#theyre like hey man you dont feel that way or experience that thing at all actually. idk why you thought you did but You Don't
gin-juice-tonic · 9 months
Hey there! I have a friend who wants to write a character with OCD, but I'm worried that she might not have a fully accurate image of what it is. I don't really know many people with OCD, but if you could could you give some tips to pass on to her? Sorry if this is weird, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. I just thought it would be better to get information from someone who is affected by OCD than skim an article about it. Thanks again (p.s. I really love your comics!!)
This is going to go under a cut cause i wrote more than I really intended. It's very long. I put a video clip of a character who I think is a good representation in media at the end if you decide you dont want to read all of that and just skip down there.
The thing is that OCD varies a lot from person to person. My experiences arent gonna look the same as someone else's who also has it. Some people have very visible symptoms, some people have things that are still obviously ocd symptoms but would only be recognized by someone who knew what to look for, some people only have mental symptoms - you wouldnt be able to tell unless you were a mind reader. And just like any other disorder it has a range of severity.
Also not everyone's triggered by the same things. I know you said you'd rather hear from a person than an article, but I think she should look at articles that detail what typical obsessions are (Though she should go in knowing these thoughts are beyond people's control. They're sometimes extremely upsetting, and theyre of course upsetting to the person who has them. They may be very hard to read if you arent well-versed in this stuff.) In fiction I usually see perfection and contamination, but there are wayyyy more than that. Some triggers come and go even. One day I can be completely fine about something and encountering it a different day it might take me 3 months to stop spiraling about it.
An important thing that IS spread across everyone who has it is that giving into compulsions makes things worse. They are a feeling of momentary relief that can fade incredibly quickly, which is what leads people to do them over and over and over again much to the detriment of the person doing it.
There is not a lot of rhyme or reason to it. And it cannot be logic-ed with. You could be the smartest, most level headed, logical person in the world, but you cannot logic your way out of obsessive thoughts. (This usually creates an obsessive thought spiral even, which is bad and can be dangerous...)
Adding onto that, she should think hard about whether the character would know they have OCD or not. The public perception of OCD is not great. Most people dont understand what it looks like, including people who have it. And the people who do have it often feel like they cannot talk about it. (I was encouraged by a psychiatrist to never! talk about the intrusive thoughts I have to ANYONE. She sucked, but it shows the attitude that surrounds the disorder.) And whether they know or not will make a big difference in how they view themself and their mental health. Personally when I did not know I had it I was doing a lot worse mentally. A lot. Frankly it very nearly drove me to suicide. And then I found out what it was, and it helped. It didnt magically make things disappear of course, but it helped.
She also might be tempted to make the characters symptoms manifest in ways that are comedic or silly. I am not bothered by this necessarily, I think a lot of the things I do are silly and would be perceived as funny by an outsider. But if she is going to do this I ask that she makes sure she shows how frustrating and embarrassing it is for the character. If you want an example, there is a character in the show Scrubs with OCD. (Side note, Scrubs is rated TV-14 so turn back now if youre too young but)
His name is Dr Kevin Casey, though you could probably just find his scenes from looking up Scrubs OCD. He is played off as a jovial man whose disorder makes him quirky, but he is given a scene in which you can really see the toll it takes on him. One line he says "Nobody's supposed to see this" hits especially hard.
So if that was too long and you didnt read most of it the number one important thing I'd personally ask is however inconvenient this characters OCD is going to be to everyone else Id like her to make sure she shows that its a million times more inconvenient to the person who has it.
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clitfisto · 4 months
I am asking about your spiderverse dimension 🎤
yippeeeee okay id better explain what exactly im trying to write here lmao so like. this whole au was originally just an experiment in mapping the spider-person story onto a morbius variant as a joke bc i liked the idea of him being like "i was straight up bitten by a radioactive animal and started doing vigilante crime fighting can you please let me into the multiverse" and miguel going "NO youre literally a villain How did you get this number" but then it kinda spiralled and now theres like themes n shit
so long story short morgan michaels gets bitten by a radioactive vampire bat on a uni trip and wakes up with some weird mutations but doesnt really take much notice, he just goes about his day as normally as he can until he Fucking exsanguinates someone to Death. and takes it Badly. so then while hes trying to cope with that and adjust to the whole "vampire(?) thing" like. finding a non-homicidal way to get blood. he encounters spider-man and goes Hey! You know what would make me feel less shit about that whole murder thing? Doing that!
so he pisses off to try become a superhero and accidentally gets stuck with the name morbius, fucks around w/ doc ock and almost finds out until spidey saves his ass and morbius goes Hey. Im bad at this. Youre good at this. Can i be your sidekick until i figure out what the fuck im doing? and peter goes Hhhhhmmmmm bc He knows morbius is a villain. hes wearing one of them watches hes all caught up on how his canon works. but maybe this one is different..maybe he can fix him.....as in hes literally floating there in front of him asking to be fixed. so he says Yeah okay ill make sure you dont get yourself killed probably
so theyre doing the whole superhero mentor thing for a while, morgan learns and grows amd theres some cool contrasting moments where he handles shit completely differently than spider-man would and changes the trajectory of some established arcs, until eventually hes off doing basic superhero stuff all on his own and goes Hey that guy doesnt have a pulse. Thats kinda weird. so he tracks the guy to this weird secret rave in a factory basement with all these other dead people and at one point they turn on the sprinkler and its full of human blood? which hes so normal about ofc (<- the lying liar) and then this COOL GUY with a COOL JACKET and a COOL SWORD shows up and starts annihilating everyone and morbius goes Whoa cool! and then this guy tries to kill Him and he goes HEY WAIT IM LITERALLY ALIVE and blade goes Thats fucking weird cause youre definitely a vampire so whats your deal. Come with me so i can figure out what your deal is. so then morbius meets blades cool hematologist friend and cool butch biker mom and finds out abt Actual vampires which, it turns out, he definitely isnt hes something else which just seems similar bc [INSERT COMIC-TYPICAL MUTATION BULLSHIT]
they both get tied up in plot stuff and even though it takes a loooong moment for blade to trust him theyre actually a pretty good team, morbius is used to spider-man treating him like a student and, implicitly, a child so its neat that blade treats him like an Equal (albeit an annoying inexperienced equal w/ bad jokes and a worse costume but still) and turns out they actually have a lot in common? and kinda bond really easily? and maybe this whole "edgy-hero-who-kills-things" deal is working wayyyy better for him than the spandexed paragon thing spider-man has going on and that guy is super out of his depth in these circumstances and needs to stop pushing in assuming he knows best just bc hes a """hero""" and actually hes maybe being a total uptight prick about the no murder thing and who died and made him king of new york anyway?? fuck off spider-man i have a cool new friend who Gets Me and will absolutely definitely never judge me for killing someone or succumbing to bloodlust which is definitely totally 100% true and Not a fundamental misinterpretation that will come back to bite me in the ass.
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quodekash · 1 year
its 1pm and im finally well-rested enough to watch last nights episode of abaab, wish me luck (im rly excited for more threezo pls gimme more threezo) 
im eating a pomegranate while watching so my commentary may be slightly limited 
i just accidentally sprayed pomegranate juice everywhere 
this is my first time eating a pomegranate and im sitting on my bed 
i have a towel on top of me just in case and im glad i have it 
otherwise my funky hufflepuff blanket would look like a crime scene rn 
anyway back to the show 
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awh :[ 
comforting kiss 
im gonna cry 
“its not a company owner and an intern. its just you and me.” GHEIBRHGERH THATS SO PERFECT and also makes me feel better cos i was still feeling a little weird about the power imbalance/age gap so yay 
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THE ARM THE HAND ON THE ARM LOOK AT THEM AAAAAAATYFYTUUVJ (ft jacks perfect hair on the left) 
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ah shoot 
wait hang on 
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what the hell 
ive been wondering whats in that folder since day one
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ohhhh okay its a groupchat 
props to that one person for saying its none of your business 
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i nearly dropped my pomegranate 
why was i surprised to learn he has a mother 
a lot of people have mothers 
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thats exactly what she said, isnt it? 
bc theyre actually in a drama 
its gonna cut to a scene of her saying exactly that 
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damn i was wrong 
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damn then i guess im going to jail 
my hands are covered in pomegranate juice this feels like a murder 
hey, does pomegranate juice wash off? 
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HAH, SUCKS TO BE YOU (checks notes) oregano? 
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i do love that and that’s very sweet, but bro needs his coffee 
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already at two kisses and were not even halfway through the episode. if only tinngun could live up to their standard. 
(this is mostly a joke, im just really salty because tinngun COULD have kissed SIXTY-SEVEN FREAKING TIMES and they DIDNT and no i will not shut up about this i spent way too long combing through the show counting every single time they didnt kiss to not mention it every single time any characters kiss. shameless self promo here)
no wait hang on what the hell 
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“drunk or not, i love you” i see now why that line was significant 
and also the slight breakup foreshadowing earlier 
i understand it now 
they wont break up tho bc (i pull out a sword) i will not allow it 
(just kidding) 
(i dont have a sword) 
(if i did have one tho i would absolutely take it out of its sheath right at that moment) 
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they make me happy 
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oh yay we get some tub time!! i cant wait to learn more about him so that i can pick him apart and do a character autopsy on him to find out how he works! 
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is he speaking from experience? tub, what do you have going on in life? what have you gone through? tell me all about it :] 📝📝
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is it texas chicken or is it kfc? 
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ilysm three 
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RIGHT????? he gets it 
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i love them so much
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something good better happen 
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(eret son of eret voice) is tha’ who i fink i��� is? 
it might not be 
if anyone knows who plays this man, pls lemme know 
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sir do you have the technical skills for this 
i know hes the head of a game developing company thing but the actual physical insides of a gameboy are an entirely different thing, right? 
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i was waiting for the thoop situation to come up again 
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the MOOD that this is-
i have finished my pomegranate and can confirm that the juice does in fact come off of human skin, which is nice bc i looked like id murdered someone 
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and how are you gonna do that, gun? 
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idk man, i reckon id appreciate you as my big bro 
yayyy that was really good, a little bitter at times but really sweet overall. 7/10, would try again 
oh and the episode was also really good 
huge lack of threezo tho 
theyd better make up for it next week 
still good tho 
bye bye everyone! have a good day!! 
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stealthrockdamage · 1 year
Im a recently out transfem-identify more with non-binary then outright girl- and I recently borrowed a dress from a friend to go to a party in. Party has come and gone it was great but I've found myself wanting to wear the dress again every day. When I do put it on however I get super hard for like 10 minutes at first. It's like kind of weird like it feels like potentially invalidating?? If that makes sense?? Like what if this is like a fetish for me and I'm not fully trans in some way. Idk I experience dysphoria and etc that's why I started doing this in the first place but it's like idk idk.. just
im not the person to ask about this because i dress like power from chainsaw man but i have heard of this and it seems normal and harmless. i mean. dicks love to get hard. its like their favourite thing. im sure a dick owner knows how irritating it can be. what you shouldn't be asking yourself is "does this make this whole thing a fetish just bc i got hard when i put on a dress." what u should be asking yourself is if you feel comfortable existing the way you do. it sounds like the party was nice and chill. isn't that really all you need? i get that terfs are out here saying a lot of bullshit about us like 24/7 but you gotta ignore em. they dont know shit lol! people who say that an erection is always a sign of arousal are just not putting in the effort to understand what theyre talking about. also also: so fucking what if it IS an arousal thing? transfems are allowed to possess libido. i've waved my magic wand that creates axiomatic universal laws to add that to the list. go live your life. im not a cop. yknow like it's not a crime to put on a nice outfit and be like hey im hot. nice. cis people do that shit too! it's nice to feel desirable! go figure. it doesn't make you agp. that shits not real. buffalo bill is not real. you get me?
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dballzposting · 2 years
what do you think it's like to be fused? i've always thought that like gotenks is his own guy whos personality and perspective is influenced piecemeal by both goten and trunks, and both of them can remember being gotenks, but it's not like they can both control him exactly? also im wondering if gotenks would have the inner turmoil of wanting to shit in the capsule corp urinals but also thinking that's really disgusting and how this would be resolved. would he just do it and feel bad afterwards
VERY INTERESTING. Well let's see here
My impression is that they DONT remember being fused, not really. I felt this way becasue on the show when they first fused, after they unfused they were both baffled by it and were like "...did we fuse?" and I just sort of felt like they didnt really remmeber. However there is enough to support that they DO remember being fused, most important argument being for convenience's sake. Personally I'll sometimes think of it like "they sometimes remember it but not all of it and they each get half of the memory if they retain it at all" as a sort of compromise. The truth is that they would never fuse for fun if they couldnt remember doing it and that would kill all of my gotenks stories so I gotta be lenient. But I still think that they dont remember all of it or in reliable detail.
Interesting point abt the urinals ... I believe that in some ways the fusion can be a proper blend, other ways it's bits and pieces, and in other ways it's original stuff. Gotenks would chase a dog toy like Goten for example BUT NOT ON ALL FOURS. He retains some dignity. I dont think he'd feel the urge to shit in urinals, mostly just because hes not around long enough for his urge to shred at the skatepark to give way to any other urge.
I think that the experience of being Gotenks is like ... he knows FACTUALLY who and what he is and how he got there, and he has access to SOME semblance of the memories of his counterparts, but he ultimately doesnt care much becasue theyre not him. Only he is him. But he also doesnt have any specified negative opinions about them either. Like he definitely considers Goten and Trunks to be a step-down from his level, and he's been known to grumble abt their lameness or the notes they leave him (i.g. "Hey gotenks we wanna have fun at the skatepark can you NOT download a virus onto Trunks's computer this time?" etc etc) but since he never has to talk to them directly it pretty much stops there. He really wouldnt be able to talk that much about either of them. If you ask he would scratch his head and be like "Oh. Um. Well there's Goten and he's, like, a year younger than Trunks. Um he's pretty cool. He doesnt really know how things work though. Trunks knows things but he's pretty lame. He’s cool though I guess." and thats it. Obviously you can trace these sentiments back to his counterparts and the implications of all that but you dont have to. Howveer i wanna point out that I dont think that Gogeta is this same way. I think that he could think very deeply about the flaws of his individual counterparts. Well anyway
New bullet becasue the other one was getting long. I think that Gotenks is frustrated on some level that he's only around when the whim of Goten and Trunks allow it. He doesnt have much time to dwell on this however and also he doesnt care too much.
He's just living life naturally you know how it is .. he could build a robot but it would suck. It would be a fucked up and scary robot. In his defense he's half Goten and only had 30 minutes but still.
He's his own man but is still, in some ways, the embodiment of Trunks and Goten's relationship ... therefore I think that he can tell if something changes between them. If their synergy is off for whatever reason then Gotenks is not himself and he's a bit slow to get going and it's like he's got a kink in his neck that he cannot work out. He pounds his chest and coughs and says "Urgh. Something is NOT RIGHT between those two." If there is a grudge between Goten and Trunks then Gotenks comes out feeling very wicked himself, but like, in an emo-vampire-phase kind of way. And he hates the world and does graffiti at the skatepark. He's only around for 30 minutes so it's not that deep
Interesting take on the urinal. Like it's a fetted fervid desperate itch he needs to scratch. Like he's sweating and he's got 7 minutes left on the clock and the urinals are right around the corner .... just once ... no one will ever know ..... funny to think that he'd do it and then feel bad afterwards. Like he'd scare himself and run down the hall and hide under Trunks's bed and whimper and cry until he unfuses and then trunks and goten look at each other like uh ... are you feeling that ..? The fratboy thrill of having just conquered a urinal? Do you feel that coursing through your veins? And also a deep grief and sorrow..?
You know maybe this is a way for Goten and Trunks to really understand each other. Goten is like "gee trunks i had no idea that shit in the capsule corp urinals made you feel this way." and trunks is like "wow goten it's no wonder you keep doing it i didnt know you thought it was this thrilling and funny."
I ONLY THINK THIS BC I AM PARTIAL TO THE IDEA THAT GOTENKS IS HIS OWN CHARACETR WHO SHREDS ON A SKATEBOARD. To others Gotenks (and all fusions) are better used as an exploration of the characters’ synergy and relationship and possibly a catalyst of interpersonal discovery. Ultimately however the hard canon is that It Doesnt Matter Much bc These Guys Kicks Ass And That Rules.
There are a lot of ways to view fusion on dragon ball ... Honestly there is NO NEED to consider a fusion their own character at all, as they dont have much screentime . Vegetto gets the most and hes sexy and thats all that matters. Oh Vegito is so fun and flirty though. I forgot about him. OH hes so fun. He like ... has the dry wit and skill of Vegeta and the zest and ability to be driven by the fight and only the fight like Goku. He’s less serious than Vegeta but he’s not CHILL either he’s not RELAXED. He’s just comfortable . Like a kooky lamp that is complex and rigid but is able to stand on its own bc the weight distribution is sturdy and perfect. Relaxed but not LOOSE, yknow?
Oh I forgot about him. Oh he’s so cool. I guess thats why i havent changed my icon ever ... 
THANKS FOR THE ASK. Gave us all much to think about 
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thecrazydragonlady · 1 year
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I posted 21,687 times in 2022
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#fancure - 6 posts
#birthday project - 6 posts
#messy car doodles - 6 posts
#fancure series - 6 posts
#road trip - 6 posts
#cure prism - 6 posts
#birthday - 5 posts
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Longest Tag: 132 characters
#to even identify this type of issues requires psychological/behavioral knowledge that is usually studied long term in medical fields
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey, uh... I posted a thing.
.x. I'm so nervous about it, but please feel free to let me know what you all thing.
6 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Me, literally purchasing Iron Widow, like, eight hours ago: Oh boy! I've been looking forward to this.
Me, who literally just finished reading it like 10 minutes ago: .... I don't know how to feel... I..... what? No? Yes? Where's the rest?
Seriously, absolutely a stunner of a story. I'm 100% conflicted in my emotions; I want to scream, and cry, and laugh, and punch my pillows, and rant, and rave and I basically feel like the physical embodiment of this gif:
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7 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Johnathan, honey, sweetie, babycakes.
The other oddness didn't prompt you to leave?
12 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Hey, uh, I hear people like some messy car doodles.
In honor of my birthday, I'm doing a tiny but of traveling but I'll still have hours to travel.
Send me some request here or @dragonslairofart!
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19 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm waiting for the chapter™️ of SpyxFamily where Anya gets recaptured by the scientist who terrorized her originally and "Twilight" is ordered to let her go, but Loid is going to save his daughter one way or another, esper or not.
Then Thorn Princess is ordered to stop a rogue agent named "Twilight" who is trying to get in the way of some very important scientific research and its here that Loid reveals who he is in an earnest attempt to save Anya. Yor hesitates at first but still does her job, as ordered. Then he says the magic words of, "It's Anya. Their experiment is Anya. They took her, Yor. Theyre going to do... god knows what."
Yor knows Loid. She knows this is his honest side and she becomes furious.
Its easier then to work. They dont have to hide anymore from each other.
At the end, there is one lone door. They push it open to find Anya hooked up to all sorts of weird devices and the scientist orders them to stand back. He then has a menical rant about how her powers are going to be the reason the West is destroyed and yadda yadda yadda. Anya is crying. She is clearly terrified because she knows what this man is going to do to her because shes been here before and she doesnt want it.
So she weakly cries out, "Papa, Mama" and that man is DEAD. Gone in a second.
They free her and have a moment where Anya finally admits to whole fiasco- she knew about their roles, she is an esper, but she wasnt lying when she said she was happy and that she wanted to see them happy as well.
After a few moments, Loid hugs her tight. They are happy because they are a family. They may not be blood, and it may have started for a mission, but this was real now. They were staying together. Loid picks her up and Yor goes ahead to clear out any additional security that may be there.
Loid is aware that they cant escape-escape, because of how important keeping the two countries out of war is, but he definitely promises to retire as a spy when its over. Yor promises the same thing.
Theyre the best spy unit to ever exist and the first to declare neutrality. They work as a whole family to keep the nations safe. Ultimately, they do retire but still get caught up because of Anyas powers.
44 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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goremet-chef · 10 months
im too big of a coward to play normal on my own i cannottttt do it my role is vital and i cant play it alone!!! my role is resident paranoid and by god i play it well 😁😁 my friend is very. LOUD, they only use the fuckin chainsaw to cut down trees. EFFECTIVE YES, BUT LOUD!!!!! so i need to stand back and watch very very closely to see if anything comes for us. IM SCARED TO BE SNUCK UP ON AGAIN so now im just. my paranoia has tripled in that game and hey! i havent gotten snuck up on since! so id say its technically a win (ramble)
thats something thats different with sons of the forest, yesterday i was alone for like. an decent amount of time when we played and i didnt feel hardly scared at all. GRANTED, it wasnt mutant spawning time yet but even in the forest im scared day 1 to day 100 baby. no, it was relaxing even. SOTF is just. rgRGgrrg
because the forest is an older game its less? i mean sons of the forest is just better like better graphics, better ai, etc etc etc which is great, its a more fulfilling experience in a sense? the game is fucking gorgeous!! the cannibal ai is really interesting, the animals are better ETC like idk to me its just more tranquil and im relaxed more often then not
WITH THE FOREST THOUGH? existential dread all the way through. the beginning week is fairly easy, we usually have some kind of base by then ofc, but after that week passes? im not the man i used to be 💀 i get quieter because i need to listen for mutants, im CONSTANTLY looking around. ive learned that if i see one, i need to be super clear about it (unlike my bestie who literally just saw girl mutant behind me and booked it 😁) im a lot quieter about being startled in that game until something starts chasing me MAINLY so i dont accidentally scare my bestie cuz like.
the forest entire ATMOSPHERE is a little desolate, like i love this game, but god i feel. ITS LIKE YR JUST WAITING TILL SOMETHING GETS YOU IT FEELS REALLY AWFUL SKFJSF for me it honestly has similar vibes to squirrel stapler???? not good KSFJS
anyways no it kills me the amount of chest pain and shaky hands the forest has given me, youd think i just faced god bro
nope! good ol johnny boy and armsy pretty much exclusively? IDK WHY THAT IS.. virginia isnt very loud so i have a hard time hearing her but i tend to see her way before she gets close, and shes not super hard to fight for me? lure her to the water and have her charge into it 🙄 easy peasy. cowman a little harder, they are sporadic and they turn on a dime which is not good! theyre huge. but the charge into the water thing can work on them too. me and my friend need to kill one of those actually, we have all the other mutant heads on our wall except that one 😔
armsy cant really be lured like that? everything about armsy is just. my nightmare. huge, loud, fast. not cool!! we can kill them fairly easily but even still like. IM STILL SCARED EVEN IF I KNOW THERES BIGGER THREATS its so personal between us bro
also i heard if you use the???? rage thing the ANGER BALL you can attract like. a group of SIX MUTANTS, fuck all that noise. i want the peace ball actually thatd be so dope
overall its just. horrible to be honest, and specifically like I CANT HANDLE LIVING ANYWHERE ELSE THAN WHERE WE ALWAYS LIVE (which is where markiplier made his base in the more recent forest playthru 💀) cuz its fairly open?? AND EVEN WHEN ITS OPEN IM STILL SCARED
imagine the fear when we have to go deeper into the forest for any reason 😀
unimaginable, downright painful i know this game has taken years off my life at this point. ITS JSUT SO AWFUL MANN because now that the trees are thicker, you've taken one of my vital senses away which is sight! i am now afraid and have to rely on my ears alone! (cicerocore tbh)
its. SICKENNING I HATE IT SO MUCH RGRGAGR even though i know im strong and i fuck up those cannibals like no tomorrow, even the mutants we dont struggle that much with (besides maybe the blue variants) its still SCARYYY no i hate it. my friend always makes me go with her like okay time to loot cloth from the village cmon bestie lets go :]]
. okay. like I WANNA BE THERE WITH HER BUT no i do not, i just. theyre CARELESS my MC instincts kick in cuz theyre careless in minecraft to and im like. constantly jumping forward in dark caves to kill whatever is in front of us so it wont kill her and leave me alone KSJFS so its like that but worse! i need to listen for both our sakes its exhausting 💀💀 and most of the time there is some kind of mutant in the forest, like only ONCE WE WENT and there was no mutant at the village
ironically despite that run through being flawless, no cannibals no mutants, i was still completely petrified like there was, it was so. NOTHING GOOD EVER HAPPENS IN THE FOREST its just waiting for when something inevitably jumps out at you. but nothing did and ive never felt more uncomfortable in my lifee it was horrible. that one time was directly after we were dealing with girl mutant too, awful vibes the forest like
THATS THE EASIEST WAY TO SUM IT UP, the forest gives absolutely RANCID vibes truly terrible. sons of the forest is pretty and relaxing at times and just nice and the forest?? no its horrific its just terrible awful energy, i love it. this game is gonna kill me but i love it!!
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actualbird · 3 years
Crawls in here once again since the week is almost over and i thought of another ask that might be fun, what r ur thoughts on nxx team at a haunted house (amusement park or otherwise www) -Marsh
ELLO, MARSH!!!! thank you so much for this ask!! answering this was so much fun :DDDD
okay so i decided to forgo amusement park haunted house bc artem already does that in SSR Loving Memories so we Know how he is in a recreational haunted house (aka rambling about SAFETY REGULATIONS why is this man like this smh) n i dont wanna be redundant SOOOO
nxx team for some reason have to go into an abandoned house that is heavily rumored to be haunted as hell. theyre on....an investigation. and they all have to be there all at once....dont think about it too much, i sure didnt HAHA
in the tradition of scooby doo, somebody suggests "let's split up, gang!" for utmost hilarity and also because a grp of five people goin thru a house like a pack of meerkats is a bit silly KJJSKGSF
so here are my proposed teams: vyn + mc + artem, luke + marius
my rationalization for these teams is because each team needs a "supernatural skeptic/person who isnt scared" to balance out the one in the team thats like "supernatural MAYBE this place is CREEPY n im A BIT SCARED do NOT JUDGE ME/im NOT scared i just HATE THIS"
vyn + mc + artem
vyn and artem are the staunch skeptics who are balancing out mc's jumpiness and mc would like it ON THE RECORD that she doesnt believe in ghosts but she gets jumpy sometimes!!! in her defense this place is CREEPY AS HELLS
so like while theyre going through rooms looking for whatever theyre looking for, vyn and artem are trying to comfort her in their own specific way
artem goes and rambles about the non-spooky explanations for all the rumors of this house, people like to go to the easiest explanation for unexplained things, though the easiest route isnt necessarily the most logical one---
vyn serenely tells mc Well, Actually the perception of supernatural quite often comes not from reality but from the outwards manifestation of a person's personal fears so it's less indicative of a place and more indicative of the person themselves---
and vyn and artem are trying to be the More Rational Person
mc, internally: (guys...i know you guys are trying....but it's NOT EXACTLY....HELPING....)
because honestly what mc needs right now isnt people telling her how her fears are absolutely nothing to worry about. what she needs is just her two friends being there for her even thru her irrational fears
eventually vyn and artem do clue into this and actually start being NOT IDIOTS about being good haunted house exploration partners but they only clue into this AFTERRRR each of them get SPOOKED AS HELL FIRST they gotta get a taste of their own medicine.
it's very funny to me that both vyn and artem have Really Good Aim (vyn with bow and arrow, artem with GUN) so when a sudden creak happens outta nowhere theyre both like O_O and then IMMEDIATELY throwing the first thing they can find at the noise
vyn throws a pen like a frigging javelin and artem just throws his wholeass phone, so much for rationality, huh, fellas?
the noise turns out to be luke and marius, stumbling upon their team, and thanks to vyn and artem's great aim, both those items hit luke hard in the face
well thats one way to get rid of mc's fear, because she bursts into a peal of giggles
but how were luke + marius doing before coming across them?
marius is DEAD FUCKING SILENT the moment the team splits up and luke is like "huh, didnt take marius for somebody who believed in ghosts" but luke doesnt bring it up because this doesnt seem like a light kind of spooked that luke would want make fun of.
like marius is pale, his breathing is shallow, his clenched fists are in his jacket pockets but luke can see that his hands are trembling
so luke fills the silence with investigation talk to get marius' mind of it, and luke is glad it works a little bit, even if marius' replies are monosyllabic. luke glances at marius and sees that the fear in his eyes has been replaced by his Thinking Gaze and great awesome
until they get to a room that is just. wayyyy fucking colder and darker than the rest of the house
and marius' fear slams back into him like a battering ram. he doesnt jerk back through the open doorway though, he just kind of stands there and luke is like "uh. you dont have to go in if youre scared---"
"i am not scared," marius grits out because come on. hes gotten over this, hasnt he? [spoilers for marius ssr in the darkness] fine, whatever, he had a bad time as a kid with cold dark places but mc had helped him get through it, back then, in the cave on nosta. surely one good experience is enough to completely erase a childhood fear that has followed him all the way to adulthood?
(no. it isnt. it helps, but sometimes it's not enough)
[spoilers for marius ssr in the darkness] back in that cave, marius admitted to mc why he was acting the way he was but he sure as hell isnt going to tell LUKE, NO SIREE, MARIUS IS FINE, marius trudges into the horrible room as he valiantly ignores just all the terrible alarm bells going off in and luke just like.
oh it's not ghosts he's scared of it's. the dark
luke doesnt exactly Know Completely what the Best Way is to comfort the other members of the team (theyre all cagey motherfuckers one way or another but hey, hes a cagey motherfucker too) but he cant like...not do anything. marius obviously doesnt want to be called out but luke wants to help anyway so he has to find a way to ground marius while also giving marius an excuse aaaaand----
luke clears his throat, extending his hand towards marius in the darkness of the room. "this place is old, the floor is uneven. i think it'll be better if we uh. held onto each other, so we dont trip up."
thank GOD THIS ROOM IS DARK because marius feels his face go a little warm but fuck it, yes, he would rlly like this, so he's like FINE and then holds luke's hand
but luke notices that marius' trembling hand stops shaking for a moment when luke squeezes his hand.
and they get thru their half of the house, hands linked the entire way, and they meet up with the others and luke gets projectiles thrown at his face
mc's laughter and the split second chaos is the perfect distraction to let go of luke's hand and nobody notices. nobody has to know. NOBODY
and of course they find whatever thing they were looking for KJBKJSDKFGS anyway in conclusion: the nxx team would be a disaster in a haunted house but theyve got each other's backs :D
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chuuya-centric · 3 years
making out hcs
characters: osamu dazai, ranpo edogawa, chuuya nakahara
genre: suggestive
warnings: gn reader, no pronouns used, uhm 🧍 yk it gets a lil steamy and has like mentions of sex ??? but theres def nothing super explicit
↬making out with dazai is always ............ interesting to say the least 🧐 it can happen anywhere, at anytime, and you'll never know until it's too late
↬sometimes it'll start out as a quick peck, and then another, and another, and— hey, is it just you or does each kiss keep getting longer 🤨 when did he slip your coat off ??-?_;?? now his arms r around your waist and .............. o look at that he's got you pressed up against the wall with u gasping for air bc he's barely giving you anytime to breathe
↬speaking of, his kisses always leave u breathless 🧎 he is such a good kisser please lord i just know it 🛐🛐
↬he usually just leaves after these types of makeout sessions (much to your annoyance) 💀💀💀 he likes getting you all worked up and then going right back to work like he didnt just have his tongue down your throat and his leg between ur thighs
↬other times his kisses r slower n more passionate from the get-go and u know exactly where this is ab to lead (these types of make out sessions will often lead to sex tbh, they're always really sensual and smooth and he has no intent of leaving u all high n dry)
↬personally he prefers kissing w (a lot of) tongue, but if ur not into it, he'll understand and "do his best" to take that into account (but dont be surprised if you end up w his tongue in your mouth either way 💀 if you like it ? fantastic 😚💖 if you dont ?? he loves seeing u squeal in disgust and try to push him away in surprise LMFAO)
↬he always somehow tastes like sake with a little bit of mint ?;?_(&?$-_??$&? dont ask me how but he does 🤨🚶 that being said he tastes better than you'd expect and kissing him is a magical experience 🤤
↬ranpo's kisses r sweet like candy
↬jk but he does taste like candy so ig that wasnt an entirely inaccurate statement 😚😚
↬he isn't usually one to initiate the kiss tbh, he prefers when you do it LMAO 💀 but whenever he does, they're most likely to be a quick peck to your lips or cheek (he isn't really a fan of any kinds of pda bc he actually gets embarrassed rlly easily)
↬behind closed doors, however, is a different story 🚶🧑‍🦯 hes a lil more likely to initiate the kiss and whenever he does ............ o lord 🧎🧎🧎 theyre fs a reflection of him
↬ranpo's kisses r very fun and airy, !! and out of these three men here, he's the most likely to laugh and smile and giggle in between kisses
↬making out with him is an experience given to you from the gods PLEASSSKEEEE and it's never awkward bc if sth happens you'll both just laugh ab it and carry on
↬usually makeout sessions start bc u gave him a kiss, but he was feeling clingy (not that he'd ever admit it 💀💀💀) so he pulled you back in for another, and another, and another, and hey look at that, you've been kissing him for the past 15 minutes and now ur both gasping for breath
↬doesn't really mind tongue, enjoys it even 🧏 and when he tastes so sweet, how could you refuse him 🧐❓
↬OH MY GOD HIS FAVOURITE THING IS WHEN let me turn off caps okay his favourite thing is when he's eating his candies or whatever (probably like hard candy tho yk so you cant just bite into that shit immiediately it has to sit and melt a lil idk) and u ask him what flavour it is and he'll pull you into a kiss and let you taste for yourself and take a guess (dont be surprised if you actually end up w the candy afterwards, he doesnt mind sharing so long as it's with you <33)
↬RANPO MAKE OUT WITH ME CHALLENGE ;!_(&!-??&!:?:!&(:!:!_!&;
↬chuuya's kisses r nothing short of rough and passionate
↬his kisses also tend to be v rushed and sloppy however that doesn't mean they're not enjoyable
↬i'd dare call him the middle ground between dazai and ranpo 🤨🧐 kisses aren't like every five minutes (dazai im lookin at you 🤨), but rather spaced out throughout the day as to keep you satisfied
↬once again ............. he is a tongue man. he tastes like a fine (slightly sweet?) red wine nine times out of ten (the other one time he just tasted like straight fuckin mint ??? 😭💀 like ur eyes started watering after and he got really concerned like "babe r u ok 😟” and you were like "yeah but y THE FUCK is your breath so minty" 💀💀)
↬i am so sorry everyone here likes tongue, i'll make more hcs like these feat. mfs who don't like it LMAOO
↬he understands if ur not a fan of tongue, so unlike SOMEONE, he'll actually take your personal preference into account and do his absolute best to keep his tongue to himself 🤒🤒
↬ok so similar to ranpo, chuuya loves sharing his wine w you — thru making out kissing ofc 🧎 never passes up an opportunity to take a (rather large) swig and let it pass between your parted lips (might get a lil carried away and slip u a lil tongue but yk it is what it is 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯)
↬he actually has a tendency to get carried away regardless tbh 😚 it starts out as jus like a short lil kiss but yk ............ u come back in for another ............... and another — is anyone else seeing a pattern here 🧐🤨❓ these three men r the best kissers in bsd and i do NOT take criticism — and oops, now ur sitting on his desk with him standing in between ur legs as he starts trailing kisses down your neck before he suddenly remembers he still has work to do and he tells you he promises he'll finish what he started later (and oh boy was it worth the wait 😩😩😫🤤🤞)
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nikrangdan · 3 years
roommate!heeseung pt. 1
Tumblr media
pairing: roommate!heeseung x female reader
genre: mini fic(?), fluff, comedy, tiny angst(one little sad part)
warnings: cursing!!! 
word count: 4.3k
description: i guess you just didnt realize you were in love with your roommate...... who has a girlfriend
you had just hit heeseung over the head after he said he would burn all of your plushies
your Precious. Plushies
hell no you’ve been collecting these since you were 11 no way in hell heeseung would threaten ur babies
you rolled your eyes and started to walk to the kitchen to get a snack
stupid heeseung
hes always saying stupid shit🙄
before you walked out though you noticed the look on his face
like he was contemplating something
“y/n... can you do me a favor?” he nervously uttered out before you walked out his door
“....what kind..?” you furrowed your brows
why was he being so cryptic
“uhh i need you to get flowers and chocolates for me from stacys....”
stacys was this fancy store 45 MINUTES AWAY..
“ur fucking serious?” you deadpanned
this was something new
in all your 8 months of living with him he had never asked you of a favor this big
for context.., you had moved to this city apartment for college 8 months ago but you couldn’t afford it without a roommate
but luckily you overheard a certain boy praying for an apartment while you were on campus
and you guessed it!!! it was heeseung
you two clicked easily and you were very thankful he was your roommate
after 4 months of living together he told you he got a girlfriend
you didnt really know about his campus life since you didnt have classes together and you never saw him walking around
you dont know why you were surprised when he told you... i mean have u seem Him.....
but nonetheless
u were like “Omg heeseung!!! thats great<3” like the supportive friend u were
yeah and that was that
you didnt meet the girl until another month later
Now that..... that was an experience......
*knock knock knock*
who tha hell was knocking at 7 in the morning.........
you staggered your way over to the front door with your matching hello kitty pajamas
and u open the door to see a blonde Lady who looks around your age
Why did u forget to look thru the little peephole in the door...... ur probably just tired whatever
anyways ur like
and shes like
“? who are you.?”
and ur like
“i live here....”
and shes like
“?...? oh sorry i thought my boyfriend lived here..”
and ur both just standing there like ;-;
shes all dressed up and u look like a childs room threw up on u
And thats when it hit u
“are you heeseungs girlfriend?!!???” your hand raises up to point at her unconsciously
“ yes.. i am” she looked so lost it was so funny
“oh then you have the right place im sorry! hes my roommate” you scurry back into the apartment, gesturing for her to come in and close the door behind her
“what? he didnt tell me had a roommate..”
poor girl 😭😭😭
you quite literally pounce into heeseungs room and smack him while shes still standing outside awkwardly in the living room
“fucking idiot” smack to the face
“wake up” smack to the chest
“heeseung i swear to god” you shake his head
“are you fucking dead???? wake up!!!!” you pinch his ears really hard
that woke him up
“Ow ow ow ow OWWW y/n what the hell???” his eyes are forced open but theyre squinted due to the sunlight
“your girlfriend is here” you whisper-yell at him
“what???” he sat up so quickly you almost laughed
you were 90% sure she heard everything
oh well
his problem
he just stares into space for a second before his eyes go wide
ur just sitting on his bed waiting for him to do something like Uhhh
“shit i planned a date today oh my god” he jumped up from his bed and hastily told you to “stay put” before throwing on a hoodie, walking to see his girlfriend, and slamming his bedroom door leaving u sat on his bed
yes u were nosy Muahahahahah
so u pressed ur ear against the door to listen to their conversation
“sora, im so sorry i slept in late i promise ill make it up to you please baby dont be mad”
you had to stifle your laughter with your hand
God this was gold
“heeseung why didnt you tell me you lived with a girl.”
oooooooh hes in trouble you laugh to yourself
“ah about that.. im sorry i didnt tell you.. dont worry though, you know i only like you! shes just my roommate”
Why did that hurt 😪
“whatever heeseung.. ill call you later” and then you heard the door slam
already???? you were ready to get ur popcorn :///
you didnt even notice it had been a while before the door opened with you still leaning on it
boom u fell on the floor
“shut up” he said before jumping face down on his bed
you stand up to lean against his door again, staring pitifully at the boy
“you okay?” you cross your arms
“mmm” he mumbles into his pillow
“you know i think i deserve a treat for being woken up at 7am on a sunday by your little girlfriend”
“little? shes taller than you” he turned around to lay on his back and chuckle
“oh so you’re making jokes right now when your girlfriend might break up with you?” you glare at him
“shes not gonna break up with me over something this little” he rolls his eyes and grabs his phone from his nightstand
“you know you’re a little piece of shit heeseung!” you yell out to him after you walked out of his room
“how?!” he yelled back
“treat your girlfriend better!”
he kept his mouth shut after that
yeah you two didnt talk for the rest of the day because he stayed in his room sulking or whatever
fast forward to now
Right after he asked u to get him the chocolates and flowers
“please y/n, sora is gonna be here in 2 hours and i need to get everything ready and i dont have enough time to do everything” he begged
“do you really need them from stacys though???” you whined
he just huffed and glared at you “yes! sora only likes them from there.”
“nuh uh mister dont give me that look” you narrow your eyes at him
he immediately stops his glare and tries to look neutral
it almost made you laugh
you just looked at him for a few seconds before giving up
“fine. but what am i getting in return?”
his eyes lit up and traveled up as he was in thought
“hmmm ill buy you food whenever you want for a month”
“woah thats more than i bargained for but deal!” he didnt realize that until after you shook his hand, very enthusiastically might i add
so now you were on your way home with the MASSIVE bouquet of roses and beautifully wrapped chocolates sitting nice and snug in the passenger seat of your car
these two things costed $115
oh well its heeseungs money not yours
you found it amusing because heeseung was nowhere near rich so where was he finding this money to blow
over an hour later and ur finally back home
u open the door
u struggled very much btw
almost dropped everything haha
but woah......
your eyes widened and your mouth fell open
“heeseung? you didn’t tell me you two were having the date here..”
as soon as you walked in you smelled a pretty scent and the lighting was dim
it was beautiful
there were candles lit on every surface
rose petals were scattered messily everywhere
the two seater dining table was topped with elegant decor
there was quiet jazz music playing from his speaker
the familiar aroma of your favorite food hit you
standing there in your apartment didnt feel real
it felt like you were in a dream
you couldnt believe your apartment could turn into room from a fairytale
you were never one to be into disney princesses and fantasies
but for the first time ever you almost wished for a prince charming yourself
you almost got lost in a trance
and then....
the boy himself walked out
donned in an all black suit with a sliver of the white undershirt peeking underneath and the white tie
his bangs were covering his forehead and you noticed he styled them to be wavy
he had his earrings in and rings were present on 3 of his fingers
he looked absolutely dazzling
you dont know how or why.. but your heart began to race
why did this feel like it was for you...?
you wanted to be his disney princess
staring at him wistfully, it felt like time had stopped
“oh thanks y/n, i almost thought you ditched me” he chuckled quickly
he was frantic and out of breath as he snatched the things out of your hand
“right!” he began as he sped around the room setting everything up
“im sorry but i forgot to ask if you could leave for today. im such an idiot, im sorry y/n.. you can stay at a friends house or something for the night?” he didnt even look at you as he perfected the chocolates on the counter and the plates on the table
you couldnt help but notice your heart clench and your stomach twist at his words
you were still glued to your spot infront of the door
“o-oh! yeah, okay thats fine ill get my stuff now” you scurry to your room
you speedily threw some clothes and necessities in a bag before walking back to him
he didnt look at you
“heeseung” you poke him
he finally turned to you
“sorry what?” he gazed down at you with big eyes
“its okay.. just wanted to let you know im leaving now” you give him a small smile
“oh right! thank you y/n again” he grinned
his pretty smile
“you look great by the way... have fun” you manage to say before slipping out the door
you didnt let him reply back because if you stayed in there a second longer you think you would’ve fallen in love with him
where did these feelings come from...?
you smack yourself on your forehead as youre walking down the steps to your car
ur probably just feeling like this because no man has ever done anything like that for u
and seeing it in real life made u want a bf 😟😟
yeah... thats it
so now ur at sunoos house
a close friend from your finance class
he lives in his parents house but theyre never home so he basically owns the place and doesn’t have to pay for it
Yeah u kinda envy the boy
but you love him because hes great
“y/n ..do you like him????” sunoo gasps
you guys are watching tangled for the 10th time and you were explaining what happened back at your apartment
“what? where did you get that from?” you snort, your eyes still focused on the movie
you could literally feel his eyes piercing into your soul with that stare
“the way you were telling me that story.... you sounded a bit jealous if i do say so myself..” he raises his eyebrow and leans back into the couch
“i do not like heeseung, sunoo” your eyes roll and you turn to look at him finally
he has a little smirk as he looks at u suspiciously
“hmmm okay, i get it” he raises his arms in defense and surrenders “you don’t wanna talk about it”
you scoff and laugh at his actions “you’re so annoying”
so ..*time skip* lol
you slept at sunoos for the night
it wasnt anything new bc u used to stay at his alot while u were in the process of moving into your apartment
one of his guest rooms is practically urs bc u have some decorations and spare clothes there :P
when you woke up that sunday morning you realized you forgot to set an alarm
so now its like 11am
well its not like you needed to be home so you shrugged it off
“morning” u said to sunoo when u saw him sitting on the couch watching wreck it ralph
boy loves his movies
“when are you going home?”
“wow rude.... not even a good morning back??” you found him amusing
“sorry, good morning. when are you going home” he turned his head to look at you
it made you laugh
Sunoo is so funny u love him
“do u wanna get rid of me that bad??? i hate you”
“ni-ki and jungwon are coming over today and i dont want you smothering them like you always do” he playfully glares at you
NI-KI AND JUNGWON???!!!??!!!!!!
“MY BABIES????” you exclaim and jump on the couch next to sunoo
“yes” he exasperatingly says
“now leave before they get here”
“WHAT?? no im staying because i wanna see them”
“NO!!!! now get out of my house y/n”
“why not?!!???! sunoo please i bet they miss me so much”
“y/n please.. they do NOT miss you”
“they literally do i always make them cookies and theyre like y/n ur so cool we love you”
“u mustve been hallucinating....”
“sunoo please please please i dont wanna go home” u tried to muster up the cutest puppy dog eyes ever
he looked at your face for a moment
“no u look ugly”
“YOU’RE SO ANNOYING” you push him
“theyre coming back tomorrow you can come then! today is boys night”
“boys night?” you snort “what the fuck are u kids gonna do that i cant be around for?”
“SHUT UP Y/N get out of my house!” he just starts to drag you out of his house himself
“ow oW OKAY fine ill leave... have fun doing.. whatever you’re gonna do” you grab your bag and start to head for the door
sunoo slams the door in ur face after he says “bye dont come back please” 😭😭😭
“asshole!” u yell to him thru the door
you just huff and stand on his porch for a second
you wonder if heeseung still has his girlfriend over and decide to text him
y/n🦧: hi can i come back home
now ur sitting on sunoos porch waiting for a reply
10  minutes pass while ur scrolling on your phone and still no reply
you look up when you hear the front door open
“why are you still here?” sunoo frowns at you
“heeseung didnt answer my text and i dont wanna go back if his girlfriend is still there” you reply
“go home y/n plz.... i lied jungwon and ni-ki arent coming over.. my grandparents are” he tries to shoo you away
“why would you lie about that” you laugh
“theyre really mean! but you can come back tomorrow because the boys are actually gonna be here.. now go because my grumpy grandparents are gonna be here in like 5 minutes” he guides your shoulders down his porch
“ugh.. if his girlfriend is still there its your fault” you pout
“wha- how is that my- whatever y/n go home!!!”
when you drive off you dramatically wave your hand to him trying to show how desperately you did not wanna go home
sunoo just giggles and runs back inside
you drove home extra slow Lol
and now you were at the door contemplating whether or not you just make a run for it
but u said fuck it because u missed the comforts of ur own room
well u knocked a little before unlocking the door
how embarrassing to be knocking on the door of ur own home 💀
you didnt get an immediate answer so u just stood outside in the apartment hallway....waiting....
after waiting for like 30 seconds (because ur impatient) you knock again
well i tried to be nice you thought
you finally gave up and unlocked the door with your keys, kind of slowly opening the door to peek in
hmmm.... nothing
the sun was emitting some rays of light through one of the windows but none of the lights were on
and why was there food still on the table..?
you were kind of afraid to go see heeseung 
you did notice one thing
there wasn’t a pair of shoes u didnt recognize sitting on the rack by the door 
so... is his girlfriend not here or did she bring her shoes to his room lol..
“hello?” you unconfidently called out to nobody in particular
no answer
you slipped your shoes off quietly and tiptoed towards the hallway that included both of your rooms across from eachother
the kitchen and living room looked untouched 
to describe u being confused would be an understatement
you set your bag down on your bed and then made your way to heeseung.. just to check on him
you were genuinely so confused rn
you thought they would be cuddling on the couch or talking in his room or something but it was dead silent throughout the house
“heeseung?” you soft knocked on the door of his bedroom
surely he couldnt still be asleep.. it was noon on a monday and heeseung would normally be up by 10 because he said he would “start being a more productive man” as he said it
you always laughed at him because he used to wake up at like 3pm on days he didnt have class
anyways you didnt get an answer which was slightly concerning because you didnt forget to take note that you saw his car in the parking garage when you arrived
“i’m coming in” you called out to him before twisting the knob and pushing the door open
you realized you might be crossing a line and he’d get upset at you for invading his privacy but you were honestly worried for your friend
at first you didn’t see him
his room was empty, not a single person in sight
that is until you further examined the big lump on his bed
“heeseung? what...” you walked over to the lump that you only knew was him because you could see a bit of his hair peeking out from the top
“um.. am i interrupting something..” you awkwardly said, debating whether or not to go closer
he wasn’t saying anything so you guessed he was sleeping
how odd for him
you wanted to just check real quick and then you’d leave his room
so your feet padded softly against his wooden floor as you made your way over to him
and you bent down a little to kind of tug the huge blanket away from his face
as you got closer you also noticed his girlfriend wasnt here
the first thing you noticed was that he was definitely not asleep
your eyes widened and your hand instinctively went to his face to cup his cheek
“are you okay?! why are you crying?” you quickly asked, your eyebrows were furrowed in worry
in your months living with him you have never seen him show any emotional feelings in front of you and it almost made you panic
his eyes locked onto yours before he looked away from you and closed his eyes
he still hasnt said anything and you really didnt know what to do in this situation
you took your hand off his cheek before sighing
now you’re just sat on the side of his bed just looking at him.. wondering what to do
you were sure he wasn’t sleeping even though his eyes were shut and he wouldnt move
but you sat there for 5 minutes and he didnt seem to mind
“sora broke up with me” 
he finally broke the silence
you didnt know what to say
you couldnt ask if he was okay when he obviously wasnt
“do you wanna talk about it? you looked over to heeseung to see him staring at you
“not really” he broke eye contact once again and looked up towards the ceiling
“later i will.. just not now” he breathed out
you nodded at that, understanding his situation
you felt terrible for the boy
his eyes were red and his voice was all nasally like he’d been crying
“i’ll leave you alone now..” you patted his big blanket fluff to lighten the mood and walked out his stuffy room
hours had passed while he was stuck in that room and you didnt know what to do 
it was 7pm already
you spent the day watching tv in the living room 
but it was dinner time and you made ramen (his fav!!!) in hopes that he would come out of there
“heeseung you’ve gotta eat” you knock on his door again
you had told him to eat at 2 earlier but he insisted that he wasnt hungry
you were surprised when he instantly opened the door and your hand was still in midair as you were knocking
if your hand moved an inch you wouldve been knocking on his chest which you found very funny but you didnt think this was the right time for jokes
“hi” you looked up at him
he was wearing his purple beanie with sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt
he definitely looked better than he did this morning which you thanked god for
“hey” he gave u this look :]
“you okay? i made ramen.. can you smell it” you kinda giggled
“yeah, thanks” he tried to send you a small smile which you were thankful for
“okay well come eat because i worked very hard on it” you turned on your heels and went towards the tiny kitchen island with two seats
he followed you and sat next to you as you gave him his bowl and chopsticks
“bon appetit!” you clapped your hands before digging in
you were proud of urself ngl... the ramen was smacking
“thank you y/n” he said softly
you refused to admit it but he was.. So Cute
“no problem, just eat” you grinned
and you two ate in silence for a good 15 minutes
he said he would do the dishes after you were done which was relieving because you wanted to go jump in your bed and watch tiktoks very badly
there was a slight awkwardness in the air too so you wanted to let that cool off too
so now you were cuddled up in our bed with your phone very close, almost too close, to your face
and you could hear the sink running as heeseung washed the dishes
you silently prayed he was feeling better and that he would be over it soon
the sink turned off and you could hear his footsteps coming towards the hallway
what surprised you was that you heard knocks on your bedroom door
“can i come in?” he asked
“yeah its open” you replied
u had to get out of ur blanket cocoon :///
you watched him stride over to sit next you on your bed
he even got under the covers and laid down like dang lmao u getting comfy i guess
“whats up?” you were sitting up while he was laying on your pillows
“so.. she broke up with me last night” he spoke while hugging one of your plushies
oh OHH so this is what this is about
“oh.. are you feeling better now?”
“yeah i think.. we only dated for 4 months but i really liked her....”
“did she say why she did?” you asked
“she said she found someone else. i dont know if you know this but shes a year older than me and she told me she wasnt into younger guys which doesnt even make any sense because her ex was younger than her too and-”
“okay heeseung” you laugh “people are like that, you just gotta deal with it”
“yeah yeah, i know” he sighed “i dont know.. i dont know if im sad i lost her or if im sad over the fact that i dont have a girlfriend anymore”
“was she your first girlfriend?”
“me? y/n” he laughed “ive had plenty before”
“oh” you didnt even wanna ask
“why? have you never had a boyfriend or something?” he joked
“no....” you trailed off, unable to look him in the eye out of embarrassment
you were never even embarrassed about that but for some reason admitting it to heeseung made you shy
“what?! no way” he was actually shocked
“yes way now can we change the topic this is terrible” you roll your eyes and shove a plushie in his face
“awee little y/n” he teased you
“get out” you snickered
“okay okay fine.. but yeah i think i’ll be okay. she broke up with me as soon as she got here so all of my planning was for nothing. i think that was what devastated me the most, i had no one to eat with”
you wanted to yell I LITERALLY EXIST soooo bad
Why is he so stupid....... 
“thats sad...” you said
you wanted to laugh at your reply bc what else could you say
“yeah anyways you dont have to worry about taking care of me while im sulking or whatever im cool now’
“well that was quick.. you were acting like a baby this morning now ur this tuff guy” you tease
“yeah yeah i dont even know why i was acting like that” his cheeks went pink
“im just kidding” you send a small smile his way “you know im always here for you right? dont be afraid to be a little emotional sometimes” you reach over to pat his head
“thanks y/n” he smiles “you’re a really great friend”
yeah.. friend
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oriigirii · 3 years
💞 MC is a Genshin Simp 💞
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{ AN: Omg! This is my first ask so thank you anon (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)/!! This is such a vibe too haha, I hope you like it! } Warnings: None [Maybe Refs and Chars you wont get if you dont play Genshin Impact] * Probably a bit OOC too *
Reader: Gender-Neutral [Default]
( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
< Genshin Impact was a game that took the human realm by storm, with its open-world gameplay, its competitive PvE and aesthatic settings, it was truly something that captured you the moment the beta was announced. Although, as with any Gacha games, you weren’t only attracted to the world and its setting.
No no.
The characters were truly the main eye candy of the game. You’d been worried that when you had been sucked into Devildom, you wouldn’t be able to access the game due to, yknow, realm differences, but luckily that wasn’t the case thanks to Levi, and hence why the moment it dropped, you had been spending your life savings simping for characters on every banner.
Yknow theres handsome bois in devildom too... Theyre just kinda waiting for you to put your game down for a moment and kinda notice em ~((Φ◇Φ)‡ >
ฅ⁽͑ ˚̀ ˙̭ ˚́ ⁾̉ฅ Lucifer
He usually doesn’t mind you playing games
Although, He would’ve preferred if you didn’t cause you kinda need to focus on your studies yknow?
But hey he’s not stopping you
Usually you would stay with him as he works, but he can’t seem to focus with you constantly begging beside him
Small little ‘please’ would be heard every now and then, and a sudden look of disappointment would show on your face.
He tried to ignore it, even giving little cues for you to quiet down, like clearing his throat
You didnt seem to pick up the hint though
He was just about to ask you what you were doing in the first place that has you praying beside him (which is hella rude) but your scream of happiness has him a little more irked and kinda taken back
You show him the screen showing your pull results
The character held a giant claymore with bright red hair
Before he can get another word in, you snatch your phone back and just sigh as if youd just had a heavenly (ironic) experience and mumble
“I seriously love him, Im so happy...”
Bro same though, Diluc pls come home
You were truly one of a kind, because youve just managed to break the Avatar of Pride’s... well.... Pride.
Did he just get cucked by a man in a video game?
Truly outrageous.
He seems to scoff and holds back a bit of an eye roll as he tries to focus back on his work
But boy oh boy, his salt is high
“If you are going to be causing a ruckus MC, May i suggest you doing it with Levi instead, I have no time for such games. I dont see why youre so caught up in such a character anyways, he looks quite basic.”
His words were sharp, and that was enough to shake you out of your fangirl/boy mode.
You were literally ready to fight the first born, a literal fucking fallen angel, for dissing Diluc like that
how dare
But then you notice how he seems to avoid your gaze and a small little red tint was on the tip of his ears.
Lucifer wouldve wanted to see you that happy with him, but no, a game character steals that spotlight.
Instead of being intimidated by the sudden coldness, you giggle and finally close your phone and set it aside
You can continue celebrating and bragging about it later, for now, you wrap your arms around his arm and give him a small smooch on the cheek, which definitely makes him blush a tad bit
“Awww Luci dont be like that, Yknow I love you more”
Potential apocalypse has been diverted
But Lucifer does smile the smallest of smiles as he sighs, finding it silly to really get jealous over such a small thing and says
“I love you too, my dear... but you do have to make up for distracting me from my work...”
Well you kinda deserve it, so it wasnt long before both his work and your phone had been ditched
( After a while you do kinda see him quite similar to Diluc and it just makes you smile everytime you think about it, seems you have a thing for the strict cold men huh?)
Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) Mammon
Why you simping for a fictional character when you already have him?!
He’s your first man!
Your homie!
“Yeah well hes my first 5* so can you blame me?”
But for real, this man is just so clingy
He has heard from Levi that you were playing a new game from the human world, and of course, he had wanted to see what it was about by watching you play.
But since it was quite grind-heavy gacha game, he grew a bit bored and asked you to come with him to hang out somewhere else, or even go to the casino and gamble his money away cause he just got goldie back
But no matter what he suggests, you were just so focused on your grinding.
He’d prefer a different kinda grinding right about now with how lonely he is, ya feel me?
But no, you still werent interested.
“Oi! Cmon MC, whats even so important about this?”
“I already told you Mammon, Im grinding for primogems from the event! Theyre gonna be gone soon and I just HAVE to get them! Ugh I swear to Diavolo, if I dont, Imma cry! I didnt get him on their first banner too... ugh!”
Wait no--
Cmon he doesnt want you to cry!
Mammon kinda stays silent for a bit as he watches you struggle to fight the monsters with your low level team, frustration growing on your face.
But as you finish, Mammon seems to snatch your phone
“Hey! whats the big deal Mammon?!”
“Shut up and show me where the store is geez”
Mammon’s demands kinda surprises you and you raise an eyebrow at him, but you do show where it was, and sit back for a while as Mammon just fiddles around with it. You werent sure what he was doing honestly, was he interested? Did you say anything that made him act this way? All you talked about the game was the gacha system so--
“Mammon! Wait you dont have to---”
“There! I got you as much primo things, or whatever theyre called”
He already has tossed you your phone back and he crossed his arms, looking away as the red blush covers most of his cheeks.
You look at your phone and you honestly felt your heart speed up and stop at the same time at the amount of primos on your account, it was enough for a full 180 pull! If you dont get the limited character on the first 50-50, you have another shot!
You felt your own heart speed up and your face burn so hard, but you do mumble him a quick “But... But why though?”
“Cuz! If you start cryin’ Lucifer’s gonna beat my ass! Dont think I did it for you, you human! I just dont want him taking away Goldie again!”
“But I thought this was your gambling money, isnt it?”
“w-well!... I mean... Hmph.. Gachas kinda like gambling right?, I know Lucifers gonna hang me if he catches me in the casino again anyways, so I thought I might as well just do this... with you...or whatever...” Hes dying, help
But so are you!
Hes too fucking cute and you just glomp him and just hug him as tight as you can!!
Flusterred boi 100
But you do spend you afternoon on his lap, both of you rolling the full 180 in excitement, whether you get that boi/gal you simped for on the banner or not, you still were happy to spend some time with Mammon
He doesnt mind losing a bit of cash for you
but you do promise to pay him back (maybe with a few kissy)
But to be honest, Gacha probably will help him with his gambling addiction...
He doesnt go to casinos anymore but he does whale with you now
Lucifer has such a mix feeling with these results.
But he still confiscates Goldie and your card on the end, yall need to chill.
ヽ(。_°)ノ Leviathan
He probably wasn’t even interested on the game at first
He already has enough games to play, and it just looks like another rip off of some other game he saw not too long ago with that elf looking guy
But when you came to him asking for his help to get the game, you bet your ass that he felt a switch click
Suddenly it was incredibly interesting!
You do share your interests to him almost immediately
By interests, of course i mean the peeps you simp for
The sexy ara ara in the library of mondstat, the pirate looking ass of the guards, the pirate looking ass’s brother thats a wine owner and still highkey reminds you of Lucifer, the demon slayer--- You were actually unsure if you should talk about Xiao but hey hes cool
You explain it all!
From their lore to their voice lines and whatever
But honestly what do you expect from the Avatar of Envy?
Of course hes gonna be a bit jealous! He cant compare to any of these characters! Hes not as witty as that eye patch man, hes not as sophisticated as that red head, hes not as flirty as that ara ara either!
As you go on, you notice that Levi was kinda... half listening....
It made you pout, but then, it made you worried
Uh-oh you know that look
its that, ‘im overthinking’ look
So to snap him out of it, you kinda grab his face as gently as you can
“Need Grimm for your thoughts?”
He flushes and he immediately looks away, but you usher him to look at you as you coo and ask him whats wrong
It takes a bit till he kinda explains to you how hes feeling
In your relationship, you both were practicing being more open with each other, hence why you were proud of Levi for saying it
but you did feel kinda sad and frowned as he finishes explaining
“You... feel jealous?”
“Ugh d-dont say it out loud normie....”
He covers his face with his arm and you just cant help but shake your head with a fond smile, but you do need to address this and comfort him.
“Levi... when you fanboy about Ruri chan, did you ever think she was better than me?”
Your question made him frown and look at you in absolute worry
Did you actually think that you were below Ruri chan?
Of course hes an absolute simp for Ruri but.. cmon
Now that he thinks about it, he does talk about her a lot doesnt he? oh no...
“MC O-Of course not! I love Ruri chan yes, but you... I... I Love... you more...” Levi exe do be dying
But you smile at his response and gently kisses his cheek
“I think thats sweet Levi... But thats how I am too... Youre still better than any of these characters, youre real and they arent, youre mine and I am yours~ Youre my personal 5 star!” You wink at him and Levi just dips
his heart couldnt handle the cuteness and he died, ladies and gentlemen
but for real he did pass out
Must be from all the blood on his head from the blush
But ah, he does get it, and after being showered with love from you, He kinda slowly got over his jealousy
its not immediate but with simple reassurances, you can manage to reel him in and have fun with you
He does end up enjoying the game cause he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to show off when events happen 
He also goes out of his way to memorize locations for materials for you, and when youre sick or busy, he pilots your account
true gamer
But ironically enough hed probably start simping for a character too and of course, you both start bonding over that, which just makes Levi absolutely happy
I wonder if hed simp for Barbara, she is an idol afterall like Ruri chan
Probably lowkey for now
Afterall she looks like a minor so-----
( I dunno i searched shes 16-18 lol )
But regardless, I can imagine you both just cosplaying each others fav characters too
Its a wack looking ship cosplay but yall just simp for each other cause of it, its pretty fun but the rest of the brothers just finds it hella weird
I only have energy for these 3 as always, Im sorry! But i promise Ill do the rest!! I hope you guys do enjoy, and Id love some feedback on the characters personalities cause I know they can be a bit Ooc, But feel free to send me an ask! Im pretty open lol 〜( ̄△ ̄〜)
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heysatori · 4 years
Hey! I am new to your blog, but I binged everything, hehe, and I think you're amazing! Could you maybe do hcs with Bakusquad and todoroki with a s/o who is scared to let them meet their parents because they're the strict type who think that once you're in a relationship it basically means you intend to marry the person?
Bakusquad and Todoroki with an s/o who has strict parents
Genre: fluff  Pairings: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader, Sero x reader, Kaminari x reader, Mina x reader, Jirou x reader, Shinsou x reader, Todoroki x reader a/n: this took me so long im so sorry but wow this took a lot of energy out of me JFJFSJKFA i hope i got what you wanted anon ! (─‿‿─)♡
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Bakugou Katsuki
you and katsuki have been dating for quite a while now 
he had already invited you to his house and you coincidentally met his parents ! 
he hadnt expected them to be there but they coddled u like there was no tomorrow !! (─‿‿─)♡
they asked u tons of question and u even cooked dinner with masaru ! 
it was a great bonding experience !
katsuki was ofc not happy with this becuz he only wanted u to himself ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
after dinner he hauled u to his room and demanded cuddles 
after that though, he lowkey expected that u would to introduce him to ur parents too 
just so things are fair and square
but after numerous hints u still havent gotten the clue ! so he just confronts u abt it 
but softly 
“so when am i gonna meet your parents?” 
you kinda turn to him a little hesitantly 
your parents are pretty strict 
they didnt even know you were dating bakugou at all 
all they knew was that you were doing very well at UA 
“uh do you want to meet them?”
“well its just, you met mine, so that means i can meet yours right?”
bakugou looks so tiny like that he justs pouting a little with his arms crossed over his chest
“i mean, theyre really strict baby, im not even allowed to be dating you right now”
bakubabes kinda shocked so he just asks u more questions 
“what do you mean??”
“well if i am to date someone, they want that person to be like my future spouse or something, so its either all or nothing for them”
“tch, me? marry you? in your dreams” 
u alrdy know bakugou is teasing but u hit him nonetheless 
lets just say you both agree to not bring him home for a while 
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Kirishima Eijirou
you had already met kirishima’s mothers a few weeks back during an impromptu outing the mall with his family 
there were lovely of course ! and kirishima is the living proof of all their hard work into making one of the nicest boys in the whole world 
after that though 
kiri had gotten a little hopeful that you’d introduce him to your parents as well 
soon enough he couldnt keep it in and it eventually came out in word vomit 
“huh, you want to meet my parents?” 
kiri just nodded meekly and settled down on your bed, patting the space next to him 
you plop down and pull him into a hug, cradling him against your chest 
“uh listen baby, my parents, theyre not like yours” 
“huh, what do you mean?”
“well theyre kinda strict, they dont even want me dating in the first place, plus if you do meet them, theyre expecting that you’ve already thought out how youre going to ask for my hand in marriage or something like that”
“i mean, i can marry you now if you want?”
you splutter over your words and push kirishima off your chest 
“whaaaaat im serious!!” 
after that you and kirishima have a thorough discussion on why he cant ask you to marry him just yet 
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Sero Hanta 
hes pretty chill about the idea of meeting your parents and you meeting his
he isnt really going to plan anything but if anything happens to happen then he’ll just go with the flow 
his parents had invited you over to dinner after they managed to spot you at a random shopping center
sero was FLUSHED !! but he let it happen, walking a little behind his parents so he could hold your hand 
after that though things are totally chill 
he doesnt really expect to meet your parents 
as he didnt plan you meeting his parents either 
but he does ask you what theyre like ! 
one day while you were cuddling he just looks up at you and asks you, “what are your parents like?”
“theyre pretty traditional”
“what kind of traditional?”
“the ‘are you prepared to marry my child and provide for them for the rest of your life?’ kind of traditional’
sero kinda just wheezes at your answer at your answer and leaves it alone for awhile
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Kaminari Denki
hes kinda insistent on meeting ur parents 
but only because he knows that its like the special bases of relationships 
plus he also wants to meet the wonderful people who created you 
he introduced you to his parents on your 5th month of dating 
cuz he just wants the people he loves the most to interact with each other 
plus with how much he talks about you home, they were also quite eager to meet you
so of course he is kinda gonna be insistent 
one day he runs up to your room and presents a fancy night with you, him, and your parents 
he pushes you in and explains it to you thoroughly !! 
you feel kinda bad to tell him that this might not happen 
“im sorry bug, but im not sure if we can do this with my parents” 
hes shocked ! he sits up a little for a moment but he ends up sagging in sadness after a while 
“but why” 
and hes pouting !! 
you feel so sad about hurting him about this 
“my parents are really strict, they might not approve of you baby, they’ll probably even ask you if youre gonna marry me or something”
“i will marry you though!!” 
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Mina Ashido
like denki she’s a little persistent
she’s just very enthusiastic about you and everything about you
so that includes your home life
she already introduced you to her parents long ago 
so shes pretty expectant 
she always kinda brings it up 
“so when can i meet your parents” is a common phrase you hear from her 
you kinda dismiss her questions and you change the topic after that 
but after a while she gets fed up and confront you about it 
and although you feel bad you still feel a little reluctant to tell her 
you didnt wanna ruin anything just cuz your parents are stupidly strict 
but you decide to tell her anyway 
you explain to her how strict your parents are but she doesnt really get the gist of it 
“what do you mean though?”
“well, they’ll probably ask you if youre ready to marry me or something” 
“of course i am!” 
you fluster at her words 
she cuddles up to u and doesnt let u leave her arms after that
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Jirou Kyouka
shes kinda shy about those things
so she usually just focuses on you and only you 
she never really thought about meeting your parents until the squad (mainly denki and mina) asked about it 
“what do you mean when am i gonna meet their parents?” 
“thats like!! the biggest step in a relationship!! if you dont meet their parents youre probably not gonna be long term!” 
jirou dismisses mina’s statement and leaves to find you 
although it does sound a little ridiculous, she is kinda nervous about that 
was she not enough for your parents?
she finds you in your room and beats around the bush for a while before getting straight to the point, kinda
“so uh you wanna exchange parents?’
“no, sorry, i mean, like, wanna meet my parents and ill meet yours?”
youve heard stories about kyouka’s parents and they sound pretty awesome so in your mind you agree immediately
but the thought of kyouka meeting your annoyingly traditional parents sounded like a nightmare 
“i dont think you’ll like my parents” 
she asks a simple way and you give her a simple answer 
shes totally cool with it cuz yeah she doesnt like overly traditional people 
so you both end up just laying down and cuddling together 
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Shinsou Hitoshi
i dont think he really cares about meeting your parents 
not that he doesnt care about your parents
no hes sure that they are lovely people 
its just that shinsou is a litlte anti social as it is and likes to keep meeting new people to a minimum 
but monoma kinda bugs him on it 
egging him on to take initiative in your relationship for once and make a big step for the both of you 
so one day, shinsou walks up to you begrudgingly with monoma hiding behind a wall nearby 
(this is exactly what it looked like when monoma forced shinsou to gain the courage to ask you out) 
“so, can i uh, meet your parents?” 
you kinda laugh at how he asked it so weirdly 
“where did this come from?”
“monoma said i need to man up and take initiative in our relationship and make a big step so that we can stay together forever” 
you laugh even harder but you cant help but have your heart melt at shinsou’s purpose taking to you now 
it may not seem like it but he really does want to have you around forever 
“theyre pretty strict and traditional baby, you sure you wanna meet them?” 
he turns around and monoma gives him a firm face and a thumbs up 
shinsou turns back around and nods firmly 
you cant help but laugh again at how adorable he looks 
moving to wrap your arms around his neck you give him a small peck on the cheek 
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Todoroki Shouto 
todoorki’s had his fair share of experience when it comes to parents 
so hes not entirely eager to meet your parents 
but he does think about it every now and then 
for sure not everyone is going to be like his father 
but hes got quite a foul mouth and no brain to mouth filter when he does speak 
but he knows respect 
just dont cross his line 
he doesnt really bring up meeting your parents for a while 
iida had asked about it once since it was a formal thing to do when gaining a significant other 
todoroki simply shrugged and said he’ll think about it 
and he did think about it 
later that day after training he approached you, pulling on your arm to bring you closer to him 
he soon pulled you to a stop by the side of the hallway, stepping rather close to you 
“can i meet your parents?”
it was so sudden that you couldnt help your surprise 
neither of you talk much about your parents (except for Rei who you had met a while back) 
“well, I don’t think you’ll like them sweetie” 
“I’m sure they’re lovely” 
“Well, they’re just a tiny bit like your dad, not the abuse, but the uhm, in the traditional sense?” 
todoroki nods firmly and pulls you to stay under his arm as you resume walking back to the dorms 
“well, my mother will be your mother-in-law soon enough so you don’t need to worry”
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thompsborn · 3 years
do you have any spare ironhusbands or sambucky headcanons?
oh my god okay i’ve been so fucking wrapped up in both ironhusbands and sambucky and absolutely nothing else for WEEKS because of tfatws (obviously if you have seen my endless spam of reblogs but can you BLAME ME) and the portal closed has ironhusbands so i’ve been just. oh my god i am happily drowning in this and them and i do not need nor want air. ok.
also these are all hc’s based just in canon not au, and lol warning this got so long help me, though my brain is so scrambled from tfatws finale that all sambucky thoughts are scrambled and jumbled so i wasn't able to coordinate them as well as ironhusbands so the ironhusbands section is definitely longer pfighf i'm so sorry i'm like this
when they met at mit tony didnt know shit. like. like nothing. he didnt know a single god damn thing about anything. like he was a genius he could solve any equation given to him and baffled professors when he was handed like two supposedly impossible equations to this fuckin fourteen year old and he just looked at them with like a mcdonalds burger or some shit hanging out of his mouth and just answered them no problem, but he was still such a hopeless idiot, and rhodey, also a genius attending as a sixteen year old, had to teach him the basics of life, like. making toast. tony how do NOT know how to make toast. its TOAST. you put it in the TOASTER. have you NEVER SEEN A—OH MY GOD HOW DID YOU FUCKING CATCH IT ON FIRE—
he does not perfect the clearly impossible task of making toast until he is 17 and rhodey buys him a cake to celebrate the momentous occasion even though tony went though 528 toasters
you are gold by the national parks. thats it. thats all i have to say. listen to the song and look up the lyrics. you’ll get it.
and also paper planes by jon bellion but specifically for after rhodey tells tony he’s gonna join the air force and tony is worried but doesnt know how to show it and they have like a chill night in and all tony can think about is how stupid he is and how he’s such a coward because he cant get himself to tell rhodey that hi!! i love u!! and im scared to lose u and that you’ll get hurt and maybe die or smth!!
when rhodey finds out about how tony was raised (going with mcu, where tony wasnt physically abused but more emotionally neglected and ignored by howard and always talked down to and compared to others and wasnt treated like he was worthy and never was told he was loved and everything like that) he gets PISSED. like he is MONUMENTALLY angry. and it takes YEARS for him to find out about this too. and it actually puts a bit of a strain on their friendship for awhile when they meet too
like rhodey knows about the starks obviously and he assumes tony is going to be this obnoxious arrogant rich boy asshole and is so not looking forward to being roommates but he was raised to have an open mind and give everyone a chance, but tony was raised to be wary of everyone and keep his walls up and his emotions in shackles because whatever he shows can be used against him, so they clash, you know? they dont fight or anything but theres tension bc it isnt right and they dont get each other.
rhodey tries to be nice and tony doesnt understand nice because his only example of nice is jarvis and his mom and even then his mom and jarvis are always off with his dad so he barely sees them so its still rare for him to experience the nice of them so he doesnt know how to be around someone nice all the time, and so he gets defensive and thinks about how howard drilled it into him to be wary and he thinks maybe rhodey isnt ACTUALLY nice but someone PRETENDING to be
and rhodey starts to feel justified in assuming the worst about tony stark because tony is all cold and distant and rude and is about to stop the keeping an open mind thing about a month into their first year but then he comes back to their dorm early from class one day and tony doesnt come in so rhodey is just standing there and watches for a minute as tony sits there staring down at his twenty sixth attempt at a letter he wants to send his mom becauss he knows his mom likes letters even though he could just call but they havent really called him (howards fault but he’s fourteen still and its hard to rationalize that howards busy life and controlling thumb extends past his son) and rhodey is just confused because tony just suddenly sighs and sniffles a bit and murmurs “this is so stupid” and crumbles up the paper and throws it in the garbage and rhodey cant help but peer into it and barely sees the words hey mom scribbled at the top and that. that. hm. okay.
so rhodey keeps trying because he wasnt supposed to see that but he did and now he kind of has a feeling that maybe tony isnt all that cold and distant and rude as he seems, maybe he just doesnt really know how to be any different, so he thinks about all the subtle little ways that his family has shown him they care about him and starts to invite tony to go get food or to study together even though neither of them really need to study or to help each other with assignments or just anything thats mundane enough to not raise suspicion but still starts to open the door and make tony relax around him just that little bit and then before tony realizes it the end of their first year is there and theyre like friends or something and it hits him that he’s gonna miss rhodey.
for the first time ever there’s someone other than his mom and jarvis that he’s actually going to miss.
rhodey grins at him and says that they’ll be roommates again next year because they have to be and that the summer will be over before they know it and the sentiment is nice but tony spends the summer alone wandering around a house too big and empty after being in a dorm that’s small and has a friend.
but rhodey doesn’t know this. like he knows that tony isn’t the kind of guy he originally assumed but he doesn’t know that he’s literally ignored and neglected and like emotionally and sometimes verbally abused so he’s kind of surprised when the next year begins and they DO end up being roommates again (because tony kind of asked his mom, on a rare day when he got to see her and howard wasnt around, to get mit to make sure they could be) and tony just HUGS him like its been years and they’ve known each other forever but he goes with it and hugs him back because maybe tony’s just more affectionate once he gets to know someone and rhodey is okay w that.
they get closer as the years go by and they graduate from mit together and they’re BEST friends and at the end of the year rhodey invites tony to spend new years eve w his family but tony cant bc howard is having some kind of gala starting at 5 because hes weird and dumb and tony hates it and he also isnt given the option of not going even though he doesnt want to but the entire way there howard drills into him about not fucking up and berates him for all the times he has in the past and when they get there tony is already just not feeling it so he’s like nope!! no!! i simply cannot!!
so he goes in and finds an exit thats in the back and he leaves and finds a fucking payphone of all things and he has rhodeys home number memorized for years now and he calls and someone he doesnt knoe answers and theres music in the background and voices and tony’s entire stomach is in his throat and his heart is sunken into his twisted gut because he just wanted one night where maybe he could smile next to his parents and feel like he fit with them but he couldnt have that and he asks to talk to rhodey and then he is and asks if its too late to accept his invite and rhodey is like yeah of course do u need my address bc its still only 5 pm and its a 2 hour drive between south philadelphia and manhattan so he’d make it with plenty of time before it got to midnight so yay
and tony is like. oh. hm. i dont know how to drive actually. that was a thing that no one ever thought to teach me even though i asked about it about ten million times. and rhodey is used to tony not knowing how to do things that most people their age can (see: the toast) and plus its not uncommon for people from new york to not drive anyway so he doesnt think anything of it and instead asks for tony’s address to come pick him up instead and they’d still make it back by like 9-9:30 so that would work too
and thats when tony is like. well.
about that.
he might be calling from a payphone.
on a random street corner.
and its kind of raining. and he’s cold. and he’s a bit dulled out from everything so he doesn’t really think about the fact that admitting this is going to lead to having to explain what happened and also why and that is happens often. but that doesnt matter because he kind of just wants to be with his best friend and not back at that gala with his dad right now.
rhodey is like,,, ok. ok. wheres a coffee shop nearby u can wait in. and tony thankfully is by a 24 hour one and tells him the name and the street corner its closest to and rhodey is like i’ll be there asap and tony goes and he waits.
a two hour drive turns into an hour and a half because rhodey is Worried™
but when he walks in tony goes from being all dulled out to being all HOLY SHIT because rhodey has a SPLIT LIP and he’s like WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHAT THE FUCK WHAT
and rhodey’s like no no its good my uncle was having fun and trying to wrestle with me and he accidentally elbowed me its all good man dont worry about it
tony isnt used to accidentally being hurt tho so he’s still like hmmm but he takes rhodeys word on it and they head out and tony wont say what happened or why he was calling from a payphone ?? which btw tony literally only was able to do bc there happened to be dropped change on the ground because boy would not have change on him ok, but rhodeys like alright lets go with this for now
so they gets to the rhodes house and it is in full swing with family and extended family and adopted family bc they are 100% the family that just adopts the neighborhood kids and the people who have no one else and like ex boyfriends and ex girlfriends even after the relationship ends bc they still are family despite not dating whoever it was they had been dating in order to be introduced to them so its a LOT of people and tony is like. this is semi familiar in terms a lot of people but this is NOTHING like what he has ever seen before holy fucking SHIT
rhodey is just like oh u have a small family then? so ur used to smaller gatherings?
and tonys like wtf are gatherings
and rhodey is starting to get a feel for what might be wrong but just takes tony inside to get him changed because he’s not spending new years eve at the rhodes house in a fucking expensive suit ok
tony is completely out of his element and like he’s not the only white guy there bc again the rhodes adopt people and those people are of every race and nationally you can imagine but he just isnt used to the vibe there are people laughing and sitting close together and playing games and theres music playing but not like classy music its music people can dance to and are dancing to and the food isnt the food he’s used to at galas and shit and nothing is what he’s used to and he just sticks to rhodey’s side like a fucking lost puppy and tries his best not to look like an idiot when rhodey introduces him to people and a lot of them know who he is but dont judge him or assume shit about him bc obviously if he’s friends w rhodey then he’s a good guy and they want to know him and thats enough
but tony is v overwhelmed bc what the FUCK IS HAPPENING this is nothing like anything he has ever experienced EVER
so eventually rhodey can tell he’s getting overwhelmed and takes him inside and lets him have a breather and then asks him about whats going in and thats when rhodey learns about what tonys life at home is really like and. anger.
SO MUCH anger
because not only has every single assumption he has ever made about tony been proven wrong, but now he knows that the best person he knows has never been treated the way he deserves and has never known a true home and comfort and love and safety and
and he’s gonna fix it
and this is the first step
so he takes tony back out and they’re still just friends but this is the day they both quietly realize they might kind of definitely like each other as more because tony is still so confused by the fact that what he knows isnt the normal and overwhelmed by how much there is and how different it is but rhodey holds his hand as a grounding point and whenever it might be too much they move off to the side where they arent completely gone but its less hectic and a bit more quiet and its just nice
tony goes to rhodeys house for every holiday despite whatever howard says
rhodey decks howard the only time they ever meet before tonys parents die and he has the most shit eating grin on his face afterwards that tony cant help but lose his shit laughing his ass off
anyway i didnt mean to ramble for so long about that specific idea so i’ll end the ironhusbands ramble with this one last thought, which is as follows:
rhodey gets hurt in the air force at some point, and it isnt that bad tbh but he does have to go the hospital and shit and gets stitches or whatever idk i dont know what specifically happens i just think it’d be just bad enough that it takes him a few weeks to be able to go back to work but he’s not like OH GOD HURT yk?
but like stated above tony was scared and worried when rhodey told him he was gonna go into the air force so he hears about this and they’re probably like almost 30 at this point because they’re dumb and it takes them forever to get their heads out of their asses (i say this even though in the portal closed it takes them even longer but i digress) rhodey has like his mon his sister his niece visiting him and they were worried but they know hes fine so theyre just talking and in a good mood and then—
door slams open. tony stark enter stage left. disheveled suit, fresh from a meeting he definitely was not supposed to leave, having flown in from maibu the second he heard and then had happy drive him and then got impatient because of traffic and ended up sprinting like ten blocks while happy was like what the FUCK
of course rhodeys family are well aware that these idiots are desperately in love with each other so they’re just like lol ok and just leave the room while tony starts fretting over him like he’s about to die himself if he doesnt know if rhodey is okay and rhodey is like tony tony dude tones stop tony im okay tony stop it
until finally tony just fucking breaks down like full on tears in his eyes voice cracking hands clasped as he leans against rhodeys bed and tells him that he was so scared and he is so scared all the time whenever rhodey is out there because all he can think about is losing him and him getting hurt or dying and it’s maddening and this is when they get their heads out of their asses and kiss for the first time
(irony at its finest bc later when they are married and tony becomes iron man rhodey refuses to not have a suit of his own because if tony is going out there in a metal flying tin can then he isn’t going alone and wow what a power couple)
firstly i’m going to go post tfatws, but i’ll make a bullet point before going into it so if you wanna read up until that point you can but most of this will be random little headcanons based post tfatws
also it isnt like a whole plotline thing like the ironhusbands ones ended up being these ones are more random and kinda all over the place but loosely connected
update from after writing this: i lied
let me start by saying my interpretation of why they are the way they are in civil war is because of steve
thats not saying steve is the bad guy i mean to say that they’re jealous of each other because they thought that THEY were steve’s best friend who the fuck is THIS guy i dont want him here go away
children. they are children.
which i find very funny to imagine from sams pov because he literally is a licensed therapist and would 100% recognize why he’s acting how he is but he’s petty enough to do it anyway
and also he literally was helping steve track bucky down but i like to imagine that sam didnt think they’d ever really find him again and it’d just make him and steve like super mega best friends or something because hes a CHILD
and then from bucky’s pov steve goes through all this trouble to find him and protect him and then this random guy is acting like steve’s best friend and gets to sit in the front seat ??? bullshit. absolutely bullshit. worst thing ever. so stupid.
its so funny to me okay its SO funny
its like that schoolyard thing where your friend makes another friend and you hate it so much that you do something stupid like color on their drawing or put gum in their hair or whatever but they’re adults with 1. super soldier serum or 2. a superhero reputation/avengers status and suit with wings. so thats a thing.
post civil war i dont think they get much yk. because bucky is out in cryo and team cap is on the run and i doubt theyre able to return to wakanda much, if at all, and then it’s infinity war and then it’s endgame and after endgame there’s the aftermath and the aftermath is a mess
i like to think they have some moments before tfatws though. not many but enough for that slight foundation thats we can kind of see in episode 2 yk.
okay NOW it gets into post tfatws so!!
SO post tfatws everything is different because now they not only have spent all this time together, but they understand each other in a way that they didn’t before. in a way no one ever has. not even steve, who may have known them before, but he isn’t here anymore and he wouldn’t understand who they are now vs who they were before and it’s different.
bucky finds comfort in sam’s home town. sam finds comfort in watching bucky find a home there and he doesnt know why.
also sam treats redwing like a puppy and lets him fly around on his own and gets pet and stuff and bucky acts annoyed but the longer it happens you can tell he’s like “oh my god why is this thing endearing”
bucky has nightmares and sam knows this but bucky doesnt know that sam also has nightmares until one night when they’re still in sams home town and they’re staying on the boat because sams nephews are having a sleepover with some friends and they didnt want to get in the way or smth idk i just want an excuse for them to be on the boat and somewhat secluded from people but bucky already woke up from his nightmare and is out on the deck to get some fresh out and then oop
sam havin a nightmare too
because fucking of COURSE sam has nightmares he has been through some shit too!! not being able to catch riley and everything that happened since meeting steve and thanos and he turned to dust alone in the bushes ok like yes everyone that died were traumatized undoubtedly (peter my baby boy baby im so sorry that you got the worst of it) but bucky was around people but sam was laying on the ground and probably just watched his hands as he disappeared and he was alone and like. jesus christ ok.
and then steve trusted him with every weight and everything that comes with the shield not knowing how much more the shield has when he gave it to a black man and just like he has nightmares everyone in marvel does its a fact
but bucky finds out like this and he is shocked even though he realizes he probably should have been able to guess that this is a thing and he knows so much more about sam now than he ever did but this is how he learns more. he learns about riley. he learns so much.
sometimes bucky has those like “oh shit” moments where he’s like “maybe i was kind of a dick to someone who didnt deserve it” and he already had one of those with sam about the shield but he has another one because he assumed shit about sam when they were being all childish and jealous about someone else being friends with steve but like fuck
steve and sam probably got it
the not catching someone. the way it felt to try and to reach out and to miss and to have to choice but to watch as they fell.
what’s different is that steve got bucky back. he got to have that relief, eventually, even if there was the pain of knowing bucky had been taken by hydra, but at least he knew bucky had made it.
sam didn’t have that. riley didnt make it.
therefore, bucky has his “oh shit”
and bucky was already going soft around the edges with sam (as clearly seen in the last two episodes of tfatws, ESPECIALLY the finale because like did tou SEEZ ALL THE HEART EYES oh my GOD) but it’s this that really makes something in him melt and he just. he loses the last remnants of whatever tension or resentment or whatever negative feeling he may have been clutching onto.
there wasnt much left. but now theres none. now its all washed away.
its gone, and he gets it.
sam is a licensed therapist and he knew the reason he was being all dumb and childish and jealous with bucky was because steve had another best friend but also because steve’s other best friend was the guy that had been a big factor in how him and steve understood each other and how they bonded and it
it had kind of felt like they lost part of that when they found bucky again in civil war and he kind of wanted to blame bucky for it even though he didnt actually blame him at all so all it translated to was that dumb kind of jealous thing instead
but now it’s just them. its sam and bucky and it isnt steve and it isnt about steve and it shouldnt be because its about them. its about the boat and the water and the way they sit and watch the waves while the silence settles over them and the way that bucky says, “im sorry.”
its the way sam says, “me too.”
and bucky says, “you dont have to be.”
its the way they stay there until sarah comes to get them for breakfast and sams nephews convince them to play with them and their friends and the world is still shit and there is so much to do but
but its this and its them and that can wait
it can wait
they can take their time if they want to
maybe they’ve earned that much, at least
(it isn't a fast development because they're a complicated pair and there's so much to the two of them that need to figured out individually before they can even realize how well they work together, but the steps are so much easier knowing that they have the other in their corner and bucky knows that sam's home town is a place he's welcome to go and sam helps him make his own dreary little apartment into something that feels real and tangible with a bed and a couch and when they've become something that resembles stable and they've found a balance and they're okay, that's when they realize that maybe they can try for the more that sometimes bubbles under their skin and that they started to think about the more they spend time together. the warmth that sam feels every time he sees bucky playing games with his nephew and the smile that bucky has to fight to hide and still can't fully suppress when sam stands tall and proud with the shield in its rightful place, and it takes time, it takes work, it takes carefully placed bricks to build the foundation they need, but they get there, and when they do...
when they do, they're already happy, and it just makes them happier, and that's what makes it so much better.
that's what makes it worth the wait.)
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izzyliker · 3 years
hey - this is one of the mods of the bi jon project. we don't actually dislike or disagree with pan jon at all, we just want to make a project focused on and celebrating bisexuality. our carrd is a bit rambling, but frankly we were trying our best/overcompensating to try and make sure people didn't misunderstand us and do - well, this. our intentions are good, and it's really kind of disenheartening to see all the hate we've gotten for what was meant to be a positive project. (1)
you're under no obligation to answer these, but i saw some of your posts in the tag and felt like reaching out because you did give us even the tiniest bit of slack in good faith. honestly, if you have any advice about what in our carrd is so overwhelmingly bad, we'd be happy to hear it. we've been trying to respond to the overwhelming amount of criticism we've got in a positive way, and take peoples' suggestions. (2)
as for why 'no anti-antis' was at the bottom of our rules list, it's legitimately bc we were trying so hard to be preventative about this negativity that we forgot to add it when we first posted the blog, and just remembered later. again, you're under no obligation to answer these, i just feel like no one's really actually letting us defend ourselves/are taking things in as bad faith a way as possible. (3)
im not exactly sure how the posts showed up in the tag bc ive been very purposefully not tagging them, also ive blocked all of you back (not sure why you blocked me if you actually want feedback, so it seems more like you just want free positive pr and not actual feedback) so its unlikely youll see whatever it is that i reply to this but whatever. 
the issues have all been repeatedly brought up to you so i dont really see how me repeating all of them once again could help. when i last looked at the cardd the things that stood out immediately included. 
pitting ace & bi identities and people against each other REPEATEDLY,  
starting off with a guilt trippy tone and maintaining it throughout (in my experience this is the #1 best way to receive backlash because people do not want to participate in events where you feel like youre being guilted into it, which going into scrutinizing detail over there not being enough content and passing judgement onto authors or artists over it is something that comes across as guilt trippy.),
repeatedly equating asexuality with sex repulsion (not to get into the misleading information about modteam aspec identity breakdowns, since you claimed that 3/4 of the team are aspec, which is technically correct, but what you didnt say was that only one is acespec. surely you know that [allosexual] aro and [alloromantic] ace are not interchangeable) and calling using biromantic over bisexual a “misunderstanding” of the identity as if how to define romantic vs sexual attraction (how to divide, if or if not to divide, use interchangeably different labels) isnt a deeply personal choice ace people who experience romantic attraction make, 
claiming that bisexual jon is canon (he isn’t. this is why people are suspicious of anti-other mspec identities sentiments. which theyre right, if youll be so kind as to stick around til the last paragraph) and repeatedly implying that the reason there isnt “enough” content centering bi jon because the aces are simply unable to not fixate on his asexuality (again, pitting identities against each other),
making the banned ship list way needlessly confusing and including ships that dont even include jon to it, which simply comes across as some kind of a list of bad ships, idk. a way to bypass this would simply be to say “we are looking for portrayals of healthy relationships!” and that couldve just been it. if you felt that that wouldnt exclude specific ships (eg. jondaisy that a lot of people write as a relationship between trauma survivors who have done very bad things trying to get better and learning to trust each other) it is possible to simply say “the modteam is squicked[/triggered] by ships with daisy/elias/peter and we’d like to read all of the works submitted so we’re asking not to receive submissions with those ships.” hating ships is literally completely normal but making rules hard to parse is going to attract questions, especially when the implication is that ships are excluded on the grounds of morality, and a blatant power difference ship (jonelias) is equated with jondaisy, which is from what ive seen almost exclusively shown to be a relationship between equals. that makes people EXTREMELY confused about where the line is. thats why youre getting so many questions about this.  
in general the carrd was spotty, guilt trippy, and needlessly moralizing where it definitely did not need to be. the key to getting people to engage without getting backlash is to make the event seem fun. when your carrd is filled with stuff about unrelated negative stuff people are not going to think it’s a fun event at all. 
and none of this even gets into the fact that at least one of the mods has a history of open hostility against pan people. i heard through the grapevine that he has since made a fauxpology about it, but frankly it already shone through in the language used in the event descriptions. its extremely hard to take any of this is good faith when it is easy to see that one of the organizers is quite fucking clear about thinking pansexuality is biphobic and the carrd is or at least used to be full of anti-pan (and other mspec identity) dogwhistles, and is notorious in some of the tma fic author circles for being extremely fucking nasty about trans men writing fic he doesn’t like to the point of pretending that we’re all cis people (in case youre not keeping track that is misgendering us by implication) because he doesn’t like it. i think some of you (or maybe all of you? idk) in general could stand to examine whether your engagements and participations in the fandom have been at all about having fun or adding positivity to anything, or simply making posts about what other people are doing wrong. it seems that every post i see from anyone in this group is guilt trippy and authoritative, and sadly this translated directly into the event. 
when youre, say, a trans man whose first touch to one of the mods was a post about how fic where trans men have piv sex with cis men is hurting him personally and making it a moral issue and not a matter of a simple preference to the point where he feels comfortable making claims about the trans men (and transmasc nonbinary people) writing fic about trans characters re: their gender or whether theyre fetishizing trans men, your willingness to engage in good faith with an event hosted by him that features numerous red flags is not going to be unconditional. 
im sorry to hear that it has been bad for your mental health, and idk whats fucking going on with this event anymore, but my good faith interpretations have diminished significantly since i saw the shit tmc specifically has been saying about pansexual people and pansexuality as an identity label. i have no clue where the rest of you stand but tmc has repeatedly, consistently shown himself to be unable to act in good faith towards anyone other than people who agree with him.  
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starlesscitiess · 3 years
Hey chance what is your favourite water parks song
yall better know by now that i could NEVER pick just one its just not fair okay
and i want to ramble so
my favourite songs from each waterparks album (+eps cause duh (not including 1 cause i havent heard it im sorry)) with explanations
lets go
airplane conversations
i was hiding under your porch because i love you 
i will admit this is purely for self-indulgent nostalgia reasons. it reminds me of fall out boy and fall out boy = 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 so yknow,,,,
S C R E A M I N G??? YES????
black light
night maps 
the opening is like ✨✨spooky✨✨ i love it sm
“shouldacouldawouldbeenthelastonesto bleedthefuturewhOoOOaAa”
awsteb,,,,,, voi cE ,, pr e t  t 
im a natural blue 
this is just a no brainer its so gOOD I,,,,, REEEEEEE 
i love the guitar smmmm
“i know that not everybody wants to be different, but this is getting riDICULOUS”
hehe futurey vibe w the lil bleep bloop noises
mad all the time
its just,, such a mood,, tired all the time? mad all the time? i dont feel lucky in here buried in my head? i feel most safe in my bedroom? so keep out of my room cause i think ive seen enough of you today??? same
would you believe me if i said the “ah ah”s werent part of the reason? no? yeah neither would i
it feels like exactly what its trying to express which is brilliant 
g u i t a r (god bless geoff wigington)
“oH wOah (wait shit)”
the whole first verse is just,,,, perfect
chorus. also perfect
more electronicky beep boop :D
dubsteppy bit 🥺🥺🥺
lil tiny quiet bit 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
maybe just a lil bit cause of the music video 
gimme that blessed geoff singing content fuck yeah ill slorp it up 😩
double dare
gloom boys
maybe just a lil bit cause of the mv too,, (lord knows im obsessed with that fucking “slow down jellybean” line)
its just so goddamn catchy f u c k
i ADORE the way the chorus like s o a r s in a way i could never capture like yes u go u funky lil dyed hair man
“on my ceiling,,,, yEAH-”
in fact dont even ask me to pick a lyric theyre all gorgeous
stupid for you
listen,,, we know how that relationship ended up but look me in the eye and tell me this isnt just the cutest fucking thing ya ever did hear????
seriously i wish someone wouldve written this for me it just 🥺🥺🥺
i am literally in love w the music video so i mean
the drums are actually amazing help
“cause i worked myself to death, dont believe me ask geoff” *points to geoff* 🥺🥺🥺
nananananananana nananananananana
jfc ive already written so much
this is such a great song to be sad to????
nostalgia for absolutely no reason levels are off the charts-
not warriors
i just love the way it starts it makes me so happy
this has some of the best lyrics ive like ever heard (yes im biased and what of it)
“but hey for what its worth, i think you saved my life” we just gonna ignore how accurate that is
haha nice reference to,,, your own songs,,
its just? so pure???
we need to talk 
its boppy but like in a sad way yknow??
“cause you shine brighter than morning... at least i thought you did”
the,,, th e ,, l i dd, ol g i g,,, th, e g i gg, le,,,,,,,
“fuck me” idk why i think thats so funny but it is
dream boy
actually just slaps. 10/10
but also?? the lyrics?? discussing an unhealthy expectation from fans that is built completely on each individual fans emotional needs and is therefore unlikely to be fulfilled for everyone??? A+ i love it
another example of the song sounding like exactly what its trying to express. its almost overproduced, larger than life, built to sound almost fake just like what its trying to condemn through sarcasm, especially in the video. incredible. love it. 
i felt younger when we met
“i said i loved you to death/so i must be dead” is such a gutpunch of an opener. hits you right away
the entire chorus is just great
again an amazing song to be sad/have a mental breakdown to no i dont speak from experience what do you mean
the transition into cherry red is fucking genius okay
high definition
where do i even start
its just so perfect. relatable even if youve never experienced the exact thing hes referring to. honest, understated, emotional, heartbreaking. 
every single time you listen to it a different line hits you
yet another song to cry to
awsten was not lying when he said this was the best song hes ever written
feels like holding a vigil for yourself. 
overall just... perfect 
anyway that was probably way too long and annoying and you probably wont read all of it but like,,, goddamn i needed to ramble. thank you soooooo much for the ask and have a wonderful day 💜🥺
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Bakugo, Todoroki, and Shinso quarantining w black s/o
Bakugo x Todoroki x black!reader x Shinso
TW: Swearing, refers to sexual activities at the end of each of them
Note: Yes, I did do most of this stuff in quarantine. [And they're aged up as always]
He honestly feels like he's losing his shit
And he probably would if he did have you with him
You guys are staying up all night and watching Wild n Out, Basic to Bougie, 90 Day Fiance, all that shit
And of course Bad Girls Club
He claims he hates 90 Day Fiance and BGC, but he stays watching that shit, even if he has the remote or youre on his phone
His sleep schedule is fucked up
And by fucked up, I mean its a few hours past the old man's bed time
He goes to bed at 1 am now instead of 9 pm
But still wakes up at 9 am
He took a leave on hero work because of covid
He loves his job almost as much as he loves you (aw💖)
But hes not gonna risk his health for it
"Fuck all that bullshit, as much as I love my job, I'm staying my ass in this house. And you are too. I'll be damned if you catch it, especially if its from me."
Yall only go out once a week
He could minimize it to once every other week, but he tried that and it almost drove him crazy
There aren't any exceptions unless there's an emergency
Makes you wear gloves and use a reusable mask that he washes as soon as yall get home
And you get mostly essentials but he'll ask you if you want candy or anything and he'll buy a big box of brownie mix if you like brownies just to hold you over for a while
Also stocks up on meds like pain killers and allergy pills
No fucks given, he will hit up different stores for toilet paper
Hes gonna experiment with cooking more now that he has time
Writes down all the recipes that work out
Youre his taste tester so you best believe you bouta be eatin good 😌
If you want your hair done he'll order it online unless yall are already out
Hes gonna make sure that you're eating good and feeling okay because these are tough times 🥺
But hes gonna do it in his own way and act like he's not concerned
"Hey idiot, do you wanna pass out? You haven't been drinking water today, I can tell. I'm getting you a full cup, you better drink it all."
"You haven't eaten anything today, I'm making you dinner."
"Your hair is dry, come here so I can help you put oil on it. I keep telling you to take care of it, ill laught at you if you go bald." He wont
Also has you work out with him do you can stay in shape
Every other day, anywhere (except in public because hes not about to get sick), at anytime
It goes 50/50
Sometimes its just because hes in the mood
Other times hes feeling really soft and wants to show you that he loves you
All in all its a mixture of Bakugo losing his shit and loving you all in one
He's pretty chill about it
Just super bored
Starts watching BGC, binges Basic to Bougie and 90 Day Fiance
Oddly enough he really enjoys watching Love & Hip Hop????
He finds it interesting
Especially likes Cardis season because its funny and hella memes came out of it
Don't get me wrong tho I aint a Cardi stan but you gotta admit that she's mad funny im a barb at heart tho
His crackhead really comes out over quarantine
He'll start referencing random ass memes
Hes mostly on leave for hero work unless they really need him
In that case he wears a mask and gloves out
When he gets home the first thing he does is reference BGC
And thats how you know he's home
Goes to bed at like 1:30 - 2 am
Only because he doesn't want to be passed out if he's needed for hero duties
Goes out every other week
Mainly for basic essentials, but if you want a little extra he'll buy it
Anything else he'll buy online
Also goes to other stores to buy more toilet paper
Figured out that hes really good at crochets
So if you want your hair done he'll order any crochets you want off Amazon and do them for you
Takes care of you and makes sure your doing well all together
"Did you eat today baby?"
"How much water have you had today?"
"Have you been putting oil on your hair?"
Lotsss of cold soba
But he cooks a few other things so that its not the same thing 24/7
Asks Fuyumi for help when he doesn't know how to cook something super well
If you're the type to go to bed hella late, he'll make sure you sleep a full 8 hours
Even if you wake up after 5 he'll ask you to take a nap with him
Has you work out with him every now and then so you can both stay healthy
Not too much libido
He didn't get in the mood like that even before quarantine
Its not every other day like Bakugo though
More like twice a week
Anymore than that and it'll probably be because you needed it rather than him
If its after a mission it'll be slower just so he can show you how much he loves and appreciates you for being someone he can come home to and just being you
If its more spontaneous he'll be slightly rough but still a pretty slow
But it's a lot of crackhead Todoroki and soft Todoroki
He's doing fine
Just more bored than usual
I feel like Shinso likes cartoons so hes rewatching a bunch of childhood cartoons
Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Regular Show, all that good shit
Lotsss of cartoon quotes
Yall are having a pillow fight and he grabs 2 pillows and claps you?
"Cheatin ass bitch."
"Street rules, man." (Regular Show quote for those who don't know)
Please sing the bacon pancake song (Adventure Time) with him while yall make breakfast
He'll be so happy
If you do something stupid hes gonna do a lemon grab (Adventure time) quote
On leave for hero work
Really doesn't care about getting himself sick unless he gets super sick or dies
But hes not about to get you sick
He'd genuinely rather get himself sick and die than get you sick
Yall go out twice a week
Once to get essentials and another just to get out
I feel like shinso is a decent cook so he'll cook for you
Write down recipes that you like
Also gets some off the internet
Works better with natural hair than braids and crochets
So he'll do slick backs for you and maybe give you a ponytail or something if you ask but he'd rather do 100% natural just because hes better at it and he likes natural black hair
Can also do half wigs
Takes care of you more than himself
So you have to take care of each other
"Did you drink water today, Doll?"
"I did, did you?"
"Did you eat today?"
"No, and you haven't either. What should we eat for lunch?"
"You havent been putting oil on you hair. Do you want me to help you, kitty?"
Small work out sessions
Maybe like 15 min a day
Full body tho because hes too lazy to split up days
Does to bed at like 4 - 6 am
Mostly just watching YouTube and binging cartoons and eating
Insomnia Cookies? (If you dont know, its a cookie place that delivers till 3 am and theyre so good-)
Yall gain back any weight you burned off from exercising earlier that day
Pizza, cookies, chicken nuggets, fries, fried chicken, etc.
Basically just a constant sleep over
Libido to the max
Once or twice a day
Nothing public because germs
Normally rough
But every now and then he'll get soft and just tell you how much he loves you and appreciates you
His aftercare for times like that consists of a bubble bath, lots of hugs, food and cartoons😌
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