#that gopher kid as someone called him
old-type-40 · 1 year
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(Gif credit to @holly-mckenzie - I don't know why Tumblr didn't put the credit in automatically.)
I wasn't certain before. But now that I've gif'ed the corresponding scene from the movie Shawshank Redemption, I am certain that moment above with Bobby is a tribute to Andy standing in the rain after he escapes from prison.
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P.S. On a completely unrelated note, I wonder if Chief O'Brien knows that his wife traveled to an alternate universe and became a vicious Texas warlord in a ravaged post pandemic world.
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How do you think the boys were when MC didn't come back for a day? I imagine Kaito starting a riot and probably crying. Maybe even failing to sneak out lol (I love him 😭)
Oh GOD! the CHAOS! I'm gonna do this more as a group headcanon for both houses. Thank you for sending in a request!
It was around lunch time when the message that MC went MIA on a mission. These are the headcanons of the brave souls that survived that day.
Jin was already pissed that he lost his newest gopher (affectionate) to do stuff for him. But the second that message dropped. He had to do a double and even a triple take to make sure he read that right. As soon as he's sure he IMMEDIATELY get Tohma to check the tracker on the cruiser he lent out to them (he's rich. He absolutely has a tracker put on his shit)
Kaito is screaming, crying, throwing up (okay maybe not that last one). He's READY to go dive into the water to save MC. He is LOSING IT scoob!
Some would think that our boy Luca would try to keep Kaito calm....in actuality he's almost just as bad. He just manages to keep it on the inside. He's trying to do it through the proper channels (ie Professor Dante) but when that doesn't work or will take too long for their liking, he's coming up with an escape plan right alongside Kaito.
We gave to remember that Luca has already lost one of his loved ones. He's sure as HELL not losing another one without a fight!
Tohma is STRESSED! Not because MC is missing though. He's concerned sure, but he's sure they'll come back soon, missions are typically dangerous after all. He doesn't have much faith in the academy itself. Its more of a logical way of thinking. Its one day, he's sure they're fine.
Where his stress is coming from is the other Frostheim ghouls. He's basically that meme of someone with kids on leashes each going in different directions. Someone HELP this man's before he goes gray!
Alan had to hear from someone else. He was shocked to hear that MC had gone missing. It was even worse since the last time he saw them they weren't sure if their ability worked or how it worked. He went to go ask some of the professors to see what happened but got what was essentially nothing.
Sho was worried but he didn't show it. He tried to play it off like he was too focused on his food truck to worry about the honor student. He did however ask his brother about them when he saw him next. His brother mercilessly teased him about possibly liking MC and Sho instantly regretted asking. Every now and then he considered trying to call MC to see if they would answer.
He decided against it and focused more on his truck to keep his mind off of things.
Leo doesn't care. At this point he still wants to take MC down. So while its not the way he wanted to do it, it meant no more annoying NPC tagging along on missions with them. So to him, it was a win. The only annoying part was Alan and Sho worrying about them. He didn't get it and just laughed at the gossip on WickChat about the meltdown at Frostheim.
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writerofadream · 4 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Ten: How ba-a-a-ad can I be?
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Duncan held his head in his hands as he listened to Sadie scream for Katie. Those screams sounded familiar. Those screams sounded like his mom. You were staring numbly at your hands. "It was a long goodbye." Bridgette explained once she had finally came back with the girl.
Finally, the other team showed up holding green jello with a worm in it. "We got some extra dessert after our tuck-shop party." Gwen explained. "Thought you might want some." Trent continued. "So what? Your just being nice?" Courtney asked mildly confused.
"Okay. Owen stank up our cabin and we needed some time to air out." Gwen finally admitted. Owen farted again causing Trent to give him an annoyed glance.
Beth brought the green jello over to Courtney who very quickly voiced her displeasure with the substance. "No!" She yelled causing Duncan to give her a strange look. "You on a diet or something?" Duncan questioned. "I just don't like green jello." Courtney hissed crossing her arms.
Beth then brought the jello over to DJ, Duncan, and you but the man beside you yelled "Snake!" and threw the plate of jello and Cody explained. "It's just a gummy worm." The boy said confused.
DJ apologized. "Snakes just freak me out." He explained. "I feel you, chickens give me the creeps man." Tyler put a hand on the mans shoulder.
"Your afraid of chickens?" Gwen asked. "Wow- that's really lame man." Duncan laughed causing you to punch him hard.
You looked dead in the cameras eyes. "Now suddenly these idiots are sharing their fears and I just know I'll lose my shit if someone asks me."
You leave the outhouse in a hurry.
"I'm not afraid of anything." Courtney says when someone asks her. "Baloney." in unison you and Duncan cough into your fists and suddenly the whole group is looking at you. "What exactly are your phobia's Mrs. and Mr. Fearless?" Courtney replied snarkily.
Everyone was looking at you both.
"... Ce-Celion Dion music store standees." Duncan admitted and you rolled your eyes. The way he discovered that fear was SO stupid. But that's a story for another day.
"Zombies, I guess." You sighed holding yourself in your arms. Trent explained what a standee was to Lindsay and Courtney made fun of Duncan which was quickly met with a protective (girl-) friend glare.
Oh she was so sure you two were dating.
Ten years ago
Duncan and you were walking through a mall. You were seven and he was eight. You came across a music store and you told him you'd be right back. You wanted to see if you could get a record for your mom who was becoming super sick.
He waited outside the store, tying and untying his shoes to keep himself busy.
You were taking a long time so he decided to go inside the store. He couldn't find you, but he wasn't worried. When he tried to exit the large store he realized he couldn't find the exit, he kept running into standees... Celion Dion standees.
When you finally found him it was when he was cowering under a table of records nearly pulling out his hair hyperventilating.
The next day at breakfast Chris announced the days challenge. "Okay campers, your next challenge is something I like to call 'phobia factor'." You had to laugh at how quickly everyones expressions changed.
"Prepare to face your worst fears!" He yelled across the tables. "Oh we're screwed." You laughed causing Duncan to pale. "How does he know?" Duncan muttered. "The cameras. The god damn cameras." You pointed out the obvious.
"First up: Heather, it's sumo time. Meet us at the theatre. Gwen, you me, the beach... a few tons of sand." The gopher team began to pale.
He went through the entire gopher team, some freaked out, some didn't. Then it was your turn, well more specifically, Duncan's turn. The standee was staring at you team in a creepy manner.
"I don't wanna." Duncan whined to you, but you saw past the facade. You saw the seven year old kid who was terrified and couldn't find a way out and kept seeing this creepy mother fu-
"You don't have too." You whispered. "We'll be fine without it." You grabbed his hand squeezing it. "Just do it." Tyler screamed. Then Duncan gave the creepy standee a hug, after the fifteen seconds were done you ran and gave him a hug.
Now it was your turn.
Chef Hatchet had nine interns covered in makeup. Your mission was too watch them. Chris buried them and your team left to watch you through a camera.
The interns broke through the sand, covered in the zombie makeup. But there was this one intern who got REALLY into the game, she started moaning and hissing. "Y/N, my dear, come back to me." and the worst part was, this girl looked exactly like your mom. She had the curly brown hair, and had your eyes. You felt this anxiety crawl at your throat.
Your mother died when you where eight, she had this disease that ate at her brain, so this intern, who had makeup on to look like she had her brains aten came crawling at your feet?
There was no wonder you began hyperventilating.
The zombie-boy interns grabbed your shoulders and began to drag you back to the 'cementary'. If you didn't stop the challenge by the time they dragged you back, you'd win.
But then the girl began holding onto your ankles with this creepy smile. "Oh my sweet bee, how I've missed you..." that stupid nickname your mama always called you..
When you regained conciousness Duncan was pulling you off the intern. "Dollface, let's go. You got us the points." He was yelling and finally you stopped punching the unconcious girl.
You were shaking.
"Yeah. Yeah let's go." You whispered and he lead you off.
You watched as your teamates faced their fears. Duncan turned to look at you and laugh after Geoff got pelted by the hail but found that you were gone.
He found you in the outhouse smoking.
"I wonder, how I haven't died yet." You whispered. "But then I feel this wind in my hair wiping the tears off my face, and new breath in my lungs and remember that the angel who's watching over me, is my mami." Your voice was shaking.
"She just looked, so much like my mom." You explained tears streaming down your face. "My mom, my mom, who I never got to say goodbye too." Your body shook.
Duncan opened up the door to see his best friend crying and smelling like weed. The second you saw him your rubbed your eyes and gave him a lighthearted smile. "Hi, Tarun." You waved half-heartedly.
He gave you a glare
"Duncan, I miss my mama." Your words turned broken, and you choked on a cry. "I know, sweetheart. I know." Duncan sat down next to you and you put your head on his shoulder.
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The other team looked at you both wearily when you returned. Your knuckles were blood red and you had tear marks on your face. But you both were smiling which was a clear sign that you both got VERY high.
You watched everyone face their fear and you even cheered for both teams.
But when it was Tylers turn to go into the chicken coop you laughed behind your hand. "There's no hope for that one." Duncan chuckled.
Tyler had a panic attack on the floor and you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing, so hard that blood flooded your mouth.
Courtney was scared of jelly.
Green jelly.
Duncan was already making plans to dress up in a costume for halloween. All Courtney had to do... was jump... into... the jelly.
Your eye twitched.
You weren't surprised when she couldn't do it. To quote your best friend. "Coward fucking Courtney."
So of course your team lost... again.
That night at the elimination bonfire it went as usual. Chris offered you two marshmallows because he saw how upset you were, and had apologized for the interns behavior.
You expected Courtney to go home, you knew that Duncan had voted for her, as well as yourself. But in the end Tyler went home.
And in totally unrelated news, Duncan and you had put one hundred and four chickens on a boat that totally was not the losers boat. (If you hear Tyler screaming... don't ask questions)
Your team trudged back to your cabin in a sort of a depressed funk. DJ and you stayed outside in silence for a moment. "Can I be honest?" He sighed leaning back on the porch's stairs. "You never should be honest with an ex-con, but go ahead." You gave him this crazy looking smile.
"I don't get it." He admitted. "What?" You were confused. "How did they know your mama was dead? What do they have on you?" DJ questioned. That was a fair question. The only person who knew your mom was dead was your father, you, Duncan, one private doctor, Duncan's father-
Your heart skipped a beat.
"I don't know." You lied straight through your teeth.
"Well I'm sorry, kid. You've been through a lot haven't you?" DJ put a hand on your shoulder and you smiled weakly. "Lemme tell you about it some day." You smirked. "I'd love to hear it." DJ smiled warmly.
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bokettochild · 1 year
LU Opera AU
Links, Zeldas and other major characters run a moderately successful opera house/musical theater. Some are onstage, others are in the orchestra pit or are working Behind The Scenes (special effects, costuming, etc)
Wars is the headlining diva singer
I love it
I can see Four and Flora as like, the special effects crew, they handle anything and everything that isn't the actors and they're fantastic at it.
Lullaby is their director/the owner of the opera house, and Time is her trusty right hand who also acts as the choreography director and main stunt writer. He doesn't preform, but he runs the actors through their hoops before they can even think of stepping out onto the stage.
I see Wind less as a performer and more like the gopher, and Legend is less an actor and more a jack-of-all-trades. Costume department had a flummox? Call Legend, he'll fix it. One of the props is missing? Legend will find something you can use until that one shows up again. Someone's sick? Get a wig and a dress, Legend will fill in tonight. Just, dude does everything, but never consistently, and never without complaining at least a little.
Warriors would totally be a diva 100%, but he also works hard for it and puts his all into every role. Blood, sweat, and tears, baby, literally. He loves his work and will do whatever it takes to keep his role and status (short of harming someone else of course)
I see Twilight as playing one of two roles, or potentially both. He's the top stunt guy, but he also does the heavy lifting backstage and helps craft the sets with Four. Both are decent actors to boot, so if they need a large cast, both will fill in roles that suit them (Four ends up playing the villain a lot for some reason) as long as someone else can cover their asses in other departments (Flora had lights/sounds covered, no worries)
Wild is that one actor who plays random roles whenever is needed, and he's a comedy genius. My current manager's husband and I were in theater club together and he was brilliant with turning boring moments into comedy gold, and Wild does this 100%. He's best when paired with Fable (they make a good team in SMASH I hear) and they're a brilliant duo, although Legend threatens Wild about his sister a LOT.
Dusk and Artemis are both Warriors' most common co-stars (besides Twilight, Lullaby likes playing up their contrast with each other on stage) and Dusk takes an almost mentorly role with the younger woman. They and Warriors make up the Diva Trio of the group and are the ones who's names pull in teh most money. The only downside is that while Artemis and Wars can both sing, Dusk cannot and it's kinda acting as a road-block in her career.
For this reason, I can see Malon as a music coach Time hired (and is totally not falling in love with, what are you talking about) who kinda just works beside Ravio (their in house prop maker)to get this group of dedicated idiots to take care of themselves. not that Time's sisters and brothers (Saria and the others) don't try, but they don't work there.
Honestly, i'm running out of ideas. But to finish off Sky would be Time's best student. I mean, his sword-fighting and stunts are through the roof (sometimes literally) and he enjoys most of his work. maybe because he has a sword-fighting instructor outside of work (Fi) but that's beside the point.
Hyrule is the new kid who signed on to help Legend and Ravio with props and costumes and stuff, but he's like, really talented and crap and all the teams are trying to poach him from Leg and Rav, despite how fiercely protective of him they are. He's not exactly comfortable with the idea of performing yet, but everyone is trying to have him at least try (were this a story, warriors would try and coach him, end up mysteriously and plot-relevantly sick/injured and Hyrule would have to heroically step up and fill his role because Legend can't for some reason)
Okay that's all I got, sorry for the dump, but inspiration hit me like a lightning bolt to Legend's boat
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lightofthemoonglow · 7 months
kinktober day seventeen
Threesome or moresome | Fisting | Vore
Buddy Swanson and Sam Wescott
dedicated to the amazing @bisexual-horror-fan
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The head counselor. The head cook. The only nurse. The top three positions of authority at this camp. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, she calls them. Sam is their Kirk, being the actual leader that is the glue holding them all together, the balance between the other two. Buddy is their Spock, the pragmatic one that isn’t as expressive, but there’s so much heart to him underneath that exterior. And she’s the McCoy, the whirlwind with a big mouth and bigger emotions. They’re all passionate people though, the three of them somehow having found a way to make it work enough that people want to work with them, the kids want to come back. It’s easy, yet it feels like it takes over everything when they’re all together.
Of course there are rumors. There have been since the first day they had come together, forming the power trio. But only after the whispers had died down did they come true.
“What are you two troublemakers up to?”
Sam ambles over to the lakebed, where a canoe is parked. Steve had asked someone, anyone, to finish testing out the lake gear after he had needed to rest his ankle after incurring an extremely minor injury involving a gopher hole. Lucky for him, Taylor the crafts counselor was helping him in these trying times.
It's the last day of setup before the kids arrive. In fourteen hours, they'll be here and their time will be consumed for the next couple of months. There will be very little personal time for a while.
"We are celebrating a perfect score on the safety inspection." She smiles up at Sam, languid and slow as she beckons him to join her and Buddy on the blanket laid out on the ground. It’s one they’ve laid on countless times, having been ruined by paint and glitter their first summer together. It’s strange how time has become divided between before and after they met. She’s on her back, knees bent as she looks up at the sky as Buddy sits normally, one knee bent and the other leg flat on the ground.
Sam joins them, sitting on her other side. It's a familiar layout, her in the middle. One of the photos on the homepage of the camp website is of the three of them, her arms around their backs as her head rests on Buddy's chest, though she's looking up at Sam, the camera catching her mid-giggle.
"Kids are due tomorrow. Gonna be the last time we have any privacy for weeks." Buddy sighs, gazes out at the water. He shifts around, his head going into her lap, a place he's familiar with. "And then it's back to the city." He's got a fancy restaurant gig lined up at the end of the summer. As it turned out, one of their returning campers had a father who owned this swanky place and constant talk about Buddy's meals had eventually gotten the guy to call him. After years of sticking it out at various places that weren't nearly as nice, it was good for him to have a win. But that would mean not seeing each other for a while, not until around wintertime.
"You make it sound like you're marching to your death." Sam tries to joke, but it is very clear how he feels about the gang splitting up. He moves to grab a bottle of water but pricks his finger on a burr. "Ow!"
"Poor baby. Want me to kiss it better?" She jokes, but it's not really a joke. The time is now, and they all know it. It's now or maybe never because so much could change in the next several months.
"Yeah. I do." Sam's voice is serious, he knows the implications, what it could lead to. But it's dark, the camp is quiet, it feels like they're the only people in the world right now.
Her mouth is soft, gentle against his. Buddy looks up at them, sort of but also not really trapped between their bodies. It's not for long, because Sam pulls back soon, his lips smeared with cotton candy lipsmackers. There's no going back now, it's like Eve biting the apple. The line is gone, all pretense is out the window. It's at the bottom of the lake, alongside the paddle Steve broke last summer.
"I think I…" Buddy can't even come up with a convincing lie, he knows what he wants and they know it too. She leans up, he leans up and he can taste both her and Sam on her mouth, bringing forth a soft moan and Buddy gripping a handful of her hair.
It's not going to be like in a bad porno. It's not a V, it's a triangle. Their first summer, as if to foreshadow what was to come, she had insisted that love triangle was a stupid phrase to refer to two people fighting over another. A triangle is complete, it's when everything flows together perfectly. Those situations are a love V because two points never meet. Buddy and Sam kiss like they've done it for eons, falling together as naturally as she had with them.
If they leave the blanket, the spell will be broken, so that's where they stay. It's where it all began, it is where it will come to the natural conclusion. It could have only ended this way.
She's between them once again, all of their shorts pushed down, her shirt pushed up as Sam's hands grope at her bare tits. No need for a bra in the summer, she'd said over and over again. Buddy's cock is rutting between her thighs as he spits into his hand to jerk Sam off. She's kissing the both of them as much as she can, they're kissing each other, it's a mess of drool and teeth. Sam's hand goes between her legs, searching for her clit.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Buddy grunts, kissing her neck in between words. "Should I -?"
"No." She doesn't care, there's no risk. Nothing matters right now, and she encouraged him without uttering a word after her brief insistence that he come all over her thighs. The mess can always be cleaned up after all.
But it's Sam that comes first, shooting off all over her belly and Buddy's hand. She's so close and yet Buddy beats her to the punch, smearing her inner thighs and the blanket with his spend. Before she can even protest, a hand from each of them is between her legs and she's coming with a sharp cry that scares away a small flock of sleeping birds.
There's no awkward silence afterwards, merely some smiles and a suggestion that they clean off in the lake. It was always meant to end this way, after all and now all they need to do is wait for another moment like this to come around.
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Victor Zsasz Headcanon Info Dump
ANIMAL: Nile Crocodile
FOOD: Chicken Tenders
COLOR: sacramento green
SEASON: Spring
HOBBY: assassination
PERSON: Carmine Falcone
SCENT: gunpowder or oranges
WEATHER: sunny with a light drizzle
CLOTHES: work outfit
HOLIDAY: Saint Patrick’s Day
ANIMAL: gopher
FOOD: Hershey’s Kiss
COLOR: pale yellow
MOVIE GENRE: gushy romance
SEASON: Summer
HOBBY: knitting
PERSON: Jim Gordon/Harvey Bullock
SCENT: the smell of pickles
WEATHER: dry cold
CLOTHES: sweat pants
HOLIDAY: Christmas
He was born so close to it ppl always combined his gifts as a kid
Dog Or Cat Person: cats
Fears: he says nothing but he is oddly afraid of baby chickens, and that’s literally it, nothing else scares him
What Is He Proudest Of: his scars
Morning Or Night Person: night person, but is still in a decent mood early in the day
Believes In Fate: to a certain extent
Life Motto: no pain, no gain
Birthday: December 20th
Gender: male but gives no fucks about pronouns or labels
EX: some one calls him she or a girl and he just goes with it
Also tells transphobes he uses any pronouns just to piss them off ally?
Any Siblings: nope
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
3 Words To Best Describe Him:
What Always Makes Him Smile: hurting others
Introvert Or Extrovert: very extroverted in a bad way
Wants Children: god no poor child
Wants Marriage: not unless he finds someone as murderous and psychotic as him
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darkbackalley · 2 years
Chris Mclean x Male reader - Nerves
Warnings: None. (Except it hasn’t been edited?)Fem-aligned dni
Chris was only informed of the changes that very day, so he wasn’t appalled at what happened, just very surprised. So when instead of a homeschooled Canadian-raised boy, he found himself face to face with a 6’7 Behemoth of a man, he was visibly shaken. Yo… What’s up man? He asked his introductory question. Not much, dude! The man replied with a smile. Although I thought we were going to a resort? Chris turned towards the cast. Everybody, meet Y/n! The group mumbled a greeting as he joined them to watch the other guests arrive.
Now that the groups had been created, with Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Geoff, Y/n, Harold, Izzy, Sadie, and Tyler on the Killer Bass and Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Justin, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen and Trent on the Screaming Gophers, All the Campers stood on a cliff in their bathing suits while Chris explained what was going to happen. Since the Killerbass was to go first, no one from the group wanted to jump first. Y/n, looking around, sighed and said I’ll jump. But if I die, I’m suing. He said, giving Chris a look that meant business. Chris was terrified, but at the same time trying to figure out how someone can be so buff and look… appealing? No. He wasn’t thinking about a contestant like that.
Y/n stood on the cliff, looking down, before he cracked his knuckled and stepped back until he had a clear runway. Then, he sent it. Luckily, he managed to get into the target hole and swim out before the sharks got too vicious. Once the entirety of the team had jumped, they struggled to get the boxes to the campsite in time. Either someone was gone or someone *cough* Courtney *cough* got hurt, but Y/n had already carried two crates to the campsite and opened them. Chris walked up while he waited for the rest of his team to strike casual banter. So, Y/n, you’ve done a lot of work here, and the rest of your team isn’t even here? What’s up with that?’’ “ Well, They’re doing what they can and I’m really just trying to help as best as I can. Besides I can be checking out the competitions while I’m here”. He replied. -And I can check out other people too. He said looking at Chris with a grin. The man in question turned and walked away due to the blush on his face and wobbly knees.
Both teams were hard at work, but in the end, the Screaming Gophers won. Since the losing team had to eliminate someone, everyone was on edge that night. Y/n couldn’t sleep so he went outside to contemplate the day. What he didn’t expect was Chris standing at the waters edge throwing stones into the water. “Hey.” Y/n said as he walked up and sat beside Chris. The aforementioned man looked over at him and frowned. “Hey… Shouldn’t you be sleeping? Big day tomorrow.” “Couldn’t sleep. Not with something like this, it’s always stressful went you have to part ways with someone.” Chris looked at the (Hair) haired boy and nodded. “I hear ya. When the contestants get to be far along in the competition, it’s almost sad to see them go.” Y/n’s eyes lit up. “Hey Chris. What if I threw in the towel and voted myself off? That way, I wouldn’t really have to do that. Besides, then I can just go home.” “You can’t just do that!” Chris argued. “These kids look up to you!” Then he whispered to y/n “I heard Izzy call you dad.” Y/n Chuckled. ”I guess not then. But my nerves have calmed down I think. Thanks” Y/n was about to head off to bed, but first he pulled Chris into a hug and slipped something in his pocket. The host returned the hug before giving the taller man a look that said ‘what’d you slip me?’ “My number.” Y/n smiled at him and turned around, only to be faced with the other campers. “Wha-“ “YAY!” Izzy cheered! Y/n’s not single anymore!” Before running away. Y/n rolled his eyes and made his way back to his cabin
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Miscellaneous Media Moment
Alright so I'm watching the anime The Way of the Househusband on Netflix and writing my thoughts as I watch. This might be a tad unhinged, but here we go. As always if you liked this content feel free to be me a coffee. Also, yes, I do know that there a multiple episodes in each episode but I'm going to number them by how they're contained and labeled through Netflix as that's how I'm watching it :)
Episode 5
A job outside of the house in a cafe interesting, beans =bullets, the latte art of a cat, aww doing it for extra cash to get his wife a present
He's so loud, Again the food in this series really does deserve its own analysis post, overtime is exhausting,
Boss lady of the torii group in a grocery,
this is going to be a disaster of a birthday lol, wow happy birthday song as a dirge, shades and bling
the old boss has a dog, he sewed a sweater for the dog! nice tie in to previous episode, the impromptu cooking is wild,
The cat adventure with the grocery lady
Episode 6
he was totally going to roast that lady's "72 hour" cured sausage, he's taking this show so seriously, man loves his wife so much
the excitement over the steam oven, white powder=flour again nice call back, well that's one way to beat the dough, oven down!, keep warm on the rice cooker is innovative
fire next door, talk about needing proper air ventilation. the cops probably wanted some food, oh its rare eh
I admit nothing, oh nice flowers, oh its not that much and then proceeds to unwrap a dessert feast, rain as a mood killer, they're such a good couple
why would you try hitting a watermelon blindfolded?, the volleyball smacking into them, I love how Miku can be high energy as well, a real man is willing to get wracked protecting his loving wife, her carrying him
teacher au?? what am i watching?, apron art, the intensity in this scene
Episode 7
tapioca milk tea, getting the intel from the streets, the scary smiles keeping the customers away XD
Adding to the arsenal of the blond guy
The waking up to the husband in the middle of the night is seriously ominous, well that was an interesting take on the classic peach boy story, and then they had a group hug,
The hit list of summer assignments, a pen holder, colorful soap, school is tomorrow, the report to the teacher is so good
Tatsu you're so dramatic ( this is true, he a very dramatic king), oh the housespouse meet up, family gopher, the differing interpretations of what he's describing, is that really what Miku is rally like?, listening in one the one side of the conversation, the support from the housewives is so good
Oh, cat adventure of fair fighting with the other cat
Episode 8
urg the rap battle, so unnecessary, the explanation of what a rap battle is, the punch of silence, well ok
take it easy (yeah no, this guy has no chill), febreze the sheets, instant noodles as a vice lol, Masa helping him take it easy but as a horror show, Tatsu kicking him as a flight or fight moment
Wanting second place instead of first for the rice, and Miku wants the vacation, what a bribe, the kid wins of course
buffet battlefield, welp I'm hungry now, fruit with cream cheese is a delicious combo, aww the splitting of a desert
Oh, the dad wants to do the hotpot, Dad and Miku cooking like each other, Miku being a wild child (this explains so much), aww the dad saying she has someone else to protect her now and then Tatsu saying he has the dad's back, the mom being the true master is perfect
Masa wanting make his boss proud through the way of the househusband, tomorrow though
Episode 9
Virus depicted as a group of punks, trying to head off a cold through early preventive measures is such a mood, Miku being the light aww, the light with grenades lol
new threads, Masa is so not subtle, the brown powder as opposed to the white powder, and Masa has officially broken, Pine Dew huh, Tatsu sleeping with eyes open, the utter chaos and Masa being the sober one, the next day drawing of them is adorable
Will I need to use my dagger? no a normal knife will do, the intense music x_x,
The power couple helping the newlyweds
winged pup from the sky, you can't run from boss fights!, the magic girl transformation, the deconstruction of the outfit, Its all a dream and the meeting next week is perfect
Oh no cat adventure this episode
Episode 10
The fact that Miku has such high energy, the toys r us tribute
Sending dog pics to his boss, the bonding over the dogs, the random kidnapping, but its to a dog park
The cafe hurts the guys eyes, too much sweet things, lemon and honey chicken sounds good, the flashbacks paired with the wistful music is a nice choice, I don't remember there being a wasp
ok extreme dental care, um yeah that's not a good way to get a kid to the dentist, gotta face the music
counting to try and get to sleep, calming sounds turning to dark past is hilarious, also him without glasses is rather adorable, accidentally made a whole meal (he's got adhd a bit doesn't he), the cat being awake
the cat adventure with crow/raven
End of Season One!
Alright well thanks for coming to this Miscellaneous Media Moment where I do unhinged and most likely nonsensical rambling of what I watched is a thing. I will most likely continue at some point, so stay tuned and please let me know if this is a format that you liked. Along with any comments on the show that you have.
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nonbayanary · 1 year
ok so. hirusena six of crows AU. hiruma as kaz brekker, and sena as inej ghafa.
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hiruma is one of the youngest gang bosses in the city of deimon. he’s armed with guns of all sizes.
as a former street rat, hiruma got to the top by accepting the worst jobs. thus, this earned him his reputation as “the devil.”
sena is hiruma’s spy. this tinyass motherfucker is equipped to the teeth with all kinds of knives and blades. he never goes anywhere without at least five concealed blades strapped to him.
when sena was a child, he was kidnapped from his home and sold to slave traders. then, a small-time gang bought him as their new investment: their runner/gopher. 
the first members of hiruma’s gang, “the devilbats,” were kurita and musashi, who grew up on the streets with him. eventually, they squatted in an abandoned building, turning it into their makeshift home.
it turns out a little puppy lives in that abandoned building too. the trio eventually adopt the dog and name him “cerberus.”
years ago, when hiruma was still building his reputation, he woke up one night to find sena searching for records in his makeshift bedroom. it turns out sena was sent by his small-time gang boss to steal from hiruma’s records.
after seeing sena move like a shadow, hiruma realizes the guy’s talent for stealth and speed. suddenly inspired by an idea, he offers sena a way out. 
hiruma: i can either kill you where you stand, or you can join my gang. what’ll it be, fucker?
sena, dead-eyed: i don’t mean any disrespect, but i don’t really care anymore whether i live or die. i’m already owned by a gang, though. if you want me to join you, you’ll have to purchase my indenture.
hiruma: oh, so little faith in the devil! i’ll give you a better option, as a welcoming gift of sorts. those cuntass bastards treat you like dirt, don’t they? why don’t i kill the wholeass motherfucking gang instead?
hiruma follows through, committing a massacre that further boosts his reputation. he single-handedly does the whole thing, but spreads stories that kurita and musashi were with him on that night too. it boosts their reputations as well, providing them protection.
freeing sena, hiruma starts teaching him how to apply his talent in stealth and speed into the art of espionage.
as sena starts spending more time with the devilbats, he realizes how kind hiruma is, beneath his sharp and pointy exterior. hiruma may act scary, but he’s just a softie beneath all the gunmetal and rough barbs.
sena starts seeing his new gang as a family. he starts calling musashi and kurita new titles: “kurita-nii-san” and “musashi-nii-san.” 
both kurita and musashi warm up to the poor kid. sena used to be so miserable that it activated their “older brother” senses, so to speak. even cerberus starts liking the new kid.
so sena starts healing from all the abuse he went through.
and to hiruma’s surprise, he actually likes spending time with sena too. 
after a year of care and camaradeire, sena is finally comfy enough to start cracking jokes. and hiruma, to his own utter shock, finds that the world is brighter when sena’s around. the guy’s like a ball of light, once he starts laughing and smiling again.
and after a few years bonding with sena, it finally dawns on hiruma. he did not only gain a spy. he gained someone precious to him as well.
cue hiruma’s “Oh.” moment
after years of teamwork and gang wars and bloodshed, hiruma finally dredges up new members for the devilbats
as the gang’s reputation rises, a new job presents itself to hiruma. if they succeed, they’ll get five million gold coins as payment. but there’s a catch.
the devilbats are tasked with stealing from the most heavily-guarded prison in the world. it’s an impossible heist. a suicide mission.
but hiruma youichi is nothing if not a gambler at heart. 
so he takes the job.
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TL;DR: hiruma leads an impossible heist, runs a gang, creates a found family, and commits massacres. all while trying to keep his feelings for sena under lock and key. 
it’s all in a day’s work for our little meow meow hiruma.
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(yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!!  /gen)
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therummonster · 1 year
not so brief skit of a "friendly" conversation between Benny and Archibald.
benny: alright, you want to talk. the other 2 have passed out and zashchitnik is in their own dimension.
archi(pouring a glass of wine): good good. brief starter question, do you drink?
benny: nah, literally not allowed to by any of my family. and cham started agreeing with them after i introduced him for some reason..?
archi: hmm.. i'll have to look into that later...
benny(pouring a glass of water): if i hear from any of em that a gopher harassed em i will start "messing up" on tech i give you.
archi: and here i thought you were done with pointless threats!
benny: no, i'm giving you a chance while still being ready to make stew.
archi: make stew...? never mind. i have different questions, and things i've noticed.
benny(finally taking a seat): like what?
archi: that for one, your pain tolerance is high only because you've been hit and torn apart so much you can't feel low pain levels. and-
benny: blah blah, i already know. and you were going to say i wasn't letting that jake kid heal me because then i would feel things.
archi: hmm.. good you do have some sort of awareness.
benny: please. this is a skit done by someone that draws me as a dog getting the absolute garbage beaten out of it.
archi: ... i swear you make no sense...
benny: if only ya knew..
archi: anyways, in that case... why do you keep calling yourself the "pillar of morality" if you have almost no morals of your own.
benny: ...
archi: glad to see i found something you didn't-
benny: you do realize that someone out there was always the first person to come up with things. our group was not the first one to say killing was immoral.
archi: ... i may need more info than-
benny: like there is a chance some more specific morals are made from specific occasions. for instance don't cheat at cards then run away bleeding out while being hunted only to get found by a blob who will later have your location, cause otherwise you'll be dealing with all kinds of goons from there.
archi: that is... really specific.
benny: but the more vague ones... what could they mean? no killing.
archi: no killing isn't vague-
benny: some children find joy in watching ants get burned, or those really bad villains suffering off screen.
archi: well-
benny: and we generate cells that die in... like 3 years? did i get that right?
archi: now let me spea-
benny: you don't know either you just searched it up and it said 100000 cells die every second? oof. guess we'll never know!
archi: who are you talking to???
benny: continuing! we kill plants so we can nourish ourselves. my point is, murder is more specific because that means something that means something died.
archi: ffffffffffine i guess you're right. but that doesn't change the fact the only reason you have "morals" is because of the others.
benny: yeah.
archi: just.. just "yeah" is your answer????
benny: let me explain it in a way i've scrapped together. i am a code.
archi: ???
benny: each of my morals are a different kind of code. people are connected to bits of it. you take out a strip of code and the entire program will either still work without it, or it'll be reduced to a functionless mess.
archi: well... i guess that does make sense.
benny(glaring at archibald): which means, if you kill enough of the right people, i will lose those morals. eventually deciding to just delete all of them, and gutting whoever decided to get on the wrong side of me or anyone else in the sharp tank.
archi: you're so problematic! yet you still don't tell the others..
benny: if you want to tell em, be my guest.
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vannymetalfamily · 11 months
So I met Diana a few years ago, when I first started highschool. But I really met her at one of those parties my brother forced me to keep him out of trouble. We went to parties a lot during the summer and we still go at weekends. Diana did the same with her friends. I imagine she had seen me a couple of times and didn’t see me as the type to be in that sort of environment so she went and talked to me. Or maybe she was just bored and wanted to talk to someone other than her friends. I remember I was playing some dumb shutting game sitting at the poisson table when she came to me. And it was surreal. Because till that moment we had only talked a handful of times!!1!!!1!11!! I honestly always thought she was a spoiled brat with no redeeming qualities. Someone basic and uninteresting. 
But I was wrong.
And she was willing to show me that.
Every Time she saw me at a stupid party she came to talk to me. A bit more every time. I learned alot about her through that. I learned she loves cheering, how her favorite part of it are the skie spins, how she made most of her jewelry her own, her favorite series as a kid was Ever After High, now is Skins, she secretly still listens to One Direction, pink is her favorite color but white (even if it’s not really a color) is a close one. I have more stupid facts like that. I think she also knows a lot of facts about me too. She 's cool!! Really fucking cool!1!!1 Dee thinks she's using me to do her homework but I think he is just jealous because pretty girls talk to me and not him!!1!!!1!!1!1 I don't know why I went into this little rant about her. OH wait!!1!!1 shit!!!1!!1 I know!!1!1 It's probably because she invited me to a sleepover a few weeks ago! We took pictures and everything!1!!1!
I guess I just keep spireling around it for some reason. 
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Anyway, everything aside that has been going…IDK Fucking bussy that's for sure!!! We have our hands full with our mid-year exams coming soon. All the little losers of our school want us to— Shit, can't say. This goes to the internet!!1!!1! My teachers use that!1!!1! Let's say it has to do with our little business and move on.  ALSO!1!!1! There's this guy called Gopher who is a real pain in the ass!!1!1! He got into a really nasty fight with Heavy (Dee's brother) some time ago. He almost fucked one of our comissions!!1!1!1! It was all a mess!1!!1!1 I thought Dee got rid of him but no!!!1!!1 Apparently!!!1!!1!11The motherfucker just won't quit!!!1!1!!1 Hope he doesn't get too close or this may end up ugly. UGLY FOR HIM OF COURSE!1!!1!1 I'd be extra carefully if I where him because I may just fuck him up. 
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naturecoaster · 20 days
Escaping the Busy, Busy World at Key Vista Nature Park
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“Oou oou” The haunting trill echoed through the pine trees. In the distance, a lone dove perched on top of a nest in a treetop. It cried out into the wilderness, a sad song among the chirps and tweets of the other feathered inhabitants that habituate this wild green space. A mourning dove cries out from a treetop perch above the wilderness at the 101 acre Key Vista Nature Park. Image courtesy of Sally White. Key Vista Nature Park in Holiday offers an Idyllic Escape Located on Pasco County’s Gulf Coast, Key Vista Nature Park is like a balm to a busy soul. You can lose yourself in nature in this surprising Nature Coast park. Several hiking trails lead from the parking lot, but unmarked, they invite the adventurous to hike forth and explore. The 1.5 miles of trails all loop through the pine scrublands and meet eventually in the 101 acres of wilderness, but if you’re looking for signage to tell you which way to go, this might not be for you. We drove through quiet subdivisions just north of Tarpon Springs to reach Pasco County’s Key Vista Nature Park. There’s a restroom by the park entrance and a shaded kiosk with lots of info about the park’s flora and fauna. Someone even added a history of pirate activity in the area, dating back to the 1500s. But park map? You won’t find one there! Choose Your Trail The 1.5-miles of hiking trails are sugar sand and loop through the pine scrubland at Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White. We were on a ladies’ hiking day out and ready for an outdoor adventure. We grabbed our water bottles, locked the car, and wondered which trail to take. We spotted a group of 3 men pulling a wagon of fishing buckets and poles. They headed down the center trail. An older man in hiking boots and a hat headed down the path by the restroom, where a couple and their kids had just come up. We followed him. He looked like he knew where things were for hikers. Immediately on the trail, we heard the high-pitched call of an osprey, stopping to see if we could see the bird, and promptly losing the hiker we were following. A well-worn path of sugar sand and pine needles wound through the arid scrub landscape. Pine trees towered above, and below stands of palmettoes and wildflowers peppered the forest floor. Gopher tortoises are in abundance in the scrub lands at Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White A gopher tortoise chomped on juicy grass beside a bed of purple flowering lupine. Beside it, a scraggly wild Chickasaw plum shaded them both. Wild grape vines covered fallen brush like a camouflage netting, providing shade and shelter for the ecosystem’s smaller critters. Our trail met with one of the others from the parking lot at an open meadow with a lone picnic table and trash can affixed to a post, the only interior signs that this was a park. Sandy Shores & Mangrove Tunnels We continued on our way and around a bend when the view of green-blue water through a cut in the trees caught our line of vision. To the right of it, a 3-story wooden observation tower rose into view. The base of the platform was decorated with wild grape vines. The 3-story wooden observation tower looks out over the Gulf of Mexico at Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White Tower or water. Which would you choose? The color of the water was too hard to resist, and we dove down the tiny path through the underbrush to a stretch of white sandy shoreline at the water’s edge. Paths lead through the mangroves on the beach at Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White Beach would not be the real term to use, and like the hiking trail signs, or lack of them, Key Visita Nature Park proved once again to defy the expected. The sandy strip of land stretched out on either side of us along the park’s Gulf coast border but stands of black and red mangroves along the water broke up the sandy areas into smaller, more private sections. Paths cut through the mangroves, giving it a private island oasis feel. A nesting osprey in the pines at Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White Had we come earlier, we might have felt like Robinson Crusoe. But on this Sunday afternoon, the locals had descended onto the park for a day in the Florida outdoors. There is no swimming here, due to the oyster beds in the water, but children played along the shoreline, building sandcastles and marveling at the physics of water. Anglers waded into the water to cast their lines and teens sunbathed with their air pods in, enjoying the sunny day, while dog owners guided their furry friends around the human obstacles along the coastal path. Black mangrove roots protrude from the ground like fingers emerging from the sand around the leggy red mangrove. Photo by Sally White We headed north through the mangrove tunnel paths, where red mangrove roots entwined with one another in an elaborate dance of nature. Around their leggy roots, the black mangrove roots rose from the sandy earth like an audience to watch the dance. Trail on Rocky Creek We hiked across the beach trail until we saw the three fishermen from the parking lot. They had set up their gear in the shady area along the limestone rocks at the mouth of Rocky Creek. The tidal Rocky Creek provides the northern border of Key Vista Nature Park. Rocky Creek serves as the picturesque northern border of Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White Our feet took us through the shaded trail alongside the creek. There were cuts to the water for fishing spots and natural limestone formations and benches trailside to relax and enjoy the surroundings. The creek widened the farther we went. A motorboat puttered by, heading out to the gulf while a group of teenagers argued in a canoe about who was not paddling correctly. The trail eventually turned away from the creek to lead back to the parking lot. The shady mouth of Rocky Creek is a prime fishing spot at Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White Observation Tower at Key Vista Nature Park We looped back to climb the observation tower and were awarded an expansive view of the Gulf of Mexico. It was a sunny afternoon and the winds whipped around us on the top floor of the tower. To the south, we could see the fishing pier at the neighboring park. You can see the Anclote Gulf Park fishing pier from the top of the observation tower at Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White Back down to land, we found the one sign in the park, “Anclote Gulf Park. Boardwalk to Dog Park.” The trail cut through a sunny scrubland area of the park. Sulphur rotten-egg smells emitted from the tidal creek under a small boardwalk along the trail and mosquitoes swarmed around the wetlands. We picked up our pace and eventually reached the steps to the boardwalk. It twisted and turned over a mangrove swamp. A pair of Ibis watched us from a perch in their tree as we passed, knowing we’d be back. Past red, black, and white mangroves, we eventually came to the Anclote Gulf Park. A pair of ibis watched us from their tree perch on the boardwalk over the mangrove swamp to Anclote Gulf Park Key Vista Nature Park. Photo by Sally White The complete opposite of Key Vista, this park sported paved paths, mowed grass, a playground, and concrete restrooms. It looked nice. It looked clean, but it wasn’t for us. We backtracked on the boardwalk back to Key Vista and the observation tower and rejoined our original path back toward the parking lot. That’s when we heard the call in the woods. Oou oou. It sounded like a sad owl. Looking up we saw the mourning dove, calling out. Was it in search of a mate that might never return or calling to its children? We would never know. Dining Nearby After a day of outdoor recreation, dining options abound at the nearby Greek Floridian town of Tarpon Springs. Grab a traditional Greek meal in one of the restaurants along Dodecanese Street in the Sponge Capital of the World or take a turn onto Main Street to sample one of the many options in downtown New Port Richey, ranging from Thai and Sushi to bar food and even traditional high tea. Things to Know about Key Vista Nature Park - Key Vista Nature Park is located in Pasco County at 2700 Baillies Bluff Road, Holiday, FL 34691 - This is a fee-free county park. - Dogs on a leash are allowed. - Fishing is allowed with a Florida fishing license. - Swimming is not permitted. - Park closes at sunset. If winging it is not your style, you can find a good trail map of Key Visita Nature Park on the FloridaHikes! website. Read the full article
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
House of Mouse: Max’s Embarrassing Date Review
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Hello House Mouses and welcome back to the house of mouse. Another comission by Kev and my second House of Mouse for the valentine’s season. This time we’re not tackling a Valentine’s Episode necesarily, but a romantic one all the same as fan faviorite couple Max and Roxanne finally go on a date.  I always liked Max. Even as a kid when I wasn’t the biggest fan of “A Goofy Movie”, didn’t like the darker patches like the principals office scene or the Pete Hot tub scene.. though in hindsight both had legit greviances with Max... it just dosen’t make either less terrible as the principal still told an innocnet man who wasn’t responsible for what his kid did and was trying his best that his son was going to become a crminal because of one stupid but mostly harmless prank, and Pete.. is just an abusive, unlikeable and unlovable ass in both Goof Troop and Goofy Movie, and I hate how he treats his son, don’t blame his wife for leaving him or taking their daughter and dog, and am really sad he got custody of PJ somehow. And for the record this isn’t ALL petes, just this version. The rest are fine and just the right level of asshole. 
Point is despite my problems with the first film, I had none with the second and even now I like it due to having some really good ideas and concepts while also being gloirously rediclous due to the loveably dated X-Games element. While I do have a spot in my heart for the Dana Hill and Shaun Fleming versions, especially the latter once upon a christmas is awesome, Jason Marsden’s version is the best by the mile having the right amount of ego mixed with self doubt to make him likeable enough to brook him being an ass to his dad a lot. He’s a good character.. and it baffles me Disney NEVER uses him nowadays. No really, the last time he showed up was in twice upon a christmas and no one liked that because he was dating someone who wasn’t Roxanne just to rehash the same plot they’d already rehashed better in Extremley Goofy Movie. I REALLY need to rewatch that one. Hmm.... gonna see if I can squeeze that one into May or later in April. That’s for another time. 
But yeah while he’s at one of the disney parks, that’s it. The character just .. vanished, and hasn’t been brought back in any way shape or form. Though I could see either a Disney Plus reboot of goof troop or a goofy movie with max having his own kids. That could be intresting. Also bring Roxanne back as weirdly this episode i’m reviewing, a goofy movie and now her ducktales cameo are her ONLY apperances. 
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Seriously I get she’s not the most fleshed out.. but then flesh her out. Like Max she’s crminally underused and while I get her absence as a character in the sequel, the plot really didn’t need her, he still could’ve been dating her off screen. Though clearly the two worked things out and tried again as this episode came out AFTER extremely did. But did this episode work out? Join me under the cut to find out. 
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As i’ve decided is my standard for House of Mouse Episodes, shorts first, then wraparound, then Mickey Mouse live sex celebration. Though I will say i’ve picked up there are two kinds of formats for the show: They either use two of the longer Mouseworks shorts or just one close to 11 minute short, a medium one, and one of the little two minute segments. There might be a break from this in the future, we shall see but for now those ar ethe two standards. This time we have two longer shorts. 
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Pluto’s Penthouse Sweet: 
I’ve mentioned in the past I dont’ really get why Pluto is part of Disney’s sensational six along with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Daisy. And I stand by that: While he’s had his own cartoons they just aren’t as entertaining and creative as MIckey’s or hilarous and relatable as Donald and Goofy’s. He’s just an average cartoon dog. He works fine in tandem with Mickey, but on his own he’s just nothing and his spot should be taken by pete, who while not a goodie all the time, again the goof troop version needs to step on a rake and fall into a well.. somehow. i didn’t think my insult through. Point is pete is better.  And this short isn’t BAD .. but to me it’s what some fans THINK the disney shorts are: Bland, maybe one or two good jokes but almost nothing new or intresting. As I found out last year, that’s far from the case, as a lot of the Donald shorts are still hilarious today and a lot of the mickey shorts are shockingly creative, like Thru The Mirorr where he goes .. well thru the mirror into a wonderland like world where all the inanaimate objects are alive and he can shrink and what not via astral projection, or Mickey’s Mechanical Man, which I sadly didn’t know about when I did the MIckey Birthday Special and for some reason isn’t on disne plus. In it Mickey creates a robot and has it box a monsterous looking gorillia. 
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How has Mickey piloting this thing but giant sized against various kaiju been a thing yet? And if it has someone tell me. Seriously with all the comics and animated series how. I’d even settle for a Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse episode. Just bring this guy back. Point is there was far more invetnion than it seemed.. at least at first as it slowly died out as they went by the late 50′s. But Pluto just seemed even in their hayday like your standard pet gets into antics thing without the creative slapstick of tom and jerry or the likeablity of sylvester who never could get that asshole Tweety Bird. This is just weak sauce and whiel I could forgive the older shorts, as their from another time and likely lead to say Tom and Jerry... I can’t forgive this which was made probably in 1998 and released in 1999 originally. Comedy had evolved a LOT by that point and unlike the Goofy how to shorts, which are a format that is immortal and still evolved to match the times and felt fresh, these just feel stale and boring and like the last Pluto short I covered this one was a chore to sit through though not nearly AS bad. 
Still though the premise is about the same, Pluto’s left to his own devices, and finds a female dog, though in this case she’s VERY intrested in him. I”m also not entirley convinced she’s a dog, but instead one of Jumba’s experiments and that Lilo and Stitch later had to journey to.. wherever these shorts take place to fetch him. Or more likely the house of mouse. I mean Proud Family, Recess, American Dragon Jake Long and Kim Possible all take place int hat universe, why can’t house of mouse? Also tell me you wouldn’t watch an avengers style team consisting of Kim, Ron, Jake, Penny, Probably TJ, Lilo, Stitch and Donald Duck. If you wouldn’t i’d call you a liar because you would be. 
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Seriously the eyes give her away.... just look at them. Very experimenty. But before Pluto can do it like they do on the discovery channel he has to get past the guard dog.. though how he does produces the one great gag of the short, as he BUILDS A GIANT, TROJAN HORSE ESQUE PLUTO OUT OF JUNK. Just holy shit that’s awesome> It gets him inside, only for him to find his lady friend is a bit TOO affectionate and he has to escape, he does so, and MIckey wonders if he missed him etc lame button. This short was a vacuum of comedy outside of GIANT PLUTO. Seriously where’s my disney giant mecha series. YOu have five main characters, and Pluto among with MANY, MANY side characters, frmo scrooge to the boys to hopefully Della, to even possibly pete and mortimer who could have their own mech against the heroes but maybe join them in the last episode. Maybe max and pj could have some, have a father vs son thing with PJ and Pete. I”m just saying, i’d watch it. I know my nieces would watch it. I know my nephews would watch it. Greenlight it. Or i’ll make it.. somehow. 
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How to Ride a Bike: Speaking of the How To Shorts, as usual for the House of Mouse era ones.. this was awesome, pretty much what you’d expect, some goofy, pardon the pun, gags about goofy riding a bike and then a fun climax of him in a bike race. Not a ton to add, other than that hamster bike above is genius. Just needs some tweaking. Really funny, really simple, and really good as you’d expect from a good Goofy Short. Easily the best part of the episode. 
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Max’s Embarrassing Date: So this was a disapointment. Like i’d try to be nice.. but I had high hopes given this brought Roxanne back, and while the premise was stock maybe they’d do something funny with with it. 
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But no the plot is pretty standard, very predictable and fairly obnoxious. Max has a date with Roxanne, and is playing it cool and what not, but is worried his dad will find out.. which he somehow did offscreen. Probably Clarabelle.. I mean they do go out sometimes in this one, wouldn’t surprise me. 
So Max pleads with the rest of the HOM staff to keep him away because he fears his dad will overdo things, which.. is fair and one of the few things I like> He dosen’t want him to overdo it on the mood because this is well.. a first date. He dosen’t want to pressure her or himself and just wants it to be nice and calm. The problem is it’s framed like him once again being embarassed by his dad and having to learn better.
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At this point we’d had TWO movies do this already, one of which was only two years old at the time of this episode. This plot is stale as old toast even if it dind’t have goofy in it. And the twist is predictable: the HOM crew end up also overdoing it: Minnie comments on how cute they are and wants candles brought, Daisy gets them a bigger table forgetting how dates work,t hough we do get a great gag of hte 7 dwarves stacked, and Mickey while having .. some.. gopher? I honestly can’t tell who it was, usually i’m better at the cameos. Speaking of which they also have a runner of beast going on a date with Cruella Devile. 
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I mean is he cheating on his wife? Is she holding his wife hostage? Is this before belle because we see a post transfomratoin beast too so maybe the House of Mouse is an intersection of space and time? That’s.. actually the most resonable answer I can think of honestly and when i’m focusing more on how the hell your gag works than how funny it is, you clearly failed somewhere along the line. 
Point is Mickey puts his good friend in a pothole, and not only calls max little max, which while an understnadably close family thing to do is still embarassing, but also takes pictures while their eating the spagetthi.. which i’m 100% sure was Huey’s idea nad had Mickey not interrupted, would’ve been tied up down the middle for a lady and the tramp thing. It’s his signature move. Well that and having a panic attack. That’s also one of mine the others being lettterkenny refrences and sex jokes about disney characters.  But yeah this just.. dosen’t work. Them being as embarassing? that’d be fine.. if they weren’t wholly unsympathetic for not only keeping their friend from WELL INTEITONEDLY trying to help his son on his date, something his son shold have no problem with since ROXANNE’S MET HIM. AND IS FINE WITH HIM. AND NEVER CARED ABOUT YOU BEING HIS SON LIKE THE DICKHEADS AT SCHOOL. MINUS BOBBY WHO YOUR FRIENDS WITH FOR SOME REASON. My point is this plot bothers me a lot, and it makes the mickey crew come off like assholes for doing this to thier friend instead of just talking to him like a person. Especially since only ONE of them is a parent and Conviently donald is mostly absent. Likely because he realized this was going to end badly and just agreed to tie the spagetthi like huey taught him to keep his involvment in this shit show and gaslighting his best friend to a minimum. 
Eventually Mickey takes things a step too far and has Sebastian almost sing kiss the girl. Max cuts him off though yelling that he just wants them to back off, he just wants them to relax and he TOLD them this, which makes them come off worse as they KNEW he didn’t want this and did it anyway and never apologize becaue apparently the first rule of house of mouse is never apologize for anything, huh huh. Goofy naturally steps in, tells them off and agrees to serve them and Roxanne finds him entertaining and gives him a nose kiss for being a good dad. He’s a good guy that Goof.  Roxanne then whispers something in max’s ear at the end of the date... which gives him an audible erection. No really. And given his age is vauge here I’m suddenly super duper uncomfortable so let’s move on. 
So max tells them she liked it and wants to come back.. 100% sure that wasn’t what she said but what she said isn’t fit to print and you’ve seen what i’ve said and what I put in the we’ll be right back. Point is he’s happy, though Mickey says we’ll try to make it extra special next time. Mickey.. did you do a space mountain’s worth of pills and cokea nd just forget the entire evening? Did you take some of those hangover roofies/ Why would you do that? Was that pete’s new plan to steal the house of mouse? To drug you guys and make you forget you already paid the rent? Did PJ stop him? Inquiring me wants to know. 
Final Thoughts: Yeah this wasn’t a very good episode. Roxanne is wasted despite having a suitable replacment Roxanne voice in Grey Delise, with no real depth just to rehash the plot of the first and second goofy movies. And this one didn’t have an inexpilicable beatnik cafe, PJ getting laid and finally being happy for once, a standard college fraternity plot  surgeically infused with an out of nowhere obession with xtreme sports that was nowhere in the first film, Goofy in an afro, Goofy finding love, That disco sequence, and a climax in which Goofy carries Brad Garret out of a fire, then Brad Garret probably kills the villian of the film who certainly deserved it. My points are this episode was an underwhelming rehash only saved by some good shippy moments and a good goofy short. It was weak, not all that funny, and not all that intersting.  My other point is that an extremley goofy movie is awesome and also kinda insane and I love it for that. I’m glad I saw this one but i’m really disapointed in how bleh it was. Next time I visit the house of mouse is.. actually in a few days as Pete Does a One Man Show. So yeah already 100% better just by having THAT musical number in it, see you then and if not, there’s always another rainbow. 
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dumbdotcomm · 4 years
a little luck and some frogs
(a/n) the iconic @pricklydapper​ drew this amazing piece for me of Mikey and Raph and I just had to write a angst/fluff one-shot for it!!!
There’s a still and a quiet that comes with rain, gentle and slow and lulling. They haven’t had quiet in so long, it seems; it feels like days blend into one another, new paths unlocked in their destinies or whatever.
Sometimes Raph would just like to stop. Go back to being that 15 year old kid living below Queens, having nothing but his tight knit family and a lair game tournament to worry about.
They’ve been firing on all cylinders for days, and god he’s just tired, overstimulated and definitely in need of, like, a detox or something- Leo and April go on about those kinds of things. Maybe he’ll give that a try.
But even as the days pass, long long after they’ve settled back into home and dealing with low-level crime, Raph still can’t really relax. Not in the way that lasts. He’s always looking, anticipating the moment their relative peace will elude them, and the next thing he’ll know is they’ll be miles high, falling from a building, pushing and pushing to catch one another- or at the docks watching his brother get torn apart.
Raph feels like he’s gonna hurl and he does, nothing but last night’s dinner and severe anxiety spilling out from him.
It’s gross and embarrassing and Raph knows it’s nothing he can control; the little helpful part of his brain is reassuring that way. But it was easier to feel so panicky when everyone else was still reeling from the fight.
Leo’s got his detoxing with April, Mikey’s gone off and found Draxum to rehabilitate for god knows what reason, and Donnie’s regulated his sleeping cycle again and he’s gone back to shittalking and watching gophers on Youtube so- he’s okay.
Everyone’s okay…. except for Raph.
But maybe what Raph doesn’t know is that the somewhat okay thing about it, the silver-ish lining in all of it is- even if he’s feeling alone… he’s not. He never is. And Raph has always hated his panic-stink but maybe it’s doing him some good, because he brothers are attentive, and Mikey’s especially perceptive.
It’s why, on this languid, rainy ass day, Mikey barges into Raph’s room with a shopping bag from Old Navy. How he got to, and inside, and outside of Old Navy, Raph doesn’t really have to wonder (humans were so funny in ignoring obvious things, it made raph wonder why mutants stayed hidden anyway).
But Mikey’s got a grin that stretches a mile wide and is pretty contagious, as he struts into the room after having stood in the entrance in that weird ‘younger sibling is now here to bother you’ stance.
“Whaaat are we doing…?” Raph asks cautiously, but can’t hide his own growing smile the longer Mikey beams.
He says ‘we’ because there’s always a ‘we’ in these types of situations, and he’d rather just include himself now off the bat.
“Glad’ja asked,” Mikey says, and dumps the Old Navy bag out of Raph’s bed, “Behold….the best freakin’ things ever.”
And woah- they kinda are the best freaking things ever. Practically see-through jackets with-
“No way! Mikey!” Raph clutches his- he already knows it’s his by the size, extra huge and all, “Bro this-? Is pretty sick. How’d you even get it this big?!”
The thing about them and clothes is: Leo, Donnie and Mikey are all, at least, human people sizes. It’s easy for them to snag just about anything, even some of April’s old stuff fits them. Hell, Leo could fit into Dad’s old suit. And that luxury was kinda foreign to Raph.
Humans barely even made enough fashionable clothes for all of their people- and Raph was kind of outside of that caliber.
He’s kinda getting teary eyed, but, like, who wouldn’t, and Mikey’s already slipping into his own coat, see-through and speckled with little oranges.
“Eh, it’s no biggie,” he sniffs, shrugging the jacket on the rest of the way (it’s totally a biggie), “I kinda...customized ‘em. They were havin’ this special, and I thought ‘screw it baby, we need raincoats’!”
And, careful of his strength, Raph goes for a hug that he knows Mikey was anticipating anyway, with the force that he hugs back and all. Raph doesn’t really need to say anything, but his warbly thank you to Mikey is just a fraction of the depth of emotion he feels now.
It’s funny, silly maybe, because this doesn’t erase the threat of a bigger fight, a worse enemy lurking in the shadows to trip them up- it’s just a custom made see-through raincoat with Raph’s favorite fruit, adorable little strawberries, on it.
And yet he feels indescribably lighter than he’s felt in weeks.
“I figured we could do some adventuring, and I gotta cooks tonight so…”
Mikey wriggles his brow ridge, and Raph can’t help but, like, wanna combust from this surge of excitement and normalcy that he hasn’t felt in too long.
“Trip to Katagiri, hell yes!”
The nice thing about rain in the city is, even though traffic is all the same, and people are still moving around, the sky gets dark enough from the clouds that the lights kinda shine prematurely. The streetlamps come on with a dim, orangey light, and with the autumn leaves mixed with green ones still clinging on, it was just so peaceful.
No one, again, seems to care that two turtles are walking down Lexington, and one couple briskly compliments their jackets and so that’s a plus.
Mikey compliments the one girl’s hair, shaved with hearts dyed into her scalp, and Raph can only appreciate that his brother is so well-spoken- that he just is so natural and confident out here.
That he doesn’t worry.
Raph remembers his first time topside, and how his fear led him into the state of consciousness that he hates to be in- where he’s on all instinct and fear and nothing else.
It’s gotten better since then, but the unease still lingers all these years. Raph wonders if he’ll get rid of it all the way.
Donnie realistically told him he might not, but that all he has to do is count to ten and back again, look around, find something to focus on- something ordinary or something great, and cling to it till he can convince his body and mind that he’s safe- that things will return to normal in a sec.
And right now, Raph keeps his eyes locked on his brother’s feet, as they pound the sidewalk, making little splashes in rain water.
As he’s watching, a frog of all things, just hops along the sidewalk, right at Raph’s feet. It makes him halt, because....maybe it’s coincidental or maybe Raph’s reading too into it, but Mikey turns around too, sees the frog that Raph stoops beside, and smiles in soft understanding.
It’s an omen of some sorts, Dad always said so. Of good luck, and of things returning.
Raph breathes out a laugh, shaking his head.
Just as quickly as the frog comes, it hops away, and Raph stands, still a bit speechless, still kinda processing the meaning behind what just happened, desperately wanting to cling to it meaning good fortune.
He doesn’t wanna worry his brother though, and so he thinks of something to joke or talk about as they start to walk again, only for Mikey to beat him to it.
“I never told you thanks,” he says, gently, like he’s been reading Raph’s aura. Maybe he has.
And somehow Raph already knows what he’s thanking him for, but decides within himself that Mikey really, really shouldn’t. He was just doing his job. He tells Mikey this breezily, with a soft smile.
“Bullshit,” Mikey snaps back, but only because he knows Raphael so well, “We’re kids- we don’t got jobs- except for Donnie occasionally….suspiciously-” he shakes off the trailing thought, “Anyway- it’s not ‘your job’. It was just a shitty...long fight and ya really held us down, Raph.”
They cross the street, momentarily separating with the influx of people but find their way back in a second, the neon ‘Gonbei’ sign now visible to them.
And it’s not that Raph is all that surprised by Mikey. He knows his brother’s always had a knack for speaking in a way that just...made so much sense and was so profound without any complexity. But maybe it’s his brother being 14 now, that makes him even wiser.
“I know we don’t got jobs,” Raph concedes, as they pass the Lexington Flowers shop, “But, you know, I’m big...bigger than you guys, an’ I might not be as smart but when it comes to protecting, an’ planning….it’s what a leader’s s’posed ta do, y’know?”
They don’t often talk about the leadership thing- not that it’s touchy, it’s just not really relevant with how they function. But Mikey knows Raph’s internalized the role a bit more recently. And that Leo getting dropped from a building may have been the catalyst.
He knows his brother’s technically got a job to do. Mikey resents that, and their Dad a little bit, for not making Raph ready for all of what happened weeks ago.
Though he knows that’s not all fair. His father was only protecting them.
Still….it sucks.
“Well, if it means anything, I think you’re smart. And ‘m not sure if I can promise this, but I’m gonna do it anyway...” Mikey says, stopping in his tracks and turning to Raph, who also stops walking and gets called a ‘fuckin asshat’ for blocking a chunk of the sidewalk but- hey.
Mikey politely tells the guy to go fuck himself and when the guy turns to get a good enough look- not at Raph’s size, but at his little gremlin brother with a chain that’s starting to flame up- he decides this whole situation is not something he wants any parts of.
Mikey rolls his eyes and turns back to Raph, face all sincere and kind for someone who just...did that, “I promise we’re okay, and we’re always gonna be stuck together, Raph. I know that won’t magically make you feel better but...just thought I’d say it.”
And Raph tries to say something, but has to clear his throat, and it’s definitely the rain on his cheeks and beak.
“No,” he croaks, and laughs at his voice, happy that Mikey laughs too, “Nah, it- it really helps a lot Mikey….thank you- thanks, man.”
Satisfied, Mikey turns to keep on walking, patting Raph’s shell, “Anytime bud.”
Katagiri’s never disappoints. Mikey leaves with milk tea, shrimp tempura and shiso, more milk tea and a couple boxes of mochi ice. It’s one of those days.
He swings his groceries as they walk.
Raph doesn’t wonder about the frog and its meaning, and doesn’t doubt its luck and why it appeared to him.
He’s kinda figured it out. Because he still has moments like this, watching his brother merrily skip a few steps ahead of him, chatting breezily about pineapple upside down pancakes- and Mikey made a promise, after all, that they’re gonna be together, no matter what.
If that’s not lucky, being with his family, leaning on them when it counts, then Raph’s got no clue what is.
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Wow uh I’d really love to read that Crystal interview 👀👀👀 I always love reading his stories they’re all fantastic. So um what exactly did he do for Roger? I mean I know he was technically his personal manager/assistant but was there actually all that much “managing” going on? Because based on his stories I’m not so sure there was 🤔 which is what I assume your “personal manager still loling” tag is getting at yes? jfjsgjgshsgs Anyway i can’t imagine anyone in that band ever being managed tbh especially not Roger. Oh btw was he ALWAYS with Roger? Or just occasionally when Roger needed him?
LOL, ‘what exactly did he do for Roger’, I’m sure he often asked himself that...
OK, here we have to distinguish slightly between real life, where one very successful adult male employed another adult male in a professional context, exactly to make life easier for him in various ways so that he could focus on making music, and fandom ‘roger and crystal’ where Roger is anything between giant BABY and walking disaster. I think a lot of us when we see Roger and Crystal go into ‘fandom roger and crystal’ mode. Crystal’s stories do tend towards that view of things, but that’s I think quite nice and clever on his part - his stories put Roger in a comical light but never make him out to be nasty or sordid, and he doesn’t say things that would make Roger’s then-girlfriend Dominique or his children upset. None of the ‘phwoar, life on the road, fifty girls every night, let me tell you’ attitude that you find in some roadies. Roger as far as I know has never actually spoken about Crystal on the record other than occasional references during the time Crystal was employed by the Queen organisation which are all positive.
So now my take on what Crystal’s role actually involved. He started out as Roger’s roadie pure and simple. After a certain point he, and I think Ratty, were added to Queen’s payroll so that they were permanent employees and not just hired when the band were on tour. Partly, at a time when they were recording all over the place, this enabled Roger to have his ever more complicated drums moved through customs as necessary, but it also meant that Crystal was there to do for Roger some of the stuff that Paul Prenter did for Freddie - the tedious practical things to do with travel that no-one really enjoys (have you got your passport?) but also like a lot of really good roadie assistants - Mal Evans with the Beatles or Bob Pridden with The Who - he became a personal assistant/gopher/trusted companion. I think it’s really interesting that this happened at a time when the band’s longtime friend/roadie John Harris had to leave because of illness, and also the band was slightly starting to separate out - John and Brian often travelling with wife and children, and they both had kids a couple of years before Roger started - and Freddie starting to hang out with boyfriends and a gay entourage. While Roger and Freddie remained good friends, if all the stories are true, they both wanted to do a lot of offstage shagging, only in rather different directions.
So Crystal’s role changed over time to someone who was, yes, paid to be Roger’s attendant, wing man, and go-to person to do anything from the roadie stuff to more personal assistant style work, but also someone Roger could rely on to be supportive and effective but also good fun, not out to screw Roger over either in money or in selling him out to the press, and, probably, not a pushover. It’s really hard to tell how much he actually had to do, but some of the stories suggest that while the band were recording he was ‘on-call’ (like the one wher he is living ‘on campus’ in Duckingham Palace) and others that when they weren’t working, he had his own life, but if Roger called and said ‘fancy a trip to Monaco’ he would probably be expected to go unless he had a really good reason not to.
My favourite Roger and Crystal story is the one about ski-ing. Crystal is expected to go on the Alps trip, that’s his personal assistant role, but Roger made a whole big effort to take Crystal for ski-ing lessons in Aviemore so that he could enjoy himself the next time they went ski-ing in the Alps. By the standards of personal assistants, that’s being a prince among employers. You can see why Crystal put up with the fact that he was working for someone who couldn’t get in a car without it blowing him up...
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apriorisea · 4 years
BTS reactions when you’re on your period pls?? 💕
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--Very popular request~! 😅Here’s my take on this situation, I hope you enjoy!!! 💜💕
It doesn’t matter what time he gets off work or how exhausted he is: on the first day, he ALWAYS comes home with a variety set of ice creams.
He always gets every single flavor you love, and then one or two bonus flavors that he thinks you might like.
If he happens to be on tour during your week, he orders delivery ice cream to your door.
When you ask him to please bring you home some products, not only does he easily agree, but he never, ever forgets exactly which kind you need and what your favorite brands are.
all. the. snacks.
He takes your random cravings like a challenge.
Chocolate? Obviously, here’s a bag filled with a carefully curated selection. Pizza? Which toppings? Something salty? Pretzels, crackers, potato chips, popcorn--can’t decide? Have all of them in a tasty mix. Sweet? Here: lots of jellies, hard candies, sours, gummies---but none as sweet as you, Princess.
Sometimes you can’t pinpoint exactly what you’re craving, but it doesn’t faze him at all: he won’t stop bringing you food until he finds exactly what you’ve been craving.
He’s always very loving when he’s with you, but when it’s that time of the month he’s even sweeter.
Lots of soft kisses.
He speaks very softly and kindly.
Usually he loves to tease you, but when you’re extra sensitive like this he holds back, only showering you with compliments and praise and sweet words.
You are a strong, independent woman 3 out of the 4 weeks every month, but for that one week, you are so needy.
And he LOVES it.
He loves nothing more than taking care of you.
And though he’d never admit it, he loves to feel needed, loves it when you want to be his shadow, when you can’t get enough of his calming presence.
Because of this, he always plans ahead for the week so that he can be as available as possible.
He wraps you up in one of his favorite oversized hoodies without you even having to ask.
snuggles. for. days.
He’ll sit on the couch with you for hours, holding you close and playing idly with your hair.
He cuddles you while you watch TV or Netflix together, or read, or listen to music.
You frequently fall asleep in his arms like this and he doesn’t move at all because he doesn’t want to disturb you.
On the weekends when he still has to go to work, he always asks you to come with him, because he knows you really want to be wherever he is but you don’t want to feel like a burden.
You curl up on the couch in his studio while he works, content just to be near him.
But sometimes he softly calls you to come over and cuddle in his lap for a while, so he can take little breaks from working to kiss you.
He’s always aware of your needs and wants, but he’s especially protective of you during this time because he knows how vulnerable you feel and how much you hate feeling like that.
Day 2 is always the worst: you feel exhausted and queasy and crampy and just miserable, so unless he’s out of the country on tour, he always finds a way to spend the whole day with you.
He’s very familiar with and understanding of your mood swings.
He’s really good at just rolling with them.
When you get mad over little things, he’s ready to listen to you rant, take your side, and fight your battles for you (if need be).
Any time you get upset, he holds you tight and presses soft kisses to your forehead while you cry.
If you’re just feeling a little down, he will do whatever it takes to cheer you up. 
all. the. goofy. youtube. videos.
He happily turns into your “gopher:” he’ll bring you meals and snacks to where you’re huddled on the couch, grab your phone charger or laptop from the bedroom, get up to put in your favorite DVD, and do whatever other little tasks or errands you need done.
Sometimes when you’re really in a funk, he gently insists on going for a walk. 
One arm perpetually wrapped around your waist, he takes you to your favorite park.
The two of you meander through the flower gardens and people-watch, take in the fresh air, watch the cute kids and dogs playing together on the grass, and he always insists on pushing you on the swings until you’re breathless with laughter. 
Even though you’re resistant at first, you always feel a little better after.
He tucks you into bed and holds you until you fall asleep, whispering promises that tomorrow will be easier and you’ll feel a little better.
He absolutely hates seeing you in pain, so one of the things he’s always very aware of is your painkiller timetable.
Every 5 hours he either shows up with a Tylenol/Ibuprofen tablet in hand or texts/calls you to remind you to take one. 
Sometimes it can get on your nerves how militant he is about it, but all it takes is one time of you deciding not to listen to him and suffering a seriously bad cramp attack and you swear to yourself you’ll never begrudge his strict schedule again.
He’s always offering to bring you liquids: water, juice, soda, lemonade, coffee, tea, hot choco, etc.
Whenever you agree to one, he delivers it with a long kiss.
all. the. heating. pads.
He can’t for the life of him remember exactly which products you need, but has no shame going on a few different trips to the store until he gets exactly what you want. 
Sometimes he just grabs one of every kind just to make sure.
While he’s on one of these store-runs, he always grabs a couple of your favorite candy bars.
He’s really good at distracting you from how awful you feel by talking with you.
One of your favorite things to do together is discuss ideas, books, movies, music, etc, and somehow he always knows the perfect topic to bring up when you just need to take a break from feeling crappy. 
Frequently he’ll start a discussion and then pull you into his lap, rocking you slightly while the two of you talk. 
His highest priority is making sure that you are as comfortable and in as little pain as possible; he literally has a hard time focusing on anything else if he thinks you are in even the slightest bit of discomfort. 
He’s always in awe of how you manage to go about life as usual while your insides are basically trying to kill you.
So his only goal is to pamper you as much as possible.
He always asks you to take some time off work so you can just relax; when you laughingly refuse, he pouts a little, but turns his focus to making sure you’re as relaxed and comfortable as possible when you finally get home.
He always has a hot bath waiting, filled with bubbles and surrounded by candles and music.
When you get out, he wraps you in the fluffiest robe and braids your hair so you don’t have to waste time or energy by drying and styling it. 
He turns on your favorite movie and settles you in front of him on the bed so he can massage your shoulders.
all. the. kisses.
If he happens to be gone during this time, he sends you little care packages so you can survive the week on your own. 
They’re always filled with chocolate, bath bombs, plushies, and candles.
He sends you flowers every day
and an “I love you” text every hour.
He does everything for you---you don’t have to lift a finger for anything.
Constantly tells you how amazing you are.
Essentially, he wants to baby you all the time, but he sees this week as the perfect excuse to do it even more.
Gets the wrong products every. time.
Every time he offers to go, you tell him the names of the preferred products 3 times, you describe the shape of the boxes, the colors, the font, etc etc.
After he’s left, you usually text him a picture of the preferred product just to be sure.
But none of this matters: he still comes home with the wrong thing.
However, it’s usually because once he gets to the store, he gets really focused on finding other things to make you feel better.
He always, always returns with chocolate or ice cream or pie, a bouquet of flowers, a cute new plushy, a few bags of junk food, a new beauty product, and your favorite pack of gum, so you don’t get too mad.
all. the. presents.
As soon as he realizes he’s messed up (again) he rushes right out to get you what you need and the second time’s the charm.
He’s really good at recognizing when you just need to have a cryfest and get it all out, so he puts on sad movies and snuggles up with you in bed.
Holds you tight and wipes your tears away.
He really does try to brighten your mood, whether by ridiculous jokes and stories, cute gifts, or fun surprises.
But one of the things he’s best at is listening to you complain.
Anything you’re upset about, whether it’s rational or irrational, he listens intently, egging you on with the perfect incensed reactions and incredulity.
Afterwards, he kisses you softly and reminds you how wonderful you are, just to get you to smile again.
One of the things that helps ease your cramps is exercise.
It also makes you feel a little less murdery.
Fortunately, you’re with someone who also loves to exercise.
It doesn’t matter how exhausted he is after long days of rehearsal and performances, he always helps you lace up your running shoes and gamely wears the matching baseball caps he bought that say “Just Do It” before the two of you head out the door again.
all. the. exercise.
Walks, runs, hikes, bicycle rides, jogging---he will go with you as often as you want.
Sometimes this means more than once a day, and yet he never complains or drags his feet. (his competitive side kicks in and he usually instigates some sort of race or challenge)
Sometimes the pain is too much, and you end up hunched over the toilet, dry-heaving when there’s nothing left in your stomach: he always holds your hair out of your face, rubs your back, kisses your temple, and then hugs you tight when you’re left weak and exhausted.
He knows that you feel really unattractive during this week, so he subtly (and not so subtly) praises you shamelessly.
Out of nowhere, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist and pull you close, rest his forehead against yours and tell you how beautiful you are.
He takes any and every excuse to kiss you.
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