#otabek's cat
thoughts i have had about yuri on ice characters and a bo burnham special that i need to get out of my head
i have given a lot of thought to my Yuri on Ice fic the last few days and i had a thought that i feel like sharing with the class. I've decided to write it in a timeline where the COVID pandemic never happens and the world didn't descend into madness in 2020. primarily because I originally came up with the idea long before that happened and I don't feel line including it in my writing. but this also means that the characters in the world would never get to experience the absolute masterpiece that is Bo Burnham's Inside. The argument could be made that they already exist in a world that Bo Burnham is not in. but I believe since Stéphane Lambiel - a real world figure skater - is seen in the last episode of yoi then Bo Burham has every right to be there too
this whole post is about the characters I am writing about, Seung-gil Lee and Otabek Altin and the versions of them that i have created. i have a specific series of events that occur in Cadence (you can read this post without having read it but it might help if you have. And same goes for Inside. It's on Netflix and I cannot recommend it enough) so anyways!!!!! if I were going to go a completely different direction with my story this is what I would have done with it
The two of them would start living together at the time the country they are in went on lockdown. It wasn't the plan but they found out that they do really well as roommates and they decide to just let the universe have this one. So, imagine this. It's the 30th May 2021 and they are scrolling through Netflix, trying to find something to watch while lounging on one of Otabek's many couches. They see a comedy special called Inside and decide to give it a shot on Otabek's recommendation - he's watched Bo Burnham with Leo and JJ a few times in the past and always enjoyed himself.
it is different from anything they have ever watched before. there is humor to it if course but there is something so deeply haunting about it as well. they aren't sure if they are enjoying themselves, they just know they don't regret their choice. eventually, Seung-gil breaks down listening to Bo's monologue in All Eyes On Me - "I began having severe panic attacks while on stage which is not a great place to uh... have them" He'll never forget his first panic attack on the ice, the way he thought he wasn't going to make it off the ice, the fact that there was no one on the side lines that knew what was happening, not ever. no one that could even see what was happening, not until Otabek came around
Otabek hugs his friend, helps to calm him down. and they hit play once they've settled again with Cho and Bear. Otabek's tears surprise them both, the choked sob that escapes his throat when they're listening to Goodbye and Bo sings, "When I'm fully irrelevant and totally broken dammit, call me up and tell me a joke" because that's his future and he has desperately tried to ignore it but he can't forever, he has to admit that eventually he'll be forgotten, lost among all the people who can still compete
I dunno, I could write a whole essay but I think I'm gonna call it there. I just had to blend these two things that I am passionate about. And then get it out of my head by typing it all out. It felt like a waste to not post it here. 💛 Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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chidori-art · 2 years
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Day 6: Family
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This profile is about my oc in Yuri! On ice anime world.
I stick with the headcannons:
* Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki are engaged (and being married at this point) and living together in St Petersburg.
* Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Alting aren't dating! Yuri at his young age at Barcelona fell for him, but he only become infatuated with Otabek. But they stay in touch to this day.
* Yuri moved out from Moscow to St Petersburg to train under Yakov Feltsman (skating trainer) and Lilia Baranovskaya (ballet trainer) when he was 14. At this time Yuri was living in Lilia's apartment with Potya (his cat).
* After the Grand Prix Final in Barcelona Yuri Plisetsky's grandpa- Nikolai Plisetsky joined him in St Petersburg so Yuri moved out of Lilia's apartment and now he lives with his grandpa.
* Yuri Plisetsky at some point was and is a breadwinner because of his mother's small income.
* Viktor Nikiforov is still the most honored figure skater to this day. Yuri Plisetsky of course wants to beat his records. But he doesn't want to admit that he looks up to him and wants to be like him in the figure skating world.
* Yuri Plisetsky loves cats. (of course lol)
* Victor Nikiforov already retired from skating because of his age but he became a full-time trainer and choreographer.
* Yuri Katsuki trains under Victor.
My name is Lydia, I'm studying management at St Petersburg university.
If we skip my shy side I will show you the best of me ;)
You can buy me by giving me a pink peonies.
Also- I'm the big spoon. Always.
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cmorris-art · 2 years
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In honour of the yuri on ice anniversary, here’s some old crossover art I don’t think I ever posted here
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The quality of this second image is questionable cos I don’t have the file anymore so had to screencap it from my own Instagram 🤡
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dougdimmadisco · 1 year
how old are you and how did/do you react to welcome to the madness
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
Because I am god damned shipping trash and you can't stop me, I started looking up things. When I saw this:
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I had a hot moment of: BWAHAHAHAHAH! Then I was like: I wonder what the other names mean. The rabbit hole.
I found a twimbler by jikooksubunit that basically summed up to : Katsuki Yuuri means ‘student of a victor who benefits from courage’ and I think that is beautiful. And I was like: Fuck yeah.
Then I went further down, because fuck you, you can't stop me.
Yuri Plisetsky means (first name) farmer [unless he's Jewish, in which case it means Light of God] (last name) Influencer/Freedom Lover/Charisma. Which, I mean, humble origins, willing to suffer for what he wants, and damned if he's not an influencer with his own style and everyone wants a piece of him (for good or ill). Also a fucking demonic angel. So... yes.
And as you know, shipping trash don't do half. So I looked up Otabek Altin. We all know Altin means gold. What dose his first name mean, google? Fucking help me! So it did. It's actually an Uzbek name. It can be translated as "The Father of all Dukes" or “The Greatest Duke”. In middleage it was also a title for all the heirs coming from a certain lineage of Taimur. MY MIND FUCKING BLOWN.
Fucking ICE KING Winner-Winnerson
there feral ice child some times called princess to the determent of everyone with the sheer chutzpah to try it HO, I'M GONNA AND MAKE YOU PAY THE BILL RESPECT MY ETHEREAL, DAINTY, TOUGH AS NAILS ASS, YOU BASIC BITCH
and his BFF/prince charming : LITERALLY A FUCKING ROYAL BLOOD LINE MADE OF GAWD DAMNED GOLD, A.K.A. original 'Daddy of them All' (it's in the fucking name!), called a hero of his home country (rescue Yurio, on your modern day steed, daddy?). [Calmly exert your 'dad energy' in that 'you have awoken the beast' way that the wild cat some times needs?] Ether way, mah dudes. Ether way.
No wonder his ass can afford to ship that bike where ever he wants. Yurio is gonna get so damned spoiled. I love this fucking fandom.
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jewishvitya · 9 months
Looking at the trivia part on YOI wiki just for a bit of fun. Ignore me, I’m not doing well in summer, the heat is killing me.
Kenjirou was planned as Yuri's Planned Design.
Help, Minami is what Yurio was supposed to look like. Yurio was supposed to be an angry chicken nugget.
Georgi is known in Japan as the "pigeon".
Seung-gil has an extreme aversion (a strong dislike or disinclination) to women and vegetables while he likes meat and dogs
Dislikes women and vegetables. That’s the same category. I hate cabbage and also half of humanity. Where’s that meme. “You’re gay because you love men. I’m gay because I hate women. We’re not the same.”
Seung-gil doesn't look good in anything, but he wears sportswear when he dresses himself as he basically has no interest in fashion since he's so devoted to his sport
SDKGHJLSHFGLKFHSLDH “DOESN’T LOOK GOOD IN ANYTHING” WHY SO MEAN TO HIM. He didn’t do anything, he just wanted to skate as a rainbow parrot.
He also has many mischievous friends.
This is about Otabek. What does it meannnnn. I wish I could read the source.
According to SNS, Phichit is one of the Three Most Adorable Men's Figure Skaters in Asia.
The others are Minami and Guang Hong. I love that this is a thing.
The caption on his Instagram post during the credits reads "Reunited with bae".
This is about Chris. Captioning a post with his cat. I want to know if that’s the cat’s name or if he’s just being ridiculous. Probably just being ridiculous.
Chris is near-sighted. He uses contacts when skating.
See, Yuuri, you don’t have to skate practically blind.
Emil does extreme sports during the off season, which makes his coach nervous.
dhfghdjhghjkfg I did not know this. I love. “I swear to god if you come back with a broken leg--”
It is likely that Celestino has a low alcohol tolerance.
The way this is phrased compared to the image of him passed out on the table with Phichit taking pictures
Toshiya does not know much about figure skating as he is more of a soccer fan.
That’s not an excuse, Toshiya, your son started doing it when he was a child.
On the official site, she is described as "the woman of Yuuri's dreams"
About Yuuko. I’m. What fgjhghjlfhkjg Even with my interpretation of Yuuri being bi, this is a lot.
According to Mitsurou Kubo, while the staff did their best to portray the appeal of the skaters, they didn't try very hard with Takeshi. 
Mila is seen during the Sochi GPF banquet taking pictures of Yuuri Katsuki pole dancing.
And I want to see her pictures too. We got pictures by others, give me hers too.
Sara's Instagram is sala-crispino
And I find this now, years after we had the naming discourse.
Michele is ironically described as a virgin.
The “Ironically” is the part that kills me here.
A portion of Michele's free program is skated by Yuuri Katsuki in the opening credits
Does he deserve the honor? And he was so rude to Yuuri too ( ᓂ︿⁾⁾⁾)
Actually this made me think about Viktor deciding to get back at Mickey for disrespecting Yuuri, and encouraging Yuuri to skate his program just because he’ll do it better. I think Viktor is that kind of petty.
Some part of one of Michele's skate program "Serenade for Two" have been a part of Yuri Plisetsky's skate for the opening of anime.
Definitely Viktor’s idea. And Yuri was in on it.
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yoi-incorrect-quotes · 5 months
Yurio: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don’t murder Viktor right now. Otabek: There are no cats in prison. Yurio: sighs Thank you.
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femmeidiot · 29 days
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cant remember if ive ever sent you pics of him, but here goes anyways. this is my boy otabek, hes very very dumb and easily startled. he also loves food.
a funny memory from when he was a kitten: we left a leftover turkey burger on the dining room table (rookie mistake) bcus we didnt realize how food motivated he was. anyways his little self climbed the table, grabbed the turkey burger that was way too big for him and waddled off like a penguin. he did not get far LOL
i hope you enjoy the pic and the story 💕
omg I love him so much!!!!! And that story is sooo funny and cute omg my cat once stole a whole chicken tender out of my sister's raising canes box while it was next to her... he did make it pretty far. Omg but thank you so much please give otabek all of my love!!!!!!!!!!💖💖💖
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gay-salt-amber · 10 months
I know this isn't Genshin but can I ask for bokuakakuroken headcanons?
Bokuto will just walk into Nekomas gym with doughnuts and food and stuff when he/akaashi are in town
post timeskip, they all brag about how famous kenma is
Akaashi writes a few romance stories based on their relationship
Their wedding rings have their initials engraved in them since having all the last names would be too much
(Yuri on ice au) Kenma learns from Otabek how to ride a motorcycle and the others just think thats so hot
Kuroo is the one who does the cooking, Akaashi is allowed to help but Bokuto and Kenma are banned from the kitchen
Bokuto has a really old cat who loves Kenma but hates Kuroo and nobody knows why\
They paint rocks together
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who’s your fav yuri on ice character???
oh gosh, it's toooo hard to choose just one!! hope you don't mind me cheating, but here's a quick rundown of my top favorite characters (in no particular order):
k yuuri: now it's actually not very often when the main character of the anime is actually my favorite, but yuuri is just so great!! his anxiety and insecurities are so relatable, I just can't help but root for him. he works so goddamn hard to achieve his dreams, and he's so unbelievably kind and caring. I rly like how he can be selfless at some points and selfish at others. he's just so agfjsnaj. I adored being able to follow him as he worked and succeeded. like he's just so captivating, I literally can't not pay him attention. my heart would ache every time he struggled with his issues, and I couldn't help but cheer every time he had a success. I just love him a lot!!
Viktor: god there's just so much to him. he's too interesting. I'm not eloquent enough to give a good character analysis, but I have read plenty of them and loved every second of it. he chases after what he wants til he gets it. he always succeeds. he's super contradictory in that he's mad calculating, but he seems like an airhead. he's super intelligent, but he gets lots of ppl to think he's dumb and unthinking. he's also so so tragic bc he was depressed and stagnant for so long. I feel like it's also hard to get a good grasp on who he is bc of the way he molds himself to be whatever is needed. until yuuri showed him how to just be himself ofc. but yeah he's just rly interesting!!
Chris: I rly don't have much to go on with him bc of his side character status unfortunately. he's just a funky lil guy and I like him!! he's got that supportive friend energy and he seems like a major instigator to me, which is super fun. and I crack up every time he does a routine with "sex appeal" which just makes me like him more
yuri p: my like of yuris character has changed over the years interestingly enough?? when I first started watching YOI, we were around the same age. so I was pretty in awe of him, and looked up to how cool he was. despite his unfortunate love of cat prints (which I personally dislike). but yeah, he was majorly inspiring cuz here's somebody my age whos so angry and proud, pouring out blood sweat and tears into achieving his goals. as I got older, it got a lil different?? bc here's somebody so young sacrificing his soul to get everything he wanted to get. but he's baby. he's just a baby. must give him support, must give him protection. but yeah, I love him!!
otabek: again, not that much to go on with him. but there's just smth so endearing about him being notoriously private and quiet, looking at Yuri in all his loudness and anger and just. choosing to be friends with him. bro had the perfect set up to be angry and jealous over the difference in their careers, but instead he just wanted to be friends!! which Yuri definitely needed, so that gives him extra bonus points
thanks so much for your ask!! I hope you don't mind how this ended up being pretty long and rambly
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ladylilithprime · 6 months
if Yuri were to visit Kazakhstan and go for a hike with Otabek, what are the chances of Otabek having to haul his stupid ass back into town to prevent mauling by a Pallas cat?
Honest answer? While Yuri absolutely loves big cats, he's also not actually stupid enough to try and pet one in the wild. He will, however, 100% pretend that's what he wants to do if it means Otabek will take the excuse to manhandle him and carry him off.
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3cheers4alex · 7 months
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Chapters: 2/3 [Completed, published every Friday] Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky Summary: Otabek, a passionate coffee enthusiast, holds a deep disdain for individuals who don’t share his appreciation for the beverage. However, there might just be an exception to this rule when it comes to Yuri. Aka, the coffee shop AU nobody asked for.
Surrounded by a chaotic sea of bills strewn across the floor, Otabek lounges, his gaze fixed on his cats sprawled lazily on the windowsill. Through the fogged glass, the outside world contorts into eerie, otherworldly shapes. Otabek’s apartment, still plagued by unpacked moving boxes, is more café-themed than a reflection of his personal life. Packing and unpacking has never been a challenge for him; it’s the faint promise of permanence that sends shivers coursing down his spine.
“You two lead a cushy life,” Otabek comments.
Sherlock lifts his head, locking his emerald eyes onto Otabek, while Watson lets out a soft purr, as if endorsing his words.
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avaruussade · 2 months
Although Yuri is more than just his mechanic; Otabek can say he’s a friend, and he hopes Yuri feels the same. It’s the first genuine friendship Otabek has had since having a cat before getting half of his limbs blown off, and he wants to treasure it instead of ruining it with his silly wishes of kissing.
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otabekvoiceblog · 1 year
Planning For the Future
Otabek sighed as he stepped inside the apartment he shared with Yuri as all of their cats rushed to the door, demanding attention. Once he’d appeased them with treats he quietly headed towards the bedroom. Yuri was snuggled up under the covers, sleeping softly. Admiring his beautiful husband Otabek grabbed his pajamas, changing in the bathroom and brushing his teeth before snuggling up next to Yuri, spooning him with gentle caresses.  @yuriplisetsky-rp
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yoificfinder · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the Hero of Kazakhstan, Otabek! 🎉 Here are some Otabek-centered fics to celebrate.
But I'm Not There Yet by sarahyyy [T, 5K]
“Are you not going to read the article?” she asks, flopping onto his bed. “Look who ranked second, just after Phichit Chulanont.”
Otabek reluctantly scrolls down, and oh.
#2 - Yuri Plisetsky
In the embedded Instagram photo just under that subheading, a very grumpy Yuri is cuddling a very grumpy-looking cat. The caption reads: I found the cat version of me at the shelter today. #iknowisaidnomorecats #canyoublameme
(Or, the AU where Otabek and Yuri don't becomes friends in Barcelona, and there are years of pining.)
fermata by perbe [T, 3K]
When one is patchwork of growth plates and bruises, it is inevitable that one must admire boys with words a size too big, as if they know down to their bones that they are meant for something greater.
I used to burn for you, Otabek thinks.
(A character study on Otabek's reaction to his placement at the Grand Prix Finals.)
Hamster in Kazakh is Still Hamster by mousapelli [G, 1K]
Otabek has a hamster. Yuri regrets teaching him how to use instagram.
in which otabek is a (dog loving) criminal by sshibal [G, 2K]
“I can’t believe you were getting dicked and didn’t tell me,” JJ says when he catches Otabek sneaking out of Seung-gil’s hotel room.
Seung-gil kind of/sort of runs illegal dog cuddling sessions during competitions; Otabek is his unlikely partner in crime. Or three times Otabek introduced people to Seung-gil's dog on accident and one time he does it on purpose.
otabekaltindaily reblogged your post by (orphan_account) [T, 5K]
Giving you a daily dose of Kazakhstani Worlds bronze medalist Otabek Altin.
Click HERE for 2014-2015 Season Schedule
Click HERE for livestreams
Click HERE for the Discourse Post TM
icon by: otabaealtin
Or: Otabek's fans aren't half as rambunctious as Yuri's fans are, but they're just as dedicated as Yuri's Angels - not to mention protective.
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