#my cat was climbing all over me while I made this so she helped. technically
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Billy and Stu - a tragedy in motion.
be nice to me - the front bottoms // little beast - richard siken // a primer for the small weird loves - richard siken // the accident has occurred - margaret atwood // first from peripety series - jen mazza // sense, sensibility - ajj // planet of love - richard siken // die4u - bring me the horizon // third life - martyn inthelittlewood // blood - nothing,nowhere // die4u - bring me the horizon // blood - nothing,nowhere // hearse - reuben pearl //die4u - bring me the horizon // blood - nothing,nowhere // third life - tangotek
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doberbutts · 2 years
Evander Update
Evander Masterpost
After two weeks of a two week shutdown, Evander seems to have settled in to my home.
Grooming: Evander definitely will need a sanitary done regularly as his fur grows in a pattern that is hard to keep him clean, especially when he defecates. He was okay for my groomer to shave those areas but had a negative reaction to her coming into my house and needed several minutes to calm down before he was willing to let her near him. She is used to dogs like him which is why I called her over. Additionally his fur is the type that should be stripped rather than shaved technically, but if whoever adopts him doesn’t want to put in the effort then taking him once or twice a year to be neatened up by shaving/scissoring wouldn’t be terrible. His coat is easy to care for and needs regular brushing (or stripping) to help with the shedding.
Feeding: Evander is currently eating Purina Pro Plan for toy breeds and could probably switch to their small breed formula as I don’t think he needs quite that small of kibble. Occasionally I mix it with the canned food I give my dogs but he will also eat it without. He has pretty good food drive and will do anything for a hot dog or a piece of cheese.
Training: Evander is very willing to train and genuinely wants to learn and be interacted with. He is beginning to grasp recall, but will still burst through a door or climb a fence, so his future adopter will need to be prepared for a houdini (houndini). He sits and downs with ease and is learning the basics of stay, which is difficult for him because he is impatient. He pulls on walks but is not particularly reactive with people or dogs- he will bark if barked at or if startled, but otherwise is more focused on continuing his walk at his pace.
Other Animals: Evander is dog friendly! I do not know if he will be good with a male dog since I do not have one. I also do not think he will be good with cats as he is pretty adamant about chasing my neighbor’s outdoor cat out of my yard when she’s around. He is, however, very willing to play with all of my dogs big and small and provided he has proper introductions I think he would do well with a dog friend. He does not fence-fight with my neighbor’s terrier mix (who looks a lot like a black version of him, yorkie/chi) but does bark at him- in fairness, my neighbor’s dog is often running the fence line barking at my dogs, so it’s a little bit of “self defense”. Evander is NOT friendly with small pets: rabbits, hamsters, birds, etc are NOT safe around him and he WILL try to hunt them. He is a terrier, he will act like one.
Problematic Behavior: Evander’s resource guarding is probably the most concerning problematic behavior that he has. While it has improved, it is still a major factor and one I believe any future adopter will need to continue to work on as he settles in with them. When he first arrived, he would rush the gate snarling and barking and not even let me into the room if he had a bone or chew of some sort. Now he is less forward in his aggression, but will still hunker over the prize and growl as I approach. He can be distracted with a thrown hot dog or piece of cheese, and will rapidly de-escalate his aggression until he is back to “normal”, but this is probably the most dangerous behavior he has.
Evander will also have a quick growl/snap reaction to being grabbed suddenly or to sudden movements towards/over him, especially if these movements are made with feet or hands. He recovers quickly without help but again this can be very startling to an adopter that is unprepared. I have been naming different movements and motions I do with him- the one that has helped the most has been to say “up” any time I need to pick him up for any reason.
Evander does NOT like his feet being touched or messed with. I have gotten him to the point where he will freely let me touch his feet but nail trims are still problematic for him. A future adopter will need to be very understanding with him on this as likely this will remain a major source of trauma for him due to what little we know of his past. I have been doing his nails with a dremel tool to avoid any bad memories he may have of nail trimmers near his toes.
I do not know if Evander would guard his bowl from other dogs, but he does not guard his bowl from me. I feed him away from my dogs, in the spare room he’s in, or in his crate. He is fine with my dogs walking by, I do not know how he would do if they were able to reach him and I will not be exposing my dogs to the potential danger of such a situation. I advocate for all dogs to not be bothered while they are eating by humans or by dogs. This has improved the behavior regarding the food bowl to the point that it has effectively disappeared.
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plutofromafar · 2 years
promises fulfilled
Summary: Natasha and Stefaniya are at Vormir's cliff.
Warnings: you already know :((
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[natasha's pov]
"Wow. Under different circumstances, this would be a totally awesome place for a date," Stefaniya admires the scenery. White flakes fall from the sky like snow and she cups her hands, catching them.
"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain," I grumble.
"Technically, he's not a raccoon."
"Whatever, he eats garbage."
"Welcome," a voice startles me. Stefaniya and I draw our weapons and point it at a floating cloaked figure.
"Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Stefaniya, daughter of Dominik."
Stefaniya and I meet eyes, taken aback by the new information. "Who are you?"
"Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone," the red figure says.
"He's Red Skull," Stefaniya whispers.
"He fought against Cap in the 1940s for the Tesseract. I read about it."
"Oh, good. Tell us where the stone is. Then we'll be on our way."
"Ah, liebchen— If only it were that easy."
Red Skull moves to the cliff. Stefaniya and I walk behind him cautiously.
"What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear."
Stefaniya huffs. "Stop speaking in codes and tell us already. We need to hurry back."
"The stone is down there," I nod to the bottom of the cliff.
"For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul." He floats backwards, moving through our bodies and going back to stand where he was before.
Stefaniya stands near the edge, peering down at the bottom of the cliff while I move to sit on a log, deep in thought.
"Careful, Stef."
Stefaniya back up and sits down next to me.
"Maybe he's just bullshitting us," she suggests.
"No, I don't think so."
"Why, 'cause he knows our daddies' names? We don't even know if those are their real ones. He could have easily made them up."
"Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter. It's not a coincidence."
Stefaniya scoffs. "Oh, please. After everything we've been through? After taking down Red Room? We're practically immortal. I'm like a cat with nine lives."
"That may be more of a truth than you realize, Miss Kotova," Red Skull says. I ignore him.
"Only one of us is leaving with the stone alive, Stefaniya."
Her gaze drops to her shoe.
"I have an idea. I'm aware that it's stupid as fuck, but just hear me out?"
I lift an eyebrow in curiosity. "Okay?"
"What if I threw my shoe down there?"
I don't say anything, purely out of confusion as to what Stefaniya is going on about. "Please explain."
"A sole for a soul," she points to the bottom of her shoe. I can't help but erupt into laughter.
"Nat, I'm being serious," Stefaniya says once my laughter died down.
I cut myself off. "Really?"
I think for a moment. "It would be worth a shot, right?"
Stefaniya smiles excitedly, taking off her shoe and offering her hand. I take it and she leads me over to the ledge and takes a dramatic pause before tossing her shoe down. After about fifteen seconds of falling, the shoe bounces off of the ground with an echoing thunk, but nothing happens. Stefaniya scoffs and turns to Red Skull.
"Seriously? That was really clever. Can't you just give us a free pass?"
"I made it clear, Miss Kotova. You must exchange someone you love for the soul stone."
"I loved these pair of shoes," she tries to reason with him. "It's comfortable, great for fighting in, holds my knives, and it doesn't make my sock slip off inside. What more do you want?"
"Stefaniya, don't test him."
"What's he gonna do, push me off? He's like, a ghost," Stefaniya reaches out to touch him, retracting immediately when her hand actually makes contact with his body. She yelps and sits back down next to me.
"Now I only have one shoe."
"One of us has to jump."
"I really loved that shoe."
"Stefaniya, I love you, but can you please be serious for one second?" I snap, immediately regretting it. Hurt flashes across her face.
"I'm so sorry," I begin to apologize.
"No, I'm sorry. You're right."
"It's okay, Nat, you're right. I've used humor for years as a coping mechanism, and not all situations call for it. I realize that now. I'm sorry."
I place my hand on top of hers. "No, I'm sorry. If it's your way to get through things, I shouldn't tell you not to do it."
She stays silent.
"You know that's what I've always admired about you?"
"Yeah. You always know now to lighten the mood, no matter how dire the situation is. Like it's just a second nature to you to find the good in everything. I wish I could be like you."
Stefaniya smiles. "You're already the greatest human to ever exist."
I chuckle. "Thank you."
Stefaniya sighs. "We really do need to decide who jumps, though."
"Yeah, we do. There's only one answer."
"Me—" "I'm doing it—" We talk in unison.
"What? No way, you're not jumping."
"It should be me, Nat. I owe this to you and Yelena. To the world. They both still need you."
"You've been Yelena's best friend for twenty-three years, Stefaniya. I've only been her sister for three, plus the two years after Red Room. I can't go back and be the one to tell her you're dead when it could have easily been me to die. She needs you more than she needs me."
"Stop, Natasha. You're right, I've been in her life for longer than you have, but that's exactly the reason why it should be me. Those twenty-three years were the best parts of my life, besides the seven years in which I've known you. When we were kids, I promised Yelena that I'd get us out and reunite her with you. That promise was all I had been living for. And I've fulfilled that promise. You only had one week together, and most, if not all, of it was spent trying to take down Red Room. You still have so much to do together as sisters, and I won't let you throw that away. You're her big sister— she'll always need you. And you're the Black Widow! You're a hero to so many people."
"And you're not?"
"Earth still needs you. Yelena and the Avengers need you. The Widows need someone to look to for guidance. Melina and Alexei still wants to have a relationship with you. Gosh, you don't even know how proud they are of you, Natasha. You're all that they ever talk about."
I wipe my tears away. She was really serious. This was it. "Stef—"
"Natasha, I've already lived so much. I got more than everything my five-year-old self could ever have dreamed of having in life. I have the most amazing friends I could ever ask for, I got the chance to be an Avenger, to redeem myself after Red Room, and I found the love of my life. I've made my peace with dying years ago. It's okay."
She pulls me in for a soft kiss and I pour all of my love into it, knowing that there's some truth to what she's saying. She pulls away and buries her face into my neck, wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
Her hugs are nothing like I've ever experienced before. Yelena and Wanda's hugs are always warm. Steve's hugs feel protective. Clint's are strong, yet also soft. But Stefaniya's are magic. They're safe. Welcoming. Gentle. Like coming home to your bed after a long day. They make you feel like everything will be okay. Being in her arms feel like home.
And this is the last time I'll experience it.
"I still have so much I want to say to you."
Stefaniya smiles softly, tears streaming down her own cheeks. "It's okay. I already know, Natasha. Quantum entanglement, remember?"
I smile, thinking about that conversation from three years ago.
She walks closer to the cliff and pivots around to face me. "Oh, uh... Top left drawer under my t-shirts."
"In our closet. Top left drawer with the t-shirts, okay? Just remember that."
I nod frantically. "I will. I promise."
She smiles at me one last time. "Thank you, for everything. Till we meet again."
She jumps.
Next chapter
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
tooth and nail
ask and you shall receive ;) @denpine14 @strawberrygem21
in which the Dimitrescu daughters exhibit cat-like traits
“Dear Mother Miranda,
The girls have grown well, though there are some complications. Bela seems to have some form of anxiety and very low self-esteem, Cassandra has anger issues, and Daniela, I believe, has some type of hyperactivity disorder. Despite all of this, I love all of them dearly.
However…more strangely…they have…feline-like habits. I expected the hissing and growling, but the other things… Well, I’m not too sure how this has happened, as they were born from insects, but they weirdly act like little kittens in the most absurd ways. These mannerisms include, but are not limited to…”
“Oof--” Alcina blinked in surprise and looked down as Bela headbutted her leg. “Yes, my darling?”
Bela giggled and headbutted her again. Alcina rubbed her head, which triggered a strange sound to fill the air.
“…and purring…”
Purring. Her daughter seemed to be purring.
Alcina’s heart swelled with love. She couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips.
Later that day, Cassandra and Daniela did the headbutting thing, too, both of them bonking her in the legs while giggling adorably. When she scratched along their scalps, they purred, just like their big sister had.
--- --- ---
“…staring when they want something…”
“Yes?” Alcina asked, raising an eyebrow at the trio of girls staring at her. If it weren’t for their different hair colors, it would have been difficult to discern them from each other with their matching black gowns and hoods. She made the mental note to give something to them to help make them out better.
Her daughters continued to stare.
“Is everything alright?”
Still nothing.
Cassandra reached out, swatted at her dress, and then they all took off running in different directions, their sock-clad feet making them run in place for a few seconds before they gained traction and streaked away in blurs of black.
--- --- ---
“…and also staring at nothing at all, as though they are seeing ghosts…”
Alcina blinked. Her daughters were staring intently at the wall, their eyes wide and shiny, like they had just witnessed the secrets of the universe. She tried to see what they were looking at but could spot nothing at all.
“What in the…?”
--- --- ---
“…pushing random things off of surfaces for seemingly no reason other than the fact that they like to…”
A loud clatter echoed down the hallway, and Alcina was quick to hurry to the source of the noise: the parlor, where Daniela was perched on one of the tables inside, staring down at a fallen candelabra. Luckily, none of the wax sticks were lit, as they would have sent the red-and-gold carpet over the floor up in flames. Daniela looked up at her, her eyes awestruck and shiny.
“Did you knock that over?” Alcina asked.
Daniela stared back. Then, slowly, reached out her hand and swatted over a cup.
--- --- ---
“…causing utter destruction…”
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Alcina snapped, shooing Cassandra away from the blinds. Her daughter leaped back, her claws ripping out of the fabric she had been sharpening her talons on. “No. Do not scratch things up, Cassandra.”
Cassandra inspected her claws. “Then what am I supposed to sharpen them on? Look at how blunt they are!” They showed them to Alcina.
They were sharp enough to gut a human in one swipe.
In amusement, Alcina said, “How about tree bark? It’s rough enough to hone them.”
Cassandra considered it, then nodded. “Alright!” She bounded away to go destroy one of the trees in the garden.
That same day, Alcina found Daniela chewing on a branch in her bedroom, creating a small pile of woodchips beneath her jaw. She seemed to be doing the same thing as her older sister: sharpening her natural weapons. Alcina left her be.
--- --- ---
“…sudden hyperactivity…”
The loud sound of footsteps suddenly burst throughout the hallways, rebounding like thunder. They would stop at random, then begin again, seemingly in a sporadic pattern. When Alcina finally stepped out of her bedroom to investigate, she barely caught a blur of black as one of her daughters, she couldn’t tell who, whizzed past her like lightning. She spun around, blinking.
At the same moment, one of the others came from a different direction and skidded to a stop in front of her. She whirled to them and saw that it was Bela.
“What are you three doing?” Alcina asked.
“Playing,” Bela answered blithely. She stepped forward, headbutted Alcina lovingly, then zoomed off again, slipping on her socks as she went.
--- --- ---
“…getting startled at the most mundane things…”
The parlor had been peaceful at one moment; Alcina was drinking her tea, while Cassandra and Daniela played chess and Bela multitasked reading and watching the game. It was then that Bela’s thread bookmark fell out and she swiped at it to pick it up. However, when the string seemed to catch on her claws, she got frightened, leaping at least five feet up into the air. Seeing their older sister so unsettled, Cassandra and Daniela did the same, nearly jumping out of their skin and scattering the game of chess as they scampered away in terror. Alcina laughed loudly as her daughters huddled against her sides, shaking.
--- --- ---
“…bringing me dead animals as gifts…”
Alcina was cleaning up for bed when there was a knock that filled her bedroom. She walked to the door and opened it, only to see no one. When she turned around, she saw Daniela clinging to her window sill, a mass of fur caught between her teeth.
Alcina quickly opened the window, and Daniela hopped inside. She presented the thing in her mouth to her with great pride: a rat.
“For you, Mother.”
“Ah-- thank you, my dove.”
Daniela purred as her head was rubbed affectionately.
The next day, Cassandra padded up to her, her chest puffed in pride, a large snake pierced by her fangs.
“A gift, Mother.”
“Thank you, my sweet.”
And then, that evening, Bela came to her door with a bird in her mouth.
“Here, Mother.”
“Thank you, my darling.”
And then the bird jerked away when Bela set it down and flew off down the hall in terror. They both watched it go.
“It was too pretty to kill.”
Alcina chuckled. “I see.”
--- --- ---
“…laying on my things when I need them…”
Alcina stared tiredly at the stack of girls laying on the folded clothes on her bed. All that space on her giant mattress that was made specifically for her size and they chose that exact spot. On her clothes.
Well. They were much too cute to wake up.
--- --- ---
“…laying on me and keeping me from getting up…”
“Maiden,” Alcina whispered.
The maid passing by stopped and turned to her instantly.
“Get me a glass of blood. I can’t get up and I am thirsty.”
The maid eyed the form of her youngest daughter stretched out on her lap, asleep, and then nodded, whisking away.
She hadn’t moved for three hours.
--- --- ---
“…they have no concept of personal space…”
Alcina was awake that night, her girls piled on top of her to the point where they were practically smothering her, Daniela and Cassandra under arms and Bela on her chest. Every time she twitched, they would move closer, snuggling in deeper to her heat. She wouldn’t be sleeping very comfortably, but at least her daughters were warm.
--- --- ---
“…sitting in strange places…”
“Are you comfortable?” Alcina asked, laughing.
Bela looked up from where she was reading and wedged inside a basket that was meant for quilts. Despite her small, wiry frame, it technically wasn’t her size, but she managed to curl herself inside, piled by the blankets and indulging herself in a good book.
“Yes,” Bela said, smiling.
Alcina would also go on to find Cassandra napping haphazardly on the banister of the upper hallway balcony, which she picked her up from and placed her back into her bed in fear of her falling off, and Daniela hiding in one of the cupboards in the kitchen.
However, none of these things beat when she found all three of her daughters crammed in a box, murmuring and giggling to each other over something.
--- --- ---
“…did I mention the purring? Because the purring is absolutely endearing. I do believe it has healing properties…”
Alcina wasn’t quite sure what she had come down with that day, but she woke up feeling exhausted and achy all over. She didn’t even think to get up and alert her girls to her condition, choosing to rather wallow in her bed, so it wasn’t a surprise when her room was soon filled by three worried bug-spawn creatures.
“Mother?” Daniela’s small hands were set on her shoulders.
Alcina stirred.
“Mother?” That was Bela, now.
She rolled over and blinked tired eyes at the worried-looking faces of her daughters.
“Hello, my darlings,” she croaked.
“Mother,” Bela said again, her voice thick with concern. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, yes,” Alcina nodded, though her mind was wavering, shrouded in a heavy fog. “I am fine. Just a little unwell.”
“Can we help you?” Cassandra asked, her hands twitching.
“Don’t worry,” Alcina answered. “I’ll be fine.”
Her daughters exchanged looks. A moment later, they were climbing onto the bed, curling up around her.
“We’re helping,” Daniela said.
Alcina had no idea how cuddling was supposed to help her, but then she heard the soft churring that filled the air. The purring in itself did little to actually heal her sickness, but something about the soft sound and the presence of her precious daughters soothed her. Bela, with her head on her chest, filled her heart with a gentle rumbling. Daniela, curled up right next to her, chirred gingerly in her ear. Cassandra, stretched out over her stomach, resonated a soothing burr throughout her body.
She chuckled tiredly. “Thank you, my loves…”
--- --- ---
“…and, at least when they were newly reborn, absolutely hating when I go into a room without them…”
She was just taking a shower. That was all. And yet, she could hear her young, one-week-old daughters on the other side of the door, yowling and screaming and scratching their claws into the wood.
“I’m just bathing!” she snapped.
They wailed louder.
--- --- ---
“…to wrap the letter up, it is certainly a strange phenomenon to the experiment, but I am not complaining at all. They are much more entertaining and endearing this way. I wouldn’t have them any other way. I would like to thank you again, Mother Miranda, for letting me have such sweet daughters.
That will be all for now. I will follow up in another letter if anything new comes up.
-Alcina Dimitrescu”
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Summary- going on a date
Character(s)- Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Mina Ashido, Aizawa Shōta
Warnings- just so one comes for me, everyones aged up!!, besides that none :)
Notes- ahh look at me trying to expanding my fandoms
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Kaminari Denki
Definitely an arcade date. A simple yet fun idea.
Of course when he invites you, it mostly as a joke. He’s not expecting you to actually answer. But when you did this man is like so excited. If he could he would’ve planned the date that day but of course he waits till the weekend.
It’s a casual date, nothing to fancy just the 2 of you enjoy the little things. It’s one of those dates that feel like a date yet at the same time doesn’t.
It’s like those dates y’all see in like those cheesy romance movies. It’s a very cute date 🥺💕
Of course y’all don’t spend the whole date at the arcade, it was just the first out of many spots. Y’all basically play till y’all can’t anymore then go out to eat.
Y’all end up chatting about anything and everything, whatever topic pops up yall talk about it. At one point you make him charge you phone, limited his ability to talk. But you end up talking the most anyways.
After y’all had eat and enjoyed a dessert or 2, the 2 of y’all go a goof off at some random park. Talking on the swings, climbing up the monkey bars, petting to local cats.
Over all the date was just a simple one but it was probably the best one Denki has ever had and will have.
Before the date, he knew you only as a classmate, not knowing the small things about you. After the date he learns and remembers all the little things about you.
Your favorite color, your dream pet, what you what to do as a side job, how you wanna help people. All the little things.
Denki felt so unbelievably happy when the date was over. He hasn’t be on many dates before more like none so going on a date with you, and it being an actual date made him so happy. Y’all are definitely gonna be going in more dates from now on
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Kirishima Eijiro
Unlike Denki, dates with Kirishima take a bit more time to plan. Kirishima loves to go hiking, so why not go on a hiking date with him.
You honestly had never been on one so you have no idea what y’all would even do but you decided to go along with it. It something new for you to try and plus Kirishima seemed really happy when he was talking about it.
You clearly underestimate him and the date. By a lot. To start of with, y’all met up together just as the sun had reached over the horizon. It was to early.
2nd, he just had to pick the most ‘manliest’ trail. It was an gorgeous trail, don’t think it wasn’t. There were so many animals, birds, and beautiful flowers. But also bugs, and awkward wooden stairs and rocks, and a lot of walking. At that point you weren’t sure if this was a date or extra training.
However, you went along with it. Although it wasn’t your thing, it was nice change of pace and something else fun to try. The date wasn’t bad either, the two of y’all cracked jokes, chatted about the latest gossip at the school and about y’all’s works study, and just talking about random topics.
At one point y’all ended up holding hands and walking shoulder to shoulder, until however the 2 of y’all didn’t even know how or when y’all did it. The only time y’all noticed it was when Kirishima tried to head off into a bush to pee but next he knew you just continued to follow him. His flustered face was so unmanly.
After hours and hours of talking, sunset came and you noticed that y’all weren’t near the entrance of the trail. You brought your concern with him, but he simply smiled, grabbed you hand once again and asked, “Trust me. You’ll love it.”
There was no way you couldn’t trust that smile. So you continued to follow him until the sun began to dip under the horizon. And an hour before the light had disappeared completely, Kirishima brought you to a lovely field and a small picnic area
You were speechless, you were definitely not expecting that. It was so strange yet cute. So while you stood there, speechless, Kirishima began to unpack a bunch of snacks, of course ones that didn’t need to be referated. Once he set them all out, he looked back at you and smiled sheepishly, “Hehe, I hope you don’t mind a pinic date.” 
and of course you loved it. The date lasted on for about 2 more hours before yall decided to head back. Although the walk back was scary and surprising a lot shorter bc he apparently knew a short cut, it was still fun. The date was very new and nice, it was very different from any date you went on before. So this just might become a regular thing for you.
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Mina Ashido 
a night out on the town all the way. Kinda like Kaminari but not at the same time...
Even though the date is technically at night. The 2 of y’all spend the day together anyways. Not going out and partying, but lazing around the house doing nothing. Mina liked to call it your girl time where y’all gossip, watch rom-coms, fantasize about the future, sending each other memes, simply stuff like that.
It wasn’t until around 5 when the date was finally starting. Y’all would get all dressed up, do each other’s make up, complement the hell out of each other, flirt, and try on like 5 different outfits before finally heading out.
The night started off relatively calm. The 2 of y’all would start the date off by going out to dinner at a somewhat fancy restaurant. Where y’all would continued to gossip and talk about random things.
After the dinner date the 2 of y’all would sneak off to an ice cream parlor and enjoy an ice or 2 together. Completely ruining y’all’s outfits. Besides the dinner date and the ice cream, everything after that wasn’t planned at all. It was all up to Mina where y’all would go.
To the club! Is the first place Mina’s gonna drag you too. It was popular club too where citizens, heroes and even villains would attend. The only rule that’s enforced at the clubs is: no sharing your real identity with a stranger. Besides that it’s a free for all.
Dancing, drinking, partying. They do it all, and y’all definitely do it all. Of course still having a sense of responsibility, y’all don’t drink too much but y’all definitely make that up on the dance floor.
While dancing you even ran into a few friends and decided to join their little party. Y’all did everything: drinking games, dance, encourage fights, ate till y’all couldn’t stand, threw it all up in the bathroom then did it again. You were pretty sure you saw some people from the league of villains but who cares. You were on a date not a night patrol.
Of course y’all aren’t super human well technically you are butttt so eventually even y’all had to call it quiets. It was around 3 am tho. It was a good thing that y’all didn’t have work in the morning. So the 2 of y’all said you goodbyes and slowly stumbled y’all’s way back to your apartment. Both of y’all took turned carrying each
As soon as y’all go home y’all had enough energy go pull off your outfits before crashing on the bed make up and all. The next morning, or next afternoon Mina was the first to wake up so she was quick to get dress and clean up before she began to make breakfast for you and a hot drink. When you woke up Mina was quick to check up on you and make sure you were feeling ok.
Once again y’all spent the day doing nothing and relaxing with each. And after a night like that, y’all couldn’t ask for more.
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Aizawa Shōta
This man is like so romantic...when he wants to be lol. It really all just depends on his mood. Normally a date with him would be a very simple and easy going one.
Because he is a teacher, there’s a lot of time where’s he stuck grading papers and when that happens, He loves to cuddle up with you under a blanket and while you watch a movie or read or play on your phone he’ll grade the papers. Taking many breaks of course.
Most of the time his breaks will consist of him complaining about how one of his students didn’t get a question right or didn’t even answer it or just put something crazy. Most of the time he’s not to talkative but when it comes to school, especially his students, he won’t shut up. So you let him rant, you enjoy hearing this stories too anyways. His students are amazing.
Occasionally if it’s a simple worksheet with an answer sheet he made before hand, He’ll make you grade the papers while he sleeps or does something else. You love when this happens cause then your can give them a few extra points just bc.
Of course the date is not grading papers with him. The date comes after. Once all the papers are graded, the 2 of y’all would put in some relatively decent clothes and head out to the nearest coffee shop. A chance to get y’all out of the house and a nice breath of fresh air. Normally it’s your idea to go on the date but Aizawa always loves it.
Once y’all reach the cafe that’s when Aizawa would normally take over the date. He’ll either find something else he wants to do like see a movie or take a walk in the part the. Something he’ll just want to go back to the appointment and just sleep and relax.
It really doesn’t matter what y’all do. Aizawa’s the type of person to just savor the time spent with you. As long as he’s with you he doesn’t mind what y’all do. With thag in mind, he would prefer to just lay around the house and cuddle but he’s also open to your date ideas.
Like I said before Aizawa can be one hell of a charmer when it comes down to it. So when y’all go on actually dates. He knows exactly how to dress, act, and what do it. It’s almost like a completely different person but his lazy reaction remind you he’s still the same man you fell in love with.
Even the romantic dates are simple, going out to eat at a fancy restaurant and going out for a walk hand in hand. If y’all do something too exciting, he thinks it will take away from your beauty and distract him so that he’a not focused on you. So he keeps the dates simple so that he won’t have any distractions from you.
To others y’all’s dates might be too simple and boring, but y’all love them. The dates aren’t about seeing how much y’all could do together, it about spending time with each. So if all y’all do it go off to some cafe that’s around the block and talk, y’all are completely happy and satisfied.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Thurs 4 Feb ‘21
Confirmation is here at last of Harry’s role in the film adaptation of My Policeman, brought to us by queer fave Greg Berlanti (and his husband). Harry will costar with Emma Corrin, who you may remember from the at the time inexplicable seeming Harry/Emma cross promo last August-- given the pains they took then to emphasize that the relationship was platonic, one assumes this film will go for a different promo tactic than the current one! They share a stylist though, so they’ll no doubt be beautifully coordinated. Harry will play Tom, which some people object to on the grounds that Harry is the wrong person to play the role of a closeted man which is certainly… one opinion. Aaaaand there’s plenty more of that discourse (and about him playing a policeman) to come over the coming months so I’ll just leave it there for now! Anyway and as for that current project, we got more DWD set pics today, featuring Harry in various costume outfits! There’s ones where his character looks bloodied, and ones where his character looks clean but absolutely terrifying, grown up frat boy from hell looks to give you CHILLS, plus some of Harry as Harry in a bright orange hoodie designed by his friend Kunichi Nomura.There was also {moustache spoilers} some weird facial hair on display. Okay then!
Project Defenseless has been launched to push Defenseless up in the streaming charts and push for radio play! The fan single project offers resources and organized pushes to get people streaming and promoting on all the platforms and reaching out to radio, and has fans making lots of very cool edits besides! “I see what you’re doing with defenseless! You are all incredible!” said Louis. That song is such a fitting choice for this kind of project! Its journey has been all about the fan response from back when Louis played it for us for the very first time in 2019 (it was the one everyone was screaming about from soundcheck clips for the few hours between that and hearing the songs for real even) and afterwards he told us about how although he’d always liked the song it clicked for him in a new way after getting the fan reaction, saying “something happened to it when I performed it live, and ever since then it really kind of got me,” and “the fans make everything sound amazing, they made it sound so good,” and “the fans for whatever reason really took to this song, so now it has a special place in me heart definitely”. Plus of course there was the long saga of fan stress when it seemed like it might not be on the album and rejoicing when Louis finally definitively confirmed that it would be, after what seemed like might have been a reversal on his part due to the outcry about it. And now she’s climbing all kinds of charts like a the star she is! The song shot up on itunes (#3 worldwide, #1 in 16 countries) just for starters and the project has only just got going. Louis commented on the stats-- “An album track off an album that’s a year old. You lot blow my fucking mind! Thank you so much!”
Louis also commented on a Jack Saunders (BBC indie music DJ) tweet and followed guitarist Johnny Took of the DMAs on twitter which is weird only in that he didn’t already.
There’s news about Zayn’s Zach Sang interview, and it’s not the most surprising news but it is very sad; Zach says “hi beautiful humans, this convo was scheduled for last week but we got a rain check from his team. this conversation can still happen, it ain’t over yet! we’ll keep ya in the loop. I listened to this album 7 times! we’re determined” Well... damn. However Zayn DID pop up with some spon-content but like… the WEIRDEST ad content?? It’s for Coors Light and, well I’ll let Zayn tell you about it! “They’re gonna see if they can put a commercial inside your dreams... which is kind of messed up.” HAHAHAHA I have nothing to add! What Zayn said!!! “So we’re gonna give that a go and uh see if it works,” he says, sounding appropriately skeptical, followed by “wish me luck”. Does this kind of sponcon count as malicious compliance? Technically he DID say the stuff he was supposed to- and he’s doing an instagram live for them Sat, supposedly. I can’t wait to see how that goes! Wish him luck! The latest installment of the NIL comic book video series is also out today, but just one this time instead of a pair. This week’s song is Connexion and the new comic shows us that the figure pursuing our hero is, drumroll-- himself! The call is coming from inside the house!
Unlike interview shy Zayn, however, Gigi is out there ready to overshare, as long as it’s to Vogue. She has plenty to say about giving birth to zaby Khai (newly revealed nickname: Khaiba) at home at the Pennsylvania farm. The article says that they decided to have the birth at home due to COVID placing restrictions on hospital births that would have prevented Bella and Zayn and Yolanda all being present, and after she and Zayn watched the documentary The Business of Being Born. “They placed a blow-up bath in their bedroom and sent their three cats and border collie away when the midwife expressed concern that the sphynx and Maine coon felines might puncture the tub with their claws,” the interviewer learns while horseback riding with Gigi. The article also says Zayn “caught the baby” but it isn’t a direct quote from Gigi and I’m thinking a bit of an exaggeration perhaps. Gigi had the baby at the Hadid family farm but she and Zayn have since relocated to live at his farm, which is nearby, where they say they will be raising the child, with Z’s mom Trisha coming to stay to help out for the first month, that Khai sleeps with them, and that Zayn said his experience of the whole thing reminded him of the birth in a lion documentary they’d watched. Neither mentioned it but it has been spotted that Gigi and Zayn each now have tattoos of the name, Khai, in Arabic.
Meanwhile, Niall surfaced only in golf guy mode- a Modest Golf announcement and a podcast appearance to promote the new Modest initiative to get young people into playing golf. He says they want to “get rid of that thing that’s been holding golf back for a long time, that it’s a boring sport…” and I know he means he’s trying to combat that idea but when I tell you I LAUGHED!
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spaceskam · 3 years
Pretty Little Picture (3/3)
okay so TECHNICALLY this was for day 3 of @malex-cupid but then ice robbed me of my wifi for like two days. So here is now. Whoops. (thanks for reading!)
warning for mild sexual content which i forgot to say at the beginning of the last chapter my b
Alex woke up to a heavyweight on his spine.
It took him a few moments to register it and he had to crane his neck a bit, but, sure enough, Michael was passed out against his back. His cheek was smushed against it and he was definitely drooling a little bit, but Alex didn’t mind. With a sigh, he let his head fall back against the pillow.
His eyes closed as he thought about the night before. About kissing and touching every inch of him that he could. Neither of them really anticipated that, so they didn’t have lube to do anything too strenuous, but they definitely managed to have fun regardless. Maybe it was too early, but he didn’t regret it. It felt good and they worked weirdly well together.
However, the peace of it all only lasted a few minutes before Michael’s alarm started to go off.
“Why does the world hate me?” Michael whined, slowly peeling himself off of Alex to go turn it off. In that time, Alex flipped onto his back. It didn’t stop Michael from falling right back down onto his chest. “You don’t have any chest hair.”
“Good morning to you too, I guess,” Alex laughed, raking his hands through Michael’s fucked up hair. They needed a shower. They were going to take one the night before, but they very quickly got distracted. “I shave it or get it waxed, it gets itchy.”
“Really?” Michael said, scratching his chest gently, “Mine doesn’t.”
“I think it really only starts getting itchy once you’ve started shaving it. Like Liz says she doesn’t get how Max has such hairy legs without it being itchy because hers get that way if she tries to go more than a week,” Alex explained, yawning halfway through. Michael hummed thoughtfully and then turned to prop his chin upon his chest.
“Sounds plausible,” Michael decided. Alex hummed softly, letting his eyes slip closed out of pure selfish reasons. He was warm and comfortable and he didn’t want to get up. “We can stay in bed a little later if you want. Brunch instead of breakfast, remember.”
“How long until then? ‘Cause we both need showers,” Alex pointed out. Michael shifted, moving up a bit more until Alex sensed him just hovering above. He opened his eyes slowly to look at him.
“Two hours,” Michael said softly, eyes drifting across his face, “But we could take one together. Save water and time.”
Alex huffed a laugh, rubbing his hand up and down his arm before leading it up to his neck.
Michael moved down, kissing him much slower than he had the night before. He let the rest of his body press up against Alex which made it very clear he hadn’t bothered to put any clothes on. Alex had at least remembered boxers.
“You’re so warm,” Alex said fondly, his hand gliding over his broad shoulders and the dip of his back.
 Michael smiled softly, his nose nudging against Alex’s before his tongue made its way into his mouth without hesitation. Alex tugged him closer and kissed him deeper, not quite ready to let him go. He didn’t think he’d ever be ready to let him go.
Alex wasn't sure how long they laid there just kissing as if they did this all the time. Maybe they could make it a new habit because it was just... nice. Nice to wake up and have him there and have full reign.
Michael was his roommate. They'd lived together for three years. How the hell hadn't this occurred to him before? And this... this wasn't even a stupid crush that he had because Michael was doting on him. He liked him. He *wanted this.
However, Alex managed to keep his expectations low despite his desires being high. They fell into bed the night before under the understanding that this was just a one-time thing, friends helping friends, they were already pretending to date and so why not? That was the precedent. Alex couldn't and wouldn't expect more.
"Do you know what today is?" Michael asked as he broke the kiss and slowly started leaving soft pecks down his neck. Alex snorted.
"Don't be cheesy."
"It's Valentine's day," he said anyway, "I didn't get you anything."
"I didn't expect you to get me anything."
"Well, that makes me a bad boyfriend," Michael hummed, lifting himself up just enough to look at him in the eye, "So what do you want?"
"You really don’t wanna ask me that,” Alex whispered, eyes training on his mouth. He put his hand on Michael’s cheek and let his thumb graze his bottom lip. Michael took a shaky breath.
“Why not?”
“I don’t know,” Alex said as he took a deep breath and watched Michael follow his thumb with his tongue, “Might make you fall in love with me.”
Michael huffed a laugh, smiling wider by the second. Alex liked the way it felt. He liked how all of this felt.
“Alex,” he said, shaking his head a bit. Alex raised an eyebrow but didn’t get to say anything before Michael started gravitating down. “Alex. Tell me what you want.”
Alex replaced his thumb with his lips, breathing him in. He arched his back into him and reveled in the feeling of skin on skin. How had he not wanted this before the weekend?
Simple, he realized after a few seconds of thought, he had wanted it before. He just didn’t notice that it was an option. And, it wasn’t. Not really. This was temporary. But, God, it felt good.
“This. I just want this,” Alex said, voice barely a whisper and somehow still a beg.
Michael, ever the obedient caretaker, slipped his hand behind his back while the other went to his knee and hiked his leg up onto his hip. Alex’s hand slipped into his hair and kissed him deeper. He swallowed every noise he made.
Alex had known he was gay for as long as he could remember. He’d hooked up with boys from all walks of life since he moved for college: pretentious young artists, bratty trust-fund babies, a couple of football players who weren’t out yet, and a rich 50-year-old who very clearly had a lot of experience. None of it held a candle to this, to Michael kissing him and grinding against him and choosing this over spending time making good impressions.
That almost made it more surreal, that he was choosing this. He could’ve woken up awkward, could’ve blamed it on the wine, but he instead kissed and touched Alex more. It felt like he was being lit on fire from the inside in the best way.
Michael moved his hand between them, palming Alex over his boxers with no shame.
“I can’t believe we, two adult queer men, didn’t fucking bring lube or more than the one condom you had stuffed in your duffle bag,” Alex groaned, feeling a bit lightheaded as Michael didn’t stop. He just laughed softly, rocking against him.
“It’d been a little presumptuous if we had, don’t you think?” Michael asked. Alex genuinely, from the bottom of his heart, didn’t give a fuck about being presumptuous anymore. “I mean, if you wanna try, we can‒”
Michael laughed, “You didn’t even hear what I was gonna say!”
“I know you. Spit only works if you want it to hurt,” Alex said. Michael huffed a laugh, tongue flicking across Alex’s lips because that’s apparently something he thought was a calm and collected thing to do.
“Fair enough. But if you wanna‒”
“No, nope,” Alex laughed, slapping his hand over his mouth. Michael beamed at him. “I’m not so impatient that I’ll risk a trip to the hospital. And we still don’t have a condom, so I can wait.”
Michael twisted his head until Alex moved it off his mouth, favored the feeling of raking it through his hair. His face went all soft in response like a cat that sincerely wanted to be pet. Alex scratched his scalp for extra measure.
“Fine,” Michael hummed, “We can wait.”
And Alex was quite sure he was going to fucking explode at this point. Waiting implied it was going to happen again and not when they were in this little bubble where they were boyfriends, but when they got home and were back to normal.
“Let’s go take a shower,” Alex said softly, needing to stay busy before he got his hopes up too high.
Michael nodded and got up slowly, leaving him with a few more kisses before he climbed out of bed. He stretched up and Alex took in the shape of him. His muscular back, his long torso, his tan skin, his nice ass.
He was so completely and utterly fucked.
“Okay, wait, how do you do this?”
“It’s not hard.”
“Clearly it is because I have no idea how you make it look good.”
Alex was grinning so wide it hurt as he watched Michael through the mirror. Michael had taken ahold of the blow dryer in the middle of Alex drying his hair and did it for him, combing through it and everything. When it got the pair Alex usually just pulled it back into a little ponytail and ruffled what didn’t fit, Michael got that intense look on his face and his tongue stuck out of his mouth as he tried to figure it out. Alex was giddy as he tied it back, decided it looked wrong, and took it down over and over. 
“My hair is short, it’s not going to be perfect,” Alex said. When he’d gotten it cut the last time, they’d cut it to be chin-length (three inches shorter than requested) and he was still dealing with the consequences of not just driving down to Roswell to have Maria do it. “Just take your thumbs, try to get an even amount from both sides, and tie up the top half.”
“That’s what I’ve been doing.”
“And it’s looked fine. I’m gonna have to wash my hair all over again if you don’t stop soon,” Alex teased. Michael scrunched up his nose irritably and rolled his eyes. He took a deep breath and tried one more time. It looked nearly identical. “See? It looks fine.”
“How do you make yourself look so good? I’d be jealous if I didn’t get the benefit of looking at you every day,” Michael said. Alex rolled his eyes, but couldn’t deny the warm feeling that rushed through his system.
“Mm, I believe it,” Michael hummed, moving some of Alex’s hair out of the way to leave a kiss on his neck. Soft and sweet and definitely not long enough. “Okay, okay, get away from me or I’m going to drag you back to bed.”
“See, that’s not going to convince me to get away from you.”
“No lube, no condom,” Michael recited, like a mantra that was more for himself than Alex as he took a backward step towards his bag. It reminded him that he was still in just a towel.
“Are you so boring that you can’t think of anything to do with those limitations?” Alex asked. Michael swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and turned around.
“It’s on days like these I ask myself, ‘Self, why have you let yourself be drawn in by lust and temptation? Is it not enough to admire from afar?’” Michael spoke wistfully as he dug through his bag. Childish giggles slipped through Alex’s mouth. “No, apparently, it’s not. I’ve been a respectful roommate and upstanding member of society, keeping my thoughts to myself for years and then I get one taste and I’m nothing but a useless sack of needing-to-pleasure-Alex cells. That’s it.”
“Years, huh?” Alex asked. Michael froze for a moment before he shook it off and pulled out a pair of chinos and a collared shirt. 
“No. I don’t know, maybe. Yeah. I don’t know,” Michael mumbled, dropping his towel. Alex bit down on his bottom lip and took a very careful breath, trying not to do something embarrassing like twirl around the room and sing I Feel Pretty at the top of his lungs.
Definitely feeling pretty and witty and gay at moment.
Instead of focusing on that‒because, wow, that’s a lot to focus on‒Alex took out his eyeliner and drew his wings a bit more bold than he had been the last two days. Riding on that high, he even flipped his septum down. If Michael thought it’d be a problem, he’d tell him before they got downstairs. Hopefully. One of Michael’s female coworkers had multi-colored hair so it should be fine.
He took a step back and looked over himself. Black checkered pants, a loose black button-up that was half tucked in and half out, his hair a Michael special. He looked good. He felt better.
By the time he picked up his phone, he realized he hadn’t actually texted Liz since The Before and she was probably freaking out. As told by her series of messages.
Liz: Do I need to get Isobel on his ass? 
Liz: Are you okay? It’s been a couple hours
Liz: Text me when you can and let me know if I need to come rescue you in the middle of the night
Liz: It’s the middle of the night, I’m going to bed, so I hope you don’t need saving.
Liz: However, if you don’t text me by tomorrow, I will assume you have been murdered and I will be filing a police report.
Liz: It’s currently 7:30 AM. You have until 10 before I assume the worst.
Alex: jesus liz
Alex: I am in fact alive
Liz: What happened last night??? You went MIA 
Alex: ……….
Alex: Listen. He’s really good at giving head.
Liz: I could’ve gone my whole life without knowing that but OH MY GOD
Alex: Went out the door along with my dignity apparently
Liz: For real tho are you okay? That probably wasn’t great for your crush
Alex: I think it’ll be okay. I’m not keeping my hopes up or anything and I’m gonna have a real conversation with him once we leave, but for right now I’m content with him kissing me constantly
Liz: Oh shit it’s still going on?
Alex: It is still going on 😌
Alex: Remind me next time I go on a random trip with someone that even if I don’t expect to get laid I should bring condoms
Liz: omg Alex did you pay attention to sex ed at all
Alex: literally no I did not, half of it was no use to me
Liz: sigh. What am I going to do with you
“Alright, let’s go get brunch. Don’t let me have mimosas because if I drink at all, I can’t promise I won’t get myself fired,” Michael said. Alex slipped his phone into his back pocket to look at him, a grin easily finding his face.
“Aw, you look like such a little frat boy.”
“I am in a fraternity.”
“We don’t talk about that, it’s bad for my health,” Alex said, tilting his head back as Michael moved in and grabbed his hips. One hand moved up to his chin, holding him in place as he kissed him. “Can I have mimosas, though? I promise not to get messy.”
“You can have literally whatever you want,” Michael murmured against his mouth, leaving him one more kiss before he pulled away. “Let’s go.”
Somehow, going downstairs and parading in front of everyone as a couple didn’t feel any different than it had the first two days. They made small talk and ate good food and Alex drank two mimosas alongside Michael’s coffee.
“I can’t get over how cute you two are,” Alisha said, somehow having found her way to them again. Alex gave a warm smile despite wanting to slip and hide beneath the table at the sight of her. In her defense, so did the sight of everyone else. “You’re literally, like, glowing.”
“Well, what can I say? He just does something to me,” Michael said wistfully, giving Alex a face that said he was teasing. Alex held back a smile.
“It’s like you’re still in the honeymoon phase!” Alisha said. Alex almost laughed out loud that that. They kind of were in the honeymoon phase. It would just be drastically shorter than everyone else’s because it would end by the time they got home tonight.
That alone was almost laughably horrible.
“It’s easy when he’s got a face like that,” Michael cooed, reaching out to pinch his cheek. Alex laughed and leaned away only to be tugged back closer. 
It was going to be weird when Michael wasn’t attached to his side anymore.
After brunch, they were supposed to have a nature walk again, but before Michael and Alex could go on their way, Jeannie and Curtis called them back. A few other interns turned and looked, but they went on their merry way until it was basically just the four of them.
“Come walk with us for a bit, I wanted to show you two my favorite place,” Jeannie said, a big smile on her face. Alex locked eyes with Michael for a moment and then they began to follow.
“You know, Michael, I was going through all the supervisor notes that Khalil has for your group. You’re a standout. Very focused and hardworking, but I see it’s probably helpful that you have a strong support system,” Curtis pointed out as they walked. The two of them were much more appropriately dressed for a nature walk than Michael and Alex, but, in their defense, they just planned to go to the creek again. 
“Thank you, Sir,” Alex said before Michael had the chance to, “He deserves it.”
“I think so too,” Curtis said, warm and fatherly and Michael found Alex’s hand and squeezed, “You make a good team. I’ve watched how you know when to let the other do the talking when they’ll be better equipped. That’s very important if you want to climb ranks.”
Alex raised a suggestive eyebrow at Michael who just held onto him tighter. He rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb in hopes it’d help him calm down.
“Alex, when are you set to graduate?”
“This fall, if all goes well. Taking a couple of summer classes to help get there,” Alex said. Curtis nodded and looked over at Michael.
“And you’re set to graduate this semester,” he said‒not a question. Michael nodded evenly, eyes flitting to Alex as if looking for permission. Alex nodded back. “What’s the plan for after college?”
“Well, I already take piano gigs for some of the local schools’ choirs and give a few piano lessons to a few young kids, hoping to expand though. My kind of thing can pretty much go anywhere,” Alex said, knowing it sounded good. No big, painful uproot if he needed Michael in a different branch somewhere across the US. You know‒because to him they were together. Long term.
“And I’m just hoping to keep working for Disionic in any way I can,” Michael said. Alex squeezed his hand in approval.
“For how long, do you think?” Jeannie asked. Michael’s eyebrows furrowed and he looked over at Alex. He mouthed a ‘forever’ at him, watched him gulp, and smiled encouragingly. It was a big and false commitment. Big companies really liked it when they feel you’ve signed your life away to them.
“For as long as I can.”
“And you’d be willing to go to other branches if we needed you? We’ve got a branch in New York and Houston, but we plan to open another at some point in the next five years. And hopefully expanding in some other, more inventive work. Would you be interested in that, Michael?” Jeannie said.
Alex had always been aware that, when it came to things like this, there was an important balance between partners. Curtis wasn’t wrong in saying that a nice balance, knowing who needs to speak when, was important and helpful. Alex had been under the impression that while Jeannie was the warm one who was probably a fantastic hostess and enjoyed it, Curtis was the strong businessman who really only focused on the business part of things. Now, Alex quickly caught up to the realization that, while that may be true, Jeannie called the shots.
For a stupid second, Alex pictured him and Michael like that in a few years.
Funny how he spent his whole life wanting to get away from that environment and 1.5 hookups later, he was ready to sign up for a lifetime of being a good hostess.
“Absolutely, Mrs. Iverson. I-I’m obviously still learning how everything like this works, but I’m a fast learner,” Michael insisted. Jeannie laughed.
“I hope to watch you do that over the next couple of years,” Jeannie said, “Right, Curtis?”
“Nothing’s official yet,” he said, looking over at Michael with a fond smile, “But I do think there’s a more permanent spot for you in our business.”
Again with the squeezing Alex’s hand so hard it nearly hurt. 
“After you graduate, of course,” Jeannie tacked on.
“After you graduate.”
“Thank you so much,” Michael said, trying to keep his excitement to the bare minimum. 
Alex thought it was adorable though he didn’t know why he was so surprised. Michael had regularly gained favoritism from many, many people throughout his life. Teachers, bosses, baristas, the bus driver that would literally wait for him if he was running a few minutes late. Michael was an easy face to love and he worked hard and he was endlessly kind.
And each moment that passed Alex wondered how he’d been so blind to his own favoritism.
“Oh, and here’s what I wanted to show you,” Jeannie said as they started moving uphill a bit.
They stopped as they got to the edge, a cliff that overlooked a decent-sized body of water. It must’ve been where the little creek they’d sat by yesterday led to. There was a metaphor in there somewhere.
“This is where my Curtis brought me nearly 25 years ago now where he told me everything he wanted to do in the future and asked me to be a part of it,” Jeannie said, looking up at Curtis with a nearly disgustingly fond look. Alex wanted that. “I think it’s a good place to talk.”
“And, speaking of, Alvaro is calling,” Curtis said as his phone started ringing. He gave a polite nod and turned, immediately answering the call in Spanish. Alex was actually pretty impressed with his accent.
“Right, well, let me go make sure he places nice. You two have fun and make sure you come to sit by us at lunch, alright?” Jeannie said, waving goodbye as she followed her husband down the slope.
Michael and Alex didn’t speak as they waited impatiently for them to get out of sight and, hopefully, out of earshot.
“Alex,” Michael whispered, “Alex, I think I’m going to throw up.”
“What, why? Are you okay?” Alex asked, letting go of his hand to rub his back. Michael’s face, finally free of schooling himself for Jeannie and Curtis, was full of pure shock and disbelief. “Hey, this is a good thing.”
“I know it’s a good thing, it-it just feels really real all of the sudden. Like. Really real. Like, I don’t get it levels of real. I’m not supposed to have this,” Michael whispered, shaking his head as he looked out to the water. Alex took a step closer.
“What are you talking about? You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met and you’ve worked your ass off. You deserve this more than anyone,” Alex insisted. Michael shook his head.
“I’m supposed to still be barely scraping by in Roswell. I’m-I’m never supposed to get out. I’m supposed to become another statistic,” Michael said, looking over at Alex with furrowed eyebrows, “I’m only here because you gave me a place to live.”
“Shut up, I didn’t do anything. You would’ve found a way and you would’ve been right here with or without me giving you a place to live,” Alex insisted, “That was purely selfish reasons, too, I didn’t wanna live alone.”
“But Curtis was right. I-I get by because, like, a support system. I get by ‘cause of you,” Michael said. Alex again rolled his eyes.
“You’re giving me way too much credit here. You’ve got Isobel and Max and a whole group of friends. And back in Roswell you’ve got Sanders and Mimi and Arturo who would’ve done anything to see you thrive. And that’s not even counting the tons of people who gave you opportunities. Look, you’re definitely lucky and you could’ve very easily ended up stuck in Roswell without a little of that luck, but you’re also hardworking and smart. Playing the system is a part of this life we’ve been dealt, okay? And you’re playing it well,” Alex explained. Michael took a deep breath.
“You play it better,” he whispered.
“Will you stop making this about me?” Alex laughed, putting his hand on his cheek, “You’ve done great this entire weekend and clearly well enough for the last few months if Khalil talked you up that much.”
Michael stared at him for a long few seconds, silence. He looked tired and overwhelmed in a way he hadn’t this morning like everything had suddenly just hit him. Alex tried not to get worried about what else might’ve just hit him. He leaned forward despite himself and kissed his cheek slowly before pulling back, smiling in the most encouraging way possible.
“What if I don’t want to do it without you?” Michael asked.
Alex blinked once, twice, three times as he processed his words. He didn’t move away.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we make a good team. And… And I like having this with you. I like doing this. I’m comfortable with you and I trust you and I’m not nervous,” Michael said, huffing a soft laugh as he looked away for a moment before looking back, “Everything else is new and scary and way out of my depth and, like, technically you are too, but you don’t feel like it. You feel safe. And I wanna do this with you. Charm the pants off of rich people and then have sex in rooms they pay for. Or in our own bed or whatever. You get the point.”
“Yeah,” Alex whispered, taking a shaky breath and he really thought about just stripping and jumping into the water below. He probably would’ve if he knew it was deep enough. “I think I get it.”
“I think I’ve been in love with you for a long time,” Michael said, then quickly looked at him with wide eyes, “That’s definitely not me saying our first ‘I love you’, I’m just, like, saying.” Alex laughed, his heart beating wildly in his chest as he nodded. “Thing is, I didn’t realize we’d be a good fit. Or that we’d be too risky and it’d be messy if we broke up. Now… Now I feel stupid for not noticing it before. You literally feel perfect to me, for me. That’s dumb. This is embarrassing. I just wanna kiss you and pretend I’m Robin Hood and do scandalous things like feel you up beneath the table while my boss sits across from us for, like, the rest of my life or whatever.”
“Michael,” Alex laughed, putting his other hand on his other cheek and just holding him in place, “Want me to say something even more embarrassing?”
“Yeah,” Michael said, eyes shining a bit more. He still looked overwhelmed, but it was a bit better. 
Alex took a deep breath and looked as serious as he could muster, looking into his eyes.
“Will you be my Valentine?” Alex asked. Michael’s face scrunched up and he laughed, grabbing Alex’s hips and tugging him closer.
“That was disgusting, boyfriend,” Michael said as they stood nose to nose. Alex was giddy with it. He didn’t have to get his hopes up when Michael was already there to meet them.
And maybe Alex had a shot at a future full of it.
“C’mere, boyfriend.”
Alex: something may or may not have transpired
Liz: Oh???
Alex: so, like, that little crush? Very big. Very reciprocated.
Alex: no you did not
Liz: Michael has literally been giving you heart eyes since before he knew he was queer. I so knew it. Isobel called it first tho 
Alex: and you said NOTHING to me???
Liz: As if you’d believe me
Liz: Besides I didn’t know if he knew yet or if he was actually willing to pursue so I wasn’t gonna make it worse
Alex: so rude
Alex: I’m gonna go make out with my boyfriend now and fantasize about being his housewife 
Liz: LMAO you could never be a housewife
Alex: no I’d hate it but that’s why it’s staying a fantasy
Alex: absolutely will
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plusultrachaos · 3 years
hi sol!! for prompts,,, consider any of the following: student teacher aizawa,, mic causing an earthquake with his quirk,,, izuku bringing any+all of his friends to meet mamadoriya,,, shouto with his mom,,, ura with hers,, anything really lol (in my defense, you said you wanted ideas lmao)
hi cat! thank you sm for the prompts! i think out of the four that i did only one technically counts as angst... and slight character death. listen. um anyway here!
student teacher aizawa
He is tired.
He’s always tired, but he had a hard time climbing out of bed a couple hours after getting off of patrol for school. Not that he was going to be learning anything.
The idea of babysitting 20 kids while another teacher actually taught, that tired Shouta out even more. He knew it’d be a matter of time before the year was up and he would start teaching young heroes, but middle school kids are exhausting.
It is a requirement for his teaching degree, cause there was no way he was walking into a classroom probably filled with self-sacrificial students and not know what he was doing. That just seems idiotic. So he student teaches for an afternoon class at a middle school as far away from heroics as he could possibly get.
It makes sense in his mind, to just learn how to teach kids before he ends up teaching an entirely new breed of students.
He wasn’t prepared for how loud the classroom would be nor how annoying the teacher he is working under is.
All in all, he should move schools, but its too late so he will make the best out of this while he can.
mic induced earthquake (this is the angstyish one, there is a sight mention of character death) They were prepared in case this were to happen. Or they were supposed to be.
But nobody could prepare for something like this. For something so devastating. For something that Hizashi shouldn’t be seeing. For something that Hizashi should be used to seeing.
He accidentally activates his quirk as he lets out a blood curdling scream when he sees his best friend's lifeless corpse laying face down on the ground.
Nobody is prepared for the destruction caused by the soundwaves shaking the entire ground. For the buildings that are shaken so badly their foundations crumble.
izuku introduces dekusquad to mamadoriya
It surprises Inko when Izuku texts her on Saturday to ask if he can bring his friends over the next day.
So much so she spends the entire day after responding with an excited “Yes!” cleaning up the apartment that has hardly ever seen guests. Sure they had a few of Inko’s friends over a few ties, upon Izuku’s request, but never had Izuku invited over his own friends. Friends that he trusted enough to bring to meet her.
To say that she is filled with anxiety the entire morning, waiting for the small sound of Izuku’s key in the door knob, waiting to hear the sounds of five teens marching their way to the door. Her heart races just a little faster everytime she hears one of her neighbors walking past the door. She feels her phone vibrate against the part of her leg that it lays on and her heart rockets up in speed. She hurries to open it, heart falling back down into her stomach when she sees its just an email from one of her son’s teachers, confirming that he was coming home today.
Her eyes widen when she sees she missed a text from izuku an hour ago saying they were getting food (“Todoroki’s treat, mom. He won’t let you pay him back, either.”) before getting on the train, followed 30 minutes later with a “Hopping on the train, see you soon!” And she hops up from her seat, racing around the place trying to make things seem perfect, not wanting to embarrass Izuku in front of the first friends he wants to bring over.
In the middle of a fifteenth wipe down of the countertops in the kitchen, Inko can hear the sound of Izuku putting his key into the lock and opening the door. She hears the chattering of teenagers messing with each other and can feel the softest smile reach her face.
“In the kitchen, Zuzu!” She shouts, knowing the nickname undoubtedly made her son try to hide a quickie reddening face. Soon enough she witnesses the bright red face walking into the room, the group of friends following closely behind him. Her smile widens even more when she sees just how good his friends are, the brunette gently nudging his side, while the kid with glasses seems to be reprimanding her for teasing him. She watches closely as the one with dual colored hair—she can recognize him as a Todoroki, but she wants to see what he would prefer— starts telling Izuku that he finds the name endearing. The tall smart looking girl seems to just be taking in the place while a frog like girl just stares at Inko.
“Hi there.” She starts, her smile wide and welcoming, warmth spreads over the kids' faces and she gestures to the table. “I'm Izuku's mother. You can call me Inko, none of the formalities needed when I can tell you care for my son just as I do.” shouto and rei
Shouto can remember walking through the hospital halls as a little kid, holding tightly onto Fuyumi’s hand, and hoping that his mom wasn’t some scary thing like all of the stories said people who went to these places were. He remembers how he froze outside of her room and when Natsuo tries to pick him up , he remembers how he screamed and refused to go in.
Walking through the same halls as an adult is no less terrifying. He knows that the way that his heart picks up pace is irrational. He knows that the way his hands shake at his sides is a reaction to the same fear as the first time. It doesn’t even matter that this is his 20th visit to the hospital. It doesn’t matter that he knows shes not demented and that she’s not even in here because of her. He knows all of that. But it doesn’t help the fact that he hesitates outside of her room long enough for a nurse to pat his shoulder and tell him it'll get easier. His fists tighten around the bouquet and he sighs heavily before taking a hand away, shaking it out, knocking three light knocks on the door. He feels all of the air escape his lungs the moment he hears the knob turn and he focuses his attention to the place he knows his mom’s head will be.
He feels like he can breathe again when he takes in the sight of his mom’s gentle smile and the excitement he can feel rolling off of her to see him. He feels his own light smile spread to his cheeks and he holds out her favorite flowers out to her before he is tugged into a tight hug with a gentle whisper of “Oh, my Shouto.”
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vidalinav · 3 years
More House of Wind Headcanons: Rooms/Floors Edition
These actually help me a lot writing Queen of Queens, sort of like jotting down notes for your fic. So here goes!
There are four levels; the main (top), the first floor of bedrooms, where Cassian and Azriel stay, the second floor of bedrooms where Nesta stays and where there’s a private library, the third level that has the kitchen, and then the levels that start being the library. (This is canon-taken straight from the beginning of ACOSF) 
But there starts being more levels and rooms in between the actual house and the library, and NO ONE knows where they came from. Nesta very much thinks it’s the House; however, EVERYONE else thinks that it’s Nesta who did it unknowingly. Because if she’s not in the house, the rooms do not exist. They start thinking that maybe the House is siphoning magic from Nesta, but it is really just Nesta. Whatever she imagines in the house, exists. 
First Floor: 
Is just the main floor. Honestly not much of it changes, because of the formality of it being the floor that business is held. The House could change it and change it back, but Nesta thinks that’s a hassle, because then every time someone comes over she’s like do you need this room? And so she doesn’t bother with it. They really stop eating in that dining room anyways, so it becomes a stage house that is sort of the beware all who come here type of entrance. The only time it actually changes is during holidays, but they end up having a terrarium of sorts to the side of the house on the mountain outside so.... starfall eventually gets mostly held in there, because it’s also controlled by the House’s heart, but the only way you access that is through the third floor, so the top floor is again just for show. 
Second Floor: 
Ends up being Azriel’s floor and the floor for guests. The House/Nesta redecorate and it’s a lot more apartment-ish. One side of the floor is a large apartment for azriel and the other half is a hallway that leads to more rooms for guests. Each room is made up for specific people, just in case they stay over. All of them are soundproof. Nesta made sure of it. There’s like maybe six rooms. Emerie and Gwyn stay quite often, and Gwyn starts staying their way more often when she starts the process of actually leaving the library, but since she technically still lives there, Clotho is like well... if you just want to keep working here you can, which she does. Emerie stays there more often, because her winning the Rite starts making it harder for her to live in Illyria. Also winnowing back and forth for training is like more steps than necessary and she doesn’t like having to rely on anyone... except that Mor happens to winnow her often, which she appreciates. She still does live of course in Illyria, but her friends are in Velaris, so she struggles with if she wants to live there or not. Because that’s her livelihood, but Nesta is like do what you want and let the house know. Eventually she gives her a key, but that will be explained later in this long ass thread. 
Third Floor: 
This is Nesta and Cassian’s home which is so pretty and Nesta’s whole aesthetic. Again it’s more apartment-ish. Of course, there’s one hallway that you know has the stairs and leads to the terrarium/sunroom place and the small private library, but otherwise most of the rooms get combined to be just Nesta’s and Cassian’s. It really looks like a large house. Besides their room which has the biggest bed you’ve ever seen, there’s of course so many windows on this floor. Some are the balcony's carved out, some are just giant windows. There’s one window in the living room/ private library that opens, but is technically not a balcony, and there’s flowers along the window sill, which Nesta loves and of course she can see all of the city. The whole floor is very bright, cream and blue is the theme. A mixture of seaside and hygge. I feel which I have pictures of on pinterest lol. But there are maybe three empty rooms for when Nesta and Cassian decide to have kids. Nesta caps it at three. But actually one of these rooms gets filled in my fic, but not because of a baby that they have themselves. But I’ll let y’all unpack that one. The private library gets decorated on a regular basis with holidays and when they’re having small family gatherings or have a war meeting, they use this place. It has a large table in the middle for studying, so it’s a good place, and it’s just a way more comfortable, happier setting. There’s also cat fixtures that climb up the walls and cat doors that lead to the most obscure places for Bryaxis when he’s a cat, for those of you who’ve read that fic idea post. Maybe you haven’t. 
The Terrarium/sunroom place: 
This place has a literal pond in the middle. It is so large, and there are wild plants all to the side of it, even in the middle of winter, because it’s like a greenhouse. All of it is windows. It is tucked away, on the side of the mountain, you can only reach it from Nesta and Cassian’s floor and it is a gift from the House to Nesta and Cassian as a mating present... sort of. It’s mostly to Nesta. It has A LOT of poisonous, carnivorous plants. Which Nesta learns are useful... because she starts dabbling in her witchy magic and she learns how to make poisons. This place starts being like a lab almost. If she learns magic, she does it here, away from the House with actual people in it. But on Starfall, they do start having the celebration here, because it is the perfect view of the stars. It is the closest you can get without being splattered by star guts and the windows of course clean themselves. You can access outside through here, so sometimes they’ll just open up the doors and go outside to the porches that surround it. Elain will come here often, mostly because she does want to hang out with Nesta and Nesta is not keen on going anywhere, so at first she goes because she’s like well I can take care of your plants, and Nesta is like the House takes care of it, but if you want I guess... and she does take care of them, and actually while Nesta excels at all things magic, it’s really Elain who starts exceling at poisons. They kind of bond over it lol. 
What floor am I on? Fourth Floor: 
Is where the kitchen is. Nesta never goes here. Elain goes here every once in a while, especially when she tries to make Nesta things, but Nesta is very adamant that the House will do it for her, but at some point the House is like let your sister do something for you! So it withholds her desserts. Elain is very happy to oblige and most of the time, it is just Nesta sitting on a stool by the work table, warmed by the heat of the oven, her music playing from the symphonia, and Elain smiling softly as she works, perfectly content, while Nesta reads a book or talks about what she learned in the library this week or that. It is very hard to get Nesta to talk sometimes, so Cassian is actually immensely  grateful that Elain gets more pushy about communicating with Nesta and having her talk with her more. Not on a super deep level, but a companionship to have, because Nesta is mostly introverted, except for occasional instances, and if she can, she will avoid personal connection at all costs. It’s just a habit. There are certainly days where Nesta is more subdued that most, and usually he’ll give it a couple days, but if she’s still sort of off by the end of the week, that’s when Elain comes. She actually shows up by herself and Cassian’s always like how did you know and how did you even get here? And she’s like it’s a sister thing. Nesta and her get closer this way. 
So, on the Fifth floor: 
These are the floors that start being based off of whatever Nesta wants to see, because that’s how she unknowingly does magic. 
On this floor, there is a massive ballroom. I’m telling you there are fountains on the walls with cherubs, paintings on the ceilings that both look angelic and looks like clouds are in the sky and they’re moving. It’s bedecked in white and gold and there are crystal chandeliers hanging from the domed ceiling and it is so tall. It’s like a cathedral, and every time music plays which it does as soon as Nesta walks in, it echoes in there. Like loud, moaning sounds. Cassian thinks its creepy af, but Nesta loves that haunting sort of extravagances, and she swears she can see shadows dancing along with her. She starts taking private dance lessons in my fic, and this is where she practices. It has a lot of giant bouquets. 
But not only that there are two rolling staircases and when you go up them, that level is a theatre. Reds and velvet, and dim faelights that float in the air as if they’re floating on water. Think Phantom of the Opera. This “room” most of the time goes unused, but Nesta specifically starts being like well... I’m a big fan of the arts and music, so let’s start hosting things here. And it starts becoming a really big thing to be invited to these things. However, it’s mostly because Nesta still doesn’t really want to go out into the city, but she does want to hear a symphony. So it’s actually Cassian’s idea at first, to invite the orchestra to play at their home theatre for a surprise, and it just becomes a thing and citizens are invited, because it’s just a huge theatre to just be 2 people. However the stairs are a big problem, but we get passed that, but I’ll go into detail about that later.
Sixth floor: 
Is just one narrow hallway that leads to one door. But that door can lead you anywhere. And Nesta has a really hard time figuring out how to use it. Because one of the powers Nesta has, instead of winnowing, in my fic, is that she can open any door and go anywhere she wants, provided that there is a door, even one she draws. But she doesn’t figure that out until she figures out this door. So, for a while, she keeps opening the door and it leads to the riverfront estate, and Rhys is so freaked out that she just pops out of the closet, and she’s so freaked out too. But she closes the door and when Rhys tries to open it, it’s just a closet, and he’s like all looking through it like wth, knocking on the wood. But when Nesta opens it, it’s not even the house, it’s like a large dark abyss and some monster starts trying to claw it’s way out, so she shuts it really quick and the door keeps pounding and she’s like never again. And she gets very wary about opening anything, except many times the IC will ask her to use this door, so that they can find things. Similarly to scrying, where she knows the locations of things, she can open the door thinking of that specific object and she’ll end up being in that location. Nesta does not like this door, because she thinks it has a mind of its own, even though a lot of it is just her controlling where it goes. But because of this door, she learns that she can make any door a portal, so she ends up “drawing” a door at the base of the mountain outside which becomes an actual door which leads to the theatre. Also, she learns that there are a specific set of keys that the House gifts her, which unlocks and locks these portals she makes attached to the house specifically. Cassian and Emerie of course have one, but she gifts two also to Feyre and Elain on the premise that if they should ever need her and for some reason cannot fly up and obviously don’t want to climb the stairs or if they’re somewhere else entirely, they can visit her and be lead back by just unlocking any door they’re by and it will make a door to the House. Eventually she learns to have the door open to the seaside. And let me tell you, think Japan’s Hitachi Seaside park, with all the nemophilia (blue flowers), but all of it eventually coming to end at a beach or water striking the cliffside, still haven’t decided on that. 
I think that’s all the floors, but tbh, there might be more. I’m just super tired and I can’t think anymore or describe things. So for now, that concludes the House of Wind, Rooms and Floors Edition. Let me know if y’all have any headcanons or suggestions that you might want to see! Bye. 
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siren-dragon · 3 years
Do Androids Bleed Silver? (Ch.1) -- The Cat Returns fanfic
Hey everyone, I wrote another story and this time it isn’t a one-shot but a chaptered one. Yay! This is my first time doing a sci-fi story, so if it seems a little strange or odd, I apologize but I wanted to get something out before I go on vacation. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it! Also tagging @catsafarithewriter because they have been a wonderful support and inspiration.
Ao3 story link
Summary: Cyberpunk/Android AU
‘Next stop; Shibuya Station. I repeat, next stop Shibuya Station.’ The automated voice sounded over the train intercom, ‘please wait until the train comes to a complete stop and stand away from the opening doors before disembarking.’
Looking down at the half-crumbled note in her hand, Haru took hold of her frayed but well-loved duffle bag and stood from her seat. “I guess this is my stop,” she muttered aloud before the exiting the train and out of the station.
In the year of 2207, the use of androids and cybernetics had advance to a level where their use was a common practice and the backbone of modern society; even in her much smaller hometown. But after entering Shibuya Crossing- Haru felt her backwater home was definitely not on the same level as Tokyo. The famed metropolis was well regarded as the forefront of robotics and cybernetics throughout the entire world but the invention of CREATIONS was the achievement that truly put the city into a category all of its own. Though technically possessing a robotics classification, many who’ve had the chance to see a CREATION regarded them as so life-like, it was almost as if their creator had conjured life itself….
And it was part of the reason why Haru wanted to study robotics in Tokyo; as the only robots that her hometown possessed were generic models of the Alpha and Beta-Classes. She wanted to see the daily technological wonders always taking place in Tokyo. But in truth, the real reason Haru wanted to go was because she loved to help others and repair problems. It was why she decided to study robotics and cybernetics in the first place- with the exception of her apparent talent in the field.
At first, many had viewed the cheery but ultimately clumsy brunette to be a bit of a hazard; and it wasn’t exactly a secret to Haru herself either. She could remember constantly stumbling on her impromptu runs to high school after having slept in- or when she once tripped cleaning the trash disposal unit in the classroom and ended up spilling the contents everywhere. But the moment she sat behind the small desk in her bedroom among the clutter of spare parts and tools, her once graceless movements sharpened and Haru would smile as she’d begin to skillfully repair whatever tech the residents of her hometown brought her. So, with the encouragement of Hiromi and Tsuge, she applied for various internships everywhere in Tokyo in the attempt to join someone’s Workshop team.
And it seemed that only one person was willing to give her a chance…
Walking further into the depths of Shibuya Haru gazed in amazement at the 3D holographic displays and looming skyscrapers that was a far cry from her small hometown. The streets were littered with people possessing a variety of enhancements the young woman had only seen before in adverts that managed to be broadcasted back home. Quickly shaking off her awe and hurryingly pulling out her note of directions once more, Haru began the walk away from the train station and towering skyscrapers while weaving her way through the small alleyways, the brunette teenager came to a halt once more on a rather isolated street. Glancing down once more at the paper in her hand, Haru glanced up at the sight before her with a bit of surprise.
“This… is the Bureau?” Haru spoke, looking at the old, neon green sign that flickered slightly with a smaller neon sign saying the Workshop was open beside an open doorway that was partially blocked by a dark noren curtain. Next to what was meant to be the entryway into the shop was a pair of roll-up garage doors- one of which was already lifted up to reveal the illuminated Workshop within. Tools ranging from chisels and wrenches of all sizes to a designated soldering station, making her maple-colored eyes glow with delight.
“If you don’t have any business Chicky, keep walking. This isn’t a museum.” A gruff voice sounded, causing her to jump slightly.
Standing up from beside what, to Haru’s surprise, was an AeroCycle on a hydraulic lift was probably the largest man the young woman had ever seen. He was tall and rather stout with ivory crew-cut hair and a dark stubble about his mouth and chin while dark brown eyes gave her an unimpressed stare as he crossed his arms; with the left being a robotic prosthesis baring a shade reminiscent of a dark coffee. As the man took in her short height, petite frame, and slightly disheveled ponytail; Haru only hoped he didn’t immediately send her back home based on looks alone- after all, she knew her appearance didn’t exactly scream ‘mechanic’.
“Well? Do you have business here or not Chicky?” He asked again, a hint of impatience coloring his tone.
“Sorry sir, my name is Haru Yoshioka… I’m the intern assistant you made the offer to.”
It was here a skeptical eyebrow lifted as his hands soon went to his hips. Haru mentally scrambled for a way to defend her skills should this man end up turning her away, but he only asked one question. “Can you cook?”
“…Yes?” Haru answered, still a little confused.
“Show me; head up there and make something then bring it over. We’ll talk after.” And with that said, the man returned to his work on the AeroCycle without another word.
Haru could only stare with a slightly dumbfounded expression before letting loose a soft sigh and followed his brief and general directions. Up a set of steel stairs lay a large viewing window, which oversaw the garage, and another door that lead into the living quarters that was surprisingly clean; if a bit cluttered. To the left lay a small kitchenette while the right had a simple living room and a corridor that led further into the flat. Turning to the kitchen and figuring not to keep the man who’d likely become her boss waiting, Haru was quick to fix a lunch from a hamburger steak with a fried egg on top and rice (it was either that or one of the instant ramen containers nestled in the pantry) and returned to see the stout man now talking to a customer while gesturing to the AeroCycle. “Next time learn to drive properly bird-brain.”
“And I told you before, lard-ball, it crashed during a chase!” The customer, who was dressed in a police officers’ uniform, snapped in response all the while glaring at the mechanic.
The mechanic merely grinned savagely, as if he was used to the explosive behavior from the officer. “While you were chasing what? A nearby bird.”
“As if you’re one to talk, you over-sized marshmallow. I’m surprised you can even climb the stairs to your flat without them snapping from the strain.”
“You say that again, you big chicken!”
“Umm… excuse me,” Haru spoke up, causing both men to swerve their heads to her immediately. “Is everything alright? I’ve got the lunch ready.”
“Thanks, Chicky, I’ll just take that off your hands.” The larger of the two men spoke, retrieving the succulent smelling meal with a gleam in his eyes, “and congratulations- you pass my test; welcome to The Bureau. The name’s Muta and this idiot here is Bird-Brain, a regular.”
“The name is Officer Toto Tsubame, nice to meet you and please, ignore this fatso.” Toto replied instead, bowing in greeting with a kind smile. “Are you new to the district? You are a bit young to be on your own…”
While Muta was large and hefty, Toto was his complete opposite with a slim frame and long, layered black locks tied into a small ponytail at the nape of his neck; reminding the brunette of a bird’s feathers. His skin was a tad darker than the larger mechanic and his clothes the standard dark navy-blue police uniform with the exception of knee-high shock absorption boots and a black carbon-fiber and titanium woven shirt that rested under the uniform with the cuffs rolled to his elbows. But what truly caught Haru’s attention was the unique dark-grey coloration of his eyes that she had only seen a few times before in holo-books or advertisements. “Oh wow, you have an optical upgrade on your eyes, I’ve never seen that before. That’s really cool…”
Here Toto gave a good-natured laugh, “you’re definitely new to Tokyo if this is your first time seeing something like that, but well spotted. My eyes have been altered with increased monocular vision and can see with UV and Infrared, alongside night vision. Plus, the color is a rather nice aesthetic as well- but that’s enough about me; what brings you here to the city Miss…”
“Haru. Haru Yoshioka, and it’s nice to meet you too.” She smiled, giving a bow of greeting in return. “I am here for an intern job at the Bureau. But, I’m not sure what cooking really has to do with robotics and engineering.”
Muta bit into the hamburger steak and sighed happily as he devoured the plate of food while Toto groaned at the mechanic’s table manners; or lack thereof. “I didn’t want some assistant who couldn’t take care of themselves, I’m not a babysitter. Besides, if you weren’t skilled enough to be here, I wouldn’t have offered you the job in the first place.”
“O-Oh, thank you.” Haru beamed, more than relieved that though he seemed to be rather rough and intimidating, Muta wasn’t that bad- arguing with Toto aside. “I promise I’ll do my best, and thank you for your help Moo-ta.” Haru quickly gasped, raising her hands to her mouth in horror as if attempting to prevent the words from being heard, but it was too late.
“What?! Did you just say Moo? Like I’m some kind of fat cow!”
“No, no, you’re just fat! Oh- um…”
Toto, meanwhile, had lost all pretense of professionalism and started laughing with tears of amusement threatening to spill from his eyes. “Bahahaha! Oh, you’re going to fit in here quite well with nicknames like that Haru. I’m definitely going to be using that one.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up bird-brain.” Muta grumbled, glaring at the still chuckling policeman, “and you Chicky- you got anything to say for yourself or to me, your boss?”
Haru gave a nervous smile, “I’m sorry Muta, it really did slip out. Would you accept an Insta-Pudding with my apology?”
The ivory-haired man stared down at her with an irritated look before sighing, “make it an Angel Cake from Osono’s bakery down the street, and we’re even.”
“Coming right up!” The young woman chimed before quickly making her way toward the aforementioned bakery.
Toto and Muta both watched her leave with the former giving a thoughtful hum, “Yoshioka huh? I don’t suppose she wouldn’t happen to be related to Hayata Yoshioka, would she?”
“His daughter apparently, if you’re that curious. And she’s only a few good years younger than you and me, idiot.” Muta answered, releasing the AeroCycle from the hydraulic lift while wiping the oil and grease from his hands. “I didn’t know he had a kid, and thought the name was just a coincidence till I saw the resume file Haru and her friends sent me. She was apparently fixing Alpha-class mechs at 11 years old.”
Toto gave an impressed whistle, “well, she’s certainly her father’s daughter if that’s the case.”
"I thought that too, but it was the fact that she has no personal cyber-enhancements that really sealed the deal." Muta added, that information causing the slim police officer to splutter in shock. "So I thought ‘why not?’ and decided to give her a shot; and it wasn’t like I was going to turn down the help- so here we are. But the fact that she can cook is a definite bonus.”
“Do you ever not think from your stomach?”
“Shut up, bird-brain!”
Toto sighed, “well, just try to keep an eye on her, alright? Not everything is exactly safe here, so if you ever need anything give me a call.”
“Thanks… you big chicken,” Muta answered before giving a devious grin and holding out his hand. “Now for the repairs, that’ll be 3,500 credits.”
“What?! That’s daylight robbery!”
“Is that so? And here I was giving you the ‘Friends and Family’ discount. But if you would rather pay full-price, who am I to deny you that.”
By the time Haru returned to the Workshop, she could hear Toto and Muta starting to argue once more and was glad she decided to buy two cakes in order to pacify both parties. Though slightly nervous about her new job, Haru couldn't help the feeling of joy at the upcoming work ahead of her.
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theloneliestshipper · 3 years
I saw you were taking random prompts and I thought of this lol. Boba and Leia are both single parents and somehow their kids meet and the kids hatch a plan to get their parents together? like a parent trap situation but the kids aren’t siblings & Boba and Leia aren’t divorced?
AO3 link
Family Weekend
Rated G
“This is quite an event,” Leia noted, looking around at the gathering of students and family members. “Were you expecting such a large turnout?”
“No, but I’m glad so many came.” Luke was also surveying the mountainside clearing. “I said I wanted this Jedi order to be more transparent, and letting their families see what they’re doing is part of that.” He turned back to her and grinned. “Plus it’s a two day camping trip. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“I guess you’ll find out.” Leia spotted Ben, who had claimed two woven mats for them at the far side of the circle. When she drew closer she saw that Grogu was with him. “It’s no wonder they get along so well,” Han had remarked after meeting the little creature. “He doesn’t talk and Ben talks enough for both of them.”
“His dad couldn’t come,” Ben reported to Leia as she sat down cross-legged on one of the mats. Grogu’s ears twitched and his head lowered.
“Sit with us,” Leia invited, patting the mat. Grogu shuffled over to join them as Luke moved into the center of the circle.
“Okay, we’ll get started now. Thank you for coming. I hope this will help you feel connected to what your child is learning. For the first exercise we’ll be doing a meditation similar to the ones we use in training. Please find a mat and get comf-”
A gasp from the sidelines drew everyone’s attention away from Luke. A man in Mandalorian armor was difficult to ignore. Especially when that man was Boba Fett.
“I’m here for Grogu,” he announced. “His dad asked me to come in his place.”
Grogu perked up immediately and made a happy noise, diffusing some of the tension. Luke smiled at him. “Of course.” He turned back to the bounty hunter. “You can take your seat with him. We were just about to start.”
“Oh great,” Leia murmured when she realized who her neighbor would be. Ben looked up at her, concerned.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Just someone I haven’t seen in a while.” She smiled stiffly at Fett as he approached. “Never expected to see you here.”
“That makes two of us.” He lowered himself onto the mat, imitating her cross-legged position. Grogu made a happy noise and put a small hand on his knee.
“Where’s your tent?” Ben asked.
“No one said anything to me about a tent.” When Grogu’s ears pricked up Fett’s helmet tilted in his direction. “Never mind, ad’ika. We’ll sleep under the stars.”
The mediation exercises were familiar to Leia, but she found it hard to concentrate with the bounty hunter beside her. For the last meditation stage Luke invited everyone to lay on their mats and focus on the sky as the first stars of the evening emerged.
“Think about the people who aren’t here with us,” Luke coached from the center of the circle. “See the stars and in the sky and feel the connection between every living thing in the galaxy.”
Some movement caught Leia’s eye and she turned her head just enough to see Grogu laying on Fett’s stomach instead of the mat, his eyes in the sky. “Thinking about your dad?” Fett inquired in a low voice. Grogu made a soft noise and turned over, pressing his cheek against the bounty hunter’s beskar chestplate. His hand came up to pat Grogu’s back.
After the meditation exercise was dinner. R2-D2 circled around with sandwiches and cups of hot broth while Luke built a fire in the center of the circle. The temperature was dropping steadily.
Fett removed his helmet to eat, drawing a few more curious stares from the other attendees. No one was rude enough to say anything about the scars that covered his face and scalp. Leia watched Ben closely to make sure he didn’t comment or stare, but Ben didn’t seem surprised. Perhaps Grogu had said something to him or perhaps, Leia realized, Ben had seen him before. If Fett had somehow become a member of Grogu’s circle, it was possible he had been here before with Grogu’s father.
As she ate she tried to come with a polite way of asking about his connection but for once her verbosity failed her. It was probably better if she just minded her own business. She was preparing to head towards her tent when she realized that Fett was moving towards her. Without his helmet she could see the tension in his eyes. “Is Grogu with your kid?”
“I don’t-” she looked around. “Ben?” She called, but there was no answer. Everyone else was headed to their tents for the night.
“Everything okay?” Luke called back. He was standing in the midst of a group of parents and she didn’t want to worry him.
“It’s fine,” she assured him before turning back to the bounty hunter. “I’m going to say ‘yes,’ because they’re probably together. Where did you see him last?”
“Right over there.” He gestured at the edge of the woods. “ Fek. I knew I should have put a tracking device on that little womp rat.”
“Would they have gone into the woods? It’s pretty dark.”
“Grogu has my helmet.” It was a statement he clearly didn’t enjoy. “Do you have a light or something?”
“Yes,” Leia said, keeping a tight lid on her amusement. She could see his frustration and concern. “Don’t worry,” she added as she fetched a portable lantern from her pack. “We’ll find them.”
She had, of course, a natural advantage but she kept that information to herself. “Let’s start here,” she said, letting the Force guide her steps.
They had gone further into the forest that Leia anticipated. They picked their way over rocks and fallen logs, the lantern casting deep shadows behind the trees. “Great,” she muttered. “This could be a long walk.”
“I’m surprised Solo isn’t here to help keep track of his kid.”
“Han did the field trip to the Mon Calamari opera last week.” There was a steep slope to their left, and Leia sensed something in the brush above them. “Wait.” She put her hand out too suddenly and accidentally connected with the bounty hunter’s thigh. She quickly dropped her hand as he stopped, standing close behind her.
There was murmur of voices further up the slope, and the rustling of brush.
“My dad has a girlfriend now,” Ben was saying. “She’s nice. But mom isn’t even trying to date anyone. She says she’s not lonely even though she really is.”
Leia pressed her lips together tightly. Well, that loth cat was out of the bag. She started to call out to her son, but Ben started talking again.
“Is it because his face is all messed up? I don’t think my mom would mind. Uncle Luke says what she really needs is someone who can make her take a vacation.” A pause. “Yeah, he seems like he could.”
Leia turned her head towards Fett, prepared to roll her eyes and make some flippant remark, but the expression on his face caught her off guard. There was something new in his eyes, some kind of understanding that made her immediately look away.
She could stomach a lot of things. Pity from Boba Fett wasn’t one of them. She started to move forward, to climb the slope to her son, but the loose stones and dirt beneath her feet shifted and she stumbled.
Fett’s arm caught her around the waist and kept her from sliding down any further. Her cheeks burned with annoyance as she put her hand on his arm to steady herself. “I’m fine,” she said, carefully polite as she turned back to face him. “Thank you.”
“Your brother’s an idiot,” He said. His voice was low and warm in a way that Leia wasn’t prepared for. Her eyes dropped to his mouth because he was that close and technically speaking, there was nothing to stop her from kissing Boba Fett. If she wanted to.
“Mom?” Ben scrambled through the brush. “What are you doing here?”
Fett quickly dropped his arm from her waist and Leia put her hands on her hips. “We were looking for you and Grogu.”
Fett’s helmet emerged, animated by Grogu’s shuffling steps. “Next time, ask,” the bounty hunter said as he reclaimed it. “Come on. It’s bedtime.”
“It’s cold,” Ben pointed out. “Too cold to be sleeping outside.” He looked up at Leia, all virtuous concern. She thought about telling him that she knew about his little scheme, but then again, why not let him have fun with his friend? And it was cold.
“Our tent is big enough to share,” she told Fett. “You and Grogu are welcome to join us.”
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Owl House Fanfiction: I love The Found Family Trope!
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Posted on Ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29417493
Eda had gotten used to a lot of different ways of waking up after her getting her curse.
The first few times it happened, she'd unfortunately routinely woken up to find herself naked. (Titan, was she grateful when she'd finally found a spell that made her clothes change with her and didn't have to keep dumpster diving or "borrowing" clothes)
Once that was taken care of, her post transformation wake ups were slightly more comfortable, if predictable. She'd come too laying on the ground, her body's usual aches, pains, and stiffness seemingly doubled to the point where she could barely move. If she was in someone's house she'd likely be surrounded by overturned furniture and fixtures all covered in claw and bite marks. If she was lucky any people that might've been there would've already run and hid. If she wasn't….well, she knew a good amount of healing magic and potions.  No matter how much damage she might have caused, most people wouldn't turn down having their injuries taken care of.
And after that, things changed. Even if the person she was living with didn't kick her out, she could still see how they acted differently. They avoided eye contact with her, didn't stay in the same room with her for longer than two seconds, and she couldn't help but notice how they always seemed to lock their doors at night, nevermind whether she'd taken her elixir or not. Needless to say, when that happened she was gone before a week even passed. Someone being afraid of her or thinking she was a freak she could handle. But she preferred that to them tiptoeing around it and pretending to be okay with her when they were secretly scared. 
Considering all of that, waking up safely in her nest with a bottle of elixir in her mouth was a new experience.
She wasn't that shocked once she'd gotten the whole story. She'd never explained what her elixir did to King, and Luz thinking it was some special magic boosting potion sounded just like her. But what really surprised her were their reactions. 
After making sure Hooty was put back up and okay, they'd come by to check on her. Luz, having worried she might not be feeling well, had brought her a bowl of some strange human concoction called "chicken soup" that she'd gotten from a can in her junk collection. ("It's no magic potion but my mom. always made me chicken soup when I wasn't feeling well.) She'd also gotten her a person sized pillow that had the image of some male human character with spiky hair on it and with a little work slid it beneath Eda in her nest. The thing may have looked weird but it was comfy as heck and felt great for her sore back. Meanwhile King, still looking regretful about snatching her elixir, had fixed her a mug of apple blood as a peace offering.
While the mixture of alcohol and salty human bird water helped soothe some of her pain, Eda couldn't help but notice her apprentice and her housemate still standing off to the side of her nest. Both of them simply stood and watched as she ate and drank, staying oddly silent and staring at her as if she might disappear mid slurp.
It was almost a little unnerving. She hadn't expected either of them to be this quiet after discovering her curse. She figured Luz would've had her usual million questions about anything magical while King would be demanding to know why she hadn't told him before now. 
Then again, it wouldn't surprise her if they were still too in shock. After all, while she had never been able to witness it herself, she knew her cursed form could be pretty terrifying to see. One person she'd lived with had been so freaked out by it, he hadn't been able to make any noise except terrified squeaks for 3 days.
Plus, the way they found out was pretty sudden. Sure, King shouldn't have stolen her elixir but it wasn't like he knew what it was for or why she took it. In fact, a part of her hoped he'd never find out.
But the cat was off the staff now. She knew that the two of them must still be curious, otherwise they wouldn't still be there. So it was time to witch up and deal with it.
Eda drank the last few dregs of soup from her bowl and drained the rest of her apple blood for a little courage before turning to King and Luz.
"Alright you two. I know you probably want to know more about all this. So, let's have it."
Luz and King took a moment to look at each other, almost seeming to have a full conversation in two seconds before turning back to her.
"No thanks." Luz said.
"Yeah, we're good." King agreed.
Eda blinked in confusion. "What? What do you mean?"
"We don't need to know anymore." Luz explained. "This whole curse thing seems kind of personal and besides you already told us all the important parts. So we don't need to know anything else."
Eda stared at her in stunned silence. She looked to King and was even more surprised to see him nod in agreement.
To say this was not what she'd been expecting would be an understatement.  Where was the yelling at her for putting them in danger? The demanding answers? The blaming her for not telling them about her curse before all this? Heck, the two of them didn't even look that upset. They just still had those weirdly concerned looks on their faces. Maybe they just worried she'd still be mad about them stealing her elixir and were too scared to bring it up.
But that brought another issue to mind. And while she might have become pretty fond of those two, she knew it would only be a matter of time until it came up.
Ignoring the tight feeling in her chest, Eda said slowly. "Listen…..if you guys want to find somewhere else to stay, I understand."
They both became bug eyed.
"What?!" Luz cried.
"What are you talking about?!" King asked.
Eda looked away from them, doing everything she could to keep the wetness in her eyes from turning into full blown tears.
Suck it up. She thought. It's not like you haven't done this before.
"Luz, you could probably see if one of those Hexside kids might be willing to let you stay with them, and King I-."
"You're kicking us out?!" Luz yelled.
"No!" King scrambled into the nest, got onto his knees  and clasped his paws together. "Please Eda, don't!  I'll never be able to find anyone else willing to  let me live with them without paying! If this is about stealing the elixir, I'm sorry! I swear I won't steal anything you don't tell me to!" 
Eda frowned in confusion and turned back to them. "What? No. I mean, yes King, if you steal from me again I'll turn you into a tiny fur rug, but I just meant….you guys really don't want to move out?"
They both looked shocked at her question. "No." "Why would we?"
"Why would- how about  because I could have killed you two last night?" She felt bile begin to build in her throat and not the magical kind. "I could have eaten one of you like I did the snaggleback!"
"Oh come on Eda, it wasn't that-."
"Luz." Eda said, her voice hard. She didn't have it in her right now to deal with Luz sunshine attitude.
Luz must have noticed because she sighed and said. "Okay, look Eda. I'm not going to lie and say that today wasn't terrifying or that I wasn't afraid but….Eda, once I realized that the monster that was chasing after us was you? All I could think about was how I could help or what I could do to get you back. I didn't want to lose you."
Eda stared at her apprentice in complete shock. In her past talks with her living mates after they discovered her curse, they always talked about them . Their safety, their terror at her transformation, their discomfort at having Eda stay around after what happened. But Luz was thinking about her and whether she was okay.
It felt….weird. But in a good way. Kind of like a lot of things Luz did come to think of it.
Eda looked down to where King was still sitting in her nest. "And what about you King? You aren't freaked out by my little secret?"
King shrugged. "Eh, at first it was horrifying but after thinking about, its actually pretty cool. You're a demon just like me! Which technically makes you one of my subjects!"
Eda rolled her eyes. Typical King.
"And, since you are one of my subjects…."
"King, I swear to Titan, if you-."
".....than, that also means you fall under my protection." King finished. He walked over to Eda, climbed into her lap where he curled up into a ball. "If anyone wants to hurt you, they'll first have to go through me!"
Eda couldn't hide the amazement on her face as she gazed down at King. Then she felt something softly touch her shoulder. She looked over and saw Luz had placed a hand on her and was giving her a loving look.
"We're not going anywhere Eda. Us weirdos have to stick together, remember?"
Eda couldn't believe what she was hearing. Even after they both spent the night being terrorized by her and knew about her curse, they still insisted on sticking around.
They weren't going to leave her.
Luz suddenly frowned and looked at her worriedly. "Hey, what's wrong?"
It took Eda a moment to realize that there was a tear streaming down her face. She quickly wiped it away.
"Uh, no Luz, I just, uh, really loved that soup you brought me. There any chance there's some more?"
"I'll go dig through trash for another can!" Luz excitedly sprinted out the door.
Eda looked down at King. "Would my so-called "King" be willing to fix his new subject another apple blood?"
King stood up from her lap and stretched. "I suppose its what any humble ruler would do for his wounded subject." King took her mug and scrambled out of her nest and out the door.
Eda sighed fondly and layed back on her spiky hair human pillow, taking in the sight of the many light orbs that now dotted her ceiling thanks to her apprentice.
We're not going anywhere Eda.
If anyone wants to hurt you, they'll first have to go through me
Eda chuckled. "Thanks you two
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seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years
What we've been missing (pt. 2)
Ateez x male hybrid! Reader
Note: hope you guys enjoyed part 1, I really enjoy writing this series so I hope you will enjoy it too :)
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The following morning, San woke up with y/n still lying on his chest. He smiled and and gently pet the hybrid until he heard shuffling from the bed above his, most likely from wooyoung waking up.
"alright San, time to wake up we have a schedule toda- what's that cat doing there?" wooyoung questioned as he got down from his bed "it's y/n, I think he couldn't sleep so he came here for the night"
Meanwhile, Yunho came down to the living room to check up on and say good morning to y/n, but to his shock, the hybrid wasn't there "good morning yunho, why so shocked?" seonghwa wondered as he walked towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast
"y/n's gone" that made seonghwa stop dead in his tracks "what? How come? I thought he liked it here" he said bummed out "we have to find him" yunho said in a panic "yunho calm down, let's try to think rational before you go out there and get lost. Where do you think he could've gone off to?"
"seonghwa, Yunho, what's all the noise about, are you guys okay?" wooyoung questioned as he came into the living room with San, who was holding y/n "y/n's gone, I don't know where he went but I'm going out to look for him"
"what do you mean he's gone? He's right here" San gestured to the cat in his arms. He put y/n down so he could go towards the two confused males. As he reached yunho, he immediately started rubbing his head on yunho's leg "y/n what happened? I thought you were sleeping on the couch"
Said male turned back human "I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep so I went to look for you, but I didn't know what room you were in so I picked a random door and it was San and wooyoung's room" yunho hugged him "you don't have to apologise, I was just worried I couldn't find you"
"alright, now that that's solved, let's go make breakfast" wooyoung said as he went to the kitchen followed by seonghwa, the others went to the living room, waiting for breakfast "y/n, we should go buy you some extra clothes after our schedule today"
"you don't have to, I-I can just wear my old clothes" y/n protested "it's okay, we really don't mind, how about we check who's schedule ends the earliest and they can take you shopping" y/n didn't feel like arguing so he just leaned into yunho
"apparently jongho and mingi finish today around the same time relatively early, they can take you, y/n" San said, petting the hybrid.
"good morning guys, good morning y/n, did you sleep well?" Hongjoong asked y/n as he stepped into the living room. He nodded, not wanting the other to worry about his less than successful sleep on the couch
"can someone wake the others up, breakfast is ready" y/n shyly volunteered "thank you y/n, mingi and Yeosang are in the same room and jongho shares his with yunho" he nodded at the information given by wooyoung and went to the rooms, back in cat form since he likes being an actual cat "since when can y/n do......that?" he heard Hongjoong say slightly shocked, slightly confused
Since most rooms were open, he picked up yunho's scent fairly quickly. trailing into the room, finding the bottom bunk empty, he concluded jongho was lying on top. Somehow he managed to climb and jump his way to the top, like cats do, and started trying to wake the maknae up
Sadly the latter was still heavy asleep, so y/n started lightly tapping jongho with his paws. He eventually did wake up and was slightly shocked at the random cat on his chest. He looked a bit closer and noticed the ears on the cat were the same as y/n's ears
"y/n? What are you doing here?" the cat gestured towards the end of the bed and meowed "you want me to go down?" he meowed again, confirming jongho's guess. He went down from his bed, helping y/n get down as well
Said hybrid then went to the only room that hadn't opened yet, Yeosang and mingi's room "you gotta wake them up too? I'll open the door for you" and he did, y/n slipping inside afterwards
After he managed to wake them up, they went to the kitchen to join the others for breakfast, y/n back in his human form. "took you long enough sleepyheads" wooyoung teased as they sat down, all except for one
"y/n, why aren't you sitting down?" snapped out of the trance "oh sorry, back home I wasn't supposed to eat with my owners" yunho got out his seat and over to the hybrid "y/n, it's okay, we're not your old home, so you don't have to follow their rules anymore"
yunho gently took hold of y/n's hands, internally gushing about how small they were compared to his, and guided him to sit down between him and san
After everyone finished breakfast and got their stuff ready, they headed towards the kq building for their daily schedules
Y/n didn't know who he should follow so he let himself get dragged by two of the members, which happened to be San and wooyoung "come on y/n, you're coming with us"
The rest of the day was pretty mundane, a regular practice day. Y/n was in awe the firts few times but eventually fell asleep on the floor, due to the lack of sleep from the previous night
San and wooyoung just finished dancing to wonderland, looking over their shoulder to find y/n sleeping, curled up in his cat form. San cooed and went to sit next to y/n
"You're getting attached" wooyoung pointed out "so what? He's cute and I wanna help him" San whined back, gently petting y/n. Wooyoung giggled and went to sit with them "he is pretty cute, and helping him is definitely nice, but what about after that. What are we gonna do when he all set to go on his own?"
San looked down at y/n's sleeping form, wondering what would actually happen? Would he want to stay with them? Would he want to go out on his own? "I-I don't know what's gonna happen, but I know we have to help him now"
They stayed like that for a while, y/n eventually climbing into San's lap. Resting after the tough choreography.
Suddenly the door opened, mingi and jongho coming in all ready to go out after their schedule "where's y/n? Yunho said you guys basically dragged him to your schedule" jongho asked, curious on where the hybrid could've gone off to.
San pointed towards his lap "are you guys going shopping already?" he pouted, bummed out he couldn't spend more time with y/n. Nonetheless he shook him awake
"y/n, it's time to go shopping" mingi said exited, but trying not to scare him off. He tried getting up, but was held back by wooyoung and San clinging onto him "can't he stay with us?" wooyoung whined
"wooyoung, San, he needs clothes" San and wooyoung reluctantly let him go at jongho's argument "fine, but we won't forgive you so easily for taking away our precious kitten!"
"pick out anything you like, y/n, we'll pay for it" they had entered the first of many stores. It seemed to be a hybrid specialist clothing store, where the pants had holes for tails, and hoodies had holes for ears and plenty of collars.
Y/n was browsing through some articles when a store worker approached him "excuse me, where's your owner? Hybrids don't usually come in on their own" she asked concerned, he panicked, realising he was technically a stray, in a desperate attempt, he scanned the store for where mingi and jongho were, finding them not that far from him, finding items they think would look good on him.
He pointed at them "oh alright, just wanted to make sure you had someone in here with you" she smiled and walked away. Little did he know they heard the entire thing and were internally gushing about it
"y/n, we found some things we think you'd like" said boy turned around, curious as to what they brought him. He was surprised they got him quite a few things "go ahead and change, we'll wait here for you"
The remainder of the day was spent with mingi and jongho taking y/n to a bunch of different stores, letting him pick out anything he wants and pay for it. Mingi was helping y/n choose his clothes whilst jongho looked out for them, still slightly worried for the hybrid
His worries were proven right when a stranger came up to them "is this yours?" he asked, pointing at y/n "yeah, what's it to you?" jongho shot back, already not trusting the situation "how come he doesn't have a collar then? Hybrids should have a collar if they have an owner" the stranger said, forcefully lifting y/n's chin to expose his neck
Jongho grabbed the strangers arm, making him let go of the hybrid "he doesn't like collars, now leave him be" he was ready to punch this guys in the face, sadly he still had his idol image to look after
"I'm just saying man, hybrids without collars are automatically seen as strays, and you know what we do to strays" he smirked and walked away, jongho glaring at the guy until he was out of sight. He turned around to make sure y/n was okay, finding him wrapped in mingi's protective hold
"y/n, are you okay?" he still had a fearful expression on his face. Jongho gently pet his head "d-do I have to get a c-collar?"
"of course not, if you're not comfortable with it, you don't have to" the duo gently lead y/n back to the dorms, but something shifted in them when he asked "was he going to take me away?"
Their hearts almost shattered from y/n's fearful tone, then and there, they made a silent promise to protect him no matter what "we wouldn't let that happen" mingi said as he wrapped his arms around the smaller one
Y/n started crying, never had he experienced people so kind and loving as these boys "it's okay y/n, we won't let anything happen to you" mingi said, gently rubbing the other's back
As y/n calmed his sobs down, he realised how tired he was and kept clinging to mingi "do you want me to carry you?" y/n shyly nodded as mingi went pick him up, putting him on his back
"we're home!" jongho said as they walked back in "finally, we were getting worried" wooyoung said as he saw them walking into the living room. Mingi sat y/n down on the couch, where he curled into himself like he did the previous night
"is he okay?" seonghwa asked concerned, noticing how the hybrid was slightly shivering "... Some guy came up to us, asked if he was ours and why he didn't have a collar, he was pretty rough with him. But we got him to back off" seonghwa nodded, concluding that y/n was still shaken up by the event
He reached out, gently caressing his head. Y/n leaned into his hand, eventually turning to face seonghwa and cling onto him. He smiled at the hybrid "I'm guessing Hongjoong's staying the night at the studio again?" he sighed "yeah, so I'm sleeping alone tonight, again"
"why don't you sleep with y/n?" seonghwa looked down at said hybrid "if he's okay with it" y/n snuggled deeper into his side. He smiled and continued petting the hybrid
"goodnight seonghwa, goodnight y/n" yunho said as he went to his room. Seonghwa grabbed a hold of y/n's hand and lead him to his room. "you can choose where you want to sleep, either in mine or Hongjoong's bed" the older went to change into his pajamas whilst y/n simply changed into his cat form and sat down on seonghwa's bed
The older walked back in after changing into his pajamas, a warm smile spread across his face as he saw the hybrid on his bed. He made his way to the bed, turning off the lights on the way "you ready to go to sleep, y/n?" said hybrid meowed and patiently waited for seonghwa to lie down
Once he did and he was under the covers, y/n laid on his chest "is it okay if I pet you?" seonghwa asked, reaching his hand out and like the previous night, y/n nudged his head against seonghwa's hand. He started gently petting him "San didn't lie, you really are as soft as a cloud"
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rainnydayzz · 3 years
Anastasia - PaTB AU
My turn to hop on this Pinky and The Brain Disney, only this time I’m using a princess that’s Disney on a technicality. Let me introduce to you: Pikastasia.
Okay let’s meet out characters shall we?
Anastasia - Pinky (Pinkastasia)
Dimitri - Brain
Vlad - Yakko 
Sophie - Dot (For obvious reasons Yakko and Dots connections with each other will be based off of their sibling relationship)
Bartok - Wakko
Rasputin - Snowball (Snowputin)
The Dowager Empress Marie - Nora Rita Norita
Phlegmenkoff - Dr. Otto Scratchandsniff
So this is the list of main characters that will be mostly in the film, extras can be whomever. Now I’d also just like to clear up for those still confused about Vlad and Sophie, yes they are in a romantic relationship in the movie and that helps them get to the Dowager, so obviously that’s NOT an option, so their sibling relationship will help them in this case.
I’m not really changing the rest of their names cause frankly I don’t feel like it, so if you want to that’s fine. 
Onto the story premise!
So in this version the main story stays kind of the same. Brain, with his bud Yakko are trying to take over Russia by finding someone to impersonate the long lost princess, Pinkastasia. He’s been trying to find a suitable actor for months now, once he finds the perfect person, they will learn the part, go to Paris, and convince the Dowager and get her reward money. With this they can earn her trust and with their money, take over Russia, and then with Russia’s resources, The World. It was the perfect plan.
Pinky leaves the orphanage (Scratchandsniff kicking him out) like in the film as well. He wanders around for a bit, sings his lovely song and all that Jazz. 
When he makes in to Russia he realizes he doesn’t have all the correct resources to leave Russia and an old lady directs him to a man named The Brain, who might be able to help. She gives him directions to the old palace and he sets off. 
When he makes it the the palace he can’t help but feel it’s familiar to him- but that’s crazy. Of course Pinky has another musical number here and it’s lovely.
The Brain and Yakko hear something from inside the palace and go to investigate. After a bit of cat and mouse, pun very much intended, they catch the intruder, another mouse. Taken aback by the uncanny resemblance of the princess Brain and Yakko are speechless for a moment. But only a moment.
Brain notices quickly that Pinky isn’t the sharpest toll in the shed, and knows he can use that to his advantage. He briefly mentions to Yakko his plan and the two of them agree. After a little persuasion Pinky agrees, after all, he had no memory of his past life- who’s to say he isn’t the princess?
The group make their way from the scene and we see Bartok- er Wakko for the first time talking to himself about the princess, with an odd green vile next to him. It becomes alive at the notion of Pinkastasia still being alive and flys him to the underworld/purgatory. We meet Snowball/Rasputin here. We learn of his curse and his pledge, I don’t exactly remember when he sings his song but that happens eventually.
Pinky, Brain, and Yakko begin their journey to Paris, teaching Pinky how to act and talk like a princess. While Brain and Yakko are giving Pinky information about Pinkastasia’s life, Pinky offers answers and details that they weren’t aware of.
They get on a train, and it goes the same as the film, wrong passports and then a lovely fire filled compartment. They jump for it and continue their journey. 
After the lovely travel song they make it to their ship.
Once on Brain offers Pinky a dress he thought he might like, only because he’d been wearing the same scraps since they met of course. YES OF COURSE THEY DANCE AND IT’S BEAUTIFUL. Anyway, when getting ready for bed Pinky notices a lovely music box, wondering why Brain would own something like that he attempted to open it, only it was locked. He put it back and went to sleep.
Pinky has a night terror inflicted by Snowputin and Brain saves him from jumping overboard during the crazy storm.
They finally arrive in Paris where they are quickly greeted by Sophie/Dot. After seeing her brother the two embrace and are let inside. Pinky gives the rundown of everything he’d been told about Pinkastasia and Dot is impressed. When asked how he could’ve possibly escaped the palace during the fire Brain realized he hadn’t told Pinky anything about that and panics. Only to his surprise, Pinky gives as answer, and a correct one at that! Brain had never told anyone about “Opening a wall”. And yet... Then it struck him. He went outside to collect his thoughts.
Yakko comes out happily explaining they could find the Dowager at the ballet later that evening, only to see Brain wasn’t as excited as he ought to be. Brain tells Yakko that Pinky is truly Pinkastasia. He tells Yakko about the “opening wall” and how he was the boy who had done it. Yakko tells Brain he ought to tell Pinky but Brain refuses, this changes nothing.
Dot invites the group to a night out in Paris! They shop and go to expensive restaurants. Pinky purchases a new dress and Brain has a hard time processing his emotions, he figured they were irrelevant, but managed to compliment him anyway. Why? 
The whole night Brain couldn’t stop thinking about how Pinky was really Pinkastasia. He needed to get him to the Dowager as soon as possible- for the money of course.
After the ballet Brain reassures Pinky that everything is going to be okay after noticing how he was on edge. Pinky and Brain make their way through the crowd and Dot loudly exclaims that he is not to enter, with a wink. The Dowager is not impressed however and still refuses to see anyone else about being the princess. This is when Pinky overhears how Brain was notorious for having people impersonate the princess, and how he was probably just in it for the money and it’s not the first time. Pinky’s obviously hurt that he was lied to. Brain tries to explain himself but Pinky won’t hear it and runs off.
Hurt and desperate Brain finds the Dowager’s automobile and pretends to be her driver. After speeding through the streets of Paris with the Dowager screeching at him to let her out, Brain stops in front of where they were staying. He shows the dowager the music box he has, knowing he had acquired it from the palace all those years ago. He said he was the boy that had opened the wall, and bagged her to talk to Pinky. The Dowager was surprised by this development and agreed.
Entering the room Pinky was supposedly in, she found him packing his bags. She offered to talk, but Pinky felt guilty and didn’t want to hurt her any further. However after noticing Pinky’s necklace, the Dowager pulled out the music box. Brain’s music box! The dowager asked to use the necklace and unlocked the music box that played a quiet little tune. The two sang their song and Pinky knew he was the long lost Princess. For real.
We are now in a large plush home with Pinky and the Dowager, they’re talking about the past and its lovely being able to be with each other again. There’s also a quick mention of a ball in celebration for Pinky’s return. 
Pinky is getting dressed up for the event and Brain runs into him as he’s going to see the Dowager. The exchange quick conversation and Brain goes to see Nora. She offers him his money, only for him to refuse it. She’s surprised, he brought Pinky back to her and saved their lives, and yet he wants nothing? She sends him on his way and he again sees Pinky on his way out. Pinky wishes him well with his cash and Brain leaves with a heavy heart, not mentioning he refused the cash. It was easier to leave with Pinky believing he had.
During the ball Pinky feels out of wack. Why wasn’t he happy? This was probably the most important night of his life! He was with his family, there was food and music! Everything was perfect, and yet something wasn’t right. The Dowager wasn’t a fool, and explained that while they were together again, he could still make his own choices. She also mentioned Brain hadn’t taken the reward when Pinky tried to use it against him. Pinky realized Brain must’ve had a change of heart, but if so, why didn’t he say something? 
Suddenly he was distracted by a little dog who had run into the palace only to run back out. He followed the dog through the large maze behind the palace. It was dark and the dog had disappeared. An evil laugh rang through the air as Pinky was officially introduced to Snowputin in all his undead glory. He introduced himself but Pinky had a lingering thought that he’d seen him before. Snowputin confirmed this and explained Pinkastasia was the only reason he was still here, and he had a job to finish. 
Fearing for his life Pinky tried to run, but Snowputin used his powers to change the surrounding scenery, and Pinky realized he was on a stone bridge. Wakko who’d been doing his bidding throughout the entirety of the sketch opted out, claiming it would only end in tears, and went to find his sibs. 
Snowputin began to destroy the bridge, and Pinky with it- until he heard someone call to him. Pinky recognized the voice instantly- Brain had come to save him! Oh good!
Snowputin smiled an wicked smile and shot a spark at a stone hoarse statue (Yes this can be Phar Fignewton if you’d like) Either way it came flying down to Brain, as it had been given wings, and picked him up, only to drop him from a height and come barreling down onto him, though he’d luckily rolled out of the way before he was crushed. 
Snowputin had been distracted long enough for Pinky to climb up the collapsing bridge and tackle Snowputin. Pinky was unfortunately over powered and was sent off the side of the bridge- though he felt his had get caught be someone else. Brain had made his escape from the hoarse and grabbed Pinky. Snowputin was infuriated and hit Brain out of the way, he zapped some more of the bridge and sent it crumbling down on brain, knocking him unconscious, though Pinky had managed to grab onto Snowputin and hit his vile out of his hands. Enraged Snowputin yelled and Pinky to give it back, of course Pinky was furious as well at this point and began to crush the decorated glass. 
Upon destroying the relic, Snowputin began to deteriorate as his soul was fused to it. He screamed and turned to dust. Pinky didn’t have time to process that of course, Brain was hurt. He ran over to him and shook him slightly, thankfully he awoke groggily. Pinky was overjoyed, as was Brain, though his whole body hurt. Brain tried to explain to Pinky how he was sorry about lying to him, but Pinky didn’t want to hear it, he was just glad he had come back and had a change of heart. The two hold on to each other a moment longer, Pinky’s large blue eyes had entranced Brain, his feelings from earlier had come surging back at full force, he felt- well he didn’t know what he felt, but he didn’t want it to go away. 
Pinky lowered his face to meet Brain’s, and the two didn’t separate for several moments. Brain didn’t want to be away from Piny again. And they weren’t, Pinky decided he wanted to make a life for himself, and after finding who he was, he wanted to find out what he could become. Him and Brain decided to go their own way together, and though Brain had a change of heart from this scheme doesn’t mean he completely gave up on his lifelong conquest to take over Russia, or the world. Only this time, Pinky would accompany him, someone had to keep him honest.
So there we have it! The premise of the movie told very poorly through a Tumblr post. I like to think if this were just another sketch Yakko would point out the kiss wasn’t scripted but no one dared bring it up. 
I will also be working on concept sketches with all the characters in their respected outfits, I can’t wait to draw Pinky in all those dresses, especially those pajamas Anastasia wears near the end of the film. 
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cupofteaguk · 4 years
are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?
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[pairing] :: yoongi x fem!reader
[genre] :: kiki delivery service au + fluff 
[word count] :: 6.3k
Your eyes flicker open to a window of ocean and summer breeze drifting into your bedroom. One look at the sun tells you that you’ve overslept just a little bit, but the memory of your long travel the previous day justifies the action. You had to fly practically to the other side of the city to deliver a basket of freshly picked vegetables, and it had taken a lot out of you especially under the heat of the sun. 
And yet, today is a new day. 
You let out a sigh. “I should get up,” You tell yourself, pushing yourself up into a sitting position. The morning light has stretched across the space around you, highlighting the little desk and small collection of plants that overtake the remaining walls of your tiny bedroom. In the corner is your broom, looking as if it’s glimmering at the thought of another adventure for the day. 
With a little rub to your eyes, you look down and see the little black cat curled up at your side. Despite its appearance of comfort, the black cat has it’s big navy colored eyes fixated on you. As if it had been watching you for a little while. “Finally decided to get up,” The cat notes, also pushing itself up into a sitting position. 
Your fingers go behind your back, curl together, and stretch at the muscles of your shoulder. “Give me a break, Tobio,” You say, now moving to bring your hands up and over your head. “We had a long day yesterday.” 
At long last do you push back your blankets. You slide your feet down onto the carpet below and continue with the rest of your preparations. You slip on the heavy black dress you have been wearing since your arrival to the city. Fingers gather into the strains of your hair, pulling half of it into a ponytail to keep it out of your face. 
You run a hand through your hair, deeming is acceptable because you immediately make your way towards the bedroom door. “Tobio, I’m going to the shop now!” You call over your shoulder, looking over to find that your cat has settled himself comfortably at your windowsill. At your calling, however, the cat leaps over the ledge and makes his way over to where you’re standing. Tobio climbs up your frame, setting himself atop your shoulder, prepared for the day. 
With your black cat settled, you open the bedroom door and continue down a small hallway. Every few steps is a small window overlooking more of the ocean and cityscape below you, a little vase of plants or flowers growing on each sill. The occasional photo hangs on the empty spaces—a little girl riding her bike, a small family enjoying a picnic, a couple at a beach, that same little girl now with pigtails with you wrapped underneath her arm. Closed doors also line the hallway, all closed and leading to different parts of the house. You brush past all of them. The hallway ends, opening up into a kitchen with more sunlight pouring in through the windows. The stove is off but a pot still rests atop. It must have been used to make some morning tea. 
The emptiness of the upstairs apartment unit gives little indication about where your roommate is. At the end of the kitchen is an incline of stairs that go down, one that you follow and open the door at the end of the stairs. The door reveals a flower shop: the cashiers station in the back, rows of different colored flowers and types along the middle, and windows across the entire front of the store. 
The crowd for the morning is light, just one or two people strolling through the different aisles. The quietness is interrupted by the movement near the cashier. 
The little girl from the photographs stands behind the counter. She’s not a little girl anymore, and her hair is no longer in pigtails—she holds herself as an adult. She even talks like one too, as she opens her mouth to scold you. “You overslept.” 
You sigh. “Not you too, Karly.” From your shoulder, Tobio snorts something underneath his breath. You join her behind the counter, grabbing a bundle of daisies that most likely had come from the morning delivery. “You know how awful my delivery was yesterday! The grandmother made me stay for over an hour so she could tell about all the vegetables she had received and how amazing her granddaughter was for growing them all! Do you realize how exhausting it is to hear about cucumbers over and over again?” 
“Well, do you know how exhausting it is to fill out all your order forms for you because you slept through the opening routine?” Karly returns, not looking at you. Her gaze is too focused on counting the cash in the register. “For your information, it’s very exhausting.” 
You put down the daisies for a second to turn your attention towards the basket of ‘to be completed’ order forms. Raising an eyebrow, you reach your hand into the basket to pull out—! 
“Two order forms,” You report, turning to glare at your roommate. “It was exhausting to fill out two order forms?” 
“So exhausting,” Karly repeats, but a glance at you makes you immediately see the smirk across her lips. You have half the mind to throw the order forms at her, but their value for your business keeps you from doing such a thing. Instead, you nudge her with your shoulder before turning your attention back to the order forms. Of the two, one required an immediate delivery while the other one could be delivered in the later afternoon. Knowing these deadlines helps you construct a mental schedule for the day. “So how does your day look today?” 
You shrug, looking over the order form requiring immediate attention. “Same old.” You brush past Karly away to enter the apartment unit once more, climbing the stairs and pacing towards your bedroom at the end of the hall. You quickly grab your broom from the corner and make your way back towards the shop. 
The door at the bottom of the stairs opens as you approach the kitchen. It’s Karly. “Your favorite customer is here!” She exclaims, broad grin on her face—the kind of grin that shows that she knows something you don’t. 
You frown, playing the broom on your shoulder. A favorite customer? You can’t think of anyone you prefer over the others… “What are you talking about?” You ask, making your way down the stairs. “I don’t have a favorite…” You trail off as soon as you enter the flower shop and see a very familiar figure lingering amongst the flowers. Just as it always does, the words get lodged in your throat and everything around you feels warm suddenly. “Min Yoongi!” You exclaim.
He looks good today with his black sweatshirt and skinny jeans—although you’re sure the boy could show up in a garbage bag and still manage to render you this way. His hair is fluffy, falling across his forehead that looks like he had just run a towel through it. Or his hands. Either mental image is nice to think about. 
Min Yoongi is the shy boy from across the street who was one of the first to greet you after you landed in the city all these years ago. He had been curious about your broom and your background, intrigued by the thought of you being a witch. He had been a lot younger back then, naturally, wide-eyed and shy. He’s still like that: wide-eyed and shy, that is. Except nowadays, he’s grown in certain features that may have previously made him lanky and awkward. He’s taller, older, cuter. It’s a rather troubling thought, one that you more often than not do not spend too much time pondering. 
Min Yoongi is a cute boy: a very cute boy you’ve known since you were thirteen. And yet the only thing you know about him is that he comes in practically every week to request your delivery services. Nothing more, nothing less. An occasional smile once in awhile, a breath of back-to-back conversation, but never anything beyond that. After all, Yoongi never bothers with something more meaningful, because he’s not interested. Right? Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work? 
Karly’s raised eyebrow directed at you seems to be telling a different story—as do the actual words that come out of her mouth every time Yoongi comes by for a visit. But you ignore all those as you turn your attention to the boy. “Yoongi, hi,” You say, realizing a moment later that you had already said his name and had already technically greeted him. 
Karly was definitely going to use this against you one day, as seen through the way she ducks her head to hide her snort. 
Yoongi stands there, so unassuming and wide-eyed as he looks at you. He utters your name. “Hey,” He returns. He starts to make his way to the counter, already well accustomed with the delivery process you’ve created. 
“How’s it going?” You ask, moving back behind the counter and pulling out an order form. 
“It’s good, how about you?” Yoongi returns, noticing Tobio situated on the counter. “I see Tobio is doing well,” He says, reaching out to scratch the cat behind the ear. Tobio purrs at the gesture and you smile at that. Tobio doesn’t need to say anything for you to know that he’s enjoying himself—not that Yoongi would be able to understand Tobio’s comments anyways. 
“He is,” You say. “We both basically knocked out after this long delivery we had to make. But we’re both good now.” You place the order form flat on the counter and take out a pen. “Alright, so what are we delivering today, Mr. Min?” 
He gummy smiles at your formality, but he digs through the contents of his backpack and produces a small notebook from his backpack. “I just need to have this delivered to my friend,” He says, placing his hand atop the notebook. You stare at his fingers for a second too long. “It’s part of this thing we’re working on together and I just need to get his input for what’s written in here.” He takes his hand off the notebook.
You look at the object, a small black-bound book that looks worn from constant use and travel. Even just from the outside, the pages look pressed into and look so full of life that you cannot help but stare. Not that your usual deliveries for Yoongi were anything out of the ordinary, this feels like the first time Yoongi has asked you to deliver something he’s been working on. 
“This thing looks like it's been through a lot,” You note quietly, picking up a pen and starting to fill out the form. You start with the name, and contents of the delivery: since both answers to those questions are situated in front of you.
“That’s because it has,” Yoongi answers with a smile that looks just a little smaller, just a little shyer. “I bring it with me everywhere. This thing is really important to me.”
The desire to ask about what could be so special that Yoongi feels the need to bring it with him everywhere feels too strong on your tongue. Yet, you elect to keep your mouth shut. It doesn’t seem right to ask something like that, especially during your job. “Sounds good,” You say instead, looking up and noticing that Yoongi’s gaze is still trained on you. “Who is the delivery going to?”
“A friend of mine, Kim Namjoon. He lives just over the river.” He looks down at the map you’ve got taped to the top of the counter. A tiny red pin sticks from the paper, nailed right into the current location of the flower shop. His eyes scan the map for a moment before his eyes find what he’s looking for, because he taps his finger on the surface. “Right here. He has a green roof, and lots of plants around the house. You’ll also see a wooden mailbox with his last name across it. Shouldn’t be too hard to notice.”
You take a mental note of these directions as you nod. “Alright then.” You take the notebook and slide it into one of the shipping envelops you have in the shop to keep certain packages and deliveries safe. “When do you need it delivered by?”
“Preferably just by the end of the day,” Yoongi says with the brush of his hand. “No rush, I know that you can be really busy sometimes.”
“It’s just part of the job,” You reply with a smile as you place the now fully completed order form in the basket. “Well, I’ll have this package delivered, Yoongi. Thank you for coming in. Pleasure doing business with you.”
Yoongi grins. “Likewise.” He utters your name, a beautiful sound that makes feel like the ground has just given up underneath your feet. “I’ll see you around?”
You nod. The sunlight seems to be streaming  directly through the window. Why else would your face feel so warm all of a sudden? “Yeah, I’ll see you around.”
Yoongi stares at you for a moment longer before he nods, more to himself than to you, and turns around to exit the shop. You hear the ringing of the bell at the door signaling his departure, and yet you remain rooted to the ground, staring at the door.
Karly hits you on the back between your shoulders. “Okay, but what the fuck was that?”
You flash out of your trance pretty quickly and give your roommate a look. “What the fuck was what?”
She jerks her chin towards the door. “Is that what you call flirting?”
You turn hot at the word. “Flirting?” You repeat. “What are you talking about? There was no flirting. In fact, I think you need your eyes checked. Where was the flirting? I wasn’t flirting, and Yoongi definitely wasn’t flirting. No one was flirting. I was just doing my job—stop that!” You push at her shoulder when you realize she’s looking at you like you just pissed in her cereal.
“You know, for a smart witch, you can be really dull sometimes.”
“What are you talking about?”
Karly glares at you. “I'm talking about how Yoongi is looking at you like you personally flew up into the sky to hang up all the stars and you do the exact same, and yet you’re both talking like you’ve never had a casual conversation with a human being before!”
“Not this again,” You mumble under your breath. “Karly, I’m not sure how much I need to tell you this. Yoongi isn’t into me that way. We’ve known each other for so long. If he was interested, we would have had a conversation outside of any new magic tricks I’ve learned or me asking him what kind of package he wants delivered this time.”
“C’mon, even I can tell you what kind of package he wants to deliver—specifically to you—!”
Tobio perks his head up from the counter. “She has a point—!”
“Not you too!” You snap to the black cat on the counter.
"Okay, okay, fine, I”ll stop," She says, backing up with both hands raised in surrender. “I’ll drop it. But I’m serious! I really think you should consider the idea of Yoongi liking you!”
“Are we really talking about this again?” You scowl, moving back from around the counter to collect the package that required an immediate delivery. It’s a basket of freshly picked strawberries, from a mother to her daughter. “I don’t have time for this. Tobio, I’m leaving!”
Tobio meows in acknowledgment as he leaps from the counter to your shoulder.
“You have time on the ride over to think about Yoongi’s package—!” Karly calls from the shop as you shut the door to the shop before the girl can finish her sentence.
You sigh, cheeks still warm from the encounter and the following conversation. “I can’t believe this,” You mumble underneath your breath.
“I think you should keep him,” Tobio says, licking his paw and running the paw through the fur at his head. “He’s nice. He smiles at you the way Karly smiles at her flowers. It’s a little sad on Karly’s part, but it should prove something.” 
“I don’t want to hear about this anymore,” You protest, instead choosing to shift your attention to the broom in your hand. You ready it, straddling the handle of the broom, before you leap off into the air around you. Nevermind the tiny smile that pitches the corner of your lips the entire time.
Min Yoongi is in the shop the next day, hands in the pocket of a denim jacket. Karly looks like she’s about to burst, with her lips pressed together and her wide-eyes observing Yoongi’s wandering. Tobio doesn’t look too far off from saying another snarky comment. 
“He usually comes in once a week, what is happening—!” Karly hisses in your ear. You immediately cut her off with an elbow to the gut. 
“Hey Yoongi,” You greet loudly, hoping to drown out Karly’s coughing. “What brings you in here? I thought you only come by once a week.” 
Yoongi looks at you for a moment before he ducks his head a little, scratching the back of his neck. “I didn’t know you kept track.” 
Karly kicks your ankle. She gives you a look, her eyes flashing. You swallow, your fingers immediately curling into the strands of your hair. “W-Well, it’s just that… hard not to do that for you.” 
Yoongi presses his lips together. “Is that so?” He asks, not really looking at you. There’s some pink dusting along his cheeks. 
You feel warm again. Why on earth did you think to say that? Sure, yes, you’ve known about Yoongi’s weekly visits for years but saying it like that? Why couldn’t you just keep your mouth shut? 
“Anyways,” You bring up again after a moment, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Since you’re here so soon after your last, uh, visit, it must be urgent. Something I can help you with?” 
“Oh, right.” Yoongi blinks, seeming to remember what he was doing here. He takes out an envelope, something small enough to just hold a letter. “I just need this to be dropped off at Namjoon’s house—the guy whose house you had to go to yesterday. It’s just some updates to the notebook I had given him. I also need you to bring the notebook back here. Namjoon already knows to give it to you.” 
You nod at that, smiling as you take the envelope. “Been away from your baby for too long, huh?” You ask, looking back up at him. 
Yoongi joins in your laughter, a small breathless sound that includes a slight shake of his shoulders. “Honestly, it feels like a piece of myself has been missing.”
You pull out an order form from the counter, already moving to fill out the different questions. “Do you…” You start, stopping yourself for a moment, realizing that the question you have in mind probably isn’t either appropriate or welcoming. You trail off, thinking that Yoongi would ignore it or not care enough to take notice of your voice cutting itself off. 
“Do I what?” Yoongi asks. He’s leaning against the counter now, arms resting on the surface, close enough that you can see the glimmer of curiosity and encouragement in his eyes. You could pull away, but you don’t. Instead, you smile and look back down at your work. 
“Oh, nothing, I just… I was going to ask you something, but I realize it might be too personal. Or intrusive.” 
Yoongi tilts his head, some of the black strands of his hair falling across his forehead. “We’ve known each other since we were thirteen. C’mon, no question is too personal or intrusive. You can ask.” 
You ponder this for a moment, before you finally decide to give in. You place your pen on the desk and look up to face the boy once more. He’s still looking at you. “I just wanted to know what was so important about the notebook you want back. It seems to mean a lot to you, especially because you carry it around with you.” 
“Ah, that’s a good question,” He replies, taping his chin and looking around the shop for a moment. He returns his gaze back to you. “It’s my writing journal,” He explains. 
“Are you a writer?” 
“Well, kind of. Not really. Actually, um.” He goes back to scratching his ear, biting his lip. “I’m more of a songwriter. I like writing music.” 
You grin. “That’s pretty cool. What kind of music?” 
Yoongi pauses. “Just, personal lyrics, I guess? I don’t really do anything with the lyrics—I haven’t turned it into actual music yet. That’s what my friend Namjoon is around for, we’re helping each other out. I just needed help going over some lyrics I had written, so now that he’s done I need the notebook back to keep going with my work.” 
You nod. “Totally understandable. I’ll have the notebook back later today, so you can come by tomorrow to pick it up if that’s okay.” 
Yoongi smiles. “More than okay. Thank you for doing this.” 
“I’m just doing my job, Mr. Min,” You say. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” 
He nods. “It’s a date.” He turns around to leave the shop, the bell ringing overhead. As well as in your head. 
The trace of a smile is still on your lips as you place the envelope in your bag and exit the space of the counter. Karly is in the middle of the store, organizing a small collection of lilies that have just come in that morning. She hasn’t said anything about the encounter, surprisingly, but the thought quickly disappears when you see the cat-like grin across her face. 
You tap her lightly on the head with the handle of your broom. 
“Hey!” Karly exclaims, laughing as she watches you make your way towards the exit of the store. “He literally said it was a date, Y/N, you can’t argue with that!” 
“He’s just being silly, alright, goodbye!” You exclaim, shouldering open the door of the shop. You take a glance at the cat on your shoulder, who has been strangely quiet during the interaction. The wide eyes of the cat, though, do not go unseen by you. “I don’t want to hear about it.” 
“I wasn’t saying anything!” Tobio complains. He stays quiet for a moment. “Although he did say it was a date. He looked excited to see you tomorrow, too—!” 
“Alright, enough,” You say, taping the cat on the nose before readying yourself on your broom. It’s a lot easier to take off now—you remember when you struggled a lot in your younger years, how much concentration it took to fly and stay off the ground. Nowadays, it comes like second nature to you as your broom moves towards the sky. There was no need to go over the map, since you still remember the route you had taken yesterday to reach the home of Kim Namjoon. The summer breeze is a little cooler today, a little stronger, as it brushes through your hair and your clothing. 
Today, you spare yourself the momentary distraction in staring out at the ocean in front of you, the bright blue and the line separating sea from sky. 
Tobio nudges into your cheek with his head. “We’re coming up on the river,” He tells you, and you look down to see the upcoming river from memory. 
“Awesome,” You say, passing over the river and beginning a descent back towards the ground. You quickly make out the green roof, the greenhouse in the background, the pathway of weeds. You land on the sidewalk in front of the house, smiling at the terrariums situated along the porch. Kim Namjoon is painted on the mailbox. 
You make your way up the pathway towards the house, knocking on the brown door. After a few seconds, it opens to reveal the man himself. He’s a little taller than Yoongi, fluffy cardigan across his broad shoulders, black framed glasses, and a polite smile across his face. 
“Ah, Y/N!” He greets. “My favorite delivery girl. Come in.” 
“Mr. Kim, I’m the only delivery girl,” You say, placing your broom on the porch and stepping into Namjoon’s house. It’s a small little cottage space, lots of windows and light streaming and highlighting bookshelves and typewriters. Namjoon is a writer, something you learned quickly yesterday from the first impression and from a small conversation with him. He’s actually published a book or two, but lately he’s been diving more into poetry and lyrics—hence, this is where his friendship with Yoongi comes into play. 
“Here’s the notebook Yoongi needs,” Namjoon says, picking up the aforementioned black notebook from a low table and handing it to you. “He should be happy to see it again.” 
You laugh, taking it from Namjoon. “He was already going through some separation anxiety.” 
Namjoon smiles at that. “You’ve known Yoongi for awhile, right?” 
You nod. “Since we were young. He lives across the street from me, so he was one of the first people I met when I first moved into the city.” 
“That’s cute,” He says, that smile still present on his lips. It’s the kind of smile Karly has given you for years in response to Yoongi’s weekly visits. “He does talk about you a lot. He’s pretty quiet though and keeps to himself for the most part. Although I’m sure you know that already.” 
You laugh, nodding again. “I do. But he’s really sweet.” You look down, unable to see the smile growing on Namjoon’s face as you dig through your bag to produce the folded envelope Yoongi had given you yesterday. “He asked me to give you this.” 
Namjoon takes the envelope. “Thanks. Hold on a second so I can get your payment, okay?” 
You watch as Namjoon turns around and takes his leave into another room, leaving you alone in this miniature library. Books cover one wall, and you glance over at the titles before looking back down at the notebook in your hands. You wonder what sort of lyrics Yoongi writes, how much of his heart he pours into pages. 
You look down at it for a few more seconds before you shake your head. It would be rude and frankly, inappropriate to look through something so personal without permission. Regardless of your relationship with Yoongi, regardless of his openness to share things with you, this would probably be crossing the line. You hold the notebook by the spine, the opening to the pages facing the ground as you move to place the notebook into your bag. 
Until a small slip of paper falls from between the pages. 
You blink at the paper, immediately kneeling down to pick it up and slide it back into the notebook. However, the writing at the top of the folded slip makes you pause. It’s your name. You pick it up. 
You hear the growing sound of footsteps from the other room, signalling Namjoon’s return. Quickly, you stuff the paper into your pocket and move to slide the notebook into your bag. Namjoon emerges just as you’re gathering the signature booklet. “This should cover it,” He says, handing you the money. 
You pocket it. “Thanks a lot, Namjoon. If you can just sign this, that’ll be great.” 
He takes the pen from you, signing on the dotted line. “Well, Y/N, it was good to see you again.” He says as he leads you back towards the front door of his house. “I’m assuming Yoongi will come by the shop tomorrow to pick up the notebook?” 
You pick up the broom from the porch. “Most likely. I doubt he can handle another day without it.” 
“Sounds like a date,” Namjoon says, walking you to the sidewalk outside of his house. There’s a teasing curve to his voice as you situate yourself on the broom. It’s a good natured noise, one that is still present in the air as you turn back to look at Namjoon. Maybe you would ask what he meant by that, if he had known Yoongi said the same thing. However, by the time you turn to look at Namjoon, the man is already making his way back to his house. Effectively ending the conversation
You turn back and float towards the sky once more. 
“Namjoon said what Yoongi said earlier,” Tobio notes in your ear once the pair of you reach a suitable height to cruise back home. “What do you think that means?” 
You sigh. “I don’t know, Tobio,” You say. The weight of the note in your dress pocket feels like it’s expanding, drawing your attention more and more to what could possibly be on that note the longer you’re in the sky. For a moment, you think maybe the note had been from Namjoon—but it takes less than a second to debunk that thought. You’ve seen Yoongi’s handwriting for years. It was definitely his note to you. But what could it be? 
You don’t say anything, you don’t admire the view. You just function on autopilot, directing your broom back over the river and allowing yourself to land outside your house without a thought. From the distance, you can make out Karly having a conversation with a customer, laughter evident in her face as she wraps a bundle of hyacinths. You watch the interaction for a moment, before you make your way around the shop, situating yourself at the side of the building. 
“You’re not gonna go in?” Tobio asks, eying you with a touch of concern and curiosity. “Still thinking about that note? It came from his notebook… maybe he doesn’t want you to read it.” 
You take the note out of your pocket. It’s haphazardly folded, crumbled slightly as if he had rolled the paper into a ball before folding it into the uneven square you see before you. “Probably,” You say, turning it over in your hand. “But why would he even write something like this? If he wanted to tell me something, he could just come over and say it. It’s not like distance is a big problem in our ability to communicate.” 
Tobio licks at his paw. “Maybe it’s something he can’t say to you.” 
“Hm…” You hum, staring at the note, a flash of his penmanship catching your attention. A part of the note that his folding didn’t cover up. There’s a line drawn across the words, but it’s clear what he had written. Coffee shop. 
Your narrow your eyes, fingers moving to unfold the note without a second thought. What kind of note would include your name and the mention of a coffee shop?
It’s a whole page, written like a letter. Your name is written at the top, messy flowers and stars doodled around the scribble. 
A few verses of something are written directly underneath your name. 
I’d touch the sky and cross the field, if you were waiting on the other side 
A line is crossed through it. 
You make me feel like I am everything/Teaching me to be the universe/Drawing me the stars and galaxies beyond/All along the palm of my hand
Another line through the words. 
This is only a field of flowers rippling in the wind/But like morning light like it scatters the night/To make the day worth living
And another, but the line doesn’t erase the imagery that sprouts in your heart. It does not erase the corners of your lips upturning, because as small as these lines are, it feels like a window to Yoongi’s world. To have your name associated with these lines of hope and desire feels overwhelming and comforting at the same time. 
Underneath the words is a letter. Your name. 
I’m writing this in the shop right now. There’s a little bench Karly put down, and I think she’s thinking of starting a little cafe in this spot one day. I hope she does it. There’s something comforting about this place, and I think she knows that. You’re here today too. You aren’t doing deliveries today. Today is Sunday, so that makes sense. I’m glad for days like these, when you aren’t being whisked away on your broomstick, traveling hundreds of miles a day to bring people together and make everyone feel connected. You’re like the sunlight, bringing happiness across the sky, down the river, through the windows. Even just right now, you’re just standing behind the counter radiating. You’re wearing the apron Karly made you wear, with these little flowers embroidered across the front and looking so fucking cute. 
Moments like these realize how important you are to me, and why I keep coming into the shop. I do need to make deliveries, but I do also like seeing your face on the mornings I come in. I’ve always wondered what you would do if I asked you out. I’d take you to a coffee shop and buy you any pastry you want. Anything to light up your eyes. I’d take you on a walk around the city, show you the world from my perspective. And maybe we’d be able to see the world from your perspective. These are daydreams I have, and every single one I conjure up of the two of us are very important to me. I don’t think I would ever have the courage to share those hopes with you. For now, I like the talks we have when I come in. I like the talks we have when you drop by. I like you. I want these things to happen, as I have ever since I met you. 
If I can muster up the courage to ask you out one day. 
You don’t realize that you’re in a trance, staring at the letter, smiling to yourself, until you hear the bell ring from the shop. You snap out of it, folding the paper back together just as you watch that same customer from earlier leave. As soon as the customer is on the sidewalk, you make your own way up the pathway and enter the shop. The bell rings overhead. 
Karly is at the counter, arranging a bouquet—an explosion of purples and pinks. “Oh hey!” She greets upon seeing you. “I didn’t see you land. How was your delivery?” 
You smile. “We’ll see tomorrow.” 
The shop opens to a bright sunny morning, and you’re drumming your fingers. The place is empty, as it usually is right at opening. This is expected. What is unexpected is how anxious you feel about what is supposed to be happening later today. How much later, you aren’t sure. Maybe that’s why you’re so nervous about the ordeal. 
“Your boyfriend will show up eventually,” Karly butts in, currently situated in the middle of the store with her own personal broom in hand. She’s dusting the floor. “He did say it was a date, after all.” 
You flinch, blinking out of your trance. “I’m not waiting for Yoongi. And just because he said it was a date doesn’t mean anything.” 
Karly’s lips twist up. “I never mentioned a name.” 
Your eyes widen, flush immediately coating your cheeks. You pout, looking back towards the door. “Shut up.” 
Karly’s giggling is the only thing that is heard for a little bit, until you catch sight of the familiar figure making his way up the pathway towards the shop. The way you straighten up and fix your hair happens much quicker than you are willing to admit. 
“Morning, Yoongi,” You greet as Yoongi enters the shop, white t-shirt and denim jeans and an undercut that makes you want to cry. How could someone look so pretty? “Nice haircut.” 
He stills at that, rubbing the back of his head as if he hadn’t expected you to notice. “T-Thanks,” He stammers, making his way towards you. “You look nice too,” He says, gesturing vaguely to the bow you’ve put at the top of your head. “Your hairpiece looks cute.” 
You flush deeper. You had forgotten you put it on. It came with the box of bonsai trees that came in this morning. “Thank you,” You say, choosing to dig around underneath the counter to find what you had been preparing to give over since yesterday. “Your notebook.” You produce the thing, gently sliding it over to him. “In wonderful condition. Namjoon took good care of it.” 
Yoongi takes the notebook, looking pleased with himself. “Nah, I think the credit goes more to you.” He smiles, eyes taking in your appearance once more. 
You shrug. “Just… doing my job, Min Yoongi. I’ll see you around?” 
He hesitates at that, looking like he wants to say something. Your heart skips a beat. He, however, just returns back to his shy smile. “Of course. See you around.” He turns around, making his way back towards the door. 
You almost bite your own tongue, almost keep your words to yourself. The paper weighs like a lead in your dress pocket. 
“Min Yoongi!” You call. 
He stops, whirling around. “Yes?” 
You take in a breath, looking at Karly, looking at Tobio. For two different creatures, they both wear a similar expression of exasperation, of urge, of encouragement. Swallowing, you reach into the pocket of your dress and produce the folded slip of paper. You hold it up. “Are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?” 
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writtenbyrain · 4 years
Say Goodnight and Go
Read on AO3
Marinette turned to clear away the plates from their earlier meal, trying unsuccessfully to hide her smile. “Oh whatever, kitty. Just say goodnight and go.”
Chat Noir grinned.
“As the princess wishes [...] Just remember what they say about strays,” he warned her with a wink. “Feed them once and they’re likely to keep coming back.”
This is technically a songfic, as I saw "goodnight ‘n go" by Ariana Grande on a Marichat playlist and my brain immediately started going wrrrr, though you don't need to know the song to read. Also a huge thank you and shout-out to @TheBluemoon, @Mwaste161, and @writersmuse on AO3 for taking the time to beta this for me!
Chat Noir clearly had no experience in the fashion industry.
Marinette sighed, toying absentmindedly with the needle between her thumb and forefinger as she watched this absolute dork of a boy try unsuccessfully to thread his own needle. The edges were fraying further every time he tried to push it through. His tongue stuck out the side of his lips ever so slightly — a small testament to his focus and effort.
Why does he have to be so cute? It’s impossible to ignore him when he’s like this…
Wait, no.
Marinette shook her head as if to clear her mind, opting instead to return both her line of sight and thoughts to the fabric at hand. He was her partner, after all. She had no business entertaining such thoughts about him. Not when Adrien was already impressed so firmly upon her heart.
But still.
She snuck a sidelong glance just as he held the sewing needle up in triumph, the red thread swaying gently past his claws as his dopey grin reemerged. Victory, at last.
She couldn’t help but smile softly, too.
Thankfully, the half-finished dress on her desk absorbed all of her attention once she looked back down at her minimal progress. Even Chat’s puns and quips slowly faded into white noise, becoming a jovial backdrop to her otherwise quiet workspace.
And while the silly kitty did try to uphold his promise and repair the ripped seam of a worn blouse, for several minutes his claws proved to be obstacles unto themselves, catching and ripping the fabric further — much to his dismay and embarrassment.
Marinette giggled as a blush bloomed beneath the edge of Chat Noir’s mask.
“That’s okay, kitty,” she assured him. “It was old anyway, and I was considering donating it. I can just tear it into scrap cloth.”
“Are you sure, Marinette?” Chat Noir averted his eyes, one hand coming up to sheepishly rub at the back of his neck. “I can always buy you a new blouse to replace it.”
“Really, Chat Noir, it’s fine.”
“Just let me replace it.”
Marinette huffed.
“I said no. It’s no problem.”
“And I said I would fix it for you, but I kind of did a clawful job of it. So I’m buying you a new blouse.”
“No.” “Yes.”
“No, kitty, I absolutely forbid it.”
Chat Noir paused, slightly taken aback before bursting out in a surprised cackle. “Absolutely forbid ’? Strong words coming from the princess this evening.”
“Oh, whatever, kitty,” Marinette waved her hand in feigned apathy, rolling her eyes as she put down the dress. She turned to clear away the plates from their earlier meal, trying unsuccessfully to hide her smile. “Just say goodnight and go.”
Chat Noir grinned.
“As the princess wishes.” He stood to bow deftly, lowering one arm before him with the other behind his back. “It is getting late, after all.”
With that, Chat Noir climbed up the stairs to pop open the skylight and make his exit for the evening. But before he leaped onto the balcony, he paused, turning to look back over his shoulder.
“Just remember what they say about strays,” he warned her with a wink. “Feed them once and they’re likely to keep coming back.”
And back he certainly came (again and again).
Most nights, Marinette found herself in the easy company of her favorite kitty, feeling slightly guilty about keeping her superheroine alter ego a secret as her civilian self indulged in his presence.
Rules were rules, but still — with the way he made her laugh, the way they got along so well, how could she possibly turn him away when she heard his soft landing on her balcony? Before they knew it, months had flown by, the passage of time marked only by their increased comfort and gradually blurred boundaries.
The more time they spent together, the more natural it felt for Marinette to place a hand on his knee or rest her chin on his shoulder.
The more the two shared meals and stole glances, the more at ease Chat Noir felt knocking on her skylight — not only when he could no longer stand the cold, isolating stagnation of home, but whenever he wanted the simple joys that came with her company.
And as their farewell banter stretched increasingly longer every night (they coaxed out every extra minute they could), their parting words always remained the same:
“Just say goodnight and go, kitty.”
Her words infused with warmth.
“As the princess wishes.”
His eyes conveying his adoration.
“Meowch, princess, you wound me!” Chat Noir pressed the back of one hand to his forehead as he swooned dramatically onto the chaise. “Such cruel words from her highness tonight!”
This silver-tongued girl in pigtails was quite the change from his friend and classmate who was known to trip over both her words and feet on a daily basis. With time, Marinette had grown bolder and flirtier in her teasing, much to Chat’s surprise and delight. And she certainly teased him plenty, playing with clever jabs and retorts that could rival even that of his lady’s. “You know I’m only kidding, silly kitty,” she said, glancing at the clock. “Anyway, it’s getting late. Don’t you think you should —” “Say goodnight and go?” Chat Noir wiggled his eyebrows, beating her to the punch.
Marinette frowned. “Hey, that’s my line.” “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were becoming a broken record.” “And if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were stalling,” she retorted with a smirk.
Well, she had him on that one. The truth was that he was stalling, not that he’d admit it. Christmas was almost upon them, and the nearer the holidays drew, the more hollow the Agreste mansion felt — especially with his mother’s absence.
Tonight, he didn’t think he could stand to be alone.
“You’re turning this cat out into the cold?” He turned away to close his eyes and lay one hand over his heart, continuing his earlier melodrama. “Why, princess, it’s far too late! I’ve almost certainly missed my train home, by now. I guess I’ll just be forced to stay here longer, lest I wander the streets alone. And in the dark.”
He popped open one eye to look over at a cross-armed Marinette. “And did I mention that it’s cold outside?”
“Your train, huh?” Marinette leaned forward to meet his gaze. “And here I thought you could just vault yourself all the way to the moon and back with that miraculous baton of yours.”
She said it lightly, but her words were met by an uncharacteristic silence as Chat Noir hesitated.
He wanted to ask to stay, but he didn’t want to impose, nor did he want to make Marinette uncomfortable. But if he continued to joke and pun, she might not take his request seriously. Chat opened his mouth to speak but quickly changed his mind and looked away, lips turned downward in indecision.
Luckily, Marinette didn’t just have to read the change in his expression to understand his reluctance. As Ladybug, Chat Noir had mentioned more than once that his house didn’t necessarily constitute a home, and Marinette simply didn’t have the heart to force him away this time.
“Actually, you know what? I could use some company tonight,” she said, standing to head down to the kitchen. “Just wait here a moment.”
Chat Noir remained seated on the chaise, nervously twisting his miraculous around his finger before his restlessness got the better of him. He edged closer, crossing his legs to sit on the floor nearer to the trapdoor Marinette had disappeared beneath.
A few minutes later, she reemerged, a steaming mug in each hand. “Here, two hot chocolates with marshmallows,” she said, passing the mugs off to Chat before turning back downstairs.
The second time she returned, a thick knitted blanket was draped over her shoulders, a small space heater tucked beneath one arm.
“You were right, it’s going to be pretty cold tonight,” Marinette explained, crossing over to him. “I thought this might be a nice chance to get cozy!”
Chat Noir relaxed and, as Marinette busied herself with plugging in the softly-humming heater, he blew hesitantly on his hot chocolate before closing his eyes and releasing an inaudible sigh through his nose.
How does she always know exactly what I need?
Finally, Marinette circled back, cuddling up to his side and wrapping the blanket around the two of them. She smiled up at him silently, their fingertips brushing as she grabbed the other mug and rested her head on his shoulder.
Taking a sip, the hot chocolate coated Chat’s tongue and warmed his throat, but it was Marinette’s affection that was the true balm to his heart. A gentle purr began to rumble from deep within his chest.
They stayed that way for the better part of an hour, sipping their drinks until they had dozed off into the night, still propped up against one another. They awoke later only when the room was filled with a sudden, startling silence.
Marinette’s head lifted drowsily, her eyes scouring the room for the source of the subtle change. “Oh, it’s the space heater.”
She left the blanket to investigate, toying with the buttons and attempting to plug it into another outlet, all to no avail. “Sorry, kitty, the heater is down,” she said, rubbing her arms for warmth as she walked back over to Chat. “But you can still stay if you want, and I can grab another blanket if you’re cold.”
Chat Noir just nodded mutely, not entirely awake again. But after what felt like only a moment, a pillow was plopped onto the ground next to him, his eyes shifting to adjust to the sudden dark as Marinette turned off the lights and spread the comforter from her bed across the expanse of the floor he occupied.
And as he shifted to lay down, he was startled to feel her crawling underneath with him.
Oh, well now he was awake. “Marinette, is — is this okay?” he asked hesitantly, despite the fact that she was the one to initiate the contact. Not that it was unwelcome.
“Um, I hope so,” came her shy response. “I mean, it would be warmer this way, don’t you think?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it would.”
She snuggled closer to him, drawing up the blankets and relishing in the simple quiet the two now shared. Chat Noir’s lips ghosted over her forehead so lightly she almost wasn’t sure whether or not he had actually kissed her.
“Goodnight, silly kitty,” Marinette whispered.
“Goodnight, princess.”
Eventually, Chat’s breathing slowed, evening out as it fanned across her face. It was only when she was certain he was asleep that she finally let herself follow suit.
I think we’d be good, she thought vaguely to herself as she drifted closer toward sleep. No, we’d be great together.
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