#pro level fanfic reader
orionsangel86 · 1 year
You know a fic is good when you are super invested in the story and get addicted to reading it even at really inappropriate times because the plot is compelling and you have to know what happens next but it’s also super smutty so suddenly you find yourself reading a super intense explicit description of rimming during your lunch hour in your office with your colleague munching on their salad in the seat across from you and you are just like okay then
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
I use to think I was so anal when it came to good grammar in fics. So glad to hear from others (here and other sources,) that it’s the norm to be turned off by bad grammar.
I think people should write in the way that is fun for them...
Just don't expect readers to care why the grammar or the formatting or the characterization or the [whatever] sucks.
As a reader, I might consume some serious dreck for characters I already love when I get desperate enough, but fic is still competing against pro media, my other hobbies, or a nap for my time.
If you look at fanfic BNFs over time, most of them have a decent level of writing craft. They may use it for what someone judges to be OOC woobie garbage, but unless they're an absolute genius at fandom's favorite flavors of idfic angst, the ones who maintain a following from fandom to fandom rarely fall down on basic writing skills.
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savoytrufflephd · 5 months
Let's talk about the title...
Having created this Tumblr for no other purpose than send HIUH (Hand in Unlovable Hand) asks to @thickenmyblood, I figured why not dedicate winter break to fic analysis posts?
So let's start with the title!
How could you possibly be here if you're worried about spoilers, but...
Hand in Unlovable Hand.
At first I was oriented toward the Mountain Goats song (“No Children”), you know how it goes :
I am drowning there is no sign of land you are coming down with me hand in unlovable hand
And throughout the fic's posting, lots of readers have been alternately finding Damen and then Laurent very hard to like (which was an awesome reading experience in and of itself because fanfic doesn’t always tend toward deeply complex characters). So the sort-of-toxic relationship view felt plausible (except I was always going for “appears-toxic-but-is-actually-true-love-and-totally-fixable” because this is make-believe anyway and it’s based on CP, so).
But now I’m thinking, what if the “unlovable” is actually about people who think they are unlovable? And what if that’s not just both Damen and Laurent, but also Nicaise?
So, like, what if what this little family actually has in common – even if Damen appears to have a very different history and Laurent has said they are too different – is their individual fears that no one will ever really love them?
Like Nicaise obviously doesn’t think Damen can actually love the real him and tries to be on his best behavior (even while pushing Damen’s boundaries). And Nicaise seems like he’s doing his level best to drive Laurent away, so that when Laurent eventually abandons him – as he fears - he can pretend that’s what he wanted anyway. 
And Damen has panic attacks about Maxime not because he gives a shit about Maxime but because he’s let Maxime represent the idea that Laurent never really loved Damen, but was just using Damen and moved on quickly and painlessly. And Damen had no mother and had a distant father and a resentful half-brother and he’s only just beginning to believe that chosen family can be real family.
And Laurent completely doesn’t get that Damen has this insecurity because he sees Damen’s life as so normal and charmed.
And, finally, even though our unreliable narrator thinks Laurent has always been in control of everything, including their relationship and entrance into the family formed by Laurent and Nicaise, Laurent’s insecurities (on nearly full display in Chapter 19) have been sprinkled throughout this fic like breadcrumbs.
In the original breakup:
“We’re different. We want different things.” Damen said nothing. The coffee was ashy in his mouth. Dry. “I’ve got Nicaise,” Laurent said, “and I can’t—this is not working. It was never going to work.”
In the overheard conversation with Ancel:
Ancel’s back is all Damen can see. His hair shakes from roots to ends when he tilts his head in Laurent’s direction. “I thought,” he says, slowly, “that you wanted different.” “I did.” “Ugh, Laurent, you’re giving me a headache. What even is the pro—” “I’m not,” Laurent says, louder than before. The shock of sound works like a slap, and Damen wants to move back into the hallway, to scurry to the other bathroom, to leave them alone, but his legs simply won’t take him there. “ I’m not. I’m still—you heard what Nicaise—”
In Laurent's interpretation of the breakup:
“You wanted out,” Laurent says, “so I gave you out.”
But Damen finds Laurent so loveable – and he didn’t ever really talk to Laurent about the effects his abuse – that he can’t understand how unloveable Laurent feels.
So I feel like they three are all so much alike (and so lost in insecurity) that now they’re all talking past each other.
But I also feel like when they come back together in the right way, the family will be so good for each other, damn it!
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amewinterswriting · 3 months
Things I've learnt from writing fanfiction
Done is better than perfect. We all love our ideas (at least at first) and want them to be as good as they can possibly be and we're brimming with excitement over the shiny new idea. But then we get bogged down in the weeds of actually writing the damn thing and practicality sets in. Fanfiction really taught me to lower my own personal standards and get the story out there. Even if that story is different to the original idea. And sometimes - not always, but often enough - it actually morphs into something I feel is better than the original idea, or at least different in a good way. All of my ideas respond to the characters and what they want to do, and that often winds up drastically different to the original expectation. Learning to embrace that and write it regardless helped me to actually make some progress in my ever expanding WIP folder.
Feedback will not always take the form you want/if you want to get a critique you're happy with, you might have to do it yourself. Fanfiction is great for getting eyes on your work - there is a pre-existing fandom waiting for content and if you throw it up online, especially on a platform like AO3, you will almost certainly have eyes on it within 24 hours. What you cannot guarantee is if someone will like it, kudos it, comment on it or give it any kind of meaningful feedback beyond "this is great, I really liked it". I know a lot of people throw fanfic up for external validation...I don't. It's always nice if I get feedback that points out an element that the reader loved, or gently points out a typo, but I don't actually expect engagement of any kind. Which makes every single kudos feel like a gift, and every single comment is a priceless treasure. If I want more detailed analysis, I purposely seek out my trusted friends in the fandom, with the idea that they know the level of feedback I'm after and know I'll take critiques in the spirit that they're intended. But that's a relationship built on trust and mutual respect and takes time to cultivate. If you want immediate analysis, you need to put on your critical hat and do it yourself. You are always going to be your own worst critic - you know what you intended and how you might have fallen short of the mark. So be kind with yourself and let yourself embrace the things you did do well, too. Look out for the happy accidents.
Taking risks and writing outside your comfort zone. When writing original fiction, you might shy away from writing styles or scenes you have never written before. Commonly, things like smut scenes, action scenes and experimental sentence structures feel too 'risky' to attempt for the first time with your own original ideas. But fanfiction can be a great vehicle for experimenting with unconventional writing choices in a lower stakes way. Fanfiction gave me the confidence to write smut (and I'm damn good at it, if I do say so myself) but also a reason to write a football match (never again, way too many moving parts and characters, would literally rather write an orgy). I wrote a first person descent into immortal madness that started eloquently and ended with the character only able to form single, simple words. I could experiment with writing in first person, in third person with an omniscient narrator and in third person with a close perspective and work out the pros and cons of each for the stories I wanted to tell.
Learning to analyse characters and subtext. One of my biggest strengths when writing preexisting characters (in my opinion) is being able to nail the character voice and motivations. I'd love to say there's a trick to it, but it's just a lot of analysis of the original media and reading between the lines. Working out what we actually know about the character, then what we can assume or guess based on the interpretation of that knowledge. An adult character who adopted a surrogate father figure in adulthood and never speaks of their birth family probably didn't have a great childhood, though the exact reason why might be conjecture (and a great idea for a fic!). A forgotten hero who willingly succumbs to a curse in order to go somewhere familiar must be quite lonely, and is simply seeking to return home, even if it destroys him. Once you understand why a character has done a thing, it's quite easy to find reasons why they might do any number of other things. As long as you can justify why, you can push a character quite a bit further than you might imagine.
Writing for an audience might surprise you. Most of my fics are in very small fandoms. Or a very small niche in a larger fandom. (I genuinely think I have one of the longest fics in a given fandom. Which admittedly only consists of about 30 people worldwide.) So I never really expect much attention and it's just a nice happy accident when I do get anything as simple as a kudos. That said, some of my fics get patterns of kudos that are really interesting. I will often get kudos out of the blue from the same person on everything I have written for a specific rare pair (so rare in fact that I believe I'm one of 2-3 people to ever publish anything for it) - likely a curiosity click that turned into 'wait, I actually ship this now, dammit'. I have a couple of stories with a specific pairing that consistently gets new attention every time there is a big bang or mini bang for that pairing, despite me not being involved in either of those events. Lately, I've had a single guest kudos per day on a little OT3 piece consistently for the last few weeks. Which probably either means someone keeps coming back with different IP addresses every day (which is really flattering) or that this fic is being shared around a friend group, one link at a time (which I love the idea of, someone reading it and then knowing exactly who else would love to read it and it continues to be passed around).
Formatting for ease of reading. Different mediums are read in different ways. Fanfiction is predominantly read on smartphone screens, in my experience. So learning best practices for formatting web text is useful: frequent line breaks, allow text to be dynamically readjusted by the web browser, if you are embedding images make sure they can also dynamically adjust otherwise readers are zoomed into the top corner of the image and have to scroll left and right to piece together the entire work, etc. But fanfiction (and web-based media as a whole) also lets you experiment with things that wouldn't be seen as acceptable in a novel. I've recently published fic that changes fonts to indicate the text written in a letter, and managed to assign different characters their own font to imply characteristics visually (if you do this, try to limit yourself to the most common webfonts around as these are only visible if the reader's browser has these fonts installed). I'm toying with the idea of a future fic - which is all entirely written via the medium of letters between characters - to be entirely visual renditions of the letters to include interesting environmental details like blood stains or scratched out words or torn edges, but I would definitely want to include image ID for people who use screenreaders or struggle with certain fonts.
Pst, if you enjoyed this and want to throw a few coins at my Ko-Fi, that would be very nice and would support me rambling on about other writing topics or getting more of the actual writing done!
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writercole · 1 year
Update Update Update
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Okay sue me, I like that New Orleans view.
Let's talk, besties! Here's what's going on with me.
Feeling a bit of a burnout with writing. Don't misunderstand me - I'm still writing. I'm just chasing different stories right now.
Most of you guys know - I've been really open about this - that I've been struggling to find a job for almost 2 years now. Well, I finally got an opportunity. It starts training on May 1 but I'm pretty...skeptical because I've been screwed over so many times. I should note that there is nothing that suggests that this is a screwover but I'm just pessimistic at this point.
That's going to do one of two things - either I'm going to be writing a lot more or a lot less. I'm hoping it's the former.
I have like 100 stories in development currently and I get more and more ideas every day. Some of these are fanfic, some of them are probably going to be publications. Keep an eye here and at @coleslibrary for any updates or new publishing announcements.
My first three books are all available on Amazon currently and the next one will be there as well. I'm going to go ahead and say that instead of minor rewrites and name changes, this next one, the rewrite of Sounds of Someday, is going to be a whole new story. The basic plot will stay the same but so many details are going to be changed that it's going to read as all new.
Master lists are going to be posting throughout the next month. Mostly actor specific ones that I've been having in my drafts for far too long. They will be updated accordingly.
Most of my upcoming stuff will be collections - stories set in the same universe that don't have to be read together and contain multiple main characters. The first of those is my country club collection - A Drive For Love - starting with Golf Pro Bradley Bradshaw.
Last year I promised a Dad!Jake series. Well, good news on that front. I'm about halfway through writing the series. You'll Be In My Heart should be debuting in the next month or so. It does have to go back through my betas but each chapter will be a different POV and will vary in word count but will contain one scene. The FMC has been changed from a reader to an OC. I'm sure this will affect readership but I don't really care.
I think that's about it on that front. I want to send out a couple of shoutouts to a couple of people before I finish here.
First, @princessmisery666, Stacey, babe, I don't know what I'd do without you. You've become the Opie to my Jax, the level headed guiding light to my chaotic ways. Though you do encourage some of my more angsty ideas and I love you for that. I love you, period. I got this. 💞
To @ryebecca. You're my twinsie and my sounding board. You help my rational brain take over the emotional side more often than not and never make me feel bad for having a different opinion. I love you mostest.
To @imjess-themess and @blue-aconite. You two beautiful souls keep me grounded on days where I'm trying to dissociate all the time. I know you don't realize the things you do to help my mental state lately but just know that the two of you mean the world to me. I love you both.
@fuckyeahhangman. What can I say about your gorgeous face other than I absolutely love it like a cat loves sunshine.
@wildbornsiren My swamp gremlin. The amount of times I've turned to you when I've had a bad day is steadily increasing and I am so grateful for your acceptance of my insanity. I love you!
And last but certainly not least @never--doubt. I know I say it all the time, but I'm so proud of you and so thankful for your friendship. You're like the little sibling I always wanted and I'm so happy that we found one another through this hellsite.
If you're reading this and you're not listed, fret not. I still love you. I just might have forgotten what your new URLs are.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Opinion on BNHA AU where along with Hero work, the students (and All Might) are also thought about methods of helping improving society, not just simply taking down villains?
I’m always in favor of incorporating more realistic practical lessons into U.A.’s hero course (though, we are limited to the first years; moreover, we’re limited to Eraser Head and All Might’s understanding of teaching, which you have to admit--isn’t totally locked down), but this often wars with my desire to suspend disbelief regarding Horikoshi’s worldbuilding.
There was this one fanfic that was like, really good about this without going too gritty/grim about the reality of a gamified pro-hero society. It was about 1-A (maybe 2-A, too?) doing some activity with the business course, where they learned how awful government red tape is when filing damage/insurance reports.
Anyways, off the top of my head, good (questionably legal) activities for 1-A to have done:
The Red Tape Task -- students are given a prewritten mock damage report, and a stack of blank insurance claims. Using the prewritten report, they will determine which insurance claims need filing.
Tartarus Field Trip -- students attend a tour of the Worst Prison Complex Imaginable. Because they are first-years, they stick to the top level buildings and only receive lectures about the security measures used to contain villains. The purpose of the trip is to give students some perspective on the consequences of being a hero. Yes, you will save people. But supposing the villain you fight causes too much damage before they are subdued, you will also consign people to actual hell on earth.
USJ Saturdays -- students rotate through the various disaster simulations within the building. You can tell so much money was invested into that facility, so you BET the teachers should be capitalizing on it.
Mandatory Volunteer Work -- if you’re going to be paid by the government, then you’re a servant of the people, and you should probably get to know who the people are. 
However, if by “methods of helping improving society” you meant, ‘deescalation training’ and ‘getting involved in public policy and administration’--they’re teenagers, your honor.
I’ll throw a bone into the discourse, actually:
I don’t know what readers expect 1-A to do with regards to answering the demands of Shigaraki Tomura, Dabi, and Toga. There’s no good answer that, say, Kaminari (much less Mineta) can give to the idea of rehabilitating unapologetic remorseless murderers. I don’t even know if there’s a good class that exists in a liberal arts college (Ethics 101? idk) that can guide teenagers into critical thinking re: villain motives and preventative measures.
Help improve society. What does that mean for a professional hero, who doesn’t even have the power to arrest a ‘villain’? Donating their money to charity foundations? Donating their spare time to civilian projects? Retiring to pursue political office? Isn’t that the equivalent of an actor running for governor, or a billionaire TV presence for president? (*cough* I’m not bitter about this at all)
Give 1-A the task ‘What can you do to help improve society, and lower crime rates?’ and they will point to All Might’s Symbol of Peace/Pillar of Society.
It’s no longer the right answer, obviously, but it’s the one they know.
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soursvgar · 1 year
maybe a fanfic where mc and levi go ice skating?
a/n: this is my take on a slice of life kind of fic ^^" nothing too emotional, just a cute scenario. my muse been kinda low lately so i apologize and really hope this came out to your liking ! ;;
Leviathan x gn! reader ; fluff, some very light mentions of insecurities
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
It's a cold, clear evening in the Devildom when the chilly weather makes you eager to try out a new ice skating rink you had recently discovered. As your excitement reaches a level where it becomes unbearable, you gush about it to the nearest ear in your proximity - Leviathan. When you suggest the two of you try it out together, he declines the offer at first, admitting that he had never tried ice skating before. However, after a couple long minutes of sorting out items on his wish list to bribe him off with, you manage to convince him to give it a try, promising that the two of you will have fun together.
Arriving at the rink, you pick up on Leviathan's body language hinting on him being obviously nervous. He sneaks a stare over to the rink, fidgeting with his scarf and looking around at the other attendees, as if he was worried about what they might think of him. You felt sorry to have dragged him out to a crowded space, not realizing the place would be as packed at these hours, certainly not with temperatures dropping in hell.
"Hey, it's okay." You place a hand on his shoulder, sending a reassuring smile his way. "We're here to have fun, you don't have to be good at ice skating to enjoy it." Leviathan nods, but you sense his hesitancy as you walk over to the rental counter to get your skates.
As the ice comes in contact with his tightly secured skates, Leviathan anxiously clings to your arm, legs wobbling and almost slipping over the thick ice. You quietly furrow at his tension, making sure your grip on him is gentle, yet firm enough to guide him safely. The two of you skate slowly, with you instructing him on how to balance himself; Despite you yourself being a beginner, it is important for you to provide him with reliance.
As you move around the rink, you notice Leviathan is struggling to keep up. He continuously slips and slides all over, letting out a frustrated sigh every time he falls, and primarily looking more and more discouraged with each misstep. "It's okay." You reassure. "It takes time to get the hang of it. You'll get there."
Leviathan only shakes his head. "I don't think I will. Perhaps I'm just not cut out for this kind of thing. I'm not athletic, or coordinated, or… anything, really." His head is hanging low, holding onto the sides of the rink for dear life. The despair in his eyes makes your heart wrench, you're unsure of what to say, but you know that you have to somehow lift his spirits and make this experience better for him.
"Hey, let me show you something I've practiced." You state before skating over in front of him. "Watch this." You alert, making sure his gaze is drawn to you as you perform a graceful spin, gliding effortlessly across the rink. Leviathan's eyes widen as he follows your movements, watching with a mix of awe and envy.
"How did you do that?" he questions, brows arching in bewilderment. "It's easy when you practice enough. It took me awhile to perfect it, and a couple sore tumbles onto the cold ice, but now I can pull off spinning like a pro." You shrug, grinning bashfully.
Leviathan seems hesitant, but also equally intrigued. You start by showing him a few basic moves, and slowly but surely, he finally begins to get the hang of it. As the evening continues, he is still slipping and sliding, but he also moves more fluidly on the ice, and even tries out a few tricks of his own. You smile as you spot a glimmer of determination in his eyes; He is no longer looking down at his feet, or skimming the surrounding, worried about what people may think of him. Instead, he is focused on the ice, mastering his newfound skill.
"Thank you for believing in me, even when I didn't believe in myself." Leviathan says, taking your hands in his own in order to steady himself as he skates towards you. "I'll always believe in you, Levi." You reassure, giving a soft stroke to the palm resting within your grip. "You know... whenever I say anything that's self deprecating, my siblings usually agree with it, and I end up being anxious of failure because if I can't succeed and prove others wrong, people will just keep having that same image of me." Leviathan shares, opening up about his insecurities. "I tend to quit too quickly if I can't master a skill right away." He admits, looking into the distance with a regretful expression. "Everybody makes mistakes, Levi. You know I think you're smart and incredibly capable of anything you put your mind to." Leviathan turns his head back to you. He remains quiet, but the hopeful gaze he shows you is enough to make you aware of how thankful he is for your words.
By the end of the night, Leviathan is beaming with pride. He had overcome his fear, smoothly swaying on the rink, and you can't help but feel exhilarated at the display of his newly instilled confidence. It is indeed a night of triumph and self-discovery that neither of you are going to forget. As you take off your skates and get ready to head home, Leviathan approaches you with a toothy grin. "Hey, do you want to come over to my room? I can sneak us some hot chocolate from the kitchen."
"Sure, that sounds great." You reply, feeling happy to spend more time in his company.
Settling in at his place, Leviathan pours you each a mug of the steaming beverage before claiming a spot next to you. The two of you huddle by the window, watching as snow begins to fall outside. The air in the room is peaceful, and you can sense that Leviathan is feeling content. You peek at his face, capturing the small smile he has on as he feels your eyes on him. In response, he leans onto you, allocating his head on your shoulder and nuzzling slightly into your neck.
"Thank you for tonight." He mutters. "I think I really needed that."
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fan-gyaldump · 1 month
Erased Part 2
Bakugo x reader fanfic
Well this is awkward.
Hi hello I forgot I had tumblr and I am very much sorry for ditching this completely. I know it’s taken me 5 years to post part 2 but I have returned hehe.
Content warning: alcohol use
Y/n ran.
She ran.
So fucking fast.
Every step she took was now her body being controlled by autopilot, unaware of all the people staring at her in confusion, but right now all she needed to do was get Kaminari off her tail and hide. However outrunning a pro hero is a lot harder than she thought, yeah he was better than her in terms of cardio but what he couldn’t get away from were all his adoring and devoted fans. He tried his hardest to say a quick hello but his priorities were literally slipping away from him.
“Chargebolt can I get a picture!” A young boy shouted at him, standing right where he could block him for long enough so that Y/n could get away.
“Uhh sorry kid I’d really love to but there’s something that I really need to do right now.” He rushed, guilt taking over him as he brushed him off in a way he never usually would.
Kaminari swore to himself as he lost sight of Y/n, he just had her! There was no way one kid could have made him lose track of where she was that quickly. Regardless he ran around the block anyway to look for her.
Y/n had ended up swerving into a side road that was in the complete opposite direction of her house. Incredibly inconvenient for her on a number of levels, not to mention the fact that she had used her dinner as a form of defence. Well aren’t I a fucking idiot, she thought to herself. She looked around the area she had found herself in, it was a humble little neighbourhood, not too busy compared to the high street she was on but she knew for a fact she had gotten away from Kaminari. Once she had relaxed from her adrenaline rush, she turned around and made her way back home.
Her anxiety had never been this bad before. The sweatiness of her palms and rushed breathing only made her feel worse about the whole situation that had just happened. She was in the middle of processing it all in her head, the whole ordeal replaying in her head like a torturous loop, all because her pride was too big from letting anyone from her past to know anything about her. Especially her ex’s closest friend. Maybe it wasn’t even pride, it might also have been the fact that she was too ashamed to face any of them, seeing her like this would only mean that she had hit an all time low.
But it was expected, these are the consequences that follow you for the rest of your life when you join the league. She did this to herself.
You idiot
That’s all she could tell herself.
But at least now she had a good excuse to go back home and get blackout drunk. However, this did mean that she would have to try and find a way to steal the alcohol.
Y/n didn’t believe in stealing for superficial things like alcohol or anything materialistic, she considered it lower than low. She could understand if someone was in a crisis and had no other means of getting food or water, that was excusable, but alcohol? She knew she had a problem.
Uraraka had planned a dinner party with all of her fellow heroes and ex classmates at her house, the last bits of her preparations were now finished, all that was left was for the guests themselves to arrive.
As expected Todoroki and Deku came on time, Kirishima, Sero and Mina arriving a little bit after them, Jiro and Momo both arrived at the same time. Naturally they all brought drinks and snacks with them to contribute to the evening.
Bakugo pulled up to the driveway, he parked his car behind Mina’s and sat in his car for a while. He initially didn’t want to go and was going to cancel but he figured that it would be good for him to socialise a little. He fixed his hair in his mirror, grabbed his things from his car and made his way to Uraraka’s door until he heard his phone vibrate in his hand.
His secretary Lena had messaged him. Again?
“Sir please make sure you lock your office door before you clock out. Bozo :)”
He let out a sigh of exasperation, regretting the fact that he had hooked up with her ONCE during a work party. Sure he thought she was somewhat attractive but that’s only after a few drinks. Other than that, he wouldn’t even dream of doing it again.
He replied, of course his response was dry but he couldn’t be asked to engage in any type of conversation with her. He just wanted to have a nice evening with his friends without his regret messaging him during out of work hours. He silenced his phone, knocked on the door and went in to greet everyone
Kaminari paced around the front of the house for 15 minutes. Bakugo had told him that he was unsure if he was going to go so he had hoped that he had just stayed home. The whole y/n situation had left him in complete and utter shock. He nearly had her. He touched her and saw with his own eyes that she’s still alive. Every unanswered question that everyone had about her was answered that afternoon when he made a split decision to grab some water. This really was a moral conflict like no other, on one hand he wanted to say something but on the other hand he felt that it would be unfair to Uraraka to ruin a dinner that was meant to be for all of them to relax and enjoy. Guilt and confusion filled him to the brim. Enough time had passed and he decided to just suck it up and go in, he had finally made the decision to not say anything.
He knocked on the door, shamefully of course since he knew he was the last one there. Momo opened it and greeted him cheerfully. “Well you took your time!” She hugged him and let him in to the house.
“Well look who the fuck finally showed up!” Mina shouted, her voice giving away the fact that she was already a bit tipsy.
Everyone cheered for the latecomer, now they were all excited that it was a full house and the party could go on as planned. Kaminari smiled and greeted everyone until he saw Bakugo standing by the snacks, face stoic as usual.
Oh fuck, Kaminari thought. This was the last thing he wanted. Seeing Bakugo there just made him nervous all over again. Reminding him of his moral dilemma.
“Shots anyone?” He asked, holding up a large bottle of Sake.
Y/n brushed off the small shard of glass that was left on her hoodie after breaking the door of the liquor store, she felt awful for breaking and entering someone’s shop but alcohol was needed in her desperate time.
Naturally she went for the strong stuff and treated herself to flavoured soju that was on sale before leaving the store.
She had her face covered the whole time but she still became paranoid about whether or not she did a good job of clearing any evidence that could’ve been tied back to her breaking into the humble, little liquor store. Deep down she knew she’d get away with it, the league taught her more than enough to commit any rookie crime that they would always do. That included how to leave no evidence behind and ensure that you were absolutely not gonna get caught.
“You should’ve gone for the strawberry Soju but hey that’s just my opinion.” A sudden voice spoke from behind her.
Y/n jolted, dropping a bottle. The voice was so unexpected she didn’t know how to react. But of course she calmed down after she knew who was talking to her.
She huffed and turned around to meet her stalker “hello to you to Dabi.”
“Oh yeah, hello Y/n. Long time no see huh” he smiled, “you know normally you would’ve punched me for scaring you like that.”
“Dabi please” she said, defeat in her tone. “I really cannot be asked for any of this right now.”
Dabi laughed at her teasingly, their dynamic was always his favourite. He pisses her off, she gets angry and he relishes in it. A routine he had missed since she had left the league. “Long day huh? I don’t blame you. Chargebolt is hard to outrun right.”
Y/n groaned, she rubbed her face to try and hide her shame. “Oh for fucks sake Dabi.”
He laughed at her again, seeing her so angry always made him feel good for some reason. Maybe he was just more sadistic than he thought. Either way he found it funny every time.
“Even after 3 years of not seeing you, you still find ways to drive me up the fucking wall.” Now she was visibly annoyed, the memory of that afternoon kept replaying in her head, what made it worse is that now she knew Dabi had seen it all.
“Oh don’t act like you don’t like it.”
“I can’t stand it.”
“Yeah whatever” he dismissed her. “Didn’t know you were such a drinker Y/n. Damn that’s a lot for such a small girl.” He approached her, grabbing her bottle of Soju and examined the bottle. “But I guess you were out of options right?”
“Anything to not have to put up with you assholes any longer.” She snapped back at him, quickly grabbing her bottle from him. She turned on her heel swiftly and began walking towards her apartment again. The sight of Dabi pissed her off, unlike Kaminari. She actually had the balls to face him with all the hatred in the world.
“Awww you don’t mean thatttt” his voice somehow became more annoying and irritating for her. “We had such good times didn’t we? All the killing and robbing and scheming? You’re gonna break my heart y’know.”
“Fuck off.”
Dabi reached for her hood and pulled her back harshly. Making sure she was facing him. Y/n scoffed and slapped his hand away from her.
“Dabi! I promise you I will fucking kill you right now” she poked at his chest and stabbed him with her finger.
Dabi laughed, mocking her attempt at being intimidating, they both knew if it came down to it, he could easily kill her.
“Relax bitch. I’m not here for you to talk to me like that.” He pushed her by her shoulder, asserting his strength to her. Something that she was already well aware of. Especially since her drinking had made her more sluggish and less active. Subconsciously she knew that should wouldn’t actually be able to do anything to him. “I have a proposal for you. Shiguraki told me to go look for you cuz it’s something we figured you would be able to do.”
“Tell him to suck a dick. I’m not interested in whatever scummy shit you guys wanna do.” Y/n wanted nothing more than to just get away and go home but now she had to deal with yet another inconvenience.
“Tell him that yourself. He wants you back, only because you’re the only one who would actually benefit the rest of us if you did decide to help.” He began to rummage around his pocket, y/n watched him carefully.
He pulled out a scrap piece of paper and a burner phone. Holding it out in his hand for y/n to take. She looked at him confused, unsure of what exactly he needed.
“The numbers on the paper if you change your mind. Call it and we’ll know that you’re interested.”
Y/n turned her gaze to his, unamused and very VERY pissed off, what exactly did this guy not understand by the words “fuck off”? She crossed her arms, making no indication that she was going to take the phone. There was no way in hell that she was going to go back to that life again. She wanted nothing to do with it.
“I’m not interested so don’t bother.” She left again, this time her pace quickened as to make sure that he wouldn’t be able to grab her again.
Dabi stood there. He put the phone in his pocket and watched her walk away. Little did she know, he was certain that she was going to come back sooner or later.
The dinner party was going so well. Mina was drunk, Kirishima was drunk, Kaminari was tipsy and everyone else was either enjoying the entertainment that the drunk guests were giving them or they were catching up to them slowly.
“Man I missed you guys soooo much.” Mina wrapped her arms around Midoriya and Todoroki’s necks and pulled them in for a very uncomfortable group hug. They all laughed and hugged her back in an awkward way.
“We missed you too. But it’s a good thing we get to see eachother like this again!” Midoriya smiled, pulling himself out of her grasp and fixing his shirt collar.
Momo went around topping everyone’s glasses except for Bakugo’s since he had to drive back home. Of course he was going to be the only sober one.
“Mina cool it. You’re gonna end up puking in the sink like last time.” Kirishima teased her, slurring a little as he spoke.
“NUH UH” she yelled in defence. “That was only cuz you gave me that god awful tequila.” She stuck her tongue out in disgust as she remembered that awful time.
“Please do actually. I’ll be able to film it this time.” Bakugo replied. Smirking at how embarrassed she became.
“One time people! One time!” Mina yelled, her cheeks became red from the booze and the cringe she felt.
“I wonder how the others are doing y’know” Sero asked, rubbing his chin as he thought about his fellow classmates. “Like Koda, mineta, shinsou. All of those guys. Man I miss them.”
Everyone agreed, their distinct conversation now was focused on their friends from back in the day. But not one of them brought up y/n due to obvious reasons.
“I spoke to Iida yesterday. He’s still the same as ever.” Todoroki spoke up.
“Yeah! And Tokoyami is abroad right now on some international hero course training thingy” Mina also said in between hiccups.
“I bumped into Tsuyu today actually! We were both at the same shopping centre by complete coincidence.” Uraraka chirped
“Oh shit yeah I saw Y/n today actually!”
Everyone became quiet
Kaminari realised after two seconds what had just left his mouth. But it was too late, everyone had heard what he had just said. Including Bakugo.
No one said anything, they couldn’t. All they did was stand there with shocked expressions, what they had just heard was something none of them were ready for. Poor Kaminari was in the hot seat with no way of getting any of the attention off of him.
Bakugo couldn’t believe what he had heard. For a split second he lost all sense of reality and thought he had made up what just happened. “The fuck did you just say?” He asked quietly yet firmly, getting up from his seat to be right in front of Kaminari.
Kaminari froze, he stuttered and put his hands up in defence yet he still couldn’t bring himself to say anything coherent. The only thing that left his mouth were a bunch of I’s and umms.
“Denki what did you just say?” Midoriya knew what he said but he had to hear him say it again.
“You saw Y/n?” Bakugo asked, his voice becoming more stern.
“Well. No but, um. Hey is that French wine?” Kaminari tried to walk over to the kitchen counter to grab the bottle when suddenly Bakugo grabbed him by the collar and yanked him towards him.
“Dumbass don’t you FUCKING dare! You saw her didn’t you!? And you didn’t want to say anything?!” Bakugo was now extremely livid, shouting right in his face whilst the others tried to get him to calm down.
“Where was she?! What happened?! Tell me EVERYTHING right fucking now Denki or so help me God I will kick your teeth in right now!” Bakugo began gripping his collar tighter as he tried to squirm out of his grasp.
“Katsuki that’s enough!” Midoriya yelled, he finally managed to get him to let go. Bakugo panted, his eyes fixed on Kaminari’s stupid face. So much was happening at that moment, he didn’t care that he had dropped both his glass and Kaminari’s glass on the floor.
Kaminari really messed up now. He knew he had no other option but to tell them all everything that had happened earlier that day. He just wasn’t ready for how things were going to unfold now.
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jokatsuya · 2 years
Would you mind doing a Sherlock fanfic where the reader is also a believer of love is a disadvantage but they do think that things can be better is they're together.
Quid pro quo
Sherlock x reader / Sherlock x G/n reader
Wordcount: 1126
Warnings: actually none
Summary: Check out the sweet request by Anonymus
A/n:  Hi guys, I'm so sorry that there have been no new stories for a while now, I've had a lot on my plate. The concept of the story is so good that I'm planning to release a second part at some point. If it's well received, it might happen sooner than I thought. So have fun reading and send requests should you have any. Yours JoKatsuya
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>>We should date.<< I mention casually as I'm about to get Sherlock's mess back under control. Since he's finally finished with this huge case about the Five Orange Pips, he hasn't once bothered to tidy up the place, even though it's to his credit that it looks like another bomb has gone off. I still can't understand how John has kept it here this long.
>>What do you mean?<<, surprisingly a disinterested voice comes from the kitchen.
>>Dating? Where two human beings often speak of each other as "my girlfriend" and "my boyfriend" respectively, with the possessive pronoun "my" indicating that it's not just any boyfriend that's meant, but the love partner? Something like...um...quid pro quo for both parties?<<, I reply amusedly, inspecting my laptop, which I have finally found again in this mess, as I hear long footsteps approaching me.
God did this man has a presence. I can understand why he has so many crushes, though...Sherlock Holmes is not necessarily someone I would date on his own. His character has both good and bad aspects. On the one hand, there's the complete lack of understanding of interpersonal relationships, especially on the romance level, the fascination with the morbid, which I can understand only too well, according to the cliché of the True Crime-loving woman, the somewhat 'passable' looks, and the frequent free takeout food he gets because of some favor. Stop (y/n), you sound like an adolescent psycho. On the other hand, he's really lousy when it comes to housekeeping, as well as the lack of understanding towards emotions per se and to be honest, the point about relationships I totally get, but that he's so persistent in resisting emotions, that gets on your nerves quickly and pisses you off completely at some point.
If I remember correctly, I recently read an article about him being single, which amused John and me so much that it put me in a precarious position again. In the end, according to Sherlock, the whole thing was just made up, which he had a hard time explaining to Mrs. Hudson, who was already completely excited about inviting a daughter of one of her old friends to a coffee chat. Sherlock was also supposed to attend, under false pretenses, of course, but who would be the great consulting detective of London if he didn't notice something like that right away. In fact, this scene was even more entertaining than the article that started it all.
>>Do you think I'm stupid? Of course I know w...<<, he puffs up next to me.
Without letting such a chance pass me by, I answer directly to this self-convinced question, which he didn't want answered with the best will in the world: >>Yes.<<
Indignantly he pulls his eyebrows together and opens his mouth in the intention now to throw me a cheeky answer, but in vain. I am faster: >>Mycroft sees it the same way.<<
>>What do I care about Mycroft's opinion. How much weight has he put on? No, wait. 4 pounds?<<, he counters with an admittedly mean line. Sure Sherlock was the more athletic of the Holmes kids, but Mycroft does his best. But put that aside.
Sherlock ignores me when I give him a warning look. He knows exactly that he shouldn't say something like that.
When he sits down opposite me, he examines me with attentive eyes, as well as hands placed together under his chin, which is as always very...intimate. With it I mean now nothing sexual, but alone the fact of it that he knows now with very high probability, for my taste, too much about me once again. Personal limits, I say only to it.
>>Henry?<<, he inquires a few moments later, whereupon he tilts his head a bit.
>>Who?<<, I question the simple name which to my knowledge is not known in connection with Sherlock. Henry..., Henry...oh.
>>Greg?<<, I now ask with amusement, unable to stifle a giggle. After a moment, it had finally occurred to me. Sometimes I'm not sure if Sherlock does the name thing on purpose, or really forgets what the inspector's name is every time.
>>He's going to blow his top over this someday. But no, not him,<< I say back, realizing that he has a very good idea of the reasons for my first thesis. A Sherlock Holmes will probably remain a Sherlock Holmes forever.
>>Who?<<, now he wants to be informed confusedly, before he disappears however before I can answer, again into his thoughts. After he has remained now again some moments in this rigidity, he looks up suddenly to me what lets me blush instantly guiltily. I feel his penetrating gaze wander over me. Suddenly, I hear a short sardonic laugh from Sherlock, leading me to look directly at him again.
>>John? Seriously?<<, he now asks amusedly, crossing his legs with extraordinary smoothness.
After a brief clearing of my throat, I answer him in a fortunately clear voice: >>Yes, but I don't have to tell you that, do I?<<
>>Of course not. What's in it for you?<< At this point I'm now completely sure that he found out about the whole thing with the bet between John and me, which had come about because of the article the other day. John lightly commented that it was just as unlikely that Sherlock would get a partner as it was that I would. He wasn't wrong about that, of course. Relationships are obstacles in life that can slow you down far too much. In short, they are a disadvantage, which I have known how to avoid until now. However, I can't give in so easily to a bet with John. As long as I can convince him to really be in one with Sherlock, it doesn't matter what's going on.
>>If I win, he owes me 50 pounds and an afternoon on his part with Anderson, if I lose, the other way around.<<, just the thought makes me cringe inside. Anderson can be really exhausting, although that is still partly an extremely kind description of the fact that he really thinks a lot of himself.
>>And for me?<<, the handsomely built man in front of me now wants to know, as he stirs himself up from the armchair with a swing and makes his way to the kitchen, apparently getting himself a cup of tea.
>>Um...<<, even though I'm going to hate myself for it, >>I'll cover your cigarette costs for a month and say nothing about consumption?<< Honestly, I can't stand the smell of cigarettes and healthy they are not now.
After some quiet grumbling on his part and a moment's thought, he finally replies, >>Agreed. I can't await John's defeat!<< He jumps delightedly in the air, clapping his hands.
Strictly do not: copy, claim or translate those stories of mine anywhere else
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aeide-thea · 2 years
there's context here but frankly making a real post abt this would require my brain to be in better shape so this is just the little orphaned scratchpad version, but like
everybody's always on about, like, fanfic is just an amateur peer community so we can't critique it the way we would Real Lit bc the power dynamic is different and everybody involved is tender and delicate
but like. how many readers have to Only Read Fanfic—which like, i have no actual numbers but anecdotally that seems like it's more and more of a thing—before it's like, actually fic has effectively grown up and become the Man it was imitating. also frankly plenty of BNFs *do* in fact have status and influence over their audience, like, yeah they typically are more *accessible* to their audiences than pro authors and if yr going to take advantage of that by addressing them directly it does in fact behoove you to treat them like an actual person rather than an Invulnerable Content Purveyor, as in fact you should be treating *everyone* you interact with on the internet despite all of our facelessness, but like
kinda feels like fic has in fact reached a level of visibility and influence with the reading population where this whole argument that like, it can do whatever it wants while we can't point at anything it's doing as being an issue in any way starts to feel a little dubious to me?
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nawcelest · 10 months
If you want fanfic with the level of specificity that you have described, you should probably try writing it yourself.
TVD ran from 2009-2017 and if nobody in the bonnie bennett fandom has met your fanfic criteria at this point in time — THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2023, SIX YEARS AFTER THE SHOW ENDED — they most likely won't start now, especially if you go around accusing them of being fake fans 🙄
Stop trying to shame people for liking what they like just because it's different from what you prefer. At the end of the day, Bonnie fans are all on the same side of wanting our girl to step into her own, find happiness and love with a partner who is deserving of her.
The issue isn't nor has ever been about fanfics not meeting my expectations or who is shipped with who or etc. The issue has always been the hypocrisy that certain "Bonnie Fans" exhibit but rarely to never gets called out on. I have seen fans complain about Bonnie being used as a witch on call for the Mystic Falls gang and how it was wrong and Bonnie shouldn't be a witch on call but then in the same breathe talk about how she should have gone to New Orleans and been an on call witch for the Mikaelsons and how it was racist she wasn't. They also make comments about her being a slave because she uses her power to save her friends but when you point out Davina and Freya, two white witches, play the same role those characters are never associated with the term slave but black witches are by the fandom. Mind you the people calling the black witches magical negros and slaves are pro POC or at least that is what they claim. Mind you those people don't use terms like magical hunky or slave for the white witches, just the black ones despite both playing the same role. These fans talk about the mistreatment of black characters by the writers, which to an extent yes Black characters were mistreated, but then go on to further degrade those black characters by using slurs under the guise of being supportive of them.
As far as the fake Bonnie fans comment they are absolutely fake Bonnie fans. Why? Because they claim they hate her writing, hating her the first 5 seasons because she was judgmental, say she was wrong for seeking revenge on Kai, say her clothes were ugly and so was her hair but then say they liked the character. If you don't like the writing of a character then you don't like the character. How often do you see those fans talk about things they liked about Bonnie writing? No just the superficial "I love her character" "She is beautiful" "She had great chemistry with Damon or other white toxic male". Rarely to never have I seen this from those fans.
Now I don't mind fans saying certain storylines could have been slightly improved. However when you want to rewrite the entire character you could never have been a fan of the character to begin with. If you want to get rid of a fundamental trait of Bonnie Bennett then she was never your favorite character.
Also not all Bonnie fans are on the same side. You can't claim she deserved better but then put her with Kai or Klaus and not address or downplay the trauma she experienced because of them. You also can't say the relationship makes sense but ignore the horrible crap they did to her and all the other reasons it doesn't.
Once again I want to point out I don't care who anyone ships but if you make statements like "Bonnie deserved better and the writers were racist for not putting her and Kai/Klaus/Damon/Etc. together" I am going to address why it wasn't racist to not have Bonnie date those men and how dating those men is not giving Bonnie deserved better. For those people who ship Bonkai, Bamon, Klonnie, etc. but don't make such claims and acknowledge the horrible things those men did to Bonnie, I have no ill will towards those people.
As far as not writing my own fanfiction. I have made it clear I am not a fanfic writer or even heavy reader. Nor have I claimed I am a better fanfic writer than others. My post have been addressing the hypocrisy of certain Bonnie fans and fanfic writers. Just as those fans call out the flaws of Julie plec work I have the right to call out the flaws in their work especially when they claim they are better writers.
I have way more I want to say and will in the upcoming weeks but my issue with certain Bonnie fans goes deeper than rather Bonnie is shipped with a toxic white male. It is how those fans treated Bonnie for most the series and how under the guise of defending her the degrade and belittle the character. It is backhanded compliments of "I like the character but her storylines sucked and her outfits were ugly". It is also how she gets thrown under the bus by those fans when it comes time to hold thier fav white character accountable. Its the "Oh I hated Bonnie for not undoing the gilbert device and almost causing Stefan and Damon to die. She was annoying until Season 6" or the "Bonnie was wrong for trying to hurt Kai and she is to blame for everything he did". These are the comments those fans make when you dig deeper and have deeper conversations with them.
It is even deeper than the show or Bonnie Bennett but the treatment of POC by fans across multiple fandoms especially fantasy ones. It is how those fans degrade the character for most of the series but then want to jump on the bandwagon of mistreatment of POC characters towards the end and they do it with back handed compliments. Those fans claim the character was boring, their storylines sucked and how they were dressed ugly but supposedly are pro POC characters. Also usually when they jump on the bandwagon it isn't because they cared about the mistreatment of the character of color but more so because they know calling a writer racist holds more weight then whining about your favorite white ship not getting enough screentime or their happy ending. So they use the racism agenda to tarnish a writers career while simultaneously being racist themselves not actually caring about racism.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
I wish I could post my fanfic but knowing how antisemitism disguised as "oh I love Palestine, that's why I'm reblogging disinformation, lies, antisemitic dogwhistles, and pro-Hamas posts about how murdering Jewish people is good!" is rampant in my fandom, I can't. My Jewish OC would just get me into hot water. I don't want to deal with the death threats and screaming madness that ensues when someone commits the crime of writing while Jewish, nevermind writing while Jewish and writing someone Jewish. I guess I could just not allow comments, but that really rips out the joy of getting to discuss things with readers, hear them say what they liked, hear their thoughts, etc. (To the person who's already typing a reply about how you don't need to see reader feedback and you would never be so stupid as to care about kudos or comments or hits: you're very special, love you big bunches.) It's kind of depressing that I can't just write and post something like other people. I just want to be able to do what other people can without getting a higher level of vitriol.
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not-poignant · 1 year
How do you feel about people writing fanfic of your Fae Tales verse and posting it on Ao3? I know some authors who post original work on Ao3 aren't comfortable with that all being in the same place. Also not reading fanfic is standard for professional authors in traditional publishing, but I've seen you promote fanfic for Fae Tales. So I was wondering what level of involvement with fanfic are you comfortable with?
Hi hi anon!
I feel awesome about people writing fanfic of Fae Tales and putting it on AO3! That's really really great, and we are lucky and fortunate enough to have a specific wrangled tag that people can use that makes it easy to find them as well! I am 100% always pro Fae Tales fanfiction, always, always always always. It is the very best thing in the world.
Your other question is a bit more complicated. It's a multi-part answer. There are two reasons I don't read Fae Tales fanfiction (which doesn't mean I never read it, but I won't read it if it falls under these categories). The first is if it's just squicky. There have been pairings written or content warnings written that I find very squicky and won't read for that reason (though I will still often kudos the fic because I love that it exists).
The second is if it's about content I'm currently writing that's canon compliant, so say if someone wrote a speculative ending to Underline the Black, I wouldn't read that. This is down to legality. The chances that someone is going to shaft me with 'you wrote my ending/my story and because you read my story pay me your Patreon money' is like 0.00001%, but having met some trolls via the internet and AO3, it's not nothing, so I don't touch those stories (but again, love that they exist). I have no problems going back and reading those fics after I've finished whatever I'm working on at the time that they ficced about.
Outside of that, I read Fae Tales fanfiction! I've actually left comments on some of it, kudos'ed a lot of it, and publicly bookmarked nearly all of it! If I get tagged into posts promoting it on Tumblr, I tend to promote or reblog them! I'm not just in favour of it, I do actively try to and push it to readers, including linking them on the Discord etc. It's a little harder for the stories that are suuuuper squicky (where even seeing the tags makes it hard for me to manage), but I'll still try. :D
So yeah, 100% okay with all Fae Tales fanfiction existing, it's an amazing thing! As to the reading it, I'd love to be 100% okay with that too, but squicks/legalities exist, but when they don't, I read em :D
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ciaraloves · 2 years
Hey ciara, *waves* um, you see, I have a tumblr and an ao3 and I'm in a dilemma as to if I should link my ao3 to my tumblr. (I'm desi and extremely privacy paranoid) I kind of want to and don't? I'm not sure what I'm asking for here, but any suggestions?
hi sweetheart!!
so you can be pretty private on both tumblr and ao3 in general. both sites don’t require any of your personal information to be shared publicly in any capacity which is great!
if you don’t want people associating your ao3 to your tumblr then maybe don’t link ao3 here.
but if you don’t mind people recognising that “hey X tumblr user also has this ao3 account” then really I don’t see any reason you shouldn’t link it!
in the end it’s all up to you, and what level of privacy and dissassociation between your “social medias” you want.
some pros and cons if this may help:
+ they’re both pretty private sites
+ you can be anonymous on both sites through “blog names” on tumbles and “pseuds” on ao3
+ if you’re a writer, linking your ao3 on tumblr is a good way to make sure your readers are aware you have one and upload on there. ao3 is much more user friendly for fanfic than tumblr
– there will be a definite association between your tumblr and your ao3
(oh lol that’s the only con I can think of heheh)
I hope this helped sweet anon! sending love always
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bloodgulchblog · 2 years
Why is Halo ao3 so bad?
It is my opinion that all ao3 is so bad, usually, but that's because I am a highly picky reader and it's rare that I truly vibe with most fanfics.
...Which is not to say that people who are writing fanfic I don't like have to or should stop. I leave fanfic I don't like alone. I'm only the way I am about Halo novels because they are pro work that has been paid for and my clowning on them is (I hope) harmless as opposed to kicking in the door and being an asshole to someone who's just trying to have fun in their free time.
But when I do browse for fic, it's just, you know. I have special eyes and need my brand.
My main Halo problems are: Ships I don't like (and frequently shipfic at all), TV continuity, crossovers in general but especially mass crossover fics that just have some Halo in them for some reason, stories that are not character-focused enough, and bad porn.
(Honestly, I cannot be surprised Halo AO3 is so full of fics about random characters doing action things because that's what a lot of Halo novels are like anyway.)
There's also just that I'm not in the mood to look for fic to read usually, I check to see if anything sticks out but it has to be a precision strike to something I want for me to actually do it. I'm trying to read a lot of books so I'm kind of busy!
For a Halo fic to really, really grab me it has to satisfy a certain level of lore compatibility (which has gotten really hard with time because now there is so much lore!), caring about the characters I am interested in reading about, and doing them in a way I find interesting (which means a lot of character focus and getting into their heads in a specific way). And a lot of people just aren't interested in what I'm interested in and like... I'm not paying them, so it's not like anyone owes me anything.
Except me.
I owe me things.
So I write them sometimes. And even when I'm at the helm writing it myself, I find that what I want from Halo fic is often hard to do in a way that satisfies me.
(I have some "in order for this to feel real, it has to hurt" and "I can think of thirty reasons this doesn't work and zero reasons that it would" things to fight with that often prevent me from having a good time when I'm doing things by myself anyway. A curse.)
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hotchs-bitch · 2 years
hiiii!! i saw your post and it made me wonder (bc i have absolutely no idea about the difference): is it different to post here, archive of our own or wattpad? bc maybe the problem could be tumblr, bc maybe people doesn’t want to reblog or comment here, but will have no problem doing it somewhere else? idk just having thoughts and thoughts hahah im sorry this is happening to yall :(
Hi anon!!! This is a really good thoughtful question, and I’ll do my best to provide an equally thoughtful answer.
In my humble opinion, as someone who has only posted to tumblr and ao3, each site has their pros and cons. (Yes I keep meaning to get wattpad oops)
Ao3 pro- the filter options make it easy to find work curated to exactly what you’re looking for, and filter out anything you don’t want to be reading. Also, bonus for it being a 100% fanfic website. As a reader, I believe that unless you bookmark it publicly, no one can see what you like/comment from your profile so that also lends some privacy when it comes to reading and supporting things you’d be ashamed of people knowing you’ve read (if that makes sense)
Ao3 con- it doesn’t bring the same level of connection that sites that feel more ‘social media-y’ might, so whereas friends might hype each other up on tumblr and reblogging is possible, ao3 is based solely off of tagging and hoping that someone searches up something along the lines of your tags. No external boost or support to get your work off the ground; it feels a bit more like it has to prove itself to get kudos
Tumblr pro- basically the opposite of ao3 cons. Reblogging and supporting other peoples works are a couple great things about this site, not to mention the connections that can be made because of it that might not happen on ao3. Follows and DMS are two features that aren’t on ao3 either
Tumblr cons- a lot of people treat this site like Instagram, where they scroll without interacting (this is the big one). There’s also all kinds of filter blocks, especially for nsfw content, that can make it harder to find particular pieces. When you reblog, it’s public; that means that if you’re reading the dirtiest and filthiest smut on the face of the earth and you’re a blog about how cute puppies are, your followers are in for quite the surprise when you decide to support your secret favourite author
Wattpad pros- again I’m not on wattpad, so I don’t know much about it. I’ve heard very good things about the line by line commenting feature, and that makes me think that interaction is likely to be better there for fics that people enjoy
Wattpad cons- you know what? I hate that you have to have an actual book cover to post. I think that’s really annoying. Also I don’t know enough about wattpad to d factually give you any other cons
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