#post mj
alwaysmypearl · 2 years
“Come get your man, nothing’s wrong, he just misses you.”
‘Bout a week or two ago, I saw a post that said this quote was Peeta coded, and I could not agree more. So I decided to write a one shot using it as a prompt. Post-mockingjay, canon compliant, in Katniss’ POV. Lots of silly dialogue and some nice fluff. I hope you enjoy <3
My eyes open to trilling from the downstairs phone. It takes me a moment to fully rise to consciousness after the night of terrors, staring, and restlessness that ensued last night. I am trying to be strong and supportive, so I willingly and graciously dropped Peeta off at the train station two days ago to go see Johanna and Annie in Four. However, without him here I am already crumbling. 
Buttercup’s meow breaks me from my train of thought, and reminds me that the phone has continued to ring. It shouldn’t be Peeta, he’s supposed to call after dinner. Maybe he just wants to check in early. At that thought, my heart starts to thump louder in my chest- what if something is wrong? 
I can’t take losing Peeta. I really can’t even take the thought. He has almost been taken away from me too many times, and the thought of losing him now, after the war is over, after we have settled into a new life, puts the biggest lump in my throat. I can’t even swallow and water starts to well in my eyes. I have to hope that everything is okay, I have no choice.
“I’m going, you stupid cat.” I swing my legs off the bed, and it takes the desperation of hoping to hear Peeta’s voice this morning to get my lead limbs out of bed. I stumble down the stairs as the phone stops ringing and begins again. If it is him, he’s probably getting worried. 
When I finally pick up the phone, I jump when I realize it is not Peeta on the other end, but Johanna.
“God damn! Finally, Brainless!” She yells to someone in the room, presumably Peeta or Annie. “She answered, she lives to see another day, Bread Boy.”
“I didn’t mean to worry anyone, I just couldn’t get out of bed and I wasn’t expecting Peeta to call until tonight.”
Johanna lets out a loud “Ha!” in response. “Yeah, we actually need to talk about him. I’m sending him back on the next train, and you need to come get your man.”
Heat rises to my cheeks as I process the insinuation of Peeta somehow belonging to me. 
He does, but no one else is supposed to know that. 
But before I can get stuck on the thoughts of others knowing about our relationship, I get worried. What has happened? Is he having flashbacks and Johanna can’t control him? Is it safe for him to go on a train by himself?
“Wait, Jo, is everything okay? Is he-”
“He ‘s completely fine, dummy. Nothing’s wrong, he just misses you too much. It’s starting to make me fucking sick. He screams all night because he thinks you’re dead, then he’s mopey and tired and doesn’t want to have any fun. He just sits with Finn on the beach all day and Annie and I don’t know what to do with him. You need to figure something out, because I want to hang out with fun Peeta. Peeta-without-Katniss is kind of the worst creation. You know, apart from killer Peeta.”
I hear Annie begin to yell from the other side of the phone.
“I’m sorry, am I not allowed to acknowledge all the complex parts of my friend?”
“Jo, can he talk? Put him on the phone.”
And once again, Jo starts yelling. “Bread boy! Come talk to Brainless! She wants to yell at you for being a stick in the mud!” She’s really good at this whole “cheering up” thing. Mostly. If verbal abuse cheers you up.
Her voice fades further away, and Peeta picks up.
“Hi, Katniss.” He honestly sounds pitiful. His normal playful, charming tone is replaced by one far more melancholy. 
I put on my best cheerful voice, just like my mother did for my father after long days at the mines. “Hi, honey. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I’m sorry Jo called you. I don’t have to come back early, it’s okay. I’m just really tired, that's all. I think I just needed to hear your voice.”
“Are you sure? You can-” I’m interrupted by a frustrated groan that sounds like Johanna.
“He’s not fine! He’s about to cry over here!” I hear Annie once again somewhere in the room- “Jo, can you give them some space please! You’re embarrassing them both. Go outside with Finn.”
Silence. I’m not usually the one who breaks it, but I think it’s my turn.
The words come frantically tumbling out of him.
“I’m sorry, I’m trying really hard! I’m trying to be strong, and have fun with my friends, and let you have some space, but I just miss you so damn much. I really can’t handle you not being here, it takes me so long to convince myself that you’re alive in Twelve when I wake up and then I’m just exhausted and-”
“Peeta!” I interrupt him, and he sniffles. 
“Take a breath. It’s okay.” I take my own deep breath. “I miss you too. I was trying to be strong too,” I start to laugh, “but it’s awful if I’m honest.”
He chuckles a bit too. “Can I come home, Katniss?”
“Of course you can. We’ll try this another time, okay?”
“Thank god. I’ll be home soon.”
“I’ll be at the station waiting.”
“You better be.”
“I’ll see you soon, Peeta.”
Johanna is yelling- again. 
“Don’t worry, Brainless! I’ll get him to the train in one piece!”
“She better, or I’ll put an arrow in her eyeball.” I mutter.
Peeta actually laughs, and for the first time on this phone call he sounds like himself. 
“Goodbye, sweetheart. I’ll be in at 3:00.”
I’m on the train platform an hour early. 
Keeping track of time reminds me too much of District 13, and I’m too excited to sit around at the house anymore. 
Haymitch said my pacing in the front yard was disturbing the stupid geese.
So instead of pacing at home, I pace at the train station. I sit in the grass and pick at the blades. I walk up and down the platform, seeing the supply trains bring in goods for our new community. I listen to the announcement from Paylor about traveling safely between Districts. I feel numerous pairs of eyes on me, all of them probably think the Mockingjay is fully out of her mind, but I don’t care. I don’t owe them anything anymore. The least that they can do is let me wait for Peeta in peace. Which is why no one stops me, or tells me to go home. Though I am told later that Haymitch got a few phone calls about “collecting” me.
Just like Panem clockwork, I hear the next train whistle right as the platform clock reads 3:00. Peeta is on that train. I will see him as soon as the doors open. 
I stand as close to the edge of the platform that the rules will allow, and wait for it to stop. My heart is pounding, I feel like it might jump out of my throat and splat on the concrete at any moment. Before I know it, the train has stopped, and the door in front of me opens, but only a few people step out. And none of them are the blonde haired blue eyed boy I’m looking for. 
The already intense feeling of puking up my own heart intensifies even further. Where is he? Did something happen on the train? Was the ride too much for him to handle after two days of nightmares?
I frantically look around the platform. He has to be here. 
“Katniss!” That’s him.
I turn to my right, where his call came from, and there he is- my favorite blonde boy in a blue ¾ zip jacket Portia gave him long ago. His eyes are tired, and his shoulders droopy, but his smile takes up his whole face, and brings one to mine too. 
Without even realizing it, I am running, and he is still with his bag on the ground beside him, waiting for me with his arms open. 
When I finally reach him, I throw my arms around his shoulders and fling myself into him. 
He catches me, and lifts me into the air just like he did when we reunited for the first time after the first games. Except this time, it is flawless, real, and he is perfectly balanced on his prosthetic. 
One strong arm wraps around my waist, and the other cups under my butt to hold me in the air as I wrap my legs around him. No one else exists in this world, just me and him as we breathe each other in and hold so tight I think our skin might start to mold together. As I nuzzle my nose into the crook of his neck, smelling that familiar cinnamon and dill that is all Peeta and only Peeta, he groans. 
“God, I missed you so much.” he whispers in my ear.
“I missed you too.”
He moves one hand to pull me back, hold my face, and look at me. I can’t help but laugh a little when he looks at me like he hasn’t seen me in years, like he is in awe of every crevice of my face.
He starts to laugh too. “What? I’m not allowed to admire you?”
“You are. For now.”
“I’ll take every second I can get, Katniss.”
His words bring a familiar tingle through my limbs, and butterflies race through my belly. I want to kiss him so badly, so I do.
His lips are warm and sweet. He probably had warm milk with spices and honey on the train- a drink of my creation from the Games that still comforts him when things get overwhelming. The caress of his lips is so gentle- the movement says “I missed you” over and over without the actual words.
He lowers me back to the ground gently and pulls slightly back, but I hold his forehead to mine. 
“I’m so glad you’re home, Peeta.”
“You’re not mad at me for being too weak to be away from you?”
I pull back and stare at him with furrowed brows.
“What? Absolutely not. You are the strongest person I know. We’ve been through multiple fights to the death and a war, Peeta. I think you’re allowed to get nervous when you go away from home.” He laughs at my signature scowl, and brushes hair from my face. 
“I guess you have a point.” 
“You just love me a little too much, it’s okay though.”
Peeta scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Oh, now I don’t know about that…”
“That’s not what you were saying a few days ago, Bread Boy.”
“I think I remember that conversation a bit differently than you, sweetheart.”
I stand on my tiptoes to challenge him face to face.
“Watch it, Mellark, before I send you back to Johanna without a second thought.”
Peeta gasps dramatically and grabs my waist. “You wouldn’t!”
“If you think I wouldn't, you don’t know me as well as you claim you do.”
“I promise I’ll be good, just don’t send me away again.” He pulls me closer, trying to break me of my facade. For him, I concede all too quickly.
“Fine. But I was told to come get my man, and I would like to bring him home now.”
“If you keep calling me your man you can bring me home anytime you feel like it.”
I roll my eyes and start to walk away from the platform.
“Shut up, Peeta.”
He takes my hand as we start up the hill towards the Victors Village- toward home.
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littlerosette · 2 months
off of that one post you had mentioning Katniss and Peeta hashing everything out im a big fan of both of them having an “are you a fucking idiot” moment with the other, katniss because peeta always thought Gale meant more than he actually did and peeta because katniss thinks she’s a horrible person he doesn’t love anymore
oh totally. i think (if this hypothetical situation were to happen) katniss’s relationship with gale would need to be addressed because peeta always assumed he was the one she really loved. and, admittedly, katniss wasn’t great at clearing that misconception up with him. unless she does that, peeta (in his infinite self-deprecation) is going to see himself as the one she just “ended up with” as opposed to someone she chose.
for katniss, her self-loathing is inevitably going to get in the way of their relationship really developing because shes 1) going to assume that he still doesn’t love her and 2) is going to be afraid to love him openly anyway because she loses everything dear to her. this is why i love this hypothetical blow up because it puts everything they’re feeling on the table. katniss has to be confronted with the fact that he does love her, irrevocably, and always has and will, and peeta has to get it through his thick skull that anything she had with gale was pursued mostly to avoid the intensity of her feelings for peeta + a sense of obligation. he’s someone worth loving.
(after this, i assume they make out + we get real or not real)
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Peeta's turn!
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Parenting The Parents
Peeta kicked a pebble with his bad leg, leaning against the wall of the bakery, watching Katniss pace in front of him. He knew she needed to move to evacuate her frustration, her fears and her irritation but he was happy to stand still and kick wayward stones. And if he was scowling, well…
“It’s bad this time.” he commented once he was sure she was ready to listen to him.
“No shit.” she grumbled. “She was tossing his things out of the window!” She stopped pacing and shook her head. Her long dark braided hair bounced off her shoulder and swung at her back a few times… “There were people watching down the street!” She lifted her hands and let them drop back down with an annoyed puff. “It’s like she hasn’t been living here for ten years! People deal with their problems in private here. We don’t make a show for the neighbors!”
“I’m pretty sure ladies aren’t supposed to throw stuff out the window anyway, Katniss.” Peeta remarked with a small wince, folding his arms in front of his chest. “That’s why I say it’s bad. We need to… I don’t know… Hold some sort of intervention or…”
READ MORE on ff or HERE on AO3
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tecochet · 11 months
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mary jane's husband and his boyfriend
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spideymichelle · 11 months
shit peter parker would tweet unprovoked on a tuesday afternoon (norman beat his ass and mj broke up with him for the 20th time)
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felassan · 6 months
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[source (Senior Reporter at Kotaku), linked Kotaku article, two, 'FC 24's performance link', three, four, @/N7SeveranceDay (source of the last two images, "Account supporting BioWare employees laid off in 2023."), five, six, Polygon tweet, Polygon article]
"BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance" statement transcript:
“BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance On August 23 of this year, BioWare eliminated “approximately 50 roles at BioWare”. Following the layoffs, seven ex-BioWare employees engaged the services of R. Alex Kennedy to represent their interests, stating that the amount of severance offered was insufficient under Alberta common law. Counsel for the employees has attempted to reach a compromise that would avoid requiring lengthy court proceedings, but BioWare’s lawyers refused any offers to negotiate and settle out of court. The basis of Kennedy’s claim is that according to Alberta precedents and under Canadian law, these employees should be receiving approximately 1.7 months of severance per year of service they gave to BioWare. BioWare has now filed a Statement of Defence, which argues that the seven terminated employees are only entitled to two weeks of severance per year spent in service to BioWare, because of a contract provision that Kennedy says is not enforceable. The filing means BioWare will be taking these former employees to court rather than working towards finding an out of court resolution. The developers involved in the suit have expressed their disappointment: - “We are disappointed that BioWare prefers stalling and intimidation tactics to fair dealing with people who have given years, and in some cases decades, of dedication and hard work to the company.” - “We believe they are using intimidation and stalling tactics to try and get us to drop out. A lot of the more junior employees and those with families, who had more monetary pressure on them, could not risk waiting on a court case that may take many months more to resolve, and have already had to drop out.” - “At the time of the layoffs, BioWare offered us professional assistance in finding new employment, and an additional payment, but ONLY on the condition that we signed an agreement saying we cannot talk about any details of the settlement, and that we would completely waive any right to legal action or even to complain in any way about anyone associated with BioWare now or ever in the future. Tactics like that sure make me think that BioWare knows it is in the wrong.” - “Despite what they publicly announced when they laid us off, this process has been anything but empathetic, respectful, and communicative.” The latest BioWare layoffs were the third round so far this year, and many of the developers affected even in earlier rounds are still searching for work, though some have started to find new positions. Regardless of employment status, the members of the current lawsuit state they remain determined to pursue BioWare in court, regardless of their employment status: - “We strongly believe that if Dragon Age: Dreadwolf does not do as well as BioWare or EA wants at launch, there will be more, even larger layoffs. Therefore, regardless of our own well-being, we believe it is important to hold BioWare responsible and get a clear decision on what settlement amount is legal. We’re no longer part of the development team, so the best way we can help our former teammates now is to hold BioWare accountable and ensure that the next group who is laid off are not treated as poorly as we were.” November 7th marks “N7 Day”, which is a fan celebration of BioWare’s Mass Effect games featuring Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The developers involved in the lawsuit are hoping N7 Day this year will be a reminder to BioWare of the importance of loyalty to your crew, and hope fans can have a little fun and help express their support with memes and images using an #N7SeveranceDay hashtag. The ex-employees involved in the suit are all based in Canada and have an average of 14 years at BioWare.”
You can express your support using the hashtag #N7SeveranceDay.
Edit: [Part 2/update] [more on the Keywords topic]
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gurinpotte · 4 months
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love me in the snow, love me in the sun, love me, the beige skin among the flowers of red" ∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄∾⋄
Inspired in part by beloved Gravity, by @katnissmellarkkk and by Roi, by Videoclub! The song doesn't have the everlark vibes per se but the lyrics are so cute and very snapshot like. The fic is perfect, very natural paced and full of longing, 100% recommend!!! Please do zoom in for hi-res, gave my life and tears for this one 💖
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wildflowercryptid · 7 months
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❝ just you wait, florian... ❞
how we coping tonight, kieran nation?
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sketches by @bujomoss, @cherbearsz and @kidovna
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alwaysmypearl · 2 years
“You’re not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty?”
Okay so! I wrote a one shot about Peeta rectifying his D13 comment about Katniss not being pretty. I got this idea from a headcannon post by @paintedpeeta! It is longgggggg and soft. I hope you enjoy!
Katniss didn’t mean to get frustrated with him.
She really didn’t.
But, the weather in District 12 was particularly dry and sweltering. Not only that, but she didn’t catch anything in the woods. All the animals hid in the shade from the glaring sun. And increased time in the woods doing nothing gave her increased time to think.
To think about him.
Four months after the end of the war, they created a routine. Katniss finally gained the energy and the will to go back into the woods. When she was done, she would arrive home to the smell of fresh bread wafting through the entry way. While she showered, Peeta would plate the food and they would eat. During the day, they worked on the memory book, they talked, read books, and even played around with whatever new hobby supplies Effie sent in on the train that week.
Once they passed time till dusk, they would cook, eat dinner together, and retire to bed.
It wasn’t until a few months passed that they decided to share a bed again, agreeing that more sleep was worth it, even if they agreed that they were “just friends”- relearning themselves as “Katniss and Peeta” after a war that took everything from them.
But Katniss was beginning to get frustrated.
Some days, she was tired of studying his face, only for his gaze to flick away when he caught her staring. She was tired of him sliding his hands away when they got too close putting dishes in the sink. She was tired of being so, so, close to him- but feeling so far away. But other days, they seemed more in synch. Peeta would be more affectionate, light hearted, and teasing. On those days he would allow her to rest her legs on his on the couch, and he would lightly run his fingers up and down her calves. The lack of consistency confused her. Though she wasn’t positive that she would say it out loud, she knew how she felt for Peeta, and she wanted more. Finally, in a world without cameras or wars they could just be whatever they wanted; there didn’t have to be a weird air or confusion between them. But there still was. She couldn’t help but feel that maybe he had moved on. Maybe his gestures were rooted in friendship, and that his attitude of indifference or annoyance toward her in 13 had just stayed with him. Maybe he just stuck around because sticking around was the only way he knew how to protect her- and she knew he wouldn’t ever give up on that.
It got to the point where Katniss would spend all day wishing for darkness to come- which she had never done before- so that he would allow her to coil into the folds of his side and feel the warmth of his skin. Nighttime brought a certain surety for Katniss that she no longer felt in the day time.
On this particular day, one comment swirled around in her brain, over and over. “You’re not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty?”
The words weighed heavy in her brain, making her feel small and slimy, and convincing her that Peeta’s inconsistency was because he was too scared of being honest.
So after spending most of the morning sitting with her frustrations in the boiling outside air, Katniss was in no mood to talk to Peeta, let alone spend the day with him like they had been doing.
At breakfast, Peeta can tell that something is wrong. She hasn’t smiled at him once- and though he didn’t think she realized she even did it, Katniss and her soft smile coming through the door was what began his morning. She didn’t seem to be hurt, and he couldn’t fathom her having any bad interactions while out in the woods. Maybe she just didn’t feel well today. But he wanted to know. He knew Katniss was never good with words, but Peeta didn’t think that mattered. He just wanted her to be honest.
He decided to broach the topic between the loud, angry clanking of her silverware.
“Are you okay, Katniss?” She didn’t even glance in his direction.
“I’m fine, Peeta. Thank you for the rolls.”
He made one of her favorite breakfast delicacies- cinnamon rolls. Instead of scarfing down two and offering him a hug like she did usually, she rose from the table with a loud clammer, and began to wash dishes at the sink. That was usually a job reserved for him.
The war may have changed a lot, but Peeta Mellark knew Katniss Everdeen. And he knew something was wrong. And it was something he did.
Instead of finishing his own plate of rolls, he got up to follow her. If she wasn’t going to talk, he was going to try to make her feel better.
Peeta slid behind her at the sink and wrapped his hands around her waist. For awhile, he hadn’t noticed how she felt whenever he did that, but eventually he started to notice the slight shudder on her skin and the melting of her body into his own.
This time, he only felt the shudder and felt her stiffen to the likes of wood.
“What are you doing, Peeta?”
He nuzzled close to her ear. Katniss wanted to escape, desperately, before he lessened her resolve but his breath on her neck almost brought all of her thoughts to a halt.
“I’m trying to make you feel better. It’s so hot today, I was hoping you would just stay here with me. But you slipped out early instead.”
Katniss felt bad that she left him-she felt like she needed to soak it all in wherever he woke up in a particularly cuddly mood. But today was just not the day. Especially with the heat. And his warm hands burning into her waist. She wanted to turn around in his grip and hold his face, but she snapped instead.
“Exactly, Peeta, it’s hot. So get off of me.” She threw her hands in the air and he released his grip. She missed it as soon as it was gone.
“I’m sorry- I just want to be near you. I’ll get a cool cloth and we can just lay down in front of the fan together, how about that?”
Katniss immediately felt bad for snapping, but her bad mood persisted. Of course he was going to try to take care of her- it’s Peeta. But she was tired of whatever was going on, and if she wasn’t going to get answers anytime soon, she wasn’t going to let it persist.
“No. Stop trying to take care of me.” Katniss continued with the dishes and hoped that her hostility would convince him to at least leave the room.
“Of course I’m going to take care of you, what are you talking about?”
“No! You don’t need to anymore.”
“Katniss, seriously, you need to tell me what’s going on here.” Peeta tugged on her arm in an effort to get her to turn around and face him.
Katniss slammed a plate down and finally looked in his eyes.
“I don’t know what’s going on here! There’s no cameras here. You don’t have to pretend that you want to take care of me and start over with me.”
“Katniss I want to start over with you. I want to take care of you, why don’t you think I do?”
“I told you that you don’t have to pretend! It’s fine, I know that things are different now, okay?”
“Yeah, maybe things have changed a little, but-“
She cut him off. “But nothing, Peeta! You don’t even think I’m pretty, just admit it to me already!”
With the way those words cut into Peeta, you would have thought Katniss threw something. She hated the look on his face. The disappointment, the sadness, the way his broad shoulders turned slightly in.
“You...you think I don’t think you’re...pretty?”
“You told me as much.”
Realization washed over Peeta’s face and his shoulders fell even more as he remembered the retched days of District 13. The retched days where he struggled to tell the difference between the love of his life and the illusion of her the Capitol pumped in his veins. He didn’t think she remembered that day- when the venom that controlled everything spoke for him and commented on her body and her face.
“I didn’t think you remembered that.”
“Of course I remembered that.”
“It really hurt you, didn’t it?”
“I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter.”
Peeta shook his head and moved around the island to come closer to her.
“Yes, it does. You have to know that that wasn’t me in 13. Don’t you know that?”
Katniss wasn’t sure. Yes, logically she knew that her Peeta didn’t say that, but why did it still swirl around in her brain?
“Yes, I know.”
Peeta let out a small breathy laugh and rolled his eyes.
“You aren’t any better at lying these days, Katniss.”
This time it was Katniss that rolled her eyes as she stepped forward to move around him. Instead, Peeta caught her by the arm and trapped her, with her back against the kitchen island and his arms on either side of her.
As his blue eyes bore into her own grey ones, Katniss was speechless. She didn’t know how to say everything she wanted, and she wasn’t completely sure Peeta knew why she was upset in the first place. But sure enough, he did. Because Peeta Mellark knows Katniss Everdeen. That’s one thing she was sure of.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so...inconsistent. Im terrified of doing something wrong, Katniss. Sometimes I still feel like a mutt.”
Katniss interrupted him. She hated when he referred to himself as a mutt.
“You’re not-“
“I know. Sometimes I still feel like I am though. I already hurt you once, what if I snap and do it again?” Peeta lifted one hand to rub away the heat rushing to his face. “But sometimes I feel so warm and comfortable here with you that I just let myself go. Because at the end of the day, Katniss, this is all I want to do. I want to be with you, take care of you, build a life with you. I want to figure out what being us looks like after all this time and pain. But we have all the time in the world to figure that out, because it’s just you and me. So if you’ll let me, I’ll stop trying to hold back so much, and I’ll stay right here with you.”
She felt overwhelmed with so many sweet words. Peeta never lost his gift. Still, she looked him in the eyes and whispered “Always?” in confirmation.
“Always, Katniss.”
The hug he wrapped her up in was suffocating, and still felt so impossibly good as it did long ago. One of his hands came up to stroke the back of her hair, just like she did to him.
Katniss did not want to let go, but Peeta did, and he did so abruptly, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her back to look at him.
“I forgot something.”
Katniss let a smile creep on her lips.
“What, Peeta?”
“I think that you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world. Every moment of every day.”
As he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears, Katniss blushed.
His hand stayed pressed to her cheek, lightly grazing it with her thumb. They both stared at each other, not quite knowing what to do next. But Katniss caught his gaze flick to her lips, and she knew what he was waiting for.
“Damn you, Peeta Mellark! Just kiss me-!” Katniss was half laughing, but half serious. She didn’t even get to finish her sentence.
Katniss thought that their hug felt so impossibly good, but nothing rivaled the feeling she got as his lips moved against hers and made her feel like she was floating.
She felt him smile into her mouth and heard him say in a low voice,
“I thought you’d never ask.”
From that day forward, Katniss got kisses freely. And after every one, he would pull away from her and tell her she was beautiful.
When he greeted her after a trip to the woods, “Hello, beautiful.”
When she kissed him after he found a missing puzzle piece, or when they finally finished a board game that took ages, “You are so beautiful.”
When they finished an entry in the memory book, “That was beautiful, Katniss. Oh, and so are you.”
When he made her taste a new recipe, “Did you like it, beautiful?”
When he stroked her hair to lull her to sleep, “Goodnight, beautiful.”
And in no time at all, Katniss Everdeen really did feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, and Peeta Mellark would make sure it always stayed that way.
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littlerosette · 2 months
On the other side of all those angsty songs I have in my Everlark playlist I give you Daylight by Taylor Swift being the growing back together song 🥺
yes!!!😭 the lyrics are so them i’m going to cry
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thepastneverforgets · 11 months
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felt the need to sum up my feelings on a current fav crackship with a low rent edit.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Last week was so mean that you get some family fluff now.
The Very Bestest
The serious honking going on outside disturbed Effie from the grocery list she was trying to scribble down. With a sigh – and a very familiar annoyed thought for Haymitch’s choice of pets – she stood up and opened the back door to see what the fuss was about. When the geese honked like that, it usually meant they had visitors or that a fox or a cat had sneaked too close to the gaggle. Haymitch would never forgive her if she let a predator off one of his precious birds.
“Grandma!” a shrill voice immediately called.
She smiled even before she was properly out of the house – making sure to close the door to the kitchen behind her because the birds were loose and had a bad tendency to try and invade her house – her blue eyes immediately finding the owner of the young voice. And incidentally finding the source of the commotion too.
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mustasekittens · 5 months
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im just making shitposts like i cant stop laughing at my own shitty jokes
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xosiren · 1 month
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ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ᴊᴀᴄᴋꜱᴏɴ ᴅᴇʙᴜᴛᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴀᴛ ᴍᴏᴛᴏᴡɴ 25ᴛʜ ᴀɴɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴀʀʏ ɪɴ 1983
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