#nothing will ever come even close to what yoi was. ever
yeonjoon-s · 1 month
watching yoi when it was being released literally brought me so much genuine joy and excitement, it marked the beginning of my recovery from depression. i have never loved a show and its characters as much. it was such a big part of my life for so many years (and it will be, forever). so to see it get treated like it did is unbearably heartbreaking.
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praisethesuuun · 8 months
One Piece characters reacting to you grabbing their boobs!
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🪽The poor guy wasn't expecting it at all. Marco was dozing with his eyes open, completely relaxed as he sat on the handrail of the Moby Dick; the light breeze ruffled his blond hair, while the sunlight made his skin and the tattoo on his chest shine. He was so relaxed and with his guard low that he didn't hear your footsteps slowly approaching behind him, as silent as a cat's footsteps hunting a bird.
🪽Marco jumped when your hands made their way around his hips, your fingers grazing his abs softly. "You scared me for a moment-yoi" he speaks, now with a calm tone instead of a worried one.
🪽The commander started to blush when your hands started to move up, more and more, until you grabbed his boobs, squeezing. Your head pressed against his back, your gentle touch on his body and sensitive parts...give him time to recover from the surprise, then you'll see some good ones. And pray that no one saw or you will never hear the end of it.
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❤️Oh Lord, good luck with that! We all know how playful Shanks is, a shameless free spirit, always ready to do whatever he wants and prefers, especially when it comes to you. And if his little darling wants to play, then he won't shy away from the fun.
❤️Probably, you decided to tease Shanks during one of his serial drinks at the bar. He was simply beautiful in the noisy atmosphere of the club, singing and joking, while a few drops of beer soaked what little beard he had on his face. His breath caught in his throat when he saw you licking your soft lips, your fingers cold under your shirt, feeling the hot skin.
❤️"Right now?" the red head whispered to you with his signature smirk, starting to do the same to you, making your body shiver. His fingers were more calloused than yours, but they weren't unpleasant. And, at the exact moment you squeezed the captain's chest tightly, he did the exact same thing to your boobs, moving the bra and feeling you whole.
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👊Honestly, he'd been expecting this for a while. He didn't expect a cadet with so much interest in him and also quite a cute one. Garp lacked female attention, which was increasingly rare as he got older, so he'll start taking you under his wing. Expect to see him flexing his muscles more than he should when you're around there, he probably doesn't notice either, but don't let the marine notice, you don't want to ruin the fun, right?
👊"Come and watch my training tomorrow, so you will learn something". Yes of course, of course, old fox. One blow then another, a few drops of sweat venturing along his abs, hard as steel despite his age; Garp scratched his beard in a lazy way while waiting for you to get another dummy. Your eyes seemed full of stars, your curious irises moved over his body, analyzing every scar, even the smallest.
👊Your hand moved without you even realizing it, squeezing his boobs and pressing on his nipple too. Garp's face was flawless, his mouth open and his eyes wide, but he refused to shy away from the contact. Suddenly, the Vice Admiral was hotter than expected and began to sweat more: no one had ever touched him like that and he wasn't sure how to behave. "Let's not talk about it with anyone, okay? In fact...let's just pretend nothing happened!"
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🌧The image in your head already makes you laugh. Mokey D. Dragon, the most wanted man in the world, leader of the revolutionary army, feels his legs shaking when you are around him. Your personality always finds a way to make his heart do somersaults, I question the tormented soul of man.
🌧One of your favorite things to do is to hide under his cloak, hugging him gently and covering you from the ever-present wind and rain. Dragon loves to feel your closeness, so he doesn't mind that much and it lets you do what you want. But keep your eyes open, Dragon. Something is about to hit...
🌧During one of his many moments of reflection, the presence behind him decided to act. At first, the revolutionary didn't think much of it, thinking it was just another one of your simple hugs, and then...GRAB. Dragon jumped, squirming slightly. "What the hell was that for, woman?! Let go!" but you didn't. After that episode there were others, eventually he got used to it.
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💙You were both lying in your bed. Killer had his arms wrapped around your body, smaller than his. The man loved having you all to himself, allowing himself to remove his helmet and let some weakness be overlooked; your breathing calmed him and he clung to you as if he was scared to let you go.
💙Killer's chest was soft, big, welcoming...impossible to ignore. His hard training had paid off and they were all for you to taste and feel; obviously, your head was right between her boobs, while an expression of pure bliss. You began to feel your new pillow, leaving a few kisses here and there, waking your lover up. "Y/N...what are you doing..." the blonde mumbled, the voice deep and thick with sleep.
💙Even though Killer looked like a tough brute, the Massacre Soldier was a sweetheart in love. Given his lack of experience in this field, frustrating him was really easy. "W-Wait..." your lover sighed softly, blushing and adjusting himself a bit. His arms tightened around you as his nose nuzzled into your hair, smelling your scent and letting you do it..
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💢You're in for a browl if you even think about doing that. Kid doesn't like to be touched too much in general and still needs to get used to the gentle and loving touch of the person next to him. It will be hard to deal with him the first few times, but he will still try to be a little nicer to you.
💢Just try not to do it in public, if you really want to do it, in private; and pay attention to the nipple, don't pull it too much and don't make strange movements. He has piercings there, and while they bring pleasure, they can also hurt a lot. If you try to do something like this in public, his anger will explode and he will scream at you: he has a reputation to protect, you can't just do as you please.
💢The first time you squeeze his pecs, Kid has to stop himself from blushing more than he should. "Don't do anything strange, woman" he will repeat, while your hands danced on his boobs, playing with the piercings and trying to be as gentle as possible.
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Benn Beckman
🚬Serious, stoic and weak to women. Benn never refuses your hands on his body, he really doesn't mind that, at all. He always relaxes when you pet him, tracing his muscles and loving it, he keeps fit for you too after all; and if there's one thing that's true, it's that the vice captain is proud of his body.
🚬If Benn lets you do it, it means he is truly in love with you. So, since taking him by surprise is impossible, first he will let you hold his chest as you like, then he will take revenge by doing it to you. "What's the problem, dear? You like my chest? I like yours too..." he will whisper in your ear, grabbing you just like you did with him earlier.
🚬If first your fingers stopped in the middle of his nipple, squeezing or teasing it slightly, Beckman will give you the exact same treatment, holding you in his arms and whispering sweet nothings to you. What a gentleman he is!
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🐊Expect to be judged, very judged. Crocodile is a classy man, he doesn't get lost in too many romances or anything like that, and above all he hates being touched suddenly. He much prefers a slow, sensual touch rather than a sudden squeeze.
🐊"What the hell are you doing?!" he will scolds you, turning around immediately and blocking your wrists in his much bigger hands; he squeezes so tightly, you can feel his rings on your skin. When the man sees your slightly scared big eyes at something like this, he will let you go, turning away.
🐊But he'll make it up to you, don't worry. He will take you out for dinner, buy you anything you want and, even if reluctantly, make you hold and feel his chest. You'll have the big Crocodile on his knees.
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cvpitvno · 1 year
Hi, this is for any svt member or all of them if you want, but how they react when their s/o stops them from oral/fucking because they're insecure that they didn't shave down there. Pls and thank you.
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𖤐 — gn terms, i think it’s pretty gender ambiguous
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will deadpan and go on a rant about how he’d still dive head first even if you had a full on bush - seungcheol loves you, not only your body, so it doesn’t have to look picture perfect like in those cheap pornos for him to love you
hannie will stop and deadpan at yoi as if asking if you’re serious - his favourite version of you is when you’re a bit messy, rolled out of bed or greasy hair setting in… so why would be mind hair? he thinks it’s raw and shows the real you
josh will be respectful and back off, but it would kickstart him into making sure you know that what you want to do with your body doesn’t concern him - if you wanted to never shave again, he wouldn’t stop you because he respects you (like your partner SHOULD!)
pft will drop his pants and just point at his crotch, showing off his own unshaven body - “i haven’t shaved either - i’m comfortable if you’re comfortable baby”
absolute crack but this man would bring up his love for tigers in one way or another to validate his reasoning for why you should let him fuck you even tho you haven’t shaved
i can see wonwoo as being someone with quite a bit of hair down there too so he’ll ask you if you mind him with hair as his argument - if you don’t mind him with hair, why would he mind you with it?
woozi seems like the type to be a very well groomed person when it comes to his hair down there, but i don’t think it would serve as an issue to him - he’d stop, ask if you trusted him, and would talk to you about how he loved you no matter what was on or not on your body
dk would actually kinda take it to heart - he’d see this simple insecurity as a lack of trust and think it had something to do with your perception of him (did he seem like the type to look down upon body hair? of course not but that’s what would be going through his head)
similar to woozi, mingyu seems to be the type to like his body more clean shaven, but man did he love the feeling of going down on you with hair or the feeling of his pelvis against the plush curls of your own pelvis
honestly, i can see minghao being really respectful about your own decisions - while nothing can hinder him in admiring and loving your body, he does believe that if you don’t feel comfortable with it, then neither does he
kwan would put a stop to that shit immediately - “if anyone- i mean i hope there’s not anyone but me - but if anyone ever gives a damn whether or not you have hair on your body… slap the shit out of them”
similar to dk, mans would rethink his life and wonder if he did something to make it seems like he would care about you having body hair or not - he’d talk about it but in the end wouldn’t push to continue or for you to face your insecurity head on
chan would pull you close and just discus with you rather than stopping at trying to bring it up later - he reassures you that he genuinely doesn’t mind if you’ve shaved or not, but if it’s something you’re not comfortable with, then he’s fine with that as well
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tmi - so i’m on a weekend trip with my sister, sister in law, and her sister, and the airbnb has a hot tub and i shaved everything but my bikini line and i was a lil insecure, BUT i remembered i had this ask so i had to answer it even tho i’m in vacay mode
but… just so everyone knows - hair is normal, and it will always be normal even on women / fem presenting people. just because society is too absorbed in old values doesn’t make your body any less valuable and beautiful if you got some hair on it okay?
if it wasn’t intended to be there it wouldn’t be, okay <333
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Ch 2 Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.9K
Summary: The helicarrier is too high for your linking and you refuse to go on deck. Steve drags you out onto the deck for a mission and you cry and nat hurries to take you back inside knowing your fear.
TW: dry heaving, panic attack, flashback, hyperventilating, fainting, past trauma (mentioned), themes of isolation, themes of fear, Steve being oblivious(haha), HYDRA (yep it’s a TW),
Normally it was fine. You could simply pretend it was fine at least. You stayed below deck. Never going up there. The whole base never went too high that you couldn’t see the ground, so it was usually fine. Except now it wasn’t. Of course, it wasn’t.
Fury had decided that instead of dealing with the storm like a normal person would. He had ordered the whole Helicarrier to go above the clouds. Which in your opinion was the stupidest thing he had ever done. It was a death sentence. Now you actively refused to leave your room. Fear was the main reason. Heights were never your thing. Not since you were a kid. Of course, HYDRA tried everything to beat it out of you, a solider that can't do heights wasn’t a solider at all was what you were told. Growing up in hydra was hard. Learning to trust was harder. The only one you trusted was Natasha. But she was either too busy to notice the problem or simply didn’t care. You hoped it was the first. Nobody else knew. Hydra had instilled a deep fear of inadequacy. That if the team or the director found out you would simply be kicked off the team. That was what you feared. Losing your new family like you had lost your old one kept yoi awake at night. Long long into the night.
You had been lounging on your bed when a voice came over the system.
“Avengers report to the deck. Agent Romanoff, Stark, Rogers, Banner, Barton, Maximoff and L/n.” The voice said and you knew you were screwed. Sure, they hadn’t noticed your absence over the last few days, and you could survive off the food you had stashed in your room for emergencies. But you had all the windows covered in your room, there was no evidence you were even in the sky at all. And you liked it that way. Anything else and you may end up a panicked mess on the floor. You sucked a deep breath knowing if you didn’t go, they would come after you. Part of you wanted to stay, hope they send nat and then fake an illness or something. The fear of the team ridiculing and shunning you was too much. You knew you simply had to suck it up but that was easier said than done. Slipping on your boots you tried to steady your shaking hands. Hydras attempts seemed to only reinforce your fears. Throwing you out a plane isn’t exactly proven exposure therapy but that had tried regardless.
Shaking the memory from your mind you placed you trembling hand on the doorknob. The safety of your room seemed too good to leave. Feeling your breathing pick up you closed your eyes and steadied it. In a moment of fleeting courage, you opened the door quickly. You had barely stepped a half foot out the door before you peered into the hall, seeing the big window leading to nothing but clouds and blue sky you slammed the door shut. Screw the meeting. You thought. You pressed your back to the door and held your head in your hands pulling your knees to to your chest and rocking slightly to give yourself s rhythm to steady your breathing too. After around fifteen minutes you were breathing normally when a knock sounded on the door. Three short raps. In a moment of panic, you called out.
“Im sick leave me alone.” It was a pathetic excuse, but it was all you could think of with your mind spinning at the idea of having to go back out there. Feeling the door move you scrambled away from it until your back was pressed against the bed as it swung open. Steve stood there looking unimpressed.
“Firstly, why are you on the floor and second you don’t look sick. We need you on deck L/n. You can’t simply avoid doing work forever.” He said his arms folded. He was clearly frustrated and had mistaken your fear for laziness. Before you could open your mouth, he seemed to have had enough. Grabbing your wrist, you struggled in his hold as he began dragging you into the hall. You slammed your eyes shut breathing and chest feeling tight and restricted. You pulled away in his grip, but his super strength was having none of it. Tears began to fall down your cheeks, but he hadn’t once looked back at you simply dragging you through the halls head held high. Many agents shot you odd looks but held their tongues knowing the repercussions for insulting a higher-ranking agent. Fury didn’t like bullies as much as Steve, which seemed rather ironic right now. You went limp your feet going on autopilot from years of conditioning to follow him. Often you were dragged by shackles, but a wrist wasn’t uncommon either. Hydra played over in your mind. Steve morphing between your shield college and a hydra agent, the one with cruel eyes and a tight-lipped smile. His hair flickered between black and blonde, and your eyes closed again out of fear. Fear it had all been a dream. Fear you had never left. You choked back sobs. Each sob was a punishment. And from what you could tell this was already heading south fast.
By the time Steve pulled you onto the deck you were dizzy from the lack of oxygen, your surroundings spinning. Nat was there and you prayed she would save you. The hydra agent was gone now, it was just Steve. But your fears were only getting worse. At least in the flashback you couldn’t see just how high the Helicarrier was. The railings seemed too small. Useless. Your stomach was doing flips from both the fear and the dizziness. Your head was spinning, and you felt lightheaded.
You missed Wanda elbowing Natasha in the ribs, her powers picking up on your distress and loud thoughts. Nat looked over at the younger redhead and Wanda nodded her head to you. Nat was quickly spurred into action. She rushed over and detangled you from Steve’s grip. Fairly harshly. She was mad at his lack of care or concern towards your current situation.
She scooped you into her arms and made quick work of hurrying back to the lower decks. You whined buried your face in the crook of her neck, tears streaming onto her uniform. She rubbed her hand up and down your arm as you saw her mouth moving but couldn’t decipher the words.
“Breathe Y/n. You need to breathe sweetheart. Your safe love. Your safe here.” She repeated over and over exceedingly worried at how short and sharp your breathing was.
After a moment you screwed your eyes up and leaned away from nat to dry heave. She slowed her movements, so she didn’t jostle you as much. Luckily you hadn’t had any real food in days after being holed up in your room. You hadn’t even noticed Wanda had followed you until you felt the rumble of Nat’s chest as she spoke to the witch before the cool tingly feeling of the red magic wrapped around your mind and your vision dipped as she knocked you out. Or at least you had thought she did. However, after she had been given the go ahead from Nat, she tried to help calm you down. Yet despite her magic not being a good idea, if you kept hyperventilating you were going to pass out and they wanted to avoid that. It was rare for you to panic this badly, but the flashback and fear had triggered you something awful.
And despite Wanda’s best efforts you passed out in Natasha’s arms. Nat slowed and adjusted her grip to support you head more to stop it lolling around. She swore softly as she and Wanda hurried you back to your room. Wanda stopped in the doorway as she saw the food plates and messy room.
“So, this is why she hasn’t been around. She hasn’t left her room” Wanda said slowly as Nat carefully set you down on the rumpled sheets.
“Yeah, I was too stupid to notice. She trusted me. She trusted Steve and we both failed her” Nat said shaking her head.
“Nat you know it's not your fault. Don’t beat yourself up.” Wanda said.
“I know but i still feel like we let her down.” She said huffing a sigh.
“Right now, we just need to look after her. Nobody is to blame. Expect maybe Steve because he’s a bit oblivious.” She said shrugging and nat gave a forced sounding laugh as the guilt continued to gnaw at her stomach. You had looked so helpless and afraid in her arms. She had only ever really seen that a couple times before. After or during the flashbacks she knew you had or when they had first rescued you from hydra. She had sworn each time she would protect you and now she felt like she had failed.
She moved over and pulled herself onto you bed, gently guiding your head into her lap. You screwed your eyes up and she gently tapped your cheek to rouse you. Wanda sat to your left watching with kind eyes.
“Hey baby girl. It’s ok.” Nat said and you squeezed her hand. Even half-awake with a pounding headache you could read Nat like no other.
“It's not your fault.” You said and Nat smiled softly.
“Don’t worry about that right now love, just take some deep breathes for me. Do you need your weighted blanket love?” She asked.
“N-no. Just…” you trailed off.
“What is it? You know I’ll get you anything you need.” Nat said softly as she patted your knee with an equally gentle and tender touch.
“C-can you lay with me. Just for a bit?”
“We’ll stay with you as long as you need y/n/n” Wanda said, and the two girls curled around you as you grounded yourself on their touch. Everything would be ok.
“Im fine. Steve…”
“Steve what baby?” Wanda asked gently.
“Steve just… he triggered a flashback when he grabbed m-me, and I was already afraid from being up this high. It just… it brought a lot back that I don’t want to r-remember.” You said exhaling as shaky breath. Nat squeezed you tightly in a hug.
“I’ll kill him.” She joked and you laughed quietly.
“No. All I need I have right her on this bed.” You said softly and the two women beamed at you. Feeling the tips of your ears heat with an undeniable blush you buried your face in your pillow as the two women cooed at you.
“Just hug me dammit.” You said and they complied. Maybe this is what you had been needing for those past few days. But now they were here everything was feeling a little more manageable.
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poppy-metal · 6 months
procrastinating like crazy dont tell my bio professor but but i raise to yoy ... upperclassman!jordan who's in some of your classes--who you aren't reaallyy friends w but it's sort of implied that they r there for you bc they always seem to end up coming to ur rescue when creepy guys hit on u at parties 🙄 because your scumbag bf is probably too busy playing beer pong with his bros. it's not like you and jordan go out of ur way to hang out w each other but you know they care about you at least a tiny bit !!
and it just so happens they live in the same building as aforementioned bf. n when you and he get into a fight--a big one, bad enough to leave tears streaming down your cheeks n your hands fisted at your sides--and you just want to get away from him, their door is the one u end up knocking on. sniffling when they open it up, barely having time to open your mouth around a meek "'m sorry." before they're gripping your chin, painstakingly gentle, eyes panicky. "hey- what happened? you're not hurt, are you?" and their tone, the way they touch you, everything--js makes you feel so much better :( hiccuping out "can i come in?" and they aren't gnna say no 🙄
make sure everything's okay, that he didn't hurt you, get you a drink n everything before sitting on the edge of their bed. you pacing, ranting abt dookieface bf between sniffles 😔 all "i just- i don't know who he thinks he is. i know i'm not perfect, whatever, but--i'm nice to him!! i mean, for fuck's sake, i'm pretty cute, too. nd he just- he doesn't care about me. i don't know what i did wrong." jordan mumbling out "hey, c'mere." bc your voice breaks w the last sentence and you're crying all over again :( wrap you up in their arms, hand coming up to hold the back of your neck. "you didn't do anything wrong, freshie. he's just an asshole." n they don't say it but they're fantasizing abt allll the ways they could kill him 🤗
and you pull back, wiping your cheeks w the back of your hand. "don't think he likes me, jordan. he ignores me nd--he's probably cheated on me a million times. it's like i don't mean anything to him--he can't--won't even make me cum." and jordan raises an eyebrow at that one. n you're quick on the defensive, "'s just- i don't know. don't even think he tries." and booy have u piqued their interest. you're just digging yourself a hole, unable to stop ur words from spilling out. "he- he was my first. ever. and it's like that meant nothing to him." taking a step back n mumbling out, "i'm sorry. that was too much, i just... i should probably go, anyways." as if they would ever let you 🙄 especialky after that lil confession.
n you're still close enough that they can grab your hips, pull you back towards them all gentle. "'s that why you came here, hm?" soft smirk on their face at the way you flush, stumbling over your words, your excuses--gripping your chin to shut you up. "shh. he's an asshole, baby, i know." when they stand up and turn you around, hands moving to your waist to sit you on their bed. your big eyes looking up at them, your shaky little voice when you whisper out, "jordan..." them pushing your legs apart so they can step between them :( grabbing at your thighs, leaning in so you can feel their hot breath on your ear when they whisper, "what is it, little girl? need me to make you cum, hm?" nddd you know it's wrong but you r nodding :( a little bit frantically :( and zoo wee mama are you in for it!! bc they csll jordan pussy destroyer for a reason!!!
too dleepy to proofread anf also my demons possessed me and. couldnt fight them off but ❤️❤️ love u poppy!!
grabs u by the shoulders and shakes u
breath catching n tears teetering on your lashes your mouth dropping in a perfect O when jordan pushes your thighs apart. their ringed hands sliding up your stocking clad thighs is enough to suck all the air out of the room and you're already panting by the time you let words tremble out, "b- be gentle, please?" because your boyfriend - ex - has always been rough meaty hands grabbing at you in ways that never made you feel small in a good way, more like a poorly treated chew toy. dry digits shoving in your cunt - pumping once, maybe twice, before calling it enough.
jordan chews on their lip, to you it looks like contemplating; but jordans just hiding a grin. you're such a little fawn, they think. stumbling on shaky legs from the jaws of a bear into the den of a fox, because it looks kinder. but jordans still has fangs and they still want to eat you up. the difference, they guess, is that they actually want you to enjoy yourself.
nothing feels quite as good to their ego than a cute girl squeezing the life out of their fingers with their cunt.
"you've been with bad men, not only that, but one who by the looks of it - can't lay pipe for shit." their hands soothe up your thighs higher, fingers hooking into the edge of your panties under your skirt. "we'll get you sorted, princess."
you think they'd slide your panties down but they dont. you jolt, though when you feel the bare brush of their knuckle against the slick folds of your cunt as they skim their fingers down the edges of your panties. they hook the fabric to one side.
their eyes flick up to yours, "have you ever been with a woman before?"
your shake your head, biting your lip. something flashes in jordans eyes. "you good with me eating you out like this?"
you feel your face flush but you're quick to nod. "yes." you rush to say, "um. youre very pretty."
jordan smiles then. something in their gaze softens, just a little. "thank you, baby." with their free hand they pat one of your knees, nudging it open - "spread for me? there you go -"
nawing on your lip as you spread your thighs shyly, you cant help but eagerly look at jordans reaction to seeing your cunt. the way their eyes darken immediately. they bite their own lip, silky hair falling around their cheek as they shuffle closer.
"fuck." they say. still holding your panties to the side, still just looking. "shit. i need to-" their eyes dart to your face, "was gonna rizz you up some more but i really fucking need to eat you out -"
your head falls back when they cut themselves off like they can't help it, can't talk anymore, the draw between your legs to intense, and their head is between your thighs and you feel the soft wet heat of their lips around your tight little bud and its so fucking good - already better than anything you've had. jordans so earnest - they fucking love eating pussy, you can tell. the way they move their tongue, like their kissing it - sucking your lips, licking between them, swirling around your clit. dipping in and out of your weeping hole.
your hands fist the sheets - you dont even remember your exes name.
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I really like the Lyney x reader cuddles Headcanons! If you can, can you do sick reader x Lyney? Romantic and any gender is okay^^
♥︎ • I'll take care of you for the day~! • ♥︎ Lyney x fem! reader
Dish: Cubic tricks
Drink: Strawberry sundae (dating)
Cuisine: Oneshot
Ingredients: Marshmallow (fluff)
C/N: ummmmmmmmm okay like.... Hes not rlly taking care of reader?? Like im sorry there is way too much fluff and kind of bickering but like i kind of rolled off track.. Actually i never really got on track... Sorry🙏! Most of this is just fluff and dialogue but uhh lmk if yoi want me to rewrite this and actually do your request, lol
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I enter Y/N's room, ignoring manners and welcome myself as I'm met with the unfortunate fever that tends to chase her now and then.
“There you are~! What's my sneaky little girlfriend doing, being sick and not even notifying me~? The fact that I had to find out from my sister really says something.”
“I didn't want you to cough ditch your performance just to take care of me.”
A condescending chuckle slips out from my mouth as my hand makes contact with my hip.
“I wouldn't say I ditched my performance, I just had more important matters to attend to. Like being a good boyfriend, of course.”
“Oh come on now, don't give me that look. You know you love my presence. Now, how can I be of assistance?”
I speak in an innocent tone as I seat myself on a chair close to her bed, one leg on top of the other.
“You can do a magic trick and magically heal me?”
The mere suggestion causes me to unleash small laughter as a smile finds its way onto my lips.
“Oh, dearest, you sure know how to make a magician laugh. Unfortunately, I don't major in the magic of healing—wait, maybe I do...”
I observe as my words pique an interest in her before a cunning grin lands on my lips.
“First, close your eyes~”
I chuckle as her eyes skeptically close, but they do look like they would open any second.
Quietly and stealthily, I move closer to the girl, closer until my lips press softly against hers and her look of realization comes into view.
“Lyney! You're not supposed to do that, or you could get sick too!”
Her actions cause me to erupt with laughter as she tries to hide her flustered expression by scolding me, as if she didn't want the kiss either.
“Sick or not, I'll never be able to resist those little lips of yours you seem to guard so much.”
“Ugh, you're so annoying...”
The last chuckle exits my mouth before allowing me to speak.
“But you love me anyway, so that doesn't really matter, does it? Now, what shall I do to make you feel better? I could do another magic trick~?”
“No! No magic tricks! You know, you don't really need to be here anyway, and you're sister's gonna be pretty mad when she finds you for skipping the performance. ”
“Oh please, you're exaggerating the situation. My sister is a very kind, understanding person. Besides, it was an ordinary street performance we had planned. Nothing like the Opera of Epiclese or something of the sort.”
“Right, Lynette's the kindest most sweetest and understanding cat I've ever met.”
“She's the only cat I've ever met.”
“Please, stop complaining. I'll take care of you for the day~!”
“I know I know.”
“Excellent. Now give me your first command and I shall fulfill it within mere seconds!”
“... Some water would be nice, I guess.”
“Coming right up!”
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Toying with you during sex OP Edition N/SFW
Featuring Law, Ace, Marco, Mihawk and Hongo TW: Sexual Content, Masturbation, Suggestive Language WC: 710 (not edited)
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Your toes were curling tightly together as you felt his cock sliding in and out of your slippery warm cunt. His larger body towering over your frame with each thrust your breast bounced. The sound of your wet skin slapping against one another. His hands gripping the back of your thighs pressing them close to your chest. The mess you were making on his cock as he slid inside of you,  pleased his sight. How much of a mess you were each you both were intimate he knew he would make you go a bit crazier with the magic of his finger. These fingers pressing against your overly sensitive clit. “Shiiii~  ahh~” you felt your hips buckle as if you were playing with your clit.
The doctor of death fingers was always so skilled and knew how to make you quiver with the simplest touch. Law keeps himself level-headed making sure he doesn’t cum too fast. He could feel you clenching around his cock tighter. Letting out a low growl as he clenched his jaw tightly together. You cried out his name repeatedly. Nothing more appealing than hearing you cry out his name. He didn’t stop messing with your clit as he leaned forward in a deep low voice. “Keep saying my name like that ya, when you make me cum I won’t stop playing with you.”
The little bit of warmth coming from his fingertips was a completely different sensation to your throbbing clit. The freckle face commander licked his lips as he watched you trying to compose yourself but it was becoming far too hard for you.  You felt a bit embarrassed how you were yelling his name aloud knowing some of the other crew was listening to the little fuck session. Managing to place your hand around your mother as you muffled your moans displeased him. It didn’t take him long to bring your hand down from your lips. “I don’t want you quiet babe, let them  hear, let them know how good I’m fucking you.” 
Your juices coat his fingers as he continuously stimulates your clit to make you sensitive. Feeling his thick lips latch onto your breast he continued to suck on them leaving his own mark. Your hands gripping the blond's hair. The whimpers pour out of your mouth. The sweet melody to his ears brings his head from your breast. He slowed how his finger motion which seemed to make you way more sensitive than the motion he was doing “I can see you want to cum yoi. Cum for me~~.”
Mihawk's had your hands tied up above your head you couldn’t even touch the man as his fingers worked on your clit. This thumb rubs your clit in a circular motion this drove you crazy.  A bead of sweat trickled from his forehead down his neck. He looked down at your swollen cunt seeing the dripping mess landing on your sheets. Mihawk being the ultra dom he is has to hear how well he is making you feel and he won't settle for a simple answer from you. He needs to hear you cry for it and beg him for more. “Tell me, Mi Amor, how much more can you handle? I don’t think your body withstand what I can fully make your experience with just a simple touch” 
You were never mentally prepared for multiple orgasms when it came to you and Hongo being intimate with one another. Just when one orgasm hit you another one was ready to come shortly after. His hair was messy a few blond strands were sticking to his face. Another Doctor that was good with his hands with a lot of experience throughout the years knew how to get you riled up. Bring his two fingers to his lips, coating them in his saliva, bringing it down to yours once more is rubbing it. Pressing ever so slightly you felt your vision becoming blurry you knew it was approaching once more. The cocky grin on his lips as he proceeds to quicken his finger motion. “You can cum all you want. I promise to take care of the mess you make right after.” 
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vex91 · 4 months
Kim Jiyeon - Wingwoman
Pairing: Kim Jiyeon x Female Reader
Fandom: WJSN
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Can I request in which Bona, like Blackpink's 5th member and Jisoo, unknowingly helps Bona into asking the 5th member on a date and getting into a relationship.
Summary: Jisoo knew about your not so little crush on Jiyeon just like she knew about Jiyeon feeling the same so she decided to help both of you out a little.
A/N: I'm so into Bona it's not even a joke anymore 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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3rd's POV
"What do you mean you know where she's gonna be, that sounds so creepy" Dayoung scrunched her face at Jiyeon's words "Eh- don't make me into some kinda creep here, I just accidentally overhead Jisoo saying that Y/N is always in that one Café close by" Jiyeon hit her shoulder as the embarrassment of her words started catching up to her "That still sounds creepy" Dayoung said cringing at how weird this whole thing sounded. She loved making fun of Jiyeon for her crush on you and this just seemed so perfect.
"Oh let me live" Jiyeon stood up and left the living room still hearing Dayoung's laugh in the background. She felt embarrassed as she realized that what she planned was really creepy but what was she supposed to do? She liked you so much but could never approach you since you were always surrounded with your members of friends from other groups. It bummed her so much that when she heard Jisoo talking that you always go to this one Café close to her dorm every Friday she had to go and try her chances, even if it does nothing.
Taking a few deep breaths Jiyeon changed into some comfortable but pretty outfit hoping that maybe she managed to catch your eye. After checking herself in the mirror for the nth time she finally walked out immediately being caught by her leader. She made up some lame excuse before escaping more questions because she felt like if she was questioned more then she wouldn't have the courage to go anymore.
After what felt like the most terrifying 10 minutes of her life Jiyeon walked into the Café and looked around. You were nowhere to be seen so she took some seat at the end where she had the possibility of seeing if you come in.
She waited.
And waited.
And just when she was about to lose hope, she saw you coming in looking as beautiful as ever. Her eyes widened when you looked in her direction, surprised to see her there but soon a smile appeared on your face and yoi confidently walked over to her "Bona-sunbaenim? I wasn't expecting to see you here today" You smiled at her and Jiyeon for a second forgot how to function. After a few seconds of silence she snapped out of it and quickly answered you "Oh yeah, I was just craving something sweet you know" She laughed nervously as you chuckled.
"Can I sit with you then? I was hoping to talk with you for a while now"
Your words flustered her as she was blushing right in front of you. With a nervous chuckle she answered "Sure, have a seat" and without another thought you complied and just like that you spend the whole day with each other.
Jisoo unknowingly became the best wingwoman and Jiyeon made a mental note to thank your member somehow.
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se0bs · 10 months
𝖢𝗎𝗍𝗂𝖾 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗌,𝖯𝟣𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗒
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𝖲𝗒𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗌𝗂𝗌- Have the cuties marks on you face
𝖨𝗇𝖿𝗈-requested!! @littlebirdnizhoni P1h x Reader, Fluff/a bit of angst
𝖶𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌-Cussing, Jokes (I have freckles so I hope you get it 😭) Nicknames,idk
#1 boyfriend goes to…. KEEHOO!! You think this man hates your freckle🥸HE LOVESSS THEEMEMEME. His ass would star at you trying to hid the urge to just count ever since freckle on your face. If you could get payed for how many times his answer has change you would be a billionaire right now….not even kidding you.Yoy can’t tell me he would be hella cringe and kiss ever spot like I just feel it in my soul!!🤯
“Let me kiss you!!!😡” Keeho running around the dorm to catch you.”NOOOO YOU WERIDO!!” Telling keeho.”Y’all cringe as hell” Mr.seob said from tin ass air.”K Y S!!” Keeho yelled at seob…”He’s right fuck your cringey ass” 😟
Shut this boy up he would probably see your freckles and call them shit marks 😰. Making himself look all innocent and BOOM DOOKIE MARKS…lock him up. Let me stop with this nonsense okie if he’s in his little giggle lover mood he takes a lot of pictures of your freckles like he probably as album full on just your freckles.HE WOULD TOTALLY YELL AT YOY IF YOU SAID “I need makeup I’m sick of my freckles!” LIKE WATCH YOU MAKEUP IT MIGHT 🏃‍♀️
“You got me fuck up what you mean” my freckles are ugly??!” Umm the last time I remember I have 289 photos of your face” Theo said look you up and down.
Loved calling them glitter. All different shape’s sizes colors glitter!! he’s your number one fan like you thought you were nope he out beat you. Once it’s sleepy time he puts his finger on you arm and counts or traces your glitter makes.
“Stop jiung is 2am I need some sleep!!” cursing him to stop.”No No No I will finsh when I feel like it” telling you with all his might to not just crash to bed. “Boy you look like your going to pass out right now.” the there’s no more talking from jiung just sores.
Selfie in bed with a bare face is a must for him🙌!! Just about to make a nap and flash he just took a photo of you too. Gets every angle and close ups on your freckles. Your freckles making you insecure? NOT NO MORE WITH HWANG IN TAK!! He makes dad jokes to make you feel more happy about them.
“Come come let’s take a photo here” intak pulled you into a hug and pulling out his phone.”Intak really?” Look at the camera a bit tired of him taking hella photos. “Hurry up intak I’m hungry as hell!” Keeho told you and intak.after 20 photos you walk in hand together.
Runnnn I’m telling you!!
He well look at every single freckle and look for a heart I just know it.Tbh is cute but dam he takes foreverrrrr.He calls them your cutie mark like broo 😞 he probably named some to..
“Look at this cutie mark it looks like a dog!” Soul said pointing at you lower arm. “Soul that looks like nothing?” Telling him look confused. “I’ll take a picture and show it to you then😡” he look like a cartoon character. Takes the picture and shows it to you then you finally see it.”Ahhhh I see”
Cookie crumbs is your name yup y/n not no more it’s cookie crumb. Even if cookies are not your thing he does not care. He had a full list just of names for you. Probably bigger then the English dictionary.
“Wsp coco puff I think I like that one?! Nahh sprinkle is a bit more fitting for you” jongseob told you. “What’s next seed,stary,bug face, etc you can’t stop making me names 😭” laughing into jongseob neck. “I just like giving you unique names I want you to feel special!”
“This is the only time I’m going to let you be cringey”
𝖫𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗌𝖾 𝖻𝗒 𝖫𝖺𝗎𝖿𝖾𝗒
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v3nusxsky · 11 months
Hiiiii I love your writing, don't worry if not but could I possibly request a lady lesso x reader smut where reader is a professor at the SFGAE and at the joint school ball reader dresses to impress her new gf, lesso. Lesso gets jealous of the attention reader is getting as there relationship is still a secret. so lesso kisses reader Infront of everyone and then pulls her away to remind her who she belongs to.....
*Authors note~ I must say I do miss writing for my lovely Leo here, slowly getting back into this since my accident, all your comments and support asks etc mean the world to me*
Trigger warnings~ pet play daddy dom leo sub kitten r marking kink secret relationship oral sex magical enchanted strap on collar and leash, edging just one time overstim kink smut smut smut breeding kink? Squirting mentioned
Prompt~see ask^^^^
Leonora always looked absolutely ravishing all of the time. But you always felt so unworthy of her, you wanted to be looking the part for her so the joint spring ball was the perfect opportunity to prove yourself worthy of her love. You enlisted Doveys help to find the perfect dress that fit in all the right ways. You settled on a deep maroon dress that snatched your waist perfectly and flowed beautifully round the bottom half. The top have showing just enough cleavage to be respectable but teasing enough to drive Leonora insane. Your hair in your signature fancy look, and your make up to be subtle but completing the look. A few accessories added and you were ready.
You arrived fashionably late of course, Leonora anxiously waiting to see you. Your relationship was a secret so she wasn't overly obvious with her need to see you but you could tell she was annoyed that she couldn't get to you. No everyone seemed to want to be around you and near to you which prevented her from being able to compliment you. What really annoyed the Dean was one of the princes on the ever side of the school was too close to you. Touching your arm and poorly flirting with you. You were hers! You knew that and now you were letting him flirt with you in public. That would not do.
Lesso bided her time and toward the end of the ball before she managed to approach you like a predator would their prey and swiftly caught you in a predatory kiss. You are hers! And it's about time that everyone knew that. So she was acting on lust and jealousy but truly you didn't care. Happy to finally be public with your lover and nothing would take the thrill away, not even the gasp you of the other people attending.
The kiss was dizzying do perhaps that would explain how you missed the red head leading you from the hall to her chambers. You found yourself back against the wall her body pressed to yours in all the best ways, "you are fucking gorgeous my darling one, and as ravishing as this dress is I want it on my bedroom floor and my perfect kitty on my bed." Yoi gulped and scurried to do as she asked of you, Lesso just enjoying you stripping till you knelt on her bed naked and ready for her to play with.
"Kitten, safe words" she purred coming to attach the pretty collar to your leash before stroking your cheek. "Traffic lights daddy" you muttered happily waiting for more instructions. "You're beautiful my love, and it appears my Kitty needs to be reminded who she belongs too" you couldn't help but whimper at her words, you'd be in for a night of it tonight that was sure. "Now sir pretty kitten and lay on your back for daddy."
On your back, legs spread for her and vibrating toy attach to your needy little clit. Leonora was pleased with the sight in front of her. And went the little vibe began to buzz and on the lowest setting, the constant sensation drawing the prettiest noises from you as she watched you build up to your orgasm only to rip it away from you. "Daddy no pleaseeeee" you whined at her in a desperate plea for more.
"Oh kitten, but you let him flirt with you all evening, this is the very least you deserve" she informed you and you immediately whimpered, you were definitely going to die. The second time she turned the toy on again, her tongue found it's way between your soaked folds while the toy played with your puffy clit. A few tugs to your leash that squeezed your throat in the most delicious way had you rapidly facing to the edge of bliss once more. "Daddy daddy please please" you chanted just wanting to cum as she fucked you with her talented tongue. "Cum kitten" she demanded before eating you out as of you were her last meal. And like the diligent lover she is she worked you back down from the high. "Colour?"
"Geeen" you panted trying to catch your breath while your lover stripped and adorned her favourite thick purple cock. The strap it's self enchanted to act like the real deal. Even producing cum to fill her pretty Kitty up. "Oh daddy! Fuck me please" you mewled spreading your legs again for her to use you as she sees fit. "Oh I well pet, I'll fuck you so well you'll never forget who owns you ever again. You. Are. Mine." She all but growled as she lined the mushroom head and then with you needy cunt. Just making sure your slick was wetting her strap enough to slide right into your awaiting cunt walls.
"Oh fuck daddy yes!" You mewled when she finally slid her whole length into you, stretching your inner walls by her sheer size. The groan she let lose at feeling just how warm and wet you were for her was almost too much. Her pace picked up as she began to thrust herself into you and drew back out to the tip before slamming back into you again. All you could do is whimper and mewl for her as she randomly tugged on your leash adding to your pleasure. "Daddy! Fuck gonna cum" you warned before you tumbled over the edge.
A quick change of position and lesso was back to pounding your pussy but this time from behind you. You told her to stop and you are too sensitive but your just a pet, she owns you so you were properly ignored. You knew your word to stop everything and she trusted you to use it when you needed to. "Kitten you're mine to use now shut up and take it like a good little whore."
You lost count how many times she fucked you into bliss, but her movements became rough and less precise which indicated to you she was close now. "Fuck I love your pussy kitten, yes squeeze my cock again. Oh you good little slut! Yes yes fuck kitten so good for me, my precious little whore" tumbled from her mouth as she approached her edge. "Gonna fill this pretty cunt up and make you pregnant with my kittens darling, take it pet, take everything daddy gives you" she panted as she released cum into your fluttering walls, triggering your own orgasm that was drenching her cock. "Daddy daddy gonna pee stop" you whined which only had her speeding up causing you to squirt all over her. "Fucking good kitten!"
Truly you couldn't believe you'd squirted and you were super embarrassed about it so you buried your face into the pillows while lesso calmed down and slipped from your now gaping hole only to finger fuck the cum back into your pussy. "I'm so proud of you darling! You're such a good girl for me. I'm lucky to have you darling" she reassured as she set about cleaning up the bed with her magic. Before cleaning up your slick thighs. "So good for daddy baby" she murmured noticing how shallow your breathing became, you'd totally fallen asleep now so she quickly hurried up to join you in bed and hold you all  through the night.
Word count~ 1381
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thevampsworld96 · 1 year
You Won't Find Anothet Like Me - BWS
Hey, everyone. I hope you are all well. I've been working on this one for weeks, trying to make it perfect and spine chilling to readm I enjoyed reading it back while I was proofreading it all. Hioe, you enjoy. Please stay safe, take care, and thank you.
The thar is used to help you feel the emotions of the fanfic.
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Never in your life you imagined yourself bringing in position I middle of a park, having your body pinned against the cold, dusty brick wall. You thought it was all a dream a nightmare more like but in the most pleasureable way. Just imagine an invisible force grabbing you and forcely smashing your body against the wall. It was not able to control it as it was doing all the movements for you.
A few months earlier, you decided to shart another chapter in your life, and that was to move out into the city. It has always been a dream of yours, and after weeks of searching, weeks and talking to agencies you have finally found the perfect job at a bar which was called "DUSK" you invited for an interview and on the same day you got the keys to the flat everything started to look brighter for you and yoi couldn't be happier. You really wanted an adventure. Something so new to venture out to it was exciting but nerve-wracking at the same time.
Moving away waw the most difficult, but you knew that it had to be done. It was your dream, and everyone who truly cared about you they just couldn't be happier. They even threw you a going away party, which you knew nothing about.
On your last day of your current job, you received a mysterious text message from your sister, who you close to she looked up to you as you the oldest and it meat she will be the child at home.
On your way home, you received a threatening text from your begging to come. You took the fastest route home, only find a huge party with all the people who truly care about you. Mostly, it was your family, the people who have watched you grow up the years in to the woman that you are today. It was a great party which lasted until 3 am but you loved it and you know how much you were loved by people.
Once moved in, everything fell into place perfectly. Your first day on the job went perfectly. You made friends with everyone. Your manager was the best. He was friendly, easygoing, and a true gentleman. He was the type that respected all his staff, but he made things fair. He made you feel you were a part of his small working family as he was single and lived on his own he was happy to live a life like that.
You made friends easily with your colleagues, and you began to be liked by people who lived locally. They would always tip you on your service, and if there ever was a problem, you would always find a way to fix it all without getting the manager involved. You worked great on your feet, and you were always able to fix things without a problem what so ever.
One morning, you checked the roater for your shifts for the week, and they were all evening shifts that you actually preferred. It meant you be well rested and ready for work. Without yawning, you would be fully alert, which gave you good tips from customers, but that wasn't the reason why you did it.
You loved this job more than anything, and the people meant a lot to you they became your family in a way, and making them happy was your main priority.
After working for 6 hours straight, you decided to take your break it got too much for you, so you went out for a bit of air.
"Hey John, I'm going for my break, I'll be at the back," you say to him. He then looked over your shoulder and gave you a friendly smile on your face.
"Sure, go for it. You have 30 minutes, ok Y/N, " he says, giving you a thumbs up. You then give him a smile back to him.
You made your outside it was dark and cold but you needed some fresh air as it was getting very busy and too much for you. You needed that mental break only to find yourself in this moment.
A few moments in to break, you found yourself pinned to a wall in a dark alleyway it wasn't even an alleyway, more like a passage to the hidden staff car park. You would always come here with a small bottle of bear in your hand, just a small beverage to keep you hydrated throughout the night, although you preferred water.
Your body was pinned to the wall, which was cold, but that didn't bother you, not one bit. The fear was there, but the lust took over. You loved the feeling that was vibrating around your whole body. You couldn't scream if you wanted to. You were hypnotised by his touch, which was cold but gentle at first but then rough. His hands never left your body.
He placed hands he's under your red glittery dress, feeling your warm body, hus hands slowly gliding down to the entrance of your pussy. He enters with one finger, second later another followed by another. You moaned, constantly feeling the pleasure of building up inside of you.
Your moans were music to his as he continued leaving kisses on your body. While his hands touched all the great spots that were touching, you loved it, but who was this person, and why was he making you feel this good no man has ever made you feel this way.
Moments after he's teeth were in your skin, blood started to gush out like a burst water pipe. The pain was there ripping and shredding through your flesh you moaned once more.
"Oh my god," you moaned quietly even though you wanted to scream it from the top of your lungs.
Both of you slowly drowned to the ground as you felt his weight slowly taking you down. You had no strength left in you. Your arms were dead, and weighed your legs. However, we were dead too, but every touch you somehow managed to keep you on your feet.
The straps from your dress fell on to shoulder blood and were now rolling down to your chest. Some were on dress, but it was barely noticed as you were wearing read.
"You taste amazing, beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that? " He says to you in a low tone.
His hands still glide down slowly up and down your body. Your blood dripping from his hunger filled lips.
"What are you please? I need to know, " you said to him, panting rapidly as the whole body was sweating uncontrollably.
He looked into your eyes, blood dripping down his soft lips, dark brown eyes looking deep into yours, still seeing the lust and the hunger in his eyes.
You managed to ask him. Your voice broke down as you had no strength.
He gently pulled your body close to his and gently caressed your face, and then he cupped your face again. You gently moaned once more and listened to what he had to say.
"You know when the time is right beautiful, I'm not done with you yet, baby girl, you won't find another like me"
He gently whispered in your ears. He looked deep into your eyes, and you did the same both of your eyes locked on to each other. You were able to see the lust he had in his eyes even though your vision was very blured, but you were able to see his beautiful, sharp features and his charming smile that you didn't want to forget about that as you found it hot as hell.
"Just do one thing for me. Remember my name, it's Brad. I have a feeling I'd be seeing you again, beautiful. As I have said before, the taste of you will never leave my lips, so I will back"
He quietly whispers in your ear, then gently kisses your forehead with a blink of eyes he had vanished, leaving you alone in the dark alleyway panting heavily, looking like a mess, still in shock.
"What on earth just happened? Did I dream that no, no, it didn't feel like a dream he was definitely here. Am I going insane?"
You had many questions rushing through your head. You were unable to forget his touch all over the body, which was exposed. The dress you had on was half covering your body and half of it exposing your clean and clear shoulders.
You started to cast your mind back thinking about those teeth, no, they were not teeth, they were fangs, definitely fangs you thought to yourself.
"(Y/N) Hey, wake up dolly daydream come on, I'm sorry to say but break is over love come om"
Your namager said from behind you. I'm not realising you were half naked.
"I'll be there in a few John just need to sort myself out"
You replied, still flabbergasted after what you have, just whiteness. You fixed yourself up in the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror, noticing the mark of fangs on your neck were there you needed to hide otherwise people were going to keep asking questions how it all happened and thinking all sorts.
"Oh my God"
You quietly thought to yourself. Eventually, you pulled yourself together and made your back to the bar to attend to the customers who patiently waited to be served. You saw him again sitting on a table on you only he winked at you and then smiled...
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Notes: Obsessive behaviour - Use of drugs - Slight Yandere - Dub/con - 
Karube knew you since you two were little babies, your mothers being friends from years back. Of course you two would grow up to be close, telling each other your secrets, whispering rumors, getting in trouble together.
Doing drugs together.
It was his idea and you accepted, the experience itself felt unrreal....you dont remember much. All you do is waking naked on the floor with a naked Karube besides you.
It was clear what had happened, and at the time you brushed it off.
"It happened, we are still friends right?"
For Karube it was not that easy...he knew he was your first that night, thanks to all the things you would tell him about your partners. But he just played along.
Time went by and for you, that night was just a memory, nothing relevant. You would see Karube and you two would act as if nothing ever happened.
But for Karube it was not like that.
Time was killing him, whenever he saw you going to his bar with a new person and leaving with them a few glasses would get broken.
If someone hurted you, then they would end with a bloody nose thanks to Karube.
He saw how much you suffered when it came to love, and he promised himself...he promised to not cross the line of friendship.
But again, mix years of feelings, you crying at his aparment because your valentines date stood yoy up, then add some drugs he had saved up for himself....
When he offered them to you, you hestitated, memories of that first time coming back, but the saddness took over and ended getting high with him.
Once again, you found yourself in Karubes embrace, with his lips kissing all of your body, his hands taking all of you.
Karube was not that high, as he made love to you he would murmur how much he wanted you to be his forever and how much he hated seeing you with others.
But your mind was not there, it was in another place, mixed with pleassure and the drugs effect.
Could you ever love Karube? Maybe, maybe one day, with time.
But Karube was tired of waiting for you, at the end you would be his, even if you did not want him that way.
He had waited long enough. 
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I had this song stuck in my head and I thought it would make a very good Ace/Marco fic, so.
Marco x Ace - Implied SFW
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It's okay if I'm a bit unstable But I've been doing just fine on my own I don't care if I am in denial It's a mild syndrome [unstable by chaotica]
“Fuck.Off.” Ace spat and slapped the hand that had dared to come close to him.
Marco furrowed his brows for a moment, feeling the sting on his hand from Ace’s outburst, how he sneered and snarled and backed further into the tatty armchair. Ace was pressed so tightly against the back of the chair Marco was sure he was hoping to burst through it to escape him.
“I’m trying to help you yoi,” Marco was doing his best to keep the exasperated sigh from his tone as he ran a hand through his messy hair, the crop of blond swayed back into place.
Ace’s eyes focused on it, glaring at the strands, anything to avoid eye contact with the doctor. Flames of pure irritation flicked across Ace’s skin as he gripped the arms of the chair to the point of his knuckles turning white.
“I never asked for ya fuckin’ help, did I?” Ace hissed through gritted teeth, nails digging into the fabric, digging the heels of his boots into the rug.
Marco watched him for a moment, seeing the flames dance across his body, never burning the clothes he wore. Even in his most agitated and wild state Ace had such masterful control over his abilities. The smell of burning wafted into his nose and he glanced at the arm of the chair, the age-stained upholstery catching alight.
Ace didn’t care about the chair like he had his clothes apparently.
The phoenix let out a tsk and stood up from his crouching position, a few strides back to his desk, grabbing the vase of flowers he’d used to brighten up his office space, taking out the handful of flowers, setting them on his desk before turning to Ace and the slowly burning chair.
Marco looked the scowling man in the eye, his half-lidded gaze was no less intense than the narrowed eyes of Ace. Wordlessly he dumped the water over him, the stench of dirty water hit his nose, and the outraged ‘You fuckin’ cunt!’ met his ears.
His lazy smile tugged into a wicked smirk when Ace leapt up from the chair, looking down at his wet shorts and arm. Marco set down the vase and folded his arms over his chest, thin brow quirked as Ace spat out more insults as he tried to pat himself down.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” Ace demanded, puffing out his chest, making commands he was confident he could back up.
“You were burning my chair, what else do you do with untruly fire? You put it out.” Marco’s tone was so matter-of-fact it did nothing to quell the brewing anger in Ace.
“Really? That shitty chair? It’s seen better days, why does that even matter?”
The phoenix looked down his distinguished nose at Ace, unfolding his arms and placing a hand on Ace’s chest, pushing him with enough force that he was made to sit back in the now dampened chair with a grunt.
“Just because you have no respect for others and don’t see the value in something that is important to another person, stop being a little shit for just a second yoi.” His tone was firm, something Ace wasn’t yet used to from the normally easy-going man in front of him.
“I don’t know why you’re even bothering with me; I don’t need anyone, I don’t want anyone.” Ace spat as he slumped back in the chair, arms folded.
Marco let his arms fall to his sides, a sigh, not hiding his annoyance from Ace in the slightest as he moved a hand to his hip, cocking his head to the side, examining the huffy rookie in his chair. There was so much damage in one person, just like a house burned to the ground, nothing left to the untrained eye past the evidence of destruction.
He saw it though, Marco knew there was a strong foundation under the ash and debris, one that could be built on, one that could be bigger and stronger than ever if Ace let him lay the first brick.
“You act like a lone wolf, you want to hate the world you think hates you, I can see that clear as day, I can also see the scared boy inside that’s desperate to not be left alone again. You desire love and attention from others, you just need to allow yourself to admit that first.”
Ace shifted in his seat, the intensity in his gaze wavered before Marco’s eyes, he was right, and he knew it, Ace knew it and to be so seen by what was still a stranger to him had shaken his resolve. Marco was observant, the flame user couldn’t hide under a rock of denial any longer.
“I don’t need anyone.”
“Then why do I see you smiling and laughing with that crew of yours? Why do I see you sitting on the edge and looking in with that sad look of utter longing? If you wanted to be alone, you wouldn’t inch closer hoping to catch someone’s attention yoi.”
Ace opened his mouth to protest, to shout harsh words at Marco. All the fight died; his shoulders slumped in a further sign of defeat as he drummed his fingers on the edge of the chair. He didn’t look up at Marco, didn’t want to.
“I thought so, you aren’t a lone wolf, you’re a cornered animal who fights because that’s all they know.” He reached over, placing his hand on Ace’s knee where the gash was still oozing blood.
“It’ll be okay Ace, we are here for you, you don’t have to be alone anymore yoi.”
Marco felt Ace flinch as his hand touched his skin, the cooling blue flames he wielded with such practised ease washed over the cut on his leg, the pain ebbed away as the wound started to pull itself back together, the red disappearing as Marco worked his magic.
“There.” He hummed and pulled away, Ace wide-eyed and gawking at his knee, no signs of injury.
“Thanks,” Ace mumbled under his breath, amazed.
“What was that yoi?”
“Thank you, Marco.” He repeated, louder, politer.
“You are very welcome, Ace, you can go now but please, think about what I’ve said?”
Ace itched at his freckled cheek, unsure of how to progress with this conversation, he had a lot to think about thanks to the ship’s doctor, he needed time to process, to put his own thoughts in line. He needed to take a look at himself and allow himself to heal.
“I will…”
“Good yoi!”
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buckybarnesfanfic · 2 years
Ignorant little boy
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Yoy knew Bucky was raised in the 1940s a time when women had to hide their periods and pretend like nothing was happening. You didnt want to freak him out by just blurring out the subject of menstrual cicle so you kept it under the radar for the first few months of your relationship. Yoy were an Avenger too so you lived with the rest in the Avengers Compound luckily everyone had their own quarters so keeping it a secret wasnt difficult. But what was hard was lying to your boyfriend about it.
 As a trained assasin he could easily see when you were lying so when cramps hit you hard you just tell him that you are having a sleepover at nats to be safe. At first he was okay with that not paying any attention but as the months got by he realised a pattern to your sleepovers at nats and he was wondering what that was about. 5 months in the relationship you were once again in nats room curled in a blanket eating chocolate and groaning as the pain continued.
-you have to tell him eventually, you cant keep this for ever yn
Nat said putting you a glass of wine sitting next to you
 -i know Nat... I just dont want to freak him out you know. He has been through so much and he is still adapting to this new life. Throughing this to him is gonna be too much.
-yn is just period. I am sure he can handle it just fine youre just overthinking again. I m suprised he hasnt asked you about your visits here every month.
-I dont know Nat.. just let this month pass and ill see okay ?
-ok yn as you wish but you do havr to tell him or i will
she said smirking as she watched your suprised face.
-you wont! Come on Nat i will tell him just stop nagging about it.
you said as you covered you haid with the fluffy blanket.
The next day was suprissingly well. No cramps no pains and a low flow so you thought this was a perfect time to go to Bucky. You had missed him so much even if it was inly for a day. Your period it made you clingy and you wanted him around all the time. So you went into hiw room only to find him half asleep on his bed. Not wanting to wake him you tip toe to his bed and crawl under the blankets next to him. The momment he felt your pressence he woke putting his arm in your middle pulling you closer to him giving you a lazy soft kiss on the lips.
-I thought you were with Nat? 
-we finished early and i wanted to see you.
you said burring your head in the crook of his neck snuggling even further.
-i missed you so muck Bucky
you say in a muffled voicce making Bucky laugh holding you tighter against him.
-i missed you too doll so much
he said kissing your temple humming a song lulling you both to sleep.
Time passed and after a 2 hours nap you were ready to have some fun but the momment you opened your eyes you realised that you had leaked. FUCK !!! what were you gonna do you didnt want Bucky to see this. This was a disaster so you decided to act quickly. You slid under the covers and from Buckys arms but the momment you were getting up you felt a hand grasping yours gently.
-where are you going doll? 
he asked in a groogy voice sleep still evident in his eyes.
-im just going to the bathroom baby go back to sleep ill be back soon
you said kissing him softly on the forehead and then on the lips before standing up.
Bucky hummed in aggrement and went to close his eyes but when you stood up he gasped at the sight before him sending him into a panic mode rapidly gettinf out of bed and start bomb you with questions.
-yn where did you got hurt? what is all that blood? did you got shot?
he didnt think what he was saying he was just in shock of what he was seeing infront of him.
-Bucky baby im alright i promise you. Im fine love im fine. 
you tried to tell him but he didint listen he was busy checking you up and down for any sighns of possimble wound.
finally you sat on the bed took his hands that roamed your body and placed them on your face making him look at you in the eyes.
-Bucky my love i am okay. you saw it yourself i have no wounds. You have to calm down my love i am here and i am fine i promise you.
hearing this words Bucky finally relaxed and took a deep breath looking you lovingly and worridly in your eyes.
-what is all that blood then doll? where did it came from?
in that momment he looked like a lost puppy lost in worried and you felt terribly guilty for this. You should have talked to him.
-My love i am going to explain everything up okay? i just want 10 minutes to get clean and ill be back with you i promise.
he was hesitant he didnt know what was happening and he was still very worried but your reassuring smile calmed him.
-Are you sure you re okay doll?
-yes Bucky im fine i promise i will be back in a bit dont worry.
and with that yn was headind to the door going to her room to quickly change.
Bucky sat worriedly in the couch of his room his leg bouncing up and down waiting for you. the momment he heard the door open he turned to see you in an oversized shirt that was his and a cute pair of fluffy socks. he was so relived that you were okay and he immidietly sat up and got to you hugging you tight.
-im okay baby im okay. lets go talk i have some things to tell you.
you said breaking the hug but taking his hand in yours guiding him in the couch.
-i should have said that to you a long time before but i didnt want to burden you.
you said in a low voice looking at your linked hands.
-you can tell me anything yn, you are never a burden for me. what is it doll?
he held your chin up with his fingers lookung at you with the most sincere eyes.
Every month when i go to Nats for sleepovers it is because i have my period and i didnt want you to be overwhelmed about this. i know in your time they didnt speak about it and now you have so much on your plate to figure out that i didnt want to put another in it.
you said quietly and nervously.
Bucky looked at you not with anger or hate but with love and adoration that relaxed a little bit.
- Doll you got through it all alone all those months so just to not overwhelm me?
-yes.. im sorry i should have said it sooner but..
you didnt got to finish your sentence and Bucky just took you in his arms and kiss you. the kiss was so pationate and fierce that you melted in his touch. after the kiss he hold you and said
-you dont have to hide from me doll. yes i have a lot to learn still about this new world but whenit comes to you you come first baby. im here for you for anything you need me to and im happy to learn with you. i want you to feel comfortamble and free with me yn . im here for you love.
he said that with so much love that you felt guilty thinking that he will get mad.
-thank you so much baby. im so soory for keeping this from you.
-its okay doll im happy you finally told me so i can help you through it. So what exactly is a period?
he questioned and you laughed a bit. you loved how eager he was a bout learning for it and how helpfull he wanted to be. you spent 1 hour expalining to him what it was how many days  it lasted what were the symptoms and how to help you. After that he never letted you on your own on your period he was there for you through it all. cramps cravings mood swings and all and that made you fall in love with him all over again. 
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dreamc0rpse · 1 year
5:46 pm jan 13 2023
I didnt cry, i screamed
I sobbed.
How could i lose you like this, will i ever see again?
Such a special friend, forever gone no more, please return unto me your perfect little face, paws.
I lovr you so.. you dont wven know
Oh how i wish i could of eased your little heart, fed you breath from your littrly snout, i feel miserable and awful watching you suffer, i just want you to feel whole again.
I miss you so much.
I wish i could of spent the world and eternity aftermorr woth you.. i love you
Im so scared now, of what to come. Your birthday would of been the day aft r my surgery, such a sugary surprise to spend together feeling better…
But now it will be no more… only 3 years mere 4, so close with too soon, why would they spite me? This horrendous world.
Why must you take and take and take… was it the dream i had? What about it to fracture with reality?
Some haunted holloween house? Nothing seemed too symbolic why was he there? were we connection at the seams? Something in between? Inside my head a secret connection?
How i wish to not beleive such silly things.
But i do, and i ache for you. It hurts.
Everything is so much more difficult now without you…
How could something be so right but go so wrong…so fast…
What was it….how i dread not knowing….it hurts me more thrn you could ever know, how nuch i wish i myself was the one seizing in palms, i wish it wasnt you.
I hate that it was you, but even that it could of been anybody else, me even just not you…
A tremendous heap of pain and harrows confides in me a solace forever forgotten.
This is just too much, to re run over and over and only be stuck, i am running to you.
But you are just stuck as well.
I hate this, this sick dream. I please to just wake up, erase this from reality. With ease. PLEASE.
Wont you please erasw this from my time line please hust bring him back why did yoi go why did you take him like that why
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Crocodile, Marco, Law and Katakuri comforting  their S/O (Sfw)
Hello, lovely spirits!! I had this in my google docs for some time and finally finished it! I hope you all enjoy it!
Tw: none
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-Crocodiles would instantly know something is wrong with you by the way you are acting. He would ask calmly what is wrong and you would try to brush it off but Crocodile wouldn’t accept that answer at all. 
-After dating him for many years he knew what would help when you would get into these kinds of moods. Crocodile was more of a man of actions than words, in some cases, he would use words to also help you feel better. 
-Since he is a larger man just being held by him as you sat on his lap his finger brushing through your hair. The feeling of being comforted by him even in silence was something you loved. He often was quiet but the gestures like this would definitely help you calm down easily. “The world we live in can be a hassle we have to learn to deal with it in our own ways…I won’t deny you help ever if you need me.”
 -Crocodile would also take you out on a very nice expensive dinner. Knowing some of your favorite foods he would choose a restaurant that would fit the occasion. 
-Nothing gets by him the moment he sees the lonesome look on your face he would know something is going on. He remembered a recent event that just affected you and it was harder for you to move past it. 
- Marco would ask if you needed anything or even tell you to take it easy for the day. Marco reaches for your hands and brings you closer to him. You could see the worried look on his face he didn’t like seeing you like this
- His hand resting on the back of your head and the other hand rubbed your back and he held you close. Your arms immediately wrapped around him tightly as you buried your face in his chest. His words “everything will get better, I know it is hard to see it right now… but trust me yoi.”
-Later that night Marco would take you on the small ride to help you get your mind off the issues bothering you. Every time going on a ride with Marco you seem to forget what is bothering you the higher he soared the more you gazed at the twinkling stars above you both.
-This man is very observant with anything you do. You can’t hide anything from him when he looks at you in the eyes. He knew you would get like this and would figure out a way to help you cope with it. 
-Laying in bed next to him unable to sleep he could sense you were up. The tossing and turning you were doing in the bed, some events played in your mind over and over. Feeling the tears welt up in your eyes.
- Law would snake his arm around you bringing your closer to his chest. The hug is more of a comforting feeling almost like a weighted blanket over you. Your body began to relax little by little by the passing second.
-When your body relaxed he spoke “If there is anything you want to talk about let me know -ya.”  his words were in a quiet tone, feeling the tears escape from yours as you blinked. “As a doctor and as your boyfriend, making sure you are okay is my main priority.” 
-Another one that would pick up on your emotions quickly. Even before you could respond he could see what you would say. As a man of very few words, he would care about your well-being, going above and beyond for you.
-Katakuri would ask to speak with you privately. When finally alone he would ask “would you like to talk about it?” he would ask in a more concerned tone.
-There wouldn’t be any point hiding it, but he has told you before he wanted you to come to him if there was anything bothering you. When you spoke explaining everything tears fell from your face. 
-Reaching for your face Katakuri would wipe the tears from your face cupping your cheeks with his large hands “All the pain and sorrow you are feeling will pass… This will make you a stronger person. You are already a strong person for what you endeared already.” pressing his lips against your forehead. The anxious feeling in your chest would go away as it felt like the kiss was able to take it away.
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Tagging: @undercoverweeeb @fireflykaizoku @kristaline2dmensimp @simpforroses @starrybrujita @athena-portgas @tsunderedoctor @friendly-kaiju
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