#ok i’m sorry i’m done i just had to get it out of my system. i’m good now
thebearer · 3 days
Annnnnnd how would Lip act in the situation of the devastation fic
i’ve had to think about this tbh. bc he kinda already had his own version with the unexpected pregnancy news of freddy.
but i started thinking in terms of lip’s reader leaving and taking the kids with her, and genuinely, i can’t think of a situation where that would happen and she would come back. like they’d be done.
now, with that being said, i could see lip and you getting into a fight- a huuuuugggeee fight. bigher than the one when you found out you were pregnant with amelia. this is based off of lip with best friend!reader who’s a elementary school teacher. she does pretty well, has a salary and insurance so wayyyy better than anything lip grew up with, but they’re not rich by any means. truly comfortable. lip’s working at the auto shop, still doing odd ball jobs but more full time, got promoted to a shift supervisor and got a raise. you both share a bank account together bc it makes it easier.
debby (bc it’s always debby and i’m a debby hater sorry) does something stupid. stupid enough to need bail money, stupid enough that she might get franny taken away or placed into custody elsewhere. debby calls lip, wailing and frantic for money, and lip, of course, rushes to give in.
comes to you all frantic and manic. “hey, uh, i-i need to move some money alright?”
“move some money? why?” you frown. “lip, are you- is everything alright?”
“debby got arrested.” lip mumbles. he’s known you for a while, a long while, he knows your disdain when it comes to debby and her carelessness. more so, his incessant need to always pull her out of the hole she dug herself in. “she needs money for bail.”
“woah, woah, hold on.” you stop him. “you’re- you’re not- lip, absolutely not.”
“what?” lip snaps. “absolutely not? what-“
“-lip.” you glare at him lightly. “no, we-we don’t have that kind of money right now. jude starts daycare next month, and the daycare fees are going to double-“
“-yeah because you insist on puttin’ them in that fancy ass one by your school.” lip scoffs. “couldn’t leave them with mrs. mcgee. too fuckin’ good for that.”
“yeah, i am too good to leave my babies with a lady who chain smokes and watches the price is right all day.” you glare. “i want my babies to go somewhere safe and- that’s not even the point right now. lip, no. you’re not doing it. we can’t afford it.”
“we can fucking afford it. don’t start this shit with me-“
“-lip, we might have the money for it, but that does not mean we can afford it. that’s our savings, our safety net-“
“-and this is my family. my sister.” lip gritted his teeth. “isn’t that what the safety nets for, huh? for shit like this? unexpected bad shit?”
“not for debby.” you snap, finality in your tone. “not for someone who continues to make bad decisions and not learn from them and then wants you to run and get her out of it every time. i’m sorry, lip. this time i’m not letting you do it.”
that escalates bc one, you told lip he couldn’t do something which just made him turn more stubborn, and two, he’s blinded with irrational rage.
“what about franny, huh? she’s your fuckin’ niece, you’re gonna just let her get put in the system-“
“-franny is more than welcome to stay here. i will gladly take her while debby’s figuring shit out, but you have kids you need to think of. two kid that are yours that you need to think of, lip!”
“don’t you fucking dare.” lip snarls. “don’t you use my kids against me.”
“i’m not using them against you! jesus, lip, you don’t get to just come in here and tell me what we’re doing with our money! that’s my money in there too, ok? i’m telling you right now, if you fuckin’ use my money on this, and not think about our kids, you might as well just not come home.”
lip is furious, leaves without another word, slamming the door hard behind him leaving you in the house with freddy and baby jude. you’re fuming, upset, hurt- he’s feeling the same. lip is furious, furious at you telling him what to do.
he ends up at ian’s house after coming dangerously close to going to the alibi. ian talks him down, tells him you’re right, which was not what lip wanted to hear.
“debby can wait. she’ll get out soon enough and she can figure it out.” ian rolls his eyes. “she shouldn’t have been such a fuckin’ moron.”
“what about franny then, huh? you’re gonna just let her go into the system? let cps get her until then?” lip spat furiously.
ian scoffs. “franny is with carl right now. he’s bringin’ her here tonight.”
lip burns with embarrassment, feeling petulant but still pissed. “hey, word of advice?” ian smirks. “quit bein’ a hard headed jack ass and go home and apologize to your wife before she comes to her senses and leaves your ass for good.”
and lip is still mad but it’s dwindling, a guilt replacing it instead. he just needed to calm down, to think straight. walking back to your house, he had the time to.
lip jammed his key in the door, the ridges not sliding the usual way, not clicking. so he tried again, turning the key with no luck- it didn’t budge. he pulled on the knob, twisting again and again but nothing. “stupid fuckin’ piece of shit door.” lip grumbles, knocking on the door.
he waits, huffing, knocking louder. when there was still no response, lip goes to pull out his phone, only then does he see the pink envelope with his name on it on the welcome mat.
lip opens it up to find a note:
since you insist on doing whatever you want without asking me or considering our family, i decided i would do the same. you can go stay with debby since you chose her over me and my kids.
ps. don’t bother with the lock, i had them changed xoxo”
he found his car keys under the envelope. lip was furious, absolutely fucking furious and sick and upset and just overwhelmed with every emotion possible. you hadn’t even given him his lighter, so he took a walk to the corner store to buy a pack of spirits and a lighter. he called you on his way back, not surprised when you didn’t pick up.
“hey, you know, i know you think you’re bein’ real fuckin’ funny but this shit isn’t funny, ok? i didn’t choose debby, i didn’t do shit, alright? so let me back in the house and let’s be adults about this.”
then another voicemail.
“alright, seriously? you’re not gonna let me in? you’re not gonna let me come say goodnight to freddy or jude? that’s fucked up. really fuckin’ fucked up.”
“you’re bitchin’ me out about not spending money, and-and you get that done? get the locks changed? how much did that cost huh? you can use money to be petty and childish but i don’t get a say in what i want to use it in?”
“ok this is ridiculous. let me in. talk to me. be a fuckin’ adult.”
“seriously? where the fuck am i supposed to sleep tonight? i know you’re fuckin’ seeing’ these- i can fuckin’ see you! just let me in!”
you don’t budge. don’t reply back, don’t answer the calls. he knows better than to bang on the door, wake jude or freddy up, and truthfully… he’s a little terrified at the moment. very scared that you’re truly done with him, that ian was right and you’d come to your senses.
so he slept in his car. in the driveway, thankful it was warm that night and he had a few spare shirts and things in the back. he waited until the next morning, when he knew you’d be up with the boys, to ring the doorbell.
his anger had vanished to fear and guilt, retreating back to you with his tail tucked between his legs, all sad eyes and gentle apologies that you deflected with anger still bubbling.
it definitely took him a while to make it up, a very long while before you actually gave him his new key. he had to make it up to you, work on his communication and his sharing especially with you.
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scholarhect · 2 years
for the record, that “in our future utopian society, we will have a system wherein everyone will do exactly one day of sanitation work each cycle” post is insane, and i wouldn’t comment but i’ve seen it agreed with so many times that i just have to say. guys. hello? this is nonsense. this makes no sense
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griffintail2 · 3 months
Wolf in Duck's Clothing (Part 2)
Summary: A small child sinner tries to navigate her way through Hell.
Pairings: Lucifer x Child!GN!Reader
Warnings: None that I know of but it's Hazbin, we'll find them eventually.
Part 1 - Part 3
“Sit here.” He brought them into the sitting room. “Don’t. Touch anything.”
The small child sat; their ears twitching as they looked around as Lucifer left them be to think of…something to get the sinner out of his hair. He could leave them somewhere but there weren’t exactly orphanages and he didn’t know anyone. Hmm, but Charlie might. She was quite more sociable with their subjects than he was. She was working on some project or other but surely, she could help him, and it would be nice to see his daughter.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) shifted on their seat, sniffing the air only to sneeze at the amount of dust they smelled. It was such a big and pretty house; they were surprised it was so covered in dust. Their father would hate how filthy it was…
(Y/N) looked the way Lucifer had gone before looking at the food in their hands. They stood up, carefully wiping an area of the coffee table free of dust with their tail before they put their food down, quietly eating the bread and an apple as they sat on the floor. It was so good to get food in their system.
Lucifer dialed his daughter as he paced his hallway.
“Heeeey Dad,” Charlie answered after a few rings.
“Charlie! How are you?”
“I’m good but a little busy right now, I’m working on my hotel.”
“That’s wonderful Char-Char.” Lucifer hummed noncommittally. “But hey, I need a small favor.”
Charlie sighed quietly. “I’m a little busy Dad.”
“It’s small I promise.”
“I’m really, really sorry, but I need to work on this. I’ll come over in a few days. I promise. I just really need to do this.”
“A few days?” Lucifer looked down the hall back to where the sinner was.
“Yes. But I will be there to help with what you need.” Charlie promised him, though she assumed it was another duck project or the like; he’d be ok for a few days or he’d forget about it.
“It really can’t wa-”
“Charlie!” Someone called for her on the other end.
“I got to go. Talk soon, dad.” Charlie said once more because she hung up.
Lucifer sighed as he stared at his phone. A few days? What was he supposed to do with the sinner now? He had no idea where you’d even take a child sinner in Hell. How did they end up down here? They had to have done something terrible to end up here.
“Of course they did, they’re all terrible.” He muttered to himself as he started walking back to the sitting room as he pocketed his phone.
Just a few days, that’s all he had to hold out for. He’d see his daughter, she’d take the sinner away, and he could go back to his ducks! A win overall.
He came out, seeing the sinner separating their food carefully in different piles on the table.
“What are you doing?” He asked making them jump again.
They looked up at him, ears pinning back. “Rationing.”
“Yes, I’m trying to make sure I have enough food for—”
He held up a hand. “I know what rationing is.” He looked at their small pile of food. “You’re really taking care of yourself?”
They nodded as they looked at their food and then at him. “Just me.”
“How long have you been down here? How did you get down here?”
They paused as they watched him before looking away, staring at the food in front of them. “I-I haven’t been here…long. Maybe…a few months, I don’t know sir. It’s…hard to tell time here.”
They were silent after that, not uttering a word of their sin.
He sighed deeply from his nose as he crossed his arms. It was wrong of him to ask that. While a sinner…they were a child. Whatever sin they had committed would be hard on them.
“Alright, well the only person I know that can give some help is going to be a few days. So…you’ll stay here till she gets here. I’ll give you some old clothes of my daughter’s and you can stay in one of the guest’s rooms.”
The child looked up at him in surprise and his gaze softened seeing their eyes glossy.
“Really?” They watched him carefully.
“Yeah. I’m…not thrilled about the situation. But, I wasn’t going to send you back onto the streets. Charlie will be able to help you get somewhere. Come on, I’ll show you the room.”
They went to pick up their food but he waved his hand, making them look at him confused.
“You won’t need that.” He snapped his fingers and the food disappeared, making the child startle. “There’s food in the kitchen. You can get whatever you want from there when you’re hungry. Now come on.”
He started walking, the child staring at his back for a few moments before hurriedly following him.
“There’s just going to be a few rules till Charlie gets here.” He told them as they walked down the hall. “One, don’t go into other rooms besides the room I’m letting you use, the kitchen, the sitting room, and the bathroom. Two, don’t touch anything you don’t need to. Three…well that’s actually all I have for right now. But those are the rules. Got it?”
They nodded silently.
“Good.” Lucifer nodded as well before stopping and opening a door to a bedroom. “This the room.”
The child gave a soft frown as they saw it was also covered in dust but that should be an easy fix. They nodded, now giving him a small smile.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Yeah well.” He shrugged. “See you in a few days.”
He left with that, the child tilting their head in confusion. Surely the two of them would see each other for food or the halls. It was a big house though. Maybe it was harder to see each other. (Y/N) hummed softly before looking at the bedroom. Well, there was work to be done then.
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lovelyjj · 6 months
"I want only you." with jj maybank from the prompt list ??
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.2k
Tumblr media
JJ was going from girl to girl. He was having one-night stands. He was hooking up with every touron in sight. Truth be told JJ was trying to fill a void. He loved you and he was sure you didn’t love him back. He felt like he wasn’t good enough for you.
It was another party at some kooks house, how you and your friends, the pouges, got invited was a mystery. You were having fun dancing and drinking the usual partying scene.
You were getting yourself another drink when you saw him. You saw JJ talking to a girl that you didn’t know. You felt a pain in your chest at the sight. You didn’t know what was being said but you could bet 100 dollars that he was flirting with her.
The drink you got was a mai tai. It entered your system and made you a little buzzed. The idea of having to watch JJ flirt was nauseating. Therefore, you decided to wander upstairs.
You passed by a couple who was making out on the top of the stairs. You wandered down the hallway and tried a few doors but they were all locked. Eventually, finding nothing entertaining you decided to head back downstairs. As you turned around you were met with a hard chest.
“Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t see-“ you started.
“Hiya princess, what’s a pretty girl like you doing up here all alone,” Rafe smirked.
“Nothing I was just looking for the bathroom,” you spoke quietly choosing to lie instead of telling him you were just wandering around.
“Second door on the left,” Rafe pointed.
“Hey and maybe when your done we could get you another drink!” Rafe shouted as you walked towards the bathroom.
The bathroom was nice but you didn’t want to be in there long. You simply did your business and walked back out to the party. Rafe was leaning against the wall, waiting for you.
“There she is!” Rafe gestured towards you outstretching his hands.
“Yeah yeah yeah so where’s this drink you promised?”
“Come with me,” Rafe put his arm around your shoulder and led you downstairs.
When you reached the kitchen, Rafe pulled out two mai tais from the cooler. He handed you one and whispered in your ear, “drink up.”
You did as you were told and before you knew it you were on your fourth. You were standing around talking to Rafe about random things when you see JJ racing towards you and Rafe.
He got right up in your face and started yelling.
“What the hell do you think your doing?!”
“Drinking,” you slurred.
“With Rafe?” JJ accused.
“Yeah with Rafe, you were too busy eye fucking that poor girl,” you spat.
“Right so you keeping tabs on me now?” JJ questioned.
“No but you have no right to be jealous when all you do is hook up with other girls,” you shouted.
“Oh that’s rich. I’m not jealous, I’m just surprised your hanging out with this kook.”
“Why do you care?”
“Because I care. I care about you ok?! Is that so hard to believe? Rafe is bad news,” JJ yelled.
“You have a funny way of showing it,” you pointed your finger at him. You went to take a step towards him but you lost your balance and fell forward. JJ caught you thankfully.
The proximity of you and JJ got you flustered. The alcohol already was making you flushed you didn’t need to increase it. You could smell the alcohol on JJ’s breath, it was hitting your face.
“Thanks,” you acknowledged for catching you.
“No problem,” he breathed.
“If your little cat fight is over, I wasn’t done talking to y/n,” Rafe cut in.
“You know what Rafe, be my guest. Screw this I’m out of here. Hang out with whoever you want,” JJ stormed off leaving you drunk on his aroma. The few seconds that you were that close to him left you feeling dizzy.
“I’m glad that we’re finally alone,” Rafe expressed.
“Thanks for the drinks but I have to go,” you spoke quickly.
You wanted to find JJ and talk to him anything to continue to be around him but you had no luck. He was gone. You wondered if he found a girl to go home with. You hope not.
Kiara was the one who got you home safely because you were too drunk to do so yourself and you tried asking her about JJ but she knew nothing. When you finally made it to your room, you went to bed that night hoping JJ’s jealousy was real and that he wasn’t hooking up with a girl tonight.
You woke up with a terrible hangover. You had a bad headache and you were feeling nauseous. You wanted to hide under the covers and never come out.
The day was bright and sunny, making you cringe from all the light. The headache you had didn’t help. You were sensitive from the light due to your hangover.
You want to check your phone and realized you had a text from JJ.
JJ: can we please talk?
Y/N: yeah I guess so.
JJ: come to the château.
The walk over to the château wasn’t that bad but your head was pounding. JJ was outside waiting for you.
“Hey you came!?” JJ stated.
“Ok just listen and let me speak first,” JJ demanded.
You nodded your head.
“About the party, seeing you with Rafe made me really angry. I was super jealous and I know I have no right to be jealous but I was. I wanted to punch the living daylights out of him for even looking in your direction. You make me feel things I never thought I would feel. I think I’m better with you in my life, and I love you.” JJ finished.
You were shocked by his speech, you didn’t expect him to say that at all. You stood there thinking how to respond to that with JJ looking at you for an answer.
“How will I know that you’re loyal?” you asked.
“I want only you,” JJ replied.
“Do you mean that?”
“Yes, I mean every word. No girl could ever compare to you.”
“So all those girls you were with mean nothing to you?” you raised a brow.
“I was only with those girls because I thought you would never love me back. I was being stupid and careless.” JJ explained.
“It really hurt me to see you with them.”
“So you were jealous?” JJ smirked.
“What No i- maybe,” you pondered.
JJ laughed and you were excited to see him so happy.
“Listen JJ I’ve always loved you,” you started.
JJ let out a sigh of relief, like he was holding his breath waiting for you to tell him that you love him.
“Can i kiss you i’m dying over here.” JJ pleaded.
JJ grabbed your face and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was heated and frantic. You were relieved that he was kissing you. JJ was eager. Your lips were crushing together. JJ’s blood was rushing through his veins. JJ’s hands were cupping your cheek.
When the kiss was over both of your were smiling.
“Come back here,” JJ spoke.
You grinned into the second kiss. JJ moving one hand to your waist to pull your body closer to his. The other hand moved to your neck.
When it was over you were both breathing heavy.
“it’s just you and me against the world.” JJ acknowledged.
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 1 year
get you, pt2 - seungcheol (m)
summary: neighbor!seungcheol. after your first date with cheol, you just keep falling harder. you start sharing more and more of your life with him, opening up your heart and home to the prince charming from across the hall. 
word count: 12.2k (part two/?) part one
warnings: afab reader (some gendered terms), nsfr (not safe for ramadan), cussing, smut!!!! fingering, oral (f receiving), protected sappy lovey dovey sex
of course your first date with cheol was perfect. he was a complete gentleman, buying your dinner and waiting patiently at the record store after while you searched through all the new and old releases. he even carried all of your picks just for you to give up half of them because you decided “i don’t need all these albums” right before you checked out. 
even though that was your first date with cheol, it didn’t seem like a first date at all. usually you’re on edge trying to make a good impression while deciding whether you like the guy or not, but this was the easiest date you’ve ever been on. the hard part was ending it. cheol came back to your apartment after, helping you organize your vinyls and cds by your meticulous standards. after teasing you endlessly for your filing system that makes no sense (it’s based on vibes) cheol asked if you had anything to drink, and once again you find yourselves sitting entirely too close and sharing a glass. you put on one of the vinyls you just bought before you sat down, and you sit together in comfortable silence as it plays softly. when it’s time to flip, cheol gets up and does it for you, coming back to sit even closer than he was before with his arm around your shoulders. you’re snug in the corner of your couch, but you shift to try and give cheol more room. instead he just lifts your legs in one arm and drapes them over his lap, comfortably resting his hand on your thigh after.
“this ok?” he asks, looking at you to confirm.
“it’s nice,” you tell him, and he squeezes your thigh in agreement. “what do you think of the album?”
“it’s good,” he nods. “now i understand why you wanted this on your chill shelf and not the funk shelf.”
“it’s chill funk,” you joke, “and that’s too niche for it’s own shelf. but it’s more chill than anything else so it makes sense.”
“or you could just do it by, i don’t know, the alphabet?” cheol asks, holding back a smile.
“that’s boring,” you pout. 
“oh, baby thinks being logical is boring?” cheol pouts back, and you admire his lips for a moment before it clicks: you could just kiss him. you’ve done it before, and you did just go on a date with the man. instead of daydreaming about a kiss, you could just...lean forward and press your lips to his. you sigh into his mouth when your lips connect, and he holds you by the thighs tighter. your hands drape over his broad shoulders, angling him more towards you so it’s easier for you to run your lips over his. you pull back slightly to catch your breath, but cheol’s lips chase yours, still perfectly pouted and an even brighter shade of cherry red than before. you knock your forehead into his, giggling, and he laughs too, asking, “what’s wrong with you? that wasn’t funny.”
“no,” you say, calming your laughs. “i just..can’t really believe i did that. can’t believe we went on a date.”
“neither can i, honestly,” cheol says, and you pull back completely to look at him fully. “well, i mean, i knew it would happen eventually,” he continues. “because i knew i wanted to ask you out. i just didn’t expect you to make the first move.”
“sorry babe,” he shrugs. “but really, next time you wanna go out, just ask me, no need for an elaborate story-”
“that’s it, i’m calling vernon,” you say as you reach for your phone, “i need him to clear my name.” 
“did you tell him we went out anyway?” cheol asks casually, and you stop. “you didn’t, did you?”
“no,” you shake your head sheepishly, and cheol smiles at you. “honestly i didn’t want to be distracted by him teasing me while we were on our date.”
“understandable,” cheol nods. “when i told mingyu we were finally going out i actually had to put my phone on dnd. otherwise gyu would’ve blown it up.”
“god, he’s gonna feel like he made this happen,” you groan, head falling into the crook of cheol’s neck. he smiles at the ticklish feeling of your breath hitting his skin, but he doesn’t ask you to move. “you know, now that i think about it, we have really annoying friends.”
“yeah,” cheol sighs. “but they mean well.”
“whatever,” you reply, closing your eyes to enjoy this moment. the warmth of cheol around you, his scent encasing you with every breath, and the music...it had turned off. when did that happen? you pick your head up and look at your record player and, yep, totally still. 
seungcheol watches your eyes and picks up on your train of thought, saying, “it turned off a while ago. guess we didn’t really notice.”
the unspoken issue between you now is: who’s going to make the first move to get up? and what happens then? usually cheol just goes home once it’s too late, but you’re dating now, right? so, should you ask him to stay? as always, it’s like he was reading your mind, and he says, “i guess i should go.”
“really?” you ask, your head back on his shoulder looking at him with pleading eyes. “but i’m comfy.”
“yeah, but i’m about to fall asleep,” he laughs, “and you don’t want to be stuck under me when that happens.”
“or do i?” you counter, and a flicker of something crosses his eyes that you can’t read. “i wouldn’t make you sleep on the couch though.”
“noted,” he says quietly, holding your gaze for a moment longer. he squeezes your thigh again, but this time moves you off his lap carefully. “but i should really go back.”
“o-ok,” you say, holding back a yawn as you watch cheol grab his things. “want me to walk you so you don’t get lost?”
“no,” he laughs, “but cmere.”
“what?” you ask, a small smile on your face as you get up and meet him at the door. he wraps an arm around your waist, bringing you close to him as he dips down to kiss you one more time. your eyes flutter closed, and you stay like that long after he pulls away.
“night darling,” he whispers, placing a kiss on your cheek. you open the door for him and watch him cross the hall, leaning on your door with a hand on your cheek where he kissed you. cheol looks back and gives a small wave before he disappears behind his door, and you close your own and smile happily to yourself, realizing that warm feeling in your chest might be here to stay. 
everything about cheol is easy. going on a date with him was easy. kissing him was easy. finding little things that make you realize you’re falling in love with him, that was easy too. 
while your feelings for cheol have been brewing since you met him, the first time you thought this might be love was a couple days after your first date. you were coming home from work, tired and stressed, and you had the scare of your life when you opened the door to your apartment. laid out on your couch, asleep with a book held tightly to his chest, was seungcheol. you yelped a little when you saw the surprise waiting for you, and fred stirs first from his spot by cheol’s feet. his movement wakes your visitor, and he sits up slowly to find you staring at him with confusion and a little fear in your eyes.
“what’s wrong?” he asks, still out of it.
“um? what are you doing here? how’d you get inside?” you ask nervously. “your couch isn’t doing it for you, had to come in here and use mine?”
“oh,” he yawns, sitting up slowly and messing with his mussed hair. if you weren’t so startled you’d be cooing over how cute he looks, but your heart is still slowing from the fright he gave you. “sorry, i should’ve texted you but i didn’t want to worry you at work.”
“what happened?” you ask as you join him on the couch, and his arm wraps around you out of habit. “did someone break in?”
“no, but they could have,” cheol eyes you with a hint of annoyance. “i came back from my run right after you left for work, and i guess fred heard me thinking you were back home so he was whining pretty loud. i almost texted you then, asking if i could come get your keys so i could check on him, but i tried your door and somebody-” a light flick to your forehead “-forgot to lock up before they left.”
“oops?” you try, and when cheol continues looking at you with a hint of disappointment you try rubbing the spot he flicked. “also ouch.”
“oh you’re fine,” he says quickly, kissing the spot on your forehead he flicked. “anyway, i opened the door and fred had gotten sick in the kitchen. i took him out and he was sick again, so i just stayed over here to keep an eye on him. he’s been fine since. did he eat anything weird last night?”
“not that i know of,” you reply, watching cheol closely. “i can’t believe you risked breaking and entering charges for me.”
“it was for fred.”
“well he’s basically my son, so,” you say, trying to hide your smile. “thank you baby, i’m glad he’s got you looking out for him.”
“baby?” cheol smiles. “i don’t think you’ve called me that before.” 
“thought i’d give it a try,” you explain. “figure i’ll have to work my way up to calling you sweetcheeks.” 
“you can call me sweetcheeks now,” he says with a smirk, pushing his cheeks up as he continues, “i mean i am pretty sweet.”
“those aren’t the cheeks i’m talkin about,” you joke, pulling his hands from his face as you wiggle your eyebrows at him. cheol falls back into the couch with a loud laugh, and you kick your feet up onto the couch so you can lean back with him and rest your head on his shoulder. 
“never mind, never call me that please.”
“too bad sweetcheeks, already changed your contact in my phone to it.”
even though that wasn’t the first time cheol had shown you he cared for you deeply, it was the first time it made you feel safe with him. protected. looked after. knowing you had cheol, and he had you, that meant the world. so seeing first hand what lengths he was willing to go for you planted that seed telling you this might just be love. for cheol, it was a different story. 
a few days after cheol’s breaking and entering, he had told you he might be a little busier than usual because of school, so you agreed to have a week to yourselves. mostly. just because you didn’t have time for each other doesn’t mean you won’t find ways to sneak over to his to have coffee with him in the morning, or he won’t stop by once he hears you get home from work just for a quick kiss and to hear how your day was. this week was hard though, cheol had his own school stuff to handle with assignments and ta work, but he also had a bunch of music lessons to prepare for because of end of year concerts. he was out of his apartment from sun up to sun down it seemed, and you knew he wouldn’t have time to take care of himself.
all week you tried to figure out the pattern of when cheol would get back home so that you could surprise him on friday. once it got close, you kept the noise in your apartment to a minimum so you could hear cheol as soon as he got to his door. you had spent the night cooking for him, making sure he’d have a nice meal to help him refresh and get ready for what was probably going to be a stressful weekend too. the minute you heard his keys, you threw your door open, making him jump slightly. 
“y/n, hi,” he says, confused. “what are you doing up so late?”
“i’m a night owl, you should know this by now, baby,” you tell him. you almost get distracted by the way he’s dressed, obviously coming back from his ta job since’s in one of his nice button ups and another pair of slacks that highlight his juicy thighs. cheol watches as you practically drool over him, and he clears his throat to get your attention. 
“i feel like this is deja vu from the last time you saw me dressed like this,” he teases, bringing a blush to your cheeks. “what’s up my love?” 
not missing his new nickname for you, you tell him to wait there as you disappear to your kitchen to grab the food you’d made for him. while you were gone, fred sauntered up to the door and cheol crosses the hall to baby talk with him and scratch his ears, further endearing him for you when you return. 
“here,” you say, forcing the two dishes in your arms upon him. “the purple dish can go in the microwave, but heat the green one up in the oven for a few minutes.” you put your hand on his shoulder, using it as leverage to stand on your toes and kiss his cheek. “see you later, sweetcheeks. get some rest.”
“what?” cheol laughs slightly, looking down at the delicious food in his hands. “what is this?” 
“your dinner,” you respond. “i figured you haven’t eaten a healthy meal this week, so i made you one. there should be enough for you to have leftovers, unless you’re hungrier than i expected. anyway, it should take care of you for tonight at least.” 
“but,” he sputters, “you? did you eat?” 
“yes,” you nod, “those of us who finish work at a normal time tend to eat soon after.”
“smart ass,” he smiles, cocking his head toward his door. “come over and watch me eat then. i’ll give you a play by play of how amazing it is.” cheol crosses back to his door, looking back at you still standing at yours. “oh, unless you’re tired?”
“no,” you hesitate. “i just don’t want to bother you, you must be exhausted.”
“baby, come over,” cheol whines, his signature pout coming out. “i miss you, and we’re both gonna be up for a while anyway.” 
“well if you insist,” you say, about to close your door and join him.
“lock your door or so help me,” he laughs, pointing an accusing finger at you from underneath one of your dishes. you groan and say you’ll be over in a second, diving back into your apartment to find your god forsaken keys. 
“so you’re not tired?” you ask as you enter seungcheol’s apartment, closing (and locking) his door behind you. 
“hm, i was,” he starts from the kitchen, and when you walk in your find him with a spoon already stuffed in his mouth. “but i don’t know, some crazy person forced me to take food from them and now i feel fine.” 
“i can go back home-”
“no!” cheol shouts, grabbing you by the waist before you can make a move. “stay. for just a little bit. i’m making you a plate whether you like it or not.” 
“i already ate,” you assure him. 
“then i’ll just take what you don’t want,” he solves the problem easily, and you wrap your arms around him and lean into his chest as you wait for the food to finish.
“i missed you,” you mumble into his shirt, appreciating how it still smells like him even after a long day. “you shouldn’t work so much, because it wears you out, obviously, but i don’t think it’s fair for us to spend so much time apart all in the same week.” then, looking up at him with your chin still on his chest, “what if i forget what you look like?”
“then take a picture, darling,” he teases, booping your nose just before the microwave beeps. he pulls you off of him so he can take the food out, putting a healthy amount on both plates he’s got on the counter. you peek into the oven and check on the rest of the food, and you feel a hand graze your ass as seungcheol moves quietly behind you.
“hey!” you shout, “you touched my butt!” 
“huh?” he plays innocent. “wasn’t me, promise. i must have a ghost.”
“tell your ghost i’m taken,” you reply, looking for oven mitts. cheol reads your mind and hands you one from the drawer behind him, and you remove the second dish from the oven.
“about that,” cheol starts off, watching you give his plate more food than you put on yours. you turn around, handing him his plate, while you wait for him to go on. “can i start calling you my girlfriend?”
“yeah, i’ve been calling you my boyfriend,” you say simply, walking past him to hop up into one of the chairs at the bar on the other side of the kitchen. you watch him as you take a couple bites, hiding a smile as he opens his mouth in shock.
“who have you told?!”
“mostly vernon,” you reply. “but tahi and jen have asked, so i assume some of the guys have heard it too. wonwoo at least, not sure about gyu.” 
“so am i the last one to know about this?” he asks as he takes the empty seat next to you. 
“guess so, boyfriend,” you tell him, nudging his arm before you say, “now eat.”
in between bites, and telling you how great the food is, cheol tells you about his week. school was hard, being a ta was harder, but the highlights were his music lessons. he mostly does piano, which is easy for him he claims, but there’s a couple violin lessons he looks forward to more. there’s one kid though, a family friend he tells you, who wants to learn how to rap and produce. cheol lights up as he talks about him, and you watch fondly as he gets so excited over his little prodigy learning how to layer tracks or discovering what an 808 is. you’re interested in what he’s saying, really, but the late hour and your own hard work catches up to you and makes you yawn.
“you should go to sleep,” cheol says, finishing the last bite of food off your plate. “thank you for the food, my love. this made my week.”
“you’re welcome,” you reply with another yawn. “are you gonna head to bed too?”
“honestly, i’m not tired anymore,” cheol laughs, and you groan as you lean into his side. he uses his leg to bring your chair closer to his, finding your hands so he can play with your fingers. “guess all i needed was some time with my baby and i feel back to 100 percent.”
“while i think that’s very precious,” you start, “i’m upset i did this now because i know you probably won’t go to sleep for a while.”
“eh, it’s fine,” cheol shrugs. “it was worth it. i can always take a sleeping pill too, that’ll knock me out.” 
“you stay stocked up?” you joke, surprised that’s such a casual option for him but he nods before he explains. 
“i’ve got insomnia, so i use them every once in a while. i can’t go straight to sleep unless my body and mind are exhausted.” 
“so you haven’t used them this week i assume?” 
“no, i haven’t,” he laughs. “but it’s not a big deal if i use one tonight. i don’t feel like wearing myself out before bed so this is fine.” 
“what do you usually do?” you ask. “if you don’t wanna take a pill, i mean. how do you get yourself tired enough to go to sleep?”
“i’ll do a workout, or if it’s not too late i’ll go for a run,” he explains. “but mostly i work out. or uh, exhaust myself another way.” he clears his throat at that, grabbing your empty plates to take them to the sink. you watch as he washes them diligently, and you say something that gets drowned out by the water. “what was that babe?”
“if you ever need help, uh, wearing yourself out,” you say delicately, cheol smirking at you trying to be subtle about it. “if you ever need help i’m probably up. you could just, um, you could just call me. next time.”
“next time,” cheol says, almost like a question, and you nod. 
“yeah, next time.” 
“alright baby,” he smiles at you softly, his heart thudding in his chest as it hits him: he’s in love with you. he realizes he’s just been staring at you this whole time, and he clears his head by wiping the newly clean dishes off. “um, do you want your dishes back? i can-”
“keep em,” you shrug. “it’s not like i won’t be back over here soon.” 
“right,” he smiles, his heart pitter pattering softly. “want me to walk you home?”
“oh, so you can walk me home but i can’t walk you?” you scoff, and he just glides around the counter to grab your wrist and pull you toward the door anyway. he takes you back across the hall, tucking some hair behind your ear before he cups your face and kisses you goodnight. 
“night darling,” he says, sugar dripping from his voice. “and thank you, i loved this little surprise.”
“i’ll do it more often then,” you smile back at him, unlocking your door and waving before it closes behind you. 
that weekend, tahi and jen come over for a girls night, insisting you need it knowing how much you’ve worked lately. you neglect to tell seungcheol though, so when he finishes with his music lessons for the day he crosses the hall and knocks on your door as usual just to be met with screams to go away.
laughing, you answer the door, clad in what cheol notices is a brand new keroppi pajama set. as his eyes rake up your body, he smiles and you can see the beginnings of a joke forming on his lips when he notices the curlers in your hair.
“hey sexy,” he smiles wider, hand reaching up to play with a poor strand of neglected hair hanging by itself. “you missed a spot.”
“do not mock me,” you warn him, finger not so threateningly pressed into his chest. “i can never reach the back of my head so the girls are helping me.”
“you know i could help you?” cheol laughs. “i’m your boyfriend, i think that’s within my official capacity.”
“yeah, but if i let you see me getting ready like this then it ruins the movie magic.”
“baby if you were a movie i’d be watching the extended cut and all the behind the scenes,” cheol jokes, and he hears boos from your living room. that’s when he peeks inside and notices jen on the couch, also wearing a pajama set of her government assigned sanrio character (cinnamoroll). “hey jen.”
“tahi’s here too,” you tell him, and he looks around but you say, “in the kitchen. i think she’s making tea.”
“ooo, tea sounds great,” cheol says as he tries to walk into your apartment, and you do your best to use your smaller frame to stop him. “baby, what are you doing?”
“girls night,” you say sternly. “no boys allowed.”
“no boys?” he pouts, and you can hear tahi telling you to be strong. 
“no boys,” you confirm with a nod, and cheol pinches your cheek.
“fine. where’s fred then?” 
“if you’re having girls night then me and fred are gonna have boys night,” cheol says. “gimme his toys, he’s sleeping at my house.”
“NO,” jen shouts, “you can’t take him, he’s the only reason i came over!”
“hey!” you and tahi whine, and with the distraction cheol is able to grab fred’s leash from the wall and call for his partner in crime. fred happily gets up from beneath jen’s feet to meet cheol at the door, going along with whatever happens. you sigh as you notice how excited fred looks, so you trudge through your apartment grabbing whatever fred may need to spend the night with your annoying boyfriend. 
“here,” you grumble, shoving a bag into cheol’s eager hands. he looks just as excited as fred, so that softens the blow a little bit. “you two have fun. don’t stay up too late, don’t talk to strangers, and please don’t lose my dog.”
“i would never,” cheol scoffs, leaning in to give you a kiss. “i know you’d break up with me if anything happened to him and i won’t allow that.”
“hm, whatever you say. just come back in one piece tomorrow morning,” you tell him and he nods. 
“that i can do,” and then to fred, “let’s go buddy! boys night boys night!” chanting all the way across the hall to his door. you watch them with an idiotic grin on your face, and when you close your door you hear someone clearing their throat. you turn around to see tahi and jen both staring at you expectantly, and confused you simply ask, “what?”
“you know you’re in love with him, right?” jen asks, and you balk.
“i am not,” you reply quickly, and then you backtrack, “i mean, i like him, obviously, he’s my boyfriend. i should like him. i do. a lot. but love? i don’t love him. yet. maybe. do i?”
“yeah, you’re definitely in love with him,” tahi says as she hands you your mug of tea before she kicks off her my melody slippers and takes what’s usually cheol’s spot on the couch. “anyone can see it.”
“do you think cheol knows?” you ask, nervous. 
“maybe,” jen shrugs. “if you were oblivious about it then maybe he is too.”
“nah, he’s been in love with her since day one,” tahi says. “you know that saying, if he wanted to he would? cheol has been the embodiment of that for y/n. i don’t know any other man that would move furniture for me after not even knowing me for five minutes.”
“cheol’s just really nice,” you mumble, and your friends nod. 
“i think he’s a jerk,” jen says, and you turn to look at her just for her to say, “i can’t believe he stole fred from me.”
“oh just go over there if you miss him so much,” you groan. jen thinks about it for a second, you can see the gears turning in her head. “oh my god you’re not really gonna ditch us for my dog are you?”
“no,” she says finally. “but i’m staying for lunch tomorrow. i need to get my fred time in.”
“fine, weirdo. what movie are we gonna watch?”
after your night of being annoying with your friends, you wake up the next day shockingly early and a feeling hits you deep in the chest: you miss cheol. or fred. or both. you lay in your bed for a moment trying to decipher which one it is when you remember that you can just go over there and see them. cheol isn’t usually an early riser, but you know fred has probably needed to go out already, so you slide into your robe and slippers hoping that cheol will let you in when you knock. 
you quietly make it through the living room, hopefully not disturbing your friends (because they would ridicule you for what you’re about to do). once you’re at cheol’s door, subconsciously you just reach out to open it, still a little sleep clouding your brain. but it opens. his door was unlocked, and for a second your heart drops to your ass thinking something is wrong. you step into cheol’s apartment worried, searching for your boys and any missing valuables. nothing looks wrong in the living room, so you keep going until you find his bedroom door ajar. you push it open, and let out a quiet “awww” at the sight before you.
fred is laying on cheol’s chest, a situation you’re familiar with, because he obviously wants to get up and play but cheol is to tired for that. both their heads turn at the sound of your voice, and fred’s tail starts wagging as cheol tries his best to sit up and look at you better.
“baby?” he asks, reaching out for you. “what’s wrong?”
“oh nothing,” you say nonchalantly, shuffling over to his bed to join them. “i just missed you.” cheol’s heart jumps into his throat at your words, but then you try to recover. “i mean fred. i missed fred.”
“sure,” he smiles, grabbing your hands once you’re close enough and pulling you down into his bed. “cmere. we missed you too.”
“that’s sweet,” you coo, letting him pull you against him, his arms wrapping around you as fred situates himself at your feet. “but you wanna hear something shocking?”
“what?” cheol asks, confused. “you missed me so much it hurt?” 
blushing, because that was totally true, you reply, “no?”
“what then?”
“how do you think i got in here, sweetcheeks?” you ask, and the realization dawns on his face. “mister why-don’t-you-ever-lock-your-door forgot his own number one rule.”
“guess i’ve been spending too much time with you, your bad habits are rubbing off on me,” cheol mumbles into your hair, placing a kiss at the top of your head when he’s done.
“too much time?” you ask, sitting up, “i can leave then-”
“don’t you dare,” cheol growls, basically koala-grabbing you with his arms and legs so you have to lay back down. “can’t leave. ‘m comfy.”
“i have to though,” you grumble, struggling to get out of his strong hold. “i left my friends alone in my apartment. they could be stealing.”
“they’re probably still asleep.”
“but i promised i would make waffles-”
“waffles?” cheol asks, suddenly interested. “i like waffles.”
“let me come with you and i’ll let you go.”
“they’re gonna make fun of us.”
“whatever, we can just make out to make them uncomfortable,” cheol jokes, a shit eating grin on his face that you know is at least half serious.
“promise you won’t be weird around my friends and you can come,” you warn him, and he gives you his best puppy dog eyes, pout and all. “fine, let’s go.”
back at your apartment, you and cheol do your best to get into the kitchen without waking your guests but fred ruins it by booping noses with them just to say hey. jen is thrilled that he’s back so she stays in the living room, but tahi wanders into the kitchen and watches with a smile on her face as you and cheol work on the waffles together.
“what happened to girls night?” tahi teases, and you glare at her while cheol responds.
“this one just missed me too much,” he sighs, earning a slap to the arm. “but it’s not night anymore. it’s-” checking the oven clock “-ten in the morning, so girls night is over. do you want chocolate chips in your waffles?”
“please,” tahi nods, and cheol reaches around you, hand on your waist, to grab the bag of sweets. cheol adds some chocolate to the bowl he’s working on as tahi goes back out to join jen, and while cheol waits for the waffle iron to heat up he comes back to your side. 
he dips his finger into the batter you’re working on and almost moans at the taste, asking, “what did you put in here to make it so good??”
“cinnamon? i don’t know really, i just started adding stuff,” you reply. “is it that good?”
“mhm, taste it,” he says, dipping his finger back in and presenting it to you. nervously, you lean forward and wrap your lips around his finger, licking the batter off as you hold eye contact with him. there’s electricity in the air around you as you pull back, and with a new deepness to his voice, cheol asks, “what do you think?”
“i think it needs more vanilla,” you squeak out, and cheol holds your gaze for a second longer before he nods. 
“i think you’re right,” he says, finding the bottle of extract and taking over the work for you. you just watch on, heart beating quickly in your chest, as you try to calm down from whatever that was. 
cheol’s bold move in the kitchen changed things. obviously you’ve thought about the physical side of your relationship, but so far it hasn’t naturally gone further than making out a little bit or grabbing each other’s butts. now though? you can’t stop thinking about what could’ve happened if you and cheol had gone further. you catch yourself daydreaming about his hands and what they could do, and that leads you down a deep dark hole. you’re not sure how to bring it up to cheol though.
but you really should bring it up, because he’s thinking the same things. the way your lips wrapped around his finger has been bouncing around in his mind ever since. his brain reminds him of it at the worst times, and if he lets his mind wander he starts thinking about what else you could wrap your lips around. he wants so badly to say something, but doesn’t want to rush you into anything. so in silence you both wait for the other person to make a move.
that is, until the following friday when you get invited to a party at mingyu’s house. he’s known to find the most random reasons to throw parties, so you’re not even sure what the occasion is this time. you do know that cheol is excited about going as a couple, so you can’t say no. since you don’t totally understand the theme, you need reinforcements, so you stalk across the hall and bang on your boyfriend’s door.
“how exactly am i supposed to dress for a ‘spring equinox’ party?” you ask cheol as soon as he opens his door. 
“um, warmly?” he guesses, toweling off his wet hair. that’s when you notice he’s just wearing his boxers, his broad chest still glistening with the remains of his shower. your mind starts to wander again, and you physically shake your head to help you focus. “at least that’s what mingyu’s text said.”
“but it’s still cold outside,” you counter, then pause. “do you answer the door for strangers in your boxers?”
“no?” he laughs. “you’re the only person who knocks on my door, so i knew it was you. in case you were jealous of the world getting to see this,” he explains, doing a little shimmy at the end. 
“you’re not helping,” you groan. “what are you wearing?”
“shorts and a t shirt?” he guesses. “maybe a jacket just on the way there. but mingyu is very serious about his themes, babe, so i don’t think you can get out of this one.”
“fine,” you sigh, turning back to your door. “i’ll wear something hot.”
that you did! when cheol finishes up at his, he grabs his things and tries your door, shocked that it’s locked for once. he texts you that he’s outside, let him in pretty please, and when you open the door it takes his breath away. he’s never seen you so scantily clad before, and he finds himself staring with his mouth open. trying his best not to have the same reaction as a high school boy, he just checks you out calmly and jokes, “when you said you were dressing hot i didn’t think you meant sexy.”
“please,” you roll your eyes, “this is not sexy.”
“beg to differ,” cheol replies, looking you up and down once again. you’re wearing shorts, which he realizes now he’s never seen you in before, and he’s admiring your thighs and your ass, but the tight tank top you paired with the shorts accentuates your chest just the right way. he’s trying not to imagine what it would be like to bury his face in between-
“i’m ready,” you say finally, and cheol whines when he turns to look at you. 
“why’d you put more clothes on?” he complains, openly hating the large button up you’ve added on top.
“it’s cold outside!” you whine, and he tsks. “you’re so weird. most guys would want their girlfriend to hide the goods.”
“not me,” he shakes his head. “i want everyone to be jealous of what they can’t have, so i vote no shirt.”
“i’ll take it off at the party, deal?” you ask. “i don’t wanna be cold on the way.”
“i could keep you warm,” cheol offers, and there’s that tension again. he holds your gaze, challenging you to take up on his offer. you’re about to cave when your phone buzzes with a text from tahi, asking when you’d be there. 
“um, we should go,” you say as you clear your throat. “sounds like we might be late.” 
“hm, shame,” cheol sighs, opening your door for you. “go ahead. i’ll lock up.”
“you just wanna stare at my ass while i walk, don’t you?”
“you know me well, darling.”
at the party, you’re greeted by a shirtless mingyu at the door. he pulls you in quickly, dragging you to the kitchen to meet his new “friend” ali. she smiles politely, happy to meet more of the posse mingyu talks about so much. 
“she makes the best drinks, what’s that weird donkey drink you like y/n?” mingyu asks, and you laugh.
“a mule?” you reply, and he nods. 
“yeah, she can make you one!” you look to mingyu’s special lady and she nods, getting to work.
“are you a bartender?” you ask, finding cheol over by wonwoo. he smiles at you sweetly, and you smile back.
“no,” ali replies, “i just got really into making cocktails after the pandemic. got a whole mixology kit and thought i’d try it out. now it’s my party trick, i guess.” as she finishes, she hands you your “donkey drink” and you take a sip.
“oh, this is perfect,” you say happily. “i’ll be seeing you again later, my friend.”
“sure thing,” ali smiles, and you leave her with mingyu, who literally has puppy dog eyes as he looks at her in amazement. you laugh to yourself, happy that your friends will have someone new to tease for being in love. you walk over to join cheol and wonwoo in the living room, linking your arm with cheol’s as you listen to their conversation. 
“i’m just saying, he’s weird, man,” cheol starts. “who throws a party practically in the middle of winter and makes us wear summer clothes?” 
“i think he just wanted an excuse to be shirtless in front of that girl,” you point out, and the guys nod.
“or, crazy thought, there’s a whole season in between winter and summer,” wonwoo says, looking back at cheol. “and it’s about to start. maybe that’s why he’s having a spring equinox party.”
“that’s my point,” cheol whines, lips forming his signature pout. “who does that! what does equinox even mean!”
“it happens when the sun crosses-” wonwoo starts, and cheol whines again, head falling to your shoulder.
“baby make him stop, i don’t want a science lesson,” he says, arms wrapping around your waist as he turns into your neck. you and wonwoo share a look, yours trying to apologize for cheol’s behavior and wonwoo’s just amused by the sight before him. he says something about going to find tahi, and you’re left alone with your clingy boyfriend.
“what is your problem,” you laugh, trying and failing to push cheol off of you.
“you are,” he pouts again. “you look too good and there’s too many people here for me to make out with you without being self conscious.”
“outside?” you suggest, and cheol looks at you mischievously. 
“thought you said it was cold out.”
“i thought you said you could keep me warm?”
while it’s not the balcony that you and cheol shared your first kiss on, you find yourself in a similar situation a few seconds later. you easily snuck out without anyone noticing, cheol even managing to grab a bottle of soju for you to share as you passed by the kitchen. it’s neglected at first, because the second you slide the door closed, cheol’s hands are gripping your cheeks and pulling your lips to his. you sigh into the kiss, instantly warming at the contact. you kiss him until you need a breather, and you pull back with a dopey smile on your face as you admire the man before you. 
“hey, you’re cute,” you whisper, laughing when he blushes.
“you’re cuter,” he counters, leaning down to grab the soju he placed by the door before he takes a swig and hands it to you. “i didn’t bring cups, hope that’s okay.” 
“we just swapped spit, we can share a bottle,” you reply, taking it from him and having a healthy drink yourself. you keep passing it back and forth between you, cheol asking for a kiss every once in a while in exchange for the bottle. when it’s finally empty, he moves like he’s going back into the party, but you stop him. “wait, let’s stay out here for a minute.”
“okay,” cheol nods. “you’re not cold?”
“a little,” you shrug, placing your hands on the cool railing. “but i’m a little drunk so that’s helping.” cheol is quiet for a second and you’re comfortable just admiring the night sky like this, but his strong arms wrap around you and pull you into his chest.
“warm now?” he checks, and you nod. you relax in his arms, one of your hands reaching up to hold onto his. cheol places a kiss to the top of your head, and in that moment you feel yourself wanting to say that you love him. you don’t though, afraid to break the silence surrounding you and risk ruining the moment. so instead, you just nod and take a deep breath. 
you’re not sure how much time passes with you standing like this, cheol eventually swaying you back and forth to the beat of whatever playlist mingyu has going inside. eventually, the music gets louder, and you realize together that someone must have opened the door to the balcony. looking back you see a smug vernon there, ready to crack a joke, but you beat him to it. 
“what’s up, champ?” you ask and he smiles. 
“your favorite person is here,” he replies, and you gasp, unraveling yourself from cheol’s grasp. you follow vernon back inside, eyes searching for one of his friends that you always love seeing. when your eyes land on seungkwan you almost scream, rushing forward to pull him into a hug. you both start talking a mile a minute, trying to catch up over the past few months all in a few seconds. 
cheol comes in from the balcony, empty bottle in his hand, and he stops next to vernon. he notices cheol’s rigid posture as he watches you and seungkwan, making vernon laugh.
“don’t be jealous, dude,” vernon assures him. “me, y/n and seungkwan were all really close in college, but he’s not interested. it’s just been a while since he’s visited so you can understand why she’s so excited.”
“yeah, i get it,” cheol nods. 
he stands for another moment, watching you closely, before turning away and mumbling about finding a recycling bin. in the kitchen he makes you both new drinks, taking yours over so he can meet your friend. he’s not jealous that you’re talking to a guy, really. he’s just jealous that vernon called this dude your favorite person. wasn’t that supposed to be cheol? he makes it back to the couch where you’re listening intently to seungkwan telling a story, and he perches on the arm of the couch behind you as he hands you a drink. you reach back and grab his hand, kissing his palm, and the gesture makes seungkwan stop cold.
“you’re joking,” he says, looking between you and cheol. “don’t tell me this is the boyfriend you mentioned.”
“he is,” you say proudly. “kwan, meet cheol, cheol meet seungkwan.”
“hey,” cheol nods. 
“hi,” he says quickly. “can i be blunt?”
“sure?” cheol says, unsure of what’s coming next.
“what does someone like you see in someone like y/n?” he asks in disbelief, and you push him so hard he falls back into a sleeping hoshi. jen left him for a few minutes, hopefully to go grab him some water, so when he notices his girlfriend is gone his bottom lip starts to quiver. you push seungkwan again and say, “look what you did, you made the baby cry.”
“he’ll get over it,” he waves it off. “i’m sorry. but come on. this is a joke right?”
“no,” you whine. “cheol is my boyfriend, get over it.”
“you’ve changed, y/n,” seungkwan shakes his head. “this is the first time i’ve met one of your boyfriends and haven’t immediately wanted to talk shit about him with vernon.”
“i hate you,” you say, trying to stand up, but cheol lightly pushes you back down.
“no, let the man speak,” he smirks, and you groan as you fall back into the couch. you down your drink as seungkwan tells cheol embarrassing stories about your past, and cheol plays with your hair as he listens at full attention.
“i’m getting another drink,” you mumble, standing up and allowing cheol to take your place. he’s listening to seungkwan describe a date that he and vernon had to save you from, because the guy was an hour late to a movie and you didn’t want to watch it by yourself nor waste the ticket that you already paid for. you mentally curse vernon for inadvertently bringing the two together, and when you get back into the kitchen you find mingyu and his friend making out. “oh, sorry.”
“y/n, my bad,” mingyu says, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
“you’re good, pretend i’m not here,” you reply as you grab things randomly and pour them into your cup. you take a sip, satisfied with the sweet taste, and you walk back out to find cheol in the same place. his face lights up when he sees you, smiling all the way up to his eyes as you get closer. there’s not much room on the couch, so you try to sit on the arm like cheol did earlier, but he’s not having that. he pulls you down by the waist to sit in his lap, and you shriek when your drink spills. 
“shit,” cheol grumbles, “i’m sorry baby, here let me help-”
“it’s fine,” you say, holding your drink out to him. he takes it and you slip your button up off, tossing it over the back of the couch. “it was just the sleeve, i’m good now i think.”
“you look great,” cheol says, complete with a sneaky smile. he pulls you closer, his arm wrapping around you easily as he says lowly, “been waitin all night for you to take that off.”
something about his words and the tight hold he has on you all sends a wave of goosebumps over your skin. you shift in his lap, trying to create some space, but the friction of your ass rubbing over his crotch just has the beginnings of a boner poking through cheol’s shorts. you look at him in shock, and he’s staring back at you darkly. 
“are you alright?” you ask, and he nods. 
“great, you?” 
“mhm,” you agree, taking a sip of your drink. cheol watches you like he’s trying to ingrain this moment in his memory, closely staring at the way your lips meet the cup and how your tongue pokes out to lick your lips when you’re done. you offer the cup to him, wanting his attention off of you for a moment, and as he takes a sip you lay your head down on his shoulder, just trying to get a moment to breathe. 
the next thing you know, cheol is waking you up, saying that it’s probably time for you to leave. you only dozed off for a little while, he explains, but the party was slowly dying out and cheol wanted to get you home. your shirt is still soaked though, so at the door cheol slides off the tacky hawaiian shirt he’s been wearing all night and wraps it around your shoulders. you say your goodbyes and head back to the car, cheol’s arm wrapped around your shoulders. 
“sorry i got tired at the end,” you yawn. “we could’ve stayed longer.” 
“no, it’s ok,” cheol assures you. “i think mingyu was ready to kick us all out anyway.” 
“yeah, i noticed we’re not the hot new couple anymore,” you joke, and cheol smiles. “are you tired though? you wanna do something-” yawn “-before we go home?”
“no baby,” he says fondly, “you need to go to bed. and wonwoo finally found me and explained what an equinox is so i think my brain is tapped out for the night too.”
“ok, because we could go get food or-”
“no baby,” he repeats, kissing your cheek. “i’m good, really. let’s go home.”
in the car you dozed off again, and cheol quietly admired you as he tried to calm himself down. he had definitely popped a boner with you sitting in his lap, and his skin was still on fire from the feeling of your ass grinding against him, even if the movement was completely innocent. he uses the ride home to get his heartbeat back to normal, and when he opens your door to walk you home you never would’ve known all the nasty thoughts running through his head. he takes you to your door, kissing you goodnight before he disappears into his apartment. you take care of fred and then work on yourself, wanting to sober up a little before you go to bed. so you take a shower and start a load of laundry, hoping your shirt didn’t stain at the party. once you’re done and laying in bed finally, you can’t seem to close your eyes for long. your mind keeps trailing back to cheol, and his big arms wrapped around you, and how it felt being so close to him with his breath fanning over your neck, and-
there’s a knock at your door. 
you lay still for a moment, but when the knock comes again you relax, knowing it must be cheol. maybe he forgot something, you think as you trudge to your door. or did he not kiss you goodnight? you thought he did but maybe not. you open the door finally, and he’s standing there in what you assume are his sleep clothes, hair a mess and a darkly inviting look in his eyes.
“i can’t sleep,” he says simply. “can you help me?”
“hm, and how would i do that?” you play coy, leaning against your door frame. smirking, you look up at cheol who’s taken a step closer to you, hands coming up to hold you by the waist. 
“take me to your room and i’ll show you?” he smiles back, already walking with you back into your apartment. he kicks the door closed behind him, locking it swiftly while you watch him and let him lead you wherever. “tell me baby, what do you like?”
“cheol,” you blush, bringing your hands up to push him away but he pulls you closer and basically growls into your ear.
“you want this, right?” he confirms. “you want me?”
“of course i do,” you nod, and you can feel him smiling against your neck.
“then tell me what i should do to drive you crazy,” he starts, starting at your collarbone and trailing kisses up your neck. “tell me what you love, tell me what you hate, i wanna know it all.”
“i’ll give you a study guide,” you tease.
“you joke but i would take that seriously.”
“i know.”
“i’d make flashcards,” he smiles, “carry em around. practice when i get bored.”
“i get it,” you laugh, realizing that you’re at the doorway to your room. “you gonna take me to bed or what?”
“kiss me first,” he whispers, looking up at you sweetly. you lean in, your hands cupping his cheeks as your lips meet. as you make out you pull cheol back to your bed until the backs of your knees collide with your mattress. you sit down, pulling cheol with you. he eagerly crawls on top of you, caging you in. he pulls away as he hovers above you, admiring the way you look laying beneath him. “hey.”
“hello,” you wave, and his head falls into your neck as he laughs.
“you’re beautiful, do i tell you that enough?” he mumbles into your skin, and you’re glad he’s not watching you blush the deepest shade of red.
“you tell me plenty, love.”
“i’m gonna start saying it more,” he tells you, sitting up again so he’s hovering above you. “because you are.”
“every time you do i’m just gonna remind you of your dreaminess,” you reply, and he nods. 
“deal,” he agrees, dipping back down to capture your lips again. he lowers himself on top of you so he can use one arm to support himself while the other grabs the hem of your shirt. “take this off baby.”
“bossy,” you tease. “i like it.”
“noted,” cheol says, catching your eye again. “i can be bossier.”
“show me.”
“ok,” he says as he sits up completely, thick thighs straddling your legs. “take your shirt off and then keep your hands above your head. don’t move or i’ll stop.”
you do as he says, pulling your sleep shirt off before you toss it somewhere in your room. as you lay back down you notice cheol’s taken his shirt off, and you admire him while he does the same. you’re not wearing a bra so cheol watches intently, tracing every curve of your chest with his eyes.
“can’t believe this is the first time i’ve seen your tits,” he whispers, hands reaching up carefully to caress them. his thumbs rub delicately over your nipples, earning a breathy moan from you. “come on baby, gonna have to be louder for me.”
“then you’re gonna have to work for it,” you tell him, staring at him above you. you watch as his eyes shift, getting darker, and he dives in to kiss you again. this one is hungrier, full teeth nipping at your lips and cheol’s eager hands tweaking your nipples. you’re squirming beneath him, and he moans into your mouth when you brush up against the bulge in his boxers. 
“careful baby,” he mumbles, “don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“but,” you gently push him away, “i thought this was for you? you’re the one that needs help, right?”
“yeah, but,” he stops to kiss you again, “i think we’re both enjoying this.”
“duh, but i want to help you,” you say, “wanna make you feel good. let me get on top.”
“no,” he says sternly, grabbing your wrists and placing your hands above your head again. “i’m in charge tonight. that’s how you can help me, yeah? just do as i say. and don’t move your hands again, baby, want you to be good for me.”
“or what, i’ll get punished?” you dramatically pout, and cheol pinches both your nipples in response. you buck up, a low whine coming from deep within your chest. 
“wasn’t planning on it, but hey, if you deserve it,” cheol smirks, kissing you one more time before he trails his lips down your jawline and to your neck. he starts marking your neck, and you let out a shaky breath as you feel his hand trail to your panties. he looks up at you, silently asking for permission and you tell him it’s okay. his fingers dip into your panties, gasping when he’s met with the arousal seeping out of you. “you’re so wet darlin, this all for me?”
“mhm,” you whine, wiggling your hips to try and get more friction. “need more cheol.”
he listens, swiping some of your slick on his fingers before finding your clit. he rubs it in light circles, giving you some relief but not enough. you blubber out another whine, and then cheol dips his hand down to your core. he tests the waters, slowly easing one finger into you, and your hands fly down to his head so they can grab onto something. you pull his hair, earning a moan as he bites into your neck harder, and then you feel him slip a second finger between your walls. you moan softly as he works you closer to your high, getting louder as he strokes just the right spot inside you. 
“cheol, baby, feels so good,” you moan, lifting your hips to get him deeper.
“stay still,” he growls, grabbing one of your hands from the back of his head and pinning it beside you. he keeps working at your core but he lowers himself further, puckering his plump lips around one of your nipples. he kisses and licks your hardened bud until he gets bored and moves onto the next one, moaning at the taste and feeling of your soft skin on his tongue. you use your free hand to play with your neglected nipple, breathing faster as you get closer to your orgasm. cheol picks up on it quickly, staring up at you like the finest piece of art as he whispers, “are you close baby?” all you can do is nod, already at a loss for words, so he asks, “think you can come for me like this?” you whine and stare down at him, shaking your head, so he lets go of your hand and brings his your lips. he presents you with two fingers, asking you to suck. you welcome them into your mouth, groaning as he picks up speed with his other hand. when cheol’s satisfied with your work, he brings his saliva coated fingers down to your clit to rub tight circles on top of it. the whole time he watches you closely, memorizing the way you breathe, the way your eyes roll into the back of your head, and committing every sound you make to memory. he can feel you clenching around his fingers as you come, and with a toe curling orgasm you reach your high. cheol slowly works you through it, calming his movements until your breathing settles again. you look down at him and smile, hands carding through his hair.
“sorry i couldn’t keep my hands to myself,” you whisper out. “but that was amazing.”
“yeah?” cheol asks, and you nod. “you think you can give me another?” 
“cheol, let me do something for you-”
“you are,” he insists, crawling down your body until his face is level with your soaked panties. “let me eat you out and come for me again, that’s what you can do for me. alright princess?”
“princess?” you smile, and cheol hums in agreement. “i guess i can do that.”
cheol pulls your panties down then, groaning at the sight of your puffy pussy lips covered in your release. he can’t wait to devour you, but he needs one more thing before he can get started. he reaches for your hands and plants them in his hair, earning a confused noise from you. he looks up between your legs before he explains, “want you to pull my hair. i don’t know what i was thinking telling you not to touch me. don’t think i can keep going without your hands on me somehow.”
“needy,” you tease, and he hums as he lowers himself back down to your core. 
“you’re dripping for me so who’s really the needy one?” he asks, swiping a finger through your folds before he pops it into his mouth, moaning at the taste. “ready baby?” 
“please,” you whine, using your hands threaded through his hair to push his face into your core. his nose bumps at your clit and your hips rise farther into his touch. delicately, he swipes his tongue from your clit to your entrance, his own hips trying to find some sort of attention as he grinds into the bed. he goes top to bottom once again, this time dipping his tongue into your entrance. you moan his name breathlessly as you feel his tongue at your core, one of his hands coming up to play with your clit. “cheol...”
“too much,” you warn, loving the way his tongue is devouring you but worried that the extra attention to your clit might make you come too soon. “gonna come.”
“isn’t that the point?” cheol smiles at you evilly, his lips and chin coated in your arousal. 
“i mean, yeah,” you squeak out as he dives back in. “b-but i should make you feel g-good. you-ah, you needed the help.”
“baby,” he says seriously, looking up at you once again. “please. i’m enjoying the hell out of myself. you can help me out soon, yeah?” you nod, and he’s satisfied. “alright then. tell me when you’re gonna come.”
he goes back to his original position, thumb carefully stroking your clit and sending electricity straight through you while his tongue teases your entrance, obscenely slurping at your lips as he plays with you like a toy. you’re so caught up in the way he’s making you feel you almost don’t notice the extra attention, cheol’s free hand slipping down to join his tongue at your entrance. he fucks into you with his tongue, a finger slowly joining him, and then he pulls his mouth from you completely as he goes back to stroking that one spot inside you. he backs off of your clit too, and you sigh thinking you’ve gotten a chance to catch your breath. that’s short lived, because you feel his tongue flicking over your clit instead, playing with it just the right way that you feel the coil in your stomach starting to come undone. he puckers his lips around your clit, sucking lightly, and your hands tighten in his hair, encouraging him to suck at your clit again, adding another finger while he’s at it. you’re coming again, cheol making out with your pussy as you come, chanting his name over and over again. 
“fuck,” cheol groans, wiping your release from his face with the back of his hand. “you’re so warm baby. and sweet. can’t get enough of you.”
“fuck me then,” you say boldly, opening your legs wider to welcome his hips. cheol leans over you and grabs you by the knees, bringing them up to your chest.
“hold these outta the way for me princess,” he growls, watching the way your pussy clenches, waiting to take him. he pulls his boxers down, stroking himself as he asks, “shit, do you have a condom?” you nod. “where?”
“bedside table, in the drawer,” you answer simply. you watch as cheol hops out of bed and slides his boxers down his legs, biting your lip at the sight of his ass on display. he finds the condoms and chuckles, making you ask, “what’s so funny?”
“i genuinely don’t know if these will fit, honey,” he replies, shaking the foil packet above you. 
“well can you try?” you ask suspiciously, looking down at his cock as he rolls the condom over it and your eyes bulge when you see it fully for the first time. “whoa.”
“whoa?” cheol laughs, sliding the condom down his length. “that’s not reassuring. you still want me to fuck you?”
“even more so,” you nod, opening your legs wider to accommodate cheol’s hips. he slots himself over you, slapping his cock over your pussy as your hips chase his. “stop teasing.”
“stop complaining,” he counters, sliding his cock up to rub your clit, earning a choked moan from you. “you sure i prepped you enough? need me to go back down there and check?”
“cheol,” you whine loudly, bucking your hips up so his tip will bump into your clit again. “fuck me please. wanna feel you.”
“since you said please,” he smiles, taking his cock by the base and guiding it into your core. he thrusts into you slowly, hissing at the feeling of your walls swallowing his cock. you’re left speechless, not used to someone so big. you catch yourself holding you breath and take a deep inhale, core flexing even more around cheol. “fuck, do that again.” you obey, clenching around him a few times before he finally tears his eyes away from where your bodies meet. “can i move?”
“good girl,” he hisses, pulling out and thrusting all the way back in deeply. “taking me so good.”
“you feel amazing cheol,” you sigh. “never been fucked so deep.”
“good,” he says, holding onto your hips so he can angle you how he wants. “don’t want you to ever forget this. or me.”
“impossible,” you smile up at him, and he leans down to capture your lips. your kiss is as frantic as the feeling of cheol thrusting into you, lips breaking apart every so often from the force of his hips. you let go of your legs, letting them fall open around cheol so your hands can wrap around his broad shoulders, grabbing onto him so your lips stay locked. he moans into your mouth when he feels your nails grazing his skin, and his hands take up your place on your knees, holding your legs up and apart. he starts thrusting faster, getting you close to your third orgasm of the night. you still feel bad that he hasn’t come at all, so you clench around him to get him closer. his hips sputter and he stops, breath fanning over your face as he takes a second. 
“fuck,” he groans, thrusting into you lazily as he speaks. “you have the tightest pussy. feels like you were made for me.”
“and what if i was?” you ask, your hands playing with the hair on the back of his head. cheol’s cheeks warm at your words, but his hips pick up speed again as he tries to convey just how he feels about you into the pleasure he wants you to feel. he wants it to be overwhelming, he wants it to be the only thing you can think about, so he dips his head down to your chest and captures a nipple in his mouth as his hips drill into you relentlessly. you’re back to chanting his name and he knows you’re close, letting go of one leg so he can trace circles over your clit again. your legs start shaking as he fucks you into your final release of the night, and you feel his thrusts falter as he spills into the condom. 
you breathe heavily, trying to understand why your body suddenly feels like it’s on fire. in your post-orgasm bliss you missed cheol going to the bathroom to toss the condom and grab a wet washcloth to clean you up, but when he’s back in your bed you roll over to face him and you’re overcome with that fiery feeling again. you both lay there, staring at each other, and it hits you: that fiery feeling is love. you love cheol, you have for a while, but you’re sure of it now. you feel safe with him. you feel loved with him. 
as these thoughts run through your head, cheol pulls you into his chest so your head is laying just above his heart. you listen as the rapid beating slows, comforted by his presence and warm all over. you look up, ready to tell him what you just discovered, but you let out a silent laugh when you see his pouty lips parted in the beginnings of a snore. you lean up to peck his perfect lips before settling back in his hold, content to sit with your revelation a little longer. 
in the morning, you wake up before seungcheol. you’re usually a late sleeper, but you weren’t used to having someone in your bed and cheol’s vice grip on you all night has made you too hot. you try to unwrap yourself from his hold, but he just pulls you into him even tighter despite his eyes staying closed. 
“cheol,” you whisper, and nothing. you brush some of his hair out of his hair out of his eyes and try again. “seungcheol.” still nothing. louder, you try one final time, “choi seungcheol, wake up.”
“don’t call me that,” he mumbles, pulling your head down to his chest so he can nuzzle into your hair. “go back to sleep darling.” 
“no, i’m hot.”
“yeah you are.”
“cheol,” you groan, wiggling in his grasp. “let me go. i’m gonna make breakfast.”
“waffles?” he asks, peeking up at you hopefully.
“sure,” you nod, and he hesitantly lets you go. “don’t stick my finger in your mouth this time.”
“killjoy!” he shouts accusingly, watching happily as you get up and start pulling your clothes back on. “no naked breakfast either?”
“i can ask you to leave,” you threaten. “you live across the hall, i could push you there if i really wanted.”
“you wouldn’t dare,” he teases right back. “need my help in the kitchen?”
“eh, no,” you shrug, looking back at him as you pull on a sweater. “you stay here and get your beauty sleep.”
“do you mind if i use your shower?” he asks before you leave your room, and you tell him it’s ok. he slides out of bed and he catches you staring as you explain where the towels are. 
“and i should have a new bottle of body wash under the sink,” you explain, “just in case the one in the shower is empty.” 
“got it sweetcheeks,” cheol says as he meets you at the door, snaking a hand around your waist before kissing you. 
“hey, that’s my name for you,” you pout. “you can’t take it.”
“i’ll come up with my own then,” he says as his hand slides down to squeeze your ass. he’s staring at you intently, making you blush, and you’re tempted to tell him what you were thinking about last night when he interrupts your thoughts. “can i say something?”
“sure,” you nod, and he wraps his arms around you completely. 
“it was pretty nice waking up next to you,” he says as he drops his forehead to yours. “think we should do that more often.”
“but you snore,” you complain lightly, and he smiles.
“you’ll get over it.” 
when cheol gets out of the shower, he goes back to your room to find the clothes he was wearing last night. he gets dressed quickly, eager to get back to you and this slice of domestic life. it really did something to cheol to have you wake up in his arms, and he can’t shake that feeling from his head. it also has him thinking about how he’s been trying to tell you he loves you for several days now, and he always backs out at the last minute. but today? today he’ll do it. he’ll ask you to dinner, he’ll take you to that fancy place you’ve been dying to try, and he’ll tell you surrounded by candles. 
except, all of that goes out the window when he walks into your kitchen. his heart almost beats out of his chest at the sight of you dancing with fred, singing him a song off of that playlist cheol made for you so long ago. you look so happy, and beautiful, and just..perfect. cheol can’t help it, he coos and seemingly ruins the moment, pulling your attention and fred’s. he jumps down and meets cheol at the door for pets, but you invite him over, your arms wrapping around each other as soon as you’re close enough. you sway to the music together, gazing at each other like two idiots in love. because you are. 
“baby?” you whisper, afraid that speaking too loud will ruin the moment. 
“yeah?” cheol responds, worried by the look on your face. you study him for a second longer and decide to go for it.
“i think i’m in love with you.”
“you do?” cheol asks, a smile threatening to overtake his features. 
“i do,” you nod. “i love you, cheol.”
“hm, how interesting,” cheol says, relishing in this moment, letting the words fall out of his mouth like he’s never been so excited to say something before. “because i’m in love with you too.”
“you love me?” you smile, your face lighting up at the relief you feel.
“i love you,” cheol confirms. “do you love me?”
“i love you,” you nod, cupping his face before giving him a kiss. you don’t pull away completely, but you lean back enough to whisper into his lips, “say it again.”
“i love you,” cheol repeats, punctuating his words with a kiss that makes you feel like you’re soaring. “i love you, and i plan on loving you for a very long time.”
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charlesf1leclerc · 10 months
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Summary- a night in the life of the leclercs 
Warnings- cuteness, badly translated French, talks of bathing kids, poorly edited ( like not re read so if you see some really bad mistake please tell me )
Notes - Inds- Indy’s nickname, Lily- Sicilys nickname
It was currently 5:30 on a Saturday evening and it was time to start the Leclerc family house good night routine. You and Charles had a system a system that works as sometimes it could get a bit challenging with two little girls 6 and 2 especially they were both in polar opposite stages of their life’s but vogue just as crazy in their own way.
Both girls were sat on the couch watching cartoons to entertain them. Charles was on the dinning room table looking through that notebook of his were he writes all his racing notes, you weren’t 100% sure but you loved how committed he was to his work. You were in the kitchen getting dinner ready for your family tonight spaghetti bolognese and of course you were the one cooking as well all knew Charles could not cook for the life of him. As you were chopping up the carrots for the sauce Charles got up from the table 
and can over and kissed you on the lips. 
“ I’m gonna get the girls in the bath “ He spoke rubbing your back.
“Thank you, good luck” I laughed as he walked over to the couch we’re the girls were sat
“ ok my angles time for a bubble bath”
“No papa show not done” Sicily spoke in her cute toddler voice
“ I know but do you know how fun it’s gonna be in the bath, with bubbles and we could even get some of those bath time markers out” he kneeled down beside the couch rubbing her chubby little cheeks
“ sounds good to me” Sicily smiled jumping down from the couch
“ Ind’s you too come on Cherie “ 
“ 5 more minutessss”
“ how about I pause it and we come back and watch it again later”
“ if I must” she spoke getting off the couch as well following her sister as they both toddled us the stairs. This girls were getting far to sassy for your liking.
The girls were now currently splashing in the bath with the bubbles flying around. The bath titles were covered in doodles from the bath markers you and Charles had brought in order to keep them both occupied during bath time. Charles was shampooing both of their hair and rinsing it off with a little cup filled with water.
“ look papa flower” Sicily pointed to her drawing on the tiles that looked like a blob.
“Wow that’s very beautiful” he spoke leaning on the bathtub and stroking her freshly washed hair.
“That’s not a flower, this is” Indy spoke to her as she draw a flower on the tiled wall.
“ their both beautiful flowers girls , all flowers are different” Charles didn’t want either of the girls to get upset. 
“ ok time to get out loves dinner is basically ready I can smell it up here” 
Charles had gotten both girls out of the bath and wrapped up in their little towels. 
“ Indy why don’t you go get into your pjs and wait in your room I’ll be in once I’ve gotten Lily dressed” 
Charles had picked out the cute little pks and gotten the youngest daughter dressed and her hair brushed out knot free ready for bed. 
“ ok Lily go down stairs and keep mummy company while I check on your sister” he encouraged as she ran down the stairs excited to see her mum and to eat of course that girl loved food.
Walking into the oldest daughters room seeing her all dressed in her pj’s Charles grabbed the brush and began brushing the girls long brown locks.
 “ ouch papa”
“Sorry chérie since when did your hair get this long “ he apologised
“ it just grew I don’t know” she shrugged 
“ Dinners ready everyone “ y/n called from downstairs 
“ ok let’s go eat that delicious food Cherie” 
 Indy walked down the stairs and Charles closely followed behind her. By now the time was 6:30.
 Indy walked over and pulled a chair out to sit in at the dinning room table. While Charles swept Sicily up and placed her into her high chair she has basically grown out of.
You laid the dinner out on the placemats infront of everyone. 
“This looks delicious baby” Charles spoke taking his place at the table digging into dinner.
To say dinner was well enjoyed was an understatement the girls ate every last bite and so did you and Charles although a lot of  Sicilys food ended up on her bib that you would rather she not wear as you thought she was to old but you didn’t want her to keep getting her clothes dirty.
“Papa can we finish the cartoon like you promised now?” Indy shook Charles arm in a pleading manner
“ ok girls but only 20mins and then time to get ready for bed ok” 
“ yay thank you” Indy spoke running away 
“ up papa me wanna watch” Sicily put her arms above her head.
Charles lifted the 2 year old out of her high chair and she copied her sisters movements running into the living room behind her.
Charles packed up the dishes on the table taking them into the kitchen. While you put the placemats away and wiped down the table and high chair.
Charles had started on washing the dishes and you moved to stand next to him drying them and putting them away. There did need to be constant conversation between you two that’s just how you worked you loved each others presence.
By the time 7:30 had rolled around The two girls were both back in the bathroom this time brushing their teeth. Charles had placed the barbie toothpaste onto their toothbrush and Indy was brushing her teeth while Sicily was trying to but Charles had to help every now and then.
You were in the kids bedrooms folding back the covers and trying their night lights on getting their bedrooms ready for bed. Laying out their teddies the way they liked or you knew they wouldn’t sleep.
It was now when you and Charles split up you alternated each night what girl you would get into bed. Tonight it was Charles job to but Sicily to bed and your job to put Indy to bed.
Charles had gotten Sicily into bed and tucked her in. They had chosen out a book to read for the night and Charles had sat on the bed next to her reading to her in a soft voice. 
“ The end”
“ no more papa more”
“ tomorrow night sweetie time for bed now, but first let’s say our good nights”
“ good-“ Lily went to start saying her good nights
“ how about we say it in French tonight Cherie” Charles encouraged
“ ok, bonne nuit étoiles, bonne nuit lune, bonne nuit maison, bonne nuit maman, bonne nuit papa, bonne nuit Indy ( goodnight stars, goodnight moon , goodnight house , goodnight mum , goodnight dad , goodnight Indy ) Sicily said her good nights
“ good job, ok night sweetie I’ll see you in the morning “ Charles stood up putting the book back on the bookshelf kissing her head and leaving the room shutting the door.
At the same time you were coming out of Indy’s room shutting the door as well.
“ both asleep huh “ he asked
“ yep “ you replied
“How is this how we are spending our Saturday night?” Charles asked
“Yeah but you know you love it “ you laughed 
Charles wrapped his arm around your waist as you both walked down stairs to watch Tv and snuggle on the couch before going to bed yourself.
Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed feel free to leave any comments. Or leave any requests in my request box. Xx
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Hello, as a non-Jewish person I have read Night because of your posts. I am not very good at articulating my thoughts, and if anything I say brings up questions for you I will try and answer them. The beginning where there is a sense of hope, is so awful because it just constantly gets worse and worse. The worsening of the regulations while the people of his village tell themselves that it is not too bad, but it is terrible, right from the first limitation, and even before it, all the events that led to it.“German laborers were going to work. They would stop and look at us with no surprise” (100), “And the spectators observed those emancipated creatures ready to kill for a piece of bread”(101). This dehumanization, I wonder how did the German citizens live with it? This sentiment continues on to this day, and yet it is dismissed so easily. “I was sixteen” His relationship with his religion is hurt so much, this general feeling of hopelessness that other people around him also feel, “Just like Rabbi Eliahu’s son, I had not passed the test”. He feels such guilt, he tries so hard to help his father, even as he is starving himself.
While I read this book, sometimes I thought that whatever is happening in this book was not that bad. Sometimes they would get a thicker soup and that would make him happy. How awful is that? For this to be normal for him. For this to not be unusual to me. In the stories of the Holocaust that I have learned, these things are not unfamiliar, the starvation, the apathy of other civilians, the death marches. His story has been categorized in my mind as another set of terrible things that were done to a Jewish person during the Holocaust. His story, every single atrocity that was done to him, I can not imagine properly, yet I only feel an undefinable upset over what happened to him. I think there is something wrong with that? I have very recently discovered that I am, in fact, antisemitic, from your posts and someone else that also realized their antisemitism (which you pointed out), and am trying to outgrow it. I am concerned that my reaction to this book is greatly affected by antisemitism. I can’t tell, am I telling myself that his suffering was ok? Am I? In the book, there are often mentions of Jewish culture that I do not know of. For example, “Shavuot” and the New Year being in summertime. I understand that these are google-able questions, but I was wondering if you have resources for a general introduction into Jewish culture and history? I hope by learning more I can dismantle my antisemitism. If you know a better way to do so, I would appreciate if you could let me know! Thank you for the recommendation to read Night, I will read All But My Life next. I am sorry if my concern over my antisemitism reads as shallow, I do not know how else to express it.
I have said repeatedly that all journeys begin somewhere. More people are antisemitic than are not antisemitic, because that’s how systemic oppression works. You have been taught to hate me.
I thank you for seeing our shared humanity and working to unlearn the harmful things you know.
1. How did the Germans live with the dehumanization? The same way people are living with the dehumanization of Jews now. German antisemitism was deeply tied to antisemitic concepts and tropes that long predated Hitler. These tropes and conspiracy theories had been floating around Europe for a very long time. Furthermore, they have never gone away. All the old tropes and conspiracy theories are resurfacing in the internet age, because the Holocaust only temporarily shamed antisemites, but not enough significant cultural shifts occurred to stop it from rising again.
2. “…sometimes I thought that whatever was happening was not that bad…” I think I see what you are saying. I don’t know your age or where you are from, so I’m not sure if you’ve ever dealt with these kinds of feelings before, let alone how to articulate them — or how to do so in English. But you seem to be horrified by what is happening but you also seem to feel guilt that you find moments of relief in the horrible times as well. I don’t think that makes you a bad person. I just think that makes you a person. The human mind is not built to comprehend trauma on the scale seen during The Holocaust. It instinctively tries to find moments of reprieve that prove things aren’t that bad. And, to be fair, Judaism applauds this. It is a very Jewish idea that we should always look for moments of joy even when our hearts are steeped in misery. Because life is joy. And it is sometimes impossible to wrap our minds around how joyless life can be, and often was for Jews during this time. But your instinct to recognize the impulse to say “well, this day/moment/experience wasn’t so bad” and correct yourself to say, “actually this is a horrific terrible thing that just wasn’t as bad as that other horrific terrible thing that just happened” instead is a good instinct. One of the reasons the Holocaust occurred was because both Jews and non-Jews gave in to this instinct to minimize suffering. Jews minimized our own suffering and clung to hope until it was too late too late to fight back successfully. From the moment we were told to register on lists and wear stars and get on trains, we all should have fought. We should have fought louder and more to condemn Hitler while he was on the rise and to shame those who would vote for him. But ultimately, we were still outnumbered terribly and nothing we did could have stopped the horrors that followed if non-Jews didn’t support us. Non-Jews, of course, bare the true guilt and responsibility for the Holocaust. They refused to question their own hatred. They turned a blind eye to the rising antisemitism. They abandoned their friends in need. They complied with hostile forces who threatened them in order to betray the Jews around them.
Your job as a non-Jew is to never repeat those mistakes. Never let an instance of antisemitism go unremarked on. Ever. And learn what antisemitism looks like. Refuse to ever let it exist or ignored in your presence.
Everyone likes to pretend they would do this, but very few ever do. The reality is that some people hate Jews so much, they will stop being your friend for defending us. And to be a good person, you have to be willing to let those people leave your life if they are unwilling to let go of their hate and learn to do better. The reality is that, at some point, you may very well be asked to choose to reject a friend for the sake of the safety of Jews you have never and will never meet. The good news is that this is not the case the majority of the time!
Most people want to consider themselves good people. And most people want the approval of their peer groups.
Your job is to steer the attitude of your peer group away from antisemitic thinking and toward peace and deconstruction of hateful systemic antisemitism—rather than allowing your peer group to steer you toward the comforting familiarity of Jew-hatred.
3. “…I have recently discovered that I am antisemitic…” I forgive you. As I said, most people are. I draw a distinction between someone who is antisemitic and someone who is an antisemite. You have harmful and negative opinions about Jews because of the systemic bigotry you have been surrounded by your whole life. But this hatred has not become your identity. You recognize this hatred as a part of you that must be discarded. Antisemitism is something you have, not something you are. And you are doing the right things to make sure you stop being antisemitic. This, to me, means you are not an antisemite. If you give up and stop caring about Jews and unlearning these harmful thought patterns, that would make you an antisemite. Because that would mean you are comfortable folding the antisemitism you possess into your identity and sense of self. It seems to me you do not wish to do this. And that means you’re growing and changing for the better. And that is beautiful.
4. “I am concerned that my reaction to this book is affected by antisemitism.” Yeah it probably is. But so is most people’s reaction to this book. That’s the point. Your being willing to confront that is what is important. It is about looking at the places where you lose empathy for Jews, asking yourself why, and then fixing the reason you find.
5. “Am I telling myself his suffering was ok?” I think you’re doing the opposite. I think you’re re-sensitizing yourself to something you were de-sensitized to. That is difficult and admirable.
6. Regarding Jewish culture:
6.a. “Shavuot” is a Jewish holiday. It is the anniversary of the day G-d gave the Torah to the Israelites. In general, a good way to familiarize yourself with stuff like this is to look for resources about Jewish holidays and what they mean. Hebcal offers short summaries of each Jewish holiday that you can import into your phone calendar and learn about as they happen. Wikipedia has a page about Jewish holidays that you can explore. So does the Jewish Virtual Library.
6.b. Jewish culture is vast and impossible to summarize simply. I would recommend starting with the Wikipedia Page on Jewish Culture and exploring whatever seems interesting to you. You’ll never learn it all and that’s ok! I’ve never met a Jew who knows it all either! We have so many subcultures all over the world shaped by unique experiences in diaspora. The most important thing to take away is that no matter how far apart we are or how differently we practice, we are all one people whose goal is to love our fellow humans and do our best to make the world a better place. This is called Tikkun Olam, which means repairing the world. This in itself is a huge concept. But it all relates to making the world better for one another.
I think you are doing a beautiful and amazing thing. And you, by choosing to remove hate from your mind and your actions, are actively making the world a better place. You are repairing some of the damage done by systemic antisemitism.
You are doing Tikkun Olam. And that, in every possible situation, is the best thing you can ever do. Thank you, @JellyMarbles
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The Fate Of A Fae - Part 4
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: The reader has a surprise caller..................or two.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of past historic abuse.
There’s a distant voice in your head, stirring you from sleep. Somewhere between asleep and awake the voice seems to get louder and more panicked. It isn’t until you’re pulled against a warm chest and the whiff of expensive cologne spread up your nose that you fully wake up. You start to sob into the chest when you realise the voice is familiar.
“Kid what happened?”
“I…..” and the crying continued.
“Shhhhhhhh it’s OK, we’ll figure it out, shhhhhhh.”
After ten minutes of Tony shushing and comforting you and crying all over him you’d started to calm down. A realisation washed over you as you realised Tony had got into your apartment.
“How’d you get in?”
“Sweetie, I made the security system remember?”
You pushed back off his chest and looked up at him.
“So you just let yourself in?”
“Oh hush” he replied pulling you back into his chest “I knew you were home and you weren’t answering and I could spell the blood.”
Tony wasn’t a dragon but his father was, meaning the acute sense of smell was passed on.
“Your feet and legs sweetie.”
You looked down to see your legs and feet had a scattering of small cuts.
“For fuck sake.”
“You wanna tell me what happened?” asked Tony.
“Not really.”
“Can I say something?” you cocked an eyebrow at him, knowing he’d say it whether you agreed or not. “Would it be so bad if you at least spoke to them?”
“Yes, it would be.”
“I don’t know what happened to you kid but”
“Don’t, you won’t get it.”
“Probably not, but you’re not the only one with asshole parents. Sure they weren’t violent but my dad could be a really piece of work. When it became clear at eighteen I was definitely like Mom, and not him, he didn’t speak to me for a year, cut my allowance and nearly didn’t pay for college.”
“Tony, I had to steal food as a kid, this isn’t the same.”
“Hang on, I’m not done, listen to my un-relatable, yet relatable story.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Listen, when i say he didn’t talk to me I mean he didn’t even acknowledge my presence. That Christmas he crossed his name out on the gift tags and instead he passed me an envelope. A cheque for a million dollars and permission for early access to my trust fund. There was a leaflet with it about forced transfer.”
You felt sick. Forced transfer was painful, invasive and inhumane but had been common practice twenty years ago and back. Your parents would have put you in for it if they could have afforded it.
“What happened?”
“Well mom’s DNA turned out to be the strongest and his old age dragon wasn’t as strong as he thought. It wasn’t until I met Barnes that I actually realised how big dragons were, which I know sounds ridiculous. Dad had been select in his friends and made sure they were a mix of types, dragons included but always smaller than him.”
“I’m so sorry Tony.”
“Don’t be. The blood test and Mom threatening to divorce him put a stop to it. I may not know your full story kid but it doesn’t take  a genius to figure it out.”
“Figure what out?” you replied.
“That the asshole family had something to do with your lacking of wings and pointy ears.”
And with that the tears came again.
“They won’t want me Tony. They won’t want me when they know.”
Fuck. Shit. Bucky was in your apartment.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
yello could u do an eddie munson x reader where the reader struggles w selective mutism (becoming mute/being unable to speak in some situations usually because of bad anxiety, or at least in my own experience) and usually communicates through little notes but feels real bad bc they don’t want eddie to be disappointed and he comforts them and says it’s ok bc he loves them anyway
pls i’m having big sad rn and i think that would be so adorable, also considering that selective mutism and stuff like that is v rarely seen in media/fanfics lol, it would be a big win for us
ty <333
a/n: i hope i got to this in time anon! i'm sorry you're feeling sad rn :( i tried to do my best with it cause personally i have no idea what it's like but as someone with anxiety i understand a bit! I hope you like it :D credit to the gif owner!
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Notes to you
Blue skies in, grey clouds out. Blue skies in, grey clouds out. You thought to yourself. You weren't sure what was in the air today but school seemed so much more packed when it came to basketball games. Maybe school spirit was more alive in the students thus causing them to be louder and more obnoxious than usual. Or maybe the universe decided to give you the middle finger and held a pep rally. Either way, you weren't the biggest fan of it.
Your hands start to grab at the straps of your backpack and you try not to cry when the kid next to you gets pushed into you. You just want to go home, you don't even want to spend the rest of the day in school. Your eyes frantically search the flooded hall looking for a familiar face, but so far no luck. I could leave now you think to yourself. Home isn't that far from school and I'll be okay if I miss a day of school. You turn around and try and make your way toward the school exit when finally, you see him.
Relief washes over your body and you push your way through the crowd and grab onto his jacket as soon as he's within arms reach. Eddie quickly turns you thinking you were a bully but smiles when he sees it's you.
“Hey, there sweetheart, where are you off to?”
You open your mouth trying to get the words out but you're stuck. Your brain goes blank and you struggle to think of the words you want to say. You look around the halls trying to find something to focus on but everything is too bright and too loud. Eddie notices the panicked look in your eyes and turns Dustin around to reach into his backpack.
“Hey! You can't just go digging in there-”
“Can it Henderson.”
“Yes sir.”
Eddie pulls out his notebook and rips off a page before stuffing the notebook back in and searching for a pen.
“Man, I had a whole system in there.”
“I'll let you sit on my throne for ten seconds if you stop talking.”
Eddie let out a small “ah ha!” when he found a pen. He holds onto your hand tightly and starts to lead you out of the school screaming for students to get out of his way. Once you're out of the school you take a deep breath, it doesn't help as much as you would've liked it to but it's better than being surrounded by warms of people. Before you know it, Eddie has you standing in front of his van the paper on the hood of his car, and he places the pen in your hand.
“What's going on in your pretty little head?” he asks you softly.
You take a deep breath feeling the pen in your hand as you try and call down. Your hand is shaky as you write.
I hate basketball games.
He let out a hum. “Me too, way too many people. Do you want to go to the library? It's nice and quiet in there.”
It's locked. Even the librarian has more school spirit than me.
Eddie chuckles and leans against the van smiling at you.
You can go back in, I was just going to walk home.
“Pft. Walk home, yeah right. No way I'm letting you walk home in this horrible heat.”
You glance at him and smile.
You didn't have to let Dustin sit on your throne for me.
Eddie shrugs his shoulders. “It's not a problem. Plus, I kinda ruined his whole backpack system or whatever he has going on in there.”
Ruined. Dustin's bag was ruined because of you. The whole system he made up is ruined all because Eddie had to scramble to get a piece of paper for you. Your breathing began to pick up again and you closed your eyes trying to take deep breaths. Eddie stands straight again stands nearby.
“What do you need sweetheart? How can I help you?”
The words are on the tip of your tongue but you can't get them out no matter how hard you're trying to.
“Hey, hey listen to me,” he says softly. “One tap for yes.” He taps on his van once. “Two taps for no. Sound good to you?”
You click the pen twice instead of tapping on the car. Eddie nods his head saying he can work with that.
“Can I touch you? Is that okay?”
He wraps his arms around you.
“You want me to hold you tighter?”
His arms squeeze you tight enough for you to start grounding yourself. You take a deep breath catching the scent of Eddie's cologne. Your hand wrapped around the back of his shirt feeling the material beneath your fingertips. The cotton was soft, yet worn out. You could tell it was one of his favorites. You started to calm down when you heard his sweet voice reassuring you that everything is okay and that you're gonna be okay.
“I'm sorry,” you whisper to him.
He pulls away from you and wipes away at the stray tear that fell down your face.
“For what?”
You shake your head. What were you sorry for? You didn't do anything bad, Eddie was just trying to be a good boyfriend and help.
“I don't know.”
tears are streaming down your face and Eddie pulls you in for another hug. His hand is gently scratching at your scalp and he's swaying you both back and forth while gently rushing you.
“You didn't do anything wrong. I promise you didn't, okay?”
You nod your head choosing to believe him as you take a shaky breath. You know better than to ask this, but sometimes the reassurance helps more than you think it would.
You gently pull away from him and turn your body back toward the van. You grab the piece of paper, fold it in half, then click the pen getting ready to write your question out.
You still love me?
Eddie grabs the pen from your hand, he clicks it a few times pretending to think of his answer. He messily writes down his answer and slides the note back to you hiding his smile behind his hair.
Always. :)
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crazyunsexycool · 4 months
Is it a crime?
Chapter 10
Pairing: mob boss!Bucky Barnes x Mob Boss!Reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warning: a bit dialogue heavy, Bucky being annoying trying to get Reader’s attention 🤭, talks of a fire, gunfire, the plot is plotting, Reader is pissed at the beginning.
A/N: it took me forever to get this chapter done. It was difficult but I’m very excited for the direction this series is headed. I promise I have more to come now that this chapter is over with. Next chapter will bring the good stuff.
Series Masterlist
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“I asked you to do your damn job Roque and look at what happened? Where the fuck were you?” You ask in a rage as you wave your hand toward the burnt down store that is under our protection. “What was so fucking important that you couldn’t do your job?” 
“I was at another one of our locations when this happened. I’m sorry.”
“Well fucking fix it.” You snap.
“Yes ma’am.” Was all Roque replied before you got back into the waiting SUV.
It had been 24 hours since Pierce had given you his warning and he was starting his attack. You knew you needed to hit back. So that hydra and anyone that thought they could come for you knew you weren’t here to play games.
“Everything ok?” Pooch asked from the driver’s seat. He looked at you through the rear view mirror. 
“Just peachy. Take me to the club.”  
Clay was waiting for you outside of the club, a folder in his hand. When the car pulled up he opened the door for you and silently held the documents out for you to take. Pooch drove away while you walked and looked over what you had in your hand. Neither of you said a word as you moved through the empty club. It was relatively quiet except for the few people cleaning and preparing for when the club opened later on. It was only when you were in your office with Jake having joined you that you finally spoke.
“You think we can take control of this place?” You asked as you looked up at Clay. He was the one to always come up with the plans and you trusted him. 
“I wouldn’t be bringing it up if we couldn’t.”
“So you already have a plan in place?” 
He nods and smirks. 
“You’ve seen this already?” You look at Jake.
“Yup. I’ve already been working on how to take over the security system so that we can get as much time in there as possible before hydra realizes what’s going on.” 
“We’ll need back up though. We aren’t enough.” 
“What are friends for?” Clay asks, referring to Steve and the others. 
“I’ll talk to them. Let me know when you’re done with your part and we’ll coordinate the attack. The sooner the better.” 
“You got it boss.” Jake says but doesn’t get up. He looks over to Clay before looking back at you.
“What is it JJ?”
“The fire from last night… I checked the footage. It was hydra.” 
“I know it was. Roque is working on it. This is his responsibility.” 
“If you say so.” Jake mutters.
“I do, why? He was working with you first. Are you doubting him?”
“Not at all.” Clay shakes his head. “But wouldn’t he be better as an enforcer?”
“I have him just where I need him. If he doesn’t live up to my expectations I’ll move him. Is that all?” 
“Yeah, we’ll leave you to it.” Jake says as both he and Clay get up.
“Oh, one more thing.” Clay lays another folder on your desk. “That hotel that skirts the hydra territory is up for grabs and so are 3 of the 4 restaurants. I already made an offer on all of them. All you have to do is look through the contract.” 
“Thanks. I’ll get this back to you as soon as I can.” 
Clay nods and exits the office. You grab your phone and call the one person you need to talk to.
“Hey otter. How have you been?”
“Hey Steve, I need to talk to you and Sam. I’m going to need back up.”
“Making your first move on Pierce?”
“Count us in.” He says, sounding very sure of himself.
“You don’t even know what I’m going to do.”
“I don’t need to know. We’ve got your back.”
“Meet me at the club anyway. I want to go over some things.”
“You got it, see you later.” 
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You were watching the dancefloor from the second floor. Bodies moving in sync with the music. People were drinking and some were buying the drugs your people were selling. There was a line out the door that almost wrapped around the block. Overall business was good but this wasn’t enough. You couldn’t waste anymore time on trivial things, this was the time to actually hit Pierce where it hurt. 
Through the crowd you saw Steve and Sam make their way toward one of the stairs. You wanted to punch Steve when you saw that right behind him was Bucky. There was no reason for him to be here. When the trio finally stops at your side you’re glowering at them. 
“Before you say anything, I told him not to come.” Sam lifts his hands in surrender as he clears his name. 
“I’m only here to take Pierce down. It’s been a long time coming.” 
You narrow your eyes in Bucky’s direction. It was obvious he hadn’t slept in days but that shouldn’t matter to you. He has a fiancee and a baby on the way. He wasn't your problem. Steve pulls you aside to have a more private conversation.
“Look I know you’re pissed at him and I get it. But right now your focus is Pierce and you’re going to need all the help you can get. We know Pierce and his moves better than your people. So put aside your issues with Buck and let him help. He has been working nonstop to be prepared for this moment.” 
“Fine, but he’s your responsibility.” You poke his chest and turn to walk to your office. 
“So what’s the plan?” Bucky asked before taking a sip of his whiskey. 
You ignored the way his eyes were raking over your figure and the way he bit his lip. Instead you sat at your desk and focused on Steve. 
“I’m breaking into Pierce’s office. We know he still does most of his work on paper which means most of his files are on paper. After having the building under surveillance we’ve found the time it’s the most empty, we hit then. I want you inside with me since we know more about how hydra operates and my guys will be on perimeter security.”
“We can have the howlies in the getaway vehicles. It would be a more efficient escape if something were to happen.”
“What do you think Steve, Sam?” You ignore Bucky’s statement. 
Sam and Steve give each other an amused look. 
“I think it’s a good idea. We can have the howlies in getaway cars just in case something happens.” Steve says.
“If you trust them then sure that works.” 
Bucky rolls his eyes.
“When do you want to do this?”
“Tomorrow night.” 
“Tomorrow night it is.” Sam nods in approval.
Steve and Sam get up to leave but Bucky stays in his seat. 
“You’re forgetting something.” You tell them and wave in Bucky’s general direction. 
“Ouch,” Bucky clutches his chest. “You wound me, Bug.” 
“I’m tolerating your presence for the sake of taking down Pierce. Don’t push it.” You stare daggers at him. 
“Let’s go Buck.” Steve moves to pull Bucky with him. 
“I have very important information that I have to discuss in private.” 
“Fine, tell Steve and Steve will tell me. You can go.” 
“I feel like I’m at the principal’s office.” 
“Steve, please.” You looked up at your friend and silently begged him to deal with Bucky. Which he did happily because he was getting on everyone’s nerves. 
You sagged back into your chair once they were gone. While it’s better to have people you trust help, you couldn’t help and worry that Bucky would be a distraction. With a sigh you got back to work going over some more contracts and your plan one last time.
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It was the middle of the night. You stood in an alley, the shadows hiding you from streetlights as you stared at the office building ahead of you. A cloud of smoke invades the air starting from behind you and you can’t help but turn around and snatch the cigarette out from between Bucky’s lips. 
“Will you stop being an ass? This is serious.” You snap at him.
“I’m being serious.”
“James, you’re being annoying and I know you’re doing it to get a reaction out of me but this,” You point to the building behind you. “Is important to me and if you actually care about me you’ll stop trying to distract me. Can we put aside this bullshit between us? I don’t care about that right now, we need to focus.” 
Bucky takes a deep breath and nods. “You’re right.”  He steps into your personal space and he takes it as a good sign that you don’t immediately pull away from him. “I’ve got your back no matter what. We’ll finish this together. But when this is over I’ll make things right between us because I just got you  back. I’m never letting you go again, no matter what it takes.” 
There was a fire in his eyes that was fueled by determination that had a shiver running down your spine. You’d heard that tone before and once he’s used it there was no way to persuade him to do anything other than what he’d just say he’d do. 
You turn back around and wait for Jake’s signal. After a few more minutes you get the go ahead. Bucky goes before you. He was quick and silent on his feet. You follow close behind. The door was already unlocked for you by Jake. Inside you see Sam, and Steve at the other end of the hallway. 
“We have to be quick.” You whisper to Bucky. “Pierce’s office is upstairs. Sam and Steve are going to Rumlow’s office.”
Bucky gives a quick nod and heads to the stairwell. He opens the door and lets you walk through first. You both ascend quickly, keeping in mind that you could be caught at any minute. When you both finally get to the floor where Pierce’s office is you take a moment to catch your breath. With your hand on your gun you open the door and take a look down the hallway. You nod to Bucky and he moves in first, his gun in his hand ready to use if needed. 
“Come on, we’re running out of time here.” He mutters as his steps quicken. 
In Pierce’s office you and Bucky both search through his bookshelves, filing cabinets and desk. With expert precision you pick the lock of every drawer. Jake had give each of you a small handheld scanner so that you could make a digital copy of the documents you needed. 
“You got everything?” Bucky asks in a whisper. 
“Almost. I know he always keeps a fake bottom in his desks. Give me a second.” 
You search through his desk drawers, carefully putting everything back in its place. 
“C’mon, c’mon. I know there has to be one in here.” You mutter to yourself. 
“We have to move.” 
You ignore Bucky as you check the last drawer. The panel gave way easily. 
“Yes. I found it.” 
You pull up the slim piece of wood and look through the documents. Way down at the bottom a file catches your eye. You bypass everything else and pull it out. It’s pretty thick and when you give the first page a glance you find your parents' names on it. 
“Hey, hurry the fuck up.” Bucky snaps and you glare at him from behind the desk. 
As quickly and carefully as you can you place everything back in the drawer. You tuck the file into your jacket and head towards the door. From the slightly distant look in your eyes Bucky knows something’s wrong. 
“What did you find?” 
“I don’t know yet. But let’s get out of here.” You move to open the door but Bucky pulls you into his chest. 
“Guards.” He whispers in your ear. 
Bucky keeps a firm grip around your waist and you know he’s relishing having you so close. You can feel his chest pressed up against your back, his mouth on the shell of your ear. 
“You and I need to talk.” He whispers.
“I have nothing to talk about with you.” 
Bucky spins you around and pushes you against the wall, caging you in his arms. 
“You may have nothing to say to me but I do. So you can just sit there and listen. I’m not going to lose you again Y/N. I’m going to figure out what little game Dot is playing at and I’m going to fix it.” 
You don’t look at him and just give a little noncommittal hum. 
“Dammit, why do you have to be so stubborn.” Bucky whisper yells. “What do I have to do for you to believe me?” 
“Maybe give me some fucking time. You’ve been doing nothing but invading my space since your fiancé announced your little bundle of joy.”  
Bucky sighs and pulls back. You turn and check the hallway then slip out of the office and head toward the stairs. As quickly and quietly as you walked in, you leave. It wasn’t until you were at the door that you heard shuffling behind you. 
“Hey, don’t move.” You heard the guard’s rushed footsteps as he headed towards you. 
Bucky pushes you out the door and you hear a gunshot. Panic grips you but a second later he strolls out. A car pulls up and Bucky opens the door and rushes you into it before sliding in beside you. He tells whoever’s driving where to go and you just sit there. Your phone rings a few seconds into the drive.
“Everything ok? I heard a gunshot.” Jake asks.
“Yeah, we’re good. Did everyone else make it out?” 
“Yeah. I’m sending the team in to take care of the body, everything should be fine.” 
“Thanks JJ.” 
“You got it boss. I’ll send you all of the information once I’ve sorted through it.” 
“Good. I’ll see you later.” You say before hanging up.
“What did you find?” 
“I’m not sure yet.” You murmur as you pull out the file from where you had tucked it. “I feel like I’m not going to like it.” 
Bucky leans in to try and see what was written in the documents but you closed it before he could see anything.
“Really? Can’t trust me with whatever’s in there?” 
“It has nothing to do with you. When and if I feel like it I’ll share what I found.” You turn to look at him expecting him to object. “Space, remember.”
“Ok. Whatever you say.” 
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You sat in your office alone after you had a meeting with Sam, Steve and your team. It was agreed upon that you would wait for Jake to finish sorting through everything before getting together and figuring out next steps. The file you had found on your parents sat on your desk. You toyed with the cover before finally opening it again. There was a pit forming in your stomach, you just knew you wouldn’t like what you’d find between those pages. The phone rings, starling you out of your del thoughts. 
“Roque, I’m glad to be hearing from you.” You say as you lean back into your chair. 
“Yeah, about earlier. It’s done.” Roque informs you.
“Good. I knew I could count on you and I’m sorry for snapping at you the way I did.” 
“Don’t worry about it. Talk to you later princess.” Roque says and hangs up before walking back into the bar he had stumbled upon. 
“So do we have a deal?” 
“I want thirty percent of what we take if I’m going to do this.” 
“Thirty? Are you insane?” 
“I’m the one risking my life here. If she finds out I’m as good as dead.” Roque argues back. 
“Fine, you can get thirty. Welcome to Hydra.” Rumlow holds out his hand, smiling when Roque takes it. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
“No, the pleasure's all mine.” Roque smiles as he picks up his drink.
Ch. 11
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ordonianhero · 5 months
The doctor that had examined every single one of the others finally ducked into Sky’s vision to speak to him. Her expression was soft and a little sad.
“If I remember right, your nickname is Sky. Is that right?” She waited until Sky gave a verbal response before continuing. “So I’ve made sure each of your brothers don’t have any injuries. Would it be ok if we also checked on you?” It was a long while before Sky finally realized she was going to wait for an answer and he gave it in the affirmative. They had to do some coaxing to get Sky’s chainmail off, but with that literal weight off him, Sky relaxed just a little in Time’s arms.
“Now, Sky. I need you to be honest with me. I can have these two leave if you don’t want them to hear it. How are you feeling?”
Sky tightened his grip on Wind at the mention of them leaving. “No. Please…” he pleaded.
“It’s ok, Cucco.” Wind assured. “I’m not going anywhere if you don’t want me to.”
It fell silent again as the doctor patiently waited for Sky to answer.
“My leg hurts.” He finally admitted. “It hurts to put weight on it or… anything.” She carefully examined the limb. He tried not to cry as she touched it or manipulated his knee and ankle to test movement.
“How long ago did it break?”
“Two days?” Honestly he didn’t remember. Time moved behind him and her attention flickered to that shift, then nodded.
“We can fix it. We can make it so you’ll be able to walk without pain.” She promised, then hesitated. “But we will have to re-break it so it can be set properly.” He knew he hadn’t done it right. He knew that’s why it hurt so much. He nodded. Both the others shifted trying to soothe him and Sky felt a rush of gratitude for their presence.
“Please. Do what you have to.”
He didn’t pass out. Hylia above it would have been a relief, but he still had stamina fruit and Wild’s crazy concoction going through his system and they kept him going. His leg was set, and with the chime of a fairy, that pain that had been tormenting him for days finally vanished. They encased his leg in a splint anyway, the doctor explaining it would provide some support while everything was still brittle and bruised and would need time to heal. His battered wrists, shoulders, and ankles were all examined. The half-healed cuts were checked for signs of infection. Sprains and strains, nothing else broken, just everything ached.
“Sky is there anything else that’s bothering you?” He had no energy to filter his words. They slipped out before he could think about them.
“I’m so tired. I don’t want to be conscious anymore. Being awake hurts…” He felt the other two heroes react to that. He’d said too much. “I’m sorry. It’s… I’m tired and sore. That’s all.”
“Well I can certainly do something about pain. And we can try a sedative and see if that helps you sleep.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Sky apologized profusely as the doctor left the room with the promise of coming back with both pain relief and a sedative.
“It’s ok, Chickadee.” He shifted to take Sky’s weight off Wind and rubbed Sky’s shoulder in an attempt to soothe. It was really a measure of just how bad it was if Sky was admitting to… anything. He hated this part, knowing that one of his boys was hurting and there was nothing he could do. But also, Sky didn’t know about the mirror, he didn’t know that they’d heard and seen nearly everything. Wind spoke up, pulling Sky’s attention into a story to distract him until the doctor came back.
“This one first for pain.” The relief was quick. Sky cried once the solution took effect, the muscles shaking with tension finally relaxed.
“And this one will help you sleep.” Time ended up taking the vial from the doctor to get Sky to take it and rocked the boy until he finally fell asleep
Hi, this is what I’ve written recently regarding comfort. Hope it’s ok?
It’s perfect. Thank you
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gyoobies · 2 years
The Arcade
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Pairing: SVT Member x Fem Reader ( member is revealed in the story)
Genre: Smut, established relationship
Warnings: Explicit content 18+, Minors DNI, Unprotected sex (Wrap it up! before you tap it up!), sex in a public place, pet names (beautiful), creampie, excessive kissing.
Summary: Your 3rd of 6 dates your boyfriends have planned?.  👈🏾 you get this and nothing more. Sorry, it’s supposed to be a bit of a guess who. (member is revealed a few paragraphs in unless you read the tags ya cheater.)
Short and sweet just like me. I hope you enjoy this and if you don’t just pretend you did 🤷🏾‍♀️. Also any misspellings/errors don’t really exist you’re just imagining them all. 
As always this is just 1 piece of a Poly universe that lives in my head.
Today's date was a bit different, you weren't being picked up by a car and dropped off at an unknown location. Today you were advised that your date would be picking you up, and to dress casual. You could probably guess who this date was going to be with based on the request, but after the last date you decided not to jump to conclusions. “Dress casual” didn't mean skip out on the sexy, so you added a little spice to your simple jeans and denim jacket combo by pairing the look with a turtleneck that had a cutout, showing just a peek of cleavage.
Just as you finished up your makeup, the doorbell rang. You gave yourself one final look and made your way to open it. You leaned in to peer through the peephole, but the only thing visible was what you assumed was someone's finger.
"I can't see your face so how do I know if I know you?"
Almost immediately you heard them begin to punch in the lock code to your door. Once you heard the click of the lock, you quickly swung the door open to reveal a ridiculously handsome but shivering Wonwoo. You quickly pulled him inside and wrapped yourself around him as best you could to try to warm him a bit.
"It's really cold tonight. Should we stay in?"
Wonwoo quickly shook his head no.
"The car is warm, I'll be ok." He said as he gave you a reassuring smile.
You grabbed your purse and off the two of you went. It had been a few days since you'd actually seen Wonwoo’s face. He had been working so hard lately, even more than usual so while he focused on driving, you admired how handsome he looked in his wire framed glasses. The longer you stared at his profile the harder it became for you to keep your hands to yourself.  The moment you were stopped at a red light you took the opportunity to lean over to the driver's seat and plant a kiss on his cheek.
"I've missed you." You whispered as you leaned back into your seat.
A smile spread across his face as he quickly glanced at you before turning his attention back to the road.
"I missed you too." He said as he reached for your hand, bringing it up to his lips for a gentle kiss.
About ten minutes later you found yourself stepping through the doors of a popular local arcade, but to your surprise it was empty except for one guy that was waiting close to the entrance. He quickly greeted the two of you, handing over a set of keys to Wonwoo as he exited.
"Wow. You rented out the entire place just so the crowds wouldn't see your ass getting handled in video games?!"
"Keep talking baby, and we'll see who's ass gets handled." He said as he gave a light smack to your butt.
You quickly spotted one of your favorite games from childhood.
"Yes! Omg I love this game!"
Wonwoo watched fondly as you swiped the game card, excitement flowing from you. You were often too busy these days to enjoy the gaming systems you owned, but that didn't stop you from stocking up on games that often ended up being more for your boyfriends than you.
"When I'm done here, I'll kick your ass in a match or two."
"We'll see about that."
You were certainly feisty when it came to competition, friendly or not, so it was a regular occurrence putting you and Seungkwan against each other for everyone's entertainment on group game nights. Tonight you aimed all your fiery comments at Wonwoo, and game after game was enjoyed with you occasionally being able to back up all of your shit talking. This date was exactly what you needed and exactly what you’d expect from Wonwoo, casual, laid-back, fun, perfect, just like him. After playing almost every game in the place, Wonwoo took your hand and led you to what you assumed was a game in the center of the arcade, but it was covered so you weren't 100% certain . Releasing your hand, Wonwoo's face had an expression somewhere between excited and nervous.
"I know we haven't spent a lot of time alone together lately and even when we gather as a group I often am distracted or leave early. I'm so very grateful that you've all been understanding. I know this date doesn't come close to making up for all the time missed, but I wanted to show you what kept me so busy.”
Your eyes grew wide. "Omg! Is, is this it?!"
You watched as Wonwoo removed the cover on the new arcade machine. You were in awe, you had no idea his team was anywhere near close to finishing up their new game.
" Wonwoo, this is amazing! Can we play it?! Show me what to do."
Wonwoo happily took his place beside you, telling you more about the game and controls. The next hour was spent with the two of you playing the game he'd worked so hard on.
"Wow! Wonwoo, really, this is amazing. I'm so proud of you. I know this wasn’t easy but you did it!"
The Cheshire Cat-like smile again appeared across his face as he pulled you into a hug. You'd missed his embrace, but seeing how happy he was to share his accomplishment with you made all the time he spent away worth it. You pulled his face down to kiss him sweetly.
"I'm happy you enjoyed playing it. I was nervous."
You laughed, "babe you have an arcade game in a popular gaming spot and a mobile version and you were worried?"
"Yes, because even if everyone else loved it, if you didn't, I'd feel like I didn't succeed."
"Wow, are you trying to make me cry right now?"
Wonwoo just held firm that he meant what he said as he pulled you in for yet another, but more passionate kiss. Soon soft breaths turned into heavy breathing, light caresses became needy touches and soon you could feel his hardening dick through his jeans. Although you knew you'd probably pay for it later, you still decided to palm his dick. Wonwoo broke the kiss to look down at you, eyes still as soft as they had been all night. He quickly took your hand guiding you into the restroom, the only place he was certain there were no security cameras. Wonwoo lifted you onto the sink counter, knocking your legs open with his knee to slot himself between them. Immediately his lips were on yours again, hungry and heated as he tangled his hands in your hair, pulling you closer to him, making you breathless. Despite the eager and greedy kisses, he was being more gentle tonight, further evidence that he'd really missed you. Wonwoo was without a doubt the most dominant of your boyfriends but that didn't mean he didn't have soft moments, and in this moment he was the softest he'd been in your relationship so far. His lithe fingers skillfully undid the button on your jeans as he pulled you down from the sink to stand, making it easier for him to remove your shoes and pants. You kissed him as you let your hands trail across his broad shoulders, down his abs to undo the button of his pants. Once they hit the floor you turned to face away from him, but he immediately turned you back.
"Not tonight. I want to see you."
You were almost speechless, Wonwoo loved to fuck you from behind it was by far one of his favorite positions, so for him to turn down pounding you until your knees gave out he must have really, really missed you. He helped you back up on the sink counter, pulling your ass close to the edge. You watched with lust filled eyes as he stroked himself a few times before bending down to place a kiss right on the delicate fabric that covered your pussy. You whimpered at his sudden actions and he met your gaze with a sly smile.
"You're always so wet." He said as he leaned in to capture your lips, moving your panties to the side and plunging his dick into you as he did.
The feeling of him gripping your thigh with one hand as the other rested on your lower back, making sure to keep you as close as possible while he thrusted deep into you, could almost make you melt. You nestled your hand into his hair and gave a small experimental tug earning a groan from the man feverishly leaving his marks across your upper body.
"I like that" He said letting out a low groan as he sucked the flesh just beneath your ear.
The drag of Wonwoo's dick against your walls was something you definitely missed, you especially missed the very subtle upward curve of his dick, and the way it always managed to hit your spot just right and that's exactly what it was doing right now. Your breaths became ragged, your moans grew louder, and you asked for permission to cum as you had done so many times before. When you didn’t get a response you knew that although he was being more gentle with you tonight, he still would only allow you to cum when he was ready. Wonwoo wrapped his arm under your knee, lifting your leg, placing your foot on the counter, opening you up more for him. You were just about to ask for permission again when Wonwoo kissed the tip of your nose before resting his forehead against yours. The snap of his hips made you dizzy from the pleasure, and when you let out a helpless whimper Wonwoo finally answered.
"Do it beautiful, cum on my dick."
You cried out as you shook from the intensity of your orgasm. Wonwoo held you closer as he chased his own release fucking you senseless and pushing you right into your next orgasm. When he felt your pussy clenching around him he kissed you one final time, dick twitching inside you as he filled your pussy until it was overflowing. You stayed that way for some time in silence, foreheads pressed together, just trying to catch your breath until finally he broke the bliss filled silence.
"Let's go home beautiful. We've got some catching up to do."
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fanboymickey · 2 years
Harrington’s got her | The greatest friend a girl could have
Summary: Reader and Eddie had been high school sweethearts and planned on being together forever. Instead, life had other plans and flipped reader's world upside down. Now reader finds herself becoming a single mother and possibly falling in love with her childhood best friend, Steve Harrington.
Word count: 1.3k
Warning: Angst. Teen pregnancy. Reader is 19 years old. Vecna and Eddie are both dead. Everything was solved at the end of volume two.
Pairings: Past Eddie Munson x Reader, Steve Harrington x Reader
Writers Note: Hi!! Here’s part two💛
Part 1
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“You’re what now?” Dustin questioned.
“He’s not the father is he?” Mike asked pointing at Steve.
 “How? That’s not possible.” Lucas exclaimed while sitting next to a shocked Max.
“First off, I’m pregnant Dustin like as in I’m having a child,” you sighed, “Second, no Mike, Steve isn’t the father, Eddie was,” you hesitated and your eyes flickered from mike to your hands and then to Dustin, “is the father and lastly,” you and Dustin exchanged a brief look of grief and then you shifted your gaze to Lucas, “It’s very possible.”
“I think it’s great that you’re expecting a baby Y/N,” Eleven smiled at Y/N.
“I agree, even though I didn’t know Eddie, I’ve heard stories and I know this kid will be just as cool,” Will added.
You and Steve thought it was best to tell the kids first and get that over with. You both knew they’d have a lot of questions. You and Steve had practiced answering questions and finding the best way to smooth it over to the kids.
Telling the older gang was harder, you knew that they would have a better understanding of the implications of your situation and how this’ll affect your future.
“Oh my gosh like a baby‌ baby and not like one of those creepy realistic dolls that they make you take care of in home economics class?” Robin rumbled on.
“Yes Robin, a baby baby like the kind Y/N will have to give birth to and have to take care of for the next eighteen years,” Steve clarified. You shifted around in your seat uncomfortably at Steve mentioning you having to give birth and actually taking care of this small human. Sure you got a job and started saving money to buy things for the baby, but you hadn’t really thought out that long-term logistics of having a child.
Nancy softly nudged Robin and nodded towards you, “How far along are you?” Nancy asked.
“About 15 weeks.” You bit your lip, looking down at your hands and avoiding making eye contact with any of them. You could feel Steve’s comforting hand on the small of your back. You looked up at him and gave him a small smile. He had given you a small reassuring smile before you had glanced back down at your hands that you were nervously fiddling with.
“Oh Y/N, I’m sorry,” Jonathan said while putting two and two together.
“D-did he know?” Nancy asked hesitantly trying not to make you upset.
“He couldn’t’ve,” Robin scoffed, “Eddie wouldn’t’ve done what he did if he would’ve known he’d have a kid,” she finished looking from Nancy to you and then to Steve to make sure she didn’t overstep any boundaries.
“Robin what the-” Steve began to say, but you cut him off before he could finish, “She’s right Steve, Eddie wouldn’t’ve done what he did if I only would have told him.” You felt the hot tears roll down your cheeks.
Robin bit her lip, “He would’ve been a wonderful father, Y/N.” Nancy walked over to you and pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry that he isn’t here for you or the baby,” she hesitated saying the word at first as she looked down at your stomach, where your hand was protectively placed, and then back up to scan your face looking for your eyes, “but you will always have us to help you.” She smiled nodding toward Steve, Robin, and Jonathan.
You knew in that moment that everything was gonna be ok because you and your baby had a group of friends that are now your support system, but no you knew at that moment that your baby would have a family, maybe not the one you always pictured, but it’d still be a beautiful one full of love.
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Another month had come and gone, you were now 19 weeks pregnant and fully showing. It was pretty hard to keep it a secret anymore, especially from your mother’s noisy friends who kept asking about the father. Who was he? Where was he? They knew you had been dating Eddie, but because of his status compared to your own, they chose to ignore it, especially when you had been seen around town doing everything with Steve.
You still hadn’t found out the gender, but you knew that you’d want to know as soon as you could. You figured it’d help you plan better for the future. Today, you and Steve were going shopping to price out things and even buy a few of the main essentials.
You and Steve had driven out to Indianapolis to avoid the stares and questions that you’d both receive from people around town. You guys had found a small second hand baby store that Joyce recommended.
“Everything is so expensive,” you looked down at the price of a crib, “this is already one of my paychecks.” You had found a small oak colored crib that was in almost perfect condition except for a few small scratches here and there, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t cover up with paint.
Steve grabbed the price tag to look at the price, “Since when were babies this expensive?” He questioned.
“Uh since always,” you walked past him and started looking at baby blankets and stuffed animals. You picked up a small black cat, “You know these were Eddie’s favorite animal.” You said matter of factly to Steve.
“No, I didn’t but you should get it,” he gave you a small smile that vanished when he watched you put down the stuffed cat.
You sighed, “I can always come back for it, but for now I should probably focus on buying the essentials since they’re the most important.” You walked off to go find someone to help ring you up for the crib.
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You and Steve sat in the driveway of your house, “Thank you again for coming with me, I know going baby shopping isn’t exactly your ideal Friday afternoon.” You said with a chuckle. If someone would’ve told you a few years back that Steve Harrington would be going baby shopping with you then you would have laughed and said that’s not possible.
“I told you that I would be there to help you, so here I am.” There was an awkward tension in the car. You found yourself staring into his eyes. Had they always had hints of forest green in them? Your eyes shifted to his lips and then very quickly back to his eyes.
“Uh, I should get going,” you said quickly and reaching for the door. Steve stopped you by placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Before you go I wanted to give you something.”
He shifted in his seat to dig around in the back until he found the tied plastic bag he was looking for, “here,” inside was the small stuffed black cat and he had picked up a green blanket that matched the cat's eyes, “They should have something that’ll never let them get lonely and a matching blanket so they’ll never get cold.”
You smiled at Steve with tears in your eyes, “thank you so much,” you pulled him into a tight hug.
“Of course, Y/N, I could see how much it meant to you,” He whispered into your hair, “and it was the least I could do for you.” He pulled away so you could get out of the car.
“You are the greatest friend a girl could ask for, you know that right?” You said as you grabbed the bags and closed the car door.
Steve stayed to make sure you got inside ok. As soon as you were inside the house, Steve silently cursed to himself. You weren’t the only one who had started having feelings for the other. In fact, Steve had always had at least the tiniest of crushes on you, but he didn’t let him admit that to himself until right now when he felt his heart drop as you called him the greatest friend a girl could have.
Part 3
Tag list: @khaylin27 @violetbendbackwardoverthegrass
If you wanna be added to the tag list for any of my works feel free to fill out a form here.
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your--isgayrights · 8 months
Probably a bit silly and you’ve likely answered this before, but do you think you’re going to come back to “at the Very least, the Wall will change?” I’m just getting into ORV and I want to read some fanfic! I promise I am patient but I’m hesitant to start reading something that’s abandoned. I hope this doesn’t come off as disrespectful! I completely understand burnout (med student here hehe) and there’s no shame is shelving a project for a time if it no longer speaks to you. I just wanted to check
You're right that I've answered this before but like it's totally fair to ask me again after how long it's been lol. Bc like I think about this a lot too and thus the answer/feelings I have about it kind of changes?
Like my journey with this fic has kind of been tumultuous because I started it before I had access to ADHD medication and a lot of my life can be divided into the Before times and the like Now Times where my baseline happiness/standard of care of myself is vastly improved. I outlined all of wall fic before publishing the first chapter and then the scenes I wanted to include took up a lot more time to create than I initially thought they would and that like frustration was really harmful to like my sense of being a "writer," I guess?
Sorry, getting into this bc I'm trying to articulate my own feelings to myself, but I'll tldr; it at the end probably.
Like when I first started wall fic it had like a strangle hold on my imagination and was a way I was able to articulate feelings about things in life. Truth is, I'm someone who has called 911 for suicide/self-harm of friends/classmates like 4-5 times before turning 18. There is this feeling of helplessness I always had as a minor that the world was always ending around me but even when I was up till 5 am making sure my friend got to the hospital ok without any way of really knowing except waiting for a text back, I still had to just buck up and go to school the next day. The emotions I have towards these times in my life really latched onto omniscient reader, because the way it discusses suicidal ideation and what can help with it rang really true to me. I love KDJ a lot, part of that is, in my interactions with suicidal ideation, his sense of narrative inevitability really describes the emotions behind it well, the feeling of "this is the only Solution that will Actually work" is sewn into the fabric of the universe as "probability." And I've actually been thinking about that term "probability" a lot lately, and how it relates to ideas about Narratives. We're always estimating the likelihood of future events based on past experiences, calling things "realistic" or not. But the function of this system in my own life has often been to convince myself to 'give up' on certain things, conserve the energy it would take to try them. Sure that has helped me when Ive not had any free time/energy in crunch times or big projects, but when something is actually important, giving up feels like shit to be honest. Which is part of why I really love and kind of idealize this character of Yoo Joonghyuk, someone who 'never gives up.' To me KDJ and yjh in wall fic represent these two radical sides of a spectrum where someone becomes unhappy by giving up caring about everything and someone becomes unhappy by never giving up on anything. KDJ is then sort of this love letter to people who give up on themselves, people who could never imagine living past a certain age and yet somehow implausibly remain. YJH is a love letter to people who have been left behind and are So aware of their choices and their power over situations that they blame themselves for things that were actually out of their control in the first place. It's these two different ways of interacting with helplessness and grief and fear, giving up knowing you never could have made a difference in the first place or being convinced you could always have done Something and blaming yourself for failing, constantly stressing about what you could have done and what you ought to do the next time it happens.
Codifying these themes into Characters is originally this fun way of exploring emotions I have about them and sharing the experience of feeling them with others without having to tear too much of my self a part. I feel like when we're young it feels like a sense of self is something like a wall, an image of ourself that we have Built and must put in work to Maintain from erosion. This sense of self and protection makes us feel distinct from other people, the line we draw where we begin and end in the universe, and they become rules dictating How we will Act and Appear towards others. Drawing these walls and lines is pretty important to KDJ's perspective in wall fic, but i now realize I had sort of started doing to myself? Towards the middle of writing it?
Just because I've been on the Internet so long, I know the sort of "narratives" of being different "kinds of authors" online. Because of this, when I started posting wall fic, something that was of a lot of concern to me was how I appeared as an Author to people reading. I honestly think now that the performance of things I associated with like Being an Author were more sort of motivated by a fear of failure and disappointing others than anything else. It's kind of only been recently that I've realized that I have a choice to do things because I enjoy them instead of the fear of not doing them, which sounds a little crazy/obvious to be honest, but forcing myself to be an honor roll student for like more than a third of my adolescence while completely unmedicated kind of made that sort of intrinsic fear of disappointing others the ole'reliable of Task Motivation. Participating in ORV fandom has sort of been this emotional tight rope walk for me of like. Kind of really desperately desiring validation from others but also being afraid of receiving it bc of like the pressure it then puts on to Keep Doing the thing that Works and otherwise feeling like a Failure. But obviously like creative writing isn't going to have the same like Fear/Urgency factor as life stuff and it shouldn't feel that way, anyway, tbh. I'm kind of having to like. Re-invent the idea of writing being Fun and Relaxing for myself. And the idea that talking to other people on the internet (also like. People in general I still do this at uni even) does not actually have to have like any performative elements or factors of like? Disguise? Because like my sense of self doesn't actually have to be a wall I keep building and have to repatch whenever someone comes along with a pickaxe like my sense of self doesn't actually need a metaphor attached to it because it just is what it is lol. Like whatever I am RN is my "self" and that meaning would only suffer under the restraint of comparison, lol.
It's been easier to like feel normaler/better quicker in like my day to day stuff, but because a lot of the time I spent previously trying to write wall fic lies in that like that brain space where I felt afraid and stressed out etc I think I currently have like an aversion to sitting down with it out of like a fear of returning to that mindset. Because I'm like looking it in the face and such I do have like strategies of getting over it like doing warmups or taking time to make nice writing spaces and having a name to/strategies to access the creative part of my brain, but that stuff takes time and because it's a lot less likely I'll have writing on the brain than go through my every day life like the process of becoming normaler/feeling better goes a lot faster day to day than in my approach to writing.
Because in my brain the progress of wall fic is a sort of gentle curve I've been trying to shape the growth of upwards, I wouldn't say it's abandoned at all. But also like because the next "update" is not really guaranteed and I'm kind of hesitant to force myself to commit to a timeline for finishing/releasing it, I think it makes sense to like hesitate about starting it as a reader? In terms of a sense of completion, the chapters are organized in such a way that each one concerns a sort of complete Section of KDJ's life/relationships, tho. Like, Chapter 1 shows KDJ and YJH's first meeting as kids and establishes the "soulmate" setting. Chapter 2 shows the life KDJ carved himself to thereafter, how he and YJH's paths have diverged, established the stakes of KDJ's current "world" in a way parallel to the first few chapters of wos/orv. Chapter 3 focuses on how the soulmate worldview and KDJ + YJH's characters/past interact with the way they view children/the idea of "childhood/youth." Chapter 4 is meant to show how that worldview encounters adult life/ adult friendships/relationships, but the final part of it is something I'm still working on a bit. The structure is such that I tend to bring the end of the chapter back to a moment of peace/resolution/settling in the "new world" after the events of the chapter and then writing a one sentence cliff hanger about what the next chapter includes. So if you want to give some of it a read but don't want to be left feeling too incomplete, I'd read up till before the last sentence of Chapter 3, tho that's a bit silly, lol.
I will say again and have said before, I don't mind that much getting thoughtful comments/messages like yours at all. Thoughtful in the sense of like, desiring a response from me as a person, I suppose? Towards the start of writing online i really like needed the validation of little comments to feel good about myself/my work, but now I realize that the thing I like actually desire that ao3 comments aren't often a good format for is that I just like talking/discussing these things with other people. Sometimes comments will make me feel more like an unpaid customer service representative getting feedback or a student looking at a quick note on my report card. The kind I like most are messages where people want to ask me questions, argue with me about something, share something of their own interaction with the text that there's room for me to interact back with them as a person. The thing I hate most is feeling like I care too much about something/talk/think too much to the point that people are tired of hearing from me/form a bad opinion of me.
So like typing this all out has actually put myself in the brain space of remembering some of the things I like to write about and feel and how the current part of wall fic explores them. I'm kind of setting up my computer and such to start working on it like rn actually, hopefully the like feelings I'm having towards wall fic won't evaporate when i have to go to my class in 1/2 an hour or when i try to reread some of what I've written so far lol.
TLDR; Wall fic isn't abandoned or on hiatus or anything, but I am super slow about it lol. If you wanna give it a read I recommend stopping before the last sentence of Chapter 3 if you don't want any "cliff hangy" feelings. Questions like yours that ask me to interact with orv/wall fic/related themes do honestly help me start thinking about it again and I'll probably try to work on some of it tonight bc of you so thanks 👍
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getosugurugirlfriend · 3 months
could you do tae takemi with a reader that struggles with self harm please
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Tae Takumi x self harming! reader
a/n: Hello anon, I was really rushing to get your request through and I hope it will help you through these things, just know you aren’t alone and you should reach out, when you don’t have anyone you can also chat with me :(. I am also someone that struggles with self harm, so don’t feel alone about it.
I tried making her from a doctor perspective/ friend, because I didn’t know how to write her in this case as a gf? I’m sorry
tw: self harming behavior, a brief mention of disordered eating, depression
I will proofread this tomorrow.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
☆ She will definitely know, she is a doctor. She will see right through you. When you tried hiding it from her, there was basically no chance of succeeding.
☆ When she first saw it she didn’t know how to react, she was conflicted about it, yes, you were her friend, but she didn’t really know how to comfort you and tried approaching you in a doctor perspective, as to not make you feel bad about yourself.
☆ Yes, she saw a lot of things as a doctor, even self harm scars. She knew how they looked and what to do, if they are fresh. She will treat them, while handling them she didn’t really talk at first, she was thinking about how to approach this situation first, to not make you feel worse about yourself.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
When she noticed that she hadn’t see you in a while, she got worried and went straight to your apartment, she knew about your mental health struggles, but she didn’t know that it got worse again.
As she arrived, there were no lights on, but she had the feeling you were at home, so she just hoped for you to come out and open the door for her.
She rang the bell and as she heard on the other side that there were footsteps, she was relieved at first, but then she saw you, basically a shell of yourself.
When she saw the state you were in, she got really worried, the eye bags, the paleness of your face, everything looked so dull.
As you let her in you went to the couch to sit down as you begun to talk she interrupted you with: “y/n what happened to you?”, you knew you couldn’t hide it from her for long, you didn’t have anyone else to talk to, she was your only friend, so you tried opening up to her. Due to the fact she knew how to take care of illnesses, it was a lot easier for you to talk about your struggles.
“Tae, you know how I talked to you about my depression?”
“Yes, y/n what about it?”
You sighed but continued anyways, “…I begun to relapse on self harm again.”
You got worried, as she didn’t react at first, she was keeping her calmness, but deep down you knew that she was shocked.
As she collected her thoughts again she begun talking, “Ok, I understand, did you eat today and when was the last time you took a shower?”
“No I didn’t, I felt too drained and tired, I showered the last time last week.”
“Ok, go showering and I will be preparing you something small to eat, we will talk about this, after you have showered okay?” She gave you a reassuring smile.
As you were done showering she already was done with making something that she knew you would enjoy.
You were both eating in silence, you tried finishing your plate, to have something in your system again after not eating for a day.
Tae saw that you were done with your plate for now, so she got up and took the plates to wash them, she knew that you couldn’t do it for now, so she tried helping you as best as she can.
She broke the silence again, “…Y/n is it okay if I see the scars? I want to make sure they are healing the way they should be healing”, when she was done explaining she tried to give her the best smile that she could do. You both were heading to your bedroom, so you could relax, while she treated you.
You were at this point really exhausted, so you didn’t really replied to it verbally, you just hummed at her.
She tried making it fast, so you won’t be getting to upset about it. “Y/n do you want me to stay over?”, she anxiously asked you, after she was done bandaging the wounds.
You nodded, you were on the verge of tears, as she saw this, she pushed you into her embrace so you can cry it out. She felt that you were beginning to become quiet and sleepy, then she knew you fell asleep from exhaustion, she still hugged you, but already made plans what to do for now, she also had planned that she will clean up your place, so you don’t have to worry about that.
“Sleep well, y/n.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
“You hit me once, I hit you back”
Maybe Mike needs to work out some frustrations and Peter taking him to the boxing ring to spar.
(If this is too specific, you can ignore it) imagine Mike—the better boxer—accidentally hitting Peter harder than expected (just all his emotions coming out), and as he tries to apologize, Peter hits him “you’re supposed to be hitting me, Mike. That’s the point”
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Mike doesn’t like getting into the ring with Peter, not when he feels like this, but his regular trainer is out sick and he needs someone to hold the pads so when Peter offers he agrees. It’s love taps at first, nothing too hard, he keeps himself restrained, controlled. That’s a work out in itself because he wants to hit something hard. He wants to fight, to rage, to scream but he doesn’t, because it’s Peter, the man he loves and there isn’t a chance in hell he would ever do anything to hurt him.
“Jabs aren’t gonna cut through that anger Mike.” Peter says when they pause for a break. “You need to put some weight behind it, hit me a right hook.”
“That’s not going to happen.” Mike says, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.
“OK.” Peter says removing the mitts before picking up his black boxing gloves and pulling them on. “Just know I won’t pull my punches.”
“Peter, I’m not fighting you.”
Peter doesn’t give him a choice, because he lashes out with a jab that catches him right on the jaw and it ignites something in Mike, something vengeful and primal. He doesn’t think he just reacts.
The first punch Peter blocks, and the second. The two of them have been doing this dance on and off for a couple of years now. Mike’s always been a boxer, he’s been doing it since college. Peter arrived to the ring later to the game and it shows. His forte is baseball, when he needs to blow off a little steam he takes it to the batting cages. He spends hours smacking the shit out of the small wooden balls as opposed to the ones he really wants to break. The other problem with Peter is when he starts to tire his right arm drops, it’s a product from the tear in his UCL.
That’s how Mike ends up breaking Peter’s nose.
Peter’s arm slips and Mike hits him with a right hook and it’s game over. He hears the crunch, sees the explosion of crimson and something inside him just dies. He can’t believe he’d lost control like that, that he didn’t pull the punch the way he usually does when he notices Peter’s waning. His gloves are off in a second, his hands touching Peter’s face, tipping his head back towards the light.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” He says snatching up Peter’s towel from the corner, pressing it to his features. “Christ I just…”
“It’s is on me.” Peter tells him, pulling the towel away from his face to survey the blood. “I knew what would happen if I hit you with all that adrenaline still pumping through your system. I just thought I was better prepared.”
“Peter…” Mike chides, guiding the towel back up to his face.
“You needed to let go of it.” Peter tells him as he leans back against the ropes. “It was eating you up inside and since you didn’t want to fuck it out…”
That had been the first option, they’d done it before but Mike hates bringing that feeling into the bedroom. Peter deserves better than that.
“You’re crazy you know that?” Mike whispers as he cradles Peter’s face between his hands. “Absolutely crazy.”
Peter dabs at his nose with the towel before he gives Mike that devil may care smile.
“But you still love me right?”
“Always,” Mike promises, his thumb chasing over Peter’s chiselled cheek. “I’ll always love you Pete.”
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