#tall switch
allgremlinart · 11 months
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 happy Rangshi Lake Scene Thursday
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umblrspectrum · 9 months
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for how much i love to drag pngs around, it turns out that i actually don't know how to animate all too well
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hauntaku2 · 5 months
Short girlfriend x tall girlfriend
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beanmaster-pika · 10 months
I bet when Silver was very small he just called Malleus by name but eventually someone told him that they’re supposed to address him with a title and he stopped and Malleus, whose whole thing is that his status and strength have prevented him from forming meaningful attachments with most people and he feels isolated because of it, went home and didn’t come out of his room for three days.
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superbellsubways · 2 years
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theres been ship dynamic memes floating around on twitter so I made one
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WOOO, another Spooky Month Switch AU edit! Honestly missed doing these and forgot how fun they are! >:D
It was just a small edit from Episode 4, but still nice. A lil rusty, but I still like how it turned out! ^^
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willowser · 8 months
Will…to comfort you during your airport struggles I am here to offer up meeting Gojo at the airport thoughts™️
You both are stuck on the same delayed flight and he pretty much kinda imprints on you when you tell him where to find the monitors after you see him looking a bit confused
You both bond over meals at the airport food court and laugh at bad tourist merch and he even watches a movie with you on his iPad and just the two of you click and just enjoy this strange magical bubble forming around him and you
you can see him wandering past the gate several times, and he's not easy to miss because he's the TALLEST MAN AROUND !! and he keeps holding up his boarding pass and staring at the monitor and so you just tell him, "this is the flight heading to..." and his eyebrows raise and he looks so relieved 🥺 and then he plops down beside you to charge his phone in the port you're not using 🥺
and you just make some little small talk until you're boarding the plane, and he sits a row or two ahead of you, across the aisle, and it's so easy to see when he peeks over his shoulder to grin at you !! and you're a bit bummed that you're not sitting by him for the flight, because he's stupid cute and his laugh is funny 🥺 but then when they announce that there's a thunderstorm and the plane can't leave the terminal for another two hours, they offer passengers to get off for a bit, if they'd like, and gojo doesn't get up but you do, to stretch your legs and to maybe go buy a bite to eat, and the minute you pass him in the aisle, he's sticking a leg out and cutting right in front of the person behind you, leaning down to whisper "where we going?" in your ear akrbdjsjakalql
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 months
It’s on the more mature side too, sooooo 🤭🤭
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starheirxero · 5 months
I'm so sorry but I somehow got the mental image of centipede Eclipse walking on two feet and somehow that makes everything more terrifying
I'd much rather see him skittering around, maybe climbing up walls the way an actual centipede walks. The two feet thing is horrific in my mind /silly
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golvio · 8 months
…Honestly, TotK made Age of Calamity way funnier in retrospect, because the Yiga Clan plot is now a horror-comedy about Sooga and the other Yiga foundlings trying to survive their first week of sharing the apartment with Dad’s Shitty New Boyfriend.
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born-in-hell · 7 months
Now lets have a serious important talk:
Is bbh just short, is forever a street post, or both?
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sunnnfish · 2 months
having tashiro gender thoughts. the way he doesnt crossdress in that first year is because hes got crazy leg hair. not like No im a boy. or I dont want to. he's candidate at all in the first place after miyano because they're both "tiny" and would look the best (also opinion of shirahama. won't get into that. hey shirahama you think miyano and tashiro would be cute if they were girls...? sorry) Miyano, firm in his masculinity, is angry for the both of them. yeah hes got a complex about it but you'd think tashiro could resist a little more. he doesnt think hed make a good girl because of the leg hair. this flimsy barrier of "masculinity" hey tashiro what would you think if you shaved it. would you make a good girl then? would that remove your inhibitions? or would you find something else. are you scared of what you could discover if transformed into a girl? sit in the chair why dont you. flimsy barrier, a hairs width thick, between you and girlhood, supposedly. Gon-chan, a girl name accepted so easily, so comfortably. resist a little more! youve said before Miyano may be cute, but hes definitely a boy. are you definitely a boy? do you even care at all. nah, i cant make a good girl. ive got craaazzyyy leg hair. Shave it! Hell no! switch the flip.
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happyk44 · 10 months
in one corner are the girls. hestia is the mediator between the other two's dispute, gently coaxing them away from their violent desires and soothing them both over a cup of tea and some warm buttered bread, fully utilizing her sweet sisterly parenting
and in the other corner, hades is holding zeus over his head in air jail, one foot on poseidon's chest to keep him down because neither of them want to listen to the words "stop fucking fighting" and he is so so tired
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college au????
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honeydots · 1 year
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more designs!! princess of nohr soleil and dancer siegbert c:
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destinedtobeloved · 5 months
Stephen makes my heart ache and my stomach hurt istg and I mean that just because I love him to death but I wish they would touch on him more.
In season two when he’s standing in the middle of the road and pacing, they never really touch on it. He’s relapsed and they know it- but it’s back to normal. That scene was supposed to mean ‘if he doesn’t stop using, it’s going to kill him.’
He’s back in that car with her, smoking cigarettes as if he’s not giving up on everything he ever belived in. Gil, his sobriety- shit, even his vegetarian bull shit (even when we all know he never really followed it carefully enough anyways). The look on his face when Sarah asks if he’s eating meat again. The look of ‘it doesn’t really matter anymore, does it?’ How quick he was to give it up.
‘Is that what you think I need?’ He yells, even when hours later he’d be shaking and pacing in oncoming traffic on weary feet as Alice hurriedly called Linden to help him- to save him, almost as if she could tell what she had ment to him, even if they had only been together a tiny amount of time. Around ten days.
Please, let him be vulnerable. Let him be shaky and paranoid and sad.
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