starkravingparker · 6 years
Music ask
A song you like with a colour in the title
A song that needs to be played very loud
A song that makes you want to dance
A song to drive to
A song with a number in the title
A song that makes you happy
A song that makes you sad
A song that reminds you of summer
A song that you remember from your childhood
A song that breaks your heart
A song that you never get tired of
A song from your preteen year
A song that you would love played at your wedding
One of your favourite 80s songs
A song that is a cover by another artist
A song that you would sing a duet of on karaoke
A song from the year you were born
A song that makes you think about life
Your favourite song with a persons name in the title
A song that you think everyone should listen to
A song by a band you wish were still together
A song by an artist no longer living
A song that makes you want to fall in love
A song by an artist with a voice you love
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Bucky Barnes Light blue/Grey-ish Headers
Requested by Anon
Like or reblog if you save
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itsthwippingtime · 5 years
Fav bloggers and why?
dahskhkasj theres so many!! how am i supposed to,,, uhhh okay i love every one i do if youre not on this list it does NOT mean that i don’t love you
without further ado and in no particular order (okay I’ve noticed some are longer than others and if youre anything like me you’ll read way too much into that but please don’t i don’t mean anything by it i love you all so so so so much) 
im so sorry for how long this is. every person tagged in this; i love you so so so so much and thank you so much for just being there for me and just being a presence in my life i am so grateful for our friendship. that applies to everyone, no matter if we’ve talked every day or never, i love you all so so SO much!!! 
@anidiotwithapen - my first friend on this site (literally) and they live in Germany so we don’t get to talk as much as i would like cause ugh timezones but i love them so much, a walking disaster, the Clint to my Nat (wait am i Nat? have we discussed this yet?) the number of crack head canons that should be canon and ideas we’ve come up with like wow. i love them so so so so so so so so much. amazing artist like wow check out their art blog @neraidamira
@hraewordsmith - my babes my aunt i love her so much IM GONNA MEET HER ASJKDHASJKHDKASHJKA Rae is literally my rock one of the most supportive, loving people (persons?) I’ve ever met i love her so so so so so so so so muchdasjhkjajzkjashdjk 
@keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars - Leah. my babes. an angel on earth i love her so much!!!! I’m gonna meet her too!!! so supportive and loving and encouraging, an amazing writer, an amazing person i mean what else can i say about her???
@starkravingparker - my wife!!! my name twin!!! Ava May i love her so much and I’m so so so proud of her she is so strong and amazing every day she faces demons and battles but she never ever gives up truly inspirational to  me i love her so much and I’m gonna meet her one day maybe years from now but we’ll meet definitely and she’ll have to show me all her favorite places to go and things to do!! an amazing singer ( @starkravingava) an amazing writer ( @stparkerwrites) and amazing at making icons/edits/that stuff that i know nothing about ( @starkravingshuri) truly a talented wonderful person i love her to death. she deserves so much love and happiness and I’m so proud of her jsdajkdjlksa 
@loubuttons - lou. what can i say about lou. the sweetest person ever. always there to love on you and encourage you and hear you complain and be there to rant and shkjadsahjkska i love her so much literally an angel i cannot,,,, an amazing painter and writer and just deserves all the love in the world i love her so much 
@marvelbased SOPHIA I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVE the Bucky to my Sam i could not live without her she’s constantly making me laugh i wish i could give her the world because its what she deserves i love her so much she always supports me and encourages me and we’re gonna meet one day too i know it ill die if we don’t!! dsjkhasjk i just love her!!!! 
@cartwheelandfaceplant - we don’t talk much but i love them!!! everything they reblog, marvel or not, is the Quality Content i signed up for and at least a third of my likes is probably posts from them amazing blog amazing person just amazing amazing amazing!!
@tonyintexas - ah Taylor. my partner in crime when it comes to a certain person i love her and her humor its so amazing Taylor is literally crazy but the best kind of crazy and she honestly has me cackling i love her so much
@smallittlebee - the sweetest ever!!! we don’t talk much but literally so so so so so sweet and um CHICKENS!!!!!
@peterparkerisntdead - literally Gwen’s tags and semi vague shit posts throw me into a fit every time i should expect it but i never do i never know what to expect from her she’s like a hurricane so unpredictable sdaljkasdakjsd i love her k so much!!!!!! just !!!!!!
@irondadgroupie - IM SORRY I HAVENT REPLIED TO OUR HEADCANONS IN SO LONG IM SO SO SO SORRY if maybe if you don’t mind waiting until May? my exams are over mid-may and I’m gonna try to have the out before then but its really getting stressful over here and I’m just so sorry for all the shitty excuses and me ignoring you you have no IDEA how sorry i am. i love you so much i love the head canons we come up with, so so supportive and has always supported me with my writing, since the very beginning and it means the world to me dsjakjhsjak i love you babes!!!!
@imveryobservant - ahhh Jessie i love her toooooo!!!!!! we don’t talk a whole lot but when we do its always so much fun!! there are two (2) things that make me think of Jessie: thank u, next and the muppets (i also think of Gwen when i think of the muppets)
@lovelyspidey - LIXI!!!!! Lixi and i don’t talk a whole lot either but i love her so much and she’s like the one person i can freak with about Spider-Man PS4 (LIXI YOU NEED TO FINISH IT HAVE YOU????) and she’s always been there and supported me from the beginning i love her. also my go-to girl for Tom fic recs ;)
@drowningfandoms - okay but literally idk what to say because i remember seeing your URL repeatedly in my notifs at the very beginning, and like sending me asks and stuff and it was so strange that one person liked me and wanted to interact with me. and look how far our friendship has grown!! i love you so so so much!!!! I’m so grateful for you and our friendship and just your presence in my life
@underoosstark - this bitch makes some of the best videos i have ever seen in my entire life!!!! please watch them!!! ugh your mind babes!! we don’t talk a lot either but always amazing and supportive and loving and so sweet and kind andjaksdhjksahdjkashjksahjkd 
@messedupfangirl05 - this bitch exposes me in the best ways i love her so so so much she is so kind and supportive and just so funny and I’m so so proud of her and everything she’s done. i love her and the way she writes and just EVERYTHINGS!!!!!
@tominhoodies - STEPH!!! BABES!!!! k i love Steph so much she’s an amazing writer and i love her so so so so so much she’s so funny sometimes she disappeared for days or weeks but i know she does it for her and its whats best for her and i respect and admire the amount of self control she had i love her so much okay don’t talk to me
@knife-wielding-tentacle - listen. if it weren’t for this bitch right here i would have never been introduced to the glorious head canon that is Winter Soldier!Peter and i love it so much (okay I SWEAR I’m gonna answer those asks soon but when have you known me to ever do anything on time) i love them so much jdsakjaskdjlaksjkaklsadjkl please never stop with the head canons they give me life
@adaisyspetals - DAISY!!!!!! i love daisy so much!!!!! she sends me pictures of her cat and dog and i love them too!!!! so sweet and so supportive and i love love love her writing!!!! agasdgjhsags just so amazing i love you so so so much babes!!!!
@mostly-marvel-stuffs - hi!!! we used to talk a lot more than we do now and thats okay but i miss you lots babes!!!!! um just an amazing person altogether i love them!!!! we once calculated how long it would be to do a Disney marathon with all most of the Disney movies so we’re gonna do that one day when we can stay up for a week straight (how long did we say it would be?)
@protecthefuckingbees - idk why they follow me cause they’re literally like the coolest and I’m like,,, not but i love them so so so much so supportive and kind and loving and sdjkhajdhjkahdajk i just love you sooooo much!!!!!!
@tomhollandswhore - we talk like every three days but i cherish those conversations, literally so sweet and kind and supportive and a New Friend cause we don’t know each other super well yet but i already know i love them!!!!! 
@tonystarkdadmode - oh my gosh okay so sweet and so amazing and so supportive and just so amazing i love love love them!!!! i love their header (its so iconic go look) and just dsjkasjkdasjkhdsjkadsajk love you so much babes!!!!! 
@spider-boiii - the creator of my icon, always has me cackling, super amazing, really nice, I!!!! LOVE!!!!!! THEM!!!!!!!!!
@spookyclooky - k amazing artist first off! also like the only person i can talk to about Detroit: Become Human and (possibly) other PS4 games (we need to play GTA online one day i feel like that’d be a lot of fun haha!!!) i love them so much they’re so sweet and very patiently put up with my incessant questions about DBH, as annoying as they were
@sup-mr-stark, @mysteryavengers, @death1by3thoughts, @tamaranianprincess, @tomhollandeu @tomhollanders2013, @ebonyheartnet, @avengvr, @anxieteandbiscuits, @theincorrectavengers, @spiderman-homecumming, @my-babies-are-ash, @she-loves-her-queens-of-whump - these blogs… we don’t talk a whole lot and i really wish we did, but we all just kinda stand by and support and love each other even tho we’ve had like 3 or less conversations BUT THEYRE STILL ALL AMAZING AND HAVE AMAZING BLOGS AND ARE JUST ALTOGETHER AMAZING PEOPLE I LOVE THEM!!!!
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starkravingparker · 6 years
PSA: I absolutely love being tagged in things. Please feel free to tag me in literally anything you want to.
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starkravingparker · 5 years
I have a full length cover of both idontwannabeyouanymore by billie eilish and a full cover of make you feel my love by Adele and I want to post one of them but I'm not sure which one.
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starkravingparker · 6 years
Go on/off anon and tell me what you like and dislike about me
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Peter Quill Wallpapers
As requested by @thetrueamericangamer
Like or reblog if you save
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starkravingparker · 6 years
So, chances are I won't have internet for the next three days. So send me a shit load of asks so I can have social interaction
Send me absolutely anything you want and send as many asks as you want.
Tell me about your day
Tell me about your plans for the weekend
Tell me about your favourite blogs
Tell me about your tumblr crushes and irl crushes
Tell me who you ship me with
Recommend some films / TV shows / books and bands
Request a song for me to post on @starkravingava
Request a wallpaper for me to make for @starkravingshuri
Send me absolutely anything and everything.
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starkravingparker · 6 years
Hi, I wanna apologize for last night. I was a mess and everything was horrible. I was a huge nuisance on people's day and I am so sorry about that. I appreciate all your kind messages and I hope that my depressive episode hasn't made any of you change your view of me. I am still not OK but not as bad as last night. I am doing my best to distract myself but I'm not doing a great job.
I also sorta wanna do another sleepover cause last night's one flopped due to the whole depressive episode.
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starkravingparker · 6 years
I was tagged by @cherryhollands and @spideyfield
I tag: @anxieteaandbiscuits @caroldanverr @strandedstray @ohwaitimtrash @vampspidey @protecthefuckingbees and @tonyintexas
1. Name: Ava
2. Nicknames: Ava May, Av, English, Hoe,
3. Height: 5'3
4. Orientation: Bisexual
5. Nationality: Irish
6. Favourite Fruits: Strawberry, Mango, Kiwis, Raspberry
7. Favourite Season: Autumn or Winter
8. Favourite Flowers: Roses, Lillies, Daisies, Tulips.
9. Favourite Scents: Strawberry, mint, burned out candles, autumn scented stuff.
10. Favourite Animal: Penguins or Otters
11. Favourite Colours: Pink, baby blue, yellow, red
12. Coffee, Tea or Hot Cocoa: Tea
13. Average Hours of Sleep: I would say between 2-3 hours.
14. Dog or cat person: I am more of a dog person.
15. Fav fictional characters: Peter Parker, Shuri Udaku, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Jake Peralta, Rosa Diaz, Gina Linetti, Sherlock Holmes, Eurus Holmes, John Watson, Jim Moriarty
16. Number of blankets I sleep with: One
17. Dream Trip: New York at Christmas
18. Blog Created: I can't remember it's been over a year though.
19. Number of followers: 2370 as of right now
20. Random Fact: I have a fear of Mac N Cheese.
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starkravingparker · 6 years
My day is still pretty shit but The Captain Marvel Trailer made it that little bit better.
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starkravingparker · 6 years
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starkravingparker · 6 years
Come send me asks. Distract me. Send me as many asks as you want.
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starkravingparker · 6 years
OK ya girl is shutting her phone down to try and rest. Please continue sending asks and reblogging stuff. You are all so fucking sweet and I love you all a shit ton. 💖💖💖
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starkravingparker · 6 years
So I am really upset and pissed for a lot of reasons and I am supposed to be leaving in a few hours so send me some stuff to keep me distracted and occupied
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