#thank you for your submission anon!!
mrs-han · 1 year
Omg happy birthday!! (in advance)
I would love to read something with Zen <33
Anything works, maybe something domestic and fluffy or something on the spicier side 😮‍💨
WAAH, thank you, dear!!
Ooo, it’s crazy — I’ve been on a total Zen high for the past few days. I fell for him hard before that tall suited dude came into the picture!
I hope you like this little piece! It’s a scenario where the bomb goes off as Zen saves you!
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You were unable to open your eyes. Limbs heavy and head pounding, you fought with all of your might to be known.
Zen always found you.
I’m here, you yelled. I’m here, please help —
“I can’t find a pulse on her.”
Seven. That was Seven’s voice.
“No, no, no, sweetheart…!”
The coldness of the pavement faded as warmth surrounded you. A hand cupped your cheek, fingers desperately digging behind your ear and warm breath brought a sense of feeling to your numb nose.
“MC? Sweetie? Hey… hey, it’s me… please, you need to open your eyes for me, okay…?”
You waited for your body to react; for butterflies to crash against each other in your stomach, for heat to rise in your cheeks and tint your ears a soft pink. But your body refused what you so desperately wanted it to do.
“Where are the sirens…?!” Zen cried out, his voice growing more distant.
“They’re on their way, Zen… Mr…. called them… ago…”
No… you were nearly gone, you could feel it. You felt your limbs droop further against the warmth that cradled you. To your great frustration, a piercing sound evaded your ear canals— like you were drowning in the deepest part of a swimming pool.
“No, no… don’t go limp on me…!!”
Zen’s cries mingled with the screeching noises in your ears, creating a cacophony of sounds that raged through your head. Was this… what death sounded like…?
No. No, you weren’t dying today. You had to pull through somehow. With every ounce of mental strength you had left, you tried to silence the noises in your head until you heard someone else speaking.
“Zen, the ambulance… —. You need… —”
The ambulance. If you could hang on until the ambulance arrived, then —
A wave of exhaustion hit you the way a tsunami hit costal cities. You were unable to think of anything else — your brain was shutting down.
“She … —”
“Hyun, she isn’t … —”
The voices that once surrounded you were far away now, settling inside the abyss meant for you.
“Don’t do this to me.”
Except for his. Zen’s voice outmatched the now-faint ringing in your ears.
“Come back to me, sweetheart. You can’t leave me, I haven’t even…” A pause followed by soft sniffles. “Please… please, I need you…”
“… Ambulance is … —!!”
You felt the warmth surrounding you hug you much tighter. Thank goodness… you didn’t have to fight by yourself anymore.
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“The doctor said it’s due to flying shrapnel.”
“Has she made any progress?”
“… No.” Zen buried his face in his hands while his knee bounced anxiously.
Jumin glanced at you. “It’s been proven that women need more sleep than men do. Perhaps to keep their youthful vigor, don’t you think? To uphold their beauty?”
Zen lifted his head. “She doesn’t need to stay youthful, and she’s already beautiful. I want her to come back to me.”
To Zen’s surprise, Jumin placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. “You’ve been talking to her like the doctor suggested?”
“Every hour of every day.”
“And you’ve… wait. Is she wearing a cleansing mask?” Jumin moved closer to inspect the thin white mask on your face.
“Hey. Don’t touch it, I put it on her ten minutes ago.”
Closing his eyes, Jumin nodded. “This shows how doting you’ll be when she awakens and accepts your courting of her.”
Eyes darting from Jumin, to you, and to the floor, Zen’s eyes filled with tears. “Could that be now?”
Offering his handkerchief, Jumin sighed softly. “Ask her yourself. Please excuse me.”
Zen stuffed Jumin’s handkerchief in his coat pocket, preferring to use his sleeves. Reaching for your hand, he pressed his lips into your palm, kissing your cold flesh over and over again. His tears fell against your skin, but maybe they would wake you this time.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Wiping his face with his palm, Zen smiled sweetly at you. “Jumin dropped by. He thinks you need your beauty sleep, but I think he’s growing blind with age. You don’t need beauty sleep because you’re beautiful all the time, so don’t take his comments to heart. I… I still think you’re the most beautiful when your eyes are open, though.”
Zen’s soft chuckle was meant to be just that. But days without sleep coupled with the anxiety of you flatlining the way you did the first night of your hospital stay turned his chuckle into deep, heart-wrenching sobs. Having memorized the placement of every wire attached to your body, he cradled your head in his palm. Removing the cucumber and mint cleansing mask from your face, he kissed your brow, nose, and cheeks with trembling but enduring lips.
“I want to tell you to rest and take your time, but… I miss you. So much. I wish I had gotten to you sooner. Damn, if I had been a couple of seconds faster…”
Pulling you firmly to his chest, Zen pressed kisses atop your head. “I had a dream about it… about that white-haired stranger taking you hostage, and I didn’t tell anyone… if I had, you wouldn’t be here. You’d be with me, stuffing your face with all the Bungeoppang I can afford…!”
“Not just Bungeoppang, either. I know you said in the messenger that you’d gorge yourself on street food once the party was over, remember? Well, when you wake up, I’ll take you out to all the food stalls you can imagine. You can eat as much as you want, how does that sound?”
“… Zen…”
“Or, I could take you out to a fancy restaurant. I’m not the richest guy, but I’ll dress up and open all the crab legs you want —”
There it was: your voice. Faint and feeble as it was, he recognized your sound. “S…sweetheart…?”
“I can’t… I can’t breathe…”
Nearly flinging himself to the other side of the room, Zen let out a strangled gasp. “Sweet…sweetheart, you’re…!”
“Whew… you nearly killed me,” you joked, pulling yourself up with the strength you had left.
“No, no, no… here, let me help you.” With the deepest care, Zen sat you up, making sure the wires attached to you were secure. You winced, body sore and mind still foggy, but as Zen placed a hand behind your head, those sensations melted away.
“Easy… easy. I’m here,” Zen cooed directly into your ear. “Do you need anything…? Water? Juice? Food, I’ll get you food!”
Lightly grabbing his wrist, you held him from going anywhere. “Do you mind staying here…?”
Tilting his head, Zen slid his hand past your ear and smiled as he glanced at the goosebumps trailing your skin. “Sorry… I’m so happy you’re awake, that you’re here. The doctor said that you weren’t at risk for memory loss, even though the blow was directed at your head. Still, you were out for a few days and it scared the hell out of me… ah, you don’t need to worry about any medical bills or anything. I’m using what I have to cover you, and it’s a lot more than I thought, so —”
You pressed kisses upon Zen’s wrist, your lips following the faint blue line trailing up his forearm. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Zen’s Adam’s apple bobbed. Lifting your head slowly, you dragged your fingers over the slight bulging veins that danced across his skin. “You ramble when you’re nervous.”
Zen coughed. “Wh… I-I- you…”
“You also stammer. It’s very cute.”
“Y-You can’t make those assumptions here and now! Look at our situation!”
“Oh, so you’re usually the cool, calm, and collected type?” You grinned.
Opening his mouth to protest, Zen stopped himself. He knew what you were doing — giving a silent plea for him to relax. To calm down, and to stay present with you.
For you? He was more than willing to oblige.
“I should ring for the nurse, let him know that you’re awake —”
“You want to be away from me so badly?” You pouted, watching Zen begin to move from you after fixing your blankets and blushing furiously as soon as his fingers brushed your thigh.
“It isn’t that… ehm. If I stay this close to you for another minute, I’m going to lose face.”
“Lose face?”
“I’m going to kiss you.”
You were the one blushing, now. Hand over your mouth, you felt your heart hammer in your chest.
And Zen smiled to himself as he listened to your heart rate monitor beeping faster than his own heart.
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Six: Who do you think would win in a fight, a lumberjack with tentacle arms or a shark with a chainsaw?
RK: Shark with a chainsaw.
Mono, taking this way too seriously: Why do they have to fight? Why can't they just be friends and drink hot chocolate..
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lowpolyanimals · 10 months
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Toto from The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
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luffyvace · 3 months
Hi I just wanted to say I love ur sm and I'm so glad to have found ur blog <333
It so hard to find a someone to write form tdlosk<3 (the author reader)
I had a cute though if it the came in my mind when reading the P2(?) Of it, Reader friend to show his approval of reader and saiki when he released his newest chapter in some of panel in the background there is this couple who is closely looks like reader and saiki or if there scene where there is desserts the most will stand out is a coffee jelly w Reader fav dessert and along with words of "coffee jelly and f/d are the finest together" (f/d = favorite dessert)
Sorry if I talked ur ear off I just wanted to rent this thought of mine ^^
Have a good day!
AWW YOUR SO SWEEEEEET!! TYSM DARLING <33 I agree I don’t see very many!!
AHHH THATS SUCH A GOOD IDEA!! That’s absolutely adorable I starting smiling so hard while typing this‼️💖
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When you were reading your friend’s latest chapter you saw he drew a couple in that background resembled your appearance and had two thingys sticking out a guy’s head and glasses
you instantly knew it was you two!! (Especially with saiki’s limiters LOL)
freaking out, you and immediately ran to Saiki to show him 😭💓💓
he probably already noticed if he read the book before you
”KUSUO LOOK!! Looklooklook!- my author friend put us in the latest chapter!!!”
”yeah, I know I saw, he put us in the manga :)”
”that’s so ADORABLE 💞💞”
”I’m so happy! I’ve gotta thank him!”
you called your friend and barely gave him a chance to speak as you bursted with appreciation over the phone
he tells you he thought you and Saiki were a cute couple from when you introduced them to each other
so he got the spontaneous idea to put you two in his book!!
he explained that although it looked like you were just standing there with hearts over your heads (<3) you two were coming back from a dessert date!!
In a flash there was a smile on your face as you ran over to Kusuo once again to relay the message
he was rather fond of it considering that means he was eating coffee jelly 😎
”dang now he wants some..”
there was another scene where the main character passed a bakery and the items on sale in the window were coffee jelly and f/d!!!
the poster even read “coffee jelly and f/d are the finest together!~”
your shaking Kusuo and jumping up and down as you tell him about it!
he just sits there and lest it all happen with a faint smile 💖
he’s happy too of course
but your (literally) jumping with joy
often times after your friend finishes a chapter
you know how authors do that thing where they would put little doodles or facts at the end?
yeah he puts little chibi sketches of you and Kusuo doing cute couple stuff
one chapter will be chibi’s of you two holding hands
The next is you two on a date eating coffee jelly and f/d
it absolutely warms your heart 😭💝💝
you rant to Kusuo, your friends, your family, your author friend- EVERYBODY each time he does it
its so sweet of him!!
one time you put a detailed sketch of your author friend at the end of your chapter and he appreciated it so much!!
now it’s sorta just a back and forth thing between you two :3
This was such an adorable concept 😊💖
:3 (LOL)
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not-an-enstarrie · 1 year
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empresskadia · 2 months
Round 5 because I hyperfixate easily, and I think all the Spartans deserve kisses. My Achilles Heel is falling in love with fictional women. Anyway, hear me out:
Since the firing range had been down for maintenance, Linda-058 had been noticeably less enthused. Without being able to use Nornfang, she had quickly grown to be bored. So, thinking quickly, you suggested that she'd trying a game of accuracy or two. She wasn't very fond of pool, but she loved darts.
It was cute to see the concentration spread across her face before every throw of a dart. Part of you wondered if that was what it was like when she was behind a scope - the regal, calm, collected grace of the Sniper Goddess. When she turned to you and the red of your face, she gave you a playful wink. She won again, of course, but you got the consolation prize of a loving kiss from Spartan-058.
Kelly-087 has a tendency to steal your casual clothes. Even though most of your clothes don't exactly fit her, she will wear them. You'd be losing your mind looking for that sweater you could've sworn you had a week ago only for her to barge in with a guilty smile and returning it because "it doesn't smell like you anymore!" 
She tends to do this when you or her are busy, and she doesn't get to see you as much as she would like. John caught her wearing one of your hoodies once, when Blue Team was on back-to-back missions, and she hadn't seen you in a month. Kelly nearly tackled you when she got to see you again.
In public, Cal-141 acts as expected of her and her reputation as a Spartan-II. But, in the privacy of your quarters, she lets the walls down and basks in the freedom of being her true self. It doesn't matter how long you've been together. Everything you do together is like the first time for her, and it never fails to fluster her.
Slow dancing together, cuddling, holding hands - she loves it all. By far, her favorite thing to do is to compare the sizes of your hands. It never fails to make Cal blush, and if you weave your fingers with hers and kiss the top of her hand afterward? She'll be red in the face thinking about it for the rest of the day.
Your relationship with Sarah Palmer was sort of an open secret aboard the Infinity. Despite you and the Commander doing your best to keep your relationship under wraps, it was obvious to observers. Every other Spartan under her command respected the hell out of her but were kind of afraid of her. Sarah was only this gentle with you and you alone.
One time, Captain Lasky had found her going over your gear before one of your missions with Fireteam Majestic, and he laughed at how quickly she turned red, stuttering excuses for messing with your armor at 0200. Roland will never let her hear the end of it.
I've been waiting to read this, also same, all the Spartans deserve kisses and hugs and someone to love them so much that they're kinda shocked by it but omg gets excited to be with their partner, anyways-
Linda is skeptical when her partner drags her to Spartan Town's activity room and hands her a case of darts. She understands the concept of them and has seen the IVs play, but she isn't sure why they would insist on her playing. Until she actually starts throwing them. Yeah, it's not firing off Nornfang but she's having fun figuring out how to adjust her aim every time she moves back. And she's not complaining when the reward of kisses because you both know she's gonna win.
Blue team 100% gives Kelly shit for stealing her partner's clothes, and she could care less. It's comfortable, and it's not her fault they can't rizz someone up. The rest of the team can tell when Kelly wants to see her partner because she gets restless and is practically hopping between one feet and the next during missions.
I just adore the idea of Cal getting flustered over someone loving her. She's heard Maria-062 talk about retiring and having a family, and she remembers all the other spartans looking at her weirdly. But Cal gets it now. Yes, there are things she doesn't always understand with relationships, but every time her partner kisses her hand or calls her beautiful, it feels like the first time for her.
Everyone is gonna know because of Roland. That AI is the number one shipper, and he's a snoop. But also Roland is a wingman. If Sarah and her partner are having a moment, sorry, spartan that area of the ship is down for maintenance. Even if it wasn't for the AI, all the IVs see how Sarah's shoulders relax when you enter the room during war game or how her eyes always scan the room and settle on you before giving her fireteams crap. And Lasky? He's loving this because he gets to tease her endlessly with Roland.
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Hi, same anon the red notification marker divorced me. we had a 3 day long marriage but they left me after I got a new attack 😔
related post
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✨I don't feel 100% safe/confident posting this to my own blog so uhh. Have this--
✨It's my first time doing blackout poetry tbh but I got really inspired by you ^^
✨It's basically a story of someone starting to accept endos because their friend is pro-endo too
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Having a friend I enjoy spending time with be an endo or pro-endo. You support these people? The people [like] us and share our experiences? You support trans [people].
I think they're not sure about what they mean because they're so young, but I support that.
Support the people that wanted to be like us. You support that.
It's awesome, ty!<3
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yourfaveisakomaeda · 2 years
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Ryou Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh! is a True Komaeda!
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beyondthebackup · 9 months
[Submitted]: The Red Note
The note and the indented description of its location was submitted by an anonymous author.
Everything dies.
Normally, though, Backup sees it coming.
This is the grave of his childhood.
B gazes up at the crown of the mighty tree that used to make him feel so incredibly small, now frail and withering as it towers above him. Scarce sunlight slips through the yew’s crooked fingers like liquid gold.
A kaleidoscope of shadows flicker across B’s face as he passes beneath the glittering canopy and crushes its leaves underfoot.
The old yew looms over moss freckled lichen, arching branches like phoenix wings drawing it up from the ground in one last demonstration of life’s defiance, an evergreen’s final breath drawn from pallid-gray-green to malignant gold. Surrounded by sightless spectators, there is no witness when it is unjustly slain. In death, it remains as silent as the secrets it’s kept for all the lovers who carved their names into its flesh, all the dabblers in death who stole its carmine heirs from its branches. But the untimely cascade of coniferous needles reveals a hidden missive;
—a scarlet envelope left nailed beneath a skeletal branch.
B can still make out the wounds he inflicted year after year on red-brown bark, a tradition stolen from the English children. Not letters but tally marks, counting down to the day A would finally look up at him, brow furrowed with thinly-veiled rancor as he realized B was taller than him now and always would be. A never said anything, of course he didn’t, but he didn’t have to. B knew each time A returned to this tree he’d see the evidence: a gash that sits perfectly atop B’s head when he leans against the trunk, '182' carved proudly beside it. While A's gradually stammered to just above 172, Backup's growth sailed smoothly beyond what A would ever reach. The last two marks, 172 and 167, were made without Alternative's participation.
Risking splinters, Backup drags his hand down the years notch by notch and wonders exactly when the ancient thing died; in his memories, in that photo, it is emerald, lush and verdant as evergreens should be, unless…
He comes upon a hole that must have been drilled into the trunk; he absentmindedly sticks his finger inside, noting it to be about 1-2 inches deep. Backup quickly realizes that there are several identical holes around the circumference of the tree, along with multiple cuts exposing its vulnerable white flesh. Even the grass and foliage at the base are dying.
B can make out the massive thing from an impressive distance and recalls a few moments from the past year or so — flashes of yellow in the corner of his eye during football games and smoke breaks. He didn’t think much of it at the time. It’s just a tree, after all. Like everything else from those days, it faded into the background.
But this is death by a thousand cuts. These injuries are precise, deep and deliberate. This was a murder, carried out over days, weeks, months…
Whoever killed this tree did so slowly and left it to rot from the inside…as if hoping the poor thing could feel pain. But…why? Why this tree…?
It feels ridiculous to care about what killed a tree, but it’s even more ridiculous to care enough about a tree to kill it…
Something catches his eye
—red like a fresh incision.
B recognizes the glint of a nail and his body responds in an instant. The wounds from that day Alternative hunted him like an animal in these woods have only recently healed.
Memories of steel biting into his shoulder, the ice-tipped fang tearing through his thigh, the searing ache as he dug pseudo-bullets out of his skin and the grim reality that he nearly lost an eye haunt him like a vengeful ghost.
The last time he found something interesting nailed to a tree,
A was there.
As if it were an ambush.
B’s pulse quickens and he scans the treeline for movement, taking the time to become fully aware of his surroundings. Alternative still has that damned crossbow; despite his best efforts, he hasn’t been able to find it. Still, A is unlikely to make the same move twice in a row. That would make things too easy.
This place has always been still and quiet, and now is no exception. Eventually, B relaxes into the nostalgia.
He is alone.
There is no mistaking it; another hidden note, but this time, placed well out of his — or anyone else’s — reach. He’d have to climb the tree to retrieve it.
It appears he’ll have to put in some work this time.
B is confident when he begins his climb. He’s scaled this tree a dozen times before, although not since his youth.
It’s no trouble for him at all to jump and grab the first branch but, it lets out an unfamiliar groan, protesting his weight…he is stronger than he used to be, but heavier too, and these branches aren’t as wide as they once were.
He will have to be careful.
The next branch is the same, creaking under him like cheap furniture as he pulls himself up to straddle it. This tree is dying and making a fuss of it, bark crumbling under his fingers as he swings his leg up and tries to scale the third branch quickly.
Nothing feels stable enough to rest for long, especially not this last branch, high enough for a perfect view but not so high you can’t get back down. Years ago he and A would sit on it for hours, but B suspects that even grabbing it might be too dangerous now.
But he wants that letter.
He doesn’t have a choice.
B takes a deep breath and for a moment feels like a child again, grasping at the limb with blind faith. His scuffed fingertips straining at the edges as it moans, B reaches further, stretching his grasp into the open air. The limb begins to tenderly pop, but he won’t make it if he gives up now. He pulls with the full force of his strength, bringing his face into the sun’s unobscured light; he squeezes his eyes shut as it blinds him just before he hears the loud crack beneath his fingers, the next moment he is in free fall.
He shouts and birds scatter, there is no time to think before he
B groans out in pain, his head is throbbing so hard he almost regrets regaining consciousness. His back and limbs are sparking with a sharp agony and it takes some time before he dares to even move them.
Nothing is broken, and he doesn’t feel too disoriented. He struggles, slowly, into a sitting position and realizes he landed in a nest of expired needles. He should consider himself lucky. The jagged remains of that old branch glare back at him, a big gap like a question left unanswered.
Looking to his side, there is the letter — and the limb. He frowns. There’s still some green left at it’s core, and the red note defiantly isn’t even torn.
The note reads: I am enamored. Scintillating sparks on the surface of my skin trickle the path of your fingers like lambent dust caught in concentrated sunlight, like earth bound stars curling on your breath. It’s silent and ethereal, the mark of your fingers lingering where they stole my warmth greedily, still there, invisible and unquenched. Do you know I am left famished even when you are pitiless? My living-ember love, you are as inhospitable as the vampirous summer sun, bleeding the ground dry, scorching all tenderness that could wriggle out of reach of your blistering indignation— I hold my withered affection close and brace for the lick of your ire… You mistake my inaction for apathy but I think if I let you, you would scorch it all to cinders, just to prove how intensely your acrimony burns, just so I would know how uncompromising your ego has become for my dignity. I think of how you threaten to discard everything we have been to each other and I want to meet your ferocity with the cold-blooded recompense that everyone tells me is due… But, how can I do that when I look into your eyes and I see someone that once saw me when no one else would? How can I when I’ve known your heart —and it is not empty? How can I kill a fledgling hope I know is still within you, the trust that I would never leave you even if life made you thorny and bleak? How can I do it when the most untamed parts of you are home to all the untamed parts of me? How can I do that when it wouldn’t matter how unsparingly you loathed me, some part of me would still love you? I cannot reason with feral rage, there is no antivenom for enmity, but my heart cannot yield to the truth; that I want you to choose to love me back. Even in spite of all you’ve done to desecrate our bond… How pathetically I want you to look at me in the way others would long to be seen, how miserably I want you to speak to me from the places that sighed so softly when you rested your head next to mine, how cravenly I want you to love me in the way my heart would understand. Oh, savage love, how little fear your sanguine threats inspire when I am already consumed with a dread with which nothing else can contend… I do not fear the pain you could inflict anymore. I am not afraid of degradation or debasement. I am not even afraid of death. But, I am terrified that we will not live long enough to finish all those unloved sketches you’ve left in the drawer, or that I might die having not written all that longs to be read by your eyes and dies waiting for a home in your heart —I’m terrified that I won’t live long enough for all that is still within me to be born.
B presses his thumbs into the envelope, caressing the frayed edge left behind when he ripped it free from the nail. He pictures the other four notes hidden away in his room; secret treasures B keeps pressed between the pages of a thick, unassuming book. They are in perfect condition, Backup made certain of that, but this one…is damaged.
The symbolism is not lost on him.
This note is different.
While the others were marked by their playful lust, pretty fantasies signed off with hearts…this one is pointedly somber. Intimate beyond the physical. The author knows the subject of these letters, or at least claims to…in a way that B has never been known, cannot ever be known.
What the hell is this…? This isn’t about him.
Talk of hope and trust and home and seeing their heart — if someone said these things to his face, he’s not sure he could stop himself from laughing. It wouldn’t just be presumptuous, but ridiculous, borderline delusional…
But B isn’t laughing. There is a growing knot in the center of his chest.
He wants this ridiculous letter to be about him.
It’s been fun so, of course he does…but it’s something more than that. There is a bitter familiarity in the author’s tone of voice that cuts through B’s impulse to write them off.
There is not just nebulous talk of ‘love’ but resentment, strife, and death. No, B would be lying if he said that nothing in this note could apply to him, but still…
——— Obelus Yoriko Umbral A ———
Yoriko, perhaps, would be willing to project such far-fetched hopes onto him…but she has the least to complain about out of all the suspects. This is simply because B senses she has the self-respect to stop tolerating him if he pushes her too far — he can’t have that, not when things are just now getting good.
Umbral might yearn for B to be more affectionate with him outside of his rewards for good performance…but he takes what he is given, and this note is almost defiant in what it’s asking for.
Was B wrong to eliminate Obelus just because he’s sure he’d never write about wearing a dress? Doesn’t he know better after studying B like a bug under a microscope for all these years? Isn’t that why he keeps his mouth shut even though his romantic feelings for B are so painfully obvious?
And why does he even keep A on this mental list?
A despises him.
Yet, he doesn’t want to eliminate the possibility from his mind.
Because he likes the idea.
It’s impossible, and that’s what makes the thought amusing. A would have to be truly out of his mind to write like this about B.
No one is crueler to Alternative than Backup.
And why wouldn't he be?
If it weren't for Backup's persistent reminders that their precious figurehead is indeed fallible, their drooling peers and instructors would inflate A's ego to the point of no return. B can just picture his look of smug superiority, that air of stern self-importance that makes B want to turn him inside out. The humiliation, the torment, the cruelty is all necessary. Left unchecked, A might grow a spine and pursue relationships with others, grow foolish enough to believe in something other than his inexorable defeat at Backup's hands.
But he does more for Alternative than just make him miserable. Their rivalry is give-and-take.
B knows the truth, even if no one else does — that for all his faux innocence and doe-eyed victimhood, the degradation gets A off.
But he won't ever admit it. A’s image is perhaps the most important thing in the world to him, and he takes great pains to convince everyone that he gets nothing out of their twisted dynamic.
One of his many lies.
No, there is just no motive for A to author these notes (god forbid with any shred of sincerity). If he had, this would be nothing short of a mixed fucking message.
It is absurd, the idea that A secretly yearns for him to drop all pretense and seriously treat him like his fucking boyfriend, right?
There is barely a moment of consideration before the answer emerges from his memory.
"They think too highly of me to suffer delusions of your adequacy~
Do you think you’d even know how to be my boyfriend if you tried?"
That is what Abel said to him, before B promptly trapped him in the bathroom and made him miss their next class.
When he said it, he meant it. When B retaliated, he meant it. After everything A has done to him, he should be grateful for B’s restraint up till now.
Even after everything he’s put him through, even after … after 'everything you’ve done to desecrate our bond’…
B scowls. Right.
A had only ever categorically denied 'everything we’ve ever been to each other’, his capacity for shame being perhaps one of the starkest differences between him and B.
In spite of the impossibility that this trepid confession could represent Abel’s genuine feelings, the notion crashes into B like water on hot stones and his agitation splinters into a disorienting fog.
Every day he and A address each other with taunts and insults, overt threats and whispered coquetry, the fistfights and arguments a theater they put on for the house while they commit attempted murder and carnal sins in private.
The one thing they do not do is speak to each other like this.
It’s against the rules.
It would be an easy enough pill to swallow if A wrote these letters to get inside B’s head, to escalate the cruelty of their game.
But, if he is this good at it, then B has so severely underestimated his abilities that he’s become unrecognizable as an opponent.
It was improbable, even if A was capable of it. These notes were not merely diversions conceived in an hour's time. Their author wrote with palpably poignant ardor, with carefully constructed allusions penned in ink. Their methodical strokes were elegant but bold enough to be written without the possibility of erasure, suggesting that every step of their creation was arduously intentional, practiced.
No… it wouldn’t be worth the farce of simply luring him into A’s crosshairs...
But, if this could be felt for Backup by anyone, if A could feel anything like this, anything to this degree, if he could even conceive of the thought and mean it — B’s train of thought comes to a grinding, screeching halt.
He doesn’t even notice his racing heartbeat, the tension crawling up his shoulders and back, teeth digging into tongue.
Why would he ever say he’d never leave me?
Of course, he won’t.
Not ever.
It’s not up to A and it never was; it is fate that he won’t survive long enough to have a life outside of this place, outside of B’s reach — but he can’t possibly know that.
B would never leave something so important up to trust.
The absolute futility of it all has not left Backup complacent.
He respects Alternative far too much to accept victory by default.
A spends each day running, trying to put as much distance between them as he can; but he can’t do it forever. He will tire. He will fall.
B chases him and blocks the exits even if he doesn’t have to, he keeps a hand on his back ready to drag him down-
Down to his level.
Dirt, graves, and hell.
They grew beside one another like trees, blocking each other’s sun, tangling their roots. B looks all the more warped standing next to A, but the rot is in both of them.
The rot defines them.
Why can’t he just let it define them?
Why can’t he stop wanting more than to rot and strangle and suffocate him until its done?
How can I do that when it wouldn’t matter how unsparingly you loathed me,
some part of me would still love you?
Backup grits his teeth, his throat filling up with something utterly intangible yet almost too thick to breathe around, he is suddenly too hot and the chittering insects are too loud. The world around him slows to an absolute crawl and when B decides he is not doing this, he is not going to waste his time thinking about this when A did not write this, A would never think this, A would never make these promises, A did not love him,
He stuffs the letter back into its envelope and tries to shake it from his mind.
But he cannot bring himself to leave it. For some agonizing reason, he cannot leave it to be bleached by the sun and consumed by insects eating through the yew’s fallen leaves.
…Why does it even matter to him?
A would have thrown it away.
A would have left it to be forgotten. If he had given it to A, he would have torn it up in front of him—
"… They say that boys often go their entire lives without receiving flowers until their funerals, I suppose now that cannot be said of either of us…"
The words spoken when A gave the flower back to him returned, it still lacked all the malice he had expected to be there. A had not disposed of it, he had not torn it apart, that’s not what happened…
The contradiction, the flaw in A’s thick veneer of antagonism, the possibility pounding at the inside of his skull, something boiling deep inside of him and threatening to burst. He wants to reject this discomfort, he wants to be excited again like he was when he thought something fun was finally happening that didn’t involve his persistent
A dangerous idea reoccurs to him after sitting in the back of his mind for days. It consumes his every fiber, reverberates on every cell like the cicadas in the forest at dusk and he sees the opportunity in front of him with new eyes— the only way he’d get any answers is if he played the game.
If he wrote a response to these letters, but left it for A to find…
Could it affect him? Would it reach through Alternative’s facade? —Would he see a flicker of A’s desire to be truly known…even loved?
… Is A capable of wanting more than the mask of perfection? … Is he capable of wanting — tenderness?
Enough to accept it, even from someone else…?
A voice brushes his mind with unwanted advice, “Maybe—if I was just a little bit kinder to him than you’re capable of being, he might want it more than he wants to be fucked ~” C’s provocation reemerges to taunt him, and as quickly as it breaches the surface, B buries the creeping sense that he could have a point… but not before it introduces him to a new prospect:
He might receive a response from the parts of A that never spoke to him aloud —the parts that wouldn’t throw away the flower left on his nightstand…
B’s guard against ill-fated fantasy rises immediately, he wouldn’t put it past A to be vicious just to spite him.
But what if he didn’t know who they were from? What if he left them for A to make of what he would, for them to twist and pluck at his inner workings, to keep him awake at night— to let him deny ownership of if it all proved fruitless~
If nothing came of it, he could at least enjoy toying with A until his experimentation with tenderness honed him into a more skillful handler of his admirer’s sensitive heart…if this was truly his admirer.
Backup tucks the note away carefully, determined to return to his room and begin drafting his reply, but he feels a pull to the fallen limb discarded on the ground.
The yew is dead.
Nothing can be done about that.
But this limb isn’t…at least, not entirely.
B picks it up, and for a moment, contemplates its weight in his hands.
It’s easy enough to discard a flower. But if something could grow from this branch…if the progeny of that old tree could sprout from its discarded bones, and A saw such a gesture of sentimentality from B…would it rattle him?
This yew is not just the grave of B’s childhood after all, but A’s, too.
If C wants to lecture him about playing nice, he can make himself useful.
He will bring it to the greenhouse to see what can be done.
[Lavender Note]
[Pink Note]
[Blue Note]
[Red Note]
[Tag: Love Note]
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drdtappreciation · 9 months
this is more of a subtle thing but i love love love love LOVE how the characters have more personality than just their talents!!! heck, i forgot what Arei and Eden’s talents were until the end of chapter 1 because it was never really brought up or relevant to the plot. not in a bad way!! most fangans, and original DR itself, tends to make a character’s entire personality based around their Ultimate, which can seem shallow and uncreative at times. i’m not saying people can’t do this with their characters if they want to, and it can still be good if executed well, but i’m really glad DRDT didn’t go with this trope. they MATCH their respective talents, but still have a lot of personality outside of it. it feels more realistic, you know? DRDTdev did an absolutely phenomenal job at writing.
sorry if this is wild or uncomprehensible. i’m really bad at words 😅
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
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Photos taking right before Ingo got pranked by his brother :)
seconds later, Emmet steals his cap and sprints away. Once a bratty little brother, always a bratty little brother.
(it’s okay though. ingo just gets Lady Sneasler to chase Emmet down. he might not be her warden in this universe, but she still loves the funky train man regardless.)
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i see you have a really wonderful creativity and if you keep believing you will get famous for art, it is true. i love your art very much and it speaks to such a deep well of emotion. keep up the good work you are amazing!!!!
i know I can go big, comments like this are making stronger my confidence, I hope all the stuff I’m doing someday will be on a screen 🌟
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luffyvace · 5 months
Hi beautiful. Your writing is just so good. So as request are open I would please request Nico robin x younger brother reader(biologial) thank you so much. Got the idea from the last fic you did with boa x older brother reader. Tbh you should open commsion. Sure people will come runing to you.
AWHH HII! omg robin would be such a good big sister of course i’ll do it!! it’s no problem at all anon!!
OMG that’s the biggest compliment ever!! i’m actually starting to consider this now that i think about it..:) thanks for the idea!
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you and chopper twinning fr 🤪
LOLLOL anyways enjoy 😋💗
big sister robin>>
so getting the angst over with
you had each other and no one else for some time when you two were back on ohara
robin always prioritized, protected and loved you
you were the first one that knew her personally and didn’t shove her away
the first one that stuck by her, loving her unconditionally
you two gave each other lots of hugs and kisses on the forehead
as well as cuddling at night
you had a tough life since before you even hit 5
so you showed each other affection all the time to make up for the lack you should be getting from your parents
its sad you realized that at such a young age but you did
of course you had and appreciated the researchers but they weren’t family and they weren’t your parents!
you, robin and saul had good times and he taught you a lot in the short time you spend together before he died
both you and robin were confused when aokiji spared you
as sad as it is you were grateful and lost when he did, knowing you got to live on, but yet you had to do it with nothing left
if your a few years younger than robin, let’s say your 3
robin remembered your mom better than you and she always told you as much as she knew about her
she would buy you toy cars with whatever money she had when she could
she read you to sleep if your had troubles dozing off
she constantly reminded you “mommy will be back soon”
even though a piece of her told her she wouldn’t
that she’d have to step up and raise you herself
ok so time skip!!
robin is still just as motherly as she was back then
although now she can provide for you better!
you play lots of board games and read together
your the one person who can really get her laughing
of course she laughs with the rest of the crew, but with you? even if the joke is unfunny she’ll giggle the day away
which leads me to say she’ll do anything to keep you happy and healthy
she’s very knowledgeable and has taken care of you your entire life
so you go to her about any and everything
it doesn’t matter if it’s relevant or not she’ll listen anyway
sometimes you don’t even have to go to chopper
your tummy hurts? yeah she knows, it’s because you ate those berries she warned you about
what do you do if _____ happens?? oh just ______ that’s happened to her before
shes strong and you admire her for it
if your strong too you make a powerful duo!
devil fruit or not
shes got your back in any fights
and your the one person besides nami she won’t use as a stepping stool when climbing 😋
in fact she helps you up
if your weak or normal strength she always has a eye out for you
does you little favors all the time
need a helping hand?
i’m so happy with myself for making that joke
if you spill something she’s cleaning it
if your carrying something heavy she’s helping you and supporting your weight
if your cleaning your room she’ll help you sort stuff out
“i told you to clean it a long time ago, you know, m/n”
robin lectures!:)
yup that’s my next topic
shes super motherly/big sisterly
so you get lectures and lightly scolded for not listening to the all knowing robin’s advice!
lightly, like i said. it’s still in her soothing voice
the last thing she wants is to scare you
she just wants you to listen!
”see? wouldn’t it have been easier if you just ______ like i said?”
”i told you m/n”
*face palm when you end up in a silly predicament*
*sighs and helps you out*
she gives you head pats and sometimes puts a reassuring arm over your shoulder
she gets you things she knows you’d like when she comes across them
just as she did when you were younger💞
if your feeling sad, jealous, angry, etc for any reason she knows
the most observant person on the planet has known you your whole life. 😐
she knows everything.
still kisses you atop your head every night before you got to bed
its so sweet 💖
she can definitely handle if your a more excitable person too
acts like how she does with luffy
smiles and goes along with your silly plans
she’ll help you prank people just because she loves you
but if you try to prank her she anticipates the trap and avoids it
either that or she saw you set it up in the first place, but you didn’t see her 😭
somehow she manages to get you in your own trap when you do that to her
raises her eyebrows and smiles at you knowingly to show you she knew you were trying to prank her
other times she just promises not to say anything to the victim your trying to prank 😊
sometimes leading them to the trap
if your more introverted she won’t mind if you follow her around for peace and quiet
you often read together in silence
or recommend books to each other, swapping when your done
if you get tired she’ll carry you
usually with extra arms
let’s you know when dinner is ready if your too indulged in a book
wants you to get rest when it’s your turn to watch over the ship at night
so sometimes she takes your spot
other times she’ll stay up with you to see the beautiful sunrise
tickles you to make you laugh, she likes seeing you happy
she also knows just what to do to make you smile when your feeling down
just for the record you, chopper, robin and zoro are a group!!! as well as you, franky and robin!♡
if you have a calm and cool demeanor like your older sister robin..!
the straw hats may view you as a older sibling as well
especially chopper
going to you for advice and breaking up fights,
nami will definitely use you for that second one, i must say
another thing:)
you fall asleep with your head resting on her shoulder a lot
she doesn’t move you and will sometimes pat your head or wrap an arm around you
very good at keeping still<3
puts a blanket around you too
will openly give you hugs but most the time you initiate them
i want a hug from robinn
lucky u
robin best big sister!!
she’s such a sweetie♥︎
as always! i hope you enjoyed, anon.
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atlaheritageposts · 4 months
another submission: https://www.tumblr.com/tobeohs/622047731474677761/sokka-i-challenge-you-to-an-agni-kai-zuko-wh
I had never seen this post before, but it definitely deserves a spot here!
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After submissions close would you consider making the responses publicly viewable? I myself typed out a passionate essay LOL so I'm curious about others who no doubt did the same
Yeah I’ll do that!! Since all the responses are anonymous I think getting to read about other peoples passionate feelings on characters would be fun (unless I get any asks specifically against it or wanting me to remove their response, if that’s a thing that’s possible)
Also after this I won’t answer any more asks about which characters have been submitted, but I’ll consolidate all current asks about it here:
There are several Precure characters with 1 or 2 submissions, with the most submitted being Cure Ace and Pekorin at I think 3 each? Sanji from One Piece is in there 3 times I think, and there are lots of Warrior Cats, with the most submitted so far being Ashfur with 3 (Longtail has one submission, presumably the anon who asked about them). There are almost 700 submissions and about 440 unique characters, so who knows how many polls will end up in the final thing? I want to keep as many as possible and because each character gets their own poll I may not even be limited by powers of 2!
Also to publicly answer a semi-related question I’ve been asked in pms: no worries if you accidentally double submitted due to a glitch or something, if I see concurrent submissions with identical propaganda I’ll make sure to account for that!!
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