#these are actually page 194-195
elle-p · 1 year
P3 Club Book pages 21-22 scan and transcription.
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Minato Ward                     Keywords 04
伊織順平 (以下「順」)   順平と!
チドリ (以下「チ」)   チドリ の。
順   何でも相談室ぅ!わー、ぱふぱふぱふ、どんどんどんどん。
チ   順平、うるさい······。
順   うっうっうっ······ち······チドリぃ! 会いたかったぜえっ!!
チ   きゃ、きゃあ!な、何っ?
順   まさか再び生きて会えるなんてええええ。あのラブラブの日々よ、もう一度!カムバック マイラブワンスモーア!
チ   えーと······盛り上がってるところ悪いけど······私は、本編のチドリとは別物だから。
順   へ?
チ   ラブラブは、ない方向で。
順   あの、ポートアイランド駅前で、オレに絵を見せてくれた思い出は?
チ   ひとつ、なかったことに。
順   毎日病院に見舞った日々は?
チ   それも、なかったことに。
順   じゃあじゃあ、オレに命を譲ってくれた、あれはあれは?
チ   う······そ、それも、ちょっと今は、あの······忘れて。
順   んじゃ、白河町で過ごした、 ふたりの初めての夜の思い出はっ!?
チ   そんなのないからっ!ドサクサまぎれて、自分に都合のいい記憶捏造しないのっ!
順   ちぇーっ。んじゃ、オレとチドリの思い出で一杯の、港区についてのQ&A行ってみるぜっ。
チ   はいはい。
チ   そうね。雰囲気が······ちょっとどこかで見覚えがある感じ。
順   チドリン鋭いぜ~。開発スタッフの人に聞いてみたら、『P3』は “現実にありそうな街” ってのがビジュアルコンセプトにあったらしくて、実際に湾岸の街にまで取材に行きまくった5しいぜ~。
チ   湾岸って言うと、例えば?
順   品川周辺、あとお台場、それと羽田空港あたりだってさ。アトラスの開発室が大久保にあるから······うわ、何度も取材するにはけっこう大変なんじゃねえか?
チ   こら順平。 関東以外の読者にわからない納得しないの。 ちなみに、一番遠いのが羽田で、電車で片道1時間かかるくらいの場所。
順   あと、 撮った写真が500枚だとよ。いやー、根性あるね~。
順   あ一、あれはシナリオ上ではちゃんと移動してるけど、プレイヤーが自分で操作して移動するって段取りを、結果的に省いた場所だな。
チ   少し詳しく和りたいわね。
順   まず、わかりやすいのがポートアイランド駅のすぐ上にある、搭みたいな建物。あれが、幾 月が落っこちた噂の天文台だ。
チ   ああ、なるほど。だとすると、月光館学園ってかなり大きい?
順   多少デフォルメしてあるけど、実際でかいよな。196ぺージに月光館学園全体図があるけど、それ見てもらえばわかるだろ? で、全体マップで夫文台のさらにちょっと北にある、やや地味な色合いの建物が、チドリンが入院してた辰巳記念病院。主人公がオレだったら、放課後の移動先に入ってたんだけどねえ。
チ   はいはい、その話題はもういいから······他にはないの?
順   あとは、ムーンライトブリッジの、ちょっと右上にある薄いべージュっぽいビル街、あるだろ? あそこも思い出の場所だね~。
チ   思い出の、揚所?
順   男子高校生の憧れ! 白河通りのラブホテル街がそこだあっ!
チ   いや、思い出ないから。あ、順平はあるわね。真田先輩との思い出。
順   ······忘れてエ······。
順   我らが巌戸台分寮だな。確かに寮とは思えな���くらいレトロつ(2 characters aren't there)豪華なとこなんだよな。元々はホテルかなんかだったのを、改装して寮にしたって噂もあるぜ。ただ、ラウンジが豪華なのは、美鶴先輩が持ち込んだ家具のせいもあるけどな。
チ   確か、キャラクターデザインの副島さんが、寮のデザインについては希望を出してたのよね?
順   らしいな。何でも、ニューヨークにあるレンガ造りのアパートっぽくしたかったんだと。で、具体的なイメージを聞いてみたんだけど、映画の『ニューヨーク東8番街の奇跡』って知ってるか? 小さいUFOが出てくるやつ。あの話の舞台になってる建物が、副島さん内部の寮のイメージなんだってさ。
チ   映画、見たことないから······。
順   んじゃ、今度見に行こうぜ! レンタルでもいいや。な?な?
チ   はいはい、次の質問行くわよ。映画は······まあ、そのうちね。
順   おいこら、マジで失礼だな。一応ちゃんと毎日入ってるつーの!
チ   そういえば、私が潜入したときにも風呂はなかった気がするわ。
順   寮1Fの奥に、普段は開かないドアがあっただろ?覚えてないか?
チ   あ、確か表口ってやつ?
順   そうそう。あそこから出ると、寮の表手に風呂やオープンキッチンがある別館が建ってるんだよ。あと駐車揚も同じ場所にあって、美鶴先輩のバイクはそこに停めてある。
チ   どこまで豪垂なの、あの寮?
順   ま、元ホテルって噂もあながちウンじゃねえかもな。あ、でも風呂に関しちゃもうひとつ噂があってな。3Fにある美鶴先輩の部屋って、特別に3部屋ぶち抜きになってるだろ?あそこだけは、ちゃんと個人用の浴室があるって話だぜ。ちくしょー!うらやましいぃ一!
順   しょうがねえなあ。んじゃ、このオレが体を張って実際に······。
チ   却下。プライバシーの侵害。
順   んだよ~、報道の自由ってものもあるだろー?ま、しょうがねえから教えられる範囲で教えてやろうかな。まず、オレの部屋。
チ   め··················っちゃくちゃ汚いって聞いたわ。
順   う······そ、その通り。まあ、自分でどこに何があるかだいたい分かる······と思うから大丈夫大丈夫。
チ   今度、抜き打ちチェック行こうかしら······。
順   あと真田先輩の部屋は、やっぱりといえばやっぱりだけど、トレーニング機器で一杯らしいぜ。それとアイギスの部屋は、オレの機械知識じゃ上手く言えないけど、なんつーの?ヒミツ基地って感じ?
チ   何だか、わかるようなわからないような······。
順   あ、それと笑えるのが天田の部屋!アイツいつも独りで突っ張ってるけど、こっそりぺット飼ってるらしいぞ。やっぱ寂しいんだぜ。いやー、可愛いところもあるもんだ。
チ   ふーん······私もペット飼ってるようなものだから親近感湧くかも。
順   え?チドリってペット飼ってんの?チワワ?フェレット?
チ   順平。
順   えーと······冗談、だよな?
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bratshaws · 1 year
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can you believe it took me months to make an actual masterlist, I'm a sham
because tumblr HATES ME
If you like any of my fics, or comment on them,I'll love you forever, <3
I'll post whatever other GG related stuff here too, so..YEAH!
(also if the banner looks weird its cause i tried to make it and this is the only way it seemed....good. for me. ehe)
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eliasappreciator · 1 year
attempting to compile comprehensive Elias appearances & information sources for Me, a guy with Problems
Angler Fish (1), Page Turner (4), Dreamer (11), SCheating Death (29), Taken Ill (36), Burnt Offering (37), Butcher's Window (49), Binary (65), Thought For The Day (68), The Coming Storm (91), Lights Out (98), Another Twist (101), Creature Feature (110), The Eye Opens (160) [also kind of an appearance? yknow. his statement!]
The Bone Turner's Tale (17) [briefly], Infestation (39), Human Remains (40), Lost In The Crowd (48), Observer Effect (60), Burning Desire (67), The Librarian (80), The Eyewitnesses (82), Possessive (84), Body Builder (90), Nothing Beside Remains (92), Lights Out (98), Nesting Instinct (102), Sneak Preview (104), A Matter Of Perspective (106), The Show Must Go On (116), Eye Contact (120), Remains To Be Seen (127), The Architecture Of Fear (138), The Panopticon (158), Parting (194) [plus either 193 or 195]
details under readmore
appearances details
MAG 17: starting at 7:50, "miss hearn has lodged a complaint." we get a "jonathon!" and the famous "I'll be more lovely." [also a mention in the final comments]
MAG 39: starting 13:52, Elias and Sasha discuss the Jane Prentiss attack as it happens.
MAG 48: starting 20:50, private disciplinary meeting between Jon and Elias regarding his paranoia.
MAG 60: 15:50 disciplinary hearing again
MAG 67: starting 19: 34, argument about the tunnels.
MAG 80: brutal pipe murder
MAG 84: starting 20:26, Elias offers Melanie a job
MAG 90: starting 3:15, talking with Tim about his unauthorized leave
MAG 92: reads a statement, pleasured exhalation. he is there from the episode beginning onwards.
MAG 98: starting 21:55 Melanie tries coffee poisoning him (Elias and Jon drink their coffee the same and this is "a fair assumption" for some reason)
MAG 102: from beginning 3:10. "I admit I may have overreacted [by beating leitner to death with a lead pipe]"
MAG 104: starting 25:10ish, Elias announces himself with "knock knock" aloud
MAG 106: starting 24:48 onwards, Melanie performance review.
MAG 116: from beginning, showing Gertrude's tape about the Mechanical Turk & the previous attempted stranger ritual.
MAG 120: dream narration
MAG 138: Martin goes to see him in prison
MAG 127: starting 24:20, meeting with Basira.
MAG 135: starting 20:34, meeting with Basira again regarding Jon's trip into the buried.
MAG 138: Martin goes to see him in prison
MAG 148: from beginning, Basira beats Elias up for keeping Jon's pulling statements out of unwilling strangers a secret.
MAG 194 [or maybe 193 or 195]: yknow the one we find him in the panopticon. all spooky-like. Jon says this place wasn't made for him, it was made for Jon.
MAG 1: in opening
MAG 4: 29:51 about making the leitner search a top priority institute project
MAG 11: 22:17, regarding Gertrude's death
MAG 17: in final comments Jon notes that Elias would tell him to watch and record, and not interfere with events.
MAG 24: in final comments 22:44 about the calliope organ
MAG 29: starting at 23:19, about his time working as a filing clerk in 1972 (two decades before Elias began working there, a year before James Wright even became Head of the institute, meaning he actually witnessed these events from the skull of Richard Mendelson).
MAG 36: a little bit after 21:37, Tim asks Jon about a delivery Elias was also enquiring about. he asked "a couple of questions".
MAG 37: at around 3:01 Jon mentions Elias giving him "advice" to destroy the table that binds the Not-Them.
MAG 49: starting supplemental 24:58. "used to be something of a pothead" comment as well as comments about his employment history.
MAG 65: about trouble installing security cameras in the archive. starting 24:05. follow through for Tim saying "Elias doesn't care," and "he should've fired you weeks ago" and also a heart wrenching Sasha mention
MAG 69: starting supplemental 22:41, literally just Jon saying "short of confronting Elias" with regards to his tunnel explorations
MAG 91: starting 17:40 for Jon character moment leading into mentioning Jon suspecting Elias for murder. Actual Elias mention starting 18:49ish ("first [Jon] then his creepy boss"), 19:18 for "I think it was Elias" about the murders.
MAG 96: in supplemental Jon talks about being annoyed with Elias & believing him to have led Jon to breekon & hope's Newcastle depot, & Elias "isn't big on micromanagement"
MAG 98: 3:40 onwards. just very briefly, about him requesting Martin continue recording statements because Jon is too inconsistent about it at the moment.
MAG 101: elias is addressed from the beginning until Michael appears. there's also Jon making gagged noises to entertain throughout.
MAG 110: we find out he can't see things when occupied (didn't know about Martin knocking over papers during performance review)
MAG 139: starting 22:57 about Elias killing Gertrude
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this-blog-is-untitled · 7 months
'Untitled' Chapter 12: Ezekiel
187 & 188
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191, 192 & 193
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194, 195 & 196
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I think it should be noted I'm not pro weed, quite the opposite actually but that's all I'll say on the matter
I think it should also be noted that around the time I was writing these pages I was coming to terms with being assaulted
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October 6: He said what he always says
actual words made me nervous everything’s a metaphor when something horrible was going to happen
[This is a found poem made of words located on page 204 (title) and pages 194 to 195 in the source text.]
Source text: Toews, Miriam. A Complicated Kindness. 2004. October 6 2023.
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One Piece Chapters 193-201
Oh... I’m stopping at Chapter 201, am I... that’s a little silly... that’s a little goofy...
Chapter 193 - Utopia
Nami declares that she doesn’t mind if the female member of Team Large is a pain in the foot, and kills her using birds.
Meanwhile, what Mr. Zero wanted was power. Obviously. This kingdom has something scary in it, which is the only reason Mr. Zero even cared.
Oh yeah, and Zoro is also fighting a sword. Zoro says that winning this battle will earn him enough EXP to level up.
Chapter 194 - Cutting Steel
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Huh? The sword’s not even Lufpy yet he can do his fingers like that? What a freak...
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In the past, Zoro gets disappointed at his mentor’s inability to remove pages themselves from the very pages within which those pages exist. Jeez, Zoro’s standards are way too high...
In the present, Zoro starts listing off cool things he’s not planning on doing while casually lifting a house. ...Oh, wait, he actually IS planning on doing them. He’s just too shy to let anyone see.
Chapter 195 - Mr. Bushido
Zoro throws the house and turns it into cubes! Just like that one anime director. Then he fights the sword some more. I don’t know what the cubes had to do with anything.
The sword does that Kars thing where his arm which is a sword is way too spinny to classify as a sword, let alone an arm.
Zoro gets thrown at a pillar, then the next attack against him destroys the pillar. Continuing the JoJo metaphor, it’s kind of like Zoro is a frog.
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“And now that everything around me IS eerily silent rather than NOT being eerily silent, I am continuing to have this feeling!” That’s what Zoro says next.
Zoro demonstrates that he has the inherent Sword Wielder Power to notice all objects. Because he can notice whatever, he can now destroy it. Therefore he wins
Chapter 196 - 1
Chapter 195
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I... don’t even know what to say about this. I’m just... looking at it.
It turns out four guys are doing “suicide attack” tactics.
They die
Someone else also
Chapter 197 - The Leaders
The primary male child shows up.
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This can be a reaction image too if it wants to be. I won’t use it but maybe someone will.
Now it’s time for the princess and the primary male child to end the war, maybe.
Next, the primary male child gets shot in the chest as part of a clever “the surrender was a ruse” ruse.
Chapter 198 - 4:15 p.m.
And in five minutes... I will have finished this chapter.
More bloodshed happens. Also, one of Mr. Zero’s signature storms also happens.
Did I mention that the whole palace was gonna get exploded? I took a really eventful break in the middle of writing this post and forgot if I mentioned that.
The princess gets Frickin Dangled
Then the arm Mr. Zero is using to Frickin Dangle the princess accidentally stops existing. Well, I’m sure she’ll be fine.
There’s a bird. And Lufpy. That’s good!
Heh... five minutes exactly.
Chapter 199 - Hope!!
Okay I haven’t been mentioning it but the weird misty thing is continuing to happen to speech bubbles.
Anyway, after a pleasant get-together, Lufpy punches Mr. Zero and it actually connects. Lufpy’s secret is: Water... wet sand is less sandy than dry sand, so you can kill it.
Chapter 200 - Water Luffy
Some goons show up who Zoro and Sanji decide will take a couple seconds to deal with.
Lufpy and Mr. Zero are doing a fight where Lufpy actually has a chance of winning. Lufpy also has an extreme version of one of those beer can hats for Ultimate Winning.
Mr. Zero says that if Lufpy can’t pull off a Donkey Kong-style victory, he’ll surely lose. Lufpy decides to keep him guessing by destroying any chance he had of pulling off a Donkey Kong-style victory, instead activating Water Balloon Mode from Kirby and the Forgotten Land and giving himself the possibility of a Kirby-style victory.
Chapter 201 - Nico Robin
Oh, this is the Nico Robin chapter? The famous Nico Robin from One Piece? Maybe this actually WAS a better chapter to end on than 200.
Nico Robin wants to go to the important thing this kingdom has. Not the alleged weapon, the other thing.
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Not only his luck... even Lufpy’s hearing has run out! He will be deaf for the remainder of the manga.
Mr. Zero does the only thing Uraraka has ever done in My Hero Academia.
Nico Robin encounters the palindrome cop. Nico Robin’s tragic backstory is that she was a tiny baby who made ships sink. I mean it’s tragic for boat enthusiasts, not for herself.
Lufpy gets Frickin Dangled
0 notes
peacemaker-ic · 4 years
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Oasis-Chic Living - Outdoor Wicker Living Set with 18 Objects
This set has been in the making for a long time. It was originally supposed to be started when I did the speed mesh of the Wicker Throne chair, but couldn't get inspired for the other items. That finally changed and I came up with a design I loved, and wanted to make. So here it is, and I feel i need to make more wicker furniture now.
What you need to know:
The seating doesn't have patted backs as it is designed to be used with the pillows. You need to freely place the pillows using 1/4 tile placement (crtl+F) and free movement off the grid (hold alt) to make that easier.
the lounger is slightly higher then standard so i had to adjust the rigging height. When sims get off and stand momentarily, they may float, but once they walk away they will return to the ground.  
the heat lamp actually warms sims up
the brazier is a fireplace so you can't sit around it like the Maxis fire pits
The Build/Buy items feature:
basegame compatibility
18 meshes in total with between 4 and 40 colour/style options:
find items easily using phrase "Oasis-Chic Living" in search bar (try this tutorial to easily find my sets)
style (found under "patio" tag) and colour filter compatible
custom thumbnails
Pricing  and polycount as follows:
Sofa ($465, 1688 polys)
Loveseat ($370, 1580 polys)
Armchair ($320, 1324 polys)
Wicker Throne ($525, 2185 polys)*
Pouffe ($175, 735 polys)
Lounger ($450, 1284 polys)
Side Table ($95, 738 polys)
Round Coffee Table ($215, 1150 polys)
Alocasia ($195, 2156 polys)*
Vriesia ($80, 890 polys)
Fern ($120, 594 polys)
Cordyline ($175, 1043 polys)
Square Pillow ($32, 240 polys)
Oblong Pillow ($32, 194 polys)
Tabletop Fire pit ($135, 400 polys)
Heatlamp ($280, 1014 polys)
Brazier ($600, 1281 polys)
Pergola ($1500, 1218 polys)
*This content is considered high poly so use in moderation, or if you don't think your computer can handle it, best to take these items out.
CC credits:
All custom content is mine, so feel free to browse through my downloads to find it.
There are 2 download links, one for a merged package, and another with all packages separate within a folder in a RAR archive. To install, extract the archive using WINZip/WinRAR/7Zip/Unarchiver and place the folder or package files in your mods folder, then look for them in your game. If you are having issues check out my Installing Content help page.
Download (SimFileShare): Merged (Mirror) | Separated
I have also uploaded the files individually below
Download Individual Items: Google Drive
My content will always be free, but if you are so inclined and able, you can show your support and buy me a coffee
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 189 - I still have no clue why the lords' sanctuary is used as a grave like okay yeah I do it's mostly symbolic and to grieve but I still think it doesn't make sense. All the other uses? Yeah cool. Grave? Nah, not when purebloods dissipate into red mist when they die. Extremely funny imagining mvp lord picking out a fancy coffin full well knowing he won't leave a corpse though like okay king <3 and I haven't even started on those damn stairs.
- Everytime Rael's being cringe I flash through renditions of memes that cover the general energy of habitual suffering that is simultaneously willing yet forced.
- Tbh as someone who doesn't particularly believe in the whole concept of honourable fighting unless it's sports or agreed upon beforehand by all parties and because they're going against what they perceive as traitors or invaders... Rajak shouldn't be scolding Rael for trying to get rid of the trio.
Chapter 190 - Here they know the traiters were behind the Loyard massacre but later Seira doesn't even think that Zarga may have played a part until he said it himself so what's the truth.
- Really, Rousare having died should make it obvious that Gejutel wasn't involved and prevent all this. At least Ludis has some sense.
- Ah, time for grandpa's trashtalk.
Chapter 191 - It always drives me insane that Raskreia knows jack shit about Frankenstein and Raizel like she really did not give a fuck about them did she lmao? Oh father has sent clan leaders out on an arrest warrant? Oh father asks me to regularly visit this random stranger who he adores often and wishes for him to be lord? Why would I ever wish to learn more about them? Like queen ily but keep track of important events in Lukedonia even before you're lord please.
- I know Gejutel's just bullshitting but like. The traitors having foresight? Sjjsjsis where? Lagus and Roctis yeah sure I get it. But the rest? Ignes literally experimented on ppl in Lukedonia. Urokai, as much as I love him, is definitely the stupid dumbass of the group. Zarga if he had any foresight would have either just stayed on Lukedonia and chilled as a loner or had a heir who he passed Lontrick on to and left Lukedonia to once again chill as a loner since unlike the others he only disagreed with the new ideals rather than wanting to actively murder someone. As for Gradeus... we know he can use his brain but he really turned it off entirely when deciding to install bloodstones huh? Like if all you want to do is fight than becoming that strong even when you're already the strongest around is not gonna be enjoyable. Well then he went cuckoo so whtever. Ofc I do wonder whether his goal went from enjoying fighting to mere murder before or after he was exposed to bloodstones and the same for him massacring his clan since the options have implications.
- And here we are at the "clan leaders should go into eternal sleep with the lord" bullshit. Like sorry but just cos the good guys are the ones spouting it doesn't mean I'll ever agree with it. Like tf. It makes me think immediately of rulers who had their servants buried alive with them, emperors whose harems were killed upon their deaths, wives set fire upon their husbands funerals, etc. It is interesting ofc that even nobles who are very obviously written as the best race in noblesse have such regressive and cruel practices. Much more fascinating to have humans take inspiration from them for both good and bad after all.
- Grandpa really tried to be mean so Raskreia wouldn't feel bad executing him huh. Not that it worked ofc.
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Chapter 192 - It's so funny that Raizel changes his clothes to Lukedonia's black and gold upon entering because like, did he feel like the odd one out or something?
- Darling clan leaders, I'll excuse your ignorance and underestimation of the enemy, but esteemed lord please, you should know better.
- Hilarious that Gejutel saw that the current gen had extremely spotty knowledge due to their predecessors being like that ig but instead of fixing that he essentially went "It's none of my business idc idc" and ignored it until it came back to bite him in the ass. Like at least tell the lord about all this pls. She should know what a noblesse is 😭
Chapter 193 - Rip Karias not finding everyone in the throne room. It's like when a class gets changed last minute and you have no clue which new place it's in.
- Raizel just take the earring off normally I swear. Imagine having only one memento from a friend you actually meant to keep but you just tear it apart. I would cry.
- Gejutel being apologetic about making Raizel use his lifeforce... grandpa,,,
Chapter 194 - The fact that Ludis' eyes glow as he sets up the protection for the sanctuary,,, love him.
- Insert 300 page analysis on Raskreia's relationship with being lord and just her in general here. I'm too lazy to type it out so insecurities, lack of communication, lack of clarity, formality and duty leading to distant relationships, etc etc etc.
Chapter 195 - This is so rude 😤
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- God Karias' entrance and interactions with everyone,,, the way he fusses over Raskreia openly, the way Rozaria beckons him over, them,,,
Chaoter 196 - "The clan leaders share my thoughts" obviously not with the traitors. Well Roctis may have agreed but Ignes prevented him from all that. Still, even from the other 4 non traitors of Ru, Elenor, Loyard and Mergas, it's very much possible they disagreed but simply kept quiet about their thoughts because how dare they go against the lord? I mean, the track record isn't exactly great and that's just how it is in these sort of systems.
- Well I definitely think the method he decided on was stupid but I do think mvp lord's sentiment was very sweet. And ofc just how he wants the best for Raizel... it makes me sad everytime like he just wants him to be happy and be able to enjoy life and yet. Just how his message always has him with that soft smile for Raizel as he tells him to live a long joyous life... that he wants him to be safe... that he's happy he's been outlived... gonna go cry brb..
Chapter 197 - Yeah just gonna ignore and replace the misogynistic bs they make mvp lord spout with like "Be wary of men; instead of wasting time beating them up see if you have any interest in women instead. Especially if they're not nobles. Only wear what you're comfortable with and don't let anyone pressure you. Remember to train often with swords or your skills will become rusty. Etc etc etc."
Chapter 198 - At least he has earring number 2 ig
- "This house is a little old and needs some renovation" It's great that you're being tactful but Tao we both know that this estate that hasn't had any upkeep for at least 5 centuries needs a hell lot more than a little fixing.
- M-21 just has his priorities straight okay,,, you all do need to change.
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- Why did Tao pack aprons and gloves for the trip?
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voidstilesplease · 3 years
By the Angel, TALK
Warning: THIS IS AN ANTI-CLARY AND JACE SPOILER RANT because I need an avenue to let out some of the steam I've been holding off since starting City of Fallen Angels. So PLEASE SKIP AHEAD because I don't want to burden you all with my reading woes.
This thing centers on the beginning of Chapter 9: From Fire Unto Fire and a little bit of Chapter 8. About eight pages of bad, bad romance set me off.
To start,
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The rest is under the cut, so you can go away now.
So, what's been happening to Clary and Jace thus far?
This book introduced them now as an official couple, picking up from the end of TMI Book 3: City of Glass. I don't remember their every scene since then to the point in Chapter 9 where I stopped, but basically, they're having relationship issues early on. They're less than two months into their relationship, and the drama is too frickin much. 
Jace has these weird dreams about murdering Clary and waking up guilty about his subconscious thoughts, so he goes angsting about it and avoiding her, snapping at her, being a total dick, and still question why people think they are on the brink of a break-up. 
So, Jace goes with Simon in the next few scenes, in his plight to get away from her as far as possible, yet still be somehow close by being around Clary's best friend to "protect" him, so his distant behavior will be reasonable and forgivable. Yeah, make that make sense. 🙄 But of course, one way or another, they're going to have to get to the confrontation part (that I still wish had been equivalent to an actual break-up), and so that's when Chapter 8 & 9 enters.
Chapter 8: Walk in Darkness pp. 185-186
Almost instantly, the light went out of them, and the remaining color drained out of his face. "I thought --- Simon said you weren't coming." ¹
[...] "So you only came because you thought I wouldn't be here? [...] Were you ever planning on talking to me again? [...] If you're going to break it off, the least you could do is tell me, not just stop talking to me and leave me to figure it out on my own."
"Why does everyone keep goddamn asking me if I'm going to break up with you? [...]²
First, what an asshole?! 
[1] So Jace finally in-your-face's Clary and confirms that he has been keeping his distance like Clary has the plague. He then has the audacity to [2] be annoyed for being questioned on his intentions of keeping the relationship that he has been actively evading for days!
I get that Jace sucks in romantic relationships and has been fucked up by his daddy-issues, but he has the Lightwoods. Heck, Alec is his parabatai. He sees working relationships, so he has to have known that you don't just stop talking to people close to you and have them not question the behavior, whether you're trying to pull away from them or not. Otherwise, then Jace is dumb for all that he's marketed as the "best" Shadowhunter in his age. Screw that.
“You talked to Simon about us?" Clary shook her head. "Why? Why aren't you talking to me?"
"Because I can't talk to you," Jace said. "I can't talk to you, I can't be with you, I can't even look at you."³
[3] Way to make a girl feel special, Jace. Oh, no, yeah. He's trying to do the opposite and push her away with some teenage boy angst that doesn't make any sense. Like, who says that, though, aside from dramatic love interests that can't make a better excuse for going emo? 
That line IS TOO DRAMATIC that it hurts, ugh. 🤮
Anyway, so Clary walks out after that. I don't sympathize with her, but I'd do the same. Who wouldn't? Unless you freeze in the ridiculousness of the situation, that is, which is also likely.
Chapter 9: From Fire Unto Fire pp. 190-195
Now, here's the real shit. I want to quote this entire six-page scene back to Cassie and scream at her.
Clary reached the door and burst out into the rain-drenched evening air. [...] and was about to race across the street against the light when a hand caught her arm and spun her around.
It was Jace. [...] "Clary, didn't you hear me calling you?"
"Let go of me." Her voice shook.
"No. Not until you talk to me."⁴
[4] DUDE, what even happened to your I CAN'T TALK TO YOU, I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOU speech, huh? Be consistent for once, apart from your douchebag routine. Make up your mind, Jace.
Still holding her by the arm, he half-dragged her around the van and into a narrow alley that bordered the Alto Bar. ⁵
[5] Man, I love a bit of rough loving in my literature, but I'm so pissed at you, Jace, don't even. Lay the hell off.
"I was going to tell you that I was trying to help out Simon. [...]
"And you couldn't tell me? Couldn't text me a single line letting me know where you were?"⁶ [...]
"I think," he said slowly, "that I thought that the closest thing to being with you was being with Simon. Watching out for him. I had some stupid idea that you'd realize I was doing it for you and forgive me---"⁷
[6] Addressing the lack of communication, that's a great path to follow. These two need to talk so bad. [7] But this line? Sucks Balls. You could be with her, Jacey, and save all the readers your drama if you only pull your head out of your ass and try to communicate. It's like you're allergic to it.
She took a step back, blindly, and nearly tripped over an abandoned speaker. Her bag slid to the ground as she put her hand out to right herself, but Jace was already there. He moved forward to catch her, and kept moving until her back hit the alley wall, and his arms were around her, and he was kissing her frantically.⁸
[8] Not only is this achingly cheesy, but it's also totally not the way they should be going off about their situation. They were already talking -arguing, yes, but they're still using words to reach out, and their relationship absolutely cannot be healthy without them. Thus far, they have spoken so less in comparison with the times they've spent canoodling. They're not solving anything by having drama on one second and getting it on with dramatic kissing on the next.
I don't care what Clary says about being so lost in love with Jace. He's treating her like shit. The least he can do is give her answers that she has the right to demand from him. Kissing is not an answer. But, well, maybe to Clary, it is because the next parts from page 192 to 194 are spent on softcore porn in a dark alley under the frickin rain. I bet that's a very romantic setting in their minds, huh.
And now this part:
It was nerve-wracking. She could feel the feverish heat that came off him; her hands were still on his shoulders, but it wasn't enough. She wanted him wrapped around her, holding her tight. "W-why," she breathed. "can't you talk to me? Why can't you look at me?"
He ducked his head down to look into her face. His eyes, surrounded by lashes darkened with rainwater, were impossibly gold.
"Because I love you."⁹
[9] Is that supposed to make me tingle? SET ME ON FIRE, but that is the lousiest I love you in books that I have ever read. AND IT'S THE ONLY ONE THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, at all!
Shut up with this, can you please. It's not romantic at all. It's a dumb excuse and an even dumber love from the two dumbest people in this whole frickin series. Oh my god.
Clary, realistically, will frown at this answer. She will pull the hell away and spat him in the face with how demeaning his love is if it can make her sick to the stomach with thinking he has already gone bored and is only cooking the perfect way to cut off their connection. He hasn't given her a sound reason, only desperate declarations of love like he's trying to convince them both that it's true. And it doesn't make sense how she's still plastered around him in the cold, trying to convince the readers that every word from Jace has deeper meanings that she understands no matter how gibberish they are. I'm not buying that, okay? Stop selling your larger-than-life connection bullshit because that isn't real.
You've only been together for two months, okay? The strongest you can feel for each other is lust. And it's showing.
His hands slid down to her waist and he kissed her, long and lingering, making her shudder.
She pulled away, "That doesn't make any sense."
"Neither does this," he said, "but I don't care. I'm sick of trying to pretend I can live without you. Don't you understand that? Can't you see it's killing me?"¹⁰
She stared at him. She could see that he meant what he said [...] Her desire for answers battled the more primal part of her brain, and lost. "Kiss me then,"¹¹
[10] NOBODY THREATENED YOU UNDER BLADE TO DO THAT BULLSHIT, so shut the hell up with the whining. [11] and Clary, I am so disappointed. You've both just drained me, and I'm dry inside like a raisin.
The next paragraphs describe their very erotic kissing against the wall. Jace, propping her up and her legs around his waist bull crap. Seriously? Am I supposed to believe these two are, what sixteen?- up until Isabelle thankfully ruins their moment by kicking a garbage can that would look better with Jace and Clary in it tbh.
And the nastiest horseshit of all:
Clary looked at Jace. At any other time, they would have laughed together at Isabelle's moodiness, but there was no humor in his expression, and she knew immediately that whatever they had had between them ---whatever had blossomed out of his momentary lack of control--- it was gone now. [...]
"Jace---" she took a step toward him.
"Don't," he said, his voice very rough. "I can't."¹²
And then he was gone [...]
[12] No, I frickin CANNOT. His actions keep on contradicting his words, and he's fickle and can't decide which mood to settle, and it's so exhausting, honestly. He wasted a few pages for a cosmic, meaningless declaration of feelings. They're empty words. At this point, I believe the writing only strives to convince the readers that these characters care for each other but is shitty at showing it.
It's not love, because they say it is love.
I was already gaining hope for this book, and then one simple few-pages scene with clace squishes it, smearing the innards on my face.
Honestly, TALK OR TAKE A BREAK. This back and forth can't continue throughout the rest of the book or -heaven forbid- the rest of the series. Or at least, put these characters in the background if they really must drag on this problem, because I care not a lick.
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Reading One Piece pt 195: Skeleton Grandpa Enters The Stage
Chapter 442
- Fpos/cs: “Divine judgement towards the insolent one” Enel kicked the guy
- Normal Day on Thousand Sunny :)
- They have an aquarium in there? They have a room INSIDE of that aquarium? They really are out there living like kings now
- Lol, they got a shark and it ate all their other fishes
- They got a nice bathroom too!
- And Chopper has his own medical room :D
- Something floating in the water
- Looks shady
- “That’s a “floating barrel”. Someone was praying for a safe voyage. So they made offerings to the guardian deities of the sea.” Wow, that’s actually super interesting. Wonder what kind of religions are there in One Piece. Cause, you know, there wasn’t much on the topic in the manga *conveniently erases all of Skypiea Arc from memory*
- “It’s probably alcohol. Let’s drink it”
“Idiot, don’t open it, you’ll get cursed”
“It’s ok if we pray first”
“I don’t pray to no gods”
- I don’t know, I really like that exchange :D
- They’re opening it anyway
- “We’ll still have an empty barrel once we’ve drank it. Putting a new offerings in and sending it off is the customary thing to do” this is great, it also sounds more and more plot relevant with each passing second
- !!!!
- Something flew from the barrel!
- “Red light!?” A flare?
- “Someone may now targeting that ship” yeah, that’s what I thought. It may not be a trap but our chances are small
- The storm is coming! What are the chances that opening that barrel caused it?
- That storm is bad but Sunny is worse :D
- Aaand they’re out. That was fast
- I think that storm was some kind of barrier. The sea they are on now is very different from the one from 3 pages ago. It’s foggy and it’s dark. I don’t know about you but I’m looking out for Black Pearl and Jack Sparrow*
- (*Captain Jack Sparrow)
- “Sea where monsters appear!” bring it
- “Florian Triangle” oh thanks for the reminder, I’ll look out for aliens too
- “M… m… monsters!?” Usopp is scared already :D
- “Why’s everyone acting like they knew? I never heard about this!” “Old lady Kokoro told us. There’re living skeletons here.” “That’s just your imagination.” Another great exchange :D
- Stop scaring him, guys :D
- Um?
- “yohohoho….” O_O
- GHOST SHIP!!!!!!!!!!
- Already!!??
- There’s some song apparently
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- *waits with anticipation*
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 - BROOK!!!! IT’S BROOK!!!!
- Wait what
- Apparently I lied. They’re going on the cursed ship. That is, Luffy, Sanji and Nami do (they drew straws. This is not how I would approach that situation. But I would run away screaming in panic, so…)
- (where did Usopp got that cross from)
- “The Gentleman Skeleton: Brook” nice :D
- “What a surprise! It’s been decades perhaps, since I’ve met a living person!! All you see is a ghost ship after ghost ship around these parts. So scary!” Where do I begin. Was it really decades? Was it really only ghost ships here? Why is living skeleton scared of ghost ships?
- Lol
- and just like that they’re not really scared anymore
- “Do you crap?” goddammit Luffy
- “Indeed, I do poop.” I didn’t need to know that
- Damn Sanji, it’s not an interrogation
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- Holy shit Luffy, that was fast. Also Brook, what
- wait, the chapter’s already over?
- we got SBS special :) Oda is drawing Sunny and how does she look from inside. He did the same for Merry if I remember :D
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- Oda really put a lot of thought into this, huh
Great introduction. Can’t wait what that arc will be.
rOP 194  rOP 196
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
Quick outline of the changes in Golden Kamuy Vol 20
Here is a general outline of the more relevant changes that take place in Vol 20 compared to the magazine. Note that as usual I won’t dig into minor changes unless they seem to be relevant for the plot or characterization (or I really like them).
We spend a moment on the cover, which sees the return of Sugimoto on it.
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Sugimoto has appeared already on two covers in the past. I tend to think the next one will be Asirpa, Tsurumi will appear on the one of Vol 23 and Ogata on the one of Vol 27 as in the past they rotated in a regular manner.
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Said this I also expect Golden Kamuy to end with Vol 28, in short to have as many volumes as the chapter of Matthew’s gospel... though this might be just me. Honestly, if this were to be wrong, I don’t expect it to go past 29/30 volumes. Considering the magazine version is already at vol 23 we’re getting close to the end... ;_;
It’s also worth to mention that the backcover this time doesn’t have JUST Asirpa like the previous Sugimoto cover but Asirpa AND Ogata, Ogata taking Asirpa away from Sugimoto, in a clear reference to what happened in Vol 19... although during it Ogata was a lot less calm and confident than he looks in this cover, as if this scenewas seen in Sugimoto’s vision... and it’s worth to mention in the cover Sugimoto is trying to pull out his bayonet to likely kill Ogata with it, as he had attempted to do in their first meeting and as he likely considered to do in the hospital when he learnt Ogata would die.
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We then move to the colour page.
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It’s no new illustration, it was the cover for chap 205, ‘Cinematograph’ which will be in the next volume. Not one of my fave covers but it can be fitting considering the plot of the last chapters of this volume.
The downside of it is that we lose the colour cover of chap 193. I wonder if Noda will use it later.
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It’s worth to note though how Noda drew for chap 193 a new black and white cover.
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Always in regard to covers, the cover of chap 191 now is used as background for the summary.
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As usual the volume presents a cute summary.
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And now let’s talk of extra pages and panels which are added to the story.
Same as in past volumes the new pages seems to have the purpose to expand scenes that already were in  the magazine version so we can better understand what’s going on.
Note I’m not going to add them all but only those which are plot relevant (or that I particularly like).
Let’s start with chap 191.
Maybe nobody noticed it but volume pages are longer. This allows us to better see Shiraishi’s expression as he buries Kiro.
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Asirpa’s expression as Shiraishi says Kiro was too serious for his own good is also redrawn (and they added some background behind Tanigaki, Koito and Tsukishima).
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Tanigaki’s dialogue line about Inkarmat reporting how Kiro told her Wilk had changed is cut as Noda had added some panels in the past volume with Sugimoto telling this to Asirpa.
This allows Noda to expand the scene in which Sugimoto tells Asirpa Nopperabou told him he didn’t kill the Ainu, to which she replies ‘really?’ when in the magazine version she just looked down sadly.
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Noda shortened the scene in which Sofia unbury Kiro to say her goodbye to him to add one in which she joins her men, even though it was too late to save Kiro.
It should hurt her horribly.
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We go on. At Noboribetsu Noda added a Kikuta panel with the man saying something. No idea what but I love Kikuta so enjoy him.
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We go to Chap 192.
The inside of the ryv is now more detailed and Ogata looks a little better... as in his bandages seem cleaner than in the volume version. Also Noda gave him a fur cover which matches with the one has in the othe scenes.
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Sure the cloth placed against his eye is still not perfectly clean but the one in the magazine seemed much dirtier.
On the opposite side Tsukishima looks worse, his lips chapped now.
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Noda expanded Sugimoto’s reply to Asirpa’s question ‘what are you going to do, Sugimoto? Will you cooperate with Tsurumi?’
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We jump to chap 193.
As said before the color cover is removed and Noda drew a black and white new cover for the chapter.
When Kikuta notices the man with the eyepatch, the guy looks much worse than in the magazine and Ariko doesn’t turn toward him as well but looks at Kikuta. Noda also changed a little Kikuta’s expression in the following panel.
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Ah, it’s not really relevant but Noda changed a little how one of Toni Anji’s men look so as to help differentiate him from Toni Anji’s other man. I’m not going to post all the scenes in which he looks different but here you can get a glimpse of him and compare him with how he previously looked in the magazine.
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Noda took better care of Ariko’s mother, drawing her in action instead than still as a statue.
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(and yeah you also get a glimpse of Kikuta as he says ‘the sound of geta’ as Noda redraw him)
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Noda also made more clear how Kikuta removed the eyepatch (you can now see him moving something above his left eye and said eye widening and also being visible although Kikuta’s face is darkened when Toni shoots him) and Noda also drew better Toni shooting at Kikuta.
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Let’s go to chap 194.
A lot more fog is added in almost all the scenes better showing how it was hard to see something in it for Kikuta and Co. No idea why but the Nikaido panels have now him looking in the opposite direction and there are minor redrawing here and there.
Overall though there is no terribly relevant change.
Chap 195 presents only one small yet relevant change.
In it it’s Ariko who volunteers to go after Toni while Kikuta remains with Usami, when in the magazine version it was Kikuta who told Ariko to go after him.
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To chap 196 we go.
Ogata is confirmed to look as bad as in the magazine version in this chapter, as to imply his conditions has worsened quite a bit.
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There are some minor redrawings here and there but nothing terribly relevant (still enjoy Kikuta looking more awesome... yes, if you hadn’t figured it out yet I’m partial to him).
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And now we reach Chap 197 and things turn interesting.
While Asirpa remains very distressed at the idea Ogata might die...
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... and we have no explanation whatsoever regarding to the Russian doctor’s odd behaviour, we get a lot of changes in regard to how  Koito and Tsurumi’s first meeting went because the volume version changed it A LOT. Not only Tsurumi’s face isn’t kept in the dark for as long as it was in the magazine but Koito definitely isn’t the well mannered kid we met in the volume version but a real bonbon, spoiled, bossy and angry, much more fitting of the personality he’ll have as an adult. Tsurumi also will show here he’s not going to let a young boy bully him.
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Again Noda have someone slap some sense into someone else.
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While the scene can look violent it’s clearly for Koito it was catartic. He knew he was acting like an asshole and he likely did so because he wanted to draw attention on himself but, as he says also in the magazine version, his father won’t scold him. So fundamentally Tsurumi hitting him for his bad behaviour gave him the attention he wanted and makes tematically sense with how he pointed out his father didn’t scold him.
After that fight Tsurumi’s kindness also likely made more of an impression on Koito.
It’s also worth to mention Tsurumi is freakingly strong. Remember how Ogata warned Sugimoto he shouldn’t try to block Koito’s first strike, the info box informing us it should be dodged at any cost? Well, Tsurumi blocks it with his arm and breaks Koito’s ‘sword’ (actually the cane of a poor man Koito took using his status).
So we move to chap 198.
The panels post Koito’s kidnapping are expanded. Now it’s more obvious Koito’s tricycle is in front of the consulate. Many panels are also expanded but, overall, I couldn’t detect relevant changes.
So we reach Chap 199.
The whole run in the tricycle is expanded, the chase between the Kidnapper (Kikuta) and the duo Tsurumi/Koito senior is now longer and Tsurumi gets to show off more and even express his Tsurumisexuality on two women passing by.
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The destruction of the tricycle is now in a spread page, Koito senior calling for his son in another, below him the background of the Goryokaku.
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And so we reach the last chapter of the volume, chap 200.
Interesting enough Noda removed Tsukishima leaving the room when they hear Koito senior calling for Koito making the scene entirely a Koito-Ogata one.
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Tsukishima will remain present, we can see his hat when Ogata ties Koito, meaning he heard Ogata saying Барчонок ‘Barchonok’ (ボンボンが ‘Bonbon ga’ "pampered little rich boy’“).
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This means it was clearly Tsurumi the one who knocked out Koito senior, showing us again how Tsurumi is actually quite strong but this also tells us that when Koito will mention the word Барчонок ‘Barchonok’ Tsukishima probably felt very, very uncomfortable about it as he might have understood from whom Koito might have heard it... while in the magazine version Tsukishima knew nothing about it and Koito could hope Tsukishima was actually the kidnapped who used it (unlikely, not only it’s Ogata the one with a bruised nose but ‘black hat’ was shorter than ‘white fedora’ and a much better fighter, all things that match with Tsukishima).
By the way, not only Ogata’s nose is confirmed to remain bruised (so yes, it was him the one who rubbed Koito’s back) but now we can see the number on their shoulders, which in the volume version wasn’t clearly visible although the bands showing their ranks still aren’t present.
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It’s also worth to mention Noda expanded the meeting between Tsurumi, Koito and Koito senior when Koito has enrolled in the army.
No idea why they say but they discuss again how Koito was saved. I’ll say Tsurumi succesfully has managed to make Koito senior feel in debt.
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Ogata’s escape is also expanded, with Sugimoto trying to shoot at him more than once. None of the shoots is remotely close to the horse as Sugimoto was clearly aiming above it, to Ogata. Not that he gets him.
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Koito is shown coming out of the hospital on unsteady legs as Sugimoto wishes for Ogata to come back so he can fucking kill him though his gaze here is a little more normal.
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In short Ogata didn’t put Koito completely out of service but, between the blow at his head and Ogata’s kick Koito was definitely not in his best shape.
As far as I’m involved the worst part is that nothing is explained about the Russian doctor who first didn’t want to have anything to do with them as his hospital was full, then realized they were Japanese and was threatened by Sugimoto into going with them EVEN THOUGH HIS HOSPITAL WAS FULL AND HE CLEARLY WAS BUSY, and once he sees the poor shape Ogata is in, decides to bring him to his hospital going so far as arguing with them, even though before being threatened he didn’t want to help them.
Then he perfectly smoothly acts as if Ogata is about to die, not even a drop of sweat on his face, before we discover that it’s highly possible he was being threatened by Ogata? That or there’s more and we hadn’t been told yet?
Hard to say, it’s possible Noda just wants to handwave this but really, it’s weird and it’s not addressed at all.
Anyway the volume ends here.
Ariko and Kikuta do the thanks.
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...and the spoiler for the next volume is the cover of chap 210. I’ll be evil and let you check which one it is if you don’t remember it. :P
Anyway that’s all. I recommend everyone to get the volume as, as usual, it’s much better than the magazine version.
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Wikipedia Redo!
The Essay
Wikipedia’s View of Columbus
In recent years, the holiday “Columbus Day” has been questioned as to whether it should be renamed or removed because of the historical figure it celebrates. And, each year Christopher Columbus undergoes valid scrutiny for his actions against the indigenous populations in the Caribbean and the Americas. Therefore, when looking at the Wikipedia page detailing Columbus’s early life, voyages, and impact on history there were biases throughout the page. Choosing to focus on the section titled “Brutality”, the author used a phrase like “historians have criticized” and words such as “accused” and “allegedly” in a way that makes the reader question whether or not Columbus committed these acts (Christopher Columbus). The author also cited sources that said these criticisms of Columbus stem from the “intentional defamation of Spain”. This author’s word choice shows their explicit bias or their conscious “prejudices and beliefs” (Ruhl). The author cites articles that either attempt to debunk historians’ research or use words that by definition means that what follows isn’t proven. Therefore the wording and evidence in the Wikipedia page about Columbus’s brutality has an explicit bias. 
Based on the biases evident in the Wikipedia page, I revised it. Rereading the section of Wikipedia, I highlighted any words or phrases that attempted to sway the reader on how they would feel about Columbus. After identifying biased language, I researched Columbus’s time in the Caribbean and the Americas to find what exactly happened. These research articles, journals, and books offered insight and primary sources on what occurred during Columbus’s colonial occupation. Therefore, when rewriting the section of the Wikipedia article that detailed that time period I changed the wording so that it was more neutral and gave the reader the ability to decide for themselves. For example, rather than saying “historians have criticized Columbus for initiating colonization” I revised it to read “historians have begun to reexamine and evaluate Columbus’s character for initiating colonization.” In addition, I added more information and citations to sources that had more in-depth accounts of Columbus’s participation in the slave trade and the mistreatment of indigenous populations. A journal article titled “Myths, Facts, and Debates: Christopher Columbus and the New World” by James W. Cortada was useful in identifying what was accurate in the Wikipedia article and what needed to be corrected. 
After researching the psychology of implicit and explicit biases, I realized the importance of eliminating biases in the Wikipedia page. Implicit biases are prejudices or beliefs one has unconsciously. These biases usually relate to negative racial stereotypes and gender stereotypes. If one cannot identify and remove their implicit bias, it becomes their explicit bias. This means one is aware of and acts on their harmful biases which can have negative impacts on those who are the most affected by stereotypes. Therefore, it is important to remove bias before it can influence a person. By first identifying the specific prejudices and protective nature of the author for keeping Christopher Columbus’s positive character portrayal I was able to see where the page was lacking. The section titled “Brutality” left out a lot of information and history that has been discovered through primary accounts of Columbus. This was purposely pushing the reader to believe Columbus did not actually commit many crimes against indigenous people and if he did then the author says we cannot judge him “by the morality of the 20th century”(Christopher Columbus). This shifts blame away from the historical figure and ignore the way that Columbus’s actions still affect people today. Therefore, by rewriting and revising the article so it lays out all the facts without bias wording, it allows the reader to decide for themselves. It is important to recognize bias, both implicit and explicit so that people can research and remove those prejudices that are offensive, harmful, or untrue.
Works Cited
“Christopher Columbus.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Nov. 2020, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Columbus. 
Cortada, James W. “Myths, Facts, and Debates: Christopher Columbus and the New World before 1492.” Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance Et Réforme, vol. 12, no. 2, 1976, pp. 89–95. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/43464992. Accessed 19 Nov. 2020.
Daumeyer, Natalie, et al. “Consequences of Attributing Discrimination to Implicit vs. Explicit Bias.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2019, spcl.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/Daumeyer_etal2019JESP.pdf. 
Howard Schuman, Barry Schwartz, Hannah D’Arcy, Elite Revisionists and Popular Beliefs: Christopher Columbus, Hero or Villain?, Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 69, Issue 1, Spring 2005, Pages 2–29, https://doi.org/10.1093/poq/nfi001
Ruhl, Charlotte. “Implicit or Unconscious Bias.” Implicit Bias | Simply Psychology, 2020, www.simplypsychology.org/implicit-bias.html. 
Tinker, Tink, and Mark Freeland. “Thief, Slave Trader, Murderer: Christopher Columbus and Caribbean Population Decline.” Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 23, no. 1, 2008, pp. 25–50., www.jstor.org/stable/30131245. Accessed 19 Nov. 2020.
The Revision:
Since the late 20th century, historians have begun to reexamine and reevaluate Columbus’s character for initiating colonization, depopulation of indigenous people, and for the mistreatment of natives.[185][74][186][187] In a journal articled by Tinker and Freeland, they discuss Columbus’s involvement with the slave trade both before and after his voyage to the Caribbean islands. In Tony Horwitz’s work, on St. Croix, he details Columbus’s interaction with indigenous women citing an instance in which he gave a captured indigenous woman as a present to his friend Michele de Cuneo, who, by his own account, sexually assaulted her. According to scholars and historians alike, this type of treatment became commonplace during Columbus’s colonization period. In Hans Koning's 1976 biography of Columbus and Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States a  punishment for an indigenous person failing to fill their hawk's bell of gold dust every three months was cutting off the hands of those without tokens and due to the lack of medical treatment many died. .[74][189][105] In 2005, Spanish historians discovered documents that detailed the natives’ unrest and revolt. Columbus’s response was to kill those who rebelled and to deter further dissent, leave their dismembered bodies in the street. Because of the intense circumstances these natives were now in, thousands are thought to have committed suicide by poison to escape their persecution.[105] Bobadilla's 48-page report talks about Columbus and his brothers of using torture and mutilation to govern Hispaniola. Some Historians argue that Bobadilla’s report spreads the anti-Italian sentiment of the Spaniards and is instead rooted in Bobadilla's desire to take over Columbus' position.[190][191][192] This example of controversy between scholars and histories shows the difficulty of reevaluating Columbus’s character. Consuelo Varela, a Spanish historian who has seen the report, states that "Columbus's government was characterized by a form of tyranny. Even those who loved him had to admit the atrocities that had taken place."[126]
Some of the accounts of Columbus and his brothers’ mistreatment of indigenous people is believed to part of the Black Legend, a theory of the intentional defamation of Spain.[193][194][195] Some scholars recognize, through research and primary source documents, the long term effects of Columbus’s depopulation, brutality, and enslavement of indigenous people. [98][196] Some historians have argued that Columbus’s brutal nature was a normal product of his time period. That being said, a man of the 15th century, should not be judged by the morality of the 20th century.[197]However, the general public believes the people who still face the consequences of Columbus’s actions today should have the deciding voice on the continuation of Columbus Day, which celebrates this controversial historical figure.  Spanish ambassador María Jesús Figa López-Palop says, "Normally we melded with the cultures in America, we stayed there, we spread our language and culture and religion."[198] Horwitz asserts that paternalistic attitudes were often characteristic of the colonists like Columbus.[199] Historian James W. Loewen says that "Columbus not only sent the first slaves across the Atlantic, he probably sent more slaves—about five thousand—than any other individual."[200]
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck^2 re: Chapter 8 “A Daughter Astray”
So, I thought of something. John positively losing it at a silly picture and letting go of some pent up stress in the process. It reminds me of Dave's reaction in the Game Over timeline to his old pictures in his room.
I wonder if Harry Anderson will try to apologize to his father for the events next time they meet, only for John to let him know how proud he is of him, helping his friends like that. :P
Now, let's see what Rose and Kanaya were up to on the battlefield, while Vrissy was getting acquainted with Vriska.
I'm also wondering whether Vrissy will realize what a bad influence Vriska is, what a risk she is to her relationships with Tavros & Harry Anderson. And whether the thrill she brings outweighs those risks. Also, I wonder if Vrissy knows about her cerulean blood mindcontrol powers?
Page 192
Ah, first to the reactions about the astray SON.
Oh, brain ghost Dirk.
Huh, so I guess Jake's attempts at espionage weren't that succesful yet.
Who in heck is Jane talking about that abondoned her, though, in the context of her son being kidnapped. She can't really feel "betrayed" by the trolls opposing her, can she?
Page 193
Sooo... Were the kids followed to Roxy's place? Maybe that getaway car really WAS too obvious.
Also, heh, Earth C has its own author "Steven" King, and his book about clownkiller kids is soaring to new heights in the charts because of current events, heheh.
And there Jane goes, she HAS the delusions. Really, she's convinced herself of being right and now everything is the others' fault due to being wrong.
Why, she's even so far gone, she thinks that equivalent retribution is a thing a good leader would do...
You know, I was kind of theorizing the new teens & Vriska would play a session of Sburb to escape Earth C, but it was kind of always looking like a far out idea. A way for them to connect to the session on Deltritus, in the Meat path. But now... Yeah, I wonder if the rebellion's going to be in time to save them.
Page 194
CCOOOOOOOOL new theme here.
It reminds me of the split pages during the B2 kids time recovering from the Trickster Mode, with the 45° ==> arrows.
So, yeah, I was thinking Harry Anderson was cumbersome to type everytime, too. Glad Vriska and Vrissy have separately come to the same conclusion. :P
And heheheh, Vriska's presence is shining a light on the thing John was saying all along, that nothing really feels REAL about the Candy Earth C.
So it would almost seem as if the teens might actually leave and find a more "real" version of their parents or something. By playing Sburb. Though wouldn't they like, miss their adult guardians?
Still, cool to get some insight into Harry and Vrissy here. He's always seen an invisible border between the past achievements of his parents and their friends and their current situation. But Vriska is forcing him to acknowledge it's all more real and closer to home than he might be comfortable with.
Meanwhile Vrissy is going through the weird situation where she's jealous of anyone getting Vriska's attention.
And Tavros has shown to be a good supportive partner. Though I still don't really get how their kismesittude works in other ways. How does Vrissy get under his skin, for instance?
Also, it's hilarious to see how badly Harry misjudges his Dad, just like the previous generation once used to do. I really just want to hear John say how proud he is of him now, both for the emotional punch and the hilarious reaction Harry's going to have.
Also, good to see 23 years have done nothing to cool Roxy's affection for all things feline.
And it was cool to see Harry go in one conversation from John-esque "there's this scene in the beginning" to Dave-esque metaforgotten similes. Heredity at its finest.
Right, so, that reminds me. Harry is Dave and Rose's half-brother, let that sink in for a bit. And Tavros is genetically his uncle.
Page 195
Hahahahahahahahah Oh yes.
Oh HELL yes.
I thought I might have actually been projecting this, but it's LITERALLY the first thing John says to Harry. And in all caps (cause shouting), just like Dad used for his notes. Perfection.
But, pfffffff, okay, just like the father in a comedy, he misinterpreted the events and thought Harry was trying to prank him, oh my god. He literally saw Gamzee's death as part of a prank or something, heeheeheeh.
"JOHN: now, harry anderson, i know that you and tavros haven't always gotten along. JOHN: but i am going to have to ask you to try and look out for him for the time being. JOHN: your uncle jake and i... well, i'll explain later. JOHN: let's just say that gamzee isn't the only family member jane is losing today. HARRY: dad... if you wanted me to KILL tavros, you only had to ask. TAVROS: (Um,,,) HARRY: couldn't resist."
I didn't really think pranks were Harry's shtick, but his sarcastic jab at Tavros' expense near the end proves me wrong. So John seems to be saying he's in cahoots with Jake, they're probably chatting covertly.
But actually, considering Jane's Dad is dead, John actually made a bit of a bad joke there, even if he probably doesn't know about Jane's Dad's death.
Page 196
Okay this? John being his son's partner in crime? This is great.
And eesh, I thought for a minute it was Karkat or an undercover troll outside, but it's a member of Jane's secret police.
So, Harry and his friends have to make a getaway before the drones arrive. Reminds me of how they came for Dirk in B2 Earth's future.
And yup, that bell tower is a real prominent place, isn't it? And for some reason... For some reason, it must be close by to Roxy's house. Even though, I'd wager she and Harry moved to live in the human kingdom, after Roxy sided with Jane. The school was a human school, for one. And the bell tower's part of the carapace kingdom! Huh.
Somehow, I think their distraction is going to be a bit bigger than Jade's "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT *points*", but you never know. :P
Page 197
So majestic. They're most DEFINITELY not standing agape looking at the picture making the rounds.
You know, the fact that you don't SEE the hustle & bustle around them reminds me of Ed, Edd 'n Eddy, where no other people than the main cast were ever shown besides some silhouettes & limbs.
The fact that the Maryam-Lalondes are a beacon is so deliciously punderful. Light and Luminiscence. Also, actually, it's good to learn how they're in fact more of a symbol as well, through their union as troll and human.
Page 198
Oh my god they're freaking out, but as mature adults. Rose's hair is cut short, wow.
So they don't have eyes in the human kingdom. And Kanaya can't even savour the death of Gamzee now. Rose finds her Light powers lacking, but that's just because of the timeline they're in - though I suppose they must work some of the time for her to still rely on them.
So, I do wonder how Kanaya and Rose are going to cope with the fact that the one they're idolized in a sense, by naming her daughter after her, is now back in the flesh. They'll have to deal with the realities of a living, breathing, fucking-things-up Serket.
Hah, another new named troll. Alfonz, heheh. One of Nepeta's blood type, it seems.
I wonder if it's news from Karkat or John. The distraction might be under way, so that's why none of the kids are replying.
Page 199
Oooooh, Blaperile has a good point, this is probably Jade coming back from the reconnaissance, bearing Dave's dead body presumably. D:
... I wonder if they're going to pin this on the humans, for want of evidence to the contrary. Seems like a good way for things to start escalating even further.
Meanwhile, it appears Alfonz' quirk favors the A and Z.
Kanaya kind of looks like the Dolorosa now from behind.
Page 200
Seems like Jade was wearing an Iron Lass - ish outfit. Sorry Alfonz, you're about to be forcibly removed.
Page 201
Okay no, that isn't an armour. Her gloves' colour remind me of Grimbark Jade. And that commando outfit reminds me of an old sprite edit I made of a GI Jade, heheheheheheh.
Page 202
Wait, huh? I could have SWORN Dave would have been found right now. So, what does that... mean? Didn't Dave's ascension take place yet???
... It seems then that Jade was sent to retrieve Vrissy and the others, but she was too late?
Blaperile has a good theory - perhaps Jade was pulled away from her mission with Dave, and just texted him as she left, thinking he'd read her message shortly thereafter.
Crack theory: Jane's forces caught A Vriska, just not the one they were sent after. :P
Page 203
... WAIT WHAT???
Did Jade and Dave actually ADOPT a kid and called it Yiffy???
Please just be a dog, please just be a dog, please just be a dog.
... Unless it's a real punderized name for Vrissy. Ugh, god.
Page 204
Glad to see we are all in agreement with Rose and Kanaya here.
Page 205
Ah. Okay, so we're doing this again. Jumping back to Vriska when things are angling for an explanation. Sure. :P
Well, okay yeah, at least we know Yiffy isn't any of these kids then.
Vriska's looking bored. That's not good.
Page 206
Wow. Okay yeah, we're getting to some juicy bits here.
Harry desperately wants to reconnect with John. And he is sucking up his father's "BELIEF" in him like it's nobody's business. (Kind of a Jake thing to do.) Vrissy correctly assesses that John's advice wasn't great and that John is not being a good adult, but she's wrong that John is to blame for Tavros' hangups. Meanwhile we're getting some good black vibes from Tavros now, as he gets flustered at Vrissy using his baggage to win an argument. And on another note, Harry rescents Tavros' mom, but in the process has made Tavros out to be a snob or something, which he clearly isn't and which Vrissy calls him out on.
But Vriska couldn't care less about any of their shit. :P
Page 207
Ahahaahah. Okay, actually, Vriska is a lot better at assessing their situation than I'd thought she'd be. Didn't think she cared enough to notice some of this stuff.
Her calling out Harry on not being grateful for John is weird. Maybe she meant it as in - this planet is fucking pointless but John still loves you.
Hah, but her calling herself an adult - she's just as old as them.
Coooooooool, though. Harry's getting a strife specibus! Yeah, so, they all must have sylladices, but apparently no strife specibii.
I do wonder what in god's name he could weaponize from his room. Does he end up with Shoekind? Shoes seem at least like they could do some damage, better than scarves at least.
Page 208
Actual Honest To God Chumhandles!!! Hahahahaahhaahahhah.
I guess it was because we're back in Act 1 shenanigans that it was finally time to reveal them? Awesome, Harry's the same's as Dave & Roxy, TG, and Vrissy has, of course, Vriska's.
So I suppose Tavros' chumhandle will contain a C. I don't remember Tavros Nitram's chumhandle of the top of my head, but that seems legit. Oops, no, adiosToreador, my bad.
So... Harry COULD end up with sewing equipment as his strife specibus, but that seems like a red herring. All those shoes are poking my eyes out.
Page 209
Yeah, them needles are way too small for a strife specibus.
Although scissors, hmmm, that could actually work and be interesting as he upgrades them!
Reading Vrissy and Harry arguing here, I'm reminded of Dave pestering John to apply something to his strife specibus.
Page 210
Oh hell yes, second person narration. :D
(Wonder what his sylladex modus is.)
Page 211
Oh hell yes, this list :D
Page 212
Awesome callback to John's first reaction on creating hammerkind.
Awesome to see the return of all this early-act vocabulary and imagery.
Hah! Harry was even about to say "you have a feeling it's going to be a long day", pffffff. Nice.
Page 213
Oh my god.
So I suppose this page was preceded with a break between updates, cause Vriska's feeling like she's been stuck here for a month.
I think Tavros already has a strifekind bought for him by Jane. And Vrissy definitely has one already too, since she apparently has all those weapons in her room.
Vriska's so confident she can just waltz out of here. Okay, with ALL the luck on her side, and her rocket boots, that might actually be true.
Blaperile theorizes the other kids will use HER as the distraction but have to strife against some Crocker Cops to get away. Maybe it'll be drones though. Of course, I wonder what he could do--- Hey, maybe there's actually a hedge scissors in the house! He could equip that! They have that nicely trimmed bush out in the front yard, so yeah, that could work!!!
Page 215
Yes I suppose there really was no way she was going to actually RELIEVE the situation.
She's appalled that the paradise she helped create didn't have the decency to be an actual paradise. I follow her way of thinking. But yeah, she's not being a mature adult about all this, that's for sure. Although it is true it's insane the people of Earth C actually believed in Gamzee. And from Vriska's perspective, there's no one that came closer to killing LE than she, so I'm not even really mad at her for believing it.
Page 217
Ooooooh boy. Now we'll see if she still has any luck on her side. That's a sniper homing in on her throat!
Page 218
Oh geez. That didn't seem like it graced her.
So yeah. Her god tier judgment.
Heroic because she was trying to be a saviour? Just because Just Vriska? Or neither because irrelevant Candy Earth C?
Page 219
Oooooh snap. It went through her shoulder.
And now she's REALLY had it. Oh snap.
Is this picture by the way showing on a computer screen? The way the top is coloured in a blueish hue... Jane is watching.
Page 220
This for another SBaHJ interlude?
No, really, she's not using her dice, so... What's a snap going to do?
Page 221
Ooooooh, RIGHT!!!!
Yeah, this would definitely get some people on her side, revealing herself as a god tier.
Also, it would serve as a good reminder to Jane that she can't just have a random sniper shoot her and think she'll stay dead.
Page 222
Oh hell yes. This works so well, describing this scene instead of showing it.
Vriska is absolutely terrifying when she cuts loose. At least she didn't kill anyone (that we know), not even in retribution. And because the kids were on her side, they shared in ALL THE LUCK, fortunately.
Right, so Tavros actually has more stamina than Harry, makes sense with Jake for a dad. And Vrissy is so enamored with Vriska's coolness, it's definitely going to become a Thing someone has to address at some point.
Page 223
There John is!
I didn't think the tower looked like it was built from lime, in my mind, actually. But yeah, I guess not EVERYTHING in the carapace kingdom can be coloured gold and/or purple, right?
Page 224
Hey, he has his god tier outfit back on! And Vriska's coming over to greet him!
... Is it me, or is the outfit grown too short, since I can see his waist? :P
Page 225
Okay, she actually likes seeing him again, under better (well, sort of) circumstances. Maybe it's the thrill she just went through.
Heheheh, but Adult John is a head higher than her.
Page 226
Ooooooh, awesome.
Glad to see John finding an actual way to bond with Harry!
He could've probably alchemized a bigger outfit, or magicked one, but having Harry redesign it is WAY better. So I guess his sprite is bigger now, but I wonder if the same is true for the other adults.
Also, yes, John is again very good at pointing out the obvious shenanigans of having two Vriskas could entail. He's always been good at making those connections. And cool to see how his inherent dweepiness has turned into being an embarrasment to his son, now that John himself is an adult. :P
Hah, so Rose & Kanaya are coming over - Vrissy's already feeling embarassed by getting fawned over. Though with Jade along, I hope we'll get to know about "Yiffy" - who's apparently held close to Jane.
Page 229
Hahahah, nice to have at last the 3 remaining B1 adults together.
So, Yiffy is something John doesn't know about and is being kept in the dark about. Weird... Like, I don't think it's like a polyamorous CANINE lover for Jade, right? Not sure what to think at this point.
And Kanaya is too busy fuzzing over Vrissy to comment on John's clothing.
Page 230
Hahahahah, the idea of Vrissy turning into a little hissy-fit goblin as her mothers try to clean her up is delightful.
And the others seem to want to keep John in the dark on some of the things about the war, but they really shouldn't. I'm very curious about the truth, but also, John would definitely be able to help.
... Wait a minute. Yiffy doesn't mean Roxy, does it???
Page 232
Ahhh, things were turning up so dramatically... And then John goes and leaps to the most WRONG conclusion he could make. I mean, no offense to him of course, he's been kept out of the dark.
Page 234
I wow.
Jezus H. Christ.
This does indeed read like a chapter in a bad fanfic. But it's real. Real as can be.
Jade and Rose have a daughter. That's... Wow. This I gotta process.
It feels as though the chapter is winding down, and with it, this little interlude on Earth C. What a day.
But yeah, Vrissy will definitely have some FEELINGS about this revelation.
... The fact that the name started as one-upmanship and stuck because of carapacian bureaucracy, and this was the reason for the secrecy of years. That's just wild.
Her name is a play on Pippy Longstocking of course. And long stockings are what Jade wore. Dear lord, this is insane. This really fucks up the family tree some more, too.
Page 235
Yeah, the issue of Dave's absence kind of got sidetracked there.
So I wonder if Davebot actually had the decency to look Jade up before leaving.
Wow. Let's take some time to digest THIS whopper of a revelation.
Also: of course the 8th chapter would be full-on focusing on Vriska.
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dewitty1 · 5 years
Weekly Fic Recs Wrap Up
 For Numbers 191 - 196 (ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆
191.  The Frisky Furnishings of Malfoy Manor by Writcraft @writcraft
Or: Hermione has a crafty plan, Harry and Draco are fake boyfriends and wizarding traditions have a lot to answer for. Featuring awkward dates, mince pies, a saucy sofa and a line of sequined house-elf haute couture nobody asked for but got anyway
192.  Things Worth Knowing by Femme (femmequixotic), noeon (noe) @femmequixotic @noeeon
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems. And that's not even addressing the fact that Potter's got serious issues of his own, which Draco realises as he's forced to share an Eighth Year dormitory room and several classes with the Gryffindor Git. If only they can make it through the year without killing each other, it should be all right, shouldn't it?
193.  If the Fates Allow by Saras_Girl
What's that crackling in the walls? Harry has no clue at all. He'll eat some cake and drink some wine Because he is completely FINE.
--A story about life's disregard for our plans.
194.  Bedroom Hymns by Writcraft @writcraft
Harry asks Draco for dinner out of the blue. Draco’s about to find out that dinner isn’t the only thing on Harry’s mind.
195.  The Truth is a Beautiful and Terrible Thing by belleslettres @belleslettres-love
Draco is actually rather good at lying… especially to himself. But can he tell the truth? Can he face the truth about how he feels about Harry? And can he tell the truth about what happened to him in the Manor’s dark hallways…?
Harry Potter, of course, does not tell lies.
196.  When You Kiss Me (What A Lovely Way To Burn) by Femme (femmequixotic) @femmequixotic
A drag fairytale of New York in which Draco wears red lipstick and Potter can’t get enough.
As always you can find that longer excerpts of these fics under the fic recs tag on my page. 
Have a look at these other great fics!  ╰(•̀ 3 •́)━☆゚.*・。゚
Dress Me Up In My Finest Silk by Hatsonhamburgers
Draco has a secret. It's soft and lacy, and it hugs his body in a way that makes him feel so sexy.
Harry may have accidentally seen Draco's secret, and now it's all he can think about.
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre @tepre
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
That’s it for this week my loves! I’m getting close to the end of my list now, but don’t worry, I'll still be recc’ing fics that I love! Stay tuned for more great fic recs this week! Thanks for following & reading!
(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。💜💙💚💛🧡❤💕💖xo Carey
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swyllh · 6 years
[wonwoo] my mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun
Tumblr media
title: my mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun [from sonnet 130]
pairing: wonwoo x reader 
word count: 3081
genre: fluff. just. fluff.
"leav me alone," you curse, catching a high-five from vernon. it's a good pun. you've been waiting to use it since thinking it up last sunday night when you were bitching with seungkwan. 
you: 192, wonwoo: 192. boom.
wonwoo rolls his eyes. "one measly poet doesn't diminish the value of page poetry."
you scoff, "yeah it just olib-obil- fucking- oblierated your argument on publishers being gatekeepers of page poetry."
"obliterated," wonwoo corrects scathingly. that despicable raccoon. "at least it's better than not having a gateway at all."
"no, because slam is fundamentally different," you say between gritted teeth. 
wonwoo starts packing his bag. "so it's not poetry, you admit?"
god. you raise your heads to the high heavens, and are met with the questionable, green remnants of that-incident-with-jeonghan-and-seokmin on the ceiling. the clatter of the ceiling fan offers no enlightenment. why do idiots roam freely among us, you ask. brr, brr, cries the fan. 
wonwoo: 193, you: 192.
"no!" you exclaim. 
wonwoo raises an eyebrow, shifting his bag strap on his bony shoulder. one day he'll fall onto his own shoulder and puncture his huge, inflated ego. one day. "no, it's not poetry?"
"i am not conceding," you snap back.
"so there is something to concede." 
wonwoo: 194, you: 192. 
you chase after him angrily. damn long legs. he'd have been executed in some ancient civilisation for being so freakishly tall. freaking slender man. 
"poems weren't written down at first - that's an eurocentric notion that dismisses other groups of people who didn't have written language," you pause to catch for breath. 
as you amble past jeonghan, he reaches out and ruffles your head without so much as a look in your direction; your rowdy garnish arguments are a common occurrence in the east wing now. at precisely 10:14am the sounds of heavy sarcasm and undiluted exasperation ring throughout the hallway like clockwork.
"poetry came from songs, odes," you wave your hand around to gesture other unnamed synonyms. "slam poetry represents a revolution - not just because it introduces newer concerns and techniques of rhyme and rhythm, but because it is a tribute to older times."
wonwoo holds up a hand. you shove it away. "don't interrupt me."
he quirks an eyebrow. you find you have nothing else to add. "okay, interrupt me."
"as poetic as your argument sounds," he says, slowing down as you near the corner before you part, "you do realise that nobody's consciously paying tribute to the ancient origins of poetry and hymns, right?"
you roll your eyes. "even if they don't have the intent, so what?"
"so what, indeed," wonwoo echoes softly. there's got to be menace lurking somewhere in his words. 
you puff your chest out, ready to defend slam poetry's honour to the very last. wonwoo stares at you. and then his watch. and then back at you again. 
"w-what?" you say, not stuttering. "well, if they don't have the intent then doesn't it also show like, a return to some common ground? of humanity or something."
"you mean to say that slam poetry is innate?" wonwoo deadpans. "like how newborn babies come out -"
you roll your eyes. "no! i mean the rhythm. the need to vocalise."
wonwoo crosses his arms. "interruption deduction."
wonwoo: 194, you: 191.
"hey! you interrupted me earlier!" you bite back.
"technically you had nothing left to say." and then, "what about babies born deaf or dumb?"
you hate how slimey his reasoning is. there's got to be some loophole. this guy's got the soul of a lawyer but the major of an english lit. what the heck.
you huff, squaring your shoulders. "that's because you interrupted my train of thought! and about disabled babies -"
"you need to think faster," he says quickly. "what was it about disabled babies?"
... wonwoo: 195, you: 191.
you settle for crossing your arms, leaning against the wall of the intersection. "well, i concede the point about disabled babies, but only because the nuance is controversial and cannot be covered in a fast-paced environment as such."
as you finish your sentence, the bell rings. wonwoo eyes you cautiously. the rush of students stampeding off to their next class breezes past the both of you, cocooning you in a whirl of noises and varying degrees of body odour or thickly-layered deodorant. 
wonwoo leans in, and repeats a set of numbers to you. 
"...380," you echo back. 
he nods, and turns to join the stream of migrating salmon towards their final destination. advanced calculus. what a nerd. you can't believe you actually know someone who takes that willingly in the arts stream.
"...380," you repeat, walking off to your own class.
"so you're telling me," kimmy says, placing a hand in front of you. 
"interruption deduction," you blurt out.
kimmy retracts her hand warily like you're a particularly grotesque descendant of some arachnid monstrosity. "you have jargons. ugh."
"kinky," chan says, tapping at his game.
kimmy shoves him out of the seat. chan winces, though his fingers never leave the screen.
"freaking hell, i almost died!"
kimmy snaps her fingers at you again. "you mean to say he gave you his number after that weird mating ritual you guys went through."
you hold up a finger. "first, yes, but only to continue the argument, and secondly, it's not a mating ritual. he's wrong about-"
"but it is weird," kimmy says. "you talk to the guy you claim to hate-"
"-he's misguided and-"
"-you claim to hate," kimmy emphasises, slamming your finger down, "every. single. lit class, and it's not even for class participation."
"that's a good idea," chan says, thumbs pummelling down on his phone. "two birds with one stone."
kimmy grabs your hands, beseeching. "please just use your head and think."
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_seventeen+right+here_11294
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_like+ocean+waves_11653
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_twenty+four+seven_12472
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_boom+boom_18273
you [1902]: http://watchtube/video_knob_poetry_gibun+gibun+gibun_17349
wonwoo [2024]: jesus christ.
wonwoo [2045]: alright, some of them are good.
you [2046]: see??????
wonwoo [2046]: always exceptions to the rule.
you [2046]: u g h
you [2046]: are you serious 
wonwoo [2047]: i did say some of them were good.
you [2047]:  h a 
wonwoo [2047]: i never said there weren't good ones. 
wonwoo [2047]: i just said that page poetry is generally of higher quality.
you [2048]: by what standards?
wonwoo [2048]: you haven't been able to prove the longevity of any particular slam poem.
wonwoo [2048]: wouldn't you say that's the problem?
wonwoo [2048]: its circulation isn't tied to any specific culture or reinforced thereafter. 
wonwoo [2049]: therefore: oral tradition doesn't apply here.
you [2050]: ..........
you [2050]: why longevity? why does it need to be tied to any culture? why rate slam according to the criteria of page poetry?
wonwoo [2050]: that's because you haven't set a criteria.
wonwoo [2051]: boom.
you [2051]: christ.
you [2051]: brb im going to work on history essay
you [2053]: this is n o t a cowardly retreat!!!!!!!!!!
wonwoo [2053]: you said it
you [2054]: i will be back!!!!!!!!!!
when you join her at lunch, kimmy gives you an odd look. you respond by pretending to change tables. she holds you down.
"where's wonwoo?" she says.
you roll your eyes. "join the club."
"no, seriously," she says, angling her head to glance behind you. "where is he?"
"how would i know?" you throw your hands up in the air, narrowly endangering your cutlery. "first vernon, then jeonghan, then professor lee, then this weird guy from whatever abstract math, then-"
kimmy pulls away. "from math?"
you fling your hands out at her, smiling widely at her scrunched up nose. "don't worry. i made sure to sanitise myself after contact."
kimmy groans. "not the point."
"then?" you wag an eyebrow. "you were spooked when he started joining our table."
"yeah," kimmy deadpans, picking up her chopsticks and pointing them at you. a dribble of soy sauce falls from it. "but since then he's been coming over every day without fail to bicker with you and so i got used to it."
you spread your arms out, appreciating the space and the rare stab of freedom and uncontested territory. "and now we are delivered from all our burdens."
kimmy pokes around at her noodles. "so you don't know where he is."
"lady!" you exclaim, jabbing your fork at her fishball. "no! i'm not a wonwoo-detector!"
she pauses, ignoring your heist. "you have his number."
kimmy gives you a meaningful look. "are you going to check if he's sick?"
you've done it. kimmy's finally reached maximum-incredulity. for a moment you feel the urge to reach over your head to see if you've sprouted extra limbs or a third eye. with the way she's gawking at you, you think you might have regressed into a blobfish.
she presses a hand to her temples. sighs, and then steadies herself. "okay. at the very, very least, aren't you going to make sure he doesn't miss anything in class."
you think about it. "he's got other friends."
kimmy presses her fingers together like a steeple over her nose. BOI. "you are his friend."
"i wouldn't say friend," you say, shuddering at the word, even as you tug your phone out. "it's more, like-?"
you choke out a questionable, questioning sound. kimmy has a glimmer of hope in her eyes before sighing it away again. 
you [1236]: hey you sick?
wonwoo [1236]: yeah, a bit.
"yeah, he's sick," you report.
kimmy chews on her noodles. "tell him about class?"
you [1238]: so for lit today we went through freudian vs feminism, as well as why slam is better than page, and the homework is reading chapters 11-13
wonwoo [1238]: nice try.
you [1239]: you're not that sick then
wonwoo [1239]: i haven't moved an inch since freefalling onto my bed at 7 last night.
you [1240]: müde
wonwoo [1241]: is that german?
you [1241]: pun.
wonwoo [1242]: if you have to explain it it's not that good.
you [1242]: precautionary measures for a foolproof pun.
wonwoo [1243]: hey i'm sick remember
you [1243]: whats new
"it's cute and all," kimmy interrupts, drawing your attention back up to her, "to see you smile like a fool, but we got five more minutes and your food isn't gonna eat itself."
you frown, hard. "not smiling like a fool."
kimmy waves you away. "just eat."
when she rises to put away her tray, you turn back to your phone.
wonwoo [1244]: mean :(
wonwoo [1245]: ?
you [1247]: gtg class 
wonwoo [1247]: oh okay bye
you [1247]: ttyl
wonwoo [1250]: thanks, btw.
you[1251]: np
mingyu, from his other class, saddles you with a stack of math notes. holding them in your arms feels like an allergic reaction. you follow his haphazard instructions to get to wonwoo's room.  the security guard doesn't even blink when you walk into the building. so you do. 
the dorms are unexpectedly clean. doors are plain and apparently functional, the hallway is well lit, and noise isn't much of a concern. then again, it is a school day. 
you reach wonwoo's room. knock twice. the door opens to show a young lady with a dark red lip.
"is this wonwoo's room?"
she nods. "yeah, he's sleeping now."
you notice the way she's got on a too-large shirt. wonwoo's worn that in one of your lit classes. you hand her the stack of notes.
"these are from his math class."
she takes them. "ah, thank you! is there anything you want me to tell him when he wakes up?"
"no," you say. 
the door closes on you. you look down and see a pair of black strappy heels next to plain sneakers. 
wonwoo [2143]: did you come over?
you [2146]: yeah
wonwoo [2146]: thanks, for the notes.
you [2148]: np 
the reality of things don't sink in until you're stuck in a library cubicle, knees barely brushing against wonwoo's (that giant) and huddling over the table to doodle little devils on his side of the paper. you glance up, head almost bumping into wonwoo's, and then zip back down to jot another idea. 
come to college, they said. it would be intellectually stimulating, they said.
you can't believe you're prepping for a presentation by going through all of your arguments for and against slam poetry with him. it's all chan's fault, you think bitterly, watch as he separates argument from argument with careful underlines. suggesting to actually make this class participation.
talk about exploitation. something doesn't sit right with you.
"so when we debate," wonwoo whispers, focused and oblivious. "you'll bring up this point in rebuttal to this. see how that works?"
you hum. "yeah."
"right. then for closing-"
you crash your head into the table with an obnoxiously loud slam. wonwoo flinches in his seat. the librarian narrows her beady eyes on the both of you.
"i think we'll get an a for this," you mutter. 
wonwoo looks at you, caps his pen, and leans back in his seat. 
the debate goes well. everything happens as anticipated. you're able to uphold the integrity of academic investigation. whatever that means. wonwoo doesn't interrupt you. the nuances of your arguments are spared sufficient time before their expiration. 
(he looks bored.)
but that all goes to hell when you realise the class gets to vote. you turn on wonwoo: did you know this?
he averts his eyes. a sure sign of guilt.
something gnaws inside of you, worse than that time when you found kimmy's concoction of green onions, dr pepper and baking soda. it was an infusion alright. but the smell left you retching for days on end. 
the worst thing is, you don't know why you feel this way now.
you don't know who won. everything happened in a blur and now you're stomping out of the hallway, tugging the zip of your bag close. wonwoo catches up. you walk faster.
"well, congrats," he says.
"take your congratulations and shove it up your ass," you bite back.
wonwoo holds his hands up. "what's wrong?"
you swivel to a stop, fixing him with a shrivelling glare. "leave me alone."
wonwoo backs off. you turn the corner and run for class.
wonwoo [1225]: hey are you alright? wonwoo [1227]: what's wrong? wonwoo [1232]: is it something i did? wonwoo [1240]: ?? wonwoo [1255]: i'm sorry? - "you look like shit," is the first thing kimmy says to you. "is it wonwoo?"
you stab at her fishball. "no."
she rolls her eyes. "i didn't hear anything when i was walking over from the north wing, so something's up."
"nothing's up."
kimmy shakes her head, placing his chopsticks down. "when you come running to my class crying, i think something's up."
you scowl at her. she winks back. and then rearranges her face to something more sombre. 
"did you guys..." she leans in. "break up?"
you swat at her. "what?"
chan slides into the seat next to her. "i've been summoned by the allusions to love."
kimmy shoves him. "just because you play love live doesn't mean shit."
to you, she says, "look. you have his number-"
"i have your number too."
she pinches your lips together. "shut up. you walk each other to the next class faithfully without fail-"
you swat her hand away. "that's because he's being a prick-"
"you have inside jokes that nobody else gets."
"that's the point of inside jokes."
kimmy squeezes your cheeks together this time. god, those hand grips are working. "when he's gone, people ask you where he is. after that debate, you came to me crying. and the best part is you let him steal your fries."
she releases her hold on you, allowing you the chance to breathe. and then immediately choke.
kimmy, satisfied, returns to eating.
"oh my god," you say, eyes wide. "oh."
"yeah," kimmy echoes, "oh."
the realisation does you no favours. "...he's off-limits. he's got a girlfriend."
chan finally detaches from his game. the whimsical sounds of squeaky little gems fade away as
he lets his character die. "what?"
"there was a girl in his room," you say.
kimmy rounds up on chan. "you never said anything."
"i didn't know!" chan protests, "i thought-"
he falls silent. you stuff your face with fries.
the rest of the week is horrible. you can't help but notice how wonwoo pulls out his phone, sighs, and replaces it in his pocket before shooting you looks. it sucks, really, to be so aware and want to not be. 
before you can pack up and leave, though, wonwoo strides over with his freakishly long legs. "saturday night."
you look at the pamphlet he's offering you. slam night. 
"please come," he says, exhaling slowly. "at least - consider it."
he leaves it in your hands, and bolts out of class. 
you hate that you're considering it. you hate that you're already here. you hate that you're still hoping. there's no reading between the lines because everything is so blurred and reckless and there is no way out of this. so here you are, sitting at the side, going to this slam because you've gone to all the other slams anyway.
"hey, you're wonwoo's friend," a girl says.
you look up. it's the girl with the red lip. "yeah."
she smiles, sitting down gracefully next to you. "that idiot said he'd be slamming."
maybe you should have gone home. out of all you'd expected from this evening, you didn't think sitting with your crush's girlfriend is one of them.
"maybe he's trying to impress someone," she continues, winking at you. "my brother can be so thick."
before you can ask her what she means, the emcee starts to welcome everyone to the event. you sit patiently, trying not to bounce your knee when the epitome of grace is right beside you.  the first few acts pass by without much enthusiasm. you shuffle in your seat. 
and then wonwoo comes up. there's polite applause as he scans the darkened crowd. he pauses in your direction, and smiles. you turn to his sister(?). she spares you an undecipherable look. 
"hello," he says into the microphone. "i'm wonwoo, and up till recently i was sceptical towards the fine art of slam poetry."
you snort. 
he continues, "but i've been converted, maybe, to see the beauty of paying tribute to the ancient origins of poetry. i'm not a poet, but shakespeare is, and he's pretty ancient as far as i know.
"so here's sonnet 130." 
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sunnydaleherald · 6 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, August 19
Snyder: There're some things I can just smell. It's like a sixth sense. Giles: No, actually that would be one of the five.
~~When She Was Bad~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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When Paperwork Attacks (Buffy, Willow, Xander, crossover with Stargate: SG1, G)  by Beriaearwen
Updating The Angel Relationship Chart (Fred, Angel/Cordelia, G)  by geckogirl89
Photographs (Dawn, G)  by cmk418
One Night He Wakes, Strange Look On His Face (Angel/Cordelia, G)  by geckogirl89
An Irish Lullaby (Lorne, Angel/Cordelia, G)  by geckogirl89
Decency (Buffy, crossover with NCIS, FR-13)  by mmooch
Hers (Angel/Cordelia, PG)  by Kat Lee
Confrontation (Buffy, crossover with Harry Potter, T)  by 3am_moonlight
The Money Fairy And The Money Huntress (Wesley, Angel/Cordelia, G)  by geckogirl89
Time Out (Dawn, crossover with Lord of the Rings/Silmarillion, FR-13)  by Grundy
Expanding The Family (Buffy, Dawn, crossover with Batman, T)  by Beriaearwen
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Watching (Ethan, Lindsey, T)  by sparrow2000
3 a.m. (Willow, G)  by sparrow2000
That 70's Slayer (crossover with That '70s Show, G)  by Shieldage
[Chaptered Fiction]
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She Does It Through Love (Athena Luthor Part 14) (Buffy, crossover with Smallville, PG)  by hermione2be
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The Willow Tapes (Tapes 193, 194, 195, and 196) (Willow, Xander, G)  by madimpossibledreamer
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Princess Raven Starheart, Warrior of all Time, Chapter Five (parody with multiple crossovers)  by Talyesin
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Prey, Chapter 1 (Angelus, Willow, M)  by Amazon.Thisbe
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She vows to endure, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, R)  by Cockney Cecilia
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: can i trade in the children for more cash? #anya (worksafe)  by tarastheory
Artwork: the mission's what matters. #nikki (worksafe)  by tarastheory
Artwork: techno-pagan is the term. #jenny (worksafe)  by tarastheory
Artwork: Prophecy Girl (worksafe)  by fnippsh
Artwork: Sample pages from my Buffy the Vampire Slayer digital coloring book (worksafe)  by ashlipizazz
Artwork: Something Blue / Seeing Red (worksafe)  by stalwartsandall
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Artwork: Rachel's Banners (Buffy, Faith, Angel/Darla, Xander/Drusilla, worksafe)  by RachM
Artwork: Banner: Why should I apologize... (Faith, Willow, worksafe)  by HowiMetdaSlayer
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy rewatch: Tabula Rasa (6.08) by elsalapizza
Angel rewatch: Quickening (3.08) by elsalapizza
Angel rewatch: Lullaby (3.09) by elsalapizza
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I Will Remember You Review (1x08) by OxymoronAmI
[Fandom Discussions]
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Thoughts on Willow and Tara by jelly-bean-jones
S6 ended with lots of feels by thebigmick284
Soul!Spike is great by jelly-bean-jones
Multi-shipper meme: Lilah by scienceofficer-winifredburkle
Slow Burn/Fake Dating/Enemies to Lovers meme: Oz, Tara, Kennedy and Buffy, Kendra, Faith by thewigginsfanfic
A trans slayer in the reboot by broodingsoul
Willow and Tara respond to an ask about bullying by lesbiangaytypelovers
IWRY Spotlight Sunday: Bodiless Within the Bodies (Bangel fic rec) by iwillrememberyoumarathon
30 Days of Bangel: Day 18 - Favorite dream sequence by we-pay-for-everything, mrsgordo84, tohavealifetimeoffun and gianelson
30 Days of Bangel: Day 19 - Favorite "I love you" (or romantic declaration) by we-pay-for-everything, mrsgordo84, tohavealifetimeoffun and gianelson
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Top 5 Bangel episodes by Mylie and HoppyHippy
Cangel vs. Bangel by Multiple Posters
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Best Visual Metaphor hosted by TriBel
Discussion of Colors by anaross (Buffy/Spike) hosted by flow
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First time watcher here and I feel so bad for Spike... by BroBro92166
Everyone says [AtS] S1 is a slog, but... by giri0n
I've watched 2 seasons of Angel and don't like it; should I keep watching? by clc53693
Your favourite underrated comedic moments hosted by itmeyourfaveblobfish
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