#that egg will be very important
the-real-maglev · 17 days
Dream BBQ Analysis & Speculation: the Reveal Trailer
Hoo boy, at least I can get this one out of the way early. This trailer was a massive piece of whiplash when it was first posted and its still very engrossing to this day. I dread covering this one because there's a lot of stuff shown here but there's virtually zero clues towards what any of it could be at all. There's so many things packed into 25 seconds that it's almost overwhelming. I'll see what I can unpack though.
[Flashing lights warning, this is a bit redundant since the trailer also has the warning, but I felt like it'd be courteous]
The Japanese text just reads Dream BBQ, nothing of note there, even with the wierd backgrounds. Speaking of which, we see minimal scenery in this trailer due to the backgrounds instead primarily consisting of gradients and other such designs. There's also a bunch of misc clips during the opening that don't seem to bear any particular significance (like the wall of Froggy talking and Taski's anxiety dance), so I'll trim it down to only the scenes I deem important enough to cover.
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The first notable scene is the rotating ENAs with the changing background color. Something I notice is that the uniform is rendered in grayscale here, but that's not the most interesting thing. First, one of the ENAs here has the season 1 colors despite wearing season 2's outfit and hairstyle. Maybe this is hinting towards them being one in the same rather than different characters like most people assume? The language the staff has used in regards to BBQ ENA's relation to season 1 ENA seems to point to that as well. Very interesting indeed, but that isn't even the most interesting part of this clip.
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Thats right, four brand new color combos: green+eraser pink, yellow+orange (who looks like cheese personally), purple+tan and wierd color I can't identify+cyan. Whether these are hinting towards us meeting more ENAs or are just funky trailer visuals, only time will tell. I think the purple+tan one looks cool though. Very miniscule detail, the ENAs on the left have their torso color reflect the right side of their face, while the ENAs on the right side have their torso color reflect the left side of their face, something that goes for BBQ ENA and season 1 ENA as well.
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That's not even all from this clip, since it gives the first look at Broken ENA. She curiously doesn't have her hat here, but that's probably just because she's upside down and gravity is active. I'll get into Broken ENA more when we get to the Steam trailer, there's a lot to say about her there.
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This may be a reach but I feel like this shot may imply a casino area. My main thought is that this may be linked to the neon alleyway shown in the screenshots on the Steam page, but I'm basically just spitballing here.
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Here we have the debut of a character I'll be dubbing Orca, since they bear resemblance to Peruvian orca carvings. Its details cannot be made out here due to the angle, however a clearer view of this character has appeared in the Fangamer merchandise, so I'll get into it more when I reach the merchandise. From this shot, though, I can assume this character isn't the most hospitable, considering our first impressions of them are them devouring ENA.
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Here we have this headless blue horse made of... threads? Some sort of winding material. I feel like this character may be based on Leghorse from Space Funeral, but I'm willing to accept wrongness there. It's also surrounded by these root pants characters that I have a feeling will be recurring minor NPCs throughout the game. Interestingly, they seem to be bowing in worship to this horse character. I have a bit of a theory as to why
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This here is a beta screenshot of the quest board, which was shown off in the 2022 ENA Day livestream (and archived on the ENA Wiki). I have far more to say about it when we get to the Steam trailer, but for now I want to draw attention to the icon beside the quest title on the left side, which depicts the horse character. Perhaps this horse will be responsible for quests? That would explain why the roots were bowing down to it, since it seems to give orders to others if it's a quest manager. The opening of the Steam trailer gives me other ideas though, which combines with the fact that the quest board has changed design to make me doubt that this is the case. Still an interesting prospect I think.
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I need you to really take in this egg, it will be crucial to understanding Dream BBQ
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Now we have a rather interesting character who hasn't been seen since. I feel like this might actually be a different character manifesting out of the clothes like how Phindoll just lives in and ophanim-esque residence. I'm thinking those birds could coalesce into a different NPC.
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After those incredibly dense 25 seconds, the trailer thankfully slows down dramatically for the next two thirds of its runtime, spent mostly on this screen here. There's still plenty to dissect here, though. I will be going over each panel left to right in the bulletpoints below.
• First up, Froggy makes his debut here. A bit strange that Taski Maiden was revealed before him when he's meant to be the secondary protagonist, but I digress. Speaking of digression, the ENA Wiki says that he bears a resemblance to Tsubakura Enraku from Len'en Project (mainly in sharing key colors in key places) and the comparison is bizarrely sound so I just have to share it. The visuals definitely seem to paint a laid back, possibly slacker picture of him, which lines up with how he was described in ENA Day 2023, being a foolish comic relief sidekick with a high opinion of himself. He was described as being based on comic relief characters in old Japanese detective dramas, which makes me feel like he shares an origin with Gumshoe from the Ace Attorney series, though his only two known lines (from the Steam page and the delay announcement) seem to imply that he's going to be rather commanding and rude. I must also draw attention to the docks he sits at. The green sky and gray terrain make me think this may actually be a more dreary version of the overworld from season 1, which was depicted with a green sky in Temptation Stairway and always had gray grounds. Quite a neat area regardless.
• This is the first time we see BBQ ENA with her iconic megaphone and the first hint towards Meanie ENA's personality. Not much to say about this panel other than I find the pose to be amusing. I'll take the opportunity to say that BBQ ENA and Teto in Mesmerizer wear incredibly similar outfits and I'm taking my followers down with me. I'll take this time to spout my 10000 years theory, as I call it, which states that Dream BBQ takes place... well, 10000 years after Temptation Stairway. Reason I say this here is because the very insistent terminology of the team makes me think BBQ ENA actually IS the same person as season 1's ENA after all, it's just that she's matured after spending eons in the realm of Runas. Likewise, the world and other characters have changed a lot in that time a well to a point of unrecognizability, going with the statement that we might be seeing familiar faces but very different from when we last saw them. I find it to be a very interesting prospect personally. I'll be getting back to this theory soon in this post.
• Here marks the debut of the little guys that Taski Maiden lugs around. I'll say that I see Taski being a child and thus they aren't her children, no idea what relation they could hold though. I have a feeling there will be a quest involving bringing Taski's little guys back to her. I have some other misc things to talk about with Taski while I'm here though. First, I just love how free-form her design is. Like, it seems that every pattern on her body and even those wierd whisker outline bits are able to move independently and I feel like that will lead to some very expressive animation. I'd also like to note an insane theory I had that I heavy doubt will be true but I must still share because of the strange amount of evidence: Taski Maiden could be connected to (or straight up *was*, following the 10000 years theory) Moony. Both have gray skin (with Taski's skin tone looking like a middleground between the halves of Primal Moony), a single rounded eye (with Taski's being on the right side of her face, just like with Primal Moony), some other iconic attribute in place of a second eye (Moony's geometric inclusion and Taski's mask thingy) and are voiced by Lizzie Freeman (this is admittedly the weakest point because Lizzie also voices Sad ENA but it's an existing similarity so I've got to say it). Taski's little guys are even split into dark gray and light gray halves, with the darker side on the left, just like Primal Moony, with their body shape resembling a chibified Primal Moony too. If there really is a connection, it'd explain why Taski seems to be quite a major character. This even ironically plays into the 10000 years theory, with Moony getting less mature being an amusing contrast to ENA getting more mature. Nonetheless, it's a bit of a crack theory, but it's there.
• Then we have the noteface guy, who I nickname Henoheno due to that being the start of the long name that kanji face has. He's always struck me as looking like sort of boss, however there's like nothing to go off of. All I can assume is that his appearance in ENA Day 2024 means he'll be in Lonely Door and he'll be more important than the average NPC.
• And lastly, the sea of blood area. This area has appeared in just about all the promotional material, likely due to just how strange and creepy it is. Curiously, the eye in the sky changes colors in the Fangamer lenticular poster. I wonder if that'll happen in-game or if that's just something Fangamer did to give the poster more movement. This area seems extremely important and I'm sure we'll be spending plenty of time here, as disconcerting as the area may be. Possibly we'll even be revisiting this area in multiple chapters.
Not even gonna bother talking about Clown anymore because I already said a ton about him in the teaser analysis. This post has been in my drafts for days and it feels amazing to finally have it posted. I hope you all like my insane theories. The next post will be about the Steam trailer... or more appropriately, only part of it, since the Steam trailer is so loaded with information that I'm splitting its analysis into multiple parts.
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fizzytoo · 2 months
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Vaggie: Alastor can you watch the eggs their being....eggs and I have to- just take them off my hands
Alastor: ooo i certainly will....
Vaggie:.....in a peaceful manner. Alastor.
Alastor: mmm well that's less fun, also why should I watch them?
Vaggie: well you're going to some meeting and I have to help charlie-
Alastor: didn't she excuse you from your duties for today?
Vaggie:...why would she- why would I ask for that??
Alastor: why, you have to come to this meeting to my dear!
Vaggie: no I dont?? It's an overlord meeting I'm not an overlord-
Alastor: but you are!
Vaggie: if anything charlie should probably be going with you rather then me- what what??
Alastor: I'll explain on the way! *just fucking leaves*
Vaggie: wha- alastor! Alastor I swear to the lord you better explain!
Alastor: hmmm, well you're an overlord my dear I don't think there's anything else TO explain
Vaggie: right...but I'm NOT an overlord??
Alastor: I beg to differ, I knew there was something off about you but couldn't place it until Charlie said something
Vaggie: Charlie- what does- okay you know what? You're insane. I'm going to go talk to Charlie myself!
Alastor grabs her shirt collar like a kitten: ah-ah-ah you have a meeting to attend my dear! It's be bad manners if you skipped it, whoch I suppose you've been skipping them for the past 5 or so years?
Vaggie: No, I haven't! and let go of my you asshole!
Alastor: hmmm no I don't think I will~ come on now! We're already half way there!
Vaggie: ugh, at least tell me how you and xharlie think I'm an overlord- which I'm NOT by the way!
Alastor: well...do you remember that sinner you saved? The one you had a slat with and ended uo teaching self defense?
Vaggie: how do you-....ah, charlie- what does that have to do with anything??
Alastor radio noise of displeasure: well, APPARENTLY they told more demons, you DO remember the large influx of demons who came to you right?
Vaggie: I.....I um....yeah....
Alastor: well they said they owed you 'favors' correct?
Alastor: they gave you their souls until said favor is called upon! You not using it has apparently given you the reputation of a very lenient overlord, a defensive and protective one at that! So more people cane to you, you trianed them in defense and most gave you their souls so you could call upon them for a favor at a time of your choosing!
Vaggie: going through the 5 stages of grief trying to process it all
Alastor: On top of that, the other overlords seem to be threatened by the fact you have so many souls and demons going to you WILLINGLY, you not showing up to meetings and beong little morningstars girlfriend doesnt help that either!So this will be a fun first meeting~
Vaggie: no no no no no nope! Alastor, you let me go right this second! I am not- no! Alastor! Alastor!!!
Zestial: Alastor and...oh the defensive Overlord nice to meet you again nd to finally meet you
Vaggie: ¿¡Quién diablos es esta araña joder!? (Who the hell is this spider fuck!?)
Part 1 | Part 2(here!!) | Part 3
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Once more thinkin about this Prompt/AU
And I decided to sketch the level 1 forms the team (& Ellie) have along with sketches of their lvl 200+ Forms. I do believe Klarion is having a blast with his new friends and the Young Justice Team is going to have some Trauma from not knowing this is a Game.
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Tucker: Lvl 1 Cat | Sam: Lvl 1 Sprout | Valerie: Lvl 1 Golem | Danny: Lvl 2 Dragon Egg | Ellie: Lvl 1 Celestial Snakelett
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(Click for higher quality) Also they are all now Mountain Sized or Larger. Also pondering them all having 3 stages to their bossfights. Second stages is when they start using more magic & less "minions" and final stage is when shit hits the fan & the surroundings get Wrecked. Like Tucker summoning a literal storm & getting lightning charged, or Sam fully emerging from the caves, or Valerie unearthing herself and the team realizing the entire dungeon-city was On Her Back.
@victoria-has-no-secret @qitsin Both y'all reblogged with fun ideas so here @bleuyellow93-storytime you had very VERY fun tags so also here lol [If u don't want to be tagged I apologize] Aaand finally, @radiance1 I think you'd like these
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
Someone asked why my cat guy was in a bikini, and the answer is: Men and them can wear bikini’s too!
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To demonstrate, here’s Lan Wangji and his brunch friend Elle Woods at their weekly summer hangout.
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Riot Kings, page 172
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first // prev // next
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frownyalfred · 1 year
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the shopping list from hell, AKA what Alfred has to deal with every 5-7 business days
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spocks-kaathyra · 11 months
Cardassian egg painting
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I know it doesn't make a lot of sense for Cardassians to lay eggs but humor me for a second here because imagine the culture that could evolve around it.
You know how reptile eggs shouldn't be rotated during incubation otherwise the baby will die, so breeders will often mark the top of an egg so they know the proper orientation? What if Cardassians do this too. And what if it's evolved from simple markings to, like, auspicious sigils. Like, you can wish your baby health/prosperity/filial piety/etc. by painting or stamping the corresponding symbol on top of their egg. Of course it's superstition that this actually affects the baby's fate, but even non-superstitious people do it anyway, just because it's tradition.
The substance that the symbol is painted with also supposedly affects the baby. This is a bit more scientifically sound, since chemicals can penetrate the shell and influence the fetus's development. Traditionally you'd use different kinds of herbal dye, but in modern times people are getting more scientific about it and using dyes imbued with chemicals that are proven to be beneficial to fetal development.
There are established symbols that signify different well-wishes, but of course people get creative with it. You can incorporate multiple symbols in your design, or hire a fortune teller to come up with a personalized design for your baby, or just add your own little flourishes. The designs can get quite elaborate. In modern times, parents who don't believe in the superstition of it have started painting other things on their eggs. A pretty design incorporating the baby's name, writing a letter to their baby, drawings with sentimental but not spiritual importance.
If the baby hatches in a way that doesn't damage the design, parents will often preserve the portion of the shell that has the design on it as a keepsake. If the baby does damage the design when they hatch, it's considered a bad omen, and a sign that the baby's fate will be the opposite of whatever the design symbolized.
When you walk into a Cardassian hospital's incubator room, you'll see eggs with all sorts of different designs—and some unmarked eggs, too. Those are probably orphans or bastards, babies without parents who care enough to wish them well. Sometimes hospitals will stamp those eggs with a generic, simple design wishing health. Usually not, though.
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fisheito · 6 months
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Grandpa: well. uh. *brushes the feather off yakumo's chin* hm. Why... don't we go,. help Grandma now
based on a snippet of this anon's ask
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dyketubbo · 2 months
properly got the chance to read through the statements made by pomme dapper and ramons admins (plus admin 18s and some of the twitter update admins) and jeez i feel so bad for them but especially pommes admin. something incredibly sinister about focusing so much mistreatment on the admin who comes from the country where the union efforts are coming from while making merch of the character they played. capitalism is the enemy of creativity. whoever the people are that are removing admins without notice, theyre the ones that deserve to be removed from the project. not the egg/worker/animal admins that the whole fucking story is built on the backs of
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terezicaptor · 2 months
fit and tubbo would both rather die than discuss their feelings with one another. That being said I think they should try anyway
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fruitageoforanges · 3 months
i wonder if the reason why helaena and aemond's cradle eggs didn't hatch, beyond the fact that it isn't actually all that common, is because by the time they were born, viserys already didn't care that much about his children. presumably it was viserys who placed the eggs in his children's cradles; when he did it for aegon, the son he craved for so long, sunfyre hatched, and went on to have a famously strong bond with aegon. but he doesn't seem nearly as interested in his third and fourth children, and their eggs don't hatch. on the other hand, we have rhaenyra, who famously loved her sons, and four out of five hatched cradle dragons.
now, there's obviously a lot of exceptions to this rule — tessarion was a cradle dragon, moondancer, morning & daemon's complicated relationship with his daughters, whatever the fuck was going on with jaehaerys and alysanne's kids. it isn't the only factor in whether a cradle egg hatches or not, but i wonder if the act of placing it in the cradle has some vaguely magical significance, and whether it matters who does it. that if the person who places it is full of love and excitement, it makes the egg that bit more likely to hatch.
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skeletalheartattack · 6 months
Devil bottles takes control of your dog for revenge clawing and biting its horrible
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not my fuckin dog man leave him out of this
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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That moment when you’re a little sick with despair
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bolithesenate · 2 months
On the topic of food.
Dooku, Sifo, Jocasta, Jaster **least** favorite food?
ohhh, now we're talking. hmmm
I think for Sifo I'll actually say that he is a pretty picky eater, at least compared to most jedi. idk, if I was overwhelmed with the weight of ten diffrent futures at all times I'd probably not want too pungent or strong tasting foods.
So the swamp stew is definitely up there, but I think any sort of blue cheese. Sifo hates them with a passion. waste of perfectly good milk.
For Dooku.... do you know those horrible, horrible sugar bomb burritos you sometimes see on social media? like where ice cream and all sorts of sweet gummied and sprinkles get wrapped in a burrito of candy floss or smt?
Dooku doesn't have much of a sweet tooth anyways and stuff like that just gives him diabetes with just a glance.
As for Jocasta, hm, I could see her dislike something more because of the texture than the actual taste. So maybe anything glibbery, slimy like pudding or roe? Yeah, let's go with roe. Any sort of fish eggs you can hunt her with.
And Jaster i've mentioned before in the serennian cuisine thing i think, but he's mever coming aroumd to any sort of raw fish or meat. Especially when it's like a whole animal like certain mussles or fish, something deep inside him just refises to see it as food.
Mandalorians have the cultural predisposition for well-cooked, stewed into oblivion dishes, so it's umderstandable.
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lepidopteragirl · 1 year
did charlies little transgender egg live
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