#this has turned into a very rebecca night for me
the way mrs. danvers presses mrs. dw2′s glove back into her hand in rebecca 2020 is simply sensual
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
stop looking at me like that - roy kent x reader
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pairing: roy kent x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a lot of language, of course, and some very slight allusions to smut
a/n: and we're right back with a roy version! i didn't intend to write both, but the lovely @ironmanmagnetfridge sent in an ask to try a roy version of 'saved you a seat' and i couldn't refuse. i loved writing this, so thank you endlessly for the request and my ask box is currently very open for more roy or jamie requests in particular! <3
“We saw a windmill!” Jamie announces loudly, to which the whole coach cheers, yourself included. It was nice to see him so happy as he bounded down the aisle high-fiving everyone in sight. Roy may have sounded as grumpy as ever when he’d boarded the coach moments beforehand, but when he sank into the seat next to you near the back, you could definitely see the hint of a smirk on his face that he’d never admit to.
“Good night?” you asked him teasingly, only to hear him growl as he turned to you.
“Thought I said not to fucking ask?”
“I’m not asking, I’m inferring,” you hummed, undeterred by the attitude you’d become so used to, “You don’t have to confirm or deny anything. I’m glad you had a good time.” “You’re very fucking presumptuous, has anyone ever told you that?”
“You have. Many times,” you supply, grinning up at him and grateful for the fondness in the eye roll that you just managed to catch, “You like windmills?”
He doesn’t speak for a moment, and when he does, his voice is even lower, gruffer than before somehow.
“Fucking love ‘em.”
You nod, satisfied, and settle back into your seat to watch the boys fool about. They manage to get a song going, and you join in quietly albeit happily. When the same song dissolves into a chant that Dani seems to be leading in Spanish, you bow out and instead pull out your laptop to catch up on the vital emails you knew you’d missed during your time abroad.
“Do you ever stop fucking working?”
“Hey, you chose this seat,” you reminded him, still unsure why he’d chosen to sit next to you when there were a few empty seats he’d passed on the way. The thought made you a little too nervous to dwell on it though, “You should have known better than to sit next to the workaholic.”
“If I hadn’t sat here, I couldn’t do this,” he said simply, gently taking your laptop from your lap despite your protests and attempts to snatch it back. He held it over his head to the seat behind him and Rebecca caught on quick, taking it from him without a word. You pouted at him, then turned to glare at her through the gap between your seats.
“Rebecca! You know preventing the director of your charity foundation from working is probably a pretty shit idea?”
“I literally brought you with us for you to take a mandatory break,” she said firmly, “So fucking take it!”
She muttered something about you being a nuisance then went back into the dreamy trance she’d been in since she entered the coach, your laptop safely tucked away behind her. You sat back in your seat with an exaggerated huff.
“Being childish won’t help anything,” Roy reminded you, although he was definitely teasing you now if the light in his eyes was any indicator. You turned your glare on him, but soon relented, sinking back into your seat.
“You’re a bastard,” you say instead of replying.
“Yes, and…?”
You hesitate. He’s so annoying when he’s right. You’ve always hated him for it, particularly how effortlessly attractive he looked when he was gloating.
“And thank you. Happy now, you prick?”
“Very happy. Now we can talk on a coach journey like civilised fucking people rather than you having your fucking head buried in work every second.”
That one hit more of a nerve. Funnily enough, Roy had also found the seat next to yours on the coach from Richmond to Amsterdam, but you really had been preoccupied by your laptop then. Possibly the only time you’d spoken to him was to ask to squeeze by to get to the shitty bus bathroom. You had the decency to look embarrassed.
“I wasn’t the best seatmate last time, was I?” you said, “I am sorry about that, actually. When I’m planning these school visits, they often get a little all-consuming.”
“Don’t fucking apologise for all the fucking good work you do. Christ, that would make me a proper bastard. I saw some of the stuff you were doing on our way out and it’s important. Doesn’t mean you can’t take a fucking break, you know?”
You so want to take his obvious compliment in a cool, effortless way but you can already feel yourself getting hot.
“You were spying on my work?”
“Course I was. It���s a boring fucking bus and my seatmate wasn’t fucking talking to me,” he said, although this time he nudged you gently to let you know he wasn’t really annoyed, “I meant to say, put me down for the next school visit, will you? I know you’ve probably got enough, but…”
He doesn’t finish his sentence. You’re always surprised by how often Roy wants to be involved in what you do, but you shouldn’t be. He’s such a thoroughly good man wrapped up an unsuspecting exterior. You hadn’t asked him because he’d done the last four visits, but maybe you should have.
“I would put your name down, but some prick stole my laptop,” you said, teasing him this time. You finally managed to get a smile out of him, however brief, as he shook his head at you, “I’m kidding. Thank you. I should have asked, but I didn’t want to bother you. I’ll make sure you know about them from now on.” “Good,” he confirmed, a single nod of his head, and then a few moments later - “You don’t fucking bother me by the way.”
“Not even when I’m trying to work on my mandatory holiday?” you joke, and he just grunts, so you’re forced to continue more sincerely even though it isn’t in your nature, “I’m guessing that might be why you chose to sit with me yet again even though I proved to be shit last time. Tell me if not, or I’ll end up being flattered.”
Yes, you loved bantering back and forth with Roy, but there was some hidden truth, some vulnerability behind your words. You were desperate to know why Roy had chosen to sit with you not once but twice, when he had plenty of people on this coach that he was close to. The two of you had become firm friends, you liked to think, over the past year or so, but there was a spot next to Isaac he could have taken, or with Ted, Beard and Rebecca at the very back. Part of you needed to hear what exactly had driven him to sit next to you, so you could eliminate the tiny hope at the back of your mind that maybe he thought about you as much as you thought about him.
“I don’t fucking know,” he started, but you knew him well enough to know that was his typical response when he was trying to work out what to say, “You’re…you know. We’re…fuck.”
And he stopped there. For some reason, you were speaking before you thought about it.
“We’re fucking, did you just say? Could’ve let me know.”
You didn’t know what made you say it, but the way Roy’s eyes almost bugged out of his head, you decided it was worth whatever awkwardness it might create in him. You burst out laughing at his expression, biting your lip to try to curtail it but not succeeding. At your reaction, he seemed to calm a little, and there was even a little huff that sounded almost like a laugh from him.
“You’re fucking awful, you are. I was trying to say something fucking nice about you and you fucking ruined it.”
He was kidding, but you could tell he also wasn’t. Matching his energy, you leaned in to him and gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
“No, don’t let me ruin it! Go on, say it anyway,” you almost begged, wondering if any of this was working or if he’d get up and walk away from you to another seat any minute. You vaguely realised how vigorously your heart was beating, “Say it!”
“Fucking hell, fine! Stop looking at me like that,” he insisted lowly, and you made a point of schooling your face into a serious expression, “Sometimes, you’re…fun to fucking be around, I guess. I like being wi- around you.”
You caught his slip. He liked being with you. If you ran away with what that one might mean, you might not recover. 
“High praise. I like being around you too. You know that’s a normal thing to say to your friends, right? It shouldn’t be quite that hard.” “Yeah, yeah, you’re fucking great at all this emotional stuff though aren’t you? You run a fucking charity, Y/N. Some of us have to…work at it.”
He was being serious, so you turned down the teasing. If he was willing to work on being a bit more emotional with you, you’d do anything to keep that going. He’d also just complimented you again and you hadn’t complimented him back once, which wouldn’t do at all.
“Yeah, I know. You’re actually fucking killing in that department recently, and you know it, so give yourself some credit,” you insist, watching a shadow of surprise cross his face. He nods, but you get the feeling he’s still trying to convince himself.
“Got you to fucking thank for that. You’re a good influence. On fucking all of us.”
“You keep saying all these nice things about me, Kent, and I’m going to be really fucking flattered,” you say, trying to downplay the impact you might have had on him, on the team, “You know it’s that cowboy back there doing the real heavy lifting.”
“Yeah, he’s fucking insufferable with it, isn’t he?” Roy agreed, “But me specifically then. The last year or so, I’ve been fucking better, and Ted’s been here three years.”
He wasn’t lying. He had been getting better and better with his emotions, with talking to people, with ensuring the people in his life that mattered knew just how much they mattered. This was about the third time in a month that Roy had suddenly gone a spree of complimenting you, and although it made you significantly uncomfortable, you couldn’t pretend you weren’t over the moon about it.
“You’ve made me more assertive, I think. So let’s call it even.”
“No?” you questioned.
“No. You were fucking assertive before, you’re just trying to fucking deflect,” he said firmly, in the typical Roy Kent brand of caring in an angry tone, “I”m thanking you, so just fucking say you’re welcome and we can stop talking about this.”
You hesitated, but finally got up the courage to reach over and squeeze his hand as you replied.
“You’re welcome, then.”
You didn’t let your hand linger, no matter how much you wanted to, bringing it back into your lap and trying to ignore the sparks that slid across your fingers and flickered in the pit of your stomach. You watched Roy’s hand flex where you’d just held it, but he was staring straight ahead.
There were a few tension-filled moments of silence before he spoke up again, still staring at the seat in front of him like he was scared to look at you.
“Would you like to go to dinner when we get back?” he asked, in a voice that sounded like he had rehearsed the syllables. Your heart rate spiked, but you forced it to come back to earth again. He could just be anticipating how hungry he’ll be when you’re back, wanting some friendly company for the evening.
“Uh, sure, I love dinner,” you say, then want to smack yourself for how stupid that sounded, “What do you fancy?”
He growls, looking like he’s about to tear his hair out and you wonder what you’ve said wrong.
“You, alright? I fucking fancy you.”
You pause. Staring at him while he refuses to look at you. Your voice comes out breathy and disbelieving.
“For dinner?”
“No, I don’t want you for-” he growls and punches the seat in front of him, hard. Colin yelps but then starts a train of it, punching the seat in front of him with a laugh until it travels all the way down the bus. You would giggle if you weren’t worried about the man beside you. He takes a deep breath, then speaks:
“I’m inviting you to dinner because I like you. The dinner is the least fucking important thing in this scenario. I can’t have another fucking conversation with you where I’m fucking hinting every two seconds that I like you, and you’re sat there just looking at me like you do, fucking oblivious. It’s fine if you don’t want to, but I do. Want to. And want you.”
You stare at him in delighted shock. Yes, Rebecca had told you that the man wanted to ‘shag the bloody daylights out of you’ and that you should ‘just look at the way he looks at you, for fuck’s sake’, but you’d never believed her. And even if you could wrap your mind around Roy being attracted to you, you could never have predicted him actually wanting to take you for dinner. It made him infinitely more attractive as you stared up at him.
“I’m done now,” he said, voice a little strangled, “Your fucking turn. Please.”
“Yes,” you said, taking a leaf out of his book. You were elated when he finally looked at you, confused. He was breathing like he’d just run a marathon.
“Yes to dinner. And to the rest of it,” you grin and have never appreciated one of his rare grins more when it’s fully focused on you. Still, there’s no way you can leave this as a serious moment alone, so you put on your best Roy Kent voice and narrow your eyes, “I fucking fancy you too.”
He actually laughs, a proper one, shaking his head as he chuckles. You join him in it, of course, ignoring the shocked look that Jamie was giving you from a few seats ahead at the sound of Roy’s laugh. When you’d finished laughing, not knowing what to do with yourself, you punch his arm lightly. It’s giddy and genuine.
You think he’ll punch you back, but instead he grabs your fist and maneuvres your hands until your fingers are intertwined and your hands rest on the seat between the two of you. It only makes your grin wider, and you know you’re staring at him again even though he’s back to refusing to look at you. You think it’s because he’s trying to hide his smile, but you can see it. It’s all you can see.
“Stop fucking looking at me like that,” he says gruffly and you laugh as you turn to stare out of the window instead, grinning out at the landscape whizzing by. 
Roy squeezes your hand. You squeeze back.
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daydreaming-nerd · 27 days
Young Love and Old Money (Cassian x Female! Reader) Part 12
Young Love and Old Money Masterlist
AN: Wow this took longer than I thought because I JUST graduated college, which has been a hard transition for me. Also in one of my grad photos I posed with ACOMAF and Fourth Wing and tagged both Sarah and Rebecca Yarros and REBECCA FUCKING DMed ME AND CONGRATULATED ME! So yeah that was insane.
Summary: She was the most beautiful woman in Prythian, sister to the High Lord of Night, and now she is the soon-to-be wife of Eris Vanserra. Despite her many titles and her aura of unattainability, Cassian can't help but fall deeply in love with the princess of the Night Court. But will it be enough to stop her impending wedding to a man who is sure to destroy her from the inside out?
Warnings: Smut, mating bond being accepted, territorial Cass, angst for Rhys
Word Count: 5,535
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“And this is really what you want?” Rhysand asks me for the one-millionth time. 
“Yes brother,” I assure him, taking his hands in mine. 
“No ornate, over the top mating ceremony? No wedding with all seven courts in attendance? Need I remind you that you are the Princess of Velaris, The Jewel of Prythian. I am the High Lord of Night, simply speak it and it is done,” Rhysand fusses. 
I can’t help but laugh at his eagerness to lay the world at the feet of his little sister. He had already given me our mother’s sapphire encrusted diadem as my something blue and had the small temple decorated in faelights and night blooming jasmine. I could practically smell the sweet flowers from the other side of the double oak doors before me. If I peeked through the crack I would see my handsome mate, my cousin, Azriel, and Amren, all waiting for Rhys to walk me down the aisle. 
“Rhys, I already had a larger than life wedding. I want this one to be intimate and sweet, just my family,” I assure him and I see his shoulders relax. 
“I’m sorry that Autumn Court traditions didn’t allow me to walk you down the aisle last time,” he smiles, offering me his arm, which I take. 
“It’s okay that was just the practice wedding,” I tease, bumping into his shoulder. 
Rhys barks out a laugh, a real one, a sound I hadn’t heard from him in a long time. He looks over at me one last time, taking in my appearance before placing a kiss on the top of my head, “You look beautiful sister. Cassian is truly a very lucky male.”  
I smile, smoothing my dress over one last time before the double doors open to reveal the beautiful temple and my mate turns to meet my gaze.
The soft faelights cast a warm glow throughout the temple and the smiling faces of my family meet me as Rhys leads me down the aisle. Mor looks so happy she might squeal, Amren’s face dons a small smile, the biggest one I’ve seen from her, ever. Azriel looks at me for only a moment before turning his head to Cassian, watching his brother's reaction to seeing his future wife and mate.
Cassian was dressed immaculately, in one of the many jackets that he wore to the Autumn Court balls. But I didn’t care much about how he dressed, I was more focused on his eyes, how they glassed over as I walked closer to him. Such happiness and joy that lie in them, like he had been waiting for this day for many years. 
As I step up to him Rhys passes my hand to Cassian’s with a knowing glance. My general looked down upon me like I was the most precious thing he ever beheld. I squeezed his hands tighter to assure him that I was real. 
“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, my love,” Cassian smiled before turning to the priestess. 
I don’t have time to say anything before the priestess begins to speak, seemingly more eager than the rest of us. 
“We gather here today to bear witness to the union of these two beings. If anyone should have any reason why these two shall not be joined please say so at once.” the priestess says. 
“This is also the time when I remind everyone that I have a knife,” Cassian says under his breath, earning a laugh from all of us. 
“Very well,” the priestess giggles. “Do you, y/n, youngest sister of our High Lord Rhysand and Princess of Velaris, take this male to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as long as you shall live?” she asked me. 
“I do,” I smiled seeing the love pouring from Cassian’s eyes as I slid the simple gold band on his finger. There might have been five other people in the room but I couldn’t care less. Cassian’s hands gave mine a gentle squeeze, his way of showing me how happy he was to hear me say those two little words. 
“And do you, Cassian, General of the Night Courts Armies, take this female to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, as long as you shall live?” the priestess asks, looking at Cassian. He didn’t even notice her. 
“Hell yeah I do,” he laughs, earning a laugh from our family once more as he places his mother’s ring on my hand. 
“Princess if you would,” she said, gesturing to the small blackberry tart on the plate before her. 
When I asked Cassian what he wanted as his official mating offering he didn’t hesitate to ask for a blackberry tart. I was puzzled at first until he explained that we met because of a blackberry tart. The first day he saw me, reading on the couch of the townhouse he and Azriel had come over because my mother had made us all blackberry tarts.  It was after  his story that I realized he had thought about this for a long time.  
I picked up the small pastry off the ornate plate and offered it to Cass. He plucked it from my  hands like it was made of porcelain and took a bite, berry staining his lips. I couldn’t help but reach a  hand up to wipe the mess from his face. 
“Congratulations you two, you are now mates as well as husband and wife,” the priestess smiled fondly, taking a step back.
“C’mere you,” Cassian smirked, pulling me into a kiss. 
His mouth melded against mine, and immediately things felt…different. They were deeper, stronger. The bond between us seemed to glow even brighter.  I felt Cassian dip me, in order to kiss me deeper, earning cheers from our family, especially Mor. When we came up for air I felt like my skin was on fire, the need to touch and feel all of my mate consuming my very soul. Like all moral code I had was thrown out the window. I barely felt it when we broke apart for air. The only thing bringing me back to reality was Cassian’s hazel eyes darkening. 
“Rhys I’m sorry to say this, but I’m going to go fuck your sister now,” Cassian jested picking me up bridal style and walking back down the aisle. 
The sound of my brother’s protest and the family’s laughter followed us as we launched skyward the cold night air whipping my dress around. The stars seemed brighter tonight as we flew over the Sidra, making a beeline for the House of Wind. It wasn’t uncommon for mating ceremonies to end so abruptly, but most of the time the couple would give their thanks to all in attendance before caving to the frenzy. Then again since when were Cassian and I a normal couple?
We landed on the terrace of the House of Wind and the second we were on solid ground Cassian kissed me, not even stopping to put me down. 
“Cass put me down!” I laughed between kisses. 
“Over my dead body, we're going straight to our room,” he smiled storming off towards the door. 
That’s right, our room. I had moved all my things into his room just yesterday. Thankfully he didn’t have much of a wardrobe so my thousands of dresses fit perfectly. 
The house thankfully opened our bedroom door for us, but it closed promptly with a slam as Cassian’s foot kicked it shut. I felt my feet finally touch the ground as greedy hands roamed my waist. 
“You are truly the most beautiful bride, I am so lucky to have you,” Cassian beamed, taking in every inch of me. 
“I’m far luckier to call you my mate and my husband,” I hum, kissing him again as I begin ripping the buttons of his shirt open. 
“That’s right you’re my wife now,” he exclaimed, kissing me deeply. “I’ve waited so long to call you my wife y/n, you have no idea.” 
I felt his hands wander to the buttons of my dress, he fumbled with a few before the thing was ripped in two, buttons ricocheting off every wall and surface in the room. I gasped as the cold air hit my bareback.  I took a step back to reveal my surprise for my husband, one Mor insisted I needed tonight. 
As the intricate wedding dress pooled at my feet my white lingerie was revealed. I remembered when Mor took me shopping at her favorite shop, she claimed it was nonnegotiable, and as Casssian’s eyes nearly popped out of his head I could see why. 
“Fucking hell,” he moaned closing the distance between us by grabbing me by my waist. “Pinch me baby there’s no way you’re my wife,” he said, wandering his hands up and down my body setting my skin on fire. 
“Why don’t you get on your knees Cass,” I whisper in his ear, knowing his second surprise is waiting for him there. 
My general, and the Lord of Bloodshed, falls to his knees before me without even a protest. His eyes fell directly on the garter I was wearing on my thigh. Seemingly plain and white, but I smirked as his eyes widened once again as he saw the customization on it.  
Embroidered on the garther in red thread, read one name. 
“You’re going to kill me princess,” he groaned, pressing his head against my thigh.
I couldn’t help  but laugh at his reaction to the fabric around my thigh as I ran a hand through his hair, “So it’s safe to say you like it?” I ask.
“Like it? I fucking love it baby. I’m fucking you with this one tonight.” He smirks leaving open mouthed kisses on my thigh. 
“Damn it that thing is scratchy,” I giggle. I wasn’t lying, the lace had been rubbing against my leg all day. 
“Then allow me to take it off for you,” he said, pressing a kiss just above the lace. “Can’t have anything marring my princess’ perfect skin,” he smirked before grabbing the fabric with his teeth and pulling it down my leg. 
The sight of his dark eyes locking on mine as the lace slid off my leg was enough to have my knees buckle. Thankfully his hands on my hips kept me stable as the garter slid off my foot. He chucked the thing clear across the room before standing and picking me up in one fell swoop.  
I couldn’t help but giggle as he laid me ever so gently on our shared bed. Staring down at me, taking in every single inch of me. 
“My beautiful, beautiful mate,” he breathed, leaning over me to press a kiss to my lips before trailing his mouth down my neck. “Beautiful, exquisite, and all fucking mine,” he groaned accentuating each word with a kiss.  
“Cassian,” I breathed, feeling his mouth traveling to where I needed him most. “I need you now,” I pleaded. 
“Shhh not yet wife, I want to taste you first,” he grinned placing a kiss atop my clothed core before sliding the white lace down my legs and discarding it with the garter. 
A series of kisses lined my core before he parted my folds, licking a long stripe up the center of me flicking his tongue at my clit causing me to arch my back off the mattress. He took his time, swirling and suckling on every part of me. When his fingers slid into me slowly but surely it had me crying out in pleasure. 
I  looked down to where my husband feasted on me, his eyes staring directly into mine. He watched my every reaction to his tongue and his hands as he brought me closer and closer to the gods themselves. Those hazel eyes turned dark brown as they devoured every gasp of pleasure I let out.
“Cass I’m going to-” 
“Cum baby, I want my wife to cum all over my fucking face,” he growled thrusting his fingers into me faster. The change in his voice was so drastic, so deep it had me doing just that.   
I knew the fae were more primal, more needy during their mating but I had no clue it would be like this, no clue I would love it as much as I did. As I came down from my high I realized how badly I needed him unleashed, needed all him. 
“Fuck you taste so fucking good mate,” he groaned licking up whatever juices I left over. 
“Cass I need you,” I said with a guttural sound that didn’t even sound like me.
His eyes snapped up from my cunt to me, somehow even darker than they were moments ago. He crawled up my body, a look in his eyes that could only be described as pure male pride as he said with a smirk.
“Yeah wife? You need me?” he grinned, placing open mouthed kisses over my collarbones. 
“Yes Cass, I need you. I need all of you,” I pleaded, my nails raking down his now bareback. When his shirt had come off? I didn’t know. 
“I’m not myself right now y/n,” he gritted, trying to show restraint. “I’ve never needed you as badly as I do now.” 
“Take me Cass, I want you unleashed,” I begged, pulling him closer to me, just needing to feel his skin brush against mine. 
His pants were quickly discarded to wherever my clothes had gone and I felt his hard cock brush against my stomach. I found myself subconsciously bucking into it like my body was forcing me to. He thrusted inside me in one motion filling me to the brim and causing us both to let out unnatural sounds. 
“Ah oh god’s Cassian, it feels so good!” I cried, finally feeling the relief of having him inside me. 
The only response I got from Cassian I got was a low growl as he started rutting inside of me. The sensation was almost too much to take. I knew that once the mating bond was accepted sex was  different. There was nothing in the world that could compare. It was part of what made the mating bond so special. 
As I felt Cassian thrusting into me, and heard his moans of pleasure as my walls clenched around him I wondered if I would ever get enough of this. If I would ever be truly satisfied. No wonder they called it the frenzy, I could sleep with him inside me and I would still need more.
“Holy fuck baby you feel so good,” Cassian grunted, his face tightening in the process. 
“Cassian!” I screamed, unable to remember anything but the name of my mate. 
“Who’s fuckin pussy is this?” he roared, setting a brutal pace. 
“Yours Cass,” I cried, feeling myself falling over the edge at  his words. 
My orgasm ripped through me like a tidal wave, the pleasure branding my every nerve as I felt the aftershocks all over my body. I had never felt this way before.
“Fuckkk,” Cass moaned, sitting himself inside of me as I felt his load coat my walls. 
He collapsed beside me cradling me to his chest, both of us sweating and breathing heavily. My legs trembled from the aftershock of my release. 
“Shit princess, are you okay? Did I hurt you?” Cassian asked, tilting my chin up so he could assess my face. 
“No, no I’m fine,” I assured him before collapsing on his chest again. 
“I’m sorry I got a little rough there, it was-” 
“The bond,” I said, finishing his sentence. “Don’t worry I feel it too.” 
The heat returned to that spot between my legs and suddenly I needed to be closer to him, even though I was lying on top of him. I lifted my head to press kisses to his bare chest, my favorite activity to do. 
“Y/n if you don’t stop I’m gonna-” 
“I need you Cassian,” I said, cutting him off again with another kiss to his pec. 
His eyes lit up in amusement as he placed my hips over his already hard cock. I started grinding on him like my body was on autopilot. 
“Who am I to deny a princess?” he smirked, pressing a kiss to my lips. 
“We might be here a while,” I breathed, grasping his hair to pull him closer. 
“I can live with that,” he smiled.  
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Cassian’s POV:
As expected the mating frenzy lasted about two weeks. Hell it would’ve been longer had Rhys not sent Azriel to break up the love fest. Apparently, there was still work to be done and my presence was needed at Windhaven. Devlon had been slacking in recruiting new troops, and with a war looming, and no Autumn Court soldiers to aid us, that wasn’t going to fly. 
Thankfully with a few ass kickings, Devlon finally got his shit in gear, and more Illyrians were being recruited and trained. Every day I flew up to impart my wisdom and of course make an example of a few of the older soldiers who thought they were ready for battle. 
The days were long, but it only made coming home to my mate all the more sweeter. I used to come home to an empty bed and a glass of whiskey, maybe even a female if I was lucky. At least I used to think I was lucky back then. Nothing compared to seeing y/n’s smiling face as I walked through the door every day.
 Sometimes she would be reading a book and I could sneak up on her and kiss her on the cheek.  Other times she would sneak up on me and wrap her arms around me before telling me I was stinky and needed a bath, a bath she always happily joined me in. One that was more fucking than it was washing. 
“Princess, are you almost ready?” I asked her, knocking on the bathroom door once again.  
With things in the camps finally starting to run according to schedule I finally had time to train y/n as she had asked me to. I couldn’t believe that she thought I wouldn’t want to. I had never been more proud of her for wanting to give herself that freedom, that peace of mind to know that she could defend herself if need be. I was grateful to be the one to help her. So grateful in fact that I went out and bought her some Illyrian training leathers.
She nearly squealed at the sight of them, but the second she touched them her face contorted. She told me that she was scared to wear them because even though she was half Illyrian she didn’t have wings. To which I explained to her that if anyone dared say a word about it they would find their head on a pike. Not that I thought anyone in Windhaven would dare insult their general’s mate. 
“Yeah I think so, are they always this tight?” she asked, throwing open the bathroom door. 
I had seen my mate in lavish dresses, wedding dresses, lingerie, and nothing at all, but seeing her in Illyrian fighting leathers? It was going to be a lot harder to keep my focus than I thought.
“Cass?” she chimed, snapping her fingers to get my attention. 
“Oh- um,” I stumbled. “Yes they are, they create less drag when flying and they keep your opponents from having something to grab onto,” I explain to her, unable to keep my eyes from wandering over her body.
“I suppose that makes sense,” she said, turning to look at herself in the mirror one last time. “I’m ready to go then.”  
We made our way to a terrace giving Azriel a wave as we took flight. It might’ve been faster to winnow to Windhaven, but I didn’t mind flying with y/n in my arms one bit. Not when I spent days thinking I never would again. Not when this relationship between us was so new. I still felt like it would be ripped away from me at any given moment, Cauldron knew everything else in my life had been. 
The weather in Velaris was beginning to warm up as spring was approaching, but in the Illyrian mountains there was still snow on the ground. As we neared Windhaven I felt y/n shiver and instinctively pulled her closer to me. I hadn’t told Devlon that we were coming to use the sparring ring and the practice grounds. I didn’t need to, I was the general, and more importantly y/n was their princess. Granted a princess they had never seen before, but still their superior nonetheless. 
Confused faces graced every man woman and child as I touched down at the edge of camp with y/n. They had all of course heard stories of y/n, maybe even seen paintings of her, but they had never once seen her in the flesh. Even though news traveled slowly here it wasn’t hard to guess who she was, not with all the stories of her beauty. I remembered Eris recounting one…
“Eyes like a storm, skin soft as rose petals and hair like threads of silk. The Jewel of Prythian and the weakness of every male…”
As we walked through the camp I understood why y/n hated large crowds so much. I remember she once told me that walking through a ballroom felt like being a painting put on display. As we walked hand in hand I noticed that every pair of eyes that found her also found me, which set me on edge. I looked down to see her blissfully unaware like she was completely unbothered by their stares. Still, I would keep on my toes. 
We approached a rogue training ring near the edge of the camp, and I felt y/n’s body language lighten as she ran over to a rack of wooden weapons picking up a sword. The look on her face was so enthusiastic I couldn’t help but smile at her. 
“You’re not quite ready for that one,” I laughed watching her swing the sword around like a toy. 
“Are you kidding me? Does this look ‘not ready’ to you?” She challenged, pointing the sword at me.
I cocked an eyebrow at the dull wood pointing at my chest. In one movement I grasped the end of the practice sword in one hand and pushed her down with the other. She fell to the mat with a thud, looking up at me like a toddler. 
“Hey!” she protested dusting herself off as I put the fake weapon back with the rest. 
“You asked me to treat you the same as I would any of my troops. Are you taking that statement back?” I challenged her. 
“No I just didn’t know you were going to push me,” she huffed. 
“Oh, I’m gonna do a lot more than just push you, princess,” I laughed ruffling her hair which was in a simple braid. “If you want to wield a sword you have to be strong enough for it. Which means we're going to be working on those muscles first.” 
“Okay let's do it!” she exclaimed. “Where do we start?” 
“You, start by giving me three laps around camp to get warmed up,” I said sitting on a nearby rock. 
“You’re not joining me?” she asked, crossing her arms. 
“And miss the view of you running away in those pants? Not a chance princess.” I smirked, getting comfortable where I sat. 
To my surprise, there were no further protests as she collected herself and began running around the camp. I was right about the view of my mate running in those tight Illyrian leathers, it would be a miracle if I let those things get home in one piece. 
Y/n ‘s first lap around the camp was a quick one, I forgot to tell her that it wasn’t about getting the laps done quickly, it was about warming up. I supposed that learning from one’s mistakes was the best way to learn though. Once she got through her second lap she had slowed down and by the time she came back to the mat her breaths were ragged. 
“By the cauldron how do you do that?” she asked out of breath. 
“That was three-quarters of a mile princess, my warm-up is five miles,” I laugh standing from the rock. 
Her eyes nearly pop out of her head at my words. She straightens up trying her best to control her breaths. 
“Now drop and give me twenty push-ups,” I said pointing to the mat. Y/n raised her eyebrows and started doing her pushups as asked. 
It wasn’t until a few moments later that I became acutely aware of the presence around us. Without turning my body from where my mate did her exercises, I lifted my gaze to find women and soldiers alike staring at y/n. I tried to act as if I didn’t see them there, turning my attention to my wife once more where she stood, wiping the sweat from her brow. 
“Good now let’s try something else,” I said, walking over towards the rack of weapons and grabbing weighted gloves. “Put these on and let's see how you’re able to swing.” 
I watched as she tied the gloves on and tried to hide my smile as the things flopped around her small hands. I could get her custom ones made later but for now, these would do. She put her hands up like she was ready to fight me and I helped her adjust her position to one that she might actually use.
“Alright now I’m going to hold out my hands and you’re going to punch in sequence, right, right, left, right. Do that over and over again.” I instruct her to hold up my bare hands. 
“Aren’t I going to hurt you though?” she asked, peering from behind her gloves. 
“One day you will,” I laughed. “But I promise I can handle a beginner. Now come on, lay a couple on me.”  
She cocked her head to the side as if she was still questioning my toughness, which was a slight bruise to my ego. Once she did the sequence a couple of times and I didn’t so much as flinch I could feel pride floating down the bond. Like she was proud to have me as a mate. 
My thoughts were interrupted as the interlopers aside us continued to ogle and whisper about us. Their numbers having doubled since the last time I looked. Y/n was completely focused on the series of punches, muttering the order under her breath. I couldn’t help but try and listen in on two females standing by us.
“Is that the princess?” 
“Why would the princess be here with the general?” 
“I’m not sure but she looks like a painting of y/n that I’ve seen before.” 
Y/n continued her exercises until I stopped her, as I wanted to try out a different sequence. I corrected her stance once more and made sure she was holding her fists properly before she picked up on the new pattern. My eyes flitted to a group of three or four soldiers looking at us and listened to their exchange.  
“Who the hell is that with the general?” 
“I think it’s the princess.”
“That’s not the princess you idiot, why would she be here? Rhysand keeps her locked up tight.” 
“Well, whoever she is I’m definitely taking a piece of her before I go home,” 
The male who made the final comment flared his wings as if to try and get y/n’s attention. 
I dropped my hands feeling a few of y/n’s lingering punches bounce off my chest before she realized what was happening. 
“Hey I was doing good!” she protested, attempting to raise her weighed down hands in the air. 
“Yeah that’s enough training for today,” I said tightly before sweeping her up in my arms and taking off into the air. Weighted gloves and all. 
“Cass!” she shouted over the winds. “What was that about? We just started!” 
“The whole camp was eye fucking you, we can train at home. I’ll bring some weights and equipment tomorrow,” I grumbled remembering the male's greedy eyes. 
“You territorial Illyrian prick!” she laughed, smacking me on the chest.
“Hey cut me some slack! The mating bond is still fresh!,” I laughed and the second I said it I saw  the understanding fill her eyes. 
“You’re lucky you’re so handsome,” she sighed leaning her head on my shoulder. 
I gave a small chuckle as we continued the short flight home. Training could start up again once we arrived at the townhouse. It would be easier to train her in private and more fun for when things got a little…well…heated.
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y/n’s pov: 
Today marked a day I had hoped would never come. Feyre’s wedding.
When I told my brother of the planned event he said that he was well aware of his mate's upcoming nuptials. I begged and pleaded with him to call in his bargain with her just once, just to give the female a chance to get to know him, but he refused. Even Cassian told him of the pain he felt when I married Eris.  But Rhys was steadfast in letting Feyre be happy, and in the end, I let him do it, for every time I spoke her name there was a sadness in his eyes I couldn't stand to see. 
“Hey,” I said quietly, stepping onto the balcony of the townhouse where Rhys stood. 
Cassian sat dutifully inside waiting for his brother with a glass of whiskey. It was going to be a long night, and he had offered himself up as Rhys’ drinking buddy, an offer my brother happily took. I just wanted to speak to my brother once before Azriel took me home. 
“Hey sis,” Rhys said, looking worse for wear. 
As usual, his image was perfect. A perfectly tailored suit, hair set in place, a clean shave. But his eyes held all the sorrows of the world. Grief I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I realized that this is exactly how Cassian felt the day I married Eris, and in that moment my heart broke twice. 
“Cassian’s inside with a couple of bottles of whiskey,” I gave him a half hearted smile wrapping an arm around him. 
“That was nice of him,” Rhys grinned weakly, tugging me closer to him. 
“Don’t give him too much credit he stole it from your liquor cabinet,” I laughed looking up toward my brother. I barely recognized him in this state. 
“Why am I not surprised,” he said, turning toward me. “Do you and Mor have everything you need for girls' night? You have enough wine and snacks right?” 
“Rhys,” I said, squeezing his hands. “You don’t always have to be so brave, you know? It’s okay to grieve. Especially with me, we promised no more walls, no more secrets.” 
I saw his violet eyes begin to glass over as he took in my words. In a way I was happy he felt he could be vulnerable with me again, that he didn’t have to wear the mask with me. However, I was sad that these were the circumstances. 
His arms pulled me into a tight hug and I felt his body shake ever so slightly, either in relief or in sadness. As I felt a drop on my bare shoulder I knew it was the latter and it killed me inside. 
“I’m going to lose her forever. She’s my mate and I’ll never even get to hold her.” he cried, his voice breaking. 
“Rhys I’m-” 
“I’ll have to sit here and watch her love him for the rest of my life,” he breathed. 
All I could do was hold him closer as I felt him breaking in my arms. The misery he felt echoed throughout the Illyrian mountains, and I wondered if today would be the day they finally crumbled. Before I could even try to console my brother he straightened, releasing me from his grasp and staring into the air behind me. 
“What? What is it?” I asked, grasping his shoulders.
“I-It’s her. It’s Feyre.” he stumbled as if coming to a shocking realization. 
“What’s wrong, is she hurt?” I panicked, willing to follow him anywhere to ensure her safety. The female wasn’t just my brother's mate, she had saved him from under the mountain, saved all of us, and saved me. I owed her my life.
“She wants to stop the wedding, she’s begging for someone to help- anyone to help.” Rhys rambled looking around him as if he was looking for some sort of sign. 
“Rhys… RHYS!” I shouted finally getting his attention. “Go get her,” I pleaded with him. 
Before I could get another word in he disappeared into a cloud of shadows, no doubt going to the Spring Court. Going to his mate.
To be continued…
Taglist: @crystalferret202 , @nickishadow139 ,  @graceshifts , @writeroutoftime , @heyyitsnat21,  @stinkinstuffie , @lilah-asteria , @12358 , @fxckmiup , @daughterofthemoons-stuff , @mybestfriendmademe , @anxious-study , @bxm-1012 , @mal-adaptive-dreams ,  @sh4nn , @talesofadragon , @5onedirection5 , @saltedcoffeescotch , @flourelle
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202
136 notes · View notes
world-of-aus · 3 months
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AHEM. GOOD EVENING! I hope you're alive because I'm not 🤤
I am not okay, but I was inspired...
Worth Every Penny
Pairing: Mob!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: HEA. Pinch of Insecurities, Fluff, a doting and loving Bucky Barnes.
You can feel his eyes on you as you adjust the lone button beneath his bowtie, your fingers smoothing over the fabric as you list the details of tonight's charity auction. 
“You’ll be called on after Steve, and please for the love of God don’t forget to smile.” you say as your eyes meet his. There’s a grin on his pink lips, “like that,” you point tapping the stubble skin of his cheek. His hand wraps around your wrist keeping you there, “as long as you promise to raise your number tonight, I’ll smile all you want me too.” 
You only half roll your eyes, pushing your tongue against your cheek to keep your own smile in check, “I will not be responsible for your father’s death James.” He laughs, hand finding your waist, fingers curling to pull you flush against his chest, “good thing you’ll be with Ma, you can wave that number of yours as much as you want, put it on my card even sweetheart.” 
The hand that held your wrist finds your cheek, his touch comforting as he searches your gaze, “sweetheart if I cared what my father thought I’d be his next in line, but I’m not, I’m running my own show, the way my father should have – and you and everyone else that matters knows that. So wave your number if you want to – or don’t because at the end of the night I’m coming home to you regardless of what anyone thinks, says, or does.” 
“B,” you murmur and he can’t help but to chuckle because he knows he’s got you now. He feels you melt into him, “stop thinking, can see those gears running, don’t care what anyone has to say tonight, just care about you.” 
He makes it so easy for you to forget the whole world, forget the two very ‘different’ worlds you came from, the ones certain individuals just loved to make so painfully obvious to you – to him. And between your internal scolding and Bucky’s constant reassurance you knew you shouldn’t care, nobody else mattered except the man that held you in his arms but you couldn’t help it, their whispered words stung. They all only saw you as the successful mob bosses  secretary. To many like him you weren’t his equal, weren’t worthy of his time except for making sure to keep track of his time. 
A knock on his office door pulls the two of your from the intimate moment, the two of you stepping away from one another. Sam’s voice calls for the two of you, “it’s time, we’ve got to head out now.” You smoothed him over one more time, Sam pushing the door open further, “remember,” you say running a hand over his cheek “smile.” 
Sam calls for you one more time now fully waiting for you by the open doorway arm waiting for yours. You turn to move over to him but Bucky’s hand stops you, “Ill always choose you, remember that.” You give him a smile, one the two of you know doesn’t quite reach your eyes. Bucky wont let you leave like that so he pulls you to him, his lips finding yours in an unexpected but reassuring kiss.  
He only hands you over to Sam when he knows he’s kissed you breathless, “Take care of her Sam,” he tells his best friend and right-hand. Sam nods looping your arm with his, “you know I will, cars out front, your ma and sister are waiting.”  
The two of you follow your boss, out of his office making sure he makes it out to the car, Winnie rolling the window down to coo over you, “you looks absolutely stunning in that dress!” “we’ll save you and Sam a seat,” Rebecca calls from next to her mom. 
Before he enters the car with his mom and sister Bucky turns to the two of you, “when you get there, the four of you stay together,” he turns to Sam, “don’t let either of them out of your sight.” 
“I’ve got it handled man, get out of here before you get there late and your dad blows a damn fuse.” You and Sam watch him get into the car, watching it pull out of the driveway shortly after before moving to your own vehicle. 
“You know George will blow a fuse tonight either way right?” you laugh as you buckle yourself in. Sam laughs as he puts the car into drive, “Seeing Bucky alone will have him popping a blood vessel, that man can’t stand to see his son succeed.” 
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The gala is in full swing by the time you and Sam arrive, several well-known notorious families all coming together for one big event that benefits all. You recognize several faces that have come through Bucky's office as you walk arm in arm with Sam through the ballroom to where the tables are pressed along the corners.  
You greet the familiar faces kindly as you pass through the tables where Winnie and Becca wait for you, Winnie’s hand flagging the two of you down, your name being called through the air. Bucky’s mother makes niceties for the other watchful eyes in the room, encouraging you to join them, of course you and Sam can’t pass the offer up – it wouldn’t look right in the eyes of the other families watching on, you thank her sweetly as you take your seat, Sam taking the one next to you. 
You can feel his eyes on you as you talk with his mother, he's sitting a table away with his father. George Barnes had saw to it that his son’s seat was assigned at his table, ‘there is business to attend to, new heads for you to meet that have been placed at my table it’ll be good for you to build your name.’ had been his excuse. Though you know that hadn’t been the case if the brunette-haired woman sitting next to him, leaning much to closely for your liking had been any indication. George Barnes had been trying to set Bucky up with Dot since you started on as his son’s secretary.  Bucky had no interest then, and he had no interest now, his eyes always looking your way, to be fair you tried to keep it to a minimum how often you glanced his way. 
 “You should raise your number tonight when he goes up dear.” Your eyes find Winnie’s and there's a warm smile waiting on her lips, “I know that’s what my son would want, and I know that's what you want as well.” Your eyes find her hand that's still placed warmly over yours, “I know Ma, but I don’t want to cause him any trouble – not tonight - and knowing your ex-husband there will be hell to be had if I so much as raise a hand when your son’s name is announced.” Winnie scoffs, “that man has raised hell every day since Bucky chose to build his own name, a name not tarnished by his father, George isn’t used to not getting his way, he’s used to glaring people down and getting what he wants, when in all reality it was his son that was getting him what he wanted and now that he doesn't have that, well he’s not used to losing so he brings down people to get what he wants. And you my dear are unfortunately his biggest target because he’s seen how much Bucky cares for you, how much he loves you.” 
Your eyes flicker to hers drawing a laugh from woman you’ve come to love as your own over the years you’ve worked alongside Bucky. “Don’t tell me you don’t see it y/n, my boy is as smitten as ever, can hardly get him to come see me on his own anymore.” 
“That’s where I come in.’ Becca laughs from beside her mom, “and even then he has to make it a whole day for us girls just to make sure he’s close by – can’t risk anything happening to my girls.” Rebecca says doing her best impersonation of her brother. 
You laugh then recalling all the Sunday afternoons that turned into family outings because ‘why not? I love keeping my girls happy, and you never know Becs mom might want a new set of nails after breakfast.’ Winnie never did need a fresh set, but the Barnes women always indulged Bucky in his Sunday breakfast with his ma turned family outings if only to keep him happy, because he deserved it.  
“He really does love you,” Sam chimes in from next to you, his shoulder bumping yours softly, “though to be fair he was smitten the day you scolded his father in front of his men.” 
“I swear that’s the day I made an enemy of that man,” you chuckle your eyes moving towards the table where George Barnes sat. You find awaiting eyes and a kind smile from the man that holds your heart, you return his smile, “that was also the start of the rest of your life, Bucky’s offered you more than George ever could, and in turn you’ve given my son the means to be who he is now.” 
Your laugh is watery as you fan at your eyes, Winnie cooing over you as she pulls you into her side pressing her lips to the side of your head. Rebecca eventually squeezes in Sam throwing his arm the best he can over the three of you. Before you arrived you might have though twice about using the black card nestled in your clutch but now, now you’d do it proudly. A table over Bucky can’t help but to worry as his family circles you, your watery laugh meeting his ears as you assure the table your fine, he has half a mind to leave the table and get to you but then they’re announcing all candidates with their secretaries to the stage. 
Bucky stands watching his mother smoothe you over, he meets you halfway not taking you in his arm right away to search your face. He cups your cheek, the moment intimate eyes surely on the two of you, “are you okay?” 
You smile squeezing the hand that rests on your cheek, “perfect B, come on let’s get you to the stage.” 
He gives you his arm, guiding you through the tables towards the back of the stage, the announcer is talking about the purpose of tonight’s event while the heads of the houses stand in a bunch awaiting their names to be called. Bucky guides you to his friends, Steve’s the first to greet you, Natasha following as she squeezes you in a warm embrace. Then comes stark with Pepper, Odison with Jane, and lastly the newest name vision and Wanda. This was the family Bucky had created after stepping down from his father, and he had you to thank for it, Steve had been the first to rally at his side, but the others came because of you, because of the relationships you helped him build.  
The girls are cleaning up their men as they straighten them out, you turn to your favorite brunette smiling as you squeeze his shoulders. “You keep smiling like that for me, and I’ll smile up on that stage for you.” You laugh, “careful B, don’t want to make it too hard for us to outbid.” 
“Ma did say I was worth every penny.” 
You shake your head at him, fingers running over the lapel of his suit, “you really are B.” 
His lips part to speak but the announcer has begun to call names, “remember sweetheart I’m still yours at the end of the night.”  
“I know B.”  
You let him go moving over to the ladies before you all exit from behind the stage, each of you going back to your respective tables to watch the auction. Vision is the first to be called on stage and his bids alone start off the auction strong. You’re not surprised when Wandas card fly's up, determination set as she outbids every woman who even try's. She closes the bidding for a whopping 10,000, no one ever stood a chance. 
And so, it goes with Odison going on next, Tony following both men closing 5,000 above visions, their secretaries waving at their recognition. The nerves begin to flare when Steve is called upon, your table at the ready with your numbers, Natasha meets your eyes from three tables down, smirk on her face. Steve’s bids started strong with 1,000 being called by Natasha other women chirping in throughout the room, with your table occasionally bouncing in. You begin to sweat when he passes 15,000 the numbers slowly climbing up. Sam closes the bidding with 20,000 you barely stifle your laugh at the wink Steve sends him. 
Bucky’s name is called next, his presence taking over the stage your breath catching in your throat, his eyes scan the entire room but ultimately land on you. Winnie starts the bidding at 3,000 “nobody's taking my boy on a date.” It makes you laugh when Rebecca follows, tacking on another 1,000, Sam taking it up another 2,000 shortly after. Steve’s voice sounds in the room bringing his count up to 7,000. His bid continues to climb the women chirping in outbidded by the ones he loves most. Bucky’s inching on Steve when from the table right next to you Dolores raises her number, 25,000. George finds your eyes, smirk on is devious features, you look away. 
The announcer begins to call out ‘going once twi -” 
Your number goes up, ‘55,000’ you call, the room gasps Winnie laughing next you, squeezing you as she huddles close. The announcer doesn't think twice as he closes the bid for ‘55,000 to the highest bidder of the night, congratulations.’ 
Bucky’s grinning at you with love in his eyes as the announcer calls all winners to come backstage to meet and finalize a date. Aside from Sam who takes Natashas spot though she still follows the two of you, most of the secretaries are making their way behind the stage again. There is laughter in the air as Steve and Sam make dramatics of embracing each other intimately though you only have eyes for one person behind that stage. 
He closes the distance between the two of you, cradling your face in warm hands, “55,000, sweetheart,” he breathes, “my cheeks were already hurting just looking at you.” 
You pull him closer, “I did say you were worth every penny,” you grinned melting into his embrace as he captures your lips in a sweet kiss. 
He was worth every penny and more. 
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Only You - S. Sallow
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 5,034
Rating: E (Smut, Oral and Vaginal Sex, NSFW, MDNI)
Summary: You decide to surprise Sebastian with lunch at the auror office.
A/N: I said I'd do a smutty follow up to The Night Shift, and here it is!
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“You didn’t have to come, you know.” Sebastian says, gently guiding you into the elevator.
“I wanted to,” you insist. “You’re always supporting everyone around here–someone has to support you.”
Sebastian gives you a soft, shy smile as the door shuts behind you both. He’s been utterly dedicated to helping you get adjusted to your new daytime schedule, his career taking the backseat in your daily conversations.  The two of you were leaving the courtroom, where several surviving ashwinders were just sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. You knew he was nervous about the Wizengamot trial, having to confront the offenders who’d set up a surprise attack for the aurors all those months ago. Sebastian had recovered quite well in the months that followed, but you’d caught him trembling at the thought of sitting in the stands, identifying each one. Trials had always made Sebastian nervous, knowing deep down that Azkaban had almost been his fate, if not for you and Ominis.
You push that memory out of your mind. Sebastian is now an upstanding member of society, a decorated Auror who you’ve just found out is up for promotion thanks to his heroics.
“Dinner, tonight.  You and me.” Sebastian declares, leaning against the wall. “I’ll pick you up straight from the hospital.”
“I’ll be disgusting.” you remind him.  You’d taken a few hours off to attend the trial, and were already dressed in your uniform to go to St. Mungo’s.  You wouldn’t be off until the late hours of the evening, but it didn’t seem like Sebastian cared.
The doors to the elevator opened and you politely stepped to the side, letting the woman who’d entered step into the center.  As the doors shut, she turns to Sebastian, a saucy grin on her face.
“Sebastian Sallow, it’s good to see you.” she says sweetly.
You immediately frown, taking note of her casualness around him.
“Marlene, nice to see you again.” Sebastian is polite and gentlemanly, keeping his eyes glued to her face.  
She steps towards him, completely ignoring you in the elevator with them. “Glad to have that trial over then?” she asks.
Sebastian lets out a puff of air, nodding gratefully. “Very glad.  Was a nightmare to relive the whole situation.” he admits.  His eyes flit over her shoulder to you, but you pay her no mind–she must be a coworker in the auror office.
To your shock, the woman steps forward towards Sebastian, placing a hand on his chest. “I was so sorry to hear about you and Rebecca.  You know, I still haven’t forgotten about that night–”
Steam was about to pour out of your ears, no pepper-up potion needed.  Mortified, Sebastian pushes her hand away, gesturing to you on the other side of the cab.
“Marlene, this is my…” Sebastian trails off.  The two of you hadn’t quite put a label on your relationship yet.  Despite the time that had passed since your reunion, and the fact that you’d all but moved into his tiny flat, you had yet to call him your boyfriend.
The woman jumps back, blushing. “Oh!  I’m so sorry, Tony had said you were unattached at the moment.”
“It’s nice to see you, Marlene.” Sebastian says quickly, grabbing your hand as the door opens to the ground floor. “I’ll see you around the office.”  he quickened his pace, tugging you out from the elevator.
You yank your hand out of his, brushing your now sweaty palms on the front of your dress. 
“So, Marlene.” You seeth. “A friend of yours?”
Sebastian’s face turns scarlet red, scratching at the freckles trailing down his neck. “Come on, now.” he strains. “We both have histories, we know that.  It was five years, we can’t pretend there wasn’t anyone in between.”
You feel guilt pooling in your stomach; Sebastian is right, after all.  Up until a few months ago, you had an entire fiance–someone you were going to marry, raise children with, spend the rest of your life with.  You also couldn’t lie that there had been men before him.  Imelda Reyes had said it best–the only way to get over Sebastian Sallow was to get under someone else. 
“I at least avoided anyone I worked with.” you grumble, crossing your arms.
Sebastian lets out a low sigh. “You’re right.  It wasn’t the smartest move of mine, but I assure you–you’re the only woman for me.” he says gently, his hands finding your hips through your unflattering St. Mungo’s uniform. “Forgive me?” He pouts.
You roll your eyes, fighting back a smile. For as much as you want to be mad at Sebastian, you can’t resist the puppy dog eyes he gives you anytime you even remotely disagree. Not that there have been many disagreements lately anyways–Sebastian has been nothing but entirely amenable since you’ve returned to his life.  There was only one time you thought you might actually fight over Sebastian littering used teaspoons all over the flat, but he’d more than made up for his behavior by spending the better half of an evening with his head between your thighs.
“Fine.” You purse your lips, hiding the smirk you know Sebastian is searching for. “I’ll meet you outside of the hospital at eight o’clock.”
Sebastian Sallow’s boyish grin will be the cause of your downfall someday, but not today.  His beaming smile and flushed freckles makes your heart beat a little faster, and you feel completely alive.
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You walk tentatively into the auror office, clutching the basket of lunch you’d just made for Sebastian.  His favorite–a ham and pickle sandwich on sourdough bread, apples you’d picked up together at the market, and some homemade cookies (Anne’s recipe, obviously–you’re rubbish with baked goods).  After feeling quite homely in your St. Mungo’s uniform, you decide to dress up today.  The move is inspired completely by the way you’d caught Sebastian admiring the dresses you’d moved into his now fully stuffed wardrobe. You’re wearing one he spent a good minute looking over, likely imagining how low the neckline could possibly lay.  You’d swatted him, scolding his cheeky glance, but had decided to wear it anyway after he’d left that morning.
You hear your name over your shoulder; turning around, it’s Everett Clopton, a big grin stretched across his face. His dark curls are tucked behind his ears, sporting his classic gold wire glasses.
“I was wondering when we’d see you here.” Everett bowed his head slightly, hands in his front pockets. “Bringing a snack for Sebastian?”
You blush, gesturing to the basket. “Where is he?” you crane your neck, looking over the office.
“Lucky bugger just got promoted after the trial,” Everett rolled his eyes. “Something about bravery or whatever. Got his own office and everything.  I think he was moving his things in.” 
Even more of a reason to celebrate, you think.  Sebastian had been toiling over the prospect of the potential promotion over the last two weeks, and all of his hard work was starting to pay off.  You thank Everett, sauntering your way over to the door at the end of the hall, a little gold plaque marked S. Sallow on the front.
“Surprise,” you call out cheerfully as you push the door open.  Your smile fades into shock when you see a pretty woman perched on top of the desk, flicking through a box of Sebastian’s belongings.  
Marlene, you remember.  The woman from the elevator.
She smiles at you as she slides off the desk, pressing creases out of her dress. “I didn’t know Sebastian was expecting any visitors.” she says kindly. “And how sweet, you brought him lunch.”
You clear your throat. “I have.  Do you know where he is?” 
Marlene presses her lips firmly together. “Off to the loo.” 
You fidget with the basket in hand. “Right.”
“You two haven’t been together long, have you?” Marlene asks, walking slowly towards you. “I would’ve heard about it, I should think.  Sebastian and I do spend quite a bit of time together.”
You can feel your ancient magic bubbling over with your anger. “Do you?” you spit out.
“Working, of course.  Amongst other things.” Marlene nods, patting your shoulder. “Sebastian can be such a sweetheart,” she purrs. “Yet such a fickle lover, don’t you think?”
You turn on your heel, bolting from the small office.  Tears are pricking at the corner of your eyes; clearly, Sebastian hasn’t spoken about you to his colleagues yet.  It makes you feel quite silly, considering all the other healers in your unit are constantly fawning over the daily flowers Sebastian sends.  Yet you cease to exist in the auror office, with only his two partners and your former schoolmates knowing of your existence.
You could hear your name being called, but nothing could stop your feet from hitting the ground, nearly breaking into a sprint in your effort to remove yourself from the vicinity. Before long, you’re in the main lobby, heels clacking on the black tile as you make your way to the floo flames. Just as you’re about to floo to your own home for the first time in weeks, you run into a solid body.
“I’m so sorry–” you begin, blinking rapidly as you recognize the suit in front of you.  Eyes trailing up, you see a familiar set of eyes, and a smile you thought you’d never see again.
“Hello you,” your former fiance proclaims, his hand on your elbow. “What in Merlin’s name are you doing here?”
If there could be awards for terrible days, this one would take the cake.  Not only are you running from Sebastian’s former fling, you’re now faced with the man you utterly destroyed a few months ago. It isn’t a fond memory, but you can recall the distraught look in his eyes as you arrived at his flat in the wee hours of the morning, clutching his engagement ring. He still looks just as handsome as you remember him–dark hair, a well groomed mustache, and bright, sparkling blue eyes that could even rival Ominis Gaunt’s (not that you’d ever let Ominis hear that you’ve made a comparison).  
For as handsome as you find him, his face is still not the one you crave the most.  
“Pet,” you hear from behind, Sebastian gasping for air. “Did you not hear me?”
Great, you think. This makes your day even better.
“Who is this?” Your ex-fiance asks, a slight frown on his face.
You turn to look at Sebastian, who is slightly panting as he puts a hand on your shoulder.  He looks slightly disheveled, his crisp white shirt rolled up to his elbows, the top unbuttoned.  He looks at you, and then the man next to you, trying to put the pieces together.
“This is Sebastian Sallow,” you gulp. “He was my patient.”
Your ex-fiance gives him a full glance over. “You’re one of those aurors from the ambush, aren’t you?” his eyes narrow. “Freshly promoted by the minister himself.”
Sebastian frowns at him, eyes trailing down to the grip he has on your elbow. “And you are?” he sneers at the stranger. 
Your ex-fiance keeps his hand on your elbow. “Eric McNair. Junior secretary to the minister.” he grits.
Sebastian stands tall. “A pleasure, Eric.  If you don’t mind, the lady and I have somewhere to be.” his hand remains on your shoulder, and you find yourself sandwiched between two men you’ve loved–each for very different reasons, and in very different ways.
“This is him, isn’t it?” Your ex-fiance says flatly.  His blue eyes pierce your soul, clearly in pain.  It’s almost as bad as the way he looked at you when you shoved the pretty red velvet ring box back into the palm of his hand.  You had lied that night, claiming there was no one else that had changed your feelings–it was your fault, not his.  That had only been partly true, considering the freckled bastard beside you had planted the seed of doubt.
“I’m sorry,” You wince. There’s no dancing around the subject, especially with the way Sebastian has his hand curled around your shoulder.
Ever the gentleman, your ex-fiance lifts his grip on your elbow. Bowing his head slightly, he purses his lips as he backs towards the floo flames. 
“I hope you two are happy together,” he says curtly, before disappearing into the green fire.
Taking in a sharp breath, you turn to Sebastian.  He’s looking down at you, slightly stunned. 
“Will you please come back with me?” Sebastian nearly wheezes. “You and I need to talk.”
You nod dumbly, letting him guide you back to the elevator.  The two of you are silent, Sebastian’s hand lightly gripping your gloved hand.  Once you’re back on the fifth floor, Sebastian guides you through the office to his.  Larson is now sitting on Everett’s desk, giving you a goofy wink as Everett complains about his crumbs dusting the tabletop.  You glance sideways, seeing Marlene looking quite frustrated, sitting at her own desk now.
Sebastian shuts the door behind you; the office is still empty, Sebastian’s meager belongings in boxes around the room.  He mutters a quick locking and silencing spell, so that others might not hear you if you decide to argue.
“I wish you’d told me you were coming,” Sebastian huffs. 
You set the basket down on an empty shelf, whipping the gloves off your hands as you rest them on your hips. “So you would know not to have a pretty little coworker sitting on your desk when I arrived?” you snip at him.
Sebastian rolls his eyes. “That’s not what I meant.” he says bitterly. “I just…I would have made things nicer for you, that’s all.” He’s fidgeting now, which is most unlike him.  
“Do your friends know about me?” You snap at him.
“Everett and Andrew know, but it’s no one else's business. They’re not my friends, they’re my colleagues.” Sebastian argues. 
“Colleagues you’ve slept with,” you retort.
“That’s ancient history, and you know it.” Sebastian declares. “Marlene is a colleague–she’s one of the secretaries in the office, we have to work together.  Besides, it was over a year ago when it happened, and I’ve turned down every advance since.”
“Well, she clearly thinks she still has a chance.” you bite back.
“And what about that man in the lobby, then?” Sebastian argues. “Just a friend of yours? The two of you looked fairly chummy.”
A frown settles into your lips. “Really, Sebastian?  Surely you’re more perceptive than this.”
Sebastian’s frown turns into confusion, and then clarity once he’s put it together. 
“Your fiance?” His eyes widened. “The pencil pusher?”
“Ex-fiance, thanks to you.” you grumble. “And I told you not to call him that.”
Sebastian’s face turns red as he begins to pace around his office.  Now that he knows, his head is surely filled with all the scenes of your past relationship.  Eric was a man you’d known well–well enough that you’ve laughed with him, slept with him, even agreed to marry him. 
Sebastian falls into his chair, blinking at you rapidly. “He looks nice,” he admits.
You are frozen in place, looking down at him and his sheepish face. “A perfectly nice man whose heart I broke.” You echo. “Because like the massive arse I am, I fell back in love with you within five days of seeing you.”
Sebastian holds a hand out to you, and your body reacts instantaneously, feet shuffling towards him.  He hooks his hands behind your thighs, pulling your body close.  Digging his face into your skirts, he grumbles his apology.
“I didn’t even mean for her to be in my office,” Sebastian strained. “She offered to help carry boxes.”
You know he’s telling the truth, but that’s not what’s really bugging you. “She didn’t even know who I was, Sebastian.” you bite your bottom lip. “I’ve told everyone who you are, how important you are to me.  Yet she feels like she can put her hands on you.”
Sebastian looks up at you, his big brown eyes filled with remorse. “What can I do to fix this?” he asks, slightly panicked.
“Tell me what I am to you,” you ask gently, tipping his chin up towards you.
“You’re everything,” Sebastian breathes. 
Ruffling his hair, you roll your eyes. “Be more specific.”
Sebastian wrinkles his nose. “Bit juvenile to call you my girlfriend, isn’t it?” He pulls you in tighter, pressing a long, languid kiss to the front of your bodice. It sends shivers up your spine, wishing there were several less layers of cloth between you two.
“You can call me that for now,” you murmur, nimble fingers moving towards his chest.  You give him a coy smile as your fingers start playing with the buttons of his vest. “But I would much rather you change my title sooner rather than later.”
“Yes, madam.” Sebastian’s eyes start roving over your body. He leans back, letting you slip your knee between his legs. You plant your hands firmly on his shoulders, looking down at him.
“I was hoping to see this dress on you soon,” Sebastian licks his lips. “Bend over for me, will you?” 
You roll your eyes, swatting at him. “You brute,” the laugh rolls off your tongue, but there is no hiding how badly you want him.  
Sebastian pinches the fabric of your dress between his fingers, eyes dancing over your decolletage. “I’m the luckiest bastard in the world,” he murmurs. “A promotion, my own office, and my dream girl.” You feel his hands slide around, squeezing your bottom through the fabric. “I’m quite tempted to take you right here, right now.”
It’s indecent, you think.  His coworkers are right behind the door.  But your baser urges drive you to pull away, making quite a show of sitting on his brand new, empty desk.  Sebastian watches you, slack jawed, as you cross your legs, pulling the fabric of your dress over your knees to expose your silk stockings.
“Tempting, you say?” you murmur, uncrossing your legs to show your body underneath the petticoats.
Sebastian launches himself off the desk chair, groaning as he tangles his hands in your hair.  You laugh against his lips as one of his hands trails up your leg, stopping where the lacy edge of your stockings meet your soft thighs. 
“You’re mad, woman.” Sebastian pants. “Only you could drive me to this.”
You bite back a moan as Sebastian’s fingers slide against you.  He gives you the filthiest smile when he feels how wet you are for him–he knows no matter how mad you are, he can reduce you to a trembling mess with his hands.  Always has been, you think.
“I want to hear you beg for it,” Sebastian urges you, curling his fingers inside.  You gasp as he adds a third, clutching onto his shoulder while he gives you the cockiest look you’d ever seen on him.  No, it’s Sebastian who should be begging.  Sebastian who should be quaking beneath you, begging for your forgiveness after the conversation you’d just had.
Even though you whine at the loss of his fingers, you push him backwards.  Sebastian is slightly shocked until he lands into his desk chair, bouncing into the leather seat.  Again, he’s at a loss for words as you surge forward, one hand on the chair back, the other popping the buttons of his trousers.
“What would you call me?” you ask him innocently, brushing your fingers against his clothed cock.
“W-w-what?” Sebastian sputters, looking down at your hand.
You tilt his chin back up to look at you. “What would you say I am to you?” You murmur, sliding your hand under his undergarments, tightly gripping his length.  He feels so soft and smooth, yet impossibly stiff at the same time. “Answer me, darling.”
Sebastian let out a stuttered groan, his head falling back against the chair.  When he doesn’t answer, you lighten your touch; he whines in response.
“You’re my girlfriend,” he moans.
“Hmm, I thought you said that wasn’t good enough.” Your thumb swipes over the crown of his cock, spreading a glistening bead of precum against his skin.
“My lover then,” Sebastian pants, tilting his head down to look at you through darkened eyes.
You smile sweetly at him, slowly kneeling between his legs. “You’ll tell all of your colleagues I’m your lover?”  You keep your eyes on his face as you press a sweet kiss to his tip, and Sebastian might just explode right then and there. “Seems like you’ve had quite a few.”
“The only one I’ve ever loved,” Sebastian moans, patting your hair as you slip your mouth around him, rolling your tongue against his cock. "Only you."
You hum in approval as he chokes out his praise for you, sweet names of endearment for you spilling out of his mouth as you hollow your cheeks.
“Sweet little thing– fuck, the sexiest witch I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” Sebastian rasps, looking down at you with pupils blown out in pleasure.  He chokes as he pushes you off of him, blinking while you wipe the saliva from your lips on the back of your hand.
“On the desk,” Sebastian’s voice falters. “Now.”
His mouth crashes against yours as you scoot your bottom onto the desk; Sebastian rucks your dress up to your waist, desperate to reach your hot skin underneath.  Your hands tug his trousers down, palming his round bottom as he groans into your mouth.  You can feel his cock pressed against your thigh, wet and throbbing.  Teeth smashing, tongues tangling–you simply cannot get enough of one another.
You’ve had months of sweet love making since your reunion, you think.  The urgent, feral fucking you’re about to receive is quite welcome.
Sebastian wastes no time sinking his length into you, pressing his forehead against you as his breath stutters. Looking up at you through his dark lashes, Sebastian has never looked more beautiful. You wrap your legs around him, allowing as little space possible between your bodies.
“I love you,” Sebastian grunts, thrusting his cock into you.  “ Only you.” The sound of those words coming out of his mouth again has your head rolling backwards. You’re thankful for the silencing charm Sebastian has cast on the door; the sound of his skin slapping against yours fills the small office.
“Sebastian,” you moan, falling back against the mahogany desk.  Your hands splay out against the surface, back arching as he rolls his hips just the way you like.  You’re both moaning with every hurried thrust; Sebastian’s hands are wrapped around your thighs, nails digging into the lace edges of your stockings. 
“I love the way you look sprawled on my desk,” Sebastian growls. He leans forward, kissing the tops of your breasts. “You’re a dream come true.”
“Am I?” You gasp, arms thrown around his neck. “Tell me more, Sebastian. Use your words.”
“Don’t think I haven’t been dreaming of this since the night you showed up at my bedside,” Sebastian warns, his sweaty forehead pressed against yours. “Merlin, I want to feel you come around me so badly.”
“What am I, Sebastian?” You murmur, fingers lightly wrapped around his neck.  He’s broadened with age, your small hands barely fitting around his neck.  But in this position, you can feel his quickened pulse, which makes your stomach flutter.  You feel the coil inside of you tighten, waiting for him to say the magic words that will push you over the precipice. 
“You’re the love of my life,” Sebastian rasps, eyes glued to yours. “Always have been. Gonna–I’m gonna make you my wife someday.” he whimpers.
You let out a satisfied cry as you finish around him, hands trailing up to grip his unruly hair at the root.  Sebastian is not far behind you, cursing as he spills his seed inside of you. His hips stutter against you on the edge of the desk, whispering filthy promises alongside the sweet reassurances of your future together.
After a long, passionate kiss, Sebastian pulls away, tugging his pants back up.  You blush, dropping your skirt hem back over your legs.
“Christened my desk,” Sebastian winks cheekily. “I was thinking we needed to, but I wasn’t quite expecting it to take place today.”
You roll your eyes, laughing as you slap his shoulder.  You’ll never stop loving him for his attitude, you think.  Sebastian can be so serious, chivalrous and determined.  The next, utterly depraved and passionate.  But underneath it all, Sebastian is filled with laughter and sweetness–something you’d forgotten after five years of trying to hate him.  It’s a sweet reminder of the boy you met when you were fifteen, who’d raced you to Hogsmeade on your first day of classes.  The boy who’d so bravely taken the fall for you when you’d snuck into the restricted section, and had swept you off your feet at sixteen.  
He’s a grown man now, you think.  But he’ll always be that Sebastian in your heart.  And one day, he’ll be your husband–you’re positively sure of it this time.
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“Ham and pickle, my favorite.” Sebastian smacks his lips.
You smile at Sebastian as you unpack another box.  After your frenzied lovemaking, you actually started helping him with the task at hand.  His files are now meticulously organized, and you were working on his box of desk trinkets while he sat against the door, tucking into the lunch you’d packed for him.
“Still your favorite,” you remind him, carefully taking out a wooden picture frame.  You thumb over the glass; it’s of him and Anne as children with their parents.  You set it on the corner of the desk, next to the lamp.  There’s another small frame–Sebastian standing next to Ominis and Anne on their wedding day.  It pangs your heart to realize that you missed it, and that you’ll forever be absent in their photos. In fact, there are no photos of you in the box to display on his desk.
“What can I say?  I’m a creature of habit.” Sebastian says with his mouth full. 
“Y’know, I rather think my picture belongs on this desk.” You say, putting your hands on your hips. “I should think I’d get top billing.”
He beckons you; you fall to your knees, shuffling towards him, and you snatch the sandwich out of his hands, taking a large bite for yourself.  Surprisingly, Sebastian doesn’t protest–instead, he dips his hand into his trouser pockets.
“I keep a photo of you a little closer,” he confesses, digging out his wallet.  You remain stunned as he fishes through it, pulling out a creased photograph.  It’s the two of you on your graduation day from Hogwarts; you’re laughing at the camera, pointing at whoever was aiming it (it’s been so long, you can’t remember who).  Sebastian’s eyes remain glued to you, completely ignoring the photographer. It’s the last time you’d ever worn your Hogwarts robes, pointy black hats adorning your head as you both clutched your diplomas.
You swallow thickly, taking the photo in hand. “I can’t believe you still have this,” you murmur.
“One of my favorites.” Sebastian gulps, pressing his lips in a tight line as he tucks you into his chest. “Fished it out of my memory box, right after we got back together.  Should I find a frame for it?”
You feel silly for ever doubting him.  Sebastian has always known what you are to him–no title needed.  Blinking back tears, you look at the brunette, pressing your palm against his cheek. 
“I want you to keep it on you at all times,” you declare. “Right in your pocket, you hear me?”
“Yes ma’am.” Sebastian purrs, kissing the top of your head. “Perhaps we’ll have a more formal occasion to take photos soon.  Wedding photos, I think.” he teases.
The two of you finish unpacking his belongings, polishing off what remains in the lunch basket.  The hem of your dress is torn from dragging against the splintered edge of his desk, so Sebastian casts a hasty reparo charm on it.  You double check that you’re both decent before opening the door to his office, confidently striding out hand in hand.
It must be late afternoon already, as most of the desks are abandoned.  Marlene’s eyes are glued to whatever file she’s reading, ignoring the two of you.  You smile haughtily to yourself as Sebastian wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you in tighter.
“You two are disgusting,” Everett rolls his eyes. “As if we didn’t know what you two were up to all afternoon.”
“I beg your pardon,” Sebastian scoffs. “The lovely lady was helping me unpack my office.  And that’s no way to speak to your senior officer now, is it?” 
Larson lets out a booming laugh as he pulls on his jacket. “Well, should we all hit the Leaky Cauldron then?  Rest of the office is bound to be there already.”
Sebastian looks down at you proudly. “No, I think I’ll take the missus home.”
You can’t hide the blush on your face when Sebastian looks at you in such a way.  The two of you bid a hasty goodbye to Everett and Andrew as you walk hand in hand to the elevators, swinging the wicker basket.  When the elevator doors close, Sebastian pushes you up against the wall, putting a hand on your waist.
“Speaking of home, I think it’s time we start looking for a bigger one,” he announces. “I’ve found a few listings for new places, considering we’ll have to get a separate bedroom for your clothes. Plus, we should live a bit closer to the hospital for you.”
“Braving the London housing market together,” you sigh gloomily. “The next test of our relationship.”
Sebastian lets out a sparkling laugh, pressing his forehead against yours. “Pet, after everything we’ve been through, I think this will be an easy task.”
You bite your lip, smiling up at him.  He’s right, you think–nothing these days seems too difficult with Sebastian back at your side.
“I can’t wait.” You admit.  
The doors open, and Sebastian pulls you out into the light.
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biird-rot · 2 months
Leon Kennedy is Autistic: An Analysis by an Autistic Person
DISCLAIMER: This post and all the points I make are highly based on my OWN experiences. I often find parallels between my experiences as a disabled individual and characters I love to help me better cope with and process my feelings. Hate will not be tolerated!!!
Before I get started, I’d like to say that this is not even me scratching the SURFACE of the things I could analyze about Leon and apply to various autistic experiences, this is mostly just the things that resonate with me the most.
Parallel Play/Preferring to Work Alone
It could be attributed to trauma, and the fact he works in a government agency, but Leon has always been the flying solo type. Missions in which it would be better if multiple people worked on it (RE4) HOWEVER! Whenever he does work with others, he often goes off on his own and leaves whoever he's with to deal with what's there (DI, Leon going off immediately after being vaccinated by Rebecca)
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Difficulty Communicating/Identifying Emotions
This also plays into the difficulty making friends and maintaining friendships aspect of being autistic. There isn't any direct/obvious representations of this occurring in the franchise, but it can be inferred based upon his interaction with Chris and Rebecca in RE: Vendetta when the two try to recruit Leon on their mission because of the intel he has on the type of BOWs they're dealing with. Speaking of RE: Vendetta, it can also be noted that Leon copes with his inability to cope with/regulate his emotions by drinking, and this is a habit he always had. In fact, he's essentially hung over in RE2, having drunk his feelings away after being broken up with the night before the Raccoon City incident, and he is literally drinking on the job in Damnation. Essentially, he's canonically an alcoholic. As an autistic person, sometimes I would turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with my emotional dysregulation, especially when I was unaware that I was autistic.
Leon isn't a very emotional person in general, again, It could be chalked up to trauma, but lack of emotional expression is also a common experience/trait amongst autistics.
“Inappropriate” Responses to Situations
GODDDD this one is SO prominent in RE4R (hell, even the OG), Infinite Darkness actually everything he's in, I can name at LEAST 2 examples of this. To keep this short, I'll just name ones that I relate painfully hard to, and ones that I find hilarious.
To start, WHENEVR HE JUST SAYS "ok 🧍" in response to an emotional moment. RE2R, when Claire introduces him to Sherry, in RE4R, when Ashley hugs him and expresses her relief that he's okay, and in Infinite Darkness whenever he checks up on Patrick after the White House Outbreak. It never fails to make me lose it because he's just like me fr.
Thists a sillier one, but I want to mention it because it's so mecore.
Thank you to @highball66 for doing the lord's work of translating the Death Island manga yall seriously he’s a legend🙏
When Leon sends selfies of him on missions. That's it. He just sends it to Hunnigan and I think it's great.
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Sensory Issues
Okay, I KNOW LEON IS A GOVERNMENT AGENT AND NEEDS SOME LEVEL OF GEAR ON MISSIONS BUT!!!!! Half the time he isn't even wearing a full set, not even a bullet proof vest. HOWEVER, I did notice that one thing he CONSISTENTLY wears (with the exception of a few instances) is GLOVES!!! This is more of a personal headcannon, but I like to think he's sensitive to texture, especially when handling guns and such, so he wears gloves, so it doesn't feel as terrible. To further back up his sensitivity to texture, in Death Island, after the Dylan BOW explodes and splashes water everywhere, Chris doesn't seem to care about being covered in water while Leon is flicking the water off him.
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Literal Thinking - Coming off as Rude/Inappropriate Unintentionally
GODDDDD this is another big one, but I’ll only cover the ones that I relate to a lot to save time. Starting with his initial encounter with Jill in Death Island, they’re being chased by lickers and…well..this interaction
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Exhibit B: This scene. He’s just so nonchalant about it and I do the exact same thing without like…intentionally being a “smartass” or whatever, I’m just being honest 🧍. Jill’s “Oh😒” at the end of the scene is really what made it hit home, because that’s how people typically react when i have a similar interaction with them
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ANOTHER THING!!! All of the instances in which Leon casually asks “so you wanna get dinner?” Or something along those lines. It’s often interpreted as a poor attempt at flirting, but personally, I think he genuinely just wants food, and he doesn’t understand why ppl are like 🤨 when he asks. He just wants a nice dinner with a nice lady :(
Small disclaimer here, autism is a SPECTRUM. And our empathy levels fluctuate every day. In Leon’s case, I see him being hyper-empathetic, much like myself. And being able to empathize so easily with people is incredibly draining. Additionally, a huge thing that is common among autistics is how we tend to respond to people who are sharing their struggles with us sharing our OWN experiences that are similar to theirs, and it often comes off as egocentric and selfish to “make it about us”, but in reality, that’s our way of saying that we understand what you’re going through, and it helps us process how you may be feeling as well. There are many scenes I could pull from, but I want to talk about one specifically in Infinite Darkness since it resonates so much with me:
The scene within ID in which Jason is having a nightmare, and Leon wakes him up, immediately asking him if he wants to talk about it. Jason recalls the nightmare and his trauma about Penamstan to Leon, and says that he has no idea what it was like, and Leon responds talking about his experience in Raccoon City, and how that affected him similarly
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Special Interests & Using Media to Communicate Feelings
There are many aspects of this I could talk about, but I’ve already written 10 pages worth already in this post, so I’ll speed through it.
Personally, I think Leon has a special interest in film! He makes several references throughout the franchise, many of which are overlooked. Personally, my favorite reference he makes is in RE: Vendetta to Pulp Fiction (I think) when Chris and Rebecca confront him during his “vacation”
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Final Notes/Conclusion
I had to cut a LOT out from my original mini-essay I wrote about this to fit it better on here, and make it not as boring to read lmao, but I hope you enjoyed my silly little analysis! I love being able to relate my experiences to others, fictional or otherwise, as it helps me feel less alone, and be able to process and cope with what makes my disability a…well, a disability. I hope fellow autistics find some solace in this as well, and please let me know your additional thoughts about this topic if you’re a fellow autistic Leon Kennedy headcannoner!!!
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months
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Fighting evil by moonlight!! Winning love by daylight!!!! Never running from the real fight!!!!!!!! He is the one named Don Quixote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This may be extremely cringey and it may have taken me an embarrassingly long time BUT I DONT CARE. MAGICAL GIRL SERENNEDY AU!!!!
In this AU, instead of being a zombie-making capitalist nightmare, Umbrella is instead a Magical Girl-making capitalist nightmare!!! And Luis just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!!!!!! So now he fights crime by night and tries to win over the pretty single dad college professor that lives next door, Leon, by day!!!!!!
Translation of photo in case people can’t read it:
*Retired firefighter turned college professor
*Single dad to Sherry (adopted after he retired- Sherry’s a lot younger in this AU)
*History Professor
*Students favourite teacher
*MASSIVE coffee addict + Is always tired
*Has a crush on the pretty scientist that works at the labs next door, but nobody knows (except for Sherry- who keeps trying to set them up)
*Has a sneaking suspicion about Luis’ Magical Girl identity, but doesn’t want to be rude and pry
*(Sherry, however, is ADAMANT that Luis IS a Magical Girl in disguise)
*Biologist for Umbrella Corporation, part-time assistant at the local college
*Has a MASSIVE and VERY OBVIOUS crush on the handsome history professor- Rebecca teases him about it relentlessly
*Is constantly trying to impress Leon by bringing him coffee, offering to babysit Sherry etc (Sherry absolutely ADORES him)
*Nobody knows about his secret Magical Girl identity except for Umbrella- who’re very adamant on keeping it classified, no matter how badly Luis wants to tell Leon
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cleolinda · 8 months
My sister noticed
Previously on: I grew up in a haunted house and I didn't notice: So I told you a story about how a Count Chocula used to creep behind me at night when I was a child, and I described my very weird childhood home to you. I told you how my sister had Something Dark living in her bedroom, and I told you about the time she and I compared notes and realized that we also had the ghost of a young woman in the house. Maybe.
I asked my sister to read over the draft for me, maybe gather up the fortitude to fill in some details, and she texted back, "Oh, I'll tell you anything you want. But that’s not how it happened."
I am willing to believe her version for two reasons:
1) My memory has been shit after having covid umpteen thousand times.
2) I actually remember her version of the conversation we had, now that it's in front of me.
I also remember my version, is the thing—the one where I told her about Rebecca when we were younger. And that raises some questions about how independent, how uncompromised, our experiences were. But I think those questions are themselves the story. Can I trust my memory at all? I had such bad brain fog the first time I had covid that I could not remember how to scramble eggs. A lot of things are just mist to me now. There's what I remember and there's what actually happened, but what do I even remember? And that's before you even get into the idea that we're talking about ghosts we "felt" in the house. We saw no apparitions, no shadows, no odd movements.
This is not a story where I'm asking you to believe me.
There are things you experience, and things that happen. An example from the winter of 2016:
What I experienced was standing out on our deck one night and looking up at the stars. They were moving in a slight swirl motion, not unlike the painting Starry Night. I turned to my mom and said, "Well, the stars are moving, so if the world ends or something any time soon, here's our first sign." She stared at me.
What happened was, our upstairs heating unit had a leak, and I sustained mild carbon monoxide poisoning. (I like rooms to be cool, so I had used the heater less than most people would, at least.) This was only discovered during a routine furnace check, after my vision had been a little weird and I had been deeply fatigued for two or three months. I have had a CO monitor upstairs ever since.
Did I see the stars swirling? Yes. Were they? No. That's the distinction I want you to make while I tell you all this. Did my sister and I experience things? Yes. Do I know what happened? No.
So what I agree happened was, we were having Grownup Sunday Family Dinner a few years back, maybe 2019 or so. I had been really into Buzzfeed Unsolved, which later evolved into Watcher Entertainment, but my sister was refusing to watch any of it. She's a big fan now, but she only started watching the guys last year. Yesterday, we tried to piece this back together via text.
My sister ["MS" from here on out]: Like I feel like off and on for years you mentioned [Shane and Ryan's shows] and I refused
MS: And one day my argument was to talk about our own house
Me [let's go with Cleolinda Jones, "CJ"]: You said you felt like fake ghost shows were disrespectful to people who actually experienced [hauntings].
I love paranormal investigation shows, whether they're patently fake or not, as long as I enjoy the people investigating, so I couldn't understand why they personally offended her. Pulling at this thread back in 2019 is how the the whole ghost story started coming out.
CJ: And I was like, okay, but here’s one show where they get, like, nothing, but I can promise you that it's real
(Because the Unsolved/Watcher shows pair a believer with an actual skeptic who still, lo these many years later, does not believe in any of it. I truly believe Shane and Ryan would not stage "evidence," for that reason. Shane makes fun of ghosts and people who believe in them, but he's honest about it, and my sister likes that.)
At this point, we go back to the first version of the story that I posted: my sister had told me that Something had lived in the Four Closets Bedroom with her when she was a preteen/early teenager. It felt very dark, very bad, and she had not told anyone else about it until that dinner. The way I relayed it to you, Dear Reader, was that she hadn't wanted to go into detail, and I wasn't sure what it looked like, or if it "lived" in the little witch closet, or what. That night at dinner, I had gone on to tell her that, you know, now that you mention it, I did feel like something used to follow me up there at night. And this was when "My sister started crying. Like just staring at me in wide-eyed horror, her eyes filling with tears" had come in.
1. Something Dark
CJ: So you were telling me about our house being haunted. Something in your room. How would you describe it?
MS: I think it more lived in the attic
(our pal the dark fucked-up attic room)
MS: but would roam the entire floor so I felt it in the peach room [my (Cleo's) old bedroom and then later, my sister's] but more so in [the Four Closets Bedroom] as it was closer to the attic
MS: The best way I can describe it is just never feeling like I was alone. Feeling like something was always behind me. But I refused to turn around to look. It felt like a darkness that almost oozed behind you in a way that was almost suffocating.
CJ: What I find interesting is that we both describe it as Just Feelings, and never feeling alone.
My sister texted me at this point that she used to sense Something upstairs whether it was day or night; "even in the day, it didn't feel safe." But night was worse.
MS: There was one night in 3rd grade when I was reading and had like my first panic attack because I was newer to living upstairs and I felt it come in the room at night for the first time
MS: I also used to feel compelled to keep the AC running all night like it was never cold enough.
Here's the weird thing: when we moved to the house where I currently live and our rooms were on the same floor, we always fought over the thermostat. My sister hated her bedroom being too cool, whereas I get hot. I remember one night, we were arguing over it, and she was weirdly on the verge of tears: "Why do you have to have it so cold?" In 2023, my sister texted me at this point that she didn't want our childhood home to be cold; it was like the thing wanted that temperature, even if she hated it.
You often hear that ghosts make rooms cold, that's a big ghost hunter show thing—but whatever was up there couldn't lower the temperature on its own?
CJ: "If you can’t make it cold yourself, storebought is fine"
CJ: And you don’t have a visual impression of it, I’m not just blowing past that?
MS: I refused. REFUSED to look. Ever. For any reason.
CJ: I did too, so that’s interesting
CJ: I describe it as a Count Chocula, which should tell you how much it didn’t bother me. Which I find weird
(Truly, there is a reason I titled that post "I grew up in a haunted house and I didn't notice.")
MS: I can’t tell if it was truly terrifying. Or if the amount of data I was getting from it was just so overwhelming that that alone was terrifying to a child. I wish I could answer that now.
CJ: Yeah, in some way I think we’re saying the same thing. I was seven years old and I couldn’t comprehend what it was, either, so I just imagined a silly vampire
CJ: like I can’t overstate how cartoonish it seemed to me at the time, while still being very DON’T LOOK BACK
Part of the problem, she added, was that she felt compelled to go turn down the air conditioning... and the thermostat was next to the (carpeted. shag carpeted) bathroom. And then she had to race back to her bedroom... the same way I used to, as quick as she could.
MS: I also felt like I could NOT run. Like the way you shouldn’t run away from a mountain lion. It would create the need for it to chase me.
MS: What is so strange is that [learning about paranormal investigation] has not changed my perception of my experience in the slightest. Whether that’s the reality or not. It is still something I find dark and terrifying.
CJ: I think you would answer this differently now than you did then: what do you think it was?
We discussed this by text for a while. I mentioned being intrigued that Something Dark wanted to be cold (but apparently was not able to make the room cold). My sister—having agreed to be quoted here—said, "I kinda hope to avoid someone being like 'you had a demon in your house,'" as she doesn't really feel like that's what it was. Her gut feeling (and, bear in mind, we are working off nothing but feelings here) is that it was a spirit or ghost: something formerly human. We agree that it seemed male in some way (again: a Chocula).
And you're probably thinking, This is total bullshit. And it probably is! I'm not claiming any of this to be real evidence! I just find it interesting that we somehow came up with the same bullshit.
CJ: It just fascinates me that I did not experience 90% of this, and yet I got a strong enough whiff of it that I’m like, yeah, I can see it
But what about the female presence, the one I went off to color with in the middle of the night?
2. Rebecca
MS: I didn’t find out you had done the ouija board until we were adults. You didn’t tell me when we were kids
MS: That’s why I was SO shocked when we talked at the dinner table.
See, I was convinced that I had told her about my ouija adventures when I was a teenager, and "What about Rebecca??" flowed really well in the first post. That conversation was already a bit fictionalized in order to condense it from what I remembered—that's how memoirs work, really, unless you have actual transcripts of your life and room to include them. You're telling a story. I thought I was telling a condensed version of a true story. And yet, I do remember how shocked my sister was at dinner that night. And she would have only been seven or eight when I was messing around with that shit. Those two things do support the idea that I wouldn't have told her.
MS: You did tell me skeletons lived in my closet tho
I told you I was kind of a shit.
CJ: when I told you about Rebecca, what was your reaction?
MS: That’s when I went white. Bc I realized we had had a similar experience and I wasn’t just crazy
CJ: The thing is, I WOULD HAVE SWORN I had told you about Rebecca when we were younger
MS: If you did you didn’t name her and that’s why it was nuts when I realized 2 decades later we pulled the same name and we both remembered it.
We did it again, too—I posted briefly about putting this whole saga together, and how my sister asked me to give the ghost a pseudonym (ghosts deserve privacy too). And in trying to think of a good replacement, we both came up with "Rebecca."
CJ: so how did you know the [original] name?
MS: Ouija board with [best friend, redacted] in the playroom when I was like 13. She cried the whole time. We both thought the other was moving [the planchette].
You'll remember the weird, windowless, sky-blue playroom with the scary door from the previous post.
MS: But she was crying so she wouldn’t have been. And I would have never pulled out the name [Not Actually Rebecca]
MS: There was part of me that wonders if I did it but I would have NEVER chosen Rebecca
CJ: So did I bring Rebecca up first in this conversation [at dinner in 2019], or did you? I did?
MS: You said it first. I would have never [told you first] cuz I would have thought you were placating me. Like I’d never really know if you weren’t just agreeing with me
And that's when my sister had "stared at me, saucer-eyed, pale. Like I'm not sure I had ever seen anyone 'go white' until that moment." And I had told her about getting up at midnight and going to color in the weird playroom, and someone else being in there with me, no big deal.
After all this discussion, we do think that Rebecca was briefly my "imaginary friend," but our mom told me to stop talking about that. Not because our mom was spooked, but because she felt like it was rude for me to talk about someone I was presumably making up in front of company. So that stopped. Thinking back on it, I just felt like someone was sitting next to me on the couch. I didn't feel anyone next to me; when I looked, I felt like I could see where... someone was not? The space that someone invisible was taking up? It felt like something reasonably friendly. "Chill" is the word I keep using. Not super eager or possessive, just like a girl who was a bit older, maybe a teenager, a babysitter age, who liked me well enough. There was some dark shit in the attic, apparently—it did feel very oppressive in there—but I would get a sense that a metaphorical desk lamp had been turned on. A presence that stayed back, relaxed, but emanated "hey, I'm here."
What my sister and I agreed on was that we remembered how these "feelings" were both vague and memorable. I can't remember events or chronology accurately, but I remember the actual sensations and presences very, very clearly. They resist reinterpretation. I can't sit here and say, "Oh, Rebecca was totally a guardian angel, I see that now." The Something Dark sounds functionally demonic, but my sister doesn't feel like that's accurate. (If anything, she gets a sense that this could have been a malicious uncle—not father—of some kind to Rebecca, if the two beings were related: particular in their vagueness.) These two presences just... were. My sister says she primarily sensed Rebecca outdoors in our backyard, when we were pretending (were we?) to play with fairies. I didn't sense Rebecca there—but then, I wasn't aware that what I sensed was a someone, not for another thirty years or so. My oblivious ass was up at midnight filling in my She-Ra coloring book with a ghost like, "Yeah, I'm alone in the dark for no reason, this is normal." It's only in retrospect that I recognize atmospheric feelings as things that actually took up space, and I don't know how I didn't see it at the time. I can't explain that, and I can't ask you to believe it. All I know is that my sister still feels very traumatized by her experience of it—and I can't explain why I don't.
I think one of the reasons paranormal investigation shows don't scare me a whole lot is because so much of the "evidence" is random knocks and creaks and movements and vibes, and I'm like, yeah, I've lived in two houses now like that. The door of my current bedroom opens and closes on its own all the time. It's probably a draft from the ventilation system (which does not have CO leaks anymore) (probably). I've seen something at this house that a lot of people might call a shadow person, but I was probably imagining it. So many of these ghost shows just have things that I grew up with and didn't even think a whole lot of at the time; I seem to be protected by a +3 Sphere of Sure, That's Fine. Is my current house also haunted? I honestly don't know. Would I notice if it was?
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sweetwhispersofchaos · 9 months
Top Gun Threesomeissance 2023
My deepest apologies to @sushiwriterhere for how late this is, but it's done and posted and I thank you for inspiring me to stretch my writing skills and creative process with this one. I tried to take an unconventional direction with your prompt so I hope it's not too left field for folks. I had fun either way ;)
I literally wrote this, read through it once, and posted it. So be gentle.
Summary: Bob hasn't been intimate in a very long time and now that someone has caught his eye, hes panicking. He needs an education and Phoenix and her girlfriend are all too happy to oblige. Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female Reader x Natasha "Phoenix" Trace Length: 6K Warnings: Smut. So. Much. Smut. Bob Fucks. Phoenix Fucks. (MINORS DNI)
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After the uranium mission, Bob and Phoenix returned to their original units at Lemoore. This time, though, as friends rather than strangers. They ate lunch together often, went out with friends on the weekends, and had a standing date to watch movies and eat junk food at Phoenix’s apartment every Wednesday night. Often you would join your girlfriend and her new BFF for Wednesday night movie night when you didn’t have to work. Bob made for a great third wheel to your dynamic duo and you both loved having him around.
One Wednesday though, Bob showed up for movie night, soaked from the rain with his own dark clouds shading his normally happy, shining eyes. Something was obviously bothering him as he stumbled into the foyer, fumbling with a grocery bag while trying to kick off his squishy tennis shoes.
“What happened to you?” Phoenix asked as she came in from the kitchen to take the bag while you returned with a towel.
“I’m just havin’ a day is all. Sorry for the mess.” He took the towel from you with a sullen expression of gratitude and moved further into the apartment.
Luckily, he was over so often that he had some spare clothing and comfort items in the guest room. Bob went to change while you and Phoenix prepped the living room with chip bags, beers, and a soda for Bob. You were just pulling up Netflix when he returned, looking almost worse than he did at the door. He walked over to the couch and flopped down next to Phoenix. Her dark eyes met yours where you stood in the middle of the living room with the TV controller. You both shared similar looks of concern and the movie was suddenly forgotten.
Phoenix spoke up as you turned and sat on the floor in front of where she and Bob were on the couch.
“Ok buddy, somethings obviously up. You were fine when we left the hangar earlier. What gives?”
Bob let out a sigh and rotated his head until his neck cracked. There was a war happening inside his head and you could tell he wasn’t sure whether to unleash it or not. You reached your hand out and rested it on his knee, trying to reassure him.
“Whatever it is, we’re here for you. It can’t be that bad.” You said gently.
Bob huffed a sarcastic laugh and reached up to rub his face vigorously with both hands under his glasses. He then growled and threw his hands up in the air in defeat.
“Fine. I’ll tell yall. But you gotta promise not to make fun of me.”
You shared another questioning look with Phoenix then she put her arm around his shoulders. “Bob, we would never make fun of you.”
“That’s absolutely not true. You both picked on me for two weeks over the vomit incident at Six Flags.” He accused.
“That was different, and you know it, Floyd. This seems serious, so spill it.” Phoenix said with a squeeze to his shoulders.
“Yall remember Rebecca? The gorgeous red head we met last month at the farmer’s market?”
You and Phoenix both nodded wordlessly while staring at him intently to continue.
“We’ve been on a couple of dates now and I really like her. I mean, really like her.” He said emphatically.
When neither of you spoke up, he huffed again and continued. Beads of sweat were starting to pearl on his forehead as he became more and more visibly nervous.
“Uh, well. I invited her over to my place for dinner this weekend.”
“What!? Bob! That’s awesome!” Phoenix shouted as she practically leapt off the couch. She smiled brilliantly at him, and you smiled at her enthusiasm for her friend.
“No. You don’t understand. She’s coming to my apartment. Alone. At nighttime.”
Phoenix smiled even bigger. “Bob, I’m pretty sure we understand the intentions of this mission.”
He looked up at her with disdain and you realized something about this so called mission was really troubling him, so you spoke up. “Babe. Calm down.” You said with a small laugh at the sour expression Nat gave you.
“Phoenix. Look. I’m not a virgin, but, uh,” he hesitated “it was my high school girlfriend. We were together for 3 years. We did it. Then she broke up with me when I left for college.” He looked between you both with a wounded puppy expression as he sank further into the couch.
“Robert James Floyd. Are you telling me you haven’t had sex in a decade?” Phoenix asked as she placed her hands on her hips. Most likely she didn’t mean for it to sound as accusatory as it did, but you intervened quickly, nonetheless.
“Bob” you started with as gentle a tone as you could muster “have you had any physical encounters with a woman since your high school girlfriend?”
His face began to flush bright red, and you watched Phoenix's dark eyes go wide with shock. She regained her seat next to him on the couch and grabbed one of his large hands in both of her much smaller ones. You were thankful that she calmed down before he ran screaming into the torrential downpour outside.
He cleared his throat “I’ve had a few make out sessions but nothing concrete. I was so focused on school and then training that the opportunity never presented itself. Who wants the geeky guy, right? Next thing I knew a decade had passed and here I am, thirty years old with the chance for intimacy right in front of me and I’m freaking out. I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure where to put my hands or mouth or anything. How do I know she’s enjoying it? What do I do if she isn’t? She’s so perfect and I want things to be perfect for her and I just know I’ll mess this up. Arggghhh” he grunted as he stood, pulling his hands through his hair. He started pacing around the room, almost making you dizzy from your seat on the floor. This was a truly conflicted man and you felt so bad for him. He obviously cared about this woman and his want to be good for her was endearing.  
While he walked around the room continuing to rant about his lack of carnal knowledge of the female species, your eyes once again connected with Nat’s, and you could see her gears were turning. Nothing good ever came from the plotting expression she was now wearing while deep in thought. Nat slid onto the floor and came to a stop on all fours next to you. She raised her hand to whisper an idea into your ear and you whipped around to look at her with surprise. Her eyes implored you and she shook her ass in the air, enticing you. You considered her proposition for a moment more before whispering to her “Doesn’t hurt to offer I suppose.”
Phoenix smiled then sat back on her heels before rising. She held out her hands to you and pulled you up, her arms wrapping around your waist once on your feet. She placed a chaste kiss to your cheek then released you, entirely too much excitement gleaming in her eyes. Just as Bob turned to pace back Phoenix stepped up, blocking his path and bringing him to a halt. You were always amused by their comical height difference. Bob’s frantic eyes looked down into the smirking face of Phoenix as she placed both hands on his chest.
“Bob. We have a plan. So, take a breath.” He stared at her, then looked over at you, then back to Phoenix, looking more perplexed than ever.
“A plan?”
“Yup. No movie tonight. Instead, we’re going to teach you.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, brought up short as he began to realize what she meant by her statement. Phoenix slid her hands across his chest, down his long arms, and intertwined her fingers into his with a reassuring expression.
Bob stammered “But, uh, Phee” he choked on a chuckle “I. Teach me?” he finally asked. You closed the gap between you and your girlfriend, placing your body flush to her back and reaching around to wrap your hands around their connected ones. You smiled at Bob as his eyes met yours. “Let us help you, Bob.” You implored gently “Nat’s bi, I’m gay. I can guide you while she handles the physical aspects. We wouldn’t be doing anything we weren’t comfortable with. But we won’t do this if you aren’t comfortable.”
“Yeah, and just consider it a maneuvers exercise like work.” Phoenix interjected. “Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make me cum. But this time the enemy is a friendly and we’re going to walk you through it step by step. End of the night you’ve gained experience, we’ve all had a fun night we can laugh about another decade from now, and you pounce Rebecca this weekend knowing exactly what you need to do!”
You just knew Bob was going to pass out. He was sweating profusely now, his eyes darting between yours and Nat’s as you both squeezed his hands firmly. In the silence something seemed to come to him suddenly. His eyes focused again, and his lips closed into a thin line.
“Wouldn’t this be like cheating on Rebecca?”
He had a point, you thought, but Phoenix jumped in always ready with an answer.
“Have you and Rebecca discussed exclusivity yet?” She asked.
“Well, no, we haven’t. We’ve been on exactly two dates, and I know she’s seen someone else during that time. So, I guess, the answer would be, no? But I'm hoping to impress her this weekend so we can discuss being exclusive, and I feel like this is my one shot to do it.”
You felt a little relief with his answer. You wouldn’t want anything to ruin the friendship your girlfriend had developed with Bob.
“Sounds good to me. Besides. We do this as an educational exercise, blame the alcohol that we haven’t actually consumed, and tell no one. But only if you’re comfortable and trust us. We can always bust out some anatomy charts and porn if you’d prefer?” You rolled your eyes at your girlfriends’ suggestion although you knew she was serious. When it came to facing a difficult task, she was nothing if not methodical with her plan of attack.  
“Bob. The most important part of this is that you are relaxed and willing. If at any time you aren’t, we can stop.” You added for reassurance as you slid your hands up Natashas’ arms then rested them gently on her shoulders.
Bob started to speak then stopped. His eye lids slammed shut and he took a deep breath, obviously working through the tennis match in his head. Then, something seemed to click for Bob. All the lines on his face relaxed and as he opened his baby blues, the clouds seemed to roll out. He stood up a little taller, his hands still intertwined with Nat’s, and he nodded once.
“Ok yeah. Let’s do it.”
You smiled at him as Nat reached up and gave him a gentle peck on the cheek.
“Let’s do it indeed.” She mused then flashed you a sassy smile as she led Bob down the hall by one hand to her room. You just shook your head with a grin and followed them. Your girlfriend had an insatiable appetite for physical touch, and you weren’t the least bit surprised she was willing to be the sacrificial lamb for Bobs sexual awakening. You just hoped she would be gentle with him. At least a little, anyways.
Phoenix dropped Bobs hand once everyone was in the room and moved over to a Bluetooth speaker on her dresser. She flipped it on, and soft music began to quietly fill the room as she placed her phone on the stand next to it. Bob stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, just watching Nat as she swept around the room lighting a few candles and drawing the curtains. She spoke as she flitted around. "First lesson Bob. Set the mood."
You closed the bedroom door behind you and looked up at the imploring blue eyes that were staring at you.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me, uh, you know. Doing, you know, this, with your girl?” he whispered to you.
You gave him a gentle smile. “Bob, that woman right there lives for physical touch. She will have her way with you and then have her way with me because she’ll be so revved up, so I’ll win in the end as well. Trust me, I’m totally ok with this.” And you winked as you brushed past him.
Phoenix turned from the curtains just as you moved into her space and wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her close. She giggled slightly before your lips were gently massaging hers in a deep kiss. You pulled back and looked into her chocolate eyes. “Nat, go easy on him. Try not to scare the poor boy.” You whispered quietly into her lips. She only giggled again then shimmied out of your embrace and slinked to the middle of the room where Bob was still standing hunched like a cornered mouse.
Phoenix ran her hand across Bobs lower back as she moved around his side to face him, grinning like a cat toying with her prey the whole time. You quietly moved to the other side of the king size bed, stripped down to your basic black bra and panties, and sat up against the wrought iron headboard.
Phoenix looked past Bob and scoffed. “Oh, not fair! You’re distracting me already!” she pouted. Bob looked over at you, flushed red, then averted his eyes again. You just shook your head with a small laugh. “Phee, concentrate. You’ll get your turn with me later.” Her smile grew wider before she turned her focus back to Bob.
“Ok Bob let’s talk making the first moves. Think of this like our pre-flight check list. You’re in the cockpit and it's time to warm up the engines and prep for go. You’re going to take charge of the situation just like you do when we’re getting ready to fly. So, what would be on your checklist to get things started in a sexual situation?”
You stifled a snort behind your hand as you watched Bob turn bright crimson, and begin to stammer with wide eyes. Phoenix looked at you quizzically. “What? I thought I’d put this in terms he would understand.” She said defensively.
“Natasha. He’s not working on an airplane. Do you want him to treat you like one? Rebecca? Maybe soften your tactic just a little babe?” you implored through a weary grin.
Phoenix huffed then blew a loose strand out of her face. “Fine.” She said bluntly before looking up at Bob. “Sorry.”
“S’ok Phee.” He croaked.
“Bob, you still ok?” you asked, wanting to protect him every step of the way.
“Yeah, I’m good.” he said as he hesitantly slid his hands around Nat’s shoulders then down her back, enveloping her in his broad wingspan. Her face registered disbelief at his sudden boldness, then her arms wrapped around his waist, and she smiled up at him. You grinned too. “Good boy.” Nat cooed and bob let out a nervous chuckle. “Now what do you want to do to me?” she asked.
He took in a breath then answered on the exhale. “I’d like to kiss you.”
“That sounds like a great first step Bob. Go ahead and kiss her.” You encouraged gently.
Bob leaned down and connected his lips to Natashas. It was extremely hesitant at first but then Phoenix leaned in reassuringly and he began to deepen the kiss. You watched as their tongues started to dance. “Nat how does that kiss feel?” you asked.
Never breaking apart, Natasha moaned into Bobs mouth, and you watched with pride as Bob slid his hands down her sides, letting them come to rest on her ass. Another moan escaped from Phoenix, and you praised Bob. “Very good Bob. Did you hear her moan? That’s a good sign. Keep going.”
Bob broke their kiss and released Phoenix, a whimper falling from her mouth. Before she could protest though, Bob removed his glasses, tossing them to the side. He reached behind his head with one hand and pulled his shirt off in one swift move. He may not have been your cup of tea but even you were impressed with the agility of the shirt removal and the taught abs he kept hidden away. “That was hot Bob. Right Nat? Wasn’t that hot?”
Natasha said nothing though, only smirked wickedly. She drank in the sight of Bob in nothing but his jeans as she ran her fingers over his stomach, tracing the lines of his muscles. “Oh, that was very hot.” She oozed and licked her lips. Bob seemed spurred on by her reaction, pulling her back in for another long and sloppy kiss. Maybe a little too sloppy. “Bobby, try to keep the kisses softer, less moisture.” You watched as he swallowed and backed his tongue off a little, choosing to nip gently at her bottom lip before dipping his tongue into her mouth slowly. Natasha moaned again and something in your own abdomen jumped. God damn your girlfriend made the most beautiful noises when she was enjoying herself.
“You have her attention, Bob. Take advantage of that.”
He broke the kiss again, staring into Phees eyes as his hands gently grabbed the hem of the black oversized t-shirt she was wearing. As he began to lift it, you decided this was a great teaching moment.
“Bob, hang on.” You instructed calmly and he did, looking up at you anxiously. You continued. “This is a perfect chance to build some anticipation. Before you rip her shirt off, skim your hands along her skin as you raise it. Let your hands wander and build some electricity. Appreciate her body and she’ll appreciate you.” He nodded once then began kissing Nat again as his hands slid under the hem and across her smooth stomach. You watched intently as his large hands glided down her sides and her hips then slid around to her bare ass. He gave her cheeks a gentle squeeze and both he and Nat let out almost matching whimpers. You smirked, pleased to have a student who learned quickly.
“She has a great ass, huh Bob?” you asked, and he nodded into their kiss. “Tell her. Complement her.”
Bob let his kisses wander up from her mouth, across her cheek, to her ear lobe then he whispered into Nat’s ear “God I love your ass.” And he squeezed it again. Natasha let her head roll back with a moan and you realized you were starting to feel a little warm. You loved her ass too.
With her neck exposed, Bob trailed kisses down from her ear all the way to the sensitive spot where her neck met her collar bone. You decided Bob didn’t give himself enough credit, he was doing a good job relaxing and following instinct. You knew Natasha wasn’t faking with her little kitten purrs as he worked the spot with quick licks and nibbles. It was becoming harder for you to remain an impartial instructor in this activity, you couldn’t help it, Natashas pleasure gave you pleasure, no matter how she was getting it.
His hands moved from her ass and began to lift the shirt, unhurriedly. Bob skimmed his fingers along the soft skin of Natashas hips and sides, stopping the assault on her neck to remove the black fabric completely. She stood there in a purple thong and bra you were sure made Bob’s heart skip a few beats at the same time yours did.
“Phoenix” he whispered adoringly. “You’re incredible. I just want to. I want to…” he trailed off while holding her hands and looking up and down her body in appreciation.
“She is so gorgeous, isn’t she Bob?” you asked huskily. “What is it you want to do? Don’t tell me, show us.”
He didn’t have to be told twice. Bob let go of Nat’s hands and cupped her breasts over her bra. He leaned down and placed a languid kiss on the top of one and then the other. Nat ran her hands through his hair and sighed. “Yes Bob, you’re doing so good baby boy. You’re making her feel so good.” You hummed.
“Bobby, take the bra off. I want more.” She begged and you watched as he turned her around quickly, pulling her into his body, eager to please. Bob bent down to suck on the sensitive spot in the crook of her neck while his hands slid her straps down her arms. He then stood and worked the clasps of the bra until they sprang apart, and the bra dropped down her arms and landed on the floor.
“Baby you have beautiful breasts. Bob, how would you show her you like them?” He looked up from behind her, his eyes dark with lust, and gave you a smirk, before his large hands wrapped around and cupped both of Natashas breasts firmly. Nat gasped as he began to knead her breasts, letting her head rest against his chest.
You were starting to feel moisture between your legs. Watching Bob work Natashas breasts, pinching her nipples and tugging on them was making you delightfully jealous but you tried to remain focused on his education.
Natasha was rubbing up against Bob as he worked her chest, moaning and running her hands along the outside of his thighs. You were starting to salivate at the sight of her squirming. Then Bob shocked both of you. He removed a hand from one of Nats breasts, put his two middle fingers in her mouth and she began to suck on them. A rush of heat ran up your spine.
“Very nice Bob, so hot. Now what are you going to do with those soaked fingers?”
Bobs eyes met yours as he removed his damp fingers from Natashas slutty mouth and quickly slid them into the top of her panties. Before either of you knew what was happening, he had run his slick fingers along her folds, causing Natasha to buck against him and release a loud pant. You squeezed your legs together, trying to calm the burning sensation rising between your own legs. You watched as his large arm snaked around her torso, holding her in place while his other worked her slit. You could see the wet spot growing in her thong and it was almost more than you could handle. You had to shake your head to remain focused on the job.
Natasha let out several moans then panted “Bob, God, oh Bobby. I want more.”
You smirked. She was so frantic, and you loved it. “She wants more Bobby, what are you going to give her? Get on your knees and slowly pull her panties down. Torture her.”
He did as he was told, dropping to his knees. He cupped her ass and lathered one of her ass cheeks with a wet kiss that made her moan with a grin. God that ass did things to you and your vision was starting to blur. Bobs fingertips dragged deliberately up the outside of her legs, ankle to waist, then even more slowly pulled her thong down to the floor. You were salivating at the sight of your beautiful girl standing bare and writhing in front of you.
“Bob, you’re doing so good. Can you hear all the small pants and moans she’s making?” He nodded his head as he stood, his hands roaming all over Natashas soft skin. “That’s how you know you’re doing a good job. She’s warmed up and ready for you, time to take things to the next step.”  
Natasha swung around and made quick work of his zipper, being careful not to catch his very large erection. She pulled down his jeans and briefs in one quick movement, releasing his large cock into the cool air with a gasp. You could see her eyes glistening with enjoyment. Your baby girl loved cock and you knew poor Bob was in a little bit of trouble. Nat got on her knees and began to suck him, hard, cupping his balls with one hand while the other braced on his thigh. Bobs hands instinctively grabbed on to Nats hair as his breaths became loud and ragged. He let out a loud “Oh shit” and looked at you shocked as Nat took him all the way in.
You smirked at him. “Bob, are you enjoying her mouth? If so, tell her. Complement her good work.”
He was now thrusting into Phoenix’s mouth while tugging on her hair, his mouth agape as he struggled for breath. His eyes drifted from yours down to hers and between pants he did just as he was instructed.
“Nat that feels amazing. Suck me, just like that.” And then his head lolled back as Natasha worked her magic.
“Bob, do you want to cum in her mouth? Or somewhere else? You asked and he growled as his head flopped forward to look at Nat again while she worked.
“I want to cum in her gorgeous pussy.” He let out through his forced breathing.
He was getting the hang of this. You knew how much fun Nat had working a cock with her mouth and that if you didn’t stop her now this would all end too quickly. “Natasha honey” you said and she slowed her ministrations before releasing Bobs cock with a loud pop.
She looked over her shoulder at you sheepishly. “Sorry babe, I got carried away.”
“Bob, help her up. Take charge. You know what you want next, make it happen.”
He bent down slightly and grabbed Nat’s wrists before yanking her up to him. Her body crashed into his and he began kissing her again. His arms snaked around her body and pulled her in even closer. The sweet sounds coming from her mouth had you squirming. You wanted to kiss that mouth so bad right now. Squeezing your thighs together wasn’t helping anymore, so you slid your hands into your underwear and began rubbing your mound to find some friction. You sighed and Bobs eyes opened. He took in the sight of you working your bud and his eyes widened while he still kissed Phoenix.
“Don’t worry about me Bobby, focus on her. You’re doing great.”
What happened next happened so fast you almost missed it. Bobs hands reached under Nat’s ass and lifted her off the ground. Two steps and he had her flung onto the bed on her back. Before either of you could say anything, Bob laid on his stomach and began kissing the inside of Natashas thighs, first one and then the other. Her head was now lying next to you on the mattress, and she smiled at you with so much heat in her brown orbs.
“Baby, I think he’s a fast learner.” She hissed as his mouth began to lap at the outside of her smooth slit.
“I think you’re right sweet girl.” You said with a smile before reaching over to gently remove some hair from Natashas forehead. You continued to rub yourself, enjoying every saccharine sound falling from your girlfriend’s mouth.
“God I want this pussy so bad. Tell me Natasha. Tell me I can eat your pussy?” Bob practically growled from between her tanned legs. Nat bucked her hips as she grabbed his hair and pulled him all the way in, his tongue beginning an all-out assault of her clit. Her back arched and you couldn’t help yourself. Your free hand grabbed a handful of Natashas right breast and began to knead it. She was making a range of feral noises now that had you pick up the pace in your own underwear.
“Bob, Bob, yes Bob. Right there, that’s perfect. Suck my clit, oh oh yes like that. Ughh” her back was arching now and you knew she was getting close. Natasha loved nothing more than having her pussy eaten. It was your favorite thing to do to her and you had to focus on something else to keep from joining Bob on the action.
“Shes getting close Bob. Fuck her. Let her cum on your cock.” You instructed as you removed your hand from Natashas breast. He lapped a few more times at her opening before sliding up her body and layering her breasts with kisses and nips of his teeth. Natashas hands were everywhere, his hair, scratching his shoulders and biceps. Natasha was a babbling mess of want and need.
“Robert Floyd if you don’t fuck me now I’ll, I’ll” Nat trailed off as he moved the head of his cock to her maidenhead. Bob’s face hovered over Nats briefly before he looked up at you, his face searching for permission.
“Make her feel good Bob.” You nudged and that was all the encouragement he needed. Bob slid his cock into Natasha and she let out a loud moan that sent your head spiraling. You needed more relief than this, you were so wet. As Bob began moving in and out of Natasha you reached over to the bedside table and pulled out your tiny bullet, pressing the button and practically shoving it down your panties. The buzzing went unnoticed as Bob and Nat continued to fuck on the bed next to you.
“Don’t let things get stale Bob, move her legs, let her feel you at different angles.” Bob growled into the crook of Natashas neck before he pushed back onto his knees. He threw Natashas legs onto his shoulders and grabbed her hips, lifting her up as he started to pick up the pace, bumping into her pussy with more pressure. She was becoming a loud, vulgar mess, practically screaming obscenities as her hands grabbed ahold of the bars above her head. The mess in your own panties grew with every shout Nat released into the thick air as you moved the bullet back and forth over your sensitive nub.
“Phoenix, cum baby. Cum on my cock.” Bob bellowed. He released her hips and grabbed each of her ankles. He spread her legs wide and really leaned into the fucking. Natasha just gasped repeatedly, no longer forming any words.  You knew she was close when she became incoherent like this.
“That’s it Bobby, let her have it. She’s ready. Make her cum.”
Bob released one of Natashas legs and put his fingers in her mouth to lick before moving them to her clit and rubbing fast and furiously on it while fucking her hard. A few moments later and Natasha was grabbing at anything and everything as she hollered out her orgasm. “I’m gonna cum. Oh yes Bob fuck I’m coming.” She let out the deepest, most feral screech as Bob fucked her through it. You were close to your own release and could practically see stars now. You realized Bob was looking at you while he continued to move in and out of Nat, slowing his pace. “She’s such a good girl. You’re so lucky.” He huffed and you looked down into her ravaged eyes as you quietly came, creaming all over your bullet. You leaned in to kiss her smoothly before looking back up at Bob.
“Don’t forget to take care of yourself Bob. You did so good getting Natasha there. Now move her how you want her so you can cum.” Natasha whimpered while Bob looked briefly contemplative. Then he removed his cock and hooked his finger in the air, beckoning Natasha to rise to him. Slowly and with wet matted hair, she did as she was told. With both on their knees he kissed her lightly, cupping her face, before he used his hands to work her around and onto all fours, her perfect ass up in the air.  Natasha was practically face to face with you now and grinning through a haze.
As Bob slid into her pussy, Natasha whispered up at you “This was a great idea.” Then Bob grabbed her hair in one hand and her hip in the other and began pounding into her. You watched Nats face melt into anguished pleasure as Bob began to rumble into the void. With her eyes firmly locked on yours Bob shouted “Fuck yeah” as he came hard into your girlfriend’s pussy. His body continued to push back and forth with his release. As he slowed his pace, he freed Natasha's’ hair, and you moved in to give her a gentle kiss. Bob leaned down, still attached to Phoenix, and peppered her shoulder blades and upper back with light kisses. Bob whispered into Natashas back “Thank you.” Then he slid out of her and sat back so that she could collapse onto the pillows next to you.
Natasha giggled, rolling over onto her side. “Come here, handsome.” And she motioned for him to lay down behind her. Bob did as he was told, molding his front to her back and wrapping his arm around her stomach as his head hit the pillow behind hers. You chuckled at the sight. Your girl was quite proud of herself, and you knew that once Bob left you would get to have your way with her as well. It was going to be a long night for your needy girl.
“Bobby, I think you’re ready to take Rebecca for a ride. How do you feel?” you asked. He had his face buried in Natashas hair at the base of her neck and he rolled back just enough to look at you. A goofy grin met his lips. “I can’t fucking wait.” And all three of you laughed.
“She won’t know what hit her.” Natasha added as she wriggled back into him further. “Also, this is the best part. The snuggles and praise after its over.”
He raised his head to prop it up in his hand and with a peck on her cheek he said “Thank you for sharing yourself with me. I feel much better about this now, and you were so perfect. You’re both excellent teachers. I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without this. What was I thinking?” Natashas grin grew even bigger.
“Don’t sell yourself short anymore Bob. Just like in the air, you’re a 10 in the sack. Gave all new meaning to don't think, just do." He shared a look with you and you both shook your heads with a laugh. He kissed her shoulder again, then got up and dressed, placing his glasses on his face last. In the dim light he came around the bed and kissed the top of your head, thanking you once again for your help. As he made his way back around the bed to head for the door, Natasha sat up and grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Bob” she said coyly with a sinful expression, “If things don’t work out with Rebecca, I don’t mind doing this again. If you ever need or want extra practice.” He just shook his head and smirked. You shared a look with him that communicated the same thing: This woman was wonderful and also going to be the death of you both. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.
“Remember, this didn’t happen. See you tomorrow, Nat.” And with a wink he left the two of you alone in the room.
“Natasha Trace, you are so bad.” You said with a playful pinch to her side. She rolled over laughing and grabbed you until you were anchored on top of her.
“I know. And you love me for it. Now get over here and show much how much you love me for it.” And you did. All night long.
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willalove75 · 11 months
Keeley bring the biggest shipper of Rebecca and reader ☺️
Love this! Thank you so much for the request!💕💕
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"Hi babe! . . . My day has been going very well, how's training been? . . . Really? Well that's not surprising. . . I would love to go to dinner tonight! . . . 7? . . . Perfect! . . . See you tonight, I love you!"
Keeley hangs up the phone and you look over her as you lay across the couch in her office. A small blush creeps across her cheeks as she looks down at her phone, smitten with the conversation you presume she just had with Roy.
"You two are so fucking cute."
"Oh stop." Cocking your eyebrow at her, she reconsiders her statement. "I guess we are pretty fucking cute, aren't we?"
"Uh, yeah?! I forget how much I hate being single until I see you two together."
"We should find you someone!"
"Where? On Bantr? No thanks, I've had a lifetime of shitty Bantr dates in less than six months, I'm good."
"Okay, then how about a bar or a club?!"
"I don't know, I hate going out to clubs and I can't imagine I'd find anyone at a bar that isn't looking for a one night stand."
"Hmm..." Keeley hums as she thinks. She pulls out her phone and starts scrolling. "You're looking for a girlfriend, yeah?"
"Any preferences?"
"Not really, I mean I like tall women, blond or brunette I guess, I don't know."
Keeley's eyes widen and she stops scrolling.
"How about age?"
"I mean, I'm not dating someone who's like, 70, or like, 21. Preferably someone at least my age."
"But you don't care if they're older than you?"
"No, not really."
"Keeley Jones you are brilliant." She says to herself. "I can't believe I didn't think of this before!"
"What are you talking about?"
"I know the perfect, mature woman for you. Tall, blond, fit as fuck, she's older than you but I think you two would be perfect for each other."
Keeley turns her phone and you see a picture of Rebecca on her screen.
"You're fucking with me, right?"
"No! You two would be so great together!"
"Keeley! Rebecca?! She is so far out of my league it's embarrassing."
"She is not! Plus, I know she's also been looking for someone and you two already get on great."
"Don't get me wrong, Rebecca is amazing, but why on earth would she want to date me?"
"First of all, you're fit as fuck and you're mature well beyond your years. Secondly, you'd be surprised, Rebecca's taste in women is not what you would expect. Come on, let me at least set you two up on a date!"
"Double date, with you and Roy."
"He'll hate that, but deal!"
"Now shoo, I have some calls to make!" Keeley says, pulling up Rebecca's contact info and calling her.
You head back into your office and plop down into your chair. Keeley is setting you up on a date with Rebecca?! What is happening?!
About 15 minutes later Keeley waltzes into your office with a shit-eating grin on her face.
"Tomorrow night, 6pm!"
"She said yes?"
"Of course she did!"
"Keeley did you tell her who you were setting her up with?"
"Oh look at the time, I have to run!" She says, dashing out of your office.
The following night you, Keeley and Roy get to the restaurant and are seated at your table. Keeley and Roy sit next to each other, leaving Rebecca's seat open next to you. Keeley's face lights up when she see's Rebecca walk into the restaurant.
"She's hereee!" Keeley says.
The knots in your stomach contract, you don't think you've ever been this nervous for a date before. Especially since you know who your date is, but for Rebecca, it's a blind date. You're terrified she's going to see you and laugh out loud and leave. Keeley gets up and pulls Rebecca into a big hug. After taking a deep breath, Roy gives you a nod and you stand up, turning towards the both of them.
"Rebecca, you know y/n, your beautiful date for the night. Y/n, you know Rebecca!"
To your surprise, you think you see Rebecca's face light up when she sees you. A beautiful smile crosses her face and you quickly look her up and down, admiring how her dress perfectly flaunts every curve on her body.
"Y/n, well this is a wonderful surprise!" She says, pulling you into a hug.
You swear you feel like your heart is about to jump out of your chest when you feel her against you.
"You look beautiful." You shyly say.
Rebecca smiles at you, looking into your eyes for a moment.
"Thank you love, you look beautiful as well."
A faint blush crosses your cheeks and the three of you take your seats.
"So was this a blind date for you as well y/n, or was I the only one Keeley was trying to surprise?" Rebecca asks, playfully side-eyeing Keeley.
"I didn't know she didn't tell you until after she already made the plans yesterday." You say.
"Why am I not surprised?" She says with a laugh. "But I was pleasantly surprised to see you, so it seemed to work out pretty well if I do say so myself." She says, flashing a smile your way.
"You two are going to get married, I already know it." Keeley says, matter-of-factly. Rebecca rolls her eyes at her and Keeley continues. "What? I'm serious! I can't believe I didn't think of this before! You two are perfect for each other, just you wait. I know I'm right!"
Both you and Rebecca laugh at Keeley's antics and smile at each other. God she is so beautiful. Her green eyes draw you in, it's hard for you to look away. You finally peel your eyes away from hers before you stare for too long and make it awkward.
Throughout dinner the four of you laugh and chat, you get to know Rebecca a lot better and she gets to learn more about you. The more you learn about her, the more you're inclined to think that Keeley might be right about you two suiting each other.
Keeley tells an embarrassing story of you from when you two were at University together.
"Keeley oh my god no!" You laugh and cover your face with your hands, hiding away from everyone.
"What?! It was too funny, even you think it's hysterical!" She laughs.
"Oh it's okay!" Rebecca laughs as she wraps her arm around you, pulling you into her a little to comfort you. Peeking up, your eyes meet Rebecca's and she playfully scrunches her nose at you. "Holy shit she's so cute." you think to yourself.
The rest of dinner is filled with more laughter and good conversation. Rebecca sneaks off and pays the bill and the four of you decide to walk around a bit after dinner, not quite ready to end the night.
As the four of you walk in pairs down the street, Keeley is walking alongside Roy, their fingers intertwined, and you're walking next to Rebecca. Looking back towards Keeley you don't see the crack in the sidewalk and you trip. Before you're able to fall, Rebecca grabs you and keep you steady.
"Are you okay?" Rebecca asks, you hear the concern in her voice and it makes you swoon a little.
"Yeah, I'm good, I didn't see that. Thank you for saving my ass." You say with a laugh.
"Good, I'm glad you're not hurt." She says with a smile. Her hand travels down your arm and finds yours. A light blush crosses your cheeks as you feel her fingers slide between yours.
The two of you gently hold hands for the rest of the walk, neither of you realizing that Roy and Keeley fell a little ways behind you, giving the two of you some privacy as you chat.
Making your way back to the restaurant, the four of you regroup and talk a little before heading home.
"I must say, this was probably the best blind date I've ever been on." Rebecca says, smiling at you.
"Agreed, even though it really wasn't a blind date for me." You say with a laugh.
"Much better than that last Bantr date you went on a few weeks ago, right?" Keeley asks you.
"Uh, yeah, like a thousand times better."
"Oh no, what happened there?" Rebecca asks.
"She was just fine, a bit of a wet blanket honestly."
"A bit?" Roy says. "She was fucking miserable. I wanted to jump into the river just to get away from her and we only met for five fucking minutes."
You roll your eyes at Roy, which definitely annoys him.
"The both of you have shit taste in dates. The last guy you were seeing that we went out with wasn't much better than that wet blanket." He says, looking at Rebecca. "What is wrong with the both of you? You both deserve someone who makes you feel like you've been stuck by fucking lightening. Don't you dare settle for less."
Both you and Rebecca stand there taking in what Roy just said, your fingers still intertwined.
"And for the record, I Keeley knocked this one out of the fucking park." He says, pointing between the two of you.
Keeley is beaming as you and Rebecca look at each other. She gently squeezes your hand and you smile up at her.
A few weeks go by and you and Rebecca have been on a couple of more dates. As Friday rolls around, you're looking forward to your date with Rebecca, she's coming over to your flat for the first time and you're planning on making her dinner. Just after lunch your cellphone starts ringing, you pull it out and see Rebecca's name on your screen.
"Hi." You can immediately tell from the tone of her voice she's upset.
"Is everything okay?"
"I feel awful, but something came up and now I have to be stuck in the office all night. I'm so sorry, I was really looking forward to tonight."
You can't help but feel disappointed, but you also know how demanding her job is so you understand.
"Hey, it's okay, I get it, no worries at all. We'll just reschedule, okay?"
"Okay. I'm so sorry y/n."
"It's okay! I know it's not your fault."
"Thank you. I have to run, I'll call you later to reschedule?"
"Of course, and absolutely! Don't work too hard, you deserve to give yourself a break once in awhile."
She chuckles on the other end of the line. "I'll try to keep that in mind. I'll talk to you later, bye."
Sitting back in your chair, your phone is resting against your chin with a disappointed look on your face, you see Keeley walk in.
"Oi, what's with the sad face?"
"Oh, nothing, Rebecca had to cancel tonight."
"Oh I'm sorry babe, what happened?"
"She's gonna be stuck in the office because something came up. I feel bad, part of me just wants to show up and keep her company but I don't want to intrude."
"She would love that!"
"You think so? You don't think she would be annoyed if I just show up unannounced?"
"Not at all, I think she would be so excited! What were your original plans tonight?"
"I was gonna make us dinner at my flat."
"Babe you should take the date to her!"
"You think so?"
"Yes! Absolutely!"
"I'll think about it, thanks Keels."
As the day winds down you shoot Rebecca a text before you pack up your things.
How's is going over there?
That good huh? Lol
I'd much rather be getting ready to see you. I'm sorry again.
Hey, it's okay. I'd much rather be able to see you too but I understand. No worries, I promise.
You're amazing, you know that?
I can very easily say the same thing about you 😉
Hehe 😜
Packing up your things with a smile on your face, you decide to follow Keeley's advice and take the date to her. After saying goodnight to everyone, you rush home and quickly whip up dinner. Tossing it into takeout containers and along with the bottle of wine you bought and a few cups and plastic cutlery, you put everything into a bag and head over to Nelson Road.
Walking into the building you're greeted by the security guard at the front.
"Hi, I'm here to see Rebecca."
"Do you have an appointment?"
"Uh, no. It's more of a surprise visit." You say, holding up the bag with a small smile.
The guard gives you a look.
"We had dinner plans, but she got caught up here, so, I decided to bring it to her." You say, shyly.
"Do you know how to get to her office?"
"Uh, I actually don't."
"Down that way, take the staircase on the left, her office is at the top of the stairs."
"Thank you."
Walking down the hall, you admire the display cases filled with Richmond's history. You get to the staircase and make your way up to her office.
Her office door is closed, you put your ear to the door to see if you can hear anything and although the noise is faint, you can hear her inside. Gently knocking on the door, you hear a "come in." She sounds a little annoyed, so you take a deep breath and slowly open the door.
Stepping into her office, Rebecca's face changes from a "who's bothering me right now?" look to a happily surprised look. Her usually pristine hair is pulled up into a messy ponytail, she had kicked her heels off and her legs are curled under her on her desk chair and her glasses are perched on the bridge of her nose.
"Y/n, what are you doing here?"
"I felt bad that you had to be here so late, and I figured you probably didn't eat yet, so I brought you dinner."
Walking up to her desk, you can see her eyes gloss over, as if no one has ever went out of their way for her like this before. She stands up and puts her glasses on her desk and walks over to you. Even without heels she still towers over you. Closing the distance between the two of you, Rebecca wraps her arms around you and pulls you in for probably one of the best hugs you've ever had in your life.
"Thank you." She says softly as she holds you.
"Of course."
Pulling apart just a little, Rebecca cups your face with one of her hands and looks into your eyes with wonder.
"Nothing," she says, shaking her head. "it's just, no one has ever done something like this for me before."
"Are you serious? Never?"
"I don't think so, if anyone did, it was a very, very long time ago."
"Well anyone who had the opportunity to do something like this for you but didn't sucks. This is the least I could do to help make your day a little better."
"I adore you."
"I adore you as well Rebecca."
Looking into Rebecca's gorgeous green eyes, you find yourself getting lost in them. Everything around you disappears when you look into her eyes, you feel your heartbeat begin to race as you wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her closer to you. Rebecca bends down towards you and you close your eyes. A bolt of electricity shoots through your body when your lips finally meet for the first time, you truly feel like you've been struck by lightening. Her lips are soft and warm against yours, just like you had imagined them to be. Nothing about this kiss was disappointing to you, you almost never wanted it to end.
When your lips finally part you look into her eyes again with a smile on your face.
"You hungry?"
She leads you to the couch and you pull out the takeout containers, the cups, cutlery and the wine from the bag.
"This smells amazing, what is it?"
"I made your favorite."
Rebecca looks at you with another look of surprise.
"You did?" She says in disbelief.
"Yes! You told me what it was a few weeks ago and I stored it in the back of my mind, so when we were talking about having dinner at my place I decided that's what I was going to make. And since we couldn't eat at my place tonight, I figured bringing our date to you was a close enough second option."
"You're amazing." She says, pulling you in for another kiss. Rebecca kisses you a little harder this time and you kiss her back, matching her energy. Her stomach growls and you two part before the kiss gets any steamier.
"Eat, I'm sure you're starving."
Rebecca opens the container and closes her eyes when she inhales.
"This smells wonderful."
"I hope it tastes as good as it smells." You say with a laugh.
She loads up her fork and brings the food to her lips, you see her pupils dilate when it makes contact with her tongue.
"Fuck me!" She says, covering her mouth.
A little taken back, you let out a giggle and you feel your cheeks blush.
"I guess that means you like it?" You playfully say.
"Mhm." She says as she chews. "This is fucking delicious. You made this?"
"Yup! I like to cook, I've never made this before, but I'm happy with how it came out." You say as you start to dig into your meal.
Picking the bottle of wine up from the table you gesture to Rebecca.
"Fuck yes, please."
You giggle and pour the wine into two cups and hand Rebecca hers.
"What shall we cheers to?" You ask.
"To a wonderful date night, with my wonderful girlfriend."
Your heart leaps out of your chest for a moment.
"Your girlfriend?" You ask, a little in shock.
"Yes, well I'm not seeing anyone else, are you?"
"No, not at all."
"And I don't plan on seeing anyone else for a long time." She says with a smile.
"Neither do I." You smile back at her.
You cheers and take a sip of your drinks. The rest of the night is filled with laughter, a good meal, wine, and Rebecca still managed to get some work done. Even when she had you curl up into her lap while she sat at her desk.
Both you and Rebecca decided to keep the officialization of your relationship under wraps for a few weeks while you both got into a groove.
Keeley asked you to tag along to Richmond for a meeting, which you happily agreed to. Not only did you enjoy the people that worked there, you got to see Rebecca, which was always something you looked forward to.
The two of you walk into Rebecca's office and you see Roy, Ted, Higgins, Coach Beard, a couple of the players and Rebecca.
"Hello my favorite Richmond peeps!" Keeley says as you walk in.
"Hi!" You say, waving to everyone as you all greet each other.
Rebecca walks straight up to you and wraps her arms tightly around you, you both relax in the embrace. It's only been a couple of days since you last saw each other, but you both hate not being able to see each other every day.
"Hi love." She whispers as she holds you.
"I missed you." You whisper back.
When you two finally part you turn to see that everyone is staring at the two of you, Keeley with a shit-eating grin on her face. You feel your cheeks turning red and Rebecca looks down at you and sees you blushing. She wraps her arm around you and holds you close.
"Oh for fucks sake just admit it." Roy says, breaking the silence.
Rebecca rolls her eyes and looks at you, you nod at her with a smile on your face.
"Alright, fine, we're together. Happy?"
"YES!" Keeley screams. "I'm so fucking good at this!"
Most of the people in the room cheer and a few groan as a couple of the players hand money to those who were cheering.
"Did you guys seriously make bets on us?!" You ask.
"Fuck yeah," Roy says, taking money from Isaac. "it was easy money too."
"Well, I'm happy for ya boss, you two seem mighty smitten with each other." Ted says.
"I'd say so." She says, looking down at you.
"Me too."
Rebecca cups your face and kisses you in front of everyone, you feel your cheeks burning in her hand but you kiss her back as everyone cheers.
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N Sewell's Big Secret - A Theory
So, I've been replaying N's route lately and an epiphany came to me last night when I was playing the end of Book 3.
It's in Book 2 I believe that you can ask Nate if he's ever killed someone while talking to him about how old he is. He frowns for a minute and says, "Not with my own hands, no."
Weird, right? After what we see in the mirror at the carnival, when he says he got turned at sea, it's clear that the image in the mirror was of that time right after he got turned. He's covered in blood, surrounded by bodies while wearing a British Royal Navy uniform.
Originally, since Falk declared N Not Guilty, I assumed that perhaps N had come to terms with the reaction they had to being a newly turned vampire. I thought maybe they'd lost control and slaughtered the men of the ship, or perhaps they'd been attacked and defended themself. A sort of Jekyll + Hyde situation where N doesn't consider their frenzied state to be truly Them.
And then we get into Book 3, and it's really clear that N has not been to therapy enough to not blame themself if they'd killed that many people. They're overprotective and selfless to the point of self sacrifice for the slightest inconvenience and they blame themself for any little inconvenience that befalls MC. Clearly, they are not well-adjusted enough to separate something that happened in desperation and fear from who they truly are.
This put me on the back foot, trying to figure out what that could mean. If you are dating N, they tell you about their brother, M*lton, who was killed by vampires. They tell you about joining the Navy to seek revenge or to at least find out what happened to their brother. Makes sense.
The moment that made my theory CLICK in my head happens at the end of the book, if you ignore Rebecca's idea and go alone to the auction.
So, you get captured and the auctioneer person tries to sell you off for your blood. Just like the other 3 routes, N will come to rescue you at the auction, and they have a brief spat with someone in the audience who tries to outbid them.
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[ID included on screenshot.]
This moment I originally thought was a pheromone thing. It doesn't seem like just a threat, as Nate seems visibly shaken and weakened by whatever it is he did. Also, the strange way the supernatural responds seems to suggest some kind of influence.
And then it hit me --- "Not with my own hands, no."
N's power is some kind of mind control / suggestion ability.
They never killed anyone with their own hands because they told the pirates / vampires to kill each other or kill themselves.
The theme of control comes up several times in N's route. N prides themself on being very in control of their body and their emotions, keeps their wants hidden and their true feelings locked firmly away beyond anything that is pleasant or kind. It makes me wonder if, aside from being able to influence people on command, if they can accidentally influence people when they get too emotional.
I also think it might require touch to really make the power work. They constantly keep their hands in their pockets and, while this is a normal enough idle motion, the fact that they touched the supernatural here and often put their hands in their pockets / withdraw touch when having a disagreement with someone suggests it might have something to do with it.
The amount of trust that UB must have in N when they have a power like that is enormous. It also sheds new light on the arguments that N and A often get into, as it seems that if N really wanted to, they could get their way every time via this weird power.
It also sheds new light on Rebecca's concern for N and MC. The assumption that MC is immune to this ability is there, but there's always the chance that they aren't, and Rebecca being worried about N forcing MC into doing things via suggestion seems to be very real.
It also makes me wonder if N has ever tested out whether their suggestion works on MC, or if they've thought about it with something small. Makes me wonder if we are entirely immune or if there's going to be some caveat like with M and their pheromones causing MC pain.
EITHER WAY, I feel like I figured it out. I'm losing my mind with the implications of it all.
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my-soupy-brain · 3 months
I’m obsessed with anything you write about y/n taking care of Ted and him being surprised because he’s not used to it!!! warms and breaks my heart at the same time
I'm in a caregiver mood for that man at any hour of the day. So how about some cute blurbs about exactly that? Ted deserves love and care. So let's gooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: Mostly comfort, a little smut
Ted smiled when he opened his eyes, and saw you standing over him with a cup of hot cocoa.
He hadn't felt well when he went to bed, his throat a little scratchy which he chalked up to yelling too much on the pitch.
"'Mornin,' sugar," Ted muttered, his voice a little ragged.
"Shh, don't sit up. I let Rebecca know you're taking today off. I have some toast and eggs for you if you're hungry. Stay there though, rest."
Ted nods, his dark eyes wide like a doe, watching you leave the room and fix him a plate of food.
He was feeling...itchy. He needs to get up. He should go to work. Just muscle through this cold like he usually does. Moments later, you come back to the room with a tray of food and a cool rag.
"I took, your temperature and you've got a small fever. Take some medicine and we'll see if we can break it, hm?"
The washcloth is cooling on his head, and he takes a sip of cocoa on his scratchy throat, eating a piece of toast...
This is new. Very new.
Someone taking care of him. Loving him. He was raised that, in order to be a man, he has to buck up and pull on the bootstraps. Michelle didn't leave much space for him when he was in need.
But you do.
When you're quietly putting laundry away while he naps, you sigh.
How far you and Ted have come. How he still balks at the care you give him. But deep down, he deserves it. You hope he believes you when you say that to him.
Ted's eyes blink open from his slumber.
"Y/N," he says quietly. "Thank you..."
You turn and approach the bed, sitting on the edge and running your fingers through his soft, brown hair.
"Sleep, my love," you whisper. Ted nods, and then asks: "Join me?"
He doesn't ask for cuddles. He's always been big spoon until you. You started wrapping him in your arms and he fell in love with the sensation.
So you scoot in behind him on the bed, roping your arms around him, kissing his warm shoulder, pulling the blanket up over you both, while he drifts softly back to sleep.
A week later, Ted has a busy few days at work. Practice is tough with a major match around the corner. He's barely able to sneak out to meet you for coffee.
One day in his office, he hears a knock on the door. A delivery man. From a local eatery.
"Ted...Lasso?" the man says, reading the card.
"Yeah, that's me!" Ted smiles. The delivery man nods, bringing in two trays of sandwiches, boxes of crisps, and some fluffy croissants.
Ted looks at the food placed on his desk.
"That from the boss?" Beard asks. Ted looks for a card and finds it, reading it aloud.
"Darling -- Don't work too hard. Here's some food and goodies to keep you all on your toes. I love you. xoxox - Y/N"
Ted feels tears pricking his eyes. Again, never in his life has someone gone on out of their way to care for him. No lectures about long hours. No guilt trips. Just you, being there when he needs to be here.
"You've got a good one, Ted," Beard says, eating a croissant and patting his friend on the shoulder. Even Roy lets a grin creep at seeing Ted's happiness.
That night, Ted scoops you into his arms as soon as he gets home.
"I don't know how I got so damn lucky," he murmurs to your hair, his arms caging you close. "You got outta your way to care for me in ways I didn't know..."
You hush him a little for that.
"It's not out of my way though, Ted. It's just loving you. Loving you is easy," you reply, and his dark eyes sparkle. He kisses you passionately, his tongue tracing your lips, his hands gliding under your shirt. You giggle at how hard he breathes, how needy he sounds.
"Sugarbutt, aren't you tired from a long day?" you ask sweetly, teasihng, and Ted backs you into the bed, laying you down and climbing over you, one hand working open his belt.
"Ain't too tired to show my favorite person how in love I am," he murmurs, smiling, his mustache tickling down your neck while his hand runs up and down your body.
You can't help but moan, no point in trying to chide him anymore.
When his fingers tug your pants down, he smiles knowingly into the kiss, his fingertips between your thighs, feeling the heat you're releasing there.
"Ted...." you moan, your body shivering at his touch and his breath.
"You've been takin' care of me all week, honey," he murmurs, lips kissing gently down your neck and collarbone. "Let me take care of you now..."
His fingers sneak in the leg band of your underwear and he strokes you gently, watching your hips buck.
"Yeah, I'mma make you feel so good," he rumbles to himself, his lips kissing your soft thighs. "You're so good, I'mm make you feel good..."
As his fingers are replaced by his cock, you let him take care of you. The pace is up to him but he does it just how you like. The depth is up to him, but he still knows what you like.
Soon the room is a chorus of moans and sweet things being murmured between the two of you. His arms keep your close, your lips meld together like they're meant to.
He makes you see stars, his hands clutching you as your eyes roll back. He smiles, because this is the least he can do for how good you make him feel.
And that includes how good you make him feel when he moans your name as he follows you over the peak.
It's a competition in care: the way he touches you and cleans you up, the way your hands stroke up and down his back...
You'll never really one-up caring for each other. But you're damn sure gonna keep spoiling Ted Lasso to your heart's content.
That was fun. He's so damn cute. Could do a list of headcanons for this probably. He DESERVES so much love and TLC. Awww, Teddy. Thanks for the prompt, friend!
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its-in-the-woods · 20 days
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Chapter 3 of down the rabbit hole
Chapter one here , two here , four here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/warnings? IDK: Will just keep mature okay. Minors get out. Heavy mention of alcohol, blackouts, drunken shenanigans, hints at SA, awkwardness,
Slow build like novel damn length okay, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
WARNING I do not have this all written out, I do have it plotted out, but it may be a little slower for chapters to come out. Please bear with me. If you know a Beta to edit please send them to me.
Thank you all for the support! This gets cute and flirty. Let me know what you think. ***
The bar is a hole-in-the-wall place, with the fifteen or so crew and four actors the place is packed. It’s laid out with a bar at the front, couches, and comfortable chairs in the back. You find a spot closer to the back, a gin and tonic in hand. Trevor is talking with Decon at the front, the two men are practically making out. You chuckle and sip your drink. Rebecca from Costumes sits beside you, the woman is all fluid grace. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” She smiles and sips her drink, short hair with sides buzzed, various botanical tattoos draping down her shoulder. Piercing brown eyes and a soft face that always had a small smile. She was draped in all black, which was of course fitted perfectly. 
“It’s going pretty good, nice to get out after a long week.” You reply, watching people mill around the place. You knew almost everyone here, aside from a couple of the extras. Most folks were chatting and drinks were flowing. 
“Oh man, it sure has. I am happy they stuck me in the studio for the next week.” 
“I will take the studio over driving any day. The city is atrocious to get around on a good day. Add in construction I would rather take the studio regularly.” You reply, having lived here for close to a decade and there was never not construction. You weren’t even sure what the construction was for anymore. 
The two of you chit-chat for a while, going over different projects. Discussing a little about the union politics and the fact that the industry was saturated because of the fifteen film schools. It’s nice, even welcomed. You’re now on your third drink and the world is getting a little tipsy. Rebecca has moved over, and Neal from props is talking to you. He was discussing some builds he was looking at doing for a Sci-fi show coming up at the end of the year. You listened intently, you had always loved props and had considered moving to that department at some point. 
The night carries on, you are buzzed now. The realization that you are going to need to get an Uber is at the front of your mind. You make your way to the bar in sesrch for some much needed water. When you look over to see Trevor grinning and moving towards you. 
“Hey sweety,” He says, words tripping over each other. The man was also as drunk as you are. “Me and Decon are gonna probably share an Uber to his place. Do you want to catch a ride with us?’
His eyes are bright if a little fuzzy, Decon is staring at him with hunger in his face. You can’t blame the man Trevor was fine as hell. If he wasn’t gay as a unicorn, you’d be tempted. 
“Umm, I am pretty sure that you both live at the other end of town from me,” You are surprised you can actually remember where Trevor lives, much less that Decon was in the same area.
“Oh. Well,” His face screwed up like he was trying to solve world hunger and not how to get home. 
Walton emerges from the groups of people, his face is slightly flushed, but out of all of them, he is probably the least inebriated. He takes in the three of you, you can see the wheels turning. 
“What is going on, if you’re arranging a three-way I will have to excuse myself, I hate being a fourth wheel,” The man chuckles at his own joke, Decon looks slightly confused looking between all of you. 
You let out a small snort, “No, just figuring out rides home. I live in the opposite direction of these two.” You gesture to the two men who are heavily leaning against each other. 
“Nonsense, I will make sure you get home safely,” Walton says looking at both of them. “You two lovebirds go and have a wild night. I will make sure the lady will get home.”
“You sure Mr.Goggins,” Decon asks, he is a good head shorter than Trevor but built thicker with shaggy blonde hair.
“Walton,” He smiles, “Definitely, she will be taken care of.”
“The lady also agrees,” You sigh, leaning slightly against the older man. You can feel how warm he is, it’s hard not to rest against him
“Okay,” Trevor chuckles, “Have fun, don’t do anything I would do. Or. You know do.”  
You watch Trevor and Decon stumble out of the bar. Part of you is jealous that they had someone to go home to. You relax and going to find yourself a spot on the couch. A moment later Walton slid in beside you. You’re happy your face is already flushed from the alcohol as his thighs touch yours. 
“Hey,” He says in a hushed tone, sipping of what smells faintly of scotch. He hands you a glass of water which you greatly appreciate. 
“Hey,” You reply, meeting his gaze. “How are you fairing?”
He smiles and looks around the room, “Honestly, I am kind of over it.”  
You giggle looking around at the same time. A few people had left, some people lingered in groups, and a few had divided into pairs. The mood has chilled out a little, the music dropped down a few notches. It’s comfortable and cozy, but that might be liquor. 
“It could be worse, we could have to work tomorrow.” You look back at him. The man was now staring at you as if every word you said was important. You fail to hold his gaze, damn liquor was making you melt.
“Mmm but at least I’d get to hang out with you,” He said with a crooked smile gracing his lips. You were pretty positive the man new the effect he had on you. 
“Oh stop,” You giggle, shaking your head and taking another sip of water.  “I know you enjoy the days off as much as any of us.”
“Suppose I do, it doesn't change the fact I like getting to spend time with you.” The Southern slipping in, making you almost choke on your drink. 
You roll your eyes but relax beside him, part of you just wants to lean against his chest and let the alcohol relax your inhibitions. You both talk about traveling, you had spent a few months traveling around the Philippines, Taiwan, and Korea. He talked about being in Japan, and China. Sharing info on some of the favorite foods you had a chance to eat, and how you both looked forward to traveling again in the future. You decide in haze to have a few more drinks, as the two of you continue to chat about the future. 
When the bartender calls closing you go to stand and the whole world spins around. You nearly fall over but someone grabs you before it all goes dark. 
Light is peering around the blinds, and you groan at the splitting headache and nausea filling your already foggy brain. Reaching around you find the side table, a bottle of Tylenol, and a glass of water. You take two tablets and bury yourself under the covers, falling into a restless sleep. 
There is more light now, and though your headache is marginally better you still feel like you’ve been run over by a truck. Blinking a few times you realize you’re not in your room. This room is fairly close to the size of the apartment you live in. The walls are basic contractor beige with generic artwork. There is a closet, two side tables, a darkened bathroom, and a chair near the end of the bed where you can see your jacket and purse sitting on it. Your phone is on the side table, plugged in, beside you along with a powerade and glass of water. Swinging yourself out of bed you are grateful to see you are still dressed, sans shoes, socks, and your jacket. Your clothes are uncomfortable but not as if they had been taken off and put back on. You straighten yourself a bit, rubbing your aching forehead. You grab the water and drink most of it. It makes your stomach lurch and for a moment you briefly wonder if the water is going to come back up. 
Settled, you quietly walk over to the attached bathroom. You don’t bother turning on the light, already knowing that you look like hell. You grab a face towel and wash what was left of last night's eyeliner and mascara off.  Making sure to clean the towel well so that it doesn’t stain. You take out your braids and rub at your sore scalp. Giving yourself a moment on the toilet before washing up and rubbing more cold water on your face. You feel a little more human than when you walk back to the room. That cold stone of anxiety rolls around and you try and push it away. Whoever had brought you here hadn’t done anything. You were currently safe and could catch an Uber home. 
Gathering up your things and the bottle of Powerade you slowly open the door. There is the faint sound of music coming from down the hallway. You tiptoe down the way hoping to see a front door to slip out of. At the end of the hallway, the place opened up into a kitchen/living room area. A man was standing in the kitchen singing the song that was playing. The door out was across from the kitchen.  
It wasn’t just any man, it was Walton. Hair fluffed up, wearing a pair of christmas pjs, and white cotton top. Singing and dancing around the kitchen. You freeze and wonder if you should go back into the bedroom and throw yourself out the window. Maybe there would be a fire escape, or maybe you’d just let yourself be swallowed up by the pavement instead of facing him. Letting out a small breath you push yourself into the light of the day, feeling completely at a loss. You weren’t going to be able to sneak out, might as well get the awkwardness over with. 
“Umm. Hey,” You squeak, placing your things onto a chair at the small dining table. 
Walton jumps and turns back to you, his glasses nearly falling off his face,a brief moment of fear is erased by a big smile. “Hey! You’re up. Sorry, did I wake you?” Pushing up his glasses with the back of his wrist. 
You shake your head taking a small sip out of your bottle. The smell of bacon and pancakes makes your stomach growl. How you could be both be hungry and hungover should be studied by scientists.
“No, I am usually up early.”  You give a weake smile. It was true, even on your days off you were usually up between seven and eight. 
“I made breakfast?” He looks so out of place and nervous, pointing to a couple of plates. His usual charisma was replaced with jittery energy. Then again you’d probably be nervous too if one of your drunk co-workers slept at your house.
“That sounds amazing.” You say grabbing both full plates and taking them over to the table. You have no idea what the hell you’re doing, all you wanted to do was leave. At the same time, you were not going to turn him down. The thought of him being disappointed was worse than the awkwardness of staying. 
He slips into the seat beside you handing you a fork and knife, placing some maple syrup on the table. Getting up, again, to grab two mugs and the pot of coffee, he whirls around the place grabbing some cream and sugar too. 
“Thank you, umm for breakfast,” You say, not really sure how to feel about the whole situation. You had very hazy memory about the rest of your evening at the bar. Most of it was just blank. “How did I end up here?”
Walton’s face falls as he looks at you, “Oh, shit. I should have told you. Probably don’t remember coming here.”
You nod your head, suppressing a smile at how flustered he is.
“I tried to bring you home, but you won’t give me your address or wallet. Kept saying you weren’t bringing home ‘no random man’. Kept trying to convince me to just put you in a cab .” 
You laugh at that. “Of course I did.”
“Trevor wasn’t answering so we brought you here. Ahh- I promise nothing happened. I just took off your shoes cause they looked uncomfortable. Plus socks in bed always feel weird.” The jumble of words spilled out as he looked at you for reassurance. 
Your hand finds itself resting on top of his wrist. “Thank you, I appreciate you not leaving me at the bar.” It was kind of him, most people would have just dropped you into a cab and be done with it. But of course, Walton would make sure everyone got home safe, the man was gentleman. 
Walton looks shocked at the last statement. His hand slips up and takes yours. It feels weirdly natural, his larger hand engulfing yours as he rubs his thumb of your fingers absentmindly.
“Oh no. I would never leave you- at a random spot.” He says quickly adding the last bit as his cheeks go slightly pink. You briefly wonder why he would be so flustered, you wouldn’t have blamed him for just letting you take a cab. 
“You're a good man and the food smells amazing.” You smile back, squeezing his hand slightly. It felt so easy just to sit here at the table holding hands. 
Both of you dig into the food, and despite still feeling hungover the food hits the spot. Walton explained as best he could the rest of the night.  You had apparently also hit Leonard, his driver when the man had held your waist trying to help you into the vehicle.
“I will make sure to apologize to him on Monday.” You make a face. “Probably a good reason for me not to go out so much.”
Walton looks taken aback by this, “Leo will be more than fine. I can guarantee he has dealt with the worst. Plus besides that, you were very much welcome company.” 
“Still though.” You shake your head. You grab his plate and stack it before bringing it to the sink. 
The habit of putting things into the dishwasher is in full effect. You help him clean up, and it all feels much too easy. You take a sip of water, the headache still lingers and all you really want is a shower and some sleep. Silently you scold yourself for letting the night get away from you. You had never been a bigger drinker to begin with, and letting yourself get black-out drunk was not exactly something you wanted on your resume. 
“Thank you for- umm- looking after me. I should really get going.” You say feeling flustered, thinking about the fact that you’d love to just crawl into bed with him. Let him tell you stories of his travels as you drift off to sleep. Maybe you could both have a shower and then-
“Can I drive you home?” Walton wakes you from your daydream. “If you are comfortable with me knowing where you live-”
You blink a few times, trying to get your brains to string a few words together. “Oh no, I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’ve already done so much for me.”
He shrugs, “It’s really not a big deal. I promise” 
Your resolve crumbles, what were you supposed to do to disappoint him and say no? No there was not disappointing this sweet man. You’d do near anything just to see him smile. 
Walton drives you home, you’re surprised he drives something as utilitarian as a Toyota  4runner. At the same time, who are you to judge, you have been driving the same Honda Accord for almost a decade. You both chat about the city, Walton seems enamored with the mountains, so close to the sea, and tons of places to explore. You talk about your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and Walton recommends a few decent bars. The chatter is easy, it’s always been easy you realize. The pace and flow were as if you had been talking to him for years ike you were old friends. 
“That’s me,” You say with a weak smile, the idea of having to go home wasn’t as appealing. Your tiny little studio apartment, with its leaky windows and smoke-smelling hallways. At the same time, you know you can’t stay in the vehicle all weekend. 
“So it is,” Walton says, he looks almost as disappointed as you do. “What time should I pick up Monday?”
Taken aback by the question you look at him with your mouth open.
“Your car is still at the studio.” He replies that little mischievous glint in his eye. You wonder if this was his plan all along. 
“Oh. Dang-it. It’s alright I will catch a bus.” You say, trying not to be dismissive but also not wanting to bother him. Realistically he probably had better things to do then pick you up. 
“No. I insist. I was the one that invited you to the bar.”  Walton states a small smile growing as he watches you. You realize that you aren’t going to be able to say no to him, and at the same time, you don’t want to either. 
“I will be outside around 6 am if that works?”
His smile widens, making your heart do little backflips, “Sounds good, I will see you then.”
Chapter four
*This was so much fun to write. I am excited to see where things go next! As always likes comments reblogs are greatly appreciated .*
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ariscats · 2 months
Jameson analyzes part 2: Traumas (or a very long rant against Emily Laughin, who I cant be bother to learn how to spell her last name)
“Cause I've made some real big mistakes/ But you make the worst one look fine/ I should've known it was strange/ You only come out at night/ I used to think I was smart/ But you made me look so naive/ The way you sold me for parts/ As you sunk your teeth into me, oh/ Bloodsucker, famefucker/ Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire”
So there is this girl, who comes at his house every summer and has a heart diesse. She cant live so everyone has to do whatever she asks to make it up for it. Then one day she gets a surgery and now she gets to live, and who is her ticket to living? Jameson and Grayson.
Emily is his first kiss. However, 3 seconds after SHE KISSES HIS BROTHER WHO HE ALREADY INSECURE ABOUT BECAUSE OF HIS F. GRANDFATHER. And you have to be pretty dumd to not realize that what emily really wanted in the scene is Grayson to kiss her and she just used Jameson because she could (I still can’t believe that Emily did “loved” Gray more than Jameson).
Then she moves to his city and goes to his school. And, as far as a bitch she is, she must have been rl something because she became the most popular girl at school.
(Now, this is where things get tricky. I’m going to use the version fo what I believe happened. If you have another version you can picture like that)
Then they start dating. They borh want to live and do things because they can rather because they should. She got her golden ticket to freedom and he got the attention he’s been craving his whole life. They do everything together because she wants more and he wants more and nothing is never enough for them. So Jameson takes her to do everything they have the right to because Jameson is, at te end of the day, a good boyfriend.
But, its still not enough for Emily. Because she goes after fucking Grayson AND HE DOES THE SAME TING AS JAMESON BECAUSE THEY ARE THE OPOSITE SIDE OF THE SAME COIN.
Then they start fighting. Best friends for their whole life, but they slowly start to hate each other because fucking Emily turned everything INTO A GAME, MAKING LOVE A GAME THE SAME WAY TJEIR FAMILY HAS BEEN TRAUMATAZING THEM THEIR WHOLE LIFES. AND SHE KEEPS A FUCKING SCORE OF WHO HAS MORE POINTS, BY VOICE RECORDING.
Then one beautifull day Rebecca decides that betrayl by both ends doesnt hurts and tells Jameson about the scores and sends him the audio Emily made.
Jameson Hawthorne had to listen the girl he ruined his life for for over a year sumarize him and his love as some points. He breaks up with her, and she decides to go after Grayson. And then she jumps. But he is also there, because love and family are never that simple and jameson is a tiny bit (read in the level of therapy) of a masochist. And then SHE BLINKS AND LAUGHS AT HIM AND WHEN HE FINALLY MANAGES TO GO AWAY SHE START HAVING HEART PROBLEMS. BUT SHE HAS PLAYED HIM SO MUCH THAT HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT REALITY IS ANYMORE, and she hadnt had any heart problems for the past 4 years. So he leaves and she dies, and hell breakes lose.
He lost a girl he has know his whole life. He just “learned” that his love arent worth more than some points, he just got out of a increadibly toxic relasionship that ruined his life. The healthy thing would have been if he had some safe space to talk about what Emily did to him and have a strong support system. But everyone he knows is muroning her. They see her as an angle, so everything she did to him goes under the traps because how do you even dare to say something about dear angle Emily. And he has to live with the fact that he belives he killed her. And he cant also talk about anyone about that, for obvious reasons (but his grandfather knows and uses that against him).
Remember what I said about him being a masochist? Now is the era of his great self destruction (with an almost suicide attempt there, that his grandfather was present again and used that agaisnt him, *again*). Its all buttom up in him and he feels angry and sad and nothing. And between these 3, he chose anger. Also, Thea blames the Hawthorne for a death they didnt cause because who dares to say something bad about angles emily? So she puts the whole school agaisnt him and makes school unberable to him. Everyone likes to joke about Jameson missing school but has anyone ever wondered why he hated there so much? He didnt skiped class because he was a rebel 😝🤘but because everyone f. hated him and made his life hell.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 months
Unexpectedly Yours: Part 10
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Warning: Rupert Mannion and his grossness
Series Masterlist
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Roy is frozen, seeing his former fiancé in front of him for the first time in years.
The woman gives a shy smile, "It's-It's nice to see you. I wasn't expecting to see you here."
Roy continues to stare at the woman with a dumbfound look. You decided to step forward and curtsy, "Good evening, my lady. I'm Lady Y/N L/N."
Georgina bows, "Duchess Georgina of Cumberland."
"It's an honor to be here with you, Your Grace."
"Thank you, Lady L/N. I hope you and Lord Kent enjoy your night," the duchess picks up her dress and continues to wander the ballroom.
"Roy?" you look at the man with concern.
"I need air," he grumbles and turns on his heel, heading towards the gardens without a care of if you were following him or not.
You hurry behind your future husband and out the door towards the gardens. As soon as the cool air hits, you gasp at the crispness. You stay behind Roy and take in his state. He's tense, his fists are clenched into tight fists.
You carefully and cautiously make your way up to him, placing a gentle hand on his arm, "Do you want to talk about it?"
At your touch, his shoulders slump, "Did you know she and I were engaged?"
You nod, "I heard rumors. You were in love and then she caught the eye of Duke Rupert Mannion of Stratford. She broke off the engagement. They were married a month later."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
He turns to you, brows furrowed in confusion, "Are you not upset?"
"Why would I be?"
"That I still feel this way about her?"
You shrug, "I suppose I understand why you're taken back by her presence. She's caused you a great deal of pain. You loved her and she hurt you."
He nods, "I did love her," he slips his hand into yours, "But not like how I love you."
You feel your chest swell and you softly smile at him, "I'll admit that does make me feel very prideful."
He chuckles and leans in, kissing your head, "I'll be okay. Promise. She just took me by surprise. Besides, I'm sure her presence along with the Duke's will take the attention away from us, hm?"
You let out a deep breath, "God, I hope so."
You were actually enjoying yourself. Roy danced with you as many times as you liked and kept by your side at all times. Only twice did he let you out of his sight and it was so that Jamie could dance with you.
Fortunately, as Roy would hope, the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland took the spotlight away from you and Roy. However, you couldn't help but catch a few ladies whispering about Roy's previous engagement to Georgina. It took every bit of you to not scold the women for gossiping about your future husband. Again, you didn't want to bring attention to yourself tonight, so you refrained yourself from doing so.
You and Roy were having some polite chatter with Lady Rebecca Welton, the hostess of tonight's ball, when a man came up to her.
"Becca, darling, thank you again for the invite of tonight. My lovely duchess and I have had a wonderful time."
You can see how uncomfortable Lady Rebecca felt, yet she smiled, "Of course, Rupert. It's been wonderful to see you and the duchess."
Rupert then turns to you, "Oh hello," he shoots you a grin that makes you incredibly uncomfortable, "Rupert Mannion, Duke of Stratford."
You curtsy, "Lady Y/N, your grace."
The older man notes your arm around Roy's and his grin grows, "Oh. She yours, Kent?"
"We're engaged, yes," Roy responds plainly.
Rupert chuckles, "Interesting. Thought you'd never marry after I stole my lovely Gina's heart."
Your eyes shoot to Georgina and she winces, placing a hand on the duke's arm, "Darling, why don't we get some air?"
The man pushes her off, "I don't need air."
"I want some air, darling."
Rupert sighs, "Very well." He gives Roy and Lady Rebecca a nod and you a wink, before dragging Georgina to the gardens for air.
Once out of earshot, Roy turns to Rebecca and says, "I can't believe you were married to that prick."
"Roy! You can't-wait," you look at Rebecca, "You were married to him?!"
Lady Rebecca nods, "Unfortunately. He wasn't all bad at first. I genuinely did love him, but things changed. He changed. Then he saw Georgina and he had our marriage annulled. I suppose they deserve each other with how they left Roy and I in the dust."
You try to gather your thoughts from the information you just received, "Wait. You and Rupert were married. Then he met Georgina, who was engaged with Roy. Then Rupert had your marriage annulled, Georgina broke off the engagement with Roy, and they end up marrying each other."
Roy nods, "Correct."
"Yes, that sounds about right," Rebecca says before sipping more of her lemonade.
You shake your head in disbelief, "That's...awful."
Lady Rebecca sighs, nursing her lemonade, "Yes, well, everything happens for a reason, right? I'm fine and Roy is marrying you," she leans closer to you and murmurs, "Congratulations, by the way," and shoots you a wink.
"Thank you, Lady Rebecca" you respond.
She waves off the formalities, "Please, just Rebecca is fine." She lifts her glass up to Roy, "Kent, treat her well."
"Will do," he grunts in response and watches as Rebecca waltzes away to continue to mingle with her guests.
"She's lovely. Doesn't seem to very traditional, hm?"
"Not at all," Roy says as he places his hand on your lower back and guides you to Keeley and Jamie, whom seem to be in a heated discussion with one another.
You quicken your step to join your friends, "You lot look like a bunch of gossiping mamas."
Keeley smirks, "To be fair, we were gossiping."
"About?" Roy asks curiously with a thick cocked brow.
"You, m'Lord," Jamie responds with a grin, "And the grand duke and duchess."
Roy rolls his eyes, "I'm fine."
Jamie shrugs, "Didn't ask if you were fine. Just gossiping."
Your future husband's jaw clenches and takes a step towards Jamie, but you step in, "He's just joshing, love."
He immediately looks to you, "Love?"
You immediately feel flustered, "I-I'm sorry. I'll just call you Roy-"
"No, no. Love is fine," his gaze is soft and you feel that light fluttering inside your chest again.
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Hi! I hope you’re doing okay!
This is a very self indulgent request (you do not need to humor it!) but… Leon x a reader who has very bad heart problems.. constant palpitations, heart monitors, constant hospital and doctor visits, and just pure pain and discomfort at the most random times (even worst times.. ie. sex.. out on dates.. ) Obviously reader tries to laugh it off and tells him she’s fine but he’s always worried sick.
Sweetest Anon,
ALL my readers get to be included in any desire they would like!! I will totally do this for you! Just so you know i have very little knowledge on heart problems but tried my hardest for you! I hope you’re doing good and your health stays good angel <3
Warnings: Mentions of heart problems obviously. Slight mentions of smut!!
Who knew Leon Kennedy, the man who has fought for his life and for others far to many times was an actual saint. The best boyfriend anybody could ever ask for.
He always gave you his attention, showering you in affection even in times when you didn’t really deserve it. You felt guilty putting him through so much, or that’s how you phrased it. Leon just saw it as being your lifeline.
Leon cared more about your body than you did, when you first got diagnosed with heart problems after Raccoon City, he sat through every appointment with you, writing stuff down on his notepad as the doctor rambled on about risks and what to do and not. He loves you so much and you’ve always have and always will be his number one priority.
When Chris invited you and Leon to his big house party, celebrating his promotion, you couldn’t say no. Especially seeing the excitement Leon held for his best friend.
Pushing up the chapstick lid, rubbing it on your lips before Leon slid behind you, your hand coming to your chest to signal he scared the actual fuck out of you. His face instantly washing with concern as he gripped your shoulders.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurting? What happened?”
A laugh left your lips as you leaned back, your lips pressing against his cheek as you pushed passed him and out the bathroom.
“You’re ready, yes?”
You asked as you slid your shoes on, looking back at him.
“Yes, but you’re not. Here, take your medicine.”
So that’s what he came into the bathroom for. You sighed shaking your head as you looked up at your boyfriend. He kissed your forehead softly, grabbing the keys off the hook by the kitchen.
“I’ll be in the car!”
He yelled as you stood staring at the medication in your hand.
When you guys finally arrived, Leon ran to your side of the door, pulling it out for you with the widest smile on your face.
Chris saw you guys pull up, the door already opening. Chris was a great friend to you both, and you were so proud of his progress, he has worked TO hard.
“Congrats, Redfield I’m so proud”
You giggled as you gave him a quick side hug and a kiss on the cheek before skipping your way to Claire and Rebecca.
The night went on, to many hours passed. You rested your face in your hands as you closed your eyes. Remembering your doctors words, just focus on your breathing. But your heart was pounding, so hard you felt it in your ears. You cleared your throat, excusing yourself from the couch as you slowly walked to the kitchen where Leon sat with all his friends, your hand slipping over his shoulder. His hand reached up, grabbing at yours, him immediately turning to you as he felt how sweaty you were.
Though he loved Chris, he waved goodbye to everyone in an instant. And the moment you guys got home, he helped you out of your clothes and ran you a bath, his hands running through your hair, his lips gently kissing at your shoulder.
“Leon it’s just a heart monitor.”
You whined, half awake as Leon checked on you once again.
“I know, I know but you know I get so worried.. Let me worry”
Leon mumbled as he turned over from his position on the bed, kissing your lips softly. His arm lifted allowing you to snuggly press back into him.
“Worry all you want, I’m going to bed.”
You mumbled quietly as you rested your head on his chest, instantly soothed by the sound of his beating heart.
“Fuck, Leon..”
The squeal left your lips as Leon’s hips snapped into yours, your hands scrapping down his back. He was so toned and your hands slid so perfectly over every muscle on his back.
Your eyes squeezed shut, your breath hitching as you shook your head and grabbed at Leon’s shoulder.
Your nickname for him, his hips instantly stopping at the sound of your discomfort.
“What’s wrong sweetheart? Did I hurt you?”
Leon spoke, his worried tone very prominent as he pulled himself out of you, pushing hair from your face.
You shook your head as you sat up, your shaky hand pressing against your chest. Leon’s eyes went sad as he scooted next you, watching as the tears built in your eyes.
“Shhh, It’s okay, here let me get you water..”
Leon insisted that you guys go to the spot you guys met, but the restaurant was always so crowded and it made you so moody listening to all the chattering around you when all you want to do is focus on your boyfriend.
But he begged and pushed so much that you finally caved, wearing your nicest outfit. At first you thought he was breaking up with you, by the way the two of you sat in silence in the car, his hand resting on the gear instead of your thigh.
Your stomach started to ache as you twirled your fingers around. The car stopped, Leon reached into the backseat smiling as he handed you a single rose. Just like he did on your first date. You pouted at him before leaning over the center console kissing him softly.
Your dinner went fine, and it was actually quiet, the noise of the soft piano music being heard as you watched Leon finish his wine.
He stared at you so admirably. He sighed shaking his head as he reached into his pocket, digging for awhile before he pulled out a tiny box that looked even more tiny in his big hand. Your eyes went wide as Leon cleared his throat, pulling his chair out.
“I love you, and I think I’m pretty confident I’m going to love you forever, hopefully you’ll love me too.”
Leon laughed as he touched your knee softly.
“I’m not a big attention guy, but, for you I am. Marry me.”
Leon whispered as he stared up at you, your jaw slacked open, no words could describe how you felt. You just nodded your head rapidly, Leon’s twisted face turning into the most beautiful smile as he slipped the ring on your finger, pulling you to his chest, the two of you standing.
He pulled away from you, his hand pressing to your chest as he eagerly sat you down.
“Your heart is racing, do you need more water? Here do you want your medication?”
Leon went reaching for your purse as you laughed grabbing his arm.
“Leon, you just asked me to marry you, of course my heart is going to be jumping out of my chest.. I’m fine..”
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