#they're both a mess
lewis-winters · 6 months
love winnix because it's just lewis nixon saying "I want to take care of you I need to take care of you please let me take care of you" and dick winters going "I want to take care of you I need to take care of you please let me take care of you" and them BOTH taking it personally when the other one says no
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allthingsmustfall · 5 months
“You got twenty minutes to make yourself look like something someone would pay to fuck, otherwise, we’re both getting tortured to death in the belly of a fucking bounty hunter ship. If you think you have time to ask me questions, then how about you just take that stupid fucking vibrosword you think you’ve got hidden in your fucking boot and shove it in my kidneys and make Cad Bane’s job that much fucking easier.” Kallus glared balefully at a bottle of age Stewjoni brandy perched high behind the bar, visibly seething. “I’ll only need ten.”
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pervypeachdraws · 2 years
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just minding your own business and making a comic when suddenly
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dcviated · 1 year
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He must be hearing things... what was that even supposed to mean? Sweet? Him?
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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madmazmind · 2 years
I actually only follow Michael and Brad on Instagram to pick holes in their advice and tell them to fuck off with their 5am runs and posts on the dangers of fun things.
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sluttyhenley · 4 months
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TOP GUN (1986) dir. Tony Scott
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pain-is-too-tired · 2 months
I'm thinking about the Apollo Cabin and crying again y'all fdhdg
Just thinking about Little Will struggling to find a talent that fits with his other siblings, watching them ace Archery and Music no problem, and feeling really self-conscious about it.
Lee making the decision to have him shadow Michael in the infirmary and Michael immediately being taking him under his wing.
First time Will's healing abilities show up Will's confused as to what had just happened but Michael is pumped. Lee practically could see him glowing when they meet back for dinner Michael's so proud.
Anytime anyone even tries to talk down to Will about his lack of Archery or Music expertise like his siblings Michael has to be held back from throwing hands. Especially cause he knows Will takes it to heart.
After BoM, Will's self confidence plummets due to losing his biggest support system and having to take care of so many lives on his own. It doesn't really start to build back up until Nico starts noticing and helps him through it.
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2aceofspades · 8 months
Be gentle with me
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Be gentle with what is left of me
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delta-piscium · 1 year
Murray, after watching Steve and Eddie for all of five seconds, confidently walks up to them and starts his whole spiel about pining blah blah etc etc, and like, Steve will absolutely not have that, there is no way.
So he snorts, looks at Murray down his nose, and with zero hesitation lies, tells him “We’ve been dating for a month, congrats on seeing the obvious... Or not since you couldn’t tell”
He just hopes Eddie will play along. Steve is sending him the strongest signals with his mind right now, and, just, he knows Eddie can be petty like this too (that’s why he likes him so much, and yeah Murray is a little right but fuck him so much more for it)
Eddie ‘lives for the bit and to fuck with people’ Munson does not disappoint. He slings an arm around Steve and is like “Yeaaahhh wow, real clever observation there buddy.” In the driest tone imaginable
And Murray, well he was sure he was right, still kind of is sure he’s right so he just squints at them for a bit and then breaks out in a wide grin, and only sounds a little sarcastic when he says “Congrats on figuring your shit out yourselves.” 
Except he absolutely does not mean it because he wanted to do that, he likes doing that. And now he's sulking and will watch them so closely because something seems off 
Eddie and Steve, so committed to the bit and to not let Murray win, start fake dating. All while Murray tries to catch them in their lie, and they’re all too stubborn to give up
Murray starts to slowly think he maybe was wrong though because they really seem like a couple. And even though there’s still something there he can’t ignore the proof.
When they straight up make out in front of him, and he can tell that they’re so lost in each other they probably don’t know he’s there he's about to concede
But then after that, they act so weird around each other again? It’s like before but worse and how did the pining get worse when they’re actually openly together? Regularly have their tongues down each other's throats and all?
Meanwhile, Steve and Eddie are going through it because they thought they’d be okay but that kiss was so much, and oh god they don’t think they can do this? But they can’t let Murray win?
A week and a half later at their monthly 'we survived the apocalypse, again' get-together at Hoppers and Joyce’s, Murray just gets enough of how twitchy they are. He grabs them both and locks them in a closet and is like “I don’t wanna know anymore, whatever fight you had or didn’t figure it out”
They sort of stand there shuffling from foot to foot not marking eye contact until Eddie is just like “Oh for fucks sake, I like you for real okay? The bastard was right so can we actually just date? Please?” And all Steve's can do is say "Thank god," while he smiles the most blinding smile and grabs Eddie by his collar pulling him in for a kiss
Fifteen minutes later they come out of the closet (the irony and symbolism is not lost on them) all disheveled and a little too satisfied looking and are met with very loud screaming from all the younger teens, ranging from a simple “Ew!” (Mike) to “Dude we are right here what if we'd heard? Or walked in there and seen?” (Dustin)
They’re lucky they’re too distracted by this to see Murray's self-satisfied smirk because if they did they would have pretend broken up and there would have been another month of sneaking around but this time actually dating and pretending they weren’t
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reunitedinterlude · 15 days
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lofi phantasy: the album
track 20: box boys
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hopper-wheeler · 1 year
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nancy worrying about/being protective of mike
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trillscienceofficer · 3 months
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being into B'Elanna/Seven is so fucking funny. Star Trek: Voyager just keeps telling me that they don't like each other and yet here I am wondering why the hell B'Elanna would make that observation if she truly didn't care, a little passive-aggressive as it is and all, and why Seven would admit to anything being wrong with her if she didn't trust B'Elanna even a little bit. That being said, they Cannot have a normal interaction ever and I'm laughing
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soupforsoup · 2 months
Daniel: omg Johnny hi!!! It's been so long how are you?? I've missed you we should catch up!! Here's your free car repair and bonsai tree queen😊👑🌳💖
Johnny: *trying to explode Daniel with his mind*
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pineapple-frenzy · 1 year
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Waiting for the rain to pass
I like to think Katara would eat ice cream even when it's cold and raining while Zuko likes to have something to warm him up
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rushinintolove · 3 months
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Not even the god that I told to quit
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