#sorry for the repost i was wondering why the links would actually show the song lol
shuckleberrysims · 1 year
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, and publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) ✨🎶
@faeriefrolic has tagged me for this meme! Thank you much! I don’t listen to music that often, but this is what I usually listen to when I want to be in a mood! (Some of these songs are rp-related from @faeriefrolic and I’s rp)
I tag @theworstsimblr and @bool-prop !!
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softboywriting · 4 years
Go The Fuck To Sleep | Shawn Mendes
Summary: You and Shawn make some big decisions. [established friend/relationship] [non au] 
Word Count: 1.7k
|Masterlist In Bio|
The second day of Shawn being home from tour you show up at his apartment. You're a good friend, well, better than good. You and Shawn have history, a long history. On and off dating, deciding to be friends, hooking up, both wanting more but never finding the right time. Things are complicated. It's just after eight and you've got a bag in hand with a wrapped present for him. You knock twice and wait. He's awake. You didn't text him before you showed up, but you know how he is. 
"Hello?" Shawn asks, opening the door to see you standing there. He grins. "About time you showed up."
"I've got things to do that are better than babysit you."
"Babysit? I'm a baby now?" 
"You've always been a baby." You shove his chest playfully and he backs up to let you inside. You pass him the gift from your bag and he turns it over in his hands curiously. "Open it."
"What did you get me?" He mumbles, tearing off the paper and revealing a copy of Go The Fuck To Sleep. "Wh-"
"You need to sleep." You look him over and then grab his jaw in your hand. "It looks like you haven't been getting any rest and frankly you look like shit. You look old."
Shawn's face drops and he stares at you, hurt in his eyes. "Take that back."
"No. You just don't want the truth."
"I'm fine."
"You're exhausted. When did you last eat a full square meal? When did you last eat three meals a day and snacks? Shawn, you're killing yourself." 
He walks past you and into the living area. "I didn't think you'd show up and berate me."
"Well someone oughta because you obviously aren't doing shit about it yourself." 
"You think I don't know?!" He rounds on you, walking back angrily and meeting you halfway. "You think I have no idea that I've lost ten pounds? That I forget to eat because I'm too busy and I'm stressed out? Do you really think I don't notice that I'm not getting enough sleep? Because trust me I know." His voice falters and he clenches his jaw, trying to hold himself together. 
You lay your hand on his chest and his heart is pounding wildly. "I'm here to help you."
"How?" He sighs tiredly. 
"By staying with you and making sure you're okay." You slide your hand up to cup his cheek. "You're home now, you don't have to work or stress about anything. Your only obligation is you." 
"I'm so tired," he says brokenly. "I'm so, so tired."
"I know. Why don't you go lay down and close your eyes? I'll make some food for you to eat for the next few days." 
"But I don't have anything."
"I'll order groceries for delivery." You push him toward the couch. "Relax. I swear I'll handle everything."
Shawn grabs your hand as you move to turn away to raid his kitchen. You raise your eyebrows and he pulls you toward him. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He says, hugging you tight. 
"You'd survive. Just barely." 
"Yeah, just barely." 
Three hours later and you've got Shawn's fridge and freezer stuffed with everything from a veggie tray to muffins and chicken tortilla soup, a specialty of yours. You've even portioned everything out, knowing he usually follows a pretty controlled diet. He's passed out on the couch when you go to check up on him. He's so cute, mouth hanging open, plush lips a little dry. You wonder how long it's been since he slept this hard. 
Another half an hour passes and you keep busy by tidying up a bit. You don't want to turn the TV on lest you wake him and you definitely don't want to run the vacuum or anything. In the end it doesn't matter because just as you settle down at the other end of the couch he sits bolt upright and looks around as if he has been punched. 
"Whoa, hey, are you alright?" You lay your hand on his foot and he jerks it away. 
A second passes as he gains his bearings. "Where...h- oh. I'm home." He flops back and slaps a hand over his heart. "I was having a nightmare that I was still on the bus and we crashed. I saw my apartment and for a second I thought I died and ended up here or something." 
You chuckle softly. "No, you're not dead."
"How long was I out?" 
"A few hours. I made food, probably enough for the week." You scoot over and take his feet onto your lap. "I'll stay the night if you want."
"Please? I've missed you. When you're around I feel normal, like I don't have to be someone that people expect me to be." 
"Being on tour is that bad?" 
He shrugs. "It gets to you after a while. Most days I'm fine, things are great. But then I start to shut down and spiral. It's...hard."
You pat his legs and sigh. "Well the tour is over. It's done and you're home and it's time to be Shawn again." You mutter softly to yourself. "My Shawn."
He sits up and smiles shyly. "Your Shawn? Are you trying to tell me something?" 
"No, what, well...I guess?" 
He pulls his feet off your lap and shifts around so he's sitting beside you, thigh pressed against yours. "You know that I'm down literally whenever you are. I'm off tour now and I've got some time we could...y'know...finally do this."
"I know...I just...I-"
"You're nervous." 
"No, well yes, but that's not it." You let out a shaky breath. "I want to tell you something."
Shawn slides his hand over yours and threads your fingers together. "Anything."
You squeeze his hand tight, closing your eyes as if bracing for an impact. "I got the job."
"The job?" 
"Think about it."
He pauses and suddenly it hits him. "The job! The producer gig! You're producing for Big Box records! When do you move out to LA? Are you gonna move? Oh my God I'm so proud of you!" 
You grin big. "I actually have a proposal, um, you know how you got that place out there last year in Teddy's neighborhood?" 
"Yeah, yes oh my God yeah you can stay there."
"Thank you, actually I mean that was part of my proposal but it wasn't all of it." You shake your head. "I shouldn't even bring this up. I wasn't going to say anything and it sort of came out. Nevermind. It's fine, thank you, I'd love to stay at your place out there." 
"No no no no, hey, what's up? What aren't you telling me?" 
"Nothing, it's fine we'll talk tomorrow. You should sleep."
"I'm not going to sleep when you have my brain going a mile a minute now. Tell me, whatever it is, I can handle it."
You sigh. "I got the job because...because I said I could get you to consider signing with Big Box. They want you really bad and I know your contract is up in a few months and so do they. I'm sorry and I understand if you hate me, I just wanted this job so badly I used your name and I shouldn't have."
"No...no actually uh, I've been thinking about signing with a new label." He runs a hand over his hair and yawns. "There's been some things going on that I'm not comfortable with, some ideas being tossed around. I'd like to get out before it's too late, yknow?" 
"Shawn you can't be serious."
"I am, I'm so serious. We've always been on the same wavelength. I'm not mad that you used my name to get a job, I told you that you could ages ago. I didn't expect this but it's fine. It's time, like I said I've got some concerns right now and I've voiced them and things aren't being done to change anything. Five years is enough, I've got ideas and a vision for my music and if I can find that in Big Box Records I will." 
You pull your hand away from his. "This isn't a spur of the moment decision! You can't just jump in head first! What if-" 
Shawn grabs your face and kisses you, lips pressed hard to yours. "I'll go wherever you go. I'm so tired of being alone it's killing me and you're the only person who I've ever loved that wasn't family. This is our moment, we've waited for three years for the right time. If this isn't it then I don't know what is. I promise I'll meet with the execs and I'll do the whole song and dance and jump through the hoops. If it works out then it works out with the label, if not then I'll do everything I can to help you find another job."
"Shawn..." You press your forehead to his and his eyes roll back for a moment as if he's fighting sleep. "What if we're not right for each other? What if this is a mistake?" 
"Three years has been plenty of time for making mistakes. If we were going to fall apart it would have happened by now. If you're ready, I'm ready. Let's make this happen."
"It's a big deal...are you sure? Are you even awake enough?" 
He cups your face in his callused hands and focuses on you as best he can. "I've been sure about two things in my life. Playing music and wanting to wake up with you every day. So I'm asking outright, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yeah," you laugh softly. "Yeah I will." 
Shawn wraps his arms around you and pulls you on top of him as he lays back. "God I've waited forever for this."
"Not forever, only a few years." You fluff his hair. "You really need to get some more sleep. I know we're making big decisions here but you are going to lose your mind if you keep yourself awake any longer."
He closes his eyes and smiles. "I think I can finally rest." 
"Mmm. Good." You kiss his nose and he scrunches it up before his face relaxes and you're sure he's passed out. "I love you bud, now go the fuck to sleep."
Thank you so much for reading. Please reblog and share if you read/enjoyed it. -A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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pappydaddy · 4 years
I Wanna Know What It’s Like (f.w.)
A/N: So, I am going to start making new Masterlists and today I was supposed to start them, but I’ve had this idea for an imagine in my head for weeks now so I am writing it instead. I also couldn’t choose who to write this for so I’m doing multiple variations of this for different characters and stuff. I decided to do Fred first bc my other Fred imagine was really sad so this is a way to make up for that unnecessary sadness.
I am also testing out a new scene divider, idk if I’ll like it, but we’ll see! This is a repost bc the tags weren’t working the first time a posted which was upsetting and I really hope that they work this time. This is another repost (last one for a while if this one doesn’t get any feedback or the tags don’t work). 
Anyway, Enjoy!
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader  
Fandom: Harry Potter
Inspo: The Tik Tok audio for Let’s Be Friends by Emily Osment, links to the song below so you don’t have to search for it like I had to 😂
                  - The song the Tik Tok audio is cut from                   - Slowed version I found and really like
Warnings: None except making out I guess. Some NSFW hints and thoughts. Like downright sinful thoughts. Hints towards a kinky reader? (Is that even a warning? And is wanting to be completely railed a kink? Is it?)
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation - my gif -
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Y/n couldn’t seem to pull her eyes from the red-head seated next to his identical twin. The pair of them sitting farther down the Gryffindor table than Y/n and her friends. The hall was silent as all the students were working on their essays, being monitored by Snape, but the greasy Potions Master nor the rules silenced the twins - them having found a loophole that let them annoy the largely hated Professor. There was a rule about no talking, but he couldn’t punish them if they never spoke actual words, could he? From where she sat, she could hear their loud grunts and hums from their wordless conversation with each other.
She didn’t understand the sudden fascination with the Weasley boy. It confused her since when she had left Hogwarts last year, she found him annoying, but alas, once she laid eyes on him for the first time this year at the Welcoming Feast, something had changed. She definitely couldn’t pin-point it to save her soul. Maybe it was the fact that he had grown his hair out, but then she’d also be attracted to his twin since he had done the same. Could it have been that she finally developed her attraction to bad boys? Was she looking to spice up her dating life since her past boyfriends had been quite lackluster with their golden-boy attitudes? Whatever it was, it made her question her sanity since this was Fred Weasley she was talking about. The same boy who decided it would be funny to throw a large Dungbomb into her dorm in First Year. She had stunk for a good two weeks along with the only other girl that was in her room at the time.
“L/n,” The monotone drawl of Snape made her feel like someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water over her - which she was thankful for since she could sense her thoughts for the red-head were about to take a steamier turn. Gulping, she slowly turned her head to look at the scowling man donned in black. “I suspect that you’re done your essay already since you certainly do not look like you’re working on it anymore. Didn’t take you to be too keen about potions based on your unsuccessful potion brewing.” His voice was slow and sharp, showing that he was not in the mood to even be pleasant to Gryffindors.
“Almost, sir. Just a bit distracted. Sorry, Professor.” She shrunk under his hardening glare, realizing that he probably didn’t want her to answer his statement.
“Five points from Gryffindor for talking, L/n.” Snape sneered making Y/n’s jaw fall in shock. Her eyes stared up at him in disbelief. He was the one who talked to her first!
“But I was just-”
“Another five points from Gryffindor, need I take more?” Snape asked in a threatening tone, his frame seeming to grow and tower over the girl, intimidating her. She gulped, shaking her head nervously, remaining silent. She might not be someone who thought things through before acting, but she certainly did learn from her mistakes - usually after the second time. With a nod and a flick of his long cloak, Snape stalked along the table, glaring at the Weasley twins as they continued on with their nonsense, pushing his buttons as he waited for the moment one of them slipped up. Huffing as she casted one last glance towards Fred, she couldn’t help letting the question slip through her lips.
“When did he get hot?” Her eyes widened when she realized she muttered the words out loud. Her friends looked up from their own essays, snickering at the red-faced Gryffindor. A few other Gryffindors looked up at the girl in confusion, but she noticed that her quiet voice hadn’t reached the students near the Twins. She let out the breath she held, thinking that she was safe from embarrassment from Fred hearing and Snape hearing, but her false sense of security was yanked out from under her.
“Another five points from Gryffindor, Miss L/n!” She cringed, peeking up to see Snape glaring at her from the middle of the Great Hall. A groan emitted from her before her forehead fell against where she thought her pile of parchment and books were only for it to thud against the wooden table harshly. She didn’t react, only hissing and scrunching her face in pain but otherwise keeping her head down.
Saturday was the day of relaxation. Where you ignore all your problems like the load of homework you had due on Monday. The day was designed for this, putting everything off and worrying about it on Sunday when you had a pile of work that needed to be done in the single day. Y/n was the queen of blissful Saturday ignorance which is why it was so surprising to see her sitting outside, staring blankly at the lake (at least they thought it was the lake) as she clearly worried about something. Her friends, in turn, ended up breaking their Saturday tradition to worry about their friend.
In reality, Y/n wasn’t staring at a wall and she really wasn’t worried about anything. As her and her friends sat under the shade of a large tree, the Weasley Twins were tossing something into the lake. She was sure they were up to something, but that wasn’t on her mind. What was on her mind was the fact that she was still trying to figure out why she liked Fred Weasley. She had figured her feelings for the boy when she saw him flirting with some random Ravenclaw Prefect to create a distraction for George to slip past the Prefect and place their product in her bag that sat on the floor by her feet. Before realizing what the two masterminds had plotted, she felt a wave of unfamiliar anger flaring in the pit of her stomach - something she later diagnosed as jealously.
Her thoughts were definitely clouded with steamy thoughts that could be the contents of a dirty movie. As her eyes scanned over the tall boy standing at the shore of the lake, laughing mischievously with his twin, she couldn’t help but wonder if he was different than her past experiences. He was a flirt, he talked a big game, but when it got down to it, did he really know how to please her? Did he know how to make her scream louder than she ever has? Would he be scared to hurt her or would he not think twice to push her into the mattress and completely destroy her? “Y/n!” Her friend shoved her, making her almost topple over. Snapping her once glazed-over eyes to her friend, she saw her friend group blinking at her expectantly.
“What,” She asked, clearing her throat when her words came out too high to be played off as normal. The friend that had pushed her shared a concerned look with the others before looking back at the wide-eyed girl whose cheeks had become tinted with pink when she retraced her thoughts. “What do you want Cami?”
“We were talking about Cedric and asked you a question-” Another friend, Alyssa, popped into the conversation. Cedric, Hogwarts Heartthrob and Golden-boy. When Y/n broke up with Roger Davis, they were sure her and Cedric would pair up, they were the most attractive students at Hogwarts, they would be the power couple - it must have been destined. Y/n was even convinced that they would end up dating this year, but once she caught sight of Fred, that all went out the window. She wasn’t entirely convinced that it was entirely the oldest twin’s doing since when Y/n saw Cedric on the platform before boarding the train, she questioned what all the fawning was about. Sure, he was attractive, but he was too good. If she had dated him, she’d probably end up bored of the relationship just like the others.
“Repeated it ten times, too.” Her Hufflepuff friend, Sophie, spoke up.
“We wanted to know when you guys were going to get together? Word has it, Cho and him have been talking, you might want to jump on him when you have a chance! Ask him to the Yule Ball!” Cami regained control of the conversation. Y/n shrugged, opening her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by her other friend pointing off towards the lake.
“Look! Janet Green is going to ask Fred to the Yule Ball,” Alyssa exclaimed in a hushed, gossipy voice. Y/n instantly looked towards the lake to see the same Ravenclaw Prefect Fred flirted with approaching the snickering twins. “I heard she’s been plucking up the courage for days. Poor girl, hope he says yes. It’d be awfully embarrassing to be turned down after it’s all she’s been talking about!” She gushed in a fake sympathetic tone. She lived for drama and gossip, no matter what Fred answered, it’d be good for her since she’d be able to spread the news.
The group watched, Y/n hoping that Fred would say no. Janet started to talk, nervously playing with the ring on her pointer finger as she talked to him, George watching with a playful smirk on his face still. Y/n took in the younger twin’s form, seeing his shoulders shaking ever so slightly with smothered laughter, the smirk on his face saying that he knew the answer his brother was going to give. Y/n furrowed her brows as he obviously enjoyed the situation his brother was being placed in. “I can’t watch this-” Sophie gasped, being cut off.
“Be quiet, they’ll know we’re watching!” Alyssa hissed at her, whacking her with the muggle magazine her mother sent her. The snap of the magazine resulted in George flicking his eyes up to the group, all of their eyes widening, but his smirk just grew more and they could clearly see a sparkle in his eyes when he noticed Y/n staring intently down at the group. They could all see that his eyes stayed on her for a solid second, singling her out before he sent her a knowing wink before he looked back at his stammering twin.
“That,” Sophie breathed out. “Did not go well, poor girl.” She finished with a real sympathetic sigh.
“Yeah,” Alyssa let out a fake sigh before smiling brightly. “I’ve got to go tell Alicia Spinnet, she owes me ten sickles!” And with that, she scrambled up and was running towards the castle.
“Alyssa, no! You’ll embarrass the poor girl further!” Sophie gasped, chasing after her Gryffindor friend. Cami watched the two runoff, but Y/n couldn’t be bothered with them. She was too busy trying to decode what had just happened. From her thoughts to George’s wink. It was all like a secret code. She watched closely as George poked fun at Fred once the embarrassed Ravenclaw was far enough away. She hummed, noticing George trying to discretely point towards her as he tried to convince Fred of something. She could see Fred’s hair blowing slightly, the flaming hair looking smooth. Suddenly, her mind was clouded once again, imagining how it feels to have him press her up against a wall, her legs wrapped around his waist, their lips locked together in a heated kiss, their tongues invading each other’s mouth, her fingers tangled in the locks of fire-
“What are you doing, Y/n,” Cami asked, snapping her out of her daydream. She looked over at her friend to see her with furrowed brows. “You were,” She paused, looking disturbed by the next word she was going to say. “Moaning, I think?” She wasn’t even sure what Y/n was doing. Y/n would have normally flushed in embarrassment, but it seemed like her mind had a different plan. She wanted to know what the big deal about Fred Weasley was about. There must be something about him that she wanted, why else would she be plagued with these curiosities? She can’t even look at the guy without suddenly wondering something about him. She wanted to know how his lips tasted, to know if his hair was soft, if her fingers could glide right through his locks without getting caught on any tangles. She wanted to know everything her mind was wondering.
“I’m going to go get answers, that’s what.” She told her friend, making Cami more confused as she stood up, her eyes on Fred and George. George, seeing that Y/n was storming her way over, looking like she was on a mission quickly told his brother who seemed to freeze before turning around to see that his brother was telling the truth. After a second of shock, he plastered his normal smirk on his lips, but Y/n could see the nervousness in his eyes. She had studied that smirk since the beginning of the year after all.
Cami watched in shock and confusion as her friend marched up to Fred, standing in front of him. The tall boy looked down at her, his smirk still on his face (looking normal to her) as Y/n craned her neck to look at his face. “Hey, Fred.” Y/n smiled, completely unsure of how she was doing this. Her inner self was having a complete meltdown, her brain being overridden with confidence.
“Hello, Y/n.” He perked an eyebrow at the girl, feeling her confidence rolling from her, a stark difference from Janet a mere few minutes ago. She hummed, a smirk that she didn’t even know she could produce stretching onto her face. It was like she wasn’t even in control of her body, she was being driven by her sheer attraction to the boy standing in front of her.
“Let’s be friends so we can make out,” She came right out with it, Fred’s smirk falling as he nearly choked on his own spit, taken back by her statement. “You’re hot, I wanna know what it’d be like. We can go to the Yule Ball, sneak away to make out in a dark hallway,” She shrugged, her eyes glistening with the normal flirtatious sparkle Fred held in his. “Don’t you wanna know what it’d be like to make out with someone who has only been with good guys? Show me the wild side?” She stepped closer to him, her hand skimming his hip as she did so, her hip bone hitting just below his hip due to the height difference.
Fred was silent, his pupils completely blown as he processed what was going on. Her confidence faltered slightly, but she then remembered all the flirting tips she had read in Alyssa’s magazines. Walk away, leave them wanting more. She picked the dropped confidence up, adding more onto the surge she was miraculously given somehow. “If you want to take me up on the offer, you know where to find me.” She rolled up onto the balls of her feet, pressing a soft kiss to the skin close to Fred’s mouth while still being able to say it was the cheek before spinning around and sauntering back towards stunned Cami. It took everything in her to fight against her inner self that wanted to die right there not to drop the smirk, hoping that he’d come after her once he got over his shock.
The hand wrapping around her wrist didn’t surprise her, she almost knew it was coming. In a swift movement, she was whirled back around, facing Fred who panted slightly, a flirty smirk on his face as he gazed down at her. “I think I’ll take the offer,” He hummed, his eyes dropping down to look at her lips, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip hungrily. “You and me, the Yule Ball and a dark hallway, see you then.” He pressed a kiss to the very corner of her lips, regaining his confidence before releasing her wrist and walking back towards the lake where his brother smiled proudly. She watched him, the corners of her lips feeling the aftershocks of having his lips touch her. Cami walked up to stand beside her, looking at Fred and George as well.
“Guess you’re gonna need to get a really sexy dress now,” She commented, nodding absentmindedly. Y/n hummed in agreement, stunned that it had worked and that she had actually just did that. “Now I know why you’re a Gryffindor,” She added on before grabbing Y/n’s arm and dragging her back to the castle. “Come on, we need to make a list for possible dresses and Alyssa owes me the ten sickles Alicia is giving her.”
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dawninlatin · 4 years
A Feysand Modern AU One Shot
Words: 4433
AO3 Link
Summary: Feyre comes back home after quitting college and breaking up with her boyfriend. During a night out, she starts seeing her friend Rhys in a new light. (Warning: There is some smut by the end)
The title comes from the song “Haste” by RY X, and if you wanna vibe, I suggest you go listen to it:)
A/N: Sorry for how long this note is, guess I had a lot to say, lol. This is actually the first fic I ever wrote, but I wanted to repost it, because I had only posted the AO3 link before, and wasn’t happy with that format. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my amazing followers and readers!<3 
When reading through this fic, there were so many things I wanted to change, (like, why did I think it was a good idea to have every other word written in italics?? And I’m so sorry for the cheesy dialogue and suuuuper long paragraphs...), but I decided to keep it as it was, because it shows how far I’ve come from that day in February where I sat up half the night writing, thinking that no one would ever read this, because my English wasn’t good enough, and my writing wasn’t good enough. 
Yet I still posted it, and the response I got was more than I ever expected! This, along with all the other response I’ve gotten on all my other fics, has helped me so much with my writing, but more importantly, has helped me become the person I am today. So thank you so much, to everyone who takes the time to read, to everyone who likes, and reblogs, and leaves comments, and keep encouraging me! Thank you to all you wonderful people I have gotten to know on this app, tumblr has become a second home for me! From the bottom of my heart, I love y’all!<3<3<3
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This was not how Feyre had pictured her night. Had she been the one to decide, it would consist of greasy pizza, a bottle of tequila and some crappy rom-com. Feyre had gotten as far as scrolling through Netflix in search for one, when her best friend Mor walked in the door of the apartment and declared that Feyre better get her ass of that couch, take a fucking shower and put on some decent clothing, because they were going out.
Feyre hadn’t felt like she was in the right position to protest; it was Mor’s couch she’d been occupying for the past week after all. Had it been a week already? she wondered. A week since Feyre had finally broken up with her asshole boyfriend Tamlin and then jumped on a bus to California, because the only person in the world she wanted to be with then was Mor. She had felt the need to share this victory with the only person that could always make her feel better. Of course, the high had ended as soon as she stood on Mor’s doorstep, where she had taken one look at her best friend and turned into a sobbing mess. That was about how she had spent the following week as well. She didn’t want to cry over the bastard, but he had been part of her life for the past two years, and she had loved him. Once.
So instead of spending the night on Mor's couch, wallowing in self pity, Feyre now found herself standing in the middle of a dance club crowded with drunk, sweaty people, playing way too loud music - the blinking lights making her dizzy. She had borrowed one of Mor’s dresses - and though this was considered modest in Mor’s eyes - she found herself constantly pulling at the black fabric, not comfortable with how much thigh it showed off.
Feyre scanned the room, trying to find her friend, and as she was about to declare the task impossible, she eyed a red dress and a head of blond curls. Mor was elbowing her way through the crowd, drinks in hand, accompanied by two men Feyre recognized. The tall, muscular one with shoulder-length, dark hair and a cocky smirk was Cassian, and the slightly shorter one with a shy smile was Azriel.
As they approached her, Cassian went in for a one-armed hug. «It’s good to see you Feyre!» He grinned at her, and she found herself grinning back despite her unhappy mood earlier. She really had missed these people.
«Hi Feyre, you look well!» Feyre looked up to see Azriel smiling at her, accompanied by an awkward wave. He was more of the quiet, observing type of guy, but that was exactly what Feyre liked so much about him. He was quiet, yes, but the silence was never uncomfortable.
«You as well, Azriel.» She smiled back at him, then turned towards Mor, who handed her a drink.
«Don’t look so shy Feyre. You look amazing tonight!» Mor winked at her, then gestured to the rest of the club. «You should have seen all the guys eyeing you when we walked in. Actually…if you hadn’t been my best friend, and straight-» she made a disappointed face at that, which made their whole group laugh, including Feyre, «-I totally would have slept with you.» Feyre laughed even more at that, but Mor was right. She felt good tonight. Sexy, even. She felt something she hadn’t felt in a long way. She was excited for what the night - the future - would bring.
«I might not wanna sleep with you, but I think that brunette at the bar wants to.» Feyre nodded her head towards the young woman ogling her friend.
«Hell yes!» Mor exclaimed. She put her arms around Feyre and Azriel’s shoulders. «Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we’re gonna get laid!»
«Cheers to that!» Cassian laughed, lifting his drink. As Feyre sipped hers, she felt light, almost giddy, with excitement and joy. At the same moment, she noticed someone was missing from their small gathering. Rhys.
She couldn’t fathom how she hadn’t noticed before. Mor’s annoying cousin was difficult to ignore whenever he was present. The prick always teased, always came with innuendos, or witty remarks. He had the biggest ego Feyre had ever encountered. Still, Feyre found herself to be missing Rhysand’s snarky comments and their never-ending banter. Before she had time to stop herself, she spoke the sentence: «Hey guys, where’s Rhys?»
Cassian wiggled his eyebrows at her, but she chose to ignore him. «He’s coming later. Had to work overtime» Mor answered. Feyre nodded, before quickly switching the subject over to their plans for the rest of the summer.
As soon as they had some alcohol in their blood, Feyre and her small group of friends moved on to the dance floor. Feyre was jumping around, singing along to whatever song they were blasting, joking and laughing with Mor and Cassian, teasing Azriel for not wanting to join them. They looked like idiots, but they were happy idiots. She could feel the heavy bass in her whole body, along with her beating heart. She was so, so happy . Happier than all of last year combined. Hell, she hadn’t been this happy since high school, when she, Mor, Cassian, Azriel, even Rhys, had been together almost every day. Always laughing, joking. But that had been before Tamlin, and before she had been stupid enough to move halfway across the country for college.
Feyre scolded herself for thinking about Tamlin again. The point of tonight was to forget him. To have fun. And she was having fun, and she was happy. So happy that at any moment she could grow wings and disappear into the night. She had no worries. No worries of the home she had left behind, or college, or her ex-boyfriend, or what tomorrow would bring. She was here, now, and she felt fucking amazing.
Feyre heard Cassian greet someone, and turned just in time to meet a pair of shockingly blue eyes. Rhys. Her breath caught, her heart thundering in her chest, and she found herself not being able to look away. He held her gaze, refusing to be the first to break eye contact. Feyre didn’t know if it was the lights, the music, the alcohol, the warm summer night, still young and full of possibilities, or the feeling of finally being free, but it was as if she was seeing him for the first time.
Had he always been this handsome? she asked herself, taking in his lean, muscular form, his tight-fitting jeans, the white shirt opened just enough to show off the tattoos swirling across his chest. She stared at his sharp jawline, his soft lips, his eyes, so blue they were practically glowing, his dark, messy hair. Oh, how she wanted to run her fingers through his hair.
A cough from Mor made Feyre tear her eyes away at last. I must be drunker than I thought , she mused. This was Rhys she was thinking about. The man who annoyed her to no end. The man who was known for his many hook-ups and one night stands and flirts and just- argh.
«How nice of you to finally show up,» Cassian said as he threw an arm around Rhys’ shoulder and handed him a drink. Rhys made a comment that had Cassian roaring with laughter, but Feyre didn’t hear what it was, because Rhys was looking at her with such an intensity that it made her insides tingle. Stop it, she thought. You had a boyfriend just a week ago.
«Hey Feyre. It’s good to see you again.» Rhys smiled at her, but it wasn’t his usual cocky smirk. It almost looked a little sad. Feyre suddenly found the floor very interesting, not being able to keep herself from blushing or biting her lip. She could feel his eyes on her. Burning. Then Mor shouted «Who wants shots?», and the moment was over.
The night went on. They drank, they danced, they talked about college and hook-ups and high school. Feyre almost wanted to cry at the feeling of how familiar it all was. She had been afraid that her moving to Boston would change everything - and it had, for a little while - but she was back now, and everything was normal. Except for Rhys, maybe. Something had definitely changed between the two of them.
Gone was the teasing and never-ending banter. In its place was something brand new. They hadn’t said anything to one another except for pleasantries for the entirety of the evening, but Feyre caught him staring at her constantly, with this sad, longing look in his eyes. And to be honest, she hadn’t been able to keep her eyes off of him either.
Right now, they were all sitting at the bar, watching Cassian stick his tongue down the throat of some random blonde on the dance floor. Mor suddenly stood up, announcing she was gonna go try her luck with the woman she had been flirting with all night.
«Come on, Azriel. You’re gonna be my wingman.» His protest died on his lips as More pulled him after her.
All there was left, was Feyre and Rhys. Not able to meet each others eyes.
But Feyre was feeling brave this night. It might have been the alcohol, or the still-lingering high of having broken up with the asshole that had made her life miserable for the past year. She muttered a quiet «fuck it», downed her drink, stood up, and looked her friend straight in the eyes. «Do you wanna dance?»
Rhys’s face was lit up by a bright smile. «I thought you’d never ask, Feyre darling.» Her insides warmed at the familiar nickname, and she found herself smiling just as brightly. Rhys took her hand, leading her to the dance floor, where some old EDM shit was playing.
Feyre didn’t care about the bad music, or the bright lights, or the sweat coating her body. She was here with Rhys. His body was so close now, and she could smell his all-familiar scent of citrus and sea.
She lost track of how long they danced. None of them were any good at it, but they were laughing and having fun. Feyre felt 17 again, jumping around, sweaty and drunk, but happy. «God, I missed this!» she exclaimed, grinning at Rhys, just as the fast rhythms and heavy bass switched over to a slow ballad.
Hesitantly, Feyre glanced at Rhys, suddenly feeling shy and unsure. He raised his eyebrows in a silent question. She understood what he meant immediately, and nodded, biting her lip. Rhys stepped closer, and put his arms around her waist. She placed hers around his neck, swaying along with the music.
She looked at the man in front of her. Really looked at him this time. How had she not noticed before, how strikingly beautiful he was? His sharp angles, kissable lips, silky hair, the blue eyes she could get lost in if she stared for too long. Said eyes were taking in her just as intensely at the moment.
«You are so beautiful tonight, Feyre.» His voice was hoarse, laced with restraint. Feyre felt a longing, deep within herself. She wanted to tell him he was beautiful too, wanted to kiss him, wanted to cry, wanted to just leave, wanted to stay in his arms forever. She wanted to be his.  She did neither, couldn’t find the courage to do so.
Instead, she stepped closer, and pressed her forehead against his, feeling his strained breath against her lips. Everything around them disappeared. The world narrowing down to the two of them, together, forehead against forehead, in the midst of a warm night in June.
Then the song ended, and the moment was over. Feyre stepped back, but she continued to hold his gaze. Rhys looked towards the exit. «Come, I wanna show you something.» He grabbed her hand, and then he was leading her through the crowd. They walked past Mor, who muttered a «fucking finally!» that made them both chuckle.
Outside, they were surrounded by warm, summer air, a chill breeze running over their exposed skin. Rhys looked at Feyre with mischief in his eyes. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
«What exactly was it that you wanted to show me?» she asked, not being able to hide her curiosity.
«You’ll see, just trust me.» Rhys looked giddy with excitement. He was bouncing on his feet now. «Follow me, we don’t wanna miss it.» Then he started walking. Fast.
«Miss what?» Feyre shouted after him, but he didn’t answer. Rhys just kept on walking, and she struggled to keep up with him. «I have shorter legs than you, remember? And I’m currently in heals, which puts me at an unfair disadvantage.» He stopped a few steps ahead, an amused look on his face.
«We have to wait a few minutes now,» he announced, all serious. Feyre looked around where they were standing, a few blocks away from the club. The whole city was sleeping. The sight of the quiet, empty streets bewitching.
Then a bright, yellow bus stopped in front of them. Also empty. She followed Rhys onto it, confusion growing more and more. «The bus? Where exactly are we going?»
The puzzled look on Feyre's face made him chuckle. «I swear, the mystery will be worth it once we get there. Now, we could have walked, but then we would miss it.» He must have seen the question forming on her lips, because he raised a finger. «And no, I still won’t tell you what it is.»
She rolled her eyes and muttered a quiet «prick». The nickname made him laugh, and she laughed with him, because Feyre hadn’t called him that since high school. It had been way too long since they’d been together like this. Still, under all the joking and laughing, there was an unfamiliar tension that hadn’t been there before.
After only five minutes, Rhys announced that they had reached their destination. He stepped out onto the street, and led Feyre towards a beach. The sight in front of her was breathtaking. The dark waves crashing against the sand, the sky - the nearing dawn making it a deep pink - birds flying over their heads, and Rhys, who had taken off his shoes and started walking towards the ocean. Feyre followed him, slipping out of her heels. The moment she felt the familiar California sand under her toes again, she laughed with joy. A rich and warm sound she hadn’t made in forever.
Rhys, who was standing in the water now, looked up at her, the same bright smile on his face. He waved at her to hurry up, and she walked the final steps to him. The sea was warm, and the salty smell of it was amazing. It was home. She looked towards the horizon, where the sun barely had begun to rise. Then she looked up at Rhys again.
«The sunrise. That’s what you wanted to show me.»  Rhys only nodded, before looking ahead of them. Feyre took in the sight again, and she felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time. She wanted, no, she needed to paint.
Her thoughts were disturbed by Rhys, who was now sitting in the sand, jeans cuffed up to his knees. «Come sit with me, Feyre.» He patted the spot next to him.
Feyre stepped back and sat down, feeling the waves crash against her legs. She looked to Rhys, and said the only thing that could come to her mind with a playful smirk on her lips. «How did your dad take it when he found out his only son was gonna major in English, and not business?»
Rhys grimaced. «He was pissed at first, even threatened to write me out of his will, but he came around - eventually.» They chuckled at that, both knowing how angry Rhys’ father could get, but also how he always gave in when it came to his children. «How about you? How’s all the art stuff going?» Rhys asked, his eyebrows raised in question.
«Urgh,» Feyre cringed, «I dropped out in March, haven’t touched a paint brush since.» She should have been sad or ashamed when admitting that, but she felt good, knowing she had made the right choice. She had been miserable in Boston.
Rhys looked at her, concern lining his face. «That bad, huh?»
«What can I say? Boston sucked, and I would much rather be here, with you guys.» She grinned at him, and he grinned back.
«So you’re back for good now?» Feyre only nodded, turning back towards the rising sun.
The sight in front of her was hypnotizing. «I didn’t realize how much I’ve really missed home.» The words were out before she managed to think. Rhys only hummed quietly beside her. Seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Feyre turned towards him. His eyes were closed, a small smile on his lips. «What’s on your mind?» she wondered out loud.
Rhys opened his eyes then, and looked at her. «A thought for thought?» he suggested. She smiled at the reminder of the little game they used to play when they were younger. «I can begin,» he continued.
He looked towards the horizon again, taking a deep breath. «I’m thinking that when I walked into the club tonight, I was so happy to see you, because you were so happy. You were dancing and laughing and I thought that finally we had gotten our Feyre back. After you left for Boston, and after you met him, it was as if you disappeared.» Feyre tried to swallow the lump in her throat. He sounded wounded, almost. Did he really care about her that much?
«You visited, of course, but it was like a stranger had replaced you. You were a shell of who you once used to be. You stopped laughing, stopped making inappropriate jokes, and I missed you. God, I missed you so much.» Feyre felt like she might cry at his words, but she didn’t. All she did was stare ahead, and take his hand. She squeezed it, encouraging him to continue. He squeezed back.
«As I said, when I saw you tonight, I was sure we had gotten the old Feyre back. Mor told me what had happened in Boston - why you were back - and I was sure that everything would return to normal between us.» He took a break, clearly anxious of saying what was next.
«But everything isn’t back to normal. Something has changed. I can feel it, and I think you can too.» He looked at her now, that intense longing once again in his eyes. She met his gaze, and suddenly felt brave enough to say:
«I can feel the change too, yes, but I think it’s a good change.» Then she leaned in, and kissed him.
Rhys went completely still at first, and Feyre was afraid that she had misunderstood their conversation. Then he seemed to realize what was happening. He put one arm around her waist, the other tangling in her hair, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.
His lips tasted salty, she thought, but sweet at the same time. She could get drunk on him alone. Feyre was breathless, and dizzy, but she decided this was the best feeling in the world.
She was kissing Rhys.
He pressed his tongue against her lips, and she opened up for him, moaning at the sensation. She put her hands in his hair, slightly pulling at it. The silky strands feeling soft in her fingers.
Kissing Rhys was everything, but at the same time it was not enough. She needed more. Needed to be closer, needed to feel more of him. She pulled away slightly, breathless, heart thundering, blood rushing in her ears. Rhys looked at her, just as breathless, a hungry gleam in his eyes. «How far is it to your place?» He only smirked in answer.
Rhys stood up, picking Feyre up with him. She laughed as he almost dropped her, then she wrapped her legs around his waist. He didn’t walk far before they reached a small house. Rhys put her down, pulled a pair of keys out of his pocket, and unlocked the door.
Feyre marveled at the place as they stepped inside. It was small, but it was stunning. Large glass windows facing the ocean, green plants covering every available surface, and several over-filled bookshelves. She turned to look at Rhys, who had stopped in the doorway, staring at her taking in his place, surprise clearly written on her face. She took a step towards him. Then another. And another, until their mouths crashed together again.
Rhys moved his lips over her jaw, down her throat, her neck. Feyre moaned, struggling to get his shirt off fast enough, both minds clouded with lust and the haste to be as close together as possible. Skin to skin.
She finally managed to open the last button, pulling off the fabric. Feyre took in his muscled, tan chest and the many tattoos covering it. She leaned forward, and pressed her lips to the spot right above his heart. She could feel it hammering beneath his skin. She moved upwards, ghosting them over his collarbone, his neck, his throat, his jawline, then finally his lip.
Rhys grabbed her face, kissing her with such an intensity it made her dizzy. She was about to start fumbling with his belt when Rhys pulled away. «Are you sure you want this?» he asked, all out of breath, voice cracking, and Feyre would have thought his consideration and worry to be cute, had she not been so desperate to press her naked body against his. So she only nodded, and stepped back to pull her dress over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra.
That seemed to be the end of Rhys' restraint. He took a step towards her, grabbed her under her thighs, and hoisted her up so she was sitting with her legs around his waist. Feyre moaned at the feeling of him pressing against her, hard and ready, and she felt a warm throbbing between her own legs.
Feyre let out a breathy «why the hell do you still have pants on?» that made Rhys chuckle. She felt the sound moving through his whole body. He walked across the room, laid her down on the bed and quickly got rid of his pants. Feyre almost drooled at the sight of his large cock. She reached out a hand and stroked him through the thin fabric of his boxers. Rhys groaned at the feeling, and leaned over her, placing his mouth on one of her nipples.
It felt exquisite. Rhys, his wandering hands, her body tingling with sensation, his hot mouth on her skin. She needed more, more, more. Feyre pulled his cock free, and he kicked of his underwear. One of his hands reached the band of her own panties, a finger dipping into her core, then slowly circling her clit.
It was too much and not enough and she needed more. Rhys slid off her underwear, and all of a sudden there was nothing between them. «Do you have a condom?» Feyre didn’t know how she managed to form words at this point, but he reached behind her and grabbed one. Feyre took it and rolled it on him, while his mouth explored every inch of her breasts, and his hand slowly stroked the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.
Feyre needed him inside her, now. She lined his cock up with her entrance, then she looked him in the eyes. He took her hint, slowly, oh so slowly, pushing himself in, not breaking eye contact.
Feyre moaned at the feeling of him filling her, widening her. He was thick and warm and it felt amazing. She pulled his mouth to hers, and he pressed his tongue inside her, filling her in two places. He pulled out slightly, then pushed in to the hilt this time. Rhys groaned at the sensation, his hand still drawing circles over her clit.
It felt so good, she was seeing stars. The wave inside her rising and rising with no end as Rhys picked up his pace, slamming to the hilt and hitting that magic spot every. damn. time.
Words like more or faster or deeper filled the warm air around them. Rhys buried his head between her shoulder and neck, moaning her name. Feyre felt her pussy clench around him, nearing that sweet, sweet edge. «Rhys, I need to…»
He seemed to understand what she meant, because he went even faster, fingers pressing down against her clit, and fuck it felt so good! His eyes met her eyes, his forehead pressed against her forehead, and she felt his words as a breath against her lips. «Come, Feyre.»
Those words pushed her over the edge immediately, wave crashing over her like nothing ever had before. It lasted a lifetime. That sweet, unending pleasure. She clenched around him again and again, until he started losing control, losing rhythm, and at last he came with her, groaning.
When it was over, the world around them went quiet. The sun was shining through the curtains, a new day beginning, Rhys collapsed on top of Feyre, stroking her disheveled hair away from her face. «That was…» she didn’t know how to end that sentence. She wanted to stay here with him forever. Just the two of them. Skin to skin.
Rhys looked at her, amusement coloring his face. «Intense?» he suggested. Feyre chuckled, tapping her fingers against his chest. He pulled out, turned on his back, taking her with him, so that she lay on his chest, ear placed right over his heart.
«I was gonna go with best sex of my life, but intense works too I guess.» He laughed at that. A warm, loud laughter that she could feel in her whole body. He kissed the top of her head, and pulled a blanked over them.
As Feyre lay there, feeling Rhys draw slow circles on her back, listening to the waves, letting the steady beat of his heart and the sound of his even breaths lull her to sleep, she knew that nothing would ever be the same after this night. She felt almost electric with excitement over what the rest of the summer would bring. One thing she was sure of, Rhys would be part of it.
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lightwoodsmagic · 5 years
Hi! So I agree Liam is queer, and the pink🔺in his video compels me not to ignore it. I saw one of your Ziam posts making its rounds after the SIU video, so I thought you were the person to ask. I only joined the fandom after Zayn left, and I’ve always had a hard time finding info on why and how that played out at the time (nobody seems to agree). Could you elaborate (or link to previous posts) on why you think Ziam is still a thing, and how they are telling us? Thanks for your insight so far!
 Hi anon! 
Thank you so much for thinking of me! I’m sorry it’s taken me a little while to answer, but it took me a bit to gather all the info I wanted (while I should’ve been working oop).
Okay, please know that this post is gonna be loooooong, so I’ve popped it under the cut.
You’re right about nobody agreeing on Zayn leaving the band, and it makes sense that people have differing views. It’s such a complicated thing; there was a lot happening at the time. 
I’m going to start by saying there’s a brilliant masterpost about Zayn leaving here. It’s incredibly detailed, talks about pretty much every aspect of it, and there’s so much to look into. It’s also wonderful to demonstrate how much the boys and Zayn still hinted at things and loved each other, like Harry using Zayn’s mic one night, Liam talking about him fondly in interviews, Niall still calling him by his nickname, and Louis wearing his clothes.
It’s a long read, but incredibly worth it, as it this stunting timeline.
Everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinion, so I’ll just give you mine. I’m gonna keep it (kind of) short though. A lot of what I’m about to say can be found in the masterposts I’ve linked above.
I believe that Zayn leaving was out of his control, and was never completely his decision. I believe that he was set to return, but for some reason, the plan changed. Mind of Mine was apparently written before he left, and while I think he would’ve been working on solo music before he left (and that all of them were to some extent), to tease an album right after the announcement that he left makes no sense. A contract like the one that 1D had/has with Syco would cost an obscene amount of money to get out of, and Zayn’s net worth didn’t change at all. They made it seem so simple in the very few interviews with Zayn afterwards, saying he just called his security, got on a plane, and left. I think Zayn struggled a lot with everything, they all did, but I don’t think he could’ve just left. There were articles put out about his new album that mentioned Simco and everything, but when people pointed out that it didn’t make sense with the narrative that Simon felt ‘betrayed’, the references were removed straight away. 
There’s also a very solid theory that MoM was counted as One Direction’s sixth and final contracted album, and it really stands up. Check it out! 
Look. There’s a lot to unpack with the whole situation, and I’ve hardly touched on it at all, but I really do encourage you to look into it with everything I’ve linked above  💞
Okay, now onto the second part of your ask! 
Ziam. My loooovveesss.  
I’m going to start by saying that there’s a lot of ways that Liam and Zayn have hinted that they’re still together, and honestly? The boys ain’t even subtle about it. I’ll start by talking about heaps of ways they’ve done that since Zayn left!
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These aren’t subtle Ziam accounts, and it’s not just these examples. This also isn’t just something in the past; that bottom right one references Stack It Up.
They’ve also both reposted fanart from a well known Ziam where each drawing referenced the other one. 
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The Zayn art says ‘Love Payne’ on the beanie. Well then. 
And the Liam one? That he posted on his personal insta? The artist added the ‘love’ tattoo from Zayn’s hand onto Liam’s. It’s obvious, and it’s not like Liam wouldn’t have noticed that suddenly there was a new tattoo added ON HIS OWN HAND. 
Not very subtle, hey.
It’s also not the only shady social media activity related to the boys  👀
There was the time that Liam explained why he’d written ‘personally’ twice in a thank you post in his insta story to Bvlgari. 
But he hadn’t. What had happened was that Twitter account @TheZiamNews had made a small mistake, and had actually written it twice. The only explanation was that Liam saw it on a Ziam update page VERY quickly, thought he had made the original mistake, and then explained. Interesting that Liam keeps up to date with them. 
There was also the time Liam blocked an account for talking absolute shit about Zayn, or when Herbie Critchlow (a producer from Icarus Falls) retweeted a tweet about Common being about Ziam. Also can’t forget Brandon Colbein posting on insta about some songs he’d written, and somehow there was one for Zayn and one for Liam. 
Oh, and when Liam’s friend Andy (who seems to…split the fandom, but alas) posted a video of him listening to Icarus Falls, or every single mirroring insta post Liam and Zayn can’t seem to help making.
And their eyebrow slits! 😊 this goes allllll the way back to One Direction days.
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Now, this is a constant, recurring thing for them over the years.
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It’s usually at the same time, and it usually signifies something. 
Zayn went ALL OUT one day, just after Z*gi ‘broke up’, and put a slit in his eyebrow, but it wasn’t a normal one. It was in the shape of an L. That fucking sap. Not to be outdone though, Liam popped a lil’ Z in the graphics for his show last year in Japan. 
Now, jewellery. 
OOOOOF are we in for it now. You’re probably regretting this ask already. 
Say that single word around someone who believes in Ziam and you’ve lost them forever. 
Back in 2015 (so yes, a while ago but bear with me) during the OTRA tour, Zayn suddenly started wearing a gold Cartier bracelet. It was interesting because Zayn didn’t wear bracelets at the time. It was particularly interesting because Liam had been seen earlier that day with jewellery bags buying a present. Curious.
Or obvious. 
Either or. 
A similar thing happened when Zayn attended the ‘Straight Outta Compton’ premiere, one of his first appearances after he left the band. He was wearing a Hublot watch, which was also interesting because Zayn didn’t wear watches either. 
You’re damn right, anon. It was Hublot.
Now, the Cartier love bracelet. 
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This picture was posted when Liam was getting ready for the Brits in 2017. For those that don’t know, the Cartier love bracelet has little screws, and can only be undone with a little gold screwdriver that comes with it. 
Liam wore it everywhere that year, and so often. It didn’t make sense for it to be ‘given to him by Ch*ryl’, because they would’ve used every opportunity to show that damn screwdriver. 
But they didn’t, because she didn’t have it. Zayn did. 
There’s also the other matching bracelets they’ve worn by Alexander McQueen.
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And also the other time Zayn wore Cartier in his film clip, or the fact that Zayn started wearing a ring on his right ring finger that was sold and marketed by Cartier AS A WEDDING RING. 
They also share watches if Zayn decides to wear one, because they’re cute like that.
Now, they also share clothes. 
So many clothes, ohmygod. 
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A prime example of this actually happened just last year! TWICE! IN NYC WHEN LIAM WAS THERE (obviously to see his husband). Both times, Liam was out and about wearing two of Zayn’s jackets. 
It’s also absolutely not a coincidence that when Zayn was staying at G*gi’s apartment on Bond Street, Liam stayed at a hotel a few minutes away a number of times, but when Zayn moved to Soho, Liam suddenly switched hotels to one in Soho, a few minutes away from Zayn’s new place. Just can’t stay away from an old band mate you hardly talk to, hey. 
Also can’t ignore Liam wearing numerous Kooples shirts during the time Zayn was doing promotional stuff for them. Husbands givin’ gifts.
 NYC isn’t the only city that relates to Ziam though! 
Ahhhhhhhh. Ziami. What a time, what a time, what a time (for you and I).
At the start of last year, Liam and Zayn were both in Miami at the same time filming music videos for Let Me and Familiar respectively, arriving either at the same time or a day apart. It was at a time when Zayn was all over his socials, posting poems and selfies and generally being his relaxed, gorgeous self, which wasn’t incredibly common for a while. 
People were convinced they could hear Zayn in one of Liam’s insta stories, talking in the background just before Liam realises and raises his voice. It’s definitely not firm though, and Liam has someone in his team with a similar accent, but I’ve linked it so you can judge for yourself! Regardless, we knew they were both there, but it was a fun lil’ talking point!
Anyway, according to people who live in the area and know the coastline, they were in the same area at the same time, and we also knew that Liam wasn’t with Ch*ryl because she was back in the UK. Now, Liam posted an Instagram story the next morning half naked in bed, his 4 tattoo (we’ll get to that) and roses on full display, and saying he’d wrecked his voice. 
Well then. 
He also posted this. 
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It was a video, but it was Liam, in his room ‘alone’ with two desserts for breakfast at a time when we knew Zayn was there and no one else was, and he suddenly had no voice. 
Okay okay, we get it. 
They also consistently reference the number 25, and honestly, no one knows why the fuck.
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Just casually on Liam’s jackets and shoes, Zayn’s shoes and a shirt that was sold (even the red and yellow, ffs Zayn), and also Zayn’s NECK, which he got in 2018. There was also chevrons on a collection for Zayn, just like Liam’s tattoos.
Speaking of tattoos Zayn got in 2018. 
That big, red wolf on his chest just up there?
One of the biggest Ziam things to ever happen. 
Red was Liam’s mic colour in 1D, everything they fucking do seems to be related to red, and Liam’s nickname is Wolfie because he’s from Wolverhampton. 
It’s a red wolf, directly on his chest, and it’s 100% for Liam. It’s not the only red wolf tattoo Zayn has; he also has one on his leg with feathers, just like Liam’s feather tattoo. 
The media often talk about the eyes Zayn has underneath that, and that they’re for G*gi, but the eyes underneath are so much lighter than the surrounding ink, the shape fits easily, and to me, it seems clear they’ve been done in a way that they can easily be inked over. It was designed for a cover up, and hopefully it’s coming. Zayn also has Liam’s name literally inked into his skin. 
They also have coordinating hand tattoos. The mandala on Zayn’s hand and the roses on Liam’s are explained brilliantly in this post. The two of these together mean ‘Symbol of Eternity’. Fucking hell. 
The three roses on Liam’s hand also translates to ‘I love you’. FUUUCCCKKKKKKK.
Liam also wore a ring for a while, until he was forced to take it off, but then he rebelled anyway, and got this.
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It’s important because not only is it on his wedding finger, it’s also what he said about it, and when he got it. 
Now, not only is 4 as an angel number about changing the only things that you can in a situation, but Liam directly said that’s what it was. He can’t wear a wedding ring, so he did the next best thing. 
It also came when Liam and Ch*ryl became ‘official’, and when he’d already quashed marriage twice in an interview. Interesting choice, then. He also spoke of the 4 and a ring forming a halo, but still somehow shut down marriage talk? 
…….okay then. 
Some incredibly brilliant people pointed out that it also came just before Valentine’s Day.
And just before he started wearing the Cartier bracelet from earlier. 
There’s also the blatant references to a gorgeous, loving relationship throughout Icarus Falls, especially in Common and There You Are. There You Are was pushed as a Z*gi song, but people realised it was impossible when they found old pictures of the name of the song on his original plan for Mind of Mine, and realised it just hadn’t made that album. It doesn’t fit their timeline at all, but it does fit Ziam.
We don’t see Zayn very much at the moment, and I’m glad that he’s taking his time just doing what he’s doing! It does mean that we hardly see them interact or reference each other much, but I have absolutely no reason to believe they’ve broken up. The fact that they’re both still going through PR relationship bullshit, and the timing of Liam getting a ‘girlfriend’ right now instead of just rumours is very interesting to me, because Z*gi officially finished again not that long ago. When one is ‘single’, the other can’t be, it seems. 
This isn’t even everything, anon. They’re not subtle; Zayn just isn’t in the public eye as much. 
Everything they do screams love, devotion, and commitment to each other. 
And it’s fucking gorgeous.
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elyreywrites · 4 years
hips don’t lie (shakira shakira)
a crack fic born of a typo, and enabled by discord (shout out to the C&C discord server!! y’all are amazing.) also, it was a motivational gift for a friend. and a huge thanks to Bumpkin for being my beta on this fic!
title from Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie”.
AO3 Link
Teen 1,895 words Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne part of my batkids shenanigans series
Tim breaks a hip. Dick and Jason fight for the right of sitting shotgun. Barbara is the Actual Best. And Bruce is Suffering.
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Tim leaned back against the wall in his cell and waited. He certainly wasn’t going to escape at the moment – not after some goon had slammed a metal bat into his hip. Standing wasn’t going to happen, much less fighting. As it was, Tim could block out the pain while sitting down and not moving. He’d dragged his body out of the desert after he was stabbed in the spleen, he could ignore this pain.
The sound of shattering glass and indistinct yelling brought a grin to his face. Ah, his rescue had arrived. Who did they send this time? The gunfire that broke out could mean Jason, or the goons had guns. Maybe both. The only guarantee was that it wasn’t Damian. He had a final paper due in the morning for school and Bruce ordered him off patrol.
The commotion lasted all of ten minutes. After another couple of minutes, something banged on the other side of the door.
“Hey Red, yell if you’re in here,” called Dick. After a second, he squawked, “What was that for?”
“He might be unconscious and can’t fucking answer,” Jason snarked.
Huh, both of them to the rescue. “I’m conscious,” he yelled. The lock clicked and his two older brothers strolled in, the keys dangling from the lock.
“Oh good,” Jason drawled, “then you can explain why the fuck you didn’t escape on your own.” He tossed Tim an extra comm, which he immediately put in.
Tim hummed. “I mean, it might have something to do with the metal bat that some asshole caught me in the hip with.”
Both men paused, just as Bruce appeared in the doorway. Tim knew his eyebrow was raised expectantly under the cowl. Tim looked straight at him and said, “I’m not very hip.”
In the background, Dick started snickering as Jason choked on his laughter. Bruce, though – Bruce went still. Bat still – the kind he only got in two situations. One, if he was about to drop into a fight. Two, when one of his kids made an exceptionally bad joke. The second often came before the Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad. “Your hip is injured,” he inferred, returning to the matter at hand. “What else can you tell us about the injury?”
Smirking, he complained, “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”
The snickering turned into near-hysterical giggles. Jason was wheezing under the helmet. And there was the Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad.
“Someone call Life Alert!” Dick gasped out through his giggling.
“Fucking hell, kid,” Jason managed. “You little fucking shit. We were worried about your goddamn ass, and here you are, making shitty jokes like you’re Nightwing.”
Bruce shook his head. “Your hip might be broken. Let’s–”
Dick cut off their father. “That’s so sad,” he choked out past his widening grin, “Oracle, play ‘Hips Don’t Lie’.”
Bruce froze. Tim watched with glee as Jason sunk to the floor, his wheezing turning into the high-pitched keening of someone laughing without air. And then – because Babs was the Actual Best – the song started playing over the comm line.
Ah, there it was: the second Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad, almost entirely drowned out by Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie”.
“Why,” he asked, long-suffering. “Why do you do this to me? Just… you two, get to the Batmobile. I'll get Red.”
Tim raised an eyebrow behind the mask. “You’re the one that chose to be a father. Really, you should have expected this.”
Bruce tilts his head, his own equivalent of a raised eyebrow when he’s in the cowl. “Oh, I’m supposed to expect my children to reference memes and make jokes when one has broken a hip. That’s what I was supposed to be prepared for, when I decided to take in a grieving child. The parenting books never warned me about that.” He leaned down and tried to carefully pick Tim up, as Tim gritted his teeth against the pain. In the background, “Hips Don’t Lie” faded away.
Over the comm, Jason scoffed. “As if you ever read any parenting books.”
“I know for a fact that you didn’t,” Dick added. “Agent A made enough pointed comments about it that I know you didn’t. Also, I call shotgun.”
“You can have shotgun over my cold, dead body, you dick!” Jason snapped.
“First of all, stop joking about your death! Second of all, fuck you, you know the rules! Hood, get back here! I fucking called shotgun as soon as the Batmobile was in view, respect the fucking rules!”
“You’ll have to drag me out!”
“Red Robin gets shotgun,” Batman cut in.
Tim looked at Bruce blankly. “One, Red Robin is staying out of this, as one of them has already tried to kill me before. Two, Red Robin has a broken hip and needs to be in the backseat, because there is no way in hell I can sit upright very well right now.”
“For shame, B,” Dick sighed. “Hood, I swear to fucking god, get the fuck out of shotgun! Batmaaaaan, Hood isn’t following the ruuuules!”
Tim felt the Heavy Sigh that time. Damn, three in one night? They were doing pretty well. “That’s not really anything new, though, is it?” Tim snarked.
“You wanna fuckin’ go, punk?” Jason called back.
Closer now, Tim could see as Dick shook his head in over-dramatic disappointment. “I can’t believe you, Hood. Breaking the Sacred Rules of Calling Shotgun. Threatening to fight a kid with a broken hip. What would Agent A say?”
“Oh shit.” Tim whispered, grinning, “you’re gonna be in trouble.”
Jason growled back over the line, apparently kicking out at Dick from his spot in shotgun. “Fuck you, I’m an adult!”
Someone hummed on the comm line. “Would you care to repeat that?” Alfred said, as calmly as ever.
At the same time, Dick grabbed Jason’s leg to pull him from the Batmobile. Both things caused Jason to squawk as he landed on his ass on the ground. “No, Agent A. Sorry, Agent A. Hey, that is not fair, I got there first! I have longer legs, and you’re gonna stick me in the back?!”
Bruce stopped for a second, watching the chaos of Dick trying to get into the passenger seat by climbing over Jason, who was still laying on the ground, while Jason kept grabbing his legs and pulling him back out. Tim watched Bruce, waiting. Wondering.
Bruce inhaled and–
Jason and Dick both froze as they heard the fourth Heavy Sigh of the night.
“Is… is that a record?” Jason asked, in a reverent whisper.
“I don’t know,” Dick replied, just as awed.
Tim smirked. “Robin and I have managed seven in one night.”
“What?!” Dick shrieked.
Bruce only looked tiredly upon his eldest sons. “Robin and Red Robin,” he said, as though that was enough explanation. Tim had to admit, it kind of was. No need to mention that it was only for show now, more for the purpose of antagonizing their family than anything else. Cass knew, because Cass always knew, but she only giggled whenever she witnessed their fights.
Jason and Dick stared at each other, Dick’s leg still caught in Jason’s grasp. “We can probably get at least five before we get back to the Cave,” Dick muttered lowly, as though the comm wasn’t picking up everything he said.
“Done,” Jason said. “But I still got here first so stop trying to claim shotgun.”
“Hmmm, nope. I called it as soon as the Batmobile was in view. Them’s the rules, little brother.”
Jason snarled. “I’m taller than you! I need the extra leg space more!”
“You are barely taller than me, and not enough to really matter for leg space.”
Batman carefully put Tim down so he was stretched out along the length of the backseat and climbed in the driver's seat. “How is it,” he began, “that Red Robin, your younger brother, is acting more mature than both of you.”
Jason and Dick both stared at Bruce in utter betrayal. Then Jason looked back at Dick. “Go share the backseat with Red, you’re the oldest. He’s in pain. He needs his big brother to tell him it’s okay.”
“God no,” Tim muttered. He did not want Dick’s smothering right now.
Dick gasped, head snapping to stare at Tim. “Holy shit, I didn’t even think about that! Red, does it hurt a lot? You need a hug.”
Plans for revenge were already forming in Tim’s mind as Dick climbed in the backseat with him, letting Tim lean back against him. Dick’s arms wrapped around Tim in what some considered a hug and others considered an inescapable hold. A hand was already carding through his hair and his oldest brother reassured him that they’d be back at the Cave soon. Jason was snickering from the passenger seat.
Dick needed a distraction.
“Hey, O?” Tim asked, “Can you connect to the Batmobile? You probably already know what I’m thinking.”
“Sure thing Red,” Barbara smirked. He knew she did – he could hear it. Through the speakers in the car, “Hips Don’t Lie” started playing, again.
Tim didn’t miss Bruce’s hands tightening on the steering wheel, probably refraining from sighing again. Of course, now that he knew they were actively trying to antagonize him, it was going to be a lot harder.
As Tim expected, with Shakira blaring out of the speakers, Dick and Jason joined in on the singing. Loudly and off-key. A grin stretched across his face. Normally, he’d join in, but the pain was a bit too much for him to do that. That was fine, Bruce was getting twitchy enough as it was.
There was still no sigh yet, though. No matter how terribly Dick and Jason sang along, even going so far as to be off-beat, Bruce only twitched. At least, until the Spanish came.
“You know Spanish,” Bruce whispered, pained, as Jason sang English words that sounded just similar enough. Dick was doing the same, but without coordination, they were singing different words, creating the sound of pure chaos. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“You only have yourself to blame,” Tim snickered.
The fifth Heavy Sigh of Exasperated Dad cut the awful singing off so Dick and Jason could scream their victory. Tim regretted nothing as he slammed his head back into Dick’s chin.
“Ow! Reeed, whyyyy?” Dick whined, leaning his head back away from Tim.
Tim would have twisted around to glare at him if that didn’t seem like a Bad Plan. “You yelled in my fucking ear! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“We’re here,” Bruce called desperately, dragging himself out of the car. “Please, boys, please. Just… stop. It’s been a long night. Take pity on your old man.”
“Eh, I’m gonna go the fuck to sleep anyway,” Jason shrugged as he climbed out. “We succeeded in our goal. Have fun with the broken hip, Timmers! Night!” Tim watched him go, incredulous. A broken hip wasn’t what he’d call “fun” – despite the jokes and references that could be made.
Dick helped Bruce get him out of the car, and then smirked. “Your new ringtone is ‘Hips Don’t Lie’, just so you know. Night, Timmy!”
Tim watched his brothers leave, beginning to twitch himself. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
“You’ll never be hip again,” deadpanned Bruce.
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ryuukia · 4 years
[Translation] Tsukihana Kagura Cast Presentation: Asagi (Growth)
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Happy New Year, everyone! Continuing with Ryota’s translations (many thanks again), now is Growth’s time to shine. Next up will be my set of units, SolidS and then Quell.
Please don’t repost/retranslate/reuse this translation. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
Nation: the affiliated country’s name Flower name: the name as a dancer Dance technique: the name of each person’s characteristic dance Dance props: the name of the tool used while dancing (there are cases when none are used)
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Eto Koki
“We are Asagi. We will continue to pray for the world’s peace.”
Nation: Asagi ※Chief
Flower name: Kogetsu (Lonely Moon)
Dance technique: Kibanasanga (Scattered Rimy Flowers)
Dance props: Folding Fan / Inscription: [Gurousu] (Growth)
His family is the owner of a vast plot of land which they inherited from their ancestors. From there, they started finding success in agriculture and forestry. Moreover, their businesses continued to expand as they ventured in manufactures, sales, import, and even financing. They are a very wealthy family.
His father came from the nation of 'Asahanada' after falling in love with the Eto Household’s only daughter. In an attempt to woo her, his father became an excellent Flower Dancer and has once become a 'King of Flowers'.
Being their son, he has shown outstanding qualities since he was a child and for the past 15 years has been expected to be selected as the 'King of Flowers'.
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Yaegashi Kensuke
“Asagi’s dance has a fast and slow tempo so it’s a lot more trying than you’d think~!”
Nation: Asagi
Flower name: Hekikuu (Cloudless)
Dance technique: Ryuuryokukakou (The World’s True Nature)
Dance props: Folding Fan / Inscription: [Shinra] (Blessings Between Heaven and Earth)
His family runs a food manufacturing company. The products his family makes are called “Yaegashi Sealed ●●” and are beloved by the locals. He couldn’t forget the “Tsukihana Kagura” he saw once at the “Tsukihana Festival” so he’s aiming to become a Flower Dancer.
Just as he was thinking of wanting to work very hard as a dancer for someone, Koki introduced him to a man he didn’t know (Mamoru). He was surprised at first but after getting to know Mamoru, he began to accept the idea. He's a very attentive man who usually knows how to make someone move just by taking a glance from head to toe at the person.
Interview with Eto Koki (Growth)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
Our dance has a lot of parts wherein I move far away and then closer to my partner so, when I was trying to move to my position, I accidentally hit Mamoru with a violent swing of my arm. I’m really sorry about that time (bitter smile). I will promise to show you a wonderful performance while being careful as well.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Tsukihana Kagura has a total of 12 songs. Each of them are flowing with personality so I would be really happy if you listened and found all of them. Personally, aside from Asagi’s, I quite adore listening to Asahanada’s and Geppaku’s music. I wish that you would be able to find a favorite as well!
Interview with Yaegashi Kensuke (Growth)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
You can tell from the costume (I think?) that I will move around a lot~! I jump and move around so much. On the other hand, Ryou dances so elegantly. The complete difference in atmosphere is interesting. We actually do something different from each other halfway and then at the end, our movements become perfectly matched! It gives me goosebumps! Check it out, okay~?!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Yaegashi Sealed Spring Onion. (It’s delicious!)
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
The Yaegashi Seal is everywhere so there's Yaegashi Sealed dango, bread, and even ramen! Look forward to the amazing Yaegashi Family Seal that sells everything (laughs). We interact a lot with members we don’t usually interact with, too~!
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Sakuraba Ryota
“Beautiful things are wonderful, aren’t they?”
Nation: Asagi
Flower name: Houki (The Prime of Womanhood)
Dance technique: Ryuuryokukakou (The Beauty of Spring)
Dance props: Folding Fan / Inscription: [Kuromonji] (Black Letters)
He hails from a wealthy household that specializes in foreign trading. Ever since he was young, he has been used to having any selfish whim of his granted. He is a bit of a mischievous and antagonistic type of person.
He seems to be attracted to things that don’t go his way. One reason that he loves dancing is because his own body doesn’t move just to fulfill ideals.
He is childhood friends with Koki and Kensuke, and while he says a lot, he thinks of the both of them as precious friends.
That is exactly why, he was a bit wary of Mamoru when he suddenly appeared in their lives.
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Fujimura Mamoru
“I wish that the tears I saw that day would go away… I will dance for your sake.”
Nation: Asagi
Flower name: Yakou (Light in the Darkness)
Dance technique: Shiran (Purple Light)
Dance props: Fox Mask / Inscription: [Kokuko] (Black Fox)
He is a young man who was always on a journey. Though he felt at ease once he got back to Asagi, he fell unconscious right in the middle of the street in the capital city.
Fortunately, Koki happened to be passing by and picked him up. However, Mamoru was in a slightly malnourished state because he had scarcely eaten for two weeks.
Mamoru was not someone who was suited for survival in the first place so, Koki couldn’t find it in his heart to abandon him. There, their strange life living together began.
It all started with an act of just helping another person out. However, after seeing Mamoru’s mysterious and entrancing dance, Koki proposed to have him join as a dancer.
Interview with Sakuraba Ryota (Growth)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
My dance with Ken has choreography that emphasizes the difference between our personalities. There are a lot of contrasting movements that perfectly show our differences. However, I am doing my best to practice to make those differences fit together. It’s because we’re dancing as partners that I think I have to show how good we are together.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Asagi Soft-serve Ice Cream.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Unlike 'Kiso Sekai' we are living in a very peaceful world this time. It’s because this world is very peaceful that I can be as selfish as I can. I have a lot of selfish requests that will take everyone for a spin ♪
Interview with Fujimura Mamoru (Growth)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
This is my first time dancing together with Kou-kun so every day, my heart was pounding and I was freaking out. Though, when we start dancing, I don’t have the liberty to think about that (laughs). Gentle movements have a different difficulty from the fast movements, I think. I can’t afford to look messy and I can’t fail. In a lot of ways, my muscles were very sore (laughs). I will do my best to not lose to everyone!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Asagi Ramen (with lots of spring onions~)
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
This time, we’re in a very peaceful world. Meaning, there’s a lot of daily life scenes. There are a lot of ad-libs and daily jokes, too. To the point where you’ll think “Wait, this unit’s doing that, too!?” (laughs). It would be very nice if everyone laughed along with us, too ♪
If you want to support Ryota and her work, you can buy her a ko-fi right [here]. I also have my own [ko-fi] page and [commission page] linked here.
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vrainsweek · 5 years
VRAINS WEEKS “LINK-14″ - Daily Prompts 2019
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Hello again Minna-saaaaaaan!
How are yooou? Did you miss me? Did you miss the 2 weeks we were talking about Vrains and Vrains only? Yes I missed them, too. =D So I sat down and started thinking about the prompts for these year’s Vrains Weeks. But first a little information! As some of you remember I asked for another name for the Vrains Weeks because...”Vrains Weeks” sounds too normal and kinda boring even if any of you understand what they are. (I had a minute I wanted to call them Double Week but that was even worse.) So I asked around if you guys have an idea how to call them and actually... One person had the perfect idea! So first let me introduce to you the new name of the Vrains Weeks:
Link-14 (Weeks)
And I think it fits. 2 Weeks have 14 days and everyone in the Vrains fandom knows what you mean when you say “Link-”. My special thanks for this name go to @mythicalartisttm Thank you so so much, my brain never ever would have thought this way!
Thank you! Danke! ありがとう! 
Before we start with the newest Vrains Prompts for 2019 let’s take a look at the rules again (So noone can say they didn’t read or find them!)
NO Bashing of ANY content! That means no BASHING or INSULTING over any Headcanons, Theories, Shippings, Works and and and.
NO NSFW. Sexual and / or Gore content or similar for some people in a fandom are exciting ofc but since I can’t control the age of this blog’s followers I have to keep this free for minors. Also I hope this will keep triggers away from some followers.
NO Copying, Stealing or Reposting of other people’s work! Not even with credits! This is unfair and really NOT a way to show YOUR content. Also you hurt the real artist with this and we don’t want and don’t need this. YouTube Videos musiclinks or similar for special topics for a day are excluded as long as credits such as the directlink are included. (Please contact me if someone reposted your art over the #vrainsweek or #VRLINK14 tag)
Don’t forget! If you break one of those rules you will be banned from VRAINS WEEKS! Also I want to inform you that every content is allowed as long as it doesn’t break the rules. Drawings, Cosplay, Theories, AUs, everything aslong as it fits with the topic!
About the tag you have to use to find your work you can use 2 tags now:
You can still stick with the #vrainsweek  from last year or use #VRLINK14 
I will look at both of them to check your guys’ works. Just don’t forget to tag! Ok, here we go! Ready for the 2019 prompts?
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Monday (15th July 2019)
“Favorite Headcanon” To start the Link-14 weeks let’s begin with something easy. Show me your most favorite Headcanon you had so far after 2 years of Vrains. Draw something, describe it, whatever you like! It doesn’t matter if this headcanon is old or brand new just show us you always wanted to show all of us!
Tuesday (16th July 2019)
“Androids” Wouldn’t it be great if we see the Other Ignis as Andoids as well? Or even Yusaku and the others? I wonder how they survive in the real world? Do they eat like normal humans? Will they ever feel tired? How would the Ignis look like? Aaaah so many questions~
Wednesday (17th July 2019)
“Happy Hot Dog Day!” Of course the newest LINK-14 Week again is the same date as the National Hot Dog Day as well! And again you can do whatever you like aslong as it includes a Hot Dog (I am sorry if it sounds a bit NSFW But I DON’T MEAN IT THAT WAY ///)
Thursday (18th July 2019)
Last year we had a prompt which I wanted you to put our favorite characters into adults. This time let’s go back in time and show them as little kids and babies.
I think Vrains has too less of some past shots from when our favorites where small and cute, let’s change that!
Friday (19th July 2019)
Thinking of the past can be beautiful but also pretty cruel. We all know that everyone of us thinks of the past knowing that it made us what we are today. So do Yusaku and the others. They think of the past and appreciate every memory they have no matter if they are hurt- or beautiful.
Saturday (20th July 2019)
“Gaming Champs”
Ok ok so... I played some League of Legends a while ago and suddenly I thought: “How would Yusaku look like as a LoL champ?” I went too far and even thought about his skills but hey! Wouldn’t that be a great prompt as well? If you guys are actually gaming something why don’t you put Yusaku or Ryoken or whoever you like into a game? No matter if it’s an MMO or something like Super Mario or Sims 4 or whatever you like. Maybe...I will design Yusaku as a LoL champ as well *laughs*
Sunday (21st July 2019)
“Vacations” We all are soo thirsty for a beach episode but it looks like we never get it...sadly ... *cries* BUT That’s why the LINK-14 Week is here for so let’s get the boys and girls into some sweet vacations! They really REALLY need a break! It doesn’t have to be the sea, send them wherever you want them to be. Another place, another country, wherever you like!
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Monday (22nd July 2019)
“What if?” What if Ryoken / Revolver never was able to save the children from the Lost incident?
Tuesday (23rd July 2019)
“Share some music”
Music is my way to happiness I always say. What are the songs you relate the most to when you think of Vrains? It can be anything, songs to some AUs or to a special character or shipping or a scene you liked the most.
You can share Spotify playlists or YouTube Links or just the title and singers of the songs (Please don’t upload music files).
If you want you can use this prompt as well to show some relating from Vrains characters to music (For example Hanois as a band)
Wednesday (24th July 2019)
“Me when I watch VRAINS”
I am curious and maybe this prompt is a bit stupid but Vrains and the LINK-14 week only works with the people who actually watch Vrains. And I want to give you a “stage” cause you matter a lot! What do you look like when you watch VRAINS? (Describe it or draw it or even take a photo of it haha)
Thursday (25th July 2019)
“VRAINS goes Hollywood” So I have two tasks and whatever you like more is what you gonna do: Drawers: Redraw a movie cover / movie poster from whatever movie with Vrains characters. Writers: Take a scene of a movie you love and rewrite that scene with Vrains characters. Those movies can be anything (Disney, Marvel, Ghibli or other Animes, Romance movies or Hunger Games stuff) as long as they still fit with the LINK-14 Rules.
Friday (26th July 2019)
“VRAINS Manga”
I don’t know how long we will wait till we finally get a VRAINS Manga But we all have a lot of imaginations of how it will be. So share!
Saturday (27th July 2019)
“Happy Birthday!”
Imagine it’s Yusaku’s birthday. No other comments needed just be creative ;D
Sunday (28th July 2019)
“???” This day will be a surprise. Just wait till 28th July to see what’s up.
See ya in July Minna-san!!
Note: I got the render pic of Yusaku for the header from here: LINK ME
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unleashthemidnight · 7 years
The Power of the Heart
Pairing: Reader x Gabriel Synopsis: The morning with Gabriel brings up certain memories Word count: 5000+ Warnings: Gabriel, Gabriel sleeps and talks. Self doubt, insecurities, anxiety and depression. Aftermath of death. Fluff, implied smut & angst. Notes: This was a roller coaster to write like everyone who follows me had noticed from my posting habits. Plus the facts that my english skills are what they are and I haven't written anything for a long time made it even more fun. I hid song lyrics in the narration and dialogue, and used them as inspiration, songs are listed and linked in the end. Oh, and bunker has been around since the beginning, there’s so much cliches, and tsiisas how Gabriel talks I'm so sorry. Aaaanyway, hope you enjoy! :3
Do Not Repost reblogs and comments are loved
The sun shined through between the curtains enough to wake you up. You rubbed your eyes and rolled on your back. Everything seemed little fuzzy but it all came back to you slowly the more you woke up. Luckily you didn't have to be anywhere today or do anything, you could just spent the day in the bed if you wanted. It was rare to have days like this. Life can be hard enough as it is but throw monsters, demons and angels there, and you will have totally new set of problems. You didn't regret this life that you had. You had chosen it as much as it had chosen you. The people you had met, the stories you had, the ups and downs, the growth, you wouldn't trade it away for anything. Winchesters were like your brothers, you had learn new tricks and kicks, you had angels on your side. You had Gabriel by your side. You turned your head towards the window and saw the shape of the peacefully sleeping archangel.
”What do you wish from life?” Gabriel's sudden question startled you from the research you had done in bunker's library. ”Why do you ask?” you couldn't help but wonder. ”Oh, I don't know, maybe because asking questions is usually good and very much socially acceptable way to get to know another person even more,” Gabriel answered with smirk on his lips, ”I know that usually people start thinking of the bigger picture and will give the boring answer of 'the better and happy life'. What is 'the better and happy life' anyway? Everyone has their own versions of it and still the words are the same. And I want specific answers. Start with something small. What do you wish for?” You looked at the archangel stunned look on your face. You had already used to the way Gabriel speaked and asked so many questions, but the most shocking thing was that you didn't know what to answer. Your automatic answer would have been ”the better and happy life” but as Gabriel had said, it was really boring and common answer. What does ”the better and happy life” even means to you? ”I… I don't know,” you started answering. You noticed how Gabriel had sat down across the table and actually looked interested in hearing your answer. When did archangel came so interested in you or why he wanted to know you even better than he already did, you didn't know. ”Okay, so, maybe I can help. Have you bathed in a river? Made love in the orange tent? Do you know how to whistle?” Gabriel started suggesting different things. ”How those have...” ”Oh c'mon, just trust me with this,” he winked, ”I'm pretty sure that your 'better and happy life' contains new, and maybe boring, but safe experiences.” ”Excuse me? Boring? No no no… Well, maybe boring for some of us but if I can find enjoyment and happiness out of them, I think I'm entitled for that,” you defended yourself half overacting the shockness to his words, but still telling the truth. You looked at the archangel's facial expression, and seeing that smug look on his face made you want to see where you could take this. ”Well, I have bathed in a river, never made love in an orange tent and I know how to whistle.” You whistled after the answer and saw Gabriel's face lighten up. He really wanted to know your answers, to get to know the real you and your wishes. It made you keep on going. ”Also another boring answer is that I wish to do something good when I can, I still believe it will go around. I wish that who finds the joy can keep it and hoist a flag because of it. I wish for ever hungry life. I wish that hunger of life will wake me up even in the those mornings when I don't know should I get up or stay and pull the blanket over my head. I wish that it would encourage me to always keep fighting,” you opened up but didn't stop there. ”I wish to go to the town just to get lost, fall in love with someone and fall asleep next to them. I wish for the roar of the rapids. I wish for a shiver in my back, for excruciating love, chaos, rebellion, drums to beat, I wish for the tremor of the first steps. I wish to see torches burning tall and sky to fill with rain. I wish for tomorrow to come,” you declared in theatrical way, only to break down laughing with the angel. You didn't know what got to you. Gabriel didn't care about that, he was just enchanted and excited by you. ”I wish for the complete and long symphony,” you finally breathed out. ”So long live not the history but the future,” the archangel added. You both were still riled up for your answers and the laughter afterwards. Somehow so unexpected question had filled you with joy and you felt like you were ready to make your next big move, to start new journey. ”Well, what does the archangel Gabriel wish for?” you questioned later with your own smirk. You had have so much fun when talking with the archangel that the outside world and the research had started to be forgotten. Gabriel breathed out as he looked at the table thinking about his next words. ”This.” You watched Gabriel as he stood up. You didn't have a clue what he was going to do or where he was going and that caused your heart messing with the beat. Gabriel walked around the table and stopped near you, pulled the chair next to you and sat down. You heard him taking a deep breath as if he was considering his answer. He was nervous. You, a human, saw Gabriel, a freaking archangel, being a nervous wreck. That made you tense up. Before you got any more time to think what would cause him to act like this, Gabriel took your hands into his and leaned towards you. He gave you a chance to make your mind what was going to happen, and you did. You closed the space between you two and kissed him. This was it, this was your new journey. You had saved lifes and saved each other countless of times. You had stand up for one another. You had pranked the brothers. You had heard them yelling about keeping the voices down. Gabriel was sometimes overprotective but after you had found the common ground, hunting became easier for your relationship. Even if there sometimes were the communication errors, you both worked through those. You gave space when other needed, and still were ready to listen and help anyway possible. First there were the awkward moments when one of you didn't know what the other needed when they were upset or what would be the best way to help, but soon you both found your tricks. Your once strong walls had lowered down for Gabriel, and so had his for you. Your rutines had changed, your lifes had changed, for the better. ”Gabe! Gabriel! Babe? Can you hear me?” you shouted as trying to hold back the tears from the pain. You felt ashamed and a fool. You should have told to Gabriel or even the boys where you were going. You knew very well that going alone for hunt had its risks and still you went without telling anyone. It's always easier to tell people that going alone is a stupid thing than actually listen your own words. You weren't in danger anymore, the trouble was gone but not without you getting hurt. You only had yourself to blame. The moment messed up with your head and doubt kicked in. What if Gabriel wouldn't come? Sure you had a fight while back but you both worked it through, you had survived. Every couple has fights sometimes right? The words that you both used had been bad. You had lashed out after a couple of hunts had went wrong and you had felt emotionally unstable and Gabriel had have bad timing with his tricks. His read of situation and overall reaction to it had crashed with your emotions. Eventually you didn't know how you could had been so mean to him. You didn't mean to hurt him. Even if this fight needed two people, you still blamed yourself. But it was then, everything should have been fine now, you had worked it through, you had made up, you both were still in love, you… ”You know you should have told me, or atleast to the knuckleheads or Castiel,” you heard familiar worried voice same time when you heard the wings flutter. ”Hah, I was trying to be cool you know. Anyway, I just hope it's not too late for me.” Gabriel looked you now wondering; you knew he was an archangel, he could heal almost everything. Did something happened to your memory? Was there a spell? Was he actually late? ”Swallowing my pride hurts so bad,” you joked as trying to hide your insecurities and then pointed at your leg. The archangel kneeled beside you sighing. ”I know you are doubting yourself again. You might think that doing a case by yourself would lift your spirits, but it would still be only for a short time, you know. So, when we leave here and go back, I'll make sure that you know your worth and we work on it, together. You are not alone, and if you wish, you'll never be.” After Gabriel had healed you, he picked you up bridal style. ”My hero,” you smiled shy, resting your head against him and Gabriel could only smile back. Maybe you were stupid going alone but he knew that you wanted to show and proof that you could do it. Not only for the Winchesters and for him but for yourself. Plus it seemed like a easy job. It's not like Gabriel wasn't ever done anything like that only to make mistakes on the way. Gabriel kissed your forehead. ”I'm not a hero babe, but for you, I never get tired of trying.” Last night you had found yourself in seventh heaven on cloud nine. The longing, the need to fill aching feel was gone. Now all that you could feel was warmth, a blissful feeling, that one would say was euphoric. It was one of the most sensual and stimulating experiences that you have had. You turned fully on your side looking at Gabriel, at his messy hair and at the thin sheet that layed over his naked body. He looked so peaceful and you were mesmerized. You were finally living in your own paradise and you could only wish that this moment would last. You sat in your apartment looking out of the window. Blanket on your lap, cup of tea next to some magazines and books. You had got your own place sometime after all what had happened. You couldn't stay in the bunker with the boys, with all those memories. You would have loved to but the memories were so painful. Winchesters and Castiel had helped you to find the place nearby and were contact to you almost daily basis. You appreciated their help and care. You watched raindrops racing down the glass, making their own choices. Coming together, moving together, leaving together. Ending up to the bottom, together. You sighed. There wasn't anything special in this day. Cars passed by, people walked with umbrellas. You couldn't choose your favorite from all the black ones. Then you saw the ladybug one. It was the spat of color that you needed. The lady with it came from the cafe shop and looked around not knowing where to go. Moment of lost sense of direction. She asked from couple of passer-bys until one man hopped over the street to help her. For a moment it seemed like even the man didn't know where the woman wanted to go, to you it looked only silent signals and handgestures. Soon enough they both left walking to your left. Together. You followed their walk, their jumping over the puddles. You watched how cars drove next to them almost splashing water over the two, how protective the man was doing almost a pirouette to keep woman save from the water. They were smiling and laughing at each other. You watched them falling in love. Looking out was like being in a bubble. You had your warmth, your apartment was silent and outside sounds were weakened by the windows. You had felt like this ever since Gabriel… You didn't want to think about it. Not now, not ever. But you knew that some day you would have to face the reality and now it wasn't the time for that. You weren't ready. You weren't ready to let go. You didn't want to think that maybe your love was not created to last. You couldn't stop what had happened, no matter how you wished. How easily everything can be broken so fast when one leaves and other is left behind. The bubble bursted, world outside of your apartment became louder and louder and you could feel your own heart beating. You closed your eyes and rested your head againts your hands. Deep breath in, and deep breath out. You needed to calm yourself and think about something else. That ladybug umberella was cute. You should probably find one. Or maybe just really big bright yellow one that everyone could see from far. It could remind you of the sunshine. The sunshine that you once had, the one that helped you jumping over the puddles on your way. Your thoughts were interrupted with the sound of knocking on your door. You weren't really waiting for anyone to come. It could be the Winchesters that were worried about you, maybe they had another case and wanted you to come with them. To get you outside, to get you moving. Or maybe some demons wanted trouble and were really polite about it. It could also be the nice lady from across the hallway with the adorable cats. She had promised to visit you and bring you cookies this week. Oh, how you hoped that it would be the cookies. You could already imagine how it would be to eat those with your tea. Your drink was already cold so you would need to make a new one but not now. You needed to open the door first. Couple more breaths and better posture, who or whatever it was, you were ready to go. Weapons ready and close. You moved to the door and removed the safety chain, finally opening the damn thing. Your heart stopped beating. It was Gabriel. ”Mornin' cupcake,” Gabriel murmured softly, his voice sounding almost like a whisper but still powerful enough to snap you back from the memory lane. ”Hi,” you answered sleepy smile on your lips. You looked at each other, not moving a muscle, not saying anything. It was the sweet moment that could last for eternity. Neither of you needed words, or so you thought. ”Y/N, I have been thinking. You know me. You know how I like to dream a lot of this and that,” Gabriel started speaking, turning on his back looking at the ceiling. ”Mainly I dream of you. A lot,” he chuckled. You loved to hear that sound. The sound of Gabriel's laughter always brought the sun into your heart. ”I think I have finally figured out what was what,” he continued, now turning to you once again and holding himself upwards with his hand, ”I know its sounds so weird right now, but just listen to me. We have been together for so long, and fight for what we thought was right. We have fight for others, we have fight for us. We seemed so invincible, no matter what happened. Of course we sweated and strained on the way. On the job, on the love, in the bed,” he joked. Sure he would try to lighten up heartful moment with jokes like that. He was such a dork, but he was yours. ”Sometimes it all felt like it was part of the game; what we can do and with what, what is the best strategy, what's the outcome. Maybe it came with this life. We were deemed to play our roles but we broke through it. Then we came across something what we couldn't know before, the moment of making it or breaking it. And we lost. I left you, all alone. I didn't mean to leav...” You could hear his voice breaking as the archangel looked down at his hands. ”Gabe, I know you didn't mean it.” You reached your hand to archangel's cheek and tried to calm him. You knew what happened, you knew the truth. It wasn't his fault. After couple of brushes on his cheek, you took your hand away and gave Gabriel the small space he needed to continue. Gabriel breathed in. ”I left you. Without a warning, without a goodbye. It was so stupid of me. I had promised to be with you, no matter whatever would happen. If I had done something different, just one small detail… I would have… It would have been different, I could have been with you all this tim-” You interrupted him with a kiss. There was sadness, there was comfort, there was so much of everything that you both fell over, Gabriel now being half under you. When you finally moved back, Gabriel stared at the ceiling and didn't speak. You knew he was struggeling with his emotions, and so were you. But all what happened was in the past and you were living in this moment, your loved one next to you. You had him back. It was all that mattered and it broke your heart to see him like this. Muncie, Indiana. Meeting point for the deities. Beautiful word. Word that connotes perfection, celestial divinity, bliss and overall paradise. Word that has conception of the afterlife reserved for the gods, the righteous and the heroic. Word that you now hated. Elysian. You had been beaten to the ground. There wasn't anyone to help you to cross the deep river. Fear moved, darkness settled in. There was only silence. You couldn't scream, you couldn't feel the tears streaming down on your face. You were numb. All you could see was the burned angel wings next to your loved one. Without a noise, without a pride, you prayed. You just wanted to hear his voice. You wanted to hear his words. No matter what those words would had been, you just needed his voice like your life depended on it. You wanted to know that everything would be alright. That wish came from the bottom of your broken heart yelling for every bit of hope it could possible reach. But all of that drowned into the void. Gabriel didn't deserve this. Nobody deserves this. One of the Heavens deadliest weapons had layed dead in front of you. The powerful golden archangel, who had skipped out of Heaven, who had carved his own little corner in the world because he couldn't bear to watch his brothers tear each other to pieces, was gone. He who hadn't care before whether Heaven or Hell would have won was gone. Gabriel, who had became the trickster in the witness protection handing out the just desserts to the people deserving those, was gone. All of it, gone. You had met when the trickster was posing as a janitor. Through the time there, he had taken an interest in you. Something in you drew him closer. He had later said that it was your heart, the way it was powerful. It had eventually caused him to change. Gabriel, from the trickster living the life in the way he wanted and snapping girls from thin air, was changed into the man you knew and loved. Sure he still was the trickster having fun of pranking people and causing confusion wherever he went but it wasn't anything like before. He also still knew what pleasure was, always having that smug look on his face when talking about certain topics. Gabriel might have been the youngest of the archangels, but for you and the others, he had the purest heart. He wasn't afraid to stand up to his family anymore. He was loyal, to you, to humanity, to the flawed humans who tried to learn and do better and forgive each others in this wicked world. That was something that Gabriel had learned as well, thanks to you and the Winchesters. He had only wished that his brothers could have learned that too. But now, it was too late. Winchesters had to drag you away from Gabriel's body. You needed fresh air. But all you could have think of was the archangel. You needed Gabriel. Gabriel had changed because of you but so were you changed because of him. You were scared to continue without him. There was white lilies and golden white light. Days passed. Emptiness filled your head and heart. You wanted to run away, you wanted to drive off and never stop. You thought of the time you think you wasted and felt how the moments slipped away. There was so much what you wanted to do but you just couldn't. You got so tired of working for your survival. You felt alone. You missed the smiles. You missed the quirks and tricks. You missed the scent. You missed the feeling of the skin, the curls of the hair. You missed the voice and laughter. You missed the eyes that felt like home. You missed him. Your soul was wrapped to the night, it felt like the day wasn't coming. You had been buried under the shell. It was hard to get through of the mountain that was your emotions. Your heart beated alone. ”I feel like she ain't talking about it anytime soon,” Dean said to Sam and Castiel. The boys were in the library not sure how to help you; should they give you more time and space or just spent time with you in your room. They had known you for a long time and you all knew very well what death was. You all knew how losing of someone felt like. There were the heartbreaks but never anything like this. Not with you. Winchesters were devasteded and saddened too about what had happened, no matter of their history with Gabriel, because of you they were actually getting along. Most of the time. You had have the laughter, the prank wars and holidays, you had have everyday life within the hunting. Boys knew how they would deal with everything but they were more worried about you and your well-being. They brought food to your room. Every so often you all watched movies there together. Sometimes there were words, sometimes just silence and acknowlegdement. Brothers and Castiel tried their best to talk with you, about what happened but mostly about other things. Once or twice they even managed to get smile from you. It was always celebrated and that made you laugh. Whenever boys went for the supply run, they always picked up something just for you. Something that you liked or something that reminded them of you. Working of the cases had been put on the hold because neither Sam or Dean wanted to leave you alone and you weren't ready for the field. You dragged yourself along the hallways in the bunker, you needed to talk with the boys. Your lack of energy made the walk even harder. Sure you had slept sometimes hours and hours, almost days at the time, but everytime you woke up, you didn't feel refreshed. Everything held you down. You had realised that your grand facade, that you had made for yourself, was going to burn. The words ”I'm okay, I'm alright” had lost their meaning. You knew that was what you were suppose to say, that was what everyone wanted to hear, even you. You also knew that Winchesters saw straight through you. They could see everything in your eyes, they could see the horror and chaos that you thought you kept inside. You didn't care about that. You were numb but still everything hurted like hell. There was fight going on in your head. You needed to do something. You needed a way to start healing yourself. Or maybe it was because you wanted to isolate yourself and run. That was one thing you could still do. Run. Everyone in the library lifted their eyes to you when they heard you coming and felt little surprised that you were up and out of your room. It was a good sign, right? ”I need to move out.” You both had layed next to each other in silence. You weren't sure anymore if neither of you really thought about anything. You just were. You knew very well that Gabriel talked a lot usually but all those emotions and thoughts that he just poured out, it was something else. You felt sadness but you were glad that he got to say those things. How long he had keep that inside of him? Sure you had have some talks and cries after he came back, but after those you didn't really talked about it anymore. You thought of saying something but you knew that Gabriel needed his time. Time was what you both needed and deserved. ”Okay so, that didn't really go as I thought. Let's just, let me try again what I was going to say,” Gabriel sighed breaking the silence, glanced at you and saw the understanding in you. You saw hope in him and shy smile rising on his lips. ”I don't actually care who or what brought me back. Or why. I mean, of course I wonder that but it's not the most important thing right now. I have the most important thing right here next to me. You. When I woke up back then, I didn't know where I was and where to go. I was lost. I needed guidance. And then I ended up to your door. It was like some mysterious force had guided me there. Like the power of the heart. It brought me back, brought me home. It brought me to you.” At this point Gabriel was again on his side, sheet only covering the lower parts but you were only noticing his eyes and words. ”We have looked at the sun, we have looked at the rain. There were difficult times but we survived. And now it's like the view is born new and we are taking our first steps there. With the roll of drums, with rapids roaring. We have breathed it all in, we have hoist our flag, sometimes to just annoy the lumberjacks. With you I have learned how it feels to believe, hope and love, and how is it to fall down. I have seen your sleepy heart shining through, I have seen you grow and become stronger than ever. I have had the honor to see your self-confidence blooming. There's no more wispy cobwebs in there. You are the light that pushes away my shadows. I used to thought about the past so much but with you, I have thought more of what could be. What we could wish for from life, together. Remember that time in the library when we talked about all this? About wishes? We have made love in the orange tent. Wasn't that one of the things you wished for?” You were little bit surprised with all of this in contrast to things said earlier and where it ended up, and definitely not to forget that one very specific memory with the tent. Gabriel wiggled his eyebrows at you, playful smile on his lips, making you laugh. ”The orange tent was kinda always your wish, I just said that I haven't done that,” you answered to the trickster feeling your cheeks starting to blush. ”Well could you blame me, after that day?” Gabriel laughed. You felt burning sensation on your cheeks even more and you tried to hide your smile and embarrassment in your hands. You remembered it all so well. It was one of your favorite memories and it's only thing that you can think of when someone mentions words ”orange” and ”tent” in the same sentence. You just disliked how red your cheeks were because of that, no matter how cute Gabriel found it. You remembered the time when Winchesters had questioned your sudden redness when you all had a case that needed camping eguipment and someone mentioned the package of the orange tent they had seen in the war room one time. Somehow you managed to get out of the situation, Gabriel laughing, Sam and Dean giving the looks to both of you and Castiel, well, not understanding first what was going on but catching quickly the meaning of it. ”Maybe we should go to camping again,” Gabriel suggested and you rolled your eyes while thinking the same thing. ”So anyway before I forget what I was really saying,” Gabriel breathed out, ”in my life I have flew all around the world, seen different places, tried new things. I had so many fruitless searches when I didn't even know what I was looking for. I have had all the misteps on the way. And still I would do everything again in a heartbeat if that means that I could be with you. You helped me to find me. I feel like you understand me even more sometimes than I do myself. You gave me hope and so much more. Now I know what my 'the better and happy life' means. But I do actually have one more wish. So, when I'm saying this to you, just know that it's not a lark.” Gabriel stopped talking and took another deep breath. His hands found yours, and the amber eyes looked into your eyes. ”Marry me.”
Marshmallow tag: @nobodys-baby-now
Songs used in the fic, not in order. Finnish songs are also linked with english lyrics.
Peter Gabriel – The Power of the Heart x
Peter Gabriel – In Your Eyes x
Pate Mustajärvi – Parempaa Elämää x (Better Life, english lyrics)
Jonna Tervomaa – Minä Toivon x (I Wish, english lyrics)
Pave Maijanen – Elämän nälkä x (Hunger of Life, english lyrics)
Phil Collins – You'll be in my Heart x
Popeda – Allright x (Alright, english lyrics)
Dj Bobo – Hard to Say I'm sorry x
Pate Mustajärvi – Ei luotu kestämään x (Not Built to Last, english lyrics)
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Ask-travaganza! (Episode 2: Revenge of the Spoilers)
All right. Got another clutch of other spoiler-y Asks sitting in my inbox making me feel bad for not responding more promptly. Let’s go!
Anonymous asked: Same anon who asked about the novellas, thank you so much for the link! And also for your meta; I've appreciated it since I first found your blog when reading up on the original NieR some years back. Thank you for this blog, it's a wonderful resource and I rec it to friends who get into the games (with spoiler warnings, of course!).             
This ask contains no spoilers but it got a little buried and I only just saw it and now I feel bad for not seeing it sooner! Thank you very much for your kind words, and sending folks in! I hope they enjoyed it, too. It really means a lot to hear that.
<but for real now BIG OL’ SPOILERS>
Anonymous asked: Another thing I'd like to expand on regarding Pascal and the general memory/amnesia theme in the game, how this leitmotiv is repeated with most NPC, I'm thinking about the Wandering Couple quest which ends up in another memory wipe (reminiscent of the 9S & 2B relationship in a way), Pascal is present during the scene and even agrees with the whole starting from scratch thing. "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it" is pretty much what I got from those dialogues and events             
This isn’t so much an Ask I feel a need to respond to as a very good point I’ve definitely wanted to repost since I saw it. Thank you for input and the observation, Anon! (And I admit I’d somewhat forgotten about Pascal’s involvement in the Wandering Couple, what with the time between occurrences and the deep emotional trauma; that’s a very interesting parallel.)
Anonymous asked: I'm quite confused about the arc, could you please explain what that was all about? Who decided to build it, how and why? And why do the machine lifeforms want to go to another planet (assuming they can even get there)? Sorry I thought the whole thing was very poetic but I must have missed something because I just don't get the logic behind it?             
The Ark is actually aimed at the lunar server, not another planet, which is pretty integral to its function.
The idea behind the Ark is directly related to the reason for the machine’s evolution; they’re attempting to achieve self-actualization and break free of their programming cycle. The machines and the androids are stuck in an infinite cycle that can basically only be broken by humanity-- interestingly, for the androids, revealing the nature of the lunar server would have shattered their entire society, while the machines were interested in reaching the server so they could effectively become human.
The Ark was meant to fire them to the server so they could integrate that nature of humanity into themselves, transcending their doomed programming and allowing them to become something more. This is especially interesting in light of N2 proclaiming itself to have ‘surpassed’ its programming yet still demand the assimilation of humanity; even in its vast awareness it was still bound by its fundamental nature, and allowing the Ark to connect to the lunar server and instill the chaos and uncertainty of humanity into the robots would have been enough to finally, truly unbind it, and alongside it all of the robots.
Not really a bad plan, and it presents that parallel between the robots and the androids, as the primary difference between them (besides their models, of course) is that, while they’re both made from the same fundamental core, the androids are infused with human memory and personality. Whether that’s enough for them to break the infinite failure cycle the machine cores are doomed to repeat is left for the audience to decide.
saltsoldier asked: I understand if you don't answer this because of spoilers, but did you notice that the character marker for the son from the recluse sidequest was still in his house when it was on fire?? It's during that bit when you're A2, clearing out the village. I think you have to have done the sidequest as 9S to see it, but he's locked himself into a burning building. It's a very subtle, very dark inclusion to that section of the game.
That guy’s a fucking trooper!
I mean, no matter what, it’s still pretty dark -- the whole village is still dead no matter what -- but what I personally noticed even beyond that is that when you return to the Village (at any point as 9S -- which is super creepy if you do it before A2′s segment because he’s chronologically moving after she is so you go there and find it silent and filled with robot corpses what happened oh god -- or as A2 after everything’s said and done) he’s still there. Other than Pascal (assuming you wiped his memory and he’s still alive), he’s the only NPC marker remaining in the village. That little guy survived having his house set on fire while a giant thorn-snake repeatedly rips through the building.
It’s not exactly sunshine and roses, given that he lived through a catastrophe that killed everybody else in the village, and if Pascal survives he’ll have forgotten the recluse anyway, but...
Remember that one boy who lost his sole family member after a simple misunderstanding, who cut his own arm and decided to wage a mindless war on the machines? No, not 9S but Gideon from the Junk Heap. Don't you find it funny how Yoko Taro made a whole game out of this tragedy and a CD drama about Emil fighting aliens in space? (I'm so glad Yuri Lowenthal didn't voice 9S, I got a bit of scare when the Automata english trailers showed up thinking he was playing one of the main leads)             
Hey hey now! 9S had his blown off, it wasn’t part of a deranged self-mutilation ritual. Totally different. (But oh, yeah, I remember.) In regards to that, it occurs to me -- and I know I’m just saying nonsense here -- that it’s even theoretically possible 9S’s memory infusion came from Gideon. A2 is hinted at to actually be patterned off Kaine, so it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility. Very bright and technologically gifted young men being driven into complete psychological collapse when the locus of their self-worth and individual meaning is abruptly and violently lost... I mean, they both go through some serious traumatizing shit so it’s definitely understandable for both of them to collapse in the same way, buuuuut it’s a kind of neat parallel. But it’s only a theory. A game theory. (Is that... is the statute on that joke expired yet? I don’t know.) In regards to the other point, I am beyond tickled that Yoko Taro keeps doing this: “Hey, you know what would be funny? If we made the joke ending from Drakengard canon and it turned out it completely destroyed our universe when it happened.” “Hey, you know what would be funny? If that joke I made about ‘and then Emil fought aliens’ started a millennia long war between Earth and invaders from beyond the stars.” (”Hey, you know what would be funny? If that little goofy bonus track of Emil humming his theme to himself went to its illogical conclusion and he spends his days zipping around a shattered cityscape belting out made-up words to his own theme song/shop jingle.”) I can’t wait for it to turn out Ending K was the real finale to the game and the prequel to Automata is all about how mackerel became so toxic. I’m sure it’s irrationally tragic.
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houstonlocalus-blog · 7 years
Nailing It Down: An Interview with The Kickback
The Kickback. Photo courtesy of the band
  Chicago rockers The Kickback are fresh off the release of Weddings & Funerals, a triumphant follow up to 2015’s debut entitled Sorry All Over The Place. With their catchy hooks and memorable riffs, the group found the ingredient to keep listeners wanting more. Currently on the road, vocalist Billy Yost spoke to FPH ahead of the band’s show at Warehouse Live on July 23rd to talk about separating themselves in a competitive city, letting out the inner parrothead, and the adversity of being a tour manager.  
  Free Press Houston: I’m into how the band is so diverse; you opened/will open for both Bush and Passion Pit!
  Billy Yost: Yeah, I think people have a little bit of a hard time nailing [our sound] down, so we got to do that. It’s been a blessing to being held back. We’re just happy to be here.
  FPH: So is it safe to assume you are the missing link between the two?
  BY: You know, that’s what we’ve heard just oodles and oodles of times. People send us a lot of fan mail letting us know that we’re the missing link between Passion Pit and Bush. That will probably go on my tombstone or something, that we’re the missing link between a synthpop band from the late 2000’s and grunge rock band from the mid to late ‘90’s.
  FPH: A lot of younger rock bands I’ve heard from lately happen to hail from Chicago, and other genres have similar situations, for example Atlanta is where all of the new, prominent rappers are coming from. Are you guys feeling like a Seattle right now? I mean, is there pressure on those local bands to outdo the others?
  BY: I think a lot of the rock coming from Chicago right now tends to be more garage-y, and a little more kind of throwback – I mean, it’s great, but it’s not what we really do. We just played with Twin Peaks last week, those guys are awesome. Obviously the city also has the bigger bands like the Orwells, Ne-Hi, and that whole little crew. We’re not any of that, really. We’re our own thing, I guess. But it’s just music, not, like, rocket science. I think there’s so much good stuff coming out of Chicago that it’s hard to keep track of all of it, but it is definitely a good place to be for rock music right now.
  FPH: Are you keeping up with these other scenes around the country, specifically Atlanta? Do you dig the sounds of mumble rap?
  BY: It’s really cool to see that, despite the diversification that electronic and social media has offered, in terms of fusing all of these sounds, geographic locations are still able to have some sort of identity. I enjoy that. But the mumble rap thing is real hard for me, because we have people like Chance [the Rapper] right now. Someone is always going to overtake something, so you just have to grab the aspects you like and keep pressing on. It’s a weird time for rock music right now, and I think it’s even weirder for hip-hop, which is awesome. I’m enjoying it.
  FPH: What about the select few that are fusing rap with rock? But not, like, nu metal; rather, new kids like Lil Peep, who claims to be the best emo rapper.
  BY: That emo rap stuff from Soundcloud is pretty heavy. I’m not educated enough to have an opinion on him, though, for sure.
  FPH: He actually sampled this emo band from Texas, Mineral, and got a cease-and-desist from them.
  BY: People are finding ways to enjoy stuff that most would say have no business going together. They’re able to either find something so cool or such a trainwreck that you have to listen to it at least once. I’m all for it. It’s just such a strange time, and I guess it’s because people are willing to take chances. While cities are still able to have their own identities, there isn’t as much importance on what’s acceptable. I feel like there used to be a lot of rules, for examples bands couldn’t wear shorts on stage. It was one of the unwritten rules of bands. But that stuff just isn’t true anymore. A lot of bands take themselves too serious, and it’s cool seeing time go on and that change.
  FPH: But you represent more than just Chicago – you’re leading the path for millennial parrotheads, aren’t you?
  BY: Oh, I haven’t heard that one before. That’s pretty good. The only thing I have to say about Jimmy Buffett is, once for my mom’s birthday, my brothers and I – we’re all fairly musical people – formed a band to play her party. For that party we had to play a bunch of cool, old-school songs, bands like Paul Revere and the Raiders and other one hit wonders. But right in the middle of the set was “Cheeseburger in Paradise,” and that was the song we had to play two times during that goddamn birthday party. You could look around to each of my brothers and see all of their soul being sucked out of them; I’ve never seen my brothers look so sad while my mom was having such a good time. So that is probably the short version of my heavy Jimmy Buffett influence.
  FPH: I guess I have to thank Buffett for my love of concerts, because he was my first.
  BY: Was it really? Are you scarred for life, or have you found peace? I mean, people can hate on the guy, but he’s stuck around, and he’s stuck around for a reason. But were you able to pull something from that?
  FPH: You know, not really. But on YouTube there was some recommended livestream of his, which I obviously checked out. Still not for me.
  BY: I don’t want to say anything, but I think your Free Press credentials might be revoked if you’re getting recommended videos of Jimmy Buffett on YouTube.
  FPH: According to one of your songs, you lost your love in central Pennsylvania, but while you were there did you come across the Billy Yost that ran for mayor of the city of Shamokin?
  BY: No, is there really a guy name Billy Yost that ran for mayor? Dammit! I try to live my life like there is no one else even named Billy, let alone Billy Yost. That’s kind of a drag. I don’t know the guy’s policies, so I’m not willing to endorse him at this time. I actually ran for school board while I was a senior in High School in South Dakota; I lost by approximately 70 votes, and that was a hard loss to take. So if that guy feels like reaching out, depending on how his campaign goes, I’m here for name-related counseling, if he comes in empty-handed. But I wish him the best, unless he’s running on some white nationalist ticket – obviously I couldn’t endorse the guy.
  FPH: Perhaps it’s plausible that a fan of yours might show up to one of his events thinking it’s you, or vice versa?
  BY: Yeah, so now I’m going to have to drum up some public relations and have a split ad, a “so you know this isn’t me,” kind of thing.
  FPH: So there’s no doubt that being a newer touring band is quite difficult, but do you think tour managers have an even more difficult task? I understand that you have one of the most prestigious in the game, Howie the puppet?
  BY: Yeah, I wouldn’t be a tour manager – I mean, we make absolutely no money. If I was making twice that I still wouldn’t tour manage even my favorite band. It’s like wrangling cats, but cats who are unnecessarily taking adderall. It just seems like a real drag. Our tour manager, Jesse, I’m not sure how he hasn’t stabbed us all to death, multiple times a day. We just spent 40 minutes at a truck stop trying to get our back door to open because a sleeping bag fell down and was hanging around the lock of the van. We had to break into it using a bass string and a fish hook, and doing a classic “drop and pull.” I think that’s an average day of tour managing. To anyone that tour manages bands, number 1: why? Number 2: there’s a special circle in heaven for you.
  Howie has been in an extended stay at rehab. He’s coming back soon, though. Like I said, being TM is a hard job, and I think Howie got real burnt out after the first record. I’ve seen a lot of outrage from people about him not being on the road, so I think he will be with us on the second leg of the tour.
  FPH: Oh, I imagine. But in a way, he got you guys further in your careers than ever imagined, yeah?
  BY: Yeah, for having no legs he’s done a lot of movement for us. A lot of successful public relations, too. Especially for not having blood or a pulse either.
  The Kickback performs at Warehouse Live on Sunday, July 23rd. 
Nailing It Down: An Interview with The Kickback this is a repost
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