#plants say fuck your gender roles
juriyuna · 1 year
juri 🤝 kanagi 🤝 gunhild: girls with animal doppels that have male dimorphic traits
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Vash and Femininity: Trigun Stampede and its Themes of Bodily Autonomy, Exploitation, and Vague Gender Fuckery
alright sit the fuck down. we're gonna talk about THEMES
I was on Twitter- terrible idea usually, but a couple people I follow made some tweets that got me thinking about Trigun's overall themes, and here we are. So let's talk about some themes in Tristamp! And I'll take a couple looks at Trimax as well, just for fun :3
Let's look at how the showrunners utilize gender roles and exploitation of feminine characters to show how unhealthy Knives' obsession with his ideal of Vash is, and how horrific his exploitation of Vash and the Plants is.
Vash, from the beginning of Tristamp, is someone who cares about people's choices. When people kill others in front of him, he reiterates that whether someone lives or dies is not another person's choice to make. This is something he learned from Rem (a prominent female figure in his life). He refuses to kill people because that is not his choice to make. To kill someone is the ultimate removal of their bodily autonomy. They can no longer make any choices at all; they're dead.
Vash is also someone who has almost no choice in what path his life takes. He's constantly dragged around by outside forces, namely situations that are caused by Knives (which we'll get into later). Vash doesn't make things happen, things happen to Vash. The majority of events that occur are not his fault. He's pushed and pulled in a thousand different directions. His entire life is completely out of his control.
This can be seen as early on in his life as the Fall, something he had no control over and had no idea he even had a part in. Even later, in the ship with Luida and Brad, after he's been rescued from the desert, he's kept in handcuffs right up until he's shown to be of use to them and the Plant on their ship. After that, he could theoretically say "no, I don't want to go to other ships and heal their plants," but he doesn't. He's Vash. He's helpful and nurturing at his core, and these people have done so much for him just by letting him stay, so he'll do whatever they ask, no question.
This carries over into his adulthood. At Jeneora Rock, he goes to look at their Plant at one simple request, doesn't protest when he's dragged into a duel-- he doesn't take initiative unless someone's life is immediately at stake. He lets people tell him what to do and lets himself get dragged around by the wrist. He doesn't even pretend to have control over his life like Trimax Vash does, which I mean. Fair. Why pretend to have a grip on your existence when it's impossible to do anything without a gun pointed at your head?
Vash is a very passive character. He's nurturing, kind, gentle- he's a guy that fits a lot of very typical feminine character stereotypes. If you wrote this same story but made him a woman, I wouldn't bat an eye (but I would definitely be looking at it a lot more critically, what with the amount of stereotypically nurturing/motherly female characters in media already.)
This contrasts directly with Knives. He makes a decision and carries through no matter what stands in his way. He takes initiative. If Vash is a passive character, Knives is an active character. Wherever he goes, he leaves a lasting imprint. He makes shit happen! If outside forces make things happen to him, he'll go out of his way to make sure that particular force doesn't affect him again.
These two tweets I saw are what got me thinking about this originally. I just feel like here's a good place to put them as a segue into talking about episode 11.
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Episode 11 is where a lot of this feminine imagery really just. Explodes in your face. IT'S RIGHT THERE. You can't dance around it if you try. And it kind of reaches a peak when the connection reaches 100%, the gate opens, and. well. THIS happens to the Plants.
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Plants, in both Trimax and Tristamp, are almost always typically feminine-looking. Knives and Vash are the only two who are male or even masculine at all. Knives, as the most masculine out of all of them, is the one trying to take charge, and mould the world as he sees fit, to a degree that is detrimental to both him and everyone else. And Vash-- passive, feminine, kind and nurturing, whose Angel Arm in the manga always sprouts decidedly feminine-looking Plant parts-- is the one being exploited for Knives' plans. It's no mistake that they made the giant plant formation at the end of ep 11 look like a giant woman that almost resembles Rem.
Vash wants people to make their own choices and keep their autonomy when it comes to their bodies and lives. Knives is the exact opposite. He wants all Plants to become independent and he uses Vash to achieve that goal, without asking what Vash wants or even knowing what the Plants themselves would prefer. He exploits Vash for the soul purpose of trying to make these Plants have Independent Plant babies. He's completely incapable of seeing that his choices are not for the greater good! He thinks he's saving them, but none of his actions are for the good of anyone but himself. He’s just violating them for his own gain.
They're really leaning into gender roles for these guys, but in a way that screams "HEY, LOOK AT THIS! ISN'T IT FUCKED UP? LOOK AT HOW FUCKED UP THAT IS. LOOK AT THIS, AND BE UNCOMFORTABLE, AND KNOW THAT IT IS FUCKED UP."
Because it is! It's so extremely fucked up. They're using this imagery and these roles, something that makes most of us intrinsically uncomfortable, to drive home how unhealthy Knives relationship with his ideal of Vash is. That's the point. We're supposed to be uncomfortable with this.
Now of course there's some nuance to it. Like, you could see Knives as somewhat of a feminine and/or queer-coded figure as well, ESPECIALLY if you look at some of his panels in the manga, which could in turn lead to themes about infighting and control within marginalized communities, but that might be something for another post. :3
And there's definitely different ways you could take this! Vash, with all this feminine imagery, could be either transfem or transmasc coded, depending on what way you'd rather see it, which could lead into themes of how people outside the norm constantly face a lack of bodily autonomy and are exploited for purposes outside their boundaries. We could also look at Wolfwood and his lack of choice over joining the Eye of Michael and becoming the Punisher, and how masculine men (particularly men of colour) are often forced into violent roles against their will. If we look at Trimax, the exact same could be said for Livio/Razlo and people with disorders such as DID/OSDD.
There are many different ways you could spin these themes, some of which I don't feel personally qualified to discuss. If anyone who is qualified to talk about Wolfwood or Livio/Razlo or even other characters related to these themes, then god PLEASE add onto this post or make a post and tag me or something. I would love to read it!
Anyway, in conclusion: Vash is a feminine figure constantly taken advantage of and exploited and and he's so incredibly trans/nonbinary-coded that it drives me insane. Thank you
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
"Save the Bees" is not enough
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Yo, Solarpunks. Let us talk bees. And yes, everyone else, too. Like, yeah, bees.
See, whenever we are talking about insects dying, people will go "save the bees". And whenever I hear "save the bees", I will just go and say: "You don't get it, do you?"
People like bees. Because bees make honey, right? Yeah, only they don't. No, really. The honey bee is just one species of bees, while other bee species do in fact not make honey. Which is why we domesticated the honey bee, but not those other species. Duh. Because one was useful to us, while the others were not. As such we love the honey bee, but do not care about the other insects that are dying off.
Meme culture tells me, that you have probably seen Bee Movie. And I will now shock you. The movie lies to you! ("No!" - "YES!") And with that I do not mean, that actual bees are unable to speak. Or the fact that most bees are female (if we really wanna impose genders on bees). No, with that I mean the big thing that happens in the finale of the movie of all plants and what not dying off.
For those, who somehow have not seen that 90 minute meme: In the movie the honey bees sue the humans for stealing their honey. They win. Have their own honey and stop working. (Boy, lots to unpack there, eh?) and because of it all the flowers and crops die.
Well, here is the thing: Honey bees are actually not that important as polinators. Like, sure, they polinate a lot of crops and flowers, but... normally they are not the big pollinators, even though we kinda make them to, by shipping all those honey bees around. Other bee species pollinate a lot of plants, too. And so do other animals, like bats and birds for example. And that is without going into the less liked animals that pollinate, like flys. And then we also have all those self-pollinating crops and flowers, as well as air polinating plants.
Let me make one thing clear: You should care about bees. All the bees. (Because hint, the honey bees have the least of a problem.) But you should also care about the other insects that are dying off. Not only because of the pollination, but also because insects play a bigger role than just pollination.
Insects, for example, are important as prey animals for lots of birds and smaller animals. Just as some insects might actually play a role in dealing with natural waste. So, the dying off of insects is a bigger problem of "plants don't get pollinated".
So, why do the insects die?
Yes, part of the reason is habitat loss. You know, your lawn is a fucking desert to most insects. They not only need a bigger variety of plants around (not just flowers), but maybe also some old wood to borrow into and some loose earth on the ground. Stuff like that.
Insects usually also do not deal very well with the climate change. Be it with the growing heat or with the more erratic weather patterns of draught and then just quick and sudden rainfall, that does not linger.
And, of course, there is also the fact that we use a lot of anti-insect pesticides in agriculture. Which does not only hit those pests, but basically any other insect around.
And then... there is the invasive species. We kinda spread a lot of invasive insect species around, that also kill a ton of the local insect species.
So... What can you do? Well, if you have a garden, you can make it more insect friendly. Duh. You also can leave out some water for insects and birds. They all need it.
But most of all: Become politically active. Make sure that pesticides are used less. It is maybe the most important.
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 11 - Katsuki has shitty feelings.
Summary: Katsuki has a crisis. That’s the chapter. Oh, and some Kirishima POV, because Katsuki’s best bro deserves some screen time.
⚠️: Swear words, Katsuki talks about his third leg.
First Chapter Master List
“I want to stay here forever…”
Bakugou Katsuki is a lone wolf. He doesn’t need another human being to be able to exist; he lives for his job, for the role of the Number Two Hero and that’s all Katsuki has ever wanted to achieve in his life (Well, he wanted to be the number one hero not the second, but that ain’t gonna change until Deku is alive), so honestly, he should be content with what he’s got.
Young Katsuki would be thrilled to hear about his current life; he’s loaded enough to buy a fancy ass apartment; actually, scratch that, he’s loaded enough to fucking build his own agency and his own motherfucking apartment. Katsuki saved Japan from extinction at least 500 times in the last ten years, he gained the respect of the public at the humble age of 16 and he’s also really fucking good looking, just ask the public. And the photographers of Vogue. Sure, he has a bunch of scars all over his body, but Katsuki is proud of every single one of them; he thinks they look sick, hot and sexy.
He also managed to grow a decent-sized… third leg. It’s not the biggest in the whole world but it has a pretty shape. It’s really sophisticated and while Katsuki has no idea about what the other gender likes, he’s quite sure he could get at least a million followers on a certain website with his neat little brother.
Wait, where was he going with this shit?
Oh yeah.
Bakugou Katsuki does not give a single flying fuck about other people. He doesn’t need them, he doesn’t want anyone in his personal space. Steven is enough of a bother already with his constant tapping on his window at 5 fucking AM, begging for food or just in need of attention or some shit. Katsuki might be perfect, but he can’t speak pigeonese. He’s not proud of this fact and trust him if he says he’d tried.
Katsuki is literally thinking about breaking both of her legs right now just to keep her in his flat for a bit longer. A few more days… weeks… months… years…
Okay, this is just ridiculous. This isn’t him. This guy must be a pathetic excuse of a doppelgänger.
Katsuki stares at his own reflection in the mirror angrily, hoping to scare the guy on the other side, but he doesn’t budge.
“Uhm… are you practicing your intimidating stare?” The woman of his fucking nightmares waltzes into the room.
Y/N has been almost perfectly healthy for three fucking days now. She’s dead tired by the end of the day but everything is perfectly fine with her otherwise.
Why the fuck can’t she be a normal fucking person and take her sweet time getting better?
To be honest, it’s probably Katsuki’s fault for spoiling his woman to death from day one.
This whole crisis is also her motherfucking fault by the way; the way she mumbled that fucking sentence to Katsuki, planted the seed in his heart then watered it with kisses and sweet, soft touches, then the fucking flower bloomed in Katsuki’s chest and he hates the way it suffocates him right now, two days before the day of doom.
“I was daydreaming about breaking some bones.” Katsuki admits as he moves away from the damned mirror nonchalantly.
“If you miss breaking bones that much I can go home now and then you can go back to work. I’ll be fine.” Y/N gives Katsuki that damned smile he hates so much; she’s clearly missing the point here which isn’t a surprise considering he haven’t said a single fucking word about his stupid-ass feelings, but it still makes Katsuki mad that Y/N can not read his fucking mind.
Well… technically, she probably can but it would be considered an invasion of privacy and Katsuki would hate that.
But just this once… can’t she just… like… understand his feelings without actually understanding them? Just this once? Pretty fucking please?
“Fuck no.” Katsuki answers without hesitation. “Put your ass back down on the sofa, you are supposed be resting!”
“I’ve been sitting on my ass for 5 fucking days, Katsuki!” Y/N whines, of course she does, and for some fucking reason even her annoying whining is fucking cute. Katsuki hates it.
“You wanna do something? Yeah?” Katsuki pushes Y/N right through the door and he doesn’t stop until her back hits the wall. Katsuki takes her hands in a quick motion, pulls them both up and pushes them into the wall; not hard enough to leave a dent or injure anyone but just enough for Y/N to not be able to do jack shit about it. “Get out of this then.”
Y/N is otherworldly as she licks her lips with an evil smirk on her face; she looks menacing and evil but also really fucking hot.
“Challenge accepted.” She goes for the grand prize right away; his dick. And not in a good way. Call Katsuki a genius because he saw that move coming; he moves his crotch out the way and pushes Y/N’s shins into the wall with only one leg. “Are you impressed with yourself by winning against someone who hasn’t trained for more than a year?” Y/N is a sore loser. Katsuki’s kinda into that.
“Wow, mind your fucking attitude, weakling.” Katsuki smirks; he pushes closer and leaves a chaste kiss on Y/N’s lips. Apparently, he pushed the big red button somewhere inside her with this because Y/N’s hand becomes transparent for a few moments then it’s Katsuki’s back that hits the wall next.
From this point… things happen really quickly.
The hallway becomes an impromptu training room, then they move towards the living room and that’s when shit gets real; having two stubborn bitches in a room without any way to burn some energy was probably not the best idea, or at least that’s what the poor coffee table thinks when it gets broken in half by Katsuki’s massive back as Y/N sends another cotton candy colored explosion towards him.
“You are dead meat, bitch!” Katsuki yells and he really hopes his beautiful sofa will be able to take his next hit, otherwise he might start crying.
It takes them a several minutes or maybe even hours to stop their shenanigans; Katsuki and Y/N ends up sprawled out on the feather covered sofa, fighting for their lives with every single breath. They can’t help but stare at the mess they’ve made; there are random books on the floor as few of the shelves gave up on life after Y/N threw him into the bookshelf, there’s broken mug shattered into pieces right on top of Katsuki’s favorite white rug, the walls are singed all over and he’s quite sure they broke one of the doors on their way to the living room. Hopefully, it wasn’t the toilet one.
“What have we done.” Y/N mutters quietly, still half dead.
“We are going shopping tomorrow.” Katsuki mutters back with a content hum.
Fuck, Katsuki swears this was better than sex; he has a hunch he will change his mind about that when he gets to that point with his girlfriend though.
A few hours earlier…
Kirishima is a cool bro when it comes to his best bro, Katsuki.
It doesn’t mean he’s not concerned for his well-being after not seeing him for a several days; he knows his best buddy is only a hallway away but Kirishima didn’t feel too welcome in his lair last time he’s been over as he’s almost fucking died by the hands of a jealous Katsuki so he decided to give his bro some space.
It’s absolutely fine. They are both adults, they have their own lives and all that jazz but…
Fuck it, Kirishima is not a chill bro right now, not at all. Honestly? He’s never been chill. You remember when Eijirou ruined Katsuki’s first kiss at the wedding? Yeah. Eijirou is an absolute mama bear when it comes to his favorite people, but he really did try his best until today.
Why today, you ask?
There are extremely weird sounds coming out of Katsuki’s flat. His best bro doesn’t know about this but every time he leaves his kitchen window open, he can hear basically everything from his office.
Don’t ask him what kind of things has he heard before. He will take that information to the grave with him.
First, he hears grumbling; that’s normal, just Katsuki being his good old grumpy self. Then he hears a bunch of loud knocks. Then something breaks. Only a few minutes after that, something shatters on the floor.
Needless to say, Kirishima is extremely concerned. What if he’s in danger? What if he’s hurt?
Well, technically, there is no way anyone can attack Katsuki in his home; there is a CCTV all over the place as Katsuki’s flat is a part of the agency building and they even put one on Katsuki’s window in case someone tries to break in from there.
Eijirou is also concerned that maybe… maybe he’s doing something with his missus that Eijirou is definitely not supposed to see, hear or be a part of.
He already ruined their first kiss, he doesn’t want to ruin their first… well… that.
So Eijirou waits.
He’s a patient man.
When the weird sounds subdue, Eijirou takes a deep breath and makes his way to Katsuki’s front door; whatever they were doing, it must be over and he was even nice enough to give them some time to take a breather, or to cuddle, depends on the actual situation.
He knocks. Three times.
He waits. Patiently. Like a gentleman.
He waits for an eternity or to be exact, five whole excruciating seconds before he barges into his best bro’s flat without any hesitation.
“What the fuck?!”
That’s all Kirishima’s able to say. The room is a mess; 90% of the furniture is broken or singed, there is a dent in the wall, Steven somehow ended up inside the flat and he’s happily munching on a spilled bag of nuts on top of the broken coffee table. The only piece of furniture that’s in tact is Katsuki’s fancy ass sofa on which Katsuki currently lies on, his skin shining with sweat as he tries to wiggle into a more decent-looking position.
Katsuki doesn’t like to be stared at so it doesn’t take him long to get out of his weird, half dead state and start yelling.
“The fuck are you staring at?!”
Kirishima doesn’t answer that question. He’s a really pliant man and usually lets Katsuki get away with making him feel stupid even if he’s right, but not today.
So Kirishima stares. He just stares and says nothing. There is a sound coming from the bathroom; Y/N is probably taking a shower which means she is NOT FUCKING DEAD, thank god.
“Stop fucking staring, we were sparring and things got out of hand. No fucking biggie.” The blonde even rolls his eyes, probably thinking this whole situation is ridiculous; which it is, but not in the way his best bro thinks so.
“You are a pro hero.” Kirishima mutters with a deadpan face. “You live in your agency’s building. You own a fucking gym. A gym that’s 2 minutes away from your flat, just at the end of the hallway.” Katsuki looks at Kirishima with an unfamiliar look, like he’s been caught even though Kirishima has no fucking idea what did he say that made his friend feel so cornered. “You look constipated.” Eijirou decides to change tactics and ignore the mess around the living room; he sits down next to his best bro, ears open and ready to listen to whatever is bothering him right now. Katsuki sighs then looks at the bathroom door; the constant flowing of the water inside is enough for him to finally speak up.
“I tried to prove that she needs more time off but I only managed to prove that I’m really fucking wrong.”
For some reason, there is pain in his best bro’s eyes and Kirishima hates that; he hates to see his loved ones in agony, he hates when things are not going right for them, he would give up on all his happiness for the sake of his best buddies even though he doesn’t have too much to give up on.
Fuck, that was a really uncharacteristic thought, wasn’t it? Oh well, welcome to Kirishima’s real life. He’s really lonely, goddamnit.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad thing, bro.” He looks at his best friend questioningly, not really understanding the pain behind his crimson eyes. Katsuki makes that constipated face again, and that’s when it clicks. “You don’t want her to get better.” Kirishima says and he swears Katsuki’s soul leaves his body for a second then it barges back into to him, now fueled with anger, so he decides to continue with his train of thought. “You are scared shitless that she’s gonna leave you once she’s back in business.”
“She’s not gonna dump me because of that you shitwit.” Katsuki grumbles but by the look on his face, Eijirou is really close to the truth. Ahh, okay, Eijirou understands now.
“It’s really fucking hard to be alone once you get used to the company, trust me, I know.” Kirishima gives Katsuki a knowing, sad smile. “But it’s only a matter of time before this becomes your new normal. Just give it some time, bro. I know you want to get down on one knee and seal the deal but don’t rush this; enjoy the small things and keep the big ones for later, buddy.” Kirishima grins and this time, his grin is real; it doesn’t mean he’s not dying from loneliness still, but that’s his own problem, not Katsuki’s.
“Do not fucking patronize me, Shitty Hair!” Katsuki yells but Kirishima can see how thankful his bro is.
“Come on now, I actually managed to say something smart this time, let me have my moment!” Kirishima retorts, fake-offended.
“Stop talking about yourself like you are just an idiot extra. This is why no one takes you seriously.”
Damn, that arrow went right through his heart. Thankfully, Y/N chooses the right time to get out of the shower; she looks at the two men with a fond smile before her eyes wander to take in their environment; Kirishima can see the exact moment when Y/N realizes how much they fucked up by sparring in their own home.
“Need a hand with cleaning this shit up?” Kirishima grins happily, extremely excited to see Y/N so happy and healthy again.
“I would like to be nice and say it’s fine but bro…” she giggles and looks at Kirishima like he’s the savior of the century.
Kirishima might not have any self-confidence but there is one thing that makes him feel like his existence wasn’t just a waste of time and space and that’s the fact that he is the reason his best bro found the love of his life; it all started with a prank and ended up changing their whole lives completely and none of this would have been possible if Kirishima doesn’t hire “the Menace” all those months ago. Kirishima can’t be happier to experience this beautiful love, even if he’s not the one actually experiencing it.
Maybe one day… he’ll find his own soulmate, but for now… he’s just glad to be surrounded with all this happiness. It kinda lifts his spirits up, you know? Seeing his friends happy like that. That’s enough for him to be able to keep smiling, even when the world crumbles in front of him. If you can’t enjoy the small things you don’t deserve the big ones - is what his mother said to him when he was 13 and depressed. He needs to make sure to thank her for that advice the next time they video chat.
…Next chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Almost on time, yay!
- Do you ever feel like you love someone so much you want to beat them to pulp? Bro, mood. (IN A SPAR NOT IN AN ABUSIVE WAY DON’T CANCEL ME)
- Yes, I’m sleep deprived again. Waking up at 5 am for 3 days in a row is my own personal nightmare but at least I had time after work to write this chapter and 2 Deku chapters so… worth it, man. (Btw, the next Deku chapter is coming on Saturday on Sunday!)
- I work in retail and it’s Christmas season so if the chapters won’t come out as quick in December, I’m sorry. I’m doing more late shifts which means I won’t have time to write in the afternoon so… we will see how it goes.
- I wanted to show Kirishima’s POV in this chapter because I really want him to have a spin-off in the future with his own reader! I actually have 2 chapters ready but I won’t post it until I finish the whole thing because I definitely can’t write and post 3 different stories weekly haha.
- I hope you guys are okay and still enjoying this series! Please send me your thoughts so I know it’s worth it to push myself and do this weekly! Cheers 💜
TL: @sixxze @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @hanatsuki-hime @cloroxisadelectabletreat @cheesenmax @coffeent @smolsleepybat @therealpotatobish @qardasngan @canarystwin @unofficialmuilover @nanamomo1 @mikestuffffs @p4ndawrites @yao-ai
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lionmythflower · 3 months
Peter pettigrew hcs
he's trans :)
genderqueer and doesn't care what pronouns ppl use for him but he prefers he/they
He's a pudgey little thing but he's fine with it
He's a PROUD 2 inches taller than Sirius lol
asexual (him and evan bond over this)
He brings the best snacks on road trips
Will forget everything but the smallest of details
Like oh he can't really remember ur name but he does know that you played soccer for 2 years when you were in primary school
Hates the snow. Absolutely despises it (same)
Would have loved Lord of the rings
autistic but like the type that like when he tells ppl they're like "rlly? You don't seem autistic."
Hates running with a burning passion
had an eating disorder at some point but he got help for it
Still wears makeup and stuff even though he's trans bc fuck gender roles :)
He's first friends were James and Marlene (I heard someone say barty as well and I love that)
Hates the nickname wormy but is fine with wormtail
Constantly has seasonal allergies
Panic attacks
Yk the one person in troto that plays Peter? Ya that is hands down the best face claim/fan cast
Knows how to crochet
I feel like music would help calm him down
Like during panic attacks or stuff like that
Has hair that's like down to his shoulders but layers
100% had a crush on james when they were kids
Peter,evan, and barty are all besties
Peter is the only one that all the girls get along with lmao
So Peter is invited to every girls night bc they love him
He clenches and unclenches his fists when he's angry (HELP THAT ONE MEME PLS)
He knows EVERYTHING. and I mean EVERYTHING. who's dating who, who has a crush on who, who doesn't like who, who pretends not to like who. He knows it all
So does pandora and sometimes lily and they all gossip
Peter, Evan and lily are js a group of trans asexuals. No I will not explain
(I lied, I will explain a bit) "My ribs are bruised again" "same" "lol can't relate" "fuck you Evans" "ilyt rosier" (Peter, Evan, lily, Evan, lily)
Benji is his queer platonic partner :)
Peter cooks for Remus when the full moon hits
And he cooks for james when he's feelings down
and he cooks for Sirius when he's having trouble in anyway w smth
Idc what u say all the marauders loved Peter and they were all equal
Peter would he such a gas lighter 😭😭
"Wdym? That's always been there. Your imagining things. "
Peter and reg are pretty good friends actually lol
"He was a death eater tho!!!" Ok and?
Peter would do that thing where if he's lying down and doing smth he'll always have one arm in the air. No one knows why he does this but their js used to it at this point
Anxiety is a bitch and Peter has it
Ppl thinks he's kinda slow sometimes but it's js cuz he needs to triple check everything and needs clear instructions bc he doesn't want to mess anything up
Would have so many pillows
He loves plants
And mushrooms
James, Marlene and him are all trans and they transitioned together
Painted nails>>>>>
He would have different themes for he's nails each time he painted them
The moon phases for Remus, Suns for james, constellations for Sirius and regulus, stars for Marlene, flowers for lily, and hearts for Mary (her name means beloved), roses for evan, snakes for barty, jewels for Dorcas, Ravens for Benji, and crystals n spirals for pandora
He also paints Evan's nails
He's always tapping little patterns on everything and sometimes he's friends will notice and try to tap the same pattern (it normally takes them a while to figure it out)
Fidgets a lot
Everyone thinks that Peter and Sirius are not as good as friends are they are w the rest of the marauders but in reality, Sirius and Peter will js playfully insult each other (nothing that will actually hurt but there are a lot of death threats<3) and laugh abt it later
"Oi, Pete, you look a lot like a rat!" "I will tear you limb from limb siri" "the feeling is mutual"
He would also love vines as a type of room decor
Okie that's all who should I do next??? Pandora or lily?? Or sm1 else???
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last night i spent more than an hour hunting down old reviews of the various theatre productions vivienne has been in over the years, and the one i could find most reviews of is the 2013 edinburgh fringe production of titus andronicus. it’s a play i’m not at all familiar with, but after reading these articles, i think i would have loved to see this play with the group vivienne was with at the time, an all-female shakespeare troupe called the smooth-faced gentlemen.
this is the trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EIWp8t9mRwM
and i already shared this photo yesterday but i’m NOT over it, so here it is again
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“After just a few minutes in, it’s evident that the total femaleness of this riff on Shakespeare’s first tragedy not only works wonderfully, but is totally integral to its conception. It’s a slick and farcically funny production that exudes self-aware theatricality and, of course, buckets of blood.”
“Vivienne Acheampong deserves special mention as Tamora’s lover Aaron, for her off the cuff comedy and ability to earn our sympathies even within such a stylised format.” (exeunt magazine)
“Vivienne Acheampong’s Aaron the Moor is also impressive, and equally self-aware; he rolls his eyes at Shakespeare’s attitude to his race and, by highlighting it, defuses it.” (fringe guru)
“The many innuendos Shakespeare plants along the way are brought out to full effect—Vivienne Acheampong’s masterful rendition of the first ever ‘your mum’ joke wins well-deserved applause.”
“Indeed, while some subtle points about gender are made along the way, this never becomes the focus of the play. ‘It’s just about giving women really good fucking roles,’ explains Vivienne. ‘As a woman, and as a black woman, I wouldn’t have the chance to play such strong classical roles in a normal company. This isn’t about saying ‘I am a woman’. It’s ‘I am an actress.’' After watching Smoothed Face Gentlemen perform, no one could doubt that about any of these young women.” (café babel)
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simpingcowboy · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 The Lesson (F)
Day 29: Exhibitionism/Voyeurism // Frottage // Role Reversal
Pairing: Sub!Dieter Bravo x F!Reader, established BDSM relationship, no Y/N, no gendered terms for reader
Word Count: 2.6+
Warnings: SMUT, discussions of anal preparation, penetrative sex, anal sex, chastity/cock cage, sex toys, strap on, pegging, humiliation, sexual performance shaming, emasculation, man handling, size kink if you squint, cum swapping
Summary: You have a lesson to teach your boyfriend Dieter Bravo about how to perform in bed.
A/N: Please read the warnings!! This is a sequel to my fic Eager! There are also two versions of this fic, click here for the M!Reader version :) This is not nearly as mean as the first but what can I say I'm very soft for Dieter. Following @absurdthirst 's prompt list as always!! For the one person that asked for a follow up I hope I didn't disappoint you <3
He'd been waiting all day for this. Dieter was doing everything right. He ate all the right things, took the time to really stretch himself out, even to the point of taking one of his larger plugs. If he wasn't caged he'd sure he'd have been hard as hell all day too. Everything had to be perfect. You were always so cautious with him. Taking good care not to hurt him, always doting over whether he thought he could handle it or not. To some extent he found it annoying, being fussed over. Then again he'd had too many bad experiences bottoming for people who didn't care at all to be ungrateful for your attentiveness.
It's not that you'd never topped Dieter… it was frankly just too much of a bother to get him ready. He didn't like watching what he ate through the day, cleaning out, any of it. Most of the time he was even far too eager to even let you stretch him out properly. It was just most convenient to have him top you. It's just the dynamic that worked best for all parties. But you'd both be lying if you said you didn't love when the roles were reversed.
Ever since you mentioned topping him while he's caged, Dieter hasn't been able to stop thinking about it. He needed this. Frankly, he didn't even care if you let him cum; he just needed you to fill him- use him as your toy. Give him a lesson he would never forget.
When you'd walked in through the door, you knew something was up…Dieter had greeted you at the door, unusually sober. He'd followed you around like a puppy. Ripping through your usual daily conversations at a lightening speed. He even lingered around the kitchen pouting up at you as he watched you put some groceries away; planting himself on the counter across from you. Attempting to look appealing, he leans over the counter pushing his ass out, hoping to catch your eye. You note the way Dieter's eyes follow your every move, almost glued to your hips.
"Yeah babe?" He answered, his eyes still glued to your behind. Following the way it moves with each step you take.
"Everything okay?"
"Mhmm…just-" he replies in a low rumble. It took everything in him to not pounce on you from the second you walked through the door. Every second since then spent not with you touching him has felt like wasted time. "Baby…I want you to fuck me."
That got your attention. You come around the counter where Dieter is leaning and spin him around to face you. A hand resting on his hip. "You want me to top you?"
Dieter replies with an eager nod, his cute earring swaying as he does.
You smirk at your boyfriend, so cute and needy for you. Excitement builds in your body as the prospect of topping him. Still- knowing Dieter you know this is probably just a spur of the moment desire that he's not ready for.
"Dieter, you know you have to get prepped if you want-"
"I am!" He whines accusingly. "I've been prepping all day." A blush coming over his cheeks.
"I- you've been prepping?" You ask in almost disbelief. He really wants this.
He nods enthusiastically.
You eye him up and down, "All prepped huh? You even got your little toy in?" You smile, bringing him in closer. The cool cage over his cock pressing against you. Your hands run over Dieter's ass, taking a handful in each fist.
You note the way his breath hitches as you pull his cheeks apart. The toy shifting inside him.
"Yeah,i-its in."
"Fuck this is what you wanted, isn't it? Does my Pretty Boy want me to show him how to fuck? Is that it, Baby?" You tease him, recalling how excited he'd been when you threatened to fuck him with the cage on.
"Please" he says with a breathless whine. "S-show me how to fuck." He leans into you, desperate for you to touch him.
"All fours on the bed. Strip for me." You instruct him, giving him a playful smack on the ass as he turns to the bedroom. "Hey! Leave the plug in, need to make sure you're not lying to me." You send him off with a wink.
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You finally finish putting the groceries away, sparing Dieter a few minutes to follow your instructions. As well as just enough time to have him start wondering when you'll walk through the door. Eventually, you turn the corner into your bedroom. Find yourself greeted with the most delicious sight.
Dieter followed your instructions perfectly. He was nude, his warm skin glowing in the soft light of the room. His ass facing the doorway. The end of the shiny steel plug peeking out at you. Dangling between his thighs you could see his caged cock, the steel cage already getting wet with precum. Dieter turns his head around to look at you, pleased with himself when he sees you staring at his hole and cock.
You make your way to the bed. Having him nude while you're still dressed only adds to your excitement. Dieter looked so vulnerable like this, all bare and exposed to you.
"Hi Pretty Boy…don't you look good like this." You run your hand along his spine, a shiver running through him. "Almost too good to ruin. Almost, but don't worry though Baby." You lean into his ear, lowering your voice to a whisper. "I'll kiss it better after."
Dieter whines, he's imagined this so many times…all the ways you'd ruin him. "I can take it." He says mustering up all his courage, trying to steady his excitement. He wants to be good for you.
You smile at him sweetly. "Good Boy." You praise him as you pat his head. Now, let's have some fun."
You make your way behind him, eager to get your hands on him. You can see the way his hole pulses when you run your hands up his thighs. The pretty shiny end of the toy bouncing in front of you.
"Relax for me, Dieter."
Your fingers carefully grip the end of the toy, slowly working to pull it out. Dieter moans softly at the feeling of you working the plug in and out of him, each pull deeper than the last. Once you've worked it mostly out of him, your eyes go wide.
"Dieter, this is- is big for you." He usually only used the smaller ones, trusting you to stretch him out the rest of the way. Seeing he'd gotten to this size you realize the work he'd put in.
"Y-yeah…I didn't want you to have to stretch me." He confesses. "I wanted you to fuck me. Stretching- takes too long." He whines again when you press the toy particularly deep into him.
"Fuck-" Arousal quickly clouding your usual precautions, besides he was really well stretched for you anyways. " Yeah I'm gonna fuck you alright Pretty Boy."
One hand continues to work the plug in and out of him. The other caresses over the cage, the cool metal feels nice against your hand. You tease the tip of his cock, smiling at the precum that leaks from it. Dieter groans at the feeling of you playing with his cock. A blush over his ears. He couldn't get hard, but he could get wet. A fact you usually humiliated him with. And right now it felt like he was dropping all over your hand.
"So cute like this, all wet for me…needing your hole filled." As much as you loved the build up, you were starting to get desperate yourself. Your desperation manifesting itself in the growing wet spot in your underwear. "Ask me for what you want, Bravo…"
"I want you to peg me! I-I want you to fuck me." Dieter moans out between grunts. "Teach me how to fuck."
"Gladly, Pretty Boy."
You quickly rid yourself of your clothes, letting them join Dieter's clothes on the floor. Dieter watches you eagerly, his heart skipping a beat when you grab the strap on, and his favorite toy. He drinks in the sight of your naked body, mouth watering when he sees you generously pouring lube over the long blue toy.. You position yourself behind Dieter again, finally ridding Dieter of the plug. You admire the sight of his gaping hole, ready to be filled. A vacancy left by his toy. Looking up over his hips you see him pouting at you, obviously displeased at the feeling of emptiness.
"You look so good like this, but-" you grip Dieter's hips, flipping him onto his back. He lands on the bed with a soft thud, his cage bouncing. "If you wanna learn how to fuck. You'll need to watch closely."
Dieter's cock twitches in the cage, so desperate to be released. The sight of you towering over him making him hornier than ever. He felt so small beneath you.
"I-I m watching." He whimpers.
You smile down at him. With one hand you line up with his hole, the tip pressing in slightly. You take his hair in your hand, gripping his head. "Look closely now." You tease.
You slowly push into him, feeling the way he stretches around the toy. Even with the large plug he was sitting on he's still so tight. You push into him inch after inch until he's taken all of you. You turn the toy on, a low buzz running through you both. You want to give him a moment to adjust, but as soon as you stop Dieter is grinding his hips up against you.
"Stop that." You push his hips down, pinning them on the bed. He whines loudly as the interruption. You pull his hair, making him look up at you. "Watch." You command him.
Dieter pouts again. "Please!" He whines. "I want you."
"Shh." You hush him. "The first step all about a nice…slow…build up." You stretch out each word in time with your slow thrusts into him. "Gets you eager and needy for me." Another push of precum leaks out of his cock, dripping down onto his stomach. "See, look how wet I'm getting you."
You continue on with slow thrusts, working into him slowly. Enjoying the way the strap rubs against your clit. You wouldn't admit it, but it's hard not to cum like this. It's a sensation you don't get often, but nonetheless never tire of.
The perfect way the vibration of the toy runs through you, and the experience of feeling Dieter's hole grip around the toy. Especially when he is like this, being so good beneath you. His pretty cock on display for you. His whole body at your disposal to play with. Looking at his face is the hardest. Those sweet soft lips actuated by his pouting. That cute nose of his. The way he looks at you when you're inside him. Big brown eyes, blown out with lust and admiration. He trusts you so much, with his body, his heart, his mind. And it's all too obvious by the way he looks at you. Then he speaks and-
"Please…" he begs softly. Dieter can't take anymore. He needs it hard, fast. Needs you to wreck him. He reaches up, gripping onto your hip, desperate for you to give him more. "Please fuck me!"
There it is.
"Step two." You take his knees in your arms, forcing him open for you. You bump up the vibrations on the toy. You thrust against him with a firm smack. "Is where we have fun."
You balance on your knees, allowing you to thrust in harder. The force of each snap of your hips practically bouncing Dieter on the toy.
You lean in closer to him, wanting him to have the full experience. You push your lips against his in a bruising kiss, moaning into his mouth. Your hands massaging the back of his thighs. Tongues tangle in a tango as Dieter grips onto your shoulders to keep himself steady. Reluctantly, you pull off his mouth. Moving to kiss along his jaw and neck.
"Want to hear you Baby. Want you to sing for me." You say between kisses.
Dieter moans out again for you. Pleasure surging through him with each push of your hips. He's in heaven. "Fuck- feel so good. Fuck me so well!"
You smirk into his neck,biting into the delicate skin. "Better than my little two pump chump fucks me."
Dieter whimpers below you, remembering this was part of his punishment for finishing early. "M-much better…" he mewls out, feeling embarrassed.
Licking a stripe up his neck you continue, "How many times do you think I've thrusted into you now, Baby huh? More than two, that's for sure. I fuck better than you and mine's not even real. You like how I fuck you on my cock?"
"Yes! Yes, fuck I do! I love how you fuck me! Y-you feel so good." Dieter cries out. Though he can't cum he can definitely feel himself teetering on the edge. "M-make me feel so good. I wish I fucked like you."
His moans do wonders for you, bringing you endlessly closer to the edge. As Dieter edges,
you can feel him tighten up around the toy, resistant to your intrusion. You can feel that tight band in your belly getting tenser with each rock of your hips. The vibrations threatening to make your knees buckle. You were getting close, all the sensations very quickly becoming too much.
"Fuck Pretty Boy…you ready for Step three?"
"Fuck yeah!" He moans out "I'm ready!" Dieter is totally cock drunk, greedily taking anything you give him.
"This is when you're meant to cum. Though I don't think that'll be happening." You wink at him as you flick the steel cage, sending a small vibration through his cock.
You push his legs up higher, up onto your shoulders. You sit up on your haunches, your hips now almost sitting on top of his. The new angle bringing the toy perfectly against his prostate.
"Oh wa-ait I-I" Dieter can barely get the words out. He's never felt this way before- least not with the cage on. The world goes blurry. Despite all efforts to distract himself, all he can think of is you. "Fuck Baby I-" a loud groan escaping his lips. Cum shoots out from his flaccid cock, escaping through the slit in the cage and drenching your stomach in his sex.
You pause- momentarily slowing down to process what happened. He'd never cum while wearing the cage before- then again you'd never fucked him in the cage before either. You'd hardly even touched his cock. Before you can even register how hot that was- you're blinded with anger. Dieter always seems to get what he wants.
"Dieter Bravo! Fuck- even with the cage on you can't help yourself huh?" He whines helplessly as you continue pounding into his prostate. "Greedy greedy eager boy."
With two fingers you scoop up his cum on your stomach and move it towards his mouth. Dieter happily sucks on your fingers, moaning out at the taste of himself. He keeps sucking deeper, harder. He's close to overstimulation, but he wants you to finish this time. He can take it and he can tell you're close.
It's too much. The sight of him cleaning his cum. The vibrations. The way your fuck up against the soft velvety fabric of the strap. Another half a dozen hard thrusts into him you cum too. Moaning loudly as you cum around nothing, your sex dripping down onto the bed. Your hands move to take his legs off your shoulders, wanting Dieter to relax as you slowly ease out of him. He looks up at you anxiously.
"Baby I'm- I'm sorry-"
You cut him off with a soft kiss. Your hands run up and down the length of his torso. "It's okay Dieter…you took your punishment well. My good boy." You kiss him again, pulling away with a chuckle. "At least you know my method works."
Dieter's face goes hot again, "I didn't know I could do that… You just felt so good and-"
"I know Pretty Boy. I know. Let's get you cleaned up okay?" A hand moves over his caged cock, messy and leaky. "You made quite a mess."
He smiles up at you, reassured in your presence. "I love you."
"I love you too, Dieter."
"We are gonna do that again though, right?"
As eager as ever
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wispforever · 2 years
📂 gotta get your madara takes
he doesn't use labels, but madara's got no fucken gender. he's like that meme where you ask the villain what's in their pants and they're like "doom"
I like to think that after izuna dies, madara talks to him a lot while he's doing everyday things. He'll ask izuna what he should have for breakfast or if it's time to dust around the house. He says goodnight and good morning to izuna, tells him about hashi, basically just airs out his thoughts and feels better knowing that izuna is informed. He doesn't intend to do this where anyone can hear, but hashirama knows about it
madara and hashirama's friendship is autistic solidarity
During the time madara sits in the cave hooked up to the gedo statue, the time he spends sleeping, he's actually spending time in the smaller version of the infinite tsukuyomi genjutsu he showed obito (I'm writing a fic about this)
hashirama comes over to madara's house often to tend to his neglected plants. he thinks madara is bad at taking care of them, but really madara leaves them unwatered so hashirama will continue to visit, and he enjoys hearing hashirama's advice for keeping each of the different plants happy
madara doesn't feel a strong attachment to his clan lineage unlike most of the other members of the uchiha
he and mito were friends and they talked about hashirama ALL the time
hashirama and madara both have never cut their hair because they have a long-standing bet over whose can grow the longest
madara's totally got imposter syndrome and profound self esteem issues (i could write a fucking essay on this. ANYONE can fight me)
while he was staying in the leaf village, madara kept things with tobirama civil despite his deep resentment toward him for killing izuna. to respect hashirama was to respect his family, and he believed that if the roles were reveresed, hashirama would have honored izuna
hashirama and madara wrestle all the fucking time for fun and tobirama gets pissed because they're like "it's fine it's fine we're just playing" but then someone gets thrown through a wall. mito's always chasing them outside like "not on my fucking scrolls get out in the grass you crazy bastards"
madara's real laugh is obnoxious. he snorts and wheezes and carries on, but only hashirama can get him to laugh that way
no one knows it (cuz he's fucking gay), but madara is a total bitch for cliche romantic gestures. flowers? hand holding? old-timey slowdancing? it's hashi's fault. he's stupid and madara loves it. on a related note, madara's super power is being able to take any romantic gesture and perform the mental acrobatics necessary to explain it in a platonic context. this works for them because hashirama just thinks madara isn't ready to talk about their relationship out loud. But in reality hashirama is like "I love you" (I love him romantically) and madara is like "I love you too" (wow he is such a good friend, I better not ever let him know I'm gay for him I don't wanna ruin this). they're both idiots is what I'm saying
he engages in old man activities and does old man things when he's not out on missions. he reads quietly and sits in the sun, takes naps in the middle of the day, bird watches, goes for walks. my god he's depressed just let him be exhausted
he totally babysat tsunade and he did SUCH a good job. more responsible caregiver than hashirama could EVER be
Madara is the most patient human being on this entire goddamn planet. see had hashirama as a life long companion, did not kill tobirama who is a prick besides being the object of madara's undying hatred, actually tried to live in the leaf village despite the obvious discrimination, had zetsu as henchman for over a decade, did not bitch obito out Even Once, etc etc
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come-along-pond · 10 months
Good Omens fan here! 🙋‍♀️ Tell us everything about your oc!!
helloooo!!! welcome welcome i have many thoughts. i’ve had Viviana since 2019 but am only now just developing her.
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she is just a ‘being’ created by god, not an angel, just a thing. She helps create the earth and her role is to create life and sustain it. she’s just vibing in the garden of eden.
she’s like ‘why tf would you make something you can eat but tell people not to eat it?’ and is also like ‘oh! have you seen those pretty things that appear at night?! the sparkly things! they’re so cool, God said i couldn’t have any sparkly things in the Garden’ and Crowley goes ‘stars, they’re stars’.
anyway, she helps build up the earth, is lowkey mother nature. is ‘life itself’ is a peacekeeper on the earth
she bumps into Aziraphale and Crowley a lot and builds a friendship with them
Her face claim is Karen Gillan
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As the centuries pass she starts to move over into Europe, and decides to change her look a bit to suit the new world
in comes Eleanor Tomlinson
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she carries this face all the way until 2008, where she discovers that Armageden is happening and she is PISSED because wtf, the angels and demons are gonna destroy the earth SHE created, SHE was told to protect.
also, there’s the concept that if her only role is life on earth, when its gone, does she exist?
so she helps the lads (gender neutral) try and stop it
and in 2019 is royally fucked off when she discovers it’s still happening
her and death have a little argument at some point
anyway. she’s deffo not in love with certain angel and demon no way, they’re deffo not in love with eachother and her
end of s1 she’s back as karen gillan
bit of context to her modern life, she runs a flower shop near Aziraphale’s book shop in Soho, wears a lor of green. she’s known as ‘Viviana Blossom’
Crowley calls Viviana 'viv' and Aziraphale calls her 'anna' and its cute cos that makes her. name and the T is sandwiched in the middle
she also calls A 'lovely’
and says adore instead of love and so when talking about something goes 'oh i adore that!' and then starts to go 'oh i adore you' to A and C and its like not saying love but for her it is but also isnt and UGH
'she enters the bookshop with a smile on her face, a vase of flowers in her hands
"morning lovely," she greets automatically, then over the red poppies sees Crowley stood with Soho's angel "oops, lovelies,” she grins
crowley: 😍>😎
also!! She gives A bouquets for the book shop and C potted plants
also she heals Crowley’s plants without him knowing because obvs her powers
pinterest: https://pin.it/lpocPoF
@endless-oc-creations made me these manips!!!
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S2 spoilers:
Dragged into the plot lol, and at the end is also left by Aziraphale when he goes back to heaven and leaves her and Crowley. VERY sad. she gets a kiss tho.
but anyway as Crowley drives away and Aziraphale goes up to heaven, she’s just sat in her shop.
queue taylor swift’s ‘right where you left me’
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editrevue · 9 months
and tamao or yukina or both ! - 🦋
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Hi 🦋!! [ask] ohhhh yay! okay! since I'm still new to Bandori I'll put the Yukina one under a cut !!
Sexuality Headcanon: undoubtably an aromantic lesbian! it's canonical that tamao is very oblivious to people flirting with her, and that translates to "aro" in my mind <3
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary, she/they. just like in being aromantic I think there'd be some agender feelings to accompany it!
A ship I have with said character: I have several! Tamao x Rui (TamaRui) is my primary and my favorite because that was my canon, but I also have such soft spots for Tamao x Fumi (TamaFumi), Tamao x Kaoruko (TamaKao) and Tamao/Ichie/Fumi.
A BROTP I have with said character: In the instance where they're not shipped, I really love my best friendship with Fumi and Ichie. As goes with Kaoruko and Futaba, too! another one I can't wait to see more of is Tamao and Mahiru because of the illustration poll for the anniversary!
It's not necessarily a "brotp" but a funny thing is Tamao's indifference to Shiori and Shiori is out here being an absolute hater like "I'm so happy for you and your ugly fucking girlfriend I'm so serious" @ Fumi AKSHDKHASD
A NOTP I have with said character: like in the previous ask, Tamao/Futaba, but I still think it'd be funny to see! Tamao/Shiori is just. very uncomfortable. I also don't prefer Tamao/Yuyuko, but don't get me wrong I love Yukko very much! tbh I don't really see Tamao shipped with anyone else to really think about it too much, Tamao/Akira would just be plain silly.
A random headcanon: Tamao has planted flowers in specific patterns of specific colors in certain patches of the school garden to symbolize the 5 of them. Tamao's favorite role of Rui's besides Onikage was Hades, and when asked why, she never gives an answer. because Sun draws me this way, Tamao's hair soemtimes curls into soft "horns" when left unkept because oooohhhh metaphors and motifs ...
General Opinion over said character: oof. what does it say about me that tamao is my strongest kin from revue starlight . outside of me though tamao is such a fantastic character, every new thing that comes out about her adds to it, and I alluded to it in the arcana ask but I could go on for hours about their character development and the way their story makes me feel in the ways I relate to it! me and mod sun have our fingers crossed, we're really hoping that if junna or akira do not get belle/beast encores for their birthdays that either rui or tamao get something b&tb related for their new birthday cards please i'm beggign,, but! i'm glad rinmeikan is a part of the 2nd bandori collab because i was hoping to get more content of them as a whole! i hope frontier gets something big next though :sob:
I'm not super confident with these because I haven't sorted out all my feelings yet but um!! I hope it's still enjoyed nonetheless.
Sexuality Headcanon: purrsonally I say lesbian because I am! but sapphic definitely.
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary, secretly xenogender/catgender and only like Ako and Lisa know (Ako relates and could just tell from a mile away by guessing, Lisa knows because she just knows everything khsdajsldjasd) they/she or she/they.
A ship I have with said character: Yukina x Lisa! I don't know if I have any others I mega like yet, but I think even if I did YukiLisa would still be #1 <3
A BROTP I have with said character: everyone from Roselia! + Ran, Moca, Tomoe-- all of afterglow really but especially those three. I don't know enough of the in-game interactions yet to know for sure awawawaaa but I will know one day .
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't think I have any yet that give me an ick? Well besides maybe Yukina x Chiyu, Yukina x Ako and other young underclassmen obviously :sob: but um! hm! I don't think I enjoy seeing Yukina shipped with my other kins, especially the bigger ones like Kaoru and Himari if that's even anything. shrug!
A random headcanon: just to be cute I asked Sun to give me random yukina headcanons from her perspective and I really like some of the ones she wrote so I'll put them here! "you hum to yourself to help concentrate and when you're happy. A small hum from yuki means you're smiling, even if you’re not actually!" // "a kitty related one, I feel like you can, similar to how you can name a song based on a single note, accurately name any cat breed you see, or any cat colors or coat patterns" // "You’re secretly really good at video games, and no one knows why, since you dedicate so much time to music" which is a really silly one in retrospect, and another one she wrote i love the most is she said yukina and lisa would often bake together ! i agree with that one 🥺
General Opinion over said character: maybe there's a liiiiiitle bit of a bias going on because we both kin her hehe, but of course I love Yukina! We've talked about it before but I loved learning that she shares the same va as Claudine! It's so funny listening to bandori songs next to revstar songs because I have a hard time separating Aina's voice from Claudine still hdaksahsskdsd I relate very much to her passion for cats and her dedication to her friends and band. I can't wait to learn more!
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delta-queerdrant · 1 year
under the pink (Eye of the Needle, s1 e7)
Oh man, Eye of the Needle is a banger. After six episodes vaguely circling a concept, this show attempts the most obvious gambit in its box of tricks, and what do you know, they nail it!
The thing about Star Trek: Voyager is that its premise is a lot of fun, but it is also the premise of Gilligan's Island. This similarity is not disqualifying. Most of us enjoy a good try-fail cycle, the same way we enjoy watching Shakespeare's tragic heroes bite it at the end of a play. Still, a conundrum: if you are writing for Voyager, your characters need to make an occasional doomed bid to get off the island, but if you return to that well too often, you are writing a sixties sitcom and cannot expect anyone to take you very seriously.
This episode, probably my favorite of the show's first two seasons, works because it is exceptionally well-crafted, and because it has heart. Here we have super competent people doing their darnedest to problem-solve their way across the galaxy, only for each triumph to be answered with a smarting reversal.
It's so engaging, because on an emotional level, they do succeed. "Eye of the Needle" is also a Cold War story, a portrayal of connection across societies that would do Ursula K. Le Guin proud. It's super understated - our Romulan contact, Telek, who shares his name only in the last act, gradually softens toward the Federation crew despite being literal worlds apart. He, too, too, is a man separated from his family, and without much fuss becomes their ally, making the double tragedy of the ending all the more affecting.
(Enemies to lovers is great and all, but give me more stories about enemies who become slightly friendly acquaintances who do favors for one another. Like, yes, Crowley and Aziraphale are fucking, but also, what about the first time Crowley lent Aziraphale his flat key so that Aziraphale could plant-sit for him? Ugh, my heart.)
Anyway, that's a lot of words, and I haven't even talked about Janeway in her nightie. I guess we'd better get that out of the way.
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It's a beautifully acted scene. Voyager has been hailing the Romulan vessel, and Janeway is asleep when Telek finally answers. In her darkened quarters she conducts an incredibly high-stakes negotiation with a stranger from an enemy society. The conversation is tense and formal, representatives of warring governments trying to understand one another - but it's also intimate, two people connecting across incredible distances, suspended in the loneliness of space.
Janeway is wearing just the shiniest nightgown, more 80s than 90s in its soft femme reimagining of Star Trek aesthetics, and what is probably Too Much Wig. My heart certainly did a little va-da-voom when I saw this image as the thumbnail for the episode, not because I have any deep affinity for women in baby pink rayon, but because as little, queer fankids in the mid-90s we lived for any hint that the characters that snagged our hearts had inner lives or, heaven forbid, private lives.
For women and AFAB people, private lives have generally been cast as feminine lives. Here the costuming reminds us that Janeway is a captain but also a woman, she is soft but strong, etc. Later in the episode, there's a framed Mark & Mollie photo to remind us this woman has a man and a dog to get home to. Janeway's femininity is necessary to her role as captain; only a man is allowed his solitude and hard edges.
A podcaster I follow recently described herself as "gender unsubscribed," a phrase that has stuck in my brain. I am not exactly gender unsubscribed, not because the unsolicited messages of a gender binary world do very much for me, but because "queer woman" seems as close as language is going to get at this moment in time. And, while nostalgia does not a gender identity make, I do have a certain affinity with the old junk mail stuffed in the shoeboxes of my mind (well, with the 1998 dELIA*s catalog at least.)
All this to say that I am never not going to be confused by a nineties evocation of a hot, feminine lady. I am abruptly 10 years old again, and being told that this is who I should want to be, but not who I am supposed to want. And as for any other variety of womanhood to be or want, well, they're out there, but they're mostly subtext.
I must note that my growing infatuation is undercut somewhat by the introduction of Janeway as a soup drinker. Picard has his earl grey tea, Sisko his raktajino, but when Janeway isn't scavenging for coffee she drinks vegetable bouillon, which is frankly weird behavior and the biggest waste of a replicator ration I can conceive of.
The last subplot I'll mention is the Doctor's, because I really like how he's at cross-purposes with the rest of the crew. Even as they're trying to get home, the Doctor's best hope of a meaningful life and a firmer sense of personhood is for them to take the long way home - if they abandon the ship, it's curtains for him. When Kes advocates for him with Janeway, Janeway has to step back and become, uncharacteristically, a hands-off manager - asking the Doctor what he needs and giving him autonomy as a result. It's a sign that her leadership skills may be adapting to the Delta Quadrant, though I'm not super hopeful that it will become a trend.
Other notable character moments: Kes saying brightly, "it would be interesting to see an autopsy sometime"; Tom Paris, in a move that I guess is weird homosocial teasing but sure looks like flirting, suggesting they call the wormhole the Harry Kim wormhole.
Just a fantastic episode - 5/5 test cylinders with a varietal molecular matrix. It's not even the last really good season one episode, so that's something.
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spicyaltivez · 1 year
abelia, sage, jasmine, nutmeg, papyrus
I’d just like to say that the hellsite glitched and erased my progress on this answer. take two:
abelia: do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I’d have to say it’s this thin gold necklace my gf gifted to me for christmas, with a tiny half orange hanging from it. “mi media naranja” (my half orange) is the spanish way of calling someone your soulmate, except people are very careful about throwing that phrase around and only say it when they mean it. as you can expect, I cried.
sage: what medium of art is most touching to you? why?
For this one, I’m tied between statues and poetry. I just get left in awe of the sheer skill and raw emotion shown by the artist, it strikes me in a very deep way.
jasmine: do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
I wish I had a cool answer for this one, but right now nothing is coming to mind when reading this. perhaps I’ll come back to ya on it.
nutmeg: how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
my livingroom has a nice theme to it: dark wood and black metal, contrasting nicely against the offwhite walls. this palette is spread from the dining table, to the shelves, to the tv stand and everything in between. I actually love it and it helps our lively plants and colorful Mexican decorations stand out. for rooms outside the livingroom, it’s all light or tan woods, color of my skin lol. again it helps our mexican paintings and sculptures and figurines pop out at you.
papyrus: if you put your playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it/associate it with?
“Throw Away Your Television” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers! the whole band, every song, reminds me of my older cousin. he’s an inspiration to me in every way, he’s exactly who I aspire to be + some gender envy so all in all, he’s my favorite role model. hardworking, respectful, funny as fuck, and sweet. he’s the big brother I never had and I can’t wait to see him again. :)
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main: @existential-dinosaur
Fact blog: @radfem-posts-i-ref
avatar: https://www.deviantart.com/anivi/art/Sanguis-481516973
header: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/black-dragon-coin
My views, in case those matter and you're too lazy to scroll:
Gender critical - gender roles are a social construct, and nobody should be obligated to follow them. Not following gender roles does not mean you need to be medicated or change in any way: it means literally nothing.
Anti self ID - you should never be able to change your sex on either your birth certificate or your driver's license, unless it was genuinely marked down incorrectly.
Anti coerced respect / coerced speech - unless your speach is a threat of violence, the state should not compel you to change it. This includes the right to misgender people, and insult people. The state is not your mommy and it's not the state's job to protect you from having your feelings hurt.
Kink critical - "do you think, when he's alone and he's fantasizing about rape, his fantasy includes the part where you say yes first?" and "kinksters and abusive men hit women for the same reason: they like hitting women."
Fully against porn, pro banning porn - when you see a video online, how do you know everyone in it: 1) consented to all actions being done, 2) consented to be filmed, 3) consented (and continue to consent) to having it posted online? How do you know they're 18+? The answer is, you don't. And it's impossible to prove. It's impossible to have an ethical commercial porn site.
Anti prostitution, pro Nordic model - consent cannot be purchased. Prostituted women are usually victims, and criminalizing them simply makes it harder for them to escape the industry. Sex buyers are privileged, and should go to jail for exploiting impoverished women.
Anti surrogacy - you should never be able to pay to use someone's organs.
Pro gay (same sex) marriage - I don't care what you want to call it, marriage is currently an institution run by the state. As long as the state provides material benefits to married people, gays should be able to obtain those benefits as well.
Against prison abolition - simply letting murderers roam the streets is a stupid fucking idea
Pro 2A / pro gun - I'd rather protect myself with a gun than have to rely on some sexist government pigs to do it for me. That's assuming they even protect me, instead of showing up two hours late and then shooting me.
Pharmaceuticals critical - critical and suspicious of any and all medication, including vaccinations. When doctors have a financial incentive to push drugs on you, they no longer have your health as their top priority. This shit also contributes to the rise of the trans movement: a lot of pharma shills are making bank off of trans people's cosmetic surgeries and life-long consumerism.
Pro animal agriculture - humans have been eating meat for millenia. Locally grown meat is actually better for the environment than vegetables that have to be shipped across the world. Leather lasts for generations and doesn't release microplastics into the environment. Plants can feel pain just like animals can, you just don't feel bad for them because they don't have faces.
Pro saturated fat, anti seed oil - the idea that saturated fat (eg animal fat) is bad for you is a scam entirely created by the AHA, who are themselves entirely funded by the industrial ag businesses creating seed oils. Seed oils release aldehydes and are extremely bad for you, and go rancid on your shelves.
Natalism neutral - I don't believe having kids is either a morally good or a morally bad act, in and of itself. If you have the finances and time to support a child, I don't think you're either "greedy" or a "bad feminist" for having a child.
Pro choice - I don't agree that consent to sex is consent to a child, or consent to a fetus to use my organs. I believe my right to choose what happens to my organs is more important than any life. This also includes the right to abort a child based on any feature, including disability or sex.
Pro Marijuana full recreational legalization - it smells like shit and smokers are super fucking annoying, but it's less dangerous than alcohol and it makes no sense to be jailing people for it.
Addiction is a disease, pro decrim of addiction - I don't think harder drugs like heroine should be sold in stores, but criminalizing drugs makes it harder for addicts to break the cycle. Addicts should be given clean areas and sterile needles, and counceling.
Pro work from home and four day work weeks - if you work an office job, it can almost certainly be done from home. Wfh has been shown to be better for people's lives. Same with four day work week. And neither have detrimental effects on productivity. Offices are an outdated concept.
Religion is not INHERENTLY evil or culty - while there do exist subsections within many religions that are harmful, religion itself is not inherently harmful. There's nothing inherently bad about holding non-falsifiable beliefs, and everyone (even atheists) hold at least one non-falsifiable belief.
Politics is the new religion - most atheists have just replaced the meaning they normally would find in religion with politics. Politics is substantially more culty than most religions at this point. People make their political label a core part of their identity, and literally excommunicate each other over it.
Islam should be eradicated - Islam is an inherently harmful religion, in every form it is practiced. Its holy book has child marriage and sex slavery. It is so rotten to its core that there is no changes that will make it acceptable, and everyone who CHOOSES to practice it is responsible for continuing to spread these harmful practices.
-- > https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Child_Marriage_in_the_Qur%27an
-- > https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur%27an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery
Pro hormonal birth control - pill birth control is a class one carcinogenic, and birth control in general should be treated with the same suspicion as any other pharmaceutical, but it should still be legal. The most effective way to prevent pregnancy while still engaging in PIV sex is hormonal birth control, and thus people should have access to it.
Electric cars and batteries are NOT going to save the environment - lithium (the main component of electric batteries) is EXTREMELY bad for the environment to mine, and these batteries only last five to ten years. And you can't have solar or wind energy without batteries. So solar/wind aren't better for the environment, they're just changing where the harm is happening.
Atomic power is the future - atomic power is much, much safer than people believe. Spent nuclear power rods can be disposed of safely.
Pro shooting pedophiles - the penalty for sexually abusing a minor should be death.
Pro shooting people who make porn of content aimed at children - see bronies.
Pro shooting people who make or consume porn of children, whether real or animated - your lolis still make you a fucking pedophile.
There's no such thing as a secular version of any religion - this is more personal because I am extremely Buddhist, and seeing all the white western "secular Buddhists" annoys me. If you take the non-falsifiable, spiritual, beliefs out of a religion, it is no longer that religion. If you remove the concept of rebirth from Buddhism, you are no longer a Buddhist.
Coporations benefit from your misery, and are incentivized to keep you hungry - this ties into "consoomerism", but essentially coporations want to keep you hungry so you keep buying useless shit from them, hoping it will make you happy.
Money can't buy happiness, only security - also related to the above point. Money absolutely can buy security, and security will remove a lot of stress from your life. But once you are secure (in food, in housing, medically) money will no longer make you any happier.
Against state mandated dress codes past "cover your genitals" - the state should not force me to wear a hijab, nor should it prevent me from doing so. Additionally, the state should not force anyone to wear shirts. Private businesses should be welcome to enforce whatever dress code they desire. As long as someone's genitals aren't visible, that's as much as the state should care.
Watching live action porn is cheating on your partner - if it would be cheating for your partner to sit in someone's pushes and jerk off to watching people have sex through a window, it's cheating when it happens through a screen.
Businesses should be required to provide equal amounts of paternity and maternity leave - men need just as much time with their child as women do, and this makes it so businesses are less likely to avoid hiring women to avoid paying maternity leave.
Tax fraud should be legal for people who make below the median income in the US, and people who make below the median income should never be subject to audits by the IRS.
Against all cosmetic surgery other than reconstructive - the problem is that you have a different version of yourself in your head from reality. You need to accept yourself, not chase an impossible idea of perfection. This includes "gender" transition. We don't treat anorexia by letting people starve to death.
Eventually I'll come back and add sources for these claims. I'm willing to discuss any of these over dms.
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carolmaclaine · 2 years
this is personal and venty about like trans stuff
so I feel like people discuss the complications and difficulty of transitioning a lot when it comes to friends and family, but I feel like I've never seen anyone really talk about how, unless you're in a position to look for new employment, you're basically never able to transition
coming out to your friends and family is the hardest thing you can do, but they are people who should love you, and even if they don't, it is possible to cut ties, painful as that may be, at least when you're an adult and have the ability to remove yourself from family
not intending to gloss over any of that emotional trauma that comes from that, of course not, it's just not exactly what is eating at me right now. I could survive everyone I know hating me, I know plenty of people who wouldnt, my sisters would never, I have friends who would still like me, I'd be okay
but like, your job isn't really like that. They don't care about you personally, your coworkers are not your friends, you cannot come out to those people without consequences that could devastate you financially, which in america is literally end all bullshit. Esp somewhere like ohio where employers arent too kind on all that. So you're kinda forced to have to transition and take a new job at the same time, so the new job always knows you as you are and not what you were born as
but not everyone even has that option? I for example am at a job that I do not want to leave, I love my job, it's a union job, it's the kind of job you retire from after working there for 30 years. Nuclear isnt the easiest job to hop around at either, so I can't just go to a new plant, not without finding a rare opening in a chemistry department, and without moving hundreds of miles, maybe even thousands to other states, there aren't that many plants in the country, and like I said, people retire from these jobs, so openings are scarce, in a very niche industry. I cant take my experience and go somewhere else, nuclear is a special little snowflake, you either work at a plant or work in the military and that is literally it
so at that point, I'm stuck, right? Like, I'll never really get the opportunity to be who I want to be, because what, I figured it out too late and I'm already in a career I love and can't easily leave? Because I was raised catholic in a small town in a conservative state and never left, so I never considered what it really meant that I hated being a girl and only ever identified with men, and never to this day could play a game with a character creator if I wasnt able to be a boy, until I was in my mid twenties?
I usually cope with this by saying it's my 'work persona' and all that but. That was easier 5 years ago when I just considered myself to be nonbinary and wasn't having all these thoughts about wanting to just be a guy and actually transition. And maybe that's why I don't want to even tell anyone I want that, because just saying I'm not interested in gender as a whole is so much easier. And maybe I dont even have the right to, because it's true, I'm not interested in gender, but for god I would rather be called a boy and look like a man than the horrible way i feel when people see me as a woman, so i dont know what that makes me, or if it even matters. And don't even get me started on how it's impossible if you want to be a boy and dress like a girl because no one will ever take me seriously, they just take my performance of feminism as performing my assigned role, not that I just like femme shit sometimes. I want to be a BOY who paints HIS nails like FUCK I basically only ever get to dress masc anymore because I can't even risk the concept of doing feminine things
but like, am I just full of it because I don't want to lose my job, does that mean I'm being fake or whatever, and 'oh a real trans person wouldn't be able to stay as their assigned gender just because of a job' blehhh I don't know maybe I am !
idk, I'm glad being trans is talked about more now, so people can discover themselves when they're younger, and maybe not end up in the kind of situation that I feel I'm in. Let alone the fact that this stupid country is about to remove any right a trans person has, so we're all in for it now
I don't know what the point of this is either I'm just upset and writing stuff out is very cathartic or whatever, soul searching shit fucking 🤙
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dnbup · 2 years
NSFW alphabet!
Note: Gender of reader will vary throughout the parts. Mostly GN though.
♂️ = Male reader
♀️ = Female reader
⚧️ = Gender Neuteral reader
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-A(nal) ♂️
Suprisingly, behind that innocent face, is a girl who loves it when you bend her over and pound your cock into her tight ass. It can make her cum in a few minutes. She'll scream your name when you hit that sweet spot deep inside her.
She loves it when you tie her up and blindfold her. When she can't predict where you're gonna touch her or what you're gonna do to her because she cant see.
She loves it when you eat her out, feeling your warm tongue lap at her soaking wet clit while she tugs at your hair, telling you how good you're being. Cumming inside your mouth and watching you swallow it.
She loves it when you degrade her, call her a slut, that'll get her all hot and bothered. Just imagine her fingering herself while you watch, and you tell her how disgusting and slutty she is for doing this infront of you.
She whines and whimpers when you stop right before she cums. Doing that her multiple times, building up that pleasure so when you do let her release, its the most euphoric sensation shes ever felt.
-F(emdom) ♂️
She actually loves riding your cock. Because shes an adeptus, shes really strong, she can hold you down beneath her for hours and keep going even after you cum inside her. Caressing the side of your face and tell you how much of a good boy you are.
Teasing that spot inside her that makes her spasm. Hearing her scream your name when you curl your fingers against it. She wants you to abuse that spot. Fuck her hard.
Also known as blood kink.
She likes seeing the result of your abuse on her fragile body. When you make her lip bleed from biting it, giving her a hickey so aggressively blood trickles from it. When she claws at her thighs and it gets blood stains on the bed.
When she uses her vision to make her fingers ice-cold, and drags them aross the sensitive parts of your chest. Traces circles around your neck and rubs her fingers against your entrance, watching you shiver and whimper.
-J(erking you off)♂️
She likes pumping your cock with her hands. Rubbing her thumb across your tip and seeing how it makes you shutter. Licking the cum off your tip after you both finish.
Having sex infront of a mirror.
She loves it. Fingering her while you make her watch her facial expression. Tell Ganyu how good of a girl she is. Spread her folds open with your fingers so she can see how tight she is.
Dressing up in a maid dress for you. Letting you rub her pussy through her panties. Make her sit on your lap while you plant kisses on her neck.
When you call her pet names during sex. "Sweetheart" or "Bunny" and "Flower" really get her going. Rubbing the back of her neck while you call her one of those names will make her whine in excitement.
This can mean anything that involves the mouth or tongue. Making out with her while you finger her. Licking and sucking her neck while holding her in place.
Making her wear a collar that says Ganyu or Cumslut on it. Pulling her closer to you by tugging on the leash. Grabbing her by her horns and making her lay on her back for you.
-Q ||None! Sorry:')||
She likes playing the role of a misbehaving sex slave. When you grab her by the neck and call her names. Her calling you master and doing whatever you want her to do.
-S(ize kink)⚧️
If you're taller than her, then she loves being pinned down by you, seeing how small her hand is compared to yours. If you're shorter however, she'll think its just so adorable, mercilessly fucking you as she says how small and cute you are
It gets her really wet when you tickle her. A wonderful mix of whining, moaning, and laughing when you tickle her. And the way she begs you to stop is just adorable
She actually likes the feelings of you peeing inside her after you cum. The warmth of it filling her up is enough to make her shutter.
When you shove a vibrator deep inside her, turn the vibrations all the way up and leave her there for an hour or two. God knows how many times she'll cum.
-W(aking up)⚧️
Waking you up by rubbing her wet pussy against your crotch. Seeing your dazed and confused face as you struggle to not drift back to sleep is just so adorable to her.
-X ||None! Sorry!||
She likes scissoring with you. Rubbing your clits together and feeling both of your secretions mix is orgasmic for her.
-Z ||None! Sorry!||
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mhynvxii · 2 years
Helloo can I request a scenario with kise, nash and akashi ( if you don't write for nash then it's fine ) with a gentle and bubbly s/o where their teammates are third-wheeling on one of their dates, their teammates obviously annoying the shit out of the guys but their s/o is cool and happy with it. You can decide the ending. Thanks ! The fandom is really amazing and needs more luv 💖
A/N : First time ever writing for Nash and honestly he has some potential to grow on me… Also oh gosh I am jealous of couples murmuring in each others ears whenever I see them !! 💀
Nash, Akashi and Kise making their teammates third-wheeling for a date with you. (Gender neutral ! Reader.)
Warning : Jabberwook are swearing, Akashi scenario lack Akashi own perspective lmao and Kaijo team are… like usual, humorous.
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Dim lighting over all the bar, rather refined music playing in the bass, Nash carefully decided of the location of your date even if he would brush it off and play it as if it was nothing : He obviously wants to impress you but well… Nash also promised his teammates some of the most luxurious wine during a dumb bet where he somehow lost making that oh so lovely date with you he planed a first official presentation of his team.
He was devastated inside, as he couldn’t cancel your date as the so romantic and good lover he always try to appear as to you but also as a man of his words and captain to his teammates or rather by his pride not allowing him to just ignore the bet he lost because he would for sure be teased for it. He can’t cancel on them. He must play it like it was nothing for him, just a childish bet like it really is.
«  Guys, y’all better behave well because we’re meeting someone important today. I don’t want to hear about the hoes you fucked yesterday Silver and y’all better watch your mouths because I’m gonna beat up so bad the one who dares say something vulgar. 
– Uh ? But I thought it was just the team tonight ? Ahaha, I see that’s why you got all prepared and shit even taking the most expensive bar of the town, hm ? »
Nash didn’t even had the patience to respond to Silver, glaring at him with nothing but annoyance. His teammate catch quickly the message even if he doesn’t please him to clean his apparence and way of being for a night. For what would he do all of this ? Is it even as important Nash make it seems ?
«  I get it, I get it we just have to behave like good boys hn ? But seriously can’t you tell us at least who’s that important person ? 
– Better not be a pop star you’re trying to pull again captain because no one here can’t do this anymore–
– It’s not a pop star you idiots, I said someone important and what if I don’t tell you who ? Would you change your attitude ?! Because you better not. »
The gentleman who’s Nash lower his voice once he saw you enters, his facial traits doing a whole 360 to appear relaxed and charming as usual. He do a last hand sign to the guys, menacing them to behave well before going to your encounter, welcoming you with a malicious smirk and a teasy hand-kissing. At this moment, doubt surrender his teammates if they were just here playing green plants again for one Nash’s ass plan.
«  Guys, here is my assistant–
– Nash ! You almost shout, surprised by his joke.
– Just teasing darling, for what would I need an assistant anyway ? Here is the sweetheart who has been eating all my cash lately, Y/n. 
– Presenting me as your sugar baby isn’t any better you know ? Pff, I am his lover, enchanted. »
The boys are hella pissed once they get that you two are a couple and that they would have to play their role right because Nash as well was playing his lovey-dovey persona. You looked sublime, elegant, quite the type the boys know Nash would go for when it was more than a one night stand probably to make him look better, maybe make it up for his pretentious and extravagant needs but if something was sure your couple had more chances to be serious than average. Or at least maybe, even for them Nash had his own mysteries and they weren’t in the mood to clear anything of it. And they probably won’t have the occasion to talk you much anyway, Nash possessiveness showing by how he would hold you close and let his hand rest on your waist. Murmuring if it was naughty or sweet things in your ears and you laughing at it, no one will know.
«  How are you guys tonight ? I heard you won a game two days ago against that nba team in a street match ! I saw somes highlights on the internet but I didn’t had the chance to see it from my eyes even if Nash invited me I was so busy that week..! »
So talkative, bubbly and all, if they didn’t meet you in theses circumstances they would have probably played along and all but it was the risk to be vulgar because this vulgarity language of theirs was part of their natural way of speak now from the basketball trash talking and all. And Nash clearly makes them understand it was not desired for this party.
«  Uh… a real chatbox hn ?
– I speak too much..? Oh sorry.. »
You look at your feets kind of embarrassed by being so hyper when your interlocutors were not so much enthusiastic meanwhile Nash gives his signature menacing glare to Silver. You didn’t mean to sound intrusive or anything, just here to have a fun time.
« He didn’t mean that, right, Silver ? 
–…Yeah my mistake, I mean usually Nash exes never even gives a fuck about our games you know ? »
Other members of the teams face palm when they hear Silver speak, they knew they should have been the ones taking initiative because he would for sure mess up like this but they were too focused on their beverage, tasting the nectar they had the occasion to drink. But you looked unphased despite his errors of talking about one Nash exes, two insinuating you are as supercifial and three swearing.
« Well it is for a reason we’re together for almost one year now, he’s too deep into basketball that only a fan can support him, haha..! So this is why Nash was so shy at the idea to let me meet you guys ?
– « Almost a year relationship »? That dude ? Shy ? Silver is on verge of tears.
– Ugh ?! Don’t start talking nonsense Y/n.
– Com’on darling just teasing, you mimick him, but isn’t it true ? You were so anxious at the idea, always giving me excuses. You were scared I would leave you ? »
At the second you say that all the team get more interested and gather around you, making Nash embarrassed as hell. It was supposed to be a date, they were supposed to be third-wheeling the whole night, but guess who was standing there not knowing how to stop all the talking and chaos. Around fine wine and music the room sound volume rise by laughs and chatters.
He never presented you to his team because he thought that their lack of refinement would repulse you even if he knew you were fond of basketball and not so much of social manners but look at him, being proved wrong so strongly again by how Silver wouldn’t even watch his language and his others teammates as well. He knew that you know that he had a persona much more direct and cold but with you it was just so different that somehow he get all disciplined and by a need to show off be a polite yet arrogant bastard. It wasn’t him hiding, just him changing because of you even if that politeness and charisma has always been part of him.
«  Alright guys, the fun is ending for tonight. Y/n and I are returning home.
– Uh ? Already ?! »
He’s gonna make you pay for exposing him like this.
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Reo, Nebuya, Kotaro, Chihiro were all supposed to be on a day off until they all received that invitation of Akashi saying he wanted to meet them. From his saying it was not for practice but just to share a good evening in that beautiful natural park during a pique-nique. Apparently desiring their company before the hivernal vacation and the dissolution of their team to give proper goodbyes to their sixth member who happens to be a senior.
Knowing chihiro refused multiple times to participate in such events and even Seijurou accepted that, saying nothing about it and now changing opinion, they felt like something was off but very enthusiastic by the idea -except Mayuzumi- they didn’t question anything.
Well, it was it until they came to the said rendezvous and saw your figure beside Akashi’s, wearing an hivernal jacket with a white scarf and bonnet. He was looking at you romantically, holding your hand close and murmuring who know what in your ears. And he kissed you on the lips before noticing their presence…
They all looked devasted, almost dropping their foods : THIRD-WHEELING ? Seriously ? Chihiro who has been brought by force was already going back home until the uncrowned kings hold him back pretending that he had to bare with them because it was his fault if Akashi used him as an excuse to bring all of them here. How embarrassing…
«  Is it a joke..?
– Why are you asking me that, Senpai ? Does it look like a joke to you ? And you know before asking one a question you’re supposed to greet that person. »
Unwelcomed, that’s how you felt when all Akashi teammates came and sit in front of you meanwhile Akashi had his hand on your shoulder. It has something in the air like very heavy telling you’re undesired. You get closer to Akashi playing with his vest.
«  Anyway, everyone I thought I would present you my dear Y/n tonight, they really wanted to meet everyone as a fan of our team but also to get to know you as my friends. You may have seen them in school, they’re at Rakuzan as well please be nice with them.
– Hi Y/n ! Mibuchi say followed by the others more or less happy.»
Akashi didn’t had his Emperor persona anymore but he still as intimidating as before making them think a lot about what they’re saying next with his cat like eyes. What was he excepting of them ? Should they be all friendly and entertain his lover likes clowns would do or should they just let them have their tranquility and serves as decor ? No one dare start even an eye contact with the red head to try something.
« Hi ! How are you guys ?! I know it has been a while ever since but your last official match was during the Winter cup finale and even if y’all lost I did find your performance amazing ! Can you tell me about it ? Uh maybe I should ask for your names first ? As Seijurou said my name is Y/n.»
And of top of that Akashi partner had to have that bubbly personality, what is everything Mayuzumi hates : these kind of person can’t shut up, annoy the fuck out of him and all for that to say nothing interesting ? It was the cherry on the top.
«  Akashi, you said it was a goodbye ceremony not a–
– I see, obviously I should have explained myself more clearly. »
Mayuzumi eyes widened as Akashi obviously has been rude and kind of arrogant with him, in a different manner the emperor would have done sometimes but still. Was he showing a new personality ?
«  How are you the one with no manners interrupting me like this ?
– Everyone seems a little upset and I just realized why : my mistake. I didn’t communicate about my darling precense and it surprised everyone, didn’t it ? You see from my perspective it didn’t look bizarre and I thought we could say our goodbyes to Mayuzumi and meet Y/n as probably the last occasion to be reunited all together even if for us Kotaro, Reo and Eikichi it’s just a question of formality . »
Quickly the heavy atmosphere dissipate itself as everyone understands a simple matter : Akashi was just awkward about some types of social situations… including this. He probably thought everything would go smoothly because you as his lover couldn’t be problematic, knowing you as gentle and genuinely positive about everyone. And his teammates on the other hands wouldn’t have any problems adapting to you as they are as well at least for most, extroverted and aren’t repulsed by meeting new people.
« Oh Sei, it’s okay ! We also may have overreacted this on our side but now that everything is clear. Let’s enjoy this evening together as planed ! Also you’re really cute Y/n !
– Yeah, yeah ! Didn’t you said in your message a shooting star could be visible tonight ? We can’t miss it and Y/n seem nice !
– Oh well… It’s embarrassing but thank you Hayama and Mibuchi? »
Mayuzumi didn’t complained after that, seeing all his now ex-teammates dealing with the « situation » quite well. Not even holding a grudge about Akashi’s misinformation, he was there standing here when everyone was having fun. Pouting ? Maybe, but he never has been quite the guy suited for party and he was sort of uncomfortable with how you and Akashi as a couple were now quite comfortable and nobody had a problem with that. Acting subtly lovey-dovey and decently romantic for a publicly view and yet at the same time enjoying the food with Eikichi, laughing with Kotaro and discussing with Reo… The uncrowned now loved you. And Mayuzumi well…
«  Senpai, you’re gonna miss out on the star watching the floor like this… What about we get to know each others ? We didn’t had the chance to talk much tonight until now.» you said proposing him a drink.
The cold weather and the magnificent moon highlighting your facial traits and the blood rushing to your cheeks even if it was barely noticeable.
He didn’t like you.
And Akashi was watching all of this from afar, somehow satisfied. He invites himself in your shy discussion and show his territory by holding your waist and looking at you so softly or from an exterior perspective looking at you with a mischievous expression.
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It was already dark outside as the both of you walked out of school and impulsively decided to go on a date. In the heat of the moment just like this as Kise was caressing your back and you were laughing in his neck because of the small giggles his touch gave you. He had the chance to see you around a lot today but he was so found of you that Kise couldn’t deal with letting you returning home just now. He needed your company just a little longer to be satisfied and this date was the perfect opportunity.
Kissing you shamelessly on the road of it as if it was his only one allowed kiss for the night while his hand rest on your waist, his lips whispering lovely words in your ears just after. He tasted like cherry, probably because of a lip balm but if it was your own or his you don’t know. Feeling his silver earring tapping on the back of your head and his slightly shaky breath as well, you can tell the smile he has on his face even if he buried his face.
«  Ryouta… i know it has been a while since we had some alone time together but we’re never going to arrive in the restaurant slow like this you know ? »
You can hear him laugh through your skin as he hugs you from behind, taking over all your frame by his muscular body.
«  I’m sorry Y/n-cchi, I can’t help it… like you said it has been a while. 
– Maybe think about the nice meal waiting for us ? Remember last time how you loved that french plate they do, I don’t recall the name but you loved it.
– The onion gratin soup ?? Oh yeah now that you talk about it…»
He was about to express all his love for that magnificent meal as the smile, so bright and so cute from his face fade away as he hears his name being called from some distance in a low-key authoritative tone he know so well, the one of his captain.
«  Uh ?
Yeah it was definitely Kasamatsu interrupting his sweet time with you and not alone, seeing all his teammates behind him. He already sigh in defeat.
«  Oh hi y/n… Guys, it’s definitely gonna be weird. Let’s forget about all of it and—
– No, no Kasamatsu there is no going back ! Hi Y/n, I’m sorry but we got to take your boyfriend away from you just for the night. »
Kise was like ten times more offended by what said Moriyama than you. Call him dramatic but he really bothered him.
– Ah ?? What’s going on guys ? I am so good now with my precious Y/n and you want to take me away from them… why would I even follow you ?
– You forgot ?? Oh my..!
– We’re sorry to disturb you Kise and Y/n, it’s just Moriyama lames plans like always and we need you Kise to help us execute them. say Kobori, politely trying to not look annoyed.
– Remember what I said during practice blondinette ?
– I must admit that I wasn’t quite listening but let’s say I remember it… You guys can’t go out flirting without me ? It’s not like I am with Y/n now, isn’t ..? Think about my relationship a little, I know you guys are some specials case but com’on ! »
You try your best holding your laughter as you understand what’s going on and remember all the stuff Kise told you once as a secret about their previous special hangouts, searching girls gentle enough to support and deal with their abnormalities. As it represented no threat to your couple you didn’t see a problem with it.
«  We can always go to our restaurant and helps them Ryouta, what about it ? 
– You’re such an angel Y/n, let’s go guys !! »
You hear three souls crying in despair, probably your boyfriend with Kasamatsu and Kobori.
– Uh why didn’t you act super pissed ? It would have helped more persons actually…
– Y/n-cchi you’re too much nice…»
And thus, everyone got on the way of the said restaurant more or less enthusiastic. You did an effort to talk with everyone as to not rub in their face that actually Kise and you are in couple and helps like you can to give them advices in seduction even if your blondinette couldn’t helps but add little comment of his, quite personal of your relationship indeed and slip some embarrassing aspect of the period anterior of it. It’s almost like he forgot you two aren’t on a « proper » date anymore.
As everyone sits he show clearly he’s upset by how things are going on, having you in front of him thankfully but besides him the fit and muscular figures of his teammates. Meanwhile everyone is forming a strategy you and Kise are looking for the menu, forming a command. He look at you so lovingly, playing with your finger…
«  I think some turquoise blue would look good on your nails…
– AYO what are you doing Kise ? Were you even listening go on scouting mission right here !
– But I don’t want to… and can’t you not interrupt me when I am talking to Y/n-cchi ? »
Moriyama was too stunned to speak. Probably him hearing wrong right now because your boyfriend couldn’t have said that to him as if he agreed to be here to just hold the candle, right ? Even if he excepted it to a certain level what was the point to even go with them now ? You fortunately manage to make of sort that Kise helps his camardes but he was so selfish, so hungry to have his moment with you that each occasion their back would be turned was good to talk with you or more.
How surprised the Kaijo team were to see that after accumulating failures instead of sitting in front of you like he was supposed to do Kise was now by your side seeking your attention and affection like a puppy. It was so disgusting to see, his dramatic ass acting all over-romantic especially for them as they are single. If they didn’t knew you before this they would’ve probably disliked you for nothing being so annoyed by Kise behavior but low-key yours as you were contributing to it.
They know that they interrupted something but was it necessary to rub it to their face how lame they were and how happy you were ? If it was it would have been better to let you have your moment together but maybe they hoped too much and have been too much persistent. As Kasamatsu was trying to talk with a cute girl he saw a table not far from yours, Kise was looking at you from afar, his elbow resting on the top of a big group chair and putting one of his legs just behind the other. Slightly bending over he does a wink in your direction with his right eye and smile seductively, so cliché you don’t hide the giggle he gives you and Moriyama don’t manage to restrain his death stare. You sense his bad vibes on the spot.
«  I’m filled with despair, it’s incredible. You look good together but please next time makes me remember to not bring you both.
– Come on Moriyama, at least hide your jealousy…
– Kise is so cheesy I can’t.. Look at Kasamatsu Kobori ! Drowning in embarrassment while the one we sent to help him is flirting with his already confirmed partner!
– I’m sorry guys, let me make it up for it… »
You go in support save Kasamatsu while Kise is being reprimanded by his senpais, you can hear him childishly whining and pouting when you were transporting Kasamatsu flustered cadaver : the girl he got an interest on willingly asking for his number and he overloaded.
«  Is it a crime to be in love ?!! »
Kise said before gently getting his ass beat up by a paper weapon and forks.
«  I am never going to repress my feeelingggs– oh god! WHY SO HARD ?!
– Disgusting. »
Finally the oh so romantic diner you two impulsively planed turned as a gag, while eating the boys holded candles to mock you both but Kise was thanking them seriously and acting all lovely, even feeding you, replacing your hair behind your ears…
«  You better not kiss them with that onion scent of yours, idiot. Y/n deserves so much better and actually helped us.
— I get it I have not been much of a help but hey..! You’re ruining the immersion, keep holding the candle, senpai ! »
And Kasamatsu snapped, slapping the back of Kise head.
Pushing him to aggressively, by accident, kiss you.
You hear everyone complain and offended gasps even before you get the taste.
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