#the last three are a little more in-depth because. the two different parts are more or less the same
skania · 2 days
OnK Chapter 150
Honestly, the naive part of me wants to believe Aka is doing this in purpose, because this chapter alone highlighted like half the reasons why I find romantic!Aqua and Kana so poorly written lmao
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Compare that to this:
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The writing in Aqua's and Akane's is so much better it's unreal 😂
I'm so glad to have confirmation that Goro's regrets were appeased by knowing that Sarina is living her best life as Ruby. Goro acting like an over-protective dad and Aqua reaffirming that Ruby is his precious little sister were the highlights of the chapter for me. Figures that once Aka finally gives us some Aqua insight, he immediately makes it clear where Aqua stands in regards to Ruby lmao
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Goro is often personified as the guilt and regrets Aqua carried into this new life, but he is much more than that.
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He is an entire framework of thoughts, complexes and experiences right there at the center of the individual we have come to know as Aqua. He is the entire base Aqua is built on, because when he reincarnated, he was just Goro - albeit a Goro thrown into a completely different situation, and a completely different life.
Of course, the longer Goro lives as Aqua, the more Aqua he becomes. He has been developing a new framework of thoughts, complexes and experiences that are more befitting of his situation and based on his current life. This all results in the Aqua we've come to known.
Up to now, Aqua has been simultaneously existing as the man he once was and the young boy he has become. But the man he once was is now feeling at peace knowing that Sarina-chan has gotten a new chance at life, which leaves the young boy he has become with one less reason to cling to a painful past.
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But things aren't that easy, as evidenced by the fact that even after being "freed" by his past guilt, Aqua still has his black stars. As Aqua, he has regrets, guilt and issues of his own to overcome.
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But it isn't just the revenge and the guilt, really. This, for example, is a confusion that has followed Aqua into his new life:
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Which takes me to...
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It's so incredibly ironic that it's "Goro" of all people who brings up Kana 😭 I've mentioned before that Kana has a lot of parallels with Ai and Sarina, and I theorized this may be one of the reasons why Aqua seemed so drawn to her from the get-go. And now we have Goro himself, the one who originally admired all of those traits, saying that Aqua likes Kana. It's like clockwork, except the clock may be broken.
The reasons Goro cites are so shallow and superficial, too. Perfectly fitting for an Oshi or a teenage crush, but hard to think of as anything deeper than that (for me, at least).
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Which is even more ironic, because we end the chapter with Kana declaring herself as "seriously in love" with Aqua, when she herself does nothing but describe him superficially 😭
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Kana has been basically living a shoujo manga in her head and Aqua is her chosen Male Lead 😂 It's like that time she thought Aqua was "straight and sincere", or when she thought Akane was a "goody-two-shoes".
Meanwhile, Aqua and Akane:
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Poor Kana is out of her depth in this manga, but maybe that's the point. Kana is perfectly normal and that's just what Aqua needs am I right?
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Seriously though, that's why I've always said that to me it doesn't really matter if Aqua and Kana end up together, because their writing is just... not it 😭 It's always just one giant trope without any depth of substance. It's no coincidence that these last three chapters are filled with tropes and forced writing. That's the way this ship has always been written in my eyes, and that's why it does nothing for me regardless of whether it's intended to be canon or not 😭
Even this, for example:
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Aqua confirming (yet again) that he has been aware of Kana's romantic feelings all along could back-up what I said here and here. But at the same time, this could just be part of something as simple and unsubtle as this:
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It's like there are two wolves within Aka. One is great at subtlety and organic development, and the other completely sucks at it 😂
But enough about that, I'm sure Aka will give me plenty to complain about next chapter so I'll save it until then lmao
Hmmm where have I seen this before?
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Oh, right!
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Funny how Akane is magically not brought up this chapter. If we assume Aka is just writing obvious stuff without deeper meaning, then Akane isn't brought up because Aka considers Chapters 97 & 98 as their romantic closure. Or maybe all the theories about Aqua being a scumbag that only dated Akane because Kana wasn't available were right. But considering that would make Aqua trash not worth discussing, I can only hope Aka won't stoop that low lmao
If we give Aka the benefit of the doubt (does he even deserve it at this point tho), then Goro not bringing up Akane can be pretty fitting. Because if Aqua likes Akane, it wouldn't be because she fits the ideals and tastes of the man he once was. It would be because of everything they have been through together as Aqua and Akane.
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Case in point, when Aqua thought of Kana and Akane back when he first thought he was free, he did so as fully himself. But I digress! 🤡
Another thing that caught my eye is that Aka deliberately changed the number of chapters in the previous volume just so these Aqua-Kana focused chapters can be in the same volume as the Aqua-Ruby focused ones. Ruby, who mainly loves Aqua because he once was Goro and Kana, who just loves Aqua. Maybe he's doing it to contrast them (in favor of Kana, duh), or maybe he wants to show they're two sides of the same infatuation coin. One can dream, at least!
Speaking about not nice though, what the fuck is this 😭 I know Akane is trying to push Kana's buttons, but baby girl is switching from I-only-see-him-as-a-son!! I swear!!! to Haha actually! so swiftly that she's going to give herself whiplash. Plus, can't Aka let Akane push Kana's buttons while saying less OOC stuff? Granted, it's not like Kana knows Akane well, so of course she doesn't think it's weird for Akane to say that she wants to be with a boy on Christmas lmao
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Poor Akane has gotten her eyes shut so tightly close that it's a wonder she doesn't walk into walls. She's really acting like a robot on auto-pilot 😂 When in the world will you be allowed to have a chapter of your own, Akane? When will we be able to look into your heart?
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damnation-if · 11 months
Hihi! Gonna be honest, I came for the smut, but stayed for the funny writing, 10/10, will keep replaying the different routes so far <3 If it's not spoilery, what are the ROs fears? Demons have fears, right?
hm, i don't think this is too spoilery? i might be a bit vague with some of them so as to not spoil some backstory perhaps
running out of time
destroying the earth accidentally (lmao)
losing the people she cares about
being enslaved again/losing control of themself
being unimportant in the grand scheme of things/not mattering to people who matter to them
running out of things to explore; life becoming dull because they know everything there is to know
thank you for your kind words, by the way! i'm really glad you're enjoying the game! <3
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bethanythebogwitch · 9 days
Wet Beast Wednesday: cave fish
Prepare for a deep dive today. Not because I'm going to be more in-depth than usual, but because we're talking about caves. Which are deep. In the ground.... Yeah, you get it. Today is going to be a bit different from my normal WBW posts. Instead of going in depth on a particular species or group of related species I'm going to discuss common adaptations fish evolve to live permanently in caves and then go over a few species I find interesting. Let's get spelunking.
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(Image: Typhleotris madagascariensis, a typical cave fish. It is a small fish with an entirely white body and smooth skin where the eyes would be on a normal fish. It is resting on rocky sediment. End ID)
Caves are not an easy place to live. There's no light, limited food, often low oxygen levels, and the threat of collapse or rockfall. Cave-swelling animals (collectively called troglofauna) need a number of special adaptations to survive and there is little room for error. Troglofauna that are strictly aquatic are called stygofauna. Troglofauna and stygofauna can be divided into three groups based on their life history. Troglophiles and stygophiles complete part of their life cycle in caves and part outside of them. A classic example of this is the many species of bat who seasonally inhabit caves to give birth and mate. Trogloxenes and stygoxenes are animals who will visit caves, but do not require time in caves to complete their life cycle. An example trogloxene would be a bear who takes shelter in a cave during winter. Finally, troglobites and stygobites live their entire lives in caves and never leave. The fish I discuss today are stygobites. Because troglobites and stygobites generally will die outside of their caves, they have very little opportunity to disperse. As such, many cave fish species are found only in a single cave or cave system and are entirely dependent on the health of their homes to survive.
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(Image: two cave catfish sitting next to each other on a rock. They are white with elongated anal and rear dorsal fins, and no eyes. End ID)
Many cave-dwelling animals develop a set of common adaptations called troglomorphism. Cave water is often high in minerals but low in oxygen and food content. To survive, the fauna develop very slow metabolisms, allowing them to last a long time on limited resources while slowing down movement and other active systems and increasing age. These species are also typically smaller than their epigean (above-ground) relatives, further reducing their energy requirements. Slowed metabolism results in comparatively slow development. Cave species take much longer to mature and reproduce then related epigean species. Many species further decrease their energy consumption by moving as little as possible. Many species of cave fish are able to last long periods of time between meals without negative impacts to their health. They will binge eat whatever they can find and then subsist on fat stores while food is scarce. One test in captivity showed that a Phreatobius cisternarum (cave catfish) could go a while year between meals and stay healthy. Cave species are usually opportunistic generalists as they can't afford to pass up resources. Much of their food will originate outside of the cave, either directly or indirectly. Water flow into caves brings in algae, bacteria, plankton, and other food sources. Other more indirect methods of introducing include bat feces. While the fish may not eat the feces directly, other species may do so and potentially become prey to the cave fish. The feces also introduces nutrients from outside the cave that encourages the growth of other food sources like bacteria, fungi, and planktonic animals.
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(Image: Amblyopsis hoosieri, the hoosier cave fish. It is a very simplistic fish with no eyes or scales. End ID)
Life in a cave comes with a different sensory requirement. The complete lack of light makes vision useless. You don't know dark until you've seen cave dark. Fun fact: caves are so dark that sighted people can start hallucinating in them because our brains aren't evolved to handle zero visual stimulus and will start making stuff up to fill that gap. As a result of the utter darkness, many species of cave fish are blind. They either evolve to completely lose their eyes or have the eyes considerably reduced in size and function. Eyes take up a lot of energy to maintain and in caves, there is a lot of selective pressure to get rid of organs that aren't useful there. Despite the blindness, many species retain some form of photosensitivity and will flee from light. Cave species also often lack skin pigmentation. Skin pigment has two primary uses. It protects the skin from ultraviolet light in sunlight, and provides skin coloration that can be used for camouflage, displays, warnings, and so on. In an environment where there is no ultraviolet light and everyone is blind, skin pigment serves no real purpose and is lost. As a result, most cave species are white or translucent. The lack of pigment may be a reason so many species remain photosensitive. Without pigment, they would be highly susceptible to sunburn or skin cancer from ultraviolet light. Caves also have a sound dampening effect that makes hearing less valuable. Reduced eyes and pigmentation is also seen in deep sea fish that live too deep for light to reach. Even those species still use visual curs more than cave fish due to the abundance of bioluminescence in the deep ocean.
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(Image: Sinocyclocheilus longicornus, a recently discovered species. It is a fish with translucent skin, revealing the skeleton. It has a long shout with two pairs of barbels. Emerging from the upper back is a horn-like protrusion. End ID)
With vision off the table, cave fish rely on other senses. chemoreception through taste and smell are strongly selected for as traits that can direct cave animals toward food or away from threats. Another sensory system fish have is the lateral line. The Lateral line is an organ system found on each side of a fish where modified skin cells called hair cells detect motion in the water. The lateral line allows fish to sense movement in the water around them, informing them of water flow and the movement of food and threats. Cave fish typically have a well-developed lateral line system that compensates for the lack of vision. Many fish perform displays for various reasons, such as attracting mates. These displays are typically visual, but in cave fish, that isn't an option. Instead, their displays are more focused on moving the water in ways that can be detected by lateral lines. Some species of cave fish maintain additional sensory abilities from their epigean ancestors. An example of this are cave catfish, who retain the barbels and electroreception common to their kind.
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(Image: six Phreatichthys andruzzii. They are long, eyeless, white fish. The blood-filled gills are visible through its translucent skin, seen as a large red patch on the head. End ID)
Before moving on to specific species, it should be noted that cave fish is not a taxonomic category. Cave fish come from many different lines of descent and independently evolved similar adaptations to cave conditions. These similar adaptations are seen in most cave fauna, not just fish, and are collectively called troglomorphism. There are about 300 species of cavefish known to science.
Ophisternon candidum, or the blind cave eel, lives in north Australian caves that are connected to the ocean. Because these caves intake salt water, the pools and streams within them can become very salty, resulting in the eels developing a tolerance to a high range of salinity. They are rare, having been spotted under 40 times since 1959, and thus little is known of their lifestyle. We do know they burrow into sediment and secrete mucus to keep those burrows stable. Males seem to build burrows to woo females. They have been bred in captivity for use un laboratories. At up to 40 cm long, they are huge for cave fish and used to hold the record for the largest species known until another species was found that's even bigger.
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(Image: an eel with translucent, pink skin, no eyes, and ribs visible through the skin. It looks somewhat like an earthworm. End ID)
The actual largest known cave fish is Neolissochilus pnar, which gets up to 40 cm while being more massive than the eel. They are found in a single cave system 100 meters underground in India. The primary food source in the cave appears to be debris from the nearby forest that is washed into the cave during seasonal flooding. The fish may have been known to locals well before it was scientifically described, as there are stories of white cave fish going back over a century in the region.
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(Image: a small fish with no eyes, white skin, and a long snout with barbels on it)
The Alabama cave fish (Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni) may be the rarest species of freshwater fish in the world. They live exclusively in key cave, Alabama, USA and no more than 10 have ever been seen at a time. The population is estimated to be under 100, below the generally accepted minimum viable population for a species of 200. Fittingly enough, this means a species only found in Alabama may be severely inbred. They are believed to be triggered to mate by seasonal flooding and may be mouth brooders. Climate change-caused changes to flooding and toxins leaking into the groundwater from sewers are currently threatening them with extinction.
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(Image: a long, white, eyeless fish with an elongated snout. Its skeleton is visible through its skin. End ID)
Typhliasina pearsei, the Mexican blind brotula or dama blanca ciega (blind white lady), lives in the cenotes of the Yucatán peninsula. Cenotes are sinkholes filled with groundwater and the ones in the Yucatán are often connected by underground caves, rivers, and aquifers. The fish are apex predators who eat shrimp and mysids and are known to coexist with other cave fish in part of their range. As with other brotulas, they are a rare example of a bony fish that gives live birth. Because of how interconnected and numerous the cenotes are, this species has one of the largest distributions of all cave fish.
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(Image: an eyeless white fish with a long tail and elongated rear dorsal and anal fins. It is next to an orange rock. End ID)
Cryptotora thamicola, the cave angel fish or waterfall climbing cave fish, is the adrenaline junkie of the cave fish world. Most cave fish live in slow-moving or still water, but this daredevil lives in rapids. But just living in rapids isn't extreme enough, these guys climb waterfalls. Their large fins with hooked fin rays let them cling onto the rocks while facing into the current. They then allow food to flow right into their mouths. Unlike other walking fish, the waterfall climbers have a well-developed pelvic girdle and walk in a style very similar to tetrapods, with front and back fins alternating strides. This has made them very interesting to evolutionary biologists studying the transition from fish to tetrapods.
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(Image: a typical cave fish with very large pectoral and pelvic fins. End ID)
The Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus) is an example of a handful of fish species that have a cave form and a non-cave form. Most Mexican tetras are perfectly ordinary tetras, but one population has adapted to cave living and has developed trogomorphic traits. The cave from lack pigment, has tastebuds on its head, lacks eyes, and can store more body fat. While you would expect such radical physiological differences to mean the two populations are different species, they aren't. The two populations are fully capable of producing fertile offspring and do so in the wild. If you've ever seen a cave fish in person, there's a good chance it was one of these as the cave form has entered the pet trade and they do very well in captivity, making them the most studied cave fish.
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(Image: the non-cave and cave forms of the Mexican tetra seen next to each other for comparison. The non-cave form is a fairly typical silvery-green fish. The cave form is slightly more robust, white, and eyeless. End ID)
Because most cave fish are found only in a singe cave or cave system, they are fully dependent on the health of that cave. Caves tend to be very stable environments, which results in the inhabitants being pretty bad at adapting to change. Changes in water flow, introduction of new species, and pollutants can seriously harm or wipe out whole species. Many species of cave fish are rated as endangered or critically endangered based on their low populations and vulnerability to change.
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lonelystarrs · 8 months
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬 .prt 2
𝐺𝑜𝑗𝑜 𝑆𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑢 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑜 𝑆𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑢
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Sometimes you have to abandon ship to save yourself, you just hoped there would be a shore in the horizon.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI • smut (Geto only in this part) • hurt / comfort / hurt • poly relationship • Angst chapter • Soft Geto •
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Bickering between the two boys was nothing unusual, it was hardly a rare occurrence to have them butting heads over something that challenged each others testosterone levels. Satoru was usually the cause of it and as patience as Suguru was even he had a limit.
Satoru would stop sulking rather quickly, his attention span wouldn’t allow him to remain bothered by something for too long, he was easily distracted.
Suguru though had more depth than the six eyes, he thought more deeply and doubted himself easily, which is exactly what he was doing when Satoru had gloated about what had happened after the mission.
Satoru who lastly came into this little dynamic between you both was the first to have you alone and it happened behind Suguru’s back.
What bothered him is that you were willing. Those voices in the back of his head that caused doubt surfaced in a rather ugly fashion — as much as Suguru would keep up, he knew deep down that Satoru was always one step ahead in every aspect.
But this was something Suguru found difficult to accept because this entire time he felt he was slightly ahead of Satoru in regards to you. It’s why it bothered him, it left room for doubt to crawl under his skin —did you prefer Satoru? Did you harbour more feelings for him?
Not only that but he had noticed your growing discomfort, you were less bubbly, you weren’t smiling as much and you were pulling away —Geto was convinced you were.
The six eyed sorcerer was the source in his life that took away his doubt and that’s exactly what he was trying to do at present, it just wasn’t sugar coating his doubtful mind like it usually did.
“Ehhhh? Naaaaah!” Satoru waved his hand dismissively, his lips vibrating together in a pftttttt. Acting like Suguru had said the most ridiculous thing in their entire friendship. “-Why would she wanna leave us? She’s practically wrapped up in a handsome sandwich and she’s the juicy ham in the middle! No way. Two good looking guys, strongest and you seen those little love hearts in her eyes when-“
“That’s enough Satoru, something isn’t right you need to be serious for once. Think about someone else for a change, you’re shit with girls so your advice is the last thing I’d take.”
Even Satoru Gojo wasn’t settling the doubt bubbling in Suguru’s stomach like he usually did and it was creating a taste that was worse than those rancid curses he swallowed.
“C’mon she’s fine! You really that bothered I gave her fun time with Gojo’s penis alone?”
Prodding Suguru’s cheek playfully only made him swat at Gojo and glare at him, before shoving his hands into his pockets and slouch his posture before walking off. It didn’t take long for an arm to swing over his shoulders and playfully bump into Suguru.
“No, this is different it’s nothing to do with sex.”
“Y’sure? ‘Cuz It was so good Suguru, she was still full from us at that abandoned school, it was so damn sloppy, gives me a semi thinking ‘bout it.” Satoru chimed, side eying his friend to see his reaction and only smirked when he watched the dark haired boys shoulders tense.
“So you are bothered, I knew it~!”
“Get lost Satoru-“
“Tell ya what-“ suddenly stopped Gojo reclaimed his arm, Suguru walked a few strides ahead, “-because I’m selfless and the most incredible bro you could ask for, you go meet her alone tonight, I’ll see y’tomorrow.”
Suguru glared over his shoulder, not convinced Gojo was being so easily selfless and could hold up his word on actually being left out. The boys were both on their way to meet you and as much as Geto didn’t want to admit it, his friend was excited to see you, evident by Satoru was getting increasingly more giddy throughout the day.
Satoru seemed to be the only one who wasn’t aware that something felt off and it started to convince Geto that perhaps it was because he felt somewhat left out? It would make sense, he doubted himself a lot and this was more personal, this wasn’t work related what so ever.
But this would be a good opportunity for Suguru to assess what was going on —maybe even question you. You always were more honest with him, always easy for him to draw out what you tried to bury.
So he took the offer, waving over his shoulder at Gojo, Geto carried on in the direction to meet you, dropping you a text telling you he was five minutes away.
Geto >Be there in 5
You > Ok, I’ve made ramen for you guys, there’s something I want to talk about with you both.
The words churned Geto’s stomach and his pace slowed to almost a stop as he stared at the words on his phone, thumbs hovering over the illuminated screen as he swallowed thickly reading over it again and again.
“Uh, Suguru are you okay?”
Eyes rose up to meet yours at your front door, he blinked not realising he’d walked the entire length here silently, unnerved by your text.
“Where’s Satoru?”
Locking his phone he shoved it into his pocket, looking away to the side as if it not looking at you would ease the disturbance in his stomach.
“He isn’t coming tonight, it’s just us.”
Suguru couldn’t help but side glance at you, too curious to ignore what your reaction would be to it being just him this evening. Your jaw tensed, your gaze drifted and you chewed the inside of your cheek.
You looked disappointed and Suguru felt nauseated over it.
Ignoring it he played off casually and smiled, the facade only he could pull off so well because he was the best liar and manipulator out of three of you. stepping forward and tucking a strand hair that had fallen from your messy bun, using his soft charm to distract you from that apparent disappointment.
Then use a guilt trip to sway your concerns.
“Food smells really good, hasn’t been just us for awhile thought you’d be alright with it, I can leave if you want. I just still really wanted to see you.”
That should do it.
His heart jumped at the little doe eyed expression you gave and knowing you, you’d be worried that you offended him —because like him you were an over thinker. He smiled a little at your expression, passing it off as his usual softness not letting you see behind it that he was amused you took the bait of his words.
You were just so much less selfish that he and Satoru.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I’m sorry, I’m still really happy you’re here I just-“
You trailed off, that worry glistening in those pretty eyes of yours and the combination of his stomach churning but hope feeling his heart was damn awful.
“You just what?”
“Just wanted to talk to you both at the same time about something —it can wait another day, I guess.”
He didn’t miss your eyes glistening with something else, they were watering, he could feel your agitation and it wasn’t helping his doubt trying to win the race with hope.
“You can talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“N-Nothing, just forget it, please? Can we just enjoy an evening to ourselves instead?”
Your fingers wrapped around his wrist, you half turned to encourage him to come in and smiled at him so warmly, so convincingly lovingly that he felt that worry melt for a few moments.
Hope filled him more and more throughout the evening, winning that race against doubt, the food warmed him and his soul, he laughed with you and doted on you. Washing the dishes after you cooking then helping you put them away.
You cuddled into his side on the sofa, you played with that strand of hair that he left down because he knew you loved twirling your finger around it. You laughed when he pressed kisses over that spot on your neck that made you recoil because it tickled, laughing against your skin he just pulled you closer.
Fingers dancing up the sides under your skirt, thumbs rubbing in circles as he reached your hip. The airy moan that left you sent a pulse to his cock, your fingers threading into his hair until his bun loosened from the band.
He’d rolled you over so easily on the sofa, his lips on yours in some slow, yet messy kiss that felt so passionate it kicked his heart against his ribs.
The airy moans swallowed by each other, clothes still on due to no patience to remove them only undone to release pressure and aid access. The urgency consumed him and you, your nails biting into his back before skimming down to grip his bare ass under his now loose jeans, squeezing his cheeks as he nudged his cock head clumsily against your throbbing pussy.
“Please, Suguru,”
Your lips bit at his bottom lip, pulling it slightly before running your tongue over it. It made him curse against your mouth and inch his dick in slowly, feeling it pop as it pushed through that tight ring of muscle swallowing him greedily.
Your hips jolted, rolled and did everything you could to try to encourage him to fill you properly.
“M’gonna cum if you keep squeezing me like this,”
“Then do it,”
He groaned against your lips, your pleading tone hinted with a demand and you tasted as good as your words, your cherry lip balm smeared across his was removing any traces of those vile curses he swallowed.
“You need to cum first,” he muttered against you, pushing another inch in, “-that’s the rule remember? It’s always you first.”
He felt you clench around him and he chuckled at you, a breathy moan laced with it.
“I thought you liked being degraded, where did being praised come from?”
Satoru had said the same thing and it briefly took your mind back to that mission a few days ago, how lovingly yet messily he’d fucked you alone, then those texts he was receiving.
Those girls. The lack of feeling security from them. The unknown… the need to leave this situation. It had all dissolved in Suguru’s presence, it all went back to how things were before these worries took over.
And that would be fine, if you didn’t feel something for both of them now.
Your heart plummeted as your mind raced back to him, Suguru frowned noticing your stiffness, reaching up he cupped your chin, pulling his lip from your teeth and running his thumb over your bottom lip.
“Look at me.”
You did —stiffly, reluctantly and Geto seen it, he felt it course through his heart in a painful ache. He watched the distraction from the issue he knew was quietly brewing all but disappear in you.
“Just focus on me for now,” he whispered it, almost like he would hope it would calm whatever storm was brewing. He distracted you by filling you with a hard thrust, bullying the rest of his thick cock in and it was hard —your body jolted, the breath hitched in your throat as a gasp, pretty eyes widened and your mouth fell agape.
His mouth messily returned to you, holding you so close it was difficult to thrust into you under him on the sofa, his hips rutting into you in short close punches and it was sloppy. He could hear your cunt squelching as he bullied his cock in, you were so tight and warm, pulses being sent from his lower stomach to his cock as he drank in your moans.
This felt right, so right, no sorcerers, no curses —no ego battles or bickering, just you both again in a way he hadn’t had you alone.
He could focus on you and him for once.
“Y-You’re s-so t-thick S-Sugu-“ each word punctuated with his thrusts, each word stuttered because you were struggling in the most blissful of ways under him.
“Yeah? N’you’re so tight, so wet, you’re so good f’me.”
He loved the feel of your hands gripping his ass as he rutted into you, rolled his hips so beautifully you were starting to see stars, hitting something in you every time that you just couldn’t speak. You felt overstimulated and you hadn’t even cum yet.
“My good girl, is she gonna cum for me?”
His voice was so smooth, so calm before his tongue pressed against your neck, knowing that spot that made your cunt clench and hands grip his ass harder, stiffening under him as that build up rose too quickly under his praise.
“You really like the praise hmm?”
You nodded dumbly, practically clinging to him in hopes that taught line would snap, your orgasm at its peaking waiting for that one move to just push you over.
His hand left you, lifting your leg by the back of your thigh and pushing it up higher, angling his hips he buried into you deeper.
Kissing your throat he could feel you moaning against his lips.
“You’re beautiful, you sound good like this,”
Heat rushed up your neck, blooming on your cheeks and tears welling up in your eyes —his softness, his loving tone was just too much. Your heart swelled until the tears spilled at his praise, Geto noticed when the salty taste on his tongue kissed it away. Following the trail up to the source, he shifted to hover over you and rose a hand to cup your face, thumb swiping away under your left eye.
“Cum for me, then we can talk,” your name left him so softly, his eyes looking into your soul and he kissed at your lips so sweetly “-I’m here,”
“I’m sorry-“
He shushed you soothingly before kissing you again, swiping his tongue across your lip before meeting yours. The short hard punching rhythm of his hips meeting yours, thick cock spreading you open yet you clenched around him so desperate to cum when Geto rotated his hips and it brushed against that spot inside you it finally pushed you over the edge.
“M’cumming- Suguru there, there- I’m cumming,”
He cursed against your mouth as you clamped around his cock, pushing himself to the hilt and hips stuttered as he let you ride out your orgasm on his dick, moaning praise at you.
“Oh Fuck pretty, just like that —cum around that dick, feels good, your pussy feels so good.”
It was almost unbearable how close he was, slurring into your ear as he pressed fully against you, his body convulsing lightly in reaction to how you felt cumming his breath hot against your skin, fingers caressing whatever place they could touch.
He felt you go slack under him, heaving in air trying to recover from the high and his weight countering your attempt to even out your breathing. But Geto didn’t shift, he pressed until he was balls deep and flexed his cock inside of you.
“Gonna help me cum now, love?”
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You > can you guys meet me at our favourite cafe at 730pm tonight please? It’s important need to talk to you both.
You glanced at the clock in the cafe reading 8:34pm.
They’d both read it not long after you’d sent them both the text in your little group chat, Suguru had only liked it in response.
You wanted to believe they were busy with some kind of mission as usual, that they’d been dragged out last minute and were merely running late.
“Hey, can I get you anything else? You’ve been sat here for awhile-“
“No I’m okay thank you, I’m gonna leave in a moment, can you please box up that cake to go though?”
You smiled politely at the waiter, who only gave a small charming smile back before collecting your empty cup and plate. Saying they’d be right back with a box for Satoru’s current favourite sweet treat you’d gotten him.
He’d probably want it after a long day, seems like they were having one.
You tried to tell yourself, focusing on that to stop your head spiralling into more paranoid trains of thought that matched the sinking gut feeling in your stomach that it wasn’t a mission keeping them occupied.
You wrapped your scarf around you, pulling your jacket on to keep you warm but the cold air still bit at you, fog appearing as your hot breath mixed with it, a heavy sigh leaving you with the simple comfort of cosy clothes on a cold evening.
The bag rustled lightly next to you as you stepped towards your dorm, taking a detour wanting to delay your arrival time because you knew as soon as you stepped through the door you’d be hit with that sinking feeling.
What you didn’t expect were two female sorcerers, the mean girls of the little community, stood around smoking in the entrance way. Your name leaving one of them in a sly, sing song tone.
“Aww, you’re on your own?”
“Get lost, Mila, I’m not in the mood.” You retorted stopping in front of them as they stepped in your path, blowing smoke into your face.
“Yeah, I’d be bummed to if I got replaced, it was only a matter of time though.”
You stayed silent, not wanting to aid their taunting but also slightly curious as to what exactly they were talking about. You thought your silence wouldn’t aid them, however it did the opposite.
“Oh? What’s with that look? You don’t know?”
You let out a heavy sigh, trying to remain passive and bored by them, despite your heart falling into your stomach and anxiousness rushing through your veins like fire.
“What don’t I know, Mila?”
“Satoru’s new interest, Suguru is tagging along as well. I mean they’ve been with her all evening, seen them leaving that little maid cafe Gojo likes.. my friend works there, Satoru’s been smitten all evening. Here-“
The illumination from the phone made you squint, almost flinch to adjust to the sudden brightness shoved in your face… but when they adjusted it was a sight you’d rather have not seen.
Satoru was beaming that stupid smile, throwing an arm over a girls shoulder who was blushing furiously trying to hide it under her jacket. Suguru was behind them on his phone for a call, apparently he could use his phone after all, with some exasperated expression on his face. She slid the screen to another photo of Suguru holding the door open to an apartment complex, the girl walking in and Gojo following.
You had no idea who she was, but she was pretty that was undeniable and you knew that look from Satoru. That goofy, cheeky smile, that arm over the shoulder —you knew how felt to be the one under it with his silly way of flirting and teasing. You knew how that blush felt across her cheeks.
This was why you wanted to talk to them, to get an answer —you find some kind of solution and if you weren’t all agreeing then it would cease between you all. You’d call it off —you’d leave as friends and nothing more.
You wanted to get your answer in a way that was mature, instead you got it like this.
With some bitter bitch holding her phone at you like a damn Oscar that she’s won over you. She shook her phone for emphasis and you thanked the gods for your ability to hold your shit together in front of her.
“So? It was only ever sex, no strings attached.”
“Bullshit! They wouldn’t sleep with us when we offered it and we’re ten times hotter than you!”
“I don’t have time for this playground shit, get lost.”
You pushed past them both without another word, leaving them to stomp at the ground and the other furiously suck on the rest of her cigarette, puffing it out dramatically through her nose.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
You chanted it inside your head not noticing your pace getting faster as you closed in on your dorm room, eyes and nose stinging to hold back frustrated tears before they spilled for anyone to see in the hallways.
The door slammed unintentionally behind you as you dropped Satoru’s cake to the floor, bag rustling on impact as your back hit the door and you slid for the floor.
The teary sneer was heard by only you, left in the silence of your dark room, leaving the lights off so if by chance the boys did happen to remember you they’d think you were asleep and leave you be. You just hoped Satoru wouldn’t overstep any boundaries and teleport into your room, or use his stupid six eyes to seek you out.
You succeeded for an amount of time, crying until you ran out and sat numbly on the floor staring at nothing in particular with your arms wrapped around your knees, forehead resting on your forearms. Ignoring the vibrating of your phone in your pocket, letting the calls ring out to voicemail and ignored the odd buzz of texts coming through.
You wanted to be left alone, for once not answering to them and letting distance happen on your terms, not theirs.
But this was Satoru Gojo you were involved with, someone unable to read the mood well, someone who overstepped boundaries as a form of amusement because he never did see any lines drawn in the sand.
The knock on your door wasn’t subtle, it was testing the water to see if you were awake, perhaps the rest of the dorm as well.
“Satoru shut up! Her lights are off, leave her be.”
“Call her again, see if she answers-“
“It’s nearly midnight, let her sleep we will catch her tomorrow.”
“But I wanna see her, it’s been two days.”
The voices were muffled, they sounded tired but oh so clear on who they belong to and your body tensed in apprehension that Gojo would find his way into your room —see you like this, question why you’re like it.
But it was the rage that suddenly erupted in you —a total 360 from the calm mindset you tried to stay in, that made you stand and grab the door handle. Also the cake you’d bought Satoru to eat when he arrived at the cafe like you’d asked.
You swung the door open, both boys turning back to see you and a goofy smile spread over Gojo’s face.
“See! Told ya sh-“
You threw the cake at him, not expecting it to actually hit him square in the face, smearing the cream over his now wonky glasses and the gobsmacked look on both their faces would have been comical if you were so fucking angry.
“What the hell?!”
“Isn’t your infinity supposed to be up?!”
“It isn’t around you! You’re not a threat so why would I keep it up!”
“Oh?! So I’m weak now?”
“Well yeah, but that’s not what I meant!”
Suguru pinched the bridge of his nose, inhaling deeply before stepping between you both seeing how you were only bouncing off each other and it was going to spiral faster.
“Can we come in? It’s late, if Yaga finds out we-“
“Finds out what, Suguru?” You sneered, glaring at him harder than you had Satoru. He was using his phone, yet he couldn’t have text you? Let you know?? Screw that!
Geto was stumped, blinking at your attitude and that fact you’d taken it up with him. You never spoke to him like that, you never directed anything at him because it wasn’t him that caused your upset —it was always Gojo.
“That you’re sneaking around, that you’re double teaming whoever when you feel like it?”
You whirled back to Satoru, pointing at his chest actually making him lean back.
“You I expect it from, being the little fuck boy with the god complex that you are but you-“
Your eyes turned back to Suguru, eyes almost softening on him looking at you like that, he was shocked, not expecting it, almost looked hurt but you were so far gone to even take anything else in that might sway your anger at them.
“I don’t expect it from you, I never did.”
Your voice softened, cracking almost as you felt that angry fog clearing, your wrist being snatched by Gojo made you look back at him and he wasn’t amused.
“We got held up on a mission, which was pretty shitty by the way-“ Satoru’s voice was calm, no playful tone to it like he usually carried, his eyes weren’t leaving yours, not even faltering as he spoke, “-we are sorry we didn’t get back to you about this evening alright? It’s just one evening, you don’t need to be such a bitch about it.”
You snorted a laugh and tried to snatch your wrist away but it failed under his grip.
“Satoru watch your grip,” Suguru moved forwards, seeing that Gojo wasn’t releasing the tension and it was stopping you from getting away like you wanted.
“Get back to me? I was waiting for you guys for over an hour! Tell me how was your mission?”
“You went to the cafe?”
“Well yeah, you liked the message Suguru, I assumed that was a go ahead for it, obviously though I’m not on your list of contacting when you have other females to attend to.”
“You know?”
Your other hand rose to try pry your wrist from Satoru and you tried pulling away, feeling that sting in your nose and eyes again threatening to spill tears you didn’t want them to see. But Gojo’s keen eyes were looking at you like prey, his own blue ones softening for a second when he took a closer look at you.
“You been cryin’?”
He rolled his eyes and lifted his other hand to cup your cheek, thumb wiping under your red, puffy eyes giving you some kind of soft smile and it only boiled anger in you further.
Like you expected him to read the situation and take it seriously.
“C’mon, let us inside yeah? We can talk in your room-“ he pursed his lips together in a childish kissy face and leaned forward to kiss you, “-and we can kiss and make up, show you we really are sorry~!”
The childish attempt left Satoru quickly when you tugged your arm harshly to get away and turned your head to the side to avoid the kiss.
Suguru was the one to call your name softly and his softness was the thing that cracked your anger, emotions rushing forth in a way that was hard to process, you fought the instinct kicking in to run from them —to be as far away as possible to try save yourself from the heartache crushing your chest.
“I don’t want this —“
The words made Satoru’s grip on you loosen enough to pull yourself from them and back up with your head down, your right hand gripping your left upper arm as you withdrew from them, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“I don’t want this anymore,”
You stepped back and Satoru stepped forward, Suguru was the one to stop him, placing a hand on his shoulder and stepping forward himself.
“Is this what you have been wanting to talk about?”
You nodded unable to meet them, fat tears spilling down your cheeks and it was pitiful. You felt broken it didn’t feel right but it had to be done, you knew this was how it needed to be.
You were declining in this dynamic, between them you were losing yourself.
“Why didn’t you just say something to one of us?”
“Because it’s unfair, it has to be both of you, I couldn’t get one to pass on the message that’s cruel.”
Suguru sighed realising the situation wasn’t going to get any better —you were high on emotions, the most upset he’d ever seen you and you needed space.
Satoru however-
“So that’s it? You’re just done because we didn’t get back to you for one night?”
His head was bowed, white locks covering his eyes but his jaw was tense, his voice quiet yet hard and it only spurred your anger again.
“You left me sitting in a cafe whilst you went out flirting all night in the maid cafe and to double team someone else! You used your phone Suguru and couldn’t even be bothered to message me! I’ve seen the photos. So yeah, I’m done because of this one night, not the girls you constantly flirt with in front of me Satoru, or have them texting you, or you saving their numbers in your pockets!”
The shock was evident on both boys faces, Satoru finally looking up at your outburst, only to see your eyes burning in anger and tears glistening failing to put out the fire in them.
Suguru muttered something about photos, looking somewhat confused.
Whilst Satoru snorted, giving a confusing combination of expression —he was acting like this was ridiculous, like what you said was outrageous. Frown with a light shake of his head but his eyes were contradicting any attitude he used as a facade, they looked hurt… they looked tired.
“So go do what you want, whoever you want —I’m done with being both of you guys little fuck toy.”
Suguru’s tone was cold, his patience having left him, you rarely seen him angry but he had the audacity to aim it at you.
“It’s late, Satoru and I aren’t in the best place to handle this after today. Things are spiralling and fixing anything like this is futile-“
Gojo turned his eyes away, shoving his hands into his pockets and glaring at the wall like a scolded child.
Suguru’s eyes however, were firmly fixed on you.
“You want space? We will respect that but don’t ever refer yourself to a sex toy again, do you understand?”
He said it with such distaste, such displeasure that you’d seen him pull less of a face consuming curses.
“I don’t want space-“ you were proud of yourself for your voice not breaking, for standing your ground you knew how Geto could lie, how easily he could sway words or situations so you put it in a way that he couldn’t, “-I’m done, Geto.”
Satoru was the first to leave, teleporting himself away without Suguru, the only one brave enough to watch you retreat back in your room, the door quietly clicking and locking behind you.
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©pharix/lonelystarrs 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
Disclaimer: demand another part without any actual feedback/liking/reblogging blankly etc will get you blocked. :) it’s really rude to just demand another part to the story without any acknowledgment of the work that’s gone into it. 👎🏻 I do not do tagging systems, YHE follow button is how you keep up to date.
Thank you. 🫶🏻
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Your wish is my command!
(There's less comfort here and more hurt than I planned, and then the sexual tension snuck in, oh my ...)
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A deal with the devil
Rated: T
Words: 980
Tags: Pirate AU; Pirate Eddie; castaway Steve; Billy Hargrove being an asshole; Steve Harrington whump; dehydration; non-consensual bondage; sexual tension; sexual innuendo
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The water runs out before the first day is through.
They gave him a single skin of it. That, and a blunt knife to ward off the sharks.
“To tide you over until you find land or a kind soul to aid you,” Hargrove winked, patting his cheek as the boat began to lower. “I'm not a monster, pretty boy.”
Steve said nothing. There is no land for hundreds of miles. They passed the last ship three days ago. They both knew this.
He refused to touch the water at first, even as the sun burnt his skin and his tongue began to feel like a piece of cotton in his mouth. He knew it would only prolong the inevitable. But the human instinct for survival is a dumb thing, and with the sun at its zenith and the ocean blurring into the sky all around him, he eventually pressed the skin to his cracked lips, emptying it with three greedy gulps.
He doesn’t know how long ago that was. It feels like weeks, even though the rational part of him knows it can't have been more than a day or two. He's been drifting in and out of consciousness, though, and it's hard to tell.
Not like it matters, he thinks, staring up at the deadly white disk overhead. He should shut his lids against the glare, but he can't even muster the energy to blink. His eyes should water from the light, but there's no liquid left in him. All he can do is lie here and hope that it will be quick now.
He slips into dreams. Voices filling his ears. A cold shadow enveloping him. Hands cradling him, combing sweat-soaked hair from his forehead. Dark hair billowing around a pale, pretty face, like seaweed. A siren come to pull him into the depths, he thinks deliriously, to drag him into his wet grave and devour his flesh.
He doesn't mind.
It will be cool under the sea.
When he opens his eyes again, he's confused at first. Purgatory looks a lot different from what he expected. He thought there'd be fire, not linen pillows and brocade curtains. He also thought it'd smell like smoke and burning skin, not like wood and sea salt and gunpowder.
Steve shoots up with a strangled shout. The wet cloth on his forehead slips and lands next to the bed.
He's not in purgatory. He's on a ship. In the captain's quarters, if the curtained bed and lush carpets are anything to go by.
He's also been cuffed to the bed by one wrist.
His free hand instinctively gropes for the knife in his boot, only to find that it's gone.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.”
He freezes.
There's a man in the armchair beside the bed. Steve didn’t notice him before, because he was reclining into the cushions, but now he's leaning forward, dark eyes watching Steve from under a wide-brimmed hat. The rings on his fingers glint as he stacks his hands, resting his chin on them. Balanced between his fingers is the knife.
“That's mine,” Steve blurts. “Give it back.”
The man laughs.
“I saved your life out there, darling, be a little more grateful. I usually take a lot more from the vessels I encounter.”
Steve's stomach drops. Because now that the fog is slowly lifting from his mind, the man looks familiar. He's seen that face before, staring back at him from wanted posters in port towns.
“You're Edward Munson,” he mutters. “The pirate.”
“That's me,” Munson swoops into a bow. “Welcome aboard the Hellfire. Now, who do I have the pleasure with?”
Steve bites his bottom lip. That grin goes just a little wider.
“Nevermind,” Munson purrs. “I think I know.”
Steve remains silent, hoping the hammering of his racing heart will not betray him.
“The Marines are looking for a boy matching your description,” Munson continues, cleaning his nails with the knife. “Governor's son. Made off with one of daddy's ships to play pirates, it's the talk of-”
“No idea what you mean,” Steve snaps. “I'm a simple sailor who was in a shipwreck, I-”
Munson scoffs. “Alright then, sailor. Tell me why I shouldn't just turn you over? That reward is handsome, I could make good use of it.”
“Except you won't,” Steve says, and now it's his turn to measure the other man with a smug smile. “Can't spend that money without a head.”
Munson sighs.
“I just want a nice, easy life,” he whines theatrically. “What's wrong with that? You rob a few ships, seize a treasure or two, and suddenly people are out for your life. And yet, somehow, I am the abominable one here, imagine that!”
Steve stares at him. Munson clears his throat.
“Anyhow,” he then says. “Don't think I'll let you laze around in my bed forever. You want to stay, you apply yourself like everybody else.”
Steve wants to tell him to go fuck himself, but somehow that doesn't seem smart. Not with his only weapon in the guy's hand and nothing but water around them for days.
“Fine,” he grumbles. “I'll apply myself. I can mop the deck, help out in the kitchen, whatever you-”
Munson waves him off. “Nah, I got people for that.”
Steve scowls. “Then what-”
One ring-clad hand touches his jaw and the words die on his tongue.
“Don't worry, sweetheart,” Munson winks at him. “We'll find something for you to do. Something to make my life just a little bit nicer and easier, right?”
Steve bites his tongue so hard he tastes copper, and nods. He only needs to hold out until they get to land and he can figure out a way to get his ship back.
If he needs to sell his soul to the Devil of the Hellfire to accomplish that, so be it.
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Something, something, they fuck about it, fall in love, kick Billy's ass and take back Steve's ship, they become pirate husbands, the end.
More celebration ficlets
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owlespresso · 13 days
the coring, the goring
alpha!blade/beta!reader/omega!luocha you are a beta courier. kafka asks of you a favor. tags: filth and spice below like you wouldn't believe, extremely dubious consent, luocha and blade are freaks but that's nothing new, prone bone pt 3 of my part in @lorelune's a/b/o collab. they've been extremely generous enough to beta read all three parts and give feedback. i could not have done this without them! part 1, part 2, collab masterlist
Kafka shows up at your apartment, one afternoon. After Blade stayed over, flayed you open, left your tender underbelly exposed to the pale moonlight. You still don’t know how you feel about him. You do, however, know how you feel about her.
You’ve never told her where you live, but it doesn’t surprise you that she knows. She lingers in the doorway, leaned up against the left side. Her coy smile is more subdued than usual.
“I need your help with something,” she says. At least she isn’t wasting time on the pleasantries, today. That’ll get her to leave quicker, and that’s pretty much all you’re concerned with. You still blanch, because she wants something from you. That’s always a dire sign. Something in your life is about to go awry.
“You can’t find someone else? I’m a bit busy today.” you narrow your eyes at her. Her smile tightens. Whatever she’s come here for, it must be urgent. 
“Whatever your clients pay you, I’ll double it for the days you miss. Every single one. I’ll even throw in some of those honey candies you like to sweeten the deal.”
“Days?” you blink, already beginning to calculate the potential gains and losses in your head. Missing several shifts could lose you a few clients—could you wheedle her into paying you that difference until you find new ones?
“Yes, days,” Kafka twirls a lock of her hair absentmindedly. “You see, Bladie has a little problem that needs delicate taking care of—” she begins, voice pitching up, preparing to wind around the crux of the whole thing until you lose your mind. 
You cut her off there. “Just give it to me straight.”
“Always so forward,” she pouts. Her voice winds up like she’s about to give you a scolding, but she flattens out, lips curling into a lazy smile. “I like that about you.”
“Bladie is in rut,” she continues. Slowly, like she’s explaining the concept to a child. “He has someone to take care of him—that merchant, the blonde one. The only problem is, well… their paths don’t make them entirely compatible.”
Your lips twitch into a frown. Destruction and Abundance, on opposite ends of the spectrum. If they were both normal people, it wouldn’t pose a problem… but you have no idea if Blade’s unique condition could cause complications. Regardless, you’re not sure why she’s telling you. This isn’t your problem.
“They’ll need a mediator—” she begins.
You’ve heard enough. “Absolutely not.”
“Aw, c’mon. These two have been barking up your tree for more than a month and you’re not curious?” she teases, 
She says your name. Your spine goes rigid. Something sweet and cloying pricks its claws into the soft flesh of your consciousness. This is suddenly no longer a negotiation.
“You don’t have to do anything. You just have to be… present, in case Blade’s mara rears its ugly head.”
“You could do that,” you point out.
Kafka shrugs. “I could, but that isn’t the only benefit of having an emanator of Harmony around. I can’t mediate like you can,” You hold your tongue only because you know she’s right. “I know it’s a hassle, but I’ll make it worth your while. And I’ll pay you triple of what you would have made this week.”
You narrow your eyes. “And if his rut doesn’t last a week?” Unease churns at the bottom of your gut. This isn’t your wheelhouse. To delve to the depths of intimacy when you haven’t even waded the shallows is unwise at the very best, life-endangering at the worst. You’re not attached to Luocha and Blade in the way they are attached to each other. And the moment you lower the drawbridge and weaken your walls, you anchor yourself even further to the Luofu.
“You’ll be paid the same, regardless.” Kafka says, as though it’s in any way comforting.
You loosen the tensed muscles of your jaw. It’s not as though you… dislike Blade. You think about him, early in the morning, when you’re too sleepy to get your thoughts straight. You remember keenly the press of his lips, the smell of him as he breached your personal space, permitted himself to your skin—
You shut your eyes. You feel too hot, all of the sudden, “Can I get that in writing?” 
“If it’ll make you feel better, I can wire you the money right now—” Kafka slides her phone out of her pocket, nimble fingers clicking all over the screen. You still aren’t comforted. 
“No, it’s fine,” you squeeze the bridge of your nose, already feeling the oncoming headache. You can’t believe you’re doing this. “When do I have to be there?”
The house looks the same as it always does. There’s nothing new on the breeze. Nothing beside the rustling of the leaves and the chirping of the birds. You knock on the door. Luocha stands in the doorway, red robe hanging off his shoulder. Bruises bloom on his skin like blood in water, spots of bluish-purple that run up the left side of his neck. You blink, speechless. He’s greeted you dressed like this, before, but he’s never looked so ragged. So run-down. His lips are kiss-swollen, lit up an angry pink. Flaxen blond flows down his shoulders like a river stream, strands sent awry in several places—they look like they’ve been tugged at, manhandled in a way you never imagined he would allow.
“Oh, good. You’re here,” he chimes, and steps aside. He motions for you to come in. It’s a threshold you’ve crossed many times, but something about this feels permanent. There’s a heavy feeling in the air. The faint scent of something spiced and smoked lingers throughout the entryway and living room. Unease prickles up the back of your neck. The door clicks shut behind you. A hand lands on your shoulder. “No need to be so tense, my dear Courier. Nothing bad will happen to you here.”
“What exactly will happen here? Kafka gave me the rundown, but…”
“Well, that depends on you,” Luocha hums. The warm hand on your shoulder slides down to your bicep. He stands behind you, a solid stroke of heat along your back. “I know I speak for us both when I say we would very much like you to participate, but all you really have to do is… watch.” He breathes the word, breath soft and hot against your ear.
He slips away from your side. The space he occupied at your back feels cool and empty. You shiver.
“—And you’ll have to intervene should anything go awry. While I can sate his carnal urges, the same cannot be said for his mara,” Luocha continues, cracking open the bedroom door. 
“You came,” Blade’s voice rumbles, raspy with sleep and something else. He’s laid across the bed like a lounging panther, appraising you with eyes half-open. The long stretch of his body is completely bare, all broad muscle and softness in certain places. He’s taken the bandages off his chest, you realize after a few moments of looking (staring) at him from the doorway. Free of clothes and free of scars, a perfect statue of a man.
Luocha, behind you, mistakes your shock for apprehension. He laughs by your ear.
“It’s only natural to be apprehensive. Come. Just watch for a bit.” His fingers squeeze your shoulders. You let him steer you over to an armchair with green cushions sat by the nightstand, up against the wall. Blade stares at you from the other side of the bed.
He doesn’t stop looking at you. Even when Luocha rests a knee on the bed, robe slipping off his arm, inch by inch of pale skin opened to the gaping maw of his gaze. His back—it’s as broad as you would expect from a man who lugs around a coffin on the daily. Not as big as Blade. There’s a sinuous grace to his figure, with narrow hips and—you don’t dare let your gaze lower. Because he’s looking at you looking at him over his shoulder with that coy little smile, just waiting for you to slip up.
And then he’s not looking at you, anymore. You’re entreated to a view of those long, luscious locks—sliding over the alabaster of his back as he approaches Blade on his knees. 
“Well, Blade. I know you’re excited, but you’ll have to settle for me for just a little longer,” he says. You nearly open your mouth to remind him that you haven’t agreed to anything, but the breath is robbed from you as he mounts Blade’s thighs. 
The alpha’s cock is long and thick enough to make you cringe as the tip nestles between Luocha’s cheeks. Twin groans fill the air. Blade’s voice is low and coarse, the vibrating thrum of an old engine. 
Luocha luxuriates in the stretch. His back arches, head bowing back as he takes the other man inch-by-inch. The dim light which reaches in through the closed blinds casts him in perfect clarity, and you can see his thighs begin to shake as he seats himself fully on Blade’s lap. His fingers fist in the sheets on either side of him, glimmering silk bunched between long pianist’s fingers. Cock taken to the hilt. 
“You’re putting on a show,” Blade accuses.
“And you’re watching.” Luocha replies, voice breathy and soft. He starts to say something else—but Blade’s hands fit over his hips, bulky fingers nestling into his v-lines. His voice devolves into a choked little sound as he’s lifted, until only the tip remains inside of him. The effortless gesture of strength makes you swallow and sink back in your seat. The air swells with unabated sweetness. And you—you react to it. 
Your fingers tense briefly, gripping the hard cushion armrests as you watch Blade fuck into him with voracity bordering unhinged. Luocha’s soft moans reverberate through the room, each one goes straight to your wetting cunt. Your thighs squirm and shift, pressed tight together. 
Blade grunts. His thrusts lose what little rhythm they possessed to begin with. You see every slide of his thick cock into Luocha’s loosened hole—slick-doused and swelling. You can see the muscles in Luocha’s back tense and stretch as he arches. The orgasm wracks him bone-deep. His toes curl. And Blade—Blade’s grip only tightens. Luocha’s thin waist is clutched entirely in his hands. His nails dig into the skin as he sheathes himself with a throaty snarl. The cum is so excessive that it drips and pools on the silken sheets, running down Luocha’s creamy thighs.
The room goes quiet. There’s only the steady sound of their mixed breathing, desperate huffs which level out over the next however long. You’re stuck there, still. The room smells of sex. A strange, hot feeling rolls down your spine. You feel like an exposed nerve. Like a trigger a hair away from being pulled.
Luocha, eventually, pulls himself off of Blade with another slick sound. Blade shuts his eyes and reaches out a shaky hand, wrapping it tight around Luocha’s shoulder. His nails bite into the pale skin, thick fingers right next to a ring of recent bitemarks.
“Mm,” Luocha pauses. He presses his lips to the scarred fingers which clutch him. At this distance—you can sense the sudden lurch of Destruction, spurred on by cloying mara and the natural, ingrained need to give chase. To empty the wellspring of Luocha’s Abundance like a man parched. You tense in your seat. Pushing your scrambled nerves aside, you reach for the Harmony—expel it and let it float through the chamber. “I'm not going anywhere, Blade. You know that.” Luocha says. Blade’s grip loosens. The wildfire in his eyes dims to a hearth. He settles.
Now free to be as obnoxious as he likes, Luocha turns fully to you.
“Ah,” his eyes twinkle as he licks his lips, looking at you now. “Did that do it for you?”
“N…No.” your voice feels thick in your throat. The most bold-faced lie you’ve ever told.
Luocha laughs a little. “It’s alright; you don’t have to say it. How about you come over here? Or do you want me to come over there?”
“I’m perfectly content to watch,” you insist. Your voice comes out steadier than you thought it would. But Luocha only smiles. He regards you with that same, infuriating knowingness that he always does. 
He slides off the mattress, smooth as fine grain sand and assured in his nakedness. You feel the tips of your ears get hot as he approaches, crosses the breadth of the room with swaying hips. 
He has you, and he knows it. Long fingers slide over your arms where they clutch the armrest. His thumbs rub over the back of your palms as he looms close. 
“You can stop this,” he murmurs, voice close to a whisper. He pries your fingers off the armrest, urges your hands to go limp. “Any time you want,” he says, but you don’t feel like it. You feel pinned by the voracity in Blade’s eyes as he stares at you from his perch on the mattress. 
Luocha slides to his knees like a swan takes to water. Slender fingers work the buttons of your trousers open, thumbs which slide beneath your waistband pull them down. You make a grab for the elastic, clutching it in your fist. The breath rushes in and out of your lungs, something in you suddenly awoke. The fear and an apprehension you should have felt from the start snap to life like a bolt of lightning.
But Luocha. Luocha gently pulls it again. More like an ask than a demand, and you let it go. You swallow as he slides them off. revealing the seat of your panties. Wet.
“Oh? All for us? That’s very flattering,” he says, like you’re a child who's earned the praise. You don't know what kind of face you make, but it must accurately convey your displeasure because his eyes crinkle, unmistakably fond. “Forgive me. I simply can’t resist teasing you… and I was under the impression that you hated me for the longest time.”
Your tongue feels too big for your mouth. Your throat feels full of something thick and unsweet. 
Your underwear comes next. It's a simple black pair. He thankfully spares you the commentary as he delicately slides it down your thighs, your legs, so meticulously careful in his handling of you.
“Well, you still might,” he continues, once you're bare from the waist down. “But at the very least, I know you feel some base level of attraction.”
His tongue parts the wet folds of your pussy. You tilt your head back, fingers curling to clutch the armrests, unwilling to watch him make a mess of you. The air feels liquid around you, murky with their scents—which have taken on, somehow, a new intensity. 
You don’t get to think about it, because Luocha brings your knee over his shoulder and puts his lips on your clit, tip of his tongue flirting with your entrance. He laps up your slick, drinks you in like a man starved. You jerk, a wheeze rattling out from between your ribs, but Luocha holds you fast. 
Pleasure surges in you like a current, a clever twist of his tongue making you jerk—and moan, like the harlot you know you are not. It sinks in, then and only then, as you clench his flaxen locks in your fist, that this is happening.
But you don’t get to digest it. Something hot snaps in the core of you, toes curling as you gush wet and hot into his eager mouth. 
His lips are shiny with your slick when he pulls away, lips curved into an unmistakably satisfied grin. Your chest rises and falls as you try and catch your breath. You feel—wrung out, hazy in the remnants of your climax. 
“I hope I lived up to your expectations.” 
You blink blearily at him. “I didn’t expect anything from you after all.”
There’s a small huff from behind him. A small smirk pulls at the corners of Blade’s lips. 
“How charmingly candid,” Luocha says, unbothered. You’re still too witless to muster a witty retort. Or any sort of retort at all, because as soon as you try, he heaves you into his arms with an ease you hadn’t expected. 
An undignified sound bleats from deep in your throat, words on the tip of your tongue mangled as you scramble for purchase. You dig your nails into the pale skin of his shoulders. The muscles there are broad and smooth. Exactly what you would expect from a man who carries a coffin around with him all day.
“Wait just a second—”
“You surely don’t think the chair will be a more comfortable place for this than the bed, do you?” he asks, hands big and warm on the backs of your thighs. 
“Don’t just go picking someone up without warning,” you seethe, and it still feels like a concession.
“Ah,” Luocha’s smiling again. “My apologies—I forgot how easily you scare. I’ll be sure to give you due warning, next time.”
“I don’t scare easily.” you mutter. He hums. Then he gently deposits you onto the mattress. Blade lounges easily, passion only betrayed by his smoldering, half-lidded gaze. The long line of his body is caked in muscle. The kind of body you’d expect from someone who carries around a sword that heavy—whose hands have ended a number of lives and worlds beyond your reckoning.His chin rests idly on the palm of his hand. Your gaze drifts over the smooth ridges of his abdomen, the plush of his chest.
Luocha settles up against the headboard. His cock is out, you realize belatedly. It stands hard and proud against his stomach. And his thighs glisten with release—both his and Blade’s. Your cunt throbs.
A hand reaches over and fists in Luocha’s hair, dragging him downwards for an open-mouthed kiss. He tongues your release from Luocha’s mouth. Lewd, wet sounds fill the balmy air, rumbling groans and soft little whines. Even now, in this deep between them, you feel like a voyeur. Yet, you watch them with lips parted and eyes wide.
You shudder.
Eventually, they separate.Wordlessly,  Blade sits up and disappears behind you. You try to crane your neck to follow where he goes, but Luocha’s nimble fingers yet again seize your jaw.
“It’s alright,” he murmurs, voice delicate as it hovers in the air between you. “Blade’s not going anywhere, dear. Just focus on me for the time being, alright?”
But it’s so hard when you can feel the presence behind you, hovering like a dark cloud. You swallow, the noise impossibly loud in your own ears. Your cunt is wet and you’re sweating and your shirt is still on—but Luocha endeavors to fix that in the next moments. It’s difficult, in the haze of everything, to keep track of where his fingers go or when your button-up slides off your shoulders, to breathe when he unlatches the clasp of your bra like he’s done it a thousand times before. 
How many people has he done this with, before? A bitter taste twinges at the back of your mouth. Unprovoked and without reason. 
Blade’s big hands settle on your hips, thumbs rubbing the space above your waist.
“Handle her gently, Blade,” Luocha murmurs gently. His soft hands stroke down your bare arms. His verdant gaze drags down your torso, too slow to be anything but indecent.
Blade grunts. He squeezes, once, before he lifts you without warning. You splutter, hands snapping to perch on Luocha’s shoulders for some sense of balance as you’re moved with near pitiful ease. The show of strength sends a fresh wave of heat flush to your drooling cunt, and you try not to pant as you feel the tip of Luocha’s cock nestle against your folds. 
Your fingers curl and your eyes shut.
“Just like that,” Luocha says, simple and light. Another pair of hands settles on your thighs—and he’s breached you. You choke.
The stretch hurts. You didn’t expect anything else, but your head still falls back, eyes clenching shut as your walls spasm and squeeze tight. Behind you, Blade pants like a dog, huffing into the crook of your neck, inhaling you by the lungful. There’s a tremble in his hips that you can feel. 
It takes you a moment to realize that the whimpers filling the room are yours. 
“Re—lax,” he breathes, sounding almost pained. Like he has the right to. Like he isn’t fucking you open, pushing deep in as your greedy cunt squeezes and struggles to take him. Your knees press hard into the mattress, instinct prompting your aching thighs to buck upwards and flee the intrusion, but Blade holds you fast, grinding his teeth into your aching skin. 
“You’re doing so well for me, darling,” Luocha praises, cooing as your cunt clenches, “Oh,” he sighs, like he’s awed by it. His green eyes, unseeing, blown wide—your hands scramble for purchase on his shoulders as Blade lifts you again, up and up until only the head of his cock remains inside. “Gentle, Blade.” he bids, eyelids low—
And then Blade eases you down. It’s a slow drag. It hurts less, this time. Sparks of pleasure roll up your spine and send your cunt aflutter, your nails raking into his shoulders as they set the pace. He rolls his hips as Blade moves you—puppeteers you, his mouth tracking wet, open-mouthed kisses over your shoulders and up the sides of your neck. His teeth score into your yielding flesh.
“Stop—gnawing at me,” you snarl, reaching a hand back to swat him like an unruly animal. His lips find the meat of your palm, lips tenderly grazing the skin there as if in apology. He growls and inhales, again, and you marvel in fear and awe at just how stupid the chemicals in his brain have made him. Are all alphas like this, during their ruts?
Luocha says something else, but it’s all lost to the filth, to your moans and cries and other undignified noises as they further unravel you. Blade grips hard enough to bruise, his breath heavy against your skin, your ears. They work in tandem. Blade fucks you up and down on Luocha’s cock like a fleshlight, and Luocha rocks his hips into your fluttering, tight pussy in a quickly unraveling rhythm. 
And Blade—you feel his cock press hot up against your back just as dexterous fingers glide over your clit, Luocha’s touch making you thrash. Your sweat-slicked skin grinds up against Blade’s front, and he snarls. 
You come, orgasm a searing and unwieldy thing. You crash over the precipice, head tossed against Blade’s shoulder as your cunt spasms around Luocha’s cock. Milking him, shaking body trying to suck him in deep. Your entire body is one hot line of heat, pressed between them and oh fuck, Blade keeps fucking you onto Luocha’s cock. The blonde’s consistent and precise thrusts stuttering out of pace until he comes with an obscene groan. His fingers dig into your thighs as he fills you, rope after rope of his release hitting inside.
The room fades into a calm quiet. The air is dense with the smell of sex. Even through the exhaustion, the pheromones pry under your skin and keep you as hot as the bodies you’re wedged between. Blade lifts you from Luocha’s cock with pitiful ease, and the noise you let out at the separation is downright pathetic. Your mixed releases slide slick down your thighs and onto the sheets below, and your consciousness rouses just enough to feel a twinge of humiliation.
“Lovely little thing, you were even more incredible than I anticipated,” His fingers clumsily draw over your cheek, your neck, your side. Petting you, palms shaping around your breasts and stomach as you come down from the high. You all but collapse against Blade’s front, boneless. 
The moment he releases you, you topple onto the bedding next to Luocha. It’s hard to breathe. The air feels thick. You fight to regain your bearings amongst the haze, covered in sweat and cum and sore spots all over your neck and shoulders. 
Luocha coos. The pads of his fingers gently prod one such spot. 
“You didn’t have to be so rough,” Luocha hums at Blade. His touches delicately circle every point of pain, “This is your first impression in bed. You may be in rut, but you have enough self-control to not chew on your caretakers. You aren’t an animal, are you?”
“No,” Luocha repeats, airy and fond as he pulls away. “You’re a blade. I don’t know if that’s more or less of an excuse.” He says, but he doesn’t sound frustrated. His scolding is light-handed and more amused than anything.
“Will you two quiet down?.” you grouse, finally coherent enough to complain again.
“Our apologies. We really should be putting our mouths to better use,” Luocha says, rubbing your back again. You throw a hand back to try and swat him away, but he pushes you aside with frustrating ease. “As much as I would like to afford you the proper time to rest—”
He doesn’t get a word in before you’re being manhandled onto your back.
Big hands pin your hips to the mattress. Blade’s palms are hot and clammy, sweat rubbing into your exposed skin. 
“I appreciate this,” he rumbles lowly. His candlewick irises threaten to swallow you whole as he ducks close, pressing your foreheads together. Blade’s keen gaze shifts from your eyes, rolls down your face and over your throat like a soft breeze. 
You swallow, your breath stolen from you in a gasp as he turns you over yet again. He maneuvers you how he likes, front pressed right against the sheets from head to toe. His hand settles in the crook of your left knee, opening you for the hot press of his head. The slow press of him is a sweet agony. He’s too big, he’s so fucking big—your cunt struggles to accommodate him as he bullies his way inside. Short, aborted thrusts which grate against your velvet walls. Your entire body twitches, overworked nerves crying out in muted protest, but the pleasure is open and heady, your entire body made pliant by the pheromones and—oh and it’s so much easier to go prone, like this. 
Blade’s eager mouth tooths a path along your shoulder, seeking the crook of your neck with single minded hunger.
It’s a slow, heavy push aided by previous climaxes, but he’s still much too big. You weren’t meant to take anything like this, you can’t help but think. 
Luocha gives a sympathetic coo. “That’s better, isn’t it?”
Is it? You try to answer, but all that comes out is a low, animal sound. Half pained but all pleasured. If Luocha filled you, Blade bursts you to the seams. Your fingers claw at the bedding as you struggle to take him, unable to stifle your voice. You’re not sure how long it takes for him to hilt. Minutes or hours. Time is lost to you, all of your focus centered on the tight space between your legs and how he swells in it. 
A wet, warbling sound wanders out of your weary throat as you feel his thighs press to the back of yours. At last complete. The grip he has around the crook of your knee tightens, his breath sputtering onto the back of your neck as he pulls out. 
The first plunge back in is no better than the initial fit. He pumps you full, over and over, pace breaking into something ravenous at the first sign of your acquiescence. You can’t think, you can hardly breathe as your velvet walls suck him in. Every thrust has his cockhead teasing your sweet spot. You try to arch your back, but you’re met by the solid wall of muscle that comprises him, flattening you to the bed, leaving you cored and flayed open for him to fuck, to fill, to stick his fingers and tongue inside. He scrapes his teeth over what feels like the marrow of you and makes your vision go hazy with tears. They roll down your cheeks, fat droplets soaking the bedding beneath you. 
Your orgasm isn’t a steady trickle but a sudden burst, white hot pleasure erupting behind your clenched eyelids. He fucks you through it. His knees dig into the mattress on either side of your body, pelvis slapping your ass with each disjointed thrust. Whatever rhythm he might have had sputters into nothingness. He mindlessly pursues his own climax, lips fitting over your shoulders. He kisses your spin. His hot tongue laps at your sweat and your bruises, almost tender. 
There’s an ask, there. A request for your forgiveness, or your acknowledgement. But you are too spent to speak. 
He cums inside of you, his release splattering your walls and dripping onto the sheets below. It’s so vulgar it almost makes you nauseous. But your toes curl and your voice pitches into a watery whine because he’s still fucking you. 
“Blade,” you find your voice, but do not recognize the ragged, ruined thing it has become. “Blade!” The pleasure has long tilted over the edge into pain. You claw at the sheets. You can’t tell if you’re trying to squirm away or arch closer, all that you know is the heat of his body and smell of sex and wetness of his cum running down your thighs. 
“Blade,” a different voice says. You completely forgot Luocha was even there. You can’t see where he is, “Remember what we talked about? Don’t knot her. She’ll break.”
“The poor thing,” he says, voice soaked in sympathy. A slender hand curls beneath your cheek, wedged between it and the pillow. Your lips press against the palm as your face is forced up. 
Luocha’s eyelids are low. His lips slightly parted, and his expression so impossibly benevolent as he observes you.
“Just a bit more,” he murmurs, thumb pressing against the swell of your bottom lip. You huff and squeal into his hand as Blade’s body tenses, readying itself for another orgasm. And as he spills within you a second time, Luocha steals the moan off your tongue with a deep, searching kiss.
Afternoon has shifted into late evening. The living room is cooler than the shaded bedroom. Somewhere after a third climax, you had been cleaned, a robe maneuvered onto your form by clinging, roughened hands. You’re not sure who did what. For the past hour, you think you’ve hovered dangerously close to unconsciousness, barely able to open your lips to sip on the glass of water someone held up for you. The rim was blissfully cold. You swallow the drink down with a voracity you’ve scarcely ever shown, let it soothe your sore throat and float some of the life back into you.
You’re endlessly grateful for this as you scarf down dinner. Some greasy takeout that fills your empty stomach, fried batter crunching nice between your teeth. 
Exhausted, and sore, and something related to satisfied, you finally rest your weary eyes. Your fingers find Blade’s silken strands. His face is nestled into your lap, nose pressed into the inseam of your thigh. He all but flopped atop of you after you finished eating, content to doze half-under a red blanket.
 Each breath taken is a warm puff you can feel through your robe. When did it go this far? How did it go this far? In a few hours, will he be just as voracious as he was when you walked in? You rummage through what remains of your cognizance in search of answers, but come up blank. All it amounts to is feeble frustration. Your fingers still comb through those long, luscious locks.
Footsteps pads in your direction from behind. You don’t bother to look up at Luocha until he nudges something into your hand. The stem of a wine glass is pressed into your shaking fingers.
When you look up at him, he only smiles, “For the nerves,” he says, and settles on the other sofa. “And the pain.”
You stare into the glass. The person reflected in the deep cherry looks sleepy and sated. A feeling of defeat churns in the depths of you. Your stomach sinks. You shut your eyes and let your head loll onto the back of the armchair. The plush upholstery cushions the back of your skull. The steady, building buzz of anxiety building behind your eyes amounts to a soft, yet still aching throb.
You lift the glass, and press your lips to the rim.
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l-egionaire · 3 months
Just saw Kung Fu Panda 4. Here are some thoughts.
Plot was... okay. Nothing super special, but it was fine enough for the kind of story the movie was trying to tell. And there were some great imagery and animation moments. I honestly don't get all the complaints about the animation. I saw one thing on TV tropes say it'd because it's not something like Puss in Boots Two or The Bad Guys, but I'm honestly fine with it not being like those. I feel like if all animated movies used that style, people would just start to complain that they're all the same.
Zhen was fine as a character. Bit of the usual "thief with a heart of gold" type character, but while I do think her changing was a bit fast, I can get why it happens. Po's the first person to show her genuine kindness with little alterior motive, and combined with a later betrayl, I can see her motivation for becoming a better person. Her voice acting wasn't too bad, but I think it could've been better in some dramatic moments. Also, while the movie doesn't draw attention to it, I do think there's a lot of parallel that could be drawn between her and Po, not just with how they grew up but also in their parental figures. Not to mention, they ultimately aren't THAT different as characters. They're both goofy people but grew up being looked down on by others and seem to use humor or goofiness as a defense mechanism. Just that she uses snark whereas he uses his big happy personality.
I REALLY like Po in the movie. Not just because he's his usual big fun self, but because he's still just as, if not more competent as he was in the previous movies. A big issue I had with the How To Train Your Dragon franchise was how Hiccup seemed to keep being less competent or capable in the movies. But no. Po's still able to kick ass and is the skilled warrior he should be after three movies of fighting. And I do think his fear of losing his dragon warrior title is understandable since that HAS been a big part of his identity across all three movies. Some might say that it's odd he's so afraid of change since he became a teacher in the last movie, but that was just adding on to his the responsibilities he already had. I would say his arc of becoming a spiritual leader was neglected some by the end and could've used a bit more focus.
Po's dad's are great. At first, I thought their subplot was just a comedic b-plot, but I liked how they ended up getting their and providing Po emotional support. And again, while it's not given much focus, their relationship and how they encourage Po creates a nice parallel between Zhen and her parental figure.
The Chameleon as a villain isn't THAT interesting, but she's not terrible. Personality wise, she's okay, but nothing spectacular. I do think her backstory was interesting, and, like the past three villains, her backstory mirrors Po's in a way. Which I honestly kind of wished they'd focused on a little more. I think it would've given her more depth that she's hinted to have.
Yes, the Furious Five aren't in this move for 99 percent of it. But.....I think it works. Because the whole point of the movie is about Po and Zhen. Them building their trust and relationship to get to the point they are by the end of the movie. And having the Furious Five their might have made things feel overstuffed.
Ultimately, I think it's a good movie. Nothing AMAZING but it's good and It does pick up more in the second half. Overall I'd say this around a 7.5 out of ten if I had to describe it.
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baileys-3 · 5 months
THE SECRET DATING ERA: Chapter 28 NOW online on AO3
With today's part we leave episode 5x11. We'll follow on straight from the baseball game. And, if I asked you what you thought would happen next, I don't think anyone would come up with this version. And I didn't write it for "drama" effect, but because I think the whole change from "We're driving for 12 hours together" to "We're a couple now. But we don't know what's happening with each other anymore. " is not exactly easy. Especially not for Tim, who has a kind of “overprotective instinct” towards Lucy. So let yourself be surprised.
And let me know what you think of it in the comments. Many thanks at this point to all those who wrote comments and to all the kudos. And really... 34,500 clicks on the story... wow... awesome... unbelievable.
Many thanks again to @himynameiscookies. I love it when I get the corrected chapters back.
Sneak Peak:
Unbelievable. They won today's game. Genny still can't believe it. And yeah, the opposing team had also lost every match so far, so they weren't particularly strong. But still. They won. And the boys are delighted, as are the parents, and they are all sitting together in the little restaurant where they always meet after a home match. It's right next to the baseball field. It's a short walk from the baseball field to the restaurant that the Grizzlies team loves. The food is tasty and reasonably priced.
At the table sit Tyler, Matthew, Blake, Tim, and Lucy. Blake is staying with them during the school brake since his mother Lisa is at work.
The restaurant is bustling with noise and a vibrant atmosphere. Currently, the boys are more inclined to run around than sit still, which is permitted in this establishment. Therefore, she is sitting alone at a table with Tim and Lucy, without the boys. However, they are not alone as other parents are constantly joining them, eager to engage in conversation with Tim and Lucy or one of them. It's a constant coming and going and almost funny to watch. Lucy is a very social person and can easily start a conversation with anyone. On the other hand, Tim is more of a listener and doesn't initiate conversations much except when it comes to baseball. He is very knowledgeable about baseball and enjoys discussing it in great detail with other people. They have already had in-depth conversations about the last two Dodgers games with three different dads. Surprisingly, Tim doesn't mind all the attention and seems happy to engage in such conversations when Lucy is sitting next to him. Fascinating.
Of course, she herself is also fully involved in the conversations and enjoys them just as much. They really can't complain about a lack of entertainment. Which is why she can't broach the subject of Tim and Lucy – Tim and Lucy in a relationship sense – as she would have liked to do. It’s not like she is curious, she just wants to know a bit. Okay, maybe she is curious. But even if they can't talk, the two of them seem a little more relaxed in her presence.
A little more relaxed is a good word. She didn't realize her brother was such a touchy-feely guy. He always acts subtly, so that others don't notice it, especially the other parents. However, she keeps a close watch on them.
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animehouse-moe · 7 months
Apothecary Diaries Episode 4: The Threat
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Yes, I know, I never got around to talking about the first three episode of Apothecary Diaries, but let's just focus on the present! Namely, a rather popular duo (China and Moa Ang) have appeared on this episode as episode director/storyboarder and animation director respectively. Their quality and fine control over animation has given me some things I really talk about today!
So, a bit of background. China as a key animator is mostly known for their consistent work with Yama Nu Susume, whereas Moa Ang is a bit more freeform. Regardless, they've worked on quite a few episodes together as fellow key animators, and have (apparently) got quite the bond. But that's just a preface to the wonderful work they bring in this episode, most noticeable in the opening sequence.
I mean, the refinement of the character acting is incredible. Sure, it's not got any ridiculous shading or detail in the clothing, but the movements are so refined and real that it's crazy. The boldness of China's direction to rely on refinement that could produce a scene like this is pretty crazy. Even crazier is the fact that it's not a one off.
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The use of static framing and the bold decision to avoid panning as much as possible really does a lot for the episode I feel. It brings a sense of tension that is only heightened by the character acting, and works absolute wonders when Maomao's composure breaks in regards to treating Lihua.
This part is really something special I feel because it stretches the limits of expression within such a "tight" show. It changes up Maomao's character design, messes with perspective, and uses framing to deliver a startlingly enraged Apothecary.
Using all of the tools at China's disposal, they force Maoamo to tower over the lady in waiting, they use the framing to ensure that Maomao remains taller within the frame, and even uses the makeup powder to provide a slight visual effect to deepen the feeling of the scene. It's impressively strong visual work that provides a subjective retelling of the experience through the lady in waiting's fearful eyes.
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Okay, so maybe this post seems a little short? But I don't actually have much more to add. The focus on character acting in the episode is incredibly good, and unless I go through and provide individual examples of it, I don't have much to add. They do use camera movement in the episode, but it's thoughtful work that traces the movement of the characters rather than filling empty air.
I think one thing I wish we could get more of is the very bold environment art. Not that what we have in this episode is bad, I mean, it's all incredibly detailed and pretty, but the ones that play with light are just so nice.
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There's just something that can end up feeling missing with environment art when you get to see ones like the above. Because, I mean, what we get of the Lihua's palace here certainly isn't bad. It's incredibly pretty and well done. It's just that without any sort of visual effects, it's almost... plain?
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It's something I was actually chatting about with a friend last night in how strong composition and visual effects/photography is very much neglected in a lot of series. Now, I wouldn't say that this one is doing anything of the sort, but when you compare to the very strong and noticeable work to the prior two backgrounds and compare it to the third one, it feels like there's potential left on the table. especially because they're a little sneaky and denote differences in the time of day with the coloring. It's just not that strong, or at least I feel it isn't. I believe there's potential left on the table with where they're willing to go.
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But yeah, that's about it. I wouldn't say I dislike the story through the first four episodes so far, but the idea of a purpose and direction doesn't really come to mind, and there's not a massive amount of depth to the medicinal side either. Not that it lacks a draw, but maybe delivery?
I just think about Raven of The Inner Palace. The setups are sorta similar, the flows are comparable. But the engagement and interest that appeared with Raven for me is entirely different. Here, it's almost the opposite- the visuals interest me a great deal more than the story has. I'm hoping that will change because the idea behind it is a very very interesting one that has a lot of potential, but I'm just yet to really be given the substance and depth of the series.
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about-faces · 9 months
Hi, I want to read some DC comics about how Harvey transformed from former DA to the criminal mastermind who ruled half of Gotham's Underworld (against the Penguin). I've already read/seen: Two-Face: A Celebration of 75 Years Batman: The Long Halloween Batman: Dark Victory (1999) Batman '89 Batman: The Animated Series Batman: The Audio Adventures
Any other reading recommendations? Thanks a lot for your help. :)
So you're looking for origin stories, or at least ones that shed more light on Two-Face's origin? Well first off, I'm glad you read the 75th Anniversary collection, because that has three of my very favorites: the original Harvey Kent trilogy from 1942-43, the Grace Dent story from Secret Origins Special (1989), and "Eye of the Beholder" from Batman Annual #14 (1990).
Besides those, and the ones you've listed, here are a few others to check out. Some are great, some are mixed bags, and some are downright lousy.
First and foremost, I STRONGLY recommend the 1989 Batman newspaper comic strip, which I loved so much that I posted the whole two-year saga on its own tumblr account. You can start from the very beginning right here, but keep in mind that Harvey's storyline--which runs all the way to the very last strip--doesn't really start until the second arc.
Next, Batman: Dual to the Death by Geary Gravel is a YA novelization of the BTAS origin, seamlessly combined with the two-part Batgirl origin episodes. It improves on both the animated versions in small but crucial ways, and it's highly recommended for BTAS fans. Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to find.
On a similar note, Peter David's movie novelization of Batman Forever can be found more easily, either in used book form or on the Internet Archive, and it's absolutely worth reading. I love the movie of Batman Forever, but it's objectively a terrible take on Harvey. The novelization adds SO MUCH, including an original prequel scene with D.A. Harvey Dent, and his ending is far more satisfying.
Cartoon Network's CGI animated series Beware the Batman (2013) also features a series-long origin arc for Harvey Dent, but it's one of the worst takes I've ever seen on the character. He's a petty, selfish, ambitious little prick, an absolute scumbag, completely devoid of depth or tragedy. Thankfully, few have seen this arc, since the majority of Harvey's episodes were never aired after the series was cancelled, but they're all available to watch for those morbidly curious to see just how badly someone can screw up Harvey as a character.
"The Big Burn" from Batman and Robin, vol 2 #24-28 (2014), also collected in B&R volume 5. After the huge DC reboot, this was Harvey new origin, which tried some very different things with him. A VERY mixed bag, but one that ended in a hugely exciting way that makes the whole thing worth reading. Follow it up with its sequel, "Ugly Heart," from Detective Comics #1020-1024, collected in Detective Comics Vol 5: Joker War.
Finally, watch the entirety of the recently-released/cancelled CW series Gotham Knights, with Misha Collins performing a surprisingly rich, interesting, and flawed Harvey Dent origin arc. The show got a lot of shit, some of it undeserved, but Collins' Harvey was an intriguing surprise, and I fear nothing we see from Harvey in any Reevesverse media will bring half as much care and interest to Harvey as GK did, for better or worse. All 13 episodes can be watched for free on CW Seed, region permitting.
EDIT: Oh right also the Telltale Batman video game! I haven't actually played that yet because I know enough about what happens and the illusion of meaningful choice indicative of Telltale games that I just don't feel like putting myself through that. People seem to like it a lot, though! I just... don't put me in a position of choosing to save either Harvey or Selina if you're just going to cheat and have him go evil anyway.
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anthrotographer · 15 days
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Challengers (2024) | A review w/ spoilers*
Tumblr is not going to like my review, I already know. I acknowledge this movie wasn't made for me, but I feel I give credit where it's due.
Last night I had a staggering movie going experience. I felt like I was being sold a lie a minute sitting through the agonizing commercials, the movie previews, and till the end of Challengers. Back to back promos for military branches, painting them as organizations of peace and innovation (a rally during war time). I understand there’s nothing new about that experience. Consumerism and propaganda tactics have a long tradition at the cinema. We’ve been advertised a false reality for so long it’s hard to think about our world without using the images fed to us to line that canvas. Take how modern horror treats rural living. It’s very common to see (in fact I saw) a movie trailer where a young couple vacations in a secluded part of the country to get away from it all. The idea of ruralism as a peaceful alternative to stressful urban living is benign and actually has some merit to think about in a country as urbanized and unhappy as ours. Yet the common movie trope is that there are evil forces lurking in the dark outskirts, that living ‘out there’ turns people into kooks or murderous cultists. One movie by itself with this premise can be harmless, but within a whole genre that trends this way it feels insidious. Almost like we are supposed to all fear each other. Challengers is another example of a genre movie that warps human reality into a lifeless opportunity to sell things. 
When a movie feels more like a commercial or a music video then why even bother with the movie going experience. The distinguishers between television and film are fading away over time. In one particularly unabashed scene we cut between three different product placements for Coke, Adidas, and the U.S. Open. It was shameless, the way Josh O’Connor was most likely told to hold that CocaCola label perfectly centered in the frame. Those three brands are far from the only ones displayed. Tennis, and sports events in general, flash a ton of advertising so I understand that the film’s stuck in that universe. Still there are ways to artfully sidestep brazen product placement. 
I don’t want to spend much time trying to analyze the relationship between Tashi, Art and Patrick. The film doesn’t give you enough about why these three are fatefully attached to each other besides vapid attractions. Yes all three are enamored by one another but what’s the motivation to stay in this toxic ménage à trois dynamic for so long? Zendaya plays Tashi, a master manipulator trying to mold her husband Art Donaldson into the star tennis player she was supposed to be before her injury. And her “little white boys” Art and Patrick feel like pawns that are content to be pawns. Men who don’t have any freewill and are solely motivated by their lust for this supermodel of a woman. In a way I don’t blame them. My disconnect comes because there’s a lack of depth with the characters and their relationships. Each of them seems to have a singular focus; Tashi wants vicarious glory through Art, Art wants to be loved, and Patrick wants Art’s life. But there is no depth to the desires. Time is never spent on why Tashi loves tennis more than people or why Art and Pat let their, supposedly strong bond, get broken so easily by a “home wrecker” that forecasted her own home wrecking. And look, as a seductive art piece it succeeds, for the most part, but as a story about real people it reduces its characters to their base desires while pretending they are complex. Maybe I don’t understand Romance—as I’ve been told. I am content to treat it as just a romantic fantasy and give it credit for being hot, but it was also a long drawn out tease. 
There was no reason for this experience to be more than two hours long! Half of it was in never ending slow-mo where I felt like the same tennis ball was being served for half an hour. The dreaded slow motion, which can be good for a sporty movie to capture athletic movements and build suspense, but here it was overused to a point where it left us thinking “get on with it already”.  Thank goodness some of my theater neighbors were also moaning about this because I felt alone, trapped in a drugged fugue state. So much of the film was disorienting. For a period you are meant to feel like a tennis ball being battered around through the camera. Editing wise this movie had the same problem that so many modern movies have; death from a thousand cuts. And the slowly unraveling chopped timeline executed so many arbitrary flashbacks and flash forwards. Eight weeks before, two days forward, then a five year flashback, all when you could tell this story sequentially with similar suspense building and less confusion. 
Seeing this movie was a spur of the moment, going in blind experience. I know now that I was not the target audience. Today I mentioned it to a friend and he ended up watching the trailer. The text I got back: “looked like a bit of a teenager movie”. I don’t mean to spoil the enjoyment for anyone with this review. From a certain angle I did have fun with Challengers. Sometimes simply devouring some eye candy is what the mood demands. 
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athena-xox · 2 months
Hi! I've been wanting to send asks for a while but couldn't think of a good question until recently.
I have three questions (or perhaps I should say headers).
One: How's your rewrite progressing? At what stages is cannon altered? Are there going to be concepts/characters ignored entirely?
Two: I've seen your (humorous) plea for long/multi chapter eah fics what are some of the favorite's you've read already? Any chance you have an idea of your own outside the rewrite? long or short (chances are yes, for literally anyone in this fandom but it bears asking).
Three: What fairytale(s) would you
A: Like to repeat
B: Could functionally thwart if you had to live through it.
C: Die in, or flee the land to avoid at all cost's.
Omg love the questions. I will admit I’m a bit to brain dead to fully comprehend all the questions so if I answer I different question that what you intended feel free to correct me.
With that being said, the first chapter of my rewrite is done and basically fully edited I believe it’s around 6000/7000 words. Chapter two hadn’t been edited but it’s kinda a weird one so it doesn’t really need to be edited and it’s only around 2000 words.
Chapter 3 I’ve written a bit of it and it’s also a short and I have a layout for it. And chapter 4 is going to be on the longer side probably 6000-10000 words. But after those are done and edited hopefully I’ll publish the fic!!
So that’s the progress, for what parts of canon are being altered, I think a lot of characterization. Bunny, Alistair, Crystal, Milton Grimm, Snow White & EQ are all characters who were either portrayed as good or morally grey that I’m going to make evil (whoops spoilers) and then also kitty isn’t really going to have a redemption arc like she did in spring unsprung, she’s just going to continue to chaotically be herself.
And then just every plotline / character will just be slightly more mature and in depth. And it depends on how you see canon because the rewrite is going to be a mix the tv series + the books which vary a bit on canon. And then obviously a lot more queer representation.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that the epic winter arc is being disgraced but it’s going througu many changes. I’ll probably get ride of the whole through the woods concept because it doesn’t really add anything to the plot (although I am adding a musical that doesn’t really do anything for the plot except allow be to geek (theatre kid) out and give us some cute dizzie moments).
I really want to include her but I don’t think there’s going to be any room for Bella sister. Other things from canon that I’m not including is darise, Meeshell being a horrible singer, DARABELLA, Maddie having visions, the snow king, cupids crush on dexter, the revealer rays, probably lots more but I can’t think of them.
Onto the next question I definitely have some fic recs. I’ll probably make a separate post for it but my top 2 are rewrite ignite restart and a legacy of brambles and thorns.
I think the reason why I’m actually commuting to the rewrite is because it’s really the only eah fic I want to write since I plan to hopefully cover all the characters and ships I like. In my past fandoms I’ve had like 20 different fics I wanted to write but I never got a around to all or them.
Oh wait actually I guess I have one idea but I doubt I’ll ever write it since I want to focus on the rewrite. But during my transition stage from the mlb fandom to the eah I was thinking about an au. Either the eah characters with miraculous’s in the real world or mlb characters at ever after. 
Okay and for the last questions im assuming you’re asking which fairytales I’d like to 1. Be a part of 2. Don’t want to be a part of and I could stop it 3. Would have to run away from ?
1. When I was little I had the yearbook thing that had you create your own eah character and I always wanted to be a princess so I made myself goose girl
2. Definitely wouldn’t want to be like Jack in the beanstalk so I just wouldn’t take the beans
3. Sleeping beauty was my fav when I was younger so I definitely wouldn’t want to have Faybelles destiny. Or be an ugly sister, that would kill my self esteem (no wonder Bella and Brutta ran away)
For the last 3 questions I wasn’t sure if you were asking all abt me or if any were for my rewrite.
Anyways tysm for the ask !!
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time-is-restored · 1 year
fellas that last ted lasso episode. hmm.
listen i'll be real no matter what im gonna be out here gushing abt trent crimm cause he's my special little guy and im obsessed with him, but considering the Literal Paragraphs ive been writing abt all the shit i LIKED about the show, i didn't know how else to process these Less Good emotions than by blurting it all out over like two hours (instead of doing the dishes, lmao).
tldr; s3e2 was such an emotional high point for me, since i really felt like it had something concrete + specific to say about physical violence + social/emotional violence, and how they're BOTH highly valued as masculine ideals. but the episodes since then...
it kind of feels like im watching the result of a long and bloody fight between different writers? writers who, apparently, wanted Very different things from this last season, so now we're getting this. bizarro world mish-mash of two hypothetical shows, where tone + content + themes vary WILDLY and inconsistently from episode to episode - and even scene to scene!
[cw: discussions of sexism + racism, in a doylist context, also s3e5 spoilers]
specifically, i feel really disappointed and hurt that they went that direction with shandy's arc. i understand that we're only half way through the season, and obviously anything could happen between now and then but... really? like, is there some kind of budgeting issue here? we can't afford for there to be more than three (complex, not sexy lamps) women in any given episode? is that why the second jack appears, barbara loses any depth (what happened to that lovely moment of connection with the snow globes????????), and THEN the second SHANDY goes off her head it's. jack time? apparently???? like. this would feel a lot better as a viewer if at this point the show hadn't PRIMED me for jack doing something insanely stupid + cruel for no reason except 'haha Keeley Bad At Her Job'.
like. the first thing we see of shandy fine is her pride in keeley, and genuine appreciation of her hard work and skill. she's CLEARLY not stupid, otherwise why would the rest of her introductory scene be her helping keeley out with filmmaking advice (the extras thing) AND random, life experience shit (knowing how to deal with goat shit)?? she knows her way around a set, and she doesn't make any of the footballers feel judged, even when she's clearly thrown by the clips they're providing her.
so why in the space of like, barely a few weeks, does ALL of that get thrown out the window? 'condoms for balls'??? why are we supposed to just take for granted that she's stupid + overly ambitious (other than the Fucking Obvious!) when the show put NO effort into actually setting that up???? like, if her first scene was her monstrously fucking UP the shoot for keeley, and keeley hired her on pure sympathy then like. sure. whatever. no room for bleeding hearts in business. but that ALSO sucks as a story line for ted lasso, a show that (according to its OWN press releases!) is supposed to be about kindness and human connection and breaking cycles!
it just. it hurts? in a way where its like, i don't believe even a little bit that this was what the writers were aiming for with those scenes, and it frightens me that there could be such a wide gulf between intent and result. especially when bonding about The Shandy Incident is what got keeley and jack together (which i am trying... So hard to feel positive about, because explicitly confirming keeley's bisexuality is amazing, least of all bc it makes her jokes with rebecca feel a lot less mean-spirited on the writers' parts, retroactively)... like how am i supposed to be enjoying their moments together when i feel like the show's whole premise has been betrayed???
and really? the one moment nate gets to feel good in this WHOLE season, it's bc the server at the restaurant who previously could not care if he dropped dead right in front of him showed him some affection + validation?????
like, sure, i GUESS im happy that this random excuse for an arc has lead to a slightly more sympathetic female character existing at least in the PERIPHERY of the show's main storyline, except no im fucking not? i don't care about this fucking restaurant, and even though ive been DESPERATELY trying not to hate jade (even though the writers themselves can't seem to decide if she's Literally Racist or just a depressed service worker) NATE shouldn't care about jade! the ONLY way i can see this being an actually interesting arc for nathan is if its another exploration of his inability to leave behind the things + people that have hurt him, combined with years of conditioning where he's never allowed to express being annoyed/upset at anyone (which richmond!!! contributed to!!!!!! 'if you're mad, count to ten. if that doesn't work, count again'??? cool speedrun tips for resentment ted!). like, an arc where we see that distance away from richmond hasn't helped nate as much as it's removed some of the worst triggers, so a taste of athens ends up in the same awful pit of resentment + loathing as ted did. which nate clearly hates! he doesn't LIKE being that person! he apologised to a PAINTED DOLL of ted!!!! but when he doesn't have the framework or tools or SUPPORT to do anything else...
like. where is his team? obviously im not expecting the show to start being about a bunch of football players that AREN'T from richmond but? even just a small moment of appreciation? or hell! maybe they hate him! if we could see LITERALLY ANYTHING abt the sport which nathan has dedicated his life to, and how his Actual Coaching style is positively or negatively impacted by the lessons he learned at richmond? this is a show ABOUT football!!!!!
i just. a taste of athens? again? a-fucking-gain?????
and honestly, the worst part is that i REALLY liked the little monologue that nate got to give about how important the restaurant was to him! as much as it showed that nate is still just as passionate + earnestly defensive of the things he loves, it ALSO shows that he 1. spends that energy explaining his passion to people who don't deserve it/won't care, and 2. gets attached to things that really fucking hurt him! and like. i am on my hands and KNEES for that to be the 'point' of this arc but at this point i feel like that's me being naive! but if fucking JADE from fucking ATHENS is the civilising white gf who FINALLY talks nate down from him ~ ignorant, vengeful crusade ~ against the absolute ~ matyrs ~ of goodness at afc richmond, i just. like. what are we even DOING here gang?
i don't know. it hurts that sam's gone from being an almost principal character in s2 to only getting passing lines in s3. it hurts that rebecca's off in her own world, talking to strangers, having life-changing revelations on her own, surrounded by sets we're never going to see again, where every scene she DOES get to spend w one of the richmond members feels hasty and rushed, like the episode wants to get a few characters obligatory appearances out of the way asap. it hurts that all the chekov's guns around zava's arc (jamie's resentment, ted's lack of guidance, dani being 'demoted' + colin being benched) were apparently all just blanks, to be hastily plastered over with one big long speech about... ted wanting everyone to have higher self esteem, or something?
and listen, more the fool me if another episode comes out next week that i completely adore, and i spend like five days singing its praises. im mostly writing this so i can go INTO the next ep without feeling resentful + upset! i'll be STOKED if i was wrong and all of those little details ARE actually important, and these arcs have more to them than this! but for now im just sad and annoyed :(
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awhphooey · 2 years
Summary of everything we’re allowed to know about the separated au 👉👈?
Also what is Leo’s relationship with Hueso and how does it differ from the series? What about Hueso jr 👀?
Ok so this post is gonna be long it’s basically: really brief summary, second half of the ask, then a more in depth summary with no spoilers.
First Question: The boys are separated after Lou rescues them from Draxum’s lab, found by Hueso, April, the Foot and Big Mama. They’re all raised apart and end up meeting. Splinter agrees to help them defeat the Shredder. They beat him, become a little crime fighting team, then the Krang stuff happens.
Second Question: Leo sees Hueso as his father and Hueso sees Leo as his son. Honestly their banter is very punny vs dry humor like in canon, but everything else I am actively making up as I go. Just know that they are father and son and Hueso would die for Leo. Hueso Jr is now Piel’s son who does not have a name, but is Leo’s cousin.
Long Summary time-
Draxum kidnaps Lou Jitsu, who was previously in the Battle Nexus as Big Mama’s champion. The turtles get mutated with his DNA like usual, Raph gets dropped first just outside Draxum’s now exploded lab, and on his way out of the Hidden City Lou drops Leo. Mikey gets dropped just outside of where he exits, but Lou is barely able to pay attention now as he is very painfully being turned into a rat. Donnie is the last one to be dropped, near the O’Neil’s apartment complex. Lou ends up retreating to the sewers with a few other mutants Draxum was experimenting on, most notably my version of Leatherhead.
Donatello “Donnie” Franklin O’Neil is 14 when the au starts. Donnie is the first to actually be found, despite being the last to be dropped. April finds him on a walk outside and begs her parents to let her keep him. He’s raised alongside April as her brother once they realize he can speak and is growing at the same rate if not faster than April. He goes to school like a normal kid, they just tell everyone he’s got a skin disease and that’s why he is green. He’s not able to make all of his tech, and isn’t trained at all like the other three, which leaves him vulnerable.
Galileo “Leo” Hueso is 14 when the au starts. Leo is the next to be found by Hueso (who is named Eric in this after his VA, full name Eric Hueso) who takes him back to his pirate ship. He’s part of a crew with his brother and a few others. They all work together to raise Leo, but Leo is closest with Eric and they have a father-son bond. Leo’s first few years- about until he is 11- are spent on the pirate ship. Once his dad becomes an outlaw in the Hidden City they move to the surface and open Run of the Mill Pizza, which caters to both yokai and humans. I can elaborate on this if anyone wants. Leo becomes a vigilante in his free time.
“Big” Red aka Raphael Hamato is 15 when the au takes place. He’s found by Big Mama’s right hand who was sent to retrieve Lou Jitsu. Instead, they find Red and bring him back to Big Mama. Insert plot device so she’s aware Lou Jitsu’s DNA is in Red and she starts raising him as her and Lou’s son. Raph is the only one aware Splinter is their dad. He starts training for the Battle Nexus when he’s 10, first fight at 12 where he gets his scar and nickname, remains the Nexus Champion until [spoilers].
Michael “Mikey” Angelo Jones is 13 at the start of the au. Mikey is the last to be found by his uncles, Rob and Maurice, who are having troubles training their next recruits. They start training Mikey in the mindset of him being their weapon, but as soon as they adopt Casey as well they start treating the two more like family. Mikey isn’t super devoted to the Foot, as he feels a bit of disconnect from them. He’s unlocked his nimpo, but his family just think it’s something mutant related.
I can’t explain anything further into the plot because I really want to draw this stuff, but the Shredder, Big Mama and the Krang will be their biggest problems. Draxum is against them briefly, but far less than in the show.
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consanguinitatum · 7 months
Sunburst Finish - my (other) favorite David Tennant audio drama
Hello again, everyone! Today we'll be discussing David's 2002 audio drama, Sunburst Finish!
A bit ago I did a long discussion thing about one of my favorites of DT's audio projects, the 2003 audio drama Tuesdays & Sundays by Daniel Arnold & Medina Hahn. Today's deep dive is into my other favorite audio drama - 2002's Sunburst Finish by Andrea Gibb, with Paddy Cunneen.
I say "other favorite" because boy, do I do a lot of flip-flopping between these two audio dramas. One day one will be my all-time favorite, but then if you ask me the same question the next week, you'll probably get a different answer. They're both just SO stellar, and David is sublime in both. So don't ask me which one I prefer!
Speaking of Gibb and Cunneen - Sunburst Finish isn't the first (or last) time David's worked with them. In this earlier thread I discussed 1997's Bite, a fantastic short also written by Gibb, with music composed by Cunneen.
Here's a little bit about the author(s): Andrea Gibb is an award-winning Scottish screenwriter/actor. As an actor she's best known as Deirdre in All Creatures Great And Small, and as a screenwriter? You name it! Dear Frankie, Call The Midwife, AfterLife, Mayflies...I could go on and on! Her ex-husband Paddy Cunneen is an award-winning Scottish theatre director, playwright and composer for radio, TV and film. Some of his best-known works include scores for Boy A, King Lear and Twelfth Night, and for his plays Fleeto and Wee Andy. He's also an Associate Music Director of the Cheek by Jowl Theatre.
Throughout David's career, he and Cunneen have worked on many of the same projects. Other than Bite and Sunburst Finish, Cunneen's composed the music scores for three more plays starring David: 1995's An Experienced Woman Gives Advice, 1999's Vassa, and 2003's The Pillowman.
But back to Sunburst Finish! I don't know half as much about this play - what was its inspiration (was it based in real life events?), was it written specifically for audio, was the lead character called 'Davey' by coincidence or specifically for David, what if anything was the significance behind the title Sunburst Finish, etc? - as I'd like to know. But I'll tell you what I do know: Sunburst Finish was produced by BBC Radio, and broadcast on BBC Radio 4 as the Friday Play. It went out at 9-10pm on 24 May 2002. David played Davey, the lead role. It was directed by Gaynor Macfarlane. Other cast members were Julie Austin as Amy, Ewan Stewart as Uncle Gus, and Helen Lomax as Georgie.
It's hard to talk in-depth about the plot of this audio without giving the thing away, but here's a little something from The Guardian (trigger warning - references to self-harm). It describes the play as follows: "Davey is a gifted music undergraduate with plenty of friends, who appears to have everything going for him - except that he doesn't want to live."
And also, here's the play's BBC Genome entry:
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It appears the play was received very well, for in 2004, Gibb and Cunneen adapted 'Sunburst Finish' for the stage. Some 2nd year acting students from David's alma mater, the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (the RSAMD, now the Royal Conservatoire) put on a production. On 23 February 2004, it was performed at the Dundee Repertory Theatre (in association with the Rep).
The production was also performed at the Tron as part of the RSAMD student Play:ground season, and ran for one night only on 3 March 2004. Emun Elliott (Black Watch, Star Wars, Guilt and Game of Thrones) played Davey, and Paul Blair played Uncle Gus. The Scotsman had this to say about the play: "...Here, though, the subject is the confusion and despair of a final-year music student who - despite the concern of his parents, sister and girlfriend, and the gruffly affectionate care of his uncle Gus, an aging rocker turned sheep-farmer - finds the darkness in his mind too much to bear. There’s a conventional hint of untold family secrets and lies at the root of the boy’s despair..."
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Announcement of the play's performance at Glasgow's Tron Theatre
But back to David's version! For a brief and glorious period in 2018, Sunburst Finish was uploaded to the Internet Archive. It was swiftly removed because REASONS, but many (me-me-me-me!) got to enjoy it, including this iconic moment when Davey sings Nirvana's 'All Apologies' with his uncle Gus, and this adorable little singy-song to Semisonic's 'Secret Smile'!
If you're interested in the play and want to read it, you can...sort of? If you can find the stage screenplay adaptation, that is. One was published in 2004 by Capercaillie Books Limited, but it's sold out everywhere I looked - and as I really wanted one, believe me, I've looked!
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There's also a printed version available at the University of Glasgow, though! It's a 103 pg 4th draft script of the audio play - not the stage adaptation - and it's held in the Scottish Theatre Archive collection. Wish I'd read it when I was doing my postgrad work at the University in 2018-2019, but I had so many other things on my research plate, it (sadly) slipped through the cracks.
And that's it for 'Sunburst Finish' - and this edition of Obscure DT!
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thequietesthing · 11 months
Okay so this season felt different than the previous two, maybe for the best. I am not that into the original witcher lore (books and games) that i’m that fixated on canon events so i’ll just judge what i’ve seen on screen.
Geralt: my darling mr. Cavill you are the brightest light in this show, I don't think that anyone will be able to understand and portrait Gerald better than you. Now said that, I don't think Geralt has been very Geralt-y this season (pls don't kill me for saying this). Yes, he should have changed by the power of love and family but they didn't show it. I assume that this magical transformation, that has started in season 2, should have continued and evolved in the 6 months in which Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri live together, of which we see incredibly little. Yes, the letters (very nice touch btw), yes the nice dinners together and Yen's grovelling but not very much on how this affects Geralt intrinsically. So we end up six months later that he is a mostly changed man, and good for him but I wish we could have seen more of a development. Also this season, now that we have finally placed all of our pieces on the board, inevitably focuses less on Geralt and his moods and adventures and more on the general plotting of the entire cast. Also they didn't give my man enough monsters to hunt (maybe the budget was cut seeing how many actors they had to pay). However I loved when he went to Annika's house and the moment when he recounted his childhood and the relationship with Visenna; I feel that in that moment the true talent and acting ability of Henry came through. I thoroughly enjoyed how uncomfortable he was at the mages ball; he's always so put together and firm that it was extremely funny seeing him a bit out of his depth. Anyway as long as it's played by Henry Cavill, Geralt will be always a 10/10 for me.
Yennefer: Contrary to common opinion I liked Yennefer last season. Yes she was selfish, yes she's willing to sacrifice Ciri and betray Geralt to get her magic back, but people don't seem to understand where she's coming from, and I think that a bit of explanation is given in this first part of the third season, through conversations that she both has with Ciri and Tissaia; this is not the place to write an entire apology of Yennefer but the core is this: to her, before, magic was everything; she was mistreated as a child, she never felt in control of her life, and the only way she found her way out of that was through her magic, of the power that she discovered within herself that helped her to finally stop feeling like a nuisance, to finally matter. Once she meet Ciri and she gets to know her however her priority shifts (as often happens with motherhood) and she finds out that she doesn't care whether she is powerful or not, as long as her child is safe. Now, with this out of the way, I loved Yennefer this season (as always). Anya Chalotra has grown so much into herself and her acting in these three seasons and it shows. Her relationship with Ciri is just beautiful (I was skeptical about it before because of the close age between the actresses but they embodied the mother-daughter bond perfectly), her and Geralt will never not be my favourite (I wish they had more scenes tho) and her and Jaskier are hilarious (also, more scenes pls!); but what I found very fascinating about Yennefer is the relationship she has with the other mages, of which we have always seen stunningly few. I found interesting the accusation Ciri moved to her when they were in that spa(?) to which Yennefer responds that that is the version of herself she "needs" to be around those people (strong, uncaring, playing the centuries old politics game of saying one thing and meaning another), and I really liked that because before Ciri was only "coddled" by witchers who are authentic and never had the need to play politics because they stay well away from them. Digression aside, Yennefer with other mages was really nice to watch, how she plays in the duality of who she is and who she needs to be and how she doesn't trust anyone between her peers, only Tissaia that has assumed a kind of a mother role for her. So, long story short, I love Yen and I always will.
Ciri: this poor girl has been through so much. Everyone wants her and she doesn't know what to do with herself. I felt like in this part of the season things just have been happening to her, rather than her having an active role (being dragged around the whole Continent like a package by a Witcher and a mage certainly didn't help) but it seems so me like her developing story and the general plot are going at two entirely different paces: she's still unsure of what to do, of her magical training, while the rest of the story feels almost like is at it's end and she's still there. Anyway, other than her most obvious relationships (Geralt and Yennefer) I liked her relationship with Jaskier this season; he's very protective of her and they act like he's a young uncle with his niece. Also I liked how her spending a lot of time with Yen and Geralt is starting to filter through her character, as she has become a sassy, brave, curious, know-it-all, but still she sometimes acts impulsively or foolishly as apt for her age.
Jaskier: We see him for more than 3 episodes! I would count this as a win already. I genuinely like Jaskier, I feel like he's always been the most relatable and funny character, and this season is no exception. I think Joey Batey is a comedic genius and his acting, and singing, skills are really unparalleled. I loved his journey with Radovid (who to be honest I didn't like at first, even though he is played by Hugh Skinner), they are very cute, especially their scene before the kiss, I was like awwww. Also Jaskier rivalry with Valdo Marxx is iconic, when they meet on the ship and he has a whole band backing him up and Jaskier only has Geralt and Ciri, it was really funny. Also finally Jaskier gets some well deserved love from Geralt, after 3 seasons he calls him "Jask" ♡.♡ (man, our standards are low)
Anyway, you'll forgive me but I'll give a rapid view of all the other characters because otherwise we'll be here all day.
Francesca's role this season has been practically null, other than making the final alliance with Nilfgaard she's going after Ciri (like everyone) and we did not see any repercussion or regret for the murder of hundreds of babies which had me like... ok.... Fringilla is freaking hilarious but I have also not understand her point in the story for now Cahir goes back to his murderous master after killing his elf friend, but I still like him; I think the actor is jumping through hoops trying to show us the duality of this character and how what he does actually affects him Emhyr, other than scheming and burning family pictures he seems to be doing nothing else (for now) Triss is the smartest in the freaking room, also the only one who cares about those poor girls! Everyone is like Ciri,Ciri all the time and she's like what about those poor vanished girls, I love her, but please don't let her have a romance with Istredd, who still after 3 season is going after that freaking Book of Monoliths; I hope that now that he's found it he will find peace and a good barber Tissaia and Vilgefortz I don't trust either of them, even though at the end of this part we find that is the latter and not Stregobor to have taken the girls, and if I'm honest until that scene I believed that "the woman with the funny voice" was Tissaia; also Vilgefortz is also leading on that poor Lydia... nope don't like the man Philippa Eilhart is a legend, didn't like her at first but she's smart as a whip and I think she's playing Dijkstra like a violin (also if they don't show the creation of the Lodge of Sorceresses I'll riot)
One more thing before I shut up, just a quick thought on the last episode: the idea was very well thought, to switch up the linearity of narration by including some back and forth between before and after as Yennefer and Geralt recount the night's event to each other and us (a bit Ocean's 11 style) but the execution.... I didn't particularly enjoy how it was done; maybe I need to see it again but while the change of camera angles through the same scenes helped (so that except for two moments maybe, we heard the same lines but the cameras were in different positions) it felt very repetitive and stagnant. The only positive thing was the music!! That fucking song is now stuck in my head forever: all is not *thud thud* as it seems *thud thud*, stuck all night in my head, anyway also very appropriate lyrics lol.
Ok, I think I'm done(?) I'm sure I've missed something but if it comes to mind I'll edit it in later
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