#p: my posts
spiceandtealeaves · 3 months
Personally think India would drive an ambassador <3
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confused-alot · 5 months
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zivazivc · 6 months
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I feel like I have some of the most random headcanons. but I am lowkey obsessed with the fact that John Dory is so much older than Branch that he potentially could have dated their friends'/peers' parents, and/or anything else funny and possibly entertaining that the large age difference entails lmaokskssbcdsbcjdh
edit: part two
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jun-hug · 2 months
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our favourite spot~
print! | kofi ♡
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bucky-thebae-barnes · 7 months
the inherent homoeroticism of "no one gets to kill you but me"
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sketchy-tour · 3 months
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Redrew some of my old daycare attendant doodles as stress relief today
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would love to know which one works better for you and why
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leverage is so fucking funny. man manages to find the most mentally ill and neurodivergent group of thieves on the market + an even more mentally ill guy whose literal job description was trying to chase all of them, and forces them into a found family speed-run by trying to blow them all up. they lowkey stage a full fucking country wide coup and are like eh 🤷 just another wednesday. this might be a fun place to vacation tho i guess. sophie shows up to her own funeral twice. they're so good at convincing people of their shit that they make a guy's body start reacting to an illness he doesn't have because it isn't real. go completely out on a limb and basically hand this one guy a new password for his computer so they can get into it and he goes with it. parker and hardison have straight up just "fake it 'till you make it"d into the fbi without even attempting to cover their tracks beyond just These Two Guys. half their clients never asked to be their clients and don't know they're their clients, and the other half are random people who find them who fuckin knows how, meanwhile no government agency can track them down without selling their soul to sterling. they make a point to have a dramatic scene w a Big Bad Shadowy Government Guy who doesn't actually get caught or brought to justice or anything telling them he's going to hunt them all down, and in any other show this would probably earn at least a minor arc later on but he literally never shows up again. an entire season finale hinged on a cake and a bunch of clams. they accidentally made eliot a celebrity not once, not twice, but three times. parker blew up her foster parents' house when she was like. nine. and it's hardly a footnote. hardison is just casually an artistic prodigy but it's only ever brought up for the most background of background gags. eliot's biggest beef with parker and hardison for like two and a half seasons is that they won't stop making weird food with lasers and refuse to realize they can't make a decent beer to save their lives. sophie's immediate response to being shot is to call her shooter a wanker. there's a character who has literally killed a man with a mop and they had the audacity to only put her in one episode.
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vurelly · 3 days
Do whatever you have in your mind
-The Devil
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not sure this is what anyone had in mind
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kyurochurro · 19 days
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spiceandtealeaves · 5 months
I’ll do an actual write up one day, but literally hot take, I feel like female characters in Indian films are actually getting worse. Like, before, let’s say maybe in the 80-90s(?), they at least had those family/village focused films. There the female characters, though put into stereotypical roles like wife, mother, love interest and such. There was actually depth to them compared to the heroines in the movies today?! Like I’m gonna mention Anjali (1990) for this because, the mom actually had character. She had feelings, flaws, and character development, unlike so many of the hyper-sexualized heroines today that act like they’re 5 (not blaming the actresses for this- like money is money).
It’s just- even the mom roles in Indian films now days feel so- hollow?? They’re there for the caring mom role- and even if I end up feeling for them- it’s the same thing every time. They have no inner thoughts or feelings 💀- like no complexity at all
And before you say like, “but Jawan-“ they were background characters my dude 😭
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soracities · 1 year
i dont know how else to put this but to approach books (or any media, really) solely for the sake of relatability is genuinely incredibly heartbreaking......to have such little (or such unwilling) imaginative scope that you cannot stretch yourself, even marginally, in a different direction to what you’ve known or are used to knowing when the very POINT of stories is to transport you somewhere else, into someone else, so you can do just that........when fran lebowiz said a book “is supposed to be a door!” and george saunders said good prose “is like empathy training wheels” they were right!!! they were so so so SO absolutely entirely right!!!!!
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daeyumi · 7 months
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Exploring the depths 🌌🪻
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mothsshoes · 4 days
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close enough!
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peanutseagle · 9 months
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their friendship is very precious to me
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critai · 10 months
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