#split (2017)
steph930 · 1 year
Not me crying over Kevin dying in Glass.
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minaaaawaaaa · 5 days
One of the most beautiful movie endings I've ever seen is the implication that Casey Cooke finally exposes her uncle in Split
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charliedawn · 10 months
Slashers who meet a to-be victim whos just putting glitter on things
A to-be victim who has a room full of posters of serial killers and slashers
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Imagine two of Bo's worst nightmares. Glitter. And sparkles. Combine them. Put them in a room and that would be your bedroom. And worst of it all...Posters of him and his brothers in every single corner. He was speechless...
"...What in the—? What is this place ?! Hell ?!"
As soon as he was in, he wanted to leave. Only to discover that the door was locked and he had now glitter on his shoes and his hand. And then, you appeared with a whole bucket of glitter in your hands. And Bo started praying.
Him : "Whatdya think yer gonna do with that exactly ?!"
You *devilish smirk*
Him : "Oh no, you don't ! Get the heck away from me !"
…Bo couldn’t get all the sparkles out of his hair for weeks.
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Jason was surprised and impressed. A full room dedicated to him and the slashers. He hadn't expected it. He didn't really mind though. It meant you knew about him and weren’t scared.
Him *smiles* : "Do you want some help ?"
You *handing him a full bucket of glitter* : "Sure ! Put them everywhere. And you can help take pictures of the others for me."
He was more than happy to help and you ended up having a good time playing with glitter and stalking the other slashers. Jason may not really care about glitter and sparkles, but he’d be happy to spend time with you.
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The Penny Brothers love glitter. It is something fun and colourful for Penny. He would help you decorate the whole hospital. He’d even be thrilled to meet a fan and see all the posters you have of them. It would mean that you are as crazy as him and you would get along just fine. Penny loves crazy people.
And for Pennywise ? Pennywise sees it as the perfect torture. Those little colourful flakes are impossible to remove from clothes or hair and when people receive them in their eyes…It means atrocious suffering and temporary blindness. So, of course he’d love them.
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Brahms was ecstatic when he learned about the new patient who loves glitter and sparkles. He wanted to be your friend before he even met you. He stayed away for a while and only showed himself when he was sure you were what he thought you were. When he saw the huge posters of him, he got flustered. But, he got particularly excited when you showed him your collection of pink and purple items covered in glitter. He immediately felt like he had found someone who understood him.
It wasn’t long before Brahms started walking around proudly with a glitter-covered mask. And he didn’t even care about the others making fun of him for it, because there was you.
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Norman knew from the start. He first rent you a room and when he took a look through the peep hole—he was immediately blinded by the brightness in the room. But, he was flattered by the posters.
Let’s just say that Norman found it endearing, but he isn’t a really big fan of glitter and sparkle—especially on him. It means more cleaning. But, on you ? He’d find it adorable and would gladly run the vacuum every day if it meant he got to see you in those very pretty and original outfits of yours.
Norman *smiles* : "Very cute, my little monster. Very cute."
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Freddy : "FIRE IN THE HOLE !" *uses a literal canon to make the whole place sparkle*
Freddy loves chaos. You would just give him an idea to cause more trouble and make the whole hospital swim in glitter. Fortunately, the staff and the other slashers are used to it by now.
But, it doesn’t mean they like it all the same.
Random nurse *after she got covered in green glitter* : "…FREDDY ! Y/N ! Come back here !"
You and Freddy *cackling while running away*
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Barry LOVES glitter. He lives for it. He wants each of his outfits to have a sparkle to them. And he’d design all sorts of clothes for you.
Barry *screams when you get out of the dressing room* : "YES ! Absolutely nailed it ! Twirl for me, darling. Yes. Thank you. Absolutely gorgeous."
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Vincent did take you as an inspiration for his new piece. He took some of your supplies to cover his new wax statue and at the end, he offered it to you. It was a wax statue of yourself and Vince waited anxiously for your opinion.
Vincent *fidgets nervously*
You *smile widely* : "I love it !"
He was really ecstatic and gave you a hug. He really wanted you to like it.
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hueberryshortcake · 1 year
Dewey and Webby: Our true strength is our confidence and our friendship.
Louie and Violet: Our true strength is our ability to succeed without hiding behind facades.
Huey: my true strength is going straight up rabies-feral while lena cheers me on from the sidelines
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justaboot · 9 months
God we don’t appreciate the DT Halloween episode enough, with Huey freaking out about growing up, and I understand that it’s absolutely accurate kid-logic but the PEAK humor of this “Oh no…it’s our last Halloween where we really enjoy the holiday…” while their mom and uncle are trying and failing to run a haunted house like their lives depend on it and their fart of a fossil millionaire uncle is beating down doors for candy in costume is just genius. Literally it just gets better.
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ptx2022 · 2 years
No, this is not a Taylor Swift concert, this is an a cappella concert of Pentatonix. 
Denver, CO / Nov 20, 2022
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yourfavismspechomohet · 9 months
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Mark Beaks from Ducktales 2017 is a Bi Gay!
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chaoxfix · 2 years
you can tell that a lot of zelda lore theorists aren't fanfiction writers bc its soooo easy to come up with a story explaining the 3-way timeline split
the child/adult timeline split already makes perfect sense. zelda split the timeline when she sent link back in time, but adult zelda would have continued onward with the adult timeline, no real speculation needs to happen there. and when zelda sends link back, link goes to the child timeline to relive his youth, not a whole lot of explanation needed there either.
but if you stop to think about the downfall timeline, and why zelda sent link back, its actually pretty obvious what happened and why.
the downfall timeline doesn't happen "any time link dies" or whatever, it's not some silly "git good or ur inventing the downfall timeline" gimmick. there's a purpose to it.
from a story perspective, it makes perfect sense if zelda actually went back in time herself in a previous attempt to defeat ganon. the way i see it, in link's first attempt to defeat ganondorf, he dies. so zelda goes back in time and abandons that timeline as there's no hope without a living link. on link's second attempt, he succeeds -- but zelda realizes how damaging growing up so quickly was to link. perhaps something that happened as he was dying, or she really just realized how unfair this whole ordeal was to him. but sending him back to live a longer, happier life? makes perfect sense if she witnessed him dying.
so yeah. the three timeline split makes perfect sense. you just have to consider it from a character-driven perspective.
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poke-is-a-dork · 8 months
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Inktober day 6! Once again using bluerubystudios' prompts, today's being 'Feather'!
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oliveroctavius · 1 year
watching the Marvel's Spider-Man show as a 616 Harry Osborn fan is, uh, weird
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charliedawn · 3 months
Okay Charlie what me out, how would the slashers react to the nurse doing tricking moves as self defense, Tricking is a training discipline that combines kicks with flips and twists from martial arts and gymnastics as well as many dance moves and styles from breakdancing. It is a martial art that borrows techniques from taekwondo, wushu, capoeira, and more
Here’s a few examples
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Take your time with this request, but if you don’t want to do it feel free to delete it
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"…Is that some kind of dance ?"
Freddy—as clueless and jerky as ever—would just laugh his ass off while watching you tricking. He would just watch you and smirk while eating popcorn.
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"Interesting. Tricking—is it ?"
Norman would take an interest and read about it before watching you and trying it out on his own. He would also give you self-defense advice and you would share your thoughts and experiences.
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"…Whatya doin’, darls ? Kickin’ the air ? What did the air ever do to ya ?" *laughs*
He would laugh and watch you with a big grin on his face. He wouldn’t necessarily try. But, he’d be supportive. He would whistle at some good kick or a particularly impressive performance.
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Barry: "…Could I join ?"
Barry would be interested in trying it out and would join your lessons or train with you. Barry does yoga and likes to keep his body fit. Plus, the horde would be happy to learn more about self-defence, as they used to be defenceless…
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Penny: "…FUN !"
He would take it as a game and replicate your movements or in a very exaggerated way. He would extend his limbs and laugh as you would both start doing tricking moves together.
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gazebokasprak · 8 months
hello! my names eddie and I just made a new Tumblr so that means intro time!
I'm 26, married to a beautiful human (@tozierbeeps) and nonbinary.
I have ADHD, autism, PTSD and a wide list of not so fun disorders. I also work full time, so I will (unfortunately) be spotty.
my current hyperfixations are IT, Bridgerton/Queen Charlotte, Stranger Things, and Barbie. if anyone wants to freak out over them pls hit me up.
okay this is all I got, bye now.
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hueberryshortcake · 1 year
an interlude
featuring della and the triplets being BFFS 4EVA, post-adventure sleepiness, and caoimhin's increasingly erratic posting schedule as a tactic to procrastinate the 5 page king lear essay I'm writing all in one day
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bobbie-robron · 11 months
On this day… 13th of July
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