#punk flower
You always have the best thought out and researched Hobie takes, so I have a punkflower question for you. How does Hobie respond to his boyfriend's father being a cop? I feel too many fics and creators tend to brush it under the rug. How do you think that situation would pan out?
Miles, Hobie, and Having a Dad In Blue
[I'm gonna be transparent like Miles - there's no open romance in this. This is mainly a short thing about Hobie helping Miles heal from the pressures of his family - just wanted to give a heads up so no one gets to the end and gets disappointed lol]
Honestly, when I think about it -
I think Hobie's first reaction would be more about Miles, than it would be his own feelings.
Like I don't think his first thought would be 'ew' or 'that's horrible' . I think automatically his first thought would be -
'That makes a lot of sense'.
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First thing that pops into his head.
Hobie and Miles come from two very different universes, and the ways they handle their shared identity of Spider-man is really different too.
We hear it directly in Hobie's introduction - He's NOT a Role Model.
But earlier in the movie, Officer Davis' biggest gripes with Spider-man - with Miles - is that he is not enough of a role model.
Miles is trying his best. He wants to be a good hero for his dad's sake - knowing one day the cat will be out of the bag.
That's different than Gwen and her father. Her father already knows GhostSpider as a murderer, and there's no reversing that. Gwen knew her father would never accept her - so she hasto keep it a secret - in definitely.
She'll never be a role model to her father - and she's not trying to be anymore. That's Gwen's arc.
An arc Miles hasn't gone on yet. He still wants to be a role model. He wants his dad to idolize and like Spider-man because he doesn't plan to keep it a secret indefinitely.
Unlike Gwen, he wants his father to know who he is.
But he can't - he still feels like he has something to live up to - a code of honor he feels he isn't reaching.
Miles wants to be good enough.
So Hobie sees him going through this struggle all the time, of wanting to be like Peter, wanting to impress his dad, worrying about telling his parents. And not knowing the source -
And then Miles is like "OH By the way, my dad's a cop."
I feel like it would just click for Hobie. He'd be like "That makes a lot of sense, if I'm being honest."
If anything I think he'd feel for Miles first and foremost. That's what Hobie does.
He'd immediately see Miles, and the effect his dad has on him, in both good and bad ways. His dad helps Miles strive to be better - but that also leaves him feeling guilty and alone.
I think he'd go on to be like "That's gotta be tough. Is that the reason why you X, Y, Z?"
And Miles - Poor Miles probably wouldn't even pick up on this until that very moment. Having Hobie say to this him would probably leave him a little shook.
But it'd be SO relieving.
Gwen and Miles don't talk about their family. Gwen isn't a talky person. Miles doesn't really have anyone to talk to about his family dynamic or his situation at home.
Like even Miles!42 - His uncle Aaron KNOWS he's Prowler. Miles doesn't have that support.
And then Hobie would give it to him, and be like 'I understand', 'That must suck', 'You don't have to be a role model, you just have to be yourself.'
Hobie offers that support all without Miles asking - (Miles is finna cry)
All because Miles having a cop as a dad immediately explains a lot of the struggles he's going through. And Hobie can see that. It makes him frustrated and he'd want to at least be someone Miles can talk to.
Like police corruption and oppression aside, living in the shadow of someone with a black and white view of right and wrong, or good and bad, sucks.
Growing up under someone who abides by order and swears by it SUCKS, because the world in unorderly. The universe is.
Hobie knows this. Him meeting Officer Davis however is a whole thing -
Honestly speaking, I'd think he'd look at Miles dad with pity. Like 'Damn you're a good father and a good husband - but you're a cop'.
He'd probably turn up to the cookout, make himself and his views known (not changing the laces) and if Miles' dad really finds a problem with them he can ask.
Hobie will happily tell him "I'm not from here. The place I'm from is a lot less nice and a lot more corrupt than this one. What I did ain't fun - but it was in the name of liberty. I guess you know all about 'defending liberty', don't you? You wear a blue uniform to remind you. I wear blue laces."
Because it's the truth. Hobie will say that shit without blinking. Standing there like
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'Now is there a problem, officer?' Just because he wears blue laces DOESN'T mean he lacks a moral code.
Hobie has a moral code. A VERY strong one - and simply in the way he carries himself, you can tell that he's committed to that code.
Maybe even more than Officer Davis. They have two different moral codes, but I'm sure Miles dad can identify on sight - and respect - 'We both are the type to stand by what we think is right'
Because by Hobie not changing himself, he's showing that he won't bend his morals for Miles' family. But there's differences in the way they operate and that's okay.
I think Hobie learning about Miles' Dad would
Bring them closer together. For the first time Miles has words and reason behind the pressure he feels. Why he looks up to his dad and is annoyed with him at the same time. Hobie would catch the connection right away, and open the discussion. And Miles is open to talking, we see it in their scene before Miguel's office. I think having that outlet would help Miles SO much. I feel like he'd become more confident over night. Hobie telling him there's no rules or laws or academy when it comes to being Spider-man. There are certain circumstances where the police just can't help. That's what Spider-man is for. To go above and beyond the black and white authority society has created. It'd be so liberating for Miles.
Garner some respect between Officer Davis and Hobie. It kinda sounds backwards. But lets be honest, if they're at the dinner table and Officer Davis asks about one of Hobie's political patches - he's gonna tell him what he thinks straight out. Hobie's wearing a 'Dearm the Police' patch and Miles' dad asks about it - Hobie's gonna be like 'Yeah, they don't need those weapons. The lot of them are already weapons themselves.' And of course Officer Davis is gonna want a conversation about it, and Hobie loves hearing himself talk. But it never gets heated. It's them going back and forth dropping these huge points and citing examples and bringing up theoretical scenarios. It's just - THEY KEEP TALKING. Rio is like 'Hun, please your food is getting cold.' And Jeff is like 'One second - *Turns to Hobie* In 1983 there was a court case about a cop- *continues his long as counterpoint*' What even more interesting - HOBIE HAS A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HISTORY THAN JEFF. Yeah, all those cases in the 70's that Jeff was a baby for. Yeah, Hobie was there and a teenager - the equivalent of cases still match up. So Jeff is debating at the dinner table with a dude who is technically older than him - but he doesn't know that so Hobie keeps catching him off guard with that SMUG ASS GRIN Miles is sighing under his breath like 'Hobie COME ON let him win PLEASE' So for Miles, and ONLY MILES, Hobie lets it slide. Until Jeff turns on the TV. And the first thing they see on the screen is s report about politics and NOW THEY'RE BACK AT IT AGAIN FUCK Hobie pointing at the screen like 'Case & Point, m8. Thats exactly what I mean!' Fuck outta here, Hobie will debate till the cows come home.
It'd help Miles and his dad a lot Officer Davis would probably be left with a HUGE amount of respect for Hobie. Because yeah he looks like a delinquent - to someone obvious trained by the system. But Hobie knows his shit. He knows how to maneuvour in conversation, how to pick peoples brains, and understand their reasoning. He GENUINELY wants to have a conversation. Because he genuinely believes he can back himself up in a calm and logic way. So why not talk about it? After Hobie leaves there would always be a silence - and that's because yeah they went back and fourth for 40 minutes, but Hobie ALWAYS leaves you with something to think about. Or consider. Or re-evaluate. Honestly Miles has NO idea what his dad thinks. Usually his dad would be ranting still - but he looks more thoughtful. Just replaying the discussion he had with Hobie. Miles might ask his dad what he thinks - but his dad might say something vague like Officer Stacy did - call him a 'piece of work' It isn't until later when Miles' dad knocks on his door that he realizes how much Hobie has an impact. Even if his dad didn't know about his secret identity - I think he would see how much his police training effects his home and Miles in specific. How much pressure that can put on someone. Officer Davis would replay the story Hobie told him of the unnamed girl whose father shot at her. And he'd consider how anyone could choose their badge over their kid. Maybe he has a discussion with Miles, apologizes for the pressure he puts on him, telling Miles he's proud of him.
And Miles would know it's all because of Hobie. Because Hobie cares about him and Hobie knows how to approach people, all type of people.
Officer Davis would KNOW how Hobie feels about cops. And he's know why. He'd at the very least understand Hobie, or respect him. Hobie would make him realize - 'Oh hey, you don't have to be a role model to be a good person'.
Because Hobie Brown is NOT a role model. He's something better.
That's just how I see it. I think Hobie is a great mediator tbh. It's his strongest talent. It's the reason why Miles trusts him to much to begin with.
ANNNDDD As per usual if you made it this far - THANK YOU!!!! The gift shop is to the left. As courtesy here is a photo of Hobie with a bonus photo of Miles that I think is really really funny.
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I don't know why that photo of Miles is SOOO funny to me- I think its the fact his hands are in fists his expression is so unreadable IT LOOKS LIKE HES ABOUT TO SOCK ME IN THE MOUTH Im in legit tears laughing at that
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silent-raven13 · 8 months
Miles? MILES!
Miles went out to spot Pav and Gwen on the top of the building, he smiles: Phew, you guys are here!
Gwen: Yeah, made it on time. So what's the plan for tomorrow?
Pav: Do you have the sketches for Hobie's guitar?
Miles: Yeah, I was able to take it without him noticing.-Doing the peace sign with a big smile on his face. He handed Gwen the guitar and sketches- Take it to Lyla so she can design it and fix it up.
Gwen took the guitar and sketch design: Wow, this is amazing Miles. I can't wait for him to look at it. Pav, you bought the new strings?
Pav holds the packet of expensive guitar strings: Yup! You got the pick?
Gwen: It's almost done. I need to pick it up on the way, and give it to Lyla so it can be modify to handle traveling through the multiple-verse.
Miles smiles: Great, I'll keep him distracted tomorrow with a mission and we'll meet up on my place on top of the roof. My parents are already planning to decorate the place. And his bandmates?
Pav: I spend a two weeks on graveyard shift for Miguel to give us a day passes watches for Hobie's friends to come by and enjoy the party.
Gwen: Good! Thanks, Pav! Me and Miles were busy with our jobs lately. -She sighs being exhausted-
Miles check the time on his watch: Oh man, I've got to get back before Hobie realizes i'm not in bed! -He quickly said his good byes and rushes to his place-
Hobie woke up from his bed being dazed and confused his Sunflower wasn't around: Miles? -not a sound, he became worried!-
Hobie shouted: MILES! -🥺-
Miles quickly pop out of the bathroom wearing his boxers: Hey bae, sorry. I was in the bathroom!
Hobie: Why did you leave me?
Miles: I had to pee. Come on, let's go back to sleep. -They tuck in bed together falling in each other's arms. Miles can't wait for tomorrow!-
(It's a popular meme on TikTok from the Cleveland show. So I used that idea)
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hobiebrown-forreal · 9 months
nothing compares
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spid3r-trans · 10 months
playlist as promised
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bbyteach · 4 months
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Uhhh sooooo NYC 80’s punk scene AU where ed used to play in bands when younger but not anymore & runs a popular venue and is totally burned out on the scene. Until a blonde weirdo wearing pastels started coming to shows there and he had to understand what is going on with this guy?? And the guy wants to learn more about this world and Ed confused but ends up having more fun than he has in ages??
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things-from-strings · 28 days
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punkeropercyjackson · 23 days
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Hobie wouldn't use that wording because jamaican-cockney but the energy is the same and this is my way of combating 'Hobie is classless jerk to Miles and Gwen's a pure angel because uuuuuuhhhhhhh boy and girl,i prommy it's a gender stereotypes thing ONLY and not a race one'
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honeysweven · 8 months
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That’s my swamp, I don’t know you!
I painted this and thought it might be appreciated here
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dpshemma · 9 months
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Is his turn to get a rose too
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simply-1-thought · 10 months
I wanna change Chai Punk Flower for Pav/Hobie/Miles to Punkflower Chai because that way it sounds like it's tea with punkflower flavor
Does that make sense I feel like it makes sense
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silent-raven13 · 8 months
Miles and Ganke!
(FYI still Punkflower. This about Miles' and Ganke's friendship and jealous Hobie! Buckle up, ya'll this is a long chapter!)
"Hey, Ganke! You ready for some All you can eat sushi!" Miles came ran up to his best friend. The two been so busy with their lives, they haven't had time to see each other. Normally, they always text, or send out videos from their social media from time to time.
Sometimes they play video games together, or do small FaceTime to talk about anything on that day.
Today, Miles and Ganke had time to enjoy dinner at this new All You Can Eat Sushi restaurants called Too Many Sushi! A popular place for college students around the area to enjoy sushi at a good price, everyone said good things about the place. Since Ganke and Miles are a fan of sushi, they had to try it out.
Miles wore his Nike gym outfit; a loose Yoga black tank top with his tight sports leggings all perfectly combine with his Panda Jordans. He looks slim and fit having lean muscle that look so appealing that people would look at his rear to see how well tone he is. His thick thighs looks great with those leggings. Some curious fellows were looking at Miles' bright smiles as if the sun was in the room, his septum piercing giving a daring attitude on his face. Even with those tattoos on his right arm.
"Hey, Miles!" Ganke went up to his best friend to give him a side hug.
Ganke wore his preppy outfits: A white collar shirt with a light sky blue knitted vest and some kaki slim pants and white Yeezy shoes. The nineteen year old had been working out over the years, so his shirt and vest look a bit fitted on his upper body. Even his hair styled in a slick back messy spike style, wearing his large square glasses still looking boyish with his round face.
The people around them gawking at the two handsome young men looking so adorable as they hug each other. Something about those two had this beautiful glowing sparkles. "Are they together?" One woman asked her friend feeling her cheeks blushing at the supposed cute couple.
"I dunno, but they look like it." Another answered.
Even the men couldn't help but be awestruck at the two. "Those two are like the perfect duo! So noble and loyal!" One said to his friend being dramatic.
"Huh? Dude, it's not that deep..." Then one saw Miles handsome face, having to blush, "I mean, the one with the panda Jordans look hella fine."
"Dude, what da fuck? You're straight!" The guy looks at Miles' rear, "But he does got a nice ass..."
"Bro, and you were shitting on me?" The friend shouted at him.
Miles and Ganke weren't aware of the group of people staring at them, since they were busy talking about their busy lives. "Two, please." Ganke said to the hostess in the restaurant.
"Right this way!" The Hostess said seeing at the two being so cute together. "Wow, so adorbsss!"
"So how's your engineer classes? I heard you guys had some intense projects with that professor." Miles asked as they went to their booth. The hostess handed their menus seeing the two seating across from each other.
"Your waiter will be right with you in a bit." She said with a smile on her face.
"Okay, thank you!" The two said in union making her awestruck by their cuteness.
"They are even more cuter when they talk together. Ahhh!" She happily walks away.
Ganke explained, "Yeah, it's been hell, man. I don't get why he keeps giving us project after project. It's annoying. I haven't slept in three days from this recent one." He looks at the menu.
"Yikes, man. I feel for you. Hope, you're not drinking those fowl ass energy drinks." Miles took napkins from the dispenser and packet chopsticks from a cup handing one each to his best friend.
"Guh?" Ganke winced being caught from his friends' words, "Me? Drinking energy drinks? When?" He casually lies having to sweat bullets. That's one of his bad habits he needed to stop, he loves drinking Monster energy drinks whenever he can, sometimes he drinks four a day. Since, Miles dorm with him through out all high school, he was able to stop Ganke from drinking so much.
"How many?" Miles crosses his arms with a pout on his face.
"It's not a lot." His friend drag his wording long as he fixes his napkin and chopsticks to his right side.
"Like six a day." His Korean American friend boy his head in defeat.
"All three days?" Miles asked.
"Each day." Ganke groans being too honest, he's not a good liar. Not to mention, Miles got his mother's eyes that can read anyone's lies.
Miles' honey brown eyes widen in shock, "Dude, what the fuck! Those things can kill you! I knew, I should've dorm with you! But nooo, you wanted to be your own man."
"Are those two bickering? That's so cute! Awe, look at his cute boyfriend scolding him!" Everyone near the two would watch or glanced over hearing the two's conversation. They couldn't help but admire their cute relationship.
"The one with the black tank top is so cute! Look how he lectures his baby." One girl said to her friends in one table.
One of the college girls leans over with her camera, "They are so cute. I need a pic on them to show my friends or maybe my inspiration for my new BL series."
"Ohh, yeah! You just finished your Hearts 2 Luv manwa, huh?" Her other friend giggles at her brunette friend being a BL artist.
"Yes, and this couple makes me want to write another explicit BL." The artist spoke with a white mask covering half her face as she almond shape eyes were on the two. "Hmm, who would be top?"
"It obvious the Asian guy." The brunette with pale skinned giggles.
"I think the other guy is a power bottom, have you seen that ass." The Latina said to her friends as they saw their waiter coming to them.
"Hmm, I like that idea." The BL artist smiles under her mask, then remove it when the waiter placed their drinks and took their orders. Her dark eyes on Miles, "He looks like a Sunflower and the other guy has a sort of goody toe shoes attitude. Like he's innocent bubbly in person, but underneath it all, he's a ravaging lustful man."
Her two friends nodded, "Oooohhh, that makes sense."
"A lustful man that keeps his Sunflower protective, and they would have a forbidden love." The Bl artist nodded while explaining, "Or should our little power bottom cross dress into a woman at night and they found each other in a club. Or they were roommates in college and fallen for one another."
The bubbly brunette friend giggles, "I like it when one of them is a serial killer. It gives so much fucked up angst!"
"I fancy myself Omegaverse!" The Latina friend said.
"Oohhh, those sound like amazing ideas, but I feel like I'm missing something. Let me observe." Their Bl artist friend's black eyes gleam at the two couple.
Miles and Ganke met their waiter having to make their first round orders of sushi and drinks. "So, how are your parents?" Miles asked, "I bet their proud of their son been getting straight As."
"Hahaha, yeah. They're fine. My mom was asking about you, she wants you to come over dinner." Ganke said.
"My mom, too! And Billie-Boo been asking about you too." Miles smiles widely having his facing beaming, "I can't wait to have dinner with your parents again. I want to hear about the last Red Sox game from last week!
"Dude, he was super pissed off. He wanted to talk to you about that, too!" Ganke laughs, "Also, will your mom cook that fire ass pernil?"
"I'm sure. And will your mom make black bean noodles? That was stupid dumb fire, man." Miles happily asked, "and I really like those side dishes she made last time."
"Really? My dad didn't it. My mom was trying an old recipe. I thought the plain kimchi tasted okay." Ganke chuckles.
"I love the cucumber salad too. The amount of sesame seeds was perfect!"
"Awe, look at them!" The other people from the tables admire them.
The waiter came by to the two to place their drinks. Both order glass of water, and special drinks. Miles got himself a Wintermelon sparkling drink with sweet green tea mixed into. Ganke got a Strawberry sparkling soda with creamy peachy vanilla mix into it. They slurp their drinks having a joyful reaction.
"Ohhh, sweet drinks and staring to each others' eyes. How romantic!" One girl said to her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend lost for words, "Bae, I think you been reading to many BLs..."
"Mmm, this is so good. Here try!" Miles sips his drink being amazed by the flavors. Wintermelon has a unique light crisp grass with a bit of sweetness from the green tea mixture. He slide his drink towards his best friend with his own straw to try.
"Mines good too!" Ganke share his drink toward Miles. The two try each others drink having some to love the drink.
"Amazing! They are begging to be BL characters!" The BL artists' eyes widen at the cute scene, "This will be perfectly. A cafe date idea! But with a fluff manwa isn't popular if there's no drama."
"I know, make one of them a serial killer." Her friend with the brown hair and pale skin giggles. "Those are always popular. I say you can make the one with the glasses a dangerous killer."
"Well," The Latina began as she stare at her Bl artist friend, "your Ex-Lovers manwa was popular for a whole year and remained top ten still."
"Right, that one had a serial killer lover that collects blood, and he's a photographer. His ex-boyfriend been is obsession for these killings. It was the perfect manwa of the year." The brunette said all dramatically and in love with her friend's manwa.
"Heart 2 Luv is a romantically fluff manwa. It was trending for awhile, too. Was there trouble making it?" The Latina friend asked.
"It's hard when it's just fluff, besides cute... what is there? It took me a while trying to figure the perfect climax of the story since I wrote the couple to be so in love with each other." The BL artist explained, "It was written longer than expected. Honestly, as much as I enjoy creating that manwa, it was a pain in the ass. Now, I'm here trying to think a more interesting trope. We don't want the same boring ass top being loyal or and bottom gets cheated on."
"Those are getting boring. Last night I read Jinx and honestly I was over it." The Asian American girl with pale skinned sighs from boredom, "A twink with no ass takes on a twelve inch dick gets stupid boring." Unaware the next booth next to them were men, that were shocked and confused.
"Honestly, the whole bottom being twinks trope is boring. I prefer two muscular men with unique personalities." The Latina pointed it out.
"Exactly, BLs these days are following the same formulas as with Yaois. It's honestly needs a new refreshed story. Hmmm, maybe these two will give me the spark I need." The artist rub her chins. The waiters came by with their foods.
Then Miles being loud to Ganke, "HEY, HAVE YOU READ THE LAST CHAPTER OF HEARTS 2 LUV!" Their waiter came by with their sushi.
"AHHH, OMG! They're talking about you manwa!" The brunette giggles.
The BL artist blushes, with her hands clasp togethers, "I've been blessed!"
"You always like it when your fans talk about your work." Her other friend giggles.
Ganke chews on one of his rolls, "Yeah, it was great. I bet, you cried."
"I did! It was beautiful! When Joji give up his family's name to marry Woo, it was just perfect. You need to understand that on chapter 32, Woo given him that beautiful flower pin and- and Joji wore it in the end! Ahhh, so much has happen and they adopted a cute girl! Ahh, I can't take it." Miles nerd out from the manwa he fell in love with. "I dunno how FizzyPop does it. She's truly a genius! Even her vampire manwa was so good."
"And her Ex-Lovers was crazy too. Did you read that?" Ganke asked.
Miles' cheeks turns warm, "Yes, and I thought the killer was fucking cute! Ahh, I was questioning my own sanity!" He panics when he have mini crushes on fictional characters. "Like, I can expect having Zoro as my husband, but Seko?"
"Honestly, I thought it was too bloody for me. I had to stop half way, but the story is interesting." Ganke admits, "And Seko, really? That guy was crazy!"
"I know, but I'm a sucker for hunks! Like have you read Jinx!" Miles pouts, "The story is boring but Jaekyung is fine! Something about cold, cool demeanor gets me."
"Well, at least you got Zoro in your heart. Loyal ass man." Ganke chuckles, "Also, have you tattoo healed?"
"Oh yeah, look!" His dark skinned friend revealed his One Piece X tattoo on his left arm, "Hehe, cool huh?"
"Yeah, mines came out fine, too." Ganke rolled up his left sleeve to show his. "See! I'm still thinking if I should get Robin's tattoo on here or on the shoulder."
"Shoulder would look cool. That means I should get a Zoro tattoo then." Miles giggles.
"Ain't your parents gonna kill ya for having a fourth tattoo?"
"Yeah, but if I wear long sleeves they won't notice." Miles grins widely having a mischievous side.
"My mom freaked out when I show her mine. She started to lecture me but my dad didn't care." He said.
"It's our bodies. Why should they have control over that?" Miles asked as he picks up his roll to eat. "Mmm, this is so good. Try it. Say ahhh, Ganke!"
"Ahh!" Ganke open his mouth when Miles feed him sushi with his own chopsticks. The Korean American chews the sushi roll, "Mmm, spicy mayo is amazing!"
"Kyaaa, so cute!" Everyone around watches.
Ganke fed his sushi to Miles, "This one is has jalapeños on it. Careful, dude."
"Nom! Mmm, so yummy!" Miles' taste buds danced by the spicy crunchy tun roll. "The jalapeños gives a good kick."
"Ahh, so freakin' cute. I need like a five eight pages of them doing the nasty!" The brunette young woman said to her friend.
Latina softly chuckles, "You and everyone are reacting the same way."
"Cute, but I feel like we're missing something." Their artistic friend said, "I need something to spicy them up."
Miles smiles happily at Ganke, "Man, this place is so good. I wish I can bring my parents here."
"Oh yeah, they don't like sushi, huh?"
"They always questioned why they have to eat raw fish. My dad tries to use chopsticks one time and ended up stabbing his roll into pieces." Miles sighs.
"Yikes, man." Ganke chuckles, "Does Billie likes sushi?"
"I dunno. I never thought of giving her a roll. Can a two year old eat sushi?"
"I think it should be fine." Then, his friend with glasses snickers, "Imagine if she just whacks it off!"
"Oh man, Boo-Boo always does that when she doesn't like something." Miles laughs, "Oh before I forget. Selfie time!" He took out his Smartphone and took a selfie with him and Ganke. They did the Korean heart hand sign.
The people around them admire the two being such an adorable couple, they were unaware what's to happen. While Miles and Ganke sharing their sushi, laughing about their own life and catching up on their favorite anime and superhero comic books.
"Wow, they are the perfect pair."
"I think the are meant to be!"
Different voices muttering to their other friends and partners about the two. Miles posted his photo on his social media to show off the food. Then, posted some videos of him and Ganke eating.
"That one with the nose piercing is sort of a cutie." One guy from the bar eye on Miles, "I wonder if he's really with that guy."
"He looks taken, man." One of the guy's friend said.
Then another one sips his drink and glanced over, "All thought you do have a point. He is a fine one."
"Wow, they make the perfect pair for a vampire manwa!" The brunette said as she hold her hands out in a rectangle shape doing a picture frame.
"They look attractive no matter what. I'm just wondering what's your ideas." The latina with the long black hair looks over at her BL artist friend.
"Hmmm, so many possibilities," She began, "I'll wait for a sign." Her dark almond shape eyes gleam again, as she stare intensely at the couple from afar.
Then, the front door open having a tall dark skinned young man walks in. The hostess was about to welcome the man, but stood in shock by his demeanor appearance. "Welco- Uhhh..." Her smile fell when she met a scary tall punker with face full of piercings, with a dark look on his face. "Ummm-" He walks passed her.
"Wa-wait, sir1" She called him out.
The punker ignores her walking inside the restaurant with his heavy combat boots making loud thud sounds. His dark eyes scan over the place to find a certain someone, ignoring the stares.
"Wow, look at those piercings!"
"His outfit is pretty wicked."
"He looks so scary."
He heard all of this before, it didn't bother him. Then, he spotted a certain someone from across the room. The low muttering and chattering didn't faze him when he got close to his min target.
"Whoa, who's that?" The black haired Latina asked.
"Wow, he's sort of a bad boy." The brunette giggles.
"Huh! He's gorgeous!" Their artistic friend stop sipping her drink to say. "He can make a perfect noir character!"
"Noir?" Her brown skinned friend with long black hair asked.
"Honestly! Noir films or novels is a type of genre where there's a lot of violence, nihilistic AND dark! It's an amazing genre!" Her brunette friend spoke with loving passion.
"You would know." Her Latina friends sighs at her friend's passion for dark and scary genres.
The punker finally got to the table causing a certain ruckus among the people around him. A mere dark glare got everyone to shut up, then turns his head back at Miles and Ganke.
Miles looks up being surprised, "Bae?"
"Sunflower." His voice deep.
"HE CALLED HIM BAE!" Everyone around the table overhears this being in shock.
The BL artist's eyes dropped, her body frozen as if a new inspiration course through her veins. "He's-He's that guy's boyfriend and he called him, Sunflower!"
"Looks like she's getting her story ideas." Her Latina friend chuckles.
"For real." The other young woman giggles.
"This is amazing! A punker and a ball of sunshine a couple. It's the perfect combo to a heated BL story!" The artist lowly explained, "I need photos!" She took out her Smartphone taking pictures of the group, "Not only that, but he's one sexy man. Look at those piercings, his posed, his hair! It's not everyday you see this beautiful work of art!"
"Gurl, can you try to be sneaky? You're gonna get us in trouble!" Her friend said.
The brunette giggles with her hands clapping together, "Ohh, what if he's a serial killer and stalker of the sunshine cutie?"
"You and your dark genres." Her Latina friend being perplexed by her pale friend's love for thrillers.
"What are you doing here?" Miles asked his boyfriend being confused.
Hobie casually sat next to his partner, "I saw, your story on your social media and thought I should drop by." His jealousy was showing.
Miles let his boyfriend lay on his shoulder making him chuckle, "Baby, I told you, me and Ganke were hanging out today."
"I told you, me and him are just friends."
"Yeah, I know." Hobie snuggling his boyfriend being cute, he acts so childish sometimes.
"How is he dating HIM?" Some were having mix feelings about the cute guy dating someone with dark scary look.
Ganke chuckles, "Dude still think I'ma take you away, Miles?"
"Yeah, Hobie is still jealous of you." Miles explains, "I never get why."
"Are you kidding me! Have you seen this perfect man for you?" Some of the strangers glanced over then tilted their head seeing the punker being childish.
Hobie merely bury his face into his Sunflower's chest, "Luv, you don't have to tell him!"
"Well, he is my best friend and you're always jealous of him." Miles snickers, "baby, it's ok-WHoa!" Hobie made Miles sit on his lap, being protective of his Sunflower. Fitted arms wrapping around his lover's waist, he gave another jealous look from Ganke. "Your mine."
"Looks like he never change." Ganke chews on his roll.
"Yeah, no kidding." Miles laughs along his best friend.
Luckily, Ganke isn't afraid or annoyed by this, he knows how much Miles loves his punker. It's best to just be unbothered by the whole thing. "Excuse me, but is he bothering you two?" Their waiter came up seeing the ruckus happening.
"No, we know him." Miles felt Hobie's lips on his neck, "Hobie, chill. No one is gonna take me away."
"Well in that case, if he's planning to sit here. We would have to charge him for the All You Can Eat, if that's okay." The waitress pointed one.
"It's fine. I'll pay for his seat." Ganke said as he chews.
Miles said, "No, Ganke. I'll pay for Hobie's."
"Nah, it's fine. Besides, my internship pays me." He smirks widely.
"Tsk, I brought my wallet." Hobie rolled his eyes.
"Bae, remember your money doesn't work here." Miles reminded him being in another world, his cash is from a different timeline and country. "Don't worry, I'll pay for it. Since your here have some sushi. Say Ahhh!" He pick a roll for his boyfriend to try.
Hobie had his eyes looking to the side, not the biggest fan of sushi. Something about raw fish doesn't work with Jamaican side, fried fish with fried plantains. "Mmm, luv. I don't think-" Miles shove the roll in his mouth, "Your gonna eat at least three rolls, bae. You're in an All You Can Eat Sushi."
"Alright, Sunflower." He chews then his eyes widen liking the roll, "Mmm, this one is good."
"It's Spicy crab with mayo and cucumbers. I'll order you the cook ones. Me and Ganke are planning to order some nigiri!"
"We should get some Salmon and Tuna!" Ganke said to his best friend.
"Yeah, I really want to try the seared scallops, too!"
"Oh, and order some maki!" Ganke looks at the menu.
Hobie was lost at the orders they were talking about, never went to a sushi bar. No, him and his bandmates always fancy fried fish and chips. He watches Miles looking at the menu while he rested his chin on the nape of his Sunflower's neck. "Mmm, what do you like, bae? I'm thinking you should try the basics."
"Have your mum try sushi before?"
"Ahh, you and her are kinda the same." Miles thought out loud, "Okay, maybe some California roll, oh maybe you'll like eel?"
"Eel... darling isn't that a sea snake?"
"It's really good. It's one of my favorites. We'll order one." Miles turns to Ganke, "Oh, have you watched the latest Jujutsu Kaisan?"
"Yeah, it was awesome. Gojo is a dope character." Ganke commented. The two kept talking and talking about everything again. It seems like they never seem to have an awkwardly paused. The waitress came by to take another wave of orders from the two, while Hobie stay quiet.
"Oh, can he have Coca Cola?" Miles remembers his boyfriend didn't have anything to drink.
"Sure, thing." The waitress happily took their orders before leaving. Then the two went into deep conversation.
Hobie got bored hearing the two, his ears decided to focus on the other chatter from the people around them.
"Wow, he's dating that cutie?"
"Awe, I was rooting for the two to be together. They look so cute together."
"Yeah, I know what you mean. They don't look good together. I thought the cuties would be a couple. Shame."
"The whole punk aesthetic is overrated. Who's he trying to look mean for? The sweet guy looks like he can do better."
"Man, too bad that hottie is taken. I was about to ask him out."
Hobie glares over to the nosy crowd, seeing them tensed by his scowl. They quietly shut up feeling the punker's death stare.
"Baby, relax. It doesn't matter what they say. I'm happy with you." Miles caress his boyfriend's cheek, "Don't get too upset, mi amor."
"Kiss me and I'll feel better." Hobie took his boyfriend's face to make him stare deeply in his eyes.
Ganke said, "Just do it, Miles. That way he'll be happy for the night."
Miles said, "Hobie, how about later? Ganke is here. I don't want him to be weirded out, you always used tongue." Then his boyfriend became all gloom and moody. "Ugh, fine. Here," Miles kisses his boyfriend on the lips.
"Mmm," Hobie purrs happily in the back of his throat being kissed by his Sunflower.
"Ohhhh, so the cutie is the one in charge of the relationship." People were glancing over.
"Lowkey that's kinda hot."
"Like a punker with a sunshine boy is such a cute couple."
The three younger women from afar smiling at the view. "So, what do you think, Xina?" The black latina friend smiles at her BL artist friend.
"Yeah, isn't this a twist. I think he'll make a perfect uke." The brunette giggles with her girlish bubbly sound.
"Well," Xina smiles widely at the view, then had a nosebleed, "This is the perfect love triangle! I see it now, the main character being the cutie Sunflower trap in two delicious men; a goody two shoes and bad boy! Yes, with lots of steamy hot sex."
"Please, make it a bit toxic." The brunette friend begs, "I want bondage!"
"Geez, Dana. You really like the rough fucked up kind, huh?" The Latina said in a calm tone.
"You know it!" Dana playfully stick her tongue out being cute. "And you like it too!"
"She's right, Tempest. You didn't stop obsessing those fan made BLs of Spidermen and their forbidden love." Xina grins at her.
Tempest blushes having to sip her drink, "I dunno what your talking about!"
"She got you there, hehehe. Or how we were in love with gay vampires!" Dana getting hype.
"What da hell is wrong with those girls..." The next booth with men thought to themselves.
Xina grins widely, "I already have all the material I need for my next manwa! Get Ready or Not!"
Later that night, Miles and Hobie went back to his place after dropping Ganke at his home. Luckily Hobie was able to sneak in the back window, while Miles' family fell asleep. The two spend a passionately sex with a lot of love bites.
The punker knocks out having to wrap his arms around his Sunflower's waist. He softly snores away. Miles looks at his tablet having to send messages back at his best friend.
Ganke: Dude, ya'll good?🧐
Miles: I put the badussy on him real good! 👍🏽 😊
Ganke: LMFAO! Bro, was heated. Will ever get over us?
Miles: Nah, he's the jealous type. 😌 Lowkey I like it. I think its the Latino in me, I love shit like that- SOMETIMES!
Ganke: Hey, if I had a girl like that I wouldn't complain too.😅 Also, you saw this -sents a link-
Miles clicks on the link going on to Twitter to find the famous BL artist of Hearts 2 Luv posted her upcoming next project. His eyes widen at the front cover, "Wow, that's so fast. How did she find time to create this so fast? Does she have models?"
It's the front cover of FizzyPop's next BL manwa, she wrote in with a devil smiling emoji.
FizzyPop: Ready or Not, Here I come! 😈
The artwork shows a dark skinned young man with a big sparkling eyes and big plump lips having a short afro. The two men around him is a much darker skinned young men being a punker with spiked hair and tons of piercings with a devious looks. The other man being the typical handsome Korean man with black hair, glasses and muscular. Two muscular men wrapping around the main character, who's well fit, too.
Miles chat to Ganke: WHOA! She made that so fast. Why they look so hot! 😳🥵 That punk guy is so damn fine!
Ganke: They all are! I'm surprised she's being different. I thought she was planning to do another Fluff RomCOm.
Miles: And the comments are going crazy. They said they want a threesome chapter! Horny asses- me, too! 😞 I'm no better.
Ganke: SAME! 😂 I wanna see how that would work out! But lowkey, does these characters remind you of anyone 🤔 I feel like I've seen them somewhere.
Miles: Highkey, huh! 🤔 But where? I felt like I met these guys before, hmmm. Maybe it's all those character designs from her pervious works mashed to one, huh?😅
Ganke: Your right! I guess that's what it! 😅 Also, are you done to play Animal Crossing?
Miles: Hell yeah! Me and Billie got are town cleaned for you! Let me get my switch!
The two play their game together through the rest of the night, while Hobie happily sleeps away.
(Hey guys, Hope you like 1610 Xina, Dana and Tempest. For those who don't know, they were Miguel's boos in the comic books. They exist in this world but completely different- well, they all dated 1610 Miguel 😂 Currently Tempest is dating Miguel. They are all in college being two years older than Miles, who's nineteen. 1610 Xina is Korean American. Dana is mixed, Italian with Chinese. Tempest is mixed with Black and Dominican. They are great friends and they are baddies loving Kdramas, BLs, and Beyonce/Rihanna 🤭)
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fuckyeahpunkflower · 10 months
So I heard through the grapevine that Miles was inspired by baby deer 👀 let’s just say I ran with that idea. I KNOW THIS IS CRINGE IM SORRY 😭 If y’all could suggest other animals that would fit Hobie better let me know! Or maybe y’all like wolf Hobie IDK 🙈
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jeiyuuen · 4 months
Honestly, how am I supposed to live normally with the knowledge that Luffy's flower is sunflower while Law's is Queen of the Night?
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seeminglydark · 3 months
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Stepped away from the drawing board to make a silly little bracelet cuz I have a bunch of random fabric, webbing and studs. Cut my finger, anyway, diy is pain.
Pretty, soft things for the pretty soft punk
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wrong-side-0f-edits · 11 months
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neck deep // in bloom
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@letsmakepoppunkgreatagain couldn't be more real with this one
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hold on…
the wound is gonna mend.
In Lieu of Flowers - Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties
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