibitions, without any restraint, shouting out his love for Shouta in the form of cut off pants and gasps, garbled “I love you’s” and sounds that seem like they’re halfway to Shouta’s name until they get cut off by another sweet, extended, ahhhh!
Hizashi’s cock jumps between them and Shouta feels the blond’s walls closing in around him, contracting as the other man’s stomach muscles tighten. He’s close, so close.
Hizashi’s moans are getting higher pitched and Shouta’s own are getting lower, turning into jumbled groans as his hips slam forward, driving deeper, pressing into all those tightly wound nerves that drive Hizashi crazy.
“Sh-Shouta, I c-can’t,” Hizashi whines out, biting down on his lip and Shouta hushes him, removing his hand from Hizashi’s trembling back to caress his palm down the siren’s smooth chest to where his cock is still rubbing up against Shouta’s stomach, precum trailing down its length. He wraps his hand around it, stroking his fingers over the nodules, and leans in to take Hizashi’s lips between his own.
Hizashi clenches down around him, his walls twitching around Shouta’s cock and it’s enough to have him break their kiss with a harsh, “Fu-uck.”
Vaguely, Shouta feels Hizashi’s tail wrap around his, gripping tight as all his muscles seem to lock up at once. He barely registers the way Hizashi’s cock is twitching in his hand as he spills load after load, spurting across Shouta’s already sticky belly and running down his hand, still pumping slowly to milk the rest of his orgasm out of him.
Everything feels like it’s going on autopilot, as he continues to ram into Hizashi’s sensitive hole, which is tight around him now as the other man rides out his release. He’s almost there, almost ready to follow Hizashi over the edge, but he can’t quite make it, can’t quite-
He feels something prod at his own slit, then an intense wave of pleasure as Hizashi’s fingers dip inside of him, spreading out as he scissors Shouta’s hole.
This is all it takes.
Shouta calls out Hizashi’s name and drops his head down to his chest once more, rocking into him over and over as he spills, filling Hizashi up. Hizashi trembles under his touch, letting out little hums and soft “Mmmm,” noises that say he’s enjoying the feeling of Shouta’s cum coating him inside.
It takes a few moments for the rough walls of the cavern to come back into focus. When it finally does, he becomes aware of Hizashi’s fingers stroking gently along his spine, smoothing over his dorsal fin.
“Mmmm...love you…” Shouta mumbles.
“Love you too, babe,” Hizashi sighs into the top of his head. He wiggles his hips a bit and Shouta knows it’s a gentle reminder that he’d like Shouta to get out now.
He shifts his back and reaches down to pull out, earning him a little whimper from Hizashi. He hisses a bit as he tucks his still sensitive cock back inside his slit. Some cum trickles out of Hizashi’s hole and Shouta’s cheeks feel hot as he blushes.
“You really wrecked me that time, Sho,” Hizashi jokes, and Shouta watches as the blond trails his fingers around his own opening, but doesn’t move to retract his cock, probably a little too sore to do so right away.
“Sorry,” he says, bringing his attention back up to the blond’s face. Hizashi is grinning, his eyes half-lidded and relaxed.
“Are you kidding? That was amazing,” Hizashi laughs out. He brings his hands back up to wrap around Shouta’s shoulders, pulling him close. “Now give me a kiss.”
Gladly, Shouta thinks, leaning into the other man. His eyes flutter shut as their lips touch. It’s soft and relaxing, slower than the moments Shouta’s hands twisted Hizashi’s hair into the braids that have since fallen away. When they break their kiss, Hizashi has a soft smile on his face, his eyes still closed.
Shouta draws his thumb across the other man’s cheek, over the freckled purple and pink scales.
“So, still bored?”
Hizashi’s chest shakes with a small exhale.
“No, I’d say you provide some good entertainment.”
“Is that so?” Shouta asks, and Hizashi finally moves his hand down his body to put his spent cock away. His lip twitches and a small gasp slips through. The tips of Hizashi’s ears take on a pink tint.
He keeps his eyes shut and tugs at Shouta’s arms.
“Mhm...now provide me some good cuddles, I’m ready for a nap.”
Shouta goes easily into his hold, the same way he always has, always will. He pulls Hizashi close, begins rubbing circles into his lower back, and a content sigh comes from the blond. It’s not long before his own eyelids fall down, sending him into a comfortable darkness, settled into Hizashi’s always glowing, comforting warmth.
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anthousas · 6 years
❀ RP Character Profile: Victorine Soleil.
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NAME: Victorine Oronir (née Soleil).
Age: 24.
Birthday: 15th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon.
Race: Midlander Hyur with possible Garlean blood from her father’s side.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Married.
Server: Balmung.
Hair: Fawn in colour with pink streaks. Wavy. Normally she either wears it down, or puts half of it in a half braid.
Eyes: Pink.
Height: 162cm // 5 fulms, 3 ilms.
Build: Not entirely curvaceous, rather on the slim side with fairly endowed assets. Her tummy is rather flat, though Victorine has a bit of baby fat here and there, particularly on her cheeks.
Distinguishing Marks: During the Warrior of Light’s first battle with Zenos, Victorine foolishly tried to intervene and help, earning her a hefty scar over her left eye. It has since healed, though up close the faintest markings of it can be seen.
Common Accessories: A hat or a headpiece/headdress. She has a fondness for jewellery and is often using layers of necklaces, and is always seen with her ring of eternity.
Victorine is a bit of a mystery. In the early years of her childhood, Victorine remembers helping her mother, a seamstress for the Empire back in Garlemald. When Victorine was about 12 or 13, her mother and her fled to Ul’dah; Thus making a young Victorine a bit of a street rat until her early adolescence. When Victorine was around 16, her mother died; Though her death was never specified, Victorine mentions often that her mother struggled with depression as long as she could remember, which hints that it may have been a suicide. The loss of her mother was a pivotal point in putting down her sewing needle in exchange for a grimoire.
She occasionally aided the Scions of the Seventh Dawn when she became efficient as a Summoner, and became more prominent in helping them every so often during the journey and events in Coerthas.
Upon their travels to the Azim Steppe, she met Magnai Oronir, and while originally not getting off on the right foot (she threw up on him) the two eventually realized that they were in love sometime when she decided to stay back in the Steppe while her friends travelled to Doma first; She sees Azim in him where he sees Nhaama in her — Though, the mixed racial relationship breaks traditions, and raises concerns in some. Victorine is however very respectful to the lifestyle, tradition, and culture of the Steppe, and abides it for the most part.
Currently residing in The Dawn Throne, Victorine is a call and Yol ride away from helping her friends should they need it.
Profession: Khatun of The Dawn Throne, also the current khagan of the Azim Steppe.
Hobbies: Victorine is very fond of sewing, and likes making clothes of her own. She also enjoys watching the arts, be they in music, acting, or whatever else. Her primary hobby is being an absolute menace to everyone in her life, be they friend or for; Magnai in particular is her primary victim.
Languages: This is cheating, because Victorine has the Echo.
Residence: The Dawn Throne, The Azim Steppe.
Birthplace: N/A.
Religion: Agnostic to a degree. While she believes or is aware of the existence of deities, Victorine doesn’t necessarily have faith in them.
Patron Deity: Menphina.
Fears: Death; While she has no issues in taking the life of enemies, or absolutely horrible people, Victorine greatly fears losing those she holds dear to her. Loss of her looks; Awfully vain, Victorine is super conscious about her appearance and looks after it in great detail.
Spouse: Magnai Oronir.
Children: None.
Parents: Laurette Soleil (Midlander Hyur), an unknown man of Garlean blood (possibly).
Siblings: N/A.
Other Relatives: N/A.
Pets: Not necessarily having one in particularly, Victorine does have a whole herd of Tender Lambs that she fancies to dote on. She also has a customized Wind-Up Magnai that has a linkpearl in it, allowing the actual Magnai to communicate with his wife when she’s away from the Steppe; It is lovingly called Magnai Jr. by Victorine (sometimes Little Sun, though she avoids calling it that in front of Magnai’s face).
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: No.
Drugs: No.
Alcohol: Every now and then. She isn’t necessarily a lightweight, though gets very giggly when she’s had a bit too much.
Did you hear that she shines brighter than The Sun?: While many were beyond relieved that Magnai found his Nhaama in Victorine, the young woman’s menace ways and being from out of the Steppe (or not even a Xaela, or an Au Ra at all) raised some brows. Victorine tries to inspire Magnai’s views on love to be open-minded, while he simultaneously inspired her to believe in a great, destined love. Thus, unless called upon, Victorine is primarily residing in the Steppe.
This is how to be a troublemaker.: More than just a bit of a menace, Victorine tends to cause some chaos wherever she goes, even if she doesn’t mean to, or if she doesn’t realize it. However, most of her menace shenanigans are harmless. Her playful, outgoing personality just makes her outspoken tendencies to say things that people either don’t expect, or exactly what people are thinking (but she still shouldn’t say), often landing herself and others around her in trouble.
For victory!: The only confirmed thing people know about Victorine is that her first name is in fact Victorine. Soleil was a last name that she adopted, and she has never said what her actual last name is, likely because she doesn’t know what it is. Victorine gets rather elusive when asked about her background.
– You may refer to me as Merm OOC! I’m in my twenties and am in the GMT/UTC+8 timezone.
– Victorine’s in-game name is Victorine Soleil at the moment if you would like to add her!
– Victorine is ICly married to Magnai. If this is for some reason not approved by you, or you don’t dig canon/OC ships, then this is not the character profile for you. Heck, I don’t think my entire page is for you, then!
– For some timeline of their relationship: In her canon, Victorine and Magnai were married sometime during the events of Under the Moonlight. They had gotten together properly after Doma was liberated.
– If you’d like, you can find me on my twitter or Discord; Though I’m more likely to give the former as opposed to the latter unless we’re friends! Messages on tumblr are fine, too, albeit not ideal.
– That being said, I’m a bit picky with whom I plot with: This is not necessarily an elitist thing, it’s just because my schedule is a bit all over the place and I’m not really one to fire out replies constantly which is what some people might be looking for.
– In-game RP is a bit new to me, and I think I’d prefer RPing or plotting (excessively) on social media.
– Listen, I know the Common Eorzean dialogue includes saying things like ‘pray’ in place of ‘please,’ but I ain’t got time for that, man. I’ll try to keep it as canon as possible, of course, but if you really try to scalp me for not using the appropriate terms, you’ll owe me $15 for your shenanigans.
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darby-draws-archive · 6 years
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Izzy's finally apart of the Pirate AU, and Lucky made a friend! She got you a fish! Will you accept? Y/n? Will you give her a shiny gift in return? Y/n?
Izzy is very curious about Lucky when he falls overboard one day. (oops!) She finds him funny (her laugh is kinda like a dolphin click..) and wants to play with this weird new merm friend! Or at least, she assumes he's a merm seeing all that long pretty hair in the water. She has something cool to show him!! It's right here under the water, see? Come look! Heeeeeyyy, wait a minute. Where are your gills!!! Luckily, Levi is very good at swimming and holding his breath, he gets Lucky back up to the ship safely. It’s Fine!
Izzy follows Andre's ship a while, much to the Captain’s dismay. But she didn't mean any harm by the accidental drowning, promise!!! But Lucky isn’t bothered, pay no mind to the stubborn captain. She's very excited to keep seeing her new friends! She gives them fish, and Lucky sneaks her small treasures and kisses. Sharp, pointy kisses. Please don't mention his new mysterious wounds, he's aware of them and he's Fine. Gosh.. I Love my new spooky fish gal.
[full view] Lucky is @duck-n-clover’s oc.
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darby-drabbles · 6 years
It’s merm time, baybee!!
I’m gonna talk a bit about mermaid Izzy in the pirate au! There’s, a lot I could talk about especially about crew dynamics? I feel like I haven’t ACTUALLY talked about what a lot of the characters do on Andre’s crew. But I was a bit overwhelmed with what all to say so, just enjoy these miscellaneous facts for now. Please ask some questions if you wanna know more and comments are always appreciated!
I think Izzy wasn't the most social as far as mermaids go, she didn't have a lot of family so she doesn't mind wandering the ocean a lot, sometimes looking for ship wrecks and treasures alone for months! Only occasionally running into other merms, some perhaps not friendly to outsiders, as well as ships sailing by. Also not always friendly.. She can defend herself well enough but she's still just one merm, she has a couple scars from past incidences and might wind up with a few more.. She’s curious and mischievous when it comes to the whole Andre Crew!
I don't think she's been around a whole lot of humans, definitely a mermaid from deeper in the ocean who never got curious enough to get closer to busy shores. She can talk to them, she understands things and can communicate, but because of the lack of contact sometimes she struggles having the right word or getting it to sound right. Her sentences get shorter n choppier when it comes to human things she hasn't experienced or talked about yet as she tries to describe the new thing. She also tends to refer to herself in third person. "look at Izzy?" "yea I'm looking..." "no no no! Look at,,,, Izzy." "mhmmmm." "Izzy! Sees... Izzy." "A mirror??? Y’wanna look at yourself?" ">OwO<!" She has a beautiful sireny singing voice, and can even sing in a certain way to put a spell over people! Her laugh sounds like a dolphin click, also just clicks n chirps in general when she's happy or upset depending on the tone. She swims around in fast little circles or figure 8s when shes distressed, like she's pacing.
I think she's technically an omnivore but leaning strongly to the carnivore side of things. She Wants The Fish!!! She’s slowly learning more human foods as she gets friendly with the crew, though, but she’ll call a lot of it Bad Fish. She doesn’t necessarily think it all tastes bad, (though it’s different and new and weird),, it’s just, bad at being Fish,,, her Favorite Food. That’s just her scale of reference! How good is this at being a yummy fish??? It'll be a little while, but I think she'd eventually want to make a deal with a sea witch or something of the sort to get a human shaped form that she can shift back and forth between as she pleases. She wants leggies so she can spend more time up with the crew she's grown so attached to and also Andre! She doesn't want to fully become human.. Lucky thinks she looks very Enchanting how she is, and that makes her happy! So she keeps some key features, she mostly just wanted the leggies! Let her keep her spooky teeth and eyes!!!
Of course with legs and a more humanish body,,, she's gonna have to wear some clothes sometimes. She kinda hates that, absolutely absurd.. She definitely has to borrow clothes from the crew, but she’ll get some help to tailor things to fit a bit better, at least! Long skirts remind her having a tail but it’s tricky enough to walk as it is!! Pants are, okay, but, she just got these things she doesn't wanna have to wrap them up in cloth!! Shorts are better,, at least. and shirts?! ugh. She’ll start the day in a shirt but theres always a point she finds it restrictive and tries to take it off or at least leave it open. No time for clothes!
Her brand new legs get tired a lot, so she'll sometimes lean against, well, mostly Lucky or Levi, or even get them to carry her around when that happens. She also loves to kick her legs in the air a lot while they carry her,, just because she can, not realizing she's just gonna tire her legs out faster. She's learnin! It throws Lucky off a little and they might loose their balance but she's excited it's fine. Levi would occasionally carry her up when she was still in her mermaid form, so he's a little more used to her wriggling. That was too unwieldy for lil Lucky though.. Levi's also gonna teach her about DANCING once she gets more balanced!
She's got plenty more to learn once she's not just living in the ocean all the time, but I’m sure she’ll have help figuring things out!
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