sunlitmcgee · 2 years
thumbnails that make you miss early season 3 cpuffy
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it’s a good video you all should go watch it
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desnayy · 10 months
Man, from what I've been seeing on dash, these fuckers need therapy... Someone get TheraPuffy on the server lol
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songbird-sunrise · 8 months
u need to send us to therapuffy for dropping us from that high ://///
chat I think we have bigger things to worry about right now
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axe-of-ender · 2 years
the post-banquet c!foolish stream was so good lore-wise but i was just reminded of how we had created the most ridiculous list ever. from that stream. so here you go.
here's a list of things chat said the egg sounded like.
prince philip
mickey mouse after chain smoking
donald duck
rat (bbh's dog)
callahan voice reveal
too many more below the cut + extras
papa smurf
patches (dream's cat)
taylor swift
lil nas x
james charles
drip llama
jeffree star
charli d'amelio + dixie d'amelio
ripoff emperor palpatine
the wicked witch
chat has also asked the egg:
to stop smoking
to lay off that weed
to touch some grass
to clear its throat
to drink some water
to get an inhaler
to eat a snickers
if it's single
and also:
made moana references
said "this is deffo flerting"
told foolish to shift dance in the holy water
told foolish to twerk on the egg (???)
told foolish to pop a choccy milk to make the pain go away
told foolish to whip and nae nae on the egg
recommended therapuffy
got distracted by one cow
said this is a wendy's sir, not therapy
said oogway saves the day once again
said enemies to lovers, foolish x egg slow burn (multiple times, all /j)
said 'disney princess arc;
said 'gay for the egg'
were referencing wilbur soot songs
wondered if foolish is hiding drugs and children in his basement
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^ this is what chat looked like the whole time.
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flamedoesart · 2 years
I refuse to let this story go until my brain decides it’s not worth it anymore.
Maybe I’m stupid for sticking so fiercely to something that has become moldy and rusted over the past year and a half, but I just can’t let it all go yet.
How can I, when s1 + s2 + early s3 exist? How can I when c!Tommy is my sweet little guy, my absolute favorite character ever?
Of course I’m bitter. I don’t speak on it much, but I am bitter over a lot of things that happened. If I wasn’t an artist and if there weren’t as many talented people in this fandom keeping this series alive through their works, I am sure I’d have left ages ago.
As a lorehead I feel empty and as an artist I don’t. Two contradictory things that don’t mesh cleanly in my head.
It’s not fair that it all became this way. It’s not fair that Techno is gone, it’s not fair that c!Wilburs ending was so rushed and disappointing, it’s not fair that volume 2 keeps getting pushed back, it’s not fair that it took the Egg plotline an entire year to have its conclusion, it’s not fair that TFTSMP has been pushed back indefinitely, it’s not fair that. Well. The shit with Dream happened.
None of it is fair.
I don’t feel punished for enjoying this story, but I feel punished for sticking with it for so long. I get it, people move forward and the ccs have other shit they want to do, but it leaves everyone who still cares about this story with Well, what about us?
What about all the subs and donations and money we gave these people because they had a sub goal that was lore-related? Hey remember when Therapuffy was supposed to happen?
And that’s not to say that the ccs don’t care. I know Tommy is basically fighting in the front lines for all us loreheads, bless his little heart. I know Quackity, despite how long it takes him to do his lore, still gets it done and it’s beautiful every time. I know some of these guys do care and do want to give us all the story we deserve.
But it’s hard. It’s hard to be happy knowing that 1) anything Dreams name is attached to is gonna forever be fucking tainted bc of well [gestures at Everything] and 2) these guys have not made due on their promises so many times that it means very little anymore.
I don’t know where to go from here. I wanna rewatch the entire series and stop at c!Wilburs revival. I wanna quit but I can’t, because this is my hyperfix and I don’t wanna return to the Empty Void again where I didn’t care this intensely about anything.
I still watch the ccs, but the lore is what I initially came here for. I want Some type of conclusion, please.
I just want to be happy.
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Thought I'd spread the word
(Stop reducing puffy's character down to a mother figure/therapist now thank youuu <3)
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kattarofran · 3 years
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Therapy :]
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weird0strawberry · 3 years
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She’s beauty, 
she’s grace, 
she’s saving the entire human race.
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meteor752 · 2 years
Dream SMP sona memes 5
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Aaaaaaand, that’s officially the last one
I said I wanted to do a last with the Therapuffy staff, and so I did!
I hope you enjoyed these little memes I’ve made, because you won’t be getting anymore cuz I’m milked set of ideas
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soupette · 3 years
Puffy, with many pages of notes laying on every surface, after Tommy’s been talking for hours: You’ve had such a terrible life, Tommy, I’m so proud of you for reaching out. It’ll take some time to unpack... all of this but I’ll be there! And I appreciate the rundown of everything. You—
Tommy: oh this isn’t my life story or anything. it’s yesterday?
Puffy, softly: what the fuck
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almostdeath · 3 years
Therapuffy: Okay guys...so...what do you do, if something upsets you or when you are stressed?
Tubbo: building nuclear weapons.
Ranboo: Maybe...scream?..
JSchlatt: Manipulate and drink. *is drinking...right now...*
Technoblade: Murder.
Quackity: Torture.
Wilbur: Blow stuff up!
Therapuffy: .....well...okay....we have screaming, I guess...
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jpegink · 2 years
Ramboo lounging on a therapists couch in a ball gown!?
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therapuffy :]
bonus no gown ranboo beacuse i forgot about it and had to re do it 😎
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king-of-the-oranges · 3 years
Bench trio (plus Shroud and Michael) going to Captain Puffy for safety when they realise Dream’s about to escape because she is the only adult that hasn’t screwed them over yet. (Plus she’s helped Tommy with therapy stuff, let’s go therapuffy.)
Despite Dream being her duckling she would never give them up to him, and so hides them with ease. She just wants to protect the children of the server, and if they come to her for help who is she to deny them? She is willing to fight her duckling in this instance.
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vtinesday · 3 years
Idk if c!tommy going to therapy is canon or not but it would be funny if him having therapy session is the reason why he couldn't go and hang out with Wilbur 💀💀
"sorry Wilbur i wish i could but I have therapy with puffy today. I promised to do a crochet session with her for this week's activity🕴️"
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l10l0v3 · 3 years
My favorite after ghostbur's death headcanons
- When Revivebur came back Tommy dyed all his old clothes blue out of spite
- He told Puffy about Ghostbur dying and the next therapy appointment Puffy dyed all her hair blue and Tommy dyed the part that looked like Revivebur's hair blue in rememberance
- Ghostbur showed Tommy how to make "blue" but instead Tommy made something he calls "red". Its malleable clay that he kneeds when he's frustrated or angry and it turns redder the more anger he puts into it. (he basically took ghostbur's blue and made a healthy coping mechanism out of it)
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class-cryptid · 3 years
After the most recent Eggpire stream I came to two (2) conclusions:
I’m so worried for Puffy, we need our only therapist! Also apparently it has been decided by BBH that Tommy has had wonderful parental figures for over a week now and that is just unacceptable. Captain Puffy and Sam better kick some ass!
Hell yeah you go Purpled! Get that payday! You don’t appear to have any moral qualms with assassinating someone, but I think you’re pretty cool. I do think it’s pretty funny that the majority of us went: “DON’T YOU DARE HURT THEM- *gasp* the last minor! And he’s an assassin! POG!”
I have to admit that for some reason my first thought was a combination of “how long will it take for this minor to gather a collection of parental figures” and “Puffy needs to hurry up and drag Bad to therapy ASAP.”
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