#soul of yokai headcanon
ozzgin · 5 months
Yandere!Yokai Harem x Reader Headcanons
Introducing some of the characters Reader will encounter throughout the story. Get to know your monsters in this handy reference booklet!
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Fun fact: The names of the characters are quite literally chapters from ‘The Tale of Genji’, one of the earliest existing novels written in the Heian period by noblewoman Murasaki Shibiku. Kiritsubo and Murasaki are your closest companions and bear the names of the main female characters of the story. (They’re men. A little irony.)
The list will be updated as more characters are revealed:
Abe no Nakamaro 阿倍 仲麻呂
Descendant of famous onmyōji Abe no Seimei, Nakamaro rapidly built his own reputation using the powers of yokai he'd captured across the country. His binding powers have yet to be deciphered. It is believed only his own blood can break the contract forged with the legendary beasts.
Known for his ruthlessness, Nakamaro was feared by humans and demons alike. His commissioned portraits often depict him surrounded by dark clouds - a signature detail - emphasizing his evil nature.
As you progress through your journey, you will be plagued by many flashbacks of his cruel deeds. It's almost as if your own hands are tainted by the blood of the yokai standing before you. You vow to free the beasts and prove you are nothing like the vile creature dwelling within your soul.
Kiritsubo 桐壺
The first yokai you encounter. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is the kindest of the group. He is tall and very muscular, with short, straight horns, long silver hair and glowing amber eyes. When he smiles you can spot his sharp, prominent fangs. He has multiple scars on his back, reminiscent of old punishments.
He is a dragon spirit, although his true powers remain unknown. Nakamaro always kept him close and was particularly strict with him, hoping to unlock his dormant potential, to no avail. He begins to show improvement once he embarks on his journey with you. It seems that his desire to protect his new owner was the secret all along.
Kiritsubo is extremely clingy once he gets to know you better. You're kind and patient and nothing like the famous onmyōji before you. He almost can't believe you're part of his reincarnation. He will follow you around everywhere, like a loyal dog, and might be overly touchy sometimes. He can't help it.
Murasaki 紫
Murasaki is the second yokai you meet. He is tall and slender, with long black hair and imposing horns. His deep crimson eyes hold a lot of resentment towards you, or rather whoever lies within you. Despite this, he always holds a disciplined posture and acts very well-mannered.
He used to be Nakamaro's right hand. He is considered to be the most skilled among the legendary yokai. A master of the sword and possessing unmatched intelligence, he served both as an advisor and bodyguard. Always cold and calculated, he rarely shows any hint of emotion. He seems to be quite sarcastic and arrogant.
He doesn't interact much with you in the beginning. In fact, he's most annoyed by the idea of partnering up with a weak human like you. He offers to train you with the sword and teaches you spells and prayers. Despite his complaints, he always protects you from any danger. As you spend more time together, he slowly opens up and might even show signs of attachment.
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Suma 須磨
Suma is the biggest of the legendary yokai, towering over everyone with his gargantuan frame. He has bright red hair and large bull horns, with robust features and fierce eyes. He has many tattoos covering his body, going all the way up to his chin.
Suma is a worshipped guardian of war. He lives for battle and is said to reward bravery and courage. Despite this, he has a very approachable personality. He is loud and easygoing, rarely showing signs of distress. He uses a spear when fighting, although he prefers his bare hands. Brute strength is his specialty.
He finds it hilarious that the feared Abe no Nakamaro has been reincarnated into a small girl. He will often joke around with you and challenge you to playfights. When borrowing his powers, you are able to display impressive feats of physical strength. He likes watching you fight and encourages you to train.
Yuugiri 夕霧
Yuugiri is a mysterious yokai. He is pale with rather feminine features, appearing androgynous. He is very elegant and well spoken, although both Kiritsubo and Murasaki have warned you to be wary of him.
He is a serpent spirit, sly and manipulative. He is known for tricking humans and devouring their souls, yet very few can tell his true nature. He is incredibly charismatic and many people fall in love with him, meeting their early demise.
You cannot read him and therefore keep your distance. His twisted smile never leaves his face. He is very interested in you and while his reasoning might be superficial in the beginning, he does become rather attached and tries to prove his honest feelings to you.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
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Sekiya 関屋
One of the yokai that has remained by Abe no Nakamaro's side, in his resting tomb. He is the one that kept his presence concealed, casting a barrier around the temple for the entirety of his master's slumber.
His main power is casting barriers. Sekiya is the one that guards the entrance and guides you towards the onmyōji for your battle. Once you defeat Nakamaro, he joins your group.
He is very reserved, shy and insecure. He cannot fight properly and often bemoans his lack of purpose. Like Kiritsubo, he falls in love with your kind nature and clings to you, hoping to be of use.
Sakaki 榊
The other yokai to guard Nakamaro's tomb, Sakaki has been tasked to keep his master alive.
He has the ability to heal and even revive under certain circumstances. After your fight against Abe no Nakamaro, he offers to heal your fatal wounds and joins your group.
Sakaki is rather gloomy and depressed by nature. He has an unhealthy obsession with death and often makes grim or unusual remarks. He considers you his muse and will sometimes write unsettling poetry dedicated to you.
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fungalittleweirdo · 2 months
ROTTMNT 60s AU !!!
please this man has SOUL
he sings in clubs in new york, he has a record coming out in '67 with his band Raphael and The Digg
his brothers didn't feel like joining the band, so it's up to some talented musician girls he met without a trained main vocalist (digg, with prairie dog, honey badger, and groundhog)
they're super popular in harlem and they make it to charts
raph meets other motown records signees and they always find he's the gentlest of giants
he and his band DESERVES a grammy
he's a surfer !!!
he loves competing in surfing tournaments in long island
the boy's a legend, other surfers think he's a fish at first
if he didn't have separation anxiety for his brothers (a post-kraang headcanon) he would have gone to the west coast where the real competitions are (they never feel like leaving new york for very long)
for now he's happy surfing the coast of long island
he loves when todd surfs with him, his favourite part is the lemonade he gets afterwards
donatello is OBSESSED with the space race
he managed to hack nasa for rocket blueprints
he got caught and they asked him if he was a communist but there was no found evidence that proved he was so he was let go and his name was cleared
he managed to improve the blueprints he got his hands on and built more efficient rockets, then he used computing tech to make his very own battleshell
he has a super-powered telescope he nicknamed shelldon
donnie predicted the states would win the space race in 1965 because it had something to do with the war, i myself don't know how he used that data point to draw a conclusion
mikey is such a hippie he has mugshots of his charming smiling face framed to prove it
very anti-war, very pro-civil rights movement, pro-dope and lowkey anti-united states government
he was at the stonewall riots !!!!!
he not only fought for human civil rights, but for mutants too, so that he and his brothers could be acknowledged as citizens
humans turned into mutants are already citizens, but the mistreatment they get is unfair and mikey chose to be a leading pioneer for mutant rights
leo (hesitantly) opened portals for mikey in the south so that he could stand with people of colour in their trying times
misc notes !!
lou jitsu was popular in golden age hollywood, he won many accolades for his films until big mama made it look like he was signed to stay in the battle nexus
jupiter jim films are actually westerns, his name is junebug jim instead
big mama is a big mafia boss woman regardless of the era she's in, though her battle nexus is televised for all ages
instead of becoming criminals, mutants follow mikey's lead protesting for mutant/yokai rights and new york is the first city to acknowledge it
the turtles' beach parties are insane, there's always some people other than the siblings lingering around at midnight
april is the best reporter out there, she reports on the turtles' exploits all the time and she makes mad BANK over it (successful 60s black woman slay)
the foot clan is a cult a lot like the manson family, the turtles hate their guts
baron draxum does the same thing he always did, brood in his lab trying to destroy the humans (that is until mikey gets through to him)
sr. hueso's run of the mill pizza is still the turtles' favourite pizza spot, though the establishment is beachside because he's on good terms with his brother, who mainly does imports
casey jr. is a star hockey player, he also avoids the draft because he's from the future, so the government doesn't have his records
but cass protests against the war with mikey whenever she can, she's also anti-war
donnie also managed to be the first mutant on the moon by his own means, it's been a childhood dream since he saw laika's launch in sputnik 2
aight that's all i have for now, i hope you enjoyed !!
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fokron · 3 months
sorry I'm still reeling from reading the Natori cousin arc (up to chp 115 bc that's far as I can find the scans).
They really hit us with:
Natori explicitly trusting Natsume with knocking him out of yokai-magic induced hallucinations of his traumatic childhood memories.
Hiiragi literally saying that could only work with someone Natori trusts UNCONDITIONALLY and kinda implying natsume is the only person that applies to in natori's life........ o k a y!!! catch me sobbing!!
After natsume knocks natori out of it natori is like: "sorry for being so weak and a loser lmfao I'll walk u out so u can get back to ur day" and natsume says "Nice Try But I'm Helping You Idiot."
a Yokai-illusion version of Natori (built from the yokai seeing into Natori's soul) literally tells natsume how he was lonely and scared and ostracized as a kid and desperately wanted specifically a younger relative who could see the same shit he sees. and when REAL natori pops up and dissolves the illusion and is like haha don't listen to that thing lol and natsume is like isn't it built from your soul tho and natori doesn't rlly argue against it that hard........................ okay.
Natori blaming himself for mitsuru not being able to exist + no younger relatives getting born in general bc it was so feared that they could get the sight like natori like GOD the self hatred is so thick here fucking hell.
and let's go back to natori desperately wanting a younger relative who also had the sight so he wasn't alone. Natsume. literally natsume. his relationship to natsume. I'm biased bc I headcanon their relationship as sibling-like but I feel there's a lot in canon to back it up and POINTS POINTS POINTS LIKE THIS RIGHT HERE...
Also not super relevant but important to me specifically Nyanko offhandedly saying "good grief you and this kid" but like. to natsume. so referring to natori as a kid which he normally only does with natsume. could be specific translation or me misinterpreting it but um. Nyanko softening up to natori.
And there's a scene within like. a single page. where nyanko transfers from natsume's shoulder to natori's head to natori's arms which shouldn't be as funny and sweet to me as it is but it is.
(tho should be noted whenever I get back into natsuyuu, I usually do reread/rewatch it in order. so I don't remember if nyanko softening up to natori happened a while ago or whatever lol)
and ofc we cannot forget THE REASON NATORI TOOK ON THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE WAS MOSTLY FOR A CHANCE (just a possibility!!!) TO HELP NATSUME W/ THE BOOK OF FRIENDS..... and was willing to suffer thru uncomfortable childhood memories about it. Bye I'm actually going to throw up.
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muzan-simp2 · 4 months
Just thinking of Tanjiro meeting Human! Muzan...
Before reading: I have a headcanon that Muzan wasn't named Muzan when he was human, so I will be referring to him as "Sheya" (meaning "Beautiful moon".)
Sheya choked on his blood, tears falling down his cheeks as he held his throat. It was a cold winter night and his body was cold, he was laying on the floor, shivering. All the servants were already sleeping, and Sheya didn't have the energy to scream, to cry, to do anything.
He felt light-headed. The long haired man couldn’t help but let the tears fall down his cheeks. He wanted his brother, he wanted his brother to hold him, to tell him everything will be okay, that he will live, that he won’t die. Sheya is afraid, afraid of what will happen once he dies. The Kibutsuji heir turned his head weakly when he heard the door open. In the door frame stood a boy with short maroon hair. The boy had long earrings of a strange symbool Sheya didn’t know. He found them strange… strangly beautiful. The child had a strange scar on his forehead, and wore an interesting (if he could call it that) uniform with a checkered haori.
Sheya stared at the child, his pretty lavender eyes stared bore into the kid’s soul.
The child stared at the man back, pity in his eyes. Sheya didn’t want pity. He didn’t need pity. All that he wanted was this child to leave, he didn’t need help.
Slowly, the child walked to Sheya, concern now on his face when he saw the blood pool near the heir. „Are you alright?” the child frowned and helped Sheya sit up. Sheya couldn’t speak, he didn’t want to. He gave the kid a soft nod. The child helped Sheya sit in his futon, getting him comfrotable (well… not really, but it’s the thought that counts). „Who are you, child?” Sheya asked with a hoarse voice, his tone slightly more brutal than he intended. “Kamado Tanjiro”, the child bowed down in respect.
Sheya scowled softly, giving the child an annoyed sigh, „And what are you doing here?“
Tanjiro gulped slightly, looking around. „Well, you see… I don’t know, sir. I had just finished a mission and suddenly I was teleported infront of your house. I was searching for someone to tell me where to go but everyone was alseep, do you know where I am?“ The strange question made Sheya raise a brow. Was this child a yokai? Or was he just a crazy person. ‘Mission?‘ what the hell does that mean?
„What do you mean by “Mission”, child?” Sheya was curious, this child was wearing a strange uniform, so prehaps he was part of an organisation? „Well, I’m part of the Demon Slayer Corps! I slay demons and I had just returned from a mission, and suddenly I got teleported from the Aokigahara forest to… this place“, Tanjiro explained, and Sheya stared at him as if he was crazy! „Demons? Demons don’t exist“, he said harshly, it’s true. He doesn’t believe in „Yokai“, he simply says he does so people won’t try to get his head on a stick. It’s annoying, really. „I can assure you, sir, demons are very real!“ Tanjiro tried, frowning softly at the older. „Mhm, whatever makes you sleep at night.“
Tanjiro sighed, prehaps the other was still tired? He doesn’t completely blame the other, as it was still dark. „Uh… What’s your name, sir?“ he asked politely, giving the other a gentle smile.
The older gave him a look of confusion. „You don’t know my name?” Tanjiro gulped lightly, prehaps he should’ve asked it in a different tone? „Whatever, my name is Kibutsuji Sheya.”
Did he just hear that right? Kibutsuji? Like… Kibutsuji Muzan? Was this man related to him? Maybe that’s why he was so weak… „Sheya-san? Do you know of a Kibutsuji Muzan?“
„No? Never heard of him”, Sheya shrugged softly before turning his head away. „You should rest, Kamado”, Sheya dismissed softly and turned his head away. „There’s an empty room on the left, you can sleep there”, as Sheya said so, he went to lay down.
Tanjiro nodded in defeat, prehaps he could convince the other during the day, when there was no chance of demons coming inside. „Alright… Sleep well, Sheya-san.”
Do y'all want a part 2?
Tagging: @plaguechyld @flametrashira @paradox-the-unimpressed-nun @silas-png
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moonriddles · 9 months
Hey so i have this oc-
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I just fricking love him so much i feel the urge of posting him everywhere
Akio Vé Draxum is a goat yokai of Asian-Nordic descent who exudes an intimidating presence wherever he goes. A tribute to his family's pride, his long hair is adorned with delicate gold ornaments that his mother used to entwine when he was just a baby, keeping it in his honor and as a constant reminder of his roots and heritage.
His childhood marked by tragedy shaped his character. At the age of four, his quiet rural town in feudal Japan was raided by humans, nearly leading to the extinction of his race. His mother, a legendary warrior, made the ultimate sacrifice to protect her children, an act of bravery that Akio carries with him as a beacon of inspiration.
Raised by his older brother, B.Draxum, Akio received an intensive education in the art of war and fighting. However, his relationship with Draxum is complex; although they care for each other, Akio harbors some resentment for his brother's bossy attitude during their childhood. The line between teacher and brother blurred, leaving a feeling of lack of emotional support.
Over the centuries, Akio has forged himself into a formidable warrior, renowned in the yokai community for his exploits in war and his unwavering loyalty. But his scars, both physical and emotional, are evident. He is one-eyed, his face and body are scarred by wounds from past conflicts, and while serious and self-centered, he is also loyal to the core and has a deep sense of duty and family.
The mystical Nodachi that Akio wields is an extension of his own essence. Holding a jade handle, it gives off a powerful and mystical aura that seems to resonate with the strength of its ancestors. Imbued with the energy of his lineage, the saber is a tool he uses with supernatural prowess in the protection of his people and revenge against those who have caused harm to his race.
The figure of his mother continues to be a beacon of hope and pain in his life. Sometimes in his dreams he catches a glimpse of her silhouette or hears melodies that he used to sing to her, but he can never see her face. This inability to fully remember his mother is a constant source of melancholy for Akio.
Akio Draxum is a warrior with unwavering spiritual depth, an unwavering loyalty to his yokai lineage, and an iron determination to protect his own. Although his relationship with his brother is complicated, their brotherly bond is a fundamental pillar in his life, and together, they are guardians of a yokai tradition that fights to endure in an ever-changing world.
And well he hates both human and mutant, he considers this last race as inferior and weak for not being "pure blooded yokai".
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I have the headcanon that Draxum is Japanese-Nordic
More than anything due to the fact that Huginn and Muninn base their names on Odin's servants who also perch on his shoulders. So, I wanted to do something similar with Akio and give him companions based on outstanding creatures from Escavandian mythology.
Sleipnir was a gift from Draxum when he began his journey as a warrior, "every noble and fierce warrior needs a steed at his level" was what he said to him
Freky is a mortal falcon that Akio rescued from the surface and turned into his servant and companion, it is his eyes around the hidden city. Like all mortal animals, Freky died over the years, but Akio keeps his soul in his sword to keep him with him even after death.
And that's all i think?? I just love hin he's my baby my skrunkly
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noodlesandtoons · 2 years
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So here’s my concept for Rise!Miyamoto Usagi. As it says in the ref sheet I made, he used to be a good friend to Karai back when they were both alive. I always wondered how Karai was able to have mystic powers despite being a human so my headcanon is that she was friends with some Yokai that taught her those skills. That specific yokai being Usagi. I’m slightly basing their friendship off of Tripitaka and Sun Wukong. (JTTW and Lego Monkie Kid have also taken over my brain PFFFT.) I’ll go on about their backstory later on in other posts, but for now all you need to know is this. Usagi during his final fight had ended up getting badly wounded. So in a last ditch effort to save his life his son, Jotaro, tried placing his father’s soul in his childhood yo-yo, that Usagi carried around as a good luck charm. Jotaro thought he had failed in saving him because Usagi’s spirit wasn’t able to communicate outside of the yo-yo for years. So the yo-yo was hidden away and stayed with their family for the next few generations. That is until Yuichi found it and decide to keep it as good luck charm of his own. Safe to say this eventually awakened Usagi’s soul and Yuichi is the first person he’s been able to talk to in centuries. He then becomes his kinda sensi and mentor. That’s all I have for now. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, I’m really bad at explaining things. Things will make more sense in the next drawings I make of this AU.
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fallstreakfeathers · 8 months
A handful of Demon Slayer headcanons I'm using for my fic
Demon HC’s:
Demons are divided into two categories: the humanoid Oni, and the animal-type Yokai. Yokai are any demon taking the appearance of a beast or feral monster. They often act by instinct and have foregone human intelligence in return for strength. This is partly due to weak will in transformation. Yokai are never a part of the Kizuki, but may be as strong as any member. Muzan considers all Yokai, regardless of strength, a failure. He rarely keeps an eye on them, aside to destroy any particularly annoying specimen. This has allowed some, like Yamataberu (oc), to gain strength unbidden.
Though Muzan holds some sway over Yokai, due to their animalistic mentality his power is limited. He can shape and influence their behaviors but cannot fully control their actions. This is another reason he considers them a failure.
Demons are physically incapable of sleeping at night due to Muzan's influence, but they CAN sleep during the day where they are practically useless to him. They don't have any physical need to, but often nap to pass the hours.
Drugs and alcohol can affect demons in substantial enough quantities. Obviously they cannot die from OD, and Muzan will kill any demon who values drugs over his orders
Severed parts of a demon can be prevented from regenerating properly or even entirely by praying over it
Muzan can only read his demons minds if he is looking directly at them.
Muzan cannot monitor his demons at all times. Though very large, there is a limit to the distance that he can sense them. 
Upper Moon demons can completely respawn themselves from fragments of flesh (such as stolen clothing)
When most demons respawn any part of their body that has been severed, the lost limb immediately turns to ash
All possessions of a Demon (clothing, weaponry, etc) can gradually be manifested from their flesh. While demons can make copies of an object through flesh manipulation, the original object (that has become a part of them) may also return to being completely ordinary through cellular degeneration. After being separated for an extended period of time, the Demon cells gradually die off and the items lose their biological nature. This has allowed certain Slayers to keep ‘trophies’ of the demons they’ve destroyed.
Demon Corps/Human HCs:
Many of the Corps use horses to travel long distances.
While most of the Corps do not experience any unique manifestations with breath techniques, powerful warriors (such as Hashira) who are particularly in-tune with themselves and their souls CAN manifest elemental forms (if applicable! Some breath styles, such as Beast, do not exhibit an element but instead give the user a boost in physical abilities)
The steel used in Nichirin blades reacts chemically with the elemental particles present in a Slayer’s body and soul. This reaction changes the blade’s hue and is dependent on the Slayer’s potential (meaning that if a slayer has minimal connection with their soul or little potential, the sword will remain unchanged. However, one can improve themselves so that the blade’s color alters and reflects that growth).
Constant contact with demons accelerates elemental boosts because of their supernatural existence. A Slayer who fights many demons, especially strong demons, will find that their abilities grow at a faster rate than normal. 
Though not studied- likely because most Slayers perish before the effects can be seen- repeat, extended exposure to demons (especially of high rank) may provide other physical changes to the human body as well.
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faetaiity · 2 years
Can be taken as platonic or romantic
~Reader as a Yokai!~
So, Yokai have long lifespans in the ROTTMNTverse. A Yokai that’s 300 years old is about the same as 30 human years
Let’s say Mutants have the same lifespan as humans (80-120 years)
I could see the reader realizing this at some point and distancing themselves because they don’t know anything else to do
If the Mutant or Human starts noticing the distance, I can imagine them trying to confront the reader as to why they’re ignoring them
which would turn out either very emotional or aggressive depending on how they ask the reader
Now, yokai aren’t invincible, they can still die from injuries, but even then, the prospect of living without your best friend(s) or S/O for decades, centuries or hell, even a Millennia would be soul crushing
It probably won’t be taken seriously by said friends or S/O
until, let’s say, 20-30 years later when the Human or Mutant has definitely shown age, however the reader is still very much like they were decades ago (other than like scars n stuff of the sort)
You’d have to mention it again and it would be a long talk, about how to work with this
Seeing them pass away would crush you.
it would take a LOT of time for you to heal from the grief, if you ever would recover, that is.
I can definitely headcanon and see why Yokai wouldn’t want to get super close to humans or mutants, their lifespan is SO much shorter, it’s nothing but heartache.
Now if Mutants have a longer lifespan similar to yokai, it most likely wouldn’t be as bad (If your Best friend or S/O was a mutant, that is)
But there’s still the concept of murder and fights gone wrong.
But now, it would be 20 times worse if you’ve known them for a couple hundred years and suddenly, they’re killed, if this was the case, it’s guaranteed that you’ll never recover from that.
~Reader as a Human!~
Now, the only issue with Human! Reader is that Yokai friends or Lover lives a LOT longer than you, or If we go off the similar lifespans between Mutants and Yokai, then them too.
Humans are also a lot weaker than Yokai and Mutants, meaning there’s a higher chance the reader passes away from violence rather than old age
ESPECIALLY if you associate with the Turtles, Baron Draxum, or big mama
They all have enemies that would love to hit them where it hurts, their friend/Lover dying at the hands of their enemies, and they couldn’t do anything about it.
If you die, they won’t recover. Period.
now, if you die from their enemies.... they better fucking run
Grief causes people to do things that they wouldn’t normally do
Whoever killed you is probably gonna be living in f e a r because they’re being hunted down by some pissed off yokai/mutants.
especially if they were your S/O. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: MY DUMBASS STILL TRYNA GET USED TO WRITING PLEASE-
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wthelvetica21 · 3 months
Mystery Skulls Animated Headcanons (Part 1)
💮 : World Building
Spectra ; The Color of Magic
So I thought, what is the force that has Shiromori addicted to Mystery’s blood in particular and what has given Lewis the elemental affinity of fire? I had given this force a name ; spectra. It’s not only one’s lifeforse but their very soul which varies in color and elemental affinities. It can sometimes gains a form of sapience but have no awareness of their previous identity like the Deadbeats. Every century or so their are select individuals who are fated to have a spectral spark (or spark for short) which after a certain event that amplifies their spectra significantly. For example Vivi’s ice (which is considered ultra rare to manifest) spectral spark when she fought back against Shiromori in Hellbent. And Lewis’ fire-based spark ignited after he discovered he died. Arthur (who has an electrical spectral spark) has it too but hasn’t ignited yet. This makes the welder stronger then they were before it was ignited. This can come as a detriment however because of beings that feed directly off of specra including but not limited to demons/oni (Reverb) and various categories of yokai that need it for substance (Shiromori).
The Afterlife of MSAverse
While it isn’t clear how it works but the fact Reverb exists suggest their at least is a version of hell in canon. What’s also canon is there are unfortunate souls who fall through the cracks and become ghosts still roaming the living world to solve their unfinished business. The way I thought of it is their is a place called limbo that most souls go to get processed and judged by a council of eternal entities to either ascend to ‘heaven’ or descend to ‘hell’ to get purified before coming back to limbo to be assessed. Both ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ are very loose terms for them and not one to one to any particular religion/mythology but does drew more from the Eastern conception of the afterlife as opposed to Western one.
The Existence of Yokai (and possibly cryptids.)
Instead of being Japanese parables and cautionary tales irl yokai are a taxonomic rank of beings that co-exist with humans. While some are helpful and friendly others are hostile when humans encroach on their domain/territory. Take for example Mystery when he was still ‘feral’ when he along with Shiromori was responsible for the disappearances of warriors around the province Mushi lived in at the time. Most higher Yokai such as kitsunes are born with very potent spectra (even if it doesn’t have a particular elemental affinity).
Stay Tuned for Part 2
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gimme-the-tea · 10 months
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Of course, lovey! I hope you don't mind headcanons
Sakuya x F!Afab! Reader
Warnings: unprotected sex, Oral, praise, edging, fingering, mentions of bondage, sub! Sakuya, mostly Dom. Heavily influenced by Some of AzeruOfficial's ASMRS. Highly recommend hom btw-
Sakuya, Soul of Yokai
Thirsts utc!
At the beginning of your relationship, Sakuya was constantly wary of hurting you.
The first time you two had sex, he took his time gently kissing down your neck while his fingers toyed with your clit and starting to slowly finger your hole.
His foreplay was a slow, pleasurable torture to you, but he found this amusing. He took pleasure in your whines when he pulled away just a little too early, only moving to trail kisses down your thighs and to barely graze your dripping pussy.
Other times, he will let you take charge. Laying down on his back, he will watch you straddle him eagerly, your hands immediately shoved under his shirt, both to strip him and to tease his sensitive nipples.
He jerks towards your hand as soon as you touch them, a noise that you could identify as a whimper escaped him. You continues to toy with him, grinding down on his growing erection, drawing more.moans from.him as you kiss his nwck and chest. How cute, previously a known defector and assassin now reduced to your whimpering mess.
Later on in the relationship, he got more ambitious, binding your wrists while he fucked you stupid. Teasing your clit with his tip for a while before sliding in with a guttural moan; "fuuuck, You're so wet for me. Good girl."
His hands linger on your waist, pulling you back on his cock as you ride him.
He mumbles dirty things into your ear as he leans into your neck with your hands tangled in his hair, never once stopping the pleasurable assault on your body.
There is no doubt Karasu has heard you two, or walked in when Sakuya had you on his face, moaning his name repeatedly, barely registering the other tengu before he left.
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uwukillmenowowo · 1 year
Welcome to my Paradise~! [Requests are Open!]
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Hello~! My name is Kumon but feel free to call me Kumo or K.
My pronouns are She/Her + They/Them I do drawings, stories, and X Reader requests [Mostly Drawings lol]
Others if requested~
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Rules/Information on this blog:
I Will write/Draw for✔️
Anything SFW
Male/Female/Gendernutral [Mc]
I WILL NOT write for❌
Blood/Gore [Depending in the request]
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Wattpad Account: Kumon
Quotev Account: Kumon
Instagram Account: thatartist_Kumon
Twitter/X Account: Kumon_Tracer
Discord: Discord
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Below here are fandoms that I will be willing to write/draw for :D
[Warning: It will be a long list ._.]
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Disney Twisted Wonderland
Tokyo Debunker
Ensemble Stars Music
Cookie Run Kingdom
No Straight Roads
Hollow Knight
Just Shapes and Beats
Undertale and Au's
Little Nightmares/2/Very Little Nightmares
Friday Night Funkin' and mods
Soul Knight [Characters will be based on my OC’s]
Yandere Simulator
Obey Me: One Master To Rule Them All
Danganronpa THH/DR2:GD/DR:KH
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Just Shapes and Beats
Hatsune Miku: CS
Poppy Playtime-
Pokemon [Any game]
TLOZ and others
Andy's Apple Farm
Land of the Lustrous
Puella Magi: Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica: Rebellion
Death Parade
Spy X Family
The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
To Your Eternity
No Game No Life
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kimetsu No Yaiba
Vampire Knight
Magical Girl Site
The Devil is a Part-Timer
Assassination Classroom
Hunter X Hunter
Black Butler
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Attack On Titan
My Hero Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba
One Punch Man
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Death Note
Oshi No Ko
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm No tthe Demon Lord
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Revenge Of The Iron Blooded Sowrd Hound
I'm the Grim Reaper
Return of The 8th Class Mage
The max-level player's 100th regression
     [T.V Series]
Yokai Watch
Digimon: Digital Monsters
Beyblade Metal Fusion
Lego Legends of Chima
Lego Ninjago
South park
Lego Nexo Knights
Dream SMP
Disney movies??
Splatoon [Coroika]
The Amazing Digital Circus
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agoddamn · 1 year
I don't vibe w headcanons of snow leopard summons bc I think it should be an inherent quality of summons that they're not terribly threatening under normal circumstances...until they show up the size of a house. So 'haha little froge :3--OH GOD'. Whereas a completely normal snow leopard can still take your head off.
Naruto itself already screwed the pooch (hah) by having both ninken and dog summons exist, raising the question of what exactly the difference is between the two (ninken seem worse in every possible metric, ask me to expound on this at a later time), I know, this is just me trying to narratively triage this shit.
...it kinda pains me, but I kinda think all summon families should be creatures native to Japan. Either native or impactful enough through folklore to be relevant to Japan...which tragically excludes my own personal bias, skunks :(
Every character doesn't need to have a summon; it shouldn't be like an automatic upgrade where you've reached level 20 and now you get your summon. That cheapens it. Characters should have a specific benefit they get from having a summon. It's not just flavor.
But Tobirama is listed as a summoning expert in databooks, so yeah he should have summons. I could see him with cats, although it's the Uchiha who have a connection with the ninneko (although although summons =! ninja animals).
I think it becomes a narrative problem-solving thing--what does this character get from summons that they don't get from any other technique? From that angle, I can't see any reason to give, say, Hashirama summons; wood clones can do basically anything you'd want summons to.
It was that amazing platonic soulmate fic that brought up the idea of Tobirama having yokai summons, and that just clicked in my head and felt so right. Explains both what he'd get from summons (esoteric/cursed knowledge) and why he's never seen summoning in canon (yokai are understandably unpopular, also umbrellas aren't great fighters).
But I really, honestly, non-memely think that he wouldn't have cool yokai, like kitsune or anything. He'd have tsukumogami!!
Tsukumogami parallel Tobirama's work ethic--a tool that's used enough grows a soul. The idea that Tobirama views himself as a tool--a weapon--is fanon, but it's very workable fanon that fits with his narrative role as Hashirama's support exceptionally well.
So tsukumogami summons...Naruto got prophecy shit from the frogs, right? And it's not spelled out, but it's implied Tsunade refined her healing techniques working with the slugs. So I think tsukumogami might have given Tobirama the blueprints for hiraishin, maybe even shadow clones? Not the whole technique of course, but the summons made him realize it was possible and how a human might replicate the effects.
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Consider: au where Sebastian is a kitsune
(yes I'm just yelling this at you but I think it'd be very interesting to make Sebastian a being that is decidedly not inherently good or evil but capable of being both. Also because I want to put him in a kimono. Also because I love kitsunes and shhhhh)
i mean valid but those kind of aus aren't my thing haha. i just like to play around with the canon that's set before me. i think the most out there with an au i've ever gotten is this soulmate au i have.
kitsune sebastian would be interesting with the context of tanaka tho. i know a lot of people headcanon that he thinks sebastian is some kind of yokai (albeit, a well meaning one. otherwise he'd probably be concerned by his proximity and interest in ciel). it's definitely something interesting to consider with how slightly different everything would be. i wonder what kitsune sebastian would be doing in england considering they're part of japanese folklore, and also what reasons he'd have to pose as o!ciel's butler, cause i feel like he'd possibly (?? i don't know enough about kitsunes) not be after his soul in this au
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sly-oasis · 2 years
Reaction to ex trying to hug/kiss their S/O
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@tsukane-chan: Hai !! How are you? I hope your day is good :)
I hear that request is open so I wanna ask : soul of yokai react to other men (ex-boyfriend kaito) trying to hug or kiss you :D I hope this is ok to ask 💕
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Fandom: Soul Of Yokai
Characters: Hayato, Karasu, Yukio, Sakuya
Pairing: x reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warnings: Harassment, Violence
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Hayato would go violent if Kaito even dares to touch you.
Kaito grabbed your chin suddenly and the next thing you knew he was on the ground his cheeks swollen.
Honestly, you'll need to hold Hayato back if you want to keep Kaito breathing.
You can feel Hayato's anger as you try and hold him back from throwing another punch at Kaito. His eyes full of anger and is ready to send Kaito to the other side.
"Try that again and I'll do more than that"
Hayato would leave with you and would make sure you're ok while trying to hold himself back.
Once Hayato made sure you're ok he'll come down a little.
Rest assured that Kaito would never approach you again.
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Karasu mood sours as he sees Kaito talking to you.
He quicken his pace when he notices that you're not comfortable talking with your ex.
Then Kaito grabbed you and tried pulling you against his body.
Karasu was immediately by your side and pulls you close to him while glaring at your ex.
"Don't even try to come close"
Karasu's grip on you tighten a little and his eyes glared into Kaito's soul. You watch as Kaito grew angrier when Karasu started spouting harsh words at the man. Soon Kaito left and Karasu's hold started to loosen.
He asks if you're ok and smiles at you after.
Karasu doesn't want to be violent but if Kaito tried to harass you again he doesn't know if he can hold himself back.
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When Yukio saw that Kaito was about to kiss you he immediately put his body between you two shielding you from your ex.
Yukio can feel his anger starting to grow but first he needs to make sure you're ok.
Yukio focuses his attention on you and when he sees you're not comfortable being around Kaito he would immediately escort you away.
With a hand around your shoulders Yukio walks with you while he talks to ease your mood. He looks back at Kaito, his sweet gaze was replaced by an icy stare. "Do not come near them again."
You can feel the temperature drop down but when you look at Yukio he still had his sweet smile on his face.
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Sakuya would immediately pull you away the moment Kaito tries to grab you.
He put you behind his back shielding you from Kaito.
He knows how much you hate Kaito so he's not exactly pleased with your ex as well.
Sakuya would stare at Kaito like how he usually stare at someone but you can feel the anger from his gaze.
Sakuya said one word but that was enough for Kaito to run away, deeply intimidated by Sakuya's glare. Even with Kaito gone, Sakuya's anger didn't subside.
Sakuya made sure you're ok but after that he was completely silent.
It was a good thing that Kaito ran away or things might have escalated.
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loveoaths · 5 years
on zabuza’s chakra shroud, kind of.
yo i know this is not only a reach but also wack, but part of me is really fond of the idea that demons really do walk basically in plain sight in water country, and that to be called / receive the title of ‘demon’ in water country often carries more truth to it than foreigner’s anticipate. 
i literally have no reason for this headcanon other than kishi’s art style in part one, where people with outrageously powerful/inhuman/unnatural chakra were depicted as having bestial or more animated-looking chakra shrouds. if i remember correctly, at first it was something we only saw with the bijuu, like naruto when the seal began to weaken:
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and with part one zabuza, whose shadow was always drawn as a sneering demon. even during the shinobi war arc zabuza’s chakra shroud is once again depicted as demonic, whereas the other kekkei genkai users’ shrouds are drawn distinctly different from ‘normal’ chakra shrouds yet remain largely shapeless ( i.e., haku’s chakra smells and feels cold and has a snowflake look to it, the explodey guy’s chakra looks big and explodey, etc)
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i know it probably isn’t the case, but the idea that the rumours about zabuza - and people like him, like kisame and the other powerful outliers - might have some grain of truth to them just makes them even more interesting and gives fic writers and roleplayers more concepts to play with. and considering the hot sack of flaming canon kishimoto dumped in our laps, the more new ideas the merrier, right ?
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onislay · 5 years
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ever seen a rice ball bleed ? ( ooc ) the heavenly blade that exterminates all evils. ( onikiri ) the cry of the heart unveils grotesque truth. ( headcanon ) paper white souls can cut and be cut. ( words ) grief guides the hand over a body of scars & mistakes. ( aesthetic ) sword and mind must be united. ( misc ) an untempered sword with death in his mind. ( fanart )  souls tied in sinews ; both marked for death. ( yorioni ) on mt oe once was a demon king ; where is he now ? ( yokai ) anyone need an extra hand ? ( meme ) v ; both victor & vanquished are but drops of dew in a storm. ( main arc ) v ; a spirit in anguish & decay seeks justice for sustenance. ( post arc ) v ; a blade yet to find its flowering upon the blood of an enemy. ( au )
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