#three hours and a lot of chaos later. it is done
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Billy and Stu - a tragedy in motion.
be nice to me - the front bottoms // little beast - richard siken // a primer for the small weird loves - richard siken // the accident has occurred - margaret atwood // first from peripety series - jen mazza // sense, sensibility - ajj // planet of love - richard siken // die4u - bring me the horizon // third life - martyn inthelittlewood // blood - nothing,nowhere // die4u - bring me the horizon // blood - nothing,nowhere // hearse - reuben pearl //die4u - bring me the horizon // blood - nothing,nowhere // third life - tangotek
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tarjapearce · 10 months
As My Own
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Miguel O'Hara x Daughter'sRoomate!femreader .
Don't think I have forgotten about the requests 👀.
WARNING: Fluff. A tiny squeeze of angst, Rotting tooth fluff, daily snippets of life, anxious dad.
Summary: Gabi wants a mom. And who is Miguel to deny such wish?
Requested Here. Hope you like ❤️ Feedback is highly appreciated.
Sighing for the third time in a row, Miguel looked fondly at the pictures of his daughter through the years, until she grew out to be a lovely young lady, whose talents in soccer had earned her a scholarship in college.
Despite being terrified of the idea of Gabriela spreading her wings and soar into life itself, he knew the moment would come sooner or later, more like, right now. He was unpacking some boxes into the apartment Gabi would be staying, and if he was honest, the idea of her sharing a room with someone else didn't appeal that much on his trust issues.
If it wasn't for the house renovations needed to be done ASAP, he'd make sure to get Gabi a place for her own.
Emancipation had taken a toll on him and his mind, The once girly and colorful room filled with drawings, trophies and medals with a soccer player motifs, soccer star posters, some consoles and games, was now an empty space full of memories.
When Gabi gave him the news of her moving out completely, made his heart to shrink and break, but he knew that he had to let her go. Gabriela was 19 at the time, doing good at college, had found herself a half time job and a new roommate. The last one seemed the most preoccupying thing on the list. Was it a man? Did she eat well? Did she get along with them? Probably had gotten her a couple of fights, were they older? Was his Solecito safe?
It had been three years since she left home and pursue her superior studies and a professional soccer player career.
His mind was racing with the infinite questions and his stress gnawed at his chest, his phone buzzing interrupted his accelerating thoughts. He opened the message log and sighed in relief to see Gabriela's name on the screen.
He tapped at the message and his heart nearly melted at seeing Gabi with a goofy expression on her face, her hands making a V sign as she hovered over a small table set for two.
"Dinner time with Roomie~"
The caption read. The food looked delicious and esthetically pleasing at the eye. Nearly Michelin star awarded restaurant quality.
(Name) 's food is amazing! . Btw Im free next week, so come over, I miss you Papa.
Gabi had texted him some couple of hours later. (Name) ; at least he now knew that Gabi shared space with a woman. He didn't trust college guys at all. At least, he could sleep a bit better now. However, something had caught his attention, despite Gabi's competitive traits, she rarely loosened herself around others. And the picture only proved him right.
Gabi was unabashedly goofy and silly on the picture, with a genuine smile on her face. Whoever you were, he was grateful for making his most precious treasure comfortable and safe.
The first time you met Gabi was quite the experience, you had just returned from work to find a lot of boxes loitering the entrance and part of the living room. Books, some baskets with soccer balls and equipment, Somw clothes and more books.
The burning smell immediately alerted you as smoke begun filling in the room. Rushing you opened the window and started to dissipate the smoke away with a towel.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The young and tall woman panicked as she came out of the bathroom, body wrapped in a towel, just like her hair. Skin still sudsy with soap.
The chaos was tamed, leaving one of your favorite collectible pots, charred and useless.
"I'm really really sorry! I'll get you a new one."
"Don't you worry. Just... be careful. Don't leave the stove on when you are away. You could've burn the place down"
Gabi nodded sheepishly and looked down, when she noticed your chef uniform, the logo of a prestigious place she could only dream to afford in a couple of months and a place where he wanted to take her Papa as a surprise, standing out in your chest.
"Im (Name), the other tenant. Nice to meet you." Your voice was firm, yet kind. The kind of kindness that could insult anyone and still sound charming.
"Gabriela O'Hara. Sorry for your pot. I'll get you a new one"
"Ah stop it. It was just a family relic passed on generation to generation that now will end up in the trash."
You couldn't help but laugh at her panicking and guilty reaction.
"I'm just messing with you, sweetie. I got Ceci on a promo back at the supermarket. Don't worry. It's just a pot. We throw at least one daily at the restaurant. What were you trying to make anyways?"
Gabi didn't know if to be shocked or be laughing at your attitude. She settled for confused.
"Cause it smelled like cheap Mac and Cheese"
Her cheeks flushed and you just chuckled knowingly.
"Freshman?" Gabi nodded and you smiled almost endearingly at her.
"Such a cutie! I remember my first semester at college. Such a mess, terrible food and a terrible roommate"
"You're graduated?"
"A long time ago, yeah, Culinary school is something else. Don't get in there if you like having perfect skin."You chuckled and rolled up your sleeve, showing a few shares of scars and burn marks.
"Anyways, let's have a couple of rules okay? If you follow them, who knows? it can take us places." You grinned.
"No boys after 10 pm on weekends, and if you do, keep it low. Thin walls. Same applies to me, but don't worry about it. Im way too tired to actually do something about bringing my libido back."
Gabi's cheek flushed as her stomach fluttered anxiously.
"You can use my tools for cooking with the only condition to leave them clean and back at their place. Got it?"
She nodded at every reasonable rule you gave her. You had warned her that sometimes you'd be out of town due work, and that left her on charge of the place. It was brought to her attention that despite the place being small, it was conditioned enough to make it almost fancy looking. The kitchen specially.
Of course things just grew from there. At first Gabi was shocked to find you were a couple of years younger than her Papa. And that you had been single for quite a time now. Couple of years to be exact.
But that mattered little as her growing fondness for you was borderline adorable. You had helped her through some really bad times, like getting her a part time job at your workplace after being fired from the college coffee shop, something she never had the guts to tell Miguel.
Then you of course helping her out in her cooking skills, to at least stop eating plain ramen and packaged food bags.
"You're an athlete, you must feed like one."
"But I can't... afford it-"
"Uh uh. Shh." You shook your head and taught her to buy the right sort of meals even under a tight budget. Sometimes she would even find meals prepped for her whenever she had run short on money.
You were there when she got her first college date, and also were there when the young man turned out to be a fuckboy and a prick. Wiping her tears and feeding her a freshly made creme brule. A favorite of hers. You had also Dropped her and picked her up in her soccer practices whenever time allowed you so. She seeked guidance in you
She was there for you when depression was making it's way into your head, she was also there when she helped you to recover from a hang over after another failed date, and nursed you through your terrible period cramps. Even though sometimes harmony seemed disrupted by external causes, such as stress, work and feeling particularly wistful and blue, you'd always find comfort in eachother.
You were amazed by the fact that you realized that she was like the little girl you always dreamed to have.
"How come you don't have children?" Gabi had asked carefully. Despite the trust you hsd built over the years, there was some things you still couldn't bring yourself to discuss so openly, until now.
"Sorry if I'm overstepping"
"Nah. I think it's time I actually come clean about some stuffs."
"Are you sure?" You nodded and sighed
"I can't have them"
Surprise drawed into Gabi's eyes as she stared at you.
"Yup. But... It's fine. I've come to terms with it, so..."
You trailed and she swallowed as her hand was placed above yours.
"For all it's worth? I'm sure you could have been an amazing mother."
Could have been
" To me, you... you are."
Gabi mumbled as tears swelled up in her eyes, threatening to fall. You stared at her, heart leaping in your chest
"Like... You are like the mother I never had... My Papa is amazing, but sometimes I actually yearn for a different kind of love." She hiccuped and you frowned, holding her closer.
"Like a mom. I want... I want to go shopping and talking about boys and how stupid they are. I want... to be cheered on by someone else at my games and not only my Papa."
Your heart felt breaking bit by bit as Gabi broke before you
"Don't get me wrong, I love Papa to death but... It's hard, y'know?"
"Ah, cariño." An endearment term you had learn from her, "You are such an amazing kid. Im sure that whoever comes into your life to take that spot needs to be amazing, because you're such a special young woman. Look at you, bright future ahead, smart, so so pretty and brave"
But Gabriela didn't want a stranger as her mother figure. She wanted you.
Gabi hid her face on your chest as you held her close, consoling her as much as you could. She remained there until she looked up at you with a suspicious glare
"Maybe I can introduce you to my dad" Your cheeks flushed bright red and she gasped, a bright bulb of an idea popping in her mind, sadness remnants vanishing from her body almost instantly
"No, Gabi, cariño-"
"You can meet him this weekend!"
"That's too soon, I am not prepared! Plus I have work remember?"
"He's staying all weekend, don't worry."
You had seen her adoring Papa through pictures she had showed you. The man was attractive, and looked certainly way too out of your league but of course you never told Gabi about it. You just shrugged it off with a 'Oh, cute'. But now that her plan was on set, you couldn't say no to her.
"Besides, I think it's time for you to actually meet guys. And this time no excuses like Im busy or stuff like that."
"Okay, okay. But if things don't work out-"
"I know, I'll drop it." Gabi rolled her eyes.
Even though the recipe for a certain disaster was cooking, you tried to be optimistic about it. A bit of positive thinking wouldn't hurt you from time to time. However, your shift turned out a bit trickier than usual, since the restaurant had been reserved for a main event for important people.
In the little chance you had, you sent Gabi a little video of how crowded it was, and apologizing cause you didn't know if you were making a double shift and wouldn't be able to meet Papa.
Gabi just sent you a picture of the both with a "Miss you! Dad just came"
3 am. 3 am and you were finally done, no more stuck up clients pretending to love raw fish and meats, people that were just actually there for the food pictures and to be able to brag about they were there. Your feet ached, and so was your headache. The good thing was that the company allowed you to take some food home.
Keys tinkered as you grabbed them to finally turn them in the keyhole and entering home and closed the door, angry and heavy steps alerted you as the hulking figure of a man stood in the dark, as the dim lit red iris flashed at you. You had to crane your head up to meet his deep eyes.
Now you wondered where Gabi had came out so tall.
"H-Hello..." You gulped and he sighed, hard expression melting slowly.
"Sorry for... the late hour."
"No, no. Discúlpeme I mean, forgive me. Though someone had broke in, until I heard the keys a bit too late. I'm Miguel. O'Hara." He offered you his large hand that easily engulfed yours.
"Oh, so you're... Papa" you shook it gently. He was warm, and chuckled. "Im (Name). Gabi never stops talking about you." You gave him an amiable smile and put your containers on the dining table.
"Nice to meet you" you began unpacking, aligning the recipients carefully on the table.
"How's... Gabriela doing?" His deep voice snapped your focus for a moment and your eyes darted to his form. Sweatpants in grey, a white fitting shirt that snugged his form a bit too nicely for a short stare. Hair slicked back, pouty lips, thick brows and his deep... red eyes? He certainly was even more handsome in the flesh than in the pictures.
"Oh, she's amazing. Her practice in soccer has improved even more. She has a final next week."
His brow arched at how much information you knew about her.
"I apologize, she fell asleep in your room, despite me telling her that the couch would be-"
"Ah don't worry about it. My bed is big enough for two, and she isn't a kicker in her sleep. So make sure to rest properly. Oh! And welcome for the weekend. Would you like something to eat?"
Miguel shook his head and softly smiled at you. You were pretty. So so pretty that his mind was almost in shortcut when you were removing your chef robe, in the kitchen exposing a bit more of skin. Your left arm was adorned with little burn marks and cuts, you poured yourself a glass of wine when you felt his eyes on you.
"Want some?" You offered the wine and he nodded, a bit reluctant at first.
"Has Gabi acted out of place while I'm gone?" You giggled as you poured him some wine.
"If by out of place means sleeping one hour later than she is used to, yeah. She has." Your hands gave him the cup and he leaned on the table. Gabi groggily came out your room, lured away by the delicious smell of food.
"Hey" She mumbled and hugged Miguel and then hugged you, and remained with her arms around your waist. You kissed her forehead and she smiled.
Miguel entered in spectator mode.
"Hey, cupcake. Want some food?"
"Can I have it tomorrow?"
"Got you a Creme Brule." She grunted happily.
Gabi smiled and went through the bags, popping a chocolate coated strawberry on her mouth.
"Still, I'm too tired to actually eat. Got Papa and I some takeout."
"Takeout?! The good sort of thing I hope" Gabriela groaned as she made her way back to your room.
"Don't steal the fluffy sheets!"
"Yes, mom. Take a bath first, you smell like garlic." she mumbled and went to bed.
Your whole face was as red as a strawberry not because your smell, but for how she had called you, you gulped down the wine and sighed. Miguel stared at you and his chest couldn't help but constrict a little more.
" I apologize for that, Gabriela is..."
"Quite receptive to smells? Yeah."
"And she called you mom." He was more surprised about it than anything else.
"Ah hehe. Yeah, she had been calling me accidentally that a bit more often."
"Does it makes you feel uncomfortable?" He sipped his wine
"Not really. I find it cute. She eh... talked to me about growing up and how things had been for her."
"I must thank you. You have fed her, taken care of her and now even protect her."
"She's a great kid." You nodded proudly. "Couldn't find a better roomie, and a friend. You did a good job raising her, Papa."
Miguel cleared his throat and gave you a small smile.
"I hope she hasn't-"
"Relax, she's been nothing but a good kid all these years. You gotta trust her a bit more."
"It's the people around her that I don't trust"
"I mean, not that I dont... just... carajo." you giggled at his cursing as his brows knitted together
"I mean, my daughter trusts you enough to sleep in your bed, call you mom even, so... would be kinda dumb to say that you're a bad person... And I'm not making any sense right?"
You gave him a bashful smile and it was your turn to clear your throat.
"She's been busy at playing cupid. She thinks she is subtle..." You bit your lip and poured yourself a bit more of wine as Miguel rubbed his face, tiredly.
"What about, today at 7 pm?"
"At 7pm what?" He coked an eyebrow to you and Gabriela poked her head out of your room, sighing with exasperation.
"Por Dios pa, Te está invitando a salir!" (My god, Papa, she's asking you out.)
You just laughed and put the food in the fridge
"If you're up for it, that is. It's fine if you don't-"
"Make it at 8. Traffic has lowered by that hour."
"Alright." You smiled and took your chef coat with you.
"Sleep well, Papa."
He downed the remnants of his wine and smiled to himself. He had a date.
And a second, and a third and a fourth and a fifth. You were such an enjoyable being to hang around. You shared little silly texts, learnt a bit more spanish thanks to him to slowly bring down your language barrier. Even though you understood some words here and there, you wanted to understand so you could also feel part of the secret and long conversations the two O'Haras shared when it came to you.
Miguel was the first in making a move and kissed you around the fourth date. Nervous as you were, you finally felt good enough to just allow yourself to indulge in his company and what he had to offer. Great company, laughs, delicious make out sessions you didn't thought possible at your age.
Gabi had found you both eating each other's mouth in the livingroom
"Get a room!" She'd yell as she locked herself, headphones up her ears, but a beam in her face. Her chest swelled in joy knowing her cupid stunt had paid off.
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah, pa. Like... She's the best. She's so sweet and... makes me happy cause you are happy."
"You'd be the only child, you're aware of that right?"
Gabi nodded upon remembering your words and your condition.
"Having a little sibling at this point would be awkward anyways."
"That doesn't mean I can't try-"
"Oh my god stop..." Gabi shook her head and Miguel smirked
"Payback for not telling me you were fired." She grunted as Miguel held her tightly.
"I think it's time to try something new."
"You'll ask her to marry you?!" Gabi gasped excited with a beam on her face
"Relax, Solecito. We're still knowing each other. And we wanna make sure that things work out before thinking in something so important as that."
"If you let her go, I promise that I won't talk to you again."
Bit by bit you had small milestones in your relationship with Miguel, you visiting his home back at New York, you staying a weekend in said home, you being introduced to his friends, sharing carneada with his friends, and of course, being found by Gabriela about to have sex, none of you mentioned it during dinner.
To make things even more convenient and better, your restaurant had opened a second branch in New York. Gabi was about to graduate college and of course, you both were saddened that soon you'll part ways. The both were too enraptured enjoying your mother-daughter relationship you had created that forgot about the future.
It didn't help to her sadness when you told her about you and other crew members of your work were selected for a three months workshop in France.
Despite your own sadness, both O'Haras cheered you to go.
"Three months is gonna be torture without you, but time goes so fast. You'll be back sooner than we expect it." Gabi had spoken. And of course, after her graduation, and a kiss goodbye, you flew to France.
Communication wasn't an issue since you talked every day. And still, the gnawing feeling of not being with them made you wish time to fly. You spoke every night with Miguel, telling him how much you have missed him. Even though work had kept you both busy enough, you'd always find a way to talk or text.
And when you came back? It felt like floating in a dream.
"Mom!" Gabriela rushed to you and crushed you in her arms, sniffling and holding you tightly.
"I missed you soo much, cariño." You kissed her forehead, Miguel joined a bit later with a rose bouquet on hand. He pulled you in for a deep kiss.
"Missed you, preciosa".
What sealed the deal for him was seeing you sharing a moment with Gabi. You were brushing her hair as you caught up eith the things you learned in France and how excited you were for them both to taste them.
He asked you to move in with them. And god he loved the feeling of you being around. Gabi was happy, he was happy and you were as well.
Everything about you had captured his heart. Your personality, your way to carry on things, the subtle ways you guided Gabriela without imposing in her autonomy, How much love you seemed to have for them, the delicious feeling of your skin against his on bed.
He proposed a year after. He wouldn't let you go, no no. You were too perfect for him, and a perfect Mom for Gabriela.
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persefolli · 1 year
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞? 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬,𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭,𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @talokan34, @myheartfollower​, @laylasbunbunny​ , @destinylb, @deadgirl02​
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The house was bustling with people and the loud voices that boomed agitated your ears. Tonowari was having another meeting, and this time he thought it was a good idea to host it in your shared home.
All day, you cooked, cleaned, decorated, and made sure everything was put up and in order for the guests who were coming later that night. Although it was an important meeting, Tonowari got along well with his men, almost to the point of being close friends.So it was more of a gathering than a meeting.
Jake attended of course, giving the Metkayina men a lesson about the Sky people and the encounters he’s had with them. It was foggy and stuffy in the home.The chaos of it all made you wanna scream.
“Get out of my home!” Your face twisted as you internally yelled. You should’ve known that with your lover being the Olo’eyktan and the other being Toruk Makto, that you would have to endure constant events like this. But you didn’t want to complain and trouble your lovers. The three of you have been together for months but you have yet to meet anyone in this room. If we’re being honest, they probably didn’t even know of your existence.
You kept to yourself, and opted to do jobs that required the least amount of interaction with other Metkayinas. Jake and Wari knew this, but still tried their best to include you in the things they liked to do.
“And this is my wife. Y/n.” Jake suddenly appeared in front of you with a random na’vi man. You widened your eyes, having snapped out of the anxiety-induced daze you were in. “Hi.” You reluctantly held out your hand and shook his.
“Jake talks about you a lot.” You smiled awkwardly and looked at Jake. “Yeah he's all: ‘I love my wife. She's so-”
“Alright that's enough.” He snatched up his friend and began walking the other way, shooting you a wink as he left.
The same cycle continued all night. You stood in the corner, and the two warriors would come up to you constantly introducing you to people. You never said anything more than “Hi.” or “Thank you.” to them. You saw the expressions on the na’vi’s faces when you weren’t as…spontaneous. You began to feel bad, feeling that you were embarrassing your lovers by standing idly in a corner staring at everyone with a blank expression.
“You okay my dear?” Tonowari walked over and placed his hands on your biceps. You furrowed your brows and nodded “Y-yeah. I’m just a little tired.” You said silently. Tonowari nodded, looking around the room. “Just a few more minutes, and we’ll be done.” You smiled and watched him walk away.
It was indeed not a few more minutes. The gathering continued, and as the hours passed you grew more tired. You wanted to tell one of your lovers that you were tired,and you no longer wanted to participate, but they seemed so happy, and occupied. You’d be damned to ruin that.
“Excuse me.” You said under your breath as you stumbled to the back of the pods.
You groaned in the hallway, seeing that your normal furnishings were pushed against the door to block anyone else from entering. You did not have enough energy to push an entire table with baskets and military boxes stacked on top. You swayed to the end of the hallway where you sat down criss-cross, until eventually curling into a ball, hoping no one would see, to fall asleep.
“You have a nice night.” Jake laughed and said goodbye to the group that had just left. He smiled, looking around at the now calming party where the men just sat and talked.
Tonowari looked at the ground, seeing the stray papers and bowls that littered the ground. His face twisted in disgust, “Yeah we’ll need all hands on deck.” Tonowari said under his breath. He looked up, towards the corner of the room where you once stood. His ears perked up seeing that you were missing, little did he know you retreated to the back hours ago.
Tonowari walked around, looking for you through the crowd of people. He finally stopped at the hallway entrance and looked down the dark hall, squinting his eyes until he saw a small figure shivering in the distance. Guilt instantly filled his gut and he stormed over to Jake. “Tell everyone to leave.”
“What?” Jake furrowed his eyebrows, “Now.” Tonowari said more sternly.
Jake stood on top of a table and yelled. “Hey. Hey! We need everyone out now. We’ll continue this another day.” Luckily Jake's military voice was very scary, so the Metkayina men wasted no time in filing out the door. Tonowari had already made his way back to you, bending down and grabbing your calf, flinching at the cold touch of your skin.
He bent his head down and saw the undersides of your eyes darkened. “Jake grab a blanket.” He tilted his head. “Oh come here sweetheart.” Tonowari laid down next to you, pulling your balled up figure into his side. You weren’t fully asleep, having been woken up by the brisk chill that came through the hall every once in a while, but you felt him. “I apologize love, I didn’t mean for the gathering to go on that long.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead “We’ll never host again. Not here okay?
He knew you weren’t gonna respond, but he cursed himself anyways, acknowledging what you probably went through in the past few hours. Hell, your condition spoke for you. “I should've shut it down the moment I saw you.”
Your bones ached, and your head hurt, but you managed to stretch your legs out, nuzzling your head into his broad chest. Tonowari hummed at your response, beginning to rub your arm up and down to rid of your goosebumped skin.
Jake had already pushed the table out of the way, quickly grabbing a blanket from your shared room and coming in to join the two of you in the hallway. He began to speak until he Tonowari’s eyes met him, and he immediately knew something was wrong. He placed your feet upon his thighs and splayed the blanket across the three of you. He ran his hand under the blanket and grabbed your feet, squeezing them a little to rid it of coldness. “Hell Wari we need to be more careful.” He scolded both of them. “So sorry sweetheart.”
Tonowari removed his hand from your arm and began running his knuckles along your spine. “I thought this would be a good way to help her warm up to people,” Jake started. “But that was a horrible idea. Shouldn't mix work with her.”
“I would be uncomfortable too if I were her.” Tonowari admitted. “Next time we can have it in the East pod. She shouldn't resort to this ever again.” Jake leaned his head against the wall, closing his eyes, while Tonowari laid still, closing his as well. You curled your feet into Jake, whimpering quietly as you finally got comfortable enough, and fell asleep.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I feel like I request way to much and I can't remember if I made this request already 💀 I imagined puppeteer reader having to show wally basic human things like brushing your teeth and hair and that you have to wash your clothes and when they say this wallys just like "more clothes pls" and after a lot of begging reader gives in and takes him shopping and when they're out wally sees a couple being all affectionate and is just like ":O is this how you guys show affection wowow" and tries to pull the same moves on reader 💀 (can be romantic or platonic I just love the idea of wally unknowingly rizzing up reader 😭)
OMG YES. More human Wally being confused.
Human Wally and Puppeteer Reader (part 2):
🍎 Day 3: this man is helpless. Like, you know it isn't really anyone's fault, since he is used to being a puppet and not a human, but... Come on! He tried to eat the toothpaste! Actually, not even that... HE DID EAT IT. He said he ate it because it smelled nice, so it probably tasted good, too! He was perfectly fine, afterwards, too. Sometimes you wonder if he is really entirely human...
🍎 So, when you finally decide to try to teach Wally how the shower actually works (all this time he has been sitting under the water in his clothes), you take GREAT CARE in doing so. He seems to take things very literally or get more interested in something else. Also, you don't want him to eat the shampoo or soap.
🍎"Okay, Wally, lets go through this nice and easy..." you carefully, very carefully, and extremely carefully talk over the process of how to wash his hair and body, as well as how to dry himself off. You also make sure to make it absolutely CRYSTAL CLEAR that you don't wear your clothes in the shower, and to instead take them off and leave them outside the door, for now. When you tried to go over how to brush his hair, he raises his hand and says "Oh! I got that, already! How else do you think I get my hair this well made up?"
🍎 So, you ask him, after about an hour of teaching, if he is ready to try to shower properly. He nods in excitement, watching as you leave to let him try it.
🍎 It sounds like a warzone. You have no idea what is going on, but you are way too scared to find out. You do notice that, even if he has done nothing else properly, he has left his clothes outside the door. You snatch them up, glad that you can finally get them washed up and rid them of the numerous toothpaste, ketchup, and paint stains on them.
🍎 You end up asking Angela if he can borrow some of Henry's father's old clothes, which she has refused to throw away. She was extremely torn... letting that... THING wear his clothes? But, eventually, she ended up going along with it. She had said that it was probably what he would've wanted. He was always happy to give to those in need. So, you neatly fold and outfit up, and leave them outside the door.
🍎 Two hours later, he finally gets out and peaks his head out the door to get his clothes, only to stop when he sees that they are gone. "(Y/N)! Help! Someone stole my clothes! I can't go out like this! I need to look nice!" You rush over, sighing as you point to the folded clothing, looking up to Wally, who is hiding behind "Put these on. Your clothes need to be washed." "If they needed to be washed, I could've just worn them in the shower." "PUT THE CLOTHES ON PLEASE-"
🍎 He comes out, wearing the plain white dress shirt and black dress pants you got him. To your shock, he somehow got his hair styled into his classic pompadour, even though you don't know if you have the product for it. The bathroom is mysteriously clean, despite the chaos you heard from it. Now, its time to buy him some clothes of his own.
🍎 He is like a child on Christmas morning. He sprints through the clothes aisle, getting lost three times during your trip. He throws practically anything he can find in there that resembles the clothes he wore on the show, with a few extras added on. He even runs to the women's aisle to grab a few dresses, saying they reminded him of the few times he played a princess in Sally's plays. Oh! And they also look pretty!
🍎 At the check-out, he can't help but notice these two people behind you who are acting really odd. They are cuddling really close and using the most sugary of compliments to refer to one another. Is that how he is supposed to show affection to you? He hasn't seen you do that or have that done to you... Oh no! You must feel really lonely! He needs to fix this, as your most devoted puppe- umm... Human!
🍎 As you are putting the numerous bags of (really expensive) clothing into your shopping cart, you feel Wally latch onto you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck as he says things like "I love you so much, sugar cube!" or "Let's get married, someday!" You wheeze from both how tight he is holding you and shock, not knowing where this lovey-dovey behavior came from. Sure, he was always clingy, but it was more in a "worship" way, not "we are suddenly dating now" way.
🍎 The cashier giggles, mentioning how the two of you are "such a cute couple and would make an even cuter married couple!" You decide to stay quiet in the store, walking out with the clothes in the cart and Wally hanging onto you like a lifeline.
🍎 You pack everything in the car, before sitting in the driver's seat and turning to Wally. "What were you doing back there? Are you trying to like, date me or something? Is this weird worshipping schtick you have going on not enough to you?" When he explains what he saw and why he was doing it, you calm down a bit. Just another case of Wally being a little confused, but having the right spirit. "Okay... Just remember that that sort of behavior is usually reserved for romantic partners or trying to get a date, okay? Reserve that for someone you really, REALLY love. I don't know how to explain it. Like, butterflies in your stomach, a nice burning in your chest when you are near them. That sorta love."
🍎 Butterflies in his stomach? Burning in his chest? Near the person he loves? He gets those things near you! There is also this new, beating in his chest ever since he became human. That must be love, too! He looks to you, saying "So... Continue treating you like that. I got it."
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ink-and-blood-goddess · 11 months
The Gentle Giant (Bane x Reader) Part I
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Requested by Anonymous- Hi could I request for Bane 😀. Something Angsty and smutty as you can. We're reader is a quiet meek person and stuck in the chaos of banes gothem. Bane sees her getting attacked and helps her, to her surprise. Bane is still mean and scary though and when he has to protect her a 2nd time he decides to keep her with him she is terrified but even though he is rough and mean he starts showing is soft spot for her and things get hot from there.♥️♥️ What ever you can come up with I'm sure will be great no pressure if your not feeling it.
A/N-First off, I like to say I’M SO SORRY to the person who requested this over a year ago. I got around to writing this and using most of my time off to get this done. Originally, I was going to post this as a preview of the story, but instead post part 1 of this fanfic. I also went absolutely overboard when got towards the middle part of it. So, for right now I’m going to post this as two-part fanfics and later on when I finish the whole thing, I’m going to post the whole entire fanfic in post as I originally intended for. 
Part two may take much longer to write since I need to catch up on other requested fanfic, so that I don’t fall behind much further that I’m already am. 
So, please enjoy reading part 1 of this and I’m so sorry again for taking this long for this to written.
Warnings: Choking, hair pulling, lots of language, and violence
Citrus Scale: 🍑
W.C+: 11.2K 
Gotham City. A place you called home. Or it was until a mysterious figure by the name of Bane took over. You weren’t born in Gotham, but moved to the city for your job and a fresh start in your life.
When growing up, you were very quiet and only spoke at appropriate times. Your parents weren’t bothered by how you kept to yourself and never pressured you about it either. This became very useful when the city went to shit.
Winter came after a month when Batman went missing. You’ve never caught a glimpse of who this Bane was or what he looked like. All you have to do was survive this fucking chaos. But this was very difficult with all of Gotham’s criminals running around the entire city. The only time you went out for supplies was at night. Sure it was dangerous doing it, but during the daytime hours, it was even more dangerous. So nighttime it was.
As the winter sun began to set, white flurries of snow started to fall upon Gotham. The snow never seemed to stop day or night. Covering the empty and silent streets. It felt completely dead and desolate once Bane’s reign began over the city.
All the rumors you’ve heard of this mysterious man prosecuting and judging those who’ve done wrong to the city and then showing no mercy towards them. It’s true that the justice system of Gotham was fucked up and a miscarriage to society of the people of Gotham. You don’t give a shit towards the justice system at all, since this whole thing began and Batman being out of the picture.
Besides that, you didn’t know who to trust during this time and never will if you can’t survive with another person going against your throat. However, you’ve managed to get a message to your parents, telling them that you’re alright making it out on your own and doing what you need to survive. That was the last time you spoke to them, before communication to the outside world was cut off from the city. 
Now you were on your own. It’s been two and a half weeks since your last supply run and your stash is getting really low. Due to winter coming in, you’ve been going through your food and drink rations faster so that they don’t go to waste. You were well stocked on other supplies for another two to three more months, but food and drinks (mainly water) were the most important things to get.
Once the sun finally set for the night, you began to gather your belongings before going out. You always wear your heavy winter coat, long knitted scarf, gloves, and boots during the winter time to keep warm and safe during your nightly supply runs. Before you swung your backpack onto your shoulders, you double checked to make sure that you’ve got everything for tonight.
Flashlight (with extra batteries of course), three bottles of water, two boxes of granola bars, some extra pairs of clothes, and a fully stocked first aid kit. You then double checked yourself to make sure that you’re all bundled up before going out into the cold, snowing weather. The last two things you needed to take with you were your can of pepper spray and baseball bat.
Those were the only weapons you’ve carried around with you since who didn’t know how to use a gun and never will.
You don’t usually use your pepper spray when you go out, but kept it on hand just in case. Your baseball bat was of more use for you, because it was aluminum metal instead of wood. Does all lot more damage than with the pepper spray can on full blast.
Now that you’ve got everything ready for tonight, you checked one last time before heading over towards the door. As you reached the door, you couldn’t help but look at yourself in the mirror. You were all bundled up in your winter coat that went down to your knees, all zipped up with the faux trimmed hood resting behind your head. The neon striped black knitted scarf neatly wrapped around your neck to protect from the cold weather. Black winter gloves protecting your hands from getting frostbite from the snow. Finally, heavy black leather snow boots tied safely around your feet and ankles.
Normally, you would go out like this during the winter time either to your workplace or when you go out into Gotham City itself. But now, things have changed for everybody including yourself.
Now you have to carry at least two objects with you, in order to defend yourself from the fucked up criminals that are walking freely on the city streets and underbelly of Gotham. Still looking through the reflection, you saw yourself holding an aluminum metal baseball bat in your hands and a XL can of pepper spray peeking out from the right side of your coat pocket. 
Everything is completely different now. It affected you the most when it all started. All you have to do is survive and fight for yourself. That’s all that matters now.
After several seconds of looking at yourself in the mirror, you turned back towards the door. Your apartment’s door was heavily locked up. Three deadbolt chains rested tightly in between the wooden door frame and the wall. 
Originally you had one deadbolt chain when you moved in, but after a couple of break ins you asked your landlord to add two more so no more break ins would happen again. Two deadbolt locks and one standard locking door knob. The two deadbolt locks were already there when you moved into the apartment.
Lifting your hand up to the top chain, you felt your heart begin to pound inside of your chest. It always does this whenever you have to go out for supplies at night. Then you started to calm yourself down, as you finally placed your hand upon the top chain. Slowly you began to undo the chain from the sliding lock and then let go after it was out of the sliding lock. It swung back and forth for a moment until it stopped. Then you went down to the next deadbolt chain and undid it. After that you went to the last one. You were hesitant at first at removing it, letting your thoughts run wild. Shaking them away, you placed your hand onto the final deadbolt chain and slowly pulled it away from the door.
Once it was removed, you then went to the two deadbolt locks and twisted them open to the side. Finally, you slowly unlocked the door knob. Placing your hand onto the knob, your heart began to race again, but it calmed straight down.
It’s just a supply run. Nothing else. Just get what you need and you won't get hurt or killed tonight, you told yourself in thought. You then slowly turned the door knob and began to open the door at a slow place. The hinges creaked open against the wooden door frame. Thankfully it wasn’t loud enough to be heard from down the hallway. 
Poking your head out of the doorway, you looked down both hallways twice to make sure that the coast is clear. All clear, you told yourself. Slowly, you pulled your head back in and then stepped out quietly, placing one foot in front of the other. After you were finally out of the doorway, you turned around to close the door slowly and steadily. It quietly creaked against the door frame and gave a silent locking noise after it was fully closed.  
Once you removed your hand from the doorknob, you tucked your hand into your coat pocket for a moment, until you found the keys for the door. Grabbing a hold of them tightly with the palm of your hand, you made sure that they didn’t make any noise. One by one, you picked out the keys for the two deadbolts and the door knob and twisted the keys into each lock. After locking the door knob, you placed the keys back into your coat pocket and padded it down. The keys made a muffled jingle sound inside of the pocket.
Placing your hand back onto the door knob, you tugged on it hard and pushed it a little at the door. It was all locked up tightly now. Nobody was going to break into your place at all. Looking down the hallways one more time, you head down the right side of your floor towards where both the elevators and stairwell are located.
Ever since this whole chaotic justice system started over a month ago, about half of your apartment complex and most of the other residents on your floor became very skittish and violent with one another, even towards you. You did your very best to avoid them at all costs. The only person you still trusted was your landlord. Mr. Asher helped you out when you moved in on your first day in Gotham City. He was always there for you whenever you had a problem inside or outside of the complex. You completely trusted him with every fiber of your being, when this whole fucking chaos started, with everybody on your floor going after you and trying yo break in to kill you. He warned if anybody either on the floor or the entire building comes after you or goes near, he’ll kick their sorry asses out into the cold. 
And after that, nobody else on your floor and the entire building ever threatened you again. It was dead silent as you walked down the hallway, except for some muffled talking either from the people inside or from their TV sets. You couldn’t really tell if it was one or the other. The muffled talking got more quiet as you walked away, the elevators came into view.
Not many of them weren’t working anymore after several fires broke out from the floors below and inside the shafts themselves. They were tapped off and had scorch marks melted into the steel work. The only one left working on your floor was the middle left.
You made your way over to the only working elevator and pushed the down button arrow on the panel. From behind the steel doors, you heard the mechanism start up. Since it was the only elevator left working in the building, you and the other residents have to be careful using it.
The elevator finally stopped as it reached up to your floor. The small ding sounded and the sliding doors opened up in front of you. Before stepping in, you looked over your shoulder one more time to make sure that you were all alone and nobody was following you out. Looks like it was clear to go now.
As you’ve entered onto it, it slightly moved but stayed in place. Once you were inside, you quickly turned around, reaching out with your hand, and pressing the Lobby button on the control panel. The button lit up as the elevator dinged again and the doors closed. Then after a few seconds, it began to move downward in the elevator shaft.
Why did this ever happen, you kept asking yourself over and over a thousand times by now after a month that everything went to shit. Bane or whoever he was, taking over the whole city in just one night. Prosecuting those who go up against the new justice system of Gotham. You always knew that the whole justice system was totally fucked up once you moved here.
Without any word or sightings of Batman, who was going to take down this Bane guy anyway? Not you of course. You’ve only heard rumors and talk, but never really seen him up close in person. You are quite small, but average height for yourself. 
However you taught yourself self defense. It was the only thing to do since Batman wasn’t here anymore to save everybody in Gotham.
You snapped back to reality when you noticed that the elevator stopped. The light screen above the button panel for the floors said L on it. It meant that you finally arrived at the ground floor or the lobby area of your apartment building. The doors opened for you.
Taking another deep breath, you stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby area. After you got off, the doors closed right behind you.
The whole lobby was completely trashed. Every piece of furniture was either destroyed or turned over onto their sides. Trash cans turned over and bags were scattered everywhere in each corner. There was also graffiti sprayed on every wall and window. Several of the lobby windows were blown out. Thousands of shattered pieces of glass were littered all over the lobby. Half of the lobby lights that were still working, lit up the shattered glass pieces on the floor. Making them look like dozens of tiny fallen stars.
Looking outside through the broken windows, the snow started to come down harder and the wind began to pick up. Feeling a shiver go down your spine, you moved yourself forward so that you don’t waste time tonight. You could hear the shattered glass crunch underneath your winter boots. 
Rather than going through the front doors, you instead go out one of the blown out windows. Once you’ve stepped outside onto the lightly snow covered sidewalk, the cold night wind blew through again.
Another shiver went down your spine, as you felt the cold night air touch your half covered face. You felt the snowflakes land upon your half covered face. Melting one by one as they touch your cold skin.
Instead of just standing around, you had to continue on with your task to get more supplies. Looking around the empty streets and roadway, you headed down the left side of the street you were on. Usually you went the other way to get your supplies for the next week or so when this whole thing started, but after a whole month went by you had to result in other measures given the situation.
Originally you had gone down to the supermarket around the corner several dozen blocks on the other side of your apartment building complex. The manager and several of the store employees started to hand out needed supplies such as buckets of food, cases of either bottled water or gallon jugs, and other such needed things.
That’s until looters and the freed criminals took advantage of it and started to take/loot everything from the store shelves. All of them completely cleared out every single item from the whole store and other places around that area.
There was nothing left in that store or anywhere else in the other stores in that area. You never went down there again after they took everything out. You yourself were doing fine with the supplies that you had already. Unfortunately you went through your food and drink stash faster than originally anticipated.
It was supposed to last for another week or two, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Word had gotten out from a few people that live on the same floor you’re on, that there was another supermarket down the other way that hadn't been looted at all. Fully stocked up.
Hoping it was still untouched by looters, you decided to go there anyway to get what you needed to last the next two to three weeks if possible. Looking around while walking, you couldn’t help but feel displaced by everything here.
 You were at work the day it happened. Just sitting there at your desk in your shared office space at the computer when the building began to shake violently. The only thing to do was to take shelter underneath your desk, until everything stopped shaking.
Later, you and everyone else found out there was an explosion at the Gotham City football stadium. The whole field was gone in a matter of seconds. That’s how it started. There was a live TV broadcast coming in from the stadium on every single channel. An announcement came through loud and clear when the silence finally broke.
It was about true justice being served at last and prosecuting those who don’t follow along with the justice system. You didn’t know what the fuck was going on and who was talking during the speech. He announced himself as Bane. All that you can remember from that day forth was that deep raspy voice. The very first time you heard that voice sent chills all over your body. Then it all went to shit.
  Bane’s soldiers raided almost every single building in the city. Looking for those who didn’t serve the justice system the right way and got away with it. Most of the buildings including your apartment complex were spared from the ordered raid.
 After that, you took matters in order to survive this new world of justice, but you have to be careful in doing so. As you continued to walk down with the snow still falling, there were distance gunshots going off followed by a car engine roaring. Echoing off of the buildings and dying off seconds later.
The wind picked up and a cold blast came at you. The cold air made you stop in your tracks and lowered your head down. Feeling it blow past your half covered face and making your skin turn ice cold. Once it died down again, you continued walking on the half snow covered sidewalk.
It was rather tricky walking upon an ice covered surface and you walked at a slow and steady pace. You hated the winter time, even in the city now. All you had to do was bundle up, keep yourself warm, and not stay out too long in the fucking cold. Always trying to be very careful during the winter season, even now with everything going on.
After finally stopping at the last curb, you looked all around the area and at last landed your eyes upon what you were looking for. The safehaven you needed your supplies from: the supermarket that one person talked about.
It looked untouched from looters and criminals. No broken windows, no missing shopping carts, no graffiti sprayed on every single piece of the building, and of course nobody else around to stop you.
You couldn’t help but smile a bit that you made it here by yourself and nobody else got in your way. This is your one chance to get in, take what you can carry out, and get the fuck out of there before something bad happens or something much worse: Death.
You became afraid of dying either in your apartment from an intruder or on the city streets when this whole thing began. You didn’t want your parents to grieve over your body and make them suffer for the rest of their lives.
Since it was still dark out and the snow was still falling down, you had to act fast and get what you came here for. Looking around to make sure that nobody else was there hiding in the dark shadows or going to be attacked, you dashed off the curb and ran across the street as fast as you could
Your heart began to race, as you ran straight towards the glass sliding doors of the market building. Your backpack bouncing against your back. As you were getting closer and closer to the store doors, you began to slow down to a speed walk.
You were out of breath by the time you got to the closed doors and had to stand there for a few seconds before you could do anything else. Your heart went back to a normal pace, as you were catching your breath.
Placing your one gloved hand onto the freezing glass, you squinted and looked through the door into the store. Completely pitch black darkness. Not very visible from either side of the glass, because you were fogging up half of the glass with your covered mouth, temporarily blocking your vision from your hot breath.
Time to act now and fast. You quickly shrugged off your backpack with ease. You still held onto the bat just in case. With a quiet, crunchy thump onto the half snow covered sidewalk, you quickly opened the zipper, dove your free hand into it, and felt around the bottom to find the heavy duty flashlight.
After a few seconds of feeling around, you’ve finally found it and pulled it out. Closing it up now, you lifted the backpack up and slung your arms back through the shoulder straps. Now it was time to go inside.
The only way to go in was through the front, since you don’t have time to check other places to get into the store through such as back or side doors or even windows you can get through. So front doors it is.
You crouched down to where the lock was located on the metal door frame. With some help of the still working light above you, it illuminated the crack for you to see a bit better. 
From the looks of it, the security deadbolt lock wasn’t engaged into the slot. This made it much better for you since you didn’t want to break in through the doors.
You quickly and quietly placed both the bat and flashlight onto the ground, placed each of your fingers into the door crack, and began to pull it open. You yourself didn’t have much strength when it comes to pulling or moving heavy items around. With doors it was more work to do, even with just yourself doing it.
As you keep on pulling and pulling, you feel the door start to slide open. It was a huge struggle at first to pull the doors open with your small, meek frame. It felt like they were stuck into place because of the cold weather coming in.
Until you felt a small jolt as you continued on pulling the doors and they started to glide open more easily. A sigh of relief washed over you and the heavy pressure from pulling open the metal framing lifted off of your shoulders.
The doors settled into place for right now. You then picked both the bat and flashlight as quickly as possible and headed inside through the now opened entrance. Making your way inside, you walked very slowly and softly so as to not create any echoing footprints on the floor. 
You couldn’t believe your own eyes as you held the flashlight out in front of you. Aisles upon aisles of everything you can find in a store. Each of the shelves you saw in front of you were completely left untouched.  
  Nothing was out of place and nothing wasn’t missing either. You felt your heart flutter like a bird locked in a cage, by looking at all this unlimited supplies. But you have to act quickly now and take as much as you need with you back.
Looking around with your flashlight beaming brightly in the nearly darkened space, you spotted a row of stacked shopping carts near one of the emergency exit doors in the far corner of the building. You quickly walked over to where they are and grabbed one that was closest to you. Moving it back and forth for a few moments to check to see if it was in good working condition.
None of the four wheels were squeaking or going in another direction. Grabbing a hold of the handle, you began to push it towards the aisle where the bottles of water were kept. You placed the bat inside so that you can one hand free, while your other one held onto the flashlight.
You then turned a sharp right down the aisle and found where the water was. There were single served regular to XL bottles all across the top to middle shelves in the aisle. The only ones that you really needed the most were the 2.5 gallon jugs. You only used them for cooking, washing the dishes, and drinking as much as you needed to. About half of the residents in your complex have a tendency to overuse the water heaters, they have a tendency to shut off on their own if they hit their breaking point. The only time you need to use the water in your apartment is for the shower only. Saves you a lot of trouble so that you don’t have to overuse the water all the time.  
On the bottom shelf towards the floor, you spotted the water jugs that you needed the most. The bright side is that they came in a pack of four instead of two. Halting the cart to a full stop, you got down onto your knees and grabbed the pack towards the front of the bottom shelf. The two handles on the pack made it a lot easier to grab ahold of and lift it up.
But it wasn’t quite easy when you were lifting it up from the floor. With the weight of the water including the four 2.5 gallon jugs made it feel like you were hoisting up a fucking boulder from a mountain side of all things. At least your small frame of a body could handle this sort of thing for only a few moments.
You had to place your foot on top of the under rack of the cart to keep it from moving as you were loading the four pack onto it. The pack slightly shifted the weight of the cart now, but you’ll manage to push it as long as you can.
After it was loaded into the cart, you bent down again to grab another four pack of water from the bottom shelf and then placed that one on top of the other pack. Now you were all set for water for the next several weeks to another month or two. There was other supplies you needed to get and you had to act fast.
Grabbing a hold of the cart again, you pushed with all your strength you had and turned a sharp left at the end of the aisle. The remaining supplies that you needed to get were batteries, toothpaste, sanitary pads, canned food, candles, matches, a couple of flashlights, pain meds, snacks, and a new radio.
Your heart was at a steady beat as you wheeled around the empty aisles of the store, grabbing what you needed. The more you filled up the cart, the more it became difficult to push around. Besides, you were going to take it with you anyway since you needed a way to get the supplies back to your apartment. There was a service elevator towards the back of the lobby where the parking garage is located, because it had more room to fit into than the regular elevators themselves.
The only thing left to get was a new radio. The one that your parents had given you when you were moving out, shorted out on you when you were trying to tune into any of the radio stations that were still on the air. It was very unexpected the way it had happened when it sparked and started to smoke. Besides it was old anyway and there was now way of replacing any of the parts now since they’ve melted together in one pile.
Electronics were located towards the back of the store and you made your way over as quickly as you could. The sooner you grab one, the sooner you can get out of here. Once you’ve turned the corner of the electronics aisle, you went straight down until you’ve found the boxes of radios. Halting the bugging into place, you shifted the flashlight forward to look at what radios they’ve got on the shelves. 
Towards the top of the shelves, you’ve found one that looked useful enough for you. Reaching up on the tips of your boots, you managed to grab one of the boxes that was closest to the edge of the shelf. As you wrapped your fingers onto the top of the box, a sudden noise caught you off guard.
Without warning, the box slipped from your grasp and fell on the floor with a soft thud. Oh fuck. Somebody or something was coming. No time to act in self defense. You needed to find a place to hide in the store, until what or who leaves. You grabbed the bat from the cart and within seconds your flashlight was shut off.
Quickly and quietly, you made your way through the aisle and straight towards the back of the store. The only place that you could hide in was behind the pharmacy counter. It was tall enough to hide you until it was safe to come back out.
You pushed through the doubled hinged swinging door and then ducked behind the counter. Tucking your knees against your body and resting your head upon them, you hold onto your breath so that you don’t give away your hiding place. Both your flashlight and bat rested at each of your sides. 
Then the sound of footsteps came into view, followed by the sound of voices. “Man, look at this fucking place. It’s jammed packed with all these goodies. Just for us.”
The first voice sounded male that was almost older than you. You listened carefully to what was happening right now. You thought that nobody else knew about this store other than the few residents on your floor talking about it.
“Once we take everything on this side of the city, we’re going to own this place and everything in it.” The sound of laughter soon came after, echoing off of the ceiling everywhere. “Fuck yeah. The boss’s going to be over the moon about this. No more scrounging around for rations.”
A second male voice, but sounded a bit younger. There were only two of them. No chance of sneaking out. Just to sit tight and wait until they both leave so that you can get out of here with your much needed supplies.
“Hey, let’s check around and make sure that EVERYTHING is here and report back to the boss about our search,” the older one chuckled a bit. This is not good. You left your supply cart out in the open, with the radio box still on the floor. They’re going to notice that you were going to take those supplies with you.
No way you were going to sneak past them. You’ll get caught within a second if they ever spot you. All you have to do right now is just to sit tight and wait for both of them to leave. It wasn’t going to be easy though since you have to hold your breath, not to make any noise that’ll alert them.
You heard their footsteps echoing off of the high ceiling of the store, making you feel like you were trapped between a rock and a hard place. It sounded like they were going through each of the aisles, checking to see what was still there on the shelves. Sooner or later, they’re going to notice several items missing from their spots and inside of the cart you were using just now. Hopefully they don’t see it and the stuff inside.
“Hey, come over here quickly. Found something” Too late. The running of footsteps soon came after. “What is it? What did you find,” the second male voice sounded out of breath. “Looks like somebody came in and tried to take this stuff with them,” you heard the shuffle of the items you were taking being moved around in the cart. 
“Oh yeah. Then why’s this shit still doing here in the store if it never made it far enough to the front doors,” the second male sounded agitated now. “If they wanted these so badly, why didn’t they take it all with them.” His voice is getting more aggressive with his tone. “I mean come on man. All this fucking shit in this place is all ours for the taking and nobody elses’ for them to take.”
The first male sort of laughed at him and his laugh echoed. “Because you fucking idiot. They didn’t make a run for it at all. Instead they’re hiding out somewhere in here” You heard the rattling of the box that the radio you dropped is in and being tossed to the other male. The second male scoffed at the first.
“Whoever they are, they can’t hide any longer. Not even from us.” You felt your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach and a lump form in your throat. You didn’t know what to do now. Your whole body began to shake badly. The last thing on your mind was being caught red handed. 
“Come on. They couldn’t have gotten far,” their footsteps resumed and both started to walk back around the aisles. Now instead of leaving, they were looking for you. Why did it have to happen tonight? You started to blame yourself for leaving the comfort of your completely safe and warm place. But you can’t blame yourself right now. You’ve made it all this way out here just to get supplies and you weren’t going to take any chances. Giving up is not an option for you now. It’s time to get out of here.
After coming out of your thoughts, the sound of their footsteps suddenly stopped. Complete silence, but something didn’t feel right about it. You took a deep and quiet breath in. Exhaling through your nose a couple of times, you lowered your knees back to the floor. They felt sore from the way you sat on the floor. 
Rather than standing back up to look, you instead decided to crawl. Lowering yourself onto your side, you made sure that you didn’t bump anything that was behind you. Grabbing both your bat and flashlight once again, you started to crawl very slowly towards the swinging door. You held a steady breath as you crawled along the carpet floor. Your heart was at a steady beat, but felt like it was beating faster.
As you neared the corner of the swinging door, you made sure to tuck both the bat and flashlight beside you just in case something goes down. With a slow and steady breath, you looked through the large opening underneath the swinging door. Nothing much to see, except the streetlights outside the store faintly bleeding through the front windows.
Looks like the coast is clear now for you to come out of your hiding place. Quickly, you scooted back a bit to lift yourself back up from the floor. As you were grabbing your flashlight, something felt very off. Like the whole atmosphere in the entire room changed. Holding onto your breath yet again, another lump formed in your throat. You began to crawl much slowly now, not making any sort of startling noise. As you neared the corner of the swinging door again, you felt a mysterious dark shadow looming over your crawling form.
“Well looky looky here Charlie. It looks like we have a mouse in our house.” All of a sudden, you’ve felt a large hand grab ahold of your hood with a fucking strong grip and pulling you out of your hiding hiding spot. The only thing that escaped from your throat was a high pitched scream. It echoed off of the high ceiling as you were being dragged out of your hiding place.
It felt like you were being tossed like a rag doll across the store floor as you were being pulled out. You slammed into a shelf that was near and got the wind knocked out of you. Crouching over with your arms hugging your padded sides, you knew that you were totally fucked now. You were grabbed again, but this time your hood was pulled back from hiding your pale face.
You had no other choice, but to look up at who caught you. The one that was holding you by your hood had a medium build, that almost reminded you of an MMA fighter. He had on military type gear such as the vest, camo pants, and combat boots. Underneath the vest was an olive green pullover hoodie. On his hands were a pair of black winter gloves where the fingers on the gloves were cut off.
The other one stood across from you, leaning up against the front of the pharmacy counter. He had the same gear on, except he had on a black pullover hoodie that looked bigger than him. He had a smaller build than the other one. Both his arms were crossed and had one leg crossed over the other.
   Both had dark hair with undercuts. You couldn’t really see either of their faces since they were halfway covered with some face coverings they use to keep cool out in the deserts. Their skin looks pale, but it was hard to tell from the faint light coming in from outside. The most disturbing part was their dark eyes. So dark they almost looked possessed.
Your whole body froze as you looked into their eyes. Fear began to fill you with awful dread creeping its way into your heart. There’s no escaping now.
“So. What do you think you’re doing?” The one that was holding onto you by your hood sounded agitated when he asked you. You had no other choice but to answer his question. “I was,” those were the first two words that popped out of your mouth. Your voice was low, almost like a whisper. 
“I was getting supplies,” you spoke up more so that both of them heard you loud and clear. It felt like holes were being bored into you from their stares. “For who then,” he asked again, but it sounded like he was gritting his teeth together.
“Are you stealing our shit to give to other people or taking it all for yourself,” he spat, lowering his face to yours. You could almost feel his hot breath on your cold skin through his face covering.
You swallowed hard. The fact he’s much closer to you, it was making you more afraid of him. More and more fear began to flood your entire body. Still, you have to answer him or else you’ll be killed. 
  “The supplies are for me. I was running low and needed to replenish my stash.” His hot breath ghosting your cold skin. You could feel that he was getting more angry with every second. With a sudden jolt, he grabbed you by your hair that was held up in a ponytail in a tight grip. You let out a painful gasp, with your mouth gaping open. You can feel his thick fingers digging into your scalp.
“Then why are you fucking stealing from us then,” he hiss straight into your ear as he got much closer now, “this is our territory you little bitch.Why did you ever come here? There are other places in the whole fucking city you can raid.” You felt him dig his finger nails deeper into your scalp.
The pain started to increase more and more when he was digging in. “Most of the other places were emptied out,” you gasped, as you tried not to move much while he held your ponytail in a tightass grip, “this was the only place that had the supplies that I really needed. That’s all I’m here for.”
“Please,” you started to beg now, which was the only thing to do, “just let leave with my stuff and I’ll never come back here ever. I’ll leave you two alone and I won’t ever talk about this at all either. Please just let me go.” You said with a shaky breath.
With a sharp, deep breath, he pulled your head back with a sharp jolt and dug much deeper into the roots of your (H/C) hair. You let out a painful cry as you could feel him pull your hair out almost. 
“I don’t think so, little princess. You’re coming back with us,” he said as he got much closer to your face. His hot breath fanned more of your skin, making it feel like it is about to melt. Tears began to well up in the corners of your eyes. Fear began to fill your whole body. 
“Terry,” the younger one spoke up at last, clearing his throat out, “do you think that’s a good idea man? What if she’s lying about what she said and probably in a group with other people? They’ll know if she doesn’t come back and they’ll come looking at the last place she was at. Eventually they’ll come looking for us if anything happens to her.”
Terry? That’s the name of the fucking brute that’s holding onto you by your hair in a tight grip. Then Charlie must be the younger one when his name was called out earlier. They could be related to each other or just comrades in their group. Either way you have to get out of here now and fast.
You could feel his breath getting hotter and hotter as his breathing increased rapidly. “She’s not with anybody else,” he hissed as he turned his head towards Charlie and away from you. His hot breath left your skin quickly and it grew cold once again.
With quick thinking, you had to move your hands slowly into your coat pockets to find the XL can of pepper spray. You remembered that it was in the pocket on the right side of your coat. 
Without making any sudden movements, you very slowly reached into the pocket with your one hand, while the other one held it open a bit. Your fingers touched the tip of the can at last and then your palm snaked its way down onto the canister itself. Grabbing a hold of it now, you slowly pulled it out of the pocket and moved it to the other hand.
It took only a second or two to find the spray trigger on the cap and place two fingers on top of it. Now all you have to do is wait to push it. 
“If she was with somebody else, we would’ve known when we got here. Either way, she’s coming back with us and the Commander would know what to do with her.” He sounded very serious. Whoever this Commander person is, they’ll kill you for stealing their stuff from their now claimed territory.
“She needs to know not to fuck around with us at all and get away with our goodies. We just can’t let her go. She needs to be taught a very big lesson.” That was your que to get ready to run as soon as you push the trigger on the pepper spray can. You ready yourself.
“Okay sweetheart, you’re-” as he turned his head back towards you, you quickly lifted the canister up, pressed the trigger, and sprayed it directly into his eyes.
He let out a long yell once it hit him straight in the face, lifting his tight grip from your ponytail, and went to cover his face with both hands. The spray would temporarily blind him, making your escape much easier to get out of this fucking place.
Quickly, you shrugged off your backpack, sprang up from the floor, and ran like a bat out of hell as fast as you could. You could hear the asshole that grabbed you crying out very loudly in pain from the pepper spray that was making his eyes burn. “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, IT BURNS. I CAN’T FUCKING SEE. MY EYES WON’T OPEN,” his voice echoing off of the ceiling, making it bounce everywhere.
“GO AND GET THAT FUCKING BITCH, BEFORE SHE ESCAPES!” Shit. You have to get out of here faster before you get caught and won’t be able to get away from them again.
Thinking very fast, you decided to run in a zigzag line through the aisles, in order to confuse the other one. Your heart started to race again in your chest, as you made your way through the aisles. Both of your feet picked up more speed as you made sharp turns towards the end of each aisle, making your way back to the front entrance of the store.
Passing the last aisle, you’ve found your way back to the front. You felt relieved now, knowing that you were going to get out of here alive. Knowing that you had to leave behind both your backpack and supplies behind, but the only thing you care for the most is your own life.
As you drew closer to the front doors and were about to run through them, something grabbed ahold of your scarf from behind and tugged on it with a very powerful grip. You were once again thrown across the floor and collided with one of the shelves that was near the front.
When your back slammed straight into them, you felt a sharp pain build up like a raging fire and it spread across your body, making you cry out in pain. Then you felt your throat grabbed ahold of, as your scarf was pulled away to expose your pale neck. Slender fingers wrapped around your throat and began to put pressure upon it.
“Do you think that we’re going to let you escape from us? Guess again little bitch, you’re coming back with us either way,” as the pressure on your throat began to increase more, you looked up to see it was the younger one, Charlie, holding you by the throat this time. The street lights casting upon him made him more menacing looking in the darkness of the store. His dark eyes looked like two black coals searing in complete anger.
You felt your heart drop to the bottom of your stomach, knowing that you’re totally fucked now. “Besides, I’m going to have so much fun with you after what you did to my older brother and making you pay for it.” He said, with the utmost glee in his voice.  
Older brother? Shit, you’re doubled fucked now. Nothing comes out good when messing with either older or younger siblings, especially the asshole types. Besides you can still take him on, since you still had the pepper spray can in your hand and it was still full too.
Slowly you lifted your arm up, with your fingers ready at the trigger. Before you could press the trigger and spray him straight into his eyes, he grabbed ahold of your wrist with his other hand. He tightly squeezed his fingers around it with painful pressure. He narrowed his eyes at you, looking more menacing. 
“You think you can do that to me, like you did to my brother? Guess again princess. You don’t get away with shit like that and think you could forget all about it.” His grasp around your neck started to get tighter and tighter, making it more difficult to breathe. You felt your airway starting to close up and began to gasp for air like a fish out of water.
Your chest heaving up and down at a rapid pace, making your heart beat faster and faster like a rabbit. You began to wheeze as the air disappeared from your lungs.
“It’s time for you to fucking pay up princess,” he loosened his grip around your wrist and grabbed the pepper spray from your hand.
“Eye for an eye,” he said as he pointed the cap towards your eyes, ready to pull the trigger. Tears began to flood your eyes again and fell down your cheeks. You tried gasping for more air, but your airway was completely blocked off.
Your vision was blurring away as it got difficult to breathe anymore. This is how you were going to die.
“Well well, what do we have here,” asked a heavy, raspy voice. You felt your heart skip a beat or two when you heard it. The voice sounded menacing, but in a calm way. So calm in fact it was more gentle than rough when it spoke.
Your captor’s eyes went from aggressive to complete fear when he heard the voice too. He widened his eyes, almost to the point of bugging out of his skull. It was almost like he knew who that voice belonged to. Quickly, he spun around to face the hulking figure that stood there in the shadows.
“BANE,” he said with a shriek once he turned around. In the process, the canister slipped out of his hand and dropped to the floor with a metallic thud. His other hand left your throat in a hurry, relieving the pressure from it at last.
You bent over, hacking and coughing air into your lungs. Even when his hand left you, you could still feel its harsh warmth on your bare skin. Almost choking a couple of times, you started to breathe normally again.
Looking up with tears still streaming down your face, you see your capture dropping to his knees and starting to crawl over towards this ‘Bane’ figure. “B-b-b-b Bane, wh-wh-what are y-y-y-you doing i-i-i-in this district,” he stuttered out. You could tell that fear filled every inch of his body.
The figure let out a long, raspy sigh as he looked down upon your capture crawling towards his feet. It looked like he was going to beg for forgiveness from this hulking being.
“I was taking a nice stroll through the snowy weather. Patrolling through the streets of my new domain, until I heard a great commotion coming from here,” he cocked his head to the side. From the sound in his voice, it sounded like he was somewhat agitated. “So do pray tell. Why are you doing here?”
There was great silence for a moment, until you could hear stammering coming from the person that held you by your throat. “W-w-w-we were ch-ch-checking out th-th-the place,” he swallowed hard, while trying to make eye contact. 
“We?” He asked in a calm tone. “M-m-m-my older brother an-an-and I,” he continued on stammering, “our leading commander told both of us to go check out our new piece of territory. We came in here to check on the goods, to see that everything was still in place before taking over.”
Then your captor looked over his shoulder towards where you still were, “then the both of us caught this little bitch hiding out in here and tried to take what’s actually ours.” Afterwards he turned back towards the figure.
The figure sighed another raspy breath, almost sounding like he was disappointed. “Caught her? Then why did she escape from you,” he asked another question, but getting more agitated with his words.
You could tell now that your captor is shaking like a leaf in the wind. Becoming more afraid of this Bane figure. “We did have her. My brother was holding onto her by her hair and talking about the consequences of trespassing into our territory and not to steal our shit. Apparently, she had a can of pepper spray hidden somewhere on her and sprayed my brother with it in his eyes. He couldn’t see anything and was defenseless. He told me to go and get her. That’s what I did. I caught her before she could escape through the doors. I was going to teach her a valuable lesson about what she did to my brother.”
It sounded like he was making himself and his older brother sound like victims rather than criminals and making you look like the bad guy from his perspective. No. Only you were the victim here and both of them were the actual criminals.
A sudden loud noise caught you off guard, making your heart jump a bit. You turned to look over your shoulder to see what was happening, until you saw an arm coming around the corner of the shelf, with the fingers wrapping underneath it. Coming into view, it was the older brother/your other captor. It looked like he got some of the spray out of his eyes, but not all of it. Pepper spray is very powerful shit for self defense.
 “Fuck Charlie, what’s taking you so fucking long? We have to-” He stopped dead center in his tracks as he noticed the hulking figure too. The figure moved his head upward and turned towards where your other captor was standing. He inhaled a very sharp breath when the figure looked over to him now.
 “Ah, you must be this gentleman’s older brother then.” He said, as he shifted in his place a bit. “Bane,” he said as he stepped an inch or two to get a closer look, “what are you doing here in our territory?” He asked with a hint of fear in his voice.
“Territory?” He asked in a more curious tone this time. Your other captor nodded his head. “Yes. Since everybody who stayed in this part of Gotham City abandoned it, our whole crew decided to take it all for themselves, including my little brother and me.”
You could feel there was tension in the air now, as the hulking figure standing in front of all three of you shifted his shoulders and crossed his arms. “What makes you think that this is yours,” he doesn’t sound amused now. 
“There’s nobody else here anymore. This is all ours now for the taking. We deserve all of this.” He said with much glee in his voice. He wasn’t wrong about any of that. Ever since the city was taken over, most of the residents of Gotham have either fled the city or gone someplace else to take shelter, because of the criminals that Batman have put away are loose once again.
“Deserve this?” Bane asked as he tilted his head to the other side. He was getting more agitated with his raspy breathing and starting to lose some of his patience little by little. “No. You don’t deserve any of this. You’re nothing but rats infesting wherever you go and where you shouldn’t be.”
“We are not rats,” he said through his gritted teeth. “We belong up here, not in the fucking sewers hiding out like there’s no tomorrow for us. I am done hiding in the fucking shadows and so is my little brother. Both of us don’t want any more of this.” At this point, you could almost feel his blood boil through his skin.
“Done hiding?” Bane asked as he began to move forward with heavy footsteps, “I have hidden in the darkness for the longest time myself. I was born into it and molded by it. The darkness may be a cruel, twisted, and unforgiving place. But for myself, I find it very peaceful,” he said as he gave out a raspy chuckle.
As Bane got closer and closer with his heavy footsteps, you could feel your back to tense up, just by looking at him. You could barely see what he looked like since there wasn’t enough light coming in through the outside.
He stopped in front of your captor, overtowering him with his tall build. You could hear his breathing increasing rapidly, as Bane stood inches in front of him. Craning his head upward just to look at him. Even after being sprayed in the eyes, fear filled them as tears fell down his face. His whole body trembling were he stood.
As you kept on breathing in more air into your lungs, Bane turned his head over slowly and looked down where you were on the floor. Even though you couldn’t see his eyes through the half lit entryway, they looked more calm than menacing.
“Dear one, did these two hurt you in an ungrateful manner,” he rasped, asking you in a very polite voice. You felt tears begin to prick the corners of your eyes again and a wincing sob escaping through your lips, as you took a deep, painful gasp of air into your lungs.  
“Yes,” you squeaked out like a little mouse and felt your heart drop a bit in your stomach. Bane gave out another raspy sigh, but this time sounded more angry and disappointed. He then turned his head back towards your captor and gave him an angry glare. Your captor swallowed very hard and could hear his breath shaking through his lips.
 “I’m very disappointed with you,” Bane said, as he placed a large hand upon his throat. Your captor shuddered when Bane placed his hand upon his throat, as more fear filled his entire body. It was trembling completely at this point.
A slow crunching noise began as Bane started to squeeze his hand upon your captor’s  throat and within seconds it started to increase more and more with each squeeze.
Your captor began to gasp as pain started to shoot through his whole body. Both of his hands shot up to where Bane’s is and tried to pry it off of him, but with no such luck. He gasped more and more in pain as the sound of bones crunching got louder.
The sound almost made your stomach turn, wanting to vomit just hearing it. The younger brother started to scramble at the distressed sound of his older sibling being hurt.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY BROTHER,” he shouted at the tops of his lungs as he charged towards the hulking being chocking the life the out of his own flesh and blood. He leapt onto Bane’s back and wrapped his arms around his neck.
Not wanting to watch any of this unfold before you, you mustered the courage and what’s left of your strength to run back to the other side of the store. At first you had difficulty getting up off of your own feet, but eventually made the effort from going to a crawl and into a full on sprint. The blood flow rushed back into your legs, giving you back into feeling them once again.
Instead of zigzagging through the aisles like you did the last time, you ran in a straight line all the way back towards the pharmacy where you hid before being found and caught earlier.
The rush made your heart beat faster again as you reached the back of the store. You dov back behind the counter of the pharmacy and found your flashlight still laying on the ground where you left it. After you quickly grabbed it off the floor, you crouched back down into a sitting position with you hugging your knees again with flashlight in hand. It felt like your lungs were on fire, as it was still painful to breathe in air after being nearly choked to death and were about to be sprayed in the eyes with your own self defense weapon.
Farther away, you could hear the comotian of the two brothers and this Bane person. It was very hard to tell if this person is the real Bane or an imposter of him since you don’t know what he really looks like in person. Then the sound of crashing made you break from your thoughts, as you could hear shouting.
“LET GO OF MY BROTHER YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE,” the younger one screamed at the top of his lungs. Another crashing sound made your racing heart jump against your ribcage. It was louder than the last one. You decided to cover your ears, to muffle out the noise of the fighting.
With your hands over your ears, you could hear your rapid heartbeat rushing to them. You could also hear a slight ringing inside them. Properly from being thrown around a couple of times in the last fifteen minutes.
More shouting and crashing sounds, making you more jumpy than normal. You closed your eyes tightly and tried to block everything out of your mind. Your breathing became more rapid as the fighting increased more and more between the two brothers and the hulking figure Bane.
Another crashing noise came, followed by some more shouting. The shouting was too muffled to hear, with your hands still covering your ears. Besides, you didn’t want to know or find out. Then you heard the sound of running footsteps, disappearing into the distance. Complete silence now.
After a couple of seconds, you slowly opened your eyes back up and then removed both your hands from your ears with a shaky breath. Mustering what’s left of your strength, you lowered your legs back to the floors and slowly lifted yourself back up.
At first you were a bit wobbly, but managed to stand up straight. Your breathing was turning back to normal, but your lungs still hurt a bit.
With your flashlight in hand once again, you slowly walked back to the entrance of the pharmacy and peeked around the corner. Nothing. Looks like you’re all clear.
Quickly, you dashed through the double hinged swinging door and went straight for your backpack you left behind before getting caught again.
As you were about to grab the handle of your backpack, the sound of heavy footsteps made you stop in your tracks as they made their way towards where you were. You scrambled backwards, accidentally tripping over your own feet and fell backwards towards the floor. A white, hot sharp pain surged through you again after landing onto your backside.
Lifting your head up, your eyes widen in prue terror to see the hulking figure coming straight towards you.
You started to crawl backwards at a fast pace and slid across the smooth floor without slipping. You felt your back arch up when you backed into the counter, pressing up against the smooth surface.
At last, the figure’s heavy footsteps stopped several feet in front of you. A lump formed inside of your throat, as your eyes laid upon this large being standing in the darkness.
“Ah, there you are, little mouse.” He said with a small, raspy laugh, “you are in no danger anymore. Those two ungrateful gentlemen are now gone”
It was quite difficult to see what he actually looks like through the shadows. With your flashlight still in hand, you decided to flip the switch on to illuminate the figure in front of you. Pressing your thumb against the switch, you flicked it up and the flashlight came on once again. As the bright light illuminated the darkness at last, your jaw dropped as your eyes widened more at the sight of the hulking figure.
He was tall. Quite tall in fact that he practically overtowers your own height. You were roughly in-between 5’4” to 5’5” in height. From his stature he looks almost six feet tall. He wore what to be military or military type gear such as the vest, but no weapons were on him. A long, winter coat covered his broad shoulders down to his knees. His pale skin glowed within the light, giving off a warm feeling. The one thing that caught you off guard, was his mask.
The mask covered most of his face, wrapping around his clean shaven head. A long leather strap tied around his bald scalp, pressing against the skin tightly. It almost looks like those muzzles for dogs, but this one is designed very differently.Whatever the situation was, it looks like it was especially designed for him.
The one and only thing that made him look so normal looking were his eyes. Bright and beautiful blue eyes. They looked so calm and collected, as they shined very brightly in the light. It was like there was no darkness inside of them, making you feel almost safe.
You felt your heart flutter like a bird inside of your chest, as you continued to look at him. His large chest raised and fell slowly as he looked down upon you. 
“It’s quite all right now. You have nothing to fear little mouse,” as he began to move slowly towards you, you felt your body tense up again as your back arched up against the smooth, wooden counter.
He stopped dead in his tracks just several feet in front of you. Still looking down, he lifted his hands, wrapped them around the shoulder straps of his vest, and tilted his head to the side.
“You still don’t trust me, little mouse?” He asked in a calm manner. You shook your head. Trust him? After what you’ve been through tonight, he wants you to trust him. Though he did save your life, but still, you don’t completely trust him after what he did to the two assholes.
He sighed heavily and slowly closed his eyes. After a moment or two, he opened his eyes back up, removed his hands from the shoulder straps of the vest, and then lowered his hulking body down into a crouching position.
You backed up a little more, with the back of your head nearly pressing up against the counter. Though he was just several feet away from you, it felt like he was much closer. Even with the light still trained upon him, you got a more detailed look of his face.
“Then you better listen, little mouse. Don’t go wandering about this place all by yourself. Many unknown dangers lurk everywhere, even in the darkest corners of the world. Best not to do it again. You may never know who or what may find you.”
The way he said that was somewhat true. Walking by yourself around Gotham city was dangerous enough even before the city got overtaken during the purge. You were always very careful when you were all alone, while walking the streets at night. Still, you could almost feel yourself trembling before this massive human being, even when holding up a flashlight just to look at him.
“Well then, it’s time to be off,” he said as he began to stand back up. He dusted himself off, turned his back towards you, and started to walk away. “Oh and one more thing,” he stopped to look over his shoulder back at you, “it’s best not to meet like this again, because what I’ll do will be very unpleasant. Is that understood, little mouse?” 
“Yes,” you said in a quiet voice and nodded your head. “Good. Best to get out of here while you still can and take what you need. Safe travels home” He turned his head back and continued on walking. The sound of his heavy footsteps faded as he walked away from you. Soon after, the footsteps were gone and so was he.
At last you breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed yourself. You sat there for a moment, thinking about what just happened this night. You were afraid at first that you were going to be killed and never see your parents’ faces again.
But if it weren’t for Bane, you wouldn't be alive right now. You thought more of what he just said to you before disappearing, about him doing something very unpleasant if the two of you ever met like this again. You may never know. Not until the next time the two of you crossed paths.
To be continued in part 2
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winniethewife · 8 months
It's undeniably real (Layla El-Faouly x The Moonknight system x Reader)
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Chapter 1: Then, it's the best feeling I've even known
Words: 1282
Warning: sex mentioned not described.
Three months ago when my best friend, and childhood crush, Layla El-Faouly reached out asking if I would like to possibly be in a threesome with her and her Husband Marc I was surprised. One they never seemed the type for Non-Monogamy, and Two I was pretty sure Layla was over her Bi-curious phase a long time ago. It was a pretty amazing night. I was pretty sure I would never have sex that good again, but I was very wrong. I have sex like that all the time. About a week after that night they had invited me over again, this time, I found out a lot more. About Marc’s DID, About Steven and Jake, about Moon-knight, and their adventures around the world. I felt like I could probably take that all into stride as their friend, then came the next surprise.
They asked me out.
They wanted me to be in a relationship with them, all of them. I had felt like my heart stopped that second. It took me sometime to process it and decide.
It had been a long day at work, I had just managed to get in the door and get out of my work clothes when there was a knock at the door. I went to take a look though my peephole It was Marc. I opened the door with a half smile on my face.
“Hey, Marc. Come on in.” I smiled and gestured for him to come inside.
“Hey, I’m sorry to not call or something before coming over I...I needed to see you.” He says in his usual gruff voice. He needed to see me? This was something else.
“Oh, um Okay.” I closed the door after he walked in. “Is something wrong?”
“Look, I thought it would be a good idea if, I asked you on a date, and they Want to ask you on a date as well, Especially Jake, He and Layla, don’t exactly get along…It’s a long story.” He seemed anxious about it, about asking me out.
“Does Layla also want a date? Is this some kinda trail period? First four dates free?” I try to lighten the mood with a joke. Marc smirks and chuckles.
“Yeah, something like that. I’m sure Layla would enjoy that. Sorry…this is still new to me…to us.” He rubs the back of his neck and averts his gaze.
“And not to me.” Admittedly my last triad hadn’t ended well but I had more experience in this than they did. “Anyway you feel about it is totally normal. Its how you act on those feelings that matters.” We sat in the living room for hours after that. Talking about how he felt, talking about how the others felt, and talking about how we all felt about Layla. I put my hand on his knee at one point and he after thinking for a second put his hand on mine, and that’s when I think I knew, no matter how those first dates went, I was saying yes.
Now three months later I’m grocery shopping with Layla, trying to figure out what one of the boys wrote on the shared grocery list, her arm around my waist as I’m holding the list.
“I can’t read Jake’s handwriting, what the hell does this say?” She points at it.
“Horchata Mix.” I laugh
“How can you read that?”
“He leaves me little love notes, like in the book I’m reading or on my bathroom mirror. I had to figure out what they said. So I made a cipher.”
“Well Jeeze, For all the times I managed to get him to talk to me all he could do was cuss me out.” Layla chuckles. Layla and Jake had a rough start of it, when He first showed up he brought chaos into their lives again and after they had just managed to settle down again. Layla had every right to feel like she did, but Jake also had a right to live a life, and for some reason, He really liked living his life with me. Which made me think of our first “free date”
“Dress for dancing. Can’t wait to see you. -J” That’s all the text said. The text made me laugh. The short black dress that hugs every curve of my body, the comfortable dance heels from my days in dance class, delicate makeup, hair done nicely. I thought I did well. I was surprised when Marc and Layla had said Jake wanted to take me out first. Apparently he had practically begged. I thought they were kidding at first, until I had gotten the text from Jake. Once I was ready I checked my phone to see a text from Jake.
“Outside. –J”
I felt my heart start to race as I left the building. He was standing outside his car, a flirtatious smirk on his face, It was a little odd to see Marc’s body but know it wasn’t him, how he held himself, the way he dressed, it was all very different. I walked up to him. I looked him over for the first time, he was dressed very nice, dress pants, white button up, dark tie, and the pageboy cap pulled over his dark curls was a good touch.
“It’s good to finally meet you Hermosa. You look stunning.”  His Spanish accent was a bit of a surprise.
“Thank you Jake, It’s really nice to meet you too.” I smile and lean in to kiss his cheek, a soft chuckle leaves his lip before returning the favor.
“Tu eres muy dulce…” His Honeyed words hit my ear and a shiver goes down my back. He opened the car door for her and she sat down in the car. As we drove to the dance hall we made some simple conversation. We pull into the parking lot of the dance hall and Jake is a gentleman the whole way in, opening doors, taking my hand, ordering my drink, it was quite sweet. But I had no idea what I was in for when we hit the dance floor.
He takes one of my hands in his and his other wraps around my waist, and he gives me a warm smile. It was my turn to surprise him by knowing where to hold myself in a starting dance position, a small smirk on my face as he chuckles and we start to dance together. I feel my heart thumping in my chest as His dark brown eyes met mine, something in the quality behind them, was different then when Marc looked at me. Everything about him was sensual, every touch, every turn, every second I felt like I was dancing on air. At some point we took a break and sat down to talk.
“Where did you learn to dance Muñeca?” He asks
“I took a bunch of classes in college, and some more recently with my ex. ” I answered honestly “And you?”
“If I told you I’d have to kill you.” He says with a chuckle. I laughed.
“Alright keep you’re secrets Lockley.”
“How else am I gonna keep you on your toes? Hm?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I couldn’t help but laugh again.
I put the blue bag of Horchata Mix in the cart with a smile then looked up at Layla. Her coffee eyes looked at me with an affection I had learned to enjoy over the last three months. I was thankful every single second I had with them. I had learned many times over the years that love like this is rare and fleeting, I just hope this time it lasts.
Chapter 2
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Black cat au stuff 4
1. Black cat introduces himself by saying, "I'm Black Cat, but you'll soon know me as the one that got away!"
2. Joker did something to anger Danny so he decided to humiliate the clown. How you may ask? Pies. Lots and lots of pies. Hes invisible when he does it so no one actually knows its him doing it but the Joker hasn't been able to get through one monolog or do even a single dramatic entrance since all this began.
Jason is loving it.
3. Danny started visiting Arkam as Black Cat and casually chatting and befriending the people he liked. I say "visiting" but no one is really sure how he keeps getting in or out, and he doesn't obey the visiting hours policy, but he brings snacks and keeps the patients calm. It's almost like he has a comforting aura about him. Strange.
4. Danny knows Red Robin is amazing with computers but so is he. He essentially used a combo of ghost magic and coding to make a sort of digital boobie trap against anyone who tried to get into his devices/obtain his information.
Danny isn't sure how Red Robin and Oracle had done it, but they managed to set off the trap not only on thier own devices but onto every device in Gotham which was hilarious because it left Danny laugh-crying on the floor of his flower shop as the entire city of Gotham got Rick Rolled. They even got the radio towers! How???!
The scene repeated a few days later and Dannys actually impressed that they made it worse somehow as the new song he selected (The english/Metal cover of Caramelldansen) blasted now in Gotham, the Titans Tower, the Watchtower, and Mt. Justice for three whole hours before they managed to turn it off.
5. Danny loves giving the Batfam gummy worms to snack on. He even found a nice vegan brand for Damian since he's vegetarian.
6. Danny buys these dumb realistic fangs and shows them off to Nightwing and Robin saying, "Careful, I bite!"
Nightwing laughs while Robin turns an interesting shade of red. Unfortunately for him, Alley Cat noticed and upon seeing the smirk on her face he knew that she knew.
Alley proceeds to flop between taking delight in placing Robin and Black Cat in awkward crush situations and being a wingwoman.
Catwoman watches all of it through Alley and Black's cameras like a prime soap opera.
7. Might be related to 6 but Damian/Robin keeps finding new and perfectly excusable ways to hold Danny/Black Cat. Like, start up bridal style. At some point Danny got so used to Robin and Damian picking him up and will just chill in thier arms until it becomes awkward or bird boy is forced to put him down.
8. The cats are always careful to avoid anyone with a sensitivity to the supernatural after this one psychic lady started screaming in terror when she saw/sensed him.
Imagine his and Zatannas mutual horror upon meeting! Danny just blurts out he's cursed as a cover up for being a super powerful undead eldrich creature
Robin: What?!
The batfam: What?!
Zatanna: *internally screaming cause what could possibly leave a curse like that*
Danny: ...oh ancients, what have I done.
9. Dani falls in love with this show called Moster High cause the characters are "like her" and Danny is just happy she has role models until she forces him to watch it and now they sing the intro song together often. Danny is a good big brother.
10. Cass just starts randomly referring to Kitty as her brother-in-law and everyone in the Justice Leage is confused- especially when they're told its the baby of the family whos engaged.
Kitty is brought to The Watchtower for whatever reason you can come up with and Cass explains they have a prank going on where they convinced the Justice Leage that he and Robin were engaged and asked him to play along.
Kitty, being a little chaos gremlin, agreed and playfully flirted with Damian all day. It was the goodbye kiss at the end that made Robin decide he owed Cass big time.
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munsonsprettygirl · 2 years
Y/N is exhausted and Eddie just wants to help
pairing: eddie munson x little!reader
summary: y/n’s sleep is plagued by nightmares and eddie discovers a way to help her. nsfw mentions but no smut. caregiver!eddie softness
Y/N can’t sleep. The nightly rest that she once adored is now plagued by nightmares and monsters that no amount of Benadryl can shake. They leave her feeling fuzzy and scared and helpless and more above anything Y/N hates to feel helpless. Preferring to stay up rather than battle another nightmare; she’s awake long into the night. Tip-toes downstairs while her parents are asleep to watch treasured vas tapes of Care Bears with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. There’s a certain fuzziness that comes after, coupled with the feeling of being underwater. It’s nice and warm there, where Care Bears and soft blankets matter more than the trivial aspects of high school. 
For a while, it works. She can keep up with her schoolwork and friends on the mere three hour naps she takes after school. Then sleep deprivation catches up and swallows her whole. She starts nodding off in classes she previously found interesting and misses out on important notes and due dates. Eddie nudges her when she does it. Blames it on boring content material because, shit, he’s practically falling asleep himself. But then she does it at lunch even with the surrounding clatter of noise echoing in the cafeteria. Slumps right there on his chest where anyone can see and he shakes her out of it before they do. 
“Hey, hey.” He pats her shoulder until she whines, rubs her eyes and then nuzzles back into him. “Sweetheart, you can’t sleep in here.” He holds her by her cheeks and waits for her to open her eyes. When she does they’re red-rimmed and hazy with sleep. The lavender circles underneath look painful and Eddie strokes them with his thumb. “Why are you so tired, hmm?”
“Can’t sleep.” She mumbles, hardly loud enough for him to hear. 
Eddie sighs and reaches down to his bag, messes around in the pockets before he pulls out a pair of sunglasses and slots them over her ears. “Here.” He drops a kiss on her forehead and guides her head back to his shoulder. “I’ll wake you up before lunch ends. But we’re going to talk about this later, okay?” There’s a hint of worry in his voice and she feels her chest ache because Eddie always worries so much. Worries if she’s eating and taking care of herself. How she’s doing in her classes and making sure she doesn’t push herself too far. Always calling her when she needs him and holding her close.
Y/N closes her burning eyes and lets the wash of sleep rinse over her while Eddie strokes her back, chest vibrating with the conversations he shares with his friends. 
                                                       .              .              .
When school lets out on a Friday afternoon, the hallways crows with relieved teens pushing each other over to escape the suffocating building and forget about it for two days. Dustin’s slipping through the chaos beside Eddie, rattling off about the campaign he’s writing and what he wants to do with his character for Eddie’s campaign. Eddie hums and nods but his eyes are searching over the sea of heads for Y/N. He sees her once they get out to the sunny parking lot, leaning in the window of Steve’s car and talking to Robin. His sunglasses are perched on the top of her head, pushing her hair away from her face. Dustin opens the back door and slides inside, the sound of Steve griping about his dirty shoes floats through the open windows. Y/N looks over her shoulder to where Eddie stands and bids Robin goodbye, backs away from the car as they drive off, shouting at her from the windows. 
“What were you two talking about?” Eddie asks once he’s hanging onto her side, his arm wrapped around the waist of her soft baby-pink sweater.
“Oh, just English class. Robin’s going to let me borrow her notes.” And it’s a little bit concerning because Y/N’s never had to borrow notes. Usually, she’s the person you would borrow notes from. Eddie’s done it plenty of times. Marveled over her pretty handwriting and the way she dots her i’s. “Shakespeare, you know?”
“Yeah,” Eddie mumbles, opens up his passenger door and helps her in. He rounds to the other side after throwing their bags in his backseat trying to push down the worry that’s rising in his stomach. He pops into the drivers seat and looks over at his girlfriend, rubbing her sleepy eyes and yawning. Thinks about how warm her body will feel pressed to his while they cuddle. The way her breaths feel like velvet against the skin of his neck. “Hey, why don’t we go back to my place?”
“Oh, I really shouldn’t-“
“Please, baby? It’s the weekend and I miss you.” He pouts, taking one of her hands and kissing around her knuckles and down her wrist. 
“I don’t have any clothes.”
“You left some at my house and, besides, you usually sleep in my shirts anyway. C’mon, you can pick a movie out for us and I’ll run out and get us snacks and dinner or whatever you want.” He gives his best puppy eyes just to make her giggle and when she does she lets her head roll back to his seat and for a second he can see the liveliness that once surrounded her.
“Fine, fine. But I have to call my parents and let them know.” Eddie smiles triumphantly and leans across the center console and drops a wet kiss on her cheek. 
“You won’t regret it, babe. Get ready to have the best night of your life.”
                                                                             .              .              .
Eddie makes box brownies while the opening credits of Labyrinth roll across the TV. Wayne waves hello to her and steals Eddie’s Twizzlers on his way out the door. Says he’s working a double and makes Eddie promise not to burn the house down. Y/N giggles from where she’s curled up on the couch wearing one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of cotton shorts she’s left there and whines for Eddie to hurry up in the kitchen. 
“Ok! Ok! Jeez…” Eddie sets a timer on the brownies and runs over tot he couch and pulls her onto his lap. “Whiny little thing you are.” He teases and pinches her thigh, smile spreading when she wiggle sup his thigh away from his pinching fingers. 
“Just wanted you to watch Labyrinth with me.” She pouts while Eddie pokes at her sides and leaves kitten licks behind her ear. 
“Ughhh, haven’t we watched this movie enough? I think I know every word to it.” Though he did partially learn every word just so he could dramatically reenact Y/N’s favorite movie when he needed to. Or force her to sit in his lap and let him wave her arms around while his knees bounce beneath her and he horribly sang the lyrics of Magic Dance. The laughs that spilled from her sounded so light and pretty he wanted to hear them forever. Moreover, being the reason for her laugh s was an honor he took very seriously. They filled his tiny trailer and made everything seem warmer and coated his heart with an added layer of love and adoration for his girlfriend. 
“Eddie, stop!” She laughs, half-heartedly fighting against him. 
“Dance magic, dance! Dance magic, dance!” He ignored her, large hands holding onto her forearms and thrashing them around, watching her eyes squeeze up in laughter. Eddie let her go once the song was over and she clambered off his lap to sit beside him. 
“That’s the last time I’m sitting in your lap.” She mumbles but there isn’t any seriousness in her tone. So Eddie smirks and drapes his arm over her shoulders and pulls her in, pressing kisses to the side of her face. He fusses over her while she tried to watch the movie, trying to turn her eyes away and distract her by leaving nibbles on her neck nd shoulders. Y/N batted him away and tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he persisted, loving all over her until the timer for the brownies went off. 
“You know what would make the brownies taste even better?” Y/N asked from the couch while Eddie took out the pan and set it on the stovetop to cool. 
“What’s that?”
“A joint.” Eddie throws her a toothy smile and points the oven mit at her. 
“That’s a great idea, baby.” She pauses the movie only to follow Eddie into his bedroom where she sits on his lap, holding his handmade D&D figurines while Eddie stuffs bud into a grinder. He tells her about their next campaign and watches with fond eyes as she turns the figurines over in her hands, handling them delicately. 
“Is this your character?” She asks, pointing to another figurine. Adorned in black robes they hold a sword that stands out amongst the blackness. Purple vines up the sides of the sword and look like magic. The figurines hair is black and flowing behind them. 
“Yup, that is Fenven Silvernight. He’s a level seventeen half-elf vampire warlock that I’ve been playing since I was twelve.” Eddie says proudly as he opens up the joint paper and starts spreading out the ground-up weed. “You can play with him, if you want.”
Y/N picks him up slowly, feeling as though she was holding one of Eddie’s greatest treasures. “Dustin’s writing this campaign right now that he wants me to be in. It’ll be his first time DM’ing but I think he’ll be great at it. Besides, I’ll be able to get some XP and level up Sir Silvernight.”
“Level up?”
“Ah, it’s a long explanation but the more you play the better your character becomes. You get to do more things like work with a patron diety. But I’m trying to level up to an Eldritch Master. That way you can entreat your patron for more spell slots.”
“Do you make up your own patron diety?”
Eddie nods and his tongue pokes out while he rolls the paper over the filter, trying to keep the crumbs inside. “Haven’t yet for this campaign though. Maybe it could be you.”
Y/N laughs. “Me?”
“Yeah! We could do it together, you can name them whatever you want and decide their abilities and weaknesses-“
“Can Warlocks and patrons date each other?”
Eddie blushes and brings the joint up to his mouth and seals the paper shut with a lick. “Well, duh, that’s a given. Fenven Silvernight would be on his knees for you, sweet girl.” Eddie twists the top of the joint closed then pulls open a drawer, rummaging through fine-tipped paintbrushes and pens until he pulls out a lighter. “Alright, m’lady, light her up.” 
They smoke down the whole joint until they’re both giddy and feeding each other the corner pieces of the brownies. Labyrinth is still playing on the TV but it is forgotten about once Y/N is lying down against the couch, hips bucking up into Eddie’s while needy whines escape her. They spend the rest of the night fooling around, stroking each other and laughing airily until sleep comes. And Y/N, so caught up in her adoration, forgets she doesn’t sleep at night anymore. Snuggles into Eddie’s bare chest while he combs through her hair. He talks some more about Fenven and deity’s until his voice is faraway and sleep overcomes her. 
                                                                             .              .              .
Eddie’s eyes peel painfully open. There’s a cool breeze coming in through his open window, leaving goosebumps across his skin. He turns over to throw his arm over Y/N’s tummy but finds her curled up legs instead. Her face is turned away from him and when he cracks open his eyes he can see her moonlit shillouette through his eyelashes. 
“What are you doin’ awake?” Eddie slurs, rubbing his sleep-crusted eyes with the back of his hand. There’s a soft sniffle coming from beside him and he sits up on his elbows. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Shit, sorry Ed’s. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Her voice is small and sounds distraught. “Go back to sleep, baby.”
“Uh-uh. You’re awake and you’re never awake in the middle of the night.” He reaches out a hand and lays it on her shoulder, feeling how her body trembles beneath his hand. “Baby you’re shaking-“
“I’m fine, Ed’s.”
“No, no, no. You’re not fine. You’re shaking and you’re clammy. What. Is. Wrong? Did you have a bad dream?” Another sniffle and the nod of her head confirms his suspicions. “Oh, honey. It’s okay, c’mere.”
He pulls her down to his chest, heart aching when she curls her fingers into his shirt and takes in a shaky breath. “Shh, shhh. You’re alright, I’m here.” They stay that way until her breathing slows down and the grip on his shirt lessens. Eddie pets back the sweaty strands of hair around her head. “You wanna tell me about your dream?”
Y/N rolls back against Eddie and stares up at the ceiling. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid if you’re scared.”
She sighs. “It’s always the same. I’m in the woods and it’s dark and there’s something coming after me. A monster I think.” She pauses. “I try and run but my legs aren’t working and I can’t get away or wake myself up.” Her voice trembles again and she covers her face with her hands. “It’s so silly.”
“No, no, no stop it. It’s not silly at all.” Eddie reassures her, rolling so he’s propped up over her. “H-how do you wake up? If you can’t on your own?”
“When the monster gets me.” Her voice is ice-cold sending chills down his spine. He touches his fingers to her cheeks and strokes over where her tears have dried. 
“You said they’re all the same.” Eddie begins and her eyes flick to his, waiting for him to continue. “How long have you been having these nightmares?”
She swallows nervously. “Almost two weeks.”
“What? Two weeks? You- you didn’t tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you! I’m sorry.” Then her voice is trembling again like she’s going to cry and Eddie feels awful. 
“Baby, baby, baby. Don’t want you to apologize.” He presses a long kiss to her head and cradles the back of her neck. “I worry. Okay? I’m always going to worry.  You’re my life. My everything. My baby.” He kisses her again. “Is this why you’ve been so tired? Because the nightmares wake you up?”
She nods and sniffles. “Sometimes they wake me up but lately I’ve just been… not sleeping.”
“Wait, what do you mean not sleeping? Like not at all?”
She hums in answer and Eddie lets out a long breath and drops his head into her neck. 
“I’m sorry.” She apologizes again and Eddie cuts her off by shaking his head. 
“No more sorry’s. I’m serious.” He bites down on his bottom lip and looks over her face, strokes it gently like she could break at any moment. “I wanna help you… if you’re okay with that. I know a few things about curing bad dreams.” 
“I- I think I would like that.”
“Yeah,” She answers and Eddie smiles and leans forward with another kiss. He flips the covers of of him and rolls out of bed with a grunted, “Alright baby,”
He comes around to her side of the bed and stands in front of her, draping a fuzzy blanket around her shoulders. “C’mon.”
“What?” She questions, cocking her head. “Where are we going?”
He lifts her with a quiet groan, one arm underneath her bum and the other around her back. “We’re going to make you sleepy.” He answers, stumbling through his dark bedroom until he reaches the door. “I know just the trick.”
That’s how they end up in the kitchen with Y/N sitting on the counter, slightly swinging her legs while holding the blanket around her shoulders. Eddie doesn’t realize it until that moment how small she looks. Her eyes are a little hazy, almost like they would be if she were high, but the redness in them is one from exhaustion, not smoke. They talk softly while Eddie moves around the kitchen, pouring milk into a mug and heating it up. Feeds her some of the leftover brownie and wipes the crumbs from her lips. Notices how wherever he touches her she leans into it a little more than she usually does and that’s how he knows somethings up. His girl is a brat, an independent and sometimes crude little thing when she wants to be. Quips back at everything he says with an amused giggle. Tonight she’s quiet and waits for direction, needs to be told what to do and how they’re going to do it.
When the microwave beeps he pulls himself from where he was standing between her thighs and she whines. “Hold on, baby.” Eddie soothes, slides his fingers around the microwave handle and gives it a tug. He takes out the steaming mug and looks into the frothing bubbles. He adds a couple drops of vanilla and honey, feels Y/N’s eyes on him while he does it. 
“What do you do when this happens at home?” Eddie asks, stirring the milk while the spoon softly clinks against the mug. 
She nuzzles further into the blanket and locks her ankles together. “You’re gonna laugh.”
“Why would I laugh?”
“Because it’s dumb.”
“Y/N-“ Eddie adds a couple more drops of vanilla and stirs again. “Nothing you do is dumb especially if it’s helping you when you’re having nightmares.” He sets down the spoon and reaches into a cabinet for the cinnamon. “So?”
“I take my blanket, go downstairs, and watch The Care Bears Movie.” She says it so quietly Eddie barely hears but he nearly doubles over clutching his chest in adoration. 
“God, that’s so fucking cute.” He kisses her warm cheeks. “Not dumb at all, baby. I love Care Bears.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, they’re like the most metal bears around.” Eddie answers and she snickers, watches him take a sip from the mug and hums. “Here, you try.” He hands her the mug, not thinking about how the hazy look in her eyes and the way she’s slower than usual would impede her ability to hold a mug. But it does and Eddie barely catches it before Y/N spills milk all over hers (his) pajamas. “Shit babe!” Eddie yelps, holding the mug away from her. “Okay, I’m going to give this to you now.” He chuckles to relieve the tension from her shoulders, noticing the embarrassment that tickles her cheeks. He holds the mug up to her lips and tilts just enough so that she can sip from it. Her eyes flutter shut and she takes a long, slow sip. 
“Mmm, tha’s good.”
“Isn’t it? Wayne used to do this for me when I was a kid.” Eddie recalls fondly. “Alright, now, I don’t have Care Bears but it is-“ He cranes his neck to where the green oven clock blinks back at them. “Three in the morning so I am sure that there’s some adequate cartoons on somewhere.”
Y/N smiles and cradles the side of Eddie’s head, skims her finger across his temple. “Thank you, Ed’s.”
He returns her smile and gives her a gentle peck. “No problem, baby. Arms around me,” He tells her and she does, hides her face in his throat while he maneuvers them to the couch with the mug in his hand. Settles into the corner of the couch and flips Y/N around, gets her to hold the mug with two hands while he flips through channels, deciding on The Smurfs. He takes the mug back and brings it up to her lips again, lets her sip on it a couple times before he takes it away. They do this until the mug is empty and Y/N’s body is slumped against Eddie’s, her eyes are heavy with sleep but she refuses, rubs them with her knuckles until Eddie bats them away. 
“You can sleep, sweetheart. I’ll keep the bad dreams away.”
                                                                             .              .              .
After that, Eddie tries to find more ways to make Y/N fall asleep. He pulls out his worn copy of The Fellowship of The Ring, situates her on his chest, and reads her the books under the soft light of a bedside lamp. When they’re three chapters in and she’s still wide awake, he runs her a bath. Adds bubbles from his body wash and sets out a warm fluffy towel. He sits on the floor beside the tub and makes a bubble beard on her face then yelps when she blows them back at him and they land in his hair. When that doesn’t work he drives them around town, hoping the rocking of the van would soothe her to sleep. Except, when they get back to the trailer she jumps down on the grass with the liveliness of someone who’s gotten a full nights rest. He brings her to bed and gives her three mind-blowing orgasms that tire him out but after cuddling for a mere five minutes she’s blowing on his face and poking at his sides.
Nothing is working and Eddie’s running out of ideas. Y/N’s convinced herself she’s a creature of the night but she says it half-heartedly because she would love nothing more than to curl up beside her boyfriend and sleep. Monday morning arrives and she gets ready for school in Eddie’s bathroom after a sleepless night. Runs cold water over her face until her eyes are no longer a painful red color. 
The week passes in a daze of short-lived naps and stacks of assignments that build-and-build. Y/N’s having to ask for extensions in classes she’s never had problems in and now her teachers are becoming concerned. Mrs. O’Donnell catches her nodding off and embarrasses her in front of the whole class. The entire ordeal makes her cry and, after, when Robin’s helping her wipe up her smeared mascara she snaps because the lights are too bright and everything to loud and she hates the way the wet paper napkin feels on her face. Then she’s crying more, apologizing, curling in on herself and feeling too small and out of control for anything. When she gets home and cleans herself up, she calls Eddie, trembling as she clutches the cord of the landline and waits for him to pick up. 
“Hello?” A deeper Munson voice crackles through the other end and Y/N sniffles and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. 
“Hi, Wayne. It’s Y/N. Is Eddie there?”
“Yeah, he’s in his room. I’ll get him. You okay?”
“Mmm-hmm.” She mutters, holding back another wave of tears while Wayne gets Eddie. He picks up the phone a moment later, breathing frantic as he fumbles the phone to his ear. 
“Baby? Baby what’s wrong? Wayne said you were crying-“
“Eddie…” Her voice shakes and everything comes crashing down around her. “I’m so tired and I fell asleep in English and I got yelled at and Robin just wanted to help me but then I snapped at her and I feel so bad because she’s always so sweet to me-“ 
“Shit. Honey, slow down and take a deep breath.”
Y/N throws her head into her hands and sucks in a breath but its cut off by another sob. “Need you. Just need you.”
“Ok, ok. I’m on my way. Gonna take care of you alright?” Eddie promises and Y/N whimpers out agreement, hears the sound of his keys jingling. “I’ll be there in a bit, baby.”
                                                                             .              .              .
When Eddie’s van pulls up outside her house she’s sitting on her front steps, hiccuping with her arms wrapped around herself. Eddie spills out of the front seat and runs towards her, gathers her body in his arms before she can stand. The smell and warmth of Eddie have her crying again, pitiful little sobs leaving her as Eddie rubs her back while her shoulders shake. 
“M’here, sweet thing. Right here.” He presses kisses into the side of her head that isn’t buried in his hoodie and sways her. Breathes in her conditioner and clothes. Notices how her fingers curl into the fabric of his hoodie and she melts into his touch. He pulls away from her and cups her face, the rings cool against the hot trails of tears marking her cheeks. Y/N takes in his worried expression, even more apparent since his hair is pulled up in a ponytail letting her see the entirety of his face. He frowns and kisses her forehead. “Need you to take a couple breaths for me. We can do them together?”
She nods but chokes on the first slow inhale they take together, breath shaky on it’s way out. 
“Good girl. Let’s do it again.”
The second breath is easier than the first, and by the third the blood rushing to her head has slowed. On the come down from it she can feel herself slipping into that fuzzy place. Her eyes are droopy and her arms feel like they’re hanging off her body. Eddie’s eyes are glassy when they look at her. The brown softer than she remembers and it almost makes her cry again. 
“Shh, no more tears, sweetheart. Let’s get you home.” He throws his arm over her shoulder and helps walk to the van
                                                                   .              .              .
Eddie runs into the drug store while Y/N stays in the car, dozing off against the window on the passengers side. He hated to leave her alone but between her weekend visits, Eddie and Wayne live on the bare minimum of groceries. He grabs a half-gallon milk jug from the fridge and a box of Cocoa Puffs. He finds the chocolate in the gift aisle and picks out an expensive one he thinks she would like. Before he can head to the register a blue plush bear catches his eye. It isn’t until he sees the little red heart on it’s side before he realizes what he’s looking at. When he turns the bear over, it’s tag reads “Bedtime Bear” and he wants to burst out laughing. The top is soft against his hands and it’s large, patchy eyes stare right through him. He stands there smiling while he imagines what Y/N would think of a Care Bear stuffy. He’s seen the other stuffed toys hiding behind her bed pillows, the ones she holds when she’s sick or sad. It’s always appeared more as a personal comfort but Eddie wonders if she would share this one with him. Then his eyes are falling to the shelf next to the Care Bears and he makes out a blush pink baby bottle decorated with smiling crescent moons. 
It’s the tenderness of the thought of using it that makes everything click into place. The reason why she wants to watch children’s shows and snuggle with blankets. The sleepy, adoring film that comes across her eyes. Her willingness to let Eddie hold her however he chooses. Always slinking in behind him and watching everything he does. Those clumsy hands trying to hold onto a warm mug and failing. 
He puts the bottle in the cart, checks out of the store as quickly as possible, and puts the bags in the back of the van so Y/N won’t see what’s inside. When they get back to his trailer he sends her into his bedroom while he puts away the groceries and hides the bottle in the cabinet behind old Tupperwares while he seeks out a better hiding spot. 
“Eddie?” He jolts after hearing Y/N behind him. “Is Wayne here?”
“No, sweetheart. He was leaving for work when you called.”
“Oh.” She frowns and steps towards him, eyes shy and cast at the grimy tile beneath them. “I miss him.”
Eddie’s heart clenches up and he brings her close for a hug. Wraps both his arms around her back and rocks her. “I know, baby. Me too. But he’ll be back in the morning. First thing.”
“Before we wake up?”
Eddie chuckles and kisses her warm forehead. “Yeah, before we wake up.”
He puts a smile back on her face by reading her his new Hellfire notes. Does all the voices and the impressions just to make her laugh. Fixes her a bowl of ramen and feeds it to her when her she keeps dropping the fork against the bowl. They bring Eddie’s comforter onto the couch to watch He-Man, Y/N laying on top of Eddie’s chest while his hands stroke up and down her back. He can feel her body getting heavier against his as she relaxes, pushing him into the cushions of the couch. He gasps suddenly, remembering the bear. 
“Nothing, nothing. Let me up for one sec.” She whines in response but rolls off of him and bunches the comforter around herself. Eddie disappears in his bedroom and pulls the bear out from his closet along with the bar of chocolate. He holds it behind his back as he nears her, a smile growing on his lips. “Okay, you have to close your eyes.”
“What are you doing?” She giggles and Eddie hushes her and repeats himself until her eyes pinch shut. He brings the bear around from his back and places it in her lap. 
“Okay, open.” Her eyes peel open and hands come around the side of the bear to pick it up. 
“Is this-“ Her eyes flick up to Eddies and the dimples in her cheeks deepen as she smiles. “You got me Bedtime Bear!” She hugs the plush toy close to her chest and buries her face in the top of him. “I love him! I love him! I love him!”
“I’m glad you love him, sweetheart.” Eddie smiles and sits beside her, watching her pet over the soft bear. “I also got youuuuuu-“ He shows her the chocolate. “Dark chocolate. I read somewhere that a couple pieces can help you fall asleep. Anddd it’s the yummy kind.”
Y/N’s cheeks heat up and Eddie watches the smile on her face turn into something softer, more vulnerable. Something she reserves for him. “Thank you, Ed’s. I-I don’t know what to say.”
Eddie cups her cheeks with his hands and lays kisses all over her face. “You don’t have to say anything, sweetheart. You’re my girl. Gonna take care of you until you tell me to fuck off.”
She breathes out a chuckle and the gaze that she holds with Eddie turns hazy. Eddie’s chest swells up and fights the urge to swaddle her up and bring her close. 
“Do you- do you think-“ She stumbles around her words, fiddles with Bedtime Bear and looks away. “Do you think you could make me the vanilla milk? If you want to.”
Eddie leaves a wet kiss on her lips before hugging her close, breaths in her sweet smell and rocks her. “I want to, baby. I’ll be right back, okay?”
He leaves her to her new toy and the chocolate while he bustles around in the kitchen making her milk the way she likes it. When he peers over at her from the kitchen she’s looking smaller than ever, mumbling to Bedtime Bear and playing with his arms. He thinks of the bottle hiding in the cabinet and in a moment of shamelessness fishes for it in the cabinet and approaches her with it.
She looks up from her bear, lips twitching at seeing Eddie, then her eyes fall to what he’s holding and her head cocks just a little bit. “Is that a baby bottle?”
“I saw this at the drug store, next to where I found Bedtime Bear. I don’t know why I got it but I-“ He struggles to find his words. “I noticed sometime it’s hard for you to hold the mug and I’m worried you’re going to maybe drop it on yourself one of these days and I don’t want you to get burnt. But ah,” He fishes for more words to say, to explain why he thought buying her something that’s meant for babies was a good idea. 
Her eyes stay fixed on the bottle, heart fluttering at the way his ringed fingers wrapped around the pink bottle. The fuzzy feeling seeped in and consumed her. She was slipping fast without any chance of stopping. 
“I was wondering if maybe I could… maybe… feed it to you in the bottle if—“ Eddie takes a deep breath but he dosen’t let it out. “If you’re okay with that.” He reaches the hand that’s not holding the bottle to mess with his ponytail back and she can see how nervous he is from the way his eyebrows are screwed up together. “I just thought it might be better because then we don’t have to worry about you spilling  and you can lay down when you drink it or snuggle with Bedtime Bear or-“ 
He’s cut off with the thud of her flying onto his chest, squeezing around him so tight he can’t breathe. He hesitates hugging her back but then she’s crying again, locking her arms around his shoulders while she shakes. 
“Shit, I’m sorry, honey. I’m sorry.” He starts apologizing but she interjects, shaking her head while she sniffles. 
“No, no. I-“ She lets out a breath. “Nobody’s ever… ever wanted to…” She’s blubbering and crying again, clutching onto him and her bear. “I love you.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Eddie wraps himself around her, nearly crying himself from the relief. “I love you too, so much.”
                                                       .              .              .
Eddie pours the milk from the mug into the bottle and screws the top on tight. Flips it over to make sure its closed and checks the temperature of the liquid on his wrist. Y/N watches him approach her slowly, narrating everything he’s doing and asking her if everything was okay. It was all okay with her. Even though her heart was racing in her ears there was still a sense of safety that Eddie gave her. She maneuveres herself across Eddie’s lap and follows his hushed instructions. 
“Lay back on my arm, baby, there you go.” He holds her head on the inside of his elbow, his hand coming round to her shoulder. She can feel his rings over the shirt, a cool feeling that grounds her. Then they’re shuffling around again while Eddie pulls the comforter around them, fishes for Bedtime Bear and tucks the blanket around him too. “Okay, you comfy?”
“Yeah, m’comfy. Love you.”
“And I love you, sweetheart.” They share another kiss before Eddie holds up the bottle and tips it towards her. He doesn’t move it again, or talk. Just waits patiently for her to make the choice to open her mouth for it. And when she does she’s met with sweet praise and reassurances. 
The milk tastes even sweeter than before and makes her body feel all warm. She blinks at Eddie through lidded eyes and reaches a hand up to swipe his teary ones. She can feel the love pouring out of him all at once and it makes her cry too. Then they’re just sniffling on his couch, watching each other, while Eddie feeds Y/N a bottle. 
She’s realizing how much she’s needed this. The patience to just be small and soft and float away on that cloud that spreads throughout her until everything tingles pleasantly. She stops crying to smile at the feeling of it and Eddie mimics her. 
“What’s got you all smiley?” He turns his head into her palm and kisses it.
“You.” Her voice is muffled by the bottle but Eddie still hears her and the corners of his eyes crack in a grin. “I lub you.”
He leans forward until his nose is pressed into the crown of her head. He breathes her in slowly and closes his eyes. Turns his cheek onto her head and starts swaying the both of them. “You have no idea how much I’ve needed this. Needed to love you and do this for you.” He pulls his head back to look at her glassy eyes and apple cheeks. “Is it okay?” 
Eddie’s referring to the milk but also to the entire situation. He’s always scared he’s going to overstep with her. That his doting and babying will make her want to run away. His heart squeezes up while he waits for her response. And it comes, delivered around the bottle with a droplet of milk sticking to her bottom lip. 
“’S perfect, Ed’s.” Fuck. He wants to cry all over again. Squeeze her up tight and keep her on his lap where he can always watch her and take care of her every need. 
“Good, I’m glad.”
She falls asleep halfway through and Eddie spends a while just watching her. Makes sure her face doesn’t twitch up from any nightmares and keeps her bear from slipping from her arms. Doesn’t make any moves to wrongly rock or disturb her and after an hour of him rocking her, he’s wondering if she’s asleep enough to take to bed. He tries to stand up with her as smoothly as possible but his legs almost give out from underneath him and he almost drops her all together. But once he’s standing he makes his way to his bedroom, dragging the comforter behind them, and situating her on the bed with his pillows around her and her bear tucked to her chest. He closes the window and put the comforter back on the bed. Slides in behind her and pulls her into his front. 
“G’night, sweetheart.”
                                                                   .              .              .
She wakes up still feeling soft. Eddie’s arms are wrapped around her and her head is nuzzles into Bedtime Bears tummy. She feels good. She forgot what it was like to wake up and feel rested. Her mouth falls open in a yawn and she stretches out her legs and arms to stretch. Wiggles her fingers and her toes. Picks up Bedtime Bear and rolls over to Eddie. He’s still sleeping, hair fallen out from his ponytail and falling over his face. She moves it behind his ear and his nose crinkles. 
“Mmm, baby?” He croaks out, peering open one eye. “Wha’ time is it?”
“Dunno. No school today.”
He rubs his eye with the heal of his hand. “You wanna skip?”
She hums and leans into Eddie’s warm body, pulls her knees up to her hips so she can make herself smaller to fit into his side. “Just wanna stay with you.”
Eddie turns his head to her and delivers sleepy kisses onto her hairline. “Okay, we can skip. You feeling okay? Did you have bad dreams?”
She shakes her head. “No, I had good dreams. Just want to be small for a bit longer.”
Eddie pulls her closer and snuggles back into her. “You’re so sweet. My sweet girl. Love you so much.” He mumbles it into her skin while his eyes pull him back to sleep.
“Do you think we could-“ She traces her fingers over the lettering on his shirt. “Do that again? Like today?”
Eddie’s lips break into a smile and he leans forward to kiss her. “Of course we can, sweetheart. Whenever you want.”
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severalforraelee · 2 years
Chaos: Prove It Short Story
Prompt: Please do one where max and yn is getting into the whole parenting thing and its UTTER CHAOS in the Verstappen household please
Written by raelee / Posted Sep 10
Word count: 1,123
Formula 1 Masterlist
Prove It Masterlist
My exhausted body wakes up slowly, pleading to go back to sleep. I keep my eyes closed, willing for sleep to come back.
“You have to be gentle with her, Rowan, we’ve talked about this,” Max’s voice echoes through the house from the living room. I can hear Keagan making the whooshing sound that he makes whenever he’s playing with his cars.
Ah, so that’s what woke me up. The sound of my boys.
The sound of an infant wailing soon follows.
And the sound of my girl, too.
“I just don’t know why,” Rowan responds to his dad in a very matter-of-fact way.
Rowan always needs an explanation for everything, and if he forgets it and needs an explanation later, he’ll ask you again. And he’ll keep asking about the details until he fully grasps the concept- well, as good as a five year old can. It’s something that he gets from Max, which means it absolutely inferirates Max. Which means that I find it hilarious.
“Because she’s very small and fragile,” my husband’s voice gets louder as I walk down the hall, blanket wrapped around my shoulders and Tala on my heels.
Max looks up as I enter the living room but Keagan keeps playing with his cars and Rowan keeps his gaze focused on Avery, worried about dropping his baby sister. Tala heads straight for her dog bed, laying down in it but keeping an eye on us.
“I’m sorry, darling, did we wake you up?” He questions.
“Yeah, but it’s fine. I missed you guys,” I yawn, sitting on the couch next to him and leaning against his body.
“Dad, I’m done,” Rowan announces, slipping Avery’s small form from his tiny arms into Max’s ones that are helping him support the baby.
“She’s probably hungry,” I state, noticing that it’s been three hours since she was last fed. Max hands her to me gently, watching as she latches on to begin breastfeeding.
We turn our attention to our oldest child crawling onto the floor by his brother, grabbing a car sitting by Keagan’s knee.
“No, mine,” Keagan cries out, despite holding a car in each hand.
“You weren’t playing with it,” Rowan protests.
“Mine,” Keagan squeals, stomping his foot on the ground.
Then, it happens. Rowan throws the car at Keagan- I really thought we were out of the throwing phase but I guess not- and Keagan lurches forward to bite his brother. Rowan screams as Keagan bites into his skin.
“Boys, hey,” Max rises from the couch, picking up Keagan by the legs and trying to pull him off of Rowan but the grip on that kid is tight.
“Keagan Charles Verstappen, stop that right now,” I scold sternly.
Keagan lets go at the sound of my voice but Max isn’t expecting it yet, stumbling back a few feet with our toddler swinging in the air.
“Are you alright?” Max inspects Rowan’s arm as I scold Keagan further, letting him know that we don’t bite people and we certainly don’t hang on for an extended period of time.
“I’m going to wash my arm with cold water,” Rowan announces while heading towards the bathroom, already knowing what to do from being the target of his brother’s attacks one too many times.
“How come he listens to you and not to me?” Max whines, motioning towards Keagan who’s now playing with his cars again like nothing ever happened.
“I’m going to wash my arm with cold water,” Rowan repeats.
I shrug. “We spend more time together.”
“I’m going to wash my arm with cold water,” Rowan calls from the bathroom.
“Okay,” I call back. I guess we’re now at the repeating-until-I-get-a-response phase. “Did you give the boys breakfast yet?”
“Yeah, they had waffles,” Max leans forward, kissing me on the lips and stroking our daughter’s cheek softly. At least one of them is calm and quiet.
That’s just one out of three, though.
“With whip cream, lots of whip cream,” Rowan adds as he enters the room.
“You weren’t supposed to tell mama about that,” Max whispers to him like it’s still a secret.
Keagan suddenly stands up, drawing all of our attention to him.
“Potty,” he declares.
As soon as the word leaves his mouth, Max is rushing him out of the room. He takes his small hand, leading him to the bathroom while giving him praises for letting us know that he has to use the potty.
I didn’t want to begin potty training Keagan while Avery is still a newborn, but right before I gave birth he showed an interest in it so we decided to jump on that opportunity.
While Keagan showed the interest at first, he sure as hell isn’t now.
“Thanks for letting us know that you had to use the potty, bud,” Max commends.
Rowan begins to play with the cars by himself while I brush a stray curl behind Avery’s ear.
“Oh, not there, Keagan. No, you have to- please, Keagan, just- no! No no no, you go in the toilet,” Max’s cries ring out from the bathroom.
I smirk at the sounds of my husband’s pleas, only imagining what kind of mess he’ll have to clean up. One of the pros of being three weeks postpartum is that I can get away with not doing a lot of things.
Keagan runs out of the bathroom, giggling and diaperless.
“Keagan, go get your diaper and I’ll put it on for you,” I tell him, not knowing how long it’ll take Max to clean up the mess in there. I rest Avery on my shoulder, patting her back and getting her to burp.
By the time I get her settled into her bassinet Keagan is by my side with a Paw Patrol diaper. I put the diaper on for him, settling back on the couch as he goes back to playing with the cars, not even noticing that Rowan is playing with the cars that he was playing with earlier.
My husband emerges from the bathroom with a plastic bag full of used paper towels, shaking his head at me as I laugh at him.
“You’re the one who wanted to potty train him,” I state as he returns from bringing the bag out to the garbage can and washing his hands.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” he sits down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
I rest my head on his shoulder. For once, it’s peaceful. Rowan and Keagan are playing well with each other, Avery is resting in her bassinet, and Tala hasn’t moved from her dog bed this whole time. There’s always chaos in our house, but it wouldn’t be the Verstappen household if there wasn’t.
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
fox & rex ficbit
finally wrote some tcw! whoo.
tbh not entirely sure where this is headed (a lie: i know exactly where i want this to end up, and it is with alpha-17 storming coruscant in a fit of protective rage and also murder) and atm it’s just a lot of exposition ideas because...i still have no real solid feel for the characters?? so i’m kind of working through that.
it is exhausting. star wars fanon you are exhausting. why can my brain not just write with the tropes and be done with it
anyway basically rex and fox are alpha-17′s feral children/brothers/students/?? because all three of them are competent chaos gremlins. set vaguely after geonosis but before the GAR is actually properly structured, bc if star wars doesn’t know what its timeline is then why the hell should i
Growing up on Kamino, Rex and Fox had three things in common: a taste for the popularly-loathed blue carbohydrate cubes, an unstoppable compulsion to always be the best at anything they did, and the extremely dubious honor of being Alpha-17's favorites.
Fox was one of the earlier Command Class clones decanted, the eldest of a batch that boasted Wolffe, Gree, Bly, and Cody: possibly the strongest CC batch that Kamino would ever produce. He came out with a massive chip on his shoulder and left his tact in his tube, and made a sport of talking back to every single trainer in the Cuy'val Dar--which was why he once spent two weeks in Medical with broken ribs, a punctured lung, and Dred Priest's bootprints on his chest.
On the other hand, Rex came from a CT batch that was nearly flushed for genetic deviation, and of the original five, only he and Crys made it past cadet training. He clawed to the top of all his training modules fueled by fear and spite, and did everything by the book to avoid any kind of attention that might further mark him as defective: he kept his head down and his mouth shut, no matter what he actually thought about things.
Alpha's ARC training was good for the both of them, in the end: it taught Rex how to speak his mind, and it taught Fox how to shut the fuck up.
"15 - 5," Alpha announced cheerfully, leaning on his training staff without even the slightest indication of being tired. Fox, flat on his back at Alpha's feet, wheezed something that might have been a curse.
"I'm starting to think that those 5 were a fluke," Rex said blandly. 
Fox's next growl was definitely a curse, and he lifted trembling hands to sign something insulting and anatomically improbable in Rex's direction.
"Go on, stop whining into my mats," Alpha said, nudging Fox in the side with his foot. "It's time for me to beat the other little brat into the ground."
Rex watched, snickering, as Fox very clearly struggled to keep from offering Alpha a similar insult. 
It was good that he was finally developing a sense of self-preservation.
It was just the three of them left in the gym, long after most sane troopers retreated to lick their wounds and get some kind of rest before they did the same thing all over again tomorrow. Even Fox's certifiably unhinged batch had abandoned them after a couple hours of extra training; most of the CCs had been tagged for the ARC classes, but some were taking to it with a little more enthusiasm than others.
Fox peeled himself off the floor, using his staff as a crutch as he staggered to the deceptive safety outside of the training ring. He passed Rex along the way; his encouraging pat on the shoulder turned into more of an uncoordinated smack to the side of the head, which Rex magnanimously decided to forgive on account of knowing he'd probably need Fox's help standing up later. 
Alpha was brutal, and relentless, and more than a little bit of a dick, but he wasn't cruel. He pushed them hard, taught them everything he knew, and if sometimes Rex caught him looking at them like he was worried they'd vanish the moment they left his sight, well. 
The campaign on Geonosis had been a hell of a debut. They'd lost thousands of brothers, and now they were all on edge waiting for their official postings. There was no telling where they'd end up next. 
Fox would undoubtedly be deployed where the fighting was the heaviest; he came off Geonosis with a dossier of accolades and a near-spotless string of victories. The rest of his batch had done equally well--all save Cody, who'd been unwillingly left behind on Kamino with a grade three concussion and a broken orbital bone, courtesy of one of Isabet Reau's battle circles.
Rex was probably destined for something similar. He'd performed well enough that he was guaranteed an officer commission, and he'd been all but adopted into the Command class after taking control of a battalion that had lost their commanding officer. It would be an absolute waste to not send him to the front lines.
Once ARC training was over, once they got their assignments and shipped out, it was entirely possible this would be the last time that Alpha saw them both alive.
With that cheery thought in mind, Rex spun the staff in his hands, met Alpha's grim expression with a sharp nod, and launched himself into the ring.
(Later, after Alpha dumped them both in the showers and ordered them not to drown, Fox gave him so much shit for only managing to win three matches out of twenty. But he also hauled Rex into the closer barracks that he shared with his batch, shoved him into the empty bed, and immediately passed out on him, which was enough of a comfort that Rex figured he could put off his vengeance for later. 
Maybe in the morning.
Maybe after they came back from the war, and they could prove to Alpha that he hadn't just sent them off to die.)
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 8 months
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            Taking over from her Abuela came naturally. It was the role she didn’t know she was born to fill until she was living it. This time around however, she properly sets up schedules that fits everyone’s needs. Being so involved with everyone else’s lives, Mirabel often doesn’t notice her own needs; this is where Leonardo comes in. Leo looks after her blind spots and makes sure she is looking after herself while she looks after the town. I imagine in the colour scheme of the Madrigals; Mirabel carries on the green theme from Bruno, and this extends to her husband and three children. I love that she is green and white whilst Leo is green and black, trying to show that they are complimentary to each other. Mirabel inherited the chatelaine from Alma. Whilst Abuela had the mountains designs on her dress, Mirabel’s skirt has the opened mountains. They also kind of look like M’s which could be for Mirabel or Madrigal.
            After living most of his life alone, Leonardo welcomes the chaos that comes with a large family like the Madrigals. Leonardo serves as an ambassador of the outside world and guardian to the magic. He becomes vital in the development of trade routes to local towns. Leonardo is blunt and will often do what needs to be done even if doing so raises eyebrows. (Random house needs a roof tile repaired? He just gets up on that roof and fixes it without telling the family) He protects Mirabel from her blind spots, which is usually her inability to see people’s true motives when she only sees the best in people. Leonardo spoils his children, having worked since the age of five he makes sure that his triplets get the best of everything that he never had.
            The townspeople are sure that Mariposa bears the soul of the late Dona Madrigal. Her gift of angel wings made of light all but confirmed it to them. Mariposa doesn’t see it this way. The shy and insecure girl feels there is an expectation of wisdom and guidance wanted from her that she doesn’t yet possess. She feels she could get to that point someday, if only she could figure out how to fly first. The specific green I chose for her is laurel green to boost her “angelic’ character. Leonardo calls her Palomita which means Little Dove. Her symbols are wings.
            Nothing gets past Beatriz; she sees all and knows all. She’s can talk for hours about anything, and she will tell you about every detail from the colour of the paint on the walls to what shoes people were wearing. She was gifted with super sight, she can see at great distances, see slight movements and she can see in the dark. Her glasses actually dull her gift so that she can focus on what is in front of her. The green that I chose for Beatriz is ‘cat eye green’ because of her gift. She looks up to her Tia Isabela and wants to be her when she grows up. The shapes on her outfit are supposed to be eye shapes and some inspiration for the colours were from Mirabel concept art.
            Hugo is a calming presence. He is content with sitting back and observing whilst everyone rushes through life around him. He is a patient soul and spends his time learning the different crafts his family knows. He likes to fix things rather than throw them away, so he tends to keep a lot of broken things around for later. The miracle gifted him with hugs that bring serenity. The green I chose for him is aquamarine as the gemstone is often associated with stress relief and peace.
If you have any questions about the characters, ask away!
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cornflake2005 · 3 months
Rivers Flow Through Empty Canyons Sometimes
Read here or on AO3
Trigger warning for self harm
When River woke in the morning, he was alone in bed. He could hear a lot of movement outside of his room. As he glanced at the alarm clock he realized why. They were getting on the busses in about an hour.
He didn’t want to go on tour. He didn’t even want to get out of bed. His head was pounding and he felt like absolute shit. He would have to ask someone about it later once they were on the buses. He didn’t remember the night before at all.
He needed to get ready and grab his things so after about 10 minutes of preparing to get up, he finally did. When he did stand up, it felt like the room was spinning. He had to stand still for a moment before making the long trek to his room.
The hall that held Nihil’s ghouls’ rooms was across the common area from where Copia’s ghouls were. And both his room and Rain’s room were close to the ends of their respective halls.
He thankfully didn’t run into anyone on the way there. All he needed to do was get into some clean clothes and freshen up a bit. Nihil only allowed his ghouls to wear black clothes. There were no patterns allowed and even certain clothes were prohibited outside of the ghoul area. He threw on a plain black long sleeve and some black jeans. That was about as casual as he was allowed to be out in public.
He headed into the bathroom and did his usual morning routine of brushing his teeth and brushing his hair. He decided he was going to put his hair up in a bun so it was out of the way of his face. He ran his hair through it a few times first. He wasn’t used to it feeling this soft. He never got to soak it long enough for it to be this soft.
Once his hair was up he finished getting ready and put his shoes on. He was starting to feel a bit better but his head was still pounding. It felt like he had the worst hangover ever. But as far as he remembered he didn’t have enough to have this bad of a hangover.
He grabbed the couple bags he had and headed out to the busses. There were two of them. One for the crew plus him and Nihil and one for Copia and his ghouls. He handed his bags off to the ghouls who were helping load the buses.
He was confused as he watched his things get loaded onto the bus for Copia and his ghouls. That definitely was not right. He saw copia waiting near the bus entrance so he decided to go up to him and ask him.
“Excuse me, sir? I thought I was going on to the other bus. Why were my things loaded onto this one?”
“There were some… eh… communication errors. There are not enough bunks on the other bus for you, heh.” River could tell that Copia did not sound happy about this. He was sure his ghouls all blabbed to him about the shit he had done.
He was also unhappy about this but he wasn’t going to argue or cause a scene. He would get in trouble for doing that. He just nodded to Copia and got onto the bus.
He was expecting more chaos but it seemed like most of the others were feeling just as shit as he was. All three of the Ghoulettes plus Rain were cuddled up with each other, looking like they were in just as shit of shape as he was. Aether and Mountain were sat on the other end of the couch, Aether leaning against the other. They seemed to be doing better than the other four but still looked like shit.
There was a little chaos on the opposite end of the bus, however. Swiss and Dew were fighting over who got the last top bunk and being very loud about it. He didn’t care to listen to what they were yelling about but he was hoping they would both shut up soon because it was making his head hurt worse.
He headed past them all, trying to ignore their glares as he passed. Seeing as Dew and Swiss were fighting over a top bunk, he assumed the rest were taken. He started to search through the bottom bunks until he finally found an open one.
The bunks were far too small for them to be comfortable for him but seeing as everyone else was occupying the sitting space, this would have to do for now. It took a few minutes but soon he was comfortably wedged into the small bunk.
He didn’t realize how exhausted he still was. Even with Swiss and Dew still fighting right outside his bunk, he managed to fall right back asleep.
When he woke again, a few hours had passed. The bus was in motion but it was also a lot quieter. He was sore from how he was wedged into the bunk so he got out to stretch. He saw that the couch was empty now, minus a very bored-looking Aether, so he went over to it and sat down.
He knew that Aether didn’t exactly like him, none of Copias ghouls did, but he knew that Aether would tolerate him more. He could feel the other’s eyes on him.
“Someone spiked the drinks… no one knows who yet. Or why.” The poor ghoul sounded exhausted. But now that he knew what happened at the party, he understood why.
“You and Rain were two of the first to pass out. None of your pack mates were coming to help so I decided to keep you with rain so I could monitor you both. I didn’t have enough to pass out but it still wasn’t fun…”
“Thank you…” that was all he could think to say. He was grateful. He knew that Aether couldn’t hate him fully if he went through all that trouble to try and keep him safe. They were both exhausted though, so he didn’t want to push for more information.
He decided he was just going to sit there in silence for a while and let his limbs breathe. But then he smelt smoke. He was quick to get up and get to the source and he could sense that Aether was right behind him.
He was ready to put out whatever was on fire but he saw that Rain had already taken care of it. He frowned when he saw the state he was in. He was clearly very out of it still. He was sure Rain had consumed a lot more than he had.
“You… need to stop..” Rain was trying to sound angry but it was still taken over by exhaustion.
“Come on, you need to rest more. You can be angry at Swiss later.” Dew had appeared from his bunk, it seemed he had gotten the top bunk after all. He was trying to get Rain back into his bunk.
River felt bad for the other water ghoul. He knew he had to have drank a lot to still be feeling like this. He didn’t want to deal with this situation though. No one was in danger so it wasn’t really his business to try and sort things out with another pack. Especially when none of them liked him in the first place.
He decided to crawl back into his bunk and get some more sleep. It wasn’t like there was anything better to do until they got to their next stop. Hopefully, he’d be able to sleep well.
River got a good 10 minutes of sleep before he was waken again. He felt overwhelmed and overstimulated now. Multiple conversations were happening throughout and every single one of them sounded too loud to him.
But everything was starting to be too much. The feeling of his own clothes on his body felt like too much. He needed to get away. He opened up the divider on his bunk and the lights felt blinding. He pushed past everyone and decided he was going to hide in the bathroom.
He got himself in there and didn’t even bother turning the lights on. It would be too bright for him to handle. He locked the door behind him, not wanting anyone to come in and bother him.
He leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor. He pulled his knees up to his chest but with how small the bathroom was and how tall he was, there still wasn’t much room for him in there.
He covered up his ears to block out the rest of the noise and just sobbed. He didn’t care about how loud he was being. As long as no one saw him crying he didn’t care.
The effects of all the overwhelming stuff that had been going on as well as his discomfort from being drugged and hungover plus just genuine overstimulation were really taking a toll on him. He couldn’t handle all these emotions.
He didn’t even notice the pain… he didn’t know that anything was wrong until he felt blood dripping down his face. He pulled his hands away from his ears for a moment to see them covered in blood. He had been digging his claws into the sides of his head.
Now that he realized, the pain was only adding more to his already overwhelmed state. He heard a knock at the door and he flinched at how loud it sounded to him. He felt kind of bad when he heard the voice on the other side.
“River…?” It was Rain and he still sounded very out of it. “Can you let me in, please…?”
He didn’t want anyone to see him like this… but the comfort of another sounded good at the moment. It was hard for him to even think but he made the decision to unlock the door.
He watched as the other water ghoul entered. He wanted to tell him to leave and go rest more but he couldn’t bring himself to make any other noises but sobs and the occasional whimper. He didn’t even want to move more than he already had.
He kept his eyes on Rain, making sure he wouldn’t try anything while he was so vulnerable like this. He was confused when he only grabbed the first aid kit and somehow managed to squish himself on the floor next to him.
He let out a whimper and even recoiled a little when Rain reached out and tried to touch his wounds. He wished he could know what the other was feeling. He probably thought he was pathetic or something. But there was no lie there. He was pathetic.
“I’m not… gonna hurt you, Riv… I just wanna help…” the other sounded genuine and that did calm his nerves some.
He was still feeling overstimulated so he didn’t really want to be touched. But he realized that just having someone else’s company was helping him calm down. He started to take deep breaths to try and calm down more.
It was a few minutes later when he responded with a simple nod. He still didn’t want Rain to be doing this. He wanted Rain to be resting. But he also knew that he wasn’t going to let any other ghoul on this bus touch him when he was like this. This was his only option.
He flinched when he first felt the others fingers but then he relaxed into his touch. He felt safe right now. Safe and cared for. Those were things he hadn’t felt in a long time.
The next thing River knew, he was waking up to Rain nudging him and trying to get him up. He had no clue when or how he fell asleep but it was nice to know that he trusted someone enough to fall asleep next to them while vulnerable.
“Come on… let’s go cuddle in my bunk…” the other ghoul sounded a little less out of it but still very tired. He didn’t want to keep him waiting.
He got up and headed out to Rain’s bunk. He had no clue how they would both fit but they would have to try. He got in first and tried to push himself up against the edges enough for there to be room for Rain.
Surprisingly, the other water ghoul climbed right in and, although it was a tight fit, it was comfortable. He wrapped his arms around the ghoul and held him close. He let out a small smile when he felt the other cuddle closer. He let out a happy sigh as he drifted off with Rain in his arms.
Art of River by my bestie Aj who you can find here on tumblr or on insta
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piers-wifey · 2 years
Thanksgiving is around the corner..... So 👀... Stars Thanksgiving. Who's bringing what dishes? Where's it being held? Would you help them cook? Lots of potential chaos or family moments 🥺
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I'm really sorry if this isn't good. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving where I live, so, I'm not sure if it's done accurately or not. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Also, I want to thank you and @aroseybearinlove for the inspiration and ideas. I wish y'all a happy Thanksgiving! <3
• Since Barry has the biggest house and lots of space to accommodate so many people, the decision quickly fell on him
• Joseph, Chris and Forest are the first to show up at Barry's house, wearing matching sweaters and turkey hats. They refer to each other as Turkey#1, Turkey#2 and Turkey#3
• Moira and Polly love their silly hats and especially Forest's hilariously accurate impression of a turkey
• Chris claims that his impression is much more accurate than Forest's, resulting in them competing with each other for the best turkey impression
• Edward and Claire are helping Kathy in the kitchen with preparing the turkey and the desserts, as well as with cleaning up the dirty dishes afterwards
• Ed, being the softie he is, gives Moira and Polly some mini slices of Kenneth's homemade pumpkin pie and even lets them clean out the bowls
• Meanwhile Joseph, Forest and Chris try to sneak some bites, but Edward always catches them red handed and threatens to knock them out while swinging a spatula. Truly a terrifying sight, especially since that bear of a man is dressed in a pink apron with frills and flowers on it (He rocks the look tho)
• Because of that, Joseph calls him "The pink threat", a name that'll stick with him for the rest of eternity
• Kevin is put in charge of guarding the kitchen and keep the three out. At some point; however, Joseph almost managed to get him join him, Chris and Forest
• Unfortunately for them, Wesker caught wind of that and made them do a hundred push-ups, followed by fifty jumping jacks and another hundred sit-ups to teach them some self-control (And yes, they wore those turkey hats the entire time. Enjoy the mental picture)
• In the meantime Barry and Enrico set up the second table Enrico brought, while Kenneth and Richard set up the fireplace in the backyard to roast marshmallows and make s'mores later; something Richard is particularly looking forward to, hence why he and Bridgette brought all the needed ingredients
• You, Jill, Bridgette and Rebecca decorate the house and table and occasionally check on Edward, Claire and Kathy
• Brad, being one of the more responsible S.T.A.R.S. members and also surprisingly good with children, offered to take the girls to the playground for an hour or two, while the others get everything ready
• After everything's set and settled, everyone gathers at the dinner table, waiting for the turkey to be served. And while they're waiting, Chris, Joseph and Forest sing a little song they composed themselves, which the others gradually join in with
• Except for Wesker. But hey, at least he's not commenting on the improved lyrics that don't really make any sense, or the fact that none of them can actually sing
• When Kathy finally brings in the turkey, she is greeted by joyful cheers
• After dinner, everyone's sitting in the living room, either chatting with each other or playing board/card games. Moira and Polly will play some Mario Kart on Brad's SNES, or watch the little magic show Joseph has prepared for them, with Forest and Chris as his trusty assistants
• Those who don't have to drive will enjoy a glass or two or more of the whiskey Forest has brought, while the others either stick to coffee or lemonade
• Tipsy due to the alcohol and thanks to Claire's excellent taste in music - which comes in the form of music cassettes - the living room and kitchen soon become a dance floor. If you can even call Chris and Brad's wild jumping around "dancing"
• Edward and Claire show them how it's done right, and even Forest, who isn't sober himself, shows more talent at dancing than those two. Even though his dance partner Kevin is quite a klutz
• Wesker watches both teams with raised eyebrows, wondering how he ended up with such a chaotic bunch as subordinates and why he actually finds watching them go about their business so carelessly amusing and almost endearing
• Barry notices Wesker's slight smile and even manages to preserve it in a picture along with many other wonderful memories he will fondly remember
Tag list: @mirandawesker @albertweskerxchrisredfield @ravenrune @dagrans @eviltothecore13 @silvevia @redcloversinaflowerfield @aurorapink10 @sassiest-captain @sevythebeanqueen
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alexsnnlv · 2 years
What are some of your favorite Clouis moments?
hey ty for your ask! :D
oof, that's a tough one bc i absolutely adore all the Clouis moments, they all just, give me life y'know? but okay, let's do thisss. (not going to rank them bc i just can't, i love em all even between my favorites hahaha)
Their Meeting: I MEAN, this is literally one of the most important moments because, duh, they're meeting each other; but the way it was done was simply perfection. It's just, there's so much chemistry since the very first moment they talk to each other, their conversation just flows so naturally and YOU KNOW IT'S LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Their little harmless challenging that almost feels like flirting, the LOOKS, when he sings for her, the precious moment the three of them share when AJ presses the piano key, it's just all so good. (the whole scene just shines, and the context behind it is also important, because he was the one distracting AJ, most likely he volunteered to it).
Hunting with Louis and Aasim: COME ON, THE NINJA DIALOGUE THAT HAS A COMEBACK LATER AT EPISODE 4 BEFORE THEIR THIRD KISS, PLEASE. Clementine allowing herself to be silly and AJ doing it too, and Aasim exasperated? I love it. also, THEIR WHOLE FLIRTING WHEN PLAYING WITH THE WALKER, OH MY GOD. I love it I love it I LOVE IT, did i said i love it yet? because i do. a lot. also, that little moment of vulnerability both of them share after they're done with their game? like, they let each other in for a brief moment before closing again, but that meant something.
APPEAL TO LOUIS: GOD I JUST CAN'T BE CALM IN THIS MOMENT, HELP. IT ALWAYS GETS TO ME. like, the whole scene in general, since leaving the basement and seeing all the kids reunited in the yard, the whole atmosphere, the rain, Rosie barking, the yelling. it all adds to the scene and it's brilliant. when you appeal to Louis he's hesitant, obviously, this is a girl he's known for 2 days, asking him to trust her, before his best friend. it's hard, and we can see Marlon has this power on him and honestly, that's not good, nor healthy. but Clementine is just so worthy of his trust he just goes stands between her and a fucking gun now aimed at his head. but this is marvelously done, because the scene wants you to believe you made a mistake, that Louis isn't gonna help you. we see Marlon adjusting the gun, aiming with more angry and mad determination, Clementine closes her eyes almost waiting for the death.. and then Louis walks into frame and stands in front of her, with a look that just, God, the look he has in that moment. he begs Marlon to put down the gun, and it's just such an amazing moment.
Their talk in Clem's room: I'm talking about the one after AJ gets shot, when he brings new shirts for the kid. I don't know how exactly describe what this scene makes me feel, like, they're talking seriously, there's an enormous tension between them, Marlon's death is just fresh for some hours, and Louis is grieving. i don't know, this scene it's just so angsty and tbh i love it because it's realistic, he's not gonna forgive them right away, but he feels guilty about AJ getting shot, and at this point he obviously have feelings for Clem too, but again, he's grieving and blaming them and it's just a chaos in his head. but he thought of them, he went out of his way to search for Tenn's old clothes to give them to AJ. but dude, my favorite part? “Louis? I really missed you”. a moment of brief silence, and then “i missed you, too” and then leaves. my heart.
Practicing archery, and apologizing: Man man man man man man MAN, I love this moment. Louis is apologizing to Clementine, he admit he was wrong about voting against them, voting for them to leave. he just didn't knew what else to do, he was hurt and grieving, he just wanted it to stop, and didn't knew exactly what to do. but he doesn't excuses himself, he apologizes sincerely, and Clem can see that, so she forgives him. now they're in good terms again, and THEY FLIRT. IT'S ADORABLE. i especially love that when you're practicing and keep failing, their convo goes like:
L: “okay, during the fight, ask all the raiders to stand still about a foot away from you”
C: “i wasn't that bad” (and Louis just gives her the funniest seriously? look) “fine, i need some practice”
L: “told you you couldn't be worse than me. good news, we're the worst together”
and then when he says “thank you, for all of it” WITH THAT SOFT LOOK NGHSH MY HEART. BUT BUT BUUUT, a little underrated moment just after that, when you keep talking to him after that, in the second and final try, their conversation goes:
L: need something?
C: just checking in.
L: no big changes, i didn't become a master in your brief absence.
C: I'm shocked.
THEIR SMILES?? THEIR CHEMISTRY?? I can't, I'm in love with them.
First kiss, piano scene: come on guys, y'all knew this couldn't be missed. everything about this scene gets to me, how when Clem stays quiet Louis reassures her and tells her he's there for her, and she gives him a little smile. or when she says she can't give up, he says that if she won't, he definitely can't. then they get to the piano, and one of the most romantic and magical scenes I've seen ever plays out.
they start to tune the piano, and Louis makes his little joke about blowing on the strings, and tbh i love when Clem tells him she can't believe she fell for that, but not in a serious, annoyed tone, no, she's having fun, and Louis loves that, because he gets all shy and says “it's good to see you like this”.
now onto the real shit. he finally opens up entirely to her, shares his insecurities, how he feels, and that she's the only one that has actually bothered to try and see the real him, past the jokes and the piano. we finally see how they allow each other to be vulnerable. Clementine confesses her own feelings and Louis can't believe it, and when it sinks, he's all excited and names his song after her. and finally, THEY KISS. AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL, AND I LOVE IT. THE SMILES THEY GIVE AFTER, IT'S JUST SO CUTE. (i do wanna give an honorific mention to one dialogue that you can pick instead of the kiss, because the "you're such a weirdo" "yeah, but apparently you dig that, so who's the real weirdo here? it's both of us" it's adorable as hell).
Hand holding and soft looks: Quick little moment at the start of ep3, when Louis takes Clem's hand and gives her a soft look and a soft smile, as well as a little nod. and she looks back at him with a soft look and soft smile of her own, and i don't think I've seen such a soft and adorable look on Clem's face.
The date: their first official date. this scene tells you a lot about Louis, starting from the obvious like how he took enough time to think about it to search and read some magazines for advice, to most serious stuff like Louis' self esteem and confidence issues. even after everything that has happened between them, even if they're in a official, romantic relationship, he can't process or even accept the fact that Clementine was willing to save him, voluntarily. he needs to know, because the guilt is also eating him alive. and when Clem tells him she saved him because he's important to her? i mean, just look at him. he's shocked, like, again, he can't believe someone actually cares for him. it's truly depressive to think about, and seeing how the other kids treat him most of the time, I'm not even surprised. he immediately redirects the subject, and when Clementine assures him they're gonna get their friends back, he finally smiles and reveals what he actually went to.
he offers to have a date, she accepts, and they're adorable. i must say, my favorite dialogue choice for the date when Louis asks what 'her thing' is, is saying brawn. just because i think it's funny how Louis pretends to tighten his 'muscles' and winks at her and oh my God. I'm in love. and she just chuckles and it's adorable.
then they have a toast, stand up, and share a little but not less adorable moment where they just stare at each other, with soft looks, no words needed. it's like it's just the two of them alone in the world for a little time. that's before AJ rushes in and interrupts them, of course.
Hootenanny: I need to say, it's not an specific moment but a bunch of lines, looks, little moments between them here. the amount of looks Clementine and Louis give each other during the whole thing it's insane lmao, they're so in love. when Ruby asks Clem about the music and she chooses classic, Louis says “ah, a woman after my own heart” THEY'RE SO CUTE. again, THE LOOKS, THE LOOKS. also, Clementine both sees and hears Louis and AJ bonding and it's heartwarming.
wanted to highlight the ‘Don't be afraid’ scene because it's emotional and adorable.
Calm before the storm: Y'know, when all the kids are preparing and almost ready to get into the Delta ship and meet James, bla bla bla. the important here: Clem looks around for Louis and she finally spots him, away from the rest and alone, contemplating the boat. Clem gets close and Louis shares his worries, about how he doesn't wanna screw up and fears for her safety because he's used to "fucking up", and even when Clementine tries to reassure him, he's still not sure and asks her to slap him. obviously, we're not abusive so we don't do that, and since we can't hug him and tell him it's all gonna be okay, we're gonna smooch him bc we love our boyfriend and we gotta let him now we're here for them somehow. then he's all flustered and Clem's smiling and they're cute until AJ interrupts again but I love it because it's hilarious. "you'll learn when you're older" Louis is obviously finding it funny while now Clem's the flustered one and she's like, look to the other direction and I'm laughing.
They're alive: After the Delta explodes and they finally reunite with each other and they're glad they're safe. I love that Clem can hug him and tell him how happy she is to see him, and viceversa. but i also wanna highlight how she can make a callback to one of his line with the "and THAT'S how you school a walker” simply because it let us know she listens to him and remember even a little, funny line he said 2 weeks ago. also love how she says it and what he answers.
little jump to after they get Violet, when all the kids are reunited behind some boxes and Clementine tells them to run to Willy and Ruby while she kills the walkers. you can see Louis' worried and scared face, for her. then, when they're all leaving, Louis is the last one and it goes like this
L: right behind me?
C: yup, just like the ninja i am.
L: the ninjas we are.
and then he kisses her, tells her to be careful, and goes after the others, and they look at each other with worrying faces, and i just love all of this.
Reunion and family hug: Clementine, AJ and Tenn get out of the cave to start and try to look for a way back to the school when they hear a noise, just to find Louis there. AJ runs to him and hugs him tight, while Clementine watcha with fondness before joining in. then Louis makes a callback to the very first sentence he said to her, and she remembers it because she shakes her head with a knowing smile. then one of the cutest moments between these two, when he tells her they're all back at the school she brings up the fact that he went to look for them. he takes her hands and the exchange goes like:
“thought i lost you”
“only for a minute”
“longest damn minute of my life”
like??? they love each other so much already???? and some people dare to say they don't have chemistry, pfft.
Their new home and a bright future: It continues right after the last moment, but it deserves a spot of it's own. Everything about this scene it's just brilliant, from Clementine trying to ease his worries and guilt about killing Dorian, to him bringing up the house his parents were building before their divorce. this single thought brought Clementine and then Louis to think about their dreamhome, and everything about that conversation is beautiful, because it's them sharing their mutual hope of a future, of being together and feeling at home.
Trust and love: To finally end this, their last moment. We see Clementine and Louis looking at the map, planning their next move since a caravan has been spotted close their grounds. Clementine trusts Louis with this mission, and Louis is willing. they both have come a long way, and they've developed a lot since the start of the season, and you can see that. Louis asks AJ to join him, he forgives him about Tenn, and they're in good terms again. finally, Clementine practically begs him to stay safe, to what Louis smiles at her and gives her a kiss in the cheek. and I die. they're adorable.
oh my God, i think i went a bit over board with this,,, just a bit,,,
anyway, I'm sorry that instead of just answering simply with my favorite clouis moments i made a whole ass essay to each one of them, Clouis just makes me like that y'know
thank you again for the ask :D
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tomtenadia · 1 year
Sunday adventure
Hello!!  Here I am again with a new cute Rowaelin. This one is set in the same AU as two of my DadRowan fics: Little Monkey and A trip to the Aquarium. For this fic I used a bit of the TOG folklore but also Celtic one.  I do mention Tir Na Nog - in celtic mythology is the fairies otherworld. Also, the Fairy Glen actually exist (HERE) it’s one of my favourite places on Skye. It’s a magical place and Skye has a lot of connections to the fairies due to Dunvegan castle and the Fairy flag. The entrance of the glen is inspired by a place near where I live called Burn O’ Vat (the image should give you an idea of what I meant for the entrance).
I hope you will enjoy dadRowan with his family.
Weekends in the Whitethorn-Galathynius household were a busy affair. Aelin was home and the three always tried to make the most of it. On most occasions, it was their five years old daughter dictating the actual plans. The previous night she had confessed to her parents she wanted to go in the woods hiking. Rowan and Aelin had started taking her out to some shorter walks in Oakwald and the girl had quickly fell in love with nature. Rowan who, in his younger years had worked as forest ranger, had been more than happy to indulge his little girl.
He was now in the kitchen preparing their bags with all the provisions they needed. He would prepare lunch and a lot of snacks, together with coffee for the adults and healthy juices for Maya. Aelin would joke that they were not going for a week long expedition, but Rowan was always very serious when it came to outings in the woods.
“Dada, can I take Marvin?” His daughter walked to him while holding the giant stuffed penguin on one of his fins.
“No my love, he needs to stay at home.”
“Oh.” She added dejected. Rowan, who could not bear to see his daughter sad, kneeled in front of her and brushed her head “You can tell him all of your adventures when you come home.” A soft kiss on her silver hair “We can also try and spot the Little Folk.” Rowan had also started telling his daughter about all the legends from Terrasen and Aelin had bought her a few books that in turn they read to Maya. 
The girl’s eyes lit up in joy and rushed back to her room to stash away the penguin.
Aelin appeared a moment later, all dressed up in the nice mountain wear he had took her to buy. She had no sensible clothing for Terrasen mountains so he made sure both his girls had all the correct equipment. He took the mountains very seriously.
“Where are you taking us today?”
He turned and folded his arms around her waist “nothing too complicated. There’s a lovely path through the forest that will lead to the Fairy glen and there’s a stunning waterfall waiting for us.”
“You know that Maya will try and chase the fairies, right?”
He kissed his wife “I want her to believe in the legends, grow up connected with nature.”
Aelin snuggled to his chest when a tiny hand patted them.
“Mama, dada I am ready.”
They both looked down and saw Maya with her bright green jacket, black trousers and walking boots. Rowan laughed when he spotted the mess she had made of the laces. She was still learning to tie her shoes.
He kneeled “let me fix the laces for you.”
At the same time, Aelin went to fix her hair and place a nice hat on her daughter’s head and then finished with a pair of sunglasses.
Once they were both done, Aelin took a picture of their daughter “you are our little explorer.”
Maya grinned lowering her sunglasses on her nose “Let’s go.”
The car journey had been the usual chaos and mayhem with Aelin and Maya singing out loud from a selection of songs ranging from cartoons soundtracks to rock music. Rowan just hummed along while he was busy driving.
It was a good hour later when they finally arrived and Maya was already agitated as she tried to remove the seat belts and climb off the car seat.
“Maya, we are almost there, wait for dad to park the car.”
“I want off.”
“Maya.” Rowan’s voice had enough hint of a command that the little girl calmed back down.
As soon as he parked, Aelin got off and freed their hyper daughter.
Aelin opened the trunk and got their backpacks while Rowan changed his trainers for hiking boots. 
Rowan was the one with the big backpack, while Aelin had a smaller one with essentials for Maya and the wee girl had her own unicorn rucksack with her water bottle and a few toys she insisted on taking with her.
Rowan ready, he walked to his girls and took Maya’s hand “ready?”
His daughter jumped in excitement and Aelin grabbed the other hand.
The three of them left the car park and Rowan guided them through the marked path that disappeared in the forest. It was a lovely spring day and he was looking forward to a day with his family. He knew that part of Oakwald very well after his years as park ranger. The trail that were following that day was one of his favourites and he had been looking forward to share it with Aelin and Maya in a while but they had to wait for their girl to get more used to hiking. There was no actual ascent to climb, it was a very gentle stroll through the forest until they reached the glen.
“Dada, are there really fairies?”
He chuckled and smiled at his daughter “yes, but they love to stay hidden, so we leave them offering to thank them for looking after the forest.”
“But I want to meet them, like Mei in Totoro.”
“I admit that I’d like to meet a Totoro too and fall asleep on his belly.”
“The sìth in Oakwald are not as fluffy.”
Rowan was talking when Maya let go of his hand and ran quickly towards the trees “Deer, dad a deer.”
He walked to her “shhh… do not scare it away.”
Aelin took a nice picture and crouched at her daughter side. She loved seeing her daughter excited about new things. They lived in the outskirts and Maya was used at seeing squirrels in their garden but deers were a discovery.
“It’s so pretty, can I touch it?”
“No my love, we just observe. The fairies don’t want us to disturb the animals.”
“Ok, dad.” She said her goodbyes to the deer and grabbed her parents hands once more.
They walked happily while Rowan told them both about the legends of the place and both listened attentively at his voice spun wonderful tales of magic and wonders.
After a good twenty minutes they reached a clearing with a few boulders to mark the entrance to a new grassy path.
“That, “ he added pointing at the big rocks “is the official entrance to the Fairy Glen, but before we can go in we need to pay our respects to the guardians of the valley.”
Maya looked up at him with curiosity while Aelin admired her husband and she asked herself how it was possible to fall even more in love with him. His pagan, tree hugger nature was something that he kept hidden and only a few selected individuals knew of it. It was not something he shared easily as he had confessed her that on occasions he had been ridiculed for his beliefs. Aelin on the other hand had wanted to know more and she had been delighted when he had started to involve Maya too. She wanted her daughter to grow up a nature lover like her dad.
Rowan opened his backpack and extracted a couple of buttons and a few acorns and gently placed them on the boulder.
“Dada, what are you doing?”
“I am giving some offerings to the hidden ones. Buttons because they love to collect trinkets from humans and acorns because they love them.” He crouched down her level “we give them offering as a thank you for letting us through the forest.”
Aelin chuckled and removed the plastic pink bracelet she had around her wrist and placed it on the boulder near Rowan’s items “You never know… maybe they are into fashion.”
Rowan laughed and kissed his wife.
Maya removed her backpack and from it she fished out a green crayon. Rowan, lifted her in his arms so that she could placed her offering near the others “they can draw now.”
Aelin brushed her daughter’s head “they will be so happy.”
“Come on girls, let’s thank the hidden ones and continue.”
“Thank you fairy.”
“Bye bye fairy.” Added Maya walking quickly to her father.
The two boulders were side by side but in-between them there was an entrance. The path had smaller rocks and was covered in water “Walk on the rocks.”
When Maya struggled he took his daughter in his arms and passed the aperture then waited for Aelin to join him. At his side he heard a sharp intake of breath “Ro, this place is…”
He took Aelin’s hand and pulled Maya to him “welcome both to the Fairy Glen.” 
The scene in front of them was otherworldly. Green land stretched in every direction, dotted with bumpy and oddly shaped hills, with the odd pond accompanying the landscape. On one side there was a rocky formation that looked like a castle. All around them the silence was only broken by the sound of water crashing in a pool from a stunning waterfall.
Aelin was speechless. The place was something she only had imagined in fantasy books. And it must have been truly stunning because Maya was silent too. Her daughter sat down at their feet and looked amazed at the landscape in front of them.
“Dada, do fairies really live here?”
Rowan nodded “See that rock formation?” He pointed at the ruins that looked like a castle “Legends says that’s the gate to Tír na nÓg.”
“Can we go and say hi? They can have my sandwich.”
Aelin laughed at her daughter’s need for adventure “I am not sure the fairies loves sandwiches.”
“But I want to see cinanoc.”
Rowan’s smiled at her daughter’s attempt to pronounce the ancient name for the fairies’ otherworld.
“We can climb and have a look.”
His daughter gave him the most stunning smile and started running freely shouting to all the fairies to come out and play.
“I think that she is scaring them,” joked Aelin, as her arm wound around her husband’s midriff “I love seeing her be so free.”
Aelin squeezed him “she loves nature just as much as you.”
He looked at his daughter with pride “come, let’s go and save the hidden ones from our daughter.”
Hand in hand they reached Maya who was now trying to climb the rock formation on her own. Rowan switched in fuss mode and joined her “easy, be careful, my love.”
“Dada I am a good climber.”
Aelin chuckled and accepted her husband’s hand to climb the first rockier part.
Maya, with the help of her dad, was the first one to reach the top of the ruined formation and started shouting in happiness declaring the glen beautiful and then counted all of the mounds “mum, dad, there are a lot of houses for fairies.”
Aelin took a lot of photos of the landscape but also of her daughter. She was working on a series of albums with Maya’s stages in life. She wanted to document her daughter’s life.
“Dada, waterfall?” Asked Maya, as soon as she was done with the castle.
Carefully, Rowan helped his family descend and once down Maya started running once again.
“If we are lucky she will be so exhausted that she will go to bed early.”
Rowan kissed his wife’s head “that’s wishful thinking. She has limitless energy like you.”
Aelin hummed in pleasure and with her hand in his she followed him through the stunning glen and along the path to the waterfall. Maya always in front of them, running from one side to the other all excited.
It took them a good half hour but eventually the waterfall appeared in front of them, tall and majestic, water cascading forcefully in the pristine pool below.
“Dada, water.”
Aelin looked at him and nodded “Yes, I have a set of spare clothes, just in case.”
It took them two seconds of distraction, that Maya was already at the bank of the pool, her hand reaching playfully for the water.
“Maya, darling, careful.”
“I am saying hi to the water fairies.”
Rowan laughed. He had read her stories of the water nymphs and their legends and now Maya wanted to say hi to them every time she was near water.
Aelin moved at his side and sat on the bank and removed her shoes, placing her feet in the fresh water “like this, Maya.”
The little girl followed her mother and clumsily tried to remove her boots.
Rowan kneeled and helped her free her tiny feet “Go, do like mum.”
“Hi nymphs, my feet are not smelly.” She admitted as she splashed happily and her parents laughed at her admission.
“Come on big man, join us.”
Rowan removed his hiking boots, rolled his trousers to his knees and stepped in the pool, the water barely brushing his calf.
“Me too.” Maya was about to climb in the water but Rowan grabbed her “Let mum remove your trousers, then you can splash too.”
Aelin removed the item of clothing from her excited girl and Rowan hugged her, her legs dangling freely and she laughed as he dipped her and then pulled her out quickly.
“No my love, the water it’s too cold for swimming. We just play like this, okay?”
“Dada, fishes!” She squirmed in his arms and he let her down in the very shallow side of the pool, standing behind her for protection.
Aelin in the meantime was relaxing in the sun, watching father and daughter play.
“Mama, come in water with us?”
At her daughter request she stood and joined her family “Maya, let’s thank the water nymphs for letting us play in their water.”
“Thank you water fairy.”
By the time they finished their little adventure in the pool, Aelin had to change her daughter completely as she expected. Maya loved water and she and Rowan had soon discovered that it was impossible for them to keep her away.
While Aelin sorted out Maya, Rowan had started taking out their lunches. His girls would soon start screaming for food, and the bank of the pool was a perfect spot, it was secluded and stunning.
“Maya, now sit with your mum and let’s have lunch.”
“Food,” screamed the two girls and he. Laughed. He knew them very well.
He had prepared a nice spread of sandwiches and other healthy snacks and Aelin complained about the crazy amount of vegetables “Buzzard, we are out on an adventure, more chocolate and less veggies?”
He smirked and dunked a carrot in some hummus and passed it to Aelin who let her husband feed her “well, if you put it this way.”
“Our daughter is here,” he added at her sensual tone.
“As if the water nymphs had never seen us getting busy in a loch.”
Rowan laughed and kissed her lips “you are such a menace.”
“Maya kiss too.”
Rowan grabbed his daughter in a bear hug and landed on the ground with her in his arms, while he peppered her face with kisses. Aelin joined them a second later and Rowan enveloped her too.
Once the picnic was over, Rowan led his two women to his next destination. Maya had moved on his shoulders and Aelin was at his side, her hand always in his. She had tried to protest and swap backpacks, but Rowan was adamant that he could carry their daughter and the big rucksack at the same time.
As they got closer to the waterfall, the roar of the water grew in intensity.
“Pretty.” Added Maya once they were right in front of it.
Rowan grinned and kept walking until they reached a fenced path that took them right underneath.
The cave allowed them protection from the water, but the view was stunning.
Maya leaned forward to touch the water and Rowan allowed it and the girl screamed in excitement.
Aelin tucked at his side and looked up at father and daughter. Both of them with faces lit up but a beautiful smile. Rowan had sometimes the reputation of being a grump, but only she and Maya knew his true self. She treasured dearly the smiles he’d reserve to her and Maya. She looked at him and kissed his shoulder “love you.”
“Love you too mama.”
Rowan looked down in his wife blue eyes and mouthed an I love you.
They stood a few minutes, but as it got colder away from the sun, he prompted his girl to go the final part of the hike “Come on, there is one last surprise.”
Back on the path Maya started protesting to climb back down so Rowan let her free once more.
Not long after they arrived in a secluded clearing. Maya had sat on the grass and was staring at the scene in front of her.
In the middle of that patch of land stood tall ancient stones arranged in an almost perfect circle.
“Welcome to this ancient site dedicated to Mala.”
Maya looked up and smiled at her dad. She knew of the ancient gods and like her mother, she loved Mala the fire-bringer.
The little girl stood and went running and hugged one of the tall stones and her mother joined her a moment later.
Rowan laughed, took a picture of them both, knowing that it was going to become his new home screen and joined them.
“Legends say that she had a house in the woods and this area is quite famous among rangers for its higher numbers of stags, that as we know, it was the animal sacred to Mala,” he explained “when I was a ranger I used to patrol this area a lot. Stags are a sacred animal in Terrasen and it’s illegal to hunt them. Poachers would kill them just for their majestic antlers.”
“Bad.” Added Maya quietly.
Rowan brushed her silver hair “yes, my love.”
He took his two girl in the centre of the ring and sat down with them, Maya between his legs and Aelin tucked against his side, his arm around her waist.
The three of them stood as Rowan told them legends of the ancient gods or just folktales. He was in the middle of a tale about Mala, when a stag appeared from behind a tree.
Maya squirmed in his arms but he held her back, not wanting to scare the animal away.
The stag moved closer and Rowan extended his hand and the animal approached them allowing him to gently caress its head between the antlers. Maya and Aelin copied him and in surprise the stag licked their hand and Maya squealed in delight, then she reached for her backpack and took out a piece of her sandwich. She placed it on her hand and offered to the animal in front of her. The stag smelled it and then ate it quickly “She likes it.” Another few morsel, a last lick of hands, and then the stag walked away just as quietly as it had arrived. Maya looked at her parents in amazement.
“I think Mala likes us very much.”
They spent another good hour in the sacred site, then Rowan convinced them it was time to move and start to walk back towards the car.
By the time they arrived at the car park, Maya was asleep on his shoulders. He placed in her car seat and then turned to Aelin who was staring towards the waterfall. He embraced her from behind “She will never forget this, you know?”
Rowan kissed her head “I hope not,” another kiss “You are both my firehearts, and Mala today has shown me that she approves of both of you.”
Aelin turned in his arms and looked up in her husband beautiful green eyes.
“Yes, I am fool enough to pray to the goddess of fire to let me love a woman with fire in her veins.”
She stood on her tip toes and kissed him “I melted your icy heart.”
“That you did, my love.”
A soft kiss “come on, let’s take our little terror home, then I might take you up on the challenge you threw me at the loch.”
Aelin squeezed his arse playfully “hmm, you can tire me out all you want.”
Deep laughter left his lips.
As he walked around the car to the driver’s seat he cast a last look towards the woods and sent a silent blessing to the ancient gods and asked Mala to look after his family.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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thenovelartist · 2 years
Modern AU headcanons - Ikemen Prince
Upon rereading my Costco Calamity story, I began to wonder about the circumstances of all the characters in a modern universe, and now, here we are.
This all started when Emma met Sariel at an urgent care waiting room at eight in the evening.
Rio had fallen down the stairs, bashing his head open. Leon had hurt his arm in a multi-brother wrestling match. 
Five stitches, one concussion, and a broken arm in a cast later, Sariel and Emma jokingly traded numbers.
Look, it was a rough night, and they just wanted a drink, but they couldn't get that drink until all the children were KO-ed in bed. 
They did, however, chat for two hours that night, each holding their own glass while complaining about raising boys and life in general.
Flash forward a year and a half, and they found themselves hitched. 
How that happened, and so fast, they didn't really know but neither was complaining. 
They live in a huge, three-level house out of town with five acres of property. 
They need it for these boys.
They have a gravel parking lot for all the cars. Their house looks like a used car lot.
There's also a building in the back, completely disconnected from the house, which is the office building. It's very convenient to not have to drive away to go to work, considering the house of boys Sariel is in charge of.
The boys have split the house into two sections: the attic and the basement. 
Of course, they don't get these whole areas to themselves. Half of the attic is the game room, with a pool table, ping pong table, and card table. Half the basement is the movie theater.
Otherwise, the bedroom portion of the attic was claimed by Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, and Luke.
And the bedroom portion of the basement holds Jin, Leon, Yves, and Licht. 
Each comes with its own challenges. The attic faction is dying of heat stroke in the summer. The basement faction is freezing in the winter. 
Rio, on the other hand, is the only one with his own room, much to the envy of some of the brothers.
Never mind it's a closet on the main level and the smallest room in the house. It's big enough for his bunk bed, a desk underneath, and a chest of drawers. 
Sariel and Emma also live on the main level, in the newly renovated master bedroom that Sariel had expanded when Emma moved in.
It's chaos, but they make it work. In the end, they are family...
Even though more often than not, there is murder in the air.
Used to be the secretary of a financial group, but upon his boss' passing, he got the company
... and custody of his boss' eight sons.
Sariel was already close enough to his late boss to know all about these boys. 
Part of his job as secretary was keeping an eye on these boys whenever they came into the office. Even though babysitting shouldn't have been part of his duties, money was tight and he needed a job, so he'd take what he could get and not complain.
Henceforth, since Sariel had been babysitting these boys since he was in high school, he felt like he could take this on. 
But actually being the parent to these boys... holy crap, he should have run.
He'd completely given up on any thought of being married (not that it had interested him, per se) due to his demanding job and his now eight adopted sons. 
But then Emma came and wormed her way into his heart. So he tricked her into marrying him.
It was the meanest, dirtiest thing he's ever done, and he regrets none of it. 
Does pamper Emma whenever he can, though, to make up for the fact he dragged her into this hell and kept her there with a multiple-carat amethyst ring.
He tries to be a doting husband in the midst of all this. 
And even though he insists it will NEVER happen... secretly has considered what having a baby with Emma would be like. 
Emma (Belle)
An editor for a publishing company. 
Ironically, even though she was a sucker for romance, never really considered it for herself. 
Even less so when she adopted a runaway boy spontaneously one day.
It just broke her heart to watch this crying boy out in the rain. She took him in with the intent of getting him back home, but when she discovered his guardian had died in a car accident, she instantly decided to take him in.
He'd already grown fond of her in that short time things were getting sorted out, anyway. There was no way she could see him being okay with leaving. 
So, her focus was on her work and being a good mom to Rio. 
And that was it. No relationship in sight... until she met Sariel.
She didn't mean to fall, but somehow, she ended up doing so. 
Some of her friends were worried she'd made a mistake, marrying a guy with eight unruly sons like that. 
And there were times she wondered just what she'd been thinking, considering that her life could turn into living hell in a flash.
But underneath it all, Emma was very happy to be married to such a great man. 
And even though she's in her thirties and knows her time clock is almost out... she has wondered once or twice if she could talk Sariel into having one of their own. (And with any luck, a girl.)
Runaway who left after a family disaster. He really didn't want to go back.
So he was more than happy to hide with the nice lady who took him in. It was far better than being lost and hungry out in the cold.
Was just as surprised to hear about the car accident as she was.
When she offered to adopt him, he cried. 
And from then on, swore he'd be the best son ever. 
But then, his mom got married. (He was happy for her, and he liked Sariel well enough.)
And he got eight brothers as opposed to the one he used to have long ago. He was a little overwhelmed. 
When they first merged households and he got to choose where he slept (attic or basement), he slept on the couch in the living room.
Hence why Emma insisted they clean out the storage closet on the main level so he could have his own space, even if it was small.
Sariel agreed and forced the rest of the boys to agree since he was the odd brother out. 
Actually does decently in school. 
Not in any clubs but does take piano lessons. (He also somehow squeezed a keyboard in his room.) 
Rarely lets anyone into his room. (And Clavis and Nokto are both perma-banned.) But does occasionally let Chevalier in when he needs a place to hide from Clavis. 
Maid of the house.
No, really, that's his job, and he's paid for it. Because heaven knows how well everyone else cleans up after themselves.
When it comes to driving, he picked it up rather quickly. Emma was surprised at how comfortable she was with him behind the wheel. 
He's one of the safest drivers in the house.
He's the firstborn and feels the responsibility of helping Sariel with everything when Dad died, even though he was very young at the time.
He always made sure everyone was fed and cared for. 
Has a special relationship with Sariel because of this; Sariel always treated Jin as an adult rather than a kid since the day he took the boys in.
Despite that, he knows Sariel feels guilty for leaning on him so heavily and forcing him to grow up so fast.
However, that guilt has allowed him to escape being lectured about school, which he does moderately okay in. As long as he passes his classes, he's safe.
Also free from lectures about why he's not involved in extra-curricular activities. 
Unless you count being the responsible one in the house, helping out wherever needed, and keeping an eagle eye on all his brothers. That's a full-time job. 
He was the first to learn how to drive. Sariel was happy he got to start with Jin, because while he wasn't the easiest (that was Chev), heaven knows there's SOME boys who are going to be hell down the line.
When he gets his license and earns enough money working as Sariel's secretary to get a car, every brother suddenly becomes his best friend. 
And only because Sariel asks so nicely (and reimburses him for the gas) Jin becomes the unofficial chauffeur of the house. 
Skipped a grade in school, so youngest but scariest in his class.
Valedictorian. Captain of a private fencing club. 
Avid reader. Any free time he had was spent reading. 
The librarians knew him personally. He recognizes all of them but can't recall their names. 
Has a ton of elite fencing awards but doesn't display them. They're all packed away to make as much room as possible for books.
Has hideaways around school and home to read in private. 
And while he regrets putting himself in Rio's debt, does go hang out in Rio's room frequently enough. 
Doesn't mind when Rio plays piano when he's in there, either. Actually, it's quite nice.
Learning to drive was a very low-key experience. Sariel got lucky with teaching him since he picked it up fairly quickly, but anything involving the DMV was just a living hell for Chev. (The waiting. The incompetence. The... interesting people.)
But once he gets a car, he's free to drive to private places to read.
He finds it very special... for one year until Clavis starts following him.
Theater nerd. Fight me.
He loves building the sets and doing backstage stuff as much as he loves acting and being the center of attention. 
If he IS on stage, the actors have to prepare because at some point, he will send that script flying out the window and they're forced to improvise the next fifteen minutes. 
The crowd always loves it, though.
In school, he does well enough, but the entire class knows who this clown is. 
And so do the staff. They wish they didn't. 
At home, he's a terror. 
They all know to watch their step and keep an eye out for whatever trap he's pulled this week.
And when it comes to driving...
Someone pray for Sariel's soul. Emma got in the passenger's seat one time before insisting it was solely Sariel's responsibility. 
Takes him a little longer to get his license, as he almost failed once, but once he does... hell on wheels. 
The police soon know this license plate by heart. 
They wish they didn't.
Student council president and vice president of the volunteer club.
If he can interact with the community at large, he's there for it. 
Popular in school because he's connected with so many clubs and groups. 
And somehow, keeps his grades really high, as well.
If he was not homecoming king at least once, then I'd like to meet the kid who beat him.
Generally well-loved, except when it comes to racing his motorbike down the dirt roads. The neighbors always know it's one of the kids from that one house.
However, when it comes to driving a car, his skills translate fairly well. 
Although he's a bit of a speed demon, so Sariel constantly has to remind him to ease off the gas.
First one with a speeding ticket. (Clavis's tickets are other traffic violations... that he usually talks himself out of... somehow.) 
From then on, he's always willing to drive everyone around whenever he gets the chance. Jin is more than happy to let Leon play chauffeur now.
The moment he was old enough to help in the kitchen, he basically never left. 
He put himself in charge of baking all birthday cakes, festive holiday treats, random afternoon snacks, and regular dinners between one to three times a week depending on how busy things are. 
He took one cooking class in school.
Hated it because it was so boring and he knew everything already. 
After that incident, it was Emma who encouraged him to start a cooking youtube channel. 
Insists he hates it. Posts one video a week diligently without fail.
It actually becomes his job. 
And he manages to do that and keep his grades fairly high.
Emma helps him write a cookbook and get it published. 
Driving... is, er... loud. 
Little road rage king. Heck, he's yelled at everything from potholes to stop signs.
And loves his horn. 
But manages to keep his temper under control to get his license.
Part of the same fencing club as Chevalier. Also has a ton of awards he never displays.
He is the only one who owns a pet in the house. And that's because Sariel has a soft spot for him. 
Has a horse that he takes full responsibility for. 
Very thankful because he's allowed to ride it away for some peace and quiet. 
Does pretty well in school, too. Keep his grades high, and the teachers love how quiet he is.
He did not care to get his license when he came of age. But then he realized that if he learned to drive, he'd be able to pull his horse trailer on his own. 
That was his sole motivation. 
Sariel is very patient with Licht, as he's a good driver. But then comes the extra step of teaching Licht to drive a truck with a trailer attached. 
So, actually, he spent the most time training Licht out of everyone.
But as consequence, Licht soon becomes one of the only ones trusted to drive the RV, as well.
He hates it, though, and will only do it if forced.
Yeahhhh, class clown. He likes the attention.
Yet, somehow does really well in school, which just infuriates the teachers. 
Infuriates them further because he's also on the debate team and, dammit, he's good.
Please don't hate me for this; I don't think this is doing him dirty...  He's a cheerleader.
He rubs in guys' faces that he's caught more girls than any other guy in the school.
He's also dated half of the squad. And is the guy who all the girls vent to about their boyfriend problems. 
Also was homecoming king, but that was a surprise to him. 
He went to every single dance, with a different girl each time.
He definitely spiked the punch at least once. (Blame Clavis for getting him the booze.)
When it comes to driving, he was more motivated than his brother.
And yet, it took him longer to get the hang of it, meaning the twins got their license at the same time even though Nokto started earlier.
Luke only came to them after their dad died. 
Two-year-old Luke was found on the doorstep after his mother rang the doorbell and ran.
He's still got some trauma from it, doesn't like being left alone, but Emma soon became his new mom, and he settled in.
Kinda an unmotivated kid. 
But everyone else does something. So throwing him in karate it was.
Enthusiastic about it? Not really. Good at it? Yes. 
So he'll stay there just 'cause. 
Mediocre about school. 
And the same about driving. 
As the youngest, he was happy being a professional passenger.
Took him until he was seventeen to even find the motivation to start the book-learning portion.
And that was only because everyone was pushing him to do so. 
Has run so many stop signs and parks like shit. 
It's a wonder he hasn't caused an accident. 
He'll get his license before he hits nineteen, though. 
And his poor, beat-up green Jeep is (thankfully) the last car to join the house's overflowing parking lot. 
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