#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences
emometalhead · 16 days
#having a day full of mixed feelings#I suppose this is how life goes#I'm officially done with my Bachelor's degree as of today#obviously I'm proud of myself for the accomplishment and I was excited to be celebrated today#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it#I'm the first person in my family to get this degree and I was really looking forward to having today be my day#I had a really lovely morning and then things kind of waned#there were a few arguments. someone I spent the day with repeatedly made negative comments about something I care about#it felt awful. I know it was intended as more of a playful jab than anything but I directly asked for the comments to stop and they didn't#it especially hurt that it was a fandom thing and the person is so invested in their own fandoms yet they felt it fair to step on mine#even though I've never done that to them#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences#also as I said in the last post I was deeply upset by how my family members spoke of my 12 year old cousin#she's just a kid and some of our close family members have such a nasty opinion of her. she's so young and she's had a rough few years#but it seems like no one except my brother and I are willing to give her any grace#I think everyone else has forgotten what it feels like to be a kid and feel as if the world is against you#on a more positive note. I had a decadent slice of chocolate cake. it was heavenly#unfortunately I was really too in my head to fully enjoy it#literally every day for 3 weeks I've been talking about the lunch I planned to have today#I knew exactly what meal and dessert I wanted from the restaurant. it's my absolute fave and isn't available at any other local restaurant#I was totally starving by time we got to the restaurant. we were out all morning and I ate a tiny breakfast in anticipation of this meal#when we got there we found out they removed what I planned to order from the menu. I was devastated.#I know it's stupid but like this was the one part of my day that I've had planned for MONTHS and I've been thinking about it for weeks#we had a 40 minute car ride where I mentioned my excitement for the food no less than 10 times so this crushed me#also I'm just really picky in general and typically restaurants only have one or two things I'm able to eat#I offered to just eat the dessert while everyone else ordered food because they were all really hungry too but they wouldn't allow it#we left the restaurant and I still feel horrible for walking out. if I had known the item was removed we wouldn't have even gone there#it happened so recently though and I feel dumb for not even thinking to check the menu online beforehand#so we went to another restaurant and I barely ate anything and now I have no appetite for dinner and I feel bad for ruining the afternoon#even though it's my day and my celebration and I feel like I'm entitled to a slight amount of unreasonableness
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
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How’d they react to you calling them bro or dude whilst in a pre-established relationship…(platonic/romantic)
Dick: he’s insulted.
He will try to give you the silent treatment for such a shameful thing but ultimately fails as he ends up being the one pawing at you for attention.
‘Do you still like me? Or did you just run out of cute nicknames to call me?’ He’d say one night as your both cuddling in bed together. ‘If it’s the later then I can help you find something, just please spare me and don’t call me dude or bro anymore.’
He’d rather you call him Richard-wait, no he hates that even more because to him you’re not meant to use his fully name, only cutesy nicknames that’d make a grown man sick to his stomach. Nothing else would suffice other than Dickie bird, handsome, babe, hunk, honeybun or anything that wasn’t his name.
He’s go mad or would act delusional and say that everything was fine when everyone could tell that it wasn’t. People who know him have personally came to you and begged you to stop calling him dude/bro because he kept talking their ears off about how his beloved partner is torturing him, which ends up torturing them even more upon hearing about his relationship issues.
Dick would even consult Hayley on what he did wrong, only for Hayley to look at him with those big, big eyes of hers. This was not her level of expertise unfortunately. (Head empty, no thoughts. She can’t do her abc’s guys it’s a real tragedy.)
Jason: ‘I just had my tongue down your throat just now and you had to go and ruin the mood by calling me bro. What the fuck.’ - Jason at some point.
It’s a whole mood killer for him to be honest.
He’s calling you things like chipmunk or sweetheart but here you were calling him dude and bro. He knows for a fact that he’s well and truly out of the friend zone because the shit you’ve done together isn’t platonic in any sort of way.
Thinks Roy had set you up to call him dude or bro behind his back. (He hasn’t)
Jason is petty and will get his own back by referring you as ‘just a really good friend’, ‘buddy o’ mine’ or even worse than both of those; ‘chum.’ 💀
When you go low, Jason was more then willing to go to the depths of fucking hell to the point it had become a game to see who’d call out just how stupid this all was, and at the both of you for ever thinking that this was an excellent idea in the first place.
You’ll probs get punished…I’m just going to leave it there and let your minds guess what that ‘punishment’ was exactly.
As much as Damian hates it when you call him Dami, he hates it when you call him dude or bro even more, if that’s even possible.
Damian hates it when you call him dude or bro. He’s not your dude or bro, he’s your partner and he expects no less then darling, my heart or my beloved.
So you calling him dude or bro is more than enough reason for him to give you the silent treatment.
‘Until you learn that I am your partner, I won’t want to be anywhere near you if you’re going to keep calling me your bro or dude. It is a disservice to who I actually am to you.’ He says with a huff and beckons Titus to follow, only for the Great Dane to be left confused as to why his human parents were at a disagreement over something silly.
Also Titus, Ace, Jerry, Alfred the cat, Goliath and BatCow are children of divorce because I said so.
So it’s bests that you apologise while you still can because Damian can hold a grudge unlike any other. Even if you didn’t, you’d still crack first before Damian and quickly put an end to calling him dude/bro.
He just thinks being called a dude/bro when in a pre-established relationship is an insult.
He can take a joke but not when it’s aimed at his relationship. He’s well and truly devoted to his relationship -if we’re to completely ignore the whole being Robin thing- that it might as well be an insult towards him too at this point.
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ashwhowrites · 26 days
Hi, can i request an angst fic? insecure eddie where there is a misunderstanding with soft reader and due to his rejection trauma, he acts douchy as a defense mechanism. Soft reader, not used to get treated harshly, she turns cold. But then when eddie figured out that reader is more important than his ego, he finally trying to resolve his trauma before reconcile back with reader, although took some time and effort. Happy ending!
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Push away
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Eddie knew he protected his feelings to an extreme. He hurt people before they could hurt him. He refused to be close to anyone, people always left. He was horrible at relationships. The second he felt the walls caving in, he was out the door.
Not many people had good things to say about him, and he didn't give them opportunities to.
Y/N was a soft and polite girl. She was quiet but spoke passionately. Y/N didn't talk to many people, but no one had anything bad to say about her. Until Eddie Munson proved that theory wrong.
Y/N couldn't remember when her crush on Eddie surfaced, but he was all she could think about. They had some classes together, and he sat across the room but at her eye level. She could stare and daydream for as long as she wanted.
It took her weeks to get the courage to say something to him, but she was glad she did. Because after that, a friendship began.
She didn't want to scare him off with her feelings, so she settled for just being his friend first. She could get to know him and enjoy being with him without having it mean anything more.
Eddie actually really enjoyed having her around. He wasn't the best at letting anyone in, but something about her felt comforting and warm. His brain was able to shut off around her. Their friendship felt easy to him. He wasn't worried about impressing her or trying to be someone he wasn't. For once, he was able to be just friends with a girl.
They hung out mostly every day. The second school ended, she was in his van and they'd go to his trailer and watch random movies.
The one thing Y/N didn't think through, was how hard it was going to be to act like she wasn't falling for him. They kept everything at a friend level, and she wasn't sure if it was the best idea to push for more. Eddie was a loner, and she should be grateful she made it this far.
But the more they hung out, and the more he wrapped his arm around her shoulder during movies, she couldn't think straight. All she could think about was holding his hand and feeling his lips move against hers.
"What's going on in there?" Eddie's voice caused her to snap into reality. His finger lightly pushed on her forehead.
"Sorry, what?" She blushed, blinking as she moved her eyes away from Eddie's face.
"You were staring and barely moving. You seemed to be in deep thought. Penny for your thoughts?" He reached over and paused the movie. His full attention was on her as she gulped.
She didn't know what to say. There was no way she was going to confess how she felt about him. But maybe she should? He seemed to be more comfortable with her and he constantly was touching her in some type of way.
Oh for fucks sake, go for it
"I have a crush on this guy, and I can't get him out of my head." She whispered, she worried if she said it loud enough it would be more real.
Eddie wasn't sure what he felt, but it wasn't good. He almost felt hurt that she would admit that to his face. But why should he care, it wasn't like they were dating or that he even liked her that way.
"Oh, well. Why don't you ask him out?" Eddie said he tried to sound like he didn't care. He was helping a friend.
"I can't tell if he likes me back. I enjoy having him in my life and I don't want to scare him off."
"Yeah, that's fair. Maybe compliment him, get close, and lean in for a kiss. If he leans in, go for it." Eddie wanted to smack himself. He didn't want her perfect lips to be touching some loser. But again, he was just a friend and he didn't have a say in that.
"Okay, kinda like this?" She whispered, her heart racing out of her chest as she placed her palm on Eddie's thigh. The rough material of his jeans scratched against her skin as she softly moved her hand down to his knee and then back up again.
Eddie felt his breathing stop as she lingered on his thigh. He wanted to look away but her eyes had him in a daze. His stomach flipped and he hated the way he was slightly turned on. He can't be feeling like this, because then he would have to admit he felt something. He searched his brain for an escape, he tried to move his legs but he was paralyzed.
All he could do was watch in horror as she leaned in. Her eyes searched his as she moved closer, her mouth inches away from his.
"Then I'd kiss him, right?" She whispered against his lips, and before he knew it he leaned in.
She felt the weight off of her shoulders as her lips crashed on his. Her eyes closed as she savored the feeling of his soft lips against hers. Her head spun as he gripped her waist and kissed her back. Her thoughts were gone as their kiss deepened. Her hands moved up his thigh, to his chest then around his neck, he pushed her body against his. He swallowed her moans as his tongue licked her bottom lip. She didn't think twice about opening her mouth to allow his tongue to touch hers.
The moment was perfect
The moment was everything she dreamed
It was everything she needed to say the words
She pulled away breathing heavily, and her eyes fluttered open. Eddie slowly blinked, like he wasn't sure where he was as he stared at her.
Then something snapped.
His hands yanked her arms off of him and he flew off the couch. He paced fire into the floor as he walked back and forth.
"What the fuck was that!"
Y/N was taken aback by how angry he sounded. She nervously tried to form an answer.
"I did what you said." Her voice was calm but confused. "I like you, Eddie."
Her words glued his feet to the floor. He was stuck, his feet felt too heavy to pick up as his breathing picked up.
He felt it
He felt the walls caving in. The room got smaller as he struggled to breathe. Her eyes haunted him as she watched. He felt like his body was being crushed between two walls and he couldn't push them apart.
"Well don't," he spat out harshly. She felt her body flinch as his eyes glared down at her. "I mean what is wrong with you? Why did you have to fuck up the friendship we had?"
She really did not understand why he was so angry. Even if he didn't like her, that wouldn't cause him to be so agitated.
"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to! You didn't move my hand, and you leaned in. And you kissed me back. I mean you deepened the kiss. I thought that meant you liked me too" She apologized. She worried she might have made him uncomfortable.
"Why would I like you too? What possible idiotic theory are you basing that on?"
She tried not to cry as she stood up. She wasn't sure who the hell was across from her, because it was not the sweet boy she spent her time with.
"Why are you acting like this? I said I was sorry."
"Because I know if I allow myself to have feelings for you, you'll be the one I spend the rest of my life with," Eddie confessed, and that scared him the most.
"Would that be so bad? I know it's scary, but don't you think we should try?" She asked, she slowly moved closer to him. Her hand softly cradled his face.
Her touch turned him into ice. It was all too much and he needed her gone. He needed her out of his mind, his sight, and his life.
"Yes because I'll have to live with the regret of choosing you."
Y/N yanked her hand off of his face like he burned her. She felt like the air was kicked out of her lungs.
"Fuck you," she spat as hot tears rolled down her face. She turned around to grab her jacket off the couch. She didn't bother putting it on, she slammed the door behind her as she left.
The loud bang echoed through the trailer as the walls moved back to their normal distance. Eddie could feel the air returning to his lungs as he dropped to the floor.
He escaped
But he wasn't sure how long the escaping would feel like freedom.
Eddie figured if she was out of sight, she'd be out of his mind
But he was wrong
She never left his head. Images of her smiling and laughing. But also the image of her crying and leaving. It's been a few days and they haven't talked. He knew they wouldn't, but he didn't think he'd miss her.
He escaped but this time it felt different. It made him feel worse. There wasn't any relief on his shoulders anymore; bricks piled on until it was too heavy to even stand up.
He missed having a friend. He knew he handled the situation horribly, and he wanted to apologize for it.
Y/N tried to ignore how awful she felt. She was embarrassed and regretted ever telling Eddie she liked him. But at least he showed his true colors and she could begin moving on.
Y/N hadn't seen Eddie since the big blowout, and Monday approached faster than she wanted. She wasn't sure how seeing him would go, but she knew she would ignore him.
Eddie had never felt so nervous to pull up to school, a endless pit settled in his stomach as he walked through the parking lot. He kept his eye out for Y/N's car, he wasn't sure if he wanted to find it or not.
Without catching a glimpse of her, Eddie walked into the school. He planned to wait at her locker until she showed up.
Y/N rolled her eyes as Eddie stood at her locker.
"Move," She mumbled with a blank stare.
"Can we talk?" Eddie asked, his voice shaky.
"We are already talking more than I wanted, now move and leave me alone." The seriousness in her voice broke Eddie down a bit, but he knew he deserved it.
He nodded and walked off.
But he wasn't going to give up.
Y/N sat at their usual table, Eddie wasn't sure if he was welcome to sit or not. He took a deep breath and dropped his tray on the table. She looked up from her lunch and looked right back down.
Eddie coughed and picked at his tray. His eyes kept peeking up to look at her but her head was always down.
"I'm sorry for what I said," Eddie said but she didn't flinch. "It was wrong and you didn't deserve that."
Y/N let out a heavy sigh and stood up.
She looked Eddie straight in the eyes, he took a deep breath as he waited for her to speak.
But she didn't
She gathered her lunch and walked off.
Eddie tried to apologize every single day, he switched his words and tried to say what she needed to hear. A week of silence and he couldn't let it go further.
He knew what happened was because of his past trauma and he felt he needed to understand first. Maybe then he could give her an explanation. So, he began therapy.
Within a few appointments, he understood he pushed her away because he was in love with her.
Y/N finished writing in her journal when she heard a knock at her window. Her curtains were shut, so whoever knocked was a mystery. She slowly stood up and crept towards her window, she was a tad scared but figured a robber wouldn't be asking for entry.
She peeked through the tiny crack of her curtain and saw Eddie's familiar curls. He stood on the small balcony. She sighed and walked back to bed.
Eddie could see her shadow moving and frowned when her lap shut off. Her room was dark and he lost sight of her. But he would stay here all night if he needed to.
He knocked again and called her name, but no response.
Y/N groaned annoyed at the constant knocks, but still remained in bed.
"I'm sorry. I know I fucked up and I might not ever make this up to you. But I figured out why I reacted that way."
His words made Y/N's ears perk, and she sat up in bed.
"I pushed you away because people always left. The people that I cared for, the people I loved. When you kissed me, I loved it. I felt complete like that emptiness those people left was filled by you. So I panicked, I wanted to leave before you left me. Which was wrong. Because I shouldn't have turned on someone that I love."
Y/N gasped as the final words left his lips. She had to pick between her pride and her heart. And she wasn't positive which one led her in the right direction.
"Can I just see you?" his knock was lighter than the rest, and his voice sounded like he was on the cliff of giving up.
She got out of bed and walked to her window. She pulled back the curtain and opened her window. Eddie smiled as he saw her face.
"Hi," he whispered, afraid to speak louder and frighten her.
"Are you saying you are in love with me?"
"I'm trying to, yes. And I don't expect that to fi-"
Eddie was cut off as Y/N captured his lips in a kiss. Eddie didn't hesitate and kissed her back.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he leaned further in the window. Half his body leaned into her room as he chased her lips as she pulled away.
"It doesn't fix everything but I'm ready to forgive you and we'll fix it together." She said against his lips.
"Thank you," he whispered before he connected their lips again.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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dark-night-hero · 1 month
hi :'D man your writing of tragedy makes me want to cry and i love it
the first one i read from your works is zhongli losing y/n his mate because he wasnt there when a god wrecked havoc, so i got an idea.
neuvi's old old, and focalors invited him to be the iudex of fontaine right? during his early days in fontaine he struggled so much with interacting with humans. what if, he meets a human (y/n) who doesnt care that their new iudex had come from nowhere, and completely aids neuvi with communicating with humans and they form such a close bond that he doesnt understand, but right as he decides to go for it and ask yn he receives news of a new case ; yn's murder :D
i swear i did not mean for this ask to be long i am so sorry 😭
Humans can be cruel ang cunning creatures. If not then crimes and wars would have never happened. They are beings who are capable of hurting each other for the sake of their own gain. They would not hesitate to use each other and kill each other.
That is the human on Neuvillette, the new iudex of Fontaine. He does not even know why he accepted such invitation. In the first place, his hesrt was distant from the people. His imagine of them was quite... bad. Maybe that was just his discrimination, but the more he get to stand on trial, then more distorted his imagine of mortals become.
And then he met you. You who was a human, but different from the humans that the knew. You were just... different. You do not look at him with fear nor do you look at him with indifference. The way you act around him, you just act like yourself.
He met you in a rainy day, a rainy day after a trial. He was walking unbothered under the rain, when a figure with umbrella started walking towards him. "Ah- Ah! Mister-!" At first, he ignore it despite the softness of the voice whom was talking to him. "Wait-!" He was avoiding people as good as he can. He saw no good in interacting with them.
"Hey!" He was getting pissed to be honest, the rain was getting heavier and once in a while a thunder could be heard. He was ready to brush the person off when suddenly, the rain stopped. There was an umbrella over his head. "Are you crazy! At this rate you're going to get sick!" What? Neuvillette was stunned, letting himself get dragged by this mortal who does not seem to recognise him or did they? "Iudex or not, what are you thinking walking under the pouring rain? Here! Take this umbrella!" After going under some shade, he watch you left him out much thought, he was holding your umbrella as you only have your hands protecting you from the rain.
You are weird. Weird in a good way that does not make sense. Maybe it was a coincidence, but after thatm he kept bumping into you. In his walk in his way into the court and when he was coming back from the court. In the path he talk, you were always there talking to him even though he does not reply. Still, it was strange how with you, he felt comfort.
"It's raining again, and here you are walking under the rain. Seriously, what's with you?" ... "Rather than that, what's with you?" "Me? What's wrong with me?" "You're different from other." "What makes me different from them?" He did not answer after that, for he too does not know what to say. How weird.
You were pretty close to him. He does not know how, but many all those walk together with you was working. In the end, he found himself completely relax and comfortable around you. "Now that I think about it. I'm your only friend, no?" ... "gasp! For real?" "Humans... I found them rather hard to communicate with." After all those trials, he does not know what to think about humans anymore. That is why he found you weird. "Why? Why is that?!" You pout. "Well..." He stopped walking and ponder for a while. "Maybe it's because I have seen mostly the dark side of humans that I cannot seem to know what to think and say to them." He replied after a little while. "Hey! That's totally unfair! If you try hard enough to know more about us there is more than the dark side there is to see!" "Hmmm. I doubt..." "No! Seriously, you jut have to open up your heart to the people and you will see the goodness in their heart." You laugh. To be honest, he does know that. After all, there was no other ways he could describe you but a good person and perhaps, maybe even more than that. But to open his heart to the people other than you... "Right... I'll think about it."
Neuvillette always find it difficult to interact with people. Most of the time he had this instinct to stay away from them. Maybe it has something to do with their origins, he was a high being after all and humans. Humans are just... humans. Nevertheless from the moment he have met you, he knew he was doomed. Doomed to understand humans. From the moment he get to know more of you, the more he mindset starts to change. Maybe... maybe humans are not as bad a he thought them to be.
"Are you okay?" The cafe was not crowded. It was almost midnight when the two of you decided to go into one. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" You asked with a smile on your face. Nevertheless Neuvillette did not fail to notice the way your eyes quickly scan the surroundings, the way you seemed to be anxiously playing with your fingers. But then, you are looking at him dead in the eyes telling him you are fine. Maybe it was nothing. "It's getting dark, shall we go?"
That night, Neuvillette decided to give it a try. Maybe just as you said, humans are not bad as he thought they would be. Maybe just like you said, all he need to do is to open his heart to the people and see things in a different perspective. Thinking about it makes his lips curl up, thinking how joyful you would be if he were to tell you that in person. But.
Humans can be cruel ang cunning creatures. If not then crimes and wars would have never happened. They are beings who are capable of hurting each other for the sake of their own gain. They would not hesitate to use each other and kill each other.
"What is this?" His hands were shaking. "Earlier a citizen named (First name) (Lastname) was found mur-?! Monsieur?! Where-" He rush out the room. He run and run and run until he was under the heavy rain. Hands still clenching the piece of goddamn paper with such gruesome, unbelievable concent. No, he would not believe it. He could not believe it. You were just walking with him earlier this day, your smile as too real for it to be unreal. He had just seen you earlier so why? Why are you there sitting in your own pool of blood soaked under the rain?
He could not even approach you, he just watch there along with the other people watching the crime scene get cleaned up like it was nothing. People were looking at you with interest like yu were some kind of entertainment after all. It was the very first case of murder in Fontaine.
Neuvillette could hear nothing under the rain, he just stood there under the same spot even after tour body was taken away. Countless thoughts running in his head. Why? Why does it have to be you? Why do humans never change? Why does t has to be you? Why? Just fucking why you? You asked Neuvillette to give humans a chance. But how could he do that now that he knew humans were the very same being that took you away from him?
Neuvillette did not cry but he just stand there, eyes bloodshot as his lips leak blood from bitting so hard, hands curl into a fist. He was mad, so mad that he wanted to end things right now. He was starting to blame everyone, the world for taking away the only good thing that ever happened to him. In his eyes were those full of hatred and is ready to explode. He would never forgive-
Neuvillette felt a weak thug on his pants, for a moment, he looked down. The first thing he noticed was the blood stained water right in front of him before the child that was holding on into him. "Ha-hydro dragon. Do-don't cry." The child sniff, tears rolling down his cheeks upon saying so.
Neuvillette does not like humans. They are a cruel and cunning being who took away the love of his life before he could even realise it was love. At the same time, these humans were the being that his love one loves very much. "Don't worry." He slowly reach out and pat the little boy's head and magically, he was suddenly dried despite the pouring rain. "The hydro dragon doesn't cry." Just like that, the rain that seemed to be drowning in sadness stopped.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
: I think I fucked up. Na bobo ata ako sa sunod sunod na quiz at exam kanina HAHAHA IT'S SO HOT IN THE PH HUHU
: No but seriously I think I fucked up making this asked. HAHAHAHHA did I do it right? Imma delete this na lang charot.
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aryxchse · 3 months
percy doesn't know.
— leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader.
inspired from the song ;; scotty doesn't know by lustra
summary ;; percy is oblivious about leo fucking his sister at every chance he gets.
warnings ;; nsfw stuff i guess, no full smut though. percy is being oblivious as hell, reader is sneaky and leo's a little bastard <3
a / n ;; wish my english was good enough to actually write some good smut, but please don't kill me because i just implied it 👐🏻 OH and they're aged up, obvi.
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Percy doesn't know that y/n and me
Do it in my cabin every Sunday
She tells him she's in lake but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Percy doesn't know
y/n l/n, percy jackson's precious little sister. she was only a year younger than him, but he still acted like she was a baby. he tried to protect her at all costs and sweared that he would kill anyone who looked at her wrong.
and when she told him that she was dating with leo, he couldn't help but get even more protective. but he did not have the right to say something, because he was happily in love with annabeth. and y/n just wanted to live that kind of love too, she deserved it.
so when she told him she was going to lake, to swim and meditate a little, he believed her. she was too soft and naive to do something secretly behind him anyways. at least, that's what percy told to himself.
little did he didn't know was that y/n, was going to bunker 9.
"finally," leo breathed out when he saw his perfect girlfriend y/n. "thought percy didn't let you be alone."
y/n smiled mischiefly as she approached to him, already seeing him hard. it looked like it hurt, and she would do anything to make her sweet boyfriend satisfied. "doesn't matter, i'm here right? let me help you with that." she said, pointing his arousal.
leo only smirked when she got down to her knees.
I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
y/n's got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
"h-hi, perce. what's up?" she said, trying to hold her voice stable.
she wasn't going to open the phone, really. but leo, being a little shit he is, insisted. appearently he wanted to see how much his girlfriend was capable of holding herself.
besides, leo was too heated at the moment that he didn't even cared when percy called. she was close, he was close, they were so close to having the feeling of paradise. percy would enter the room and leo would still keep pounding into her, that's how hot he was. he couldn't stop.
leo bited back a laugh, thrusting into her more. he bended her over at his working table, the metal stuff throwed on the ground long ago. she tried to scratch the table but of course, failed.
"no, thank you i don't want anything." she said, arching her back more as leo kept his speed. she was so close to exploding that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to muffle her moans like she did now.
percy was on a date with annabeth at the amusement park and he was catching some plushies now. and he knew how his sister loved plushies, especially sea creature themed ones. "well, m-maybe you can get the shark one, thanks perce." she said, tears rolling down as her voice shaked a bit.
"okay, love you too. kiss annabeth for me." she said before hanging up, and releasing herself with a loud cry. she screamed all of the voices she kept inside while she hit her orgasm, panting on leo's desk. it didn't take much longer for leo to cum after her, a breathless chuckle leaving his lips.
"you did so well, princesa." he panted, kissing her back.
I did her on his birthday
percy doesn't know
percy doesn't know
percy doesn't know
it was august 18th, percy's birthday. everyone of their friends were invited, so it was normal for leo being there too.
the house was full of people, that percy couldn't even look or talk with his sister more than two minutes. everyone congratulated him on his new age and how handsome he turned out. bla, bla, bla.
y/n wore a white skirt with a blue crop top that leo got her at her birthday. he didn't said anything while he handed it to her, but the low neckline was making her boobs look gorgeous. and he don't even mention of how hot that top looked with that skirt.
leo held her hand as he whispered in her ear. "i need you, right now." he whispered in a desperate tone, a tone she couldn't say no to.
"leo we can't— the house is too crowded and-" leo kissed her neck secretly, only making her squirm under his touch. "that's why no one would notice." he whispered in her ear.
percy was talking with annabeth when he saw y/n taking leo's hand and dragging him to somewhere. "y/n!" he called, making the couple turn around.
"w-what's up?" she asked, trying to sound not too panicked. percy didn't noticed, thanks to gods. "where are you two going?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. which annabeth was going to be mad at him for it later.
"i gotta pee man, and she's leading me to the bathroom." leo explained, hiding behind her so that percy won't see his boner. percy was going to say something, but was intrupted by annabeth.
"okay then, we wouldn't want leo to pee in his pants on your birthday, right babe?" annabeth asked, not caring if percy was going to answer or not. and not waiting for it either. "but-" percy tried to say.
"great! be quick though, we're about to give him his presents." annabeth said like she knew, she winked to the couple. y/n gave her a warm smile, in a way only she could understand what she meant behind it. thank you, you're the best!
annabeth dragged percy to the kitchen while the couple got upstairs, making out the moment they entered the bathroom.
a / n ;; thanks for reading, you really survived to here fr 🫶🏻
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nezuscribe · 2 years
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𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie munson is in love with you. and he refuses to let a little date set up by a guy who probably doesn't even know your favorite movie ruin his chance of getting with you.
fic warnings (mdni 18+): reader is over 18, loss of virginity (for reader), cunnilingus, cum eating, heavy making out, fingering, teasing, mentions of weed, vaginal penetration, eddie has a little bit of a corruption kink if you squint
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Eddie Munson never yelled. He never raised his voice when he got mad, he never got angry with people who have done him wrong. Despite his outward appearance, his rings were always kept to himself, used more as a fidgeting tool than anything else, and his little knife was used to carve his name in the tree outside the school. 
Everybody who knew him decently well would know that he was really just a temperate soul, and it didn’t take a lot to make him happy. The Hellfire Club almost always brought a joyful smile to his face and when he was tired his joints were always there to solve whatever problem he was facing. 
But above everything, you seemed to be his answer to all of his woes. 
You, who he's known ever since middle school. And at first, it wasn’t your smile that made his day just so much better because your braces got in the way and you hated how food sometimes got stuck in them, so you refrained from smiling for the first three years he knew you. But then you did and things just seemed to fall into place. He could stare at the softness of your eyes for days and never grow tired. He’d make a song to reminisce on the little snort you let out at his dumb jokes because he cherishes it more than anything. 
As time seemed to pass, your friendship got closer and closer and everything seemed to be known between the two of you. Who his first kiss was, who yours was. What your favorite bands were, people you despised, and people with whom you could get along. Eddie knew your favorite movie because you loved movies more than anything. You could talk about them on and on, for hours on end because he’d never get tired of the animated way you explained the cinematography and acting. Truth be told, Eddie could never get tired of you, but he had to tell himself something to try and get over you.
When you turn up to his trailer, insistently knocking at the door with a gleaming grin on your face, he couldn’t ever say no. And he guesses that his compliance with letting you get away with owning every crevice of his bleeding heart would only lead him to more misery than anything, but Eddie just had no control over his mind when it came to you.
So with you sitting on his legs, your shirt riding up just a little bit so that he could catch a little peek of your soft skin, his mind was going into overdrive. You played with his hair, fiddling with the pesky elastic band he had given you earlier as you tried to give him the most outrageous hairdo you’ve ever seen. You’d give him an occasional apologetic smile when you tugged just a bit too hard, but it didn’t matter because your fingers were just so soft and gentle that he wanted you to tug at his hair again. And the worst part was that he couldn’t even relax because his entire body was tensing up with the words that spilled out of your mouth.
“And then she gave me a lower grade because apparently, she has a late policy? She never had one all year, remember?” Eddie nodded and that seemed to be enough for you as you continued, “Anyways, I told her that. And after a couple of minutes, she said she’d give me something a bit higher, but it was still shitty for all the work I put into that poster.” You give an exasperated sigh, your lips pouting a bit as you lean a bit more forward and Eddie feels like this is what paradise must be.
“She’s an astronomical pain in the ass. And she likes you. Remember how I forgot to write my name on that one paper? She was really about to shove that ruler up my ass.” He teases and you laugh a little as you remember the fond memory.
“Yeah, well, you always have it worse Munson. But I almost lost my grade because of her!” You exclaim, taking a deep breath as you calm down, eventually giving him a shrug, curling one of his strands around your finger as you watch it unravel, falling onto his forehead as you look down at him with a little smile, “But I know my way around teachers. ‘S why I got her a bigger gift for Christmas, she knew she’d have to pay me back sometime.” 
“You’re a little bit evil, y’know that, right?” Eddie quipped as you swatted his shoulder, pinching his nose and he rolled his eyes at your childish antics, “Have the entirety of the teacher and student population wrapped around your little finger.” 
“What?” You shake your pointer finger in front of his face, “This one?” Eddie smiles as he pushes it down, poking your sides as you squeal, a cascade of giggles falling for your lips as his hands attack your sides. 
“That’s the one sweetheart.” 
He cradles your elbows, careful that you don’t fall, but how could you when you're sitting so comfortably atop him? It was little moments like this that gave Eddie hope that maybe there was something more than you were leading on, that maybe, just maybe you could at some point reciprocate his feelings. 
“Oh! Almost forgot to tell you this, but I have good news, really good news. You’re never going to believe it. Leaves your jaw hanging, spits in your eye, kick you in the shins, good news,” You try to contain the gleeful smile that made its way onto your face, “I was - no, wait… I want you to guess.” 
“Yeah, guess!” 
“Um…” He scratched his head, biting his lip as he shrugged, “Your parents are buying you that car?” 
“I said good news, Munson, not a miracle.” He huffs a little laugh, sitting up a bit so that he rested his head against the headboard of his bed, craning his neck a bit so that he could look at you better.
“You found a cure for cancer? Always knew you were a smart little cookie.” He pinched your cheek, giving you a boyish and cheesy grin as you swat his hand away. 
“No, ugh, you suck at this Munson,” And though you say it you still play with his hair, twirling it around, and it was enough to show Eddie that you didn’t really mean your words, “No, Charly asked me out on a date!” 
Eddie choked a little bit on his spit, his eyes bugging out as he coughed, his fist hitting his chest as you worriedly patted his back. 
“You alright?” You asked, your voice tilting a bit as Eddie hurriedly nodded, his heart stopping right then and there in his chest as every little moment flashed through his eyes. His hands felt clammy, the room was getting too hot and suddenly he felt like his throat slowly was closing up on him.
“Y-yeah, yeah, peachy.” Peachy? No wonder you hadn’t given him a chance by now.
“Oh, um, okay, well…” Your brows furrowed as you examined his face, doing the little beads of seat accumulating on his forehead, “Do you want some water?” And he shook his head, clearing his throat as he tried to pretend like he wasn’t about to lose every shred of sanity he had left. Though Eddie didn’t want to hear any more of this and just wanted to curl up into a big ball and just weep, the pure radiance that flowed out of you to tell him the big news didn’t allow him to do it. So he just motioned for you to continue, his soft brown eyes looking anywhere else into the room so that they wouldn’t give his true emotions away. 
“I actually never thought he’d do it, y’know, because of how awkward I can be around the male species,” You continued, going back to fiddling with his hair as though nothing happened, “But he asked me yesterday! He said he wanted to take me to that drive-in theater,” You paused, your lips pursing as you tried to fluff up his already fluffy hair, “You know, that one next to the bowling alley?” And Eddie can only hum, his hand splayed across his chest as he felt his heart churn into a tight pulp.
Because the worst thing is, you’re going to go back to your house after all this is over. You come over, talk, make him fall in love with you all over again, and unknowingly make him go crazy at the mere thought of you. It wasn’t his fault that he spent years pinning after you, but it definitely was when he never gave his feelings up.
He knew that he couldn’t sabotage years of your friendship if he actually told you the truth, ruin the hours and days you’ve spent with each other just because his anguished and lovesick mind told him it’d be a good idea to reveal the truth to you.
“And then - do you have any more hair ties?” He held up another one, ready on command as you gave him a tiny grin, “Thanks Eds,” You ruffle his head a little bit, “And then he said that we could go to his place.” You paused for a second, gathering all of your thoughts as you spoke, “Now,” You look down at him with a raised brow, “I’m gonna need you to be honest with me, okay, Munson? And don’t laugh…promise? Okay?” 
Your change of tone worried him, and if it was apparent by the furrow of his brow then it might have been from the way he stopped breathing momentarily. Eddie knew you long enough that he was aware of almost all of your secrets, if not every single one. The two of you were open with basically everything and the way you nervously fiddled around with your fingers was out of character for you.
“Scouts honor.” He muttered, trying his best to hold up the three fingers as you rolled your eyes, going back to his hair because you couldn’t help the heat that spread across your face, the embarrassment that would come with your following question. 
“Does that mean he wants to, um,” You falter, your hands pausing their movements as you look off to the side, “Well…you know…” It’s too much to say out loud, and even though you’ve known Eddie for a while, the way he looks up at you confused only adds to the humiliation you were getting.
“I actually don’t know. You take my power for knowledge for granted sweetheart.” He says with a little laugh, his head nudging your hand, a silent way to tell you to get back to playing with his hair. His lightheartedness eases you up and you giggle, flicking his forehead as he winces a bit.
“That he wants to, uh, do some body boogie…?”
“Body boogie?” 
You cover your face with your hands as Eddie lets out a hearty laugh, some of his tense posture melting a bit as you slap his shoulder, gnawing on the inside of your cheek as you felt like you wanted the earth to swallow you whole. 
“Sex, Eddie,” You spit out, “Does he want to have sex with me if I go to his house?”
Pink dusts his cheek as you look at him worriedly, your eyes big and round as you watch his face flush. Every part of his body seemed to be shutting down, and if it wasn't enough having to find out that you were going on a date with this basketball player, having to think about him doing such things with you made his stomach churn uncomfortably. But he swallowed thickly, not wanting to make you feel awkward or embarrassed as he shrugged, his tongue feeling abnormally big in his mouth as he tried to think of what to say.
“Yes or no? Come on Munson, you’re a guy. If you wanted to take a girl home, is there any backing behind it other than a cup of coffee?” Your eyes squint, and now you feel like he’s just playing with you when in reality he felt like he was slowly yet surely losing grasp of himself. 
“Um, well, I…” He scratched his jaw, taking in your anxious face as a line appeared in the middle of his brows, “Depends, really.” And he sees how you chew on your lip, his answer obviously enough to send your mind into a spiral of thoughts. 
“Depends on what…?” You push, readjusting yourself on his legs so that you wouldn’t put so much weight on his thighs. The single movement almost made him forget who he was, his hands almost coming up to your hips to hold you steady where you were.
Eddie faltered. How could he explain this? It’s not as though he was the guy, not like he could get into his mind, dig deep, and look at his desires. If it had been him, he’d never take you to a drive-in theater. He’d take you to that little pizza place you liked so much and buy a whole pizza for the two of you to share. He’d get you ice cream - three scoops if you wanted, and he’d pay for it because he’d never let you spend money when he was there. He’d drive you back home, and drop you off at your front doorstep with a sweet goodbye kiss. But Eddie knew that his fantasy was simply too unrealistic to reach, and if he was trying the be realistic then, yeah, that guy probably did want to have sex after you went to his place. 
“I don’t know sweetheart,” He ran a hand through his hair, something he often did when he was feeling like his whole world was crashing down on him, “If he’s really horned up after the movie then he most likely will want to have some…body boogie.” You groan at his choice of words, falling off of his lap much to his great disappointment as you bury your face into one of his pillows.
“You’re not going to drop that by chance, are you?” Your voice comes out muffled as you refuse to look at him, and he laughs a bit, nudging your side with his elbow as he shakes his head. 
“Over my dead body.” 
You mutter something inaudible to yourself, your nose pressed flat against the fabric of his pillow as you hug it to your chest, rolling over to your side so that your back was facing him. He watches as your back moves up and down with every breath you take, and he wishes he could map all the little birthmarks you had all over your legs and thighs with his lips if you gave him the chance.
“It’s just I think that the only reason he asked me out is that…he wants to get in my pants. Well, to be honest, I think that’s the only reason I got asked out…” You turn around, laying on your back as your hands lay across your stomach, “Whenever I talk to him he always looks like he’s in his own place. And yesterday he barely even acknowledged our date, just the ‘getting to his house part’. And I refuse, you hear me, Munson? I refuse to let him get anywhere near me if that’s the case. It’s only the first date! I barely even know him. I m-mean, what happened to chivalry, you know? What happened to opening car doors, or asking how your day was, or simply just speaking, huh? And you’re probably right! He always stares at my chest when I wear that blue shirt. God, can you imagine? I was going to wear it tomorrow, too! That’d probably get him horned up enough to just tear it-” 
“Whoa! Hey, slow down a bit, yeah?” He held his hands up, a nervous smile on his face as he searched your frantic eyes. Your chest was heaving up and down and you were quickly trying to pick at your nails as you trailed off.
“I don’t understand. If you want to go out on a date with this guy, why are you so…jittery?”
“Jittery?” You raised your brow, your lips turning into a little frown as you squinted at him, “What do you mean, jittery?” 
“Your pupils are dilated, your hands are shaking like crazy. You spoke about fifty words per second back there and you look like you’re about to eat anything that comes at you. If that’s not jittery then I was fucking calm during my presentation last week.” He tried to joke as he nudged your arm with his hand, his eyebrows furrowed in worry as you flop back down, groaning as you jam your palms into your eyes.
The truth was, you had no problem with sleeping with somebody. You wanted it after hearing all your friends rave out their first, second, and third times. It was just that you did want to spend it with some nobody who wouldn’t even remember your name come the next morning. And even though your friends seemed to always like the experience, they never failed to mention how it hurt when the other person never gave a shit about them afterward. 
Call it a wishful mindset but you felt like you had barely any control over how most of your life was spent. And this one thing that you could actually control couldn’t have gotten tainted by a guy who barely even washed his dick.
“I’m not jittery…I’m just having the sudden and impending realization that you’re right and he probably won't even focus on the movie because he only wants to have sex with me and get it over with.” You sink as your own words hit you. 
“You’re overthinking this, Y/n. He probably wouldn’t be able to focus on the movie because he’s too busy looking at the disaster sitting next to him.” He says and you scoff, slapping his chest as he grins triumphantly.
“You don’t understand, Eddie. Every date you’ve gone on has been great. You two always have a splendid time eating your splendid pizza and having splendid conversations. I’ve been on a date with two guys - two guys! The first one couldn’t even count because he showed up ten minutes late to the restaurant and said he had to leave because his mom had a stroke - a fucking stroke! And the second guy had the sudden realization that he was into men halfway into the movie…Eddie, are you even listening?” 
You stopped because as you looked over to Eddie you saw the growing smile on his face, the way he had to try his very hardest to suppress it as little uneven huffs came out of his nose, his lips wobbling as he covered his lower face with his ringed hand. When he caught your angry stare he broke out into a chortle, his arms covering his stomach as your own frown wavered. 
“I’m absolutely hopeless, Eddie. People have changed their preferences because of it!” You gnaw on your tattered lip, weaving your fingers together as you turn your neck over to look at it, the smile on your face falling as it turns into something more melancholy, “Am I really that pathetic?” It comes out as a whisper but it’s enough to carry between your two bodies, enough that Eddie stops laughing and he can almost see himself in the way you torment yourself over this.
He clears his throat, propping himself up on his elbow as he shakes his head, shutting his eyes for a second as his lips pressed together thinly. There was a speech laying at the tip of his tongue and he was prepared to give the monologue of his life to explain to you that you were actually far from pathetic. But he was shy, contrary to popular belief, and he fiddled with the ends of his hair as he said something less blatantly obvious that would showcase his never-ending love for you.
“No, you’re not pathetic, you just have…bad luck when it comes to the people you go after.” It was simple but it still made that little frown on your face disappear as you gave him a sheepish smile. 
“I do?” You bit the inside of your cheek as he huffed out another laugh, nodding as you couldn’t help but mirror it. 
“Rotten luck, sweetheart. Worst I’ve ever seen.” He teases but it’s the kind you love, the kind that cheers you up even when you feel like shit. It’s the sort of Eddie Munson that very few people see, and maybe that’s what makes it even more special.
“You’re right,” You whisper, pouting at the frayed strands of his blanket, “I should probably just give up, hm?” 
“No, don’t give up just…look for people with better traits.” He quickly stammers, cringing as he blushes at the way you look at him, your eyes never leaving his as you try to make out what he was saying.
“Better…traits? Like what, Munson?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Don’t start out with a hoops and laundry baskets player, that’s for sure.” 
“Yeah?” You say with a laugh, sitting up as you scooch a little bit closer to him so that you weren’t so far away, “What else should I look out for?”
“Guys who don’t like Metallica or Iron Maiden,” You mutter out a quiet of course in agreement and he smiles, “Guys who aren’t tatted up, guys who-” 
“Tattoos? That’s a must?” He nods definitely, pointing to his bats. 
“It’s a necessity. How do you expect a guy to commit to you if he can’t commit to something like these, hm? This - this is just skin, really, at the end of the day. You’re a lifelong deal, sweetheart. You tend to stick and never let go.” 
Your confusion melts away into a shy smile, your face heating up in embarrassment as he shoots you a playful, teasing grin. He’s pulling at your strings, waiting to see if he could unravel you.
“Anything else I should be wary of, oh wise one?” He rolls his eyes, shoving your knee as you giggle at the nickname
“Guys who wouldn’t drop what they're doing when you call them if you need anything. Or guys who don’t listen to what you say because believe it or not, you’re really fucking funny. Or - or guys who don’t watch your favorite movie over and over again because it gets “boring”. Guys who don’t appreciate your smile or that weird noise you make when you laugh - which, seriously, you have to get that checked out. I could go on and on, really. I could write my english paper on this shit, you know.” He tries to joke but your eyes are lost somewhere else, a slight glaze to them as your lips part. 
The heat in the room has amplified, and the silence that is carried out between your two bodies is too much to handle. It’s suffocating that your throat closes up, the way your mind is opened and new thoughts are flooding in. His words replay over and over again because your heart is probably twisting them into something more than just a warning of what to be cautious of in people to date. It feels like the sun is drawing closer to this little room out in Hawkin’s trailer park and you don’t want to do anything about it when Eddie’s looking at you like that. Has he always looked at you like that? 
“Um,” Your throat clogs up and you have to clear it, the stick feeling sitting on your tongue much more than nervousness, “Well, that - that eliminates almost every guy in Hawkins, Eddie. Unless you want to count Gareth but,” You breathe deeply through your nose as he never breaks eye contact with you, “I don’t think even I can convince him to watch pretty in pink again.”
“That a bummer.” He mutters, his pink lips looking softer than usual as his finger near your knee taps a little bit on your skin, leaving little goosebumps in its wake as you suddenly feel like your clothes are getting too tight. 
“A real shame, Munson.” 
Eddie gulps audibly, his doe eyes widening as you shift, watching how your shirt hitching up a little bit, giving him a little insight into your supple skin as you readjust it again, your gaze falling onto something to the side because it was just too heavy to hold his.
So he sits up, his jeans wrinkling with his movements, his rings clattering together as you bashfully look back at him, your two hearts seemingly beating in one rhythmic thump. This never happened, not with the two of you, so why, why did it feel like Eddie was suddenly gripping your thoughts with his innocent words.
“Listen, I’m just gonna shoot a thought out into the open, okay? Don’t take it too seriously because I’m rarely thinking straight. I should get that checked out, r-really, but, uh, okay, anyways. It’s just something that, uh, popped into my mind, yeah? Maybe - maybe, there’s somebody else? Not Gareth, or Charly. But somebody who…” He fails to think of a good enough word to explain his thoughts, but you fill in for him with a hesitant, hopeful smile, the same one that reminded him that he could never love anybody more than he loved you.
“...who actually cares?” And he nods, grateful as he gives a weak little huff of a laugh, ducking his head down for a second as small breaths are shared between the diminutive space between your two bodies.
“Yeah, somebody who actually cares.” He repeated breathlessly.
Your eyes trace his smile lines, the crinkle around his eyes as he stares at you. Have they always seen such a brown color, looking like melted chocolate? You couldn't have just discovered that he had a splash of freckles, barely there, only illuminated by the light overhead, across the apple of his cheeks. 
Since when did Eddie Munson look like this?
“Look, what I’m trying to say is…how about,” His smile falters, the confidence he usually has leaving his system as the bits of insecurities accumulating throughout the years bleed through, “How about me? See if I can live up to the Munson name? I’m really good at being a gentleman, you just haven’t seen that side of me…yet, maybe, possibly…?” 
You don’t say anything, and the silence freaks him out more, so he continues to ramble on. 
“Actually, let me backtrack a bit. I’m sorry, really sorry. I just talk out of my ass a lot. I was smoking earlier and must still be on a high o-or something, that has to be it. Just forget I e-ever said that, okay-” But you cut him off, leaning your body in by a bit so that your noses bumped against each other, your hand having to come up to his chest for balance as you smash your lips against his. 
It almost seems unreal, the way everything seems to unfold. 
He stammers, pulling away a little as his lips ghost over yours. Your chest heaves with uneven breaths and your lipstick’s all smudged, but you’ve never looked more beautiful to him. He watches as you readjust your position a bit so that you were resting on your knees, your hands crawling around his shoulder almost in a shy manner, terrified that you had read the room wrong. Your lips rest whispers away from him, and Eddie knows that as crazy of a person he is, there is no way in hell that he’d ever be going to let you go again. 
So he pushes back into you, the force almost causing you to tumble down on his mattress had it not been for his hands supporting your back. It was feverish, needy, how the two of you moved against each other. You felt your teeth clash, his hair ticking your face as he moved his hands up to gently cup your jaw, the motion was slight but it made all the butterflies in your stomach multiply by tenfold. 
His tongue swipes against yours, and you let out a quiet moan as it slips into your mouth. His hands go down to your waist, tugging up your shirt so that they could grip at the skin underneath. You don’t miss the little groan he lets out when he moves you closer to his chest, unknowingly moving your knee against his growing bulge. 
“Shit, Eddie, I…” Your eyes shut as you feel his lips trail a wet kiss from your mouth to your jaw, moving as his thumb tilts your head up to reveal the column of your neck to him, “I don’t know how to…” And you trail off, another moan escaping your lips when he lightly bites at your pulse point. 
But even in his delirious state Eddie can still hear, and so he lets go, looks up at you in slight confusion as his tongue pokes out from his swollen lips, his thumbs holding onto your hips with such care that you don’t know why you never initiated this earlier.
“What do you um,” His fingers draw small patterns on your heated skin, “What do you mean?” 
You duck your head down into his chest, and he smiled to himself at how cutely you clutched at his old band shirt, your cheek pressed against the fabric as you gave him a tiny shrug. 
“I’m kinda, uh, clean in this department, Munson,” You look up at him with those eyes that make him go insane and he almost forgets how to control himself, but he still doesn’t seem to understand what you were trying to say, “Catch my drift?” You ask awkwardly as you fiddled with the string of his ripped jeans. 
“But I thought…” His forehead knocked against yours, his nose bumping with yours as you felt a small smile grow on your face, “You said you had your first kiss with Sean Oman…right?” 
“Well, you were telling me all about your experiences and I felt left out so I just, well, made up a little…fib.” 
“A fib?” He repeats slowly and you nod, embarrassed that you’d actually have to tell him this, and you could see how the gears in his head were turning as he pursed his lips, “So you’re telling me you haven’t slept with Harrington either?” And his tone is accusing but he still can’t help but grin because of how embarrassed you are. 
“Come on, Munson,” You press another kiss to his lips because now that you know what it’s like the seconds adding up after each one is getting addicting, “You couldn’t really have believed that I slept with somebody like Harrington.” 
“I’d never doubt that Harrington would want to be with you,” Edde argues as kisses you again. This time, it’s slow and sweet, and his lips are as soft against yours as your hands come up to toy with the strands of hair against his back, “Who wouldn’t? Have you taken a good look in the mirror?” 
You giggle as you nod, and he presses a kiss to your cheek, moving up so that he kisses above your eyelid, anywhere that he could reach as you felt every nerve in your body yearn to feel his lips on your skin. 
“Then I guess I’ll have to make you look again.” He trails off and you feel him stop. You whine a bit as he looks back down at you, his face suddenly overcome by a new emotion as he purses his lips a bit. 
“Wait, so, um…if I’m getting this, what you’re saying is that you’re a - a…” He breathes deeply through his nose and it takes everything in him not to go crazy at the thought, “You’re a virgin?”
Embarrassment floods your senses as you slowly nod, not able to get it out as he lets out a little gasp of shock, his cheeks flushing red as if he were the one in your position. 
“Y/n, I…” He falters as he looks down, “I don’t want to be the one that…takes it. I m-mean, you want it to be with someone important, right? And I can’t imagine that it’s ever been something you’d look forward to… losing your virginity in a trailer that constantly smells like cheap cologne and weed. Sweetheart, I don’t want this to be s-something that you regret because-” 
“Eddie,” You turned his face so that he was looking at you. Your thumb finds his cheek, and you rub up and down slowly, your own bottled-up emotions spilling out as you give him a weak laugh, “You are that important someone. Shit, I-I can’t imagine it being anybody else, you know? I probably trust you with my life and…listen, Eds, what I’m trying to say is...if you’re okay with it, I am too.” The smile you give him could power up his weak self for decades to come and even then he could run on the mere thought of your words playing endlessly in your mind.
He feels like maybe, somehow, this is his own heaven. That he waited long enough to feel you kissing him as if time was running out as if the world was going to stop spinning and the two of you only had so many minutes left to make the most of it.
“You’re sure?” He’s chewing on his lips nervously because deep down he knows that there’s no way you’d want this. You're miles away from his league, lightyears ahead of someone he could even call a friend. He wanted your first time to be somewhere meaningful, somewhere that he could confess his yearning feelings and have you listen. But even now you seemed to be content with him, pulling him closer to your body.
A beat follows and you slowly nod. 
“Yeah…let’s see if you can live up to the Munson name.”
The two of you are terribly coordinated, but it results in laughs and giggles as you fall back onto his bed with you situated on his lap, just like you were earlier in the night but this time with much more feelings behind the action. 
“Getting a little bit of déjà vu right now, no?” He muttered and you snorted, your hands moving across his chest as you eagerly tried to lift it up. You couldn’t have done it without his help but Eddie still looks at you as if you’ve hung the moon and stars, “Huh…” He moves up your shirt, pointing to the area around your stomach, “You have a birthmark here. It’s cute-”
“You talk a lot for somebody who’s about to get very lucky, Munson.” You say, cutting him off with a laugh and he does the same, straddling your hips in his large hands as he moves you to be over his crotch, letting out a little moan as you rub against his erection. 
You pause for a second as you take him in, your head tilting to the side as you give a smile far too innocent for the situation he was in. After all these years of knowing Eddie, you had how you’re suddenly coming to realize just how pretty he was, how his skin was soft and his tattoos trail further down than you thought. 
“Hey,” He muttered, tapping your cheek as he shot you a shy smile, “Everything good so far? Want to stop?” 
“No, no,” You stutter out, nervous as he waits for you to gather yourself up, “It’s just that…you’re really nice to look at, Munson.” 
He groans out at your confession, blushing an even deep red. His lips pout slightly as he brings your hands up to his lips, pressing kisses against your knuckles and fingers, kissing your palm and wrist as he tries to cover every inch of your skin with himself.
“Well, Y/n, you are just simply irresistible.” 
“...really?” Your voice is small in the open space of his room, suddenly shy with the amount of attention you were receiving all at once. Especially because this attention was so tooth-rottenly sweet that you felt like you could melt into a little puddle and still be happy.
“More captivating than anything I’ve ever seen in my life, sweetheart. Swear it on my life. And my guitar.” 
And you giggle, rubbing at your eyes as you try to convince yourself that this was really happening. And it was because the more you moved the more Eddie’s smile fell and turned into something more sinful, something that reminded you that the two of you were about to cross a line into unknown territory.
“O-oh, fuck, wait,” Eddie groans at the way you rub your aching cunt up and down his jeans, your own cunt clenching at the mere thought of having him inside you, “That’s - that’s, fuck, you don’t have to do that.” He's lying because he can’t seem to make you stop, only gripping your ass with more strength as he moves you up and down, guiding you on how to ride him to maximize both of your pleasures.
“Eddie,” You whimper as your clit rubs against his sheathed cock, the sensation more tantalizing than anything your fingers have given you, “You’re - you’re gonna have to walk me through some things b-because I’m a little bit clueless when it comes to this.” You try to laugh but it turns into a breathy moan as Eddie lifts your shirt up, easily taking it off as you lift your arms up for him. 
You let out another whimper as he sees your bra, his hands moving up to trace the delicate lace around your breasts, his own brain shutting down as some carnal desire bleeds into rational thought as he expertly unclasps it in a swift motion. 
“Eddie!” You squeal when your bra falls down your arms, your hands subconsciously covering your chest as you laugh in shock, “Give me a little warning before you do something like - like that.” And it’s not that you're mad, no, you could never be mad at Eddie. It’s the fact that nobody's ever seen you in such a vulnerable and open position before. But he didn’t even have to speak, the simple way he looked up at you adoringly was enough to soothe your tense nerves. 
“Sorry,” He bites out, biting his lips when he gently takes your wrists in his hands as he looks up at you, “Tell me if I’m going too fast, okay?” His words are so sweet you think that they must be dipped in honey. He can coax you out of any state you’re in and put you in a mindless trance. So the only thing you can do is nod as your hands fall back down to his naked chest, holding you up as he slowly reaches up.
Your breasts are soft against the rough padding of his fingertips after years of playing guitar, molding to his every touch and squeeze as your eyes flutter shut at the alien sensation. You feel him wanting to go slow, not wanting to push your boundaries as he flicked his thumb over your nipples. Your stomach clenches and he notes the movement, so he does it again, this time quicker, and to both of them. He can see how your lips are trembling, your hands gripping onto him with every fiber of your being. 
“So fucking pretty, holy - fuck,” It’s so soft that he feels that his jeans are growing obnoxiously tight, and everything around him seems to be spinning, “You're so s-soft and so fucking sweet, god, you’re gonna - gonna make me cum by just looking at you.” 
His hands trail up your back, pushing you a little bit down and he meets you halfway in another kiss, swiping his tongue against your lips as he groans at the taste of your spit, hungrily licking it up because he couldn’t get enough of it.
Precum stains his boxers as he feels your bare chest rub against his, your nipples driving him crazy as he cups your ass, grinding you on his dick as he kisses your neck, leaving wet splotches in his wake as he sucks marks along the line of your collarbone. The feeling is foreign to you, but each time he bites and sucks at your supple skin you feel yourself clench your thighs together, running your hand through his hair as you try to bring him closer, not able to get enough of the feeling.
“Wait, wait,” He stammers, stopping your hips as you whine against his neck, but he only smiles at your skin, kisses the top of your breasts as he tries to hold you in place, “I need to prep you first.”
And your brows furrowed in confusion at what that meant, but before you could even question him, Eddie’s grippe your thighs, flipping you around on the bed as you let out a little yelp at the sudden change. He moves so that your legs are in between his, and he gently spreads your knees apart, your breasts heaving up and down as you watch him flash you a little wink.
His hands move up to your stomach, stopping at the waistbands of your shorts as he looks up at you, waiting for your confirmation. When you give him a tentative nod, he gently tugs it down, giving you a knowing smile as you lift your legs up for him. You watch with a lovesick grin as he carefully folds them up, placing them to the side as he pats your knees, giving you a little kiss as his thumb runs dangerously low to your covered clit. 
“Polka dot panties, huh?” He murmurs and you groan, your hands going up to cover your eyes as he chuckles, “What? It’s cute, nothing to be ashamed about, sweetheart.”
You mutter something and he can't make it out, but he still smiles, letting go of your knee as he rests it out on the bed, relaxing down onto the covers as his fingers trail up your bare thighs, gripping and kneading them as he kisses the skin leading up to your most sensitive part. 
“Shit, this shit’s gonna drive me crazy, y’know that, right? Only thing I’m gonna think about for the next couple of months is this, and your skin that’s just so fucking s-soft, shit. Fuck, and this?” He cups your mound as you squirm around at the feeling, his fingers trailing up and down where your folds would be as presses down, a moan falling from his lips as he sees a wet patch forming between his fingers, “More fucking addictive than anything I’ve ever seen. Don’t think I’m ever gonna let you go after this, yeah? You’re so fucking perfect, you d-drive me crazy - fuck - every day, and you don’t even know it,” He presses a kiss to your cunt and your breathing nearly stips as he plays with the hem, “Think you’ll let me take these off for you sweetheart?” 
The only thing you can give him is a nod and a mess of words that fall from your lips as he gently tugs them down, your panties almost stuck to the slick that you’ve produced in these past couple of minutes as Eddie almost drops dead at the sight of your bare pussy. He tugs them down your legs, placing them next to your shorts as he takes in a shuddering heave.
You’re more beautiful than he could have ever imagined, and he knows that this is going to be a night he’ll never forget for the rest of his life. He watches as your walls flutter around nothing, your cunt clenching as you seem to just be waiting for him.
“Oh, f-fuck,” He mutters as he rubs at your essence, “You’re making a mess already and I haven’t even touched you. Shit, you’re gonna make me go crazy.” His pointer finger trails up and down your lips, and sweat little moans Espace your mouth as he continues to map out the delicate skin of your cunt. 
“Is it okay if I stretch you out a little bit? I have to prepare you, sweetheart, don’t wanna hurt you. I’ll be slow, okay?” He breathes deeply, his eyes turning a dark brown, almost black as he takes in the sight of your naked body lying underneath him.
“O-okay, Eddie, p-please…just touch me…” You can barely talk in your uneven breaths, and Eddie will gladly soak in that at a later time, but he knows that now is not the time to do it. So he obliges, taking his long finger as he gently and carefully pushes it into your pussy, the two of you letting out moans as he feels you instantly sucking him in. 
“Alright - oh shit, wait,” He stops, and you look back down at him to see him wringing the rings off of his rings, a little pile collecting in his palm after he’s done taking them all off. You watch as he looks around, not knowing where to put them as you wave your hand in front of his face. 
“I can be the ring bearer…if you want, of course.” You whisper, hating your choice of words as his eyes widen for a second. 
But then a boyish grin breaks onto his face as he gives you a slight nod, pulling your hand closer to him as he begins to stack the rings on different fingers, his own little system to where they all went. When he was done he could barely breathe straight and you had to tap his forehead to get him back into reality again.
“So fucking hot, damn,” He murmurs, kissing the back of your hand as he goes back to what he was doing, his bare and slender finger pushing past your entrance as he caught you off - guard, “Sweetheart, you’re - you’re so fucking tight,” He murmurs as he curls his finger a bit, your eyes rolling back into your head as he hits that spongy spot inside of you, “You're sucking in in s-so well, Y/n, you’re doing amazing, k-keep on doing that, fuck.” 
“E-Eddie…!” Your toes curl as he adds in another finger, his tongue finding your swollen clit as he gives it a slow kitten lick, his eyes widening as he laps up more and more of your sweet taste, “S-so good! Fuck, that’s so good…mph!” You try to muffle your cries with your hand, biting down on the back of it as he pumps his fingers in and out, your eyes never leaving the way a string of you connects his fingers to your entrance. 
He goes a little bit quicker, slurping around your clit as the obscene noise fills your ears, making you almost go numb until that was the only thing you could hear.
“Eddie, faster, go faster…please!” And it’s not like you to beg, you normally like working hard for something, but Eddie can’t even find it in himself to taunt you right now as you unravel so beautifully under him, your tits jiggling as you hopelessly ride his fingers. 
“Whatever you want.” 
So he quickened his pace, his fingers curling up and continuously hitting your g-spot as you grow wetter around him, his tongue coming down as his thumb occupies your swollen bundle of nerves. His muscle helps out with his fingers, whatever room there was left he swirling it around, feeling up your walls as your legs began to shudder around him. 
“F-fuck, Eddie, that feels so fucking good!” Your fingers move into his hair, wrapping around his curls as you begin to move him up and down, controlling the pace and where you want him to be as you wrap your legs around his torso. He can feel the coldness of his rings bite at his skin, the temperature difference making him hiss out, but he knows he can’t get enough of the feeling.
“Y-yeah? Well, I can fucking feel it. You’re soaking. Wouldn’t be surprised if my bedsheets are all ruined after this,” He kissed your clit as his fingers went even faster, “Go on - do it. Make a fucking a mess. I wanna see you cum. Wanna see you cum so bad. Come on, you can do it. You’re such a fucking good girl f’me, listening to everything I say.” He grubs as your walls clench around him even tighter, his tongue coating in your sweetness as he can't seem to get enough of the taste. 
It’s all so filthy, you mindlessly note. How he’s eating out like you were his last meal and he practically needs you to survive. Everything he’s doing is enough to make you grow wetter around him, and you know it’s only so much longer away until he drives you to your breaking point. 
“Eddie, I’m - I’m gonna…” Your tongue lolls out as you feel it all washing over you, your first climax of the night causing you to almost lose sense in everything that wasn’t focused on Eddie as you cum around his finger
“There you go, y-yeah, fuck! That’s it, come on princess.” He stammers, egging you on as you spasm around him, your cunt clenching down on him so tightly that you refuse to let him go. He can see white painting his fingers, and the sight of your cum almost makes him release himself all over his boxers, and it takes a lot of willpower to control himself as he slowly brings his finger out of your fluttering hole. 
“Holy fucking shit,” He whispers, looking at the mess underneath you as his eyes rake back up to you, “You good up there?” 
“Just p-peachy, Munson.” You say, mirroring his old words and he chuckles, crawling back up to you as his thumbs rub at your chin. He moves it down for you and you comply, feeling him stick his two fingers flat down on your tongue as you close your mouth around him. You moan at the tangy taste of yourself on him, swirling your tongue around him as his pants tighten at the feeling, everything about this just so fucking hot that he hopes he has it engrained in every single nook and cranny of his memory. 
“You’re gonna make me cream my pants if you keep doing that,” He whispers and you smile up innocently, your eyes wide as if to ask: me? 
He brings his fingers out as you release him with a pop, and he leans down to press a chaste kiss against your lips, your essence, your saliva, and everything else mixing with his as you two fall into a trance at the addicting taste.
He goes to say something but stops when he feels your hands trailing down, pawing at the zipper of his jeans as he almost collapses on top of you. 
But he controls himself, his hand circling around your wrist as he brings it up to his lips, kissing or fingers as he runs a hand adoringly across your cheeks, feeling like every emotion he’s been keeping to himself for so long was spilling out in his movements. 
“But…” You trail off, your lips turning into a frown in confusion as Eddie stops you, “I just want to help,” You cock a brow at the tent in his jeans, “And it really looks like you need it, Munson.” 
He laughs, kissing your forehead as he shakes his head in strange defiance. 
“As much as I would love, believe me, I would probably be over the moon any other day but,” He looks at you so adoringly, with so much care, and maybe even love in his eyes that you feel like you’re caught in a trance, “I don’t want you doing this for your first time, okay? Just let me take care of everything, yeah? And then…maybe, if you’d like, I can show you how to do it a-another time?” 
You nod against his lips, your hands curling around his neck as you bring him down, feeling like your chest is about to explode from everything he’s making you feel.
“Another time, really? You promise?” And you say it like you couldn’t believe he’d want to spend more time with you, however outrageous the thought is. Because in your mind you simply can’t fathom how somebody like him could want to make more space for you. Fuck, if only you knew he’d really attempt to move mountains (really, he would) if you asked him to.
“Oh,” He scoffs, his thumbs making little parentheses against the growing crown of your lips, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
You grin, and you slowly watch through half-lidded eyes as he ducks down, making another wet trail of kisses from the valley of your breasts, taking his time as he goes down to your stomach, his hands gripping at your love handles as he suddenly stops, remembering that he was still clothed waist down. 
He unbuckles his belt, slowly unraveling it from his jeans as he throws it aside into a corner of his room. Eddie then goes to his jeans, groaning slightly as he shuffles a bit, taking them off next as they join his belt. 
But what you were waiting for most was him as he found the top of his boxers, a bead of precum staining through them, a telltale sign that he must have been torturously edging himself this entire time. 
You watch him silently, your uneven breaths filling the air as he tugs them down, his cock springing free as he sighs in relief at the feeling. 
You didn’t know what to expect, school never really taught you much other than how to put a condom on, but it certainly wasn’t this. He was huge, and you were definitely sure that as much as your friend likes to rave about their boyfriends, Eddie would beat them all by a mile. 
He was long, a being traveling up to mean his angry, leaking head. There was a little tuft of brown curls waiting at his base, his ball sack hanging low as you licked your lips at the sight. It all happens in a matter of seconds but you feel like eons pass before Eddie does anything. 
“Remind me to buy some film, yeah? Wanna take a picture of you like this. Need something to give my wallet to some company.” 
“You’re a tease, Munson. You say this and you’d probably cream on the spot whenever you’d open it.” 
He scoffs, shaking his head as he swipes at your knees, the joyous smile on your face melting the apprehension in the room. He leans over your chest, looking for the drawer on his bedside table as he pulls it out, searching around for the box of condoms. 
He pulls it out, shaking the box a bit as you watch him visibly sink with disappointment.
“What?” You ask, worried at his sudden change in attitude.
“I’m out.” He murmurs in a dejecting tone as he sinks to his knees, his hair falling around his shoulder as he throws the box angrily at his lampshade. 
Your brows furrow as you sit up, resting back on your elbows as you fiddle with his necklace, moving his guitar pick around as you shrug, giving him a sheepish and wavering look as you pout a little bit. 
“Can't you just…pull out?” 
His eyes fall to yours as his lips part. 
“Pull out?” 
You squint, looking over to his window as you try not to smile.
“Yeah, just…pull out. Finish on my boobs or face, whatever you prefer.” 
Eddie’s mouth runs dry at the thought, huffing out a little laugh for your sake. Going raw in you for the first time, feel you all around him as he finishes in white ropes, marking you with his seed. It’s enough to put him in a little trance, and you have to snap in front of his face to snap him out of it. 
“That could work…right?” You watch as he nods slowly, thoughts running through his head as he gives a tentative nod at your idea. 
“It’s not safe, sweetheart. Don’t want to risk it.” He cups your face, his thumbs moving across your face as heat blossoms in their wake.
“I can take something tomorrow.” 
Eddie still looks unsure, but you move his jaw so that he is looking at you, not wanting him to get lost in his own little world as his thoughts spiral. 
“It’s okay, Eddie, p-please, just whatever you do… please just fuck me tonight. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it if you d-dont.” It’s the truth because Eddie finally had his hold on you, and you didn't know that if he didn’t do it with you tonight if you’d ever be able to feel the same you were as you felt with him right now.
“Are you sure?” 
You nod, giving him a small smile as you crawl up to his lap, situating your entrance right above him as his eyes flutter shut as he feels his head running up against your bare cunt. 
“Never been more sure in my life.”
He groans, his hands coming back to your hips as he nods with you, giving up his resolve as he slowly pushes you down while moving himself up, a string of curses falling from his lips as he feels your wetness around him, the feeling of you clenching on his cock ingraining into both of your minds. 
“F-fuck! That’s so fucking amazing, I’m gonna, gonna go insane. You’re clenching so tightly, and fuck,” He whines at the way your cunt looks swallowing his dick whole, “You look so fucking beautiful right now, Y/n, wish I could take a picture. Wish this could last forever - shit - you’re t-tight. You have to let me know if I’m hurting you, okay?” He stays in you for a couple of seconds, wanting you to get adjusted to his size as your walls get used to him.
“Okay, okay Eddie…please, can you please just go f-faster?” He almost loses his grip on you as the words tumble out of your mouth. 
“Yeah, just,” He grips your ass, pulling you up as he gives up, losing all the control he had as he ushes up in you in one swift motion, dirty moans falling from your lips as his hips begin to thrust up into you, the feeling a little painful but deliriously amazing, “Fuck, sweetheart you- you feel so good! Better than anything I could have imagined. You’re so fucking perfect for me, j-just like you were made for this cock. You were, y-yeah? Made all for me?” You quickly nod against his neck, your wet lips finding his collarbone as you suck onto his skin, not knowing how to control your moans as he sets the pace for the two of you. 
“You’re so good, Eddie!” You cry, your eyes watering as little tears fall down your cheek, watching your chin as the salty flavor fall against his chest, “S’big, Eddie. S’big and so fucking g-good!”
“Oooh, fuck, you’re clenching down on me so fucking tightly, Y/n, just, just fuck,” He groans, his cock pulsating inside you as he feels your essence slick down to coat his balls, “Shit, you’re so dirty. This is so fucking dirty, yeah? You feeling g-good, sweetheart?” 
“S’good Eddie!” Your cry out, “I can’t - can’t feel anything other than your cock, Eds!” Your words slur together as his hand travels down to your clit, rubbing at it quickly as your eyes roll back at all the different sensations.
Your moans travel around him, filling up the room as he whines into your ear, biting at your lobe as everything becomes too much for him. The way your walls gripped up on him, the way his vein dragged up and down, his head continuously hitting your g-spot, you felt like you could die right here and die happy. 
It’s all so much as he continues to fuck into you, his dick filling you up so nicely that everything felt like a fever dream. 
“You’re clenching down on me so t-tightly. Are you gonna cum? Come on sweetheart, cum f’me, you can do it, fuck, I know you can…”
“Eddie! Eddie, I’m g-gonna, Eddie, I’m….ohhh!” You wail out, seeing white as your toes curl, your nails digging into his back as your climax suddenly hits you as you gush around him, spraying his abdomen as he almost collapses at the feeling of you cumming around him. 
“Fuck, fuck, holy mother of all that is g-good…” He pulls out, his own release painting your tits white, some of it spraying across your chin as he sets you down on the mattress, the two of you heaving heavily as try to come to terms with what just happened. 
He swipes at his cum, dragging his finger back up to your lips, just as he did before as you suck it off, the salty taste something you knew you’d get addicted to as you suck his pointer finger clean.
His eyes travel across your naked and wrecked body, how your release is spilled underneath you, tainting his bedsheets into a deeper color as your breasts are covered in what was left of him. Everything just looked so sinful, so wrong, and so unlike the two of you. But even with that, it all just felt so fucking good. 
“Hey, you there Munson?” You tapped his thigh, dragging your finger up and down the muscle as you massaged it a bit.
“In the flesh.” He teased, kissing you again as he taps your cheek, moving off of you as his dick grows soft. He looks around his bed for a clean towel and he grins in triumph when he finds his own, just fresh from the wash as he brings it up to your covered chest. 
He wipes at your face, smiling at your fuck out expression as he loving stares back at you. 
“Everything feel alright?” He asks, worried that he was too rough, too fast, and too mean for your first time, but you give him a happy shake of your head, your lips pulling back to reveal that gorgeous smile that always made his stomach flutter. 
“Better than alright.” You answer, your hands going to find him as you give it a little squeeze. 
Eddie stares at your chest until he clears his throat, finding your shirt as he passes it to you, covering up your exposed breasts almost as though he hadn’t been going crazy over them minutes ago.
Seconds pass, and now quiet fills the once loud room. The two of you can’t seem to bring yourself to speak in worry of ruining whatever flame it was that was just sparked moments ago. 
Years spent as friends never prepared the two of you for something like this. His chest and forehead are lined with sweat, and you doubt you look any better as you feel your mascara and eyeliner smudging underneath your eyes. Everything was just so filthy that it felt out of place for how sweet and innocent your friendship used to be. 
But the more you look at him the more your heart betrays you. 
In the moments between whatever that was, you saw glimpses of Eddie you could never see as just being his friend. You saw his slow and caring side, the one that made the feelings in you turn into a pulp of a ball because you knew nobody else would treat you with the tenderness Eddie Munson did. 
And so it freaked you out. What if you lost him after this? Would he even look at you? It’s difficult, you know, for the two of you to pretend like nothing ever happened. But it’s slow and impending as the realization hits you. It’s that you never want to forget this. You never want to forget the way Eddie Munson held you with such gentleness, or kissed you with such fever that you felt like you’d go dizzy if it wasn’t for his strong arms.
“Want your rings back?” You ask. It’s a simple question but it works to lighten the mood. You watch Eddie grin, looking at your hands bared in his own sort of mark as he shakes his head. 
“Hold on to them a little bit longer f’me?” 
You smile to yourself, twirling the pieces around on your fingers as you wait for him to say something else. You knew that if it came down to the two of you, Eddie was always more confident, but right now, he seemed more closed off than you’ve ever seen him. 
“So…what now?” You quietly say, your fingers fiddling with each other as you glance over at him.
The question hands heavy in the air as the two of you wonder the same thing. 
Eddie looks down, tenseness filling his shoulder that maybe this was it. This was the end of your friendship, and there was no way to recover from this because honestly, how could you? It’d be too awkward to continue as just friends, and he didn’t know if you felt the same way about him as he felt for you.
He didn’t want to lose you. He knew that if he had to, he’d just put this memory on the back burner. Pretend like it never happened. But the gut feeling in him, the one that perhaps even started this whole mess in the first place, was telling, no, begging him to continue. To see what happens if he pushes the limits of what “just friends” do.
“Well,” He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes finding yours as he shot a tiny smile, “If you want… I can still live up to that Munson name. O-only if you want me to, of course.” He starts out, simple enough so that you could reject the idea if you didn't want to go any further. 
But your head tilts to the side, a hopeful smile making its way onto your face as something teasing gleams in the irises of your eyes. 
“Oh yeah?” Your brows raise as he nods, scoffing that you could even question the Munson name. Your question spurs him on more, and he chuckles, nodding at your sliver of doubt as his thumb rubs across your cheek.
“Yeah,” He pokes your side as you let out a little giggle, the two of you easing into something that was in between friends and something more, “I’d take you to the carnival, the one right outside Hawkins. I’d win you one of those obnoxiously big stuffed penguins because you’d want one, right?” You nod, giggling as he continues, some of his confidence returning as he steadies himself back down on the mattress, his hands moving quickly as he tries to paint the picture for you. 
“Then I’d take you for some ice cream. Or sundaes, if you’re up for it after all the popcorn I shove down your throat,” You laugh out loud, the sound carefree as your eyes are wide in clear joy, and Eddie can’t help but laugh too as he continues, “We can watch that new Tom Cruise movie, what is it, Top Gun? Yeah?” You’re laughing loudly at his silly antics, no longer worried about what’s going to happen because you want to see what Eddie’s going to do. 
“And after the movies, I can drop you off at your house, give you a little good night kiss as I sail home on my van.” 
You beam up at him, sitting on your knees as you try to match his height, pretending to contemplate and think about his most delightful offer as Eddie begins to wrap his arms around your waist. 
“That’s only if you’re willing to take a chance on me, though. Are you up for it, sweetheart?” 
And there was no possible way to say no to him as you leaned in, closing the gap between the two of you as you giggled against the kiss, your arms steadying themselves on his shoulder as you told him all he needed to know. 
“Never letting go of you, Munson. Said it yourself; I stick and never let go.” 
He chuckles into the kiss, his smile radiating, brighter than any light in the room as he held you there in his arms, not ready to let go of you because at that moment he knew he never could.
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exhaslo · 2 months
Are you still taking request...?🥺If yes,could you do pt3 for ceo Miguel and bunny where bunny saw another hybrid male bunny as she talked to him that this made Miguel felt jealous that he punish bunny(spanking😈) because he had warn bunny not to talk to any male.But they both make up after that🥰
Ohhhhhhh, a spanking one!!!! AND WHAT IF...JUST WHAT IF THE MALE BUNNY WAS IN HEAT
Warning: MINORS DNI, SMUT, Spanking, rough sex, jealously, after care
Ever since Miguel took over his father's position as CEO of Alchemax, the changes have been significant. Miguel was shaping the company for the better and fixes past mistakes brought on by his father and shareholders.
Starting with the hybrids. Miguel had managed to save almost all of the poor people who were experimented on prior. Many he cured, some who wished to stay as is, stayed working at Alchemax. They were all under Miguel's protection.
Then, there was you, Miguel's lovely hybrid bunny wife. Miguel was a lucky man to have you as his. You were also his assistant, helping him with his schedule.
"Amor (love), it's almost lunch, where would you like to eat from today?" Miguel asked, kissing the back of your neck. You couldn't resist a smile as your bunny ears perked up,
"You spoil me! I'm fine with anything,"
"Mhm, very well. I'll go pick up something and we can dine here."
"Miggy, we have to stop using your office to eat." You nuzzled your head against his neck, "My office has the cozy couch~"
Miguel's smirk widen as his hands held your waist. The two of you had been trying for a baby ever since the party. Miguel knew that the best time would be when you go in heat, but those were so irregular that it drove him crazy.
"Very well. Your office it is."
Miguel hummed quietly as he returned to Alchemax with a bag in his hand. You were to meet in his office after faxing over some paperwork to a business partner. Oh, how helpful you were even during your downtime. What did Miguel do to deserve you?
As Miguel stepped off the elevator, he heard your voice. His smile slowly turned into a scowl as he heard another man. Everyone knew that you belonged to Miguel, so who dared spoke to you so casually?
Stopping against the corner of the hallway, Miguel poked his head and growled lowly. There was another hybrid bunny, a male, speaking to you so casually. It was frustrating.
Not only that, but the male bunny was acting funny. Miguel furrowed his brows, recognizing some of the behaviors. Once the light bulb appeared, Miguel hurried over to your side, pulling your waist against his.
"Go to your room." Miguel hissed towards the male bunny.
"C'ere." Miguel hissed lowly, taking you to your office, "(Y/N), I love you, but how blind are you?"
"Miguel, what's wrong?" You asked, hugging your husband from behind. Miguel inhaled sharply,
"That man was in heat-" He spat before attempting to calm down, "The nerve of him trying to approach you in that state."
"I didn't even notice, I'm sorry, Migs."
"It's fine." Miguel sighed, turning around and giving you a deep kiss, "I'll just make sure you remember who you belong too."
You let out a sharp gasp as Miguel gave a rough slap to you ass. His thick cock bullying your pussy with every thrust. Your body was bend over on the couch, your juices covering the edge as Miguel kept his rough pace.
"Have you learned your lesson?" Miguel asked lowly in your ear.
You shuddered as you felt your walls tighten around him, ready to reach another climax. The words were caught at your throat, moans coming out instead of words. Unable to answer in time, Miguel gave your ass another spank.
"My little bunny can't answer a question?"
"A-Ah~ I-I'm yours, Miggy~" You whimpered, cumming against his cock.
"Yes, but do you know what you did wrong?"
Another gasp escaped your throat as Miguel lifted your hips slightly. The curve of his dick rubbing against that sweet spot inside. His tip bruising your cervix, threatening to enter. Your body was getting over stimulated by the pleasure.
"T-Talked...to a male bunny," You moaned, drool rolling down your lip.
Miguel grunted as he gave your ass another slap, sending jolts of pleasure up your spine.
"A male bunny in heat. Who are you allowed to fuck you?"
"Yes, me. Who's baby do you want?"
"Ah~ Hah~ Y-Yours~" You cried out, vision blurring as Miguel slapped your ass again.
"Mine. Your body belongs to me. Don't you feel and hear how much your pussy wants my cum?" Miguel whispered in your ear with a low chuckle.
Shivering at his words, you melted into his touch again. Your mind grew fuzzy as your felt another orgasm approaching fast. Miguel must have noticed because he kept slapping your ass and playing with your tail, causing you to cum immediately.
"You're mine and only mine," Miguel grunted before giving you his load.
You took a moment to catch your breathe, relishing in the warmth of his body against yours. You yelped as Miguel gave you another few slow thrusts, causing you to whine. Your body was shivering from pleasure, anymore and you might go crazy.
"Still have plenty of time in our lunch. Why don't we try and make a baby?"
Your body was slump against Miguel's as he finally finished teaching you a lesson. You whimpered and whined as Miguel carefully laid you against your couch, walking to grab some napkins and a warm cloth.
"Your office was a good choice," Miguel hummed as he leaned over to wipe your body. You trembled from contact, "The couch is much softer than my desk."
"Miggy," You whined softly. Miguel just chuckled, pecking your lips,
"You're mine, (Y/N). Sorry if I was a little rough. Can't stand seeing my love with another man." He apologized. You giggled softly,
"I love you too, Miggy. Besides, I didn't mind your little lesson. Perhaps, you can teach me again."
"How about later tonight?" Miguel fixed your clothes before pulling you onto his lap, "I'm sure you won't mind."
"Mhm, I won't."
Hope you enjoyed!!
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pelova4president · 5 months
Bet on it
Georgia Stanway x AWFC!Reader
summary~ Georgia was an absolute douchebag, arrogant and cocky. Leah, one of your bestfriends thought you’d get along but clearly she was wrong, right?
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You hated her. You absolutely fucking hated her.
How you met wasn’t ideal but that wasn’t the reason why you couldn’t stand her, at least not fully. The first impression was awful. She was cocky, selfish and just mean.
It wasn’t even on the pitch that you first met, if you did you could blame her behaviour on the game.
It was when you got introduced to each other that the hatred started. Leah and you being teammates at Arsenal and Georgia and Leah being being teammates at England, and bestfriends ofcourse. She thought the two of you would get along, maybe even be friends yourselves. But she couldn’t have been more wrong.
You and a few other Arsenal players organised a birthday party for Leah. Beth was in charge of the guests since she knew most of the people Leah would want to invite, Kim chose the location and organised most things. That left you and Vic to decorate.
It was all pretty last minute but the location still looked like a dream. You even convinced Kim to get a magician to perform at the party.
Vic and you couldn’t decorate it all without a little fun. The two of you made a little game ‘pin the smile on leah’. You were both really proud of your creation. It took about half an hour to put it all together since Vic can’t cut on the lines.
You had hung it up, next to the bar when someone came stomping in. Next to Beth stood a brunette. She was looking unimpressed around the room. Her facial expression let you know she didn’t think too good of it all.
When you walked up to her to introduce myself she shook your hand and looked you up and down, doing a full scan. “Yeah hi, i’m Georgia but you probably already knew that.” she said. She acted like a douchebag but then again, you did already know who she was.
Vic showed your creation to the two lionesses and Beth was actually proud of you. Georgia again, wasn’t really bothered.
It was 8pm and everyone started to arrive. Leah wouldn’t arrive until 8.30pm, when Viv would pick her up to ‘look at a puppy’.
You were sat at the bar, sipping on a martini when the bayern playing sat next to you. She ordered an espresso martini and turned to look at you. “So what do you do?” she asked me like Leah didn’t tell her about you, did Leah not talk about you like she told you about Georgia?
“Uh well, i’m a footballer. I play for Arsenal and The Netherlands.” you told her, flashing a smile. “Yeah, i figured. What position?” she asked, more interested in her drink on the bar than your conversation. “Mostly midfield, you?” you replied, knowing damn well where she plays on the field and for what club she plays.
At that question she looked up “Bayern and attacking midfield, thought you’d already know that” she said offended. “Yeah well i thought you knew who i was too” you snapped back. She laughed but before you could say anything back Jen yelled that Viv and Leah could arrive any moment.
The lights went out and everyone was trying to hide behind something, Georgia and you behind the bar. You heard Leah and Viv talking, Leah asking her if she was sure that they needed to be here. Viv told her she was sure and opened the door. Kim put the lights on again and everyone screamed ‘happy birthday!’.
Leah wasn’t as surprised as you hoped she’d be but it was still funny to see her shocked face.
After she made her rounds thanking everyone she walked over to you, with that cocky brunette next to her. “Hey, have the two of you already met?” she asked us and you nodded “yeah Beth introduced us to each other earlier.”.
You fell into a conversation with Leah, Georgia was just standing there listening. She kept looking at you, you could feel her eyes on you. You didn’t really focus on what Leah was saying anymore, you turned your head and looked Georgia in the eyes. “What’re you looking at?” You asked her annoyed. She rolled her eyes “nothing, you’ve just got somethin’ on your face” she smirked.
“Fuck you” you said and pushed past her. You walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, searching for the thing Georgia was looking at. You don’t even have anything on your fucking face. Why is she acting like this, you didn’t do anything to her, she doesn’t even know you.
You walked towards Vic who was sitting at the bar. You took a seat next to her. “Vicky, i don’t know what i’ve done but Georgia literally hates me.” you sighed. Vic hummed and told you not to think about it too much.
You tried to avoid Georgia as much as you could that whole evening. You chatted with Leah and her mom for a bit, a few of the other England girls but mostly with vic. You tried to get people to do the ‘pin the smile on Leah’ game and most of the people did, only Viv and Georgia didn’t. Vic and you were on a mission to get Viv to do it.
After a few minutes of convincing her (and a bit of blackmailing) you got her to do it. She actually won well.. you thought she won.
“Viv, you’re actually really good. I think you won.” you hugged her. “She didn’t win yet, i still have to go.” Georgia interrupted. “You’re not gonna win.” you said, rolling your eyes at her. “Oh yeah, wanna bet on it?” she asked arrogantly.
You agreed, if Viv won she would do what you said. If she won you would do whatever she wanted. Viv normally loved bets and a bit of rivalry but she got bored and walked away murmuring something like ‘children’.
Leah on the other hand was beyond entertained. She did think the two of you would get along, and she still thinks that. It’s just funny to see the both of you fight while she already knew the two of you were really really interested in each other, always asking about the other whenever she brought the other up.
She knew Georgia had a little crush on you but she would never admit that. She’d rather keep that cocky façade up, that was her way of flirting, of making an impression on you.
Georgia eventually won. You don’t think you would’ve hated it as much if anyone else won. She just milked it out. “Y/n, y/n, i think i’ve won. Don’t ya think?” she grinned. “Whatever” you mumbled. She laughed and you asked her what she wanted from you.
“Hmm.. i think i’ll save my wish for later.” god was she evil. she got closer to your face and whispered in your ear “Lighten up a bit baby.” you honestly wanted to kill her. You looked her dead in the eyes, her chocolate brown eyes. They were actually beauti- fuck what are you even thinking, she’s so fucking full of herself. “fuck you stanway” you said, walking off. “You wish y/l/n!” she shouted after me.
leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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Vic, Viv, Kim, Beth, Leah and you cleaned everything up when the party was over. Leah didn’t have to, she just insisted on helping all of you.
You looked at the notifications on your phone ‘leahwilliamsonn tagged you in their story’, you clicked on her story. “Leah fucking Williamson, i hate you so so much.” Leah giggled and tried to run away from you. “No no y/n/n you love me ssooooo much!” she yelled. You stopped running after her when you got another notification. ‘stanwaygeorgia started following you’.
You don’t know why but that made you way too happy. But you still refused to follow her back ‘don’t want her ego to get any bigger’ was your excuse.
It was another Champions League night… against Bayern München. Bayern München where the incredibly arrogant brown eyed Georgia played.
Minutes before arriving to the Allianz Arena you got a dm on instagram.
Ready to lose
you wish
wanna make a bet?
you’ve still got your wish
doesn’t matter. If i win this match i get a kiss. If you win you’ll get whatever you want.
deal or no deal?
The game didn’t go as planned. Bayern was pressing a lot. They were physical, very physical and that Georgia was covering you didn’t help.
She really wanted to win and you could definitely see that when she got the ball and dribbled towards your goal. You tried to take her down but a tackle wasn’t enough. She passed the ball into Lohmann’s feet and she got one on one with Manu. Sydney shot right into the bottom corner leaving Manu standing like a shocked tree.
Stanway jogged back to her half but not before she could tease you a bit more. “Looks like i’ll get my second wish” she laughed.
Unfortunately that was the only goal of the game. Fulltime: 1-0 for Bayern.
There was another game, in the Emirates. Still all to play for. But that kiss was still something you had to give her. It made the loss sting a little less but you would never admit that to anyone, let alone her.
Walking towards the tunnel you didn’t see her. Just when you wanted to walk to your changing room she stopped you. “I believe you still owe me a kiss hmm?” she smirked like she always did.
“yeah i guess” you rolled your eyes. “Come on, if you don’t want it we don’t have to, you know that.” she shrugged, feeling a bit guilty and walking away.
“No! ..i mean no, a bet is a bet right, i’m not a sore loser.” you told her before she could walk away. She smiled and held your head in her hands. “You’re so fuckin’ stubborn y/l/n.” she told you before her lips crashed into yours.
You don’t think you’ve ever wanted a kiss to last so long. She kissed you until it got hard to breath. You heard people talking and boots stomping on the ground. “I guess i’ll see you in about a weeks time hmm” she gave you a final peck on the lips and walked away.
stanwaygeorgia posted on their story
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You eventually decided to follow the england midfielder back.
the princess finally decided to give me a follow back huh?
don’t get too big of an ego now, it’s already too big how it is
ouch.. you’ve hurt my feelings. kiss it better?
hmm maybe after the game
can’t wait
And just like that the two of you texted non stop the whole week. Georgia wasn’t only arrogant, she was funny, thoughtful, nice, sweet, beautiful. She was a lot more like Leah told you she was. You couldn’t help but like her, maybe even more than just a friend.
Just like you had every game, there was a bet. If you won she would take you out on a date, something Georgia doesn’t do. Leah told you all about Georgia and how she didn’t really do relationships but you didn’t believe her.
If she won, she got another kiss. A win win you might think. But there was more on the line than just a date or a kiss. You needed to win to go to the champions league final.
Walking out of the tunnel you tried to talk to Georgia but she was too focused on her mascot to notice you. She looked so sweet, something you wouldn’t have thought of her just months ago. Georgia was likeable, more than likeable, loveable and that’s how you realised. You loved her.
Vic nudged you. Everyone was walking out of the tunnel. The Champions League music echoing through a sold out Emirates. This is what dreams are made of.
The game was slow, both teams playing safe. It was the 70th minute when Jonas signaled for you to go into attack. It was the 73th minute when The Arsenal scored through an assist from you.
It was all even again. You still had 10 minutes to change the game and win.
Lohmann made an ugly tackle on Caitlin so you got a free kick, which Lotte took. She passed it to Katie who backheeled it into Vic’s feet. Vicky shot it into the air, it landed on your head and went right into the back of the net.
The crowd went absolutely wild. “I fucking love your head!” Vic yelled while Katie tried to murder you by jumping on your back.
When the whistle blew you couldn’t help but search for her. Georgia sitting on the ground, looking at the grass beneath her.
You sat down next to her and she looked up. “Congrats, i guess i have to take you out now.” she laughed awkwardly. “Yeah i guess so, you’re lucky i’m a good loser and a good winner.” you laughed with her. “I guess i’ve won the jackpot with you huh” she hugged you.
She did keep her promise and took you out for dinner. You went to a Greek restaurant not that far away from London.
stanwaygeorgia posted on their story
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The first date went so good that she asked you out, again and again.
This time it was your turn to travel to Germany for your date. Georgia wanted to go to a museum and picknick after.
y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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The two of you have been ‘dating’ for two months now and Leah was starting to ask you about your secret girlfriend.
Okay so.. you didn’t really tell Leah about Georgia yet.
It was all just a bit fresh and new and if anything went wrong you didn’t want her to have to pick a side. Plus you didn’t even know what you are.
So when Georgia wanted to visit you again she was more than welcome. The two of you spent the day walking around London. Katie was throwing a little party so you brought Georgia with you. You got a few weird looks and it didn’t really help that when Georgia had had a few drinks she got very touchy.
You were sat on the couch next to Georgia when she pulled you into her lap, covering your face with kisses, which wasn’t so weird when you were at home. But you’re not home, you’re with the Arsenal girls who didn’t have a clue about your relationship until.. well now.
leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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It was around 11 pm when you decided it was time to go home. Driving home Georgia placed her hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze.
“I still have my wish right?” she asked looking out of the window. “Yeah you do. Why’re you asking babe?” You asked looked at her face before turning to look at the road again. “Well, what if my wish was for you to be my girlfriend.” you didn’t even have to look at her to know she was smiling from ear to ear.
“Well, i guess i’d have to be your girlfriend then hmm” you laughed. Georgia grinned and spoke again “My little loser, will you be my girlfriend?”. “Well if you ask like that i won’t!” you said offended.
“Okay okaaayy. My beautiful girl, will you be my girlfriend. Please.” she looked at you hopefully. “Yeah, i’ll be your girlfriend but don’t get too cocky now.” you kissed her.
stanwaygeorgia, y/n_y/l/n
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liked by lucybronze and 48.472 others
made a bet, i guess we both won
victoriapelova enemies to lovers kinda thing
↳ stanwaygeorgia i didn’t hate her
↳ y/n_y/l/n oh but i did
leahwilliamsonn who would’ve thought 🙄
katie_mccabe11 don’t eat each others faces next time you’re over
bayernstanway12 waittt they’re dating??
wosobronzey2 the best couple out there
A/N this might actually be the longest fic i’ve ever made but i kinda like it
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icaruspendragon · 3 months
i hope this isn't too personal of a question (and if it is that's totally cool, i was literally just curious as a fellow aspec person), but i was wondering what some of your thoughts were about being aspec, like it's totally cool if your thoughts were just the post you reblogged!!! that's honestly still putting into words a bit a similar way i figured out i was aspec, but i know you seem to have really interesting takes on things/conclusions you've realized about things a lot of the time and so i was just curious what thoughts were turning around your head about being aspec
I don't mind talking about it at all!
So for me sex is like this perfunctory, borderline tedious thing. I almost want to call it a chore, but that has negative connotations that don't exactly match up with how I feel about it. It's like something on a to do list, or like running an errand.
Think of it this way: For me, having sex is akin to going to the pharmacy. Actually, it's more like being asked to go for someone else. It's not on my list of things I enjoy doing and there are other things I would rather do, but I don't mind going if someone asks me to. But once in a blue moon I do actually want to go because I want candy or a Juneberry Red Bull or some shit like that and Walgreens happens to be nearby.
Media builds up sex to be this incredible and awesome and amazing thing that everyone wants to have, which is at odds with the widely held societal belief that it's uncouth to discuss sex openly with others. So if media says "yes you should want this" and society says "but you shouldn't talk about it with others because it's an incredibly private act" it makes it kinda difficult when you don't feel the way you're "supposed to." And then when you do talk about how you don't feel that way, people say there's something wrong with you or that you haven't found the right person or that maybe you need to change things up in the bedroom or that you need to go to a doctor because it's gotta be a hormonal imbalance or something. The list really does go on and on.
And so many of my expectations surrounding sex were informed by fanfic where I read, in detail, about how good it was supposed to feel. About all the different ways it could feel good.
I wanted it to be like that for me, for it to be as good as I had read and seen and heard others talk about, so I kept on trying. And sometimes I enjoyed it. Not E rated fanfic enjoyed it, but it was nice. Nice in the same way a cup of tea is nice, but nice nonetheless.
But most of the time it was like, clinical? Like I was acutely aware of what was happening, if that makes sense. I was thinking about the mechanics of it, what was going in where. I was thinking about how it was "supposed to feel" versus how it actually felt. I would wonder how much longer it would take because I was getting bored. Sometimes I would think about how rude it would be if I checked my phone. And probably the most upsetting (retrospectively) thing I would think about was if my act of enjoyment was convincing enough. And I didn't ever want to tell a partner that I wasn't enjoying it because I didn't want to hurt their feelings. Because I thought it was a me problem. That there was something wrong with me. And there being something wrong with me wasn't fair to whoever I was with. I just needed to grin and bear it, so to speak.
At one point I had a bit of a gay panic where I thought wasn't bisexual and actually a lesbian. The panic was over the confusion, not over the potential lesbianism. Lesbians are awesome. But I learned that while sexual intimacy with women was a bit easier, my feelings (or lack thereof) about sex were still the same. And that meant there was something wrong with me in particular.
I know now that my perspective was warped and my thoughts about myself were both unkind and untrue, but that was a lot to try and reconcile as a 19 year old who already thought she was undesirable. Constantly being called a "late bloomer" and not having your first relationship until you're a sophomore in college sure does a number on your self esteem. Which in turn does a number on your perception of yourself.
Then as I got older, I got more queer friends. And I talked to those queer friends. And they talked about sex differently than my straight friends did. More openly and honestly. With less fanfare. And it was during those discussions that I heard about experiences similar to mine. And it helped me realize I wasn't broken. Well, that and google.
And now I stand before you today, an aspec bisexual able to joke about being horny in theory but not in application. It's nice not feeling broken anymore. But I think it's even nicer now knowing that I was never broken in the first place.
Sometimes sex is nice, but most of the time, it's just going to the pharmacy. And both of those things are okay.
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thatdammchickennugget · 5 months
Smoke Slow
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pairing - lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
warnings - fluff, mention of an argument, smoking
wordcount - 2.5k
a/n - I was looking through my concert videos from this year and it made me listen to Smoke Slow by Joshua Bassett again (still kinda obsessed with this song because he looked me in the eyes and touched my hand while singing it) and I couldn't stop thinking about Enzo while hearing it. So here's a little Enzo songic inspired by it :)
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“She asks for a light As our secrets spill on the window sill We're buying more time While we kill ourselves as we both inhale”
Enzo was wondering what was taking Theo this long. The other boy had asked him to join him and then instantly left him, telling Enzo to wait and throwing his pack of cigarettes into his lap. Now Enzo was awkwardly sitting in the designated corner of the Ravenclaw common room where the smokers perched on the windowsills during parties, all by himself and trying to look like he belonged there.
Sure, he has had the one or other cigarette before, but he had never really understood what exactly it was that his friends found enjoyable about the little cancer sticks. He was not really a fan of the way they were carelessly polluting their lungs, but unfortunately, he was also an enabler. So, of course he had agreed to keep Theo company.
He was so focused on the crowd of students dancing and milling about the room, trying to find a familiar face to wave over and keep him company, that he did not notice the girl climbing on the windowsill next to him.
"Can I borrow a light?" Your soft voice startled him, as he turned his face to realise he had company. You were sitting facing the opposite direction, your legs dangling off the edge of the sill, a cigarette tucked behind your ear. You reached for it, taking in between your pointer and middle finger as you shot him a wry smile. "I left my wand in my jacket and I can't be bothered to get it right now."
The way the moonlight reflected in your eyes made his heart skip a beat. Noticing he had not actually responded to you yet, feeling like a creep sitting there and staring at you, he quickly nodded. His fingers hurried to open Theo's pack of cigarettes he was still holding, knowing his friend always kept a lighter in there.
Passing it to you, he used your moment of distraction while lighting your cigarette to take another look at you. Dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a sweater, you seemed a little out of place. Not that Enzo thought there was anything wrong with your choice of outfit, but the girls he usually talked to at parties loved to take every little opportunity to dress up.
His eyes wandered back to your face only to find you already looking back at him. "Keep staring and I might do a trick," you told him with a grin, taking a drag from your cigarette.
“Making believe there's a future Is it naive to think we could work? The second it's out, then I lose her We're already here, so one more won't hurt It won't hurt”
Enzo felt his face heat up at being caught, clearing his throat as he averted his gaze. "S-Sorry," he stuttered out, his fingers nervously fidgeting with the pack in his hands. "I was just trying to figure out if we've met before. I don't recognize you." 
He heard the awkwardness in his own voice and frowned. Why was he acting like this? Normally he had no problem talking to people, no matter who it was. But you had to be the most beautiful girl he had ever seen at Hogwarts. It was apparently throwing him off his game quite a bit.
You let out a small laugh, bringing your hand up to cover your mouth. "It's okay," you said softly. "We haven't, at least not officially. You're a year above me so we don't share any classes. I would have been surprised if you knew my name."
"So, how do you know what year I'm in if we've never met?" Enzo adjusted slightly, drawing his legs up and turning to face you, Theo completely forgotten by now.
You let out a breath of smoke, watching the cloud dance out into the windy night. "Well, everybody knows who you are. Your group of friends has quite the reputation actually. Also, you're on the Quidditch team which means every person in this castle has heard your name before."
Enzo chuckled lightly, leaning his head back against the windowsill. "Okay then, I think if you already know who I am, I at least deserve to know your name?" he said, his signature charming smile spreading across his face.
You told him your name after blowing out another cloud of smoke, feeling slightly guilty about the flutter in your stomach when he repeated it. Your name sounded perfect coming out of his mouth and you could not help but hoping he would say it more in the future.
Enzo was about to ask you more questions about yourself, when he spotted Theo's tall frame break through the crowd. He caught his friend's eyes over the top of your head, trying to convey the silent message to make himself scarce and leave him alone with you. Theo's eyes slowly wandered from Enzo to your smaller frame, understanding crossing his face.
Enzo's face flushed again when Theo sent him a cheeky wink before turning to get himself a drink, leaving the two of you to talk.
“But all that we are is all that we'll ever be 'Cause he's the one waiting at home She holds my guitar as I pluck out a melody There's only so far we can go Next to you, but I'll never be close So take your time while you're mine And smoke slow”
Enzo scanned the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of you at the next party. His heart skipped a beat when he spotted you, but his excitement turned to disappointment as he noticed you were with your boyfriend. 
He had done his homework throughout the week following the Saturday he had met you for the first time. By now, he knew what house you belonged in, who your friends were and that you could be found in the library as soon as you had free time to yourself. Unfortunately, he had also learned that you were in a relationship.
Enzo couldn't help but notice the lack of joy on your face, and a pang of concern tugged at his heart. He watched from a distance, observing the interaction between you and your boyfriend. Enzo couldn't shake the feeling that you deserved more happiness than what he saw in that moment.
He had been keeping an eye on you all week and was already confused about why you were with the guy. When the two of you were together, the look on your face dampened, the bright smile he had seen on that windowsill gone as if it never existed in the first place.
As the night went on, Enzo found himself unable to focus on anything else but you. He discreetly kept an eye on your interaction with your boyfriend, noticing the subtle signs of unhappiness as your boyfriend's grip on your hip tightened as he talked with his friends, you standing by as if you were merely there to observe.
“Breaking away For the hell of it Started innocent I'm telling you things that I've never said Hope I don't regret this”
Finally, an opportunity to talk to you presented itself when your boyfriend excused himself to go get a drink, you immediately starting to make your way to the smoking area. Enzo had been sitting on the same windowsill all night, sometimes joined by Theo or Mattheo who both made fun of him acting like a lovesick puppy over a girl he had spoken to once.
A bittersweet smile played on your lips as you spotted him there, almost as if he had been waiting for you. Enzo's heart swelled with hope, but he remained composed. Maybe you had been looking forward to seeing him as well? 
"I wasn't expecting to run into you again," you greeted, your hand resting on the stone window frame, your fingers tracing the smooth surface. "But I'm glad. Seems I don't have my wand on me once again."
He happily reached into his pocket, pulling out the lighter he had bought in Hogsmeade just that morning, hoping you would ask him for a light again. You thanked him with a smile, settling into the space beside him, cigarette held between your pointer and middle finger.
"Want one?" you offered him your pack. Even though he would not enjoy the scratch of smoke in his throat, he found himself accepting, taking back his lighter, skin tingling where your fingers brushed against his. If it meant you would stay here at the window with him for a while longer, he would smoke as long as you wanted him to. 
“Making believe that we're clueless One little spark that we won't put out Makin' a million excuses 'Cause isn't it fun just for now?”
Enzo's heart sank as he watched you and your boyfriend engaging in a heated argument at the party. He could see the pain etched across your face, and it was evident that tears were threatening to spill from your eyes. 
From the look on your face, you had no idea what had set your boyfriend off in the first place and Enzo shared in your confusion. From where he was once again sitting at the windowsill, waiting for you to come over to have a smoke, it had looked as if everything was perfectly fine a moment ago.
You covered back from the guy as he got closer into your face, his words too quiet for Enzo to hear but he was jumping to his feet anyways. Before he was able to reach you, your boyfriend was gone already, leaving you behind in the middle of the Ravenclaw common room with tears in your eyes.
With empathy in his voice, Enzo approached you, gently asking, "Hey, would you like to get out of here?" His eyes conveyed his sincere concern, offering you an escape from the prying eyes and judgmental stares of the other partygoers.
You looked up at him, your tear-stained cheeks reflecting the soft glow of the party lights. Grateful for his offer and more than ready to get away from all the stares, you nodded. Enzo extended his hand, a silent but much appreciated gesture.
As you took his hand, a sense of relief washed over you. The two of you moved away from the party, leaving behind the noise and chaos, as he led you through the silent castle hallways and out into the courtyard.
Finding a quiet bench nestled beneath a tree, Enzo sat down beside you, creating a safe space for you to gather your thoughts. He didn't pry or ask any questions, instead offering a comforting presence as you allowed yourself to finally release the tears that had been building up inside.
“But all that we are is all that we'll ever be 'Cause he's the one waiting at home She holds my guitar as I pluck out a melody There's only so far we can go Next to you, but I'll never be close So take your time while you're mine And smoke slow”
Enzo's gentle understanding and compassionate nature provided you with the support you desperately needed in that moment. With him by your side, the weight of the argument and the judgement of others seemed to lift, leaving only a sense of solace and understanding.
Sitting outside, the gentle breeze caressed your face as Enzo began to tell you about how Draco fell down the stairs earlier that day, the image of Malfoy falling on his face finally bringing back the smile on your face. Enzo's witty storytelling skills effortlessly lifted your mood, making you forget your troubles for a moment and allowing laughter to fill the air.
By the time the tears on your cheeks had dried, Enzo's curiosity got the better of him and he asked about the argument he had just witnessed. Taking a deep breath, you turned to face him as you spoke. "I just asked him to dance. He didn't want to, so I said I would go back to my dorm then and that I don't understand why he always drags me to these parties if he's just going to ignore me the whole time."
"That's why he was screaming at you?" Enzo asked, surprised. By the look this guy had on his face, he had assumed something seriously bad had happened. "Because you wanted to dance with him?"
"Well, he called me childish and embarrassing. But I just wanted him to pay some attention to me. But it doesn’t matter, he just broke up with me anyways."
Seeing the hurt in your eyes, Enzo quickly got to his feet. "He's a dickhead and he doesn't deserve you. If you were my girlfriend my attention would never not be on you."
This time it was your face that turned red when he offered you his hand again. "Still up to have that dance?" he asked.
“Addicted to illusions of a love that never was And never will be anyway, ooh And nicotine don't taste the same If I'm not with you, savoring every breath we take Play with fire, take me higher”
At first, you hesitated. "There's no music, Enzo," you told him, letting out a small laugh. 
But you stood up anyways, taking his hand in your own. He led you a couple steps away from the bench, gently placing his other hand on your waist. In the absence of music, he whispered lighthearted melodies, creating an imaginary rhythm that only you both could hear. With each step, the weight of the hurtful words lifted, replaced by a fluttering warmth in your stomach.
You twirled and spun, lost in the moment, as Enzo's infectious laughter filled the air. The world around you blurred, leaving only the warm shine of the moonlight and the sound of your laughter intermingling with Enzo's. 
As the dance came to an end, you found yourself smiling genuinely, feeling lighter and more uplifted than you had in a long time. A comfortable silence fell over you as he stopped humming, his bright eyes meeting your own as you looked up at his face.
Slowly, his face leaned closer to yours, not breaching the space entirely yet. He was leaving the decision to you, afraid of reading this wrong and pushing too far. With his thumb tracing patterns into the skin of your waist, you made up your mind, breaking through the little space left between you and pressed your lips to his in a soft kiss.
“All that we are is all that we'll ever be 'Cause he's the one waiting at home She holds my guitar as I pluck out a melody There's only so far we can go Next to you, but I'll never be close So take your time while you're mine And smoke slow”
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luveline · 7 months
I'm having extremely horrid self-image these days so I was just wondering if you could write Aaron comforting reader about it?
You used to do your makeup on the bedroom floor in Aaron's floor length mirror. He found it endearing apparently, he'd always laugh quietly and step around you, promising that one day he was going to get you a vanity. 
And then he tells you he loves you and asks you to move in, and then there's a vanity waiting for you when you do. Aaron stops laughing in the morning and starts leaning down to kiss your cheek. "That's better, hm?"
It feels like playing dress up. You appreciate him, you love him, but you sit there with your makeup bag and your hair oils and feel awful. Deep down, pervasively, achingly awful. You're not the type of girl who gets the nice house and a nice boyfriend, who sits at her vanity primping and preening. No matter what you do, you'll always look like this.
"What are you doing?" he asks quietly. 
He's laying in bed behind you, sleep heavy on his tongue. You wipe a cotton pad wet with toner over your cheeks, avoiding his gaze in the mirror as you answer, "Just getting ready." 
"For what?" 
"Just the day." 
"You don't sound very happy, honey." He sits up, the front most strands of his hair falling onto his forehead, due for a trim. When he says 'honey', his brows lift from their furrow imploringly. It's madness that he can wake and throw himself straight into profiling mode. "What's wrong?" 
"It's nothing." 
"I don't think so. Come back to bed." We'll talk about it goes unsaid. Aaron's voice can colour a thousand shades but your favourite is this gentle lulling, his hand stretched out over the sheets to beckon you in. 
You put your used cotton pads aside and stand with a weird feeling in your throat like you swallowed something without chewing properly. Aaron watches you. He's good at pretending he isn't, but you know he is, his dark eyes tracing the shine of toner on your tacky cheek. 
"You smell nice," he says, kissing under your jaw, forcing your face up. "And you're so soft."
"Trying to butter me up before you ask me what's wrong." 
"But I'm not lying… What is wrong?" 
You meet his eyes, asking for permission of a sort that you don't need to ask for. He lifts his head in answer and opens his arms, pulling your face into the crook of his neck and your chest against his, murmuring, "Honey, honey," over your head. "What's wrong?" 
It comes as little surprise to him when you explain, your voice hushed with shame. I just feel so… disgusting. You don't say it with distinction but he gathers it anyhow, your lack of self esteem, not in the sense of putting yourself forward, but in that you don't like the way you look, the way people see you. 
"I can't control the way you see me, so you see me at my worst." 
"You don't have a worst." He lays back against the headboard and drags you down with him. "You're always beautiful."
You shake your head. 
You and Aaron linger in silence for a while, the only sound his fingers tightening against the fabric of your t-shirt on your waist. "Do you know why I wanted you to have your vanity?" 
"Well, you kept tripping over me in the mornings." 
"I did… I'd be watching you get ready and I'd find myself distracted," he says, low and quiet, as though confessing. "So yes, I'd trip over you. I wouldn't watch where I was going but I'd want go be closer, and I'd accidentally hit your arm and you'd look up. First in the mirror, and then over your shoulder. My heart–" He clears his throat. "Your vanity was an act of self preservation." 
"Because you're so old?"
"Careful," he says lightly, giving your waist a squeeze. "Because now I get to watch you from right here." He looks down at the vanity and you follow his gaze, seeing more of him than you, wrapped up in his arms. You look peaceful together. "Every morning." 
You close your eyes, rubbing your cheek into his shoulder. "And that's fun for you." 
"It's the best part of my day." 
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sweetenerobert · 5 months
oberyn martell x male!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, MINORS DNI, modern au
prompt: cuckhold au + "i can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together." "crawl to me"
summary: trying to think of ways to get back at your boyfriend for cheating on you; the result is you having sex with your nemesis, oberyn martell, in front of him
warnings: infidelity, cocky!oberyn, breeding kink, dirty talking, fingering, edging, mild praising kink, male masturbation, use of a vibrator, unprotected p in a, oral sex, spitting, handjob, cuckolding kink! (forced cuckholding ;)), no use of y/n
word count: 5.0k
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a/n: dividers by @saradika
a/n: I FORGOT ABOUT THIS! SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER! SCHOOL TOOK OVER MY LIFE, consider this a Christmas gift, that's been in my drafts for months
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The noises played in your head like a neverending record. The moans, the yelps. The squeaking, your boyfriend’s voice – all those noises played in your head. You came home early from work, noticed your boyfriend was also home, and didn’t think of it. That’s when you went upstairs and made a dreadful discovery. You saw your boyfriend fucking someone else – a woman, in your bed. And you hated yourself that you stayed at your door, knowing that it would make your stomach churn and twist with each moan escaping her lips.
You’d left right before your boyfriend had cum – not wanting to bear with that, you went and acted like you weren’t there. You had driven to your favorite coffee shop and ordered a coffee, and you’d been sitting next to the large floor-to-ceiling window ever since. You often kept glancing at other people and noticing groups of friends and couples, and you wanted to cry; seeing the couples reminded you a lot of you and your boyfriend until your gaze landed on Oberyn Martell.
You and Oberyn weren’t the closest bunch – you practically despised him, and he enjoyed making your life hell on earth at work. The both of you worked together, and you loved your job but despised Oberyn – and hated that stupid nickname he gave you: Dove.
You drove your gaze back to the window, hoping he didn’t see you. Your curiosity got the best of you as you slowly glanced toward Oberyn’s position, and you saw him glancing at you – quickly looking back at the window, shaking your leg, hoping he didn’t see you.
Once you heard a chair screech in front of you, you knew it was undeniably Oberyn sitting in front of you. You could feel his penetrable gaze traveling on you. This feeling of sadness turned into a feeling of annoyance, and you were ready to thrash at Oberyn.
You could hear an exhale escape Oberyn’s lips, and you just wanted to bash his skull in with the coffee mug in front of you. “Hey, Dove, fancy meeting you in a place like this.”
“Fuck off,” You spat.
Oberyn whistles. “Feisty, aren’t we, dove?”
“I’m not in the mood to play Oberyn. I’ve had a rough day,” You announced.
Obeyn crosses his leg to rest on his other leg as he studies you. He could see your face written with distress and sadness written all over it. Something had made you look the way you did, and he didn't know about it.
“What’s wrong, Dove?”
“You, you're bothering me when I want to be alone,” You exclaimed loudly. Noticing people had turned their heads, looking back at you and Oberyn.
“Please, just leave me alone.”
Oberyn had a scowl slowly coming on his face; his jaw had tightened. You’ve never seen Oberyn mad before — he’d enjoy making you annoyed, but you’ve never really been angry.
“What happened.” it came out more of a statement from Oberyn than a question — a command more than concern.
“And you care because?” You question, turning your head to him.
“Anything that makes my dove mad doesn't deserve to live.” His tone made a chill travel down your spine, and your heart stop for a split second. You didn't want to answer him. If anything, you wanted Oberyn to leave and forget he ever saw you here. But, you knew he was persistent, and he wouldn't go anytime soon unless you told him what happened.
“It’s been like ten minutes, and I’m already going to tell the person I hate the most my business,” You huff a breath as you rub your hand across your forehead.
You slide your hand from your forehead — connecting with your thigh, making a twahp sound on impact.
“I’ve been having a rough afternoon,” You shrug. “Came home to find the supposed love of my life, fucking some woman, and you know what sucks? I stayed.” Oberyn looks shocked by your statement but doesn’t show it. “Yeah, I stayed and listened to everything. Did I get off on it? Hell no. I hated everything. I left before it could get any worse.”
You intertwine your fingers — a knuckle placed on the tip of your nose. A sniffle escapes your nose, reminding yourself of the terrible events that happened minutes prior. Your tear ducts felt heavy, and your nose felt congested. A tear slid down your cheek as you placed your palms on the table, and your head felt heavy.
Glancing at the wooden table, you felt your head get picked up — seeing Oberyn's finger pick your head, and you could see the concern on his face; his thumb wipes the tear slowly crawling down your face.
"Dove, you shouldn't cry over someone like that. You shouldn't cry at all. You're too perfect.” “Oberyn smirks, caressing your cheek. You slowly push Oberyn’s hand away from you and glance at the window again, trying to avoid any eye contact with Oberyn.
“Dove, look at me.”
You shook your head like a stubborn child. “Dove, I need you to look at me so you can listen to what I will say.”
“I can listen to you like this.” You shrug.
Oberyn was getting annoyed now — which would’ve been the first time, only if you saw his face. Oberyn fixes his legs to be next to each other and outstretches one of them to reach you. His foot made contact with your crotch — rubbing his foot along the print in your pants. You yelped in retaliation — looking at Oberyn. “What are you doing?”
“Getting your attention, and now that I have it. I need to ask you something.” Oberyn states, placing his legs in their original position.
You cross your arms and huff a breath. “What?”
“What are you going to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he obviously can't get away with this.”
“What exactly am I supposed to do?” You question.
“I don't know, kick him out?” You shrug. “It's the only thing I can think of.”
“That’s all?” Oberyn questions.
“You can come up with the most creative insults you can throw at me, but when it comes to your scumbag boyfriend, you’re fucked?”
“Well, what do you have in mind, evil genius?”
“I’ve heard the best way to get over someone is to get under someone,” Oberyn smirks.
You shoot an eyebrow up and look at Oberyn with an annoyed look.
“Is that what you want me to do? Sleep with someone to get back at him? What is this, high school?”
“Not just anyone.”
“Then, who do you suggest?” You shrug and cross your arms.
Oberyn points at himself with a smug look on his face. You look at him with an annoyed look on your face. “Please tell me you’re kidding,” You spat.
“C’mom, I’m the best option.”
“Ethan, the homeless guy down the street, is a better option than you.”
“You know me—” Oberyn started.
“I despise you — and I hear the stories about you; you're a player — a playboy. I shouldn't get involved with someone like that.”
You’ve been aware of Oberyn’s “activities” for a while, ever since one of your Co-workers ranted about him to you — one of the many reasons you hate him. He was known for leaving people hanging after quote, “giving them the night of their life.” It frankly made you want to barf hearing anything involving having sex with Oberyn.
“Look, you’re one of the last people I want to hurt, but I want to see this scumbag crumble, knowing he lost someone as perfect as you.” Oberyn started.
You couldn't tell if he was messing with you or being genuinely serious, but all you knew was heat rose to your face.
“But, I promise. I won't hurt you. I want to see your ex suffer a little bit.”
“You promise this will work?” You question.
Oberyn places a hand over his heart. “Cross my heart, and hope to die.”
“Hopefully,” You scoff.
“But, you have to give me a week.”
“Give you a week for what?” You asked.
“Ah Ah Ah, it's a surprise,” Oberyn smirks.
“I hate surprises,” You grumble, crossing your arms.
“C’mom dove. You’ll like this one.”
“One week,” you firmly spoke. “That’s all I’m giving you.”
“Splendid, That’s all I need, dove,” Oberyn winks.
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You essentially had to act like you still loved your ex-boyfriend: every talk, every hug, every kiss, and every interaction you had, you had to pretend like you cared. When, in reality, you wanted nothing to do with him.
And Oberyn was being more secretive than his usual outgoing personality. It often made your skin cold thinking about it. Oberyn was never closed off or reserved — always outgoing even when work needed to be accomplished; he always had time to talk or flirt with someone.
The end of the week had come faster than expected. It made you uneasy but also ready for anything. You heard a knock on your door while pacing — waiting for Oberyn. Your breathing became rushed and nervous.
As you opened the door, an exhale became longer than you expected. Seeing Oberyn wearing a long chestnut-colored lapel coat.
"Surprised to see me, dove?"
"Yes, I thought my "boyfriend" came home earlier than expected," You breathed.
"If I had a dollar for every time I heard that —" Oberyn started.
"Oberyn," You insisted.
"Kidding, can't take a joke, can you, dove?"
You step to the side to let Oberyn in. He walks in, and you close the door behind him. "I'm about to trust you with something so vulnerable about myself, so no, I can't take a joke."
Oberyn turns to look at you and rests his hands on your shoulders. "Dove, with me, you don't have to be afraid. Your body's a temple that I'm going to respect. Don't be scared."
"What do you think I'm going to do to you?" Oberyn questions, taking his hands off your shoulders and on his hips.
You took a breath, looked at the floor, and then up at Oberyn. "With him, he treated sex like a mission to complete — a side quest before returning to the main story. But with that girl, it was like she was something important, and I don't want to feel that way again." you find yourself looking back at the floor, a tear building in your tear duct.
Oberyn lifts your chin with his finger and plants his lips on top of yours. The kiss was soft, and the feeling of Oberyn's lips on yours made your body fire up — a feeling you've never felt with your boyfriend. Backing his head from yours — finger still on your chin, a smirk on his face. "Too stunned for words, dove?"
You push his hand off your chin. "No!" You exclaim, a wave of heat rushing to your face. "You don't have that power over me."
This rush of energy was coursing through your body like a drug; you yearned for more of it.
“So, where is the bedroom, sweetheart?” Oberyn asks.
You don't answer his question and walk towards your room. Opening your room door and seeing the bed made your anger boil — for the moment. Your boyfriend made it, and you find it as a sign that everything is normal — when, in reality, it isn't.
“Quaint, your boyfriend got a drawer?”
You point the nightstand next to the bed. Oberyn takes his jacket off and places it on the foot of the bed. He drops to his knees in front of the nightstand and opens the top drawer.
“What are you doing?” You question.
“All cheating assholes have something to hide. You aren't the least bit curious?”
“No, why would I be—” You start; as you thought about it, you somehow found yourself on your knees next to Oberyn. “I get top, you get bottom.” You state.
“I’m usually the top, but you know, there is a first time for everything.”
“I will punch you in the face if you keep these innuendos up.”
Oberyn laughs as you shove him. “Let’s get to searching.”
You open the top drawer, trying to find anything. After pushing things around, you found nothing worth explaining, closing the top drawer and looking at Oberyn. “Your turn,” You shrug.
Opening the bottom drawer, you back up and stand up to your feet, lying on the wall far away from him. Your eyes travel to see Oberyn bending down and his pants accentuating his rear end. You were tempted to whistle and compliment Oberyn.
“You like what you see, Dove?”
“It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen,” You admit.
“It's a nice ass, thanks for noticing,” Oberyn smiles.
“It’s a little hard not to notice. Is that what girls from the office are after from you?” You question.
“Girls and guys,” Oberyn corrects. “I’m not a manwhore for just girls, Dove.”
“Well, I didn't know that,” You shrug.
“A lot of people don't know I swing for both teams.”
“You learn something new every day,” You mutter.
A thud made you look at Oberyn as he pulled a box out of the drawer. You question the image you see on the box as Oberyn just sneers. “Is that a—?”
“A vibrator? Yes, Dove. It is,” Oberyn nods.
“Why would he have—?”
“Oh shit. Do you think my ex’s used it on that girl?”
Oberyn shakes his head. “The tape’s still on it. Meaning: hasn't been opened, or he’s waiting to use it.”
Hearing that a vibrator hidden in your ex’s nightstand drawer hasn't been used was a huge relief for you in a certain way. Oberyn holds the box as he has an idea and then looks at you. “Should we use it?” Oberyn asks.
“What? I wouldn’t even know what to do with that.”
“Let me do all the work, Dove.”
“What would you even do?” You state, crossing your arms.
“That’s a surprise, but first,” Oberyn States, walking towards you. “I need you to get on your knees.”
To say you were shocked was an understatement. Your eyes wanted to pop out of your head after hearing those four words. ‘get on your knees.’ Something about hearing those words made you want to fumble on your words but be mad at the same time.
“Make me,” You smirk.
Oberyn smashes his lips against yours in a hungry kiss — surprising you. Your teeth almost clash, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hand slowly trails down your chest to your bulge. It felt hard under Oberyn’s palm — betraying your hatred for him and weakening your knees.
Your knees dented the wood under you as you broke the kiss. You see Oberyn smirking and walking to the foot of your bed — placing the box on the mattress. Seeing him slip his shoes off, hearing his belt unbuckle being undone, and seeing his pants slide off. You notice that Oberyn wasn't wearing any underwear. Your face would've exploded if you didn't contain yourself.
Seeing Oberyn's cock made you feel like you were in an out-of-body experience. It felt like you were shocked but didn't show it. Watching Oberyn sit at the edge of your bed, wags his pointer finger towards you — arching his finger towards him.
"Crawl to me," Oberyn commanded.
Your body had a mind as you placed your hands on the floor and slowly crawled toward Oberyn. A more giant smirk appeared on Oberyn's face as he saw you crawl closer to him. "Such a good boy, dove," Oberyn muttered.
Your face was close to Oberyn's shaft — covering your face. You wanted to make Oberyn shiver, make him feel a way you've never seen him before. Placing your tongue on his shaft, bringing your tongue to his tip and back to your mouth.
You watch Oberyn release a breath — sounding like a whistle. "Such a tease, dove."
You hoist yourself off your hands and look at Oberyn — winking at him before you take the tip of his cock in your mouth, quickly retracting away from him. Watching his hips buckle forward, you can't help but sneer. "Desperate for my mouth, Oberyn?"
"You know what you're doing, dove. It's written all over your face," Oberyn grumbled. "So why don't you do something about it," Your question sounded more of a sarcastic comment. Oberyn takes notice of that. Tracing his hand on your cheek — thumb trailing your bottom lip. "We're going to whip that attitude of yours into shape."
Holding your face, Oberyn leads your mouth towards his cock. A long exhale leaves his lips as your mouth goes down his shaft — agonizing slowly. You pick your head up as you bring your hand to the base of Oberyn’s cock and start stroking his dick as you bring your head up and down.
Oberyn leaned on his elbows and enjoyed the pleasure your mouth brought him. Apart from Oberyn being secretive for the past week. He hadn’t jerked off and slept with anyone, so the build-up of cum had been stored in his balls for the week, and Oberyn was ready to burst.
“Baby, you're so fucking perfect. I don't know what is wrong with that dumb ass.”
Removing your hands, you start to go down deeper on Oberyn’s cock as you feel the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. Clenching his teeth together, his moans escaping his throat — through his teeth like water.
“Baby— Ah— your mouth has a grip. I could cum fucking your face right here.”
“Why don't you then?” You ask, stroking his cock. You have a one-sided grin on your face. With inhuman speed, Oberyn picks you up to your feet — planting his lips on yours as your hands find the back of his neck. The hatred between you and Oberyn vanished in this moment. His hands explored your body as he touched your pants button — undoing them and sliding your pants past your feet. “Get on the bed, Dove.”
You complied with Oberyn. Your bare knees make contact with the mattress; you watch Oberyn grab the vibrator and take it out of its package. He held the device in his hand, hitting the button. Oberyn watched it vibrate in his hand.
“Asshole already put the batteries in. Bad for him, good for us.” Oberyn crawls after you, his face close to your cock. It twitches against his breath against it. “Has he made you cum before, dove?”
You reluctantly shake your head. "Like I said, there is a first time for everything," Oberyn snickers as he lowers the vibrator on your cock. Once you made contact, your eyes snapped shut, and you arched your back and fists towards you. Oberyn places a firm palm on your navel, forcing you to stop moving. "No squirming, dove." His firm demeanor sent shivers down your spine and made your cock twitch in anticipation of what was coming.
You heard your front door close, and your eyes snapped open. You attempted to move, but Obeyrn's hand on your navel prevented you from getting up. "Ah, Ah, Ah, dove. Where do you think you're going?" "He's back. We should stop." Oberyn looked at you with annoyance. "Do you think that asswipe cared whenever you came home?"
"But, Oberyn —"
"Let me make you feel a way you haven't experienced before."
Your breathing hitched as you looked at Oberyn. "How would you make me feel?" You gritted. "Happy, loved, wanted, cared for, everything someone as perfect as you should experience."
You calmed yourself — eyes drawn away from the door and closed. Feeling yourself grip the sheets — your moans intertwining together with your breathing. You felt as if you were about to cum, and that's when you heard your bedroom door squeal open.
“What the actual fuck is going on?” You heard Issac, your “boyfriend’s” bellowing voice. You kept your eyes shut so you didn't see Oberyn turn his head.
“Ah, just the guy I’ve been wanting to see. How are you doing?” Oberyn asks. In your head, you were laughing, but in reality, you were trying so hard not to cum right now.
“How am I doing?” Issac repeats. “How do you think I feel seeing some guy — pantsless next to my boyfriend’s dick?”
Hearing Issac emphasize that he’s your boyfriend made you want to punch him in the face; you would’ve — if your legs didn't feel like jelly. Spiritually Oberyn could feel your anger rising to your cock as it shifted for a split second.
“I don't know, dove, how should your cheating-asshole boyfriend feel knowing you're feeling more pleasure than ever before?” Oberyn smirked.
“Cheating? DOVE?” Issac exclaimed. You could see Issac’s eyes pop out in your head, and when you heard his tone.
“He -hould feel fucking dumb,” You gritted. You brought your arms resting above your head as you felt yourself about to cum any second.
“I should beat your ass for putting dumb thoughts in my boyfriend's head, man — and overall being anywhere near him.”
“But you’re not.”
“And why is that?” Issac asks, cocky.
“Because you’re going to go through my jacket and see the Manila folder and its contents inside, you're going to sit yourself down in that seat in the corner and watch me fuck the hell out of your boyfriend and cum deep inside him that I get him pregnant.”
You slowly open your eyes and see Oberyn smirking at you and Issac looking shell-shocked by what he just heard. And being honest, you were shocked yourself.
“I would do what he says. He can be pretty convincing,” You breathe. Oberyn smirks.
You turn your head — eyes strained from closing them. Issac rummages through Oberyn’s coat and sees the Manila folder he quietly dreaded. Sitting in the corner, he opened it, and the look on his face made it seem he got caught in a big lie. “Do you want to tell him, or should I? I don't mind either,” Oberyn shrugs.
“How did you get these?” Issac seethed.
“Okay,” Oberyn starts, ignoring the question. “Dove, what he’s looking at are photographs of himself and the girl he’s been cheating on you with — going on dates, going out, the whole nine yards.”
You wanted to scream, but the pleasure Oberyn delivered you on a silver platter brought you into overdrive, so you stayed mute.
“Fuck, Obeyrn. Your intense,” You spoke between clenched teeth.
“You close, baby?”
You nod. “I’m about to cum,” You exclaimed.
Your body wanted to give way, just to feel the immense pleasure you've yearned for.
Until Oberyn retracted the vibrator away from you, you looked like a deer in headlights while Oberyn had a shit-eating grin on his face. “W-what are you doing?”
Oberyn shrugs and looks at you. “Making you squirm.” His hands are firm against your inner thighs — feeling his nails press into you, his mouth slips onto your cock, and you arch your back in satisfaction. With Oberyn's mouth going slow on your cock, a rush came through your entire body. On the brink of cumming -- Oberyn cupping your balls in his hand, you wanted your cum to shoot down his throat.
Bearing your teeth, you grip the sheets again, glancing at Issac. He was pissed, but that made you want to cum even harder. "Hurt, doesn't it? Watching the love of your life enjoy someone else."
"Baby, it didn't mean--"
"Save it," You sucked in a breath. "Save it for someone who cares."
"Fuck, Oberyn. I'm close."
Oberyn takes his mouth off your cock; you watch your cock twitch on your navel, seeing precum leak from the tip. "Can I please cum, Oberyn? Please, it feels so good." You beg.
Oberyn shakes his head. "Not yet, baby.” Oberyn looks around and sees the look of despair written on Issac’s face — Oberyn’s cock twitching in retaliation. “Don’t be sad, Issac. Come on, sit right next to your boyfriend, and you’ll feel all better,” Oberyn smirked.
“Fuck off,” Issac spat.
Oberyn sucks in an inhale through his teeth and tsks at Issac. “Come on, don't be a poor sport; go ahead,” Oberyn nods to the open spot.
Issac reluctantly gets up and sits next to you. The look on his face read anger but was hidden by despair underneath it all. He was mad at you and Oberyn but angry and sad at himself.
“Come on, we don't have to do this. I mean, you already made your point with this whole “show” you’re putting on,” Issac argues.
“Oh, then I must haven't made it more explicit,” Oberyn nods.
Oberyn slides the tip of his cock slowly inside you. A sharp exhale. “Fuck, Oberyn. You could’ve warned me,” You groaned.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
Your hands dig into Oberyn’s shoulders, making crescent moons etched onto his skin. His thrusts start slow and gradually pick up the pace. Your moans bounce off your bedroom walls. “You like hearing those moans, Issac? Having to hear them off someone else cock?” Oberyn breathes.
Issac can't help but stare at your face with each pump Oberyn was pushing into you. He knows that enjoying each thrust Oberyn delivers. Issac couldn’t tell if he was pissed off or sad at the moment.
“C’mon, you love that cock, don't you, Dove.” Oberyn grunts.
You nod, snapping your eyes shut again. “Fuck, Yes. I love it so much, You whine.
“Your cock is so fucking amazing.”
“That’s it, dove.”
“You see, Issac, this is how you treat art. You treat it with the love and respect it deserves.”
Hearing Oberyn refer to you as art made your cock dribble with precum. Inhaling a breath through your teeth. Oberyn’s hips quicken, and you can't help but snap your eyes open.
“Ugh! Fuck! Oberyn! You’re so fucking big.”
You couldn't if you said that to praise Oberyn or piss off Issav, but overall, you were stating the truth. You haven't felt this good during sex in such a long time. Oberyn loved the moans, the yelps, and the cries that escaped your mouth.
Oberyn’s hands slide on your cheek as he trails your bottom lip with his thumb. Looking into your eyes, he plants his lips onto yours as his thrusts start to slow down, and your nostrils breathe out air of relief.
As Oberyn backs up from your face, he looks up to Issac, seeing the sadness ride his face but then quickly to anger as he sees Oberyn’s face staring at him.
“Dove,” Oberyn breathes, backing his hips from you. “Turn around for me, I want to see that perfect ass.”
You happily obliged as you got on all fours, your feet dangling off the edge of the bed. His cock pressed up into your ass, but you could also feel it lift off of you. Oberyn spits again, and this time you don't pay any attention to it until you feel Oberyn’s cock gently glide in. You take a long, deep breath in.
“Damn, dove, I can barely fit it in,” Oberyn growled. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Oberyn’s cock was slowly and brutally stretching you out, relishing every inch of your insides. Oberyn’s thrust began slowly as his thighs slammed into your ass, but his hips had other ideas. Oberyn’s gradual thrusts grew more intense, yet you were smitten with the whole thing. Your moans would not stay on your lips, and as you advanced, Oberyn’s cock would slip out of you with every clap.
“Fuck, you’re intense, Oberyn,” You breathe.
“You haven't seen nothing yet, dove.” Oberyn teases you by sliding his cock between your ass cheeks. "You want this dick... right, dove?" Oberyn sneers, looking at Issac.
“You want your worst enemy to get you pregnant?”
You nod your head, almost begging for Oberyn to fuck you. “Yes, I do.” Oberyn notices your begging tone as he shrugs his shoulders and slides his cock inside you.
Oberyn’s thrusts get hotter, more powerful, and more animalistic. It was like something that you never experienced in ever. Your enemy making you feel this way and letting you enjoy the moment with him was something you didn't know you needed.
"I can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together,” Oberyn grunts, glancing at Isaac shooting a wink.
"Damn, Oberyn. I'm about to cum,” You ignored Oberyn’s statement.
"Cum for me, dove," it sounded like a command more than a statement. Your cock throbs, and you exclaim your moans as stings of cum hit the sheets below you.
“Fuck, Dove. I’m going to cum,” Oberyn gritted his teeth. As Oberyn’s hips keep going back and forth into you, you grip the sheets under you as you hear Oberyn’s sudden groans and feel his cum swim inside you.
“See, that’s how you treat someone as amazing as dove here.”
“I see you enjoyed your little show so why don't we —”
“Get out,” You breathe.
“What?” Issac questions.
“I want you out of my house, all your shit gone by Thursday. I never want to see you again,” You state.
Issac can't believe what he’s hearing even though he was expecting it, as he expected a slap to the face. “Where— where will I go?”
“I don't fucking care, anywhere but here.”
Issac suddenly stands up, Manila folder in his hand, and storms out of your bedroom, slamming the door.
“You okay, dove?”
You nod. “I feel great. Thank you.”
Oberyn brings his palm to his chest and acts fake shocked. “Did you just say thank you to me?”
“Don’t make me regret it,” You snapped.
Even though you were both covered in sweat, Oberyn couldn't get enough of you when his lips connected with yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his hand hooks under your arm onto your chest.
“You are the best sex I’ve ever had,” Oberyn admitted.
“That needs to be on a shirt; I need that in recording.”
“You’re suchan oddity.”
“You love it,” You smile.
“Yeah, I do.”
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frankenkyle19 · 8 months
-The No Longer Virgin-
Kinktober Day 5: Virgin!Peter Maximoff x reader
word count: 4.3k
warnings/description: loss of virginity, handjobs, blowjobs, premature ejaculation, 69’ing, oral male and fem receiving, whiny Peter, slight sub!Peter, awkward Peter, cute consent, probably ooc Peter, sorry. 
posting two days early because I finished it and why not?
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Peter totally wasn’t insecure about anything ever. Him? Pfft, no. He was the most confident, not insecure person who ever lived. So what if he was a virgin? So what if he hadn’t actually ever gone all the way? Or gotten a blowjob.. or a handjob… or even any over the clothes touching…
That was besides the point! It didn’t matter- not like he actually cared. It wasn’t for his lack of trying. He was always down to clown it just… He hadn’t found the right person. Apparently being a mutant speedster wasn’t a turn on for most people. Who would have thought? 
Oh well. He’d lived his life this long without it, who’s going to say he couldn’t live the rest of his life being perfectly content with his hand or his stupid fleshlight? He’d live it’s not like- 
But oh when he saw you for the first time he lost his damn mind. Why were you so pretty? Why did you talk to him? Show him any sort of attention? Peter wasn’t used to it, and it immediately made his brain short circuit. He wasn’t the brightest in the bunch, but he knew you had to at least like him a little to want to hang around him.
 But why? Peter still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that you actually wanted to hang out with him. Was it some form of pity? Did you feel bad for him? God he hoped not…
You two became fast friends, but Peter couldn’t help but want more. Not in a creepy way, just like a hey I’m in my 20’s and still a virgin and now that a girl is showing me attention my body is reacting like a teenage boy going through puberty-
God he needed to get a grip on himself. Get it together Peter! Keep it in your pants for Christ's sake. 
And of course what he didn’t know was that you loved teasing the hell out of him. Seeing his cheeks heat up and the way he stumbled over his words. It was priceless.
The first night you kissed Peter, he was positive he’d died and went to heaven, or was in some super realistic dream. There was just no way this was real. Why would you want to kiss him? Him of all people. 
But boy did he kiss back. His lips molded against yours perfectly as you draped your arms over his neck, humming against his soft lips, eyes closed as you attempted to deepen it.
Peter was loving it. He was convinced he could stay like this forever. Well that was until you attempted to climb into his lap and he freaked out and zoomed off in a blur of silver.
He finally had someone who wanted to mess around with him and now he was too shy? What was wrong with him! 
It’s not that he didn’t want to- he was just incredibly nervous. Like heart beating out of his chest, stomach churning nervous. What if he did something wrong? As far as he knew you didn’t know he was a virgin, but if he kept up this act you’d find out in no time. How embarrassing…
But still, every time you tried to initiate anything other than kissing, Peter either made an excuse or just straight up ran off. It was embarrassing but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you why he acted the way he did. What would you say? What would you think?
Even once you two officially started dating, he was super shy and jumpy. He didn’t even really like to sleep in the same bed with you. Cuddling? He was fine with, but there was something so intimate about sleeping in a bed with your partner that he just wasn’t ready for.
He never really thought he had problems showing or giving affection, but the longer he was with you the more he realized he was terrified of all of it. 
You were so patient with him, which made him feel even worse. He saw how desperate you were to be with him but poor Peter couldn’t bring himself to actually do it.
He wanted to. He jerked off every night to the thought of you, of your pretty face and how you looked at him during your makeup sessions. It had him cumming in surely a world record speed. 
Peter researched why he felt this way. Why couldn't he just be with you the way he wanted. Like dude, the image of the two of you naked and sweaty, rocking against each other? It really got him going, but the reality of it seemed too much for his poor brain to be able to process.
He came to the conclusion that he was scared of intimacy. Or maybe he was just nervous to have his first time. Some odd combination of the both. He had to get over it, right? He couldn’t stay a virgin for the rest of his life. Especially when he had a smoking hot girlfriend right in front of him. 
He had to find a way to get over it… He was determined now.
Finally, you two had been dating steadily for three months now. Three whole months with no under the clothes touching. Or over the clothes touching either if we’re being honest.
You had kind of clued in now that Peter was nervous about being with you in such an intimate way. You never pushed him. When he was ready, if he ever was, he would let you know.
So that’s why you were a bit surprised when during one of your frequent makeout sessions, when Peter began to harden in his sweatpants, he didn’t pull away. You noticed how his breath sped up, but instead of running off, he stayed put.
Your hands fell to his thighs gently, testing the waters as Peter pulled away from your lips to catch his breath. He whined quietly, barely able to be heard as his hips subtly arched into the feeling of your warm hands.
Before you went any further though, no matter how much he seemed to want it, you decided to ask him how he was feeling in the moment. 
“Peter? Hey, if you want to I’d love to, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to. If you aren’t ready, that's okay too.” You said quietly, reaching up to cup his cheek.
His skin was warm and red under your touch as he nuzzled the side of his face into your palm, sighing softly as he closed his eyes.
“I uh- I do. I’m ready, I want to.” He said quietly, not meeting your eyes.
“I’m sure by now you’ve realized I’m a virgin.” He mumbled, blushing impossibly darker as he huffed quietly, his chest rising and falling under his t-shirt. 
“Peter, that’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s okay.” You hummed, pulling your boy closer in an attempt to give him some sort of comfort. You could see how he was fighting himself in his mind, wrestling between the choice to do this, or to run away. Again. He was tired of running away.
“I just- I don’t want to do a bad job- I really want to make you feel good. And I’ve watched porn and shit like that but it- it’s not the same and I really don’t have any clue what to do.” He whispered, the saddest most desperate look on his poor face.
“We can go slow and I can help you. Anytime you have a question you ask, okay? I will never ever judge you. And if you want to stop, that’s okay too. It’ll be okay, I promise.”
Your words were exactly what he’d needed to hear these past few months when he was too afraid to even talk to you about any of this. He was finally ready. You’d need to walk him through it but he was ready.
“Okay, I want to. Please- need it.” He whined softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as he weakly bucked his hips forward in search of friction of any kind.
Slowly but surely you let your hand fall to his crotch, rubbing over the bulge in his pants gently, trying to coax out more of those beautiful noises from his throat.
Peter tensed for a half a second before he shuddered, leaning further into you as he whined. 
“F-fuck-“ he choked out, bucking his hips up, causing your hand to slide farther against his covered length. 
“Feels good-“ he mumbled weakly, body tingling with pleasure as he tried to keep himself composed to the best of his ability. 
“More please-“ He grunted, already so worked up and you found it so adorable. He was in for the time of his life.
You pawed at his length with a bit more pressure and you saw the way that his hands clenched at his sides. He wanted to touch you, but was nervous to make a move.
You moved your hand from his crotch and took both his hands in your own before placing them on your breasts.
Peter’s eyes widened to a near impossible size and you were worried they might actually pop out of his head at this point.
Damn. You had bomb titties. Like ooh mama they were amazing.
He swallowed hard, trying to get rid of his excess saliva before he started drooling or something-
He squeezed your breasts in each of his hands, reveling in the warm, squishiness of them. He could stay like this for the rest of his life. He was sure of it.
You let him explore your body for as long as he wanted, touching every part of you he could reach in a curious exploration of something he’d so badly wanted to do for so many years. 
This was it… He was going to lose his virginity tonight. And he couldn’t wait.
Your hand came down to gently massage his length once more before finding the elastic of his sweatpants, dipping your fingers under it so slowly.
Peter was too enamored with your breasts to realize what you were doing at first. He panicked a bit when he finally realized, worried that maybe he wasn’t big enough- did his dick look weird? When was the last time he actually inspected himself? So many worrying thoughts flooded through your mind but the second your hand crept under his pants and past the waistband of his boxers to finally touch his cock without any restrictions?… He was on cloud nine.
He’d never felt something like this. Sure he had his own hand to compare it to, but yours was so soft, so warm and so so much better than his own. 
It took everything in him not to nut the second you touched him. It really did. He was so desperate. His cock twitched in your touch as you did your best to stroke him inside his boxers, thumbing over the tip to collect the pre-cum there. You couldn’t see it, but he felt like he had a nice cock. A big, bulbous tip, a nice, decently long shaft, and thick veins that ran across it. 
Your mouth watered a bit at the thought of tasting him, and you were just about to. But much to Peter’s embarrassment, a few more strokes had him cumming hard over your hand, making a mess of his boxers.
He froze, body tensing as he bit down on your shoulder to muffle the noises that fell from his mouth. Holy shit… How embarrassing. You barely touched him and he came. 
You gasped softly in surprise, not expecting it so quickly, but his name was quicksilver after all. Maybe for more reasons than one?  Speaking of quicksilver, he was hard again almost instantly. Thank whatever gods there were that he recovered as quickly as he did. So at least he was ready for round two in the blink of an eye. His cock twitched with interest once more as you removed your hand from his pants, looking at the white creamy fluid that covered your fingers. 
“What do you want to do now?” You asked him, watching the adorable fucked out expression on his face. He sat up a bit taller and cleared his throat, recovering from his sudden orgasm. 
“I uh- I’ve always wanted to uh- sixty-nine? But I haven’t Uh- you’d have to tell me what to do to make you feel good. Like I obviously know about the clit- pshhh, duh, but like I want to make sure I’m doing it right.” He mumbled, shifting uncomfortably as the cum covered the front of his boxers.
You slowly peeled your shirt off your body, Peter gawking at you the whole time.
You gestured to his clothes and in a second, with a soft ‘fwip’ he was naked in front of you. Well damn… 
He blushed softly, looking at you for any signs of disappointment, which you certainly didn’t show. 
His cock was just as hot as you expected it to be. It curved slightly to the left, and was… Well, probably the prettiest cock you’d ever had the pleasure of viewing.
It wasn’t too thick, but was long, and god you couldn’t wait to feel it inside of you. Patience.. That would come later.
“Pretty.” You whispered, which sent shivers up Peter’s spine. Pretty? What? You- Jesus he could barely think.
You unclasped your bra and in a split second he was on you again, his large palms cupping your breasts as he kneaded them gently.
He looked at you curiously before he let his lips ghost over your hard nipples before taking one of them into his mouth, sucking gently.
His mouth felt delicious against your breasts and you arched your chest into the feeling, hands gently grabbing his silver hair.
He spent several minutes exploring your breasts before he pawed at your jeans, trying to urge you to take them off. 
You did just as he wanted, unbuttoning and sliding them down your legs, leaving you in just your little panties.
And lord, Peter almost came again. The sight of you nearly completely naked made his cock ache. He needed something. Now. 
He grabbed for you, getting you into a lying position as you kicked off your underwear, letting it fall somewhere as he manhandled you into the perfect position. You were facing his length as he faced your core, both of you in a lying position. Peter nearly drooled at the proximity to your dripping cunt, wanting nothing more than to lean forward and taste.
“Go ahead baby.” You said gently as you took his cock in hand once more, stroking it firmly as you spit onto the tip. 
Peter almost forgot all about tasting you the second your hand was in contact with his cock, but luckily he hadn’t.
He scooted forward a bit, letting his tongue press against your core, barely breaching your folds. He swallowed hard, your slick covering his tongue in an intoxicating flavor that he could find himself easily getting addicted to.
He parted your folds with his tongue, delving inside as if he’d done this hundreds of times before. His nose brushed against your clit as he licked and sucked to his heart's content, mouthing at your core with a desperation you’d never experienced. 
You pressed your lips to the tip of his throbbing cock and his breath stuttered against you, lips wobbling.
His eyes were closed and his hands rested on your thighs as he tried to get his tongue as deep inside you as humanly possible. 
He was losing his ever loving mind. The mixture of you on his tongue and the way you licked so gently against the tip of his cock had him seeing stars.
He pulled away for a moment to breathe and watch as you kitten licked his cock.
He whimpered softly, bucking his hips against your lips, causing his cockhead to slide across your cheek, smearing his pre-cum against your skin.
“S-sorry-“ he mumbled, biting down on his bottom lip as you finally took his tip into your mouth, suckling on it like it was some kind of damned popsicle. The vacuum your mouth created against him had him crying out, thighs quivering as he teared up from the pleasure.
Your tongue gently traced the slit in his head and it had Peter crying out in sensitivity, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you to stop or even be gentle, because he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the slight pain it brought along with the overwhelming pleasure. 
“Fuck fuck fuck- ooooh god baby oh sHit-“ he decided to shut himself up by burying his face back in your pussy, eating you out like his life depended on it.
You had to say, for his first time, he wasn't bad. Not at all. In fact he was actually decent. He found your clit nearly instantly and suckled it into his mouth, being as gentle as could be while still pleasuring you.
You bobbed your head over his length, coating him in your saliva as he weakly bucked his hips forward, causing you to gag slightly.
Peter still couldn’t believe this was happening, part of him thinking this was some wet dream that his mind had dreamt up to torture him with. 
But nope. It was real. So real. Too real if you asked him. 
And soon enough he was close for the second time that night, body shaking with pleasure as you suckled on his cock. Dear lord, he couldn’t take it anymore, it was too much.
“Y-you gotta stop- I’m gonna- oooooh I’m gonna bust baby-“ he begged, hips desperately flexing as he shuddered.
You just continued your assault on his poor cock, milking him for everything he had, and he came once again, costing your mouth in his salty release.
He threw his head back and gasped, unable to catch his breath for several seconds. He thought he was going to die, but by some sort of luck, he survived. He was alive and well. So much better than well in fact.
He shivered as you popped off of his length, wiping your mouth as you swallowed his release and god damn, that was so hot to him.
He sat up shakily, breathing heavily as he blinked slowly, bliss overcoming him as he tried to calm himself down. 
Twice. You’d brought him to release twice already and he still wanted more.
There was just one last thing to do, and Peter was a little nervous, but ready.
He wanted to fuck you.
He sat up, glancing around your room curiously. The last thing he wanted was for the two of you to have to stop because you didn’t have protection. As much as Peter knew he could probably pull out before he came, he in no way wanted to risk it. Not a chance.
“You don’t got a Uh- a condom do ya?” He asked, chuckling softly as he fidgeted with his hands.
“You think I don’t? I’ve been waiting months for this Peter-“ you said, reaching over into your bedside drawer and pulling out a little foil packet, tossing it to Peter. He tore it open and carefully slid it on his length. It felt weird, tight but not bad. Just a new feeling, just like everything else that he’d experienced today.
You laid back on the bed, your breasts bouncing so perfectly as Peter stared for a bit too long, losing his train of thought as he so often did.  
You cleared your throat, snapping Peter out of his trance like state staring at your bomb as hell titties. Okay maybe he shouldn’t say it like that- your magnificent breasts. Was that better? No.. no it definitely was not.
The way you laid on your back, wiggling your hips upwards made Peter lightheaded and he found himself crawling towards you without a thought, pulling you into a kiss, his cock nudging at your entrance. His body was shaking a bit and he wasn’t sure if it was from excitement or nervousness. Maybe both? Yeah.. yeah probably both. Because holy shit, he was really about to do this? After today he’d no longer be a lame twenty something year old virgin! Yay! That had to call for a celebration of sorts.
He took his cock in hand, giving it a few firm strokes before placing it back at your entrance, giving a gentle push as you cunt sucked him in. Your wetness mixed with his saliva made the best lube as he slid right in with very little resistance.
A heavy gasp fell from your lips as with his first thrust inside, you felt as if the air had been knocked right from your lungs. He was hitting your cervix with ease, a bit of pain coming from just how far inside he was.
You gripped onto his shoulders as he began to thrust back and forth slowly, the feeling quite literally too much. You were so warm, so fucking tight and the way his cock slid in and out of you was a real sight to behold. 
He gripped the sheets by your head to steady himself. The last thing he wanted was to collapse and crush you or something embarrassing like that. That’d almost definitely ruin the mood.
Except you were sure he could do just about anything right now and it wouldn’t ruin the moment. He was so far inside you you swore you could feel him in your stomach. Your legs trembled as you wrapped them around Peters waist, pulling him closer as you cried out with each of his perfect thrusts.
Your moans were music to his ears and he swore he could record it and listen to it on repeat every second of the day. You shouldn’t even be allowed to make noises like that, considering the effect it had on poor Peter.
“Fuuuuuuck you’re so warm- my god-“ He groaned out as he thrust into you, his pace getting progressively faster and a bit rougher. You were definitely going to be sore later, but it would all be worth it.
You smiled softly and scratched at his shoulders gently with your nails, dragging a moan from his throat as his hips stuttered.
He’d find a pace and then stutter every few thrusts, humping into you with the desperation of an animal in heat.
He couldn’t believe he’d been missing out on this all these years. Sure people had told him sex felt good but this was more than just good. This was heaven.
“Mmm, so good for me Peter, r-rub. Rub my clit-“ you whined out, pressure building in your core with each thrust, his groin bumped against you, tingles of pleasure spiking through you.
Peter did exactly as you asked, one of his hands coming down to rub against your clit when suddenly he had the most devilish idea. 
He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in concentration as he began to buzz the pads of his fingers across your clit as he grinned, knowing the effect it would have on you.
You yelped in surprise, eyes flying open as you looked down to see what he was doing. Oh. You hadn’t even thought of that as a possibility but it was so good.
“Peter- baby I-I’m close-“ you managed to choke out, arching your back to meet each of his thrusts, your poor abused pussy clenching around him in desperation.
“I’m close too- fuck cum for me baby- cum for Quickie-“ He let out a breathless laugh as his thrusts lost their rhythm even more, his thighs shaking as he felt himself just about to tip over the edge.
You weren’t sure if the two of you came at the same time, but it had to have been pretty damn close because the second you saw stars behind your eyelids, you felt warmth inside you as Peter released into the condom.
Once the two of you rode out your releases and caught your breath a bit, he pulled out of you, pulling the condom off his sensitive length and tossing it into the small trash can at the edge of the bed.
He collapsed against the bed, chest heaving hard as he turned over to look at you. He was a wreck, sweaty silver hair covering his forehead and poking him in the eye as he blinked. His whole body was hot to the touch, glistening with the smallest sheen of sweat.
“That was fucking amazing. Holy shit balls.” He panted, looking at the ceiling as he attempted to process what had just happened. He was no longer a virgin! Woohoo! Now no one could continue to make fun of him for it! 
“Shit balls?” You questioned, shaking your head as you laughed, smoothing Peter’s hair back out of his face before pressing a kiss to his nose, grinning. 
He snuggled close to you despite being sweaty and gross, closing his eyes as he breathed heavily, exhausted. It was another new feeling to him. He wasn’t usually tired and rarely ever slept, so for the first time in a while, he felt like he needed a nap. And a Twinkie, but a nap first.
“That was so good baby- thank you- I gotta sleep, feel like I’m gonna pass out.” He said groggily, pressing kisses to your skin in an almost delirious way as he fought to stay awake. 
“I’ll be here when you wake up, Peter. Sleep.” You cooed and he cuddled closer to you, wrapping you up in his arms. You felt so safe, and Peter just felt at peace. 
His new title was ‘the no longer virgin!’ And he intended to wear it proudly. 
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storygremlin · 6 days
Okay, for very real I need everyone acting like Colin didn’t “suffer enough” or whatever to take a breath and like…I dunno, rethink how u treat ur friends or something.
Like, Penelope’s feelings being hurt about the comment he made at the end of S2 is so real, but also her forgiving him as soon as he genuinely apologizes and follows through on being a solid friend is what friendship is??? Have none of you ever been accused by random people you only kinda know about being into ur close friends just bc ur opposite genders and then doing that panicky defense thing where you laugh really loud and go “what r u even saying dude? Hahaha that’s ridiculous they’re my bestie we are The Most Platonic (tm)” just to get them to leave u alone?
Does Colin overcompensate? Yes. Is it understandable, especially given the information we have about Penelope’s feelings, that she feels hurt and made fun of? Also yes. But very obviously, he wasn’t trying to make fun of her because he didn’t know how she felt. Very obviously, he loves talking to her and spending time with her. Very obviously, he values her opinion of him. He just didn’t want other people implying things about their friendship, specifically because it’s so important to him. If it wasn’t important to him, he wouldn’t have kept writing her even when she wasn’t writing him back. He wouldn’t have followed her out of that ball and tried to figure out what was wrong. He wouldn’t have sought her out in her garden, listened to her explanation, and offered his help despite the risk to their reputations. And he wouldn’t have quickly forgiven her snooping in his private journal and smiled so bashfully when she complimented his writing.
And when he realizes he’s in love with her he gives her the choice. He risks being so deeply vulnerable, kneels in front of her, and says, “I need you, I crave you, this is torture but I want it cause it’s you, do you want me?” And he’s fully ready to back off when he thinks she’s rejecting him. That’s respect.
Friends to lovers isn’t friends to lovers if they’re punishing each other over mistakes or lack of communication.
Friends to lovers is only good when there’s inherent love and trust and a desire to understand, support, and forgive each other pulling people together. Not despite themselves. If you want love despite themselves watch S2. Friends to lovers is love because. Because they’ll talk things out. Because they’ll try to encourage and forgive. Because they’ll do whatever is necessary to keep it good. Its love because of themselves. Because they value and love each other enough to keep trying.
That’s friendship bitch. And I love theirs.
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coralinnii · 1 year
I love the villain scorned by the world feat: Azul genre: drama note: continuation of reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy AU Azul ver, not gender specific reader, no pronouns used, use of non-canon characters (Neveah), 1.4k word count
I know people wanted to see more of the female and male lead’s downfall but Azul’s story has so much potential for drama that I just can’t skip it. This is more of an interaction between villain/ess!reader and the female lead and things are getting interesting. There’s more to the story
Is it funny that the more I write Azul’s villain/ess!reader, the more they’re starting to be like how I think Jade would act…just sassier
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You became the talk of the kingdom for quite some time and you weren’t surprised. You had your engagement annulled and disowned from your family but you managed to disgrace your former fiancé the prince and his lover with their affair. Instead of a fallen noble, you became a surviving noble who became a victim of unfaithful love. All according to your plan.
Free from your downfall, you find yourself living in comfort in your own house close to Azul. The royal family and your own parents have requested your attendance but you declined their letters, playing your victim card to the fullest.
“Oh no, how could I possibly return back to the palace where I had my heart broken?” “My family disowned me. The least I could do is respect their wishes” Good riddance to that stifling environment.
You did notice that you never once received a letter from the young prince, the male lead though you would scoff and burn it if he did anyway. You figured that he was too prideful to address the affair with you. He wasn’t regretful for his actions nor was he regretful he got caught. The original series seriously had a bad cast.
Though it could also be that since the disgraceful act the male lead was sentenced to house arrest to “reflect on his actions”. From your sources, he’s just been angry all this time, especially when he hasn’t been able to meet with his beloved.
Speaking of which, the female lead has been busy through all this fiasco. Crying and spinning the tale of how she was a helpless victim in this mess as well, saying how she was clueless throughout everything since being so new to the noble society.
Please, Jade has better acting skills than she does. You supposed you could commend her for her guts.
Like how she was gutsy enough to visit you in your own home.
“I’m so glad you’re willing to meet with me” Neveah smiled but you didn’t return the smile, choosing to sip your tea.
“You should be glad, considering I probably would have ignored you” you replied indifferently. “It just so happens that I wanted to ask you a few questions”
“Oh? What kind of questions?~” That exaggerated childlike tone of hers really rubbed you the wrong way.
Fighting through your irritation, you questioned her “I’ve heard that you’ve been attempting to meet with Azul for the past few days. Curious since you two aren’t even acquaintances”
“But, we are! Me and Azul are really close~”
“That’s not what Azul says, and you will address him as Count Ashengrotto” you rebuked her claim, a little snippier than you wished but your patience is not unlimited and the ditzy lady is truly testing you.
Azul mentioned his troubles to you when you asked about the visible stress on his face. Apparently he has unfortunately been bumping into the female lead at his businesses and she has been trying to interact with him, even offering to have tea with her…in his own restaurant.
“Tricking her would be akin to taking candy from a child, but even a child is more worthwhile than speaking with her” Azul sighed in aggravation with his brows furrowed. You kept a sympathetic expression but you felt a sense of joy over the silvernette’s words. There’s nothing wrong in secretly taking glee in your crush sharing your disdain over the same irritance, right?
“Perhaps you should take a short rest, Azul” you suggested, “This stress will do you no good and you can’t afford to make mistakes due to your clouded mind”
Azul sighed but nodded “you may have a point”
“Would you like to rest on my lap? I wouldn’t mind after all”
Refocusing your attention away from your memories, you sharpened your gaze at your uninvited guest. “Considering Azul is someone dear to me, I worry about your intentions in approaching him”
Then, the situation took an interesting turn.
The young lady in front of you, undeterred from your stare, smiled brightly which some could compare to something angelic…to some. But her words did not match her innocent appearance.
“Are you worried that I would approach Azul the way you did?”
You didn’t break your expression but you must admit you were close to. Is she insinuating…
“Isn’t it weird that the famously lovesick fiancé of the prince suddenly changed?” Neveah questioned, putting on a confused pout on her lips. “No explanations, like a whole new person. The story has changed”
Oh, how interesting.
“So you’re interested in me” you finally smiled back “What can I say, I realized one day this was not my love story so I decided to change my ways”
“Is that so?~”
“Yes. But back to the topic,” you took control back of the conversation “You haven’t explained your reason for approaching the count?”
Whatever calculating look you thought you saw in the female lead disappeared as she smiled even brighter than before, fully committing to her innocent appearance.
“I just felt so bad in interfering with your engagement that I’ve been avoiding the prince in respect for you, not even replying to his letters. Then maybe you can reinstate your engagement with your beloved”
My beloved? You truly had difficulty not outright laughing out loud over that idea. But it was an interesting tidbit the female lead gave, knowing that the prince has been sending her letters meant that those two are still in contact. Just because she said she doesn’t reply, she could still be reading them.
“I’ve been trying really hard to forget the prince so I’ve been visiting the Monstro Lounge to get away” she continued her story, managing a tear from her eyes. “And I’ve been seeing the count there so I thought we could be friends”
So this is how she’s been fooling the masses. You’re willing to admit that she’s definitely a better actress than you initially give her with her sweet words and unassuming “innocence”. But you knew the story she conveniently left out.
Breaking the engagement between the royal family and your (ex)family of duke status, the male lead has been in hot water ever since as his reputation has affected him to the point that his right to the throne is in jeopardy. Azul on the other hand has been making a name for himself and his value in the kingdom is very attractive to many pursuers.
“How shamelessly greedy of you, Ms. Protagonist” you smirked at the female lead who continues to put on a sweet facade, you commend her ambitions at least. She really wants her happy ending.
But you’re done with this conversation already. You got your answers and have no interest in keeping company with this eyesore for any longer.
“That’s all I need to hear, I believe it’s time for you to leave” With that, you waved to your guards who were standing by to escort the lady to the door.
“Wait, then will you take the prince back? And convince the families to restore the engagement” Neveah quickly asked you before she was ushered. Ah, so that’s why she came to see you. You never did bother to ask…or care.
“Firstly, I don’t have the habit of picking up trash I already tossed out” you calmly stood up from your seat, smoothing down your clothes of creases, and gave a smile towards the female lead before speaking again “Secondly, I’m simply respecting what you said to me. Do you remember? You couldn’t stop from loving who you want”
You watched Neveah stutter and stumble, trying to find the right words but you weren’t interested anymore so you proceeded to leave the room first with some parting words before your guards walk the female lead out of your home.
“I’m letting you love the prince like you said you wanted, and I’ll love who I want, and I intend to fight”
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jennay · 4 months
Last Night
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Noah Sebastian x Reader
Tags: @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @dominuslunae @myownthoughts12 @cookiesupplier @somewhere-diamond @lacktoesandtoddlerants @bloody-delusion-expert
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You were supposed to be having a good time at the bar, but something in the back of your mind told you it wouldn't work out that way.
You were attempting to ignore the feeling by sipping on your drink and ignoring the thoughts, but your stomach was uneasy, and your thoughts continued to race. Something didn't feel right.
"Go sing." Folio teases, breaking you out of your trance, "You've had at least three drinks; you'll be fine." He beams from across the table.
You shake your head and smile before walking to sit next to him and across from Jolly. Your nerves were getting the best of you, and you had difficulty sitting in one place. You wonder where Noah is but try to brush it off. You know he's around somewhere, and you didn't want to act like a jealous girlfriend and hunt him down for socializing with other people. You remained calm, and you put your trust in him. You knew if something was wrong, Noah would tell you. The two of you were close to celebrating your third anniversary, and in that time, you had worked so hard on communication skills and learning how to be with one another, fighting the stereotypes of dating an upcoming rockstar; you knew if you could get through the last few rough years, then there was nothing stopping you from being together.
You had no reason to doubt him at least not yet.
"I'll sing with you!" Jolly encourages from across the table, holding his drink up to you as if he wanted you to clink yours in agreement. "It could be fun!"
"No," You laugh as you clink drinks with him. "I'm not doing it. I know you guys and you'll record it and hold it over my head to embarrass the shit out of me tomorrow." You had a decent voice but were not confident enough to show it off.
Bryan and Matt are seen from the door walking toward the table to join in on your fun night out. You wave them over, hoping that it will take the heat off you. They were always up for causing any form of chaos.
"Have Matt and Bryan go with you! They look like they're ready for a good night." You suggest, pointing at their cheerful faces.
Jolly dramatically rolls his brown eyes, "It's not the same." He says, pouting. You knew he wanted to distract you from Noah's absence; he noticed it bothered you more than you let on. He felt something was off about Noah but didn't want to ruin your night.
Jolly was the one who introduced you to Noah, and though he didn't exactly approve of you dating Noah, he gave you his blessing because he knew how much he meant to you.
You shrug him off, standing up, "I'm gonna go find Noah." You announce, feeling a sudden urge to see him. You wanted to know what kept him so long and why he hadn't returned to the table.
"I think I saw him go outside," Ruffilo adds. He'd seen Noah sneak out of the bar about half an hour ago and wondered what he was up to. He hoped it was nothing serious, but he had a nagging suspicion that it was. Noah's vibes were off tonight, and it didn't take much for anyone to notice.
Usually, by this time, you would feel his arm around you, his kisses on your face, and his compliments in your ear. But tonight, Noah was acting distant and cold. He barely touched you, looked at you, or talked to you. You felt a pang of sadness and confusion, wondering what was wrong.
You nod and push your chair back to stand up. You glance over to your side, seeing the sea of people. "Wish me luck." You say with dread; you hated the crowded and noisy bars. You tuck your chair back under the table, taking a deep breath as you try to make your way through the masses. You finally reach the door.
You sigh in relief as you step outside, escaping the noisy and cramped bar. You look around the small patio, illuminated by fairy lights and candles.
You spot Noah sitting at a table near the corner, his back to the wall. You walk over to him with a smile, eager to see him. You stop when his head snaps up at you. He doesn't smile back, and you see the worry in his eyes. You feel your heart sink into your stomach; something is wrong.
"You okay?" You notice he doesn't jump up at the opportunity to hug or kiss you like usual.
He gives you a pained and apologetic glance like he has a secret to tell. You notice him gulp, and you feel his anxiety. You are afraid of what he'll say.
Noah shakes his head, "There's something we should talk about." He says, in a low and serious tone. He signals for you to sit with him, but you don't. You feel reluctant, and you stay where you are. You don't want to give him the opportunity to hurt you because you know he's about to, and it's gonna be agonizing.
You know what those words mean. You had hoped Noah was different and wouldn't hurt you like they did. But now, you realize he's just like them and is about to hurt you more than they ever did.
Noah stands but creates distance between you, unsure how you will react to his words. He knew you weren't going to get violent with him, but he also knew he was about to willingly break your heart, and he hated himself for it. "I didn't want to do this here, but I need to get it out." He sighs, nervously running his tattoed fingers through his long brown hair, attempting to distract himself from what your face will show. "This isn't working." He finally locks eyes with you, ready for you to scream at him.
He shamefully lowers his gaze, and you see him bite his lip. You wonder what else he will say, and a part of you doesn't want to know.
You gasped, your eyes wide open. Even though you felt it was coming, it was still shocking to hear him say it. Noah had promised you everything and was destroying your hope for the future.
You see his nostrils flare, and it looks like he is suppressing his emotions. Noah seems like a different person, not the man you adore. You feel stabbed in the back. You can't believe he is discarding everything you had, shared, and felt.
"What the fuck …" You trail off with a whisper, feeling a lump in your throat.
You feel your jaw harden with anger. You feel so blindsided. How did you trust his lies, his promises, his charms? How did you let him manipulate you and make you think he loved you? Noah wasn't any different from any other man.
"You said you loved me three hours ago…" You say, recalling your conversation as you walked with him to the bar. You'd been holding hands, laughing, and kissing. You'd been happy, and so had he. Or so you thought. He gazed at you with love in his eyes and whispered in your ear that you were his everything. He said he couldn't imagine life without you and wanted to grow old with you. You had meant it, but he hadn't. Now that the truth has hit you, Noah means nothing to you.
"Is there someone else?" You wonder, feeling your heart beat rapidly against your chest.
Noah nods, his eyes darting to the ground, and he feels shame. He can't look you in the eyes because he knows he doesn't deserve to.
You instantly wonder who she is, what she looks like, what she has that you don't. You wonder how he met her, if he loves her, if he tells her the same things he told you, if he makes her happy.
Noah knows that what he is about to say will make him lose everything, and he doesn't want to see the end, the death, the goodbye in your eyes, but it's too late now.
"She's someone I used to love, and I just, I never got over her, and she's back in town. I don't want to hurt you by continuing this with you if I'm still conflicted about my feelings for her. I have to find out what this means… I'm sorry." He says, sounding genuine but not apologetic. He's only sorry for himself.
You look at him, speechless, numb, broken. You can't comprehend what you just heard, what he just said, what he just did. You can't understand anything except for the pain that consumes your heart, your soul, and your body.
You feel a tear slide down your cheek and brush it away with your hand. You don't want to cry, not for him, not in front of him, not because of him. You don't want to give him the pleasure, the power, or the control.
You don't want to show him your weakness, vulnerability, or humanity. Your anger burns in your chest. You're consumed by it, and he's the target right now.
"Fuck you, Noah… It's fine." You say with a huff. You feel your shoulders tighten and throw your hands up in disbelief. "I'm thankful this happened now and not later when I was super attached to you in the future, and thanks for showing me you're just like every other fucking guy I've dated." Your hands land back at your side with a loud smack. "You promised me you were different, but you're not! You're just like every other half-assed dude. I should have listened to my friends-I should've listened to myself in the beginning! I knew this wouldn't work; you were all these walking red flags and I still tried to look past it and give you a chance!" You shake your head, tilting your gaze up to not let any more tears well up and slide down your face. "I'm going to be fine." You assure him, "Do not come crawling back to me when you're miserable and realize what you've lost."
Noah flinches at your words. His eyes wander your face. He's shocked by your words, anger, and who you just became.
"What's worse is you did it at the bar with all our friends inside. You did this to me in front of Jolly…he was right you know? I should've stayed away from you." You take in a deep breath, your eyes wandering around the patio. You close your eyes and try to maintain your composure. You're greeted by Noah's brown eyes locking with yours when you open them. "I feel like a fucking idiot." You harshly say, not dropping your eye contact with him. It shocked you how those eyes you loved so much made you sick to your stomach.
"I didn't want it to be this way." He whispers, his voice barely audible.
"But it is Noah and I regret ever letting you in. I'll never be able to trust my own judgement again. You wrecked that for me." You say, your voice is cold and bitter. "I hope you fall for that woman so hard, and then she dumps you and shatters your heart, and I hope it hurts so bad." You dry the tears from your eyes as you turn away from him and head back inside the bar.
Jolly sees you crying and trying to get away from the crowd. He notices the pain in your eyes and feels the worry in his chest. He rises from his seat and follows you out the front door, calling your name with concern. He reaches you on the sidewalk and asks you to stop. And when you turn around, you're face to face with him.
You can't talk or breathe; you let him hold you and gently stroke your back. He enfolds you in his arms, and he draws you close to him. He presses his cheek to your head and whispers in your ear. "What happened?"
"He ended it. Like I was nothing to him." You let out another sob.
You feel Jolly's jaw clench and sense his anger, but he's not mad at you. He's angry that he gave Noah the benefit of the doubt. "Do you want me to take you home?" His voice is soft and kind. He knows you need a place to rest, heal, and recover. He knows you need a friend to listen, support, and comfort. Jolly knows you need anyone but Noah. Noah is nothing but the one who broke your heart.
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