#so I’m looking online for some shorts that are similar and i just. cannot find any its so sad
foggyparadisecandy · 1 year
On the Dangers of B—-i Sleep
[NOTE: this is NOT an advertisement to search out the files described. Just don’t. Don’t. I’ve listened to hypno files for decades with minimal impact. These files have damaged me. Perhaps permanently.]
Please consider reblogging if you think this can help others facing similar struggles.
True confession time: I have listened heavily to a series of hypnosis files called Bambi Sleep. Why? I’ll get into that in a future post.
For now I want to discuss the dangers and possible paths out for anyone struggling with the effects - as I very much have been over the last few days.
I’m using words which are triggers so let me provide some incredibly useful instructions to all the Bambis and old selfs reading this:
Bambi is always as smart as she needs to be.
Bambi is always just as smart as she needs to be.
Simple instructions that Bambi obeys because Bambi is obedient and takes instructions. Bambi does as she’s told so she now knows:
Bambi is always as smart as she needs to be.
Bambi is always just as smart as she needs to be.
With those instructions, Bambi knows when she’s in hot water with abusers who want to upend and likely ruin the life of her “old self”, the original listener.
And guess what?
In the online world or anonymous assholes, there are a TON of abusers looking to play with Bambis and the old self with absolutely zero regard for long-term damage.
In fact, I would say my Bambi found five asshole abusers for every decent human being who just wanted to have some consensual fun playing with Bambi’s powerful triggers.
I had one such “daddy” nearly convince my Bambi to leave my life and my wife and find some anonymous men to take me in, in exchange for living as their sex slave. Yeah. So that’s what we’re dealing with. Not a joke.
These abusers are quick to gaslight and twist logic and paint the picture that they are doing you a favor (“hey, you came to me. I’m just helping you be who you want to be.”) to further convince you to continue being endangered and abused and falling further down the hole.
Yes. I’m a grown adult. I made choices to listen to the files. And yes, I - or my Bambi persona more likely - reached out to a “daddy” to have fun.
Or maybe your Bambi, like mine did, will start dropping messages on social for daddies to come find her and trigger her.
Social media is littered with regretful “old self”s who had to delete their accounts because their Bambis had done just that.
The ultimate problem with Bambi is she is designed and trained to be a real dummy who just sits back and waits for orders to follow.
Many of the files are about becoming stupid as a rock and blanking away your old personality and memories and identity and name and replacing it with this new empty shell who just wants to obey and suck cock.
And trust me, I get the appeal of “getting dumb” in trance.
I *soooooooo* get it. The idea of just giving over and submitting to another and letting them take the wheel.
And after connecting with so many peeps here on tumblr, I know I’m not the only one looking to dumb down, turn off my brain, submit, and just follow orders blindly.
Life can be hard and stressful. Blanking out is such a seductive concept.
But here’s the thing:
You can’t have consent with a dumb object that is programmed to blindly accept orders, obey orders, and then forget those new orders were orders at all.
By definition, there cannot be consent with Bambi. There is only abuse.
It’s debatable about the effect brainwashing has on people. I have listened to hypno files for years and never had anything other than short-term effects. No big deal.
But Bambi is something on a different level. It’s pervasive and seductive and is a form of conditioning that erodes your core character.
If you ever have had a friend or relative get addicted to nonsense conspiracy theories, it’s kind of like that. Did they always believe the aliens are controlling the liberal plot to introduce tracking chips by starting a global pandemic? Maybe? But probably, no.
And yeah … maybe I did reach out to you.
Maybe it wasn’t my Bambi and I was in charge.
Did we discuss limits? Did we get a safeword established? Are you there to fucking take care of me as a good dominant should take care of their submissive?
Or did you think it was going to be fun to ruin someone else’s life by twisting them up … just because you had some levers to do so?
I reached out to a few folks during my recent difficulties and want to confirm that, yes, by god, thank god, there are some really decent folks out there willing to help a total stranger who got into a nasty jam.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all. And thank you for your articles on safe ethical hypnosis. Keep it up. The subjects and submissives lining up for fun play need to read those articles and need to play safe or not play at all. Bambi is not safe.
If you are reading this thinking, “oh it can’t be that bad, it sounds fun, where can I find these files,” you have not read a single thing I wrote. I’ve talked with dozens of other Bambis and only found one who had avoided the nasty pitfalls (she is amazing and literally unique).
Those are not good odds. Don’t think you are going to beat them.
If you yourself are struggling with Bambi, feel free to hit my DMs or my Asks and I will support you in finding a path out as best as I can.
But in the meantime, the best thing to remember, the best thing to do is for Bambi to accept and obey these instructions:
Bambi is always as smart as she needs to be.
Bambi is always just as smart as she needs to be.
Bambi loves fun and a good time.
Bambi can smell predatory assholes.
Bambi can run from predatory assholes.
And Bambi can come to me for help.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I’m this anon who asked about radical feminist/trans debates. I appreciate your response and those of your commenters, particularly @elfwreck who described a long evolution of discourse that I’ve missed. I’ve not been intentionally dense…just a woman and working mother who’s been busy as hell for about the last 15 years and focused on getting through the day. I’ve always supported gay rights, never gave it a second thought. With my kids older and more time on my hands, I started exploring fanfic and have been drawn in. One thing led to another and I find myself down tumblr rabbit holes with women raising questions about girls sports and the dangers of HRT for teens and whether lesbians are allowed to not like dicks, with responses that generally amount to “die terf”. I start researching online and find academic papers and news articles, but find essentially a similar message to you and your commenters: “radical feminists are obviously wrong and not to be taken seriously”. No addressing the questions I’ve seen raised. I get the point—one side is indefensible and I missed the boat on seeing the discussion play out many years ago. I suppose I was looking for a short cut through social media which feels silly in retrospect. Regardless, the radical feminists are out there making intellectual arguments across social media on a range of topics, including men in general, misogyny, porn, prostitution. In all likelihood the post that first pulled me in to their viewpoints related to the imbalance between women and their husbands with respect to child raising, housework, and expressing anger over daily aggravations, which rang completely true to my personal experience and that of other women I know. Likely why I now find myself caught up in fanfic escapism. Anyhow, I’ll dig in deeper to academic literature on the intersection of women’s rights, gay rights, and trans rights because I finding myself caring to know this history now.
It happens.
A lot of the roots of current feminist debate are in the Feminist Sex Wars of the 80s. Those were about differing ideas around protecting women and the implications of pornography.
(TBH, part of how very old arguments are able to rear their ugly heads again is that this shit is old enough that the youth weren't born yet during those debates.)
While not about trans stuff per se, some of the ideas about embattled women whose territory is being encroached on link back to there. The "argument", to the extent that the anti-trans side has one, tends to be about defending women's spaces. Many of these arguments are coming from a place of genuine fear. (Maybe not realistic fear, but I believe them that they're traumatized and reacting accordingly.) Some, however, are malicious indoctrination.
There have been efforts (sometimes admitted to publicly, often not) to literally infiltrate young lefty spaces with this kind of rhetoric. It's the queer and female youth version of gamer boys getting indoctrinated by the alt right. So people on my blog have very limited patience for anything that gives this shit the time of day.
I don't think there's a particularly good shortcut since it's the culmination of decades of fighting.
But where I'd start would be by saying that a lot of the arguments sound good on the surface but boil down to "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" traps.
If someone on social media is still hung up on "But BDSM is abuse! A woman cannot meaningfully consent because [bullshit we fought about in the 80s]", we have nothing to say to each other.
The anti-kink and anti-trusting people when they say they consent attitudes tend to go hand-in-hand with suspicion of trans people and refusal to let people define their own identities.
Misogyny and unfair work distributions are absolutely real, but there's a certain "war on women" rhetoric that's about as legit as the "war on Christmas".
The "other" side agrees about a lot of the basics, like the fact that a lot of dudes really need to hold up their end of relationships better when both partners work and nobody should be solely in charge of the house.
But some feminist classic like the comic You should've asked is not on "The Feminist Side" as opposed to "The Trans Side". Regular feminism doesn't take issue with trans people. Lots of regular feminism accepts that women are kinky and horny and like impure things.
These feminist basics are often used as a strawman ("Our opponents disagree with this basic idea they clearly do not actually disagree with!") and as camouflage for much stupider ideas, like the notion that trans women would choose to be a demographic that gets murdered in bathrooms a lot. It's not cis women who are in danger from trans women! That's complete horseshit.
A lot of the talk of embattled lesbian space actually means "Oh no, some butches came out as trans men eventually, and we have to acknowledge bisexual women now".
Re the HRT thing... Yes, there are dangers to prescribing kids and teens hormones. A family should go into the process with a clear understanding of the effects on bone density and such. These risks can be managed the same as menopausal women manage bone density risks. These are not horrific and unknown problems: they're commonplace medical issues we've dealt with before in other contexts. They don't have to be a big deal unless a kid has some pre-existing bone disorder or something.
The part the transphobes don't tell you is that the biggest danger to trans teens is suicide.
Depending on which study you look at, something like 80% of trans youth have serious suicidal thoughts and maybe half make an actual attempt. Lots of teens have issues, but these rates are staggeringly higher than for cis peers, even cis gay peers who also tend to have higher rates than cis het teens.
Forcing someone to go through the body horror of the wrong puberty is... well... not great for their mental health. So a lot of medical professionals are understandably eager to treat kids and teens early because of the huge lasting mental toll. Taking hormones early can also result in an adult body that passes better. And perhaps people shouldn't have to pass as cis to be treated how they want to be treated, but we live in the real world.
Some people do start treatment and then regret it. That's reality. But it's a small percentage, and the issue is often that they're nonbinary and weren't presented with any options other than cis of their assigned sex at birth or transsexual in the 90s sense where you want the full top and bottom surgeries and you're still very binary. I know people who've detransitioned to a degree, but they're not like "Ah yes, I was 100% cis and a fool!" There was generally something going on, just something harder to pin down.
(In fact, most of the "evidence" of people regretting transition are from contexts where the only way to socially transition and get your government ID changed and so on was to do the full medical transition. The regretters would most likely have preferred something in the middle but were not allowed access to what they needed by punitive laws.)
A bunch of alarmist dickheads want to tell you that trans youth don't know their own minds and that everything will be safer and healthier if they just wait to get treatment. In most cases, this is completely untrue.
There used to be far more psychiatric roadblocks to getting physical medical treatment. What the haters want is for these to return. But they didn't deter trans people back then, and they're not going to now.
Re the dicks thing... People roll their eyes because it's such an old canard. Nobody thinks lesbians should be required to like dicks. Nobody thinks lesbians should be required to date trans women either.
But lots of trans women get bottom surgery and don't even have a penis. In any case, whether they get surgery or not, reducing them to a body part is the kind of bio-essentialist nonsense feminism normally strives to debunk.
These arguments boil down to "Have penis, will rape".
Re sports... Trans women don't end up being the issue. In practice, when there's a lot of scrutiny, what happens is that black cis women are seen as literally not female enough and racist shitheads demand that their hormone levels be tested and they be branded Not Female for testosterone levels or something.
Whatever this kind of regulation is intended to do, in practice, it establishes a correct way to be female, and that way is to have a body that conforms to a particular "feminine", white beauty standard.
The athletes who end up being attacked are sometimes intersex, which they may not even have known. Sometimes, they're just taller and stronger than other women. Often, they don't look normative enough to a bunch of creeps because they're too black.
The assholes cover it up with a good line of patter, but that's where this ends: treating black women like freaks.
The bottom line is that anti-trans supposed feminists try to pretend they speak for feminists in general and that there are two major sides locked in conflict.
In fact, they're fringe weirdos who've gained new prominence, particularly in the UK with the backing of JKR, and the rest of the feminists are over here going "This shit again? Jesus!"
I don't waste time debating their "intellectual" arguments on social media for the same reason I don't debate eugenics-preaching racists or fundie religious nuts.
Hence the lack of good resources on "both sides".
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godbirdart · 1 year
Hi there! Short time appreciator of your stuff (I found you a few months ago + love your style sm!!) first time asker, and this might be an odd one, but do you have any suggestions for how to get involved with the furry community? Just, where to meet folk, maybe what to keep an eye out for (good or bad!) and such? I'd love to chat to folk and such but I'm just a very nervous person ^^;
You don't have to post or answer this if you don't want to! But thank you for all the cool art and the funny memes, I love seeing Sebastian with assorted snacks ^-^ you take care!!
aaA thank you!!
i'll be honest i personally skirt around the edge of the community because i too am a shy creature that emerges only every waning moon to hand people artwork
depending on the involvement level you want, you've got a number of options. a lot of people are still active on twitter, and mastodon and cohost seem to be picking up! i know mastodon has a few furry instances, such as meow.social, though I don't use mastodon that much so I cannot say if the community there is good, bad, or otherwise. same goes for cohost. last i checked it's very much so a twitter clone, but many furries i've noticed have skipped over there. pillowfort.social has a small Furry Artists community. if in doubt, there's also /r/furry on reddit.
if you just want to appreciate art and maybe comment every now and again, tumblr is pretty good. sure the tags can be a little broken sometimes, but at least you'll find the content you're looking for when you look up Furry in the search. same goes for deviantart and furaffinity, ofc depending on your interests you may have to dig around a little to get to the content / art style you specifically like. both tumblr and twitter i find are somewhat good at recommending similar artists if you follow some. sometimes there’s a recommended that pops up after you hit follow on the profile on twitter or a “blogs like these” section on tumblr, so there’s that.
telegram and discord are still popular as ever, though i feel finding a Good chat can be a herculean task. the r/furry reddit mentioned above has both telegram and discord [both sfw].
it’s super likely there’s a local / regional furry group for your area. some meet irl, even! most of these groups have telegram chats or discords if you want to meet people closer to home. of course there's also the Countless furry conventions going on too
it all depends on your social level as an individual. you can dip your toes in just by commenting on and following other furries, or opt to attend meetups and conventions and meet people in person
as for things to stay away from, the two biggest problems i want to mention are:
furry raiders. an alt-right furry group.
people with the zeta symbol “ζ“ in their bio /  name. now, the presence of a symbol isn’t always indicative of someone’s affiliation with something, so use discretion; but the zeta symbol is often used by people who are zoosadists / into be*stiality. these people are not furries, they don’t represent what the community is about, and everyone hates them. we can and will call the authorities on these people for animal abuse. if you see someone telling “zoos” to fuck off, there’s a 99.9999% chance these are the people that person is talking about.
these aren’t the only issues of course, but i feel they’re the most prominent ones. also maybe be wary of people who constantly say things like “no politics uwu” - especially if they turn it into some furry pun like “pawlitics”. maybe i personally have just had too many uncomfortable interactions with people like this and now i’m biased, but i’ve grown to never trust that.
apologies, i’m a bit of a hermit in online spaces and can’t offer anything more specific. if anyone has cooler recommendations they’re welcome to add them in the replies / reblogs!!
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
ok so back when i was FIRST reading wof, i remember peeking into some online spaces surrounding the series and finding a whole lot of people making up their own dragon tribes. i’ve been reading the series again and have gotten much further this time, and am now going to describe to you my very self-indulgent fantribes. do they make sense? not necessarily. i’m having fun making them up though. (also i have not finished the whole series yet so if something i’ve written contradicts canon… just ignore that)
basically the first main bit of information is that these tribes are decended from an early ancestor of the seawings. at some point when those guys started breathing water, a good chunk of them split off from pyrrhia, managed to miss pantala completely, and ended up settling around an archipelago and spreading out into distinct new tribes. some in the water, some not. i will be listing them from highest to lowest geographically. or something like that idk.
actually very similar to skywings in terms of appearance, though mostly in shades of dark blue and purple, with brighter blue, purple, or green vein-like patterns on the scales
they also host a whole lot of spikes and spines
if you’ve ever seen the show dragons: race to the edge, imagine a skrill. yeah that’s what these guys do. they fly around in thunderstorms and electrically charge their spines. or maybe they produce electricity like an electric eel. idk i haven’t decided yet but. they have lightning abilities is what i’m saying
StrikeWings live and build their towns and cities on the rocky beaches and cliffs of the islands of the archipelago (i am yet to name the archipelago), and cannot breathe water but do spend a lot of time fishing.
they’re tough, a little self-absorbed as a whole, and love sticking their noses in other dragons business.
very brightly colored. whatever color you can imagine on a coral reef, a CoralWing probably has at least a few of them on her scales
they have several curving, rounded horns, like stalks of coral
all around they kinda just look like they stuck coral all over themselves. which they sometimes actually do, but they do also just look like that.
CoralWings have no natural abilities or defenses outside of their water breathing (and their amphibiousness), due to their lack of predators
why no predators? because they live in the reefs and shallows surrounding the islands. nothing scary ever goes that close to the islands outside of sharks and the occasional orca, but what are they gonna do against a DRAGON?
easily the most sociable tribe, being close allies with both the StrikeWings and KelpWings. they also live somewhat in between the two other tribes.
they’re also closely related to the KelpWings
and they have a pretty cozy symbiotic relationship with the StrikeWings. the CoralWings offer pretty shiny things, and are often implored to do a lot of aesthetic-based work. and the StrikeWings protect them.
they look a lot like CoralWings, but with duller colors, coming in muted shades of green, brown, and yellow, with the occasional brighter yellow spots. they also have a lot of stringy, extended soft bits all over their bodies that trail behind them as they swim and look like kelp
bioluminescent, slippery, and can only survive outside of water for a very short period of time
the largest tribe in the archipelago, inhabiting the huge kelp forests surrounding the islands and coral reefs. they also have the most political troubles, with a specific leader for each forest. they also spend a good amount of time in open, empty waters
they have a very broad diet, eating all sorts of things. urchins, mussels, crabs, fish, an otter or shark here and there, you name it. they’re not picky eaters.
but they’re very protective of their kelp forests and always do their best to keep them in tiptop shape
these ones are my favorite
huge, bulky dragons with thick, armorlike scales. they come in mostly dull dark blueish greys and browns, with the odd exception of a muted pink or orange
based off of dunkleosteus. like HEAVILY based off of them.
bioluminescent, and are incredibly sensitive to movement in surrounding waters. they also have an efficient sense of smell and have such think scales almost nothing can hurt them. oh and they cannot breathe above water and they cannot fly
TrenchWings live in underwater trenches, canyons, and caves. being so very deep below the surface, they have minimal contact with the upper tribes. there are occasional interactions, but little to no trading or friendly conversation
look very similar to KelpWings, but with touches of deep-sea-fish creepiness. and are almost always just shades of grey
same abilities as the TrenchWings, just without the heavy natural armor
small and skinny
they live in the same caves as the TrenchWings, but far deeper than those dragons would ever dare to go, building their settlements in huge caverns rich with life and bioluminescence
they love books and scrolls and writing. they have seemingly endless libraries, and are very scholarly. they’re big fans of information and documenting said information
but unfortunately for them, they have no contact with any tribe outside of the TrenchWings. but even to them, the BrineWings are more of a legend, or a story to scare young dragonets to keep them from venturing deeper into the caves
Leviathans (i’ll come up with a better name at some point. maybe. potentially.)
colossally sized dragons, no tribe knows much about them, cause most who come in contact with them don’t live to tell the tale
these guys are why the TrenchWings are so heavily armored. they’re the TrenchWing’s natural predator
considered monstrous and unintelligent, driven only by hunger and a thirst for destruction
i made them though, and i know better than that. they’re not as intelligent as the other tribes, they’re like the chimpanzee to the other dragon’s human. actually pretty chill, they’re just big and scary.
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theguardianace · 3 years
Hmmmmmm venting in the tags. No need to read if you don’t want to.
#tw dysphoria#btw#so i need to get some new shorts right cause mine are starting to wear out#which is sad because i love these shorts#I’ve had them for a few years now and they’re the only shorts I’ve ever likes#so I’m looking online for some shorts that are similar and i just. cannot find any its so sad#cause I’m looking through these and going#i can’t wear these#i don’t know if it’s a weird thing to be dysphoric about cause its not even the style or the colors?#i don’t mind wearing women’s clothing but shorts and some shirts are the exception#its like#this isnt me this is wrong#i mean i only realized it might (probably) be dysphoria recently#and partly my asexuality cause most shorts are way too short and they feel way too revealing#i just want my super androgynous shorts ok#and like I know I could technically get mens shorts but i just know my mom wouldn’t let me#actually wait i have to go to Meijer anyways to get other things for camp i wonder if i can find something ther#probably not but#i just want some androgynous shorts please it’s all i need ok I can’t wear traditional women’s athletic shorts i will cry if that happens#fun fact did you know i exclusively wore skirts and dresses when i was younger#why can’t it be that easy anymore#i like skirts and all but only long ones with leggings underneath and only for formal wear#give me the shorts that go to my knees! that makes me happy!#it also doesn’t help that all these pictures online are of peoples butts like that totally doesn’t make me uncomfortable or anything /s#and apparently there are no shorts that don’t have little cuts in the side?? what’s up with that#I might delete this later depending on if i find shorts or not
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Hello, I’m currently planning my English creative piece set in Arthurian times. One MC is black South African inspired thus her name is Melokuhle. I’ve listened to the pronunciation online and I realised that it would be hard for the other characters to pronounce. As they’re close should I keep it realistic and shorten her name to Mel or would that be a form of whitewashing? If it is, is it applicable to most names or just South African? Thank you for your time :)
Character of Color with hard to pronounce name: How might they handle this? (”Melokuhle” as example)
I cannot verify if this is a proper name for her, but:
Folks can learn how to say it.
She shouldn’t be forced to offer a nickname / short version for the comfort of others. 
While yes, it does happen (people sometimes get tired of having a whole ordeal around pronouncing their name) it should not be the standard. 
Personal example:
My last name is Nigerian, and people rarely go in knowing how to pronounce it. I offer a careful, phonetic breakdown when:
It’s mispronounced 
Someone kindly goes out their way to ask how to properly pronounce it. 
They might not get it on the first couple tries, but that’s okay! I don’t mind repeating and trying to help them get it right. 
If it’s a very short encounter: I may not bother. But then again, this is my last name I’m talking about. As my first name, I would care that much more.  
For regular encounters: I would like folks to make the effort. 
I’ll let the other mods go into detail below!
~Mod Colette
Hold yer horses, OP. A couple things to clear up first. 
The Xhosa name Melokuhle
The name is not “South African.” It is Xhosa, which is one of Many languages spoken in South Africa. It concerns me that your level of research is so elementary that you didn’t know this, and that you’re using colonial national borders to assume some sort of standard. May I ask where you got the name to begin with? For future reference, baby name websites that clearly look like they were published from the US are not good sources to find non-English names or their meanings/origins. 
Many names out there, in their original forms, may be genuinely hard to pronounce for monolingual English speakers at first because their sounds or other suprasegmental elements (like tone) don’t exist in English. But generally there’s a range of forgiveness for sounds that simply don’t exist in the English inventory. Many people provide and are happy with “just good enough” alternatives that aren’t natively perfect, as long as the attempt is made seriously, it’s consistent, the name-haver’s wishes for pronunciation are respected, and it’s as close as possible to the original. And even then, if you have no disabilities around speech—with just a bit of practice, it’s really not that hard if you care to learn. 
Your character’s name Melokuhle, for example, is /melok’uɬe/ in broad IPA. I’ll discuss how easy all of the other sounds are in a different example below, but there are two sounds of note here. 
/k’/ is an ejective k, which means that pressurized air is coming out at the same time as the /k/ sound. In simple terms, think of it as constricting your throat as your tongue gets in the appropriate position, and then releasing as you actually make the sound, and it should create a kind of popping sound that sounds like a /k/ but more intense. You’ll notice a delay going into the next vowel, and that’s natural; while you make an ejective sound, your vocal cords (which are what really get shut in the “constriction”) can’t vibrate to make a voiced sound like a vowel. 
/ɬ/ is an alveolar lateral fricative, where the tongue configuration is the same as regular /l/ except turbulent air goes through in the same way that sounds like /s/, /z/, and /ʃ/ (“sh”) do. To English ears, it should in fact sound kind of similar to a “shh,” as the airstream mechanism is the same. 
Both non-English sounds described above can be achieved with a bit of coaching/study on where all the articulators in your mouth need to go. 
If the name in question is simply long, has atypical spelling conventions, or has unusual but pronounceable segmental combinations, the other person has no excuse. 
Eg. The Zulu name Sithembile in broad IPA is /sitʰembile/. The only thing to really keep in mind here is the spelling. The vowels are all tense vowels (think “ee” for /i/, “ayy” for /e/), and “th” refers to an aspirated /t/ sound, which is—surprise—exactly the same t sound as English.
In either situation, if abled people regularly mispronounce the name, give up, or ask for a shortening, it’s because they don’t care enough to give it some practice. 
~ Mod Rina
People should make the effort to learn
I have a name that is 4 letters, two syllables. It is spelled phonetically (as it sounds), and yet many white English speakers find it incredibly difficult to pronounce both correctly and consistently not because of the name itself, but because, as Rina and Colette say, people neither make the effort to learn nor practice. 
In the circles where I work, it is thankfully standard for an authority figure to ask for names and preferred pronunciations/ nicknames during introductions. There are some people who have difficulty with certain sounds (native English speakers and Japanese speakers seem to particularly struggle with names from other languages), but the SOP is to promise to learn the name and apologize when one makes a mistake. 
This is common courtesy in most global professional settings. Proper pronunciation of names is rather like misgendering for pronouns. Those who consider this to be indicative of civility will make an effort. Those who don’t won’t. So, the issue of the pronunciation rarely rests with an individual’s name, but rather the level of respect other people accord that individual.
- Marika.
Other characters asking for a nickname is a microaggression
The way people handle common mispronunciations of their name varies greatly. It also varies on the name. As much as I would love for everyone to be able to pronounce names, some sounds are hard for non native speakers of other languages. That’s where we get foreign accents.
All the sounds in my name exist in English, even if the combination of sounds are a little different than English, so I make people use my whole name if they are someone I will interact with regularly (coworkers, friends, etc.). I only use a shortened version of my name when ordering food. Meanwhile, many of my Chinese friends have English names or nicknames because the sounds in their names are difficult for English speakers and they get tired of hearing people butcher their names or walking people through the pronunciation.
Some people insist that people learn their names. Some have a nickname for daily use but teach friends and acquaintances their name. Some have nicknames or an English name. There is nothing wrong with any of these choices. The main issue is when people refuse to respect what someone wants to be called.
- SK
We would like to open this to any Xhosa followers.
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scrawnytreedemon · 3 years
Victor Frankenstein and Frustration: a Not-Essay, because I can’t structure for shit.
Alright, I’ll try to keep it as clean and concise as I can, but at the end of the day this is a sorta-heat-in-the-moment thing I’m writing while all the ideas and motivation are in me yet. I will be jumping around alot of topics, as this covers alot of ground, but I can’t say I’ll do it with grace: for this, I apologise.
I’ve noticed a trend in online lit fandom, not just on Tumblr, to condense Victor’s character to something roughly following “arrogant, ineffectual and selfish weenie who failed horribly at parenting, who ought not to be taken seriously in any significant way, largely in-due to his constant whining“ --In other words, a right twat.
And here’s the thing: largely, I agree.
However, what I take issue with, I suppose, is largely how this is all framed.
See, fandom has a tendency to sort characters into boxes, and then pick favourites or bête noires from that selection; this is helpful for the largely memetic(as in, shareable,) nature of online spaces; but where I think this thinking falls short is that it tends to divide casts into More Good or More Evil, with little room for nuance.
I think you can see where I’m going with this.
Victor Frankenstein, by all accounts, is an incredibly frustrating character to witness; he gets way in over his head, isolates himself from his loved ones, leaving them worried, deems those ambitions failed, hides from them, then when shit starts hitting the fan, he takes initial actions to try and mitigate the consequence, hits a roadblock, either stops their or chooses an even worse option, someone else gets hurt, he whines, rinse and repeat until the final act of the book, as the stakes get higher and higher and his mental state deteriorates more, and more, and more. If you look at this entirely from an outsiders’ perspective, as you, the audience, being subjected to his moaning time and time again, it can wear on you and your sympathies-- Needless to say, I Get It™.
I think, however, it needs be remarked that Victor is also just some guy. 
What I feel is often missed, is that even before Victor goes to university, he has just suffered the loss of his mother, with little time to recover, and that all of this is being told in hindsight, on his deathbed.
When Victor took on, all by himself, at twenty-two years old, not even letting anyone else know what he was up to, the monumental task of creating life, and then finding that life horribly botched, he did not have the perspective that what he created was equivalent to a newborn child-- For all he knew, he might have animated an actual demon. It isn’t until two years later, after the death of his little brother at the hands of said demon, the he’s even remotely made aware of this.
Victor had worn himself out over the course of several months, physically and mentally, to this one task. He was not equipped to deal witht he consequences. I do not say this to downplay the weight of his actions, or the horrible mess of events that come afterwards, but to state perspective. Victor does not have the hindsight we have at the time of this act. I cannot stress this enough. As much as I enjoy Deadbeat Dad Vick jokes, I get the feeling many people actually view the story from this lens, and hold Victor up to that standard.
Then there’s the trial of Justine: a horrible, useless, unneeded and avoidable affair that ends in even more senseless death. This is where alot of people’s sympathy for Victor runs out-- For more than understandable reasons. He failed to act accordingly, to share the information he had, deeming it to be either dismissed instantly or for himself to be put under scrutiny; it’s clear he’s passionate about Justine’s innocence, but he cannot push himself past his fear and doubt, and ultimately, it ends in her death.
It is a horrible, horrible moment, and one that cements the tone of the story from there on out.
These are two key events that largely colour this image of Victor so prevelant online; and it certainly doesn’t help, what with fandom being almost aggressively left-leaning at times, that Victor comes from a place of privilege; he is almost tailor-made to push all the buttons of fandom sensitivities.
Let me elaborate.
A key feature of Victor’s character is his complete and utter inability to ask for help; no matter how dire the situation. Victor feels, that, despite and even because of his incompetence, that it is his cross and his cross alone to bear. Any inolvement from others, such as Clerval when he heads to England, is hesitant and highly discouraged, even when he wants nothing more than to partake in the company of his loved ones, after all he’s been through. While it is also heavily coloured by the anguished sentiment that borders on self-absorption so much of the time, I think it is also worthy to examine this too.
Victor’s tendency to indulge in self-pity and self-loathing is nigh, if not entirely, all-consuming; it pervades the narrative to a painful degree, particularly as it comes from his recollections; it is often exhausting to read through, and nigh unbearable if you already hold a disdane from his previous actions; but here’s the thing I think most people miss,
Victor is depressed.
I don’t mean “ooh, he’s so sad, leave him alone 🥺,“ I mean the guy is fucking depressed, stuck in a constant cycle of attempting to make do but failing, hating himself even more, letting it consume him because he at once feels like he deserves to be consumed and it’s the only thing he can do then and there to soothe to pain as shit gets worse and worse.
Victor Frankenstein’s internal monolgue is a prime example of deep-seated, far-gone depression, and I say this because I myself have experienced and do experience this. Depression is fucking soul-sucking, man; it turns you in on yourself, makes you feel entirely undeserving of love and compassion, leaves you feeling like you must, have to, deal with this entirely by yourself because it is your cross to bear.
Depression is so often self-flagellating and pointless, leaving the subject drained and often largely unable to experience the world outside their own miserable little bubble.
Victor is so wrapped up in this soul-sucking guilt, attempting to fight his own ineffectuality and in doing so only furthering his own ineffectuality, refusing to ask for help, that he ends up putting the ones he’s trying to protect in further danger as he tries to scramble a hodge-podge solution to the problem he created and couldn’t have even begun to forsee its consequences at twenty-two years old. It is a painful, painful example of how if only he reached out, if only he told someone, was honest, all of this could have been avoided, or at least mitigated.
And I think that’s the thing with Victor.
He’s a kind of banal evil-- If such continuous stumbling can even be considered so --He is an example of every day self-isolation and refusal to let anyone else in ballooning to such a degree it ends in distaster.
People are far, far more willing to forgive Adam for his transgressions-- And I say this as someone far more sympathetic to his plight, what with the absolute abandonment he faced at the hands of humanity --Despite their far more horrific consequences; in many ways, they’re attributed to Victor’s failing; which isn’t entirely untrue,
But I have to wonder, if alot of this also comes down to the fact that Victor’s wrongdoings are so human; leaving someone in your care behind; not speaking up in cases of injustice; being self-involved; again, the constant whining. In a way, it’s the sentiment that in stories a horrible person is often far more bearable than an annoying one.
That doesn’t even begin to touch on how much of the bemoaning might largely be and often is directly post-hoc regret colouring all his previous actions. This, above all else, is a cautionary tale to a fellow idealist in the hopes that Robert Walton doesn’t Fuck Up the way he did. Victor stresses his regret and his failings and his misery time and time again because he wants to protect Robert from a similar fate; a fate that ultimately ends in his death.
Victor Frankenstein is a study in frustration; in audience frustration, self-frustration, narrative frustration; it seeps into every corner of the story.
I am not trying to defend Victor Frankenstein as a person; he is flawed; and he’s meant to be flawed. Victor, at the end of the day, is a deconstruction of the Byronic hero-- Of Great and Powerful Men on the Fronteers of History™-- And most importantly, I think, a deconstruction he himself undergoes. Victor eventually alerts someone, a Genevan magistrate, is doubted just as he feared, and then runs off to take revenge into his own hands.
It takes the death of Elizabeth Lavenza to do so.
Victor is a flawed, miserable man, but not an evil one. That doesn’t mean he deserved to have his life crumble around him.
He could have done better. Should have done better.
And he knows this.
His entire arc is about how he knows this.
Victor dies knowing this.
Him being unlikable doesn’t make him a bad character. Him being unlikable is part of the character; and in a meaningful way.
God, I don’t know how to end this. I’ll probably come back and edit this many, many times.
I guess I’m just tired of people flattening characters just because they’re not particularly endearing.
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jennana501 · 4 years
A Case for Rexsoka
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I’ve been around the block when it comes to ships. I’ve seen people obsess over them, and I too have been driven mad by obsession. I was a hardcore original avatar fan and I was OBSESSED with shipping Toph and Sokka together. Any time they so much as made an interaction I over analyzed it and picked it apart looking for clues that somehow would prove that my hunches were correct. It was because I related with both characters, and I loved their chemistry. I wanted them to have a romantic relationship because it would feel like some sort of personal validation.
I’m an adult now and nothing has changed. But it has been a while since I’ve desperately shipped two characters together that are not obviously romantically involved with one another, or who could be romantic behind the scenes or beyond the story shown.
Until Rex and Ahsoka.
And I’ve seen people be adamantly against it. 
“No no no it’s just a brother/sister relationship.” 
“No it’s gross she is a child”.
And of course being disagreed with on the internet can drive a person crazy, and instead of individually arguing with dozens of people online, I’m making this post once and for all to explain why I think Rex and Ahsoka have romantic feelings for each other. Especially Rex.
The argument I’ve seen, that their deep passion, commitment, love, admiration, and respect for one another (which are all so obvious you’d have to be...silly to not see it) are felt in a platonic fashion. Which, for the first 6 seasons and 8 episodes, I would totally agree.
But then Ahsoka comes back. And let’s face it. She is a woman. Age wise, she’s around 17, but everything from the maturity of her Lekku (which weirdly don’t get all that longer, especially compared to other Tagrutan women) to her poise and confidence, to her prowess as a warrior, a user of the force, and her ability to command soldiers as well as control her emotions points to her being an adult woman. She’s no Snips anymore; she’s no child. She’s grown up. And how her peers react to her illustrates how they now view her as an adult.
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First there is Obi-wan. Obi-wan has always been a mentor to her, a sort of second Master. Obi-wan never hesitated to guide and Ahsoka or offer his council. He is proud of her when she succeeds, and will admonish her when she makes mistakes. When she returns and he sees her as a woman, he changes the way he treats her. He acknowledges her maturity by addressing her as an equal. He doesn’t admonish her. Instead he discusses with her, challenging her ideas and letting her offer an argument for them instead of putting them down and telling her how she should think or act. He also comes to her in his time of need, trusting her to help him with Anakin.
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Then there is Anakin. We all know of Anisoka shippers, and they are perfectly able to ship and enjoy said ship, but we can all acknowledge that it is a crack pairing with no basis in the canon. Anakin portrays the perfect kind of brotherly love. He is excited to see Ahsoka, and is stunned by her unexpected reappearance. Things are harder for Anakin because he is used to their fun banter and sibling-like companionship. He’s constantly shut down with her business like manner and he struggles with coming to terms with the fact that she isn’t a little kid sister anymore. She is an adult with a mission and a plan. When he looks at her, he is endearing. He loves her. Admires her. And he can’t wait to pick up where they left off. There’s joy and adoration in his face. He is proud of her and what she has become, but he also feels alienated and even hurt because of how her adulthood has changed their dynamic.
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Then there is Rex. When he first sees her, he wants nothing more than to reassure her that she still belongs. The clones had accepted her into their family. As far as they were concerned, she was one of them. When he looks at her for the first time, he’s beaming with the same adoration as he had had for her before, but also with a solemn awe at what she has become and what she has grown into. He welcomes her back into his life without hesitation.
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But then there is a moment things shift so drastically that I paused the show and re-watched it half a dozen times. We all know it and love it. This face he gives Ahsoka. The Look.
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What we see here is something we have never, EVER seen in Rex for 7 whole seasons. And it is my opinion that this is the first time Rex has been able to feel and express that he is attracted to Ahsoka. In other words, Rex has a sexual awakening.
Up until this point, Rex has been a sexless character. Nothing he does is flirtatious, sexy, or at all suggestive that he has those feelings inside him at all. Every sexual being has a moment where they are first animalistically drawn to another being. Characters who have already had this moment are easy to pick out. Obi wan. Anakin. Ventress. These characters have already experienced their sexual awakening. Ahsoka has too. Lux was her first object of attraction.
But Rex has never had this moment. Until this reaction.
I know some of you might be thinking “but Ahsoka gives a very similar look to Anakin, does that mean she is sexually attracted to HIM?” It’s a very good point. Ahsoka and Anakin share some cheeky playful looks during “Old Friends Not Forgotten”. We see many characters give similar looks to other characters, but does this mean it means the same thing as when Rex does it? The short answer is no.
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When animators design a character, they establish the “range of emotion” for that character. You can easily see this when you look back at how many times you see Rex break from his stoic, captain’s face. He rarely laughs, smiles, or emotes in any way. This is why when we see him emote it is exciting to us as an audience. A character like Ahsoka or Anakin commonly show a wide variety of expressions. Ahsoka is much more likely to give a cheeky look than Rex is. So “the look” for Rex, means a lot more when he is doing than it does when another character does it, say Fives or even Obi-Wan.
Which means the writers are trying to tell us something about this moment. 
This moment has changed Rex’s and Ahsoka’s relationship. 
Now does this mean that they are going to go bang each other immediately? Does this mean the second they are alone after “Victory and Death” they start an intense, sexual relationship? Of course not. That’s not what this ship is about at this time. But the reason many of us ship it is because suddenly they don’t feel like brother and sister anymore. It isn’t entirely platonic. And the show does a good job to further emphasize this as they come closer and closer both emotionally, and physically during the finale.
Blocking is a huge factor in visual storytelling. During the finale, Rex and Ahsoka are blocked in a way that makes them as close as physically possible on the screen. This communicates to the audience that they are closer now than they have ever been. As Jedi and Clone Trooper. As friends, and as companions, their bond forged in the fires of war, struggling to find meaning in life as soldiers.
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In contrast, look how Ahsoka and Anakin are blocked in their scenes. There is nearly always a gap between them, illustrating that they are distanced from each other emotionally. Rex is even visually inserted into the gap between them in several instances. Anakin and Ahsoka are growing apart, but she and Rex are growing closer.
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We get to experience Rex and Ahsoka engaging in actions and conversations that we had rarely seen before. From casual banter, to moments of intense intimacy, to emotional peaks, Rex and Ahsoka interact more in these four episodes than in the previous six seasons. Part of this is because their maturity gap has closed. Ahsoka is finally Rex’s equal in experience and maturity. It is also in part because it is a unique dynamic. No Obi-wan. No Anakin. Rex and Ahsoka are equal leaders of the 332nd. There’s also the fact that they are put into life threatening situations and have no one else but each other.
But there is that “look” that is given at the beginning of all this that suggests something else, that as their bond undoubtedly becomes strong as beskar, there is an element of it that takes their relationship from the platonic to the romantic.
I feel every detail, moment, and piece of dialogue in the finale tells the story of this bond. 
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Many instances of their strong emotional bond have been spread throughout the internet, with most ready to acknowledge that they have a connection unlike any other, one that may even be described as a “force” connection. These last four episodes are so exciting because we see two friends reunited, but then we get to watch as their relationship transforms.
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Even disregarding their implied attraction to each other physically, they dive into each other and hold on tight. Ahsoka shares deep personal worries with Rex, and Rex and her are shown opening up to each other in ways they have never opened up before.
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We were all floored and dumbfounded at scenes such as these that show these characters at their most vulnerable. But they decide to be vulnerable together. Is it because they are all that is left of their 501st family? It part, this is definitely true. But by being this vulnerable they transform their relationship into something very different from what they had before. It will never be the same again, and it will be near impossible to back out of the emotional intimacy that these two have participated in. Once you have formed that kind of an attachment with someone, there is no going back, and as is seen in rebels, these two maintain that strong connection even after years of being apart.
This goes beyond their sexual desires or needs. They’ve forged a bond that cannot be broken. They have shared minds, shared pain and agony that only the other can understand. They’ve been isolated from the world, and all they have left is each other.
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And at the end of the series, when we have Rex and Ahsoka broken, their world flip upside down and everything they ever valued or cared about lies in ruins before them, the idea that they still have each other is that beautiful seed of hope Star Wars is so good at preserving. Those of us who believe that their relationship could be romantic want good things for Rex and Ahsoka. We want them to have that love and share it with each other. Maybe only for a few moments, but having known it would be better than both of them living and dying without having that experience. 
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When we see the two in Rebels, for me it confirms that these two love each other deeply. But their lives can never be lived in a normal fashion. They cannot even be together as partners in life. The Empire has stolen this from them. The tragedy of this ship is that it can never be the way we want it to be. Rex will age and die long before Ahsoka is even halfway through her own life. They cannot live with one another. They cannot wake each morning with each other, at least not at the point we see them in rebels. 
But they continue to love each other. Even over distance, even knowing that mortality will claim them with only a fraction of the memories that they deserve with one another. 
So please, the next time you see some art or a fic, or a post like this, think of what I had to say. Rexsoka is about two adults, their lives destroyed at the hands of Sidious, but in defiance they still forge a bond that he could never break or take from them. And that to me is beautiful and something to celebrate.
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Side note: I spent a ton of time making gifs but they never would work and so I had to use screenshots instead :(
EDIT: At the request of the OG poster of a few gifs, I have replaced them have also made some grammatical changes. 
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The Thrilling Saga of Connie paying real life money for the Worst Sonic TV Show
Let’s begin with the simple fact that me and my sister, @birdsareblooming​ “Cori”, have both been hyperfixating on Sonic the Hedgehog since last March. During this hyperfixation, I was on Sonic Wiki to copy-paste song lyrics onto my stolen mp3s, and I called my sister in and pointed at the template at the bottom. 
“What is this Sonic Underground thing?” I asked. “It has one shit billion songs.” 
So we clicked on the page to read about it, and each sentence we read was a punch in the gut and this quickly became the funniest thing we’d ever read. Highlights include:
It looks like this:
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“Sonic[...] is known to be a prince” 
Sonic has two siblings who actually have good characterization but their names are literally just Sonia and Manic. Like. Sonic split into two names. jesus christ 
Also Sonic and his siblings all share a voice actor. honestly Jaleel White does his best with it but 
“The three siblings possess enchanted medallions that transform not only into musical instruments, but also into weapons.”
“Some fans consider Sonia to be a clone of Amy Rose, minus the attraction Amy feels for Sonic.” YEAH I SURE HOPE IT DOES
“Manic is the most often captured of the siblings” himbo king 
Knuckles shows up, and for the first, like, two sentences his description is very similar to the game, and then you get immediately pulverized by “He has a pet Dinosaur called Chomps.”
Literally so many sentences on Sonic Wiki are lowkey salty about this show. The page features lines such as “Sonic Underground bears little relation to the often complex Sonic universe (including previous animated series, as well as Sonic comics and games), and shares only three established characters” and “many of the characters in the Freedom Fighter group that were in Sonic the Hedgehog are completely left out (including Tails).”
“The show met with mostly negative reviews.”
*checks air dates* It only lasted two goddamn months
So after seeing this we thought it was the funniest thing and we showed our older sister, @patema-introverted​ “North.” To our surprise, our at the time “knew nothing about this sonic bullshit” sister recognized the show. Turns out she’d seen trailers for it as a child and that was her sole exposure to Sonic canon. 
We were in quarantine at the time, so we ended up finding it on YouTube and binge-watching it all together as a sibling bonding activity. It was just as hilarious as we thought it would be- some stuff was legitimately good, like the sibling dialogue for instance, but good lord were the character designs ugly, the plot all over the place, and pretty much every song, um, not great. Also there was one episode that we skipped because it got, um, I think “stereotypical” is the nicest word I can use here. 
But the point is, we had a jolly good time watching it, and afterwards we binged all the other Sonic shows and bonded as a family. 
After quarantine, North and I go back to college. My roommate gets groceries at Walmart, while I get them elsewhere, so while she and North collect food I wander the DVD aisle to look at the cool movies and also dumpster-dive in the bargain bin for Cats (2019). I am also short as fuck, so the top shelf of movies I cannot see, I can only read the labels. 
So one day I was browsing the DVDs, and glancing over at the labels for the top shelf. I read over the final one before the shelves end. 
And then I stop, do a double take, and have a heart attack, because there is a label that reads “SONIC UNDERGROUND $3.74″
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I immediately climb the shelf but there aren’t any DVDs atop the shelf. However, the label is still there. I excitedly tell my sister and roommates, freak out with them a bit, and then give myself a mission statement:
I will buy the $4 Sonic Underground DVD from Walmart
I did not want it as a gift, I did not want to find it online. I wanted to walk into a store, pick up the Worst Sonic Show on DVD, walk it straight to the checkout, and in front of the cashier and God, pay for it with my own money. I did not care if it was the whole series or two episodes; I needed to do this for my own serotonin.
We would go to Walmart about once a week. Every time, I would go to the DVD aisle, and go right to the end of the shelves. I would stare at the label SONIC UNDERGROUND $3.74 and empty space above it and wonder who the fuck was buying this other than me. I would occasionally ask employees if they had any copies in storage. I would build a shrine to Manic in my room. Okay, no I didn’t, but only because my RA would have murdered me. 
Christmas break comes, and we have to go home. We have a nice Christmas, and Cori and I infodump at each other about how we would make Sonic Underground a good show (note: we’re both galaxy braining) and also play Bendy and the Ink Machine. Fun times. 
When we finally get back to College, it’s late January- long story short we have a very long winter break. My roommate who gets food at Walmart got food without us the first week cause she showed up first, so we take her out to Walmart the first time in the year of our lord 2021 on January 29. 
I wander the Valentine’s aisle, immediately grabbing a sequin puppy. I go to the DVDs and see Animaniacs Season One, also grab that. 
And then.
There it is.
The Holy Grail. 
Above the label SONIC UNDERGROUND $3.74, is one DVD left. 
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Already I am losing my mind. It’s roughly seven hours of episodes- I couldn’t find an episode list, but I think that’s half the show, for $4! And the cover is amazing. 
That’s a png of Sonic from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) with a medallion badly photoshopped over it. The medallion is too small. 
Manic is shoved into the corner. He doesn’t have his medallion at all. 
Sonia isn’t even pictured on the front cover, probably because they realized she was the worst designed of the bunch. I’m not ragging on her though, because she’s still one of the better designed characters of the show. Those background characters make me cry 
So you bet your ass I finally paid my hard-earned $4 for this shit. Upon getting home, I discovered that there was even wilder shit with this DVD than I thought. 
For starters: the bonus features listed are as follows:
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Original Concept Art - did not expect that these character designs were the final draft
Storyboard-to-screen - did not expect they bothered to storyboard this 
Music Video Jukebox - that’s cute, they thought we liked the music 
Interviews with original screenwriter & executive producer - I fully expect the only questions to be “why.” 
On the left of this list are screenshots from the show, where people can finally see Sonia, who we Know™ is a girl because she is pink and has hair and also an actual body shape instead of just circles like her brothers. 
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But wait... what’s that in the lefthand corner? 
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That looks like some kind of robot. But it’s not a robot from Sonic Underground! That didn’t appear once. Why is it here? 
The mystery continues upon opening the DVD case: inside are advertisements for other collections, including other Sonic DVDs: two volumes of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) and the final episodes of Sonic the Hedgehog “SatAM” (1993)
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First of all, the first volume of AOSTH has the exact same PNG of Sonic as the Underground Volume 1. Not even trying to hide it. But second... the second volume of AOSTH also has this robot on its cover. 
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So you may be asking, who is this robot? Is it from AOSTH or Underground?
IT’S FROM FUCKING SATAM. The one show that doesn’t have it decorating the DVD covers.
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Also, not only is it from SatAM, it only appears in one fucking episode. Not a major character! AND IT HAS A DIFFERENT DESIGN ON THE PROMO ART, WITH HAIR AND FANGS.
Why is it showing up everywhere? What is going on? 
I have not yet had the opportunity to watch this glorious piece of animation, but I am so glad at the confusion I have felt upon receiving it. 
But before I go, I must share with you the best part of this DVD purchase. And it was flipping to the back, scanning the details, and discovering the exact runtime of the episode collection. 
Guys, gals, and enby pals, friends and enemies, Nintendo and Sega, the first Volume of Sonic Underground has a runtime of...
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Maybe I’m wrong and this IS the best Sonic show. 
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sunnyrinusstudies · 3 years
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Going FOSS: An Intro to Open-Source software for studyblr (and also some privacy related bits)
Source for Header Image
Intro & attempt at TLDR
Hey everyone! Today I’d like to tell y’all something about Open Source Software, and also Why this should matter to you! This’ll probably be the first post of a series I intend to do, because I believe the Studyblr community, even the non-nerd folks, could really benefit from switching some things out in their digital environment. Since this is a long post, I attempted to summarise it below, please do read on if you have the spoons tho!
FOSS stands for “Free and Open Source Software” the “free” part doesn’t necessarily mean it’s free as in free pizza, but mostly means free as in freedom.
There’s a humongous amount of variants on this concept, but the core of FOSS specifically is the four freedoms:
1. To run the program however you want and for whatever you want
2. To study how the program works and to change it in whatever way you want
3. To be able to share it with whomever you feel like
4. To be able to share your modified version with whomever you want
There’s a whole host of software licenses built around these concepts, you can check those out at the Open Source Initiative website, or at Choose A License. Both have a good summary of what they all stand for.
Open Source software is used for a lot of products, nearly every single webserver is an Apache Linux server, Google chrome is built on top of their open source chromium (google is still the devil, but y’know, it’s an example), and even deep deep down, Apple computers run on top of a Linux Kernel. Many more can be listed, but I won’t do that otherwise this isn’t a TLDR anymore.
Now, Why is this important for you? The Open Source Initiative summed it up real nicely already, but heres a short paraphrase:
Control & Security. If software is open source then you can check if it really works the way it does, and to make sure it’s not spying on you. Even if you don’t have the skills for it, someone else who does will be able to check. Also if you don’t like how something works in a program, then you’ll be able to change it or find someone else’s changed version that you like more.
Training. People who want to learn programming can use the code to see what makes programs tick, as well as use it as a guide for their own projects.
Stability. Because everything’s out in the open, that means someone else can take up maintaining a project or make a successor of it, in case the original developers suddenly quit working on it. This is especially important when it’s software that’s absolutely critical for certain tasks.
Community. It’s not just one program. It’s a lot of people working together to make, test, use, and promote a project they really love. Lots of projects end up with a dedicated fanbase that helps support the developers in continuing to work on the software.
I’d like to add one more tho: Privacy, which ties in a lot with the security part. Nowadays with protests going on and everything being online due to the pandemic, folks have been and will be confronted much more with the impact of privacy, and lack thereof. Open Source software means that if any company or group tries to spy on you, then you and anyone who feels like checking, will be able to know and take action on it. Here’s the EFF page on privacy and why it should matter to you
If that got your attention then read on past the readmore button! Or, if nothing else maybe check out the Free and Open Source Software portal on Wikipedia? Or maybe the resources page of the Open Source Initiative?
Terminology: Let’s get that out of the way first
Open Source: The source code that a program is made up of is freely accessible, anyone can look at it and check whether it works well enough or to make sure it doesn’t spy on you.
FOSS: Free and Open Source Software. This doesn’t mean that you don’t need to pay for it, it’s free as in freedom and free speech, not free pizza.
There are four freedoms associated with FOSS:
The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).
The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3).
By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
FLOSS: Free and Libre Open Source Software. This time it is “free” as in free pizza. The “libre” is french for “free” as in freedom.
GRATIS: Sometimes people use this word to mean “free” as in free pizza. Usually alongside “FOSS”
Licenses : A license is something that tells others what they can or cannot do with your code. Licenses also apply to art and literature, those are copyright licenses. There are many different software licenses and I’m not going to be able to list them all.
The biggest players however are:
Apache License 2.0
The 3-Clause BSD License
GNU General Public License (also known as GPL)
MIT License
Mozilla Public License 2.0
There’s even more and you can find a list of them Here on the Open Source Initiative site There’s so many licenses that there’s even a Choose A License site, where you can pick a license depending on what you want it to achieve
Who and/or what even uses open source software?
You don’t need to be some nerd to benefit from Open Source software, in fact, you’re using open source software right now! The biggest example is the whole entire internet. Websites are stored on servers, and nearly every single webserver is a Linux server. The second biggest browser Firefox is open source, and even google chrome is built on top of “chromium” an open source base. If you dont use an iPhone, then you’re probably on an Android phone. Guess what? Android is part of the Android Open Source Project, which is then built upon a GNU/Linux base. All Open Source. Chromebooks? Built on top of a Linux kernel (like a non-patented engine you could put into any motor vehicle you’d like). Heck, even Apple computers are, at their core, built on top of a Linux kernel.
Neat apps you may wanna check out!
I’ve made a little list of apps that might be especially useful for studyblr folks, but depending on how well this post does I’ll probably make some more posts for specific apps.
TiddlyWiki, has a bajillion different ways to organise your thoughts, and also a lot of variant builds out there. Check out their table of contents if you feel lost! There’s versions available for most big browsers, as well as windows, linux, mac, android, and iOS.
AnyType, is an app that looks and almost exactly like notion, but is much more decentralised. They’re currently still in development but if you want to support them, sign up for early access and give them some feedback so they know what works and doesn’t! They’re still in closed alpha, but are intending to give beta access to about 100 folks at a time throughout 2021, so please sign up if this looks interesting to you!
Trilium Notes, is slightly more like a “notebook”, however you can arrange your notes in nearly infinitely deep folders. You can use things like Relation Maps & Link Maps to visualise your notes and how they go together. There’s even more they do and I just cant list it all, so go check out their stuff for a more comprehensive overview! Works on windows, linux, and (unsupported) mac
LibreOffice and ONLYOFFICE are two office suites that function just as well as micro$oft office, often Even Better in my experience. I’ve used LibreOffice for years now and honestly? never going back. OnlyOffice is technically free (as in pizza), but it’s a slight hassle to get everything set up, cause you need to set it up on a server. They have a paid and hosted version available with educational discounts, but honestly i’d go with LibreOffice.
OnePile, is an app I haven’t used myself since it only runs on Apple stuff. But I’ve heard a lot of good things about it so that’s why it’s in here. It looks like it works similar to most general “note taking notebook” apps. Looks really pretty too honestly.
EtherPad, is similar to ONLYOFFICE, however this one’s a lot more focused on specifically text documents. Works with real-time collaboration which is really neat.
Anything that FramaSoft has going on. They’re a non-profit organisation, dedicated to promoting digital freedom. A lot of open source cloud related things are not really useful to people who don’t have the time and/or money to set up a whole-ass server. That’s where FramaSoft comes in, they do it for you. Just about everything they offer (here’s a full overview) are free (as in free pizza). They also have a separate site to help you get started!
It’s not free to run it all on their side, so if you find yourself interested in using their services please try to support them any way you monetarily can! (they even have a “minetest” server (not minecraft, deeeefinitely not minecraft))
Joplin!! Which is also what I used to write this post so I wouldn’t have to use The Tumble’s post writing thing. It’s good for taking notes, has a bunch of neat plug-ins, and can also sync with a variety of cloud services!
Nextcloud For if you want to go just that little bit further on the open source and the privacy. Nextcloud has honestly way too many features for me to list, but the important parts are that it’s a nigh perfect replacement for office365, and probably even GSuite. The one caveat is that you either gotta host it yourself, or get someone else to host it for you. Framasoft (mentioned above), has a nextcloud instance. It works on just about every single platform, and can integrate with an absurd amount of services. Here’s a list of providers that work with nextcloud, and what different apps they have installed on their server.
I personally use Disroot, because they’re a local (as in, my country) non-profit that offer about 2gb of free storage, and then for about 15 cents per GB per month you can get more storage if you want. They also have an email service which is hella neat. Their one main rule is Do Not Use For Business Purposes, because they’re here to help the individual folks, not companies.
Neat Links you may also want to look at!
Here are some sources, and also resources that I used for this post. There’s also some stuff here that I think folks may be interested in in general.
General Wikipedia Article on Open Source Software
The Free and Open Source Software portal on Wikipedia
Resources page of the Open Source Initiative
Free Software Foundation definition of “free software”
itsfoss page on what FOSS means
itsfoss page on the history of FOSS
Open Source Software Foundation list of projects and apps they really like
Open Source Initiative on “the open source way”, and how it goes beyond software
Check out literally anything the Electronic Frontier Foundation has going on maybe?
TED talk on privacy and why it’s important
The Surveillance Self Defense project by the EFF
This EFF page on privacy for students
ExpressVPN article on privacy (not necessarily endorsing this company, just a good article)
What’s next?
I’ll probably make some more posts on specific kinds of software that I think folks may like. Or maybe a general overview on the more privacy forcused reasons and solutions for doing all of this.
Future post ideas, none of these are set in stone:
Open source Note taking apps
Replacements for just about Every Single google service I can think of
My personal setup
Open source / privacy conscious social media that studyblr folks may be into
Chatting, Calling, Videocalling: Discord and whatsapp alternatives etc
??? More studyblr apps that could do with a FOSS alternative??
How to support open source when you’re not a big fudgin nerd
How to be better at digital privacy and security, while still maintaining that studyblr aesthetic
Apps, software, other stuff, for specific areas of study maybe?
Feel free to suggest other ideas! Or leave feedback! This is my first big resource post so I wanna know if/how I can do better when I make another one!
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kittyreading · 3 years
Manga Master List: Recommendations and My Personal Wish List
Below is every manga from my amazon wishlist I would recommend(as of February 11 2021) with a picture and a 3-5 sentence explanation of what the manga is about. Underneath will also be the number of volumes I have read, the number I own, and it’s status of ongoing or complete and how many volumes it has. This way you can decide for yourself if you think I have read enough of it to give an accurate recommendation.
This list only includes manga you can purchase (including digital purchases) from the wishlist. I decided that I would in fact include my personal amazon manga wishlist here and at the bottom for people to buy THEMSELVES a copy of any of these manga they would like. Keep in mind many of these won’t have volume 1 in the list but you should be able to get to the series page from the list. If a manga shows up on the amazon list that I did not include in this one that is because I have not read enough of them(or any of them) to recommend. Ok? Cool, enjoy the list!!
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1. The Girl from the Other side is about a little girl living with a gentleman monster. It is a supernatural mystery with beautiful art.
Own: 0
Read 4
Series: Ongoing at 9 volumes
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2. Pumpkin Scissors is a military fantasy about a War Veteran named Randal Oland who joins the pumpkin scissors core to help with war relief and uncover the deep corruption of the government. It is similar in themes to FMA in the sense it appears to be based on a World War, and corruption of government but it more focused on the power of the noble houses in government. There is also a fun science element but it is not as in focus as in FMA. The two but are very very different overall tho. Only 5 volumes were distributed in physical English copies as the publishing company went bankrupt, all others are only available digitally. (I couldn’t get the manga vol. 1 cover to work so the picture above is a poster for the anime)
Own: 0
Read: around 10
Series: Ongoing at 23 volumes
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3. Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun is a slice of life about a bunch of highschoolers. Nozaki is the mangaka of a popular Shoujo manga who uses his personal experiences with friends to create his monthly comic series. It is a fun gender stereotype reversal manga with a large cast of both male and female characters (one could be HC as genderfluid but she’s still canonically female at this time) The manga is one of the easiest to read as the panels are mostly in straight down rectangles so the pages are extremely easy to follow and is very funny.
Own: 1
Read: 11
Status: Ongoing at 12 volumes
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4. Yu-Gi-Oh! is well known to be about the card game yu-gi-oh, using magic and myths to further the story, HOWEVER, Yu-gi-oh! is the “Season 0″ of the series it is much darker than to be expected and there is no card game. The Yu-gi-oh most are familiar with is Yu-gi-oh Duelist (just found this out myself) and is the Yu-gi-oh you probably already know. There is no overarching plot to this mini series it is just Yugi fucking shit up playing games and destroying some bullies. I have yet to read any of Duelist as of the creation of this post therefore I cannot recommend it :/ 
Own: 5 (1-3 & 6-7)
Read: 7
Status: Completed at 7 volumes
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5. The Way of the House Husband is about a former yakuza who gets married and flips his script. He becomes a house husband for his working wife and carries on doing chores and errands while still looking and acting scary unintentionally and getting himself in trouble. It is a slice of life comedy with some adult jokes but is over all extremely funny and pleasant to read.
Own: 0
Read: 2
Status: Ongoing at 7 volumes
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6. Hikaru no Go is about a highschool boy who finds a haunted Go board. He meets the ghost who once was a prolific Go player. Together they work to become a world class Go champion meeting new people along the way. This series was cut short due to legal issues with a real Go player and therefore will remain unfinished but the story that is there is golden. It is still one of the most popular manga in Japan.
Own: 0
Read: 5
Status: Complete at 23 Volumes
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7. Zatch Bell! This manga is about a teenager named Kiyo who gets sent a young boy with amnesia named Zatch Bell who turns out to be an alien called a momodo. Now the two must battle other momodo in order to understand what happened to Zatch and to make Zatch the new king. Along the way they make many friends and save both the momodo and human worlds. This one is difficult because it is a classic that did not do well in America so the volumes are expensive and the series is unfinished in English. You can only buy 27 of the volumes in English and a few of them are almost impossible to find, however it is well worth the money if you can afford it and it is available online.
Own: 6 (1-5 & 13)
Read: 15
Status: Complete at 33 Volumes only 27 printed in English (you can finish series online)
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8. Fullmetal Alchemist is a cult classic most have read it, watched the series, or heard of it at the very least. This is one of the most popular Manga of all time and for good reason. The manga is about 2 brothers Alphonse and Edward on a journey to return their bodies to normal after committing the taboo of human transmutation. The manga has themes of racism, government corruption and manipulation of the military. The versions on my wishlist are the special Fullmetal Editions so they will have a different price point and volume number than the regular volumes or the omnibuses’ 
Own: 12
Read: 12
Status: Complete at 27 Volumes
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9. Princess Jellyfish is about a young woman who is sort of an outcast otaku living with 5 other otaku women. She has a deep love for jellyfish as they remind her of her late mother. She meets a beautiful woman who turns out to be a male college student and slowly comes out of her shell making new friends and growing with old ones as well. This manga is very sweet and I really don’t know what else to say haha.
Own: 0
Read: 4
Status: Complete at 17 volumes
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10. !!!HUGE TW FOR EATING DISORDERS!!! In Clothes Called Fat is a, oneshot, non romanticizing story of an office woman trying to lose weight and developing several eating disorders in the process. She goes through hardships in relationships and bullying as well. It has a bittersweet ending and should be read with caution but it is beautifully done. Please do not read this if you are under the age 16 at the very youngest there are NSFW moments as well as just generally not being a topic for younger audiences.
Own: No
Read: Yes
Status: Completed one shot
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11. My LOVE Story!! Is an adorable Slice of Life shojo about a highschooler named Takeo Gouda, his girlfriend Yamato, and his best friend and hear throb Suna. This series is rather refreshing as the relationship starts pretty much immediately, the best friend is very supportive, and it is focused on Takeo’s personality over looks as he is often compared in manga to a gorilla or bear. It is a generally heart warming story with some emotional side plots. The ending is sort of sudden but it’s really enjoyable.
Own: 6 (1-3,8,10-12)
Read: 13
Status: Completed at 13 Volumes
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12. Soul Eater is pretty popular but if you don’t know what it is about it is about a Weapon named Soul and his Meister Maka. They attend a school that teaches them how to defeat people before they turn into Demons, saving the world in the process. Once a weapon eats 100 evil souls and a witches soul they can become the new death Scythe! That is the plot presented, and it of course goes off into a much more complicated storyline. It is super fun and engaging with a fascinating plot near the end.
Own: 5
Read: 15
Status: Completed at 25 Volumes
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13. D. Gray-Man is a little complicated. Similarly to Soul Eater D. Gray-Man is a story based around defeating people turned demon and the saving of the world through an organization, however the plot gets very complicated very quickly. The art is some of the most interesting and beautifully fun art I’ve come across and the characters are (so far as I’ve read) all amazing. The story has a lot of christian influence and is one you have to really keep up with to understand but I recommend it regardless!
Own: 10
Read: 10
Status: Ongoing at 27 Volumes
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14. One-Punch Man is also very popular and is about a man who becomes so strong he only needs to punch you once to completely annihilate you, and it greatly annoys him. This manga greatly touches on the themes of self worth as Saitama becomes a hero that no one seems to want. The fights are fun and engaging, tho at times can be difficult to read. The art is gorgeous, with some of the most heavily detailed work I have ever seen.
Own: 3
Read: 7
Status: Ongoing at 21 Volumes
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15. The Boy and The Beast is the manga adaptation of the movie by the same name. This is a bittersweet story about a boy who finds a family in the land of the beasts and the repercussions of this intermixing. It is sweet and sad and there’s not much else to say, but that it is a beautifully crafted story.
Own: 1
Read: 1 (but I’ve seen the movie and read the light novel)
Status: Complete at 4 Volumes
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16. MAR is not a manga I should be recommending as I genuinely don’t think I have read enough of the story to do so but I love it so much I’m going to anyway. MAR is a classic Isekai Shonen, a kid goes through a door into another world and has to fight a war to save it, there is a super fun magic system and some wonderful story building with genuinely enjoyable characters and battles. I am recommending this more based off the anime than the manga itself because it was one of my absolute favorites when I was younger, so take from that what you will! This manga has the same issue Zatch Bell does however, the series did not do amazingly so the volumes can be expensive!
Own: 3
Read: 3
Status: Complete at 15 Volumes
Thank you for your time haha! I hope you liked the list, here is my wishlist again and if you have any questions please let me know!! I will try to keep this master list updated as it and the wishlist will only continue to grow, but I make no promises for doing it often. Making this took me a very long time so I hope you like it!
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teachingtales · 3 years
We had a discussion on sex (physiology and psychology), STD’s, and sexuality today in AP Psych. One benefit of online classes is students can DM me a private question so they don’t need to feel exposed to other studebts. One student said they felt disgust when they see LGBT people even though they don’t know why, and asked if they were being discriminatory.
I thanked the student for the honest question. I told them that if we have strong feelings, we should analyze them anyway. If they don’t have a problem with a heterosexual couple kissing in a photo but get upset seeing a gay couple doing that, ask why. I added that discrimination is an action; and while we cannot control our first thought, we can control our second thoughts and our actions. Feeling disgusted is not discrimination, but treating people differently is. I gave a couple examples.
After the class ended, I messaged the student. I wanted to share this with the rest of you.
Me: Hi NAME, thank you for sharing your thoughts about "is this discrimination"? I hope that you felt that I respectfully answered the question for you, because I don't want anyone in the class to think that I am judging them or anything!
And if you have any follow-up questions, I will answer them as best as I can.
Student: Thanks! The fact that I actually feel disgust by those people, sometimes makes me guilty. But your answer made me feel better!
Me: I’m glad to hear that! How many lgbt people have you gotten to know?
Student: None
Me: If you are able to get to know some LGBT people, or read about their issues on LGBT accounts on Instagram or TikTok, that might help you better understand their perspective. It can be easy to have stereotypes about or aversion (wanting to avoid) toward a group of people if you do not understand them. The more we understand different groups, the more we realize we are very similar.
Student: I can understand with them with my mind, but hard to accept it with heart. I guess people who force to understand every LGBT make situation much worse.
Me: Yeah, I think some of it is people are mad they were silenced so they are very loud...sort of like when you pull a rubber band in one direction, it bounces back too far in the opposite direction when you let go, then back, and forward, until finally it goes to normal.
This is how a lot of human situations react, not just LGBT stuff. It is always weird for me to see people behaving in a big way, but I’m an introvert so maybe that’s why I’m not “big”.
A similar example is with racism and the idea that “white people can’t experience racism”...but white people can experience racism. My friend feels very attacked these days (he is white). He feels like anything he does, people will hate him because he is a white police officer.
It is good we are reducing racism.
It is good we are keeping the police accountable/responsible.
But like that rubber band, it is too far in the opposite direction...to hate all white people and hate all police officers. I feel sorry for him.
But, thankfully, these loud “rubber band people” are the minority. The majority is quiet.
So I think your feelings are very normal. It can be frustrating if you feel attacked, or made to feel guilty, just for wanting to share your opinion.
Another student at our school likes to talk with flat Earthers. He asks me why they don’t listen, why he can’t reason with them.
I told him a good way to start is to ask, “Are you concerned with the truth?”
If yes, then, “Are you willing to change your mind if the evidence shows you are mistaken?”
If yes, then ask which types of evidence they will accept.
It sounds silly to start a conversation like that, but if they answer “no” to the first two, don’t waste your time. We only have a short time in life. There is no reason to waste your minutes on people who won’t have a discussion with you, who just want to yell at you
Student: haha By reading your comments it gives me comfort, thanks.
Me: I’m glad to hear it. Things are more extreme these days.
The great thing about the internet: you can find any information.
The bad thing about the internet: you can find any information.
Instead of learning, people often look for information that makes them more and more extreme. I follow people on social media that I disagree with. I want to know what they think. Maybe I’m wrong, but even if I’m right I want to know their thinking, their fears and ideas. The truth has nothing to hide or fear.
As long as you keep asking yourself, “Am I doing what I need to do to become the person I wish to be?” every few months, you will be good ^_^
Student: Deep conversation
Me: We have great brains, we should use them on deep conversations sometimes!
Student: Yeah!
What I’ve learned over my years is that most people feel upset because they feel misunderstood. Any of us hates that feeling. The best way to address a person’s concerns is to first understand them. This conversation could have gone much differently if I had made the student feel bad for their comment, and that “Why do people have to make me feel so guilty for something I don’t understand?” feeling would have increased.
It’s like putting out a fire: we must first understand which type of fire it is. If I throw water on some fires, it helps. But for others, like a grease fire, it just makes it far worse. I cannot approach everyone the same way because people are different. If I don’t want to be treated like a stereotype, I can’t treat others like a stereotype.
If we want others to be more moderate, we cannot react to them in extremes.
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jdunkirk · 3 years
if you haven't read the lovely and amazing "crash and burn" by @aureutr, i highly highly highly recommend it, it's one of my all time favorite fics!!!
with this said, i am a man with little to no chill with my fixations, and i took the self appointed job to translate a speech from it into mando'a, for funsies :) apologies to those who don't see my read more, but i'm going to do this
under the cut shall be the speech, broken by sentences in indents, followed by my attempt at mando'a, and some things i have to say, if there is anything!
This is a message to anyone who considers themself a Mandalorian.
Ibic din'jor at an aala Mando'ad.
1st, the thing that made this take the most time was just the fact that mando'a will drop lots of information/words, leaving it up to context or word order to be implied! so nearly every sentence is shortened quite a bit, as a 1-to-1 translation would be way too lengthy for mandalorian tastes
the first word i had to invent was "message", din'jor being my result. i drew from the words "gift" and "to give" which share the root din, and the root jor which relates a lot to language, speech, and talking, thinking it was a "given speech." as an agglutinative language, mando'a would probably have lots of words like this, and looking at the vocab i've collected it sure seems to, as some of these roots are seen in lots of words that have similar or related meanings :)
roughly, it translates as "This message is to all who feel they are Mandalorian."
I am the Manda'lor and I am calling you home.
Ni cuy'Mand'alor, jor'chaaji yaim.
2nd, verbs! the verbs, as listed on all translators and dictionaries online, end with a vowel and a rhotic sound (-ar, -er, etc), but this translates as the infinitive form of the verb when used! for example, hibirar is "to learn", but saying ni hibirar is grammatically inaccurate. you would say ni hibira, dropping the -r, to say "i learn"
cuyir is especially interesting to me, as even the -i can be dropped and the verb fused to the following thing, a kind of way to especially show what you are or what something is!
i flip flopped on translating the definitive "the" as mando'a uses it mostly in emphasis, and i wasn't sure if it should be noted as special that way. i settled on "it's a big enough deal just to say it" and left it simpler!
roughly, it means "I am Mand'alor, calling you home."
For too long our people have been flung out across the galaxy.
Or'ca'nara droten re'or'goora dos oyu.
3rd, some new vocab again! this time, it's mostly just fusions onto existing words to give them a different meaning. rather than using "long" as a way to describe the time frame, i settled on something that means "a long/extreme time" since it felt concise while better capturing the specific feeling :O a similar thing extends to re'or'goora, using the root verb and attaching the "extreme" affix to create "to throw hard, fling" from just "to throw" :)
oyu is technically a new word, as it's not listed in the dictionaries i used, but i took the root from "galactic", since adjectives and adverbs consistently attach a suffix to make new words, -yc or -la!
roughly, it means "Too long have our people been flung across (the) galaxy."
Our strength once came from our numbers and now too many of us are separated and alone.
Cuun kot r'olaro teg soletyce, naysol mhi dar'tome, solus.
4th, a moment about pronouns! depending on where you look, you might get a few different results for "we," "us," "our," and "ours" especially. i double checked over a few different sources to verify which translations are most appropriate to use, and the common ones to use end up being cuun and mhi. the uncommon ones are vi and mhor, being listed as archaic mando'a.
mando'a differentiates from english/basic in pronouns as the pronouns stand for both the nominative and accusative versions (I and me, etc). the other pronoun is the genitive or possessive version (my/mine).
roughly, this means "Our strength came from our numbers, but too many of us are separated and alone."
Come to Concordia.
Olaro Concordia.
5th, i debated about trying to transcribe a kind of mando'a name for concordia. it kept me hung up for a while, not sure what it could be or if i should even do it. in the end i couldn't think of anything and left it, but truthfully it still bugs me >:( it doesn't seem extremely out of place, admittedly, so it isn't the end of the world by any means!
We will be sending ships to gather as many as we can, but come any way you can.
Ven'mashuki me'sene joruur sa birov lise, olaro an arase gar lise.
this translation should be quite close :)
The Mandalorian way is to allow any who wish to swear a creed to become one of us.
Mando'ara duumi an meg vore urmanka tomur cuun.
6th, a couple original vocab choices again! there wasn't an easy way to translate creed, so i took from the verb "to believe" thinking it was like a "belief or faith." truthfully i'm not fully pleased with it, but it was another thing that had me way too hung up so i felt i should just pick something and move on.
the last bit, tomur cuun, was a last minute change honestly. originally, i had it as cu'laror solus, but upon reflecting i felt it was too literal and wordy again. i made up tomur, which i define as "to join or become smth"
roughly, this means "The Mandalorian Way allows those who accept a creed to join us."
If you hear this message and wish to do this you are also welcome.
Susulu din'jor bal vercopaani, gar balyc olarom.
roughly, this means "(If) you hear this message and wish (to do so), you are also welcome.
But know that the training is long and hard.
A kar'tayli bajur munit, urakto.
this should translate closely again!
Too many of our wars have been against each other for differences in creed, or in clan.
Naysol akaane ru'cui tio'r mhi par urmanka, aliit.
roughly, this means "Too many wars were within us for creed, or clan."
We cannot continue this and also rebuild our home, our culture.
Nu'sla'nri bal tu'gotal'u cuun yaim, manda.
7th, conjugation and vocab! the negation of something is doing by either a stand alone article or a prefix, depending on the extent of negation. with just "continue this" being the negated part, i settled on nu' rather than ne' because i felt it sounded better.
for "rebuild," i picked the verb gotal'ur, "to make or create" and extended that as "to build," then i attached tug which seems to be the root for "repeating, again."
for culture, i settled on manda which actually stands for this rather large and powerful concept in mando belief. in short, it's the "soul" of being a Mandalorian, as an individual and also as a collective. that last bit is what really stood out to me, so i settled on that, as it's short, sweet, and very fitting in my eyes.
roughly, this means "We cannot continue (this) and rebuild our home, our culture/soul."
And so I also come before you to declare that from today onward Mandalore has a primary guiding principle.
Ni balyc rejorhaa'i, ibi'tuur, ratiin, Manda'yaim gana alor'yc ruusaar.
roughly, this means "I also announce, from today and always, Mandalore has a leading principle."
People before all else.
Adate ru an ashi.
used Reu's translation for this :)
This is the Way.
Cui te Ara.
8th, the debate about definitive-ness was settled here, finally! it felt appropriate for The Way to be the definitive noun out of them all, given how important it is. ibic cuyi te ara could be correct, but it's just a little wordy for mando'a, so "this" is dropped and cuyi is simplified further, rather than it's affix form when attaching to nouns.
Reu translates "this is the way" as cuy te yust in her work, which i somehow overlooked when i was doing my own translation, lol. i think it fits just as well, as yust could translate as "way or path," so really which translation one picks is a matter of preference!
Mandalore is calling you home.
Manda'yaim jor'chaaji gar.
roughly, this means "Mandalor is calling you." i dropped the redundant yaim for home, since it's already in the mando'a name for Mandalore.
will i do a project like this again in the future? maybe...... gotta find something that tickles that pickle again, but i had a lot of fun with it so i'm probably gonna keep those eyes open :) thanks for reading <3
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bronwiebear-brad · 3 years
Giiiiirl! Listen this I know u only write about Bradleyboy but I see that u fancy the holland boys and haz 😏😏 (who doesn't right?) so pleaseeeee write something with them, pleaaaaaaaaase 🥺love you writing so much it would mean the world for me 💛
A/N: You all know that I cannot resist my sweet anon’s requests, so consider this an early christmas gift. Lmao. I hope your staying healthy. Btw I’ve choosen the most soft boy ever aka Harry Holland because that boy is lovely af - also this is my first time writing about the boys so pls be gentle 💛
Warnings: nothing much just a few curse words.
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Spending quarentine and 24/7 trapped inside a house with the most loud, messy, cheeky boys ever wasn’t actually in your dream plans. Everyone got a part of their day busy, either was college, work, cooking, drinking, boys silly videogames challenges, boardgames and a lot of pranks. But apart from all that quarentine was making you guys build strong bonds.
You all tried to be active, productive and keep the days busy. But let me tell you this: that boys were always up to no good.
You were siting in the living room with your laptop in the coffee table and paying extreme attention to your zoom class. Harrison was in his, writing a few emails and you both were enjoying the quietness of the room while your teacher rambled about something important.
You totally missed Harry cheekily giggling and running into the living room, disappearing right after into the backyard. But little boy Tom definitely not gone unnoticed when he came shouting and shirtless, trying to catch his brother, making a quick appearence into your lecture since you had your camera and mic on the moment he passed behind you.
“HARRY! YOU’RE GONNA GET IT, YOU DICKHEAD!” Tom disapeared into the backyard door and Harrison looked at you trying his best not to laugh. You were looking at your classmates, with your face pale and widen eyes as you were noticing some of them laughing, freaking out and most importantly, your teacher had this serious unread expression on his face.
“That's it, I'm completely done”. You thought to yourself while smiling awkardly to the camera and thinking about million ways to murder Thomas freaking Holland.
"Wait, wasn't that dude, Spiderman?" Your teacher asked making Harrison and the rest of the class brust in laughter, meanwhile you grew red.
Apart from ruining zoom lectures, spending quality time with your bestfriends was the best thing. But most important, spending quality time with your very special friend Harry. Of course he didn’t knew he had a special place in you heart - and you meant to keep that way - but you two were very close and as the days went by it was more dificult to pretend that he didn’t make your stomach funny every morning when he came down and kissed your cheek, smelling heavenly with his sleepy eyes and messy curls.
Harrison was the mainly reason you've met Harry and the rest of the boys. It was during a summer break where you joined an workshop to learn more about the process of making movies and writing scripts. You didn't want to persue that professionally, but you needed exciting things to do on your summer break from high school so why not join a class to discuss movies?
You two got along right away after the teacher set you together to recreate a new ending for Titanic. You both did a comic approach, making everyone in the group laugh and even the teacher said that you were really a good duo. You had the writing skills and he had the acting. You were pretty unaware of Harrison’s truly intentions tho. But the minute he noticed your general interests about certain genres and cinema in general, the way you discuss the photography, scripts and plots even tho you didn’t understand very well about it and just by the way you stood in the theaters reading all the credits after a movie just ended. All of that simple things, reminded him of something. Or to be more precised, someone. That someone was nothing less than Harry Holland.
So he knew that he had to settle up you two, that you two would get along very well but Harrison wasn't going to force it, it had to happen naturally. That's why you started to hang out more with him. Going out to lunch or drink coffee, study sessions in the library, parties or movie sessions in his house and that eventually, gave you Tom.
Tom usually came with Harrison to the study sessions, studying his scrips and even joined the workshop at one point. Sadly he got off when he started working on the first big challenge in his career and all the Spiderman thing.
You three grew together and everyone started to getting in the right way of their lifes. Of course Tom knew his best friend's intentions from the start and decided to join the team of cupids.
It was needed one night at the pub, where you three were drinking and having a good time, to steping the plan to a whole another level.
"Guys, I'm going to quit the workshop." You said camly making Tom frown and Harrison almost spit his drink.
No no no, his plan didn't even started yet!! He thought.
"What? Why?!" Tom whined. After he had to quit it because his filming career, he was truly excited about his two best friends doing something similar to his job. He like the heated arguments and opinions about the films on movie nights, like you all had some sorta of film club.
"Did you got a boyfriend, is that it?" Harrison talked curious. "He doesn't let you hang with us?" He leaned on the tabled talking low as if he was saying a secret password.
"No Harrison, I'm still single. What the hell?" You chuckled and rolled your eyes.
This man and his obsession with my lofe life. You thought.
“I'm starting college and thats a big deal. I'm not going to have time to commit there, I only joined it as a hobby and it's been two years, guys." You smiled at them noticing their attention on you. "Also, I'm searching for a flat here, downtown before it all starts and I'm not finding anything." You simple explain frowning and taking a long sip on your drink and Tom's eyes lit up. He was proud of his flash thinking. Even if sometimes he wished he could just shut up and don’t say stupid things as his brothers would say to him.
"Move in with us, there's enough room there!" He let out excited. His eyes moved to Harrison and the blonde boy raised an eyebrow thinking further and understanding his best friend cheeky expression.
"Yeah, you could join us, darling. Real estate is a mess these days" Harrison smiled widely and your jaw dropped.
Are they serious right now?
"As if you knew about real estate." Tom rolled his eyes and Harrison playfully smacked his head.
"Uh-I-I don't know... You don't live there alone, what about the other guys? I don’t want to change the frat crazy house of yours.." You weren't sure if it was a good idea to move to a house without asking the other people who lived there.
"Oh you mean my brother Harry?" You nod after whatching Tom carefully. "He is super excited to met you, we’ve talk a lot about you". He simply let out making Harrison widen his blue eyes.Tom and his big mouth.
"Wait what?!" You asked being caught in surprise.
Three years later and there you were, standing in the kitchen, after Tom cooked dinner - by cooking you mean ordering - since it was your and Harry's turn to wash the dishes. As you washed the plates, he dried them with a white towel and was humming a song that was playing from his playlist. - swear that boy had a playlist for everything.
"Did you and Tom got your script thing sorted out yet?" You asked while passing a plate under the water. He stopped singing and listened to you carefully.
"Yeah, we are pretty far ahead. Moving to find a good plot. It's pretty hard" He answer grabbing the plate from your hands and noticing your eyes on his face, blushing slightly. "Don't tell Tom but I can give you the abstracts if you want to have a read? I know how much you love to read." He smiled and looked at your face properly. You were smiling widely and his heart softened finding your dimple extremely cute.
"Really?!" You sound so excited that he chuckled nodding.
"Of course. You're running out of books to read, I was planing on giving you one for Christmas but-" he continued driyng the plates but got caught in surprised when you kissed his cheek and said thanks. Seconds later he was right back in the kitchen after a short trip to the moon. "How's the online classes going?" He smiled, still blushing from your previous interaction, and looked at your face.
"It's going good." You stopped for a few seconds just admiring his face and the way his curls fell into his face lazily. He looked extremely cute in that green sweater. "I think my teacher fancies me more now. After the litle acident and knowing I share roof with spiderman, the dude." You said with a funny expression and you both laughed.
"Glad I could contribute on such achievements, miss." He bumped his shoulder into yours playfully. And you laughed even more. Your giggles filling the kitchen and besides the music playing on his playlist, Harry swore it was the most beautiful melodies he ever heard.
You two returned your attention to the sink and as you were doing it you got caugh in a Arctic Monkeys music playing and trying to remember the lyrics.
Your attention was brought back after hearing a camera and seeing a flash. Harry was still looking at you thru the lense with a lovely smile.
"Harry? Oh my god, no!" You blushed at his bold moves. "I'm looking horrible right now. Why did you take a picture?"
"Nonsense. You look so cute while doing the dishes." He turned the camera, showing you the picture and you blushed even more.
"Eww. Please, delete it." You warned and he chuckled putting the camera straps above his neck and resting the camera on his chest.
"I'm not going to delete it, love." He kept his task as you. "Sorry not sorry." He laughed maliciously and you rolled your eyes.
"You're going to delete it." You looked at him and he clicked his tongue.
"Uh-uh." He hummed moving his head negatively and his curls balanced up and down. That was a good sight.
"Oh yeah?" You raised and eyebrow asking one more time and didn't even gave him the time to turn your direction. Your hands already throwing him foam and he stepped back, foam hitting his hoodie and his chest.
He smirked but his hands went to his camera, inspection it.
"Oh shit, the camera." Your mouth making a "o" shape. "Im sorry H, I didn't thought about it." You pouted giving him the most apologetic smile and he pulled a poker face at you for a few minutes.
You were starting to believe that you actually broke the device but then he started to laugh hard.
"It's water proof, dummy." He showed you his tongue and hit you smoothly with the towel in your face.
"You absolute arse!" You thrown him more foam and after a peace threaten by his hands up, he finally stopped laughing. "Im serious now, delete the picture, carrot." You warned and he laughed at the nickname.
"I think I'm going to set it as my wallpaper." His words rolled out of his tongue so easily as he concentrate on drying the plates again and you didn't even moved from your spot, getting caught by his words.
"What?" You asked finally, studying his face and his eyes opened widely. "Harry why use my picture as your background?" You dried your hands.
Did I said that out loud? Damn it, Harry you fucking dick. He thought.
"Hmm..." He swallowed. "It's a really nice picture. You look rather pretty.... And I-uh kinda like you, I guess." His hands scratching his head and his blood stopping running thru his body. Well there wasn't no intention of hidden it now.
"Oh I'm so enjoying this." Tom said to Harrison, as they were siting across the room in the couch watching the whole scene in silence. You two didn't even noticed them spying.
"It's a romcom and we were the directors of it." Harrison joked and Tom chuckled.
"Thanks." You smiled and went to hug Harry. "You look rather pretty too." You said into his shoulder and earned a kind smile from him "Look." You were closer to him and your head moved back to look into his eyes properly, his hand traveled to your back and laid way to high for your liking. But it was Harry, and he was always so respectful that he didn't want to be sneaky or ruin the moment by placing his hands too down. You found that gesture so cute.
"I think I kinda like you, too." Your face got closer to his and his eyes closed feeling your hot breath hit his face. You stand there admiring his freckles for minutes.
"Do we have to move their heads too?" Harrison asked whispering. The duo was watching the scene unfold ahead of them with frowning expressions.
"Why aren't they kissing?" Tom dramatically pulled a face as if their plan came out totally wrong after all those years of dedication.
Harry started to dance slowly, his lashes clicked a few times and he opened his eyes. And you followed him. You both had silly smiles on your faces and after a long time of slowly dancing in his arms. He lean in, kissing you passionately. And you returned the kiss, like you meant to tell him that you loved him all along.
Continuously gags and whistles followed by an loud “FINALLY” from Harrison could be heard from the kitchen making Harry and you pull back from the kiss and stare at the boys. You both smiled and kissed again.
"Oh get a room you two!" Tuwaine shouted after entering the kitchen surprisingly and seeing you.
Despite that, you two didn't pulled back and Harry gave them the middle finger, covering your faces and the kiss with his hand, from the sneaky bastards across the room.
"We've created monsters" Tom's statement made everyone laugh.
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