#reyna's like i know it's dumb but i did it anyway
lunarrumor · 4 months
random valgrace headcanons
- leo cooks for jason all the time because he likes it (it reminds him of his mom and when she taught him how to make his favorite dishes) and his love language is most definitely gift giving because he’s not so good with words
- but one day leo was up all night working on some new machine (again) and jason decides he wants to give him a break so he tries to make some simple pasta. butttt they didn’t really have cooking lessons at camp jupiter and the water overflows and he burns the sauce and when leo gets back jason’s hair is mysteriously red and the kitchen looks like something exploded (it did. the sauce bubbled up and went everywhere)
- however they go camping together once and leo makes a fire and by the time he gets back from going to use the restroom jason has caught a wild bird and is frying it up
- leo makes jason random little trinkets all the time
- when leo and jason are having meals with the seven + reyna and nico they’ll tap messages to each other back and forth in morse code until annabeth gets annoyed by all the banging
- leo loves horror movies and jason hate hate hates them
- when jason gets drunk he likes using a lot of big words except he’s too drunk to use them correctly so he just hopes no one notices (leo does but doesn’t mention it…. without fail he’ll look at him and go “how r u so smart even when so drunk” and jason will give him a dopey smile)
- they go to college in new rome together and visit piper at her mortal school all the time
- they also got an apartment together because yeaa it might be moving fast but they totally didn’t move in together because they’re soulmates or whatever. naaaa it would js be silly not to right ? they shouldn’t *both* be paying rent when they’re gonna be at the same place *anywayss* and jason doesn’t cook and leo doesn’t clean so really it’s just a responsible roommate setup rigggght (aka the lie they tell themselves bc they really js wanna have the security of seeing each other everyday and live a wholesome life where they don’t have to worry if the next time they visit the other they’re not gonna be there anymore)
- but they’re both still worried to ruin the relationship because it’s so new and they’ve been pining for so long so they get separate rooms. except leo is always crawling into jason’s bed at night or jason is playing a movie in leo’s while he works (leo’s barely paying attention but jason likes doing it so he can sneak him snacks because leo has a habit of forgetting to eat while working. and every so often leo will make a goofy joke about the movie n he gets so amazed by how smart n funny leo is. n leo likes the background noise and jason’s little snorts when a character is being dumb. and mostly he just likes his presence. how they can just sit in silence together and without leo having to say anything jason will know how much he cares. how much he appreciates jason caring about him)
- and eventually leo just stops going back to his room, unless he’s working on something, because he likes the smell of jason and waking up with him and bothering him while he does schoolwork. his things slowly start appearing in jason’s room until he’s basically moved in and one day he comes home to jason rummaging through his drawers and he’s like uhh ??? and jason’s like ah rats i was gna surprise you….. i cleared out my closet and got a dresser so that you don’t have to keep going back and forth and i can totally put it back if u don’t want that i just thought maybe you might want to because you haven’t rlly slept here in so long anyway and…. and leo kisses him n grabs the pile of clothes and carries it off to *their* room. and so leo’s old room becomes his new work space
- on this same vein leo will get so distracted while he’s working on a new project that he’ll forgot all about time and sometimes he’s doing this n jason comes in and tells him the time and he drops everything and makes dinner bc his stomach grumbling is fine but when he realizes jason probably hasn’t had a real meal since the last time he cooked now *thats* motivation
- of course jason doesn’t always need him to cook (in fact leo starts trying to teach him no matter how disastrous it is at first. i guess multitasking in battle doesn’t equate to handling the chaos of a kitchen ? but jason actually gets pretty good as long as he’s looking at a list of instructions) but leo just likes all the compliments he gets from jason about his food and how he’ll sit with him in the kitchen and come up behind him with his hands on his waist (jason gets really excited whenever leo asks him to do something like bring him some seasoning or a ladle because he likes being helpful)
- jason also started picking up food after his morning class and bringing leo breakfast because he is *not* a morning person. he’ll also order food when leo’s been cooped up in his room for some time and he knows he wants to keep working so jason brings his lil surprise in along with his laptop and they eat together (with jason making sure leo takes a bite every now n then and eats enough before it gets cold)
- jason wakes up at 6 am everyday to go to the gym, shower, and go to classes meanwhile leo doesn’t have class till 1 and even then he’s late sometimes. because as u could assume leo stays up late at night and jason has trouble staying up past midnight (he always falls asleep during their movie nights even though he tries his very hardest not to but leo is so toasty he just can’t help it. and leo always tucks him in and takes off his glasses)
- also neither of them like waking up alone on the couch in the middle of the night (which is fine when leo falls asleep first, jason just picks him up and carries him to bed. but leo isn’t exactly built for dragging 6 ft men across an apartment floor) so they get a pullout sofa for this exact reason (not a bed pullout couch. he would still have to lift jason off and jason is a heavyy sleeper. he had to sleep through a lot of chaos at camp jupiter. they get one of those couches that extends into more couch and pile a bunch of blankets on it for movie nights. and leo makes popcorn with an ungodly amount of butter)
- leo runs warm and when his emotions spike his powers act up so he stress sweats and everytime it happens jason will cool him off with a nice breeze
- on the flip side jason is always cold so he’s always snuggling up to leo (totally the only reason. definitely not that he’s touch starved) and in the winter they’re literally attached at the hip. jason will not let him go no way no how he *will* stand/walk/lay/sit with his arms around leo at all costs (the cost is piper grossing out at their gushiness)
- jason’s bear hugs are leo’s favorite things in the world he could stay wrapped in those arms forever
- jason and leo live in the same apartment complex as frank and hazel and they become a lot closer
- percy and annabeth live down the hall and leo loves to ding dong ditch them
- annabeth randomly knocks on their door sometimes because she wants leo’s help figuring out the logistics for an architectural project of hers and jason will follow so he can play video games with percy (yeah i said it, percy and leo teach him how to play and he likes it more than he thought he would)
- every week they all get lunch together with reyna, piper, and nico
- nico comes over at first to hang out with jason but he still finds leo…. odd but eventually they bond over their love for horror movies and laughing at jason
- leo loves to sketch when he gets bored in class and he’ll be spacing out drawing until he realizes that his whole page is full of jason’s face from every possible angle
- leo fell first but jason said i love you first (after a lot of coaching from piper)
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freddie-77-ao3 · 1 month
Gonna use the ask box for this 🙃 ask 1/? (I have so many questions, though you have answered so many already)
What are your thoughts on Trials of Apollo, and the characters?
go ahead and keep asking!!! i love your questions!!
gonna start smaller with characters:
lavinia: the jewish thing wasn't handled completely correctly (just a couple of small things there) but overall 10/10 character. i think she's hilarious and her official artwork ROCKS.
meg: i love her. she seems a little immature for twelve years old TO ME but i also had a... rather abnormal upbringing so that might explain the differences. overall she was a great character and i LOVE the demeter rep (my thoughts on how riordan treated demeter take five pages to clarify so-- basically) love seeing it-- demeter was a kronide and her kids should be treated as such! great character development. peaches was also hilarious (as was crotch-kicker mccaffrey)
lester: calling him lester to separate between godly apollo and post toa apollo. again, fantastic character development. he's so fucking funny. like he does some really dumb stuff at the start of the series (swearing to not use a musical instrument and stuff?? LESTER MAN CMON) his and meg's relationship is so sweet-- and kayla and austin with him? chefs kiss. love apollo kids getting some time with their dad.
jason: absolutely got fridged. i've already touched on my suicide theory so i won't go into that here but basically i think we shoulda seen jason similar to percy (very minor, doing his own thing behind the scenes) but alas.
piper: the shel thing was a bit sudden. don't get me wrong, i'm ALL for queer rep (i think there should be more of it in the books actually) but-- going straight from breaking up with jason to jason sacrificing himself for her to a relationship seems really unhealthy. i think she should have a chance to grow outside of a relationship.
reyna: joining the hunt was a bad end for her. since when was that an ambition of hers? she seemed genuinely happy in new rome and called it her home multiple times in HoO and going from that to the hunt? idk seems like rick doesn't know how to write characters NOT be in a relationship (piper, reyna, leo... they all get squared away)
leo: oh leo baby he didn't get to see jason before he died??? so heartbreaking. didn't belong in a relationship with calypso. the punching thing was weird when he came back to camp-- esp with a character who has a history of physical abuse
frank: i love the frank deciding his own fate thing but also idk seems like a cop out.
hazel: shouldn't have just become praetor i mean cmon. i love her but she's what, 14 now? no way.
will: solangelo flirting is hilarious 10/10. "do you want to be my buddy?" "significant annoyance" i can't breathe. also poor will for putting up with apollo in the hidden oracle because i could not help my dad learn how to use the toilet i'm sorry but that shit is crazy.
malcolm: why is malcolm going to battle without pants on so funny to me i just-- 10/10 i love him.
connor: such a dumbass. the hair grafts 😭. i feel bad that travis isn't there and then communication lines go down like oh buddy :(
cecil: see me RUNNING with the knowledge cecil can cook
other small stuff:
love the waystation, always been my personal hc that there's more than just that one but that's for another post.
percabeth finally making it to college!!!
the jackson-blofis family warms my heart <3
thoughts on the series as a whole?
i love it. definitely top three riordan series (tied with pjo and mcga)
i like that (like mcga) toa was more mature? like we finally see demigods with ptsd, we get queer characters, just... everything
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Attention, People! I have a name!
I didn’t know I need a name. I was like: “Hey, I have a username, so that’s it”. No. It’s not. Thanks to @reyna-obsessed for clearing this misunderstanding. Maybe also thanks to @that-multi-fandom-hijabi for indirectly telling me “one need a name on tumblr”, too. So. My name is… Drummelwirbel…. wait, did I just mixed up the word Trommelwirbel and drum??? Anyways, drumroll🥁 ….
That’s such a dumb name I love it. It’s about cats and chocolate and it’s my name now. But, disclaimer: It’s not my real name ;).
Of course, you can call me however you want. KitCat, KitKat, someonewhogotanaccount, Someone, Gustine, Kittie, Eleanor, Erin (the last three were suggestions from mini). Or, if that’s too long for you, just call me “;)”.
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stoiicist · 4 years
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drakonslxyer said:🗡
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" oh, this? “ reyna slides a few fingers over a small crescent moon of scars on her bicep. the semicircle of shiny, slightly raised tissue is barely noticeable except for when it peeks out from the sleeve of her t-shirt.
 “ yeah, i don’t recommend messing with baby chimeras— no matter how cute they are. “ in her defense, she had barely been a legionnaire when it happened, hardly six months spent at camp jupiter. but with it’s lion cub face, goat horns just barely present as little nubs, it was hard to resist. besides, it had actually been going pretty well for her... until that diamondback snake for a tail had bit her in the arm. “ lesson learned. don’t trust anything that’s part snake. “
you showed me your scars, and in return you let me pretend that I had none
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Dude this could be a request if you want but i mostly just REALLY wanna tell you this story.
so theres this pagan person on tik tok and they’ll share like myths and stuff about the greek gods and someone asked about Orion and Artemis and there are TWO slightly different versions of the myth (because fuck what rick did to Orions story Artemis is a fucking lesbian and Orion’s a dumb himbo)
anyway, version one is that Apollo went down to go vibe with Artemis and he find her and Orion sleeping together under a tree but like LITERALLY sleeping, so apollo assumes that Artemis and Orion are a couple ( spoiler alert, they ain’t) and gets REAL jealous so he sends a massive scorpion after Orion chases him to a cliff Orion jumps of to escape the scorpion and starts swimming Apollo tricks Artemis into shooting him yadayadah.
BUT THERES ANOTHER VERSION where its all the same except after Apollo sees Orion and Artemis napping he goes to confront Orion after Artemis leaves to take care of the moon and but when he gets there Orions like ya know chill and just starts chatting with him and low key (high key) flirting with him and apollos just like “OH NO HES HOT” and they end up sleeping together ( not literally)
and afterwards Apollo flips out cause ya know he was supposed to confront the guy not get under him so he runs and then sets the scorpion on him and Orion dies same as the first version.
then cut to the giant war and reynas like ’your a misogynistic dickwad’ and orions like ’how did you come up with that?!’
And he tells them what happened and reynas like how bout we make a deal you help us we clear your name and orions like ’hell yeah’
so they win the war whatever and they get to camp and everyone’s like wtf is a giant doing here while all the older hunters of Artemis are just like ’FUCK YEAH ORIONS BACK’
so they tell everyone’s what REALLY Happened between artemis Apollo and orion and percy in his ever flowing wisdom just in front if everyone goes ’yeah id fuck him to’
and whilst everyone’s losing there shit over that sentence orions just trying to figure out what to do with the cute demigod flirting with him, cit to Artemis bullying himbo orion into confessing his feelings and such
Thank you for this gem, I will treasure it 😌 I love it!!!
Also, Percy just casually mentioning he'd fuck Orion too is giving me life xDD Thank you for sharing this with me 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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upatnight0 · 2 years
I'm tired of tumblr users who make rhetorical posts on how the fandom sees Annabeth as smart but not Leo. But also don't actually bother to do anything to promote how Leo is smart on their tumblr pages.
Where are the people who actually care enough to write an actual Leo Valdez Appreciation post.
Where are the posts on how he saw the white sand at the beach in MOA and knew it was Calcium Carbonate aka lime and could be used in the ship repairs. Or how he was worried about nitrogen bubbles getting into his lungs from coming up from the water.
Where are the posts on how he built the Argo. And not the half-assed "Leo built the Argo guys, he's so smart!" one line sentences. The actual thoughtful posts. Like how he designed the Argo based on the design of ancient Tririmes but twice as big. How he built automated and retractable oars to take up less space and that wouldn't need people to row. How he programmed the personal cabins to adjust the temperature to the occupant's preference so its never too cold or too hot. How he built stables for the pegasi with bay doors on the floor for easy access before he knew they didn't like being cooped up. How the Argo runs on a gaming remote sort of system...
Or when he was underground in Rome and figured out that pi would unlock the rings or how he used Narcissus's vanity against him.
Where's the post of how he used the Archimedes sphere and a chunk of crystal from Ogygia to find the location of Calypso's island- a place that can't be found.
Where are the posts about the multiple ways he used the Archimede's sphere design like when he was fighting Nike.
Or the post where he programmed Festus to feed him the Physician's Potion once he lost consciousness.
Or how he had Calypso make a fireproof pouch for Frank. And how he made Piper tofu burgers because he knows she's vegetarian. (Why are there more Percy can cook posts when he hasn't cooked even once in any of the multiple series he was in but Leo who canonically can cook and does cook for his friends never gets talked about?)
Where are the actual Leo Valdez Appreciation posts??
Instead of just asking why don't people think Leo is smart, forget about it afterwards and then continue to write and support incorrect jokes that play him for dumb and annoying.
I'm saying this because I've been going through the Leo tags for a while now.
And the majority of them are:
Incorrect Quotes
Anti-caleo or why Leo shouldn't have dated anyone
Tagged in posts that don't even involve him
Leo in m/m relationships or LeoxReader
And posts asking why Annabeth is treated smart by the fandom but Leo isn't.
The whole Annabeth is treated as smart but Leo isn't, I wonder why argument doesn't even work when he's still treated as the dumb, annoying funny one in incorrect quotes, posts and fanfics with Piper, Reyna, Frank, Hazel. Why is he still treated as the annoying dumb one with them.
Stop liking and writing incorrect quotes that make him look dumb. Because there isn't enough (or ANY) people who'll headcanon for him unless its for something funny or for him in a relationship (and in relationships he's always made to be the annoying one anyway).
And actually start writing posts about the smart things Leo did in the books. Start headcanoning for him outside of just jokes, his sexuality, who he's dating or him being the annoying third wheel support for whatever ship you ship. Start headcanoning for smart, mechanics, science involved things he can do. Treat him like your fave. (If Percy can have multiple multiple multiple posts about being a great cook and cooking which he has never done in the books, then I'm pretty sure this fandom could have came up with something for Leo if they'd actually cared enough to try)
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ao719 · 3 years
A Night to Remember
Happy 100 weeks @wackydrabbles! 🥳 I am participating in this weeks challenge with the prompt This is huge - we need to celebrate!
A/N: Thank you to @dcbbw and @burnsoslow for prereading!
Word Count: 1992
Warnings: Very mild language, but other than that, none.
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The Soho penthouse elevator door slid open; Catherine and Gideon stepped out, followed by a sullen Reyna shuffling behind them. “Well, I’m glad Vince is alright,” Gideon said as they stepped into the kitchen. “I’ll give him hell for putting you in danger once he’s recovered; I can’t exactly kick his ass while he’s down.”
“It’s ‘kick him while he’s down,’ dad,” Reyna mumbled.
Gideon casually shook his head. “Not this time.”
Reyna slumped onto the stool at the counter and pressed her forehead against her palm as she heaved a sigh; Catherine rested her hand on Reyna’s shoulder. “You’ve been looking forward to it for so long, Reyna. There’s no reason you can’t still go and enjoy yourself.”
Reyna shook her head. “There would be nothing enjoyable about going alone.”
“Do you want to come to Miami with us?” Gideon asked.
“No. I’ll just … stay home and wallow. Alone.” Reyna stood and walked towards her room; Gideon and Catherine shared sad smiles.
Liam glanced at his watch as he finished dressing; he wondered if Reyna was home. She told him it was senior week; he didn’t understand what the hell that meant, but he knew she didn’t have school because of it, and she’d been out almost every day this week with her friends.
Ever since his birthday ball last month and his realization of how strong his feelings for her truly were, Reyna had been on his mind more than usual. He knew it was one-sided, however, so he tried -- and failed -- to brush it off.
Liam sat at his desk, figuring he would try to call Reyna before starting his day. He opened his laptop and hit the video call icon; he felt his stomach flip when it started to ring. Reyna’s face appeared on the screen a moment later, and Liam smiled; his smile fell when he noticed her red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained face. “Rey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Reyna sniffled as she wiped her cheeks. Liam cocked his head to the side and gave her a knowing look. “It’s so dumb,” she shook her head.
“Tell me anyway.”
“I … I can’t go to my prom,” her breath hitched.
“Because my date is an idiot, and he can’t go … so now I can’t go,” she sniffled.
“What happened?”
Reyna took a breath in an attempt to collect herself. “I was supposed to go with this guy, Vince. A bunch of us were out yesterday when his dad called to let him know he received his acceptance letter into Brown University; it’s a prestigious school and the one he really wanted to get into. So he was all excited and said, “this is huge - we need to celebrate!” So we decided to spend today at Coney, and we rented jet skis. I was riding with him, and he was trying to show off and started messing around. He wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing or where he was going, and the corner of the jet ski hit the concrete slab of the pier, threw me off, and he managed to crush his ankle between the concrete and the jet ski. It broke in three spots, and he has to have surgery …”
“You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt, Rey!” Reyna forced a halfhearted smile as she wiped her cheeks; leave it to Liam to be more concerned about her safety than anything else. “So, just because he can’t go, why does that mean you can’t go?”
“I mean … I could. But all of my friends have dates … I don’t want to ruin anyone else’s big night by third-wheeling it.”
“What exactly is prom again? I don’t understand these things you guys do in the States.”
“Imagine a ball … that’s pretty much what it is, just with less pomp and circumstance … to commemorate the end of senior year.” She looked down at her hands in her lap. “It’s fine. I don’t need to go,” she said quietly.
Liam chuckled, and she looked back at the screen as he offered her a sad smile. “Then why are you so upset?”
“Because prom is like a rite of passage, Li! It’s something my friends and I have talked about all year. It’s supposed to be this amazing night to remember …”
Liam looked away from the screen for a moment; in the background, Reyna heard someone tell him that he needed to go. He looked back at her and gave an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Rey, I have to go meet with my father. But I’ll call you later, ok?”
“Ok,” Reyna nodded.
On the day of Reyna’s prom, she spent most of the morning lying in bed until her parents called from Miami to check on her. Gideon informed her that he had enlisted her aunt to keep her company for the day. Reyna insisted she was fine, but Elsie showed up at the penthouse just before lunch and dragged her out anyway.
Reyna hadn’t heard back from Liam since he called her a couple of days ago. She knew he was busy taking a few meetings for Leo, who was away on a diplomatic trip with Constantine, but she wished she could talk to him; he would tell her to stop sulking and crack a joke about why she should be glad she was missing her prom.
After a day of retail and mani-pedi therapy with Elsie, Reyna suggested they grab dinner, but her aunt insisted she get back to the penthouse. Reyna was confused since Elsie had practically forced her to come out, but she shrugged it off.
“Thanks for taking me out today,” Reyna said.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now, get inside,” Elsie shooed her with a grin. Reyna gave her a curious look before entering the building.
As the elevator made its ascent to the penthouse, Reyna couldn’t help but think of her friends at that moment; they were all at the Conrad by now, their night just beginning. She sighed as she slumped against the metal wall of the elevator. When the doors opened, she stepped out, carrying her shopping bags in both hands. She froze when she saw a figure round the corner, and her eyes went wide.
“Liam?” Reyna dropped her bags and rushed towards him; she squealed as their bodies collided when she jumped into his arms.
“Hey, you,” Liam chuckled.
Reyna drew back from their embrace to look at him. “What are you doing here?”
Liam couldn’t contain his smile as he set her back on the ground. “I have a surprise for you.” He took her hand, guiding her down the hall to her bedroom. When they stepped inside, Reyna turned to look at him. “I need you to get dressed.”
“Where are we going?”
“Not far,” Liam smiled. “And you need to wear that.” He nodded his head to her closet.
Reyna turned to see the unworn garment she had stuffed away the other day now hanging on the door; she looked at him with her brows furrowed in confusion. “My prom dress?” Liam nodded with a smile. “Why?”
“Stop asking so many questions and just get dressed.” With that, Liam left her to change.
A short time later, Reyna emerged from her room. Hearing her come down the hallway, Liam turned to look at her; his eyes widened as a smile split his lips. She gave a little spin, and his eyes traveled over her; she wore a powder blue backless A-line gown. He had seen her dressed up countless times before, but in that particular moment, she took his breath away. “You look … wow, Rey …”
Reyna smiled as she looked him over; he had changed into a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt complete with a tie. “You changed, too.”
“Of course,” he grinned. He could see the confusion in her expression and offered his arm. “Come with me.”
Liam guided Reyna up to the private rooftop terrace of the penthouse. When they stepped out, Reyna was met with soft music, and her eyes widened. Liam had it decorated with flowers, candles, twinkling lights, and white and gold balloons. “Liam,” Reyna choked out, “what is all this?”
“I was going to offer to take you to your prom, but when I talked to your parents, your mother informed me that you had already given your ticket away. So … I decided to create a prom for you …” Liam offered her a smile and turned, grabbing something off the ledge. “My research on proms told me I should give you one of these.”
“You did research?” her voice cracked, and Liam nodded and took her hand, slipping a white rose corsage onto her wrist. Reyna’s vision was blurred as she looked up at him. “Liam, I …” She trailed off, finding it hard to speak over the lump in her throat.
Liam smiled as he brushed a tear from her cheek. “I know it’s probably not the prom you had envisioned, but-”
Reyna cut him off with a shake of her head. “It’s not … it’s better,” she tearfully smiled.
Liam took her hand and gestured to a nearby table that was set for two. “My research also told me there’s typically a dinner involved before the actual prom.” Reyna glanced around the decorated terrace, still in shock, as Liam guided her to the table; he helped her into her seat before taking his own. He lifted a large cloth off the center of the table to reveal a pizza box from her favorite pizzeria, and Reyna let out a laugh as she wiped the tears from under her eyes. “It said fancy dinner, but this seemed more -”
“Us,” they said in unison and smiled. “Jinx.”
“It’s perfect, Liam. All of this --” Reyna motioned around “-- I-I can’t believe you came all of this way … and did all of this for me …”
“I just wanted you to have your night to remember.” Liam smiled, seeing Reyna’s eyes glistening in the soft terrace lighting. “I do have something your prom wouldn’t have had, however.” Liam reached down next to him and lifted a large bottle of Cordonian apple wine with a grin. “They wouldn’t serve you this.”
“Definitely not,” she giggled as Liam poured them each a full glass.
After consuming the entire pizza and two glasses of wine each, Liam loosened his tie and stood from his seat as a slow song started to play. He offered Reyna a lopsided grin and his hand. “Dance with me?”
Reyna took Liam’s hand, and he led her to the center of the terrace; he gave an exaggerated bow, and she laughed before looping her arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around her waist. She rested her head against his chest as they started to dance.
Reyna still couldn’t believe that Liam had made the long flight from Cordonia just to make this night happen for her. She swore any time she was with him, those secret feelings she held since she was 16 grew, but this made that unrequited love she had for him even stronger. This was one of those moments that, if she could, she would capture and hide it away just to relive it.
Reyna glanced up at Liam, unable to stop her smile as he returned his own. She perched on her tiptoes and pulled him down, pressing her lips to his. It wasn’t anything they hadn’t done before: a kiss under the guise of alcohol to mask their true feelings. Liam pulled Reyna closer, so there was no space left between them as they became lost in that one perfect moment. When she drew back, she stared up at him, reminding herself that they were just friends.
“Thank you, Li,” Reyna whispered.
“For what?”
“For giving me a night that I won’t forget.”
Liam smiled as he stared down at her. “I’d do anything to make all of your nights like this, Rey …”
This is part of my Always You universe. If you’d like to be added or removed from tags, please let me know!
Perma Tags: @leelee10898 @zaffrenotes @cocomaxley @gardeningourmet @gibbles82 @annekebbphotography @sweetest-marbear @indiacater @liamxs-world @classylady1234 @texaskitten30 @moneyfordiamonds @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @esmckenzie @emichelle @dcbbw @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @sirbeepsalot @choiceslife @debramcg1106 @gnatbrain @ofpixelsandscribbles @openheart12 @callmeellabella @superharriet @aestheticartsx @forthebrokenheartedthings @kingliam2019 @indiana-jr @bascmve01 @rainbowsinthestorm @darley1101 @charlotteg234 @alyssalauren @txemrn @neotericthemis @queenrileyrose @emkay512 @kat-tia801 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @gkittylove99 @choiceskatie @forallthatitsworth @queenjilian @walker7519 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopelessromanticmonie
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icycoolslushie · 3 years
I'm Not the Same Person You Left - Benmars One-shot
Not Sad | Sad | Sadder | Saddest
TW/CW: Romeo and Juliette, blood, gore, violence, suicide, basically everything that happens in These Violent Delights
Hope is a feather. It sticks on for some time, but eventually it falls.
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Alisa looked at the door again and again, as if hoping Marshall would suddenly walk through. It wasn’t fair she was alive when he wasn’t.
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Benedikt Montagov screamed raw in his sleep.
No one came. They were used to this by now.
But Roma hesitated outside of his cousin’s door. It was his fault Marshall was dead.
The thought hit him like the bullet had hit Marshall. Only he didn’t die; he got to live with betrayal and the knowledge that it was his fault everything had gone to pieces.
Why, oh why, had he ever trusted Juliette? he asked himself again and again, though he knew why: he had hope.
Now that hope was crushed just like the thought of never seeing Marshall again.
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“Mars! Marshall. MARSHALL SEO.”
Benedikt had said Marshall’s name in every variation, language, and tone he knew. He had pleaded with anyone (whether they were above or below) to get Marshall back. He had done everything except kill himself to see Marshall. But it was killing him anyway.
All he wanted was one last hug. One last laugh. One last smile.
“Mars,” he whispered softly, one last time, a boy that knew nothing would ever be right again but still had a sliver of hope left, before he buried his face into his pillow and sobbed out whatever liquid was still left in him.
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The damn loneliness was killing Marshall Seo as much as Tyler Cai’s bullet had been.
He wanted to make sure poor little Alisa was safe, Roma was okay, but most of all he wanted to see Benedikt.
Ben, the other part of his heart, the twin of his soul, the yin to his yang, the yang to his yin. Ben. The person he loved most.
It was his fault, he supposed, for getting so entangled with a person who loved someone from the enemy’s side. But was it his fault he had become attached to a person? His fault he had eventually started loving his best friend? Was it his damn fault that he lived in a city divided by a blood feud?
Even if it wasn’t, it was still his life. And there was nothing he could do but wait till Juliette could do something about her cousin so he could finally get out of this safehouse and into Ben’s arms.
Then it occurred to him: he could do something. How had he not realized? Maybe the desperation was driving him mad, that he actually considered the craziest idea he had ever had.
Damn doing a favour for Juliette Cai. He needed to see Benedikt. Let Benedikt know he was alive. He could sneak out of here, his face hidden in his hoodie, buy (or steal) a wig from the roadside sellers, get a mask of some sort, and sneak into the White Flowers territory.
Yes, that’s what he would do. The only thing that would keep him sane.
He took an empty water jug and smashed it against the windows, breaking the wood that had warded up the glass. He heard something smash below, and knew that the debris must have fallen. He ducked to make sure no one had seen him. After two minutes, when he figured that if anyone had seen the broken glass and chopped wood would have left, he lifted himself up and looked out the window—the first view of the city he had seen since almost two weeks. It looked . . . different. Less people. He supposed they were all being cautious, and at least no one would be able to see a random person climbing down a building.
Marshall messed up his hair, put his hood on, and took a deep breath before he put one leg out the window.
Grabbing the windowsill tightly, he put his other leg out the window as well.
He climbed down, slowly and steadily, years of practice guiding him. When the distance left was just half a meter, he jumped down.
He hid behind an empty cart, making sure no one had seen him, waiting out two minutes in which he re-adjusted his hood and started walking again.
Within ten minutes, he found the tailor shop he, Benedikt, and Roma used to go to get disguises. Usually they paid, but he had no money now, so he entered through the back and found a large purple overcoat, a russet wig, and a cat mask. He put them on, listening attentively in case someone came into the storage room, and left.
He walked for a bit, until he could tell he was in White Flower territory, and Ben’s place was just a block away.
He took to the wall to make sure no one could see him and sneakily made his way deeper into the buildings.
When he was able to see Ben’s window, he stopped. Did he really want to do this? Endanger Ben? Put Ben’s life into even more danger?
No, he didn’t.
But his desire to see him was overwhelming and Marshall decided he could not live with the fact that he would’ve been able to see Ben but didn’t.
And no doubt Ben wanted to see him too.
He took off the overcoat, the wig, and the mask, letting his disguise slip away.
Marshall took a few steps forward away, and was able to touch the window. He knocked hesitantly, then paused. Then knocked again, properly this time.
He gasped.
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Benedikt wasn’t sure whether he was dreaming again, had died, was looking at Marshall’s ghost, or was getting hallucinations.
And honestly, he didn’t care. He was getting to see Marshall again, and that was all that mattered.
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Benedikt’s blonde hair was messed up, his face was flushed, his skin was way too pale, and he basically looked like a ghost. Someone who hadn’t eaten, slept, or even had proper hygiene. Marshall grimaced when he saw his best friend.
“I must have died and gone to heaven to receive such a present,” Benedikt said. “Or I must certainly be dreaming. Or is it your ghost? Haunting me? I know I should’ve saved you, but I couldn’t. So I’ll let you give me as much grief as you want as long as you’ll stay.”
“Benedikt, you’ve gone crazy,” Marshall remarked.
“Maybe it is the actual you. Only you could be so vexing.”
Marshall leaned back. What was wrong with Benedikt? Then he noticed a plate, full. Not a crumb had been eaten. Benedikt hadn’t eaten anything today, maybe not even drank. Suddenly he felt selfish for delaying this visit for so long. “Can I come in?” he asked, not bothering for the answer, already moving to de-attach the window lock.
Benedikt seemed to have resurrected, and he fiddled with the lock before Marshall, opening it, letting him in.
He looked behind and in all directions, making sure no one could see him, and crawled through the window.
Tripping at the last second, he toppled into Ben, who didn’t have much strength—after all, he had been eating less—and together they fell, Marshall half on top of Benedikt, half on top of the floor. He blushed, which wasn’t like him to do.
Before Benedikt had gathered his strength to sit up, Marshall did, and grabbed the plate with food on it. He helped Benedikt sit up, and slowly fed him small bites of an apple. As Ben had finished the apple, Marshall peeled an orange and fed him that.
Slowly, Benedikt regained his strength, his proper strength, as Marshall fed him a day’s worth of food. It seemed as if Benedikt had only been having only one or none meals a day.
Finally, when the plate was empty, Marshall moved his right index finger over Ben’s lips, wiping away bread crumbs. When he was done, Ben moaned.
“What?” Marshall asked, honestly surprised.
“I never knew—all these years, and God, I was dumb.”
“We’ve been over this. You are dumb.”
Benedikt laughed. “That—you making me laugh. I—” He shook his head. “Can I kiss your finger?”
“You’ll get your mouth dirty again.”
“Maybe I want that.”
Marshall sighed and stuck out his finger into Benedikt’s lap. Ben kissed it. Then Marshall ran his finger over Benedikt’s mouth again, wiping his face clean, taking care of him.
Benedikt had wished for one last hug, one last laugh, one last smile. Now we would make sure each one was memorable, plastered into his memory.
He would make sure he never lost Marshall again.
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Marshall Seo the full moon outside, bringing hope and possibilities and new beginnings. He cherished the view and feelings like he cherished Benedikt.
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It grows back, though.
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Benedikt Montagov had lost a feather, but it had grown back.
He had hope again.
Taglist: @della-vacker-supremacy @themadhatter999 @writeforjordelia @theenchanteddreamer @shadowhuntingdemigod @reyna-herondale Lmk if you wanna be added or removed! (Also feel free to tag other people.) @safinssmontagov (Fantasy Appreciation Week)
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Failed Exam :(
A/n: I’m such a simp and I’m okay with it. Anyway, here’s this and uhh yeah I didn’t proofread at all :) - Day
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A n n a b e t h
She hums as she looks over the exam sheet that your teacher returned to you after grading it. She furrows her brow and shakes her head, muttering things like “too vague of a question” and “there could be multiple answers to this”. You huffed from your cross-legged position on her bunk, “Annabeth, it’s no use now. Can I just burn it or something?” 
She looks at you incredulously, “Burn it?” She sets the paper down on the desk and moves over to you, arms crossed. You nod and reach for her hand, holding it loosely, “It’s like therapy, y’know? Burning the thing that caused me so much stress.”
Her face scrunches in a smile, “That sounds unhealthy somehow.” She brushes your cheek with her thumb, “But if you think it’ll help you cope then let’s find a lighter.”
H a z e l
You’re sat at your table in Mess Hall, pushing at whatever you had leftover from the offering. You lost your appetite after hearing your grade on the final you spent so long studying for. It didn’t make sense. 
Someone nudged your shoulder but you didn’t look up, not really in the mood to join the conversation buzzing around the room. The nudge turned into a comforting hand smoothing over your back, “You okay sweetheart? You look a little blue.” 
Your head turned immediately, a small but sad smile on your lips, “I’m fine, just finals y’know?” Hazel hummed in response and sat down beside you, gripping your arm close and leaning her head on your shoulder. A chuckle bubbled in your chest, the gesture was so sudden that you forgot why you were upset for a second.
“I made some brownies if you want one. And they’re still warm!” 
R e y n a
Reyna is sat at her desk looking over some of the new plans for the cafe an older demigod couple wanted to open when she saw the light bleed in from the door. She glanced up just in time to see your vacant expression move quickly over and fling your arms around her. She sputters as her chair squeals back from the sudden movement, “What’s wrong, mi corazón?” 
You let out a deep sigh and nuzzled into her neck, her braid brushing against your cheek. You didn’t want to tell her precisely what made you upset, not yet anyway. You just found out and the only thing that kept you from tearing up on the spot was the thought of Reyna. You just wanted her to hold you for a moment, just long enough to compose yourself. 
Her hand combed through your hair as she whispered into your ear, “It’ll be okay, I promise.”
P i p e r
“I could charmspeak your professor into--” you cut her off with a laugh, “Pipes, that wouldn’t make me feel better, but I appreciate the cunning plan.” She grinned at your amusement and wrapped her arms around you. Her hands rubbed smooth circles along your back, coming to rest on your shoulders as you pulled away, “You still kicked ass in every other class, and yeah it sucks right now, but this exam doesn’t define you.”
You nodded in agreement, knowing she was right but still having a hard time getting over it. Piper could tell that it would take a moment to really get over this, so maybe she could distract you until then. “Picture this: you and me, that cute little ice cream shop downtown, and then seeing that new movie that just hit theaters?”
You hummed, your lips twitching upwards, “I can definitely picture that.”
F r a n k
You needed to spar, get your mind off of that stupid stupid exam. You were looking for somebody, anybody to fight with. You didn’t care if you lost, you just wanted to get rid of whatever frustration you had inside of you. 
Frank was warming up on the side right as you caught his attention and gestured him to ready up. He shot a shy smile and hustled over, raising his spear to show he was ready, “Your move--” You lunge forward and take advantage of his dropped guard, swinging your sword down against the base of his spear. He stumbles but catches himself, “Alright, so no friendly banter this time ‘round.”
You two spar for a good while and stop with no clear winner in the end. You’re both breathing heavily and sweating more than you’d care to admit, but regardless you still slump into his large figure. He sputtered, caught off guard again, “Uh…” He was confused as Hades, but hugged you back. He figured you probably needed it.
L e o
“It’s just one exam, babe!” He joked, but his smile dropped when he saw the glare you shot him. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and thought that maybe he should try a different, more sensitive approach this time. He watched as your hands ran over your face miserably, you were close to tears at this point, the cause laying beside you on his workbench. 
He moved closer and crouched down in front of you, taking your hands in his own calloused ones. You still wouldn’t look up, your eyes trained on his dirty boots. He pursed his lips, “Let me try that again; it’s just one exam. I know you studied really hard for it and I’m proud of you for working so hard on the material.” He pecked your knuckles, letting his lips rest there, “It really sucks right now, but I promise this doesn’t say anything about how smart you are or how hard you worked.”
Some part of what he said stuck, but it didn’t change how shitty you felt about failing. Still, you could tell he was trying to understand at least. You looked up into his big brown eyes, “Thanks, Valdez.”
N i c o
“A happy meal is not going to make me happy, Nico.” You grumbled and chewed on your fries grumpily. He stared at you with a deadpanned expression, “I never said it would make you happy, but you’re not hungry anymore, are you?” Well you couldn’t argue there, he even paid for your meal so you guessed you shouldn’t complain. 
“Y’know next time you have like a history class or something, I could probably get some reliable sources for you. The Underworld is full of interesting characters.” A small smile spread across your face, “Maybe, but I think I need a break from classes right now.”
Nico nodded and you two sat in silence again, just munching on your happy meals.
“Your professor is a dickhead.”
W i l l
“Well hello there, twinkletoes.” Will chimed, wrapping an arm around your waist as you strolled inside the infirmary. You looked a little glum but you moved into his embrace anyway, “Hello, sunspot.” His brows furrowed and he lead you over to his work station, sitting down on a wooden chair and bringing you to sit on his leg. 
His golden curls fell into his eyes, peering up at you curiously as if he was analyzing an injury. You knew you wouldn’t be able to hide it from him-- and if you did cry, at least you’d have a fantastic reason to steal some candy from his jar. Technically that’s for his younger patients, but you always got away with stealing a few. 
So you spilled. You told him everything that was bothering you, how you felt you didn’t study hard enough, how stupid you felt. He listened silently with his head rested on your shoulder, shooing people away if they looked like they were going to interrupt. 
P e r c y
Percy was napping after a full day of training the newbies at camp. It’s a position he enjoyed, but it was exhausting to fight and teach at the same time. Percy has always had a hard time breaking down the things he does. He just… does it most of the time. 
You snuck in while he was out, drooling on his pillow like he usually does when he’s this tired. All you wanted right now was to snuggle up with Percy and forget about that dumb exam, but you also didn’t want to wake him up accidentally. You moved behind him carefully, snaking an arm around his middle, and pressing into his back. This was already helping, just being close to him served as a sort of safety blanket for you. 
He stirred slightly, making you freeze in place. You could feel him tense up as his hands move to your grip, feeling your familiar hands before relaxing again. He turned to face you, eyes still closed and his lips pouty from sleep. He grumbled something, causing you to let out a questioning hum. “I love you,” he said again, a bit louder this time. You grinned, your heart swelling, “I love you too, Perce.”
J a s o n
“Babe, listen--” He stopped short when he saw you with your head down on your desk. He came to bug you with the new game Leo and him made up to pass the time, but you looked less than enthusiastic at the moment. He approached carefully because he didn’t know what was wrong and if it was something he did, well… he didn’t want a repeat of that incident. 
You looked up suddenly which startled him, “I failed my exam.” You croaked before letting tears of frustration fall. You angrily wiped them away as he moved to wrap his arms around you, bringing you to his chest. You sniffled, “I studied so hard and for what? I didn’t even pass.” He shushed you and kissed your forehead.
“You studied and regardless of what the results were, I’m proud of you for trying at least. It’s not an easy subject, but you still worked hard to understand and do well.” You calmed down slightly, but you still felt horrible, “But I didn’t do well--” 
“You will next time, okay? You’re a smart kid.”
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algumaideia · 3 years
@zazzander Dakota and Nico, I don't know if you imagined them this way but...
"Thank you for choosing my sister"
Dakota looked scared and Nico immediately regreted speaking. How did he do that? Whenever he tried to be gentle it always ended up bad. He just wanted to be thanks the person that was nice to his sister and somehow he had managed to mess this up.
"Ahhh, hmmmm. No problem, it was my pleasure"
He looked so uncomfortable. Nico wanted to punch himself. Why he was like this? Why he couldn't just socialize and be normal?
"Your sister looks pretty nice, I think she will be a good addition to the Fifth Cohort"
Nico agreed and tried to think an excuse to go away. Maybe he could just disappear through shadow travel, that's what people thought he did anyway.
"Hmmm, so... what a Pluto embassador does?"
Nico blinked and stayed quiet for a moment. Normally people didn't try to talk to him. He didn't remember demigods doing it in Camp Half Blood after the joy for his help going away. He also didn't know what to answer. His father didn't say what he wanted him to do. He was as lost as Dakota.
"Ermm, you know, I go to missions for him, make sure the legion knows what he wants, those kinda of stuff"
"No offense but you don't seem to be doing any of these things. I mean you are barely in any of the Senate meetings"
The last statement made Nico really surprised. He thought no one would notice he wasn't going to the meetings and the people that would notice would say nothing.
Dakota blushed and looked away.
"I'm sorry, it is not, it is not my bussiness. I... you don't need.. I'm sorry"
"No, it is fine. I just... my dad didn't ask me to do anything so I thought I didn't need to be in the meetings"
"And Octavian and Reyna haven't been really nice"
At this tiime they both weren't looking to each other. Nico wouldn't dare say this out loud. He couldn't believe someone said it, someone said it wasn't his fault he wasn't welcome.
Dakota and Nico made eye contact at the same time. Their faces were as red as a tomato. They were just starring at each other, saying nothing. Dakota opened a little smile. Nico did the same.
They both looked away, wanting to disappear and stay at same time.
"Hmmm... it is my sister, Hazel..." he knows who your sister is you dumb being "I need to go, bye. Nice to talk to you"
Nice to talk to you? What am I thinking?
"Bye, see you later"
Nico looked to Dakota one more time and went away. See you later, did he wanted to talk to him again? His heart was beating a little faster than it was supposed and he felt something weird in his stomach. The idea kind of Dakota wanting to see him again made him happier than he was ready to even consider.
See you later.
Dakota sighed. He did soo bad in that conversation, he was so invasive. Nico wouldn't want to talk to him anymore. And could Dakota blame him? He would problaby do the same.
He just wished his mind worked well around the cute son of Pluto, but that was definetly not the case...
I really cannot write well...
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Charleigh’s Doll - Acquisition
So this is a new idea that I’ve been working on for a little bit, instead of any of my current WIPs. What can I say, the creative juices flow where they flow. Anyways, I can’t say how often this will update or how consistently, but I have high-ish hopes!
Tagging some people who expressed an interest (let me know if you want to be added or removed!): @cupcakes-and-pain @lave-e @killtheprotagonist 
CW: lady whump, pet whump, dehumanization, referring to people as “it,” lady whumpee, lady whumper/caretaker, lines between whumper and caretaker being blurred, that’s all for this chapter I think, but please let me know if I missed anything!
Charleigh sighed, tapping her foot impatiently on the store floor, her eyes trailing over the items lining the shelves of the pet store. She glanced at her watch yet again before pursing her lips and nudging the girl next to her, who turned around to frown at her.
“Sorry, Charleigh!” she said lightheartedly, tossing her natural unnaturally red hair over her shoulder, sounding not very sorry at all.
Charleigh just gave a sigh before her lips turned upward into a reluctant grin. “It’s fine, Rey,” she conceded. “But if we don’t get going soon, we’re gonna miss the movie.”
Her best friend, Reyna, gave a dismissive wave of her hand, turning back to stare at the shelf in front of her. “Don’t be such a worrywart. We’ll get there in plenty of time. You’re just sad because we might miss some of the previews. And you love those.” She gave Charleigh a teasing grin over her shoulder. “Weirdo.”
Charleigh snorted a soft laugh, and was about to reply when a commotion came from the back of the store, where they kept the pets. She didn’t know what made her do it, but she left Reyna behind in the accessories section staring at the selection of toys in front of her with nothing but a wave and followed the noises.
She pulled up short at what she saw when she reached the area. She’d never been a big pet person - never seen the appeal, quite frankly, or had the time - but taking in the pets lining the back wall in their cages, the rather poor, uncomfortable conditions they were kept in, her mouth twisted into a grimace. She dragged her eyes over the scene in front of her, brows raising in surprise.
Two store employees were struggling to drag a sobbing pet towards an empty cage. The pet, young with long dark hair covering most of her face, was flailing about, bawling and whimpering. Charleigh had no doubt that the pet would be begging if not for the tight black muzzle secured fast around her face.
A few other shoppers had stopped to watch the scene, and one, a middle aged woman with a bleach blonde bob, leaned over to loudly whisper to Charleigh, “God, don’t they know how to make pets behave anymore. If my pet acted like that in public..” She trailed off with a distasteful look on her face before shaking her head and walking away. Charleigh couldn’t help but feel bad for that woman’s pet.
Slowly, the small crowd dispersed, until all but Charleigh were gone. One of the employees, a young woman about Charleigh’s age, glanced up and made an apologetic expression towards her, before soundly slapping the pet, who froze, a hand drifting up to clutch her cheek. 
Charleigh winced slightly in sympathy, craning her neck to see the pet through all the hair.  
“That’s it, pet!” the employee snapped, yanking the now-stunned pet up by her collar. “Behave yourself. Or do you want your removal date moved up?” The pet let out a broken cry at that but stopped struggling immediately.
The employees got her in the cage and fastened the door securely, leaving the pet curled up in a shaking ball as far back as she could get before turning around to leave. Charleigh caught the attention of the other one, a lanky teen boy, probably only working here as an after school job, and he moved over towards them.
“Can I help you with anything?” he asked, a forced smile matching his overly cheerful tone.
She gave him a small smile back, remembering her own teen years working in customer service. “Yeah, um, hi, I had a question. About that pet.”
His smile wavered for a moment before he responded. “Of course. What would you like to know?”
Her brow furrowed a bit. “What did that other employee mean, when she said ‘removal date’?” She gave an apologetic shrug. “Sorry, I don’t have a pet. I’m just here with a friend.” She hitched a thumb over towards Reyna’s general direction.
The boy gave a polite nod. “Not a problem at all. Every pet has a sale value connected to them - how much they’re worth - and based on that, a removal date is issued out. If they’re not sold by that date, then they’re removed. Pets who are considered more high demand have further out dates, whereas pets considered less desirable have dates that are closer. It also depends on their health, their temperament, what company and store they’re being sold in, and if they’ve been bought before. For example-”
Charleigh cut him off, frowning slightly. “Wait, what do you mean, they’re removed?”
He looked at her like she was crazy - or just very dumb. “When a pet reaches their removal date without being bought, they’re euthanized. After that point, they’re deemed to cost more than they’re worth. It’s all very humane, of course.”
Charleigh felt sick. She pushed out, “And, um, when is that pet’s removal date?” She gestured over to the one from before, who had quieted down and simply folded up on herself.
The man gave a small shrug. “Tomorrow, after closing. That’s when removals take place.” He added with a small laugh, “Of course, it might be removed tonight, after all the trouble it’s caused. Nothing but a problem since we got it. It is a used pet, after all. Not the first time we’ve removed ‘em before we’re supposed to. Especially with the troublemakers.” He gave her a conspiratorial wink before moving on to help another customer.
Charleigh stood there for a moment, feeling the ground sway underneath her. She thought she might be sick. Before she was fully aware of what she was doing, she had moved over to the cage where the pet had been shoved in.
Tapping softly on the glass, she tried to get the pet’s attention, but it was as if the pet had left her body, staring blank, glassy green eyes through the hair still hanging in front of the majority of her face. Seeing the thin piece of paper hanging from the cage, Charleigh grabbed it and skimmed over the information.
It listed her height, weight, hair color, eye color, all the details about her that a potential owner might like to know. Charleigh’s eyes widened at the age. 22. That was only three years younger than herself or Reyna. Swallowing down her disgust, she continued reading. 
Temperament: Unruly unless strict discipline is shown. 
Charleigh gave the pet a quick once-over, finding it hard to reconcile the terrified, softly whimpering girl in front of her with the one the employee and booklet painted.
Charleigh’s lips parted and she murmured softly, “Hey there. I’m not going to hurt you. Can you turn around for me, please?” The pet stiffened, before reluctantly shifting herself so that she was facing Charleigh.
She reached through the thin, widely spaced bars of the cage to place two fingers underneath the pet’s chin. Lifting the pet’s head, Charleigh couldn’t contain the gasp as she saw the pet’s face, subconsciously raising a hand to her own cheek.
The pet was extremely pretty - or, she would’ve been, if not for the jagged scar going down the left side of her face, from the top of her hairline, through the far corner of her eye and ending at the edge of her mouth. It was if someone had taken a knife to her face and yanked it down as roughly as they could. Charleigh leaned back slightly, her other hand going to cover her mouth. The pet’s big green eyes watched her warily, tracking every movement. 
Her otherwise flawless pale skin spoke of a pet that had been otherwise well cared for, if a bit sun-deprived. Charleigh forced herself to look down the rest of her body and, while she couldn’t see any other visible marks, she did note that the pet seemed unhealthily thin.
“Oh my,” Charleigh whispered. “What happened to you?” 
The pet seemed to pull back from that, as if expecting to get hit. Charleigh winced at her words, realizing how they probably sounded to the pet. She pulled the informational booklet towards her again and continued reading, a half-thought pushing into her head that she wasn’t quite ready to acknowledge yet.
She caught note of the words facial disfigurement and grimaced before continuing searching for what she was looking for. The price was listed at the very bottom of the sheet, in bolded print. 
Charleigh sucked in a breath, at once surprised at both how expensive and relatively inexpensive the pet was. Most pets, she knew, were sold for tens - or even hundreds - of thousands of dollars. This one was only a few thousand. Only, she scoffed at herself. 
The thought, the one she didn’t allow herself to think, kept poking at her, and she just stared at the pet until a hand dropped on her shoulder, snapping her out of it. 
She glanced up to find Reyna standing above her. “Hey, Charleigh, I’ve got what I need. Wanna head out now?” she said, lifting a plastic bag, before glancing at the pet with raised brows. “What is that?”
Charleigh shrugged, dropping the paper and standing. “Nothing. I was just looking at something.” She hesitated before taking a step away. “Anyways, you’re right. We don’t want to miss our movie.” 
Yet, as she tried to move, she found that she kept staring back at that pet, still curled up and watching her mournfully, with eyes both too old and too young. Reyna let out a big sigh. “You keep staring at that pet. You’re not seriously considering…?” She trailed off, arching a perfectly shaped brow.
Charleigh gave her a weary look. “I don’t know. She is kinda cheap. Only a couple thousand. I’ve got plenty saved up. Plus, she- her removal date is pretty close.” She gave a kind of helpless shrug, taking a tiny step back towards the cage. Then another one.
Reyna just rolled her eyes, following her back to the pet. “Fine. She is pretty cute. Except for that hideous scar. No wonder they pushed up her removal date.” Rey grinned, nudging Charleigh with her shoulder. “But for that price, it’s a steal. Plus maybe she and my Sadie girl could have pet playdates!” She laughed, and Charleigh could tell she was now thinking about her own pet at home, the one her parents had bought her as a graduation gift.
Charleigh crouched in front of the pet, reaching hand back in. “Here, girl,” she commanded softly. The pet stared at her for a moment before obediently, if a bit reluctantly, pushing her head into the hand. She scratched the pet’s scalp a bit, wondering. “Hmm, what do you think? Should I take you home?” Her hand trailed downward, brushing a finger against the large scar, before moving to cup the pet’s chin. She turned the pet’s head towards her, brushing a couple strands of the dark hair out of the way. 
The pet watched her, unreadable expressions warring across her face. But she didn’t pull away, or show any signs of disobedience or defiance that Charleigh would’ve expected from her temperament description. Instead, she seemed content to sit there, drying tears on her face, and be held by Charleigh’s hand.
Charleigh glanced up at her friend, before giving a small laugh. “Look at this face. How could I say no?”
Reyna threw her hands up in mock surrender, still grinning like a fiend. “Okay, if that’s how you wanna spend your money.”
Charleigh shrugged, flagging down an employee. She pointed towards the pet. “Hi, I’d like to buy this pet.”
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musicallisto · 3 years
Congrats on 800 followers!! You write beautifully and deserve every one of them and a thousand more 💕🎉
For the celebration, could I get a vanilla milkshake (ship)? Of Percy Jackson or Narnia?
I'm a straight girl, INFP, enneagram 5, hufflepuff student, and daughter of Athena. I really love any kind of art, from painting, to music, to literature, to sculpture, and anything. That doesn't mean I'm good. Even tho I wish I was. I really like to write, it helps me put my thoughts and feelings in order, and words come easier when I write them down than when I try to talk. The most important thing to me are my friends, my loyalty is one of the little things I actually like about myself.
I'm really bored with my life and always wished of something more, so any kind of media that has a good story it's something I'm a fan of. I'm literally waiting just to be old enough so I can go on my own adventure and live a little.
I'm not a very affectionate person, not in a conventional way anyway, I'm not good enough with words to repeat how much people mean to me (even if they really do), and I don't like to be hugged that often, and only if they're really close to me. But I'm always there for anyone that needs me and I'll try to do the best I can to help.
I don't like small talk, I want to have long talks about everything that comes to mind, whether it is the last book you read or a random thought about the stars, or mythological creatures, or aliens, or your deepest secret or some dumb thing that happened some years ago. Whatever, but a real conversation.
Did I forget to say I'm Mexican? Lol, I speak Spanish and we're known for joking around (And it's probably that I punch someone jokingly before I hug them. Yep, not very good at expressing emotions at first. I can be WAY more open once I gained trust).
I like to take things with calm and humor, but if it's something serious I know how to take the situation seriously and give the best advice and "wise" words I can think of. My friends come looking for my advice often lol whether or not they follow it afterwards. I don't like to talk about my problems, because I don't want to worry any of my friends, and even though I could need help, I just hold it in until it passes (I should follow my own advice and talk to someone but OH WELL...)
I really don't know what else to say. I love to read, and I love musicals, and I'm trying to learn how to play guitar, and I'd like someone with good sense of humor but that I know I can trust.
Anyway, congrats again!! You're really talented and I don't know you that well but you seem like an awesome person. If you don't have time to do this, don't worry 'bout it u.u
here’s your vanilla milkshake! I only did it for percy jackson for lack of time, but I hope you enjoy your story with leo valdez all the same - it’s my reckoning you two would get along pretty well...
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Leo is definitely always down for an adventure. He’s the kind of person who effortlessly makes the most boring errand into an epic, and sees the excitement in everything around him, but understands exactly what you mean when you say you want to go out there and see what life has in store for you, for real.
You’re both sitting on your bed in your bedroom - it’s not often you get a break from Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter respectively and are able to go back to your human lives, but whenever you get the chance, you seize it and enjoy the peace -, and talking about your biggest wishes and desires ...
(The conversation came naturally and flows just as organically; because Leo is a childish and excitable fool most of the time, but he understands there’s a time for everything, and he can be particularly serious and insightful when he understands it’s time for him to be)
... And you tell him all you really want in life is to go on an adventure, a real one, unpredictable like a rush of blood to the head.
“Well do I have news for you about a place called Camp Jupiter--”
“I don’t mean running from monsters or fulfilling prophecies... I want to see the world with my friends by my side and live beautiful things. One day, when I’m old enough.”
“Who says you aren’t old enough right now?”
“I’m sorry?”
(He’s straightened up from his slouching position on the mattress, and is looking at you with the utmost seriousness in his eyes.)
“I mean it. Who says we can’t go on an adventure, like, right now?”
“Where could you even go?”
“I don’t know. Got a globe laying around somewhere here?”
You comply, and he spins it, and orders you to jab your finger at it whenever you feel like it (which he doesn’t give a real meaning to, because it doesn’t even have one), to determine where you will go.
“... Moscow?”
“Ah, great place for a son of Hephaetus, love the heat out there.”
But needless to say, when Leo gets a spontaneous idea like that, there’s no use in trying to get it out of his head;
so the following week you are to depart on your trip to Russia, and you can’t hide your excitement. Traveling on a whim with your boyfriend might just be the first step to the adventures you were awaiting...
OK, but Mexican solidarity!!! I love my Latin cousins ugh you guys are so much fun,,
Talking shit about half of your respective Camps in Spanish behind their backs (and from Reyna’s half-smiles she miserably fails to conceal, you feel like you might not be the only ones who find this terribly funny)
“Mira a Jason, siempre tan serio y melancólico. Cuenta la leyenda que la mueca se le quedó grabada en la cara.”
“Pobrecito. Igual alguna profecía le delivra de su maldición de gravedad perpetua.”
“¿Y si le voy a contar un chiste?”
“Creo que solo te abofetará, Leo.”
Expressions of affection are rarely overt between the two of you, because you both tend to deflect your real feelings (especially affection or love) via humor and play them off as something “just for laughs”. You’re also big on tough love, so much so that sometimes the others wonder why you’re always playfully hitting each other’s arms as though you hated each other’s guts.
But the truth is simply that you were always raised to express affection in these ways, and get a bit awkward when you’re expected to be upfront about your feelings. Still, you’re both extremely warm and loving, and your “I love you”s simply have to be deciphered.
And no one deciphers them quite like the other half of the pair. It’s a language that only you two understand; that’s why you’re such a good pair.
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800 follower sleepover [CLOSED!]
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annabethy · 4 years
percabeth zoom calls!
“Babe! Do you know where my charger is?”
Annabeth rolls her eyes, adjusting her computer screen so that it was facing her. Percy bangs around in the kitchen some more, for what she suspects is his charger, before he starts cursing, and she suspects he stubbed his toe on the corner of the counter like he’s done five times in the last week.
“Are you okay?” she asks after another minute of loud cursing, poking her head out from his bedroom.
“I’m just getting it all out before the students see.”
Annabeth leans against the doorframe, crossing her arms. “I didn’t know they made you that mad.” Percy snorts, coming up in front of her to wrap him in her arms. He kisses her forehead before responding. “They make me livid.”
“Couldn’t possibly be as terrible as my kids,” she argues, smiling when his lips catch hers. “My calc kids can’t even do simple algebra.”
“I can’t do simple algebra,” he says, biting her lower lip. “That’s why I teach marine.”
“Marine is the most boring thing you could’ve possibly chosen to teach, but okay.”
“Says the walking calculator.”
Annabeth pinches his butt and he yelps.
“That was a compliment!”
“Make it sound like it next time,” she says, retreating back to his room. “I know that you finished teaching for the day, but I haven’t, so stay quiet.”
“That’s no fun.”
“You want to know what’s no fun? Having your students find out that you’re hooking up with their math teacher.”
Percy grins. “Is that what this is? And here I thought we were actually dating.”
“We won’t be if they find out because I will kill you,” Annabeth threatens without malice. She takes a step back to retreat into his room and he takes a step to follow her, which sends alarm shooting through her mind. “What are you doing?”
Percy has an amused smile plastered to his face, and she knows she’s about to be fighting whatever he decides to say next.
“I’m coming with you.”
“Uh, no you’re not.”
“It’s my bedroom.”
“You shouldn’t have invited me then,” Annabeth says, eyeing him as he keeps following her. “What are you, my shadow?”
“I can be whatever you want me to be, baby.”
It’s so disgustingly cheesy but it’s also so disgustingly him that she can’t help but give in as he settles down onto the bed. Percy flips onto his stomach, reaching for the pillow she’d been using the previous night as Annabeth sits at his desk. As he turns his head towards her, his eyes trace over her, and she has to pretend not to notice, as though the red flush of her face didn’t give her away.
Percy’s hand reaches out to squeeze her knee to get her attention, and she feels butterflies in her stomach. They had been together for more than a few months now, and they’d been best friends for quite a while longer, but the way he looks at her never ceased to make her feel this way.
“I’m turning the class on,” she mutters, the corners of her lips twitching up. Percy making a motion to zip his lips, making her snicker.
It’s only a minute before someone’s joining the class and Annabeth’s snickering for an entirely different reason.
“Piper,” Annabeth says, laughing. “What are you wearing?”
“I like to think that I am wearing Gucci,” Piper says, posing over the camera. “What do you think?”
Annabeth has to stifle her laughs at her favorite student. “I think it looks… very original.”
“Why do I feel like that means you think it’s trashy, Ms. Chase? Do you think it’s trashy?”
Annabeth shoves Percy’s head out of frame as he tries to sneak a peek at Piper’s outfit. “To be fair, you are wearing a trash bag.”
“I am insulted that you do not know the difference between a trash bag and a plastic tarp,” Piper says.
Percy grunts as Annabeth shoves him backwards onto the bed again in an attempt to keep him out of camera because she is almost one-thousand percent certain that Piper would recognize him, and considering they were in the middle of a pandemic, Piper would also know that they had been staying together for a while. Annabeth loves Piper, but Piper has zero filter and absolutely will make a comment if she knew.
Eventually, a few more students join, and Annabeth spends time talking to them, trying not to burst out laughing at Percy’s mouthed remarks making fun of her students.
(“Your students are dumb as hell, Annabeth.”
“You are so lucky that we are on mute.”
“How do they even mess up ten plus seven?”
“I literally don’t even know.”)
Annabeth just tries to get through the hour without walking to the kitchen, grabbing a knife, and murdering herself with it. She really loves her calculus students, but someone once said that the smartest people lack the most common sense, and boy, that could not have been more true.
She thinks she’s in the clear. She makes it through the entire lesson without blowing her cover of staying with their teacher, and it’s actually much more exhilarating than she would’ve expected. It was like she was hiding some dirty secret from them as she avoided eye contact behind the camera and tried not to awkwardly jerk around when his hand found its way back onto her knee, delicately tracing shapes.
Annabeth is so close, and just as she’s getting ready to say goodbye, Piper just has to open her big mouth.
“Ms. Chase?”
“Yes, Piper?”
“Can I ask you something personal?”
Annabeth blinks, a sense of dread settling in her stomach. She suddenly feels as though something is about to go very, very wrong. “Depending on what it is, I may or may not answer.”
Over the screen, Piper keeps a straight face, but Annabeth has taught her for over three years, and she recognizes the fire in her eyes.
“Earlier today, I had a class with Mr. Jackson. Did you know I’m in marine science?”
“I did not,” Annabeth says, strained.
“I’m in marine science, and, uh, we had class earlier today over zoom. I was talking to Mr. Jackson for a little bit after.”
“Were you? That’s nice.”
“Yeah, Mr. Jackson is a super nice teacher. I think you’d like him.”
“Do you now?”
“Mh-hm. Anyways, we were talking, and I told him that I liked the painting that was hanging behind him.”
Annabeth freezes.
“It’s the same painting that’s hanging behind you.”
Oh god.
“Do you have something to tell us?” Piper asks.
Annabeth’s ears begin to ring as she realizes that she is inevitably screwed. Of course Piper would have no shame in outing her to the entire class of seniors because that was just how Piper was, but Annabeth should’ve been smart enough not to film in the same spot because she knows her students well enough to know that there is a torment of sex jokes about to come her way.
“You’re looking a little bit red there, Ms. Chase.”
“What exactly are you implying, McLean?”
“Why are you in Mr. Jackson’s apartment?”
Annabeth is so mortified that she cannot move, but Percy seems to be just as shameless as Piper because a second later, he’s hopping into frame, smiling widely at her students.
“Hey, Piper!” Percy chirps.
“Mr. Jackson! So nice to see you! Why is Ms. Chase in your apartment?”
Percy clicks his tongue. “Now, that is a good question, but the most simple answer is that we’re quarantining — is that a word? — together.”
Annabeth sees Leo unmute himself and she immediately drops her face into her hands.
“Well, well, well,” Leo tsks. “I didn’t know we were studying chemistry right now.”
“I will make you do integrals,” Annabeth threatens.
“I’d like to see you try,” Leo has the audacity to say.
Another student unmutes themself and Annabeth recognizes the voice as Reyna’s.
“I am disgusted to find out that my teachers are dating,” Reyna says.
Percy lights up. “Reyna! You haven’t been showing up to my classes!”
“Mr. Jackson! That is because I simply do not care! Also, I would’ve preferred to not know that you two are living together.”
“Me too,” Annabeth mutters.
“Are you dating?” Piper asks. “I’ve always wanted you to date.”
Annabeth’s eye twitches. “I— no, Piper.”
“We’re not?” Percy frowns. “I thought we were.”
“They don’t need to know that,” she hisses.
Percy, always a people pleaser, pointedly kisses her on the cheek. He was always able to brush things off with a laugh, and it’s something that made Annabeth fall in love with him, but right now, it was something she thinks he would be better off without.
“They don’t care,” he dismisses, turning towards the camera. “Yes, we’re dating! We’ve been dating for six months now.”
“I hate you.”
“That’s so cute!” Piper exclaims.
“I want to throw up,” Reyna says.
Leo gives an impish grin. “I felt my relationship senses tingling.”
“Shut up, Leo, no one cares,” Piper says, rolling her eyes. “Ms. Chase! I’m so happy for you! You guys should get married.”
“Way to jump the gun, Piper,” Percy says. “Give us another six months at least.”
“Also, now that we know you two are staying together — we aren’t stupid. We know what adults do when they’re alone, so just try to keep that off camera, ‘kay?”
Annabeth is actually going to drop down to the ground and cry in about two seconds. Piper wasn’t particularly wrong in her assumptions, but Annabeth did not need her students to know about her personal life in this much detail!
“Don’t think we don’t know about what you do when you’re alone with Jason,” Percy teases, and Annabeth actually chokes on air.
“But we’re not teachers—”
“Okay!” Annabeth interrupts, ready for this to be over. The can see the rest of her students screaming in chat, and she does not want to be here to witness this any longer. “I’m going to end this call now. Please never speak of this again.”
“I will bring this up tomorrow!” Piper says cheerfully, waving at them. “I—”
Annabeth clicks off the screen immediately, and the room goes silent.
She stays there with her head buried in her hands for a while, Percy’s hand still running up and down her back. His fingers curl as he scratches her skin languidly, waiting for her to get over her initial embarrassment.
“Oh my god,” Annabeth mumbles into her hands. “That was awful.”
“It wasn’t as bad as you think it was,” he assures.
“They’re never going to let us live this down.”
“They didn’t care,” Percy says, holding back a snicker. “At least now we can kiss in front of them.”
“You’re never getting any more kisses from me,” Annabeth says, standing up from the chair to try and walk the humiliation away.
Percy grabs her wrist, tugging until she looks him in the eyes. “We’ll see about that.”
Annabeth is so flushed that she wants to die, and her students now know about her current living status and have their own conclusions as to what they do when they’re alone, but the way he’s looking at her makes her feel incredible.
She tilts her head as she looks at him and he does the same. There’s a fire in his eyes as he challenges her.
“I’m not going to kiss you right now if that’s what you’re looking for.”
Percy bites his lower lip, whole body shaking with laughter. “You so sure?”
Annabeth takes a step back as Percy takes one forwards. She finds herself cornered against the bed with nowhere to go. She turns back to face Percy, and she only has one second to prepare before he’s grabbing her and falling onto the bed beside her.
“Percy,” she says, jerking around when he started tickling her. “This isn’t — funny!”
Percy kisses her neck, fingers moving her shirt up slightly to grip her sides. “I think it’s hilarious. Your students found out you have a boyfriend. So what? You’re human.”
“Stop,” she says, snorting and jerking again as he squeezes and palms her stomach.
“Kiss me.”
Percy’s fingers stop moving along her skin as he hovers over her, looking deeply into her eyes. She feels so warm and loved, laying here with her best friend, and he’s the complete opposite of her, but maybe it’s for the best. Maybe it’s for moments like this, to balance her out.
And as she kisses him, she thinks that she can complain about her invasive students and cursed zoom calls later because the only thing that matters right now is making sure he keeps kissing her like she’s the only thing in the world.
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solange-lol · 4 years
i already know it (i’ll probably blow it)
words: 1,725
read on ao3
Camp Half-Blood Thanksgiving was a new tradition, only started after the war with Gaea when demigod lives weren’t as threatened, (keyword being as.)  
Even while it was safe for more demigods to go home, some still chose to stay at camp year-round, or, in the case of Nico, they didn’t have anywhere to go. Thanksgiving in the Underworld could be interesting, but to be honest, the son of Hades was sort of trying to avoid undead beings for a little while.
“Everybody gather around,” Malcolm Pace, head of the Athena cabin after Annabeth left, calls. The rest of the counselors swarmed him as he began to hand out food assignments.
They had decided the best method of going about this was letting the head counselors of every cabin take over one section with Chiron’s aid and supervision. They were just a group of teenagers after all, and what do teenagers know about making group meals for a bunch of campers?
Not much, as it became abundantly clear to Nico as he stands cluelessly in the kitchen of the Big House.
“Nico, you’re on dessert with Drew and Clovis,” Malcolm informs him, steering him in the direction of the two, who are already peeling apples (Drew was peeling apples, Clovis seemed to have given up after one in favor of a quick nap.)
They were also sitting right next to one Will Solace, who was busy peeling potatoes and laughing at whatever Drew just said.
He hesitantly joined the two, trying his best not to make direct eye contact with the son of Apollo. Ever since his three days in the infirmary after the war took place, Nico didn’t know where they were going to go.
The answer was nowhere, apparently, as Will has made no attempt to ask him out since then.
“Why don’t you ask him out, then?” Jason had asked him when he was packing up his stuff from the summer as Nico complained to him. He had found that Jason was the only person with who he actually felt comfortable discussing his more-or-less crush on Will ever since the incident with Cupid.
“Because how am I supposed to know he’s not just like this with everyone? He’s crazy protective like that with everyone; I’m just waiting for him to at least give me a sign that he likes me too.”
Jason had just rolled his eyes. “I think you both are crazy oblivious.”
Nico crossed his arms. “Just because you have a girlfriend doesn’t mean you're the love expert.”
“Then why did you come to me?”
(Said girlfriend later broke up with him, but it’s not like Nico had made any progress anyway, so who cares.)
How was Nico even supposed to know what he wanted with Will anyway? He’d never been in a relationship before, and none of his crushes ever stemmed past more than, well, a crush.
He wishes Annabeth were still here. When it came to crushes on oblivious guys, she was an expert. Nico still doesn’t know how she did it.
“Hey, di Angelo, are you gonna help us with dessert, or should we just watch you stare at Solace all day?” Drew asks, dumping the apple mixture (how did she make that so quickly?) into the pie crust.
When he snaps back, glancing up at her and trying to ignore both Will’s eyes on him and the heat rising in his neck, she just snorts at him. “Wanna get started melting marshmallows for Rice Krispie Treats?”
He nods, and she takes the bag the Clovis had just been using as a pillow out from under his head and hands it to him.
Nico glances at it. “What do I do with this?”
“Mix it with half a stick of butter and pop it in the microwave,” she tells him. Nico follows instinct after that from what little cooking knowledge he has from growing up with Bianca.
As he stands back at the microwave, he can’t help but watch Will, rattling off reasons why his body had subjected him to have a crush on another boy way out of his league. Tall, blonde, blue eyes, assertive, but also nice, could probably carry him, and dumb as rocks.
“Invested in the mashed potatoes?” Will asks, once again snapping Nico out of his train of thought. He holds up a mostly-peeled potato. “Am I up to your standards?”
Instinctively, he straightens his back, playing along. “My Italian mother would cry at that potato,” he informs Will. Behind him, the microwave beeps, signaling its end, but Nico ignores it.
Will just laughs, shaking his head, and Nico continues. “Lucky for you, I don’t have much of a memory from Italy, so it’ll pass.”
“Thank god, you had me worried.”
Before he can say something else, Drew interrupts. “Are you going to get out the marshmallows before they solidify?” she asks him, then holds out a spoonful of some dessert for Will to try.
Nico sighs, turning back to the microwave and opening the door. He can’t tell if he’s jealous, or just frustrated about his first interaction with Will in a while has been cut short. There was that whole thing with Drew, too. He didn’t know what was between the two of them, and frankly, he wasn’t exactly sure he wanted to know.
“Oh, and be careful, it’s hot!-” Drew warned last minute, but it was too late.
Nico grabs the bowl full-hands on, then immediately squeaks and drops the bowl on the floor with a clatter, the burn already settling into his hand.
Drew glances down at the buttery-marshmallow mess on the floor. “Couldn’t have even aimed for the counter?”
Meanwhile, Will stands up from potato duty, offering a hand out to Nico. “Alright, to the infirmary with you.”
He rolls his eyes, accepting it with his good hand and trying to ignore the way his other one feels like it’s burning off. Together, they exit the infirmary and make their way over to the infirmary next door.
Kayla is already set up for her shift, but as soon as she notices Will’s hand in Nico’s, she just nods them off to the back.
“I guess you don’t cook much?” Will asks once Nico is finally sat down.
“Never really had a reason to, I guess. Coach did all of the cooking when I was traveling with him and Reyna,” Nico explains as Will takes out some cream, tugging Nico’s hand forward so he can lay it on. He seems surprised when Nico barely flinches at it
“Usually Silvadene gets a scream out of campers,” he says, putting away the ointment and begins to wrap Nico’s hand.
“I think you're forgetting I got clawed by a werewolf” Nico reminds him, and Will shudders.
“Oh, no, I remember. Those were a nightmare to heal. Thank gods for nectar and ambrosia,” he says, then reaches behind him to a drawer, pulling out the godly food. “Speaking of which-”
He takes the small square, taking a bite out of the corner “Thanks.”
“What does it taste like for you?”
“Rice Krispie Treats.” Nico deadpans.
Will’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“No,” he snorts, and Will rolls his eyes, laughing lightly. Nico doesn’t know if it’s the sound or the ambrosia that makes his stomach warm.
Will stands up from his seat in front of the bed, putting away materials. He then reaches for Nico’s good hand again and pulls him up. “Well, anyway, you didn’t have to throw a bowl of marshmallow mix on the floor just to get my attention.”
Nico ignores his suddenly-flaming cheeks. “Don’t flatter yourself,” he tries to force out smoothly. His voice cracks a bit, and Will's lips twitch upwards. “I really did burn myself.”
“I know, but I could see you watching me.”
He swallows. “You could?” (He’s faced monsters, titans, gods, even Tartarus, but one cocky son of Apollo makes him suddenly lose all his chill?)
“Di Angelo, you are as obvious as I am oblivious. It took Drew telling me to notice, but once I did, I couldn’t stop,” he says, tugging Nico a little bit closer.
The son of Hades leans back a bit, trying to push away the skeletal butterflies in his stomach. “Are you two a thing? You seem awfully close.”
Will raises his eyebrows, and an amused smile on his lips as he pulls Nico even closer. The back of his legs are pressed against the bed, and with a good six inches on him, Will is towering over him.
“Well considering she’s gay and I’m into you, I would hope not,” he says quietly, wrapping one arm around Nico’s waist as he leans down.
“Oh.” Oh.
His face closes in towards Nico’s, so close that his heart is pounding as he waits for Will’s lips to reach his. (Nico could lean forward and speed up the process, but his entire body seems to be frozen in some emotion he can’t quite name yet.)
Just when their lips are inches apart, Will stops. “Can I kiss you?” he mumbles practically against them.
“Please,” Nico responds, and then there they are.
He’s never kissed anybody before. He doesn’t know if Will has, but he’s doing a bit better than Nico. It’s a little messy, and there are no fireworks like in the movies, but it’s with Will, and that’s all he can really ask for at any point.
Will’s hand tugs Nico’s waist closer to him as he tilts his head, and oh. He loses himself in the sensation as Will drops Nico’s hand, letting it move up Nico’s arm to his neck, and then into his hair.
Nico sighs into his mouth. Out of instinct, he put both hands on the back of Will’s neck, trying to pull him closer.
The sudden pressure on his hand makes him wince and step back. He would have tripped backward on the infirmary bed if it wasn’t for Will immediately grabbing his waist, keeping him steady.
“You okay?” he asks, slightly breathless, and the butterflies return to Nico’s stomach.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Do you think you can give me some more of that ambrosia? I need my hand to heal so we can keep doing that.”
Will smiles like he can’t help it, placing a kiss on Nico’s cheek before reaching into the drawer again.
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@unicornsgomooo @anxiouswinter @soulangelou @number-of-fucks-i-give-0 @underworldystuff @theeloquentsnake @solangelover@thefandomsaretakingover @internallyexplodingrainbows​ @motivatedcryptidtamer @emilyfairchild @wherethewildthingsare-nt @hetapeep41 @blavk-dahlia
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fallentri · 4 years
Okay... Finally finished our TOA and I've got feeeeeeeelings. I love it but also... I'm disappointed about some things. I feel like this series would have done better with another book to expand on ideas.
I still really wish that we could have explored more of the good things Apollo did as a god. Like... I love that Apollo feels shame about the bad things he did. Like seriously that's great! I just dislike everyone always going at him about stuff. I dunno. Personal preference I guess.
I just think it would have been cooler going into the psychology of gods. Because they're different than humans. They're literally on another level. They don't necessarily have the same morals as us. Or need to hold themselves to that stuff. Should they? Maybe. But would they without being pushed into it? I... I don't think so. But honestly I think that's way more complicated than what was shown there.
How about things I loved.
Reyna not getting or needing a love interest. Heck yes!!! That's what I wanted. I did want Reyna and Apollo to bond together though. Since they both have trauma in their pasts... But I was never into the ship personally. If anyone is that is totally completely valid! Or if they ship Reyna with Thalia or... Anyone else. Your ships are valid! I just never really wanted her with anyone personally. Regardless of gender.
On that note. Proud aro-ace Artimus/Diana is my fave. That's all I've got to say.
Plus I love that Apollo is into everyone and Artimus isn't. Opposites and all that poetic stuff that I'm rubbish at.
Meg and Apollo? Cute siblings! I love them so much. I demand a short story where they and Artimus hang out. That would be amazing. I'd write it but honestly I've lost faith in my writing skills. (Brain big dumb)
Oh. Also Apollo not getting with anyone too. I mean I enjoyed reading him crush on a ton of people. But like Reyna I think he needs to get through some things before he tries dating again. And I want him to bond more with his kids.
Also is there a god of therapy? Cuz guys I think we need a god of therapy. And... I don't know if Asclepius counts? Like I dunno man. I think he also needs therapy. His grandpa killed him with a lightning bolt.
Idea. Zeus make a god of therapy. Maybe someone who's not related to you guys. Someone who's not biased.... Dang now I have an idea for an oc. Hmmmm...
Anyway... Wow rambling sorry but I'm not done. Just trying to get thoughts out.
Hera actually like being on Apollo's side was interesting. I mean it was because of reasons but now I'd like to see her try and bond with Apollo and maybe apologize about how she treated him. And maybe realize "hey... Maybe blaming the kids for my husband's adultery isnt fair." I think that could be interesting.
Uh... Some more things that disappointed me off the top of my head.
Leto doesn't reunite with Apollo... Guys that breaks my heart. I really wanted her to be crying and holding her baby boy. And not want to let go. And then adopt Meg. (Sorry Demeter)
The gods being.. callous to Apollo like it makes sense but also... Hermes? C'mon.
I did love Dionysus though. And the fact that he's apparently Apollo's annoying little brother who followed him around. Anyone with younger siblings can probably understand this.
What else..
Oh. Just that this is apparently the end...it didn't feel like the end. I mean some things were wrapped up but... I'm not ready. I'm just not ready. And I want a series where Apollo tries to help as best he can. Where he is sympathetic and trying to do what's right. I want to explore more with Zeus and his reasonings for this... And honestly I want to see the council actually become a council.
I want the gods to be forced to take a look at themselves like Apollo did. Again. Therapy god. Please and thank you.
Just... Blegh. I dunno. I'm sad guys. I've been following this series since the fifth grade. I grew up with Percy and everyone... And I'm glad that he's found happiness but... I'm not ready to say goodbye to this world. There's just so much more to explore.... Agh. Well I've rambled enough. Hopefully this makes sense. I've been up since 1 am and I'm dealing with medical stuff. (Not corona thank goodness) but I finished TOA and just... Kinda needed to rant. Anyway bye guys.
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baku-no-alt · 4 years
sriracha sauce | 5
bakugou x reader; in which Bakugou and some other students from UA are doing a work -study abroad in NYC. also Bakugou is nice to you for once
cw: like, so many swears; a little baby amount of angst
You make it to the door of your apartment building and scan yourselves in. You and Bakugou have been silent for a while, just walking in each other’s company, each lost deep in thought. 
You’re following Bakugou up the stairs, mulling over what he’d said on your walk in the park. 
He said I let you win. 
I did. 
So I would have to take you out to dinner. 
Since you’d been dating someone at the time, you’d never given a romance with Bakugou much thought, but the idea of him taking you out on a date now was sending your heart into a frenzy. 
If you really thought about it, he was one of your closest friends. You’ve had a lot of time to get to know him over the last three months, and he felt safe. And comfortable. And you trusted him.
Still, you were being held back by... something. 
You were about to reach your floor when Bakugou freezes on the top step of the stairs. You nearly crash into him, automatically placing your hands on his back to steady yourself. You can feel the heat of his skin from over his shirt. 
And he’s muscular. 
You peek past Bakugou’s shoulder to see what’s held him up, and then your heart drops. 
Your ex is standing at your apartment door. His head whips around when he senses you and Bakugou standing there. He glances between the both of you before taking a step towards you. 
“The fuck do you want?” Bakugou practically growls. 
“Bakugou.” you hiss through your teeth, “Go inside. I can handle this.” 
He doesn’t move, but his eyes slowly shift to meet yours. 
Please, you plead silently, hoping he can read your expression.
He clicks his tongue and walks slowly towards the door, pointedly making eye contact with your ex. When he finally shuts the door, your ex opens his mouth. 
“So, we’ve been broken up for a few hours and you’ve already moved on?” he says, anger flashing across his face. 
“I- what?” you ask, incredulous. 
“With him,” he jerks his head towards the door Bakugou just went through. 
Rage swells in your chest and takes over, burning through your veins. “I cannot believe you have the nerve, the fucking gall, to come to my home after you fucking cheated on me and then get upset with me for hanging around my own goddamn roommate.” 
“I told you not to fucking call me that. Is your head actually inside of your own asshole right now?”
He stares at you, doesn’t speak. So you keep going, letting your emotions spill from your chest.  
“I loved you. Spent a year of my life with you. And you didn’t even care enough about me to not fucking cheat on me. You didn’t even- care enough- “ you start to break down, the tears falling freely down your cheeks. “What do you want? Why the hell are you even here?”
He grabs one of your hands, squeezing your fingers, “Babe, I love you too. I came here to show you that.” 
You take in a shuddering breath, and use your free hand to wipe your eyes. Then you put your hand over his and pry his fingers away from yours. “Listen to me, okay?” you say, and he nods slowly, eyes not leaving yours. 
Your nostrils flare. 
“Fuck. You.” you spit out. 
And his face contorts with anger.
His hand flies up and he grabs you by your jaw, his fingernails digging into the skin of your cheeks. “What did you just say to me?” he seethes. 
Adrenaline shoots through you and you grab onto his wrist, but he doesn’t let go of you. You use the sudden shot of energy to activate your quirk, and at the same time, the door to your apartment flies open. 
An inhuman sound comes from your mouth. Your voice sounds like a chorus of angels and a screeching harpy and the low, vibrating rumble of the earth all at the same time. Bakugou stands in the doorway, frozen, eyes wide, staring at you. 
“Touch me again, and I will fucking kill you.” You manage to rip your ex’s hand from your face after his grip loosens from the shock of your voice, and Bakugou lands a punch directly in the middle of his chest, knocking him backwards.
You use all of your body weight to shove Bakugou back through the doorway and into the apartment - he’s got a lot of muscle - and you shut and lock every lock on the door behind you. 
You both stand there in the dark, breathing heavily. You lean your back against the door, letting your head fall back, and then you slowly slide down to the floor, exhausted.
“What the hell was that?” he asks, running a hand through his hair. 
You shrug. “My ultimate move? I don’t know.” 
He raises a brow. “Your quirk is languages. That, sure as shit, was not a language.” 
You absentmindedly run your fingers across the smooth tiling of the floor. “I dunno. I’ve been able to do it for years.”
“Don’t you have to hear a language first before you can speak it?” 
“So that means-”
“You’ve heard that somewhere?”
“Yep. Don’t remember it.” 
You stare at each other’s outlines in the darkness for a few moments before you snort, unable to stop from laughing at the situation. 
“Everything is dumb,” you groan. You cover your face with your hands, rubbing hard circles in your eyes until you see stars. 
Bakugou holds out his hand, waiting for you to take it. “Hey. C’mon.” 
You don’t want to move. You feel like you’re glued to the spot you’re sitting on, but you take his hand anyways, and he pulls you up. 
You numbly follow him down the hallway. He walks into your room, turns the light on. You kick off your shoes and let your body crash on to your bed. You would regret sleeping in your jeans, but you truly didn’t have the energy to change. 
Bakugou leaves and comes back a few minutes later, a glass of water in hand. He places it on your nightstand and heads back towards the door. 
He reaches for the light switch and turns it off. You stare at him, peeking over your comforter in a way that makes you feel like a child. Small. 
“Bakugou?” you say, barely above a whisper. 
He stops moving and his eyes flick towards your lumpy form under the covers. 
“Will you stay with me?” 
He blinks. “Are you sure about that?” 
You nod, and he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Your heart sinks when he walks back into his room, but he returns again in a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. 
“Well, scoot over, dumbass,” he mumbles, and you inch over to give him some space. 
He pulls up the comforter and slides under it. His smell, sweet and musky, is absolutely intoxicating. 
You breathe him in, and your eyes flutter shut
@shareyourfandomfaves, @awkward-tamaki, @ha-tep, @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo, @ayeputita, @lookslikeleese, @alinakaisato, @loxbbg, @micheladakenzo, @bnhaismylife
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