#this is why i’ve shopped from shein so many times
brattybottomdyke · 1 year
plus size clothing shopping be like: all over floral print, cold shoulder sleeves, peplum hemlines, “witty” love yourself graphic tees, more all over floral print, shapeless dresses, plain black clothes, more all over floral, maxi dresses, peasant tops, more shapeless sweater dresses…oh and don’t forget your Spanx!!!
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taisy22 · 2 years
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loggedbylily · 13 days
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written and edited by lily hayashi. made in relation to 'small girl, big thoughts' podcast, hosted by lily hayashi.
link to related podcast episode here
I feel like we’re in this era of normalisation of overconsumption; with the rapid rise in popularity of fast fashion, brand partnerships and influencers as a method of advertising, haul culture and microtrends. I think consumerism is a very complex, multi-part issue that can’t be ‘fixed’ with one simple solution. As humans, we consume and create waste. There is no way to avoid consuming; we consume media, physical objects, nutrients and knowledge on a daily basis. In my opinion, consumption is not necessarily a negative behaviour, rather an unavoidable human behaviour, however, overconsumption is a larger issue, and we can try to avoid it or minimise it. We just don’t want to. 
So much of the structure of society is built on consumerism. It’s how we make money, how we feed our bodies, how we clothe ourselves. Mindful consumption is possible, but in a world where trends are moving faster than they’ve ever moved before, and fashion is being designed and produced so quickly and at a mass rate (According to Business of Apps ‘SHEIN Revenue and Usage Statistics 2024’, on an average day, SHEIN adds a shocking 2,000 new items to its online store) it’s really hard to be mindful of what you’re consuming, whether it be media or physical objects. As individuals, we do have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and the waste we produce, but it’s also important to remember that these massive corporations are deliberately teaching us to feed into consumerism because it’s literally how they’re making money and what keeps them in business. A company’s primary intention is to make money, and most corporations will do anything to achieve these sales. Even if the clothing they sell ends up in landfill days later, they’re still making the money from the sale, and most of the time, what occurs to their product after that sale isn’t a worry of theirs.
I really wanted to discuss ‘haul culture’ as a big factor in the recent rise in consumerism. According to Statistia, the number of views on TikTok videos in April 2022 with the hashtag #sheinhaul was a total of 4,800,000,000 (Statista, 2022), followed by videos with the hashtag #amazonhaul, which reached a total of 968,000,000 views. Whilst these videos may vary in terms of just how many items are being purchased and shared, they all contribute to this growing culture of ‘hauls’ as opposed to just buying singular items. Cambridge Dictionary defines the verb ‘haul’ (in the context of purchasing) as “all the things someone buys on an occasion when they go shopping”. Whilst there isn’t an exact number of items that qualify for a purchase to be a haul, the word itself in noun form is defined as “to pull or drag something heavy slowly and with great difficulty”, and the verb in the context to stealing is defined as “a usually large amount of something that has been stolen or is illegal”. Although the context of the use of haul on social media is different to the two previous additional definitions, and that a haul nowadays usually links to a purchase rather than theft, it can be summarised that the word ‘haul’ refers to a large quantity of objects in most of its contexts. I’ve noticed that there’s this expectation on social media to showcase moreness; instead of showing just one Dior lip oil, why not showcase your whole collection of Dior makeup? Instead of purchasing just one serum, why not fill up your whole bathroom cabinet with assorted skincare items? Even if the multiple items aren’t necessarily the focal point of the video, you’ll often see them in the background. The influencer isn’t ‘accidentally’ showcasing their collection of expensive products; they’re doing it because owning lots of objects is a sign of wealth and now considered an aspiration. I’ve found that almost every product review video is a haul, and in general, there’s just a huge growth in usage of the word and showcasing of them on social media. The frustrating thing is, if we normalise purchasing large quantities of things we do not need, it means buying singular objects is viewed as boring.
Haul culture is also very rooted in privilege. To be able to afford a large quantity of products, you need to have some kind of financial stability. The normalisation of bulk purchasing means that those who may not have the money to make these kinds of purchases feel insecure or embarrassed, when in reality, these hauls are actually not a good thing at all. Companies like SHEIN offer very cheap-priced (and very low quality) clothing, which has made hauls more accessible to those without a large disposable income. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING! The whole issue with overconsumption is the more you consume, the more waste you produce. Normalising consuming such large quantities of products means subconsciously we’re normalising producing such large quantities of waste. And this haul culture has sparked the massive rise in fast fashion (According to Business of Apps ‘SHEIN Revenue and Usage Statistics 2024’, SHEIN generated $22.7 billion in 2022, a 44% increase on the $15.7 billion it made in 2021) which provides a sort of wear-once-throw-out culture to clothing that just keeps getting progressively worse.
This wear-once culture seen in ultra-fast fashion creates an endless cycle of overconsumption and microtrends. Good On You’s explanation of a ‘microtrend’ is “Micro trends take what you know about trends and accelerate the process: these trends rise to popularity quicker and then leave the trend cycle faster.” (Zhou, 2022). Due to just how quickly trends are moving these days (hence the title microtrends), fast fashion allows individuals to participate in this trend without spending a large amount of money, and due to the lack of quality of these products, it reduces the permanence of this trend, which then makes these microtrends move even faster. It’s a toxic cycle that feeds on overconsumption and haul culture, which in turn, feeds the cycle. 
Overconsumption has also created a culture of consumer self-validation. As humans, we don’t want to do anything wrong, or to be perceived as doing something wrong. We try to validate our actions, both for ourselves and for others. Due to this inbuilt victim complex we all suffer from, we try to validate our purchasing habits in a world that promotes and villainizes consumerism. I’ve heard the sentence “I’ve been wanting this for so long!” or “I’ve been obsessed with this for ages!” used to validate hauls and large, unnecessary purchases so many times in these haul videos. Often, it’s a lie. Did you really want that pair of earrings, or was it just because two weeks ago they became a massive trend? I think it’s actually so much better to be honest about your purchasing habits. We’ve all purchased something because of a trend; it’s okay to participate in trends, that’s literally what they’re fed off. I think it’s just important to do so mindfully. Often, it takes me a little longer to ‘like’ a fashion trend enough to participate in it, and sometimes by the time I do join in, the trend has passed. But I find this little pocket of time gives me a moment to think about whether I actually like this trend; would I wear this again? Is it going to go out of style immediately? Is the product good quality and representative of my personal style? I feel like if people admitted, even just to themselves, that they purchased something because it was popular or trendy, we would become more mindful of our purchasing habits. By validating every purchase, we begin to lose track of what we actually like, and the impacts our actions have.
How can we teach ourselves how to consume mindfully without reinforcing haul culture, microtrends, fast fashion, and feeling guilty?
Take your time. In a world where it’s normalised to want something immediately (and I’m definitely a victim of this), wait a little and properly think over your decision. I struggle with being impatient, but recently, I’ve realised how much more I truly love my purchases when I’ve been thinking about them and building up excitement for them for a longer period of time. Also, it allows you to be mindful; you can consider whether you actually need this or just want it (and also, wanting something is not a bad thing. It’s just good to be mindful of how many of your wants you act upon) and whether it’s reflective of you as a person. 
Trust the thrift gods. Kind of in relation to above, I’ve been trying to build the habit of waiting and letting myself think before making a purchase, and I’ve definitely been rewarded by the thrift gods for my patience these past few times! I purchased the perfect pair of square-toe Mary Janes from a local op-shop the other day for $12; I’d been looking at similar pairs online for months, and I knew they would work with my wardrobe and become a very cute, classic staple.
Remind yourself that consumerism is fuelled by haul culture. Why would a brand only try to sell you one item when it could sell you ten? Remember that those buy-two-get-one 20% off, $20 for two, spend $70 for free shipping deals are just a sneaky attempt to get you to spend more money, and in turn, consume you more. They trick you into thinking you’re missing out on a great deal if you don’t act quickly; you’re not. I’ve been a victim of these kinds of deals before and trust me, when I buy a clothing item for its price rather than its style, I end up wearing it so much less, just because I only really bought it because it was cheap! Same goes for sales; if something you’ve been wanting for a while goes on sale, amazing! But whenever you think of buying something on sale, consider whether you’d buy it full price. Are you getting that top because it’s cute or because it’s $10?
You are not a criminal for consuming. It’s human nature. But try to do so mindfully; you’ll actually feel better as a result of it, and if more people take baby steps to try to avoid overconsumption, that gross, speedy cycle will calm down. In the end, there’s never any harm in slowing down.
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bitchcraftmagic · 2 years
So I’ve been doing the sustainable fashion thing for about five years now and there is always been something about the critique of sustainable fashion that has irked me but I couldn’t pin point what it was, exactly. So many folks talk about how expensive it is and how there aren’t a lot of options for fat people.
And yet, here I am, poor and fat with an ethically sourced wardrobe.
How did I do it, you ask? Well I stopped over consuming and paying that much attention to trends. It was that easy. Do I still look cute? You bet. It’s not hard. There isn’t a big barrier to access except the willingness to change your relationship with fashion and clothing consumption.
I also want to point out, when it comes to the over-consumption of fast fashion it is not the poor and the fat that over consume. We fat people are not buying clothes at the same rate as straight sized people and are not to blame for the larger environmental impact. That’s on the skinny folk. Not us. So stop using my body as a way to avoid accountability for your over consumption of things made with slave labor.
And I realize the irony of typing this out on my iPhone, a product made with exploitive labor. It is something I think about often and in the case of technology that has become vital in these times I have little control. Android isn’t any better. The system we have created is built off of exploitation and sometimes we cannot get out from under that reality. But the refrain of “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism” is both nihilistic and dismissive of those trying their best under this system. Of course collective action is the best way forward but that doesn’t mean we cannot make conscious choices to remove ourselves from the more heinously unethical practices.
Fast fashion is truly one of the most exploitive and unethical aspects of modern day capitalism. And to not look to more ethical means of acquiring clothing is to bend to a wildly cruel industry. And the clothes look like shit! At least on fat folks. I can’t tell you how many hauls I have seen where half of the clothes don’t fit at all. How is that accessible? How is that inclusive? Who does it serve?
Folks working in sustainable and ethical fashion do seem to care deeply about making clothes that work for real human bodies, fat or otherwise. Shops like Tuesday of California, Altar PDX, Nettle Studios, Lovefool and Big Bud Press try very hard to make clothes that fit many types of bodies with comfort in the limitations of standardized sizing. And they do this all while remaining ethical and sustainable. And yes, they are expensive but…that’s the point?
Why is Shein cheap? Why is Target? It’s through massive exploitation. It is cheap because someone is being forced to work for less than a dollar a week. It is cheap because someone is in a building where they lock the doors, where there are no bathrooms, no safety regulations, no breaks. That is the price you don’t see in the dollar amount. Ethical fashion is expensive because they don’t exploit the workers. That’s the reason. It isn’t to lock you, the consumer, out of access. It is to make sure all involved are compensated fairly.
At the end of the day it isn’t all black and white. You are not a bad person for buying clothes from Shein. You are not a good person if you only shop ethically. We are all just people making decisions on a daily basis for our own health and happiness. But I beg you to consider the implications of what you say. To understand that the excuses are not very good ones and if you desire a just world it may take some rethinking and sacrifice on your part.
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thesustainableswap · 4 years
Say Goodbye to Fast Fashion.
For some of us it’s easier said than done. We’ve grown up online, where anything and everything is available to purchase and have delivered to your door within moments. But, it’s time for us to consider just how fair fashion is (short answer, it’s often not). For those constantly shopping for deals, for those trawling websites like wish, shein, boohoo and pretty little thing, for those making the rounds in primark, H&M and even TopShop - it’s time to consider what impact your purchase is having on others.
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I’m sure you remember this absolutely ICONIC moment from the Lizzie McGuire movie, in which Lizzie is shamed by Kate for wearing an outfit she has already worn, thus being the worst of all people: ‘An Outfit Repeater.’ I too once had this fear, feeling like I could not be seen in the same thing twice. With the birth of social media, outfit repeating became even more shameful. You could no longer repeat an outfit for different groups of friends if you had already uploaded a picture in it online. The horror!
Fashion had to adapt to this culture of buying an outfit purely for one event. Starting with weddings, but then seeping into less prestigious life events, 16th birthday’s, proms, random nights out where you attempt to impress a bunch of drunk people you don’t know and will ultimately end with you being sick on the floor. I’ve been there. I feel you. Fashion followed the trend, giving you a one off, single use outfit for every occasion at low low prices.
Cheap labour combined with cheap materials often brings us items that wear down or break easily. Forever on the hunt for bargains, we often fail to see the repercussions of our actions. We are driven by the need to have the newest trends at the most affordable prices. Factory workers and delivery drivers are often on zero hour contracts and given little to no support (see my blog post on why I don’t support Amazon here). Garment makers across the globe earn little and work in poor, unsafe conditions. Once again, Corona virus is highlighting the main issues that come up time and time again across industries, especially the fast fashion industry.
On March 31st, ASOS’ warehouse in Barnsley was open. That warehouse sees up to 4,000 employees. They do not have any protective equipment, they’re dealing with an unclean workplace, they have to be in close proximity with other workers. It’s not like it’s beneficial for a worker to take time off either, as statutory sick pay in the UK stands at £95.85 a week. JD Sports is also still open, with workers there saying their lives are being ‘put at risk.’
Over on Instagram, XR Boycott Fashion have uploaded information on just how much money brands are withholding from garment workers. They write:
“A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Bangladesh, with the fate of 4.1 million garment workers in the hands of western fashion brands, who have reportedly cancelled over $2.8 billion in orders as the COVID19 crisis escalates.” The True Cost Of Brands Not Paying For Orders During The COVID-19 Crisis by Brookes Robert-Islam, Forbes, March 2020.
The production on these garments is completed. The orders fulfilled. These workers should not now have to suffer by waiting for what they are owed. I realise how lucky and fortunate I and many of my friends are - to be in positions where we are working from home, where maybe we have been furloughed, or completely unable to do our job but we are still getting paid for it. I fall into that last category, as I work as an English teacher / childminder here in France. I can’t do that job right now but I am still getting paid (my full wage) because, luckily, France seems to have a good social security system. In the UK a furloughed wage sits at around 80% of what you normally earn. Though, if you’re on that £95 a week... that’s rough. That is certainly not enough to live on. But these garment workers, they are getting nothing. Zero. And despite that, there still seems to be confusion over whether they should be working or not, with workers being called into the factories or trying to get there themselves (risking their lives), traveling on packed vehicles. It seems now that the factories are planning to shut, but that still leaves the workers living in uncertainty.
So let’s name and shame those companies who are withholding payment.
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(Image from XR Boycott Fashion’s instagram page)
I urge anyone reading this. Now, and after Corona virus, really consider where your clothing comes from. Can you be sure that everyone in the supply chain is protected and supported? Are you certain that people are being paid fairly for their work? I’m sure you recognise this headline from 2019, when Missguided sold a bikini for £1. If something is that cheap, then somewhere along the line, someone is suffering.
Join me by swapping out fast fashion companies. Even if you aren’t someone who buys clothes for one event. Even if you (like me) have pieces in your wardrobe that you’ve had from high street brands for years! Pledge to yourself that you will not support them any longer. I use the app Good On You if I see something I like in a shop to check the ethics of the company. If it scores three out of five or less, I don’t buy it. Mend what you already have. Shop secondhand. Check out depop or other similar swapping apps. Companies like this, like ASOS, like Primark... they are only interested in their profit. They will continue to exploit workers for as long as they can. The only way to put a stop to it is to not fund them and speak up against them.
(And, despite what Kate says - Repeat those outfits!)
Until next time,
The Sustainable Swap.
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xmatchaxmochix · 6 years
Help us get my pets and my dumb ass out of my abusive home
Hello. Some of you might know of my circumstances, and some of you might not. I have been trapped in my emotionally (and physically sometimes) abusive home for 23 years, but my escape has been planned for roughly the middle of October. Our plan is having my fiancé come to my hometown and drive cross-country from my country (Spain) to his (France).
Why should I believe you?
Well, it’s complicated for me to prove the abuse but you can read on some abusive things they did to me here and here ; and some abusive and/or neglectful stuff they have done to my pets here here and here.
Why such a complicated plan? Why are you taking the pets with you? Can't you just get them on a plane and fly there?
I am taking my pets because my parents are both neglectful and abusive towards them and it’s not the first time I have one of my pets die at the hands of my family because they made a “mistake”. I love this pets more than myself and I can’t save my dumb ass and leave them behind to the point I even considered staying until all of them passed away. Furthermore, I know my parents would use them to get back at me, as my mother has even said “I took the cat in so you can’t leave”.
Why not by plane? Well, my parents refuse to take the pets to the vet under any circumstances and to get a cat on a plane you need to chip him and vaccinate him against rabies. My cats have neither of those, sadly. I could try sneaking them out to a vet but 1. I don’t have much money to do this anymore and 2. If my parents discovered me it would be game over for us and I have no idea what would happen to us.
Sadly I really think the best way to do all this is by car. If you have any advice which could be useful on the topic (for example, if the vaccine prick would be unnoticeable on my cats  so my parents wouldn’t find out) please write me a PM.
What are you doing to help yourselves?
Well, I am doing all I can.
-I am trying to finish my major on English. Only 2 classes left to pass. -I am trying to get my driver’s license, as I know it’s pretty much hopeless for me to get a job without it.
-I am trying to sell most of my things through apps like Wallapop, and I’ve even sold some of my jewellery and valuables in pawn shops. I plan on selling everything I own of value, too.
-I usually work the summers as a day labourer picking up produce in the fields. As you probably know, it’s strenuous and not well paid. Also, I will have to pass this summer as my fiancé considers it’s best if I just concentrate on getting my driver’s license and escaping.
-I have several gigs as a translator posted on different sites, and so does my fiancé. However, they aren’t getting any orders.
-I am studying on a free website to become a developer (I formated this entire post by hand!). My fiancé also is a developer. However, we aren’t getting any revenue out of it.
However, we are both pretty mentally ill and he is autistic, which makes it difficult for us to get a regular job (even more so for me since I am not very good at speaking French).
OK, so how can I help you?
Well, there’s many ways. Of course, you can donate on the Paypal button that’s on the description of my blog (and if you’d prefer to do it through ko-fi or so please send me a PM I will set up any account) but some other ways are:
-Please, reblog my Spreepicky/SheIN/Newchic posts. You will recognize the Spreepicky ones because they say “use the code “loveit10″ for a 10% discount” and the SheIN and Newchic ones because they have a link which appears as three little sparkling hearts. PLEASE REBLOG AND NOT ONLY LIKE, BECAUSE THE COOKIES ONLY LAST A MONTH. IF YOU PURCHASE FROM MY LINK BUT AFTER A MONTH, I GET NOTHING.
-Join swagbucks as my referral:  here -Purchase pics of my cats here -Love Animal Crossing? Get a personalized drawing here -Into witchy stuff? Get a pendulum reading or energy reading for cheap! Guidelines here
I will post more options as I come up with them! Also you can just reblog this post!!
I have made rough calculations and counting everything we need (a rental car, gas, carriers for 4 pets, water for all of us, food for all of us, etc) we would need roughly 800 euro to make our escape (not counting unexpected things of course). I don’t ask for money to survive after our escape, either, as his parents are supportive and will help us for sure.
Sorry for the long-ass post, thank you for reading, have an imaginary cookie for making it to the end, and have a nice day!
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surveystodestressme · 5 years
Have you ever had feelings for 2 people at the same time?

yeah, or at least i felt like i did at the time
Do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea?
i mean if there’s a good reason for it
Is it possible to ‘fix’ a ‘broken’ relationship?

absolutely, as long as both people in the relationship try to fix whatever is broken
Would you ever throw out/give away something an ex gave you?

if i didn’t want/need it anymore then yeah
Why do you think people believe in love at first sight?

that’s just what they believe, i don’t know
If you found someone seemingly perfect for you, but it turned out they had a child… would you still give the relationship a chance?

probably not honestly.  i dont want anything to do with kids
Is it possible to ‘fall out of love’?

Why do you think people choose to get married?

because they want to
Why do you think people are against same-sex marriage?

it’s against their religion or whatever
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing?

not very long, a couple months maybe, i think my dad got it for me
Are you a slut?

What happened last time you got drunk?

it was at my boyfriends christmas at his grandparents house and i drank a lot and got really tired and fell asleep on the floor in the living room
Have you ever thrown up from drinking?

Last thing you said out loud?

i was telling my boyfriend about something i saw on Cops
Do you find piercings attractive?

What’s your favourite number?

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?

What languages can you count to ten or higher in?

Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far?

i’ve gone through a lot but i’ve gotten through everything and survived so i suppose that’s good
Ever got suspended from school?

What would you do with a $10 bill you found on the ground?

keep it probs
Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?

the sun
What were you doing at 3AM last night?
Are you ticklish?

Want to be taller or shorter?

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?

school lol
Who is the first person you see in the mornings?  
my boyfriend
Do you like being called babe?

Is the last person you kissed more than 2 years older than you?

Do you think anyone has feelings for you? 

i know it
Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?

in between.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed?

Did anyone see you kiss that last person you kissed?

Are you a jealous person?

yeah kind of
Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person that kissed you?
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?

Honestly if you could go back 9 months and change something, would you?

prob not
When is the next time you will kiss someone?

tonight before bed probably
Are you wasting your time on someone?

i don’t think so
Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year?

my boyfriend.
Were you happier 7 months ago or now?

Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?

Do you regret anything that you’ve said today?

Do you have a secret life?

Is there anyone you can tell EVERY THING to?

my boyfriend, my mom, and my sister
Do you ever get a text from someone that you don’t want a text from, and yell at your phone because your angry?

So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM, what do you do?

well i live with him so i’d be a little surprised if he was outside at 3 am instead of in bed
Have you ever liked someone who your friends HATED?

Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt?

Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you?

pretty much, honestly.  i’m pretty open
Have you ever just felt like you could cry an ocean?

Are you dating the last person you talked to?

Would you live with someone without marrying them?

i am now
Is there someone you’d like to fix things with?

not really.
Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend?

my best friend doesn’t have a significant other right now
Who do you have texts from in your inbox?
lots of people
What do you do when you have a bad day?

cry or take a bath or read
Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
Will you be seeing your ex any time soon?

i highly doubt it
Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?
Do you want someone you can’t have?

What did you realize today?

i don’t know
Is there a person from the past that you would like to talk to?

Do you regret letting someone walk out of your life?

Do you care if people hate you?

not really, honestly
What time did you wake up today
around 10 ish
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
pajama pants
Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago?

What were you doing at 4 am?

Would you rather write a paper or give a speech?

write a paper, i hate giving speeches
What’s something you cannot wait for?

graduating college in 2020 lol
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

Are you a morning or night person?
Do you reply to all of your texts?

most of the time.
Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?

What were you doing before you got on the computer?
taking a shower
What are your initials?

Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago?

Have you had your birthday this year?

not yet.
What did you do yesterday?

What will you be doing tomorrow?

Is it hard to make you laugh?

Do you believe ex’s can be just friends?

How many people have you had feelings for in the year of 2013?
i don’t know, that was a while ago
Have you ever dyed your hair?

Was New Year’s Eve enjoyable?

not too bad, we didn’t really do anything
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be?
i have no idea
What would you change about your life right now?

nothing right now
Today, would you rather go forward a week or back?

Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?

Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?

Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up?

Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?

Could you use some sleep right now?

very much so
Are you going to have a baby by the time you’re 18?

nah i’m older than 18 anyways
Does it bother you when someone hides things from you?

Have you ever slept in the same room with someone you liked?

Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn’t around anymore?

Do you have somewhere you hide things you don’t want anyone else to find?
Have you ever had your heart broken?  
How many languages do you know?
just one
Do you have any piercings?
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be?
i’d get my nose pierced or get some on my ear
On a scale from one to ten, how happy are you?
Have you ever cried uncontrollably on a friend’s shoulder before?
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
watching Cops
Do you enjoy Disney movies?
for the most part
Do you have a nervous habit? (e.g. biting nails, tapping feet, smoking)
i bite the inside of my cheeks and my nails
Have you ever had a girl best friend?
Would you date a 13 year old at the age you are now?
heck no.  not tryna go to jail
Whats your favorite type of flower?
Current favorite song?
livin on a prayer
Are you happy with your given name?
What’s a major fear or yours?  
crashing my car
Do you know anyone famous?  
not personally
Do you own a Bible?  
What color is your bedroom?  
brown or tan ish
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else?  
What did you eat for breakfast today?
What’s the temperature outside?
1 degree fahrenheit
Will you go to college a virgin?
i did lol.
Do you keep jewelry or small items in cute little boxes?
nah, not anymore
What was the worst job you’ve had? Why was it so bad?
it’s tough between steak n shake and shoe carnival.  they were both pretty awful lol.  just poor fucking management
Do you wish you had naturally rosy cheeks?
i don’t really care
What is one drug you have no interest in trying?
everything pretty much
What do you wanna be when you grow up?
successful and happy.
Do you have a crush on anyone?
more than a crush.
Do you get along better with men or women?
it just depends honestly
Purple or chartreuse?
Aliens or ghosts?
Favorite alcoholic drink?
angry orchard or any kind of cider
Favorite store?
i shop online a lot @ shein
Favorite animal?
Who do you love the most in the whole wide world?
my family and boyfriend.
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kimmysurveyblog · 2 years
How often do you give into temptation? I’m pretty good at controlling it, except when it comes to pregnancy cravings.
Do you ever pray, even if you don't believe in God? No.
Have you ever been to Mexico? No.
What's the highest amount of money you've ever won off a scratch card? $50 Have you ever gotten stuck in quicksand before? No.
What's the heaviest weight limit that you can lift? I don’t know.
What's the shortest or longest length you've ever had your hair grow? Longest was past my boobs.
Do you buy from websites such as SHEIN or Wish? No. 
Do you use coupons when you go to stores, or do you pay full price? Full price but I shop sales sometimes.
The last nest you saw - was it a bird nest or a hornet's nest? Bird.
Do you enjoy Jeff Dunham? I did in high school. Not anymore.
Who is your favorite character from Frozen? I don’t know.
Did you finish high school? If not, do you plan on doing so? Yes.
Do you give money to homeless people if they ask? Not during a pandemic.
How often do you get things from secondhand stores? Pre-COVID my boyfriend & I used to go to thrift shops occasionally. 
Have you been in a simulator that mimicked a submarine or rollercoaster? No.
Where's the last place you traveled to by airplane? When? I never have.
What is a ridiculous law in your country, province, or state? I don’t know.
Have you ever been a part of a news story before? No.
How often do you go out to eat instead of cooking for yourself? A few times per week, usually for lunch.
Did you used to wear those colored "sex bracelets" when you were younger? I did.
What is the largest family of siblings that you know of? 4?
Can you give me your own definition of love? This is too deep for me rn lol. 
What foreign languages were offered to you at school? French & I feel like there was another one but I forget.
If you were required to take a course right now, what would you choose? French, honestly! My kid will go to a French school because of my boyfriend & I’d really like to learn. 
Team Biden or Team Trump? Team Canada. 
What is an animal native to your country that may not exist in others? I don’t know. Moose? 
What are some of your favorite autumn activities? Hiking! 
Do you own many stuffed animals as an adult? No.
What are some of your favorite winter activities? Sledding.
Do you eat a shit-ton the week before your period? No. I just buy chocolate when it comes.
Wendy's, McDonalds, or Burger King? McDonalds.
Popeyes, Chick-Fil-A, or KFC? None of the above.
When people use poor grammar, does it bother you? No.
What are your favorite type of flowers? Roses!
What versions of tag did you enjoy playing as a child? Freeze tag.
Hopscotch, jump rope, pogo stick, or hula hoop? Jump rope.
What's the weirdest question you've ever asked Alexa? I asked Google to fart. My boyfriend & I are childish at times. :P
Do you have a cooling fan to put underneath your laptop? No. I don’t use a laptop regularly.
What is your alcoholic beverage of choice? Beer & tequila. 
What was your favorite part of the playground, growing up? Monkey bars.
What's the worst blizzard you've ever experienced? A few years ago we had a blizzard, followed by freezing rain & another blizzard. 
What's the longest your electricity has ever been out? Most of a day.
Have you ever found a lost cat or dog before? Were you able to reunite it? No.
Do you ever get any insect infestations in your house in spring? We had carpenter ants last year because of a bench that was built for us & on our porch which was super scary. If I see any this year, I’m tossing the bench. ^^; 
What's your least favorite season, and why? Summer. It’s super hot so going outside is horrible. Also bugs.
If a turtle lost his shell, would he be naked or homeless? ...naked?
Have you ever gone outside your house naked before? No.
How long does it take you to fold your clean laundry? I’ve never timed it.
Do you make your bed on a daily basis? No.
Have you ever gotten a French manicure before? Yes.
Who hurt you the most in life, and how? My mother. She’s manipulative, abusive, and overall a horrible human being.
How often do you floss? Twice a day.
Do you do dishes by hand or have a dishwasher? Both. 
When's the last time you cleaned the inside of your oven? A few months ago.
Is cottage cheese delicious or disgusting? Gross.
What are some things that you purchase in bulk? Toilet paper. 
How kinky are you? Not really.
Which of your five senses do you think is the strongest? Why? I’m not sure.
Could you get away with murder? No.
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okaywowcool · 7 years
I hate dollskill and also shein bcuz they try to be alternative or punk (at least dollskill does) but they only have sizes in s,m,l . Guess they don't want fatties like me ruining their style. grrrrl culture is so fake.
most chinese wholesale places that are super popular (romwe/sheinside/etc) have the sizing issue, though i talk a lot on here about how a lot of wholesale places /do/ have plus sized friendly pieces you just have to hunt. there’s also places like newchic that have whole plus sized sections now, which is rad! i have quite a few plus sized tops and dresses (i’m a size 22/24) that i’ve gotten from chinese wholesale places or aliexpress that i know i adore :3 just a tip! 
as for dollskill, i don’t think they’d support fat grrls any time soon in terms of their modeling but a lot of the sizing issues also falls on the brands they carry. this issue is so prevalent that it’s literally why i created my shop! it’s so hard to find alternative cool brands making shit for plus sized folks, and i was sick of the inclusive message being disingenuous too. (not that dollskill even really pretends to be inclusive *mega eyeroll*)
though i have to admit i still love so many of the brands dollskill posts from (lazy oaf especially) and i would die for like 90% of their shoes and bags lmao, so i still shop there for accessories...i don’t know anywhere else that you can stalk lazy oaf/yru shit for a few months and wait till it goes on heavy clearance so u can snap it up!!! 
i think just like, white feminism & its ignorance is in general the issue here, tho! it’s what allows brands to claim inclusivity but then not really perform any of it. as well as like, the body positive movement focusing so heavily on “all bodies” rather than like, fat positivity or disabled positivity or centering on positivity for trans bodies or POC...aka the movement being general all-purpose vagueness rather than purposefully centering on the folks that need the movement most.
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metroidspeedrun · 7 years
ALL THE UNUSUAL ASKS. (alternatively, every prime number)
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Definitely Spotify2. is your room messy or clean? Atm it is clean but it'll eventually be a huge mess again3. what color are your eyes? Brown, very dark brown4. do you like your name? why? I kind of picked it for myself but sometimes I don't like it. Other times I'd rather not5. what is your relationship status? SINGLE7. describe your personality in 3 words or less Antsy, emotional, empathetic8. what color hair do you have? Dark brown but sometimes in the summer it gets a reddish tint9. what kind of car do you drive? color? I don't drive10. where do you shop? Online on SheIn. Their clothes are always really cheap and comfy11. how would you describe your style? Unpredictable, eclectic maybe12. favorite social media account Tumblr13. what size bed do you have? Queen, but I'm eventually gonna get a daybed to have more space in my room14. any siblings? 10; 6 boys 4 girls15. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? I'm not sure yet, like I really haven't been anywhere16. favorite snapchat filter? My face doesn't register on snapchat17. favorite makeup brand(s) Nyx, hands down18. how many times a week do you shower? Anywhere between 7-1219. favorite tv show? Andi Mack and Gotham20. shoe size? 8.5 US shoe size21. how tall are you? 5'3 22. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers23. do you go to the gym? Nope, but I walk about 6-10 miles a week24. describe your dream date Cheese pizza, action movie, nap, crafts25. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? I don't have any cash on me ever but I have $2.73 in the bank atm26. what color socks are you wearing? Mustard yellow27. how many pillows do you sleep with? 328. do you have a job? what do you do? I do, I'm a nanny 29. how many friends do you have? This is always a hard question bc I never know who to count so I'll j say around 5-1230. whats the worst thing you have ever done? I said a lot of terrible things as a child to other kids out of anger and they weren't even relevant to what they did and they never should have been said.31. whats your favorite candle scent? Coffee32. 3 favorite boy names Micah, Uriah, & Walter33. 3 favorite girl names Imogen, Micah, & Arielle34. favorite actor? Um atm John Boyega bc he was the first name that came to mind35. favorite actress? Definitely Carey Mulligan36. who is your celebrity crush? Also Carey Mulligan37. favorite movie? Hacksaw Ridge 38. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Not as much as I did when I was younger. Ummmm... Atm I've regained my love for Treasure Island after seeing something about pirates the other day39. money or brains? Like attraction-wise or for myself??? I have to say brains for attraction and money for myself bc I'm really not that smart anyways.40. do you have a nickname? what is it? I have a couple. Bean, Grandma, Chocolate Daddy -I can explain but I can't explain-41. how many times have you been to the hospital? 4 times in my life I think? 3/4 times were about my back and the last time I thought I had tb but I don't so that's good42. top 10 favorite songs Fuck ok um this changes like every 30 minutes but atm and not in this order1) My Flame by Bobby Caldwell 2) Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden3) Bulletproof Heart by MCR4) Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood5) Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko6) Chunky by Bruno Mars7) Hallelujah by P!ATD8) Lights Out by Angel Olsen9) Carmen by Lana del Rey10) Hit Em Up by Tupac43. do you take any medications daily? I've never taken any sort of medication 44. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Oily ig idk a lot about skin45. what is your biggest fear? Living my whole life being empty without something that can fill it constantly46. how many kids do you want? Anywhere between 2 & 947. whats your go to hair style? Right now just short with like one or two fake flowers stuck in it48. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Small, 3 bedroom49. who is your role model? I don't really have one lol50. what was the last compliment you received? "I like your tights"51. what was the last text you sent? "No problem" 52. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Never believed in Santa53. what is your dream car? Station wagon 54. opinion on smoking? Cigs are disgusting, I stopped smoking weed bc it only made me dissociate more than I should, but I don't mind people smoking around me 55. do you go to college? Yup, but idk if I'm gonna be on academic probation or not p soon fingers crossed that I won't56. what is your dream job? Social work57. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Rural tbh. It'd give me more space to walk and talk to myself in private58. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No, bc my hair is weird and only takes certain kinds of conditioner and shampoos59. do you have freckles? I sure do have freckles 60. do you smile for pictures? Only when I'm sad or wearing lipstick61. how many pictures do you have on your phone? Hella like idk how many bc it doesn't say but so many62. have you ever peed in the woods? Never been in the woods63. do you still watch cartoons? Oh hell yeah most definitely64. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? I don't eat meat anymore lol65. Favorite dipping sauce? Salsa or hummus66. what do you wear to bed? Sweatpants and a t-shirt67. have you ever won a spelling bee? 6th place bc 3 teachers mispronounced scrimmage68. what are your hobbies? Cooking, making playlists, making headbands, and walking69. can you draw? I get bursts of talent but most times no, not at all. I'm terrible70. do you play an instrument? I can play 2 songs on a children's xylophone71. what was the last concert you saw? Never been to a concert72. tea or coffee? Tea, coffee is gross73. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks 74. do you want to get married? Not really no, like don't get me wrong I'm a romantic but I'm not the easiest person to live with75. what is your crush’s first and last initial? M.H.76. are you going to change your last name when you get married? Nah, but I wanna change my last name to my grandma's maiden name.77. what color looks best on you? Yellow78. do you miss anyone right now? Yeah79. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Open80. do you believe in ghosts? Nope81. what is your biggest pet peeve? Not covering your face when you sneeze &/or cough82. last person you called My mom83. favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry 84. regular oreos or golden oreos? Neither, golden ones are j gross and the regular ones make me tired85. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow86. what shirt are you wearing? Purple men's tee from F2187. what is your phone background? Different color roses88. are you outgoing or shy? Shy, painfully shy89. do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes, I like to be touched in general but it depends on how close I am to the person/people90. do you like your neighbors? I don't ever see them 91. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Neither, I only wash my face like 5-18 times a year92. have you ever been high? Quite a few times93. have you ever been drunk? Twice94. last thing you ate? Half a pizza95. favorite lyrics right now "You wanna be friends forever/ I can think of something better"96. summer or winter? Winter, I am currently dying in this heat in the house97. day or night? Night98. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark chocolate99. favorite month? October100. what is your zodiac sign Sun in Leo101. who was the last person you cried in front of? Maddie, but I was really drunk
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suzyturnerbooks · 5 years
It’s that time again. Time for the Fab40s to strut their stuff and style an outfit with one general theme. And this month we’re very proud to be supporting Gay Pride month. When Shelbee first gave us this month’s theme, I thought. Hm… gay pride? Then I thought, why rainbows, of course! That should be easy. But I was wrong. I popped to the shops to see if I could find anything rainbow inspired but there was hardly anything on offer, apart from a couple of t-shirts that looked awful on me. And then I had a bit of an epiphany. My rainbow-coloured sarong…
Rainbow coloured sarong
I bought it from a shop in Praia da Rocha (a hub for tourists, especially in the summer) a couple of years ago. It usually only gets worn over my bikini but it seemed like the perfect choice for gay pride month. I must admit that I did check out at a few videos on Youtube to see different ways of styling sarongs but wasn’t over keen on their ideas. Then I found a Cosmo video which offered much the same thing, except for one particular style which I tweaked a bit until it felt right. And this is what I ended up with:
I have to say, I was so delighted with the way it looked that I’ll probably be wearing all my sarongs and scarves this way from now on lol! You’ll be sick of seeing them by the end of the summer 😉
As for the rest of my gay pride outfit, I knew I wanted something sparkly or with sequins, which is why I chose my colourful gold Vans. I removed the laces because they are a bit too rigid with them in. Occasionally I wear them with ribbon laces, but for this instance I liked the simplicity of them as they are.
Initially, I tried the sarong with my khaki denim culottes – I liked it but hubby suggested I try white instead. Usually when he suggests something, I roll my eyes (LOL) but on this occasion he was right! The white skinny jeans really lightened up the outfit, making it even more perfect for the summer.
As for accessories, the more colour the better! Which is precisely why I did rainbow coloured nail varnish too lol. Unfortunately I’m limited on colours (no green or yellow) but the effect is the same. I’ve worn these earrings lots of times – I do actually own three pairs in different colours but these were the best for the outfit considering they’re multi-coloured. The two gold rings and watch were gifts from mother-in-law, and I bought the bracelet years ago, not sure where from. And if you’re a regular reader, you’ll know my clutch is from Massimo Dutti because I use it all the time!
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Support for gay pride
I’m so delighted to be supporting such a wonderful theme this month. I’m a huge supporter of the LGBT community and truly believe that we should all be able to love whomever we want to love, regardless of sex. I just wish that everybody else felt the same way as I do. Which is precisely why I’m wearing my rainbow outfit in support of all LGBT folk out there!
Now let’s see what the rest of the gals are wearing for this fabulous theme…
Shelbee on the Edge
I think Shelbee’s theme is absolutely magical in so many ways and I adore her outfit. She found the most perfect pair of tights to celebrate this awesome cause and she looks utterly fabulous! I must say I adore this colour on her ❤ Jacket and Dress: Thrifted Tights; Sock Dreams Shoes: Aerosoles Belt, Necklace, and Earrings: Old
Sheela Goh
As always. Sheela has totally nailed the theme this month. Her inspiration is the uber fabulous kookie designer Hester Sunshine (from the recent Project Runway) and she looks INCREDIBLE! Isn’t this pic simply amazing? I adore the backdrop too. LOVE! Outfit: Everything c/o Forever 21.
Jennie, a Pocketful of Polka Dots
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Jennie is pure fun, not to mention drop dead gorgeous (!), in her cut-off denim shorts and rainbow hoodie. I love the red tank top with the red converse too. And those heart-shaped sunglasses are the best. Jennie looks super cool! Cropped Sweatshirt – c/o Shein  Tank – Worthington DIY Cutoffs – Levis Earrings – Charming Charlie Shoes – Converse All Stars Sunnies – Vans 
Daenel, Living Outside the Stacks
Sadly, Daenel is unable to join us this month but I highly recommend you check out her blog to see her awesome content! Daenel is simply amazing ❤
  via GIPHY
Fake Fabulous
Ageless Style
Not Dressed as Lamb
Shelbee on the Edge
Style Splash
Living on Cloud Nine
A Pocketful of Polka Dots
Nancy’s Fashion Style
Chic & Stylish (Mumma B Stylish)
Elegantly Dressed & Stylish
Top of the World
Elegance & Mommyhood
Confident Twosday
The Fab40s: showing our support by Gay Pride month It's that time again. Time for the Fab40s to strut their stuff and style an outfit with one general theme.
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fashionforward-plus · 5 years
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Hello Fashion Forward Fam,
Have you been feeling sexy lately? I mean really feeling sexy when both dressing up and down?
It’s honestly okay if you haven’t. That happens sometimes and it is my duty to uplift you and give you tips that have helped me even when I wasn’t feeling the most sexiest or the most confident at the moment. I’ve gone through a few traumatic experiences (post on that coming soon) and it has taken me awhile to get to the root of feeling sexy again.
Recently, looking in the mirror and embracing all of my curves, lady lumps and lady humps (shout out to Fergie) is an amazing feeling. Regardless of what the occasion is (to be honest there shouldn’t need to be one) admiring myself and feeling sexy is at an all time high. What you wear to go to sleep at night is just as important as what you wear to leave the house. Self love is the most fulfilling and what better way to embrace your body than dressing up for you every night even if you don’t have someone to wear lingerie for.
With Valentine’s Day approaching, why not treat yourself to some affordable pieces to make you feel your sexiest? With or without a partner, your confidence level will increase when you put yourself first and embrace the beauty that you behold.
I have included several pieces that  believe you should check out! You will not be disappointed. If there are any coupon codes, those are included as well. Just click on the photos to take you to the respective sites!! I can’t wait to see what you all picked up. Happy Shopping. 
Yea, that’s right! I didn’t sutter!! AMAZON is becoming one of the most popular places to get almost anything and lingerie is no exception. I have purchased several pieces of lingerie from Amazon and not only do I take advantage of PRIME (gets your item in 2 business days and in some cases SAME DAY DELIVERY) I also have never had an issue with the quality of my items and the prices always seem to be right.
OMG the lingerie on Eloquii’s website is smoking hot!!! Select lingerie like the sexy Lace Overlay Bodysuit is only $19 with the code: HEYGIRL (photo above) and with the same code, other lingerie like this Eyelash Lace Bodysuit with Detachable Garter is 50% OFF!!! (Photo below) You can’t beat that with a stick. 
Yandy is so underrated and they��ve been in the game for so long!!! They are currently having a sale on their lingerie. The pieces are so sexy and feature so many different sexy colors. Check out this sexy piece and it’s only $12.99!!! What a steal!! 55% OFF
My,my, my, MONIF C. Has been on fire lately with this sexy lingerie pieces in her newest collection. Being a purchaser of her pieces for years, I can attest to the quality of her pieces. This isn’t no one wear, throw away store. I rather Quality over Quantity anyday and with Monif C, you’re definitely getting quality.
You can’t leave torrid out of the equation when it comes to lingerie. Right now both in store and online, they are having an up to 40% OFF sale
This Sleep Lace bust Chemise is on sale (photo above) for $32.17 
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SheIn has been a popular place to get those trendy pieces! Not only are there prices decent, they are known to sell versatile clothing! Right now, they have taken the internet by storm with their up to 85% OFF sale. 
This Asymmetrical Lace Slips with Thong (photo above) is going for only $13.00 and this Hot Plus lace trim criss cross Floral Romper is going for $12.00
If you are looking for robes for less, they have you covered too with this Plus Lace Hem Belted Robe with Thong for Only $9.00
This is a great site to get lingerie all year around and the prices are amazing! Right now there is a Valentines sale and when you sign u for the first time you can get your first set for $24.95 as opposed to the original price of $59.95!!! What a Deal!!!
Fashion Nova offers lingerie styles in various sizes, styles and prices starting from $9.99 and up!! Right now, use code 14MIL for 40% off on the entire site
Savage Fenty is also a discount membership lingerie site where you can receive lingerie all year around. Every month you get a box curated by Singing Sensation Rihanna (who doesn’t love this beauty) Right now, they are having a buy two for $29 sale for all newcomers so take advantage while this sale lasts!! 
Ashley Stewart is coming through with these sexy lingerie numbers!! Right Now, these prices are right! Price. $39.50 (picture shown above) Use code: LOVE30 for 30%off Online
Hips and Curves has always been a go to for lingerie! They specialize in lingerie and have a wide variety of styles and colors to choose from
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