#these priests gotta be killed one day
abs0luteb4stard · 9 months
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doctorbitchcrxft · 21 days
Nightmare | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: mentions of abuse, descriptions of suicide, canon violence, canon gore, mentions of parental abuse (plsplspls heed these warnings and take care of yourself!!)
Word Count: 7370
A/N: Bye me when I scheduled this to post a day early...... goodnight. lmfao. enjoy!!!!
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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While Dean drove and you lounged sleepily in the backseat, Sam was on the phone asking for the identity behind a license plate he’d seen in a dream. Sam had come to wake you up from a peaceful slumber in the middle of the night, shouting that you needed to leave then and there.
He didn’t elaborate much until he got in the car, but even then, his explanation was frantic and disjointed.
“Sammy, relax. I'm sure it's just a nightmare,” Dean tried to coax his brother.
Sam was unconvinced. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
“I mean it. Y'know, a normal, everyday, naked-in-class, nightmare. This license plate, it won't check out. You'll see,” Dean said calmly.
“It felt different Dean. Real. Like when I dreamt about our old house. And Jessica.”
“But in those, you were dreaming about your house, your girlfriend,” you jumped in. “But this guy… have you ever seen him before?”
Sam shook his head.
“Exactly,” Dean answered. “Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan.”
Sam sighed. “I don't know.” He perked up when the man on the phone began to speak to him again. “Yes, I'm here.” Sam side-eyed you and Dean. “Jim Miller. Saginaw, Michigan. You have a street address?... Got it. Thanks.” Sam hung up. “Checks out. How far are we?”
You sucked in a breath through your teeth. “At least a couple hours.”
“Drive faster,” Sam ordered his brother.
When you arrived at the home of the man from Sam’s dream, you were surprised and dismayed to see police cars, ambulance, and a body bag being rolled out of the garage of the home. You looked up at Sam, who was upset, as you walked over to bystanders.
The bystanders explained that Jim Miller had been found in his garage with his engine going and the garage door closed. It had been ruled a suicide. You knew from Sam, though, it wasn’t. Speaking of whom, he walked away from the crowd and back over to the car.
“Sam, you couldn’t have done anything,” you told him.
“Then why am I having these dreams if I can’t stop it?” He sounded agitated, but you knew it was more at the situation than you.
“Sam, we got here as fast as we could,” Dean responded, approaching you and his brother.
Sam shook his head and sighed. “So what do you think killed him?”
“Maybe the guy just killed himself?” the older brother suggested. “Maybe there's nothing supernatural going on at all.”
The younger one shook his head again. “I'm telling you, I watched it happen. He was murdered by something, guys. I watched it trap him in the garage.”
“Did you see what it was?” you questioned.
Sam got a little worked up. “No. I don't know why I'm having these dreams. I don't know what the hell is happening.”
You stared at Sam for a moment, as did Dean.
“Nothing,” you shrugged. “We’re just… worried about you, dude.”
“Well, don't look at me like that!” Sam was becoming more panicked by the second.
“I'm not looking at you like anything,” Dean responded. “Though, I gotta say, you do look like crap.”
“Nice. Thanks.” Sam made a bitchface.
You opened the door for Sam. “C’mon, dude. Let’s pick this up in the morning.”
“We'll check out the house; talk to the family,” Dean continued.
“Dean, you saw them, they're devastated. They're not going to want to talk to us," you told him.
Dean thought for a moment. “Yeah, you're right. But I think I know who they will talk to."
“Are you sure this was necessary?” you asked, tugging at the habit draped over your head; hair itching underneath it. You wore a long sleeve shirt with a knee-length dress over the top. Dean had decided to dress you and his brother in nun and priest outfits respectively. 
“Just trust me,” Dean answered. He rapped his knuckles on the door of the Miller household where they were having Jim MIller’s wake.
Sam sighed. “This has gotta be a whole new low for us.”
“Yeah, but it’s the most put-together your hair’s ever looked,” you smirked, referencing the copious amounts of gel you’d combed through his hair.
Sam deadpanned at you just as the door open.
“Good afternoon. I'm Father Simmons, this is Father Stanley and Sister Frehley. We're new junior clergy over at St Augustine's. May we come in?” Dean introduced.
The man nodded.
“We’re very sorry for your loss,” Sam told the man who had let you inside. 
“It's in difficult times like these when the Lord's guidance is most needed.”
You could hit Dean. He was really laying it on thick.
The man snapped, “Look, you wanna pitch your whole 'Lord has a plan' thing? Fine. Just don't pitch it to me. My brother's dead.”
“Roger. Please!” a blonde older woman scolded from behind him.
“Excuse me.” Roger left.
“I'm sorry about my brother-in-law. He's… he's just so upset about Jim's death. Would you like some coffee?” the woman, who you assumed was the former Mrs. Miller, asked.
“That would be great.”
Dean sat on the couch next to you and Sam took the armchair. Ms. Miller poured each of you a cup. “It was wonderful of you to stop by. The support of the church means so much right now.”
“Of course. After all, we are all god's children,” Dean smiled.
You shot him a look, waiting for the woman to walk away. “Tone it down, Father,” you whispered to him.
Ms. Miller returned before Dean could reply to you, and he instead spoke to her. “So Ms. Miller, did your husband have a history of depression?”
“Nothing like that.” Her voice began breaking. “We had our ups and downs like everyone, but we were happy. I just don't understand… how Jim could do something like this.”
“I'm so sorry you had to find him like that,” Sam told her. 
Ms. Miller looked behind her at a boy leaning against the wall whose face was etched into a scowl. “Actually, our son Max, he was the one who found him.”
“Do you mind if maybe I go talk to him?” Sam asked. 
Ms. Miller smiled. “Oh, thank you, Father.”
You looked around the living room as Sam walked away. “You have a lovely home. How long have you lived here?”
“We moved in about five years ago,” she answered.
“Some of these old houses bring all kinds of headaches,” you continued. “Weird leaks, electrical shortages, odd settling noises at night. That kind of thing.”
Ms. Miller shook her head. “We don’t have any of that. It’s been perfect.”
Dean pursed his lips. “Huh. May I use your restroom?”
“Oh sure, it's just up the stairs,” the woman responded.
Dean stood, taking a cocktail sausage on his way up the stairs.
“I apologize for Father Simmons. He’s… still learning,” you sighed once Dean was out of earshot.
Ms. Miller gave as much of a laugh as she could muster. “It’s okay. He’s got a good heart.”
You smiled at her. “Thank you for your time,” you said, and began discreetly heading up the stairs. 
When you met Dean and Sam on the second floor, they shook their heads indicating they knew the question you were going to ask.
“Seriously?” you chewed the inside of your lip. “Nothing?”
“Zip,” Dean answered. 
“Okay then. Back to square one.”
Sam left you and Dean alone in his motel room for a bit to do some research on the Miller home’s history. You helped him clean weapons he’d brought to his and Sam’s motel room. 
You took the floor. You always did. You just liked to sit on the floor as opposed to the itchy quilts that normally adorned the motel beds. And it gave you more space to spread the weapons and cleaning supplies out. Without looking up at Dean as you continued to polish Dean’s handgun, you asked, “So, what’re your thoughts on your brother’s sixth sense?”
Dean blew out a huff of air. “I don’t have any thoughts.” 
“Dean, don’t lie to me. Spill.”
He hesitated. “I just don’t know. I mean, I’m not psychic. My mom wasn’t. My dad isn’t. So where the hell would he have gotten it from?”
“I’m not sure,” you said earnestly, pursing your lips. “Can I ask you something?”
“Does he scare you? I see the look on your face sometimes, especially over the past few days. I can’t exactly place what it means.”
“Honestly? I don’t know,” he sighed. “I mean, I’ve known this kid his whole life. And suddenly he— he’s predicting people’s deaths? Doesn’t it scare you?”
“Well, there’s the difference. It scares me that he’s going through this, but he doesn’t scare me. He’s still Sam,” you answered.
“Well, yeah. Obviously he’s still Sam. I just— I guess I’m less scared of him and more scared for him. I don’t know.” You could practically see the gears in his head turning.
You stared at him as he continued wiping down his weapons and cleaning the chambers of his guns. You decided the reason why your gut had churned over Cassie in Ohio was because you were used to being the only woman in his life. You loved how honest he was starting to get with you; especially because you didn’t even think he was that honest with himself.
“What?” His question broke your train of thought. 
He smirked. “You’re staring. See something you like?” 
You scoffed. “You wish. I was thinking.”
“ ‘Bout what?”
“That’s confidential,” you remarked. 
He gave you a look. “Mm-hmm.”
Sam came through the door at that moment.
“What do you have?” Dean asked his brother.
“A whole lotta nothing.” Sam sat on the bed next to your spot on the floor. “Nothing bad has happened in the Miller house since it was built.”
“Not even the land?” you questioned.
“No grave yards, battle fields, tribal lands or any other kind of atrocity on or near the property.”
“Hey, man, I told you,” the older brother said, “I searched that house up and down. No cold spots, sulfur scent. Nada.”
“And the family said everything was normal?”
“Yeah, nothing I asked rang any bells for Ms. Miller,” you replied.
“Well, even if there was a demon or poltergeist in there you think somebody would have noticed something?” Dean added. “I used the infer-red thermal scanner man, and there was nothing.”
“So what, you guys think Jim Miller killed himself and my dream was just some sorta freakish coincidence?”
“I don’t know. I'm pretty sure there's nothing supernatural about that house,” Dean answered.
Sam began rubbing his temples. “Yeah. Well, maybe it has nothing to do with the house.” He paused and took a deep breath, holding his head. You straightened up in confusion. “Maybe it's just— Gosh.” Sam was clearly in agony. “Maybe it's connected to Jim in some other way?”
“What’s going on?” you asked.
He started to groan and sink to the floor next to you. “My head.”
You put your hand on Sam’s shoulder to steady him while his brother crouched before him. “Hey! What's going on? Talk to me.” Dean was desperately trying to get his brother’s attention, but it seemed he was zoning further and further out. Sam’s head would have hit the floor if it weren’t for you and Dean holding onto him when he dropped.
“Sam?! Sammy?!” Dean began shaking his younger brother by either side of his face trying to get him to wake up.
You jumped up to go get him a cold towel for his head. While you were in the bathroom searching for a washcloth to dampen, Sam shot up. “It's happening again. Something's gonna kill Roger Miller.”
Sam made you and Dean leave pretty much immediately. Dean was trying to remain calm for his brother on the way to Roger Miller’s apartment, but it was clear to you he was beginning to freak out. 
“If you're gonna hurl, I'll pull the car over. Y'know, cause the upholstery…” Dean sassed. 
Sam’s jaw clenched. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“Just drive, Dean.” Sam looked over to his brother, huffed out a breath, and looked back to the road. “I'm scared, man. These nightmares weren't bad enough, now I'm seeing things when I'm awake? And these, visions, or whatever, they're getting more intense. And painful.”
Dean briefly looked over to him. “Come on man, you'll be alright. It'll be fine.”
“What is it about the Millers? Why am I connected to them, why am I watching them die? Why the hell is this happening to me?”
“We’ll figure it out, Sam,” you assured him. 
“We've faced the unexplainable every day,” the older brother added. “This is just another thing.”
The brunet shook his head. “No. It's never been us. It's never been in the family like this. Tell the truth, you can't tell me this doesn't freak you out.”
You looked at Dean expectantly.
“This doesn't freak me out.”
You leaned over the seat and hugged Sam around the shoulders, and you could feel some of the tension leave his body as you did so. 
You and the boys were just a second too late. Roger wouldn’t let you into the apartment building, so you opted to sprint up the fire escape. In the midst of you running up the steps, you heard metal grating against metal and a wet squelching noise.
“Oh, fuck,” you muttered, urging yourself to go faster. You made it up the stairs just before the other two could and discovered Roger’s head lying below his apartment window in a flower box. Your stomach churned, but you knew you had to get out of there quickly. 
“Start wiping down your fingerprints,” Dean told you and Sam, holding out his bandana to his brother, “we don't want the cops to know we were here. Come on, come on!”
You used your jacket sleeve to push up the window of the apartment that led to the fire escape. “Dean, I’m gonna take a look inside. You coming?”
He followed you in to quickly search the apartment before you hit the road once more. Just like at the Miller’s house, you saw nothing.
“I saw something, in the vision,” Sam explained once you’d gotten back to the car. “Like a dark shape. Something was— something was stalking Roger.”
“Whatever it was, are you sure it's not connected to their house?” Dean questioned. 
“No, it's connected to the family themselves. So what do you think, like a vengeful spirit?”
“I mean, potentially,” you responded. “Some spirits ‘ll latch onto families, follow ‘em for years—”
“Angiak, Banshees,” Sam added. 
“Basically like a curse. So maybe Roger and Jim Miller got involved in something heavy, something curse worthy.”
“And now the something is out for revenge,” Sam continued. “And the men in their family are dying.”
“Hey, you think Max is in Danger?” you asked.
“Let's figure it out before he is.” Dean drove faster.
“Well, I know one thing I have in common with these people,” the brunet continued.
“What's that?”
“Both our families are cursed.”
‘Oh, shit,’ you thought.
Dean huffed. “Our family's not cursed! We just… had our dark spots.”
Sam snorted. “Our dark spots are… pretty dark.”
Dean’s face scrunched uncomfortably. “You're.... dark.”
“I think you guys are just weird,” you laughed.
“You’re… weird.”
“Dean, I feel like I’m listening to your brain short-circuit in real time.”
“Shut up, (Y/N).”
You and the boys went back to the Millers’ house dressed in your priest and nun outfits. The shifty boy from the funeral that Sam had talked to opened the door. 
“My mom's resting, she's pretty wrecked,” he explained. “All these people kept coming with like, casseroles? I finally had to tell them all to go away. You know cause nothing says I'm sorry like a tuna casserole.”
Sam smiled sadly, and Max smiled back. He gestured to the living room and all of you took a seat.
“How are you holding up?” you asked the boy.
He shrugged. “Okay.”
“Your dad and your uncle were close,” Sam added.
“Yeah, I guess. I mean, they were brothers. They used to hang out all the time when I was little.” Max’s tone made him seem uncomfortable, and something about him had you uneasy, too.
“But not lately?”
“No, it's not that. It's just… we used to be neighbors when I was a kid,” Max explained. “We lived across town in this house. Uncle Roger lived next door, so he was over all the time.”
Sam nodded. “So how was it in that house when you were a kid?”
A look of surprise crossed Max’s face. “It was fine. Why?”
“All good memories?” Dean pressed further. “Do you remember anything unusual? Something involving your father and your uncle maybe?”
Max shook his head. “What do ya....why do you ask?”
Red flags were popping up in the back of your mind repeatedly. Your hands clenched your skirt tightly. 
“Just a question,” Dean answered.
“No, there was nothing. We were totally normal. Happy.”
“Good. That's good. Well you must be exhausted. We should take off.” Something in Dean’s voice told you that he was sensing the same things you were.
Once you were back at the motel and changed, you went to the boys’ room.
“Guys, something is not right about the way Max was acting,” you said.
“Yeah, I know,” Dean responded. “I think we gotta go visit that house.”
And so, you did. The three of you headed to the edge of town to visit Max’s childhood home. 
You found a man outside of his home tending his garden when you and the boys arrived at the Millers’ old home. “Have you lived in the neighborhood very long?” Dean asked.
The man responded, “Yeah, almost twenty years now. It's nice and quiet. Why, you looking to buy?”
You shook your head. “No, no, actually, we were wondering if you might recall a family that used to live right across the street I believe.”
“Yeah the Millers. They had a little boy called Max,” the older Winchester added.
“Yeah, I remember. The brother had the place next door. So, uh, what's this about, is that poor kid ok?” the man asked you.
You tilted your head in curiosity. “What do you mean?”
“Well, in my life I've never seen a child treated like that. I mean I'd hear Mr. Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street; he was a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar outta Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of.”
Your heart clenched. You knew exactly what that was like.
“This was going on regularly?” Sam inquired. 
“Practically every day,” the older man explained. “In fact, that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy. But the worst part was the stepmother. She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good.”
“Now you, said step-mother.”
The older man looked off as if remembering. “I think his real mother died. Some sorta… accident. Car accident I think,” the man responded.
Sam raised a hand to his head and grimaced. 
You turned your head to him. “You okay?”
Sam winced but nodded nonetheless.
“Thank you for your time,” you told the man you’d been talking to. You then began to help Dean toward the car. Once you’d gotten him settled inside, his head lolled back against the seat. While Dean drove, you leaned over the backseat to keep an eye on Sam.
When he woke back up, he said, “Max is doing it. Everything I've been seeing.”
“What? How do you know?” you questioned.
“I saw him,” the brunet replied.
“How's he pulling it off?” Dean jumped in.
‘I don't know, like telekinesis?”
‘What, so, he's psychic? A spoon bender?” 
“I didn't even realize it but this whole time, he was there. He was outside the garage when his Dad died, he was in the apartment when his Uncle died. These visions, this whole time— I wasn't connecting to the Millers, I was connecting to Max! The thing is I don't get why, man. I guess— because we're so alike?” You could see Sam’s mind racing.
Dean’s eyebrows furrowed frustratedly. “What? He’s nothing like you, dude.”
“Well. We both have psychic abilities, we both…”
Dean gruffly cut his brother off. “Both what? Sam, Max is a monster, he's already killed two people, now he's gunning for a third.”
“Well, with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people? I'm sorry, man, I hate to say it, but it's not that insane.”
“Sam, that doesn’t justify murdering your entire family,” you responded. You knew that better than anybody. 
Dean pulled over in front of the Millers’ current home. “He's no different from anything else we've hunted, all right? We gotta end him.”
“We're not going to kill Max,” Sam protested.
“Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say 'Lock him up officer; he kills with the power of his mind’?” You nearly laughed at Dean’s response despite the situation.
“No way. Forget it.”
Dean turned the engine off and faced his brother.
“Dean, He's a person. We can talk to him. Hey, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one,” Sam pleaded.
The older brother paused. “Alright, fine. But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else.” He removed his signature Taurus pistol from the glove compartment. You grabbed yours from under your seat and shoved it into your jeans. 
You and the boys practically broke into the home. 
Mrs. Miller and Max were standing in the kitchen. Both seemed upset. “Fathers?” Mrs. Miller asked. “Sister?”
Max gritted his teeth. “What are you doing here?”
“Sorry to interrupt,” Dean said. 
“Max, can we, uh, can we talk to you outside for just one second?” Sam asked.
The boy seemed suspicious. “About what?”
“It's— It's private. I wouldn't want to bother your mother with it,” answered the brunet. “We won't be long at all though, I promise.”
Max nodded and went to follow you out the front door. Before Dean could open the door, the doorknob pulled out of his hands. 
“You're not priests!” Max yelled. Dean went to draw his pistol, but Max pulled it away with his powers and slid it across the floor to himself. He pointed the gun at you and the brothers, and you quickly drew yours.
“Max, what's happening?” Ms. Miller asked, voice shaking. 
“Shut up,” the boy gritted through his teeth. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I said, shut up!” Max flung his step-mother across the room, and she hit her head on the kitchen counter. The blonde crumbled to the ground unconscious.
“Max, calm down,” Sam urged, trying to gesture to you to put your gun down.
“Who are you?” Max’s eyes pooled with angry tears.
“We just wanna talk.”
“Yeah, right, that’s why you brought these!” He indicated the gun he was holding as well as yours.
“That was a mistake all right? So was lying about who we were. But no more lying Max ok? Just please, just hear me out.”
“About what?” the teen’s voice calmed down only slightly.
“I saw you do it. I saw you kill your dad and your uncle before it happened,” Sam explained.
Max faltered.
“I'm having visions, Max. About you.”
The boy laughed coldly. “You’re crazy.”
“So what, you weren't gonna launch a knife at your stepmom?” Sam tapped his eye. “Right here? Is it that hard to believe, Max, look what you can do. Max, I was drawn here all right? I think I'm here to help you.”
Max began to cry harder. “No one can help me.”
“Let me try. We'll just talk, me and you. We'll get Dean, (Y/N), and Alice out of here,” Sam said.
“No way,” you and Dean said in unison.
The chandelier above you began to shake. “Nobody leaves this house!”
“Max, c’mon, dude, let Sam and I talk to you. We’ll send Dean and your stepmom upstairs, and I’ll put this away,” you said, referring to your gun.
“Look, Max. You're in charge here, alright, we all know that,” Sam told him. “No one's going to do anything that you don't want to do but we’re talking five minutes here man.”
“Five minutes?” Max looked over to Dean. “Go.”
Dean rushed to Ms. Miller and gently brought her upstairs. Dean took one last look at you and Sam before going upstairs.
“Look, I can't begin to understand what you went through—”
You cut Sam off. “I can.”
Max looked at you, surprised and angry. “How?”
“My parents did the same thing your dad and stepmom did to you,” you explained. “But I’m not gonna kill somebody over it. This has to stop, dude.”
“It will, after my stepmother—”
“Do you really think that’s gonna stop it?” you asked. “Really?”
He stared at you, and you felt you were beginning to get through to him. 
“Does it feel different now that your dad and uncle are gone? Do you feel better?” you pressed further.
“No, but it will,” spat Max through his tears.
“I don’t think so, kid,” you replied. “It doesn’t feel different for me. My parents are dead and gone, and it still fucking hurts.”
“Yeah, but at least you don’t have to look at them every day.”
“Can I be honest with you though? I wish I could. No matter how many times my dad hit me, I still want his approval. I still want to see him again.”
Max shook his head. “Not me. I’m happy my dad’s gone. You haven’t been beaten in a while, huh?”
You replied, “No.”
“Try last week.” He lifted up his shirt to reveal a large bruise littering his ribcage. “My dad still hit me. Just in places people wouldn't see it. Old habits die hard, I guess.”
“I’m sorry,” Sam said softly.
“When I first found out I could move things it was a gift. My whole life I was helpless but now I had this. So last week Dad gets drunk. The first time in a long time. And he beats me to hell, first time in a long time. And then, I knew what I had to do,” Max explained.
“Why didn't you just leave?” you asked.
“It wasn't about getting away. Just knowing they would still be out there. It was about… not being afraid. When my Dad used to look at me, there was hate in his eyes. Do you know what that feels like?” Max asked you and Sam.
“Yeah, I do,” you replied.
“He blamed me for everything. For his job, for his life, for my Mom's death,” Max continued.
Sam’s interest was piqued. “Why would he blame you for your Mom's death?”
Your breath caught in your throat when Max gave his explanation. “Because she died in my nursery, while I was asleep in my crib. As if that makes it my fault.”
“She died in your nursery?” Sam questioned.
“There was a fire. And he'd get drunk and babble on like she died in some insane way. He said that she burned up. Pinned to the ceiling!” 
You discreetly looked to Sam. 
“Listen to me, Max. What your dad said, about what happened to your Mom. It's real,” Sam told the boy. “It happened to my Mom too, exactly the same. My nursery, my crib, my dad saw her on the ceiling.”
Max laughed coldly. “Your dad must have been as drunk as mine.”
“No, no. It's the same thing, Max. The same thing killed our mothers.” You could tell Sam was excited by the missing puzzle piece being filled in. “This must be why I'm having visions during the day. Why they're getting more intense. 'Cause you and I must be connected in some way. Your abilities, they started six, seven months ago, right, out of the blue?”
“How'd you know that?” Max tried to remain calm, but you could tell he was intrigued.
“Cause that's when my abilities started, Max,” Sam went on. “Yours seem to me much further along but still, this has to mean something right? I mean for some reason, you and I… you and I were chosen.”
Max’s tears subsided. “For what?”
The younger Winchester sighed, “I don't know. But (Y/N), my brother, and I; we're hunting for your Mom's killer. We can find answers, answers that can help us both. But you gotta let us go, Max. You gotta let your stepmother go.”
The boy thought for a moment. “No. What they did to me? I still have nightmares. I'm so scared all the time, like I'm just waiting for that next beating. I'm so sick of being scared all the time, I just want this to be over!”
“Max, it won’t. Don’t you get it?” You were incredulous. Had he not been listening at all? “The nightmares won’t end, dude. They still wake me up screaming. Killing your stepmom isn’t gonna fix anything. I know, dude. Trust me on this one. Please.”
“I’m sorry.” The tears returned to his eyes and a twisted smile crossed his features before you were flying through the air and into the closet. The doors slammed shut on you, and you saw a heavy piece of furniture covering the place where the two doors met.
You and Sam began banging on the doors. “Max, no! Goddamn you!”
To make matters worse, Sam started holding his head and his eyes rolled back in their sockets. When he came back-to, he shouted, “No, NO!” And the heavy furniture moved from holding back the closet doors.
You and Sam froze, staring at each other for a moment before pushing the doors open and sprinting up the stairs. You busted through the door to the bedroom you could hear Dean’s voice coming from.
“No, don't! Don't! Please. Please,” Sam begged him. You noticed the gun trained on Dean who stood in front of Ms. Miller. “Max. Max. We can help you. Alright.”
“Kid, I know it fucking sucks,” you continued. “But this, what you're doing, it's not the solution. It's not gonna fix anything.”
Max was suddenly a mess. His shaking hands and sweating forehead became more apparent to you as his face contorted in agony. Suddenly, he relaxed. “You're right.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, but way too soon. The gun swung around to point at Max and he shot himself squarely between the eyes.
“No!” Sam cried, and you covered your mouth with your hand.
Ms. Miller began to cry looking at her stepson collapsed on the floor. You looked up at Dean and held his gaze before crossing the room to hug him. You felt his body relax for a moment before you pulled away from him. You moved to Ms. Miller. 
“I’m so sorry,” you told her. You opened your arms to her and she collapsed into you. You held her while Sam and Dean called the police and paramedics.
You helped Ms. Miller down the stairs to her couch to answer questions for the police, and sat by holding her hand the whole way through. The woman seemed unable to focus her vision as she spoke. “Max attacked me. He threatened me with a gun.”
“And these three?” The officer gestured to you, Sam, and Dean with the end of his pen.
“They're… family friends. I called them as soon as Max arrived, I was scared. They tried to stop him. They fought for the gun.” She looked over at the boys and squeezed your hand.
“Where did Max get the gun?”
Ms. Miller began to cry and looked up at the ceiling. “I don't know. He showed up with it and—” The poor woman began to break down.
“It’s okay, Alice,” you told her, bringing her back into a hug.
“I've lost everyone,” she sobbed into your shoulder, and you smoothed a hand over the back of her hair. 
The cop addressed you next. “We'll give you a call if we have any further questions.”
You nodded. You looked to the boys. Sam’s face was set in his puppy-dog stare, and Dean had a look on his face you couldn’t quite read. Dean jerked his head to gesture toward the car before leading Sam out of the home.
You gave Ms. Miller one final hug, and told her to call you if she needed anything. As her tears subsided, she thanked you. You left her alone in her house, and your heart broke for her. As broken as her family had been, she was truly all alone now. That wrecked you completely.
“If I'd just said something else; gotten through to him somehow…” you trailed off once you’d made your way to the car.
“Don’t do that,” Dean told you.
“Do what?”
“Torture yourself. It wouldn't have mattered what you said, Max was too far gone.” You didn’t find comfort in that at all.
“When I think about how he looked at us, man, right before. I shoulda done something,” Sam added.
“Come on, man, you risked your life. I mean, yeah, maybe if we had gotten there twenty years earlier,” Dean sassed.
The three of you moved to your respective sides of the Impala.
“Well, I'll tell you one thing. We're lucky we had Dad,” Sam said.
Dean was astounded. “Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that.”
The younger brother laughed. “It could’ve gone a whole other way after Mom. A little more tequila and a little less demon hunting and we would've had Max's childhood. All things considered, we turned out ok. Thanks to him.”
Dean looked back to the Miller’s house. “All things considered.”
You leaned against the car’s door and curled up on your seat. Your mind raced from the scene you’d just left. Ms. Miller reminded you so much of your mom. And now, she was alone. Then there was Max. If only you could’ve said something else. And your brother. You thought of him, too. Maybe he realized that even though your parents were dead, the memories didn’t go away. Maybe that was the reason he took his own life, not the fact that you’d killed your parents. Maybe if you would have spoken to him differently, he would still be here. You wouldn’t be all alone, just like Ms. Miller. Maybe if you’d—
“(Y/N), I’m sorry about your dad,” Sam broke you out of your thoughts.
You shook your head. “It’s fine.” You didn’t mean to come off rudely, but you knew your tone had been cold. You could see Dean looking at you in the rearview mirror out of the corner of your eye. You chose to ignore him, and kept looking out the window.
You and the boys arrived back at the motel soon after. Night had fallen, and the three of you decided you needed some sleep before hitting the road. Once you’d showered and changed into your pajamas which consisted of an oversized band t-shirt and underwear, you heard a knock on the door. 
You opened it to reveal Dean, and surprise overtook you. “What’s up?”
Dean raked his eyes over your body briefly and realized you’d forgotten to put pants on. “Uh, nothing, I just— uh.”
You quirked a brow at him. “You just?”
“Sam told me what you told Max. Thought maybe you’d wanna talk about it.”
“Aw, Dean, how sweet. Are we gonna hug?” you threw a line at him he’d used on you and Sam multiple times. 
He rolled his eyes and scratched the back of his neck. “Nevermind,” he muttered and began to walk away.
“Wait,” you said. He turned back to you and you let him into your motel room. You and Dean sat on the floor and leaned against your bed. 
“So…” you began.
“So…” he echoed.
“What do you wanna know?” you opted for asking, not sure how to begin this conversation.
“What happened to you?”
You sighed. “My dad was just… way too hard on me. And Bubba, too. He just… if we weren’t doing something right, he’d give ‘physical punishments’ to help us correct our form. He said it was because he wanted to keep us safe. Like, when I was learning to shoot and I would miss, he’d hit my hands with the butt of whatever gun I was shooting with. Hard. He said I’d remember the feeling and it’d fix my aim. And I hate to say it, but he was right. I rarely miss a shot.” You paused, thinking of another example. “When he’d go to hit Stevie, though, I always got in the way. Which he’d then hit me for another reason. He said it was because he needed to teach my brother a lesson and I shouldn’t get in the way of the natural consequence. My brother was always bigger and stronger than me even though he was two years younger. He made us spar all the time. And if he saw either of us holding back, my dad would spar us. And he didn’t hold back at all.” You drew in a shaky breath. “I was always the smallest in the family. He made sure I stayed super thin when I was little so I could always squeeze into tight spaces. I’m pretty sure that had he not, I’d be a lot taller than I am. Maybe could pack on some more muscle, too.”
Dean just stared at you, unsure of what to say.
“And you wanna know the worst part?”
He nodded.
“I don’t even hate him for it. I wish I could. But he’s my dad, y’know? The good times were always really good. I know he cared about me and Bubba. I just… he didn’t know how to show it, is all.”
“(Y/N), I don’t know a damn thing about love, but that sure as hell ain’t it,” Dean responded. 
“I don’t know, Dean, I really haven’t seen much better examples anywhere else in my life,” you laughed uncomfortably. “I mean, hunting isn’t exactly a profession you can have relationships in. And hookups just aren’t for me; they make me feel like garbage.”
“I get it,” he answered.
“No, way, dude. You’re king of hookup kingdom,” you sassed.
“I’m serious! I wasn’t always. I’ve always… loved girls, y’know, but I didn’t always know what to do with ‘em. And some of ‘em you can just tell are using you. Even if I’m doing the same thing to them, it doesn’t feel great.”
Your gaze softened. “Then why do you keep doing it to yourself?”
“It’s a great way to blow off some steam. Besides, it’s so fun, why the hell would I stop?”
“Good point,” you shrugged. 
The two of you sat in silence for a minute. 
“How the hell did we go from talking about my dad hitting me to your sex life?”
He laughed. “I have no idea. But, uh, I’m sorry all that happened to you.”
“Meh, I’ll get over it. Eventually,” you shrugged.
“I know you didn’t tell me the worst parts, though,” he said.
“You get this look on your face when you’re talkin’ about something that really upsets you. Like your parents’ death. That’s the only time I’ve ever seen you hurt that bad,” Dean explained. “Anyway, if you ever do wanna talk about it...”
“I know,” you smiled softly. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
You and Dean talked for hours on the floor of your room. His shoes were abandoned somewhere, his button-up had been abandoned, and you were several rounds of Texas Hold-Em deep. You played with bullets instead of poker chips; it was all you had on hand.
You laughed at some stupid joke Dean had made as you called. A ten of hearts, seven of clubs, and nine of clubs laid before you and Dean on the ground.
He hummed. “Raise.”
You flipped up the top card. Ace of spades. ‘Fuck.’ But you wouldn’t let Dean win.
You flipped up the last card. Six of hearts. You fought the smile trying to work its way onto your face. “Bet.”
Dean eyed you, and you eyed him right back. You stared at each other intensely until he finally said, “Fold.”
“Yes!” You said triumphantly, falling back to the floor. 
“Yeah, whatever, we’re not even playing for real money.”
“You’re just butthurt you got beat, Winchester,” you retorted. “Don’t be a baby.”
He made a face at you. “I’m not.”
“You are totally pouting right now, dude, just admit it.”
“Am not.”
“Are, too.”
“Am not.”
“Are, too.”
“Fine,” Dean conceded. “It’s just ‘cause I’m tired; that’s the only reason you beat me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sure. Then let’s go to a casino together sometime. We could definitely use the cash. And you’re not half-bad.”
He smirked at you. “You’re on.”
You walked him to the door after having decided he needed to go to sleep since he was driving. 
“Goodnight, Dee.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
You ignored the way his nickname was beginning to make your heart flip.
You and Dean had apparently not decided to go to bed early enough, and you both yawned as you packed up the car. 
“Dean, I've been thinking,” Sam told his brother.
“Well that's never a good thing,” he yawned in response.
“I'm serious. I been thinking, this demon, whatever it is. Why would it kill Mom, and Jessica, and Max's mother, you know? What does it want?”
“I have no idea.”
“Well, you think, maybe, it was after us? After Max and me?”
“Why would you think that?”
“I mean, either telekinesis or premonitions, we both had abilities, you know? Maybe he was, he was after us for some reason.”
Dean slammed the trunk shut. “Sam. If it had wanted you, it would've just taken you. Okay? This is not your fault, it's not about you.” He headed back into the motel room, and you and Sam followed him.
“Then what is it about?”
“It's about that damn thing that did this to our family. The thing that we're gonna find, the thing that we're gonna kill. And that's all.”
“Actually there's uh... there's something else too.”
Dean turned back around. “Ah, jeez. What?”
“When Max left me and her in that closet, with that big cabinet against the door... I moved it.”
“Huh. You got a little more upper body strength than I gave you credit for,” Dean remarked.
“No man, I moved it. Like, Max.”
“He’s not lying,” you affirmed.
Dean paused for a few moments. “Right.” He picked up a spoon from the nightstand. “Bend this.”
Sam deadpanned, “I can’t just turn it on and off, Dean.”
“Well, how'd you do it?” 
“I don't know, I can't control it. I just— I saw you die and it just came out of me, like a, like a punch. You know like… a freak adrenaline thing.”
“Yeah, well, I’m sure it won’t happen again,” Dean replied.
“Yeah, maybe. Aren't you worried, man? Aren't you worried I could turn into Max or something?” Sam was unconvinced.
The older brother shook his head. “Nope. No way. You know why? ‘Cause you got one advantage Max didn't have. Two, actually.”
“Dad? Because Dad's not here, Dean.”
“No. Me.” He smirked. “And her. As long as we’re around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.”
Sam smiled a little and his puppy dog eyes returned.
Dean slung his bag over his shoulder and began pushing you and Sam out the door. “Now then. I know what we need to do about your premonitions. I know where we have to go.”
Sam rolled his eyes and walked out the door to the car.
“What? Come on man. Craps tables. We'd clean up!” Dean tried.
You laughed. “Dean could use your help with Texas Hold ‘Em, too.”
“Can it, (Y/N).”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @rei0812 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
Hello, I came across your post for Damian Priest requests, and thought I'd drop by and make one.
If it isn't too much trouble, can you do Damian Priest being protective of the reader after they were injured? The reader nicknames him Harbinger of Doom in response to a nickname he calls the reader. Angst/Fluff. (I'm a sucker for a fluffy ending). It doesn't matter which version of Priesty it is. He's awesome through it all lol.
damian priest x reader
i’m so sorry i had no idea of how to use the nickname :(( i hope you like it anyway!
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nothing to prove
being the youngest and the last member of the judgment day had its pros a cons. you loved how everyone cared about you, especially a cute guy named damian. you and him bonded immediately and even if it started as a simple and cute friendship, everyone knew that you were in love with him.
and everyone knew that he was in love with you.
you were the official couple in the squad, making the fans going crazy everytime you teased each other on live television.
the constant flirting and stolen kisses were enough for the fans to start calling you “mom and dad” and even if it seemed a little weird at first you ended up loving it.
but despite everyone loving you, you started to hate how they all became protective of you. you didn’t matter damian or rhea - mostly damian - throwing a tantrum everytime you got slightly injured, it was cute how he was protecting you but overtime you got bored and even if you told him that, he never stopped doing so.
one special night turned to be a living nightmare.
you were so happy to have your own match against zoey stark. you two were friends but you knew how she could get everytime she was wrestling. she would be brutal and she wouldn’t care if she played dirty, as long as she gets the win, everything is fine to her.
and that’s what she did.
it wasn’t supposed to go like that, you were supposed to win, it was an easy match but of course she played dirty and she slightly injured your back. but the constant hits on your shoulders and back made it hurt more that you could barely stand. you just wanted the match to end so you rapidly tap out, just to end everything.
you were in too much pain that you didn’t even hear rhea attacking zoey and damian kneeling in front of inside the ring.
“you’re crazy!” you slightly heard rhea yelling “i’m gonna make you pay for this” and you knew she wasn’t kidding. she was your best friend and even if that was all a play, you were injured for rhea and that was something she couldn’t forgive.
“mi amor are you okay? estas bien?” damian asked in a whisper.
your back was killing you and your head was spinning. even the fans realised something was wrong when they saw how you couldn’t even move nor stand.
you only felt damian scooping you up in his arms and taking you to get checked. your head was hurting and when damian laid you on the bed you drifted off. tired and in pain.
when you regain consciousness you watched in the small tv inside the locker room how rhea was attacking zoey and how damian was doing nothing to stop her.
referees were trying to stop her but they couldn’t get her away from zoey. damian was laughing and teasing her in spanish.
you didn’t want that to happen. you knew zoey overstepped but that was your business, not theirs. damian was only protecting you but he was acting crazy and you couldn’t handle it anymore so you violently turned off the tv and threw the remote somewhere in the room.
you waited patiently for their feud to be over so you could talk to damian - no, so you could scream at damian for his childish behaviour.
he definitely didn’t expect to see you awake but what he also didn’t expect was to see your pissed look.
“are you okay hermosa?” he slowly started walking towards the couch you decided to sit on.
“don’t come closer damian…”
“what? are you okay?” he asked a little worried.
“you gotta explain why you went all crazy on zoey…that was none of your business” you said. you were clearly still in pain and having a fight right now wasn’t the greatest idea you ever had but you needed to speak with him.
“why? the way your face looks in pain is the reason i went all crazy on her…” he tried to keep his tone low, as he hated fighting with you.
“i know but that wasn’t your business…i could have handled her”
“oh, could you ?” he said back probably too fast.
that was low, even for him.
“i didn’t mean it like that…” he immediately apologised but if you were pissed before, now you were completely mad.
“you know what? i can handle her and i can handle myself, i have nothing to prove, especially not to you damian so if you think i’m not good enough, you can leave…” you knew you were hurting him but his words already hurt you.
“i get it, you’re mad…you’re mad because i overstepped and i shouldn’t have…but i was here backstage watching you crying in pain and knowing that i couldn’t do anything for you was killing me. it took everything in rhea’s power to hold me back from running to you when she first hit your back, knowing that she shouldn’t have…” he started explaining himself and truth be told, you couldn’t stay mad at him for longer than 10 minutes “…i was scared when i saw you almost paralyzed inside the ring…and everything i told her was because she deserved it, i don’t care if she’s your friend, she shouldn’t have done that, so yeah maybe i’m too protective of you but it’s because i love you and i can’t fucking stand seeing you hurt and in pain” he slowly knelt in front of you, taking your hands into his bigger ones “i know you can handle yourself and you proved it so many times now, but if there’s a way i can protect you from getting hurt, i might get hurt from trying princess…” he whispered, bringing your hands to his lips.
you even forgot why you were mad in the first place “you would really get hurt for me?”
“i would take a hundred of bullets for you, i gotta protect what’s mine…” he slowly teased you.
“so i’m yours…”
“from the moment i saw you in the gym training with rhea” he helped you standing up “now…we’re gonna get you checked one more time and when you’re all clear to go, i’m gonna take you back to the hotel and we’re gonna have a very nice and cozy night in…just me and you” he proposed and you nodded.
happy that someone was there to take care of you, and that the person was damian himself.
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literaryavenger · 5 months
Captain America: Civil War - 2
Summary: After Peggy's funeral, Steve, Sam and you go to Bucharest to track down Bucky before the FBI kills him, or at least tries to.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of violence. Language. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.6K
A/N: Here's part two of Civil War and the first look into a Bucky x Reader relationship! That's my goal, anyway. Hope you enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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It’s been a sad few days for Steve, he’s been crying a lot after the news that Peggy died.
You and Sam offered to go with him to the funeral so now you’re both sitting in the first row as Steve and five other guys carry the coffin.
“And now, I would like to invite Sharon Carter to come up and say a few words.” the priest says and Steve’s old neighbor Agent 13, steps up to the podium.
Your eyes widen a little in shock and elbow Sam while looking at her, then Sam nudges Steve and nods to her.
“Margaret Carter was known to most as a founder of SHIELD… but I just knew her as Aunt Peggy.” Sharon starts the eulogy and you look at Steve who's just as surprised to see her. “She had a photograph in her office. Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. As a kid, that was pretty cool. But it was a lot to live up to. Which is why I never told anyone we were related.”
She looks directly at Steve before continuing. “I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either. And she said, compromise where you can. But where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move… it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye and say ‘No. You move.’.”
Her words hit you deep, and you’re sure they hit Steve deep, too.
Peggy was clearly a very smart woman, and the fact that she helped found SHIELD and was such a badass made her your inspiration when you were a trainee and ever since you became an agent. Sharon’s words just made you more and more sure that not signing the Accords is the right thing to do.
After the funeral Steve asks you and Sam for a moment alone, so you hug him before letting him have some peace, making your way to the hotel you’re all staying at with Sam.
You’re in the hotel bar when the news comes on with the bombing in Vienna. You and Sam exchange a worried glance and set out to find Steve right away.
You find him near the elevators with Sharon just as the elevator arrives.
“Thanks for walking me back.” Sharon says and as Steve answers “Sure” you get close to them.
“Steve.” you grab his attention.
“There’s something you gotta see.” Sam finishes.
We all go up to Sharon’s hotel room to turn on the news that’s all about the UN bombing in Vienna and how the culprit is believed to be James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier HYDRA asset and formerly known as Sergeant Barnes, Steve’s best friend.
They talk about the death of King T’Chaka and you look at Steve who seems as concerned as you are as you quietly say. “That’s not good.” And he agrees with a nod.
“I have to go to work.” Sharon says and you all know what has to be done.
Sam, Steve and you flew to Vienna with Sharon and now you and Sam are in a coffee shop waiting for Steve while he talks to Natasha.
“How can you eat at a time like this?!” you whisper shout to Sam, annoyed.
“What am I supposed to do, starve?” He answers and you roll your eyes but before you can say anything back, Steve steps next to him.
“She tell you to stay out of it?” you ask him, knowing Natasha pretty well.
“Might have a point.” Sam comments casually.
“He'd do it for me.” Steve says back.
“1945, maybe.” Sam says and you roll your eyes and try to be a little more sensitive than Sam.
“I just want to make sure we consider all our options.” you gently say, but Sam cuts in.
“Yeah, the people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at us.” He says and can’t really fight him on that, he’s not wrong.
Sharon appears next to Steve and starts talking quietly without looking at any of us.
“Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter soldier goes to their gym. Most of it is noise. Except for this.” She slides Steve a file. “My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now, so that's all the head start you're gonna get.”
“Thank you.” Steve says as he takes the file.
“And you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight.” she says and leaves as the three of you exchange a worried glance. Without wasting any time, you make your way out of the coffee shop and to the airport, destination: Bucharest.
You get to the right address and go separate ways. Sam gets to the roof of the building that Steve enters to look for Barnes and you go to the roof of the other building, where you have an eye on both Sam and, thanks to the scope on your rifle, you can see Steve even through the covered windows.
You see Steve enter the small apartment and look around, then he goes to the kitchen and picks up what looks like a notebook and opens it. Then you hear Sam’s voice through the comms.
“Heads up, Cap. German Special Forces approaching from the south.” You notice movement behind Steve as Sam talks.
“Understood.” Steve says as you see Barnes has entered the apartment.
“Steve, turn around.” You tell him through the comms and he slowly does.
“Do you know me?” You can hear Steve ask, but can’t hear Bucky’s response because he's talking too quietly.
“They've set the perimeter.” Sam says, but you’re still focused on Bucky inside the building.
“I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be.” You hear Steve say, “But you're lying.” You can see Bucky’s lips moving, but at this angle you can’t really read his lips.
“They're entering the building.” Sam says and you finally take your attention away from the apartment and look around the building as you hear Steve talk.
“Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive.”
“Sam, they’re on the roof.” You say through the comms.
“She’s right, I'm compromised.” He says.
“This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.” Steve says.
“5 seconds.” Sam says in your ear.
“You pulled me from the river. Why?” Steve keeps trying to get through to Bucky.
“3 seconds!” You say as you see them about to breach the apartment.
“Yes, you do!” Steve almost yells before you hear Sam yelling in your ear.
“Breach! Breach! Breach!” you see a grenade crash through the window. Bucky kicks it to Steve, and he smothers it with his shield.
You see Bucky shielding himself with the mattress against an attack from the window, then he blocks the door with a table as cops swing in on cables. Steve pulls the rug from under a policeman, sending him flying. Bucky slams another policeman into the wall.
“Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone.” you hear Steve say before Bucky slams him down and punches a hole in the floor right next to his face.
You faintly hear him say, “I'm not gonna kill anyone.” Before he pulls something out the floor, throws it out the building and it lands near you.
You’re about to go see what’s in it but are distracted by Bucky and Steve hiding behind the shield together before Bucky shoves Steve into a cop and you have to stop yourself from laughing. 
Bucky holds up his metal hand and repels bullets, then slams a cop into some shelves. He picks up a large cement brick and slams it into a cop and you can see Steve fighting another cop on the balcony.
You see Bucky punch through the wall beside the door. He steps into the hallway and you lose sight of him, a second later Steve steps into the hallway and you lose him too.
“You have a visual, Sam?” You ask through the comms and he answers with a simple ‘No’.
You hear Steve say “Come on, man.” and hear his grunting as he fights.
After a minute you hear Steve say “Y/N, he’s coming your way.” and you frown.
“What do you mean he’s-” Before you can answer you can see Bucky jumping out a balcony and you let out a quiet “Holy shit.” that makes Steve groan and Sam snicker.
Bucky lands not too far away from you and, before he can get to his backpack, you put yourself in front of him so he can’t get to it.
“Hello, soldier.” you say in a teasing and vaguely flirting tone, but he simply looks at you for half a second before throwing a punch that you avoid and quickly say “Not a talker. Got it.” Before throwing a punch of your own that he easily stops, holding your arm as he sweeps your legs and in a second you’re on the ground.
Bucky picks up his backpack and runs, but a big man all dressed in black, a full face mask with pointed ears, slams into him and knocks him down. He extends his fingers and sharp claws pop out and he attacks Bucky with sweeping kicks and slashes.
Bucky fights back but is kicked into a wall, the figure swipes his claws and spins gracefully. Bucky narrowly avoids being slashed, holding up a metal bar to protect himself.
You get up and get closer to them to try and help Bucky. You kick the man off of him and protect Bucky by standing in front of him in a fighting stance.
“Bad kitty.” you tell him and can hear Steve and Sam simultaneously say “Seriously, Y/N?”
“Sam, southwest rooftop.” you hear Steve say as the cat man lunges at you. 
“Who the hell's the other guy?” Sam asks.
“About to find out.” Steve answers while you try your best to not get killed by the overgrown cat you’re fighting at the moment. The man manages to slam you into a wall and lunges at Bucky with his claws, but Bucky grabs his wrists.
You’re about to help but a soldier fires a machine gun from a chopper, the ammo bounces off the man’s armored suit who’s now on top of Bucky, but you’re forced to hide to avoid the bullets.
You hear Steve call for Sam’s help and Sam answers with a “Got him.” before he flies down and shoves the chopper off course, then swoops towards street level.
Bucky breaks free from his attacker, slings his bag on his back, runs and jumps down a level, and the other man slides down the wall using his claws for traction. Bucky lands at street level and the chase continues. Steve follows and lands rolling along the ground. 
You watch them from the edge of the roof and sigh. “Okay, I can’t do that.” You look up in search of Sam. “Sam, I need a ride.”
“I got you.” He says as he swoops down and picks you up, taking flight again to follow the others while you hang on to him for dear life.
Gunfire from the chopper tears up the sidewalk, Bucky jumps down through an opening, lands in an underpass and he runs through the traffic. Cat Suit and Steve drop down and chase after Bucky as a Special Forces Vehicle pursues all of them.
You see Steve leap onto the vehicle and splinter the windshield and, when the driver stops, Steve yanks him from the vehicle and kicks the windshield out, then drives off.
Bucky runs over the top of a speeding car, outpacing it and Cat Suit is a few cars behind, keeping pace with him. Then he leaps on the back of the 4x4 that Steve's driving and Steve swerves from side to side, trying to throw him off.
“Sam, I can't shake this guy.” He says into the comms.
“We’re right behind you.” Sam says as you fly behind him.
Several police cars join the chase and you see Steve side-swipe another car and drive on.
Bucky leaps over a barrier and Steve drives through it, then you can see Bucky grab the handlebar of an incoming motorcycle and spin the bike around in mid air, throwing the rider off as he gets on the bike himself, riding away and sending cars careering out of the way. 
Steve keeps on Bucky's tail with Cat Suit holding onto the back of his car. They all rocket through another underpass and Sam flies into the underpass. 
Cat Suit leaps off the front of Steve’s car onto Bucky's motorbike and Bucky flings him over his head and the bike leans down on its side. Bucky kicks his assailant away, straightens up and rides on.
Cat Suit catches a ride on one of Sam’s legs and Sam tries to kick him away. Bucky throws a sticky bomb and blows up the roof at the end of the underpass, bringing down tons of rubble. 
Sam tells you to hang on and you can feel his grip tighten on you as he stops and throws the Cat Suit man into the rubble. He throws Bucky off the motorcycle as Steve swerves the car through the rubble and leaps out, running as Bucky and the Cat roll on the ground.
When they stop the Cat is on Bucky right away but Steve jumps on him and pulls him off Bucky.
Steve stands up, facing the sleek and muscular overgrown black cat as the police arrive and surround you all, guns aimed. War Machine leaps down from above and raises both his suit hands, guns drawn.
“Stand down, now.” Rhodey says, aiming at Bucky and Steve who are standing side by side and at the Cat Suit Guy. Steve puts his shield on his back again as Rhodey continues. “Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal.” 
Police move in and force Bucky to his knees. The Cat raises his hands as a cop moves Steve's arms behind his back and you and Sam are also handcuffed and brought closer to the others by two police men. The cat retracts his claws and pulls off his mask revealing his face and you’re all shocked to see it’s King T'Challa. 
“Your highness.” Rhodey says as Bucky's hauled flat on the ground and getting handcuffed.
You all get arrested, forced to change out of our suits and gears and taken to Berlin. Bucky is restrained inside a glass-walled pod surrounded by armed guards.
In an SUV sits T’Challa on front, then you, then Steve and last Sam. You’re quietly going through traffic until Sam very respectfully breaks the silence. “So, you like cats?”
“Sam.” Steve warns him while you snort in amusement, looking out the window to avoid what you’re sure will be a disappointed glare from Steve. 
“What?” Sam continues. “Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don't wanna know more?”
“Your suit…” Steve ignores Sam and addresses T’Challa. “Is it Vibranium?”
“The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior.” T’Challa finally speaks up. “And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king.” Oh, no. “So, I ask you... as both warrior and king... how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?”
The silence that follows is deafening, as none of you know or want to give an answer to that, and you’re sure T’Challa doesn’t expect one.
“Sorry about King T’Chaka…” You say quietly after a moment.
“Don’t worry, miss Y/LN. He will be vindicated.” He answers back without missing a beat.
You look back at Steve and Sam and they both look as worried as you feel.
This is not going to end well, is it?
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham
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mlmxreader · 18 days
latest prompts (20/05), 250
please do NOT use for your own writing/inspiration, this list is specifically for requests to be sent to @mlmxreader.
rules & guidelines
song fics (ongoing)
aid for Palestine
prompt list rules: rules: you can send more than one prompt per request and mix and match them as much as you like! prompts can be used until (basically) i get bored of them!
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Various Dialogue (50)
"Did you actually think that would work?"
"Come here"
"When I tell you to run, you fuckin' run!"
"This is important"
"What happened?"
"Easy, easy, it's only me"
"Can you not climb in through my window? You have a key for a reason"
"Sit down, we're taking it easy today"
"Yeah, motherfucker"
"Hurt him, you'll wish you were having a nightmare"
"Must we do this every time?"
"Quit it!"
"Just... stay there a second"
"You're bleeding, for fuck's sake!"
"I will fuck you up"
"Please, I don't wanna fight"
"Say it with me"
"You look really good, what else can I say?"
"What's the matter? You jealous?"
"It's just a little fun"
"I never meant no harm"
"We're gonna die here!"
"Can I come in?"
"Did you ever think we'd end up here? With all this?"
"I will always protect you"
"You're all I want"
"I think I've waited long enough to say it"
"You're gonna get us both into shit"
"I can tell you like me because you keep staring"
"I could use someone like you"
"Here, take my jacket before you freeze to death"
"What? He had it coming!"
"Don't go starting fights you can't finish"
"I didn't kill him! Gravity did that for me"
"I'm going with you"
"Wherever you go, just be sure it's somewhere I can, too"
"You fishing for compliments?"
"You weren't there, you would've done the same!"
"You're such a cunt... I love you"
"Get down! You'll get shot!"
"Where is it?"
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands"
"Lie down for a bit, get some rest"
"Don't worry, I'll still be here"
"Please don't leave me alone tonight"
"You're back!"
"I should, but I can't stay away." "I don't want you to"
"Here, I'll get your coat"
"Take it you had a shit day"
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Heavy Metal Lyrics (50)
bands used (10 each): Slipknot, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Warrant, Amon Amarth
"I can handle anything, even if I can't handle you"
"Don't you fuckin' pity me"
"What the hell am I sayin'?"
"Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it"
"Something about this, so very wrong"
"Did you never give a damn in the first place?"
"Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought"
"Lot of bullshit, not a lotta the truth"
"I can't see from here, but I can smell your fear"
"I don't need this"
"You gotta learn your lesson"
"'Cause there ain't nobody here to defend your heart"
"I'm in love, so in love"
"Now give them back, boys"
"I can't believe that you need my love so bad"
"You come sneaking around"
"They pay me the money and I do the job, I got a contract on you"
"A gun, lump sum and then I move on"
"I do what I do 'cos I can't do nothing better"
"I'm the best that there is"
"Do what I want and do as I please"
"You'll be afraid of when I call out your name"
"Everybody's got their vice"
"You can take my honest word for it"
"You're packing your bags, you're coming with me"
"If you're gonna die, die with your boots on"
"But on this battlefield no one wins"
"We get so near yet so far away"
"We won't live to fight another day"
"You don't say but it's in your eyes instead"
"Keep your mouth shut, that's what we're going to do"
"I don't think I'm gonna love you anymore"
"I'm not sure that I'll be fine, I never thought it would end this way"
"But at least I'm someone to lean on"
"Darlin' I know you're sleepin', but there's something I've just got to say"
"Thanks to you now I know, all my dreams can come true"
"Sometimes I hear your voice, calls out to me makes my heart bleed"
"Smokes and spits and drinks and fights, and his friends all look like trouble"
"Inside your arms I found a place that's warm and dry"
"Lick it off my fingers, taste it on my tongue"
"Ride to meet your fate"
"Your destiny awaits"
"As long as one of us remains here, none of them will ever pass"
"We're outnumbered ten to one here, still, I love the odds"
"Hold the line don't let it break"
"There's no time to run or hide"
"Draw the weapon from your side"
"It feels like spikes with every step I take"
"I don't fear the setting sun or the twilight that it brings"
"I've missed the breeze of my home shores"
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AUs (50)
Love Affair
Bounty Hunter!reader
1940s Noir
Private Detective!reader
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Bank Robber!reader
Shape Shifter!reader
Con Artist!reader
Wild West
19th Century
Rugby Player!reader
Arranged Marriage
Character Lives/Doesn't Die (eg Arthur Morgan)
Scream (1996)
Hired Gun!reader
Rodeo Cowboy!reader
Sheriff!reader (Wild West only)
Fighter Pilot!reader
Dragon Tamer!reader
Royal Guard!reader (only for medieval AUs or fantasy settings, eg LOTR)
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Scenarios (50)
Only One Bed
Fake Relationship
Snowed Inside
Locked Inside Until Morning
Person A getting jealous over someone flirting with Person B
Person A getting into a fight to protect Person B
Person B stealing Person A's clothes
Person A getting injured and Person B panicking and confessing how they feel
Camping Together Somewhere Isolated
Spending The Night Watching Horror Films
Hunting Trips
Person A realising they love Person B over something small
Person A helping Person B after a bad breakup
Person A showing up at Person B's place in the middle of the night
First Kiss
First Confession
Waking Up Together For The First Time
Person A getting possessive when someone gets too friendly with Person B
Playing Seven Minutes In Heaven
Going To A Party Together
Hidden Relationship
Relationship Leaked On Social Media/News
Date Night
Museum Trips
Staying Up All Night Together
Waiting For Them To Come Home
Person A seeing Person B in a suit for the first time
Patching Them Up After A Fight
Marriage Proposal
Person A gets sick so Person B takes care of them
Spending The Night In An Abandoned House
Getting Lost On The Way Somewhere
Playing Twister
Playing Strip Poker
Lost A Bet
Person A drags Person B along to meet their family
Person A's enemy turns out to be Person B's best friend
Smoking Cigarettes On A Rooftop At Night
Person A asks Person B to move in
Person A collects little things to give to Person B as gifts
Best Friends Realising They Love Each Other Romantically
Person A worrying when they can't find Person B
Person A standing up for Person B
Lazy Mornings In Bed Together
Person A stealing Person B's hat/coat when they aren't looking
Their Friends Have To Tell Them That They Have Feelings For Each Other
Unreciprocated Reciprocated Love
Having To Pretend They Aren't A Couple
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NSFW below the cut, minors do NOT interact
NSFW (50)
Biting kink
Hair pulling
Free use
Thigh riding
Dry humping
Breath play
Knife play
Anal fingering
Daddy kink
Sir kink
Chained up
Temperature play
Hot wax
Sparring turns to sex
Oral sex
Hand jobs
Making a sex tape
Collars & leads
Spit as lube
Marking the other with bite marks/hand prints/etc
Outdoors sex
Sex on the floor
Shower sex/bath sex
Car sex
Morning sex
Fully clothed dom & completely naked sub
Uniform kink
Rough sex
Vanilla sex
Doggy style
Sofa sex
Sex against a window
Sex in public toilets (cottaging)
Public sex in a secluded field (dogging)
Crying during sex because they've missed each other so much
Jealous/possessive sex
rules & guidelines
Palestinian aid
song fics (ongoing)
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lisholoz · 22 days
How do you deal with people bringing up that Slade is a pedo in the comics. I'm sure SOMEONE has tried to bring it up to you before. I like Slade myself but I hear this a lot and it just makes me feel conflicted ya know? Cause I honestly don't care about what happens in fiction cause that's all it is but when someone constantly brings it up it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong when I'm justnlikeing an old man character with white hair, tendency to kill, etc etc. I don't think I'm strong enough to deal with backlash if I drew him and getting those comments so I just wanna know how do you deal with them if you do
I just treat it the same as other comics . There's plenty of other comics or media where I'm like yikes I don't like what they did there so I just pick and choose the content I do like. You gotta remember that original comic is from 40 years ago. Some content retcons it, some content like Priest's Deathstroke acknowledges it as wrong. The best advice I can give you is to not take EVERY single comic into account when liking a character. Even for me I only got super into Deathstroke from Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight so my perspective of Slade is gonna be much different from someone who got into him from the teen titans OG comics . Heck my first introduction to Slade was through Teen Titans cartoon and I don't even think of that Slade and the Slade from something like Deathstroke Inc as the same person. If it makes you feel better I haven't gotten any hate about my Slade art (this does NOT apply to tiktok lmfao the comments on any Slade content are wild). I think it'd be a shame to write off a character for one thing in a comic when there's so many other comics you can choose to enjoy. Try not to get bogged down by what other people think! At the end of the day you can block them, and surround yourself with fellow villain enjoyers that understand comics aren't real life lol.
Edit: also I feel like I should mention he's not real. Liking any content/character =/= condoning the actions. There's lots of content out there that isn't to my tastes but I live and let live. At the end of the day fandom is meant to be fun and trying to police other people's experience is always a bad idea.
LEGO DC supervillains Deathstroke solos any other representation of him anyways 😝
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noodle-anime · 7 months
just! finished saiyuki og series!!! discovered the first resurrected edition volume recently and it has been. well. it's been a journey lol
oooooooooh boy there sure was some Anatomy and Proportions happening in the first volume but it was super fun to see the art style progress actually. it encouraged me to notice more complex poses and things in the later volumes, and when there was an occasional repeat panel like Sanzo and Goku's first look it was very cool to see the difference in quality.
i have a coupla favorite panels/spreads and generally tried to pay a little more attention to how things are precisely laid out and it was a fun aspect of reading. i want to do some actual breakdowns now, maybe compare early and later layouts.
also! i discovered and watched zeroin! my first intro to saiyuki was discovering reload blast forever ago. the art style in zeroin and the fact that there's a whole set of characters i'd never heard of before made it feel like an au or semi-canonical anime movie, sorta, but i enjoyed it So much and there are some specific notes on sanzo characterization that i want to dig into
sanzo is my fave and the kami-sama arc was So Very Good in that respect but it also grew my love for gojyo three sizes.
the way that they all react when gojyo leaves cracks me up so much. they're So Offended. something so funny and also so tasty that they will not under any circumstances admit out loud that they care about gojyo and miss him so instead they're like we are going to Hurt Him (because he hurt us) for Disrupting Our Daily Routine (he's a fundamental part of our lives) and FORCING us to turn this car around (he left with the full knowledge and expectation that they would follow through with actually continuing to pursue this Very Important job like they always said they would)
mmmmm gojyo's savior complex mmmm it's good.
got blasted by the idea of gojyo and hakkai starting an orphanage when they're done with the mission. hakkai was a teacher and still models himself as a "childcare professional"/co-parent to goku and gojyo wants to save somebody So Badly. also good luck resocializing goku to not be killing people/fighting for his life every other day for Two Entire Formative Teenage Years, helping kids and not having it backfire spectacularly in his face would be good for him
i just read the fourth volume so that's most of what i've got on my mind, i know i have More thoughts from the other volumes
besides the fact that sanzo's joints are gonna/have gotta be So Fucked Up. he really is a grandpa. poor guy.
feels good to nail some characterization aspects like genjyo "i'm a coldhearted bastard and you'd better stay out of my way" (developed coping mechanisms to deal with the traumatic loss of a parent and people repeatedly Attacking Him at an early age) sanzo, cho "yes i'm the wife/mother, please excuse these skeletons, the cleaver is only for special occasions" hakkai, sha "i'm the only one here who understands how to be a normal person" (he does not but he does have the highest emotional intelligence) gojyo, and son "i'm a teenager" (he's a teenager, also growing up with the aforementioned trio as parental/familial figures and starting to come into his own!!) goku
not a single one of these men has had a normal relationship or even prolonged interaction with a woman
i had no idea there was a whole brainwashing segment with kougaiji?? and i really want to see more of lirin, there are fun parallels there to explore that i really wanna dig into
i had no idea to what level sanzo was a bastard gremlin with a gun who just Happens to also be the highest of high priests before and now that i do it delights me. the very hypocrisy of his acceptance in his position disgusts him because He Is Not Priest Material but also it's what his dad wanted for him so fuck everybody who tries to take that from him. in any other situation he'd be the shady penniless vagabond gun for hire but koumyou happened. and now we all get to enjoy it.
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herebecritters · 1 year
Origins of a Curse pt 1
Ah the lore then. I’ll try to keep it as short and sweet as I can. I’ll only be covering the first part of this story, 66 million years is a long time!
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A rough timeline, still gotta iron it out. For this post I’ll go up to Civilization 1. I’ll tell the rest of the saga later ;3
*clears throat*
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There was once a modest village in the middle of a forest. It teemed with a variety of small furry critters. They crawled out of their burrows at night in the safety of darkness, as the day was ruled by massive, sometimes violent, reptiles.
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There were two siblings who grew up in a small burrow beneath a magnolia tree. They were known as Cro and Dumuzi. The Kimbetopsalis siblings were close. They both shared a desire to no longer live in fear of the day. They did not want to spend their lives hiding in the darkness. However, as they grew older they would ultimately take very different paths towards this future.
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Cro began sneaking out during the day to go on adventures out in the open despite the dangers. He wanted to live alongside the other animals of the world rather than in fear of them. He got into lots of trouble, but also made great friends along the way.
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Dumuzi on the other hand became a healer in an effort to save her people- she saved many, but still the trouble persisted. She could not save everyone.
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Cro, now with a secret day life, spent a lot of his nights sleeping. As he slept, Dumuzi grew a close friendship with two other mammals in their village, Geshtu and Nergal. The three shared one common goal: to end the reign of the dinosaurs and to save their village.
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Nergal was a warrior with some sadistic tendencies. Mischievous, petty, and often cruel, he had a passionate disdain for the reptiles who ruled the land. While he was a determined warrior, he was still small. He couldn’t fight the biggest of the beasts, so at nights he enjoyed sneaking into nesting grounds and smashing the eggs. He’d also kill hatchlings and smaller dinosaurs when given the chance.
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Geshtu was a religious priest, he claimed to be able to commune with the Moon Deity, Theia. There was a small hidden cavern he’d frequently visit to do so. Stoic and cold, Geshtu was a hard one to get close to, but for what he lacked in charisma he made up for in intelligence.
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Not a single one of the three was without a few screws loose, but perhaps that’s what allowed them to go so far with their mission. They met in secret in Geshtus cavern frequently, scheming their ultimate plan.
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=> Part two
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shuttershocky · 9 months
Hey shutters! While I overall enjoyed FF16, I agree that I wish Jill did more or spoke more. I feel like there was missed potential of having a relationship more like Saber and shirou, where they both have similar mindsets and trauma. Specifically, when it came to overusing their powers and having to face the crystals' curse being similar to how Shirou and Saber did not want the other to fight but how they both needed to.
I'm still in the middle of the game (after Titan's bossfight) but it feels like Jill was written by an Aerith fan that only knew the FF7 cast from fanworks, movies, and Kingdom Hearts rather than the actual FF7, so Tifa's the tough spunky girl and Aerith's the softie flower girl when their original personalities are actually switched lol
Out of all the characters in FF16 I've seen so far, Jill was written for a role the hardest. What I mean by that is that while someone like Benedikta's an extremely standard femme fatale villain type (the kind that Urobochi would strangle midway through the season to be replaced by the real, male villain), she at least gets to revel in it. She gets to kick dogs, lose her composure, she's got at least one loyal minion she's genuinely close to and trusts in when the archetype doesn't usually, all that stuff. She gets to have fun with the role.
Jill? Jill was written to be Clive's woman before she was written to be a character, and it feels so glaringly obvious from how she's treated. She almost never gets to talk to anyone else other than Clive despite having screentime second only to Clive, she doesn't challenge him in any way, all of the other people barely acknowledge she's even there!
Like half of the main quest dialogue is
Plot Person: Bugger me, these Imperials won't live and let live won't they Clive? Plot plot plot dialogue dialogue. We oughta plot plot plot plot and get 'em right in the arse!
Clive: Hmm. Agreed. Plot plot plot important characters plot. We'll ride at dawn.
Plot person: Righto! See you in hell then. *Nods* Lady Jill.
Jill: *smiles meekly*
And it's such a waste because when she's actually allowed to do anything she's fun! Her character design is my favorite in the game, she gets to swing a sword around, when Clive gets bowled over her AI often gets caught too so the two get thrown up into the air screaming and doing a quadruple flip and its funny as fuck, as soon as she's finally given time to express one damn wish she's like "Clive, this priest did unspeakable things to children. I call dibs on killing him." And Clive's all "Of course Jill you'll get to murder him as much as you want" and that's fun!
They're each other's enablers! That's supposed to be their dynamic. Clive was a rejected son and a failure of a bodyguard, Jill's entire life was spent being someone's hostage (of both Rosaria and the Iron Kingdom), so they're the only pillar of support the other has. You can see the intent of their dynamic plain as day when Cid's trying to talk them into joining his merry crew of outlaws and Clive and Jill subconsciously hold hands and squeeze when they're nervous.
But to DO that right Jill has to be allowed to be her own character. Even in the Iron Kingdom level where Clive and Jill go after the High Priest because killing him is what Jill wants, in the ensuing bossfight Jill primes as Shiva while Clive fails to prime, and then instead of Jill taking charge she protects Clive while he fights the boss.
Seriously? One of them is flying around with literal god powers and the other has a bad case of Eikonic Dysfunction and rather than crush the giant lava monster herself, Jill makes sure Clive still gets to fight it in his puny human form and be the big hero? Come on. I was surprised that Jill still ran the High Priest through with her sword, I genuinely expected the game to take that away from her too.
Anyway she's obviously my favorite part of 16 now. Somebody's gotta be in her corner.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Hi can you do a faith fic where the reader gets possessed while with john and he feels like super guilt but he's able to free them of the demon? possibly ending with an I love you?
"Jesus, what monster would do this to these poor deer?”
“Only someone who has no respect for God’s creatures..” John muttered as he looked upon the disturbing sight that beheld you both:
Deer carcasses and skulls were arranged around a sigil drawn in blood. Unlit torches were staked around it, indicating this was meant to summon something evil..but for whatever reason was abandoned.
Maybe this was the source of the wildlife’s strangeness.
It would certainly explain why the deer seemed to stare at you while venturing to the Martins’ residence. They never got too close, and were skittish as typical deer were if approached--but something about them was just unnerving.
There’s no doubt that evil forces are influencing their behavior.
Having a sort of “sixth sense” when it comes to demons was a blessing in times like these. You felt the same familiar disturbance all around this forest, allowing you to tell where one is hiding and alerting John if necessary.
People might’ve seen you as a freak, but for your childhood friend turned recent priest it’s been a lifesaver.
Speaking of whom, he had a death grip on the rifle, watching the trees for any signs of movement--or of her--as you investigated the ritual site.
He thought he was better prepared for this day. But the demon within Amy was too stubborn to let go, and would rather perish than surrender to him.
Even if you both found her....her face was mutilated beyond recognition. She couldn’t survive and resume her normal life. Not in such a horrid state like that.
She was suffering, likely bleeding to death somewhere, and had to be put out of her misery.
John only prays that he’d gain the strength to pull the trigger when the time comes.
Until then, he didn’t mind searching the rest of the forest. Anything that could help him quell the demonic activity in Connecticut was worthy of his time.
Meanwhile, you noticed a large deer skull in the sigil’s center. One of the demonic symbols Amy left throughout the house was painted on its forehead, though it looked faded and dry. You approached it and knelt down, putting on gloves before carefully scooping it up.
“Wow, this is heavy.”
“What is...?” John looked back at you, only to tense up. “[Y/n]! Don’t touch that!”
“It’s fine, Johnny. This is just a simple skull. An empty vessel.” Standing, you turned around to show it to him, smiling. You then saw straps and realized this was actually a mask. 
‘Neat..’ Your grin became wider, as you had a humorous idea.
“Halloween comes early, I suppose.” After putting the mask on, you spread your arms out, only to find John’s unamused expression. You pouted. “Awh come on. You gotta admit this is pretty cool. It’s such a well-crafted mask.”
“....it’s also creepy. I don’t think you should be wearing it.”
You blinked, lowering your arms and tilting your head. “We both just saw a demon tear its arm through a girl’s face..but this creeps you out?”
“[Y/n], we’re on a serious mission.” He huffed. “I appreciate you trying to lighten the mood, but now’s not the time. We have to find her and-”
“Why are you so eager to hunt her down? Is she not human to you anymore?”
John stared at you in confusion, noticing how monotone your voice suddenly became and how you rubbed the sides of the skull, seemingly in pain. His mind was racing to assume the worst thing possible.
But he didn’t want to jump straight to that conclusion. Not yet. Maybe you were just upset about the whole situation--and that he intended to follow the “KILL HER” advice scrawled in blood.
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “She’s still human to me. I wish to save her through a proper exorcism. But if it won’t let her go, then..what choice do we have?”
“I have one...turn the gun on yourself, Priest.”
John’s eyes widened in shock. His heart was crushed to hear a voice that wasn’t your own.
‘No..no, no, no!!’ He panicked internally, hands trembling as he realized you were possessed.
Something was still lurking in that skull..and it got inside your head.
Damn it. Why didn’t he tell you to stop?! Why couldn’t he just speak up?!
First Father Allred was gone..and now he was about to lose you to a demon before he could tell you something important.
Something he’s wanted to say for a long time, but was so afraid to.
‘What if I'm too too late now? What if---no.’ He shook his head to clear away those bad thoughts, strengthening his resolve and praying God gave him courage.
He couldn’t let you easily succumb to this evil.
Suddenly you lunged at him, and out of reflex he pulled the trigger.
His heart stopped as you tumbled to the forest floor beside him, holding your face in your hands.
Did he shoot you?
Oh god.
But then he saw that he only shot off one of the antlers. You were still alive, and you levitated back into a standing position, laughing. “You missed! Oh poor, pitiful Johnny. Can’t even aim to save your life!”
“Release [y/n] from your clutches, demon. Or else!” John held the rifle close, intending to use it as a defensive weapon. He was infuriated that it dared to call him by that nickname. Only you could.
“It’s your fault that her face was ruined, you know. She would have been fine if it weren't for you. Why did you have to come back and be a hero? History is doomed to repeat itself, Priest. You failed her....and you failed dear [y/n] now that you wasted your only bullet.”
“..I don’t need bullets of man to deal with you. Just my weapon of God.” He threw down the rifle and drew out the golden crucifix.
Holding it in front of him, he frowned at the sound of your chilling screams as you stumbled backwards, pain instantly seizing every part of you.
Yet he persisted. As guilty as he felt for letting this happen to you...he knew it was the only way to free you from that monster.
Catching the demon off-guard was key. That’s something Father Allred always told him.
You barely put up a fight as you tried clinging to a tree to steady yourself---only to collapse to the ground. 
This time you were laying still.
John cautiously approached you, wondering if the demon left your body. But it seemed to have retreated back into the mask. So he quickly removed it from your face, throwing it far away and exorcising its shattered remains.
Now the evil spirit had no choice but to reveal itself:
As a gray cloud shaped like a stag with glowing red eyes and large antlers, shedding bloody velvet.
It let out a shrill cry as it reared its hind legs and charged towards him, but he stepped aside and held his crucifix outwards, seeing the demon’s body flashing red. He kept distance between itself and you, determined to not let it take over you again.
Eventually it screamed one final time, swearing revenge before it vanished, reduced to a bloodstain on the ground.
Relieved that the spirit was gone for good, he returned to your side to help you sit up. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m..I just felt like I was in this far-away place..” You coughed, rubbing your neck. “That’s strange, though..how could it slip past me? How could I have missed-?”
“I’m so sorry..”
“Huh?” Looking to John, you noticed the overwhelming guilt in his expression. “For what? It’s not your fault. I chose to put that stupid mask on and goof around. The demon was just dormant, waiting to make a damn fool out of me.”
“...I-I shot you.” He uttered in realization--the horrible reality of nearly killing you making him sick to his stomach. “God, I..I didn’t mean to, [y/n]. I just..d-did it without thinking...and I could’ve....” His voice became shaky, as did his hands, while he averted his eyes to the ground, afraid of what he might find if he looked at you now.
Would it be disgust? Anger?
Yet he felt you gently grasp his trembling hands.
“I know. It’s okay-”
“No it’s not. If you died..I..I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. I don’t know if even God would forgive me.”
“He’d forgive you for defending yourself, Johnny. And I would, too.”
John sighed heavily, feeling the exhaustion of his fight with Amy and the stresses of exploring this forest--plus the predicament you were both just in--finally catching up.
“..but I wouldn’t forgive me..because I never would’ve had the chance to tell you how I....”
Yet he found himself backing down again, feeling weak and weary. But he was sick of being a coward. ‘Just tell them..please.’
“Tell me what?”
“...t-to tell you how much I love you and need you in my life. How you’ve always been there for me at my lowest..a-and how you’ve given me renewed faith.” Closing his eyes, he took a shaky breath, finally ripping off the bandaid at last.
Your heart fluttered at the revelation. “You...mean that?”
“..I mean it.” His voice remained at a low whisper, prepared for the abandonment or ridicule.
Though what he didn’t expect for was your hand cupping the side of his face, causing him to open his eyes to see your soft smile. He was astonished.
You weren’t mad?
“I’ve..felt the same for a while. But I didn’t think clergy members could-”
"I’ve gone against them in a number of ways..” He admitted, lightly smiling back as his tension vanished. “Might as well add one more to that.”
“I guess so.” You chuckled softly, although you were cut short when he pulled you into a tight hug. As you felt him bury his face into your neck, you relaxed and returned the embrace. His shaky breathing slowly became even, knowing you were safe and sound in his arms. 
“May God give me the strength to protect you from all forces of evil...I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.” He mumbled. "I love you more than you could ever know."
For a moment, his eyelids felt damp against your skin. But you just held him close, rubbing his back.
“I love you too, Johnny."
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Round 1 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side B
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
He fucked up so many people's lives so badly in just one decade (not on purpose) that the universe put him in the summoning pool of all world influencing souls. He doesnt really have any special powers but he does serve as a vessel for rasputin at one point. He's the guy who says "people die when they are killed"
please please please there's literally a type moon character in the gif on the top of this form so it's typemoonphobic if none of them get in but it shouldn't be her it should be kirei bc he's 50x funnier & more iconic than jeanne. funny lil murder priest who's fucking THE gilgamesh (from the epic of) in the church basement and dies in a knife fight w a 17 year old whose dad he wanted to fuck back in '94 before realizing that he was actually kinda lame and he's been bitter abt it ever since. he has an orphan torture factory in his basement but he's also canonically good at being a priest. he's so funny you should def try his mapo tofu i swear it's totally safe for human consumption and not made with any california reapers. did i mention he's a deadbeat dad.
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Priest claims to be Pro Life to make Sakura Matou the most miserable girl on the planet, but he dies anyway.
bro became a catholic because he loves suffering
He’s a priest. Kind of. Not a very good priest obviously. There is something seriously wrong and fucked up with that man. It’s so entertaining.
he's gotta be one of the most insane catholic men ever with a very in-depth and interesting relationship with his religion and his relationship with god also he's the sexiest man ever to be conceptualized in the known universe and all of time
Will never forget the 40+ minute monologue in heavens feel being a thinly veiled metaphor for abortion
he wants to torment churchgoers and make them face their failures and suffering but all he ends up doing is motivate them to improve themselves. cringefail moment for him
he's absolutely insane. the coldhearted mercenary that barely reacts to anything is terrified of kirei. he's super fucked up. his ult in stay night is literally him channeling divine power into something called kyrie eleison. he's the vessel of rasputin (on account of being a priest with a huge....no i shant say) the biblical beast in grand order among other things. he gets drunk with and tops gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh in the church basement after gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh bats his eyes a little too hard at kirei in some of the horniest shot scenes ive ever seen. he also used to be a heretical "fixer" for the church, cleaning up scenes that would expose shit to the public. uhh what else. he holds cool swords between his fingers like a kid pretending to be wolverine but in my favorite route he just squares the hell up with the protagonist and they fight to the death outside planned parenthood
Religious trauma coded. Popular hc that his family is Catholic.
He's gay and has a funny hair cut. Is that not enough to be Catholic?
he was such a bad bitch they had to kill him off in the third game bc he would've mopped the floor with the main antagonist otherwise. rip soap keep thotting it up in heaven we miss u every day
`!!!6ths -- propaganda by my kitten
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rlainarin · 3 months
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strike me down, crusader a Daeran Arendae playlist
tracklist + links to lyrics + highlights under the cut
Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance I'm just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen I'm out of control I'm a sex machine ready to reload Like an atom bomb about to-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh explode
Walking Contradiction by Green Day I have no belief But I believe I'm a walking contradiction And I ain't got no right
West Coast Smoker by Fall Out Boy Don't feel bad for the suicidal cats Gotta kill themselves nine times before they get it right
GASOLINE by Måneskin Your ego is dangerous Your own blood is losing trust Neighbors left in the dust
Troubled Times by Green Day We run for cover Like a skyscraper's falling down Then I wonder like a troubled mind
Killer In The Mirror by Set It Off Let weakness disappear There's nobody but me here The killer in the mirror
Choke by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME If I could burn this town I wouldn't hesitate To smile while you suffocate and die
The Sound of Silence by Disturbed And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence
Kill All Your Friends by My Chemical Romance It's been ten fucking years since I've been seeing your Face round here And you're walking away and I will drown in the fear
Goodnight Demonslayer by Aurelio Voltaire Tell the devil its time you gave him his due He should go back to hell, he should shake in his shoes Cause the mightiest, scariest, creature is you
crusader by Stevie Howie You cast judgment on the ones who choose thought They pandered to the devil so they've already lost
Bouncing off the Wall by Green Day Cause it's all that I want And I want to be free I got Satan riding next to me
Suzerainty by Polite Fiction And masturbation's just not as fun If you can't cry when you're done
Are You Satisfied? by Marina & the Diamonds People like to tell you what you're gonna be It's not my problem if you don't see what I see And I do not give a damn if you don't believe
BABY SAID by Måneskin Baby said When you're talking I go dead Shut your mouth, give me your head
Who's In Control by Set It Off Living in fear, living afraid Hysterical every day All because I let your poison paralyze me
Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us by My Chemical Romance And it's hard to say I'm shaken By the choices that I make And well, I find it hard to stay
Sirens by Bear Ghost They say you oughta dance like no one's watching They're a telepathic chorus in my mind
Blood On My Name by The Brothers Bright Not a spell gonna be broken with a potion or a priest When you're cursed, you're always hopin' that a prophet would be grieved
Blame by Bastille Fall upon your knees, sing: "This is my body and soul here" Crawl and beg and plead, sing: "You've got the power to control here"
Tell Me It's Okay by Paramore And maybe it's been years since I wanted to be a part of anything But lately I've been good You know, I've actually been great
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divine0rdainment · 14 days
I came up with names for all the player characters and backstories, and a bit about them, gotta try and write this before I go back to work
Angel plays Estrella Angelo (Elven Bard), and her backStory consists of her being stuck as a Fae lords property for hundreds of years till she escaped and is now on the run to try and have her own life and potentially find what's left of her family, mostly her twin sister (again, y'all know why)
Adam plays Father Adonis Edens (Human Paladins who doesn't use healing spells), a priest raised under the holy light of the God of lights church, who fights for justice, music, and badassery. (Total main character syndrome but Charlie and Luci help curb it over time) Also as he levels up, charlie is nice enough to give him an item that lets him have golden wings for one hour a day in game when he learns to not be such a main character type.
Lucifers plays Ramsey Leclair (Nonbinary Changeling Wizard), the Changeling grew up in the fae wild and lived having a party every day, but chose himself to study magic till he became a wizard, and honestly doesn't even know how old he is due to the fae wild being a little Wonky time wise. That ill they met a human woman warlock named Lyla and she was the one who convinced him to leave the Fae wild to be with her, so they leave and have a kid and raise the kid till she moves out and then one day, while happily married she vanished and after waiting months, he goes out in to the world to try and find her.
Husk has Mittan Von Wiskerz (Tabaxi Rouge) big gambling problem and is indeed to a gang of thugs in a very large city and is adventuring against his well to try and get enough money to pay back his debts or they will kill him. (Angel came up with this backstory, name, class and race btw, cuz Husk didn't wanna do it)
Vaggies plays Silvana Elawise (Half Elf Fighter) who used to be a knight who served the Elven Princess Iris, till one day, Iris, is struck with a curse to turn her to stone till someone can find the cure. Of course Silvana is the first to volunteer to adventure out for a cur for this affliction, needing to save the woman she loves.
Alastors character is named Alistair LaRose, (cuz Alastor didn't wish to come up with a better name it seems -_-) And didnt wish to come up with a backstory at first, but later he desided to come up with the idea that his demon that he worships sends him on a quest to collect souls of others and the only legal way to get away with murder and killing so many monsters and animals is by being an adventure, if he doesnt give enough souls he will loose his powers.
That's all I got time for right now but I may add more tomorrow if I get more ideas
Anyone have any campaign name ideas 😅
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dailydemonspotlight · 1 month
I’m feeling in a Devil Survivor mood today, care for me to ask for Jezebel?
Jezebel - Day 33 (Request)
Race: Bel
Alignment: Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
May 7th, 2024
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Abrahamic faith and SMT go hand-in-hand. There's a reason YHVH is such a recurring figure in the series, and it's not just due to ATLUS wanting to see god be dethroned every entry. Hell, in mainline, a good amount of theming is based around abrahamic religions, such as things like the Law-Chaos dichotomy or literal Lucifer being a major character in almost every game in the series. However, if there's one game in the series famous for its Christian roots, it'd have to be the first Devil Survivor. Whether it be the main character literally being Abel, the demonic invasion having heavy ties to a biblical apocalypse, or many other characters in the story being reincarnations of biblical characters, Devil Survivor is rife with Christian themes. Admittedly, I haven't played it yet, being a mainline and DDS fan first and foremost, but its themes being so explicitly connected to abrahamic faith to the point it makes even mainline blush is notable to me.
Now, what does this have to do with anything? It has to do with our demon of the day! Great segway, I know. Today's demon of the day is the wicked witch and promoter of Baal, Jezebel! Being an infamous figure for good reason, Jezebel was responsible for many things associated with false prophets- whether it be propping up fake gods like Baal and Asherah or slaughtering Yahwist priests, she was responsible for the fall into heresy that the Omride dynasty experienced. In spite of how unpopular the dynasty grew to be to the common israelite who lived under her, Jezebel promoted growth, eventually leading to conflict with her own people. Only being a princess, she could only promote worship of Baal, however she often went out of her way to kill people who worshipped capital-g God, leading to Panic! At Jerusalem.
Eventually, she led to the death of Naboth in an act of greed for a fellow Israeli citizen, executing the man for not wishing to share his prosperous vineyard with her husband, Ahab. Watching this flagrant disregard for his people, though, was God, who was utterly fuming. Seeing the fall into heresy that Jezebel led Israel right into, he gave Elijah a prophecy- one of the eventual death of Jezebel. The man would report that prophecy to King Jehu, who would give a solid order- one to execute the woman. Jezebel then proceeded to be thrown through a window and eaten by dogs. Yes, really. Death by defenestration is a biblical thing.
Ever since that story, Jezebel has become synonymous with false prophets and heresy in abrahamic faiths, with her name typically being referred to as shorthand for any who manipulate others through lies and gaslighting. As unpopular as she was until her death, though, she's still referred to by many in that same context, and you may find people referring to others as 'Lustful Jezebels' if they're lame enough. Her name was also attached, in the Book of Revelations, to a priest who began to spread sexual promiscuity to her people, hence the "lustful" part of that saying.
Now, in SMT, her design is utterly fascinating- appearing as a late-game boss fight in Devil Survivor, the flowers seem to symbolize promiscuity, while the many tendrils emerging from the torso seem to represent all manners of manipulation. Her design is packed with layers of metaphor, and the imagery of flowers can also represent both 'honeyed words,' as well as the spreading of lies, like pollen. Her design also is frankly sick looking- I really gotta play Devil Survivor, huh? Overall, Jezebel is a fantastically designed demon with some serious importance behind her, a representation of sin and manipulation that I adore.
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iamknicole · 2 months
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Diedra and Serafina walked Sunny into the room with the bridal party, each holding one of her hands. They had taken her for a walk around the venue after they dressed her to keep her from boredom. Sunny had surprised both of her parents by taking her first steps the week prior so instead of riding in a wagon she would be walking down the aisle alongside Sasha as a flower girl. Monica was finishing Peach's hair while Kat and Bella helped Mia and Kaci with their dresses.
"Mama!" Sunny yelled going over to her. "Up!"
Peach laughed, carefully picking her daughter up. She kissed her face. "Look at my Sunshine. You look so pretty."
Sunny smiled wide showing off her new teeth and touched her hair.
"Yeah, Auntie Monica did your hair? It's pretty too." Peach glanced over at her mother and mother in law. "I know you two are not crying already."
Diedra waved her off. "Our babies are getting married, we earned the right to cry. I just can't believe this day has finally come."
"And such a beautiful bride she is," Serafina gushed wiping her eyes, "All of you ladies look beautiful. My son is so lucky to have you, Peach."
Peach smiled looking down at her daughter. "Your grandma and Nana are tryna make me cry. Tell them no no."
Sunny giggled looking to the older women. "No no no!"
On the other side of the venue, the men were in their own room getting ready for the wedding. Carisi sat off to the side his shirt unbuttoned at the top and tie hanging around his neck watching the men interact and get ready. Quincy and Nick noticed, going to sit with him.
"Big day is finally here. You get to marry my poison in the ass," Quincy joked making him chuckle. "So now she's your pain in the ass. Forever. No refund."
"I don't think she'd let me return her anyway." Carisi laughed.
"You're right to think that," Nick added. "You look like you're thinking hard. You okay?"
"Yeah yeah," he said quickly, rubbing a hand over his hair, "Just thinking about how far we've come. Feels like a dream."
"I can assure you it's not a dream. You and Peach are getting married in," Nick paused to look at his watch, "30 minutes. Get that tie tied and your vest and jacket on."
Nick and Quincy left him to finish getting ready. As he was buttoning his cuffs, he realized he didn't have his cuff links. He dug into his pockets to find nothing, checked his suit jacket to find nothing as well then went to his bag starting to worry. While he didn't need cuff links, he wanted to wear them. They were the ones Peach had gotten him the first birthday they spent together and he always wore them for special occasions. He hoped he just left them at home and hasn't lost them.
"Looking for something, son?" Carisi Sr. asked with an amused smile.
Carisi glanced at his father and father in law momentarily then went back to looking in his bag.
"Yeah, my cuff links. Could've sworn I packed them last night."
Nate chuckled. "They're not in there. Don't bother looking."
"They've gotta be, I know I packed them." He assured them softly still looking.
Nate tapped his shoulder then spun him around. He held out a velour box to Carisi, urging him to take it which he did slowly.
"What's this?" Carisi asked starting at the box
Carisi Sr. Laughed. "Just open it. You act like something is gonna jump out and kill you."
Laughing to himself, Carisi opened the small box sic smiled seeing cuff links. One side had their initials and the other their wedding date engraved.
"Wow. Thank you guys. I still need to find the others but I love these."
Again the men laughed.
"Those are not from us," Nate said. "Babygirl took those other ones out of your bag last night and gave me those to give to you. Stop worrying."
Carisi smiled wide, looking back down at the cuff links. "Oh thank God. Thought I lost them."
The groomsmen and bridesmaids had all joined Carisi and the priest at the altar while their guests looked on. Noah came down the aisle carrying a black velvet pillow with their rings snuggly nestled on it. Olivia and Elliot smiled widely at him. Eli gave a thumbs up to him and Carisi high fived him as he made it to the altar. Sasha and Sunshine came next, Sasha would give the toddler flowers to throw them throw her own doing this all the way down the aisle. When they got near the altar Sunshine finally noticed Carisi, she squealed and ran to him making everyone laugh.
"Dada!" She giggled.
He kissed her cheek and gave her fruit snacks from his pocket. "Good job, Sunny. Good job."
Carisi gave his babygirl to his mother then went back to his spot, making silly faces at her. Once everyone was calm again, Zara came running out.
"Everybody get up!" She yelled standing at the end of the aisle. "The bride is coming! The bride is coming!"
She continued to yell it out as she skipped down the isle. Nick winked at her from his spot with the groomsmen. The large double doors opened revealing Peach and Nate just as music started to play.
Behind her veil tears slowly roll down her face as she walks arm and arm with Nate. Her eyes remain in Carisi, his on her. He mouths that he loves her wiping his own fallen tears. Getting to the altar, Nate relinquished her to Carisi when asked who gives this woman to this man. Carisi waited until she was standing across from him to lift her veil, he took in a big breath coming face to face with the love of his life as did she.
Sunshine's squealed broke the couples stare and made them laugh. Peach turned to quickly blow a kiss at her daughter then gave her bouquet to Monica.
The ceremony had been a blur for the couple as they were lost in each other's eyes until it was time for their own vows. They both agreed to keep them short for the sake of their daughter having to sit too long. The two of them held hands.
"When I walked into the precinct that night, I had no idea that the new detective I met would be my wife and the mother of my child one day. You brought everything I needed and everything I thought I would never have into my life." Carisi spoke, staring into her eyes letting his tears fall. "BiBi, you mean the everything to me and I plan on spending our life giving you the world. I love you."
"You are my other half that I had been missing my whole life. My better half, really. You never let me win an argument," she paused to chuckle, "But I would rather lose arguments to you than not have you at all. Sonny, you are my dream come true. I could get forever with you and it still would not be enough. I love you more."
The couple went through the traditional vows as well and exchanged rings.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Carisi Jr." The priest announced as the couple kissed.
Kat and Nick placed the broom in front of them. Carisi linked arms with Peach's and she used her free hand to gather her dress. They counted to three and jumped over the broom together. Their family and guests cheering in response as they walked down the aisle.
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wolflyndraws · 4 months
Ask about vampire/priest dnf au. Pls ignore if you're not in the mood to answer
Does Dream smells good to George ? I suppose he tastes good but I wonder if George knew he would or if it was a nice surprise
Also, did the vampire get to drink Dream's blood before they became frenemies or is it something he hopes being able to do one day ?
- V
Havent thought about scents and blood doesnt really smell so i would say dream just smells normal to george and he probably tastes quite fresh considering dream takes care of his health pretty well (hes a vampire hunter he gotta be healthy!)
The blood drinking happened after dream and george made a deal that george would stop killing people and tell dream facts about vampires (so that dream can kill vampires better) and george gets to drink dream’s blood in return (steady food source) theyre litearlly just enemies at this point tho haha
(Im never not in the mood to answer questions dww!)
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